INSIDE: Thursday, August 12, 2010 Vol. 135 Y L L RA S O T PHO 50 cents www.bhpioneer.com #57 Hamsters ride again The Hamsters hit the open roads Wednesday morning during their annual ride. The group started in Spearfish. Pioneer photo by Dennis Knuckles The thrill of the open road ■ A night riding along with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department BY KEVIN NORTON Black Hills Pioneer ADVERTISEMENT LAWRE&CE C(U&T+ — In the last 67 years, the face of Rally bikers has changed from diehard enthusiasts to more white-collar workers who are looking to experience the thrill of the open road. During a ride-along on the first night of the Rally, that shift was apparent. It was a windy sunset on Konday as I began my ride with the Lawrence County Sheriff's Department. The first day of the Rally and the trees were swinging exuberantly from the sides of Deadwood's steep slopes. There were so many parked motorcycles that the town looks like a factory showroom. I was riding with Sgt. Tavis Little of the Lawrence County Sheriff's Department. Little has a very positive attitude and is extremely efficient in his work as a law See RIDE ALONG — Page 7 Rally numbers way up ■ Though official counts not yet available, all indicators show 70th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally biggest in recent years BY WENDY PITLICK Black Hills Pioneer STURGIS — Everything is up this yearP That was the message Rally officials from various sectors of the motorcycling community sent when they gathered to discuss the state of the Rally. See RALLY NUMBERS — Page 4 BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Page 2 Thursday, August 12, 2010 Sturgis Motorcycle Museum inducts new members into Hall of Fame !C YV2EC P0IL0CZ Black Hills Pioneer tion stic<ers to 6arnin0 si0ns o6n i@Kortant individual contriC has ;een an instructor for the cycle has ;een @oved in the that allo6 @otorcyclists to ;utionsIR Mational Harley P6ners NrouK @useu@, no@inators say it is choose different routes 6hen Honored for her advocacy for #ri@ary Pfficer (rainin0, and he Kro;a;ly Schie@an 6ho did itI RA#I% 'I(Y * Honorin0 construction 6or< is ;ein0 doneI @otorcyclist ri0hts and for startC has desi0ned and i@Kle@ented a Schie@an is also a ]0Cyear those icons 6ho have fou0ht for Mancy %avidson, in0 a central infor@aC Ridin0 S<ills 'ourse @e@;er of the Jac<Kine ;i<ers= ri0hts, acted as 6hose @ore fa@ous tion source for ;i<ers and Accident NyKsies, havin0 served on the a@;assadors for the counterKart is her husC to learn a;out le0islaC Analysis 'ourseI He ;oard for a Keriod of ti@eI lifestyle, and 6ho ;and, Willie NI tive issues that affect has sKent a lifeti@e A@erican Fotorcyclist have @ade @otorcyC %avidson, 'EP of the@ * the educatin0 ;i<ers Association 'hair@an Stan clin0 6hat it is today HarleyC%avidson QBi<er;itsR eCne6sletC a;out safe ridin0 Si@Kson 6as the neLt inducteeI 6as 6hat Wednesday 'orKoration, has sKent ter * Betsy Sister is KracticesI And, to Si@Kson 6as honored for his @ornin0 6as all a;out @ost of her life ;y her an avid rider 6ho has Krove that he Q6al<s illustrious career in offCroad at the Stur0is hus;and=s sideI Her lo00ed @ore than the 6al<,R FcKinley @otorcycle racin0, as 6ell as for Fotorcycle Fuseu@=s induction this year 110,000 @iles on her held uK a sKlintedC his @any decades of standin0 uK annual Hall of Fa@e into the Hall of Fa@e ;i<eI In addition to hand for all to see at for ;i<ers= ri0hts ;oth on and off Induction Brea<fastI @ar<s a @ilestone, her advocacy and eduC the ;rea<fastI the roadI Si@Kson 6as instruC Sonny Betsy (his year=s event, 6here;y it is the first catin0 the ;i<er Ku;lic QI ran into a Z[ 0alC @ental in chan0in0 the focus of held at the Rush@ore Bridges Lister ti@e the @useu@ has a;out their ri0hts and lon construction ;arC the AFA, and reCKrioritiJin0 the #laJa 'ivic 'enter in reco0niJed so@eone la6s ;ein0 considered rel 0oin0 a;out \[ @otorcycle advocacy 0rouKI RaKid 'ity, honored 6ho does not ride a @otorcycle in Washin0ton, Sister is also the @iles Ker hour, and this is 6hat I Instead of focusin0 eLclusively siL Hall of Fa@e inductees and herselfI But she has ridden @any Fotorcycle #oet Saureate for 6al<ed a6ay 6ith,R he said, on racin0, as the AFA did for one inductee into the Freedo@ @iles on the ;ac<, 6ith Willie Me6 Ha@Kshire and e@KhasiJin0 that all the KracC decades ;efore Si@Kson=s Fi0hter=s Hall of Fa@eI (he ;i<C NI at the throttleI Additionally, Fassachusetts= QRoadKoetR eC tices he teaches really 6or< as a involve@ent, Si@Kson chan0ed ers co@e fro@ all 6al<s of life Mancy has sKent a lifeti@e @a0aJineI She is also the defense a0ainst the unfor0ivin0 the or0aniJation into one that and various sKecialties, fro@ encoura0in0 6o@en to ride, and founder and editor of QVeteransC roadI QWe have to ;eat that road @otorcyclists can deKend on to fi0htin0 for le0islation that KroC @ore i@Kortantly, to #PWWFIA 6ee<ly eC do6n,R he saidI fi0ht for ;i<ers ri0hts tects ;i<ers, to educatin0 ;i<ers follo6 their drea@sI XineR and is the only A lifelon0 resident and trac< @otorcyC a;out safe ridin0 Kractices, to (hrou0h the years she fe@ale associate of Stur0is and @e@C clin0 statistics for the actin0 as direct suKKort syste@s has suKKorted @any @e@;er of the Farine ;er of the Stur0is KurKose of lo;;yin0 at for so@e of the @ost iconic charities, and has 'orKs Sea0ue=s Fotorcycle Fuseu@ the local levelI na@es in the ;usinessI acted as a silent, driC Honora;le Fe6 ridin0 and Hall of Fa@e Pne of A@erica=s (his year the @useu@ na@ed vin0 force ;ehind her ;attalionI ;oard, Ro0er ne6est citiJens, Sonny Brid0es as its Freedo@ hus;and=s success in (he first ;i<er to ;e Schie@an 6as KreC QKi6iR Fi<e (ho@as Fi0hterI Brid0es ;e0an advocatC @otorcyclin0I inducted sKecifically sented 6ith the is a native of Me6 in0 for ;i<ers= ri0hts ;y fi0htin0 Her no@ination for educatin0 the Ku;C Founder=s A6ard on XealandI In 1_``, to reKeal Faine=s @andatory helC states, QMancy lic a;out @otorcyclist WednesdayI Schie@an (ho@as= Kassion for @et la6I Brid0es started his %avidson serves as a safety, Ron FcKinley 6as instru@ental in classic Indian Nancy Ron cause after one of his friends, 0reat role @odel, reKC is fro@ Britton, SI%I the earliest days of Fotorcycles drove Fi<e S@ith, 6as involved in a Davidson McKinley resentin0 @illions of Havin0 retired fro@ a 0ettin0 the @useu@ hi@ to start Ki6i @otorcycle accidentI S@ith=s nonCridin0 @otorcyC successful career 6ith started, and 6ith each Indian Fotorcycle hel@et ;ro<e t6o verte;rae in clin0 Kartners 6ho @a<e a difC the SI%I Hi0h6ay #atrol, @ove he has ;een the drivin0 'o@Kany in 'alifornia, 6ith an his nec<, resultin0 in his deathI ference in the ridin0 eLKerience FcKinley has ;een an instructor force ;ehind the 6or<I Even intent to satisfy the need for Since then, Brid0es has of their ridin0 KartnersI As she=s for the Fotorcycle Safety today, @useu@ no@inators said hi0hCauality, A@erican @ade 6or<ed tirelessly to effect ta<en every oKKortunity to share Foundation, and has served as he can ;e seen clearin0 the sideC Kroducts for the Indian @ar<etI chan0e for @otorcyclists fro@ her Kassion for @otorcyclin0, the Volunteer State Safety 6al<s in the 6inter and @o6in0 (he co@Kany has since 0ro6n the halls of Faine=s state le0islaC Mancy has had a real i@Kact on 'oordinator for the HarleyC the la6n in the su@@erI If a disC tureI He has fou0ht for everyC See HALL OF FAME — Page 5 the ridin0 co@@unity 6ith her %avidson Fotor 'o@KanyI He Klay has ;een set uK, or a @otorC thin0 fro@ @otorcycle insKecC ! INDEX LOCAL OBITUARIES STATE EDITORIAL/OPINION FARM & RANCH TV SCHEDULES COMICS LEGALS/CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY SPORTS MOVIE LISTING WEATHER ! 2&3 4 5 6 8 9 10&11 12-20 21&22 23-25 25 26 !"a$% 'i"") Pioneer /0112 1451651789 i) :u<"i)=ed dai"? e@$e:t 1unda?) and =o"ida?) /2eB CearD) Ea?F C=ri)tma) Ea?F I=an%)giKingF La<or Ea?F Memoria" Ea? and 0nde:enden$e Ea?9F for a mai" )u<)$ri:tion rate of O1P4Q44 :er ?ear in $ount? on"? <? 1eaton Pu<"i)=ing CoQF 0n$QF R1P 1eaton Cir$"eF 1:earfi)=F 1E P77SRQ Periodi$a" :o)tage :aid at 1:earfi)=F 1E P77SRQ PT1IMU1IVWX 1end addre)) $=ange) to !"a$% 'i"") PioneerF PT !o@ 7F 1:earfi)=F 1E P77SRQ Bob Dylan wows Sturgis crowd !C ZV[02 2TWIT2 Black Hills Pioneer S(bRNIS * Fusic icon Bo; %ylan ca@e ;lo6in= in the Krairie 6ind on (uesday ni0ht, ca@C @in0 ;efore a Kac<ed audience at the Buffalo 'hiK in Stur0isI It 6asn=t the auiet acoustic fol< sin0er fans sa6, ;ut the KostC1_\[ electric %ylan, 6ho 6ith his 0rayCsuited ;and <ic<ed off Loren 6ith the son0 Rainy %ay Wo@en, and Hansen later encored 6ith ed0y renditions of QSi<e a Rollin= StoneR and QAll Alon0 the Watchto6erIR %ylan, \_, sho6ed his youthful vi0or the entire len0th of the conC certI (he cro6d yelled Qstay on 0uitardR and nervously shouted Qhe=s on the ;oards,R durin0 the rare ti@es he sat do6n at the <ey;oardI Jody Kelly, of Bald6in WisI, 6ent to her first Bo; %ylan concert 30 years a0oI 'o@Kared to that John 1_f0 sho6, she said Shroka the ni0ht=s Kerfor@ance 6as @ore than satisfactoryI Q(his is 0oodI His voice is a little @ore 0ravelly, ;ut I love hi@I I=@ really 0lad he=s on 0uitar toni0ht, the last four ti@es I=ve seen hi@ he 6as on <ey;oard,R Kelly saidI (o @any KeoKle, %ylan is as @uch a sy@;ol of a ti@e Keriod as he is one a;out @usicI QHe re@inds @e of so @any thin0s,R she saidI QHis very first ne6sKaKer revie6 ca@e out in the Me6 Yor< (i@es on @y ;irthday SeKte@;er ]_, 1_\]IR Kelly saidI QI <ne6 then he 6as @y favoriteI I love %ylanI He=s a KoetIR See DYLAN — Page 5 BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Thursday, August 12, 2010 Calif. man killed, 7 injured in Rally-related accidents Tuesday BY HEATHER MURSCHEL .-a,/ #i--+ Pioneer 1JPLH`P1 H!UUQ / D Mali<ornia ?an Oas kille+ L$es+a& near Eea+Ooo+ a<-er 9ein5 -6roOn <ro? 6is ?o-orc&cle an+ 6i- 9& ano-6A erT o<<icials <ro? -6e Q^E^ Hi56Oa& Pa-rol sai+^ Ma@-^ beFin barle& o< -6e Q^E^ Hi56Oa& Pa-rol sai+ barl Ua$-?anT SCT o< Uos Dn5elesT Mali<^T 6a+ sloOe+ 6is 9ike +oOn -o o<<er assisA -ance -o so?eone alon5 W^Q^ Hi56Oa& :BS O6en Li?o-6& Eollin5erT 0XT o< Jceansi+eT Mali<^T ran in-o 6is rear -ire an+ Oas -6roOn <ro? 6is 9ike^ barle& sai+ Eollin5er 9e5an -o sli+e across -6e 6i56Oa& an+ L6o?as Gillia?sT 00T o< !rFin5-onT 1^_^ O6o Oas ri+A in5 in -6a- laneT Oas $na9le -o aFoi+ 6i?^ Eollin5er +ie+ as a res$l- o< 6is in#$ries^ He Oas no- Oearin5 a 6el?e-^ Dlso on L$es+a&T barle& re@or-e+ -6a- seFen se@ara-e in#$r& cras6es occ$rre+ -6ro$56o$-6e Black Hills an+ one occ$rre+ near >$r+o^ 1ear Eea+Ooo+T Eaniel _o6nsonT S0T o< >a@le mroFeT >inn^T Oas +riFin5 on !ron >o$n-ain Poa+ near Uako-a Uake O6en 6e no-ice+ -ra<<ic Oas sloOin5^ _o6nson a@@lie+ 6is 9rakes an+ ski++e+ in-o -6e +i-c6^ He Oas -rans@or-e+ -o Pa@i+ Mi-& Pe5ional Hos@i-al Oi-6 nonAli<e -6rea-enin5 in#$ries^ Dlon5 W^Q^ Hi56Oa& :BST a Oo?an s$sA -aine+ ?inor in#$riesT O6en -6e 9ike s6e Oas ri+in5 on colli+e+ Oi-6 ano-6er^ barle& sai+ U$is BallarT SCT o< Mali<ornia Oas -raFelin5 nor-6 Oi-6 a 5ro$@ o< ?o-orc&clesT O6en 6e +i+n[- no-ice a 5ro$@ o< 6is <elloO 9ikers sloO +oOn <or a Fe6icle a--e?@-in5 -o -$rn on-o Poc6<or+ Poa+^ He -6en colli+e+ Oi-6 a ?o-orc&cle 9ein5 o@era-e+ 9& EaFi+ >elloT S3T also o< Mali<ornia^ Ballar[s @assen5erT Pa-ricia BellarT S3T s$s-aine+ ?inor in#$ries^ !n M$s-er Q-a-e ParkT b$r- nin+aT :BT an+ _o6n PeskieT S0T Oere -raFelin5 alon5 Q^E^ Hi56Oa& B= O6en a rear en+ acci+enocc$rre+^ barle& sai+ Peskie 6a+ sloOe+ +oOn in or+er -o Oa-c6 <or 9$<<alo -6a- Oere in -6e roa+Oa&^ L6a-[s O6en nin+aT O6o Oas also Oa-c6in5 -6e 9$<<aloT a@@lie+ 6is 9rakes an+ sli+ in-o -6e rear o< Peskie[s ?o-orc&cle^ Bo-6 ri+ers s$<<ere+ ?inor in#$ries^ 1ear >$r+oT _a?es Qla-erT SXT o< Qio$H 4alls 6a+ los- con-rol o< 6is ?o-orc&cle alon5 !n-ers-a-e IY a<-er 6is rear -ire s$++enl& losair @ress$re^ barle& sai+ Qla-er sli+ in-o -6e +i-c6 an+ 6is @assen5erT Q6aron Qla-erT XYT Oas -6roOn <ro? -6e ?o-orc&cle an+ is s$<A <erin5 <ro? li<e -6rea-enin5 in#$ries^ 1ei-6er occ$@an-T barle& sai+T Oere Oearin5 6el?e-s an+ 9o-6 Oere -aken -o a 6os@i-al in Qio$H 4alls^ Dlso alon5 !n-ers-a-e IYT barle& re@or-e+ -6a- a Her?osa ?an Oas 6os@i-alice+ a<-er an acci+en- -6a- ca$se+ 6is -r$ck -o en-er -6e ?e+ian an+ roll in-o -6e +i-c6^ Dccor+in5 -o -6e acci+en- re@or-T Gillis Bie9erT ==T Oas -raFelin5 Oes-9o$n+T O6en 6e 6i- a coO in 6is 3IIB M6eF& @ick$@^ He Oas no- Oearin5 a sea-9el-T so Bie9er Oas e#ec-e+ <ro? 6is @ick$@ a<-er i- rolle+ an+ Oas @inne+ $n+erA nea-6 i-^ barle& sai+ ?e+ical $ni-s 6a+ -o raise -6e -r$ck -o @$ll Bie9er <ro? $n+erA nea-6^ He is noO a- Pa@i+ Mi-& Pe5ional Hos@i-al Oi-6 nonAli<e -6rea-enin5 in#$ries^ 1ear Q-$r5isT `rnes- malle5o _r^T 0CT o< 1eO?anT Mali<^T Oas -raFelin5 on Q^E^ Hi56Oa& :0 O6en 6e +ri<-e+ o<< -6e 6i56A Oa&T oFercorrec-e+ an+ los- con-rol^ barle& sai+ -6a- malle5o Oas +is-rac-e+ 9eca$se 6is cell @6one +ri<-e+ o<< -6e +as6 o< 6is ?o-orA c&cle^ He Oas -rans@or-e+ -o Q-$r5is Pe5ional Hos@i-al Oi-6 nonAli<e -6rea-enin5 in#$res^ News & Notes BHSU calls for announcers, singers for home athletic games QP`DP4!QH / Black Hills Q-a-e WniFersi-& o<<icials anno$nce+ Ge+nes+a& -6a-6e& are seekin5 an anno$ncer an+ na-ional an-6e? sin5ers <or 6o?e a-6le-ic eFen-s^ Lr&o$-s 6aFe 9een sc6e+$le+ <or 3Ca:Y @^?^ on Qa-$r+a&T D$5^ C3 a- U&le Hare Q-a+i$?^ _o6n bie-c?ann o< BHQW sai+ -6a- an&one in-eres-e+ in a--en+in5 s6o$l+ call 6i? a- X0CA XB:C or eA?ail 6i? a_o6n^bie-c?anndBHQW^e+$^ L6e seasonT 6e sai+T o@ens Oi-6 a <oo-9all 5a?e a- 6o?e a- X @^?^ on Qe@-^ : a5ains- GisconsinAQ-o$-^ L6e Folle&9all 6o?e o@ener is sc6e+$le+ <or = @^?^ on Jc-^ 3 a5ains- ealle& Mi-& Q-a-e^ ! #eat'er )ur+,'e- Want to be on the Belle Fourche City Council? B`UU` 4JWPMH` / L6e ci-& o< Belle 4o$rc6e is noO acce@-in5 le--ers o< in-eres<ro? resi+en-s liFin5 in Gar+ 0 O6o are in-erA es-e+ in serFin5 on -6e Belle 4o$rc6e Mi-& Mo$ncil^ Lo 9e f$ali<ie+T eac6 in+iFi+$al ?$s9e a- leas- 3B &earsAol+T a re5is-ere+ Fo-er an+ resi+e in -6a- s@eci<ic elec-ion +is-ric-^ Ue--ers can 9e ?aile+ -o Belle 4o$rc6e Mi-& Hall aS33 QiH-6 DFe^T Belle 4o$rc6eT QE S==3= or -6e& ?a& 9e +ro@@e+ o<< a- -6e Belle 4o$rc6e Mi-& 4inance J<<ice a- ci-& 6all^ 4or ?ore in<or?a-ionT call Be--& _o _or5ensenT -6e ?a&or8co$ncil eHec$-iFe assis-an- a- BICAC0I0^ L6e le--ers Oill 9e reFieOe+ a- -6e neH- re5$lar co$ncil ?ee-in5T O6ic6 Oill 9e a- = @^?^ on D$5^ C:^ ! #eat'er )ur+,'e- Help fight MS Cajun style QP`DP4!QH / !-[s 5oin5 -o 9e an eFenin5 <ille+ Oi-6 5rea- en-er-ain?en-T 5oo+ <rien+s an+ Ma#$n cookin5^ `?@lo&ees an+ <rien+s o< g$ark Lec6nolo5& in Q@ear<is6 6aFe or5anice+ a $nif$e <$n+raiser in or+er -o s$@@or- -6e e<<or-s -o 6el@ -6e <i56- a5ains- >$l-i@le Qclerosis an+ inFi-e -6e @$9lic -o #oin -6e?^ !Oill 9e 6el+ a- X @^?^ on Ge+nes+a&T D$5^ 3B a- -6e MroO Peak BreOin5 Mo?@an& in Q@ear<is6^ L6ere is a s$55es-e+ +ona-ion o< hCS @er @ersonT 9$- ki+s 3Y an+ $n+er can #oin in <or <ree^ Dll o< -6e @rocee+s o< -6e eFenin5 Oill 5o -o Lea? g$ark[s 5oal o< raisin5 ?ore -6an hCT3YY <or >$l-i@le QclerosisT as -6e& Oill 9e ri+in5 -6eir 9ikes 3SY ?iles oFer -Oo +a&s D$5^ CB an+ CI^ ! #eat'er )ur+,'e- Sturgis Police Department !n#$r& acci+en-s / 0 1on/in#$r& acci+en-s / 30 4i56- calls8+is-$r9ances8assa$l- / 3: B$r5lar&8-6e<- / = >is+e?eanor +r$58@ara@6ernalia @ossesA sion / 3B 4elon& +r$5 @ossession / C Dssa$l- / C EriFin5 G6ile !n-oHica-e+ / I J@en con-ainer in Fe6icle / 3= !lle5al @arkin5 / BI Licke-s iss$e+ / 3B= M6ar5es -o locals N+e<ine+ as -6ose O6o are <ro? Ges- PiFer in Qo$-6 Eako-a an+ eas-ern G&o?in5R / :S S.D. Highway Patrol N1$?9ers coFer Q-$r5isT UaOrence Mo$n-&T Page 3 Pa@i+ Mi-&T Qo$-6ern Hills an+ -6e Ba+lan+s areasR EW! / 30= NUas- &ear -o +a-e / 3X:R >is+e?eanor Er$5 arres-s / IX NUas- &ear -o +a-e / BYR 4elon& +r$5 arres-s / :I NUas- &ear -o +a-e / 3IR J-6er <elon& arres-s / C NUas- &ear -o +a-e / CR Lo-al ci-a-ions / =BS NUas- &ear -o +a-e / I03R Lo-al Oarnin5s / CT:03 NUas- &ear -o +a-e / CT3B3R 1on/in#$r& acci+en-s / 3X NUas- &ear -o +a-e / 3XR !n#$r& acci+en-s / :X NUas- &ear -o +a-e / :BR 4a-al acci+en-s / 0 NUas- &ear -o +a-e / YR Belle Fourche school district reaches AYP BY HEATHER MURSCHEL .-a,/ #i--+ Pioneer B`UU` 4JWPMH` / D+?inis-ra-ors an+ <ac$l-& cele9ra-e+ >on+a& O6en -6e res$l-s o< -6e a+eA f$a-e &earl& @ro5ress res$l-s NDiPR <or -6e Belle 4o$rc6e Qc6ool Eis-ricOere reFeale+^ `Fer& sc6ool in -6e +is-ric- reac6e+ -6e s-a-e[s ref$ireA ?en-s -6anks -o -6e e<<or-s o< <ac$l-&T s-a<< an+ @aren-s alikeT sai+ Q-eFe Gillar+T -6e Belle 4o$rc6e Qc6ool Eis-ric- Q$@erin-en+en-^ Zb$+os -o eFer&one in -6e +is-ric-T 9eca$se Oe all Oorke+ reall& 6ar+ <or -6isT\ sai+ Gillar+^ ZLo <inall& reac6 +is-ric-AOi+e DiP is a 9i5 +eal <or $s an+ -o 9e a9le -o ac6ieFe -6a-6is &ear is #$s- <an-as-ic^\ Dccor+in5 -o -6e Q^E^ Ee@ar-?eno< `+$ca-ionT a+ef$a-e &earl& @ro5ress is a na-ionalT 5oFern?enins-a-e+ ?eas$re?en- @ro5ra? -6a- is @ar- o< -6e 1o M6il+ Ue<- Be6in+ Dc-^ !- +e-er?ines 6oO eFer& @$9lic sc6ool in -6e co$n-r& is @er<or?in5 aca+e?icall&^ L6ose res$l-s are ?eaA s$re+ $sin5 -6e <inal -es- res$l-s <ro? -6e EAQ-e@ -es-s -6a- s-$+en-s -ook in -6e s@rin5^ !-s @$r@ose is -o 6ol+ sc6ools across -6e na-ion acco$n-a9le <or -6eir c$rric$l$? in 9o-6 rea+in5 an+ ?a-6 9& -es-in5 in+iFi+$al s-$A +en-s on -6eir a9ili-ies in -6eir in+iA Fi+$al 5ra+e leFels^ Gillar+ sai+ -6a- <or -6e las- siH &earsT -6e ?i++le sc6ool 6as 9een $na9le -o reac6 -6a- 5oal^ ZD lo- o< cre+i- 5oes o$- -o -6e -eac6ers 6ereT\ sai+ beFin Q?i+-T @rinci@al a- Belle 4o$rc6e >i++le Qc6ool^ Z4or $s -o acco?@lis6 -6isT eFer& sin5le -eac6er 6a+ -o 6aFe s?all s$ccesses oFer -6e &ear -o ?ake -6is 6a@@en^\ Q?i+- sai+ i- -ook a -ea? e<<oran+ -o reac6 -6is 5oal^ Z![? so 6a@@& <or -6e -eac6ers an+ -6e ki+s 9eca$se -6e& Oorke+ so 6ar+^ ! reall& 6aFe -o 6an+ i- -o -6e @aren-s 9eca$se Oe 6aFe 6a+ 5reas$@@or- <ro? -6e? O6en Oe nee+e+ i-T\ Q?i+- sai+^ !n -6e en+T -6e res$l-s o< -6e -es-s are Oon+er<$lT 9$- Q?i+- sai+ 6e s-riFes <or consis-en- s$ccess in -6e classroo? all &ear lon5T O6e-6er -6e& are -es-in5 <or i- or no-^ Z! 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Dos? o. all as a 1eEo?e1 4i.e* Do?)er* Thursday, August 12, 2010 James Lawton, 74 a6n?* 9ran1Do?)er an1 sis?er: !ick loEe1 Fein9 aro6n1 .aDil5 an1 .rien1s: @)e enTo5e1 2la5in9 Fin9o* car1 9aDes an1 1ice 9aDes: @)e 4as an aEi1 collec?or o. oil laD2s an1 D6sic FoSes* F6? )er ?r6e 2assion in li.e 4as Fo4lin9: @)e 4ill reDain in ?)e )ear?s o. )er .aDil5 an1 .rien1s .oreEer: @)e is s6rEiEe1 F5 )er )6sFan1 o. NV 5ears* Jennace &elc) o. /ea1W 1a69)?ers* Jenise &elc) o. /ea1 an1 Janelle XYaDieZ RerFrac)? o. Prairie Ki?5W son* Jarrin &elc) o. Ba2i1 Ki?5W s2ecial niece* Y6lie @?eEensonW s2ecial ne2)e4* Ye.. @?eEenson Fo?) o. Ba2i1 Ki?5W 9ran1c)il1renW Ko15 RerFrac)?* 8l5ssa RerFrac)?* Pa?as)a &elc)IRerFrac)? an1 Gerri &elc)IQeD2.W sis?er* Qa5ce &eFer o. Gorrin9?on* &5o:W Dan5 eS?en1e1 .aDil5 DeDFersW as 4ell as* Dan5 nieces an1 ne2)e4s an1 ?)e coD2assiona?e care9iEers a? Belle Uo6rc)e Be9ional @enior Kare: @)e 4as 2rece1e1 in 1ea?) 