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The coop
ARF’s Shelter:
10 Years
Page 8
Fall 2013
2890 Mitchell Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Board of Directors
Tony La Russa, Chairman
Gregory L. McCoy, Esq., President
Brenda de la Ossa, Secretary
Bradley N. Blake
William A. Blase, Jr.
Sandy Block, DVM
Maria Brunner
Glenn Colacurci
Jennifer Hall
W. Roger Haughton
Timothy Krisch
Neal Mitchell
Steven C. Parrish
John Schiavo
Marsha Servetnick
John Steiner
Amy Trask
Visitors to ARF enter through the
Maddie’s Animal Care Center doors.
Maddie’s Fund® ( is a family foundation endowed by the founder of Workday®
and PeopleSoft, Dave Duffield, and his
wife, Cheryl. Maddie’s Fund is helping
to achieve and sustain a no-kill nation
by providing solutions to the most challenging issues facing the animal welfare community through Maddie’s®
Grant Giving and Maddie’s InstituteSM.
To achieve this goal, Maddie’s
Fund® is investing its resources in
building community collaborations
where animal welfare organizations
come together to develop successful
models of life-saving; in veterinary col-
leges to help shelter medicine become
part of the veterinary curriculum; and
in the implementation of a national
strategy to promote accountability and
transparency in animal shelter operations. Maddie’s Fund® is named after
the family’s beloved Miniature Schnauzer who passed away in 1997.
ARF Executive Staff
Elena Bicker, Executive Director
Mary Jo Bernardo, Chief Operations Officer
Bobbe Bartlett, Development Director
Juliet Blake, Clinic Director
Jill Cooney, Animal Programs Director
Elaine Durkin, Finance Director
Gaye McDuff, Volunteer Services Director
Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation
is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency, which receives
no local, state or federal funding. Life-saving
services and programs are made possible
through the generosity of caring people.
Sara Kersey, Scoop Editor
Ashley Thiry, Art and Production
What do you think of The Scoop’s new look?
Let us know at
ARF has earned our sixth consecutive four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the nation’s premier charity evaluator, attaining a level achieved by only
3% of charities rated. Awarded for sound fiscal management and commitment to
accountability and transparency, Charity Navigator states ARF “outperforms most
other charities in America,” and this “exceptional designation differentiates ARF
from its peers, and demonstrates to the public it is worthy of their trust.” Thank
you to our supporters and more than 500 dedicated volunteers who are intensely
involved in every aspect of our work! You help us ensure 87 cents of every dollar
goes directly to programs!
On the cover: Mortar (2-year-old Shih Tzu/Pug)
Rescued May 2013 - Adopted July 2013
Photography by GNS Photography
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Fall 2013
A MESSAGE from THE Executive Director
Dear Elena,
When I first met you, I
had just began my life
at ARF as O’Henry, a
scared, deaf dog who
had been under-loved
and undernourished…
s I approach ARF’s home each morning, the days of
operating from the back of our thrift store with just
one employee seem so long ago! I first got involved
in 1993 as a puppy foster and was thrilled to play a role in rehoming 464 animals that year – just a fraction of what we’re
able to do now. We were a small group driven by big dreams
and an unbridled passion for animals.
The game changed when we opened our building in 2003
and faced the exciting task of filling our empty shelter with 70
dogs and 100 cats. I remember the rescue truck pulling up to
the curb, full of beautiful animals we had saved right before
their time had run out. Many volunteers and staff members
had agreed to foster a pet until opening day, and our intake
specialist placed a timid Basset Hound pup in my arms. If
his soft, spotted ears and baritone bay hadn’t won my heart,
he sealed the deal with a shy lick to my face. I will never
forget how he spent that evening frolicking in my yard and
swimming with my dogs; his first taste of life as a pet. It was
only after calling him in for his dinner that I realized O’Henry
was deaf.
I was overjoyed to receive the following message
just a few days ago:
Since I was only a few
months old when ARF rescued me, my new
mommy also became my new pair of ears
and I became quite attached to her, an
unbreakable bond that we still share today.
From that moment forward I never felt
sad or afraid anymore and I simply became
So thank you, Elena. I remember you were
the first person at ARF to bring me home.
For the past 10 years I have gotten more love
than I ever thought possible. I have retained
my boyish good looks…that I continue to use
to my advantage.
I will be forever grateful to ARF for my
wonderful life.
Love, Henry c
After 10 years, ARF is still dreaming big, introducing
new programs, and seeking out new spaces within the
confines of our 37,000-square-foot home. At the time
of our groundbreaking, we thought we were opening an
animal shelter. In reality, we were launching a community
center, allowing us to connect people and animals and
inspire thousands of visitors to join us in our mission
It’s your generous support of our dreams that enabled
us to open our doors to more than 26,000 abandoned
animals with nowhere else to turn. With your help, we can
rescue many more who need us – just like Henry. Thank
you for saving their lives.
