Clarion, May 1, 2016 - Saint Anne`s Catholic Community
The Clarion Volume 12, No. 23 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 1, 2016 Our Parish Mission Liturgy Schedule Led by the Spirit, the Catholic community of Saint Anne strives to live the example of Jesus, who said, “I came so that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m. Saturday: First Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 9:15 a.m. until all are heard Mass of Anticipation: 5:15 p.m. Sunday: 7:15, 9:00, 11:00 a.m., 5:15 p.m. Saint Anne Catholic Community • 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, IL 60010 • 847.382.5300 • Wellstreams—Living Waters for the Journey in Faith By Sister Lauretta Leipzig PERSISTENCE IN PRAYER If God knows all things, desires to give us good things and hears us the first time we pray, then why does God ask us to persist in prayer? There is a story about a snail that started to climb a cherry tree one cold, windy day in late spring. The sparrows on a neighboring tree had a good laugh at his expense. Then one flew over and said, “Hey, don’t you know there are no cherries on this tree?” The little snail did not stop as he replied, “Well, there will be when I get there.” Continuing his climb, the snail knew that his persistence would pay off in the end! You are probably familiar with the gospel of Luke, chapter 18, where Jesus tells a parable that was traditionally called the Parable of the Importunate Widow. Importunate is a word meaning ‘persistent in making a request’ even to the point of becoming something of a bother. And that would describe very appropriately the widow portrayed in this parable. She was unwavering in seeking justice from an unjust judge. Today, the parable is known as the Parable of Persistent Prayer. Our persistence in prayer must be like the helpless widow who just won’t quit. She won’t be put off. After repeated pleas for justice, the hard-hearted judge finally gives in and grants her request so he can be rid of her. Jesus tells his disciples that if a selfish judge will relent in the face of persistence, how much more will ‘God grant justice to those who cry to God day and night.’ God, however, is nothing like that unjust judge—God is generous, abounding in mercy and eager to bring justice. Early Christian communities were suffering persecution. They were praying, waiting for Jesus’ return, waiting for the great day when justice, mercy and kindness would prevail on earth and everything broken would be mended and healed. That day never seemed to arrive. But Jesus told them, “Pray always and do not lose heart.” We, too, often feel that we’re not being heard, overwhelmed by the darkness of the world or of things happening in our individual lives. We can feel discouraged, disappointed or just plain depleted. Persistence is what we need at a time like this— persistence in faith and in prayer. This persistence brings us closer to God; it means that we keep showing up, keep making ourselves available for an encounter, keep sharing what is truly on our minds and in our hearts. Persistent prayer is about relationship with God. It is one thing to hear someone tell you over and over that God 2 Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • loves you and is always with you. But it is quite another thing to discover that truth for ourselves, to come to that knowledge in the very depths of our being. A second reason for persistence is that prayer changes us. Prayer is not like mechanically firing off a series of faxes as if we can pray and, at the same time, stay at a safe distance from God. Prayer makes us vulnerable, makes us real. Did you ever think that persistence is for our sake, not God’s? If we always get exactly what we want the first time we ask, we would inevitably begin to treat God as our ‘genie,’ only summoned forth to give us our heart’s desires. But that is precisely what prayer calls into question: What do we really want—something or someone? Do we want God’s will? Do we want God even more than we want what we are asking for? So, persistence both deepens our relationship with God and compels the heart to examine what it really wants and needs most. Henri Nouwen, the great spiritual model, captured the idea beautifully when he wrote, “You must be patient … until your hands are completely open to God’s will.” Perhaps God desires to give us exactly what we have asked for but only in a time and way that the gift can truly benefit us. Often when we attain what we need, we depart and no longer pray so God protects us with the pretext of need that we may concern ourselves with him more closely. Saint John Chrysostom wrote: “I prayed for many things and was not heard.” But he continued to pray. The apostle Paul prayed that a painful situation would be removed. When God didn’t answer his prayer as he had asked, Paul changed how he was praying. He prayed that God would help him to rely on God’s grace, strength and power which was made perfect in his weakness. God uses persistence in prayer to mold, even transform, our desires to change how we pray and even what we are praying for so that we gradually come to pray closer to the heart of God’s will. The whole Bible is the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with his people. So, we live in the confidence that God won’t give us NO for an answer! His answer perhaps is not what we want, when we want it or even how we want it but God’s answer will come in a way that we truly long for in the depths of our soul. God will never give up on us so we don’t give up either! God WILL answer our prayers! Office of the Pastor Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Offering for April 24th, 2016 People attending Weekend Liturgies: 1,627 Sunday Offering Envelopes used: 342 Electronic Giving/Direct Debit/Stock Total for Sunday Weekly Budget for Sunday Collections Difference $19,438.00 $7,349.00 $26,787.00 $40,000.00 -$13,213.00 Year to Date Collections Sharing Parish Commitment: $66,068.00 Archdiocesan Required Collections: $35,028.00 Debt Reduction Collections: $40,096.00 PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING UP FOR GIVE CENTRAL Year to Date Collection vs. Budget Year to Date Sunday/Fall Catch-up Year to Date Budget for Sunday Collections Difference BEFORE SPRING IS IN FULL SWING! $1,688,391.00 $1,680,000.00 +$8,391.00 GO TO WWW.GIVECENTRAL.ORG AND SIGN UP TODAY Worship LITURGY CORNER—Edited by Rory Cooney BODIES AT PRAYER—PART 1—INTRODUCTION “That they may be one, Father, as you are in me, and I am in you, that they may be one in us, that the world may believe that you have sent me.” That was part of Jesus’ great