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YiD: Urien1s an1 .aDil5 Da5 leaEe 4ri??en con1olences an1 Eie4 YiD`s Ei1eo ?riF6?e a? 444:.6neral)oDeo.?)enor?)ernI )ills:coD: Norman Laisy, 70 PorDan /ais5* H=* o. r6ral Pe4ell* 1ie1 @6n1a5 869: V* <=>= a? )is )oDe: PriEa?e .aDil5 serEices 4ill Fe )el1 a? a la?er 1a?e: U6neral arran9eDen?s are 4i?) U6neral HoDe o. ?)e Por?)ern Hills in Belle Uo6rc)e: Urien1s an1 .aDil5 Da5 si9n ?)e online 96es?Fook aEailaFle a? 444:.6neral)oDeo.?)enor?)ern)ills:coD: RALLY NUMBERS Continued from Page 1 G)o69) ?)e Ball5 )a1 onl5 o..iciall5 s?ar?e1 on !on1a5* Fikers Fe9an arriEin9 in 1roEes one an1 ?4o 4eeks Fe.ore: B5 las? 4eeken1 ?)e ci?5 o. @?6r9is looke1 like ?)e eEen? 4as in .6ll s4in9* as lines 4ere alrea15 .orDin9 on ?)e in?ers?a?e ?o 9e? in?o ?)e ci?5: @o .ar* @?6r9is Ki?5 !ana9er JaEe Boone sai1* eEer5?)in9 )as r6n Eer5 sDoo?)l5 4i?) DiniDal 2roFleDs: G)e Fi99es? ne4s o. ?)e Ball5 ?)is 5ear is ?)e Fi9I 9er n6DFers .roD 2reEio6s 5ears: Boone re2or?e1 ?)a? .roD Een1ors ?o ?ra..ic co6n?s* 9arFa9e ?onna9e an1 lia6or s?ore sales I eEer5?)in9 is 62: G)is 5ear )e sai1 Een1ors are 62 ?o Dore ?)an H,=* an es?iDa?I e1 >, 2ercen? increase .roD las? 5ear: G)ose EenI 1ors* )e sai1* are re2or?in9 si9ni.ican? increases in sales* 4i?) soDe re2or?in9 ?)a? F6siness is a? leas? ,= 2ercen? )i9)er ?)an 2reEio6s 5ears: Gra..ic co6n?s .roD ?)e @:J: Je2ar?Den? o. Grans2or?a?ion in1ica?e ?)a? ?)is 5ear`s Ball5 Da5 Fe 62 F5 aFo6? >V 2ercen?* Boone sai1: \..icial ?o?als 4ill no? Fe aEailaFle 6n?il seEeral 4eeks a.?er ?)e @?6r9is !o?orc5cle Ball5 eEen?* as ?)e @:J: Je2ar?Den? o. 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Olls4or?) 8ir Uorce Base: Bo1 &oo1r6..* 2resi1en? o. ?)e /e9en1ar5 B6..alo K)i2 KaD29ro6n1* sai1 all ?)e 2eo2le )e )as ?alke1 ?o are )a225 I an1 ?)a?`s re2resen?a?iEe o. ?)e 4a5 ?)e Ball5 is Fein9 Dana9e1: &oo1r6.. 2raise1 ?)e ci?5`s lea1ers)i2 .or i?s c)an9es in DanI a9in9 ?)e Ball5* an1 reDin1e1 ?)e cro41 ?)a? ?)e eEen? is all aFo6? ?)e 2eo2le: bG)e en?er?ainDen? isn`? necessaril5 4)5 2eo2le coDe* F6? ?)e en?er?ainDen? is 2ar? o. ?)e )os2i?aliI ?5*c )e sai1: bM. 4e ?ake ?)e .oc6s o.. o. ?)e )os2i?alI i?5* reac)in9 o6? ?o 2eo2le an1 Dakin9 s6re ?)e5 )aEe a 9oo1 Eaca?ion eS2erience* an1 4e s?ar? ?o .oc6s on ?)e n6DFers* ?)en 4e`Ee Disse1 ?)e Dark: See RALLY NUMBERS — Page 26 What’s Buzzing At BHSU 1997 Ford Contour • Story Ideas • Features • Announcements • Fun Photos • Upcoming Events >L Was %4,950 3,988 $ www.spearfishmotors.com Spearfish Motors 1910 N. Main > Spearfish 605-642-7000 800-657-8053 (SALE PRICES INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS. TRADE-INS ACM.) We trade-ins at Outdoor Motorsports! I-90 Exit 14 • 642-7731 3245 Colorado Blvd., Spearfish, SD Scooters To browse our online inventory & for a schedule of events visit www.outdoor-motorsports.com Just send it to us along with your name & phone number. news@bhpioneer.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER STATE NEWS Thursday, August 12, 2010 Sen. Johnson expected to make full recovery P"#$%%& '()** &%P#&( SIO$% FALLS * Sen. Tim Johnson's doctors reported Wednesday that he is expected to make a full recovery. Johnson, a democrat from South Dakota, was hospitalized this week at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls after he complained of flu-like symptoms. Johnson, D-S.D., underwent surgery Tuesday to have his gallbladder removed. Doctors said he suffered from an acute gallbladder infection and he is doing fine, but will need to remain in the hospital for a couple of days to recovery. “The senator is feeling much better. I expect him to make a full recovery,” said Dr. Donald J. Wingert, Johnson's surgeon. When asked, Johnson said that he's already feeling pretty good. “They already have me up and moving around the room. I'm following doctors' orders and trying to rest, but I look forward to getting home,” said Johnson. DYLAN Continue> 4rom ?a@e 2 Isaac Morales Others enjoyed the show too. Loren Hansen of Lincoln. Neb., said “Nobody else of all the rest of the singers had anything over him. His voice, his style, Bob Dylan was an icon all by himself. He is very unique and different, and that's why everybody likes him.” “He puts on a good show for a good old rocker and an older crowd,” said John Shroka of Colorado Springs, Colo. “It's amazing. We're getting to a point where soon Mark Stratton he won't be around anymore, and it's a once in a lifetime experience,” said Isaac Morales of Rapid City. “I listen to these artists who were around a while ago and I wouldn't ever expect to see them live.” But an aging Dylan didn't impress everyone. “I'm a little disappointed. His voice is starting to get a little faint,” said Mark Stratton of Butte, Mont. “I got respect for the guy, but he's not as good as I was hoping. He's got to start mentoring somebody to take his place.” Page 5 TRUCKS SUVs 2009 GMC 1500 SLE Z71 2009 Nissan Rogue AWD !e#y &ow )i+es Was %&&'()) 29,954 $ 21,970 $ 2008 Chevy 1500 LTZ -./0 !)12 Was %2+'()) &ow )i+es Was %2+'()) 2008 Ford Explorer 2&>0 ?owe# 6eat Was %2)'()) 20,877 $ 2008 GMC 1500 SLT 2008 Suzuki XL-7 AWD 31,884 $ $ &eathe#0 &ow )i+es Was %&&'()) $ 17,567 &uAu#y ?aBCaDe Was %1-'()) 17,223 HALL OF FAME Continue> 4rom ?a@e 2 from a parts business to building its own motorcycles. Through it all, Thomas has also found time to sponsor many racers and race teams, as well as compete in endurance races to demonstrate the viability of the classic Indian in today's world. Overall, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame Director Christine Page-Diers said the museum has been honoring Roger Schieman people in the biker community for 10 years. Diers encouraged those at the breakfast to stop by the museum to see its changes, and reflected on the growing pains the facility is having. “We cannot fit another motorcycle in there,” she said. Stan Simpson Page-Diers said members of the board have been discussing possible expansion options, and said that she hopes by next year she will have a full plan to report about. But the museum remains popular, with more than 30,000 people coming through the doors over the last year. “It has been a very busy, productive year for us,” she said. 2007 Chevy 1500 LTZ 2007 GMC Yukon Denali $ 28,988 $ 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 2004 Chevy Tahoe Z71 6780 D!D0 &ow )i+es Was %&1'()) :;D0 <e=i Was %1-'()) 15,588 $ 2003 Chevy 1500 LT &eathe# Was %1&'()) 11,550 $ Eu++y FGuippeI Was %&4'()) 31,560 6un#ooK0 D!D Was %2)'()) 17,333 $ 2003 Jeep Gr. Cherokee &a#eIo0 !7L Was %1)'()) 7,988 $ www.spear4ishmotors.com 605-642-7000 800-657-8053 !S#L% '()C%S )+CL,-% #LL -)SC.,+/S. /(#-%-)+S #C2.3 Opinion Page 6 Thursday, August 12, 2010 news@bhpioneer.com Valiant volunteer venture ■ Kids’ little helping hands can give back to the community too Kray and Bunch gave them duties that helped out, at the same time making their visit highly rewarding. Alex dove right in to the litter box round-up. “When we were done sweeping up the “Let's git 'er done,” I said as we poured cats and dogs stuff, I mean, dust, we got out of the car, parked just below the Twin to play with the dogs and play fetch with City Animal Shelter and clamored up the them. There was this one named Abbey hill to Will and Alex's first big volunteer and there was this blue football venture. he had and he loved it and we For the most part, my chilthrew it and he'd catch it. That's dren bravely throw their what I loved,” Alex said. hearts and souls into anything Will picked up a cat brush and new they're exposed to. proceeded to gather up any takers Sometimes the new activity he could. sticks, sometimes it doesn't. “I think just playing with the Enamored with the idea of kittens and brushing them made helping with Saturday's weekthem feel better. It was fun being ly deep clean-up at the Twin with the dogs, too. I chased them City Animal Shelter, my hope They chased me around. I was that after doing the notJaci Conrad around. got to brush this one really fat cat so-glorious duties that make Pearson and she likes me,” Will said. up the lion's share of When they were done inside, Saturday's work at the shelter, they headed out to do something every kid the two would still see the value and in the county could do to help out at an validity of volunteerism. animal shelter - they simply gave the aniThankfully, this maiden voyage, this mals some much needed and craved attenvolunteer venture at the Twin City Animal tion. They played with them. Shelter, which exposed them to the world But that was only after the bulk of the of random acts of kindness and senseless big stuff was done. acts of sharing, will go down in infamy. On a more pragmatic note, Saturday's Iep. This one stuck. Get ready, Teah Kray approximate four-hour deep-cleaning lineand Gail Bunch M we'll be back. up consists of the followingO cleaning all I knew that we had something going the dog and cat kennels, loads of laundry, when Alex was begging to go to the shelwashing all of the walls, scrubbing the ter no less than one week before our floors, cleaning out the cat condos, wiping scheduled Saturday clean-up and Will down pretty much everything that can be rolled up his sleeves once we got there seen, washing out all the water and food and said he'd like to do any job he could. bowls in soap and water, cleaning all the I made it clear that volunteering means litter pans and starting with fresh litter. If helping just because it makes us feel good there's time, volunteers then wash the wininside, not because we get paid. Still, no dows, sinks and sides of all the kennels. evidence of shying away was displayed by This is on top of all the daily business either participant. DOONESBURY BY GARY TRUDEAU PUBLISHER, Letitia Lister MANAGING EDITOR, Mark Watson AD MANAGER, Dru Thomas 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 7 South Main, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Email: news@bhpioneer.com PRODUCTION MANAGER, Scott Lister CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Charity Runnells ACCOUNTING, Ardith Richards The kids answer President Barack Obama's call for more volunteerism in the country, and volunteered at their local animal shelter. Pioneer photo by Jaci Conrad Pearson that needs to be attended to and potential adoptive families coming in to view the animals. Answering messages, feeding, watering, scooping litter boxes and simply spending time with the animals brushing, playing, petting and just sitting with them are examples of daily duties. Kray, Bunch and her mother, Mary Wagner, are the three core volunteers who run the shelter daily, each taking one shift and doing other duties as needed. They are assisted by nine part-time volunteers. None are paid, but devote a substantial portion of their lives to the shelter. MALLARD FILLMORE Why? “I have an innate love for animals,” Kray said. “I see an intense need here. They don't have a voice. They're like children. They're innocent victims. I always get more than I give. There is something very calming for me in caring for the animals on my shift.” “Who would do it if we didn't?” Bunch asked. “It's gotta' be done. Iou do what you have to do for the animals.” While the volunteerism I did as a child was mostly what one could term “good See VOLUNTEERING — Page 26 BY BRUCE TINSLEY • SPEARFISH, BELLE FOURCHE, WHITEWOOD NEWS: 315 Seaton Circle, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783 Toll Free 1-800-676-2761 or 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • LEAD-DEADWOOD NEWS: 7 S. Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333 • OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $37.50 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices. COPYRIGHT, 2010, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. Thursday, August 12, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER RIDE ALONG !"#$%#&'( 'o(orc4cle ;i(5 a [lori0a license 2la(e 2arke0 on (5e so1(59o1n0 si0e+ 7(Fs a 9i8 8enial 'an o# \reek a22ear/ ance an0 5is li((le 0ark/5aire0 8irl#rien0+ HRe 21lle0 oCer (o 8e( a Dacke( #or 'e<I s5e sai0+ HReFre #ro' [lori0a<I s5e sai0+ >5e4 are o9Cio1sl4 0r1nk< 91( (5e4 ac( #rien0l4 1n(il X8(+ =i((le asks (5e 'an a9o1( alco/ 5ol+ 7ns(an(l4 (5e 'anFs s2ine s(i##ens< 5is e4es ;i0en an0 (5e 9ones in 5is ri9 ca8e s5akes as 5e 8e(s nerCo1s+ 7 (r4 (o (alk (o (5e 8irl ;5ile =i((le 2er#or's a roa0si0e so9rie(4 (es( on (5e 'an< 91( s5e is a c5an8e0 2erson an0 no; 5a(es '4 81(s+ 7F' #ro' [lori0a< so 7 (r4 (o (alk a9o1( [lori0a+ 7 'iss [lori0a so'e(i'es+ 7 (alk a9o1( a 'arina (5a( ;as NO 'in1(es #ro' '4 5o1se< ;5ere 5er 9o4#rien0 sai0 5e 1se0 (o sell 9oa(s+ HQ4 5one4 is in 5an0c1##s< an0 i# 4o1 canF( 5el2< 7 0onF( ;an( (o (alk (o 4o1<I (5e 8irl/ #rien0 sai0< 5er 'oo0 s5i#(in8 on 'e like a s2rin8 (i0e+ X5e ;as 8oin8 (o 9e alone a( ni85( an0 ;as 9eco'in8 a;are o# i(+ =i((le (ol0 'e la(er (5a( 2eo2le in (5a( si(1a(ion al;a4s #in0 a 21nc5in8 9a8 (o (ake (5eir an8er o1( on+ HR5a( are 4o1< ?NTI X5e aske0 0erisiCel4+ HJo1 0onF( care a9o1( 2eo2le]I 7 le#( 5er alone+ Qean;5ile< (5e 'an is 2lea0in8 ;i(5 =i((le (o (ake 8oo0 care o# 5is 8irl/ #rien0< ;5o ;ill 9e 0riCen 9ack (o (5eir ca'28ro1n0 in Hill Ki(4 #or (5e ni85(+ HPlease< 2lease< 2lease< 2lease<I 5e 9e8s+ HJo1FCe 8o( (o 1n0ers(an0+ 7 0onF( care a9o1( 8e((in8 a LW7+ =ook a( 5er+I 7 look 9ack a( (5e 8irl#rien0 ;5o 5asnF( le#( (5e 9ike+ X5eFs 9a;lin8 an0 s5or( o# 9rea(5+ H7(Fs all '4 #a1l(]I s5e 4ells+ 7 5ear (5e Coice o# (5e (o; (r1ck 0riCer on (5e ra0io+ >;en(4 (o YO 'in1(es is 5is es(i'a(e0 (i'e o# arriCal< 5e sai0+ 7 can 2ic(1re 5is 8ra4 6ascar on (;o ;5eels< 4o1 can 9e D1s( a Cic(i' o# ;5a( 5a2/ )*"+,-./',0 2ene0 on (5e roa0;a4 in #ron( en#orce'en( o##icer+ He is 'ar/ o# 4o1<I =i((le sai0+ rie0 (o an o##icer o# a '1nici/ >5e 2olice receiCe0 a call 2ali(4 in (5e 6or(5ern Hills+ 7# (5a( a 9iker 5a0 9een locke0 4o1 can i'a8ine (5e 9roken/ insi0e (5e 7n(er2re(a(ion 0o;n 5o'es in ci(4 sl1's Ken(er+ E skinn4 'an ;i(5 a ;5ere c5il0ren are raise0 (o 9e 8oa(ee in 5is la(e NOs is s(arin8 cri'inals< 4o1 can i'a8ine (5e o1( (5e ;in0o; an0 askin8 (o (o(al o22osi(e 5a22enin8 a( (5e 9e le( o1(+ >5is is no( 4o1r (42/ =i((le 5o1se+ ical 9iker< an0 i(Fs sa#e (o sa4 >5is is 5is ?@(5 4ear (5a( (5ere is no s1c5 (5in8 an4/ 2a(rollin8 a( (5e Aall4+ BCer 'ore+ 7 #in0 o1( la(er (5a( (5e (5e 4ears< 5e 5as no(ice0 a 0e#/ 'anFs na'e is Ao9 Ponko;ski< ini(e s5i#( in (5e 9iker cro;0< o# Qen0o(a< 7ll+< an0 5e ;as in #ro' 2eo2le 'os(l4 in(eres(e0 a se2ara(e roo'< 0ee2l4 in 2ar(4in8 (o 2eo2le co'in8 a9sor9e0 in a 9ook a9o1( Ril0 (o enDo4 (5e ri0in8+ Es a res1l(< Bill Hickok ;5en 5e #aile0 (o 5eFs seen a 0ecrease in Ciolen( no(ice (5e 91il0in8 close+ cri'es< 91( an increase in ineG/ >5e 2olice calle0 #or a s(a## 2erience0 ri0ers an0 acci0en(s+ 'e'9er ;i(5 a ke4+ H>5is is no( a 8oo0 2lace (o Qean;5ile< a sli85(l4 ;orrie0 learn (o ri0e 4o1r 'o(orc4cle<I Ponko;ski s(an0s a( (5e ;in/ =i((le sai0+ H>5ese 5i85;a4s 0o;< lookin8 'ore an0 'ore are Cer4 (o185 (o ne8o(ia(e< like a s(a(1e in a '1se1' ;i(5 eCen #or eG2erience0 ri0ers+ eCer4 2assin8 'in1(e+ Rill 5e En0 (5en 4o1 co'9ine (5a( 9e c5ar8e0 ;i(5 (res2assin8T ;i(5 an increase0 Col1'e o# He is locke0 in (5ere #or a9o1( (ra##ic an0 i( 9eco'es Cer4 UV 'in1(es+ 0an8ero1s+I H7FCe neCer seen (5is 9e#ore<I HJo1 see sai0 Lea0;oo0 so'e 2eo2le AeserCe B##icer ri0in8 (5eir La;n Ellen+ H7 Harle4s (o0a4< D1s( #eel 9a0 #or (5e4FCe 8o( a 5i'+I scr1##4 9ear0 >5e 'an sai0 an0 (5eir (5a( 5e 5as no lea(5ers on an0 5is(or4 o# 9ein8 (5e4 look like a le#( 9e5in0 or real (o185 814< a 9ein8 locke0 12 lo( o# (5e' are 94 2eo2le+ >5e 25ar'acis(s 2olice searc5 is #ro' clean an0 (5e4 Konnec(ic1(< or le( 5i' 8o+ 0en(is(s #ro' HJo1 'ean Sgt. Tavis Little, Lawrence Kolora0o< 4o1 County Sheriff's Department 7F' no( ;an(e0 kno;< (5e4 D1s( an4'oreTI 5e a0o2( (5a( 2er/ aske0+ sona #or (5e H6o< 4o1Fre ;eek an0 5aCe a 8oo0 (i'e<I no( ;an(e0 an4'ore<I (5e o##i/ 5e sai0+ cer re2ea(s 9ack (o 5i'+ E Harle4 LaCi0son en(51si/ H>5a(Fs ;5a( '4 8irl#rien0 as( 5i'sel#< =i((le sai0 5e 0oes/ sai0+I Ponko;ski re2lie0< ;i(5 nF( ri0e 01rin8 (5e Aall4< 2ar(l4 a s'ile 9o(5 sarcas(ic an0 9eca1se o# ;ork< 91( also a'9i81o1s+ 9eca1se o# (5e con8es(ion+ Qos( acci0en(s occ1r in (5e HE lo( o# (5e acci0en(s ;e 8o so1(5 2ar( o# =a;rence (o< 2eo2le are inColCe0 in (5e Ko1n(4< sai0 =i((le< so ;e 5ea0 acci0en(s (5ro185 no #a1l( o# so1(5 on W+X+ Hi85;a4 YZV+ (5eir o;n M 7(Fs al'os( like Re 21ll 12 (o a (o1rin8 “This is not a good place to learn to ride your motorcycle. These highways are very tough to negotiate, even for experienced riders.” 5 - $20 $ Rebate on Nautilus RV & Marine Batteries Dakota Sparky Dakota Battery & Electric 740 Deadwood Ave. 348-8631 Log On 24/7 www.bhpioneer.com Page 7 Rob Konkowski, of Mendota, Ill., was accidentally locked inside the Deadwood Interpretation Center Monday night. Deeply absorbed in a book about “Wild Bill” Hickok, he failed to notice the doors being locked. Konkowski said he was interested in Hickok because the Wild West legend was born in Troy Grove, just minutes away from Konkowski's home. Pioneer photo by Kevin Norton san02a2er #ace 9e5in0 (5e ;5eel+ Xince (5e ?__Os< (5e Aall4 5as c5an8e0 alon8 ;i(5 (5e rise in 2o21lari(4 o# 9i8 '1sic con/ cer(s eas( o# X(1r8is< sai0 =i((le+ W+X+ Hi85;a4 ?UE 1se0 (o 9e a s(ea04 #lo; o# (ra##ic 1n(il ? a+'+< 91( no; i( is 'os(l4 cleare0 o1( 94 _ 2+'+ Es a res1l(< (5e s5eri##Fs 0e2ar('en( 5as 9e81n (o (rans#er 'an2o;er 5o1rs (o (5e 0a4(i'e (o 5el2 ;i(5 (5e increase in (ra##ic acci/ 0en(s+ >5e #inal inci0en( #or (5e ni85( inColCe0 a r1s(4 4ello; >o4o(a 2ick12 an0 (;o 4o1n8 'en #ro' Belle [o1rc5e+ >5e4 ;ere 2arke0 near X(+ Bn8e+ =i((le 21lle0 oCer a#(er seein8 (5e 'an on (5e 2assen8er si0e 1rina(in8 in (5e 8rass+ >5e 0riCer ;as a D1Cenile on 2ro9a(ion an0 a22eare0 (o 9e clean< =i((le sai0+ >5e 2assen/ 8er< 5o;eCer< ;as eG(re'el4 ner/ Co1s an0 5a0 212ils (5e si`e o# See RIDE ALONG — Page 27 Farm & Ranch Page 8 Thursday, August 12, 2010 news@bhpioneer.com FFA boasts three ‘Stars Over America’ finalists PIERRE — Three South Dakota FFA members have qualified for the National FFA Organization's highest honor. Dustin Palmquist, Steven Eemlicka and Kyle Eulk are finalists in the Stars Over America program, which recognizes students who have developed outstanding agricultural skills and competency through their Supervised Agricultural Experience programs. National Stars Over America finalists are selected on the basis of the quality of their applications for the American FFA Degree. Each state association recommends one candidate for each of the four award areas, which include the American Star Farmer, the American Star in Agribusiness, the American Star in Agricultural Placement, and the American Star in Agriscience. Each award area has four finalists. Palmquist, the son of Mark and Deb Palmquist of Canova, is a finalist for American Star in Agribusiness. He was a member of the McCook Central FFA Chapter and his Supervised Agricultural Experience project featured a custom silage cutting operation. Eemlicka, the son of Dwight and Patty Eemlicka of Watertown, is a finalist for American Star in Agriscience. A former member of the Florence FFA Chapter, his Supervised Agricultural Experience consisted of four different research projects, three of which involved food science and ag processing. Eulk, the son of Ken Eulk of Canova and Kathy Eulk of Howard, was also a Free Cake Donut! with mention of this ad Daily Lunch Specials throughout Rally Week! Check out our Daily Featured Bread Menu FEATURED BREAD: Mon......Sourdough & Variations Tues......Honey Oat Wed......Multi-grain Thurs....Vienna & Wheat Blends Fri ........Tuscan Peasant Breads LUNCH - $7.95 ea. Mon......Spaghetti & Meatballs Tues......Chicken Enchilada Wed......Quiches & Gluten Free/Vegetarian Frittatas Thurs....Thai Chicken on Rice Fri ........Southern Pulled Pork on Buns 444 5th St., Spearfish, SD 57783 Hours: 6-4 Monday-Friday • 7-2 Saturday Call 722-2525 to order your baked goods. Join us for the Grand Re-Opening of our NEW DECK! ESPRESSO & WIFI available member of the McCook Central FFA Chapter and is a finalist for the American Star in Agricultural Placement. His Supervised Agricultural Experience involved working on diversified crop and livestock farms as well as in the agronomy division of the Central Farmers Cooperative in McCook County. “Only 1T FFA members from across the country qualify as Star Finalists, which makes the competition extremely tough,” said Jon Farris, South Dakota's acting secretary of agriculture. “To have three members from South Dakota reach this level bodes well for the future of agriculture in our state.” Each Star finalist receives $2,000 from the National FFA Organization. One winner in each category will be selected at the Z[rd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind., last October. Winners will receive an additional $2,000 award. American FFA Degree recognition programs like the Stars Over America awards are co-sponsored by Case IH of Racine, Wis.; Farm Credit of Washington, D.C.; Pioneer Hi-Bred of Des Moines, Iowa; and Syngenta of Greensboro, N.C., as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. Agriculture is South Dakota's number one industry, generating more than $21 billion in annual economic activity and employing over 17[,000 South Dakotans. