Radio and Space Science


Radio and Space Science
Radio and Space Science
Annual Report 2008
Dear Reader,
Gunnar Elgered,
Head of Department.
You are welcome to learn about our activities during 2008. These include research, teaching
and the spreading of information to the society. All our expectations, as well as our
strategies, visions, and goals have in some way been transformed into a historic archive.
The department includes eight research groups and the National Facility for Radio
Astronomy at the Onsala Space Observatory. Some selected highlights are presented in
this report together with presentations of the Licentiate and Ph.D. theses produced. The
publication list at the end of the report makes interesting reading; this year it was necessary
to reduce the font size, in order not to make the report too thick.
During 2008 we have had a number of individual staff promotions:
– Patrick Eriksson was appointed as associate professor in Global Environmental
– Lubomir Gradinarsky and Vessen Vassilev were given the competence of associate
professor (docent) in Industrial Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation
Technology, respectively.
– David Simpson and Yueqiang Liu were appointed as adjunct professors, in Global
Environmental Measurements and Modelling, and Electromagnetics, respectively.
– Vincent Desmaris was employed as assistant professor Radio Astronomy Instrumentation
– Tünde Fülöp was awarded the Chalmers Pedagogic Prize 2008
– Jeff Candy visited the Non-Linear Electrodynamics research group as one out of three
jubilee professors at Chalmers during 2008.
In addition to all exciting accomplishments, I will finally sadly note that one of my first
colleagues at Chalmers, Lars E.B. Johansson, who introduced me to research at the Onsala
Space Observatory in the spring of 1977, is no longer with us.
A highly valued and respected member of staff at Onsala
Space Observatory, Dr. Lars E.B. Johansson, passed away
on Saturday March 15 2008 (he was born in 1945). Lars had a
long history at the observatory, where he started as a graduate
student in the early 70’s. In particular, he was station manager
of the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST; located
on Cerro La Silla in Chile) during the commissioning years
as well as the first years of regular scientific operation. The
successful operation of SEST, in which Lars was instrumental,
paved the way for Onsala Space Observatory’s participation
in the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment Project (APEX) and the
Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) projects. After the
SEST period, he became responsible for the operation of the Onsala 20m telescope. A large number
of astronomers have benefitted from Lars’ competent help at SEST and in Onsala. Lars was a very
experienced radio astronomer with the competence to also manage a radio observatory.
Among his scientific achievements the early work on the so-called OH/IR objects must be mentioned,
which eventually lead to their identification as highly evolved red giants with intense mass loss.
Following this, he worked on the physics and chemistry of the cosmic medium, e.g., through the firstever unbiased spectral scans, of the carbon star IRC+10216 and the starforming region Orion-KL, both
of which were performed using the Onsala 20m telescope. He also conducted a number of projects on
the Magellanic Clouds using SEST.
Lars was a meticulous scientist, in his observations as well as in his analysis. He did not like to
speculate wildly, and he never published questionable data.
His untimely death is a great loss to us all.
Hans Olofsson
Press Clippings
rows down
”Optical remote sensing nar
discharges of Bejing”
Optisk fjärranalys
ringar in utsläppen
från Peking
Han har suttit i en bil
och kört yttersta ringväg
en runt Peking,
med ett enkelt telesko
p fasttejpat på sidoru
Med hjälp av det spektr
um av uv-ljus som telesko
pet fångar
in kan doktoranden
Mattias Johansson beräkn
a de totala utsläppen från hela Peking
. Värdefull information
inför de kommande olympiska spelen
let light collected by the
From the spectrum of ultravio
Johansson can calcutelescope, PhD student Mattias
central area of Bejing.
late the total emissions in the
Göteborgs-Posten 2 Jan
”New technology stops dirty fuel at sea”
Despite tightened rules for shipping emissions, catching
cheaters is difficult. New technology from Chalmers
Göteborg may facilitate the control.
Ny Teknik 0811 12 Mars, Skärgården 20 Mars,
Sjörapporten 0801 6 Feb, Miljörapporten Magasin
0802 29 Feb, Svt 10 June
ude for this years
“On the look-out from high altit
Buoy Award”
winner of the Environmental
versity of Technology
Johan Mellqvist and Chalmers Uni
Environmental Buoy
was awarded Ports of Stockholm’s
of measuring ship emisAward for a world unique method
sions from the air.
Dec, Kustbevakningen 9 Dec
Chalmers interna nyheter, 3
”Antiquated criticism of
When fusion energy is in larg
e scale commercial
production, mankind will real
ly have a sustainable
environmentally friendly ene
rgy source for millions of
years of electrical energy pro
duction – write researchers from KTH and Chalme
Göteborgs-posten, 11 Feb
Innanför finns 2,5 miljoner
bilar, flera kolkraft- och
verk och massor av industrier
hastighet kan Mattias
Johansson beräkna de
föroreningar är av gigantisk . Att utsläppen av totala utsläppen av kvävediox
id och svaveldioxid
storlek är inget att som
ta miste på, men nu kan
staden genererar vid
myndigheterna i Peking
Genom att upprepa procedure specifikt tillfälle.
få tämligen exakta siffror
på hur mycket kväven kan man enkelt se
hur utsläppsmängderna
dioxid och svaveldio
förändras från ett tillfälle
xid som staden genererar
. till ett annat. Något som
Och dessutom kunskap
redan testats för att se hur
om var de främsta kälstor effekten blir om
lorna finns.
man till exempel halverar
bilåkandet under några
– Utsläppen av kvävediox
id från bilar är ganska
jämnt fördelade över
hela staden, medan man
Mindre trafik på OS
på svaveldioxidutsläp
pen ser tydligt vart
de Just ett sådant experime
stora kolkraftverken
ligger, förklarar Mattias
nt genomfördes under
hösten 2007. Under tre
dagar fick bara bilar med
antingen udda eller jämn
reringsnumret rulla. Mätninga i slutet av registLjus från himlen
r gjordes både före,
under och efter försöket.
Det fiffiga med den
här mätmetoden, som
utvecklats av den forskargru
Resultaten visade att utsläppen
pp på Institutionen för
av kvävedioxid
minskade med omkring
radio- och rymdvetenskap
20 procent. En siffra som
som Mattias Johansson
tydligt visar hur stor betydelse
ingår i, är att den mäter
summan av förorenin
biltrafiken har för
gar föroreningssituatio
i luftmassan rakt ovanför
nen i Peking.
– De flesta andra metoder
Under OS kommer man
att införa liknande
mäter halten i en viss
regler för att få ner
punkt och kan bara säga
något om koncentratiomöjligt. Dessutom kommer så mycket som
nen just där. Då missar
man ofta själva plymen,
byggprojekt att vara avslutadealla nu pågående
säger Mattias Johansson
, vilket innebär att
antalet partiklar i luften
En annan fördel är att
kommer att minska.
apparaturen är så liten
Nya tunnelbanelinjer
och smidig att den kan
ska finnas klara och mängtransporteras runt med
der av extrainsatta bussar
hjälp av en vanlig bil.
ska ge alla besökare
möjligheter att röra sig
Mattias Johansson visar
runt i den
spektrometern, som kineserna oansenliga dosan,
Under bilturen, som positionsl stora staden.
oggas med hjälp
av en GPS, är spektrome
av för att mäta och följa
tern ansluten till en dator
upp föroreningssituamed hjälp av en vanlig
tionen i Peking. Med
USB-kabel. Informati
en optisk fiber är spektroonen i spektrometern bearbetas
metern förbunden med
det lilla teleskopet på
i en mjukvara som
chalmersforskarna tagit
utsidan av bilen.
fram och analyseras med
hjälp av DOAS, en form
Genom att fånga himmelsl
av optisk fjärranalys.
jus i en cirkel runt
hela Peking och hålla
Ett flertal olika förorenin
koll på vindens riktning
gar kan utvärderas
med hjälp av spektrum
en, men de bästa indi#HALMERSMAGASINs
katorerna är just kvävediox
id och svaveldioxid.
Det är också dessa ämnen
som metoden ger mest
tillförlitliga resultat för.
Tre resor till Peking
Tre gånger har Mattias
Johansson varit i Peking
för att introducera, testa
och lära ut mätmetoden.
Det är det som har varit
så roligt med det här
projektet, möjligheten
att få hjälpa till på plats.
Att få se hur det fungerar
i praktiken och göra
metoden bättre. Och intresset
från Kina är väldigt
stort, säger han.
Projektet finansierades
av Sida och pågick
mellan 2004 och 2007.
Mattias Johansson har
varit med sedan 2005
då han påbörjade sin
doktorsutbildning på
Institutionen för radiooch
I Peking kommer mätningar
na att fortsätta och
intensifieras inför OS.
Mattias Johansson är
just hemkommen från
ytterligare en resa till
Kina, där det hölls
internationell konferens
kring mätmetoder med
optisk fjärranalys.
Den senaste tiden har
han bytt fokus, från att
mäta mänskliga utsläpp
i en av världens största
städer till att hålla koll
på aktiviteten hos några
av världens aktiva vulkaner.
Metoden är i princip densamm
a. Skillnaden är
att utrustningen står still
och tar in ljus från olika
vinklar. På så sätt kan
man avläsa hur molnet
svaveldioxid från kratern
breder ut sig och när
koncentrationerna ökar.
När mätutrustningen hade
placerats ut vid vulkanen Santa Ana i El Salvador
i slutet av september 2005 kunde man strax
se hur svavelutsläppen
hastigt ökade från cirka
300 ton per dag till mer
än 3 000 ton.
Samtidigt gav seismiska
undersökningar signaler om att något var på
gång nere i jordskorp
Den 1 oktober 2005,
samma dag som projektet
startade, hade vulkanen
ett utbrott.
Lyckligtvis hade förvarnin
garna som kunde utfärdas lett till att de närmsta
byarna evakuerats
och de flesta kom undan
oskadda. ❒
Den lilla svarta spektrome
tern som Mattias Johansso
föroreningar i Peking,
n visar upp mäter luftoch hjälper kineserna
att se var problemen
är som störst.
Tre gånger har doktorand
Mattias Johansson varit
i Kina, nu
senast för att besöka
en konferens
om optisk fjärranalys
. Inför OS
intensifieras mätningar
na av luften,
men nu i kinesernas
egen regi.
Foto: Mattias Johansso
eal forest”
”ESA leads the way to map bor
hern forest with space
How to best map “boreal” or nort
campaign currently
borne radar is the focus of an
underway in northern Sweden.
ESA News 16 Dec
Public Outreach
First Degree & Master’s Studies
Bachelor´s and Master´s Thesis Reports
Master`s Programme, Doctoral Programme
Doctoral Dissertations and Licentiates
10 Advanced Receiver Development
11 Global Environmental
Measurements and Modelling
12 Nonlinear Electrodynamics
”Water Hit With Young Star’s
Best Shot”
by a young star’s laserWater is being blasted to pieces
ions from NASA’s
like jets, according to new observat
overy provides a betSpitzer Space Telescope. The disc
essential ingredient
ter understanding of how wate
in emerging solar
for life as we know it – is proc
er PhD student
systems. The results are from our
Achim Tappe, John Black et al.
Laboratory, Sep. 18, 200 8
Press release Jet Propulsion
13 Optical Remote Sensing
14 Radar Remote Sensing
15 Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics
16 Space Geodesy and Geodynamics
17 Transport Theory
18 Onsala Space Observatory
20 Publications
26 Facts and figures
“Ask the stars for advice”
Waves, currents and stars are all research areas that will
help us develop energy and climate smarter solutions.
Forskning och innovation 2008
Cover: Lava lake in the Nyiragongo
volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Photo: Bo Galle
Production: Dep. of Radio & Space Science,
Dep. of Service and Support, Chalmers
Printed by Eskils Tryckeri AB, Borås, 2009. Copies: 2,000.
Public Outreach
• Arto Heikkilä arranged an astronomy activity for
primary school children in the International Science
Festival Göteborg. Christer Andersson participated
for the twelfth time in the festival. In total, 9000
pupils of ages 7-16 from schools in the western part
of Sweden visited this workshop. One of our experiments showed the principle of rocket propulsion.
We also had experiments on game theory. The
theme of the year was “Let´s play”.
• Samuel Brohede and Peter Forkman had eight
computer lectures “Let’s Play with the Climate” at
the International Science Festival Göteborg, where
young students tested different emission scenarios in
a climate model.
• The small radio telescopes SALSA-Onsala were
increasingly used for education and public outreach.
The 2.3 metre antennas are accessible over the
internet for real-time observations of the Milky
Way. SALSA was used by high-school and under
graduate students from Sweden, France, Poland,
the Netherlands, and the USA. Daniel Johansson
observed remotely with teachers from several
countries during the annual Global Hands On
Universe (HOU) conference in Lisbon in July. An
article about SALSA appeared in “Populär
Astronomi”, the magazine of the Swedish
Astronomical Society.
• Cathy Horellou visited the University of California,
Berkeley, and met regularly with Carl Pennypacker,
the founder of the Hands-On Universe organization
and Michael Kran, a dedicated HOU member expert
in introducing high-school students and teachers to
small robotic telescopes from the Tzec Maun
foundation located in Arizona and Australia. With
their help, it became possible to guarantee 250
hours of observing time on those telescopes for
Swedish high-school students during 2009. Thanks
to the time difference and the great locations of
the Tzec Maun observatories, Swedish students will
be able to obtain high-quality astronomical images
in real-time from the classroom.
• Samuel Brohede and Peter Forkman arranged the
one day seminar ”Chalmers vägar mot en hållbar
värld” in which Johan Mellqvist participated with the
presentation ”Att fånga en miljöbov” and Tünde
Fülöp with ”Fusion - att skörda stjärnornas energi”
(October 28, 2008).
• A complete rebuilding of the premises of the
astronomy exhibition at Onsala Space Observatory
was made. Around 1300 persons, from a variety of
associations representing different parts of the
society, visited the Onsala Space Observatory
during 2008.
• A number of popular science talks have been given
for the general public by Magnus Thomasson, René
Liseau, Alessandro Romeo, Susanne Aalto, and
Carina Persson, Examples are talks at Naturhistoriska museet, for Göteborgs Astronomiska
Klubb, and for Chalmers Aerospace Club.
• An article in SvD about the discovery of a new
exoplanet in April 2008 was reviewed and commented by René Liseau.
• Susanne Aalto participated in a programme for
AXESS television on Astronomy “Café Einstein”
(December 3, 2008).
• The article “Fusion–soon in a power plant close to
you” was written by Jan Weiland and Ingela Roos
and published in “Fysikaktuellt” No. 4, Dec. 2008.
Jan also published a review of the lecture ”Plasma
physics” by Prof. David Attwood, Berkeley, available on YouTube (Fysikaktuellt No. 1, Feb. 2008).
• Arto Heikkilä and Daniel Johansson arranged a
spectroscopy activity for secondary school students
from Hvitfeldtska gymnasiet, Göteborg. (April
2008, Chalmers gymnasiecentrum).
Department Advisory Team
From the left, (standing):
Hans Andersson,
SP Swedish National and
Research Institute,
Lars Eriksson,
Staff’s representative,
Susanne Aalto,
Staff’s representative,
Per Bjerkeli,
Doctoral students’ representative,
Sven Grahn,
Swedish Space Corporation,
Anders Billander,
Students’ representative,
Margareta Mattsson, Secretary.
