View - ARF


View - ARF
The coop
Animals on
Goes Off Broadway!
Page 7
Big Love
Page 8
Spring 2014
Community Interest
Maddie’s Legacy Saves
Countless Lives
2890 Mitchell Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Board of Directors
Tony La Russa, Chairman
Gregory L. McCoy, Esq., President
Bradley N. Blake
William A. Blase, Jr.
Glenn Colacurci
Jennifer Hall
Timothy Krisch
Neal Mitchell
Steven C. Parrish
John Schiavo
Marsha Servetnick
John Steiner
Amy Trask
ARF Executive Staff
Visitors to ARF enter through the
Maddie’s Animal Care Center doors.
Maddie’s Fund® ( is a family foundation endowed by the founder of Workday®
and PeopleSoft, Dave Duffield, and his
wife, Cheryl. Maddie’s Fund is helping
to achieve and sustain a no-kill nation
by providing solutions to the most challenging issues facing the animal welfare
community through Maddie’s® Grant
Giving and Maddie’s InstituteSM.
To achieve this goal, Maddie’s Fund®
is investing its resources in building
community collaborations where animal welfare organizations come together to develop successful models
of life-saving; in veterinary colleges to
help shelter medicine become part of
the veterinary curriculum; and in the
implementation of a national strategy
to promote accountability and transparency in animal shelter operations.
Maddie’s Fund® is named after the family’s beloved Miniature Schnauzer who
passed away in 1997.
Thank you, EMF Ladies!
Celebrating the
19th Anniversary of
ARF Emergency
Medical Fund®
Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency, which receives
no local, state or federal funding. Life-saving
services and programs are made possible
through the generosity of caring people.
Providing low-cost veterinary care
at ARF’s Clinic for pets of lowincome Contra Costa County
Elena Bicker, Executive Director
Bobbe Bartlett, Development Director
Juliet Blake, Clinic Director
Jill Cooney, Animal Programs Director
Elaine Durkin, Finance Director
Stephanie Erickson, Operations Director
Gaye McDuff,Volunteer Services Director
Sara Kersey, Scoop Editor
Ashley Thiry, Art and Production
The founding “E
MF Ladies” (l-r)
Dolores McCosk
ey, Enid Schlictm
Elvira Clark, and
Bev Greenbaum
We love feedback on The Scoop!
On the cover: Gil
Rescued November 2012 - Adopted December 2012
Photography by GNS Photography
Page 2
Spring 2014
A Message from the Executive Director
hat I admired most about Sadie was her fascination
with…everything! She greeted every morning as
if she were about to embark on a two-week paid
vacation. At first crack of an eyelid in the morning, there
she was, nose-to-nose. If I didn’t rise immediately, she would
break into what I referred as her Little Shop of Horrors routine,
bouncing up and down on the bed with a low woof, which
clearly communicated, “FEED ME.” Then, she would race to
the bottom of the stairs and spin around in place two times
while I meandered down. My morning routine would only
begin after each morsel of food had disappeared from her
bowl, with an occasional steal from Mia’s. Back upstairs to
get ready for work. When I would emerge from the shower
after no more than five minutes, she would react as if I were
a released hostage, greeting me with joy and any ball she
could find. “You’re BACK!”
Sadie was abandoned at 15 weeks old after her first
family purchased her from a breeder and quickly became
overwhelmed. Deemed “too spirited” by her second family,
Sadie was returned to ARF after a whirlwind few weeks. We
decided it was best for Sadie to join our household where
she could receive the unconditional love she needed, develop
her social skills, and gleefully romp through a big yard.
What I didn’t imagine was Sadie returning that love
immediately. She was enrolled in ARF’s groundbreaking
program at the Chris Adams Center, where troubled girls
gave companionship and training to on-site dogs while
learning important relationship skills. Sadie and her handler
graduated with honors and a newly found appreciation for
patience. Sadie joined ARF’s All-Stars® program as a member
of the Pet Hug Pack, and embraced her “job” working with
schoolchildren. Being a reading partner was a favorite activity
– much preferred over the countless baths she received from
kids learning pet care responsibility – but she understood
both resulted in cookies. No matter the activity, Sadie
greeted everyone and every task with the same exuberance,
You can never play too much ball
Be filled with curiosity about the world
Find something you love, and do it over and over
Remind the people in your life that you love them
Give back
giving back the love bestowed on her.
So, I’m striving to emulate Sadie. I’m looking for the
wonder and simple joy in the everyday.After all, when you
think about it, it is pretty remarkable that you open your
eyes each morning and can embrace the day and ways
to help others. While I can’t match Sadie’s kisses, I am
aiming to match her zeal.
In January, after 13 wonderful years, we lost our
beautiful, goofy girl Sadie to cancer - but we will never
lose all she taught us. I write this story with tears in
my eyes and flowing down my face as each word and
remembrance triggers a loving memory. Yet it seems she
is still with me, waiting for me to throw the ball or deliver
her home cooked meal made by Bill. I believe we lived
up to her expectations, because simply, all she wanted
was to give and receive love. Okay, and ball throwing
too. It is our hope that you may experience being the
kind of person your pet believes you to be and learn
how to truly enjoy life. There are
a million worthwhile lessons our
pets can teach us. May you wake
up every morning, wag your tail,
and spin around in place two
times. Time is precious.