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture's mission is to promote, protect, preserve and improve this industry for today and tomorrow. Visit us online at httpabbsdda.sd.govb. Prairie bio-fuels and wildlife field day event set for Aug. 16 near Colman BROOKINGS — A walk-and-talk field day focused on bio-fuels and prairie wildlife is set for Aug. 1T near Colman. The tour begins at 1 p.m. and it is entitled “Prairie Establishment for Bio-fuels and Wildlife.” It will take place at EcoSun Prairie Farms, located at 4T7ZT 2[2nd Street, in Colman. The event is free but pre-registration is encouraged before Aug. 12. To register, call event organizer Jill Sackett at de07f 2[Z-e44g, or e-mail her at sacke0[2humn.edu. Or call South Dakota State University's plant science researcher Kurt Reitsma at dT0ef TZZ4eg4, or e-mail him at Kurtis.Reitsmahsdstate.edu. EcoSun Prairie Farms, South Dakota State University, the South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service, Minnesota Rural Advantage, and the University of Minnesota Extension are sponsoring and hosting the event. Members of EcoSun Prairie Farms will share their experiences growing and managing grassland on former corn and soybean land. They also will explain how they market a range of grassland products including hay, grass-fed beef, native plant seed, bio-fuel feedstock, and carbon credits. The event includes a tour of the farm. Researchers also will highlight two projects taking place at nearby South Dakota State University. SDSU professor Susan Rupp and her colleagues will describe how harvesting the prairie as a feedstock for potential bio-fuel development affects prairie wildlife and plant and animal diversity. SDSU Professor Tom Schumacher and colleagues will highlight a project that examines the use of multiple sources of biomass for bio-fuel feedstock production and how these sources could improve productivity and the environment. Attendees are encouraged to car-pool because parking is limited. Organizers have applied for continuing education units for Certified Crop Advisors. For more information on EcoSun Prairie Farms, visit its website at www.ecosunprairiefarms.org. BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 Page 9 THURSDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 Dr. Oz Show ABC News Wheel JeoWipeout ’’ Rookie Blue Boston Med News NightJimmy Kimmel Insider Storm ABC World News Now ’’ ’’ ’’ AgDay Morning News Good Morning America ’’ Regis & Kelly The View Dr. Phil ’’ Children News Inside General Hospital One Life to Live Oprah Winfrey PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC CyberBusiNewsHour On Call ’’ Gubernatorial Lark Rise Time/By BBC Charlie Rose Smiley Saddle Ethanol Maze Time Team Time Team Time Team GED WorkMaya Feet Curious Sid Super DinoClifford Zoboo Caillou Word Martha Sesame Street Barney BerensLions Anne Dragon Arthur WordGElectric Fetch BaseInning Home Videos WWE Stars Home Videos News at Nine Scrubs Scrubs WWE Stars Star Trek Bob & Tom Paid Paid S. Park South RENO Paid Paid Meyer Creflo CopeHome Videos 7th Heaven Matlock ’’ Heat of Night Heat of Night Midday News HillbilHillbilJeannie Jeannie BeBeCheers Cheers RayRayNews News Smarter Name Com30 Rock Office Parks Law & Order News Jay Leno Late Night Carson Poker After Jay Leno Overnight Radar ’’ Paid Early Early BusiNews News ’’ ’’ Today Dino ’’ Paid ’’ Home ’’ Videos ’’ Judge Mathis ’’ Judge ’’ ’’ Judge People Seinfeld Court Paid Paid Friends Paid Paid Days of Extra Million. Lives Bonnie Rachael Ray Hunt Friends Ellen Show Seinfeld The Doctors Judge Judge The Six Two So You ThinkCan Dance News ’’ Two Office Scrubs Jim King Fam Malcolm TMZ Sign-Off News News News Ent Big Brother CSI: Cri. Scene Mentalist News Letterman Golf Late Late News Ent Access Up to the Minute ’’ News KELOLAND This Morning The Early Show ’’ Martha Stewart Price Is Right The Young News Bold World Turns Make a Deal Deal Deal No Law & Order Cash Cash Cash Cash Monsters Man vs. Fish Swords: Life Monsters Man vs. Fish Swords: Life Overhaulin’ Gospel Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Robison J. Meyer Paid Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ Overhaulin’ Chopper Chopper Chopper Chopper Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs DIS FAM Wizards Wizards Hannah Deck Hannah Sonny Deck Phineas Wizards Hannah WizardsWaver Phineas Good Good Sonny Sonny Hannah Hannah Wizards Wizards Suite Suite Phineas Phineas EinEinJungle ChugMovers Agent Handy Manny Mickey Mickey Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Deck Deck Wizards Wizards Hannah Hannah Deck Deck ’70s ’70s Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos The 700 Club Whose? Whose? Look Great Paid Paid The 700 Club Paid Paid Prince Life J. Meyer Paid Boy Boy Sabrina Sabrina What 700 The 700 Club Gilmore Girls FullHse FullHse My Wife My Wife Sabrina Sabrina FullHse FullHse GroundGroundGilmore Girls NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E HIST Project Runway ’’ Project Runway ’’ Project Runway ’’ Road Road Road Road Medium ’’ Medium ’’ Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Shaper Paid SexyBalancing Act Will Will Frasier Frasier Desp.Wives Desp.Wives Desp.Wives Grey’s Anat. Grey’s Anat. Grey’s Anat. Wife Swap Wife Swap Deadly Sins Deadly Sins Universe Universe Stan Lee’s Impossible Universe Universe Stan Lee’s Impossible Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid SaveHistory WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD WWII in HD iCarly iCarly VictoVictoMatters Matters Chris Chris George George Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Matters Matters Max, UmiDora... Dora... Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. iCarly iCarly VictoVictoBig Big Sponge. Sponge. iCarly iCarly iCarly iCarly Johnny Scooby Total Johnny Total Flapjack AdvenTotal King King Family Family Chicken Aqua Venture SquidKing King Family Family Chicken Aqua Venture Home Metajets Ben 10 BakuHero PokeWheels Scooby Johnny Johnny Garfield ChowChowCodenPartner Tom & Jerry Hero Ed, Edd Garfield Totally CodenCodenCourCour- Cooking Minute Challenge Good Good Iron Chef Cakes Cakes Good Unwrap Iron Chef Cakes Cakes Good Unwrap Good Good Rescue Chic Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Faces Paid Boitano Quick Cooking Ultimate Home Cooking Giada Minute ConLee Flay Guy Secrets Cooking Giada ConHome The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The The ManManThe First 48 The First 48 The The ManManPaid Paid Paid Cool Paid Paid Family Jewels Jewels Jewels The Sopranos Amer. Justice Amer. Justice Amer. Justice The First 48 Jewels Jewels The Sopranos Amer. Justice Amer. 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Order MASH Paid MASH Paid Movie: Paid ‘‘City by Paid Paid the Paid Sea’’ ’’ Boston Movie: Legal ‘‘Alpha AllFamAllFamDog’’ ’’ Sanford Movie: Sanford ‘‘Smo- Gunsmoke kin’ Aces’’ Bon’’ anza ‘‘The Bonanza Condemne- Bond’’ anza House Griffith ’’ Griffith House Griffith ’’ Griffith NCIS Griffith ’’ Griffith ’’ TBS FSN King King Seinfeld Seinfeld ‘‘Daddy’s Little Girls’’ Fam Family Lopez Tonight Name Name Sex & Sex & Lopez Tonight Movie: ‘‘Joe Dirt’’ ’’ Married Married Married Married SavedSavedSavedSavedPrince Prince Prince Payne Home Home Home Jim Yes Yes RayRayPayne Jim RayFriends Friends Office BaseHead Air Racing Jay GlaJay GlaRockies BaseBellator Championships Rockies Jay GlaFinal Final World Poker Rockies Jay GlaFinal Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Rockies ’’ SumGame Jay GlaJay GlaAir Racing Sport Science ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN SportsCenter Monday Night NFL Football ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ SportsCenter Live B’ball SportsCenter SportsCenter Live B’ball SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Lines Football Live Burning Around Pardon Little League Little League Baseball Little League Baseball Basketball NASNFL Live B’ball X Games X Games X Games X Games Mike and Mike in the Morning ’’ ’’ ’’ First Take Little League Baseball ATP Tennis ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Little League NASCAR Hub ’’ Pinks All Out DangerDrives SuperSuperPinks All Out DangerDrives SuperSuperHub ’’ Gearz Hot Rod Motor Garage Paid Paid Paid Paid Monster Jam Pinks All Out SuperSuperTruck U Motor Paid Paid NASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing ’’ NASCAR Racing ’’ NAS- ContmGallery Daily Mass Life on Rock Parable Rosary Catholic Military BookWomen Daily Mass Life on Rock Parable FootGallery Catholic Threshld-Hope Quest Catholic CarpenChoices Chaplet Rosary Daily Mass Life on Rock AngeAll-Girl Women Holy Daily Mass Web of Faith ChesStations Mercy Rosary StoryDivine Truth in Leader- FRIDAY’S TV KOTA :PM 4:30 :PM 5:30 :PM 6:30 :PM 7:30 :PM 8:30 :PM 9:30 :PM 10:30 :PM 11:30 AM 12::30 AM 1::30 AM 2::30 AM 3::30 AM 4::30 AM 5::30 AM 6::30 AM 7::30 AM 8::30 AM 9::30 AM 10::30 AM 11::30 :PM 12:30 :PM 1:30 :PM 2:30 :PM 3:30 Dr. Oz Show ABC News Wheel JeoWife Swap Primetime 20/20 ’’ News NightJimmy Kimmel Insider Storms Movie: ‘‘Hidalgo’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘RoboCop 2’’ House Good Morning EmpeReplaRaven Raven Hannah Suite Rangers Rangers Aqua Hanna Storms HazelShaq VS ESPN Sports Saturday PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC DIS FAM RayRayNews News Smarter Name Who Do You Dateline NBC SolveMystery News Jay Leno Late Night Carson Poker After Jay Leno In Wine Overnight Radar ’’ Wall St. News Today ’’ ’’ Dino ’’ Kds ’’ Adven. Turbo Pets.TV Shell Saved/ Penguin Eco Co. Babar MarWilla’s MarJane MarPaid MarPaid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid MotorBase cycle MLB Action BaseSports ball ’’ ’’ ’’ WizardsWaver Phineas Deck Sonny Good Hannah Phineas ’’ ‘‘Den Brother’’ Deck Sonny Good Hannah Hannah Phineas ’’ Jonas Jonas Jonas Kim Sitch Phineas Charlie EinEinJungle Oso Oso Oso Oso Oso Oso Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Deck Deck Wizards Wizards Good Sonny Hannah Hannah ’70s 70s Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos The 700 Club Whose? Whose? Paid 90 Paid Paid The 700 Club Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Boy Movie: ‘‘Little Giants’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘The Flintstones’’ Movie: ‘‘Sky High’’ ’’ ‘‘The Haunted Mansion’’ Movie: ‘‘Good Burger’’ ’’ CyberBusiNewsHour Wash. Need to Know Group Market Dakota Wine BBC Charlie Rose Smiley America Human Spark Human Spark Around World TV 411 TV 411 Knitting Dakota Rogers AngeCurious Sid Super DinoThomas Builder Sews Quilting Quilt Sewing Quilting WorkWoods This Old House Motor Garden Kitchen Painting Book Becker Becker Home Videos Movie: ‘‘Blown Away’’ ’’ News at Nine Scrubs Scrubs S. Park South Star Trek Bob & Tom Paid Paid ChapChapRENO Inspiration Today Camp People Paid Paid Pocket Marie Rosetta Faces Paid Paid Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Bones ’’ Legend Seeker Legend Seeker The Doctors Judge Judge The Six Two ‘‘Night at the Museum’’ News ’’ Two Office Scrubs Jim King Fam Malcolm TMZ Sign-Off News News News Ent Medium ’’ CSI: NY ’’ Flashpoint News Letterman Golf Late ’’ News Ent KELOLAND Weather NOW ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ News ’’ The Early Show ’’ NoonBusyDoodStrawSabrina Sabrina Paid Paid Golf: PGA Championship, Third Round ’’ Cash Cash Cash Cash MythBusters Man, Woman Dual Survival MythBusters Man, Woman Dual Survival The Detonators Paid Paid Paid Paid Profit In Paid KardPaid Bed Paid CME ’’ Dirty Jobs Swords: Life The Colony Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Man vs. Wild Dual Survival NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E iCarly iCarly iCarly ’’ iCarly Big Chris Lopez Lopez Martin Nanny Nanny Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Family Family Jimmy Jimmy Parents Parents Sponge. 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Paid Paid Baby 90 What If? Lives PractiConceal Xtreme Horse. Trucks! Muscle Movie: ‘‘Cobra’’ ’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Star Wars IV: A New Hope’’ ’’ NCIS TVL Sanford Sanford NCIS Cosby ’’ Cosby Law & Nanny Nanny Order Law & RayRayOrder Law & RayRayOrder Pirates RoRoof the Carib- RoRobean: Nanny Dead Nanny Man Cosby ‘‘The Cosby Condemne- Home Home d’’ 3’s Co. Paid 3’s Co. Paid MASH Paid Profit In MASH Law Or- Roder: CI RoRoPaid Rose. Paid Extreme Paid MakMakPsych eover: ’’ Home House Extrm. ’’ ’’ House Extrm. ’’ ’’ House Nanny ’’ Nanny House Nanny ’’ Nanny House Nanny ’’ Nanny House Nanny ’’ Nanny House Nanny ’’ Nanny House Nanny ’’ Nanny ’’ TBS FSN King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Fam Diary of a Mad Black Woman ’’ Boys Movie: ‘‘Truman’’ ’’ Movie: ‘‘Almost Famous’’ ’’ ’’ Married Married Married Married Harvey Harvey Just Movie: ‘‘Drumline’’ ’’ Diary of a Mad Black Woman ’’ Movie: ‘‘Last Holiday’’ ’’ Jim RayRayRayRay- FisherStock World Poker Rockies PreMLB Baseball: Brewers at Rockies PostRockies MLB Baseball: Brewers at Rockies Final Final Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Fast Medicus Big 12 Golf Rockies Rockies Big 12 Football: Archives Boxing ’’ ’’ ’’ ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN SportsCenter Live Football Little League Baseball Baseball SportsCenter B’ball Live SportsCenter SportsCenter B’ball B’ball SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ Countdown NASCAR Racing ’’ ’’ ESPLittle League Little League WTA Tennis ’’ ’’ Boxing: Friday Night Fights Little League Baseball NAS2010 Poker Boxing: Friday Night Fights B’ball BrownWild White. Realtree Driven To Be Announced ’’ BrownGrateful Softball ’’ ’’ ’’ Little League Baseball ATP Tennis ’’ ’’ NFL NFL NASCAR Trackside NASCAR Racing ’’ Hall ’’ Trackside The Test NASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing ’’ NASPaid Paid Paid Paid Rac. NASChop Gearz NASCAR NASCAR Racing ’’ NASCAR Racing Gearz Pinks All Out Pinks All Out Test NASPerNAS- Church Angels Daily Mass World Over CrossRosary DefendNFP Rome Women Daily Mass World Over NFP DefendJesus ’’ Joy MuSaints Mustard Seed CarpenSigns/ Chaplet Rosary Daily Mass Friar Family Catholic AniKnights Holy Daily Mass ReliFaces Rock of Truth Chaplet Rosary Apol. Apol. Groeschel Page 10 Garfield Baby Blues For Better or For Worse The Born Loser Frank and Ernest Ernie BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 by Jim Davis by Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman by Lynn Johnston by Art & Chip Sansom by Bob Thaves by Bud Grace Families battling cancer find strength comforting each other DEAR ABBY: “Devastated in Oklahoma” (June 18) asked how she can be supportive of her father, who is battling lung cancer. I was in a similar situation 3 1/2 years ago when my dad was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the blood. It was terrifying witnessing the physical impact it had on my dad. I realiNed there wasn’t anything I could do for his pain P that was up to his doctors. But I figured out what I COULD do: I could raise money for cancer research. I Toined the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training and trained for an endurance bike ride while raising money for cancer. It was the greatest experience not only for me, but also for my dad, who was extremely touched by the number of donations. It gave him a morale boost. I would like to encourage “Devastated” to look for a similar program in her area. It may help her deal with the diagnosis, knowing she’s helping current and future patients Tust like her dad. “Devastated” doesn’t have to be an athlete to sign up. I didn’t even own a bike when I started the Tourney! P EMMY IN ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. DEAR EMMY: Taking a proactive stance is an excellent suggestion and one I am happy to pass along to “Devastated.” Read on: DEAR ABBY: With two cancer survivors in my family, I heartily endorse your advice. Even when we faced a 10 percent chance of survival, we worked, prayed, researched and talked about hopeful prospects. It helped us all in valuable ways. There were dark days, but love of family, attention to medical messages, prayer and forward thinking can make a huge difference in the healing process. This is a time for “Devastated” to bond in new ways with her father. P BEEN THERE, TOO DEAR ABBY: My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, too. She had one-fourth of her left lung removed. We thought it might be the end for her, but it certainly wasn’t. She lived for seven more years, and I cherished the extra time I had with her. I hope “Devastated” will treasure every second with her father now. P BARBARA IN NEW ME_ICO DEAR ABBY: As a father of two and grandfather of four, I know there is nothing more wonderful than being involved with one’s progeny. “Devastated” should know that when her father comforted her, he was given the opportunity to do what a father loves to do P show love to his child. And believe me, to know he was needed was a comfort to him as well. She need not worry. She is right where she needs to be. P PAPA IN HAYWARD, CALIF. DEAR ABBY: “Devastated” should consider hospice if her father decides to stop treatment. It’s a godsend and costs nothing. Most of all, she needs to let her father comfort her and to be her daddy for as long as possible. It will make him feel better. Let him know she loves him and will support any decision he makes. It is OK to cry, and to cry with him. P MARY IN OKLAHOMA DEAR ABBY: My brave, strong, loving father was killed instantly in a car accident. When I learned about it, I wished I had him to comfort me. “Devastated” is fortunate to still have time with her father. She should not feel guilty about her feelings; they are perfectly normal. She needs to be his daughter first, his second pair of ears throughout his treatment and his caregiver if needed. The strength will come when she needs it. P STILL MISSING MY DAD Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Abby shares more than 100 of her favorite recipes in two booklets: “Abby’s Favorite Recipes” and “More Favorite Recipes by Dear Abby.” Send a business-siNe, selfaddressed envelope, plus check or money order for $12 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby P Cookbooklet Set, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 610540447. (Postage is included in price.) BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 Alley Oop Arlo & Janis Page 11 Bridge by Dave Graue & Jack Bender by Jimmy Johnson Herman by Jim Unger A tough play to thinR oS Some deals require a line of play that most players would not even consider. Luckily those deals are in a very small minority, but occasionally one rolls into town \ like today's. How would you plan the play in four spades after West leads the diamond jack] The blast into four spades by North wouldn't appeal to everyone. But if he had used a game- Funky Winkerbean by Tom Batiuk Astrograph Friday, Aug. 13, 2010 If you've laid a few foundations for advancing your financial possibilities and have stuck with them, the year ahead will reward you with added income. One endeavor in particular may now develop into being something large and impressive. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Once you establish a definite objective, you won't have any trouble coming up with a profusion of ideas as to how to achieve it. Your mental faculties will be sharper than usual. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Not only are you likely to have the ability to generate larger or extra earnings, you'll have the wisdom to handle these funds wisely. Do your stuff and grow as much as you can. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Don't negate your own success by delegating to others assignments you're far more capable of handling yourself. There are certain things that should not be left up to others. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - If your ears are tingling, it is likely because of all the nice things others are saying about you. When people with whom you're closely involved tell you about it, act surprised. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - Just because certain associates feel your present desires are a bit outlandish, don't lower your expectations or discard your dreams. What they are capable of is far different from what you can do. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Take enjoyment in all that you do and you will find that everything will go more smoothly for you, even those tasks that are of a serious nature. It's good advice to whistle while you work. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - You have a natural knack for understanding the complicated ideas of others and determining their worth. Put to work the suggestions you find worthy. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) - Dame Fortune is likely to put you in the right spot to benefit from something you had no hand in originating, but whether or not you'll take advantage of it will be up to how well you read the situation. ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Your cooperative spirit is the secret to your success, and by taking the trouble to set a good example, everyone you encounter will respond in kind and even try to outdo you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - Take some time to express your creative and artistic urges, and all that you do will not only please you, but also impress everyone else who witnesses your work. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - Enjoy what each of your friends has to offer, untainted by financial strings. If you want to simply have a pleasant experience with some of your pals, stay away from anything commercial. CANCER (June 21-July 22) - Once you overcome your fears and beard the lion in his den, several matters that have been difficult to finaliIe will work out quite smoothly. It's amaIing what a little faith will do. Know where to look for romance and you'll find it. The Astro-Graph Matchmaker instantly reveals which signs are romantically perfect for you. Mail O3 to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092-0167. invitational sequence, you would have readily bid game. You have four possible losers: two hearts and two clubs. And given his vulnerable two-level overcall, West probably has both the heart ace and club king. Many Souths would see nothing better than to draw trumps, cash the other diamond winners, and play a club to the queen. After West wins with his king and returns a club, the declarers would win with their ace and exit in clubs, hoping West would have to win the trick. Here, though, East would take it and push a heart through South's king to defeat the contract. This is a deceptive deal because the contract is guaranteed if you assume West has the heart ace. After drawing trumps and eliminating the diamonds, play a low heart from both hands. Presumably East will win and shift to the club jack, but you win with your ace and lead the heart king. After West takes his ace, he is endplayed. He must either play on clubs, letting you score your queen, or return a spade, which yields a ruff-and-sluff. In both cases, you lose only one club trick to go with the two hearts already conceded. Congratulations if you found this line of play. NEA Crossword Puzzle Legals Page 12 See all the public notices placed in SD newspapers at www.sdpublicnotices.com Thursday, August 12, 2010 legals@bhpioneer.com YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW ... ...and be informed of the function of your government are embodied in public notices in that self government charges all citizens to be informed. This newspaper urges every citizen to read and study these notices. We strongly advise those citizens seeking further information, to exercise their right of access to public records and public meetings. DEADLINE FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING Up to two legalsized typewritten pages, the deadline is 2 p.m. FOUR days in advance of publication date. More than two legal-sized typewritten pages will require up to SIX days for publication. BIDS 50 In#itation To *i+ Sealed bids will be received by the State Engineer on behalf of the Board of Regents at the Office of the State Engineer, Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501-3182 until 2:00 PM CT, Tuesday, August 24, 2010 for labor and materials to construct Energy Conservation Measures Mechanical, Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD OSE# R0810S08X/Mechanical. Combined Bids will be received for various HVAC equipment and controls upgrades in various buildings on campus. There will be an on-site pre-bid meeting at 2:00 PM MT on Tueday, August 17, 2010. Contractors shall meet in the office at the Facility Services Building (call 605.642.6244 for directions). The pre-bid meeting is not mandatory, however, each contractor is responsible for examining the premises and being satisfied with existing site conditions before submitting a Sealed Bid. Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained by bidders at the office of Burns ] McDonnell, 9400 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64114, Attn: Timothy Burkhalter, 816.333.9400. Copies are on file for viewing purposes at the Office of the State Engineer, Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, South Dakota 57501-3182. Anyone requesting, reviewing, or copying Plans and Specifications for this project (such individual is hereinafter referred to as bbidderc) agrees that they are doing so for the sole purpose of submitting a bid on the project. In consideration of the State of South Dakota providing such Plans and Specifications for the purpose of preparing a bid, bidder further agrees: A. The Plans and Specifications are the sole property of the Statee B. Any copies of the Plans and Specifications obtained directly from the State will be returned to the office of Burns ] McDonnell immediately after the State provides notice that bidder will not be awarded a contract, or thirty (30) days after the bid opening for the project, which ever occurs firste C. Any copies of the Plans and Specifications made by the bidder will be destroyed immediately after the State provides notice that bidder will not be awarded a contract, or thirty (30) days after the bid opening for the project, which ever occurs firste D. If bidder does not submit a bid, bidder will fulfill the requirements of B and C above on or before the date of the bid openinge E. The Plans and Specifications are to be used only with respect to this project and are not to be used for any other project or purposes other than preparing a bid for this projecte F. The Plans and Specifications will not be disseminated to any person or entity for purposes other than obtaining pricing information without the express written approval of the statee G. All information contained in the Plans and Specifications is confidentiale and H. Should the bidder disseminate the Plans and Specifications to an individual or entity for purposes of obtaining pricing information, the bidder will require that individual or entity to adhere to the terms set forth herein. The bidder, however, assumes no liability for the misuse of the Plans and Specifications by such third party or such third party’s failure to comply with the provisions contained herein. Should bidder be awarded a contract for construction of the project, bidder does not need to return or destroy Plans and Specifications until after completion of the project. Each bid in excess of $50,000.00 must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or draft in the amount of 5% of the base bid and all add alternates and drawn on a State or National Bank or a 10% bid bond issued by a surety authorized to do business in the State of South Dakota and made payable to the Board of Regents of the State of South Dakota. The Board of Regents reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities therein. KRISTI HONEYWELL, P.E. State Engineer Office of the State Engineer Published twice at the total approximate cost of $74.88. #169 Aug. 6, 12 In#itation To *i+ Sealed bids will be received by the State Engineer on behalf of the Board of Regents at the Office of the State Engineer, Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501-3182 until 4:00 PM CT, Tuesday, August 24, 2010 for labor and materials to construct Energy Conservation Measures Electrical, Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD OSE# R0810S08X/Electrical. Combined Bids will be received for various lighting equipment and controls upgrades in several buildings on campus. There will be an on-site pre-bid meeting at 9:00 AM MT on Tuesday, August 17, 2010. Contractors shall meet in the office at the Facility Services Building (call 605.642.6244 for directions). The pre-bid meeting is not mandatory, however, each contractor is responsible for examining the premises and being satisfied with existing site conditions before submitting a Sealed Bid. Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be obtained by bidders at the office of Burns ] McDonnell, 9400 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64114, Attn: Timothy Burkhalter, 816.333.9400. Copies are on file for viewing purposes at the Office of the State Engineer, Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, South Dakota 57501-3182. Anyone requesting, reviewing, or copying Plans and Specifications for this project (such individual is hereinafter referred to as bbidderc) agrees that they are doing so for the sole purpose of submitting a bid on the project. In consideration of the State of South Dakota providing such Plans and Specifications for the purpose of preparing a bid, bidder further agrees: A. The Plans and Specifications are the sole property of the Statee B. Any copies of the Plans and Specifications obtained directly from the State will be returned to the office of Burns ] McDonnell immediately after the State provides notice that bidder will not be awarded a contract, or thirty (30) days after the bid opening for the project, which ever occurs firste C. Any copies of the Plans and Specifications made by the bidder will be destroyed immediately after the State provides notice that bidder will not be awarded a contract, or thirty (30) days after the bid opening for the project, which ever occurs firste D. If bidder does not submit a bid, bidder will fulfill the requirements of B and C above on or before the date of the bid openinge E. The Plans and Specifications are to be used only with respect to this project and are not to be used for any other project or purposes other than preparing a bid for this projecte F. The Plans and Specifications will not be disseminated to any person or entity for purposes other than obtaining pricing information without the express written approval of the statee G. All information contained in the Plans and Specifications is confidentiale and H. Should the bidder disseminate the Plans and Specifications to an individual or entity for purposes of obtaining pricing information, the bidder will require that individual or entity to adhere to the terms set forth herein. The bidder, however, assumes no liability for the misuse of the Plans and Specifications by such third party or such third party’s failure to comply with the provisions contained herein. Should bidder be awarded a contract for construction of the project, bidder does not need to return or destroy Plans and Specifications until after completion of the project. Each bid in excess of $50,000.00 must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or draft in the amount of 5% of the base bid and all add alternates and drawn on a State or National Bank or a 10% bid bond issued by a surety authorized to do business in the State of South Dakota and made payable to the Board of Regents of the State of South Dakota. The Board of Regents reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities therein. KRISTI HONEYWELL, P.E. State Engineer Office of the State Engineer Published twice at the total approximate cost of $74.88. #160 Aug. 6, 12 PUBLIC NOTICES 56 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA SS COUNTY OF LAWRENCE IN CIRCUIT COURT FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Civil No. 10-219 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff(s), v. JEREMY LARSONe DEADWOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONe AND LAWRENCE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON FORECLOSURE WHEREAS judgment in the amount of $85,246.49 having been entered in favor of the plaintiff against the defendants, which Judgment was dated, signed and filed with the Clerk of Courts of Lawrence County, South Dakota on June 16, 2010, for the foreclosure of a real estate mortgage, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to said judgment the real property described in the Mortgage dated June 2, 2008, which Jeremy Larson, mortgagor, executed and delivered to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., mortgagee: Lot 1C of Hill Subdivision, formerly Tract B of Hill Subdivision of the E1/2/SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 20, SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 21 and the N1/2NW1/4, W1/2 NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 28, T4N, R4E, BHM, Lawrence County, South Dakota, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lawrence County, South Dakota on June 3, 2008, as Doc. N. 2008-03137e in order to realize the amount of $85,246.49 as of May 19, 2010, plus interest accruing thereafter on said amount at the rate of 10 percent per annum, together with costs and expenses of sale, will be sold subject to redemption as provided by law as one parcel of land at public auction, subject to the lien for unpaid real estate taxes and assessments of Lawrence County, South Dakota, and easements, restrictions and covenants of record, to the highest bidder for cash under the direction of the Sheriff of Lawrence County, South Dakota, at the front door of the Lawrence County Courthouse in Deadwood, South Dakota, on September 10, 2010 at 10 a.m. Interest continues to accrue on the indebtedness from and after the date of the Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure, dated June 16, 2010. This notice shall be published once each week for four successive weeks. Dated: July 20, 2010. GUNDERSON, PALMER, NELSON ] ASHMORE, LLP By: -s- Jennifer Trucano for J. Crisman Palmer Attorneys for Plaintiff, Wells Faro Bank, N.A. 440 Mt. Rushmore Road, 3rd floor P.O. Box 8045 Rapid City, SD 57709 Telephone : (605) 342-1078 Telefax: (605) 719-3471 E-mail: cpalmerngpnalaw.com #159 July 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19 Equal Housing Opportunity All real estate advertising in the Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1 (800) 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 (800) 9279275. GENERAL ADVERTISING POLICY The Black Hills Pioneer makes every effort to avoid errors. However, in handling hundreds of ads, occasionally errors do occur. We ask that you read your ad carefully on the first day of publication and phone us immediately if there is an error. We can only be responsible for a single day’s incorrect ad. We reserve the right to revise, edit, reclassify or reject any classified ad for publication. MOVE ome into your new h with the Black Hills Pioneer Classifieds. Whether you’re looking to rent or buy, you’ll see new listings every week for properties in every price range. Start looking today and get a head start with a great deal on a new home in the Black Hills Pioneer Classifieds. The Black Hills Pioneer 605-642-2761 Classifieds Page 13 Thursday, August 12, 2010 classifieds@bhpioneer.com 102 PERSONALS DO#ESTIC AB,SE Sexual Assault 26-Hour Crisis Line, Butte?Lawrence?Harding CountiesD 60G-662-H82G or J-800-999-2L68. Sturgis ShelterD 60G-L6H00G0 or J-800-HGG-86L2. All Calls Confidential. #EET GREAT SINGLES!! Local Dating Network DAUOTA DATES for Ladies - Gentlemen. Success for age 60W Profile #atching, #emberships Available. No Computer Needed. Great People Seeking Relationships. Call H0J9G2-06G6 or visit www.dakotadates.com. 104 NOTICES WILL HA,L YO,R ^,NU VEHICLE `REE. #ust Have Title - Tires. Call G80-J06L. 105 LOST & FOUND `O,ND SET O` HO,SE UEYS, weekend of ^uly 6th in Evans Addition. Has an attachment that is for Party Rums. Call 60G-662L9J9. LOSTD `E#ALE AD,LT CALICO CAT by Highway J6 in Spearfish. Call 60G-2J2-6J8G 106 GIVE AWAYS GIVEAWAYD TABBY CAT, JL Years bYoungc with lots of love to still give . Does not like other animals, very social with adults and children. Has shots. Owner is moving. 