From the left, (sitting):
Göran Netzler, Chairman,
Patrick Eriksson,
Staff’s representative,
Erik Kollberg,
President’s representative,
Gunnar Elgered,
Head of Department.
The Department Advisory Team shall identify and take position on strategic and comprehensive questions
relevant to the activities in the department in the long term. It shall also support the management of the
department. The council met three times during 2008.
Administrative and Economy Support
Absent: Marie Rådbo,
University of Gothenburg and
Erik Ohlson,
Students’ representative.
Onsala Space Observatory.
From the left:
Paula Rosell, Administrator,
Margareta Mattsson, Secretary,
Ingrid Eriksson, Head of
administration and economics.
Campus Johanneberg.
From the left:
Eva Axelsson, Information officer,
Jessica Peterson, Information officer,
Monica Hansen-Torvaldsson Administrator.
Schematic View of the Department
Local Collaboration
(Head, Director Adm.,Personnel
Officer and Staff Representatives)
Stearing Group
(Head and Vice Heads,
Directors, Group Leaders
and Personnel Officer)
Gunnar Elgered
Advisory Team
Chair Göran Netzler
Chair Gustaf Rydbeck
Deputy Head
Graduate Studies
Donal Murtagh
Administrative and
Economy Support
Ingrid Eriksson
Vice Head
Undergraduate Studies
Magnus Thomasson
Research Groups
National Facility for
Radio Astronomy
Hans Olofsson
The Director reports to the
President of Chalmers
Radio Astronomy
and Astrophysics
John Black
Advanced Receiver
Victor Belitsky
Donal Murtagh
Space Geodesy
and Geodynamics
Rüdiger Haas
Remote Sensing
Bo Galle
Radar Remote
Lars Ulander
Non Linear
Dan Andersson
Mietek Lisak
Transport Theory
Jan Weiland
First Degree
and Master’s Studies
Magnus Thomasson,
Vice Head of
Department and
responsible for
the undergraduate
ülöp wa
Tünde F
gical P
2 00 8.
Photo: A
The department is active at several levels of teaching:
we give courses for students at Chalmers’ three-year
engineering programmes in Electrical Engineering
and Computer Engineering and five-year master of
engineering programmes in Electrical Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, and Engineering Physics. We also run a Master’s programme,
participate in the Foundation Year and continuing
professional development courses at Chalmers, and
teach astronomy at University of Gothenburg.
In 2008, the department was responsible for 25
courses at Chalmers. Our teachers also participated in
a few more courses given by other departments, and
gave two basic astronomy courses at University of
Gothenburg. The subjects range from basic electrical
engineering to courses closely related to our research
in, e.g.
e.g., astrophysics, remote sensing, receiver developmen
opment, and plasma physics. An important subject is
measurement techniques. We have our own laboratowh is used exclusively for teaching and where
ry which
stude get hands-on experience with measurement
In addition to giving regular courses, our teachers
tak an active interest in thesis projects. In 2008,
ou department supervised ten bachelor’s thesis
groups, with a total of 25 students, also
13 master’s thesis projects.
The department runs a two-year master’s
called Radio and Space Science
– Astrophysics, Earth observations, Technol(d
ogy (described
elsewhere in this report). In 2008, we
made an effort to improve our information about the
programme to attract more students. In the autumn
of 2008, about 20 new students enrolled on the
programme. Since this was only the second year the
programme was given, a lot of work developing the
courses were made. As an example, in several courses
collaboration with local industries and research
organizations was initiated in a
financed by IMPACT,
Chalmers project to develop
n master’s programmes. Our
n master’s coordinator is
A Heikkilä, who replaced
Haas in 2008.
of our teachers, Peter
and Samuel Brohede,
w actively involved in the
developoment and teaching of
a new Chalmers´ programme
for continuing professional
development for teachers in
secondary and upper-secondary
school (“lärarlyftet”). In par6
ticular, they contributed with their knowledge about
the physical prinicples behind todays global environmental problems, e.g., climate change.
Finally, one of the department’s teachers, Tünde
Fülöp, was awarded the Chalmers Pedagogical Prize
2008, for “showing good ability to create enthusiasm
for a difficult subject, High frequency electromagnetic
waves. She carries out well organized education with
continuous examinations” according to the jury.
Chalmers courses given 2008
(*also for students at University of Gothenburg)
A Foundation Year
Physics, part B
Continuing professional development
Technology for a sustainable world
– Energy and Climate
Engineering programmes
Electrical Engineering
Master of engineering programmes, year 1–3
Bachelor’s thesis in Radio and space science
Electric circuits
Engineering measurements
Environmental measurement techniques
High frequency electromagnetic waves
Sensors, signals and systems (measurements part)
Master’s courses and equivalent
Applied remote sensing
Astrophysical dynamics*
Astrophysics and earth science
Electromagnetic waves and spectroscopy
Image processing
Galaxies and observational cosmology*
Millimetre and sub-mm (THz) receiver technology for
Numerical methods in radio and space science
Plasma physics with applications
Remote sensing*
Radar systems and applications
Radio and microwave engineering
Radioastronomical techniques and interferometry
Satellite positioning
Satellite communications
Space science and techniques
The interstellar medium and star formation*
School of continuing and professional studies
Electronics and measurement techniques
Courses at University of Gothenburg
The planetary system and space probes
Bachelor’s Thesis Reports
Jennica C Broman, Erik Zakrisson, Marcus Jansson
Simulation of stratospheric chemistry and the future of
the ozone layer.
(Supervisors: Samuel Brohede and Donal Murtagh)
Veronica E Bäckström, Marcos Inzunza Soriano
Earthquakes, the atmosphere, and GPS.
(Supervisor: Rüdiger Haas)
Göran Granström, Johanna Liljedahl
Development of a new THz detector: Dimensioning of
a Golay-cell based detector.
(Supervisors: Vincent Desmaris and Victor Belitsky)
Kristoffer Hahn, Andreas Hanning, Oskar Karlsson
The Earth’s climate system: Simulation of climatic effects in the Earth’s atmosphere with radiative transfer
model SBDART.
(Supervisors: Samuel Brohede and Donal Murtagh)
Arvid Hammar, Jakob Lennartsson
Radioastronomical studies of the structure and
dynamics of the Milky Way.
(Supervisors: Cathy Horellou and Daniel Johansson)
Staffan Johannes Josefsson, Martin Olsson, Eskil
The student telescope SALSA Onsala: an evaluation of
the concept and its future.
(Supervisors: Cathy Horellou and Daniel Johansson)
Viktor Kärnstrand, Erik Landström, Maciej Soja
Estimation of biomass for individual trees using
airborne laser scanning.
(Supervisors: Gustaf Sandberg)
Christian Lötbäck Patané, Anton Skårbratt, Rebecka
Simulation of the Earth’s radiation balance with the
model SBDART to investigate different contributions
to the climate system.
(Supervisors: Samuel Brohede and Donal Murtagh)
Hanna Mattsson, Pierre Nyquist
Interferometric measurement processing.
(Supervisor: John Conway)
Johan Nilsson, Magnus Ullholm Karlsson
Visualization of satellite orbits in 3 dimensions.
(Supervisor: Arto Heikkilä)
Master’s Thesis Reports
Fredrik Björndahl, Johan Löfgren
Tropospheric Correction for InSAR using Interpolated
ECMWF Data and GPS Zenith Total Delay
Measurements from the Southern California Integrated
GPS Network.
(Examiner/Supervisor: Jan Johansson/Frank Webb, Jet
Propulsion Lab., USA)
Kenneth Karlsson, Johan Liljekrantz
CAN-drivers & Graphical User Interface in LabVIEW
(Examiner/Supervisors: Gunnar Elgered/Ulf Jonsson
and Peter Annlöv, Infotiv AB)
Anders Berg
Analysis of Radio Occultation Data from MetOpGRAS.
(Examiner/Supervisors: Gunnar Elgered/Jacob
Christensen and Magnus Bonnedal, Saab Space)
Daniel Bäck
Analysis of polarimetric signatures of arctic lead ice
using data from AIRSAR and RADARSAT.
(Examiner/Supervisor: Leif Eriksson/Ben Holt, Jet
Propulsion Lab., USA)
Daniel Håkansson
Antenna coverage for BepiColombo.
(Examiner/Supervisor: Magnus Thomasson/Roger
Förstner, EADS Astrium GmbH, Friedrichshafen,
Parisa Noorishad
Appropriate RFI Detection Threshold for Error
Prevention in LOFAR Station Calibration.
(Examiner/Supervisor: John Conway/Arnold van
Ardenne and Stefan J. Wijnholds, ASTRON, the
Paolo Cardillo
Near real time GNSS data processing for monitoring
of EPN station performance, reference frames and
weather prediction.
(Examiner/Supervisor: Jan Johansson)
Zhen Liu
Resource management for heterogeneous networks.
(Examiner/Supervisors: Rüdiger Haas/Christian
Kissling and Nuria Riera Diaz, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany)
Lucia Plank
Calculation of the instantaneous earth rotation vector
fromVLBI and ringlaser data.
(Examiner/Supervisor: Rüdiger Haas)
Seyed Soheil Sadeghi
Estimation of the absorption of extraterrestrial radio
noise using a narrow beam VHF radar at 53.5 MHz in
Andenes, Norway
(Examiner/Supervisor: Leif Eriksson/Werner Singer,
Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Germany)
Marylaine Thomar
A study of NO2 emissions from vehicles in traffic
(Examiner/Supervisor: Johan Mellqvist/Erik Fridell,
Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL))
Juan Manuel Caldas Zeballos
HNC emission from the Western nucleus of Arp 220.
(Examiner/Supervisor: John Black and Susanne Aalto)
Yu-Yen Chang
The influence of large-scale filaments on cluster SZE
observations and on some cosmological parameters.
(Examiner/Supervisor: Cathy Horellou/Patrick Koch,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
Master’s Programme
The department offers a master’s programme in Radio and Space Science. This is an
internationally unique multi-disciplinary two-year programme whose unifying theme is
the remote sensing of both Space and Earth. After common courses in the first semester,
students choose among three tracks: Astrophysics, Earth Observations, and Radio and
Space Technology. The programme ends with a master’s thesis in the last semester, i.e. a
research project at a research institution, or in industry. All courses are given in English.
A career in radio astronomy and astrophysics?
There has probably never been a better time to begin a career in astronomy. New global multi-billion
Euro facilities being built or planned will allow new
astrophysics inspired by observations across the whole
electromagnetic spectrum. At millimetre and radio
wavelengths, these facilities include the ALMA and
the SKA. They will require highly educated men and
women in both science and technology.
Why study Earth observations?
Earth observations are the key to understanding
today’s global climate and environmental problems.
The world needs qualified and skilled engineers and
researchers to achieve a sustainable development. This
requires an interdisciplinary education that focuses on
measurements methods using instruments for different wavelengths, together with atmospheric sciences,
geophysics and environmental sciences.
Why study radio and space technology?
Radio and space technology is the basis for measurements and observations in astrophysics, remote sensing and space geodesy, and for commercial applications like communication, navigation, and radar. These
techniques are in the forefront of today’s research and
will increase in importance in the future.
Doctoral Programme
Donal Murtagh, Deputy
Head of Department
and responsible for the
doctoral programme.
The doctoral programme is organised as three possible specialisations within the subject
area of Radio and Space Science. These specialisations are Astronomy, Environmental
Science and Electrical Engineering reflecting the diversity of the research carried out at the
department. The school aims to give the student a thorough understanding of the research
area they have chosen and in depth studies in a particular subject with the aim of achieving
Chalmers’ goals for post-graduate education.
There are currently about 35 research students in the programme most of whom are employed at the department although a handful have positions in industry or at other institutes.
During the past year seven PhD degrees and four Licentiate degrees have been awarded
while eleven new ppost-graduate
students were recruited.
Doctoral Dissertations
John Rösevall
On Numerical Tracer Advection in
the Stratosphere and Assimilation
of Data from SatellitesDevelopment of a Method for
Quantifying Polar Ozone Depletion.
Klas Folkesson
Supervisor: Donal Murtagh
Model-based Stem Volume
Retrievel and Windthrow
Detection Using CARABAS and
P-band SAR.
Supervisor: Lars Ulander
Mattias Ekström
Raquel Monje Rodriguez
Satellite Measurements of Upper
Tropospheric Water.
Supervisor: Patrick Eriksson
Advancement of THz Integrated
SIS Mixers for Radio Astronomy.
Supervisor: Victor Belitsky
Samuel Brohede
Satellite Limb-scatter
Observations of Stratospheric
NO2 and O3 - Retrievals,
Validation and Applications.
Supervisor: Donal Murtagh
Annika Eriksson
Analysis of Drift Wave Transport
of Particles and Momentum
in Tokamak Core Plasmas.
Supervisor: Jan Weiland
Tobias Nilsson
Measuring and Modelling
Variations in the Distribution of
Atmospheric Water Vapour Using
Supervisor: Gunnar Elgered
Gergö Pokol
Dimitar Dochev
Stability and Statistical Analysis
of Transient Waves in Fusion
Supervisor: Tünde Fülöp
Growth and Characterization of
Nb3Al Thin Films for Low-noise
Terahertz Electronics.
Supervisor: Victor Belitsky
Annelie Wyholt
Olle Nyström
SAR Image Focus Errors due to
Incorrect Geometrical Positioning
in Fast Factorized Backprojektion.
Supervisor: Lars Ulander
THz Vector Beam Measurement
System for APEX Instrument
SHeFI and Microwave Cryogenic
Low Noise Amplifier Design.
Supervisor: Victor Belitsky
Advanced Receiver
Research group leader
Victor Belitsky.
The Group for Advanced Receiver Development is a research and engineering
group working with the field of scientific instrumentation and is a part of the Onsala
Space Observatory and Department of Radio and Space Science. GARD develops
and builds instruments for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths used in radio
astronomy and environmental science. During 2008, the major GARD projects were
the APEX facility receiver and ALMA Band 5 cartridge development.
The APEX Project progressed significantly
during 2008, with the Swedish Heterodyne
Facility Instrument, SHeFI, installed at the
APEX telescope. Many GARD members
took the challenge to participate in the
SHeFI installation and performed their duties with success at the altitude of 5104 m
in Chilean Andes. State-of-the-art performance was confirmed for SHeFI through
commissioning and scientific verification,
certifying its readiness for high-resolution
spectroscopic observations in the frequency band 211-1390 GHz. In particular, we
are proud with the T2 channel (1,25-1,39
THz) providing state-of-the-art performance and opening a unique possibility for
THz observations from ground.
Victor Belitsky
Vincent Desmaris
Sven-Erik Ferm
Mathias Fredrixon
Doug Henke
Igor Lapkin
Denis Meledin
Alexey Pavolotsky
Magnus Strandberg
Erik Sundin
Vessen Vassilev (-Apr)
Doctoral students
Bhushan Billade
Dimitar Dochev
SHeFI is lifted up for the installation receiver inside the
Nasmyth cabin of the APEX telescope.
Olle Nyström
Raquel Rodriguez Monje
The Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument, SHeFI,
assembling in the oxygenized container, APEX
telescope site, Atacama, 5104 m altitude.
