“C”the Difference - PHYTO-C


“C”the Difference - PHYTO-C
the Difference
The Original Patented Formulas by Dr. Mostafa Omar
We are delighted to announce an era of the latest topical treatment for Photoprotection
and common dermatologic conditions backed by
scientific studies.
PhytoCeuticals, Inc. is the market leader of
antioxidant skin care products established by Dr.
Mostafa Omar, the president of PhytoCeuticals
and also the inventor of stabilized L-Ascorbic
Acid (Vitamin C) in the United States with
awarded grants by National Cancer Institute
(NCI) grant #1 R43- CA83538-01A1 for
“Prevention of UV Photoinjury in Skin by Antioxidants”, NCI Grant #1-R43CA94484-01 for “Photoprotection of Skin by Topical Selenium”, Olive patent #
6,743,499 B2 and Aleoferon patent # 4861761 & National Institute of Health (NIH)
since 1995. The formulations once used by Cellex-C, SkinCeuticals, and IS Clinical
by Innovative Skincare are now ONLY available through PHTYO-C Skincare.
This year, along with the development of formulas on Photoprotection and Prevention
of UV Damage we are proud to announce our new SuperHeal O-Live Series and the
latest Photoprotection of Skin by Topical Selenium. We also aim to develop and
launch the most advanced, effective and safe skin care formulations with natural
ingredients, which will be backed by our 15 years of innovative scientific studies,
rigorous clinical research and dermatological scientific breakthroughs in targeting
different kinds of skin problems, such as Vitiligo, Eczema, Rosacea, Acne, Fungal
Infections, Dry skin and etc. Improve skin health and overall appearance by utilizing
our PHYTO-C Rx |Skin Care series.
Dr. Mostafa Omar,
president of PhytoCeuticals
Dr. Mostafa Omar is a professor of
Pharmacognosy at the University of
Rhode Island of Pharmacy who has
earned a strong reputation worldwide
as a leading expert in the field of
antioxidants. He is a chief chemist
and principal investigator for NCI
(The National Cancer Institute) on
photo-aging prevention, and has
developed products with grants from
both NCI and NIH (The National
Institute of Health.) In addition, he
is an expert in natural product
chemistry, herbal extracts and herbal
health care. He is the creator of the
world's only liquid creatine.
Dr. Omar has been the pioneer and
foremost authority on topical
Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) since
1995, when he perfected the only
naturally-stable topical Vitamin C on
the market.
His breakthrough
formulations provide unparalleled
protection from premature signs of
aging caused by environmental
damage - mostly caused by sun
exposure (UV radiation and free
radicals), and have made him well
known as the 'Father of Topical LAscorbic Acid'.
Once available
through Cellex-C, SkinCeuticals and
iS Clinical, Dr. Omar's formulations
are only available through PHYTO-C
Skin Care at PhytoCeuticals, Inc.
PHYTO-C Skin Care is an all-natural
serum-based medical skin care line
that provides unsurpassed results.
"C" the difference on your skin!
PHYTO-C Rx |Skin Care, uses powerful natural ingredients, however still requires a medical
prescription due to its potency in targeting dermatological conditions, such as Acne, Rosacea,
Vitiligo, Eczema, Dry Skin, Fungal Infections, etc.
This season, PhytoCeuticals demonstrated again a scientific breakthrough for developing Retinol
(Vitamin A) and Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) in Aqueous form. Retinol and Alpha Tocopherol are
commonly known to be oil-soluble form only. However, Dr. Mostafa Omar stabilized them into
water soluble form so that these highly effective ingredients could penetrate faster into the skin and minimize the irritation
that would usually be caused by the oil-soluble form which cannot permeate the skin.
Retinol 1%
This special aqueous form of Retinol
(Vitamin A) penetrates into your
dermal layer of skin, re-builds the skin
tissues, enhances skin texture, and
reduces the fine lines and wrinkles.
Furthermore, it accelerates exfoliation,
and hence clears the clogged pores and
minimizes the appearance of pore size.
It has been regarded as the core
ingredient for Acne treatment, Problem
Skin Disorders Treatment and Skin
Rejuvenation. Warning: Retinol can
result in severe irritation if used without
medical supervision.
Alpha Tocopherol 1%
An aqueous form of Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is a powerful Antioxidant, which helps neutralize free radicals, also
enhances the skin’s water binding abilities, and nourishes the skin and relieves the symptoms of eczema.
VITILIGO Cream – Coming Soon
“Vitiligo is a common pigmentary disorder of the skin characterized clinically by the
appearance of spots or areas of depigmentation and histopathologically by absence of the
dendrite melanocytes in the basal area of the epidermis. Trials of treatment by psoralens,
khellin, local steroids and others are well documented.”1
However, a clinical study has shown that a trial of treatment by a natural plant mixture was
attempted to see the underlying structural or biological changes which occur in the
melanocyte during the process of regaining the skin for its normal coloration.
