Mega Science Lab - Smithsonian Store
Mega Science Lab - Smithsonian Store
THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIONFACTSHEET SMITHSONIAN® THEFIRSTBUILDING TheSmithson~n Institu~nBuilding,more commonly known asthe Castle,w~sdesigned by architectJames Renwick andconsb’uoled between 1847and1855.Th~C~s~ houses the Smithson~n Information Center, administrative officesandtheWoodrow Wilson Internabonal Center for Scholars, aswallestheJames Smith~on cr~pL MUSEUM VISITORS Theinstitution’smuseums andgalleysrepod more than25mill,onvis~a year.TheNe~ona} Zoohas another es~maled 3 mill*onvisitorsa year.Admis~/,on to all Smithsonian museums in Washington, free.Hours are 5:30p.m.daily.(TheCastle opens at 9 a.m.andAnaoostia Museum closes at 5 p.m.National Zooanimal buildings areopen from9 4:30p.m.wi~lseasonal hours for thegrounds). TheSmithsonian is dosed on December 25. THESIZE ANDSCOPE OFTHESMITHSONIAN COLLECTIONS Thetotal number of objects,wor~ of art =mclspeomens at theSmithsonian is estimated at more than140 million,most of which is in theNa~ona) Museum of Natural Histon/(120 millionspecimens andaJlifacls).Many artifacts aredonated to theSmithsonian byindividuals, privatecollect:Ks endfederal agenc~s; others coma to thecollect*o~ through field expedi~ns, bequests, exchanges wffhothermuseums andorganizatons, andpurchases. :THIS SET CONTAINS CHEMICALS I& APPARATUS THAT MAY BE I HARMFUL IF MISUSED. READ CAUTIONS ON INDIVIDUAL CONTAINERS CAREFULLY. NOT TO BE USED BY CHILDREN EXCEPT UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION. ~ ~~. THISSETCONTAINS THEFOLLOWING: MONOAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE, SAND PLASTER MIX, PHENOLPHTHALEIN, UNIVERSAL INDICATOR AND: COBALT CHLORIDE CALCIUM NITRATE X HARMFUL HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. POSSIBLE RISKS OF IRREVERSIBLE EFFECTS. MAYCAUSE SENSITtZATION BY SKINCONTACT. X IRRITANT CONTACT WITHCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS MAYCAUSE FIRE. IRRITATING TO THEEYES.IN CASEOF CONTACT WITH THEEYESRINSEIMMEDIATELY WITHPLENTY OF WATER ANDSEEKMEDICAL ADVICE. IRON |111) SULFATE METHYLENE BLUE X X HARMFUL HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. AVOIDCONTACT WITHTHESKIN. Archives o! American Art - Anorganizabon thata,.~luiresandpreserves documents andmemorabilia of/u~encan arlists, collectors, criticsandart societies. Regional canlar~ arelocated in New York,Boston, Detroit,LosAngeles and Washington, D.C. Consen,ation andResearch C~n~r - This3,100acrewooded areain ~hefoothills of theBlueRidge Mountmns (Front Royal, VA)is a breeding preserve andstudycenterfor the Ne~:~I Zoo’srarea~l e~angere~ ammals. M~rin= _~_.~. 2; ’,.i;,~, Fu~l- ~,tentists working el thisresearch cantw located in FoilPierce, FLstudy e~tuenne marine environments alongFlorida’s eastcoam’~ine andadjacent ocean shelves, seeking b~sicinformation about n~tural andman-made causes of stressandenvironn’~n~ d~n~.Thestationis opera(ed by the Nat,~na/Museum of Nature# History. Smi~bsonian Astrophysical Observe/on/ - The organization is p=’i of theHervard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. TheSmithsonian Astrophysical Obsewatonj hasa ma)yor lecillty - theWhipple Obse(vatory onMount Hopkins, near Tucson, AZ-and,jointlywiththeUniversity of Arizona, operates ~ewodd’s fir= Multiple MirrorTelescope, alsoonMount Hopkins. Smi~b~onian Environmental Research C~n=r - Sc~ntists ~ msearchars at this Edgewatar. IVE)facifiiy nearthe Chesapeake Baystudyland-water ral~tionships andplanpublicprograms to increase awareness ol ~,’oiogicalsystem andto detan~ine how theyareaffectedbyhuman disturbance. Smi~h=oman Tropica/Research lnstY~ut~ - Sdentists fromtheSmithsonian andall overtheworldstudytheevolution and beh=,v~ ol tropicalorganisms at various facill~esof this ins~tute in theR~blic of Panama, FOIl MEMBEIISHIP INFORMATION ORPIIEVI$1TPLANNING @,/L4TER~L, PLEASE WR#TE OIl CALL: SMITHSONIAN VISITOR/NFORI~TION, SMI’#~SOMAN INST~’(,q’IoNWASHINGTOt( OC20550 TDDFORHEARING IMPAIRED v~rroIl$, 2o2-35z-~~ HARMFUL HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. DO NOTBREATH. THEDUSTAVOIDCONTACT WITH THESKINANDEYES. ARNING!oNt,~ FoR BYCHILDREN OVeR ONLYUNO~R ~PERVIS}~. NOT .~.UCT~,S us~. ~ILDREN~D ~IM~S AWAY F~ ~PERIMEN).STORE THIS ~ ~ OF REACHFR~ CHILDREN. PL~SEKEEPA NOTEOF OURNAME ANDADDRESS DETAILS FORF~URE REFERENCE. IN EUROPE C0~ACT: ( E~R ~E DET~LS --I Ill" --" D ~StS= ~BLSBUHi GERMANY 4~ o? ( ~D ~P~NE NUM~R OF ~E LOCAL ~lSON ~TAL IN ~E BOX BELOW. ! INCASE O~ACCIDE~TAL INTAKE OFA CHEMICAL ~N~ACT: I, , , CE~ER OR ~ , ,, PLEA~ BE ~RE TO RE~ THE AD~CE FOR SUPER~SING ~LTS ~D ~E SALTY RU~S CONT~NED IN ~IS ~K~T. ~ 1997S~TH~N~N ~ INS~T~N NA~L ~IENGE [N~S~iES,LTD.910 0R~N~ AVE. THE SMITHSU~ .~, YOUR SET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWINGITEMS: .... ~:~~=-"~POUCH CONTENTS: TheSmithsonian Institution is a museum, education andresearch complex of 16museums andgalleries, andtheNational Zoo.Fourteen museums andgalleries arelocated in Washington, D.C.,twoarein New YorkCity,andtheNational Zoois in Washington. Nine of the museums andgalleries arelocated ontheNational Mallbetween theU.S.Capitol andthe Washington Monument. 4 PIPETTES MICROPLATE WITH CHEMICALS F~L~;E~ 9~9E~ i_~, o ~_~. :.~..-~ ATOM SHEET FULLCOLOR CLOUD CHART LABSTATION ~E VOLCANO SUBSTRUCTURE ! BAGOFSAND MIX MEASURING CUP GOGGLES ¯ .. ~.~ - .~ PIPETTE ~~BASE ~ ROCK TWEEZERS RIODIC BAGOFCRYSTAL 3 HER STATION WOODEN SPATULA TABLEOF ELEMENTS GROWING CHEMICAL VOLCANIC ROCKS CAUTION:THE vOLCANICROCKOBSIDIANMAYHAVESHARPEDGES.USE CAUTIONWHENHANDLING. NOTE:THE TRADEMARKS OF THIRD PARTYPRODUCTS MENTI(bNEDHEREINARE USEDFOR GENERALFIRST AID INFORMATION: IN CASEOF EYEcONTACT:WASH EXJT WITHPLENTYOF WATER,HOLDINGEYEOPENIF NECESSARY¯ SEEKIMMEDIATEMEDICALADVICE. IF SWALLOWED: WASH OLIT MOUTH WITHPLENTYOF" WATER, DRINKSOMEFRESHWATEI~. DONOTINDUCEVOMITING.SEEKIMMEDIATEMEDICALADVICE. IN CASE OF INHALATION:REMOVE PERSON TO FRESHAIR. IN CASEOF CONTACT ANDBURNS:WASHAFF:ECTED AREAWITHPLENTYOF WATER FOR5 MINUTES.IN CASEOF INJURYORIF IN DOUBT,SEEKMEDICAL ADVICEWITHOUTDELAY. TAKETHE CHEMICAL PRODUCT WITH THECONTAINER WITH YOU. NOTE:FIRST AID INFORMATION ANDTHESAFETYRULESMAY’ ALSOBE FOUND IN THE INSTRUCTIONS FORCARRYING OUr THE ~.XPERIMENTS ORON THECONTAINERS. ADVICE FOR SUPERVI@INGADULI~: READANDFOLLOW THESESAFETYINSTRUCTIONS, THESAFETYRULESANDTHEFIRST AID INF()RMATION ANDKEEPTHEMFO~REFERENCE. ,,THE INCORRECT U~E OF CHEMICALS CANCAUSEINJURY ANDDAMAGE TO HEALTH,ONLYCARRYOUTTHOSEEXPERIMENTS WHICHARE LISTED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS. ¯ BECAU,~ECHILDREN’S ABILITIES VARYSO IMUCH,EVENWITHINAGEGROUPS, SUPERVISING A~)’OLTSSI’~OULDEXEFIC’~EO~SCPtETIOI’,IA,~ T~ W~CI.-I EXPERIMENTS ARE~U~AISLE ANDSAFEFORTHEM.THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD ENABLESUPERVISORS TO ASSESSANYEXPERIMENTTO ESTABLISH ITS SUITABILrTYFORA PARTICULAR CHILD. ¯ THESUPERVISING ADULTSHOULD DISCUSSTHE WARNINGS ANDSAFETYINFORMATION WITH THE CHILD ORCHILDRENBEFORECOMMENCING THE EXPERIMENTS. PARTICULAR ATTENTIONSHOULD BE PAID TO THE SAFEHANDLING OF ACIDS, ALKALIS, ANDHOTLIQUIDS. ,, THEAREASURROUNDING THEACTIVITYSHOULD BE KEPTCLEAR OF ANYOBSTRUCTFIONS ANDAWAYFROMSTORAGE OF FEXTD.IT SHOULD BE WELLLIT ANDVENTILATED ANDCLOSETO A WATER SUPPLY.° THEMICE)CHEMISTRY ANDCRYSTAL GROWING AcTIVITIEs ARE FORUSEBY CHILDRENOVER10 YEARSOF AGE. SAFETY RULES: .......¯ .. ¯ DE) READTHESEINSTRucTIONSBEFOREUSE, FOLLOW THEMANDKEEPTHEMFORREFERENCE. ¯ DOKEEP YOUNG CHILbRENANDANIMALSANDTHOSENOTWEARING EYE PROTECTION AWAYFROM THEEXPERIMENTAL ARI-~,. ¯ DOALWAYS WEAR EYEPROTECTION. ¯ DOSTORECHEMICAL SETs OUT OF REACHOF YOUNG CHILDREN.° DOCLEANALL EQUIPMENT ANDWASHAFTERCARRYING OUTTHE EXPERIMENTS. ¯ DONOTEAT, DRINKORSMOKE IN THEACTIVITYAREA.° DONOTUSEEQUIP~4ENT WHICHHASNOTBEENSUPPLIEDORRECOMMENDED IN TFIE SET. ¯ DONOTEAT, DRINKORSI~oKE IN "T~E EX.PER~MENTAL A~EA., DONOTALLOW C~EMtCALS TOCOME INTO CONTACT WITHTH, E ~:-."/E,~ ~ MOUTH. ¯ DONOTREPt.ACEFOODSTUFFS IN ORIGINALC~aNTAINER. DISPOSEOF IMMEDIATELy. One oftheworld’s leading scientific research centers, theinstitution has facilitie~ in eightstates andtheRepublic of Panama. Research projects in thearts,history andscience are carried outbytheSmithsonian all overtheworld. Thenew National Museum of theAmerican Indianis scheduled to open ontheNational Mallin 2001. Thecenterpiece of themuseum is thepriceless collection of Native American artifactstransferred to theSmithsonian fromtheMuseum of theAmerican Indian,Heye Foundation (New York).TheNew Yorkexhibition facility-theHeye Center of theNational Museum of the American Indianopened October 30,1994,in lower Manhattan. Another newmuseum, theNational PostalMuseum, is now open nearUnion Station on Capitol Hill. Devoted tothehistory of theU.S.mailservice, themuseum houses theworld’s largest and most comprehensive collection of its kind,withmore than16million stamps, covers, and artifacts. HISTORY James Srnithson {1765-1829), a Bdtish scientist, drew uphiswill in 1826 naming his nephew, Henry Janles Hungerford, asbene|idlary. Smithson stipulated that,should thenephew diewithout heirs(ashedidin1835), theestate would goto theUnited States tofound "at Washington, under thename of theSmithsonian Institution, anestablishment for theincrease and diffusion of knowledge among men." OnJuly1, 1836,Congress accepted thelegacy bequeathed to thenation byJames Smithson, andpledged thefaithoftheUnited States to thecharitable trust.In 1838, following approval of thebequest bytheBritish courts, theU~ited States received Smithson’s ~state - bags of goldsovereigns, thentheequivalent of $515,169. Eightyears later,onAugust 10,1846, an Actof Congress signed byPresident James K.Polk,established theSmithsonian Institution in its present ~orm and provided |ortheadministration o~1hetrust,independent ol~egovernment itself,bya beard ofregents and secretary oftheSmithsonian. NOTES TM TABLE FIVE-IN-ONE MEGA-SCIENCE-LAB OF CONTENTS - ITEM #750 BIOLOGY ............................................................. Pat! One: Uelng your B~o~oe" pad Two: Botany .................................... SeCliOn Of~: FlUKI Tmn~oort * CaD~lla~f Act~ .......................... ~,=,cl~on Two: Capdlary AC~,o~ ¯ Xytam .................................... Sect~o~ Three: Capillary Action ¯ Turgo~ Pressure .......................... Secllon Four: Osmosis ¯ Turgot Preesgre .................................. Section Seven At~-~ & Below ¯ Tubers ...... Sectk:)nEighl Roof Structure¯ Mon(x;ots& D~cots..... Section Nine: Pt~mt Resp~ratg)n ¯ Stomate Locebon....... Section Ten: Tr.~nlpiratlo~ ¯ Water trom Leavee ...... ................... ............... ............. .............. GIoasary Part Thr~ 2 3 8 8 9 10 tt 18 22 ................... ........... ................. 26 33 WEATHER ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Pert One. Overwew and Ralto~ale ............................................ 37 Part Two: What )s Weather? .......................................... 39 Procedu~’a el. Home Meleorok~y ..................................... Procedure #2 The Clouds and What They Can Tell You ....................... /,2 P~ocedure e3: Weather and Wee!her ForecaSting .......................................... 43 Procedure 1~4’ Hurncanes end Hurocana Pro!ring ................................ 45 VOLCANOES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 Pad One. Inlroduct~on ....................................................... 48 48 Section O~e. Building and Erupting your VoK;ano ................................ Sect’;on Two. Whet ~s a Volcano and Where o~ Earth are They? ........................ 49 Sectfon Three: Who Studies Volcanoes and Why? .......................... 51 SectionFour" Different K~ndeo! Volcanoes contro"edby the ThreeV’S of Magma: Section Five: S~x Volcano Types ............ Section Six Ddferant Kir~ls o~ En~pt=one and Vokcanic Rocl(~ ......... Section Seven, Erupho~l Forecastlr~ and Prediction ......... Section Eight: SomeCc~’nmon Queshons about Vulcanoes ,, SectionNine: TheTh~’eeVolcanicRocksIncluded~nth~s Kit Pad Two Books end Edgcal~ona~ References eboul V¢canoel ...... Glossary .................. 54 58 60 63 65 68 MtCROCBEMISTRY .................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 Pad Or, e: A Wo~ to Parents ..................................... 7t Pa~ Two: A Wo~ to the "Chemist" , .................................... 72 Pad Three, The Mtcrochemistry System ............................................... 74 74 Sechon (~te: Preg~.ratto. o! LaboratoP~" Equipment .................................... Section Two, Prepanng the Chem..el V~al Wail ................................................ 76 SecrJCnThree: Properties o! the Microchemistry System ............................................. 77 Secl~on Four: How to Oestroy Sudece Tension ............................................. 78 Section Five AJcohol and Sudeca Tension ................................................... 79 Secbon Six: A Visible tltusfrel/on Of Surface Tar~sion .................................... 79 80 PUt Four Chemral Models - Chemical Raectmns.............................................................. S~tton O~e: Cardboard Chemistry Lab 1 .......................................................... 82 Sechon Two Ca.rdbe~rd Chemistry ~ 2 ................................................. 83 Section Three Synthes~. ................................................................ o.~ Sectio~’, Three-A Synthes~s .................................................... 84 ~ec~o~,FOOr-BUsingMolecularMod~s II .............................................................................. Sac,on Five, Oecomposrtion of Water, a Chemical Change ......................................... Section S#x; Paper Chem~slry4 ...................................................................... PanFive Acid and Acid BaseSofu~tons................................................................................... ~ection O~e’The pH~cale arid lndtcators ......................................................................... SectionOne-A O~t~t~o~ ot Ac~............................................................................................... Sectiof~Two,NaturalIndicators.......................................................................................... Section Three’Naturalindicators....................................................................................................... Section Four:OtherNaturalIndicators.................................................................................................. Sac!loB Five:Testingfor AcidsendBases ................................................................................................. Section Six: TestingRainWafer for pHValue............................................................................................ Secbon Seven: Testingthe pHo! OtherChemicals ..................................................................................... Appendix A: Answers to Experiment Questions ............................................................................................................. Apf>endlx B: ANote~oAdultsandParents .................................................................................................................. 86 87 88 89 90 92 93 93 93 94 95 95 CRYSTAL GROWING ..................................................................................................................................................................................98 PartOne:Crysta/sandCrystalG~ow~ng Procedures .............................................................................................. t 00 Set.on(~e: Contents of YourCrystalGrowing Lab................................................................................. 101 SectionTwo:Mateha) Needed to be Supplie~byYou............................................................................. 101 Section Three: CrystalCategories .......................................................................................................... 102 P~rtTwo:Growing "Golden Citrate"Crystals ............................................................................................................. 102 Secbon O~e: Overwaw-P.’ocedum ................................................................................................................... 10~ 108 1 NOTES BIOLOGY Biology is the study of plants andanimalsandother riving things. Biologists study the structure of riving things: howindividual organisms are put together, what each part does, and howthese parts work together. They also study life processes, including motion, growth, reproduction, and death. Plants and animalsare able to use food, water, and light to developenergy,and to make living tissues of manykinds. Eventhe smaller, simpler forms of life such as algae, fungi, bacteria, and viruses are able to generate newindividuals which, after several stages, becomeremarkable likenesses - passing on characteristic forms and life patterns from generation to generation. Ourwor!dis thus populatedwith a great variety of life forms which- in close dependence upontheir physical chemical, and natural envifonments-contin~e to grow, adapt, evolve, or decline through the seasonsand over the centuries. This universeof riving organisms providesexciting opportunities fo,- study - not only for the professional scientist, but also for everyoneof us. For generations, before television or evenradio, folks entertained themselveswith the parlor gameTwentyQuestions. The best first question (to narrow the field quickly) was always: "Animal, vegetable, or mineral"? Now,however,biologists recognizethat someliving things - mostly microscopic - are neither plant nor animal but somethingearlier, simpler, or different. Taxonomistshave classified living things into five broad "kingdoms": monera,protista, fungL plantae, and animalia. Moneransare microscopic, single cells without a nucleus, including bacteria. Most protists are also single cells, but havea nucleus, andmaybe as large as the barely" visible parameciumor amoeba;algae and somemolds are also protists. Fungi are nearly all terrestrial; yeast, breadmold, andedible mushrooms, for example,are fungi. Whenthinking about plan ts, don’t overlook ferns and mosses.Andthe animal kingdom,of course, includes - in addition to mammals, birds, reptiles, andfish - invertebrate sponges,worms,andall the insects in the world! Editorial Note: Important newwordsare underlined the first time they are introduced. Definitions of newwordsare in the Glossaryor in the text. 2 107 NOTES BIOLOGY PART ONE: USING YOUR BIOSCOPE" Usingthe transparentcylindrical live box, you can actually observelive specimens - even watchlive specimens movingaroundin waterl YOUR BIOSCOPE" Veryoften, a personstudyingbiology would like to seea larger viewof a small object or wishesto examine moreclosely a smallpart of a specimen. O~course, howlarge a thing appearsdependsonhowclose youare to it. Thecloseryou get,themore nearlyit will beginto fill yourfield of vision. For a really goodlook, however, mostpeople can’t get muchcloser than 25.4 cm.(10 inches) awayandstill beableto seedetailsclearly. That is wheremagnifierscomein. A magnifyinglens addsto the focusingpower of the lens in youreye so that youcanlook at smallobjects really "up closeandpersonal." T,%G,u~COPE" is sucha magnifyinglens. It is a uniquetool designed especiallyfor young scientists working with this Mega-ScienceTM. Lab Theadvantagesof the BIOSCOPE" are not onlyits magnification, but alsoits versatility: PARTSOF YOUR~!OSCOPE" Figure #2 Youmayview preparedmicroscopeslides, andprepareyour ownslides. Thatis a goodway to focusonvery smallobjects - frominsect and flowerparts to fiber andcrystal identification. (Use the plastic slides in the Mega-ScienceTM, with transparentsticky tape to ho~dthe Lab specimen flat.) ~ LARGF OBJECTS CAN BE ~}~ HELD tN TWEEZERS FOR --,~ ~W~NGW, TH ~oscoP~ ~WEEZERS 106 ~ With the ~eezers,you mayhold androtate in front of the lenssmallobjects,like the method used by Antony van Leeuwenhoekmore ~an 300yearsago. ~ 3 ~ Figure #3 SP~C|MEN Figure #1 ~ Figure #4 SE’I’rlNG UP THEBIOSCOPE" SOCKET ~ ~ The BIOSCOPE" in your Mega-ScienceLabTM has beenpre-assembled. Thelens in its greenmounting is fitted alreadyinto the lower,or objective,endof theopticalcylinderof thepistolgrip handle. Thegreeneyecupis fitted alreadyinto the hole abovethe lens. NOTES THE BIOSCOPE"WITHALL OF ITS PARTS JOINT SUOE.... ~ Figure#5 Bysliding the pistol-griphandleoff its base, you can conveniently carry your TM E~IOSCOPE magnifierinto the field, for close-upexamination of specimensyou mayencounter. Hereis howto set upandget started: YOUR WORKSPACE Finda placewhere youcansit comfortably at a small deskor table with goodlighting, and perhapswith a drawer(or box) for your equipment, supplies, and specimens.Youwill want roomenough to rest your wrists, or evenelbows, while holdingsteadya specimen in onehandand KEY WAY TM ATeyelevel in the other hand. B~SE/~ ~ ..... the BlOSCOPE In addition to storagespacefor specimens, andfor supplieslike clear adhesive tape1.27cm. Figure #6 (1/2 inch), note paperandpencils, youwill want Already youhavea working instrument with to haveat handsomewhitecardsor other clean, whichyoucanapproach an object andseeit whitesurfaceuponwhichto viewobjects.A black magnified. card or black plastic surface will serve as a Fora ve~first look, youmight, withthe contrastingbackground for viewinglight-colored TM in onehand, BIOSCOPE puttheeyecupupto objects. youreyeandlookatyourotherthumbnail at about halfaninch away~ This isthemode, bythe TM UGHTING way,in whichyoumaycar~your~IOSCOPE intothefield onpre~ days. Good illuminationis essential,especiallyat Witha printed pagelaidflat onyourdesk, highermagnifications, andto observe finer detail. andlooking straight downwiththeTM ~IOSCOPE Brightdaylight- alongside or in front of a window lensnotquite touching thepage, youcansee - is fine. If thespace is sunlitat times,thatcanbe enlarged le~ersorperhaps the"halftone dots" of useful. At other times,youwill needa smallbut a picture. bright, shaded lamp. To complete assembly of theBIOSCOPE", Attentionto especiallygoodilluminationat slidethegrayhandle ontothematching ke~ay your workspace will richly repayyour efforts. ofthegray base, sothescope will stand alone at Ideally,yourelectric light should beeasilyadjust- yourwork station. ableso that youcanspotlight the smallareayou are observingwithout havingthe bulb glare into SAFETYWARNING youreyes.(A smallflashlight, suchas a Maglite~ - even handheld - can be focused for side or anyotherlens!Youcouldseriously injureyour illumination,fromvariousanglesto highlightdifeyes. ferentaspects.) 105 (9) Placethe plastic lid whichfits the top of your crystal solution cup to cover and protect the crystal growing process. (10) Set your "Golden Citrine" crystal growing cup in a place whereit will not be disturbed by movementor changes in tnmperature. (11 ) Recordin your RecordKeepingLogall of the steps which you haveperformedduring this procedure, including time, date, and which crystal type you are growing. You mayuse the Record KeepingLog as a handyplace to record your data and results. (12) Yourcrystals will stall growingin just a few hours. Youmayuse your flashlight to look down into the crystal growingcup and watchthe crystallization process. (13) Allow the crystals to grow without being disturbed for three or (our days. At that time you mayremoveyour crystals from the solution or you maytake off the lid and let the solution evaporate for a few more days (to makelarger crystals). If youremove the lid andlet the solution evaporate,a crust of crystals mayform at the top of the solution or at the top rim of the crystal growing cup. In any case remove your grown crystals before the top of your crystals are exposedthrough the sudaceof the solution. If the crystal massand the base rock have formed a rectangular shapedue to the shapeof the growing cup, you maywant to break off excesscrystals which form a rectangular shapein order to makeyour crystal massdisplay look more geoIogical(y natural. (14) Whenyou are satisfied with the shapeand size of your crystal massspecimen,set it aside on a piece of newspaper or paper towel and allow to dry completely’ for oneday. Eye Position Carefully, put your eye right downclose to, even gent~y against, the green eye cup. The eye cup is designed bolh to protect your eye andto shut out glare from extraneouslight. Figure #7 Slide the yoke and/or the tweezersonto the shaft of the socket. Snapthe socket onto the ball ioint of the base. You are now prepared to view an object of interest, whetherheld before the lens (1) in the tweezers,(2) on a slide placedin the slots of the yoke, or (3) in the cylindrical live box held between the armsof the yoke. RECORD KEEPING LOG (2) Type of base rock used (limestone, granite, etc.) (3) Numberof base rocks used ........................... (4) Nameof chemical used .............................. Polybag No. g. (5) Weightot chemicalused ................................ ’C. (7) Temperatureof crystal growing room (8) Temperatureof solution at beginning of procedure ~,~J) Temperatureot solution at end of procedure ........... (10) Temperatureof roomat end of procedure ............... crystal growth observed ................ (12) Estimatedsize of first Figure #8 VIEWING TECHNIQUE (6) Amount of water used (11) Date whenfirst Time crystals seen growing (13) Estimated growth rate of crystals seen growing (14) Date procedure ended_ Time 104 Depth of Field Whenviewing an object of somethickness, like a bugor a tangle of fibers, slowly movingit a little waytowardor awayfrom the lens will bring different parts into sharp focus successively. LIGHTING THE OBJECT Timestarted ............... (1) Date this procedurestarted Field of View Thearea you are looking at will be within a c~rc{e no larger than .95 cm(3/8 inch) in diameter. That is aboutthe samesize as the aperture of the eye cup and of the lens. Whenpreparing to view a specimen,anlicipate seeing an enlargementof a spot about that size, and position your object accordingly.(If your eyeis not close up to the eye cup, youwill seea smatlerfield.) Object Position Whether on a slide, in the live h~v, on .~;;’c~ ~,~.r ~, ,,,=.u hutO, the object you wish to view must be a little more than 1.27 cm (1(2 inch) beyondthe green lens mount. Arrangethe yokeon its ball andsocket joint so that it {s squarely across your viewing direction. Movethe object from side to side a bit, and up or down,so that the part you wish to see is centeredin the field of view. A slight adjustment back and forth will sharpenthe focus. STAYALERT C~r~osi~ is ~ scientifict~ad~t~on! Keep you~eyesopen. When youspotsomething interesting,youmaywishto inspec~ o~~ol~ect it: a feather,or anunfamiliar leaf, blossom, acorn,or otherseedyouhavenot examined before.Some scientistscarrysmallenvelopes, or a coupleof empty pill boxes in casetheycome acrossan interestingspecimen. Familiar to all microscopists are the two modesof illuminating any magnified specimen: by incident lighting, or by transmittedlighting. I_n_.c_i~_en_L~_i,g_h_bn_~g, light falling onthespecimenfrom above, is used for opaque(not transparent) objects. It canbe angledin fromeither the right or left side, or fromabove. Experimentingwith different angles of incident light will often provide a remarkablevariety of views. A lower angle of light maybring surface features into sharpre|ief, for example. Onceyou have a specimen in position and focused, and have madea preliminary inspection of it, the scenem~.v~’e!! bc ;~;,~.uvuu oy aiming the light froma different angle. Movingthe light to the opposite side could showfeatures you did not notice before. _~Ea_nsm.i .tt_~ ~.q.htingis usedwith transparent objects. It is light from below,shining up through the object being viewed. Very thin material positioned on microscopeslides is examinedby transmitted lighting. For example,medical technicians prepare paper-thin anatomical "sections" just for this purpose. To view a slide or transparent specimenby transmitted light with your B¢OsCOPE", simply hold it in front of a light source(not the sun). your desk, a good technique would be to lay a white 7.62 cmx 12.7 cm(3 x 5 inch) card or even a white handkerchief, out in front of the TM base, about wherethe line of sight is BioscoPE aiming. Shiningyour lampon the white card will then providea bright background for viewing. (Avoid havingthe bulbitself in yourline of sight, but angle the lamp and white backdropfor best results.) TryBoth!Objectsshowdifferent characteristics underincident, or by transmittalS,light. When a specimen perm~ts the useo~either method, it can bequite revealingto useone,andthenthe other. Athin leaf will showsurfacetextureby incidentlight, but a bdghtnetwork of veinsby transmittedlight. Grainsof salt look quite different underlight from aboveor below. Sodoesthe wovenwebof an ordinary white handkerchief. Observingthesecontrastingviewsis often TM andaiming as easyas pickingup the B~OSCOpE it at thelight! You wi((seelittle whiteblockswithabsolutely square corners.Notflat like a book,or longlike a brick,butall perfectlittle cubes - like dice.They are crystals of sodium chloride(NaCI). Viewthe salt crystalsby incidentlight from above,andby transmitted light from behind. (Youcan learn moreaboutan object this way.) EPSOM SALT:Ask a parent if there is some epsom salt (bath salt) in the house.Examine fewof theselargegrainsir~thepalmof yourhand, then with a magnifier.Thewhitecrystals look at first ~ike miniature"hotels" fromTM a Monopoly game,little houses with pointedroofs. When you look moreclosely, however,you will seethat the endoppositethe "roof" is also slanted - but crosswise.Themagnesium sulfate crystal is eight-sided -. four sidesaround, plusa peaked"roof" at eachend. PEPPER: Sprinklea little pepperon a pieceof tapeandviewit, as youdid with the salt. Jagged pieces,quiteirregularin shape,size, andcoloroccurbecauseit is a ground-uppeppercorncertainlynot a crystal. SOMEINTERESTINGTHINGSTO LOOKAT PARTTWO: BOTANYand PARTTHREE: ZOOLOGY of this section will provide you with manyexamples of interesting things to look at withyourB~OSCOPE". In addition, hereare a few suggestions for your consideration: SAND: Sprinkle a few grains of beachor river sandon a piece of sticky tape. Prepareand positionyourslide as youdid with salt. Whatdo you see through your BIOSCOPE’"? Thegrains of sandare similar in size, but irregular. Nosharpcornersthis time. Theyhave been worn rounded. There are a great many light-coloredgrains, but a surprisingnumber of black, brown,evena few red or greenones, whichyou wouldneverhaveseenbefore in the yellowsandpile. Thesandis mostlys’fi~ca(Si(]~). tts grains areoften translucentby transmittedlight, which remindsus that glassis made fromsilica sands. Sand fromdifferent locationswill differ considerably in compositionand character. You mightwantto start a collection of small sand samples, identified by locationanddate. WOOD FIBERS: Collect several different kinds of paper:papertowel, toilet tissue, newspaper, magazine pages,businessletterhead, envelopes, or a brownpaperbag. A small piece of eachis plenty! Try tearing eachsamplelengthwiseand crosswise. Ibo~)o~noticea difference,especially SALT:Sprinkle a few grains from a pinch of common table salt onto the sticky side of a piece with newspaper? Examineeach samplewith your BIoscoPE" of clear tape. Fastenthe salted tape onto a TM. plastic slide from your Mega-Science-Lab magnifier,first in anuntornspot, thenat a torn Insert the slide in the slots in the yokeof your edge.(If the towelor tissue is "2-ply", separate TM. Positionit in front of the lens, about B~oscoPE theplies.) 1.27cm(half an inch) away. Then tear off a smallscrapof paper,anduse Puttingyour eyeto the greeneyecup, focus the tweezers to positiona paperscrapbeforethe by moving the slide with its saltedtapeslightly BIOSCOPE" lens. Try light fromdifferent sides forwardor back. (or lookat a tomwhiteedgeagainsta blackcard). 6 SECTIONONE Overview- Procedure In this procedure, youwill growcrystalclus(3) After youhaveexamined the crystals, put .61 ters of a goldenamber color on a baserock. The ml (about 1/8 teaspoon)of thembackinto poly crystal growing chemical contains bag#1 for useas seedcrystals. monoammonium phosphateand a concentrated food dye colorant. After you havegrownthe (4) Using your graduatedmeasuringcup, mea"GoldenCitrine" crystals, keepthemas cleanand sure out 70 ml (about14.2 teaspoons)of water dry as possible. If they become dusty, they may andpourthis waterinto a smallsaucepan. Place be cleanedwith a soft brushor with air froma the saucepan onto the stoveandheatuntil water gentle blowersuchas a hair dryer. Protectyour is boiling. finishedcrystalsfromharsh~igb,t a~dmoisture. (5) Pour’[he boiling waterfromthe smallsauceYouwiil needthe followingmaterialsto complete paninto the plastic growingcup in the MegaTM, whichcontainsthe contentsfrom this procedure: Science-Lab potybag#1. Stir this mixturewith oneof your MATERIALS wooden spatulasuntil all of the chemicalgrains r.3 Safety goggles havedissolvedcompletely. Polybag#1 containing"GoldenCitrine" crystal growingchemical Crystalgrowingcupis molded in to yourlab station. Youw(ll usethis crystal growing cup for the growingof your "Golden Citrine"crystals. Plastic coverfor top of crystal growing cup Plastic graduatedbeaker(for measuring liquid andsolid amounts) Wooden spatula(for stirring) Saucepan for boiling water(let yourparents help youwith boiling water) ORstyrofoam cupif wateris boiled in microwave. Donot useanalum_i__n_u__m_sa.ucepan, Useonlya nonstick pansuchas a stainlesssteel saucepan Carefullypourboiling waterinfo crystal growing cupand Baserock piecesto placein the bottomof dissolvethe cPjstal chemicalsby stirring with a wooden plastic crystal growing cupfor yourcrystals spatula. to growupon(suppliedin this set) Newspaper or plastic sheetingto coveryour Figure #6 workingareato reducethe hazardof spills (6) Placethe graniterockfragments in the bottom ontable or floor of the lab station plastic growing cup.Thesebase Flashlight rocksshouldonly comeup fromth~ bottomof the TM Bioscope growingcup about2 cm(about3/4"). Smallnotebook andpencil for recordingthe steps of procedureor you mayuse the (7) Let the solution cool until lukewarm. RecordKeepingLog. SeeChart #1. (8) Fromthe poly bag,take the fewseedcrystals BE SURE TO WEARYOUR SAFETY GOGGLESWHEN whichyou saved,andcarefully deposittheseat PREPARINGSOLUTIONS AND WHENDEALING WITH different placesonthe top of the rockswhichare CHEMICALS IN THIS CRYSTALGROWING KIT( onthe bottomof the plastic crystal growing cup. Youmayjust let these seedcrystals sink down DIRECTIONS through the liquid andland onthe rocks. (1) Open PQlybag#1, the "Golden Citrine" crystal growingchemicalandpo~rt~e contentsinto the crystal growingcup whichis molded in to your TM. Thecrystal growingcup is Mega-Scier~ce-Lab therectangular depression onthe left sideof the lab station shown in Figure#4. (2) Usinga clean dry wooden spatulaandyour TM, carefully Bioscope lookat thesmallgrainsand crystalsof the chemical fromthe polybag#1. 103 Figure#7 THE SEVENCRYSTALSYSTEMS S RHOMBOHEDF~AL CUBIC ORTHORHOMBIc ~ TETRAGONAL J MONOCLINIC HEXAGONAL J TRICLINIC SECTIONTHREE Crystal categories All naturalcrystalscanbeidentifiedas belonging to one of these sevencrystal systems. The crystals that yougrowwith your crystal gro~ing set mayalso beclassified underoneor the Other of these~ategories(shapes). All crystals whichare known havebeenclassified into oneof the sevencategorie s called crystal systems. PART TWO: Gp, owt, It is plainto seethatpaperis really a tangle of fibers - wo~:lpulpfibers in fact. (some paper towelsare impressed with’ a pattern that makes themlook WOven.) Newsprintcomes fromthe papermill in huge -rollS, withth.e"grain"running thelongwaY...Mag, a zinc paper has been"coated" with fine wn=te clay smoo~(~ ar~d~ ~r~¢jht needed especially for color ’ filling the spacebetween f~,bers. ~h~tm~,es~ If youcantransfertheinsectwitha little earth into the live box,you canSpyonits activities TM pE through the B~osco . 1.2 cc (a quarter teaspoonful)will fill the live box,by the timeyou screwit together. POND WATER: Onfield .trips , carry along a coupleof small bottles hawn~ printing. TheWood fibers in a brownkraft paper youget a chance to doso safetycollect a water baghavenottbeenbleached.(Thewordkraft is satanic from a pondor stagnant ool Youwant derived fromhe German wordfor tough.) a placewherealg.~ (gre_ek scu~.)hasgrown the edgeof the water./a.~.e Y~.~rsample wher.e PLASTIC: Confirmyour impressionthat plastic thereis only a little algae.Youaon’tneeda thiCK bags an.,d,fil.m, arenot fibrousor woven byt.ak!n.g mator clump. a magnmea ~ook.Plastic is not porous.It I~o~os When home,put someof the water with its moisture in or out andis ordinarilyairtight. It has floating greenish andetherstuff in the live box, nograin. Plastic stretchesbut won’teasily tear. not morethanhalf full, so the top will haveroom somepapers are now being madefrom to screwon, Putthe live boxin the yokeof ~tour plastic, however.For example,the newpostage B~osco~E", set u~ ~/our andsee what stampsare printed on a plastic you have. Thefine greenthreads,or filament,~, CLO3’t4FIBERS:Examinethe wovenwebof bea~gae.Each~hreadis a long String of single whitecotton handkerchief.Othertabrics canbe r:ells. Thecelts containthe samegreenchlorojust as interesting. Youcantell whichpatterns I~hyll aslandplants. areprinfed,andwhichare woven.Wool,hair, fur, Youmayhavehadthe .goodluck to capture velvet,leatheran~~an-made fibers will all reveal a.n ~m_oeba or a IZ~E~.