Block M - Modoc County Record
Block M - Modoc County Record
Sports-- Weather-- Modoc hosts Block M. . . Heavy rain is possible. . . see page 11 see page 3 THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Vol. 119, No. 29 Alturas, California Dec. 16, 2010 50 Cents 20 pages Hospital shows $85,000 profit SNOW AND ICE contributed to this accident on Cedar Pass Tuesday. Jean Bilodeaux photo Minor injuries in Cedar Pass mishap Minor injuries resulted from an accident Dec. 14, 11:05 a.m. on State Route 299, east of Cedar Pass. The California Highway Patrol reports that Donna Drew, age 74, Fort Bidwell, was westbound in a 2000 Chevy in a sudden snowstorm. Road conditions were very icy and the vehicle lost traction, slid off the north side of the road and overturned onto its side. According to Reporter Jean Bilodeaux -- who happened on the accident soon after it occurred -- passersby, including her, stopped to help the Drews. “We couldn’t get the door open so eventually I rammed a crutch in the small opening when John (Edward Drew, 75, passenger in the Chevy) jerked the door open for a second,” Bilodeaux said. “Of course, this is on a blind curve both ways, with no cell reception. Anyway, a lady stopped and said she’d call for help from the top of the pass. Another man stopped and I backed my truck against the bottom of the rolled truck and we lowered John down to the bed of the truck and onto the ground. UPS’s Ernie Givan, then BLM, USFS, passersby, and the CHP all tried to get Donna out but she had to wait until the Cedarville Fire Department showed up and broke out the windshield.” Both Drews were transported to Surprise Valley Medical Center with minor injuries. Clarification on trapper funding Last week, we printed that the county funds for the trapper program amounted to $94,000 annually. What should be clarified is that is funding for two separate trappers who operate in Modoc County. In addition, the State of California is no longer involved in the trapper program. The funds come predominately from the county with some funds from the federal government. The wages for the trapper have also been frozen at current levels by both the county and the federal government. SR299 East gets a much needed facelift By Jean Bilodeaux Special to the Record State Highway 299 east of Cedarville to the Nevada line has been slowly deteriorating in the last few years. In the last couple of months, with increased and heavy pipeline traffic it has almost been destroyed. “At first it was just hundreds of pot holes and you could dodge most of them if there was no oncoming traffic. Now it’s dangerous to drive out there. The road shoulder is crumbling, there are too many holes to dodge, the highway is narrowed, and some holes go clear across the highway,” said District 1 Supervisor elect Dave Allan, who drives the road to town. As the pot holes increase in number and size Cal Trans crews fill them almost weekly. Then the holes see SR 299, page 5 There were minor injuries in a single-vehicle accident Dec. 12, 7:40 a.m. on U.S. 395 north of Sage Hen. According to the California Highway Patrol, Judy Miguel, 70, Alturas, was southbound in a 1994 Ford Thunderbird at about 60 m.p.h. in a left curve. She accelerated slightly coming out of the curve and the vehicle lost traction on the slippery road. The car slid off the highway and overturned, resulting in minor injuries to the driver and a passenger, Lauri Sprinkle, age 52, Alturas. No injuries were reported in an accident Dec. 3, 12:50 p.m. on SR299 west of Thomas Creek Drive. The CHP reports that Javier Francisco, 66, Merrill, Or. had stopped his 2000 Chevy on the right shoulder. Rex Northrup, age 52, was plowing the right shoulder area directly behind Francisco. Northrup failed to observe the vehicle stopped and backed into the rear of the Chevy. The were no injuries in another weather-related accident Dec. 14, 6 p.m. on SR299, .8 miles west of CR150. The CHP reports that Dennis Richardson, 58, Alturas, was eastbound in a 1988 Ford Ranger at about 45 m.p.h. when he lost control of the vehicle on the snow and ice. The Ford traveled off the road and the front end struck a barbed wire fence. The pickup came to rest on its wheels and neither occupant was hurt. The pickup had minor front-end damage. Modoc Medical Center showed a profit of $85,000 for the month of October, the last available monthly totals. Monica Derner, MMC Chief Executive Officer, reported that figure to the Modoc County Board of Supervisors Tuesday morning. She explained that revenue was up $292,000 for the month. In addition, she pointed out that the Clinic was up $230,000. Dr. Chuck Colas started Oct. 4. Med/Surgical was up $65,000 while the Skilled Nursing Facility was up $27,000, now sitting with 43 residents. The pharmacy was up $27,000 and ER up $12,000. The following departments showed a decrease of the following individual amounts: ambulance $30,000; lab $12,000; and Radiology $14,000. One of the sticking issues is the days out for accounts receivable, which are now at 95 days. Derner said an aggressive plan is in the works to trim that down to 65 days. The Board also agreed to bring back the issue of the California Health Facilities Financing Authority $750,000 loan for the hospital at a meeting next week. The loan was initially approved for Modoc Medical Center, but was placed on hold until Modoc voters approved the hospital district the last of August. The district is currently in the transition stages from being a county-owned facility to a district hospital. The District Board has targeted April 1 to get the transition complete. According to Derner, the loan will provide some breathing room for the facility during the overall transition. The loan shall not exceed $750,000 and carries an interest rate of three percent. Derner said the loan has a two-year term, and the district expects to have it paid by June 30, 2012. Severe weather warning in area The National Weather Service has issued a heavy precipitation warning for northern California from Friday through the middle of next week. The main concern is the possibility of flooding if the area is hit with rain at the highest elevations, which would melt a fairly healthy snowpack. For instance Dismal Swamp now has 41 inches of snow and Cedar Pass see Weather, page 3 If that address says Grandma, Cedarville it’ll get to that Grandma in Cedarville By Jean Bilodeaux Special to the Record A letter comes into the Cedarville Post Office addressed to Grandma and Grandpa 96104. Most postmasters would stamp it “undeliverable” or “return to sender” and toss it in the outgoing mailbag. Margaret “Marge” Conklin, Cedarville Postmaster, studies the postal mark a moment and slips it in the correct postal box. With 56 years of experience working at the same location Conklin knows everyone, their children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. She knows where they’ve moved and what they’re doing. She knows who grandma and grandpa are to everyone. Even the UPS and FedEx drivers stop by and ask where certain hard to locate people live, even if they live in Nevada. MARGE CONKLIN separates the packages in Cedarville. The Cedarville Post post office for residents of Office also has the dis- Vya, Nev. Vya and its surtinction of being the rounding locale has resi- dents but no post office or zip code. People who live in northwestern Nevada receive their mail addressed to Vya, Nev.-Cedarville, Calif. 96104. Sometimes it can be confusing to huge shippers to send packages to a town in Nevada which is on the maps, but isn’t listed officially as a town and that uses a town in California to get its mail. But Conklin knows and they all get their mail Conklin receives gifts from her grateful customers throughout the year: fruit, vegetables and flowers in the summer and candy and cookies in the winter. “We bring Marge fresh heirloom tomatoes in the summer. She does a wonderful job, but we must always keep on her good see Marge, page 4 Page 2-Modoc County Record December 16, 2010 Local support. . . Okay, as of today, we all have nine days to shop for Christmas presents, and in doing so, support local businesses who have supported the community all year long. I know we keep pushing the shop at home first plan, but really it is vitally important for the community. First off, a portion of the sales tax comes back to local government and that helps all of us. I mean, I know you can shop in Klamath Falls or Reno, but how many of those businesses do you see on the sponsorship banners of local events – you know high school, middle school, little league and so on. Secondly, the local businesses employ a lot of your friends and neighbors. And that’s seriously important. In addition, shopping here supports the local business people and a community without quality businesses looks like a sad, sad place. We have quality businesses