The EU FP6 ALMA Band 5 Project has also shown
good progress during 2008; we have completed the
design and verification of the RF optics and cryogenic
and the mechanical design of the Band 5 cartridge.
The design stage of the project was reviewed under the
guidelines of the ALMA Project using an international
panel of experts during the Band 5 Preliminary Design
Review held in March 2008. The mechanical design
of the 2SB mixer has been completed and we have
successfully tested the DSB mixer showing state-ofthe-art performance. GARD started production of the
prototype Band 5 Cartridge in the fall of 2008 and we
expect to perform the first tests of the prototype at the
beginning of spring, 2009.
A close-up picture showing the ALMA band 5 mixer
chip mounted into the mixer block. The mixer chip is
designed combining a MMIC approach with advanced
SIS processing technology and has been fabricated
by GARD using the thin-film facility located in the
Chalmers clean room (inside the MC2 building).
During 2008, GARD had several notable academic
events, including R. Monje who defended her PhD
thesis in June, and O. Nyström and D. Dochev who
successfully disputed their Technical Licentiate theses
in the Autumn of 2008. GARD was well represented during the 2008 International Space Terahertz
Technology Conference, the main international THz
instrumentation forum, held in Groningen, with 4 oral
presentations and 1 poster.
Global Environmental
Measurements and
Research group leader
Donal Murtagh.
The Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling group focuses on the
production and interpretation of global data-sets. To a large extent these originate
from the Swedish led Odin satellite project where we are the main data processing
centre for the Sub-mm radiometer instrument providing the atmospheric community
with quality assessed data. On the scientific side we have continued with studies of
the chemical and dynamical processes affecting the current state of the ozone layer
as well as studies of the distribution of water and clouds from the altitude regions
of particular sensitivity for climate (10-20 km) to the upper mesosphere and lower
thermosphere (100 km). We have chosen just a few areas to highlight.
Figure 2 shows the shorter time-series that are available for HCl one of the main chlorine reservoirs in the
stratosphere and ClO the active form of chlorine that is
responsible for ozone loss in the mid stratosphere.
A clear break in the chlorine amount can be seen in
1997 and that both the reservoir and active forms are
now decreasing.
Trend studies
Mattias Ekström (-Apr)
Patrick Eriksson
Peter Forkman
Donal Murtagh
Joakim Möller
David Simpson (Jun-)
(adj. prof.)
Joachim Urban
Doctoral students
Mattias Ekström (-Feb)
Marston Johnston
Sheldon (Sep-)
Ashley Jones
Maryam Khosravi (Sep-)
Bengt Rydberg
Claudio Sanchez
ClO residual, [%]
HCl anomaly [%]
Anomaly ozone [%]
With the length of the Odin measurement time-series
approaching a decade it is now possible for us to
contribute to studies of the long term changes in the
Earth’s stratosphere. Here, the questions of scientific
interest apart from those of long-term climate change
are to what extent the concentrations of chlorine compounds are decreasing in the stratosphere as a result of
New adjunct Professor
the restrictions on the use of CFCs and other chlorine
We were very happy to welcome David Simpson to
containing compounds and to what extent ozone is
the group as adjunct professor during the year. David
responding to these changes. Attempting to make such
is a Senior Scientist with the Air Quality group at the
assessments requires long-term data sets and therefore
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET.NO).
we have to be able to connect data-sets from different
He has been working with the EMEP chemical transsources with all the difficulties that this can imply. The
port model since 1990, and has had extensive contacts
simplest of these is to correct possible biases between
with both research and policy-oriented communities.
different instruments and one of the most difficult is to
Special interests include biogenic VOC emissions,
assess to what extent different instruments are affected
ozone chemistry, deposition, and secondary organic
by long-term internal drifts. Certain techniques such as
aerosol formation.
solar occultation are less prone to such drifts but can
be affected by
unknown or difOSIRIS
All Inst. avg.
ficult to assess
amounts of aero0
sol in the stratosphere while
others such
as microwave
are immune to
Figure 1: De-seasonalised Ozone time series form
aerosol contamination but may drift in sensitivity with
1979 -2008 based on several instruments (SAGE,
time. Multi-instrument time-series are thus a useful
SBUV/2,HALOE with the Odin instruments SMR and
tool for trend assessment. Figure 1 shows an all instruOSIRIS superimposed.
ment average of ozone between 35 and 45
km in the tropics for the period 1992-2008
with Odin measurements superimposed.
These show very good agreement with the
average as well as internal consistency.
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
The figure also shows a clear trend break
in 1997 when the chlorine maximum was reached in the
stratosphere. The linear trend lines show a change from
ozone loss of 7.2% per decade to a nearly statistically
significant recovery at a rate of 1.7% per decade.
Samuel Brohede
Figure 2: HCl and
ClO time-series
based on HALOE
and AURA/MLS and
Odin /SMR
The research activity of the “Nonlinear Electrodynamics Group” (NLG) is directed towards
three different research areas: the physics of burning fusion plasmas, nonlinear optics,
and microwave discharge phenomena. There is a common denominator and a strong
correlation between these three areas – all involve electromagnetic field theory, plasma
and plasma-like phenomena, and similar nonlinear wave phenomena. This situation has
resulted in a number of synergetic effects where results, experience, and approaches from
one field have been applied to other fields.
Burning fusion plasmas
Research group leaders
Dan Anderson and
Mietek Lisak.
Dan Andersson
Tünde Fülöp
Per Helander (-Jan)
(adj. prof.)
Mietek Lisak
Doctoral students
Tamás Fehér (Sep-)
Tobias Hansson
Robert Nyqvist (Mar-)
István Pusztai
Joel Rasch (Mar-)
Time: 1.4654e−05 s
Time: 1.964e−05 s
x 10
Time: 3.3388e−05 s
x 10
Time: 5.1931e−05 s
x 10
x 10
Due to the remarkable success of the European fusion
experiment JET in England, the world fusion community
is now ready to take the “Next Step” of constructing
a large device, which will produce burning plasmas
under reactor conditions of high power gain in order to
provide a reliable basis of proceeding to a demonstration
electricity-producing reactor. The design of a Next Step
is carried out within the framework of the International
Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) activities,
collaboration between the EU, Japan, Russia, China,
South Korea, USA and India. ITER is a prototype reactor
that will be built in Cadarache, France, and that is designed to produce 500 MW of thermonuclear power with
the aim of demonstrating the feasibility of a fusion power
plant. The theoretical activity of the NLG concerns fusion plasma processes in a magnetically confined systems
and is strongly integrated in the European programme
with collaboration with the JET and ITER projects. The
research work is devoted to the physics of burning fusion
plasmas in tokamaks with particular interest given to investigaTime: 1.4654e−05 s
tions of: (i) fast particle collective
fast ion effects in fusion plasmas,
(ii) electron runaway in tokamaks, and (iii) plasma transport
phenomena in tokamaks. During
Time: 1.964e−05 s
2008, the specific aims have been
investigations of: fast-ion excitation and nonlinear dynamics of
Alfvén modes on JET and MAST,
sawtooth oscillations and fast
Time: 3.3388e−05 s
electron bremstrahlung in the JET
plasma, collisionality dependence of the quasi-linear particle
flux due to micro-instabilities and
transport in ITER-like plasmas,
Time: 5.1931e−05 s
a magnetic threshold for electron
runaway generation during
plasma disruptions and simulation
of runaway electron generation
by pellet injection.
Runaway distribution (left)
and wave spectral energy
(right) for a whistler wave
destabilized by runaways in
a tokamak disruption.
Microwave breakdown in space borne
RF equipment
Electrical breakdown is a serious potential problem in RF
equipment for space communication, but also for a wide
range of applications in microwave technology, ranging
from high energy accelerators for charged particles to
base stations for mobile telephone communication. Due
to the use of successively higher powers, space companies are becoming increasingly aware of the problem of
microwave breakdown and a strong effort is currently
being made in Europe (coordinated by ESA) in order
to obtain a better understanding of the limitations set
by the breakdown phenomenon, and to be able to make
optimized designs that avoid excessive and costly safety
The NLG is
involved in
the area of
within a
together with Interaction between partially coherent
light and a nonlinear medium
the French
Space Agency
CNES in Toulouse (France) and the Institute of Applied
Physics (IAP) in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia). During
2008, a new collaboration project with Ruag Aerospace
in Göteborg (previously Saab Space) has also been initiated with support from the “National Space Research
Nonlinear optics
The NLG also carries out research in nonlinear optics.
One of the most important areas of application is optical
communication where nonlinear effects have found a
number of fascinating and creative applications, but
also constitute an important factor limiting the system
performance. Most nonlinear phenomena in optics have
previously been investigated under the inherent assumption that the light is coherent – the outstanding property
of the laser light. However, recently it was shown that
many of the studied nonlinear phenomena of coherent
light persisted also for partially coherent light, although
in general somewhat weakened by the degraded coherence. The group is currently involved in basic analysis
of the effects of partial coherence on a number of different nonlinear phenomena with applications to optics in
general and optical communication in particular.
Optical Remote Sensing
The Optical Remote Sensing group is working with development and application
of ground-based optical remote sensing methods for atmospheric measurements.
In specific we are focusing on tailoring instruments and measurement strategies
to address specific measurement problems related to environmental research and
monitoring needs. The work is very international and field oriented, and spans a
large variety of disciplines.
Research topics
Volcanic gas measurements
Since 2001 we are strongly involved in developing
methods to quantify gas emission from active volcanoes. The EU-project NOVAC (Network for Observation
of Volcanic and Atmospheric Change), coordinated
by Chalmers, was initiated in fall 2005. This project
aims at establishing a network of instruments for gas
measurements on 20 of the most active volcanoes in
the world. In addition to measure volcanic gas emissions for geophysical research and risk assessment,
the instruments will also provide information on
atmospheric composition, of relevance for research
related to stratospheric ozone depletion and climate
change. During 2008 focus has been on installations.
In total 15 instruments was installed on 7 volcanoes;
Etna and Vulcano (Italy), Santa Ana and San Miguel
(El Salvador), Fuego and Santiaguito (Guatemala), and
Turrialba (Costa Rica).
Research group
leader Bo Galle.
the method has been tested in several field campaigns
in and outside Göteborg harbour. Based on these results
a new project was started in beginning of 2006 aiming
at developing an operative method to identify “gross
polluters” from an airborne platform, as well as to
provide an instrument that can automatically check the
emission from various ship in for example a harbor.
In 2008 measurements of flue gas emission of ships
were measured very successfully from the CASA plane
of the Swedish coast guard during 30 flight hours.
Johan Mellqvist
Doctoral students:
Santiago Arellano (Okt-)
Niklas Berg
John Johansson (Sep-)
Mattias Johansson
Patrik Norman (May-)
Claudia Rivera
Picture taken from the Swedish Coast Guard’s airplane
CASA while measuring emissions east of Gotland.
Bo Galle
Jon Klyft (Mar-)
Industrial hydrocarbon emissions
Emission of hydrocarbons from various industrial
activities as well as from storage and shipping, constitutes an important environmental problem. We have
developed a method for quantification of hydrocarbon emissions based on IR solar occultation. During
2007 we participated in a field campaign in Le Havre,
France. The aim with this campaign was to quantify
hydrocarbon emissions from refineries and petrochemical industries and to compare with existing emission
Emissions from ship
A special measurement strategy using solar occultation
spectroscopy has been developed for quantifying real
emissions from ship and aircraft. During 2004-2005
Installation of
NOVAC instruments
on Turrialba Volcano,
Costa Rica.
Stratospheric ozone depletion and satellite validation
Since 1994 we are operating a high resolution FTIR
for Solar spectroscopy at Harestua in southern Norway. The instrument is part of NDACC (Network for
the detection of Atmospheric Composition Change),
with the main purpose to study the composition of the
atmosphere, as well as satellite validation and validation of Global Chemical Transport Models. During
2008 emphasis has been on deriving time series of
the atmospheric columns of methane and N2O above
the site since 1994, as part of the of the EU project
HYMN in which the data will be compared to global
models. Time series of stratospheric halogen species
has also been derived to study the recovery of the stratospheric ozone hole, financed by Swedish EPA and
the EU-project GEOMON. The instrument has also
been upgraded extensively during 2008, which makes
it possible to run the measurements remotely.
Radar Remote Sensing
Research group leader
Lars Ulander.
Jan Askne, prof. emeritus
Anders Berg (Sep-)
Leif Eriksson
Klas Folkesson (-May)
Anatoliy Kononov (Apr-)
Lars Ulander (adj. prof.)
Doctoral students:
Gisela Carvajal (Mar-)
Klas Folkesson (-Feb)
Gustaf Sandberg
Annelie Wyholt
Research in the Radar Remote Sensing Group is based on understanding of radar
system properties, allowing us to analyse and design new systems with improved
measurement accuracy. The main applications studied in the group are forestry and
oceanography. For forests the goal is to retrieve biomass and changes caused by
deforestation, fires, replanting, etc. Global mapping is required to understand the role
of forest in the global carbon cycle, and hence their effects on global climate change.
For oceans, sea ice mapping is also of interest for climate studies since the ice cover
is a good indicator of climate change, as well as affecting the transfer of energy
between the oceans and atmosphere.
Ocean monitoring
Satellites with radar are used operationally for
monitoring of the ocean because with satellites
it is possible to observe large remote areas several times per week and radar data can be received independent of cloud coverage and light
conditions. With different types of radar sensors wind, waves and currents can be measured, sea-ice maps can be produced and oil spill
and ships can be detected. The Radar Remote
Sensing group participates in SECTRONIC, a
project funded within the seventh framework
programme of the European Commission. The
project started in February 2008 and the objective is to develop an integrated system for the
security of maritime infrastructures, including
ports, ships and off-shore platforms. During
the first year the group has made an extensive
review of available data sources and algorithms
for retrieval of information on wind, waves,
currents and sea-ice in preparation for the
implementation and validation of an operational service. The Radar Remote Sensing Group,
together with the Swedish Meteorological
and Hydrological Institute, also run a project
to evaluate how data from new satellites with
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can improve
mapping and monitoring of sea-ice.
A mosaic of radar images acquired by the Advanced Land
Observing Satellite (ALOS). The mosaic covers the south-western
parts of Sweden and is a RGB colour composite of HH-pol (red),
HVpol (green) and HH/HV-pol (blue) SAR intensities acquired
during four ALOS repeat-pass cycles between January 2007 and
February 2008. A similar mosaic has been created for the county of
Västerbotten in Northern Sweden.
Forest monitoring
The Radar Remote Sensing Group participate in
the ALOS Kyoto and Carbon Initiative, which is an
international project led by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The initiative is set out to
support data and information needs raised by international conventions, carbon cycle science and conservation of the environment. In Sweden, images from the
Japanese satellite ALOS (Advanced Land Observing
Satellite) have been used for detection and mapping of
changes in the forest cover. One of the radar mosaics
used in this work is shown in the figure. The work is
performed in close cooperation with the Department of
Forest Resource Management at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences.
Another important application is estimation of tree
biomass in forests. Methods for stem volume estimation are being analysed both for satellite- and airborne
radar sensors. Topographic effects is one of the problems that can reduce the estimation accuracy.
To quantify these effects electromagnetic models for
scattering of the radio waves have been developed.
