ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND BUILDING PARTNERING EVENT Torino, November, 26th-27th PIEMONTE: FACTS AND FIGURES • Capital City: Torino • GDP: € 123.9 billion (8% of the national total) • Export: € 39.7 billion (10.3% of the national total) • Companies: 467.671 (7,7% of the national total) • R&D: 4 universities, over 220 private and public R&D centres, 380 labs, 6 S&T Parks, 12 Innovation Hubs, incubators • 1° °Italian region for expenditure on innovation in the manufacturing sector, private investment in R&D, hi-tech patents *Source: Unioncamere Piemonte on Demoistat (2010) **Source: 2011 anticipatory figures by Unioncamere Piemonte on Prometeia data *** Source: Unioncamere Piemonte on Istat data (2012) **** Source: Unioncamere Piemonte on InfoCamere data (2011) ***** Source: Unioncamere Piemonte on Istat data (2010) PIEMONTE AGENCY FOR INVESTMENTS, EXPORT AND TOURISM Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism an organization created in December 2006 by Piemonte Region and the Union of the Chambers of commerce of Piemonte in order to strengthen the international role of Piemonte and its potentials Several bodies dealing with inward and outward internationalization merged into Piemonte Agency The first italian organization dedicated to territorial development and internationalization at regional level WHO WE ARE attracting foreign investment and creating new opportunities of qualified labour promoting the presence and the competitiveness of local companies on international markets promoting the region's tourist offer and products worldwide and meanwhile promoting the regional agrifood excellence abroad training and strengthening the skills of local and foreign companies and institutions in the field of internationalization. SECTORS AND PROJECTS Industrial sectors we mainly deal with and projects Aerospace Infrastructure Agrifood Jewelry Automotive Major Appliances Construction, Planning, Contract Naval technologies Mechatronics and Automation Design & Luxury Energy & Environment Publishing, Graphics, Paper Industry Health & wellness Biotechnologies Ict Railway Textile 5 PIEMONTE: UNIQUE CAPABILITIES AND MANUFACTURING VARIETY Multi-year projects of the Piemonte Region and Unioncamere Piemonte, aimed at offering a reserved lane to meet best in class companies and key players from Piemonte region, to develop business and cooperation. Energy & Environment Infrastructure & Logistics Design, building, living Renewable energies Waste management Water Air & noise Bio-building Infrastructure and transportation Civil engineering Information & communication technologies Territorial planning, architectural, structural and planning design services Realization of civil, industrial and commercial buildings Interior and outdoor decoration Luxembourg Marino Building & Trading Sarl CONTACT PERSON: Nicolo’ Marino POSITION: AD PANORAMICA SUL SETTORE DELL’EDILIZIA / ENERGIA / AMBIENTE / INFRASTRUTTURE NEL PAESE DI RIFERIMENTO Situato nel cuore dell'Europa, il Lussemburgo è la porta ideale per il mercato europeo, con più di 500.000 consumatori. Proprio una popolazione di 512.000 abitanti (44%stranieri). Grazie alla sua stabilità politica e sociale, la sua forza lavoro qualificata, le sue infrastrutture avanzate, la sua connettività eccellente per i mercati e il suo quadro giuridico e fiscale, Il Lussemburgo offre opportunità e punti di forza eccezionale per fare affari in Europa. PANORAMICA SUL SETTORE DELL’EDILIZIA / ENERGIA / AMBIENTE / INFRASTRUTTURE NEL PAESE DI RIFERIMENTO Il settore dell’edilizia è molto interessante in Lussemburgo sia per le infrastrutture che per quello privato. Da qualche anno siamo presenti sul mercato come costruttori ed installatori. La popolazione aumenterà del 30% nei prossimi anni. Il cliente tipo ha un potere di acquisto molto alto e con esigenze di servizio chiavi in mano. Per facilitare la richiesta e il nostro lavoro apriremo a gennaio un nostro show room con