The Flower Pot


The Flower Pot
The Flower
Newsletter of the Danville-Alamo Garden Club
May 2014
Volume XLI, Issue 5
What an inspiring program Kathleen Elliott of Hillcrest Ranch presented at our April General Meeting. I really enjoyed the history of her ranch, especially all her vintage pictures of her
Great Aunt and the orchards. Her Aunt was quite a pioneer to move into a water shed without
indoor plumbing. She was quite an adventurous sole. Kathleen is very fortunate to inherit the
property and have the ability to turn it into a productive farm. So many of our members came
up to me after the meeting and told me how much they enjoyed her program and were very
interested into taking a tour of her ranch. I have passed this information on to Vicki Freeberg,
our Tour Chair, and she will see about setting it up for November or December this year.
Kathleen is not going to schedule any tours this summer since she is busy with her vocational
Special thanks go to our member, Helen Miller, for presenting the Horticulture Program in
Kristin’s absence. She provided a wealth of information about how to protect our skin when
we are out gardening in the sun. I hope some of you were able to take Helen up on her offer
to visit her garden. We are very fortunate to have such talented members.
I want to remind our members to look at our Web Site,, and see all the work
Nancy Norland has done. She and Linda Scotting, our Club Historian, have been adding pictures of our various club events. More to come. Thanks Nancy and Linda for all your efforts.
Thanks to our great Social Committee for all their work setting up the chairs, food and membership tables for our meeting. Their support is greatly appreciated. Also special thanks to
Rose Towery for the beautiful, artistic floral arrangement she made. Most of the flowers came
from her own garden.
Please remember to fill out your membership renewals along with a check for your dues. The
deadline is June 1st. See more information from our Membership Team in this newsletter.
Look forward to seeing you on May 8th when Pete Vellieux will present a program on Natives
in Containers.
Inside This Issue
Page 1…President’s Message
Page 2…Members, Tours & Book worms
Page 3…Community Outreach,
Programs & Workshops
Page 4…Calendar
Page 5…Did You Know?..Birthdays,
Election Roster, Workshops
Page 6…Renewal Form
Page 7…..Questionnaire
Page 8….. Our Sponsors
May, 2014
The members send their condolences to Nancy
Peterson and Sharon Cohune who both lost
their mothers recently.
Our best wishes to Donna Rascano still recovering from her surgery last year.
On Thursday, May 29th we will be heading over to Alcatraz to tour their gardens and
then the old prison. We will meet in Alamo at
Congratulations to new grandmother Karen Fox. 7:45 am to drive to San Francisco to catch
It’s a girl!
the 9:10 ferry.
Caroline Bonny
The next meeting of the Bookworms will be Thursday, May 22nd at 10:00 A.M. As is the past, we shall
meet at the home of Joyce Michalczyk for Brunch.
The address is 32 Leeds Court East in Danville. The
book to be discussed is “The Care and Handling of
Roses with Thorns “by Margaret Dilloway. Please
RSVP by Tuesday, May 20th via email.
( Please bring suggestions for
future book selections as we may meet once or twice
in the summer.
Bring a lunch to eat on the grounds. Ferry
and admission tickets are $30.00 or $28.25
if you are over 62. E-mail Vicki Freeberg at or call 280-9847 if interested. We will need to purchase our tickets in advance.
Installation Luncheon
Sign Ups
Our Installation Luncheon is scheduled
for June 12th. In order to plan for the
Speaking of books, there is something I would like to
amount of food needed, the Installation
share. We have a very active member in our club who
will need to have an accurate
continues to amaze me. She is one of our co-chairs
of Inspiration, she is a member of the Gourmet Gals
count of the members who will be attending
cooking group and is also a tried and true member of
by JUNE 1st.
Bookworms. This member is Peggy Stevens.
In April, Peggy had a poetry book published. It is
called “Haiku Cats.” It is available through Amazon.
For more information, go to the website, The story behind the book is
delightful. You will want to purchase the book and I
am sure Peggy will sign it for you!
They will be passing around a sign up
sheet at our May General Meeting. Please
save the date and enjoy a wonderful luncheon.
Happy Gardening and Reading !
Joyce M
May, 2014
Community Outreach
On Thursday May 1st the Wheelchair Brigade is back in action at the Reutlinger Community Home.
Hopefully the weather will be terrific and we can get the residents outside. Meet 9:30am at Sycamore
Park and Ride.
We will carpool up to the Reutlinger Center at 4000 Camino Tassajara, Danville.
Optional lunch after at Café Esin in the Rose Garden Center. RSVP: sandraolinger or
! Exciting News !
Ladies, it’s that time of year again. Membership Renewal Forms Due Now!
