faculty/staff handbook


faculty/staff handbook
James Pace High School
James Pace High School 314 W. Los Ebanos Blvd., Brownsville, Texas 78520 (956) 548‐7700 BISD, an equal opportunity employer, does not discriminate on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or provision of services, programs or activities. Pace High School Faculty/Staff Handbook Receipt
I hereby acknowledge receipt of my personal copy of the James Pace High School
Faculty/Staff Handbook. I agree to read the handbook and abide by the standards, policies,
and procedures defined or referenced in this document.
The information in this handbook is subject to change. I understand that changes in district
policies may supersede, modify, or eliminate the information summarized in this handbook.
As the district provides updated policy information, I accept responsibility for reading and
abiding by the changes.
I understand that no modification to contractual relationships or alterations of at will
relationships is intended in this handbook.
I understand that I have an obligation to inform my campus principal of any changes in
personal information, such as phone number, address, etc. I also accept responsibility for
contacting my campus principal or the superintendent's office if I have questions or
concerns or need further explanation.
Note: This handbook includes two copies of this form. Please sign and date one and keep it in the
handbook. Sign and date the other copy and return it to the office of your PDAS appraiser or
immediate supervisor.
BISD, an equal opportunity employer, does not discriminate on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or provision of services, programs or activities. PARKING POLICIES/FORM
Parking Permits and Parking Policy
Faculty and Staff must have a valid James Pace High School parking permit. This will assist in eliminating
the problem of the students parking in teachers' parking areas. Msgt Trevino will issue Faculty/Staff
parking permits and Mr. Reyes will issue student parking permits. This helps the administration identify
vehicles and notify the appropriate people in emergency situations. Your prompt cooperation is
Please be reminded that it is not appropriate to park in the red zones or "No Parking" areas problems
result with Transportation when bus areas are blocked. In addition, all BISD facilities provide
handicapped parking and accessibility in accordance to mandates established by the Federal
Government. All Pace staff members are reminded not to park in any parking space designated as a
handicapped parking space unless the vehicle displays a current handicapped-parking permit.
Parking Policies
1. The 2010-2011parking policy for faculty/staff and students is of great concern to all. Vehicles
parked on school property are under jurisdiction of the school. The school reserves the right to
search any vehicle at any time if reasonable grounds exit to do so. With this stated, a parking
lot committee has been formed, and the following policies have been established. If any
problems occur, notify Mr. Reyes of the parking lot committee and the situation will be
Parking areas will be designated and established for all faculty/staff members and students.
Each faculty/staff member will be assigned a parking space for his or her designated area on a
first come, first parked. (see assigned parking enclosed)
Problem Areas
a. Baseball parking area- stray baseballs
b. Student Area- no teacher will park in the designated student parking area. Teachers will
now park in faculty/staff areas.
c. Cafeteria Area- all vehicles must be removed no later than 4:30PM to allow the use of
this area for various activities. Cafeteria maintenance vehicles also this area.
d. School buses- The band, athletics, MCJROTC, Choir, and Estudiantina will have all
students picked up in back of the cafeteria. Special Education buses should drop-off and
pick-up students behind "H" hall.
Major Problems-Enforcing New Policy
a. Towing Policy- illegally parked vehicles without decal and parked in restricted areas.
1) Attempt to locate drivers and inform them on school parking policy
2) Have vehicle towed
3) Make announcement over PA system (give vehicle color, make & license
number, towing charge, and location of where vehicle is towed.) it will be the
responsibility of the vehicle's owner to pick up their car at the towed location.
b. Handicapped and red zone areas mandated by the Federal Government, and any
violations of these areas will also have vehicles towed. Handicapped parking is strictly
for the handicapped person. This must be approved and noted by Mr. Reyes.
No through traffic will be allowed in designated restricted areas. All students will be
dropped off at the assigned drop-off area in front of the school or at any gate.
Be aware that, when staff members are illegally parked, the following action will be taken:
a. First offense: orange sticker warning
b. Second offense: report to parking lot committee for action
c. Third offense: Notice of warning issued by Mrs. Longoria for repeated failure to
follow school policies.
No faculty/staff children will be permitted to park in assigned faculty/staff areas.
7. An administrator will be stationed at the rear of the cafeteria from 8:00 to 8:30A.M. to monitor
parking and secure area. A security officer will monitor the area from 8:30 to 9:00A.M.
8. Temporary parking passes for substitute teachers to be placed on their vehicle. Provide parking
information to MSgt Trevino for substitute teachers.
9. Students must follow BISD and PHS policy. The student is held responsible for any prohibited
object or substance that is found in his/her vehicle and will be subject to disciplinary action and
referred for criminal prosecution. A student must have a valid driver's license and proof of
insurance in order to obtain a parking permit form. Loitering in and around automobiles will not
be permitted.
Carla Gonzalez Patricia Garza Obed Leal FACULTY/STAFF PARKING FORM RULES AND REGULATIONS ‐ Employee must have a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, vehicle registration form. ‐ No speeding/reckless driving will be allowed at any time on school property. ‐ Any vehicle parked on school property is subject for routine checks by administrator. ‐ Any vehicle without a parking permit will be towed away at owner’s expense. ‐ Employee must follow rules and regulations at all times including after school hours. Violations of rules and regulations will result in the following consequences. 1. Warning 2. Vehicle towed 3. Fines issued by B.I.S.D. Police Department in accordance with type of offense. I have read and understand the rules and regulations regarding school parking. Print Name:_______________________________________________ School #:_________________ Signature of employee:_______________________________________ Date:____________________ Home Room #______________________________________________ Driver’s License #_______________________________ Expiration Date ___________________ Vehicle Identification____________________________ License Plate #____________________ Make_________________________________________ Year_____________________________ Model________________________________________ Color____________________________ Ins. Co.________________________________________ Issued by_________________________ Ins Acct._______________________________________ Ins. Exp. Date_____________________ 2nd Vehicle Driver’s License #_______________________________ Expiration Date ___________________ Vehicle Identification____________________________ License Plate #____________________ Make_________________________________________ Year_____________________________ Model________________________________________ Color____________________________ Ins. Co.________________________________________ Issued by_________________________ Parking Permit #____________________________________ 314 West Los Ebanos Blvd. | Brownsville, Texas 78520 | Phone (956) 548‐7700 | Fax (956) 548‐7710 BISD, an equal opportunity employer, does not discriminate on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or provision of services, programs or activities. TEXTBOOKS
Policy/Procedures 1. Student will receive books from their assigned teacher. 2. Teachers must use the Book Request/Return Form to request books prior to the first class day. Please be reminded that all pertinent information must be completed. 3. Upon receipt of requested books, the teacher will verify and sign that the count, title, and resources are correct. The teacher will retain one copy of the final request form. 4. Teachers become responsible for the total number of books. All books need to be secured by each teacher. Excess books need to be returned to the administrator for books. 5. Teachers must account for all books issued to them. Write the student’s name in his assigned book using red ink. Books must be covered at all times. Students will be fined 25 cents each time an uncovered book is noted. All monies collected will be deposited into the student motivation fund. It is recommended that teachers conduct periodic checks for lost, missing, or damaged books. If a student has lost a book, teachers need to complete a Lost Book Acknowledgement Form and submit to the appropriate administrator for books. 6. Teachers will collect all books on the dates indicated below. Please make any necessary arrangement to meet these deadlines. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.  May 7. Teachers must clear textbook account with administrator at the end of the school year. Book Distribution Schedule Teachers need to come by the book room and submit a Book Request/Return Form. The request will be processed on the assigned date by department. Teachers who were not able to request books on the assigned date, may request books on Friday afternoon. Administrator will post a schedule. Morning: English Language, Foreign Language, and Special Programs Afternoon: Math, Science, and Social Studies Morning: Career & Tech, Physical Education and ROTC Afternoon: Art, Music, and Migrant Book Requisition Form
Teacher__________________________________________ Room No._________ Teacher’s Edition_______________________________________________________ Resource Kit  Yes  No No. of Items __________________ Teacher’s Edition_______________________________________________________ Resource Kit  Yes  No No. of Items __________________ Teacher’s Edition_______________________________________________________ Resource Kit  Yes  No No. of Items __________________ Student Texts Textbook__________________________________________________________________ Quantity______________________ Textbook__________________________________________________________________ Quantity______________________ Textbook__________________________________________________________________ Quantity______________________ Comments _____________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Signature____________________________________ Date___________________ Classroom Book Inventory
Teacher Name:___________________________________ Course:_____________________________ Book Title:______________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Class Period:____________________________________ Room:______________________ Please complete this form when giving out books. Use this form when collecting books from students.
Student SSN/ID
Issue Return
Name Number Date Date White: Book room Yellow: Teacher Pink: Administrator Lost Book Acknowledgement Form
Student Name:_______________________________________ Subject:_____________________________________________ Teacher:____________________________________________ SSN:_________________ Grade:_______________ Room:_______________ Book No.
Book Description
Student Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:_______________________ Book No.
Book Description
Student Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:_______________________ White: Book room Yellow: Teacher Pink: Administrator ROSE LONGORIA ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS
Carla Gonzalez Patricia Garza Obed Leal DEAN OF INSTRUCTION Mr. Fernando Reyes Teacher:__________
Pace High School 2012-2013
Lost TextBook List:
Student Name:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Last Name First Name ID#
Title PLEASE BRING THIS FORM WITH YOU WHEN YOU COME TO MY OFFICE SO WE CAN WORK TOGETHER AND VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT. 314 West Los Ebanos Blvd. | Brownsville, Texas 78520 | Phone (956) 548‐7700 | Fax (956) 548‐7710 BISD, an equal opportunity employer, does not discriminate on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or provision of services, programs or activities. ·
Keys 2012-2013
Please pick up classroom keys from Mr. Fernando Reyes. With
the large number of visitors and students at Pace, it is imperative
to keep classrooms locked when not in use. In the event that
keys are lost or misplaced, please notify Mr. Reyes. For security
reasons, please do not duplicate keys or give keys to students.