in Modoc that add a lot to the overall community’s personality. We really don’t want to lose any more businesses. We all know you can’t get everything here, but at least give the local businesses a chance before you head out of town. Judging by my discussions with FedEx and UPS drivers, a lot of people are using Internet shopping this year, with about a 25 to 30 percent increase in volume (unofficial estimate). One thing I do know is that it’s keeping those drivers running. Give them a cookie when they show up, they might need some more energy. I know using the Internet is pretty simple, but you miss that person-to-person shopping experience. And besides, you can’t reach out and touch what you’re buying until it arrives. Sometimes the surprise is just too much to handle. Both Supervisors Dan Macsay of Surprise Valley, and Dave Bradshaw of Big Valley, are leaving office at the end of the month. They’re being replaced by Dave Allan and Geri Byrne, who will have their hands full from the time the gate opens. Overall, I can say that both the departing Supervisors have done what they felt was in the best interests of the County while taking on a pretty thankless job. Both have done things we didn’t agree with, but they’ve also made some tough decisions in tough times. Keeping Modoc Medial Center open, while getting the county into some financial trouble, was still the right thing to do. We can work our way out of that, well better than we could work our way out of a closed hospital. They sat on the Board of Supervisors for eight years each, and that’s a long time of listening to the public, or us, question some of their decisions. It’s not easy to stay focused or not have an inner Marine take over in some cases. But, we have respect for both Bradshaw and Macsay and wish them peace of mind as they get on with their lives. The Modoc County RECORD Alturas Plaindealer-Times, Surprise Valley Record Court Decree No. 6356, Modoc Superior Court July 7, 1958 The Modoc County Record (PUB No. 358-160) is a newspaper of general circulation as defined by statutes of the State of California and is published weekly, each Thursday morning in Alturas, Ca. Periodical postage paid at Alturas, Ca. and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions mailed within Modoc, Lassen or Siskiyou counties, and New Pine Creek, Or., $25; elsewhere, $30. Single issue: .50 cents, including sales tax. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, California, 96101, Copyright: The entire content of the Modoc County Record is copyrighted by Rick and Jane Holloway. Any republishing, broadcast, rewriting, in whole or in part, without express written permission is prohibited. Publishers Richard R. and Jane S. Holloway Rick Holloway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Jane Holloway. . . . . . . . . . . . Co-Editor Judath Brush . . . . . Accounts, Legals Cody Holloway . . . Classifieds, Photos Nicole Frutuozo . . . . Advertising Sales Elaine West . . . . Advertising Design/ Webmaster The Modoc County Record is privately owned. 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas, Ca. (530) 233-2632; FAX: (530) 233-5113. Internet: E-mail: Proud members of: California Press Association What a sad happening Dear Editor: Jean Bilodeaux’s special to the Modoc County Record about the closure of the longest, continually operating mine in the U.S. makes me wonder if the shutdown is due to environmental regulations more than for economic reasons. The spring 2009 issue of Range Magazine has an eye-opening article by Mike Cade about resource users in Mexico and how Nature Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and the World Wildlife Fund were instrumental in denying the Mexican people the use of their resources to eke out a meager living. One of these resources happened to be a gypsum mine that had operated for many years. The concern was that an endemic microorganism might be harmed during the course of extraction. I fail to understand the goal of environmentalists who want to destroy people’s lives and make us wards of the state. I hope more people wake up to what’s been happening and take a stand against these agencies and groups that want to tear this country down and take away our ability to make a living. Thank you, -- Vaudine Cullins Alturas When will we learn? Dear Editor: In the end more than they wanted freedom, they wanted security. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free. -Edward Gibbon (17371794) What will it take for us to learn the lessons of the past? -- Paul Breshears Alturas Nutcracker was great Dear Editor: It has been a few years between grandchildren, but last night I was once again awed and inspired by the talent of the Alturas Elementary School fourth and fifth graders. Their performance of the Nutcracker, under the direction of Karen Siegel, was amazing. I realize that numerous individuals were assisting in the background and the costumes designed by Mrs. Jones were awesome. But, the greatest praise goes to the dedication of Mrs. Siegel and the children. These children have been practicing for this play since September and their hard work and dedication definitely showed. My grandson, Wyatt, was a superb baker! Bravo to all who performed, both on stage and behind the scenes. -- Chris Porter Alturas Nutcracker had lots of help Dear Editor: I would like to thank the following people who helped make the AES Fourth and Fifth Grade production of “The Nutcracker” a huge success. To Noelle Jones, your costume vision always amazes me and I highly respect you. To Larry and Kathy Brown and Sage Stage, thank you for the use of your buildings for our dressing rooms. To Kevin Haggard, the Niles Manager, thanks for everything! Many thanks to Shannon Bickford, Carolyn Bridwell, Jessica Burns, Debbie Campbell, Lisa Craig, Cindy Culp, Sue Disario, Teresa Eames, Tony Ewing, Wendy Ewing, Karen Fisher, Norma Franklin, Lori Galvin, Melissa Fults, Eric Haggard, Erica Hays, Shannon Hewitt, BB Hopkins, Linda Irvin, Donna Johnson, Susie Johnson, Benjamin Jones, Jay Jones, Kirsten Jones, Noelle Jones, Rebekah LaLancette, Beckie Lewis, Jodie Larranga, Troy Lowrey, Wendy Lowrey, Rick Malcolm, Adele Mitchell, Modoc County Record, Stephanie Nessling, Julie O’Malley, Tom O’Malley, Kim Parker, Heather Prevette, Amy Quarles, Barbie Read, Dick Read, Frances Reep, Curtis Schmidt, Kim Schmidt, Janet Server, Paul Siegel, Bonnie Slinkard, Stacy Sphar, Kim Valena, Cindy Van Slyke, Amber Virgin, Lanell Warnock, Amy Ward, Kylee Ward, and Susi Younger. Your help and support was very much appreciated. To the participants of The Nutcracker: You are an awesome group of students and a huge thank you for making the past three months such fun! Karen Siegel Music Director Alturas Elementary School Guest comment-State could put public safety at serious risk As Sheriff of Modoc County and on behalf of hundreds if not thousands or more law enforcement jobs statewide, I am writing today to express my significant concern regarding the pending June 30, 2011 expiration of the 0.15% vehicle license fee (VLF) from the February 2009 budget agreement. This is a funding source for virtually all-local law enforcement services. The budget “framework” agreement that was announced recently is glaringly blank on the issue of re-authorization of the VLF. The law enforcement community has stressed the importance of this issue for many months and there is still no recognizable forward progress on the vital public safety funding matter. Please understand that hundreds if not a thousand or more law enforcement jobs are at risk and in all likelihood will cease to exist without the extension of the VLF funds. Without this funding in our county, I will have to cut 6 (six) positions. Calculating the average cost with benefits per Deputy the loss of this funding will devastate my staff, which is already down 25%. What this equates to is an additional cut of 46% to Patrol Staff for the Modoc County Sheriff’s Office. That leaves three (3) dedicated Patrol Deputy Sheriff’s spread over 4,200 square miles to protect the good citizens of Modoc County 24/7/365 it simply cannot be done. I am aware of thinking that points to the fact that since the VLF does not expire until June 30, 2011, it is not an issue for this budget. This funding pays for law enforcement jobs, many of which will cease to exist long before a budget agreement is ever reached in 2011-12. There is no indication to believe that extension of VLF can be accomplished next year, this must be addressed and reconciled through urgency legislation. As the chief law enforcement officer of Modoc County, I recognize the difficult politics of making a temporary revenue source permanent; however, law enforcement must have VLF in order to function statewide. On November 17th, 2010, the presidents and executive staff of the major statewide law