~-ec~um.: I~oth are tiny freshqualities undermagnification. anima -i ke members of the g.E0.ti_~ kingdom. The movearoundandto capturetO~d’particles" ’t~ amoeba is an irregular blob, whichChan(les shaoe ’~ FORGET rrt --""-Theparamecium is slipper-sha,.ped,andpropels itself by waving tiny hairs or DON’T mess witht~rokenglass,broken or rusty metal,or other discarde man-made stuff. The d sharp edg~,S andhardpointsarenote,t,~eHs p~a~n t~see-~n~t~/~ ~t ~r s~.~,c~,,/~ur~e~t~. Always knoW where to find afirst-~.idkit. Always askfor help. NG "GOLDENC~qlNE" CRYSTALS Actualc_i_trin_p~ crystals ar~a varietyof quartz whichshowa light yellow Crolor. The"Golden Citrine" crystals whichyou~Vill growwith your Mega.Science.Lab TM us~, the chemical monoammonium phosphate~nd a yellow food dyeto simulateactualcitrine Quart7Rothyc, ur ,:.hc,~,,;c&~ ,.~ y~ta~s andactual~:itrinecrystals do, however, form in the hexagonal crystal system, Crystals of the samechhmical substance mayexhibit a widevariety of Shapes. Thescientific wordused insteadof shape ~,sha~o;,t,,Cwsta~~eoja~he~s refer to the ~ab~’~whicha specific crystal exhibits. However, itisP~ssibletochoos e threereferencelines, or ~_~e~ rcalled crysta/Iographicaxes),that uniquelyd.efi’ne the geometry of eachcrystal. TheSe axes=nt~rsectat a commonpoint at the center of the crystal. For a representation of theselines, SeeFigure#5. ~3onot eXPect to seetheseaxesin the crysthl s whichyou~Jrow.Thelines are simplya reference crystal’s gebmetry highly regular lille on the drawing in’ For order to define ashapes partiCUlar cubes(high symmetrv~, the= ;ungm,andthe anglesbetween the axesare 900. mineral halite) There am seven combi. . An example of this ~pe of c~stal isdifferent tablesalt (th e nationsof c~stallographic axes.TheSe are calle~ c~stal systems(see F~gu~e C~ne"¢~ta~s that you will grow with your Mega’ScienEe-Lab~ c~sta~ize in one of ~ess systems.Canyou determinewhichone? Thec~statswhichyou will growin a water (aqueous) SOlutionare not actual¢itrine qua~z but are,as nonetheless golden cwstal cWstals Seenin jewel~ ’ beautiful stores or mu~ums, stru~ures. 102 SOIL: In the yard, garden, or flowerbox, or arounda growingplant, find somegoodsoil. Poke it witha stick to S~eif it is darkcrumbly, and ~r~, a bit moist.Youwon’tfind much goinqonin h drY. v~llnWC!-’tY. T,~k~a spoonfulor twoof the goo(Jearthinside. ¯ Wh.~td~_o~y~ou~n,d pebbles,hollOW 3 Perhaps veinsof a brokenleaf, stemsot gra~o..... ~%n old white root threaas, an emptyseed, amon~ other the,rigs. Puta sample of the soil in the clear plastic live box to examiner~ore closely underyo~Jr B/oscoPE’.Eachtypfi of so//is different. How muchof your sa.mple i~ sand, and howmuch humus, the decay.¢ng Ve~etabl organicmatter e or and that providesnutrientsfor plants holdswater in the soil? Youmayhave capturedsomeresidents of that patchof grounda..s..Well" Perhaps anant or rolled-up pill Dug,a ~=tt~, worm,anearwig,or beetle. AMOEBA F~ VACUOLE C yT~LASM PARAMECIUM Figure #9 Youmightalso seea C_y_clops, or a _Daphni_a_ LEAVES,PETALS ANDINSECTS:If you pro"waterflea". Orevena "waterbear"huntingin the ceedto PART TWO:BOTANY of this section, you algaeforest. Therecould be r0~tifers zipping will find manyopportunities to use your around. ~,~oscoPE’"andto apply the magnifyingtechAll areone-cellcreatures - tiny but visibleat niqueswith whichyouare nowfamiliar. low magnification - and rewardingobjects of Insects whichare safe to collect are defurther study. Thedrawingsshowenlargedviews scribed in PARTTHREE:ZOOLOGY of this of theseprotists. section.If alive, youcanseea moving picturein the live box.(If the insectis too lively to permit observation,its metabolism canbe sloweddown by spending severalminutesin the refrigeratorasif it is wintertime.) Dead insects,foundunderthe porchlight for example, canbetakenapart- anda leg, antenna, wing,or otherbodypart fastenedto a slide with sticky tape for BIOSCOPE’" examination. Goodhunting! NEVERMIND AVOID discardedtissues, combs,old socks andother personalstuff someone hasthrown away.Youdon’t needit. Yournoseshouldtell youto stay awayfrom garbage,deadanimalsandrotting things. TAKE A BREAK ROTFERS Figure #11 NO MATTER WHAT THE EXPERIMENT, EQUIPMENT OR PROCEDURE,THE ONE THINGTO CONSIDER AT ALL TIMESIS S-AF-E-T-Y, SECTIONONE Contentsof YourCry,sial GrowingLab Yourcrystal growing sectioncontainsthe following materialsandequipment for growingbeautiful chemical crystals: MATERIALS Safety goggles Plastic growing vesselin your lab station Plastic coverlid for growing cup 1 poly bagof crystal growingchemicals 1 wooden spatula Graduatedmeasuringcup markedin "ml" (milliliters), cc (cubiccentimeters), well as in oz (ounces) TM Bioscope Po~ybagcontaininggranite baserocks Labstation whichcontainsa crystal growingcupmolded into the lab station CHEMIC,~L VIALWELLS TM LaboratoryStaTheFive-in-One Mega-Science-L.ab tion with pipettes, microplate,chemicalvia! wel!~, and crystal growingcup. Figure #4 SECTION TWO Material Needed to be Suppliedby You Make a noteof where youleft off. Puta few thingsin order.Takea break.Youwill return refreshedandmorealert! Gathertogetherthe followingmaterialsandconNever_use a_nal_u_m_i_n_._u__m~n. Theboilingwater tainers to help yourprocedures run moresmoothly will be usedto dissolve chemicals.When using andto insure that your crystal growingwill be boiling water, alwayshaveparentsor an adult moresuccessful. help you. Botanyis the branchof biology that deals with plants. If you engagein the experiments in Section Onethrough Section Twelve,you will not only learn about suchinteresting things as capillary action and osmosisand viscosity, but also useful descriptions of "xylem", "phloem", "cambium",and what a "corolla", a "corona", and a "cotyledon" maybe! In fact, these experimentswill give you a pretty goodstart toward becominga young botanist, and a basis for pursuing in the future your newbotanical interests. SECTIONONE Fluid Transport Capillary Action EQUIPMENT TM ~] Twoplain slides from Mega-Science-Lab (9) Disposeof usedchemicals in a manner which is environmentally safe. Talk to your parentsor schoolscienceteacher aboutthe best wayto disposeof chemicals. Don’twearyourselfout or strain youreyes. Relax,sit upstraight, standandstretchfrom timeto time. PART TWO: BOTANY Goal:Toshowhowwatercan rise in tiny spaces {8} It is important to coverclothingwith a protective layer of cloth, plastic or rubber.Youshould obtainan apron(like a workshop apron)andwear it while you are doingthe procedures. 7.62 cmx 12.7 cm(3x5 inch) card Scissors Adhesive plastic tape Foodcolodng Smalldrinking glass Youwill need: (1) A roomor location in your homewherethe temperatureremainsrelatively constant and wherethe crystals maygrowand not be disturbed. Onceyou havepreparedyour crystals andthey are readyto grow,try not to disturb them. (2) A mediumsize saucepanin whichto heat waterto boiling. Always usea stainlesssteel or a non-stickpan. (3) Plentyof newspaper or plastic sheeting protect your workareafromspills andfromthe dyeswhichare addedto manyof the chemicals. Thepowerfuldyesmaystain floors or table tops if the cotoredsolutions are spilled onto these surfaces. (4) A supplyof papertowelsor tissue paperfor dryingcrystals andcleaningupanyspills. (5) A flashlight Ii LWAYSWEA~’YOUR SAFETYGOGGLES WHENPEI~FORMINGEXPERIMENTSWITH~’~ HEMICALS OR DOING THE PROCEDURES OUTLINED FOR CRYSTAL GROWINGANDI OLUTIONMAKING! BE CAREFULWHENHANDLINGHOT WATERt J 101 TM allows you to gain YourMega-Soence-Lab an appreciationof both the beautyandthe scienceandtechnologyof crystals. Youwill grow severaldifferent typesof crystals andcanobservethe regularities of eachtypewhichmakes it different fromothertypes.Bymounting themon rocks whichare themselvesmadeof crystals, youcanappreciate the beautyof your crystals in an appropriate setting. Alsothe different baserocks on whichthe crystalsaregrown canaffect their size andshape. Foodcolor dyeshavebeenaddedto enhance the naturalbeautyof yourcrystals. If youfollowthe instructions,youwill berewarded with beautiful crystalsandcrystalclustersgrown onbaserocks. Thesemaysurprise and delight you and your friendswith their interestingshapes andcolors, PART ONE: CRYSTALS AND CRYSTAL GROWING PROCEDURES WARNINGI READALL SAFETYPRECAUTIONS BEFORE STARTING.ALL CHEMICALS ANO PROCEDURES HAVETHE POTENTIAL TO CAUSEHARMI (2) AVOID contactof anychemicals, solutions crystalswith the skin, eyesandmouth. Becareful with stirring sticks andcontainerswhichhave beenusedwith the chemicalsor solutions. Alwayswashyour handsandarmsafter handling chemicals,crystals, or solutions. Keepyour work areacleananddust-free! Crystalswhicharefoundin naturemayhavetaken thousands or evenmillionsof yearsto growinto the final shapeandsize whichwerecognize.Some naturalcrystalsformin hotsolutions of chemicals deep (3) READINSTRUCTIONS for each procedure withintheearth.Crystalsmayalsoformas theresult before actually doingthe procedure.Makesure of mineralscoolingin moltenrockor superheated you haveall of the equipmentand materials vapors of minerals or elements. readyfor the procedure beforestarting. Bothnaturallyoccurringcrystalsandman-made crystalsare chemical compounds. Thecrystalswhich (4) Ifchemicalsaccidentallycomeincontactwith youwill growin this sectionareman-made or synthetic skin, washthe areawith soapandwater. If eye crystals.Yourcrystalsgrowveryrapidly,needing only contactoccurs,carefullyflush eyeswithwaterfor a fewhoursor daysto complete their growth.Boththe fifteenminutes. If irritationoccurs, or if it persists, crystalsfoundin natureandthe onesyougrowfrom get medicalattenlion. Some chemicalsmayform TM are actual crystals with your Mega-Science-Lab or containDUST. If a chemicaldustis inhaled, internal structures much the same, exceptyoudonot seekfresh air. If symptoms occur, seekmedical have to waitthousands of years to seetheresultof your attention.If anychemicals, crystals,or solutions crystalgrowth! are swallowed,immediatelyrinse your mouth In this crystalgrowing section,the chemicals withmilkor water;drinkseveralglasses of milkor used and the proceduresoutlined have been water. Seekmedicalattention or call a Poison made as safe as possiblethroughcareful testing ControlCenter. andpackaging.However,they are not withn~=t sorn~h--,z~r~3~nc,~ ALLcnemicals arepotentially (5) Keepchemicals, solutions,andcrystalsout dangerous.Be sure you read the warningsand the reachof smallchildrenandpets. cautionstatements on the individual containers andfollow the proceduresanddirections care(6) Always workwith the safety gogglesthat are TM. fully. supplied in your Moga-Science-Lab NOTE: This crystal growingsection maybe used by youn 9 children only with adult supervision! (7) Makesure your workarea is coveredwith several sheets of newspaperor a waterproof plastic sheetingto reducethe problem of spills fromchemicals andfromthe dyeswhichare used in the chemical solutions.If thereis a spill, clean the areaimmediately with papertowels. (1) NEVER put any chemicals,crystals or solu. tions into the mouth.Neverswallowor eat any chemicals,crystals or solutions. Donot eat or drink whenhandlingchemicals,crystals or Solutions. 100 First: To observe ~.,~3_qL~, we would like to havea very thin, transparenttube. Wecould touchits endin coloredwaterandseeif the water inside the tubule rises to the samelevel as outside,did not doso, or roseevenhigher. Makeyour owntransparentcapillary tube: DIRECTIONS (1) Fromthe7.62cmx12.7cm(3xSinch)card, cut a coupleof narrowstrips - eachoneas long as the plastic microscope slides, but less than half as wide. ~ooo WATER (2) Placethe strips between the twoslides, one onthe left, the otherto the right, leavinganopen spacedownthe middlebetween the two strips. (3) Holdingthis slide =sandwich" firmly together, lay a strip of stickytapeonthe left half of the top slide, foldingit overto holdthe bottom slide. (4) Do the samething with another piece tape, to holdthe other side of the =sandwich." DIRECTIONS Puta fewdropsof foodcoloringinto a smallglass of water.Watch it disperse.Stir a little. (1) Takethe slide "sandwich" andhold it above the glassof coloredwater,pointingdown,so you can watchthe capillary tube spacebetween the strips of card. (2) Touchone end of the "sandwich"to the surfaceof the coloredwater.Holdit therefor a fewseconds andobserve.Doesthe waterrise in the narrowspacebetween the two slides, apparently againstgravity? Abouthowfar? ~’]MICROSCOPE co~,oPJ l~ SOLUTION ~ Figure #12 the stemsof plants, but also in holdingmoisture in loosely-packed soil. C’,apillarityis aneffectyou mayobsewein manyapplications - including a papertowelif youspill thejuice/. Variations:In nearly eve~scienceexperiment, it is useful to change the experiment somewhat, oneparameter at a time, in orderto find out just whatis goingon. Doyou think it wouldmakemuchdifference mthe heightof the liquid raisedby capilla~action if the slot betweenthe card strips weremuch wider? Or evennarrower? Whatif the small spacebetween the slides weregreater? Or smaller? That wouldbe well wodhexploring fudher: (A) Undothe "sandwich"andremakeit with doublethicknessof 7.62cmx 12.7cm(3 x 5 inch) card strips. Doesthe liquid rise abouthalf as high? (B) Try a "sandwich" with thinner strips, say (3) Whatif youpushthe slide "sandwich" deeper ordinary writing paper.Is the capillary action twice as effective, perhapsto the top of the into the liquid andwait a fewseconds? slides? (~11it nn2t-!~, 3-’-’~. & ~¢~i¢,? weare nowobservingthis effect in small (4) What happens if VOU on the orderof severalthousandths of an ~n¢,dchcase,doesthe liquid rise aboutthe same spaces inchor tenthsof a millimeter. distance? (C) Whathappens if youtip the capillary tube Youhavejust observed capillary action.It is a very importantphenomenon, not only in botany a very shallowangle?Mightthe liquid be drawn for the transportof nutrient-richfluids upthrough farther along,but nohigher?Try it. SECTION"TWO CapillaryAction Goal:To showhowplants drink water EQUIPMENT Twotall juice or drinkingglasses Whitecarnation,longstem(flower stall) Foodcoloring, red andblue Xylem Precaution: A little dyecanstain a lot. Keepthe foodcoloringcapped,andplacewhereit will not be knockedover. DIRECTIONS (1) Fill eachof the twoglasseshalf full of warm 9 water. (2) Addseveraldropsof bluedyeto the water oneglass,moreof red to the other, until youget nice deepcolors. (3) Locatea window sill or othersafeplaceto put yourexperiment for twoor three days.Placethe glassesside by side in yoursafeplace. I (4) Aska parentto makea fresh cut acrossthe endof the carnationstem,andthen to carefully split it in two, fromthe endto abouthalf wayup towardthe flower, so youcanarrangethe carnation to "drink" frombothglasses. XYLEM ~~ ~ " PiTH WOODY STEM (5) Put the carnationwith its dividedstemin the dividedblue-red"vase,"andleaveit there. Result:Aftertwoor threedays,the carnationwill befringedwith redononeside, blueonthe other. Thethin layer of unspecialized but continually dividingcambium cells is busyturningitself into moreliving phloem tissue onthe outside,and Whathappened? The stemof the carnation is into tubesof woody xylemfromits inner surface. wrappedarounda bundleof tiny, long tubes Soit is fromthe cambium that the stem,branch, called ~l_e__m. cells. Thecoloredwaterwasdrawn or root growsin width. upthroughthe xylemtissue by capillary action. This organizationof xylem, cambium, phThisis the wayall floweringplants, andseed loem, supporting tissue and epidermis runs plants, get water- including any mineralsand throughoutthe plant’s vascular~3LS_t_em, from nutrientsdissolved in the water. roots throughstem,branches,andleaves. Eventrees?Yes, xylemis the Greekwordfor "wood."Plants that live morethan oneseason growanotherlayer of xylemtissue eachyear. Therings youcountin a crosscutbranchor trunk to find its age, for example, are rings of xylem tissue. Fast spring growthmakes larger cells, whichlook lighter than the moredenselypacked summer growth.In everybeautiful pieceof wood, the "grain" is showing youxylemcells! Summary: Wehave beenexploring the microplumbingsystemof vascular plants. Vascular tissues are composed of long cells with thick walls, whichsupportthe plant. Utilizing capillary action, osmosis,turgot pressureandother effects, thesevascular tissues carry waterand mineralsfromrootlets to leaf tips. Vascular tissues also return the nutritious productsof photosynthesis fromthe plant’s greenleavesto its branches, stemandroots. Theefficient vasof the seed-producing andflowerIs the stickysapin the xylemtissue?No. But cular systems ing plants haveenabledthemto developin stunclosely associatedwith the xylemare somewhat ning variety andrange. similar bundlesof phloemtissue. Thesephloem or sieve-tubecells havethicker walls, andtransWellnow,that wasquite a garden of informaport the sugarysap. tion to growfroma red, whiteandblueflower! Theliving phloem tissue is foundjust inside the outerbarkof trees. (In early spring,whenthe Alternatives: Insteadof purchasing a whitecarnation,if it is springtime youmighttry this experisapis dsing,Vermonters tap their mapletrees’ ment with a daffodil. Orif it is summertime look phloem for syrup!) at a hydrangea bushbig blossom fromyour own Between the woodyxylem tissue andthe of course,froma friendly surrounding sieve-tubephloem is a separating yardor, with permission neighbor. layerof c.,ambium. SECTIONTHREE Turgor Pressure CapillaryAction Goal:Whywilted plantsperkup whenwatered EQUIPMENT [3 Ddnkingglass 10 Scissors Bluefoodcoloring Wiltedstalkof celery OVERVIEW z Since before recordedhistory, peoplehave beenfascinatedwith crystals. Theyfoundcrystals along streambedsand in rock outcroppings./n somecases,they evenminedcrystals in caves. Peoplemayhavebeenattracted mostlyby the beautyof crystals. Certaincrystals wereparticularly valuedfor their color andrarity, andbecame knownas gems. Beyondthat, people cameto believe that crystals hadmagicalproperties or medicinal qualities. Theywereused as valued itemsof barter. Today mostsocietiesworldwide still valueandusecrystals in variousroles fromjewelry to electronic components in the mostadvanced and complexelectronic instruments.Crystals can be either natural or man-made. Youcan find crystals all around youin yourdaily life. Television,radio, Computer drawing of the atomicstructureof beryl (variety andcomputers all havecrystals usingthe principals emerald). Thesilicon and be~liumatomsoccupythe of the blue andgreentetrahedra,respectively. ofsolidstatephysics. Manybuildingmaterialssuch centers The aluminumatomswhichare shownas red spheres, as stone, brick, andconcreteconsist largely of are surrounded by six, rather than four oxygens.Lines havebeendrawnfrom eachaluminumto the cornersof crystalline materials.Snowflakes andice cubesare neighboringtetrahedrato indicate the closest oxygen crystalline. Common medicinessuch as aspirin atoms.A small numberof these aluminumatoms in ~, andAlka-Seltzed andfoodstuffslike salt, sugar, emeraldare replaced by chromium.A characteristic of the atomicarrangement is the six-sided(hexandbakingsodaare all crystalline. Mostchemicals feature agonal)rings of silicon tetrahedra.Therings are located canbe put into the formof crystals. Because the aboveeachother to formchannelsthat run throughthe repeatingarrangement of units in mostcrystals only structure. Atomsor ions (chargedatoms)canenter these channelsduring growthof the crystal allow roomfor the correct units (atoms,ions, or molecules) to fit, crystalsareoftenthe purestform of a substance.A common waytopudfy something is to crystallize it. Crystalsrangein size fromthosewhichcanonly be seenwith a microscope, to quartzcrystals that weighmorethan 36.2 metric tons (40 tons) andmeasure morethan 12.1 meters(20 feet) in length! Thesize of crystals is dependent ona number of factors, includingthe time availablefor atoms to orderthemselves into regular pattems.In nature,crystals mayformin hot moltenrock (magma) as ascends towardthe earth’s surface.If the magma reachesthe surfaceandflows froma volcano,it cools very rapidly, andthe resulting rock (basalt) is characterized by the presence of smallcrystals. Gas bubblesfrozenin basalt, as it cools, areresponsiblefor the formationof quartzgeodes andzeolites. In somecases, magma crystallizes into a rock beneaththe surface at a very slowrate. This TM, granite "base promotes the development of larger crystals (granite). In your Mega-Science-Lab rocks" are includedto providemineralgrowingbasesfor your crystals. Silicon is the majorcomponent of the mineralsfeldsparandquartz. Silicon is also oneof the most common elements in nature.Quartzandfeldsparare the majorbuildingblocksof sandandsoil. Silicon can be removed from thesecommon substances,purified andcrystallized in long cylinders called boules.Theboulesare sliced into thin circular wafersandthe wafersare chemicallyandphysically modifiedinto complexindividual chips. Eachof thesechips maytake the place of hundredor even thousands of traditional tubeandtransistorcircuits. Crystalscanbeformed in air as a hot liquid coolsto a solid," theycanbeformed in wateras a solid is formedor the waterof the solution evaporates; andthey canbe formedunderspecialconditionsot heatandpressure.Thehardanddurablenaturalcrysta/sthatarecutandpolishedintogemsandjewe/s are formed deepin the earth underheat andpressure. Scientists have found waysto approximatethese extremeconditionsandmakesyntheti< gemstones suchas corundum (vadetyruby andsapphire),beryl (variety emerald),andevendiamonds 99 .................. ................ CRYSTAL GROWING Ct~,stals are solid substancesin whichthe smallest units (atoms, ion.~ n~ molecules)are arranged in repeating geometrical patterns. You can see this in the drawingspresented below for quartz, a mineral that occurs fn all types of earth matenat5#ore beachsandsto rocks that form mountains.In the atomic structure of quartz, the silicon ~tomis surroundedby four oxygensarrangedat the comers of a pyramid (called a tetrahedron). Tetrahedra ale repeated as shown below to produce the characteristic six.staled co/stals so commonly observedin quartz (see Figure # I). Theatomicstructure is responsihlefor importantproperties ex,btbited bF crystats. Whenan electric currentis passedth rougha quartzcrys tel, for e ×a topic, it canbemade to vibrate at its na tural frequency (a property called piezoeloctrictty). Th~sproperty has beenput to practical use tn quartz watches. rluatlz crystal inside the clock vibrates whenplacedin an e(ectnbalcircuit. Thevibrating crystal is then coupled to the movement of the hour and secondhandson the face of the watch. Although the regular shapeota crystal implies a regular arrangementOf underlyint 2 atoms, th~s observation wasnot confirmed by experimentuntil the early part of this century. Shortly after the discovery of X-radiation in 1895, the Germanphysicist Maxyon L aue found that whena &mall crystal ~0. 1 mm(.004 inches) w,~s placed in an X-ray beam,it produceda geometricpattem of dots on black and white film located behind the crystal. Yon Laue’s pattern looked muchlike that shownbelowfor emerald, a highly-prized gemthat contains beryllium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen. Each dot representsan X-ray beamthat wasdiffracted (bent) by the crystal Notethe striking similarity between the shapeof the X-ray patlern and the shapeof the atomic pattern of emerald(see Figure #3). (Hint. Look closely at the nngs of tetrahedra). Do you see why X-rays can reveal ~nformation about the arrangementof atomsin crystals (see Figure #2)? Editona~note: Important~ewwordsare underlinedthe first t~methey are introduced. Oe(initions el new wordsare in the Glossaryor in the text. DIRECTIONS (1) Cut off the last inch of the celery stalk, at an angle. (Wealwaysdo this with cut flowers, too.) A fresh cut across the end ensures that the exposedxylemcells are not cloggedup or dried out. Result: The celery leaves turn blue-green. The stalk becomes firm and crisp. (2) into the glass half full of water,put a fewdrops of dyeto turn it dark blue. (3) Place the glass wherei}’ will not be knocke~ over. Put the celery stalk in the blue water. (4) Wait until the next mom(ng. Explanation:Plants usually stand erect and wilt return to their original position if gently bent and released. This happensbecausethe plant ceils are normallyfu~l ot water and firm. Thepressureinside the firm water-filled cells ts called_t _u.r.gerpres.s.ur_~, All the water-filledcells together makethe entire plant firm. If deprivedof water, the plant wilts whenthe turgor pressuredrops andits cells shrink up. As cells collapse, leaves wrinkle and stemsdroop. Osmosis SECTION FOUR Turgot Pressure (6) Test the slices by bendinc~them. Whichare limp and loose? Whichare firm and taut? Goal: Howwater movesin and out ot living ceils EQUIPMENT :,J A pair of shallow bowls Felt tip marker Teaspoon Salt Cucumber Result: Theslices in water are firm and crisp. Theslices in salt water are limp and bendeasily. D;C~E,,., t t~N~ (1) Markone of the bowls "Salt" and the other "Water". (If glass, try writing backwardson the bottom; if it is goodchina, you’d better usemask~ngtape.) X-rayphotograph of a beryl(varietyemerald). Each dot represents anX-raybeam thatwasdiffracted(ref(ected) bythec,’3,st.aL Thearra.~gament ot d~t~s ~s.Totaled to th~ geometry of thecrystal.Thesix-sided (hexagonal) shape of theX-raypallem,’eflecfs theshap~ of the atomic palletns ltetrahedral ringS) in emerald. If youlookclosely at thephotograph, youwill alsonoticethatsome dotsate darkerthanothers.Thisis dueto thedifferenttypesof atoms that make upthecrystalByca(efu~ly analyzing Xfay data,scientistshave beenableto unravel theatomic DNA to high-temperature superconductors. Figure #1 98 Figure #2 What happened?Bundles of xylem tissue run the ~ength of the celery stalk. These xylem tubules soakup water by capillary action, all the w~y to the leaves. The xylem tissue also provided water to surrounding bssues, ~p and down the stark, through osmosis. Thewater-filled ceils madethe plant tissues firm, and acting together madethe plant structure morer}gid. (2) Half fill eachbowl with water. What happened,’?The cucumbercells already contained~"~C’.’.&to, ,~d a ~tttle dissolved terial. Plain water, enteringbyosmosis,stretchecl the ceils, makingthemfirm andstiff. But in the salty solution, wateralreadyinside the cucumbercells movedout through the cell membranes to dilute the salt solution, leaving the cells loose and limp. Explanation: Water movesin and out of living cellsthrough thecell _m._e__.m~_r.an___e - its thin, enclosing wrap. This water transport through a membraneis called In osmosis, water always moves’through a membrane from the side having more water, to the side having moredissolved material. That is, water moves through the membraneto reduce the moreconcentrated solution. (3) Dissolve a teaspoonfulof salt in its bowl. (4) Aska parentto cut 6 or 8 roundslices fromthe cucumber, not too thick; like for salad. (5) Place3 or 4 slices in eachbowl. Let themsoak at least 30 minutes. 11 tVhenwatermoves into a cell by osmosis, it fills he cell andthen builds up pressureinside the :e~, cal~edturgor pressure. Turgotpressurecanbecome intense- bursting fruits andvegetables duringthe rainy season. Turgotpressurecanbe so strongthat growing plants moverocks, breakthroughconcrete! SECTIONFIVE Sweetand Sour Goal: To showhow temperature changesthe behaviorof manyliquids Viscosity The abilityof aliquidto flowis calledv~_s_c._o_s: it_y. Thesyrupis quite _viscous.Thevinegaris muchless viscous. Viscosityis critical wherever a liquid must movethrough small passages.Examples would rangefromthe oil lubricating a bearing,to the sugarsolutionsmoving throughplant tissues, or the bloodmovingthroughveins. To measure viscosity, scientists andengineersclock the timeit takesfor a certainvolume of the liquid to drain througha smallhole- at a standardtemperature.Youcan easily explore the effect of temperature uponviscosity. EQUIPMENT Whitevinegar Cornsyrup A pair of saucers F.J Teaspoon 3 or 4 toothpicks Papertowel DIRECTIONS (1) Put 9.8 ml (two teaspoons) of vinegarin first saucer. DIRECTIONS CoolerLiquid: (1) Placeeachof the saucerswith liquid in the refrigerator. (2) Put 9.8 ml (twoteaspoons) of corn syrup the other saucer. (3) Rinseanddry the teaspoon. APPENDIXB A NOTETO ADULTSANDPARENTS Withthis set, youhavestarted your child on the path of learningaboutscienceandthe wonders foundin the worldof chemist~,biologyandphysics.But remember also that too little knowledge can bea dangerous thing. Realscientists use powerfultools, substances whichcanbe poisonous andmay causeharmif misusedor misapplied. Becauseof this, the WARNINGS on this set are REAL.They applyto the materialswhen usedin larger quantities! But, that is not the casehere! HERE’S WHY! The amounts are deliberately made small anddilute. Theyare less likely to causeharmbecause of the limited quantity andform. BUT,we still wantyou and your child to READ, HEED ANDUNDERSTAND the instructions given you in the set. In this way,wetrust that powerfulchemicalsmaybe SAFELY USED,in manyfun experiments. Remember, too, if you have any questions about CHEMICAL HEALTH ANDSAFETY contact your local physician or PoisonControl Center, or Natural Science Industries. Chemicals suppliedin your microplateare: Well B-l: CobaltChloride Well B-2: CalciumNitrate Well B-3: FerrousSulfate Welt B-4: MethyleneBlue Well B-5: Phenotphthalein WellB-6: UniversalIndicator CHEMICALPROPERTIESAND WARNINGS VIAL # SIZE OF NAME OF VIAL OR CONTENTS (CHEMICAL NAME) 3ONTAINER, CHEMICAL FORMULA WARNING ON LABEL (2) After 5 or 10minutes,retrieve yoursaucers. Flowtest: Whichliquid pouredeasily? Which poureda blob? Whichspreadout in the saucerand could easily slop out? Whichliquid stayed put, or flowedonly very slowly? Smelttest: When sniffed, whichliquid stings in the nosewith a pungentor sharp,acddodor? Fromtheir odor, whichof the liquids doyou think is morevolatile andlikely to evaporate? Touch test: Touchthe vinegar, andrub the drop betweenthumbandfinger. Dothe samewith syrup- whichwill prove thick andsticky, insteadof thin andclean.(Rinse anddry fingers.) Floattest: Breaka toothpickin half. Drophalf in eachliquid. Observe differences. Stir test:Withanother toothpick,try stirring each liquid. In the ordinarycourseof events,youwill notice variouscharacteristicsof the materials youhandle.Youwill doso evenwithoutcarefully definingor preciselymeasuring, thosecharacteristics, as youhavejust shown. Suchobservations are important.Notonly in everyday life, but especiallyin science. (3) Bystirring witha toothpick,test the viscosity of each~iquid. Whichhas becomemuchthicker, almost stiff? Couldyou eventurn the syrup saucer upside down? Donot try that withthe vinegar.Instead,put the vinegar saucerin a safeplace,to seeif it will evaporateafter a coupleof days. Precaution: In the followingtest, donot runthe microwave on "high" for morethan ten seconds. Warmer Liquid: (1) Askparent tohe~p. Putthe syrup sauc er (with its half-toothpickboat) in the microwave. Set andrun the microwave for ten seconds only. (2) Carefully remove,as the bottom of the saucerwill bequite hot. Donot touchthe veryhot syrup. (3) Testthe viscosity of the hot syrupby again stirring witha toothpick. Result:Theviscosityof the syrup- whichat room temperaturewasalready far greater than the viscosity of the vinegar- increasedevenmore whenthe twoliquids werecooled. Theviscosity of the syrupdecreased a very greatdeal whenthe syrupwasheated, COBALT CHLORIDE #8 CALCIUM ~41 6 ml NITRATE Ca(NO~)~ ¯ H~O FERROUS ~44~ 6 ml SULFATE FeSO 4 ¯ 7H~O !METHYLENE BLUE #47 6 m( #65 6 ml !PHENOLPHTHALEIN Methyl Red-C,~H~N~O #7C 6 rnl UNIVERSAL Phenolphthalein INDICATOR Bromthyrnol Blue onpaperstrips Thymo| Blue Methyl Yellow 12 97 FIRSTAID SECTION 5 t2) The wateronce again falls outof thewells.Alcohol alsodestroys the surfacetensionof water.The resultsof this partaresimilarto SECTION 2. 17) SECTION 6 5) 5) Thebaby powder or fln~rcoated the surface of the water.When the detergent wasadded the surface tensionof the waterwasdestroyed andthe pewderor flourwas forcedtoward thewallsof thewell. Theflour or powder sunkto thebottom of thewell. Thepositiveelectrodeis producing oxygen gas. Hydrogen gasis beingproduced at the negative electrode. Theformula for watergivesustheclue.HzO tells us that a molecule of waterhastwohydrogen atomsfor everyoneoxygenWhen wedecomposewater,twotimesas much hydrogen is produced than oxygen. This is whytwiceas many bubbles of hydrogen come out of the solutionat thecathode asdooxygen bubbles come out of the solutionat the anode. SECTION 9 Part 4 Acharged atom is calledanion. SECTION 1 6) A 3-Dmodelis bailer thana cardboard or 2-D model sincethe 3-0model givesa clearer,more usefulpictureof whattheactualmolecule is believedto looklike. The3-Dmodel lets youlookat thestructureof themolecule. SECTION 2 4) Thecombination of ironandoxygen requiresthat the ironandoxygen formanalternatingstructure of oxygen-iron-oxygen-iron-oxygen. Thepaper modelmayshowthis but the 3-0 model is more informative. SECTION 3 7) &8) TheUniversal Indicatorturnstwodiflerentcolors in the twowells. Thepositiveelectrodewell produces oxygen gas(whichis soluble)and orange or redcoloris seen when theindicatoris present.Thenegative electrode produces hydrogenandis colored blue. Part 5 SECTION 1 3) Bydilutingtheacidbya factorof 10,the amount of acidperunit volume is decreased by anequal amount. 7) Bydilutingthe base bya factorof t0, theamount of acidperunit volume is decreased byanequal amount. 11)Thenails whichwerecovered with solutionshow 10) Theuniversal indicatorw~.ltt~rndifferentcolors greaterrustingthannails which were onlycovered dependent onthe amount of acid or basein the withwater.Thenails tendto berustyabove the solutionin each well. lineof thesolution. Thered-brown colorof thenail is dueto theformation of ironoxideor rust. is differentthanUniversal Indica11) Phenolphthalein tor sinceit hasonlyonechange of color.Phenolthemostchange is the nail phthalein is a singlechemical indicator.Universal 12) Thenail whichshows which is in a salt solution.In orderfor nails to Indicator is a mixfure of several indicators. change into rust,theironmust beableto reactwith oxygen in thewateror oxygen in theair. SECTION 4 SECTION 3A 11)Thenails whichwere covered with~t~lut=~R "h~’~, ~,~."tc: ~,~,g~manthe nails whichwereonly covered withwater. andaluminum nails areresistantto chemi12) Copper cal change. Adiscolorationshows whichchemicals tendto change copperandaluminum. SECTION 5 9) Theoxygen ion hasa negative (-) charge. 10)Thehydrogen ion hasa positive(+) charge. (Thevinegaris also affectedbycold andheat,but It depends not only uponthe molecularstructure not critically in this temperature range.) of eachliquid, but especiallyuponits temperaTheviscosityof mostliquids changes greatly ture. with temperature. Especiallyfor oils (whichare lighter thanwater),andfor sugarsolutions(wtlich Worthremembering: Small changesin temare heavierthanwater). peratureoftencausecritical changes in viscosity, Some petroleums, like tar, are so stiff when with significant consequences. cold as to appearalmostsolid. But weare not talking here abouta changein state, as when Observation:Whenyou took the saucer of waterfreezesto ice. chilled syrupout of the refrigerator andran a Viscosity is a propertyof fluids whichis toothpick through it, you mayhave noticed a crucial in a host of mechanical applicationsand bunchof ripples, runningwell aheadof the point biological processes. For example, in mid-winter of the toothpick! Alaska, automobileengineswill not turn over This illustrates whathappensin another unlessthe engineoil is kept warm.And,after a fluid, the air, whena fighter pilot approaches dormantwinter, the sapof mapletrees can rise Mach1, the speedof sound. andfeed newgrowthonly whenit beginsto warm Pressurewavesare set up in the fluid, in upin the spring. front of and aroundthe movingobject, even Peoplecommonly refer to a viscous, slowthoughit is "streamlined"or pointed. When a flowingliquid as "heavy"-althoughsuchoils may planepasses throughthis "soundbarrier," on its well belighter thanwater.Or theymayrefer to a waytowardMach2, it creates an evensharper "light" sewing-machine oil. Actually, viscosity pressurewave,whichreachesearth as a "sonic haslittle to dowithweightor specificgravity. boom." All indicatorsshow a change in colorat a particular concentration of Each indicatorchanges colorat onlyoneconcentration of acidor base.Often,a sing(echemical indicators may befoundin morethanonesource. SECTIONSIX Osmosis TheCell Goal:Howa cell maychangethrough osmosis EQUIPMENT Wide-mouthed small jar Freshegg(in the shell) Whitevinegar Cornsyrup Postalscale When peelingthe shell off a hard-boiled egg, youmayhavenoticed a thin, white membrane or "skin" immediately underthe eggshell,enclosing the rest of the egg. (Youmaynot havenoticed this paper-thin but tough membrane whenyou cracked a rawegg,because it usually~ti(.k? to the ins!de ,3f t,~’~u~heii.) In this experiment, youwill dissolvethe shell of the eggin order to observehowthat outer membrane, called the ~h__.orion,maypermit or preventfluid fromenteringor exitingthe eggcell. SECTION 5 4) Youwill beableto tell if each product is acidor base bythecolorof theuniversal indicator.It is veryunusual to find a product which is neutral. SECTION 6 11) Thepossibleproducts formed at the positivewire 8) Anindicatorwhichturnscolornearthe rangeof of the batteryare: gaseous hydrogen andgaseous purewaterwould bemostuseful. oxygen.Thegasreleasedis gaseous oxygen. 