Henry at ARF in 2003
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Fall 2013
Our rescue team knew Monsoon was special
when we first discovered her, lying at the front of
her kennel at the public shelter and looking up at us
with big, bright eyes. It wasn’t until she stood to greet
us that we noticed her back legs were atrophied and
couldn’t fully support her weight, causing her to bunny hop when she walked. We took her back to ARF,
where she got x-rays and a full exam from neurologist Dr. Lisa Klopp of VCA San Francisco Veterinary
Specialists. After thorough and careful examination,
we determined she wasn’t in pain, but would benefit
from a patient family who could give her extra TLC.
The blue merle beauty was available for adoption for
just a couple of days when a visiting couple fell in
love with her. Now, Monsoon is a cherished member
of their family and they’re unable to imagine their
lives without her!
Scout’s new guardian can’t believe someone ever let her
go. “Whoever lost this little girl or tossed her out lost a sweetheart!”
she exclaims. The pretty orange tabby loves to follow her human
around the house like a dog, watch birds and squirrels through the
office window, and spend her nights sleeping with – and sometimes
on – her guardian. In fact, on her first night at home, Scout escaped
from her own room in the middle of the night to sneak out and
snuggle. “I love her so much! We are very happy together here.”
Follow adoptions in real time!
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“We are very happy with Koda. She is playful and gets
along with everyone and everything.”
Fall 2013
Animals Rescuing People
Pet Hug Pack
Since 2002, Pet Hug Pack has been spreading love
and smiles where they are needed most in
Contra Costa County - at hospitals, senior assisted living facilities, rehab centers, schools, libraries,
and adult day care facilities. Meet two Pack members adopted from ARF who are bringing their
magic to those in need.
The day Sue adopted Daisy from
ARF was one of the happiest of her life.
The then-11-month-old Leonberger
puppy had been left behind in a foreclosed house without food or water. Sue had
been an admirer of the breed for years and knew the gentle
giant would make a fantastic companion…and Pet Hug Pack
member! Today, Daisy and Sue visit hospitals, convalescent
homes, schools, and libraries, bringing big love to anyone
who needs it. Daisy’s size certainly gives people a reason to
smile, and it turns out her name does too. “Everywhere we
go, people say ‘Oh, I had a Daisy too,’” Sue recalls. “Even
Alzheimer’s patients open up and respond to her name.”
Daisy’s rough beginning seems long ago as she
spends her days lifting spirits with her happy grin and soulful brown eyes. Although she weighs in at more than 100
pounds, her heart is the biggest thing about her!
Two weeks after her cat passed
away, Bonnie was feeling blue and
took a trip to ARF to lift her spirits.
Even though she was not planning to adopt right
away, she was drawn to a handsome brown tabby with a
big meow. His calm, loving demeanor brought her great
comfort. “Maybe I can do this after all,” she remembers
Now a member of the Pet Hug Pack, Mister Kitty
has shared his special brand of quiet comfort with hospice
patients and teaches kids at Camp ARF about cat behavior.
Bonnie relates: “He’s so intuitive. His first visit in hospice,
he curled up in bed next to a man and just hung out with
him. As we turned to say goodbye, he looked right at the
man and gave his big meow! He brings such comfort to
people who are missing their own kitties,” Bonnie says.
“That’s the best part.”
Visiting Bob, a special friend
Bringing smiles to Camp ARF
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Fall 2013
event highlights
Basic Manners
Small Dog Manners
ARF Awards Dinner
Four Seasons Hotel,
San Francisco, CA
Salute to Animals
Veteran’s Day Camp
21 - 24
Pet Loss Support Group
Leaders &
MGM Grand
Las Vegas, NV
Save The Date!
Foster Orientation
Mobile adoption event
Molly’s Pup-Purr ee,
Danville, CA
January 3, 2014
Comedy Night
Lesher Center For the Arts,
Walnut Creek
January 4, 2014
Wine & Whiskers
Stars to the Rescue XXIII
Lesher Center For the Arts,
Walnut Creek
This is a sampling of ARF classes, workshops, camps, and events occurring September - November 2013
To register or view a full listing of ARF events, visit
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Fall 2013
community interest
The first graders were restless; their bus had travelled a long way to visit ARF’s Learning Center for their
first-ever class field trip.
In the colorful classroom, they watched footage of
Evie the stray cat on the baseball diamond at the memorable 1990 A’s game. Thinking it was a game, the children
giggled as they watched her dart around the field. Noticing
Evie’s body language growing more frightened and frantic,
their laughter soon faded and was replaced by empathy for
the stray cat who was the genesis for ARF all those years
Buzzing with excitement, the children were lead
by the docent into the Learning Center, where they collectively gasped when they saw the miniature vet office and
pet store. Examining plush animals with toy stethoscopes
and gathering pet supplies for their imaginary adopted pet,
the children began to grasp the responsibility of caring for a
cute puppy or fluffy kitten.
