Golden Remembrance - BE College - Bengal Engineering College


Golden Remembrance - BE College - Bengal Engineering College
Anniversary Reunion
(1965 Batch-Civil)
Bengal Engineering College
Shibpur (W.B.)
(Presently called IIEST, Shibpur, Institution of National Importance declared by GOI)
With best compliments
YFC Projects Pvt. Ltd.
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Golden Jubilee (50th Anniversary)
Reunion Memoirs
1965 - Civil Batch
27th & 28th February, 2015
B E College, Shibpur
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Sl. No.
Page No.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
President opens India's first IIEST in Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal
History of the College
Principals of the College
Glimpses of the College
Our Teaching Staff
Group Photograph of 1964-65 Batch (Civil)
A few flowers from basket of happy college days
Reunion Memoirs of 1965 - Civil Batch
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years
BECA 1965 Civil
BECA 65 Civil (Bengal Engineering College Alumni 1965 Civil) was
formed to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of our graduation from B
E College ( now converted to IIEST, Shibpur) This is done for the
purpose of reuniting those who had either entered the college in
1960or in 1961 and graduated in1965.
It seems just the other day that we came out of the portals of BE College
Ajoy Das
to face the challenges of the world outside. We have since treaded long
journeys through different paths, in different places, under different conditions. 50 long years have
elapsed since. Each of us have undergone tremendous transformations, physically, intellectually,
circumstantially and otherwise. However the close bond and camaraderie that developed during those 5
years have not faded. It still gives us immense pleasure to reminisce those golden days we spent in the
Manoj Kanti Ghosh
During those years we lived together in hostels amdst cheers and excitement. Our idea of get-together is to
remember and relive those days of Adda, laughter, and uncorrupted caprice. We also very keen to know
how all of our friends made their 50 years journey of life.
We all reached the fag end of our life and many of our dear friends are no more in this world. So it is worth
to meet our old friends and enjoy few more days with same old Adda and laughter. It was obvious for us to
think of assembling here for the golden celebration of our golden days. We are sure this occasion will be a
most enjoyable and will be memorable for us. However many of us could not join, being far away or for
other good reasons or because they were unaware of this as they could not be reached in spite of our best
efforts We also sadly miss those of us who are no more in this world.
Like us our alma mater has undergone a sea change both the soft and hard way. In March 2014 recognizing
BE College contribution to engineering for more than century and its potential for further excellence it was
elevated to national status by NITSER Act 2007, thus renaming it to IIEST Shibpurand granting it the status
of Institution of National Importance at par with IIS and IITs.
We are providng a short history of the college with a short list of notable alumni of our college. We are also
proving the old and new photos of our friend to have a glimpses of the sea changes of each persons
However we are not able to provide same for all as details were not made available despite our all efforts.
We would like to thank all the alumni who took active participation in organizing the event without
naming them individually.
With best wishes
Manoj Kanti Ghosh
Ajoy Das
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Press Releases
Rashtrapati Bhavan : 24.08.2014
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated
the first Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
Technology (IIEST) of the country at Shibpur, Howrah, West
Bengal today (August 24, 2014).
Speaking on the occasion, the President said a culture of
excellence must be promoted in our higher academic
institutions and core competencies nurtured. Academic
cooperation between institutions must be encouraged.
Research and innovation must go hand in hand and should be
focused on solving our country’s myriad developmental problems. It is also important that industry and
academia operate in tandem and create the right synergies
and environment for industrial growth and academic
rejuvenation. Quality up-gradation of state-level institutions,
which account for 96 percent of the higher education capacity,
needs to be accorded high priority.
The President praised IIEST Shibpurfor significant
advancements in several areas of human endeavour. He said
the IIEST is actively seeking to address some of the global
challenges today in areas as diverse as renewable energy,
water technology, medical and environmental sciences. Some
other important areas of engagement of the institute are
Disaster Management; Clean coal technology; Power Electronics; Remote-sensing and GIS; Space
Technology; Biochemical Sensors, Structural Engineering;
VLSI and Embedded Systems.
Among the dignitaries present on the occasion were Smt.
Justice Manjula Chellur, Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court;
Dr. Partha Chatterjee, Minister-In-Charge, Higher Education,
Government of West Bengal; M. Anandakrishnan, Chairman,
Board of Governors, IIT, Kanpur; Shri Tarun Vijay, Member
of Parliament, Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray, Director, IIEST, Shibpur
and Dr. Biman Badyopadhyay, Registrar, IIEST, Shibpur.
This release issued at 1745 hrs.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
History of the College
Early History
The history of the Bengal
Engineering College goes back to
the first half of the Nineteenth
Century. Hardly any facilities for
technical education existed in
those days in India. The need for
trained personnel was seriously
felt for development works, such
as, excavation of canals, building
of railroads etc., which were then
undertaken or proposed to be
undertaken for execution.
Prompted by the idea of
affording ready and profitable
and requisite engineering
The Writers' Buildings with Tank Square - 1856
knowledge, the Council of
Education, Bengal decided on opening a Civil Engineering class, thus the Professorship in Civil
Engineering in the Hindu College, Calcutta, was created in the year 1843-44. That was indeed the
beginning of a new era. Unfortunately, no qualified person was available to take up the position and the
chair remained vacant.
In March, 1854, the Council of Education submitted the proposal for the establishment of a College of
Engineering as a separate Department of the proposed Presidency College which was to replace the Hindu
College on the 15th June, 1855. In May, 1854. Lieut. Col. H. Goodwyn, Chief Engineer of Bengal, advocated
the constitution of a College of Engineering for the general improvement of the Department of Public
This paved the way to the creation of a Government College of Engineering at Calcutta.
Under instruction from the Government of Bengal, the Chief Engineer prepared a scheme for the
establishment of a College of Civil Engineering and its necessary Companion Training School and
submitted the same to the Secretary to the Government of Bengal, General Department, under his letter
No. 2175, dated the 16th October 1854. While submitting this scheme the Chief Engineer stated “that one of
the objects of the proposed College and the practical Training School would be to meet the very great
demand in the Department of Public Works of Bengal and the Lower Provinces; generally, for Executive
Engineers scientifically educated science and art of Europe to the architectural and building requirements
of India with Indian means.”
The then Lieut. Governor of Bengal Mr. F.I Halliday, appended on the 25thNovember, 1854, a minute to
the scheme submitted by the Chief Engineer and the same was forwarded to the Government of India on
the 4th December, 1854.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Though the proposed
Engineering College was
intended to be established at
Calcutta. Government of
Bengal, however, thought
that it would be a better idea
and perhaps more
advantageous from the point
of view of training, to locate
the college at Ranigang
owing to its healthy climate
and proximity to the mineral
belt. The Chief Engineer was
asked on the 24th March 1855,
to examine and report on the
location of the proposed
The Hindu College Building Named The Presidency College from 1855-1874
College. He replied on the
17th April 1855, saying that the College should be constituted at or near Calcutta as it was the intention to
Presidency College for teaching these subjects at the Engineering College. Besides, no separate medical
arrangement in the form of a Dispensary and a Hospital would be necessary if the College was situated at
The detailed scheme together with the estimates were duly forwarded to the Court of Directors, and the
sanction was received with some modifications in Dispatch No. 18 of 19th September, 1855. The final
approval of the Government of India to the constitution and establishment of a Civil Engineering College
at Calcutta was received on the 12th February,1856.
Birth of the College
The selection of a suitable person for appointment as Principal of the College offered a problem and the
Government of Bengal approached the Government of India for nominating an officer for the post.
Accordingly, Government of India selected Lieut. E.C.S. Williams of the Engineers, Superintendent of the
Topographical Survey to be Principal of the Civil Engineering College at the Presidency on a staff salary of
Rs. 600/-per mensem, with a house, and appointed him to the post by Notification No. 166, dated the 15th
September, 1856. Lieut. Williams joined the post soon after the month of September,1856.
The Director of Public Instruction in his letter no. 2410, dated the 18th September, 1856 informed
Government that premises Nos. 9, 10, and 11 of Writers' Buildings in Tank Square previously occupied
by the Fort William College were available and that premises no. 12 could be used as the private
residence of the Principal, Sanction to their engagement for the Civil Engineering College on a lease for
one year.
It was arranged that the students of the Engineering College would be allowed to attend lectures in Botany
and Chemistry at the Presidency College.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
1856-1864 : Civil Engineering College, Calcutta
The previous chapter briefly described the salient details of the early history of the establishment of the
Civil Engineering College at Calcutta. An effort will now be made to trace the subsequent development of
the institution by stages.
Capt. W.S. Sherwill, an officer of the Engineers, joined on the 1stDecember, 1856as Professor of Surveying.
On that date the number of students rose to 21. By April, 1857 the number went up to 31. A nominal role of
students who joined the 1st Term of the 1st Session of the College is appended to this chapter no. suitable
person was available for filing up the Professorship in Civil Engineering and Architecture. Consequently,
this post remained vacant and could not be filled up during the next three years.
With the establishment of the Calcutta University on January 24, 1857, a revolutionary change took place in
the advancement of education in all its branches. The Faculty of Civil Engineering was formed
simultaneously with eight members and General Low, the Commander-in-Chief was elected its first
President at the meeting held on the 8th April, 1857. The Civil Engineering College was affiliated to the
University by a Resolution passed on the 2ndMay,1857, Lieut. Williams. Principal of the College was
elected a member of the Faculty of Civil Engineering on the 12th December. On the 30th of July next year.
He became a member of the Syndicate to represent the Faculty.
Lieut. Williams left for Europe on 15 months medical leave in January, 1859 Capt. G. Chesney, Asst.
Principal of Thomason College, Roorkee was appointed to act as Principal on the 21st January, 1859. While
on his way to Europe. Lieut. Williams forwarded from Aden a memorandum on the state of the College in
the light of which the teaching staff of the college was strengthened in the latter part of 1859, and Lieut. H.T.
Gordon joined as Professor of Constructive Design and Mr. C. Grant as Drawing Master, Survey Training
Camps used to be held in those days mostly at or near Rangeegunge.
The same staff continued I 1860. In 1861 Major W.E. Warrand Joined as Principal in place of Major Chesney
who had so long been officiating. Capt. A.E. Perkins relieved Lieut, Gordon as Professor of Constructive
Design in the same year, Capt. Sherwill left at the end of 1861. Mr. Rukstuhl, a young German Engineer,
joined in 1862 temporarily as Lecturer in Surveying. After the transfer of Major Warrand, Major J.G.
Medley joined as the officiating Principal in 1862, and left in January, 1863. Lieut. G.S. Hills, who had
earlier joined the College as Asst. Principal, next officiated as Principal for a few months. Mr. T Martin took
over from Liuet. Hills sometime in June, 1863 and acted as the Principal till November, 1864. The teaching
staff was further strengthened in 1861 by the inclusion of Mr. Khetter Nauth Bhattacharjee and Mr. Taruck
Nath Dutt as Master of Surveying and Engineering and Master of Mathematics respectively.
In August, 1862. Government of India invited the views of the Government of Bengal as to the expediency
of uniting the Civil Engineering College with the Presidency College. Unfortunately, the Government of
Bengal did not lay any stress on the maintenance of the College as a separate institution and on the
contrary, agreed to accept the suggestion. The proposition was then referred to the Secretary of State for
India and his approval was received in Dispatch No. 23 dated the 7thNovember, 1864.
This unfortunate decision impeded the progress of engineering as a major branch of studies for at least
fifteen years that followed.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
This Government of Bengal followed up this decision and in their letter no. 4789, dated the 4thNovember,
1864, addressed to the D.P.I. issued an order amalgamating the Civil Engineering College with the
Presidency College. The administrative control was assumed by the Principal of the Presidency College in
the same month and the process of amalgamation was completed in the month of April, 1865. Thus ended
though temporarily as later events will show, the separate existence of the Civil Engineering College that
was brought into being as a full-fledged institution through the untiring efforts of Lieut. Williams the first
Principal of the College, despite the interruptions caused by the Sepoy Mutiny" of 1857.
1865-1879 : As Adjuct of the Presidency College
This is rather uneventful chapter in the history of the Engineering College which, by an unfortunate
decision, lost its independent existence as a separate institution in November, 1864, when the
administrative control of the Engineering College passed on to the Principal of the Presidency College, and
it became a part of the College. The idea at first was to maintain the engineering classes in a separate
building to be hired as near the Presidency College as possible. As a measure of economy, however, this
idea was dropped and eventually.
The first Degree examination of Bachlor in Civil Engineering (B.C.E.) was held in 1864. Two candidates
Satkari Chattopadhaya and Ambika Charan Chaudhuri came out successful. The former passed the L.C.E.
from the Civil Engineering College in 1862. The latter distinguished himself in later life. A Trust Fund was
created in the University in his name in 1880 to award a Gold Medal known as the “Ambica Charan
Chaudhuri Gold Medal” to the best mathematician at the L.C.E. and B.E. Examinations.
In 1878the Government of Bengal appointed Committee to consider the question of the establishment of a
Practical Training Institution for Engineers at Calcutta in connection with the Workshops of the Public
Works Department. The Committee was further asked to report whether it would not be desirable to
remove the Civil Engineering Department from the Presidency College to the neighborhood of the
proposed Training Institution to enable the two to work together as one institution for imparting an
integrated technical education and training for engineers. The Committee recommended that both
theoretical and practical training should be imparted to Civil and Mechanical Engineers and also the
subordinate staff of the Public Works Department. The further recommended removal of the Engineering
Department from the Presidency College, as this arrangement was not conducive to the promotion of
In regard to organization of the proposed institution the Committee recommend that, at first, the following
four classes of pupils should be training :
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineers
Civil Overseers
Mechanical Overseers and that a fifth class for Draftsmen and sixth for the improvement of Skilled
Workmen corresponding to the Mistry class at Roorkee and to Col. Hyde's class at the Mint may be
usefully established.”
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Accepting these recommendations the Government of Bengal decided to shift the Engineering classes to a
new site where Engineering training could with advantage be given through a separate and properly
constituted institution as used to be done before 1865 and communicated their order in Public Works
Department Resolution No. 2310E dated the 15thDecember, 1879.
The Premises of the Bishop's College at Sibpur near which the Public Works Department Workshops and
Manufactories were recently constructed were acquired under the Land Acquisition Act (Act, X of 1870) by
a Declaration dated 29thMarch, 1880. The price was settled by negotiation with the owner, the Society for
the Propagation of the Gospel and fixed at Rs. 300,000/- Rupees two lakhs for the buildings and Rupees
one lakh for the land measuring approximately 120 bighas. Possession of the premises was taken on the
16thFebruary, 1880 and a deed of sale was extended on the 16th August of the same year. On the 5thApril,
1880 the Engineering Department moved to the new site which the College occupies to this day and was
redesignated as the Government Engineering College, Howrah.
