March - April 2013 - Unity By The Bay Church and Spiritual Community


March - April 2013 - Unity By The Bay Church and Spiritual Community
Unity by the Bay’s
March - April 2013
Bearing Fruit
He said that our "thoughts are prayers and we are always
praying;" so what we think is basically what we will
Greengs friends and family of Unity by the Bay. We are
manifest. The only true "lack" in God's world is in our own
moving forward rapidly into 2013; and I am pausing to reflect
limited thinking; and if we would pray right (think right), we
on where we have been, where we are, and where we are
would never experience anything less than "all."
2012 was an excing year for our Unity family as we set our
intenon collecvely to pracce the Presence of God in a
more commi'ed and disciplined manner. For some of us this
meant being aware of the love that is in us and through us in
many more circumstances in our lives. For some it involved a
more disciplined pracce of meditaon and a daily pracce
of mindfulness. Others shared with me that it meant for
them to pracce Peaceful awareness several mes
throughout the day, and sll others felt they were praccing
"being in the flow" of life more consistently. Many of us
experienced all of these things at various mes.
As we Pracce the Presence of God we are not changing
the reality of God's omnipresence, but we are shi3ing our
thoughts from lack and limitaon to abundance and
prosperity. We are no longer interested in conflict or
negavity; but instead, we are focused on all that is good
and true and beauful; and the world "shi3s" to meet our
elevated thoughts and our higher vibraon.
We are finding resources we did not "see" before amongst
us. We are moving rapidly towards our dreams and visions
and we are stepping into our righ@ul inheritance as sons and
daughters of God. It is an excing me to be alive on the
planet and a wonderful me to be part of this family we call
Whatever the experiences were and however the pracce
Unity by the Bay.
manifested in our individual lives, the collecve net effect
was that Unity by the Bay moved forward in some very
It has been a joy and a privilege to be your spiritual leader
significant ways and connues to make leaps of
for the past decade, and I look forward to what lies in store
consciousness by achieving things that in the past seemed
for all of us in our future as we leave behind the Land of the
"beyond our reach."
Ego (limited mind) and move into the promised land ̶ the
Spiritual Home we are co-creang.
One of the things I am keenly aware of at this me is the
stark contrast between the thought mind (ego/human self)
I love you, I bless you, I appreciate you, and I behold the
and the reality of Spirit as we make the shi3 from "humanChrist in you.
merely-beings" to "Spiritually in-tuned conscious beings."
Blessings on the Journey.
The human mind seems to operate in the Land of Either/Or:
we can have one thing or the other but not both because
resources are limited, and we divide things up in our minds. Mahala
It is being connually revealed to us that we can make the Spiritual Leader
shi3 in percepon necessary for what seems, at mes Unity by the Bay
miraculous, when we leave the limited mind and plug into
Spirit. Not only can we have what we want, but everyone
gets what their hearts desire; and seemingly, there is more
than we need.
Jesus demonstrated this with the loaves and fishes. While
everyone was saying "there is not enough," he turned his
mind to Spirit and gave thanks for being given what was
needed; and while everyone got busy "counng," he
demonstrated an abundance of supply. He told his disciples
over and over in many different ways that "it was God's will
that we all have everything we want and need," and that it
is "Your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."
Photo of beautiful, healing Maui, Hawaii taken by Malaha while
she was away on sabbatical.
Page 2
March - April 2013
Board of Trustees
Unity by the Bay
Spiritual Leader
Mahala Connally …...………….……..………..………..….. 301-392-0850
Ralph Ray……………..…..… Home 443-203-6559
Cell 240-401-6924
Vice President
Mary Michels…….…...…..…..Home 410-280-2761
Cell 443-223-3041
836 Ritchie Highway
Suite 18
Severna Park, MD 21146
Office: 410-544-7990
Fax: 443-926-5983
Web Site:
Spiritual Leader
Ronni Stewart (out-going)…..Home 410-757-2846
Cell 410-279-7141
Bill Mitchell (out-going) ……...443-534-2317
Mahala Connally
Sunday Church Service
Carol Kerr……………….…… Home 410-349-1998
Tony Scalone……………………………………….….
