See you at the MODOC DISTRICT FAIR A Modoc Tradition Since 1920 AUGUST 18 - 21 ~ CEDARVILLE, CA THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Vol. 125, No. 12 Alturas, California August 18, 2016 Modoc Fair opens today! By Nicole Hinton It’s official: the 96th annual Modoc District Fair has begun and will run throughout the weekend, crowned by Sunday’s parade and Junior Rodeo. Honored this year, as the parade grand marshals are the “Calendar Guys – Gentlemen Of A Certain Age.” The gentlemen featured in the calendar are Edward “Ed” Berryessa, Frank Arreche, Dale Goodwin, John Keller, Clevon Dixon, Ralph DeGarmo, Harold Harris, Joseph “Joe” Harris, William “Bill” Heryford, Robert “Bob” Cockrell, James “Jim” Cockrell, Doug Bucher, Don Rosendahl, Robert “Bob” Staton and Dale Steward. These colorful characters are all larger than life to those who have the pleasure of knowing them and the stories featured in the Surprise Valley Education Foundation’s calendar are sure to share their rich histories. The calendar is expected for release this fall, with the proceeds benefiting children of Surprise Valley. Admission is free for the entire fair run and everyday offers a wide variety of family fun. The Midway is packed with entertainment for all ages and the Modoc Heritage Foundation has made sure that all events are either completely free or low-cost. Today, August 18 begins with the Junior Horse Show at 8 a.m. when youth compete for top prizes in gymkhana and saddle mount classes. During the day, exhibitors can be seen checkingin arts, crafts, vegetables, flowers and displays. The Midway will offer traditional fair cuisine, cold drinks and sweet treats. The Surprise Valley Chamber of Commerce holds its Basque Barbecue at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $14 for adults, kids $9 and those under four, eat for free. And tonight the Mark Walgenbach Memorial Sheep Dog Trials begin at 6:30 p.m. On Friday, the Midway officially see Fair, page 4 Mutton bustin’ . . . WHEN YOUNG Harlyn Hinton was told she couldn’t participate in a recent Mutton Bustin contest, because she was too young and too small, it just didn’t sit well with the almost three-year old. She was all dressed up in pink and ready for the rodeo. In protest, she dropped her purse on the ground and stormed away, but not before mom, Nicole Hinton, snapped this moment of history. She may make another effort at the Mutton Bustin’ on Sunday at the Fair Junior Rodeo, but probably still isn’t old enough. Truck causes Internet, phone service loss Last Wednesday about 1 p.m. Internet and phone service went down to large parts of Modoc County because of an accident. According to Gary Tavis, Frontier Communications Area Manager for Northern California, a large truck hit a utility power pole in Bieber, causing a power outage and a temporary disruption of telecommunications services to about 2,000 Frontier customers in Modoc County, and parts of Lassen County. He said Frontier engineers and technicians responded immediately, but for safety reasons were required to stand by until electric utility workers completed their repairs. Frontier worked cooperatively with local safety officials and rerouted 911 emergency services. After electric lines were repaired and Frontier could safely access the work area, Frontier crews worked diligently repairing fiber optic cable to restore service to 90 percent of the affected area by 6:50 p.m. Service was restored to the remaining affected area by 10:45 p.m. “When there are unfortunate situations such as this that cause outages to our network, Frontier is ready and committed to restoring service as soon as safely possible,” said Tavis. “Frontier is in the process of completing system upgrades to provide redundancy to our 911 and long distance services in Modoc County. The project is expected to be completed this year. The safety of our employees and the communities we serve is a top priority and Frontier Communications remains confident in its ability to keep customers connected.” Modoc-Washoe Experimental Stewardship Steering Committee meets Aug. 25 in SV Members of the Modoc-Washoe Experimental Stewardship Steering Committee will discuss a wide range of rangeland resource conservation topics, when they meet Thursday, Aug. 25, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the Bureau of Land Management Surprise Field Station, 602 Cressler St., Cedarville. The meeting is open to the public. Morning agenda items include updates on the Modoc National Forest’s Lassen 15 and Lassen Grazing programs, a report on Cooperative Extension research and status reports from member agencies. Afternoon topics include a report on wild horse management, discussion about targeted cheat grass grazing in the Coleman Fire burned area, a BLM response to a technical review team study of degraded sagebrush areas, and a discussion about BLM wilderness study areas. The committee will accept public comments at 1:30 p.m. Those unable to attend in person can participate via conference telephone. The dial-in number is 888395-5718, and the passcode is 60853. The line will be available for the duration of the meeting. The Modoc-Washoe group is part of the national Experimental Stewardship Program, created by Congress in the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978. The program encourages rangeland management innovation and incentives for improving conditions on public see Meeting, page 4 50 Cents 20 Pages BV ambulance spawns bigger idea for area What started out as a fairly simple idea of bringing an advanced life support ambulance back to the Big Valley area may turn into something that goes farther and much bigger and better than expected. It could also encompass much of the northeast corner of the state. Negotiations are currently underway between the Big Valley Southern Cascades Community Service District, the Sierra Emergency Medical Services Alliance (SEMSA), Mayers Memorial Hospital, Modoc Medical Center and the Burney Fire Protection District, to provide emergency medical service along the State Route 299 corridor between Burney and Alturas. According to Clinton Davis, the President of the Southern Cascade Community Service District, those negotiations are going very well and may be coming to fruition in the not too distant future. The District was approved by voters in Big Valley in an election May 3. A new Board of Directors for the District includes John Gordon, Earle Campbell, Davis, Robert Fisher, Jean Ludwigsen and Kathy Peterson, who were recently seated. SEMSA is a non-profit company that operates the ambulance service in Lassen County, owns RIGGS Ambulance Service in Merced County and manages the West Side Community Health Care District in Stanislaus County. It also provides ancilliary services in support of other ambulance services throughout Central California. The proposal under negotiation would create a new coalition between the above entities with the emergency medical portion managed by SEMSA with preferred provider status. SEMSA currently runs a large EMS business covering about two-thirds of Lassen County, including Susanville and has recently taken over an ambulance service in Merced County. It includes both air and ground ambulance service. The company is currently based out of Reno, with Patrick Smith as the Chief Executive Officer and Mike Williams as the Chief Operating Officer. Williams attended some of the Big Valley town hall meetings during the campaign to pass the ambulance and clarified that just having helicopter coverage was not enough. Dan Bouse, who was also a supporter in the passage of the District, explains that what the proposal would do, if adopted and eventually approved, is far beyond what anyone thought possible four months ago. A big step in the process was the District representatives going to the Big Valley Joint Unified School District Board meeting Wednesday to start a process of possibly obtaining the use of the Adin Primary School Campus. That school site has been out of operation for a few years. The plan for making it active is extensive and exciting, said Davis. The idea in the works would be to house a SEMSA helicopter at the site, as well as ground am see SEMSA, page 3 School Boards may be appointed The races for school trustees in Modoc County were set as of Wednesday at 5 p.m. The closing date for incumbents to file was August 12, and if they did not, the date was extended to August 17. The Modoc Joint Unified School District had three seats open, those of Alan Hopkins, Fernand Larranaga, and Don Mason. All three have filed for reelection and no challengers filed. In the Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District, Mike Ray has filed for re-election in the Cedarville area, while Bill Bostic and Ruth Still chose to retire. In the Eagleville Trustee Area, Kay K. Antunez de Mayolo filed, and for the Lake City Trustee Area, Elisa Robertson has filed. Both incumbents have filed for the County Office of Education: Trustee Area One, James M. Harris and Trustee Area Four, Charles “Jim” Hays. In the Tulelake Basin Joint Unified School District Trustee Area One, Incumbent Paulette Ve see Schools, page 3 Page 2 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 Off The RecoRd LeTTeRs To The ediToR By Rick Holloway, Editor Notes. . . The Modoc District Fair opens today and runs through Sunday. It is a bit different than in the past and took a ton of volunteer effort and donations to produce the event. I suspect the Fair will be supported by the public and the public should be pleased with the quality of the events and the overall nature of this Fair. It’s not going to have the carnival, but that had been downsizing for years anyway. There will be some of the midway fun booths and trailers offering Fair fare. So take some time to take in the Fair and reward the volunteers’ effort to even get the event opened. A few months ago there was no guarantee that we would even have a Fair. And just how this one goes could foretell whether we will have another. The prices for the Fair have been lowered and entry is free so it won’t be cost prohibitive to take the family for some fun. From what I see, the effort to bring quality events to the Fair has been successful and it could be just the type of County Fair we can all support. Next week, we’ll publish a list of who volunteered and helped put this community event together. It’s impressive. Last Wednesday, Modoc suffered through another Internet fail caused by a contractor knocking down a power pole in the Bieber area. It causes a major business impact, because a lot of transactions take place using the Internet. You were okay if you went shopping and had cash, but otherwise you were out of luck. We had one person call to ask where they could get gas as they passed through town on empty. Look, when the Internet goes down, it really puts people, business and government in a bind. There needs to be a redundancy that would kick in if one set of lines go down. One accident should not shut down the entire area. For us, the issue just becomes more stressful and a problem with production of the newspaper. What’s “funny” is the Net has gone down totally three times in the recent past and each of those times was on a Wednesday, our production day. We now send the pages to the printer electronically, so that becomes no longer available. In those cases, we have to get the paper done earlier, put the pages on a CD or Thumb drive and have the driver take it to Klamath Falls. It creates a series of unfortunate circumstances, not to mention stress. Now, I’m not really a conspiracy type person, but if it happens on a Wednesday again, I might be moving in that direction. My request to contractors, truckers and hay haulers, and for all the other businesses in Modoc, is to look up and find those lines before you take them out. Having the power to shut down the entire Internet and business is serious. Besides that, I’m getting too old to handle the extra stress you’re causing. Have a great week. The Modoc County RecoRd Alturas Plaindealer-Times, Surprise Valley Record Court Decree No. 6356, Modoc Superior Court July 7, 1958 The Modoc County Record (PUB No. 358-160) is a newspaper of general circulation as defined by statutes of the State of California and is published weekly, each Thursday morning in Alturas, Ca. Periodical postage paid at Alturas, Ca. and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions mailed within Modoc, Lassen or Siskiyou counties, and New Pine Creek, Or., $25; elsewhere, $30. Single issue: .50 cents, including sales tax. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, California, 96101, Copyright: The entire content of the Modoc County Record, print and online, is copyrighted. Any republishing, broadcast, rewriting, in whole or in part, without express written permission is prohibited. Publishers Richard R. and Jane S. Holloway Rick Holloway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nancy Richardson . . Accounts, Legals Nicole Hinton . . . . . . . . .Advertising Manager/ Webmaster Jamie Hoover . . . . . . Advertising Sales Jennifer Werner . . . . . . . . . . Classifieds The Modoc County Record is privately owned. 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas, Ca. 96101 PHONE (530) 233-2632 FAX: (530) 233-5113 Internet: E-mail: Proud members of: California Press Association It’s nice to be home! Dear Editor: I recently returned from a lengthy medical experience up in Bend, Oregon. What will always remain in my memory is the incredible kindness and devotion I received by a variety of different people up there, and most importantly the PRAYER and well wishing from so many right here in Modoc County. Zelma and I are very grateful for all the blessings. THANK YOU! Dave Allan District 1 Support MH sports Dear Editor: Modoc High school fall sports are underway. JV and Varsity Football started practicing August 8. They will scrimmage Burney at home on Aug. 19. Their first game is going to be at home Aug. 26. Soccer, Volleyball and Cross Country started practice the week of Aug. 15. Volleyball first game is August 27 in Durham. Soccer starts with a scrimmage at home against Chester on Sept. 1, and Cross Country’s first meet is in Vacaville on Sept. 3. Please come out and support our athletes, especially at their home games. It is always exciting to see the stands packed full of hometown Braves spirit! Not to mention all the gate entry fees go to support the high school’s athletic program. So every time you attend one of their home games, you are not only supporting them mentally, you are supporting them monetarily too! Our High school athletes would like to thank our community for supporting their athletic programs. Our athletes, the school administration, and the boosters club are working on a plan as to how our student athletes can give back to the community that gives so generously to them. Throughout the year, you will see our student athletes among the community, giving back to those who give to them. Until then, let’s get out and root them on. Let’s pack the stands and remind everyone who we are. We are the Braves! Let’s go Modoc! --The Modoc High School Athletic Boosters Club Violence, cowards Dear Editor: This letter may be an exercise in futility because the people to whom it is directed may not know how to read, much less read the newspaper. There is a new activity in this community, in which the citizens need to be made aware. The activity is called “Modoc Jumping,” which consists of several people from the XL Rancheria jumping one person. This behavior is cowardly, illegal, and disgusting. My grandson, who is also Native American, and a war veteran was Modoc jumped the other night and beaten rather badly. He was sitting on a couch when he was jumped from behind, and never given a chance to stand up and defend himself. He was taken to the hospital and is still unable to see out of his left eye. My grandson proudly served in the U.S. Army for over seven years and fought in Iraq for 15 months. While in Iraq, he served as Military Police, trained Iraqi soldiers, and came under fire by guns, mortars, and IEDs. What the hell have you Modoc jumpers done with your pathetic lives? Have you ever stood up for your country or fellow American? Have you ever fought for freedom and justice? I sincerely hope justice is done in this case because Modoc or otherwise “jumping” is not just cowardly but illegal. I have notified the local police and hopefully they will be able to do something about this because this is not the first incident, nor will it be the last. Every time these cowards are rewarded by getting away with this activity, it guarantees it happening again. I understand being fearful of reporting this cowardly crime, for fear of a reoccurrence, but when you do not inform the police, there is a greater chance of a re-occurrence or someone else being beaten. I implore all of the people who have been jumped to come forward and notify the Alturas Police Department or Sheriff Office as they want to hear from you. And, to you cowardly bastards that are committing this crime, I hope you end up in prison because you are not fit for civilized society. Kathy Woolley, M.A. Snoqualmie Tribe Elder Direction is our choice Dear Editor: It’s trip-planning time in American, as voters choose their ticket on the Ship of State, in the form of a new Administration. Whichever ticket is selected, the Ship will sail over an “Endless Sea” -the long-time definition of Politics. Whichever ticket is chosen for our voyage on that tumultuous sea, a Captain is needed. The important question is: which Captain of the Ship are tasked with indicating what the voyage will include under their leadership. One of them says the ship is already headed the right way and the other says its course needs to be changed. Who do you choose to believe? The difference this time are very clear and a logical choice should be possible on the basis of what each of the aspiring Captains plans for America over the next four years. People, who listen carefully to the charts mapped by the candidates and then analyze their effects, should be able to make an “informed decision” instead of one based on other people’s opinions. No matter who those other people are, a voter’s decision should be his/ her own. By making an informed judgment and then voting responsibly, all of on board this Ship of State can take a hand either in changing its course or sending it onward in its present direction. Sincerely, Dodie McGough Alturas Where to write Modoc County Supervisor – District 1 Dave Allan (530) 279-2172 District 2 Patricia Cullins (530) 640-0080 District 3 Kathie Rhoads, 530-233-6201 District 4 Jim Wills 530-640-1963 jimwills@ District 5 Geri Byrne 541-891-7518 geribyrne@ State of California Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr. c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 4452841 Fax: (916) 5583160 Fresno Office 2550 Mariposa Mall #3013 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 559445-5295 Fax: 559-4455328 Los Angeles Office 300 South Spring Street Suite 16701 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone: 213-8970322 Fax: 213-897-0319 State Senator District 1 Senator Ted Gaines State Capitol, Room 3056 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 6514001 Fax: (916) 324-2680 1900 Churn Creek Road, Suite 204, Redding, Ca. 96002, Phone 530-2247001, FAX 530-224-7005. 4359 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 112 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Phone: (916) 933-7213 Fax: (916) 933-7234 33 C Broadway, Jackson CA 95642; (209) 223-9140 State Assembly District 1 Brian Dahle State Capitol PO Box 942849 Room 22174 Sacramento, CA 94249 Redding Office 280 Hemsted Drive, # 110 Redding, CA 96002 (530) 2236300 (530) 223-6737 fax Senator Barbara Boxer SH-112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3553 1130 O Street, Suite 2450 Fresno, California 93721 (559) 497-5109 Senator Dianne Feinstein SH-331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3841 1130 O Street, Suite 2446 Fresno, California 93721 (559) 485-9689 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Looking Back 108 Years Ago - 1908 THE ONLY moving pictures ever taken of the Navy Fleet will be shown Saturday night by Carl Schuman at the town hall. There are still many people in this area who have never seen a moving picture and we can say that this one is truly worth the time…Plans are in the making to replace the old bridge across the Pit River at Lookout. Citizens there are anxious that this be done and in some measure to erase some recent memories of the Lookout hanging seven years ago…Hunters are out in droves these days and all are returning to Alturas with huge winter supplies of venison and antelope…The Native Sons Ball will feature the music of O. R. Finch and his orchestra…Forest Ranger D. E. Payne came down from the Shields Creek Ranger Station and reports that the forest is so dry that it is highly dangerous to go camping at this time. He also noted that the woods are alive with big game hunters… 98 Years Ago - 1918 THE TEACHERS selected for the coming term of the Alturas Grammar School are: T. F. Wilbur, principal; Miss Catherine Gloster, vice principal; Miss Dorothy Gloster, Mrs. Wimberly, Miss Margaret Spencer and Miss Myrtle Nave...The Leonard Baths was a gay place Saturday when several machine loads of people went to attend Lake City’s Red Cross Days. About $400 was raised for the cause…Six hundred and forty acres of land at the Duncan Horse Camp sold for a staggering $1,600 this week…A high temperature of 91 and a low of 31 was recorded in Alturas this past week. 78 Years Ago - 1938 THIRTY-EIGHT schools are braced for opening day in Modoc with a staff of 80 teachers and 1,650 students enrolled…The City Council is making plans for a permanent bridge across Fisher Pond in Alturas (Estes Street). The council has also launched an all-out campaign to get residents to tear down eyesore shacks on their property. The Modoc Union High School will vote Sept. 12 to decide whether they want to float bonds in the amount of $93,000 to build a new high school… 53 Years Ago - 1963 THE CITY of Alturas is expected to lower its tax rate from $1.50 to $1.40….Student driving at Surprise Valley High School during noon hours has been suspended…Chet Markley will replace Paul Steele as manager of the Modoc Refuge…Cecil Pierce and John Robinson have been named by the University of California as Farm Advisors of Modoc County… August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 3 Court activity *We would like to remind the public that all persons charged with crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.