enforcement associations met to discuss strategy to maintain law enforcement funding via the VLF. As a result of that discussion, we will collectively be pursuing urgency legislation to be introduced on December 6, 2010 that removes the June 30, 2011 sunset on that funding. This is a bipartisan measure co-authored by Wesley Chesbro (D) Assembly District 1, Phone/Fax 916319-2001 and Jim Nielsen (R) Assembly District 2, Phone 916-319-2002 Fax 916-319-2102. Assemblyman Nielsen withdrew as a sponsor/author of this legislation during the first week of December. Although most representatives in the Senate and Assembly will state that they support law enforcement, this is a very political topic in Sacramento. I ask that you give my request your most serious and thoughtful consideration. Thank you and please write, call or otherwise contact your elected officials State, County and City including your Assembly and Senate Representatives and voice your support for this measure. Sincerely, Mike Poindexter Modoc County Sheriff/Coroner 96 Years Ago - 1914 DR. AUBLE’S duck team out shot Renshaws team 140 ducks to 127 in competition in the Sportsmen’s Club last Saturday evening. There were 12 men on each team and the top shooters were R.B. Ingraham and N. Phillips, who both downed 23 quackers in the evening shoot. While all bagged birds, none brought down a limit of 25... Alturas has been without coal the past two weeks, but Mr. Bunker says that a new shipment from the mines is on the way. 76 Years Ago - 1934 LEON B. LEWIS will lead the MUHS band downtown December 15 to play for the raising of the Christmas Tree that will officially launch the Christmas season in Alturas... The Three Flags Highway through Alturas has received federal designation from the State Highway Executives. In the future, the road will be known as US 395... Alturas Firemen are asking that a stone building, two stories high, be built alongside City Hall for the purpose of housing the fire department and for the first time, provide sleeping quarters for firemen who could then be on duty 24 hours dail. 72 Years Ago - 1938 JUDGE F.M. JAMISON, Modoc Superior Judge for 18 years, died in San Francisco at the age of 83... D.H. Grove Sr., has been honored as being the man “Most Responsible” for bringing REA power to the area. Citizens of the Eagleville community presented him with a radio... Moore and Roberts have been named the low bidders for the construction of the new Modoc Union High School in Alturas. The bid for construction only was $141,450... Rufus Ward of Surprise Valley has been named by Governor Merriam to fill the unexpired term of his brother, Harry, on the Board of Supervisors... Russell Bacon has been named Master of the Alturas Masonic Lodge. 47 Years Ago - 1963 TEMPERATURES DIPPED to three below on December 11... Modoc Supervisors devise subdivision ordinance in anticipation of future developments in Modoc... Dan Hill has been named Modoc Fair manager... PP&L is putting up $125 in prizes for the best lighted yards and homes in Alturas and is encouraging all residents to participate... Fall River has been picked as the team to beat in the seventh annual Holiday Basketball Tournament. 41 Years Ago - 1969 PRINCIPAL RUSS Stauffer is presenting plans this week for a new MHS Gym that has a $650,000 price tag. It will be voted on in the district in February... The newlyformed Modoc Boosters have taken on an awards banquet as their first project... Mayor Neal Phillips has announced that the new Alturas Garbage Disposal grounds will soon be opened... MHS starters for Bob Cicle this week against Henley will be Kip Lybarger, Pat Shannon, Gary Spicer, Alan Wyatt, and Victor Menkee. December 16, 2010 - Modoc County Record - Page 3 Weather from front page has 24 inches. Modoc National Forest Soil Scientist Sue Goheen said she is concerned about the upcoming storms and the impact they could have in this area. She worries the impacts could be as severe as the flooding in 1996 and wanted residents to be aware of that possibility. The heavy precipitation is expected from Friday through next Wednesday, with the major areas affected being the southern Cascade mountains in northern and central California, the central Sierras and in far western Nevada. The actual locations of heavy rain or snow is uncertain at this time, but the forecast for Modoc calls for rain or snow from Friday through most of next week. According to the NWS, heavy precipitation is almost certain, snow levels could be as high a 7,500 to 9,000 feet, especially on Saturday and early next week, soils are saturated and significant snowpack exists above the 5,000-foot level. The higher snow levels could result in more serious flooding. TED GAINES KEN COOLEY State Senate race scheduled Jan. 4 There is a special General Election set January 4, 2011 to choose a new State Senator for District 1. The election is to fill the seat of Senator David Cox, who died last year. The top two candidates in the primary, Democrat Ken Cooley and Republican Ted Gaines are on the ballot. Cooley, is a moderate and Mayor of Rancho Cordova. Gaines is a conservative business owner. Cooley states: I know this election is about jobs. Still, I see a more fundamental need. California needs what we’ve lost -- a Legislature known for problem-solving instead of personal attacks. As your Senator, I’ll work on jobs. But job creation will lag, and families will suffer, until our Legislature regains a reputation for productive work, including ontime State Budgets. I pledge myself to work daily on jobs and restoring the Legislature’s honor. Here’s what I bring to the task: I’m known statewide. Between 2004 and 2009, city officials from Modoc to Sacramento County helped me become the number two officer for California’s League of Cities. I’m also a respected voice in the Capitol. In 2007 the Governor appointed me with Senate confirmation as Seismic Commissioner for California’s cities. My home and work have made conservative financial principles a lifetime habit. This common sense way for my Church bookkeeper wife and I to manage our home was refined, along with my finance analysis skills, during 18 years as Counsel to State Farm Insurance, one of America’s most conservative financial institutions. Finally, I know that when government honors its trust, everyone gains. Rancho Cordova, which has balanced every budget, with yearly surpluses, last year earned a higher credit rating, despite the recession! Gaines states: As a businessman, I am running for the State Senate because I am disgusted with how the taxpayers are treated by the liberals who control the State legislature. This campaign is about who the voters can trust to always stand firm on the issue of taxes and spending. State government is too big and too expensive and higher taxes only make the problem worse. Compromising with the forces of big government is not the answer to the state’s budget problems. Happy Holidays! We will close at 5PM on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24th and be closed on Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25th. We will re-open Sunday, December 26th. Have a happy and safe holiday season! Phone (530) 233-3141 You must be 21 years of age • Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. Open 7 Days a Week • Open at 10:00AM • Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at County Road 56 12/16 Modoc booking report The following are the booking in the Modoc County Jail for the past week. Dec. 8: Curtis Northrup on a 48-hour Superior Court sentence for driving under the influence; Amy Anderson, arrested by the Sheriff’s Office alleging possession of a hypodermic needle, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription; Roland Baldwin, arrested by SO alleging possession of a hypodermic needle. Dec. 10: Anthony Lalancette, arrested by SO on a warrant; Jason Geaney, arrested by SO alleging public intoxication; Raymond Denney, on a 10-day sentence; Jordan Bechen, on a 10-day sentence. Dec. 11: Dewey McGarva, arrested by Alturas Police alleging DUI and willful cruelty to a child; Cecilia Phoenix, arrested by APD on a warrant. Dec. 12: Jennifer White, arrested by SO on a warrant; Jerry Davito, arrested by SO alleging threatening a crime with intent to terrorize, assault, battery. Dec. 13: Ben Duncan, arrested by SO alleging inflicting corporal injury on spouse, two violations of a court order obstructing a peace officer. Dec. 14: Daniel White, on a parole hold, sex offender failure to register. Trees for fish habitat Once again this year, that used Christmas Tree can have an important second life, as fish habitat for Dorris Reservoir. People are asked to drop off their used trees at 9th and D Street, behind the California Department of Forestry offices from after Christmas until January 15. That’s the same place the tree drop has happened for the past several years. No flocked trees are allowed, and please remove all tinsel. WEATHER 7-DAY FORECAST FOR ALTURAS Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Mostly sunny An inch or two of snow mixing with rain Cloudy and chilly with a chance for snow Mostly cloudy, snow or flurries possible Mostly cloudy with a chance for snow Cloudy with rain and snow possible A wintry mix becoming all rain 38°/15° 36°/27° 39°/28° 38°/23° 37°/25° 40°/28° 42°/27° REGIONAL FORECAST REGIONAL WEATHER Northern California: Partly sunny Thursday. Rather cloudy Thursday night; rain at the coast. Shown is Thursday's weather. Temperatures are Thursday's highs and Thursday night's lows. Southern Oregon Cascades: Partial sunshine Thursday. Mainly cloudy Thursday night. 