Mar 6, 2016 - St. Mary`s Parish Albany


Mar 6, 2016 - St. Mary`s Parish Albany
March 6, 2016
6 de Marzo 2016
St. Mary’s Parish
was lost
but now
he is
Mass Schedule and Intentions
March 5 -11
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Gerald Fery
5:00 PM ~ Memory of Cynthia Langendorf
7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Camille DeWilde
11:00 AM ~ Memory of Lowell Barrett
1:00 PM ~ Intentions of TC VanNatta
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Charles Slechta
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Elsa Riccomi
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Carlos Gutierrez
5:30 PM ~ Memory of Camille DeWilde
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Mike Corso
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Tom Marks
March 12 - 13
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Camille DeWilde
5:00 PM ~ Memory of Linnie Townlin
7:00 PM ~ For the People of St. Mary’s
8:30 AM ~ Memory of Rickey Keller
11:00 AM ~ Memory of Irene Chambers
1:00 PM ~ Intentions of TC VanNatta
Mass Intentions & Memorial Candles
If you would like to have a Mass offered for a particular
Intention or for someone who has died, or if you would like to
dedicate a candle to an intention or a loved one, please call the
parish office. The stipend for the Mass is $10. The candles are
$30 for 1 month, $60 for 6 months, or $90 for one year. Our
office staff will help you find an open date and time for a Mass,
or available candles for dedications.
On Stations of the Cross. Every Friday of Lent, we follow the Lord on his path to
Calvary. This devotion allows us to be close to Jesus and share in his sufferings. It also allows
us to do penance.
The devotion evolved over time. Tradition has it that the Mother of God, the Blessed
Virgin Mary, visited daily the scenes of our Lord’s passion. When Constantine recognized
Christianity as the empire’s official religion, the pathway was marked with stops or stations.
Pilgrims visit these stations and followed the way of the Cross.
The number of stations vary according to who does or promotes the devotion. These
stations vary. But as it is developed, stations of greater significance were emphasized.
William Wey, an English pilgrim popularized 14 stations.
When the Franciscans took custody of the Holy Sites, they introduced prayers and
indulgences when following the footsteps of Christ. The devotional prayers became popular
in the 16th century and was translated into different languages.
“At the end of the 17th century, the erection of stations in churches became more popular. In 1686, Pope
Innocent XI, realizing that few people could travel to the Holy Land due to the Moslem oppression, granted the right to
erect stations in all of their churches and that the same indulgences would be given to the Franciscans and those affiliated
with them for practicing the devotion as if on an actual pilgrimage. Pope Benedict XIII extended these indulgences to all
of the faithful in 1726.
Five years later, Pope Clement XII permitted stations to be created in all churches and fixed the number at 14. In
1742, Pope Benedict XIV exhorted all priests to enrich their churches with the Way of the Cross, which must include 14
crosses and are usually accompanied with pictures or images of each particular station. The popularity of the devotion
was also encouraged by preachers like St. Leonard Casanova (1676-1751) of Porto Maurizio, Italy, who reportedly
erected over 600 sets of stations throughout Italy.
To date, there are 14 traditional stations.” (Fr. William Suanders)
Year of Mercy. This March, the corporal work of mercy that we are enjoined to participate in is to forgive
offenses and admonish sinners.
On the cross, where Christ was hanging, he did not condemn his persecutors. He called to God saying, “Father,
forgive them for they not what they do.” Forgiveness is easy for a heart filled with the love of God. Jesus is filled with
the Father’s love. With that love, Jesus cannot help not to share love and forgive sinners.
Love impels us to admonish the wrong doing of our fellow human beings. Love is not tolerance. Love is courage
to tell the other what needs to be told in the light of the truth of the Gospel.
This Jubilee year, specifically this month of March, we are asked to forgive the offenses of those who hurt us
and admonish those who hurt us.
En las estaciones de la cruz. Todos los viernes de Cuaresma, seguimos al Señor en su camino al Calvario. Esta
devoción nos permite estar cerca de Jesús y compartir sus sufrimientos. También nos permite hacer penitencia.