* August 16, 2016 Arraignments Carla Conner was arraigned on misdemeanor violations of Penal Code section 240, assault, and 242, battery. Joe Torres failed to appear on two matters. Bench warrants were issued in an amount totaling $7,000. Jordan Bechen was arraigned on misdemeanor violations of Vehicle Code sections 23512(a), driving under the influence of alcohol, 23152(b), driving with .08 percent or greater blood alcohol content, 20002(a), hit and run resulting in property damage, and section 14601.2(a), driving when privilege suspended for prior DUI. Rachelle Duckett failed to appear on two matters. Bench warrants were issued in an amount totaling $30,000. Brandi Penn was arraigned on two violations of probation. Arlen Gonzalez was arraigned on two violations of probation. Jesus Gonzalez was arraigned on a felony violation of Penal Code section 246.3(a), discharge of a firearm with gross negligence, and misdemeanor violations of Penal Code sections 29800(a)(1), possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, 417(a) (2)(B), exhibiting a firearm, 29825(b), unlawful firearm activity, and 415(1), disturbing the peace by fighting. Anthony Retamoza was arraigned on three misdemeanor violations of Penal Code sections 273.6(a), disobeying a domestic relations court order, and three misdemeanor violations of Penal Code section 166(a)(4), disobeying a court order. August 16, 2016 Sentencing Michael Weaver pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 602.5(a), unauthorized entry of a dwelling. He was sentenced to 18 months summary probation and ordered to pay fines in the amount of $680. Melissa Townsend admitted to two violations of probation. She was sentenced to 536 days county jail with credit for time served and ordered to pay fees in the amount of $300. Probation was terminated as unsuccessful. SEMSA from front page bulances, living quarters and classrooms for a certified training center for EMS personnel. “One of the common problems in EMS is lack of trained personnel,” he said. Having the training center in Big Valley would be much more convenient and accessible for local people. In addition, said Davis, when looking at a map, Adin is pretty much in the center of the area that would be covered by the EMS service. Response times by helicopter out of Adin would be much faster than coming from Susanville or Redding or Reno. SEMSA is looking at what would be needed to upgrade the campus and the structures and a helicopter pad would be built. All of those issues are under study at this point. Modoc Medical Center Chief Executive Officer Kevin Kramer said the overall proposal is being looked at seriously. Mayers Memorial Hospital is supportive of the plan. “Right now we are just gathering information on SEMSA, what this transition may look like, and the pros and cons of doing this for the community and the organization,” Kramer said this week. “We are exploring the financial factors as well as the clinical factors related to making this transition and are going to make sure that we have all the information necessary to make a good decision.” Kramer said MMC reviewed SEMSA’s contract and have responded to them with some of our questions and concerns on the contract. “We have also just recently sent them our data for the ground ambulance service so they can generate a financial model for the transition based on our data,” he said. “We will wait for their responses on the contract as well as for them to present their financial analysis back to the entire group so that we can see if it is going to work financially.” Davis and Bouse are both enthusiastic about the proposal and feel it could bring enhanced Advanced Life Support services to this part of California. There is much more to this story that will be coming out in the coming weeks. Schools from front page lador filed; Trustee Area Four,: Karli Stoller-Hall has filed, and in Trustee Area Five Jordan Dodson has filed. “From the looks of things everyone will be appointed in lieu of election,” said Modoc County Clerk Stephanie Wellemeyer. APD arrests The following are the bookings into the Modoc County Jail by the Alturas Police Department for the past week. August 10: Edwin Nelson Stout, age 34, Alturas, arrested on two Modoc County warrants. August 11: Melinda Marie Moeschler, age 35, alleging under the influence of a controlled substance, DUI. August 12: Anthony Marcus Retamoza, age 27, Alturas, alleging violation of a domestic violence restraining order, violation of a court order. August 13: Arlen Javier Gonzalez, age 24, Alturas, arrested on a Modoc County warrant. August 16: Rocky Allen Behr, age 37, Alturas, alleging vehicle theft. CHP report Major injuries were reported in a single-vehicle accident August 14, 4:55 p.m. on U.S. 395 at State Route 299. According to the California Highway Patrol, Pamela Jean Emick, age 61, of Grass Valley, was westbound on SR299 in a 2010 BMW and made an unsafe turn onto southbound US395. The car rolled over to its right side. The driver sustained a broken right leg. Minor injuries were reported in a single-vehicle accident August 15, 5:30 p.m. on US395 north of Lyneta Road. The CHP reports that Carrie Ann Orlandi, age 27, of Termo, was southbound in a 2005 Saturn and made an unsafe turning movement. The car went off the highway and overturned. Orlandi sustained a scratched forearm and complained of neck or back pain. She was arrested at the scene alleging driving under the influence. A driver from Canby sustained injuries in a single vehicle accident August 3, 2016 on State Route 299, just east of Fisher Hill. According to the CHP, Martin Rippens, age 55, of Canby was driving a 2003 Ford eastbound and the vehicle drifted off the south shoulder of the highway. He attempted to regain control, but overcorrected and drove across both lanes and onto the northbound shoulder. The vehicle began to slide sideways and rolled over. While interviewing Rippens, the CHP officer observed signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication. He admitted to consuming alcohol prior to driving. Field sobriety tests were conducted and Rippens was arrested alleging DUI. He was also treated at Modoc Medical Center. The Net: 5 DAY FORECAST Point Forecast - 4 Miles S Alturas, CA • 41.43ºN 120.55ºW (Elev. 4398 ft) Issued by NOAA® Modoc • Aug. 18 - Aug. 22, 2016 Thursday: Sunny, with a high near 95. North wind around 6 mph becoming calm in the morning. Thursday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 52. North northeast wind around 5 mph. HIGH: 95°F Friday: Sunny, with a high near 94. Northeast wind around 7 mph. Friday Night: Clear, with a low around 50. HIGH: 94°F Saturday: Sunny, with a high near 94. Saturday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 48. HIGH: 94°F Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 92. Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 49. HIGH: 92°F Monday: Sunny, with a high near 91. Monday Night: Clear, with a low around 48. HIGH: 91°F DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES We’re with you . . . 5year8s Maxwell’s Nursery Our Business is Growing! Our business is protecting what matters the most to you. . . P aul F. D olby • HOME • AUTO • LIFE • HEALTH • RANCH • BONDS 1030 N. MAIN ST. • ALTURAS, CA 96101 8/4 PHONE 530-233-2616 MN “Honesty, Integrity and Quality Personal Service” 58 Years & Growing Strong "Modoc's PremierNursery" 512 W. 4th Street, Alturas CA 530-233-5766 SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND DEMO DERBY ADULTS - $12 KIDS 12 & UNDER - $8 FREE FOR 5 & UNDER BEGINS AT 6:30 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 JUNIOR RODEO SUNDAY, BEGINS AT 12 P.M. AUGUST 21 ADMISSION $10 FREE FOR 5 & UNDER FEATURING RIATA RANCH COWBOY GIRLS & REDD BARNEY RANCH CLYDESDALES MODOC DISTRICT FAIR Hosted by the Modoc Heritage Foundation 1 CENTER STREET • CEDARVILLE, CA 96104 8/18 PHONE 530-279-2315 • Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Page 4 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 Meeting from front page rangelands. The Modoc-Washoe group focuses on public lands managed by the BLM Surprise Field Station and the Modoc National Forest Warner Mountain Ranger District. The committee has diverse membership including livestock grazing permit holders, representatives from the BLM and Forest Service, and the California and Nevada Departments of Fish and Wildlife. Other interests represented include the timber industry, invasive weed control interests, resource conservation districts, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, environmental and sporting interests from California and Nevada and local government. Immediate Availability 2 & 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS FOR RENT THE GREASED pig contest is one of the favorites for the kids, not so much for the pigs. Fair from front page opens at 11 a.m. featuring bounce houses, fun mirrors, science exhibits, carnival style games, a laser shooting gallery and various activities. Highlights include the High Plateau Humane Society’s Dog Show at 12 p.m., Kid’s Toy Lawn Mower Race at 2 p.m., Dummy Roping at 2:30 p.m., 4-H Cook-Off Challenge and Diaper Derby at 3 p.m. The Fort Bidwell Volunteer Fire Department is serving up a chicken dinner Friday night. Service begins at 5 p.m. and adults eat for $12, kids 12 to six are just $8 and the wee ones, free. The evening will include the Rancher’s Day Calcutta at 4 p.m., followed by the team brandings and barn dance. The barn dance is hosted by the JR Stevenson Family with admission only $10. The band for the evening is the “Former Bronc Riders” band of Colusa. Saturday is a full boat with a Petting Zoo, Clown Contest at 12 p.m., Dunk Booth and even a Watermelon Eating Contest at 2 p.m. The Modoc County CattleWomen host their tenth annual Kid’s Day Rodeo at 3 p.m. But don’t let the name fool you, these free “rodeo” events are open to all kids under the age of eight and $1,000 worth of prizes will be up for grabs. The Teen Street Dance hosted by KALT-FM 106.5 begins at 3:30 p.m. And don’t miss the popular greased pig contest at 5 p.m. It is sure to be a squealing good time. A steak barbecue dinner will be available from the Surprise Valley FFA beginning at 5:30 p.m., $12 of adults and $8 for children 10 or younger. Saturday evening is highlighted by the Demolition Derby, which begins at 6:30 p.m. Admission is $12 for adults, $8 for kids 12 to six and five and under are free. Afterwards stick around for the Alturas Elk’s barn dance featuring “Heartless.” The cover charge is only $10 and the Elk’s will be wetting whistles with a full bar. Sunday morning, saunter down and grab a stack of pancakes at the Surprise Valley Community Church, located at 405 Bonner Street. Breakfast is available from 7 until 9 a.m. At 10:30 a.m. the Parade down Main Street begins and is sure to delight. The Junior Rodeo will kick off at 12 p.m. in the fairgrounds area. Tickets are $10 each and kids under five get in for free. The Rodeo will host mutton busting, goat tying, steer stopping, break away roping, barrel racing, pole bending, broncs, bulls along with other events for ages 18 and under. Also, the Rodeo will feature the Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls trick riding group and the Redd Barney Clydesdales. For a full list of events contact the Modoc District Fair at 530-279-2315 or visit them online at www. The Modoc Heritage Foundation and Modoc District Fair Board thank everyone for the continued support of this 96th annual county-wide tradition. Carpets • Appliances • Blinds and Fixtures • Laundry Facility On-Site 506 East 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-5511 TDD (800) 735-2929 Assistance for those who qualify, handicap accessible upon request. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. 220 S. Main Alturas, CA Ph 233-5600 Home of the Sunrise Rotary Open 11 A.M.-10 P.M. Meetings Thursday at 6:30 a.m. Dine-In, Take Out or Delivery It’s Back to School But don’t panic, we’ve got dinner covered with our . . . LARGE PEPPERONI PIZZA DEAL FOR $13.99 MMC logo – JPG format can be resized and inserted in Word documents FAMILY ON THE RUN Add a Family Salad for $5.00 more Offer valid August 25 - September 1 THE RIBBONS are all lined out and ready to be awarded as the Modoc District Fair begins today with the Junior Horse Show. Pictured left to right are: JoAnn White (MHF Vice President), Teri Brown, Melinda Stephan (MHF Secretary) and Cheryl Kunert. Photo by Tiffany Martinez MJUSD Back to School Night Students and families join together on August 24. FROM HEAD TO TOE MMC offers a complete range of diagnostic services for your healthcare needs. CAUTION: Alturas Elementary - 5:30 p.m. Modoc Middle - 6:00 p.m. • Modoc High - 6:30 p.m. Support the Niles Theater - Catch This Weekend - August 19, 20 and 21 Plus - Get Some Treats At The Snack Bar & Pizza By The Slice! Good Luck Pop Warner Football Players! Modoc Medical Center Phone 530-233-5131 • 228 W. McDowell Ave. • Alturas, CA 96101 8/18x WWW.MODOCMEDICALCENTER.ORG 8/18 Cheerleaders, Have Fun and Spread the Spirit! August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 5 Blood donors show Saturday 10-2 “wonderful” support Master Gardeners on hand Dear Editor: to answer questions at Fair We had a wonderful turnout Tuesday in Alturas, 54 With the arrival of back-to-school season, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) urges parents and guardians to ensure their children are current on vaccines. Immunizations protect against a number of serious and potentially life-threatening diseases. “Getting children all of the vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control is one of the most important things parents can do to protect their children from serious diseases,” said Dr. Karen Smith, CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer. “If you haven’t done so already, check with your child’s doctor to find out what vaccines your child needs. Vaccinations are the best way to ensure that students are protected against serious and preventable diseases, including measles.” When children are not vaccinated, they are at increased risk for contracting diseases and can also spread diseases to other people, including students in their classrooms and both children and adults within their communities. Babies who are too young to be fully vaccinated, and people with weakened immune systems due to cancer or other health conditions are especially susceptible. California law requires students to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public and private elementary and secondary schools as well as licensed child care centers. Schools and licensed child care centers are required to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and report student immunization status to CDPH. Talk to your child’s doctor to find out which vaccines are recommended for them before going back to school. Visit for more information on immunization laws and required vaccinations. Heading to Humboldt State this fall Humboldt State University (HSU) will see a projected 1,344 freshmen this fall, 59 percent of whom are firstgeneration college students. Most of those students are female – 58 percent – and the biggest portion of them, 532, will be coming from the Los Angeles area. Other regions sending more than 100 students include Northern California, the San Francisco Bay Area, Central California, and San Diego. Of those freshmen, 483 identify as Latino, about 36.5 percent of the class. Eight percent said they were from two or more ethnicities. The rest of the students are White, 42 percent; Black, 6 percent; Asian, 3 percent; American Indian, 2 percent; unknown or unidentified, 2 percent; and Pacific Islander, 1 percent. The university is expecting 8,639 students total for the fall semester. Classes begin August 22. Alturas Chamber of Commerce BALLOON FEST 2016 September 16 &17 See us at the Modoc District Fair in the Commercial Building for your OPERATION DUCK DROP TICKETS We will be there August 18 - 21 Purchase Tickets for $20 Each or 6 Tickets for $100 Call 530-640-4083 or 233-4686 8/18 lem plant(s) for the Master Gardeners to look at. When collecting samples, it is helpful to collect the leaf, flower or pod for the members to look at. If there’s a plant that you can’t identify, they can help with that also. Be sure to place your sample in a clear plastic bag. Club members encourage the public to please stop by the booth while enjoying Modoc’s County Fair. modocrecord. com County Road 54 work set August 22 A road construction project on County Road 54 (Centerville Road), southwest of Alturas, is slated to begin on August 22, but is weather and construction delay dependent. Project construction will run from Monday to Friday, weekend work is not anticipated, but could occur if the contractor deems it necessary. Construction activities will begin at 7 a.m. with daily completion anticipated at or near 6 p.m. There may be times that the construction will run later depending on construction conditions. Construction delays can be up to 10 minutes. Every effort will be made by the contractor to keep delays to a minimum. Anticipated completion of the construction activities will be near September 20, 2016. For more information, please contact the Modoc County Road Department at 530-233-6412. Mark calendars for Saturday, September 24 for the Annual Modoc Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Fundraiser at the Brass Rail Restaurant, Alturas. Join the evening of fun with family and friends in support of wetlands conservation. Tickets include event attendance and a one-year membership to Ducks Unlimited. Watch for more information soon. Add Saving for Education to Your Back-to-School List Stop by the Modoc District Fair Add Saving for Education toTo Your Back-to-School learn more about your education savings August 18 - 21 in List Cedarville, CA options, call or visit a financial advisor today. To learnwill more yourineducation savings Building Walt beabout on hand the Commercial options, call or visit financial advisor today. Add Saving for aEducation help you invest in your financial future. AddtoSaving for Education to Your Back-to-School List to YourWalt Back-to-School List Davis Add Saving for Education Walt Davis To learn Financial more about your education savings Advisor Member SIPC To learn more about your education savings Financial Advisor SIPC to Your Back-to-School List Member options, call or visit a financial advisor today. . options, 701 call or visit St a fiSuite nancial N Main B5 advisor today. 701 N Main St Suite B5 Alturas, CA 96101 Alturas, CA 96101 To learn more about your education savings 530-233-2425 530-233-2425 options, or visit a financial advisor today. Waltcall Davis . EDS-5879C-A EDS-5879C-A Send children back to school protected from serious disease The Alturas Garden Club will be assisting in hosting the Floral Building at the Modoc County Fair this year. Two members who are Master Gardeners will be available Saturday, August 20, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Garden Club’s booth in the Floral Building. Anyone with questions concerning lawns, flowers, shrubs, trees or even insects, please stop by the booth for answers. It is helpful to bring a small sample of the prob- 8/18 Walt Davis Financial Advisor Financial Advisor . 701 N Main St Suite B5 701 N Main St Suite B5 Alturas, CA 96101 Walt Davis Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-2425 Financial Advisor 530-233-2425 . 701 N Main St Suite B5 Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-2425 . EDS-5879C-A EDS-5879C-A EDS-5879C-A donors were registered and we collected 46 pints of lifesaving blood. I don’t have the exact number of truly new donors we had, since most of them were “new” in our BloodSource system. People responded to the call and almost everyone I talked to said they came in because they saw the article in the paper that explained the need we are having. It was a wonderful blood drive! We can’t thank the donors of Alturas enough for their show of support. It was hot and we had longer than normal wait times, so we are especially grateful to everyone for hanging with us and being so patient and gracious. We are looking forward to the next drive on November 22, that will be leading into another major season of need. Thank you for your support! We couldn’t have done it without you. -- Todd Jones BloodSource Account Manager, North State Redding DU Banquet coming Member SIPC Member SIPC Member SIPC Just Move It - 2016 It’s up to you! County road’s chip seal projects We will begin our walk/run at the Modoc Wildlife Refuge at 9:00 a.m. on August 27, 2016. The loop is just shy of 3 miles long with an option of a shorter loop. We will have health check points around the loop to rest and rehydrate. Strong Family Please Join us for our 6th Annual Native Strong to join us for Brunch HealthFamily Center You’re invited Fitness Run/Walk & BBQ! Health Center 1203 Oak Street at the Alturas Veterans Park at Alturas, CA 96101 1203530-233-4591 Oak Street 10:00 a.m. following the walk. We will begin our walk at the Modoc Wildlife The Road Department will be chip sealing over the next few weeks. The remaining schedule for Alturas, CA 96101 these activities is as fol(530) 233-4591 Refuge at 9:00 a.m. on August Everyone who participates in the27th. The lows: walk thelong raffle County Road 1 from loop is will just get shyto ofenter 3 miles with an option of near Eagleville to Cedardrawing for one of prizes!check a shorter loop. Weour willGREAT have health ville – beginning August Walk 10 minutes walk FREE 10. points around theorloop tothe restwhole and rehydrate. County Road 133-D RAFFLE loop, it doesn’t matter - we encourage New Pine Creek area – Bring Your invited to join for Brunch you to come out us and join us! at Veteran’s the week of August 22. ! d n Register by August 25 atfollowing 1203 Oak Street A Frie Park at 10:00 a.m. the walk. Please note that this is a tentative schedule, actual EVERYONE WELCOME! start dates may vary due Everyone who participates in the walk will get First place Fresh Fruit 1st Place Adult - FitBit to construction issues. Adult & Veggie for one of our enter the raffle drawing ChargetoHR Every effort will be made Baskets! FitBit to keep traffic delays to a GREAT Charge HR 2nd Place Sports Youthprizes! Raffle tickets given minimum. out to all participants, Equipment Apple iPod Nano drawing after brunch. More! Must If you have any ques7th Generation 16for GB 10 minutes&or be present to win. Walk walk the whole loop it 8/18 tions please call 530-233- First place Youth Apple iPod Nano 7th doesn’t matter, we encourage you to come out Generation 16GB Free Raffle Get Moving! Free T-Shirt and join us! Open to Natives and Non– Native Bring A Friend. Fresh Fruit and Veggie Baskets Sports Equipment And More Have Fun. * Raffle tickets will be given out to all walkers and the drawing will be after Brunch. Must be present to win. Free T-Shirt Move your Muscles. Reduce your risk for diabetes. Page 6 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 Lava Beds invites the public to the 4th Astronomy Day and Star Party Aug. 20 Modoc Forest at high fire danger level The Modoc National Forest is at “High” fire danger as of Wednesday. “We have gone to ‘very high” one time this season, have not yet reached ‘extreme, at all,” said Ken Sandusky, Public Information Officer. “Though fire-safety restrictions are in place, limiting campfires to designated campgrounds with Forest Service provided fire rings.” There are some fire units operating off forest on other fires. Exhibitor entry handbooks available CAREY’S GROOMING Crystal Ice Cave film! Continue to join amateur astronomers in looking through telescopes at our beautiful galaxy and learn about the various constellations in our hemisphere. Visitors may also bring their own telescopes and binoculars. Enjoy a ranger guided evening hike up Schonchin Butte to watch the sun set and attend a moonlit hike to see the night sky from two beautiful locations in the park. Feel free to bring your own picnic dinner to enjoy at the park as the day’s events occur. There is no cost for the event; however the standard park entrance fee of $15 per vehicle is applicable. Indian Well campground, conveniently located adjacent to the visitor center, will be open. For directions and further information, please call Lava Beds National Monument at 530-667-8113, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. or visit the website at 151 N. Court Stree t • Alturas, CA 96101 Support Our air! County F “While we are in our ‘Lightning Plan’ for dispatch, we have no active fires on the forest at this time” he said. “That could change if we see the predicted lightning later this week.” The MNF has responded to a total of 11 small fires since July 25, of which the biggest was the Barnes at 0.2 acres. “We have responded to three abandoned campfires,” Sandusky said. For An Appointment Call 530-233-4900 We’re Here To Service Our Community... Dr. Chuck Colas is available for medical appointments Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office is closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Free 55+ Lunch, Aug. 20 The local Rotarian organizations happily announce their annual luncheon at the Modoc District Fair on August 20 and invite everyone 55 or older to join them. Lunch will be provided by the Sunrise and Noon Rotary Clubs of Alturas with the meal cooked and served by the Surprise Valley Rotary. The event is completely free, no admission into the Fair and a free lunch with entertainment. Menu of hamburger patties, bread, salad, carrots and juice will be served at the Four Seasons barbecue pavilion at 12 p.m. Exhibitor entry books for the 2016 Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair are now available! Those interested in showing talents and entering an exhibit may pick up a complimentary entry book at the Tulelake Butte Valley Fairgrounds office and online at The entry book includes numerous categories for children and adults in Arts & Crafts, Home Economics, Gardening, Produce, Foods, Photography, Cooking, Quilting, Clothing and Textiles and more. All categories are open to all California and Oregon residents and require a small entry fee. All entry forms are due in the fair office or postmarked by 5 p.m. Friday, August 19. Entry books also include an entry form for the anModoc Joint Unified School District (MJUSD) will be nual fair parade sched- hosting a back to school night on August 24 at each uled on Saturday, Sep- school (no particular building). The activities at Altember 10 at noon down turas Elementary School will start at 5:30 p.m., Modoc Main Street in Tulelake. Middle School will start at 6:00 p.m. and Modoc High It is free to enter the Pa- School will begin at 6:30 p.m. rade. Fair theme this year Along with meeting your teachers and staff, there is “It’s A Family Tradi- will be community, college and other agencies on each tion.” Help celebrate the campus that you are welcome to visit. 