96 DIRECTIONS (1) If youhavea postal scale(or evenan oldfashionedeggscale), weighthe egg. (2) Recordits weighton the first line of your sciencelog, alongwith the time anddate. The science log is provided at the endof this section. 13 (3) Tippingthe jar sideways, slide the uncooked egginto the small wide-mouthed jar. (A peanut butter jar shouldwork.) (4) Pourin enough vinegarto coveror float the egg. Thebubblesyou see formingare from the reactionbetween the 5 percentacetic acid solution (vinegar)andthe calciumcarbonate (chalk) eggshell. Theywill be carbondioxide. Soyour experiment is working. (5) Coverthe jar andput it in a safeplacefor least 24 hours.[If youcheckuponit meanwhile, it would nothurt to stir ~ lilt!e, 3; ,-~b i.i~d snell ,,j~[ly, to exposefresh CaCO~ (calciumcarbonate, or egg shell material) to the CH~COOH (vinegar).] Result:Theeggshell will havegradually dissolved(exceptperhapsat the endwhichfloated out of the vinegar). Theeggis nowrubberyand translucent,andswollen. Thevinegarnot only dissolvedthe eggshell. Thevinegar,whichis 95 percentwater, hasalso movedthrough the semi-permeable membrane, the chorion,into the cell itself. It hasdonesoby osmosis. Theeggis swollen,andits envelopingmembraneis taut fromosmoticor turgot pressure. (6) Workingin the kitchen, or over newspaper (14) Recordthis newdatain your sciencelog. just in case, remove the egg. Roll it dry, very gently, ona papertowel. At this point, youmaycontinuethe experimentif youwish. To do so: (7) Weighthe egg. Notice whetherit is larger thanbefore.Record this datain yoursciencelog. (15}Replace the eggin the jar, andcoverit with Osmosis Into the eggis only half the story! There plainwater.Setit aside,andin onlythreeor four is more: hoursit will haveswollenupagain. Theeggcell has again absorbedfluid by (8) Pourthe usedvinegardownthe sink. Rinse osmosis - this timewater,rather thanvinegar. anddry the smalljar. (16) Pouroff the water,andcarefully placethe (9) Placethe rubbery,swollen eggin the jar. (Still nakedeggin corn syrupagain. workingin the kitchen,because if it breaks,you will havea big puddleof wateryrawegg.) Overnight the eggwill againshrink, as water is drawnout throughthe permeable membrane, (10) Pourin enough cornsyrupto coverthe egg. diluting the syrup. It will float. Youmaycontinuethis experiment until you runout of cornsyrup,until the eggbreaks, or until (11 ) Againset yourexperiment asidefor at least youare convinced that osmosisreally workst 6 hours,or overnight. Biology: The mechanism you have nowdemonResult:Theeggwill haveshriveledandshrunk stratedis at workthroughout botanyandzoology. and sunk! Plantsandanimalsare composed of cells, as you know,witheachcell havinga n_o_u.cle.us_, a surOsmosis has reversedthe slow but steady roundingcytoDlas.m,and an enveloping.memtransportof fluid throughthe outer membrane of bran_e,alongwith other components. the eggcell. Watermoleculesinside the egg Theegg, with its yolk, albumen,andmemmovedout throughthe semi-permeable chorion, braneprotectedby eggshell,is onehugecell. It diluting the concentrated sugarsolutionof syrup. is really enormous, consideringthat mostcells (Youcantell that by pouringoff some of the water, are microscopic,andthat only a few, suchas whichis resting abovethe heaviersyrup.) onion-skin or cottonfibers, arelargeenough to be ordinarilyvisible. (12) Overthe sink, pourthe egginto yourhand, Byusingthis uniquelylargesingle cell, you letting the waterysyruprun down the drain. Rinse can moreeasily seehowosmosismayphysically theeggunderthecoldwatertap. Layor roll it very changea tissue composed of bound-together gentlyon a towel. cells - changing it froma looseor "wilted" condition, to a taut andfirm structure. (13) Weighthe egg(in the kitchen). It may Chemically,the fluid transport of osmosis only half its swollensize andweight- a major canimportnutrients, or exportwasteproducts, change. for example. C~rt#1 Date SCIENCE LOG Time Weight Eggin shell placed in vinegar Nakedegg placed in syrup Shrunken egg placed in water Swollenegg againin syrup 14 Condition SECTION SEVEN Testing the pHof OtherChemicals Nowthat youknowthat an indicator suchas (6) Observe anycolor change in all of the wells Universal Ind.ica_tor$o_[l.utiortor Phenolphthalein tested (a piece of white paper under your Solution maybe usedto tell the chemistif a microplatemayhelp showthe colors). solutionis anacid or base,youcandetermine the acidity andbasicityof the otherchemicals in your (7) Usingyour colored pencil set, record any chemistryset. color changeon DataTable#5. Youwill needthe followingmaterialstO complete this experiment: (8) Some of your chemicalsolutions will show no change.Somewill be acids. Somewill be MATERIALS bases.Witha black pen, put an"A" by the ones Microplateof indicatorsfromSection1 whichshowan acid color present. Put a "B" by (with indicatorcolorsin smallwell rows the oneswhichshowa basepresent. Put an "N" A andB) (neutral) by the oneswhichappearto have Plastic pipette change. Water Data Table #5 Coloredpencil set SOLUTIONS TESTED Calciumnitrate solution (from your MegaTM )Science-Lab Ferroussulfate solution (from your MegaTM) Science-Lab Cobaltchloride solution (from your MegaTM) Science-Lab Citric acidsolution(obtainfromlemon juice) Ammonium hydroxidesolution (obtain from household ammonia) Vinegar(obtain fromkitchen or grocery) 7_J Universal Indicatorsolution(as anindicator) Pheno/phthalein solution(as an indicator) Goggles Labstation stand BE SURETO WEAR GOGGLES WHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTION! DIRECTIONS (1) Usingthe small well rowsC-1throughC-12 andD-1throughD-12,place9 dropsof waterinto eachsmall well in row C and row D of your microplate. (2) Place9 dropsof waterin large well A-1and largewell A-1. APPENDIXA ANSWERS TO EXPERIMENTQUESTIONS Part 3 SECTION 2 10) Theliquid whichhasbeenaddedto the well remains in the well.Therome of cohesion of water (3) Pipetteonedropof eachsolutionlisted above (surface tension)andadhesion to the plastic greater thantheforceof gravity. in smallwells C-1throughC-6andlarge well A1. Againdothe same for smallwellsD- 1 through Waterin the largewellshasgreatermass anda D-6 andlarge well A-2. Donot usethe phenollaKjersurfacearea.Thewaterin the largewells phthaleinor UniversalIndicatoryet. falls outof the wells.Thesurface tensionof the wateris notgreatenough to keep thewaterin the wells. (4) Pipetteonedropot Universellndicatot solulion to smallwells C-1throughC-6andlargewell SECTION 3 A-I. 7) Dishdetergentdestroysthe surfacetension¢ (5) Pipetteonedropof phenolphthalein indicawater.Thewater falls outof thewells.The wettin tor to eachof the smallwellsD-1throughD-6and powerof detergentis whatmakes detergent valuable cleaningagent. to largewell A-2. 95 El El Whichproducts are acids? Whichare bases? Wereany of the materials you tested neutral? Goggles Lab station stand Data Table #4 As stated before, manyof the products which are in your homeare acids and bases. You can test homeproductsfor acid, baseor neutral pHin the following way. As youpursueyour inquiries in biolo~Jy, thi experiment should help you form a rough idea c how osmosiscontributes to the life of tissue~ which are composedof billions of expanding shrinking, fluid-exchangingcells. Biologically, the functions of the orangelles, which are within the cells of every kind, maybe facilitated, or inhibited, whenosmosistakes place. SECTION SEVEN Tubers Above & Below DIRECTIONS (1) Place a small sampleof each of the liquids mentioned in the materials list separatelyin large wells of your microplate. For this demonstration you need a bunchof carrots fresh out of the ground,with leavesintact, unscrubbed. Try a roadside vendor or farmer’s market. Or better still, a friend with a vegetable garden. Or best of all, from your own garden. If youhaveonly supermarket carrots - topped, skinned, scrubbedand plastic wrapped- they are lovely for chewingand cooking. But just proceed to the next experiment. (2) Add somewater to each large well containing your samples. (3) Add2 dropsof Universal Indicator to each of the large =A" wells containing samples. Nowthat you havea pretty goodidea of this tuber’s plumbing system, you maycheckit out. DIRECTIONS(PART TWO) (7) Ask an adult to slice the top off the other carrots. Savethe orange tops with leaves for PARTTHREE. (8) Run the drinking glass about three-fourths full of water.Adddropsof foodcoloring for a nice, deepcolor. Goal:To take a closer look at the familiar carrot (4) Compare the colors of the wells with samples to the control wells with Universal Indicator you prepared in SECTION 1. Record the solutions you test on Data Table #4. Use your colored pend(s to show changes. SECTION SIX Testing Rain Water for pH Value Contraryto popular opinion, rain water is not purewater. As rain falls from the sky, it picks up particles and chemicals. The particles maybe pieces of dust, dirt or smoke. The chemicals may be gases which have been released from a factory or home. In any case, rain water mayabsorb this material and changethe pH of rain water. Youwill needthe following materials to complete this experiment: MATERIALS Microplate of indicators from SECTION I Rain water Plastic cup Plastic pipelle Universal Indicator solution PhenolphthaleinIndicator solution Goggles Lab station stand BE SURE TO WEARGOGGLESWHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTIONI DIRECTIONS (1) Obtain a sampleof rain water in a plastic cup. (2) Transfer ten drops of the rain water to each of 4 small wells in the microptate. 94 (3) Adda drop of Universal tndicator to one the wells with rain water. (4) Addone drop of phenolphthaleinindicator the next well. (5) Finally, test someof your rain sampleswith your natura~indicator solutions. (6) Compare the color of the indicator in the rain samplewell with the control Universal Indicator wells you preparedin Section 1. (7) Comparethe color of the indicator in the phenolphthaleincontrol with the rain sampleand phenolphthalein. (8) Finally, comparethe natural indicators and rain samplewith the colors noted in Section 2. Whichindicator wasthe best for telling the pH of rain water? Whichindicator would be the worst? Whatwouldyou expect the pHof rain to be? Are your results different than what you expected? Extendthe spaceson your Data Table #4 to include the rainwater sampleyoutested. Color in any changesnoticed. CARROT .TOP REMOVED EQUIPMENT 3 or 4 carrots au nature/ Drinking glass 0 Bowl Blue food coloring Toothpicks Fine gravel DIRECTIONS(PA~T O~E) (1) Select a carrot. Lay the others aside for PARTTwo ANDPAe~THREE Of this experiment. (2) Inspect the carrot, noticing colors andstructure; leaf shapes,texture (both sides) andveining; root skin androotlets. Figure #15 (3) Snapthe carrot in two. And again, further alongthe root. (If fresh, it will befirm andcrisp.) Notice the outer skin or epidermisth~ tc, yo~5u; cortex, andfinally, like the lead in a fat pencil, the inner tube of xy(em. (9) Nearthe tol~ of vol~r pn~,~tedc~;~,~;, =~ick ~woor three toothpicks into or through the sides of the carrot so it will stand up somewhat in the center of the glass. (Donot stab yoursetl!) (4) Break open one of the pieces, lengthwise. Nowyoucan strip out that central tube of tissue, which showsitself to be quite separale. It will bring with it the vascular connections to side rootlets; you can see howthey feed water to the main plumbing pipe. (10) Stand the carrot up in the glass, with its sliced-off top sticking up an inch or so abovethe blue water. Put in ~ safe place. (11) Check up in a day or so. The blue dye should show wherethe xylemtissue of very fine tubules havebrought water up from the rootlets by osmosisand capillarity, as we know. (5) Wherethe leaves join the root, in the very short stemof the carrot, do the mainveins of the leaves appearto spring from the xylemat the top of the root? (6) You have already noticed how the main leaf vein divides into branches,and subdivides. Nowwhereare those ~eafy carrot tops? 15 DIRECTIONS(PART THREE) (12) Ask an adult to slice off the leaves of the carrot tops (or use your scissors). .eave about an inch of greenish stems, and ~bout2.54cm.(oneinch) of orangerawcarrot. 13)Preparea shallowbow~ by’ placinggravel in .he bottom,whichis moistened but net covered with water. CARROT TOP (14)Pushthe carrot topsinto the gravel.Putthe bowlof carrot tops in a warm,sometimes sunny p~ace. (15) Keepthe gravel wet, anddayby day, watch tiny greenstemsandleavesbeginto grow! DIRECTIONS (1) Placea tablespoonsampleof the plant flowerinto the plastic measuring cup. Thetissuesat the baseof the stemandthe top of the root carryall the information needed to makea completeplant. Responding to gravify andlight, onegrowsdown,the otherup, developing newtissues andfunctionsas they go. (2) Add1/2 pipetteof ethyl or isopropylalcohol. Mixwell. Crushthe petals with a plastic soda strawto squeeze alcoholthroughoutthe sample. Figure #16 SECTIONEIGHT RootStructure Monocots& Dicots Goal:Howfibrous andtap root systems differ (If youknow a golfer, hecouldget youa "divot.") EQUIPMENT Lawngrass t3 Lawn dandelion Trowel Plastic washbasinor old pot (4) Usingyour trowel, cut out a small clump grass.Thistimeyouwill only haveto go5 cmor 7.6 cm(2 or 3 inches)deep.Leavethe soil place. (5) Bring your grassdivot andyour dandelions into the kitchen.(Don’tforgetthe trowelf) l~llOSC OPE" For this examinationyou needa clumpof grassanda dandelion.A goodtime to get them wouldbe after a rain, or whenever the soil is reasonably moist- not dry andhard. D}RECTIONS (1) Finda thrivingdandelion. Withthe pointof the trowelplaced5 cmor 7.6 cm(2 or 3 inches)out from the center of the dandelionplant, push straightdown, wiggling thetrowela little, asfar as youcango. Dothis on eachside, andaboveand belowthe plant. Thensee if you can pry that rather ~argeclod out of the ground,perhaps helpingit alongby gathering the leavesin onefist andtugginga bit. Beprepared to find a longtap root - by late summer 15.2cmto 25.4 cm(6 to 10 inches)~ong! (2) Withthe backof your trowel, knockoff the larger clumpsof dirt. If surrounded by grass, gently pull awayanddiscardthe grassyclumps. Trynot to breakoff the smallerdandelionroots; youwill wash awaythe rest of the soil later. (6) Keep the strainerin the sinkdrain. Usingthe plastic washbasinor old pot in the sink, let the grassclumpanddandelionsoakin waterfor five or ten minutes.Swishthemarounda bit, perhaps gently squeezingsoil lumpsbetweenthumband finger so they will crumbleaway.But you are trying not to tear awaythe very fine, fibrous grassroothairs. (7) Aboutthis time, youmaywantto lift a corner of the basinor pot, runningmuch of the waterover the sideinto the sink. Butafter layingyourplant andgrassaside, you hadbetter dumpthe rest into the backyard,so as not to clogthe sinkwith twigs andstones. (8) Holding the dandelionroot underrunning water, you canrub gently to remove soil: it is pretty tough.Theultra-fine grassroot hairs will stubbornlycling to fine soil particles, however. Soexpectyour grassto stay mattedtogether. (9) Lay the dandelionandthe grass on paper towels,andput themin a placeto dry out. (Clean up the trowel, the basin or pot, andthe sink; emptythe sink strainer in the garbage.) (3) Finda placewherea clumpof grasswill not be missed.Kentuckybluegrasswouldbe nice, but anyfine lawngrass wi{t do. 16 DO NOTMIX SKINS OR FLOWERS! BE SURETO EXTRACTEACHPLANTOR FLOWER INDIVIDUALLY (3) Allowthe plant materialto stay in the alcohol for at least 5 minutes. (4) Pouroff the liquid into a large"A" well of the microplate. (5) Savethis liquid as your_natura_l_i_ndicato._r sol____ut_Lo_n_ in furtherexperiments. If youwish,you maysavevarious natural indicators whichyou havepreparedby storing themin small clean bottles or jars. Besureto label yourindicatorsas to the contents. SECTION THREE NaturalIndicators Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto com- DIRECTIONS plete this experiment: (1) RepeatSECTION 1 Steps1-9 in anotherrow of sma~wells (RowsC andD). MATERIALS Flowerpetals, plant skin, or red cabbage (2) Add6-8 dropsof yourindicatorto eachof the wellsin the row. extraction(from previousexperiment) Plastic measuring cup (3) Recordthe color changeon DataTable Isoprepylalcohol(rubbingalcohol) by coloringin the correctwell circles with your Microplate coloredpencils. ~ Household vinegar(acetic acid) [3 Householdammonia Put the correct name at the endof the row (ammonium hydroxide) youare recordingas to whatindicator you used El Plasticpipette andthe colors indicated. El Coloredpencils Note:Youmayhaveto repeatedlyclean out the wells in rowsC andD andre-usethemafter El Water eachrecording andexperimentwith different r_.3 Goggles indicators. Try to find as manycolorednatural El Labstation stand indicators possible. Alwaysrecord the color changeson Data Table #3. SECTION FOUR OtherNaturalIndicators Repeatthe procedurein SECTION 3 until Whatis different abouteachof the indicatots? youhavetestedall of yournaturalindicators, Besure to record,on DataTable#3withyour Whatdo a)~ of the indicators havein comcoloredpencils,all of the color changes observed men? fromthe testing of yournaturalindicators. SECTIONFIVE Testing for AcidsandBases Now by usingthe tests andthe color changes ~J whichyourecorded in previousexperiments which to~dyouthe color changes occurringat specific El acid or baseconcentrations, youcannowtest for ~J the acid and basechangesandconcentrations ~ with someunknownso{utions. Again compare ~ any color changeswith what you already re~J corded from previous experimentsand color El changes. El Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto corn- ~J pletethis experiment: ~ MATERIALS El i3 Microplateof indicators fromSECTION 1 El (small rowsA & B) 93 E3 Householdsoapsolution (example:DiaP liquid soapor dishwashing liquid soap) Shampoo solutions Liquid laundrydetergent Pet shampoo Vinegar Clear soda(sparklingwater) Toothpaste Milk Lemonjuice Grapefruitjuice UniversalIndicator solution Plastic pipettes Coloredpencil set DIRECTIONS (1) Place 9 drops of water in small wells 13-3 and B-10in the microplate. (2) P~ace10 drops of vinegar (which contains acetic acid) in small well B-2. (3) Takeone drop Hut of small well B-2 and mix it with the water in small well B-3. Youhavejust madethe acid in sma~twell 13-3 ten times less than small well B-2 by a factor of 10. Why? (4) Takeone drop out of small well B-3 and mix it with the walerin small well 13-4. (5) Repeatthe above process with small wells 13-5 and 13-6. DONOTDOANYTHING TO WELL 7. Why? (6) Place 10 drops of household ammonia(ammoniumhydroxide) in small well 13-11. (7) Takeone drop out of small well ~,-11 and mix it with the water in small well 13-10. Youhaveiust madethe base in small well B-10, ten times less than small well 13-11. Why? (8) Takeone drop out of smal~well 13-10 andmix it with the waterin small well B-9. (9) Takeone drop out of small well B-9 and mix it with the water in small well B-8. (10) DO NOT ADD ANYTHING TO SMALL WELL B-7. Why? (11) Add one drop of phenotphthalein solution (anotherindicator) to eachof the wells in this row. Compare the results of your experiments.Howis phenolphthaleindifferent from Universal Indicator? (12) On Data Table #3, using your colored pencils, flit in the colors whichthe phenolphthalein indicator Solution char~ged to in eachof the small wells 13-2 through 13-11. Mark this row (B-2 through B-10) Phenolphthalein Indicator Row. MATERIALS Flowerpetals (obtain from plant flowers with colored petals) Plant fruit skin (examg~,-,-cherrics, blueberries, etc.) Red cabbage leaves from your grocery Householdtea (from tea bag) Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) (from drugstore or grocery) Microplate Householdvinegar (acetic acid) Household ammonia(ammonium hydroxide) Plastic pipette Plastic soda straw Scissors Goggles Measuring cup 3 Lab station stand 92 (10) Whenthey are dry, examine your samples with your magnifier, and then close up, with your ~. 1310SCOPE NOTE: DO NOT DISCARD YOUR INDICATORS!! You can save the Universal Indicator and pheno|phthaleinfor useas c,,9n_tr_9~, for experimentsyouwill do later. Sealthe indicators in their wells by coveringthe wells with a piece of transparent tape. Covereach rowof wells with a long, single piece of tape. Runyour finger over each welt to seal the contentsin the well. SECTION TWO Natural Indicators Oneof the most fascinating discoveries is that manyplants also have natural indicators included in the flowers, leaves or stemsof the plant. Wecanuse these as indicators for our acid and base change experimenls. Youwill needthe following materials to complete this experiment: Result: Youhave already noticed that the dandelion andthe grassare entirely different kinds of plants. The dandelion has broad, spreading leaves, raggedin outline, with a straw-like centra( tube and branching veins. The grass has fine, long leaves with parallel veins. Thedandelion - almost like a carrot - has a large "tap root" going really deep, with rather short, bristly rootlets sticking out alongits length. Thegrass iS growing from a fibrous webof very fine root hairs. Cowseat grass and give milk. Somepeople like dandeliongreensin their salad. WARNING: Ethyl or isopropyl alcohol and their vapors are highly flammable.Do not use alcohol in the presenceof an openflame. Usealcohol ~n an area with goodventilation. Somenaturally occurring chemicalsare indicarom. They must be separated from natural sources in order to seethemwork. Wewill extract the natural indicators with ethyl alcohol or with isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Almostatt bl~nr ,"~!crc ~a,u~,(~) are indicators. Usethe skin, rind, or petal of a plant. The indicator will bein the coloredor tinted part of the p{ant.Green leavescontainE~_hlo__ro...,~L.~t~. Chlorophyll is not an indicator. Thepeta{s of flowers, evenwhite flowers, contain indicators. Thefollowing is a list of plant sourcesof indicators. Red cabbage,cherry skins, tea, blueberryskins, blackbern/skins or flower petals are goodsources of natural indicators. To extract the indicator, follow these directions. Besure to usea microtip pipette for this experiment. Keep your pipettes, chemical vial and microplate securedin your lab station stand. Thedandelionrootlets appearto spring from nodules on the tuberous taproot, not unlike the "eyes" on a potato. 13rokenapart, the white pith of the root containsan easily separatedcore - and now you see the source of the side sprouts. The vascular systemof the plant - its plumbingsyslem - is continuous:rootlets to mainroot and stem, to leaves. Thefibrous massof grass roots, on the other hand, whenteased apart are seen to continually branch and divide, twist and turn, and sprout ever-finer root hairs. 13etweenthe fibrous web of root hairs and the greengrass, youwill find a confusedlayer of brownish and greenish stems. Ordinarily, these horizontal stemsor "runners" escapenotice, because they hug the ground. From their nodes spring not only the blades of grass, but also the roots. Several blades of grass grow from a single node. We know they grow from the bottom because we mowth<, !op;! ;’;~w~d unoer the 131OSCOPE", the longitudinally folded blade of grass clearly showsten or a dozenribs on its inside surface, and is easily torn lengthwise. It looks like a miniature corn leaf - which is no surprise if you knowthat Indian corn, or maize, is a hugegrass plant. Observation:If you investigate dandelions when they bloomin the spring, watchfor the beautiful seed puffs. Theyare perfectly symmetrical and nearly spherical! Checkout the little umbrellas with your BIOSCOPE". Do you supposeeach puff has the samenumberof small seed parachutes? And howdid they get spacedaround the central volleyball so perfectly? 17 Botanists classify all seedplants undertw, broad headings. Theflowering plants - of whic~ there are thousandsof kinds, wildly different an called dL~2~l~__m.m~,which means"coveredseed’ Seedplants which do not form flowers, like pin~ treesandother conifers, are called gJQm_ng_~e.r_m_~, which means"naked seed". The flowering plants, or angiospermsas we nowsay, are in turn divided into two classes: .~OPg~gt~ and dicPt~. The/eaves of monocots have parallel veins, their vascular bundles are scatteredin the stem, andtheir flower parts are in multiples of three. Theleaves of dicots have branching veins, vascular bundles in rings, and flower parts in multiples of four and five. (If you must know, monocotis short for mono-£o.t.yl~_ns_,meaning that the seed contains a single tiny embryonic leaf Whereasthe seed of the dicot contains two embryonicleaves or cotyledons.) Massiveroot systemsanchor a plant. Often, more of the plant system is underground than aboveit. Theroots of alfalfa, for example,may reach down6.09 meters (20 feet.) Two common types of roots are tap roots andfibrous roots. Plants like carrots, turnips, beets and radishes - and dandelions- are tuberS. Theyhave a single large taprO_O.textendingdeepinto the soil, with smaller roots branching from it. Taproots store food for the future growth o/the plants. Without this stored food, they could scarcely survive dry spells or through the winter. /n dicot roots, underthe outer skin or m__isare the unspecia/izedfood-storagecells - the white E.o_rt_p~we sawin the dandelionroot. And within the cortex is the inner core of vascular tissues - the xylemwehaveexploredbefore - with armsthat reachoutwardto formthe lateral roots. Plantslike= ~.£ ,~,Z,’~U ¢~ ;i~J~uus root system, with millions of fine branchingroots. Whyshould this be so? First, minerals are boundto soil parlicles, and plants must extend their root systems in order to find new sources of minerals. Second, the minerals are in very low concentrations phosphorusat about one part per million, for example. So plants need a large surface area from which to absorb minerals. A branching fibrous networkhas astonishing fength and surface area. Someagricultural scientists counted and measuredthe roots of a single rye plant: 6,400roots had12.5 million root hairs; total length 250 kilometers (155 miles); surface area 750 square meters (899 square yards). A lawnbecomes a thick mat, or turf, by the Dreading of s_toIon~andrhizomes~ - thosehoriontal stemsor "runners"that growalongandjust mderthe surfaceof the ground.L eavesgrowup, ~ndroots growdownfromtheir nodes. Runners let a plant moveby spreadingover the surfaceof the ground. (8) Takeonedropout of smallwell A- 10andmix it withthe waterin smallwell A-9. Nowyou can appreciate better whatthe grassandthe dandelionwerehiding fromyour (9) Takeonedropout of small well A-9andmix it withthe waterin smallwell A-8. (10)DO NOT ADD ANYTHING TO SMALL WELLA-7, Why? SECTIONNINE Plant Respiration StomataLocation Goal:Whichside of plant ~eavesbreathe? EQUIPMENT ~ House plant Q Petroleum Jelly (3) Onanotherpart of the plant, pick out 3 or healthy, growingleaves.Coatthe bottomsurface of theseleaveswith a thick layer of petroleum jelly. (4) Record in yourlog the locationof the bottomcoatedleaves,togetherwith the starting date of The secret of plantlife is hp__b_0~_s_yr~th__esis. In your experiment. photosynthesis, plantsusetheir green.chlor_o~h~ to capture light energy. Theyuse this (5) Checkup on the plant everyday for a week energy in a chemical processwhich combines or two. Recordany changes you observein your waterwiththe carbondioxidebreathed in, to form sciencelog. carbohydratesand sugars. For example,the energyconvertedto sugar in the leaves of a Result:Theleaveswith petroleumje~) on their potato plant maybe stored as a starch in the underside have not donewell, and mayeven potatotuber. have died. Becausetheir stomatabreathing Webreathe in to get oxygen,andexhale poreswerecloggedup by the petroleum jelly. carbondioxide.But plantstakein carbondioxide Onthe top side, the epidermis of the leaf is in daylight, andexhaleoxygen at night. Theydo entirely coveredby the waxycuticle, without so through tiny pores- ~ittle openings in the leaves stomata.Sothe petroleum jelly on the top, waxy - called~stqrnata. side of the leaf did noharm. By this experiment,you wish to find out Plants breathe(andalso releasemoisture) whether the plant’s breathingapparatus, the stomata,are locatedonthe top or the bottomof the throughthosetiny poreson the bottomside of their leaves.Theyturn the top of their leaves leaf structure. towardthe light to catchenergyfromthe sun. While the chemistryof pholosyr~tt~e~s is EPIDERM)S WAX LAYER complex,it maybe summarized as: 6CO + O~ 2 + 6H~O= CsH~O~ (catt~on dioxide) (water) Guard Cells and Stomata: Embedded in the lower epidermisof the leaf are crescent-shaped guardc__ell__s. Each pair of guardcells surrounds an opening called a stoma. The stoma (plural F.P~BE.P~$ stomata)is a pore that opensandcloses, de,~TOMA pendingon the shapeof the twoguardcells that Figure #17 surround it. Because the guardcells containchloroplasts, theyare able~o carryout photosynthesis. During DIRECTIONS photosynthesis, the guardcells become swollen (1) Pick out 3 or 4 among a groupof healthy with water, or t~. (Remember the swollen leaves.Usinga finger, coat the top of eachleaf egg?)As the guardcells become turgid, this withpetroleum jelly. changein shapepulls openthe stomata. Whenthe stomata are open, gases can (2) Make a notein yourscience log of the location move in andout of the leaf. In this way,the guard of the top-coatedbunchof leaves. cells andthe stomataregulate the exchange of 18 gasesbetweenthe leaf andthe atmosphere. ~ (12) OnDataTable#3, using your colored pencils, fill in theco~ors whichthe Universal Indicator solutionchanged to in eachof the smallwells A2 throughA- 11. Markthis row(A-2throughA- 10) the UniversalIndicator Row. Figure #18 SECTION ONE-A Dilutionof Acid In this experiment youwill seehowto dilute MATERIALS an acid, moreand more,and to showhowthe Microplate dilution canbeseenby the useof an"indicator." Pipette Theindicatorusedin this exper~m~r~t ~s PhenolWater phthalein whichwill changecolor in a basic Vinegarfromkitchenor ~oca~groce,~ solutionandnot in anacid solution.Youwill need Ammonia (obtain householdammonia the color changeinformation to comparewith fromkitchenor Iooal grocery) acid andbaseexperiments later. Usea microtip Phenolphthalein solution indicator TM) pipette for theseexperiments. (from your Mega-Science-Lab Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto com- ~ Goggles plete this experiment: ~ Labstation stand Data Table #3 (sugar) (oxygen~ Thatis, carbondioxide andwater, in the presenceof sunlight, formsugarsandoxygengas. ACES (11) Addonedropof Universal Indicatorto all the wells. Whathappens in eachof the wells? PHENOLPHTHALEIN ,.~,~.~o..ow 00000 0000 NATURAL-,.o,o.~o..ow- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NATURAL,.o,c.~o..o~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800800888 NATURAL..,..__...,_ INDICATORROW NATURAL_ O0 ,.o,~.~o..ow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I~~""°~ ,.o,o.~o..0w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NATURAL, 91 Water(HzO)containstwodifferent chemical parts. Theseparts are called IONS.Thehydrogenion (H’) whichhasa positive chargeandthe hydroxideion (OH)Whichhas a negativecharge. Acidsaddextra H" ionstowater, basesaddextra OH-ions to water. In purewaterthe amount of H" ion exactly equals the amountof OHion. When any chemicalis addedto water the balanceof H¯ andOH-inthe solution changes. For example, when SUlfuricacid is addedto water to make a solutionfor a car battery,the amount of H" increaseswhile the amount of OHdecreases. ThisSOlUtion is Saidto beacidic. When calcium OXide,unslakedlime, (CaO) is added to waterto formslakedlime, the amount of OH"increases while the amountof H+decreases. This solution is said to be ~; or alka(ine. Almost allsolutions areeither acidic oralkaline. Very fewsolutions areneutral. Scientists measure theamount ofacidity or alkalinity byusing a special scale calted the ThepHscale rates solutions from1 to 14 based onthe amount of H" or OHion in the solution. A SOlutionwhichhasa rating of between 1 to 6 is COnsidered acidic (1 is the highest amountof acid,6 is theleastJ.Asolutionwhichis rated8 to 14is alkalineor basic(a solutionwhichhasa 14 pHhasthe highestamount of base,While8 is the least basic). A solution whichis exactly 7 is neutral. Thechart belowmayhelp you to understand this important scale. MATERIALS Household vinegar(acetic acid) obtain from kitchenor grocery Householdammonia(ammonium hydroxide solution) obtainfromkitchenor grocery Microplate Plasticpipette Water Universalindicator solution(fromyourMegaTM) science-Lab Phenolphthalein solution (from your Me~laTM) Sci~nr~=-!~b Transparenttape Set of coloredpencils Goggles Labstation stand BE SURETO WEAR GOG(~LES WHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTION! Transpiration EQUIPMENT A growing,leafy plant Twoor three sandwichbags Adhesivetape Petroleum Jelly (optional) DIRECTIONS (1) Place9 dropsof waterin eachof the small wells A,-3 andA-10in the microplate. (2) Place10 dropsof vinegar(whichC(~ntains aceticacid) in well A-2. (3) Takeonedropout from small well A-2and dropit i~to the waterin smallwell A-3. Yo~havejust made the acid in smallWellA3 ten timeslessthantheacidsolutionin smallwell A-2. Why?(see Figure #8). (4) Tak~nn?d;cp~,u~v~=m.~iiwell A-3an~lmix it withthe waterin smallwell A-4. (5) Repeatthe aboveprocesswith well 5 ahd DONOT ADDANYTHING TO WELL7. Why? (Hint: smallwell A-7will beusedas ne~Jtrai or iust plain waterwhichis neutralpH.) (6) Place10 drops of household ammonia (~,mmonium hydroxide)in small well A-11. Thisexperiment will showyouthe characteristics of boththe pHscaleanuthe wayindicators (7) Takebnedropout of smallwell A- 11and~.dd it to the wa,ter in smallwell A-10.YouhaveJust work. the t)ase in smallwell A-10ten timesIr~ss Usea microtippipette for theseexperiments. made than(weaker than)the basicsolutionin smallWell Keepyour microplate andGipettes securedin A-11. Why? yourlab station stand. 9O Observstlon:If you are lUckyenoughto ha,, some daylilies in yourside Yard,the epidermis a lily leaf shows the microscopic stomata clearl~ ~1 BtosL~pk~ ~otuthw~ll ~)ePe ~fa/ahl~ellr~fge~itchloYs°e~ spaced,like a fine corduroysurface. Butontheundersideof the lily leaf,.youwil seehundredsof tiny bumps,scattered where,c)osetogetherbut nevertouching.Thos~ amthe guardcells aroundthe stomata. SECTIONTEN Waterfrom Leaves Goal:To showleavesdelivering waterto the air SECTION ONE ThepHScaleandIndicators Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: Onsunnydays, whenphotosynthesis is pro. ceeding rapidly, the cells in the leaf requirecar. bondioxide.At that time, the stomata are usually open. When it is dark, of course,photosynthesis cannotoccur. Thenthe guardcells lose water, andbecomelimp, closing the stomata. Carbon dioxide - no longerneededat night whenphoto. synthesis doesnot occur-doesnot enterthe lea f, andthe closedslom,~lacop.Fe/’ve,~ water. This water movesup the stem to the leaves wheremostof it is lost throughthe poresof the leaf. A large tree mayreleasemorethanfive tons of watera daythis way!In fact, forecasters refer to sometrees as "water pumps."Plants affect temperatures andhumiditya great dee)wherec~et" theythdve. This loss of waterby evaporation,through the stomata of the leaves,is called|r~nspiration. Doplants seekwaterin the soil, carry it throughroot, Stem,branchandleaf, andrelease somewaterto the sky throughevaporationfrom the leaves? CELLULARRESPIRAT/ON Wehavealreadyexploredcapillarity, working throughthe Xylemtubulesin root, stemand Oxygen is essentialto human life. Youknow branch. Andwe have explored osmosis, which what would happento any person depdvedof moves waterfror~ the xylemto the surrounding oxygen foras even a short time. breathing "respiration." However is , breathing phloemandsupportingtissues. In everyday /anguage,peopleoften speakof Uponreachingthe greenleaf, photosynthesis usessomeof this water, alongwith carbon simplya mechanical processthat providesoxydioxide, to makecarbohydratesand sugars gento an animal’scells. Once in the ce/Js,/,~,~ foodsusedby plants (andby youandby me). o,~/~en /~u..~ed in~//u/ar resoirat~. Is additional water releasedto the atmoIn cellular respiration, the Sugarglucose sphereby evapor~.tionfromthe leaves?Let us combines with oxygento releasee~ergyandgive find out. off carbondioxideandwater.This takesplacein ~hernitcK:hondria- oneof the severalkindsof DIRECTIONS organized structures that functionCritic, a/Iv within (1) In the morning,usingthe sticky tape, tie sandwichh~tg ~*, ,.. uvu~unelarge leaf (or .~,.~,~ Althoughcellular respiration a~dDhotosvn. t_.hesis eachinclude manycomplexsteps, the severalsmallleaves). reactionsare almostthe reverseof oneanother. as: (2) If you havedohethe previousexperiment, Cellular respiration maybe summarized andwishto makea Comparison, coverthe bottom of another leaf with Detroleum jelly, andbagit the sameway. Thatis, glucose(a simplesugar)whenoxidized (3)/n the evening, Check to seeif the insideof the breaksdowninto carbondioxide andwater, resandwich bagis clo~dy,andif dropletsof water leasing energy. havecollected inside the bag. Photosynthesisproducesa carbohydrate, while cellular respirationinvolvesthe Oreakdown (4) If youcoatedthe bottomof anotherleaf with of ~ carbohydrate.Photosynthesis is an energypetroleumjelly, andbagged it, seeif that bag StOrage process,while cellular respirationis an showsless moisture. en~.rgy-useprocess.In photosyntf~esis,light ene~rgyis changedinto ~hemic.