Sadie is “all ears” for All Ears Reading®
Page 3
Spring 2014
New Beginnings
Follow adoptions in real time!
Sweet Delilah was a somewhat shy kitty in need of
adopters willing to help bring her out of her shell. Based
on the “letter” we recently got from her, it seems things
are going terrific!
“Hello everybody, Remember me? I am doing great!
My new family loves and spoils me so much...I am already a lap
cat! I am so happy...miss you guys in my dreams. Love, Delilah”
Blake, a Pit Bull/Labrador Retriever mix, found
his calling in life - best friend to his new human “sibling”!
“Blake has been amazing with my 8 month old baby. I have
no doubt that they will be really good to each other,” Mom
Vanessa says. “Blake is a mellow, friendly, and very happy
dog. Thanks ARF for giving him another chance to be
Page 4
Life’s a beach for Luigi, who is described by his new
family as “super gentle with our daughter and other kids.
Just a joy to have!”
Spring 2014
Event Highlights
Dogs & Diapers
Puppy & Kitten
Crow Canyon
Country Club,
Free Pet Fix Day
ARF (by appointment)
see page 9
Animals on Broadway
Heather Farm Park,
Walnut Creek
see page 7
Bark at the Park*
Rangers Ballpark,
Arlington TX
Camp ARF begins
see page 10
San Francisco
Giants & ARF event
AT& T Park,
San Francisco
Foster Orientation
Bark at the Park*
Dodger Stadium,
Los Angeles
Maddie’s Pet
Adoption Days
Free adoptions!
ARF (through June 1)
Bark at the Park*
Safeco Field,
Seattle, WA
Shred Day
ARF see page 13
Bark at the Park* Coliseum,
* ARF is teaming up this year with Avoderm, Nylabone, APPA, and Petco to bring Bark at the Park events to ballparks
across America! These pet-centric baseball events raise awareness and fund animal welfare organizations.
This is a sampling of ARF classes, workshops, camps, and events occurring April 2014 - July 2014
To register or to view the most up-to-date information on ARF events, visit
Page 5
Spring 2014
Around ARF
ARF Volunteers
in Action!
Hope For Hedwig
Answering Pet Resource Center calls
Delivering FoodShare food
Hedwig - named for his resemblance to a little owl
- was found with his rear leg trapped in a fence, a deep
wound gouged into his paw. He was also undersocialized,
anxiously hissing at new people. ARF decided he’d benefit
from some time in foster care with another undersocialized kitten to give his paw (and his heart) more time to
At first, Hedwig still hissed and hid from his fosters,
but they were patient - slowly offering a hand filled with
baby food, entering the room dozens of times to familiarize him with comings and goings, and engaging in lots of
fun playtime to get him used to being handled. As his paw
healed, Hedwig blossomed into a purr machine who loved
having his cheeks brushed. With his pain a fading memory
and his confidence soaring, Hedwig easily won the hearts of
his new family.
Support for ARF allows us to rehabilitate animals
like Hedwig so they can be adopted and live their lives as
cherished family members. Help other animals put their
best paw forward with a gift today.
Assisting adoptions
Flex your lifesaving muscle:
Be an ARF volunteer!
Page 6
With best buddy Butterscotch
Spring 2014
Walk to Save Lives
Animals on Broadway
Sunday, May 18
10:30 am – 4 pm
Heather Farm Park
Walnut Creek
Walkers and their furry fourlegged companions gather at the starting line, excitement buzzing in the air
and tails wagging with anticipation
as the starting time nears. The dedicated walkers and their devoted pets
are ready to go, knowing this is much
more than a walk – it’s a rescue mission. Hundreds of people and their animals are walking to save lives at ARF’s
Animals on Broadway Pet Walk as part
of Walnut Creek’s Centennial celebration.
This year, Title Sponsor
Broadway Plaza is undergoing a major
Page 7
expansion, so they are generously supporting our move OFF Broadway to
Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek.
The Pet Walk is a gentle onemile walk to promote awareness of
the desperate plight of abandoned
dogs and cats and raise funds for their
rescue. We are counting on your help
this year to raise $75,000 to save
these precious lives.
You can join the fun and start
raising money for ARF today! It’s easy
to sign up and create your personal
fundraising webpage. Your heartfelt
story and photos will showcase how
these amazing creatures have changed
your life, and any donation large or
small will change the lives of many
more. Email, Facebook, and tweet
friends and family members to collect donations to support your walk.
Or form a “pack” of walkers to raise
money as a team.
A few steps can add up to
make a big difference to an animal in need. Sign up today and
walk to save lives!
Fundraising Pet Walk
Registration 8:30 – 10 am
Walk begins at 10:30 am sharp!
Animals on Broadway
A fun, free community pet festival
11 am – 4 pm
Activities, adoptions, rescue groups,
vendor booths, pet contests, dog demonstrations, raffle prizes, Kid Zone,
and more!