After a lesson on reading animal body language,
the moment they had patiently waited for had arrived - Pet
Hug Pack dog Spiff made her entrance. Still thinking about
how crowds and unfamiliar people had frightened Evie,
some children made an effort to make the four-legged visitor more comfortable. “Hello,” one little girl whispered as
Spiff entered the room. Putting their lessons in action, they
lined up and respectfully, quietly approached Spiff to shower
her with gentle affection.
The Learning Center is the first interactive museum
located in a private adoption center.
About a week later, thank-you notes from all the
children arrived along with pictures they’d drawn of their
favorite shelter animals. “Thank you for teaching us about
dogs and cats,” one letter read. “I see now that we are all the
This year alone, ARF’s Learning Center hosted
more than 5,000 children, opening young peoples’ eyes
to the world of animals and teaching important lessons on
compassion and responsibility. Your donation will motivate
a classroom of children to become animal lovers.
Thousands of children learn to respect and be safe around
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Fall 2013
ARF’s shelter:
inutes before the sun rises, lights flicker on in
the hallways of ARF’s shelter. Sleek black cats
and striped tabbies arch their backs and purr happily at volunteers who greet them by name. Across the hall,
sleepy puppies curled together on a blanket yawn and blink
at the sudden illumination. Lanky-legged retriever mixes
and pint-sized terriers press their noses to the windows of
their condos, anxious to catch the first glimpse of a leash
in-hand or a cart piled high with breakfast dishes.
For the past ten years, thousands of lucky cats and
dogs have been given a brand new start in safe, cozy rooms
at ARF’s shelter. The formerly homeless have a home here,
where they are welcome to wait here for days, weeks, or
however long it takes for their new family to find them.
Walking down the rows of furry faces, it’s difficult to imagine that each one was a nameless stray just hours from being euthanized at a high-kill shelter …before ARF rescued
Even with his handsome tabby coat and bright
green eyes, Skip had been overlooked by adopters for
weeks at the public shelter in favor of adorable kittens.
His friendly personality and penchant for ear rubs couldn’t
Page 8
change the fact that the shelter was quickly running out of
space and his time was nearly up. Our rescue team noticed
him desperately sticking his little white paw out of the bars
of his cage, signaling “take me with you!”
In ARF’s early days, our ability to save lives was
significantly limited by lack of a shelter in which to house
and care for rescued animals. Dedicated volunteers spent
hours coordinating trips to public shelters, care in foster
homes, visits to local veterinarians, and transportation for
sick and injured pets to receive the surgeries and care they
needed. Today, thanks to our supporters who made our
dream of a shelter a reality – and continue to keep our lights
on – we are able to say “yes” to Skip and thousands of other
cats and dogs in need. It’s just a short walk down the hall
for routine exams, treatments, and the best of care at ARF’s
state-of-the-art Clinic.
Our home is a place for animals
and people to come together
to enrich each other’s lives
Fall 2013
We open our doors to the public daily to give our
animals every opportunity to charm visitors. Visitors stroll
with their dogs in the gardens, senior citizens gather to
volunteer as a group, and neighbors spend their lunch
break watching kittens tumble and wrestle. The chatter of
excited students eager to learn about animals fills the hallway as they arrive for a Camp ARF session. In his cozy
room with a warm bed and a full bowl, Skip waits with
the others, hoping to catch the eye of a family and capture
their hearts.
For ten years, our building has been a place for
animals and people to come together in meaningful ways
to enrich each other’s lives. Our generous donors and volunteers are the foundation of ARF’s home, making it possible to open our doors every day to all those who need
Your gift today will provide another decade of saving lives. Please donate at!
Skip waits for a home
Tony building ARF’s future, 2003
Groundbreaking, 2003
More than 23,000
animals SPAYED
Just one spay/neuter day can result in
an incredible 40 pets altered
and prevent needless loss of life due to
pet overpopulation.
Sponsor a free pet fix day
925.296.3149 •
Page 9
Fall 2013
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Socializing ARF foster pets
Meeting new kinds of rescued
friends - like pigeons!
Learning how dogs and cats
hear and see
Camp ARF rocks!
Sign up today for our new Salute to Animals Veteran’s Day camp at
To kick off our shelter’s 10th anniversary and create a more homelike environment, we are refreshing our
dog and cat condos with amazing murals reflecting what
our animals really want – a home.
We are currently in search of talented artists, muralists, architects, and designers to paint inviting interiors in
our condos to help thousands of visitors picture our dogs
and cats in their own family homes. Do you have a vision to
create a country villa for Fluffy, a Tahoe retreat for Fido, or
a children’s room for puppies to romp and kittens to scamper? Realistic, impressionistic, or whimsical, your art will
help deserving animals find a real home of their own.
