Spring 2013


Spring 2013
April 2013
Interfaith Hospitality Network
Volume 2, Issue 1
The mission of Interfaith Hospitality Network is to help homeless families achieve and sustain independence.
Beach Blizzard Sets New Record High!
On behalf of our families, Interfaith Hospitality Network extends heartfelt
thanks to everyone who helped make the 2013 Beach Blizzard an outstanding success. Thanks to Beach Blizzard’s generous sponsors and
donors, hardworking volunteers and all who came and made the evening
so much fun. Your generous support helped IHN raise more than $75,000
to help homeless families achieve and sustain housing and independence. We hope to see you all next year!
If you would like to be on the 2014 Beach Blizzard planning committee,
we welcome your help! Please call or email Adela Awner, 294-7432,
or adela@billingsihn.org
Who We Are: Interfaith
Hospitality Network is a
community of 24 Billings
congregations and over
1400 volunteers that put
their faith into action to
provide meals, shelter,
and a safe, nonjudgmental environment
for families experiencing
On a weekly rotating
basis, the congregation
hosts provide hospitality
and basic needs to our
homeless guests.
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 2
Save the
for the 2013
Box City!
IHN board members elected Andy Rio to serve
a second term as board President. Other officers elected
include: Cal Northam, Vice President; Deb Peters,
Secretary; Kathy Buszmann, Treasurer; and John
Walsh, Past President.
Continuing board members are Anne Cole,
Martha Arguelles, , Dan Jeziorski, Jeff Kanning,
Spencer Smith, and Roger Williams.
IHN is pleased to welcome several new board
members: Shane Colton, partner at Edmiston & Colton
Law Firm; Darla Jones, community volunteer; Carol
Roberts; and Jacob Troyer, JT Media.
We say good-bye and thank you to Sally Hedrick
who served on the board for nearly five years.
2012 IHN Facts
369 calls for services
23 families in the Network, 72 individuals
17 children age 5 or under
52% of families headed by single mothers
The average stay in the Network was 72 days
75% of our families moved into their own homes
All four transitional housing units were occupied
throughout the year
The sixth annual Cardboard Box City will be
Saturday, October 12, at Rocky Mountain College.
Thank you to Little Horn State Bank, Cardboard Box
City’s Presenting Sponsor again this year.
Two families successfully moved from IHN transitional
apartments to permanent housing
Aftercare services provided for dozens of graduated
60% of individuals served were children
24 congregations participated
1,400 individual volunteers, working 365 days a year
More than 20,000 hours of volunteer service donated
2012 was our most successful fundraising year!
March 31-April 6 First Congregational/
First United Methodist
April 7-13
St. Bernard’s
April 14-20
Good Shepherd/
Beth Aaron/St. Patrick’s
April 21-27
First Presbyterian/St.
Thomas/St. Stephens
April 28-May 4 Faith Evangelical
May 5-11
Atonement Lutheran
May 12-18
American Lutheran
May 19-25
King of Glory/Grace
United Methodist
May 26-June 1
Unitarian Universalist/
Central Christian
June 2-8
Peace Lutheran/
June 9-15
June 16-22
June 23-29
June 30-July 6
July 7-13
July 14-20
July 21-27
July 28-Aug. 3
August 4-10
August 11-17
August 18-24
Unitarian Universalist/
Hope United Methodist
Central Christian
St.Pius/Mary Queen
August 25-31
Peace Lutheran/
of Peace
First Congregational/
First United Methodist
September 1-7
Hope United Methodist
St. Bernard’s
September 8-14 St.Pius/Mary Queen
Good Shepherd/
of Peace
Beth Aaron/St Patrick’s September 15-21 First Congregational/
First Presbyterian/
First United Methodist
St. Thomas/St. Stephens September 22-28 St. Bernard’s
Faith Evangelical
Sept. 29-Oct. 5 Good Shepherd/
Atonement Lutheran
Beth Aaron/St Patrick’s
American Lutheran
October 6-12
First Presbyterian/
King of Glory/Grace
St. Thomas/St. Stephens
United Methodist
October 13-19 Faith Evangelical
October 20-26 Atonement Lutheran
Oct. 27-Nov. 2 American Lutheran
Page 3
A note from the
What a year!