65Th Annual Tulelake “Looking forward to seeing you and welcoming you Butte Valley Fair. back for another great year at MJUSD,” say staff. Sheep Dog Trials - Free Thursday, Aug. 18 at 6:30 P.M. HPHS Dog Show - Free Friday, Aug. 19 at 12 P.M. Modoc District Fairgrounds • Cedarville, CA 8/18 The Lava Beds National Monument invites the public to participate in the fourth Astronomy Day and Star Party Event on Saturday, August 20 from 12 noon to midnight. Throughout the day, visitors of all ages can participate in a special Night Sky Junior Ranger Program. From 12:00 pm to 4:00 p.m., astronomers will set up several sun-safe telescopes for viewing and learning about our closest star, the sun. Visitors will have the opportunity to fashion a solar bracelet, create their own constellation projector, learn how far apart the planets are and explore a lava tube with astronaut-rangers! “We’re looking forward to bringing back some crowd favorites from last year’s activities as well as trying something new in offering more ranger programs,” said Mary Sullivan, co-coordinator of the event. From 8:00 p.m. to midnight, join park employees for games, music, hot chocolate and coffee and watch the For Appointments Call 530-233-3223 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! Pit River Health Service XL Clinic 1034 Lakeview Hwy • Alturas, CA North Of Alturas - Turn Left After The Bug Station PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION 8/11 Back to school night for students, families Wednesday EW Men N h s e u r F NFR giveaway The big city of Las Vegas is awaiting a lucky winner this December and it just might be you. Two tickets to the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo are up for grabs and all proceeds benefit the Modoc Heritage Foundation. This exclusive vacation giveaway includes two finals performance tickets for December 9 and 10 along with a two-night stay at Excalibur Hotel & Casino, located on the glitzy Vegas strip. Room package includes a king size bed with a preferred view. The raffle has been made possible by Jim Wilson Motors of Yreka, CA. Owner Jim Wilson hails from Surprise Valley and was elated to give back to the community upon hearing about the community effort to save the Modoc District Fair. Tickets are available at the Fair office and will be sold during the Fair, August 18-21. Chances to win may be purchased for $5 each or five for $20. The winner will be announced at the Modoc Heritage Junior Rodeo on Sunday, August 21. OPEN LATE! Still Offering Our Regular Menu Favorites, Too! CALL 233-3141 To Order Ahead or To Go! Just a Few New Items - • Chips and Salsa: Freshly made chips and salsa - $4.50 • Toasted Mozzarella Slider: Slider bun topped with garlic, basil pesto, fresh tomato and mozzarella cheese, toasted.$5.00 • Loaded Nachos: Fresh made chips, ground beef, beans, sour cream, cheese sauce, guacamole, jalapeno, pico sauce and olives $10.00 - Steak or chicken additional $2.00 • Brushetta with Hot Artichoke Dip $5 • Fish ‘N Chips: Hand cut cod fillets dipped in our special beer batter, served with coleslaw and fries. $8.00 • French Dip: Thin sliced roast beef, cheese optional served with au jus dipping sauce. Served with your choice of our homemade potato, macaroni salad, side salad, homemade chips or coleslaw. $8 • Blackened Chicken Caesar Wrap: Spicy blackened chicken breast, cool romaine lettuce with our house made Caesar dressing wrapped in a flour tortilla. $8 • Barbecue Chicken Salad: Romaine lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese, chicken breast, barbeque sauce, barbeque ranch dressing. $7.50 Bacon optional add $1 • Spinach Salad: fresh spinach with red onions, Granny Smith apples, craisons, Kalamata olives, topped with Terri’s famous vinaigrette and sprinkled with feta cheese. $8 Appetizers, Entrées & Meal Deals PHONE (530) 233-3141 Come Check Out Our Full New Menu Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at Co. Rd. 56. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. You must be 21 years of age. UNTIL CLOSE Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. 8/18 The Alturas Chamber of Commerce and The A.C.T. Niles Theater Invite You To... Chamber Member Appreciation & Business Mixer Thursday, Aug. 18 at 5:30 P.M. 127 South Main Street, Alturas All Welcome, Come Enjoy hors d’oeuvres & A Movie 8/18 August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 7 Auction YArd cAfé Friday: Shrimp Salad Daily Specials Support Our County Fair! Open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday - Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS • Hwy. 299, Alturas (530) 233-2966 8/18 DAVIS CREEK MERCANTILE FRIDAY NIGHT BARBECUE Every Friday through Labor Day FRIDAY, AUG. 19 FROM 5 - 8 P.M. Serving Beef & Pork Ribs, Tri-Tip & Chicken with Coleslaw, Beans & Bread to go orders welcome, call Yappy Hour comes to Alturas JOIN THE NEW Yappy Hour in Alturas with Roxanne Wright every Friday at 6 p.m. at Veterans’ Park, So. Main St. Bring your immunized canine friend for free dog obedience and agility socialization. A small donation will help cover Wright’s fuel. For more information call her at 805400-7080. Don’t forget the Dog Show at noon Friday, Aug. 19 at the Modoc District Fair this weekend in Cedarville. City Pool final day is Saturday Swimming season at the Alturas Municipal Pool is coming to a close very soon. The final day for swimming at the Warner and West Fourth St. pool will be Saturday, August 20. The Pool will be open today, Friday and Saturday, August 20 with the following schedule: Lap Swim: Thursday-Saturday 12 - 1 p.m. and Thursday - Friday 6:45 - 7:30 p.m.; Recreational Swim: Thursday and Friday 1 - 4 p.m.; Saturday 1-5 p.m. General Admission $3; Senior Citizens $2. The pool is operated by the City of Alturas. Contact the pool staff at 233-4299. THE MODOC RECORD publishes announcements free of charge for births, engagements, weddings and obituaries as space allows. Guideline “Forms” are available at CARD OF THANKS As Commander of the American Legion Post 163, I would like to take this time to thank the following organizations for the help they gave us. VFW Post 3327 Auxiliary, Desert Rose Casino, Antonio’s, Doug Knox with Voice of Freedom, along with numerous people from our community. Again, thank you. - Jesse T. Lauderdale American Legion Post Commander MODOC DISTRICT FAIR Modoc District Fairgrounds • Cedarville, CA 96104 FRIDAY, Free AUGUST 19 n o i s s i Adm ! y l i a D 530-233-3758 41942 HWY 395 • Davis Creek, CA 96108 8/18 DUNK LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT at the Modoc District Fair This Weekend August 20 and 21 in Cedarville Low-Cost Dunk Tank Purchase a chance to dunk local law enforcement and other community members! sh! a l p s a It's This Weekend August 18-21, 2016 SATURDAY, SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 AUGUST 20 • 7 - 10 AM - SV Community Church • 8:00 AM - Rancher’s Day Pancake Breakfast $7 • 7:00 AM - Rancher’s Day • Softball Tournament • 8:00 AM - Open Jackpot Roping • 7:00 – 9:00 AM - Floral Exhibit Check-in • 10 AM - Exhibit Buildings Open • Softball Tournament • 8:00 AM - Exhibit Judging Begins • 10 AM - Hot Summer Nights Car • 10:30 AM - Parade on Main Street • 11:00 AM - Midway Opens & Motorcycle Exhibit • 12:00 PM - Junior Rodeo featuring • 2:00 PM - Exhibit Buildings Open • 11 AM – 4 PM - Petting Zoo FREE! the Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls • 12:00 PM - HPHS Dog Show FREE! • 11 AM - Midway Opens & Redd Barney Clydesdales! • 2 PM - Kid’s Toy Lawn Mower Race FREE! • 12 PM - Rotary’s Senior Citizens • 10:00 AM - Exhibit Buildings Open • 2:30 PM - Dummy Roping Contest Lunch FREE! • 11:00 AM - Midway Opens (Kids & Adults) FREE! • 12 PM - Clown Contest FREE! • 11:00 AM Petting Zoo FREE! • 3:00 PM - 4-H Cook-Off Challenge • 8:00 AM - Junior Horse Show • 12 PM - Fashion Show • 12:30 -2:30 PM - Dunk Booth • 3:00 PM Diaper Derby FREE! • 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Exhibits Check-in • 12 PM - Dunk Booth • 1:00 PM - Pee Wee Peddle Car & • 5:30 PM - SV Chamber of Commerce • 4:00 PM - Rancher’s Day Calcutta • 1 PM - Country Jam Group Big Wheel Race FREE! • 5:00 PM - Team Brandings & Redd Basque BBQ $12 Adults • $9 Kids 12 -5 • 2 PM - Watermelon Eating Contest FREE! • 2:00 PM- “Family Fun Barney Clydesdales • 6:30 PM - Sheep Dog Trials FREE! • 3 PM - CattleWomen’s Kids Day Rodeo For Everyone” Games - FREE! • 4:30 PM - Country Jam & Square Dance • 11 AM – 7 PM Concessions & (Ages 8 & Under) FREE! • 2:00 PM - Exhibits Close/Check • 5 PM Ft. Bidwell Fire Dept. Chicken Commercial Building Set-up • 3:30 PM - KALT Teens Only Street Out Begins BBQ $12 Adults • $8 Kids 12 - 6 • 8:00 PM - Midway Closes Dance (Ages 12 – 17) FREE! • 4:00 PM - Midway Closes • 6:30 PM - Country Strong • 5 PM - Kids Greased Pig Contest FREE! Teen Relay Race FREE! • 5:30 PM - Surprise Valley FFA BBQ • Barn Dance featuring “FBR” Band after • 6:30 PM - Demolition Derby Branding $10 Cover • 8 PM - Buildings & Midway Closes • 8 PM - Exhibits & Midway Closes • 9 PM - 1 AM - Alturas Elk’s Lodge Barn Dance $10 Cover THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 8/18 Page 8 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 Dorris Reservoir drawdown delayed The drawdown of Dorris Reservoir to facilitate mandated safety upgrades to the dam and outlet works has been delayed according to the Modoc National Wildlife Refuge. Because of irresolvable contracting issues the project has been put on hold until 2017. When the project is scheduled it will require lowering the water levels in the reservoir to facilitate the project. The safety improvements require excavation at the downstream toe of the dam in order to install filter drains on both the toe and around the downstream end of the outlet pipes. The concern necessitating the lower water levels is the possible movement of dam fill material associated with seepage, which may be initiated during excavation for the safety improvements. If the reservoir water level is kept as high as possible this would create a potential for seepage that could create significant issues for the construction and /or possible damage to the dam itself. For more information, please feel free to contact the Refuge at 530-233-3572. MMS volleyball starts August 29 Practices for Modoc Middle School Volleyball will start on Aug. 29. All necessary paperwork must be submitted to the school to be able to participate. Players must also have two weeks of practice in prior to participating in a contest, so August 29 is a critical start date. Paperwork is available in the school office or on the MJUSD website. Players will also need to have an athletic physical, which should be scheduled with a care provider. Top Car: For the third year in succession, Gary Chapman’s 1956 Buick Special was judged the Best Restored Original during Reno’s Hot August Nights, Atlantis Cruz of Champions. Chapman, of Alturas, is a regular at car shows around the west and his classic Buick has won several top honors. Modoc 4-H shooters hit their target The Modoc County Shooting team brought home 15 Gold, 27 Silver and 27 Bronze from the 2016 California 4-H Shooting Sports match. This years’ team competed in Shotgun, Rifle and Pistol. Modoc County Sports members “aim” to please when it comes to receiving awards. This year’s placings for the California State Shooting Sports Match are as follows: Rifle Iron Peep Advanced: Mavrick Farnam, 2nd Gold; Elly Viehdorfer, 4th Silver. Participants: Nash Warnock, Chance Galvin, Scott Lewis, Zane Still and Cooper Albaugh. Intermediate: Arturo Ledezma, 3rd Silver; Anabel Farnam, 5th Bronze; Natalie Walton, 6th Bronze. Participants: Riley Atkins, Blaize Royer, Allan Viedorfer, Jenna Nelson, Jacob Worch and Jess Dancer. Junior: Justin Walton, 2nd Silver. Participants: Haley Quinn, Troy Lewis and Madison Quinn. Rifle Open Sights Advanced: Mavrick Farnam, 2nd Gold; Chance Galvin, 3rd Gold; Nash Warnock, 5th Silver; Elly Viedorfer, 8th Silver; Scott Lewis, 12th Bronze. Participants: Zane Still and Destanie Withrow. Intermediate: Natalie Walton, 1st Gold; Anabel Farnam, 2nd Gold; Jenna Nelson, 9th Silver; Jacob Worch, 10th Silver; Riley Atkins, 11th Silver; Blaize Royer, 12th Silver; Jess Dancer, 20th Bronze. Participants: Arturo Ledezma and Allan Viehdorfer. Junior: Justin Walton, 6th; Madison Quinn, 10th Bronze. Participants: Troy Lewis, Haley Quinn. Rifle Open Sights Prone Only Advanced: Nash Warnock, 3rd Gold; Mavrick Farnam, 5th Silver. Participants: Chance Galvin, Elly Viedorfer, Scott Lewis, Zane Still and Destanie Withrow. Intermediate: Natalie Walton, 1st Gold; Jacob Worch, 5th Silver; Riley Atkins, 6th Silver, Arturo Ledezma, 8th Bronze; Jess Dancer, 9th Bronze; Blaize Royer, 10th Bronze. Participants: Jenna Nelson, Anabel Farnam and Allan Viedorfer. Junior Participants: Justin Walton and Troy Lewis. .22 Rifle Telescopic Advanced: Chance Galvin, 2nd Gold; Mavrick Farnam, 5th Silver; Nash Warnock, 7th Bronze; Elly Viedorfer, 10th Bronze. Participants: Scott Lewis, Zane Still, Destanie Withrow. Intermediate: Arturo Ledezma, 3rd Gold; Riley Atkins, 6th Silver; Anabel Farnam, 10th Silver; Natalie Walton, 11th Bronze; Jason Allee, 13th Bronze. Participants: Jenna Nel- son, Allan Viedorfer, Blaize Royer, Kyle Lemke, Jacob Worch, Jess Dancer and Lauren Farber. Junior Participants: Justin Walton, Haley Quinn, Madison Quinn and Kade Lemke. .22 Rifle Telescopic Prone Only Advanced: Nash Warnock, 3rd Gold; Chance Galvin, 5th Silver; Elly Viedorfer, 6th Bronze; see Shooters, page 11 Likely Place Rail Trail Rally D E L L E ATV and Off Road Vehicle Ride & Camp Weekend August 19-21, 2016 C N CA ATV’ers start your engines for an off road weekend unlike any other! Traverse the picturesque, exciting Modoc Line Rail Trail. Participants will enjoy two full days of trail riding along with hosted dinners and activities at Likely Place. Proceeds benefit the Lassen Lands & Trails Trust. Open to Quads, ATVs & UTVs with up to 54”WB. Registration Limite d tos! 25 Rider 100 $ Includes Two Day Ride, Two Hosted Dinners & Event Giveaway! Jess Valley Road in Likely PHONE (530) 233-4466 • 8/18 The winner. . . WHY BUY NEW? Save Thousands On Like New Many Still Under Factory Warranty! 2016 DODGE DART SE STILL UNDER FACTORY WARRANTY! ASK FOR DOUG McDONALD, ONLY 8,100 MILES AUTO TRANS • UCONNECT DUAL AIRBAGS • POWER WINDOWS A/C • TRACTION CONTROL POWER LOCKS • ABS - 4X4 CRUISE CONTROL AM/FM/CD/MP3 PRICE PLUS TAX, LICENSE, SMOG & DOC. FEES DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS STK# 2475 • VIN# 661436 MIKE SCHMIDT or 12,888 $ r ‘10 MINI COOPER CLUBMAN u o Y . . . e c i o Ch $0 DOWN, $223.51* MO. FOR 75 MOS. AT 2.99% APR, O.A.C. CHRIS THOMPSON - THEY’LL HELP FIND THE RIGHT VEHICLE FOR YOU! ‘11 MAZDA 3s STK# 2457 ‘13 HYUNDAI VELOSTER 5 9 9 , 3 1 $ OR ! S S LE *PAYMENTS INCLUDE TAX, LICENSE, SMOG & DOC. FEES NO HIDDEN CHARGES! STK# 2424 ‘15 CHRYSLER 200 STK# 2465 STK# 2433 ‘13 SCION XB ‘08 HONDA FIT SPORT STK# 2322 ‘14 DODGE DART SE STK# 2460 STK# 2436 ‘15 CHEVY SONIC ‘16 DODGE DART SE STK# 2478 STK# 2464 530-251-0101 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 1303 MAIN ST. • SUSANVILLE, CA *PRICE PLUS TAX, LICENSE, SMOG & DOC FEES. PAYMENTS INCLUDED TAX, LICENSE, SMOG & DOC. FEES. PRICES GOOD UNTIL 8/22/16 8/18 August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 9 Help Modoc Fire Safe Council continue to do good job for this area’s protection lie d n sino In Northe ttle Ca rn C i L st • Drain Cleaning • Plumbing Repairs • Senior Discount • 24-Hour Service Back To Taking Care Of Your Plumbing 1/14 CALL ALTON at 530-640-3511 ali fo 703 W. 3rd Street • Alturas, CA 96101 NOT A LICENSCED CONTRACTOR MONDAY Senior $10 TUESDAY Ladies $5 PHOTGRAPHER Lea Huetteman was surprised to find this Burning Man symbol on a tree just west of her house near Fort Bidwell. The Burners come up the canyon thinking that they can get to Highway 395 via their road. They often turn around and find the correct road after they get up the canyon a ways. It looks like they left some change, one quarter and pennies, on a tree a few years ago. Match Play FE A C & R A B ILY ! A D S L A I SPEC Burning Man Aug. 28 - Sept. 5 Burning Man ticket holders from throughout the world, will be heading to the annual Burning Man gathering in the Black Rock Desert of Northern Nevada for the Aug. 28-Sept. 5 event. Self-reliance and self-expression are encouraged in the temporary metropolis of Black Rock City. Over 60,000 burners, many who travel to the site to set up large art installations, gather to bring in artistic creations, create art, exchange ideas and participate in the burning of the Man:” a symbol whose meaning is as varied as the attendees themselves. The 2016 Art Theme is “DaVinci’s Workshop.” “Burning Man’s 2016 art theme is inspired by the Italian Renaissance of the middle fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, when an historic convergence of inspired artistry, technical innovation and enlightened patronage launched Europe out of medievalism and into modernity. Our story will focus on the republic of Florence, for it was here, in a city-state of about the same size and population as Black Rock City, that humanist ideals, a rediscovery of science, and funding from a newly moneyed class of entrepreneurs fueled a revolutionary cultural movement that redefined Western civilization. Five centuries later, we will attempt to recreate this potent social alchemy by combining Burning Man art, maker culture and creative philanthropy to make Black Rock City the epicenter of a new renaissance.,” describes the Burning Man site. Many “Burning Man” participants will pass through Modoc County on their way to the event. WEDNESDAY Guys $5 DOUBLE POINTS THURSDAY Match Play WE ALWAYS HAVE YOUR GAME ON! The Roadsters FEATURED AT CLUB DEL ROSE Catch the NFL® Sunday Ticket on 7 Big Screen HD TVs THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 & SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 STARTING AT 9 P.M. $5 Pitchers August is PEPSI Month! Services today Christine Compton Funeral service for Christine Compton will be held Thursday, August 18, 2016, 2 p.m. at the Federated Church (307 E 1st St) in Alturas. Service is open to all friends and the community of Alturas. Potluck to follow service. Christine is survived by her husband William Franklin Compton II and their six children. Her oldest step son William Franklin Compton III, his wife Frankie and their children; James Knarr and his two children, Zachary Compton, Morgan Knarr and Lauren Compton. Her oldest step daughter Patricia Ndiour and her husband Alioune Ndiour with their children: Melia Compton, Daisy Compton, Amy Ndiour, Oumy Ndiour, Mariem Ndiour, Aissa Ndiour and Maximilian Ndiour: Christine and William’s children Brayta Bailey-Compton, Terez Compton and fiance Larry Morgan with their children BriarRose Morgan, JoLeigh Morgan, Wyatt Compton and SavannaLynn Hope Morgan. Jeannette Compton and Erin Woodman with their son Vincent Woodman. Jeremiah Compton and wife Jade Compton with their children Keira Compton, Piper Butler, Annabella Butler and their expected child. Stop by the Modoc County Museum to see the unique displays and purchase Modoc County Historical Society Journals. The Museum is located at 600 So. Main St., near the historic train engine at Veterans Park, Alturas. Open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.; closed Sundays. Admission is a $2 donation. For more information call (530) 233-2944. Alton Howell Plumbing Match Play Burners . . . See Museum treasures, Journals available is the chipping and outreach efforts which funds senior citizens and low income people help to clear a 100 foot buffer zone, or defensible space, around their homes. Call 530-233-4314 to determine if you are eligible for this help. ia rn Fri e Modoc Fire Safe Council is seeking new members on its advisory board in order to continue its wildfire protection and mitigation services. Have you benefited from its funding? Would you be willing to give back six hours a month to continue its mission of bringing together resources of public and private agencies to protect forested lands in Modoc County? If you are willing to assist in this successful fire protection plan, please call Stacey Hafen, MFSC staff, at 233-4314, extension 114. The Modoc Fire Safe Council has brought 1.3 million dollars into Modoc County to prevent and mitigate wildfire damage. If you live within the WWUI, the Wildland, Urban Interface zone or on lands protected by SRA services provided by CalFire, you are needed to continue this type of funding into Modoc County One of the most popular programs instituted by MFSC ss i M t Don’ n Our Out O PSI PE o! Prom Now through August 25 Win a $25+ jackpot and receive a 2-Liter Pepsi product! Limit 5 liters per customer per day, must redeem that day. Cafe is Open Late! Check out our Fresh New Menu! PHONE (530) 233-3141 • OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. UNTIL CLOSE • GAMING • LOUNGE & BAR • CAFÉ • SMOKE SHOP • ENTERTAINMENT • INTERNET JUKEBOX • POOL TABLE & MORE! 8/4 Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at Co. Rd. 56. You must be 21 years of age. Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. Page 10 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 UNSECURED TAXES DUE Taxes on the unsecured roll are due now and can be paid without penalty up to 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2016. As per Section 2922 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code, a delinquent charge of ten percent (10%) penalty will apply to all unpaid Unsecured Taxes not paid by 5:00 p.m. on August 31st. Payments may be made in Room 101, Modoc County Courthouse in the office of Cheryl Knoch, TreasurerTax Collector, or by mail to 204 S Court Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Be sure to include the proper tax stub with your payment. All mail postmarked on or before Monday, August 31, 2016 will be considered a timely payment. The Tax Collector’s office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The phone number is (530) 233-6223. GRAND OPENING Saturday - August 20 WE’RE NOW OPEN! MADWORKS BAR-B-QUE THIS QUILT holds dear and now lasting memories for Shirlene Show (pictured). “A gift for all time” brings lasting comfort “All I could do was cry, when she gave from her heart to mine,” described Shirlene Snow upon receiving a oneof-a-kind gift from Rhonda Atkins. The gift Atkins made was a king-sized quilt created with pieces of hats, night gowns, pajamas and robes belonging to Shirlene’s late mother Evonne Snow. It triggered a flood of memories for Shirlene, about each piece of the quilt. “Now you’ll always have Mom’s arms around you,” Snow recalls Atkins telling her. “She did such a beautiful job – in my heart it’s unreal – it’s my mom all over – so many memories,” said Shirlene, holding back tears. “She (Rhonda) so lovingly put together with her hands.” One day, while deeply missing her mother, Shirlene was looking at all her mother’s robes hanging on a coat rack, and remembered how her mom picked out what she wanted to wear while she was home with cancer. “I wanted to remember mom and hold onto her,” Shirlene said. The idea of using her mother’s items came to her - if Rhonda could somehow put them into a quilt. “It’s unbelievable what she did and I just want to thank my sister of the heart for what she did. I’ll always cherish it. I can see my mom so clearly in all of the pieces,” described Shirlene. “Mom always considered Rhonda, her daughter of the heart and she’s my sister of the heart.” Monday - Saturday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. & Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone 233-0999 8/4 8/18 Family Pack 2 LB. 2 Doritos 1 $ 15 LB. 2 $ 65 Pop•Secret MICROWAVE POPCORN Asst. 3 Packs, Reg. $3.29 4 Corners Market EA. CANTALOUPE 59 ¢ LB. YUKON GOLD POTATOES BROCCOLI CROWNS Back to School Deals! TORTILLA CHIPS Reg. $4.29 1 EA. BLUEBERRIES CHICKEN BREASTS 2 MADWORKSBARBQUE@GMAIL.COM 6 oz. 1 $ 59 1201 W. 12TH STREET • ALTURAS 8/18 2 $ 99 LB. School begins August 25 PHONE 530-310-8305 We will have Fresh Fudge & Helados - Mexican Fruit Bars! LB. Boneless SPARE RIBS Raffle from 1 to 4 p.m. ~ Prizes & Gifts! Produce Picks $ 39 $ 15 Family Pack CHUCK TENDER STEAKS CUBE STEAK $ 29 LB. LEG & THIGH MEAL $5.99 Wild See you at the Fair - August 18 to 21 Mustard 203 S. Main St., Alturas Butcher’s Choice $ 29 $ 99 3 MATT & COLE WELCOME YOU 1 85 $ 45 1 $ 39 1 $ 49 ¢ Barilla PASTA Asst. 16 oz., Reg. $1.99 Del Monte SPAGHETTI SAUCE Asst. 24 oz., Reg. $1.95 Hunts MANWICH 15 oz., Reg. $1.99 CHEF BOYARDEE Beef Ravioli, Mini Beef Ravioli, Beef-A-Roni and Spaghetti & Meatballs 15 oz., Reg. $1.95 11 $ 19 Yuban COFFEE Original & Dark Roast - 29 -31 oz., Reg. $13.99 4 $ 99 Lysol DISINFECTANT SPRAY Asst. 12 oz., Reg. $5.79 HWY 299 & MAIN STREET, ALTURAS • (530) 233-3822 OPEN MONDAY - SUNDAY • 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. All Items Subject To Stock On Hand • Prices Effective August 18 - 24, 2016 Modoc Record Sports August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 11 SAM HADWICK of Davis Creek 4-H earned 1st in the state for skeet in the Junior division. Shooters from page 8 Scott Lewis, 7th Bronze. Participants: Mavrick Farnam, Zane Still and Destanie Withrow. Intermediate: Riley Atkins, 9th Bronze; Jason Allee, 10th Bronze; Blaize Royer, 11th Bronze; Natalie Walton, 12th Bronze. Participants: Jacob Worch, Allan Viedorfer, Arturo Ledezma, Anabel Farnam, Jess Dancer, Jenna Nelson, Lauren Farber and Kyle Lemke. Junior: Justin Walton, 3rd Bronze. Participants: Kade Lemke and Troy Lewis. Competition Rifle Advanced: Mavrick Farnam, 3rd Bronze. Participants: Nash Warnock, Chance Galvin, Elly Viedorfer, Scott Lewis and Zane Still. Intermediate: Blaize Royer, 1st Gold, Natalie Walton, 2nd Gold; Jess Dancer, 3rd Silver; Riley Atkins, 4th Bronze. Participants: Jason Allee, Jenna Nelson, Anabel Farnam, Jacob Worch, Allan Viehdorfer, Arturo Ledezma and Kyle Lemke. Junior: Justin Walton, 1st Gold. .22 Hand Gun Advanced: Scott Lewis, 6th Bronze. Participants: Elly Viehdorfer, Chance Galvin, Mavrick Farnam, Hayden Fredrick and Zane Still. Intermediate: Natalie Walton, 2nd Gold; Arturo Ledezma. 3rd Gold; Anabel Farnam, 4th; Cody Sphar, 5th; Blaize Royer, 8th Bronze. Participants: Jacob Worch and Jess Dance. Junior Participants: Troy Lewis. Skeet Results Advanced: Scott Lewis, 2nd Silver. Participants: Zane Still, Chance Galvin, Mavrick Farnam, Cody Nelson, Hayden Fredrick, MacKenzie McGiffin, Paden Smith, Destanie Withrow. Intermediate: Jess Dancer, 3rd Silver. Participants: Jacob Worch, Jake Fields, Arturo Ledezma, Cody Sphar, Anabel Farnam and Blaize Royer. Juniors: Samuel Hadwick, 1st Gold; Justin Walton, 2nd Silver. Participants: Troy Lewis. Trap Results Advance: Mavirck Farnam, 5th Gold; Chance Galvin, 8th Silver; Scott Lewis, 11th Silver. Participants: Zane Still, Hayden Frederick and Cody Nelson. Intermediate: Cody Sphar, 4th Gold; Arturo Ledezma, 7th Silver; Jake Fields, 9th Silver; Jess Dancer, 12th Bronze, Jacob Worch, 14th Bronze. Participants: Anabel Farnam and Blaize Royer. Junior: Samuel Hadwick, 2nd Gold; Troy Lewis, 6th Bronze. Participants: Justin Walton, Madison Quinn and Haley Quinn. JV volleyball starts August 22 New Modoc High School Varsity Volleyball coach Kim Schmidt said that Junior varsity practice will start the August 22 at 3:30 p.m. Athletes need to have their physicals in by the day of practice or can turn them in at the main office before practice begins. The team opens in Durham on the August 27. Rotary golf tourney a big success From Carol Sharp The hot sunny day didn’t deter the many golfers from supporting the 7th Annual Alturas Rotary Golf tournament. After much anticipation, competition and good clean fun, golfers adjourned to partake in a delicious dinner of Jim Widby’s specially prepared tri-tip and chicken, accompanied by salads and many other side dishes and desserts provided by Rotarians. Following the meal, anxious teams were waiting to hear the results of their endeavors, which were as follows: First place for $500 was Northrup, Minto, Harr, and MacDonnell. Second place team, winning $400 was Phillips, Webb, Crenshaw, and Bevil. Third place winners of $300 were Weber, Weber, Teuscher and Teuscher. For a $200 pot, fourth place team was Bailey, Fredrick, Schmidt and Williams. A tie between two teams split the fifth place $100 pot, team Barclay, Yeier, Mason and Bethel, and team Mason, McCully, Dunn and Dunn. Although just about everyone put their all into it, no one was able to make the $10,000 holein-one shot sponsored by Four Seasons Supply Center. Dina McElwain’s professional-looking shot was the closest to the pin and even though others tried to get closer they weren’t able to beat her. A new competition was held this year, four lucky names were drawn and players attempted a 175yard shot for $25,000. Al- Ladies host tournament Find a partner and sign up for the annual Arrowhead Ladies Club Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 20, at the Arrowhead Golf Course in Alturas. The format is an 18-hole, two-person scramble. This is a fun format for all levels of play. The cost is $40 for non-members and $35 for members which includes green fees, cart, a morning snack and lunch. Early registration is welcomed by signing up at the clubhouse or by calling Monica at 233-3404. Registration on the day of the tourney begins at 8:00 a.m. with tee-off at 9:00 a.m. though all four shots hit the green no one was able to make the hole and go home with the cash. Tournament coordinator Matt Cruse wants to express his gratitude for the support and help offered by the staff of Arrowhead Golf Course, to the Modoc County Record for their excellence in promoting the event, and to all the golfers who spent the day supporting this worthwhile fundraiser. Alturas Rotary will utilize proceeds from the tournament for educational and leadership programs for local youth. Alturas Rotary meets Tuesdays at noon at the Niles Hotel, Alturas Sunrise Rotary meets at 6:45 Thursday mornings at Antonios, and Surprise Valley Rotary meets Wednesday evenings in Cedarville. Visitors are welcome. BE A TEACHER CA Preliminary Teaching Credential Start Fall 2016 In Modoc County SIMPSONU.EDU/CREDENTIAL School of Education AlturAs Chevron 1080 N. MAIN STREET • ALTURAS, CA Corner of Hwy 395 & 299 (530) 233-5114 • Food Court (530) 233-5000 Large Take-N-Bake Pizza for $9.99 Custom Pizzas of Any Kind or Hot-N-Ready for $14.99 CARSTENS CHEVROLET BUICK LIMITED TIME OFFER PIT STOP Now Offering the Most Advanced, State of the Art Tire Alignment with Precision Laser Technology! $ ALIGNMENT SPECIAL FOUR WHEEL TIRE REGULARLY $69.95 59 VALUE MEALS 95 Chicken Skewers, Fingers, Tenders & Poppers Fried Chicken Pieces Bone-In • Gizzards Limit one per customer, offer valid through August 31, 2016. SIGNATURE SIDES Macaroni & Cheese • Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Sweet Corn • Jo-Jo Wedges • Biscuits LARGER OPTIONS FOR FAMILY DINING! Wide Variety of Great Tasting Jerky! Hungry? Make It A Meal Hamburgers & Cheeseburgers Add Fries & A Drink Fresh Deli Sandwiches - Ham, Chicken, Beef, Turkey, Pastrami & Salami Hot Dogs, Corn Dogs, Fried Burritos & More! Cool Off With Ice Cold Beverages, Beer, Fountain Sodas, Freezers & Milkshakes Bagged Ice CARSTENS MOTORS INC. 245 North Main St., Alturas 7/28 FRESH, TASTY CHICKEN 1.800.462.3531 ICE Sales • Parts • Service Open Monday - Friday 7:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Sales Open - Saturday 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. *Tax On Pit Stop Specials. Offers valid through 8/31/2016 unless specified. • See Dealer for details. 8/4 Breakfast to Start Your Day! Hot & Fresh Breakfast Sandwiches Handmade Burritos Biscuits & Gravy Freshly Brewed Coffee Your Local Convenience Store! SIMPSONU.EDU Page 12 - Modoc County Record - August 18. 2016 Make arrangements SVJUSD offers free, now to ship with reduced price meals Surprise Valley Joint Unified school District is anSV Lamb, Wool Pool nouncing its policy for providing free and reduced-price The Surprise Valley Lamb and Wool Pool will have its last shipment of the year Thursday, Sept. 8, 2016. The Pool will ship lambs, cull ewes and cull bucks at this time from the Modoc Fairgrounds in Cedarville. Sheep weighing will start at 7 a.m. All sheep must be at the fairgrounds by 9 a.m. Please call Kenneth or Florence Bordwell at 530-2796291, as soon as possible or by Tuesday, Aug. 30 at the latest. Please leave a message with the numbers of sheep to ship with the Pool. All farm flock sheep from Modoc, Lake, Shasta and Klamath Counties are shipped through the Surprise Valley Pool. All numbers are due by Tuesday, August 30. For further information please call 530-279-6291. SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND? Send us your Letter to the Editor. Email rick@modocrecord. com or mail to P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101. There is no cost for Letters. Sign it and include your address and phone number. Phone & address will not be for print. meals for children served under the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast Program. Each school and/or central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party on request. A guideline of household size and income criteria to determine eligibility for free, reduced-price, or full-price meals benefits is available. Example follows: Household of 3, with an annual income of $26,208 would be eligible for free lunch, breakfast and milk. Household of 3, with annual income of $37,296, would be eligible for reduced price for lunch and breakfast. For each additional family member, add: $5,408 income per year for free scale eligibility or $7,696 for reduced scale price. Children who receive CalFresh, California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs), Kinship Guardian Assistance Payments (Kin-GAP) or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) benefits are automatically eligible for free meals regardless of the income of the household in which they reside. THE RECORD publishes announcements free of charge for births, engagements, weddings and obituaries as space allows. Guideline “Forms” are available at www. Landis Produce & Nursery Lots of Delicious, Locally Grown Vine ripe tomatoes! OTHER HOT ITEMS TO CUCUMBERS, GREENBEANS, CANTALOUPE & SWEET CORN! (530) 233-4964 or (530) 640-0374 Open Tues., Thurs. & Sat. - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 8/18 Located at 45 Co. Rd. 257, Alturas Go 1 Mile Past the Auction Yard, Turn Right On Co. Rd 257 Para más detalles llame al 1-888-225-2611 Notice of Pacific Power’s Request to Change Your Rates for the Energy Cost Adjustment Clause and Greenhouse Gas Allowance Costs and Revenues for 2017 (A. 16-08-001) OVERVIEW OF PACIFIC POWER’S FILING On August 1, 2016, Pacific Power filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requesting a change to electric rates. This application will address the Energy Cost Adjustment Clause (ECAC), greenhouse gas (GHG) allowance costs, and the California Climate Credit. If this application is approved, this would result in a reduction of $4.9 million or 3.8% , effective January 1, 2017. ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE The ECAC allows Pacific Power the opportunity to recover costs incurred for providing electricity to its customers. Those costs include fuel expenses, wholesale purchase power expenses and energy transmission expenses. Pacific Power compares actual and forecast power costs to the actual amount of revenue collected from customers to cover those costs. This year, Pacific Power has proposed an overall rate reduction of 0.1% in its ECAC rates because its power costs are less than the amount of revenue collected in current rates to cover those costs. HOW DO I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT PACIFIC POWER’S PROPOSALS? GREENHOUSE GAS ALLOWANCE COSTS If you have questions about Pacific Power’s application, please contact Pacific Power toll free 1-888-221-7070 or Pacific Power’s offices: As part of this application, Pacific Power is also requesting to update the rates which recover the cost for purchasing GHG allowances as required by the California Global Warming Solutions Act described below. GHG allowance costs are recovered from all customers through a kilowatt-hour based charge on the monthly bill labeled Carbon Pollution Permit Cost. Pacific Power is proposing an overall rate reduction of 3.7% related to the change in GHG allowance costs. HOW WILL PACIFIC POWER’S APPLICATION AFFECT ME? Pacific Power’s request would result in a rate change for most customers. Below is a chart depicting the impact to each customer class. This chart does not take into account the California Climate Credit explained below. Customer Class Residential Commercial and Industrial Irrigation Street Lighting Overall Average Percentage Change - 3.9% - 3.8% - 3.8% - 3.8% - 3.8% Dollar Change - $2,499,000 - $1,819,000 - $560,000 - $36,000 - $4,914,000 Pacific Power 300 S. Main Street Yreka, CA 96097 Pacific Power 1054 Northcrest Drive Crescent City, CA 95531 To help manage your energy costs, Pacific Power offers income-eligible customers a discount on monthly electric bills as well as free weatherization services. Learn more and apply at For tips to help you save energy and money every day, visit CPUC PROCESS This application will be assigned to an Administrative Law Judge (Judge) who will determine how to receive evidence and other related documents necessary for the CPUC to establish a record upon which to base its decision. Evidentiary hearings may be held where parties of record will present their testimony and may be subject to crossexamination by other parties. These evidentiary hearings are open to the public, but only those who are parties of record can participate. After considering all proposals and evidence presented during the formal hearing process, the assigned Judge will issue a proposed decision which may adopt Pacific Power’s proposal, modify it or deny it. Any CPUC Commissioner may sponsor an alternate decision. The proposed decision, and any alternate decisions, will be discussed and voted upon at a scheduled CPUC Voting Meeting. If the CPUC approves Pacific Power’s proposal, residential customers using 900 kilowatt-hours per month will see a reduction of approximately $5.68 or 3.9% on their monthly bill. As a party of record, the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA) will review this application. ORA is the independent consumer advocate within the CPUC with a legislative mandate to represent investor-owned utility customers to obtain the lowest possible rate for service consistent with reliable and safe service levels. ORA has a multidisciplinary staff with expertise in economics, finance, accounting and engineering. RETURN OF GHG ALLOWANCE REVENUE AND CALIFORNIA CLIMATE CREDIT The application also requests a change in the California Climate Credit associated with the return of revenue from the sale of GHG allowances. The California Climate Credit is from the state of California’s program to fight climate change and contribute to a healthy environment. GHG allowance revenue, minus program administrative and outreach costs, and required clean energy program funding, is returned to eligible customers. Eligible customers and the level of return to each customer type are determined by the legislature and the CPUC. Eligible customer types are: • Emissions-Intensive and Trade-Exposed customers as defined by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations and identified by CARB. The credit to these customers will be paid annually. • Small Business customers under 20 kilowatts. Pacific Power customers served under general service Schedule A-25 and customers under 20 kilowatts served under irrigation Schedule PA-20 will be considered Small Business. Small Business customers will receive a monthly bill credit that will be based on kilowatt-hour usage. • Residential customers. Households will receive a fixed bill credittwice per year. The amount will vary from year to year. If this portion of the application is approved, residential customers will receive a semi-annual California Climate Credit of $106.94 in April and October 2017. Small Business customers will receive a monthly credit that offsets 80% of the GHG allowance costs they pay. © 2016 Pacific Power emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. The Cap and Trade program, administered by CARB, is one element of achieving this goal. CARB encourages the reduction of GHG emissions by placing a cap on the amount of GHG emissions a facility can emit. This is regulated through the implementation of GHG emissions allowances, or permits. Under California’s GHG reduction program, starting in 2013, CARB allocated Pacific Power and other California electric utilities GHG emissions allowances. Pacific Power is required to sell all of its allocated GHG emissions allowances at auction and return the revenue from the sale to its eligible customers, less some revenue to cover administrative and outreach costs. Pacific Power does not profit from the sale of these GHG emissions allowances. Pacific Power and other California utilities must also buy a sufficient number of GHG emissions allowances to cover their annual compliance obligation under the program. As explained previously, the costs for buying GHG emissions allowances are collected from all customers. Other parties of record will also participate in the CPUC’s proceeding to consider this application. For more information about ORA, please call 1-415-703-1584, email ora@ or visit ORA’s website at STAY INFORMED If you would like to follow this proceeding, or any other issue before the CPUC, you may use the CPUC’s free subscription service. Sign up at: If you would like to learn how you can participate in the proceeding, or if you have informal comments about the application, or questions about the CPUC processes, you may access the CPUC’s Public Advisor Office (PAO) webpage at and click on “Public Advisor” from the CPUC Information Menu. You may also contact the PAO as follows: Email: Write: Public Advisor’s Office California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 Call: 1- 415-703-2074 Toll-free: 1-866-849-8390 TTY: 1- 415-703-5282 TTY toll-free: 1-866-836-7825 Please reference Pacific Power Application No. 16-08-001 in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter. All public comments will become part of the public correspondence file for this proceeding and will be made available for review for the assigned Judge, the Commissioners, and appropriate CPUC staff. ABOUT CALIFORNIA’S PROGRAM TO REDUCE GHG EMISSIONS In 2006, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill (AB) 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act, which required California to develop regulations that will reduce GHG Public Notice August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 13 Gatherings “Gatherings” is meant to provide an information outlet for public service announcements for non-profit groups. Please include the name of the event, time and date it is scheduled and the place and address at which it is being held, name of sponsor, any cost involved and a phone number for the public to call for more information. Announcements are published free for non-profit groups as space permits. Send announcements to Gatherings: c/o Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 or stop by the Record office at 201 West Carlos St., Alturas; phone (530) 233-2632 or e-mail to record1@ Announcement deadline is 10 a.m. each Wednesday to make the following day’s Record. Thursday, August 18 Chamber Mixer at Theater Alturas Chamber of Commerce Member Appreciation Business Mixer (open to the public) on Thursday, August 18 at 6 p.m., hosted by the A.C.T. Niles Theater, 127 South Main Street, Alturas. Food, no host bar. Join in celebrating the burning of A.C.T.’s mortgage note. The Theater also wishes to thank their advertisers and movie sponsors. The movie Independence Day: Resurgence will play Aug. 19, 20 and 21. Modoc Fair opens Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc first day of school,” says Pastor Ken Entwistle. Parents: you need to contact Pastor Ken (530-708-0064), to get an application for each of your children. Friday, Aug. 19 will be the last day to submit the application for help. On Wednesday, August 24, at 7 p.m. at GracePoint Church (212 S. Main St., Alturas) GracePoint will have a back to school celebration and give the children the outfits. Parents and children must be present to get the clothes. This will be GracePoint’s 3rd annual Back to School Clothes Giveaway. “We look forward to partnering with you this school year!” Join Saturday sewing Meet at the Art Center Saturday, Aug. 20 and bring sewing projects to work on. The Sewing Saturday is open to anyone interested at 317 So. Main St., Alturas. The group will be there from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., so come anytime. Cat room is full High Plateau Humane Society is full of beautiful cats and kittens, just waiting for their forever home. See them Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 114 1st St., Alturas. Ph: (530) 233-9277. Books galore - buck a bag Second Chance Thrift has books, books, books. This week all books are a buck a bag at 114 1st St. Open Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 2:00. Call (530) 233-9277. Yappy Hour in Alturas Join the new Yappy Hour in Alturas with Roxanne Wright every Friday at 6 p.m. at Veterans’ Park, So. Main St. Bring your immunized canine friend for free dog obedience and agility socialization. A small donation will help cover Wright’s fuel. For more information call her at 805-400-7080. Saturday Check out Modoc Fair in Cedarville Modoc District Fair opens in Cedarville today, with a Junior Horse Show Aug. 18, 8 a.m. at the arena. SV Chamber Basque Barbecue, 5:30 p.m. Sheep Dog Trials, free at 6:30 p.m. Senior and Junior Exhibit check-in, 8 On Saturday, Fair Exhibit buildings open 10 a.m. – a.m. – 7 p.m. Commercial building and Fair Food con- 8 p.m. Hot Summer Nights Car & Motorcycle Exhibit, cessions set up, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. 