There is a $10.00 fee to replace a lost key.
Accident and Injury Reports
Accident and Injury reports must be filed with Mr. Fernando
Reyes, Dean of Instruction and Safety Coordinator for Pace
High School within 24 hours of the accident or injury.
Appropriate filing forms are available through Mr. Fernando
Fire Drills will be held on a monthly basis. Each classroom
should have maps of the evacuation routes.
Fire Drills
Pace High School conducts fire drills on a monthly basis. The school map showing the
emergency evacuation routes from your classroom should be posted on the bulletin board of
each classroom. Teachers must become familiar with the route and inform their students so
they will know what to do in case of an emergency.
3 bells/ continuous wavering tone
Fire: leave the building
1 bell/single burst of wavering tone
Halt: stand at attention.
2 bells/ two bursts of wavering tone
Return to classroom.
I I7
Accident and Injury Reports
Accident and injury reports must be filed
with the Safety Coordinator for Pace
High School within 24 hours of the
accident or injury. Appropriate filing
forms are available through the Safety
Fire Drills will be held on a monthly
basis. Each classroom should have
maps of the evacuation routes.
Police and Security Request Form
Please note* All Requests must be submitted two weeks prior to the event.
Please indicate the number of Security/Police Officers
Police Officer:______________
K-9 Unit:
Campus Department: -----------Contact Person:
Phone#: ----------Event Date: ---------Starting Time: --------Ending Time: --------Estimated Attendance:
Event Information:
Date Request Received:
Received by:
James Pace High School
Technology Service Request Form
Room Number
BISD Tag Number:
Service Required:
Please submit this request to Mr. Obed Leal in front office.
Date Received
Date Completed
Teachers are required to c omplete a consumable supply request form to obtain
school supplies. Submit request to the administrator in charge (Mr. Fernando
Reyes). Please allow two working days to process the request. Request will be
honored upon availability of supplies.
Teacher's Name:
Date: -----
Room# --------
Teacher list the supplies needed allowing two working days to process the request. Upon
availability of supplies, the request will be honored. Pick up your supplies in the intercom
room area during your conference period.
10. ---------------------- Mr. Fernando Reyes, Assistant Principal
Pace High School Event Calendar Information Sheet
Revised 08/11/11
Please print or type all Event and/or Competition information in the
blanks provided.
1. Name of Club/Organization
2. Contact Person/Coach
3. Event
4. Date(s)
6. Location
7. Description/Purpose of Event
 Please
submit all information at least 14 days prior to the upcoming month.
Information provided later may not be included on the calendar.
NOTE: The above information may be emailed to freyes@bisd.us
Date Information Received:
Received by:
Hall Passes
General Information
Color-coded, laminated passes will be distributed to each teacher at the beginning of the school
year. These will be used as the official hall pass for each classroom. From the start of the school year,
teachers should emphasize the importance of students arriving to class on time and prepared. Further,
each teacher should inform the students of school policy which states that no restroom breaks will be
allowed during the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of class.
Student Hallway Privileges
1) Official hall passes
a. Used for restroom or calls from the front office
2) Specific passes (nurse, library,counselor)
a. Must be filled out completely (name, date, time, signature) to be valid
b. Should be used sparingly to ensure that students miss only minimal instruction time
3) Discipline referralforms
a. Must be filled out completely to be valid
b. Must show the time student was sent out of the classroom
c. Must show teacher's attempts to resolve problem (verbal corrections, called
parents, conference, etc.) before sending students to office
d. In the case of discipline emergency or aggressive behavior, student should be
escorted by security or other adult to the front office
Policy procedures and Responsibilities
Teacher • Must have an official hall pass for daily use
• Is responsible for monitoring pass usage of individual students
• Is responsible for taking care of the hall pass itself, including reporting theft immediately
• Should issue passes sparingly, and contact parents and/or administrators when students are
not complying with hall pass privileges
• Will help with school-wide monitoring of official hallway pass usage
• Must stay within the assigned location of the pass issued and NOT go to a different location
within the school
• Will be disciplined for violating hall pass policy, including loss of pass privileges for a period of
time determined by the teacher
Grade level Administrator
• Will help monitor students in hallways to ensure that official hall passes are being properly
• Will confiscate official hall pass if student is found in the area other than the one specified,
and discipline student accordingly
2012 - 2013
Daily attendance for employees is critical no matter how competent the substitute
teacher is he/she will never be able to adequately substitute for the teacher.
However, emergencies and other situations do arise; and it is vital that valuable
instructional time is not wasted. Therefore, all employees must plan ahead and
limit the number of personal absences that are absolutely necessary.
1. Each employee is to do the self-training on the substitute request system by
accessing www.eschoolsolutions.com, then clicking on "Sadie" and then on
"Employees". Use your employee number for the "Access 10".
2. All employees who require a substitute must be registered with the Smart
Find Express at https://smartfind.bisd.us. Help desk phone number is 6981225 or 698-1226.
3. Employees who require a substitute must call Smart Find Express at 5501030 or online at https://smartfind.bisd.us no later than 6:00a.m. on the day
of the absence. Because the "system" can "run out" of substitutes, it is
imperative that personnel call in an absence as early as possible. On
numerous occasions, personnel have called the system at 6:00 am (as
requested) and the system was already depleted. Remember that Mondays
and Fridays are "Crunch" days with shortages occurring more often on
these days.
4. Please report an upcoming absence as soon as you are aware that you will
be absent. Make prior arrangements for Professional Leave day absences.
5. The employee must follow instructions and provide all information requested
by the Smart Find Express program.
6. If the employee wants to request a particular substitute, the employee must
have the substitute's home phone number available to enter into the
system. An employee should never make pre-arrangements and ask the
substitute to report to campus to cover the class without using the system.
7. Employee may use the "Special Instruction Feature" to leave information
regarding lesson plans, classroom procedures and other information.
8. Employee must secure a job order number form the system to confirm the
absence. If you hang up before receiving the job order number, the system
may cancel your request.
9. If the system is "down", employees must call the school's answering
machine at 548-7700 to inform the respective administrator of the absence.
10. Employee must sign and turn-in the "Absence from Duty Report" the day
after the absence or upon their return. Forms are in the Copy Room and are
to be submitted to the Front Office Clerk for substitutes.
11.If you are absent 3 consecutive days, notify Ms. Longoria, PHS Principal.
1. The appropriate materials, attendance sheets, lesson plans, and seating
charts must be accessible for the substitute to ensure success when the
teacher is absent.
2. Substitute teacher phone numbers are available with the administrator in
charge of substitutes.
3. If an employee forgets the assigned PIN number, he/she must call 5501030. The system allows the employee to review or update information.
4. If there is a problem with the assigned substitute, the teacher must notify
the respective administrator who will assess the situation and make
necessary adjustments.
5. Substitutes may not take students to the library.
6. The respective administrator will distribute any pertinent information
regarding the Smart Find Express program to all employees as needed.
7. New teachers can register with the Smart Find Express Program by
calling Sandy Melendez at 698-1225. Teachers transferring to our campus
from another one within BISD must also contact Ms. Melendez to advise
her of change of campus location.
When you submit your "Professional Leave" form, you can attach your
"Absence from Duty Report" as well.
Note: Policy DBD
Absenteeism and Tardiness
While absences may occur for legitimate reasons such as sickness or important personal
problems, false or unrealistic excuses are not acceptable. Employees who will be late or
absent are expected to call as far in advance of starting time as possible, to state why they
will be absent and when they will return to work. This provides the principal/administrator
to take necessary steps to rearrange work assignments or secure a substitute where
applicable. Every employee is expected to report an absence from work in accordance with
the rules and procedures in effect at his/her school/department. Failure to adhere to
established reporting rules and procedures may result in disciplinary action up to and
including termination.
The following guidelines will be used for handling excessive absences or tardiness. In determining
whether an employee has been absent or tardy an excessive number of times, the following
definitions will apply:
Any employee arriving ten (10) minutes after his/her scheduled starting time will
be considered tardy.
Any three (3) occurrences of tardiness within a thirty (30) day period
will be considered excessive.
Any employee who is not present at his/her work assignment during any
scheduled work period will be considered absent for that period.
Excessive absenteeism and turnover are expensive, disruptive, and places an unfair
Absenteeism burden upon other employees. Any three (3) separate occurrences of absence
within a thirty (30) day period will be considered excessive. The supervisor shall
review reasons for absences. The supervisor may issue a written notice outlining
concerns and/or a conference may be requested.
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SmartFindExpress ®
Employee User Guide
SFE Phone Number
1. All teachers must sign-in at the Front Office by 8:30 am on the Sign-in Sheets
and the Biometric Fingerprint Reader. Football Coaches are to sign-in at Athletic
Director William Deen’s office.
2. If you need to leave the campus during the school day (during conference/planning
periods), you must obtain administrative approval and then sign-out in the binder at
the principal’s secretary’s office. In the event of an emergency, please see Mrs.
Longoria, Principal.
3. Telephone calls from parents and/or family members, etc. are often received and
the sign out sheet enables us to determine whether you are still available to take
the call.
4. Staff members are free to leave the campus 15 minutes after the official work day
ends. You are to sign-out using the Biometric Fingerprint Reader. Please adhere
to this policy.
1. Since all classified employees must comply with the Wage and Hour requirements,
they are required to “punch-in” upon their arrival at school and “punch-out” when
they go to lunch, “punch-back in” when they return from lunch, and “punch-out”
when they leave the campus at the end of the work day using their time card.
2. All personnel are to use the Biometric Fingerprint Reader for signing-in and out as
3. If you need to leave the campus during the school day, you must obtain
administrative approval.
4. No deviation from the work schedule is permitted without administrative approval.
5. “Personal Leave” days must be requested in advance.
