Denial of Access Complaint - New Jersey Libertarian Party Open
Denial of Access Complaint - New Jersey Libertarian Party Open
GRC Use Only New Jersey Government Records Council Denial of Access Complaint Please read these instructions before completing this form: • This form is to be used only for claims of denial of access to government records that you want the Government Records Council (GRC) to decide. Your request must have been made on or after July 8, 2002 under "OPRA," the Open Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.). • Please print or type your responses, and provide ALL information requested. Incomplete forms will delay processing. This form is available in downloadable format from the GRC web site at • Only one complaint is required for each OPRA request form, regardless of the number of documents sought in the request. • The GRC recommends that you keep a copy of this complaint for your own files. • MAIL, FAX, OR E-MAIL THIS COMPLAINT AND ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENATION TO: Fax: (609) 633-6337 E-mail: Government Records Council PO Box 819 Trenton, NJ 08625-0819 I. About the Requester of the Records: John Paff Full Name: P.O. Box 5424 (at the time the request was made) Mailing Address: City: State: New Jersey Somerset Please provide a phone number at which GRC staff can contact you between 8 A.M.-5 P.M., Monday-Friday: Fax Number: ZIP 08875 201-488-8200 201-488-5556 E-Mail Address: If you are represented by an attorney in this matter, please provide: CJ Griffin Name: 21 Main Street, Suite 200, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 Address: 201-488-5556 Fax Number: E-mail Address: Phone Number: 201-488-8200 If you are an attorney who requested records and are filing this complaint on behalf of a client, please state the client's name: 2. About the Custodian of Records: Name of the public agency from which records were requested: Name of custodian on whom records request was submitted: Telephone Number: City of Trenton Richard Karhmar care of Diadina Allen E-Mail address (if used): Name of custodian who denied records request (if different from above): Telephone Number: E-Mail address (if used): Fax Number: Denial of Access Complaint 1 GRC Denial of Access Complaint GRC Use Only 3. About the Record Request: October 21, 2015 Date your records request was provided to the custodian: Did you receive a reply to your request? Yes El No ❑ December 10, 2015 If so, state the date your request was denied: Have you previously filed a complaint with the GRC concerning the record request that is subject of this complaint? Yes ❑ No Z1 If yes, provide the GRC complaint number and a copy of the GRC decision in the matter. Date: Complaint No.: Have you spoken with or written to the GRC about the record request that is subject of this complaint? Yes ❑ No El Date: Have you filed an action in the N.J. Superior Court concerning the record request that is subject of this complaint? No Yes Z ❑ If Yes, Docket Number: 4. Offer of Mediation (please refer to the attached documents for details): Are you interested in participating in mediation? Yes ❑ No 5. Documents to submit with this Form: ❑ Complete the attached Records Denied List to describe the records to which you were denied access. ❑ Attach a copy of the OPRA Records Request form you filed with the public agency and any correspondence between you and the record custodian(s) or custodial agency staff that concern the portion of your OPRA request that was denied. Be sure to include any e-mail, memoranda, phone messages, or any other documents such as affidavits, or certifications related to the request and the denial. ❑ Summarize the facts of this complaint by writing the content, time and date of any interaction you had with the custodian regarding the OPRA records request that is the subject of this complaint. Use the attached Detail Summary for this purpose. ❑ Provide any legal arguments, allegations or other information you would like the GRC to consider in deciding this complaint. Use the attached Detail Summary for this purpose. ❑ Sign the Agreement to Mediate if you wish to participate in the mediation process. 6. Verification of Complaint: By signing this complaint, I affirm that: • I am the person who submitted the OPRA request for records which is the subject of this Complaint; • The information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge and belief; • The documents submitted with this Complaint are true copies of material which I believe is relevant to my claim; • I am not seeking disclosure of any personal information pertaining to the victim of any crime committed by me, which is an indictable offense under the laws of the State of New Jersey, or any other State, or pertaining to the Digitally signed family of that viclw by. John Paff v n DN)EpfAbutgpmplaint to the Custodian of Records. • I am simultane Paff C = US Date: 2016.03.31 17:31:39 -05'00' Paff Signature (required) Denial of Access Complaint Date 2 New Jersey Government Records Council Denial of Access Complaint - Detail Summary Use this form to summarize the content, time and date of any conversations regarding this complaint, along with the names of the participants and any witnesses. Denial of Access Complaint 3 New Jersey Government Records Council Denial of Access Complaint Records Denied List This is page Name of Complainant: of Please fill out this form describing the record (or portion of it) to which access has been denied, the response to your request, including the reason given for denial of access. Submit additional pages if necessary. Description of record (or portion) Item # 2 3 4 Response to request Trenton's Internal Affairs Summary Forms in the form of "Appendix S" of the guidelines submitted to the County Prosecutor covering January 2013 through to current date. Appears to have produced all records, but the custodian's response did not identify which records corresponded to which paragraph of the request. The six most recently released reports to the public summarizing the allegations received and the investigations concluded for that period. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 of the Guidelines.) The six most recently released reports to the public that give a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of 10 days or more was assessed to an agency member. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 and "Appendix U" of the Guidelines.) "Brady letters" are named after the United States Supreme Court's 1963 decision in the case of Brady v. Maryland.. That decision, among other things, requires law enforcement officials to notify criminal defendants and their lawyers whenever they receive information that a police officer involved in the defendants' cases has been untruthful. I would like the three most recent notifications on file with Trenton that a) were directed to defendants or their attorneys, b) which were made by any law enforcement agency (including but not limited to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office) and c) notified those Did not produce any records that are actually responsive to this request. Denial of Access Complaint Produced one report titled "Internal Affairs Summary Report — January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012, but did not produce any other records despite Mr. Paff asking for the "six most recently released" reports. No records are maintained by the agency. 