Radio vb 2006
Radio vb 2006
Radio and Space Science Annual Report 2006 Dear reader, You may already have noticed that the format of this annual report has changed, compared to previous years. This report is thinner and contains fewer facts. On the other hand it means that you can read it on the bus, in the underground, or bring it to the beach. The year of 2006 brought both good and less good news. This is not surprising and in fact such a statement is valid for any year. Given the way our research is Gunnar Elgered, Head of Department. funded one happy event is when we receive a research grant. Other happy events are successful Ph.D defences and Licentiate seminars as well as when we get a paper published in a well spread journal, often summarizing vast amounts of work. In this report you will find summary descriptions of the undergraduate and the Contents 2 Dear reader, graduate teaching as well as contributions from the research groups and the 3 Public outreach National Facility for Radio Astronomy – the Onsala Space Observatory. They present highlights from 2006 and if you want more details of what we have 4 Facts and figures 5 First degree & master’s studies 6 Doctoral studies carried out, I recommend the papers and reports in the publication list at the end. On top of that you shall of course also read the Licentiate and Ph.D. theses produced during the year. Their titles and authors are also presented here. You 7 Dissertations and licentiates are also welcome to visit our homepage at 8 Advanced receiver development One group is not explicitly visible in the report: the administrative staff. They are, of course, involved in most of the activities within the department. 9 Global environmental measurements The group is led by Ingrid Eriksson who is also our economy officer. 10 Nonlinear electrodynamics Margareta Mattson and Paula Rosell are working at the observatory grounds 11 Optical remote sensing and Eva Axelsson and Monica Hansen in Göteborg. 12 Radar remote sensing There are of course many other personal achievements that deserve to be men- 13 Radio astronomy and astrophysics tioned, but as indicated above, we have decided to make the annual report more 14 Space geodesy and geodynamics would simply be to heavy. In spite of this some formal events must be mentioned: accessible and if all these important contributions should be listed the report 15 Transport theory 16 Onsala space observatory 18 Publications – Roy Booth was given the Chalmers’ medal for his efforts giving the Onsala Space Observatory a central role in international collaboration. – Ingrid Eriksson and Karl-Åke Johansson were honoured in a special celebration for employees that have served Chalmers for 25 years. – Pär Strand earned the competence of associate professor (docent). – Leif Eriksson was employed as assistant professor in Radar Remote Sensing. – Victor Belitsky was promoted to full professor in Radio and Space Science. – Arnold van Ardenne was appointed adjunct professor in Radio Astronomy. Arnold’s main employer is ASTRON in The Netherlands. – Jan Johansson was appointed as adjunct professor in Space Geodetic Measurement Techniques. Jan’s main employer is SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Happy reading and please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in any of the subjects touched upon in this report. We love to talk about our work – as well as a few other things that make life interesting and meaningful. Cover: The Orion Nebula. (Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech/ T. Megeath University of Toledo). 2 Gunnar Elgered Head of department 2 Public outreach Press Clippings We have developed a technique using airborne radar to identify wind thrown forest after the storm Gudrun – Göteborgs-Posten Jan 9, Uppsalanytt Jan 10, The Department of Radio and Space Science has a considerable activity informing the society about ongoing research. It includes visits to schools and clubs, press releases through Chalmers Public Relations and Press Office, interviews in the media, as well as receiving visitors to the department. Metro Jan 11, Västekot, SR Jan 13, Business Region Göteborg no 0601. We have developed a technique for measuring pollution from oil refineries and petroleum industry in Texas Some examples: – Nordiska Industri Projekt 0605, Teknik & – The annual William Chalmers Lecture was given by Hans Olofsson: “Hur uppstod livet på jorden och finns det liv på andra ställen i universum?” (How did life begin on Earth and is there life elsewhere in the Universe?) Vetenskap 0605, Civilingenjören 0609, Process Nordic 0611. John Black is one of the top 54 Swedish researchers to be quoted in scientific press – Teknik & Vetenskap – Cathy Horellou gave a public lecture “The Cosmic Microwave Background and the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics”. no 0602, Tentakel no 4. Susanne Aalto was elected as working member of Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället – Around 1400 persons, from a variety of associations representing different parts of the society visited the Onsala Space Observatory during 2006. – The Einstein exhibition at Universeum in Göteborg had a GPS receiver operating demonstrating the effect of general relativity on the estimated position. The receiver was installed by Jan Johansson. – Göteborgs-Posten Feb 17. Hans Olofsson’s seminar entitled “Is there life in space?” – GöteborgsPosten Nov 6. Bringing astronomical experiences to the classroom The subject of the Nobel Prize in physics is explained by Gustaf Rydbeck – Göteborgs-Posten Oct 3. Astronomy is an excellent vehicle for teaching physical sciences to students at all levels. During 2006, Cathy Horellou and collaborators finished the first phase of the Swedish contribution to the European Hands-On Universe (EUHOU ) project to bring astronomical research experiences into school classrooms. This project, supported by the European Union, delivered a complete educational package: an internet-accessible radio telescope plus pedagogical materials to guide its use. The telescope and receiver were developed in cooperation with staff members of Onsala Space Observatory. The EUHOU project demonstrated the use of the telescope in classrooms in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. We are participating in calibrating a Japanese satellite resulting in high quality pictures of forest – Skaraborgs Läns Tidning, June 26. Remningstorp is a forest laboratory where forest remote sensing is of world class – SkogsVärden 0604. John Rösevall is commenting on the theory that the breaking down of the ozone layer is no longer increasing, but has leveled out Department Council – Svenska Dagbladet May 4. The Department Council shall identify and take position on strategic and comprehensive questions relevant to the activites in the department in the long term. It shall also support the management of the department. The council met four times during 2006. One meeting at the Onsala Space Observatory, with all research group leaders of the department, was focused on the issue of defining qualitiy in academic work. Kungsbacka town approved an application for building a wind power station close to the observatory, a decision that the observatory appealed against, and in the end the activity is protected and the wind power is denied building permit Chairman Göran Netzler Members: Hans Andersson, SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute Sven Grahn, Swedish Space Corporation Marie Rådbo, Göteborg University President’s representative: Dag Winkler, Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers Head of Department: Gunnar Elgered Staff’s representatives: Michael Olberg Hans-Georg Scherneck Leif Helldner Ph.D. students’ representative: Eva Wirström Students’ representative: Erik Steinmetz Maciej J. Soja Secretary: Margareta Mattsson – Göteborgs-Posten Oct 20, Swedish Radio Nov 27, Kunsbacka Posten Dec 2, Dec 30, Hallands Nyheter Aug 26, Nov 30, Dec 8, Dec 22. Ministers agree upon fusion deal. Seven participating countries build a new fusion reactor, ITER, in France – Ny Teknik no 06, Science Business 22 Nov. Celebration of the anniversary of the two Swedish satellites Odin and Viking – News Archives from the Swedish Space Corporation Feb 22. 3 3 Facts and figures Chalmers Foundation 2 % First degree and master’s studies 7 % Income (SEK 1,000) 2006 Research grants 59,578 Research, faculty funding 22,097 First degree and master’s studies Research, faculty funding 24 % 6,788 Other 2,270 Chalmers foundation 1,648 Total Other 2 % Research grants 65 % 92,381 Travel 3 % Used grants (SEK 1,000) 2006 Personnel 50,346 Internal overhead, IT, etc. 11,350 Fees (APEX , JIVE, etc.) 7,758 Premises 7,504 Other 7,474 Investments 5,119 Travel 2,698 Total 92,249 External funding (SEK 1,000) Swedish Science Foundation 2006 29,918 European Community 9,936 Swedish National Space Board 8,357 Others 5,799 K A Wallenberg foundation 2,172 Int. organisations ESA , ESO, etc. 1,888 VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) Total Investments 6 % Other expenses 8 % Premises 8 % Personnel 55 % Fees (APEX, JIVE, etc) 8% Internal overhead, IT, etc 12 % Vinnova 3 % KA Wallenberg Foundation 4 % Others 9% Swedish National Space Board 14 % 1,508 European Community 17 % Professors Professors 9 Adjunct professors 4 Adjunct professors Associate professors/University lecturers 14 Researchers Technical staff 16 4 5 39 Associate professors/ University lecturers Assistant professors 7 16 Ph.D. students Graduate students 4 Research engineers Administrative staff The Swedish Research Council 50 % 59,578 Personnel Assistant professors ESA, ESO, etc 3 % Adminstrative staff Research Technical engineers staff Researchers First Degree and Master’s Studies The department is active at several levels of teaching: we give courses for students at Chalmers’ three-year engineering programmes in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, the five-year master of engineering programmes in Electrical Engineering, Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, and Engineering Physics, and we run the international master’s programme in Advanced Techniques in Radio Astronomy and Space Science (RAMAS ). We also participate in, e.g., the Foundation Year at Chalmers, and teach astronomy at Göteborg University. In 2006, the department was responsible for 26 courses at Chalmers. Our teachers also participated in a few more courses given by other departments, and gave two basic astronomy courses at Göteborg University. The subjects range from basic electrical engineering to courses closely related to our research in, e.g., astrophysics, remote sensing, receiver development, and plasma physics. An important subject is measurement techniques. We have our own laboratory which is used exclusively for teaching and where students get hands-on experience with measurement instruments. In addition to giving courses, our teachers also supervise thesis projects. In 2006, the department examined 31 master’s thesis projects, and more than half of them were