Farewell Letter - Nestucca Valley School District
Farewell Letter - Nestucca Valley School District
Jr Sr High School May 1st & 2nd May 21st Farewell Letter May 6th May 21st & 22nd from Mrs. Lenzi Spring Musical 7:00 p.m. “The Wizard of Oz” JCE Presentations 7:00 p.m. May 8th Community Prom 7:00 p.m. Kiwanda Comm. Center May 9th High School Prom 8:00-11:00 p.m. NJSHS gym May 13th Nestucca Bands Festival May 15th State HS Band May 15th & 16th District Track May 19th Jr. High Choir Festival May 21st MS Band Festival St. Helens Music Ala Carte NJSHS State Track Eugene May 27th Baccalaureate 7:00 p.m. at NJSHS May 28th 8th Grade Trip May 28th Senior Awards Night 7:00 p.m. at Kiwanda Comm Center May 29th NHS Graduation 7:00 p.m. at NJSHS June 1st 8th Grade Promotion 7:00 p.m. at NJSHS June 4th Last Day of School Release at 1:00 p.m. To current and past NHS staff, students, and community members, After graduating from Nestucca High School in 1971, I returned in 1975 as a bright-eyed, 22 year old college graduate, ready to make a positive difference in the world. It is difficult to believe that it is now forty years later, and I am now teaching my third generation of students. (Former students from early on in my career will be glad to know that I have mellowed a bit over the years.) I have seen many changes in forty years, but one thing remains constant: people’s needs. People of all ages need to feel loved, appreciated, respected and significant. Fads come and go, technological advances increase, the media barrage is NHS Graduation May 29th at 7:00 p.m. May/June, 2015 Nestucca (Continued on Page 2) Farewell Letter (cont.) growing stronger, but our basic needs still remain the same. I encourage all of us to slow down and really seek to find the real person behind the face. Whether the face belongs to our children, our students, our colleagues, our family, our friends, or members of our community. We are all going through stages of our lives and we need to take time to encourage one another along the journey. Many years ago, former superintendent-principal Jim Brown once said, “Our product is people.” He was absolutely right. Our product is people. We help to grow children to adults, and we help to grow adults to be better versions of themselves. It has been a pleasure to see our little people enter our elementary school and later, as young adults, receive their high school diplomas on our NHS stage. As they enter the “real world,” together, we hope that we have given them the right tools to be successful, contributing members of society. They get married, have children, and the process repeats. It truly does take a village to raise a child. As adults, we need to keep our communication lines open and our student’s needs first and foremost, to encourage their positive growth. I am grateful to have worked with such knowledgeable and caring staff members over the years. It has been a privilege to work with each of you. I am proud of our students. If you have been in any of my classes or on one of my teams, you are forever one of my “kids.” One of my great joys is to have former students update me on their lives and introduce me to their families. Please continue to do so! Warning: You will still see my face around here, as I plan to occasionally substitute teach as well as teach First-Aid/CPR classes and Driver Education classes. I bleed orange and black, and will continue to always support our Bobcats. Senior Happenings: Week of May 25th) Final exams Wednesday) May 27th) Baccalaureate at 7 p.m. in the gym-guest speakers Pastor Josh Gard from Beaver Community Church Thursday)May 28th) Senior Awards Night from 7-9 p.m. at Kiawanda Community Center Friday) May 29th) 8:10 a.m. Sr. Breakfast in the cafeteria 8:45 a.m. GRADUATION REHEARSAL in gym--Senior attendance at rehearsal is MANDATORY--caps and gowns are required at rehearsal 10 a.m. Senior Group/Individual pictures--final checkout with Debi before they leave campus 6 p.m. Senior check-in 7 p.m. Graduation Ceremony Immediately after ceremony--seniors leave for parent sponsored SAFE Graduation Party Thank you, for making my time here, so enjoyable. My best to you always, Mrs. Lenzi (aka Miss Bones) A Great Big Thank You! The Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS) committee would like to thank the owners of Cape Kiwanda RV Resort & Marketplace, Marty and Terri Johnston, for their support. As a part of our incentives program, they have generously offered a FREE Small Pizza & Drink Award Certificate to students who have earned 15 PRIDE Bucks here at Nestucca Jr/Sr High School. THANK YOU, Marty & Terri!! 2 What’s New: Nestucca’s WOW Club W.O.W. Wonders of the World. The Nestucca Club gives students the opportunity to do (volunteer) activities in a group with other students. All activities are organized by students with the help of Advisor Terri Lalor and Advisor Nicole Huth. Leadership development is a benefit for many students who take on more responsibilities with the Club. Leadership positions include: President Crystal Langley, Vice President Daisie Dixson and Secretrary-Treasurer Dakota Logan. Participants attend monthly lunch meetings, and participate in one club activity bi-monthly. Currently the club participants with: public relations, PEERFection (collecting clothing for students and South County famililes,) Upkeep Peer-Fection Thrift Store, greeting Substitute bus drivers are needed, with a starting wage of $14.13 per hour. These drivers are needed quite often, so this is fairly steady work. If you are interested in finding out more information, please