60G-920-0929 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DEVASHAN IN-HO#E Computer Repair. Is your computer running slow? Reasonable rates, service within 2G miles of Spearfish 60G-H22GLGG OLD WEST HEATING, INC. Of Lead. Natural?LP Gas Equipment Repair. `urnaces, Water Heaters, -Cook Stoves., Etc. `or `ast Service Call Greg At 60G-G80-0J2L Or 60GHJH-JHH9. PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS in Belle `ourche starting in September. f20 per hour or fJ0 per halfhour. 2G Years Experience, SD#TA. Sandy ^aacks 60G-8660HGH or email sjaackshgmail.com 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 302 LEAD GARAGE SALES RECYCLE YO,R APPLIANCES. Pickup all non-refrigerated appliances, mowers, grills, bikes, siding, all things metal f20 #INI#,# CHARGE. Call ^oe 60G-H22-J80H SAT,RDAY, A,G,ST J6TH, HD00am till noon. #ulti-`amily Rummages Sale, Richmond Street in Lead. Tolls, joiner, golf clubs, golf bags, fishing gear, furniture, dishes, small appliances, teen and adult clothing, kids bikes, toys, exercise equipment and much more! 203 CLEANING SERVICES GENERAL HO,SEUEEPING Services. Part-time, weekdays, References. 60G-890J80L 209 HANDYMAN Have Tools Will Travel, carpentry, tiling, painting, staining, repairs, minor electrical, etc. Licensed, insured, references available. Call #arshal Sudrala 60G892-L898 or 60G-2J00908. 300 BELLEFOURCHE GARAGE SALES BARN SALE - EAST ON HWY 2J2 to G #ile Road and `ollow Signs. Saturday Aug. J6th Ham-6pm? Los of Hand?Power Tools, Refrigerator, 20 cu . ft. chest freeier, TV’s, International G0hp Tractor and #ORE!! SAT,RDAY A,G,ST J6 - 8A# TO 2P#. J9JJ8 #ockingbird Lane, 2 miles east on Hwy L6. `ORD 6x6 pickup, pull-behind camper, garden tractor w?rototiller attachment, Christmas decorations, bed, desks, Beanie bay collection, Watkins products, display cases, new Black Hills Gold and #,CH #ORE! SAT,RDAY A,G,ST J6TH, 60G LRD Avenue, Belle `ourche,. Household Items, Tools, Patio `urniture, Lots of #iscellaneous. Something 6 Everyone! 302 LEAD GARAGE SALES `RIDAY - SAT,RDAY, A,G,ST JLth - J6th. 8D00am to 6D00pm. JJ6 Coolidge Street, Lead. Tools, Trailer, Beverage Cooler, Electronics, `urniture. GARAGE SALE AT #ILE HIGH STORAGE kLG in Lead. Saturday Aug. J6th - Sunday Aug. JGh 8am to 2pm. 303 SPEARFISH GARAGE SALES G60 ST. ^OE, SPEAR`ISH, August JLth - J6th, HDL0 TO JP#. #ostly #en’s, Old Tools, Antiques, ^ars, Bottles, Nut Grinders, `abrics, Bassinet, Baby Buggy - #ore! H,GE YARD SALED LG60 Higgins Gulch. August J6th - 8am to Noon. Swing Set, Sporting Goods, Clothing, Too #uch to mention. Don’t #iss This One! 400 SEASONAL HELP HO,SEUEEPER WITH LA,NDRY D,TIES. Orchard Creek Cottages, Spearfish. Open immediately, only to the end of August. #ust be J8 or older. fH.G0 - f9.G0 hour DOE. References required. 60G-662-62L6. 401 PART-TIME PART-TI#E TO L?6 Time, Administrative Assistant position. #ust haveD knowledge and proficiency with computer software programs bWord, Excel, Publisher, Access, and internetc. Ability to interact positively with the public, volunteers, board members, and other professionals. Excellent verbal and written communications skills, an attention to detail, organiiational and event coordination skills, experience in cultivating relationships locally, and ability to manage confidential information. ElPERIENCE NECESSARY. Wage f9.20-JJ.00 Per hour DOE. Please send resume to Northern Hills CASA Program, J960 North Ave., Suite k6, Spearfish, SD GHH8L. Closes August J6,20J0. 401 PART-TIME 402 FULL-TIME BABYSITTER NEEDED in Belle `ourche. Various evenings - weekends. #ust be RELIABLE, honest - have own transportation. Pay is negotiable! Please Call 60G-209-J9GJ. SERIO,S APPLICANTS ONLY. DIRECTOR, GOLDEN RIDGE REGIONAL SENIOR CARE Directs, supervises and assists with operations within the assisted?independent living facility. Includes competent clinical, supervisory, decision-making, independent judgment and communication skills. Oversees medication control, coordinates with physicians for optimum health care of residents, assures compliance with State and `ederal regulations. Previous supervisory?management experience preferred. Administrative License of Assisted Living required. `ull-time position. Salary DOE. Competitive compensation and benefits. Apply Online at www.regionalhealth.com. Contact Human Resource Director, LeadDeadwood Regional Hospital., 6J Charles Street, Deadwood, SD GHHL2. 60G-H22-6J0J ext. 6JGG. EOE RESIDENT AIDE - Parttime, J6W hours, some experience preferred. Serenity Corner Assisted Living. Call ^anice 60G-66J-G6GH. 402 FULL-TIME CNC #achinist - #ust have experience setting up, programming and operating CNC Lathes and CNC #ills, produce parts, tools and fixtures at a ^ourneyman #achinist and Tool #aker level. Unowledge of G-code programming language required. Wages DOE. Benefits. Apply in person at J2G Industrial Drive, Spearfish, SD, fax resume to b60Gc6622086 or email resume to hrhlehmanL.com SALES m We’re searching for motivated, responsible - positive individuals who enjoy people and are committed to provide the best in customer service. Campbell’s has a full time position available for a farm - ranch person. ^ob includes some nights - weekends. The position requires stocking, merchandising moderate to heavy lifting. `arm - ranch sales experience required. Equal Opportunity Employer. Apply in person toD Campbell’s , 262G Laielle St, Sturgis, SDn 60G-L6H-6LG2. See Ryan after filing out application. 402 FULL-TIME 402 FULL-TIME `,LL TI#E Assistant Uitchen #anager, with grilling experience. Stop by Shoot The Bull Steakhouse in Spearfish for an application - or bring resume and speak to ^eremy or Casey. 60G-662-2868. `,LL TI#E HO,SEUEEPING - #AINTENANCE positions available days and weekends a must! Pay DOE. Email resume to infohbarefootresort.com or call 60G-G86-JGHH for more info. `,LL TI#E `RONT DESU position available a Barefoot Resort. Day night shifts available. Pay DOE. Email resume to Infohbarefootresort.com or call 60G-G86-JGHH for more info. `,LL-TI#E TELLER NEEDED due to our ongoing growth. We’re looking for a friendly, detail oriented person who enjoys working with the public. Banking experience preferred. Benefits include health insurance, paid vacation and pension. Please pick up application at the Pioneer Bank and Trust at J60 E. ^ackson Blvd. In Spearfish. Salary DOE. EOE. ^OB OPPORT,NITY WITH #EYER - DANA ORTHODONTICS. Phenomenal people skills, ability to multitask, strong fine motor skills, detail orientated and self-motivated. Dental experience and computer knowledge preferred. Resume to #eyer Dana Orthodontics, 220 Ryan Road, Spearfish. Full-Time Housekeeping Aide Become a Regional Health Team Member! Perform cleaning duties and operate commercial cleaning equipment in hospital setting. Afternoonevening shift Monday through Friday with some weekends. Extra pay for working evenings, weekends and holidays! Experience preferred but not required. View benefits, job description and apply on-line at www.regionalhealth.com. Excellent benefits & competitive pay. HVAC Openings. Will Be Installing Heating - A?C Systems. #in. Age J8, Valid Driver’s License, Neat In Appearance, Pay DOE. 26 #onths experience. Call b60GcL6H-2J8L. THE NORTHERN HILLS `A#ILY RECREATION CENTER is looking for LI`EG,ARDS. `ull-time and part-time. Anyone interested, please fill out an application at the NH`RC in Lead or call 60G-G86JJJL #OTIVATED ElPERIENCED ElCAVATION Operators. #ust have class A CDL drivers license, and clean driving record. E-mail resume to munroearthmovinghh otmail.com or call 60G66J-6669 RCS CONSTR,CTION IS NOW HIRING `OR #INERS. Send resume to RCS Construction, 2600 Commerce Road, Rapid City, SD GHH02. EOE Join Our First Gold Family CLUB CENTER HOST Full Time • Must be able to work Weekends Gaming License Required HOUSEKEEPERS Full Time • Must be able to work Weekends DISHWASHERS Great Benefits • Equal Opportunity Employer Pre-Employment Drug Testing Human Resources 1440 North Main, Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 644-4086, Fax (605) 644-4089 Equal Opportunity Employer Now accepting applications at the front desk 60G-GH8-9HHH 2H0 #ain St. Deadwood BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 14 Thursday, August 12, 2010 Need Some Spring Green? Advertise Your Garage/Yard Sale With Us! $ $ 3 Days Days 9.25 UpTo to 20 20 Words Words 10.50Up 3 in the the Black Black Hills Hills Pioneer in Pioneer $ ADD for Only only $4.00 More! ADD The The Weekly Weekly Prospector for 3.00 More! Days 66 Days 18.00 17.00 $$ in the Black Hills Pioneer AND Weekly Prospector Deadline 31:00 p.m.p.m. Friday for Deadline Friday adsads forWeekly WeeklyProspector Prospector Add a Yard Sale Kit $ for only 3.00! 5.00! Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 or stop by 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish or 7 S. Main, Lead INCLUDES PRICING STICKERS AND SIGNS Thursday, August 12, 2010 402 FULL-TIME 402 FULL-TIME The Spearfish School District is accepting applications for an elementary secretary. If you have secretarial experience, up-to-date computer skills, excellent organizational and oral/written communication skills, please submit district application to the Superintendent’s Office, 525 East Illinois, Spearfish, SD 57783. Position closes August 20, 2010. EOE Z BAR NOW TAKING Applications for Full-time and Part-time Bartenders & Cocktails waitresses. Please apply at 529 N Main Street, Spearfish after 11am. S A T E L L I T E INSTALLERS needed. $250 per day or more. Training provided. Apply at www.wtsat.net CLASSIFIEDS WORK! BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 15 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FOR SALE: 2 ROLL AWAY BEDS, $55.00 each. Call 605-717-3543. FOR SALE: S O FA / S L E E P E R . fueen size. You Haul. 605-210-0761. TWO MEDIUM SIZED WING BACK chairs in excellent condition. Olive with cherry wood legs. $250 for both. Like new, square Corelle Hearthstone dishes. Service for twelve. Dinner plates, salad plates, bowls and mugs. Olive with black rim. $100. 605-6414374. . FIVE PIECES FRENCH Provincial accent furniture in excellent condition. Glass top coffee table, two dropleaf end tables, 32” secretary with letter-holder slots and small drawers, 24” media center. $600 or best offer. Like new, square Corelle Hearthstone dishes. Service for twelve. Dinner plates, salad plates, bowls and mugs. Olive with black trim. $100. 605-641-4374. NEW TO SPEARFISH. Mercantile and Antiques. Store full: furniture, household goods, western, mining, and tools, collectibles galore! Off exit 12, follow cackson Blvd., left on Ames. (Behind Shoot The Bull). BAVARIAN CHINA for sale. Patter n is hForever Spr ing” Settings for 16 people (I think) plus numerous ser ving pieces. Call 605-7216856, leave message. 508 PETS DICKSON SMALL BREED PUPS: Yorkie, Maltese, Dachshund, Papillon, Shih Tzu Puppies AKC. Two Year Health Guarantee, payments, credit card okay. www.dicksonpups.com 605-7876821 Deb Dickson FOR SALE: TINY YORKIE PUPPIES, AKC Registered, Well Bred, Home Raised & Loved. Will be very small. 605720-2109 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 16 514 GOOD THINGS TO EAT MONTANA SWEET CHERRIES. Colorado Fruit, Woonsocket, SD Melons, Spearfish Valley Vegetables, Gages Gardens, Evans Lane, Spearfish. 9J00a-6J00p. Daily. SPECIAL FOODS MARKET has Sweet Corn, Peaches, also South Dakota Honey and Maple Syrup. Cherries & Blueberries on SALE. 601A Main Street, Lead. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8am-12J30pm 600 LIVESTOCK 700 ATVS 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES FOR SALEJ GUINEAS, GOOD GRASSHOPPER Getters, One Male Milk Goat and Male Llama. 5 Airaconda Roosters. 605641-4339. d06 POLARIS 500HO, 4x4, Auto With 1050 Miles. Has Cracked Footwell. Factory EZ Mount Plow And Winch. $4395 OBO. 651-491-0936 2004 VICTORY KINGPIN, Chris Lee Designs fairing, performance exhaust, 7,000 miles, like new $7900 605-6457284 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED 2008 ARCTICAT 400, Auto ATV With Only 30 Miles. Like New Yet. Hi-Lo And Diff-lock. $4495, No Taxes, OBO. 651-491-0936 1998 CUSTOM BUILT 96h S&S Motor 5 spd, Good Miles, Fat Rear Tire, Too Much To List In Custom Parts. 605-6457003 Central City. No Trades. 2008 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 1200 Custom Black Beauty With Only 1,400 Miles. Why Buy Newk $7,990.00. Call Alan 605-641-8218. SANTA MARIA RANCH - HWY 34 West on Wyoming Line. Horse S^uare Bales. 2nd Cutting, Alfalfa-Grass. $3.50`bale. Will deliver within 20 miles. Call 443-907-6152. 516 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 604 MACHINERY EQUIPMENT FOR saleJ Minelab Eureka Gold Metal Dectector & Life SiXe Bobcat Mount Call Brad 605-641-2786 JOHN DEERE MODEL A TRACTOR, 45W Loader, 2 Buckets & DoXer Blade. New Hydraulic Cylinders. FORD 5’ ROTARY MOWER, 3PT. 605-8922312 517 WANTED TO BUY - MISC 700 ATVS WANTED - OLD ROOF STEEL, will haul. 605641-1930. Thursday, August 12, 2010 2005 KAWASAKI PRAIRIE. 360 4x4. Almost new. 100 hours. $4300. 605-641-1248 701 MOTORCYCLES 1975 NORTON 850 COMMANDO, Black, electric start, complete professional rebuild. Like Newf Call Jim 605-9208877 at Chubby Chipmunk in Deadwood. 1978 HONDA GL 1000. Runs good. $1550 OBO. Have other bikes. Call 605-645-1625 1981 HD FgE, Shovelhead, converted to wide glide. Extra parts. Estate Sale, time to let go. $6500. OBO. 605-892-3693 1995 KAWASAKI 750 Vulcan. 5700 miles. Excellent condition. $2200. Call evenings. 605-642-7503 1998 HARLEY DAVIDSON. Road`STR. SoftTail. Has saddle bags. Low mileage. Must see. Call 605-645-0220 1999 HARLEY DAVIDSON FgDg. Black, 6000 miles, perfect condition. Located in Spearfish $9000. 605-639-3194 2000 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 883 hugger. 6000 miles. Excellent condition. $6000. 605-641-0548 2002 HONDA GOLDWING, 15,000 miles, $10,700. 2007 YAMAHA RHINO, 1,500 miles, comes with snow blade and wench, $8,400. 605584-9085. 2004 BMW R11sor. 16,500 miles. New back tire. Runs great. In good condition. $5000 OBO. Call 605-569-1843 ask for Neil 2005 YAMAHA FZ1, blue, 1000cc, 2500 mi, VGC, in St. Onge. $4900. HM 605-7220701, cell 605-569-0283 2008 YAMAHA VINO 125 SCOOTER. Clean, Low Miles, 89 MPGfff $2,000. Call 641-8218 2006 YAMAHA TTR 50. Electric Start. Used very very little. Like new condition, for much less than new price. $875. 605-641-1124 d92 SPRINGER SOFTTAIL S&S top end. Wide tire kit. Lots of extras. $11,000. 605-423-8130, or 605-490-8910 2007 HONDA SHADOW Spirit 750. 2,400 miles. Vance-Hines pipes and Dynoiet kit. Black, Red Flames. Warranty, Service transferable. $6200 605-641-4385 Great Value, Ride it to Sturgisff HONDA GOLDWING 1986 Model, Aspencade GL 1200. ONLY 70,000 miles. Black with lots of chrome. Good Tires. $3000 OBO. 605-6457012 2007 SPORTSTER gL LOW, less than 500 miles, detachable windshield, have highway bars, new saddlebags, $7,400, 605-641-4288. 2007 YAMAHA V-STAR 1300 motorcyclej 5000 milesj excellent conditionj $8500 OBO. includes side bags and 2 helmets. 605-490-0944 702 SNOWMOBILES 2001 POLARIS LIBERTY 500 RMK li^uid, 136x1.5 track, in great shape, 3,400 miles, adult owned, no damage, $2,250, 651-4910936 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector 705 CAMPERS & TOPPERS FOR SALEJ FIFTH WHEEL TRAILER, as is. $2800. Call 605-6411865. 706 MOTOR HOMES & RV’S FOR SALEJ d74 DODGE 19’ Sportsman Motor Home. Air & generator, sleeps 6. Good Condition. $3,000 OBO. 605-642-5716, leave message. 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 05 CHEVY Malibu 59,000 miles, excelent condition $5900. Call (605)722-0326 or leave message 1963 FORD F100, 302, canary yellow, garaged, $5,500 firm. 605-5805775. 1993 FORD TEMP GL. runs good, body good, $800. Needs minor work. Call 605-6391171 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 POLLARD ONE WAY SERVICE PROS General Contractor Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service Brad Pollard Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces 21088 US Hwy. 385 Deadwood, SD 57732 Always accepting new customers! 722-8101 or 578-7795 605-578-2057 ONE WAY... THE RIGHT WAY Licensed/Insured CS Painting Residential / Commercial Interior / Exterior Log Home & Deck Restoration Sheet Rock & Exterior Window Repair BIG CREW ON HAND FOR: • Roofing • Siding • Cement • Home Building Jeff Storhaug cell 605-641-3619 Spearfish Property Management & Apartment Maintenance Real Estate Agents Anytime, Day or Night, Weekends Available Year Round “One Job at a Time from Start to Finish!” Call Conner Sheets at: 605-499-9737 Licensed & Insured • Locally Owned & Operated Servicing the Black Hills 807 LAZELLE ST, STURGIS, SD 57785 Bob Lambert Construction Licensed • Insured & Chrissy Blair Spearfish Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD QUINN’S PAINTING & REPAIR • New Construction • Steel Buildings • Concrete • Additions • Remodeling • QUALITY GUARANTEED • 605-641-7958 (cell) 605-722-5466 (home) Dan 642-2197, 641-1954 Tom 642-2477, 641-6923 L ICENSED - I NSURED R EFERENCES I NTERIOR - E XTERIOR N EW C ARPENTRY R EMODEL - R EPAIR After hours call 722-8101 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE !""#$ %&'&%($ %E*+E, -$.//01$2$s4ee.1$ma89a:1 098s$;//.$<=>?@??@ A?>B A2>B-!2C -??!$ H*(OV$ (D@ Ve4e8.aR:e$ ;//.$ Ja0@ F/Pe0$ /4ti/8s1$ 8ePe0 ti0es1$ -C$ m4;@ Te:/P R//S$ at$ <#???$ /0$ &T&@ A?>B=--B-A"2 !""2$DE*+E*'$%&F(G HI@ *eJe8t$ t0a8smisB si/8$ M:9sN$ a8.$ Mi::@ OeP Nea.$ :i;Nts1$ 8eP Qi8te0M/0Je$ ti0es@ OeP R0aSes@ <!=">$ &T& A?>B"-?B?2!A !""C$+U*'I,E*$+&OB +&*VE1$ WA1$ #@-$ :ite0 e8;i8e1$ .e4e8.aR:e <#1>??@??@ +a::$ A?>B #C!B-#=!"""$IB!?$,I$1$>$I4ee.1 "CS$ Di:es1$ #0.$ V//01 *QV1$ $ <2-??$ #?=B-C#B -"?A -???$ +&*WE%%E$ 'E,B ,&Q1$ EXJe4ti/8a: 2?1>??$mi@ A$s4ee.$>@=, WBC$ +N0/me$ Y$ &0i;@ PNee:s$%P/$t/4s$!-$.isJ T/se@ <!C1>??@ A?>B A2!B"??# -???$ D&O%E$ +(*,& II@ C?1???$ mi:es@ (::B :eatNe0@ #C??$ZA1$FQV@ EXJe::e8t$ J/8.iti/8@ <=-??$ $ $ $ $ A?>BA22B ?=>C “RUN IT ‘TIL IT SELLS” Buy a classified in our auto section and we’ll run it in the Black Hills Pioneer & Weekly Prospector until it sells! -??-$ +UEW*&,E% D(,\TE$ !-=S1$ J:ea81 8eP$ ti0es1$ 8eP$ 0/t/0s1 <#1???@??$ A?>BA2>B A>=C@ Only Applies only to Cars, Pickups, SUVs, Vans & Motorcycles & 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, 642-2761 • 7 S. Main, Lead, 584-2302 or 1719 W. Main St., Suite 207, Rapid City, 341-0086 -??#$ +(V\,,(+$ VEWB \,,E$ ;//.$ J/8.iti/81 8eP$ ti0es1$ ma8`$ eXt0aas <>"??@@ +a::$ A?>B-!?B 2-#>$ -??A$ D\%IET\IU\ E+,\FIE$ H%1$ 2#1??? mi:es1$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ABs4ee. :eatNe01$ :/a.e.@ <!>1#??@ A?>BA2!B!-2C 25 $ up to 20 words -??-$ WQ$ ]E%%($ H,I1 A#^$ mi:es1$ a9t/1$ s98 0//M1$ 8eP$ R0aSes1$ ;0eat /8$s8/P1$2?_$DFH1$Pe:: mai8tai8e.1$ <"1>??@ A?>B>C?B???A -??#$ U&OV($ (++&*V EbB:eatNe01$ mi8t$ i8te0i/0 Y$ eXte0i/01$ s/:i.1$ /8:` =!1???$ mi:es1$ <!!1"?? /0$0eas/8aR:e$/MMe01$A?>B >2>B2>>>@ Page 17 Classified Ad Form $ Category: Name: Phone: ( Address: City/State: Credit Card#: Exp. Date: Signature: Payment Must Accompany Ad - No Businesses Please! AD RUNS 8 WEEKS AT A TIME. MUST CALL TO RENEW! PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY AD. NO BUSINESSES PLEASE! Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Geri Riggs Sturgis Ad Sales 605-578-1146 605-642-2761 fax 605-642-9060 geri@bhpioneer.com PEDERSON HARDWOOD FLOORS • • • • installation repair refinishing tile & more for a FREE Estimate call Justin 605-578-1089 STONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY NOW OPEN! Offering a wide variety of landscaping rock. Also flagstone and slate for patios and walkways. STONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 4029 E. Colorado Blvd., Spearfish 605-717-7745 • Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9am-6pm Rent Me! Rent Me! ) +a::$642-2761 or 584-2303 PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE & PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PROJECTS MERLE’S LANDSCAPING & YARD SERVICE a#e Total Lawn Care Maintenance !s#i%e)) SPRING PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL (e c$F/Pe0$*aSi8;$c$(e0ati8; LANDSCAPING c$I/.$,a`i8;$c$Iee.i8;$OeP$,aP8s c$(8.$2BIte4$%90M$F:9s$F:a8 c$\8sta::$Y$Vesi;8$I40i8S:e0$I`stems (computerized imaging & Design) PROJECTS OLD & NEW! LEAD • DEADWOOD • SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • STURGIS 1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111 South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD I-90 Exit 14 • 3125 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783 nhauto@rushmore.com Ph. 605.722.0537 Cell 605.645.1349 Fax 605.722.0580 Mark’s Barber & Style Shop Old School Barber Shop 38 Years of Service, Father & Son Owned. 2 Chairs, 3 Barbers 2 00 $ OFF 114 W. Hudson St. Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 642-8603 Flatwork ETC Concrete Construction Slabs, Foundations, Dyes, Stains, Stamps, Exposed Call Carson: 605-642-2484 or 307-257-3014 flatworketc@yahoo.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 18 Thursday, August 12, 2010 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 751 VANS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE !""# %&'() *+,L& L(. /rea3 condi3ion, charcoa; <re=. #>,""" ?i;es. AB,C!D &E& ca;; F"#G#B"G>BF> !""H O&'(`+* /# >",""" ?i;es, <rea3 conG di3ion. &ns3ar, M? radio capa];e >"SG!DSG>CHD, asR for Sco33 I&, S+L)a CBHD /%* C 3on foXrGwhee; drice. A>,D"". CB#D /%* >PF 3on foXrGwhee; drice. AC,!"". &E& #"DG#FDG F"CH CBBH *Y)Z EL+T),. Fdr, Fwd, C#",""" ?i;es. Ue;; cared for. A>#D". *a;; ,ichard #"DGBFCG CB#F I&, S+L) G !""C /,+'D +%. !Gdoor, sXnroof, BS,""" ?i;es. A#,""" &E&. #"DG#FCG FF>D. CBF# f,)EK`LD (`(L)g Ui;;=s heep, hard CP! 3op, drice ;ine re]Xi;3 F =ears a<o, ]od= roX<h condi3ion, A!,D""."" #"DGS!!GF"#S, #"DG#>BG BCD#. CBSH I&,D ICD" FMF SXperca]. A>!BD #"DG FB"GBCF> !""H I&,D I&*KSG S)S CH,""" ?i;es. )Mce;;en3 condi3ionN Loaded, S=nc, %O>P# disc *D chan<er, F c=;. !DG>" ?p<N +sRin< ACS,""". *assie, #"DG #FCG"C!C, +aron, #"DG #FCG"HDF !""! *Y)\Z \)'(K,). SD,""" ?i;es, OU, Re=G ;ess en3r=, *D s3ereo. ,ear hea3 & air. Sea3s S. +sRin< AD,""". #"DGHB!G >"CC, #"DG!C"G!BBC !""H %+TD+ >, CF,""" %i;es Knder Uarran3= E;acR, %oon ,oof, Oower LocRs, Oower Uindows, *D *han<er, %anXa; ACD,""" &E& #"DG#FCGF"D! UYZ EKZ ')U[ !""H Yonda +ccord Sedan, !B,""" &ne owner ?i;es. \G#, ?=s3ic <reen, ];acR ;ea3her. ^% ,adio, # disc *D chan<er, eM3ended fac3or= & power 3rain warran3=. 'ew 3ires, fac3or= eM3ras. )Mce;;en3 condi3ion. '+D+ re3ai; A!!,B""."", se;; for ACB,D""."". #"DG S!!GHCD" I&, S+L)a b"# *hec= `?pa;a. )Mce;;en3 *ondi3ion. #B,""" ?i;es. Oower windows, and ;ocRs. *an 3aRe f;eM fXe;. AB,F"". #"DG#FDGCBS" 751 VANS FOR SALE CBBD /%* \+' Loaded, in <ood condi3ion. C>#R. >"SG#H"G"DH" !""C I&,D U`'DS(+, SO&,(. BD,""" ?i;es. Lo3s of eM3ras. Orice Ee;ow E;Xe EooR. *;ean, and rXns <rea3. A>,H"". #"DGHB!G#HSS !""> I&,D U`'DS(+, L^. CB",""" ?i;es. ,Xns eMce;;en3. A!B"" &E& #"DG#FCGFFHH I&, S+L)a CBB# OLZG %&K(Y \&Z+/), \+'. HS,""" ?i;es. )Mce;;en3 ?echanica; condi3ion. 'ew ]a33er=, <ood 3ires. Lo3s of cheap ?i;es. ;ef3 on cehic;e. #"DG#F!G>!CS. I&, S+L)a SY+U' IK'deS CBHD U)S(G I+L`+ \+'&/+' is now for sa;e. `3 needs a <ood ho?e. Orice has redXced 3o A>,D"". \an fea3Xres pop Xp ca?per and is in <ood condi3ion. CS#,#"" ?i;es. *a;; ,on a3 #"DGDH"GDF"B CBDS D&D/), F UD, dUC"", AC,B"" &E&. #"DGDSHGC>#C. CBSF *Y)\Z D,+/ (,K*d. CBF" Iord ! door Sedan s3ree3 rod. %Xch ?ore 3o ;ooR a3. >D" (Xr]o (rans?ission. #"DG#FCG!">" CBHF I&,D ICD", wi3h new D3h whee; hi3ch. CBH! >De Ui;derness D3h whee;, ]o3h need worR. AF""" &E&. #"DGHB!G >#B> 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE CBBD I&,D ICD" ^L(. )M3ended ca], FMF, wP3opper. /ood condiG 3ion. 'ew 3ires. AF,HSD #"DGS!!GS>"! b"> I&,D ,+'/),, Fdoor ca], )d<e pR<, c# ;oaded, has ]od= da?G a<e, H",""" ?i;es AH""". *a;; CGF"#GSFBG "S!D or CGF"#GBDCG !D"B. CBBS I&,D IG>D" ^L( crewca], powers3roRe, ;on< ]oM, aX3o, a;XG ?inX? whee;s, Drices eMce;;en3 rea;;= c;ean, no rXs3. !"#,""" ?i;es. AH,BBD. #"DG#FCGCC!F !""C I&,D ,+'/), FMF CC",""" ?i;es F."L D speed. %a3chin< 3opG per AD!"" <ood condiG 3ion #"DG#FDGBDFC !""! IFD" FMF, *,)UG *+E S.> diese;. C!>,""" ?i;es. C!e f;a3]ed. /ood shape. ACC,""". >"SG #F>G!C#! !""> I&,D ICD". I^F, crew ca]. C"B,D"" ?i;es. ,o;;GXp ]ed cocer, <ood 3ires, c;ean 3rXcR. +sRin< C!,B"" &E& hoe #"DG #FDGHBDB !""H *Y)\Z *&LG &,+D&, eM3ended ca]. C#R, ];acR, air, power ;ocRs, windows, sXnroof. EoM ;iner. (ow pacRa<e. /ara<ed. ACB,BBD. #"DG SHSGD>"" bBB *Y)\Z !D"" crewG ca]. B"R, FDF chipped, sXper ;if3. *ow;GindXc3ion hood, R&nGin3aRe. HD"";]. ,a?se= Uinch. AH,""" or 3rade. #"DG #FDG!!SC I&, S+L)a !""C D&D/) ,+% CD"" !MF. %i;ea<e CF",""". /rea3 shape, rXns <rea3. A>CD". \er= <ood 3ires. #"DGSCSG!>## `%%+*KL+() !""F /%* S`),,+ SL(, !D"" YD, F whee; drice, eM3ended ca], #.! ;i3er, DS,D"" ori<ina; ?i;es, new %iche;in 3ires, F eM3ra snow 3ires and whee;s, chro?e eM3ras, ocer C,""" Xnder '+D+ a3 AC#,D"". #"DGS!!G HCD" !""S h))O L`E),(Z. Uhi3e, pw, p], p;, ps. 'ew 3ires, hw= ?i;es. \er= c;ean. AC!,!D" &E& #"DG#FDGC#!D 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE (U& `'(),'+(`&'+L S*&K(S, AD"" for ]o3h, in3erchan<ea];e par3sa C!Dcc Oi3 ]iRe A!D"j Dir3 ]iRe, ;o3s of eM3ras A>,""". Ees3 offer on an= i3e?s. #"DGDBCG BSHD CBBS *Y)\Z EL+TG ),. ! Door. FMF. Lea3her sea3s, ?oon roof, *D p;a=er. CS",""" ?i;es. S3i;; rXns <ood. A>F"". hohn, #"DG#H"G!HCD. Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector This Space For Rent! Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 ★ ROOFING ★ CONCRETE ★ REMODELING ★ ALL PHASES ★ GARAGES ★ POLE BARNS ★ ADDITIONS Pha e Electric Inc. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DEAN L. WEIS Manager - Owner PO Box 669 Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 642-9693 Fax 642-5757 !""F *Y)\,&L)( SKEK,E+', CD"" Spor3 K3i;i3=, power winG dowsP;ocRs, new 3ires, >rd sea3 wPrear air, CCDR ?i;es. \er= c;ean, ACC,""" #"DGDH"G!F!D bHS I&,D E,&'*&. ,es3ored and cXsG 3o?iied. %Xs3 see in Spearfish. )Mce;;en3 condi3ion. AS""" &E&. #"DGHB"GCH"> S)) Y)+\Z (,K*dS I&, S+L) &' (Y) ')^( O+/)N Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 COLOR MYSTIQUE Your One-Stop Clean-Up Shop! Painting Jobs k *o?p;e3e `n3erior *;eanGKp k Sha?poo wi3h Sco3ch /Xard acai;a];e k Yand Uash & UaMin<PEXffin< k ,ocR *hip & Li<h3 Scra3ch ,epair k (ar ,e?oca; k S3ea? *;ean )n<ines Free Estimates - Large & Small Jobs Black Hills Painting FREE ESTIMATES • Gift Certificates 3316 E. Fairgrounds Lp • 605-642-2344 45ears of 67perience8 605-568-0268 605-210-0087 *e;; #CS S3a3e S3ree3, Ee;;e IoXrche, SD DSSCS tntt.kinter@hotmail.com Sharon Mason Lead-Deadwood, Whitewood Ad Representative (605) 584-2303 7 South Main, Lead, SD R & D CONSTRUCTION Licensed in Lead, Dead,ood & Spearfish ROGER THOMAS (605) 584-2701 or 580-1562 605-430-1780 To make an appointment, please call (605) 381-9296 or (605) 641-0935 watson.photography@yahoo.com NOW SERVING YOUR AREA! Bulk & Restaurant Quality Foods to Perk Up Your Pantry! No Job Is ! Too Small *oncre3e Sidewa;Rs & I;a3worR k 'ew *ons3rXc3ion ,epair & ,e?ode;in< (Across from Midcontinent) 605-642-0562 Specializing in Portraits with Personality & !o# %in(er >CD" F3h +ce., Spearfish, SD View a current catalog at www.alisonspantry.com Call your local representative for a catalog and to place your order. Spearfish & Lead/Deadwood: ......Erica Brengle 605-639-0404 Belle Fourche: ................................Janice Melanson 605-642-7194 and Nancy Cole 605-723-3444 Sturgis: ............................................Berniece Duprel 605-490-2062 Call Sheri at 1-800-574-6036 to become a representative in your area. Andy’s Trail Rides • Horseback Rides • Cattle Drives • Camping & Fishing Trips Reservations Recommended 605-645-2211 11186 Deer Mountain Road Lead, SD www.andystrailrides.com BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 754 HEAVY TRUCKS 2001 FREIGHT LINER FL70, Cat Motor, 6 Speed, 90,000 Miles, 22? Flatbed, Good Truck, 25,500 GVW, $12,500, 307-643-2162 in Beulah. CRANE TRUCK FORD F800, 189U wb, crane is a National Series 200 605-206-0289 759 AUTO ACCESSORIES 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR SALE: ALPINE Deck. Includes 6 Disc Changer, 5 1/4 Speakers with Tweeters, 2 Alpine V12 Amps, Boston acoustic 4x7?s and Boston acoustic Sub. $1000 OBO. Call 645-1849 and leave message. 1970 MERCURW COUGAR rebuilt 351c. FMX trans. 90k miles. New tires, exhaust fuel system. $7,000 Make offer. 307-896-3202 PRICE REDUCED: 1973 CORVETTE STINGRAW 350, 4 speed. 1973 Corvette Wellow in color. T-Tops. $21,000. Call 605-6422344 days, 605-6427833 evenings. 1 & 2 BEDROOM, Furnished and Unfurnished. Lead. Call 605-920-1457 Leave Name & Phone #. 3 BEDROOM apts near college. $675. No smoking, No pets. Laundry in building 605-722-7569. CANWON ESTATES Apartments in Spearfish, now has 2 bedroom apartments available. Nicely landscaped, play area, off street parking, laundry facilities. Some units newley remodeled. Call 605-642-7400 for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. REDUCED PRICE. 2 12U bL AUDIO Subs in ported box, 2 900w Rockford Amps, Kenwood and Sony receivers. $500 OBO. 605-645-2658 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE ENCLOSED MOTORCWCLE TRAILER, 2004 HAULMARK. 8x14 tandem wheels, drop rear door, excellent condition. $4,600/offer. 605-5532210. 760 AUTOS WANTED WILL HAUL WOUR bUNK VEHICLES FREE. Must Have Title & Tires. Also Will Haul Wour bunk - Price Negotiable. Call 605580-1063. FOR SALE: 2010 Enclosed Trailer, 7?x14?. $5,400. Please call 605641-1865. 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS MOTORCWCLE TRAILER FOR SALE. 605641-1865 1956 PONTIAC 4 door station wagon, curved rear windows. Doesn?t run, but very re-storeable. No rust, complete. 605-576-3230 WOU CAN EMAIL WOUR NEW CLASSIFIEDS TO classifieds@bhpioneer.c om! Page 19 f1973U MUSTANG COUPE. All refurbished. 2 owner car. Must see to appreciate. Call 605559-0247 leave message. Last of the fClassicsU. 1976 bEEP Cb7, Red, Hard Top. 6 cyl-Auto FT 4-wheel with guadratrac. Fresh Motor. First $5900 takes it! 605-6422344 days, 605-6427833 evenings/weekends FOR SALE: 1929 Ford AA truck. Good condition. New radiator. $4500. (605) 6399888. bEEP LAREDO, 1986, Last of WWII type, white/gold, all accessories, automatic, all documents, 91,800 original miles, $10K, 605347-6071 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 BED 1 BATH, 605 1/2 Main Street, Spearfish. $400/mo. $400 deposit. No smoking/pets. bason, 605-642-4607 Century 21, Spearfish Realty. Summit View & Heritage Apartments NEWLY REMODELED Very nice 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Belle Fourche. Some utilities included. For further information call: 723-8000. 1 BEDROOM, LEAD, nice, dishwasher, washer, dryer, cable, utilities included, $600 month, year lease, no smoking, no pets. Call 605-6411930. ATTRACTIVE 2 and 3 bedroom apartments and mobile homes in central Spearfish. Low utilitiesk washer/dryerk $600 - 700 605-7227240. 1-2-3 BEDROOM APTS. Visit Our Website: HelpU-Rent.net Or Call 605722-RENT. ATTRACTIVE, economicstudio, 1,2,3,4,5 bedroom apartments, houses, mobile homes in Spearfish, Lead, Deadwood. 605-722-7240 3 BR/1 BATH Garden Level Apt in Belle Fourche $625. Lg. Window/Lots of Light Close to park/Rec Center/Bike Path No pets. No smoking. See photos on SD Craigslist. 710 Lawrence Street. 605-645-7753 AVAILABLE NOW! $450/mo. 130 E. Illinois, one block from Main. Large 1BR, includes cable and storage. Wou pay electric only. No pets, no smoking. 12 mo. lease, good credit only. Midwest Property Management 605-641-1026. ATTRACTIVE 1-2 bedroom flats, central D e a d w o o d , washer/dryer provided, low utilities, great views etc, $500-$600 605-6410789 CENTRAL CITW, SMALL 2 bedroom, furnished apartment, includes cable, wifi & heat. Private patio. $395/month. 605-7178513. Danielle Osloond Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD AIRPORT EXPRESS SHUTTLE Powers Rapid City • Mt. Rushmore Spearfish • Black Hills Custer • Sturgis • Deadwood Remodeling Decks Driveways Siding Roofing BILL POWERS Rapid City, SD (605) 399-9999 Outside Rapid City 1-800-357-9998 www.rapidshuttle.com Construction 605-722-3122 605-206-1348 Schmidt Construction +,- ./"&0 E23/&4/(5/ 4( • Basements • Foundations • Driveways • Patios • Sidewalks L45/(0/7 8 I(0*&/7 605-584-1004 605-641-6124 Receive a COMPLIMENTARY COPY of :;/ B#"5< =4##0 P4'(//& +,./012/-3 4500666 when you have your pimma delivered from Pimma Lab in Central City or Pimma Ranch in Spearfish! 2625 E. Colorado Blvd. • Spearfish 642-4422 COTTAGE TO RENT, walk to BHSU. Furnished kitchenette, all utilities PAID. Free cable TV/Wireless. gueen bed or two full beds. No Pets, Nonsmoking. Prorated 8.5 month lease only. August 30th move in. Single $550.00/month, Double $600.00/month. Deposit $220.00. ORCHARD CREEK COTTAGES, 514 Mason Street, Spearfish. 605-642-4234. Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector & CLEAN 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS located in Spearfish.(1) 2 Bedroom is Wheel-chair Accessible. Available Now. Rent Based On Income. For More Information call 605645-8933 Equal Housing Opportunity. 124 Hwy. 14A • Central City 578-9933 GENTRY FINANCE We Want To Make You A Loan! CALL TODAY! (605) 723-8425 2398 5th Ave. #104 • Belle Fourche, SD Money when you need it most! Robert Crane GEICO Field Representative Licensed in South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana 1575 LaCrosse Street, Suite A Rapid City, SD 57701 Telephone: (605) 348-6060 Fax: (605) 342-9318 Claims: 1-800-841-3000 Rcrane@geico.com Aaron’s Handyman Services • Snow Removal • Furniture Moving • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel • Egress Windows • Concrete • Decks • Roofing • Plumbing • Garages • Painting • Repairs • Tree Trimming and Cleanups !"## %"&'( B&"*( (605) 642-5874 FREE DROP IN BELLE! • All Paper • Cardboard • Aluminum Cans Commercial Dumpsters Appliance Pickup Lazy B Ent. since 2002 www.blackhills.com/recycle 605-722-1807 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 20 Thursday, August 12, 2010 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 804 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 805 HOMES FOR RENT 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS 813 RALLY RENTALS 904 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE DEADWOOD TWO and Three Bedroom Apartments For Rent, On site parking and laundry, walking distance to Main Street. To pick up an application stop at NeighborWorks Dakota Home Resources at 795 Main Street, Deadwood or call 605-578-1401. Equal Housing Opportunity. BELLE FOURCHE, TWO BEDROOM, with all appliances. Nice shady yard, quiet neighborhood V470/month includes water, sewage ] garbage. 605-8922277. IN SPEARFISH - 5 Bedroom, 3 Bath Home with 2 car garage. Fenced yard. V1,000/month. One year lease with good credit ONLY. No Smoking. Call Midwest Property Management. 605-6411026. LARGE A-1 location, prime corner office building. Desirable neighbors. Available June 1. Midwest Property Management 605-641-1026. CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN SPEARFISH LOCATION. 12 Room Motel, Recently Updated. 1-800-4230757 LOT FOR SALE: Wooded creek side .23 acre interior lot located incity limits of Deadwood. Has street access, city utilities, great views, quiet neighborhood and nice neighbors. In walking distance of downtown. Nice building site. 6 Sampson Street, Deadwood Call 6 0 5 - 5 8 0 - 0 5 9 6 V44,999.00. GOOD LOCATION BY LEAD Schools, small but clean and cute. 2 Bedrooms, No Pets. V425/month plus utilities. 605-584-2667. IRON RIDGE ESTATES has Upcoming openings for 2, 3 and 4 bedroom Starting at V750. Cable tv free. Swimming pool, hot tub and fitness room. No smoking. Pet considered with references. 605-641-2068. www.ironridgeestates.co m LEAD: 2 BR 1 BA. Two units available August. 332 Main Street, level, sunny location. V400/mo. No pets/no smoking. 12 mo. lease with good credit only. Midwest Property Management, 605-6411026. NEWLY REMODELED One bedroom apartment in Lead. Right off of Main Street. 600 Square Feet, hardwood floors, 9 foot ceilings, Fresh paint ] new appliances. V375.00 month ^ V375.00 deposit and 1 YEAR LEASE. NO PETS Call Bob, 605580-0064 STUDIO APARTMENTS in Spearfish. utilities paid. No pets/no smoking. V250.-V300. per month. The Real Estate Rental Center. 605-7175555 801 ROOMS FOR RENT TONY’S MOTEL. Completely Furnished, Ready to Move in, Kitchenettes. Rent by Day, Week Or Month. Cable, Color TV. Cleaned Weekly. Reasonable Rates. (605 )269-2501 Whitewood SD. 802 TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT dSANDSTONE TOWNHOME 5 bedroom, 3 bath. Over 2200 square feet unit. Includes all appliances, yard care, central air, 2 stall attached garage, and much more. V1295. Call Polly at 605-645-2331 or Todd at 605-7171111 805 HOMES FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN Spearfish, 2 bedroom house, 3 bedrooms trailer, 4 bedroom apartment in Belle Fourche. 605-210-3419 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Located in Spearfish . Water, sewer, garbage ] storage shed included. V900/month plus deposit and Utilities. 605-6459199 3 BEDROOM SPEARFISH HOUSE, washer/dryer, dishwasher, 2 car garage, shed and deck. Non S m o k i n g . V1,100.00/month. 605722-7569. 3 BEDROOM, ONE BATH home in Spearfish. All appliances, central air, has xlarge heated garage w/shop. Close to hospital, university and schools. call 605-6419212 3BD/1BA, extra large master, living, and kitchen, W/D Hookups, great condition, V900/mth, Spearfish, available August 1, NP/NS, Hart Homes 605-641-5679. 4 BEDROOM 1.5 BATH. Large yard and basement. V850/mo. ^ lease. 415 North 8th Ave. BF 605-722-7368 5 BEDROOM, 3 1/2 bath. Nice home in Spearfish. V1225/mo. 605-431-2477 FOR RENT: 4 bedroom house in Spearfish, on Creek near University. Fully furnished. Available: Labor day to June 1. 4/ba, hot tub with gazebo. Double attached garage. Large fenced yard. No smoking, no pets. References required. V995/mo. 954648-8699 NEAR BHSU 5 BEDROOM, 3 Bath House. Central air, Students welcome. Available August 30th. V1,100.00 per month plus deposit. No Pets. 605-641-9854 or 605-722-3263/message. NICE FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD, Spearfish location. 2BR, 1BA home. 2 sheds, nice yard. V675/mo. No smoking. 12 mo. lease, good credit only. Midwest Property Management 605-6411026. One Plus BEDROOM, Newly Renovated in Belle Fourche, walk in closet. One car garage. Nice yard. V555/month plus utilities and deposit. 605-209-2825 or 605342-7600 ask for Sherry ext. 17. 806 ROOMMATES WANTED ROOMATE WANTED: 231 W. NEVADS STREET in Spearfish. Close to BHSU. V450/month. Includes all utilities, cable and washer/dryer use. Call Jamie for more details. 