I am humbled by and thankful
for the generous donors who
made this past year’s fund
drive the most successful in
IHN’s history. IHN special
events such as Beach Blizzard
and Cardboard Box City, combined with greathearted contributions from IHN congregation
members, congregations, volunteers, local residents, and businesses resulted in $90,000
more than we raised in 2011!
These funds will help us purchase the Galles building for
our new Day Center.
These funds also allow IHN to
fulfill its mission to help homeless families achieve and sustain independence. Last year,
75% of the 23 IHN families
moved into their own homes.
Their success was the result of
the unselfish gifts of time and
funds from good people like
you. IHN gave 72 homeless
parents and children a hot
meal, a safe place to sleep, a
day center, and social service
assessment and referral care.
Despite IHN’s successes, there
are still so many homeless families in need. As of April 1st,
School District #2 estimates
that there are more than 485
homeless students currently
enrolled in Billings’ schools.
Sixty percent of the individuals
we work with are children.
With continued generosity from
our community, IHN can, someday soon, accommodate even
more homeless families.
Thank you,
Andy Rio
IHN Board of Directors
Volume 2, Issue 1
Thank you to our 2012 Donors!
Gary & Peggy Aasheim
Robert & Betty Ahlgren
Stephen & Gloria Albright
Karen Allen
Priscilla Allen
Alpha Delta Kappa
Don & Ellen Alweis
American Lutheran Church
Jerald & Ruth Anderberg
Doris Andersen
Marlen & Lorraine Anderson
Stephen & Sandra Anderson
Donald & Carol Andrews
George & Michelle Andrikopoulos
Archie Cochrane Motors
Enrico & Martha Arguelles
Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center
Air Controls
Gordon & Connie Arnold
Elizabeth Artley
Associated Glass, Inc.
Kristie Asay
Atonement Lutheran Church
Jack & Vickie Auzqui
Adela Awner
Rex, Beth, Trent, Cassidy Ayers
Timothy & Susan Bailey
William & Helen Bakker
Bank of America
Dennis & Kimberly Bar
L.A. Barnard
Shirley Barnes
Erling & Ann Barsness
James & Joan Bateman
Carole Baumann
Marcia Beaumont
Robert & Cindy Beers
Mary M Belgarde
Ronald & Jeanne Bender
William & Eunice Benjamin
Donna Bennett
Bentley Foundation
Randy & Cheryl Bentley
Carol Bernhardt
Bethlehem Evangelical
Lutheran Church
Diane Bianchi & James Neil
Billings Adventure Boot Camp
Billings Clinic
Billings Federal Credit Union
Billings Gazette
Weldon & Luann Birdwell
Steven & Jane Bjordahl
Eugene & Carol Blackwell
Blair Unlimited, Inc.
Wiley & Marilyn Bland
Feryle & Betty Borgeson
Lowell & Colette Bottrell
Teresa Bottrell
Pat Boyce
Mike & Diane Boyett
Gary & Linda Branae
Elizabeth Brault
Alice Brenden
Brewer Dental Center
Duane & Sharon Brewer
Bertan & Janet Bridger
James & Cheryl Brown
Wayne & Rena Bucher
Jennine Budge
Ronald & Judith Burnam
Conrad & Phyllis Burns
Darrell & Kathy Buszmann
Patrick & Mary Kay Byorth
David & Nancy Carlson
Robert & Natalie Carlson
William & Jane Carlson
Carl & Shelly Castles
Dru Cederberg
Charles M. Bair Family Trust
Doug & Jodi Chase
William Clagg
Cloud Peak Energy
Patrick & Carla Cobb
Bill & Anne Cole
Claire Coleman
Shane & Gina Colton
Con'eer Engineering, Inc.
