2015 Official Travel Guide
2015 Official Travel Guide
2015 Official Travel Guide cbisland.com Visitor Information Centres Cape North Meat Cove Bay St. Lawrence Dingwall Pleasant Bay Neil’s Harbour Cape Breton Highlands National Park Ingonish Chéticamp Ingonish Ferry Wreck Cove Belle Cote Margaree Harbour Margaree River Jersey Cove Dunvegan Tarbot Bras d’Or Margaree Forks Inverness St. Ann’s Lake Ainslie u Bo Baddeck North Sydney ie er New Waterford Glace Bay rd la Glenville Sydney Mines Sydney Mabou Port Hood Mira Aberdeen Whycocomagh Judique Marion Bridge Eskasoni Iona Orangedale Ben Eoin Glendale East Bay Mira River Big Pond Bras d‘Or Lake Johnstown Loch Lomond St. Georges Bay Framboise Ca Chapel French Cove Island Sampsonville ns Port Hastings St. Peter’s Dundee o Ca u se wa Port Hawkesbury y Len no a x P ss age Arichat Isle Madame Grand River Fourchu Louisbourg Gabarus Scatarie Island Port Hastings 96 Highway 4 Ph: (902) 625-4201 Email vic-phast@gov.ns.ca St. Peters Highway # 4, Richmond County Ph:1-902-535-2185 Email stpeters@dcba.ca Sydney 20 Keltic Dr., Sydney River Ph: 1-902-539-9876 Email sydneyvic@dcba.ca Inverness Route 19, Ceilidh Trail Ph: 1-902-258-2062 Email inverness@dcba.ca Baddeck Central Baddeck Ph: 1-902-295-1911 Email baddeck@dcba.ca Cheticamp Les Trois Pignons, Cheticamp Ph: 1-902-224-2642 Email cheticamp@dcba.ca Louisbourg Main Street Ph: 1-902-733-4636 Email louisbourg@dcba.ca How to use this book As you can see, Travel Cape Breton is divided into five segments, each one taking you through a different segment of the island by way of the “official” travel trails. These trails are: The Cabot Trail, The Fleur-deLis Trail, The Ceilidh Trail, The Bras d’Or Lakes Scenic Drive, and the Metropolitan Cape Breton route which includes The Marconi Trail and the Colliery Route. Cabot Trail pg 08 There are , however, two other “routes” which we feel we should mention that will take the traveller from the Canso Causeway to the eastern end of the island, The Trans Canada Highway (Hwy 105) and Route 4. Marconi Trail pg 38 Ceilidh Trail pg 22 Bras d’Or Lakes Scenic Drive pg 30 Fleur-de-Lis Trail pg 46 02 Table of Contents Visitor Information Centres. . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover How to use this book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Destination Cape Breton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5 Cabot Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 13 Chanterelle Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Glass Artisans Studio & Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Les Trois Pignons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Arts North. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Keltic Lodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 North River Kayak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Paddle Dog Kayak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Strathspey Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Larch Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Gaelic College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Eagle North Kayaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Keltic Lodge / Highland Links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Silver Dart Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Piper Pewter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Kitchenfest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Lynwood Inn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cheticamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 - 25 Charlies Down Home Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 La Boulangerie Aucoin’s Bakery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Les Trois Pignons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The Cheticamp Motel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ceildh Trail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 29 The Glenora Inn & Distillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Doug Fraser Art Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Highland Village Museum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Gillis Lobster Tours & Charter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Celtic Music Interpretive Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Eagle Eye Outfitters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Highland Village Museum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Oshan Whale Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bras d’or Lakes Scenic Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - 41 Brad dor Lakes Inn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Comunn Feis an Eilein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Sailing CBI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Cruise Cape Breton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Marconi Trail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 - 48 Cape Breton Craft & Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Celtic Country Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Casino Nova Scotia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Port of Sydney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Centre 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 JA Douglas McCurdy Sydney Airport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Moraff’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 The Savoy Theatre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Fleur-de-Lis Trail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 - 57 Point of View Suites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Other Travel Cape Breton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 City Printers Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-62 Cape Breton University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Race The Cape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Casino Nova Scotia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover The Markland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Welcome Cape Breton Island lies off the northeastern coast of Nova Scotia - 6,500 square kilometers of unspoiled natural beauty and elegance. Coastal vistas, wilderness trails, glorious beaches, and pastoral vignettes make Cape Breton, one of the most intriguing vacation spots in North America. The Travel Cape Breton guide is divided into a number of sections that will guide you through our Trail system and provide you with detailed information and highlights as you explore the beauty and hospitality of our island. Thank you for spending some of your time with us. I hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we enjoyed having you. As always, your comments and suggestions are welcomed. Safe travels! Ron Crawley, Publisher, Travel Cape Breton Travel Cape Breton is owned and published by City Printers Ltd. Publisher Ron Crawley, CEO Design Tony Bonang , Sales Meaghan MacQueen Copyright 2015 Travel Cape Breton All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Travel Cape Breton takes no responsibilities for errors or omissions. Mail inquiries to: Travel Cape Breton c/o City Printers Ltd. 180 Townsend St., Sydney, NS B1P 6J7 Tel: (902) 564-8245 • Fax: (902) 539-2040 E-mail: meaghan@cityprinters.com www.cityprinters.com 03 Ciad Mille Failte! Pjila’si! Bienvenue! Welcome! Your perfect Cape Breton vacation awaits, offering iconic experiences such as the world-renowned Cabot Trail, the only living Celtic Culture in North America, Canada’s only true links golf course, and the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. No matter how you say it on Cape Breton Island, it is our pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to you, our guest. You have arrived in a very special place, where history and culture weave a golden thread through your experience, and outdoor adventure will take your breath away. Nowhere else in North America will you find thriving Gaelic, Acadian, and Mi’Kmaq communities. As you make your way around any of our five scenic trails and traverse our hills and valleys, you’ll understand why National Geographic named Cape Breton Island “One of 20 Must-see Places in 2013”. Today, the legacy of those who came before us lives on and is celebrated in each community through our spirited and charming people. Experience traditions as you explore this beautiful island, where our living culture – song, dance, music, and storytelling are preserved and very much a part of our daily life. Prepare yourself for the majesty of the Cabot Trail, pack a picnic for the splendor of the sunsets of the Bras d’Or Lake, our UNESCO designated biosphere reserve, or photograph your way through a hike along the rugged coastline of the historic east. Enjoy culinary delights created by world-class chefs. Visit the Fortress of Louisbourg to take a stroll back in time or pursue the many museums that capture the storied history of our communities. The waters on our western “Sunset Side of the Island” are your prefect host for whale watching, sailing, kayaking, and scuba diving. Don’t miss the chance to take in one or more of Cape Breton’s “Top 15 events in 2015”. 