1-2 inches of snow Friday; storm total snowfall 6-10 inches. Saturday and Sunday: a chance for snow. Southern Oregon Coast: Mostly cloudy Thursday. Plenty of clouds Thursday night with rain overspreading the area late. Rain Friday. Saturday: cool with rain possible. Sunday: rain possible. SKI CONDITIONS Yesterday Ski Area New Base Snow (in.) (in.) Bear Mtn., CA 0 8-18 Mt. Shasta, CA 0 27-38 Ski Sunrise, CA 0 0 Sierra Summit, CA 0 0-0 Snow Valley, CA 0 8-12 Squaw Valley, CA 0 46-46 Mt. Ashland, OR 0 24-56 Mt. Bachelor, OR 5 51-65 Snow reports provided by Klamath Falls 36/17 Lakeview 35/16 Crescent City 52/39 Eureka 48/37 Trails Open 14 32 38 3 100 0 60 Boise 31/20 Burns 34/10 Alturas 38/15 Redding 57/28 Winnemucca 36/15 Susanville 40/21 Battle Mountain 40/19 Reno 40/23 Paradise 49/34 On Dec. 15, 1969, in Los Angeles, Calif., a chain-reaction car crash involved more than 100 vehicles on a 12-mile stretch of the fog-cloaked Santa Ana Freeway. Pendleton 37/23 Baker 30/13 Medford 40/29 WEATHER SPOTLIGHT Lewiston 37/24 Bend 36/19 Eugene 42/32 Central Oregon: Partly sunny Thursday. Mostly cloudy Thursday night. Up to an inch of snow Friday; snow, accumulating 1-2 inches, changing to rain in the south. Saturday: a chance for snow. Yakima 35/20 Portland 43/33 Salem 43/33 ALMANAC AGRICULTURE Data is for the week ending December 14. Northeastern California: Mostly sunny Thursday. Winds light and variable. Expect 4-8 hours of sunshine with average relative humidity 65%. Increasing clouds Thursday night. Winds light and variable. Average relative humidity 85%. 1-2 inches of snow mixing with rain Friday; storm total snowfall 3-6 inches. Winds south-southeast 4-8 mph. Little or no sunshine with a 75% chance of precipitation and average relative humidity 75%. Saturday: chilly with a chance for snow. Winds south 7-14 mph. Little or no sunshine. High 46 52 59 50 47 45 47 Tuesday Monday Sunday Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Low Precip 28 0.36" 36 0.00" 26 0.00" 36 0.13" 37 trace 38 0.09" 34 0.23" MOON PHASES Full Last New First Dec 21 Dec 27 Jan 4 Jan 12 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2010 Maxwell’s 52 Years Nursery Our Business is Growing! DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES Paul F. Dolby Call us for help with any of your insurance needs •HOME•AUTO •LIFE•HEALTH •RANCH INSURANCE 1030 N. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-2616 Although We’re Closed For The Season Gift Certificates Are Always Available Please call for information. “Modoc’s Premier Nursery” 512 W. 4th Street, Alturas, CA 530-233-5766 Page 4 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 Shop at home from front page side because Marge knows all,” laughs local Bunne Hartman. Overhearing the conversation in front of the post office, another individual adds, “She does know everything, but she never tells anything. She keeps good secrets.” Conklin was born in Alturas, raised in Canby and graduated from Surprise Valley High School in 1954. In 1958, she started working part time at the Cedarville Post Office, which was located in the small building to the south of its current location. The place had no phone. In 1972, she became Postmaster and the Post Office had moved to its present facility. Conklin has seen dramatic fluctuations in the area’s population. During the operation of the Hog Ranch Gold mine in the 1980s and 90s more boxes were added in the lobby to handle the increase in customers. Each spring some locals order their chicks to be delivered to the post office. Once in awhile the chicks get loose, and Marge dutifully herds little balls of yellow fluff around the post office until they are safely back in a box. Of course, the chicks are thirsty so she gives them a drink before calling the addressee to come and get them. “We get bees too, but thank goodness they stay in their boxes.” “We have two customers who almost daily ship internationally. It’s been interesting to learn how to address and ship to places most people, including me, have never even heard of,” said Conklin. If a small child comes in, stands on tippy-toe to see over the counter and asks for Granny’s mail, Conklin knows whose mail to give. “Sometimes Granny is just sitting in her car outside, but if the child is the responsible type, I’ll let them have the mail to take home,” said Conklin. There is no home delivery in Cedarville, but occasionally she will use part of her lunch hour to take mail to a person who is sick and housebound. Each December, Conklin adds another aspect to her already varied job description, she becomes Santa’s helper. More than 500 packages come through the cramped post office in December as the month progresses and many people only pick up their mail once a week, the boxes and gifts are stacked higher and Stewardship Committee meets Jan. 13 in Cedarville Varied public land natural resource topics will be on the agenda when the Modoc-Washoe Experimental Stewardship Steering Committee meets Thursday, Jan 13, at 9a.m., at the Bureau of Land Management Surprise Field Office, 602 Cressler St. in Cedarville. The meeting is open to the public. The committee will discuss the effects of the Ruby Pipeline project on livestock grazing permittees, consider funding opportunities, hear a presentation on the use of Facebook, and hear a report on the Nevada Cowhead grazing allotment. Technical review teams will report on grazing fee credit, and work in the Emerson/Cottonwood and Bare areas. Committee members will consider a proposal for technical review team work in the Tuledad and Home Camp grazing allotments. The committee will hear an update on wild horse management at Sand Creek and in the Painted Point area. Members will also hear updates from the BLM, Modoc National Forest and other member agencies. The steering committee advises the BLM’s Surprise Field Office and the Modoc National Forest’s Warner Mountain Ranger District on natural resource issues and livestock grazing management on public lands. One of three such committees established by Congress, the group works on a full consensus basis to promote innovative range management approaches and provide incentives for excellence. Members represent broad interests, including livestock grazing permit holders, California and Nevada state wildlife agencies, the BLM, Forest Service, resource conservation districts, timber interests, environmental groups, sporting groups and local government. There is a Christmas bag full of good reasons to shop at home first for the holidays this year. Just the major convenience of hopping in your car and driving five minutes versus several hours, and being able to park right in front or within a block of the business is a pretty big advantage. Secondly, local businesses are here for you every day and are invested in the community, they care and they employ many of your family, friends and neighbors. Actually, they are the driving force behind the local economy and employment. Easy On The E nvironment And Easy For You ! N EW W INTER H OURS : Holdorff’s: Monday-Thursday, 9AM to 4PM & Holdorff’s Location is Closed for Lunch:12PM to 1PM Alturas Recycling: Friday & Saturday, 9AM-4PM Call for information or prices! 