Shabbat - Temple Judea Mizpah


Shabbat - Temple Judea Mizpah
The commandment is a lamp and the teaching is a light - Proverbs 6:23
Volume 63 Number 5
Rabbi’s Message
By: Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler
Why would Temple Judea Mizpah use new prayer books for the High
Holy Days? This question about a new machzor has been explored,
discussed and answered in our congregation over the last four years.
May/June 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775
Service Schedule:
May 1 - 7:30 pm
Shabbat with Birthday
Blessings, Kol Simcha
Choir, and Speaker: Rhonda
Wehner – Jewish Music to
Soothe the Soul
Back in 2011 we held our first pilot of one of the earliest drafts of Mishkan HaNefesh. The feedback then was favorable. The draft seemed to
be very similar to the style of our new prayer book, Mishkan T’filah,
which we started using in 2008. Since then we have had several other pilot experiences
with newer drafts of the machzor. This past S’lichot we studied the concepts of sin, confession and forgiveness, in part by looking at various sections in the latest draft of Mishkan
May 2 - 9:00 am
HaNefesh. Over the past several months with both the Worship Commission and our
Shabbat Minyan
Board of Directors, we conducted a pilot service.
May 8 - 7:00 pm (new time)
In the Worship Commission we weighed the pros and cons of getting the machzor now,
Family Shabbat
while the pre-publication price is so low. In March the Worship Commission brought the
proposal to the TJM Board of Directors to purchase these books now, and the Board votMay 9 - 9:00 am
ed in favor. I was delighted to hear this decision, and there are several reasons why I favor
Shabbat Minyan
the new machzor.
In some ways the book is the same as the Gates of Repentance, in that it focuses on the
same themes of these Days of Awe—of teshuvah (repentance) and renewal, so for those
who don’t like change, the same prayers, like Avinu Malkeinu and Kol Nidrei are still there
in the forms we know. In other ways this machzor is different, in that the text is updated
for the 21st century with inclusive language for God as well as people. Also, the Mishkan
HaNefesh has been designed to reflect the varied theological approaches that might be
present in one congregation, by offering a variety of texts. In addition to the texts in
which we join together as a congregation, there are passages that can be studied and others
for personal meditation.
I’ve often said that a worship service—Friday night Shabbat, High Holy Days, a Bar or Bat
Mitzvah—is only as good as its participating congregation. Another reason I like this new
machzor is that the Mishkan HaNefesh has transliteration for every Hebrew prayer, just as
our current Mishkan T’filah does. Transliteration makes it possible for a much larger number of people to participate in the service, whether reading aloud, singing or just following
along silently.
May 15 - 7:30 pm
Prayer Study Shabbat with
Anniversary Blessings
May 16 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
May 22 - 7:30 pm
Ru’ach Shabbat with
Electric Shabbat
May 23 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
May 29 - 6:00 pm
Erev Shabbat followed by
Potluck Dinner
Washington Post religion reporter Michelle Boorstein wrote, “The new High Holidays
May 30 - 9:00 am
book is only the third in the history of American Reform Judaism, which came from EuShabbat Minyan
rope in the late 1800s as a then-groundbreaking, more universalist, egalitarian and liberal
movement of the faith.” The Mishkan HaNefesh reflects an American Reform Judaism of
June Shabbat Service
the 21st century, and we at TJM will be a part of this ground-breaking text as we head into
Schedule on page 2.
the future. See Order Form on page 5.
Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler
Temple Judea Mizpah 8610 Niles Center Road, Skokie IL 60077• 847-676-1566 • •
President’s Message
By: Sharon Kessler
I would like to introduce you to a Jewish organization that
you may not have heard about. It is the Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL). You may not have thought about
Jews in the South, but they are there. Many are descendants of Jews who immigrated to the United States through
New Orleans or Galveston. Others moved from different cities in the U.S. to the
David and I found ISJL before it had a name. In 1998, we went to Jackson, Mississippi to see an exhibit of furniture and art on loan from the Palace of Versailles
which was in Jackson for several months. Across the street from that exhibition
was an exhibit of artifacts of Jewish life collected from Jewish families across the
South. On display were tickets, entry visas, books, pictures, candlesticks, etc.