La devoción evolucionado con el tiempo. La tradición dice que la Madre de Dios, la Virgen María, visita
diariamente las escenas de la pasión del Señor. Cuando Constantino reconoció el cristianismo como la religión oficial del
imperio, la vía estaba marcado con paradas o estaciones. Los Peregrinos visitan estas estaciones y siguen el camino de la
El número de las estaciones varían en función de que hace o promueve la devoción. Estas estaciones varían. Pero
a medida que se desarrollaba, se hizo hincapié en las estaciones de mayor importancia. William Wey, un peregrino
Inglés popularizó 14 estaciones.
Cuando los Franciscanos tomaron la custodia de los Santos Lugares, introdujeron oraciones e indulgencias al
seguir las huellas de Cristo. Las oraciones devocionales se hizo popular en el siglo 16 y fue traducido a diferentes
"A finales del siglo 17, la construcción de estaciones en las iglesias se hizo más popular. En 1686, el Papa
Inocencio XI, al darse cuenta de que pocas personas podrían viajar a Tierra Santa debido a la opresión musulmana, el
concede el derecho de instalar estaciones en todas sus iglesias y que las mismas indulgencias se les daría a los
(continua en la pagina próxima)
Franciscanos y a los afiliados a ellas para la práctica de la devoción como si estuvieran en un peregrinaje real. El Pap
Benedicto XIII amplió estas indulgencias a todos los fieles en 1726.
Cinco años más tarde, el papa Clemente XII permite que se crearán en todas las iglesias y se fija hasta el número
14. En 1742, el Papa Benedicto XIV exhortó a todos los sacerdotes a enriquecer sus iglesias con el Camino de la Cruz, el
cual debe incluir 14 cruces y son por lo general acompañados de fotografías o imágenes de cada estación en particular.
La popularidad de la devoción también se sintió alentado por predicadores como San Leonardo Casanova (1676-1751) de
Porto Maurizio, de Italia, que según se informo hizo más de 600 conjuntos de estaciones en toda Italia.
Hasta la fecha, hay 14 estaciones tradicionales. “(Padre William Suanders)
Año de la Misericordia. Este mes de Marzo, la obra de misericordia corporal que estamos obligados a participar
es en perdonar delitos y amonestar o advertir a los pecadores.
En la cruz, donde Cristo fue colgado, no condenó a sus perseguidores. Llamó a Dios diciendo: "Padre,
perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen." El perdón es fácil para un corazón lleno del amor de Dios. Jesús está lleno de
amor del Padre. Con ese amor, Jesús no puede ayudar a no compartir el amor y perdonar a los pecadores.
El amor nos impulsa a amonestar el mal hechos a los demás seres humanos. El amor no es la tolerancia. El amor
es el valor de decirle al otro lo que necesita ser contada a la luz de la verdad del Evangelio.
Este año jubilar, en concreto este mes de Marzo, se nos pide perdonar y amonestar los delitos a los que nos hacen
daño o nos han lastimado.
“Come, Follow Me” Women’s Retreat
May 6th – 8th` at Fr. Bernard Youth Center, Mt. Angel.
This retreat offers a journey with Christ which is so deep that it transforms your relationship with God, with
yourself, with others and with the world. Come, join us! Information and registration can be found on the St.
Edward website .
“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did
for me” (Mt 25:40). Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with our
poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collection serves Jesus in the
victims of human trafficking, those who suffer from unjust laws, and those who need
pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. This weekend we are
taking up a collection for CRS; if you were not able to participate you may return your donation to the office
or through next week’s collection, marking your donation “CRS” in the memo line. Please be generous as
you help Jesus in disguise.
“Yo les aseguro que, cuando lo hicieron con el más insignificante de mis hermanos, conmigo lo hicieron” (Mt
25:40). Hoy se nos recuerda que Jesús se identificó con los más pobres de nuestros hermanos y hermanas.
The Catholic Relief Services Collection sirve a Jesús en las víctimas del tráfico humano, en los que sufren por
leyes injustas y en los que necesitan cuidado pastoral y asistencia humanitaria en todo el mundo. Al apoyar a
la colecta de hoy, estarás ayudando a Jesús con otro rosto, ¿le ayudarás? Por favor, sé generoso.