4 defendants and/or their attorneys that an employee of the City of Trenton, including but not limited to police officers, had been untruthful. Denial of Access Complaint 5 John Paff Voice: 732-873-1251 E-mail Complainant GOVERNMENT RECORDS COUNCIL JOHN PAFF Complainant, vs. GRC CASE NO. CITY OF TRENTON Custodian CERTIFICATION I, John Paff, of full age, hereby certify: 1. On October 21, 2015, I submitted an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and common law right of access request via e-mail to Diadina Allen. (Exhibit 1.) 2. While Richard Kachmar is the Trenton City Clerk, I have learned from past experience that records requests are handled by Diadina Allen. On February 26, 2014, in response to an OPRA request I had filed with him that day, Clerk Kachmar specifically instructed me to file my request with Diadina Allen (Exhibit 2.) Since that time, I have routinely directed my Trenton OPRA requests via e-mail to Diadina Allen. 3. After having received no response to my October 21, 2015 request, I faxed a copy of it, along with a cover page, to fax number 609-989-3190 on November 7, 2015. (Exhibit 3.) The cover page was directed to "Trenton OPRA Custodian" and advised the recipient that I had no record of receiving a response to my October 21, 2015 request. 4. The fax number (i.e. 609-989-3190) to which I sent my November 7, 2015 follow up request is the same number to which Trenton's Internet site invites members of the public to submit their requests. (Exhibit 4.) 5. On November 29, 2015, after having received no response from Trenton, I again followed up by sending another e-mail to along with four other Trenton employees or officials. (Exhibit 5.) I copied these four employees or officials on my request because Diadina Allen had sent copies of her previous OPRA responses (e.g. OPRA Reqs. 2015-277, August 4, 2015) to those same employees or officials. 6. On December 10, 2015, Diadina Allen sent me an e-mail that contained the single sentence: "This file is now closed!" and which had two attachments. (Exhibit 6.) 7. One of the attachments to Diadina Allen's December 10, 2015 e-mail was copy of my November 7, 2015 faxed follow up to my October 21, 2015 request. (Exhibit 7.) Noteworthy is the presence of fax transmission information in the top margin evidencing that my November 7, 2015 fax was received by the City of Trenton that day. 8. The other attachment to Diadina Allen's December 10, 2015 e-mail was a 27-page file consisting of a one-page memo from Trenton Police Detective Alexis Durlacher to Clerk Kachmar and 26 pages of documents that were purportedly responsive to my request. (Exhibit 8.) 9. My request referred to the Attorney General's Internal Affairs Policy & Procedures (Revised 2014) which consist of 116 pages and is on-line at http://www.state.nj.usioag/dcjiagguide/internalaffairs2000v1_2.pdf I have extracted the relevant pages from this 116-page document for the Council's and the parties' convenience. These are pages 43 and 44 of the manual, Appendix S and Appendix U. (Exhibit 9.) Page 2 10. From prior experience, I have learned that the records requested in ¶ 2 of my request (i.e. "The six most recently released reports to the public summarizing the allegations received and the investigations concluded for that period. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 of the Guidelines.") are separate and distinct from the "Internal Affairs Summary Forms in the form of 'Appendix S' that I sought in ¶ 1 of my request. I have attached an example of the former report (i.e. that which was requested in ¶ 2) that I obtained from another jurisdiction. (Exhibit 10.) 11. I decided to give the agency one last shot at fulfilling my OPRA request, so on December 21, 2015, I faxed another letter to Diadina Allen regarding this request. I explained to her that the records she produced were only responsive to ¶1 of my request and parts of ¶3. (I accepted her response that the City does not possess records responsive to ¶4). I provided her a sample of a record that would be responsive to ¶2. I also explained to her that for ¶3, she only produced one record in response that was titled "Internal Affairs Summary Report — January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012." However, my request was for the "six most recently released" versions of that report, not just one report. 12. I never received any response to my December 21, 2015 fax. I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. Dated: March 31, 2015 John Paff Digitally signed by: John Paff DN: CN = John Paff C = US Date: 2016.03.31 17:29:41 -05'00' John Paff Page 3 EXHIBIT 1 Exhibit 1 10/21/2015 Gm Ail Gmail - Trenton OPRA John Paff <> Trenton OPRA 1 message John Paff <> To: Diadina Allen <dallen©> Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 12:15 PM Please accept this e-mail/fax as my request under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and the common law right of access. Please send all responses and responsive records to me via e-mail to pa;:i@p-., Thank you. Background: The Attorney General's Guidelines, on-line here, requires certain information to be maintained. Records requested: 1. Trenton's Internal Affairs Summary Forms in the form of "Appendix S" of the guidelines submitted to the County Prosecutor covering January 2013 through to current date. 2. The six most recently released reports to the public summarizing the allegations received and the investigations concluded for that period. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 of the Guidelines.) 3. The six most recently released reports to the public that give a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of 10 days or more was assessed to an agency member. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 and "Appendix U" of the Guidelines.) 4. "Brady letters" are named after the United States Supreme Court's 1963 decision in the case of Brady v. Maryland. That decision, among other things, requires law enforcement officials to notify criminal defendants and their lawyers whenever they receive information that a police officer involved in the defendants' cases has been untruthful. I would like the three most recent notifications on file with Trenton that a) were directed to defendants or their attorneys, b) which were made by any law enforcement agency (including but not limited to the Mercer 112 10/21/2015 Gm ail - Trenton OPRA County Prosecutor's Office) and c) notified those defendants and/or their attorneys that an employee of the City of Trenton, including but not limited to police officers, had been untruthful. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, John Paff P.O. Box 5424 Somerset, NJ 08875 Voice: 732-873-1251 Fax: 732-862-4449 e-mail: paff@poboxcorn https://m ai I .googl ail/u/Onui= 284 k= af5d1308f4&view= pt&search=sent&th= 1508b2f284524ecd&si m 1= 1508b21224524ecd 2/2 EXHIBIT 2 Exhibit 2 12/15/2015 Gm ail - FW: OPRA REQUEST John Paff <> FW: OPRA REQUEST I message Richard M. Kachmar <> To: Diadina Allen <> Cc: paff© Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:11 PM Dear Ms. Allen: Please find an OPRA Request Mr. Paff: Please vist asnd complete an OPRA request form and forward to Ms. Allen. Thank you RM Kachmar Original Message From: opengovtissues@gmall.corn [mailto:opengovtissues@gmail.corn] On Behalf Of John Paff Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 3:47 PM To: Richard M. Kachmar Subject: OPRA REQUEST To: Clerk, City of Trenton via e-mail only to rao,.;.trilartreintorall.ora Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Please provide the following records in accordance with the Open Public Records Act and the common law right of access. The records requested pertain to the municipal governing body. Please provide all responses, requests for fees and responsive documents via e-mail to puli'ppo:x.