LYC Protocol Book February 2012


LYC Protocol Book February 2012
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Revised: February 2012
From Joe Ventura 5/7/15
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
The purpose of this Manual is to ensure consistency amongst the bridge
officers only. The contents consist of responsibilities by the officers for
all LYC official events.
No additions or deletions are to be made to this Protocol Book without
prior approval from the Board of Directors. Submit additions or deletions
in writing to the Board of Directors for considerations.
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LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Table of Contents
List of All LYC Functions by Month / Bridge Officers ...................................................................................................... 5
Responsibilities For The Commodore ............................................................................................................................. 7
Commodore’s Attachments ........................................................................................................................................ 8
LYC Board Meeting Agenda .................................................................................................................................... 8
Responsibilities For The Vice Commodore ..................................................................................................................... 9
Other Responsibilities for Vice Commodore ............................................................................................................ 11
Vice Commodore’s Attachments .............................................................................................................................. 12
Guidelines for LYC Social Director......................................................................................................................... 12
Responsibilities For The Rear Commodore................................................................................................................... 17
Responsibilities For The Fleet Captain .......................................................................................................................... 18
Responsibilities For The Immediate Past Commodore................................................................................................. 19
Immediate Past Commodore’s Attachments............................................................................................................ 20
Blue Gavel Application .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Commodore’s Punch Party ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Commodore’s Punch Attachments ........................................................................................................................... 22
Commodore’s Punch Party Invitation Sample ...................................................................................................... 22
Installation Dinner Dance ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Seating Arrangements .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Necessary Prior Arrangements ................................................................................................................................. 24
Program for Installation Dinner Dance ..................................................................................................................... 25
Installation Dinner Dance Attachments .................................................................................................................... 26
Installation Dinner Dance Program....................................................................................................................... 26
Installation Dinner Dance Invitation Sample ........................................................................................................ 30
Opening Day Ceremony and PC Tribute ....................................................................................................................... 35
Arrangements To Be Made In Advance .................................................................................................................... 35
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Open Day Ceremony Program Summary .................................................................................................................. 36
Detailed Opening Day Ceremony Program ............................................................................................................... 37
Opening Day Ceremony Attachments ...................................................................................................................... 40
Opening Day Invitation Sample ............................................................................................................................ 40
Opening Day Ceremony Flag Raising Layout ........................................................................................................ 41
Opening Day Commodore’s Outside Speech Sample ........................................................................................... 42
Opening Day Commodore’s Inside Speech-Tribute to PC’s Sample ..................................................................... 43
Hanging Flags ........................................................................................................................................................ 44
Officers’ Flags ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
Table Layout-Opening Day & Installation Dinner Dance ...................................................................................... 50
Blessing of the Fleet ...................................................................................................................................................... 52
Red Flannel Cruise ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
Commodore’s Ball ......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Pre-planning Arrangements ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Program for the Commodore’s Ball .......................................................................................................................... 56
Commodore’s Ball Attachments ............................................................................................................................... 57
Commodore’s Ball Evening Program .................................................................................................................... 57
Commodore’s Ball Planning List ........................................................................................................................... 64
Commodore’s Ball Officers’ Mailing List Sample .................................................................................................. 67
Commodore’s Ball – Pre-cleaning Tasks ............................................................................................................... 68
Commodore’s Ball – Evening Agenda Sample ...................................................................................................... 69
Commodore’s Ball Invitation Sample ................................................................................................................... 70
Commodore’s Ball Officers’ Table Place Cards Sample ........................................................................................ 71
Table Layout-Commodore’s Ball ........................................................................................................................... 72
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Protocol Book
List of All LYC Functions by Month / Bridge Officers
Commodore Punch Party – Retiring Commodore
Installation Dinner Dance Party – Retiring Commodore
Annual Membership Meeting - Commodore
Annual Spring Clean-up – Vice Commodore
Prepare for and make arrangements for Opening Day Ceremony and Brunch – Immediate Past Commodore
Mother’s Day- Vice Commodore
Opening Day Ceremony – Immediate Past Commodore
Past Commodore’s Tribute – Commodore
Memorial Day – Vice Commodore decides if restaurant and bar will remain open
Father’s Day – Vice Commodore
Blessing of the Fleet – Fleet Captain
Fourth of July – Vice Commodore decides if restaurant and bar will remain open
Every 7th year Inter-Club Weekend – Commodore appoints a special committee to run event
None posted
Red Flannel Cruise – Fleet Captain
Labor Day – Vice Commodore decides if restaurant and bar will remain open
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Protocol Book
None posted
Board of Directors Election - Commodore
Commodore’s Ball – Vice Commodore will lead a special committee
Thanksgiving – Vice Commodore will decide if restaurant and bar will remain open
Tree Trimming – Vice Commodore
Children’s Christmas Party – “Traditionally” Social Director and First Mates coordinated by Vice Commodore
Christmas Dinner Dance – Commodore
Make arrangements for Commodore’s Punch Party – Immediate Past Commodore
Make arrangements for purchase and inscribing Past Commodore’s cup – Immediate Past Commodore
Personal call to past commodores to attend Installation Dinner – Immediate Past Commodore
Make arrangements for new Past Commodore induction to the Blue Gavel – Immediate Past Commodore
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Protocol Book
Responsibilities For The Commodore
Picture Arrangements
New Commodore is responsible for
Officers Pictures taken and to make
arrangements for hanging Past
Commodore’s picture on wall.
Board Meeting
1. Ask officers to have budgets ready for
approval at April’s Board meeting;.