15in15.ca will give you details on these exceptional Events with Heart. You will quickly discover a special kindness and spirit of hospitality that will have you planning your next trip to Cape Breton Island long before this vacation ends. You may return home after your vacation, but Mary Tulle, CEO Destination Cape Breton Association Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia www.cbisland.com 10 unforgettable experiences Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site Explore the largest historical reconstruction in North America where military drumming, musket firing and lively townsfolk compete for your attention. The Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site turns history into humour during dinner theatre performances, streets into stages at evening concerts, and cannon fire into candid vacation moments. It’s the allure of 18th-century Louisbourg! Let the Cabot Trail amaze your senses The Cabot Trail’s world-renowned drive is an experience you will never forget. Hike the celebrated Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, dine on fresh seafood in Ingonish and join in the fun of a Celtic ceilidh in Baddeck. Plan to savour every moment and every experience that meets you on this magnificent Trail. Golf like no one is watching Proclaimed by Forbes magazine as ‘The Hottest Island in Golf’, our courses have long been recognized as the best in the country. Cape Breton Island is home to Cabot Links, Canada’s only true Links course, as well as award-winning masterpieces such as Stanley Thompson’s Highlands Links. Watch for the Island’s newest masterpiece, Cabot Cliffs, set to open mid 2015. Observe a masterpiece in the making You will discover every kind of artisan at work here—makers of kilts and quilts, baskets and glass, along with art created from the old industrial labours of blacksmithing, leather and woodworking. Our artisans have found unique methods to preserve our history while creating one-of-a-kind treasures that celebrate our Island. Kick up your heels at a ceilidh North America’s only living Celtic culture thrives here, and you can be sure we know how to host a Ceilidh that will keep you on your feet! With more fiddlers per capita than any other destination in the world, you won’t have to look far to enjoy traditional jigs and reels. 20 15 15in15.ca - Cape Breton’s 2015 Events With Heart AUT HEN TIC CAP E BRE TON EVE NTS .ca From culture and music festivals to exploring the majestic Cabot Trail, our 15 in 15 will inspire and entertain you. These top events of 2015 showcase our Island’s living culture, exceptional venues and unique lifestyle. on Cape Breton Island Paradise is just a hike away! With some of the world’s most celebrated landscapes, Cape Breton Island calls out to be explored. Our hiking trails range from easy strolls to rugged challenges, but the terrain yields the same result – exceptional viewscapes that will leave you breathless. Coastal adventure Our coastal playground is yours to discover. Explore our shores, lakes and rivers by sail, kayak or canoe. Enjoy relaxing paddles on gentle waters, or an exciting journey over rolling swells for a close encounter with friendly whales. Take a front-row seat to some of the most spectacular scenery on the planet with endless coastline horizons. Live our vibrant culture Cape Breton Island is home to many beautiful cultures – Celtic, Aboriginal and French to name a few. Our culture is also rooted in our mining and steel-making history. We hold our traditions close, and love to share with visitors. Get your hands on our history Delve into the mind of a genius at the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site. Read a page from his personal notebook, take a step with his walking stick, and explore his many inventions. Tour an underground coal mine with a retired miner as your guide at the Cape Breton Miners’ Museum, and participate in a Gaelic milling frolic at the Highland Village Museum. Sail Canada’s largest inland sea Canada’s 16th Biosphere Reserve and largest inland sea, the Bras d’Or Lake, is known for gentle fog-free waters, beautiful anchorages, and hundreds of coves and islands. The Lake is an international cruising destination and offers exceptional seabird tours and ecological sailing tours. 06 Cabot Trail Cabot Trail Whales, white caps and windswept plateaus The Cabot Trail is more than a magnificent world-renowned drive. The Cabot Trail is a 3-5 day unforgettable experience; one to delight in; one to be savoured. MARGAREE & AREA If you like the notion of unwinding on uncrowded beaches, enjoying fresh seafood, or fly fishing for salmon or trout on a glorious river, then come visit the Margaree River Valley, on Cape Breton Island’s spectacular Cabot Trail. You can reach the Cabot Trail from Hwy 105 at the Red Barn, travelling along the Cabot Trail to Lake O’Law and North East cbisland.com Margaree or from the Ceilidh Trail (Route 19) at Margaree Forks. Spend a few days as you enjoy the lovely rural villages found alongside the ocean and shores of the Margaree River. Visitors can relish in the natural landscape of the Margaree Valley with opportunities for paddling, swimming, and golf in nearby Inverness, Cheticamp and Baddeck. The hardwood forests provide a picture perfect display of fall colours and the many trails throughout the highlands make for great winter snowmobiling destination. There are warm salt-water swimming at local beaches, local trails and country roads to hike, walk or cycle. Perhaps most notable of all is the Margaree River, a Canadian Heritage River, known worldwide for its salmon, trout and gaspereau fishing. The valley is home to the Margaree Fish Hatchery (trout and salmon) and Salmon Museum, recognized by The New York Times, Travel and Leisure, and National Geographic. There are plenty of experienced guides in the Margaree area, who can give you fly-fishing instruction on the basics or, for the advanced sportsmen, tips on the best pools and local flies. Traditional Cape Breton Celtic music and dance is abundant at various festivals, weekly square dances in several country dance halls and local summer concerts. You can visit local 07 08 Cabot Trail artisans studios like Kingross Quilts, Cape Breton Clay, Larchwood wood creations, Polycarpe glass works, and several other cultural, arts and crafts locations. Dine on local seafood oceanside, by the river, on an inland lake or at a mountainside resort. The local Coady Tompkins Library offers books by Cape Breton authors as well as history and genealogy of the area. The friendly staff at the Margaree Forks Visitor Center will be glad to guide you through the Margarees. Discover Margaree... the way it used to be. Visit us on the web at www.margareens.com CHÉTICAMP & AREA Les visiteurs y sont accueillis par la joie de vivre du peuple acadien qui partage sa culture à travers un festin de chants, de musique et de nourriture. Découvrez l’histoire de Chéticamp en visitant Les Trois Pignons. Jasez avec les artisans de la sculpture et des tapis hookés. Goûtez aux plats acadiens tels le pâté ou le fricot dans les restaurants de la région. Profitez des sentiers au Parc national des Hautes-Terresdu-Cap-Breton, reposez vous à la plage ou encore, rendez vous à la Place des arts PèreAnselme-Chiasson pour une des nombreuses productions. Une visite au Cap-Breton doit inclure une visite à Chéticamp. BIENVENUE! Visitors are met by the joie de vivre of the Acadian people, who share their culture through a feast of food, music and song. Discover local history at Les Trois Pignons. Speak to local artisans about rug hooking and wood sculpture. Sample pâté, fricot and other Acadian dishes in local restaurants. Hike in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park, spend the day at the beach or attend our many productions at the Place des arts Père cbisland.com Anselme-Chiasson. A visit to Cape Breton must include a visit to Chéticamp. BIENVENUE! “Venez découvrir NOTRE Acadie! - Discover OUR Acadie! Visit us on the web at www.cheticamp.ca PLEASANT BAY & AREA It’s time to set sail in Pleasant Bay! Pleasant Bay is recognized as one of the premier whale watching destinations in Canada. Take a whale tour and visit The Whale Interpretive Centre to learn about the pilot, humpback, minke and finback whales sighted here. Explore the Cape Breton Highlands National Park, and all that it has to offer, Pollett’s Cove hiking trail, and Gampo Abbey Buddhist Monastery - with Pleasant Bay as your home base. Enjoy fresh local lobster and crab, the scent of clean salt air, a variety of beaches, shops and restaurants. Your Destination for Outdoor Exploration on the Cabot Trail! Visit on the web at www.pleasantbay.ca CAPE BRETON HIGHLANDS NATIONAL PARK Where the mountains meet the sea. Cape Breton Highlands National Park boasts spectacular mountain and ocean scenery, 26 exhilarating hiking trails, rugged coastlines, sandy beaches, special events, starry nights by the campfire and so much more. As you wind your way through the national park on the world famous Cabot Trail, you will see lush, forested river canyons, the ancient plateau and endless shorelines plunging into the Atlantic Ocean. Discover the park’s best-kept secrets by stepping outside your vehicle and exploring