An unsatisfactory arrangement continuing for 15 years was put to an end and a positive step in the
advancement of technical education was thus ultimately taken.
1880-1887: Government Engineering College, Howrah
The year 1880 is the turning point in the history of the College. It had at last got at site of its own where it
could expand and develop. Thus began a new life for the College when it occupied the premises of the
Bishop's College at Sibpur.
The first session of the College under the name of the “Government Engineering College Howrah”, started
at Sibpur on the 5th April, 1880 with 73 students, Mr. S.F. Downing, Professor of Engineering was
transferred from the Presidency College as Principal of this College. Mr. J.S. Slater, Mr. J.H. Gilliland and
Mr. DwarkaNathDutt were also transferred from the Presidency College and appointed as Professor of
Civil Engineering, Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Teacher of Drawing and Surveying
Bishop's College 1880
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
respectively. Mr. J.T. Bartlett was temporarily appointed as Professor of Drawing. The Workshops of the
Public Works Department at Sibpur were attached to the College for instructional training of the students.
At about the same time 80 Apprentices of the Government Workshops at Dheri-on-Sone were transferred
to Sibpur and the Apprentice Department of the College was formed. Mr. C. Fouracres and Mr. C. Gilmore
were transferred from Dheri-on-Sone and became the Superintendent and Teacher respectively of the
Apprentice Department.
At the instance of the Government of Bengal the University of Calcutta revised its regulations further in
order to enable a candidate to obtain a License in Engineering or the Degree of Bachelor in Engineering in
either of the two branches- (A) Civil Engineering and (B) Mechanical Engineering. On the 12thApril, 1880,
Director of Public Instruction issued a Notification saying that owing to the unexpectedly large number of
applicants for admission to the new Engineering College and the difficulty of obtaining lodgings in
Howrah and the neighborhood of new students until the beginning of the new session of June, 1880.
Additional accommodation on the premises for 200 Indian students would be provided by that date.
On 3rdAugust, 1881. It was decided in compliance with the agreement with the Bishop's College that the
Chapel attached to the College should be treated as a Government Institution and forms part of the College
for the purpose of repair and maintenance. By a Resolution No. 2803-E, dated the 22nd November, 1881 the
control of the College and it students as distinguished from the Workshops were transferred from the
Public Works Department to the Education Department. The system of appointing Monitors for the
Engineer Class was introduced in the year 1881-82, and the recommendation of the Board of Visitors.
In December, 1880, about 32 bighas of land intervening between the PWD Workshops and the College
were acquired at a cost of Rs. 25,200/- for remodeling of the Workshops and also for expansion of the
The University Regulations were
revised in the year 1883-84. The
First Examination in Engineering
was introduced for the first time
with effect from the 1stAugust,
1883. L. C.E. was abolished and
L.E. (License in Engineering) was
introduced in its place. The
Degree of B.C.E. was replaced by
B.E. (Bachelor in Engineering) at
the time. The revised Regulations
in respect of B.E. came in to effect
on and from the 1st January,
The first B.E. Examination was
held in the year 1886. Out of two
candidates appearing in that
Old College Building Rear View
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
examination only one was successful. His name is Sarabji Shavaksha. It may be mentioned here that
Surendra Kumar Basu passed B.C.E. in 1880 after the College opened at Sibpur. He is the famous author of
the popular text-book. Building Materials and construction. Another distinguished student of the period is
Benimadhab Mitra who passed B.E. in 1900 and made his mark as an authority on Roads Construction.
Anukul Chandra Mitra also passed in 1887 and became famous as a practical engineer of great skill. He was
in charge of construction of the Victoria Memorial.' Annada Prosad Sarkar who passed in 1883 was the first
Indian Chief Engineer in Irrigation Department.
On the 27th June, 1884, sanction to the construction of permanent quarters for students consisting of three
blocks of buildings at an estimated cost Rs. 1,79,363/- was received and the construction was completed
during the year 1886-87. This group of buildings is now known as the Downing House- Eastern Barracks,
Western Barracks and Central Barracks.
1887-1921 : Civil Engineering College, Sibpur
The College was now well on its way to progress and development. In 1887, Committee was appointed by
the Government of Bengal for suggesting alteration in the course of Studies pursued and the method of
instruction that might be adopted at the Engineering College. The members of the Committee expressed
divergent views on the subject, but some of its recommendations, aimed at improving the course of
instruction, were kept in view. One of the recommendations was in favour of opening an Agricultural
Department, though some members of the Committee were of the view that the practical training should
be given in the form of apprenticeship in Railways and other Industrial Workshops and not in a Training
Workshop of the type attached to the College at that time. Government did not, however, accept this view
on the ground that for the promotion of technical education it was desirable to associate theoretical with
practical training in the College itself. The Government of India also gave a similar opinion saying that
"The Governor-General in Council attaches great importance to the maintenance and expansion of the
College as a School of Practical as well as of theoretical instruction, likely in time to develop into an
institution for technical instruction in its highest sense."
With the opening of the College at Sibpur in 1880, a resident Medical Officer was posted for looking after
the health of the students. The Civil Surgeon of Howrah was subsequently appointed the Visiting Medical
Officer. But there was no hospital arrangement and the practice was to send the seriously ill patients either
to their homes or elsewhere for treatment, (it was only in May, 1889. that arrangement for a hospital was
made for the first time To start with, the Central Block of the Indian Student Quarters (Downing House)
was temporarily converted into a Hospital
Sanction to build a Hospital was given in 1892, and the new Hospital was opened in February, 1893.
From the year 1889, the College became a wholly residential Institution. Savings out of money paid by the
students to the College Mess Fund used to be credited to die Treasury and were not utilised for their
benefit. For the first time in March,1891.It was decided that such savings accruing in any year should be
utilised for the benefit of the students.
An important decision aimed at promoting the study engineering us a career was taken in September,
1891. and all appointments in the Upper Sub-ordinate Grade of the Public Works Department of the
Government of Bengal were reserved for being filled-up by the graduates of the College. This step
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
definitely helped in attracting
Indian youths to engineering.
Mr. Downing. Principal of the
College, died in 1891 He was
associated with the College for
22years and his death was a severe
blow to the Institution. Mr. J. S.
Slater became the Principal in his
Sibpur Workshops were under the
control of the Public Works Department and run, more or less, on a
commercial basis. The College
could not, therefore, utilize the
Workshops solely for instructive
purposes. To remove this lacuna in
P.W.D. Workshop, Converted to the College Workshop
the method of instruction, the
authorities of the College had, for some time past, been trying for their transfer from the Public Works
Department to the Education Department, with a moderate outlay, it was thought, these shops could be
utilised solely for the benefit of the students. The Lieutenant-Governor himself paid a visit to the College
on the 13th January, 1893, to discuss on the spot the desirability of sanctioning certain proposals for the
improvement of the College.
In May, 1894, Government sanctioned the transfer of a part of the Workshops to the Education Department
and "placed a sum of Rs. 50.000/- at the disposal of the Principal to erect new shops for the College. The
Workshops were finally transferred to the Education Department in April, 1897.
The classes were opened in June,1898. When the Government of India decided in1904 to establish the
Imperial Agricultural Institution at Pusa, the Provincial Government resolved to transfer the Agricultural
classes to that Institute. These classes at Sibpur were finally discontinued in 1908.
On the recommendation of a Committee set up by Government in 1903 to consider the question of
providing facilities for the training of qualified Managers and Assistant Managers for the Mines in India,
which was later supported by another Committee consisting of the Director-General of the Geological of
the Survey of India, the Chief-Inspector of Mines, a representative of the India Mining Association and the
Principal of the College was sanctioned in 1905. Another Committee under the Chairmanship of the
Commissioner of the Burdwan Division was appointed for the purpose of finalising the curriculum of
mining instruction with particular reference to the practical training of the students. The Mining Classes
were opened in February, 1906, with Mr. E.H. Roberton as Professor-in-Charge of the Mining
Mr. Slater who had been officiating as D. P. I. retired in June, 1905, and Mr B. Heaton who had been
officiating since 1904 became the permanent Principal of the College.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
The Regulations of the Calcutta University were further revised during the year 1905-06. The First
Examination in Engineering was changed to "Intermediate Examination in Engineering" (I.E.) at meeting
of the Faculty of Engineering held on the 16th March, 1906. "Licence in Engineering" (L.E.) was abolished at
the same time. At another meeting held on the 30th March. 1906, the Degree of Doctor in Engineering was
adopted and substituted for that of the Master of Engineering.
When the College was about safely ensconced at Sibpur and was developing into an institution of high
standard, it was suddenly decided to shift it to a healthier site on the ground of unhealthiness of the place.
It is true the health of Sibpur in those days had not been ignite satisfactory, but the basic causes resulting in
unhealthiness of the area were removable as with proper development in sanitation the place would
certainly improve, situated as it was on the bank of the river Hooghly. The first official declaration on the
contemplated removal was made by no less a person than the then Lieutenant-Governor himself .
Of the various alternative sites, such as Ranchi Hazaribag Dehri, Madhupur and Khargpur, mentioned in
this connection, Ranchi was considered to best and was selected to be the new site for the college
But all alternative sites including Ranchi were found unsuitable considering available facilities and cost
point of view to develop afresh .
The nomenclature of the College was changed by Government Notification No. 353-Edn., dated the 12lh
February, 1920, to the "Bengal Engineering College, Sibpur." As the Botanic Gardens Post Office was then'
the nearest Post Office, the new nomenclature caused postal delays. Consequently, in Government Order
No. 713-Edn. dated the 24th March, 1921, the word 'Sibpur' was deleted and the College was re-designated
as the Bengal Engineering College.
During this period many students passed out of the College and distinguished themselves in their
profession as Engineers as well as in other spheres of life. To name a few who passed out in late nineties and
made their mark, mention may made of Girish Chandra Das who passed B.E. in 1891 became the Chief
The Clock Tower and Reserve Tank
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Engineer of the Light Railways under Messrs. Martin & Co. He was also the Engineer-in-Charge of
construction of the High Court at Calcutta. Amar Nath Das passed B.E. in 1895 and joined the Indian
Service of Engineers He rose to the position of Chief Engineer of Bengal. A. C. Mitra, who passed out in
1900, was the Engineer-in-charge of construction of Victoria Memorial Hall of Calcutta. Rai Bahadur
Annada Prosad Sarkar, who passed out in 1883, rose to the position of the first Indian Chief Engineer
(Irrigation), Government of Bengal.
1921-1945 : Bengal Engineering College
The Bengal Engineering College, popularly known as the B. E, College, was now firmly established and
destined to play its part in producing the designers, builders and architects of modern India.
The first reform undertaken during the period was to re-organisethe Various Departments of the College,
which was suggested earlier by the 'Mookerjee Committee'. This Committee under the Chairmanship 'of
Sir Rajendra Nath Mookerjee, a most distinguished ex-student of this College, was formed in February,
1919. to co-ordinate the Apprenticeship Training Scheme of the Eastern Bengal Railway Workshops at
Kanchrapara with the Mechanical Engineering Classes of this College. The Committee recommended that
the lower classes in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the college should be given up and instead
a Technical School at Kanchrapara should be established. This College should be utilised for the final
training of the mechanical engineers, after they had completed the full course of apprenticeship at
Kanchrapara or other large Workshops in Bengal. In accordance with these recommendations the Board of
Control for Apprenticeship Training was created in 1921 by Government Order No. 2448-Edn., dated (he
29th November. 1921,
The Upper Subordinate Classes were abolished after 42 years' of existence during which period many
eminent persons came out of this branch and carried out their onerous tasks with credit under the Public
Works Department as well as in other spheres. The last link of the College with the Public Works
Department was severed, and no more students were sent up for the examinations under the Joint
Technical Board after July. 1922. The control of the examinations in the improved Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering courses was transferred to the newly-created Board of Control for Apprenticeship
Training with effect from March, 1922. The improved courses received Government sanction on title 5th
July. 1922. After this reform the College was concerned solely with the training of persons to occupy higher
position in the engineering industries and establishments of the country. The Bengal Engineering College
is the first Engineering College in India to attain this higher status.
Mr. Heaton retired as Principal in 1921 after 31 years" association with the College. Mr. T. H. Richardson
took over from him as the next Principal.
During the period 1921 10 1925, several projects for expansion and improvement of the College were
implemented. Besides some residential quarters, the new Assembly and Examination Hall was built in
1920 at the site occupied by the old Gymnasium at a cost of over Rs. 22,344/-. The Electro-Technical
Laboratory was extended at a cost of Rs. 7,027/-. A portion of the 'Jheel' to the north and east of the playing
fields was reclaimed Labour quarters were built Additional cook-rooms were also built. Sanitary and
water-supply fittings were provided in residential quarters. A new Barrack for Anglo-Indian students was
constructed and opened in the beginning of 1925. This Barrack was named 'Heaton House'. The Water-
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
works which cost a total of Rs. 1,63,750/- was completed in 1924, and the new Turret Clock presented by Sir
Rajendra Nath Mookerjee in 1921, was installed in its tower. The Sewerage Scheme was completed in the
same year. New Barrack latrines were also built. The Activated Sludge Plant, which is the first of its kind in
India, was completed in 1925, and the new barrack latrines were brought into use under the guidance of
one of our illustrious students, Sri S. K. Chakravarti.
In pursuance to the policy recommended by the Industrial Commission which visited the College during
1916-17. the Mechanical" and Electrical Engineering Classes were being developed independently of the
Calcutta University and it was intended that the University would in due course recognized these courses
for the purpose of awarding a Degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The Board of Control for
Apprenticeship Training was entrusted soon after its creation with the control of these courses in the
College, A Diploma course of 3 years' duration was introduced, and the first Diploma Examination was
held in 1923. The Board in the meantime had been considering a Scheme of 4 years' duration for the grant of
an Associateships in Mechanical Engineering as well as in Electrical Engineering on the lines similar to
Associateships granted at the City and Guilds Institute, London. The ultimate object was to raise the
standard eventually to the Degree standard under the University. An Associateship course in Mechanical
Engineering was introduced and received the sanction of Government on the 5thJuly, 1922. The first
Associateship Examination in Mechanical Engineering was held in March, 1924, and out of four students
that appeared three came out successful.