2. Alert Fleet Captain to get bids for dock
repairs by March 1st ;
3. Run Annual Members Meeting.
Board Meeting
Approve expenses for dock repairs and
also officers budgets.
Opening Day
Plan to assist Immediate PC if necessary?
BOD Elections
Start arrangements for selecting a BOD
Election Committee, posting; See
Constitution for all responsibilities.
Commodore’s Ball
Club closed to Commodore for one week
prior to event (Sunday midnight to
Saturday 5:00PM).
Christmas Dinner Dance
Make arrangements. (Hire entertainment
earlier in year.)
Board Meeting
Establish completion date for Officers to
document Annuals Officers Report for
Final approval for any proposals for
February’s Annual meeting.
Flag Officers should be in uniform on the following events:
Commodore’s Punch Party
Installation Dinner
Opening Day
Commodore’s Ball
Long Black fore-in-hand tie worn to any affair commencing before 5 PM – otherwise bow tie is worn.
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Commodore’s Attachments
LYC Board Meeting Agenda
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Responsibilities For The Vice Commodore
Installation Dinner Dance
Have names of chairpersons ready to
announce at this time.
Easter Brunch Preparations
Prepare advance publicity and special
menu for Easter Sunday.
Setup social calendar with Social Director.
Immediate: Have Social Chairperson hire
bands for all functions requiring bands
(get signed contracts).
Easter Brunch
Vice Commodore and First Mate make
plans for decorations and meet and greet
members and guest attending Sunday
Easter Brunch.
Mother’s Day Preparations
Prepare advance publicity and special
menu for Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch.
Father’s Day Preparations
Prepare advance publicity and special
menu for Father’s Day Brunch.
Mother’s Day Brunch
Vice Commodore and First Mate make
plans for decorations and meet and greet
members and guest attending Mother’s
Day Brunch.
Father’s Day Brunch
Vice Commodore and First Mate make
plans for decorations and meet and greet
members and guest attending Sunday
Coordinate activities with Fleet Captain for
the Blessing of the Fleet with Father’s Day
Commodore’s Ball Preparations
Select special committee to help with
Commodore’s Ball tasks and schedule first
meeting. (See task planning document for
Commodore’s Ball)
Commodore’s Ball Preparations
Check names and addresses of area yacht
club commodores’ and vice commodores’
mailing list for invitations .
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Commodore’s Ball
Coordinate the event program (see
Commodore’s Ball Program in
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Other Responsibilities for Vice Commodore
1. Starting planning next year’s social calendar with Social Director in November and has a draft ready to
review by the Board of Directors for December’s board meeting.
2. Pick a menu in conjunction with Executive Chef
3. P.R. and advertizing, ie., Posters for the foyer, articles for the log a month before the event, and slingers if
4. The social events the VC is responsible for are; Mother’s Day Dinner, Father’s Day Dinner, Commodore’s
Ball, and Thanksgiving (club open or closed).
5. Although the preceding events do not require a committee (except for Commodore’s Ball), it is your
decision whether you want one or not. The VC also has the final say on the price if the social events.
6. Review Guidelines with Social Director (Guidelines for Social Director in attachments).
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Vice Commodore’s Attachments
Guidelines for LYC Social Director
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Protocol Book
Responsibilities For The Rear Commodore
Installation Dinner Dance
Have names of committee chairperson
ready to announce at this time.
Prepare the sail loft for the start of boating
Check lines on flag pole and replace if
necessary. Check flags and burgees and
order if required. Use Commodore’s
catalogue for ordering information.
Snow Removal
Have snow removal contract ready for
board approval.
Special Note:
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Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, and Fleet Captain and their first mates should be in
front of Past Commodore’s pictures at Commodore’s Ball to greet guest and see that they
are escorted in to meet the Commodore.
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Responsibilities For The Fleet Captain
The following responsibilities are for the Fleet Captain throughout the year:
1. Perform dock maintenance prior to the beginning of and throughout the boating season.
2. Assign docks according to LYC’s By-Laws.
3. Coordinate all slip assignments for the club’s events and races that are scheduled.
4. Coordinate the activities for the Red Flannel Cruise event. It is important to notify the Middleport Mayor of
our dates in advance.
5. Coordinate activities for the boat storage yard for winter storage and maintenance.
6. Prepare a list of boats, trailers, and other vehicles stored in the boat storage yard for billing purposes.
7. Ensure the boating rules are enforced at all times. Contact the Commodore with any problems.
8. Contact the Fleet Chaplin for The Blessing of the Fleet.
9. Have a list of ownership names for the boats in the boat yard for the Blessing of the Fleet.
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Protocol Book
Responsibilities For The Immediate Past Commodore
Opening Day
Prepare and make arrangements for
Opening Day Ceremony and Brunch.
Installation Dinner Dance
Make arrangements for purchase of and
inscribing Retiring Commodore’s cup for
presentation at the Installation Dinner
Dance in January;
Personal calls to Past Commodores to
attend the Installation Dinner Dance;
Make arrangements for the Retiring
Commodore’s induction to the Blue Gavel.
Application is required to be completed
and invite Blue Gavel representative to
attend event (see attachments for
Blue Gavel Application).
Commodore’s Punch Party
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Make all necessary arrangements for the
Commodore’s Punch Party in January.
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Immediate Past Commodore’s Attachments
Blue Gavel Application
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Protocol Book
Commodore’s Punch Party
Significance or Purpose
To provide for an opportunity for the Commodore and club officers and their First Mates to exchange
greetings and best wishes with the LYC club members and First Mates.
Time of the Event
To be held in the same afternoon before the Installation Dinner Dance.
