the annual report
the annual report
Earth and Space Sciences Annual Report 2014 Dear Reader, In front of you is now again one of our department’s yearly reports. As chair of the department it is sometimes meaningful — at least I like to think so — to reflect on what it is that characterizes a department in general and of course our own department in particular? When reading about the activities in the different research groups and the National Facility for Radio Astronomy one realizes that there are indeed many common interests, but there are also many differences. In a way the organization of our department seems a bit like a family structure. It provides a framework, a platform, from which the different members, and constellations of members, may operate. Another similarity is the probability for conflicts of interest. Therefore, just as in the case of the family, there is a need for a limited amount of reasonable rules. These rules must be followed and in return you receive support in terms of logistics. Some rules we may agree upon internally and these are in general likely to be accepted. Other rules, that are given to us from outside, such as laws, may in some cases be more difficult to accept. One such law is the Swedish Public Procurement Act which for example specifies the procedures to use when we buy airplane tickets or electronic components where a specific vendor is chosen as the only possible one for a period of several years, regardless of if the price from others are lower. It causes frustration when resources could be used much more efficiently. I think this an example of a difference between the department and the family. Gunnar Elgered, Head of Department Let us address another important issue. In a family we usually care about each other. A family member is often willing to sacrifice quite a lot in order to help another family member through difficult times. To what extent does that apply in our department? Well, I hope I will not have to find out the answer to that question. In the mean time, in the yearly budget, we put aside a small but significant amount of funds in order to be prepared for unforeseen difficulties. This is however not of an amount that so far has caused any noticeable suffering. On this page I usually also mention the promotions that have occurred during the last year. Today I do that with mixed feelings. The reason is that Joachim (Jo) Urban who has been with us in the department since 2004 was appointed as professor on the 1st of July. Just a few weeks later we were reached by the sad news that he passed away while on vacation in Bordeaux, France. In retrospect we are happy for the promotion and it was an accomplishment that Jo had strived for. Please read more about Jo and his professional life on the next page. Other announcements we are happy to make, without any mixed feelings, are: • Cathy Horellou, was appointed Director of the master’s program Physics and Astronomy for a three year period starting on the 1st of April; • Lars Ulander, our former adjunct professor, was recruited as a full professor in Radar Remote Sensing from the 1st of May; • Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen was appointed as associate professor in Radio Astronomy on the 1st of December. Finally, reflecting about environmental issues please note that the cost for travel in the department has not increased significantly over the last five years (see page 25). This is in spite of that the department has grown and the extent of our international collaborations, indirectly reflected by the amount of internationally coauthored papers listed towards the end of this report, has increased during the same period. With this positive statement I like to sum up 2014 by saying thank you to all my family — whoops, sorry, department members. Production: Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, Chalmers Printed by Chalmers Reproservice, 2015. Copies: 750 2 In Memoriam Earlier this year our dear colleague and friend Jo Urban passed away in Bordeaux, France. As a leading expert in microwave and sub-mm atmospheric observations, he was very well known and connected in the atmospheric chemistry and remote sensing community. Jo participated in many international activities. He made important contributions to three SPARC (StratosphereTroposphere Processes and their Role in Climate) activities: Data Initiative (trace gas climatologies), WAVAS II (water vapour assessment) and the SPARC/IO3C/IGACOO3/ NDACC (SI2N) “Activity on Past changes in the Vertical Distribution of Ozone“. He collaborated in the still ongoing ESA (European Space Agency) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) on ozone and was co-author of Chapter 2 “Global Ozone” of the current WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion 2014. Since 2004 he has worked at Chalmers where he was an essential part of the Odin team headed by Prof. Donal Murtagh being responsible for microwave trace gas retrieval and science analysis using data from SMR, which was successfully launched in 2001. He was also involved in the STEAM concept, a follow-up on SMR, to be flown as part of the PREMIER limb sounder proposed to the European Space Agency. After being an associate professor for several years, he just became professor in July this year. He was an outstanding scientist, leader in his field, well known and well liked. We have lost a good friend and colleague. “Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.” George Elliot Mark Weber, John P. Burrows, Harry Küllmann, and Donal Murtagh, The Cover In the world’s largest fusion experiment, the Joint European Torus (JET), temperatures range from 100 million degrees in the core to 1000 degrees near the wall – a distance of a mere meter. The extreme conditions provide a challenge for physicists; theoretically, experimentally, as well as numerically. The strong gradients in temperature and density present in a tokamak fusion plasma provide a source of free energy that couples to the confining magnetic field and feeds instabilities over a wide range of sizes and frequencies. The small scale instabilities in turn drive turbulence, the presence and nature of which has important repercussions for energy confinement. Turbulent motion act to increase transport of fuel ions, heat and impurities across the magnetic field lines, but can also act collectively to create large scale flows that improve confinement. Understanding and predicting turbulent transport requires the experimental effort to be supported by a theoretical undertaking. The cover shows micro-turbulent structures from a gyrokinetic plasma simulation of the JET tokamak. Turbulence is more pronounced on the outboard side of the tokamak, known as the bad curvature region. Contents First Degree & Master’s Studies......... ......................... 4 Bachelor´s Thesis Reports................ ............................. 5 Master’s Thesis Reports....................... .......................... 5 Master´s Programmes....................... .............................. 6 Doctoral Programme........................... ............................ 8 Doctoral Dissertations...................... .............................. 8 Licentiates............................................. ............................ 9 Advanced Receiver Development.. ............................10 Global Environmental Measuremen ts and Modelling............................................... ..........................11 Optical Remote Sensing....................... .......................12 Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy. ..........................13 Radar Remote Sensing...................... ..........................14 Space Geodesy and Geodynamics ..........................15 Radio Astronomy and Astrophysic s..........................16 Onsala Space Observatory............... ..........................18 Publications............................................ .........................21 Public Outreach/Press Clippings..... .........................24 Facts and Figures.............................. ............................25 Organisation............................................ ........................26 Photo: EFDA/EUROfusion. Edit by Andreas Skyman, research group Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy, Chalmers University of Technology. 3 First Degree and Master’s Studies Magnus Thomasson, Vice Head of Department and responsible for the undergraduate teaching Arto Heikkilä, Director of the Programme in Electrical Engineering The department is active at several levels of teaching: we give courses for students at Chalmers’ Foundation Year, the three-year engineering programme in Electrical Engineering and fiveyear master of engineering programmes in Electrical Engineering, Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, and Engineering Physics. Most of our courses are at the master’s level, and many of them are also open for students at University of Gothenburg. In 2014, the department was responsible for more than 20 courses at Chalmers, plus thesis projects on bachelor’s and master’s level. Our teachers also participated in courses given by other departments. The subjects range from basic electrical engineering to courses closely related to our research in, e.g., astrophysics, remote sensing, receiver development, and plasma physics. An important subject is measurement techniques. We have our own laboratory, which is used exclusively for teaching and where students get hands-on experience with measurement instruments. Also the instruments at Onsala Space Observatory are used in several courses. One example is the small radio telescope SALSA, which astronomy students use to observe atomic hydrogen gas in the Milky Way. The department is involved in two master’s programmes: Physics and Astronomy (together with the Department of Fundamental Physics) and Wireless, Photonics and Space Engineering (together with the Department of Microtehnology and Nanoscience). One of the department’s teachers, Cathy Horellou, was appointed Director of the Master’s Programme in Physics and Astronomy in 2014. She has many years of experience from teaching and supervising master’s students in astronomy. Since 2013 another of our teachers, Arto Heikkilä, is Head of the Programme in Elecetrical Engineering. Göta studentkår at the University of Gothenburg awarded Alessandro Romeo with “Pedagogiska priset” in 2014, in honor of his much appreciated teaching ability. This year’s theme was “Commitment”, which we all can agree that Alessandro possesses in abundance. One new course was developed and given for the first time in 2014: Stellar physics. The course complements the other astronomy courses in the in the master’s programme Physics and Astronomy. Chalmers courses given during 2014 Cathy Horellou, Director of the Master’s Programme in Physics and Astronomy (NB: many of the master’s courses were also open to students at the University of Gothenburg) A Foundation Year Physics, part B Physics project (parts of the course) Engineering programmes Electrical engineering Electrical engineering project Telecommunication Degree project in Earth and Space Sciences Master of Engineering programmes, year 1–3 Bachelor’s thesis in Earth and Space Sciences Electric circuits and electric power (part of the course) Engineering measurements (for Automation and Mechatronics Engineering) Engineering measurements (for Electrical Engineering) Environmental measurement techniques High frequency electromagnetic waves Planetary sciences 4 Master’s courses and equivalent Active microwave circuits (parts of the course) Astrophysical dynamics Electromagnetic waves and components Experimental physics: spectroscopic methods (parts of the course) Image processing Galaxies and observational cosmology Master’s thesis in Earth and Space Sciences Microwave engineering (parts of the course) Millimetre wave and THz technology Modern astrophysics Plasma physics with applications Remote sensing Radar systems and applications Radioastronomical techniques and interferometry Satellite positioning Satellite communications Space science and techniques Stellar physics The interstellar medium and star formation Bachelor’s Thesis Reports Erik Hellsten, Markus Polleryd, David Svensson, Emilio Jorge Study of the correlation between oceanic wave height and the power spectrum of microseismic activity using artificial neural networks (Supervisor: Hans-Georg Scherneck) Frida Strömbeck, Alexander Bore, Charbel Rizk, Calle