Visit the Pet Wellness Fair for services
available to furry festival-goers for a
small donation.
Wunderbar’s Pet Hotel
Spring 2014
Big Love!
he gangly speckled pup stretched her neck forward
to deliver a bashful kiss to her rescuer’s face. We
carried her sisters into ARF’s shelter behind her,
holding them tightly as their silky ears brushed our cheeks.
Their sweet Labrador mother greeted her pups with nuzzles as we coaxed their father – a thin but majestic Great
Dane – inside. Cautiously following the trail of treats and
gentle coos, he finally settled down in his kennel. Tucking
them in after the long, exhausting journey, we were rewarded with deep, grateful gazes – heartfelt thanks for our
labor of love to bring this family to safety, together.
The adorable puppies were just a handful of hundreds who will arrive at ARF this year. Unable to afford
spay/neuter, or not understanding the critical importance
of preventing more births, too many families tearfully relinquish their surprise puppies or kittens to inundated public shelters where they have little chance of survival. Even
well-meaning guardians find themselves overwhelmed by
one unexpected litter after another, faced with few options
to care for them.
We’ll never know why their previous guardian let
his dogs reproduce over and over, finally discarding them
at the overcrowded public shelter, each showing signs of
neglect, poor diet, or needing medical care.With most rescues unable to take on so many dogs, ARF stepped in to
Page 8
save them just in time.
Dreidel, the shy father with ribs showing through
his beautiful harlequin coat, and Enya, the tired mother
nursing five large puppies, tugged at our heartstrings as
we nursed them to health. Our volunteer foster families,
whose dedication allows us to save those we can’t bear to
leave behind, stepped in to nurture the puppies and their
parents in their homes until they were ready for adoption.
Every adorable puppy or kitten is a reminder of
how many animals are born every year into this heartbreaking cycle. ARF rescues as many as we can, but the
most effective
solution is to
overpopulation before it begins.
It’s why we’re
committed to
offering lowcost or free
s p ay / n e u t e r
grateful families who need
it, preventing
Spring 2014
Big Love
the births—and deaths—of countless unwanted animals.
With your help, we will be able to save more
like these gentle giants and ensure they cannot add to
the pet overpopulation crisis.
Give them the lives they deserve with
your gift today.
Dreidel in his foster home
Just arrived at ARF!
Devoted mom Enya with her puppies
Spay it Forward
at ARF’s Clinic
• Ongoing, affordable spay/neuter
• Free Pet Fix days
• Ongoing $25 spay/neuter for
Chihuahuas and Pit Bulls
Book today!
Page 9
Spring 2014
Humane Education
“Please Help Tuck!”
Camp ARF has a reputation for providing transformative experiences for the young animal lovers who attend, but ARF’s shelter animals reap the rewards, too.
On her last day at camp, third grader Sophia arrived with a very special donation for an ARF dog named
Tuck. It turns out she had been carefully listening during her
lessons and wanted to use what she had learned to make
Tuck’s life better.
Tuck, a gentle, deaf Cattle Dog mix, was having
trouble finding his forever home due to his disability. During her time at Camp, Sophia met Tuck, learned about his
plight, and decided to make a difference. She arrived on her
last day of Camp with a special rope toy and a hand-drawn
poster to be displayed on Tuck’s condo.
“Dear Families and Friends,” the letter on
the poster read, “Even though Tuck is deaf it doesn’t
mean he is not nice. Dogs have different personalities. Every time I go by Tuck he seems so sad. Can
you donate or adopt Tuck? Treat Tuck how you want
to be treated! Love, Sophia.”
The counselors were touched by Sophia’s kindness
and the way she put her lessons into practice.Tuck’s poster
stayed on his condo until he was adopted two weeks later.
Camp ARF teaches lessons that children never forget, demonstrating the importance of kindness, respect, and
the responsibility of good citizenship. Register your child
for Camp or donate to help bring these lessons of compassion to future generations to come.
Tuck today in his forever home
Inset - Sophia’s drawing for Tuck
Get ready for hands-on fun!
For grades 1 - 12
c Veterinary Science Camp
c Creative Animal Art
c Pooch Pals
c Kitty Kamp
c Vet Camp
...and more!
Register now! c
Page 10
Spring 2014
In Honor of Special Friends
Adoption fees for ARF’s
Very Important Pets
(VIP) have been pre-paid
by generous supporters.
To sponsor an animal
please contact
Alice, Robin Crow
Anna and Kristoff made in honor
of Henry and Jasper, Richard,
Emma, Zoe and Lucy Wilson
Aries and Ce Ce from Patty
Boatright, Anonymous
Bamboo, Melvin and Vera
Barbie made in honor of Marie
Ramagli, Laura and Ken Corbin
Big Hunk, Victoria R. Lopez and
Mark J. Sobelson
Ali, Sheridan E. Stanton
All the pets we have!, Nancy
Amy Han, May N. and David A.