Responsibility for Arrangements
The previous Past Commodore (not the retiring Commodore) and a committee of their selection is
responsible for this event.
Persons Invited
Club members.
See invitation sample attached. The invitation can be coupled with the Installation Dinner Dance
Dress Code
Same apparel as the Installation Dinner Dance.
Traditionally, Egg Nog has been served by the club’s Past Commodore from the silver punch bowl. Usually
it is necessary to have the waitress also serve from one or more of the Club’s glass punch bowls in order
to avoid undue delay.
Hors d’oeuvres
This matter is left to the Past Commodore’s judgment.
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Commodore’s Punch Attachments
Commodore’s Punch Party Invitation Sample
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Installation Dinner Dance
Significance or Purpose
Formal installation of new officers and installing the Retiring Commodore into the Blue Gavel.
Responsibility for Arrangements
The Retiring Commodore and his selected committee (optional) are responsible for the evening event.
Persons Invited
Club members and families (Important – invite children of new officers installed).
Invitations are sent out to all members. Personal calls to Past Commodores by the Retiring Commodore.
Dress Code
1. Winter uniforms – black bow tie
2. Club blazers, gray flannel trousers, black bow tie
3. Dark business suit
1. Dinner gowns
2. Cocktail dresses
Seating Arrangements
1. Head Table, see diagram in attachments – “Opening Day and Installation Dinner Dance Table
2. Past Commodore Table – No particular seating arrangements. Important-Four additional spaces
are required for the Retiring Commodore and First Mate and the Blue Gavel PC and First Mate.
3. Directors Table – Reserve spaces for attending directors and their wives and the rest of space can
be used by other attending members.
4. Family of the New Officers Table – Reserve space for family and children who plan to attend. The
remaining spaces can be used other members.
5. Committee Table – Reserve space for committees who plan to attend. The remaining spaces can
be used for other members.
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1. Decorations are usually the same as the Christmas Dinner Dance with some minor changes made
to them.
2. Large Officers’ Flags are mounted on the wall behind the head table. See table layout for mounting
3. Other decorations at committee’s discretion.
Necessary Prior Arrangements
1. Order corsages for Head Table Officers’ First Mates if desired and agreed.
2. Ordering of floral arrangements is not necessary due to the re-using of the Christmas Dinner
Dance center pieces for both the Head and Past Commodore’s Tables.
3. Order officers’ flags, cap emblems, and sleeve emblems are needed for and ordered two weeks
prior to the event ( use website for ordering emblems:
a. Retiring Commodore – six silver stars, one PC hat emblem, and Past Commodore burgee
b. New Commodore – 3 gold stars and Commodore Burgee
c. Vice Commodore – 3 gold stars and Vice Commodore Burgee
d. Rear Commodore – 3 gold stars and Rear Commodore Burgee
e. Fleet Captain – 2 FC Anchor emblems, 1 FC hat emblem and hat band, and Fleet Captain
f. Order burgees for “new” treasurer and “new” secretary (only if they are new in the
4. Order new name tags for all flag officers, new secretary and new treasurer, new club directors,
and Retiring Commodore (include his year as Commodore).
5. Mail invitations one month prior to the event to all club members.
6. Very Important - Arrange for place cards for the Head Table, PC Table, Directors Table, Committee
Table, and Family Table.
7. Details and price of dinner should be made with the club’s steward before invitations are mailed.
8. Posters should be made with all information and posted in club well in advance of event.
9. Order engraving for the Retiring Commodore’s silver cup for the punch bowl by the Immediate
Past Commodore.
10. Arrange with the club’s steward for crème de menthe and chocolate toasting cups for New
Commodore and Retiring Commodore.
11. Commodore to prepare their program for the year serving and distribute to head table.
12. Arrange for The Gazette to take pictures of the Flag Officers and First Mates.
13. Make necessary arrangement for the Blue Gavel induction of the Retiring Commodore (by
Immediate Past Commodore). The Retiring Commodore needs to complete the Blue Gavel
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Application for mailing to the Blue Gavel organization. See attachments for Blue Gavel Application
and address.
Program for Installation Dinner Dance
See attachments for the “Installation Dinner Dance Program”.
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Installation Dinner Dance Attachments
Installation Dinner Dance Program
LYC Installation Dinner Evening Program
Revised : 1/31/2012
Summary of Evening Program
Evening Tasks
5:30 PM
Officers attend club early
6:00 PM
Start serving hors d’oeuvres and cocktails
7:00 PM
Welcome, Pledge Allegiance, and Invocation
8:30 PM
Introductions of new officers by Retiring Commodore
New Commodore introduces New Fleet Captain and presents
insignia and flag
Retiring Commodore presents to New Commodore
Commodores exchange toasts
New Commodore calls upon immediate PC to present insignia
and flag to retiring Commodore
Immediate PC escorts retiring Commodore to PC tables
Retiring Commodore tries to get accepted into the PC table
Blue Gavel presents to Retiring Commodore
9:00 PM
Band starts
Detailed Evening Program
Evening Tasks
5:30 PM
Officers meet at the club for any last minutes arrangements
6:00 PM
Enjoy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres
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6:50 PM
7:00 PM
Start sitting people in dining room
Good evening to all and thank you for coming to LaSalle Yacht
Club's 76th Installation Dinner. I hope you all will have a
pleasant and enjoyable evening. At this time, I would like to
call up our new Fleet Captain [new Fleet Captain] to lead us
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
New Fleet
Good evening. Please stand and join me with the Pledge of
Allegiance. “I pledge allegiance to the flag,,,,,,,,,,,". Thank you.
Fleet Chap.