Ekdahl Simulation of cometary orbits in the Oort cloud and in the proximity of planets (Supervisor: Magnus Thomasson) Mattias Sjöberg, Björnborg Nguyen, Henrik Gårdh Studying ash plumes with GNSS (Supervisor: Rüdiger Haas and Johan Löfgren) Master’s Thesis Reports Elmin Tutkur Wideband directional couplers and power splitters (Examiner/Supervisor: Vincent Desmaris) Gustav Samuelsson Using Onsala’s LOFAR station to observe exoplanets using beamlets (Examiner/Supervisor: John Conway) Saladin Grebovic Gravitational instability of nearby galaxies: dwarfs vs. spirals (Examiner/Supervisor: Alessandro Romeo) The photo shows the two halves of the Onsala LOFAR station. To the right, the 96 high-band antennas in their protective ‘tiles’. To the left, the 96 low-band antennas. Photo: Leif Helldner 5 me given Master’s program artment by us and the Dep hysics. of Fundamental P Master’s programme PHYSiCS anD aSTronoMY CarEEr oPPorTUniTiES The skills in problem solving and advanced experimental techniques, as well as collaboration and presentation skills, acquired in this program are highly valued both in the academic world and on the job market. From elementary particles to a complex universe Understanding the basic laws of physics has been a fascinating problem since the birth of modern science. It is of great intrinsic interest and also forms the basis of other branches of science. Trying to probe the smallest structures of matter and the largest structures of the Universe also drives the development of new technologies. Physics and Astronomy is intended for students with a keen interest in either the theoretical or experimental aspects of frontline physics and astronomy. Previous students have found positions in for example industrial research, consulting, product and production development, management and administration, financial analysis. The interested student will also be well prepared to enter a doctoral programme at Chalmers or at another university in both Sweden and worldwide. UniQUE FEaTUrES Close connections to leading research laboratories like the accelerator facilities at CERN and GSI, and the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy: Onsala Space Observatory. SPECiaLiZaTion Through the choice of elective courses it is possible to specialize in theoretical and/or experimental aspects of particle physics, subatomic physics or astrophysics. Year 1 Quantum Mechanics Advanced Quantum Mechanics Electrodynamics Experimental Modern Physics: Spectroscopic Astrophysics Methods Gravitation and Cosmology Interstellar Medium & Star Format. Quantum Field Theory Astroparticle Physics Advanced Subatomic Physics Galaxies & Observat. Cosmology Elective courses Elective courses Spring Autumn Year 2 Phys. Beyond String the Standard Theory Model Modern Subatomic Astrophysical Dynamics Detectors Plasma Physics Elective courses Elective courses Master’s Thesis 30 or 60 Credits Elective courses Autumn Elective courses Spring Semi-compulsory courses, select 4–8 of 12 The order of the courses might be changed. The airborne radar system CARABAS Orionnebulosan 6 Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 772 10 00, me given Master’s program artment by us and the Dep gy and of Microtechnolo Nanoscience. Master’s programme WirELESS, PHoToniCS anD SPaCE EnGinEErinG CarEEr oPPorTUniTiES Diffractive optics Photonics laboratory GaN MMIC X-band transceiver fabricated at Chalmers Electron beam lithography in Chalmers clean room Electromagnetic waves in research and everyday life Wireless, Photonics and Space Engineering with their many applications are large industries and strong research fields both in Sweden and worldwide. The master’s programme will prepare you for a career in this field through studies of wireless and optical communication components and systems, RF and microwave engineering, photonics (phenomena and applications utilizing photons), and space science and techniques. The programme provides a master’s education for a future career in engineering branches that rely heavily on electromagnetic waves, e.g. telecommunication, automotive electronics, space engineering, medical applications of microwaves and photonics, remote sensing, solid state lighting, environmental monitoring, navigation, and radio astronomy. You will find career opportunities in industry, at universities, or at research institutes. UniQUE FEaTUrES The programme offers a unique opportunity to study a combination of subjects where Chalmers has world‐class facilities: Onsala Space Observatory with radio telescopes and equipment to study the Earth and its atmosphere, the Nanofabrication Laboratory with a clean room for micro and nanotechnology, and state‐of‐the‐art photonics and microwave measurement equipment in research laboratories. CoUrSES The programme starts with five compulsory courses. Through semi-compulsory courses, students can specialize in wireless, photonics or space engineering, or a combination thereof. To provide opportunities to study related fields, there is also a wide range of elective courses. Year 1 The research satellite Odin Electromagnetic Waves and Components Microwave Engineering Wireless and Photonics System Engineering Space Science and Techniques Antenna Fundamentals Engineering of Photonics Active Microwave Circuits Autumn Remote Sensing Laser Engineering Radar Systems and Applications Spring Year 2 Design of MMIC Mm-wave & THz Techn. Optoelectronics Fiber Optical Communic. Satellite Communic. Satellite Positioning Semiconduct. Devices Elective courses Spring Elective courses Eleven feed antenna for radio telescopes The airborne radar system CARABAS Master’s Thesis Semi-compulsary courses, select 3–7 of 12 7 Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 772 10 00, Doctoral Programme Donal Murtagh, Deputy Head of Department and responsible for the doctoral programme. The doctoral programme is organised as three possible specialisations within the subject area of Radio and Space Science. These specialisations are Astronomy, Environmental Science, and Electrical Engineering, reflecting the diversity of the research carried out at the department. The school strives to give the students a thorough understanding of the research area they have chosen and in depth studies in a particular subject with the aim of achieving Chalmers goals for post-graduate education. There are currently about 34 research students in the programme - most of whom are employed by the department, although a handful have positions in industry or at other institutes. During the past year six PhD degrees and six licentiate degrees have been awarded, while four new post-graduate students were recruited. We also strive to engage the PhD students in the department and have organised a PhD-student forum in March. Here we discussed such subjects as the results of the Personnel questionaire, Generic and transferable skills courses and how to spread knowledge, such as good programming among each other. In his PhD work, Johan Löfgren, Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, evaluated a new tide gauge at the Onsala Space Observatory that is based on reflected GNSS signals. This installation uses signals from satellite navigation systems like GPS to measure sea level. Licentiates Taïssa Danilovich Joachim Wiegert Studies of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae : The circumstellar envelope and the fain companion Extrasolar Kuiper and asteroid belts Modelling far-infrared dust emission February April Supervisor: Kay Justtanont Supervisor: René Liseau Lukas Lindroos Mitra Hajigholi Stacking of interferometric data at sub-millimeter and radio wavelengths Observations with Herschel: High-mass star formation and the search for NH+ March June Supervisor: John Conway Supervisor: John Black Eskil Varenius 8 Kazutoshi Sagi High-resolution radio imaging of galaxy nuclei Analysis of stratospheric ozone depletion in the Arctic using a data assimilation technique April June Supervisor: John Conway Supervisor: Donal Murtagh Doctoral Dissertations Johan Löfgren Marston Johnston Local Sea Level Observations Using Reflected GNSS Signals Evaluating Tropical Uppertropospheric Water in Climate Models Using Satellite Data January April Supervisor: Rüdiger Haas Supervisor: Patrick Eriksson Santiago Arellano Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar for Sea Ice Observations, Concentration and Dynamics Studies of Volcanic Plumes with Remote Spectroscopic Sensing Techniques -DOAS and FTIR measurements on volcanoes of the Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change February October Supervisor: Leif Eriksson Supervisor: Bo Galle Andreas Skyman Maciej Soja Gyrokinetic simulations of turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas Modelling and Retrieval of Forest Parameters from Synthetic Aperture Radar Data. February October Supervisor: Hans Nordman Supervisor: Lars Ulander Anders Berg In april our PhD student Sofia Wallström got a chance to fly with NASA’s airborne observatory, appropriately named SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy). Sofia blogged about the experience on Chalmers website. 9 Advanced Receiver Development Research group leader Victor Belitsky Staff Victor Belitsky Vincent Desmaris Andrey Ermakov Sven-Erik Ferm Mathias Fredrixon Igor Lapkin Denis Meledin Alexey Pavolotsky Magnus Strandberg Erik Sundin Mark Whale (-Nov) Doctoral students Parisa Aghdam Sascha Krause Hawal Marouf Rashid The Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD) is a research and engineering group working on Terahertz technologies and instrumentation. GARD research activities are focused on superconducting electronics, material science and thin-film processing. The results and experience from the research facilitate development and building of state-of-the-art instruments used in radio astronomy and environmental science. Band 5 Full Production for ALMA At the beginning of 2013, GARD was awarded the contract to build the Band 5 receiver for the entire Atacama large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) project in Chile. The Project aims to produce in total 67 ALMA Band 5 receiver cartridges in collaboration between GARD and the Nederlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie (NOVA), The Netherlands, and is funded by the European Southern Observatory at the level of about 13 M€ for 5 years. The European consortium for full production of ALMA Band 5 also collaborates with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), USA, responsible for the local oscillator system and the warm cartridge assembly. Atacama Path finder EXperiment (APEX) GARD has performed a service mission to upgrade cryogenic low-noise IF amplifiers of three receiver channels on the Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument, SHeFI, in the beginning of 2014. Figure capture: GARD members M. Fredrixon, A. Pavolotsky and D. Meledin in action: installation of the Band 5 receiver cartridge into the cryostat. 10 During 2014, GARD continued to work on the new generation Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB) mixer of the APEX T2 receiver channel. As a part of that activity GARD has developed technology for deposition of ultra-thin NbN superconducting films with record high critical temperature. A huge interest in the ALMA Band 5 receiver created an opportunity to install the preproduction receiver built under EC FP6 funded project at the APEX telescope, in Chile. The ALMA Band 5 covers the frequency range 163 GHz – 211 GHz. The para-H2O (313-220) line at 183 GHz lies in the middle of Band 5. It is one of a few H2O lines that can be observed from Earth (at the excellent APEX/ALMA site the transmission can approach 50 % at the line peak). The band 5 receiver is planned to be installed on the APEX telescope in February 2015. New 2-channel MM-Wave Receiver for OSO 20m GARD has designed and built the new 2-channel receiver that has been installed and commissioned at Onsala 20 m antenna. The work was done in collaboration with the electronic lab at the Onsala site. The receiver covers two bands: the 4 mm band where state-of-the art amplifiers (from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA) will be used and the channel to be installed during 2015 and the 3-mm band with 2SB SIS mixers (from Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique (IRAM), France) available for observations during the 2014/2015 observational season. The receiver has a very compact design suitable for the tight space of the Onsala 20 m antenna cabin. GARD has made a completely new optical design for this receiver with a built-in calibration for both channels and an innovative fast optical switch for on/off source observations. Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling Research group leader Donal Murtagh The Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling group focuses on the production and interpretation of global datasets. To a large extent these originate from the Swedish led Odin satellite project, where we are the main data processing centre for the sub-mm radiometer instrument providing the atmospheric community with quality assessed data. On the scientific side we have continued with studies of the chemical and dynamical processes affecting the atmosphere. As in earlier annual reports, we chose to highlight one or two aspects of this research each year. Aerosol optics in chemical transport models In recent years there has been an increased interest in using satellite observations for validating or constraining atmospheric chemical transport models (CTMs). This development has been stimulated by the growing importance of hemispherical transport in air pollution modelling. It has also been prompted by recent trends of coupling CTMs to climate models in order to obtain a better description of aerosolcloud interaction. To validate the description of hemispheric transport and of climate effects of air pollutants requires a stronger focus on concentration fields aloft, where in situ observations of chemical tracers are sparse. Many studies on the use of satellite observations in CTMs have focused on trace gases, and much less on aerosols. A main difficulty in exploiting satellite data of aerosols is to map the physical and chemical properties of particles described in a CTM to the optical properties retrieved from the observations. The use of over-simplified aerosol optics models in this mapping can introduce additional errors that complicate the comparsions between CTM results and satellite products. Within the work performed in the VR-project AGES (Aerosol optics in Global Earth-System modelling) new aerosol optics models are being developed that account for the complex aggregate topology of externally mixed soot aggregates as well as for internal mixing of chemically heterogeneous aerosols, such as mixtures of soot with sulphate and organic compounds. 00 5 t t 0 85 50 a at 68 a Lat 82 68 t 5 226 50 Morphology of a bare (top left) and encapsulated soot aggregate (bottom lef). AOD computed with MATCH-SALSA in conjunction with the new aerosol optics model (right). Comparisons with laboratory measurements reveal that morphologically simple particle models tend to underestimate the absorption cross section and overestimate the single scattering albedo of soot aerosols. The new optics model shows considerably better agreement with laboratory observations; it has now been implemented into the Swedish CTM MATCH, which contains the Finnish aerosol dynamics module SALSA. The figure shows aerosol optical depth (AOD) modelled with MATCH-SALSA in conjunction with the new aerosol optics model. This work will pave the way for validation of MATCH-SALSA with MODIS AOD and Calipso profiles of the aerosol backscattering coefficient. Polar mesospheric clouds (pictured below) are clouds that form in the summer polar mesopause, 80 km above the surface. Using data from Odin we can see structures in the clouds and background atmosphere that have not been detectable by previous measurements. 0 8 6 80 5 0 2 0 11 Staff Patrick Eriksson Michael Kahnert (adj. prof.) Donal Murtagh Kristell Perot Joel Rasch David Simpson (adj. prof.) Joachim Urban (-Aug) Doctoral students Emma Andersson Ole Martin Christensen Maryam Khosravi (-Feb) Kazutoshi Sagi Optical Remote Sensing Research group leader Bo Galle Staff Johan Ekholm Bo Galle Johan Mellqvist Santiago Arellano (Nov-) Doctoral students Santiago Arellano (-Oct) Jörg Beecken Vladimir Conde John Johansson The optical remote sensing group is working with development and application of ground-based optical remote sensing methods for atmospheric measurements. In specific we are focusing on tailoring instruments and measurement strategies to address specific measurement problems related to environmental research and monitoring needs. The work is very international and field oriented, and spans a large variety of disciplines. Volcanic gas measurements Since 2001 we are strongly involved in developing methods to quantify gas emission from active volcanoes. The EU-project NOVAC (Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change), coordinated by Chalmers, was initiated in fall 2005. This project aims at establishing a network of instruments for gas measurements and today comprises 27 of the most active volcanoes in the world. In 2013 a new project DECADE (Deep Earth Carbon Degassing) was initiated, aiming at improving the knowledge on CO2 emission from volcanoes as part of a large scale international effort DCO, Deep Carbon Observatory. During 2014 we have also made significant efforts in the EU-project FUTUREVOLC on Iceland, in specific in relation to the volcanic fissure eruption at Holuhraun yielding SO2 emissions exceeding 50 000 ton/day. During the year fieldwork has been carried out on volcanoes in Iceland, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile and D.R. Congo. Industrial hydrocarbon emissions Emissions of hydrocarbons from oil related industrial activities constitute an important environmental problem. We have developed optical methods for quantification of emissions of The Navajo Piper aircraft that has been equipped with custom made monitoring instruments for measuring exhaust plumes of ships. The installation has been certified by the European Air Safety Agency. Photo: Tue Friis-Hansen hydrocarbons, NO2 , SO2 and we are involved in joint European work, CEN WG 38, to standardize these techniques. We participated in the NASA Discover AQ project in Houston in 2013 and during 2014 we have been working on these data to compare the measurements with similar ones carried out from airplanes and ground sites. Emissions from ships A method, for remote airborne and ground based measurements of exhaust gas emissions from ships has been developed. The aim with this system is to be able to control whether ships obey new environmental regulation within EU and the international maritime organization, IMO. During 2013 and 2014 the system was rebuilt into a Navajo Piper aircraft and then the installation was certified by the European Air Safety Agency. Another system has been operating from an island in the inlet of Gothenburg and more than 4000 ships were measured during 2014. In addition we participated in a joint ship emission campaign in Gothenburg in October 2014. Stratospheric ozone depletion and satellite validation Since 1994 we are operating a high resolution FTIR for solar spectroscopy at Harestua in southern Norway. The instrument is part of NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change), and its main purpose is to study the composition of the atmosphere in relation to climate gases and to gases that induce stratospheric ozone loss. During 2014 regular measurements have been carried out, financed by Swedish environmental protection agency. Volcanic fissure eruption at Holuhraun on Iceland, September 2014. Photo: Vladimir Conde 12 Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy The group is focused on theoretical research on turbulent transport, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability, and energetic particle physics of burning fusion plasmas. The research is strongly integrated with the international research activities, in particular the EU and ITER program, for the realisation of fusion energy as a safe, clean, and sustainable energy source. In addition to the topical areas detailed below, the group is also promoting these research areas in the Integrated Tokamak modelling programme on the European level. Turbulent transport and MHD stability The strong gradients in temperature present in tokamak fusion plasmas provide a source of free energy that feeds instabilities over a wide range of sizes and frequencies. These small scale instabilities in turn drive turbulence which results in large transport of heat and particles across the confining magnetic field. The large turbulent transport crucially affects the size and performance of a fusion device. Our current work is focused on realistic large scale gyrokinetic turbulence simulations of the new ITER-like wall experiments at the Joint European Torus (JET), and further theoretical developments of a computationally efficient fluid model for turbulent transport that is more suitable for regular use in analysis and predictions of experiments. The global MHD pressure stability limit is one of the important parameters defining operational space of a fusion device. A pressure limit is set by the ideal kink mode growing on the Alfvén time scale (in the range of microseconds). In the presence of conducting structures or due to interaction of the mode with plasma particles (kinetic effects), the mode growth could be reduced allowing subsequent mode control or be completely stabilized making operation space wider. Our activity in this field of research is focused on the stability limit studies at the ASDEX Upgrade device. Experimental results are compared to the numerical simulations with the final aim of predicting pressure stability limits for the future generation of fusion devices. Energetic particle physics One important objective for the next generation tokamak ITER is the study of alpha particle production, confinement and consequent heating of the main plasma. In fact, energetic particles constitute the only heating alternative beyond the Ohmic regime, but are also known to play a decisive role for plasma stability. For example the presence of fast ions in the plasma core significantly tranquilizes the often-observed sawtooth oscillations in the plasma electron temperature, leading to sawteeth-free periods pertaining as long as a second. On the other hand, fast particles are prone to excite wave instabilities in the Alfvénic frequency range, which may subsequently lead to severely degraded alpha particle confinement and heating. Within this field, our research activity focuses on theory development and modeling of nonlinear waveparticle interaction, which is motivated by the need to assess the implications of Alfvénic activity on burning plasma scenarios and may further provide highly desired opportunities to extract information on the inhospitable plasma core via comparison with diagnostic measurements. Recent modeling results of a kinetic resonance (a) that show how the formation of so called holes and clumps in the phase space density of fast particles is preceded by the establishment of a nearly unmodulated plateau (b), from which the structures eventually detach (c). (c) (a) (b) 13 Research group leader Hans Nordman Staff Dan Andersson (prof. emeritus) Luis Fazendeiro (-Jan) Yueqiang Liu (adj. prof.) Hans Nordman Robert Nyqvist Ola Olsson (Aug-) Eva Palmberg (lecturer emeritus) Pär Strand Doctoral students Frida Håkansson Andreas Skyman (-Sep) Daniel Tegnered Radar Remote Sensing Research group leader Leif Eriksson Staff Jan Askne (prof. emeritus) Anders Berg (Apr-) Erik Blomberg (-Jun) Gisela Carvajal Leif Eriksson Malin Johansson Maciej Soja (Dec-) Lars Ulander Doctoral students Wiebke Aldenhoff (Oct-) Anders Berg (-Mar) Erik Blomberg (Jul-) Maciej Soja (-Nov) Jan Torgrimsson The objective of our research is to develop and understand advanced radar methods and their application in forestry, glaciology and oceanography. The group specialises in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and develops algorithms for SAR image formation including autofocus. Large-scale forest mapping is an important application motivated by the need for improved climate change prediction, storm-damage mitigation and sustainable management in commercial forestry. Ocean surface winds and currents, and sea ice are other applications with importance for the climate system, but also for support to ship routing and other maritime activities. Sea ice mapping with interferometric SAR In 2014 the group carried out an unusual study on the land-fast sea ice in the northern Baltic Sea. Using the Italian satellite constellation known as Cosmo-SkyMed, two pairs of SAR images with metre-resolution were acquired over the same area at the coastal border of Finland and Sweden. The images were processed to produce interferograms showing the small-scale (cm-mm range) movements and deformation that took place during the 24 hours between the satellite overpasses. The radar technique, known as Interferometric SAR, or InSAR, was also used to study regional variations in the coherence over the ice. Loss in coherence could be attributed to temporal effects such as temperature change, movement of the ice and snowfall. The low coherence of the open water channels filled with brash ice made it possible to separate them from the refrozen leads. Fringe patterns indicated deformation due to thermal ice expansion and grounded ice ridges. Large deformation could be observed closer to the fast ice edge, where the drifting pack ice appeared to exert pressure on the fast ice, and around leads and rocky islands. 