During 1925-26 three newly created posts, namely - Professor of Physics, Foreman in Electrical
Engineering, and Demonstrator in the Mechanical Engineering were filled up. The Telegraph Training
Classes introduced in 1909 were discontinued from November, 1925. As the Indian School of Mines at
Dhanbad constructed by one of the ex students of the College, Anath Bandhu Bhattacharyya under M/s
Martin & Co., was opened in November, 1926, admission of new students into the mining Classes was
stopped, and these classes were finally closed in March, 1929. To utilise the space vacated by the Mining
The Chief Engineer of the Public Works Department, who was also the Secretary of that Department, was
relieved of his secretarial functions in June, 1928, and from July of the same year, he was appointed exofficio Vice-President of the Governing Body. Mr. Richardson, Principal of the college, retired on the 16th
November, 1928, and Mr. A. Macdonald became the Principal.
Teaching of Geology which was included in the syllabus of studies for B.E. offered a problem after the
abolition of the Mining Classes from the 1st April, 1929. The staff of (the Mining Department used to
provide four lectures per week in Geology for the Civil Engineering students. Their services were no
longer available. At the instance of the Governing Body, a part-time post of Lecturer in Geology was
created and Mr. E.L. Geology was created and Mr. E.L.G. Clegg. Assistant Superintendent, Geology
Survey of India was appointed to the post. Assistant Superintendent, Geological Survey of India, was
appointed 10 the post.
Another proposal to introduce a Special Course of Marine Engineering at the Bengal Engineering College
was mooted sometime in 1930the scheme did not however, mature.
Due to light Budgetary provision, as many as 7 posts including 3 posts of Visiting Lecturers were abolished
during the year 1932-33. A project for extension of accommodation in the Mechanical arid Electrical Engi16
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
neering Laboratories was however carried out in the same year. On the death of Mr. J. D. Choudhur,
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Mr. M. Sengupta was appointed to the post in the following year. Dr. S.
R. Sengupta was appointed as Lecturer in Civil Engineering in December, 1934. Later on he became the
Professor of Mathematics. The post of Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering which was abolished in
1932-33 was revived in 1934-35 by upgrading the post of Teacher of Surveying, and Mr. P. B. Ghosh, the
incumbent of the latter post, was appointed as Assistant Professor.
The Degree course in Electrical Engineering was introduced during the year 1935-36, and the first batch of
students appeared at the Degree examination in 1936.
The practice of holding the Annual Survey Camp It one fixed place was changed and it was decided to hold
the camp at three different places in successive I, with effect from 1935-36. At the request of the Calcutta
High Court arrangements were made from 1936 for the training of Probationary Munsiffs in Practical
surveying for six weeks. In the same year, arrangement were for the theoretical training for a period of two
year of six apprentices selected by the Bengal Nagpur Railway for appointment as Permanent WayInspector. This arrangement was, however, discontinued in 1945. The Swimming Tank was opened in
1937-38. 'Slater House' and 'Downing House' Hostels were provided with covered bathing places in 193839, in May. 1938, 5 posts of Visiting Lecturers in Accountancy, Railways. Irrigation, Waterworks, Drainage
and Sewage Disposal, and Workshop Management were created under a new Scheme.
Mr. Macdonald left the College on leave preparatory to retirement in August 1936, and Mr. R. Wolfenden.
Inspector of European Schools, became the Principal with effect from the 2nd November of that year. Mr.
Wolfenden proceeded on leave, preparatory to retirement, on the !8th August, 1938, and Mr. C. V. Miller,
Professor of Civil Engineering, became the Officiating Principal. Dr. A. H. Pandya, a renowned Engineer of
international repute, took over as Principal on the 21st September, 1939. He is the youngest and the first
Indian Principal of the College.
The Degree course in Metallurgy
was introduced in 1939-40 and
commenced on the 6th November,
1939. The post of a Lecturer in
Metallurgy was created with the
introduction of the course.'
During the first World War, the
Testing Laboratory of the College
was utilised for testing of war mate
rails. During the second World War,
a large number of technicians for the
Munition Factories, Armed Services
and the Technical Wing of the Air
Force were trained up-in the College
Workshops which served as a
combined centre under a special
The Principal's Residence
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
technical training scheme. Temporary barracks arid class-rooms were built in November, 1940, and
training commenced in February, 1941. To make room for the technicians, admission to the first-year class
in 1940-41 had to be suspended. Dr. Pandeya piloted the scheme in the whole of the Eastern Region. This
Scheme was finally wound up in June, 1945. Subsequently, on the 2nd April, 1943, Dr. Pandya left the
College on deputation and joined the Directorate-General of Munition Production as Director of Metals
and eventually became the Deputy Director-General. Mr. C. V. Miiler, Vice-Principal of the College, was
appointed to act as Principal in his place.
By a Government Resolution, dated the 2nd December, 1943, a Committee under the Chairmanship of Mr.
F. Rahman was constituted to enquire amongst other things the prevailing state of technical and industrial
education in Bengal with reference to higher technical education and also to suggest a comprehensive
scheme of industrial and technical education so as to serve the progressive needs of the industries and the
people of Bengal. The Principal of the College was appointed a member of this Committee. After an
elaborate enquiry the Committee submitted a report. In regard to this College, it was pointed out by the
Committee that Workshops and Laboratory arrangements at the College were inadequate and if
successful training in higher Engineering, commensurate with the needs of the Government as well as of
the industries was to be achieved, these defects should be removed. The Committee further observed that
apart from the Degree Courses in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Metallurgical Engineering, which were
already in existence, arrangements for starting new courses, such as Ship-building, Aeronautics, etc.,
should also be made, and that this College should impart training in higher engineering only, leaving the
Diploma and the Associate-Ship Courses to be conducted at the Calcutta Technical School. The
recommendations of the Committee were followed up.
After the retirement of Mr. Miller in 1945, Mr. N.N. Sen, Vice-Principal and Professor of Meallurgy and
Chemistry, was appointed the Principal of the College with effect from 1stApril, 1945.
1945-1956 : An Era of Progress
The year 1945 is a memorable
year and the beginning of an
ear of rapid development and
progress in the history of the
College. The end of the
devastating war that started in
1939 was in sight, and
alongwith it came the
realization of the magnitude
of the task of reconstruction.
The importance of applied
Science and Technology and
necessary man-powerfor
The New College Building
fulfillment of the task were,
however, keenly felt. Meanwhile, industries in the country were expanding and their needs as well as the
needs of the Government for higher technical personnel to meet the increasing activities became urgent.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
The object of the Five-year Plan prepared by the Development Committee was the ultimate attainment of
converting the Bengal Engineering College into a most modern and well-equipped institution comparable
to the best western institutions, with a greater range of degree courses and facilities for the post-graduate
two new degree courses, namely, Architecture and Town and Regional Planning would be added, and as
many as 1,200 students would be trained in the College at a time.
A change in the office of the Principal took place in 1949. Mr. N.N. Sen proceeded on leave, on the
5thJanuary, 1949 preparatory to retirement, and Dr. S.R. Sengupta was appointed Principal in his place
from the same date.
The construction of building under the plan was started on the 18th December, 1949 Dr. B.C. Roy the Chief
Minister of West Bengal laid the foundation stone of the Administrative Block on the 5th February, 1950.
The officer of the College was shifted to the new building on the 10th June, 1950. Two new Departments
were created and two new Degree Courses were introduced from the academic session 1949-50. These
Courses are (i) the Degree in Architecture and (ii) the Post-Graduate Diploma in Town and Regional
Planning. The former is a five-year course and the latter is a two year post-graduate Diploma Course for
graduates in Civil Engineering and a one year post-graduate Diploma Course for graduate in Architecture.
A Polytechnic with a capacity to take in 350 boys was sanctioned in 1950-51 and was started on the 12dth
July, 1950 as part of a scheme to rehabilitate displaced youths by giving them training in various trades.
The long term object of the scheme was to provide training to the boys on their leaving school. A capital
expenditure of Rs. 2,76,000/- for building and equipments was sanctioned for the Polytechnic. An hostel in
the form of an Aluminium hut for 40 trainees was built during the year at a cost of Rs. 9,800/-.
To provide accommodation for the increased number of students the building programme include the
construction of several new Hostels. As many as four new Hostels were built during the period 1951-54.
The first Hostel was opened o the 17thAugust, 1951, by Dr. Tarachand, Secretary to the Government of
India, Ministry of Education. This was named after Principal Richardson as the Richardson Hall'. The
remaining three Hostels were built in 1952, 1953 and 1954 and were opened in July of each year. These were
named after the three successive Principals as the 'Macdonald Hall', the 'Wolfenden Hall' and the 'Pandya
Hall' respectively. Two funds known as the 'Institute Building and Sports Pavilion Fund' and the 'B.E.
College Poor Fund', later re-named as 'Students' Aid Fund', were created in 1951.
A new Post-Graduate certificate course in Navel Architecture was introduced during the year 1952-53. The
Calcutta University approved new Regulations for the Degree of Master of Engineering (M.E.) in Civil,
Mechanical, Electrical and Metallurgical Engineering on the 24thApril, 1953.
The popularity of the College spread far and wide and in consequence many distinguished persons took
the trouble of paying a visit to the Institution. The first to come was Dr. S. Radhakrishanan. He visited the
College with the University Commission as Chairman of that body on the 17th January, 1949. Next came
Dr. H.C. Mukerjee the Governor of West Bengal on the 25thAugust, 1952. Dr. Ralph J. Bunche of the United
Nations Organization visited the College on the 20th January, 1953.
The College suffered a heavy loss when Dr. S.R. Sen Gupta, Principal of the College, left on deputation, on
the 12th March, 1954, to join his new post as Director of the Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur, but
for hisinitiative, drive and zeal, the development plans could not have been implemented. He successfully
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
piloted the plans from the stage of their initiation to that of implementation. Mr. R.G.P.S. Fairbairn,
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, was appointed Principal in his place.
On the 30th September, 1954, Government of West Bengal approved a Scheme for the interchange of
staff between this College and the Indian Institute of Technology, Khargpur, for the mutual benefit of
both the institutions. Under another scheme sponsored by the Technical Co-operative Administration.
U.S.A. an agreement was concluded between the Bengal Engineering College and the University of
Wisconsin. In accordance with the terms of that agreement six Guest Professor from the U.S.A. joined
the College at the beginning of the session 1954-55. In exchange five members of the Teaching Staff of
this College went to the U.S.A. as Research Associates and Research Fellows for one year in order to
learn the technique, methods and organization of Teaching, Laboratory work and practical work in
'Sibpore College Patrika' published in 1903 was the first attempt at publication of a Journal by the students.
The publication was discontinued the following year and for a long time no further attempt was made.
After the lapse of several year, the students of the College started the publication of an annual journal
known as the “Bengal Engineering College Annual” or more popularly known as “B.E.C.A” BECA is now
published regularly at the time of the Annual Reunion meeting of the present and past students of the
Degree courses were further enlarged during the year 1955-56. The Calcutta University framed new
Regulations creating the Degree of D. Phil. in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Metallurgical Engineering
(of one year's duration for honours graduates and of two years duration for pass graduates) were
introduced. It may be noted here that the Degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering was created some
years ago. A new four-Year Degree Course in Mining Engineering has since been introduced from the
session 1956-57.
In 1954 an agreement was concluded by the college and the University of Wisconsin, USA, whereby six
guest professors from the USA joined the college and in exchange, five teachers from the college went to
the USA as Research Associate. This scheme, known as Technical Co-operation Programme of the USA,
helped the college in developing laboratories, postgraduate programmes and research facilities. The
college celebrated its gala centenary function inaugurated by Dr. B.C. Roy on 25 December 1956, and the
concluding session was attended by Pandit Jawarlal Nehru on 14 January 1957. The Department of
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering started functioning as a separate discipline of engineering
in July 1968. The college started its first Computer Centre in 1976–77 and a Microprocessor Laboratory in
1979. The 125th Anniversary of the college was celebrated in 11 December 1981, with inauguration by Sri
N. Sanjiva Reddy, the then President of India.
The Department of Computer Science and Technology was established in 1982. It offers undergraduate
and postgraduate engineering courses. The department started offering the Master of Engineering courses
in 1988 and Master of Computer Applications courses in 1991. The college was selected as a participating
institute under the World Bank EIDP Project and an endowment for Rs. 200,000,000 was received for
upgrading the teaching facilities and laboratories in the Electronics and Computer Science Departments.
In recognition of its service to the nation, the college was elevated to the status of a Deemed University in
1992, breaking its ties with the Calcutta University by the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Government of India on the recommendation of a UGC Expert Committee.[2] Formal inauguration was
done on 13 March 1993, by the then President of India, Shankar Dayal Sharma. [3] School of Management
Sciences (SMOS) and School of Information Technology were established in 1998 and 2000 respectively.
The Department of Information Technology started its journey in 2000. It is the second youngest of the ten
engineering departments in BESU. The School of Material Science and Technology (2001), School of
Community Science and Technology (2002) were introduced. On 1 October 2004 the institution was
elevated to a full-fledged university with the present name.[3] It was formally inaugurated by A.P.J. Abdul
Kalam, the President of India, on 13 July 2005. In 2010 Department of Aerospace Engineering started along
with the Applied Mechanics department.
In March 2014, it was upgraded to the status of Institutes of National Importance under the banner of
Indian Institutes of Engineering Science and Technology, thus renaming it IIEST, Shibpur.
The Story of gradual growth of the Bengal Engineering College is a fascinating study. As we proceed from
the very beginning of its history dating back to the year 1854, we realize how difficult has been the task of
transforming this College from an humble beginning in rented premises to the modern Engineering
Township that is to be seen today. During the last one century this institution has been playing a vital role
in our national life-that of producing the qualified technical personnel with higher engineering knowledge
and training. A hundred years ago- on the 24th of November, 1856 - the College was started with only 10
students and 2 teachers under its first Principal Lieut. Williams, a man of out standing abilities and great
foresight. During the intervening years, its existence was as stake on two occasions but it triumphed over
the temporary set-back. The work begun by Principal Williams has reached a glorious stage of
development under the able leadership of successive Principal. Their efforts have produced results and the
College now stands firmly rooted with up to date scientific equipment and a batch of selfless teacher to
play its part to meet the highest demands of new India of our dream.
