alphalight 8 2012 - The Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi


alphalight 8 2012 - The Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi
August 2012 Volume 13 Issue 11
The alpha light
Official Newsletter of the Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated
Next Chapter Meeting
August 4th
7 PM
1519 Ruth & Crawford
The Fly In
On Saturday, July 14, 2012, Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
partnered with the Bronze Eagles Flying Club to host the 2012 Fly-in. At the Fly-in local
youth ages 6-15 years old are introduced to the field of Aviation, tour the Ellington Field Air
Traffic control tower and experience flying in private owned planes provided by members of the
Bronze Eagles. In addition 35 Boy Scouts earned the Aviation Merit Badge. Brothers of Alpha Eta
Lambda prepared 432 hotdogs, ushered 135 youths through registration, the tower tour and safely boarding and unboarding of the planes. Thanks to all the brothers of Alpha Eta Lambda for another successful event.
Bro. Donald Queen
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Protocol & Etiquette
Manual 15
th Draft
General Rules for Wearing of Shirts, Hats and other Logo Wear and Jewelry
i. Brothers will find a variety of paraphernalia on the market. This paraphernalia should only be
purchased from vendors certified by the Corporate Headquarters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Brothers should always ask vendors to display their official Alpha vendor license prior to any
purchase. A listing of those certified vendors are also available at
Vendors found selling Alpha paraphernalia without proper license should be referred to the National
ii. Brothers should inspect each item prior to purchase to assure that it is graphically correct and in
good taste.
iii. Brothers should inspect each item prior to purchase to assure that it properly presents the official
colors of the fraternity, which is ‘old gold and black’ (i.e. not yellow and black, or yellow and
to be incorporating the “Fraternity Shield” in a clothing article or jewelry should be reported to the
Corporate Headquarters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. NOTE: Only the Life Membership, 25year and 50-year pins, the Signet Ring (Style #1146) and the Alpha Phi Alpha Official Ring (Style
#4044B) are approved by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to incorporate the official shield of
the fraternity..
v. Alpha paraphernalia should never be worn or carried by a non-Alpha.
vi. Alpha paraphernalia should not be worn if it is weathered, torn, or in disrepair.
vii. Alpha paraphernalia is always worn in a respectful manner, i.e. hats are never worn backward; shirts
are never too long and big; pants are never baggy and exposing underwear, etc.
viii. Brothers should always wear paraphernalia in a tasteful manner, i.e. if you are wearing an Alpha hat,
think twice before also including an Alpha shirt or jacket.
Thank You for Electing Me as Your
34th General President
No time in Alpha is as important as right now. Now is when we educate, now is when we encourage, and now is when we come together
to exhibit great brotherly love and focus on the mission of our beloved Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Thank you for electing me as your
34th general president. Now, we will invest.
I congratulate Brother Roderick L. Smothers, Sr. for sharing this journey, and he is to be applauded. Bother Brother Smothers and I care
greatly for this fraternity, as do you, and I look forward to working with him to move our organization forward.
You exercised your right to vote. You informed the greater fraternity that it is time to invest in what we hold so dear. Your commitment to
my vision, now our common vision, is to be commended. I am deeply humbled that you have chosen me to lead this great fraternity. We
have long hours ahead of us and challenges at every juncture, but with your continued investment, there is no challenge we cannot overcome, and those “tired moments” will pass with each hour of service, education, manly deeds, and love for all mankind.
I will remain open, transparent, engaging, accountable, humble, and relentlessly fighting for the good of our brotherhood. But it takes
more than me. It takes a dedicated board of directors, dedicated regional vice presidents, assistant regional vice presidents, district directors, area directors, chapter presidents, chapter advisors, and finally you, my brothers. Acting General President Aaron Crutison, Sr.
and I will work together through the necessary transition, and I am looking forward to appointing a team that will elevate the fraternity. We
must believe that Alpha Phi Alpha will remain among the most influential and innovative change agents of the 21st century. Each of us is
responsible for maintaining that status, and you WILL be called upon to serve.
I strongly believe in our Alpha Phi Alpha every day I can say its name. I believe that tough times don’t last; tough people do. I believe that
our setbacks only set us up for a comeback. I believe that together, we can transcend all. Your investment has been made. A new Alpha
begins now. Thank you for your trust. I look forward to serving you.
Fraternally committed to you and to our Alpha Phi Alpha,
Brother Mark S. Tillman
34th General President-Elect
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
This season we are proud to celebrate a graduation milestone for several brothers in our chapters.
Alpha Eta Lambda
Roderick Green – University of Houston – Executive Master of Business Administration
David Jones – University of Houston, Clear Lake-Master of Arts Cross Cultural Studies
John Guess IV – Texas Southern University – Executive Master of Public Administration
Delta Theta – Texas Southern University
Jarrod Anderson – Kinesiology
George Jackson – Business Management
Randall Newsome – Broadcast Journalism
Kyle Thomas – degree unknown
Eta Mu – University of Houston
Chris Wilson – degree unknown
Congratulations on your graduation and the best of luck in your future endeavors.
August 1st
Bro. Ronald J.
. Thomas
Bro. Stacy D
t 26th
Bro. S
r Ande
August 5th
O. Johnson
Bro. Glover
August 8th
. Harrison, III
Bro. James B
August 9th
. Harris
Bro. Alvin B
s Moore, Jr.
Bro. Adolphu
T. Steward, S
Bro. Raymond
August 15th
Jones, Jr.