42 48 ’ 30 ’ Forest mapping with interferometric SAR The InSAR technique was also used by the group to estimate forest parameters. The TanDEM-X system, deployed by the German Aerospace Center in June 2010, consists of two SAR satellites in a tight tandem formation, with only a few hundred metres distance in the operational phase. The formation flying significantly reduces the coherence loss due to temporal changes between acquisitions. The SAR system operates at X-band, i.e., with a 3 centimetre wavelength, and has a high a spatial resolution (ca. 1 m) which makes it useful for mapping of tree canopies. The group has developed a interferometric model (two-level model, TLM), in which forest is represented by two discrete scattering levels, ground and vegetation including gaps. It has been shown that direct inversion of TLM provides estimates of forest height and canopy density, without the need for reference data. A biomass model has also been developed, in which the above-ground biomass is estimated from the TLM inversion products. Future work will include extension to regional- and national-level mapping using the National Forest Inventory (NFI) data base. ’ N 6 36 5 oN .00 ’ 45 30 ’ ’ 24 ’ 24 o E Fast ice edge 15 ’ 0 30 ’ 5 10 km 4 5’ Two-pass SAR interferometry was used to map surface movements of the sea ice in the northern Bay of Bothnia. The gray area is decorrelated, whereas one colour cycle corresponds to a differential movement in the radar lineof-sight direction of 1.56 cm over 24 hours. 14 Using the single-pass interferometric SAR system TanDEM-X together with a high-resolution digital terrain model and the new interferometric two-level model, forests can be mapped in terms of forest height, canopy density, and biomass with good accuracy, as it has been shown for the test site of Remningstorp, situated in the province of Västergötland, just 10 km north-east of Skara. Space Geodesy and Geodynamics Our main interests are geodynamic phenomena and atmospheric processes. We study e.g. deformations of the Earth’s crust due to mass redistribution, inter- and intra-plate tectonics, loading effects, and variations in the Earth’s orientation and rotation. We also study spatial and temporal variations of water vapour in the atmosphere. We address these research topics using a variety of observational techniques together with theoretical modelling. Research group leader Rüdiger Haas Multi-GNSS-R for sea-level monitoring In January, Johan Löfgren successfully defended his PhD thesis. He investigated the use of reflected Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals from different satellite systems, i.e., multi-GNSS, to monitor the local sea level. The work mainly focused on the GNSS tide gauge at the Onsala site, which has been operated since 2011. Two complementing analysis strategies were used to derive local sea level with commercial geodetic GNSS equipment. Time series of the resulting GNSS-derived sea level were compared with results from co-located traditional tide gauges. Johan proved that the variations in the sea level estimated from the GNSS data, gave high correlations (up to 0.97) and low standard deviations (3–4 cm) compared to the results from traditional techniques. The advantage of this novel sea level monitoring technique is that one instrument can measure both land motion and sea level motion, either separate or together. By combining these two measurements, it is possible to measure the absolute sea level, i.e., the sea level with respect to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame. A GPS-derived localtie vector at Onsala A sketch of the instrumentation used to derive the local-tie vector at Onsala from GPS measurements. Two gimbal-mounted GNSS antennas are installed on the rim of the 20 m telescope. The local-tie vector between the reference points of the 20 m telescope and the ONSA GNSS monument is derived from the analysis of semikinematic and/or kinematic GPS observations. GPS data recorded with two GNSS receivers, mounted on the 20 m telescope (see figure), were analyzed to derive the so-called local-tie vector between the reference point of the 20 m telescope and the Onsala GNSS monument. Several observation campaigns were analyzed, both semi-kinematic and kinematic ones. The recorded data were analyzed together with GPS data from the GNSS station ONSA with an in-house developed Matlab-based software package. The results obtained from the analysis gave sub-millimetre standard deviations for the horizontal components of the local-tie vector while a slightly larger standard deviation was obtained for the vertical component. The project shows that it is possible to monitor the localtie vector during telescope operations with an accuracy of a few millimetres. Compared to the classical geodetic measurements, this approach is less time consuming and significantly reduces the workload. Nordic Geodetic Commission (NKG) General Assembly 2014 Sea level derived from the GNSS tide gauge at the Onsala site during 20 days in 2012 (Oct. 9 to 29). From top to bottom the sea level times series are derived from: GPS phase (L1), GLONASS phase (L1), GPS and GLONASS phase (L1), GPS SNR (L1), GLONASS SNR (L1), GPS phase (L2), GLONASS phase (L2), GPS and GLONASS phase (L2), GPS SNR (L2) and GLONASS SNR (L2). Each time series is paired with the independent sea level observations from the co-located tide gauge (black line). A mean is removed from each time series and the pairs are displayed with an offset of 40 cm to improve visibility. In September, Jan Johansson together with the Swedish National Land Survey organized the General Assembly of the NKG at Chalmers. The conference had more than 120 international participants and lasted for four days, including a joint seminar of the NKG, the Nordic Institute of Navigation, and the Swedish “Radionavigeringsnämnden” on high accuracy positioning and navigation. 15 Staff Gunnar Elgered Rüdiger Haas Thomas Hobiger (Aug–) Jan Johansson (adj. prof.) Johan Löfgren (Feb–) Tong Ning (–Jun) Hans-Georg Scherneck Doctoral students Susana Garcia-Espada (industrial student) Johan Löfgren (–Jan) Niko Petteri Kareinen Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics Research group leader Susanne Aalto Staff Susanne Aalto Arnold van Ardenne (adj. prof.) Per Bjerkeli John Black Roy Booth (prof. emeritus) Guillaume Drouart Lulu Fan Arto Heikkilä Åke Hjalmarson (prof. emeritus) Cathy Horellou Kay Justtanont Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen René Liseau Tuomas Lunttila Matthias Maercker (Sep-) Eamon O’Gorman (Jun-) Hans Olofsson Carina Persson Glenn Persson Alessandro Romeo Gustaf Rydbeck (prof. emeritus) Magnus Thomasson Karl Torstensson (-Oct) Wouter Vlemmings Anders Winnberg (prof. emeritus) Eva Wirström Doctoral students Daria Dall’Olio (Sep-) Taïssa Danilovich Niklas Falstad Judit Fogasy Mitra Hajigholi Lukas Lindroos Maryam Saberi (Jun-) Eskil Varenius Sofia Wallström Joachim Wiegert Our research covers a wide range of topics from planetary atmospheres, through the early evolution of stars and planets, to late stages of stellar evolution, the physics and chemistry of interstellar and intergalactic matter, the structure and evolution of galaxies, and cosmology. We carry out observations both at radio frequencies and in other parts of the spectrum. We do theoretical research and develop numerical simulations and models of complex systems like galaxies and gas clouds and help to develop future telescopes on the ground and in space. Here we present a few examples of the groups very recent results. The interstellar medium and star formation As a result from the last month of Herschel Space Observatory observations we made a unique detection of gaseous water in the dark interstellar cloud Barnard 5 where the temperature is only 10 degrees above absolute zero. Normally water would only exist in the form of ice layers on dust grains in such an environment, more than 0.5 pc away from the nearest protostar, but the observed amount of water as compared to methanol indicates that the uppermost layers of ice are contributing to the gas-phase composition via nonthermal desorption. For the first time we have detected absorption of the [N II] 205 μm line by extended low-density foreground material towards bright far-infrared background continuum sources. We attribute this absorption to the warm ionised medium (WIM). The detection points to a low WIM density (0.1–0.3 cm-3) and a high filling factor (0.4-0.7) in our Galaxy. The detection of the 205 μm line in absorption offers a new tool for investigation of the WIM and star forming regions. We have also investigated the interstellar nitrogen chemistry both theoretically and observationally by deep searches for the so far undetected key molecule, NH+, establishing low upper limits constraining chemical models for dense and diffuse interstellar gas. Evolved stars Using the large global VLBI network, including our own Onsala 25 m telescope, it has been possible to produce one of the deepest images of a globular cluster (M15). The observations revealed a number of the expected pulsars, and the high angular resolution observations allowed for accurate astrometry to determine the motions of the pulsars through the cluster. The binary pulsar M15C disappeared during our observations, as expected when precession moves the pulsar beam away from our line of sight. However, we noted that the pulsar reappeared a few months later instead of after the expected few hundred years. This shows that pulsar beams must have a complex emission pattern. VY Canis Majoris is an extreme red supergiant and with a radius of 1400 times that of the Sun, and is one of the largest known stars in the Galaxy. It is a highly evolved star and is currently losing extreme amounts of mass to the interstellar medium, creating a dense and dusty circumstellar environment in its wake. We used the high spatial resolution provided by ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) to image this dust very close to the star and found that dust with a mass of about 100 Earth masses had been created in the last few decades alone. This dust was found to be located along two main directions, and not at random locations, in contradiction with current theories of mass loss in red supergiants. K km/s Galaxy nuclei and their winds With ALMA and SMA (Submillimeter Array) observations of the luminous merger NGC3256 we have discovered two powerful bipolar arcsec 16 Figure 1: Left: Methanol emission map of Barnard 5 from the ARO 12 m telescope. Red and blue arrows show the direction of outflows from the IRS 1 protostar, while white circles show size and position of the Herschel beam. Right: Spectra observed toward the northern methanol peak. The lower panel shows the self-absorbed water detection. SO and C18O were observed with the Onsala 20 m telescope. molecular outflows – one from each nucleus. One is part of a starburst-driven superwind seen nearly pole-on. The molecular outflow from the southern nucleus is a highly collimated bipolar jet seen nearly edge-on. Outflow velocities are very high: 1000-2000 km/s. With ALMA we have also discovered a molecular outflow from the Seyfert galaxy NGC1068 where the gas seems to be driven out by the AGN (Active Galactic Nucleus). The feedback from nuclear activity through molecular outflows is significant in the gas consumption with short gas depletion times, and hence evolution, of these systems. We are also using ALMA, IRAM and Herschel to study the properties of the obscured nuclei that in some cases are also driving these spectacular outflows and winds. One example includes the quasar Mrk231 where we find OH, H2O, CO and HCN emission in the outflow and where