Esperanza Para Las Madres
Retiro Para Las Mujeres
La depresión después del parto
Grupo de Apoyo en español
En el Boys and Girls Club,
De Albany los Miércoles de
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Para mas información llamar al
541- 812-4303 o al 541- 768-5772
pregunta por Rocio
El grupo San Juan Diego invita a todas las mujeres a un Retiro que
sera el Marzo 11,12 y 13 del 2016
Lugar: FBYC 980 S Main Mt. Angel
Salida: Vienes 11 a las 6:00pm de la Iglesia St. Maria
822 Ellsworth SW Albany OR 97321
Regresamos:El Domingo 13 a las 4:00pm
Costo: $75.00
Para mas información favor de llamar a:
Albany: Reina Vasquez 541-974-7941 o con
Rosario Quiroz 541-971-8737
Lebanon:Yolanda Torres 541-570-2560
Corvallis:Bernarda Fuentes 541-870-3778
Offertory Update Week Ending 2/28/16
Come & See Weekend
General Collection: $7,033
Raise the Roof: $168
Catholic Education Fund: $1
Hispanic Ministry Collection: $879
Have you ever felt that you might be called to be a priest or
a brother? If you are a high school junior, and would like to
learn more about the Holy Cross undergraduate seminary,
we would like to invite you to join us at Old College:
March 17-19, 2016
Come stay with us for the weekend, and join the current
Old Collegians for Mass, prayer, meals, and conversations
about what life is like for Holy Cross Seminarians. Meet
one on one with a Vocations Director, and take a tour of the
Holy Cross & Notre Dame campuses. Contact the Office of
Vocations at 574-631-6385 or email us at for more information or to
Thank you for your support of St. Mary’s Parish through
your prayers, good wishes and gifts of time and money. If you
would like to use envelopes or EFT to make your donations,
please contact the parish office. Thanks!
Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saint Dominic Savio, Patron of Children, Italy (18421857) – March 9
“What else do I need to be happy? Nothing in this
world but to be able to see Him (Jesus in the Sacred
Host), whom I now see by faith and adore on the alter.” (St. Dominic Savio) Taught by St. John Bosco, St.
Dominic achieved holiness as a child by staying close to
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and Our Lady. St. Dominic
encouraged his friends to be saints too.
Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. Adoration is available in the chapel 24 hours
every day. For adoration outside of the 24-hour regular
Thursday schedule, call the office for instructions and to
enlist. Everyone is welcome. Spend as much or as little
time as you can. Thank you for offering our Lord this
special hour. Expect God's blessing, and give Him thanks.
Holy Family on the Move
The next to receive the statue of the Holy Family will be
Joan Westbrook.
St. Mary's Men's Group
Come any Monday evening and join other men reflecting
on “How to be a Catholic Man in the World Today”
Mondays at 7 pm in Saint John XXIII Chapel Entrance
from the parking lot by the playground. For more
information, contact Stuart Conser at 541.619.8101
The Passover reenactment
The Passover reenactment will be held on Sunday, March
6. It will be in Spanish at 11 a.m. in the cafeteria, and in
English at noon in the Gathering Space. This is open to
anyone in the parish, and is required for those preparing
for a sacrament this year. We would like a headcount of
participants for the purpose of ordering supplies, so if you
are planning to attend, please RSVP to the parish office or
to Suzanne Duda at 541-926-1449 x344. Thank you.
DAILY ROSARY … The rosary is prayed daily before
mass in the chapel starting at 8 a.m. every day except
Wednesday and Sunday. On Wednesday we have special
prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help starting at 8 a.m. and
then pray the rosary after mass. The Chaplet of Divine
Mercy is prayed every day (except Sunday) in the chapel
after the 8:30 a.m. mass. Please feel welcome to join us.
Travel back in time to “Oklahoma” - March 10-12, 2016
with Regis High School’s Drama Department as they
perform Rodgers & Hammerstein’s musical “Oklahoma”
under the direction of Anna Boedigheimer.
This high-spirited drama portrays the rivalry between the
local farmers and cowboys after the turn of the century.
Marriage Enrichment Series
Oklahoma opens March 10th and plays through Saturday
Queen of Peace Church, Salem Oregon 7:00 – 8:30pm
March 12th at Regis High School. Three evening
Monday, March 14, 2016, Caring for Your Marriage
performances at 7:00 pm with a matinee at 1:00 pm on
While Parenting/Grand Parenting Your Young and Adult
March 12th. Ticket sales begin on February 22 at
Children. Learn strategies for approaching parenting as an or call 503.769-2159. Advance
intentional action, with your partner, while preserving your purchase of tickets recommended.