605641-1339 ROOMMATE WANTED: FULLY FURNISHED, Washer/Dryer, Bedroom w/private bath, off street parking. Creek on property, located in Spearfish. Call Alexandra at 605-4157500. 808 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT MOUNTAIN SHADOWS ESTATES in Spearfish Has Large Mobile Home Lots Available for Rent. No Dogs Allowed. (605)642-4764. 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS FOUR BEDROOM, two bath House, 2 car garage, appliances included. Utilities not included. V1,200/month. 524 7th Street, Spearfish. 605-641-2463. DENTAL, MEDICAL, Physical Theraphy and or OFFICE SPACE for rent. In Belle Fourche call 605-723-7654. HOME ON 5 ACRES FOR RENT, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, office detached 2 car garage. 2 miles from fishing, 5 miles to Belle Fourche. Horses Possible. References ] lease required. 605-6451637 or 605-564-4654. FAIRGROUNDS LOOP Industrial Park: 30h30 unit V400/month, Heated, private bathrooms, overhead doors, easy access. Call Jason at Century 21 Spearfish Realty, Inc. 605-6424607. PRIME OFFICE/RETAIL space available. 3,000 sq. ft. just like new with great storefront exposure. New paint, carpet, flooring. Kitchen, 2 bathrooms. State Street, Belle Fourche. V750 per month with lease. Rick Tysdal 605-641-1030 broker owned. 810 GARAGES & STORAGE ddSTORAGE UNITSdd 7 1/2x 10, 10 x15, 10x24, 12x30 Concrete Floors, All Asphalt Driveways, Good Snow Removal. Best rates in Spearfish. 605-641-6350. ddSTORAGE UNITSdd. Competitive Rates, 22x30, 11x30, 11x20, 11x15, 11x10, 5x11. Call Northview Storage at (605)642-8126. 10x26, 10x24, 10x12 STORAGE UNITS. Concrete Floor. Valley Storage. (605)642-3782, 605-645-2880. 5x7, 8x10, 10x10, 10x24, 12x30. Concrete floors, Black topped drive ways. Located behind Safeway- Stow Away Storage- 605-6422869 or 605-645-2152. DEADWOOD STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE NOW CONVENIENTLY LOCATED . VARIOUS SIjES. Claim Jumpers Storage. 605-578-1097 LOWEST PRICE STORAGE UNITS. Incentives! We’ll move your items for you! Midwest Property Management 605-6411026. NEW STORAGE UNITS off Exit 8. Gated, keypad, entry, concrete floors, asphalt driveways, Great rates. Storage at the Reserve. 605-639-1833 SEPTEMBER RENT FREE! Whitewood Storage. 26 new units. Various sizes. Call 605269-2123 WHITEWOOD STORAGE NEW UNITS. Various sizes. Low prices. Outside parking available. 605-269-2123 813 RALLY RENTALS CABIN FOR RENT, in Spearfish Canyon, on creek. Sleeps 8. Daily or weekly rate. 2 bathrooms. Large yard. 605892-5376. 814 VACATION RENTALS BLACK HILLS VACATION CABINS...Choice locations in the Northern Hills. All year availability. See properties at www.blackhillsvacationcabins.comCall 605920-1269 or 605-5781184 for reservations. email jodyl mollmanmyahoo.com 900 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE: 122 Washington street. Super clean. 3 Large Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Finished Basement, Tons of Storage. Over 2,000 sq. ft. Excellent Location Low Association Fees. V176,000. Call 605-6413250 or 605-641-4602. 902 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1984 16 h 80 4 BEDROOM 2 Bath trailer in a rented lot in Spearfish. Asking V24,500 obo. Call 605-717-4546. 903 HOMES FOR SALE CUSTOM LOG-SIDED home, built 2004, 2900 Sq Ft, 5 bedroom, 2 bath, 10^ acres, 30h42 shop. Sturgis area. 605423-8130 or 605-4908910. SMALL 800 Sq. Ft. Lead, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, remodeled throughout, flat lot, offstreet parking, V100K. Contract with 10n down. 651-491-0936. SPEARFISH HOME with 1 acre and creek. Versatile: currently owners’ plus 2 apartments. See at ForSaleByOwner.com or rushnomoreatrushmoremgmail.com for info. 904 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE 52.9 ACRES OF SECLUDED beautiful land in the Black Hills. No covenants. Possible seller financing. Buy together or will sell in 5 mineral survey lots. Also MOTEL in KEYSTONE and GREAT 3 ACRE LOT in Sturgis. DELORES GLOVER EhIT REALTY 605-6414240 SINGLE FAMILY, Duplex, Multi-family Commercial lots, 50 Acre Horse Property. Prices start at V34,000. Located in Spearfish ] Belle Fourche. Call Chris Pangburn 605-645-9985 or Joe Jorgensen 605645-0048. Jorgensen Reality, Spearfish. Broker Owned. STATEWIDES WE ARE A caring couple wishing to adopt a newborn baby to love and cherish. Happy, stable home, much love, expenses paid. Walt/Gina: 1-800-3156957. ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS statewide for only V150.00. Put the South Dakota Statewide Classifieds Network to work for you today! (25 words for V150. Each additional word V5.) Call this newspaper or 800658-3697 for details. NEED AUTO REPAIRSo New ] used vehicle coverage, 130,000 miles or less. Pays 100n of covered repairs. Rental car reimbursement. 24 hour roadside assistance. Towing coverage. Free quote 888-357-4417. LOOMIhp FEED SUPPLEMENTS is seeking dealers. Motivated individuals with cattle knowledge and community ties. Contact Kristi m 800-870-0356, kboenmloomix.com to find out if there is a dealership opportunity in your area. SHENANIGAN’S SPORTS BAR. Fully equipped with all licenses. Located in SD county seat. Terms for qualified buyers or possible trade. Call 605-949-1049. First Choice Real Estate, LLC, Milbank, SD. CUSTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL. Custer Clinic is accepting applications for full time LPNs or Licensed Medical Assistants. Salary based on experienceq includes excellent benefits. Contact Human Resources at 605-6732229 ext. 110 for more information or log onto www.regionalhealth.com to apply. EEOC/AA. STATEWIDES CUSTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL is accepting applications for Director of Nursing for Acute Care. Baccalaureate degree in nursing or related field is preferredq Must be licensed RN in South Dakota. Previous nursing management experience preferred. Excellent benefitsq salary based on experience. Contact Jason Petik 605-673-2229 ext. 109 or Joey Carlson 605-673-2229 ext. 110 for more information. Applications may be submitted on-line at www.regionalhealth.com . AA/EOE. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Spearfish, SD Clinical Site Supervisor. Oversee site operations. Masters in human services and rMHP required. Apply online: www.BehaviorManagem ent.ORG, 605-3437262. EOE. EhPERIENCED HELP WANTED. Steel building erectors, concrete finishers, and carpenters. Apply at Beck and Hofer Construction 618 E Maple Street Sioux Falls SD or staciembeckandhofer.com LOOKING FOR YEAR round employment with excellent benefitso Custer Regional Senior Care has full and part time Nursing Assistant positions available. Salary based on experience, previous nurse aide experience preferred but willing to provide training to the right applicant. Please contact Tracy Pulse 605673-2237 ext. 13 or Joey Carlson at 605-6732229 ext. 110 for more information. Applications must be submitted on line at www.rcrh.org. EEOC/AA. MISSIONARY MINDED, ELEMENTARY level Christian Educators wanted for service with Windswept Academy in Eagle Butte, South Dakota. Call 605-2000757 or email resume to officemanagermwindsw eptacademy.org. MYRL ] ROY’S PAVING, Sioux Falls largest paving contractor currently seeking experienced asphalt paver operator, finish roller operator, asphalt laborers, and distributor operator for work in Sioux Falls area. Competitive wages/benefits. Stop by the corner of Rice and N Bahnson Ave, Sioux Falls, call 605-334-3204. w w w. m y r l a n d r oy s p a v i n g . c o m . Women/minorities encouraged to apply. EEO/AA. Our Towns Page 21 Thursday, August 12, 2010 happenings@bhpioneer.com Free 'Ivory Fantasy' concert Aug. 12 B"LL" FO'RC*" — "Ivory Fantasy" is coming from Germany and will be playing a free concert at BC30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 12 at the Belle Fourche Area Community Center. The St. Petersburg, Russian native pianist Nina Martinez combines the best-known works of great masters of the last centuries with contemporary hits and would like to prove that "Classic music need not always be classical." Lawrence County Dems to meet Aug. 12 SP"ARFIS* — The Lawrence County Democratic party will meet at B p.m. Thursday, Aug. 12 at Democratic *eadVuarters, 611 North Main St. in Spearfish. Agenda items include event planning and candidate support. All Lawrence County party members are welcome. Biker breakfast served Through Aug.13 L"AD — The Trinity 'nited Methodist Church will be serving their 11th annual Biker Breakfast from B-11 a.m. through Aug. 13 at the Christian Ministry Center, B South Main St. They will be serving scrambled eggs, sausage, juice, coffee and all you can eat pancakes. "veryone welcome. Lord’s Cupboard closed for Rally Through Aug.13 L"AD — The LordYs Cupboard in Lead will be closed the week of the Rally, Aug. 9-13. BH Germans from Russia picnic Aug. 14 RAPID CITY — Black *ills Chapter Germans from Russia *eritage Society will hold its annual potluck picnic Saturday, Aug. 14 at Fairway *ills Party *ouse south of Rapid City. Parsons interested in heritage and history of the organization are invited to join the group for good food and fellowship. The chapter will furnish coffee iced tea, table service and cloths. Bring a dish to share. Party *ouse is located on Sheridan Lake road, past Serenity Spring Funeral *ome and Arrowhead County Club. For more information call Milt Kramer at 431-4322 or Del Beck at B1^-2603. NHTC hike Aug. 14 SP"ARFIS* — The Northern *ills Training Center *iking Club invites the community to join them in hiking the Rimrock Trail on Saturday, Aug. 14. This hike is 3.5 miles in length, is moderate in difficulty and will take about three hours. Anyone interested in this hike should meet at Northern *ills Training Center, 625 *arvard Street at 9 a.m. For more information, contact Josh McDonald at 920-^^90. Mrs. South Dakota America 2011 informational meeting Aug. 14 RAPID CITY — Kristi Ludwig, former Mrs. South Dakota America and current director of the Mrs. South Dakota America pageant, will be holding an informational meeting from 12C30-2C30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 14 at the Rapid City public library at 610 auincy St. The meeting is for anyone interested in entering the pageant. Mrs. America is the longest running and most prestigious pageant for married women in the country and is returning to national television for 2011, which is the 35th anniversary of Mrs. America. If you are unable to attend or would like more information please contact Kristi at b605c 334-0619. Brownsville biker breakfast Through Aug. 14 BROWNSeILL" — The Brownsville eolunteer Fire Department will be serving breakfast from B-11 a.m. through Aug. 14 at the fire hall, 300 yards west of highway 3^5 and Nemo Road. Donation amount is f6 per person and the menu includes biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage, homemade muffins and breads, orange juice and coffee. Rally breakfast in Belle Through Aug. 14 B"LL" FO'RC*" — There will be breakfast during the rally from B-10 a.m. through Saturday, Aug. 14 at the 'nited Methodist Church, 1^04 Bth Ave., in Belle Fourche. There is a f6.50 charge for the all you can eat breakfast. Rally breakfast in Spearfish Through Aug. 14 SP"ARFIS* — Spearfish Senior Center will be serving breakfasts from from B-11 a.m. thorugh Aug. 14. Menu items include a choice of pancakes, sausage and eggs or biscuits and sausage gravy with eggs. Juice choices are tomato and orange along with coffee. The center is located at 1306 N. 10th St. Market in the Park Aug. 14 SP"ARFIS* — *ills *orizon of Spearfish will host Market in the Park once again from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 14 at Spearfish City Park. More than 20 Our Towns is for area events only. • Non-profit events - free listings • For-profit or business events - charge figured on a per day basis • Due to limited space, all events will run on a space available basis • Publication of events is at the final discretion of the editor vendors will be set up. A few of the items that will be displayed include handmade pottery, fresh vegetables and herbs, jewelry, homemade breads and pies, handmade Vuilts and so much more. Green Star Recycling will also be providing a trailer for area residents to drop off their recycling. This event will be held every Saturday morning for the entire summer and organizers say the further they get into the growing season, the more vegetables they'll have. Leading Ladies Marathon breakfast Aug. 15 SP"ARFIS*— Rise and shine and join us for a continental breakfast at B a.m. Sunday, Aug. 15 at the Spearfish City Park. We will be supporting the Leading Ladies Marathon runners as they cross the finish line. This event, founded by "laine Doll-Dunn, recognizes and applauds the accomplishments of more than 400 women from all over the country. The Spearfish aueen City Lions Club is proud to be part of their accomplishments. Bring the family, and see you there. Depression support group to meet Aug. 17 SP"ARFIS* — Do you have depression problemsh Join the DBSA Depression Support Group at BC15 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 1B at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 1020 State St., Spearfish. Burnham and Rodeo Grounds Block clubs picnic Aug. 18 D"ADWOOD — The Burnham and Rodeo Grounds Block clubs are holding its annual summer picnic at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 1^. Both block clubs will meet at Gordon Park in Deadwood. Fried chicken and drinks will be provided. For more information contact Lila Forenson at B22-61^1 or Sandi at 5B^-2116. Help our fight against MS Aug. 18 SP"ARFIS* — "mployees and friends of auarV Technology in Spearfish have organized a Multiple Sclerosis fundraiser at 6 p.m. Aug. 1^ at the Crow Peak Brewery. Join the members of the auarV Bike MS Team for an eclectic evening of music, food, film and fundraising. The proceeds of the evening go to team auarV's goal of raising more than f2,100 for the fight against Multiple Sclerosis. The members of the team will be riding their bikes 150 miles over two days Aug. 2^ and 29, to help raise awareness and money for the cause. There is a suggested donation of f25. There will be live music by Dave Koch, a Cajun boil, a silent movie with piano accompaniment by David Anthony and an auction and strider race has also been planned. Kids 10 and under are free. Check • All listings subject to grammar and style editing • Deadline: One week prior to event • E-mail to: happenings@bhpioneer.com • Call Jami at (605) 642-2761 for information “Community Events” in our Classified Ad Section for additional events! Page 22 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 Births Nathaniel Jeffrey Brewer Ryan and Stephanie -.aitfors3 Brewer of Spearfish are the parents of a son born July 17 at Rapid City Regional Hospital. The baby weighed 4 pounds and 8 ounces and has been named Nathaniel Jeffrey Brewer. Grandparents are Jeff and Carol .aitfors of SpearfishG Dennis Brewer, .amiah, IdahoG and Ginger NortonDupree, Ft. Worth, Texas. Military News Little outpost, big mission: Camp Bala Hissar keeps eyes on Kabul PUZZLE FOR THURSDAY, AUGUST 12 2nd Lt. Lucas Scheibe, left, and Sgt. 1st Class Michael Weyrich, members of the 196th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, South Dakota National Guard, discuss security for Camp Bala Hissar in Kabul, Afghanistan, on July 14. Scheibe, of Brookings, serves as the officer in charge of Bala Hissar for Task Force Rushmore, while Weyrich, of Whitewood, serves as a security noncommissioned officer for the Department of Emergency Services. U.S. Army photo by Capt. Anthony Deiss B" #$P&' $)&H+)" ,-.// Tas$ &or)e +,shmore P,0li) A44airs SPONSORED BY: LUEDERS FOOD CENTERS BALA HISSAR, Afghanistan — What was once the site of a fifth century Afghan citadel overlooking .abul is now home to a small contingent of Afghan and U.S. military personnel who keep a modern-day eye on the capital. Camp Bala Hissar, named after the ancient fortress it's located near, is home to a Persistent Surveillance System — a floating aerostat -or blimp3 with high-tech camera equipment — designed to better protect the people of .abul and Afghan National Security Forces security operations. Although the base is small, it has an important role in providing security for the city, said 2nd Lt. Lucas Scheibe, Camp Bala Hissar officer in charge. “The aerostat provides surveillance for security forces operating throughout the city,” said Scheibe, member of the 196th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, South Dakota Army National Guard. The system, suspended by a helium-filled balloon, tethered hundreds of feet in the air, provides high-resolution imagery and video, and when used with surveillance data from other security systems, helps security officials better anticipate threats around the city. “The aerostat is able to rotate 360-degees and provide immediate coverage,” said Scheibe, of Brookings. “If there is ever an incident, we can help to identify the location and report it to the local Afghan security forces so they can directly respond.” The Persistent Surveillance System has the capability to survey and closely monitor activity throughout the city and detect any possible enemy activities using high-definition, infrared and thermal imaging technology. According to an ISAF press release, surveillance systems such as this have an impressive safety record and successful history of integrating with security systems to combat threats in eastern Afghanistan since early 2004. The Bala Hissar system has been in use in .abul since 2009, and plans are underway to launch a new aerostat in the coming months. Bala Hissar has a number of civilian and military personnel who keep the aerostat operating. With nearly a 100 security, operations and transportation personnel supporting the mission, Scheibe said improving soldier quality-of-life is a base priority. “Improving the base water infrastructure, dining facility, internet connectivity and fitness center are all important to long-term stability for the base,” he said. “.eeping everyone happy keeps them focused on the mission.” Scheibe added fostering relationships with Afghan National Army personnel, who provide an additional layer of security for the camp, is also important for future stability. “Meeting with the commander of the 6th .andak Battalion and his company commanders to have dinner and talk security is important in building relationships and improving camp security,” said Scheibe. “This site has a long, military history of protecting the city, and together with the Afghan National Army, we are continuing that history.” Sports Page 23 BELLE FOURCHE BHSU LEAD-DEADWOOD SPEARFISH STURGIS Thursday, August 12, 2010 sports@bhpioneer.com Rally vets combine for three titles BY #A%&N GR&%% !lac% 'ill) Pioneer 0CYLW!0 _ C3o ra9er4 fami8iar to 8ongtime 0turgi4 Fotor9'98e La88' attendee4H 9om+ined to 3in t#ree 9ateE gorie4 at Cue4da'<4 4#ortEtra96 ra9ing e=ent in 0turgi42 Irandon 0#e84tad of Wi88etteH X'o2H too6 9#e96ered f8ag4 in t#e \:en >mateur and 2() 2E0tro6e`a() aE 0tro6e di=i4ion4 at t#e ba96:ine W':4ie4 Fotor9'98e C8u+ ground42 Iu96e'eH >riV2H re4ident berr' Wate4 emerged =i9toriou4 from t#e Dintage Pro 98a442 0#e84tad #a4 ra9ed at 0turgi4 for eig#t 'ear42 C#i4 i4 Wate4< A)t# La88' in t#e 8a4t AA 'ear42 c!t 3a4 ni9e and ta96'H 3#i9# ma6e4 for a good tra96Hd 0#e84tad 4aid of t#e ra9ing 4urfa9e2 Pe :8a9ed t#ird in an ear8' \:en >mateur #eat +ut 4aid #e got a +etter 4tart in t#e main +' :u4#ing #arder2 cConig#t 3a4 goodHd Wate4 4aid2 Pe added t#at ma6ing +i6e 4etu: ad@u4tE ment4 ena+8ed #im to eU9e8 in t#e main2 >n ear8ier Dintage Pro #eat ended 3it# Wate4 in fift# :8a9e2 ?e8 0#e84tad +oug#t a 9'98e for #i4 4on IrandonH no3 AaH eig#t 'ear4 ago2 Heather Zeisler, center, leads a group of racers in a 450 Pro Sport heat race. She went on to place second in the main. Pioneer photo by Jason Gross See SHORT TRACK — Page 25 Reflections ! #ad m' ()t# +irt#da' on 0aturda'2 !t 3a4 t#e 6ind of mi8e4tone t#at 9au4ed me to 4:end 4ome time t#in6ing a+out m' 8ife2 ! #o:e 'ou 3on<t mind if ! ta6e a tri: off t#e outdoor ad=enture :at# t#i4 3ee6 to 4#are 4ome of m' mu4ing4 3it# 'ou2 > 8ot of #i4tor' #a4 #a::ened o=er t#e 8a4t fi=e de9ade42 !t<4 odd #o3 image4 8ong +uried in m' mind 9ame to t#e 4urfa9e 8a4t 3ee62 ! remem+er ?ad #ad @u4t +oug#t our fir4t fami8' te8e=i4ion 4et2 !t 3a4 a +ig +8a96 and 3#ite AB in9# 49reen CD from 0ear42 C#e fir4t image4 ! re9a88 4eeing on it 3ere of a 9ara=an of 9ar4 and a CD ne34E man2 C#roug# tear4 Fom to8d me 4omeE one #ad 4#ot t#e :re4ident2 ! 