Erika Larson………………… Home 410-956-1407
Cell 410-991-2205
Cell 443-838-5806
Cell 410-991-8729
Meditation & Prayer begins at 10:15am
Service begins at 10:30am
Office Hours
Our Unity Team
9:30am - 3:30pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
9:30am - 3:30pm
Spiritual Leader
Mahala Connally………………………………..………
Pastoral Care Associate
Reverend Ethel Porter……………………………..….
Licensed Unity Teacher
Pat Clarke………………………………………………
Church Administrator
Tia Crisp …………………………..….…………….......
Reflections by Mahala
Office Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator
Jeanne Halpin………………………………………….
Pg. 1
UBB Contacts & Info
Pg. 2
Prayer Chaplain Coordinator
Reverend Ethel Porter……………………………..….
Forest Trail Development Team Update
Pg. 3
Music Director
Stefan Scaggiari …………………..……………...….
The Story Behind "Pointless Forest"
Pg. 4
Kid's Corner
Pg. 5
Prayer Chaplins Update
Pg. 6
CommUNITY Participation
Pg. 7
In Celebration of "Mac" McClain
Pg. 8
Classes and Events at UBB
Pg. 9 - 11
Speaker & Musician Schedules
Pgs. 12
Pgs. 13
What’s Inside
Bookstore Coordinator
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Erika Larson …………………………………………...
Home 410-965-1407
Prayer Team …………...………..…………….…..…
Lil Moran……………………………………….….……
Deadline for the May/June 2013 Edition:
April, 9th 2013
Editor: Tia Crisp
Proof Reading: Jeanne Halpin
Page 3
March - April 2013
4 Pointless Forest Trail
Annapolis, MD
Our future "new" church-home!
By Jeanne Halpin
The Forest Trail Development Team is on a roll! We’ve contracted with Terrain Inc., Crosby & Associates, and C.F.
Kruetter and Associates to provide the drawings, designs, and plans we need to renovate our property at 4
Pointless Forest Trail into the home of our dreams! This team of professionals will provide the know-how to guide
us in developing a site plan and building-renovation plans that we will propose to Anne Arundel County for the
permits we will need; then we will start the renovations necessary for us to convert our pool house into a sanctuary
that meets the necessary fire and safety codes. This team has met and is working out various approaches we can
pursue to be most efficient in renovating the pool house and the main building to meet our needs and the
requirements of the county. This part of the process will culminate in a preliminary site development plan that we
will share with our church family and near neighbors in Annapolis before we finalize and submit the plans to the
county for their approval (what we call the permitting process). The permitting process can take anywhere from
three to 12 months, so our timeline for occupying our new home is an estimated guess to be taken more as an
indication of the steps we need to take than as a committed set of dates. With this caveat in mind, here is our
current estimated timeline:
March 1:
May 1:
May 1:
August 15:
September 1:
September 15:
October 15:
November 27:
Preliminary building design ready for UBB review
Architecture, mechanical systems, and electrical system designs ready for
submission to the county permitting process.
Bids solicited for the proposed work program.
Permit issued
Building construction begins
Site construction begins
Contingency time
Thanksgiving Eve service in our new sanctuary!
How much we renovate the main building will depend on costs and funds available. However, the 10-car garage
will be renovated into an education center at a later time.
So get your ideas together and start feeding us your thoughts and suggestions! We’ve heard from some of you
about what you want in our new home; now we want to hear from everyone! So drop us a line at (our new email address), drop a note into the suggestion box at our current location, or
call us at UBB at 5410-544-7990; or contact Jeanne Halpin at or 443-883-5412.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Page 4
The Story Behind "The Pointless Forest"
By Ralph Ray
The official address of our new church home is 4
Pointless Forest Trail. I have heard that some folks are
having misgivings about this address, especially the
word ‘Pointless’ as if it is a negative or derogatory term.
Some want to change the address. Often I see the word
Pointless left out of the address in various
communications. However, I really love the address
because I know the story of where “The Pointless
Forest” comes from. It comes from a feature length
cartoon movie called “The Point!” which was written by
Harry Nilsson who also wrote the fantastic music to it. It
is the story of a boy named Oblio, the only roundheaded person in the Pointed Village, where by law
everyone and everything had to have a point.