contact Jerry Boisa at (503) 392-3194 x131. cards (students photograph and create cards for all occasions 3/$5.00) and Fundraising (various fundraising activities and work in a group.) Our mission statement is: Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success. ~Henry Ford Girls Youth Basketball Camp All girls entering grades 1-8 are invited to attend the Lady Bobcats basketball camp June 8th-11th. Camp will take place at the high school from 10am-Noon beginning Monday June 8th and will run until Thursday June 11th. Camp will be led by Coach Foster and members of the girls varsity basketball team. Cost is $20 and each camper will receive a tshirt. If you have any questions please contact Coach Foster at timf@nestucc.k12.or.us or 503-3923194 ext. 210. Forms will be sent Monday Monday Music Music Club Club Performances Performances Morgan Kirkpatrick and Cameron Weger, private voice students of Kathleen Serven of Nestucca Jr/Sr. High, performed vocal solos at the recent Monday Music Club Freshman/Sophomore Recital. They both sang beautifully and with professional decorum. The Monday Musical Club of Tillamook (MMCT) was formed on October 10, 1920 when Mrs. Edwin E. Koch, a music teacher, invited a group of ladies to her home for the purpose of studying the "history of music. The formal organization of the Monday Musical Club of Tillamook didn't occur until two years later in 1922. The initial 12 ladies of the MMCT grew and changed over the years, but the biggest change came in 1994 when they took on the challenge of bringing the Oregon Symphony to Tillamook County. (Info taken from their website.) Kirkpatrick and Weger look forward to being old enough to perform at the Junior/Senior MMC Recital, which offers monetary awards for students of high calibre. 3 Speech Team The Speech Team finished off their long season represented by five team members at the State Championships at Western Oregon University in Monmouth on April 24-25. Marie Krueger and Tiarra Thompson both comState Speech Team: L to R: Coach David Schaefer, team mom peted in Prose, and Isaak Welch Maggie Mick (alternate to state), 2014-2015 captain Marie Krueger (prose), 2015-2016 captain Tiarra Thompson (prose), and Chelsea Wallace compet- Isaak Welch (congress) and Chelsea Wallace (congress). ed in Congress Debate. Maggie Mick was an alternate in Prose, and also highlighted by Marie Krueger winning an alternate in Public Forum Debate, in Prose Sam Barlow, Tiarra Thompson along with her partner in the event, winning in Prose at Oktoberfest, Maggie Mick winning in Humorous Interp. Isaak Welch. at Oktoberfest and Susannah Floyd This was a very successful season for winning in Dramatic Interp. at Wilson. Speech, with huge gains in confidence and ability throughout the team. Again Some of the unexpected highlights of operating on the very flexible participathe season included Adrian Perez ention rules that have opened up Speech tertaining everyone who competed at to a wider segment of the student body, District with a very funny After Dinner there were a total of 25 students who Speech during the awards ceremony, participated on the team either all seaand Chelsea Wallace and Isaak Welch representing the entire District in the son or at least some portion of it. very demanding Congress Debate event The team as a whole competed in nine at the State tournament. tournaments and District this season. And in addition, Marie Krueger and TiarThe team will be losing four seniors – ra Thompson also competed in the very Nathan Hirsch, Chelsea Wallace, Magtough 2-day Pacific University tournagie Mick and Marie Krueger. ment, where Marie captured 2nd Place Maggie has done an outstanding job as and Tiarra was a semi-finalist in Prose. team Den Mother to the freshmen and Both girls plan on attending Pacific in the novices for the past two years, and will future, and utilized their free time at the be going on to compete on a Speech tournament to meet with coaches and scholarship for Mt. Hood Community members of Pacific’s Speech team, and College next year. There she will be as a campus visitation opportunity. joining former Nestucca Speechie, JenNumerous team members placed in ny Sewell, who also is competing on a tournaments throughout the season, Speech scholarship for the Mt. Hood team. 4 Last Day to Charge Lunches: May 20, 2015 Oregon Food Bank The Oregon Food Bank will have it’s mobile food bank distribution at Nestucca Junior Senior High School on the following dates: ♦ Friday, June 12th, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ♦ Friday, July 17th, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ♦ Friday, August 14th, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Marie Krueger has also done an outstanding job leading the team as both Captain and Student Coach for the past two years, and will be going on to compete on a Speech scholarship for Pacific University next year. Tiarra Thompson will be stepping up into Marie’s position as team Captain for the next two seasons. As we head into the summer break, team members are already searching for new material for next season. Mrs. Groves 7/8 grade Tech 7/8 Grade Media We are enjoying all the wonderful options in Google Earth. We have explored the oceans, the sky plus had an opportunity to visit every country on earth. Assignments range from visiting the rainforest to identify the latest in new animal discoveries to identifying the oceans of the world. Students enjoy the ability to look at our school over time and watch the building of the new high school and the demise of the