Contact Dinah McFarlane at
or visit
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ARF People Connect Specialist Kaitlin Lewis
creates a picturesque mural
ARF is a wonderful place for homeless
animals to start over…but there’s no
place quite like home!
Fall 2013
Alice Carr, Hillevi and Merek Lipson
All my Italian greyhounds, Doreen
All our 4-legged children, Boris J.
and Lore Perkic
Amelia Hoyle’s birthday, Julie Hoyle
Amy Cheng, Kristine Hendrickson
Andrew Briggs’ birthday,
Jaynie and Jason Campana
Nicole and Chad I. Thompson
Grace and Carlos R. Munoz
Brooke E. and Charles F. Shay
Cindy R. and Michael P. Stern
Bailey, Barbara A. Lencioni
Bambi, Bella and Baby, Leticia
Bandit, Jerome Clark
Beck Chamber’s birthday, Jon C.
and Christina M. Chambers
Nicola J. and Chase A. Peterson
Lucinda Giertz
Ben Bramsen, DVM, Shana Schank
Brewski, Julianna A. Fawcett and
Howie Knoff
Bryan Del Fava, Vicki L. Reeder
Carole Hill, Daniel M. Dys
Cattacheeno, Cuddles and Tasha,
Claire J. Stames
Chucky, Richard R. Sherrill and
William D. McBride
Claire Quintella and Duggan
Kerney, Katherine O’Neill
Cleo and Tanner, Stephanie Floyd
Cynthia Crow, Starr D. Fenn
Diane and Rocky Box’s 50th
wedding anniversary, Brenda L.
and David E. Anderson
Diane Johnson, Michaelyn Williams
Dr. Anne Lay, Philip D. Pitchford
Eloise D’Innocente, DZH Phillips,
Evan Berg, Rosemary M. and Doug
Evelyn Knight’s 80th birthday,
Bloom Investment Co.
Finnbar, Nancy and Luis Herrera
Fluffy, Catherine M. and John R.
Gianni Matteucci, Nicole Mills
Hanna, Beverly A. and Seraphin J. Leal
Jaden Elgazzar’s birthday, Patricia
Jennifer Stanich-Banmiller, Call
Center Staff
Jenny and Wuzzle, Marie Nadeau
Jon Wiser and Copper, Barbara J.
and Jon L. Wiser
Josh Reddick, Aaron Holliday
Juanita Luther’s 79th birthday,
Jeannette M. and Steven D. Adams
Julia Westrich, Ahnna K. Brossy
Kent Shirley, Donald F. Larsen
Kent Shirley’s retirement, Lisa C.
Kinleigh and Teagan Osborne, Dyan
J. Osborne
Kirby and Patty, Jeffrey A. Clemens
Kissi, Abbi, Milli, Molli, Ashli and
Remmi, Elizabeth A. Chapman
Kris Fitzsimmons, Laura and Adam
Lady-Girl and Sam made in
memory of Pearl Hannon, Robert
A. and Beverly J. Runyen
Linda Pruchniak, Kym Weissmann
Loretta Dixon, Richard L. Dixon
Lou Russa’s 9th Birthday, Bobbe
Louie and Miami, Vincent J. Cincotta
Lucky, Judy A. and Michael Batlin
Maisy and Duffy, Janet M. and Gerald
R. Lopus
Marina Castilla-Lui, Andrea and Mike
Maureen and Tom Daley, Bernadette
P. and John D. Harney
Maxine and Molly, Anthony J. and
Barbara C. Bettencourt
McKenna Ryan William’s Bat
Mitzvah, Gail and Jack Sodikoff
Mijo, Sunee M. and Gilbert Leano
Mira Dahlstrom’s 8th birthday,
Jennifer Rhee
Dawn E. Sprague
Ravee Singh
Missy, Arthur and Laurann Castillo
Modena, Courtney T. Perillo
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wiltsek, Patricia
My Bebb, Stella M. and Antonio Di
My Dear Friends and Family, Bobbe
Myeka, Steven L. and Maria Valente
Nancy Truitt’s birthday, Greg and
Michele M. McCoy
Nicholas, Heath Carlisle and Melanie
R. Wartenberg
Obie/Oboe, Tammy Rozas and Ryan
Oliver, Striker and Frances, Gene A.
Opal, Sheridan Stanton
Owen Puente’s birthday, Patricia
Pauline, David, Bailey, and Sunny,
Jonathan Alexander
Pearl Hannon, Mr and Mrs James
Precious, Shirley Lawrence
Rebecca Grace Krisch, Glenn and
Diane Colacurci
Regal, Christine M. Shipley
Rhett Arbuckle’s birthday, Candy D.