3a4 G t#enH +ut remem+er it a4 98ear8' a4 'e4terda'2 !t 3a4 t#e fir4tH +ut far from t#e 8a4t a44a44ination or attem:ted a44a44ination !<d 4ee on CD2 Io++' Jenned'H Fartin Kut#er JingH >n3ar 0adatH Lona8d LeaganH t#e Po:e N great men of =i4ion too radi9a8 for 4ome to to8erate2 F' offi9e team 3ent out to a 8o9a8 :u+ for a 9e8e+ration Orida' e=ening2 Guns Game & More Dan Carlson ! a46ed a 9o3or6er 3#at t#e fir4t CD image4 #e remem+ered 3ere2 Pe 4:o6e of Do8tron and Pe Fan 9artoon42 F' fir4t 9ar 3a4 a ABQ7 ?odge Fona9o ! +oug#t from m' dad for SA))2 !t got A) m:g and #and8ed 8i6e a +oatH +ut t#at +ig DT engine #ad 4eriou4 a99e8E eration2 ! o3ned a AB7G P8'mout# Our'H a AB7( ?odge ?art 0:ort 3it# a 48antE4iU engine and ! 3a4 #a8f3a' t#roug# 9o88ege 3#en ! +oug#t m' fir4t ne3 9ar off t#e 4#o3room f8oorH a ABTA Co'ota Cer9e82 !t<4 funn' 3#en 'ou rea8iVe t#at mo4t of t#e 9ar4 'ou o3ned t#roug# 9o88ege 3ere 9on9ei=ed +efore mo4t of t#e :eo:8e in 'our de:artment at 3or62 ! #a=e no re9o88e9tion of m' fir4t dateH +ut ! do remem+er t#e fir4t time ! 4a3 m' 3ife2 0#e 3a4 4itting in a 98a44room ta6ing a 9our4e in >n9ient Wree6 and ! 3a4 a gue4t 4:ea6er2 !t 3ou8d +e near8' G 'ear4 +efore ! 3or6ed u: t#e 9ourage to a46 #er out2 ! entered t#e 3or6for9e at AB and 3a4 t#e 'ounge4t ma@or mar6et 3eat#er9a4ter in t#e 3or8d at t#e time2 C#at no=e8t' :ro=ed to +e an a44et and 8anded me a 9areer t#at 4:anned more t#an t3o de9ade42 X#en ! 4tarted in CD 3eat#er 3e #ad no 9om:uter gra:#i942 ! dre3 t#e front4 on a #uge magneti9 ma: of t#e Y202 and :ut 8itt8e magneti9 3eat#er 4'm+o84 on it2 C#e CD 4tation ! 3or6ed for 3a4 t#e fir4t in t#e nation to #a=e a 9om:uter 9a:a+8e of animating 3eat#er 4ate88ite :i9E ture4 in 9o8or2 !t 3a4 a8mo4t GEft2 ta88H 2Eft2 3ide and 2E ft2 dee:2 !t 3eig#ed 7) 8+42 and 9ou8d 4tore an in9redi+8e BQ image4 on t#e go8dE :8ated #ard dri=e2 >t t#e timeH +ig 9om:uter firm4 in t#e C3in Citie4 3ere 9#arging 9om:anie4 more t#an S2)H))) to 4tore a mega+'te of data on magneti9 ta:e ree84 u4ing a #uge mainframe 9om:uter2 Pad ! on8' 6no3n t#at a 8itt8e o=er A) 'ear4 3ou8d :a44 +efore :eo:8e 9ou8d +u' a +oU of f8o::' di494 at Xa8EFart for 8e44 t#an SA)2 >4 a 'oung +o' ! remem+er a 3ea8t#' friend 4to::ing +' our #ou4e to 4#o3 m' dad a ne3 gadget2 !t 3a4 a +oU' t#ing a +it 8arger t#an a :a96 of 9igarette4 9a88ed a :o96et 9a89u8aE tor2 ! 3a4 a4toni4#ed to 4ee #o3 it 9ou8d addH 4u+tra9tH mu8ti:8' and di=ide 3it#out error2 C#at e=ening ! 6ne3 t#e future of t#e 48ide ru8e 3a4 in danger2 \ur friend :aid more t#an S2)) for t#at 9a89u8ator2 > de9ade 8ater ! 9arried a CeUa4 !n4trument4 9a89u8ator in m' :o96et at #ig# 49#oo8 t#at 9ou8d do +a4i9 9a89uE 8u42 ! :aid 8e44 t#an SG) for it2 X#at 3i4dom #a=e ! a9]uired in () 'ear4^ C#e ne3e4t gadget4 are 9oo8 and get 'ou noti9edH +ut getting noti9ed See CARLSON — Page 25 BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Page 24 Pheasant brood survey in S.D. is under way SPECIAL TO THE PIONEER SIOU% FALLS — The state Game, Fish and Parks Department is nearing the end of its annual survey on the success of pheasant reproduction this summer. Department staff drive on 110 established routes each morning to count adult pheasants and chicks. Results of the three-week survey give a sampling of the pheasant hatch and an overall picture of pheasant densities based on the number of birds per mile. Using the same routes allows for comparisons from year to year and over a 10-year period. Results of the brood survey will be released around Sept. 1. Under $500 ~ DuRags ~ Bandanas ~ Headbands • Art • Hand Crafts • Gift Items • New Books (25-50% Off Publishers Prices) • Home Decor • Coffees & Teas • Puzzles Sunflower Cottage Mon-Sat 10am-6pm 640 N. 7th Street (next to Lueders) • 559-2525 in! a g It A © Did BRAND NEW LISTING Come see this 3,180 sq. ft. home on 9.8 acres. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths with many extras. Double car garage and an outbuilding. Partially fenced and HORSES ALLOWED. Very well built home in top condition. Ben Mahoney Mountain Retreat on 9.8 Acres Thursday, August 12, 2010 South Dakota racers rule Jackpine Gypsies short track -. JASON 0ROSS !lack 'ills Pioneer STURGIS — Michael Kinzler and Bob Anderson emerged as the big winners from Monday's Outlaw ProAmateur event at the Jackpine Gypsies Motorcycle Club grounds at Sturgis. Kinzler, a Sturgis resident, took the checkered flag in the 450 Amateur and Open Amateur divisions. Anderson represented Harrisburg in the winner's circle of the 40-Plus Amateur and Vintage Pro classes. The event finished the first official day of the 70th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Here are the top finishers. 52 Competitive 1 Hunter Goodwin (X3G), 2 Hayden Burge (X69), 3 Trevor Vansickle (X6). 62<65 Comp 1 Dawson Schieffer (X28), 2 Brady Tausan (X499), 3 Ty Robertson (X187), 4 Hunter Goodwin (X3G), 5 Joe Crowe (X4). =2 Comp 1 Brady Tausan (X80), 2 Dawson Schieffer (X28), 3 Ty Robertson (X187), 4 Tyler Fink (X4), 5 Matthew Crowe (X37). 112 1 Marlee Burge (X10), 2 Justin Burnham (X12), 3 Tanner Vansickle (X4). 252 2<StrokeB452 4<Stroke Amateur 1 Brandon Shelstad (X22), 2 Tyler Fink (X4), 3 Jason Brink (X23), 4 Dan Bailey (X90). 452 Amateur 1 Michael Kinzler (X25), 2 Brandon Shelstad (X22), 3 Patrick Mitrevics (X4), 4 Miles Johnson (X37). 452 Pro Sport 1 Nick Mataya (X12L), 2 Chad Kenyon (X26L), 3 Conner Anderson (X11L), 4 Riley Johnson (X27L), 5 Gerit Callies (X1). 42<Plus Amateur 1 Bob Anderson (X46K), 2 John McClelland (X18), 3 Peter Hook (X77), 4 Mark Erickson (X410), 5 Randy Blackwell (X17K). Vintage Twin Pro 1 John McClelland (X18), 2 Clint Erickson (X57), 3 Mark Erickson (X18%), 4 Jerry Gates (X57G). Open Amateur 1 Michael Kinzler (X25), 2 Brandon Shelstad (X22), 3 Miles Johnson (X37), 4 Daron Kobelt (X65), 5 aachary aemanovic (X85). Open Pro 1 Josh Koch (X87L), 2 Gerit Callies (X1), 3 Brock Schwarzenbacher (X30), 4 Duke Erickson (X55K), 5 Clint Erickson (X42K). ELpert 1 Kevin Anderson (X11K), 2 Brian Lehfeldt (X410), 3 Brock Schwarzenbacher (X30), 4 Jake Mataya (X29), 5 Justin Hittle (X81). Vintage Pro 1 Bob Anderson (X46K), 2 Mark Erickson (X410), 3Daron Kobelt (X65), 4 Randy Blackwell (X17K). Spearfish • $415,000 MLS 32582 Call 605-641-4080 !o $ou &a(e an intere.ting fi.&ing .tor$1 or fi.&ing 2i3. to .&are4 5end t&em to .2ort.89&2ioneer:3om1 or 3a;; !enni. at <=>?>@<1 Matt Burge, center, holds a slim lead in the backstretch of an Expert heat race Tuesday in Sturgis. He finished sixth in the main of that category. Pioneer photo by Jason Gross BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Thursday, August 12, 2010 SHORT TRACK Continued Page 25 from Page 23 3 mech>nic2conBinceC2him2to2come2to +tErGis2>nC2GiBe2it2>2trI. K%2enLoI2meetinG2>2Mot2oN2OiCsPQ +heMst>C2s>iC2oN2his2short.tr>cO2eRperi. ences.2K%tTs2Gre>t2to2h>Be2NrienCs2>nC r>cers2to2h>nG2oEt2Uith.Q2 V>tes2neeCeC2>n2oEtMet2562Ie>rs2>Go >Nter2GoinG2throEGh2>2CiBorce.2K%2MiOe2to Go2oEt2>nC2GiBe2>2GooC2riCePQ2he2s>iC2oN short.tr>cO2r>cinGTs2>ppe>M2to2him.2K%tTs somethinG2%2MiOe2to2Co.Q +heMst>C2h>s2enLoIeC2>2Mot2oN2sEccess this2se>son.2(e2Uon2>MM2nine2r>ces2he entereC2>t2>2+ioER2$>MMs29hoMe2+hot series.23 trip2to2+prinGNieMCP2%MM.P2Ne>tEreC thirC.pM>ce2shoUinGs2in2the26W12>nC2XW1 cM>sses. V>tesT2r>cinG2c>reer2h>s2Ne>tEreC2tUo ch>mpionships2in2h>MN.miMe2competition. +heMst>C2riCes2Nor2three2to2NoEr2hoErs >Nter2schooM2>nC2>t2Me>st2siR2hoErs2on UeeOenCs2>t2>2tr>cO2th>t2YeM2bEiMt. K%2trI2to2st>I2c>MmP2not2UorrIP2>nC st>I2positiBePQ2+heMst>C2s>iC2oN2his2r>ce. C>I2roEtine.2(e2pM>Is2mEsic2on2his2i[oC Uhen2the2nerBes2>ct2Ep.2 ,ent>M2NocEs2pM>Is2>2biG2p>rt2in V>tesT2prep>r>tion2on2r>ce2C>I.2K%2m>Oe >2conscioEs2eNNort2to2concentr>te2onMI2on the2tr>cOPQ2he2s>iC.2 (e2>Mso2t>Oes2Ceep2bre>ths2LEst2beNore >2r>ce2to2m>Oe2sEre2he2h>s2pMentI2oN oRIGen. +tErGisT2Y>Uson2+chieNNer2>Mso2e>rneC >2p>ir2oN2ch>mpionships.2 (e2Uon2the2/12&ompetitiBe2>nC2\1 &omp2CiBisions.2K&ompetitiBeQ2reNers2to the2cIcMe2tIpe. (ere2>re2the2top2Ninishers. 5G Comp 52(Enter2VooCUin2]^7V_P262``2 +t>MCer2]^15_P272(>ICen2!ErGe2]^/a_. 6G Comp 52Y>Uson2+chieNNer2]^6\_P262 (Enter2VooCUin2]^7V_P272`oe2 &roUe2]^X_. JG Comp 52Y>Uson2+chieNNer2]^6\_P2624IMer2 8etter2]^aW_P272,>ttheU2&roUe2 ]^7b_. 11G 52,>rMee2!ErGe2]^51_P2624>nner2 8>nsicOMe2]^X_. 6W126.+troOecXW12X.+troOe2 "mateur 52!r>nCon2+heMst>C2]^66_P262,iMes2 `ohnson2]^7b_P2723nCreU2(ooO2 ]^bb_. 45G Lro Sport 52*iMeI2`ohnson2]^6bd_P262(e>ther2 eeisMer2]^a/_P272YiMMon2,iMes2]^aad_. 4G-Llus "mateur 52[eter2(ooO2]^bb_P262*>nCI2 !M>cOUeMM2]^5bf_P2724oCC2Viese2 ]^5X_. +intage 3win Lro 52&Mint2'ricOson2]^Wb_P262`errI2 V>tes2]^WbV_P272,>rO2'ricOson2 ]^X51_. *pen "mateur 52!r>nCon2+heMst>C2]^66_P262,iMes2 `ohnson2]^7b_P272e>ch>rI2 eem>noBic2]^\W_. EDpert 52YEOe2'ricOson2]^WWf_P262Verit2 &>MMies2]^5_P272feBin23nCerson2 ]^55f_. +intage Lro 52`errI2V>tes2]^WbV_P262`ohn2 ,c&MeMM>nC2]^5\_P272*>nCI2 !M>cOUeMM2]^5bf_. 1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783 The latest buzz Charlie St. Cloud (PG13) Mon - Fri 7:00 & 9:15 Sat and Sun 1:45, 4:30, 7:00 & 9:15 The Other Guys (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:15, 6:45 & 9:00 Sorry No Passes Despicable Me (PG) Mon - Fri 7:00 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:30, 4:00, 7:00 & 9:00 Inception (PG 13) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 9:15 Sat and Sun 1:00, 3:45, 6:30 & 9:15 Cats & Dogs: Revenge of Kitty Galore (PG) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:30 Finals Thurs Salt (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:45 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:15, 6:45 & 8:45 Sorry No Passes Starts Friday Aug. 13 Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World (PG13) Denver Broncos rookie lineman Paul Duncan, left, and Zane Beadles show off their shaved heads during the Denver Broncos NFL training camp Saturday, in Denver. AP photo CARLSON Continued The Expendables (R) )*+,ES )"0E 1RE"3 1,43S555 1ift Cards "vaila?le at the BoD *ffiEe from Page 23 is2eRpensiBe.22 [>tience2>nC2NrEG>MitI2>re2che>per >nC2Me>Be2IoE2Uith2more2in2the2MonG rEn.2 &ompromiseC2inteGritI2c>n2neBer be2NEMMI2reG>ineC.2 YonTt2trEst2poMitici>nsP2ConTt beMieBe2eBerIthinG2IoE2re>C2or see2on248P2>nC2neBer2EnCerestim>te the2poUer2oN2pr>Ier.22 "hP2>nC2tErninG2W12isnTt2>s2biG2> Ce>M2>s2tErninG2X12U>s. If they’re playin’... we’ll be there! !"# $%&'( ")%%S +),-##. !"# "$$%&' (")*+ ,"-.$*% /0112+34.+)- 56071 C"LL 642-4212 "* 8%+%4 ")* 9'!+%4' WWW.NHCINEMA.COM BLACK HILLS PIONEER TOMORROW’S WEATHER Page 26 Thursday, August 12, 2010 RALLY NUMBERS !ontinued from Page 1 VOLUNTEERING !ontinued from Page 6 Sig%t no, t%e 9eo9-e ,%o are at m3 9-a2e an38 ,a3 7a3 t%e3 are .er3 9-ea7ed ,it% t%e ,a3 t%e3 are &eing treated; > %a.en=t e.en %eard an38 &od3 2om9-ain too mu2% a&out t%e traffi2 ?am7;* @te.e Pee-e) of Gar-e38Fa.id7on Cor9oration) 7aid t%i7 i7 t%e fir7t 3ear TRR 9er8 2ent of t%e 2om9an3=7 Sa--3 o9eration7 %a.e &een -o2ated in @turgi7; Gi7tori2a--3 %ou7ed at t%e Su7%more P-aMa Ci.i2 Center in Sa9id Cit3) t%e 2om9an3 de2ided to mo.e it7 o9eration to @turgi7 in order to maCimiMe it7 traffi2 and &e more a22e77i&-e to it7 Sa--38going 2u7tomer7; Gar-e38Fa.id7on Cor9oration i7 at t,o -o2a8 tion7 in @turgi7) ,it% 2u7tomiMation) 9er7ona-8 iMation and 9erforman2e 9art7 and a22e77orie7 neig%&oring)* ,e -i.ed out in t%e 2ountr3 and ,ere -u253 to get to go to to,n on gro2er3 da3) mu2% -e77 .o-unteer at non89rofit agen2ie7 in to,n; <ut time7 %a.e 2%anged and 7o %a7 7o2iet3=7 fo2u7 on 2%i-dren=7 a&i-it3 to gi.e &a25; > 9er7ona--3 t%in5 t%at -itt-e %and7 ,or5 ?u7t a7 %ard and fa7t a7 &ig one7 8 gi.en t%e rig%t ta757 and o99ortunitie7; >=-- admit it; > %ad a dua- moti.a8 tion for @aturda3=7 7%e-ter 2-ean8u9; > ,anted Ai-- and B-eC to eC9eri8 en2e t%e intrin7i2 fee-8good fee-ing) t%e 2amaraderie t%at 2ome7 ,it% .o-unteeri7m; > a-7o ,ant to &rea5 t%em in 7-o,-3 for ,%at i7 no, a graduation reDuirement at Eead8 Fead,ood Gig% @2%oo-) &eginning ,it% t%i7 3ear=7 in2oming fre7%man 2-a77 8 HI %our7 of 7er.i2e -earning; @u9erintendent Fr; Fan Eei5.o-d eC9-ained t%e rea7on for t%e ne, reDuirement=7 im9-ementation ,it%8 in t%e di7tri2t; J@er.i2e -earning ,i-- 9ro.ide our 7tudent7 ,it% a ne, eC9erien2e t%at ,i-- &ui-d a greater a,arene77 for t%em of t%e im9ortan2e of 2i.i2 re79on7i&i-it3 and 7trengt%en our 2ommunit3 a7 a ,%o-e; K%roug% 7er.i2e8-earning) 7tudent7 are 9ro8 City officials say this year’s Rally is larger than in year’s past. Pioneer photo by Wendy Pitlick at Urd and EaMe--e @treet7) and demo ride7 at Ger7rud7 of @turgi7 near VCit UR; JAe=re %a.ing a great ,ee5 7o far)* %e 7aid; JAe=re rea--3 %a993 ,it% t%e traffi2; Ae %a.e %ad a 2ro,d at our &oot% area e.er3 da3 7in2e Wrida3;* Pee-e 7aid t%e 2or9oration &ring7 a&out 2RR em9-o3ee7 to t%e Sa--3 e.er3 3ear to 7taff it7 man3 eC%i&ition7 and di79-a37; X.era--) offi2ia-7 anti2i9ate t%at t%e YRt% Bnnua- @turgi7 Zotor232-e Sa--3 ,i-- &e one for t%e re2ord &oo57; JAe-2ome to t%e ,or-d=7 -arge7t) -i.e a2tion) 7oa9 o9era) motor232-e ad.enture)* 7aid <oone; JAe t%re, a ra--3 and it -oo57 -i5e e.er3&od3 7%o,ed u9;* .iding an im9ortant 7er.i2e to t%e 2ommunit3 and) at t%e 7ame time %a.ing re-e.ant) rea- -ife edu2ationaeC9erien2e7 in a .ariet3 of area7 t%at are of intere7t to t%em)* Eei5.o-d 7aid; >n addition to a 7in2ere dedi2ation for t%e .o-unteer .enture of t%eir 2%oi2e) Pra3 %o9e7 t%at t%e 7%e-ter=7 ?unior %e-9er7 ta5e t%e fo--o,ing -e77on7 a,a3 ,it% t%em; J> %o9e t%at t%e3 -earn %o, to treat anima-7 and 2are for t%em; K%e3=.e got -itt-e 7ou-7 and t%e3=re not di79o7a&-e)* Pra3 7aid; J>t=7 rea-8 -3 amaMing; Nid7 %a.e 7ome natura2onne2tion ,it% anima-7;* B t,o82it3 7%e-ter in2urring no 9er7onne- 2o7t7) 2om9-ete-3 run &3 .o-unteer7) i7 a di79-a3 of 2ommuni8 t3 7er.i2e on a %ig%-3 dedi2ated -e.e-; K%i7 7ummer) at 7e.en and nine) > t%in5 t%at B-eC and Ai-- are o-d enoug% to 7tart rea-iMing t%e im9ortan2e and .a-ue of t%i7 t39e of .o-unteering; Krut% i7) t%e3 2ou-dn=t %a.e more 9o7iti.e ro-e mode-7 or more forgi.ing 7u&?e2t7 a7 t%e3 find t%eir ,a3 on t%i7 ne, ?ourne3; Ko &e2ome a dedi2ated .o-unteer at t%e K,in Cit3 Bnima- @%e-ter) 2a-- IPH82HPR and a75 ,%at 7%ift7 are a.ai-a&-e; LOCAL & REGIONAL WEATHER BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 RIDE ALONG Continued from Page 0 Left, the driver of a late-model Harley Davidson electra glide was driving over the limit Monday night and charged with a DUI. The couple pulled over when the girlfriend wanted to put on a coat. Pioneer photos by Kevin Norton Right, two young men, from Belle Fourche, stand and watch as Sgt. Tavis Little searches their car with their permission on Monday night. Little worked for six years with his Dutch Shepherd, Meeka, as part of a narcotics detections team. Page 27 billiard balls, prompting Little to re2uest a search of the car. The young man on probation consented. Sure enough, Little was all over it like a hound dog. There was a misdemeanor amount of mari?uana in the car, and the passenger was taken to the Lawrence County Aail to face the charge. I watched as his friend drove away in the pickup. If it seems like Sgt. Little is good with picking up on those kinds of things, it's because he use to work as a canine officer. Dor siE years he worked with a narcotics detection dog named Meeka, a Gutch shepherd. The pair trained for three months in SiouE Dalls and then started working on the road as part of a rather eEclusive club H canine units are rather scarce in the Iest River region of South Gakota. Together they worked the more densely populated parts of Lawrence County. At age L, Meeka's service life was up and it was time for her to go. Her retirement was not a relaEing one. Fridayth August th13 & 27 3,000 $ First & Friendliest! 2,400 $ N XoVd Yining3 6oreCtrQ W Zentonite N &utGentiK <agonC W &nti[ue 6arm 'm\VementC N (iTe ZuffaVo W (ongGorn CattVe Registration is at 5:30 pm Play begins at 6:30 pm • Entry fee is $15 Saturdayth August 14 N $atiTe &meriKan CuVture W &rtifaKtC N (og CaPin W 5uraV 4KGooVGouCe Total Prize Package Guaranteed Includes a $1,000 Top Prize! Limited to the first 100 people. Custer Rides Again! N Co@PoQC3 5anKG (ife3 7iCtorQ of 5odeo Little said he was able to keep Meeka as his personal dog, but during the first siE months to a year she was eEtremely destructive towards her kennel. She wanted to go with him to work, not stay alone at the house. NShe ad?usted to it OK,Q Little said. NStill to this day, when I walk out of my house in uniform, she gets up and gets eEcited like she still might get to go.Q I thought of Meeka at home, letting out a howl. The night ended with me chatting about nighttime accidents of years past with Getective Raul Hansen, and counting in my head the alarming number of fatality marker signs on the Boulder Canyon Highway. The people we encountered that night were all alone, split apart or else booked in the county ?ail. I didn't feel so bad about it. Loneliness is a part of life. And that, as any traveler will tell you, is the real thrill of the open road. Total Prize Package Guaranteed Includes a $1,000 Top Prize! Registration is at 10:00 am Play begins at 11:00 am • Entry fee is $10 w/$10 Rebuys N (arge CeVeKtion of <eCtern W (oKaV 7iCtorQ Zoo]C in our Xift 4Go\ N (iTe YuCiK3 Co@PoQ PoetrQ W 7iCtoriKaV ProgramC tGrougGout tGe Qear in our 2-- Ceat tGeatreA Fri. & Sat. - 5pm-Midnight Win $250 on the hour & $150 every 15 minutes! !P#$ %&'() *+, '+*- #/'0 123 4P#&56'473 4% 89-,: 922+<#40 8*=>?: @@@A@eCternGeritageKenterAKom Sunday 11am-5pm Win $200 on the hour & $100 every 15 minutes! 605-578-9777 1-800-274-1876 www.firstgold.com Register at the Club Center for cash drawings and use your Gold Club Card to qualify for the Hot Seat Drawings. Page 28 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Thursday, August 12, 2010 What’s your style? Thousands of different styles of motorcycles line the streets of Sturgis and the Northern Hills for the 70th annual Sturgis Motorcycles Rally. Pioneer photos by Wendy Pitlick