--x.c,-orri or by U.S. Mail to: John Paff, P.O. Box 5424, Somerset, NJ 08875-5424 Please call 732-Lr/3-1251 with any 1/4 EXHIBIT 3 Exhibit 3 - Fax Transmission To: Trenton OPRA Custodian From: John Paff Fax: 16099893190 Date: 11/7/2015 RE: Records Request Pages: 3 Comments: 1 have no record of having received a response to the attached OPRA request. Please advise. Grnal I - Trenton OPRA 10/21/2015 ,( John Paff <opengovtissues@gmail.corn> byGoo8L Trenton OPRA 1 message John Paff <> To: Diadina Allen <> Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 12:15 PM Please accept this e-mail/fax as my request under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and the common law right of access. Please send all responses and responsive records to me via e-mail to Thank you. Background: The Attorney General's Guidelines, on-line here, requires certain information to be maintained. Records requested: 1. Trenton's Internal Affairs Summary Forms in the form of "Appendix S" of the guidelines submitted to the County Prosecutor covering January 2013 through to current date. 2. The six most recently released reports to the public summarizing the allegations received and the investigations concluded for that period. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 of the Guidelines.) 3. The six most recently released reports to the public that give a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of 10 days or more was assessed to an agency member. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 and "Appendix U" of the Guidelines.) 4. "Brady letters" are named after the United States Supreme Court's 1963 decision in the case of Brady v. Maryland. That decision, among other things, requires law enforcement officials to notify criminal defendants and their lawyers whenever they receive information that a police officer involved in the defendants' cases has been untruthful. I would like the three most recent notifications on file with Trenton that a) were directed to defendants or their attorneys, b) which were made by any law enforcement agency (including but not limited to the Mercer,524ecd 1/2 1012112015 Gmail - Trenton OPRA County Prosecutor's Office) and c) notified those defendants and/or their attorneys that an employee of the City of Trenton, including but not limited to police officers, had been untruthful. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, John Paff P.O. Box 5424 Somerset, NJ 08875 Voice: 732-873-1251 Fax: 732-862-4449 e-mail: paff©pobox.corn https://m ai I googl aii/u/tIVul =284 k=af5d1308f48.view= pt&search=sent&th= 15081z0284524ecd&si m1=-1508b21284524ecd 2/2 EXHIBIT 4 Exhibit 4 12/15/2015 Open Public Records Act Request - City of Trenton C.1ty of Trenton Print I Close City Clerk Open Public Records Act Request PUBLIC ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT RECORDS 1. The New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requires a person requesting access to government records to complete, sign and date the request form adopted by the City of Trenton. The completed form can be submitted to the City Clerk's office by fax at (609) 989-3190. Your request is not considered filed until the appropriate custodian of the record requested has received the request form. If you submit a request for access to government records to someone other than the appropriate custodian, do not complete this request form, or attempt to make a request by telephone or fax, the Open Public Records Act and its deadlines, restrictions and remedies will not apply to your request. 2. The fees for duplication of a government record in printed form are as follows: $.05 for pages up to 8"x11" and $.07 for pages 8"x14". Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5c, this office may impose a reasonable special service charge if the nature, format, manner of collation, or volume of the government record is such that it cannot be reproduced by ordinary document copying equipment, in ordinary business size, or involves an extraordinary expenditure of time and effort to accommodate your request. Requests will be honored upon payment of fees. 3. The terms "public record" and "government record" in New Jersey do not include: • Criminal investigatory records • Victim's records • Inter-agency or intra-agency advisory, consultative or deliberative materials • Emergency or security information or procedures for buildings and facilities • Administrative or technical information regarding computer hardware, software and networks which, if disclosed, would jeopardize computer security . • Information regarding labor-management negotiations including 'statements of strategy or negotiating position • Pension and personnel records 4. By State law, this office must deny access to a person who has been convicted of an indictable offense in New Jersey, any other state or the United States, who is seeking government records containing personal information pertaining to the person's victim or the victim's family. 5. You may be denied access to a government record if your request would substantially disrupt agency operations and the custodian is unable to reach a 7066&Pri nt= 1 1/2 12/15/2015 Open Public Records Act Request - City of Trenton reasonable solution with you. 5. The City of Trenton will notify you that it grants or denies a request for access to government records within seven (7) business days after the custodian of the record requested receives the request, provided that the record is currently available and not in storage or archived. If the record requested is not currently available or is in storage or archived, the custodian will advise you within seven (7) business days when the record can be made available and the estimated cost. If this office is unable to comply with your request for access to a government record, the custodian will indicate the reasons for denial on the request response form and send you a signed and dated copy. 7. If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled within the time permitted by law, you have a right to challenge the decision by the City of Trenton to deny access. At your option, you may either institute a proceeding in the Superior Court of New Jersey or file a complaint in writing with the Government Records Council (GRC) in the Department of Community Affairs. 8. Information provided on this form may be subject to disclosure under the Open Public Records Act. Copyright © 2015 City of Trenton. All Rights Reserved. 2/2 EXHIBIT 5 Exhibit 5 11/29/2015 Gmail - OPRA request John Paff <> OPRA request 1 message John Paff <> Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 6:54 PM To: OPRA <>, "Marc A. McKithen" <>, "David L. Minchello" <dminchello©>, Sonya McRae-Richards <> I've sent the attached in twice now, once by email and then by fax, and have yet to have received a response. Please advise. John Paff P.O. Box 5424 Somerset, NJ 08875 Voice: 732-373-1251 Fax: 732-862-1449 e-mail: pah'@pobox.corn - TrentonFax 207072801 (1).pdf --I 78K https Jim ai I =28.i k= af5d1308f4&vi ew= pt&search=sent&lh= 15155ab91d71 b1 fc&sim I= 15155ab91d71blfc 1/1 EXHIBIT 6 Exhibit 6 12/15/2015 Gmail - FW: OPRA REQ 2015-451 RESP John Paff <> FW: OPRA REQ 2015-451 RESP 1 message Diadina Allen <> Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 2:59 PM To: Cc: OPRA <>, Sonya McRae-Richards <>, "Marc A. McKithen" <> This file is now closed! 