7:15 PM
8:30 PM
At this time I call up Rev. Babcock to lead us with the
Invocation. Please stand.
Give Invocation
Let's enjoy our dinners prepared by Chef Dan and his staff. The
moving up ceremonies will continue after dinner. Thank you
and enjoy!
Dinner starts.
I hope everyone enjoyed their meal. Chef Dan and his staff did
another outstanding job.
Mentions attending PC's and year as Commodore and Club;
Names and honors any retiring officers and directors;
Directors including their wives and children;
Introduces new club directors (Name all directors);
Introduces new secretary and their first mate;
Introduces (new) treasurer and his first mate;
Introduces new Rear Commodore and presents cap insignia,
officer flag, and stars;
Request new Rear Commodore to present the chairperson of
his committees and introduce his family.
New RC
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New RC introduces the chairperson of his committees
(Grounds and Publicity) and family.
Introduces new Vice Commodore and presents cap insignia,
officer flag, and stars;
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Request new VC to introduce the chairperson of his
committees and his family.
New VC
Introduces New Commodore and presents cap insignia, officer
flag, and stars.
Calls for New FC and present cap insignia, officer flag, and
uniform insignia.
New FC
New VC introduces his chairpersons and committees (house
and social) and family.
Introduces their family.
First I would like to introduce my family and give thanks.
Outlines his plans for the year.
Give recognition awards if any.
Calls upon the Retiring Commodore for any further remarks he
may have.
Say any last remarks
At this time I would like to toast our New Commodore.
Toast back to the Retiring Commodore.
I call upon the Past Commodore [immediate PC] to present
the cap insignia, officer flag, and stars to the retiring
Present the cap insignia, officer flag, and stars.
Immediate PC and first mate escorts retiring Commodore's
First Mate to the PC table.
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Try to get accepted into the PC table.
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
After the Retiring Commodore is accepted in with the
PC's the New Commodore calls upon Blue Gavel Lou
Blue Gavel
9:00 PM
Page 29
Call Blue Gavel Rep to swear in and present the certificate to
the Retiring Commodore.
Present to Retiring Commodore.
Thank you (fill in BG Rep’s name) and congratulations PC
[Retiring Commodore]. I ask the Immediate PC Commodore to
present the PC Cup to the Retiring Commodore.
Present PC cup to retiring Commodore after PC's have
accepted retiring Commodore.
Thanks everyone again for coming to LYC's 75th Installation
Dinner and let's have a great year and let the entertainment
Entertainment starts
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Protocol Book
Installation Dinner Dance Invitation Sample
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Blue Gavel Information
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Protocol Book
Opening Day Ceremony and PC Tribute
Official opening of the Club’s summer activities, the boating season, tribute to the Past Commodores.
Responsibilities for arrangements
The Immediate PC and committee of their selection.
Persons invited
Members only.
Note: Club grounds are closed to members’ family and guest until 1500 hours.
See samples further on in document.
Dress Code
1. Summer uniform (white trousers, white cap top, black uniform coat, white shoes, and black fourin-hand tie).
2. Club blazer, grey flannel trousers, four-in-hand tie.
3. Business suit.
Whiskey sours served from Past Commodores’ silver punch bowl.
Important: The silver PC cups need to be displayed alongside the silver punch bowl. The deceased PC’s are
to be placed on the table with the cups opening faced down and the other PC cups opening faced up.
Note: Rye, bourbon, and scotch whiskeys should be available for members preferring highballs to the
whiskey sours.
Table Layout
Should be the same as the Installation Dinner Dance with the exception the Immediate Past Commodore
and first mate will be at the PC’s table.
Arrangements To Be Made In Advance
All arrangements are the responsibility and to be coordinated by the Immediate Past Commodore.
1. Program preparations for participating officers performing ceremony activities.
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a. Immediate Past Commodore selects officers to perform tasks as Bos’n and flag bearers
(nine officers required).
b. Distribute Opening Day Ceremony commands, activities, and positions Bos’n and flag
bearers will assume.
2. Schedule the Chaplin to attend the event.
3. Posters should be hung throughout the club and communicated with the membership.
4. Invitations should be printed and mailed 3-4 weeks in advance.
5. Commodore prepares for outside and inside speech. See speech samples in attachments for help.
6. Commodore asks the Secretary to prepare a list of deceased members from the past year.
7. Menu should be arranged with Vice Commodore and kitchen staff including whiskey sours and
PC’s punch bowl.
8. Arrange for sound system and microphone, bugler music, songs to play (All Hands, National
Anthem, Taps during wreath laid, and any celebrant music such as God Bless America) for
9. Arrange for someone to operate sound system and recognize when to play each song. Provide
them with a copy of the Opening Day Ceremony Program.
10. Vice Commodore coordinates the reservation book for this event.
11. Order the wreath and stand for the ceremony.
12. Arrange microphone and sound system to be heard inside of club and outside.
13. Arrange cruiser to participate in the ceremony to carry wreath out to the center of the river.
14. Schedule picture taking with the Niagara Gazette.
15. Immediate Past Commodore and Fleet Captain inspects and prepares flags, halyards and fittings
two weeks in advance so that the Past Commodores can rehearse flag ceremony. Have cannon
ready for use.
16. Rear Commodore and their Grounds Committee prepares grounds as best as possible. No parking
on water front parking lot during ceremony.
Opening Day Ceremony Program Summary
The podium, sound system, and music to be played are ready in advance to Officers marching.
1. All officers and PC’s lineup in front of club to march out in front of halyard facing water side
parking lot.
a. Immediate PC selects someone to act as the Bos’n for the Flag Raising.
b. Immediate PC selects officers to be flag bearers for the four flags to be raised.