Monday, April 11, 2016, The Passionate Marriage: a
respectful, fun guide for growing love and intimacy in your
EASTER Candy for the Egg Hunt
relationship. This presentation is for couples or individuIt’s almost time for the Easter Egg Hunt! If
als, unmarried, engaged, married, or remarried any number
you are able to donate unopened storeof years; and individuals separated, or divorced; who would
bought wrapped candies for the eggs, we
like to invest an evening in learning how to sustain and
would greatly appreciate it. Bring them to
strengthen their relationships. Presented by Martin Gay,
the office T-F 9am-Noon or 1-4pm, OR
marriage and family therapist. More Information and
bring them to mass and put them in the box
in the foyer with the bunny on it.
Register online at or by leaving a
message (name and number) at 503-375-6362. No fee for
this presentation series.
Extended Confession Times Thru Lent
The Lenten Season is all about God’s Mercy and how we can make things right with God. It’s all because of God’s
Mercy and desire for us to be as close to Him as we can get that He gave us His Son as a sacrifice. Jesus wanted us to
be his brothers & sisters, to share in the Kingdom, so he gave his life for us. As hard as it may sometimes be, our part is
to accept the patient love they offer, set aside our own chagrin and go to confession to receive the Grace He is oh so
patiently waiting to give us.
For the rest of Lent, Father has extended confession times to the same business days and hours as the parish office, so
if you wish to receive confession Tuesday - Friday from 9:30am-Noon & 1-4pm, please stop by St Mary’s, go into the
chapel entry and to the right is a counter with a phone. Above the phone is a sign. If the sign is turned to show the
priest is in doing confessions, have a seat and he will come through to find you. If the sign is turned saying to call the
office, follow the directions and we will be with you shortly.
The usual confession times around the masses are still in place as is the reconciliation service on March 15th at 7pm.
Stations of the Cross - Fridays only - At your convenience
If you wish to come to the church to do Stations of the Cross on your own, as long as there isn’t already a Mass or other
event going on - Come on in! Late morning, lunch break, late afternoon - come in through the Chapel entrance, pick up
a Stations guide and head into the church. There are still the regularly scheduled evening Stations lead by various
church groups (see schedule on the front page).
Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Monday, March 14, 9:00a-11:00a in the basement of the Lady of
Guadalupe House. Meetings are open for anyone wishing to learn more about the Shawl Ministry and/or wanting
to learn the crafts of knitting and crocheting. The upcoming meeting will be an organizational meeting to plan for
the presentation of the Stations of the Cross lead by the Prayer Shawl Ministry on Friday, March 18, at
7:00pm. Please plan to join us on March 18. If you would like further information about this ministry contact Carol
Hawke at 541-926-2106 or email at Remember our shawls are always available in the
cabinet in the Gathering Space located next to the windows - there is no charge for a shawl for anyone.
Thank you St. Mary's people!!!! Shawl Ministry sends a big "Thank You' and a prayer of thanksgiving to those of you
that continue to support this ministry through your generous donations of funds and supplies. We are blessed to
have a community of faith that has and continues to support our efforts throughout these many years. Without
your prayers, use of the ministry by giving of the shawls and continued support this ministry surely would not thrive
- blessings to each of you!
Reminder to Schedule Use of Rooms
Please remember to schedule use of rooms with Joni at the Parish office well in advance of the event.
All use must be approved by the office.
When you do use a room, please respect other people’s property. Largely, you should return the room to the set up it
had before you used it. Do not remove posters or other property unless they are yours. If you have accidentally done
this recently, please return the items to the room you took them from. Thank you.
Prayer Corner 
Please keep all those who are in the military, or are ill or suffering in your prayers.
For those who are ill or homebound: Gary Vosper, Annette Hobbs, Bernie, John H. Haller, Wesley Hilliker,
Albert Miller, Paulita de Hernandez, Paul Williams and those struggling with cancer and other illnesses or upcoming
We pray for peace throughout our entire world. We remember our family members and friends who are serving the
military: Andy Borst, Michael Pennington, Thomas Hellman, Kennon Whyte, Mike Andre, Nathan Nofziger,
Trisa Engel
If you would like to add the name of someone who is serving in the military, please call the office.