10 a.m. Midway 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Petting Zoo, 11 a.m. Midway closes at 8 p.m. – 4 p.m. Clown contest at noon, Fashion Show noon – 1 p.m.; dunk booth from 12 p.m.- 3 p.m.; watermelon eating contest, 2 p.m. Country Jam performs, 1-2 p.m. From 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., Modoc County CattleWomen host Next Modoc Emergency Radio Club meeting is this the Kid’s Day Rodeo events open to all kids under age Thursday, Aug. 18 at 7 p.m. Location is the Modoc Edueight and the whole event is free. Games include a cow cation Conf. Room, 139 Henderson, Alturas. Anyone inpie toss, cow ball penning, pony express sack race, cow terested in Ham Radio is invited. hop toss and stick horse races. This year’s event has $1,000 worth of prizes up for grabs and everyone walks away a winner. At 3:30 p.m. Teens only Street Dance hosted by KALTThe VA van transports veterans free to the VA apFM 106.5, for ages 12-17, with a mock-tail bar. Greased pointments. Veterans are reminded to schedule on Tuesdays to Susanville and Thursdays to Reno. To reserve a pig contest, 5 p.m. will have little ones chasing after van seat or to become a volunteer van driver, please call some very slippery piglets. SV FFA Barbecue, 5:30 – 7 Tom Blanchette, van coordinator at 233-5414. Volun- p.m. Rock Band, 6-7 p.m. teer van drivers are desperately needed. For an applica- Demolition Derby, 7 p.m.; Alturas Elks Lodge Barn tion, please call the above number. Dance 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. “A Cut Above The Rest!” MERLE’S CUSTOM BUTCHERING N. Main E. 4th St. • P.O. Box 143 Merrill, Oregon 97633 541-798-5425 • Cell 541-281-3372 4/7 "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Ham Radio Club meets Matthew 5:5 (King James Version) Schedule rides to VA Support for losing weight Free Fair Lunch for 55+ 8/18 o s f y H a r o n pe u S healing begins with you. Trying to lose weight? Give Taking Off Pounds SenWhere the sibly (TOPS) 1954 a try. Join the group on Thursdays at the Senior Citizens Center, 906 West Fourth St., At Sunrays our mission is to provide services to the community of MoRotary Clubs invite evAlturas. Weigh-in 10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Meetings from doc, peers (people with lived experience), and their families, in the hopes eryone 55 or older to join 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Come find support with TOPS, which to promote self-awareness, socialization skills, and self-advocacy to help them for a free lunch on has proven successful for many local residents. August 20 at 12 noon at them on their road to recovery. As May Sarton quoted, the Four Seasons bar“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or becue pavilion. Lunch is strange that self may prove to be.” Email to set up online, print provided by the Sunrise Sunrays of Hope is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays or both subscriptions Record is open Monday – Thurs- and Noon Rotary clubs of Alturas with the meal from 8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m., day, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Fridays, 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday. Or, stop by the Re- cooked and served by the and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. cord office at 201 West Carlos St., Alturas or call 530- Surprise Valley Rotary. Transportation is available on these days, to and from the center only. Get out and visit while 233-2632, with your info. Call in advance for pick-up. For information about the center call enjoying free Fair admis530-233-9696 at the listed times available or visit our website at sion and entertainment, plus lunch. Hamburger patties, bread, salad, carrots and juice will be served. Modoc Fair’s fun and games begin on Rancher’s Day A PEER TO PEER RUN WELLNESS & RECOVERY ORGANIZATION Friday, August 19. Free admission every day. MidMAKE THE WORLD a Center Phone: 530-233-9696 • 113 E. North Street • Alturas, CA 96101 way and Fair food concession open from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. better place - - reduce, Contact: Adeliada Baca or Ronnie Gilbert • Cell: 530-708-0459 or 530-708-1110 Bounce houses, fun mirrors, cool science exhibits, carreuse, repurpose and Email: 8/18 nival style games, laser shooting gallery and various recycle. activities. Dog Show, noon. More fun kids’ activities start at 2 p.m.; 4-H Cook-Off Challenge (Main Stage) MODOC COUNTY MODOC COUNTY at 3 p.m., then Country Jam performs, 4:30 – 5 p.m. Rancher’s Day Calcutta, 4 p.m. Clydesdale Exhibition, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Fort Bidwell Volunteer Fire Dept. Barbecue and Team ACEPTA SOLICITUDES DE Brandings open at 5 p.m. Country Strong Teen Relay VIVIENDAS EN EL CENTRO race (free/4 per team) at 6:30 p.m. Teams of four young MIGRANTE DE NEWELL PARA adults shall compete in strategically placed obstacles and country style challenges. Buildings, Midway close TRABAJADORES DE LA at 8 p.m. Western Barn Dance begins after Branding. AGRICULTURA CON ESCASOS How to be ready all the time Friday SUNRAYS OF HOPE, INC. Good times roll at Fair ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR LOW INCOME FARM LABOR MIGRANT HOUSING Cedarville Jam plays Fair The Cedarville Jam will be meeting at the park stage at the Modoc Fair on Friday, Aug. 19. The time is 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Please bring your instruments and songs to support Modoc County’s efforts for the Modoc Heritage Fair. Be sure to stay and eat afterward, enjoy the fair, and visit with neighbors. See you then! Register for school clothes giveaway GracePoint Church is looking to partner with any families of kindergarten through 12th grade students needing a little extra help with school clothes. “Our heart is to buy one outfit for each student who needs a little help having new clothes to wear on the RECURSOS ECOMONICOS (VIVIENDAS DE TEMPORADA) APARTMENTS AVAILABLE AT NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER LAS VIVIENDAS ESTAN DISPONIBLES EN REQUIREMENTS - MUST BE LEGALLY ADMITTED INTO THE UNITED STATES OR A CITIZEN. HOUSEHOLD MUST PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THEY LIVE AT LEAST 50 MILES AWAY FROM THE CENTER 90 DAYS OUT OF THE PREVIOUS 180 DAYS WHILE THE CENTER IS CLOSED. MUST BE LOW - MODERATE INCOME, THE HOUSEHOLD MUST EARN AT LEAST $4,425 PER YEAR IN THE AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY. DEBERA SER RESIDENTE LEGAL O CUIDADANO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. DEMOSTRAR QUE LA FAMILIA VIVIO AFUERA DE EL AREA DE EL CENTRO MIGRANTE (50 MILLAS O MAS), POR UN PERIODO DE 90 DAIS O MAS DURANTE LOS 180 DIAS QUE ESTA CERRADO EL CENTRO MIGRANTE. DEBERA REUNIR LOS REQUISITOR DE INGRESOS. CABEZA DE HOGAR DEBERA GANAR POR LO MENOS $4,425 ANNUAL EN LA INDUSTRIA DE LA AGRICULTURA. PICK UP APPLICATIONS AT OBTENGA SU SOLICITUD EN EL NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER NEWELL MIGRANT CENTER 6/30 SIXTH & DUNSMUIR STREETS NEWELL, CALIFORNIA PHONE 530-664-3261 This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 6/30 SIXTH & DUNSMUIR STREETS NEWELL, CALIFORNIA PHONE 530-664-3261 Este Instituto un proveedeor de ingualdad de oportunidades Page 14 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 Gatherings Remember HPHS has low cost spay/ neuter certificates available. Stop by High Plateau Humane Society’s Second Chance Thrift Store on the corner of First and Court Streets, 114 1st St., Alturas on Tuesday - Friday 10:00 - 4:00 and Saturday 10:00 - 2:00. Phone (530) 2339277. O W ’ i M h eryone welcome. Pam’z Tuesday Play on Bingo Tuesdays Join others, ages 18 and up, for Bingo nights on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. in Veterans Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. VFW Auxiliary 3327 hosts the first and third Tuesdays. Just show up to play. Sunday Enjoy Pre-parade breakfast The annual Pre-Parade Breakfast sponsored by the Surprise Valley Community Church will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 21. Pancakes, ham, and eggs will fill plates for only $5.00, with serving until 10:00 a.m., just before the parade begins. Come to 405 Bonner Street in Cedarville for “the best deal around!” Parade for final Fair day Fair Parade on Cedarville’s Main Street starts at 10:30 a.m. Junior Rodeo features Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls at noon. Exhibits are open from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Midway open 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. Petting Zoo, free 11 a.m. PeeWee Peddle Car and Big Wheel races, 1-1:30 p.m.; 2-3 p.m. “Family Fun for Everyone” Sack Race, Water Balloon on a Spoon and more – free. Exhibits close at 2 p.m. Special speaker at Christian Life - Taiwan missionary Christian Life Assembly, 225 West B ST., Alturas will host a special guest speaker Sunday, Aug. 21 at 11 a.m. Shannell Keck, missionary to Taiwan, will speak. Keck’s ministry is focused around youth and college age students. She ministers at several universities in student clubs, in juvenile prisons and in the national church as well. Mark calendars for this special time. Call 233-2804 for more information. Sign kids up for Awana at free swim afternoon Faith Baptist Church Awana Club will host a free swim for all children and youth at the Alturas City pool from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21. Registration for Awana will be available at the pool. Faith Baptist will begin the Awana Club year on Wednesday, August 31. All children, age 3 through 6th grade are invited to attend Awana Club. Awana is a weekly children and youth ministry focused on teaching bible truths and memorizing scripture. Each club night includes fun games, songs, treats and awards. Awana Youth Ministry for 7th-12th grade will begin in September. Contact Faith Baptist Church for more information, 233-2015. Yappy Hour in Adin Join Yappy Hour with Roxanne Wright every Sunday from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the Adin Community Park. Bring your canine friend for free dog obedience and agility socialization. Private lessons available. Alturas classes available if enough interest. Phone 805-4007080. Open trap, skeet shoots F Come out to try your skill or watch at the Sunday morning Trap and Skeet shoots at the Alturas Rifle & Pistol Range on Centerville Rd., Alturas starting at 9 a.m. Members and non-members welcome. Inquire about membership too, if interested in joining and supporting the Gun Club’s facility and events. Find or sell something? Email your classified ad to the Modoc Record before noon Wednesday for the RECORD online and print editions. Email or call 530-233-2632; Fax 530-233-5113. Modoc Joint Unified School District (MJUSD) will be hosting a back to school night on August 24 at each school (no particular building). The activities at Alturas Elementary School will start at 5:30 p.m., Modoc Middle School will start at 6:00 p.m. and Modoc High School will begin at 6:30 p.m. Along with meeting your teachers and staff, there will be community, college and other agencies on each campus that you are welcome to visit. “Looking forward to seeing you and welcoming you back for another great year at MJUSD,” say staff. Mon-Fri., 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Sat, 10-3 P.M. *Credit Cards Accepted* Modoc Rock 233-4842 HugH E. Comisky, Jr. Attorney at Law Weights & Figures Your Body Is Worth It, Join Us Today! Now Practicing at 839 N. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-3409 Criminal Defense • DUI Domestic Law • Accident and Injury TFN 311 S. Main St. (530)233-2443 or 233-5945 Keeping you informed Proposition 65 Public Warning The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, commonly referred to as Proposition 65, requires the governor to publish a list of chemicals “known to the state of California” to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. It also requires California businesses to warn the public quarterly of potential exposures to these chemicals that result from their operations. See more on page 15 Providing safe and reliable service to all of our customers is a top priority for Pacific Power and we want you to be aware of these substances so that you can reduce possible exposure. Pacific Power uses chemicals in our operations that are “known to the state of California” to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Pacific Power uses materials, such as treated wooden utility poles, that contain chemicals “known to the state of California” to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Pacific Power provides proper care when handling all our operational materials. However, if you are at or near one of our facilities, you may be exposed to substances on the state of California’s list of substances known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Rated PG-13 • 2 Hr. For more information on this Proposition 65 warning, please write to: Friday - August 19 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday - Aug. 20 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday - August 21 at 3:00 p.m. Environmental Services Pacific Power 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1500 Portland, OR 97232 More safety information can be found at Para hablar con un representante en español, marque el número gratuito 1-888-225-2611. Digital Tickets - Adults $5.50, Students & Seniors(60+) $5 & Sunday Matinee, All Seats $4.50 Children 4 & under FREE with an adult. • 3D Tickets - Adults $8.00, Students & Seniors(60+) $7.50 NO ALCOHOL PLEASE - THANK YOU FREE MOVIE WEDNESDAY - AUG. 24 “WOODLAWN” Doors open at 10 a.m., begins at 11 a.m. Sponsored by Edward Jones & Alturas Ministerial Assoc. Niles Theater FOR MORE INFO CALL 530-233-5454 8/18 Clothes With Class! 106.5 © 2016 PacifiCorp The Country Jam keeps feet tapping to the music every Monday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in the Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Bring your voice, instrument or come to listen. Admission is 530-233-5599 KALT Wednesday Back to school night for students, families 301 South Main, Alturas FM Showing in 3D this Friday & Saturday! Good times at Jam 6/23/16 The Family History Library, located at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Cedarville is now open on Tuesdays. Hours are still 6-8 p.m. The Library is located at 29971 County Road 1 (Surprise Valley Road) one mile north of hwy 299. Resources available to the public will include onsite genealogical assistance and high speed Internet access to, Family Search, and other premium sites (all free of charge). If you would like to use the Library on another day or time, please call Jerry Cook at 640-2622 at least one day in advance to schedule an appointment. INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE My School Preschool will be accepting registrations on Monday, Aug 22 through Wednesday, Aug. 24 for morning State Preschool Program. Open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call Susan @ 233-2330 or stop by 911 N. East Street, Alturas to pick up an application. Call Pam at 530-233-7664 or 530-906-1434 Research family trees Monday Register for My School Preschool SEWING & ALTERATIONS Variety Of Work Including Weddings, Proms, Jackets, Jeans, Alterations, Hems, Zippers, Rips & Much More! Classie Lassie Calico Co w Low cost pet fixes WRITE TO US! Send a Letter to the Editor. Email or mail to P.O. ind ut hat s Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101. There is no cost. appening n OdOc Letters must be signed and include writer’s address and phone number, but not for print. Anonymous letters will not be printed. free. Donations go to the Flag Fund and supplies. Ev- Public Notice August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 15 Gatherings Wednesday, August 24 Modern Odyssey Literary Arts in association with Hand2Mouth Theatre Company will present a staged reading of “Ithaka,” a play by Andrea Stolowitz, on Wednesday, August 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, Lakeview, OR. A contemporary retelling of Homer’s Odyssey, “Ithaka” won the 2015 Oregon Book Award in drama. This free public program is provided in partnership with Lake County Library District, PLAYA, and Literary Arts as part of the Oregon Book Awards author tour. Both Stolowitz and Hand2Mouth Theatre are previous residents of PLAYA. Historical Journal sale Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc to join in the fun. For questions contact President Judy Mason at 233-6648. Friends’ Buck-a-Bag deals The Buck-A-Bag trailer is open from noon until 4 p.m. each Wednesday. Find great deals at the Buck-a-Bag Trailer located directly north of the Alturas library’s parking lot, on the northeast side of the library on West Third Street. Friends of the Modoc Library manage the trailer. Thursday, August 25 Back to School! Slow down The first day of school for Modoc Joint and Surprise Valley students will be Thursday, Aug. 25. Modoc County Historical Society is holding an August JOURNAL sale: No. 14 “Women of Modoc’s Past,” and No. 19 “Men of Modoc’s Past,” available at the Modoc Foodlink trucks will deliver fresh produce to Modoc County Museum for $5 each, tax included. Contact the Museum at 233-2944, 600 So. Main Street, modoccoun- County Veterans Park for low-income families on August 25. Please bring your own boxes. Food giveaway will start when the truck arrives between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. It ends when those present have received food once. The special giveaways are sponsored by LasThe free Wild Wednesday summer movie at the A.C.T. sen County Council, Modoc Emergency Food Bank, Niles Theater on Aug. 24, is Woodlawn sponsored by T.E.A.C.H., Inc., Foodlink Sacramento and USDA ComEdward Jones & Alturas Ministerial Association. Doors modities. Please contact Jesika or Lola at T.E.A.C.H., open at 10 a.m. movie starts at 11 a.m. This will be the at 233-3111. last free summer movie. Food Link delivery Last free movie Need help with speaking or presentation skills? Warner Mountain Toastmasters is the place to be! The group meets every Wednesday, Noon to 1 p.m. at the Sheriff’s Annex behind the Sheriff’s office. Visitors are always welcome and encouraged you to bring a brown bag lunch Free Childbirth Education Classes starting soon Sign up now for the next free five-week series of Childbirth Education classes. Classes will be held primarily on Thursdays, with one class on a Tuesday, from 6:00-8:30 p.m. beginning Sept. 8 and ending Oct. 6. Classes will be held at the Early Head Start Center at 901 NE “A” Street in Alturas. All expectant women and their birth partners residing in Modoc County are welcome to attend. Classes are taught by certified instructors Karolyne Breiner and Jennifer Holmes, RN. Topics to be covered include: fetal development, breathing techniques, timing contractions, stages of labor, breastfeeding and many other issues surrounding the birth of an infant. Instruction on labor support for fathers or labor coaches will also be addressed. The classes are provided free of charge by Modoc County Public Health and Early Head Start. For more information or to sign up, please call Jennifer at 2336311. Please donate Talk Read & Sing Books Modoc County Office of Education, Modoc First 5 and Modoc Child Development Advisory Committee (MCDAC), in a collaborative effort, are requesting children’s books for ages 0-5 be donated in the continuing efforts to reach out to parents to TALK, READ and SING to their children. All book donations are welcome for age groups of 0 to 5, and can be dropped off at the Modoc County Office of Education’s Child and Family Resource Center located at 136 Henderson Street, Alturas. Thank you for helping. Alturas expecting Hot Air Balloons The annual Hot Air Balloon Fest is expected to return to Alturas Sept. 16-18, along with the Alturas Chamber of Commerce Duck Drop event. The public will be able to meet and greet the pilots on Friday evening at the Niles Hotel. The Chamber is expecting 12 or so balloons to lift off shortly after sunrise on Saturday from Sharp Field, located at the far end of East Fourth Street, Alturas. A pancake breakfast will be available Saturday morning, for a nominal charge at the same site. Watch the Modoc Record for more details soon. MORT off this month The August MORT Meeting is cancelled. However, Modoc Outdoor Recreation and Tourism will resume regular monthly meetings in September. NPS, LBNM celebrate with free entrance National Park Service turns 100 years old in 2016 and wants everyone to celebrate. All national parks, including Lava Beds National Monument, will waive entrance fees the weekend of August 25-28 for NPS Birthday Weekend. Join “Just Move It” walk/ run at Wildlife Refuge Everyone is welcome to join the Fitness Run/Walk and Brunch hosted by Strong Family Health Center on August 27 at the Modoc Wildlife Refuge. Walk the 3-mile loop or a shorter loop walk begins at 9 a.m., followed by brunch at 10 a.m. at Veterans’ Park, Alturas. Everyone who walks will be entered into a free raffle drawing. Adult first prize, FitBit Charge HR; Youth first prize, Apple Nano iPod 7th Generation 16GB; fresh fruit and veggie baskets, sports equipment and more. Come solo or bring a friend. It’s the 6th Annual event. Health checkpoints will be stationed around the loop to rest and rehydrate. CASCADE FENCING Residential, Commercial & Agriculture Fences Join Booster Club Barbed Wire • Field Fence Horse Fence • Privacy Fence Chain Link Fence Bobcat Work Available The Boosters Club invited the public to their meetings the fourth Thursday of every month in the Modoc High Library. Next meeting Aug. 25 at 5:30 p.m. It’s always nice to see new faces and get new ideas on how the club can raise funds to provide for school sports programs. A closed session at 5 p.m., then at 5:30 p.m., the meeting is open to the public. FREE S! ESTIMATE 530-640-2768 Marcus Plank • LIC#981603 California Pines Lodge Social Security Disability Cases 750 Shasta View Drive, Alturas PHONE (530) 233-5842 SPECIALS of the WEEK Coconut Breaded Shrimp 10 oz. New York Steak & Shrimp Bacon Mushroom Swiss Burger LARRY J. ARKFELD $19.95 $17.95 $11.95 Entrees includes soup, salad bar and ice cream sundae bar. This st 20 u g u A y a d r u Sat . m . a 0 1 o t 0 3 from 7: SATURDAY BREAKFAST There is no fee if I don’t win your case. Breakfast Menu served 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. SATURDAY DINNER USDA Choice Slow Roasted 14 oz. Prime Rib Dinner Call for a FREE evaluation of your case. $19.95 We only use USDA Choice Meat. SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. Serving Modoc, Siskiyou and Southern Oregon Breakfast & Lunch Entrees, Salad Bar & Dessert. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet TELEPHONE APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE Plus, Soft Serve Ice Cream Sundae Bar RESERVATIONS ARE RECOMMENDED 1-800-578-7343 7/21 Help for public speaking Coming . . . 8/18 01/17 Flawless & Fearless Women’s Conference $10.95 OPEN DAILY Tues, Thurs, Sat & Sun 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon, Wed & Fri 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Exercise Class on Mon., Wed. & Friday 12 -1 p.m. SEASON PASS - $25 PER PERSON SINGLE USE - $3 PER PERSON Lounge open: Monday - Wednesday 8 a.M. to 4 p.M. • Thursday & Friday, 4 p.m. To Close • saTurday & sunday, 10 a.m. To Close Dining Hours: Thursday, Friday & saTurday, 5 p.m. To 9 p.m. • sunday, 10 a.m. To 2 p.m. Honest • Professional • Affordable You are invited to join a gathering of women who are passionate about sharing the love of Jesus and seeing lives transformed. Grace Bible Church in Nubieber, CA would like to invite you to our 2016 Women’s Retreat September 30 - October 2, 2016 Running Y Ranch • 5500 Running Y Road Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Cost: $210 per person RSVP: Helen Albaugh Phone (530) 640-2861 Email: Your local plumbing experts. Heard Plumbing 208 East 12th Street Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-5181 Connect with us on Facebook at 8/18 Price Correction - Modoc County Record email us 7/23 Lic. # 493927 - Ask about our Senior Discount To send a legal: To send a classified: To send an advertisement: Page 16 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 Modoc County Record Legal Notices continued from page 19 SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN CLAIMING any legal or equitable right, title, estate, lien or interest in the property described in the complaint adverse to Plaintiff’s title, or any cloud on Plaintiff’s title thereto; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTÁ DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): U. S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee for NRZ PASS-THROUGH TRUST V TO THE ABOVENAMED DEFENDANTS: A civil complaint has been filed by the plaintiff against you. The civil action concerns the real property commonly known as 1205 Juniper Street, Alturas, CA 96101, in Modoc County, California. Parcel ID: 001-040-04-11. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center ( selfhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney. you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www., the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. ¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30 dias, fa corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la información a continuación. Tiene 30 DÍAS DE CAlENDARIO después de que le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta par escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefónica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que eslar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posíble que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la corte y más información en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (, en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario de la corte que le dé un formulario de exención de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo. puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos do un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services, (www., en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Califomia, ( o poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclmar las cuolas y los costos exentos par imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesion de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The name an adress of the court IS: (EI nombre y dirección de la corte es): MODOC COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 205 SOUTH EAST STREET 205 SOUTH EAST STREET ALTURAS, CA 96101 CASE NUMBER: CU-16-072 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiffs attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): NICOLAS MATAYRON Lic. #304097 Phone: (949) 252-9400 (949) 252-1032 MALCOLM CISNEROS, A Law Corporation 2112 Business Center Drive Irvine , CA 92612 DATE: Fecha: May 13, 2016 Clerk, by BEKKI INGRAHAM, Deputy /s/ Ronda Gysin Published in the Modoc County Record on August 18, 25 and September 1 and September 8, 2016. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 16-41 Exp: August 16, 2021 New Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Surprise Valley Farms, 34 Co. Rd. 29A, Cedarville, CA 96104, Mailing Address: PO Box 459, Cedarville, CA 96104 - Phone number: 530-279-2270. Registered Owner(s): Stephen A. Levy, 34 Co. Rd. 29A, Cedarville, CA 96104. Phone number: 530-279-2270. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a reg- istrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Stephen A. Levy This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on August 16, 2016. Published in the Modoc County Record on August 18, 25 and September 1 and 8, 2016. LEGAL NOTICE SURPLUS EQUIPMENT SALE The Modoc County Ag Department will be conducting a surplus equipment sale beginning Monday August 22, 2016. Please visit publicsurplus. com for the bid items and instructions. All property offered for sale “as is”. The Modoc County Ag Department whether expressed or implied, makes no guarantee or warranty to quality, quantity, weight, size, or condition of the property. Published in the Modoc County Record on August 18 and 25, 2016. OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT Ash Valley Grazing Project The Modoc National Forest is requesting public comments on the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Ash Valley Grazing Project. The proposed action is to re-authorize livestock grazing on the Ash Valley Allotment based on current year forage production data, LRMP range forage production estimates and an allotment capability and suitability analysis. The Ash Valley Grazing EA Proposed Action involves converting the allotment status from “vacant” to “active”. The EA is available for review at the Big Valley Ranger District, 508 South Main Street, Adin, CA 96006 or on-line at: projects/modoc/landmanagement/projects. This project is subject to comment pursuant to 36 CFR 218, Subparts A and B. Only those who submit timely project-specific written comments during a public comment period are eligible to file an objection. Individuals or representatives of an entity submitting comments must sign the comments or verify their identity upon request. The Forest Service will accept comments on this proposal for 30 days following publication of the opportunity to comment legal notice in the Modoc County Record. The legal notice is scheduled to be in the paper on August 18, 2016. The date of publication is the exclusive means for calculating the comment period. Commenters should not rely upon dates or timeframe information provided by another source. It is the commenter’s responsibility to ensure timely receipt of their comments (36 CFR 218.25). Comments may be mailed to the Big Valley Ranger District; Attn: Ash Valley Grazing Project, 508 South Main Street, Adin, CA 96006; delivered to the address shown above during business hours (M-F 8:00am to 4:30pm); or submitted by FAX (530) 299-8409. Electronic comments, in common (.doc(x), .pdf, .rtf, txt) formats, may be submitted to: comments-pacificsouthwest-modoc-big-valley@ Please put Ash Valley Grazing Project on the subject line. Names of commenters will be part of the public record subject to Freedom of Information Act. For additional information, contact Garrett Noles, Rangeland Specialist at the Doublehead Holistic management, does it work? A holistic management workshop is set at Ross and Kelly McGarva’s ranch in Likely, Sept. 3. The McGarva family has been practicing Holistic Management for 14 years. They are partnering with Abbey and Spencer Smith to offer this workshop. The Smiths are leaders of the Jefferson Center for Holistic Management, an accredited Savory Global Network hub serving Northern California and Nevada. They completed Holistic Management training in Colorado and Zimbabwe with Allan Savory and other longtime Holistic Management educators. They holistically manage their family’s certified organic ranch and offer courses, consulting and other programs across the region. The workshop is from 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday, September 3. Attendees will meet at the South Fork Events Center (formerly the Likely School). The morning session covers the principles of Holistic Management and how to use the planning procedures, tools and decisionmaking processes to significantly increase forage production. “We are excited to share the simple yet effective tools of Holistic Manage- ment with our community,” said Kelly McGarva. “It has made all the difference in our management practices and the results can be seen on the land.” Their operating costs per animal unit were reduced by more than 60 percent. McGarva said that some of the nonnumeric benefits they are experiencing are: greater plant diversity in pastures with dramatic reduction in invasive weeds, above average gains on some classes of cattle, higher conception rates, improved water cycles, less irrigation water required, severe reduction in mosquito population, increased waterfowl and wildlife numbers, and winters off from heavy ranch work. The Smiths recently began managing holisti- cally in Fort Bidwell and saw a 40 percent increase in available forage in the first year. They work with Michigan State University (MSU), who like the Smiths, serves as a Savory Global Network hub. Local producers, and others curious about holistic management, can join the McGarvas and Smiths on September 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Register for the event at . Look for the link on the right hand side of the homepage. Registrations online are encouraged so the hosts can prepare meals and other accommodations for attendees. Tickets are $100 each or $120 at the door. For more information or questions, please call Spencer Smith: 775-2216793 or email at spencer@ and receive 5 OFF $ 00 Any Service! Come as a Customer, Leave as a Friend. Independent Dealer 6/9 Located across from the Auction Yard Cafe Titus Martin 530-233-5349 YOUR ONE STOP SHOP - DIESEL & GAS VEHICLES Ranger District at, or call (530) 667-8630. Published in the Modoc County Record on August 18, 2016. G ET Y OUR C OPY T ODAY ! A VAILABLE A T T HESE L OCAL M ODOC B USINESSES C EDARVILLE A LTURAS • Page’s Market • Cedarville Corner Store • J’n R Hotel • Surprise! • Sunrise Motel • Rabbit Traxx • Modoc County Record • Seab’s True Value • Holiday Quality Foods • 4 Corners Market • Alturas Chevron • The Bottle Shop • Super 8 Motel • Best Western Motel • Antonio’s Cucina Italiana • Top Hat Video • MMC Auxiliary Gift Shop • Modoc Mini Mart • Rite Aid • Frontier Motel • Rim Rock Motel • Hacienda Motel • Alliance Gas Station • Niles Coffee Co. • Essex • Wagon Wheel • Lazy B Grill THE MODOC COUNTY L IKELY • Likely General Store D AVIS C REEK • Davis Creek Mercantile A DIN • Adin Supply B IEBER • Red Barn RECOR D © Established 1892 201 West Carlos Street Alturas, CA 96101 Phone (530) 233-2632 Fax (530) 233-5113 WWW . MODOCRECORD . COM August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 17 4438. Suggested donation: Seniors (60 years or older) - $3.25 -regular meal; Seniors Salad Bar - $2.50; $5.00 - Seniors special meal. Non-seniors - Regular meal - $7.00; Nonseniors Salad Bar - $4.00 and Non-Seniors Special Meal - $8.00 per meal. We also offer homebound seniors (60 years or older), hot lunches delivered to their home. Please call us for more information. ------------Dietary Information: All menus contain 1/3 RDA as set by CDA Protein Source: 3 oz. meat or alternate - (2) ½ cup servings; +VIT. C Source: Daily; VIT. A Source: 3 times a week; Fruit or vegetable: (2) ½ cups daily; Fortified margarine/butter: 1 serving 2% milk: 8 0z. Daily *Menus are subject to change without prior notice. ______________________________________________ Senior Center Activities Mondays: CLOSED Thursdays: Aug.; 18 & 25: TOPS - 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Senior Corner The Modoc Senior Center 906 W. 4th Street, Alturas 530-233-4438 OPEN: 9:00 a.m.: TUESDAY through FRIDAY CLOSED: MONDAYS Senior Services – -------------Transportation ServicesBus service provided for seniors, 60 years or older, aboard our wheelchair accessible bus, within a fivemile radius of our location by appointment; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, except holidays. This includes transportation for medical appointments, banking, post office, grocery shopping and to our center. Please call early for your bus reservation: 530-2334438. Suggested donation is 50 cents. -------------Lunch Services - Tuesdays - Fridays Lunch during our summer business days is at 12 p.m. Salad Bar is served at 11 a.m. on Salad Bar days. Please call a day in advance for reservations 530-233- Fridays: Aug.; 19 & 26: Bingo - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. *Suggested donations: Senior Meal $3.25; Senior Salad Bar $2.00. *Seniors special meal $5.00, Non-Seniors regular meal $7.00 *Non-Seniors salad bar $3.50; Non-Seniors special meal $8.00. Modoc Senior Center Luncheon Menu Lunch is served at noon. Thursday, Aug. 18: Beef stroganoff with noodles, carrots, biscuits, salad bar, orange slices and milk. Friday, Aug. 19: Ham and cheese sandwich on wheat bread, coleslaw, watermelon and milk. Monday, Aug. 22: Closed. Tuesday, Aug. 23: Chili relleno, Mexican corn, Spanish rice, salad bar, bananas and milk. Wednesday, Aug. 24: Ham and cheese macaroni casserole, mixed vegetables, applesauce and milk. Thursday, Aug. 25: Baked chicken, parmesan noodles, roasted Brussels sprouts, salad bar, fruit and milk. *Menus are subject to change without prior notice. MODOC COUNTY RECORD BU US S II N NE ES SS S D II R RE EC CT TO O RY RY Place Your Ad Today! Call The Modoc County Record at (530) 233-2632 • $10 per week - 3 month commitment required. Let us help build YOUR BUSINESS! Electrical PHONE 530-640-0164 MODOC CRISIS CENTER Phone 530-233-4575 24 Hour Hotline 1-855-855-6745 Apparel Everything A Lady Wants From Pre-Teen Up! • Jackets • Sweaters • Dresses • Blouses • Skirts • Jeans • Cosmetics • Skin Care & Facials • Gifts and More! Ardie’s Classie Lassie & Calico Cow 301 S. Main St (530) 233-5599 530-640-0067 Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) Coastwide Contractors James Hertel (530) 640-2016 • 24 Hr. Emergency Services • Home Improvement • Roofing • Composition • Metal • Drywall/Windows • Remodels & New Construction • Professional Painting • FREE Estimates Ca. Lic. #714115 Farm Supply Insurance Modoc Farm Supply Nutrena Quality Feeds Dealer Feed • Seed • Fertilizer • Tack • Pets • Supplies 226 West 8th Street, Alturas (530) 233-2816 New Winter Hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM-5:30PM Sat, 9AM-5 PM to new BRIAN J. BAUER HORSESHOEING Soa hei r ght s! Advertise your business in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) REASONABLE RATES HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION 530-233-3040 605 N. Main Street, Ste. F ALTURAS, CA 96101 Your Ad Madison “Gene” Hamilton General Building Contractor CA LIC# 532643 • New Construction • Home Remodel • Concrete (530) 233-2202 BRIAN BAUER 541-219-1931 635 South H Street • Lakeview, OR Fencing Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) Carpet Cleaning Modoc Child Care Resource & Referral Subsidized child care Referrals to licensed child care Toy & Lending Library 112 E. 2nd St Alturas, CA 96101 Call Collect (530) 233-3111 W HITE BEAR CASCADE CONSTRUCTION, INC. FENCING Lic#794568 Class A & C12 WE’RE NOW PAVING! O THER S ERVICES : DRIVEWAYS & HOUSE PADS • DITCH CLEAN OUT • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES • IRRIGATION & MORE BARBED WIRE FENCE FIELD & HORSE FENCE PRIVACY & CHAIN LINK FENCE BOBCAT WORK AVAILABLE DIRT WORK, CONCRETE & PAVING Call Laine Hoy Phone (530) 233-4875 Cell (530) 708-2272 OLD WEST COFFINS simple. dignified. traditional. Truck mounted steam cleaning, 530-640-1900 HANDY HOME SERVICE Free Pet Odor Removal 530-640-2768 MARCUS PLANK • LIC#981603 540 MAIN STREET CEDARVILLE, CA TELEPHONE 530-640-1940 Live the Cowboy way, Leave the Cowboy way. Your Ad Here DAN YOUNG CONSTRUCTION Ken Phillips, Agent Remember, for your insurance needs, State Farm is there. (530) 233-2022 MODOC INSURANCE SERVICES “Modoc’s Premier Nursery” “Honesty, Integrity and Quality Personal Service” Oil Change Mon-Fri, 8 A.M.-5 P.M. We pick up and deliver! Brad & Pam Williams 202 N Court St Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-1144 Alturas Tire & Muffler Center • Goodyear • BF Goodrich • Cooper • Mastercraft • Toyo 605 N. Court St., Alturas Call For Hours • New Tires, Recaps & Wheels Complete Auto Care 530-233-3723 Rusty Stanford 100 West 12th (530) 233-4347 Recycling Tires OPEN SATURDAYS! 233-5766 Bill V. Brown, O.D. FAMILY VISION CARE Open Monday - Friday Saturdays & Evenings By Appointment 530-336-5220 43124 HWY 299 E 326 N. Main St. Alturas (530) 233-3432 At the Y in Fall River Mills Many Vision Insurance Plans Accepted Including Medi-Cal Insurance Plumbing FRANK WATKINS AGENCY A&M PUMP & PLUMBING Water Systems & Septic Tank Installations (530) 294-5677 100 N. MARKET P.O. BOX 478 BIEBER, CA 96009 F IND Y OUR D IRECTION Advertise your new business here. Call for details! (530) 233-2632 T COT AGE P Y L A Help your business live up to its potential Lic#256441 39266 HWY 299E HC4 Box 40503, Alturas (530) 233-2773 CA Lic#810905 • New Construction • Remodels • Custom Concrete • Home Improvement And More! CCW CLASSES GUNSMITH LICENSED FFL DEALER & NRA LIFETIME MEMBERS 530-279-2004 • 425 MAIN ST. CEDARVILLE, CA 96104 Alton Howell Plumbing BACK TO TAKING CARE OF YOURDrain Cleaning Plumbing Repairs Senior Discount All Work Guaranteed PHONE 530-708-7132 with a Modoc Record Business Directory ad! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) CALL ALTON NOW AT (530) 640-3511 Not A Licensed Contractor Your Ad Here Hardware Advertise Here Plumbing Hit your target! Call us! $99.95 HOLDORFF’S • Payroll • Income Tax • Bookkeeping SAGE COUNTRY RECYCLING Accepting Scrap Metal and Appliances We take CVR Items WINTER HOURS Monday - Friday, 9 A.M.- 4 P.M. 504 West 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Questions? Call 530-233-2825 to new Soa r hei ght s! Advertise your business in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) LA JOYA ENTERPRISES, INC. (530) 233-1138 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL FURNITURE • AUTOMOTIVE ATV/MOTORCYCLE SEATS EQUIPMENT SEATS Services Providing Services To Developmentally Challenged Adults (530) 233-4527 FAX (530) 233-5672 310 West “C” St. * Alturas, Ca 96101 Lic #251370262 • Adult Development Center • Respite Care (North Eastern Area) • Independent Living (ICAN) • Community Activities Support Service • Transitional Living • Integrated Work (Job coach services) • Supported Living Services • Self Advocacy Support Services COFFINS Construction FIREARMS Advertise Here Plumbing Advertise Here Well Drilling Got DIRT? STARTING FROM RECYCLING CENTER Weʼre Open: FREE ESTIMATES! AGRICULTURE, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL US Simplify your business life! 58 Years Quick Lube Plus + • Pleasure • Performance • Corrective KL RICHARD P. COTTA Tires 115 West North St. Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-2113 Your Ad Here Construction FARRIER Insurance OPTOMETRIST Your Ad Here UPHOLSTERY ATTORNEY Child Care Construction CRIMINAL AND FAMILY LAW 1030 N Main St. Alturas (530) 233-2616 CA Lic#905055 Construction Recycling CALL TODAY 233-6311 Maxwell’s DANE MCCOMBS Owner Simplify your business life! A Division of T.E.A.C.H., Inc. 112 East 2nd Street Alturas, CA 96101 “Quality From Start To Finish” DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES Enoch Wood Tax Matters Nursery (530) 233-3930 Insurance PERINATAL OUTREACH EDUCATION Taxes ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ Tradition & Service Since 1915 (Caring For Modoc Families) Prearrangements Alturas, CA 96101 Pregnancy Services PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS Pre-conceptual Planning Pregnancy Education Smoking Cessation Breastfeeding Support Referral Services & More CA Lic#1001592 Electric Your Ad FD-87 ELECTRIC Dave Hohman McCombs Abuse Prevention Kerr Mortuary DAVE’S Electrical Learn about Advertising goals, Call 530-233-2632. Monuments Advertise your business in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) Seab's True Value When you’re looking for every day items at low prices, shop at Seab’s True Value 115 N. Main•Alturas (530) 233-4686 Stressed Out? Don’t be! Get ahead of the game with an ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! (A 3 month commitment required) Heard Plumbing Licensed Contractor No. 493927 (530) 233-2482 Stressed Out? Don’t be! CONNERS WELL DRILLING 4th Generation Irrigation-Domestic Geothermal John 299-3336 Get ahead of the Duane 233-3837 game with an ad in the Lee 279-6281 Modoc Record P.O. Box 92, Alturas Business Directory! LC# 709156 (A 3 month commitment required) Your Ad Simplify your business life! Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) Well Drilling MODOC DRILLING CO. Domestic - Irrigation (530) 233-5181 208 E. 12th Alturas, CA 96101 Lic#493927 C L A S S I F I E D S CLASSIFIEDS Page 18 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 $7 For each standard Ad up to 35 * Standard Ad is first two CALL (530) 233-2632 or 233-3421, DEADLINE For words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE! lines bold. FAX (530) 233-5113 Classified Advertising Is DEADLINE for Classified Advertising Is Wednesdays At NOON. Your ad will also appear on our website E-mail: $8.50 for each standard classified ad up to 35 words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Standard Ad is first two lines bold. Classifieds also appear on our website. Wednesdays At NOON! Guaranteed “Double Exposure!” CALL (530) 233-2632 • FAX (530) 233-5113 • EMAIL: Announcements NEEDING OLD NEWSPAPERS OR BOXES? Come by the Modoc County record, 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas during business hours and help yourself! Open Mon. - Thurs., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Fri., 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Available while supplies last! (TFN) --------------------------CARPET CLEANING service located in Alturas! Call us to schedule your carpet cleaning now! Starting from $99.95. Truck mount steam cleaning. Call Handy Home Service @ 530-6401900 today! Locally owned and operated. (TFN) --------------------------NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Modoc Record makes every effort to reject fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Please investigate thoroughly before investing money for information concerning job opportunities, i n v e s t m e n t s , or loans. (TFN) --------------------------PRE-PAYMENT P O L I C Y ! The Modoc County Record will request pre-payment on all classified advertising categories. Master Card, Visa and American Express are welcome as well as checks, cash or money orders. (TFN) --------------------------- F or r ent 2 BED/2 BATH, 1660 SQ. FT HOME in the MRE. TV room, 2 car garage with workspace. Washer & dryer and refrigerator included. $750 per month with first, last & security deposit. Call 530-233-7094. (18Aug) ----------------------------NICE, CLEAN 2 BED/1 BATH Duplex in town - $535/month. Includes monitor heat, fenced backyard and water/sewer paid ($85 value). References, credit check and security deposit required. Call 530-233-2615. (18Aug) --------------------------C O M P L E T E L Y REMODELED 1 BED/1 BATH in town. $595/ month and $595 security deposit. Water included. Call 530-640-2940. --------------------------RANCH STYLE 3 BED/2 BATH home located in Cal Pines. $800 per month plus security deposit. No pets. For more information, contact RMS Real Estate at 530-233-5888 or 530-640-3110. (TFN) --------------------------CALL UNITED COUNTRY Stevenson Realty, Auction Services and Property Management for rentals and management services. 530-233-2440. BRE# 01375178. (TFN) --------------------------A F F O R D A B L E LIVING! ALTURAS Garden Apartments is accepting applications for clean 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Spacious landscape, large play area and professional on-site management. If you qualify, you may pay as little as 30% of your adjusted gross income, which includes heat, hot water and garbage. For more information, please come by the office or call. 310 E. McDowell Street, Alturas. Office hours, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1 p.m. 4 p.m. Monday – Friday. TDD 800-735-2929 or 530233-3918. Equal Housing Opportunity. (TFN) --------------------------P U B L I S H E R ’ S N O T I C E : All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parent or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelling advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. (TFN) -------------------------- F or s ALe ’93 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 extended cab, automatic 4x4. 244,800 miles. $2,500 negotiable. Call 530-233-4961. (18Aug) ----------------------------FOR SALE: Stainless Steel kitchen sink w/ garbage disposal - $100. (2) 100 lb. Propane Cylinder tanks - $60 each. Young Republic hard rack maple hutch - $450. Oval table, 3 inserts, 4 chairs - $400. 530-233-2274 or 530-7080452. Appt. only. (18Aug) ----------------------------FOR SALE - 2010 HONDA Rancher 240 ATV. 154 original miles, racks and front basket. Immaculate condition. $5,000. Serious inquiries only. 530-708-0538. (TFN) ----------------------------ALL BRAND NEW - 15000K Generator $4,200; 9000 Generator $3,200; Ry80940 Pressure Washer - $400 and HD3xH Trash Pump - $600. Call 530234-2197 or 530-7080450. (11Aug-1Sep) --------------------------CLASSIC GLASSPAR CITATION 1959 Golden Jubilee 16 foot V4-50hp Evinrude, Gator tilt trailer. Ready to fish, ski or voyage! $3,750 or trade and cash. Call 530-569-0076. (18Aug) --------------------------WARNER MTN LUMBER has firewood for sale at the sawmill. Dry cut to length (approx 16”) ready for your wood stove. $65 per pickup load - you haul. Open Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 3: 30 p.m. Contact Ray Wattenburg at 530640-0695. (11Aug-1Sep) ---------------------------MIKE’S RV - EDDY’S GREAT Outdoors. Over 40 new 2017 enclosed cargo trailers; 4x6 $1,499; 5x8 - $1,799; 6x10 - $2,199; 7x14- $3,599. Only 9 2016 cargos left at even lower prices. Call for quotes. Large selection open utility trailers, car haulers, quad haulers. New 2017 Springdale Travel Trailers. Guaranteed to beat any price in Oregon, don’t snooze & loose! Carports, 12x21, start at $795, delivered and setup. LEER Canopy (Shell) Sale, online for factory direct savings and free installations, over $200 savings. Open Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat. & Sun., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7350 Southside Bypass, Klamath Falls, OR. Phone: 541273-1111/ 541-2810146 or at mikesrv. net. (18Aug-8Sep) --------------------------- H eLp W Anted THE MODOC COUNTY DEPARTMENT of Social Services has openings for a Social Worker I, II, III or IV depending upon qualifications and experience. SOCIAL WORKER I/II $2,430 – $3,359 per month. Working under close supervision, the Social Worker I is the entry/ trainee class in the professional Social Worker series. A Social Worker I receives inservice training in social services programs and basic case study methods in order to perform elementary social services and identify needs for more intensive services; and performs other related work as assigned. As requisite skill and knowledge are developed, greater independence and the full scope of responsibility are exercised. Unless a position is permanently allocated to the Social Worker I level due to the nature of the work, employees are expected to promote to the Social Worker II after one year of satisfactory performance at the trainee level. Application deadline: August 26, 2016 at 5:00 pm. SOCIAL WORKER III $3,026 - $3,862 per month. Under general direction, the Social Worker III carries a difficult caseload involving the determination of need for basic social services functions for applicants or clients; performs social studies and assignments involving individualized treatment and specialized application of casework methods and skills; provides comprehensive casework services of a tangible nature; and performs other related work as assigned. Application deadline: August 26, 2016 at 5:00 pm. SOCIAL WORKER IV $3,882 - $5,476 per month. Under general direction, the Social Worker IV performs casework of an advanced nature dealing with complex individual and family problems; undertakes intensive treatment plans and counseling requiring professional knowledge and training; performs other related work as assigned. Application deadline: September 2, 2016 at 5:00 pm. CalPERS retirement program and health benefits. Valid driver’s license required. Apply through Merit System Services www.mss. 241 Lathrop Way, Sacramento, CA 95815 Phone: 916-263-3614. EOE/ ADA/Drug Free Workplace Employer. 120 North Main St., Alturas, CA 96101. Website: https://sites/ google. com/a/co.modo social-services/ (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC MEDICAL CENTER in Alturas, CA has openings for the following positions: Full-Time/ PartTime: Revenue Cycle Coordinator, Staff Accountant, Radiology Technologist, Certified Medical Assistant/ Medical Assistant, C.N.A., Hospital Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, Paramedic, EMT, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Family Nurse Practitioner, Certified Coder, Retail Pharmacist, Clinical Laboratory Scientist, LVN, RN, ER-RN, RN-SNF, Physician. Extra Support: C.N.A., Paramedic, EMT, RN, ER-RN. Full-time and part-time positions are benefit eligible. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www. modocmed icalcenter. org or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC MEDICAL CENTER is accepting applications for a fulltime experienced Staff Accountant. Monthly wage is $3,156.40 $3,941.60. The position, with benefits, reports to the CFO and duties include working with general ledger and bank reconciliations, preparing supporting document, developing budget projections, analyzing trends and maintaining policies and procedures. The incumbent will also be involved in financial spot audits, special financial projects and the testing of system modifications and enhancements before implementation. Desired qualifications: minimum of two year degree in a business related field, proficient in Microsoft Office applications and 10 key, grant experience preferred and knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting principles. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www. modocmed icalcenter. org or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC MEDICAL CENTER is accepting applications for the Revenue Cycle Coordinator position. Monthly wage is $2,719.60 - $3,397.33. Under the direction of the CEO, the Revenue Cycle Coordinator is responsible for providing support to the revenue cycle processes at MMC. Desired qualifications: High School graduate or equivalent required, degree in accounting or business preferred, experience in healthcare billing and knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting principles. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www. modocmed icalcenter. org or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC MEDICAL CENTER is accepting applications for an Extra non-benefited Medical Assistant (MA) or Per Diem Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) at our Rural Health Clinic. Wage rate is $12.14 – 15.16 per hour for CMAs with an additional $2.88 per hour for per diem, $11.85 - $14.80 per hour for MAs. Under the supervision of an LVN, RN, NP, PA and/or Physician, the CMA or MA provides care that meets the psychosocial, physical and general aspects of patient care. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www. modocmed icalcenter. org or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC MEDICAL CENTER is accepting applications for a full time, benefited or per diem RN in the Acute Hospital. Wage rate is $32.19 – $40.20 per hour, with an additional $2.88 per hour for per diem. Under the direction of the on-duty Charge Nurse, the RN administers nursing care to patients in an efficient, safe and courteous manner using proper nursing procedures. Desired qualifications: California RN License, active CPR, ACLS and PALS. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www. modocmed icalcenter. org or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC MEDICAL CENTER is accepting applications for a part time Hospital Disaster Preparedness Coordinator. Wage rate is $16.00 – $19.98 per hour. The position benefits eligible. The position reports to the PI/Risk/Compliance Director duties include developing, coordinating and implementing the Hospital Disaster Preparedness Program (HDPP) for Modoc Medical Center (MMC) in accordance with local, state, and federal laws, rules, regulations and plans. The HDPC leads, educates and informs staff in regards to emergency planning and strategies, develops emergency plans to prepare and respond to emergencies, creates educational and training materials and conducts training sessions and drills. This position is the liaison between MMC and local emergency management agencies and affiliates. Desired qualifications: valid California driver’s license, high school diploma or equivalent, experience with hospital operations, planning and disaster preparedness preferred. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www. modocmed icalcenter. org or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC COUNTY OFFICE OF Education is accepting applications for the following position: (1) Special Education Teacher, 7 hours per day at the Alturas Elementary School, 186 days per year. Beginning: as soon as possible. Salary: $38,012.39 $82,574.07 per year. Benefits: Health/Vision/ Dental Insurance (prorated). Qualifications: BA Degree; posses or be eligible to posses a valid credential authorizing the teaching of disabled children or participate in CTC approved intern program; must have CBEST; demonstrate understanding and ability to maintain continuity of curriculum, materials, and strategies, including mainstreaming and inclusion for students with special needs; be able to work cooperatively with support services including all special services and other school personnel. Anyone interested in applying for the following position for the 2016/2017 school year must apply to Sonya Murphy at 139 Henderson St., Alturas CA 96101 in writing or by email at smurphy@ modoccoe. org. To apply please provide a cover letter, completed certificated application, resume and three (3) letters of recommendation. Closing date: until filled. (18Aug-25Aug) --------------------------HELP WANTED: Licensed CNA for parttime work. PV Pay. 530-233-2274 or 530708-0452. (18Aug) --------------------------QUICK LUBE PLUS is accepting applications for Lube Tech. Applicant should be reliable, honest and have a valid driver’s license. Must pass background check. Experience preferred. Will train preferred individual. Call 530-233-1144 for more information on how to apply. (18Aug) --------------------------MODOC COUNTY OFFICE OF Education is accepting applications for the following position: (1) Computer Support Technician, 8 hours per day at the Modoc County Office of Education. Beginning: September 6, 2016. Salary: $17.97 - $27.68 per hour. Closing Date: August 31, 2016. Qualifications: High School Diploma; two years’ experience in computer/electronic service and repair and system support; hold a valid automobile operator’s license with current insurance; oblige to fingerprinting. Anyone interested in applying for the following position for the 2016/2017 school year, must apply to Sonya Murphy at 139 Henderson St., Alturas CA 96101 in writing or by email at smurphy@ modoccoe. by August 31, 2016. To apply, please provide a cover letter, completed classified application, resume and three (3) letters of recommendation. Job description is located on our website, www.modoccoe.k12. (11Aug-18Aug) --------------------------MODOC COUNTY DEPARTMENT of Probation is currently accepting applications for the Chief Probation Officer position. Salary range: $75,984 - $96,984 annually. Modoc County is seeking a creative and highly motivated individual to assume the Chief position. This position is a department head classification with responsibility for the administration of the County’s Adult and Juvenile programs. The Chief Probation Officer is appointed by the Modoc Superior Court-judge of the juvenile court in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 270 and Penal Code Section 1203.6. For a more detailed description and download of the flyer and county application, please visit our website at: This position will remain open until filled. (11Aug-18Aug) --------------------------WAREHOUSE & WAREHOUSE/ Delivery positions available. Must have a clean, valid California Class C drivers license. Must be someone who can work independently, efficiently and possess strong customer service skills. Please pickup application and submit to K & K Distributing, 317 W. Carlos St., Alturas, CA. Phone: 530-2335174. (11Aug-18Aug) --------------------------STRONG FAMILY HEALTH CENTER (SFHC) is currently accepting applications for a Youth Education Services Assistant. Salary: $11.00 - $15.00 per hour, dependent upon education and experience (DOE), plus fringe benefits. Position: Fulltime Benefited Position, 40 hours per week, Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., August May, following MJUSD school year. Application Deadline: until position filled. Job description: to provide tutoring assistance to Native American students in grades K - 12 who qualify for assistance, after-school tutoring program for individuals and groups, planning, reporting, transporting, snack preparation and working with teachers, parents and the SFHC Youth Education Services Coordinator and Executive Director. Skills preferred: basic CPR/First Aid, experience working in a public school setting, knowledge of Common Core. Background check and drug testing required. Commercial Class B License will need to be obtained after hire. Preference will be given to Native Americans in accordance with the Indian Preference Act. Detailed job description and applications available at the Strong Family Health Center office, Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m - 6 p.m. located at 1203 Oak Street, Alturas, CA 96101 or call 530233-4591. (11Aug-18Aug) ---------------------------TEACHER AIDE position available at Alturas Head Start. 30 hrs/wk; 41 wks/yr. $10.79 - $13.38/hr, based upon qualifications. Begins ASAP. Assists in operation of preschool classroom. Must be 18 and possess a high school diploma or GED; 12 units of Early Childhood Education preferred, including: child growth and development; child, family and community; program curriculum and six months work experience in a licensed child care center, bilingual skills desirable. Criminal background clearance required after offer of employment is made. Resume, transcripts and application must be received by 8/19/2016, contact 530-283-1242 for application or www. headstart4u. org. Send to Pam Post, P.O. Box 279, Janesville, CA 96114. EOE. (11Aug-18Aug) ----------------------------CANBY FAMILY PRACTICE Clinic is accepting applications for the following positions: Full-Time Medical Assistant, Clinical RN or LVN and Sanitation Engineer. Applications are available at the Canby Clinic. Call Linda Mann at 530-708-8905. Canby Clinic is an EOE. (TFN) ----------------------------LOOKING FOR A FEDERAL or Postal Job? What looks like the ticket to a secure job might be a scam. For more information, call the Federal Trade Commission, toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit A message from the Modoc County Record and the FTC. (TFN) ----------------------------- 3 Signage Limitations include: Yard, Garage or Rummage Sale signs on public rights of way, on utility poles or on highway signage poles are strictly prohibited within the limits of the City of Alturas. All signs posted, in conformity with these limitations, are to be removed within 24 hours of the conclusion of the sale activity. Thank you for your cooperation. (TFN) ----------------------------ONE LAST SALE! Thursday, Aug 18 thru Sunday, Aug 21 from 9 a.m. - ? In perfect condition women’s boots: Doc Marten’s English; Durango mud boots; Emu snow boots; size 6 - 10. Suit jackets, Kirby vacuum, great couch, electric stove and so much more! 401 ½ East 5th Street (in the alley next to 401). (18Aug) ----------------------------101 W 16 TH ST., ALTURAS 8 a.m. - ? on Friday, Aug. 19 & Saturday, Aug. 20. Tools, tools, tools! (18Aug) ----------------------------ost ound 507 ARCHER AVE (Brooks Park), Alturas FOUND: +/- year old from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. kitten, near Court St. on Friday, Aug. 19. and HWY 299. Please Furniture, clothes, dishes call Annamarie Jones and much more! (18Aug) to identify at 530- ----------------------------569-0643. (18Aug) YARD SALE - Saturday, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 20 from 8 a.m. LOST/STOLEN CATS noon at 326 Partridge (6) in the Daphendale Lane, off of Goose Loop area. Descriptions are Road in the Estates. as follows: (1) mostly Snow skis and boots, black w/ brown 6 yr slalom water ski, likeold female, goes by the new paintball gun (used name of Black Velvet, once), electric guitar long haired. (2) tiny 2 yr with amp, Wii games, old female, shorthaired, Xbox 360 games, DVDs, cream colored on top, men’s slacks, lots of milk colored underneath. girls’ clothes and much, (3) big 4 ½ yr old male, much more. (18Aug) shorthaired, cream ----------------------------color on top, milk color SATURDAY, AUG. 20 underneath. Mother from 9 a.m - 4 p.m. at Co. misses him very much. Rd. 245 (Goose Loop Rd) (4) shorthaired 5 yr 226 - follow arrows. Air old male, gray on top, conditioning unit, queen white underneath. (5) sized bed frame, 14x15 tiny, longhaired gray 2 carpet, bicycle, camping yr old female. (6) tiny, gear and more! (18Aug) longhaired, year old ----------------------------coffee colored male. Call SATURDAY, AUG. 20 530-569-0643. (18Aug) from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 3229 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pencil Road, Alturas. FREE FOUND ADS! Field fence, truck toolbox Any private party finding and more! (18Aug) a lost pet or item can run ----------------------------a classified ad, free of HUGE YARD SALE charge for a week. The - Friday, Aug. 19 & ad also is placed on the Saturday, Aug. 20 Modoc Record’s website from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at w w w . m o d o c r e c o r d . 429 Archer Ave., by com for the week. This Brooks Park. Furniture, service is offered by the house décor, clothes Modoc County Record in and more. (18Aug) hopes that we can bring ----------------------------these pets or lost items 507 W. 4TH ST., together again with their ALTURAS - Saturday, owners. Call Record Aug. 20 from 8 a.m. - ?. Classifieds 530-233-2632 Tools, household items, or e-mail at classifieds@ new & old antiques, collectibles too - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - much to list! (18Aug) ----------------------------N EAST D ST., eAL stAte 901 ALTURAS - Saturday, Aug. 20 starting OPEN HOUSE - 4803 at 8 a.m. (18Aug) MAIN ST., LAKE CITY, ---------------------------CA. Saturday, Aug. 20 & -BACK WITH NEW Saturday, Aug. 27 from ITEMS - Wilkerson’s 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Realtors Trading Post & welcome! House and Barbershop featuring land description in below “Millie’s Boutique” is ad… (18Aug-25Aug) open for all your needs. ----------------------------- Prices negotiable. Vendor ONE ACRE LOT FOR space also available. SALE on Main Street in Open Tues. - Sat., 1 Lake City: 1600 sq. ft., p.m. - 6 p.m. (18Aug) 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom ----------------------------house, 30’ x 40’ shop, FRIDAY, AUG. 19 & several outbuildings SATURDAY, AUG 20 and fenced garden from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. at 270 area. House has a Co. Rd. 230 (Cal Pines). large beautiful kitchen New stuff, collectibles, that is a dream to work clothing, new furniture, in, newly remodeled tools. Sale canceled if bathroom, decks front there is rain. (18Aug) and back, wood and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kerosene heat, SVE power. Move in ready. $189,500. Call 530279-2640. (4Aug-25Aug) ----------------------------- L &F r e W Anted WANTED USED but ready to go. Brush hog - deck mower, 5 6’ to fit 1941 Ford 9N Tractor. Call 530-2491433. (18Aug-8Sep) ----------------------------- Y Ard s ALes PURSUANT TO CITY ORDINANCE No. 484, Section 13.1- You can e-mail your classified ads to: classifieds @modoc record. com C L L DEADLINE For Classified Advert Wednesdays At N August 18, 2016 - Modoc County Record - Page 19 MODOC COUNTY RECORD TRUSTEE SALE T.S. No.: 9987-0488 TSG Order No.: 160120389-CAVOI A.P.N.: 002-172-2611 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 06/12/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NBS Default Services, LLC, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded 06/19/2007 as Document No.: 2007-000257100, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Modoc County, California, executed by: KAREN L KING, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable in full at time of sale by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and state, and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. Sale Date & Time: 09/01/2016 at 10:30 AM Sale Location: At the steps of the County Courthouse at 204 S. Court Street, Alturas, CA. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 607 JOSEPHINE STREET, ALTURAS, CA 96101 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made in an “AS IS” condition, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $118,033.04 (Estimated) as of 08/12/2016. Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to in- vestigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call, 916-939-0772 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site, www., for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case, T.S.# 9987-0488. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. NBS Default Services, LLC 301 E. Ocean Blvd. Suite 1720 Long Beach, CA 90802 800-766-7751 For Trustee Sale Information Log On To: www. or Call: 916-939-0772. NBS Default Services, LLC, Nicole Rodriguez, Foreclosure Associate This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. However, if you have received a discharge of the debt referenced herein in a bankruptcy proceeding, this is not an attempt to impose personal liability upon you for payment of that debt. In the event you have received a bankruptcy discharge, any action to enforce the debt will be taken against the property only. NPP0287915 To: MODOC COUNTY RECORD 08/11/2016, 08/18/2016, 08/25/2016 Published in the Modoc County Record on August 11, 18 and 25, 2016. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No. 16-42345 APN: 039-241-21-11 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 12/16/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: HENRY C. DRURY, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY Duly Appointed Trustee: LAW OFFICES OF LES ZIEVE Deed of Trust recorded 1/6/2009 as Instrument No. 2009-0000035-00 in book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Modoc County, California, Date of Sale: 9/19/2016 at 2:30 PM Place of Sale: 204 S. Court Street., Alturas, CA 96101. Estimated amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $203,419.94 Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt owed. Street Address or other common designation of real property: 618 Lake View Drive, Alturas, CA 96101 Described as follows: As more fully described in the Deed of Trust A.P.N #.: 039-241-21-11 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (714) 848-9272 or visit this Internet Web site www.elitepostandpub. com, using the file number assigned to this case 16-42345. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Dated: 8/5/2016 LAW OFFICES OF LES ZIEVE, as Trustee 30 Corporate Park, Suite 450 Irvine, CA 92606 For Non-Automated Sale Information, call: (714) 848-7920 For Sale Information: (714) 848-9272 ________________________ Melanie Schultz, Trustee Sale Officer THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. EPP 19219 8/11, 8/18, 8/25/16 Published in the Modoc County Record on August 11, 18 and 25, 2016. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 16-37 Exp: July 28, 2021 Original Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Barron Legacy Ranch, 1750 Lyneta Road, Alturas, CA 96101 - Phone number: 408-712-1346. Registered Owner(s): La Familia, LLC, 777 N 1st Street, 5th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 - Phone number: 408-287-0246. California This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on July 28, 2016.(insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Sarah Current This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on July 28, 2016. Published in the Modoc County Record on August 11, 18, 25 and Sept. 1, 2016. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 16-38 Exp: August 9, 2021 Original Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: MDA Investments, 1211 Co. Rd. 9, New Pine Creek, CA 97635, Mailing address: PO Box 175, New Pine Creek, OR 97635 - Phone number: 530-640-0734. Registered Owner(s): (1) Richard Emard, 1211 Co. Rd. 9, New Pine Creek, CA 97635 - Phone number: 530-640-0734. (2) Anne Emard, 1211 Co. Rd. 9, New Pine Creek, CA 97635; (3) Mason Ross, 375 Snow Goose Lane, New Pine Creek, CA 97635 This business is conducted by: Husband and Wife. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on NA. (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Richard Emard This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on August 9, 2016. Published in the Modoc County Record on August 11, 18, 25 and Sept. 1, 2016. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE Juvenile Department In the Matters of: TYLER DOUGLAS NELSON Case No. 15JU04624 STEPHANIE BELLE NELSON Case No. 15JU04625 JOSEPH MICHAEL NELSON Case No. 15JU04623 IAN SHAWN NELSON Case No. 15JU04618 PUBLISHED SUMMONS CHILDREN TO: CHAD MICHAEL NELSON IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Petitions have been filed asking the court to terminate your parental rights to the abovenamed children for the purpose of placing the children for adoption. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PERSONALLY APPEAR BEFORE the Lane County Juvenile Court at 2727 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Eugene, Oregon 97401, on the 6th of October, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. to admit or deny the allegations of the petitions and to personally appear at any subsequent court-ordered hearing. YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME LISTED ABOVE. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING IN YOUR PLACE. THEREFORE, YOU MUST APPEAR EVEN IF YOUR ATTORNEY ALSO APPEARS. This summons is published pursuant to the order of the circuit court judge of the above entitled court, dated August 5, 2016. The order directs that this summons be published once each week for three consecutive weeks, making three publications in all, in a published newspaper of general circulation in Modoc County, California. NOTICE READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR PERSONALLY BEFORE THE COURT AS DIRECTED ABOVE, THEN YOU MUST APPEAR ON OCTOBER 20, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SAME ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR FOR BOTH OF THESE DATES OR DO NOT APPEAR AT ANY SUBSEQUENT COURTORDERED HEARING, the court may proceed in your absence without further notice and TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS to the above-named children either ON THE DATES SPECIFIED IN THIS SUMMONS OR ON A FUTURE DATE, and may make such orders and take such action as authorized by law. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (1) YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY IN THIS MATTER. If you are currently represented by an attorney, CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING THIS NOTICE. Your previous attorney may not be representing you in this matter. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY and you meet the state’s financial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense, TO REQUEST APPOINTMENT OF AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU AT STATE EXPENSE, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Lane Juvenile Department at 2727 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Eugene, OR 97401, at 541-6824754, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for further information. IF YOU WISH TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY, please retain one as soon as possible and have the attorney present at the above hearing. If you need help finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN CONTCT WITH YOUR ATTORNEY AND TO KEEP YOUR ATTORNEY ADVISED OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS. (2) If you contest the petitions, the court will schedule a hearing on the allegations of the petitions and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings related to the petitions and order you to appear personally. IF YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR, YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM, UNLESS THE COURT HAS GRANTED YOU AN EXCEPTION IN ADVANCE UNDER ORS419B.918 TO APPEAR BY OTHER ELECTRONIC MEANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TELEPHONIC OR OTHER ELECTRONIC MANS. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING(S) IN YOUR PLACE. PETITIONER’S ATTORNEY R. Michelle Watkins, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, 975 Oak Street, Suite 200, Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: (541) 686-7973. ISSUED this 9th day of August 2016. Issued by: /s/ R Michelle Watkins #116359, Assistant Attorney General Filed with the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lane, Juvenile Department on August 5, 2016. Published in the Modoc County Record on August 11, 18 and 25, 2016. Legals continued on pg 16 E-mail: legals@ Page 20 - Modoc County Record - August 18, 2016 WHETHER YOU’RE BUYING OR SELLING Call Terry at 530-640-2070 He’s Ready to Help! R ECORD R E A L E S T A T E Terrance Quirk Real Estate CA DRE LIC#01261538 • 405 Archer Avenue • Alturas, CA 96101 8/18 Phone 530-640-2070 • Here is a deal for you bargain hunters, 1260 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home located in a nice quiet area of Alturas. Close to schools, shopping and all amenities. Priced right at $75,000. Home is currently being redone, so it is not too late to make the changes that would make it yours! The yard is one of beauty and easily maintained. If you want a home that you can call your own, make it a point to look at this one before you buy - PRICE REDUCED to $91,500. Janie Erkiaga • Real Estate Broker CA Lic#1033704 • NV Lic#0039924 CALL (530) 233-4128 CELEBRATING 28 YEARS IN REAL ESTATE! 7/28 Spacious Two Story, 3 bed, 1.75 bath, full basement, upstairs family room/play area for the kids. Wonderful view of the Warners and the South Fork Valley from the corner lot that features shade, fully fenced yard, fruit trees, garden area, great place to raise the family with 3,208 s.f. of living space. Double carport gives walk-in access to the basement. Good buy at....$225,000. Gardeners Delight, just bring Mom and Dad, great set up for elderly parents, keep them right in your backyard in their own 1,000 s.f. cottage! Main home is a 2 bed, 1.75 bath 1400+ s.f. home , 3 car garage w/shop, bunkhouse, heated green house, chicken house, on 6+/- ac., w/fenced yard, 2 wells, set-up for organic farming, fruit and shade trees a profusion of flowers, the price is right on this one so bring the entire family. $237,500. 40 Ac Country Charmer on a knoll with 360 degree views at the edge of town. 3 bed, 1 bath, 1676 sf., ranch house with country kitchen, dog grooming shop, deer fenced garden, chicken house with fenced run, hay barn, livestock barn, shop/ garage, fruit trees,wildlife pond, bring the the horses and cows, fenced and cross fenced..$270,000. Starter home 2 bed, 2 bath at the south end of town with a great view of the Warners. Large lot that is fenced and great for a garden, chickens.....$120,000. 3.35 ac with 3 bed 1.75 bath home, garage,shop,apartment, near town needs some TLC, but solid, new septic system....$83,000. 11 ac near Buck Creek with camping cabin, power near, needs well/septic...$53,000. Goose Lake Estates, 2 bed, 2 bath, 1512 s.f. Home with garage/shop guest quarters, on 1.98 acres, fenced, garden area, livestock property, new carpet/paint....$125,000. 120 acres NV with spring, fenced, great views, $45,000. Laundromat and Mobile Home Park in Cedarville, room for expansion, 9 mobile spaces, 9 RV spaces, 4 unimproved spaces., full Laundromat, good income.….$225,000. Davis Creek Mercantile and Deli includes a 2 bed, 1 bath home and garage. Great4 business opportunity with home on 1+/- ac. Is the hub in Davis Creek…$240,000. Hafer Hills acreages with wells and septic systems. Lot 9, 19.99 ac…$110,000. Lot 10, 21.21 ac..$115,000. Both lots have good views of the Warner Mtns. 120 acres East side of Surprise Valley with domestic well, fenced......$65,000. 79.68 acres Co Rd 15 near Lake City......$39,900. Support Our Troops, Farmers and Ranchers Remember “The Basque Broker” when you think Real Estate! This 16 Unit Motel averages 76% occupied on an annual basis, which figures out to be $162,000. Gross income. Not bad for a Mom & Pop operation. Has daily, weekly and monthly rentals. This makes for a very steady source of income and security. Come take a look, owners will look at all reasonable offers. Price was just reduced from $329,000 to NOW ONLY $299,000. ook-Davis, Surprise MaryBCroker Valley Realty 530-279-1020 507 North Main Street Don Yeo, Agent - Phone 530-569-0108 Cedarville, CA 96104 CA DRE Lic# 01220869 80061 – Cedarville – 40 acres; Owl Creek runs through property; great building sites; awesome views of the Warner Mountain Range; old homestead apple orchard. $99,500 80115 – Cedarville – 10+/- acres, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home with full basement. Wood and electric heat, country sized kitchen. Home is well maintained. Detached 2 car garage/shop, barn. This property has views of the Warner and Hays Mountain Ranges. End of road location offers privacy. $255,000 80114 – Cedarville – 6.5 acres, 2 homes, 2 wells, barn, shop, green house. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom home, wood flooring, wood and electric heat, well maintained. Plus 2 bedroom, 1 bath bunkhouse, cozy, could be rental or guest house. This property has 2 wells one boasting 100 gpm. Room for horses, garden, orchard. 360 degree views! All for 297,000. 1602 - Eagleville – 6 acres, 2 homes, water rights, views of the South Warner Range. 2000 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, large spacious rooms, pellet stove, attached garage. Second home is 900 sq. ft. older home can be rented or used as a guest house. Horse pasture with shelter. Fruit trees, garden area close to hiking and camping. A must see! $259,000 1604 – Cedarville – 20+/- acres with vast views of the Warner and Hays Mountain Ranges. 2 bedroom; 2 bath home; large kitchen with ample storage; laminated floors; hot water on demand; and wood stove makes this home cozy! For the horsemen – 4 stall barn with tack room and hay storage; miles of riding out the gate! The area is perfect for hiking; camping; ATV’s; biking; rock hounding and more. An artist’s paradise to say the least! Come take a look! $232,500 1609 – Eagleville – 3 acres, 2 bedroom, 1 bath cottage. Cottage has real hard wood floors in living room and bedroom, propane heat, wood cook stove, cute and cozy. The property has vintage out buildings including a solid barn that needs to TLC. Water right, fruit trees and stunting views of the Warner Mountain Range! $120,000. 8/4 Visit us online at Featured ProPerties RMS Real Estate Roy Ferry • Broker • (530) 233-5888 Cell (530) 640-3110 • 135 N. Main • Alturas, CA • DRE#01113115 #2727 ~ Downtown Heart of Alturas, office building with over 3600 sq. ft., excellent condition & off street parking, suitable for office use or retail business opportunity on Main Street . . . . $165,000. #2731~ Immaculate Home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Excellent condition, kitchen, laundry pantry, living room, dining room, family room, on demand water heater, auto sprinklers. Much more. . $158,500 #2733 ~ Three Bed, 2 Baths, Alturas home has many extras, on demand hot water, attached large finished garages, carports, vinyl siding, covered patios, fenced yard and a nice home. . . . .$149,900 #2495 ~ Alturas Home, 3 bed, 2 baths, open kitchen/living room with fire place insert, utility room, garage converted to family room, corner lot. Schools, shopping and Alturas pool close by. . . $89,900 #2728 ~ Fixer-upper, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, in Alturas, needs cleaning, some remodel in 2001, wood burning stove, monitor heater, garage has work benches, chain link / wood fencing. $78,500 #2725 ~ Retail “Building Only,” 231 N. Main St., Alturas, with over 2000 sq. feet Recently used as a sporting goods store, prime location center of town just across from Alturas Post Office. . $79,500 #2730~ Cabin in the Pines, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen, large living room, wood burning stove, hot water heater, summer home weekend retreat, back deck and balcony, 1 bedroom is loft area. $62,000 #2622 ~ Historical Golden Bar and Restaurant, all supplies, equipment, furniture, in place and ready to use, turn key operation rare opportunity to own a piece of history in Cedarville. . . $250,000 #2471 ~ City Lot, On Bonner Street located on a corner close to schools and shopping city. . $8,000 #2711 ~ Ranch Style Home on #2462 ~ Prime Location Lot, on West Carlos, curb, gutter, water & sewer on Carlos. . . . . $12,500 six lots, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, built- #2622 ~ Historical Golden Bar and Restaurant, all supplies, equipment, furniture, in place and ins in kitchen, formal dining room, ready to use, turn key operation rare opportunity to own a piece of history in Cedarville. . . $250,000 ~ Horse Lovers Property, 3 bds., 2 baths, mfg. with log siding, family room with wet bar, den, living room, sun room, patio, #2732 open living/dining /kitchen combo formal living room, laundry, hobby /craft room. 10 stall barn, large deck, yard, garage, carports, w/16’ ally lights, water, tack room, vet/feed room. Hay barn, large shop, round pen, just. . . $350,000 needs outside TLC . . . $162,500. 8/18 AdditionAl ResidentiAl, CommeRCiAl And lot listings AvAilAble!!! 3 Bed, 1.5 Bath home with oversized 2 car garage. Located close to school and shopping. Home has been well cared for and is move in ready. Call of an appointment to see this very nice home. $130,000. Office: (530) 233-2440 Fax: (530) 233-2406 CA BRE #01375178 We offer professional real estate, auction & property management services. ROLLIE GILLIAM REALTY Call (530) 233-6669 to speak with Rollie Gilliam or Kara Binning Looking to buy, sell, rent or manage property just call or come by 411 S. Main St., Alturas • The historic Sears Building CA DRE Lic#00469821 NEED HELP FINDING A RENTAL? GIVE US A CALL FOR SALE: A REAL HOT ONE! One acre within walking distance to town with LOTS of extras to offer! Newer 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home heated by a central heating and cooling heat pump to keep the whole house comfortable, a modern kitchen open to the living room show placing a cozy fireplace, a dining area, nice size bedrooms, laundry room, breezeway to the attached garage that has a drive through for easy parking of all types of vehicles, and a convenient pet area all on an acre. Included in the many outbuildings are a shop, additional garage, guest house, barn/greenhouse, and smoke house. $187,500 RED HOT DEAL! In town 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fenced yard, 2 car detached garage, propane heater, fireplace, storage buildings, lots of open space and room for a family. Close to the high school. Come take a look, asking $130,000 HOT! HOT! HOT! A lovely 3 bedroom, 1 bath home that has been taken care of immaculately, with a fireplace in the living room, additional family room with wood stove, dining room, large sun room, garage, patio, fenced yard, close to school and town. $165,000 NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with monitor heat, laminated flooring, in town with large fenced yard, attached garage and additional room off of the garage, plenty of storage and nice back yard that has out buildings - $80,000 WE ALSO HAVE RENTALS AVAILABLE! 8/18 BABY?! 335 N. MAIN, ALTURAS, CA 96101 • PHONE 530-233-3133 DENNIS TATE, BROKER • MARTHA WILLIAMS, SALES ASSOCIATE CA DRE License #00696849 & 01262595 RESIDENTIAL: #3394: Would you like living in the City limits but feel like your in the country? Here it is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home sitting on almost an acre. Mature trees, garden area, chicken coop, and decks make up landscaping on this property. Large kitchen featuring an island, unique cabinetry, new cook top, and double oven. Quiet street. Very large carport, and new 50 year metal roof.$168,000 #3405: Very nice family home with views of the Warner Mtns. 3 bedrooms/2 baths. Vinyl siding. Vinyl windows, Large deck on two sides for your evening pleasures. Fenced back yard for privacy. $125,000 #3406: Very nice turn-key home. Solid home, custom cabinetry. Wood surrounds displaying wonderful craftsmanship. RV Port and boat parking on two lots. Double car garage with insulated workshop. Approx 1000 sq ft of living space. Completely fenced yard. $110,000 RURAL RESIDENTIAL: #3384: Very well kept property with creek running through it. This home is approx. 2000 sq ft., 3 bed/2 baths. Well kept 60’s era brick home and wood frame home on 172 acres. There is a den, large kitchen and utility room and lots of storage. Large, beautifully landscaped yard with mature shrubs, apple trees and a very large lawn. Approx. 72 acres are irrigated that includes grass/pasture and an apple orchard. A large barn, shop, equipment shed and an old historic grain mill are extras. $759,000 ACREAGE & LOTS: #3293: Almost 3 acres close to town in MRE. Room to spread out. Whether you enjoy horses or ATVs this property is perfect for both. Bring your plans and imagination and check out this spacious property conveniently located close to Alturas.$15,000. #3218: Beautiful acre of land in the Cedar Pass Summerland Unit A. Septic in place. Power only 525 ft. away. $15,000. #3100: Cedar Pass Summerland. Septic in place. Conveniently located off of McKinney Dr. $20,000. 8/18 #3408: River Runs through this land. 2 parcels one on each side of river. Approx 118 acres. 3 small cabins; 2 of which are insulated and finished inside. Pump house with water well, genset, sink and showers. Double car garage with shop area. Covered pavilion with cooking facilities. Magnificent views of the river and the Warner Mtns. $225,000 Announce the arrival of your newborn for free. Visit us online at for a birth announcement form or call the Modoc County Record at 530-233-2632.
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