The organizers of this wonderful exhibit were a loosely connected group of Jews
who felt that Jewish life in the South was not only different from other areas of
the U.S., but was also special and worth remembering, nurturing, and encouraging.
As time went on, the group, led by its president, Macy B. Hart, has become a huge
organization called the Institute of Southern Jewish Life which supports Jewish
communities across the South. Besides a museum, they have developed a religious
school curriculum that can be taught by members of each community whether
they have a large amount of Jewish knowledge or just a little. ISJL has also developed a traveling rabbinic presence where rabbis visit small communities who cannot afford even a part time rabbi. These rabbis bring Jewish learning and Jewish
religious services. Now they have even started helping congregations put together
entertainment and educational programs with Jewish artists and themes.
Service Schedule:
June 5 - 7:30 pm
Shabbat with Birthday Blessings
June 6 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
June 12 - 7:00 pm (new time)
Family Shabbat and Board
June 13 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
June 19 - 7:30 pm
Prayer Study Shabbat with
Anniversary Blessings
June 20 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
June 26 - 7:30 pm
Ru’ach Shabbat with Electric
June 27 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
David and I have tried to support this organization ever since we were there and
have watched them develop into an important support for Jewish people who live
in very small towns with only a few Jewish families. These Jews have had to fend
for themselves over the years with little or no outside help. Now ISJL is providing
that support that is needed so badly.
Sharon Kessler
New email addresses for TJM staff
Rabbi Memis-Foler -
Mazel tov to our
Cantor Bessman -
12th grade graduate:
Marla Topp -
Julia Freeman
Felicia Gross -
Be a Flower Sponsor
Kosher food for The Ark
If you wish to sponsor a flower
arrangement for the bimah
in honor or memory of someone
or for a simcha (special occasion),
please notify the office.
Arrangements are $50 each.
Non-perishable food for A Just Harvest and
The Niles Township Food Pantry
Magazines for Hines VA Hospital
Please help us help those in need.
Look for the blue bins in the lobby.
Flowers are only ordered when we have a sponsor.
Social Action
May/June Tzedakah Recipient:
Blind Services Association
“Blind Services Association is one of the Chicago
area’s volunteer–based organizations helping
improve the lives of people living with visual
impairments. There's a big difference between
losing your sight and losing your vision.”
The tzedakah box is located in the lobby.
Manna Cards
TJM receives a percentage of each purchase.
This is a great way for us to earn money.
Try it for groceries, restaurants and
birthday gifts.
Orders due: Tuesdays, May 12 and June 9
Cards will be ready for pick-up
on the following dates:
Wednesdays, May 20 and June 17
Thank you for your support!
A Just Harvest
7649 N. Paulina St., Chicago
Please continue to keep A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen in
your thoughts when you are at the grocery store. An extra
can of vegetables or box of pasta makes a
difference and feeds the hungry.
Wish list: chicken legs and thighs, coffee,
spaghetti sauce, canned tuna or salmon,
tomato soup, and volunteers.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact:
Helayne Levin at 847-583-9374
February Honor Roll:
Ray Ariaz & Pam Holtzblatt, Ruth Buchanan,
Cindy Derdiger, Jay & Irene Frank, Aaron Gordon,
Al & June Gordon, Helayne Levin, Noel Sucherman
March Honor Roll:
Ray Ariaz & Pam Holtzblatt, Ruth Buchanan,
Cindy Derdiger, Don & Joyce Gayle, Barb Hanan,
Helayne Levin, Michael & Maddy Silverstein,
Noel Sucherman
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesdays, May 27 and June 24
5:00 - 6:30 pm
Note ♪ from the Cantor
By: Cantor Richard Bessman
This year, we had a health and fitness fair at TJM for Mitzvah Day. Helayne Levin was kind enough to let
me be in charge of the healthy cooking station. I soon realized that healthy cooking should include not
just what is good for the body, but also something spiritually wholesome. For me, it was a perfect synthesis of care for the body, the soul, and the environment—all wonderful Jewish values.