our trails with a guide, or set out on your own adventure. You will be surrounded by some of the finest unspoiled scenery in 09 10 Cabot Trail North America. Our best advice? Take your time. Take it all in. And let it take your breath away. What’s New in 2015? For more details visit pc.gc.ca/capebreton or call 902-224-2306. - Comfort camping – 5 equipped campsites and 10 oTENTiks - New trail - Glasgow Lakes Extension to Mica Hill -Roots to Boots Festival – June 11-14 - Art in the Park Festival – July 9-22 - EcoKids Camp – July 20-24 - Tree planting events. (Hike a trail. Plant a tree. Save a forest) visit us online for dates and times. pc.gc.ca/capebreton - Harvest Hike – October 10 TOP OF THE ISLAND In 1497 John Cabot landed on the endless beach, Cabot’s Landing Park, at the Top of the Island. Come experience the wonders of the shores which drew Cabot to Cape Breton. Watch innumerable whales by spectacular mountains with Oshan Whale Watch and Dixon’s Zodiac Seafari. Work up an appetite hiking and kayaking the cliff-bound coast with Cabot Trail Adventures. Then enjoy Hideaway Campground’s Oyster Farm, or find a bowl of homecooked chowder at our many eateries. When your belly is full, stop to visit the folks at North Highlands Community Museum and the St. Paul Island Lighthouse Museum. Afterwards, enjoy the local music at the Cape North Farmer’s Market. Be awed by Beulach Ban Falls, Meat Cove’s Highland vistas, Dingwall’s white cliffs, and our Alternate Scenic Route that takes you to hidden, picturesque fishing villages. Take a memory of our region home with you, as authentic, Cape Breton crafts cbisland.com are available at local shops and studios. New in 2015 – 100th Anniversary of the St. Paul’s Island Lighthouse (1st weekend in August) . The Top of the Island: John Cabot discovered it, so why don’t you! Visit on the web at www.northerncapebreton.com INGONISH & AREA Ingonish welcomes you to the Heart of the Cabot Trail! World class golf at Highlands Links, fantastic walking trails, whale watch excursions, and refreshing ocean beaches are just some of the experiences Ingonish has to offer. Join us in September for the Hike the Highlands Festival and in October for our annual Huckle Buckle Fall Festival. Enjoy the natural beauty of Ingonish in the winter via crosscountry and downhill skiing. The Ingonish area is a destination for all seasons. Tap your toes to traditional live music by local artists. Dine out at one of our restaurants, featuring fresh local seafood and house specialties. Take home a treasure from one of our quaint shops. Settle in to one of our many accommodation options, ranging from cozy cottages and small inns to full service resorts. Ingonish offers everything you need to escape, relax and stay awhile! Visit us on the web at www.experienceingonish.com ST. ANN’S BAY & AREA Although St Ann’s Bay stretches along some 72 km of the Cabot Trail, it is a tightly knit community that gathers often to celebrate its culture and dwell in its glorious outdoors. Lobster and crab fishing are key local industries, but this region is equally known for its fine crafts, artisans, musicians, writers, and outfitters. Residents and visitors alike enjoy river fishing, 11 12 Cabot Trail trail walking, hiking, swimming, kayaking, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing. Bras d’Or Lakes, Baddeck is a bustling village that maintains its essence as a picturesque community. From fine dining, The small population supports unique shopping, and a variety numerous organizations that of quality accommodation; keep culture and community cottages, bed and breakfasts, spirit vibrant, among them a small motels to 3&4 star inns, very active community health something to fit your individual centre, two book clubs, a needs, the Village of Baddeck camera club, the St Ann’s Bay will delight you with its unique Players theatre group, a chorale character. Take time to visit group, the Cabot Trail Writers Kidston Island by ferry and Festival, the Gaelic College, the enjoy the hiking trail, its scenic Gaelic Heritage Society, the viewpoints, the lighthouse and Englishtown Mussel Festival, and its beach. the Giant MacAskill Museum. This is truly a remarkable place Alexander Graham Bell, to visit, and to call home. Visit compelled by the beauty of us on the web at Baddeck, chose this area as his http://theshoresofstanns.ca/ summer home. Today, explore the life and work of this great teacher, scientist and inventor at BADDECK & AREA Alexander Graham Bell National Situated in the heart of Cape Historic Site. On display is a Breton Island, Baddeck is reproduction of Bell’s Silver considered to be the beginning Dart, the first plane to ever and end of the world famous fly in Canada in 1909. Get an CABOT TRAIL. Stretching along exclusive and personal glimpse the shores of the beautiful into Bell’s life by signing up for cbisland.com a White Glove Tour. Or build and fly your own tetrahedral kite in one of our daily workshops. New in 2015, the Bells of Baddeck, professional theatre from July 3 to August 2 telling the story of the great inventor and his wife. Take advantage of our many leisure activities during the day, ie golf, hiking,and sailing. In the evening enjoy local entertainment at ceilidhs, Cape Breton Smile Show and The Young Ladies of Baddeck, a historical fiction comedy, a theatrical performance from July 23 – August 15. Festivals also play an important role in the community – the Cabot Trail Relay Run on May 23-24, Canada Day & Fireworks, Bras d’Or Yacht Club Regatta Week August 2-8 and Celtic Colours – October 9-17 . Visit us on the web at www.visitbaddeck.com 13 14 Cabot Trail Get acquainted with Cape Breton www.chanterelleinn.com info@chanterelleinn.com This package for 2 includes 3 nights accommodation at the Chanterelle Country Inn or Cottage, Buffet breakfast each morning with a 4-course Glass Artisans Studio & Gallery GlassArtisans.ca 902-929-2585 Free Demo’s Glass Artisans offers free glass blowing and flame working demonstrations throughout the season. You can even dinner on the evening of your choice. Enjoy a Whale watching excursion, Bird Island boat tour and Passes to the Gaelic College, the Miner’s Museum, Fortress Louisbourg and Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The package begins at $895 for two including tax and gratuity. try your hand with glass when you book ahead. Classes are limited and run between $50 - $100 per hour. Visit our website blog to find out which glass artists are in residence while you are here experiencing Cape Breton Island. cbisland.com Get “Hooked” on Acadian culture! $60.00 Includes a kit of your own to take home as well as a visit to the gallery. Offered from June 29 - August 21 2015. Minimum participants required. Be inspired by the one of a kind magnificent tapestries of Elizabeth LeFort and try your hand at this technique that earned her the title “Canada’s Artist in Wool”. Spend two hours in our company as we share the passion of rug hooking with yarn, the Acadian way. Les Trois Pignons 15584 Cabot Trail, Chéticamp 902-224-2642 www.lestroispignons.com lestroispignons@ns.sympatico.ca Arts North www.arts-north.com Arts North, founded by resident artisans in 1978, retails high quality Cape Breton-made arts and crafts that take their inspiration from Cape Breton’s rich environmental beauty. Pottery, jewellery, weaving, knitting, scenic and floral prints, hookings,wood and silk all offer tribute to Cape Breton’s pristine appeal. “Ship home” services are available. 15 16 Cabot Trail Eat, Drink and be Merry www.kelticlodge.ca keltic@kelticlodge.ca Savour the flavours. This package includes one night accommodation, 5-course chef inspired dinner with bottle of house wine and buffet breakfast. Perfect for those looking Par-fect for Two Golf Package www.kelticlodge.ca keltic@kelticlodge.ca Play one of the most prestigious Nova Scotia golf courses… Come experience the best of golf in Cape Breton at the championship 18hole Highlands Links Golf Course at the Keltic Lodge. We’ve come up with two fantastic Cape Breton golf packages for the perfect Nova Scotia vacation with the guys or your significant other. · One-night stay · Full buffet breakfast · One round of golf for two · Golf cart rental Starting from $332/couple Cxl Policy: 72 hours prior to arrival Location: 383 Keltic In Road, Ingonish Beach, NS B0C 1L0 Phone: 800-565-0444 for a unique and sumptuous getaway! Starting from $340.00 per couple, taxes not included. Available May 23 – October 18, 2014 Location: 383 Keltic In Road, Ingonish Beach, NS B0C 1L0 Phone: 800-565-0444 cbisland.com North River Kayak Tours www.northriverkayak.com 1-888-865-2925 $119 + tax per person Join us for a Full Day Guided Kayak Tour where we take you to amazing places only accessible by water. On tour we visit two eagles nests, a cave, waterfall, lighthouse and an old abandoned mill from 1899. Midday we stop for a swim then prepare you a fresh, yummy homecooked meal on a secluded beach next to the falls. Not enough time for the Full Day Tour? Our Half Day Guided Tour is $69 leaving daily at 9am and 1pm. Open MayOctober. Located 35 minutes from Baddeck counterclockwise on the Cabot Trail. Beginners are welcome. Now celebrating 21 years of island adventures. Rated - BRAVO on Trip Advisor and rated as the #1 Activity Regionally. Paddledog Kayak Tours www.paddledog.ca paddledog@northriverkayak.com $49 + tax per person Located right in the village of Baddeck come and join us for a leisurely beginnerfriendly 1½ hour guided Bras d’or Lakes kayak tour. We’ll paddle around Kidston Island viewing it’s eagle population and wildlife, experience a unique perspective on Alexander Graham Bell’s estate in Beinn Breigh, and land on a sandy beach near the lighthouse for a swim and a yummy snack. Our knowledgable, experienced guides will share their intimate connection with the waters with you, our guests. Our mission is to ensure a safe, memorable and exciting Cape Breton Island Experience. 