~_energy. In Result:Plantsabsorbwaterfromthe soil through rest~iration, chemical energy is chang~.d into their roots. I(Jlar andheatener_qv. 19 Theorganellewithin the cell whichcarries Jut photosynthesis is calleda g_hloroplast, perormingin its ownwaythe reversereactionof the ;imilarly membrane-bound mitochondrion. But mostof it hasbeenbroughtupthroughroots andstemby the capillarity of xylemtissue, and into the stomata fromadjacenttissue by osmosis. If youhavefollowedthe experiments of your TM in order, learning about Mega-Science-Lab Of the waterwhichevaporates into the air capillarity, osmosis, andturgor pressure;about from plant leaves, a small portion maybe the xylem, phloemand cambiumtissues; about productof cellular respiration. photosynthesis andcellular respiration- youare well on yourwaytowardhavinga usefulgraspof botany! SECTIONELEVEN Flower Structure Nomenclature Thecrowning glory of the angiosperm is its flower. In fact, the term"flower" has cometo mean, by analogy,the finest part of anything. Doubtless it is no accidentthat flowersare beautiful.Theblossoms attract butterflies, birds, andbees,- essentialcontributorsto continuation of the flowerspecies. Whether by a riot of garden colors, or by the subtleshadingof a single bloom,our ownspecies is also charmed by floral hues. Themultiple symmetries of form, the reduplicationof patterns andthe refreshingvariations uponeachtheme, all attract ourmind’seyeandappealto our sense of beauty. Youwouldfike to mention fragranceas well? Of course. Granted that beautyis nostrangerin science - evenin mathematics - youare hereconcerned with botanyrather thanwith art for its ownsake: Botanically,the floweris organized to reproduce the plant that grewit - by creating the seed needed to establish a succeeding generationof the species. SECTIONSEVEN Electrolysisof FerrousSulfate Thesecret in understanding this experiment andthe unseenreactions taking place at the molecular level is to think aboutthe positiveand negativechargeat the endsof the wire (electrodes)whicharein different wells. Alsoremember that whencompounds dissolve in waterthe moleculesseparateinto positive chargedand negativechargedions (in this caseFe++and S04--). Thenegativeelectrodesattract the positive chemical ions. Thepositiveelectrodes attract the negativechemicalions. Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: Besure that the wells selectedare nextto each other for comparison (remember the third well is the control). (2) Placeonedropof universalindicator in each of the wells. Keepyour microplate securedin yourlab station stand. (3) Cuta pieceof filter paper6 mm x 60mmwith scissors.Wetthe strip of filter paperwith ferrous sulfatesolution. Usuallythin, delicate, andsmooth,petals (4) Placeoneendof the filter paperin onelarge are not always so. Theyoftenclosethe wayto the well A-1 andplacethe other endof the paperin honeyed part of the blossom to preventaccessby an adjoininglarge well A-2whichalso contains smallinsects(whosevisits wouldbe uselessfor MATERIALS the ferroussulfate solution. pollination). Ferroussulfate solution The petals maybe quite separate, partly El UniversalIndicator solution (5) Connect a 9-volt batteryto a batteryclip. joined, or united.Theymightevenbeseparateat Plasticpipette their base,yet joinedat the top, asin vine blosEl Microplate (6) Placethe red wire fromthe battery clip into soms.Occasionally,between the corolla andthe 9-volt battery onewell with the paperconnectorandthe black stamens, there is a crownor "corona"as in the 9-volt battery clip (fromyourMega-Science- wire fromthe battery clip into the well whichis daffodil. TM) Lab connected to the other endof the paperconnecThird, withinthis cupof sepalsandpetalsis Paperstrip (SeeSection5) tor. a circleof male pads - the~’andr_o_ec~i_u_m_._"._._o_f Goggles st.am_e__ns_. Each stamen consistsof a longfilaLabstation stand (7) Waitfor about3 minutesfor the reaction ment,bearingat its top ananther- the tiny pod take place. Whatdo you observein eachwell? whichcontainsthe pollen. (1) Usingyourpipette, place10dropsof ferrous Sometimes the thread-likefilamentsarevery sulfate solution in eachof 3 large wells of the (8) Whatdoyou think is produced at eachelecshodor absent,so that the antherssurroundthe trode connectedto the battery? Whatis promicroplate. Use large wells A-l, A-2 and A-3. pistil at the bottom of the receptacle or cup.The ducedat the red (+) electrode?Whatis produced Next,pipette 30dropsof waterinto eachof the stamens usually alternate with petals in oneor at the black(-) electrode? ferroussulfate wells, A-l, A-2andA-3. morewhorls. In someflowers, stamensmaybe found PART FIVE: ACID AND BASE SOLUTIONS adheringto the petals, or to the pistil. Andthe numberof stamensin a single blossomvaries FLOWERSTRUCTURE Acidsandbasesare two types of chemicals base- a chemicalthat separates from oneto hundreds! (disassociates) whichyou havecontact with every day. Common in waterto formOHions. Fourthandfinally, at the centerof the blosBeingradial, the differentpadsof flowersare somis the femalepad- the ~qy~o_e_c_i.u_rn" acids can be found in manyman-madeand of natural products. Acids which you mayhave extract- to usea solventto isolateanindividual arranged in circles or .whorls.Thereareonlyfour c.c.~arpels.Thecarpels,where therearemore than mainparts to remember,but howremarkably one,are the segments (either separateor fused) seeninclude ascorbicacid (vitamin C), acetic chemicalfrom a source. acid (vinegar),autobatteryacid (sulfuric acid), they maydiffer between species! of thecentralpistil. Likegroups of animals - a "pride"of lions, or tea(tannicacid), andsourmilkandyogurt(lactic Mostinteresting of all is the L~istil. This indicator- a chemicalwhichturns color at a a "gaggle"of geese,for example - thereare also central organ of the blossomincludes, deep acid). particularpH. Basesare also quite common. Milk of maggroupnamesfor eachof the four padsof the withinthe flower, its ovary.Withinthe ovaryare blossom.Workingfromthe outside in... the ovule~sor eggcells which,when fertilized, nesia (magnesium hydroxide), lye (sodiumhyion - a chargedatomor groupof atoms. First, coveringthe bud,andthen splitting droxide) and household ammonia(ammonium become the seedor seedswithin the fruit of the hydroxide) are somecommon bases. opento releasethe delicatepetals, is the outer maturedflower. ionization- the breakingapartof a molecule into envelope - or "calyx_"of sepals. Usually,the ovaryat the baseof the pistil padswhichhavea positive (+) or negative Thesepals are usually green, but some- extendsupward in a neckcalled the ~tyle, which TERMS TO KNOW (-) charge. times nearly the samecolor andshapeas the is topped bya stickyhatcalledthestigma.It is the petalstheyprotected.(Sometimes the calyx falls acid - a chemicalwhichseparates(disassocistigmawhichcatchesthe pollen, broughtthere neutral- neither acid norbase. off beforethe floweropens,as in poppies.Orit fromanotherplant of the same species,by breeze ates) in waterto formH̄ ions. mayevenpersist until it enclosesthe dpened or busybee. pHscale- a scalewhichtells the relative amount acidic- a solutionwhich hasa pHless than7. fruit.) Oncestuck on a stigma, the microscopic of acid or basein a solution. Second, within the calyxlies the inner enve- grain of pollensendsdown a fine tubule,through lope-or "corolla"of Petals.In luscious,attractive the style to the inside of the ovary,wheresperm alkaline- a solutionwhich hasa pHgreaterthan salt - the chemical whichresultswhenan acid colors,the petalsalternatewith the sepalsaround are releasedfromthe pollen to fertilize anegg 7. reactswitha base. thecircle. 2O cell. 89 (10) Whatcharge is on the hydrogenion? (See your cardboardion collection for the answer,if necessary.) (11) If unlike charges attract each other, what possible gaseouselementsare being given off at the positive chargedwire? (12) Whatgaseousproducts are given off at the negative charged wire? (13) You are decomposingwater (Hz0) into two basic elements. These two basic elements are oxygen and hydrogen. (14) Since hydrogen and oxygenare both gaseousat normal conditions, you should see bub0les forming at the wires, and bubbles movingup the wires to the surfaceof the liquid. (15) Since hydrogenions are positive (H’) these will be attracted to the negative wire (negative electrode). Since the oxygen(0) ions are negative, they will be attracted to the positive wire (positive electrode). (16)The vinegar was used on}y to make the water conduct electricity better. The vinegar helpedthe water be an electrolyte. (17) Lookclosely at the positive electrode and the negative electrode. Whichelectrode seems to be producing morebubbles than the other? (18) Since water is madeup of two hydroge~s every one oxygen(H20), there will be twice as much hydrogen gas produced as oxygen gas. (19) Morebubbleswill be producedat the negative electrode (where hydrOgengas is produced) than at the positive electrode (where oxygenis produced). (20) Thewet filter paper betweenthe wel(s only conductselectricily betweenthe wells but it also lets any ions go backand forth to get to the electrode to which they are attracted. Thefertilized ovule growsinto a seed, carried within the fruit, whichwhenshedin a favorable site will becomea newflowering plant. But only after a dormanttime (usually ~ year), and with warmth,moisture, a~=dlight. Someof the terms used here maybe newto you, but they are goodtO knowi~ case you talk about flowers to a fellow botanist, or with a gardening neighbor. Botany developed rapidly near the beginning of the scientific revolution, in the 17th and 18th centuries. At that time, educatedmenand womenkept in touch across national borders in Latin, which soon becamethe international lan. guageof science. In t.a_x__~qo..m__v westill uselatinizednames to classify all living things by kingdom, phylum, cl,~s~, order, family, genus,and species. Nowyou can apply this nomenclatureto real flowers as you view them close up, or take blossomsapart! MATERIALS Paper models of ,",=put modeJsof oxygen Onered pencil Oneblack pencil ’.3) Break the molecules of water up to form ~ydrogen gas at the negative wire (negative :lectrode). 88 PETAL TULIP Figure #2~ . ..................... . ........ FLOWERINSPECTION AND ANALYSIS EQUIPMENT U Sheet of ~eavy white paper White glue Tweezers(supplied in set) Twoblossoms (with lower than a dozen petals) DIRECTIONS (1) Put oneof the blossomsaside, in a small vase or cup of water. (4) Break the molecules of water up to form oxygengas at the positive wire (positive electrode). Remember oxygenis diatomic gas (0~). CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS AND CHEMtCAL SEPARATIONS Iso~a’~ion of Elements from Compounds:Compounds are NOTmixtures. A mixture can be separated byphysical means.Examplesofphysical meansinclude: boiling, condensing,melting, thawing, etc. The substancesin a mixture keep their own physical properties. Compounds can only be separated into elements by chemical means.A comnm~n~_ !2 c, G,~r~cally different oubstancefrom the reactants which formedit. Elementscan be isolated or separated from cc~mpounds by using electrical, chemical, or heat energy. The compoundcontaining the element to be isolated must receive enough energy to allow the splitting of the compound i~to elements. For the experimentbelow, attention will be focusedon the isolation of a single elementby the use of electrical energy. (2) P~acetwo pencils downon the table top. These two pencils represent the red and black wires in the water electrolyte. ................ ~ Remember hydrogen is diatomic gas (H2). THE SEPARATION OF ELEMENTS FROM THEIR COMPOUNDSALWAYS REQUIRES THE USE OF ENERGYFROM c~OME OUTSIDE SOURCE (1) Build two cardboard models of water ~ ’~ ~IOSCOPE SECTION SIX Paper Chemistry IV Again, you get to use modelsto let you see and understand something that is happeningon the atomic and molecular level which you cannot actually see with your eye. Remember the way in which the hydrogen and oxygengo together and comeapart. This is an important reaction to know about. Hydrogen~nd ~xygenonly go together in a very cenain way to makewater molecules Water only decomposes in a very certain w&~/to produce hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Can you see the simple mathematical way that this happens? Youwill needthe following materials to complete this experiment: Keepthis pagehandyfor reference, or us~ dictionary or encyclopedia.Quite often, the di ti~rtary or referencebookwilt supplya draw~r~g the very flower you are looking up, with its par labeled. (2) Carefully examinethe b/ossamyou are going to take apa~. TYPICAL FLOWER .................... Fi~e~’~~....................... (3) Locatethe calyx of sepals. Locatethe corolla of petals. ~ (4) Obsemethe individual sepals. Obsewethe individual petals. If you are takina their enl~r~ ~?,~ ~h~peS.HOWsimilar are the sepals and petals? Do they alternate aroundthe cup? E~aminethe s~ats and petals moreclosety with your B=osco~E’. /o o STA! IEN Figure #19 LS) F~nOthe androecium of stamens. Do the stamenshave tong, sho~, or no filaments suppo~ing their anthers? How many stamens are there in this blossom?Examinethe stamenswith your g}o~OPE’". Pluck one stamen, and examine with your B~oscoPE’". (6) Find the gynoeciumof carpels segmented).If the pistil is not divided into carpels, simply take note of its style or neck,andits sticky top, the stigma. Examinethe pist~{ more closely with your PISTIL Figure #20 Nowyou are ready to take the blossomapa~. 21 asidein a cupof water, to seehowmuchbetter youunderstand it, andwhata scientific beautyit Carefullypull off the sepals,countingas you Witha spotof glue, stick eachsepalto your leet of paper,so the sepalsline up acrossthe 3ttomof the sheet. Alternative:If youprefer, you can,of course, arrangethe flower parts in the order youfound them:sepalsin an outer circle, protectingthe petalsin the next whorl,with stamens surroundingthecentralpistil. ~) Pull eachpetal off at its narrow lowerendor claw". Arrangethe petals abovethe sepalson four sheet of paper. Spacethembetweenthe ~epals,if youlike. Fix eachpetal in placewith a spotof glue. Nowthat you haveseenhowonellower is put together, you maybe eagerto examineand (9) Workingyour wayaroundthe androecium you have a chance stamens,howmanystamensdoesthis blossom ana/yzeanother. Whenever contain?Write the numberdownon the paper, to collect a blossom or two, it is instructive and abovethe row of petals. Howdoesthis number oftenfascinatingto seehowdifferently that new speciesorganizesits reproductivesystem. of stamens correspond to the number of sepals, andto the number of petals? Donot expect all flowersto haveall the parts (10) Next,usingthe tweezers,try to pluckaway discussedhere, or to presentthemin quite the the stamens. Stick at least a fewon your paper sameway. Do expectsurprises: spiral whods, convoluted forms,bilateral symmetry only, a host in a rowabove the petals. of otherdifferences. Nearlyeveryvariation youcan imaginehas (11) Finally, youare down to the pistil. Youmay alreadybeentried out in the courseof evolution. glueit to the top of your sheet,abovethe stamens.Theremainingflower cup or stemcan go Youdo not haveto be an artist to makea at the bottomcomerof the sheet. usefulsketchof the flowerfor yourbotanynotethepartsin vertical (12) If youwish,andthe pistil is largeenough, book.Onewayis to represent breakit openat its bulbousbase.Whatis inside cross section, as in our drawingof a "typical flower." the ovary?Examine inside the ovarywith your Botanistsoften drawa symbolicplan viewof BIOSCOPE", a blossom,usinga different representative symbol for eachof thefour parts- pistil in thecenter, Youhavedissecteda single blossom.Nowis a by stamens,petals, andsepals. goodtimeto find the blossom that youearlier put surrounded SECTIONTWELVE LeafCollection TreeIdentification Buildingyourown"memop:/ libraq/" of plants youknowandrecognizeis not only a fascinating and challengingendeavor,it can also be the basisfor a lifetime of pleasure,to befoundfrom workingwith plants - or simply enjoyingtheir company/ Flower,fruit andseedareall importantandmust be taken into account.But the convenientand indispensable keyto plant identification is its leaves. Some cluesto teat identification ot course include size andshape,outline andedgeshape, and vein patterns. But you should also pay attentionto the top andbottom surfacetextureof the leaf, andhowfiat, wrinkled,or wavythe leaf flat). Whenever youseea plant, youwill already is (beforebeingpressed To describea leaf, you needto knowthe be awareof its location, andthe environment in of its four mainparts, andcommonly used whichit is strugglingor thriving- whether marshy names shapenames. Leavesdiffer greatly in size and or mountainous. Plant size, form andarchitecshape(see Figure #22) ture first come to notice. 22 ETHYLENEMOLECULE CARBONTETRACHLORIDE MOLECULE ACETONEMOLECULE METHANE MOLECULE ETHANEMOLECULE PROPYLENEMOLECULE Figure #16 SECTIONFIVE Decompositionof Water, a ChemicalChange Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: MATERIALS Plasticpipette El 9-volt battery El 9-volt battery clip (suppliedin yourVegaTM) Science-Lab El Microptate A strip of filter paperandscissors Vinegar(acetic acid) - obtain from your kitchen El Goggles El Labstation stand (4) Cut a piece of filter paper6 mmx 60 ram. Wetthe entire strip of filter paperwith vinegar solution. (5) Placeoneendof the filter paperin largewell A*I andthe other endof the filter paperstrip in large well A-2. (6) Connect a battery clip to a 9-volt battery. (7) Placethe bare wire end of the red coated wire (+ charge)in oneof the wellscontainingthe paperandthe barewire endof the blackwire (charge) in the well containingthe otherendof the paper(see Figure #17). BE SURETO WEARGOGGLES WHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTION! (~) Place~/4 pipe~lefull of vinegarJn a small plastic cup. (2) Addthree pipettesof tap waterto the vinegar andstir withthepipetteby drawing the solutionup into the pipetteandthensquirtingit backin the cup.Dothis severaltimesto insurea goodmixing of the vinegarandwater. (3) Placeonepipette of the water-vinegar solution in eachof threelargewellsof yourmicroplate. Usewells A-l, A-2andA-3. Twoadjoiningwells arefor the experiment. Thethird well is a control. Keepyour microplatesecuredin yourlab station stand. 87 Figure# 17 (8) Observe the bubblingfromeachof the wells. (9) Whatchargeis on the oxygenion? (Seeyou~ cardboard ion collectionfor the answer, if neces sary.) (2) Decompose the two molecules of sodium chloride by breakingthe twochlorineatomsaway from the sodiumatoms. (4) Eachof the two atomsof sodiumremair~ individual atomsof sodium. (5) The compound sodiumchloride has been decomposed into the elements sodium and chlorine. (3) The two atomsof chlorine combinewith eachother to forma m~tecute ot chlorine. This molecule of chlorinehasthe .~ymbolCI=. SECTIONFOUR-B UsingMotecu)arModels Lookat the labels on the vials of chemicals For axamgte,reacting hydrogen with oxygen providedin your chemistry section. Thereis result in the formationof water. Thereaction tisted on eachlabel the name of the chemicalas lookslike this: well as the formula of the chemicalcom~und whichthat name represents. Write downon the chart belowthe name of the ch emicalcompound, and~extto it, the chemical formula of that compound. Thechart has started a fewenlries t~r you. Nowyoucomplete (herest. DATATABLE#2 ChemicalName onleVI of vial , CALCIUM NITRATE FERROUS ~ULFATE COBALT CHLORIDE Edge Forms Figure #22 Figure #25 The(yp~ca!leaf hasfour basicparts: blade, veins, midribandpetio}e. Figure# 14 Chemical Formula o! the compound FeSO, Youmightlook aroundyourhousefor things like styrofoam bails, modeling ctay, toothpicks, pipe cleaners,andstraws. Thesemakeexcellent materialsfor building I~rget mo;ecutar models. Gum drop candies and toothpicks makegreat mo(ecularmode;s! Vein Patterns Figure #26 Figure #23 CARBONDIOXIDE MOLECULE After you havelisted all of the names and formu(as,andusingyour cardboard metiers,construct as manyof the compounds as you canwith the cardboard models. Thiswill let .vn,, ~h!.-.~cf thc ,-;;,,~;, ,~ (~:umpos~t~ o~~,hemic~l compounds HYDROGEN CHLORIDE in the samewaychemiststhink of them. MOLECULE Some formu|asmaybe too long or complex HYDROGEN PEROXIDE MOLECULE to dowith yourmodels, sodon’t worryif youdon’t get all of them.Youshould,however, becareful with mostof the chemicats. At right areincludedsome examples of simple a~dcomplexmolecularmodels. As yo~dothe variousexperimentsin this set, try buitdingmodels of the reactions.Thiswill METHANOLMOLECULE helpyouto understand whatis happening in each reaction. Figure #15a Figure #~5 86 Leavescan be characterizedby shape,by edgeform, andby vein pa.ttem: Everyone wantsto be a collector of (u~oi severe(thingst) ’NC!LIl SPEAR~ som.thi~! Goal:A leaf collection will not only become a privatepleasure, it will alsoproveto bea valuable addition to your "memory library," and~ ready referencetool to boot. O ~,L Collectas many different :eavesas youcan, identifying each.When you find plants you wish to record andremember, but cannotidentify, checkoneof the manyexcellent field guides. Theyare usuaIlyavailablein the library for your use, as well as in bookstores. Leaf Shapes Figure #24 23 FAMILIAR WIll TREES BLACK OAK FLOWERING DOGWOOD AMERICAN HOLLY NOTE:Coppernails are copper colored (like newpePny)andwill not be attracted by a magnet. Aluminum nails will seemvery light in weight and will be shiny silver in color. Aluminum nails will not be attracted by a magnet.Obtain the copper and aluminumnails at your local hardwarestore. (6) Place one small copper nail in emptysmall well A-4. Place one small aluminumnail in small emptywell A-9. Theseare control wells. DIRECTIONS (1) Using your microtip pipette, place ten drops of sodiumchloride solution in small wells A-1 and A-12. Rinse the pipette. Place ten drops of calcium nitrate solution in small well B-1 and B12. Repeatthis processplacing ferrous sulfate solution in C-1 andC-12, cobalt chloride in small wells D-1 and D-12. Besure to rinse the pipette betweeneach chemical solution. (B) Place one small aluminumnail in deep well A-6. Completelycover the nail with water. Let the nails remain undisturbed for two days. (2) Add four drops of water to each solution. D-4 and D-9 (see Figure #13). (7) Place one small copper nail in deepwell 1. Completelycover the nail with water. (9) Observethe nails for the next two days. (10) Did the nai s change? (11) Comparingreactions of the iron nails from Section 3 and the aluminum and copper nails from Section 3A, which nail showed change? Which nail showed no change? What can you nails insteadof iron nails? Recordyour resuffs on Data Table #1. DATA TABLE #1 ’ CI~EMICALS USED IRON coPPER ALUMINUM NAILS NAILS NA#LS SODIUM CHLORIDE ............................... CALCIUM NITRATE FERROUS SULFATE Figure #13 (4) Place one small coppernail in small wells 1, B-l, C-1, D-l, D-3 and D-4. (5) Place one small aluminumnail in small wells A-12, B-12, C-12, D-12, D-9 and D-IO. BLACK WALNUT Youwill needthe following materials to complete this experiment: MATERIALS (~ Cardbo,~rd models of atoms 24 WATER WATER (SUBMERSED) SECTION FOUR CardboardChemistry Lab III BEECH Fi ure COBALT CHLORIDE Nowthat you have seen the way chemicals can combineto form a new substance, let’s take the same chemical apart. The compound, sodium chloride can be separatedinto the original elements by adding the correct amount of energy. The process of makinga compoundreturn to the elements from which it was formed is called decomposition(dee’ kompo zi shun)or a, naly.~_s (an al’ fee sis). DIRECTIONS (1) Join one sodium atom to one chlorine atom to form a sodium chloride molecule. Maketwo paper moleculesof sodiumchloride. This is th~ process of synthesis. Plasticpipettes Water Goggles Labstation stand BE SURETO WEARGOGGLES WHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTION] DIRECTIONS (1) Usingyourmicrotip pipette, placeten drops of sodiumchloride solution to oneof the small wellsin the microplate.Rinsethe plastic pipette. Placeten dropsof calciumnitrate solution in anothersmall well. Repeatthis processwith ferroussulfate andcobaltchloridesolutions.Be sure to rinse the pipette between eachchemical solution. (6) Fill the largewell withwater. (7) Placeonesmalliron nail in the largewell that the nail is totally underthe water’ssurface. (8) Observe the positronof the smalliron nails the smallandlarge wells in the microplate(see Figure#12). (2) Addfour dropsof waterto eachsolution. (3) Place fourteen microdropsof water in adjacentwell (seeFigure#11). Figure #12 (9) Let all the iron nails remain, undisturbed, for two days. (10) Observe the iron nails over the next two days. 1 ) How did the iron nails change? Where have you seenthis color before?Whatchemicaldo youthink has(ormed fromthe iron nail? (1 Figure #1 1 (4) Placeonesmalliron nail in eachof the wells containinga solution. (12) Whichnail showed the mostchange? Which nail showedno sign of change?Whatother (5) Placeanotheriron nail in anadjoiningempty chemical is necessary for iron to change the way well. Thisis a control. it did? SECTIONTHREE-A Synthesis In this experiment youwill goevenfurtherin teaspoon) of table salt to 15 ml. I1 t~hlemakingnewmaterials. The main tasks of the c, poon)u| waler myour plastic measuring ~,~ ,3^t.,~limenlmg cup) , (2) observing, and(3) recordingthe resultsso that the synthesis ~ Calcium nitrate solution of newmaterials and newsubstancescan be 53 Ferroussulfate solution provenand doneagain by another chemistin 53 Cobaltchloridesolution anotherlab! If a friend also hasa chemistry set, Q Microplate compare dataandresults with your friend as you 53 Plastic pipettes eachdo the sameexperimentseparately! 53 Coppernails Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto com- 53 Aluminum nails (obtainfromyourlocal hardplete this experiment: warestore) Water MATERIALS Goggles Sodiumchloride solution (preparesodium Labstation stand chloridesolutionby adding0.61 ml. (1/8 BE SURETO WEAR GOGGLES WHEN DOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTION! 84 GLOSSARY mltochondrls (myt uh KAHN dree uh): androeclum (an DREE shee uhm): the whorl of stamens~n a blossom. organellesin whichenergyproductionfor the cell occurs. angiosperm (AN jee uh sperm): a flowering plant havingseedsproduced within an ovary. monocot(MAHnoh kaht): a seed plant with anther:the part of the flower stamen that oneseedleaf, or cotyledon. producesandreleasespollen. osmosis(ahz MOH sihs): the movement water moleculesthrough a membrane from an calyx(KAYliks): the outer protectivecovering areaof low soluteconcentration to anareaof of a flower,consisting of a seriesof leaflike, highsolute concentration. usually greensegments called sepals. cambium (KAMbeeuhm):the layer of cells phloem (FLOHuhm):the vascular tissue that the stemsandroots of vascularplants that transportssugarsandstarchesthroughoutthe plant. gives rise to phloem andxylem;unspecialized cells that divide to produce newcells which photosynthesis (fob toh SIHNthuh sihs): processby whichplants, using chlorophyland causea plant to growin width. energyfrom the sun, manufacturecarbohycapillary acllon, cap|llarlty: the forceof attraction that causes a liquid to moveup drates fromcarbondioxide andwater. narrowtubes. pistil (PIHStihl): the seed-bearing organof flower, includingthe stigma,style, andovary. carpel(KAHR puhl): the central ovule-bearing femaleorganof a flower, formingoneor more rhizome (REYE zohm):a rootlike, usually horizontal stemgrowingunderor alongthe sectionsof the pistil. ground,andsendingout roots fromits lower chloroplast(KLAWR uh plast): carbohydratesurface,andleavesor shootsfromits upper producing organellewithin plant cell containing surface. chlorophyll. sepal(SEEpuhl): a modifiedleaf that encloses chorlon (KAWR ee ahn): a thin membrane insidethe shell of a landegg. the flowerbeforeit opens. corolla(kuh ROH lab): the inner en~etope of stamen(STAYmehn):the matepart of the flower,consistingof a seriesof petals. flowerthat produces pollen grains. stigma:the sticky tip of the stamen,where corona(kuh ROH nuh): a crownlikepart of pollenfirst collects. flower, usuallybetween the petals andstastolon (STOH luhn): a stemgrowingalong mens,but sometimes an appendage of the corolla,as in daffodils. underthe groundandtaking root at the nodes or apexto formnewplants. cortex (KAWR teks): the layer of tissue ~,=~,a,= ~3Tortmuh),plural stomata(STOH roots andstemslying between the eeid~=rmis ,~i ,d ii=u vascular tissues;a foodstoragearea. muhtuh): a tiny porein the epidermisof a leaf cotyledon (kaht uh LEEDuhn): the embryonic that allowscarbondioxideto enter the leaf and waterandoxygen to exit. leaf of a seedplant. cytoplasm(SYTuh plaz uhm):the material style: the neckof the pistil; the long, tubular part of a pistil that supports the stigma. inside the cell membrane containingthe taxonomy: the scienceof classifying living necessary components for cell life; all orthings. ganellesandmaterialswithin a cell between turgot pressure:osmoticpressureexertedby the plasmamembrane and nuclear envelope. the contentsof a plantcell againstthe cell wall. dlcot (DEYE kaht): a seedplant with twoseed viscosity(vihs KAHS uh tee): the property leaves,or cotyledons. havingrelatively highresistanceto flow. gymnosperm (JIHMnuh sperm): a plant that xylem(ZEYE luhm): vascular tissue that produces its seedwithin cones. transportswaterandmineralsthroughoutthe gynoeclum (jin NEEsee uhm):the circle carpelsin a flower;the pistil or pistils collecplant. tively. 25 PART THREE: ZOOLOGY In botany,the branchof biology studyingthe plant kingdom,you learnedhowthe millions of different kindsof plantsare classified- that is, arranged in orderfor comparison andstudy. In zoology,the branchof biologystudyingthe animalkingdom, we/earn that there are millions of different kindsof animals to befoundin the world,andtheyal/ arearranged according to bodystructure. Animalswith certain featuresin common belongto onegroup;thosewith other similar featuresbelong to other groups. Theanima/kingdom is divided into rnajor categodes ca//ed phyla. Eachphylumis brokendown, onthe basisof bodystructure,into groups calledqlasse,~.Classes arefurtherdividedinto orders,orders into families, familiesinto genera,andfinally generainto species.A house cricket, for example, would beclassifiedlike this: Phylum Arthropoda Class Insecta Order Orthoptera Family Gryflidae Genus Acheta domesticus Species ANIMAL KINGDOM Therearemorethana million different species in the animal kingdom,divided into the followingphyla: Phylum Examples Poriferans bath sponge,Venusflower basket Coelenterates hydra,jellyfish, coral Platyhelminthstapeworm, liver fluke Nematodes hookworm,roundworm Rotifers microscopicwater animals Annelids earthworm,sandworm, leech Mollusks clam,snail, octopus Arthropods horseshoe crab, shrimp, spider,bee,ant, flea Echinoderms starfish, seaumhin, sanddollar Hemichordates acorn worm Chordates lancelet, lamprey,shark, sturgeon,frog, lizard, snake, penguin,robin, elephant, rat, sea cow,whale,man So, youngscientist, wheredoyouthink you can begin your study of the animal kingdom? Believeit or not, youcanbeginin yourownback yard. Onandin the ground, you can find such organisms as earthworms, grubs, snails, slugs, ants, spiders, beetles, bacteria, andtermites. Grasses are loadedwith insectslike aphidsand lice. Beesspenda lot of time collecting nectar fromflowers, andmothsfly aroundlights in the night. Pondsandstagnant pools teemwith life during warmweather,commonly providing homes for leeches,daphnias,hydras,flatworms,water lice, mosquitolarvae, snails, frogs, minnows, mussels, anddiving beetles(just to name a few). 26 That’s outside. Inside your house,youcan find deadinsects on windowsills or in light fixtures. Basements, closetsandgarages harbor many different species,providingthemwithplaces to live andbreed. Yousimply have to knowhowto collect specimens, and, whenappropriate, howto preservethem. WARNING: Whencollecting specimens,always look beforeyouput yourhandsundera rock, in a hole, or in the water. Youdo not wantto grab something that mightcut, sting or bite you,or cut yourselfonanold pieceof glassor metal. STUDYING ANIMALSIN THEIR NATURALENVIRONMENT With notebookandBioscope"in hand, begin studyingvariousanimalswheretheylive. The ideais to get a good,closelook withoutupsetting yoursubjects. Makesketchesof, and notes about, what you see. Answersuchquestionsas: (1) Whatis the animaldoingas youwatchit? (2) Doesthe animaltake notice of you? (3) Where did youfirst spot the animal? (4) Were there anyother animals,alive or dead, in the immediateenvironment? Accurate descriptionsare veryimportant.If youhavethe useof a camera, all the better, and if youcanget binoculars,you caneasily study largeranimalslike birds, rabbits, anddeer. This compound is sodiumchloride. The formula(model)for sodium chloride is NaCI(see Figure#9). SODIU M Chlorine wasusedin war as a poison. Sodium chlodde is a substance whichis essentialto life. Sodium chloride is also known as table salt. We usetable salt to seasonour food. Sodium chloride is a simplecompound whichhasthe properties of neithersodium nor chlorine. Thereaction of two or moresubstances producesa new set of substanceswhich are different thanthe original chemicals. CHLORINE Figure #9 Sodium metalis a silvery substance. It is an active elementwhichwill react violently with water. Chlorineis a green-yellow gas. Twoor moreelementscan react with each other to forma newchemicalcalled a compound. Theprocessof forminga compound from the elements is calledsynthesi~(sin’ the sis). SECTIONTVVO CardboardChemistryLabII Iron is a metal. Iron cancombine with many non-metals.Themost common compound formed by iron is iron oxide.Theoxideof iron is known asrust. Someelements, you mayremember,are diatomic.Oxygen is diatomiclike chlorine. Iron is not diatomic. Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: (3) Rearrange the atomsto form two molecules or 3. iron oxide,or rust. Rusthasthe formulaFete (4) Visualize a 3-Dmodelof iron oxide. How the atomsarrangethemselves?Doesthe paper modelshowthis? (see Figure #10). OX~CI~NATOMS /" ,,, MATERIALS I~ Cardboardmodelsof Iron +2 andC1-1 DIRECTIONS (1) Select four cardboard iron atoms. (2) Makethree oxygenmolecules(that’s six atoms,combined to formthree molecules). IRON ATOMS This is anothersynthesisreaction Figure #10 SECTION THREE Synthesis Synthesisis oneof the mostimportantand Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete interesting areasof chemistry.You,as a chem- this experiment: ist, areputtingtogether,perhaps for the first time ever, chemicalswhichhavenever beenput toMATERIALS getherbefore! Sodiumchloride solution (makeyour own Eventhoughthe reactionsyou are doingare sodiumchloride solutions by adding0.61 ml "known"... you will be makingbrandnewchemi(1t8 teaspoon)of table salt to 15 ml. cals and compounds which werenot present in tablespoon) of waterin yourplastic measurthe materials you are workingwith before you ing cup) Calciumnitrate solution started your experiment! Ferroussulfate solution As a goodchemist,youmustobserveclosely andyoumustrecordor write downyour results. Cobaltchloride solution Thechart andtables are providedfor your new Microplate dataat the endof this section. Iron Nails fromyourlocal hardware store 83 Themostimportantorganizationof all elementsis the division of the elementsinto two generalclasses. The two generalclasses of elementsare: Metals and Non-Metals. Metalstendto give upor releaseelectrons. Non-metals tend to gainor takeonelectrons.The cardboard modelsof atoms have been organizedinto thesetwogroups. SECTIONONE Cardboard ChemistryLab 1 Mostof the timechemistsneveractually see the atoms and molecules which makeup the chemicalreactions they study andexperiment with. Whatwe, as chemists, can "see" in our mind’seye,arethe representations, or models, of atomsandmofeculest Youare urgedto completethis experiment fully because eachof the models youwill seeand study,will represent for youthe pictureof unseen atomsandmoleculesandhowthese very small building blocks of our woddcombineandform newsubstances~ Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: MATERIALS ~ Cardboardions andatoms(pink and blue sheet of cardboardions from your MegaTM) Science-Lab Q Pair of scissors BE SURETO WEARGOGGLES WHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THiSCHEMISTRY SECTION! DIRECTIONS (1) Cut out or separateall the cardboard atoms whichare metals. Notice that the metalatoms havelittle trianglesononeside. These triangles represent(are modelsof) the electrons which metals lose whenthey form compounds. Each elementhasa symbol.A symbolis like a special initial or name (model) whichis written instead usingthe wholewordfor the element. Thesymbol is usedh.v ~’homists.~ a snort;~=, ,d wayot talking aboutchemical e~ements or chemicalions. For example,sodiumis a metal element. Sodium has a symbol.Thesymbolfor sodiumis "Na" (the Na standsfor the original namefor sodiumwhichwasNatrium). The symbolNa is ;till usedtoday.Sodium acts aloneas a chemical .