Names of Principals / Directors / Vice Chancellors of the Institution during the past one and a half
Many a person ornamented the chair of the Principal when the College was under the Government of West
Bengal. After it was transformed to a Deemed University in 1992, the position of Principal was designated as
Director and later as Vice Chancellor. The exact dates of retirement or leaving or joining the position could not
be obtained in many cases mainly due to want of time and lack of resources. Whatever could be retrieved from
the available records is produced below and the list will take the reader a century and a half back and then take
him to ride forward gliding through decades of a glorious existence of this premier institution.
Lieut, E.C.S, Williams (1856 - 1859) : Joined September, 1856 as Principal. Left for Europe on 15 months
medical leave in January, 1859.
Capt. G. Chesney (1859 - 1861) : Asst. Principal of Thomason College, Roorkee, was appointed to act as
Principal on the 21st January, 1859.
Major W.E. Warrand - Joined in 1861
Major. J.G. Medley (1861 - 1863) : After the transfer of Major Warrand, Major. J.G. Medley, Asstt.
Principal, joined as the officiating Principal in 1862 and left in January, 1863.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Lieut. G.S. Hills : Earlier joined the College as Asst Principal, next officiated as Principal for a few
Mr. T. Martin (1863 - 1864) : Took over from Lieut. Hills sometime in June, 1863 and acted as the Principal
till November, 1864.
Mr. J. Sutcliffe (1865 - 1876 ) : Principal of the Presidency College .
Mr. S. F. Downing (1880 - 1891) : First Principal of the Government Engineering College, transferred from
the Presidency College. Died in 1891. He was associated with the College for 22 years.
Mr. J. S. Slater (1892 - 1898 ).
Mr. A. Macdonell ( 1899 -1900, 1905 )
Mr. B. Heaton (1904 -1921) : Retired in 1921 after 33 years' of association with the College.
Mr. T. H. Richardson (1922 - 1928) : Retired on 16th November, 1928.
Mr. A. Macdonald (1928-1936 ) : Left the College on leave preparatory to retirement in August, 1936.
Mr. R. Wolfenden (1936-1938) : Inspector of European Schools, became the Principal with effect from
the 2nd November of 1936. He proceeded on leave, preparatory to retirement, on the 18th August,
Mr. C. V. Miller (1938-1939) : Professor of Civil Engineering, became the Officiating Principal .
Dr. A. H. Pandya (1939-1943) : A renowned Engineer of international repute, took over as Principal on the
21st September,1939. He is the youngest and the first Indian Principal of the College. On the 2nd April,
1943, Dr. Pandya left the College on deputation and joined the Directorate-General of Munition
Production as Director of Metals and eventually became the Deputy Director-General.
Mr. C. V. Miller (1943 -1945) : Vice-Principal of the College, was appointed once again to act as Principal in
place of Dr. A. H. Pandya.
Mr. N. N. Sen (1945 -1949) : After the retirement of Mr. Miller in 1945, Mr. N.N. Sen, Vice-Principal and
Professor of Metallurgy and Chemistry, was appointed the Principal of the College with effect from 1st
April,1945. Mr. N. N. Sen proceeded on leave, on the 5th January, 1949 preparatory to retirement,
Dr. S. R. Sengupta (1949 -1954 ) : and Dr. S. R. Sengupta was appointed Principal in place of Prof. N. N.
Sen on the same date after Prof. Sen proceeded on leave. Dr. S. R. Sengupta, Principal of the College, left
on deputation, on the 12th March, 1954, to join his new post as Director of the Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur
Mr. R.G.P.S. Fairbairn (1954-1956) : Professor of Mechanical Engineering, was appointed Principal in
place Dr. Sengupta. Mr. R.G.P.S. Fairbairn proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement on May 16, 1956
after 18 years' service in the College.
Mr. A. C. Roy (1956-1966) : Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics, took over as the Principal on
May 16, 1956. He handed over the charge as the Principal on 31st May, 1966.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Prof. P. K. Roy (1966-1967) : Prof. Roy who was the Professor and Head of Mining Engineering
Department and the Vice Principal (Administrative) of the College took over the charge and continued till
19th July, 1967.
Prof. D. Banerjee (1967-1977) : Professor Durgadas Banerjee who was Professor and Head of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering was appointed as the Principal of the College with effect from
19th July, 1967. He became the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal on the 1st June, 1977 and
simultaneously held the post of Principal for sometime.
Prof. B. K. Dutta : Prof. Banerjee handed over the charge to Professor Bhupal Krishna Dutta, Professor
and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering on the 18th July, 1977. He held the post only for a
few months.
Prof. P. K. Roy (1977 - 1979 ) : Prof. Roy who was previously entrusted to run the College during 1966 1967 was appointed again as the Acting Principal.
Prof. A. K. Seal (1979 - 1988) : Professor P. K. Roy having reached the age of superannuation, Dr. Arun
Kumar Seal, the Head of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering assumed the charge as the
Principal on the 5th March, 1979.
Prof. B. Sen (1988-1992, 1992-1995) : Dr. Bimalendu Sen, the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal
took over the charge of the College as the Principal with effect from 1st October, 1988. He reached the age
of superannuation from the Government service at the age of 60 and was appointed as the first Director of
the Deemed University on the same day for a period of 5 years.
Dr. S. M. Chatterjee (1995-2000) : Dr. B. Sen retired on the 31st March, 1995 and Dr. Sparshamani
Chatterjee, the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal, was appointed as the Director of the
Deemed University on the same day. During his tenure the post of principal was designated as the Vice
Dr. A. Sengupta (2000 - 2004) : After the retirement of Dr. Chatterjee on the 2nd May, 2000, Dr. Amaljyoti
Sengupta was appointed as Vice Chancellor with effect from the same date.
Dr. N. R. Banerjea (2004 - 2008) : Dr. Nikhil Ranjan Banerjea took over as the Vice Chancellor of the
University on the 1st September, 2004 and is still continuing. With effect from the 1st October, 2004, the
Deemed University was transformed to a full fledged State University.
Prof Ajoy Roy, Vice Chancellor (2008 till now, 2014).
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Principals of the College
J S Sutcliffe
S.F. Downing
(1880 to 1891)
J. S. Slater
(1892 to 1898)
P Bruhl
A. Macdonald
(1899 to 1905)
B. Heaton
(1904 to 1921)
T.H. Richardson
(1922 to1932)
C. V. Miller
(1938, 1943 to 1945)
Dr. A.N. Pandya
N.N. Sen
(1945 to 1949)
Dr. B.R. Sengupta
(1949 to1954)
A.C. Roy
(1954 to 1966)
Prof D Banerjee
Prof A.K. Seal
Prof B. Sen
Dr. S. M. Chatterjee
Dr. A. Sengupta
Dr. N.R. Banerjee
Prof Ajoy Roy,
Vice Chancellor
(2008 till now, 2014).
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
List of few Notable Alumni
Bahadur Ananda Prasad Sarkar (BE-1883) - First Indian Chief Engineer of Irrigation Dept. in
Government of Bengal.
A.C. Mitra (BE-1900) - Engineer In-charge of construction of Victoria Memorial Hall, Calcutta.
Mr. S.M. Ghosh, (BE-1926) and M. Strut) - World famous concrete technologist and Industrialist who
revolutionized the pre-cast round electric poles and pipes and other structures. The fist Indian 'state
Fazlur Rahman Khan, USA, World Famous/Greatest Structural Engineer known as Einstien
and Father of Structural Engineering who revolutionized the construction of skyscraper. He
designed Sears Tower USA, tallest tower in the world at the time of construction.[13]
Bimal K Bose, World Leader in Power Electronics USA, Distinguished Emeritus Professor,
University of Tennesse USA
Dr. Tapas Shome, World Wide Distingushed Engineer, IBM, USA
Sir Rajen Mookerjee, Founder of Martin Burn & Co, Founder of IISCO. [14]
Sir Biren Mookerjee, industrialist, Founder chairman, Indian Iron & Steel Company Ltd.[15]
Samar Basu, Member of Consumer Electronics Association Hall of Fame for contribution to the
invention of Lithium ion battery
Mr. B.C. Ganguly, Chairman, Railway Board, Ministry of Railway, Govt. of India.[16]
Dr. Sujit Ghosh, CEO, Holcim, Singapore, recognized as 'Green Innovator of the Year'.
Habibur Rehman - National Architect
Madhusudan Mitra - Director, Engineers India Ltd
Lt. Gen P.S. Roy - Engineer-In-Chief, Indian Army
Dr. Gokul Mukherjee - Vice Chairman, Steel Authority of India
Bimal Paul - Chief Operating Officer, Hitachi India
Amulya Mukherjee - Principal Engineering Adviser, Sultanate of Oman
Nimai Mitra - Managing Director, Bhilai Steel Plant, SAIL, India
Asok Mookerjee - CEO, Lasa South Asia Pte. Ltd
Sankar Halder - Chief Technology Officer, Airtel South Asia.
Rabindra Nath Sen - Chairman, Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) Govt. of India Undertaking
Amitabha Ghosal - Vice President, STUP Consultant Ltd.
Dr T. Mukherjee, Managing Director TATA Metallics, Director TATA Group, Director Chorus Steel,
Dy. MG. Director, TATA STEEL
Mr S. S. Chakraborty, Founder Chairman & M.D. Consulting Engineering Services Ltd., India
Mr. Amrit Das, Founder & CEO Net Guru Inc. & Research Engineers Inc. California USA Inc.[17][18]
Amit Guha, Founder and CEO, All of E Solutions, Kansas, USA
Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Ex Scientist, Bellcore, USA; Ex Director, M.N. Dastur; Ex President
& CEO, Data-Core
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Dr. Tapas Shome, Distinguished Engineer, IBM, USA
Dr. Kajal Gupta, Chief Technologist NASA USA.[19]
Dr. S.K. Bhattacharya, Managing Director Durgapore Steel Ltd. Director SAIL.
Amar Nath Chakrabarty - Director, CPWD
Shyamal Ghosh - Member, Railway Board
Prasanta Chandra - President, McNally Bharat Ltd.
Bimal Kapoor - Director, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Mr B.R. Choudhury, Executive Director Indian Oil Corporation New Delhi
Mr Gouranga Ranjan Chowdhuri, Chief Operating Officer, Lanco Infratech
Mr Anil Chandra Banerjee, Co-Chairman, Developments Consultants Private Limited.[20]
Mr S.B. Ghosh Dastidar, Director, NTPC, India, A Maharatna Company. Padma Shri awardee. [21][22]
Mr. Subir Mukherjee, Founding & Managing Director, e-Celtic.[23][24]
Jaya Bandyopadhyay, Technical Director of Engineering and a member of the CTO/Founder's office
at Juniper Networks.[25]
Dr Swapan Saha, Director, SAP labs, USA
Soma Bhadra, owner of PROTEUS CONSULTING Water 2.0,
Dr. Bholanath Pal, Ex-Managing Director at Motorola
Joy Sanyal, National Director at Jones Lang Lasalle
Malay Bhattacharjee, Director, HDS
Dr Bimal Kumar Bose, Emeritus Professor University of Tennessee USA and World Leader in Power
Dr Nihar Biswas, Acting Dean University of Windsor Canada.[27]
Dr Gautam Dasgupta, Professor & Head Civil Engineering. Columbia University USA.[28]
Dr Amitabha Ghosh, Director IIT Kharagpur.[29]
Dr Asok Kumar Mallik, Senior Scientist, INSA New Delhi, former Professor IIT Kanpur.[30]
Dr Sankar Sen, Vice Chancellor Jadavpur University Calcutta.[31]
Dr. Pramathesh Mukhopadhyay, Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Roorkee
Dr. Soumendra Majumder, Emeritus Professor
Dr Prabir Basu, Prof.& Head Mechanical Engg. Dalhousie University Canada.[32]
Dr Indranil Manna, Director IIT Kanpur.[33]
Dr Gautam Biswas, Director, IIT Guwahati, Assam.[34]
Dr Arun Kumar Seal, National Metallurgist
Dr Dulal Golder, Principal Delhi College of Engineering.[35]
Samir K. Bandyopadhyay, Vice Chancellor West Bengal University of Technology, Visiting
Faculty, Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University, MIT, California Institute of
Technology USA.[36]
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Dr Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Dean MIT Pune.[37]
Prof Ashesh Mitra, Director, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
Dr Arya Sengupta, Director, Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Delhi.
Prabir K. Bagchi, Professor and Former Senior Associate Dean The George Washington
Debes Bhattacharyya, Professor and former Head of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. University
of Auckland New Zealand.[39]
Ajoy Kumar Ray, joined Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur as its Vice
Chancellor with effect from 01.03.2009.[40]
Goutam Chattopadhyay, Principal Engineer/Scientist Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology and a Visiting Professor at the Physics Department, California Institute of
Supriya Chakrabarti, Director of the Center for Space Physics from 1997 until 2009, Boston
Dr Sagnika Sen, Who's Who in America, Marquis Publications, Prof. at Penn State, USA.[43]
Dr Jyoti Mazumder, Distinguished University Innovator, Prof. at U of Michigan.[44]
Sondipon Adhikari, Chair Prof. of Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering of
Swansea University, UK.[45]
Dr P. K. Basu, Former Chair of Civil Engineering, Vanderbilt University, USA.[19][46]
T. Basu, Director ECS facilities, UT Dallas, USA,.[48]
Dr M. Pal Das, former Principal of Delhi College of Engineering and Dean (technology) of University
of Delhi & Distinguished faculty awardee from Delhi College of Engineering.[49]
Dr Soumitro Banerjee, Dean IISER Kolkata, recipient of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award in 2003
Writers, Artists and Musicians
Chatterjee, founder-member of "Mohiner Ghoraguli", the first Bengali band and arguably
India's first band.
Arunendu Das, pioneer of late 20th century alternative Bengali song-writing; he was the first person
to compose Bengali lyrics for songs written specifically to be accompanied by guitar,
Budhadeb Dasgupta, World Famous Sorod Player and Chief Engineer CESC Ltd Awarded
"Padma Bhushan" by Govt. of India.[50]
Binoy Majumdar, poet, writer of "Fire Eso Chaka". Academy Award Winner in 2005.