The DAGC Annual Membership Drive ends in May. The deadline for receipt of the membership forms for next year is
June 1, 2014. Mail your membership form and check to Susan Polk as soon as possible. (Her address is on the form
you receive in the newsletter.)
If you will not be renewing for next year, would you please let Kayrene Braden or Win Cronin know, so we may begin
contacting our waiting list. If you need to take a break from membership, but wish to return in the future, we suggest
you place your name on the waiting list now, and there will be a spot for you in the future.
Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact Kayrene or Win.
The program for May promises to be quite informative and entertaining. Pete Veilleux, owner of
East Bay Wilds in Oakland, will give a slide show of his landscape designs and potted plantings,
plus do a demonstration planting.
Pete grew up in rural New Hampshire and his early life was greatly influenced by time spent exploring nature. This experience eventually led to his landscape design business which features using beautiful native plants. Check out his great "garden candy" (pots, antiques, statuary, fountains, etc) online at East Bay Wilds and come to the May meeting and be inspired!
Rebecca Byrom
In your garden program your water controller to begin regular irrigation, being mindful of restrictions on water usage.
Irrigate early in the morning. Plant those tomatoes and the rest of your summer vegetables.
Dates & Times
9 am – noon
Plant Sale
Markham Arboretum
Great prices on all containers, 4” to gallon-size.
May 1
9:30 am
Meet Syc P & R
DAGC: Community Outreach
Volunteers will carpool to the Reutlinger facility to treat
the wheelchair-bound residents to a tour of areas they
may not visit often. Optional lunch after at Esin. Contact:
Sandra at
Class: Our Garden
Shadelands Dr & Wiget, WC
May 3
Tour: John Montgomery Landscape Architect Tour
Several gardens in Alamo and Danville
Tour: Bringing Back the Natives
Many Bay Area Cities/Towns
11 am – 4 pm
May 4
10 am – 5 pm
Reutlinger Senior Residence
Free classes taught by Master Gardeners & other experts. This year’s focus is on sustainable practices. Click
here: Our Garden's 2014 schedule of classes - San Jose
Mercury News.
Self-guided tours of the JM gardens include nibbles, live
music, a bee-keeper presentation, and surprises. Cost:
$30. Proceeds benefit Bounty Garden and other worthy
causes. For a map: Click here to sign up.
Self-guided tour of many possible bayside or inland city
gardens. Click here: Register for 2014 Tour « Bringing
Back the Natives Garden Tour
May 8
9:15 Social
9:45 Meeting
DAGC General Meeting
May 10
9 am – 2 pm
Plant Sale: Pleasant Hill G C
Winslow Center at Pleasant Hill Rd
& Taylor Blvd
Wide selection of plants to select from plus a window
box raffle. Master Gardeners on hand to answer questions.
May 15
9:30 am
DAGC Board Meeting
Home of Kayrene Braden
RSVP to Kayrene at
May 17
Plant Sale
9 am – 1 pm
Markham Arboretum
The nursery will feature bird, bee, and butterfly plants.
Come early for the best selection of basics as well as
more unusual plants.
May 18
Class: Pruning and Care of the
Acid Lovers
Sloat Garden Center
Elizabeth Ruiz will give tips for and a demonstration of
pruning Camellias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, and other
garden favorites. Rewards Members free; others $5.
May 22
DAGC: Bookworms
10 am
Home of Joyce Michalczyk
Participants will enjoy brunch and discuss The Care and
Handling of Roses with Thorns. Contact: Page or Joyce
May 24
Class: Summer Rose Pruning
2 pm
Navlet’s Garden Center
May 29
Meet at Bagel St Café
in Alamo to carpool
DAGC Tour: Alcatraz Gardens
Alcatraz Island
May, 2014
Pete Vellieux of East Bay Wilds, will talk about “Natives
in Containers.” Election of officers for next year.
Alamo Women’s Club
Learn how to prune roses after the first flush of flowers
has faded. This summer rose class covers pruning, watering, fertilizing, and disease and pest control.
We will carpool to SF to catch the 9:10 ferry to Alcatraz
for a tour of their gardens and the prison. Bring a bag
lunch. Cost: $30 for ferry & admission, $28.25 if over 62.
Must purchase tickets in advance. Contact Vicki Freeberg at
Our last Workshop of the year is a talk at the San Ramon Library: Conserving Water in the Landscape. This timely topic
will be discussed on Thursday, May 1st, 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
Learn about irrigation methods, plant selection and placement,
water gardening and rainwater harvesting.
The San Ramon Library is located at 100 Montgomery St. on
the corner of Bollinger Canyon and Marketplace. No charge
for the talk. No sign-up either - just show up. For more information about the library, please call 925-973-2850 or visit for directions.