Wilena Cooper
Ralph & Sheryl Costanzo
James & Virginia Court
Lyle & Margaret Courtnage
Michael & Pauline Cox
Bruce & Mary Crippen
Dennis & Charlene Critelli
Frances & Grace Cross
Cross Petroleum Service
Crowley/Fleck staff
Cummins Rocky Mountain
Barbara Curry
Dale & Jax Door & Glass
Christine Dale
Willard & Carol Dale
Joyce Deans
Robert & Wanda Delaney
John & Teresa Delvo
Tony & Sandi Derrig
James & Robin DeVerniero
Steven & Mary Dewald
Robin Diedrich & Mary Ann Dyka
David & Janis Dietrich
Connie Dilts
Sandra L Dockstader
W. H. & Elizabeth Donald
David & Arla Drill
William & Darla Dunham
Curtis & Karen Durfey
Lyla Dyer
East Yellowstone County Thrivent
Rodney & Sandra Eaton
OP & WE Edwards Foundation
Richard & Cecelia Egeland
Arthur & Marian Eichlin
Karen Eide
Wendy Elwood
Rita Emond
Employee Benefit
Management Services
Ronald Engstrom
Roy Eskro &
Kathleen Jo Opperud
Harold & Dorothy Everson
Linda Ewert
Faith Evangelical Church
John & Darlene Fernelius
Orrin & Sharon Ferris
Robert & Claudia Fife
Lonnye & Rachel Finneman
First Congregational United
Church of Christ
First English Lutheran Church
First Interstate Bank
First Interstate Bank Foundation
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
Michael & Kristi Fischer
William & Karin Fitzgerald
Mary E Fitzpatrick
Adrienne Flory
Michael & Jill Follett
Donna Forbes
Hal & Lori Forseth
Catherine Foster &
Michael Mathew
Cynthia Foster
Donald (Fred) & Arline Foster
Casey & Barbara Frank
Judith Frank
Warren & Judith Frank
Jimmie & Geraldine Frasch
Freyenhagen Construction
Michael & Karen Fried
Education Fund
Larry Fritz & Carol Highland
D.R. & Shirley Frohlich
Travus & Gina Frost
Helen Fryer
James & Katherine Fuglevand
Charles F Gainan
Michael & Lynnette Gainan
Edwin Gale
Donna Gandy
Zack & Virginia Garretson
Gateway Christian Center
Dale & Dawn Getz
Charles & Fredricka Gilje
Marilyn Gisselquist
Fawn R. Gongre
Gregory & Robin Goodheart
Thomas & Beverly Gormley
Lois Gorseth
Grand Avenue Animal Hospital
John A & Mary Jo Greenfield
Vernon & Shelly Greenfield
Page 4
Volume 2, Issue 1
Thank you to our 2012 Donors!
Barbara Griffin
Kaylee Grimsrud
Cliff & Shirley Groombridge
Cecil & Jean Gubser
Duane & Mary Ann Guenthner
Lavina Guertin
L.L. & D. Gumper
Jenny Gunville
Earl Guss & Maggie Barovich
Mike & Charlene Gustafson
Joel Guthals
Cliff & Dorothy Haaland
Donald & Darlene Hackmann
Marie Halone
Dorcas Halverson
Bruce & Marilyn Hamm
Mary Hammerbeck
William & Victoria Hammond
Beverly Hancock
Larry & Janice Handsaker
Curtis & Sandy Haney
Nathan & Daria Haney
Mrs. RH Hanstrom
S. A. Harris
James & Lillian Hartung
Doxey & Meg Hatch
Carol Hauge
James & Linda Hauptman
Tom & Kim Hauptman
J. William & Janet Hawk
Donna Healy
Chuck & Carol Heath
Sally Hedrick
David & Shanna Henry
Terri Hensley
Dorothy Hilger
Todd & Kay Hiner
Daniel & Carol Hofferber
Dale & Susan Hogenson
Daniel & Arlene Holen
Holiday Stationstores
Drs. William & Cathy Holmes
Otis & Margaret Hopper
Robin & Andrea Horrell
Patrick & Rebecca Houghton
Thomas & Clair Howard
Patrick & Jan Hoy
Paul Hoyer MD
Jeff & Cristi Hunnes
Hubert Huntley
Randall & Karen Hyvonen
Industrial Communications &
Katherine Jabs
Patricia Jaffray
Doug & Kathy James
Karen Jarussi
Harold Jeanotte &
Sharon Kaeding
Mark & Shirley Jennings
Joyce Jensen
Charles Jerabek
Timothy & Diane Jerhoff
Dan & June Jeziorski
Lee & Nancy Jockers
David & Judith Johnson
Judy G Johnson
Rodney & Lucy Johnson
Vernon Johnson
William & Susan Johnston
Everett & Carole Jones
James & Sody Jones
Christopher & Susan Kahn
Barrett & Kari Kaiser
Roger & Alisi Kane
Karell Dyre Haney, PLLP
Allan & Patricia Karell
Jon & April Keippel
Paul & Katharin Kelker
Frank & Margo Kelley
Robert & Ardyce Kelly
Ernie & Carol Kemmis
King of Glory Lutheran Church
Floyd & Kay King
David & Elaine Kinnard
Lawrence & Karen Klee
Russell & Janet Kline
Ellen Knight
Knights of Columbus #8345
Raymond & Gertrude Koch
Kenneth & Julie Koerber
K Kent Koolen
Thomas & Priscilla Korb
Stephen & Marilyn Kramer
Alan & Nyd Kraushaar
Kevin & Kurt Krebsbach
Stanley & Loretta Krohmer
Cody & Katrina Kruger
Janice Larson
Joanne Larson
Mark & Denise Larson
Lavonne Lawrence
Charles & Ruth Lechner
Lee W O'Brien & Co, CPA
Lenore Lee
Dennis & Deanna Lenz
Samuel & Chantenelle Lind
Little Horn State Bank
Arlyss Faye Loe
Sharon Logan
Troy & Myndi Lorenz
Larry & Nancy Lorfing
Thierry Louvet & Nancy Dimich
Pamela Lowe
Lumen FX, Inc.