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c. Immediate PC line-up officers according to attached Opening Day Ceremony Layout prior
to marching.
d. Officers march out when “All Hands” is piped and take positions according to layout.
2. Opening remarks by Immediate Past Commodore.
3. Invocation by Chaplin.
4. Hoisting of flags by the Bos’n (see further on for detailed instructions).
a. Ensign – hoisted on gaff of mast (Bugler plays “National Anthem is played” and timed to
co-inside with the hoisting of the Ensign.
b. Club Burgee hoisted to the top of the mast.
c. Union Jack hoisted on port, or east, yardarm.
d. Commodore’s flag hoisted on starboard, or west, yardarm.
5. Remarks by the Commodore.
6. Calling of the roll of members deceased during the past year.
7. Memorial wreath is carried to the mid-river aboard cruiser accompanied by flag officers and
8. Memorial wreath is dropped into the river by Commodore as bugler plays “Taps” and Chaplin
offers a short prayer.
a. Note: Ensign of cruiser is dipped while “Taps” is being played.
9. The Commodore announces the official opening of the boating season.
10. Opening 3-gun salute on club’s cannon by the Fleet Captain.
11. Members, officers, and PC’s retire to the clubhouse to splice the main brace.
Detailed Opening Day Ceremony Program
1. Layout the flags on a table near by the yardarm for the flag bearers to take when called upon
2. When the officers stop marching and are in formation according to the layout diagram, the
Immediate PC takes to the podium and starts the ceremony.
Immediate PC Opening remarks:
Immediate PC welcomes members for attending the
[number of years for Opening Day Ceremony].
“Welcome to LaSalle Yacht Club [number of years]
Opening Day Ceremony. It is a glorious day for this
event. At this time I would like to call upon Fleet
Chaplin Rev. Babcock for the invocation”.
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Invocation is delivered by the Fleet Chaplin.
Immediate PC calls Bos’n to the podium.
“I call upon the club’s Bos’n to hoist the flags”
Bos’n steps out to the podium and salutes the Immediate PC.
Bos’n orders:
1. “Colors Post” (Flag Bearers move into position)
2. “To the Colors, Right Hand Salute” (The flag
bearers raise the Ensign to the bottom position of
the yardarm and the National Anthem is played.
All officers salute and remove hats). The Ensign
Flag bearers move back in line with all Officers.
3. After the Ensign is raised the Bos’n orders “Two”
and salute is completed by all. The National
Anthem stops and hats can be worn again.
4. Orders “Burgee Post”. Burgee flag bearers move
to raise the flag to the top of the mast and then
moves back in line with other officers.
5. Orders “Jack Post”. The flag bearers for the Jack is
raised on the East Yardarm and then move back in
line with all Officers.
6. Orders “Attend To The Commodore’s Flag”. Flag
Bearers for the Commodore’s flag steps to the
Commodore, salutes and hold’s and says “Request
Permission To Post The Commodore’s Flag”.
Commodore then answers “Permission Granted”.
The flag bearers raise the Commodore’s flag on
the West Yardarm and then move back in line with
all other Officers.
7. At this time the Bos’n steps out in front of the
yardarm and inspects all flags. The Bos’n then
steps to the Commodore, salutes and holds and
says “Sir, the Mast is in order”.
8. The Commodore then salutes back to the Bos’n
and says “Thank you Bos’n. At ease Gentleman
and women”.
a. The Bos’n then steps in line with all the
other officers.
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Remarks by the Commodore
See “Opening Day Commodore’s Outside Speech
Sample” to be addressed to the membership.
*The following actions are included in the Commodore’s outside speech.
*Call of Roll of Deceased Members
Have the club secretary prepare you a list of all deceased club members during the past year and
announce to the membership at this time.
*Memorial Wreath is laid
1. The flag officers, the Fleet Chaplin and the ensign of the cruiser board the cruiser and move
to the center of the river to lay the Memorial Wreath.
2. Taps are played upon signal from the cruiser (boat ensign is dipped).
3. Fleet Captain fires cannon three times.
4. Commodore then steps to the podium.
*Commodore announces official opening of the boating season.
1. Fleet Captain then fires the cannon one time.
*Commodore invites members.
“Retire to the clubhouse to splice the main
The Flag raising ceremony is over.
At this time everyone moves to the clubhouse for Opening Day Brunch. The podium is moved back to the
dining room.
When brunch is near completed the Commodore then moves to the podium inside the dining room and
pays tribute to the Past Commodores. See Opening Day Commodore’s Inside PC’s Tribute Speech for help.
The Commodore provides a small gift to the Past Commodores as a token of his appreciation.
The Open Day Ceremonies are over!
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LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Opening Day Ceremony Attachments
Opening Day Invitation Sample
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Protocol Book
Opening Day Ceremony Flag Raising Layout
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Protocol Book
Opening Day Commodore’s Outside Speech Sample
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Protocol Book
Opening Day Commodore’s Inside Speech-Tribute to PC’s Sample
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Protocol Book
Hanging Flags
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Officers’ Flags
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Table Layout-Opening Day & Installation Dinner Dance
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LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Blessing of the Fleet
Significance or Purpose
The significance of the Blessing of the Fleet is to provide religious safety asking our Fleet Chaplin to bless
the member and his boat to a safe and enjoyable boating season.
Time of Event
The Blessing of the Fleet occurs on the same day as Father’s Day starting from 11:00 AM.