For the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed: Sandra Bishop
Lenten Calendar
March 6th - 2nd Scrutiny - 11am Mass
March 11th - Stations of the Cross / Estaciones de la Cruz - 7pm
March 12th - 3rd Scrutiny - 5pm Mass
March 15th - Reconciliation Service - 7pm
March 18th - Stations of the Cross / Estaciones de la Cruz - 7pm
March 19th & 20th - Palm Sunday
March 23rd - Reflection on the 7 Last Words - 6:30pm
Las Últimas Siete Palabras
March 24th thru 26th - NO 8:30am MASSES THESE DAYS
24th - Mass of Institution & Washing of the Feet - 7pm
25th - Veneration of the Cross & Liturgy of the Word - 7pm
March 26th - Easter Vigil - 8:30pm
March 27th - Easter Sunday, Masses at 7, 9 & 11am and at 1pm
Easter Egg Hunt After the 9am Family Mass
Blessing of Easter Dinner & Easter Baskets between Masses
Don’t forget!
Next Saturday
March 12th is the day
to turn your clocks
ahead by an hour.
Don’t want you to be
late for services.
Local Lenten
Reconciliation Services
All services are at 7pm
March 8
March 9
March 14
March 15
March 17
Sweet Home
The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) is holding its 2016 convention at the Grotto on April
15-16. At 4 pm on Friday Archbishop Alexander K. Sample will enter the church through the Holy Doors of
the Jubilee Year of Mercy to offer Mass. All are welcome. Following Mass, Patrick Ryan of Mater Dei Radio
will be the keynote speaker at the 5:30 pm banquet. After choosing the events you will attend, please mail
the total amount attached to the events you will attend to Barb Francescon, 11508 SE 48 th Ave., Milwaukie,
OR 97222, 503.659.3034.
Friday: 9-12nooon business meeting, 1-3:30 speakers on Archdiocesan communications and family life =
$20. 12 noon lunch= $15, 5:30 pm banquet= $25.
Saturday: 9:30 am Speakers on The Campaign for Human Development/Phoenix Rising Transitions; 12:30 pm
Panel: Human Solutions/St. Francis Dining Hall; 1:30 pm Panel: Rose Haven/Mother & Child Education Center. Registration=$20 and 11:00 am lunch=$15.
For information call Barb Franceson 503.659.3034 or Sue Anker 503.252.2574.
We are offering a free class in fall prevention for older
adults. Many older adults experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities. A MATTER OF BALANCE is
an award-winning program designed to manage falls and
increase activity levels. And it is free to attendees! Preregistration is required.
LOCATION: First United Methodist Church Chapel
1115 28th Ave SW (corner of 28th & Umatilla), Albany
DATES: 8 sessions - every Tuesday,
March 8 through April 26, 2016
TIME: 9:00 to 11:00 am
RSVP as space limited to 12 attendees
Call 541-757-9616 or e-mail
Easter Flowers ~ In Loving Memory
Parishioners are invited to donate money toward Easter flowers in memory of a loved
one or in honor of friends or family. If you would like to remember someone in this
way, please fill out the form below and return to the office. Thank You!
Phone: ___________________________
email: _______________________________________
Please accept my donation of $______ for Easter Flowers.
Please accept my donation of $______ towards the Paschal
(Suggested donation $10 for individuals or $25 for a family)
In Loving Memory of:
In Honor of:
For the weeks of Lent at least, please consider joining the St.
Mary' Men's bible group that meets once a week each
Saturday at 9.30 AM in the St. Maximilian Kolbe room; the entrance faces the children's Play Land beside the church parking
lot. The group reads and reflects on the gospel of the Sunday
mass. We use a lectio divina approach, rather than studying the
gospel academically. Lectio divina, or "sacred reading" is an ancient Church practice of praying by reading the scriptures. This
method has been revived in the Church today and has become
very popular.
Here's what we do: The gospel text is read slowly and deliberately two or three times with short periods between each reading for prayerful silence and reflection, with pointers on how to
better listen to what the Lord says to each in the silence of the
heart. For more information about the group, contact either of
the following group members:
Rich Amos at, AMOSR@ME.COM,
Brian Badger at and
Joe Reilly at
Centering Prayer pioneered by
Father Thomas Keating, as well as
providing an opportunity to
experience this prayer at the
workshop and six opportunities at
the six weekly follow-up sessions.
No previous experience is required.