priestly prayer at the Last Supper. Being one takes practice. If we start by thinking of ‘being one’ or ‘acting as one’ as taking part in a flag team or synchronized swimming, though, we might get the idea that unity means uniformity, strict conformance to a particular set of finely tuned movements. But is God’s unity really like that? God’s unity is relational; it is the unity of three persons who are one. God’s unity suggests movement, accommodation, relationship. Anyone who has ever been in a relationship of love knows that ‘being one’ takes practice. Most of us don’t just fall into unity for the long haul; we work at it. We make a decision, when we realize that things aren’t going to be magical and just fall into place, that we want to be one. We choose to make a habit of accommodation and love. God is love, and love is service. The habit of ‘acting as one’ comes from choosing to serve the other person, no matter what. That’s what God does because God is love. Acting as one is a habit; we practice it in our daily lives by being together in a way that consciously tries to serve the needs of others. Our movement in the liturgy is much like this. Sometimes we stand; sometimes we sit; sometimes we kneel or walk or sing. We practice doing things together for the good of everyone, not because they are things we necessarily feel like doing but because we are rehearsing or practicing being one. When our bodies join our minds and will to pray together, we submit to the good of everyone and practice being one. And our bodies learn to follow our mind and will. Like people who make decisions to do the loving thing even when we don’t feel like it, we choose unity over individualism because that is the prayer and will of Christ. Over the next few Sundays, I hope to touch on specific areas of our bodies at liturgical prayer. I’ll say a little about why we stand, sit, kneel, process, enter into dialogue, sing, be silent, make the sign of the cross, bow and give a kiss or handshake of peace. And probably more. Have a question for the Liturgy Corner? Email Rory at Over the weeks and months, I’ll get to as many questions as I can. Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 3 First Eucharist 2016 SPECIAL BLESSINGS ON OUR CHILDREN WHO ARE CELEBRATING THEIR FIRST EUCHARIST Tommy Abbatemarco Valentino Akpata Giovanni Altamirano Francesca Armocida Maya Arzate Cooper Barnum Luan Berishaj Roman Bleers Emily Bogue Brian Brauch Brogan Brown Aria Cesarone Colin Cikowski John Cocoma Lane Conner Ryan Costello Claire Crossin James Crossin Maddy Cunningham Hayden Dahlin Michael Daugherty Dahlia Davies Cloe Deignan Johnny Dever III Lilah Dhanani Joseph Dittrich Tyler Doyle Paige Dunham Chase Dyer Julianne Elwell Jazlyn Fertig Ryan Fitzgerald Owen Fors Brandon Fryer Grace Fuller Janet Gallagher Ethan Gogol Kayla Gogol Charlotte Gray Phillip Haim 4 Ava Hardin Isabella Heit Camron Janess Abigail Johnson Trinity Jurczyk Michaella Kalt Tyler Kaminski Brynn Kelly Molly Kennedy Jett Kohanzo Nixon Kollias William Krause Katherine Kroft Ella Krull Henry Lange Madeline LeBoeuf Lukas Lechowicz Kira Lee Joseph Lodowsky Ava Lutsi Olivia Malinger Caden Mall Lily Marker Andrew Marks Caroline McCoy Owen McGee Joseph Mercure, IV Jacob Meuer Jack Miller Aiden Moran Riley Moran Alexandria Naddeo Mariana Naddeo Piper Novak Jay Oakley Isabelle O’Hern Isabella Pastore Payton Pitcher Charlie Ploder Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Jonathan Radosh Connor Raia Adriana Raykhshtat-Tomczyk Christian Razniak Madeline Regas Sean Reilly Benjamin Rodi Alina Rojas Carlos Saez Katelyn Sauer William Scarlatos Mark Scavo Carter Schultz Molly Seifert Eleanor Shannon William Shannon Cameron Sheilds Andrew Smego Marin Smith Colin Starnes Matthew Sumang Emily Szarek Anthony Szumilas Maria Szumilas Caden Taheny Olivia Taheny Kiki Tanking Lauren Thompson Declan Trainor Charles Trapp Noelle Tuerck Isabella Vazquez Flores Sarah Vinson Devin Watros Grier Wheaton Connor Wiggenhorn Ingrid Wright Annika Wuttke William Wyatt Joie Zaehler Faith Formation and Education FAITH FORMATION 2016-2017 PROGRAM INFORMATION GRADES 1-8—REGISTER BY THURSDAY, JUNE 30TH! Saint Anne Faith Formation offers opportunities for adults and children in formats designed for both households and individuals of all ages and life stages. Community Events are designed to reach and strengthen the entire Saint Anne community. For adults of all ages, outside speakers share their wisdom and provide tools for application of our faith to the everyday world in which we live. For children and teens, Community Events provide an enhanced Catholic foundation in a participatory and engaging setting. All parishioners have the opportunity to grow and share in faith together. There is no fee to participate in Community Events. In addition to Community Events, Adults, watch the bulletin for adult-oriented opportunities throughout the year Young adults ages 17-21 with developmental delays are encouraged to participate in our SPRED program Middle school teens register for Journey small faith groups Children in grades 1-5 register for Children’s Faith Formation Interested in First Eucharist preparation? First Eucharist preparation is a two-year process that typically begins in the fall two years prior to sacrament reception. Those who begin in the fall of first grade will be prepared for sacrament reception in the spring of second grade. First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation and reception can also take place at any time beyond second grade. For those who are entering the second year of sacrament preparation, please be reminded that registration is required each year. Registration information and forms are available on the Saint Anne website under Faith Formation & Education / Faith Formation Overview & Registration Questions? Call the Faith Formation Office at 847.620.3069. As individuals, couples and families, when we experience and share our faith together as community, we are all richer for the experience! The Saint Anne Catholic Community welcomes those who have an interest in developing a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which we bring adults into the Church through Baptism, 1st Eucharist and Confirmation. We invite you to consider joining other adults on their journey of spiritual formation in this engaging, dynamic, respectful and spiritual process. For more information, contact Michael Beard at 847.620.3070 or Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 5 Faith Formation and Education FIRST EUCHARIST RETREAT In preparation for First Eucharist, our children and their parents participated in a day of retreat this past weekend. Parents and children worked together to design and create the traditional banners that will hang on each family’s pew. The transformation of plain pieces of felt into beautiful, personal statements reflecting the relationship of the individual and the sacrament was remarkable. 