I discovered at settlement after speaking with the
family, that the former owner of the property, Mr.
Roland Musselman, named the road "Pointless Forest
Trail" in honor of this story as he was a big fan.
The round-headed Oblio has had to wear a pointed hat
since birth to conceal his "pointless" condition from his
pointy-headed peers. However, Oblio is accepted in
the town despite his nonconformity, until one day when
the son of an Evil Count in the land is unwittingly
dishonored by Oblio. The Count's son challenges Oblio
to a one-on-one game of Triangle Toss (where
participants catch the triangle on their heads) which
Oblio wins. In a fit of rage, the Count (who wants his
son to rule the land one day) confronts the goodhearted but timid King to reaffirm the law of the land,
which states that those who are pointless must be
banished from the kingdom and into the Pointless
Forest. A jury reluctantly convicts both Oblio and his
dog Arrow (who helped him win the Triangle Toss),
leaving the king no choice but to send the pair away.
Oblio and Arrow are sent to the Pointless Forest, but
soon discover that even the Pointless Forest has a
point. They meet curious creatures like giant bees, a
"pointed man" pointing in all directions who proclaims
"A point in every direction is the same as no point at
all," a man made of rock, three dancing fat sisters,
and the man made out of leaves who helps Oblio see
March - April 2013
that everyone has a point even though it might not be
readily displayed.
Oblio and Arrow spend the night in the Pointless
Forest, then awaken to a large stone hand with the
finger pointing to their "destination." They take the
road indicated by the hand and make their way back
to the Land of Point, where they receive a hero's
welcome from the land's citizens and the King. Oblio
begins to tell his story but is interrupted by the furious
Count, who is then silenced by the King.
Oblio tells the King and the people of the land that
everything has a point, including the Pointless Forest
and himself. Angered, the Count pulls off Oblio's
pointed hat but is taken aback when he sees a point on
top of Oblio's bare head.
Upon this revelation, the points of everyone else in the
land disappear and pointed buildings become round.
Oblio's cap is removed only to discover that while
everyone and everything else is becoming round, he
has developed a point.
So you see, 4 Pointless Forest Trail is not pointless at
all but definitely has a point since it is where our new
church is! And they lived happily ever after.
Page 5
March - April 2013
The Kids Corner with Erika Larson,
Youth Ministry Coordinator
For the past several months, the Unity Youth Ministry has been exploring world religions. So far, we have
covered Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Our lessons start with a basic overview of the history, basic
tenets and cultural aspects of each religion; then we explore what these religions have in common with
Unity. Lastly, we follow this up with a ‘field trip’ to the various places of worship.
As part of our study of Judaism, we visited the Beth Israel Synagogue in Annapolis where the rabbi gave
us a tour, showing us their ancient text, the Torah. He also explained the symbolism behind various
religious pieces and took us to their kitchen and educated us on the meaning of ‘kosher’ cooking. As
part of our study of Hinduism, we visited the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple in Lanham. We were given a lesson
on ‘Hinduism 101’ as we learned about Brahman, the universal reality and the concept of ‘moksha’, or
rising above the inevitable suffering on earth. We learned about ‘dharma’ or the law of cause and effect –
so similar to Unity’s teaching. After the class, we toured the upstairs temple and visited the shrines of
various Hindu Gods and Goddesses. For our study of Buddhism, we are planning a trip to a Buddhist
temple, scheduled for March. It has been an exciting time!
P.S. Look for us on Easter Sunday at UBB as the kids will be singing with Elizabeth Melvin and the
LifeSong's Choir!
The children from UBB's Youth Ministry at the Beth Israel
Synagogue in Annapolis.
The children from UBB's Youth Ministry at the Sri Siva
Vishnu Temple in Lanham
The children from UBB's Youth Ministry led us in a "Twelve Points of Light" service on
December 24, 2012.
Page 6
March - April 2013
Have You Ever Thought About Becoming a Prayer Chaplain?
by Rev. Ethel Porter, Pastoral Care Associate
The Prayer Chaplain Ministry at Unity by the Bay is growing, and we are now taking new applications!