we use vibrationally excited (through the absorption of mid-infrared photons) HCN to probe the dusty, warped inner region. Recent Herschel results on the luminous galaxy Zw049.057 reveal very high H2O abundances in the central region where H2 column densities are extremely large resulting in the core being invisible in many wavelengths - even in X-rays. In addition we find that gas is infalling onto the central region very likely feeding the nuclear activity. The high redshift Universe Cosmologically distant galaxies of different types represent galaxy evolution in a variety of conditions. We study these both observationally and theoretially using state-of-the-art facilities and multi-wavelength data. Gravitational instabilities play a primary role in shaping the clumpy structure and powering the star formation activity of gas-rich high-redshift galaxies. In a theoretical analysis of the stability, we have showed that scaling relations for mass-size and linewidth-size can have a strong impact on the size and mass of star-forming clumps, as well as on the stability properties of the disc at all observable scales. This makes the classical Toomre parameter Figure 2: ALMA map of the CO 3-2 emission the active galaxy NGC1068. The CO is tracing the molecular gas with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity revealing individual cloud complexes in and between the spiral arms. Bright nuclear emission is linked to feeding of the supermassive black hole and a powerful molecular outflow. Figure 3: A false color Hubble Space Telescope near infrared image of VY CMa’s circumstellar environment is shown along with the new ALMA data at 321 GHz (white contours) and 658 GHz (black contours). The expected position of the star is labelled ‘VY’ while a massive dust clump south-east of the star is labelled ‘C’. a highly unreliable indicator of gravitational instability. Our work shows that multi-scale observations are necessary to star formation and disk-stability. Our prediction provide baseline to future dedicated ALMA surveys. To search for the light from distant galaxies that are too faint to be individually detected, we have developed and investigated a new stacking algorithm for radio interferometric data. Our new algorithm makes it possible to do a robust stacking directly on the visibilities. The algorithm and tool has received important attention from other international research teams and has potential to impact studies beyond our research group. Massive galaxy cluster amplify the light of faint background sources. In our multiwavelength study of the MS0451-0305 cluster, CO(3-2) emission line observations have revealed a very complex structure of the z=2.9 multiply-image merging system. Further using LABOCA and APEX, our initial observations of the ‘El Gordo’ galaxy cluster show detections of lensed submm galaxies. Also, we are preparing for upcoming high angular resolution JVLA observations of the individual giant molecular clouds in a very strongly lensed SMG. In a comparative study of the morphologies of AGN host galaxies and non-active galaxies, we have investigated if major mergers can be the main mechanism for triggering AGN activity. We took the comprehensive structural and morphological analyses of X-ray-selected AGN host galaxies in the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey-Cosmic Evolution Survey (CANDELS-COSMOS) field using HST/ WFC3 H-band imaging at 1 < z < 3.Combining with the previous results, we can conclude that X-ray selected AGNs at z<3 show no difference in morphologies compared to non-active galaxies. Major merger may be not important in triggering this type of AGNs activities. 17 Onsala Space Observatory Director John Conway Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) is the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy. In Onsala, the observatory operates two parabolic radio telescopes, a 25 m diameter cm-wave dish and a 20 m diameter mm-wave dish, and the Swedish LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) station. The observatory is also one of three partners in the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), a 12 m diameter submillimetre-wave telescope in Chile, and provides the channel through which Sweden is involved in large international radio astronomy projects, such as EVN (European VLBI Network), LOFAR, ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array), and SKA (Square Kilometre Array). In addition to radio astronomy, geoscience activities are an official part of the mission of the observatory. The geoscience equipment consists of receivers for GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), several tide gauge sensors, a superconducting gravimeter, a seismometer (owned by Uppsala University), and radiometers for aeronomy. The 20 m telescope is partly used for geodetic VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry). The observatory also contributes to establishing the official Swedish time, by hosting two hydrogen maser clocks and one cesium clock. The 20 m telescope The radome protecting the 20 m diameter telescope in Onsala was upgraded in 2014. The old radome had started showing wear and tear, and it had become necessary to replace it. All 620 triangular panels were replaced with new ones in August and September. The upgrade marks a new lease of life for the telescope, which has contributed to the research since 1976. Staff Per Bergman Bhushan Billade Per Björklund Tobia Carozzi Simon Casey John Conway Robert Cumming Elvire De Beck (Sep-) Lars Eriksson Jonas Flygare (Oct-) Peter Forkman Roger Hammargren Leif Helldner Christer Hermansson Karl-Åke Johansson Jan Karaskuru Ulf Kylenfall Mikael Lerner Michael Lindqvist Iván Martí-Vidal Mathias Maercker (MarAug) Sebastien Muller Michael Olberg Henrik Olofsson Miroslav Pantaleev Lars Pettersson Lars Wennerbäck Ronny Wingdén A new receiver for the 3 mm band, 85–116 GHz, was installed in March 2014. This receiver is dual polarisation sideband separating, each sideband having a bandwidth of 4 GHz. The receiver temperature is approximately 50–60 K (singlesideband), and the baseline stability is much better than with the receiver it replaced. The number of proposals for single-dish astronomical observations with the telescope increased substantially in 2014, with both galactic and extragalactic observations proposed. The 20 m telescope is also used for VLBI observations by the astronomical and geodetical communities. The 25 m telescope and VLBI The 25 m diameter telescope in Onsala celebrated its 50th birthday on 26 November 2014. Since 1964, the telescope has observed the universe. One of its most important discoveries came in 1973, when it was the first telescope in the world to find The most spectacular event during the upgrade of the 20 m telescope radome was the replacement of the 50 panels forming the cap of the radome. The new panels were lifted in place with a 54 meter high crane. Photo: Lars Wennerbäck 18 evidence of the CH molecule in space – a radical which has an important role in the chemistry of the interstellar medium. As early as 1968, the telescope took part in the first transatlantic VLBI measurements. In 2004, a new optical fibre network was installed and the telescope participated in the first e-VLBI experiments. Today, the 25 m telescope continues to participate in VLBI observations of stars and distant galaxies, mainly within the European VLBI Network (EVN). Two results from VLBI observations, including the Onsala 25 m telescope and made by teams with Onsala astronomers, are good examples of the power of VLBI: EVN observations pinpointed the locations where the nova V959 Mon emitted gamma rays. The discovery revealed a probable mechanism for the gamma-ray emissions, which mystified astronomers when first observed in 2012. EVN observations of supernova 2014J in the galaxy Messier 82, together with other data, showed that the merger of two white dwarf stars is by far the most likely cause for this Type Ia supernova, and ruled out other models. The Onsala Twin Telescope Preparations for the installation of two new radio telescopes, for geodetic VLBI, continued during 2014. The procurement process was finished, and the two 13.2 m diameter telescopes have been ordered. It is expected that the first test observations with the new telescopes, the Onsala Twin Telescope (OTT), will begin in 2016. The OTT will follow the new international VGOS (VLBI Geodetic Observing System) recommendations, and lead to improved measurement accuracy: 1 mm for station position and 0.1 mm/yr for station velocity. SKA The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project is now in its design phase. Chalmers and Onsala Space Observatory are part of two design consortia which started their work in 2014. The Wide-band Single Pixel Feeds (WBSPF) consortium, led by OSO, is developing and testing technology which enables dish antennas to be sensitive to a much broader frequency range than in today’s telescopes. Chalmers is one of the six institutes in the WBSPF consortium. OSO is also a member of the Dish consortium, within which it is designing the 350–1050 MHz receiver for SKA. Other activities in Onsala Observations with the LOFAR station in Onsala continued in 2014. LOFAR produces an enormous amount of data; a new computer for recording data locally (during 48 h) was installed in 2014. The first referred paper presenting images using international LOFAR observations (of the starburst galaxy M82) led by Chalmers astronomers was accepted for publication. The outreach activities have continued, with, e.g., school classes and other groups visiting the observatory, as described on page 24 in this report. APEX The Supercam visiting instrument was successfully installed in the Cassegrain cabin of APEX in the autumn of 2014. Supercam is a 64-pixel 345 GHz heterodyne array built by the University of Arizona. It is by far the largest such array, and allows wide areas to be mapped in the CO(32) line. Making use of the optimal atmospheric transparency at Chajnantor, Supercam will map several extended regions such as the Galactic Plane, the Magellanic Clouds and the Orion star forming region. ALMA image of the Mira binary star, with the heart shaped bubble. The Nordic ALMA Regional Centre node in Onsala assisted with the analysis of the data, and several Chalmers astronomers participated in the project. also the newly installed SuperCam array was used, as were the bolometer cameras LABOCA and ArTeMiS. Like previous years, the projects covered a wide range of research topics, e.g., comets, star and planet formation, the interstellar medium, evolved stars, and both nearby and highredshift galaxies. At least 74 refereed papers based on APEX data were published in 2014. ALMA The Nordic ARC node based at OSO has been in great demand during 2014 to assist Nordic users of ALMA and is heavily involved in the European verification of results from the telescope. ALMA observations of evolved stars continue to deliver surprises. A spectacular heart shaped bubble was revealed in the CO molecular envelope of the Mira binary pair. The existence of this bubble proves that a tenuous, but fast, wind is blown from the companion (Mira B), cementing its debated nature as a white dwarf. Additionally, the CO line also reveals the expected spiral structure arising from the binary interaction. More than 50 projects were observed at APEX during Swedish time in 2014. The principal investigators of these projects were affiliated with research organisations and universities in more than 10 different countries. Most of the projects used the SHFI heterodyne receiver, but of course 19 Staff shared with research groups Gunnar Elgered Rüdiger Haas Thomas Hobiger (Aug-) Johan Löfgren (Sep-) Tong Ning (-Jun) Hans-Georg Scherneck Magnus Thomasson Karl Torstensson (-Dec) Wouter Vlemmings A majority of the Group for Advanced Receiver Development (p. 10) is also part of the observatory. Preparations for the two geodetic VLBI twin telescopes. This is the site for the northern telescope. The site of the southern telescope is just outside this photo, to the right. Publications The list contains peer reviewed journal publications that were actually published during 2014. The publications are presented for each research group and in alphabetical order based on the first author´s last name. A few publications with authors from more than one research group are listed in each group. In order to have a list of a reasonable size, we have chosen to only include peer reviewed journal publications on these pages. PhD and licentiate theses are presented on pages 8 and 9. A complete list for 2014, and in most cases also links to the full papers, can be found at: Advanced Receiver Development Billade, B.; Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V. (2014). Experimental Study of Frequency Multiplication in a Distributed Array of SIS Junctions. IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., 4, 254-259. Hammar, A.; Whale, M.; Forsberg, P.; et al. (2014). Optical Tolerance Analysis of the Multi-Beam Limb Viewing Instrument STEAMR. IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., 4, 714-721. Krause, S.; Meledin, D.; Desmaris, V.; Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V.; et al. (2014). Epitaxial growth of ultra-thin NbN films on AlxGa1xN buffer-layers. Supercond. Sci. Tech. 27. Rashid, H.; Meledin, D.; Desmaris, V.; Belitsky, V. (2014). Novel Waveguide 3 dB Hybrid with Improved Amplitude Imbalance. IEEE Microw. Compon. Lett., 24, 212-214. Rashid, H.; Meledin, D.; Desmaris, V.; Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V. (2014). Superconducting 4-8-GHz Hybrid Assembly for 2SB Cryogenic THz Receivers. IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol. 4, 193-200. Pleijel, H.; Danielsson, H.; Simpson, D.; et al. (2014).Have ozone effects on carbon sequestration been overestimated? A new biomass response function for wheat. Biogeosciences., 11, 4521-4528. Pérot, K.; Urban, J.; Murtagh, D.P. (2014). Unusually strong nitric oxide descent in the Arctic middle atmosphere in early 2013 as observed by Odin/SMR.Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 8009-8015. Sagi, K.; Murtagh, D.P.; Urban, J.; et al. (2014). The use of SMILES data to study ozone loss in the Arctic winter 2009/2010 and comparison with Odin/SMR data using assimilation techniques. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 12855-12869. Simpson, D.; Andersson, C.; Christensen, J.H.; et al. (2014). Impacts of climate and emission changes on nitrogen deposition in Europe: a multi-model study.Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6995-7017. Simpson, D.; Arneth, A.; Mills, G.; et al. (2014). Ozone - the persistent menace; interactions with the N cycle and climate change. Curr. Opin. Env. Sust. 9-10, 9-19, 2014. Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling Stevens, M.H.; Lossow, S.; Siskind, D.E.; … ; Urban, J.; Murtagh, D.P.; et al. (2014). Space shuttle exhaust plumes in the lower thermosphere: Advective transport and diffusive spreading. J. Atmos. Sol-Terr. Phy., 108, 50-60. Eriksson, P.; Rydberg, B.; Sagawa, H.; Johnston, M.; et al. (2014). Overview and sample applications of SMILES and Odin-SMR retrievals of upper tropospheric humidity and cloud ice mass. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 12613-12629. Urban, J.; Lossow, S.; Stiller, G.; et al. (2014). Another Drop in Water Vapor. EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 95, 245246. Hassler, B.; Petropavlovskikh, I.; Staehelin, J.; … ; Urban, J.; et al. (2014). Past changes in the vertical distribution of ozone Part 1: Measurement techniques; uncertainties and availability. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 1395-1427. Wu, D.L.; Lambert, A.; Read, W.G.; Eriksson, P.; et al. (2014). MLS and CALIOP Cloud Ice Measurements in the Upper Troposphere: A Constraint from Microwave on Cloud Microphysics. J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol., 53, 157-165. Hegglin, M.I.; Plummer, D.A.; Shepherd, T.G.; … ; Urban, J.; et al. (2014). Vertical structure of stratospheric water vapour trends derived from merged satellite data. Nat. Geosci., 7, 768-776. Johnston, M.; Eliasson, S.; Eriksson, P.; et al. (2014). Diagnosing the average spatio-temporal impact of convective systems - Part 2: A model intercomparison using satellite data. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 8701-8721. Optical Remote Sensing Aiuppa, A.; Robidoux, P.; Tamburello, G.; Conde, V.; Galle, B.; et al. (2014). Gas measurements from the Costa Rica-Nicaragua volcanic segment suggest possible along-arc variations in volcanic gas chemistry. Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., 407, 134-147. Karl, M.; Castell, N.; Simpson, D.; et al. (2014).Uncertainties in assessing the environmental impact of amine emissions from a CO2 capture plant. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 8533-8557. Beecken, J.; Mellqvist, J.; Salo; K.; Ekholm, J.; et al. (2014). Airborne emission measurements of SO2; NOx and particles from individual ships using a sniffer technique. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 7, 1957-1968. Kleinböhl, A.; Khosravi, M.; Urban, J.; et al. (2014). Constraints for the photolysis rate and the equilibrium constant of ClO-dimer from airborne and balloon-borne measurements of chlorine compounds. J. Geophys. Res-Atmos., 119, 69166937. Conde, V.; Robidoux, P.; Avard, G., Galle, B.; et al. (2014). Measurements of volcanic SO2 and CO2 fluxes by combined DOAS; Multi-GAS and FTIR observations: a case study from Turrialba and Telica volcanoes. Int. J. Earth Sci., 103, 23352347. Kylling, A.; Kahnert, M.; Lindqvist, H.; et al. (2014).Volcanic ash infrared signature: porous non-spherical ash particle shapes compared to homogeneous spherical ash particles. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 919-929. Conde, V.; Bredemeyer, S.; Duarte, E.; … ; Galle, B.; et al. (2014). SO2 degassing from Turrialba Volcano linked to seismic signatures during the period 2008-2012. Int. J. Earth Sci., 103; 1983-1998. Laeng, A.; Grabowski, U.; von Clarmann, T.; … ; Urban, J.; et al. (2014). Validation of MIPAS IMK/IAA V5R_O3_224 ozone profiles. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3971-3987. Geirsson, H.; Rodgers, M.; LaFemina, P.; … ; Conde, V.; Nilsson, D.; Galle, B.; et al. (2014).Multidisciplinary observations of the 2011 explosive eruption of Telica volcano; Nicaragua: Implications for the dynamics of low-explosivity ash eruptions. J. Volcanol. Geoth. Res., 271, 55-69. Larsson, R.; Buehler, S.; Eriksson, P.; et al. (2014). A treatment of the Zeeman effect using Stokes formalism and its implementation in the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (ARTS). J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 133, 445-453. 20 Johansson, J.; Mellqvist, J.; Samuelsson, J.; Offerle, B.; et al. (2014). Emission measurements of alkenes; alkanes; SO2; and NO2 from stationary sources in Southeast Texas over a 5 year period using SOF and mobile DOAS. J. Geophys. Res-Atmos., 119, 1973-1991. Johansson, J.; Mellqvist, J.; Samuelsson, J.; Offerle, B.; et al. (2014). Quantitative measurements and modeling of industrial formaldehyde emissions in the Greater Houston area during campaigns in 2009 and 2011. J. Geophys. Res-Atmos., 119, J. Geophys. Res-Atmos 4303-4322. Loov, J.; Alfoldy, B.; Gast, L.; ... ; Mellqvist, J.; Beecken, J.; Berg, N.; et al. (2014). Field test of available methods to measure remotely SOx and NOx emissions from ships. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 2597-2613. Lubcke, P.; Bobrowski, N.; Arellano, S.; Galle, B.; et al. (2014). BrO/SO2 molar ratios from scanning DOAS measurements in the NOVAC network. Solid Earth, 5, 409424. Saballos, J.; Conde, V.; Malservisi, R.; et al. (2014). Relatively short-term correlation among deformation; degassing; and seismicity: a case study from Concepcion volcano; Nicaragua. B. Volcanol., 76. Smets, B.; d’Oreye, N.; Kervyn, F.; … ; Arellano, S.; … ; Galle, B.; ... ; Norman, P.; et al. (2014). Detailed multidisciplinary monitoring reveals pre- and co-eruptive signals at Nyamulagira volcano (North Kivu; Democratic Republic of Congo). B. Volcanol., 76. Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Anderson, J.; Kim, E.; Moradi., S. (2014). A fractional FokkerPlanck model for anomalous diffusion. Phys. Plasmas, 21. Anderson, J.; Halpern, F.; Xanthopoulos, P.; et al. (2014). Statistical analysis and modeling of intermittent transport events in the tokamak scrape-off layer. Phys. Plasmas, 21, 122306. Borgdorff, J.; Ben Belgacem, M.; Bona-Casas, C.; Fazendeiro, L.; … ; Strand, P.; et al. (2014). Performance of distributed multiscale simulations. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 372. Chapman, I.; Becoulet, M.; Bird, T.; … ; Yadykin, D.; et al. (2014). Three-dimensional distortions of the tokamak plasma boundary: boundary displacements in the presence of resonant magnetic perturbations. Nucl. Fusion, 54, 083006. Falchetto, G.; Coster, D.; Coelho, R.; … ; Strand, P.; et al. (2014). The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) effort: achievements and first physics results. Nucl. Fusion vol. 54. Lilley, M.; Nyqvist, R. (2014). Formation of Phase Space Holes and Clumps. Phys. Rev. Lett., 112. Semenov, V.; Rasch, J.; Rakova, E.; et al. (2014). General Study of Multipactor Between Curved Metal Surfaces. IEEE T. Plasma Sci., 42, 721-728. Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Zharova, N.; Rasch, J.; Anderson, D.; et al. (2014). Simple model of the rf noise generated by multipacting electrons. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 47. Singh, R.; Jhang, H.; Kaw, P.; … ; Nordman, H.; et al. (2014). A semi-analytic power balance model for low (L) to high (H) mode transition power threshold. Phys. Plasmas, 21, 062503. Skyman, A.; Fazendeiro, L.; Tegnered, D.; Nordman, H.; Anderson, J.; Strand, P. (2014). Effects of the equilibrium model on impurity transport in tokamaks. Nucl. Fusion, 54, 013009. Radar Remote Sensing Berg, A.; Eriksson, L.E.B. (2014). Investigation of a Hybrid Algorithm for Sea Ice Drift Measurements Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 52, 5023–5033. Carvajal, G.; Eriksson, L.E.B.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2014). Retrieval and Quality Assessment of Wind Velocity Vectors on the Ocean with C-Band SAR. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 52, 2519-2537. Sandberg, G.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Wallerman, J.; et al. (2014). Measurements of Forest Biomass Change Using P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 52, 6047-6061. Sjögren, T.K.; Vu, V.T.; Pettersson, M.I.; … ; Ulander, L.M.H.; et al. (2014). Suppression of Clutter in Multichannel SAR GMTI. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 52, 40054013. Torgrimsson, J.; Dammert, P.; Hellsten, H.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2014). Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 52, 6674-6687. Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy Aleman, I.; Ueta, T.; Ladjal, D.; … ; Vlemmings, W., et al. (2014). Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS) First detection of OH+ in planetary nebulae. Astron. Astrophys., 566. Arroyo-Torres, B.; Marti-Vidal, I.; Marcaide, J.M.; et al. (2014). VLTI/AMBER observations of cold giant stars: atmospheric structures and fundamental parameters. Astron. Astrophys., 566. Azulay, R.; Guirado, J.; Márcaide, J.; Marti-Vidal, I.; et al. (2014). Radio detection of the young binary HD 160934. Astron. Astrophys., 561. Billade, B.; Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V. (2014). Experimental Study of Frequency Multiplication in a Distributed Array of SIS Junctions. IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., 4, 254-259. Bjerkeli, P.; Liseau, R.; Brinch, C.; … ; Black, J.H.; … ; Justtanont, K.; et al. (2014). Resolving the shocked gas in HH 54 with Herschel. CO line mapping at high spatial and spectral resolution. Astron. Astrophys., 571, A90, 1-6. Calves, G.M.; Pogrebenko, S.V.; Cimo, G.; … ; Haas, R.; et al. (2014). Observations and analysis of phase scintillation of spacecraft signal on the interplanetary plasma. Astron. Astrophys., 564. Cataldi, G.; Brandeker, A.; Olofsson, G.; … ; Liseau, R.; et al. (2014). Herschel/HIFI observations of ionised carbon in the beta Pictoris debris disk. Astron. Astrophys., 563. Cernicharo, J.; Teyssier, D.; Quintana-Lacaci, G.; … ; De Beck, E.; et al. (2014). Discovery of time variation of the intensity of molecular lines in IRC+10216 in the submillimeter and far-infrared domains. Astrophys. J. Letters., 796. Chen, J-H.; Goldsmith, P.F.; Viti, S.; … ; Black, J.H.; … ; Hjalmarson, Å.; et al. (2014). HERSCHEL HIFI Observations of O2 toward Orion: Special Conditions for Shock Enhanced Emission. Astrophys. J., 793, 111. Chomiuk, L.; Linford, J.D.; Yang, J.; et al. (2014). Binary orbits as the driver of gamma-ray emission and mass ejection in classical novae. Nature., 514, 339-342. Skyman, A.; Tegnered, D.; Nordman, H.; Strand, P. (2014). Gyrokinetic modelling of stationary electron and impurity profiles in tokamaks. Phys. Plasmas, 21, 092305. Cicone, C.; Maiolino, R.; Sturm, E.; ... ; Aalto, S.; et al. (2014). Massive molecular outflows and evidence for AGN feedback from CO observations. Astron. Astrophys., 562, 25. Yadykin; D.; Gryaznevich; M.; Frasinetti; L. & Gerasimov; S. (2014). Effect of the external helical fields on the plasma boundary shape in JET. Nucl. Fusion, 54, 6. Cormier, D.; Madden, S.C.; Lebouteiller, V.; … ; Aalto, S.; Costagliola, F.; … ; Cumming, R.; et al. (2014). The molecular gas reservoir of 6 low-metallicity galaxies from the Herschel Dwarf Galaxy Survey A ground-based follow-up survey of CO(1-0), CO(2-1), and CO(3-2). Astron. Astrophys., 564. 