supervised internally. In the autumn of 2006, the last students of our international master’s programme RAMAS started their studies. Since its start in 2002, RAMAS has attracted students from 23 countries in most parts of the world. Graduates of the programme are now pursuing PhD studies at universities in Sweden and abroad, or work with science and applications in international organisations and as engineers in industry. In 2007, with the reorganisation of Chalmers’ education, RAMAS will be replaced by a new master’s programme called Radio and Space Science, with specialisations in Astrophysics, Earth observations and Technology. It will build heavily on the experiences from RAMAS , but we will strengthen the remote sensing part and add a specialisation in astrophysics. Many of our teachers have been involved in the planning of the new master’s programme, and we are looking forward to an interesting 2007. Magnus Thomasson, Vice Head of Department. Students use equipment at Onsala Space Observatory to study satellite communication and navigation. Chalmers courses given 2006 A Foundation Year Physics, part B Engineering programmes Telecommunication Electrical Engineering Master of Engineering programmes, year 1–3 Engineering measurements High frequency electromagnetic waves Electric circuits Master’s courses and equivalent Advanced numerical methods and applications Astrophysical dynamics ❊ Earth-system science techniques Environmental measurement techniques Galaxies ❊ Image processing Interferometry for astronomy and geodesy Microwave engineering in communications MM & subMM receiver technology for instrumentation Modern cosmology ❊ Plasma physics with applications and fusion Radar and remote sensing Radio astrophysics ❊ Remote sensing in environmental science Satellite positioning Satellites in communications and navigation Sensors, signals and systems (measurements part) Space environment Space techniques The interstellar medium ❊ ( ❊ = also for Göteborg University students) Courses at Göteborg University Astrobiology The planetary system and space probes 5 Doctoral Studies Donal Murtagh, Vice Head of Department. The doctoral programme is organised as three possible specialisations within the subject area of Radio and Space Science. These specialisations are Astronomy, Environmental Science and Electrical Engineering reflecting the diversity of the research carried out at the department. The school aims to give the students a thorough understanding of the research area they have chosen and in depth studies in a particular subject with the aim of achieving Chalmers’ goals for post-graduate education. There are currently about 35 research students in the programme most of whom are employed at the department although a handful have positions in industry or at other institutes. Ph.D. students Yan Zhang and Mattias Johansson are taking measurements in order to predict volcano eruption on San Cristóbal in Nicaragua and on Etna in Italy. Radar mapping was done on this wind thrown forest after the storm Gudrun. Ph.D. students Björn Hallberg and Klas Folkesson are inspecting the grounds. 6 Dissertations Sten Bergstrand Pontus Johannisson GPS for Geophysics: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Tests of Ionospheric Models. February Nonlinear Intrachannel Distortion in HighSpeed Optical Transmission Systems. September Miroslav Pantaleev Håkan Smith Radioastronomy Instrumentation for Herschel and APEX Projects. May Runaway Electrons and Alfvén Eigenmodes in Tokamaks. December Licentiates Erik Sundin Evert Olsson Development of Cryogenic Low Noise 4-8 GHz HEMT Amplifier and its Advanced Characterization. February A High Resolution Study of the LINER Galaxy NGC 5218. June Eva Wirström Mattias Ekström Studies in Molecular Astrophysics and Astrobiology. March Sub-Millimetre Measurements of Upper Tropospheric Humidity. June Marco Forzati John Rösevall A Study of Polar Ozone Depletion in the Lower Stratosphere – Dynamic Assimilation of O3 and N2O data from Odin/SMR and ENVISAT/MIPAS . October The Alternate-Phase ReturnTo-Zero Modulation Format in High-Speed Optical-Fibre Communications. March Maria Buyanova Multipactor Discharge: Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulations. June Carina Persson Molecular Astrophysics in Star-Forming Regions with the Odin Satellite. November Camilla Granström Site-Dependent Effects in High-Accuracy Applications of GNSS . June 7 Advanced Receiver Development Research group leader Victor Belitsky. The Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD ) is part of the National Facility for Radio Astronomy, Onsala Space Observatory, and it develops state of the art radio astronomical receivers at millimetre and submillimetre wavelenghts. The major work on the facility heterodyne receiver for the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment Project (APEX ) is now nearing its completion, and the work on the 183 GHz receivers for the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA ) has started. During 2006 GARD continued their work on APEX , where it has the responsibility to design and build a 4-channel facility heterodyne receiver. After a period of research and development, the desirable performances of APEX Band 1, a sidebandseparation (2SB ) receiver for the 211-275 GH z, and APEX Band 2, a 2SB receiver for the 275-370 GH z band, were finally achieved. These results are 20m telescope; the receiver is currently under integration, and it will be installed at the telescope during the spring 2007 bringing a state of the art 3mm receiver to Onsala. Work with a new highgap superconducting material Nb3 Al has started. The first results of this project, supported by The Swedish Research Council (VR ), give hope that Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS ) in line with the best results achieved worldwide to date. The work continues on the remaining two channels, and the complete receiver is expected to be ready for installation at the telescope during the first half of 2007. GARD has also performed final tests with a new 3mm 2SB receiver for the Onsala and Hot Electron Bolometer (HEB ) mixer technologies can be pushed to even higher frequencies (into the TH z regime). Finally, GARD has started the development work on the 183 GHz receiver for ALMA , the largest international radio astronomy instrumentation project. Staff The APEX facility receiver. 4 K plate with APEX Band 1, Band 2 and Band 3 receivers integrated. Victor Belitsky Vincent Desmarais Sven-Erik Ferm Mathias Fredrixon Doug Henke Igor Lapkin Denis Meledin Håkan Millqvist Alexey Pavolotsky Erik Sundin (Mar-) Magnus Svensson Vessen Vassilev Ph.D. students Bhushan Billade (Dec-) Dimitar Dochev Olle Nyström Miroslav Pantaleev (-Jun) Raquel Rodriguez Monje Erik Sundin (-Feb) 8 Global Environmental Measurements The group has mainly concentrated on the production and exploitation of data from the Swedish led Odin satellite project. Odin was launched in February 2001 and is still producing valuable data several years past its designed lifetime. The data are used for studies of the ozone layer as well as climate. Data assimilation Data from the Odin satellite are assimilated into a wind driven dynamic model allowing us to have a detailed picture of the state of the atmosphere at any given time. The model uses a variant of the well known Kalman filter to weigh in new data in an optimal manner and to track the uncertainties in the model values. The model can also be used to estimate the extent and distribution of ozone loss during the winter/spring period when chlorine chemistry destroys ozone. Stratospheric Nitrogen dioxide The optical instrument OSIRIS (Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Images System) onboard Odin, measures scattered sunlight through the Earth’s limb. OSIRIS provides near global measurements of stratospheric ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), O Cl O, Br O and aerosols with a vertical resolution of around 2 km. These species play a crucial role in the complex ozone depletion (ozone hole) chemistry and are also important for studies of global warming. The OSIRIS data set is unique, especially for NO2 where there is a clear lack of data with both high vertical and latitudinal resolution combined with high sensitivity and accuracy. The OSIRIS NO2 data product has been developed in cooperation between Chalmers and York University in Toronto. All data from 2002 to 2005 have been analyzed and a monthly climatology, the first of its kind, created. The results have been compared to simulated measurement from a French chemical transport model (REPROBUS ). OSIRIS and the model show generally good agreement but there are also regions where the model Research group leader Donal Murtagh. is significantly underestimating the measured concentrations, indicating that our knowledge of the stratospheric nitrogen chemistry is incomplete. Further research will hopefully reveal and diagnose these model weaknesses in order to better understand the stratospheric chemistry and the issue of ozone depletion. �������� Donal Murtagh Joakim Möller Joachim Urban Ph.D. students Samuel Brohede Ashley Jones An off-line inversion method has been developed to retrieve upper tropospheric humidity and cloud information from the atmospheric Odin submillimetre radiometer (SMR ) observations. Originally intended for observations of stratospheric/ mesospheric trace-gases, Odin-SMR has sensitivity down to around 10 km. These new inversions rely on far-wing absorption of the 557 GHz line and include a method to detect and retrieve ice clouds. The results are 2005−03−09 2005−03−09 humidity at two altitude layers, 12 and 15 km, and cloud ice content above 12 km. These two constituents, both strong agents in the Earth’s radiation balance, are today not very well known and reliable measurements are important contributions to studies of the Earth’s climate system. John Rösevall Bengt Rydberg ��� �� �� ��� ��� Ozone loss during the Northern hemisphere winter 2005-2006 % ������� � ��� Peter Forkman Mattias Ekström �� �� Patrick Eriksson Upper tropospheric humidity for climate studies ������������ � Staff ��� ��� ��� � ��������� 9 Average relative humidity at an altitude of 12.2 km for time period 2002-2006. Retrieval of observations from Odin-SMR 501 GHz band. % 0 0 −10 −10 −20 −20 −30 −30 −40 −40 −50 −50 Nonlinear Electrodynamics The research activity of the Nonlinear Electrodynamics Group is directed towards three different research areas: the physics of burning fusion plasmas, nonlinear optics, and microwave discharge phenomena. There is a common denominator between these three areas – all involve electromagnetic field theory, plasma theory, and similar nonlinear wave phenomena. Nonlinear optics Research group leaders Dan Anderson and Mietek Lisak. Staff Dan Anderson Tünde Fülöp Mietek Lisak Ph.D. students Maria Buyanova (-Jun) Marco Forzati (industrial student) Pontus Johannisson (-Nov) Patrik Sandquist The coherence of laser light has been considered a crucial property for the appearance of many nonlinear optical phenomena. However, it was recently demonstrated experimentally that many of these phenomena persist also for partially coherent light. This result has inspired much subsequent research on the effects of partial coherence on nonlinear wave dynamics. The group has contributed to this development by a new fundamental formalism for describing the propagation of partially coherent light in nonlinear media. This formalism has also been used to analyze the existence and stability of partially coherent solitons and vortices in nonlinear optical media and to study the effect of partial coherence on different nonlinear instabilities e.g. the modulational and collapse instabilities. Håkan Smith The signal power [au]. 