~lement. Manyof the elementson the Periodic Table ave symbols takenfromtheir original names in ireek or Latin. Iron wasoriginally calledferrum. hesymbol for iron is Fe. Goldwascalled aurum. "~esymbol for goldis Au. 82 Usually, the symbolfor the elementis the first letter or first twoletters in its English name. Oxygen’s symbol is O, hydrogen’s is H, nitrogen’s is N, helium’sis He,etc. (2) Cutout or separateall the cardboard atoms whichare non-metals. Noticethat the non-metal atomshavelittle notcheson oneside. Thesenotchesrepresent (are modelsof) the sites whichnon-metals use whenthey form compounds. (3) Chlorineis a non-metal.Thesymbolfor atomof chlorineis CI. Chlodne existsin natureas a gas made of twoatomsjoined together. Chlorine is diatomic(die’ ahtomik). Thismeans two atomsof a particular elementjoinedtogetherto forma molecule. (4) Selecttwo cardboard atomsof chlorine. (5) Slide the twoatomstogetherin suchwa y that theside tabandnotchof onechlorinefill the side notchandtab of the other(see Figure#8). BIOLOGISTAS TRAPPER If youneedto look at an organism underthe Bioscope", andyoucan’t find a deadone,youwill haveto catchit. Following are someeffective methodsof trappingvery smallanimalslike bugsandworms. THE BUTTERFLYNET Anet is the bestwayto catchflying insec without damaging them. Nets can be purchase throughyourlocal toy store. If the insecthasalightedona floweror lea approachit with caution so that your shadm doesnot passoverit, or it will fly away. TO BE AN ENTOMOLOGIST ~_n_!_Om__ology is the scientific studyof bugs (insectsandrelatedanimals,like spiders).Until about two hundredyears ago, every entomologist wasan amateur- just like you. Theywent aroundinvestigating bugswherethey could be found, and bugs can be found almost everywhere! So, youwantto know,what’sthe difference betweenthe entomologistand everyoneelse? Theentomologistis an observerandorganizer ... keepingcarefulrecordsof howbugslive andwherethey are found. ... analyzingthat information to see how bugsare alike, andhowthey are different. ... collecting bugsto studyin a {aboratory environment. Sl~fety First: Beforeyou begin your study of bugs,youmustunderstand that youcanget hurt. ReallyfThelittle creaturescanbite or sting, but that’s not all; so follow thesesimplerules and everything will befine. Figure #28 Makea sidewayssweepingmovement and the insectwill becaughtinsidethe net. At the endof the sweep,turn your wrist so that the net is folded and the insect cannot escape. It is harderto catchbutterflies that are in motion.Let onego by youandthen sweepthe net downoverit. RULE 1: Neverlook at a stronglight source, ~. Todoso could like the sun,througha Bioscope causepermanentdamage to your eyes. A modelof a moleculeof chlorine. A chlorine molecule wouldhavethe symbolCI z. #e (6) Select a sodiummetalatomanda chlorine non-metalmoleculefrom your supply. (7) Slide the sodiummetalatom’striangles into the notchin the chlorineatom. (8) Oncethe sodiummetalhas beenplacedinto contactwiththe chlorine,the sidetie to the other chlorine is broken. Pull awaythe combined chlorine with the attached sodiumfrom the uncombined chlorine. What do you think happens to the uncombined chlorine atom?The combinationof sodium,a metal,with chlorine, a non-metal,has formeda newsubstance,a compound. RULE 2: Keepshardnhjr=~’t~_,!!,v,C ;;,~ui .--..~,~,,.~;,g pmns,awayfromyoureyes.Always remember that your eyesare very delicate organsthat are easily damaged. RULE3: Whencollecting specimensoutdoors, alwayslook before you put your hands undera rock, in a hole, andsoon. Youdon’t want to accidentallygrab something that mightcut, sting, or bite you. RULE4: Never assumethat a bug - any bug, alive or dead- is harmless.Alwayshandle themwith care. RULE 5: ff youhurt yourselfin anyway,tell your parentsimmediately. 27 Figure #29 INSEGTTFtAP~ Another wayto catdhcertainkindsof insects witha trap. YoucanbuildoneI~indof insecttrap , hedge, or ;,n a shad~J spotn~,r a compost 9i~e ~r woodp~,e. Thetop ot.~t~r shouldbe~eve% vith the top o~ the g~o~n~t~E~p~ace~ sma~ ~tonesaround the top of the Jar andplacea sma~ squareof cardboard ontop of the stones. Theinsectsgo underthe Cardboard lid seek,ng shelter andthen fall_i~.the ~ar wherethey cannotcrawlout b~auuse u, [, . hesmooth gtas~of the jar. Wes~gestthat youleavethe jar in place overnight. Useyour l~ezersto put thoseyou wishto study in a jar aneetthe rest 9ohome. TERRARIUM If youcreate,in a closedcontainer,a plac~ similarto. a bug’snaturalenvironment, youh..ave made a te~r~i.~ m. uriC,assit’s a vcaterDug;may ~eed an ~. It ~s easy to do. A~ ~ou ~eE~ big jar, o~, sandgrave~a con~a~n~ ~er ~at~r, a fewpl~s, andsomescreening(like wire screen or lees. Y Woven cloth) to makea cocer, ti t~ePlaceis like home,withadequate ood, w~ter,andShelter, andpropertemperature an~ lighting, YOur little bugwill e treat it/i~e ~ ho~ awayfrom home. BUTTERFLY PALACE 6.u.t!~rt~ies andmoths requirea lot of S.P,ace. Tobu~-~ sucha p~ace, ~io~,ew these’~nstruc Figure #a0 ~n~ sm~ll creatures move Fireflies, for example,~cause they fly about ta~ly, can be scooped out of the ~=r. ~ In order to talk aboutthe atom, havedeviseda modelof whatanatom_lOOks like. Th!s modelis called the lap_~t_~or ~ model of the atom.Themodell’snamedaftereecientist, Niels @ohr,whocameup with the idea. Further, basedon the reactions of atomS,they havean reactionare far too smallto beseenevenwith the mostpowerful micr°~COPe. idea (model)of whatthe moleculesof Chemical A m~eiis an ~itation of the real thing. compounds look like. ~e~s ~e use%~in t~n9 to understand how Thenucleusis the center of the atomand things work. sc~ent’=st~ . otton use ha~,~lmosta~the ~e_~ht_ or m_~a_%s, of the atom. hasa different n~’~J~°’ ’~, exgta~unseen~o~ce~.~ ~s~ m~delsto make Eachelement an ideaeasier to understand. chartresin the cen’~e~ b*,~,.%e ~,tom.These charges Theadvantage of a modelis in its easeof ~re Called ~00~. The numbm o~tL~Eqharges use. For example, it is ce~ainlyeasier to show ~n the center of the atomis called the atomiq someone a ~odelof a plane, rather than a full ~.ber. Each element has a distinct atomic s(ze one. nUmder. A modelairplane is an imitation. A model Thepositive paniclesor protons,alongwith planeis not a real plane.It is a smallerrepresen" n~utral panicles, called ne~t(O8~,ma~eup the rationof a real plane.It canbeusedto imitatethe ~¢~g~of an atom (see~gu re #7). workingsof a real Diane. A modelcan help to Theatomalso contains negativ~charges, ~icture something r~al but unseen or unfamiliar. Calledelectrons,whichare locatedat different me ~ di~t~nces~romthe nucleusin ~it~ or energy ~ ~ sad ~ ~ to scal~do~n,r epresent or mo6~ of = the ~nc~ . ~EAL c~em’~ca~s. 3%~~ at electrons in an airment is the When chain=tale combinethey are Same as t~e n~m~o( grotons ~n fne £~act. Reactionscanbe of several~pesinvolvelement.Thenumber of electrons (-) mustequ~ ing few of manyChemicals.By using cut-OUt of protons(+) in a ~eutralatom.The m~e~ions you can ~ee howdifferent chemicals the number electrons are NOTI~ated in menucleus. can combineto f~r~ the manycompounds w~ich chemists find so =~t~resting" ~ ~s¯ useful only ~o showhOW ThepapeF ,_~el manyions comolh~with others to fern com~unds,Themethodof telling howmanyions of onec~micalreact~ with howmanyions of an- . ~. Mo~EL ELEMENTSAND ~ ~~ It is importantto knowhowchemicals react YO~canmakea simplelight trap ~ith a pieceof paperanda jar. ~O~itio n it nearan outside light ~ wait for the bugsto drOP =n. Youcan get ~ bugsoff the fimbs andout of the foliage of trees and busheswith a goodstoot stick anda s~;~.~, ,.~ " ~o~ piece of white ~. ~. cardboard. Figure #31 Figure #32 STAPLE ANDTAPE STEP :~ Figure#93 ~n ~ is a chemical which has onlY one kind ot neutral in charge. An~ is ~n ~tomor groupof atomswhich NOT electrica Y heutral. Some ions are positive in charge"?;~l;r.ions are negativein c~arge" A ~ ~ a chemically combined unit or two or more ~to~s The atoms maybe of the sameetement~(~h as two hydrogens)in order to ~akea ~oteq~le ot hy~roge~~, molecule ma~~ ~ ~ er more different mentS,suchas NaCL~ ~%~salt which~smaO~ of a~ atom ot Sodium(Na) and an ato~ Chlorine(CI). & moleculeis of neutral charge. Ch~mt~ts 9xperimentwith e/emeptS,ions, and motecues AtomS,thdugh very stoat, are m~deuP pa~. T~e pa~s makethe atom what it is. Atoms are [no basicbuildingblocksof all chemicals. 81 F~ure ~7 ~um tithe number of electronSdo~ s not equalthe numberof protons the atomhas ~ charge.What is a chargedatomcalled? I~ Pure #7ais an example of a positively charged ion. Eventhoughthe electrons are locatedat a distance from the nucleus, ELECTRONS MAKE CHEMICAL REAC%’~ObtS £,~’~t~~.a.~teorganiz.ed~llthe known atrJ, I-i’st theycall {he oms into anorg~.~’~z-~ Table(see separatesheetW~thtable printed or it). EachelementI~as only k t,e sametype atoms. By organizing the nOWn atoms, or mentsinto a table, chemists~avebeenable t predict’the properties of mah..y other elemen andthe chemicalcompounqs they form. In this experimentweare using fine powders, whichwecan see, to help us observethe changestaking place with the surface tension layerof a liquid. Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: BE SURETO WEAR GOGGLES WHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTIONI The name(nsecta comesfrom Latin, an means "in sections,"whichis the wayaninsect’ bodyis made. Seehowthis worker ~ ant’s bodyis dividedinto sections. Thereare morekinds of insects than any otherclassof animals.In fact, estimates of their numberrange from 700,000 to more than a million specieslOthermajorclassesof Arthropods are crustacea(animalslike crabs, shrimpand lobsters), ar~¢hnida (animalslike spiders,ticks andscorpions), £_hilopod~,(centipedes), dip!~12_o@_ (millipedes). Thereare also several very smallclasses. STEP3 DIRECTIONS (1) Fill twolarge wells of the microplatewith water. Uselarge wells A 1 andA-2. (2) Fill twoother wellswith ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. Uselarge wells A-3andA-4. MATERIALS ’_l Microplate Ethylor isopropylalcohol,fromdrugstore Water Liquid dishwashing detergent Plasticpipette Babypowder,talcumpowderor flour Goggles Labstation stand (3) Dustthe surfaceof eachof the four wellswith babypowder,talcumpowder or flour. (4) Add1 dropof dishwashing detergentto one well withalcohol(A-3)andonewell with water(A1). (5) Describe the result. change? Whatcausedthe PART FOUR: CHEMICAL MODELS- CHEMICAL REACTIONS TERMS TO KNOW atom* the smallestpadicle of anelement. chemical means - methodsof treating matedal whichseparatepure substancesinto newcompoundsor elements. compound - a chemicalcombinationof two or moreelements.A compound has different properties fromthe elementswhichmakeit up. Compoundscannotbe separatedinto their elements by physical means. electrode- a wire whichis placedin anelectrolyte andthroughwhichanelectrical chargeflows. Sodiummetal atomwill then become a sodium metalion (Na+). Figure #34 STEP 4: Now, its timeto find a big, fat caterpillar happily munching on a plant. Thatplant is its preferredfood source,andyouwill needto know this to keepthelittle fellowwell fed. STEP 5: If the plant is smallenough, transplantit to a flowerpot. If, onthe otherhand,the plant is large, take somecuttings andplacethemin a jar of water. CHARTOF THE FIVE MAJORCLASSES/ PHYLUMARTHROPODA CLASS INSECTA modelo a representationof something else. molecule - the smallestunit of a compound. A moleculecontainstwo or moreatomswhichare chemicallycombined. ¯ 6 legsIn 3 ~irl ¯ 3 body regions, called head, thor~, ancl a~n ¯ 1 or 2 pm~of w~gs (s~etim~ e~ent) non-metal- a chemicalelementwhichtendsto gain electrons. Example:A Chlodneatomwill acceptanelectronto become a ChlorineIon (CI). CLASSARACHNIDA Spldlm, ~¢orplone, Mlte~, "ncke periodictable - a list of the different elements andsome of their properties. electrolyte - a solution whichconductsanelectric current. electron- the particle outsidethe nucleusof an atomwhichcarries a negative(--) charge. element- a substance whir, h containsonly one k;,,~uia~om. P_xample: iron, sulfur orcarbon are each elements. equation- a statementshowingthe waychemicals combineor break up. Anequation shows howreactants becomeproducts in a chemical reaction. ion - an atomor a groupof atomswhichare not electrically neutral.Ionswill either bepositive chargedor negativecharged. product- a substancewhichis producedin a chemicalreaction. planetarymodel- a modelof the positionof the nucleus and~.l~¢’trnns C.~ -’~-,% ,~ll wilicn p~ctures the components similar to the arrangement of our sunandplanets. proton- the particle in the nucleuscenterof an atomwhichcarries a positive (+) charge. reactant - a substancewhich combineswith anotherin a chemical reaction. reaction- the chemical combination or change of two or moreelementsor compounds. stolchlometry- the combining ratios of chemicals in a chemical reaction. metal- a chemicalelementwhichtends to lose electronsin a chemicalreaction. Example: So:lium metal(Na) will give off oneelectronper ztomduringa chemicalreaction. weight- a measurement of the force by whichan amount of mass is attractedto the earth. 8O Insects, class Insecta, belongto the phylum Arthropoda.Also included in this phylumare: spiders, scorpionsandticks (class Arachnida); millipedes(class Diplopoda);centipedes (class Chilopoda);sowbugs, crayfish, lobsters, crabs andbarnacles(class Crustacea). Mostarthropods belongin oneof thesefive majorclasses: (head& chest), andthe back, the ~bdomen Figure #35 SPECIAL NOTE: If you are usingcuttingsinwater,vn. ~,.. CLASSDIPLOPODA Ullllpedea flower pot with soil, and cover the top of the jar with a pieceof cardboard. This is necessary because mothcaterpdlars crawl down to the soil to pupate. , .. ~uc~,. co~rA,~E, WATER - 3 s WHATARE INSECTS? Theanimal kingdomis divided into major groupingscalled phyla, andeachphylumis dividedinto c_~lasses. Insects are members of the class insectaof the phylumarthropoda. Arthropodsare animalswithout backbones that havejointed appendages (an appendage is a part of the bodythat sticksout, like a leg). 29 CLASSCHILOPODA CLASSCRUSTACEA Sowbugl,Crayfl~,h, Lobetera, Ccebe,Barneclea ¯ f 0 or morelegs in ~ir~ ¯ 2 bodyregions, called cephalothora~andabdomen ¯ 2 pairs of antennae ¯ mostly rnanne,somefreshwaterandterrestda~ In our examples whichfollow, only classes ~sectaandArachnida will be covered.In addiion to the physical distinctions listed onthechart, )ther featuresfurtherset apartthesetwoclasses. ~,rachnidsare soft-bodiedcreaturesthat cannot ly, andprey onother animals.Insectsgenerally navetougherbodies(exoskeletons),are capable of flight, andmostfeedonplants, not animals. Hereare someexamples of howthis classification systemworks: A houseflyis of the order Diptera, the family Muscidae, the genus Musca,andthe species Domestica. MONARCH BUTTERFLY INSECT ANATOMY Anadult insect never"grows"because it has a hard, external skeleton composed of a tough substance called chitin. Thisexoskeleton covers all partsof the bodyincludinglegs, eyes,antennae, andtracheae(breathingtubes). Younginsectsshedall thesesurfacesseveraltimesduring their lives in orderto growto adult size. The development fromeggto adult, called metamorphosis,is a series,then,of fixed stages. Hereis howa grasshopper changesfroman eggto a fully mature adult: (6) Finally, carry the microplateCAREFULLY the sink. Turnthe microplateupsidedownover the sink. (7) Whathappens?Whatdoesthe dishwashing DIRECTIONS soapdo to the water?Whyis this property of detergent valuable? Answer:Dishwashing soap (1) If youhaveany methylene blue dye solution left in yourcupfromthe last experiment, youmay destroysthe surfacetensionof water. Thewater useit here.If not, mixa little more methylene blue falls out of the wells. Thewettingpowerof the it a valuablecleaning dye solutionwith waterin the plastic cup. (see detergentis whatmakes agent. SectionTwo,steps 2 and3). EXTENSION Try this sameexperimentusing a drop of hair shampoo. Try this sameexperimentusing dishwasher "Jet (3) Drawup someof the water/dye/soapmixDryra" liquid. lure into thepipette. Try this sameexperiment using a dropof liquid (4) Place 7 or 8 drops of the water/dye/soap handsoap. mixtureinto smallwellsof the micreplate.Usethe BE SURETO WEARGOGGLES WHENDOING samewellsas before:smallwells A- 1, A-2, A-3, EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTIONI A-12, B-12andC-12. 2 Themonarch butterfly is of the orderLepidoptera, the family Danaidae,the genus Darius, and the speciesPlexippus. Japanese beetles are of the orderColeoptera,the family Scarabaeidae,the genusPopillia, andthe speciesJaponica. JAPANESEBEETLE (5) Lookat the colorof the wells with the mixture in them.Turnthe plate andlook at the wellsfrom the side of the micreplate. (2) Addone drop of dishwashingsoapto the methylene blue/watermixture.Stir andmixthoroughly. HOUSEFLY EGG -1 Methylene bluedyesolution(fromyourMegaTM) Science-Lab Liquid dishwashing soap(obtain from groceryor kitchen) TM) Microplate(from your Mega-Science-Lab Goggles Pipette Labstation stand SECTIONFIVE Alcohol andSurfaceTension 7 - FULLY~IATURED A;~ULT If younoticedthat all of the names sound like Latin, youare right. Theyare generallyderived fromLatin anddescdbe specific characteristics. For example,the ordercoleopterais named from the Latin phrasethat means "sheathed(or covered)wings." FROMWHEREDID INSECTS COME? Insectshavebeenarounda longtime; scientists estimateas longas 300million years!Many, like dragonfliesandcockroaches werenot unlike their modern-day cousins. Insect fossils have beenfound in coal minesin England,embedded in copal( a naturalresin)in Zanzibar (anisland the eastcoastof Africa), andin sedimentary rock in Colorado - just to name a fewplaces. NowYOUcan find insectsjust abouteverywhere. Thereare insectsliving in forests, deserts andeven oceans. INSECTFOSSIL 3o Otherchemicalsbesidessoapproductshave the propertyof destroyingor lesseningsurface tension. This experiment exploresthesechemi- Figure #36 Andtheseare the changes that a mothgoes throughas it develops fromaneggto anadult: EGG 1 LARVA (CATERPILLAR) 2 WARNING: Ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol andrubbingalcohol are flammable ~iquids. Keep these liquids andtheir vaporsawayfrom any openflame. Usethesechemicalsonly in a wellventilatedarea. Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: MATERIALS Plastic measuring cup Water MethyleneBlue DyeSolution Isopropyl,or rubbingalcohol,or ethyl alcohol(fromthe drugstore) El Plastic pipette ~3 Microplate El Goggles El Labstation stand DIRECTIONS (1) Throwawaythe wateddye/detergentmixture fromthe previousexperiment. (2) Rinsethe plastic cup andadd40 drops waterto the cup. (3) Adda few drops of methylene blue dye solutionas youdid previously. (4) Add20 dropsof ethyl orisopropylalcoho~ the waterin the pl3stic cup. (5) Repeatsteps 6.7, 8, 9 and10 fromSection 2 experiment. Howis the result similar to either Section2 or Section3? SECTIONSIX A Visible Illustration of SurfaceTension 4 Figure #37 As in manyexperimentsin chemistry, even eyes. Sometimes we needto use somethingw~ thoughchanges go on at the atomicor molecular can see to showus things wecannotsee. level, weoften cannotseethe effects with our 79 (2) Fill the small plastic measuring cup about half full of water. (3) Addtwo dropsof methylene blue dyeto the waterin the cup.Besure to useyour microlil~ pipettefor this experiment. (4) Returnthe blue dyewhichyouhavenot used backto its originalvial well. Normally,you wouldexpectthe solution to fall out of the wells¯ This doesnot happen because the solution holds onto itself andthe surfaceof the plastic well by surfacetension. Surfacetensionis the romewhichbindswaterto itself andthe surfaceof the containerin whichit is stored. Thesurface tensionof the water(a force) is greaterthangravity (anotherrome). the waterstaysin the plate. (6) Drawup someof the water/dyemixtureinto the microtippipette. (11) Nowplace someof the blue dye/watermixture In threeof the largewells-- largewell A-1, A-3 andA-6. Usemoreliquid since the large wells canhold moreliquid. (7) Place7 or 8 dropsof the water/dyemixture into smallwells A-l, A-2, A-3, A-12,B-12,Co12. (seeFigure#6). (12) Lookat the color of the largewellswith the dropsof coloring.Turnthe plate andlook at the dropsfromthe sideof the plate. (5) Stir the waterwith the stemof the pipette. ee~oooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo 000000000 o o e, o o e, o o e~ 0 00~ OOO000" Q QQO.O.O~ Figure #6 (8) Lookat the color of the wells with the drops of the coloring. Turnthe plate andlook at the dropsfromthe side of the plate. SlMP~LE NOTE:PERFORM THENEXTSTEP#13 OVER THE SINKt OONOTTRYTHIS UPSIDEDOWN OVER YOURHEAD! (14) Nowwashthe microplate out with water, beingcarefulto cleanandrinseall of the wellsof the water/dyemixture. EYE ~ANE HEAD THORAX (13) Carry the microplate CAREFULLY to the sink. Turnthe microplateupsidedownover the sink. Whathappened? (HEARING) SECTIONFOUR Howto DestroySurfaceTension Justthink howdifficult it wouldbeto washyourself or otherthingsif the surfacetensionof the waterwasso strongthat it wouldnot penetrate dirt or cloth or whatever youare trying to wash! In this experiment wewilt destroyor lessen the effect of surfacetensionby the useof something that makes watermorewet. A dishwashing soaphasthe propertyof a wettingagent,or in otherwords,it will makewaterwetter! Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto complete this experiment: MATERIALS Plastic measuringcup (from your MegaTM) Science.Lab BUGS BUTNOTINSECTS Thereare someanimalsthat wethink of as bugsthat are not insects (members of the class Insecta). A goodexamplewouldbe spiders. Do you remember to whatclass they belong? Compare thesespidersto the grasshopper noticingdifferencesin things like the number o! legs, antennae, andso on. Alsopayattention to howtheyare alike. This is a garden spider, a makerof beautiful webs¯ Thewebstrap flying insects,like flies, whichthe spider then GARDENSPIDER eats. Garden spidersmakeir~teresting pets. They needno morethan onelive fly a dayfor food. Theyalsoneedwater, soprovide a dampsponge onwhich thespider cansuck. AB~N Figure #38 RaftSpiders live by the water. In fact, they walk onwaterwithout sinking by spreadingtheir legs out wide andtakingquick, gentlesteps. This is a closelook at a grasshopper’s head: ~IIMPLEEYE Question:Thewater/dyemixtureacts differently in the largewellsthanit did in the smallwells. Why? Answer:Waterin the large wells has greater (9) Holdthe plate upto a light source.Observe mass anda larger surfacearea. Thewaterin the the color of the wells throughthe bottomof the large wells fails out ot the wells. Thesurface plate. tensionof the wateris not great enough to keep the waterin the largewells. (10) Finally, turn the plate upsidedown overthe BE SURETO WEAR GOGGLES WHEN DOING white paper. Doesanything unexpectedhapEXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTIONI pen? Sudace teqsjon, asyouhavelearned,is the propertyof a liquid’s surfaceto forma thin layer of particles or molecules at the surfaceof the liquid whichpull ononeanotherso that a surface layer is fom~ed. Thistendsto hold in the liquid below. Onwater,for instance,the surfacetensionis strong enoughto supportthe weight of small insectswhichlive onthe surfaceof the waterin ponds and lakes. You can see how surface tensionfom~ssucha layer by carefully floating a needleonthe top surfaceof a containerof water. Thereare chemicalswhichwill destroy or lessenthe effect of surfacetension. 78 You’venoticedthat the changesin the appearanceof a mothare muchmoredrastic than thoseof the grasshopper. Inthecaseofthe moth, the metamorphosis is complete,while that of the grasshopper is gradual. Let’s havea closer look at a grasshopper to seethe partsof the insect, generally: F RON~, ~ LO~R ~ . / RAFT SPIDER ~~ ~PP~R Lm LIP ~ ~.~.....~ ¯ "-’~"" (PALP) .- ..~ ¯ Thespitting spideris very slow moving, ; but it cancatcha fast " movinginsect, like a Figure #39 Howdo you tell the difference ~eenmoths andbuffe~lies?Oneeasyw~yis to I~k at their ~len~e: MOTH ANTENNAE ,/~~ fly. Thespider spits a net of poisoned gluethatpins its prey to the ground. SPITTING SPIDER The brazilian wandering spiderk~ is the deadliestin the wodd. "~. ~,~ It hashugefangsthat ject its victims with poison when ~ BU’I-I’ERFLY ANTENNAE BRAZILIAN WANDERING SPIDER Figure #40 31 WORKE~ R GOODBUGSVERSUSBAD BUGS Termiteseat wood - includingthat in houses - andcausea lot of damage, an estimated$100 million eachyear. Thiswill allowyouto insert the pipetteinto thesevials andwill make it easierto fill anduse later. ~ Figure #42 PACIFIC WHEEL_~R.S EASTERN WESTERN (~ AMPWOOD DESERT SUBTERRANEAN SUBTERRANE~t-: TERM~3"E TERM!TE TERMITE I~RM~TE Figure#41 Thisis a fierce lookingbunch,isn’t it? They areall soldiersof their respective species.Workers andreproductivefemaleslook muchdifferent. For example,here are two moreEastern Subterranean termites: Honeyhasbeenobtainedfromwild andkept beecolonies since the beginningof recorded h~stm3’, and ea~er. ~n makinghoney, bees pollinate fruit trees andother plants. Keepin mindthat for a plantto produce fruit - sayanapple tree to produce apples- the plant’s flowershave to bepollinated;andthat is just whata beedoes as he gatherspollen to makehoney. Canyoumakea list of bugsthat help us and a list of bugsthat harmus?Try it! Youwill be surprisedat whatyoufind out. PRACTICAL ADVICEANDSAFETYTIPS: Take greatcarewhen lookingfor insectsor little creaThis is a reproductivefemale tures.Theyare verydelicate. Try not to squash anyinsectswhen lifting andlookingunderstones, after her wingshavefallen off. as manyinsects hide underneathstones and Sheis the queenof a termite colony, andproduces thousands rocks. This is whenyou can use your plastic tongsto gentlypick upinsects. uponthousands of eggs. Takecare whencatchingbuttertlies, since somespeciesare protected. If you do catch a REPRODUCTIVE protectedbutterfly, limit yourobservation time FEMALE andset it free whenyouhavefinished. Alwaysconsult your InformationChart so that youcanavoidcapturinginsectswhichmight Thisis a workertermite. sting. Workers makeup the Askyourparentsto saveanyempty jelly jars majority of a termite or babyfood jars for you. After washing out the colony. old contents anddryingthe jar andlid, thesejars TERMITE are excellentfor carryinginsects, caterpillars, frogs, worms,andother small creatureswhich you mayfind. Honeybees, on the other hand, are exCarefully prepareyour workarea, makingit tremelyusefulandimportant,andcontributebilclose lions of dollarsa yearto ouragricultureindustry. readywith all of your tools andequipment at hand.Try not to workwith live animalsinside In fact, they are so importantthat an entire after scientificdiscipline, .aJ:)icu!ture, is devoted to them. the houseandcleanall of the instruments you have used them. Alwayswashyour hands after touchingearth,leaves,insects,etc. Neverleaveanyof yourtools or samples you havecollectedwithin the reachof smallerchildrenor tittle brot~,ers andsisters. 32 MethyleneBlue (#47) FerrousSulfate(#44) DRONE QUEEN Nowpushthe tip of the pipettethroughthe inner sealswith the "H" cut on themandsqueeze out 3 MLof distilled waterinto onlythe vial wellswith the BLUEtops. ADDTHEDISTILLEDWATER ONLY TO THE VIAL WELLS WHICH HAVE BLUECOLORED SEALS!Thesevials which will get the 3 MLof distilled waterare listed below: CobaltChloride(#8) CalciumNitrate (#41) (3) Youare nowreadyto fill someof the other vials with alcohol. YoumayuseIsopropyl (rubbing)alcoholor Ethylalcohol.(Obtainthe alcohol fromthe local pharmacy or grocerystore.) Using En)arging "PI"seals withb~II pointpensopipette canbe the same technique as you did in step2, place3 used. ML(threemilliliters) of alcoholinto the measuring Figure #4 cup. Thenusing your pipette, suckup the 3 ML of alcoholinto a pipetteandtheninsertthe pipette (2) Find the plastic measuring cup in your set. the following vials. PUTTHEALCOYouwill seeit is marked with variousmeasure- into ONLY HOL ONLY INTO THE VIALS WHICHHAVE ments.Usingthe"ML"measurement scale ("ML" SEALS: standsof milliliter), fill the cupto the 3 MLmark YELLOWCOLORED withdistilled water. Phenolphthalein (#65) UniversalIndicator (#70) IMPORTANT: After activation of the chemicals, alwayskeepthe microplateflat on its base.Do not storeit onedgeor onits side,as the chemicals mayleak out over time. Besure to keep the microplatein its pouchwhen not using. Review of Terms Adding water to the chemical vial wells Figure #5 Usingyourplastic pipettes, andyour measuringcupwithdistilled waterin it, drawup(suck upinto the pipette)3 ML(threemilliliters) of DISTILLEDWATER. MICROPLATE - A plastic plate containing a seriesof smallandlargewells in whichchemicals are tested andreactions observed.The wells are arrangedin numbered columnsand lettered rows. PLASTIC PIPE’FrE-A plastic one-piecedropper. Themicrotipendof the pipetteis usedto deliversmalldropletsof liquids for reactions in the microplate. SECTIONTHREE Propertiesof the MicroChemistry System Areyoureadyto doyourfirst experiment? It MethyleneBlue DyeSolution is a goodthing to knowhowyour equipment Plastic pipette worksbeforeyouuseit. El Microplate Youwill needthe following materialsto com- El Goggles pletethis experiment: Labstationstand DIRECTIONS MATERIALS (1) Place your microplateon a white piece C3 Plastic measuring cup paper,or placewhitepaperunderthe microplate El Water 77in yourlab station stand. MEASURINGCUP Oftensolid materialwill berequiredin your experimentation. In order to measure out correct amounts of solid materials,youwill needto use the plastic measuring cup (seeFigure#3). Thismeasuring cupis providedin this chemistry section andis printed on the sides with different lines andmeasurements. There are measures in teaspoons, andalso in fluid ounces. Thereare measures in cubic centimeters(cc) and in milliliters(,w~,’). Always keepthe plastic measuring cupclean anddry. THE ANIMAL/INSECT INFORMATION AND IDENTIFICATION CHARTS Plastic Measuring Cup Youwill see that there are two separate informationcharts. The(ires, c~,a~w~showyou the animals andinsectswhichit is safefor youto collect. Thesecondchart will shoWyou the animalsandinsectswhichyoushouldnot collect. Figure#3 Always usayourchartsandthe Information on themwhen youbeginto capture or havecapluredaninsector animal,YouCangeta good Ideaof whatcreature youhavecollected.If youhavecaptureda creaturewhichis NOT shown onyourcharts,consulta textbook or reference book to Identifythecreature. SECTION TWO Preparingthe Chemical Vial Well BE sURETO WEARGOGGLES WHENDOING EXPERIMENTS IN THIs CHEMISTRY SECTIONI All of thechemical v_ial_w. ~_1_! n/ ~ in thischemist sectionwhichwill produce the chemical solutions youwill useare made in a specialway. Thesesg~ta’~’vial wells are actually the large microplatewells in the "B" row of your microplate.Eachof the chemical wells is capped with an "H" seal, andis labeled as to what chemical it contains. Affixedto thetop of the vial well is the vial sealingdisk. Lookclosely at the sealing disk. Youwill observethat there is a sma~"H" shaped cut in the top of the seal. Thisis the "H"septum sealingdisk. The"H"cut in the sealis a specialopening for the stemandtip of yourpipette. Try pushing the tip endof yourpipettethroughthe "H" cut in the seal.Noticehowit operas to a’,~ow~.~,ep~pe~e to enXetthe chemical vial. Noticehowit closesback upafter youtakethe PiPetteout. Youmayhaveto usea pencil or bat) point pen’spointto initially openandwidenthe"H"cuts in the sealsso that your pipette caneasily be insertedinto the vial well. Thechemicalin eachvial well is either on small~tri,n~of ~pq.c~,&~ pdp~ror assolidsin precisely measured amounts. When a solvent is addedto the vial, the chemicalsdissolveuponshakingthe microptate, andformsthe chemicalsolution whichyouwi~) use in your experiments. "Thechemical’sname is printed onthe label onthe exterior portionof eachvial welt. Specia~ receptacles are provided in yourlab station stand to holdthe microplateandits contents. Eachchart featuresa small picture ot the animal or insectonthe left handSideof the chart. If youfollow across~ndreadthe squareswhich are onthe same line with the picture, youwill see thes_c._ie_n, ti_fi_c~f_a._.m~ily to which thecreature belongs andnextto that, the_s~_i~n_~i_f.ic_9_rrJ~ to which the creature belongs. Scientists havenamedall creaturesthis way.Youwill see the common or every-day name for the creatureright nextto the picture. ADDINGSOLVENT Youare nowreadyto activateyour chemical vial wellswitheither wateror alcohol.Besureto follow the directionsexactlyso that Youwill put the correctliquid into the correctchemical vial. Youwilt needto gatherthe followingmaterials to complete this procedure: MATERIALS Observe that someo!the chemical vial wells in your microplate have YELLOW TOPS. LJ Observe that some of the chemical vial wells in your microplate haveBLUE TOPS. ;-J Twoplastic pipettes (medicinedroppers) fromyour set Oneplastic measuring cup fromyour set ~harppointedpencil or ball ~oint A,t,~oho~ - either isopr~py(atcoho~ (~ubbing alcohol) or ethyl alcohol, fromyour /oca~ Pharmacy or grocerystore. Distilled water,fromyourlocal supermarket or pharmacy. TheHABI"TAI t~oc~o~ ~,~o~mation can give youcluesto wherethis particular creaturemight befound. The OTHER DATAblock will give you some additional information andsometimes cautions aboutthe particular creature. NOTE:In the top of each of the YELLOW or BLUE caps of thech~mi~’=l ,,.._ "~.,,..," ^"-¢,,ti~t~re c~n beseenan"H"shaped letter. This"H"is the place whereyouwill puncture,or make a hole, in the chemical vial well. Youshouldusea pencil point or a ball point pento breakthroughthis "H", and the rebyopenupthe chemical vial so that youmay addliquid or take out %iquid.The"H" cut will actually seal itself between uses.For now,however, go aheadandproceedwith the stepsoutlined next. Thesize in millimetersblocktells you the rangein sizesof the creature.Youwill noticethat somemeasurements of somecreatures are small numbers.This means that the creature is very smallin size. Thelarger numbers in millimeters meansthat somecreatures are muchbigger. When there are two numbers with a (-) between them,this indicatesthat youmightfind a creature of this type ,~s small as, or as large as, the numbersshown. DIRECTIONS (1) Usingthe point of a pencilor ball point Pen, IMPORTANTNOTE: READTHESE pokethroughthe plastic inner seal of all the RECTIONS ~.~ F__~ADDING ANY’LK~UII3 TOYOUR chemical via~ wells whichhavethe small"H" cut CHEMICALSt onthe innerseals. 76 33 INSECT/ANIMAL INFORMATION CHART |N~ECTS/ANIMALSWHICHARE SAFE TO COLLECT Pictureof Insect or Animal Scientific Scientific FAMILYNameORDER Name Acrididae Orthoptera GRASSHOPPER Formicidae ANT Gryllidae onplants andgrass in fields in soil Hymenopteraand sanD’ Orthoptera CRICKET Chrysomelidae Coleoptera BEETLE Noctuidae Usual Habitat Lepidopter~ MOTH ;on plants andin lawns and fields in helds and forests Forficulidae :lamages ;rops at 30-45 tara ~arvest /me ~ ~,~6-.,~- :ire ants 3.5-6.5mm fangerouS Dermaptera ~etation eed on 3arkandis generally ~armless the air in the bulb Figure #2 28-50ram )lncers ~avet30 ~ting 10-15 2,~4". BUTTERFLY around flowering plants Papilionidae Lepidoptera .,ery !ragile Thepipette is made of op_g~e_Eh~le_._n_e. This formof plastic is soft andis very d~ucti!e(stretchable),. Examineone of the pipettes provided in your chemistry set. Youwill observe that is has an enlarged area called a bulb, a long tubelike section called a st_~_em_.Youmaywish to form a microtip on one of your pipettes. This can be doneby pulling the tubelike portion of the microtip until it stretches into a thinner diameterand then cutting the lowerportiort off with scissors, allowing only the very thin tip to be the endof the stem. Lacertidae Squamata underrocks; .~ila mmI -sometimes i ,~onsters, 60-120 izardsare ~~:~’"’~z3f~’l in trees LADYBUGBEETLE foliage and oliage & stemsot plants ;plants DRAGONFLY eggsare l around laid onthe ¯ 2o-6o ram pondsand water ~. 2 ~3~. lakes surface TRUEE~UG cropfields, orchards, gardens Aeschnidae Odonata Pentatomidae Hemiptera 34 Slowlyreleasebulb anddrawliquid upinto pipette gently squeeze bulb, Figure #2b 10-150 mm 2~/64’. 5 29r32-’ ~xcept f~r ~ LIZARD ~ ;~4-25m~ ~.~’. SNAIL Gastropoqa PLASTIC PIPETTE (medicine dropped MicroChemistryusesa plastic pipette, such as in Figure #2. )lant material ~ Slug-like moist areas a~d,J,solt 2-25rnm ;and on & sticky- & ~-. i vegetation a hardshell Mollusks Theuseo,~ the pipette is just the sameas the use of a conventional medicine dropper or eye dropper.Whenthe tip is placed t~etowthe surface of a liquid and the bulb is squeezedand then released, the pipette will drawup liquid into the bulb¯ The pipette can then be used to deliver drops of liquid or chemicals to your microplate ~edson :rumbs. 14-30mm oodscraps, in woodland=eedson ¯ andfields attractedto :)lants light sandysoil EARWIG Other" Size Data These columnnumbersfor the large wells appear at the base of the microplate near the bottomedge. Thedeepwells are lettered as rows A and B. TheB row (large wells) is used for your chemicals, which will be USedin later experiments.Youcan identify individual large wells by the samemethodyou identified the small wells, ~or example, "L~r~ewet,~, A-~ or ~,areje v~,~, ~-?.". Your microplate is kept and used in the special lab station stand¯ all have riangular ~ection )n backs 2-5 mm ~. ¯ Figure #2a Theplastic pipette will be usedto dispense drops of chemicalliquids to the microplatewells whereyour chemical reactions will take place. 