The reviews of the event noted that my area was very popular. No doubt, Michelle Hartmann’s presence as master server
was a draw. Also, the lure of free food is often difficult to resist. When people asked about the philosophy behind the delicious food, I directed their attention to the following:
Personal Health:
What was healthy: Low fat, high carbs, mega protein, minimum eggs, Crisco, coffee not so much, who cares about salt.
What is healthy today: Higher fat, low carbs, non-animal protein, eggs—who knows, olive oil, yes coffee, salt—no longer
worth more than gold.
What may be healthy in the future??: “You mean there was no deep fat, no steak or cream pies or hot fudge?” “Precisely
the opposite of what we now know to be true.” (Sleeper, 1973)
Go with our best knowledge now: Minimize cholesterol; minimize saturated fats, low-carb diet; vegetable-based
proteins; olive (nut) oil; glass of wine; exercise (every day might be the way to go).
“One should never eat unless one is hungry.… One should not eat until one’s stomach is full.…” (Maimonides, Mishneh
Torah, Hilchot Deot, Chapter 4)
“Vegans are cool.” (Richard Bessman, 2015)
Environmental Health (think tikkun olam, a very Jewish value):
Greenhouse gasses (i.e., global warning—yes it’s true): Over 50% caused by industries related to animal consumption.
Look it up for yourself.
Amazing land destruction on a global scale: Think Amazon rainforest.
Animals have feelings too: Ask your friendly neighborhood dog.
Yes, there is no doubt that veganism is deeply rooted in Jewish ideology. Tsa’ar ba’alei chayim is the concept that unnecessary suffering to animals is prohibited. One might persuasively argue that vivisection is necessary for the benefit of mankind; but it is more difficult to persuasively argue that factory farming, with its concomitant animal suffering, is necessary
for the benefit of mankind. No less a personage than Rav Abraham Kook wrote that “[n]o intelligent, thinking person
could suppose that when the Torah instructs humankind to dominate … (Genesis 1:28) it means the domination of a harsh
ruler, who afflicts his people and servants merely to fulfill his personal whim and desire, according to the crookedness of
his heart. It is unthinkable that the Torah would impose such a decree of servitude, sealed for eternity, upon the world of
God, who is ‘good to all, and His mercy is upon all is works’ (Psalms 145:9), and Who declared, ‘The world shall be built
upon kindness’ (Psalms 89:3).” (Please visit for source attributions.)
The ideal of tikkun olam—a core principle of Reform Judaism—the care and repair of the world, beautifully dovetails with
the argument for vegan living. Everyone knows the environmental costs of animal production for human consumption.
And, I agree, the smell and taste of meat is infectious; however, Judaism challenges us to examine what we do, why we do,
it, and at what cost.
I am grateful that we had such a successful Mitzvah Day this year. It provided us an opportunity to think about new ways
to care for our bodies, and our souls, and our environment. We saw how Judaism teaches us to value all of God’s gifts, to
not act wantonly or take our inheritance for granted for what we have is through the grace of God, and it is our responsibility to remember, and it is our sacred duty to act in accordance with these precepts.
Cantor Richard Bessman
Worship Commission Announcements…
Family Shabbat Services to pilot new time for several months.
In response to the voices of several families as well as the results of a survey sent to the congregation,
the Worship Commission has decided that beginning May 8, we will start the Family Service at 7:00 pm.
This is a trial period which will run through the Fall to see if the change helps families attend these Shabbat services.
Please attend the second Friday of each month at 7:00 pm and share your feedback with us.