Darlene Link Lundeen
Alice Lyon
Mark & Rietta Malsom
Shelly Mangen
Margaret Ping Foundation
Mildred Marsh
Kelly Martinson & Rebecca Davis
Carol Mathew
Mattick Family Foundation
Michael & Janice Maxwell
Mayflower Congregational Church
Albert & Elisabeth McClellan
Edward & Cheryl McClintock
McDunnis Riverview Mini Storage
James & Kristie McFadyean
David & Gail McGlothlin
Samuel & Karen McKechnie
Kimberly McNamara
Fran McRae
Mel & Karen Melius
Elizabeth Melius
Mary Jo Mercer Wallace
Messiah Lutheran Church
Paul Miller
Paul & Ann Miller
MKM Foundation
Colleen Model
Jay & Lynne Montague
Montana Dakota Utilities
Belle Irene Moore
Erica Morck
Lois Morrison
David & Gail Movius
Sue Mueller
Jeffrey T. Murray
David & Nancy Myers
Muryl & Lu Myhre Foundation
Jane S. Nelson
Lorri Nelson
Betty Nesmith
Newcomers Club of Billings
James & Sherry Nickoloff
Cal & Judy Northam
Northwest Glass, Inc.
NorthWestern Energy
Sverre & Sara Nyquist
Jared O'Donnell
Marvin & Hulda Oelkers
Susan Ogden & Charles Hingle
Nicholas & Mary Okon
Sherman & Francis Oland
Clair & Cynthia Opsal
WC & Alice O'Reilly
Oro-Y-Plata Foundation
David & Susan Otey
Julie Palmersheim
James & Sylvia Parman
Rodney & Carol Parvey
Patricia C Remmer 1995
Charitable Lead Trust
Florine Patrick
R Bruce Patterson
H. Stephan & Vickie Payne
Peace Lutheran Church
Walter & Mary Peet
Dorothy Peete
Michael & Elizabeth Perius
Kevin & Christina Perreault
Tom & Patricia Peterman
David & Deborah Peters
Charles & Joyce Peterson
Loween Peterson
Dawn Petty
Pilgrim Congregational Church
Margaret Ping
Vance & Marilyn Pinkerton
Van & Cheryle Pittack
Russell & Susan Plath
Gregory & Shelly Popp
Brooke Powers &
Stephen Emmons
Dennis & Diane Powers
Audre Pressman
Prudential Foundation
Roger & Janine Pryor
Jaq Quanbeck
Donald & Elinore Quander
Mary & Brian Rah
RBC Wealth Management
Charles & Audrey Reed
Don & Michelle Reed
Jane Reger
Rehberg Ranch
Robert & Betty Reid
Sarah Repka
360 Office Solutions
Lavonne Rice-Gordon
James & Tarole Richards
David & Nancy Rigg
Jamie C Ring
Rich & Cinda Robbins
Dr. Don & Carol Roberts
Sharon Roland
Scott Roller
Jim & Lin Roscoe
Linda Rose
Sigel & Beverly Ross
Larry & Kay Rossow
Todd & Teresa Rowen
Joe & Kathy Rude
Justen & Jennifer Rudolph
Marjorie Rufus
Sample Foundation
Irene Sanchez
Phillip & Betty Sanderson
Marion & Laverne Sansted
Mylo & Kay Sather
Rachael & Deborah Beth Schaffer
Steven & Joan Schey
Geary Schied
Cecily Schroepfer
Dr. Robert & Nancy Schultz
Schutz Foss Architects
Barry & Arlee Scott
Donald & Bernice See
John Sery
Tom & Darlene Sharpe
Marjorie Shea
Shiloh United Methodist Church
Michael Shin
Laurel J Shook
Sign Products, Inc.