0.8 Richard Udiljak 0.7 Propagation distance [au] 0.6 0.5 It involves collaboration between EU , Japan, Russia, China, South Korea, USA , and India. The activity of the Nonlinear Electrodynamics Group concerns theoretical investigations of fusion plasma processes in magnetically confined systems and is strongly integrated in the European fusion collaboration. During 2006 the research work has been devoted to the physics of burning fusion plasmas in tokamaks with particular interest given to the investigation of: (i) fast particle collective effects in fusion plasmas, (ii) electron runaway in tokamaks, and (iii) edge plasma transport phenomena in tokamaks. 0.4 Microwave breakdown in space borne radio frequency (RF) equipment 0.3 0.2 0.1 Result of a numerical simulation showing the breakdown plasma around a sharp corner in a wave guide. Schematic picture of the ITER experiment. 0 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 Time [au] 2 4 6 8 Example of manipulation of light by light – “the optical axe”. A high intensity control pulse splits a signal pulse into two parts. Burning fusion plasmas Due to the remarkable success of the European fusion energy experiment JET in England, the world fusion community is now taking the “Next Step” by constructing a large device, which will produce burning plasmas under reactor relevant conditions. This prototype reactor – ITER – will be built in Cadarache, France and is designed to produce 500 MW of thermonuclear power. 10 10 The power levels needed for space communications are becoming successively higher and tend to increase the risk of causing electric discharges, which may seriously deteriorate signal transmission and even damage the RF components. Today’s microwave applications involve complications in terms of design geometry and time variation of the RF power for which a satisfactory theoretical as well as experimental picture of the microwave breakdown phenomenon is lacking. A broad research work is carried out on different aspects of microwave breakdown by the Nonlinear Electrodynamics Group in collaboration with, in particular, the French Space Agency – CNES in Toulouse and Institute of Applied Physics in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. The range of this work stretches from space borne RF communication equipment to ground based base stations for telephone communication. Optical Remote Sensing The optical remote sensing group is working with the development and application of ground-based optical remote sensing methods for atmospheric measurements. In specific we are focusing on tailoring instruments and measurement strategies to address specific measurement problems related to environmental research and monitoring needs. The work is very international and field oriented, and spans a large variety of disciplines covering: volcanic gas measurements, industrial hydrocarbon emissions, atmospheric chemistry in megacities in developing countries, emissions of climate gases from different ecosystems, emission from ship and aircraft, methane emissions from landfills, stratospheric ozone depletion and satellite validation. Research group leader Bo Galle. Staff Bo Galle Johan Mellqvist Volcanic gas measurements Since 2001 we are strongly involved in developing methods to quantify gas emission from active volcanoes. The EU -project NOVAC (Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change), coordinated by Chalmers, was initiated in fall 2005. This project aims at establishing a network of instruments for gas measurements on 20 of the most active volcanoes in the world. In addition to measure volcanic gas emissions for geophysical research and risk assessment, the instruments will also provide information on atmospheric composition for research related to stratospheric ozone depletion and climate change. During 2006 focus has been on developing the final prototype of the instrument, measurement strategies, evaluation software, data communication and archiving routines. Urban air monitoring in megacities in developing countries Recent development of spectroscopic instrumentation, computers and evaluation algorithms, has paved the way for an exploitation of optical remote sensing for cost-effective studies of air pollution in megacities. One major activity conducted during spring 2006 was to participate in the large international field campaign MCMA -2006 in and around Mexico City. The purpose of this large campaign, which comprised teams from Mexico, USA and Europe, was to study the origin and fate of air pollution as well as outflow and regional impact. Emissions from ship instrument that can automatically check the emission from various ship in for example a harbour. Dan Ohlsson Atmospheric ozone depletion and satellite validation Anders Strandberg Since 1994 we are operating a high resolution FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red) for solar Niklas Berg spectroscopy at Harestua in southern Norway. The instrument is part of NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change), and its main purpose has been to study the composition of the atmosphere, as well as satellite validation and validation of global chemical transport models. The emphasis of the measurements is to study the chlorine trend in the stratosphere but also to derive tropospheric molecules, primarily those related to climate change research. This work has been conducted under the EU project HYMN . Claudia Rivera Cardenas Jerker Samuelsson David Simpson Ph.D. students: Mattias Johansson Elisabeth Undén (Sep-) Yan Zhang Industrial hydrocarbon emissions Emission of hydrocarbons from various industrial activities, as well as from storage and shipping, constitutes an important environmental problem. We have developed a method for quantification of hydrocarbon emissions based on IR Solar Occultation. During 2004-2005 this method has been intensively developed and tested in a project together with the industries in the Göteborg area. During 2006 we participated in a major field campaign in Houston, USA , with the aim to quantify hydrocarbon emissions from refineries and petrochemical industries in southern Texas. A special measurement strategy using solar occultation spectroscopy has been developed for quantifying real emissions from ship and aircraft. During 2004- 2005 the method has been tested in several field-campaigns in and outside Göteborg harbour. Based on these results a new project was started in the beginning of 2006 aiming at developing an operative method to identify “gross-polluters” from an airborne platform, as well as to provide an NOVAC instrument installed at San Cristóbal volcano in Nicaragua. Solar occultation flux measurements in the Houston ship channel. 11 Radar Remote Sensing Research group leader Lars Ulander. Research in the Radar Remote Sensing Group is based on understanding of radar system properties, allowing us to analyse and design new systems with improved measurement accuracy. The main applications studied in the group are forestry and mapping of sea ice. For forests the goal is to retrieve biomass and changes caused by deforestation, storms, replanting, etc. Global mapping is required to understand the role of forest in the global carbon cycle, and hence their effects on global climate change. Sea ice mapping is also of interest for climate studies since the ice cover is a good indicator of climate change, as well as affecting the transfer of energy between the oceans and atmosphere. Staff Work and results from 2006 Jan Askne, prof. emeritus In January 2006 the Japanese satellite ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) was launched. The Radar Remote Sensing Group participated in the calibration and validation of one of ALOS sensors, the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR ). Four fivemeter large trihedral reflectors and three smaller dihedral reflectors were deployed as calibration targets at the Remningstorp forest estate in Southern Sweden. The work was conducted in cooperation with the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA ) and showed that PALSAR produces images of high quality. This led to the decision to declare ALOS as operational in October 2006. Leif Eriksson Gustaf Jansson Gary Smith-Jonforsen Lars Ulander Ph.D. students: Klas Folkesson Björn Hallberg Annelie Wyholt Images from ALOS will be used for investigating and developing forestry applications. One of the applications is detection and mapping of changes in the forest cover. As a part of this effort, a large experiment was conducted in Remningstorp. In August all trees in four areas, each about 1.4 ha, were cut down and left on the ground to simulate storm damage. Satellite images from ALOS PALSAR were collected before and after the cutting. In addition, airborne synthetic aperture radar data from the CARABAS and LORA systems – developed and operated by the Swedish One of the 5 meter tall corner reflectors that were used in the calibration campaign for the Japanese ALOS satellite. 12 Defence Research Agency – were acquired. These systems operate with wavelengths in the range 60 cm to 15 m and generate images with a much higher resolution than the satellite images. Both LORA and CARABAS show a good potential for mapping of storm damaged forest. In December all trees were removed and new PALSAR images were acquired to capture the clear-cut phase. The experiment was in large parts financed by the Hildur and Sven Wingquist Foundation and the work was performed in close cooperation with the Department of Forest Resource Management at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences and the Department of Radar Systems at the Swedish Defence Research Agency. Another important application is estimation of tree biomass in forests. Methods for stem volume estimation are being analysed both for satelliteand airborne radar sensors. Topographic effects is one of the problems that can reduce the estimation accuracy. To quantify these effects electromagnetic models for scattering of the radio waves have been developed. Synthetic-aperture radar uses advanced signal processing algorithms to generate imagery from raw radar data as well as to analyse the resulting imagery. In 2006, the group was involved with projects developing and evaluating algorithms for autofocus as well as image segmentation. Radar images from LORA before (left) and after (right) the simulated storm felling. Both images were acquired with a flight direction of 35º. The trees were felled in two different directions, 35º and 80º. The area where trees lie parallel to the flight direction gives a much brighter response than the area with trees in the 80º direction. Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics Our research interersts in radio astronomy and astrophysics range from comets and stars to galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe. Our researchers make use of facilities worldwide and in space, including the telescopes at Onsala Space Observatory, the APEX telescope in Chile, the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawai’i, the European and global Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI ) networks, interferometers in France, UK and USA , the Odin satellite, and the Hubble Space Telescope. Theoretical research is also carried out by some group members, who develop and use state-of-the-art numerical tools to simulate the origin and growth of structure in the universe. Research group leader John Black. NGC 5218: a supermassive black hole, a starburst, or both ? Very-long-baseline interferometry and radio supernovae Staff Some galaxies show evidence of very active central regions, but it is difficult to be sure whether the compact power source is the accretion onto a supermassive black hole or a high concentration of star-forming activity. In order to decide this question for the galaxy NGC 5218, Evert Olsson, his supervisors Susanne Aalto and Magnus Thomasson, and their collaborators in the UK and Germany completed a high-resolution study of several different types of radio emission. The measurements of atomic hydrogen and of several molecules (CO , HCN , and HCO +) traced the motions of neutral gas in relation to the ionized gas in the central region of NGC 5218. There is evidence of an expanding shell of 70 million solar masses of molecular gas, which supports the suggestion that the activity in NGC 5218 is powered mainly by a burst of star formation within the last 10 million years. Rodrigo Parra and his supervisor, John Conway, demonstrated the enormous potential of ultra wide band VLBI by reporting the detection of expanding remnants of recent supernova explosions in the ultraluminous galaxy Arp 220. This discovery made use of the first observations of the European VLBI Network at its new maximum data rate of 1 gigabit per second. Follow-up VLBI imaging at four different frequencies made it possible to measure the spectra of 18 sources, which could be divided into two groups of young supernovae (less than 10 years) and older supernova remnants (greater than 30 years). In combination with older data spanning 10 years, Parra et al. have estimated the rate of appearance and luminosity of new supernova explosions in Arp 220. These studies provide important insight into the remarkable activity in the center of Arp 220, where the star-forming environment is so extreme that the rapid evolution of massive stars is radically different from that in our own Milky Way Galaxy. John Black Chemistry and cosmology Roy Booth, prof. emeritus John Conway Arto Heikkilä Åke Hjalmarson Cathy Horellou Henrik Olofsson Alessandro Romeo Gustaf Rydbeck Magnus Thomasson Tommy Wiklind Anders Winnberg, prof. emiritus Ph.D. students Rossa Hurley Daniel Johansson Evert Olsson Rodrigo Parra Carina Persson Eva Wirström ��� ��� ���������������� John Black published results of a computation of primordial chemistry. This model predicts that the small amount of the hydrogen anion formed since the epoch of recombination in the early universe may produce a small, but measurable distortion of the spectrum of the cosmic background radiation, which is otherwise a nearly perfect blackbody. Susanne Aalto ��� ��� ��� ��� ����� ����� ����� ��������������� ����� Three-colour VLBI image of the supernova remnants in the western nucleus of the galaxy Arp 220. Red, green, and blue colours represent the brightnesses at frequencies of 2.3, 5.0, and 8.3 GHz, respectively. The width of the image corresponds to approximately 100 parsecs or 300 light-years. 13 ����� Space Geodesy and Geodynamics Research group leader Rüdiger Haas. Staff Willgodt Bokhede Gunnar Elgered Rüdiger Haas Jan Johansson Hans-Georg Scherneck Ph.D. students Sten Bergstrand (-Feb) Camilla Granström (-Jun) Martin Lidberg Tobias Nilsson Surat Pramualsakdikul Carsten Rieck (industrial student) We use space geodetic techniques and microwave radiometry for basic research of geodynamical phenomenon and atmospheric processes. The range of research topics includes Earth rotation variations over sub-diurnal to decadal time scales, terrestrial reference frames, inter- and intra-plate tectonic motions, crustal deformation due to oceanic and atmospheric loading, glacial isostatic adjustment, distribution and variation of atmospheric water vapour for short term applications such as weather forecasting as well as long term climate monitoring and research. Earth rotation variations on various time scales We analyse geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI ) observations to derive accurate information about Earth orientation and rotation. The figure shows a wavelet decomposition of the length of day derived from geodetic VLBI and reveals the signatures of global-scale mass redistribution processes on various time scales. Among them is the so called El-Nino phenomena with an approximate period of a few years. Wavelet decomposition of the length-of-day derived from geodetic VLBI observations. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS ) for geosciences We use dense GNSS networks with receiving stations of geodetic quality to investigate the deformation of the Earth’s crust and the distribution of atmospheric water vapour. The dominating GNSS today is the US owned Global Positioning System (GPS ). The map shows the GPS derived vertical and horizonal crustal motion in Fennoscandia as color-coded iso-lines and vectors, respectively. The observed crustal motions enable us to derive the viscosity in parts of the Earth’s mantle. A typical GNSS receiving station of high geodetic quality ( SWEPOS station Vilhelmina). Horizontal (vectors) and vertical (colorcoded iso-lines) crustal deformation in Fennoscandia as derived from GPS observations. –10 –8 14 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 We also use the GPS observations to derive the amount of atmospheric water vapour with high temporal and spatial resolution. Tomographic methods for estimation of the 3D distribution of water vapour, using dense groundbased GPS networks, have been assessed during 2006. We have also established a Nordic GPS data analysis centre at SMHI for the application of assimilation of measurements of the atmospheric water vapour content in numerical weather prediction models. Transport Theory The group performs research on turbulent transport in magnetized toroidal plasmas with application to thermonuclear fusion research. Main topics include fluid closure, inward “pinch” fluxes and transport barriers. New tests of our transport model Our model for turbulent transport includes a possible heat pinch. The tests of this heat pinch in the model has continued for ASDEX -Upgrade data. The model has given good agreement for the average temperature while harmonics of a modulation did not extend sufficiently far in space. The model has continued to give good results in comparisons with experiment in connection with our work under the EFDA - JET 2006 programme. These results have been mainly on transport of toroidal momentum where our particular nonMarkovian mixing-length rule for saturation has lead to good results for the ratio of momentum and ion temperature diffusivities. The destabilization of ITG modes as a function of temperature ratio was in good agreement with our model for quiescent H-modes with double transport barriers. ITPA We have participated in the ITPA Transport and ITB and Confinement, Modeling and Database topical groups in Princeton, where results on momentum transport were presented and outlines were made for model testing. Momentum transport A new version of our transport model with transport of poloidal and toroidal momentum included has been developed during 2005 and modified during 2006. This model also includes the nonlinear generation of flows (zonal flows) by the turbulence. This effect is particularly strong with our closure. During 2006 extensive work has been done on simulations of momentum transport. resonances to our model. The result was that the particle pinch was strongly reduced and the peaked experimental density profile in a JET shot could not be supported. We have also studied transport of impurity ions for ITER -like data, comparing turbulent and neoclassical transport. These studies were made in collaboration with the Nonlinear Electrodynamics group. Parallel to the predictive simulations we have improved the model by developing the basic drift wave theory. The most recent results are on particle pinches, effects of magnetic shear on electron trapping, statistical theory of turbulent transport in magnetized plasmas and fluid closure. Fluid closure A plenary invited talk was given at the International Conference on Plasma Physics in Kiev with a main part devoted to the fluid closure. It related to our results on zonal flows to those of Particle In Cell (PIC ) codes and relating the simple coherent Mattor-Parker system (where our closure works well) to more general systems. In the journal article (conditionally accepted) from this talk this has been taken one step further by showing the mathematical equivalence of the Mattor-Parker system and renormalized turbulent systems. Within this field we have also started an investigation of effects of the fluid closure on resistive wall modes. This is a problem within global stability and is done in collaboration with Yueqiang Liu who has just joined our group. �������� ���������� ���������� � �������� � � � ������������� � � � � ��� Anders Jarmén Bhanpersad Jhowry Hans Nordman Pär Strand ��� ��� Ph.D. students Annika Eriksson Abhinav Gupta (Sep-) (industrial student) ASDEX Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment EFDA European Fusion Energy Development Agreement JET Joint European Torus in Abingdon, England ITG Ion Temperature Gradient ITPA International Tokamak Physics Activities ITB Internal Transport Barrier Results from predictive simulation of temperatures and toroidal momentum in JET discharge 57871 using the model for turbulent transport developed at Chalmers. The well reproduced experimental profiles also correspond to a Prandtl number (ratio of momentum and ion heat diffusivity) in good agreement with the experiment. � � Staff Jan Weiland Theory Particle transport A very interesting feature of particle transport is the possibility of particle pinches. These could strongly improve the performance of the prototype reactor ITER . During 2006 we have investigated effects of fluid closure on particle pinches. Our