Andy and Donna Logar, Glenn and
Diane Colacurci
Ania and Blake Wise, Casey and
Howie Herbert
Ann Geiger and Tari Hanneman,
Martha DeRight
Annie, Jill E. and Thomas B. McCleary
Armand and Deborah Gordon,
Janet R. Wagner
Barbara Emery Mayr, Donna
Beck Chamber’s birthday, Jon C.
and Christina M. Chambers
Becky and Ryan Graciano, Pat
Bella Whidden, Neatha Curry
Bill and Diane, Blake and Ania Wise
Bo, Charles E. and N. Annette French
Bob Bilek and Elissa Wagner, David
Bobbe Bartlett and Hannah, Steven
E. Hengst
Brinks, Mia Okinaga
Bryan Del Fava, Julie Del Fava
Calvin Klein, Robert M. Klein
Carol Collins and Genji, Phyllis M.
Blosl and Janine Blosl
Carole Breslin, Jesse C. and Peggy R.
Carolyn and Perry Butler and Ann
Huston, Julieta Zarate-Hudson and
Lee E. Hudson
Casey, Patricia and John J.
Cattacheeno, Cuddles and Tasha,
Claire J. Stames
Charlene and Michael Lowe, Betty
D. Raaf
Cheery, Brian M. Dearle and Chungae
Page 11
Cameo and Paris made in memory of Emmitt Anderson, The
Anderson/Kuhn Family
Celeste, Alexia Southern
Chevelle made in memory of Peanut by Marisa Mejasich, Elizabeth F. and Jeff Mejasich
Chiara and Rowena, Jennifer Kim
Dolce and Mew Gull, Tanner &
Emblem and Lariat, Rich Crowl and
Barbara Atwell
Fancy made in memory of
Robert Gray, Steven J. and
Cathleen A. Ferguson
Firefly, Gryphon Channing
Freddo, Jamie Lapierre
Ginger, Pamela A. and Robert Hansen
Jessie and Owlet made in honor
of Blackjack, Glenn A. and Diane
L. McGeoch
Jolie made in memory of
Chamois from Abigail Kardek
and the Kardek
Family, Odette S. and Haley Kardek
Ladybug, Wesley J. Wright and Donna
L. Miller
Lariat, Anonymous
Lego, Joshua Millican and Amanda
Lory, Joshua and Ashley Hodapp
Louise made in memory of
Gabriella, Robin and Bill
Lyle made in memory of Ann
Shultis, Gryphon Channing
Maggie Mae, Gladys M. Rankin
Marvel Hero made in memory of
Ashlee, Kathleen and Dave Cunningham
Matcha and Peony, Robert G. Shultz
Maven, Anonymous
Max, Dave and Deanna Carkhuff
Mia and Molly, William J. Coaker Jr.
Mickey, Roberta Carol Webb
Milo, Aileen and Gary Abeyta
Minnie, Judy A. Wobleski and
Roger R. Stone
Chevelle, Rachelle Davis
Christina, Bernice R. Palangi
Christina Lockwood and Kristine
Soorian, Leighallyson Wolfe
Christine McSherry Ludtke and
Aaron Ludtke, Daniel and Sue
Christopher LaBasco’s birthday,
Cooper MacLeod, Frances Aiello
Cyndi Michelle April Lori Jaime
Kelly Lorraine, Denise Jackson
Dali, Sandi and Stevie Morgan
Dave Harris, David R. Harris
Dayna Vanderveen, Teresa L.
Dee Trevorrow and Toby Curry,
Beverly Adams and Jean Winfield
Delylah, Karen Stockerl-Goldstein and
Keith Goldstein
Diego and Samantha Tellian, Nancy
Mae Tellian
Donna Olesen, Bess Vance
Donna Smith and Kristine Soorian,
Leighallyson Wolfe
Ed Hotchkiss, Rolland E. and Isabel
I. Sears
Enzo, Sheridan E. Stanton
Fiona, Colleen A. McGuire
Frances Jefferson, Janice Castagnini
Franklin, Lise Rapaport and Hon.
Seamus P. McCaffery
Friends and Colleagues at San
Mateo County CCD, Susan
Gandalf, Xander, Kora, Cloud, and
Kanga, Gillian Groszkiewicz
Greg McCoy, Marsha A. and Richard
Greg McCoy’s birthday, Nancy M.
Guido, Bruce A. Childs and Bonnie J.
Hedy Leiter, William Quillen
Helen Bos, Valerie Hoagland
Howard Brooks-Korn, DVM, Marie
Isabel Sears, Cynthia C. Sears
Jack Daniel and Lucy Lu, Sandra J.
Jackle Lantern, Linda S. and Harry
E. Smith
Janis Joplin, Julie M. Lawyer
Jaynie Croes, John T. Fallon
Jeff Mullins, Carole Salerno
Jennifer Hall, Rose and Alex Bollman
Joan I. Black, Robin A. White
John Maruska, Joan M. Arthur
Jolley, Eric and Jennifer Tresser
Julie and Craig Rose, Crystal Di Anno
Kayla Capper, Norman R. Capper
Kelli Lynch, Alan and Barbara
Misty Moss made in honor of
Lory, Donald L. Benson
Mooshka and Sally Cinnamon,
William J. Coaker Jr.