75 Thepipette can be used over aga=hby simply rinsing the stem and bulb betweenchemicals. Waterandchemicalsolutions do not "stick" to the plastic inside the pipette the waythey might if the pipette wasmadeof glass or rubber. -l’he plastic surface of the pipette is non-wetting. This means that allthe contents o~ the 9~getteca~ be ~’~sperusedwith noneof the chemicalleft behind. The chemicals in your chemistry set will most often be in solution. This meansthat the chemical has beendissolved in water. Solutions of chemicalsreact faster and moreevenly than if the chemical werein the powderedo~’solJd form. In fact, manyof the experiments which will be donnein this manualwouldnot be Pqssible if the chemicalswere not in solution. Yourpipettes are kept in the receptaclesprovided in ~,our lab stalien stand. PART THREE: THE MICROCHEMISTRYSYSTEM Yourchemistry set is different! It usesspeBy usingMicroChemistry youwill be ableto cial methods in experimentalchemistry.These do moreexperiments,get better results in a methodswere developedto makechemistry a shorteramount of timeandhavea saferenvironsafer science. TheMicroChemistry Systemuses mentin whichto work.Yourworkin the laborasmaller amounts of chemicalsthan nther chem- tory will bemore efficient. Thatmeans youwill be istry sets. The hazardsof glass have been able to havemoretime to explorechemistryand minimizedby the use of plastic labware.If a havemorefun doingit! chemical reactionmustbe heated,hot waterwill Youwill needthe followingmaterialsto comprovide the neededheat. Openflamesor burnplete this seriesof experiments. ers are NEVER usedin MicroChemistry. SECTIONONE Preparationof LaboratoryEquipment BE SURETO WEARGOGGLES WHEN DOING MATERIALS EXPERIMENTS IN THIS CHEMISTRY SECTIONt ’3 TM) Microplate(fromyourMega-Science-Lab "3 Plastic pipettes(fromyourset) .... F ;;- :"~-~--i: ~_~......... "3 Measuring cup (from your set) "3 Distilled water(fromgrocery) .r-I Rubbing alcoholor isopropylalcohol (from groceryor drugstore) ~,o~,,~/~- ,,-.~ ¢;. . LI Goggles r’3 LabStation stand(from your Mega-Science)TM Lab YOUR WORKSPACE MicroChemistry usestwo basic tools, The _m{c_r_Qpl_a._t__e andtheplastic CHEMICAL V~AL ~LLS TM La~ralo~ The5-in-1Mega.Science-Lab Station.wi~ ptpettes, microplate, chemical vtalwellsandc~stal gfowi~ cup. Figure#1 THE MICROPLATE in color, or any other changesin a Thefirst is a plastic traycalleda microplate. Changes to This tray is very sturdy. Thetray has shallow reaction can be easily seenwhencompared rowof the microplate wells arranged in orderof rows(runningacross) the control. Also,the bosom containsthe variouschemicals youwill be using andcolumns (runningup anddown).Thesewells in your experiments.Thesechemicalsare perareusedinsteadof test tubes,flasks andbeakers manently keptin this rowof large microwells. (see Figure#la). Thechemicals suppliedin the Bwells of your microplateare: B-l: CobaltChloride B-2: CalciumNitrate IFIOOOOOOOoOo o o,ll ~-3. F~rousSulfate B-4: Methylene Blue IlslOOC~oooooo o o o, B-5: Phenolphthalein B-6: Universalindicator INSECT/ANIMAL INFORMATION CHART INSECTS/ANIMALS WHICH YOU SHOULD NOTTRY TO COLLECT Picture of Insect or Animal Apoidea Vespoidea WASP l ql Q O.qO:J Figure #1a Thetray is dividedinto twoparts. Eachhas a series of rowsandcolumns.This makesthe microplateveryorderly. It also makes a groupof experimentalchemicalreactions easyto compareto a control group. 74 trees& Hymenoptera[ house eaves stingeron endof 17-18 rnm 4~,,6~" abdomen ~,,~". 12 mm rotling tree trunks very destructive 6-9 mm to wood ~t~-. 2~- ponds poisonous & lakes saliva Rinotermitidae Isoptera Notonectide Hemiptera Arachnida Araneae Mantidea Mantodea Tipulidae Diptera Blattidae Blattodea Arachnida Scorpionida Arthropoda Chilopoda Muscidae Diptera can carry 15-22mm everywhere: diseases ~,~.-. ~r~- Culicidae Diptera everywhere PRAYING MANTIS CRANEFLY COCKROAC~ SCORPION CENTIPEDE MOSQUITO Size stingeron endof abdomen SPIDER HOUSEFLY Other Data Hymenopteraflowers TERMITE I101ooooooooo o o o011 Thereare 48smallwells, or depressions, in the microplate. Theseare numbered as columns #1 through#12. Theseare also lettered as rows A, B, C, D. Duringtesting of reactions,youcan identify individualreactionwellsby usingthe row and column.For example,"Small well A-7 or Smallwell C-10". Thereare12 largewells, or depressions, in the microplate. Theselarge wells are located directly downfromthe smallwell section. The large wells are numbered as columns 1,2, 3, 4, 5,6. Usual Habitat BEE II01ooooooooo o o o~11 ii.loooooo,~ Scientific Scientific FAMILY Name ORDER Name 35 1-4 :~,~-. some widely 2- tOO mm distributed canbe poisonous fields& gardens feedson other insects fields & very gardens fragile behind kitchen Contacabinets & minate woodwork food 50 mm , ~..:~. 1-22 mr~ ;v~..~,~20-40mm 2.~3~" - under stones dangerous houses, barns, gardens nocturnal 25 mm 50 mm ~ 3~m" can carry 3-4 mm diseases Theinsects in your charts are identified by their family andorder. TheOrdernamesare Greekwordsthat describe the Orders’ unique characteristics: Members of the Order Odonata("tooth") have teeth on the mandiblesthat allow them to chewtheir foods (Darner Dragonflies and BroadwingedDamselflies). Members of the OrderOrthoptera("straight wings") havefour wingsthat fold and lie flat on the back (Grasshoppersand Cockroaches). Members of the Order Hemiptera("half wings") havefront wingsthat are thickenedand leathery at the base,andmembranous (thin) on the outside half of the wing (Stink Bugs and Giant Water Bugs). Members of the Order NeuropteLa_("nerve wings") have four wings that are crossed and divided by manyveins (Antlions and Lacewings). Members of the Order Coleoptera("sheath wings") have hardenedwings that cover the moredelicate hind wingsused for flight (Ladybird Beetles andScarabs). Members of the Order Lepidoptera ("scaled wings") have wings with delicate scales that brushoff like dust if handled(MonarchButterflies and Tiger Moths). Members of the OrderDiptera ("two wings") have only onepair of wings andcommonly havethe word"fly" in the name(HouseFlies andFruit Flies). Members of the Order Hymenoptera_ ("married wings") have two front wings that are connected to the hind wings by tiny hooks (CuckooWaspsand BumbleBees). Members of the Order Homoptera("same wings") have membranous wings that cover muchof the upper body (Cicadas and Aphids). THE NATURALIST’S CODE Do not catch any more insects than necessaryfor your studies. Onceyou have finished, collect all of your traps. When you are collecting leaves, try not to break any branches. Whenyou take creatures hometo observe them, make sure you can feed them. Neverhurt an insect or any other creature in any way. Whenyou are in the countryside, always leave the area as unspoiled as possible. Always ask permission to enter pdvate property. 36 Notes: SAFETY Nomatterwhatthe experiment, equipment, or procedure, onething shouldbe the first to think about: SAFETY Followthesesimplerules to insurethat yourinterest in chemistrywill not bestoppedby an injury or sicknesscausedby mishandlingyour experiment. SAFETY RULES (1) NEVEREAT ANY CHEMICALOR THE PRODUCTS OF YOUREXPERIMENT! NEVEREAT FOODWHENYOU ARE EXPERIMENTING. DO NOTDRINKANY LIQUID WHILEYOUARE EXPERIMENTING. USE A CHEMICAL (2) NEVERHANDLEA CHEMICALWITH YOURBARE HANDS. SCOOP.FOLLOWDIRECTIONSON PAGE4 FORMAKINGA PLASTIC SCOOPTO MEASURE OUTSOLID CHEMICALS. (3) DISPENSELIQUID CHEMICALSWITH CARE. USE ONLYDROPSOF CHEMICAL FROMA SPECIALMEDICINEDROPPER CALLEDA PIPE1-FE. THESEPLASTIC PIPETTESARE PROVIDED IN YOURCHEMISTRY SET. (4) USE CHEMISTRYSET EQUIPMENTFOR EXPERIMENTSIN YOURCHEMISTRY LAB MANUALONLY. (5) ALWAYSWORK WITH GOGGLES,IN PLACE, OVERYOUREYES. (6) YOUSHOULDWORKUNDERTHE SUPERVISION OF AN ADULTAT ALL TIMES. (7) IF THEREIS A SPILL OF ANY CHEMICAL,THE AREASHOULDBE CLEANED THOROUGHLY. MATERIALSUSEDTO CLEANTHE AREASHOULDBE DISPOSED OF IN A SAFEMANNER. TO COVERYOURWORKAREAWITH A PROTECTIVE NEWSPA(8) IT IS IMPORTANT PER, LAYEROF CLOTHOR PLASTIC. WHICHIS ENVIRONMENTALLY (9) DISPOSEOF USEDCHEMICALSIN A MANNER SAFE. TALK TO YOURPARENTSOR SCHOOLSCIENCETEACHERABOUTTHE BEST WAYTO DISPOSEOF CHEMICALS. Notes: 73 (6) IF THERE IS A SPILL OFANYCHEMICAL, Whileit is fitting that yourchild learnssome THE AREA SHOULDBE CLEANEDTHORideas andprinciples aboutchemistrywhile exOUGHLY. perimenting with his/her newset, it is important (7) WASTECHEMICALSFROM EXPERIthat he/shehavefun while exploringanddiscovMENTSAND MATERIALSUSED TO CLEAN havebeenprovidedto help the AN AREAOF SPILL OR ACCIDENTSHOULD ering! Questions "home in" onthe principlesof chemBE DISPOSED OF IN AN ENVIRONMENTALLYexperimenter SAFE MANNER. istry. Some answers are givenright in the experiment, while other answerscan be foundin the (8) IT IS IMPORTANT TO COVER CLOTHING WITH A PROTECTIVELAYER OF CLOTH, Appendix at the endof the section. PLASTIC OR RUBBER.YOUNGSCIENTISTS It is hoped that by providing interestingquesSHOULD OBTAINAN APRON(LIKE A WORKtions along with the experiments, the young chemSHOPAPRON)AND WEARIT WHILE THEY WORK WITHTHEIRCHEMISTRY SET, A PROist will developa basicknowledge of chemistry TECTIVEPIECEOF PLASTICSHEETSHOULD alongwith the workings of chemistry. BE USEDUNDERTHE WORKAREATO PROTECT THE SURFACETHEY ARE WORKING ON. WEATHER PART ONE: OVERVIEW AND RATIONALE Haveyou ever gotten readyto go to schoolandhadsomeone say "Takeyour raincoat. It looks like it’s goingto rain. "? Thatperson waspredictingthe weather for yourbenefit-- to keepyoudry and healthy. Thereareagreatmanypeopleandorganizationsthatneedtoknowabouttomorrow’sweather: farmers,airlines, commodity brokers,fishermen,anyone planninga picnic or a skiing vacation.So, predictingthe weather,called weather~_r~_~.~n~, is extremelyimportant. Informationaboutthe weather is availableto everyone andis literally at ourfinger tips. Radioand television weatherreports describelocal andnational conditionsandprovideinformationaboutthe comingweek. Virtually all of the weatherinformationwereceiveis providedby the NationalWeather Service. Agenciesmaintaina worldwideinformation gatheringnetworksupportedby sh~ps,airplanes, radar stations, vast computer systems,andsatellites (see Figures# 1 and#2). Editorial Note:Importantnewwordsare underlinedthe first time theyare introduced.Definitions of newwordsare in the Glossary or in the texl. PART TWO: A WORDTO THE "CHEMIST" Youlive in anexcitingworld.It is a worldfull of the latest in technology (the useof scientific principlesin everydaylife) andinvention.Many of the thingsin today’sworldwereneverconsidered to be possible a few years ago. Theadvancements in technologycould only be possible by advancement in the basic sciences. For example, scientistsfoundthat by treatingsilicon waferswith certainchemicals that the electrical conductingability of the silicon wafers was changed in certain ways.This discoveryopened up a wholeworldof "electronicmicrochips"which helped in the developmentof computersand other electronicdevices. Yourchemistryset is an excellentstarting point to advance yourskills as a scientist. Thewodd of scienceis a worldof questions. Whileyouare workingon yourexperiments in this manual, a seriesof questions will helpyouunderstandthe howsandwhysof whatyou are seein0. Th~ ~,,~.’.’.’c Pc*,c, 3~,,,,uquestions will begiven right after the questions in the experiments. The answers to other questionswill begiven in the Appendix at the endof the section. Theworldof scienceis the worldof observation. Scientific observationmeans that the experimenter looksfor andwrites down (records)all the changes whichhappen to the subject of the expedmant that can be seen. If the experiment can assigna number or an amount,or howmuch of a change,then a quantitative measurement maybe recorded. Anexampleof this wouldbe recordingyour weightby steppingon the bathroomscale andrecording, day by day, changes in yourweight. 72 Everythingthat scientists do depends on their ability to makecareful observationsand measurements with the subject of their experiments. An~_~p_e~_m_ent is a carefullycontrolled set of situationsappliedto the subject.Thisallowsa scientist to seewhateffects a change in a single variablewill haveonthe rest of the experiment. A variableis a single part of the experiment. Suppose,for example,the subject of our experiment wereplantsandthe effect of a change importantto a plant. Wewouldstart with twosets of plants. Thetwo sets of plants haveto be identical to eachother. Theymustbeof the same species, size, age, etc. Oneset wouldbe a £,,g_n_tr_EoJ, or standard. Thecontrolset would be compared with an experimenta~ group. Thecontrol plants wouldbe treatedas wewouldalways treat e plant. Anexperimental set of plantswould havethe sametreatmentas the control, except for onep~rt. T,",;.~ ;0 ii~u v~,~l~.In ourexperiment,let’s select temperature as the variable. In the experiment, the controlandthe experimentalplantswouldhavethe identical soil, receive the sameamountof water, andhavethe samelighting. Thetemperature of the air surroundingthe experimental plants, however, would be different thanthe control plants. Bymaking carefulobservations, the scientist wouldbeable to seewhateffect temperature hasonthe growth of plantsby comparing the experimental plantsto the controlplants. In this sectionyouwill alwaysbeaskedto comparean experimental group to a control group,or subject. GOESI-M SPACECRAFT Froma figu~ by FOKIAerospace AdvancedTIROS-N(ATN) NOAA - PolarOrbiting Satellite Figure#1 Oneof the mostimpodant weathersatellites in use today is called GOES, whichstandsfor "GecstationaryOperationalEnvironmental Satellite’. Thesesatellites providea great dealof information aboutthe surface of the earth and sea, and about the earth’s atmosphere.They gather pictures andother informationandsend themto groundstations for useby weatherforecasters. TheGOES satellites are in "geostationary" or "geosynchronous" orbit, whichmeans that they moveat approximatelythe samespeedas the earth moves andwouldlook as if they are remainingat onepoint abovethe earth if they could be seenfromthe ground. Eachsatellite hastwomajorinstrumentson it. Oneinstrument is calledthe Ima_oer. It sends Figure #2 backimages,or pictures, whichprovideinformation on clouds, watervaporin the atmosphere, fires, smoke,wind,andtemperature. Theother instrumentis called the Sounder. It sendsbackinformation"ontemperatures in the atmosphere andon the land andsea surface. It also transmits data on ozoneandcloudsandon watervaporin different layersof the atmosphere. Theinformationfromboth of theseinstrumentshelps weatherforecasterspredict severe stormsandother types of weathermoreaccurately than ever before. Thesemoreprecise predictionswill helppeopleget out of the wayof dangerous weather- saving lives andreducing the amountof property damage causedby severeweather.Weatherstations all aroundthe UnitedStatesandin othercountriesuseinformation from GOES. Thesesatellites are owned andoperatedby the NationalOceanicandAtmospheric Administration (NOAA).NOAA transfers funds to the Nationa~AeronauticsandSpaceAdministration ~NASA), whichmanagesthe building andlaunching of eachspacecraft. GOES satellites are also usedto helplocate people whoare lost and who have emergency transmitters. SearchandRescue Satellite Aided Tracking (SARSAT) is a worldwiderescuesystemthat usesGOES to immediatelyreceive and relay a distress signal 24 hoursa day. Search andrescue-equipped satellites in polarorbit give preciselocationsbut arenot always in rangeof a distress signal. Together, GOES andSARSATequipped satellites increasethe probabilityof a prom~)t,successfulrescuemission. NOAA also operatestwo polar-orbiting satellites whichgatherinformationworld-widefor normalweathercoverage(see Figure #2). Theycircle the globein a north-soulh orbit, passingover both the North andSouthPoles, Onecrossesthe equatorin the morningandthe other in the afternoon. Theycircle in a Sunsynchronous orbit of approximately 810-850 kilometers(503-527miles), andeachobservesthe entire earth twice a day. Because they are Sunsynchronous, thesesatellites circle the earthso that theycrossthe equator at the same timedaily. Themorning satellite crossessouthward overthe equatorat 7:30 a.m.andthe afternoonsatellite crossesnorthwardat about2:30 p.m. Operating togetheras a pair, thesesatellites assurethal measurements for anyregionof the earth are no morethansix hoursold. Thesepolar orbiters providevisible andinfrared radiometer data that are usedfor imaging purposes,radiation measurements, andvertical temperature profiles, andcanhelpcalculatewater vaporcontentat severalatmospheric levels. They send some16,000 global measurements daily to NOAA’s Weather,Service computers, addingvaluableinformationto forecastingmodels, especially for remoteoceanareas, where conventional data are lacking. THE VALUEOF WEATHER SATELLITES Thevalueof weather satellites to savelives hasbeenknown fromthe beginning.Their ability to track stormsandpermit early warningshas beentheir greatestcontribution.However, their benefits do not endwith observingthe tops of cloudsandstorm systems. 38 NOAA Polar Orbiting Satellites N MICROCHEMtSTRY Gilmore Creek, Alaska~~K’ ,,~. (st,nd, Wallops 530 ~i; Stat,ons ~ Per Orbit S OrbitPlane RotatesEastward 1= PerDay ........................................... F~gure#3 Satellites canpinpointdifferent temperature boundariesin oceansurface areas and give commercial fishermenvital clues to the whereaboutsof commercial fish suchas tuna, herring, and swordfish. Theycan provide early frost warnings, whichcansavemillionsof dollarsa day for citrus growers whomustthenheattheir groves. In Hawaii, rain warningsare provided,giving crucial information for sugarcane harvesting. Satellites also play a role in forest management andfire control. NOAA’s polar-orbi’~ng satellites observe snowandice meltingconditions,enablingwater supply managers to plan irrigation andflood control. Thisis especiallyimportant to the multibillion dollar agriculturaleconomies of our western states, wheremountainrunoff providesan estimated70percentof the watersupply.Satellite ice monitoringhelps extendthe shipping season onthe GreatLakesinto the wintermonths, generatingextra economic activity for middle Americaand neighboringCanadian provinces. SEVERESTORMSUPPORT Geostationary satel/ite~ continuouslywatch atmosphericconditions that breedtornadoes, squall lines, andother severestorms.The"triggers" for sucheventsoften can be detectedby satellites beforethe actualstormsdevelop.When theydodevelop,the satellites monitorstormlife cycles, andtrack movements. Thevalue of this information is increasingsteadilyas newapplications andsmallinteractive computer systems are developed from the partnershipof government, industry, andour highschoolsanduniversities. PART ONE: A WORDTO PARENTS Thislaborator~manual is preparedwith one main concern: SAFETY! In recent yearsthe ecological andhealth scienceshavestated that exposureto certain chemicals, either in work,school,or at home, can causeserious health problems.Yet your young scientists needthe "handson" experience,the thrill of experimentation, andthe satisfactionof discoverywhichis possibleonly throughlabs. The MicroChemistry approach has been adopted by high schoolsandcollegesthroughout the UnitedStates. Theuse of small amounts of chemicals to investigatethe workings e~ chemis.try in no waylessensthe excitement of experimentation.Yet, this approach reducesthe possibility of exposure of the experimenter to harm from chemicalsnecessaryfor the experiment itself. This is not to say that ALLCHEMICALS and CHEMICAL PROCESSES in the MicroChemistry approach are absolutelysafe. Some of the experiments in this manual are: QUANTITATIVE This means that youngchemistswill be able to tell, for example, howmuch starchthereis in a sampleof food. Prior to the MicroChemistry approach,quantitative experiments by youngscientists werenot possible. EventhoughMicroChemistryis safer than the chemistrywhichrequiresmorematerial,it is importantthat parentsrealize that youngscientists are still handlingsome potentially harmful materials. Thesafest wayto handleanychemicalis to treatit asif it were ALL CHEMICALSAND PROCEDURES HAVE A POTENTIALTO CAUSEHARM. Followthesesimplerules to insure that an interest in chemistrywill not be stoppedby an injury or sicknesscausedby mishandlingthe experiment. Safety Rules MicroChemistry lessensthat possibility by reducing,considerably,the amountof materials (1) NEVERALLOWA CHILD TO EAT ANY used.By using plasticwareandminimalamounts CHEMICALOR THE PRODUCTSOF THEIR of glassware,by eliminatingthe useof fire or EXPERtMENTt burnersandrestricting the useof heat, anaddiNEVER ALLOW THEM TO EAT FOOD tional safety factor is prey(deal.MicroChemistry WHENTHEYAREEXPERIMENTING. DO NO-I equipment is safe andeasyto use. ALLOWANY LIQUID TO BE DRUNKWHILE Fromthe scientific viewpoint,for the first EXPERIMENTATION IS BEING CONDUCTED. time in any chemistryset, your youngexperimenterswill beable to tell howmuchof a sub- (2) CAUTION A CHILDNEVERTO HANDLE CHEMICAL WITHTHEIR BAREHANDS.USEA stancereactsor is presentratherthanonly lookSCOOPOR FOLLOWDIRECTIONSFOR MAKing at generalproperties. ING A PLASTIC SCOOPTO MEASURE OUT Editorial Note: Important newwordsare underlinedthe first time they are introduced. SOLID CHEMICALS. Definitionsof newwordsare in the Glossary or in (3) LIQUID CHEMICALS AREALWAYS DISthe text. PENSEDWITHA SPECIALPIPE’fq-E. USE ONLYDROPSOF CHEMICALFROMTHIS PI Some of the e~periments in this manualare: ~ PETTE. DONOTUSETHIS PIPETTEOR AN OTHER EQUIPMENT IN THIS SETFOROTHEI: QUALITATIVE PURPOSES! Thismear~s that if a test is donethe young scientistswill, for example, beableto tell ff starch is present in a food. 71 (4) ALWAYSWORKWITH GOGGLES. (5) CHILDRENSHOULDWORKUNDER SUPERVISION OF AN ADULTAT ALL TIME~ mixturesof ash, pumice,androck with a wide rangeof padiclesizes(seeFigure#10). ¯ elsmogreph: an instrumentthat recordsearthquakewaves.Motionof the groundis detected by a seismometer, either attachedto the seismographor far away. Theearthquakewavesare recordedas a set of wigglylines onpaperor on a computerscreen. selsmometer: an instrumentthat detectsground motionscausedby earthquakes.Modernseismometers detect motionsin three separatedirections, onevertical andtwohorizontal. shieldvolcano:broad,gently slopedvolcanoes - named for their resemblance to a warrior’s shield - are formedby repeated eruptionsof very fluid, non-viscous lava, whichcanflow far from the vent (see Figure#6d). silica: the chemicalcomponent silicon dioxide (SiO2)is the majorcomponent of mostvolcanic rockson eadh,rangingfromless than40 percent by weightto morethan 75percentby weight.The amount of silica in a volcanicrockis oneof the parameters usedin assigningit a name,suchas basaltor andesite. spreadingridge: mountainranges on the sea floor where earth’s tectonicplatesare spreading apart andgrowingby symmetricaladditions of newigneousrockson bothsides. It is estimated that 75pement of the magma that reachesearth’s surfaceerupts at spreadingridges (see Figure #2). stratosphere: the secor~tlowestportionof earth’s atmosphere. At the baseof the atmosphere is the troposphere,whereall weathertakes place. The tropospherevaries in thicknesswith latitude, from- 9 kilometersnearthe polesto 16 kilometers (9.9 miles)at the equator.Above it is the stratosphere, a regionof dry, thin, cold, clearair that is 32 kilometers(19.8 miles) thick. Tt~e stratosphere includesearth’sozonelayer, at 1948kilometers(11.8-29.8miles). Theozonelayer blocks the sun’s ultraviolet rays, whichwould otherwise m."-kc;;f~ u, our planetimpossible. strato volcano:steep-sidedconical volcanoes that growfromthe repeatederuptionof viscous magma. Explosive eruptions of gas-rich magmasproducelayers of pumiceand ash. Eruptions of gas-poormagmas sendout short, thick flows of blocklava. Oneafter anotherthesetwo processes build the cone(see Figure #6c). subductlon zone:an arcuatezoneonEarth’s surface whereonetectonic plate descends beneathanotherandis resorbedinto the mantle. Theseare sites of abundant large earthquakes andbelts of explosivevolcanoes (seeFigure#2). tectonic plate: on~of the approximately20 independently movino~ segments of earth’s outer shell. Theyincludethe crust andthe upperrigid portion of the mantle.Thesetwolayersformthe lithosphere, or "rocky sphere*(see Figure#2) andhavea thicknessof 100-200kilometers(62124miles). Tectonicplates are formedat oceanic spreadingridges andconsumed at subduction zones.Theymoveatop a flowing layer of solid mantlerock belowcalled the asthenosphere(see Figure#2). tiltmeter: an instrumentthat can detect tiny changesin the slope of the ground. With a network of tiltmeters installed arounda volcano, geophysicists canmonitorinflation anddeflation ofthe cone.Suchmotionscanbe associatedwith the movement of magma underground. vent:a crater or fissure at the earth’s surface throughwhichmagma, steam,andold rock fragmentscan erupt. viscosity:a physicalpropertyof liquids that measureshowrigid they are. Waterhas low viscosity, whereas hot tar is veryviscous.Magmassimilarly showa rangeof viscosities that affect the waytheyerupt. volatiles: gaseouschemicalcomponents, such as steam,carbondioxide, hydr~ens~ffide, and sulfur dioxide. Thesecan dissolve in molten silicate liquids underhigh pressure,but at low pressuretheyconvertto gas.Rapidexpansion of this gasdrivesexplosiveeruptions. volcanic-hazards map:a mapthat indicates areasthat are likely to beaffectedby various volcanicevents(lava flows, pyroclasticflows, pyroclasticfalls, mudflows, etc.) duringfuture eruptions. vo!c=n.~;og;~i,a sc=ent=stwhostudies volcanoes,volcanicrocks, or volcanicprocesses. volume: Herethis termrefers to the quantityof magma erupted,measured in units of cubic kilometers(kinz) (.239 milesZ):a giganticcubemeasuring1 kilometer(.621miles)ona side. 7O PART TWO: WHAT IS WEATHER? The earth is surroundedby a layer of gas - the atmosDher~. Extendingfrom the surface of our planet out into spacesome600 kilometers (3 7~ miles), most of the atmosphere’smass andall of whatwecall weatheroccurs in the lowest 15 kilometers (9.3 miles). Whenwe talk about weather, we are really discussing the properties of our atmosphere that are constantly changing:wind speedanddirection, air pressure, air temperature,re~ative humidity, precipitation, and cloud formations. All of these can be observedand measured, andtogether they give us data that is usedto predict future weatherconditions (see Figure #4). Peoplewhodo this job are called meteorologists. Figure #4 PROCEDURE #1 HomeMeteorology Youmightthink that only trained, professional meteorologists,usingvery advanced instruments andeeuiprn~n~czn .cluny wud=i~er.Not true! Anyone with curiosity, patience,andsomebasic equipmentcan do the job. Start by assembling andinstalling the mini-weather station provided TM (see Figure #5). in your Mega-Science-Lab DIRECTIONS (1) Locatea placeoutdoorswhere the unit can installed. Lookfor somewhere that is far fromany windobstructions(like a building, big trees, or denseshrubbery). Themini-weatherstation is mountedwith screws, so you needsomething like a postor fencerail uponwhichto mount your weatherstation. (2) Mountthe swivel(part 6) with the twoscrews (part 9). Install withthe helpof anadult.Forbest results,it should not betilted. 39 PA~T 7 PART2 /SWWEL CAP RAIN GAUP~F PART 5 \" !~.. ~~,TOTAI" RAIN~..INDICATOR 8.." COMPASS__~"~ ROSE BASE I v~ ..... ~i ~T 9 Figure #5 ,~ .... PART4 ~" WIND J VELOCITY Figare6 is an actualphotograph qf the weatheraverthe middle~lndeas’ternUnitedStates. This photowax takenfroma GOES-8 Weather Satellite, andthe irax~gexweretran,~’mitted to Weather Servicereceiving onthe earth.Thispartlcular.vatellile appeared a~vfewedfr~m_t ff, OOO km(21, 735 miles)alo~.Thedifferent shadesof black,white,andgra),arethe resultof ~erentte~ttper~ttures. Generall.v highcloud.¢,whicharevet3., cold, arewhite.Middlecloud.rarea bit warmer andare ligh¢ gt’ay.Lowcloud.~"aredarkgray,Theearth~" surfaceis blackbet~auJe it i.r warme,~t Icompared to the air aboveit). Figure #6 (3) Assemble the following parts on the body DIRECTIONS (part 1): rain gauge (part 2); thermometer (part RECORDINGDATA windvelocity indicator (part 4); andtotal rain TimeandDate. Eachobservation. indicator(part 5). SkyConditions.Wasit sunny,ctoudy,overcast, etc.? (4) Placethe swivel compass rose (part B), the assembly from step 4 above,andthe swivel cap CloudType.Whatdirection werethey moving? Fast? (part 7) onthe swivel. Background Temperature. That’s a meteorologist’swayof sayingair temperature. (5) Usinga compass as a guide, position the Dothis morning andnight, andyouwill beableto swivelcompass rose ona north-southline. "(’he calculatethe average temperature for the day. compass rose on the baseof your weatherstaWindDirection. Checkthe readingof the comtion will remainstationaryandthe windwill turn station and the upperpart of the weatherstation to indicate passroseat the baseof yourweather the direction the wind is comingfrom. Wind whichwaythe "vane"is pointedas blownby the wind. speedcan be determinedby the wind velocity WindSpeed Velocity. Howfast the windis blow"arm"on your weatherstation. ing. AtmosphericPressure.This can be determined Next,youwill needa weather Io9, a recordof all reports. conditionsthat you are able to observeand/or by listening to weather measure. A sampleweatherlog is provided(see Humidity.Did the air feel dry? Damp? Figure #7). Youcan keepsuch a log in your sciencenotebook. eruptive urtit: the deposits left by a single eruption. Geologists mapthese in the field and distinguishoneunit fromanother. floodbasaltplateau: giganticflowsof fluid, nonviscouslava erupt fromswarms of fissures and spreadover vast areas.Repeated eruptionsover geologicallyshortperiodsof t{mebuild up thick lava plateauswith verygentleslopes(seeFigure #~f). forecast:an eruption forecast is a statement aboutfutureeruptiveactivity that is lessspecific thanan eruptionprediction. Typicallyforecasts are based onrecordsof pasteruptiveactivity and concerneventsthat are months to decades in the future. Asvoicanologists continuetheir research efforts, erup(ionforecastsmaybecome increasingly specific andevolveinto predictions. geophysicist: a scientist whoapp}}esprinciples of physicsto geo(ogica~ problems. Geophysicists measure earthquakewaves,gravity, magnetics, andelectrical currents,am<ang otherparameters. geothetmah refers to earth’s inner heat. Geothermalareasare usually (ocatedin regionsof youngvolcanoes,whereheat from cooling magmascaneasily reachthe surface, glass:naturalvolcanicglassis the ((quid part a magma (molten rock) that has beenquickly "frozen" (cooledandsolidified), if magmas cool mores~owiy, they havetime to growcrystals insteadof formingglass. harmonic tremor:a continuous,rhythmictype of earthquake wavecaused by magmamovementunderground.Harmonictremor can be an importantwarning sign of aneruptionin the near future. hotspot:a relatively stationaryplume of hot solid rock that rises fromdeepin the earth. Partial meltingabovehot spotsbuilds volcanoes,which are carriedawayby tile moving tectonicplatesat earth’s surface.Thisconveyor-belt processforms linear volcanic chainscalled "hot-spot chains" (seeFigure#2). lava: magma that erupts non-explosively and flows as a liquid. Rocksformedwhenthe flowing liquid solidifies arealsocalledlava. Consult this glossary for definitionsof differentlavatypes:as, block, pillow, andpahoehoe. lava dome:a thick mound of viscous, gas-poor lava that piles uparounda vent like toothpaste squeezed from a tube (see Figure magma: moltenrock belowground.It consists of crystals andgas bubblessuspended in a liquid portion. mantle: the silicate portionof the earththat lies between the crust andthe core. 69 monitoring:to otaserveand measure something that changes over time. mudflow:a dense mixture of water and rock fragmentsthat flows rapidly downstreamchannels with the consistencyof wet concrete.The enormousenergy of mudflowscan carry them tensof kilometersacrossflat landsat the foot of a volcanobefore they cometo rest. Theseare very destructive phenomena that can crush bridgesandbury towns. pahoehoe lava: (pa-HOY-hoy) a type of fluid, nor~-viscous lava with a smooth to twisted, ropey surface.Asthe fluid lavaoozesdownhill,its skin co~{s,solidifies, andwrinkles,whileits molten interior continuesmoving(see Figure#12). pillow lava: a typeof lava that resembles a stack of pillows. Thesepillows develop whenhot magma erupts into cold water andoozesforward as a series of bulbous masseswhosecrusts immediately freezeto glass(see Figure#11). plagioclase: a silicate material containingsodium,calcium, andaluminum. plate tectonics:see tectonic plate andFigure #2. prediction: an eruptionpredictionis a detailed statementabout eruptive activity in the near future, just hoursto a fewweeks away.A prediction shouldspecifythe timeof the eruption,the locationof the eruptiveventonthe volcano,the eruptionstyle (explosiveor non-explosive), and its size. Lessprecise statementsabout future eruptiveactivity arecalled forecasts. pumice:an inflated volcanic fragmentwith a sponge-liketexture. Innumerable holes are surroundedby thin films of glass and embedded crystals. Theterm pumiceis usually usedfor white-grayfragments(silica-rich) that can brokenby hand.Cinderis usedfor darker, m~re sturdyfragments (silica-poor)with similar spongelike textures. pyro¢last:greekfor "fire broken."Describesa fragmentof any size producedby an explosive volcanic eruption, including ash, andpumiceas well as larger blocks andbombs. pyroclasticfail: e×plosivevolcanic eruptions generateclouds of hot gas, ash, andpumice. This termdescribesthe processof thesesotid particles tailing to the ground,wheretheyform "p’jroclastic-fall deposits" of .oumice or ashwitha restrictedrangeof particle sizes(seeFigure#8). pyroclssticflow: in someexplosiveeruptions, hot cloudsof gas,ash, andpumiceflow alongthe groundat highvelocities like anavalanche. These are among the most destructive volcanic phenomena.Whenthese clouds cometo rest they produce"pyroclastic-flowdeposits",chaotio Volc,~noWorld h tip : //volcan o. ur~d. nodak, edu/ This is a site devotedto educatingschool children andvisitors to U.S. Nationalpa~sand Monuments aboutvolcanoes.It is run out of the University of NorthDakotaandfundedby NASA. VolcanoWorldincludes modern andnear realtime volcanoinfor~nation,with extensiveuseof remote-sensingi~agery Undertheir section LearningAboutVolcanoes are the topics: As~a Votcanolog;,st,an~VolcanoFacts. Particular emphasis is placecl on volcanohazardsmitigation, remote-sensir~g _ of volcanoes anderuptionclouds,andhistorical eruptionsof Guatemalan volcanoes.It also includes a geographiclist of individualvolcano pages with eruption reports. Ol~Bon 8~ P~um U.S. GeologicalSurvey: CascadeeVolcanoobservatory TheCascades VolcanoObServatory is foCusedon the eruptive history an~1hazardsof MichiganTechnolocjical active volcanoesin the Cascade Range,which Univer.~ity HomeP~ge runs fromnorthernCalifornia, through Oregon htfp:/ and Washington,and into British Columbia Thissite contair~slots of volcano information (~anada). Thissite providesa wealthof information aboutthesevolcanoes as well a~ exce~ent andimagesabout recent andon-goingeruptive generalinformationaboutvolcanicfeaturesand activity. Phenomena, volcanic hazards,andVOlcano monitoring techniques. aa lava: (ah-ah) a form of lava, common on Hawaii,with a roughsurfaceandspiny protrusions (see Figure ash:the smallestsoliq particles produced by an explosiveeruption,definedas tess than 2 5 m timeters (3/32 inches} across. Ash particles include glass andcrY~tals from newlyerupted magma as well as ejected fragmentsof older rocks. blocklava: a type of lava, commonly eruptedin subduction zones, that movesas a iumble separateblocksr=~r~g~.r~ frompebbles up to the size of smallhouses~S~e Figure# 13). caldera:a circular to Oval.shaped depression, across, tormeY P~eof a pre-existing vol~no or vol~nic terrain ,--- = #19and#20). Hapioeruhtion of magma empties an underground cavil, ;ht~wS~ch ihe land surrace collapses. cinder: an inflated volcanic fragmentwith a s~nge-like tenure. Innu~erabl e holes are surrounded ~::2ilc:;:~i glass and embedded c~stals. ~ ~sua~used~o~ g V ~ "’ " ragments that cannot be broken by hand ’ Pumtce"s usedfor lightercoto~(silica-dch) fragments ~th simit~ ~ ~i~ te~res, that can ~ b~.okenby hand. tinder tone=thesesmall Volcanoes are conical ~iles of cinderthat a~umulat a vent e around ~a~mles fall from an e~ptl~ncloud(see F~um ~). core:the central portion of the earth, made of met~}liciron. It begins beneath the silicate mantle at a depth of 2,885 kilometers(1,7~1 miles) belowthe surface.Theouter corei.s. liquid and extehdsto 5,145kilometers(3,195mde,~).There the ~olid iron innercorebeginsandreachesto the centerot the earthat 6,370kilometers. crater:a circular to oval-shaped depre,~ion at a v°lC~no,generally~essthan 1 kilometer(.621 mile~} across.Craters(ormar~’~ ~r~ eruptive ,~en’~~yaccumulation of materialor by s~.plosive removal of material. crust:the outermostlayer of the earth, ~ying abovethe mantle.Continentalcrust canr~ach70 kilometers(43.4miles)thick, oceaniccr~stis to 10Itilometers(6.2 miles)thick. Rock~ of the crust a~eless dense thanthoseof the mantle,and thusthe cr,,~t "floct,~"or, ;;,u ~ui~0 mantle, density: a physical prope~ of a ma.teri~l cube,1 centimeter(25/64incheS)ona sidethat . Ifa indicates its massper unit volume.~ma~ine filled wi.~hwater, it wouldweigh1 grambemuse wa!e.r h~sa dens~,ty ol 1 gram ~,03..6ounce~) per cuo~cC~ntimater (25/64 inches), n yousa~md rock int~ a cubethe samesize # would~/eigh about 2.7 grams(.09 ounces), becausehlost common rocks havedensities of about2.7 s (.09 oun(;es)percubiccentimeter. dormant: sleeping;a dormant vo.lcanoi~ one that is nc~tpresentlyeruptingbut =s cons~o~red likely to do soin the future. p~l~mUon p~l~tlon I ¢~ I Figur~#7 samplewe~the r (og Relative Humidity.This is anotherweatherretweenCelsiusandFahrenheitte~beraturereadlated calculationWhichis oftenreportedonTVor ings, anda total rainfall recordingdevicewhich Wilt keep trackof upto 50cm.