Sanyal, Famous Novelist, Academy Award Winner and writer of "Satyakam" (filmed in
Hindi) "Dandak Sabari" etc.[51]
Sarkar, Director, Indian Academy Award Winner, Sangeet Natak Akademi Award winner
and Padma Shri awardee in 1972.[52]
Jatindranath Sengupta, poet and writer[53]
Sibaprasad Datta, Musician and Flamenco Guitarist.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Glimpses of the College
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Glimpses of the College
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Glimpses of the College
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
A few flowers from basket of happy college days
In 1960 college had two 1st year batches – one regular who came after passing ISc and pursuing 4 year
course and we poor 72 students from school perusing 5 year integrated course-rest of our batch
mates joined in 2nd year directly. To avoid confusion we were fondly called zero year. We all were in
dormitories called Barracks (Now these are dismantled). In one barracks we were 22/24 students
and we had best time of our life! Now let me recall one or two spicy moments
In our barrack we had Subrata –better known as Fulu and Satyan Hazra ( Our lovable Bar-da ) –two
beds opposite to each other and a single light in between in the passage -- and also of opposite habits.
Fulu used to study day and night and Bar-da used to roam whole day and come to college only in the
night and immediately switch off the common light and immediately Fulu used to get up and switch
on, and next Barda would switch off and repetition of previous act till Bar-da gives up – off-course
after quoting a large part of his famous chapter 17!! Obviously we all got free amusement.
One day some of our friends decided to play a trick to Fulu. Fulu used to wake up late as he would
study almost whole night. After morning brush, Fulu would sit comfortably on the bed and sip hot
milk kept by the barrack servant. One day before he wakes up one of us drank almost the entire milk
and replenished with water making it a white colored liquid. Fulu got up as usual and repeated
entire routine and sipped that liquid comfortably and only made a comment that – today Ganesh
(name of the barrack servant) has mixed water little more!
We all got fooled.
Our Barrack ( Barrack No 4 ) was famous for all sorts of odd things-like hot debates on important and
Hot issues (!) like who is a better actress Suchitra Sen or Arundhuti or Who is better batsman Neil
Harvey or Norman O'Neil and so on. One day one of our co boarders revolted and declared that it is
impossible to in this atmosphere – after all it is exam time so he will go home tomorrow morning itself
catching the first bus at 4-30 is. And set his alarm accordingly. Patriots of the barrack thought that it is
insulting to the barrack and ganged up together and planned accordingly.
So next morning alarm rang and he hurriedly woke up and dressed quickly as the clock showed 4-15
are. Some of the other boarders also already woke up and went into respective schedule like going to
toilet or go for brush etc. So our friend ran with his heavy bag to catch the bus only to be stopped at the
gate. Guard asked him where you are going at this dead night. Our friend was furious as he was
going to miss the Bus, Guard simply pointed out to the clock Tower - see it is only 2-30. Our friend
came back cursing all of us choicest of words from chapter 17 only to find rest of his friends inside
their respective mosquito nets silently relishing the moment.
We all remember a small group of 30 students of our batch were thru' Higher Secondary and balance
were from Isc. Thus in 1960 there were 2 first year batches in the college and to avoid confusion we
were called Zero year – we were the only zero year in the history of B E College. Since we came
directly from school to B E College our behaviors was interesting—in one hand we wanted to be care
free College boys – bunk classes and on the other hand was afraid to break rules.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
However one day we decided to bunk our Physics class en-mass. While most of us were outside the
class room, there was some crowding the entrance. At the scheduled time we could hear the typical
footsteps of our Sir –Nick named as 'Ghora '—Horse- for his very special walking style .Our leaders
sprang into action and started pushing the fence sitters out shouting Ghora aschhe, Ghora aschhe
and in the process one of them was pushing our teacher also and our embarrassed teacher was
uttering – ki hochche, kihochche and rest of us were helpless on lookers! Incidentally we all know
Nick names of faculty of our college are traditional and passed on by seniors to juniors and teachers
knew it all!
We spent best period of our life in the college campus -- GOD has presented each one of us bucketful
of beautiful flowers to carry on to the rest of our life.
In the field of sports we saw many unforgettable and also forgettable moments .However our
greatest moment of pride was in 1961 at Calcutta University Ground. We own Calcutta University
football shield – beating formidable Vidyasagar college 2-0.Our rival had several 1st Division players
including Sarkhel who played for Santosh Trophy winning Bengal team. We won it for 2nd time in
succession and also adjudged as best sports playing college in Kolkata for second year running. We
were more proud as our won Messy, Piyus Gupta, was one of the scorer. We carried the Shield Head
High through Chowringhee-stopping all traffic of Kolkata's busiest crossing shouting occasionally
“BE College – er name ektahoo-arekta–arekta…..”. The mighty procession went to Amenia
Restaurant and practically occupied the entire restaurant We all had Amenia Special and Tanduri
Roti–all at college expense specially sanctioned by our Principal A C RAY who had earlier
distributed the prizes also.
We cherish our memories -- many sweet and some sour also- but after 50 years ,we like to remember
sweet ones only.
— Ajoy Das
Some college time tit bits from memory by Pradipta Mukherjee
The day I set foot at the door step of Downing, my first hostel.
It was almost evening as I alighted from the taxi with my parents, armed with my bedding and
trunk. The century old building with its majestic castle like turrets and saw tooth parapets loomed
large and mysterious before my young eyes. That vision of awe, that chill of thrill, that eerie feel
through layers of my tender skin are still vivid on the mind's screen.
The first bout of 'Ragging'.
Well, the tension was already palpable as the horde of 'Seniors' descended from nowhere and started
raining a barrage of vocabulary studded with invective hitherto unknown to us. They looked
terribly menacing and made us trembling like a flock of frightened sheep before a pack of rampaging
wolves ! They got me climb on top of my steel locker and keep standing there, cross legged, holding
my T-square the way goddess Saraswati holds Her Veena, and mimicking its sound through the
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
mouth; a moment's lapse inviting immediate scorn and scold. It was a veritable nightmare, but only
for a while; as we could suddenly hear the muffled roar of a jeep's engine outside, and immediately,
as if by the sweep of a magic wand the whole scene changed. Our dreadful tormentors were now a
picture of cordiality personified as we were almost cajoled into our beds; and by the time Principal,
Dr. A C Roy's footsteps were heard in the corridor, the whole group had vanished into thin air.
Also while recalling the funny side of Ragging, I remember one of our friends whose name I would
better not reveal. He was being tormented by a group of seniors to take a puff of cigarette. He was
crying inconsolably and was literally begging to be excused, saying that before coming to college, he
had promised before his Mom by touching her feet that he would not take to smoking. The tail piece
of this episode is that hardly a week had passed, and the fellow was gleefully offering cigarettes to his
pals; poor Mom relegated behind the cloud of ecstasy.
The first sessions of 'Improved Diet' and the 'Grand Feast'
Oh, how I miss those wonderful occasions! Can't recall the items of delicacies, but can hardly forget
the ecstasy of that first puff of the '555' earned as the last item on the menu. And that was the moment
we would feel like having entered into the world of true adulthood!
The day my drawing board got stolen from the locker in the drawing hall
I had no idea how God took note of my plight and arranged the rescue operation; else how did I come
across the 'Pehlwan' in our class, Brij Mohan Sahni at that very juncture? And with what ease did he
solve my problem! He just asked me 'kihoyche re'? Then after taking stock of the situation, he took me
to one of those lockers, broke it open with one twist of his massive wrists and asked me to choose any
one of the boards. That was the day I realized that the total number of boards in the hall was at least
one short of the total number of boys in the class, and that's how their ownership would keep rotating
endlessly, in a cyclic order, and of course, without a murmur.
— Pradipta Mukherjee
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Reunion Memoirs of 1965 - Civil Batch
Arabinda Adhikary
A Kamalalaya, Ambagan,
89, Baguihati, Kolkata-700028
Phone : 033-25000053
Mob. : 9830358232
E-mail :
After graduation joined WB PWD (Roads Dept) and worked upto 1972. Then shifted to Public Health
Department and worked upto 2003 and retired as SE. Reemployed at state institute of panchaet Rural Dept
of WB and worked upto 2008. Then joined the undertaking of GOI, Water & Power Consultancy and still
working. I have two daughter, both married .
Sajal Banerjee
IA 282, Salt Lane,
Kolkata - 700097
Mob. : 983057918
E-mail :
After graduation he joined Calcutta Corporation and went up the ladder and became Chief Engineer of
Culcutta Corporation. Lived in Calcutta all along .
He has one son, daughter, both are well established in life. Son is a doctor and daughter is bio
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Satinath Banerjee
24/8 Garcha First Lane,
Ballygange, Kolkatta 70019
Phone : 24619950, 24619154,.
Mob : +919831484616
E - mail :
Got training with CMPO, worked with Jessop & Co Ltd. (1966-68), Lynx Co Ltd at Daitari Iron Ore Plant in
Orissa (1968-70), BALCO at Kobra (1970), then Bokaro Steel Plant (1978-78) ,Due to family reason returned
to Calcutta and joined Ghosh & Bose (1978-79), then Gherzi Eastern (1978-2003),Joined Wilbar Smith
Associated as Vice President(2003-07), Voyonts (2008-12) then worked as Vice President in CE Testing Co
92012-13). NOW working in M/s BPC A consultant.
My wife –Ajanta, have 2 daughters, both married and located in Bangalore & Singapore.
Siddartha Banerjee
Spouse : Soma
BA 4/5, Sector 1, Salt Lake,
Kolkata - 700064
Phone : +91-33-23216347, 40042178
Mobile : +91-9883733825
I spent first 4 years of my service career with Gannon Dunkerley & Co. Ltd.,a little over a year in the firm's
Kolkata office and rest in project sites in Orissa and Nepal. Thereafter for 33 years I was in Haldia,having
worked in Haldia DockProject and Haldia Dock Complex ( Kolkata Port Trust) till retirement as head
ofCivil Engineering wing (HDC) in 2002. In postretirement life I have kept myself engaged in assignments
as Arbitrator, staying in Salt Lake, Kolkata with my wife and my mother. Our elder daughter Suranjana
stays in Kolkata with husband and daughter and the younger daughter Suchandrima stays in Berkeley,
California with her husband.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Dhrubajyoti Basu
B-6/83, Kendriya Vihar,
Kolkatta - 110052
After graduation joined BE College as ME student and TT. Completed ME. Then joined CPWD and worked
from 1968, to 2002 posted at Calcutta, Assam and other various plases. Presently joined Anand Margi
Assarm and wokring for them. I have one son who is a software engineer.
Debabrota Bhadra
BB 220, Salt Lake,
Kolkata - 700052
Phone : 8961531174
E-mail :
After passing out I worked in different capacities
in Private & Public sectors both in Construction & Design fields with a brief stint in Oman & Qatar.I retired
from Coal India as General Manager in 2003 and thereafter from Torrance Technology Pvt. Ltd. as General
Manager in 2011. Presently I am a free lance Consultant (Design & Projec Management) with retainership
with 4 organisations.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Saroj Bhol
Spouce :
Sipra Bhol
54 Bosko Drive, East Brunswick
New Jersey 08816, USA
Phone : 732 257 5989
E-mail :
Moved to USA in December 1970, studied MS in Civil Engineering, and after working at a number of
consulting engineering firms, now working at The Port Authority of NY & NJ for the last 24 years.
Daughters :
1. Suparna, married to Sameer Kadam, Grand children - Sunjay & Sonia
2. Seema, married to Justin Sokol, Grand son - Sawyer
Amar Nath Chakarborty
60, 2nd Floor, Vardan Appt.,
Plot No. 64, I.P. Extn.,
Patparganj, Delhi - 110092
Tel. : 011-22246735
E-mail :
Immediately after graduation, I joined Mr S P Banerjee, Consulting Chartered Engineer and Architect in
Calcutta and served him for 5 years. I worked on High Rise buildings, Steel-RCC-PSC Bridges, Dome and
Shell Structures and Water Treatment Plants.
After that I joined Geo Miller & Company (Calcutta and Delhi) and worked on various Water, Sewage and
Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants of various capacities and complexities. I was posted in Delhi in 1973.
I am still working in Geo Miller & Company and staying at Delhi.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Jiban Bandhu Chakraborty
14/1 Roypur Road East,
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032
Joined Public Works Department,West Bengal. Worked there for 37 years in various capacity, starting from
Assistant Engineer to Chief Engineer. In the intervening period also worked in deputation in West Bengal
Housing Board,as Assistant Director and in Hooghly River Bridge Commissioners as Chief Project
Manager. After retiring in 31st. January, 2005 I did not do 3 things any further Re visiting my old work
places, going for any money earning adventure and coloring my hair.
Parthasarathi Chakrabarti's
Spouse : Tapashi Chakrabarti
: Ishan Chakrabarti
: 011-2816479302 (USA)
E-mail :
Education after BE : MS (1970, Ph.D (1972) from University of California, Berkeley
Professional and personal history : After graduation from BE College I started working at Gannon Dunkerley&
Co., Calcutta from 1965 to 1967. I appeared for the Central Engineering Services Exam (commonly called IRSE) and
after being selected joined CPWD, New Delhi as Assistance Executive Engineer (from 1967 to 1968).
In late 1968 I went to University of California at Berkeley for higher studies as indicated above. After completing
PhD, I worked at the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, UC Berkeley from 1972 to 1974. Returned to
India and Joined Engineers India Limited, New Delhi and worked there from 1974 to 1991. I was fortunate to be
part of a team (Ocean Engineering Department, OED in short) bringing in Offshore Technology to India through
India's Bombay High development. I was heading the Engineering group of OED as Deputy General Manager.
Married in 1977 to Tapashi and stayed in Delhi from 1974 to 1991. In 1991 left EIL to go abroad and joined Zentech,
Inc. in Houston, TX, USA. Zentech was a very small company then. I am fortunate to be a part of the company for the
last 23 years in developing it to a mid-size company with offices in India, Mexico, Malaysia and UAE specializing in all
kinds of offshore projects. I am a Partner and Vice President Engineering of the company till date.
My wife Tapashi is working in a school that caters to autistic children. Our son Ishan is doing his PhD at University
of Chicago. We try to visit India every year to meet our families and friends. In my spare time I try to keep myself
busy in reading books, photography and astronomy.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Amit Kr Chandra
Spouse : Mrs Krisna Chandar
19/13, Naskarpara Lane,
Howrah, WB - 711103
Phone : 033-26680616
Mobile : 09432268745
E-mail :
After graduation joined WB PWD and worked for 9 month ,then worked with Howrah Improvement Trust
for 8 month, then with CIVCON for 4 years. Then started own construction business at HALDIA and stil
I have one daughter married and seteled at Bangalore.
Amit Chatterjee
143, Righter Road
Succasunna, NJ 07876, USA
Mob. : 9739276794 (Home)
973 525 9128 (cell)
E-mail :
Married Koely Sanyal, daughter of Prefessor Promode Kumar Sanyal, in November, 1973. We have two
children. The oldest son, Swarna, is married with two adorable children. The youngest is a daughter, Piyali.