aziende e materiali italiani. DESCRIZIONE ATTIVITA’ Marino Building è una società di costruzioni che ha come mercati di riferimento il Belgio e il Lussemburgo. Core business è la costruzione di immobili ad uso abitativo e commerciale e la ristrutturazione chiavi in mano. Data la forte richiesta dei nostri clienti abbiamo anche deciso di aprire uno spazio espositivo dove i nostri clienti potranno trovare prodotti “made in Italy”. Si tratta di uno show room di 200 mq in una zona commerciale con a diposizione un supporto per ogni tipo di realizzazione. I nostri clienti diretti sono il privato e la piccola media impresa, perciò abbiamo bisogno di prodotti medio alti, con abbinate anche soluzioni complete. Effettuiamo direttamente lavori chiavi in mano e/o valutiamo soluzioni in sub appalto dove necessario. Il nostro valore aggiunto è di dare fornire al cliente un servizio da general contractor. Ci stiamo inserendo sul mercato anche come distributore di alcune aziende dove da anni commercializziamo i loro prodotti. Possiamo garantire l’istallazione di quello che vendiamo, questo fa la differenza. ALLA RICERCA DI Siamo alla ricerca di prodotti che possano integrare l’offerta per i nostri clienti, in particolar modo: porte interne soluzioni di arredo (tipo armadi a muro) infissi outdoor porte garage porte blindate pavimentazione complementi di arredo (specialmente per bagni) decorazioni, stucchi pavimentazione per esterni soluzioni di architettura e interior designer FRANCE LKM ARCHITECTES Elka Miszczyk Sylvie Donnadieu Hélène Tesson Architecte DEPV Architecte DPLG Architecte DUG REGLEMENTATION EN VIGUEUR DES ECONOMIES D’ENERGIE CREE DES OPPORTUNITES AUX ENTREPRISES DE METTRE EN OEUVRE DES SOLUTIONS INNOVANTES, DES MATERIAUX NATURELS DITS “ECOLOGIQUES” Dans la construction toutes les phases d’exécution sont concernées, par exemple, entre-autres: gros-œuvre par des nouvelles technologies de réalisation des façades plus performantes thermiquement, seconde œuvre par des matériaux isolants et de finitions - meilleurs et plus sains, système d’échange d’air efficace, confortable et «basse consommation», économie d’eau, récupération des énergies renouvelables, etc. Notre agence d’architecture existe depuis 28 ans – champ d’action surtout dans le sud de la france – alpes maritimes, var, marseille, etc. Nous realisons tout type de projets, avec une grande experience dans la rehabilitation et la restructuration des lieux existants – maisons, appartements, bureaux, hotels, commerces… Plusieurs constructions neuves - villas, immeubles, nombreux projets et realisations des amenagements interieurs… Aucun sinistre a notre actif! A’ LA RECHERCHE DE: Collaboration avec les entreprises qui cultivent le savoir faire traditionnel en pratiquant l’innovation & ouverture d’esprit aux technologies modernes et surtout, qui aiment collaborer avec les architectes pour partager nos expériences respectives et vivre l’acte de conception/construction comme une aventure passionnante. Tous les corps de métier et toutes les étapes de réalisation sont concernés par cette approche! QUOI DE NEUF? Il y a du neuf - tous les jours, à nous d’y faire face et le transformer en bonheur: de ceux qui participent à l’acte de construire et ceux qui le commandent et en bénéficient des étapes d’une aventure…. les effets…. les résultats…. une nouvelle aventure qui commence maintenant…. avec la participation des acteurs de CUNEO Merci pour votre attention Merci de faire confiance à l’architecte MAROC CHAABI LIL ISKANE WWW.LILISKANE.COM Contact person: Aziza LACHAM Position: Directrice Générale BREVE DESCRIPTION DES SECTEURS DU BATIMENT ET DE L’ENVIRONMENT DANS VOTRE PAYS Promotion immobilière et touristique Entreprise de construction BREVE DESCRIPTION DE VOTRE ENTREPRISE • Logement économique, standing et haut standing, lotissements • Hotelerie, Enseignements • Grandes surfaces PAYS DANS LESQUELS VOUS TRAVAILLEZ MAROC A’ LA RECHERCHE DE: Nouvelles technologies dans la