(20")~f rainfall even radioweather reports.Air at anytempbrature will only hold just so ~nuchmoistureandno more. though youractualrainfall tubewill ~nly Relative humidityis simply a "percentage num- 10cm(4 inches)of rainfall at onetime. ber" which compare Youhaveheardof "wind chill, in weather s the amountof moisture whichis heldin the air "relative" to the maximum ~rogramson TV or radiO. Youcah nowpredict at a particular temperature When airin becomes ’ be amount of moisture whichcould held the air Yourown"windchill" factor b~. s~m~ no~m_ ~ the ~ee~o~ the w~ndandthe readingof the temperahotter it can hold ~ore mo~,sture.When air is t~re. Findthe placeonthe "windchil~,, cha~which colder it can hol~ less moisture. Whenthe r~presents the speed of ~he w~nd~n~ng temperatureis very warmand the amounto! he top of the cha~, and the te~peratur e relative f~umidityis high, the air seems more ~hrenhei~ degrees of temperature ~longthe left unpleasant andunCGmfortabl to the human skin. Si~eof the cha~,.,readdown andacres e s until you fihd the corresponding windch~ll ~o~that set of Youcanutilize . . yourweather station unit in Thatis yourwindchill for that day. variouswaysto oe[ermineother weatherrelated C~ordinates. phenomenon, such~.s w_jndchill, conversion beBelow is a windchill chart just like the oneon yourweather station. ~ wIND SPEEI~ ~/ 5mph 10 mph 15 mph 27 16 11 2 .~. -9 -18 ~ -6, -~5 -20 ~ -22 . -31 -38 Figure #8 windchill chart 41 -33 -45 -51 PROCEDURE #2 The Cloudsand WhatTheyCanTel{ You .C~j_mulus Hum_ilis& Stratocumulus: Noticethat the cloudbasesareat different ~eve~s. .C=~g_~ulus Congest_us& Strata: These Eachcloud in the sky gives us a weather cloudformationsoccurat different levels. There message, an advance notice of whatthe weather maybe heavyprecipitation, gusty winds, and will belike in the nextminutes,hours,andeven thundershowers orthunderstorms. days.Takethe timeto learnto recognize different cloudformations, and,togetherwith otherfactors .~lonimbus Ca~illat_~U.~:Theupperportionsof wehave already explored, you can figure out these clouds are dearly fibrous (~), often whatthe weathermighthavein store for us and in the formof ananvil. Precipitation is likely and howlongit will taketo happen. soon. Thesecloudsshowthe distinctive anvil By using the cloud chart included in your top. Mega-Science-Lab,you can observe various cloud formations, their correspondingIntema- ~tus Tran$1.uc!dus: If the wind is blowing tiona| Figure Codes(used on weathermapsand steadilyfromnortheastto south,precipitationis reports), andwhatthey maymean. likely within 12to 24 hours.Thesunor moon may be visible as if being viewedthroughfrosted _C.u~_m_. ulus:These arefair weather cloudsif they g~ass. showlittle vertical development. Fair weather cloudsthat developvertically maybring aftert_J~_st r at u s ~Qp_ac_u_s: These arethesame, but are A noonshowers.Noticethat thesecloudsare well denseenoughto hide the sun or moon. developedwith manyseparatetops. Theoutlines are sharp, andthe basesare darker and A_~Lqqumu_Lus___Tran_s_l_u_cLd_u_s_: These cloudsare almosthorizontal. If cloudsformfromthe south- semitransparent.Theymaychangeslowly and level. Precipitationis likely westto the northwest,precipitation with gusty areall at the same within10or 15hoursif windsaresteadilyfromthe windsandthunderstorms (or only windsqualls) northeastto the south. are likely within five to ten hours.Thevertical extentsof thesecloudsare in the formof domes or towers. A_!tOc~umul~us Len|icular~:Patches of theseclouds are often almond or fish shaped.Thegreaterpart of eachcloud is semitransparent. Theseclouds .~__U~u__lul s Calvus:Thiscloudformationis an indication that precipitation is likely andsoon canoccurat morethan onelevel, andare continually changing in appearance. coming.Distantcloudswill often showananvilshapedcap. AIt_~_~umulusTranslu¢idu.s U~: Theseare cloudsthat haveformedin bandsor _Stratocumulus Cum I.~J~genitus.: Theseclouds Attocumulus are formedby the spreading out of Cumulus fairly continuouslayers. As they move,they gather,generallythickeningas a whole.Precipiclouds. Cumulus cloudsmayalso be present. tationis ~ikely. Stratocumulus:Theseclouds give the impresCumu!ogenitus: Theseare focTned sion of beingtow, andtheyindicate the immedi- A_Jltocumulus ate threat of badweather.If theyare at the head when Cumulusor Cumulonimbusclouds are spread out. Precipitationis likely. of a cold front, you canexpectgusty windsor thunderstorms. ~tocumulus Duolicatg.~:Theseare Altocumulus occurring at different elevations.Precipitationis Stratus Fractus: Cloudsare in a moreor less likely. continuous sheetor layer. Theymayalso formin raggedpatches.If precipitationoccursit is very A~Ius Opacus: Altocumulus clouds occurweak. ring in twoor morelayers, andusuallyopaque in places.Precipitation is likely. .C_.u_.~_u)usFractus.~Weat~:Theseclouds are often seenwith other precipitat)on clouds. It~Jt.O_E.umulus Floccu,~:Altocumulus cloudsthat Theyformfromrising warmair that coolsas it havedeveloped smalltowersor cumuliform tufts. movesupward. Precipitation is likely. 42 To load the Windows 3.1 version: gainsanunderstanding of howa volcanicterrain (1) Openthe Windows File Manager andselect growsthroughthe accumulation of depositsfrom File/CraateDirectory.In the windowthat popsup variouseruptions. Theprogramwascreatedby type: "c:Ivolc’ andclick "OK".Thisis a temporary KennethWohletzof the Los Alamos National directory that canbeerasedwheninstallation of Laboratory.Notethat this program only workson the Seismic/Eruption programis complete. IBM-typecomputers. (2) In the browser, scroll down to the seisvole.readme link for informationregarding Tobegin, point your webbrowserto: this program. http://geontl .lanl .gov/pagel/directory/wohletz/ (3) Click onthe seisvole.ziplink to download the erupt.htm Seismic/Eruptionprogram.A’SaveAs" dialogue Thereyou will find optionsfor downloading boxshouldappearin the "directories" box. Goto different versionsof ERUPT. Detailedinstrucc:/vo/c andclick "OK". tions are givenbelowfor loadingthe Windows 3.1 (4) A "SavingLocation"boxwill appearshowing version. statusof the download. It maytakeawhileto save (1) Openthe Windows File Manager andselect because the file is 4.4 Mbin size. File/CreateDirectory. |nthewindowthat popsup (5) Files with the .zip suffix are files compressed type"c:/erupt" andclick "OK". with the PKZIPprogramand needdecompres- (2) in the browser select the versionfor Windows sion, At the lime o~publishing (,919~)PtKZ’~P was 3.1 currently version 2.0 - named ~er20-16".A freewareandcouldbe obtainedoverthe Internal "SaveAs" dialog boxshouldappearin the direcat the followingaddress:http://www.yosemite.neVtories box.Goto c:/erupt andclick "OK". help/win31_pkzip.html (3) A "SavingLocation"boxwil~ appearshowing status of the download.It maytake a while to If this addressis nolongervalid, pedorm a savebecause it is 2.6 Mbin size. websearchusing PKZIPas the key wordandgo (41In File Manager goto c:/eruptanddoubleclick to a site that hasthe program. onthe file there.Thiswill start theinstallation. (6) Followthe instruction for downloading PKZIP (5) Click "Setup"to unzipthe files andget to the anddecompress the file. Makesure "Erupt 2.0 Setup"screen. to use the -d option. For example,at the DOS (6) Followinstructionsandinstall to the "Erupt prompttype: 20"director/. pkunzip-d (7} In File Manager, select c:/erupt, then Fi(e! (7) Fromthe Windows ProgramManager select Delete to removedirectory. Click "OK"then file/run/browse, goto c:/volc/setup.exe, click "OK" "Yes". andfollow the dialog onscreento complete the (8) In Program Manager, openthe groupin which installation of the Seismic/Eruption program. youwantthe Erupticon to reside. (9) Do File/New. Click "ProgramItem" button ERUPT andthen "OK". This program allowsyouto designa volcanic (10) A"PropertiesDialog"boxwilt appear.Fill landscape as it builds upin crosssectionon the as below: screen.Theuserchooses the eruptiontypes, the Description:Eruption location of the vent, andother parameters such Command line: c:lerupt2Olerupt.exe as windspeed. Click "OK" Theprogram can be stoppedat anytime and (11) Tostart E RUPT,doubleclick onthe volcano a neweruption type selected.In this wayone icon that appearsin the window. SITES ABOUTVOLCANOES ON THE WORLDWIDE WEB Welist only four sites, but eachcontains FJuffetin,a monthly reportof all volcanic activityor links to manyother volcanosites aroundthe the planet. world. Thisis the same informationreadby profes sional volcanologists aroundthe worldto find oL newsof recenteruptions.A list of Earth’s150 Smith$onlatt’~ Global VolcanismProgram volcanoesknownto haveeruptedduringthe 10,000 yearsis also givenalongwith basicinfo This programis devotedto the study of mationfor each. This site containsan extol Ean’h’sactive volcanoes.Hereyouwill find the siva set of links to other sites aroundthe wod latest issues of the GlobalVolcanism Network organizedby region. 67 LOW-PRICED,EDUCATIONAL VOLCANO MATERIALS Inaide HawaiianVolcanoes ThMDynamicPlanet Afull-color wall map,1 meterby 1 ~/2meter This 25-minutecolor video wasproduced in (3.3 feet by4.9 feet) (revisedin 1994)that should 1989by the late Maurice Krafft, in collaboration be onthe bedroom wall of everychild interested with the Smithsonian Institution andthe U.S. in our planet, its volcanoes,earthquakes, mete- Geological Survey.It is narratedby RogerMudd. orites, andplats-tectonicactivity. Thiseye-pleasing worldmap usescolorsto designate elevation. This video goesbeyondthe beautyof Hawaii’s surface eruptions andtakes you deepunderSuperimposed on it are: ¯ Locationsof over 1500volcanoes active during groundwhereyou will learn about the underplumbingsystems. It contains the last 10,000 years,plottedin four agecatego- groundmagma ries. spectacularviewsof lava fountains andflows, ¯ Locationsof over 24,000earthquakes, largely scientists at work, as well as rare eady20th from 1960- 1990, plotted in three magnitude centuryfootageof early eruptionsandscientists. categoriesandtwo depthranges. Awarded 5 Stars by the Journalof Geologi¯ Locationsof 139meteoriteImpactcraters. cal Education:"If youbuyonly onevideo about Hawaiian volcanism,this shouldbe the one." Also includedare: ¯ A three-dimensional crosssectionof the earth illustrating its majorzonesof volcanoesand earthquakes (a color versionof Figure2 in this section). ¯ A text treatmentthat gives a primeron plate tectonics, volcanoes,and earthquakes.This wonderfulmapcosts only $7.50($4,00 per map plus $3.50perorderfor postageandhandling). Ordersshouldbe sent to: USGS Information Services Federal Center, Box25286 Denver, CO80225 Specify "DynamicPlanet" and makecheck or money orderin USdollars payable to "Interior Department - USGS".Within the UnitedStates, mapsmayalso be orderedusinga credit card by calling toll free 1-800-USA-MAPS. A teachers’guide(22pages)is alsoavailable. containsquestionsandanswers relating to the video,as well as three laboratoryexercises. Thevideocosts $20. Pleasespecify VHS or VHS-PAL format. Theteachers’ guidecosts an additional $5. Makecheckor money order in US dollars payableto Smithsonian Institution. Only pre-paid orders are accepted.Purchaseorders cannotbe accepted. Pleasesendordersvia postalmail to: RichardS. Fiske Museum of Natural History MRC119 Smithsonian institution Washington,DC20560, USA ELECTRONICACCESSTO VOLCANORESOURCES Programsto Downloadand Run on your Computer Segments of this programare used thm~OhOut the S~.itl¢~ufl=ansnewGeology,Gems, andMinerals exhibit in the NationalMuseum of Natural History. The programwasdevelopedby Alan Jonesof the State University of NewYork, Binghamton,using earthquakedata from the U.S. GeologicalSurveyanderuption data from the Smithsonian. It is well worthyour effort to retrieve this program. Notethat this programonly workson IBMtype computers.Current (9/96) requirements are: Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or IBMOS/2.To download this program follow thesesteps: SEISMIC/ERUPTION This program offers a world mapand a variety of regional andlocal mapsthat show earthquakes and/or volcanic eruptions in time sequencesince 1960. Earthquakesare shown by circles andvolcaniceruptionsby triangles. Thesizesof the symbols indicatethe size of the eadhquake or eruption.Colorsindicatethe depth of the earthquake or the typeof eruption(lava, ash or both). When aneruption occurs,the name of the volcanois shownnext to it. This is an DIRECTIONS extremelyengagingprogramthat dramatically Point your webbrowserto: indicatesthat ourplanetis alive. h ttp Ylwww. geol.binghamton, edu/faculty ljones 66 Altocumulusof a ChaoticSky: Thesegenerally occurin severallayers. Precipitation is likely. CirrusFibratu~:Theseare ice clnudsin the form o| filaments,strands,or hooks.If the windsare fromthe west-northwest to the north, the weather will be good.However, precipitation is likely within20to 30hoursif the winddirectionis eastnortheastto the south. ~Dissatus:Ice cloudsoccurringin patches.They are possibly the remainsof the upperpart of Cumulonimbus clouds. SoissatusCurn_u!0n_Lim_b0genitus: Denseice cloudsthat often havean anvil shape,beingthe remainsof the upperparts of Cumulonimbus. Cirrus Uncinus:Thesehigh ice cloudsoccurin the formof filaments,strands,or hooks.Asthey moveacross the sky, they become denser. Cirrus belo~45degrees:Ice cloudsthat form=n bands,movingtowardoneor two points of the horizon.Theygraduallyill( part of thesky, generally developing into a continuous veil that does not reach45° abovethe horizon. Cirrus above45 degre~,~:Formin the sameway, but developinto a continuousveil that exceeds 45° abovethe horizon anddoesnot completely coverthe sky. Cirrostratus.: Ice cloudsthat maycoveror not coverthe entire sky. These indicateprecipitation if the windis steadyfromeast-northeast to the south. Otherw)ndsbring overcastskies. Cirrocumulus: Ice cloudsthat mayoccuraloneor with~.~r~,!~.2~,’3~C;*~u~¢~a[us ClOUdS. TheCirrocumulus cloudswill dominate. PROCEDURE #3 Weatherand WeatherForecasting If youknowthe winddirection andbarometric pressure, you can forecast comingweather patterns.In truth, experience onthe part of the observeris important as well becauselocal weatherconditionsare influencedby many things. Thefollowing summary is usefulin predicting future weatherin the UnitedStates: 43 If the windis fromthe southwest to the north. west, andthe barometricpressureis betweer 764.54 and 767.08 mm(30.10 and 30.20 inches),andsteady,the weatherwill befair, with slight temperature changes, for oneor two days. If the windis fromthe southwest to the northwest, andthe barometricpressureis between 764.54 and 767.08 mm(30.10 and 30.20 inches)andrising rapidly, currentweather will befair, andwill probably befollowedwithintwo daysby rain. If the windis fromthe southwest to the northwest, andthe barometricpressureis 767.08 mm(30.20 inches)or aboveandsteady, your weather will continue clear, andtherewill beno significant change in temperature. If the windis fromthe southwest to the northwest, andthe barometricpressureis 767.08 mm (30.20inches)or above,andfalling slowly, the nexttwodayswill probablyseefair skies andslowly rising temperatures. If the windis fromthe southto the southeast, andthe barometricpressureis between 764.54 and767.08mm(30.10 and30.20inches), and falling slowly, youcanexpectrain within 24 hours. If the windis fromthe southto the southeast, andthe barometricpressureis between 764.54 and767.08mm(30.10 and30.20 inches) and falling rapidly, the windswill increaseandrain will belikely within12to 24hours. If the windis fromthe southeast to the northeast, andthe harnm~tr~C ~’;~3C.L;~~ ;~ b~ween 764.54 and 767.08 mm(30.10 and 30.20 inches),andfalling slowly,therewill most likely berain in 12to 18hours. If the windis fromthe southeast to the northeast, andthe barometricpressureis between 764.54 and 767.08 mm(30.10 and 30.20 inches),andfalling rapidly, the windwill increaseandtherewill mostlikely berain within twelvehours. If the windis fromthe eastto the northeast, and the barometricpressureis 764.54mm(30.10 inches)or below,is falling rapidly, andit is summer, there will belight windsandrain may notfall for severaldays.If it is winter,youcan expectrain within 24 hours. tf the windis fromtheeastto the northeast, and the barometricpressureis 764.54mm(30.10 inches)or below,is falling rapidly, andit is summer, rain is likely within 12to 24hours.If it is winter, rain or snowwithincreasingwinds will often set in whenthe barometer beginsto fall andthe windsets in fromthe northeast. ¯ If the windis tromthe southto the east,andthe barometric pressure is 756.92 mm(29.80 inches)or below,andfalling rapidly, severe stormsare imminent.Theweatherwill clear in about24 hours,andin the winter, it will be colder. ¯ If the windis fromthe eastto thenorth,andthe barometric pressure is 756.92 mm(29.80 If the windis fromthe southeast to the northeast, andthe barometricpressureis 762mm inches)or below,andfalling rapidly, therewill (30.00inches)or below,andfalling slowly,rain be severenortheastwindsandheavyprecipiwill probablycontinuefor oneor twodays. tation. In the winterthere will beheavysnow followedby a cold wave. If the windis fromthe southeast to the northeast, andthe barometricpressureis 762mm (30.00inches)or below,andfalling rapidly, Duringthe summer, the groundandair above a layer of cool air there will be rain andhigh winds, followed it are usuallywarm.Sometimes will formabove the warm air. Warm air is light and within 36 hours by clearing. In the winter, wantsto rise. Thecool air, onthe otherhand,is temperatures will fall noticeably. heavierandwants to fall Theresultinginstability of the air masses, with ¯ If the windis fromthe southto the southwest, causesviolent movement andthe barometricpressureis 762mm(30.00 the heaviercool air sinkingto the groundandthe lighter warm air rising rapidly. inches)or belowandrising, the weatherwill Therising warmair becomes saturatedwith mostlikely clear withina fewhoursandbefair moisture,anddropletsof waterappearas a cloud for severaldays. beginsto form.Asthe warm air continues to rise, the cloud growsandstrong windsdevelop. CLOUD DEVELOPMENT Thewatervaporchanging to liquid results in the release of heat energy,whichaddsto the cloud’sgrowth.Eventually,rain beginsto fall. A thunderstorm cloud, called a cumulonimbuscloud,maybe severalmilesacrossandeight mileshigh. Highaltitude windsshredthe top of the cloud, producingan anvil shape.Theupward flow of air hasbeenreplacedby a strongdownwardmovement generatedby the precipitation. So, wheredoesthe electricity comefrom? That’swhatlightningis, youknow. All that violent air movement that formedthe thunderstorm cloud also createdelectrical charges in the cloud.The upperportionsof the cloud acquirea positive charge, and the bottom becomesnegatively charged. As the cloud passesover the ground,the negativelychargedcloudbottominducesa positive chargein the ground.This groundcharge follows the stormlike anelectrical shadow. This groundchargeincreases;but the air is a poor conductor of electricity, so noelectricity flows until hugeelectrical charges havebuilt up. When the electrical potentialis greatenough, lightning will strike out fromthe cloud to the ground.Howmuchelectrical potential, you ask? Figure #9 It couldbeas much as 100million volts!t! TheGeysersgeothermalareain northernCalifornia generatesenough electricity to meetthe needsof twomillion people.Volcanoes also benefit agriculture becausesoils developed on volcanicrocksare extremely fertile. Volcanicash falling fromthe air canact as a naturalfertilizer. SECTIONNINE TheThreeVolcanicRocksIncludedin this Kit Thisset containsthree smallvolcanicrocks for yourrockcollection:p_u_rn~_e., ob.sidia_t3, and _basalt. Usethe Bioscope’" to observethem closely,Finda placewith bright sunlight. crystals.In this case,though,the glassdoesnot havea sponge-liketexture, andthe crystals are mainlyplagi_o_cl_ase, a silicate mineral containing sodium,calcium, andaluminum. Obsidianforms fromviscous, silica-rich magmas that havelow gas contents. Becausethese magmas are so viscous,atomscannoteasily migrateto growing crystal faces, andtherefore few crystals develop. Insteadthe liquid solidifies as glass. Obsidianis well knownfor the wayit breaks alongcurvedfractures. Early humans took advantage of this featureandlearnedto formrazorsharp blades andarrowheads from obsidian. DIRECTIONS PUMICE: Thewhiteto gray rock is pumice,which consists of about95 percentnatural glassand5 percent crystalsof quartz(silicon dioxide: Quartzhas a grey color andyoushouldbe able to seea crystal or twowith yourBioscope".You mayalso see a few dark spots. Theseare rare crystalsof magnetite(iron oxide: Fe304).The glassin pumiceforms a sponge-likenetwork, signifyingthat it contains a lot of empty holesnow Thedarkgray rock with the dull finish filled by air. Some of the largerholesareobvious BASALT: onthe surfaceof the pumice,but many othersare is basalt. This lava contains abundantsmall crystals of olivine andDyroxene,twosilicate too smallto see. Because of all these holes, pumice feels ~ight. More correctly,it is less dense mineralsthat are rich in iron andmagnesium. than other rocks. Dropyour pumicein a glassof These will appearas smallreflecting spotsunder that is water.It floats!All that trappedair makes pumice the Bioscope".Basalt formsfrommagma less densethan water. If you leave the pumice poorin silica andhaslow viscosity.Basaltis the mostcommon volcanic rockon Earth. Underthe soakingin waterlong enough,the water will sediment on the oceanfloor is a layer of basalt eventuallyseepin to replace the air andthe pumice will sink. Youcanalwaysdry it out in the lava about2 kilometers(1.24 miles) thick. Hawaii andother volcanicislands are giant mounsunor anovenanddothe trick again. tains of basaltthat rise upfromthe seafloor. OBSIDIAN: The shiny black rock is obsidian. Like the pumice,this obsidianalso consistsof about95 percent glass and 5 pement PART TWO: BOOKS AND EDUCATIONAL REFERENCES ABOUT VOLCANOES Volcano& Earthquake, by SusannaVanRose, 1992.A Dorling-Kindersley bookpublishedin the Alfred A. KnopfInc., NewYorkanddistributed by Random House Inc., NewYork, 1992. (A dchlyillustrated bookwdtten for teenagers to adults.) Volcanoes, by SeymourSimon.MorrowJunior Books,NewYork, 1988.(Ashort, illustrated book wdttenfor children ages8-12.) Mountains of Fire: TheNatureof Volcanoes, by RobertW.DeckerandBarbaraB. Decker.CambridgeUniversityPress,Cambridge, U.K., 1991. Volcanoes of the World,by TomSimkinandLee (A well-researched general treatment of volca* Slebert. Geosclence Press, Phoenix, 1994. noes with abundant drawings and photographs; (Smithsonian compilation andinterpretationof rangingfromhigh dataaboutEarth’svolcanoes; rich in maps, pho- written for a wideaudience students to professional volcenologists.) toe, drawings, andespeciallydata;wdttenfor a school wideaudience as well.) In addition, peopleliving nearIong-~J.OJ333g~ volcanoesmaybe unawareof the threat In their backyards.Field and laboratory studies of past eruptions, instrumental monitoring, improved communications,and public education are needed to savelives. (4) What are the ten most d~adly eruptions history? Of the ten mostdeadly eruptions in history, listed in Table2, all but the icelandicLaki eventin 1783 occurred in a subduction zone. Theseare sites where descent of an oceanic plate into Earth’s mantle carries seawaterinto the zone of melting. As a result, subduction-zone magmas are rich in water, and expansionof that water as steamnear the surface drives the explosive eruptions that makesubduction-zone volcanoes so dangerous. Volcanoespose a variety of hazards. Many humandeaths are caused directly by erupted materials, most commonlywhenpeople are engulfed by fast-moving pyroclastic flows. During or evenlong after an eruption loose ashand other debris can be swept up by currents of flood waters to create destructive mudflows. When eruptions occur in the sea, they can generate tidal waves, or ~unami, which can devastate coastal areas far from the eruption site. Other deaths are caused by earthquakes, lightning, disease, and starvation associated with eruptions. (5) What wasthe largest explosive eruption historical time? Thelargest historical explosive eruption took place in 1815at TamboraVolcano,on Indonesia’s Sumbawa Island. The Tamboraeruption ejected about 50 km~ (31 miles) of magma,which translates to about 150 km3 (93 miles) of pumiceand ash. An estimated 10,O00 people were killed directly, and another 82,000 died as a result of starvation and disease.Theeruption left a circular area of collapse, called a caldera, about 6 kilometersin diameterat T=mbora,~,sur~li laJ~(see F~gure#20). Theash and volcanic gasesinjected into the upper atmosphere by the Tambora eruption formeda globe-encircling cloud that filtered the sunlight and affected Earth’s weather. Theyear 1816, following the Tamboraeruption, has been described as the "Year Without a Summer."In North America, records of the Hudson’s Bay 3ompany show that the summer of 1816 was ~mongthe coldest ever recorded. Unseasonably ;trong winds from the north andnorthwest brought hree major episodesof frost in early June, early uly, and mid-August. NASA spaceshuttle photographof Tambora Volcano.Indonesia.andthe 6.5-kilometer (4.03mile) widecalderamarkingits summit,left by the 1815 eruption.Thiswasthe largest explosiveeruption in hisloricaltime. Figure #20 Thesefrosts reachedas far south as Philadelphia, PA, and Trenton, NJ, causing poor harvests and food shortages. In Europe, the summer of 1816wasexceedingly wet and cool. This dismal summeris credited with having inspired Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein and Lord Byron his somber poemDarkness, which was written in June, 1816, on the shores of Lake Geneva,Switzerland. A short portion is reprinted here: Darkness I had a dream,which wasnot all a dream. Theblight sun wasextinguish’d, and the stars Did wanderdarkling in the eternal space, Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth Swungblind and blackening in the moonlessair; Morncameand went - and came,and brought no day.... Lord Byron (6) Howdo volcanoes benefit mankind? Although most discussions of volcanoesfocu~nn their destructive qualities, volcanoesalso play manypositive roles in our lives. Theair we breathe and the water we drink originally was carried to Earth’s surface in volcanic eruptions. Volcanic rocks are used all over the world as construction materials and building stones. Magmasponding beneathvolcanoes help to concentrate copper, silver, gold, andmanyother metals that our society dependsupon. Volcanic heat is tapped to generate electricity in manygeothermal areas around the world. For example, Reykjavik, the capital city of Iceland, hasnearly 100,000people and gets 70 percent of its heat andhot water from wells drilled into hot volcanic rock. Figure #10 PROCEDURE#4 Hurricanes and Hurricane Plotting Hurricanesare powerful, whirling stormsthat occurin th~ Atl~qt!c, Pacifk,, ,:=~=din~31anOceans. They usually measure from 321.8 to 482.7 km (200 to 300 miles) in diameter (and somehave been muchlarger), with winds in excess of 120 km (75 miles) per hour. Figure #10 is a picture of Hurricane Bertha (July 12, 1996), taken by a National Weather Service satellite in geosynchronous orbit above the earth. You can see that the "eye" of the hurricane is located just over CapeFear, North Carolina. Notice that the clouds are movingin a counterclockwise direction. 45 That is becausethis hurricane is in the northern hemisphereof the earth. Thosein the southern h,=m!~_phcr6 ~,,uve in a clockwisedirection. In the middle of the storm is the eye of the hurricane, an area of calm about 32.18 km (20 miles) in diameter. Immediately around the eye are wall clouds, wherethe strongest winds and heaviest rains occur. Thefarther out the winds are from the wall clouds, the weakerthey are. Hurricanes are very destructive, causing death and massive property damageevery year. Wheneverone appears, the National Weather Service provides detailed information concerning size andintensity, as well as location. As a matter of fact, youcan track a hurricane yourself using the mapwe haveprovided. Instructions for plotting a storm location are on the map. SECTION EIGHT SomeCommonQuestions about Volcanoes =. OR[ HURRICANE TRACKING MAP UNITED STATES OF AMERICA N. MEX. ~ MEXICO TEX. (1) Whatis an active volcano and howmanyare there? A volcano should be consideredactive if it hasthe potential to erupt again. But howcan you tell whena volcano has finally becomeextinct? There is no easy way. One approach is to assume that a volcanois not likely to erupt again if it hasn’thadaneruptionin the last 10,000years. Smithsonianvolcanologists list about 1500volcanoesthat erupted on land or in shallow water during that time, shownin Figure #3. About 540 of these volcanoes havel~acl historically reported eruptions. Eachyear, 50-70 volcanoeserupt. As youread these words, about 15 of Earth’s volcanoes are probably erupting. (2) Whatwasthe largest volcanic eruption of the last 100,000 years? Theeruption that producedIndonesia’s gigantic Tobacaldera (see Figure # 19) about74,000 years ago is the largest nowknown. It ejected about 3,000 km~ (717 miles~) of pumiceand ash, roughly 3,000 times as muchas MountSt. Helens ejected in 1980. (3) Are fewer people dying from volcanic disasters nowthan in the past? "Natural calamity strikes at aboutthe time whenone forgets its terror." - Japanese proverb Eventhough scientists have an ever-deeper understandingof volcanic processes,this knowledgehas not yet led to a decline in eruptionrelated deaths. From 1900 to 1986, the average numberof humandeaths from volcanoes per year was 880; Landsatsatellite photoof the Tobacaldera, Sumatra,Indonesia.Four separatelarge explosiveeruptionshavetakenplaceherein tl~e last 1.2 million years.Thepresentca(derais 100kilometers (62.1 miles) long and30 kilometerswide. formedduringthe youngest of the eruptions,74,000 ~ y~.ars ago. LakeToba(black) covers morethan half of the caldera. Dataacquiredin May,1987. Figure #19 more than from 1600 to 1899, whenan average of 620 peopleper year died in volcanic disasters. Although the numberof deaths causedby posteruption starvation has declined in this century, the numberassociated with pyroclastic flows and mudflowshas increased. A majorreason is that global population has increaseddramatically in recent centuries - many more people are living near dangerousvolcanoes. Manynations lack the money,scientific resources,or political will to monitortheir volcanoes. TABLE 2 The ten mostdeadly eruptions in history. Volcano Country Year Deaths Tambora Krakatau Pel~e NevadodeI Ruiz Unzen Kelut Laki Kelut Santa Maria Galunggung Indonesia Indonesia Martinique Colombia Japan Indonesia Iceland Indonesia Guatemala Indonesia 1815 1883 1902 1985 1792 1586 1783 1919 1902 1822 92,000 36,417 29,500 23,080 14,524 10,000 (?) 9,350 5,110 4,500(?) 4,011 All volcanoes except Laki are located abovesubduction zones. Data from Volcanoesof the World (Simkin and Siebert, 1994). 46 63 This wasfollowed by eruption of a lava dome just north of the most vigorous steamvent. Between June 7 and 11, the lava domedoubled in size. Eruption of this lava domeconfirmed the existence of an active magmatic system * a storage area and channels through which magma could movethrough the upper crust to reach tl~e surface. In the daysof early June, scientists raised the alert level to a 3 andthen to a 4, Whenthe ~ clomeappeared,they issued a red alert - level 5, On June 10, Clark Air Force Basewas evacuated and aircraft valued at one billion dollars were flown to safety. On June 12, during Philippine Independence Daycelebrations, the first of a series of powerful eruptions blasted an ash columnto 19 kilometers above sea level (see Figure #17). More eruptions, pyroclastic flows and earthquakes followed, and still, the worst wasyet to come. MountPinatuboeruptioncloud of June12, 1991 rises into the atmosphere. PhototakenfromClark Air ForceE3ase,20kilometers(12 miles) east of MountPinatubo. Photo by David Hadow(U.S. GeologicalSurvey). Figure #17 On June 14 an infrared video camera at C)ark Air Force Baserecorded a sudden, zipperlike passage of brightness (heat) across the upper east flank of Pinatubo, which volcanologists believed to be a fissure vent opening. Themaineruption, the secondlargest of the century, began the following day. Pyroclastic flows sweptnearly all areas coveredby prehistoric depositsof a similar type, blanketing about 100 km2 (38 miles~) (the dashedline on Figure 16). The eruption columnmushroomed to heights of 40 kilometers(24.8 miles), well into the stratosphere. Below, a typhoon raged, and heavy rains triggered mudflowsthat swept through several townsand destroyed manybridges. After June 16, activity decreased in intensity, but asheruptions continued until September 2. TheJune 1516 eruptions formed a caldera near the top of MountPinatubo,about2t/2 kilometers(1.55 miles) in diameterand morethan 650 meters(2132 feet) deep (see Figure #18). The floor of the new caldere was about 800 meters abovesea level, roughly 1.000 meters(3280 feet) belowthe summit of the volcanobefore the eruption. Theeruptions and later mudflows, spawned as the new loose ash and pumicedeposits were stripped away by rains, buried some100,000 homesand affected the livelihood of over a million persons. Mudflows continued to be a problemmanyyears after the 1991eruption. Viewof the new2-kilometer- (1.2 mile-) wide ~.,~idera of MountPinatubo,looking fromabove towardthe south on August1, 1991. A small explosionhasjust occurred.Photoby Thomas J. Casadevall (U.S. GeologicalSurvey). Figure #18 Aboutci.~,’-,;-i ,u~ ~U~ea people diedin the eruption, mostly from pyroclastic flows, mudflows, and post-eruption disease. However, tens of thousandsof lives were savedby the monitoring and warningefforts of scientists and government officials. Comparethe v01¢anic-hazard~ mapdeveloped for Mount Pinatubo prior to the June 15 eruption with the actual results of the 1991eruption (see Figure #16). Theclose similarity is graphic demonstration of the successof volcanologists’ efforts at Pinatubo.Unfortunately,volcanologists rarely have the benefit of extensive and costly monitoring and fieldwork neededfor reliable forecasts and predictions. 47 Based on their field andlaboratorystudies, scientists prepareda volcanic-hazards mapthat showed the courseof ancient pyroclastic flows (see Figure #16). Some hadreachedClark Air ForceBaseand nearby denselypopulated areas. VOLCANOES PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Volcanoes andtheir eruptions are among the mostinspiring andawesome expressionsof the natural woHd. Volcanicactivity hasshaped the history of the earth andmanyotherplanetsandmoof~s in our Solar System.Whydo volcanic eruptionsoccuron so manydifferent worlds?Theyall happen for the same reason.Theseworldsare tryin9 to cool off. Theyarehot inside andlosing that innerheat to cold outer space.Volcaniceruptions,whichspewhot lava on the surfaceor blast hot pumice,ash, andgasinto the air, are very goodwaysto lose someof that inner heat. In this sectionyouwill ,~earnimportant facts about~arth’s activeandancientvolcanoes, andthe peoplewhostudythem(volcanologists)./t also containssuggestions on locatingother informationon volcanoes,suchas maps,videos, booksthat youcanborrowfromthe library, computer programs you candownload for free fromthe Intemet,andvolcanosites onthe WorldWideWeb,whichwill give you information onthe latest activity at Earth’svolcanoes. Editorial Note:}mportant newwordsare underlined the first timetl]ey are introduced.Definitions of newwordsarein the Glossary or in the text. HAZARD ZONES ~ Pyroclastic-llow . P~yo~ SECTtONO(~E Building andErupting YourVolcano Whatyou are about to do -- build a model--is a gloriousundedaking, andoneof the mainwaysthat scientists andengineerslearn abouthowthings work. Modelsare not the same as the th}ngstheyrepresent, and)t )s important to understandthe differences. In the caseof the volcanomodelremember that: (1) Compared to real volcanoes,the modelis too sma~,steep, and cold. Use a protractor to measure the slopear~gleof yourvolcanoafter )t is built. Youwill find that it is much steeperthan the slope anglesof real volcanoes mentioned in this booklet. (2) Real volcanoes growover time: eruption eruption, layer by layer. Theycan take a few yearsto a fewmillion yearsto develop.Youwill assemble your modelin about ten minutes.The process of addingthe sandmixtureto the plastic framework is a formof artistic sculpture, but nothinglike the growthof a real volcano.After youhavebuilt your volcano,it will take about twentyminutesto dry. (3) Real volcanoes haveunderground pipes that brihg.magma (hot moltenrock) to the surface. erupt your modelvolcanoyou will first place bakingsodainto a plastic, cup-like9_r~te_r,and thenadda mixtureof vinegarandfood coloring. All of thesematerialsare coldandareaddedfrom above,not frombelow. (4) Afterreal volcaniceruptions, newlava._or ash hasaddeda newsolid layer onthe surfaceof the volcano,in your model,the magma is a mixture of vinegar, food coloring, andbakingsoda.It never becomes solid, anddoesnot addto the volumeof the ’~otc%no.You can rinse ~our volcanooff in the sink andmakeanothereruption. 48 NOTE: Thoroughlycover your worksurfacewith newspaper. Makesure your volcanois placedon the newspaper whenerupting, it mayoverflow andspilt out of the moat. E~UILDINGYOURVOLCANO DIRECTIONS (1) Attachthe smallplastic craterto the plastic base.Thenotchesin the crater rim are designed to channelthe foaminglava in thesedirections. (2) Cut open the bag of sand mix. Using measuringcup, measure5 ouncesof warmtap water.Pourthis waterinto the bagwith the sand mix. Aligned craters on the northeast flank of Mount Pinatubo. These}’omled on April 2, 1991, as one of the first warningsigns of the majoreruption that took p’~ace2~’~ months’~aler on June15-16,19~1. Theventsin the foregroundare inactive, but those in ~e background are still steaming. Photo by Ch~stopherG. Newhalt (U.