21 Coutens, A.; Vastel, C.; Hincelin, U.; … ; Persson, C.M.; et al. (2014). Water deuterium fractionation in the high-mass star-forming region G34.26+0.15 based on Herschel/HIFI data. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 445, 1299-1313. Khouri, T.; de Koter, A.; Decin, L; … ; Justtanont, K.; … ; Maercker, M.; … ; Olofsson, H.; et al. (2014). The wind of W Hydrae as seen by Herschel I. The CO envelope. Astron. Astrophys., 561, A5. Crockett, N.R.; Bergin, E.A.; Neill, J.L.; Black, J.H.; et al. (2014). HERSCHEL Observations of Extra-Ordinary Sources: H2S as a Probe of Dense Gas and Possibly Hidden Luminosity toward the Orion KL Hot Core. Astrophys. J., 781, 114, 1-21. Khouri, T.; de Koter, A.; Decin, L.; … ; Maercker, M.; … ; Justtanont, K.; … ; Olofsson, H.; et al. (2014). The wind of W Hydrae as seen by Herschel II. The molecular envelope of W Hydrae. Astron. Astrophys., 570, A67. Danilovich, T.; Bergman, P.; Justtanont, K.; … ; Maercker, M.; Olofsson, H.; et al. (2014). Detailed modelling of the circumstellar molecular line emission of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae. Astron. Astrophys., 569, A76. Kim, Y.H.; Fox, J.L.; Black, J.H.; et al. (2014). Hydrocarbon ions in the lower ionosphere of Saturn. J. Geophys. Res.Space., 119, 384-395. Decarli, R.; Smail, I.; Walter, F.; … ; Knudsen, K.K.; Lindroos, L.; et al. (2014). An Alma Survey of Sub-Millimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: SubMillimeter Properties of Color-Selected Galaxies. Astrophys. J., 780. Desmurs, J.; Bujarrabal, V.; Lindqvist, M.; … ; Bergman, P.; et al. (2014). SiO masers from AGB stars in the vibrationally excited v=1, v=2, and v=3 states. Astron. Astrophys., 565. Drouart, G.; De Breuck, C.; Vernet, J.; et al. (2014). Rapidly growing black holes and host galaxies in the distant Universe from the Herschel Radio Galaxy Evolution Project. Astron. Astrophys., 566. Ertel, S.; Marshall, J.P.; Augereau, J.C.; ... ; Liseau, R.; et al. (2014). Potential multi-component structure of the debris disk around HIP 17439 revealed by Herschel/DUNES. Astron. Astrophys., 561, A114. Fan, L.L.; Fang, G.W.; Chen, Y.; … ; Knudsen, K.K.; et al. (2014). Structure and Morphology of X-ray-selected Active Galactic Nucleus Hosts at 1 < z < 3 in the Candels-Cosmos Field. Astrophys. J. Letters., 784, 5. García-Burillo, S.; Combes, F.; Usero, A.; Aalto, S.; … ; Costagliola, F.; … ; Muller, S.; et al. (2014). Molecular line emission in NGC 1068 imaged with ALMA : I. An AGNdriven outflow in the dense molecular gas. Astron. Astrophys., 567, 125. Gonzalez-Alfonso, E.; Fischer, J.; Aalto, S.; Falstad, N. (2014). Modeling the H2O submillimeter emission in extragalactic sources. Astron. Astrophys., 567, A91. Gonzalez-Alfonso, E.; Fischer, J.; Gracia-Carpio, J.; Falstad, N.; … ; Aalto, S.; et al. (2014). The Mrk 231 molecular outflow as seen in OH. Astron. Astrophys., 561, A27. Kirsten, F.; Vlemmings, W.; Freire, P.; et al. (2014). Precision astrometry of pulsars and other compact radio sources in the globular cluster M15. Astron. Astrophys., 565. Konig, S.; Aalto, S.; Lindroos, L.; Muller, S.; et al. (2014). Molecular tendrils feeding star formation in the Eye of the Medusa -- The Medusa merger in high resolution 12CO 2–1 maps. Astron. Astrophys., 569, A6. Lis, D.C.; Schilke, P.; Bergin, E.A.; … ; Black, J.H.; et al. (2014). Widespread Rotationally Hot Hydronium Ion in the Galactic Interstellar Medium. Astrophys. J., 785, A135, 1-9. Maercker, M.; Ramstedt, S.; Leal-Ferreira, M.L.; et al. (2014). The detached dust shells around the carbon AGB stars R Sculptoris and V644 Scorpii. Astron. Astrophys., 570, A101. Mantz, A.B.; Abdulla, Z.; Carlstrom, J.E.; … ; Horellou, C.; et al. (2014). The XXL Survey. V. Detection of the SunyaevZel’Dovich Effect of the Redshift 1.9 Galaxy Cluster XLSSU J021744.1-034536 with Carma. Astrophys. J., 794. Marti-Vidal, I.; Márcaide, J. (2014). Limit to the radio emission from a putative central compact source in SN1993J â†. Astron. Astrophys., 561. Marti-Vidal, I.; Vlemmings, W.; Muller, S.; Casey, S. (2014). UVMULTIFIT: A versatile tool for fitting astronomical radio interferometric data. Astron. Astrophys., 563. Molina, S.N.; Agudo, I.; Gomez, J.L.; … ; Marti-Vidal, I.; et al. (2014). Evidence of internal rotation and a helical magnetic field in the jet of the quasar NRAO 150. Astron. Astrophys., 566. Mookerjea, B.; Vastel, C.; Hassel, G.E.; … ; Black, J.H.; … ; Persson, C.M.; et al. (2014). Detection of a dense clump in a filament interacting with W51e2. Astron. Astrophys., 566, A61, 1-11. Greaves, J.S.; Sibthorpe, B.; Acke, B.; … ; Liseau, R.; et al. (2014). Extreme Conditions in a Close Analog to the Young Solar System: Herschel Observations of ∈ Eridani. Astrophys. J. Letters., 791. Morabito, L.K; Oonk, J.B.R.; Salgado, F.; … ; Conway, J.; … ; Horellou, C.; … ; Marti-Vidal, I.; … ; Varenius, E.; et al. (2014). Discovery of Carbon Radio Recombination Lines in M82. Astrophys. J. Letters., 795, L33. Greve, T.R.; Leonidaki, I.; Xilouris, E.M.; … ; Aalto, S.; et al. (2014). Star Formation Relations and CO-Spectral Line Energy Distributions Across the J-Ladder and Redshift. Astrophys. J., 794, 142. Morosan, D.E.; Gallagher, P.T.; Zucca, P.; … ; Conway, J.; et al. (2014). LOFAR tied-array imaging of Type III solar radio bursts. Astron. Astrophys., 568, A67. Henkel, C.; Asiri, H.; Ao, Y.; Aalto, S.; et al. (2014). Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in starburst galaxies: New data from NGC 253 and Mrk 231 and their implications. Astron. Astrophys., 565. Higgins, R.; Teyssier, D.; Borys, C.; … ; Olberg, M.; et al. (2014). The effect of sideband ratio on line intensity for Herschel/HIFI. Exp. Astron., 37, 433-452. Horellou, C.; Fletcher, A. (2014). Magnetic field tomography, helical magnetic fields and Faraday depolarization. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 441, 2049-2057. van der Horst, A.J.; Paragi, Z.; de Bruyn, A.G.; … ; Yang, J.; et al. (2014). A comprehensive radio view of the extremely bright gamma-ray burst 130427A. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 444, 3151-3163. Mottram, J.C.; Kristensen, L.E.; van Dishoeck, E.F.; … ; Liseau, R.; et al. (2014). Water in star-forming regions with Herschel (WISH). Astron. Astrophys., 572. Mulcahy, D.D.; Horneffer, A.; Beck, R.; … ; Conway, J.; ... ; Horellou, C.; et al. (2014). The nature of the low-frequency emission of M 51 First observations of a nearby galaxy with LOFAR. Astron. Astrophys., 568, A74. Muller, S.; Combes, F.; Guelin, M.; … ; Aalto, S.; ... ; Black, J.H.; … ; Horellou, C.; ... ; Marti-Vidal, I.; et al. (2014). An ALMA Early Science survey of molecular absorption lines toward PKS 1830-211 Analysis of the absorption profiles. Astron. Astrophys., 566. Muller, S.; Black, J.H.; Guelin, M.; … ; Aalto, S.; ... ; Horellou, C.; et al. (2014). Detection of chloronium and measurement of the Cl-35/Cl-37 isotopic ratio at z=0.89 toward PKS 1830-211. Astron. Astrophys., 566. Indebetouw, R.; Matsuura, M.; Dwek, E.; … ; Marti-Vidal, I.; et al. (2014). Dust Production and Particle Acceleration in Supernova 1987A Revealed with Alma. Astrophys. J. Letters., 782, 6. Muller, T.; Balog, Z.; Nielbock, M.; ... ; Olberg, M.; et al. (2014). Herschel celestial calibration sources. Exp. Astron. 37, 253-330. Jelic, V.; de Bruyn, A.; Mevius, M.; … ; Conway, J.; et al. (2014). Initial LOFAR observations of epoch of reionization windows II. Diffuse polarized emission in the ELAIS-N1 field. Astron. Astrophys., 568, A101. Oonk, J.B.R.; van Weeren, R.J.; Salgado, F.; … ; Batejat, F.; … ; Conway, J.; et al. (2014). Discovery of carbon radio recombination lines in absorption towards Cygnus A. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 437, 3506-3515. 22 Parise, B.; Bergman, P.; Menten, K. (2014). Characterizing the chemical pathways for water formation - a deep search for hydrogen peroxide. Faraday discuss., 168, 349-367. Perez-Torres, M.A.; Lundqvist, P.; Beswick, R.J.; ... ; MartiVidal, I.; et al. (2014). Constraints on the Progenitor System and the Environs of SN 2014J from Deep Radio Observations. Astrophys. J., 792, 38. A wise bird, a Eurasian eagle-owl, overlooking the department’s production of scientific articles. Photo: Magnus Thomasson Persson, C.M.; Gerin, M.; Mookerjea, B.; Black, J.H.; Olberg, M.; et al. (2014). First detection of [NII] 205 μm absorption in interstellar gas. Herschel-HIFI observations towards W31C, W49N, W51, and G34.3+0.1. Astron. Astrophys., 568, 37. Persson, C.M.; Hajigholi, M.; Hassel, G.; Olofsson, A.O.H.; Black, J.H.; ... ; Wirström, E.; Olberg, M.; Hjalmarson, Å.; et al. (2014). Upper limits to interstellar NH+ and para-NH2abundances. Herschel-HIFI observations towards Sgr B2 (M) and G10.6-0.4 (W31C). Astron. Astrophys., 567, A130. Ramstedt, S.; Mohamed, S.; Vlemmings, W.; Maercker, M.; ... ; De Beck, E.; Lindqvist, M.; Olofsson, H.; et al. (2014). The wonderful complexity of the Mira AB system.Astron. Astrophys., 570, L14. Ramstedt, S.; Olofsson, H. (2014). The (CO)-C-12/(CO)-C-13 ratio in AGB stars of different chemical type Connection to the C-12/C-13 ratio and the evolution along the AGB. Astron. Astrophys., 566. Raza, H.; Yang, J.; Pantaleev, M. (2014).Integration of ultrawideband planar baluns into the Eleven feed. IET Microw. Antenna. P., 8, 22-28. Richards, A.M.S.; Impellizzeri, C.M.V.; Humphreys, E.M.; … ; Vlemmings, W.; … ; De Beck, E.; ... ; Muller, S.; ... ; O’Gorman, E.; et al. (2014). ALMA sub-mm maser and dust distribution of VY Canis Majoris. Astron. Astrophys., 572. Rodriguez, M.I.; Villar-Martin, M.; Emonts, B.; ... ; Drouart, G.; et al. (2014). The molecular gas content of ULIRG type 2 quasars at z < 1 (Research Note). Astron. Astrophys., 565. Romeo, A.; Agertz, O. (2014). Larson’s scaling laws, and the gravitational instability of clumpy discs at high redshift. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 442, 1230-1238. Romero-Canizales, C.; Herrero-Illana, R.; Perez-Torres, M.A.; … ; Conway, J.; et al. (2014). The nature of supernovae 2010O and 2010P in Arp 299 - II. Radio emission. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 440, 1067-1079. Tafoya Martinez, D.; Franco-Hernandez, R.; Vlemmings, W.; et al. (2014). Submillimeter H2O masers in water-fountain nebulae. Astron. Astrophys., 562, 4. Ueta, T.; Ladjal, D.; Exter, K.M.; ... ; Vlemmings, W.; et al. (2014). The Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS) I. Data overview and analysis demonstration with NGC 6781. Astron. Astrophys., 565. Varenius, E.; Conway, J.; Marti-Vidal, I.; Aalto, S.; ... ; Costagliola, F; et al. (2014). The radio core structure of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC4418 A young clustered starburst revealed? Astron. Astrophys., 566. Viti, S.; García-Burillo, S.; Fuente, A.; ... ; Muller, S.; ... ; Costagliola, F.; ... ; Aalto, S.; et al. (2014). Molecular line emission in NGC 1068 imaged with ALMA II. The chemistry of the dense molecular gas. Astron. Astrophys., 570, 28. Vlemmings, W.; Amiri, N.; van Langevelde, H.; et al. (2014). From the ashes: JVLA observations of water fountain nebula candidates show the rebirth of IRAS 18455+0448. Astron. Astrophys., 569, A92. van Weeren, R.J.; Williams, W.L.; Tasse, C.; ... ; Horellou, C.; et al. (2014). LOFAR Low-Band Antenna Observations of the 3C 295 and Boötes Fields: Source Counts and Ultra-Steep Spectrum Sources. Astrophys. J., 793, 82. Wiegert, J.; Liseau, R.; Thébault, P.; … ; Hajigholi, M.; et al. (2014). How dusty is alpha Centauri? Excess or non-excess over the infrared photospheres of main-sequence stars. Astron. Astrophys., 563, A102. Sakamoto, K.; Aalto, S.; Combes, F.; et al. (2014). An infrared-luminous merger with two bipolar molecular outflows: ALMA and SMA observations of NGC3256. Astrophys. J., 797. Wirström, E.; Charnley, S.B.; Persson, C.M.; et al. (2014). Cold Water Vapor in the Barnard 5 Molecular Cloud. Astrophys. J. Letters., 788. Santangelo, G.; Antoniucci, S.; Nisini, B.; ... ; Bjerkeli, P.; ... ; Liseau, R.; et al. (2014). First spectrally-resolved H-2 observations towards HH 54 Low H2O abundance in shocks. Astron. Astrophys., 569, L8. Zanardo, G.