6. Classified Personnel are to work no more than 40 hours per week. All overtime
must be approved by Mrs. Longoria, Principal, two weeks in advance.
Biometric Time and Attendance System
All employees are required to use the biometric time and attendance system. The system
will monitor time for all non-exempt employees and attendance for exempt employees.
Employees who fail to adhere to the time and attendance requirements will be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including termination.
The timesheet is the only document to be maintained at the department/campus for
employee time. It must accurately reflect the actual time worked by the employee. Original
timesheets must be submitted to payroll with appropriate documentation and signatures
from the employee and department/campus administrator. Copies must be kept at the
department/campus for three years.
Monthly and bi-weekly timesheet packets are available at the Payroll Department’s
webpage at www.bisd.us/payroll/forms. When copying timesheets for employees, it is
imperative that both sides of the timesheet are copied. The instructions and conversion
chart are necessary for proper completion of the timesheet.
Certified employees are required to log in and out at their respective campus/department to
determine presence only not for timekeeping purposes. Absences must also be reported
through the SmartFind Express, if applicable.
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Teachers will be assigned 20 minutes of lunch duty on a weekly basis.
2. A duty roster will be compiled and each teacher will receive a copy of their
lunch duty schedule by time and place.
3. Each teacher is expected to be on duty and on time.
4. If for some reason it is impossible for you to go to your assigned duty, it is
your responsibility to find another off-duty teacher to replace you at your
duty station.
5. Please inform Carla Gonzalez, Assistant Principal, of any necessary
6. Failure to report to duty will be reported to the teacher's primary appraiser
and ultimately, Ms. Longoria, Principal.
Thank-you for helping keep the school safe and orderly by being ON TIME
and being ever vigilant.
PHS Teachers
From: Carla Gonzalez, PHS Assistant Principal
Date: August 20, 2012
Lunch Duty Exchange
If you would like to exchange your lunch duty with another teacher, please submit
this form to my office. Thank-you for promptly attending your lunch duty and
contributing to student and school safety.
We agree to exchange our lunch duty schedules:
Teacher A
(please PRINT name)
with duty station at
Early Duty
on this day of the week
Lunch Period
or Late Duty
Teacher B________________________________________ (please PRINT name)
with duty station at
on this day of the week
Early Duty
or Late Duty
Lunch Period
Teacher A.
Teacher B
Thank-you for supporting the Pace High School Sunshine Club which
benefits you and our staff. The funds are used to remember our fellow
workers in their time of need. Examples are flowers for the bereaved, for
hospitalizations or serious illnesses, flowers to celebrate births and
Please see PHS Bookkeeper in D Hall to give her you r gift and to get your
receipt. We are requesti n g financial contributions of $20 from faculty
members and $15 from classified personnel or more i f you so wish.
You r payment is very much appreciated and allows us to give tangible
support to our staff throughout the yea r. Thank-you!
of $ 5
, am making a donation in the amount
to show my support for my fellow Pace High School Mighty
Brownsville Independent School
Employee Handbook
Board Approved: September 4, 2012
 The BISD Employee Handbook is found on the BISD website at http://www.bisd.us/ o Employment o Employee Handbook  All employees of James Pace High School (faculty, staff and administration) are responsible for reading and reviewing policies, rules and restrictions found therein. Employee Conduct and Welfare
Standards of Conduct
All employees are expected to work together in a cooperative spirit to serve the best interests of the district
and to be courteous to students, one another, and the public. Employees are expected to observe the
following standards of conduct.
Recognize and respect the rights of students, parents, other employees, and members of the community.
Maintain confidentiality in all matters relating to students and coworkers.
Report to work according to the assigned schedule.
Notify their immediate supervisor in advance or as early as possible in the event that they must be absent
or late. Unauthorized absences, chronic absenteeism, tardiness, and failure to follow procedures for
reporting an absence may be cause for disciplinary action.
Know and comply with department and district policies and procedures.
Express concerns, complaints, or criticism through appropriate channels.
Observe all safety rules and regulations and report injuries or unsafe conditions to a supervisor
Use district time, funds, and property for authorized district business and activities only.
All district employees should perform their duties in accordance with state and federal law, district policies
and procedures, and ethical standards. Violation of policies, regulations, or guidelines may result in
disciplinary action, including termination. Alleged incidents of certain misconduct by educators, including
having a criminal record, must be reported to SBEC not later than the seventh day the Superintendent first
learns of the incident. See Reports to the State Board for Educator Certification, page 61 for additional
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Code of Ethics and Standard Practices
All District employees must adhere to The Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas
Educators, adopted by the State Board for Educator Certification.
The Texas educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional
colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community and shall safeguard academic freedom.
The Texas educator, in maintaining the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law,
demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations
with colleagues, shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession. The Texas
educator, in accepting a position of public trust, shall measure success by the progress of each student
toward realization of his or her potential as an effective citizen. The Texas educator, in fulfilling
responsibilities in the community, shall cooperate with parents and others to improve the public schools of
the community.
1. Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices, and Performance
Standard 1.1 The educator shall not knowingly engage in deceptive practices regarding official policies of
the school district or educational institution. Standard 1.2 The educator shall not knowingly
misappropriate, divert, or use monies, personnel, property, or equipment committed to his or her charge for
personal gain or advantage. Standard 1.3 The educator shall not submit fraudulent requests for
reimbursement, expenses, or pay. Standard 1.4 The educator shall not use institutional or professional
privileges for personal or partisan advantage. Standard 1.5 The educator shall neither accept nor offer
gratuities, gifts, or favors that impair professional judgment or to obtain special advantage. This standard
shall not restrict the acceptance of gifts or tokens offered and accepted openly from students, parents, or
other persons or organizations in recognition or appreciation of service. Standard 1.6 The educator shall
not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so. Standard 1.7 The educator shall comply with state
regulations, written local school board policies, and other applicable state and federal laws. Standard 1.8
The educator shall apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position or a responsibility on the basis of professional
2. Ethical Conduct Toward Professional Colleagues
Standard 2.1 The educator shall not reveal confidential health or personnel information concerning
colleagues unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law. Standard 2.2 The
educator shall not harm others by knowingly making false statements about a colleague or the school system
Standard 2.3 The educator shall adhere to written local school board policies and state and federal laws
regarding the hiring, evaluation, and dismissal of personnel. Standard 2.4 The educator shall not interfere
with a colleague’s exercise of political, professional, or citizenship rights and responsibilities. Standard 2.5
The educator shall not discriminate against or coerce a colleague on the basis of race, color, religion, national
origin, age, sex, disability, or family status. Standard 2.6 The educator shall not use coercive means or
promise of special treatment in order to influence professional decisions or colleagues. Standard 2.7 The
educator shall not retaliate against any individual who has filed a complaint with the SBEC under this
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3. Ethical Conduct Toward Students
Standard 3.1 The educator shall not reveal confidential information concerning students unless disclosure serves
lawful professional purposes or is required by law.
Standard 3.2 The educator shall not knowingly treat a student in a manner that adversely affects the student’s
learning, physical health, mental health, or safety.
Standard 3.3 The educator shall not deliberately or knowingly misrepresent facts regarding a student.
Standard 3.4 The educator shall not exclude a student from participation in a program, deny benefits to a student,
or grant an advantage to a student on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, national origin, religion, or family
Standard 3.5 The educator shall not engage in physical mistreatment of a student.
Standard 3.6 The educator shall not solicit or engage in sexual conduct or a romantic relationship with a student.
Standard 3.7 The educator shall not furnish alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student or knowingly
allow any student to consume alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs in the presence of the educator.
Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
Employees shall not engage in prohibited harassment, including sexual harassment, of other
employees or students. While acting in the course of their employment, employees shall not engage in
prohibited harassment of other persons, including board members, vendors, contractors, volunteers,
or parents. A substantiated charge of harassment will result in disciplinary action.
Employees who believe they have been discriminated or retaliated against or harassed are encouraged
to promptly report such incidents to the campus principal, supervisor, or appropriate district official
which includes the Title IX Coordinator, ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, and the Superintendent. If the
campus principal, supervisor, or district official is the subject of a complaint, the employee should
report the complaint directly to the Superintendent or his designee. A complaint against the
Superintendent may be made directly to the Board. The District’s policy shall be distributed annually
to employees.
Employees may access District Policy DIA (LOCAL) at the following link:
http://www.tasb.org/policy or in the Appendix of this Handbook.
Harassment of Students
Sexual and other harassment of students by employees are forms of discrimination and are prohibited
by law. Romantic or inappropriate social relationships between students and district employees are
prohibited. Employees who suspect a student may have experienced prohibited harassment are
obligated to report their concerns to the campus principal or other
Page 61 of 99
Board Reviewed 8/17/2010
appropriate district official. All allegations of prohibited harassment or abuse of a student will be
reported to the student’s parents and promptly investigated. An employee who knows of or suspects
child abuse must also report his or her knowledge or suspicion to the appropriate authorities, as
required by law. See below Reporting Suspected Child Abuse for additional information.
All employees are responsible for being aware of District policies governing harassment of students.
Policies DF and FFH are included in the Appendix of this handbook.
The definition of solicitation of a romantic relationship as per District Policy DF (LEGAL) is as follows:
“Solicitation of a romantic relationship” means deliberate or repeated acts that can be reasonably interpreted as soliciting a
relationship characterized by an ardent emotional attachment or pattern of exclusivity. Acts that constitute the solicitation of
a romantic relationship include:
Behavior, gestures, expressions, communications, or a pattern of communication with a student that is unrelated to the
educator’s job duties and that may reasonably be interpreted as encouraging the student to form an ardent or exclusive emotional
attachment to the educator, including statements of love, affection, or attraction. When evaluating whether communications constitute
the solicitation of a romantic relationship, the following may be considered:
The nature of the communications;
The timing of the communications;
The extent of the communications;
Whether the communications were made openly or secretly;
The extent to which the educator attempted to conceal the communications;
If the educator claims to be counseling a student, TEA staff may consider whether the educator’s job duties included
counseling, whether the educator reported the subject of the counseling to the student’s guardians or to the appropriate school
personnel, or, in the case of alleged abuse or neglect, whether the educator reported the abuse or neglect to the appropriate law
enforcement agencies; and
Any other communications tending to show that the educator solicited a romantic relationship with a student.