Folks from all walks of life and faiths Participants will be provided helpful
are invited to a Centering Prayer
suggestions on how to begin to
workshop Saturday March 12th,
include Centering Prayer in one’s
2016 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church
daily life.
at 822 Ellsworth St SW in Albany
The workshop facilitation, as well
from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm (in the
gathering space). Centering Prayer as the weekly follow-up sessions,
will be provided by Contemplative
is a receptive method of silent/
Outreach of Portland. A donation of
meditative prayer that can add a
center of calm and restorative peace $35.00 to Contemplative Outreach
to one’s daily life. It does not
is suggested. To register please call
replaceother types of prayer but
971-236-8372 or visit
adds depth and meaning to all
prayer. For further information
contact St. Mary’s parishioners
This workshop series introduces
the method and history of Christian Jenny at 541-971-1297 or Elaine at
MARCH 12, 2016.
Men’s Silent Retreat
with Fr. Gregory Dick,
O.Praem at Our Lady of Peace
Retreat in Beaverton on April
15 – 17, 2016. The retreat
theme is “The Holy Spirit at
Work in the Age of Mercy.”
The weekend begins with
dinner on Friday evening and
concludes after brunch on
Sunday. $150 per person. For inquires or to register, please phone the retreat
house at 503-649-7127 or
Catholic Adult
Faith Experience
continues to meet
after the 8:30 Sunday
morning Mass. Join
us 9:45 - 10:45 at our
new location in the
Gathering Space,
near the windows!
Calling all MS & HS Youth!
Stations of the Cross
Friday, March 11, 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 6
The youth will lead this Stations of the Cross and we
need LOTS of help! All middle and high school youth
are invited to share their time and talent for this special
lenten devotion for our parish. Please contact Cherrie in
the Youth Ministry Office for information and the practice schedule. Thanks!
Candidate-Sponsor Session, 9:00-Noon
Begin in the youth loft. Please invite your
sponsor if you haven’t already.
Resurrection Project Outlines were due
Feb. 7. Please turn yours in right away if you
haven’t already (Parish Office, attn: Cherrie)
Save the date!
Steubenville Northwest
July 29 - 31, 2016
Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
 Sun., Feb. 28, 9:45-10:45 am or
 Tues, March 8, 6:30-7:30 pm
All interested high school youth and their parents are asked to attend one of the two meetings. If for any reason you cannot make it but
would like more information, please contact
Cherrie in the Youth Ministry Office.
Reserva este dia!
St. Mary’s and St. Edward’s will attend together! Fr. Cit will be
joining us too! Save the date and plan to attend this amazing
weekend of spiritual growth. Dynamic speakers! Vibrant praise
and worship! Grace through the Sacraments of Reconciliation
and Holy Eucharist! A place where over 1000 Catholic teens are
able to laugh, cry, sing, pray, discern, be encouraged, and be
healed. Steubenville Northwest is a weekend for those just coming to know God, and for those yearning for a deeper relationship as a disciple of Christ.
Join us this summer! Your life will never be the same!
All High School Youth Welcome!
Steubenville Northwest
En la Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA. Los jóvenes de High
School de la Iglesia Santa María y San Eduardo asistirán juntos!
El Padre Cit nos acompañara! Reserve esta fecha y planea
acompañarnos este increíble fin de semana de crecimiento
espiritual! Predicadores dinámicos; alabanza y adoración vibrante; gracia a través de los sacramentos de la Reconciliación y
la Eucaristía; un lugar donde más de 1.000 adolescentes católicos son capaces de reír, llorar, cantar, orar, discernir, alentar, y
son sanados. Steubenville Noroeste es un fin de semana para
los que acaban de conocer a Dios, y para aquellos que anhelan
una relación más profunda como discípulo de Cristo. Únase a
nosotros este verano. ¡Tu vida nunca será la misma!
Todo los Jóvenes de High School
son Bienvenido!
Julio 29 - 31, 2016
 Febrero 28 de 9:45 am a 10:45am
arriba en el salón de jóvenes o
también el
 Marzo 8 de 6:30pm a 7:30pm se
avisara donde sera
Todos los jóvenes de high school interesados y sus padres les pedimos
que asistan a una de las siguientes
reuniones. Si por alguna razón no
pueden asistir a esta reunion pero le
gustaría obtener mas información, favor de contactarse con Cherrie en la
oficina del ministerio de Jóvenes.
St. Mary’s
Appreciates our
Bulletin advertisers!