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Indebetouw, R.; ... ; MartiVidal, I.; et al. (2014). Spectral and Morphological Analysis of the Remnant of Supernova 1987A with ALMA and ATCA. Astrophys. J., 796, 82. Santangelo, G.; Nisini, B.; Codella, C.; ... ; Bjerkeli, P.; ... ; Liseau, R.; et al. (2014). Water distribution in shocked regions of the NGC 1333-IRAS 4A protostellar outflow. Astron. Astrophys., 568, A125. Schilke, P.; Neufeld, D.A.; Müller, H.S.P.; ... ; Black, J.H.; et al. (2014). Ubiquitous argonium (ArH$^{+}$) in the diffuse interstellar medium: A molecular tracer of almost purely atomic gas. Astron. Astrophys., 566, A29, 1-12. Simpson, J.M.; Swinbank, A.M.; Smail, I.; ... ; Knudsen, K.K.; et al. (2014). An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: The Redshift Distribution and Evolution of Submillimeter Galaxies. Astrophys. J., 788. Surcis, G.; Vlemmings, W.; van Langevelde, H.J.; et al. (2014). Rapidly increasing collimation and magnetic field changes of a protostellar H2O maser outflow. Astron. Astrophys., 565. Surcis, G.; Vlemmings, W.; van Langevelde, H.J.; et al. (2014). The magnetic field at milliarcsecond resolution around IRAS 20126+4104. Astron. Astrophys., 563. Swinbank, A.M.; Simpson, J.M.; Smail, I.; … ; Knudsen, K.K.; et al. (2014). An ALMA survey of sub-millimetre Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: the farinfrared properties of SMGs. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 438, 1267-1287. Space Geodesy and Geodynamics Calves, G.M.; Pogrebenko, S.V.; Cimo, G.; … ; Haas, R.; et al. (2014). Observations and analysis of phase scintillation of spacecraft signal on the interplanetary plasma. Astron. Astrophys., 564. Graziani, A.; Jarlemark, P.O.J.; Elgered, G.; et al. (2014). Assessment of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometry for Calibration of Atmospheric Variability in Spacecraft Tracking. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 62, 2634-2641. Hobiger, T.; Otsubo, T. (2014). Combination of GPS and VLBI on the observation level during CONT11—common parameters, ties and inter-technique biases. J. Geodesy., 88, 1017-1028. Hobiger, T.; Haas, R.; Löfgren, J. (2014). GLONASS-R: GNSS reflectometry with an FDMA based satellite navigation system. Radio Sci., 49, 271-282. Löfgren, J.; Haas, R. (2014). Sea level measurements using multi-frequency GPS and GLONASS observations. EURASIP J.Adv. Sig. Pr., 2014, no. 12014 Löfgren, J.; Haas, R.; Scherneck, H-G. (2014). Sea level time series and ocean tide analysis from multipath signals at five GPS sites in different parts of the world. J. Geodyn., 80, 66-80. 23 Public Outreach In all 1689 people visited the observatory in Onsala, its telescopes and exhibition during 2014. They came on 52 guided tours led by department students and observatory staff, and as part of two public open days, during the Gothenburg Science Festival and on the Mothers’ day open house in May. Our SALSA radio telescopes were booked for an average of 23 hours every week by high school students and classes from Sweden and abroad to study interstellar gas in the Milky Way. Of the 50 users, most were Swedish but some connected remotely from as far away as Madeira and Honduras. We have upgraded our SALSAtelescope to be more user friendly, using new hardware and new software. A new online dataarchive allows users to store their data for later use, and a new, flexible receiver will enable more projects using the telescope in the future. During 2014 we started a program to broaden our work with schools. Funds awarded from the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation were used to buy optical lab equipment to be used for both visits to schools and for school students visiting the observatory. All in order of helping students discover astronomers’ tools and methods. In November, two 15-year old school students from the Gothenburg area came to the observatory as part of their work experience (prao) week in November. During the year we also helped three other high school students who used our SALSA telescopes in projects. During the Gothenburg Science Festival in April, we joined forces with city observatory Slottsskogsobservatoriet for a day of talks and activities in Slottsskogen in Gothenburg. On Sweden’s Day and Night of Astronomy on 18 October, we organized our small but unique radio astronomical star party “Onsala stjärnträff” for the third time, and a family-oriented Big Bang Day at science centre Universeum in collaboration with the Young Academy of Sweden. Via press releases, items on Chalmers website, social media and by direct contact with media, we communicated news from Onsala facilities and research by our scientists. In particular, we communicated news on the upgrade of the 20 m telescope’s radome, about progress developing broadband feeds for the Square Kilometre Array, and the observatory’s innovative GNSS tide gauge. The radome change and SKA work led in particular to several appearances on regional television. Observatory staff handled many media enquiries on astronomical topics and were regularly quoted in news media. Sofia Wallström reported from her observations with the NASArun airborne telescope Sofia in the Chalmers science blog Forskning pågår. We also translated and edited the SKA telescope’s new website in Swedish, Press Clippings ce cean surfa ys on the o lle va d n e a d s Pe ak e Geo sy erneck, Spac h c S rg o e veriges Hans- G starred in S s, ic am yn d o and Ge nce show popular scie er things, Radio P3’s , among oth e h re e h w on the “Institutet” s and valleys ak e p e th t u talked abo e. ruary ocean surfac itutet” – Feb io P3 , “Inst ad R s e g ri Sve The sniffer in the harbor going to hunt cheaters Our research group Optical Remote Sensing was noticed when they placed a “sniffer” in the Gothenburg harbour in order to catch ships who ran on illegal fuel. Johan Mellqvist from the group was interviewd by GP. GP – December arbunga from Bárð e id x io d r ulfu o Galle, ount of” s erupted B m a a g e n u m e rb a tr árð , “An ex volcano B Ny Teknik Icelandic d quickly. e d n o nt. p ve s e When the re e nsing, out th emote Se wd him ab ie rv te in , Optical R utlets er media o among oth r e b - Novem Ny Teknik 24 stars aim for the est in Scientists be the bigg lescope, to te ers w ne a an With ing for sw ists are hop nt ie sc , d nd rl ions. A in the wo iggest quest b s e’ e rs e iv nsala Spac to the un al project, O n io at rn te in this big, role. has a critical Observatory ruary erna” – Feb T V4, “Nyhet Facts and Figures Income (SEK 1,000)2014 20132012 20112010 Research grants 91 513 90,298 86,816 88,868 80,359 Research, faculty funding 41 543 38,099 37,561 35,195 30,032 First degree and Master’s studies 7 720 6,602 5,980 6,394 8,154 Other 2 308 4,003 3,531 4,040 2,816 Chalmers Foundation 1 771 – 125 524 – Total First degree and Master's students Chalmers Foundation Other Research, faculty funding Research grants 144 855139,002136,025135,021121,361 Investments Travel Used grants (SEK 1,000)2014 2013201220112010 Personnel 78 622 74,068 68,504 67,284 61,821 Internal overhead, IT, etc. 17 561 17,410 18,144 17,492 15,640 Fees (APEX, JIVE, etc.) 10 322 9,274 9,580 7,680 10,831 9 505 9,322 8,656 8,776 8,925 12 724 14,279 12,685 19,959 13,462 5 919 6,174 6,472 5,130 4,148 4 110 4,086 3,818 4,500 4,164 Premises Other Investments Travel Total Swedish Research Council 46 128 European Community Swedish National Space Board Foreign universities Intl. Org. (ESA, ESO, CNES) Swedish Energy Agency VINNOVA (Swedish Govt. Agency for Innovation Systems) Total Personnel (Dec 31) Professors Premises Fees Personnel Internal overhead 138 763 134,613127,859130,821118,991 External funding (SEK 1,000)20142013201220112010 Other Other 46,006 49,007 50,654 11 821 6,238 12,885 12,378 16,391 16 516 17,429 12,621 10,898 10,862 9 863 10,735 7,413 8,345 5,497 Int. Organisations 41,801 Others 7,404 2,391 1,548 4,168 -––– 830 2 547 4,553 4,112 4,537 810 95 318 92,36588,42990,34280,359 2014 Swedish Research Council Swedish National Space Board -–– 1,982– 8 443 VINNOVA European Community 2013201220112010 1514121112 Adjunct and affiliated professors 77655 Associate professors and University lecturers Assistant professors Researchers 10 8101010 Research engineers 2624212120 Technical staff 1212161312 Ammanuens Adjunct and Afilliated professors Associate professors and University lecturers Assistant professors 322511 13 10814 Doctoral students Doctoral students Professors 13343 Post doc Administrative staff Administrative staff 77787 25 30 31 36 33 -–2–– Total121 117118114117 Technical staff Postdocs Research engineers Researchers 25 Organisation Our astronomer Eva Wirström is excited about the performance of the 20-metre telescope’s new 3 mm receiver, which she was one of the very first to use in May 2014. Eva’s preliminary data from the dark nebula Barnard 5 seem to show that complex molecules like formic acid and acetaldehyde can form even in the coldest parts of interstellar clouds. Departmental Advisory Team The advisory team’s task is to identify and take a standpoint on overall strategic issues that are of relevance to the long-term development of the department, and to support the department’s steering group in other matters that may arise. The team met three times during 2014. External representatives 2014 •Göran Netzler, Chairman •Göran Berndes, Chalmers’ President’s representative •Thomas Lewin, Ericsson Research •Sven Grahn, Swedish Space Corporation •Marie Rådbo, University of Gothenburg 26 Internal representatives 2014 •Gunnar Elgered, Head of Department •Camilla Andersson, Secretary •Alessandro Romeo, Teacher’s representative •Jo Urban, Teacher’s representative •Leif Eriksson, Teacher’s representatitve •Alexey B. Pavolotsky, Technical/Administrative staff’s representative •Niklas Falstad, PhD Student’s representative •Emil Rosenberg, Students’ representative •Unni Engedahl, Students’ representative •Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen, Substitute The Department went on a great voyage with a “Paddan” boat during the Day of the Department, on the 28th of August. Photo: Anders Berg Management Group Teaching Staff The management group handles strategic as well as operational matters for the department as a whole. It meets every third week. The group consists of: the Head of Department, the Deputy Head, the Vice Head, a Secretary, the Head of Administration and Finance, the Personnel Officer, the Director of the Onsala Space Observatory and our seven research group leaders. The teaching staff has approximately 30 members. Johan Mellqvist and Arto Heikkilä are Chairman and Vice Chairman, respectively. The group has an advisory function on research and educational issues and meets 4–5 times per year. Administration and Finance The group works with organisational and financial planning and follow-up, accounting, study administration, HR administration, purchasing, web and other forms of communication, as well as any other services needed by the research and teaching staff. On December 31 the group consisted of: •Ingrid Jakobson Head of Administration and Finance •Paula Rosell Administrator • Maria Karlsson Department Financial Officer • Paulina Sjögren Administrator • Katarina Norheim Financial Officer • Oskar Ängermark Communications Officer •Camilla Andersson Administrator Local Collaboration Group The Local Collaboration Group is a forum for discussing all issues concerning the management of the department: appointment of staff members, matters related to the premises and general working conditions, including the work environment (physical as well as psychosocial) and gender equality. The group consist of the Head of Department, the Head of Administration and Finance, the Personnel Officer, three representatives from our unions, a work environment ombudsman and an equality ombudsman, and meets every sixth week. 27 Department of Earth and Space Sciences Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden Telephone: +46 31-772 10 00 Internet: 28
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