Making inappropriate comments about a student’s body.
Making sexually demeaning comments to a student.
Making comments about a student’s potential sexual performance.
Requesting details of a student’s sexual history.
Requesting a date.
Engaging in conversations regarding the sexual problems, preferences, or fantasies of either party.
Inappropriate hugging, kissing, or excessive touching.
Suggestions that a romantic relationship is desired after the student graduates, including post-graduation plans for
dating or marriage.
Any other acts tending to show that the educator solicited a romantic relationship with the student, including
providing the student with drugs or alcohol.
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
All employees are required by state law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to a law
enforcement agency, Child Protective Services, or appropriate state agency (e.g., state agency
operating, licensing, certifying, or registering a facility) within 48 hours of the event that led to
the suspicion. Abuse is defined by the Texas Family Code and also includes any sexual
conduct involving an educator and a student or minor.
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Board Reviewed 8/17/2010
Bell Schedule Wednesday
Monday st
Tuesday nd
8:45‐9:30 8:45‐9:30 8:45‐10:20 8:45‐10:20 8:45‐9:30 1 Period 1 Period 2 Period
1 Period 1 Period
2nd Period 2nd Period 9:35‐10:20 2nd Period
9:35‐10:20 9:35‐10:20 3rd Period 3rd Period 4th Period
10:25‐11:10 10:25‐11:10 10:25‐11:55 3rd Period 3rd Period
10:25‐11:55 4th Period 4th Period 11:15‐12:00 11:15‐12:00 5th ‐ Lunch 5th ‐ Lunch 12:00‐12:45 12:00‐12:45 11:15‐12:00 5th ‐ Lunch 5th ‐ Lunch 12:00‐12:55 12:00‐12:55 th
12:50‐1:35 12:50‐1:35 1:00‐2:30 6 Period 6 Period 6 Period
7 Period 6th Period
1:00‐2:30 7th Period 7th Period th
8th Period 8th Period 8 Period
9th Period 9th Period 3:20‐4:05 3:20‐4:05 12:50‐1:35 7th Period
1:40‐2:25 2:30‐3:15 5th ‐ Lunch 12:00‐12:45 th
2:30‐3:15 10:25‐11:10 4th Period
1:40‐2:25 Friday
2:35‐4:05 th
9 – P.A.C.E. Period 2:35‐4:05 1:40‐2:25 8th Period
2:30‐3:15 9th Period
3:20‐4:05 School Evacuation Map 2012‐2013 District Mission Statement
Brownsville Independent School District, rich in
cultural heritage, will produce well-educated
graduates who can pursue higher educational
opportunities and who will become responsible
citizens in a changing global society by utilizing all
resources to provide equitable opportunities for
Campus Vision Statement
James Pace High School will foster a safe,
nurturing, intellectually challenging
environment that ensures success for all
students by developing pride, accountability,
character, and excellence in the classroom,
in the home, and in the community.
Campus Mission Statement
James Pace High School, educates students,
graduates leaders and empowers the community.
Pace High School Vision
James Pace High School will foster a safe, nurturing, intellectually challenging
environment that ensures success for all students by developing pride,
accountability, character, and excellence in the classroom, in the home, and in
the community.
Pace High School Mission Statement
James Pace High School, educates students, graduates leaders and empowers the
Belief 1 We believe each student is a valued individual learner with unique
intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs.
Belief 2
We believe all stakeholders- students, parents, teachers, campus and district
administration, staff, and community- share in the responsibility f or providing a
supportive learning environment.
Belief 3
We believe clearly defined goals and high expectations for student
achievement should guide the development of research-based curriculum,
design and implementation of instructional strategies, and learning activities.
Belief 4
We believe the commitment to continuous improvement is imperative in
enabling students to become competitive, self-directed, technologically
literate, life-long learners and problem solvers, and leaders in a global
Belief 5
We believe our school provides a safe environment where students can develop
character, integrity and ethical behavior.
James Pace High School Summary – Campus Profile The Brownsville Independent School District is located in the southernmost tip of deep, south Texas, and is in Cameron County on the Texas/Mexico border. The city of Brownsville, the county seat, is the largest city in the delta, and is located on the Rio Grande. Matamoros, Mexico, lies directly across the river from Brownsville, with a population of over 800,000 people. Brownsville’s population is approaching 200,000 people, of which 94% are Hispanic. The city and the region’s educational attainment and personal income are below state averages, although they have been increasing in recent years. Brownsville is located 22 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and is home to the Port of Brownsville. It has an international airport and is located at the center of three resort areas. The area has seven golf courses, a Sports Complex, and the internationally recognized Gladys Porter Zoo. The Mitte Cultural District features a Fine Arts Museum, the Camille Playhouse, the Pan American Round Table Museum, and the Children’s Museum at Dean Porter Park. Brownsville has 30 parks with over 1,000 acres of parkland, 23 miles of hike/bike trails, 3 gymnasiums and pools, over 55 athletic fields. Brownsville hosts Charro Days, a 75 year old international fiesta that is the only event in the world that sponsors an international parade that crosses the border from Brownsville into its sister city, Matamoros. It hosts a Children’s Parade featuring Brownsville ISD students marching and dancing Mexican Folkloric dances. The marching bands from the middle and high schools march in the Night parade and the Grand International Parade. Brownsville’s community college and university are transitioning to two separate entities, a community college and a four year university. UTB/TSC has 46.9% (6,495) of its students who attend fulltime while 53.1 % (7,341) of its students do not. The average age is 25 years of age. 72% of the students are from Brownsville. Currently, the total enrollment is 9.8% dual credit (1,354 BISD), 83.4% (11,545) are undergraduates, and 6.8% (937) are graduate students. BISD has 49,703 students in 37 elementary schools, 11 middle schools, 7 high schools and 3 alternative schools. There are 23,600 instructional computers in use, 300 buses, 27,000 daily bus riders, 22,000 daily breakfasts served, and 42,000 daily lunches served. 99% (49,083) of BISD’s students are Hispanic, 96% (47,666) are economically disadvantaged, 31% (15,591) are Limited English Proficient, and 3% (1,304) are migrant students. The students’ attendance rate for the district is 96%. There are a total of 7,421 employees at Brownsville ISD. Funding this year comes from Federal, state, local, and other sources totaling $509.2 million dollars. For the 2012‐2013 school year, the monies spent for instruction and administration were $509.2 million. James Pace High School is located in west Brownsville, an older neighborhood with a stable population of single family homes. It has 1780 students and is designated a 5A high school. Some of the changes include: A grant called Texas Title I Priority Schools (TTIPS), a Hybrid Block Schedule, a 9th period called “Pace Period” for character development and enrichment, a new administrative staff beginning the 2011‐2012 school year, a $7 million dollar Texas Literacy Initiative grant giving Pace a TLI Teacher Specialist, an Early College High School Transformation where current Freshmen will be able to receive up to 60 college hours upon graduation, 40 new certified staff hires in the last three years, and students grouped by grade level in the school buildings. The student demographics are 98.6 economically disadvantaged, 10% Limited English Proficient, 2.4% students with disciplinary removals, 64.3% at‐risk, 98.3% Hispanic, and a 21.8% mobility rate. Staff demographics are 153 teachers (77.8% Hispanic),6 Administrators,1 TLI Grant Coordinator,1 TTIPS Grant Coordinator,21st century Grant Coordinator,4 Grade level,counselors,2 At‐Risk counselors,1 Special Ed counselor,1 CTE, counselor, 1 Police officer, 5 Security guards, 1 Diagnostician, 2 Nurses, 2 Librarians, 50 Classified staff, and 11 Custodians. The facilities include 2 gymnasiums, 1 band hall, 1 choir hall, 1 piano lab, 1 Estudiantina room, 1 ROTC office and classroom, and 1 Athletic Complex. Pace’s special programs include 21st Century Texas, Texas Literacy Initiative, GT courses, AP courses, Dual Enrollment courses, Response to Intervention/RTI, and TTIPS. We have Gifted and Talented, Pre‐Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement, and Dual Enrollment (UTB/TSC) courses. Also, 22% of our students are enrolled in a Magnet program for Criminal Justice and Education (SHIELD), Health science, Architecture and Construction, Business Management and Administration, three graduate plans including the Minimum, Recommended, and Distinguished Achievement Graduation Plan. All students must pass the four assessments which comprise the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness. The Purpose state is: Each person affiliated with Pace High School is a valued member of the positive learning environment at the school. Students develop their academic, emotional, social, civic, and physical potential, and are thus empowered to assume responsible citizenship in our local, national, and global communities. To this end, we value achievement, respect and concern for others, civic duty, equity, opportunity, communication, safety, order, collaboration, responsibility, accountability, and trust, as cornerstones of Pace High School. The Mission statement is: James Pace High School educates students, graduates leaders, and empowers the community. The Vision statement is: James Pace High School will foster a safe, nurturing, intellectually challenging environment that ensures success for all students by developing pride, accountability, character, and excellence in the classroom, in the home, and in the community. James Pace High School
Professional Development
All district employees are required to attend all scheduled district/campus
staff development provided within the employment period. The principal
is to be notified when an employee is not able to do so. All employees are
required to verify their professional staff development records annually. In
order to facilitate this process, employees are required to maintain the
following record.
James Pace High School
Professional Development Record of In-Service
Teacher Name
Title of ln-service
Brief Description
# Hours
James Pace High School
Lesson Plan Books
The TEKS Standards and Student Expectations must be implemented in all subject areas.