1-888-865-2925 or locally 902-295-8868 and ask for Paddledog :-) KAYAK PADDLE DOG PADDLE DOG 17 18 Cabot Trail Strathspey Place “Brìgh” is a Gaelic cultural night of humble talents, performed for you by several of Mabou’s up and coming young Gaels. A Gaelic word literally meaning “Essence”, Brìgh invites you to come and experience the traditional Gaelic culture of Cape Breton Island in all of its forms. Every Monday night beginning July 6th through to August 31st at 7:00 PM, Strathspey Place Theatre will come alive with an experience you’ve not had to date. You’ll see Gaelic stories of old brought to life, hear some traditional tunes played and sung! Try some milling, learn the chorus on a Gaelic Song. The traditional step dancing will make you shake your head in awe! An audio visual component will offer incredible scenics of Inverness County woven in with historic sound clips of some of our island’s native Gaelic speakers that have gone before us. The cost of admission is $20 - thig a choimhead air Brìgh! Larch Wood www.larchwoodcanada.com Cutting Boards as “ functional art”: At Larch Wood we handcraft unique end grain cutting boards from the native Larch [tamarack] tree. Come and visit our shop and show room in East Margaree and see the process first hand from log to finish product. Monday Thru Friday 8 am – 4:30 pm year round. Free admission! 117 Bridge Rd., East Margaree, NS B0E 1Y0 Ph: 902-235-2949 Fx: 902-235-2077 Toll Free: 866-735-2949 cbisland.com The Gaelic College Experience in beautiful St. Ann’s, Cape Breton www.gaeliccollege.edu Experience the art of kilt making, try your hand at weaving, learn a Gaelic song, and get your feet tapping to lively tunes, all during our cultural demonstrations. Then, enjoy a Blas Math lunchtime ceilidh, as musicians, dancers, and singers provide traditional entertainment in true Cape Breton fashion. $8 /per adult $6 /per child $20 /per family $15 /per lunch June-October 51779 Cabot Trail // 902-295-3411 Eagle North Kayaking Sea Kayaking in the Cape Breton Highlands www.kayakingcapebreton.ca $65 per person Paddle alongside the stunning highlands, explore estuaries, beaches and oyster beds. Watch for seals, seabirds, jellyfish and even moose! No experience necessary, we start with easy instruction. Experience Cape Breton’s unique culture, history and nature. Join us on an adventure! Tours leave once daily May-Oct., and twice daily in July and Aug. (10am and 2pm most days). 1/2 day sea kayaking tour for $65 per person 299 Shore Rd, South Harbour, NS 1-888-616-1689, 902-383-2552 eaglenorth@gmail.com 19 20 Cabot Trail cbisland.com Baddeck’s Best Panoramic View ~ Cabot Trail Touring Packages starting from $221 ~ Relax in natural surroundings with beach access, walking trails, fitness centre, pool and lakeside gazebo. Savour the view from McCurdy’s Dining Room & Observation Deck Lounge and enjoy Taste of Nova Scotia approved dining. ............................................................... 257 Shore Road, Baddeck 902 295-2340 Toll Free 1-800-565-VIEW(8439) Reserve instantly online silverdart.com B014 - Silver Dart Lodge Travel C.B. Guide Ad 2015 Original and Traditional 4.375” x 3.875” Celtic and Contemporary designs hand-cast in lead free pewter by skilled artisans. 46112 Cabot Trail, Cape Breton Island 902-929-2227 www.piperpewter.com al ic nu wide us n m a l an land na al! is itio stiv ad fe tr www.gaeliccollege.edu/kitchenfest 21 22 Cabot Trail cbisland.com Lynwood Inn & Restaurant Victorian Inn, Hotel & Restaurant in the Heart of the Village of Baddeck Year-round 4-Star accommodation, including our Charming Victorian Inn Suites, Comfortable Contemporary Suites & Quaint two-bedroom Cottages Queen Beds • 4-piece en suites with Whirlpool Tubs • A/C • Cable TV • High-speed Internet • WiFi • Laundry Facility Rates starting at $100 Licensed Family Restaurant (Seasonal) with Indoor & Outdoor Seating 441 Shore Road, Baddeck, Nova Scotia 902-295-1995 • Reservations: 1-877-666-1995 lynwood@baddeck.com www.lynwoodinn.com We Hope You’ll Come & Enjoy Lynwood Inn’s Accommodations & Restaurant Soon! 23 24 1 Mile South of Cheticamp Since 1975 Largest Selection of CAPE BRETON Fiddle - Gaelic - Celtic - Maritime Music in Eastern Canada ONE STOP Convenience (General) Store Fresh Bread Daily • Propane • Ice Camping Accessories • 649 Lotto Centre Movie Rentals • Books • DVDs 14614 Cabot Trail, Cheticamp, NS 224-3782 • Toll Free 1-888-762-7772 www.charliesdownhomemusic.com/store marcelcor@hotmail.com Visa • Mastercard • Interac • Debit La Boulangerie Aucoin’s Bakery Hot & fresh from the oven daily Homemade Style • Assorted Bread & Rolls • Homemade Pastries • Acadian Style Meat Pies • Tea & Coffee • Fresh Sandwiches • Free WiFi Open 7:30 am - 5:00 pm (Mon. - Sat.) 2 km from Cape Breton Highlands National Park Tel (902) 224-3220 • Fax: (902) 224-3220 • Email: info@aucoinbakery.ca 25 P.O. Box 430, Cheticamp Nova Scotia B0E 1H0 Visitor Information Centre Museum of the Hooked Rug and Home Life Genealogy Ctr. • Internet Access - Bus Tours Welcome www.lestroispignons.com E-mail: lestroispignons@ns.sympatico.ca Tel (902) 224-2642 • Fax 224-1579 B I E N V E N U E 26 Ceilidh Trail Ceilidh Trail Fiddles, festivals and fabulous beaches Listen - echoing off the hills, in the distance - the sound of a fiddle and a piano, some clapping and laughter. INVERNESS Cape Breton Island rests on the edge of our continent, and in Inverness you can feel it. With the fresh ocean air and inspiring views, it’s no wonder that artists of world-renown live and work here. The fine works of local artisans can be seen at the Inverness County Center for the Arts gift shop and seasonal exhibits. You are welcome to drop by the studios of Doug Fraser and Virginia McCoy and many others found in the Cape Breton Artisan Trail Map. Cabot Links Golf Course, Cape Breton’s only true links course in the country, overlooks the blue, blue waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and soon cbisland.com to be joined by the Cabot Cliffs Golf Course, already causing a stir in golf world. Uncover more about Inverness industrial history at the Inverness Miners Museum. Enjoy live harness racing at the Inverness racetrack on Sundays between May – Oct and also on Wednesdays in July and August. Indulge in fresh seafood chowder at a downtown café, and then take a walk on the Celtic Shores Coastal Trail which brings you to the spectacular windswept Inverness Beach boardwalk. And to cap off the perfect day, watch the sun sink low into the sea as you wiggle your toes in the sand, here, on the edge of the continent. http://www.inverness-ns.ca/ MABOU Music is the backbone of the history, culture and everyday life in Mabou. Of course with music there’s dance - step dancing or square dancing that is. In the summertime, you can find a ceilidh (pronounced ‘kaylee’) or square dance in the area seven days a week. Mabou is the hometown of Juno-award winning Celtic pop group, The Rankins. In fact, two Rankin sisters own the Red Shoe Pub, a hotspot for delicious locally-sourced food and nightly entertainment. You may catch Cape Breton’s next up-and-coming musician at the performing arts 27 28 Ceilidh Trail centre, Strathspey Place. There is local art (Aisling Gallery and Ann Schroeder Studio to name but two), history (at An Drochaid); plenty of outdoor activities (the beach at West Mabou Provincial Park and hiking at Cape Mabou). Tip: be sure to find a freshly baked Cape Breton oatcake, available at many of the local eateries! www.mabouvillage.com PORT HOOD Endless stretches of sandy seashore combined with some of the warmest waters in eastern Canada make Port Hood a perfect spot to spend a day at the beach. There are five to choose from within the town limits! No beach day is complete without at least one ice cream cone, so visit MacDonald’s Ice Cream Barn or try the best burgers in town at “The Bus”. Visit the Chestico Museum to discover how the island just off shore played a role in the construction of the 18th century, French fortified Fortress of Louisbourg , which is now the largest historical reconstruction in North America. Then, take a boat tour on “The Getaway” around Port Hood Island. Little Mabou/ Colindale Road at the north end of Port Hood will provide you with a very scenic alternate route to Mabou, with rolling farmland and photo opportunities of Mabou Harbour and the Cape Mabou highlands. www.porthood.ca JUDIQUE It’s been said that a violin sings, but a fiddle dances. At the Celtic Music