They both work and live in New Jersey.
I retired from Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 2012 after working there for 27 years. Enjoy
traveling, playing with the grand kids, music, sports etc.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Ajoy Das
Spouse : Jayita Das
Daughter : Dr. Asmita Das
C-3/201, Capital Appartment,
Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi - 110096
Mob. : 09350593534
E-mail :
After Graduation I joined BBJ Construction co Ltd and spent 14 years .During this period I worked both at
site and Design. In the meantime I got married in 1971 and in 1974 we were blessed with our daughter. In
1979 I joined a very young PSU – National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) – A Newly formed
company which at that time had only about 400 employees including all categories. I had the great fortune
of getting the opportunity to be part of the growth story which saw the company grew to be giant in power
sector. I led civil Design groups for Engineering of at least 9 Super thermal Power Projects,1st set of
combined cycle Gas power project of India and also established NTPC's Hydro Engineering Group as part
of diversification .After retiring in 2003 from NTPC I worked in Reliance Power for about 7 years.There also
I had the opportunity to play a major role in planning and Design of one of the largest Ultra Mega thermal
power Project of India- SASAN Project. In Sasan Project I introduced a new concept of Layout of Thermal
Power Station which is only 2nd in the world. There after I worked in Welspun for a year and now I am civil
Adviser to a multinational consultancy firm.
Ranajit Dasgupta
Manicktala Cooperative Housing Society
108/7, Manicktala Main Road,
Flat No 105, Kolkata - 700 054
Mobile : 9903790784
Experience Details of last 50 years
Tuscon Engineers Pvt Ltd (Kolkata)
Jan 2008 till date : Advisor (Engineering & Management) Maruti Clean Coal & Power Ltd (C.G)
Jan 2003 to Dec 2007 : Chief Executive officer Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd (C.G)
Jan 2001 to Dec 2002 : Chief Engineer (Project) Raymond Cement –C.G (Cement division under Raymond Textile
March 1984 to Dec 2000 : General Manager Project & Development India Ltd (PDIL-Govt of India undertaking)
Oct 1968 to Feb 1984 : Dy. Chief Engineer Hindustan Construction Company Ltd (HCC Ltd- Walchand group)
Asst. Engineer : Nov 1965 to Sep 1968
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Santosh Dasgupta
Spouce : Mrs Candana Dasgupta
29, Dakuria East Road
P.O. : Haltu, Kolkatta-700078
Phone : 033-24150166
Mobile : 9051305823
After graduation did the diploma in Town & Regional Planning from B.E. College, then joined CMDA
and retired as Deputy Director of Planning in 2002. Since then doing freelance consulting. I have one
Ashok Datta
East Cost- USA
Tel. : 001-9733280093, 9739786641
E-mail :
After graduating from college I worked in M. N. Dastur Co. and Haldia Dock project for few years. I
continued playing cricket while I was in Kolkata. Then in 1970, I left India with an immigration visa to USA.
It has been more than 40 years since my wifeMalina and I have been living in New Jersey. We have two
married sons, Aleek and Rupak and have one grandson Kavi.
I am not retired yet. I worked in the corporate world for 15 plus years prior to starting a small business back
in 1986. I have been doing consulting engineering work in material handling systems since then. I just
started another new project in Baltimore, MD.
My four year education in college helped me establish my personal and professional life. I am proud to be a
BE College alumnus.
My wife and I also visited India several times in the past.
Next year we are looking forward to meeting friends and families on the 50 YR Reunion Celebration in
Kolkata on Feb 27 and 28 and share fond memories of college days.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Bijan Behari Datta
Spouse : Manjushree Datta
: +91-9954013203
E-mail :
Worked in construction firms from 1966 to 2005 after undergoing training course for 7 months under P.W
(Roads) Directorate of West Bengal Govt. During stay with the construction firms was engaged in design
and construction of some Major Bridges, TV Towers and Civil works of water treatment plants, RCC
Chimneys, T G Foundations for thermal Power Projects, Power House of Hydro Electric Projects in N.E
Region & Nepal, Fly Overs in Kolkata and also Metro Railway Stations of DMRC.
Since 2006 onwards working with Supervision Consultants engaged for Supervision & Quality Control
works for NHAI in NH-31 (East West Corridor) in Assam & presently stationed at Guwahati.
I have one Daughter and a Son ; they are married and are well settled.
Prasenjit Datta Roy (Ramu )
Permanent Address :
"Debadeep", 96-N Parnasree Pally,
Present add. :
"Syndicate Villa", H/no. 2A, Principal J B
Road, Chennikuthi, Guwahati-781003
Mobile : +919954255070
I am Prasenjit Datta Roy…………
During my initial difficult times (after graduation from erstwhile BE College), I had worked in North East
with a number of State Govt Undertakings. In 1978 I joined a Govt. of India PSU & worked there till my
retirement. After retirement in 2002, I started working as a Consultant to NHAI Projects & worked in NH8, NH-2, NH-31 & am presently working in NH-40 in Guwahati-Shillong Road. Presently I am stationed at
Guwahati staying with my wife & likely to continue here for another 6 months or more, may be till
completion of my assignment.
My only son is working in IT Sector at Bangalore. Incidentally, my eldest son met with a fatal accident in
2004 near Jaipur.
Though I am a permanent resident of Parnasree, Behala, Kolkata-700060, during most of my 50 years of
active service life, I remained outside Kolkata.
I am available on Face Book & WhatsApp.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Prabir Kr. De
FIE (I), C. Eng (UK), M.I. Structe. (Lond),
PG Dip (C.E.)
: Mrs Indrani De
Daughters : 1. Sagarika
2. Alokananda
70 B, Prince Anwar Shah Road,
Kolkata 700045
Mobile : 9830016032
Retired as Chief Engineer (CIT) in 2004;
Drector, SIMPLEX Projects Ltd. 2006 to 2010 .
Now acting as free lance cosultant .
Asoke Kumar Ganguli
EC 224, Maya Enclave,
New Delhi-110064
Phone : +91-11-25494668
Mobile : +91-9891081434
Yes! I am the first. Amongst my batchmates, I was the first to get married and face the music of real life. I
have been blessed with two children, a daughter and a son. Both of them are established doctors.
Professionally, I started my career as a graduate trainee in the structural fabrication shop at Jessop and
Company Ltd. From there I moved on to as many as four companies gathering experiences in structural
designs, construction, international marketing and managerial administration. I retired from the Projects
and Equipments Corporation of India, Delhi (a Government of India Export House) as their Chief General
Manager (Marketing).I have a house in Delhi and I am permanently settled here.
Well friends, please accept my good wishes to you all and your families for after all we are just branches of
that grand old tree that has its roots in deep affection. To those who have left us, I can only be a reminiscent
of our college days as my moist eyes cannot see through the veil that separates us. But do not worry. We will
all meet again. It is just a matter of time.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Biplob Kr. Ganguli
Upahar, Block -2,
Flat No.1202
Joined M/s Simplex India in 1965 and worked ror 49 years starting at junior level and reached as Executive
Director. Completed many prestigious infra structure projects for Simplex India & abord.
Dhiman Kr. Ghose
BE (Cal), M Tech (IIT )
47/3, Jadavpur Central Road, Flat No 1,
First Floor, Calcutta - 700 032 (India), INDIA
Phone : 91-33 24123490
Mobile : 09331975009 / 09038066996
E-mail :
After graduation did ME from IIT (Kharagpur), worked in various organisation :
M N DASTUR & CO (1968-69)
DCPL ( 1979-92)
KND Engineering Tecnologies (1992-2003)
Now Rendering total consultancy services since 2002 to till date
We have one son Bhaswar , working as Area Manager - South East Asian Region, EMERSON PROCESS,
USA , he is a instrumentation engineer, and daughter-in-law Sulagna a software engineer
We have one daughter Syamarupa, a senior school teacher, stood first in M.A. in Political Science, married
to Biplob who is involved in family business.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Manoj Kanti Ghosh
Spouce : Rita
A 92, Sector-33, Noida,
UP –201303
Phone : +91-120-4351476
Mobile : +91-9810300476
Email :
Started my career with Chandra engineers at Calcutta in 1965. Then worked with Stresscon engineers (4
years), PWD 1.5 yrs, BPE (Ministry of finance) 1.5 yrs, HUDCO 4yrs, EPI Govt undertaking 16 years and
worked at Kuwait and Iraq. Then with CES for 13 yrs and retired as CEO, then with Feedback Infra as
President and with Tricone Projects as Head Infra and chief consultant, I was deputed with ADB in West
Africa, and many Asian country
My wife Rita is M Sc in Physiology (cal) and retired as Head of Science in a reputed school of Delhi
My two sons are computer engineer got their master degree from USA and settled at Silicon Valley at San
Jose and Cupertino , California with their families. At present our pleasure is to visit them to meet our
grandsons and grand daughters.
Madhusudan Kundu
3271, Palame Avenew,
Laverne. CA 91750, USA
Home : 011-9095995820
Mob. : 9096709799
E-mail :
Getting out of my wonderful four years of B.E College life in 1965, I realized the party was over and now I
had to face real world. After six month or so,GOI training, I got a real job with Simon Carves India Limited as
an Assistant Engineer. Around 1968 we heard that USA was granting permanent visa to Indian Engineers
and Doctors. I decided to go to USA after receiving the Visa in 1970. In November, I landed in Chicago,
Illinois.I worked as a structural engineer for few years and then decided to enroll into a Master Program in
Environmental Engineering with Northwestern University. In 1976 upon completing my MS I got married.
I continued working in the environmental engineering field in Chicago. In 1987, I got a job opportunity in
California. I moved in Sothern California and live here ever since.
Finally I retired in 2010. Now I have life of do nothing. I spend time enjoying my grand kids and
This time I am looking forward to meet my 65CE classmates and enjoy recollecting old college days.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Amiya Gopal Mandal
B.E (Civil), 65; M.E, 71; D.T.T.E, 79
FD-216/6, Bidhan Nagar,
Kolkata 700 106;
Mobile : 91-98300 54857
Phone : 033- 2334 0431
E-mail :
After graduation in 1965 from B.E. College, Sibpur joined PWD on 5 August,65 as a trainee Engineer (designated
as Engineer Assistant) at Berhampore (WB). After 4 months I was appointed Work-charged Assistant Engineer.
Then became a regular Assistant Engineer through P.S. C on 12 September,1966
I happened to meet Sagarika Roy doing B.Sc in Lady Brabourne College in 1966 and both of us chose to be life
partners. Got married in 1971 after she did her M.Sc in Calcutta University and myself, M.E from B.E.College in
the same year with study leave.
We are blessed with a loving son Anirban Mandal , also B.E(Mech) from BESUS in 1998. Later he mastered from
USA. He is serving as a Principal Design Engineer in a multi National Co. at present. He is married to Shatabdi
Basu an AMIE (Electronics) and a lecturer now.
Myself Served PWD for 38 years in different capacities and retired on 31st October, 2003 as Chief Engineer, PWD
PWD offered me an excellent opportunity to become an all rounder professional in Civil Engineering as well as a
good administrator in PWD's works.
We spent a long 15 years at Sibpur near B.E.College. There my wife served as a teacher in a H.S.School and left the
service gladly when we shifted to our present residence at Salt Lake co-operative flat.
After retirement I served in a 6-lane expressway project as a Team leader. Then served HRBC as Chief Project
Manager till finally decided for a complete rest in 2012.
Dilip Kumar Mandal
4129 D/4, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi-110070
Phone : 11-26894635, 9810195444
E-mail :
Presently designated as President of the group with ILD a Real Estate Developer after serving organizations
namely Burn, MECON, EPI, KEO/KFTCIC/ IBCC (Kuwait), BhasinAssociates/ DLF Group &Bhunjan in
Member of Institution of Engineers, India/ Kuwait andAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
Faculty Member of NICMAR and Delhi Institute of Science &Technology.
Presented and published over a dozen articles on Management/Technical subjects in conference and
professional magazines.
Widely traveled and enjoyed most of the countries in the world for techno commercial and spiritual pursuit.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Arup Kumar Mukherjee
A5/5, Purbasa Housing Estate,
Kolkata -700054
Phone : 033-23340540
After graduation from B E College in 1965 ,joined M/s M N Dastur Co and worked in their various
deparment for 38 years and retired as Chief Engineer in 2003 .
Bleased with one daughter who is married and well settled in life.
We are now enjoying the bliss of retired life at Kolkata.
Pradip Kumar Mukherjee
Spouse : Debika Mukherjee
FD-61/3, Salt Lake, Sector -3,
Mob. : 9331022603
E-mail :
After leaving B E College, joined The Kuljian Corporation in September, 1965 as Trainee Engineer. In 1970
all the employees of Kuljian were inducted into a new company named Development Consultants Private
Limited (DCPL). Retired from DCPL in 2002 as Executive Director. Since then have been working part time
as Consultants in Consulting Engineering Services, and Astha Energy Services Private Limited. Worked for
four years as construction sites and the remaining period in design offices in India and abroad.
Tied the nuptial knot with Debika in March, 1972. Our son, Anirban, and daughter, Anindita, were born in
1973 and 1978 respectively. We have four grandsons - two each from son and daughter. At present, son is in
Bangalore and daughter is in California.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Pradiptya Mukherjee
AE 445, Sector 1, Salt Lake,
Phone : 033-23503129, 23210094
Tel. : 9433138759
E-mail :
Leaving College in 1965, joined the Port across the River. Stayed on Course through many a crest and trough
before calling it a day in 2002.
Tied the knot with Malabika, my partner in life, in 1972.
Raised our daughter Soma and son Debayan and set them firmly on their life's journey.
Who says I'm retired? Enjoying every bit of my time with family and friends, through 'gaan, golpo-gujob
and ghora ghuri' !!
Tapan Kumar Naha Biswas
“Belle Vista”
BJ 188, Sec III, Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700091
Phone : 033-23216151
Mobile : 9830179015
E mail (son Joyjit's ) :
Activity since Graduation
Irrigation & Waterways dept, Govt of W. Bengal from 1966 till retirement in 2002, in various
capacities from Asst Engineer to Chief Engineer.
in DVC canal systems, drainage and irrigation systems in Sunderbans, Teesta and
Subarnarekha barrage project etc and also involved in design and research work.
associated for some time with the Indo Bangladesh Joint River Commission as Team Leader of a
Task Force from the Indian side.
Tied the knot with Molly in March,1978 .