A discussion of teaching and learning based on standards must address three aspects of
day-to-day life in a classroom: curriculum, assessment, and instruction.
Curriculum, the specific plan for that is to be taught and learned, should be
grounded in academic TEKS standards.
The assessment methods should allow students to demonstrate what they know
and can do, showing that the students' knowledge and skills meet agreed-upon
performance standards (TEKS expectations).
Instruction - the tasks, activities, and lessons - should prepare students to
demonstrate that they meet or exceed the academic standards (TEKS>.
Lesson plan books will be available on disk, online, and in the form of a hardcopy
from the Dean of Instruction starting the week of Teacher In -Service.
Computer -generated lesson plan books are acceptable as long as they comply
with the requirements of the District’s format or are approved by the Principal or
Dean of Instruction.
All lesson plan books are required to indicate the following:
TEKS being taught;
T AKS objectives integrated into the lessons;
Instructional objective(s) indicating the action, process, and product(s) directly
related to the TEKS content and/or performance standards;
Strategies, resources, and other information that identify how instruction will
Re-teaching activities (As per BISD Grading Procedures, re-teaching is defined as
another presentation of content. usually to provide an additional opportunity for
a student to learn.) Teachers should plan for re-teaching at the same time they
are planning initial instruction;
Assessment activities.
Student work must reflect standards of excellence which include, but are not limited to,
Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and organization in a written product;
Accuracy of information, research, and investigative strategies reflective of
scientific methods; and
Evidence of mastery of hierarchical thinking based on currently accepted
taxonomies and focused on application , analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
All teachers are required to provide teacher-prepared final exam reviews for all students in
each course.
James Pace High School
Lesson Plan Books
Teacher's Name
Lesson Plan Book Submitted.
Lesson Plan Book NOT Submitted.
Check if Completed
TEKS and TAKS objectives are indicated appropriately.
Learning objectives are written out completely.
A lesson cycle is present.
A variety of assessments is utilized throughout the lesson cycle.
A variety of materials is utilized throughout the lesson cycle.
A variety of teaching strategies is utilized throughout the lesson cycle.
Re-teach and/or enrichment activities are documented.
Special Education/Dyslexia modifications are documented.
Plans are neat, legible, and on time.
Checked By:
James Pace High School
The purpose of a syllabus is to assist student and their parents in understanding what
the teacher's intentions are for the course as well as his/her expectations of the
students. The syllabus is a ·promotional preview of the course - it should provide
enough information to set a purpose and tone for the course. The following items are
to be included in your course syllabus:
I. Brief description of the c o u r s e m a j o r t o p i c s a n d skills to be learned)
2. Major projects and activities that will be required and when.
3. Grading procedures including procedures for accepting late work, make-up
tests, re-teaching and retest.
4. Class rules and expectations
5. Teacher information including, name, room number, conference period, and school
6. Tutorial schedule.
All teachers are required to provide their students on the first week of school a
standardized syllabus for each respective course they teach.
A copy will be submitted to the department chair during the first week of school. The
department chair will submit a copy to the Dean of Instruction.
James Pace High School
Video/Guest Speakers
• The use of videotapes must be strictly for instructional purposes. As per
District Policy EFE local, videos will be used in the classroom for
educational purposes only. No rented video that includes a notice the film
is intended for home use only shall be shown to a class for entertainment
• Use of a video and/or guest speaker must be included in the teacher's Lesson
plan book.
• No approval is necessary for films that are In the Pace library, Media
Center, or book adoptions (although they must be documented in the
teacher’s lesson plans).
• Administrative approval is mandatory for all films, DVDs, etc. from any
outside source (video stores, home, etc.) Failure to follow this procedure
will result in the issuing of a Notice of Warning.
• Complete a “Guest Speaker” or “Video Request” form (for
outside videos). (See next two pages.)
• Turn in to the Dean of Instruction along with a copy of lesson plan
showing use of the guest speaker or video at Least one week in advance.
• Included in the Lesson plans a TEKS-aligned assignment that requires
student product for any guest speaker or video to be approved.
• Post a copy of the approved request form on the window of the
classroom door the day of the outside video or the guest speaker.
James Pace High School
Video Request Form
IName of Video
I Date(s) of Video
- G-Rated
- PG- Rated
_ PG-13 Rated
TEK(S) and/or TAKS Addressed
Indicate assignment students wiU be required to do regarding this video presentation
Attach copy of lesson plans indicating a video is part of the lesson cycle. (If lesson plan is not attached,
permission wiU be denied.)
Teacher's signature:
_ Approved
NOT Approved
Dean of l nstruction/Principal signature:
Permission form must be posted outside door when a video is being shown.
James Pace High School
Guest Speaker Form
I Presenter’s Name
I Presenter's Title
j Agency
Title of Presentation
TEK(S) and/or TAKS Addressed:
Indicate assignment students will be required
do regarding this presentation
Attach copy of Lesson plans indicating a guest speaker is part of the Lesson cycle. (If lesson plan is not
attached, permission will be denied.)
I Teacher's signature:
I Date:
- Approved
NOT Approved
I Dean of Instruction/Principal signature:
I Date:
Permission form must be posted outside door when a guest speaker is present.
We are here to assist you with your research needs
• See us as soon as possible to check out any equipment you need for the school year.
• Schedule your class visits in advance by signing up at the front counter.
• Contact us in advance to schedule a class orientation as needed that will be
geared toward you subject area and research project.
• Teachers must remain with their students when the entire class is scheduled in the
library. Substitute teachers may not bring or supervise classes while in the library.
• Please notify a librarian at least a week in advance about checking out any cameras,
C.O.W. (computers on wheels) or audiovisual equipment.
• Teachers must use the official library pass when sending students to the library.
Non-official passes will not be accepted.
• Library passes may be obtained from library staff. Library passes will only be given to
teachers. Do not send students to pick them up for you.
• No passes are required before school, during lunch, or after school However students
must sign in.
• Teachers wanting to show a video must include it in their approved lesson plans.
• The Video/Guest Speaker Approval Form must be signed by Dean with copies included
with lesson plans.
• All equipment is bar-coded for circulation purposes.
• Kindly reserve all equipment in advance to guarantee availability.
• Please honor legal and ethical issues and obey copyright laws.
• Videos are for educational purposes only and must be school related.
• Substitute teachers may not check out library equipment.
James Pace High School
LUCHA Program
LUCHA Program
Children immigrating to Texas from Mexico and other Latin American countries face extenuating circumstances.
These students face academic failure not only because of a language barrier but also because most schools do
not have the resources to determine appropriate grade placement, diagnose mastery of the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills, or train personnel to recognize and address the challenges faced by immigrant
LUCHA (Language Learners at the University of Texas at Austin's Center for Hispanic Achievement) is an
innovative K-16 Education Center initiative designed to help Hispanic English Language Learners transition into
public schools, thereby helping them to achieve success in school, college and life.
To increase the graduation rate for Hispanic English Language Learners
To provide Hispanic English Language Learners the opportunity to:
transition into Texas schools without losing instructional time and credits while learning English
pass the state-mandated performance exams and receive a high school diploma
build a foundation for successfully completing a post secondary education
Many Mexican immigrant students are unable to provide transcripts from their home schools. LUCHA works
directly with the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico and Mexican Educational Institutions to locate and
provide missing transcripts to school districts.
Analyze Transcripts
Many Limited English Proficient (LEPl and immigrant Hispanic students are
placed in the wrong grade,
not scheduled into required core subjects, or
forced to repeat subjects already taken.
To avoid improper placement and ensure students are given the credits they have earned to graduate on time,
LUCH A services include transcript analysis to help schools place students in the correct grade and
appropriate essential core subjects.
Create Individual Graduation Plan
Based on transcript analysis, LUCHA staff creates Individual Graduation Plans (IGP) that provide the
schools with options for educating LEP and immigrant Hispanic students which may include enrollment in
online courses in Spanish from Mexico.
Diagnostic Assessments
Basic Skills, Middle School & High School
Appropriate assessment of students is critical to e:nsu ring student success and preventing English language
learners from dropping out of school.
James Pace High School
Mission of the Corps
To increase the number of low‐income, first‐generation, and underrepresented Texas students entering and completing post‐secondary education. We are accomplishing this mission by placing exceptional recent college graduates from all fields of study on high school campuses as near‐peer college advisers. Advise TX advisers receive intensive training before serving in a high school, completing a six‐week practical curriculum that focuses on college access, college admissions, financial aid, student services, diversity, community service, and professionalism. History of the Corps
The College Advising Corps was founded by Dr. Nicole Hurd in 2004 with a leadership gift of $623,000 from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. The program started with 14 recent college graduates from the University of Virginia. Based on the success from the first year of the program, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, with additional support from the Lumina Foundation for Education, invested $12 million over four years to expand the program nationally. In 2005, the program relocated its headquarters to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It was at that time when the program formally changed its name to the National College Advising Corps (NCAC). As of 2012, the program is in 14 states, with 18 partner institutions. Presently, there are more than 350 advisers nationwide. History of Advise TX
In 2009, with the support of funding from Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) through the College Access Challenge Grant and private foundations and business, The University of Texas at Austin placed fifteen recent graduates into service following the guidelines set forth by NCAC. In 2011, the program expanded to 120 advisers with additional chapters at Texas A&M University, Texas Christian University, and Trinity University. Each chapter recruits, hires, and trains their own graduates to serve as advisers in selected partner high schools. The program placed advisers in Dallas / Ft. Worth, Houston, Beaumont, San Antonio, Austin, the Rio Grande Valley, Corpus Christi, and El Paso. 44,501 Impacted Students Highlights from 2011-2012
56,320 8% Advising Hours Increase in College Applications 3,819 9,356 24,863 FAFSA’s Completed SAT Registrations Interactions with College Representatives SPECIAL EDUCATION REMINDERS: Be prompt to scheduled ARD meetings. Don't omit/forget to attend ARD
ARD participation is not an option. It is the law- you must attend the ARD
Regular teachers need to be prepared when attending an ARD meeting.