2 attachments 2015-451 opra req.pdf 120K 2015-451 opra resp.pdf 784K https ://m ai I .googi all/u/Onui= 2&i k= af5d1308f4&view= pt&q=sm richards%40trentonnj .org&qs= true&s ear ch= query&th= 1518d7a926d3a5a0&s im 1518d7... 111 EXHIBIT 7 Exhibit 7 1/7/2015 05;38 T0:18099893190 FROM:7328624449 Page: - Fax Transmission To: From: John Paff Fax: 16099893190 Date: 11/7/2015 RE: Pages: 3 Trenton OPRA Custodian Records Request Comments: I have no record of having received a response to the attached OPRA request. Please advise. • ; 1/7/2015 05:38 Page: TO:16099893190 FROM: 7328624449 10/21/2015 2 GmM - Trenton OPRA w John Paff <opengovtissues@gmailcorn> Trenton OPRA 1 message John Paff <> To: Diadina Allen <dallen©> Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 12:15 PM Please accept this e-mail/fax as my request under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and the common law right of access. Please send all responses and responsive records to me via e-mail to Thank you, Background: The Attorney General's Guidelines, on-line here, requires certain information to be maintained. Records requested: 1. Trenton's Internal Affairs Summary Forms in the form of "Appendix S" of the guidelines submitted to the County Prosecutor covering January 2013 through to current date. 2. The six most recently released reports to the public summarizing the allegations received and the investigations concluded for that period. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 of the Guidelines.) The six most recently released reports to the public that give a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of 10 days or more was assessed to an agency member. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 and "Appendix U" of the Guidelines.) 4. "Brady letters" are named after the United States Supreme Court's 1963 decision in the case of Brady v. Maryland. That decision, among other things, requires law enforcement officials to notify criminal defendants and their lawyers whenever they receive information that a police officer involved in the defendants' cases has been untruthful. I would like the three most recent notifications on file with Trenton that a) were directed to defendants or their attorneys, b) which were made by any law enforcement agency (including but not limited to the Mercer https-J/rn ei I .googi,=2,3Lik--af5d1308f4&view=pt&seerchsent&th-,15081)2f284,524ecd&sirn 1506621284524ectt 1/2 .1/7/2015 05:38 TO :16099893190 FROM; 7328624449 10121/2015 Page: 3 Grnail - Trenton OPRA County Prosecutor's Office) and c) notified those defendants and/or their attorneys that an employee of the City of Trenton, including but not limited to police officers, had been untruthful. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, John Paff P.O. Box 5424 Somerset, NJ 08875 Voice: 732-873-1251 Fax: 732-862-4449 e-mail: paff©,?3,view=Ft&seerchrzsent81508b2f284524accl&sim1=1508b2f284524ecti 212 EXHIBIT 8 Exhibit 8 # 1/ 17 12-10-15;02:31PM; Memo TO: Richard M. Kachmar City Clerk From: Detective Alexis Durlacher Date: 12110/2015 Re: Opra Request — 2015-451 H Mr. Kachmar, a. Lu U.1 1. See attached 2. See attached 3. See attached 4. The Trenton Police Department is not the keeper of these records therefore cannot satisfy this portion of the request. 0 Sincerely, 0 et Ai exi CL. 0 z w F- urlacher 12-10-15;02:31PM; # 2/ 17 TRENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT CITY OF TRENTON, NEW TERSEY Posted: July 26, 2012 internal Affairs Summary Report January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 The New Jersey Attorney General Guidelines governing police internal affairs directs each police agency shall periodically release a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of ten days or more was assessed to a member of the agency. The synopsis shall not contain the identities of the officers or the complainants. From January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 the Trenton Police Department investigated and imposed the following penalties on its members: O Officer was suspended for 6 months for conduct unbecoming a public employee for neglect of duty and providing a false report. • Officer was suspended for 10 days for conduct unbecoming a public employee. Officer acted in a manner unbecoming a public employee while off duty. o Officer was suspended for 13 days for conduct unbecoming a public employee. Officer acted in a manner unbecoming a public employee while off duty, •••-. Officer was suspended for 15 days for falling to supervise. Officer failed to properly supervise officers under his/her command. 225 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08609 Phone 609-989-4100 Fax 609..989-4235 ' MERCER COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Trenton Police Department Repoding Period: January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015 TABLE #1: COMPLAINTS FILED Type cf Complaint 12-10-15;02: 31PM; Excessive Force Improper &rest Improper Entry Improper Search Other Criminal Violation Differential Treatment CemeanoT Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation Total Anonymous Complaints Citizen Complaints Agency Complaints Total Complaints 3 I 3 1 1 6 1 9 3 1 1 13 1 24 28 • 1 1 25 41 ----1 1 1 MERCER COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Trenton Police Department Reporting Period: January 1, 2015 to March 31, 2015 TABLE #2: AGENCY DISPOSITION ,Sustained Exonerated Excessive Force improper Arrest Improper Entry improper Search Other Criminal Violation Differential Treatment Demeanor Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation Total Not Sustained 1 Administratively Closed Total Dispositions 1 1 I 1 1 2 1 6 Unfounded 3 1 -I 19 19 1 1 3 4 1 6 1 1 21 32 MERCER COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Trenton Police Department Reporting Period: April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 TABLE #1: COMPLAINTS FILED Type of Complaint ENO esslve Force lrifiglroper Arrest Improper Entry improper Search Other Criminal Violation Differential Treatment Demeanor Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation Total Anonymous Complaints Citizen Complaints Agency Complaints 3 1 2 4 3 1 1 2 5 2 2 1 13 Total Complaints 12 13 13 28 MERCER COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Trenton Police Department Reporting Period: April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 TABLE #2: AGENCY DISPOSITION Sustained Exonerated Excessive Force improper Arrest improper Entry Improper Search r Other Criminal Violation Differential Yreatmenq Demeanor Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation Total 1 9 9 Not Sustained Unfounded Administratively Closed Total Dispositions 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 4 10 16 2 1 MERCER COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Trenton Police Department Reporting Period: July 1 to September 30, 2015 TABLE #1: COMPLAINTS FILED Type a Complaint iExcessive Force Improper Arrest Improper Entry Improper Search Other Criminal Violation Differential Treatment Demeanor Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation Total Anonymous Complaints - Citizen Complaints 3 1 1 2 2 Agency Complaints 1 3 12 Total Complaints 3 1 1 2 3 3 23 24 23 36 _I • MERCER COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE co PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Trenton Police Department Reporting Period: July 1 to September 30, 2015 TABLE #2: AGENCY DISPOSITION Sustained Exonerated Excessve Force Eimproper Arrest !Treproper Entry improper Search Other Criminal Violation Differential Treatment Demeanor Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation Toe 1 10 10 1 Not Sustained Unfounded AdmInlstratively Closed Total Dispossittons 2 2 1 1 5 5 6 1 1 10 13 21 30 1 I2-10-15;02:31PM; # 9/ 17 APpendixs PROFESSIONAL. STANDARDS StiNiWARY REPORT FORM Count Mercer County Trenton Police Department Agency: 2014 (Sworn Police Officers) Reporting Veen TABLE 1 — COUPLAINTS FILED Anonymous Complaints Type of Complaint ,..