Other members of the happy family are son Joyjit, daughter in law Poulomi and grand son Anurag.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Chandidas Nandi
: Kalyani
: Arjun ( Born In 1971 )
Daughter : Lalita ( Born In 1978 )
Barabagan, Singhagali, P.O. - Buroshibtala;
Dist - Hooghly, W.B.-712105
Phone : 033-2683 4150, 768697211, 9831476244
Activities Since Leaving College
With M/S Braithwaite (Angus Works) – 1965 – '68; 1972 – '76
Got married to Kalyani – July, 1968
In U.K. – 1968 – '72;
did MSc in Structural Engineering at Manchester university in 1970
1976 onward – engaged in family business, manufacturing machine and machine parts.
Sunirmal Neogi
Flat - 1 H, 116, Southern Avenue,
Kolkatta -700 029
Phone : 033-2463 3633
From Richardson Hall to Faraday House in M N Dsatur (1965-68),worked with Bukharo Steel Ltd (1969),
Calcutta Port Trust (1969-70),went to USA on green card in 1970 and returned to India after completing ME
and working for Steel Tech Inc. Short stay in New York was a repetation of college life,think of Ashok,
Ramtanu, me in a room susequently Banba. Babulal, Saroj, Subrata, Amitab and Tapas were all nearby.
Then started family business in Bokharo (1973-75), joined DCPL (1976-90) also worked at Muscat(1984-85),
joined CESC (90-2005). After retirement from CESC again joined DCPLA as consultant and served upto
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Amit Mohan Pal
B.E (Civil), 65; M.I.E (Ind)
Spouse : Swapna
Present Address
P.O. Box 10857, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Mobile : +973-36653547
Phone : +973-17716 773
E-mail :
After graduation joined PWD and posted at North Bengal, worked for Lateral Road Project. Serving
Construction Board for 15 years went on deputation to WB Housing Board in 1980. Resigned and joined
Som Datt Builders and posted in IRAQ worked 1981-84. Then shifted to Baherine, joined consultaccy firm
working there last 30 years .
Family –
Married with Swapna in 1974.
Son – Sumit, BE (Mech) from BIT Ranchiand working at BAHERIN.
Daughter – Sanjukta, BE from Baherin University and got Master in Manegement from Manchester Univ.
and now working at Liverpool.
Permanent Address – 5E/1A, Bidhan Nagar Road, Kolkata-700067; West Bengal – India
Phone : 033-2356 3237
Subir Kumar Ray
14/1A, Jahura Bazar Lane,
1st floor, Block-B, Kolkata-700042
Phone : 033-24410920/9432291995
E-mail :
Joined Jessop& Co , then Simon Carves (I) Ltd. Then joined Kolkata Port Trust and retired as Sr. Ex. Engineer
and now as Freelance Category-A valuer for Fixed Assets in Nationalized Banks & FIS and playing Lawn
Tennis regularly in Calcutta Gymkhana ,Park Circus.
My son, Tanujoy Ray passed EE from IIT, KGP and completed MS in USA and now in California working at
intel, Daughter is in Sydney and I have 2-grand sons.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Dibyendu Roy Chowdhury
Spouse : Pratima Roy Chowdhury
119A, Santoshpur Avenue,
Kolkata - 700075
Mobile : 9830070787
E-mail :
I started my service career in Calcutta Municipal Corporation in the year 1967 and involved myself along
with civic service delivery team for rendering day to day services to the citizens of Calcutta. I had the rare
opportunity to move every part of Kolkata city, its slum and interact with its people, politicians and
administrators in this field. I saw how the city grew very closely from filth of slum to near clean city. I retired
from service in the year 2005 as Chief Municipal Engineer (water supply). Still I am working as professional
Civil Engineer.
I was married in the year 1968. I am father of two sons. I am living with them with their family and grand
Himangshu Samanta
B.E, C.E, F.I.E, F.I.V, M.I.S, Chartered Engineer &
Approved Valuer
Spouse : Mita Samanta -MA
Sarada Apartment
Flat 2-C, Nabapalli, Joka 2,
17, Jameslong Sarani, Kolkata -700104
Phone : 9474107070
E-mail :
Stepping in to my Engineering career was with Housing Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal and Bokaro Steel
Project during construction period. Thereafter continued with Kolkata Port Trust in various wings like Port
Development, River Training, Haldia Dock Project and on deputation to the Second Hooghly Bridge Project
during construction phase.
Retired as Deputy Chief Engineer from Kolkata Port Trust in 2001.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Dipak Sengupta
123 / 124 Bangur Avenue, Block A
Kolkata - 700 055
Mobile : +91 98302 12131
e-mail :
Graduated from B. E. College in Civil Engg in 1965. Obtained M. E. from B. E. College ( Calcutta University)
and Ph D from Jadavpur University. Joined B.E. College as a faculty member in 1966 and after retirement
still attached with the Deptt of Aerospace Engineering (previously Applied Mechanics Deptt ). Has a good
number of published research papers. Obtained Distinguished Teachers Award from the President of India
in the 15th Annual Convocation.
Subir Sengupta
Spouce : Indrani
Bl 17, Sec 3 , Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700091
Mobile : 91 9748709035
Last 50 Years :
After passing out, joined Guest Keen & Williams in Howrah.
Joined Kolkata Port Trust in 1968 and retired in 2002.
Family :
Indrani was professor and Head, department of English, Vidyasagar College, Kolkata. She has
now retired from service.
Elder son Shuvo did his BE in civil engg from BE College, and now working in an IT firm.
Younger son Joy is a lawyer, presently working with a law firm in Paris.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Dr. Santosh Sinha
BE(Cal), ME (Struct) Cal, Ph.D Struct (IIT) Delhi
Spouse : Jarna Sinha
Started careear at CMPO (1965-68), Obra Thermal Power Stn. UP, (1085-88), Joined Master Degree and PHD
Programat BE College (1981-84), PHD Reacher Scholar(1985-88) at Delhi IIT, Semac Pvt Ltd/IAPA at Delhi
(1988-94), then left India and joined KNPC New Oil Pier Project at Kuwaut as Head, Struct Engg (1994-95),
KNPC Refineries at Kuwait (1997-2003), PMC at Kuwait Oil Field(2003-05) then at Fdp-1 project and RWTF
Project at Abu Dhabi, UAE (2006-13), Green Spring company at Kuwait (2013-14), presently at USA with
Daughter : Soumi Sinha, BS Engg. UIUS working in Chicago
Son : Bob Sinha, BS in Engg from U of Michigan, working at Michigun ,USA
Dilip Talukdar
(65CE, BCE)
38/11, Sapphire Blue, Rajorhat Road,
Kalichak, Kolkata - 700136
Phone : 033-25196861
Mobile : 9830662831
E-mail :
After passing, started my carrier in Durgapur Steel Plant in its Construction Department. However, after a
few years, I switched over to Industrial Engineering, a discipline concern with the application of
management science to industrial problems. I continued with Industrial Engineering till I retire from the
services of DSP.
I got married in 1970 with a girl of my own choice. Our 44 years long happy married life has definitely
proved that I had a right choice. My wife Krishna built up her career as a respected teacher in an H S
Institution. Our son and daughter both had their schooling in Durgapur. My son became Marine Engineer
and later switched to IT. Now he is in USA with Price Water. My daughter did her graduation and postgraduation both from University of Delhi. Now she is in Melbourne with an NGO, Australian Conservation
Foundation (Healthy Rivers Campaigner; environmental advocacy and communications with a special
interest in public communications)
After retirement from the services of DSP, I engaged myself with social work. Now I am associated with an
NGO, deeply committed to improve the plight of some mentally challenged persons.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
They are every where but not visible. They are in another room.Still shall remain forever amongst us.
Their sweet memories gave me encouragement and strength to write about them. For me , I personally
feel to remember priceless value of their unconditional supports I had occasions to receive, even if
remotely. All of us have strong points and weak points but it was their strong points that moved me so
much that I now wish to know them better, has there been a channel of communication. Oh if God listen
to me!
I may kindly be excused if any omission or inadvertent presentation crept in here below:
Prodyot Kumar Ghatak
Prodyot and myself were supposed to work in same State PSU in Shillong.
Immediately after I joined at Shillong, he contacted me but he had an offer from
CPWD for a job atNEFA, then a Union Territory-present Arunachal Pradesh and
finally joined there. I remember his first posting was at Pashighat. I met him several
times at Nizam Palace, Kolkata. He was always smiling, very particular about his
dress and hair style. His prolonged brushing of teeth in the morning was keenly
observed by me & those who used to know him. I still have vivid images of his and always been gregarious
and talking to him was always fun. Hailing from North Bengal- Jalpaiguri which was my frequent halting
station on way to Silchar during College days & subsequently , during our service in North East, while
travelling to & from Kolkata, I was in touch. I was told he later joined Calcutta Port Trust which fact was not
known to me.
Asoke Kr. Mukherjee
His academic accomplishment was well known and his subsequent success in all
India Engineering Service. I came to know from close quarter after his posting as SE,
CPWD, North Bengal- stationed at Siliguri. In Central Services, Senior Officers
normally used to maintain safe administrative distance from juniors & contractors but
same was not the case with Asoke. He was very popular amongst his colleagues and
Juniors alike and had a reputation as a very good officer. While I was overseeing
border road construction in Coochbehar- works under CPWD, Shiliguri, I came to know of his outstanding
acumen & calibre in giving quick decisions.
I was not knowing that his family will be settled at Parnasree, Kolkata- only within 200 mtr of my flat in an
apartment on the same road. I saw Asoke look alike his daughter walking past my flat and one day I did ask
her out of curiosity whether she knows Asoke Mukherjee. She raised her eyebrows & warmly declared that
she is the only daughter of Asoke. It was in 1998. I remained mostly outside Kolkata and had no contact
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Pranab Ranjan Sen
He met each challenge in life with great dignity and resolve.
Pranab was in Central service in Delhi but as was the case with many of our batch
mates, he preferred to seek his luck in England midway. Though for a short period he
was in England he picked up English habits and very careful about official decorum.
After return to India , probably in 1996 his parent deptt. of GOI deputed him in my
erstwhile Employer- a Union Govt. PSU in its Delhi Office as a Co-ordinator. My close
association with him developed then. He was outspoken and if it was any issue relating Ex-BE College
student-employee, he will fight to the last to seek justice.
Always suited-booted, I used to enjoy lunch with him during lunch break during my frequent visits to
Delhi office. At Delhi I had good time at Nehru Place together. At Kolkata, we had many prolonged sittings
in Company's Guest House at Southern Avenue. As it happened, he left the Company ahead of me and
joined a consultancy organization with its office at Defence Colony. As it happened, in 2002 I also joined
the same consultancy firm with my posting at Jaipur. On the very first day seeing me he was overjoyed.
Though I moved to Jaipur we used to be in touch. Remembering visiting his flat in CR Park along with my
family and had very good times. He was happily married staying at C R Park with his son & daughter-in
Law. His wife incidentally was working then probably with WIPRO and son was in another software
company.Last time I met in his CR Park flat I did enquire why even in summer he prefers to remain suited
booted always with tie. His son & wife got the opportunity to crack jokes but he was steadfast about his
dress & English habits
I was aware he was ailing with kidney problem and one day I got a call from his wife saying that 'I could not
save your friend'. He breathed his last in a Delhi Hospital when I was in Jaipur. Even to-day I feel guilt for
my inability to pay him my last respect visiting him in hospital & his family thereafter. He was always
cheerful & shall remain cheerful in other room- not visible.
He was an active member of Delhi Chapter of BE College Alumni association and had in fact invited me to
be present as his guest for their annual picnic in one occasion .
Empathy, compassion and concern for fellow human beings are the legacy he left behind for person like me
to emulate.
Arabinda Sain
During my early years of struggle, I worked with him at Namrup Fertilizer Plant at far
flung Assam -Arunachal Border. When I was posted at Namrup in early 1966, I had no
accommodation to stay. He gladly sheltered me and even shared same bed for months
on. He was soft spoken and very careful not to hurt any one , even not the cook of the
mess we shared. I enjoyed working with him. We together undertook adventurous
sight seeking in Arunachal across Assam Border and spent good times in forest. He
left North East probably in last part of 1967 and thereafter I was not knowing his whereabouts till one day I
met him accidentally in Head Office of Calcutta Port Trust, Strand Road, sometimes in 1998. To my
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
surprise, he was same lean & thin, smiling and did not forget our association at Namrup during our
difficult times of the career.
He had the rare capacity to love others without considering their social stature, race, religion and other
attributes. Those who worked at Namrup during those difficult days will surely vouch for these gifts of
Satyendranath Hazra
No one would miss our Barda in BE College Ex-Student Gatherings. Always helpful,
used to love company of any one Ex-BE College. His omnipresent & loud voice who
can forget? I did not attend many reunions /convocations but he and Pranab Goon
were always present out of all of 1965'CE batch. He was extremely generous and never
be failing to wish Teachers & Staff of BE College and even 4th grade staff including
hostel mess staff. He was in touch with me over phone even when he was not well .
I remember I was once with him in Govt. of WB information centre near Rabindra Sadan in a memorial
gathering for one C Mukherjee- one year junior to us to pay our respect to the departed soul. His heart
breaking words on that occasion still saddened me.
When I look back , I still fondly remember my association with Barda. He was truly our Barda. I am grateful
that I got to know him so closely. He had no prejudice , fear or contempt and had easy access to mighty and
lesser souls
Pijush Kr. Gupta
Major General Pijush Kr. Gupta-our football captain! Charming , fun loving as he was.
If it was his batch mate, military protocol was overlooked in disdain, call of duty later
and he used to welcome us with open arms even by passing all security drills normally
known in Army hierocracy. In BE College days, I was very close to him because of his
accomplishments in Football field, and because of his casual & easy going 'matter- offactly' approach. In survey camp, we, Pijush & me were joint mess managers staying
together in same tent with Asoke Datta & Pranab Goon. We had pleasant days together.
Once in Shillong , after my marriage, most probably in 1971, I met Pijush then Major while he was with
Survey of India.His hospitality & warmth to be seen to be believed. He invited me with family to dinner in
Shillong Club- an elite club in North East. His story telling ability and his fondness for all good things in life
amazing. Subsequently I again met him in Army mess when I was knowing he was about to marry one
whom my wife was knowing well. He rose to the position of Major General due to his grit and
perseverance , a rank amongst Engineers reserved only very few, as I know.