How? By bringing to the ARD meeting the student's grades, averages,
Benchmark scores, documentation of any discipline incident that occurred
in the classroom, any pending assignments & any other relevant student
information that can assist the ARD committee make decisions that
increase student success.
Inclusion teachers are required to be in the classroom on a set schedule
assisting SPED students. C ommunicate with SPED administrator if any
concerns arise regarding the inclusion teacher or services.
Communicate student academics concerns to the ARD folder teacher
for proper and on time intervention. Be proactive not reactive.
During Coordination Day, it is mandatory for regular education teachers
to participate. This is a good time to communicate student concerns to
the special education folder teacher. Again be proactive not reactive.
Remember ARD meetings and coordination day are all geared to promote
student success. When sending SPED student to Content Mastery, SPED student must
be sent prepared with materials: textbook, calculator, instructions,
INFORMATION. Teachers must familiarize themselves with the student's
accommodations. Teachers must adhere to accommodations. Communication is essential among teachers, parents, students and
administration. Finally, we all need to collaborate as team to achieve student success. Computer-Generated Transcripts
General Information
Standard Operating Procedures for all high schools in BISD were developed for implementation
during the 1999-2000 school year.
The labels that previously contained the student's final grades and that were previously adhered to
the Academic Achievement Record have ceased to exist. Student transcripts will be printed twice a
year and kept in the Records Room. Administrators, counselors, and clerks will have the ability to
print a revised transcript every time a correction is posted.
Data Entry Clerks Will implement procedures to ensure accurate transcript grades.
Records Clerk
Will print transcripts that will be kept in Records Room.
Will post corrections to transcript.
Will file corrected form in student's folder.
Will submit revised transcriptto counselor.
Will submit all obsolete student transcripts to BISD Records Manager.
Will verify transcript information.
Will submit a transcript
correction form if necessary.
Will submit correction form to the Records Room clerk.
Out-of-District Transcripts
Will evaluate transcript/grades submitted by respective school.
Will make long distance calls to verify and check for clarification
of information/credits.
Will fill out the Out-of-District Transfer
Courses form and submit it to the respective counselor.
Records Clerk
Will input out-of-district grades into transcript screen.
Will print student transcript and place in respective file.
Assistant Principal
Duties and responsibilities
P'. Garza
C. Gonzalez
Asst. Principal
Cohort 2013
Cohort 2014
A. Del Angel
Z. Elizondo
ELA /Fine Arts
Teacher Handbook
ISS Monitor/
Ull Academics
Student & Parent HB (Code
of Conduct)
Credit Appeals I No Credit
@Risk (9-12) Repeaters
Graduation and Completion
rate cohorts
E Schools /PEIMS
BAC-BLA-LP contact
R egistration & Withdrawal
Master Sch,edule
PEIMS Office Staff
Lesson Plans/Failure Rate
Walk through (15 per week)
All Other duties
GHaii/Front Portables Duty
Teacher Appreciation
Asst. Principal
Cohort 2015
S. Garza
Science & MATH
Parental Involvement,
Amy Dominguez B.Jaramillo
LPAC Maintenance
Department: E. Sanchez,
B. Garza
Student & Parent HB (code
of conduct/ Release Forms
Credit Appeals/ No Credit
PDAS Contact Person
Substitutes I Staff Absence
lesson Plans/Failure Rate
Duty Rosters
Walkthrough (15 per week)
All other Duties
AHaII I JHall/ Theatre
End of year Luncheon
0. Leal
Special Education
Special Ed Clerks
Education CATE
Student & Parent HB code
of Conduct
Special Ed Referrals
Special Ed programs
Special Olympics
Sped ARD's
Special Ed.Computerized
Instructional Technology
Lesson Plans
Special Ed Failure Rates
Walk through (15 per
Other Duties
C & D Hall Duty
Support Staff
TIIPS Coordinator
Mr. Venegas,
TIIPS Clerk,
R . Harrington
TIIPS Compliance
TIIPS Budget
Development Uob
TIIPS Teacher
Testing Clerk
Lori Garza
TLI Team
Mock Testing
TLI Trainings
Field Tests
Project Share
AP Testing
Asst. Principal
(15 per week)
E. Villarreal
Cohort 2016
P. Young
Programs and Foreign
Student & Parent HB/
Code of Conduct
Credit Appeals/ No Credit
Lockers Safety
Parking I Keys
Student Activities &
Fixed Assets
Lesson Plans
Failure rate
F hall
K hall
Athletic Big.Band Hall/
Christmas Luncheon
(15 per
week) Other
James Pace High School
Administrative Duties and
Rose Longoria,
Dean of Instruction
Fernando Reyes
CIP/CAN Development and
Monitoring Staff Development
SACS/AYP/SBDM Activities
Vertical Alignment
Academies Professional
Leave Requests ERO
Online System
Guest Speakers
Monitoring of Course
STAAR Programs
Monitoring of Grants
Newsletter &
GAP/STARS Tutorials
Teacher Mentoring
TINA/Professional Growth
Plan Monitoring 21s
Century Library/Library
Walk through (15 per w eek)
James Pace High School
Club/Organization Information Data Sheet
Please include a copy of a recent group photograph of sponsors and student officers
(data sheet will not be considered complete until photograph is included).
Name of organization/club: --- - - --------------- Faculty sponsor(s) with contact number(s):
Date, time and place of meetings: ---------- - -- - --Student officers and title:
__ President (Captain, etc.)
___ Vice-President (Co-captain, etc.)
_ Secretary
---- -- ----Treasurer
- - -- - - - --- Parliamentarian
Planned fundraiser(s):
Community organization(s) involvement:
Projected fieldtrip(s):
Please attach a calendar of events for this club, by month and day, indicating
planned events, fieldtrip(s) and fundraising events.
HS Maintenance Supervisor 2012‐2013 General duties: Supervises and coordinates activities of custodians engaged in the overall operation of maintaining and making minor repairs of buildings and grounds. Follows essential duties and responsibilities as listed. Covers special events, special projects and may cover other areas as needed supervisor responsibilities hours reports to Billy Garza Directs workers engaged in maintenance administration
activities; requisitions tools, equipment and supplies; interprets district policies to workers and enforces safety regulations; suggests changes in working conditions and use of equipment to increase efficiency of work crews; oversees custodial personnel in the school; performs activities of workers supervised; establishes safety procedures and techniques to perform job duties Head Custodian General duties: Performs general maintenance work relating to grounds maintenance to ensure a clean, safe and attractive environment conductive to learning Supervises custodial operations Follows essential duties and responsibilities as listed Covers special events, special projects and may cover other areas as needed head custodian responsibilities hours reports to Eliseo, Sanchez Closing the building each school day; establishes 4:00p.m. to Billy Garza procedures for locking, checking and safeguarding 12:30a.m. facilities; monitors and directs the work of custodians; directs and assists in setting up facilities for special events; resolves worker’s problems; performs activities of workers supervised; record’s employees hours worked on time cards or time sheets; corrects unsafe working conditions and reports any conditions that are not correctable to supervisor; makes minor building repairs and reports major repairs to administrator/administration; performs other duties as assigned Custodians General duties: Provides students with a safe, attractive, comfortable, clean and efficient environment. Follows essential duties and responsibilities as listed. Dry sweep classrooms daily, wet mop twice weekly and/or as needed; empty trash from classrooms daily Covers special events, special projects, other areas and duties as needed: Specific duties: custodian responsibilities hours Alejos, Martin C & H hall; boys restroom (C hall)
Barrientos ,Juan J hall (both floors); restrooms (all); stairwells All Gyms F hall; D hall; all restrooms (F hall)
Harrington,Jay Contreras,Lucina Jasso ,Jesus Esparza, Raymundo Cerda,Patricia Martinez, Maria Ruiz.Ruben Resendiz , Juan Barreda, Maria Sanchez, Jose Pablo Reyes, Irma Leticia Guitierrez, Julio Garcia, Miguel Barreda and Martinez K hall (both floors) ;
restrooms (all); stairwells All classes G hall; restrooms (all)halls
All restrooms throughout campus (boys),pick up breakfast in G&H halls. Restroom (restock as needed); windows and glass doors; maintain halls, Pick up breakfast in F&K hall. B hall; choir, band, restrooms
A hall (both floors);
restrooms (all); stairwells Windows and glass doors; maintain halls, restrooms, pick up breakfast in B,C ,and D hall. Open campus; sweep entrances and hallways as needed, restrooms, pick up breakfast in A&J hall. Office area (including restrooms); counselor offices; nurses office; security office; A151 Gyms (all areas inside and outside); exterior restrooms (soft ball & baseball) athletic Facility Keep all 3 Gyms clean And help around campus As needed .breakfast in portables. Keep all 3 Gyms clean and help around the campus as needed. Breakfast in portables. 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. reports to E. Sanchez E. Sanchez 4:00p.m.to 12:30a.m.
E.Sanchez 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. E. Sanchez 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. 7:30a.m. to 3:30a.m.
E. Sanchez E. Sanchez B. Garza 8:00am to 4:30 pm 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. B. Garza 8:00am to 4:30 pm 7:00a.m. to 3:30a.m.