530-233-3723 POSTMASTER MARGE CONKLIN EOW Marge higher, trails appear through the work area. If a package or two come in in pieces Conklin knows who’s ordered what and can generally piece together orders and get it delivered to the correct person. “I don’t return packages,” laughs Conklin. Several years ago, with 49 years of service, she was honored by the USPS as number five in the top ten postmasters west of the Mississippi. She almost never takes a sick day. “I use my sick leave sparingly because I never know if something like an accident or illness might happen. I might need to use lots of days off; and as the sole provider in my family, I’d still need a paycheck,” explains Conklin. Conklin’s husband Gilbert died two years ago. For 56 years, Conklin has assured her customers of prompt and courteous service, and been Santa’s helper to several generations of people in Cedarville. “Marge is very devoted to the post office, but she is an accomplished pianist too. As a community, she has spoiled us. She’s special,” said another satisfied customer. “It’s normal for Marge to be special,” sums up lifelong resident Louie Arreche. Chain-up rules CalTrans is advising drivers of the actual meaning of the chain requirement designations as follows: R-1M: Chains are required on single-axle drive vehicles with trailers (commonly referred to as R1 Modified). R-1: Chains are required on all commercial vehicles (trucks or buses). All other vehicles (cars, pick-ups, vans, etc.) must have either snow tread tires or chains on the drive axle. R-2: Chains are required on all vehicles except fourwheel drives with snow tread tires on all four wheels and provided that tire traction devices for at least one set of drive wheels are carried in or upon the vehicle. R-3: Chains required - ALL VEHICLES- no exceptions. Carhartt Days Have Arrived! JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! SATURDAY , DECEMBER 18TH, 2010 $ Spend 75 O R M ORE O N C ARHARTT P RODUCTS AND RECEIVE A CARHARTT W ORK B AG ! **L IMITED TO 1 PER CUSTOMER & STOCK ON HAND • WORK WEAR • JACKETS • S W E AT S H I R T S • P A N T S • G L O V E S • H AT S • MUCH MORE! F OUR S EASONS S UPPLY C ENTER 12/16 304 S. Court Street, Alturas, CA Mon-Sat, 8AM-5:30PM Sunday, 9AM-3PM (530) 233-4441 December 16, 2010 - Modoc County Record - Page 5 SR 299 Missing Shasta girl found; back home from front page would open again after a few pipeline trucks drove through carrying pipes or heavy equipment. “That road is destroyed. It was not in good shape before, but now with the pipe trucks, oversized loads that weigh more than the pipes, and the heavy equipment, it is dangerous,” said Shad Rose, Main Superintendent for Cal Trans. Rose explained that no one really complained enough to get the road fixed earlier and with the economy not the best, that that section of 299 became a “forgotten road.” “This is definitely not a good time of year to repair a road, but we got a director’s order for emergency repair. We don’t want anyone hurt on that road,” said Rose. He explained that this section of road was never built to carry the amount of weight it has been subjected to in the last few months. “It was bad at the start, now it’s worse. We had to pick the worst of the worst to repair. There’s not enough money to fix it,” said Rose. Eagle Peak got the contract and is doing a 4-inch dig using an asphalt grinder. The hot mix will provide better compaction and should last up to three times longer. “It’s a Band-Aid, but it’s a high dollar Band-Aid,” adds Rose. The project is costing $500,000 and should be completed in two weeks. Traffic controls are in effect and delays of 15 to 30 minutes are to be expected from before dawn to after dark. “I sat in my truck for a half hour waiting to be let through. It was incredible to see the traffic backed up for miles. Since it was dark I could see solid headlights across the flat, up the mountainside and into Nevada,” said one local. Ruby pipeline officials stated the road was bad when Jean Marie Berlinghoff, age 15, of Redding, who was reported missing in early November has been reunited with her family. Berlinghoff was with her uncle Charles Berlinghoff, a white male. He was arrested when they were discovered in San Francisco this week and the girl was returned home. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children assisted in providing a consultant to work closely in Redding with the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office staff assigned to this case. Alton Howell Plumbing L ICENSED & B ONDED C ONTRACTOR • Drain Cleaning • Plumbing Repairs • Senior Discount • 24-Hour Service • All Work Guaranteed Call Now For An Appointment! CREWS make repairs to battered SR 299. they started and their trucks were only causing minimal damage to the road. Rose agrees that the road was bad, but insists that the heavy pipeline traffic hastened the total destruction by several years. Coincidently, a paving project under consideration for several years was given the go ahead. The project will start at the four-way stop in Cedarville and will extend two miles east, butting up to the current patching project. Animal control now out into county Thanks to a cooperative effort between the Alturas City Police and Modoc Sheriff’s Office, there is now animal control services in the county. Sheriff Mike Poindexter has hired City of Alturas animal control officer Sean Esola as half-time extra help as the county’s animal control officer. He works halftime as the City’s animal control officer. He started patrolling in the county last week. Poindexter said the agreement works out well for the county as well as the city. The county had not had a designated animal control officer. Both departments will use the City’s animal pound. County dogs are required to be licensed and meet rabies and health requirements. Dogs within the city have had to be licensed for decades. Poindexter believes the new arrangement will save both time and money as the animal control officer can respond, instead of sending a deputy to handle all those calls. The APD oversees the animal control officer in town. Poindexter said the primary concern in the county is public service and taking care of those dog issues. County residents should call the Sheriff’s Office at 233-4416 to report problem animals and City residents should call the APD at 233-2011. 703 W. 3rd Street Alturas, CA 96101 TFN 20+ Years Exp. CSL#945557 530-233-4743 530-640-3511 Strong Family Health Center “Comprehensive Tribal Healthcare” 1203 Oak Street, Alturas, CA 96101-3225 Phone (530) 233-4591 • Fax (530) 233-3055 Strong Family Health Center Would Like To Congratulate Frank Taitingfong December Employee of the Month “Way To Go Frank” Frank will receive a $25.00 Gift Certificate from Antonio’s Cucina Italiana. 12/16 Would You Like A New GM Car, Truck or SUV Now With No Payments Until Spring? (See Dealer For Details) 2011 Chevy Malibu STK#9033 2011 Buick LaCrosse CXL AWD • STK#9048 2011 Buick Enclave 2011 Chevy Equinox CXL AWD • STK#9041 AWD • STK#9046 0 % 2011 Chevy Equinox AWD • STK#9052 2011 Chevy 3500 SRW 4x4 Diesel • STK#9025 2011 Chevy Equinox AWD • STK#9049 2011 Chevy 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 • STK#9035 On Most Models. See Dealer For Details. 2011 Chevy 3500 Crew Cab 4x4 Diesel 2011 Chevy 1500 Ext Cab 4x4 • STK#9044 2011 Chevy 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 • STK#9035 STK#9039 More In Stock • Rates & Incentives Subject To Change By GM Without Notice C ARSTENS A RSTENS 245 NORTH MAIN STREET, ALTURAS, CA M OTORS , I NC . (530) 233-3531 • 1-800-462-3531 • OVER 51 YEARS 12/16 • CHEVROLET • BUICK • FOREST RIVER TRAVEL TRAILERS Page 6 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 Obituary Doris E. Knight Doris Elva (McKanna) Knight, 84, of Alturas, CA, passed away in her sleep, with her daughter Sandy and her son-in-law Marty at her side on December 10, 2010 at Modoc Medical Center, Alturas, CA. Doris was born April 3, 1926, in Seward Township - Kendall County, Illinois the daughter of Leon Clifford and Esther A. (Vickery) McKanna. Doris attended and graduated from McKanna Grade School in Plattville, IL, and in 1944 graduated from Minooka High School, Minooka, IL. That same year, she married William (Bill) Robert Rimke in Joliet, IL; they had three children together. Doris worked for the Joliet Arsenal. The Joliet Army Ammunition Plant formerly known as the Joliet Arsenal, was a United States Army arsenal located in Will County, Illinois, opened in 1940 during World War II. The facility consisted of the Elwood Ordnance Plant and the Kankakee Ordnance Works. In 1945, the two were deactivated and combined, forming the Joliet Arsenal. Doris worked on the ammunition assembly line as a cap installer during 1944-45. She had a zest for life and loved serving people. She and Bill opened a Bar & Grill serving her famous beefdip sandwiches. Later, they ventured into operating a Tasty Freeze (on Route 66). Doris loved to drive; she drove stock cars and did so at the Route 66 Raceway, a drag racing strip in the Chicago-suburb of Joliet and at the County Fair in Morris, IL. In 1963, Doris, Bill and the three kids packed it up and drove to Southern California, where she lived for 12 years where Doris’ love to serve people continued. She worked in Orange County as a waitress at The Wooden Shoe, the Denver House, Saddle Back Inn and Benjies Deli. Her outstanding service and pleasant attitude landed her a waitress position at The Newporter Inn in Newport Beach, CA, a place where celebrities would frequently helicopter in to dine. In Doris’ spare time, she was an Avon Representative, and awarded highest sales in her region for the entire year. Doris was offered a management position at Alfonzo’s Deli in Irvine, CA. She