After his retirement, he started staying in 'Highland Park' on Eastern By-pass . One fine morning I dropped
in his flat in 2010 when he was alone, but did not forget to be hospitable. Later I met him once in a marriage
function of Bijan's Son and thereafter once in another such function where he was there with his wife and
remained till the last guest left.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Pranab Kumar Goon
Pranab's office (Atkins) was our meeting place whenever those of us from North East
used to visit Kolkata in our early days and later it continued when he joined CES (both
at New Alipore & Sector- V, Salt Lake)
My maternal uncles were Goons (Dr K M Goon, Gynae of Medical College and Prof. A
M Goon, Statistics, Presidency College) and for that matter from early days of our
student life I was attracted to Pranab Goon who was very helpful to me in studies.
During service life too he was very helpful though my profession in construction field mostly in Power
Sector, there was little scope for interaction with him. It is only during my occasional visits to Kolkata, I
had chance meetings with him in later days before my retirement from Central PSU. It was after my entry
in Highway sector in Jaipur, I came across a number of ex-CES, mostly from South India who worked
under Goon in CES, Kolkata and every one of them, there are many, held high regards for Goon for his
expertise in Traffic Engineering and as a Highway Design Engineer. They used to tell voluminous about
his thoroughness& foresight, he was very particular about detail engineering and I used to take pride in.
All of them were equivocal that had Goon opted to leave Kolkata, he could have achieved international
name and fame. His family bindings kept him rooted to Kolkata.
I visited his sector V office of Salt Lake twice and he was generous to welcome me to his office though he
was always busy with his tight scheduledworks guiding the team of very high quality professionals.
He was one never missed BE College Reunions, I was told. At least, whenever, I attended reunion on
occasions I found he being lone 65 batch present till the end of business meetings. Last time , in 2013
reunion, he took initiative to motivate many of our batch mates to be present in the meet. Many of us were
together most part of the day, he and Amitabh ( Babulal) were with their family . Mrs Goon & Mrs
Chatterjee even on the microphone speaking out their heart what they felt being wives of ex-BE College. I
had captured in my Tab those memorable happenings. Incidentally Pranab & his wife remained seated
even when all of our batch mates left the College premises on that day, I remember.
For this 50 years anniversary /reunion, he was one of the active motivators and all of us shall remember
our association with him with pride, I believe.
Shri Syama Prasad Datta , Civil - 1967 wrote which I am tempted to quote here "He was an active member of GAABESU since 2006 and was one of very few who used to attend Business Meeting in
Reunions very regularly with some of his batch mates. He was a driving force of his batch and was planning to
consolidate batch effort to do something for the alma mater.
He was a Life Member of B.E. College Ex-Students' Club, Bidhannagar.
Pranab da was a renown highway and traffic engineer. He was known for his meticulous detailing and perfection in
project preparation.
After passing out he worked with Atkins before joining Consulting Engineering Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. He was due
to retire on 31 December 2013. He has left behind his wife, son who is also a Civil Engineer and numerous relatives
and friends."
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
While writing about Pranab, I saw the mail from 'GAABESU' confirming my participation in upcoming
ALUMNI Day on 28th Dec.'2014 and I immediately searched to locate any other participants from 65
batch. Besides me only Biplab Ganguly did register to take part, status circulated as on 24.11.2014. Had
Pranab been around, for sure he would have been the another 65' batch participant.
I believe he will be there but not visible. His motive in life was to be perfect in which he was never failing.
We build foundations in our career but the real foundations in life are family which Pranab believed and
remained so, in not going after better career outside.
Shyamsundar Chatterjee
A Very good student and shall be remembered for his academic accomplishments and
later as a very good teacher in BE College as well as in North Bengal Engineering
His amiable nature & simplicity attracted students alike his batch mate like me from
small towns. His students I came across during my long service life through length &
breadth of the country always used to speak very high about him.
I had no opportunity to meet him after we left BE College.
His story of ascending to become a great teacher emphasizes triumph in the face of overwhelming odds
and demonstrates that no matter how difficult a situation , one can live through it & can emerge with glory.
Bikas Kusum Choudhuri
He was one of the BE College toppers and joined State Govt. through State Civil Service
After our college days, I met him in WBPDCL in Bakreswar Thermal Power Plant
where he was on deputation from WB Govt. for project's off site works . I used to visit
the project to set up project site camp etc on behalf of the Central PSU - my employer
entrusted with some contract works there. He was very helpful & kind enough to
guide me about anticipated problems likely to be encountered and he was right.
Before work started in full swing there in Bakreswar, he was transferred for posting with higher
responsibilities. I last heard he was Chairman, Jalpaiguri Development Authority.
He was a polished , soft spoken gentleman unlike others in the profession, particularly in Govt. Jobs.
Biman Bhatta
Most dependable full back of BE College Football Team and a good student . After he
left for USA, I have not heard of him for a long time. A chance meeting with one Shri D
Nandi also from USA, I came to know of Biman. He was socially very active in USA in
organising annual function of Bengali Association there, I was told. I fondly
remember Biman as I used to travel in local trains from Sealdah together during
college days.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Comments by Ashok Datta
"He was very passionate about his exploits in sport field and also in studies. A perfect gentleman, never hurt any one
jokingly or otherwise."
Biman started at BE college back in 1961. We had a common interest – we loved playing cricket and soccer
(football) in our school days and continued doing same in BE College. He was young, handsome and
smart. After graduating from college we played together in First Division Cricket League for Greer
Sporting Club for almost five good years. Then in 1970 we both came to USA with immigration visa.
Our friendship continued, we got married and our children grew up together. Our dreams and hopes were
similar. He was more active socially, became a popular president of NJ Kollol club. He was also the
treasurer of the club that organized 2010 NABC programme in Atlantic City, NJ. I admired his hard work
and strong determination. Biman handled his personal, business and social life so well. He and his wife
Ratna raised two beautiful children.
Then in July, 2012 Ratna was diagnosed with lung cancer which devastated him and his family. At the time
Biman was suffering from severe back pain. His wife's death in March of 2013 was very painful to him, his
family and to all of us.
It was so unfortunate and sad that no doctor could find a cure for Biman.
His two children, son Raoul and daughter Rhea, tried very hard to save their father's life. But his health
didn't improve. He was later diagnosed with cancer. On September 26, 2013 Biman passed away. I lost a
very good friend, a brother and a well-wisher.
His life was cut short but fond memories of times we shared will be with me forever.
Salil Palit
A perfect Gentleman, always smiling, Salil who so dear to his friends. He was with me
and many others from our batch, working at Haldia dock project in early seventies,
and had earned appreciation as a sincere and hard working officer. Even after the
terrible affliction by paralysis of the lower limbs, he was resolute in his fight and
continued working for more than a decade, moving in a wheel chair; unit Good took
him in his arms and gave him eternal rest.
Subrata Banerjee
Very serious student and laborious. His charming & smiling face one can not forget.
Though I had no contact after we left BE College but I was aware that he was working
in USA and that he was deeply involvedwith R K Mission .
A pious soul, God enabled him to conquer all odds and he was at last in Kolkata in
God's own house.
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Bidyutjyoti Sarkar
My contact with Bidyutjyoti was limited to our College Days. I remember Bidyutjyoti,
Pranab Ranjan Sen & Debapriya Sanyal were inseparable batch mates, very popular
and jolly good students. Bidyut joined WB PWD and rose up to the rank of Engineer-in
Chief. He was very popular amongst his colleagues in PWD and helped friends in
need on technical & contractual matters and otherwise.
Amitava Ray
Popularly known as partner, very popular amongst our batch mates. I remember his
company was much sought after in college days and thereafter. He was the lone
entrepreneur from our batch who since graduation did not seek deal in difficult job
market in those days when Civil Engineers were worst off for various reasons -one
being lack of infrastructure investment soon after 1965 war with Pakisthan. He was
successful in his business of design & planning residential buildings in Asansol areas.
Tapabrata Chakraborty
Tapabrata was from Tripura and as usual I was inclined to seeking his company in
College as both of us from North East. Tapabrata also a very quiet guy , soft spoken
and used to concentrate in his studies keeping aloof from boisterous hostel
activities. After graduation , like many of our batch mates left for USA. I lost
Mukul Mukherjee
Mukul was another very likeable guy who earned appreciation from one and all in
hostel days for his amiable nature.
To be true, I was not knowing I will never meet him any more, in fact after I passed out
from college, I did not meet even once, like many others. Only on 30.11.2014, while I
was talking to Pradip Mukherjee on phone, I came to know of his untimely demise. He
was working with Bridge & Roof, I was told.
Bijan Mahapatra (Roy)
(by Madhusudan Kundu)
Bijan and I had been roommates for the first three years and last year we were in next
rooms. He came from Burnpur. He was very conscious about his look. Adjusting his
hair frequently was one of his manerism. He was anunique intelectuals besides a very
meritorius student. He always used to debate about far abstract ideas and
philosophies which were not generally discussed among us in our Addas. I had the
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
pleasure to be closely in touch with him immediately after college. He joined Easter Railways work till 1969
when he left for USA. He lived in Los Angeles, California, area until his death in 2002. He worked with
several Consulting Engineering Companies and then joined with California State Government as a
Structural Engineer responsible for inspection of Public building and Hospitals construction to make?sure
all safety and earthquake codes are followed.?He iwas an active participant n the local Bengali Association.
He used to organize all events of B.E. College Alumni Association (BECAA) of Soiuthern California. In
1987, when I moved to Sothern Califrnia my family got to know his family more intimately. Then only I
came to know that he changed his last name from Mahapatra to Roy. He had gone to a diabetic coma few
years before he passed away. He left behind his
Pradip Kr. Roy
I find it difficult to say any thing about Pradip. For lesser souls like me it is very
difficult to write any thing about him. A priceless jewel of BE College Alumni and as
teacher, every one knows his accomplishments, his dedication in his profession
beyond and outside official calls. For a long time he will be remembered as one of the
very best teacher BE College had who, I am told one of the enthusiast for this reunion.
He is so near to-day but not visible. I only reproduce below the tributes from
GAABESU members :
"GAABESU remembers Dr. P K Roy '65CE :
Comments by (Dr) Asok Kumar Ghosh
It is a rude shock for me to learn about the sudden, untimely and sad demise of a lovely friend and batchmate like
Pradip. He was a very intelligent student with interest in varied fields. I remember in one Economics class by Prof
Dipti Datta he was posing as if he was sleeping and suddently he asked a question about a graph drawn on the board
and Prof Datta took some time to realize that an engineering student had gone so deep in the subject and he took
significant time to come up with a detailed answer. Pradip was very helpful to every body teachers, students, friends
from all departments. I remember when Prof J.M.Sinha of Mining Department was sick and Mining Students were
missing their classes Pradip took all the trouble to discuss the matter with Mining Dept and took the burden of teacing
Mine Surveying to Mining Students. May his soul rest in piece. I also express my condolences to his wife and other
family members.Asok Kumar Ghosh 1965 MINING
Comments by P.K. Basu
I remember Pradip as one of the most intelligent and likable students in the graduating class of 1965. I consider
him as one of the best students I had come across in my 50+ years of teaching career and one of the very best B.E.
College has ever produced. I used to notice his fellow students always flocking around him seeking help (clearing
up their 'funda') related to their studies. I am sure he must have become a highly successful teacher. As a student, I
found him to be gem of a person; on one hand I admired his academic brilliance and on the other his simplicity,
helpfulness to others, and the acute sense of humor. I am saddened to hear about his passing away this early in life.
West Bengal has certainly lost a deeply dedicated teacher and a wonderful human being. My condolences to all his
dear and near ones as well as his many admirers around the world. May his soul rest in peace in the heavenly
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Comments by Pradipta Mukhopadhyay
It's such a rude shock that Pradip, my friend and classmatefor four years in BEC is no more. My only consolation is
that i could at least see him at his Chuchura home a couple of days before he breathed his last. It's beyond oursanction
to question God's choice; and we'd rather accept HIS verdict to recall Pradip to join HIS kingdom for larger roles. We
who are left behind shall cherish his memories till our very end.
Comments by Madhusudan Kundu
We all have lost a true friend, teacher mentor and a great human being. I was so lucky to be his classmate all four years
in college. I did not keep in touch with him that much but one time when he was still teaching I visited him with my
then young kids. He treated them just then and there as his own. His helping hand assisted to get my Dgree like so
many others. May his soul rest in peace.
Comments by Arun Deb '57CE
This morning when I opened my mail and found this news of death of Pradip Ray (1965 CE), I was shocked. I never
expected Pradip will pass away that early. Pradip was my student and also my colleague at the B. E. College. He was a
talented student, a great teacher and above all he was a great human being. While he was teacher at BEC, he was also a
very good friend of his students. He used to spend almost all his time with students whether in the class room or
outside the class room. He was also a good musician and he used to teach music to students. I left BEC early 1970s. At
that time some of my known students of BEC were having some problems with their studies and their parents wrote to
me. I requested Pradip to give some time to help them in their studies. This way, Pradip helped many students of not
only civil engineering but of any branch of engineering at BEC. He was a true friend of students. While I was
President of GAABESU, he served also GAABESU as a PI (permanent invitee). He used to come to attend
GAABESU meetings from Chuchura. This year at the BESU Convocation, he was awarded the "Distingushed
Teacher Award". He was really a distinguished teacher. I congratulated him and that was the last time I saw him. I go
to Chuchura every year and all the time when I go there, I enquire about Pradip. This year in the month of March, I
went to Chuchura and asked about him. I understood that he was well at that time. That is why it is a real shock to me.
Pradip was like my brother to me. Loosing Pradip, I lost my brother. My sincere condolences to his family. Arun Deb
(1957 CE)
Comments by Prasenjit Datta Roy
I am extremely shocked to hear his illness & untimely demise. I am lucky to be his batch mate. Apart from his
accomplishments in academic field, he was a good human being , always ready to extend help to his juniors, seniors
alike, not only in BE College but to others from outside who sought his help.I fondly remember his humorous
comments & my close contact in survey camp. His brief presence in 2013 reunion was my last contact.
Comments by Pushpak Chatterjee
PKR was one of the best teachers who understood Civil Engineering to its ultimate basics.He didnt teach me
directly,but on many interactions with him,I felt touched by his simplicity and Knowledge. May his soul rest in peace.
Deeply shocked
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
Golden Remembrance of the Golden Years BECA 1965 Civil
— Compiled by : Manoj Kanti Ghosh
with inputs from Prasenjit Datta Roy, Bijan Bihari Dutta,
Pradipta Mukherjee, Ashok Datta & Madhusudan Kundu
With best compliments
Well Wishers