Pinkie Cooper made in memory
of Blackie, Oleg and Xenia Schilling
Razzmatazz and Zambia, David L.
and Nancy D. Smith
Riviera and Kai, Chloe A. Laube and
William Barber
Rose Art made in honor of Koba
Kim, Hyejin Kim
Safira, Anonymous
Silk Knot, Roberta Carol Webb
Skeedaddle, Lisa Wu
Sugar Magnolia, Carolyn R. and Leland J. Eller
Sven, Donna and Stan Fuller
Taquito, Minky, Sonora and Peppermint, William J. Coaker Jr.
Turtle, Ryan Oury
Zig Zag and Newey, William J.
Coaker Jr.
Kira Wolters, Sandra J. Wolters
Kittyhawk (now Suzi York), Peggy
Kona, Gary Friedman
Ladybug, Wesley J. Wright and Donna
L. Miller
Lady-Girl and Sam made in memory of Pearl Hannon, Robert A.
and Beverly J. Runyen
Lauren Kuo’s birthday, Anonymous
Lego, Joshua Millican and Amanda
Leila, Robert J. and Alice M.
Leonard and Spotty, Rebecca Erwin
Spencer and Dan Spencer
Linda Sanguinetti - Merry Christmas, Mary Lou Peterson
Celebrating Tony La Russa’s
National Baseball Hall of Fame
G. Willard Miller Foundation
Marsha A. and Richard Servetnick
The Oakland Athletics Community
Glenn and Diane Colacurci
Robert B. Simon
Alan E. Popkin
Altschuh-Lipman Family Fund
Marijo Arthur
Rayna K. and Richard Ravitz
Spring 2014
In Honor of Special Friends
In a bind?
can help
Manners • Puppy
Specialty • Sports
Evening and weekend
classes available
You never know what’s springing
up at the ARF Thrift Store!
1950-H Market Street • Concord, CA
All purchases support the ARF Emergency Medical Fund®
Need a ride?
Lois McKelvey, Carson Moss
Lou Russa’s (Louie) 10th birthday,
Glenn and Diane Colacurci
Louie Colacurci, Lawrence and Janice
L. Wong
Lucky, Judy A. and Michael Batlin
Lucky, Bootie Charon
Lyn Haithcock, Paul A. and Michele
A. Tomalenas
Maggie, Desiree Moncton
Marci, Cody, Annie and Kristine,
Leighallyson Wolfe
Mardy Fish, Christopher R. Beck
Marsha and Dick Servetnick,
Michael and Peggy M. White
Max, Sara Dearman
Megan Morimoto, Margaret R.
Michael and Nico, Donald L. Benson
Michael De Wilde, Sara Mooradian
Mike and Julie Oligschlaeger, Mark
D. Barner
Mischief, Barbara J. Sanford
Moishe v Shayna, Jewish Community
Endowment Fund
Molly - Gero, Doreen Dobbs-Ozogul
Mom and Dad, Michael Case
Mona Lindau-Webb, Erica Gavin
Moses, Katherine A. Surman
Mr. and Mrs. David Glover, Stephanie
M. Myers
Nalu and Oliver, Chris Berman
Nancy Gay, Michael Martinez and
Mimi Gay, Amy J. and Robert C.
Nellie, Jodi Roisman
Nevin and Paige Steinberg, Mitchell
Olivia Cannizzo, Amy Oliver Cullen
and Kevin Cullen
Pancake, Bé A. Wierdsma
Phil Pitchford, Kathleen Wall
Po Shun Leong, Karyn L. and Frank
Pooh, Sid, Taffy and Snowy, Paul D.
and Kathleen F. Harvey
Preston Ward, John and Deborah J.
Randy, John T. Hawthorne
Rocket, Leo D. and Norma L. Allende
Rod and Denise, Shirley and Walter
A. Trumpf
Rod and Joyce Brink, Eric J. Brink
and Mary G. Vassar
Rose Sall, Susan Rosenthal
Sasha, Robert B. Simon
Scott and Shelley Bever, Nicholas
and Angela Bever
Scott Zimmermann and Drew Mesomsub, Judith M. and David Gavin
Shiloh Sloan, Monica T. and Dennis
Slakey Brothers, John Foley Inc.
Sonia and Aaron’s Wedding,
Raymond and Kimberlee C. Raby
Stephanie McLin, McLin Family
Steve and Wanda Wong, Glenn and
Diane Colacurci
Steve Drexel, Mary Shaw
Teddy, Robert B. Simon
The Jensens: Alana, Alan and
Adrienne, Anne M. Jensen
The Bishop Family, Nicola J. and
Chase A. Peterson
The CASE District V Board and
Conference Committee, Jeffrey
R. Wendorf
The Flach Family, Rhonda Shell
The homeless ones, Alfred A. Valdez
The Krehmeyer Family, Carla and
Robert Senh
The Kui Family, Wendy Wong
The Ladies at Eileen Fisher, Helgi
The Schultz Family, Rossann
The Wedding of Bianca La Russa
and Jordan Valjalo, Marsha A. and
Richard Servetnick
The Wedding of Devon La Russa
and Ryan Torres, Marsha A. and
Richard Servetnick
Tinkerbell, John R. and Caherine M.