B. Garza B. Garza 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. 4:00p.m. to 12:30a.m. E. Sanchez E. Sanchez E. Sanchez 7:00to 3:30p.m. B. Garza 8:00to 4:30p.m. B. Garza Grounds Keeper General duties: Performs general maintenance work relating to grounds maintenance to ensure a clean, safe and attractive environment conductive to learning Follows essential duties and responsibilities as listed Covers special events, special projects, may cover other areas and duties as needed grounds keeper responsibilities Gomez,Zeferino Keep grounds clean of trash; maintain yard and trees on campus hours 6:30 AM – 3 PM daily reports to Billy Garza Pace HS
Custodian Inspection Evaluation
In order to monitor quality housekeeping, you are asked to complete and submit a copy of this form
weekly to the front office.
classroom areas
Ceiling Tiles
Desks IChairs
Lights/Lens Covers
Classroom Floors
Cove Base
Classroom Walls
Outlets/Switch Covers
Trash Emptied Daily
Dry Board Cleaned
Shelves Dusted
Computer/TV Dusted
Score Basis
1- Very Poor
2- Below Average
3- Average
4 - Above Average
5 - Excellent
Overall Evaluation for the week:
_ VeryPoor
_ Below Average
_ Above Average
Teacher signature
Principal signature
Custodian signature-----------------------------date
First Days of School
General Information
Students who attended any of Pace High School’s feeder schools are automatically pre-registered. This is also
true for sophomores, juniors, and seniors unless they withdrew before the previous school year ended. Student
schedules will be distributed to the students on the first day of school through first period.
Student names will be posted on the walls in A-hall, G-hall, H-hall, café, gym, and lobby.
Student names will be appear in alphabetical order including the student date of birth and their first
period room.
Students who do not have a schedule will report to the small gym.
Students who are missing a class will report to the small gym, only during the period they are missing a
First period teachers who have a class will distribute schedules to students.
First period conference teachers will receive a copy of the student roster to assist students to their first
period class. Second through eighth period conference teachers are to report to the small gym to assist
in monitoring students and parents.
Leftover schedules must be returned to the front office at the end of third day.
Students reporting for the first time after the third day of school will pick their schedule in the front office.
Teachers are not to send students to the counselors during class time.
Schedule change forms will be given out by first period teachers, who will return the completed form to
the counselor’s clerk during their first conference period, but no later than the end of the day.
Approved schedule changes will be placed in the first period teacher’s folders with a copy of the
student’s schedules, to be distributed to the students.
It is important for all teachers to check their folders daily before first period.
Distribution of District and Campus Documentation
In addition, first period teachers will distribute the following documentation to the students, obtain receipt
signatures, and review the following documents:
BISD Student Code of Conduct/Student and Parent Handbook
Student Directory Information Objection Form
Electronic Communication System Form
Emergency Card
Dress Code Information
Student Release Form
Student Insurance Form
The BISD student signature receipt, Student Release Forms, and Nurse Emergency Cards must be submitted to
the attendance office and nurse’s office respectively no later than the end of the third day of school. If a teacher
is unable to collect any of these forms from a student, the assistant principal in charge of that student’s grade
level should be notified. Students registering AFTER the third day will receive all necessary forms from the
Registrar when they register.
Attendance Procedures
Brownsville Independent School District uses eSchool to record student attendance as well as student
grades. In order to do this accurately, and in an orderly manner, campus personnel must adhere to the
following procedures.
On the first day of school, teachers will mark students present according to the following criteria:
The ‘1’ code is only to be used to mark the student’s first day in class.
The ‘NS’ code is to be used to mark those students who have never shown up to class. This code is
only available during the first week of school.
The ‘ABS’ code can only be used for students who are absent and who have been previously
coded with a ‘1’.
The ‘Present’ code can only be used for students who are present and who have been previously
coded with a ‘1’.
Example of the First Day of Classes:
Johnson, Shawn
First Day
Liukin, Nastia
No Show ○
Memmel, Chellsie
First Day
Peszek, Samantha
First Day
Sacramone, Alicia
First Day
Sloan, Bridget
First Day
Note: Nastia and Bridget were not present the first day of class. Everyone else was marked “1” – First
Day in class.
Example of Second Day of Classes:
Johnson, Shawn
Liukin, Nastia
First Day
Memmel, Chellsie
Peszek, Samantha
Sacramone, Alicia
Sloan, Bridget
No Show
Note: Nastia came to class for the first time and was marked as “1” – First Day. Bridget is still not present in
class the second day – and is, therefore, again marked as a “NS” – No Show.
Example of Third Day of Classes:
Johnson, Shawn
Liukin, Nastia
Memmel, Chellsie
Peszek, Samantha
Sacramone, Alicia
Sloan, Bridget
First Day
Note that Chellsie is “A” – absent – today from class and that Alicia was late getting to class, “T” – tardy. Bridget,
after two days of not being in class has finally shown up, “1” – First Day.
You will also receive a tally form that will indicate the number of students that are physically in your class. An
administrator will be doing a physical count and double checking the tally form. The tally form will be due every
Process/Procedure for Withdrawal
Process/Procedure for Withdrawal
Parent brings or sends written request for withdrawal. Request must contain:
 Date of withdrawal request
 Student name and/or social security number
 School ID/ PEIMS ID
 Reason for request
 Appropriate documentation (proof of address change, administrative transfer form, etc...)
 Parent signature
**Eighteen-year-old students can make withdrawal requests. A courtesy call will be made
to inform parent of student decision.
2. Registrar fills out the withdrawal form and secures the proper documentation.
3. A report card and transcript are generated by the registrar.
4. Data entry clerk receives withdrawal form and deletes student’s schedule.
5. Textbooks and other items such as library books are secured before withdrawal papers are given to
6. A copy of the withdrawal form is given to the student along with the copies of the report card and
transcript. The original withdrawal is kept in the student’s permanent record folder in the Records
7. Teachers are to document whether or not students have returned the textbook and write in the book
8. It is very important that dual enrollment teachers drop their students from their college course. Failure
to drop the student’s course will result in a failing grade on the student’s college transcript. Consult
with the Dean of Instruction anytime a dual enrollment student is failing your class or is dropping your
Attendance Corrections and Verifications
1. To correct an error with a student’s absence on eSchool, teachers must fill out an Attendance
Correction Form and turn it in to the attendance office on the day the correction is made. (See Form
2. At the end of every six weeks, teachers will receive a Teacher Verification Sheet for all periods. (A list
of valid codes is located below.) Teachers are required to verify the daily attendance posting, make
necessary corrections, and return all attendance verification sheets to the attendance office.
3. No corrections will be made after an attendance verification sheet has been signed by a teacher without
documentation to justify the correction.
4. The final authority for all attendance questions/concerns is the Campus PEIMS Administrator.
Taking Attendance in Teacher Access Center
This eLearning module will demonstrate how to take attendance in Teacher Access Center. There are three ways in which attendance can be entered. All P ‐ Click to indicate that all students are present. Att ‐ Click to display the Take Attendance page for the class so you can enter attendance. You can also run an audit report from the Take Attendance page. Pic ‐ Click to display a photo attendance page for the class so you can set up your photo attendance class seating chart and enter attendance. Attendance Codes
1st day in school
No Show (only available the first week of school)
Student was late to class. (TARDY SLIP was submitted by respective teacher.)
Student is to be counted present (other reason not listed).
Student was present in administrator’s office (log verification).
AEC Student was present at Alternative Center (discipline referral on file).
Student was present in counselor’s office (log verification).
Student is attending a required court appearance.
Student is participating in a mentorship for Distinguished Achievement.
Student is enrolled in an off campus dual credit program
Student is serving as an election clerk.
Student is Absent
Student was present at extracurricular activity (approved list verification).
Student was present at approved field trip (approved list verification).
Student is appearing at a governmental office for citizenship.
Student was present in ISS (log verification).
Student left to or returned from doctor’s appointment
Student was present in nurse’s office (log verification).
Student was on Out of School Suspension
Student should not be marked absent due to Religious Holiday (letter on file).
Student is sounding TAPs at a military honors funeral
Student was present at an approved Test Site
Student was present at UIL activity (approved list verification).
Student attended college visit/college course (documentation on file).
Student is taking part in a US naturalization oath ceremony.
According to BISD District policy, passing grades alone do not ensure credit for a course. In order to receive
graduation credit, students must pass the course with a final average of 70 or above AND have been present at
least 90% of the days that the course is offered. Students are allowed the following amount of absences per
9 days first semester
9 days second semester
There is no room in this policy for SKIPPING. In addition, the following are NOT ACCEPTABLE excuses for
absences: truancy, missing the school bus, reporting to a job during school hours, car trouble, hunting or fishing
trips, vacation or pleasure trips, and baby-sitting.
The school district accepts the following as extenuating circumstances for the purpose of granting credit for a
class: board-approved extra-curricular activities, documented medical appointments, observance of a religious
holy days, juvenile court proceedings, unforeseen family emergencies, and college visitations.
Students should follow the BISD Attendance Guidelines. If questions should arise or more information is
needed, students should seek assistance from the administrator in charge of PEIMS or the student’s guidance
1. Parent(s) must call the school on day(s) the student is absent. Within five (5) school days, parent(s)
should send written documentation to the Attendance Office (i.e. doctor excuse or note) for the
NOTE: Students attending a school-related field trip or activity will not be marked absent.
2. Only original medical excuses will be accepted. Photocopies of medical excuses will not be accepted.
3. Teachers will contact parents on the 2nd absence and document the phone calls on the phone log
provided by the office.
4. The phone logs must be turned in at the end of the six weeks to the primary appraiser.
5. The teacher will issue a “No Credit Status Notification” form as soon as the student accumulates nine (9)
absences during the 1st semester and nine (9) absences during the 2nd semester.
6. The student will request an “Appeal for Credit” form from their grade level administrator if they wish to
appeal their NC status.
7. The grade level administrator will review all appeals and submit legitimate appeals to the Pace
Attendance Committee, whose decision is final.
8. Petitions for credit may be filed at any time the student receives notice but, in any event, no later than 15
days after the last day of the semester.
9. Remember that, in addition to submitting the paperwork to their grade level administrator by the deadline,
students must earn an average of 70 or above to receive credit.
10. Once the Pace High School Attendance committee reviews the petition and determines to GRANT or
DENY the request, students will receive a written notice regarding the decision from their grade level
11. It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the “NC” has been removed from the report card. Questions
about an “NC” status must be addressed to the grade level administrator.