managed and cooked for four separate locations. Doris was united in marriage on June 19, 1972, to Edwin L. Knight and they spent the next 36 years together, until his death on January 30, 2009. In 1976, Doris, Ed and daughter Sandy moved to Alturas, CA to build their home. Doris continued her love as a waitress where she worked for the Beacon Coffee Shop 1976-77, and then as the dinner cook for Warnerview Convalescent home. From 1977 to 1983, Doris worked for Citizens Utilities Telephone Company working in the business office and as the areas’ 11p.m. – 7a.m. night operator. She often spoke of those days of partylines and locals dialing “O” for operator and she would answer. For a pe- Doris Knight riod of time she worked in the office of JFG Motors in Alturas, before retiring from the Modoc County Tax Collectors Office in 1997. Doris loved to work and had done so her entire life year after year since the early age of 13. Doris was a past-member of the Eastern Star; she joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary to Pete Christensen Post 3327 in 1996 and became a life member in 1998; a member of the Clifford Harter American Legion Aux. # 163 for 19 years, where she served as Vice President for five years and as the historian for two years. She also was a life member of the Disabled American Veterans Aux. Chapter 113 where she served for over 20 years and held the office of secretary-treasurer. She loved friends and family, animals, cooking and baking, bazaars, civic events, crafts, sewing, cribbage, cards, shopping, word find puzzles, and all sports on TV. Doris is survived by her three children: sons Donald and wife Virginia Rimke of Chino Hills, CA, Ronald Rimke of Placentia, CA and her daughter Sandra (Rimke) and husband Martin Shaffer of Alturas, CA; brothers Gerald and wife Beryl McKanna of Newark, IL, Russell and wife Patsy McKanna of New Lenox, IL, nine grandchildren, Robert Rimke, Rene (husband Patrick) O’Dell, Timothy (wife Lisa) Rimke, Tina (husband Justin) Moll, Taryn McDonald, Shawna Rimke, Kylene Rimke, USN MM3 2nd Class Petty Officer Brandon L. Shaffer (wife Christina), and Dene J. Shaffer; four great-grandchildren Ryan McDonald, Ryan Banister, Inara O’Dell, and Timothy Rimke; family members Sheryl Rimke, and Doris’ best friend Sgt. Major Knight, her beloved schnauzer. She was preceded in death by her brother Vernard McKanna of Plattville, IL, her 2nd husband Edwin L. Knight of Alturas, CA, sister Dorothy Bettenhausen of Joliet, IL, 1st husband William Robert Rimke of Orange, CA, brother Donald McKanna and her parents Leon Clifford and Esther A. McKanna of Plattville, IL. At Doris’ request, there will be no funeral services. Condolences may be mailed to the family at P. O. Box 427, Alturas, CA 96101. The Modoc County Record provides issues dating back to 1892 on microfilm available at the Modoc County Library, Alturas 212 West Third St., Alturas, CA 96101. Olive ‘Ollie’ Gorzell Olive Gorzell, 92, was born to Frank and Julia Canada on February 19, 1918 in Martinez, California. When she finished school she married Clarence Gorzell in 1942 in Santa Maria, CA, where they then farmed vegetable crops with his parents. Mrs. Gorzell was a homemaker and active partner to her husband. They moved to Lake City, CA in 1946, to farm and ranch in a family partnership with his father and brother. In 1964, Ollie and Clarence began a well drilling, irrigation and pump business, installing most of the early sprinkler systems in Surprise Valley and Modoc County. She supported the activities of bringing the Soil Conservation Service to Surprise Valley. She was a member of the Lake City Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary called the “Fire Flies,” the Lake City Ladies Club and was a 4-H leader in cooking and crafts. She and Clarence retired to Cottonwood, California in 1991. She cared for Clarence in their home for seven years after his stroke, until his passing in 2002. She was very surprised by family and friends with a 90th birthday party in 2008. On December 9, 2010, Olive passed away at her home in Cottonwood, California. She is remembered as a loving wife, caring sister and devoted aunt who en- Have items to donate? Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary #3327 in Alturas accepts rummage sale donations. Those with items to donate may contact Michelle at 640-1278; Patti Malson, 233-2106 or Frances Hullinger, 233-3168 to make arrangements for delivery or pick up. T OM O M S MITH TILE COMPANY Where concept becomes reality CA Lic# 520236 QUALITY IS OUR TRADEMARK SINCE 1975 GRANITE & GRANITE SLABS Serving Lassen, Shasta, Siskiyou and Modoc Counties Olive Gorzell joyed sewing, crafts, community service, hosting family and friends, and traveling to visit relatives, friends and new places, including 10 countries with her husband of 60 years. She is survived by her sister Aurora Jackson of Antioch, California and numerous nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents, four brothers and sisters, and her husband of 60 years, Clarence Gorzell, and her infant son. A visitation was held on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at Lawncrest Chapel, 1522 E. Cypress Ave. Redding, California 96002. A funeral service will be held at 1:00 p.m. Friday, December 17 at the Chapel of Holy Cross Cemetery, 2200 E. 18th St. Antioch, CA 94509. The service will be followed by a luncheon at a the Antioch Black Bear Restaurant. Arrangements are in the care of Lawncrest Chapel (530-222-1587). McArthur: 530-336-5830 Email: Cell: 530-949-1362 07/16 Fax: 530-336-5830 Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows - PG-13 Friday, Dec. 17th at 7:30PM Saturday, Dec. 18th at 7:30PM Sunday Matinee, Dec. 19th at 3PM Prices: • Friday & Saturday evenings, Adults $5.50 • Students & Seniors (62 yrs+) $5 • Sunday Matinee, All Seats, $4.50 • Children 4 yrs. & under still FREE with adult. ***Please - No Alcohol In The Theater*** Upcoming Movies: Tangled, Chronicals of Narnia, Tron, Yogi Bear and The Tourist. Niles Theater 12/16 Obituary FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (530) 233-5454 Forest Service Contractors ... Laura Hatch Obituary Laura Hatch Former Alturas resident Laura Diane Hatch, 59, passed away peacefully at her home November 21, 2010, in Fall River Mills, CA. Services were held in Fall River Mills, CA on Nov. 24. Burial was at the Pine Grove Cemetery. Laura was born May 22, 1951, in Arkansas and moved to Shasta County in 1988 from Alturas. While in Alturas, she worked in property management. After relocating to Fall River Mills, she was manager of Fort Crook Apartments and was a member of the Valley Baptist Church and past board member of the Fall River Cemetery District. She is survived by her companion William Patterson of Fall River Mills, sons Quincy Hatch, James (Crystal) Hatch, Justin Billing and four grandchildren Mahalla, Makenna, James and Samuel. She also leaves several sisters and brothers Kathy Harmer, Kimbel Austin, Mary Thompson, William Buchanan and Jerry Buchanan. She is survived by 28 nieces and nephews and her cherished and chosen extended family. Are you interested in doing business with the US Forest Service, Region 5 for firefighting equipment? • Need Help Navigating through the VIPR process? • Consulting is available for Forest Service Contractors to get help submitting proposals through the VIPR process. • Solicitations are currently out for mechanics with service trucks and heavy equipment. • Solicitations will be out soon for clerical, tents, fallers, weed washing units. Time and space are limited! Call us today. The Small Business Development Center will provide consulting and will be in Susanville at the Lassen Career Network from 10am – 4pm on December 17 and 21. Call 530 225 2770 to reserve an appointment. December 16, 2010 - Modoc County Record - Page 7 CARD OF THANKS Obituary Debbie Leavenworth Debbie Sherrie Leavenworth passed away of lung cancer at her home in Alturas, CA on December 14, 2010. Debbie, 49, was lovingly cared for by her mother during her illness. She was born on November 18, 1961, to Jerry and Dianne Carlson and reared in Yucca Valley, CA where she finished high school. Debbie married Jerry Leavenworth when she was 18. Debbie was a homemaker, mother and grandmother. After her husband, father and son Trevor, 22, passed away, Debbie joined her mother in relocating to Alturas four years ago. Debbie went to work at the Rim Rock Motel and as a caregiver through T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Debbie will be dearly Tracy L. Hewitt Debbie Leavenworth missed by her mother Dianne Carlson of Alturas, CA; her son Jeremy Leavenworth and daughter Dana Leavenworth of Yucca Valley, CA; her brother Travis Carlson of Seattle, WA and her three grandchildren Ryan, Rachel and Ronin. Services will be held in Yucca Valley. CARD OF THANKS