Tommy Schnuck and Natalie McNulty, Sally Schnuck
Tony La Russa, Jacqueline T. Niekamp
Trudy, Daniel N. and Emily Loeb
Ty and Puka, Jennifer P. DeJong
VCA Albany Animal Hospital,
Edward C. and Janet B. Halbach
Vedder, Matt Murphy
Walter Goss, D. Patricia Brown
Willow, Jack and Mildred Heims
Yuri and Sonja, David S. Martin Jr.
Zito, Andrew McGowan
Zorro Martin, Shereen Motarjemi
In Memory of Special
So do we!
Donate your car to ARF and
we’ll give you the paperwork
for your tax write off!
Page 12
Alani, Debra A. Kabrich and Denise M.
All the Boston Terriers I have
loved, Patricia A. Baran
Alyosha, Edward J. Leiter
Annie, Casie Permenter
Annie and Shorty, Glen D. and
Marcia S. Mellinger
Ascuncion Jimenez, Kathleen J.
Bailey, Kathleen J. Carrai
Barbara Freitag, Elizabeth Ann Kelly
Bear, Jeanne Marsden
Belle and Le Beau, Jeffrey C. Kelly
Ben Sexton, William G. and Sharon
L. Jager
Bentley, Janet M. and Michael E.
Bentley and Spencer, Sharyn
Betty Biale, Knights of Columbus
Council 13179
Big Girl, Joan M. Cunnings
Bingo, Bonnie D. Gibson
Spring 2014
In Memory of Special Friends
Blossom, Donald R. Wild
Blu, Debra A. Kabrich and Denise M.
Bob, Richard D. and Heather Watts
Bob Foster, Jennifer Sandberg
Bob The Cat, Celeste M. Leal
Bobbi Kemp, Michelle Whittaker
Bodie, Mary Ann Halvorson
Boss Lady, Jacqueline Hopkins
Brig. Gen. Philip J. Erdle, Christopher
Bubba, Pat and Douglas F. Koeppe
Buddy, Steven C. and Diane Parrish
Buffy, Leena Brisch
Buster, Marianne R. Lynch
Cal Epperson, Marsha A. and Richard
Canteloupe, Aaron M. and Estelle M.
Carolyn W. Goldwater, Karen and
Gerald J. Carlson
Casey Uyeda-Lyons, Carol A. UyedaLyons and William T. Lyons
Charles W. Hopkins Jr., Jacqueline
Charlie, John A. Savage
Cheryl Blare Jacobson, Katherine B.
Chicky, Theresa A. Patterson
Chole Pichardo, Esther D. Germen
Chooch, Carla M. Della Zoppa
Cindy McIntosh, Justin C. Sadoian
Cinnamon and Lily, Cordell C. and
Arta J. Hull
Cisco and Sierra, Sam Test
Connie Keefhaver, Dr. Saundra
McMillan and Amanda R. Resch
Conrad H. Goerl, Vicki and Douglas
Cookie, Marcia P. Farrar
Cooper, Deborah B. and John S. Edack
David Buch, Carol C. Ross
David Tenberg, Marvin M. Tenberg
Dennis Tessler, Carol and Larry
Dolcé, Terry D. and Karen D. McGill
Donald A. Anderson, Carol A.
Dr. Howard B. Liebgold, Kaiser
Duke Oswald, Marsha A. and Richard
Dusty, Susan M. Flautt and Steve Mink
Dutchess, Janice M. Binkley
Edith J. Price and Roland, G. Lindsay
Elaine Luttrell, Sherry Luttrell
Elizabeth Webb Harrington,
Elizabeth M. Harrington
Ellyn Levin, M Danny Levin
Elwood, Catherine T. and Daniel J.
Emily Rose, Charles D. Del Monte
Ernest Lynn Brown, Barry Roach
Charles Lipper
Dennean L. Tylman
Grace Vanderpol
Employees at SafeAmerica Credit
Karen L. Wisniewski
Patty Carlson and Ron Lichti
Page 13
Phil Luetkemeyer
Etta, Janet M. and Michael E. Brown
Evie, Diana B. Gale
Faruk, Robert J. Habermas
Figaro, Stephen W. and Mary V. Pucci
Flash Silva, Swathi Desai-Silva and Stephen Silva
Footsie, Sally G. Taylor
Freddie, Lisa and Howard Wenger
Frosty, Jerome J. and Louise Workman
Gage, Peter and Cate Fraenkel
Georgie, Sharon C. and Greg G.
Giant George, Nova L. and Lewis M.
Ginga, Joyce and Lew Dickey
Gloria Edick, Donald V. Edick
Gloria Yancey, Christine Irons and
James D. Likens
Goldie, Ingrid U. and Arthur D.
Gordon Hardt, Stephen W. and Mary
V. Pucci
Gracie, Lawrence M. Levy
Greta Bilger, Rob and Roxann Bilger
Harper, Richard Engelen
Heidi Zimmer, Jane H. Taber
Henry and Haley, Joan V. Nopp and
Gaylene Pearson
Hercules, Robin J. and Robert A.