6 Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Faith Formation and Education FIRST EUCHARIST RETREAT The children were given an opportunity to practice reception of the host and wine. Predictably, the wine wasn’t a favorite! Families participated in a scavenger hunt for items used during liturgy. The learned the names of various items worn by the priests and used in the preparation of the gifts. All shared in story on the Our Father, learning line by line the meaning and intentions of this beautiful prayer that Jesus gave us. Families shared in hospitality and all enjoyed a wonderful day! Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 7 Faith Formation and Education SAINT ANNE PARISH SCHOOL NEWS AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS CONTINUE TO GROW The Fashion and Sewing Club is new to Saint Anne Parish School this trimester. This club teaches children a skill of a lifetime—sewing. Students learn how to pick and combine fabrics for projects as well as cutting out patterns, sewing by hand and machine sewing. The students have made pillows, hair bows and shoulder purses. They are now working on making shorts which they can wear this summer. This club is perfect for the fashionistas at Saint Anne Parish School. Also new this year is the Polish Club facilitated by Father Chris. The students have learned to greet their friends in Polish, tasted some delicious Polish food and are becoming familiar with customs and traditions. They are learning about the land that Father Chris calls home. Pictured here are their handmade palms. 8 Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Faith Formation and Education JAMES ALISON SPEAKS AT SAINT ANNE! On Thursday, April 21st, James Alison, author of Je sus, th e Forgiving Victim, shared his thoughts and insights on the Prodigal Son with a group of over 50 people as a capstone to our 30 session Jesus, the Fo rgiving Victim series which had been facilitated by Rory Cooney. James compared parables to a Swedish puzzle; to truly understand it, it must be dismantled and reassembled. Deconstructing the parable of the Prodigal Son line by line, he provided historical context, pointed out the many references and similarities to stories from the Old Testament and offered us a fresh perspective on this scripture. All participants were engaged by his convivial manner and his keen insights into a very familiar story. Thank you to Rory Cooney for his work facilitating the series and for arranging James Alison’s visit! Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 9 Faith Formation and Education Rejoice! When we reflect on all that God gives us every day, we certainly have good reason to rejoice. Considering the glass-half-full analogy, how we see our lives is often a matter of our own choosing. If we choose to, we can find much to rejoice about in each day. Oftentimes, joy can be found in looking back through the day, seeing how events unfolded and that God was there with us to support us along the way. If we make a point of looking for the blessings in life each day and celebrating them, we will most certainly have reason to rejoice! Human Concerns OPENING A NEW DOOR AT ST. MARTIN DE PORRES Residents at St. Martin de Porres House of Hope are stepping through a new front door! The Saint Anne Sharing Board provided specific funding to the director, Sister Therese O’Sullivan, to purchase this bright new entryway to replace the one that sustained damage from the fire at the church next door. This provides the security that is very necessary in their neighborhood, and the bright red entry is a happy welcome to all of the women who arrive looking for hope. The Saint Anne Sharing Board is proud to support this women’s shelter on Chicago’s south side. 10 Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Human Concerns PROJECT HOPE: WE ARE LOOKING FOR PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS TO HELP SERVE THE POOR. Project Hope, located across the street from Saint Anne Church, needs a few front office volunteers who have a passion to serve the poor . HOUSE OF HOPE · PROJECT HOPE GIFTS OF HOPE We are looking for substitute volunteers for half-day schedules (9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.) Monday through Friday. Responsibilities include: Assisting clients in the food pantry Answering the phone Writing up work tickets Project Hope · 320 Franklin St. Barrington Call Diane Barrett at 847.381.5721 to learn more about Project Hope volunteer opportunities. Help as needed with food pantry drives and special holiday programs Benefits: You are paid in S-M-I-L-E-S Volunteers have more fun! No experience necessary HOUSE OF HOPE: SUMMER MERCHANDISE ARRIVES THIS WEEK, SCOOP UP SOME GREAT BARGAINS! Congratulations to PEGGY SOBOLEWSKI for receiving the Character Award from BJWC! With home office lights on past midnight most nights, Peggy’s tireless work for years volunteering as manager of House of Hope and serving the poor every Thanksgiving has touched the lives of so many. We thank her for her years of service! House of Hope Resale New & Vintage Treasures 955 S. Rand Road (Rt.12), Lake Zurich 847.550.2000 · VOLUNTEER THIS SUMMER AT HOUSE OF HOPE! We need adult and teen volunteers to sort, stock, and sell! Schedules are flexible and count towards community service hours. For more information, stop in and ask for store manager Dawn Fournie or call 847.550.2000. DONATE Our convenient drive-up donation center is located behind our store and is open Monday thru Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. For a complete list of new and gently used items we can accept or to schedule complimentary pick-up of large items, please call the Hope Ministries office at 847.381.5721. Great bargains on gear for the beach, backyard BBQs, parades and playtime. From t-shirts to totes, sandals to sunglasses, we’ve got you covered for the summer season. Stop in and see what’s new! Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 11 Human Concerns AN INVITATION TO WEEKDAY MASS AND SERVING MINISTERS ◆ Funeral Bereavement Ministers, Mass and Luncheon Servers ◆ 8:15 a.m. Readers, EMs, Song Leaders and Sacristans ◆ Chapel Cleaners Please join us for a special THANK YOU BRUNCH Thursday, May 19th immediately after 8:15 a.m. Mass, in the Hospitality Room Community Life INSTALLATION MASS AND DINNER TUESDAY, MAY 10TH! All Saint Anne Women’s Club members are invited to the annual Installation Mass and Dinner on Tuesday, May 10th. Mass will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m., in the Chapel, followed by dinner in the Hospitality Room. This is our chance to say thank you and congratulations to past and future leaders! There is no fee to attend the dinner, however, we need to provide an accurate number of attendees for the caterer so we are asking members to R.S.V.P. by Sunday, May 8th to Mary McKenna at * As our act of compassion for the final meeting, please bring hotel toiletries for the homeless. 12 Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Community Life SUNDAY HOSPITALITY On Sunday, May 8th, there will be no hospitality. Happy Mother’s Day from the members of the Women’s Club! Sunday, May 8th: Mother’s Day—no hospitality Sunday, May 15th: RCIA SENIORS 55+ SOCIAL GROUP Join the Coffee and Conversation Group on Thursdays, at 1:00 p.m., in the Parish Center, for the following events: Thursday, May 5th: Sandra Zgonina, RN, will present Sk ills G o o d to Kno w for Your Grandchildren where she will discuss and demonstrate the lifesaving skill of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and Heimlich maneuver on adults, children and infants. Thursday, May 12th: Cancer survivor, recipient of the distinguished service award from the American Cancer Society and Barrington Lions Club member, Jim Wilson, speaks on volunteerism and how it has influenced his life and community. Announcing: Thursday Morning Art Workshops Adult parishioners are invited to share table space, coffee and community as they work on their individual art creations in the 2nd floor of the parish building. Interested but not an artist? Bring an adult coloring book to enjoy. Thursdays, May through August, 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. HOSPITALITY The Saint Anne Seniors 55+ Social Group will host hospitality on Thursday, May 5th, after 8:15 a.m. Mass. All attendees are invited to the Senior Center, lower level of the Parish Center, for coffee and a light breakfast. Please join the Knitting Ministry on Tuesdays, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., in the Senior Center basement lounge. Please join us in making chemo hats (made of cotton yarn) to be presented to the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life event in June and distributed to those in need. For more information, contact Shirley at Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 13 Community Life SATURDAY, MAY 21ST 14 Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Community Life BLOOD DRIVE—NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 8TH This is the time of the year when new life is springing up all around us. It’s a blessing to feel a part of it, but not everyone shares this good feeling. Some of our friends and neighbors are in serious medical need, and they need the help that only we can give them. If you have the blessing of good health, share it. We can multiply what we have been given by sharing our blessings with the members of our community who are now in need. Next Sunday, May 8th, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in the school cafeteria, Saint Anne will sponsor our spring blood drive. PLEASE plan to donate. Our last blood drive was very successful. We saw many new donors, and over 100 critically ill patients were helped. That’s the spirit of Saint Anne! As our community ages, we require more complex medical procedures so the need for blood increases. There is no substitute for blood. Without our help, local shortages would be inevitable. We need your help. If you haven’t donated before, it’s easy. Bring your driver’s license. You must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. Most medications such as blood pressure medicine or aspirin will not cause disqualification. The entire process takes about 40 minutes from start to finish, and the blood collection itself takes 15 minutes or less. This will only take a little time next Sunday, May 8th, so please become someone’s hero and discover the particular joy of giving blood. Blood is truly the gift of life. For more information, contact Bob Powers at Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 15 Sharing the Living Story By Clem Aseron (A) Lectionary texts: (B) Bible texts (has verse #): SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER, 2016 (57C) First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 15:1-2, 22-29 Responsorial Psalm: 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8. RX = O God, let all the nations praise you! Second Reading: Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 Gospel: John 14:23-29 Please refer to (A) and (B) above when I cite verses in the commentary below. As it often happens, the psalm refrain is a key to the integration among the readings of the day: O God, let all the nations praise you! In his book, the Acts of the Apostles, Luke continues on from his Gospel to write his story to his Jesus community about the early church and its struggles to maintain its integrity; in this pericope1, he describes the very divisive struggle between gentile converts and Jewish converts. The Jewish converts from Jerusalem insisted that the gentiles, who were culturally far removed from the practices of the Jews, should nevertheless be required, as essential to salvation, to observe all the ancient laws of Moses, particularly circumcision, the sign of the ancient covenant. Leaders of the gentiles, Paul and Barnabas, take their concerns from Antioch all the way back to the mother church in Jerusalem for arbitration. This pericope omits the description of the extended debate at vv. 3-21 and speaks only of the end result. The Jerusalem church sends two of its own members, Silas and Judas, to accompany Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch to authenticate the link between Jerusalem and the distant Antioch. They are to say definitively that gentiles are not required to be circumcised nor are they to observe Mosaic Law except for whatever provisions that the whole Jerusalem church—together with the holy Spirit (v. 28)—deems necessary (v.29). Luke is careful to emphasize that it is the Spirit who guides the whole church and therefore, harmony and accord is the result. Psalm 67 is the sole Hebrew scripture pericope today. Its refrain, O God, let all the nations praise you and its verses point to an inclusive God who embraces those outside the Chosen People; look at whom the Psalmist names at vv. 5 and 6: May the nations be glad and exult because yo u rule the p eo p les in equity; the nations on the earth you guide. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! Recall that the plural, natio ns or p eo p les, refers to those who are not of The Chosen, who are not of the tribes of Israel. The last book of the bible, the Book of Revelation, is written in symbolic and veiled language about the heavenly world and the final judgment. Today’s pericope shows the very intimate connection of the Jews to their scriptures as it describes the Church as the heavenly city of God. In the New Jerusalem, the new city of God, the Father and the Lamb are overwhelmingly present; there is no need for a physical Temple. The gathered body of believers, the Church, is the new temple (vv. 22-23). Recall that the risen Lord is present in the smallest of gatherings (Mt. 18:20) as well as when the entire church (Mt. 28:20b) is gathered. 16 Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Sharing the Living Story In the risen Lord is where God and humans meet. At Rev 21:22, the tem ple is the Lord God Alm ighty and the Lamb. The pericope from John is part of the Last Discourse of Jesus to the disciples before he leaves them. Earlier in this chapter, at 15-17, Jesus had said that if one loved him and kept his commandments, the Father would send another Advocate to dwell with them forever. In a second promise, at 18-21, he reminded them he would leave them but would return and would dwell in them as they would in him, and this was possible because the Father was in him. This intimacy is graphic in today’s passage at v.23: Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him; this indwelling is the Lo rd Go d alm ighty and the Lam b—the very same as at Rev 21:22! This is the farewell gift of peace: the indwelling in the people of the Father and the Son. This is the teaching that the Holy Spirit will bring to the ones left behind (v.26) when Jesus leaves. O God, let all the nations praise you! So What? It is a very comforting image in our hearts to think of the Father and the Christ making a home within us and staying there … and of our being made secure by the constant teaching and promptings of the Holy Spirit. Imagine it … it is a kind of peace that the world cannot give! How do we reflect, how do we pray, as we read the opening of John’s v.23: Whoever loves me will keep my word … followed by the opening of v.24: Whoever does not love me does not keep my words … ? 1 Biblical passage chosen to reflect the liturgical sense of that day of the liturgical year being celebrated. The pericope may be modified: e.g., today, only the Gospel pericope has continuous verses; the other three have discontinuous verses. Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 17 Saint Anne Catholic Community COMMUNITY OFFERINGS/NEEDS Ensuring PEACE ~ Ending Domestic Violence Note: Saint Anne prints the offerings/needs as a service to its parishioners and does not endorse or accept responsibility for them. 6 WARNING SIGNS INDICATING AN ABUSIVE AND/OR UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP: Home caregiver available for older adults. Call parishioner, Debbie, 847.254.3454. College-aged nanny available, summer work. Kelly, 847.550.8464. Free riding tractor. Call Margaret, 847.381.2755. Room needed. Grad student seeks room/inlaw apt. in exchange for work in home/business or childcare. Call Lauren, 312.316.9805. Experienced dog walker/sitter available. Claire, 847.220.0840. House/pet sitting, domestic services, extended stay. Jo Ann, 847.476.1855, Statistics tutoring available. All levels. Contact Experienced caregiver available. Call Clare, 847.707.9992. Experienced, dedicated caregiver available. Julia, 219.308.5399. Home available adjacent to Saint Anne School. Call 847.721.0337. Personal female assistant/companion/caregiver/driver. 847.903.6514. Former basketball player will help develop your game. 847.714.6540. Organizational skills available. Call Caroline at 312.303.2007. Cleaning available. Call Magdelena at 224.730.1312. Painting, carpentry, odd jobs. Call Arturo at 224.730.1312. Sitter available. Aneta, 630.550.7805. Referral, Anna, 847.361.0655. Home daycare. Parishioner, Diane, 847.809.2294. Infant care in your home. 40 years experience. Ellen, 847.550.1963. Professional furniture moving. Call Anthony at 224.622.0297. Caregiver/driver/companion. FT/PT. Bruno, 847.224.5345. Babysitter available to clean/care for adults. Irma, 847.382.4762. Math tutor, 6th-12th grade., 312.545.9297. Architect/parishioner, Joe, 847.738.1812, Handyman available. $15.00/hr. Call Rosolio at 847.382.4762. Reading/writing specialist., 847.382.3592. SEXIST ATTITUDE: Does your partner insist that “women should know their place?” INSULTS: Does your partner put you down for your opinions or laugh at what you believe in? Does he/she make you feel stupid, ignorant or incompetent? PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE: Does your partner make comments such as, “You’re no good?” Does he/she make you feel unable to do anything right or that you can’t get along in the world without his/her help? RIDICULE: Does your partner make fun of you alone or in other people’s presence? BLAMING OTHERS: Does your partner blame others for what he/she does or what happens to him/her? EXCESSIVELY CRITICAL OF YOU OR YOUR FAMILY: Does your partner say negative things about you or your family? If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, you or someone you know may be a victim of domestic violence. PLEASE CALL: • Mary Hoffing, Human Concerns, 847.382.2148 • 24 Hr. Domestic Violence Hotline, 847.697.2380 • Emergencies, 911 Saint Anne will assist through referral and by offering spiritual, emotional and practical support, as possible. LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE - MAY 7TH-MAY 8TH Time Presider Mass Coordinators and Eucharistic Ministers Lectors Altar Servers 5:15 p.m. Fr. Jack Dewes Susan Doody, F. Wrobleski E. Accordino, N. Barrett, D. Brown (sub req.), R. Farrell, S. Oakley, H. Pino, T. Skleba, L. Spinner, M. Spinner, NOT FILLED (2) I. LaCesa N. Deignan J. LaCesa George Bowman M. Mercado J. Mirski 7:15 a.m. Fr. Chris Ciastoń M. Bartels M. Dehn J. Rich D. Tyrpin Leah Eisenbarth T. Sneed (sub req.) Logan Eisenbarth 9:00 a.m. B. Bishop, S. Bishop J. Albanese, M. Albanese, J. Clark, C. Crompton, Fr. Bernie L. DeGrazia, C. Fleming, V. Giamalva, J. Huynh, M. Kantarski, M. Kurowski, Pietrzak K. Mastrangeli, M. McGuire, K. Murphy, T. Smith, K. Tabak, M. Tracy, A. Wrzos 11:00 a.m. Fr. Chris Ciastoń D. Walker, J. Walker S. Beattie, V. Brenneman, L. Burns, M. Carens, F. Cotter, S. Cywinski, R. Diak-Witek, D. Froehlke, C. Galizia, K. Garcia, P. Hirsch, E. Moran, D. Moran, N. Nolan, J. Werner, S. Werner, L. Wood