On behalf of Orvil Jones and family, we would like to express our appreciation for the kindness and support of countless friends and family, and the staff of Modoc Medical Center, shown through all of the prayers, visits, gifts of food and flowers, acts of caring, cards, and phone calls. We cannot begin to thank everyone enough! We have been so blessed and surrounded by your love and concern in this difficult time. -- Gary and Ellen Jones Donors make winners happy Many thanks to all the donors who gave such nice gifts for door prizes at the Christmas Fair held at the Modoc High Social Hall, on December 4. Donors and winners are: Rose’s Country Quiltskitchen towel set won by Sharon Enderlin; Pat Budmark-place mats won by Bev Carstens; Jim and Carol Walker provided a reversible wooden vase for winner Robin Teuscher; Wendi Lancaster’s wreath went to winner Holly Stains; Duane McGarva Photos provided a framed photo for winner Christine Jobe and Pedrola Metal Works’ welcome sign went to Carol Bolsour. THE RECORD publishes announcements free of charge for engagements, weddings, anniversaries, births and obituaries, as space allows. Please contact the Record for forms. Lifelong Alturas resident Tracy Lynn Hewitt, 44, passed away November 28, 1010 at her home on the ranch in Alturas, CA. Tracy was born at Modoc Medical Center, Alturas, CA on July 14, 1966, to Robert and Carol Hewitt. She attended Modoc schools. Tracy was good at lots of things – driving, teaching, canning, reading, loving, caring and cooking. She knew how to make the dough rise and the cakes never fell. She made mean dinners and had a big heart, taking care of sick, abandoned animals. She also helped her parents take care of the children who stayed with them. She did lots of office and paper work and helped her Dad and Mom on the ranch. Tracy liked swimming, camping and playing on the computer. She loved her animals, loved and enjoyed spending time with her family and friends. She truly was a loving, caring person, who will be missed by many. She is survived by her mother and father Carol and Robert Hewitt of Alturas; grandmother Doris McKee, Alturas, CA; Thank you Modoc and beyond for buying tickets from the Surprise Valley Quilters throughout the year. Leland Miller was the winner. He gave it back to us to send to the American Hero Quilt program, which is based in Vashon, Washington here on the west coast. --Irma Harris Quick Q u ick Lube Plus + Keep Your Loved Ones Running This Holiday Season.... With A Gift Certificate To Quick Lube Plus+ Tracy Hewitt brothers Shawn Hullinger of Montana and Clinton Hullinger of Alturas, sister Tanya Hewitt of Arizona; aunt RubyDell Waite of Alturas, aunt Diana Vermillion of Alturas, uncle Todd McKee of Alturas; uncle and aunt Gordon and Jodie Hewitt of Alturas, niece Tabitha Bruce of Alturas, niece Sarah Hewitt of Alturas and numerous family members. Tracy was preceded in death by her nephew Cory Hewitt, brother Mike Hewitt, sister Penny Hewitt and aunt Susie Albertson. Services will be announced at a later date. Although it’s difficult to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. Have A Safe And Happy Holiday Season! Oil Change G UNS -N-H OSES C HRISTMAS T OY D RIVE B ASKETBALL G AME CARD OF THANKS The Family of Diane Howard would like to thank everyone for the cards, phone calls, food, handshakes and hugs. The outpouring of love and concern for our wonderful wife and mother is unbelievable and has touched our hearts very deeply. She was a cool lady and we miss her. -Bob Howard Wendy Larson Jennifer Welvaert Rebecca Coker Brad and Pam Williams 202 N Court St., Alturas • 530-233-1144 Mon - Fri, 8a.m. to 4p.m. • Sat, 8a.m. to 3p.m. 12/16 12/9 Obituary On Monday, December 20, 2010 at 7:00 p.m., officers from the California Highway Patrol Alturas office will compete against firemen of the Alturas Rural Fire Department in a charity basketball game. The toy drive event will be held at the Modoc High School gymnasium in Alturas, and will benefit local families in need through a non-profit organization. The price for public admission will be one unwrapped toy or a $5.00 donation to T.E.A.C.H., Inc, for distribution prior to Christmas. For more information about the event, contact Steve Hallmark at (530) 233-2919 or Forrest Winkle at (530) 6403018. For information about donations to T.E.A.C.H., Inc contact Carol Callaghan at (530) 233-3111. PUBLIC NOTICE The Modoc County Mental Health Services Act O l d Things & Vintage Items The old, the new and everything in-between ¶• • • • Bed Frames Desks Tools Dishes • Books • Household Items • Yard Tools The Modoc County Mental Health Services Act - Innovation Component Plan (3 year plan for $353,200) is available for a 30 day public review and comment period. The funding requested in this plan is to be used to increase quality of services and better outcomes primarily through promotion of interagency collaboration. The 30 day posting period is December 3, 2010 through January 2, 2011. A public hearing will be conducted at Modoc County Health Services in early January. The plan is posted on the Modoc County Behavorial Health website at:http:// id47.html. A hard copy is also available upon request at 441 N. Main Street, Alturas, CA 96101 or by calling 530-2336312 or emailing Karen Stockton: Comments can be submitted online at the website, by email, phone or in writing or at the public hearing. • Misc. Furniture • Much More! Every item imaginable is available! Stop by and browse our wide selection. A&M Pump And Plumbing Bill & Marlene Roberts 1057 N. Main St., Alturas, CA (530) 233-2773 12/9 New Year’s Party: Modoc Chapter, Jefferson State and Cal Pines Lodge December 31, 2010 “One More Won’t Hurt” New Year’s Party at the Cal Pines Lodge in Alturas 12/16 Modoc Chapter SOJB will be giving away their beads! Come One! Come All! Prize raffles! Tickets will be sold at the event. $1 a ticket and/or 6 for $5. Raffle drawings will be at 11:30 p.m. Dinner will be served by the Cal Pines Lodge. Dinner starts at 5PM We will have a driver for anyone who needs or wants a ride throughout the event. 12/9 PUBLIC NOTICE Page 8 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 Lighting up the night The Alturas Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a residential Christmas Lighting and Decorating contest for dwellings in the Alturas area. The Chamber will award Alturas Bucks redeemable for purchases at Alturas businesses. Watch next week’s Record for the Chamber’s selected picks as winners and their prizes. HAND-MADE Angel ornament purchases will aid Modoc Senior Center. Angels helping in the wings Each one is different and hand-made, but the reason for them is the same – to aid the Modoc County Senior Citizen’s Association. Select an angel ornament hanging on the Christmas tree near the front door at Seab’s True Value in Alturas and the $3 proceeds from each sale will be donated to the Senior Center in Alturas. A Senior Center volunteer for 20 years who rides the bus to the center, Frances Hughes made the 200 angels in the hopes of generating funds to help the center. At the suggestion of her granddaughter Jennifer Barcia, who owns True Value with her husband Jason, the location was set. “When I stopped working, I wanted to do something - so I began helping at the Senior Center,” says Mrs. Hughes. “I’ve done fancy work all my life and give angels to family members each year. This year, family members contributed 24 rolls of thread and some materials to help create 320 angels. A very modest senior herself, Mrs. Hughes shuns notoriety, but was selected as a Plumas Bank Kindness Award recipient recently “for adding so much joy to the senior center, especially for making 200 beautiful hand-made angels for the senior center Christmas tree.” Plumas Bank donated $30 in her honor to Modoc County Senior Citizen’s Association. CHP, ARFD shoot hoops Monday night for toys will be one unwrapped toy to be donated to the TEACH toy drive, to help families in need this Christmas. The event is open to the public and admission Holiday Open House, potluck at Surprise BLM Friday evening It will be something new, as the Bureau of Land Management Surprise Field Office welcomes the public to a Holiday Open House Potluck in the BLM conference room and Engine Bay at 602 Cressler St., Cedarville on Friday, Dec. 17, from 4 – 7 p.m. Alturas and Surprise Valley communities are invited to come meet and welcome the new employees, including new manager Allen Bollschweiler and bid good tidings to those “short timers” who will be retiring and get a look at the Engine Bay. Community attendees are welcome to bring a dish or dessert to share. The office will supply the meat entrée. No alcoholic beverages allowed on the premises. No RSVP required. If further information is needed, please contact Cathy Raether-Storm at the BLM office, 2792748. without