These efforts are included in a study for the BIOMASS satellite, one of six candidates for the next
Earth Explorer Core Mission of the European Space
Agency (ESA).
Radar technology, signal processing and
image analysis
Synthetic-aperture radar uses advanced signal processing algorithms to generate imagery from raw radar
data as well as to analyse the resulting imagery.
In 2008, the group was involved with projects developing and evaluating algorithms for autofocus as well
as image segmentation.
Radio Astronomy
and Astrophysics
Research Highlights 2008
René Liseau and collaborators discovered a ring of dust
orbiting the sun-like star q1 Eridanus. Observations
with the APEX telescope in Chile revealed mm-size
dust particles outside the orbit of the known exoplanet
around q1 Eri, indicating the presence of an unseen
outer planet.
Gustaf Rydbeck published a study of statistical deconvolution of astronomical images that are limited in
angular resolution and degraded by noise. His mathematical procedure, based on Bayes’ equation, showed
superior performance in tests on artificial images and
real astronomical data.
Cathy Horellou spent the fall term at the University
of California, Berkeley, USA, working with the group
that built ASZCA, a sensitive bolometer camera installed on the APEX telescope. This research visit was
made possible by a grant from the Barbro Osher Pro
Suecia Foundation to Chalmers. Horellou and Daniel
Johansson are involved in a large programme that uses
bolometer arrays on APEX to detect the hot gas in
clusters of galaxies. This programme is a collaboration
between Onsala, institutes in Germany, Berkeley, and
other universities in North America.
Horellou and Doctoral student Per Bjerkeli carried
out numerical N-body simulations of the infall of a spiral galaxy onto a large elliptical galaxy, a process that
is believed to have played a role in the evolution of the
nearby Medusa galaxy. This theoretical work was combined with observations of the Medusa galaxy obtained
by Susanne Aalto and her German collaborators.
Susanne Aalto and colleagues studied the ultraluminous
merging galaxy Arp 220 through an emission line of
the HNC molecule, which may be a weak maser. Aalto
and collaborators reported the first detection of the protonated water ion, H3O+, in extragalactic sources. This
ion is a signature both of X-rays from an active galactic
nucleus and of ultraviolet starlight in starburst galaxies.
Alessandro Romeo completed work on the effects
of particle-discreteness in numerical simulations of
Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmology, in collaboration
with members of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at
the University of Zürich. This collaboration also investigated large-scale turbulence hydrogen gas in galaxies.
Alessandro and Chinese collaborators applied wavelet
methods to gravitational lensing.
PhD student Carina Persson led a study of water and
ammonia in the S 140 star-forming region, where these
molecules help regulate the interaction between young
stars and their environment. This work was based on
data from the Odin satellite.
Magnus Thomasson and collaborators studied the
distribution and kinematics of molecular gas in relation
to the formation of young stellar clusters in the S 235
complex. This work was based in part on data from the
Onsala 20 m telescope.
John Black and collaborators at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA, (including Achim
Tappe, Chalmers PhD 2004), identified an unusual
source of superthermal OH molecules through infrared
spectra obtained with the Spitzer Space Observatory.
These molecules radiate as though they were at temperatures as high as 28000 K; however, these hot OH
molecules are produced when ultraviolet light breaks
apart relatively cold water molecules. The observations reveal the source of ultraviolet radiation and the
location of the water near the tip of a supersonic jet
that is powered by a very young star buried inside an
interstellar cloud.
John Conway continued work on various applications
of very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI).
A follow-up study of the supernovae in the merger/starburst galaxy Arp 220 yielded one of the most sensitive
VLBI maps ever made. In combination with other data,
these maps showed 10 resolved supernovae remnants
for which ages and energies could be determined.
John Conway contributed to international projects in
astronomical interferometry through a core management team of the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR),
by leading the eVLBI science advisory group of the
EU-funded EPRESS project, and as principal investigator of a large (700 hours of observing) program for the
eMERLIN interferometer in the UK .
Workshops and conferences. Our PhD students organized and hosted the Young European Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC) in Göteborg in June, with
support from the Swedish National Facility for Radio
Astronomy and RadioNet, an EU research-and-training
network. René Liseau organized a workshop in Onsala
in March, “Dust at high and low redshifts”, which led
to a successful proposal of a Large Program at the
APEX telescope. Our group hosted a workshop on
theoretical astrophysics in Onsala around the visit of
Professor Ramesh Narayan (Harvard University, USA)
to the physics department of University of Gothenburg.
The workshop was attended by several guests from Poland and China. Kay Justtanont organized a workshop
in Onsala for the Science Team of MIRI, the Mid-Infrared Instrument that is being designed and constructed
for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the
successor to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Research group
leader John Black.
Susanne Aalto
Arnold van Ardenne
(adj. prof.)
John Black
John Conway
Arto Heikkilä
Åke Hjalmarson
Cathy Horrellou
Kay Justtanont
René Liseau
Glenn Persson
Alessandro Romeo
Gustaf Rydbeck
Tommy Wiklind (-Aug)
Anders Winnberg,
prof. emeritus
Doctoral students
Fabién Batejat (Sep-)
Per Bjerkeli
Francesco Costagliola
Rossa Hurley
Daniel Johansson
Evert Olsson
Carina Persson
Eva Wirström
Space Geodesy and
Research group leader
Rüdiger Haas.
Willgodt Bokhede
Gunnar Elgered
Rüdiger Haas
Jan Johansson
(adj. prof.)
Matteo Mantovani (Sep-)
Tobias Nilsson (Apr-)
Hans-Georg Scherneck
Doctoral. students
Susana García Espada
Tobias Nilsson (-Mar)
Tong Ning
Per-Anders Olsson
(industrial student)
Surat Pramualsakdikul
Carsten Rieck
(industrial student)
The main interests of our research group are geodynamic phenomena and
atmospheric processes. These topics include for example deformations of
the earth’s crust due to mass redistribution, inter- and intra-plate tectonics,
loading effects, and variations in earth orientation and rotation on sub-diurnal
to decadal time scales. Other examples are the distribution and variation of
the amount of atmospheric water vapour, atmospheric turbulence and climate
monitoring. To study these research topics we perform observations with a
variety of techniques and do corresponding theoretical work. The applied
techniques include space geodetic and geophysical techniques, but also
microwave radiometry and space-borne interferometric radar.
Simulations of atmospheric delays
using turbulence models
We contribute to the development of
VLBI2010, the next generation geodetic Very
Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) system,
with simulations of atmospheric propagation
delays. These simulations are based on turbulence models and aim at producing realistic
delays that can be used to systematically study
different VLBI2010 designs. The parameters
Cn that describe atmospheric turbulence are
derived from high-resolution radiosonde profiles. As examples, Figure 1 and 2 give mean
and median Cn profiles derived from a whole
year of radiosonde profiles taken at Gibraltar
and Lerwick, respectively.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
measurements of simulated seismic events
Fig. 1 Cn2 profile for Gibraltar
During 2008 we performed several hundred simulations of seismic events with an industrial robot.
A GNSS antenna was mounted on top of the robot
(see Figure 3). Its movements were measured with a
Fig. 3 GNSS-antenna mounted on an industrial robot.
high-rate sampling GNSS receiver. During bad weather
the robot was protected by a tent. The RMS-differences
between the commanded robot positions and the
determined coordinates using 20 Hz sampling and a
differential analysis on a 60 km long baseline are on the
order of 4–5 mm for the horizontal and about 9 mm for
the vertical position.
Measuring sea surface height using GNSSsignals
During 2008 we started a project to measure sea level
and its variations using GNSS-signals. We plan to
install a dual GNSS-antenna assembly at the coast at the
Onsala Space Observatory, one antenna directed upward
and the other one downward to the sea surface. Thus,
GNSS-signals from the same satellite are received arriving both directly and after reflection at the sea surface.
The analysis of phase measurements performed with
the corresponding GNSS-receivers will estimate surface
height and its variation. Figure 4 shows a test installation of the GNSS-antenna pair at Onsala.
Fig. 2 Cn2 profile for Lerwick
Fig. 4 Experimental installation of a pair of upward
and downward looking GNSS-antennas.
Transport Theory
The main areas of our research are turbulent transport and stability of resistive
wall modes in magnetized toroidal plasmas with application to thermonuclear
fusion research. Turbulent transport is one of the most challenging areas in
physics in general and in fusion research in particular where a kinetic approach
is “in principle” needed. This is not yet feasible if we want to make a fully
nonlinear description and run on relevant timescales. For this reason advanced
fluid models have been developed with Chalmers as the pioneer. Initially
a dramatic improvement of the agreement with experiment was obtained.
Remaining differences between experiment, kinetic models and advanced fluid
models are typically within the errorbars and have to be studied by theory.
This is one of our main research areas. Resistive wall modes limit the plasma
operational space. Here investigations are made using the MARS-F code. This
work is now performed in collaboration with UKAEA since Yueqiang Liu moved
to Culham laboratories, U.K. and is now an adjunct professor.
Research group
leader Jan Weiland.
Elina Asp
Anders Jarmén (-Okt)
Yueqiang Liu (-Jan)
(adj. prof. Nov-)
Daniel Nilsson
International collaborations
Our group participates in several international working
groups. The different frameworks for participation are:
JET (Joint European Torus) in Abingdon, England.
ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activities)
where our group has a strong presence within MHD,
and Transport Topical Groups. In addition to the
modelling activities, the group has had a lead in the
IMAGE working group which is a forum for collaboration within the ITER parties. EFDA ITM-TF (European Task force for Integrated Tokamak Modelling)
is the European task force in this collaboration.
It is lead by Pär Strand. During 2007 this has lead
to the EUFORIA project. TTG (Transport Topical
Groups). is somewhat more basic activity. Several bilateral collaborations on nonlinear effects in plasmas
include the Bogoliubov Institute in Kiev, General
Atomics, San Diego (RWM), the Institute of Plasma
Research (IPR), Gandhinagar, India, and the University of California at Irvine (UCI).
Particle transport
Particle pinches of main ions can increase the rate in
reactors since central fuelling will not be possible.
We have during 2008 studied both main ion and impurity ion transport. These are, in turn, sensitive to various kinds of dissipation from e.g. kinetic wave-particle
resonances and collisions. Thus the fluid closure in our
model is important. Comparison with the kinetic US
code Gyro for ITER-like profiles has given agreement
of transport fluxes within a factor of 2. Here a significant improvement in agreement was obtained during
2008 by allowing general modewidth. Our quasilinear
kinetic code has been further developed during 2008.
It shows very strong effects of kinetic resonances on
the particle pinch.
D-IIID and TCV. New toroidal pinch effects have
been implemented during 2007 and 2008. Our model
has also been successful in recovering the poloidal
spinup of the poloidal momentum observed in transport barriers on JET. Results on momentum transport
were presented at the ITPA meeting in Oak Ridge.
Hans Nordman
Pär Strand
Jan Weiland
Hans Wilhelmsson,
prof. emeritus
Resistive wall modes
Results from JET, D-III-D and NSTX have shown that
nonlinear interaction between the RWM, damping of
plasma rotation and error fields are important. Several
of these issues are investigated in our simulations.
Feedback stabilization of the RWM is investigated for
ITER advanced scenarios. Extensive simulations have
been performed to clarify the effect of conducting
structures on the RWM stability and control in ITER.
The most recent theory results are on effects of
curvature contributions from the stress tensor on the
parallel momentum transport, effects of RF heating on
particle pinches and statistical theory of the fluid closure. In particular the well known Waltz condition for
stabilization of linear instability due to flowshear has
been recovered by the renormalized analytical kinetic
theory. A nonlinear formalism for studying reaction
diffusion phenomena in general systems has been
developed. During 2008 this formalism was applied to
thermalization in fusion plasmas but also to the expansion of the universe as described by Hubble’s law.
Recent developments of the description of Hubble’s
law include the presence of vortex motion and the
coupling of several such solutions. By this description
it is possible to avoid modifications of Newton’s law
recently suggested by astronomical observations.
Momentum transport
Momentum transport is important for generating
transport barriers in tokamaks. It has been simulated
both within the JET and the ITPA frameworks. Good
agreement has been obtained with experiments on JET,
Doctoral students
Annika Eriksson (-Nov)
Abhinav Gupta
(industrial student)
Onsala Space Observatory
Hans Olofsson.
Per Bergman (Apr-)
Simon Casey
Lars Eriksson
Lars-Göran Gunnarsson
Roger Hammargren
Leif Helldner
Christer Hermansson
Lars E B Johansson (-Mar)
Karl-Åke Johansson
Jan Karaskuru
Ulf Kylenfall (Sep-)
Michael Lindqvist
Lars Lundahl
Håkan Millqvist
Biörn Nilsson (-Mar)
Michael Olberg
Hans Olofsson
Miroslav Pantaleev
Glenn Persson
Lars Pettersson
Fredrik Schöier
Magnus Thomasson
Vessen Vassilev (May-)
Lars Wennerbäck
Onsala Space Observatory is the Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy. The
observatory operates two telescopes in Onsala, a 25 m diameter cm-wave telescope
and a 20 m diameter mm-wave telescope, and is one of three partners in the Atacama
Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), a new 12 m diameter submillimetre-wave telescope in
Chile. Together with research groups at the Department, the observatory is in charge
of the scientific investigations with the Odin satellite. The observatory also provides
the channel through which Sweden is involved in large international radio astronomy
projects, such as EVN (European VLBI Network), LOFAR (Low Frequency Array), ALMA
(Atacama Large Millimeter Array), and SKA (Square Kilometer Array).
Activities in Onsala
The new receiver for the 3 mm wavelength band, built
by the Group for Advanced Receiver Development
(GARD) and installed on the Onsala 20 m telescope in
2007, was used for regular observations in 2008.
The tuning of the receiver is now a simple process for
the observer. Radio frequency interference from mobile telephone communication systems is a problem,
and considerable efforts were made to counteract these
problems; some problems still remain though. A new
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrometer, with a
bandwidth of 1 GHz, was tested on the telescope and
saw “first light” from an astronomical source in 2008.
Work has started to replace the coaxial cables from
the telescope cabins to the control room with optical
fibres. Sending the IF (intermediate frequency) signal
over an optical fibre would avoid the frequency dependent attenuation of coaxial cables and also enable
the use of larger bandwidths. Promising tests were
made in 2008.
Fifteen single-dish projects were scheduled on the
20 m telescope during 2008, most of them observing
star formation processes or protostars. There were also
two projects studying mass loss from evolved stars,
and one project observing activity in the nucleus of a
galaxy. In addition, the 20 m telescope was used for
VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) observations by both the astronomical and geodetical communities, and the 25 m telescope was used for astronomical VLBI observations.
Preparations for installing a LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) station in Onsala have continued, and a
place for its location has been decided. The full installation will take place in 2009. LOFAR is a project
led by ASTRON in the Netherlands to construct a
large array of simple antennas for frequencies below
250 MHz. The station in Onsala will increase the
resolution of the array by allowing long baselines, and
will provide Swedish scientists with opportunities to
use LOFAR for their research.