---......p....,...,..7,0 excessive F011;13 -0 I mpeopor Anest 0 1:715705= "'1' CM:en CoMplaints fterigY Total Compiaints Complaints .. _._.._ .. 71 I 22 5 2 0 5 0 9 Imp07per Scafr.41 0 9 0 Other Criminal Violation 0 4 5 0 1 0 1 0 7 1 a 0 x 0 2 213 59 as 7y 66 145 Diffefentiel Tmairneet Csememarior Oaf is - 4.,.ae- 1 Other Rule %%alloy) -a.=a_:..,,aiaoaaz-•••.r.atu,,,,,T...-wsw.--;,.. - . - • .-•ak --,=-_,-'r1 TOTfJ_ .-. 12-10-15;02:31PM; # 10/ 17 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Reporting Year Trenton Police Department county: Mercer 2014 (Sworn Police Officers) TABLE 2 AGENCY DISPOSMOIti Suttalnod Exonerated Not Sustained 0 rcir Excersive Force 0 Improper Mean 0 0 Improper Entrt a a o jff«roper Search 0 I 0 o 0 t Other Crirn hal Viritaten u Unfoutided Admfnis tretively Closed 1 5 7 0 3 a a- a 0 0 1 2 0 2 3 1 Difrorentiol Tramm . ont 0 0 0 0 1 Demeanor 0 2 2 0 2 0 a 0 0 2 Dor Domestic Violence Other Rule Vio Viola l ati on „—............... TOTAL ,.......---. _----,......... Sl 0_ -,..........7., 6 Tad 011000111Ons 3 12 211 --. 2 71 ........zavi.,,,,.........,..—.... 95 _ 12-10-15;02:31PM; Agency: Reporting Yuan # 11/ 17 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORA ; Mercer Trenton Police Department county 2014 (Sworn Police Of TABU 3 — COURT DISPOSMONS Court Co Dismiss/id Cases Dtvvrtoct Aequtttiou 0 Municipal Court superior Court il-,Q......--, I TOTAL Convictions 0 0 0 0 c 0 -.N.- 1•11 I) 12-10-15;02:31PM; # 12/ 17 Appndi S PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency; Reporting Yew: Trenton Police Department 2.014 County: Mercer Employees) TABLE T — COUPLAINTS PLED Type at cernplarnt , ........_ EV:Man:1RJ ■en t• Arrost • •. ifil :.,11: •• Search Anonym* Complainte . . 0 Clezen Dorm:4451mb' U 0 •0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 Othor Criminal Violat3on 0 0 Differential Treatanent 0 0 0 0 .- . 0 0 0 Derneteno 0 Domestic VICIVICO 0 0 ©lie' Rate Violation -0 0 Z 0 t 2 TOTAL Total C0tripielne$ Agemi Coo mplainis 0 0 11111111111 12-10-15;02:31PM; A 13/ 17 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMARY REPORT FORM Agency; Report:na Year Trenton Police Department County; Mercer 2014 (Civilian Employees) TABLE 2 — AG ENCY DfSPOSMONS Sustained Mot Sustained Unfounded - o ExcessIye Force o i o roper Area? J.Lnp. Improper Ently impriaRer Search Exonerated 0 . a.tornezto -faience o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 P. 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 2 a 3 ' Other Rule Viototion immlnt- -, ....2-I 2 TOTAL x — (3 0 0 0 raimpaGurirmiaaist-,.... 1 0 . 0 0 Ottrev Celmlnat Violation Demeanor 0 0 . 0 Oltfarentlal Tnaatrnent 0 Tote! Administratively Dispozilions Ousel ,....,.......... - ...,_. . . , — ' 74c .Ngti. 0 . ...0.12...msogzamie& 0 1 12-10-15;02:31PM; # 14/ 17 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT POFC-F. Trenton Police Department Agency: County: Mercer 2014 (Civilian Employees) Reporting Year; TABLE 3 COURT DISPOI3MON3 Court MilniCigkid court Su dor Court TOTAL Casoi Dicitisead 0 Cason Diverted o Acquittetz 0 Convictions 0 0 = 7 Old6C :a):91. -0 1, Appendix S PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Reporting Year: Trenton Police Department County: Mercer 2013 TABLE — COMPLAINTS FILED Type of Complaint kinommitm., Excessive Force Improper Arrest Anonymous Complaints Citizen Complaints 0 32 1 I 33 0 9 0 I 9 .4•MPE., Improper Entry 0 Improper Swett) 0 2 Other Rule Violation TOTAL 2 a 2 Is a Differential Treatment Domestic Violence 0 13 Other Criminal Violation ,_Demsanor Total Complaints Agency Complaints 0 7 0 7 0 0 4 4 o 38 32 70 104 42 146 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Agency: Reporting Year: Trenton Police Department Mercer County: 2013 TABLE 2 AGENCY DISPOSITIONS Sustained Exonerated Not Sustained Unfounded Excessive Force Tote) Dispositions Administratively Closed 8 12 0 1 1 6 00 0 a 1 1 Improper Search 0 0 0 1 1 Other Criminal 'Violation 0 0 0 2 1 12 15 Dlfferential Treatment 0 0 0 0 0 43 Demeanor 1 2 2 0 1 6 D omeetic Violence 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 5 54 9 9 19 ..........= 45 Improper Arrest 0 improper Entry Other Rule Vidatioo TOTAL A ......6.--.... 5 20 iormamme=mmizermism 13 21 I 97 Agency: Reporting Year: PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FORM Mercer Trenton Police Department County: 2013 TABLE 3 — COURT DISPOSITIONS Cases Diemiesod Court o 61uniol • -1Court Su dor Court TOTAL Case& Diverted 0 o 0 . . AD:old:ale 0 0 0 0 o Convictions 0 .......__ ..... _ EXHIBIT 9 Exhibit 9 Internal Affairs Policy & Procedures Reporting The internal affairs unit should prepare periodic reports ror the law enforcement executive that summarize the nature and disposition of all misconduct complaints the agency received. This report should be prepared at least quarterly, but may be prepared more often as directed by the executive. The report should include the principal officer; the allegation; the complainant; the age, sex, race and other complainant characteristics that might signal systematic misconduct by any member of the department; and the investigation's status. Concluded complaints should be recorded and the reasons for termination explained. See example in Appendix P. This report shall be considered a confidential, internal work product. Dissemination of the report should be limited to command personnel, the county prosecutor and the appropriate authority. Requirement 9 The agency must submit to the county prosecutor a report summarizing its internal affairs activity on a form the county prosecutor establishes for that purpose. Every law enforcement agency will report internal affairs activity to the county prosecutor on an internal affairs summary report form. This form simply summarizes the number of cases by type of case received and disposed of during the reporting period. See the example in Appendix S. Each county prosecutor will provide those law enforcement agencies in his or her jurisdiction with the report forms to be used, instructions on completing the forms, and a reporting schedule. Honesty is an essential job function for every New Jersey law enforcement officer. Officers who are not committed to the truth, who cannot convey facts and observations in an accurate and impartial manner and whose credibility can be impeached in court cannot advance the State's interests in criminal matters. In addition, defendants in criminal matters may be entitled to certain evidence the prosecutor has concerning the credibility of prosecution witnesses, including police officers. Prosecutors are considered to possess such evidence even when law enforcement agencies create and maintain information concerning the honesty of individual officers. Furthermore, prosecutors may be required to provide such evidence to the court. It is therefore imperative that the internal affairs investigator assist prosecutors with their legal duty to review and, if necessary, disclose evidence that may impact the credibility of police officers. Thus, the following matters shall be reported to the county prosecutor so that he or she may evaluate the material's relevance: 1. A finding that a police officer has filed a false report or submitted a false certification in any criminal, administrative, employment, financial or insurance matter in his or her professional or personal life." 11 This provision is not Intended to require that law enforcement agencies initiate internal affairs investigations into the accuracy of every statement, report or certification that may be filed with respect to civil litigation, including matrimonial and employment matters or any other personal or financial matters not directly related to the officer's employment. In most cases, such investigations would be inappropriate, Determinations as to the credibility of statements or certifications made in the context of litigation should be made by the courts or administrative tribunals. Determinations as to the credibility of statements or certifications in other personal or financial matters should be addressed if they arise in the context of an ongoing internal affairs investigation. 