Temple Judea Mizpah will be using a new machzor, (High Holy Day prayer book) for 2015/5776.
We will be a part of a ground-breaking text, Mishkan Hanefesh as we head into the future.
Please fill out the form below and return it to the temple office with your check payable to TJM.
See Rabbi’s article on page 1 for further information.
Order Form for the High Holy Day machzor
Prayer books for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
Discounted pre-publication price
Total $
$30 for a two volume set:
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
$70 for a LARGE PRINT
three volume set:
Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur
Name(s) _____________________________________________________________________
Email _______________________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________________________________
Enclosed is a check payable to Temple Judea Mizpah for $ ______________
Religion and Social Action Message
By: Helayne Levin
On April 19 the Religious and Social Action Commission sponsored Healthy Body – Healthy Soul, a
health and fitness fair. If you did not stop by, you missed a great morning. We meditated with Rabbi
Jordan Bendat-Appell of the Center for Jewish Mindfulness, had our hand aura read and practiced Tai
Chi with Ken Cheung from Body and Brain of Skokie, practiced Krav Maga with Michael Kaplan, a
black belt, had our blood pressure checked, helped to make stuffed animals with Bears of Hope who
makes them for first responders, tasted healthy vegan cooking by Cantor Bessman and had spinal evaluations from Chiro
One. We learned about Multiple Sclerosis, The Skokie Health Department services, Council for Jewish Elderly, Shalva
(domestic violence awareness), heart health from the American Heart Association, real estate downsizing from Jennings,
Jewish Genetics, and AIDS awareness from the University of Chicago. We disseminated information from the American
Lung Association, Muscular Dystrophy, the Michael J. Fox Foundation which is studying genetic mutations in Ashkenazi
Jews with Parkinson’s and the Crohnes and Colitis Foundation. Our kids demonstrated hoola hooping for health and our
younger children and their families made breakfast bags for Connections for the Homeless in Evanston. What a wonderful
jam packed day of learning about how to maintain good health.
There are not enough words to thank the Social Action Commission and all of the volunteers from the organizations that
participated. Without everyone’s participation, it would have been a very boring morning! Big thanks to Ruth Buchanan,
Mort Paradise, Judy Foler, Lois Strzyzewski, Steve Hanan, Barb Hanan, Jay Frank, Irene Frank, Al Erlebacher, Susan Wilner,
Judy Kessler and Dan Aronson. And to those not on the Social Action commission who worked so hard to make this happen including Neal Shanoff, Ken Gutstadt, Noel Sucherman, Susan Marks, Michelle Hartmann, Cantor Bessman, Marla
Topp, and Rabbi Memis-Foler, we could not have done it without you. Most special thanks to Lee and Roosevelt who lug
and move, set up and take down.
Check out Bears of Hope pictures below. Additional pictures are on the Bears of Hope Facebook page. What a wonderful
group to have participated with for Mitzvah Day. Everyone who attended the Mindfulness demonstration loved it and was
interested in the information about how to participate in those programs. The Center for Jewish Mindfulness is located in
Chicago but they have programs in many places, including Beth Emet in Evanston. Here is the link to information about
that program:
I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to be involved with this Social Action committee and this congregation. We do the
most amazing things and touch so many lives. I can only imagine what we can do moving forward, how many more wonderful things we can do as time marches on. Here’s to a great program and many more to come….
TJM Book Club
Wednesday, May 20
1:00 pm
The Reliable Wife
By: Robert Goolrick
Set in rural Wisconsin in 1909, Ralph Truitt stands alone on a
train platform waiting for the woman who answered his newspaper advertisement for "a reliable wife." But when Catherine
Land steps off the train from Chicago, she's not the "simple,
honest woman" that Ralph is expecting.
Wednesday, June 17
1:00 pm
Sunday, May 24
10:00 am
Help us celebrate the holiday when
we received the Torah.
Worship service will include
Yizkor memorial prayers.