We are looking for a few new people to join the existing Prayer Chaplains. Do you feel as if you have
been guided to join us and be trained as a Prayer Chaplain to serve the Unity By the Bay Congregation?
Our Prayer Chaplains serve our spiritual community in a variety of ways. They come from diverse
backgrounds; what they have in common is a desire to be of service, and they have their own personal
Prayer practice along with a working knowledge of how Prayer has helped them in their lives. A Prayer
Chaplain’s job is defined by essentially four things:
Holds Spiritual Space – We hold the space and support you and your choices in prayer through
good times and bad.
Lovingly listens – We listen. We do not judge, try to “fix“ the problem or impose our views on you.
Prays from the Heart – We drop down to our heart, open it up, and receive from God - your prayer.
Holds in Confidence What is Shared – Simply, what is shared between us, stays between us.
So what does a Prayer Chaplain look like……someone like you!
Applications are located in the fellowship area. Prayer Chaplain applications will be accepted until
Sunday, March 17th, 2013. Please fill one out, turn it in at the office or to Rev. Ethel, and we will be in
touch . If you have any further questions or wish to discuss being a Prayer Chaplain, you can speak to
any of our Prayer Chaplains or contact Rev. Ethel Porter at 410-263-2680 or email
Unity is here for YOU!
Did you know that Unity by the Bay offers Pastoral Counseling through Rev. Ethel Porter? Rev.
Ethel comes to UBB on Tuesdays and is available for counseling on a love offering basis. You may
also contact her to schedule an appointment at another time. Please contact Rev. Porter at or 410-263-2680.
There is also always someone to pray with you! Drop a prayer in the Prayer Box, located in the
back of the sanctuary, see a Prayer Chaplain after Sunday service, or call UBB's Prayer line at 410544-7990. Our prayer team will hold you in prayer for 30 days, and then your prayer goes to Unity
Headquarters and will be held in prayer for another 30 days. And remember that you may always
call Silent Unity in Missouri 24/7 at 1-800-669-7729. So you see, you need never shoulder a burden
or problem alone. Unity is here for YOU!
Page 7
March - April 2013
CommUNITY Participation
by Jeanne Halpin
Unity by the Bay is a community of wonderful, talented people, all contributing to the proper functioning of our
church and practicing our principles and values within this and the larger community. The spiritual care and
leadership of our community is not invested in a single individual; rather, it is spread over an array of people, all
contributing according to their unique talents and personalities. Mahala serves as our spiritual leader and main
speaker and is a Licensed Unity Teacher. Rev. Ethel Porter serves as our Pastoral Care Associate and as our
Prayer Chaplain Coordinator. Pat Clarke serves as our Licensed Unity Teacher, offering many wonderful classes
on our Unity principles and foundations. This triad of spiritual guidance is supported by our administrative staff, our
Youth Ministry staff, our musicians, and our lay members and friends who offer their talents in a myriad of ways, all
coalescing into an organic whole we call Unity by the Bay.
We are a loving and supportive community that demonstrates our values and beliefs as we walk our talk and
practice the Presence. This became very clear when our community came together while both Mahala and Ethel
were out of town when our spiritual brother Mac McClain made his transition. We were all in need of support, and
our community stepped up to ease the way. Pat Clarke, Ronni Stewart, and our wonderful musicians came
forward, leading us in a healing ceremony of the circle of life. This was true abundance and a loving blessing to us
all, and it demonstrated that we can rely on each other to show up in just the right way, no matter the
I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for showing up as you do. We are each a part of
a wonderful, expanding wholeness that enriches us all. So I encourage you to become an active participant in the
running of Unity by the Bay to help us maintain our expansion and to experience the abundance that comes from
joining in. Please join us in contributing to the sense of community we all feel by learning to run the projector during
our services; helping in the office to produce our Sunday bulletins and bi-monthly newsletter and get out our
membership mailings; staffing our bookstore, our Hospitality committee, and our Youth Ministry; and joining in
defining our wants, needs, and wishes for our new church home. I’m here to support you in your involvement with
Unity by the Bay; all you have to do is let me know you’d like to help!
Letter from Carol Kerr
Dear Unity Friends,
I have been deeply inspired, supported and blessed by the UBB Community during the last months and want to
take this opportunity to thank so many of you for showing up as the hands and feet of God to actively support my
family during a very difficult time.