A node of the European ALMA Regional Centre,
assisting Nordic astronomers, has been established
in Onsala. ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) is a large international radio interferometer with
66 radio telescopes presently being constructed in
Chile. ALMA Regional Centres (ARCs) will assist
astronomers preparing observations with ALMA and
analyse their results. The electronics laboratory at the
observatory has provided consultancy to the European
Southern Observatory (ESO) on the production of
water vapour radiometers for ALMA.
The time and frequency laboratory, operated in
collaboration with SP Technical Research Institute
of Sweden, is now in regular operation. Detailed
preparations for the installation of a superconducting
gravimeter in Onsala were concluded in 2008, and the
gravimeter will be installed in 2009.
The observatory is a member of the large EU
funded network RadioNet. Its Trans-National Access
programme has supported European astronomers’ use
of the Onsala 20 m telescope and the European VLBI
Network from 2004 to 2008, the final year of the
New receiver for APEX
In the spring of 2008, the observatory’s Group for
Advanced Receiver Development (GARD) delivered
and installed a unique receiver system on the APEX
telescope. The receiver is a so called heterodyne instrument for radio astronomical high-resolution spectroscopy. It has three channels, covering the frequency bands
211-275 GHz, 275-370 GHz, and 1.25-1.39 THz. This
state-of-the-art receiver system is based on a decade of
research at GARD. The two lower frequency channels
employ superconducting tunnel junction sideband separation mixer technology. The THz frequency channel
uses a hot-electron bolometer waveguide balanced mixer, made using a unique waveguide micro-fabrication
technology pioneered by GARD. So-called “sky commissioning” and “science verification observations”
were made with the receiver to verify its performance.
The three channels of the receiver are now available to
all astronomers using the APEX telescope for observations of molecules in, e.g., stellar envelopes, Galactic
gas clouds, or distant galaxies.
More information about receiver development
projects can be found on GARD’s page in this report.
An example of observations with the new APEX
receiver is the detection of a spectral line from CO
molecules (the so-called J=11–10 line) at the frequency 1273 GHz in the envelope CW Leo, a carbon star
near the end of its life. Observations of such highly
excited molecules provide information about the inner
parts of the stellar envelope and its formation.
initiated. Similar observations
with the Herschel satellite, to be
launched in 2009, will help refine models of stellar mass loss.
Development of e-VLBI
During the last year we continued to play a major role in
the development of real-time
e-VLBI (VLBI by Internet),
where radio telescopes in several countries are connected with
optical fibres to quickly deliver
observational results with very
high resolution. The installation
of a 10 Gbit/s optical light path
at the observatory has enabled
data transfer at 1024 Mbit/s
to the correlator at JIVE, the
One example of the use
of e-VLBI is observations of
spectacular flaring activity in a
well-known Galactic radio-jet
source called SS433. This is a
binary system, where some of
the material which flows from
one of the stars towards its companion neutron star is ejected
in the form of two jets of gas.
During one set of observations
The 25 m diameter telescope in Onsala, with a school class on a guided tour.
(on 19 November 2008), for the
first time three of the telescopes,
including Onsala, observed and sent data
APEX observes a dust belt around
at a full 1024 Mbit/s during the whole run,
a solar-type star
without dropping data packets.
The LABOCA bolometer array on the APEX telescope,
operating at 870 μm, has been used to observe the solar- The EU project EXPReS has supported
the development of e-VLBI. As part of this
type star q1 Eridani, known to contain a Jupiter-mass
project, researchers at Onsala Space Obserplanet some 2 astronomical units (AU, the distance
vatory, Metsähovi Radio Observatory and
between the Earth and the Sun) from its star. The obserJodrell Bank Observatory have been working
vations revealed thermal emission from large dust
towards the goal of connecting an external
particles around the star. A detailed analysis show that
antenna into the UK-based e-MERLIN radio
the dust is probably located in a ring about 25 AU from
interferometer at a data rate of 4 Gbit/s.
the star, and in an outer belt at a distance of 300 AU. It
The construction of the new e-MERLIN
seems highly unlikely that the known planet at 2 AU
correlator has been delayed. Therefore, tests
would be responsible for clearing the region interior
were conducted between Onsala and Metsäto 25 AU from dust, but may hint at the existence of
hovi, e.g. in Nov. 2008, with data from the
another planet.
20 m Onsala telescope being recorded in real-time on a
PC based at Metsähovi. The water vapour maser source
Odin observes water in stellar envelopes
W3 was observed at a frequency of 22 GHz. The sampMany stars, like our Sun, end their lives losing a
led data were sent over the Internet at a rate of 4 Gbit/s
significant fraction of their mass in an intense wind,
forming a circumstellar envelope. This process enriches for a period of 5 minutes. Processing of the data was
performed at Onsala, which revealed the spectra of W3.
space with molecules and heavy elements, from which
Earth rotation measurements (UT1) have also been
a new generation of stars and planets is born. Observamade in near-real time using e-VLBI. This is a coltions of emission from water molecules in three such
laboration between NICT and GSI in Japan, Onsala,
circumstellar envelopes, made with the Odin satellite,
and Metsähovi. In Feb. 2008, a world record was set.
were analyzed in 2008. Models utilizing Odin’s high
The UT1 result was available within 3.5 minutes after
spectral resolution, superior to earlier satellite observacompletion of a 1 hour long observing session with the
tions, show that the water molecule can be used as a
Onsala-Tsukuba baseline.
probe of the important region where the stellar wind is
Observations of CO
molecules towards the carbon
star CW Leo at the frequency
1273 GHz with the new
APEX receiver (the red curve
is a model calculation).
The list includes work that was actually published during 2008. The publications are
presented for each research group and ordered alphabetically based on the first author´s last
name. Peer reviewed journals are listed first followed by other types of publications. A few
publications with authors from more than one research group are listed in each group.
Advanced Receiver Development
Peer reviewed journal publications
Desmaris, V.; Meledin, D.; Pavolotsky, A.; Monje, R.; Belitsky, V.; et
al. (2008). All-metal micromachining for the fabrication of sub-millimetre
and THz waveguide components and circuits. J. of Micromechanics and
Microengineering. 18, p. 095004.
Desmaris, V.; Shiu, J-Y.; Rorsman, N.; et al. (2008). Influence of
oxynitride (SiOxNy) passivation on the microwave performance of AlGaN/
GaN HEMTs. Solid-State Electronics. 52, p. 632-636.
Gradinarsky, L.P.; Nyström, O. ; Belitsky, V.; … Vassilev, V.; et al.
(2008). A method for detection of powder materials in metallic hollow
structures using microwaves. Measurement. 41 (6), p. 637-646.
Vassilev, V.; Henke, D.; Lapkin, I.; Nyström, O.; Monje, R.; Pavolotsky,
A.; Belitsky, V. (2008). Design and Characterization of a 211-275 GHz
Sideband Separating Mixer for the APEX Telescope. IEEE Microwave
and Wireless Components Letters. 18 (1), p. 58 - 60 .
Vassilev, V.; Meledin, D.; Lapkin, I.; Belitsky, V.; Nyström, O.; Henke,
D.; Pavolotsky, A.; Monje, R.; Risacher, C.; Olberg, M.; Strandberg,
M.; Sundin, E.; Fredrixon, M.; Ferm, S.-E.; Desmaris, V.; Dochev, D.;
Pantaleev, M.; Bergman, P.; Olofsson, H. (2008). A Swedish heterodyne
facility instrument for the APEX telescope. Astron. Astrophys. 490 (3), p.
Wild, W.; Kardashev, N.S.; Likhachev, S.F.; … Liseau, R.; Belitsky, V.; et
al. (2008). Millimetron - a large Russian-European submillimeter space
observatory. Exp. Astron.,,
p. 17W.
Book chapters, conference papers, etc
Billade, B. ; Belitsky, V. ; Pavolotsky, A.; Lapkin, I.; Monje, R.; Vassilev,
V. (2008). ALMA Band 5 (163-211 GHz) Sideband Separating Mixer
Design. In Proc. of The 19th Int. Symp. on Space Terahertz Technology,
Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild, Space Research
Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), part I, p. 250-252.
Desmaris, V. ; Meledin, D. ; Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V. (2008).
Microfabrication Technology for All-Metal Sub-mm and THz Waveguide
Receiver Components. In Proc. of The 19th Int. Symp. on Space
Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild, Space
Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), part I, p. 342-345.
Dochev, D. (2008). Growth and Characterization of Nb3Al Thin Films
for Low-Noise Terahertz Electronics. Göteborg: Chalmers University of
Technology. Licentiate thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 1652-9103.
Dochev, D.; Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V.; Olofsson, H. (2008). Nb3Al thin
film deposition for low-noise terahertz electronics. J. of Physics: Conf.
Series. 97 (1), p. 012072.
Lapkin, I. ; Nyström, O. ; Desmaris, V.; Meledin, D.; Dochev, D.; Vassilev,
V., Strandberg, M.; Monje, R.; Henke, D.; Sundin, E.; Ferm, S.-E.;
Fredrixon, M.; Belitsky, V. (2008). Optics Design and Verification for the
APEX Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument (SHeFI). In Proc. of The
19th Int. Symp. on Space Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April,
2008, ed. W. Wild, Space Research Organization of the Netherlands
(SRON), part 1, p. 351-357.
Lubenchenko, A.V.; Afanas´ev, V.P.; Lukashevsky, M.V.; …Pavolotsky,
A. ; et al. (2008). Study of Nb/Al interface combining spectroscopy of
reflected electrons with ion sputtering. J. of Physics: Conf. Series. 97, p.
Meledin, D. ; Desmaris, V. ; Ferm, S-E.; Fredrixon, M.; Henke, D.;
Lapkin, I.; Nyström, O.; Pantaleev, M.; Pavolotsky, A.; Strandberg,
A.; Sundin, E.; Belitsky, V. (2008). APEX Band T2: A 1.25 ñ 1.39 THz
Waveguide Balanced HEB Receiver. In Proc. of The 19th Int. Symp. on
Space Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild,
Space Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), part 1, p.
Mena, F. ; Kooi, J. ; Baryshev, A.; … Desmaris, V.; Meledin, D.;
Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V.; et al. (2008). RF Performance of a 600720 GHz Sideband-Separating Mixer with All-Copper Micromachined
Waveguide Mixer Block. In Proc. of The 19th Int. Symp. on Space
Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild, Space
Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), part I, p. 90-92.
Monje, R. (2008). Advancement of THz integrated SIS mixers for radio
astronomy. Göteborg: Doctoral thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-7385-145-9.
Monje, R.; Aalto, S. (2008). Molecular Chemistry as Diagnostic tool for
Starbursts and AGN:s. The Molecular ISM of NGC 4418. Far-Infrared
Workshop 2007, EAS Publication Series, eds. C. Kramer, S. Aalto, R.
Simon, DOI:10.1051/eas:0831016. 31, p. 81-84.
Monje, R. ; Belitsky, V. ; Vassilev, V.; Pavolotsky, A.; Lapkin, I.; Meledin,
D.; Henke, D.; Dochev, D. (2008). A 0.5 THz Sideband Separation SIS
Mixer for APEX Telescope. In Proc. of The 19th Int. Symp. on Space
Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild, Space
Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), part II, p. 439-443.
Nyström, O. (2008). THz Vector Beam Measurement System for APEX
Instrument SHeFI and Microwave Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifier Design.
Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Licentiate thesis. ISBN/
ISSN: 1652-9103.
Whale, M. ; Trappe, N. ; Belitsky, V. (2008). Physical Optics Analysis of the
ALMA BANd 5 Front End Optics. In Proc. of The 19th Int. Symp. on Space
Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild, Space
Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), part I, p. 368-372.
Global Environmental Measurements and Modelling
Peer reviewed journal publications
Andersson-Sköld, Y.; Simpson, D. ; Odegaard, V. (2008). Humidity
Parameters from Temperature: Test of a Simple Methodology for European
Conditions. Int. J. of Climatology. 28, p. 961-972.
Belova, A.; Kirkwood, S.; Raffalski, U.; … Urban, J.; et al. (2008). Fiveday planetary waves as seen by the Odin satellite and the ground-based
Kiruna millimetre wave radiometer in January-March 2005. Can. J. Phys.
86, p. 459-466.
Brohede, S.; McLinden, C.A.; Urban, J.; … Murtagh.D.P. ; et al. (2008).
Odin stratospheric proxy NOy measurements and climatology. Atmos.
Chem. Phys. 8, (19) p. 5731-5754.
Clerbaux, C.; George, M.; Turquety, S.; … Murtagh, D.P.; … Strandberg,
A.; … Urban, J.; et al. (2008). CO measurements from the ACE-FTS
satellite instrument: data analysis and validation using ground-based,
airborne and spaceborne observations. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8, p. 25692594.
Ekström, M.; Eriksson, P. (2008). Altitude resolved ice-fraction in the
uppermost tropical troposphere.Geophys. Res. Lett. 35 (2), p. L13822.
Ekström, M.; Eriksson, P.; Read, W.G.; … Murtagh, D.P. ; et al. (2008).
Comparison of satellite limb-sounding humidity climatologies of the
uppermost tropical troposphere. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 (2), p. 309-320.
Eriksson, P. ; Ekström, M. ; Rydberg, B.; ... Murtagh, D.; et al.(2008.
Comparison between early Odin-SMR, Aura MLS and CloudSat retrievals
of cloud ice mass in the upper tropical troposphere. Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics. 8 (7) p. 1937-1948.
Jégou, F.; Urban, J.; De La Noë, J.; … Murtagh, D.P.; Eriksson, P. ;
Jones, A.; et al. (2008). Validation of Odin/SMR limb observations of
ozone, comparisons with OSIRIS, POAM III, ground-based and balloonborne instruments. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 (13), p. 3385-3409.
Kerzenmacher, T.; Wolff, M.A.; Strong, K.; Brohede, S.; ... Murtagh, D.P.;
et al. (2008). Validation of NO2 and NO from the Atmospheric Chemistry
Experiment (ACE). Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 (19), p. 5801-5841.
Khosrawi, F.; Müller, R.; Proffitt, M.H.; Urban, J.; Murtagh, D.P.; et al.
(2008). Seasonal cycle of averages of nitrous oxide and ozone in the
Northern and Southern Hemisphere polar, midlatitude, and tropical
regions derived from ILAS/ILAS-II and Odin/SMR observations.
J. Geophys. Res. 113, (D18305)
Klingberg, J.; Danielsson, H.; Simpson, D.; et al. (2008). Comparison
of modelled and measured ozone concentrations and meteorology for a
site in south-west Sweden: Implications for ozone uptake calculations.
Environmental Pollution. 155 (1), p. 99-111.
Lossow, S.; Urban, J.; Gumbel, J.; Eriksson, P.; Murtagh, D.P. (2008).
Observations of the mesospheric semi-annual oscillation (MSAO) in water
vapour by Odin/SMR. Atmos. Chem. Phys.. 8 (21), p. 6527-6540.
Müller, S.C.; Kämpfer, N.; Feist, D.G.; … Urban, J.; et al. (2008).Validation
of stratospheric water vapour measurements from the airborne microwave
radiometer AMSOS. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 (12), p. 3169-3183.
Rösevall, J.; Murtagh, D.P.; Urban, J.; … Eriksson, P.; Brohede, S.; et al.