Interpretive Centre, member of the Celtic Heart of North America, discover why Cape Breton fiddling (and dancing for that matter) is so distinctive. Hear from musicians who study, teach and play Cape Breton style! They will explain how they make their fiddle dance to strasthpeys, jigs and reels. If you are visiting in August, the Judique on the Floor Days Festival and Kintyre Farm Concert is a wonderful opportunity to immerse with locals and authentic Cape Breton activities. The daily ceilidh in this musical part of the island will fill your heart with song. The Tartan Gardens gazebo offers cbisland.com a quite spot to rest. The nearby community trails connect with Celtic Shores Coastal Trail and down to the seashore. www.celticmusiccentre.com www.celticshores.ca PORT HASTINGS At the doorstep of Cape Breton Island, Port Hastings greets all who cross the Canso Causeway. The Port Hastings Museum provides a panoramic view of this 1.3 kilometer connection between the mainland of Nova Scotia and its island masterpiece. Inside, learn how connecting Cape Breton to the mainland affected the local community, see model ship displays and make sure to visit the Quilt & Craft Shop next door to see spectacular art in quilted works. The Cape Breton Island TCT Trailhead Pavilion and Kiosk at the Canso Canal is the beginning of the 92 kms Celtic Shores Coastal trail between Port Hastings and Inverness. www.porthastingsmuseum.ca www.celticshores.ca 29 30 Ceilidh Trail The Glenora Inn & Distillery Culinary Whisky Package Gift Shop & Front Desk 7:00AM – 7:00PM Distillery Tours 9:00AM – 5:00PM www.glenoradistillery.com Pub 11:00AM – 11:00PM Unique & Sensual Distillery Tour, Dinner, FREE Daily Ceilidh’s 1-3, 8-10 Wine, Whisky, Ceilidh, Room & Breakfast. On the “Ceilidh Trail” Inverness County Available: June 14 - October 17, starting 13727 Route 19 Glenville at $428/couple. Excluding gratuities 1-800-839-0491 based on double occupancy (7 Day Cancellation Policy) Doug Fraser Art Gallery Drop by and see what Doug Fraser is creating... Doug Fraser Art Gallery Oil on Linen West Coast Cape Breton Island Inverness, NS 902 258 2455 www.dougfraserart.com cbisland.com Thigibh air chéilidh Come Céilidh with us highlandvillage.novascotia.ca 1-866-442-3542 Experience the authentic culture of the Nova Scotia Gael. Join us, as we Cèilidh, singing Gaelic songs and telling Put yourself in our Gaelic story highlandvillage.novascotia.ca 1-866-442-3542 $25 (Adult) $15 (Students under 17) Create great memories as you take part in our living history program. The 2 hour program with special handson activities will allow you to dress in period costume and experience first hand what the settlers’ life was like. (24 hours advanced booking required. June-August) stories every Tuesday & Thursday. Take part in a tradition milling frolic every Wednesday & Friday. (July-October 14) Free with admission to Museum. 31 32 Ceilidh Trail Gillis Lobster Tours & Charter Inverness County, Cape Breton Sail out of Port Hood, Cape Breton for two hours of fun on the water. On our tour you can actually experience catching a live lobster, cruise around Port Hood Island, fish for mackerel and be entertained with stories and some glorious fiddle music of Inverness County. We also do special themed charters. See our website details. Departures at 2pm daily (weather permitting). Reservations 1-844-610-2669 info@gltc.ca www.gltc.ca Good stories & great fun on the Atlantic Ocean Celtic Music Interpretive Centre www.celticmusiccentre.com Nova Scotia’s official Celtic Music Centre offers year-round Ceilidhs featuring Cape Breton’s finest musicians, an interactive exhibit room, music demonstrations, the “Ceilidh Pub” restaurant and bar with daily live music, workshops and fiddle camp, Gaelic language classes, archives and resource library and a gift shop featuring local products and music. Drop by for great tunes, food and good times! cbisland.com Eagle Eye Outfitters www.eagleeyeoutfitters.ca Eagle Eye Outfitters welcomes you to Cape Breton Island. We’ve been exploring our beautiful island for over 30 years. We offer safe, exciting outdoor experiences for all ages. We would love to share one of our adventures with you and your family. 15860 Central Avenue Inverness, Nova Scotia (902) 258-5893 33 34 Ceilidh Trail Put yourself in our Gaelic story www.highlandvillage.ca 1-866-4gaelic (1-866-442-3542) cbisland.com Whale sightings guaranteed! tour with with aa 5th-generation 5th-generation fishing fishing captain captain tour 1-877-383-2883 www.oshan.ca 3384 Bay st. lawrence road, ns, B0c 1g0 35 36 Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive Sailboats, Soaring Eagles and Scottish Pioneers Teaming with wildlife, filled with panoramic views, and ideal for boating enthusiasts, the Bras d’Or Lake is simply stunning. On a hill in Iona, overlooking the Barra Strait, there’s a 43-acre “housing development” that offers yet another opportunity for time travel. It is the Highland Village, an outdoor living history museum of authentic pioneer homes and places of work, that chronicles the struggles and triumphs of the Scottish Gaelic settlers from their first days in Cape Breton almost 200 years ago. You can experience the Hebridean Black House, Alex Matheson’s Blacksmith’s Shop and the Carding Mill. The Barra Strait, so called in honour of some of those pioneers who settled in the Iona area from the Scottish Isle of Barra, separates the upper and lower cbisland.com portions of Cape Breton’s “inland sea”, the Bras d’Or Lake. If you were to take a boat ride from Iona, south to St. Peter’s, you would pass by the Mi’kmaw communities of Eskasoni and Chapel Island on the shores of the Lake. For a unique cultural experience, consider partaking in Eskasoni Cultural Journeys. Eskasoni First Nation and the Highland Village Museum have collaborated to develop a unique multi-cultural tour (Mi’kmaq and Gaelic Culture). The tour includes two different and distinct cultures reflecting the parallels and common threads linking the cultures in history and present day. You will be hosted by members of the Eskasoni First Nation with stories and song, share in a traditional feast and learn by participating in traditional fishing practices. Visit eskasoniculturaljourneys.ca for more information. A drive around the Bras d’Or Lake will take you through Whycocomagh, on the Northern Loop, where both a Scottish and a Mi’kmaw settlement exist side by side. Here 37 38 Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive you can discover what it’s like to be a ‘Blacksmith for a Day’ with local blacksmith Grant Haverstock and try your hand at his craft. On the south side of the Lake, it will take you to the village of St. Peter’s where the historic St. Peter’s Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Bras d’Or Lake; and you’ll pass through the community of Big Pond where singer Rita MacNeil grew up. In fact, you can stop by Rita’s Tea Room (June 29th to October 14th, 10am to 5pm 7 days a week) for an oatcake and a spot of tea! There are two ways to experience the Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive - The Northern Loop and The Southern Loop of the lake are both worthy of your time. NORTHERN LOOP The Northern Loop begins at Iron Mines, about 35 km (21 mi) east of the Canso Causeway, and follows the Trans-Canada Highway east through Waycobah and Whycocomagh. At Aberdeen it ventures off the main highway at Exit 6 and follows the Lake to Iona then eventually completes the loop back onto the Trans-Canada Highway. The Bras d’Or is in full view as you approach the village of Waycobah, a Mi’kmaw First Nation Reserve at the very head of one of the Lake largest inlets. Waycobah officially came into being in 1833 and shares this stretch of the Bras d’Or Lake with its sister village Whycocomagh, settled in 1821 by Highland Scots. Stop off here for a while and peruse the work of the Mik’maq artisans, before taking Exit 6 at Aberdeen toward Grand Narrows and Iona. “Fàilte gu cridhe gàidhealach Albainn ùir”, a Gaelic welcome to the centre of the Island. Exit 6 off the Trans Canada Highway at Aberdeen is your gateway to this area. A short ferry ride, a drive along the Lake, a trip back in time to the days of the Scottish pioneers. Discover what life was like for the Gaels many years ago and enjoy an intimate evening at the Highland Village, complete with stories of the historical site, laughter and fun. Allow yourself to be captivated by the sights, intrigued by the history, and charmed by the cbisland.com people of this special place. If you look at the map of Cape Breton Island, you’ll see that this drive follows the shore of the Bras d’Or like a shadow, and takes you almost all of the way along St. Andrew’s Channel to George’s River and eventually to the community of Bras d’Or, and the Trans Canada Highway (Hwy 105). You will enjoy the leisurely drive as the road is lightly-travelled, and more than once you will find yourself wanting to stop the car for a closer look at the surroundings. Once you’ve passed through George’s River, you’ll find yourself once again on the Trans Canada Highway (Hwy 105). This time you’ve arrived in the community of Bras d’Or and to complete the loop you head west on the Trans