Richard and Marie Ivona, Robert
Jordan and Valerie Wong
Ripley, Joy Hakola-Dardin
Sammy Poo and Oliver, Clare Klinge
Sandy Block, Roger and Judith
Scout’s birthday, Michael R. and
Sharon P. Palombo
Shelley Bever, Dan Bora
Nicholas and Angela Bever
Shimmer, Kristin Weigard
Shorty Kemmerer, Mary E. and
Gene E. Kemmerer
Stan Musial, Dr. Robert J. Berman
Tara, James H. Fox
Teddy Bear, David Margolis
Thomas and Megan, Katherine A.
Tony La Russa, Raymond Flade
Tonya Helm, Gretchen E. Reinhardt
Willow, Jack and Mildred Heims
Adoption fees for ARF’s Very Important Pets (VIP) have been pre-paid by generous supporters.
To sponsor an animal please contact
Anthem and Sophie, Alex and
Linda Robles
Avalon, Pamela and Loran E.
Babushka, Kimberly and Michael
Bella and Benny, Emma L. Taylor
Bluebell and Daphne, Kelly
Camelot and Clarabella, William
J. Coaker Jr.
Cappucino, Betsy and Derek D.
Dancing Queen, Nona A. and
William W. Thomas
Page 11
Drover, Susan M. Dannenfelser and
Kirk Beck
Forever, Jennifer and Mike Loving
Forever, David L. and Nancy D.
Gidget, Erin Omundson and Tim
Hilda Doolittle, Drew King and
Rachel Endicott
Jeff Scott Soto, Heidi Tuby
Jet, Rachelle Davis
Jethro, Gladys M. Rankin
Kiwi and Willa, William J. Coaker
Laura, Elizabeth Harshaw and David
Lela Rose, Ms. Wendy Lambis and
John Fares
Lennox, Eva Jacobs
Maple, Stevie Wasson and Lori
Milfoil, Derek and Shelly Oosterhouse
Mouse Ears, Stella Kondonijakos
Mugsy Bogues, Peter and Sherry
Neo and Snowmeow, William J.
Coaker Jr.
Nina, Jen Reiner
Oboe, Oracle and Sunday, William J. Coaker Jr.
Pepper, Rebecca Ostrander
Picnic, William J. Coaker Jr.
Princess Daisy, Maryanne Britten
Ranger and Twinkle made in
memory of Puff, Inky, Bunns,
Hershe, Kitté, Rollie, Jr & Bits,
Vicki and Douglas Hogendorn
Rocky, Christine Jongens
Sam, Lady-Girl, Cleopatra and
Tanner made in honor of Mr.
Sooty, Ms. Wendy Lambis and
John Fares
Tom, Nancy J. and Charles A. Peterson
Tommy, Anonymous
Troy, Charles and Emma Fordham
Ukulele, James and Kathy Waldron
Fall 2013
Abbie, Sam Awad
Abby and Daisy, Lori M. Fennell
Abby Ellerbeck, Shivaun and Jim
Aja, Carole and Steven Hendrickson
Alexis (‘Baby’), Zach E. Wiley
Alice Hall, Jimmy and Kathleen Foster
Alisa Merkle, The Miller Children
All my Aussies, Marietta Stuart
Allison Denise Bloom, Carol B. and
Jerry D. Harter
Amber Lynn McCort, Estelle and
Donald Baum
Amory Cochrane, Beverly A. David
Charles A. ‘Chuck’ Trombetta
ARF volunteer, Pet Hug Pack member, and foster
Judy A. and Ted R. Bentley
Elena and Bill Bicker
Dallas E. and Sumako Bock
D. Patricia Brown
Janelle and Barry Clark
Colombo Club Auxiliary
Randy, Dena and Stacey DeVere
Elaine and Richard Durkin
Four Corners Veterinary Hospital
Heather Edwards
Neal and Diane Essary
Maureen M. and Manuel A. Faria
Dr and Mrs Jack Hockel
Mary Jensen and Edward Andrews
Sandra Lawler
Carla and Gary Macknin
Gaye and Peter McDuff
Joseph E. McElroy
Susan K. McNeely
Bob and Debbie Nevins
Onstad’s Insurance
Lawrence P. and Denise R. Picetti
Dorothy H. and James A. Sweeney
Denisia G. Trombetta
Karen and John Vecchi
Lily Storer
ARF volunteer and Pet Hug Pack member
Leona Annis
Elena and Bill Bicker
Timothy and Erin Bisson
Veronica and Dan Chu
Janelle and Barry Clark
Margaret G. Corsa
Joice Fong
Nancy N. Foord
Janice and Arthur W. Foster
Dorothy C. and Charles B. Glass
Maryann B. Graulich
Mary Ann and Norman V. Kay
Joan Lang
Page 12
Britt-Marie and Brian J. Morris
NetApp - ATG
Ann Reeder
Kathleen A. Rowe
Doris M. Rudolph
Laurie Shapley
Clarice J. Smith
Arline B. Spieler
James Storer and Patricia MaininiStorer
Iris L. Straus
Maria L. Wong
Amy Eiseman, Dave and Debbie
Andy, David L. and Laurie W. Strouse
Angela Arata, Lillian Paluchi
Ann Kitson’s dogs and cats, Ann B.