Hilda Hurley, Joe and Ellen Donohue
Holly, Glenn Vaughn and Kameron Leal
Honey Wenning, Gene R. Wenning
Jake 04 and Hobart 08 (RIP Boyz!),
Justin A. Glueck
James Shields, Mary M. Shields
Jane Mellenthin, Mary M. and Robert
H. Bunzel
Janice Lee, Kaz Rowe and Amy and
John Lem
Lynn Gok and Dan Riopel
Jasmine, Joann M. Biondi
Jasper and Wesley, Glen Gentry and
Kathy Farrar
Jet, Kim Malko
Jetty and Ozzie, Barbara A. Shuman
Jodie and Paul’s kitty - Blondie 2,
Linda M. and Kris A. Ohlson
Joseph Peterson and Winston, Mr.
& Mrs. John A. Peterson
Judith Jacobs Bradley, Patricia A.
Wintroath, CPA
Professional Women’s Business
Juneau and Shadow, Kim K. and
Thomas I. Mackenzie
K.C., William E. and Kathlyn
Katherine L. Crystal, Nevin
Steinberg and Paige L. Price
Kathy Irene Torres, Jean and Doug
Richard Dunning
Katie Bilger, Rob and Roxann Bilger
Kattie Fluffy, Caterina Pentcheva
Kelly and Telly, Karen E. Baker
Kenneth Wallace and Lolah,
Madeline Wallace
Khloe, Kevin M. and Christine M.
mobile document shredding
at ARF
Saturday, April 26 • 10 am - Noon
$5 per box • All proceeds benefit ARF
Information: Kathleen Huls 925.296.3118
Now offering e-waste disposal for an
additional donation!
all you need is love
ARF foster families save lives every time they open
their homes and hearts to an animal in need.
Sign up! T
Gloria Tiernan
A generous gift to ARF’s Humane Education
Fund was made in memory of Gloria Tiernan
by the family of her dear friend,
Virginia Pitchford.
Spring 2014
In Memory of Special Friends
Sadie Bicker
ARF rescue and Pet Hug Pack member
Bobbe Bartlett
Catherine T. and Daniel J. Murphy
Glenn and Diane Colacurci
Greg and Michele M. McCoy
Janelle and Barry Clark
Judy A. and Ted R. Bentley
Kira, Cynthia Pierce
Kristin Kemper, Dennis W. and Gayle
R. Kemper
L. Rick Brown, Elizabeth A. Liptak
Larue, Lauren and Kathryn Bode
Lavonna Perkins, Nancy E. Miller
Ledo, D. Patricia Brown
Lily Storer, Linda C. Crosby and
Steven Siljestrom
Linda Weber, Catherine L. Pleasant
Lizzie, Marcia L. and Steve Boyd
Lola, Jason S. Wertheimer
Louis Rodrigues, Steven Rodrigues
Lucky, Ms. Toby Curry and Dee
Lucy, Steven C. and Diane Parrish
Lynn Louise Rohwer, Claudia and
William A. Saunders
Crystal Viswanatha
Joseph A. and Lorraine Saunders
Kristin M. Shevis
Linda R. Barnett
Rachelle Zoffer
Robert A. Saunders
Maggie Mae, Margaret Trainor
Malka Schlesinger, Colin B. and
Cecile Schlesinger
Mardi and Phoebe, Phyllis J.
Margaret McNamara, Shirley O.
Marianne Rosson, Joann M. Biondi
Marie Avila-Pike’s dogs and cats,
K. Marie Avila-Pike
Marie Jones, Kaye and Jack Gordon
Marie Louise McCann
DeLeonardo, Carol B. and Jerry
D. Harter
Kathie M. and Roger J. Stein
Kris and Haylee Partello
Marsha A. and Richard Servetnick
Steven C. and Diane Parrish
Tomiye and David L. Vickers
Mark Maddalena, Melissa Clarke
Mark W. Baker, Mary M. Baker
MaryDay Glenn A Harter, TC and
Port, Lynette M. H. and Russell
Max (aka: Magoo), John Azevedo
Max Parker, Marsha A. and Richard
Michael Duncan, Malakoff &
Mickey, Doris E. Austin
Mickie Freeman, Beverly M.
Millie, Brenda L. and David E.
Mimi, Dr. Jane B. Burka
Minosa, Joann M. Biondi
Misha, Marie Nadeau
Miss Essey, Joan M. Cunnings
Mochi, Nancy Arkwright
Molly Kitty, Anthony J. and Barbara
C. Bettencourt
Mookie, Wilson, Little Guy and
Anders, U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Mrs. Irmtraud Hall, Irmgard E. and
Frank Koeller
Myeka, Steven L. and Maria Valente
Nancy Pinnella, Winnie C. and
Chao-Hui Shy
Nippy, Laura P. Pedersen
Norma Rasmussen, Diana L. Bell
Nutmeg and Pierre, Pamela and
Loran E. Kaminsky
Nutmeg, Yoshi, and Carmen, Jill
and Bruce Dresser
Onslow, Mary E. and R. J. Wais
Oprah, Sue Ann and Michael W. Todd
Owen Choi, Christy D. Stone
Paco, Marietta Stuart
Paloma, Fabiola Macias-Tellez
Pat Hartman,
Adele C. and Allen L. Meier
Bud Beemer
Carole Della Santa
Charles J. and Virginia M. Koeber
Martha E. Riley
Pat and Gregg McDermont
Priscilla K. and David M. Witt
Valory Flaner
Patricia McDonald, Stephen L. and
Karen S. Kinsey
Patricia Renée Dulmage, Martha E.