Canada toward Baddeck and eventually back to Whycocomagh. Up for a side trip? Head to Boularderie Island. Turn down the Grove’s Point Road at Bras d’Or (watch for the ice cream caboose) and drive along the shore of Boularderie Island until you reach the Grove’s Point Picnic Park. Have a swim, maybe a picnic lunch if you brought one, relax for a while on the beach in the sun, or under a shady spruce. Then, relaxed and happy, you can continue your drive around Boularderie Island up along its northern shore until you come back to the Trans Canada Highway, this time at Seal Island. Another side-trip to consider. From Bras d’Or, stay on the Trans Canada Highway until you come to Exit 16 to Millville and Big Bras d’Or. It’s farming country along here, as the awesome fields and greenhouses will tell you. Consider a stop at Hank’s Family Farm, where you can get fresh produce and if there are youngsters traveling with you, visiting with the animals is a must. To get back onto the Trans Canada Highway, continue driving on the Big Bras d’Or road and you will come to Exit 14 which will take you back onto the Trans Canada at Seal Island. Cross the Seal Island Bridge, then up and over Kelly’s Mountain. At the St. Ann’s Lookoff, pull in for an eagle’s eye view of St. Ann’s Bay. You just might get sight of 39 40 Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive a bright red and yellow Cape Islander as it heads toward the Englishtown wharf with a day’s catch. This last stretch of Trans Canada Highway completes the Northern Loop. You’ll have another opportunity to visit the Village of Baddeck, where you’ll find lots to do and see (more about Baddeck in the Cabot Trail section). Eventually you will find yourself back in Whycocomagh where you began your loop. SOUTHERN LOOP This description of the Southern Loop around the Bras d’Or Lake begins at the Canso Causeway and travels down the Trans Canada Highway. Exit 4 at Iron Mines will take you to Orangedale, a small community on River Denys Basin. It will take you around this lightly-travelled, unspoiled shore of the Bras d’Or Lake to St. Peters. The Southern Loop continues from St. Peter’s along the southern shore of the Lake through the Mi’kmaw community of Chapel Island, Soldiers Cove, Hay Cove, then on to East Bay, to Eskasoni, another Mi’kmaw community and eventually to Grand Narrows, where it connects with the Northern Loop. Port Hastings is the first village you will see once you cross the Canso Causeway onto Cape Breton Island. Take the #4 highway to Port Hawkesbury, one of the largest towns on Cape Breton Island. As you leave the town, turn left at the lights and follow Route #4, until you come to the Village of Cleveland (approx 13 km); turn left and keep right, past the post office (approx 13 km), then turn right onto Dundee Road keeping the Bras d”or Lake on your left as you go through the communities of Dundee, St George’s Channel, The Points Roberta, Cape George, French Cove and Samsonville to St Peter’s. On this route you will find in Dundee a Driving Range, Beach, Marina, Resort and Golf Course, St Georges Beach and Lighthouse, and the Samsonville Centennial Park and Monument which affords a magnificent view of the entrance to the Bras d’Or Lake. In St Peter’s you will continue back onto Route 4. The distance for the junction at Cleveland to St Peter’s is approximately 50 kms. cbisland.com If you are traveling from the eastern part of Cape Breton, turn right on Pepperell St. to the West Bay Highway by the Irving Station in St. Peter’s. If you follow this highway, keeping the Bras d’Or Lake always to your right, your will travel through the village of West Bay, on to Marble Mountain, with the beautiful views of the Bras d’Or Lake and its white sandy beaches, and to Orangedale, where you turn left and arrive at Iron Mines, the start of the Northern Loop. At Orangedale you will find the Orangedale Station Museum. When the Europeans first came to our shores and encountered the Mi’kmaq, they assumed that the native people had no religious beliefs, so they set about converting them to Christianity. In 1610, Grand Chief Membertou and twenty-one members of his family were baptized. In 1628 the Mi’kmaq adopted St. Anne as their patron saint. Each July at Chapel Island First Nation a “Mawio’mi” is held to honour St. Anne, the so-called “grandmother” of the Mi’kmaq. This traditional gathering is a celebration of joy, remembrance, goodwill and sharing. It pays tribute to the old and the new, the living and the deceased, and it reaffirms the strengths and abilities of all who participate. This segment of the Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive takes you along Rte 4, the southern shore of the Bras d’Or Lake, through Johnstown, Big Pond (don’t forget to stop at Rita McNeil’s Tea Room), Ben Eoin and East Bay. This area is bald eagle territory and sightings are common. At East Bay you will turn off toward Eskasoni, Nova Scotia’s largest First Nation. Traditional Pow Wows are held here during the summer to celebrate the Mi’kmaw traditions with drumming, dancing, feasts and craft displays. From Eskasoni, follow the Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive to Grand Narrows where you will make a connection with Rte 223, the Northern Loop. 41 42 Bras d’Or Lake Scenic Drive Lobster, Lobster, Lobster www.brasdorlakesinn.com 1.800.818.5885 $135/person, double occupancy Book into your room and enjoy an afternoon kayaking the Bras d’Or or biking the shore. Then join us in the dining room overlooking the Bras d’Or Lakes for a sumptuous three course Lobster dinner. Start with seafood chowder and biscuits, fresh mussels or house salad – or any appetizer from our full menu. Your main course is a steamed 1½ pound Cape Breton lobster – followed by your choice of dessert from our full menu. End your day with a relaxing session in our hot tub! Continental breakfast included next morning. Comunn Féis an Eilein www.feisaneilen.ca feisaneilein@ns.sympatico.ca Thigibh dhan chéilidh Come to the céilidh: Experience our island’s unique Gaelic culture and language. Bilingual Gaelic/English concerts feature some of Cape Breton’s finest traditional dancers, fiddlers, and pianists. Sing along with a Gaelic song, and enjoy Come for the food. Stay for the fun! a complimentary traditional tea and lunch. July 14, 21, 28,and August 4 and 11. We hope you can join us as we celebrate the 25th Annual Feis an Eilein Tuesday August 18-Saturday August 22. This 5-Day Gaelic festival offering hands on exposure to Gaelic language and culture through workshops, lessons, and social events. cbisland.com Sailing CBI www.sailingcbi.com adventures@sailingcbi.com Experience a sailing venture like no other in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Take to water on the Bras d’Or Lake aboard a luxury 42’ Alpha Catamaran. Packages range from Learn to Sail and Bareboat Charters, Crewed Charters, Cruise Cape Breton boatingcapebreton.com cruisecb@bellaliant.com Introduce your inner explorer to Canada’s largest in-land sea” “The Bras d’Or Lake provides an exceptional boating experience – Family Holidays and special events such as The Celtic Colours Festival, Corporate Getaways or a Romantic Honeymoon. Leave a message – 1-902-567-1494 June 1st -October 18th Extraordinary scenery, an in-land saltwater sea, a new adventure on every wave. Various water based and cultural events take place in and around the Bras d’Or Lake, including the new international sailing race “Race the Cape”. 43 44 Marconi Trail Marconi Trail Coastal towns, coal mines and cultural diversity Named after the famous Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi and his three historic transatlantic wireless stations, the Marconi Trail runs more than 60 km from Louisbourg to Glace Bay. Along with its rich history, the route offers a memorable glimpse of Cape Breton Island’s rugged coastline. Small waterside communities abound, and travellers will find classic fishing wharves, sandy beaches, canoe-friendly lakes, and exceptional vantage points for bird watching. cbisland.com You’ll experience culture born out of our industrial legacy of coal and steel; industries that shaped traditions and instilled deep pride in the community. Whether it’s an evening at an historic theatre, a day out on the Mira or a trip to an underground coal mine – there is certainly a lot to experience on the Marconi Trail. Bras d’Or, Florence, Sydney Mines, North Sydney This route begins on “the Northside”, so called because of its location on the north shore of Sydney Harbour. The communities of Bras d’Or and Florence are situated on the TransCanada Highway (Hwy 105) just west of North Sydney. Here you’ll find accommodations, restaurants, campgrounds and more. Sydney Mines and North Sydney are located at the end of the Trans-Canada Highway. Make a visit to the Fossil Interpretive Centre in North Sydney and see 300-million-year-old plant 45 46 Marconi Trail fossils from the rich deposits of the Sydney coal field, enjoy stories from our guides and explore the coastline to find your own hidden treasure. Sydney is Nova Scotia’s third largest city. Its beginnings go back to the mid-1700’s and Cape Breton’s first Anglican Minister, Reverend Ranna Cossit. Take