My thanks go out to all of you who have been praying for us, and a special thanks goes to the hands-on angels who
showed up to help: Chuck Kiessling, who drove a donated RV in which my daughter, Anita, granddaughter Kiera,
and I, along with 4 cats, a large dog and 3 adorable lizards made the 750 mile trip to Maryland from Florida; Lil
Moran, who unpacked and organized Anita’s kitchen; and Don Becker, who helped by assembling furniture, making
repairs, and getting electronics up and running. Greg Martins brought food, friendship, prayer and emotional support
to Anita with visits to her bedside. Jeanne Halpin and a cadre of volunteers stepped up and took over the Chili
Cook-Off coordination so that I could focus on family, and several people made gifts to help pay for a consultation at
Johns Hopkins Hospital and other medical expenses.
I am filled with gratitude for our wonderful loving community. Your support and prayers are amazing. And I must
say to all who read this—get involved here at Unity. Connecting with this community by volunteering, going to lunch
at ABC after church and attending special events here will allow you, like me, to be adopted by this loving family.
When you face challenges, don’t forget to ask for support. We are all here for each other, because we are Unity by
the Bay.
Page 8
March - April 2013
In Celebration of Herman "Mac" McClain
On January 27, 2013 Unity by the Bay member Herman “Mac” McClain made his transition. Mac
and his wife Gail moved here from Monterey, California last May and joined Unity by the Bay in
September. While they have been with us less than a year, they have made a difference. We will
miss Mac’s physical presence, but we will continue to enjoy and celebrate his very real Presence,
something that was evident to those of us fortunate enough to have met and known him.
For those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to get to know Mac, he was born in Chattanooga,
TN on August 12, 1953. Mac was a devoted lover of jazz. He lit up the room with his engaging
smile and deeply moving voice. He was an accomplished musician, songwriter and recording
engineer working with many well-known entertainers throughout the world, including Billy Davis and
Marilyn McCoo, Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, Jeff Lorber, and songwriter for Tower of Power.
He was known throughout the west coast as the “Mac Attack,” a dearly loved radio personality who
introduced the genre of hip hop and rap with syndicated shows.
Mac loved sports, especially football and basketball; and he loved studying historical events,
especially military history. He proudly served our country in the US Air Force.
He and his wife Gail helped us with the projector, with Gail often operating it during Sunday service.
We were excited to have his studio experience help us imagine new ways of projecting sound and
images to enhance our services. His influence will be with us as we move forward with our sound
and image technology. Thank you, Mac. You were, and continue to be, our gift.
Page 9
March - April 2013
'Tis Time for the 18th Annual
St. Patrick's Day Celebration!
Sunday, March 10th, 2013 from 12:30 pm - 5:30pm
At Unity by the Bay Church!
Betty O'Brien, head leprechaun
Shorn we'd be grateful if ye bring a song in yur heart 'n ye fiddles 'n drums 'n musical instruments. Bring yur
wonderful wee self 'n have a lark, do a jig, 'n visit yur wee friends! There'll be music 'n silliness, merriment 'n
drummin' in the Celtic tradition!
('n any other tradition we can think of at the time, ye see.)
We're settin' the table with "Loaves & Fishes", or...Leprechaun Potluck! There will be Irish 'n other ethnic dishes
to enjoy - 'n if'n it's not too much trouble...won't ye bring an ethnic dish to share 'n yur favorite libation (a
drink, don't ye know); we will have cups 'n ice a wait'in!!
If you have any questions, please call 410-544-7990
See you there!
Quarts Crystal and Tibetan Metal Singing Bowl Meditation at UBB
by Liz and Monte Hansen
Come join us and bask in the healing vibrations and angelic tones of the Quartz crystal & Tibetan metal singing
bowls. These sacred sounds have been used to enhance our spiritual being and calm our soul in temples around
the earth since antiquity.
Crystals have been used in sacred service recorded as far back as the divine instruction to use them in Aaron’s
"breast-piece" worn by the high priest of Israel (Ex 28; 16-21). Many Buddhist temples use crystals in worships
still to this day. Indigenous tribes around the world have used and still do use crystals for divine connection and
spiritual enhancement.