43 7/2014 Internal Affairs Poiicv & Procedures 2, A pending court complaint or conviction for any criminal, disorderly persons, petty disorderly persons, municipal ordinance or driving while intoxicated matter. 3. A finding that undermines or contradicts a police officer's educational achievements or qualifications as an expert witness. 4. A finding of fact by a judicial authority or administrative tribunal that is known to the officer's employing agency which concludes that a police officer intentionally did not tell the truth in a matter. 5. A sustained finding that a police officer intentionally mishandled or destroyed evidence. 6, A sustained finding that a police officer is biased against a particular gender or ethnic group. That law enforcement agencies report the above-listed incidents to the prosecutor's office does not constitute a mandate or requirement that the information be disclosed to the court. Prosecutors should conduct an independent review of the information provided to determine whether it needs to be disclosed and whether the officer can participate in the prosecution of criminal cases. Once a decision is reached as to a particular case or defendant, the prosecutor shall, if necessary, discuss his or her decision with the internal affairs investigator and the law enforcement executive. If it is determined that an officer cannot participate in a criminal prosecution, the prosecutor must advise the agency whether the officer's disability is limited to a particular case, a particular category of cases or all criminal matters. Requirement 10 Each agency must release reports to the public summarizing the allegations received and the investigations concluded for that period. In addition, the agency shall periodically release a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of 10 days or more was assessed to an agency member. An annual report summarizing the types of complaints received and the dispositions of those complaints shall be made available to the public. This report can be statistical in nature, and the names of complainants and subject officers shall not be published. Each agency also shall periodically release a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of ten days or more was assessed to an agency member. This synopsis shall not contain the identities of the officers or complainants, but should briefly outline the nature of the transgression and the fine or suspension imposed. An example of a synopsis is found in Appendix U. 44 712014 Appendix S PROFESSIONAL. RTANDtiRDS SLIMMAnY REPORT FORM Agency: County: Reporting Year: TABLE I — COWL/ANTS FILED Type of Complaint Excessive Force Improper Arrest Improper Entry Improper Search Other Criminal Violation Differential Treatment Demeanor Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation TC7 AL Anonymous Complaints Citizen Complaints Agency Complaints Total Complaints PROFESStON.M. STAMARDS SUMMARY REPCRT FORM County: Agency: Reporting TABLE 2 — AGENCY OiSPOSMONS Sustained Exonerated Not Sustained Unfounded Administratively Closed Total Dispositions Excessive Force Improper Arrest 11.11=11.11111111111111111 Improper Entry Improper Search 1111111111111 Other Criminal Violation MIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Differential Treatment Demeanor MEM 111111 Domestic Violence Other Rule Violation A1 .1--mor .:....i-Nt. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII ----1.1111110111111111111111111.111111111 PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SUMMARY REPORT FOR! County: Agency: Repot-3.7tg Yet r: TABLE 3 — COURT IISPOSITiONS Court Municipal Court SuIecior Court 7fxrp,L Cases Dismissed Cases Diverted Acquittals Convictions Appendix Public Synopsis of Disciplinary Action Officer was suspended for ten (10) days for insubordination, Officer refused a direct order to complete a report. Officer was suspended for twelve (12) days for failing to safeguard department property. Officer was found to be at fault for a motor vehicle accident. Officer was suspended for fifteen (15) days for neglect of duty. Officer was found on three occasions to be absent from his post. Officer was fined ten (10) vacation days for abuse of sick leave. Officer was suspended for ten (10) days for conduct unbecoming an employee. Officer attempted to collect a private debt while In uniform. Officer was suspended for twenty-five (25) days for failing to take police action. officer failed to arrest an Individual who had an active warrant. EXHIBIT 10 Exhibit 10 POLICE DEPARTMENT BOROUGH OF EDGEWATER EDGEWATER, NJ 07020 PH: 201-943-2200 FAX: 201-941-3763 Internal Affairs Complaint Summary 2014 IA-2014-1 Complaint received that two officers improperly seized and transported to a hospital an emotionally disturbed person and used excessive force in doing so. Officers were exhonerated. IA-2014-2 Complaint received that two officers improperly arrested, searched and questioned persons involved in a Domestic Violence incident. Complaint of officers demeanor and uniform. Officers were exhonerated for improper arrest, search and questioning. Complaint sustained on one officer's uniform. (did not display badge on outermost garment) IA-2014-3 Officer charged administratively for not complying with orders and removing documents from headquarters without permission. Charge sustained for neglect of duty ****Discipline involved 10 days of suspension**** IA-2014-4 Complaint received that officer had poor demeanor and refused to take a motor vehicle accident report. Complaint was not sustained IA-2014-5 Complaint received that two officers improperly detained and transported a person for psychiatric evaluation. IA-2014-6 Complaint received that on multiple occasions the Edgewater Police Department would not enter a person's residence to arrest them for commiting a disorderly persons offense. Possession of marijuana less than 50g not in an officers presence whiletinside a private residence. IA-201'4-7 Complaint received that officer improperly performed a motor vehicle stop and yelled at the driver. Complete as of 11-04-14, Captain Alex Hanna EXHIBIT 11 Exhibit 11 - Fax Transmission From: John Paff Fax: 16099893190 Date: 12/21/2015 RE: Pages: 3 To: Diadina Allen RE: OPRA No. 2015-451 Comments: I am in receipt of your December 10, 2015, 2:59 p.m. e-mail that had two files attached. One was a 3-page PDF that consisted of my one-page November 7, 2015 fax to Trenton's record custodian along with my 2-page October 21, 2015 records request. The other PDF has 17 pages and consists of a 12/10/15 cover page from Detective Alexis Burlecher followed by