a few moments to step back to the days of Rev. Cossit— days when a military installation of Loyalist troops occupied Battery Park at the northernmost end of Charlotte Street. Mingle among the ghosts of Rev. Cossit and his family at their original home on Charlotte Street, Sydney’s oldest house, now the Cossit House Museum. A little further north on Charlotte Street (number 25), stands a house that was, in the early 1800’s Sydney’s first courthouse and jail. It was there, in a dark, stone-walled cell that Charlotte Flahaven spent her last days before she was led to Battery Park and hanged for the murder of her husband. Peak your interest? The Old Sydney Society hosts spine chilling ghost tours, twice weekly in July and August. Costumed guides will enthrall you with legendary stories of the ghostly residents of Sydney and area, take you through haunted heritage homes and graveyards that are sure to have you looking over your shoulder. A trip back into Sydney’s past will take you to the early 1900’s when coal mining and steel making were in their heyday—when immigrants flocked here from Lebanon, Italy, Poland, Ukraine, the West Indies, and many other countries, to watch over the blast furnaces, man the coke ovens, and dig the “black gold” from the earth. Today, this multicultural heritage is treasured, celebrated and willingly shared. However, the legacy of this industry has resulted in the Sydney Tar Ponds. Take a tour of what was once the worst toxic waste site in North America and see why it is now a leading example, worldwide, because of the clean up’s success and reinvestment into the community. The Sydney of the new millennium is a thriving city, a tribute to the cbisland.com tenacity and resourcefulness of its pioneers. With the seacoast as a backdrop, Sydney offers first class shops and services. The Centre for Craft and Design is not only a retail outlet for some of the finest artisans on the Island, it also offers courses and workshops throughout the year. The Joan Harris Cruise Pavillion on the waterfront is home to the ‘giant fiddle’ – a great place for photo ops! MARCONI TRAIL Cape Breton may seem like an unlikely place to find a trail named after a Nobel Prize winning Italian inventor of a century ago, but it will all make sense once you hear the whole story. In 1902 Marconi came to Cape Breton to build a station for transatlantic wireless communications with Great Britain. The first message was transmitted from his station at Table Head in Glace Bay to Cornwall, England on December 15, 1902. The Marconi Trail follows the rugged coastline of Cape Breton’s eastern shore from Louisbourg to Glace Bay, via the coastal villages of Main-à-Dieu, Port Morien (home of the first coal mine and first Boy Scout in North America) and Donkin. THE COLLIERY ROUTE In the early years of the 1900’s, The British Empire Steel Corporation, which controlled the coal industry in Nova Scotia, pushed coal miners and their families to the brink of starvation. In 1925, the miners had enough and fought back by calling a strike. An official of the company made a public statement in which he arrogantly stated that the company would win the battle because the miners could never “stand the gaff” – meaning they didn’t have the fortitude to withstand the hunger and deprivation that was being forced upon them by the Company. He was wrong. The miners did “stand the gaff”— for five months— and set a precedent for future labour relations in the industry and laid 47 48 Marconi Trail the groundwork for the eventual attainment of decent working conditions and fair wages. The Colliery Route, which links the coal mining towns of eastern Cape Breton, is a tribute to these early miners and a reminder of the leading role coal mining played in Cape Breton’s history. The Colliery Route begins in Glace Bay and follows the coastline through Dominion, Gardiner Mines, Lingan, New Waterford and New Victoria to Whitney Pier. These are communities that grew up around the coal mines. On the Colliery Route you’ll find the Savoy Theatre - a hub of entertainment for over 80 years. An evening in the original theatre (perhaps for one of the community based productions) will leave you impressed and most likely, still laughing days later! The Glace Bay Heritage Museum provides a glimpse into the industrial and sport history that has shaped the personality of the community. The Marconi National Historic Site honours Marconi’s role in the development of today’s network of global communications. In 1902, the first official wireless message was sent from this site across the Atlantic Ocean to England. Visitors can see the Wireless Hall of Fame and walk the interpretive trail to the original transmission station. The Glace Bay Miner’s Museum is an experience that will stay with you for a long time. This is due in large part to the retired miners who serve as guides and have become wonderful story tellers. They weave the stories passed down through generations through the time they spend with you in an actual underground mine. The stories of humor, hardship and camaraderie will leave a lasting impression. cbisland.com Cape Breton Centre for Craft & Design www.capebretoncraft.com info@capebretoncraft.com Where creativity, craftsmanship, beauty and function find expression in the work of Cape Breton artisans. Our beautiful Gallery Shop in Downtown Sydney showcases the fine craft Celtic Country Market www.celticcountrymarket.ca info@celticcountrymarket.ca 902-544-1144 Experience the picking of fresh strawberries on Rendell’s Farm and back at Celtic Country Market transforming them into freezer jam. Our team will assist you in hulling your berries, processing and bottling your finished jam. Dazzle your family and friends back home with your very own personalized label. Or, enjoy it yourself on fresh tea biscuit and whipped cream served with a hot cup of tea – Strawberry Short Cake! Weather Conditions Impact the season – Late June to Mid July $45 plus tax gets you four (4) 250ml bottles of jam $5 each plus tax to build your strawberry shortcake with tea or coffee and art of 80 island artisans, year round. New exhibitions are on display throughout the year. Come discover Cape Breton craft! 322 Charlotte Street, Sydney 902-270-7491 49 50 Marconi Trail Stay & Play Package It’s a winning combination! Package includes: • Large spacious suite • Hot/Cold buffet breakfast • Complimentary parking & local calls • Welcome gift for Casino Nova Scotia From Casino Nova Scotia*: $10 off your Stay & Play package rate $5 Slot Play $10 off All Star Grille *Must be a member of Player’s Club – sign up FREE at the Promotions Booth Contact Cambridge Suites Sydney for current Stay & Play rates, at 1-800-565-9466 **Based on double occupancy. Stay & Play Package It’s a winning combination! Package includes: • Spacious standard room • Complimentary hot breakfast • Free parking and high speed Internet • Pet Friendly • Welcome gift for Casino Nova Scotia From Casino Nova Scotia*: $10 off your Stay & Play package rate $5 Slot Play $10 off All Star Grille *Must be a member of Player’s Club – sign up FREE at the Promotions Booth Contact Hampton Inn Sydney for current Stay & Play rates, at 1-902-564-6555 **Based on double occupancy. www.cambridgesuitessydney.com cbisland.com A Destination In Itself Sydney Cape Breton Island A place where your heart will never leave Located on Downtown Sydney’s waterfront, the JOAN HARRISS CRUISE PAVILION is home to the renowned WORLD’S LARGEST FIDDLE. A VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER operating from mid-June to the end of August. FLAVOR ON THE WATER Restaurant & Lounge – contemporary twist on classic Cape Breton Soul Food. QUAINT SHOPPING BOUTIQUES opened all summer long. The pavilion is a highlight for downtown Sydney. Enjoy all it has to offer. 1 902 564 0800 www.portofsydney.ca CONVENTION • EXHIBITION • SPORTS • ENTERTAINMENT 481 George Street, PO Box 1510, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6R7 Tel (902) 564-2200 • Box Office (902) 564-6668 • Fax (902) 539-4598 pmacdonald@cbrm.ns.ca • www.centre200.ca 51 52 Marconi Trail Air Canada: Sydney - Halifax - Year Round Sydney – Toronto – Year Round WestJet Direct: Flights Sydney - Toronto: May 14 - Oct 23, 2015 PO Box 4521 280 Silver Dart Way Reserve Mines NS B1E 1L2 T 902-564-7720 F 902-564-2726 WestJet Encore: Flights Sydney - Halifax: Start July 15, 2015 Air Saint Pierre: Seasonal Charter Service to Saint Pierre & Miquelon – July & August Visit www.sydneyairport.ca for details Since 1935 Moraff’s Yarns & Crafts 2007 Agnes Harriss: Owner/Operator Open Daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 752 Victoria Road, Sydney, NS T 902-564-8339 F 567-0496 1-800-463-9276 (YARN) moraffs@ns.sympatico.ca Wools, Synthetics and Blends by Lopi, Mary Maxim, Bernat, White Buffalo, Pingouin, Patons, Sirdar, and much, much, more! 100% WOOL FROM THE MARITIMES Threads for Embroidery, Crocheting, Weaving & Tatting Ask to See: Fashion Yarns for Scarves, Angora, Super Wash Wools, Alpaca, Mohair, 100% Cottons - Tapestries Crewel - x-stitch Afghan Kits for CB & NS Tartan Mail Orders Available “A world of yarn at your fingertips” cbisland.com 53 54 Fleur-de-Lis Trail Fleur-de-Lis Trail