construction Plannification - analyse des projets Produits Matériaux QUOI DE NEUF? Projets Résidentiels Projets Touristiques Projets de Grandes distributions EGYPT BUILDERS For Engineering & Contracting. Co. S.A.E WWW.BUILDERS.COM.EG CONTACT PERSON: Eng. Hany Abou El Azm Chairman BUILDING, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE SECTOR OVERVIEW IN YOUR COUNTRY As one of the specialized companies in the field of integrated constructions for different purposes buildings to all the habitual work and different finishing specialized for interior packages and soft furniture for supplying and implementation of different works. * Projects in 2015: Build and finish the main administration building for 3,000 sq.m. to the Mediterranean Shipping Co. MSC - Alexandria – Egypt. Finishing works for the main villas compound of Mountain View investments Co. in new Cairo – Egypt. * Business Opportunities: Egypt has a very wide and big market with a lot of business opportunities specially for building construction, infrastructure, energy, etc. (expected development ratio present in 2016 is more than 5%) for the advanced nominated technology foreign companies in the different kinds of previously and a lot of more sectors. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION BUILDERS FOR ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING CO. (S.A.E) has a lot of different types of wide projects as: Administrative, residential buildings and hotels. Factories, warehouses and all steel structure. Swimming pools, Interior finishing and furniture. Different utilities as: electrical works, air conditioning, ventilation, sanitary, roads, water tanks, landscape, fences, etc. GEOGRAPHIC AREAS COVERED Moreover, the Company has achieved successfully so many investments projects in all around EGYPT such as: New Borg El Arab city, 6th of October city, Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm el sheikh, Hurghda, Marsa Mattrouh, etc. LOOKING FOR BUILDERS is interested in different kinds of cooperation between both of our business partners like: import the advanced different kinds of construction materials. dealing with nominated specialized companies in different construction fields. transfer the update technology from foreign companies to our country. possibility of usage the new of administration applications, computer intelligence ways and IT update knowledge to our company. WHAT’S NEW? Our expected company’s projects in 2016: Build and finish the main admin. building for MSC co - Alexandria. Finishing works of villas residential compounds - in new Cairo. Finishing works for the main EYS hospital - in new Cairo. Factory and ware house preparation for 2A co - in new Borg El Arab Different kinds of construction projects in several places - Egypt. 1- Administrative, residential buildings and hotels. New Cairo 2009 30 1- Administrative, residential buildings and hotels. Alexandria 1991 31 1- Administrative, residential buildings and hotels. Sharm El Shaikh 2008 32 1- Administrative, residential buildings and hotels. Sharm El Shaikh 2008 33 2- Factories, warehouses and all steel structure. Borg El Arab -1994 34 3- Swimming pools ,Interior finishing and furniture. New Cairo 2009 35 3- Swimming pools ,Interior finishing and furniture. Alexandria 1997 36 EGYPT Magnum Enterprise CONTACT PERSON: Arch. Medhat Abdallah Position: CEO ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION • Hotels • Schools • Residential, Offices & Public Areas, Retail GEOGRAPHIC AREAS COVERED Egypt, EAU (Dubai) LOOKING FOR: Indoor & outdoor, furniture, lighting, Urban Solutions & Material. SUEZ Consulting (SAFEGE) CONTACT PERSON: Aaron Imperiale Position: Senior Project Manager (Business Development) BUILDING, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE SECTOR OVERVIEW IN YOUR COUNTRY Core business: water/wastewater networks, pipelines & transmission, water/wastewater treatment plants & pumping stations, etc. Business has expanded