Following this service will be a dairy potluck lunch.
Please call Sharon Kessler at 847-718-0284
to rsvp and let her know what you will bring.
Brick Lane
By: Monica Ali
Nazneen finds herself married off to a man twice her age
and moved to London, where she meets a younger man involved in radical politics and begins to wonder if she has a
say in her own destiny.
JUF Event
Tuesday, June 16
7:00 pm
Mazal tov to this year’s honoree:
Ruth Barrash
Annual Meeting and Breakfast
Sunday, June 7
9:00 am
Please rsvp 847-676-1566
Installation of New Officers and
Board Members
Look for your invitation in the mail soon.
Friday, June 12
7:30 pm
During Family Shabbat services
TJM’s Annual Event
What Happens at TJM...
Featuring: TJM Players, Buffet Dinner, Games, 50/50 Cash Raffle
6:00 PM
This year’s adbook will be in memory of Carl Friedenberg and Bill Plotkin.
Don’t miss it!
Please return your response card today.
Join us for lunch or dinner and bring your family and friends!
Thursday, May 7
The Blaze Restaurant
Old Orchard
Thursday, June 11
Corner Bakery
Old Orchard
Each restaurant will donate 20% of our orders back to TJM.
Please bring flier with you.
Clifford Berman
Allen Goldberg
Howard Golden
Rylie Gordon
Joseph Gutstadt
Edward Harris
Daniel Jutovsky
Debbie Kroopkin
Helayne Levin
Fran Lichtenstein
Janice Lupu-Kohn
Susan Marks
Logan Meyers
Joseph Osborne
Noah Osborne
Alan Robinson
Beverly Roitman
Eunice Shapiro
Jarmila Singer
Toby Solan
Nancy Strahinic
Marjorie Tepperman
Judith Van Emden
Eli Varol
Frances Weiss
Naomi Zimbalist
Terry Zirlin
Ricki Angelus
Jeremey Berman
Melanie Berman
Lana Bersh
Corey Derdiger
Robert Derdiger
Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler
Jerry Franks
Chuck Goldstein
Rachael Gross
Joel Hodes
Ruth Kaminer
Sharon Kessler
Kathy Kornbluth
Alli Lipsit
Sami Lipsit
Edythe Mack
Jan Mehlman
Lester Mehlman
June Michaelson
Alex Mindich
Leo Pearl
Lois Pearl
Marissa Posner
Toby Nathan-Silverstein
Linda Rosenthal
Kris Sadur
Phyllis Shanoff
Evie Shavitz
Madelyn Silverman
Gary Strahinic
Lois Strzyzewski
Birthday Blessings are held
Erev Shabbat,
Friday, May 1 and June 5
at 7:30 pm
Michelle and Jeffrey Brill
Barbara and Bob Davis
Sharon and Phillip Fuhrer
Susan Marks and Martin Goldstein
Ayala and Ken Gutstadt
Anna and Roberto Hurtado
Bonnie and Leonard Popowcer
Gayle Starr and Evans Poulos
Andrea and Eli Varol
Ruth and Marty Zak
Lori and Clifford Berman
Cindy and Lowell Derdiger
Sheila and Larry Fisher
Joyce and Don Gayle
Michele Harrison and Lewis Gogins
Carole and Ed Goldstein
Sharon and Jerry Kirkpatrick
Sandra and Mike Mages
Anniversary Blessings are held
Erev Shabbat,
Friday, May 15 and June 19
at 7:30 pm
We’re on Facebook!
Check out our TJM Facebook Page.
Once there, don’t forget to click
the “Like” button.
good work of the Temple, but is also a thoughtful way to honor a special occasion, express wishes for a speedy recovery or memorialize a loved one.
Tribute cards can be sent with just a simple phone call. If you have any questions about our many funds or wish to have a Tribute Card sent, please call
the temple office at 847-676-1566 or visit Donations made from 2/20/14 to 4/22/15 are listed below.