Karen Fox
May Election of Officers
We have a full slate of nominees for this month’s election of
officers for the 2014-2015 year. Thank you all for your help.
Sandy March, Caroline Bonny, Louise Wiggins
Sharon Williams
Program Vice President
Nancy Peterson
Membership Vice President
Susan Polk
May. Flower: Lily of the Valley
Social Vice President
Ellen Frost, Joyce Michalczyk
Recording Secretary
Jan Hamby
Corresponding Secretary
Tena Gallagher
Zodiac Sign:
Jenny Ofringa
Linda Scotting
Horticultural Chair
Kristin Yanker-Hansen
Newsletter Editor
Roseann Krane
Sponsor Representatives
Sharon Cohune, Janice Fassioto,
Lynn Hoaglin,
Tour Chair
Vicki Freeberg
Website Administrator
Nancy Norland
Workshop Chair
Kathy Kaminski
May, 2014
Danville-Alamo Garden Club
Membership Form 2014-2015
Coming together is the beginning  Working together is progress  Staying together is success
Please print your name the way you would like it to appear in the Directory. Contact the Membership Vice President if this
information changes during the year. *Starred items are required for membership and Directory purposes.
NAME* ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fill In ONLY
if there are any changes from last year’s application.
STREET ADDRESS* __________________________________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS* _________________________________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP* ___________________________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE* ______________________________________________________________________________________
BIRTHDAY Month _______________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS (Print carefully.) _____________________________________________________________________
Would you like to include your email address in the DAGC Directory? Yes____ No____
Would you like to be on the email list to receive Club and garden related messages? Yes____ No____
These are private lists produced for our members’ use only and will not be shared with other individuals or organizations. All names, addresses,
telephone numbers, and email addresses are to remain confidential and are not to be used for sales or solicitations. Thank you.
Members receive the newsletter, The Flower Pot, e-mailed monthly. Note: Effective June 2013, hard copies of the newsletter
will no longer be available, except for those currently receiving a mailed copy. If you wish to continue to receive the newsletter
by mail, include an additional fee of $21.00 to cover printing and mailing costs.
Complete and return both forms with your (non-refundable) check made payable to DAGC.
Annual Club Membership Dues ($55.00)
$ 55.00
Optional Hardcopy Newsletter Subscription (add $21.00)
Check #____________ Date__________________ Amount____________
Mail to: Susan Polk, 196 Blackstone Drive, Danville, CA 94506
Liability Release: I recognize that Danville-Alamo Garden Club’s activities, such as tours, workshops, and meetings
at members’ homes can involve risk of injury. I agree as a condition of membership and participation in DAGC
activities to release any claim I may have directly or indirectly, against DAGC, its officers, and my fellow members that
arise out of such activities. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless DAGC, its officers, and members from any
claim arising from my participation in Club activities.
_____________________________________________________________________ Signature
May, 2014
Danville-Alamo Garden Club
Participation is essential to making our garden club thrive.
Let us know how you can help us and how we can help you.
What are your gardening interests or specialties? (ornamental, vegetable, orchard, succulents, houseplants,
Are you a Master Gardener? ______ Yes
Tell us if you have a special workshop talent to share.
Would you be willing to serve on the Nominating Committee? ______ Yes
Tell us about new programs, workshops and/or tours you would like offered. Give contact information if possible.
Do you have any additional information/suggestions to share with the Club?
Please indicate the areas in which you would like to participate:
_____ Nominating Committee
_____ Social Committee
_____ Audit Committee
_____ Winter Event Luncheon Committee
_____ Installation Luncheon Committee
_____ Community Outreach Committee
_____ Members Helping Members Committee
______ Proofreading Directory
______ Bring Food for Meetings
______ Horticulture
______ Monthly Flower Arranging
______ Photography
______ Other (Specify): _____________
______ Merrill Gardens Senior Home Christmas
(put up or take down)
May, 2014
Sheila Truschke-Editor
Danville-Alamo Garden Club
P.O. Box 920
Danville, Ca. 94526
Alamo Ace Hardware
3211 Danville Blvd. Alamo
Armstrong Garden Centers
7360 San Ramon Road, Dublin
Diablo Valley College
Horticulture Department
321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill
Markham Arboretum
1202 La Vista Avenue, Concord
800 Camino Ramon, Danville
Orchard Nursery & Florist
Remember, our commercial sponsors donate the door
prizes, and they support us with speakers for our general
Please support them!
4010 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette
Regan Nursery
3268 Decoto Road, Fremont
Sloat Garden Center
828 Diablo Road, Danville
Mt Diablo Nursery & Garden
3295 Mt Diablo Blvd, Lafayette
925 283-3830
May, 2014
May 2014