fluid closure is presently the model with the strongest particle pinches. It has recently been found that kinetic models without nonlinearities that can counteract linear wave particle resonances, can not support the steep density profile in Ohmic JET shots. However, our model has been successful in simulating such shots. In order to investigate this we have added kinetic “gyrofluid” Research group leader Jan Weiland. ��� ��� ��� � 15 Onsala Space Observatory Director Hans Olofsson. Onsala Space Observatory is the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy. The observatory operates two telescopes in Onsala, a 25 metre diameter cmwave telescope and a 20 metre diameter mm-wave telescope, and is one of three partners in Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX ), a new submillimetre telescope in Chile. Together with the Department of Radio and Space Science, the observatory is also in charge of the scientific investigations with the Odin satellite. The Onsala telescopes The Onsala 20 m telescope is continuously upgraded. In 2006, the antenna drive and control system was completely replaced. The receiver tuning is now quite automatic and can easily be done remotely. The bands 21- 26 GH z and 36 -50 GH z of the broadband (18 - 50 GH z) receiver were upgraded to dual polarization. Finally, the radome enclosing the 20 m telescope was painted during the summer of 2006, in order to prolong its lifetime and prevent water from leaking into the radome panels. Close to twenty single-dish projects were scheduled on the 20 m telescope during 2006, ranging from investigations of mass-loss from old stars, through studies of turbulence in interstellar clouds, to searches for molecules in active galactic nuclei. The observatory is a member of the large EU funded network RadioNet. Its Trans-National Access programme supports European astronomers’ use of the Onsala 20 m telescope and the European VLBI Network. The observatory has also participated in the RadioNet research activity AMSTAR , a project to develop high-frequency receivers; in particular the development of the APEX facility heterodyne receiver has benefited from this. Water vapour radiometer for ALMA Radio waves are affected by water vapour in the Earth’s atmosphere, which distorts astronomical images made from radio interferometer data. To compensate for this, the varying amount of water vapour along the line-of-sight from each radio telescope in the interferometer has to be measured. To this end, a water vapour radiometer has been developed by Onsala Space Observatory for use at ALMA (Atacama Large Millimetre Array), a large international radio interferometer with 50 radio telescopes to be built in the Atacama desert in the Chilean Andes. It has been successfully tested at the Submillimetre Array on Hawaii. The Onsala Dicke-switch design was chosen in competition with other designs. Fifty radiometers will be produced for the ALMA observatory. Observations with APEX The APEX telescope in Chile. Much of the VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) activities during 2006 were focussed on continued development of eVLBI for the astronomical and space-geodesy communities (e denotes the use of the Internet for transfer of data). In eVLBI , data can be sent directly in real-time from telescopes in different countries to the central correlator over the Internet (instead of being recorded on hard discs), something which requires high-capacity optical fibre connections. The observatory is part of the EU funded project EXPR eS , aiming at reaching a real-time 16 telescope capability at 1 Gigabits per second data transfer to the correlator in The Netherlands. 16 The first observing season with the APEX telescope has been successfully completed. The editors of the scientific journal Astronomy & Astrophysics recognised the importance of this and published a special issue on APEX , with a total of 26 Letters about the instrumentation and the first science results. As many as 17 of the 20 astronomical papers were based on data from the APEX -2a receiver for 275-370 GH z, built by our receiver group GARD . Most of the observing projects were related to star formation. The frequencies at which APEX operates are ideal to study the chemical and physical conditions deep inside star forming regions, which are often obscured from view by cosmic dust which light cannot penetrate. The radome housing the Onsala 20 m telescope. Observers reported results from several different objects where both low- and high-mass stars are born. Of special interest are the effects that these young stars have on their environment, e.g., through ionizing radiation and outflows of gas. Other objects studied were the centre of the Milky Way galaxy, stars in late stages of evolution when they lose mass, and regions of star formation in other galaxies. Staff Christer Andersson Per Bergman Fredrik Blomqvist Lars Eriksson Lars-Göran Gunnarsson Rüdiger Haas Magne Hagström Roger Hammargren Leif Helldner Christer Hermansson Odin observations of water in Orion The Odin satellite – launched in February 2001 – continues to deliver data. An interesting example of Odin’s capabilities is the observations of spectral lines from interstellar water molecules. The spectra show water and isotopologues observed with Odin towards the massive star-forming region Orion KL . These observations are part of a large spectral line survey, covering 487– 492 and 542–577 GH z, aiming at a better understanding of the physical and chemical conditions in a massive star-forming region. Observations of water molecules are used to find shocks and star-forming warm regions. The water isotopologue H217O and the high-energy para-H2O transitions were both observed for the first time. The results demonstrate the main advantages of Odin over ground-based work (the Earth’s atmosphere is completely opaque at these frequencies) and over the earlier SWAS satellite, which was not broadly tuneable. Karl-Åke Johansson Lars E.B. Johansson Jan Karaskuru Michael Lindqvist Lars Lundahl Biörn Nilsson Michael Olberg Hans Olofsson Miroslav Pantaleev (Jul-) Glenn Persson Lars Pettersson Magnus Thomasson Lars Wennerbäck The staff at GARD See page 8. Spectra of water in Orion. Background picture is The Orion Nebula. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ T. Megeath University of Toledo). Receiver developments The receiver developments for Onsala, APEX and ALMA are described by the Group for Advanced Receiver Development, page 8. The water vapour radiometer for ALMA. 17 Publications The list includes work that was actually published during 2006. The publications are presented for each research group and ordered alphabetically based on the first author’s last name. Peer reviewed papers are listed first followed by other types of publications. A few publications with authors from more than one research group are listed in each group. Advanced Receiver Development Peer reviewed scientific articles Belitsky, Victor; Risacher, C.; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Vassilev, Vessen (2006). Superconducting microstrip line model studies at millimetre and sub-millimetre waves. Int. Journal of Infrared and Mill. Waves. 27 (6) pp. 809-834. Risacher, Christophe; Vassilev, Vessen; Monje, Raquel; Lapkin, Igor; Belitsky, Victor; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Bergman, Per; Ferm, Sven-Erik; Sundin, Erik; Svensson, Magnus; Fredrixon, Mathias; Meledin, Denis; Gunnarsson, Lars-Göran; Hagström, Magne; Johansson, Karl-Åke; Olberg, Michael; Booth, Roy; Olofsson, Hans; Nyman, L.-Å. (2006). A 0.8 mm heterodyne facility receiver for the APEX telescope. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. L17-L20. Additional publications Belitsky, V. (2006). Evaluating increased flexibility in an international masters course: A Chalmers case study. “Shifting Perspectives in Engineering Education”, ed. M.F. Christie, Chalmers University of Technology. pp. 191-195. ISBN/ISSN: 10 91-631-8476-1, 13 978-91631-8476-5 Belitsky, Victor; Lapkin, Igor; Monje, Raquel; Vassilev, Vessen; Risacher, Christophe; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Meledin, Denis; Olberg, Michael; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Booth, Roy (2006). Heterodyne Single-Pixel Facility Instrumentation for APEX Telescope. in “Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy III”, eds. J. Zmuidzinas, W.S. Holland, S. Withington, W.D. Duncan, Proceedings of SPIE. 6275 pp. 15. Nyström, Olle; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Lapkin, Igor; Vassilev, Vessen; Belitsky, Victor (2006). A Vector Beam Measurement System for 211-275 GHz. Proceedings EuCAP 2006, Nice, France, 6-10 November 2006, (ESA SP-626, October 2006). ISBN/ISSN: 92-9092937-5 Pantaleev, M. (2006). Radioastronomy Instrumentation for Herschel and APEX Projects. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis ISBN/ISSN: 91-7291-806-3 Risacher, C.; Belitsky, Victor; Lapkin, Igor; Monje, Raquel; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Vassilev, Vessen; Sundin, Erik; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Meledin, Denis; Johansson, Karl-Åke; Gunnarsson, Lars-Göran; Svensson, Magnus; Fredrixon, Mathias; Ferm, Sven-Erik; Robles, V.P.; Hagström, Magne; Booth, Roy; et., al. (2006). A 279-381 GHz SIS Receiver for the APEX Telescope. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2-4, 2005. pp. 432-437. Sundin, Erik; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Risacher, C.; Vassilev, Vessen; Belitsky, Victor (2006). Cryogenic LNA Characterization with SIS Junction as Noise Source. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, May 2-4, 2005, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp. 188-190. Sundin, E. (2006). Development of Cryogenic Low Noise 4-8 GHz HEMT Amplifier and its Advanced Characterization. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Meledin, Denis; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Risacher, C.; Belitsky, Victor; Drakinskiy, V.; Cherednichenko, S. (2006). Balanced Waveguide HEB Mixer for APEX 1.3 THz Receiver. Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2-4, 2005. pp. 214-216. Vassilev, Vessen; Monje, Raquel; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Lapkin, Igor; Belitsky, Victor (2006). Sideband Separating SIS Mixer with On-Substrate LO-Injection Circuitry. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2-4, 2005. pp. 38-41. Monje, R.; Belitsky, V.; Vassilev, V. (2006). A Novel Design of Broadband Waveguide Directional Couplers and 3-dB Hybrids. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium 2006, June 11-15, San Francisco, California. pp. 1169-1172. ISBN/ISSN: 0-7803-9542-5 Vassilev, V; Monje, R; Pavolotsky, A; Dichev, D; Henke, D; Belitsky, V. A 211-275 GHz Sideband Separating SIS Mixer for APEX. 17th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, 10-12 May 2006, Paris. Monje, Raquel; Belitsky, Victor; Vassilev, Vessen; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Lapkin, Igor (2006). A 385-500 GHz SIS Mixer for APEX Telescope. in “Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy III”, eds. J. Zmuidzinas, W.S. Holland, S. Withington, W.D. Duncan, Proceedings of SPIE. 6275 pp. 19. Global Environmental Measurements Monje, Raquel; Risacher, C.; Vassilev, Vessen; Belitsky, Victor (2006). Design of a Sideband Separating Receiver for 500 GHz. Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2-4, 2005. pp. 185-187. 18 Peer reviewed scientific articles Barret, B.; Ricaud, P.; Santee, M.; Attie, J.-L.; Urban, Joachim; Le Flochmoën, E.; Berthet, G.; Murtagh, Donal P.; Eriksson, Patrick; Jones, Ashley; De La Noë, J.; Dupuy, E.; Froideveaux, L.; Livesey, N.J.; Waters, J.W.; Filipiak, M.J. (2006). Intercomparisons of trace gases profiles from the Odin/SMR and Aura/MLS limb sounders. J. Geophys. Res.. 111 (D21) pp. D21302. Buehler, S.A.; von Engeln, A.; Brocard, E.; John, V.O.; Kuhn, T.; Eriksson, Patrick (2006). Recent developments in the line-by-line modeling of outgoing longwave radiation. J. Quant. Spectros. Radiat. Transfer. 98 pp. 446-457. Ejiri, M.K.; Terao, Y.; Sugita, T.; Nakajima, H.; Yokota, T.; Toon, G.; Sen, B.; Wetzel, G.; Oelhaf, H.; Urban, Joachim; Murtagh, Donal P.; Irie, H.; Saitoh, N.; Tanaka, T.; Kanzawa, H.; Shiotani, M.; Aoki, S.; Hashida, G.; Machida, T.; Nakazawa, T.; Kobayashi, H.; Sasano, Y. (2006). Validation of the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer-II (ILAS-II) Version 1.4 nitrous oxide and methane profiles. J. Geophys. Res.. 111 (D22) pp. D22S90. Eriksson, Patrick; Ekström, Mattias; Buehler, S.A.; Melsheimer, C. (2006). Efficient forward modelling by matrix representation of sensor responses. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 27 pp. 1793-1808. John, V.O.; Buehler, S.A.; von Engeln, A.; Eriksson, Patrick; Kuhn, T.; Brocard, E.; Koenig-Langlo, G. (2006). Understanding the variability of clear-sky outgoing longwave radiation based on ship-based temperature and water vapor measurements. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.. 132 pp. 2675-2691. Kasai, Y.; Urban, Joachim; Takahashi, C.; Hoshino, S.; Takahashi, K.; Inatani, J.; Shiotani, M.; Masuko, H. (2006). Stratospheric Ozone Isotope Enrichment Studied by SubMillimeter Wave Heterodyne Radiometry: The Observation Capabilities of SMILES. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 44 (3) pp. 676-693. Krecl, P.; Heley, C. S.; Stegman, J.; Brohede, Samuel; Berthet, G. (2006). Retrieving the vertical distribution of stratospheric OClO from Odin/OSIRIS limb-scattered sunlight measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys.. 6 pp. 18791894. Rösevall, J. (2006). A study of polar ozone depletion based on sequential assimilation of satellite data from the ENVISAT/MIPAS and Odin/SMR instruments. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Open Discussion. 6 pp. 9967-9994. Zelinger, Z.; Barret, B.; Kubat, P.; Ricaud, P.; Attie, J.-L.; Le Flochmoen, E.; Urban, Joachim; Murtagh, Donal P.; Strizik, M. (2006). Observation of HDO-18, CH3OH and vibrationally-excited N2O from Odin/SMR measurements. Molecular Physics. 104 (16-17) pp. 2815-2820. Additional publications Ekström, Mattias; Eriksson, Patrick; Rydberg, Bengt; Murtagh, Donal (2006). First Odin sub-mm retrievals in the tropical upper troposphere: humidity and cloud ice signals. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. 6 (5) pp. 8649-8680. Ekström, M. (2006). Sub-Millimetre Measurements of Upper Tropospheric Humidity. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Rösevall, J. (2006). A Study of Polar Ozone Depletion in the Lower Stratosphere. Dynamical assimilation of O3 and N2O data from Odin/SMR and ENVISAT/MIPAS. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Urban, Joachim; Rösevall, John; Murtagh, Donal P.; and the Odin/SMR team (2006). Odin/SMR limb observations of lower stratospheric N2O, Cl O, H N O3, and O3 during the Arctic winters 2004-05 and 2005-06. Joint WMO / EC-SCOUT-O3 Arctic Ozone Bulletin – 2006 winter/ spring summary / editor Braathen, G.. (1) pp. 21-24. Urban, Joachim; Murtagh, Donal P.; Lautié, Nicolas; Barret, B.; Dupuy, E.; De La Noë, J.; Eriksson, Patrick; Frisk, U.; Jones, Ashley; Le Flochmoën, E.; Olberg, Michael; Piccolo, C.; Ricaud, P.; Rösevall, John (2006). Odin/SMR Limb Observations of Trace Gases in the Polar Lower Stratosphere during 2004-2005. Proc. ESA First Atmospheric Science Conference, 8-12 May 2006, Frascati, Italy / editor Lacoste, H.. ESA-SP-628 Noordwijk: European Space Agency. ISBN/ISSN: ISBN92-9092-939-1, ISSN-1609-042X Non-Linear Electromagnetics Peer reviewed scientific articles Anderson, D.; Buyanova, M.; Dorozhkina, D.S.; Jordan, U.; Lisak, M.; Nefedov, I.; Olsson, T.; Puech, J.; Semenov, V.; Shereshevski, I.; Udiljak, R. (2006). Microwave breakdown in RF devices. 33rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome, June 19-23, 2006. p. 429. Dorozhkina, D.; Semenov, V.E.; Olsson, T.; Anderson, Dan; Jordan, Ulf; Puech, J.; Lapierre, L.; Lisak, Mietek (2006). Investigations of time delays in microwave breakdown initiation. Physics of Plasmas. 13 pp. 013506. Fedele, R.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M. (2006). How the coherent instabilities of an intense high energy charged particle beam in the presence of nonlocal effects can be explained within the context of the Madelung fluid description. Eur. Phys. J.. B49 pp. 275. Forzati, M.; Berntson, A.; Mårtensson, J.; Davies, R.J. (2006). Performance analysis of single-MZM APRZ transmitters. J. Lightwave Techn. 24 Forzati, M.; Berntson, A.; Mårtensson, J.; Djupsjöbacka, J.; Melin, S. (2006). 40 Gb/s field experiment over an 820 km transmission link designed for 10Gbit/s, using the APRZ modulation format. Electronics Lett. 42, p. 991 Fülöp, Tünde; Pokol, Gergö; Helander, Per; Lisak, Mietek (2006). Destabilization of magnetosonic-whistler waves by a relativistic runaway beam. Physics of Plasmas. 13 pp. 062506. Fülöp, T.; Weiland, J. (2006). Impurity transport in ITERlike plasma. Physics of Plasmas. 13 pp. 112504. Helander, P.; Fülöp, T.; Lisak, M. (2006). Tokamak current driven by poloidally asymmetric fueling. Physics of Plasmas. 13 pp. 062506. Johannisson, P.; Adolfsson, G.; Karlsson, M. (2006). Suppression of Phase Error in Differential Phase-Shift Keying Data by Amplitude Regeneration. Optics Letters. 31 (10) pp. 1385-1387. Jordan, U.; Anderson, D.; Lapierre, L.; Lisak, M.; Olsson, T.; Puech, J.; Semenov, V.; Sombrin, J.; Tomala, R. On the effective diffusion length for microwave breakdown. IEEE Plasma Science. 34, 421 (2006) Sandquist, P. (2006). Alfvén cascades in JET discharges with NBI-heating. Nuclear Fusion. (46) pp. S868. Sandquist, Patrik; Sharapov, S.E.; Helander, P.; Lisak, Mietek (2006). Relativistic electron distribution function of a plasma in a near-critical electric field. Physics of Plasmas. 13 pp. 072108. Smith, Håkan; Breizman, B.N.; Lisak, Mietek; Anderson, Dan (2006). Non-linearly driven second harmonics of Alfvén cascades. Physiscs of Plasmas. 13 pp. 042504. Smith, Håkan; Helander, P.; Eriksson, L.-G.; Anderson, Dan; Lisak, Mietek; Andersson, F. (2006). Runaway electrons and the evolution of the plasma current in tokamak disruptions. Physics of Plasmas. 13 (10) pp. 102502. Tomala, Rafal; Anderson, Dan; Jordan, Ulf; Lisak, Mietek. (2006). Microwave breakdown field in a spherical resonant cavity. Contr. Plasma Phys.. 46 pp. 285. Additional publications Buyanova, M. (2006). Multipactor Discharge: Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulations. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. 19 Forzati, M. (2006). The alternate-phase return-to-zero modulation format in high-speed optical-fibre communications. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Fülöp, Tünde; Pokol, G.; Helander, P.; Lisak, Mietek (2006). Destabilization of magnetosonic-whistler waves by a relativistic runaway beam. Proceedings of the 33th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome, 2006. pp. p 1.182. Fülöp, T.; Weiland, J. (2006). Impurity transport in ITER-like plasmas. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, 16-21 October. pp. TH/P2-24. Gál, Kinga; Smith, Håkan; Fülöp, Tünde; Helander, Per (2006). Runaway electron generation during plasma shutdown by killer pellet injection. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, 16-21 October. pp. TH/P3-2. Helander, P.; Fülöp, T.; Lisak, M. (2006). Tokamak current driven by poloidally asymmetric fueling. Proceedings of the 33rd EPS Plasma Physics Conference, Rome 2006. pp. p 1.183. Johannisson, P. (2006). Nonlinear intrachannel distortion in highspeed optical transmission systems. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis ISBN/ISSN: 91-7291-843-8 Olsson, T.; Jordan, U.; Dorozhkina, D.S.; Semenov, V.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; Puech, J.; Nefedov, I.; Shereshevskii, I. Microwave Breakdown in RF Devices Containing Sharp Corners. 2006 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, CA June 11-16, 2006, Proceedings. pp 1233-1236. Pokol, Gergö; Fülöp, Tünde; Helander, Per; Lisak, Mietek (2006). Destabilization of magnetosonic-whistler waves by a relativistic runaway beam. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, 16-21 October. pp. TH/P6-2. Porkolab, M.; Edlund, E.; Lin, L.; Parker, R.; Rost, C.; Sears, J.; Snipes, J.; Wukitch, S. J.; Breizman, B. N.; Gorelenkov, N. N.; Kramer, G. J.; Fasoli, A.; Smith, Håkan (2006). Experimental studies and analysis of Alfvén eigenmodes in Alcator C-Mod. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu. pp. EX/P6-16. Sandquist, Patrik; Sharapov, S.E.; Helander, P.; Lisak, Mietek (2006). Relativistic electron distribution function of a plasma in a nearcritical electric field. Proceedings of the 33rd EPS Plasma Physics Conference, Rome 2006. pp. 1.092. Smith, Håkan; Helander, P.; Eriksson, L.-G.; Anderson, Dan; Lisak, Mietek; Andersson, F. (2006). Runaway electrons and the evolution of the plasma current in tokamak disruptions. Proceedings of the 33rd EPS Plasma Physics Conference, Rome 2006. pp. 4.178. Smith, H. (2006). Runaway electrons and Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamaks. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis ISBN/ISSN: 91-7291-857-8 Optical Remote Sensing Peer reviewed scientific articles de Foy, B.; Lei, W.; Zavala, M.; Volkamer, R.; Samuelsson, Jerker; Mellqvist, Johan; Galle, Bo; Martinez, A-P; Grutter, M.; Molina, L.T. (2006). Modelling constraints on the emission inventory and on vertical diffusion for CO and SO2 in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area using Solar FTIR and zenith UV spectroscopy. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.. 6 (2006) pp. 6125-6181. Liu, L.; Flatoy, F.; Ordones, C.; Braathen, G.O.; Hak, C.; Junkermann, W.; Adreani-Aksoyoglu, J.; Mellqvist, Johan; Galle, Bo; Prevot, A. S. H.; Isakssen, I.S.A. (2006). Photochemical modeling in the Po basin with focus on formaldehyde and ozone. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 6 (2006) pp. 5057-5094. Additional publications Galle, Bo; Platt, U.; Oppenheimer, C.; Millan, M.; Alonso, L.; Chen, D. (2006). Development of Optical Remote Sensing Instruments for Volcanological Applications. Report. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. 20 Galle, B.; Platt, U.; Oppenheimer, C. et al. (2006). Development of Optical Remote Sensing Instruments for Volcanological Applications – results from the EU-project DORSIVA. Conference proceedings. Cities on Volcanoes IV, Quito, 23-27 January, 2006. Galle, B. (2006). Method and device for measuring emissions of gaseous substances to the atmosphere using scattered Sunlight spectroscopy. Request for patent. Galle, B.; Mellqvist, J. (2006). Method for measuring of gaseous emissions and/or flux. Patent. Galle, Bo; Platt, U.; Van Roozendael, M.; Oppenheimer, C.; Hansteen, T.; Boudon, G.; Burton, M.; Delgado, H.; Strauch, W.; Malavassi, E.; Garzon, G.; Pullinger, C.; Kasereka, M.; Carn, S.; Molina, L. (2006). Network for Observation of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change. Poster. Cities on Volcanoes IV, Quito, 23-27 January, 2006. Rivera, Claudia; Galle, Bo; Delgado Granados, H.; Cárdenas González, L.; Morquecho-Zamarripa, C.; Johansson, Mattias; Zhang, Yan (2006). Understanding eruptive behavior by coupling SO2 emission and seismicity data at Popocatépetl volcano (México). Poster. Cities on Volcanoes IV, Quito, 23-27 January, 2006. Radar Remote Sensing Peer reviewed scientific articles Santoro, M.; Eriksson, L.E.B.; Askne, J.; Schmullius, C. (2006). Assessment of standwise stem volume retrieval in boreal forest from JERS-1 L-band SAR backscatter. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27 (16) pp. 3425-3453. Additional publications Dupuis, X.; Dreuillet, P.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Gustavsson, A. (2006). Multipass and multi-date at P and L bands: Ground penetration and change detection. EUSAR 2006, held in Dresden, Germany, May 2006. Eriksson, L.E.B.; Askne, J.; Santoro, M.; Wiesmann, A. (2006). Forest parameter estimation using JERS-1 repeat-pass interferometry: Stem volume retrieval in Siberia and Sweden. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), held in Denver, Colorado, July 2006. pp. 2212. Folkesson, K.; Hallberg, B.; Smith-Jonforsen, G.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2006). Automatic Detection of Wind-Thrown Forest in VHF SAR Images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), held in Denver, Colorado, July 2006. pp. 3599. Frölind, P-O.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Murdin, D. (2006). Fast Factorised Backprojection Algorithm for Processing of SAR Data. Proc. IoA International Conference on Synthetic Aperture Sonar and Synthetic Aperture Radar, held in Lerici, Italy, 11-12 September, 2006. pp. 168175. Gustavsson, A.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Frölind, P-O.; Hallberg, B.; SmithJonforsen, G.; Dreuillt, P.; Dubois-Fernandez, P.; Ruault du Plessis, O. (2006). LORAM - A SAR/GMTI Data Collection Campaign. EUSAR 2006, held in Dresden, Germany, May 2006. Lundberg, M.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Pierson, W.E.; Gustavsson, A. (2006). A challenge problem for detection of targets in foliage. Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XIII, Proceedings of the SPIE. 6237 Santoro, M.; Askne, J. (2006). Accuracy assessment of stem volume retrieval from ERS-1/2 multitemporal coherence in Eurasian boreal forests. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), held in Denver, Colorado, July 2006. pp. 2208. Santoro, M.; Askne, J.; Weismann, A.; Schmullius, C. (2006). ERS and ENVISAT SAR coherence properties of boreal forests. EARSel 2006, held in Warsaw. Santoro, M.; Wegmüller, U.; Werner, C.; Askne, J. (2006). ERS-ENVISAT coherence properties of land cover. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), held in Denver, Colorado, July 2006. pp. 2561. Smith-Jonforsen, G.; Hallberg, B.; Folkesson, K. (2006). Algorithms for automatic detection of wind thrown trees in CARABAS SAR images. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Smith-Jonforsen, G.; Hallberg, B.; Folkesson, K.; Fransson, J.E.S.; Frölind, P-O.; Gustavsson, A.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Magnusson, M. (2006). VHF/UHF Ultra-Wideband SAR Measurements of Forests. EUSAR 2006, held in Dresden, Germany, May 2006. Wresnik, J.; Böhm, J.; Haas, Rüdiger; Schuh, H. (2006). Thermal Deformation of Radio Telescopes Onsala and Wettzell. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 General Meeting Proceedings / Behrend, D., Baver, K.. (2006-214140) pp. 300-303. Transport Theory Ulander, L.M.H.; Eriksson, L.E.B.; Smith-Jonforsen, G.; Fransson, J.E.S.; Olsson, H. (2006). ALOS Calibration and Validation Activities in Sweden. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), held in Denver, Colorado, July 2006. pp. 336. Peer reviewed scientific articles Ulander, L.M.H.; Martin, T. (2006). Bistatic clutter suppression in lowfrequency SAR. EUSAR 2006, held in Dresden, Germany, May 2006. Anderson, J.; Nordman, H.; Weiland, J. (2006). Excitation of Zonal Flows by Collisionless Trapped Electron Modes. Plasma Phys. Control Fusion. 49 pp. 651. Ulander, L.M.H.; Frölind, P-O.; Murdin, D. (2006). Fast Factorised Backprojection Algorithm for Processing of Microwave SAR Data. EUSAR 2006, held in Dresden, Germany, May 2006. Ulander, L.M.H.; Gustavsson, A.; Smith-Jonforsen, G.; Folkesson, K.; Hallberg, B.; Eriksson, L.E.B.; Fransson, J.E.S.; Magnusson, M. (2006). Mapping of wind-thrown forests using the VHF-band CARABAS-II SAR. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), held in Denver, Colorado, July 2006. pp. 3684. Space Geodesy and Geodynamics Peer reviewed scientific articles Haas, R.; Wünsch, J. (2006). Sub-diurnal earth rotation variations from the VLBI CONT02 campaign. Journal of Geodynamics. 41 pp. 94-99. Nilsson, T.; Gradinarsky, L. (2006). Water Vapor Tomography Using GPS Phase Observations: Simulation Results. IEEE Trans. on Geosci. and Rem. Sens.. 44 (10) pp. 2927-2941. Snajdrova, Kristyna; Böhm, Johannes; Willis, Pascal; Haas, Rüdiger; Schuh, Harald (2006). Multi-technique comparison of tropospheric zenith delays derived during the CONT02 campaign. Journal of Geodesy. 79 (10-11 ) pp. 613-623. Additional publications Bergstrand, S. (2006). GPS for Geophysics: Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Tests of Ionospheric Models. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis ISBN/ISSN: 91-7291-721-0 Edh, A.; Haas, R. (2006). Crustal Deformation in South America from GPS and VLBI. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 General Meeting Proceedings / Behrend, D., Baver, K.. (NASA/CP-2006-214140) pp. 356-360. Granström, C. (2006). Site-Dependent Effects in High-Accuracy Applications of GNSS. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Haas, R. (2006). Investigating High-Frequency Earth Orientation Variations with Continuous Geodetic VLBI Campaigns. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 General Meeting Proceedings / Behrend, D., Baver, K.. (2006-214140) pp. 316-319. Haas, R.; Scherneck, H-G. (2006). The IVS Analysis Center at the Onsala Space Observatory. IVS 2005 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2006214136. pp. 260-263. Hernandez, D.; Haas, R. (2006). GPS on the VLBI Telescopes at Onsala and Ny-Ålesund. IVS 2006 General Meeting Proceedings, NASA/CP2006-214140. pp. 167-171. Nilsson, T.; Elgered, G.; Gradinarsky, L. (2006). Characterizing Atmospheric Turbulence and Instrumental Noise Using Two Simultaneously Operating Microwave Radiometers. Proc. 9:th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing Applications, MicroRad 2006. pp. 270-275. Nilsson, T.; Elgered, G.; Haas, R. (2006). The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory. IVS 2005 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2006-214136. pp. 294-297. Anderson, J; Nordman, H; Singh, R; Weiland, J (2006). Zonal flow generation in collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence. Plasma Phys. Control Fusion. 48 pp. 651. Anderson, J.; Nordman, H. (2006). The role of magnetic shear for zonal flow generation. J. Plasma Physics. 72 pp. 609. Casper, T.A.; Burrell, K.H.; Doyle, E.J.; Gohill, P; Lasnier, C.J.; Leonard, A.W.; Moller, J.M.; Osborne, T.H.; Snyder, P.B.; Thomas, D.M.; Weiland, J; West, W.P. (2006). Density and temperature modifications with electron cyclotron power injection in quisent double barrier discharges on DIII-D. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 48 pp. A35. de Greef, M; Jenkins, I; Knoops, H.C.M.; Mantica, P; Nordman, H; Strand, P; Tala, T; Weiland, J; Zastrow, K.D.; de Vries, P.C.; Rantamäki, K.M.; Giroud, C; Asp, E; Corrigan, G; Eriksson, A (2006). Plasma rotation and momentum transport studies at JET. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 48 pp. 1693. Fülöp, T.; Weiland, J. (2006). Impurity transport in ITER-like plasma. Physics of Plasmas. 13 pp. 112504. Mantica, P; Ryter, F; Capuano, C; Fahrbach, H.U.; Leuterer, F; Suttrop, W; Weiland, J (2006). Investigation of electron heat pinch in ASDEXUpgrade. Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion. 48 pp. 385. Tala, T; Imbeaux, F; Parail, V.V.; Bourdelle, C; Corrigan, G; Garbet, X; Heading, D.J.; Litaduon, X; Strand, P.I.; Weiland, J (2006). Fully predictive time-dependent transport simulations of ITB plasmas in JET. Nuclear Fusion. 46 pp. 548. Additional publications Anderson J., Nordman H., Kishimoto Y. The role of magnetic shear for zonal flow generation and transport barriers. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome Italy (2006). deVries P.; Knoops H.C.M.; Rantamäki K.M.; Giroud C.; Asp E.; Corrigan G.; Eriksson A.; de Greef M.; Jenkins I.; Mantica P.; Nordman H.; Strand P.; Tala T.; Weiland J.; Zastrow K.-D. Momentum Transport Studies at JET. 10th ITPA Transport and ITB topical meeting, Princeton, NJ USA (2006). deVries P.; Rantamaki K.; Asp E.; Corrigan G.; Eriksson A.; Giroud C.; Knoops H.C.M.; Mantica P.; Nordman H.; Strand P.; Tala T.; Weiland J. Plasma Rotation and Momentum Transport studies at JET. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome Italy (2006). deVries P.; Rantamäki K.M.; Asp E.; Corrigan G.; Eriksson A.; Giroud C.; Knoops H.C.M.; Mantica P.; Nordman H.; Strand P.; Tala T.; Weiland J.; Zastrow K.-D. Study of Momentum Transport in ELMy H-mode JET discharges. 11th EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop, Marseille France (2006). Eriksson, A.; Garzotti, L.; Weiland, J. (2006). Particle Pinches in Fluid and Kinetic Descriptions. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, 16-21 October. pp. TH/P2-4. Eriksson A.; Nordman H.; Weiland J.; Strand P.; Tala T.; deVries P. Predictive simulations of toroidal momentum transport in JET. 48th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Plasma Physics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA. Fülöp, T.; Weiland, J. (2006). Impurity transport in ITER-like plasmas. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, 16-21 October. pp. TH/P2-24. 