Bro. Thomas
Bro. J
August 16th
Bro. Dr. Milton D. Moore, Jr.
August 18th
Bro. Albert D. Perry
August 19th
Bro. Errol D. Allen, II
Bro. Rathel Whittaker
Bro. Malcom Rene
August 21st
Bro. Ronald C. Coleman
August 24th
Bro. Wallace J. Singleton
t 27th
oe E. S
s, Jr.
t 29th
onald W
. Curtis
Bro. L
n D. G
Bro. R
Bro. R
Bro. P
t 30th
pger O
. Whitm
ire, M
t 31st
rince C
Past Presidents’ Page
Elected into office January 2012, Council Member Larry V. Green is the Council Member to
the newly formed District known as “K”. District K serves from the edge of the Texas Medical Center to the portion of Houston within Fort Bend County. The District also includes the
Reliant/ Astrodome Complex, two management districts, and two school districts—Houston
ISD and Fort Bend ISD.
Engaged in private practice of law for 13 years, Council Member Green was responsible for
all matters relative to a general practice of law which includes, but not limited to, interviewing clients, researching and litigating legal matters relative to civil, criminal, municipal bond,
business and contract with an emphasis on employment and toxic tort litigation. Also responsible for advising small business clients on terminations, reductions-in-force, policy and
procedure manuals, EEOC charge response, and numerous employment related matters.
Council Member Green tried cases in both state and federal district courts involving matters
regarding Title VII, ADA, FMLA, wrongful discharge, breach of contract and constructive discharge. For four years he served as CEO of HoustonWorks USA, a workforce development
and human services nonprofit organization that provides job training and placement. Council Member Green helped secured over $70 million in revenue over the last 4 years.
Council Member Green earned his BA in Political Science from the University of Houston
(Houston, TX) and a Doctorate of Jurisprudence, from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law,
Texas Southern University (Houston, TX). He is a member of the Greater Houston Partnership, a Board Member of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and Workforce Development Committee, a member and former Board Trustee of Brentwood Baptist Church, serves on the
Board of the Texas Black Expo, and serves on the College of Science and Technology advisory Board at Texas Southern University.
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 88318
Houston, Texas 77288
Ice Blasts from the Past
Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
Joining Ralph Cooper Stars of The Future
sponsoring a school-supplies drive for students attending
Blackshear Elem School.
Supplies can be dropped off
August 23rd
5 – 7:00 pm
Outside KCOH Radio Station
on the corner of Almeda & Wichita.
Supplies are preferred, but monetary donations to supplement
the drive will be accepted.
Brothers are needed to collect the donations.
Contact Brothers
Adolphus Moore
Timothy Johnson
Dear Big Brothers Big Sisters Supporter:
Make a hole-in-one for youth mentoring! The 2012 Rachel McNeill's "Fore" the Kids' Sake Golf Classic will
be held on Monday, September 10,2012 at Wildcat Golf Club, the Official Course for Houston's Sports Franchises.
Johnny Ola and Daryl lrby are the Co-chairs for this event to raise money to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Rachel, Daryl and Johnny invite you to help make an impact on the children in our community by sponsoring or participating in the Golf Classic this year. The BBBS mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Often, all
these children need is someone to believe in them and encourage them. A Big Brother or Big Sister can make that
A Texas-based study showed that 87 percent of 1,200 surveyed youths, who were mentored in the BBBS program,
graduated high school. This is compared to Houston's published
graduation rates of less than 50 percent. This research tells a powerful message - MENTORING
This is why you are encouraged to support Big Brothers Big Sisters by becoming a sponsor for the 2012 Rachel
McNeill's "Fore" the Kids' Sake Golf Classic. Your participation will make a difference by allowing children in our community to have a Big Brother or Big Sister. There are currently 1,005 children on the waiting list and you can help!
Sponsorships range from $350 Hole Sponsors to the $20,000 Title Tournament Sponsor. Enclosed please find a
sponsorship form with sponsor levels for your consideration. You will receive follow-up correspondence shortly. If
you have any questions, please contact Rosalind Moore at 713.860.8209 or email
Best regards,
Houston Area Alpha Chapters
Alpha Night at the Ballpark
July 10, 2012
Contact: Brother Andrew Suggs
(713) 259-8732 (o)
Brother Andrew Suggs, with the Houston Astros, has organized a brotherhood and family outing at Minute Maid Park next month for Houston Area Alphas. The event, Alpha Night at the Ballpark, will be held
an opportunity to collect back-to-school supplies for our respective communities.
on Saturday, August 11th, 2012. It will also serve as
Event Details
Saturday, August 11th, 2012
Houston Astros vs Milwaukee Brewers
Minute Maid Park
Ticket: $25 (AYCE)
Ticket is for the Mezzanine section, which includes all you can eat (AYCE) hot dogs, popcorn, soda, water, nachos & cheese, and peanuts
Beer is available for purchase in this section. Premium Liquor requires a $5 club level pass.
Housing Committee
Fraternity House Usage
Effective immediately all usage of the house for any events
(i.e. chapter events, committee meetings, rentals, etc.) must be
scheduled through Brother Daryl Irby, Chair of the Housing Committee. This will insure that the House is prepared and prevents
scheduling conflicts.
Brother Daryl Irby may be contacted at (281) 451-6878
Chapter Expenses
Please make sure all chapter related
expenses are approved by the
Please send submissions for The Alpha Light to:
Bro. Timothy Johnson