old building. Computer Applications We are just completing our section on employment with a look at body language and how it can benefit you on the job. Learning to read people is a learned skill so we are identifying some of the most common behaviors and how it applies to getting along in the work place. Mrs. Elder English 12: Students are reading Fallen Angels, a contemporary novel by Walter Dean Myers that takes place in Vietnam during the war there in the 1970's. We are discussing the novel using the literary terms we have studied this year and will be writing a final essay related to the themes from this book. Students are still working toward completing passing writing samples as well. AP English Literature and Composition: This class has been working their way through “the poetic revolution” of Whitman and Dickinson and into the “new poetics” of Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost and others. We have also been preparing for the AP Exam, which is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6 at 8:00 a.m. in the TBCC building. 5 Keyboarding is big in tech right now. We have evaluated those who have been working hard on their keyboarding skills and those that don’t challenge themselves. We are beginning to push to the next level in speed and accuracy. Next week we will begin a big project. In addition to the keyboarding, students will have the ability to create a number of documents in Publisher or Word for their own rock band. Students will learn many skills concerning a variety of software to accomplish the goals of the project. Yearbook/Publishing We have a huge deadline approaching at the first of the month of May and this requires constant review of pages, adjustments and reviewing again and again. Not very glamorous of essential for a great product in the end. The 2014-15 yearbook will be a very special keepsake so get your copy set aside now before we are sold out. English 11: Students have read the first couple of chapters of The Great Gatsby, but have been interrupted by the mandated state testing. We are keeping our fingers crossed that everyone is doing their best each day toward completing this assessment of essential skills and the common core of knowledge. Beginning Monday, May 4, English 11 students will be back in the classroom finishing up this novel. Following Gatsby, students will have an independent novel of choice to read for the end of the year from a selection I will provide. the letter responses from the Spanish 2 students and trying to guess who they are. In such a small school, the secrets don’t usually last too long! Spanish 2: We have also composed our first pen pal letters to the Spanish 1 students. We are reading our book about the history of Mexico, which has been great reinforcement of internalizing the preterite and imperfect verb conjugations. Coming up, the students will have a final project for the end of the year that will tie all their skills together in a product showing their speaking, reading, and writing abilities. Spanish 1: Spanish 3: These students continue to read their novelette called Enrique y Maria and have written a pen pal letter to the Spanish 2 students. The identity of their pen pals is a mystery, so they will have fun reading In this class we are working on reading a series of short novels in Spanish to help achieve fluidity and reinforce all the tenses they have learned this year. We will also place heavy emphasis on speaking skills to round out our year. Mrs. Serven General Announcements: ♦ Calendar change: MAKE A NOTE! Due to the NHS Band going to STATE this year, our concert date for the Nestucca Valley Bands Festival has been changed from May 14 to May 13 at 7pm. This applies to all band students, grades 5 through 12. ♦ NHS Band parents, you’re invited to come hear us perform at STATE on May 15th, at OSU. The 1A/2A Band State Performances will be the morning hours of May 15th in the LaSells Stewart Center at: 875 SW 26th St, Corvallis, OR 97333. We won’t know our exact performance time until after April 29th, so we will send that info home with students after that date. ♦ NHS Choir students from both the junior high and senior high groups are priming for the production of our spring musical, Wizard of Oz! Make sure you call for reserved seating: 503-3923435, ext 305. It takes place Friday and Saturday at the Nestucca gymnasium at 7pm on May 1 and May 2. ♦ Community members and band parents: Come to the annual Community Prom on May 8th from 7-9pm at the Kiawanda Community Center! Dress up and come try out the wooden dance floor at KCC or sit on the side and enjoy the old time jazz and dance music! We are preparing songs from the ‘20s and ‘30s on up through the ‘50s and ‘60s! English 9: Freshman students have finished the 6 novel, The Light in the Forest. They are now reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and are working on creating films of different scenes from the play. Students recently wrote letters home to parents about their quarter 3 grades, to practice communication skills and letter-writing skills. Lexile tests were taken in April, and most student scores went up. Great job on improving those reading levels, students! We also looked at comparative data on 125 “Root Words” students learned throughout the year, and those numbers all improved drastically. The goal is that this knowledge will greatly help students understand unfamiliar vocabulary words they come across in their education and life. Junior High Choir: We attended our first festival at Delphian and it went well! Fifteen of our 20 