21 Nordman H.; Strand P.; Garbet X. ITG and TE mode turbulence and transport in advanced fluid descriptions. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome Italy (2006). Tala T.; Andrew Y.; Crombe K.; de Vries P.C.; Garbet X.; Hawkes N.; Nordman H.; Rantamäki K.; Strand P.; Thyagaraja A.; Weiland J.; Asp E.; Baranov Y.; Challis C.; Corrigan G.; Eriksson A.; Giroud C.; Hua M.-D.; Jenkins I.; Knoops H.C.M.; Litaudon X.; Mantica P.; Naulin V.; Parail V.; Zastrow K.-D. Overview of Poloidal and Toroidal Momentum Transport Studies in JET. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu China (2006). Weiland J.; Nordman H. Anomalous momentum transport due to driftwaves in tokamaks. 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Rome Italy (2006). The Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy and Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics Peer reviewed scientific articles Black, J. H. (2006). Chemistry and cosmology. Faraday Discussions of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK). 133 pp. 27-32. Buckle, Jane V.; Rodgers, Steven D.; Wirström, Eva; Charnley, Steven B.; Markwick-Kemper, Andrew J.; Butner, Harold M.; Takakuwa, Shigehisa (2006). Observations of chemical differentiation in clumpy molecular clouds. Faraday Discussions. 133 pp. 63 - 82. Elmegreen, Debra Meloy; Elmegreen, Bruce G; Kaufman, Michele; Sheth, Kartik; Struck, Curtis; Thomasson, Magnus; Brinks, Elias (2006). Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC and MIPS Observations of the Interacting Galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207: Clumpy Emission. Astrophysical Journal. 642 (I) pp. 158-170. Gahm, G.F.; Carlqvist, P.; Johansson, Lars E.B.; Nikolic`, S. (2006). Rotating elephant trunks*. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. 201-212. Güsten, R.; Nyman, L.-Å.; Schilke, P.; Menten, K.; Cesarsky, C.; Booth, Roy (2006). The Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) – a new submillimeter facility for southern skies. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. L13-L16. Hasegawa, T.I.; Kwok, S.; Koning, N.; Volk, K.; Justtanont, K.; Olofsson, Hans; Schöier, F.L.; Sandqvist, Aa.; Hjalmarson, Åke; Olberg, Michael; Winnberg, Anders; Nyman, L.-Å.; Frisk, U. (2006). Observations of the Circumstellar Water 110-->101 and Ammonia 10-->00 Lines in IRC +10216 by the Odin Satellite. The Astrophysical Journal. 637 pp. 791797. Kalenskii, S.V.; Promyslov, V.G.; Slysh, V.I.; Bergman, Per; Winnberg, Anders (2006). The detection of class I methanol masers towards regions of low-mass star formation. Astronomy Reports. 50 (4) pp. 289-297. Kun, Maria; Nikolic’, S.; Johansson, Lars E.B.; Balog, Z.; Gaspar, A. (2006). Low-mass star formation in Lynds 1333. M.N.R.A.S.. 371 (2) pp. 732. Neufeld, D.A.; Schilke, P.; Menten, K.M.; Wolfire, M.G.; Black, John H.; Schuller, F.; Müller, H.S.P.; Thorwirth, S.; Güsten, R.; Philipp, S. (2006). Discovery of interstellar CF+. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. L37L40. Patrikeev, I.; Fletcher, A.; Stepanov, R.; Beck, R.; Berkhuisen, E.M.; Frick, P.; Horellou, Cathy (2006). Analysis of spiral arms using anisotropic wavelets: gas, dust and magnetic fields in M51. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 458 pp. 441-452. Pestalozzi, M.R.; Minier, V.; Motte, F.; Conway, John (2006). Discovery of two new methanol masers in NGC 7538. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 448 pp. L57-L60. Ramstedt, S.; Schöier, F.L.; Olofsson, Hans; Lundgren, A.A. (2006). Mass-loss properties of S-stars on the AGB. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. L103-L106. Risacher, Christophe; Vassilev, Vessen; Monje, Raquel; Lapkin, Igor; Belitsky, Victor; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Bergman, Per; Ferm, Sven-Erik; Sundin, Erik; Svensson, Magnus; Fredrixon, Mathias; 22 Meledin, Denis; Gunnarsson, Lars-Göran; Hagström, Magne; Johansson, Karl-Åke; Olberg, Michael; Booth, Roy; Olofsson, Hans; Nyman, L.-Å. (2006). A 0.8 mm heterodyne facility receiver for the APEX telescope. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. L17-L20. Schöier, F.; Fong, D.; Olofsson, Hans; Zhang, Q.; Patel, N. (2006). The distribution of SiO in the circumstellar envelope around IRC+10216. The Astrophysical Journal. 649 pp. 965-972. Schöier, F.L.; Olofsson, H.; Lundgren, A.A. (2006). SiO in C-rich circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars: effects of non-LTE chemistry and grain adsorption. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. 247-255. White, G.; Fridlund, C.W.M.; Bergman, Per; Beardsmore, A.; Liseau, R.; Price, M.; Phillips, R.R. (2006). Methanol in the L1551 Circumbinary Torus. The Astrophysical Journal. 651 (1) pp. L41-L44. Wirström, Eva; Bergman, Per; Olofsson, Henrik; Frisk, U.; Hjalmarson, Åke; Olberg, Michael; Persson, Carina; Sandqvist, Aa. (2006). Odin * CO and 13CO J = 5 - 4 mapping of Orion KL – a step towards accurate water abundances. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 453 pp. 979-987. Wyrowski, F.; Menten, K.M.; Schilke, P.; Thorwirth, S.; Güsten, R.; Bergman, Per (2006). Revealling the environs of the remarkable southern hot core G327.3-0.6. Astronomy & Astrophysics. 454 pp. L91-L94. Additional publications Aalto, S. (2006). Chemistry in the Dense Molecular Gas of Starburst Galaxies and AGNs. In “Astrochemistry: Throughout the Universe: Recent Successes and current Challenges”. Proc. of 31st Symp. of the IAU, Pacific Grove, California, Sept. 2005, eds. D.C. Lis, G.A. Blake, E. Herbst, Cambridge University Press. pp. 261-270. Belitsky, Victor; Lapkin, Igor; Monje, Raquel; Vassilev, Vessen; Risacher, Christophe; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Meledin, Denis; Olberg, Michael; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Booth, Roy (2006). Heterodyne Single-Pixel Facility Instrumentation for APEX Telescope. in “Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy III”, eds. J. Zmuidzinas, W.S. Holland, S. Withington, W.D. Duncan, Proceedings of SPIE. 6275 pp. 15. Berciano Alba, A.; Borges de Silva, P.; Eichelberger, H.; Giovacchini, F.; Godolt, M.; Hasinger, G.; Lerchester, M.; Lusset, V.; Mattana, F.; Mellier, Y.; Michalowski, M.; Monteserin-Sanchez, C.; Noviello, F.; Persson, Carina; Santovincenzo, A.; Schneider, P.; Zhang, M.; Östman, L. (2006). DEMON: a proposal for a satellite-borne experiment to study dark matter and dark energy. Proceedings of the SPIE: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, eds, M.J.L. Turner and G. Hasinger. 6266 pp. 91. Haas, R.; Elgered, G. (2006). The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory. IVS 2005 Annual Report, NASA/TP-2006-214136. pp. 111-114. Kirsanova, M.S.; Sobolev, A.M.; Thomasson, Magnus; Johansson, Lars E.B.; Shelemej, O.V.; Polyakov, A.M.; Tsivilev, A.P.; Pankratova, N.V. (2006). Molecular Survey of Massive Star Forming Regions Located in Perseus Spiral Arm. Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 237, held 14-18 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. S237 (#145) Neufeld, D.A.; Schilke, P.; Menten, K.M.; Wolfire, M.G.; Black, John H.; Schuller, F.; Müller, H.; Thorwirth, S.; Güsten, R.; Philipp, S. (2006). First Astronomical Detection of the CF+ Ion. Astrochemistry: Recent successes and current challenges, Proc. of the 231st symposium of the IAU, Pacific Grove, California, Aug-Sept 2005, eds. D.C. Lis, G.A. Blake, E. Herbst, Cambridge University Press. pp. 163-164. Olsson, E. (2006). A High Resolution Study of the LINER Galaxy NGC5218. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Olofsson, H. (2006). Molecular Abundandances in AGB Circumstellar Envelopes. Astrochemistry: Recent successes and current challenges, Proc. of the 231st symposium of the IAU, Pacific Grove, California, Aug-Sept 2005. pp. 499-507. Olofsson, H. (2006). The circumstellar environment of asymptotic giant branch stars. Astronomische Gesellschaft: Reviews in Modern Astronomy. The many facets of the Universe – Revelation by New Instruments, ed. S. Röser, Wiley-VCH. 19 pp. 75. ISBN/ISSN: 352740-662-X Persson, C. M. (2006). Molecular Astrophysics in Star-forming Regions with the Odin Satellite. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Risacher, C.; Belitsky, Victor; Lapkin, Igor; Monje, Raquel; Pantaleev, Miroslav; Vassilev, Vessen; Sundin, Erik; Pavolotsky, Alexey; Meledin, Denis; Johansson, Karl-Åke; Gunnarsson, Lars-Göran; Svensson, Magnus; Fredrixon, Mathias; Ferm, Sven-Erik; Robles, V.P.; Hagström, Magne; Booth, Roy; et., al (2006). A 279-381 GHz SIS Receiver for the APEX Telescope. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2-4, 2005. pp. 432-437. Roueff, E.M.; Le Petit, F. (2006). Modelling Diffuse Interstellar Environments. Astrochemistry: Recent successes and current challenges, Proc. of the 231st symposium of the IAU, Pacific Grove, California, Aug-Sept 2005, eds. D.C. Lis, G.A. Blake, E. Herbst, Cambridge University Press. pp. 197-206. Urban, Joachim; Murtagh, Donal P.; Lautié, Nicolas; Barret, B.; Dupuy, E.; De La Noë, J.; Eriksson, Patrick; Frisk, U.; Jones, Ashley; Le Flochmoën, E.; Olberg, Michael; Piccolo, C.; Ricaud, P.; Rösevall, John. (2006). Odin/SMR Limb Observations of Trace Gases in the Polar Lower Stratosphere during 2004-2005. Proc. ESA First Atmospheric Science Conference, 8-12 May 2006, Frascati, Italy / editor Lacoste, H.. ESASP-628 Noordwijk: European Space Agency. ISBN/ISSN: ISBN-929092-939-1, ISSN-1609-042X Winnberg, Anders; Deguchi, S.; Habing, H.J.; Nakashima, J.; Olofsson, Hans; Reid, M.J. (2006). Circumstellar CO in OH/IR Stars Close to the Galactic Centre. J. Physics: Conference Series. 54 pp. 166-170. Wirström, E. (2006). Studies in Molecular Astrophysics and Astrobiology. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Wresnik, J.; Böhm, J.; Haas, Rüdiger; Schuh, H. (2006). Thermal Deformation of Radio Telescopes Onsala and Wettzell. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 General Meeting Proceedings / Behrend, D., Baver, K.. (2006-214140) pp. 300-303. Sobolev, A.M.; Kirsanova, M.S.; Johansson, Lars E.B.; Thomasson, Magnus; Polyakov, A.M. (2006). Do Large Scale Shocks Trigger Massive Star Formation in Perseus Spiral Arm ?. Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 237, held 14-18 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. S237 (#214) On June 8, 2006, the department went on a day trip to Hönö in the archipelago of Göteborg. After lectures on the equality between the sexes by Johanna Almer (Chalmers) and stress by Jan Bengtsson (Haluxa) we carried out a combined open-air walking and quiz competition and ended up on the water tower of Hönö with a nice view of the surroundings. The evening concluded with sea food at the seashore. Production: Department of Radio & Space Science, Deparment of Service and Support, Chalmers Printed by Eskils Tryckeri AB, Borås, April 2007. Copies: 1,000. 23 Department of Radio and Space Science Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Telephone: +46 31-772 1000 Internet: 24
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