You will also be some of the first to view the new "Spiral of Hugging Unity" quartz crystals that will be on display
for a time at UBB. This rare collection of twining (hugging) crystals are from all around the earth. These crystals
exemplify the spirit of connection and acceptance for which Unity is known.
My wife and I are pleased to be hosting the Tuesday Night Meditations at UBB on March 5 and April 2 from
7:30 – 8:30pm. It takes us a few hours to set up the display of crystals so that you may experience the maximum
vibration, healing, and beauty of these magnificent formations. We hope that you will join us for this very special
meditation. You may contact me at if you would like more information.
Page 10
March - April 2013
Bring Out the Best in Your Relationships - Facilitated by Reverend Denise Dolan
Sunday, April 7, 12:45-4:00pm
Cost: A Thoughtful and Generous Donation
Even successful people can experience turbulent and awkward dynamics in relationships at home, work,
and in the community. Avoiding difficult topics and repressing our needs can be like driving through life
with the brakes on, leading to anxiety, depression, and putting unnecessary strain on our significant
Discover powerful tools to easily meet your needs and the needs of others, allowing your confidence to
soar and your relationships to flourish, as you bring out the best in you and in those around you. Using
these tools will transform stuck, life-negating energy into life-affirming nourishment to revitalize and fuel
your connections.
This is an invitation to give yourself a gift of success to increase mutual understanding and expand your
dreams. Relationships are at the core of everything we experience in life, and this is an opportunity to
learn how to bring out the best in you and in your relationships.
You will be glad you participated in this life changing program. I look forward to seeing you there! Feel
free to bring a lunch or snack.
Healing Arts Afternoon at Unity by the Bay
Sunday - April 14th - 12:30- 3:30PM
It is time again for one of our Healing Arts Afternoons! Just as we are blessed with many wonderful
musicians here at UBB, we are equally blessed with a wonderful healing community. This is an
incredible opportunity to receive healing sessions in everything from Reiki, Massage, Kinesiology,
Intuitive readings and more. We will also have artists showing their creations that you can purchase.
Come support our church while receiving a healing session and/or purchasing some lovely, artistic
creations – a win/win for all!
This event is open to everyone, not just the people at Unity by the Bay, with proceeds going to Unity by
the Bay. Remember that every dollar over and above our operating expenses will be available for use in
the Forest Trail renovation project.
We need volunteers to help run this afternoon, along with healers and artists! If you would like to
volunteer your time and talents to this afternoon, sign-up on the sheet in the Hospitality area at UBB or
contact Rev. Ethel at 410-263-2680 or email her at rev.ethel
Page 11
March - April 2013
Upcoming Unity by the Bay Events
Daylight Savings Time Begins!
Set your clocks AHEAD one hour before
retiring on Saturday, March 9th.
The St. Patrick's Day Do at Unity by the Bay
Sunday, March 10, 12:30 - 5:30pm
Music, Dancing, Great Food and Fellowship!
Holiotropic Breathwork
with Sandy Phocas at UBB
on Saturday, March 23 from 9am - 9pm
For more information, please contact
Sandy at 336-287-0061 or
Easter Sunday Communion Service with Mahala
Sunday, March 31, 10:30am
The Youth of Unity will join the LifeSongs Choir to provide our
special music!
Sunday April 7th
"Bring Out the Best in Your Relationships" A workshop facilitated
by Rev. Denise Dolan
From 12:45 - 4pm at UBB
Healing Arts Afternoon at UBB
Sunday, April 14 12:30 until 3:30pm
Experience affordable healing sessions & shop for unique artistic creations!
Supports Unity by the Bay Church
Page 12
March - April 2013
March April 2013 Speaker and Musician Schedule
Guest Musician
Sunday Services begin at 10:30am
Each Sunday, our music director, Stef Scaggiari provides our
inspirational music at the piano. We also have a guest musician.