to include Energy & Environment! Energy • Explicit (Paris) team of 20+ full-time professionals dedicated to renewable energy/energy efficiency policy development and implementation, technical assistance, studies, climate change, modelling, software/tools development; close coordination with international business development unit (Brussels) Environment • Extensive services under water division (Brussels & Paris) ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Two “pillars” of activity: “Engineering” and “TA” 1) Engineering: design (review), (feasibility) studies, construction supervision/civil engineering (PRAG, etc.), procurement, project/contract management 2) Technical Assistance: training, capacity building, workshops, on-the-job support to civil servants, ministries, utilities, municipalities, government agencies, etc. GEOGRAPHIC AREAS COVERED Africa, Balkans, Caucuses, Central Asia, Middle East, South Asia; pockets of activity in Latin America and the Caribbean LOOKING FOR Partnerships with consulting/service-provider firms to create “sub-consulting” arrangements for IFI financed projects (EU, WB, EBRD, EIB) Technical Experts for LT/ST work Assistance with proposal preparations for specific technical areas CURRENT PROJECTS ACP countries: Global Alliance for Climate Change, €3.5M (EU) Algeria: PIU « UAP-EAU II », €4.6M (EU) Chad: Technical Assistance for Improving Access to Drinking Water, €3.2M (EU) Georgia: Water Infrastructure Modernisation Project (WIMP II), €500k (EIB) Jordan: Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency programme, €2M (EU) Lesotho: Climate Change Strategy Plan Development, €700k (EU) Nigeria: TA for the Water Component of the NDSP, €13.6M (EU) Turkey: TA and WWTP Construction supervision (EU): Diyarbakir €2M, Polatli €3.3M, Merzifon €1.1M, Soma €900k Leader of 10-company consortium implementing BENEF 2013-17 (EU) Lot 6 “Environment” framework contract (two-time renewal since 2009) BICOTEC / SAPCOT SOCIETE D’INGENIEURIE – ETUDES, PILOTAGE ET CORDINATION TECHNIQUE WWW.BICOTEC.COM.TN CONTACT PERSON: Rachid Nouri DESCRIPTION DE L’ENTREPRISE SOCIETE D’INGENIEURIE – ETUDES, PILOTAGE ET CORDINATION TECHNIQUE CHIFFRE D AFFAIRE MOYEN 500 000 EUROS MOYEN HUMAIN : Permanant 30 et plusieurs consultants indépendant Projets importants 1- Lycée International à Alger 2000 Places Pédagogiques : - Lycée Secondaire - CEM - Ecole Primaire - Crèche - Dortoirs - Réfectoires ________________________________________________ Réalisation achevée en 2011 Coût du Projet : 26 Millions d’Euros 2- Pôle Universitaire à Alger 20.000 Places Pédagogiques et 11.000 Lits d’hébergements : __________________ Réalisation en cours à 30% Coût du projet 400 Millions d’Euros 3- Modernisation de Station Thermale à Stif -Algérie __________________ Etudes Achevées, Réalisation Prévu début 2016 A LA RECHERCHE DE: • Bureau d’études • Fournisseurs TUNISIE POLYTEC WWW.POLYTEC-CONSULTING.COM CONTACT PERSON: Touil Abdelhamid POSITION: MANAGER DESCRIPTION DES SECTEURS DU BATIMENT ET DE L’ENVIRONMENT DANS NOTRE PAYS Le secteur du bâtiment et des travaux publics constitue l’un secteurs moteur de la croissance en Tunisie et réalise en moyenne un chiffre d’affaires de 5 milliards de dinars par an en Tunisie et contribue à 7% du P.I.B. Au niveau des investissements, il draine 25% des investissements globaux du pays et regroupe 2800 entreprises, dont 100 emploient plus de 100 personnes permanentes. Son importance dans l’économie est évidente puisqu’il emploi directement 40000 personnes dont plus de 500 ingénieurs conseils et il fait recours à 9 bureaux de contrôle technique et à 10 bureaux d’études d’envergure internationale. Le domaine des bâtiments est régit par trois intervenants à savoir: Les concepteurs: architectes et ingénieurs Les contrôleurs techniques ou bureau de contrôle Les entrepreneurs Le secteur de bâtiment couvre les différents spécialités suivantes : Ouvrage d’art et maritime Ouvrage Bâtiments tertiaires