Ruth Barrash
Laura and David Fishman
Kay Friedman
Debbie and Bob Gilbert
June and Al Gordon
Don Leftwich
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Mary and Michael Ehrlich
Dolores and Al Erlebacher
Janet Stallman and Michael Frost
Joyce and Don Gayle
June and Al Gordon
Barb and Steve Hanan
Debbie Kroopkin and Josh Hurwitz
Elaine Jacobson
Michael and Mary Jutovsky
Amy LaBan
Don Leftwich
Nancy R. Levi
Lois and Leo Pearl
Mary Roth
Sharon Smaller
Noel and Paul Sucherman
Faith Weiser
Susan Wilner
Susan and Richard Wise
Sue Wolff
Morton Grove Coins and Collectibles
Toby, Mike and Maddy Silverstein
Nat Gershman
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Ruth and Ron Buchanan
Eunice Shapiro
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Helayne and Mark Levin
Rabbi Memis-Foler and Dave Foler
Leonard Adler
Our condolences on the loss of your wife, Marilyn Adler
Jan and Lester Mehlman
Sylvia Goldgehn
Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Seymour Goldgehn
Jan and Lester Mehlman
Elwin J. Goldman
In loving memory of our beloved father and grandfather,
Elwin J. Goldman
Larry, Lyn and Michael Goldman
Morton Grove Coins and Collectibles
Helene Abrams and Family
Our condolences on the loss of your husband, father, grandfather
and great-grandfather, Lester Abrams
Lois and Leo Pearl
Lana Bersh
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Susan Wilner and Don Leftwich
Lois and Leo Pearl
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Ivy and Ethan Cooper
My condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather
Glenn Cooper
Ivy and Ethan Cooper
My condolences on the loss of your brother and uncle
Glenn Cooper
Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler and David Foler
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of your daughter, Madelaine Foler
Debbie and Bob Gilbert
Jay, Karen and Abbie Friedenberg
Our condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather,
Carl Friedenberg
Wendi, Justin, Lauren and Payton Agans Talley
Karen and Myron Tiersky
Family of Gil Gavlin
My condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather
Gil Gavlin
Gerry Franks
Howard Golden and Family
Our condolences on the loss of your wife, mother and
grandmother, Enid Golden
Zahava and Steve Davidson
David H. Holan
Shirley and Martin Lubowich
Evie and Ralph Ruebner
Fran Karras
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Ruth Barrash
Lois and Leo Pearl
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Don Leftwich
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law, Linda Nidetz
Judy Kessler and Dan Aronson
Eunice Shapiro
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Susan Wilner and Don Leftwich
Evie Shavitz
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Susan Wilner and Don Leftwich
Madelyn and David Silverman
Congratulations on Colin’s election as BBYO International Aleph
Sharon and David Kessler
Donations Cont.
Rebecca and Corey Derdiger
Debbie and Bob Gilbert
Lisa and Louis Wilson
Laurie and Marc Tenzer
Ruth Barrash
Ricky Cohn
Cindy Derdiger
Aidan Ehrlich
Dolores and Al Erlebacher
Don Gayle
Sonni Helmer
David Kessler
Patricia and Joseph Kritzman
Andrea LeBoy
Cornel and Daniela Lazar
Don Leftwich
Nancy Marcus
Jerry Rubel
Marshall Tenzer
Eunice Shapiro
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Cindy and Lowell Derdiger
Joel Hodes
Thinking of you and wishing you well
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Susan Wilner and Don Leftwich
Mazel tov on your marriage
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Don Leftwich
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law, Linda Nidetz
Jann and Allen Goldberg
Barb and Steve Hanan
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
The Lickerman Family
Our condolences on the loss of husband, father and grandfather,
Leonard Lickerman
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
The Remer Family
Our condolences on the loss of your husband, father and
grandfather Sam Remer
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Eunice Shapiro
Wishing you a speedy recovery
Sonni Helmer
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
The Shapiro Family
Our condolences on the loss of your mother and grandmother,
Lillian Shapiro
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Our special thanks to our congregant, Don Leftwich, for
donating the proceeds from his art sale to Temple Judea
Lana Bersh
Lynn and Harold Leftwich
Brad Pinsler
Judie Pittel
Jerry Rubel
Kelly and Brian Tufts
Patricia Wright
Temple Judea Mizpah has a funeral plan for our members
with David Jacobson at Chicago Jewish Funerals, Ltd.