J. Daluga H. Reinhart L. Hahn A. Kasch J. Konieczka N. Burns (sub req.) 5:15 p.m. Fr. Tom Bishop L. Wolf, G. Wolf L. Clement, Kim Darch, E. Diaz-Jimenez, V. Kostecki, K. Levecke, J. Naughton, E. Quinn (sub req.), S. Raseman, H. Wisniewski (sub req., J. Wisniewski, NOT FILLED J. Harrington J. Shearin B. Murtaugh J. Vlasak D. Sasser B. Biehl 18 J. Almdale, R. Dehn, D. DeJesu, C. Eisenbarth, J. Nelson, K. Voigt Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • Familyministered Mass W. Graff P. Hessling J. Heit Our Weekly Intentions REMEMBER OUR SICK IN PRAYER Anthony Ament Laura Beck Michael Betlinski Michael Bey Tom Black Chuck Brennemann Philip Cano Doris Carey and Kyle Carey Walt Casten Sally Connolly Jay Cooper David Cox Susan Cross Lucy Cunningham Michael Czaja Faye Dargan Mario DiLullo Lauretta Dolan Christine Donohoo Loraine Drews John Dunbar Jack Estes Ryan Etton Mary Ann Golden Jeff Hunter Sue Jacob Karen Jezierski Michelle Karl Caroline Kolder James Kowall Tim Kraemer Sedd Lamang Linda Lenc John Lenz Corryn Lohmeyer Elaine Lunn Mike Manczko Anna Marchie Donna Mautner Becky and Theresa McCoy Mary McKeirnan Bill McKinley Alex McNamara Peter Meyer Virginia Miller Judy Monroe Stan Moston Jeri Mullin Doris Mulvihill Sharon Murray Ross Nevler Mary Lou O’Brien Andrew O’Connell Suzanna Perr Joan and Dennis Peters John Peterson Dick Plenge Joan Prey Alexander Proebstle Peter Reyther Christine Rink Bob Ross Ray Sambo Herman Schamberger Rick Schaschwary Michelle Schmitt Dominic Sesto Kathy Seveska John Mark Shaw Bill Simons Lachlan Stephen Bruce Stopka Janet and Keane Sullivan Urban Thobe James Michael Thompson Will Tobias Thomas Towne Sophia Trujillo Richard Tucker Jim Ulmes Becky Urbanski Miranda Valles Bonnie Vaughan Jack Vaughn Kenneth Villamar Roy Wilkes Laura Wortman Tina Zagroba Virginia Zwolinski RECENT BAPTISMS Vincent James Deligio III (Megan and Vincent) Stella Grace Desio (Beth and Michael) Gordan Matthew Dohn (Renee and Matthew) Audrina Claire Perlino (Donna and Christopher) Cole Christopher Zingler (Cassandra and Christopher) OUR BELOVED DEAD Edward H. Morrissey II, husband o f Do ris and father of Edward, Patrick, Susan Poole and Douglas; Noah Rappé, bro ther o f Austin; Fr. Tom Wolter, uncle o f Jam ie Mark in; Jack Zimmerman, father o f Janet and Jam es MASS INTENTIONS Monday, May 2nd, Acts 16:11-15; John 15:26-16:4a 8:15 a.m. (JD) Saint Anne Purgatorial Society † Paul Wisniewski—The Family Tuesday, May 3rd, 1 Co rinth ians 15:1-8; John 14:6-14 8:15 a.m. (BP) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society † Brady Zgonina—Grandma and Grandpa † Jeffrey Hile—Ken and Nancy Hile Wednesday, May 4th, Acts 17:15, 22-18:1; John 16:12-15 8:15 a.m. (CC) † Margo Loew—Craig Loew Thursday, May 5th, Acts 18:1-8; John 16:16-20 8:15 a.m. (CC) † Helen Kwasniewski—The Family Friday, May 6th, Acts 18:9-18; John 16:20-23 8:15 a.m. (TB) Saint Anne Perpetual Mass Society † Bart James Winn—Barbara Winn † Marlene Alvarado—The Johnson Family Saturday, May 7th, Acts 18:23-28; John 16:23b-28 8:15 a.m. (TB) † Stanley Gonsalves—Gene and Mary Podrazik Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Luke 24:46-53 5:15 p.m. (JD) † Marie Biddle—The Family † Allen Hayes—Esther Lark Sunday, May 8th, Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Luke 24:46-53 7:15 a.m. (CC) People of Saint Anne † Donald Bernhard—The Jagmin Family 9:00 a.m. (BP) † Charlene Taylor—Tom Taylor † Nancy Stack—The Family † Juanita Michael—Pat Evasink † Christine Bischof—The Family † Elaine Zoffer—Pat Evasink and Mary Howard † Frances Jennings—Tracy & Scott Brown and Pat & Diane McKillen † Patrick Saunders—Joann Saunders 11:00 a.m. (CC) † Mary Morgan—The Family † Mary Marion—The Mosier Family † Robert K. Todd—The Peter and Luci Mori Family † Sofia and Frank Comber—The Comber Family † Helen Kwasniewski—The Family † Leona Horne—Tom and Cathy Faust 5:15 p.m. (TB) † Sandra DiCecca—Philip DiCecca † James Jacobsen—The Family PARISH EVENTS Monday, May 2nd 9:15 a.m. Women’s Scripture Sharing Group—Parish Center 7:00 p.m. Pope Francis Book Discussion—Thane Hall (last one) Tuesday, May 3rd 7:00 p.m. Rosary—Chapel 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir—Parish Center Wednesday, May 4th 1:30 p.m. May Crowning—Church Thursday, May 5th, Cinco de Mayo Friday, May 6th Saturday, May 7th 9:15 a.m. Reconciliation (CC)—Chapel Sunday, May 8th, Mother’s Day, Ascension of the Lord 8:00 a.m. Blood Drive—School Cafeteria 9:00 a.m. Family-ministered Mass Saint Anne Church • May 1, 2016 • 19 Serving the St. Anne Community with Dignity and Care Traditional Services & Cremation Options Advanced Planning • Monuments • Aftercare We Accept All Prepaid Funeral Arrangements. 149 W. Main Street Barrington, IL 60010 Jack & Lisa Davenport Funeral Directors / Owners 847.381.3411 M.J. Miller & Co. Fine Jewelry & Gifts We buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware Russell P. Fitton III, DDS • Russell P. Fitton IV, DDS 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington 820 S. Northwest Hwy., Barrington, IL 60010 847.381.3927 • Skin Wellness Professional skin care fusing science, natural botanicals, aromatherapy oils and facial massage techniques. Clinical strength ingredients uniquely customized to deliver results. Renee Diak-Witek Founder/Licensed Clinical Esthetician • Parishioner 118 Wool Street ~ Barrington ~ 847.525.3640 Your hometown Veterinary Clinic since the 1930’s. • BARBARA STAPLETON, DVM, FAVD, Dip. AVDC • KIMBERLY FORD, DVM • ALISON DUKE, VDM • ANGIE KIRKWOOD, DVM Located in the heart of Barrington 216 S. Northwest Highway 847.381.4100 Jewels By F.K. A man wakes up after sleeping Manufacturing Jeweler under an ADVERTISED blanket 847-842-8500 and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas WHY IS IT on an ADVERTISED mattress 557 N. 