(2008). A study of ozone depletion in the 2004/2005 Arctic winter based
on data from Odin/SMR and Aura/MLS. J. Geophys. Res. 113, (D13301)
Santee, M.L.; Lambert, A.; Read, W.G.; … Urban, J.; Murtagh, D.P.;
et al. (2008). Validation of the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder ClO
Measurements. J. Geophys. Res. 113, (D15S22)
Seta, T.; Hoshina, H.; Kasai, Y.; … Urban, J.; Ekström, M.; Eriksson,
P.; Murtagh, D.P.; et al. (2008). Pressure broadening coefficients of the
water vapor lines at 556.936 and 752.033 GHz. J. Quant. Spectrosc.
Radiat. Transfer. 109 (1), p. 144-150.
Sutton, M.; Simpson, D.; Levy, P.; et al. (2008). Uncertainties in the
relationship between atmospheric nitrogen deposition and forest carbon
sequestration. Global Change Biology. 14, p. 1-7.
Tuovinen, J. ; Simpson, D. (2008). An aerodynamic correction for the
European ozone risk assessment methodology. Atmos. Environ. 42, p.
Wolff, M.A.; Kerzenmacher, T. ; Strong, K.; Brohede, S.; ... Murtagh, D.P.;
... Urban, J.; et al. (2008). Validation of HNO3, ClONO2 and N2O5 from
the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer
(ACE-FTS). Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 (13), p. 3529-3562.
Book chapters, conference papers, etc
Brohede, S. (2008). Satellite Limb-Scatter Observations of Stratospheric
NO2 and O3 -Retrievals, Validation and Applications. Göteborg:
Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 978-917385-054-4.
Ekström, M. (2008). Satellite measurements of upper tropospheric
water. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis.
ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-7385-058-2.
Non-Linear Electromagnetics
Peer reviewed journal publications
Anderson, D.; Andersson, F. Andersson, P.; … Lisak, M.; et al. (2008).
The optimal journey from A to B. Amer. J. Phys. 76 (9), p. 863-866.
Anderson, D.; Helczynski-Wolf, L.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008). Interaction
between two partially incoherent soliton stripes. Opt. Comm.. 281, p.
Appel, L.C.; Fülöp, T.; Hole, M.J.; et al. (2008). Compressional Alfvén
Eigenmodes on MAST. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 50, p.
Desaix, M.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M. (2008). Eigenvalues of the ZakharovShabat scattering problem for two separated sech-shaped pulses.
Physics Letters Section A. 372, p. 2386-2390.
Fülöp, T.; Pusztai, I.; Helander, P. (2008). Collisionality dependence of
the quasilinear particle flux due to microinstabilities. Phys. Plasmas. 15
(7), p. 072308.
Gál, K.; Fehér, T. ; Smith, H.; Fülöp, T.; et al. (2008). Runaway electron
generation during plasma shutdown by killer pellet injection. Plasma
Physics and Controlled Fusion. 50, p. 055006.
Hansson, T.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008). Propagation of
partially coherent light beams with parabolic intensity distribution in
noninstantaneous nonlinear Kerr media. Optical Society of America, J. B,
Optical Physics, 25, p. 1780-1785.
Hansson, T.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M. (2008). Quasilinear evolutionn
and saturation of the modulational instability of partially coherent optical
waves. Physical Review A. 78, p. 011807 1-4.
Kim, A.V.; Skobelev, S.A.; Anderson, D.; Hansson, T.; Lisak, M. (2008).
Extreme nonlinear optics in a Kerr medium: Exact soliton solutions for a
few cycles. Physical Review A. 77, p. 043823 1-6.
Kossyi, I.A.; Lukyanchikov, G.S.; Semenov, V.E.; … Anderson, D.; Lisak,
M.; et al. (2008). Polyphase (non-resonant) multipactor in rectangular
waveguides. J. of Physics D: Applied Physics. 41, p. 065203 1-8.
Nordman, H.; Singh, R.; Fülöp, T.; … Strand, P.; … Weiland, J.; et al.
(2008). Influence of radio frequency ponderomotive force on anomalous
impurity transport in tokamaks. Phys. Plasmas. 15 (4), p. 042316.
Pokol, G.; Fülöp, T.; Lisak, M. (2008). Quasi-linear analysis of whistler
waves driven by relativistic runaway beams in tokamaks. Plasma Physics
and Controlled Fusion. 50, p. 045003.
Semenov, V.; Lisak, M.; Anderson, D.; Hansson, T.; Helczynski-Wolf,
L. (2008). Mathematical basis for analysis of partially coherent wave
propagation in nonlinear, non-instantaneous Kerr media. J. Phys. A: Math.
Theor. 41, p. 335207 1-11.
Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Zharova, N.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al.
(2008). Simulations of the multipactor effect in hollow waveguides with
wedge-shaped cross section. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 36
(2), p. 488-493.
Semenov, V.E.; Rakova, E. ; Udiljak, R.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et
al. (2008). Conformal mapping analysis of multipactor breakdown in
waveguide irises. Phys. Plasmas. 15, p. 033501.
Book chapters, conference papers, etc
Anderson, D.; Hansson, T.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008). Parabolic similarity
solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger and Wigner-Moyal equations. In
Proc. of SIAM Conf. on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, July
21-24, 2008, Rome, Italy, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 56.
Buyanova, M.; Semenov, V.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008).
Different saturation regimes of multipactor between parallel metal plates.
In Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop Strong microwaves: Sources and
Applications, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 27 - Aug. 2, 2008, Institute
of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (paper T41). p. 143.
Buyanova, M.; Semenov, V.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008).
Influence of secondary emission yield on the saturation of two-sided
multipactor. MULCOPIM08, 23-26 September 2008, Valencia, Spain,
European Space Agency, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, available on CD,
paper MP5-6.
Candy, J.; Nordman, H.; Fülöp, T.; et al. (2008). Transport in ITER-like
plasmas in neoclassical, fluid and gyrokinetic descriptions. In Proc. of
22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., Geneva 2008. p. TH/P8-28.
Desaix, M.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M. (2008). Nonlinear Schrödinger
Solitons with non-zero velocities emerging from real symmetric
initial conditions. In Proc. of Radio Science and Communications &
Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena RVK08/MMWP08, Växjö,
Sweden June 9-13, 2008, eds. S. Nordebo and B. Nilsson. p. 299-303.
Desaix, M.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M. (2008). Nonlinear Schrödinger
solitons with non-zero velocities emerging from real symmetric initial
conditions. In Proc. of SIAM Conf. on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent
Structures, July 21-24, 2008, Rome, Italy, Society for Industrial and
Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Philadelphia, PA, USA. p. 51.
Eriksson, L.-G.; Nordman, H.; Singh, R.; Fülöp, T.; … Strand, P.; …
Weiland, J.; et al. (2008). Influence of RF fields on anomalous impurity
transport in tokamaks. In Proc. of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conf.,
Geneva 2008. p. TH/P8-28.
Fehér, T.; Gál, K.; Smith, H.; Fülöp, T.; et al. (2008). Simulation
of runaway electron generation during plasma shutdown by doped
pellet injection. In Proc. of the 35th EPS Conf. on Plasma Physics,
Hersonissos, 2008. 32 D, p. P4.077. ISBN/ISSN: 2-914771-52-5.
Fülöp, T.; Pokol, G.; Smith, H.: … Lisak, M.; et al. (2008). Magnetic
field threshold for runaway generation in tokamak disruptions. In Proc. of
the 35th EPS Conf. on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, 2008. 32 D, p.
P2.078. ISBN/ISSN: 2-914771-52-5.
Fülöp, T.; Pusztai, I.; Helander, P. (2008). Quasilinear transport fluxes
driven by electrostatic microinstabilities in tokamaks. In Proc. of 22nd
IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., Geneva. p. TH/P8-28.
Gál, K.; Fehér, T.; Fülöp, T.; et al. (2008). Mitigation of ELMs and
disruptions by pellet injection. In Proc. of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy
Conf., Geneva. p. TH/P4-5.
Jeong, H.; Österberg, U.; Hansson, T. (2008). Transitional
characteristics of optical precursors between two different parameter
regimes. In Proc. of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symp.
(PIERS), ed. Ram Shenoy, July 2-6, 2008, Cambridge, USA. p. 450.
Kossyi, I.; Ivanov, G.V.; Konyzhev, M.; … Anderson, D.; Lisak.; et
al. (2008). Metal-dielectric interface as a low-threshold microwave
discharge initiation in waveguides and in free space. MULCOPIM08,
23-26 September 2008, Valencia, Spain, European Space Agency,
Nordwijk, The Netherlands, available on CD, paper MP1-3.
Kossyi, I.; Lukyanchikov, G.; Semenov, V.; … Anderson, D.; Lisak,
M.J; et al. (2008). Experiments on polyphase (nonresonant) multipactor
in a rectangular wave guide. MULCOPIM08, 23-26 September 2008,
Valencia, Spain, European Space Agency, Nordwijk, The Netherlands,
available on CD, paper MP2-1.
Nordman, H.; Singh, R.; Fülöp, T.; Strand, P.; … Weiland, J.; et al.
(2008). Anomalous impurity transport in tokamaks in the presence
of RF fields. In Proc. of the 35th EPS Conf. on Plasma Physics,
Hersonissos, Greece, 9-13 June, 2008, ECA. 32 D, p. 2.042. ISBN/
ISSN: 2914771525.
Pokol, G.; Fülöp, T.; Smith, H.; et al. (2008). Criteria for runaway
electron generation in tokamak disruptions. In Proc. of 22nd IAEA
Fusion Energy Conf.. p. TH/P3-4.
Optical Remote Sensing
Peer reviewed journal publications
Barrancos, J.; Rosello, J.I.; Calvo, D.; … Galle, B.; et al. (2008). SO2
emissions from active volcanoes measured simultaneously by COSPEC
and mini-DOAS. Pure Appl. Geophys.165, p. 115-133.
Clerbaux, C.; George, M.; Turquety, S.; … Murtagh, D.P.; …
Strandberg, A.; … Urban, J.; et al. (2008). CO measurements from the
ACE-FTS satellite instrument: data analysis and validation using groundbased, airborne and spaceborne observations. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8, p.
Gardiner, T.; Forbes, A.; De Maziere, M.; … Mellqvist, J.; Strandberg,
A.; et al. (2008). Trend analysis of greenhouse gases over Europe
measured by a network of ground-based remote FTIR instruments .
Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8 (22), p. 6719-6727.
Grutter, M.; Basaldud, R.; Rivera, C.; et al. (2008). SO2 emissions from
Popocatépetl volcano: emission rates and plume imaging using optical
remote sensing techniques. Atmos. Chem. Phys.. 8, p. 6655-6663.
Johansson, M.E.B.; Galle, B.; Yu, T.; et al. (2008). Quantification of
total emission of air pollutants from Beijing using mobile mini-DOAS.
Atmospheric Environment. 42 (29), p. 6926-6933.
Strong, K.; , Wolff, M.A.; , Kerzenmacher, Y.E.; Mellqvist, J. (2008).
Validation of ACE-FTS N2O measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8, p.
4759 - 4786.
Yu, Y. ; Panday, A. ; Hodson, E.; Galle, B.; et al. (2008). Monocyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons in Kathmandu during the winter season. Water
Air and Soil Pollution. 191 (1-4), p. 71-81.
Radar Remote Sensing
Pusztai, I.; Fülöp, T.; Helander, P. (2008). On the quasilinear transport
fluxes driven by microinstabilities in tokamaks. In Proc. of the 35th EPS
Conf. on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, 2008. 32 D, p. P1.032. ISBN/
ISSN: 2-914771-52-5.
Peer reviewed journal publications
Sazontov, A.; Vdovicheva, N.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008).
Statistical theory of multipactor discharges between two parallel plates
with different emission properties. MULCOPIM08, 23-26 September
2008, Valencia, Spain, European Space Agency, Nordwijk, The
Netherlands, available on CD, paper MP5-1.
Hallberg, B.; Smith-Jonforsen, G.; Ulander, L.M.H.; Sandberg, G.
(2008). A physical-optics model for double-bounce scattering from tree
stems standing on an undulating ground surface. IEEE Trans. Geosci.
Rem. Sens. 46 (9), p. 2607-2621.
Semenov, V.; Buyanova, M.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008).
Multipactor in QPSK-modulated carriers. MULCOPIM08, 23-26
September 2008, Valencia, Spain, European Space Agency, Nordwijk,
The Netherlands, available on CD, paper MP2-2.
Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al. (2008).
Influence of electron reflection on the threshold for multipactor between
two parallel plates. MULCOPIM08, 23-26 September 2008, Valencia,
Spain, European Space Agency, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, available
on CD, paper MP5-2.
Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Nefedov, M.; … Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et
al. (2008). Study of multipactor in waveguide irises. MULCOPIM08,
23-26 September 2008, Valencia, Spain, European Space Agency,
Nordwijk, The Netherlands, available on CD, paper MP-3-3.
Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Sazontov, A.; … Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.
(2008). Simulations of multipactor in micro-strip lines. MULCOPIM08,
23-26 September 2008, Valencia, Spain, European Space Agency,
Nordwijk, The Netherlands, available on CD, paper MP1-2.
Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Udiljak, R.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al.
(2008). Analytical description of the multipactor inside narrow waveguide
iris. In Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop ìStrong microwaves: Sources and
Applications, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 27 - Aug. 2, 2008, Institute
of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, paper T42. p. 144.
Folkesson, K.; Smith-Jonforsen, G.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2008). Validating
backscatter models for CARABAS SAR images of coniferous forests.
Can. J. Rem. Sens. 34 (5), p. 480-495.
Book chapters, conference papers, etc
Askne, J.; Dierking, W. (2008). Sea Ice Monitoring in the Arctic and
Baltic Sea Using SAR. Remote Sensing of the European Seas,
authors, V. Barale, M. Gade, Springer. p. 383-398. ISBN/ISSN:
Barmettler, A.; Zuberbühler, L.; Meier, E.; Ulander, L.M.H.; et al.
(2008). Swiss Airborne Monostatic and Bistatic Dual-Pol SAR
Experiment at the VHF-Band. In Proc. of EUSAR 2008, 7th European
Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Friedrichshafen, GE, 2-5 June
2008. 1, p. 139-142.
Bäck, D.; Holt, B.; Kwok, R. (2008). Analysis of C-band polarimetric
signatures of Arctic lead ice using data from AIRSAR and RADARSAT-1.
In Proc. of IGARSS 2008, July 6-11, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts,
USA. V, p. 184-187. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4244-2808-3.
Dubois-Fernandez, P.; Angelliaume, S.; Champion, I.; Ulander, L.M.H.
(2008). Review of polarimetric indicators for forest characterisation
over several sites. In Proc. of IGARSS 2008, July 6-11, 2008, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA. IV, p. 319-322. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4244-2808-3.
Eriksson, L.E.B.; Borenäs, K.; Dierking, W.; et al. (2008). Improved seaice monitoring for the Baltic Sea: Project overview and first results. In
Proc. of Sea SAR 2008 - The 2nd Int. Workshop on Advances in SAR
Oceanography from Envisat and ERS Missions, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy,
21-25 January, 2008. SP-656. ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-9221-220-9.
Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Zharova, N.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, M.; et al.
(2008). Influence of the wave guide cross section on the multipactor
threshold. In Proc. of the 7th Int. Workshop ìStrong microwaves:
Sources and Applications, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 27 - Aug.