March 3:
Mahala Connally, Spiritual Leader
Bernadette Lea & Charles Carlton
March 10:
Mahala Connally, Spiritual Leader
New Member Induction
Lea Morris
March 17:
Liz Fletcher Brown, Guest Speaker
March 24:
Mahala Connally, Spiritual Leader
Ralph Ray
March 31:
Mahala Connally, Spiritual Leader
Easter Sunday Communion Service
LifeSongs Choir & the Children of Unity by the Bay
April 7:
Rev. Dennis Dolan, Guest Speaker
Kevin Whisman & Friends
April 14:
Mahala Connally, Spiritual Leader
Susan England
April 21:
Mahala Connally, Spiritual Leader
Lea Morris
April 28:
Mahala Connally, Spiritual Leader
Ronn Nuger & Beau Simmons
*denotes a UBB sponsored
On-Going Events
**individually sponsored event
Mon. - Thurs. at 12 pm: *Silent Unity Prayer Time - Mahala and Reverend Ethel Porter, Pastoral Care Associate pray for
others from their homes. You may leave your prayer request in the Prayer Box in the back of the sanctuary. After 30 days of
prayer, Mahala and Ethel will send your request to Unity Village, where it will be prayed over for an additional 30 days. On
Tuesdays, Ethel is on site at Unity by the Bay to pray with you in person. She is also available for spiritual counseling on a
sliding scale basis. Contact Rev. Ethel at or 410-263-2680 to schedule an appointment.
1st Monday of the month (except holidays): **Reiki Share beginning at 7:00pm (Pat Clarke)
Fridays 1:30 - 2:30pm: **Violet Flame Meditation with Monika Bartelt at UBB
Tuesday Nights - *Prayer and Meditation from 7:30pm - 8:30pm (Sponsored by the Prayer Chaplains) 1st Tues. - Quartz Crystal & Tibetan Metal Singing Bowls Meditation w/ Liz & Monte Hansen 2nd Tues. - Meditation w/ Lil Moran 3rd Tues. - Shamanic Meditation w/ Ronni Stewart. 4th Tues. - Healing Hands Service w/Carol Hawtin & Russ Stewart Any 5th Tues - Prayer
& Meditation w/ Rev. Ethel Porter
UBB Prayer Team: Please call 410-544-7990 to request prayer.
*UBB Sponsored Event
**Individually Sponsored Event
Page 13
March - April 2013
Custom House Portraits, Pet Portraits, Original
Art, Prints, Note Cards and Other Artistic
Goodies by
Sally "Tia" Crisp
Too stressed to feel blessed?
Need a solution to fit your
budget AND your schedule?
Dr. Holly Philips, M.D., CBS This Morning's Medical
Reporter said 'phoning it in' is good for your health!
Findings in a recent study state that subjects report
they enjoy a better state of mind as a result of therapy
sessions conducted over the phone.
Looking for a local source to help you lower stress, lose
weight or to quit smoking? Look no further than
Donna Pia and her 'phone hypnosis' sessions.
Available in three (3) timed formats of 7, 20, or
30 minutes, these inductions are custom-designed and
cost-effective. Best of all you can record your session
for the one-time fee so that it goes wherever you
do. Feel the calm Ahh... at the push of a button!
Need more information? Contact me at
410-360-7818 or
For effective results at reasonable rates visit http:// or email her
at with any questions.
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Music Lessons at Unity by the Bay
By Stefan Scaggiari
Stef Scaggiari is now accepting students
interested in Jazz and Classical piano. All ages,
all levels are welcome. Mr. Scaggiari has a
Bachelors from the Eastman School of Music, and
a Masters from the Peabody Conservatory. He is
a former member of the U.S. Marine Band, and his
music plays on National Public Radio.
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Full Page:
$50 per edition/$250 for a full year (six editions)
All ads must be paid for in advance, ready to be
printed, and received by our deadline listed on page 2
of each edition. Contact Tia Crisp at 410-544-7990
Unity by the Bay Church
836 Ritchie Highway, Suite 18
Severna Park, MD 21146
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Sent With Love and Blessings To:
Vision: Unity by the Bay is a radiating community of Christ Light seeing God in
all humanity and sending love, acceptance, compassion and abundance to the
earth and all its inhabitants.
Our Mission: Unity by the Bay is a loving, diverse, spiritual community joyfully
growing in Christ consciousness through prayer, meditation and truth teachings.
A welcoming, loving, spiritual community for all of God’s children.