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Parishioner Parishioner of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Deborah L. Klesken O.D. Christine Mata M.D. ROOFING / SIDING / GUTTERS / REPAIRS Serving the Northwest Suburbs for over 25 years 512064 St Anne Church (D) 847-949-9180 Storm Damage Experts Free Estimates Fully Insured/Licensed/Bonded For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Lake Zurich Palatine 415 S. Buesching Rd. 201 N. Northwest Hwy Douglas R. Ahlgrim 847-540-8871 Will your money last? With a retirement plan it can. John A. Corey, CFP® Financial Advisor 1250 S. Grove Ave., Ste. 302 Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 847.2134 Our 2nd Century of Service Roger D. Ahlgrim ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER DANNY OLSEN Residential/Commercial Realtor Buy or Sell with Danny, and $250.00 donation will be made to St. Anne in your name Cell: 847-358-7411 Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work 847-774-1761 Lic# 055-026066 Parishioner E XPERIENCE .I NNOVATION . I NTEGRITY. $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 847-492-1444 Call me today at (847) 847.2134. Our Advisors. Your Dreams. MORE WITHIN REACH® Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA. &SEWER Dan RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CARPENTRY 581 Bonner Rd. (at Rt. 12) Wauconda “24 Hours Seven Days A Week” Inc. HOME IMPROVEMENT & REMODELING 847-726-8820 Lic. #058-190455 Parishioner & Senior Citizen Discount Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Basements Interior & Exterior Renovations Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 RED’S AUTO REPAIR 847-202-9496 / Cell 847-417-1278 Veteran SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! NO JOB TOO SMALL Hollis Bros. 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(847) 466-5602 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! 800-566-6150 • We Build More Than Just Homes, Grant H Allen Agency Owner Allstate Insurance Company 4103 W Shamrock Ln McHenry, IL 60050 Phone 815-669-5122 / Direct 815-669-5171 Cell 630-991-6737 / Fax 815-679-6783 481 S. Rand Rd. Phone: 224-677-5334 Ask for our Parishioner Discount We Build Relationships. Personalized Service. Trusted advice FLANNERY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCE Learn to Irish Dance from Champions FREE TRIAL CLASS! REGISTER NOW! Locations in Barrington & St. Charles • 312-344-0957 512064 St Anne Church (C) Tom Abbatemarco, Parishioner (847) 381-5250 • Mention Promo Code SAB for Parishioner Discount For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 A C EM •B H A R D WA R E B A R R• PI N EG T OF N 847-304-4325 ENJAMIN OORE, CABOT STAINS VALSPAR, ACE PAINTS • TORO MOWERS AND SNOWBLOWERS • CRAFTSMAN TOOLS • KEY DUPLICATION • SCREEN AND WINDOW REPAIR • WEBER GRILLS AND ACCESSORIES ROPANE 906 S. NORTHWEST HWY, BARRINGTON JOHN & NONIE BROWN FAMILY PARISHIONERS SINCE 1989 Joanna Arciszewska Joanna’s Cleaning Service Gourmet Specialties 847-381-8700 847-224-1024 847-438-8330 PARISHIONER 224 W. Main St. Barrington Real Estate • Wills • Trusts • Probate Business Law • Personal Injury & General Legal Matters THE STONEGATE CONFERENCE & BANQUET CENTRE 2401 W. Higgins Rd. Hoffman Estates PIG ROASTING 62 N. Old Rand Rd AT TO R N E Y S AT L AW 847-529-0241 Tues-Sat 9-6 Sun 10-3 Closed Mon 847-884-7000 Lake Zurich ILL Joseph M. Lucas & Associates, L.L.C. We are good. Our prices are the best. REALTOR XCHANGE AND • JONATHAN GREEN, SCOTTS AND ACE LAWN CARE PRODUCTS • FRESH WAVE AIR FRESHNERS • BONA FLOOR CARE PRODUCTS • KAMADO JOE GRILLS Parishioner Randy Zimmerman, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Stephanie Romer, A.P.N., W.H.N.P. Hanna Conley, A.P.N., A.N.P. Specialists In Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility 27750 W. Hwy 22, Ste 120, Barrington 847-277-0500 EUROLUXE TRAVEL Creating your vacation of a lifetime Belknap Auto Body, Inc. 847-382-9433 Since 1994 27W 982 Commercial Ave., Barrington Visit five countries, see four UNESCO World Heritage Sites, enjoy endless scenic views... and only unpack once. Experience the convenience and comfort of a European river cruise! Law Offices of Robert J. Ross Robert J. Ross 30 Years Experience - Wills & Trusts - Business Law - (847) 358-5757 Office in Inverness Contact Denise at Euroluxe Travel today to start planning your vacation of a lifetime. 800-539-0249 • Air Conditioning & Heating Corp. $15.00 Off On Service Call $50.00 Off On New Furnace Or Air Conditioner Not Good W/ Other Offers 500 East N.W. Hwy., Palatine Koldon Moving & Storage ILL.CC.3844 847-438-3300 Local * Long Distance * Storage 847-359-4500 RETIREMENT Florida Real Estate It’s Never Too Soon to Plan for Retirement. Naples Award Winning Realtor® Need a Well-defined “Exit Strategy”? DICK Already Retired? We Should Talk! PRUTTING Bill Karstenson • “Home Sales & Rentals” H.R. STEWART, INC. Life Insurance Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Long Term Care (847) 639-3331 for FREE Advice & Info Call Karstenson Financial Services Mutual Funds Variable Annuities 239-777-9212 Wealth Accumulation Retirement Strategies 847-776-0425 Bill Karstenson, Registered Representative offering investments through Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC WHERE PRIDE IS A PERSONAL COMMITMENT 847-428-4820 FREE ESTIMATES A Century of Respect, Compassion, and Grace Services Smith-Corcoran •• Cremation Funeral Preplanning Funeral Homes • Crematory • Funeral Planning Owned and Operated by the Bob & Jay Smith Family Since 1912 • Out-of-town Arrangements • Handicap Accessible Chapels also in Chicago & Glenview 185 East Northwest Hwy • Palatine • (847) 359-8020 • 512064 St Anne Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 PIZZA & SANDWICHES DINE-IN • DELIVERY • CARRY-OUT 847-381-6740 101 W. Northwest Hwy JHR Inc. JOHN HELMINSKI ROOFING, INC. Roofing/Siding/Gutters 847-702-7524 Hail Damage • Insurance Claims Lic.-Ins. Leaf Defier Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Gourmet Breakfast & Lunch Entrees Dine In • Take Out • Catering Open 6:30 AM-2:30 PM Daily Seating Up to 100 for Special Occasions with any event after 3 PM CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. 847-516-0409 935 Rt. 22 Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Commercial & Residential Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding Ask for the Parish Discount! Additional Discounts for Senior Citizens 55 Years or Older! Just East of Rt. 14 800-566-6150 • David J. Tabak, OD OPTOMETRY 847-438-8636 860 W. Rt. 22 Lk. Zurich 10% OFF WHEN YOU MENTION THIS AD. OPEN MON-SAT Sales • Service • Rentals Water Softeners • Whole House Filters Reverse Osmosis Systems 530 N. Hough Street #140 Barrington, IL 60010 847-382-2020 BBB • Major Credit Cards Accepted 847-381-3792 847-253-9181 Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan IL. LIC. # PL16019 LIC. # 055-012918 2.75% Credit Card Convenience Fee 847.364.9070 YOUR PARISH FLORIST 120 S. Hough St. | 224.633.2188 | • Plants and Garden Supplies FERRARI FURNITURE DOCTOR Facelift Repairs & Refinishing • Containers and Statuary 630-253-1090 • Home and Garden Accents DON’T THROW AWAY • Garden Furniture • Pet & Bird Supplies (Front L to R) Dr. Fister Dr. Gitelis Dr. Kogan Dr. Savino 990 W. Northwest Hwy., Barrington • 847-381-5511 (Back L to R) Dr. Stanley Dr. Alpert Dr. Cannestra Dr. Palmer Dr. Seeds Talk to your neighbors, then talk to me. Anne Groh Beckman, Agent Open 7 Days Deer Park 847-540-0731 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.™ CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7 Next to Starbucks Lake Zurich 847-540-7411 Near TJ Maxx & 847-540-0731 Near Oberweis Dairy 512064 St Anne Church (A) See why State Farm™ insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. 847-382-0050 Great Service, plus discounts of up to 40%. * * Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL 410 E. Main St., Barrington • Sports Injury • Arthroscopic surgery • Partial/Total Joint Replacement • Back Pain/Injury • Fracture/Broken Bone Care • Bone Density Scanning • Digital X-Ray • Casting/Bracing Capabilities • Open MRI • Physical Therapy 847-382-6766 420 W. Northwest Hwy Barrington Barrington • Algonquin • Elgin • Geneva For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Saint Anne Catholic Community 120 North Ela Street, Barrington, Illinois 60010 Parish Office 847.382.5300 847.382.5363 (fax) Monday - Thursday: 9:00 A.M.—5:00 P.M. Fridays during summer: 9:00 A.M.—12:00 P.M. Saturday/Sunday: 9:00 A.M.—1:00 P.M. Saint Anne Parish Staff: Pastor Fr. Bernie Pietrzak Assistant to the Pastor Ms. August Link 847.620.3055 Pastor Emeritus Fr. Jack Dewes 847.620.3058 Associate Pastors Fr. Tom Bishop 847.620.3060 Fr. Chris Ciastoń 847.620.3059 Pastoral Associate Michael Beard 847.620.3070 Deacon Couples Jim and Ellen Condill Bill and Sueann Karstenson Bob and Sue Powers Sr. Anna Marie Dressler 847.381.5793 Sr. Lauretta Leipzig 847.381.5452 Director, Liturgy and Music Rory Cooney 847.620.3064 Associate Director, Liturgy and Music Georgene Farman 847.620.3066 Interim Director, Human Concerns Paul Schnepf 847.382.2148 Interim Director, Hope Ministries Mary Bottie 847.381.1159 Diane Barrett 847.381.5721 Project Hope Office Manager Business and Operations Manager Margaret Buckstaff 847.620.3054 Office Assistant Cathy Faust 847.382.5300 Computer Administrator Carol Helmers 847.620.3051 Receptionist Carla Stobart 847.382.5300 Marketing, Development and Communications Coordinator Amy Holsworth 847.620.3052 Maintenance Supervisor Sarge Youkhanna 847.620.3078 School Maintenance Dave Rozycki 847.620.3007 Faith Formation and Education 847.756.4051 (fax) Director, Lifelong Faith Formation Mary Jane Kurowski 847.620.3071 Faith Formation Coordinator Jeffrey Joseph 847.620.3067 Implementation Coordinator Carla Czyzewski 847.620.3069 Administrative Assistant Marianne Bondi 847.620.3068 Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Michael Hugo 847.620.3073 Administrative Assistant Karen Poglitsch 847.620.3072 Saint Anne Parish School 319 E. Franklin Street, 847.381.0311 Principal Mrs. Dawn Kapka Office Manager/Marketing Director Donna Cherwin Sharing Parish Saint Frances of Rome, Cicero, 60804 Fr. Mark Bartosic, Pastor 708.652.2140 Parish Council of Ministries 847.620.3057 Bill Graff, Chairp erso n Julie Andrews, Hum an Co ncerns Com m issio n Liz Cocoma, Faith Fo rmatio n and Ed ucatio n Susan Doody, Worship Co m missio n Mark Karney, Wo rship Co m missio n Christine Jodoin, Faith Formatio n and Ed ucatio n Claire Hamilton, Human Co ncerns Com m issio n Donna Nobregas, Co m munity Life Co m missio n Andrea Wirt, Co mm unity Life Co mmissio n Jerry Rodosky, Deanery Rep resentative Jim Condill, Offi ce o f the Pasto r Jim Young, Office of the Pastor Finance Council David Wirt, Chairperso n Ron Cobb Sarah Gainer Joe Gurreri JP Hills Andrew Kelleher, Jr. Lisa Koehler Nathan Perry Pete Scheffler School Advisory Board Colleen Kozak, Chairp erso n Hayde Federighi Margaret Graff Christine Jodoin Liz Pitcher Denise Peters Pete Scheffler Norm Yustin Clarion Bulletin Editor Kerry Miller 630.278.8807 Sacraments We believe that the celebration of the sacraments ranks among the most important gifts that we have. We look forward to sharing these celebrations with those who, in some way, are part of our community. Therefore, please note the following: Visitation of the Sick: If you or a family member are in a local hospital or are homebound and would like a visit from a minister of care or a priest, call Mary Hoffing at 847.382.2148. Baptism: Our Baptism ministry is pleased to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s entrance into our faith community. Two Baptism sessions are required for parents baptizing their 1st child Parents who have had a Baptism at another Catholic Church and are now wanting to baptize a child at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism Parents who have already attended Baptism preparation at Saint Anne will be asked to speak to a staff member before scheduling Baptism Information for setting a Baptism date will be given at the meeting or at the time of the interview. Call the parish office at 847.382.5300. Marriage: To be married at Saint Anne, the preparation process should begin 7 months to one year prior to the wedding date. Please call the parish office to secure a date as soon as possible. Membership at Saint Anne is not a requirement. We look forward to helping you during this time of preparation for the vocation of Christian marriage. First Eucharist and First Reconciliation: These sacraments are typically celebrated in second grade. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. For more information, call the Faith Formation and Education office at 847.620.3067. Confirmation: This sacrament is celebrated in high school. Candidates must be registered parishioners and complete the two-year preparation program. For more information, call the PATHS office at 847.620.3072. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 9:15 a.m. until all are heard or by appointment. Adult Christian Initiation: If you are looking for a place to belong or a church community to share questions and beliefs, perhaps you would like to find out more about what it means to be a Catholic Christian. Saint Anne would be delighted and honored to share the gift of faith and fellowship with you. Call Michael Beard at 847.620.3070 for information regarding the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Registration: To enter into our faith community, please attend an information/registration session at 9:30 a.m. in the Hospitality Room, followed by the 11:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month, except on holiday weekends when there are no sessions. For further information, call the parish office at 847.382.5300. * THE NEXT NEW PARISHIONER WELCOMING SESSION AND REGISTRATION WILL BE ON SUNDAY, JUNE 5TH *
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