The plan includes the use of our sanctuary for your
service or the use of one of the Chicago Jewish Funeral
chapels (locations in Skokie and Buffalo Grove). Chicago
Jewish Funerals offers you the opportunity to guarantee
current fees by funding a pre-need plan. If a death occurs,
please call Rabbi Memis-Foler first, and then
David Jacobson at 847-229-8822. If you would like to
have further information mailed to you, or have any
questions, please call the Temple office 847-676-1566.
Mazel tov to our Super Senior Volunteer:
Ruth Buchanan
She will be honored at a luncheon at the
North Shore Senior Center on May 21.
Donations made in memory of the following:
Eunice Cohn
Shaina Dragobitskaya
Allen Feinberg
Roberta Gayle
Morton Moss
Clarice Schoth
Beloved Aunt of Joyce (Don) Gayle
Beloved Mother of Sofia Pekar
Beloved Father of Noel (Paul) Sucherman
Beloved Sister-In-Law of Don and Joyce Gayle
Beloved Husband of Donna Moss
Beloved Mother of Cindy (Lowell) Derdiger
In Memoriam
Bernie Pinkus
Uncle of Lana Bersh
Lawrence Jutovsky
Father of Michael (Mary) Jutovsky,
Grandfather of Alyssa and Daniel
Isadore Goldberg
Cousin of Joyce (Don) Gayle and
Allen (Jann) Goldberg
Lillian Shapiro
Aunt of Jerry (Eunice) Shapiro
Linda Nidetz
Sister-In-Law of Don (Susan) Leftwich
Gloria Silverman
Sister-In-Law of
David and Madelyn Silverman
Eli Varol, Noel Sucherman and Mary Ehrlich
assembling Lox Boxes on April 12, 2015
Go Green…
If you would like to stop receiving The Lamp
in the mail and would prefer to read it on-line,
please send an email to: and
write “going green” in the subject.
We will email it to you.
Monday, May 25
Happy Memorial Day!
Those in need of healing...Refu’ah Shleimah
Wendy Welk Barrash
Sanford Bernay
Lana Bersh
Lloyd Bradbury
Julie Fisher
Lynne French
Julio Gonzalez
Lindsay Greenbaum
Diana Hanan
Steve Hanan
Claire Hirsch
Joel Hodes
Steve Hurwitz
Fran Karras
Harold Leftwich
Stanley Manilow
Marcy Marcus
John Miller
Anna Mindich
Tim Norwood
Emily Olsen
Patty Oskorep
Steve Perez
Elaine Pichler
Bonnie Kushner Rosenberg
Arlene Segal
Will Segal
Evelyln Shanoff
Hazel Shusterman
Harvey Silverman
Tomas Sotelo
Daniel Stern
Jeff Tessler
Rosalyn Varon
Evie Warren
Bill Weiner
Dr. Neil Wilner
Terri Zirlin
“and for all those who seek a
safe shelter of peace in their
“Kehillah” Giving
 $1000 Builder’s Stone-Engraved brass block surrounding the “Tree of Life” in our foyer
 $350 Yahrzeit Plaque-Engraved brass plate in our Memorial Alcove. Includes perpetual remembrance through annual Yahrzeit listing and
inclusion in the Yom Kippur Yizkor book
 $250 Leaf on “Tree of Life”-Engraved brass leaf commemorating a special occasion or remembering a special person
 Kehillah Fund-Connoting “life” in Hebrew provides support for the daily operational funding of Temple Judea Mizpah *
 Gates of Our Founders Fund-Giving honor or in memory of our temple founders
“Special-Fund” Giving *
Rabbi Karl and Eva Weiner Memorial Scholar-in-Residence Fund-Brings noted scholars to TJM from around the world
Goldman Memorial Scholarship Fund-Provides scholarships for TJM students to attend Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute summer camp
Education Fund-Provides support to enhance Religious School education and programming
Robert Zar Music Fund-Provides for High Holy Day musicians and music needs throughout the year
The Sally and Mel Nudelman Adult Education Fund-Provides funds for adult programming at TJM.