Anna, Christina J. and Chris N. Pihiou
Annabelle, Dina L. Colman and Dave
Annie, Susan Caldwell
Annie Oakley, Animal Hospital of
Ashley, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Baby, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Banks Pritchard, Shelley and Robert
Barkley, Roger and Judith Haughton
Barney Currer, Margie C. Cash
Beans, Michelle Hudson
Bear, Carol A. and Jeff B. Western
Beau, Dr. Diane Martin
Beckett, Rosaleen C. Kelly
Bee and Richard Gerlach, Robin G.
Benjie, Shannon, Heather, Peeper,
Momma, Petruchio, Einstein,
Mags, Sydney, Eli, Chloe and
Hamilton, Steven B. and Karin M.
Benny and Rosie, Dario A. and Marta
Bentley and Spencer, Sharyn
Berta Olsen and Verner Olsen,
Jean T. Stenson
Bill Collins, Ruth M. Collins
Bill McIntyre, Michael J. Brown
Black Kitty, Randi J. Miller
Blacky, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Blu, Rose Marie and Bruce N.
Bob Meuschke, D. Patricia Brown
Bobby Glenn, Cheryl Nolan
Bonny and Molly, Letitia A. Deibert
Booker Bloch, Renee M. Wright
Boris and Natasha, Caren A. and
Leslie J. Tereck
Brittany, Bailey and Buster, Chris
and Dorothy L. Bidinost
Buck Jones, Frances A. and Ted Chase
Bunny Bear, Michelle Hudson
Cali, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Carol Ann Anderson, The Cohn
Carol Lander, Starr D. Fenn
Carolyn Dildine, Barbara Sangenitto
Carolyn W. Goldwater, Karen and
Gerald J. Carlson
Casey, Frances J. Gaare
Catherine Ann Pinelli-Spalding,
Bill Barr
John and Joanne Casey
Applied Weather Technology Inc.
Stephen H. and Donna L. Carkeet
Cee Rusake, Barbara Jeanne Glenn
Celie, Nicole Lefort
‘Ch Bogart’ Stephens, Deborah L.
Charlie, Nancy S. Artinyan
Charlie Pierce, David M. Rose
Charlie Sibley, Rhonda Sibley
Cheri Ann Tancredy, Richard A. and
Lynne O. Galletta
Sharon D. and Michael R. Godlewski
Chili Dog and Pepperoni Pup, Susan
J. Sheldon and Bruce Borgman
Chilley, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Chloe, Ms. Toby Curry and Dee
Chloe, Patricia A. and D.W. Swayze
Chloe and Jasmine, Joan M. Pastrnak
Christine, Arlene M. Lawson
Cindy, Gregory W. and Connie J. Grebe
Colby, Diana Pitchford
Corinne Henning, Ann M. Henning
Cutie, Catherine Aito
Dante, Ms. Toby Curry and Dee
Dee Dee and LouLou, Gordon H.
Delta, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Deuce, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Devon, Frances B. and Cameron W.
Dianne Elizabeth Morris Yergovich,
The CP Channel Team
The China Channel Team
The Wallace Family
Nancy M. Pace
Scott Drain
Diesel, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Dingo and Princess, Michael J. and
Sheri Ridgely
Dolcé, Terry D. and Karen D. McGill
Dolce Bell, Ju Dee Bell
Donald L. Faria, Marguerite Faria
Dr. Lawrence Post, Cheryl Burnsides
Duffy, Joann M. Biondi
Eddie Staley, Laura E. and Charles J.
Eddy, Pete and Ingrid Guttman
Edie Hodge, Frances and Alexander
Edith J. Price and Roland, G. Lindsay
Eleanor Guidotti, Paul Fontes
Elfie Larkin, Beverly T. Morgan
Ellie, Mark H. and Darla Carter
Elonda Berberian, Alice Humphrey
Emma, Paulette M. Cochrane
Emma, James Leal
Emma, Leslie Miller
Emma Jean Barry, Alek I. Shestakov
Emma Jean Barry, Thomas and Mary
Emmy, Margaret E. Mowery
Ernestine Vetro, Barbara and Roger
Fabulous Four, Diana L. and Robert
A. Nelson
Figaro, John S. Saleh
Freckles, Kaycee and Taffy, Paul E.
and Linda K. Walker
Fritz, Christa E. and William C.
Frosty, Jerome J. and Louise Workman
Gabriella, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Gato Peacock, Lucy and Don Galen
Gimlet, Heather A. and Michael C.