St. Vincent Healthcare
Page 5
Thank you Donors!
Corby Skinner
John Smillie &
Margaret MacDonald
Cynthia Smith
Gregory & Julie Smith
Ronald & Karin Smith
Linda J. Snider
Beverly Sorensen
Diann Spear
Randy Spear & Janice Munsell
Robert & Bonnie Speare
Douglas & Deborah Speer
Ralph & Tancy Spence
Gary Splittberger & Mary Garrow
E.E. & Ruth St. John
St. John's Foundation
St. Pius X Church
St. Thomas The Apostle Church
Jeannette Stading
Robert & Nancy Staigmiller
Karen Stene
William & Cynthia Stephenson
Emma Jean Stevenson
Joyce Stewart
Marvin & Lisa Sticka
Ed & Jessica Stickney
Paul & Janis Strom
Jody & Leesa Sundsted
Charles & Traci Swarm
Kevin & Mary Sweeney
Rose Sylling
Eitel Tadday
Lionel & Vicki Tapia
Paul Gregory Tarmann
E. Stewart & Mary Jane Taylor
The Parish Community of
St. Bernard
Rosemary Thompson
Bruce Thorson
Eric & Nancy Thorson
Bill & Debbie Tierney
Kay Tostengard
Tim & Marcia Tostengard
Pirrie & Linda Trask
Tri State Truck & Equipment
Town Pump
Charitable Foundation
Volume 2, Issue 1
Thomas Tully & Barbara Archer
Valet Today Cleaners
Shirley Voyta
Harold & Carol Wahl
Judith Walker
John & Kathleen Walsh
Matt Walsh
Marion V. Walton
Charles & Carol Ward
William & Elizabeth Warner
David & Bonnie Warren
Dennis & Phyllis Washington
Jeffrey & Danielle Watson
Craig & Terrie Webster
Arvid & Exel Wedul
Dean & Peggy Welliever
Shirley Wells
Jim & Mary Wempner
Wesco Resources, Inc.
West Yellowstone
County Thrivent
Paul & Betty Whiting
Tracy & Pam Willett
Maureen Williams
Roger & Tricia Williams
Michael & Rosalind Winchell
Harry & Palma Wolverton
Elphie Wood
Kelly Wright
Dorothy Young
Randy & Kim Zickuhr
Roy & Melissa Zimmerman
Dodie Zweifel
Breakfast Exchange Club
Energy Laboratories
Hardy Construction
Greg & Jodie Hart
Crist Krogh Nord
Howard Sumner Real Estate
St. Pius X Catholic Church
Jacob & Michelle Troyer
Mike & Kathy Woods
Welcome Aboard!
Hospitality Network
is pleased to
Carlene Goodheart,
who joined the staff
as our Case Manager
in October 2012.
Georgia Speare
From Connie & Pam Lowe
Viola Eliason
From Pam Lowe & Bob McCleave
Stanley Regele
From Bob & Betty Reid
Ron Williams
From Judy Johnson
Tim Finn
From Marilyn Gisselquist
From Faye Loe
Joan Miller
From Faye Loe
Daniel Olson
From Art & Marian Eichlin
Leo Boehler
From Shelly Greenfield
Edythe McCleary
From Shelly Greenfield
Gary Hafer
From Bruce & Mary Crippen
Ed & Martha Spanbauer
From Bud & Sal St. John
Elton H. Robson
From Eitel Tadday
Dr. Ken Mueller
From Marion V. Walton
Bruce Sorensen
From Beverly Sorensen
Mrs. H.C. Eaton
From Shirley Voyta
Virginia Jeanotte
From Chuck & Alice O’Reilly
From Fawn Gongre
From Rod and Lucy Johnson
Bessie LaBrie
From Brian & Mary Rah & family
John Palmersheim
From Julie Palmersheim
Ed Harris
From Gordon & Connie Arnold
Bob Lyon
From Alice Lyon
King & Gink (canines)
From Michael & Sioux Stevens
Grand Avenue Animal Hospital
Nathan Cox
From Michael V. Cox
Karolyn Gainan
From Chuck Gainan
Loved Ones
From Faye Loe
Mary Huntley
From Hubert Huntley Jr.