Responsibilities for Arrangements
The Fleet Captain is responsible for this event. The tasks responsible for are:
1. Schedule the Fleet Chaplin in advance.
2. Be prepared with names for all boats in the marina and boat yard.
Dress Code
The Fleet Captain dresses in their summer uniform with black long tie.
Communications of Event
Communications of this event requires posters and notices to be included with posters and notices along
with the Father’s Day event. No separate invitations for The Blessing of the Fleet.
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LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Red Flannel Cruise
Significance or Purpose
The Red Flannel Cruise is an annual opportunity for the entire club, especially the members with boats, to
get together at a location away from the club and have fun for 3 – 4 days.
Traditionally the Red Flannel Cruise in Middleport, New York along the wall in the Erie Canal.
Time of Year
The Red Flannel cruise is always scheduled for the third weekend in September.
Responsibility for Arrangements
The Fleet Captain is responsible for all tasks at hand. The Fleet Captain may form a committee if need to.
Persons Invited
All members of LaSalle Yacht Club are encouraged to participate.
Arrangements to be Made in Advance
1. Contact the Mayor of Middleport early in the year, March, and consider re-scheduling the event at
the conclusion of the same year for next year. This will help the next year’s Fleet Captain.
2. Contact our local tent company to plan for a large two-tier top tent along with ten long tables and
chairs. Consider sides for the tent in case of in climate weather.
3. It is traditional the Fleet Captain is responsible for the Saturday evening dinner. It is up to the Fleet
Captain to determine what and how the food is and prepared. All other meals are up to the boats
attending to feed themselves for all other feedings.
4. The Fleet Captain must also consider bringing grills, charcoal, and cooking utensils if required. If
the FC determines to have members to prepared food, then that must be coordinated in advance
with those members. In this case have ample food to cover salads, appetizers, side dishes, main
course, and desserts. Making coffee is something the FC needs to supply along with creamers,
sugar, and cups.
5. The boaters and non-boating members attending are responsible for their own beverages for all
meals, other than coffee for the Saturday dinner.
6. Plan for a raffle after the Saturday dinner. Prizes are donated by the membership.
7. The FC is responsible to collect monies from the members at the event. The best time to collect
the money is usually after dinner. This money is to be donated to the Mayor of Middleport for our
use of their property and utilities.
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Protocol Book
8. Any pre-arrangements can be made for entertainment at the Basket Factory. The Fleet Captain
can contact them and arrange entertainment of their choice.
9. Any cleanup work on the grounds is also required to be coordinated by the Fleet Captain.
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LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball
The club has all required documents, as attachments, to help with the planning of the Commodore’s Ball.
It is strongly suggested you use them for your planning needs.
Special Note: The club is closed to members not attending the event. The Chart Room bar is closed from
4:00 PM until closing.
Significance of Event
The Commodore’s Ball is a semi formal event for LaSalle Yacht Club to honor the current Commodore.
This LaSalle Yacht Club event is a very special event and should be planned accordingly.
Person(s) Responsible
The Vice Commodore is responsible for the entire event. The VC along with an assigned committee
completes all necessary tasks for this event.
Pre-planning Arrangements
The following attachments should be considered during the pre-planning and the evening of the
Commodore Ball:
1. Commodore’s Ball Planning List
2. Commodore’s Ball – Pre-Cleaning Tasks
3. Commodore’s Ball Evening Program
4. Commodore’s Ball Officers’ Mailing List Sample
5. Commodore’s Ball – Evening Agenda Sample
6. Table Layout – Commodore’s Ball
7. Commodore’s Ball Invitation Sample
8. Commodore’s Ball Officers’ Table Place Cards Sample
Dress Code
1. Men
a. Winter evening (after 5 PM) uniforms
b. Suits
2. Women
a. Formal evening apparel
The Chart Room is decorated according to a theme representative of the Commodore.
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Protocol Book
The Dining Room is decorated according to the color theme chosen by the Commodore and First Mate.
Optionally, an ice sculpture can be purchase if desired by the Commodore. Table flowers and candle
holders are suggested. See attachment Commodore’s Ball Planning List for more suggestions.
Menu and Wine List
The evening main menu, hors d’oeuvres, and wines are chosen by the Commodore.
Place Cards
Name of Club
Place cards are to be printed on both sides but the side having the stars should face the person when
placed on the table.
The Commodore cards should have three gold stars. All Vice Commodores should have two gold stars,
regardless of the club. If the Commander of the Power Squadron attends someone should draw the
trident in place of using stars.
The place card for a lady should read – Mrs. First name, Last name.
Pocket Cards
Name of Club
When gold stars are used they should go at the top of the card.
When ordering invitations make sure you have ordered a sufficient quantity.
Hand-written the other clubs’ Commodores and VC’s names and addresses on the outside of the
The full name and address should be written on the outside envelope and nothing should be abbreviated.
Program for the Commodore’s Ball
See attachments for the “Commodore’s Ball Program”.
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LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball Attachments
Commodore’s Ball Evening Program
LYC Commodore's Ball Program
Last Revised: 1/31/2012
Summary of Evening Program
Evening Tasks
5:00 PM
Officers (minus Comm.) and Commodore Committee
Members meet at club
5:30 PM
LYC RC and FC and their first mates greet other club officers
5:30 PM
LYC Commodore and First mate arrives
Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres are served
6:50 PM
Start seating people in the dining room
6:50 PM
RC starts to line-up clubs VC's and Commodores in club's
alphabetical order starting with all the VC's. LYC is last.