sixteen pages of allegedly responsive records. Pages 3 through 17 of the latter PDF are responsive to paragraph 1 of my request and I understand from Durlacher's response that no documents responsive to paragraph 4 are on file. Thus, I understand that paragraphs 1 and 4 of my request are resolved, but I do have some questions on paragraphs 2 and 3. None of the records you provided are responsive to paragraph 2. I think that you might believe that the documents responsive to #2 are the same as the "Appendix S" reports that are responsive to #1. But that is not true. Attached to this fax is a two-page report from the Edgewater Police Department I received in response to a request to that agency for the same type of record I requested from Trenton in paragraph 2. The only record responsive to paragraph 3 is the "Internal Affairs Summary Report - January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012" which is at page 3 of the 17-page PDF you sent me. nut I had requested the "six most recently released" versions of that report and Trenton sent me only one. Please advise whether the documents fully responsive to #2 and #3 exist, and if so please provide me with copies of them. For each record that you deny, please explain why it is exempt from access. Thank you. John Paff POLICE DEPARTMENT BOROUGH OF EDGEWATER EDGEWATER, NJ 07020 PH: 201-943-2200 FAX: 201-941-3763 Internal Affairs Complaint Summary 2014 IA-2014-1. Complaint received that two officers improperly seized and transported to a hospital an emotionally disturbed person and used excessive force in doing so. Officers were exhonerated. IA-2014-2 Complaint received that two officers improperly arrested, searched and questioned persons involved in a Domestic Violence incident. Complaint of officers demeanor and uniform. Officers were exhonerated for improper arrest, search and questioning. Complaint sustained on one officer's uniform, (did not display badge on outermost garment) 1A-2014-3 Officer charged administratively for not complying with orders and removing documents from headquarters without permission. Charge sustained for neglect of duty ****Discipline involved 10 days of suspension**** IA-2014-4 Complaint received that officer had poor demeanor and refused to take a motor vehicle accident report. Complaint was not sustained 1A-2014-5 Complaint received that two officers improperly detained and transported a person for psychiatric evaluation. IA-2014-6 Complaint received that on multiple occasions the Edgewater Police Department would not enter a person's residence to arrest them for commiting a disorderly persons offense. Possession of marijuana less than 50g not in an officers presence while, inside a private residence. IA-201'4-7 Complaint received that officer improperly performed a motor vehicle stop and yelled at the driver. Complete as of 11-04-14, Captain Alex Hanna PashmanStein April 1, 2016 Government Records Council 101 S Broad Street Trenton, NJ 08608 Re: John Paff v. Trenton GRC Complaint No: Our File No. 9932-011 Dear Council: This firm represents Complainant, John Paff, in the above-captioned matter. Please accept this letter brief, in lieu of a more formal brief, in support of Complainant's complaint seeking relief from Defendant's denial of the Open Public Records Act ("OPRA") request. STATEMENT OF FACTS Complainant, John Paff, submitted an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request to the City of Trenton on October 21, 2015. In his request, Paff sought the following four categories of records related to the Trenton Police Department's Internal Affairs function: 1. Trenton's Internal Affairs Summary Forms in the form of "Appendix S" of the guidelines submitted to the County Prosecutor covering January 2013 through to current date. 2. The six most recently released reports to the public summarizing the allegations received and the investigations concluded for that period. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 of the Guidelines.) 3. The six most recently released reports to the public that give a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of 10 days or more was assessed to an agency member. (See Requirement 10 on page 44 and "Appendix U" of the Guidelines.) Pashman Stein, PC Court Plaza South 21 Main Street, Suite 200 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: 201.488.8200 Fax: 201.488.5556 PashmanStein 4. "Brady letters" are named after the United States Supreme Court's 1963 decision in the case of Brady v. Maryland. That decision, among other things, requires law enforcement officials to notify criminal defendants and their lawyers whenever they receive information that a police officer involved in the defendants' cases has been untruthful. I would like the three most recent notifications on file with Trenton that a) were directed to defendants or their attorneys, b) which were made by any law enforcement agency (including but not limited to the Mercer County Prosecutor's Office) and c) notified those defendants and/or their attorneys that an employee of the City of Trenton, including but not limited to police officers, had been untruthful. (Paff Cert., ¶ 1). Paff submitted his October 21, 2015 request via e-mail to the specific City employee that the City Clerk had previously instructed him to contact regarding records requests. (Paff Cert., ¶ 2). After not having received a response, Paff, on November 7, 2015, faxed a copy of his request to the fax number that the City has designated as its OPRA fax line alerting the "Trenton OPRA Custodian" that no response had yet been made to his October 21, 2015 request. (Paff Cert., TT 3, 4) After having received no response to either his October 21, 2015 request or his November 7, 2015 follow-up, Paff once again reached out to several City officials via e-mail on November 29, 2015. (Paff Cert., ¶ 5). Then, on December 10, 2015, City employee Diadina Allen e-mailed him a curt advisory that "This file is now closed!" along with two attachments: a) Paffs November 7, 2015 faxed follow with his October 21, 2015 OPRA request appended and b) a 27-page file consisting of a The City's December 10, 2015 response revealed that the City did in fact receive Paffs November 7, 2015 fax on that date because it attached his November 7, 2025 fax with the fax transmission information on the top evidencing that it was received that date. (Paff Cert., ¶ 7). Page 2 PashmanStein one-page memo from Trenton Police Detective Alexis Durlacher and 26 pages of documents. (Paff Cert., ¶¶ 6, 7 and 8). Paff decided to give the agency one last shot at fulfilling my OPRA request, so on December 21, 2015, he faxed another letter to Diadina Allen regarding this request. He explained to Allen that the records she produced were only responsive to ¶1 of my request and parts of ¶3. (He accepted her response that the City does not possess records responsive to ¶4). Paff provided her a sample of a record that would be responsive to ¶2. He also explained to her that for ¶3, she only produced one record in response that was titled "Internal Affairs Summary Report — January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012." However, his request was for the "six most recently released" versions of that report, not just one report. (Paff Cert., 1111). Paff did not receive a response to his email. (Paff Cert., ¶12). ARGUMENT I. DEFENDANTS HAVE VIOLATED THE OPEN PUBLIC RECORDS ACT BY UNLAWFULLY DENYING ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT RECORDS Paff urges the Council to find that the City has violated the OPRA in two ways. First, the