1. “Phytotherapy of Vitiligo, Local Treatment by Combined Aloe Vera Gel and Apple Vingar, A Histochemical and Electron Microscopic Study”, Aly
Abdel Fattah, Mostafa M Kamel, Departments of Dermatology, Pathology and Phytochemistry, Ain Shams University and National Organization for
Drug Control and Research
SuperHeal O-Live
by Olive Leaf Extract with Patent# US 6, 743,449 B2
In the O-Live line, we offer more comfort, healing, hydration, radiance,
safety and protection to the skin by this patented Olive Leaves Extract
Olive leaf extract is recovered from the leaves of Olive trees species
(Olea Europaea), which was first used medicinally in Ancient Egypt. It
has been cultivated since prehistoric times, and has been known to
provide a variety of benefits in medicinal use, internally and externally.
An 1854 article in the Pharmaceutical Journal provided the following
simple healing remedy: “A handful of leaves boiled in a quart of water
down to half its original volume. A wine glassful was then administered
until the fever was cured.” The author believed that a bitter substance in
the leaves was the key healing ingredient.
Olive leaves are known to contain high levels of secoiridoid glucosides
such as Calcium Elenolate, Alpha-Tyrosol and Oleuropein, the “bitter
principle” which was determined to be the most powerful natural antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory
extract. Oleuropein and its metabolite hydroxyl tyrosol have powerful antioxidant activity in vivo and in vitro. Research has
showed that a liquid extract made directly from fresh olive leaves possess the antioxidant capacity of almost 400 times higher
than Vitamin C2, which has gained international attention. In addition, below study shows that Olive Leaf Extract in
combination with topical Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E provides extraordinary photo protective and antiinflammatory effects on the skin.
Figure 1 shows the antioxidant protection factor of
various formulations having one or more of the
following components:
C- Vitamin C, E-Vitamin E, A-Vitamin A, Olive-Olive
Leaf Extract.
It shows that the combination of Vitamin C, E, A and
Olive Leaf Extracts provide the highest antioxidant
(US Patent# 6,743,449 B2)
Benefits of Olive Leaves Extract:
Powerful Antioxidant
Immune system booster
Ultra gentle and intensely nourishing
Relieve the symptoms of Eczema and Rosacea
Boost your skin’s radiance and restarts cellular
respiration, to curb the formation of wrinkles and fine lines
2. “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) Report on Olive Leaf Australia's Olive Leaf Extracts”, Dr Stevenson, L, et al., Southern Cross
University, 2005
Dr. Mostafa M. Omar
Photoprotection of Skin by Topical Selenium
Supported by National Cancer Institute Grant #1-R43-CA94484-01
Principal Investigator: Mostafa M. Omar, Ph.D.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes oxidative damage to skin which can cause skin
cancer, alter the behavior of skin cancer (typically making the cancer more
aggressive), and/or cause photoaging. Topical selenium compounds may
prevent this damage. In an attempt to moderate UV-induced photodamage, we
will formulate topical selenium products and test them in pig skin.
Formulations – including selenium sulfite, L-selenomethionine, selenotrisulfide,
derivatives of lipoic acid and lipoamide – will be tested for percutaneous
absorption in pig skin. Those formulations having the best characteristics will be
chosen for further study. We will irradiate normal pig skin with UV radiation.
We will assess histological changes and quantitate damage by measuring
apoptosis, nucleic acid oxidation, and matrix metalloproteinase induction. We
will determine the relative protection of topical selenium formulations to inhibit
Selenium, an essential trace element for health, has been shown to have strong
anticancer effects, apparently related to its essential catalytic role in antioxidant
enzymes. Topical selenium formulations have been shown to inhibit animal skin
tumor formation and protect against photodamage caused by UV light.
Supplemental selenium may augment the skin’s antioxidant reservoir and
supply added protection to the skin against photocarcinogenesis and
What is the different between Arbutin and
Arbutin is the Natural HO
extracted from the Uva
Ursi plant. It is a HO
water soluble active
Structure of Arbutin
ingredient and used for
lightening the dark skin by inhibiting the
tyrosinase enzyme which is responsible for
converting tyrosine amino acid to melanin
pigmentation. It is a reversible reaction so
Arbutin is no longer being used, the natural
skin pigmentation process will work on its
Hydroquinone is a synthetic
ingredient which was used to
bleach the pigmentation from
skin and it is an irreversible
Structure of
Hydroquinone reaction, i.e. skin cannot
regain its pigmentation again.
It is an alcohol soluble ingredient and now
Hydroquinone is under FDA regulation
which permits the use by doctors only,
however, concentration cannot exceed 2%
and will soon be banned due to its bad side
For more information, please contact us at 1-877-474-9862 or info@phyto-ceutical.com
or visit www.phyto-ceutical.com.