Bob O’Sullivan
From Kevin P. Krebsbach
Gene Mossey
From Bill & Helen Bakker
Leionne Freebury
From Randy & Cheryl Bentley
Barbara Sery
From John Sery
Evelyn Blair
From E. Stewart &
Mary Jane Taylor
Milous (Mike) Repka
From K. Kent Koolen
Judy Roberts
From Dorcas M. Halverson
Elliott & Bernice Schaffer
From Drs. Rachel &
Deborah Schaffer
Dr. Charles Morledge
From Patricia Morledge
Don Bottrell
Mary Belgarde
Jim & Lin Roscoe
Linda Snider
Air Controls
First Interstate Bank
Bryan Wilky
Cliff & Shirley Goodbridge
Nancy Dimich & Thierry Louvet
Mike Gustafson
Dave & Bonnie Warren
Toby & Tonya Dahlberg
Scott Roller
Mark & Shirley Jennings
Judy Johnson
William & Cynthia Stephenson
Kevin & Mary Sweeney
Dakota Quality Grain Cooperative
Farm Credit Services
Christian & Paige Jette
Darrell & Carol Dodge
Mark & Denise Larson
Bruce Patterson
Stephen & Sandra Anderson
Lowell & Colette Bottrell
Kathleen Jo Opperud & Roy Eskra
Harold Jeanotte & Sharon Kaeding
Don & Michelle Reed
Adela Awner
Spread the word!
newsletter, is online at
www.BillingsIHN.org, on
Facebook and available as
a PDF file to send to your
friends. Send us an email
if you would like a copy!
Interfaith Hospitality Network
Of Yellowstone County
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Billings MT
Permit 88
40 10th Street West, Billings, MT 59102
Like us! We’re on Facebook
@ BillingsIHN
Consider supporting IHN on a monthly
basis through our ACH Sustained Giving
Program. ACH forms can be downloaded at
www.billingsihn.org. Click “get involved,”
then click where indicated in the third paragraph. You may also make a one-time donation on this page of the website.
Linda Snider’s Birthday
From Judy Johnson
Carol Dale
From Chris Dale
Lorraine Marsh
From Pam Lowe
Jeff Wagner
From Dr. & Mrs. J. P. Byorth
Sally Hedrick
From Pat Jaffray
Kathy Brayko’s Birthday
From Deanne Gumper
Dick & Carolyn Newell
From Tim Tostengard
Eleanor Reinecke
From Donald & Shirley Harr
Rita Hanell
From Traci Swarm
Lenore Kipp
From Jennine Budge
Jess & Cory Rice and families
From Lavonne Rice-Gordon
Judy Johnson
From Linda Snider
George & Lorraine Tarmann
From Paul Tarmann
Shelly Greenfield & Roberta Ehli
From Ardyce Kelly
Karen Stainton & Susan Eades
From Randy Spear & Janice Munsell
Amy Unruh
From Cathy Holmes
Kay Tostengard
From Sharon Harris
Brian Hunter
From Roger & Alisi Kane
Carl & Mary Ann Kring
From Charles & Carol Heath
Pat Hammerbeck
From Lucy Barnard
Ed & Jess Stickney
From Bob & Claudia Fife
Earl Stene
From Karen Stene
Art & Janice Lincoln
From Loween Peterson
Rick & Sherina McIntyre
From Kari Kaiser
Judith Martin
From Wiley & Marilyn Bland
Pastor Tim Tostengard &
Marcia Schermerhorn’s Marriage
Harold & Dorothy Everson
Jane Nelson
Connie Lowe
Pam Lowe
Betty Ahlgren
Charles & Fredricka Gilje
Art & Marian Eichlin
Jo Larson
William & Jane Carlson
David & Nancy Carlson
Stuart & Joyce Deans
Lorri Nelson
To honor a
loved one
on a special
with a gift to
IHN is a
kind and
Thank you!
Volunteer and Donor Recognition Brunch
Last year, 75% of IHN families successfully moved into their own homes.
It is volunteers and donors who make this possible. We would like to thank you, and
recognize your invaluable contributions to IHN families’ success.
Please join us at our annual appreciation celebration:
10am, Saturday, April 20th at American Lutheran Church