Sefer Torah Fund-Provides for regular inspection and repair of TJM’s Torah scrolls by a certified scribe
Prayer Book Fund-Provides for the repair and replacement of adult and youth prayer books for Sabbath and festivals ($36 minimum)
Library Fund-Provides for purchase of new adult and youth books, audio-visual and computer learning materials for the TJM Library
Chesed Fund-Provides support for TJM’s community service and tzedakah projects
A Just Harvest Kitchen Fund-Provides support of TJM’s community service to A Just Harvest (soup kitchen).
Simcha Fund/Mitzvah Meals-Provides support to enhance Oneg Shabbatot and other receptions at TJM and provides meals for Shiva homes
Sharon Singer Memorial Fund-Provides support for TJM theatrical productions
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Please accept my check for $
___ for the fund checked above. Please charge my account for $
for the fund checked above.
For the recovery of
In honor of
In memory of
Return form to Temple Judea Mizpah, 8610 Niles Center Road, Skokie, IL 60077 Acknowledgement will be made to the individual or family
recipient and will be listed in the bulletin. Minimum donations of $12 appreciated. Checks should be payable to Temple Judea Mizpah.
TJM will make its best effort to utilize donated funds for the spirit in which they were given. However, the Board of Directors, under the direction of
its officers, reserves the right to use these funds for other pressing issues. All funds are maintained with separate accounting and are accurate as to their
Temple Judea Mizpah
8610 Niles Center Road
Skokie, IL 60077
Phone 847-676-1566
Fax 847-676-1579
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Jewish Family Owned
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Since 1904!
Chicagoland’s HVAC
Contractor of the Year &
Angie’s List SuperService
Award Winner
During regular business hours, all incoming calls are answered personally. The only time you may get the voicemail
greeting is when you call during the day and all lines are
busy, or the staff are away from their desks. Here is a directory of names, extensions and emails if you wish to leave a
Amy L. Memis-Foler, Rabbi
Richard Bessman, Cantor/Education Director
jjjjjjMffffffffffff PROGRAMS
Marla Topp, Administrator
March 2011 ~ TJM PROGRAMS
Felicia Gross, Administrative Assistant
Sharon Kessler, President
pauline & company
has closed.
Stuart & Linda Garland,
Thank you for your support of TJM!
Enjoy your retirement.
Lowell Derdiger
American Home Interiors
(847) 675-8739
FAX (847) 675-8740
SKOKIE, IL 60077
Lighting the flame for our tomorrow
Volume 63, Number 5
May/June 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775
Noel Sucherman
Amy L. Memis-Foler
Richard Bessman
Marla Topp
Karl Weiner z”l
Sharon Kessler
June Gordon
David Hartmann
Sharon Smaller
Temple Judea Mizpah
8610 Niles Center Road
Skokie, IL 60077
TJM’S Annual Event
What Happens at TJM...
Ken Gutstadt
& Neal Shanoff
Paul Sucherman
Helayne Levin
TJM Players
Buffet Dinner
50/50 Cash Raffle
6:00 PM
This year’s adbook will be in memory of
Carl Friedenberg and Bill Plotkin.
Mark Delin
Don’t miss it!
Please return your response card today.