2, 2008, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
paper T38. p. 140.
Eriksson, L.E.B.; Borenäs, K.; Dierking, W.; et al. (2008). Improved
sea-ice monitoring for the Baltic Sea: Project overview and first results.
In Proc. of The First Joint PI Symp. of ALOS Data Nodes for ALOS
Science Program in Kyoto, Japan, 19 - 23 November, 2007. JAXASP-07-012. ISBN/ISSN: 978-4-906653-04-1.
Semenov, V.; Rakova, E.; Zharova, N.; Anderson, D.; Lisak, ((2008).
The multipactor effect in hollow waveguides with rectangular and
wedge shaped cross section - a comparison. MULCOPIM08, 23-26
September 2008, Valencia, Spain, European Space Agency, Nordwijk,
The Netherlands, available on CD, paper MP2-3.
Eriksson, L.E.B.; Fransson, J.E.S. (2008). Radar data. Advances in
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences:
2008 ISPRS Congress Book, Editors: Zhilin Li, Jun Chen and
Emmanuel Baltsavias, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK. p. 447-449.
ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-415-47805-2.
Eriksson, L.E.B.; Sandberg, G. ; Fransson, J.E.S.; … Ulander, L.M.H.; et
al. (2008). ALOS PALSAR calibration and validation activities in Sweden.
In Proc. of The First Joint PI Symp. of ALOS Data Nodes for ALOS
Science Program in Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 19 - 23 November, 2007.
JAXA-SP-07-012. ISBN/ISSN: 978-4-906653-04-1.
Eriksson, L.E.B.; Santoro, M. ; Fransson, J.E.S. (2008). Temporal
decorrelation for forested areas observed in spaceborne L-band SAR
interferometry. In Proc. of IGARSS 2008, July 6-11, 2008, Boston,
Massachusetts, USA. V, p. 283-285. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4244-2808-3.
Folkesson, K. (2008). Model-Based Stem Volume Retrieval and
Windthrow Detection using CARABAS and P-band SAR. Göteborg:
Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 978-917385-068-1.
Fransson, J.E.S.; Magnusson, M. ; Olsson, H.; Eriksson, L.E.B.;
Folkesson, K.; Sandberg, G.; Santoro, M.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2008).
Detection of clear-cuts using ALOS PALSAR satellite images. In Proc.
of. EUSAR 2008, 7th European Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar,
Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2-5 June 2008. 4, p. 103-106.
Frölind, P-O.; Gustavsson, A.; Ulander, L.M.H. (2008). First Results on
VHF-band SAR Imaging using Circular Tracks. In Proc. of EUSAR 2008,
7th European Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Friedrichshafen, GE,
2-5 June 2008. 1, p. 221-224.
Gustavsson, A.; Flood, B.; Frölind, P.-O.; … Ulander, L.M.H.; et al.
(2008). First results from a bistatic VHF SAR experiment. In Proc. of
RVK08, Växjö, Sweden, 9-11 June 2008. p. 197-201.
Sandberg, Gustaf; Eriksson, L.E.B.; Ulander, Lars M. H. (2008)
PALSAR Calibration Results from Sweden. Rapport.
Santoro, M.; Askne, J.; Beer, C.; et al. (2008). Automatic model inversion
of multi-temporal C-band coherence and backscatter measurements for
forest stem volume retrieval. In Proc. of IGARSS 2008, July 6-11, 2008,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA. V, p. 124-127. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-42442808-3.
Ulander, L.M.H.; Flood, B.; Frölind, P.-O.; et al. (2008). Bistatic
Experiment with Ultra-Wideband VHF-band Synthetic-Aperture Radar. In
Proc. of EUSAR 2008, 7th European Conf. on Synthetic Aperture Radar,
Friedrichshafen, GE, 2-5 June 2008. 1, p. 131-134.
Ulander, L.M.H.; Lundberg, M. (2008). Modeling of change detection in
VHF- and UHF-band SAR. In Proc. of EUSAR 2008, 7th European Conf.
on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Friedrichshafen, GE, 2-5 June 2008. 4, p.
Wyholt, A. (2008). SAR Image Focus Errors due to Incorrect Geometrical
Positioning in Fast Factorized Back-Projection. Göteborg: Chalmers
University of Technology. Licentiate thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 1652/9103.
Space Geodesy and Geodynamics
Peer reviewed journal publications
Garcia Espada, S.; Haas, R.; Colomer Sanmartin, F. (2008). Space
Geodesy at Yebes: Station Motion from VLBI and GPS. In Proc. of the
5th IVS General Meeting Measuring the future, eds A. Finkelstein,
D. Behrend. p. 93-97. ISBN/ISSN: 978-5-02-025332-2.
Haas, R.; Elgered, G. (2008). The IVS Network Station Onsala Space
at the Onsala Space Observatory. Int. VLBI Service for Geodesy and
Astrometry 2007 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver.
NASA/TP-2008-214162, p. 82-85.
Haas, R.; Hagström, M.; Gunnarsson, L.-G.; Johansson, K.-Å.;
Pantaleev, M.; Elgered, G. (2008). The IVS Technology Development
Center at the Onsala Space Observatory. Int. VLBI Service for Geodesy
and Astrometry 2007 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K.
Baver. NASA/TP-2008-214162, p. 261-263.
Haas, R.; Scherneck, H.-G. ; Nilsson, T. (2008). The IVS Analysis
Center at the Onsala Space Observatory. Int. VLBI Service for Geodesy
and Astrometry 2007 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K.
Baver. NASA/TP-2008-214162, p. 228-231.
Haas, R.; Wagner, J.; Ritakari, J. ; et al. (2008). Report on the
Fennoscandian-Japanese Project for Near Real-Time UT1-Obserations
With E-VLBI. In Proc. of Journées 2007, Systemes de Référence Spatio
- Temporels, Paris, 17-19 September 2007, edited by Nicole Capitaine.
p. 214-215. ISBN/ISSN: 978-2-901057-59-8.
Lidberg, M.; Johansson, J.M.; Scherneck, H.-G. (2008). Geodetic
reference frames in the presence of crustal deformations - with focus
on Nordic conditions. Report on the Symp. of the IAG sub commission
for Europe (EUREF), Riga, June 14-17, 2006, eds. J.A. Torres, H.
Hornik, EUREF publication no. 16, Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für
Kartographie und Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main 2008. 40, p. 189-198.
ISBN/ISSN: 3898888452.
Lidberg, M.; Johansson, J. M.; Scherneck, H.-G. ; et al. (2008).
New Results Based on Reprocessing of 13 years Continuous GPS
Observations of the Fennoscandia GIA Process from BIFROST. Int.
Association of Geodesy Symposia, ed. M.G. Sideris: Observing our
Changing Earth. 133, p. 557-568. ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-540-85425-8.
Nilsson, T. (2008). Improving GNSS tropospheric tomography by better
knowledge of atmospheric turbulence. In Proc. of: 1st Colloquium
Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 1-4
October, 2007, Cité de Espace, Toulouse, France, Final Proc., CD-ROM
publication, ESA.
Nilsson, T. (2008). Measuring and modelling variations in the
distribution of atmospheric water vapour using GPS. Göteborg:
Chalmers University of Technology. Doctoral thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 97891-7385-064-3.
Nilsson, T.; Haas, R. (2008). Modeling Tropospheric Delays with
Atmospheric Turbulence Models. In Proc. of the Fifth IVS General
Meeting: Measuring the Future, eds. A. Finkelstein, D. Behrend. p. 361370. ISBN/ISSN: 978-5-02-025332-2.
Emardson, R.; Hedekvist, P.-O.; Nilsson, M.; ... Rieck, C.; Johansson, J.;
et al. (2008). Time Transfer by Passive Listening Over a 10-Gb/s Optical
Fiber, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 57, 11, 2495-2501.
Transport Theory
Nilsson, T.; Elgered, G. (2008). Long-term trends in the atmospheric
water vapor content estimated from ground-based GPS data. J. Geophys.
Res. DOI: 10.1029/2008JD010110. 113 (D19), p. D19101.
Albanese, R.; Liu, Y.; Portone, A.; et al. (2008). Coupling Between a 3D
Integral Eddy Current Formulation and a Linearized MHD Model for the
Analysis of Resistive Wall Modes. IEEE Trans. Mag. 44, p. 1654.
Penna, N.T.; Bos, M.S.; Baker, T.F.; Scherneck, H.-G. (2008). Assessing
the accuracy of predicted ocean tide loading displacement. J. of
Geodesy. 82 (12), p. 893-907.
Gryaznevich, M.P.; Hender, T.C.; Howell, D.F.; … Liu, Y. ; et al. (2008).
Experimental Studies of Stability and Beta Limit in JET. Plasma Phys.
Control. Fusion. 50, p. 124030.
Sekido, M.; Takiguchi, H.; Koyama, Y.; … Haas, R.; et al. (2008).
Ultra-rapid UT1 measurements by e-VLBI. Earth Planets and Space. 60,
p. 865-870.
Guillerminet, B.; Airaj, M.; Huynh, P.; … Strand, P. ; et al. (2008).
Integrated tokamak modelling: Infrastructure and Software Integration
Project. Fusion Engineering and Design. 83 (2-3), p. 442-447.
Book chapters, conference papers, etc
Behrend, D.; Böhm, J.; Charlot, P.; … Haas, R.; … Nilsson, T.; et al.
(2008). Recent Progress in the VLBI2010 Development. In Proc. of the
2007 IAG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007, ed. M.
Sideris, Springer. Int. Symp. of Geodesy Symposia, 133 (Part 5), p. 833840. ISBN/ISSN: 9783 5408 5425 8.
Elgered, G.; Nilsson, T.; Willén, U. (2008). Assessment of using GNSS
for the monitoring of the atmospheric water vapour content over long time
scales. In Proc. of 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects
of the Galileo Programme, 1-4 October, 2007, Cité de Espace, Toulouse,
France, Final Proc., CD-ROM publication, ESA.
Peer reviewed journal publications
Halpern, F.; Eriksson, A.; Bateman, G.; … Weiland, J.; et al. (2008).
Improved model for transport driven by drift modes in tokamaks. Phys.
Plasmas. 15 (1), p. 012304.
Liu, Y.; Chu, M.S.; Chapman, I.T.; et al. (2008). Toroidal self-consistent
modelling of drift kinetic effects on the resistive wall mode. Phys.
Plasmas. 15, p. 112503.
Liu, Y.; Chu, M.S.; Gimblett, C.G.; et al. (2008). Magnetic drift kinetic
damping of the resistive wall mode in large aspect ratio tokamaks. Phys.
Plasmas. 15, p. 092505.
Mahmood, M.A.; Rafiq, T.; Persson, M.; Weiland, J. (2008). Resistive
edge mode instability in stellarator and tokamak geometries. Phys.
Plasmas. 15, p. 092507.
Manduchi, G.; Iannone, F.; Imbeaux, F.; … Strand, P.; et al. (2008). A
universal access layer for the Integrated Tokamak Modelling Task Force.
Fusion Engineering and Design. 83 (2-3), p. 462-466.
Nordman, H.; Singh, R.; Fülöp, T.; … Strand… , P.; Weiland, J.; et al.
(2008). Influence of radio frequency ponderomotive force on anomalous
impurity transport in tokamaks. Phys. Plasmas. 15 (4), p. 042316.
Portone, A.; Villone, F.; Liu, Y.; et al. (2008). Linearly perturbed MHD
equilibria and 3D eddy current coupling via the control surface method.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 50, p. 085004.
Strintzi, D.; Peeters, A.G.; Weiland, J. (2008). The toroidal momentum
diffusivity in a tokamak plasma: A comparison of fluid and kinetic
calculations. Phys. Plasmas. 15, p. 044502.
Villone, F.; Liu, Y.; Paccagnella, R.; et al. (2008). Effects of threedimensional electromagnetic structures on Resistive Wall Mode stability
of Reversed Field Pinches. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, p. 255005.
Book chapters, conference papers, etc
Bateman, G.; Halpern, F.D.; Kritz, A.H.; … Weiland, J.; et al. (2008).
Integrated Modeling Simulations of Totoidal Momentum Transport in
Tokamaks. In Proc. of the IAEA Conf., Geneva 2008. TH/P8, p. 35.
Curran, S.J.; Whiting, M.T.; Wiklind, T. ; et al. (2008). A survey for
redshifted molecular and atomic absorption lines – II. Associated HI, OH
and millimetre lines in the z >~ 3 Parkes quarter-Jansky flat-spectrum
sample. Mon. Not. RAS. 391, p. 765-784.
Israel, F.P.; Raban, D.; Booth, R. ; et al. (2008). The millimeter wave
continuum spectrum of Centaurus A and its nucleus. Astron. Astrophys.
483 (3), p. 741-748.
Kirsanova, M.S.; Sobolev, A.M.; Thomasson, M.; … Johansson, L.E.B.;
et al. (2008). Star formation around the HII region Sh2-235. Mon. Not.
RAS. 388 (2), p. 729-736.
Liseau, R.; Risacher, C.; Brandeker, A. ; et al. (2008). q1 Eridani: a
solar-type star with a planet and a dust belt. Astron. Astrophys. 480, p.
Lynch, D. K.; Woodward, C. E.; Gehrz, R.; … Black, J.H.; et al. (2008).
Nova V2362 Cygni (Nova Cygni 2006): Spitzer, Swift, and Ground-based
Spectral Evolution. The Astronomical J. 136 (5), p. 1815-1827.
Maercker, M.; Schöier, F.L.; Olofsson, H.; Bergman, P. ; et al. (2008).
Circumstellar water vapour in M-type AGB stars: radiative transfer models,
abundances, and predictions for HIFI. Astron. Astrophys. 479, p. 779-791.
Manthey, E.; Aalto, S.; Hüttemeister, S. ; et al. (2008). The Hl content of
the advanced merger NGC 4441. Astron. Astrophys. 484, p. 693-701.
Candy, J.; Nordman, H.; Fülöp, T.; et al. (2008). Transport in ITER-like
plasmas in neoclassical, fluid and gyrokinetic descriptions. In Proc. of
22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conf., Geneva 2008. p. TH/P8-28.
Manthey, E.; Hüttemeister, S.; Aalto, S.; Horellou, C.; Bjerkeli, P.
(2008). Stars and gas in the Medusa merger. Astron. Astrophys. 490, p.
Eriksson, A. (2008). Analysis of drift wave transport of particles and
momentum in tokamak core plasmas. Göteborg: Chalmers University of
Technology. Doctoral thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-7385-206-7.
Minamidani, T.; Mizuno, N.; Mizuno, Y.; … Nicolic´, S.; Booth, R.;
Heikkilä, A. ; et al. (2008). Submillimeter observations of giant molecular
clouds in the large magellanic cloud: temperature and density as
determined from J=3-2 and J=1-0 transitions of CO. Astrophys. J. Supppl.
Ser. 175, p. 485-508.
Eriksson, L.-G.; Nordman, H.; Singh, R.; Fülöp, T.; … Strand, P.; …
Weiland, J.; et al. (2008). Influence of RF fields on anomalous impurity
transport in tokamaks. In Proc. of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conf.,
Geneva 2008. p. TH/P8-8.