City violated N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5(i) by failing to respond to Paffs request "within seven business days after receiving [hisj request." Second, the City, in its response, has failed to provide Paff with enough information to allow him to accurately determine whether all the records responsive to his request were disclosed. Indeed, it appears that the City failed to produce any records that are actually responsive to ¶2 of Paff s request and only produced one record in response to ¶3. A. Trenton Violated OPRA By Failing to Respond Within 7 Business Days OPRA mandates that "a custodian of a government record shall grant access to a government record or deny a request for access to a government record as soon as possible, but not later than seven business days after receiving the request." N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5(i). Further, the Page 3 PashmanStein statute provides that "in the event a custodian fails to respond within seven business days after receiving a request, the failure to respond shall be deemed a denial of the request." Id. Paff first emailed his request on October 21, 2015. The City did not respond at all. (Paff Cert., ¶2, Exhibit 1). Paff then re-submitted his request via fax on November 7, 2015. (U at ¶2). Once again, there was absolutely no response. (Id. at ¶5). Finally, on November 29, 2015, Paff e-mailed and four other employees, notifying them that he still had not received a response to his request. Ultimately, no one responded to Paff s request until December 10, 2015. A response was due 7 business days from October 21, 2015, making it due on October 30, 2015. Even if the City claims that Paff's October 21, 2015 request somehow was not received, there is no doubt that his November 7, 2015 follow-up (which included a copy of his October 21, 2015 request) was received. We know this because on December 10, 2015, the City's Diadina Allen e-mailed him a copy of his November 7, 2015 follow-up that had the fax transmission data across the top border. This line of data--which runs across all three pages of Paffs November 7, 2015 transmission--conclusively established that the City of Trenton had received Paffs transmission on November 7, 2015. (Paff Cert., ¶7, Exhibit 7). Further, there can be no doubt that Paff sent his fax to the correct fax number because 609-989-3190, which is listed in the top margin of the transmission, is the same number that the City's website invites OPRA requestors to use. (Paff Cert., ¶4, Exhibit 4). Accordingly, even if the November 7, 2015 date is used, the seventh business day thereafter would have been November 19, 2015. Therefore, the City's failure to produce the records within seven business days of a valid request constitutes a "deemed denial" of the request and this Court should compel immediate access to the records. N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5(i) Page 4 PashmanStein B. Trenton Failed to State a Specific Lawful Basis for Denying Access to Records Paffs request sought four categories of information set forth in four numbered paragraphs. Detective Durlacher, in her December 10, 2015 memo, properly denied the records sought in ¶4 of Paffs request by saying the City does not have those records. Accordingly, Paff does not challenge the City's response to that paragraph. The memo, however, did not address in any detail the records that were purportedly offered as responsive to II 1 to 3 of the request. Rather, Durlacher's memo simply states "See attached" and directs the reader to the twenty-six pages that follow. There is no explanation as to which documents purportedly respond to which item of the request. The first page after Durlacher's memo is a document entitled "Internal Affairs Summary Report - January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012" which was apparently intended to be responsive to ¶ 3 of Paffs request. We know that this record is responsive to ¶ 3 because it corresponds to "Appendix U" from the Attorney General's Internal Affairs Policy and Procedures Manual (which Paff cited in his request). (Puff Cert., ¶9, Exhibit 9). Paragraph 3 of Paffs request, however, sought "the six most recently released reports to the public that give a brief synopsis of all complaints where a fine or suspension of 10 days or more was assessed. There are no other records in the twenty-six pages provided by Durlacher that are similar to Appendix U or the Summary Report that was provided for the first half of 2012. If the Summary Reports are issued semi-annually, as the January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 report suggests, then similar reports that covered five other semi-annual periods should have also been disclosed because they would be responsive to Paff s request. Instead, the City only partially fulfilled ¶3. Page 5 PashmanStein None of the twenty-six pages of documents are responsive to ¶2 of Paff s request, because none correspond to Appendix S to the Attorney General's Internal Affairs Policy and Procedures Manual (which Paff cited in his request). Thus, ¶2 was not fulfilled at all. When a request for government records is made, OPRA "generally places the burden upon the custodian of a public record to state the 'specific basis' for the denial of access{.]" Gannett N.J. Partners, LP v. Cnty. of Middlesex, 379 N.J. Super. 205, 215 (App. Div. 2005) (quoting N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5(g)). See also N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5(g) ("If the custodian is unable to comply with a request for access, the custodian shall indicate the specific basis therefore on the request form and promptly return it to the requestor."). In the present case, the City provided no reasoning for the lack of production of records. The City's response is insufficient and violates OPRA because it: 1) failed to produce all records responsive to Paff s request and 2) failed to state the specific basis why records were not provided, so that Paff could determine why other records might be withheld. Do the records not exist? Does the City maintain that other records are exempt? The City's response has provided Paff no ability to determine whether the City's response was lawful. Paff followed-up with the City, pointing out the deficiencies and he then waited and waited for a response and never received one. Thus, his only option is to file this GRC Complaint so that he may obtain a lawful response from the City.2 CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, Paff respectfully asks this council to enforce his statutory rights under OPRA by (1) declaring that the City is in violation of OPRA by failing to provide 2 Complainant is a prevailing party entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees because the City's response will be the production of a lawful response to his request, either in the form of the production of additional records or in telling him that the basis for not producing other records is that the records are unavailable, do not exist, or some other lawful basis. Page 6 PashmanStein complete access to the requested records; and (2) directing the City to release the requested records to Paff forthwith or, in the alternative, delete or excise from the records withheld in their entirety the portion(s) that are exempt from public access and promptly permit access to the remainder of the record; (3) directing the City to prepare a lawful response to Paff s request; and (4) awarding attorney's fess and costs of suit. Respectfully Submitted, CJ Griffin Page 7