students had good enough grades to attend the festival. They had an enjoyable day of hearing 11 other choir perform, two of them being brand new choirs like ours! At the end of the festival, all students performed a “mass” (group) song all together. It was great to hear over 100 junior high choral voices working together to create music! Several junior high choir students are also performing in Wizard of Oz on May 1 and 2. Come watch the entertainment! (See calendar note regarding how to reserve seats!) ♦ Congrats to Cameron Weger, as she performed at the Freshman/Sophomore Recital in Tillamook at the Nazarene Church in April. (Yes, they gave her a variance to perform there as an 8th grader.) –She stunned the audience with her vocally-mature performance of two classical pieces, one of them being in Italian. Way to go, Cameron! Cameron will perform these pieces again for the MS Solo/Ensemble Contest, held at Scappoose HS on May 16th. ♦ Mark your calendars for our next junior high choir festival, which will be at Forest Grove High School on May 19th! We hope all our students have high enough grades to be eligible to attend! HS Choir: Come see us put on Wizard of Oz this year on May 1 and 2 at 7pm! If the newsletter reaches home in time, there is also a matinee performance available to folks at 11 am on Wednesday, April 29th. See the calendar note on how to reserve tickets ahead of time. Students have been rehearsing long hours to bring you this classic musical! **Congrats to Morgan Kirkpatrick, who sang beautifully at the Freshman/ Sophomore Recital in Tillamook, put on by the Monday Music Club. She sang two classic pieces, one being contemporary, and the other being from the classical period. **Choir students: remember that our PHANTOM OF THE OPERA trip is on May 22nd! We will leave school at 2pm that day, head to Portland for dinner, followed by the show at the Keller Auditorium. HS Band: CONGRATS ON MAKING NESTUCCA BOBCAT BAND HISTORY AND QUALIFYING FOR STATE!!!!!!!!!!! Our festival, held on April 10th (the Roarin’ 20s Prom first NW League Band Festival), was hosted by Nestucca, and it went very well. Nine bands performed here in our gymnasium, and Nestucca High Band scored the highest, receiving excellent comments from the judges. Our state performance will be on May 15th at the LaSells Stewart Center at OSU. Exact time is TBA. Parents and community are welcome to attend! Parents and Community Members: You’re also invited to attend our Community Prom, which is on May 8th from 7-9pm and is put on by the HS Band. We are stretching ourselves to learn 25+ songs for this event, PLUS prepare for our state performance!!! Please come and support the kids! Junior High Band: Nestucca Junior High Band went to District III Band Festival on April 21, and did well! The students agree it wasn't quite their "best" performance, due to a couple little glitches, but even with those, it was quite good, overall. Given that, their performance was better than last year-way to grow and improve! We placed 4th amongst 10 quality bands. We shared the stage with Scappoose, St Helens, Astoria, Warrenton, Jewell, Amity, Sheridan, Forest Grove, and Seaside middle schools. We enjoyed getting to hear other bands play, and to share our music as well. We look forward to the festival at St Helens in May, exactly a (May 21st) month away. We hope ALL the students have good enough grades to attend! 7 PROM will be held on Saturday, May 9th, from 8pm-11pm in the high school gym. There will be a DJ, refreshments, and chances to win raffle prizes! The boy and girl who come dressed in the most "1920's style" will win a prize as well. Come and join the party of the year! Last Day of School The last day of school for students will be Thursday, June 4. Again this year, it will be a shortened day. We will be dismissing students at 1:00 p.m. Students will eat lunch at school, but instead of remaining in school until 3:07 p.m. buses will load students at 1:00 p.m. and deliver them home early. Students should arrive to their regular bus stops approximately 2 hours early. I hope everyone has a great summer vacation! Junior High End of the Year The last few days of school are going to be very busy for junior high students. The 8th grade promotion ceremony will be June 1 at 7:00 p.m. here at the high school. Students are not required to wear formal attire for the ceremony. We only ask that they dress nicely. All students need to bring in or email three pictures for the slide show. One should be baby/younger, one middle years, and then a current pic. Email pictures to torik@nestucca.k12.or.us. The last day of school for 8th grade students is June 1, unless the student needs to remain at school in order to complete school work needed to pass classes. The 8th grade field trip to Bullwinkle's is scheduled for May 28th. We will leave the high school at 9:00 a.m. and return by 5:00 p.m. The cost for the trip is $25.00 per person and is contingent upon grades. Students who are not passing English, science, history, and math will not be allowed to attend the trip and will be expected to remain at school. Incoming Jr. High After the 8th graders are promoted, we will focus on the new junior high students! 6th grade move up day will be June 2nd. Students will come to the junior high for a tour and orientation with the 7th grade students. Finally, 6th and 7th graders will go to Camp Winema for their end of the year celebration and getting acquainted time on Wednesday, June 3. The cost is $5.00 per student. 8 9 10 11 12
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