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Regent: Geri Martin,
1st Monday each month @ 7 PM
Our Bulletin goes out in
print, via email and is
posted on the web &
For info about an ad in the
bulletin, contact Joni at the
parish office.
Dave Pautsch
Bill Raschko
Juan Vasquez
St. Mary’s
Principal Broker
Listing Specialist
Buyer Broker
Listing Specialist
Buyer Broker
Listing Specialist
Buyer Broker
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131 Years!
1885– 2016
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pray for us.
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705 First Ave E
Changing Lives
Open 10 AM— 6 PM
Welcome to St. Mary’s Parish
March 6th, 2016
4th Sunday of Lent
706 Ellsworth SW, Albany, OR 97321
Father Aniceto Guiriba, Administrator, ext 338
Father Leonard Omolo, ALCP, Parochial Vicar, ext 338
Administrative Assistant to the Priests: Teresa Middlemiss, ext 338
Parish Office: Marty Kloeck
Business Office: Joni Siewell ext 305
Music Director: Nancy Higgins, ext 304
Youth Coordinator: Cherrie Barnes ext 315
Elementary Religious Education Director: Suzanne Duda, ext 344
Adult & Young Adult Religious Education Director and Liturgy Coordinator: Ace Tupasi, ext 331
Parish Office: 541-926-1449
Emergency Phone: 541-220-0634
Fax: 541-926-2191
web site:
WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 5:00PM English, 7:00 PM Spanish; Sunday 8:30AM English, 11:00 AM English, 1:00PM Spanish
DAILY MASSES: Monday to Saturday 8:30AM, Wednesday 5:30PM, 1st Thursdays @ 9:45AM in Mennonite Home Chapel
CONFESSIONS: Wednesday 9:15AM - 5PM, Saturday 3:30 - 4:30PM, 6:15 - 7:00PM, Sunday 7:30 - 8:30AM, 10:00 - 11:00AM, 12:15 - 1PM
NOVENA to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Communal Recitation 8:00-8:30AM and 5:00-5:30PM, personal recitation all day Wednesday
in the chapel (Novena booklets available in both languages.)
ADORATION: Thursday 9:00AM to Friday 8:15AM, Benediction Friday 8:15AM
Office hours Tuesday- Friday ~ 9 to Noon & 1 to 4 PM
In Times of Need
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: if you would like a prayer shawl for someone who is ill or experiencing a loss, please contact
Carol Hawke at 541-926-2106 or
RETROUVAILLE / REDISCOVERY OF OREGON: for couples whose marriages are experiencing pain or communication
breakdown. 1-800-470-2230 or
BEGINNING EXPERIENCE: weekly support meetings and weekend retreats to aid in healing and beginning again for the
widowed, divorced and separated or anyone experiencing the death or loss of a friend or relative. 503-393-2361.
Asistentes en el Pastoral del Ministerio Hispano
Marciano y Honorina Lopez 541- 619-1504
Los Sacramentos en español y las personas encargadas
son las siguientes:
Bautismo: Anselmo Nuñez 541 990 6544 Marcos y Aracelli Rodríguez 541-979-5140
Primera Comunión: Laura Rodríguez
Boda: Humberto y Susana Martínez 541-971-2698
Quinceañera: María Chavez
Confirmación: Marciano y Honorina López
Catecismo para Adulto: Antonio Reyes - Domingo de 11:20 am a
12:40 pm
Representante del Consejo Pastoral: Lizeth Cervantes 541-9746096
Preguntas por Teresa Middlemiss a la oficina: 541-926-1449
De Martes a Viernes de 1:00pm a 4:00pm
Miércoles : De 9:15am a 5:00pm
Sábados : De 3:30pm a 4:30pm y 6:15pm a 7:00pm
Domingo : De 7:30 a 8:30am, 10:00 a 11:00am, y 12:15pm a
Horario de las misas en español Sábado: 7:00pm Domingo
Aquí en nuestra parroquia tenemos grupos de oración y evangelización
Lunes grupo de oración en la capilla a las 7:00pm
Martes grupo San Juan Diego para hombres a las 7:00pm en la
casa Guadalupe
Miércoles grupo San Juan Diego para mujeres a las 7:00pm en la
casa Guadalupe
Viernes grupo Apóstoles de la palabra a las 7:00pm en la casa