Continued on next page
Fall 2013
Ginger and Snaps, Kay Stratford
Ginnie, Chet and Erin E. Fritz
Ginny, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Gladys Erickson, Lawrence J. and
Casey J. Morreira
Gorgi, Richard Gould
Grushenka, Edward J. Leiter
Gypsy, Kimberly S. Denis-Mize and
Theodore A. Mize
Halle Samuels, Stew E. and Lynn
Harry Davis, Geri Z. Zahran-Park and
Michael P. Park
Henry, Mark A. Goldberg
Henry D. Herrmann, Edelgard A. and
Donald A. Bees
Holly, Christine M. and Fred Seely
Honey, Barbara N. and Paul Rogen
Hoover, Traci Miller
HRH Elizabeth Jo Soo Hoo, Kate
Indy, Donna and Arthur G. Maionchi
Isabella ‘Bella’ Pina Richardson,
Susan and Roger Hukkanen
Ronald P. and Deborah A. Lumachi
Rhys A. and Neil A. Miller
Cindy and Alberto Matteoni
Martha E. Riley
Patricia A. and John Parodi
Marlene A. Anderson
Jack, Margaret Trainor
Jack Galanis, Katherine M. Mattson
Jack Rappaport, Velma Clark
Jan Jessup, The WCI Administrative
Operations Team at the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory
Jane Harkin, Daniel H. Owens
Jaya, Kristin Becker
Jeanine Duncan, Lene B. and Dave L.
Jeanine Duncan, Roland A. and
Margo A. Hemond
Jim King, Tony and Elaine La Russa
Joan Koczo, Catherine Morden
Joe Kozlin, Jodi Roisman
Jose Arcega, Beverley L. Nelson
Julie Shaw-Baltazor, Don & Merle
Matthews, Mervyn & Karen Mark,
Brenda & Alvin Mark, Phil & Tracy
Gisello, Terri & Phil Lee, Mark & Jennifer Van Looy, Darryl &
Connie Yee, Jonathan Yee, Shawn Tearle, Daniel & Silvia Yee, Marilyn Yee,
Rose & Larry Beresford (Daniel Yee)
Julie Shaw-Baltazor, Dan and
Stephanie Baltazor
Juniper, Janet E. and Ronald E. Looney
K.C., William E. and Kathlyn
Karen Swenson, Nancy R. Sweeney
Katherine Schultz McMillan, Ann
Kay Morgan, Richard W. Renwick
Keen Friedman, David L. and Laurie
W. Strouse
Kenneth Westbay, Susan J. and Carl
B. Webb
Kookie, Lisa A. Hagel
Ladybug Lee, Gennaelyn Lee
Lawrence Webb, Peggy Mullins
Leia, Veronica Gomez
Page 13
Liliana Ghiggeri, Barbara Jeanne
Lily, Jane S. Oberholzer
Linden Hynes and Tiki, Anonymous
Elizabeth M. Bingham
Robert R. Dyke and Kathy Durkin
Ritch K. and Joan Eich
Barney Fonzi
Jeff Frankel
Caroline H. Hayes
The Ryan Family Charitable Fund
Linden Hynes on her birthday, The
Hynes Families - Gray Hynes, Ragan
Hynes Rei and Michael Hynes
Lisa Foley, Kathy J. Graves and Susan
Louise Hogan, Devona Parks
Luana Mae Lowes, 4th Floor Rehab
Staff - John Muir Medical Center
Lucky, Christine Hamilton
Lucy and Sophie, Michelle Hudson
Luke, Bandits
Lulu, Sarah A. Russo
Mach, Victoria R. Nuetzel and Greg
Maddie, Mary Beth and Gregory C. Read
Maddie, Marcia L. and Steve Boyd
Madison, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Mamma, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Mardi and Phoebe, Phyllis J.
Marian Perasso, James Crandall
James J. Cannon
Linda Talley
Marilyn Hamblin, Robin M. and
Stanley H. Norton
Martin DeLong, Ruby G. Law
Robert E. and Jeannie Materne
Martin Rinstad’s mother, Toyota
Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
Max Lom, Nicole D. Simoni
Maya, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Mei-Chih Chun, Jeanne C. and Philip
D. Turano
Melissa Tonini’s mother, Beverley L.
Meow Meow, David Geiger
Mickey, William H. and Linda G.
Mike Stanac, Harold Dauber and
Marilyn Conners
Miss Tiger Mouse, Edna M. Sturgeon
Missy, Joann M. Biondi
Missy, Mary R. Stickler
Moccha, Carlos Soto-Aguilar
Molly, Matson
Molly, Deborah B. and John S. Edack
Molly, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Montgomery, Janice C. Perez
Mr. Gipper, Rhonda R. and Ronald L.
Mr. Kimball, Todd A. Carter
Muffin, Cesaria Wooldridge
My beloved cats and dogs, Eleanor A.
Myeka, Steven L. and Maria Valente
Nancy Gaines, Carol J. and Marvin L.