Mahmood, M. A.; Weiland, J.; Persson, M. ; et al. (2008). Study of
collisionless TE and ITG modes in an ITER-like equilibrium. In Proc. of the
35th EPS Conf. on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, Greece, 9-13 June,
2008, ECA . 32F, p. 4.024. ISBN/ISSN: 2914771525.
Nordman, H.; Singh, R.; Fülöp, T.; Strand, P.; … Weiland, J. ; et al.
(2008). Anomalous impurity transport in tokamaks in the presence of RF
fields. In Proc. of the 35th EPS Conf. on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos,
Greece, 9-13 June, 2008, ECA. 32D, p. 2.042. ISBN/ISSN:
Olofsson, H. (2008). The study of evolved stars with ALMA. Astrophys.
Space Sci. 313 (1-3), p. 201-207.
Ramstedt, S.; Schöier, F.L.; Olofsson, H. ; et al. (2008). On the reliability
of mass-loss-rate estimates for AGB stars. Astron. Astrophys. 487, p.
Romeo, A.; Agertz, O.; Moore, B. ; et al. (2008). Discreteness effects in
LambdaCDM simulations: A wavelet-statistical view. Astrophys. J. 686,
p. 1-12.
Rydbeck, G. (2008). Statistical image deconvolution with uncertainties of
observed maps of spectra. Astrophys. J. 675, p. 1304-1318.
Weiland, J. (2008). Relaxation in Plasmas with Several Types of Free
Energy. Frontiers in Modern Plasma Physics, AIP Conf. Proc.. p. 45 ñ
56. ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7354-0591 (02).
Sandqvist, A.; Larsson, B.; Hjalmarson, Å.; Bergman, P.; … Olberg, M.;
et al. (2008). Odin observations of the Galactic centre in the 118-GHz
band. Upper limit to the 02 abundance. Astron. Astrophys. 482, p. 849853.
Weiland, J.; Singh, R.; Nordman, H.; et al.(2008). Symmetry breaking
effects on toroidal momentum transport. In Proc. of the 22nd IAEA
Fusion Energy Conf., Geneva 2008. TH/P8 p. 29.
Tappe, A.; Lada, C.J.; Black, J.H. ; et al. (2008). Discovery of superthermal
hydroxyl (OH) in the HH 211 outflow. Astrophys. J. 680, p. L117-L120.
Zasenko, V.; Zagorodny, A.; Weiland, J. (2008). Particle Trapping and
Non-Resonant Interaction in a Problem of Stochastic Acceleration.
Ukrainian J. of Physics. 53 (5), p. 517-523. ISBN/ISSN: 0960-6068.
Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Swedish
National Facility for Radio Astronomy
Peer reviewed journal publications
Aalto, S. (2008). Chemistry in luminous AGN and starburst galaxies.
Astrophys. Space Sci. 313 (1-3), p. 273-278.
Baan, W.A.; Henkel, C. ; Loenen, … Wiklind, T. ; et al. (2008). Dense gas
in luminous infrared galaxies. Astron. Astrophys.. 477 (3), p. 747-U73.
Bonito, R.; Fridlund, C.W.M.; … Liseau, R. ; et al. (2008). The nearest
X-ray emitting protostellar jet (HH 154) observed with Hubble. Astron.
Astrophys. 484, p. 389.
Cavalié, T.; Billebaud, F.; Biver, N.; … Liseau, R.; et al. (2008).
Observation of water vapor in the stratosphere of Jupiter with the Odin
space telescope. Planetary and Space Science. 56 (12), p. 1573-1584.
Cockell, C.S.; Herbst, T.; Léger, A.; et al.(2008). Darwin – an Exp.
Astron. mission to search for extrasolar planets. Exp. Astron., http//dx.doi.
org/10.1007/s10686-008-9121-x. p. 46C.
Thompson, R.I.; Bechtold, J.; Eisenstein, D.; … Black, J.H.; et al.(2008).
A molecular probe of dark energy. Advances in Space Research. 42 (3),
p. 596-598.
van der Tak, F.F.S.; Aalto, S.; Meijerink, R. (2008). Detection of
extragalactic H3O+. Astron. Astrophys. 477, p. L5-L8.
Vassilev, V.; Meledin, D.; Lapkin, I.; Belitsky, V.; Nyström, O.; Henke,
D.; Pavolotsky, A.; Monje, R.l; Risacher, C.; Olberg, M.; Strandberg,
M.; Sundin, E.; Fredrixon, M.; Ferm, S.-E.; Desmaris, V.; Dochev, D.;
Pantaleev, M.; Bergman, P.; Olofsson, H. (2008). A Swedish heterodyne
facility instrument for the APEX telescope. Astron. Astrophys. 490 (3), p.
Wild, W.; Kardashev, N.S.; Likhachev, S.F.; ... Liseau, R.; Belitsky, V. ; et
al. (2008). Millimetron - a large Russian-European submillimeter space
observatory. Exp. Astron.,
p. 17W.
Winnberg, A.; Engels, D.; Brand, J.; et al. (2008). Water vapour masers
in long-period variable stars. 1. RX Bootis and SV Pegasi. Astron.
Astrophys. 482, p. 831-848.
Wyrowski, F.; Bergman, P.; Menten, K.; et al. (2008). APEX and ATCA
observations of the southern hot core G327.3-0.6 and its environs.
Astrophys. Space Sci. 313 (1-3), p. 69-72.
Yang, Y.; Li, G.; Romeo, A. (2008). A new smoothing algorithm and its
application in gravitational lensing. Acta Astronomica Sinica. 49, p. 359369.
Book chapters, conference papers, etc
Aalto, S. (2008). Chemistry in luminous AGN and starburst galaxies.
In Proc. of Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, eds. R.
Bachiller and J. Cernicharo, Madrid, 13-17 Nov 2006, Springer. p. 273278. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4020-6934-5.
Decin, L.; Hony, S.; de Koter, A.; Justtanont, K. ; et al. (2008). Probing
the Mass-Loss History of VY CMa. Mass Loss from Stars and the
Evolution of Stellar Clusters, In Proc. of Conf. in Lunteren May-June
2006, The Netherlands, eds. A. de Koter, L.J. Smith, L.B.F.M. Waters,
ASP Conf. Series, San Francisco. 388. p. 159.
Dochev, D.; Pavolotsky, A.; Belitsky, V.; Olofsson, H. (2008). Nb3Al
thin film deposition for low-noise terahertz electronics. J. of Physics :
Conf. Series. 97 (1). p. 012072.
Haas, R.; Elgered, G. (2008). The IVS Network Station Onsala Space
Observatory. Int. VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2007
Annual Report, eds. D. Behrend, K. Baver. NASA/TP-2008-214162. p.
Haas, R.; Hagström, M.; Gunnarsson, L.-G.; Johansson, K.-Å.;
Pantaleev, M.; Elgered, G. (2008). The IVS Technology Development
Center at the Onsala Space Observatory. Int. VLBI Service for Geodesy
and Astrometry 2007 Annual Report, eds. D. Behrend, K. Baver.
NASA/TP-2008-214162 p. 261-263.
Haas, R.; Scherneck, H-G.; Nilsson, T. (2008). The IVS Analysis Center
at the Onsala Space Observatory. Int. VLBI Service for Geodesy and
Astrometry 2007 Annual Report, eds. D. Behrend, K. Baver. NASA/TP2008-214162. p. 228-231.
Horellou, C.; Johansson, D. (2008). Sicken attans liten söt antenn!.
Populär Astronomi. 9 (4), p. 28-29.
Justtanont, K.; Liseau, R.; Larsson, B. (2008). Mapping the PAHs and
H2 in Oph A. In Proc. of Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong Feb.1822, 2008, IAU Symp. 251, eds. S. Kwok, S. Sandfjord, Cambridge
University Press. p. 227-228. ISBN/ISSN: 9780521889827.
Koning, N.; Kwok, S.; Bernath, P.; Hjalmarson, Å.; Olofsson, A.O.H.
(2008). Organic Molecules in the spectral line survey of Orion KL with
the Odin Satellite from 486-492 GHz and 541-577 GHz. In Proc. of
Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong Feb. 18-22, 2008, IAU Symp.
251, eds. S. Kwok, S. Sandfjord, Cambridge University Press . p. 2930. ISBN/ISSN: 9780521889827.
Kramer, C.; Aalto, S.; Simon, R. (2008). Foreword. Far-Infrared
Workshop 2007, EAS Publication Series, eds. C. Kramer, S. Aalto, R.
Simon, DOI:10.1051/eas:0831001. 31, p. III-III 3K.
Lapkin, I. ; Nyström, O. ; Desmaris, V.; Meledin, D.; Dochev, D.;
Vassilev, V., Strandberg, M.; Monje, R.; Henke, D.; Sundin, E.; Ferm,
S.-E.; Fredrixon, M.; Belitsky, V. (2008). Optics Design and Verification
for the APEX Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument (SHeFI). In Proc.
of The 19th Int. Symp. on Space Terahertz Technology, Groningen,
28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild, Space Research Organization of the
Netherlands (SRON), part I, p. 351-357.
Monje, R.; Aalto, S. (2008). Molecular Chemistry as Diagnostic tool for
Starbursts and AGN:s. The Molecular ISM of NGC 4418. Far-Infrared
Workshop 2007, EAS Publication Series, eds. C. Kramer, S. Aalto, R.
Simon, DOI:10.1051/eas:0831016. 31. p. 81-84.
Olofsson, H. (2008). The study of evolved stars with ALMA. In Proc. of
Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, eds. R. Bachiller and
J. Cernicharo, Madrid, 13-17 Nov. 2006, Springer. p. 201-207. ISBN/
ISSN: 978-1-4020-6934-5.
Pérez-Beaupuits, J.P.; Aalto, S.; Spaans, M.; et al. (2008). HNC
and HCN in Seyfert Galaxies. Far-Infrared Workshop 2007, EAS
Publication Series, eds. C. Kramer, S. Aalto, R. Simon, DOI:10.1051/
eas:0831043. 31, p. 195-196.
Persson, C.M. (2008). Molecular observations at high and low redshifts
with the Odin satellite. Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology.
Doctoral thesis. ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-7385-227-2.
Persson, C.M.; Encrenaz, P.; Hjalmarson, Å.; et al. (2008). From
Molecular Oxygen to Primordial Molecules with the Odin Satellite. In
Proc. of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conf. Series Frontiers of
Astronomy, NRAO 50th Anniversary Science Symp., eds. A. Bridle, J.
Condon and G. Hunt. 395, p. 378.
Ramstedt, S.; Schöier, F.L.; Olofsson, H. (2008). The physics and
chemistry of circumstellar envelopes of S-stars on the AGB. In Proc.
of Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong feb. 18-22, 2008, IAU Symp.
251, eds. S. Kwok, S. Sandfjord, Cambridge University Press. p. 167168. ISBN/ISSN: 9780521889827.
Romeo, A.; Agertz, O.; Moore, B.; et al. (2008). Reply to
Melotts Comment on Discreteness Effects in Lambda Cold Dark
Matter Simulations: A Wavelet-Statistical View by Romeo et al.
Schöier, F.L.; Olofsson, H. (2008). Probing chemical processes in
AGB stars. In Proc. of Organic matter in space, Hong Kong Feb. 1822, 2008, IAU Symp. 251, eds. S. Kwok, S. Sandfjord, Cambridge
University Press. p. 201-205. ISBN/ISSN: 9780521889827.
Tenenbaum, E.D.; Milam, S.N.; Apponi, A.J; … Schöier, F.L.; et al.
(2008). The 1 mm spectrum of VY Canis Majoris: Chemistry in an O-rich
envelope. In Proc. of Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong Feb. 1822, 2008, IAU Symp. 251, eds. S. Kwok, S. Sandfjord, Cambridge
University Press. p. 171-172. ISBN/ISSN: 9780521889827.
van der Tak, F.F.S.; Aalto, S.; Meijerink, R. (2008). Extragalactic H3O+:
Some Consequences. Far-Infrared Workshop 2007, EAS Publication
Series, eds. C. Kramer, S. Aalto, R. Simon, DOI:10.1051/eas:0831022.
31, p. 105-109.
Wirström, E.; Persson, C.M.; Hjalmarson, Å.; Black, J.H.; Bergman, P.;
et al. (2008). Observational constraints on the formation of interstellar
methanol. In Proc. of Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong Feb. 1822, 2008, IAU Symp. 251, eds. S. Kwok, S. Sandfjord, Cambridge
University Press. p. 143-144. ISBN/ISSN: 9780521889827.
Lundgren, A.A.; Olofsson, H.; Wiklind, T.; et al. (2008). Star Formation
and Molecular Gas in M83. Pathways Through an Eclectic Universe,
In Proc. of conf. April 2007 in Tenerife, Spain, Eds. J.H. Knapen, T.J.
Mahoney, A. Vazdekis, ASP Conf. Series, San Francisco. 390, p. 144.
Maercker, M.; Schöier, F.L.; Olofsson, H. (2008). Circumstellar
H2O in M-type AGB stars. In Proc. of Organic Matter in Space,
Hong Kong, Feb 18-22, 2008, IAU Symp. 251, eds. S. Kwok, S.
Sandford, Cambridge University Press . p. 163-164. ISBN/ISSN:
Meledin, D. ; Desmaris, V. ; Ferm, S-E.; Fredrixon, M.; Henke, D.;
Lapkin, I.; Nyström, O.; Pantaleev, M.; Pavolotsky, A.; Strandberg,
E.; Belitsky, V. (2008). APEX Band T2: A 1.25 ñ 1.39 THz Waveguide
Balanced HEB Receiver. In Proc. of The 19th Int. Symp. on Space
Terahertz Technology, Groningen, 28-30 April, 2008, ed. W. Wild,
Space Research Organization of the Netherlands (SRON), part I, p.
Facts and Figures
Foundation 1 %
First degree and
master’s studies 6 %
Income (SEK 1,000)
Research grants
Research, faculty funding
Chalmers foundation
Internal overhead, IT, etc.
First degree and master’s studies
Other 2 %
25 %
66 %
Travel 4 %
Used grants (SEK 1,000)
Fees ( APEX , JIVE, etc.)
External funding (SEK 1,000)
Swedish Research Council
European Community
Swedish National Space Board
Int. Organisations ESA, ESO, etc
Investments 3 %
expenses 11 %
Premises 8 %
56 %
Fees (APEX,
JIVE, etc)
IT, etc 11 %
ESA, ESO, etc 4 %
Others 4 %
Space Board
16 %
22 %
VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental
Agency for Innovation Systems)
Associate professors/University lecturers 12
Personnel (Dec 31)
Adjunct professors
Assistant professors
Post doc
Technical staff
Doctoral students
The Swedish
51 %
Post doc
Adjunct professors
Associate professors/
University lecturers
Assistant professors
Research engineers
Administrative staff
gård, on the island of His
on a day trip to Askesby Sör
On August 28 the staff
bers that were most creative
to find out which staff mem
We had a friendly
s in a dark dungeon.
s, such as finding potatoe
different team work activitie
met for a tour of the
w retired) staff members
On August 19 earlier (no
Obser vatory.
g lunch at the On
facilities including a lon
The GPS antenna at the Onsala Space
Observatory is one of the very best –
highest long term stability – geodetic
reference points in the world.
Department of Radio and Space Science
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Telephone: +46 31-772 1000