$. Geological Survey). Figure #15 Earthquake detectionis an essentialpart of volcanomonitoring. Before an eruption, rocks cancrackas they are pushed apart by ascending magma. ~ detect this cracking as ~3,~Make a knotin the top of the bagto prevent the mixturefromleak’~ngout. Knead the mixture earthquakes.At manyvolcanoesthe numberof throughthe bagfor about5 minutes or until you earthquakes increasesbeforea large eruption. notice that all of the sandhasmixedwith the Alertedby the earthquakes, scientists recwater. ommended evacuation of everyonewithin a 10 kilometer(6.21mile.) radiusof the summit, (4) Openthe top of the bagandreachin with Ateamo~scientistsfromthe PhitippineInstiyour handsand scoopout a handful of comtute andthe U.S.GeologicalSurveyset upseven pound.Applythis compound to the plastic volseismicstations. Theserecorded50-90earthcanosubstructure. Repeatthe precedingstop quakeseach day through May10. Data were until the entiresurfaceareaof the plasticvolcano processed at ClarkAir ForceBase,a majorU.S. is coveredwith the compound. Donot apply the facility at the easternfoot of the volcano. compound to the moatthat surrounds the baseof the volcano. The compound maybe a little Volcanologists quicklybegan field studiesat wateryat first, but after 5 minutes,the compound MountPinatubo.Theysoughtto establish its will begir~to harden, making it easyto form.At the recordof pasteruptions.Thisis anessentialstep crater rim, build the compound up over the rim in monitoringactive volcanoes,Thescientists abouta half inch to createa deeper crater. Also, wereshocked to find hugedepositsfromearlier at the crater rim makenotchesin the sandcomexplosiveeruptions,the youngest just 500years poundto correspondwith the notchesin the o(d. plastic cup. 61 Volcanic-hazard~ mapdistributed onMay23, 1991by the PhilippineInstitute of Volcanology andSeismology andthe U.S.Geological Survey. Patternsshowzonesexpected to bea~ectedby pyroclasticflows andmudflows. Dashed lines show actualdistributionof pyroc~astic-ftow deposits followingthe June15, 1991,eruption,which matches well withthe pro-eruption hazard zones. Courtesy of Christopher G. Newhafl (U.S.GeologicalSurvey). Figure #16 Scientists also developed a warningscheme with ~iNelevels of alert andsent it to public officials. Usinga telescope-like optical instrument sensitiveto sulfur dioxide(SO~)gas, volcanotogists detecteda ten-fold ~ncreasein SO z emissions from summitsteamvents during May1328, a sign that magma wasrisir~ 9 towardthe surface. In early Junethe focal point of mostearthquakesshifted 4-8 kilometers(2.4-4.9 miles) northeast,to the regionbeneath the steamvents. Harmonic tremor- a continuous,rhythmicvibration associatedwith movement c~f magma was detected,alongwith a dropin SO~flux. Scientistsalsoinstalled twoelectronictilt~ near the active steam vents. These instrumentsmeasure changesin the groundsurface that can be causedeither by the movement of magma below or by pressurefrom released gases.Thetiltmeters recordeda bulgingof the uppereast flank. (5) Yourvolcano will take approximately2Ominutes to dry. After your volcanohasdried, youmay wish to paint it using non-water-basedpaints. Consider white to represent snow and ice near the top (see Figu=us #6c and #6d). Greenpaint onthelowerslopescanrepresent trees. Afterthe paint dries, you can makeyour voicano erupt as manytimes as you wish. Theset972 laves on the south/lank of Ki/auea Volcano,Hawaii,Show aa lava in the background andpahoehoe lava in the foreground.Thewidth of the photois 4 meters(13 feet). Photo RichardS. Fiske(Oomithsonian Institution). This 1991block lava flow from CottmaVolcano, Mexicois a iumbleo(t~esh(gray andangular) oxidized(,red andrough)blocksof Varioussizes. Thehammer is 30 centimeters(11 inches) long. Photoby James F. Luhr(Smithsonian Institution). Figure #13 Figure #12 SECTION SEVEN Eruption Forecasting and Prediction: Successat MountPinatubo (PhiSppines) in 1991 If you live near a volcano, you wouldprobably wantfo know:Whenwill it erupt? Will lava or ash comeour way?Howoften will it happen?Will we have to leave our home? Whencan we go back? Scientists monitoring volcanoes cannot foretell the future, but with intensive efforts they can provide long-term forecasts and short-term predictions of likely future eruptive behavior.How do they do it? By monitoring the volcano with various ~ns~ruments,through basic geological studiesin the fie{d,, andby analysisof the historical eruptive patterns,f_0_r_e_c~].,~canbedone. This is the same approach your medical doctor takes in monitoring your health. Your doctor uses instruments to take your temperature, listen to your heartbeat,andtake your blood pressure. Yourdoctor also asks about the historY of diseasesin your family, all in an attempt to keeptrack of your health .~rinr to diagnosis¢u~d [reatment. The 1991eruption of MountPinatubo in the Philippines (see Figure #14) provides an excellent casestudy of successful volcanological prediction. Based maic~ on scientists’ warnings, some250,000 people safely evacuated before the maiorJune 15 eruption. This section te#s you the storY of monitoringefforts at MountPinatubo. For as long as the oldest villagers could remember,MountPinatubo had beenquiet. Then, on Apri~ 2, 1991, people were startled to see an explosion of steaman~( ash from a ’~ent on the volcano’s northeast flank (see Figure #15). Within 60 (6) Before erupting your volcano, please read sections Twothrough Nine and Part Two. This will give you a goodunderstandingof the dynamics associated with volcanoes. ERUPTING YOUR VOLCANO An eruption consists of adding vinegar and ~oodcotod.n9 to ba~ing soda, a~l common kitchen items. Baking sode,~sa whi~epowdermadeof the elements sodium, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. The chemical formula of baking soda (NaHCO~) tells us that its basic unit containsone sodiumatom (Na), one hydrogen atom (Hi, ca~on atom (C), ~nd three oxygen atoms l’O). Whenbaking soda reacts w~.tb. ,~n~r, an ~d solution, the sodiumand hydrogenare dissolved into the liquid. The carbon and oxygen are released as carbon dioxide gas (CO~). This causes the mixture to foam. Food coloring is addedto makethe foam look moreinteresting. For someeruptions, trY adding a small drop of dish soap, which helps the foamto }ast. DIRECTIONS (1) Add 2.5 ml (one-half teaspoon) of baking sodato the plastic crater. (2) In a small cup, place 15 ml. (one tablespoon) of vinegar. Addseveral drop,~ of food coloring (and for someeruptions try addingone small drop o~ liquid dish soapto stiffen the foam).Stir for tire seconds. A mixture of three drops of red and three drops of yellow comesclosest in color to real glowinglava. but havefun andtry someother color mixtures. A group of six-year-bidS we workedwith thought a mixture of blue and green looked the best, althoughit has nothingto do with real eruption colors! (3) Quickly add the vinegar mixture to the baking soda in the crater and watchyour eruption! The foaming mixture should move through the notches in the crater’s rim and flow downthe sides. The samething happens with lava and 12JL_ro~l_~icfl~w~ ~ real volcanoes.Yourattempt to modela volcanoand its eruptions will benefit from a basic understanding of volcano types, processes,anddeposits, andsomeof the critical controls on their eruptive behavior.Thus,in order to makeyou first-class modelbuilders, weoffer the following backgroundinformation. SECTION TWO What is a Volcano and Whereon Earth are They? Mapshowingcentre) LuzonIsland in the Phi/ip~ines, an6~.he location of MountP~natu~ andother VOlcanoes that haveeruptedin thelast five million ~’~r~ ~P~oc¢~e{uQudternaw). FheManilatrench marksthe I~ation wherethe Egras~an Plate begins to subducteastwardbeneathLuzOnandthe Philippine SeaPlate. Th~ss~b~ct~o~ z~negenerates the magmas ~at erupt {n Luzon.Cou~esy of ChristopherG. Newha}l(U.S. Geologi~lSuwey). Figure #14 days, scientists from the Philippine Institute of Volcanologyand Seismologyinstalled a, portable ~_e._i~.ogr_~_p_b. just west of Pinatubo.Morethan 200 volcanic earthquakes were recorded in its first ~,wm’~13~-~io~r hourso| operation. Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics Earth’s volcanoes are places wheremolten rock, or magma,~rupts on t~,e surface. At most volcanoesthe eruptedtara, pumice,or ash, piles up to build a hill or mountain.Manyyoung,active volcanoes have the smooth and even majestic profiles that we havecometo associatewith this word (see Figure #1 ). eider volcanoes may ......... ,0,., ,=, ,u coveredwith vegetation,hiding their true nature. Becausethey are not easily recognized as VOlcanoes, these can be especially dangerousWhenthey awakenand erupt. Whenmagma reaches Earth’s surface it can erupt in two basic ways: explosively or nonexplosively. Magma that is rich in gasesblasts apart to formfragmentsof different sizes, suchas pumice ,~nd ash. Magmathat is poor in gases erupts non-explosively to flow along the ground as lava. If magma cools rapidly, the liquid portion transformsto natural _glass. Most of the volcanoes discussed here lie abovesea level, on continents, or islands. These volcanoes, though, onty account for about onefourth of the magma that reaches the surface of the earth. 49 Mayon Strato Vo{canoin the Philippines is famous for its beautifully symmetrical coneshape.Although this is the classicalconception of a Volcano, in this bookletyouwill seethat volcanoes actu,~ltycome in a wide variety of shapesandsizes. Photo~y Kurt F~son~°omithsonianInstitution). Figure #1 EXPLANATIONBOX _M~,%gm_~ is the name for moltenrockUnderground. Magma consistsof twoor threeparts:(1) the liquid portion in whichgasesare dissolved, (2) suspended crystals of variousminerals,andin some cases(3) suspended gas bubbles. Theremainingthree-fourths erupts on the sea floor, mostlyalonga world-widesystemof mountain ranges (see Figure#2). Here,Earth’stecto.g_ni_c,~_p_late~ are formed.Weknowrelatively little about these eruptions,whichtypically occurabout1 ~/2 kilometers (,.93 m~~es~ be~ov~ ~e~~evel.At Iceland, spreadingridge rises abovesea ~eveLa~ow~ng yolcanolog~t_s to observetheseeruptionsmore closely. Theworldmap(seeFigure#3) showsEarth’s 1,500volcanoesthat are known to haveerupted in the last 10,000years.Thesedataare fromthe Global VolcanismProgramof the Smithsonian Institution, where scientistskeeptrack of Earth’s active volcanoes.Noticethat the active volcanoesmostlylie in belts that borderthe Pacific Ocean.Thesevolcanoes overlie subduction_ zones,p~aces where oneof Earth’stectonicplates divesbeneath, anothera.~rJ~escen~s ~ (see Figure #2). As the plate descends, it heatsup. This drives off seawaterthat was addedto the oceaniccrust shortly after it formed at a spreading ridge. Thishot wateryfluid rises into the solid rock of earth’s mantleabovethe subducting plate. Thereit causes the mantlerock to beginmelting- ---.--" EXPLANATION BOX-’-’- - Theprocessthat generatesmagmas in subduCtionzonesis very similar to whathappenswhen salt is sprinkledon anicy sidewalkin the winter.Thewaterthat rises into the hot mantle rock, andthe salt added to the sidewalkice, both lower the meltingtem9e~at~res of thesematerialsbelowthe actual temperature,~s’~ t~mto matt. A third important environment for activevolcanoes is above Earth’sh_.qot__sL~o.~_ts. (seeFigure #2). These are columns of unusuallyhot rockthat extendfor manyhundreds of kilometersinto the earth’s mantle, perhapsevento the boundary with the coreat a depthof 2,885kilometers(1.79 miles). Thesehot columns of rockmoveonly very stowlyin relation to oneanother.Overtime, as the tectonic plates moveacrossEarth’s surface at muchfaster rates, the hot spots repeatedly send~’~c~ ~ m~_~..~~gwardto build volcanoes. Oneafter another, volcanoesgTo’~ ~ carried awayfrom the hot spot by the moving plate. ~n this way,a linear chainof volcanoes forms,with the volcanoagesincreasingsteadily in the directionthe plate is moving. Schematic cross-section illustrating plate-tectoniC processes. "~h~ee typeso~p~,ate5~ndedes areshown: 1) divergent (moving apart)boundaries at oceanic spreading ridges,where three-fourths ot Earth’smagma virtually unnoticedbyhumans; 2) convergent (moVing toward oneanother) boundaries at 5ubduction zones. ndbeneath trenchmarksthe placewhere oneplatebeginsto desce another.StratovolcanOes arecommon above subductio~ zones; 3) transform (moving pastoneanother) boundaries that join spreadiPg’ridge segments: only anic minorvok; eruptions occurin this environmer~t. Alsoshown is anoceanic hotspotwithits overlying chainof ic spreading shieldvol~anoes, anda young continental rift zone,perhaps evolving to become anocea~ ridge.The lithosphere includes the crust(oceanic or contir~ental) andthe dgidpart of the underlying mantle. Below the lithosphere is theasthenosphere, a regionwhere the solidrockof the mantle flows.Thisflowage allowsmotion of theoverlying platesto takeplace. Figure#2 5O At a largenumber of field stationstheydescribe the appearance of the deposit, andmakemeasurements of depositthickness,grainsize, color, andother properties. Theyalso collect samples for laboratory analysis. Because particles of differentsizesanddensitiesfollowdifferent paths to the ground,a single exposure of a pyroclasticfall deposittypically hasa verylimited rangeof particle sizes(seeFigure#8). Ano~,~e~ ~,~,o~L’~tmechanism of explosive eruption produces ground-hugging cloudso’~ gas, pumice,andash called pyroclastic flows. Pyroclastic-flow depositof graypumices surTheseare commonly generatedalong the marrounded by light-coloredash.Notethat a large gins of explosiveeruptioncolumns, where the air rangeof pumice andashsizesis present. Thisis actsto slowthe upward rise. Manytimesthe air the Campanian Ignimbriteeru ted about34000 yearsagofroma ventjus~wesPl of Naples, I~aly. winsthe fight, andthe dense cloudof gasandash collapses backaroundthe vent andflows down "lgnimbrite" is a termfor a particularly dense type of pyroclastic-flow deposit. Theheadof a the flanks of the volcano.Thesehot, churning geologist’s hammer providesscale. Photoby cloudsmove rapidly downhillat velocities upto James F. Luhr (Smithsonian Institution). 100kilometers/hour (62.1miles/hour),generally following streamvalleys (see Figure #9). BeFigure #10 ~a~~,~j moveso rapidly, andengulf anything Onthe sea floor, low-viscosity magmas comin their patios, pyroclas~¢~: ’f~w~ "~ \~ m~%~ ~,~%t.~f.o~m~illow laveS.Thehot magma deadlystyle of volcaniceruption. Because they oozesout like toothpastefromatL~e’~ are formedfromthe entire eruptioncloud, freezes against cold sea water. This produces elastic-flow_ deposits containa wide rangeof particle sizes(seeFigure#10).In this way,they elongatedandbulbouspillow shapes(see Figure canbedistinguished frompyroclastic-fall depos- #11). Pillow laves a(so formwhenlava erupted on land reachesa bodyof water. Low-viscosity its, whichhavea much narrower rangeof particle magmas erupted from volcanoeson land. such sizes (seeFigure#8). as Kilauea andMauna Loain Hawaii, commonly take on twoforms.Pahoehoe lava hasa braided, ropeyform, whereas _a_a.hasa spinytexture(see Figure12). Bothpahoehoe andaa typescan also be found among sea-floor lavas andat subduc(~on-zone volcanoes.In the latter environment, however, viscous~avamb’,~c"~JfeJ~.moves as very sluggishjumblesof large ,~ndsmallblocks.This is calledblocklava (seeI~igure#13). Apymclastic flowracesdown a stream valleyon th flankof Arenal theso~ Volcano, Costa Rice,on July13, 1987.These hotchurning cloudsof gas, gumk;e, andashmove at speeds upto 100kilorne" tars/hour~,~2.~, ~\~/~. The~,are the n~ost deadlytypeof volcanicphenomenon, destroying everything in their path.Photoby Willia~G. Melson (Smithsonian Institution). Figure#9 NON-EXPLOSIVE ERUPTIONS AND LAVA TYPES (3as-poormagmas erupt to formlav~ flows. Lava occurs in.fourmaintypes:~)illow, g.a~ttoehoe, 59 ~,a, andblock. Pillowlavesphotographed froma research submarine nearthe summit of Loihi Volcano onJuly 20,1988. These plllow~lie about 1 kilometer (.621 miles)below sealevelatoptheyoungest active volcano in the Hawaiian chain.Photocoudesy of HawaiiUndersea Research Laboratory. Fl~’ure#11 SECTION SIX Different Kinds of Eruptions and Volcanic Rocks Volcanic eruptions can have manydifferent styles of activity and can producemanydifferent depOsits.In this section, volcanic eruptions are discussed in two broad categories: explosive eruptions that produce ~Y£0~I~.~_~(Greek for "fire-broken") deposits of ash, cinder, and pumice; and non-explosive eruptions that produce lava flows. A common pyroclastic eruption style is for the mixture of hot gasesand magma to be blasted straight up fromthe volcaniccrater into the air at speeds that can reach 500 meters/second or 1,800 kilometers/hour (5905 feet or 1117miles/ hour) (see Figure #7). In the largest explosive eruptions, the clouds t~ ~,b~,~%5~3 ~\~’lets [31 miles) aboveEarth’s surface. The largest and densest particles are the first to fal~ fromthe eruption cloud. TheseaccuEXPLOSIVE ERUPTIONS AND PYROCLASTIC DEPOSITS mulate closest to the vent, helping to build the Explosive eruptions are poweredby rapidly volcanic cone. The smaller and less dense ash expanding gases. Usually those gases were particles fall at greater distances. Suchdeposits oncedissolved in the liquid portion of the magma generally blanket the landscapeand are called itself and bubbledout of tl~e liquid as the magma pyroclastic-fa(I deposits. Becausethe ~ruptior~ clouds are carried I~y the wind, the deposits rose beneath the volcano and pressure on the magmawas reduced. ~n othe~ cases, hot magma commonlyhave the shape of an oval, elongated in the direction the wind is moving. Thetotal comesin contact with water in a lake, as snowor ice, or underground,with similarly explosive rethickness and the averageparticle size generalt¥ decr~as~w~thall, stance from the volcano. Oneof suits. In either case, the expandinggasesblast tb, e ma~ma ~nt~, ~ragmen~s that range from carthe first tasks for volcanologistsfollowing explosive volcanic eruptions is mappingthe distribusize blocks to fine dust. Thesefragments, retion of the deposits. gardlessof size, are called py_ro.cJa~,~,and their deposits are calledpy._r_o_cl~a_st_ic. The Hawaiian Islands have the best-known examplesof hot-spot volcanoes. The active volcanoes MaunaLoa and Kitauea lie at the southeasterntip of a 6,000 kilometer (3726 mile) long chain of island and submarine volcanoes that has grownabovea stationary hot spot for morethan 70 million years. The newestHawaiianvolcano, cal~ed Loihi, is already ~jrow~n~~ ~,~-~ ~,~ ~,e’a ’floor. course, it is southeastof Kilauea andMaunaLoa. Its top is now about one kilometer below sea level. EXPLANATION BOX Units: In this section weusemotric units of length. Equivalent English units are given below. Metric System 1 millimeter (mini 1 centimeter(cn~) 1 kilometer (kin) ~eP~i~o~, ~y’o’~em 0.039 inches 0.394 inches 0.621 miles worldmapshowing locations for 1,500volcanoes that haveeruptedduring the last 10,000years.Datafrom the Smithsonian’sGlobalVolcanismProgram. Figure #3 Who studies ~P",/,~x~-.’~,~\~;-~t,\\ d, e1:~bs~ c,’l w~’¢te pumice andOccasional gray fragmentsof lava. Notethat a rather narrowrangeof pumicesizes is present.This is typicalof pyroclastic-falldeposits. Fineashparticles werecarriedawayby the windto fall at much greater distances. This deposit waseruptedabout15,000 years ago from San Juan Volcano, Mexico. A hammer gives the scale. Photoby JamesF. Luhr (Smithsonian Institution). Cerro NegroVolcano,Nicaragua,viewedfrom the east, duringan eruptionin 1968.Gas,cinders,~,nd ashare being blastedinto the air. Photoby "~om Bretz. Figure #7 58 Figure #8 Volcanoes and Why? Thescientists whostudy volcanoesare called volcanologists. The usual road to becoming a volcanologist is to study geologyat a college or university, and then to attend ~raduate~b.~,’,,~, tece’Weadditional training andto begin conducting re.searchworkfor a Master’sor Volcar~ologists are principally employedat colleges or universities, and by governmentorganizations, including official volcano observatories placed near important active volcanoesir~ various p~rts of the world. The U.S. Geological Surveyruns three volcano observatories located in Hawaii, the Cascades,and Alaska. It yo~enjoy 51 nature, hiking, and camping, and are good at math and science, you, too, mayone day become a volcanologist. "m addition to this geological road to becoming a volcanologist, ea(th passingyear seesmore and moreimportant contributions to the study of volcanoes being madeby scientists trained in other fields. Major advancesin monitoring volcanic activity have been madeby geoohysicist~ who study earthquakes and precise changesin the shapeof the land ~urface that can precede and accompanyeruptions. Chemists and physicists have developedinstruments for analyzing volcanicrocks andmineralsandfor re-creating miniature magma bodies in laboratory furnaces at high temperatures andpressures. Chemists andphysicistsalso designinstruments that areplacedonsatellites in orbit around the earthandcantrack cloudsof volcanicas~hand gas as windscarry themaroundthe planet (see Figure#4). Satellite image of the spreading eruptioncloud fromthe Philippinevolcano Mount Pinatubo as it looked 4 hours and45minutes following thestart of the majorexplosiveeruptiononJune15, 1991. Thevolcanois labeledandblacklines show the coastof Luzon andotherislands.Theimage was takenbya weather satellite ~perated bythe National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA). Courtesyof George Stephens (NOAA). Figure#4 Whystudy volcanoes? Ona personallevel, manyvolcanologistswouldanswerthat the work is fun, fascinating,andallowsthemto hike around in beautifulsettingsdoingthe worktheylove,as well as getting paidfor it! Ona morepractical level, societiesneedto understand the past behaviorof potentiallyactivevolcanoes as the best means of anticipatingthe effects of ~tureeruptions. Mo_n_it_o_ri_ng of theseactivevolcanoes using a variety of instrumentsis also essential for providingtimely warning for evacuations of people fromthreater~ed areas.Andyoudon’t haveto live nearan active volcanoto be threatenedby it! Manyvolcanic eruptions senddensecloudsof gasandashparticlesinto the air, where theydrift with the windfor hundreds andeventhousands ~f kilometers.When airplanesfly into theseclouds they can be damaged in a variety of ways,most seriouslywhen their enginesingestashandfail. Since1980morethan eighty commercial aircraft haveflowninto volcanicashclouds.Fortunately, all wereable to land safely. Still, they had extensivedamage, rangingfromscratchedwindowsto ruined engines.Repairbills haveexceededtwo hundredmillion dollars. Onthe positive side, volcanoes provideheatthat canbe tappedto produceelectricity (geothermalenergy). Volcanoes also help to form mineraldeposits that modern societiesneed.For theseand other reasons,the worldneedsvolcanologiststo paycareful attentionto active volcanoes. SECTIONFOUR bifferent Kindsof Volcanoes Controlledby the ThreeV’s of Magma: Volume,Volatiles, andViscosity Volcanoes can be touredin a wide rangeof shapesand sizes. Whatcontrols the type of volcanothat develops? In large part the volcano type is controlledby three things: the volume of magma erupted,the amount of volatiles or gases it contains, andits visc_os~it.y. CALDERA Theseare circular to oval-shaped collapse depressions (see Figure#6e- also Figures#18, #19and#20). Theyformwhena large amountof magma is rapidly erupted from a hugechamber underground. Theeruption removes supportfor the overlyingportion of the volcano,whichcollapsesinto the void, producing the caldera.They are common on strato volcanoes and shield volcanoes,but giant calderaswith diametersof 30-100 kilometers(18.6-62.1miles)cancut across a landscape built by severalearlier volcanoes. Exceptfor calderason shield volcanoes,most other caldera-formingeruptionsare extremely violent. Theyinvolve viscous, gas-rich magmas and producetowering ash ~olumnsand devastating pyroclastic flows, ground-hugging avalanchesof hot ash andgas. Thelargest known explosive eruptions typically producelarge calderas. Aerialviewof CraterLake,Oregon, looking toward the east-southeast. Despite its name, this is e largevolcanic caldera, formed about 5,700 oneof thelargestexplosive eruptions onEarthin the last 10,000 years.CraterLakeis the deepest bodyof freshwaterin the UnitedStates.Wizard Islandis a younger conethat grewwithin the caldera.Photocourtesyof RoyBailey (U.s. Geological Survey). Figure#6e TheThreeV’s: Volume:mediumto high Volatites:low to high Viscosity:lowto high Example:Crater Lake, Oregon Calderawidth: 8 x 9 km(4.5 x 5.5 miles) Initial calderadepth:1,220meters (4002ft.) Presentlake depth:590meters(1935feet) Volumeofpum~ce and 3 ash erupted: 100km ~) (23.9miles Active lifespan of volcanicsystem:about 400,000years FLOOD BASALT PLATEAU Thesevoluminousfluid lavas erupt from swarms of fissures andcovervast areas. They includesome of the largest single eruptiveunits known.Repeatederuptions over geologically shortperiodsof timebuilcl upthick lava plateaus with verygentleslopes(see Figure#6f). Certain flood basalt provinceshaveages that coincidewithEarth’smajorbiologicalextinction events, andmanyscientists believe that floodbasalteruptions playeda critical role in the evolutionof life onthe planet. Sm~lloneseject lava or pumice andashwith a volumethat is just a small part of a (~ubic kilometer.Thelargest lava eruptionin recorded history, at the IcelandicvolcanoLaki in 1783, produced15 km3 (3.58 miles3) of lava. The largest~xplosive eruptionin recorded history, at the Indonesian volcanoTambora in 1815,ejected TheThreeV’s: 3 (35.8 miles3) of pumiceandash. VOLUME: In the kitchen we measure volumesin Volume:high about150km units of teaspoons,table~poons,andcups. At Volatiles: low Some hugeexplosiveeruptionspreservedin the thegasstationweuseunitsof liters or gallons.In Viscosity:low geological record, including ones from a similar way,volcanolo(jists measure erupted Yellow~tone Park,ejectedmorethana thoCJsand volumes with anappropri~~te (andreally big) unit, cubickilometers(239miles3) of pumice andash. Example: ColumbiaPlateau, Washingtonand the cubickilometer(kin"~) or (.239 cubicmiles). Thevolumeof magma involved in an erLJption, Oregon Imaginean enormous cubethat is onekilometer the eruptionstyle, andthe frequency Thickness:up to 4.2 km(2.6 miles) of erLIptions (.621 miles)longoneachof its edges:that is are importantcontrolson volcanotype. Areacovered:164,000km~ ~) (63,140miles ~) (.~39cubicmiles). Volca~ ’~) cubickilometer(1 km Volume:175,000km (41,825miles ~ nic eruptionsrangewidely in size (see Figure VOLATILES: Slope:less than 2 The amountof volatiles or gases # 5). Active lifespan:2 ¯ 3 million years 52 57 Lav~,s of theColumbia 1rood basaltplatea,~ blanket~,boutone-quarter of Washington and£)regon states.Herea sequence of the lavasabout150 meters thickis exposed in thewallsof Washihgton’s PalouseRiver Canyon.Photoby Dor~aldA. Swanson (U.S.Geological SurveyS. Figure#6f STRATO present in the magma controls howexplosive the eruption will be. Common gases in magmasare water, carbondioxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. Whenthe magma is deepin Earth’s ~L~I.fl~ or crust, th~ tremendous pressureof the overlying rocks allows these gases to be dissolved within the liquid portion of the magma. As the magmanears Earth’s surface beneath a volcano, the pressure is dramaticaily towered and the gasescan no longer be held by the liquid. VOLCANO Thesesteep-sided structures grow from the repeated eruption of viscous magma.Gas-dch v~scousmagma can erupt explosively. This b~asts the magmaapart and blankets the volcano’s s~opes with the fragments - ash, ~inder, and pumice. These explosive eruptions are commonly followed by eruptions of gas-poor magma, which producethick flows of slowly movingblock lava (see Figure # 13). Thealternation ot ashand lava layers, or strata, gives rise to the name strafe volcano (see Figure #6c). First YELLOWSTONEISLAND PARK ¯. The Three V’s: Volume: medium Volatiles: mediumto high Viscosity: mediumto high EXPLANATtON BOX Each time you hold a soda bottle in your hands you hold a wonderful model of an explosive volcano that ~n teach you about the ro~e of vo~afiles in magmas. A~I carbonated drinks contain carbon-dioxide (CO z) gas. This gas is injected into the sodaunder high presst~re at the bottling plant andgives the sodaits fizz. To simulate an explosive eruption: ~,,:~.,,~.. ...... " Rectangularcubesare scaledto showthe volumes ot pumiceandashejectedin progressivelylarger en~ptJons.Thethree largest events showntook }lace at Yellowstone NationalPerkduringthe last Iwo m~l~on years. ~/,From:TheYel)owstone Hotspot (1994)by RobertB. SmithandLawrence W.Braile. Journalof Volcanotogy and Geothermal Research)] R~ri~te~ f~rn the Journalof Vole.analogy andGeo~l",enna} Reeaa,’ch. SHIELD V. 61 by Retort B, SmithandLawrence W6ro.i(o. TheYe;IowstOne ~. p, 121-187, ( 1994). with kind p~n~issiOn of Elsevier ~e¢"¢~ NL, S~raSurger~artslraat25,1055KVAmsterdam. TheNetherlands, VOLCANO Thesebroad, gently sloped volcanoes (see Figure #Sd), namedfor their resemblanceto a warrior’s shield, are formed by repeated eruptions of very fluid lava (see Figure #12). Eruptions are usually non-explosive, and issue from the summitor from fissures that mayradiate from the summitor partly encircle it. Rgure #5 instead they form countlesstiny bubblesthat grow larger and larger as the magma becomesa moltenfoam. As it erupts, this foambreaksapart into .n.mice2,":,~ C,31".tJ,,,diuiu~ anOthe rapidly expandinggases that explosively drive themout of the volcanic crater¯ This is the sameprocess that you will model each time you erupt your The Three V’s: Volume: mediumto high Volati~es: low Viscosity: low Profile of snow-capped MaunaLea Shield Volcano,Hawaii,taker~fr~rn the east. Mauna Leais oneof Earth’s mostactive volcanoes.Its last eruption wasin 1984.Photoby RichardS. Fiske (Smithsonian Institution). Example: MaunaLea, Hawaii Height abovesea floor: 9 km(5.58 mi~es) Length at sea level: 130 km (80.73 miles) ~ Volume: 65,000 - 80,000 km ~) ( 15,535-19,120miles °Slope on land: 3 - 10 Active lifespan: about 600,000years Figure# 6d 56 This helps gas Second Removethe cap. "The carbon dioxide can no longer be held in the soda under the newlow pressure. In response, the soda foams and shoots out of the bottle. Thesame thing happens when gas-rich magma "feels" the low pressure of Earth’s atmosphereand foamsbeneatha volcano.It ultimately erupts as an explosive mixture of pumice, ash, and hot expanding gases. Profile of MountRainierStrafeVolcanotakentrom the east. Theirregular summitwascarvedby glaciers that still coverthe upperslopes,This active volcanotowersover the nearbycities of Seattle andTacoma. Past eruptionshavemelted snowandice at the surnmitandproduced dangerousmudflows that raceddownthe f~anksandfar out into the lands beyond.Photoby RichardS. Fiske(Smithsonian Institution)¯ Example: Mount Rainier, Washington Height abovesurroundings:2.3 km(1.4 miles) Diameter: 8 kilometers (4.96 miles) Volumeof cone: 86 km3 ~) (20.5 miles °Slope: 20 - 35 Active lifespan: abouthaft a million years Shake the bottle. bubbles to form. The magmasformed in different tectonic settings differ in their gas contentsand eruptive sty}as. Magmaserupted in subduction zones are the most gas-rich, and subduction-zone volcanoes have beenthe sites of Earth’s most explosNeand deadly eruptions durin9 ~istorica~ times (see Table 1 on the following page). The main gas in subduction-zone magmas is water, or more properly steam. This water 53 starts as seawaterthat ~s carried into Earth’s mantle by the subductedplate. After the plate descendsmorethan fifty kilometers (31.05 miles) into the earth, the seawaterrises from it to invade the overlying mantle. This invasion of water causesthe mantleto begin melting, and the water gets caught up in the magmasformed by this melting. In contrast, the magmas erupted along spreading ridges and at hot-spot volcanoesare generally muchpoorer in gases, and these erupt muchless explosively. Their eruptions typ~ca=4y formlav~ in~!e2dcf ~,~-,;,,~ .-,id ~sn. VISCOSITY:Magmasrange widely in chemical composition, temperature, amountof crystals, and percentage of gas bubbles. A}I of these factors affect how easily the magmacan flow. Volcano(ogistsuse the term viscosity to describe howrigid a magma is. Silicon dioxide (SiO~), ili~.~, is the most abundantchemical component in magmas. It also hasthe strongestinfluence on viscosity. Magmas that are rich in silica are the most viscous:they are very d, gid anddonot flow easily. Crystals and gas bubblesalso increase the viscosity. Temperaturehas the opposite effect. As it increases, viscosity decreases. LAVA DOME TABLE1 LargestExplosiveEruptionsof the 19th and20th Centuries Year Volcano Location 1991 "~3oj’~ 1982 1980 1956 1932 1912 1907 1902 1886 1883 1875 1854 1835 1822 1815 Cerro Hudson Pinatubo El Chich6n MountSt. Helens Bezymianny Cerro Azul/Quizapu Novarupta/Katmai Ksudach Santa Maria Tarawera Krakatau Askja Sheveluch Coseguina Galunggung Tambora Chile P~.~i~nss Mexico Washington,U.S. Kamchatka,Russia Chile Alaska.U.S. Kamchatka,Russia Guatemala NewZealand Indonesia Iceland Kamchatka,Russia Nicaragua Indonesia Indonesia First Historical Eruption? Deaths no ~jes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes 0 ~3~ 2,000 57 0 0 2 0 >5,000 >150 36,417 0 0 5-10 4,011 92,000 All thesevolcanoes, except Askja,arelocatedabove subduction Zones. All theseeruptions produced pyroclast~c deposits withvolumes of at least1 cubickilometer (.239cubicmiles).All butfourwere thefirst historicaleruption known fromthevolcano, andthehighdeathtolls (in heavilypopulated regions) reflect this fact. Reprinted from Volcanoes of the World(SimkinandSiebert,1994.) Lavasof unusualsilica-poor composition (40%by weightSiO2) eruptedfrom the African volcanoNyiragongo can haveextremelylow viscosities. Theycan flow downslopeas fast as hou0anddrain awayfrom the landscapelike flood watersto leavedepositsjust tensof centimeters(3.9’s of inches) thick. Hawaiianlavas havehighersilica contents(50 percentSiO~)and so they are moreviscous. Still, they can flow rapidly awayfromthe ~at velocities of up to 50 kilometers/hour(31 miles/hour) andleave deposits severalmetersthick. Manylavas erupte~from subduction-zone volcanoeshave60-70percentSiO~,andcan be ve~ viscous. Theselavas flow ve~slowly at rates of meters, or tens of metersper hour. Viscouslavas pile up aroundthe vent forming lava domes or stubby~avaflows that are 50-100 meters(54-109yards)thick. Theseform whenviscous, gas-poor lava piles uparounda ventlike toothpastesqueezed froma tube. Mostlava domes are the result of a singleeruptionor a fewcloselyspaced eruptions, but in somecasesdomegrowthcan continuefor decades. Lavadomescommon~,~ emerge~t~e flanksof strato volcar~oes, or withintheir summit craters or calderas- as in the photoof the lava dome in MountSt. Flelens’ crater (see Figure #6a). TheThreeV’s." Volume:low Volatiles: low Viscosity: medium to high Example: MountSt. I’telens, Washington, 19801986 Lava Dome Height: 270meters(295 yards) Diameter:1000meters(1093yards) ~ ~) Volume:0.07 km (0.016 miles Slope:°30- 37 Activelifespan: six years Following thepowerful explosive eruptior~ of Mount ~t. Helens onMay 18, 1980,in Washington state, a lavadome grew insidethe volcano’s new crater. Herea helicopterhoversoverthe steaming dome in 1984.Photoby LeeSiebert (Smithsonian Institution). Figure #6a CINDER CONE - EXPLANATION BOX ~ Wehaveall experiencedthe influence of viscosity in our daily lives. Considerthe differencebetween catsupandcookingoil. Pourboth on a plate. Thecatsupis more viscousandpiles up in a thick mound, ~ust like silica-rich subduction-zone lavas. The cookingoil is less viscousandflowsrapidly awayto forma thin layer, just like Hawaiian lavas. Considerthe differencebetween cold cookingoil pouredon a plate andhot Cooking oil in a frying pan.Thehotteroil, like a hotter magma, is less viscous, flows more easily, andformsa thinnerlayer. Theseare built by cindersfalling froman eruption cloud. Expansionof gases, formerly dissolvedin the magn~a, drive the eruption.Redh~clots ot magma ar~b~s’=ed ~r~tolhea’~r, where they cool andhardeninto spongycinders. Wind carries awaythe fine ash. while a hailstormof coarsecindersfalls to constructthe steep-sided cone,with a slopeangleof 30-34degrees.Lava flows can simultaneously erupt fromvents near the conebase(see Figure #6b). Cindercones canformsinglyor in clustersin a volcanicfield. Theycanalso format summit or flank ventson strato volcanoes or shield volcanoes,as just oneeventin the growthof these larger cones. TheThreeV’s: Volume:low Volatiles: medium Viscos~’ty:medium SECTIONFIVE Six VolcanoTypes Example..Par[cutin, Mexico(1943-1952) Height: 424meters(463yards) In this sectionwecontrastsix majortypesof with regard to the three V’s of magma, anda Diameter:900meters(984 yards) volcanoes: lava domes, ~;indercones,strato volspecific example volcanois given. Photographs ~ ~) Volume of cone:0.08 km (.023 miles canoes,shield volcanog~,calderas, andflood of thosesix examples are shownin Fig~Jres6a °Slope:30- 34 basalt ~lateaus.EachVOlcano type is discussed throu~jh6f. Activelifespan: nineyears 54 ParfcutinVolcano is a famous cinderconethat Was bornin a Mexican cornfieldonFebruary 20, 1943, asthe farmer andhis familywatched. It was earefuli,jstudiedall throughout its r~ine-~/e~r lifespan.Thisphotowastakenfrom2 1/2 kilometers (1.55miles)to thenorthin March, 1944. The landscape is buriedin ash.Rugged lavaflows, erupted fromventsat thenortheast basaof the newcone,are advancing northward.Photoby ArgoBrehme. Figure#6b 55