Bâtiments industriels Bâtiments immobiliers : collectifs, semi-collectifs et individuels • Les projet d’énergies renouvelables en collaboration avec l’ANME: Projet de bio-gaz à BIR EL KASSAA Projet d’électrification par éolienne à KELIBIA, HAOUARIA et EL ALIA Projet de production d’eau chaude sanitaire solaire dans le tertiaire Centrale photovoltaïque à GABES (voir plan solaire tunisien) PROJETS REALISES AVEC DES INTERVENANTS ETRANGERS EN TUNISIE SICILFERO, CALSINA CARRE, GRISPORT (Italie) PALU (Allemagne) AEROTEAM (AIRBUS), NP TUNISIA, JHONSON CONTROL, SANOFI AVENIIS, SETEA, ZODIAC (France) PROJETS REALISES AVEC DES AMBASSADES EN TUNISIE : Ambassade de France Ambassade d’Egypte DESCRIPTION DE NOTRE ENTREPRISE Bureau d’études dans les domaines de: Climatisation (conventionnelle ou par moteur à gaz) Chauffage central et par le sol Traitement d'Air Plomberie sanitaire Ventilation Gaz Audit Energétique Sécurité Incendie Piscines Cuisines Traitement des Eaux Energie renouvelable (Eau chaude sanitaire) Réseaux utilitaires (Vapeur, air comprimé,…) A LA RECHERCHE DE: Bureau d’études pour des projets spécifiques en Tunisie, en Afrique ou en Europe Sociétés de fabrication et des solutions photovoltaïques TURKEY PROMER Consultancy Engineering Ltd. Co. Contact person: Altuğ BAYRAM Position: Deputy General Manager ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE IN TURKEY Turkey’s energy demand is in expanding tendency. Nowadays every type of energy plants such as coal and gas fired, hydropower, solar, wind and nuclear power plants are being constructed or planned. Environment projects are closely related with EU integration process. Turkey’s infrastructure projects is under the municipalities’ responsibility. They get sometimes finance from EU. There are a lot of investments in power, environment and infrastructure sectors since Turkey is a developing country. For foreign companies, mostly projects which are financed by international organizations and projects requiring foreign technology are the main business opportunities. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION •Industrial Plants using AVEVA - Power Plants - Chemical/Petrochemical Plants, Oil & Gas - Mine Plants - Cement Plants - Architectural Buildings •Infrastructure Design •Retrofitting Studies (for Seismic and Historical buildings) •Consultancy and EPCM services •Construction supervision GEOGRAPHIC AREAS COVERED All over the world like Turkey, Middle East, North Africa, South America, Turkmenistan and Europe. LOOKING FOR • Metro, railway design and construction supervision companies • Environment design and supervision companies • Base isolated hospital design and supervision companies • School building design and supervision companies • Historical building retroffitting and relocation services WHAT’S NEW? • • • • • Railway anf infrastructure projects EU funded projects Big hospitals design and supervision Public buildings construction supervision Biogas plants, waste to energy projects TURKEY HALATLI TASIMACILIK A.S. CONTACT PERSON: ILKER CUMBUL POSITION: CEO ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Ropeway construction Urban and touristic ropeway transport Airports Material transport Short urban Railway systems Wind turbine (under 1 MW) LOOKING FOR • Mountain development sector companies • Railway systems construction companies • Airport design and construction companies WHAT’S NEW? • Urban cable car projects all around Turkey • EU funded project in Eastern Turkey • 2 tenders for aiports in Turkey From Piemonte to Brasil: Planet, the Smart City, Living the Future Prossimi eventi: • African Healthcare Build Conference and Expo, Londra, 17/18 Febbraio 2016 • ECOBUILD, Londra, 8-10 marzo 2016 • Missione plurisettoriale imprenditoriale in Brasile - Nord Est, Marzo 2016 Thank you Q&A CENTRO ESTERO PER L’INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE corso Regio Parco 27 - Torino ECOmpanies DESIGN BUILDING LIVING +390116700511