Paul S. Peratis, Tanya and Joseph
Paws and Oreo, Helen O. and Garrett
Pearl, Herbert G. Reid
Pearl, Nick and Sally Wilhem
Pedee Pitchford, William D. Hardie
Peggy Suhrke, Jackie and Ralph J.
Pepsi, Dorothy Graham
Peter and Elizabeth, Caroline
Phillis Simonsen, Philip M. Bettens
Punkin and Ally, Cynthia A. Baron
and David Abel
Quincy, Elaine F. Gronskis
Raggs, Ron and Andrea Merritt
Rambo, Dr. Christopher J. Hussar
Rascal, Phyllis G. and Harvey L.
Rev. Daniel L. Ahrens,
Janelle and Barry Clark
Velma Clark
Rexall, Helen J. Rodriguez
Richard Dale, Nancy C. Goodman
Rocky, Janet M. and Michael E. Brown
Rocky Prado, Ryan Christoi and Sara
Rolo, Dana L. Kueffner and Peter M.
Ronnie Cowen, Karen J. and Jeffrey
M. Vesely
Rooney, Ziggy, Misty and Andie,
Fred M. and Joan L. Baker
Roxsie, Bob and Diane M. Malucelli
Roy Thomas Eddy, Joseph M.
Sabrina, Smokie, Idgie, Annie,Mr.
Magoo, Alex, and Papillion,
Cassese Insurance Services
Sadie Uyeda-Lyons, Carol A. UyedaLyons and William T. Lyons
Sally Dade Pulcheon, Melissa J.
Sam Johnson, Teresa Thomsen
Sammi and Fifi Martin-Gieryng,
Joy Martin-Gieryng and Tom
Sammy, Helena Bolin
Scooter and Rusty Mathews,
Christine S. Mathews
Sean Garvin, Mary L. McIntosh
Sedona, Wayne Krumrei
Shadow, John A. Dunn
Sierra, Gary W. and Sandra Tamkin
Sir Lancelot, Michele Wiley
Sissy, Tyrone T. Sasaoka
Snickers, Walter J. and Susan K.
Sonia, Linda K. and Stephen J. Crowe
Sophie Russo, Edward J. Leiter
Spencer, Helena Stone
Spunky, David A. Freeman
Steelie Dan, Jayne C. and Miguel E.
Stephanie Campbell-Hartzell,
Susan L. Campbell-Weir
Stephen Bergren, Alan F. Denenberg
Rita Selvaggi
William W. and Leslie A. Sims
Surprise, Dorothy K. Pineman
Tasha, Mary L. Skiles
Tess, Ken Peterson
Tessie Von, Douglas Boam
The Britster, Donald L. and Nancy
Ann Dalbey
Tigger, Carl L. and Ruth M. Brandt
Tillie, Ms. Toby Curry and Dee
Tipper, Edwin Aiken
Tobey, Jennifer M. Bowen
Tubs, D. Patricia Brown
Virginia Lavik, Majel Hellsten
Webster, Gay Orand
William E. Jones, Sophie and
Schubert, Barbara E. Jones
William Norman Berg, Barbara
Wilson, Trudy G. Lum
Woody, Charles F. and Kristine Carlin
your dog, Brenda and Vincent
Your Loving Pal of 13 Years, Bruce
Zeus, Elizabeth Englander
Zoey, Brian and Karen Montero
Zoey, Paul J. Hammer
This listing includes donations received from 9/24/13 through 2/12/14. We apologize if we made a mistake in representing your donation. Please contact
Lynn at 925.296.3156 or to make a correction.
Gift amounts of $100 or more are recognized in the Scoop newsletter. To honor a special friend, visit
to send an e-card, or mail your donation to ARF and include a note letting us know the name and address of
whom you would like us to notify.
Page 14
Spring 2014
Community Interest
ARF’s Pet Hug Pack participated in Read Across America
week, reading to 2,300 children in 15 schools throughout
Contra Costa County!
Each 30 minute presentation included a short history of
ARF, a lesson on the joys and benefits of reading to pets
at home, a story read aloud, and a lesson on dog safety,
with a special hands-on visit with the Pet Hug Pack
member in attendance.
Pet Hug Pack’s
Pet Hug Pack Coordinator Pat with Spiff
g with a friend
Carmen readin
Looking for love...
Page 15
Spring 2014
Mitchell Drive
P.O. Box 30215
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Join Us For Upcoming Events
Monday, April 14
Crow Canyon Country Club
Animals on Broadway
Goes Off Broadway
Sunday, May 18
Heather Farm Park
Walnut Creek
Wine & Whiskers
Saturday, September 20
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