Buffalo Canoe Club
Buffalo Launch Club
Buffalo Yacht Club
Inner Harbor Yacht Club
Niagara Sailing Club
Sandy Beach Yacht Club
LaSalle Yacht Club
7:00 PM
Welcome by Rear Commodore
RC-Introductions of the VC's and Commodores
FC-Pledge of Allegiance to the flag
Fleet Chaplain gives Invocation
RC-Announces dinner
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8:30 PM
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Introduction by VC of PC's and board of directors
Commodore introduces his family and guest
VC toast Commodore
Roasting of Commodore
VC and first mate give gifts to Commodore and his first mate
Commodore's last words
9:00 PM
9:05 AM
VC introduces the band and start dancing
Detailed Evening Program
5:00 PM
LYC Officers arrives to ensure everything is prepared
5:30 PM
RC and FC and their first mates greet other club officers for
cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Have list for names and correct
pronunciation. LYC Commodore arrives.
6:00 PM
Enjoy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres
6:50 PM
Start sitting people in dining room
6:50 PM
RC-Start lining club VC's and Commodores starting w/VC's in
alphabetical order. (see below for order)(VC will verify all
7:00 PM
RC Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is ______And
as Rear Commodore of LaSalle Yacht Club it is my pleasure
to welcome everyone to our club to both honor and thank
Commodore (name of Commodore) for his dedication and
service to LaSalle Yacht Club.
RC At this time please join me in welcoming the officers from
the various yacht clubs along the Niagara River and Lake
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Protocol Book
The RC's first mate gives flowers to all the club officers’ first
mate and have pictures taken by photographer after they
have been announced.
RC Beginning with the Vice Commodores,
From the Buffalo Canoe Club
Vice Commodore (name of BCC VC) and his first mate (name
of first mate).
From the Buffalo Launch Club
Vice Commodore (name of BLC VC) and (name of first mate)
From the Buffalo Yacht Club
Vice Commodore (name of BYC VC) and (name of first mate)
From the Inner Harbor Yacht ClubVice Commodore (name of
IHYC VC) and (name of first mate).
From the Niagara Sailing Club
Vice Commodore (name of BSC VC) and (name of first
From the Sandy Beach Yacht Club
Vice Commodore (name of SBYC VC) and (name of first
From the LaSalle Yacht Club
Vice Commodore (name of LYC VC) and (name of first mate).
RC And now we move on to the Commodores
From the Buffalo Canoe Club
Commodore (name of BCC Commodore and first mate)
From the Buffalo Launch Club
Commodore (name of BLC Commodore and first mate).
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Protocol Book
From the Buffalo Yacht Club
Commodore (name of BYC Commodore and first mate).
From the Inner Harbor Yacht Club
Commodore (name of IHYC Commodore and first mate).
From the Niagara Sailing Club
Commodore (name of NSC Commodore and first mate)
From the Sandy Beach Yacht Club
Commodore (name of SBYC Commodore and first mate)
RC Lastly and for the reason that we are all here this evening!!!
Commodore (name of LYC Commodore and first mate).
Wait until our Commodore is seated and then proceed.
RC At this time I would like to ask everyone to please stand as
Fleet Captain (name of new FC) lead us in the Pledge of
Allegiance after which if you would remain standing for the
FC Good evening everyone, please turn to the flag and join me
in saying "I Pledge allegiance to the flag……….."
RC Thank you FC Rob Downs. Now if the Rev Babcock would be
so kind to please come up and give the Invocation.
F.Chap. Invocation
RC Thank you Rev. Babcock and thank you all again for coming
and now please enjoy your dinner and the remainder of the
8:30 AM
VC takes over after dinner
VC I hope everyone enjoyed their meal. Chef Dan and his staff
did another outstanding job. While you finish your dessert I
would like to this time to acknowledge LaSalle Yacht Club's
past commodores. As I call you name please stand.
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Protocol Book
This list of PC's needs to be updated with the names of the
attending PC's
PC Roy Cotton-1977-33 years
PC Ed Konecki and his wife Claudia-1980
PC Rick Trimmer-2000
PC Charlie Frantz and his wife Sandy-2001
PC Grant Babcock and his wife Susan-2002
PC Jim Cornelius and his wife Judy-2003
PC Keith Kinney and his wife Ingrid-2005
PC Tony Rodgers and his wife Jeanne-2006
PC Gary Sykes and his wife Cindi-2007
PC Dr. Dave Hojnacki and his wife Kristin-2008
PC Dan Reynolds and his first mate Shanel-2009
Add names of attending PC’s, their Commodore year, and
their First Mate.
Now our board of directors:
Starting with the bridge,
FC (name of FC)
RC (name of RC)
VC (name of VC)
Comm. (name of Commodore)
Moving on to the remaining board members are:
Club Secretary-(name of Secretary)
Club Treasurer-(name of Treasurer)
Club Director- (name of Director)
Club Director- (name of Director)
Club Director-(name of Director)
Club Director-(name of Director)
Club Director-(name of Director)
Club Director-(name of Director)
Club Social Director (name of Social Director)-for all the cool
parties she coordinated at LaSalle
VC I would like to call up Commodore (name of LYC Commodore)
to introduce his family and guests.
Comm. Introduce family and guests
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Protocol Book
VC At this time I would like everyone to stand and join me in
raising your glass and toast our Commodore (name of LYC
VC Make toast-I would like to thank Commodore (name of
Commodore) for his great leadership guiding the LaSalle
Yacht club through another good year. Thank you for being
understanding and supportive of your bridge. Thank you for
all the good times you gave us as our commodore and
helping us to bridge with the other yacht clubs. This was a
plus for all yacht clubs. Also thank you for the previous year's
service you provided being on the bridge. Here! Here! Salute!
Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip Hooray!
The VC calls up whomever will lead the Commodore's toast
VC I would like to call up our toast master PC (name of
Immediate PC) for a few words.
Toast Mast. Tribute to the Commodore (include (anyone who has
something to say))
VC Thank you (name of Immediate PC) and now if I can ask my
lovely wife (spouse of VC) to join me and (name of
Commodore and their spouse). On behalf of the membership
of LaSalle Yacht Club, we have these gifts for you and your
first mate (name of spouse).
VC gives gifts to Commodore
VC First mate gives gift to Commodore's first mate
Comm. Last words from Commodore
VC Thank you (name of Commodore). And now before we start
the music and dancing this evening, I would like to thank the
entire commodore ball committee who help make this
wonderful evening. (Read names from program) Also I cannot
forget to thank our fine restaurant crew lead by Chef Dan and
Judy Walck. (Bring out the entire staff for acknowledgement)
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Protocol Book
9:00 PM
VC And now ladies and gentlemen for you listening and dancing
pleasures, I introduce (name of entertainment).
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Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball Planning List
Commodore's Ball Planning List
Call meeting in August and form a
Color Scheme: Committee decides for
Order Table cloth and napkins
Invitations: "LYC" Letters
Special Other club Invitations
Comm.'s guest list
Get updated membership N/A list to
Develop evening program
Print programs for the tables
Wax & stamp (optional)
Get names and home mailing addresses
of visiting officers
Send names to Joy
Favors and decorations
Placement cards For Comm. and VC
Special lights
Ice Sculpture (optional)
Table decorations and arrangements
Flowers (see Cindi Sykes)
Seating arrangements
Floor layout for speakers
Table for Commodore's guest
Membership placement cards
Page 64
VC First Mate &
Chef Dan
30 days
prior Ball
VC's First mate &
Maggi & Dawn
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Revised the time table and monologue
Send time table to Joy
Shadow box picture frame (See protocol
Chart room theme and decorations
Tiki Setup w/Halloween
Coat room person
Glasses for visiting officers-14 total
Gift wrap glasses
Commodores plaque, w/stars, logo,
gavel, name, clock
Gift wrap
Commodore, VC
Copy of menu to Grant
Get projector for viewing pictures
Send pictures to Grant
Create mailing media, labels, envelopes
Get stamps
Add Commodore Ball to Griffon Log
Prep cleaning entire club
Windows (inside and out)
Food utensils
Tidy-up outer perimeter and parking lots
Create detailed cleaning list
Shampoo all rugs
Strip, wax, and buff floors
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RC & Fran
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Take pictures
John Galdon
Contact Rev. Babcock
Create CD or favors (optional)
Sunday cleaning crew
Setup microphone
Work/communicate with Chef
Get price of evening from Chef
Work/Communicate with Bar and Wait
Staff Manager
Get white gloves
Fountain drinks
Give table layout to Judy
Gift to Commodore's First mate
Schedule next meetings
VC-Chef Dan
First Mates
VC First Mate
VC First Mate
Coordinate Commodore's roasting gig
VC & PC Dan R
Take 11x14 picture of Comm. and first
mate and frame for signing at Comm.
Status meeting
Mail stuffing and program rolling
Decoration nights
Cleaning dates
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LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball Officers’ Mailing List Sample
2010 Commodore's Ball Officer Mailing List
Yacht Club & Name
Buffalo Canoe Club
Commodore John A. Turner (Jean)
VC Charles Kreiner Jr. (Louise)
Buffalo Launch Club
Commodore Ken Bamback (Kathy)
Rear Commodore Andy Barbasch
Buffalo Yacht Club
Commodore Dr. Emanuel
Gambacorta (Rosemary)
VC Jeanne Spampata (Robert)
Inner Harbor Yacht Club
Commodore Jerry Hathaway
VC Kelly Brown (?)
Niagara Sailing Yacht Club
Commodore Steve Webb (Nancy)
VC Chuck Meyer III (Mary)
Sandy Beach Yacht Club
Commodore Jim Ward (JoAnn)
VC Dennis McDonald (Sue)
Page 67
Mailing Address
5345 Merlau Road
South Wales, NY 14139
48 Lexington Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14222
83 Fairway Ct., Grand Island, NY
123 Delta Rd., Amherst, NY 14226
6687 Westminster Drive
East Amherst, NY 14051
113 Summit Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14221
28 Niagara Shore
Tonawanda, NY 14150
121 Amsterdam Street
Tonawanda, NY 14150
97 Pleasant Trail Road
Grand Island, NY 14072
3405 Baseline RD
Grand Island, NY 14072
52 Williamsburg Lane
Lancaster, NY 14086
219 Willowgrove Court South
Tonawanda, NY 114150
LaSalle Yacht Club
Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball – Pre-cleaning Tasks
Commodore Ball Pre-cleaning Tasks
Cleaning Tasks
Clean all restrooms including toilets, sinks, mirrors,
walls, floors
Ensure all cobwebs are removed from walls and
ceiling and bottom of tables
Ensure all utensils, dishes are clean. No spots!
Ensure windows are cleaned, inside and out
Ensure drapes are tidy and evenly spaced
Ensure walls look clean
Dust and clean around wall borders
Shampoo carpets and buff tile floors, all areas (chart
room, club entrance, dining room)
Clean window sills
Clean hallway walls, pictures, doors and frames
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Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball – Evening Agenda Sample
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Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball Invitation Sample
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Protocol Book
Commodore’s Ball Officers’ Table Place Cards Sample
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Protocol Book
Table Layout-Commodore’s Ball
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Protocol Book
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