Whenever possible, doctor’s appointments should be scheduled outside the school day.
However, the student who has a documented appointment with a health care
professional during school hours may be excused and shall be counted as having
attended for the purposes of calculating the average daily attendance in the district,
providing the following conditions are in place:
 The student attends school or returns to school on the same day of the
 The student submits a note from the health professional
Brownsville Independent School District
1900 Price Road Brownsville, Texas 78521-2417 (956) 544-3964
Fax: (956) 544-3963
Brett Springston,
Superintendent of Schools
1. Teacher will determine that student has been erroneously marked absent or present.
2. Teacher will completely fill out form and submit form to Data Entry/Attendance Clerk. When
applicable, teacher will submit documentation to justify correction.
3. Attendance clerk will review attendance correction, post correction and file the attendance
correction for future reference.
Corrections made after verifications sheets have been submitted will require this document to justify
School Name: _Pace High School___________
Student Name: ________________________________
Student Id: ____________________________
Date of Birth: _________________________________
Teacher Name: _______________________________
Teacher Id: ____________________________
Marking Period: ______________________________
Period: _______________________________
Course Number: ______________________________
Section Number: _______________________
Date(s) to be corrected: _________________________________________________________________
Select One: ______ABS
______Other (specify)
Reason: ______________________________________________________________________________
Teacher Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________________________________
****** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******
Attendance Clerk: _____________________________ Dated Posted: _________________________
Additional documentation Requested:
If yes explain,_________________________________________________________________________
BISD does not discriminate on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion age or disability in employment or provisions
of services, programs or activities.
Grading Procedures
General Information
1. A grade-reporting calendar is developed for all teachers at the beginning of the school year and inserted
in the general information section of the Campus Handbook.
2. To facilitate the posting of grades, we will continue to use eSchool.
3. Pertinent information concerning reminders and changes in procedures will be placed the teachers’
4. If a reporting period ends on Friday, grades must be completely entered and verified by 4:00 p.m. If a
teacher is absent, it is his/her responsibility to comply with the deadlines.
Student Grades
1. After student grades are posted, teachers will receive Grade Verification sheets. Teachers are required
to verify student grades, fill out grades correction forms if necessary, sign, and return all verification
sheets to the data entry clerks for report card processing within 24 hours after receipt of the grade
verification sheets. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a Notice of Warning.
2. With the exception of migrant student grades, all incomplete grades must be justified and cleared within
10 school days.
3. Migrant students who register late and do not receive a grade should receive an “INC” until all course
work is completed.
4. Teachers who do not clear incomplete grades will be periodically notified by the data entry clerks and
asked to post grades. No teacher will be cleared at the end of the school year unless a numerical grade
has been posted for all students.
5. Teachers are to use the Grade Change form to correct a student’s grade.
Transfer Grades
1. If a student transfers within Pace High School or BISD, the receiving teacher will average his/her
grade with the grade provided by the sending teacher if the subject is comparable.
2. If a student transfers from outside Brownsville Independent School District, the teacher is to average
his/her grades with the transfer grades that can be obtained from the records or data entry clerks.
Brownsville Independent School District Three Week Grade Reporting Calendar 2012‐2013 Period Beginning Date/(Instructional Days) Ending Date First 6 Weeks (30 days) Monday, August 27, 2012 Friday, October 5, 2012 3 Week Progress (15 days) Friday, September 14, 2012 End of 1st Six Weeks (15 days) Friday, October 5, 2012 Second 6 Weeks (30 days) Monday, October 8, 2012 Friday, November 16, 2012 3 Week Progress (15 days) Friday, October 26, 2012 End of 2nd Six Weeks (15 days) Friday, November 16, 2012 Third 6 Weeks(20 days) Monday, November 26, 2012 Friday, December 21, 2012 3 Week Progress (10 days) Friday, December 7, 2012 End of 3rd Six Weeks (10 days) Friday, December 21, 2012 Fourth 6 Weeks (34 days) Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Friday, February 22, 2013 3 Week Progress (17 days) Wednesday, January 30, 2013 End of 4th Six Weeks (17 days) Friday, February 22, 2013 Fifth 6 Weeks(33 days) Monday, February 25, 2013 Friday, April 19, 2013 3 Week Progress (16 days) Tuesday, March 26, 2013 End of 5th Six Weeks (17 days) Friday, April 19, 2013 Sixth 6 Weeks (33 days) Monday, April 22, 2013 Wednesday, June 5, 2013 3 Week Progress (17 days) Tuesday, May 14, 2013 End of 6th Six Weeks (16 days) Wednesday, June 5, 2013 HOW TO VERIFY 3RD &
IPR – Interim Progress Report
RC - Report Card
Computer-Generated Transcripts
General Information
Standard Operating Procedures for all high schools in BISD were developed for implementation during the 19992000 school year.
The labels that previously contained the student’s final grades and that were previously adhered to the
Academic Achievement Record have ceased to exist. Student transcripts will be printed twice a year and kept in
the Records Room. Administrators, counselors, and clerks will have the ability to print a revised transcript every
time a correction is posted.
Data Entry Clerks
Will implement procedures to ensure accurate transcript grades.
Records Clerk
Will print transcripts that will be kept in Records Room.
Will post corrections to transcript.
Will file corrected form in student’s folder.
Will submit revised transcript to counselor.
Will submit all obsolete student transcripts to BISD Records Manager.
Will verify transcript information.
Will submit a transcript correction form if necessary.
Will submit correction form to the Records Room clerk.
Out-of-District Transcripts
Will evaluate transcript/grades submitted by respective school.
Will make long distance calls to verify and check for clarification
of information/credits.
Will fill out the Out-of-District Transfer
Courses form and submit it to the respective counselor.
Records Clerk
Will input out-of-district grades into transcript screen.
Will print student transcript and place in respective file.
FIXED ASSETS 2012-2013
Brownsville I.S.D. has implemented a new system to keep track of items classified as
"fixed assets" (read ' Fixed Assets Handbook online at bisd.us/fixed assets '). Please
make certain that items are not removed from any classroom or building. Any item
with an affixed bar code label by the district needs to be documented by all the
faculty and staff. Faculty and staff need to complete the correct form before an item
may be moved, discarded, or transferred to another location. The form must have the
signature and approval of the assigned administrator responsible for fixed asset, Mr.
Fernando Reyes. An inventory list needs to be completed by each homeroom teacher
(faculty and staff) at the beginning of the school year. This inventory list must be
submitted to Fernando Reyes no later than September 10, 2012. Subsequently, two
more inventory lists will need to be submitted to Mr. Reyes during the school year,
January 21, 2013 and May 31, 201 3. It is the responsibility of every person using
these items to properly secure them and be aware where they are located for inventory
purpose. Attached please find the form to be used for the above purpose.
Special Notes
All new incoming fixed assets merchandise to James Pace High School needs to be
checked/scanned by the Librarians. This includes merchandise delivered to
departments. The merchandise will be registered and forwarded by the Librarians, to
the appropriate teacher, program, or department for signature of receipt.
Any items that were removed from this campus must be returned to this campus for
inventory purposes. These items include amplifiers, camcorders, cameras, digital
cameras, CD players, laptops, laser disc players, multiplexors, plotters, scanners, and
wave form analyzers. Faculty/Staff need to complete a new assignment form.
Brownsville Independent School District
Fixed Assets Disposition FormComputer Equipment
(Please return to the Fixed Assets Department)
Date: -------- - - SchooVDeprunnent --------------------------------
Description of Equipment
Asset# or
Serial #
Examined by
Signature: Releasing Administrator -- - - - ----
--- - - ----------
Explanation Codes
Trade -In I Replacement under warranty
Initials: --------
Obsolete Criteria:
Out of Warranty
lncompatible to Current Software Needs
Unrepairable I Too Costly to Upgrade
Submit this fonn to the Fixed Assets Department. Documentation should be provided. The Fixed Assets Department will
initiate the disposition process. For more information, please call 548-8375.
( Rev 112008)
Brownsville Independent School District
Fixed Assets Intra-Equipment Transfer Form
(Please fax copy to the Fixed Assets Department- 548-8680)
Transfer From:
Name: -- - -
--- - -
-- - -
Transfer To:
Name: _
Asset# or
Serial #
Description of Equipment
Note : Asset number or serial number must be assigned before a transfer may be generated.
Signature : Transferor ---------- - - -- - - -------Date
Signature : Transferee --- - -
---- - -
----- - -
_ Signature: Administrator
______ _
Brownsville Independent School District Authorization Form To Borrow Equipment (Please return to the Fixed Assets Department c/o F.A. Accountant) Please Type: Date: Department #: Description of Equipment Employee # Serial # Asset # The school district has issued the items listed above to me. I understand that I am responsible for the safekeeping of the
equipment. I also understand that I will bear the financial burden of replacing the item(s) if damaged, stolen or lost. I will assist
the district in the event of an audit by providing the information requested and / or by returning the equipment to the district.
Employee Signature: Employee’s Information: Name: Home Address: Home Phone Number: Work Phone Number: Permission has been granted to the above employee to check out the items listed above.
Administrator Signature: Date: Initials: Please fax copy to 548‐8680 with proper signatures to the Fixed Assets Department. For more information please call 548‐
8375. (Rev 1/2007)
Brownsville Independent School District Fixed Assets Equipment Transfer Form (Please return to the Fixed Assets Department c/o F.A. Accountant) Please Type: Date: __________________________________ From: School / Department #: Quantity To: School / Department #: Asset # or Serial # Room# Description of Equipment Note : Asset number or serial number must be assigned before a transfer may be generated. Signature: Releasing Administrator Signature: Receiving Administrator Date: Initials: White Copy – Fixed Assets Department Yellow Copy – Originating Location Pink Copy – Receiving Location Submit this form to the Fixed Assets Department. The Fixed Assets Department will initiate the transfer process. For more information, please call 548‐8375. (Rev 1/2007)