Fiddles, festivals and spectacular beaches Beginning at the Canso Causeway, Cape Breton’s beautiful Fleurde-lis Trail winds its way across the southeastern part of the Island, where our French influence is prevalent throughout. A beach day is always in order on the Fleur de Lis Trail. Point Michaud Beach comes alive with surfers during the summer months. Lessons are available on the beach and if you happen to be in town, don’t miss the annual Point Michaud Surf Classic! Next item on your to-do list? Time travel. The Fleur-de-Lis Trail will eventually bring you to the largest historical reconstruction in North America -The Fortress of Louisbourg, a Parks Canada Historic Site. Once you get past the guards and through the gate, you travel back hundreds of years. Once inside the Fortress, you’ll notice soldiers strolling cbisland.com back and forth on the ramparts, their faces searching the sea. Women in bonnets and voluminous dresses glide along the cobblestone streets. Tradespeople, servants and officials go about their business—baking bread, tending the garden, running the affairs of the town. And you, like a ghost from another time, watch and listen. Unless of course, you’d prefer a more hands on experience. You could be tossed behind bars as a prisoner in 18th century Louisbourg. Get out your smart phone and follow a path of texts, videos and photos that will tell you the story of the disappearing remains. Perhaps you can discover the Fortress after hours, where laughter still echoes through the streets. For a unique Fortress experience where you may just have to help solve an ancient “murder”. On August 13, 1955, the Canso Causeway was officially opened, that mile of asphalt and rock that connects us to the rest of Canada. It is, and probably always will be, the one and only “road to the Isle”. The Fleur de Lis Trail can be found once across the causeway by keeping right. The Strait area has lots to offer the traveller by way of services, accommodations, 55 56 Fleur-de-Lis Trail entertainment and shops, much of which you will find in Port Hastings itself, along Route 104 to Port Hawkesbury, and the Town of Port Hawkesbury. Picnic tables and benches in the villages of Port Hastings and Port Hawkesbury invite you to sit, relax and watch the ships passing through the Strait. Take Exit 46 from Hwy 104 and cross the Lennox Passage Bridge if you are looking for a day filled with beaches, hiking trails, parks, sailing, canoeing and kayaking some of Isle Madame’s most popular activities. Located on the southern-most tip of Cape Breton, Isle Madame is a cluster of islands, given its name in honour of Madame de Maintenon, the second wife of Louis XIV of France. It offers some of the most captivating scenery along the Fleur-de-Lis trail which loops around the main island and encompasses many small communities. Up to the 1800’s the village of Arichat was once a busy shipping and shipbuilding port, as well as an educational and religious centre. The two other centres on Isle Madame, Petit-de-Grat and D’Escousse, will intrigue you with tales of early settlers like Gabriel Samson who, in 1715 journeyed from Louisbourg to become Petit-deGrat’s first inhabitant. You’ll hear, too, of shipbuilders and sea captains who sailed the world over. As for scenery, have your camera ready. Around every turn, along every cove, and in every small fishing village you’ll discover a hundred memorable photographs waiting to be taken. Travel back to Hwy 104 and Exit 47 to beautiful picturesque River Bourgeois and the bustling village of St. Peter’s. There are restaurants, shops and a visitor information centre. If it’s history you want, St. Peter’s will keep you intrigued with stories of Nicolas Denys, Cape Breton’s first entrepreneur who established a trading post in 1650 from which he traded fish, furs, timber and whatever else he could find in abundance in the area. You can visit a replica of his trading post and get to know this very ambitious, adventurous and colourful pioneer. At St. Peter’s Canal, which is the only functioning tidal lock system in Nova Scotia, you can watch water craft coming and going through the locks or do some recreational fishing from the Canal wall. Just east of St. Peter’s you will turn onto Rte 247 which will take you along yet another coastline through the Acadian village of L’Ardoise then on to Grand River, and the south coast communities of Framboise, cbisland.com Fourchu and Gabarus. Most of this road is lightly travelled and sparsely populated. From Fourchu, follow Route 327 for about 20 km (12 mi) north until you come to Marion Bridge, and your first encounter with the Mira. To get to Louisbourg from here, you first must travel along the River (on either side) to Albert Bridge. Either Trout Brook Road or Hillside Road will get you to Route 22 (The Louisbourg Highway, as we call it locally) and Albert Bridge. In Marion Bridge, you’ll find the Two Rivers Wildlife Park on the Sandfield Road. Within its five hundred plus acre grounds live over 50 species of native and non-native animals and birds, a petting zoo, hiking and crosscountry ski trails, wagon and sleigh rides, a “U-fish” pond, children’s playground and camping facilities. The Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site is a highlight of the Fleur de Lis Trail, delivering countless stories of 18th century military life. To experience the largest reconstructed 18th century French fortified town in North America, we recommend you devote at least one full day. The Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site features over 50 buildings that will take you back to fortress’ glory days when it was a thriving seaport. Stroll the streets and relive life during the 18th century with costumed washerwomen, bread sellers, soldiers, noblemen and musicians. - Two Rivers Wild life Park, Sandfield Road, Marion Bridge; 500 acres of woodland habitat; home of 50 species of animals and birds; hiking trails; picnic site; swimming; hay rides - Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site; largest historical reconstruction in Nor th America; For tress with Governor’s quarters and chapel, homes, shops, restaurants, tavern, gardens; costumed animators and soldiers, guided tours; working bakery; picnic facilities; gift shop; children’s interpretive centre; hiking trails, and much more; reconstruction is modeled after the Louisbourg of the year 1744, set against a backdrop of Cape Breton’s rugged and beautiful south coast. 57 58 Fleur-de-Lis Trail Point of View Suites The Beggar’s Banquet www.louisbourgpointofview.com The Beggar’s Banquet: Dine 18th century style in Louisbourg on a feast of lobster, snow crab, halibut or roasted half-chicken while being entertained with storytelling, dance and traditional French and English Ballads. Reproduction period costumes are available so you can immerse yourself in the French colonial settlement’s society and Culture.Dinner is served at 6:00p.m., Seven days a week. $39.95 per person plus tax, half price for children 12 and under and gratuity. Reservations required by 5:00pm Call: 902-733- 2080 cbisland.com 59 60 Book Now For 2016 Contact: Meaghan MacQueen • Print Sales Tel: (902) 564-8245 Toll Free: 1-800-565-CITY (2489) Fax: (902) 539-2040 E-mail: meaghan@cityprinters.com www.cityprinters.com 61 THE COLOURS OF CAPE BRETON er calendar We now off h omized wit covers cust d of photo an your choice the ny info on your compa hoto offer your p tab. We can nt o on the fro g lo y n a p m or co al all addition sm a r fo r e v co r. Photo per calenda fee of $.30 nd 8.5" wide a s: n o ti a c ifi c spe File best results. r fo i p d 0 5 1 *.jpeg. s, *.tiff and p .e * : ts a Form Pre-pay your order by August 1, 2015 and receive 20% more Calendars! Place your order by July 1, 2015 and receive a 20% discount off prices! Contact: Meaghan MacQueen • Print Sales Tel: (902) 564-8245 Toll Free: 1-800-565-CITY (2489) Fax: (902) 539-2040 E-mail: meaghan@cityprinters.com www.cityprinters.com 62 Postcards 5000 5x7 410 $ 545 File Supplied $ Our Design Included 15pt stock, coated one side, full process colour front with gloss aqueous coating, black on second side. City Printers have over 100 pre-printed postcard for sales Contact: Meaghan MacQueen • Print Sales Tel: (902) 564-8245 Toll Free: 1-800-565-CITY (2489) Fax: (902) 539-2040 E-mail: meaghan@cityprinters.com www.cityprinters.com Terry O’Rielly Xerox Accounts Manager xeroxcp@eastlink.ca tel: 902.371.2808 cell: 902.371.2808 Xerox Canada Ltd. 180 Townsend St., Sydney Nova Scotia, Canada B1P 6J7 63 JOIN US JULY 12-18, 2015 International Sail Race through Cape Breton's Spectacular In-land Sea JULY 12-18 175 nautical miles point-to-point racing Five racing legs over six days Inshore and ocean components Spinnaker, non-spinnaker & cruising divisions Nightly awards and entertainment. REGISTER ONLINE AT RACETHECAPE.COM Cabot Trail, Dingwall Northern tip of Cape Breton The Markland welcomes you with warm hospitality, fine dining, a pristine beach and comfortable cabins. Perfect for families, cyclists or absolutely anyone wanting to discover beauty in its simplicity. 1-855-872-6048 • (902) 383-2246 info@themarkland.com www.themarkland.com
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