Natalia, Victoria R. Nuetzel and Greg
Continued on next page
Best Pet Adoption Site
Best Birthday Party
Saturday, October 26 • 10 am - Noon
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For information, contact
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Fall 2013
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Nelson, Veronica J. Alexander
Neo and BB, Pets Eternal Rest, Inc.
Nicky, Albert Vargas
Noel, Ronald S. Kenela
Oliver, David Geiger
Omen, Betty L. Rogers
Otis, Pearl B. Daniels
Patches Vickers, Catherine T. and
Daniel J. Murphy
Patches Vickers, Elena and Bill Bicker
Patricia Johnson, Mr and Mrs R.G.
Peanut Wortzman, Robert Bulka
Pearl ‘Babe’ Hannon, Asbestos
Workers Local 16 Retirees
Peg Kovar, Frederick R. Kovar
Pepper, Diane J. and Thomas A.
Pepper, Michelle Mink
Piper, Dale and Jill B. Herrero
Princess, Gerald A. and Mai N. Pogue
Princess Kitty (Peeks), Geoffrey D.
Underwood and Marion E. Marshall
Rambo, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Randall Dean Edgar, Rose Garrido
Rigby, Glenna A. Dowling and Judith M.
Ronnie D. Banks, Wiley and Karen
Root Beer Float, Animal Hospital of
Rosalind Murray, Janet M. and
Michael E. Brown
Roscoe and Tilly, Anne M. Rabe
Rosemary Doty Fernandes, James E.
Rosemary Van Metre, Peggy
Rosie, Kelsey Cox
Rouille, Stephanie J. Peters
Rufus, L. Mary Brown
Ru-Ru, Diane L. and Rick Sarantschin
Ruth M. Davis, Francis Davis
Sadie, Jeanine W. Bruer
Sadie, Mary E. and Bob Hatch
Sadie, The Tenconi Family
Sadie, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Sally Forth, Kristine A. Jensen
Sammy, Robert and Karla Droste
Shanti, Michelle Bartel
Shilo, Dr. Anthony T. Bernens and
Andrew L. Neugebauer
Shiloh, Eileen T. Mascaro
Shirley Nelson, Julie A. Nelson-Terry
and Paul Terry
Shortstop, Christine A. and Jerome A.
Siam, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Sierra and Shasta, Noelle M. Ortland
Simon Roisman and Jacqueline
Roisman, Jodi Roisman
Smokey, David Geiger
Socks, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Sophie, Ms. Toby Curry and Dee
Sparky, Richard and Christine Tonelli
Spiro Frangoulis, Lisa V. Schow
Spot O’Malley, Terrance P. and
Sibylle M. O’Malley
Spotina Madatian-O’Connor, Nikki,
Michael, Betty and Freddie Chicotel
Steelie Dan, Jayne C. and Miguel E.
Stephanie Campbell-Hartzell,
Susan L. Campbell-Hartzell
Sticky, Jane Freeman
Tally Lamison, Celia B. Millis
Teddy, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Teresa McClure, Michael P. Andersen
Tessa, Bruce N. Lamoreaux
The pets of Brian and Glenda Rhees,
Karlin W. and Thomas T. Coolidge
Tigar, Thomas L. Kenny
Tobee, Chet and Erin E. Fritz
Tobey, Jennifer M. Bowen
Toby, Joann M. Biondi
Toby, Christine A. and Jerome A. Frazee
Tucker, Tony and Elaine La Russa
Tucker, Patricia K. and Daniel R.
Tucker, Katherine B. Prugh
Virginia B. Runyon, Chad Runyon and
Jody Black
Virginia Cacaro Brown, Vincent
Watson, Sally Pitts
Wilby, Karla McAvoy and Tad Swida
Winnie, Animal Hospital of Antioch
Your Mom, Kathleen J. Carrai
Zeke, Sheryl Clark
Zöe, Janet A. and William H. Schumann
This listing includes donations received from 2/09/13 through 7/10/13.
We apologize if we inadvertently failed to include your donation,
or misspelled your name. Please contact Lynn at 925.296.3156 or to make a correction.
1950-H Market Street • Concord, CA
Monday - Saturday • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
All purchases support the
ARF Emergency Medical Fund®
Page 14
Gift amounts of $100 or more are recognized in the Scoop
newsletter. To honor a special friend, visit
to send an e-card, or mail your donation to ARF and include
a note letting us know the name and address of
whom you would like us to notify.
The Scoop Newsletter is published by
Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation.
Your $30 donation includes a complementary one-year subscription to
The Scoop (three issues per year).
Fall 2013
new beginnings
Rescued June 2013
Adopted July 2013
“Thank you for bringing a little “mischief”into our lives.”
Photo: Share the Joy Photography
Rescued March 2013
Rescued June 2013
Page 15
Fall 2013
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