a toy will be $5 at the door. All admission fees will be donated to TEACH. For more information contact CHP Officer Steve Hallmark at 530-2332919. The Modoc High School Booster Club is looking for volunteers willing to donate their time to support the student athletes participating in Modoc High School sports. All monies generated through the activities of the Booster Club are donated to the Modoc High sports programs in need of funding. The Booster Club has been a vital partner to the High School throughout the years, filling in the financial holes threatening to stall Modoc High School Sports programs. Barbecues, bake sales, raffles, car washes, or any other fundraising activities are encouraged. Participants do not need to have children involved in Modoc High School football, basketball, baseball, softball, cross-country, soccer, golf, track, and volleyball. For more information on how you can get involved in the Modoc High School Booster Club, please contact Victoria Larranaga. OLIVER EDGAR BATTRAM was born to Nichole Stains and Chris Battram of Alturas, CA on December 9, 2010, at 12:01 a.m. at Mayers Memorial Hospital in Fall River Mills, CA. Dr. Watson attended the birth of the 7 lb., 10 oz. boy who measured 21 inches long. Brother Grady welcomes his arrival. Maternal grandparents are Holly Stains of Alturas and the late Kurt Stains. Paternal grandparents are Linda and Joe Battram of Alturas, CA. Cascade Fencing Alturas, CA Farm & Ranch fences installed MARCUS PLANK • 530-640-2768 • High-tensile • Field Fence • Horse Fence • Steel Pipe Fence • Barbed Wire • Bobcat Work Available Call Today For a FREE Estimate Visit Judath Brush AT G FACE AND BODY Spa Pedicures, Manicures & Polish Changes GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE ON YOUR LIST! G Face and Body 216 S. Main Street • 530-233-6700 Mon, Tues, Thurs 5:30PM-7PM Fri, 2PM-7PM • Sat, 10AM-2PM 12/9 Open House And Going Away Party For Rendy Rees FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17TH • STARTS AT 3:00 P.M. Stop By To Say Hello And to Wish Rendy Bon Voyage! Refreshments will be served. M ODOC C OUNTY T ITLE C OMPANY HELP PEOPLE FIND OUT about your business and what it has to offer. Advertise here by calling Modoc Record Display Advertising at (530) 233-2632. REACH THOUSANDS online and inprint with Modoc Record Display and Classified Ads. Call 530-233-2632 for information or visit Classie C lassie Lassie Calico Co w Local California Highway Patrol officers and the Alturas Rural Fire Department will play a charity basketball game Dec. 20, 7 p.m. at the Griswold Gym in Alturas. The price of admission High School sports need a boost Births Open 7 Days a Week Open at 10:00AM 301 South Main, Alturas 530-233-5599 Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at County Road 56 Clothes With Class! 104 N. M AIN , A LTURAS (530) 233-3471 12/9 Phone 233-3141 You must be 21 years of age. Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. Band of the Week Mon-Fri., 10AM-5:30PM Sat, 10-4PM *Credit Cards Accepted* Groove to the tunes of Room To Move California Pines on Friday, December 17th and Saturday, December 18th starting at 9:00 p.m. at the Club Del Rose! LODGE THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS Entrees include salad bar and ice cream sundae bar. Lemon Chicken Mixed Grill $12.95 Our famous ribs, grilled chicken breast and steak Grilled Salmon New York Steak With a balsamic reduction Steak and Cheese PHONE (530) 233-5842 $16.95 $16.95 DINING HOURS Thurs - Sat, $15.95 5PM-9PM, Sunday $14.95 10AM-2PM W E A RE N O L ONGER O PEN F OR S ATURDAY M ORNING B REAKFAST ! SATURDAY SPECIAL Choice Prime Rib Dinner *Reservations Recommended $16.95 SUNDAY BRUNCH Breakfast & Lunch Entrees, Salad Bar And Dessert. All-You-CanEat-Buffet Soft Serve Ice Cream Sundae Bar $8.95 12/16 We will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day NEW!! 9-Piece Fried Chicken Meal with Coleslaw, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy $19.95 PIZZA SPECIAL 16” Large Pepperoni Pizza - Salad Bar NOT Included LOUNGE OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY 4PM - 12PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY , 10AM-CLOSE Eat In or Take Out $14.95 NOW SELLING CIGARETTES! 12/16 December 16, 2010 - Modoc County Record - Page 9 Provide some joy Brighten the lives of children this holiday season by being a Wish Tree gift sponsor through T.E.A.C.H., Inc. The Wish Tree enables members of the community to donate gifts to children in Modoc County. Children must be income-qualified for the Wish Tree by having a parent or guardian register their information, which remains private. Those who would like to provide a gift are welcome to stop by the Court Street entrance to select an ornament with information about the child’s wishes, age, gender and size, if needed or call 530-233-3111. Donations to the Salvation Army, Modoc Unit may be sent to 112 East Second St., Alturas, CA 96101 to be used throughout the year, as need surfaces. Countdown to Christmas! THIRD GRADERS at Alturas Elementary will present their Christmas program on Friday, Dec. 17 at 9:30 a.m. in AES Multi-purpose room. Students from the classrooms of Mrs. Warnock, Mrs. Lewis and Ms. Ward make up the program. . . and they’re ready to show it off! Public welcome. Ring in the New Year at the Club Del Rose! Friday, December 31st. Dance the night away with Ray Atkinson from 9PM to 1AM. Block M Tourney dedicated to Slinkards The Rotary Clubs of Alturas are dedicating the 2010 Block M Basketball Tournament to Susan and Gary Slinkard, in honor of the many years of their commitment to Alturas youth basketball. The 54th Block M tournament opens today December 16 and continues through Saturday night Dec. 18 in the Modoc High Griswold Gymnasium in Alturas. Susan Slinkard started keeping score for basketball with Modoc High coach and teacher Shirley Oxley, more than 35 years ago, even traveling to Sacramento with the 1998 varsity girls team to keep the official book at the State Championship game. Gary Slinkard began working for the school in 1991 and has always been on hand to support the teams and drive the rooter buses to away games. “The ongoing dedication of Gary and Susan has been invaluable to students, coaches and faculty alike and Rotary is proud to recognize them for their service above self,” say Ro- tarians. This year’s tournament competition will take place all three days between varsity and junior varsity boys and girls from Modoc, Chester, Tulelake and Lakeview high schools. The varsity boys and girls championship teams will take home the Rotary Block M Bell Trophy, which they will display for the year at their school, returning it the following year to defend their championship. Half-time activities throughout the tournament will offer youngsters chances to show off their skills and talents, practicing for when they are old enough to play in the Block M tournaments. A sirloin roast dinner will be offered Friday evening that includes a baked potato, green salad, bread, ice cream and assorted desserts for only $10 per meal. A vegetarian dish will be offered as well. The dinner will be served from 4:30 until 7:30. The first game starts Thursday afternoon, Dec. 16 with the final champi- onship game scheduled for Saturday evening, Dec. 18 at 8:00 p.m. Friday evening will reveal the crowning of the Block M Queen. During this fourth year of involvement, the Rotary clubs promise a weekend of fun and excitement for young and old alike. Open 7 Days a Week Open at 10:00AM Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at County Road 56 P hone 233-3141 You must be 21 years of age. Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. 12/16 For All Your Heating And Refrigeration Needs Winter is fast approaching. NOW is the time to service your heater. P HONE /F AX : 530.233.4647 LIC#418575 09/23 Cakes Country Hearth Give the perfect gift to that someone special with a gift certificate to G Face & Body: • Co-Workers • Moms & Dads • Grandparents • Teachers • Friends Don’t forget yourself amid all the hustle and bustle.... The Modoc Siskiyou Community Action Agency (MSCAA), a local anti-poverty organization, is seeking to fill two Modoc “Community Nominee” positions on its Board of Directors. MSCAA provides an opportunity 112 Glenn Street • 530-233-6700 for participation by local government, private organizaMonday - Friday from 10AM-5:30PM Face and Body tions, and private citizens to work together to support 12/16 the low-income residents of Modoc and Siskiyou Counties to get the skills, knowledge, and motivation they need to become 1040 North Main, Alturas, CA 96101 self-sufficient. MSCAA Monday - Friday, 8:30AM-5:00-PM • 530-233-5705 goals are achieved via an annual grant process that awards funding for a number of local programs that provide services and supports, including immediNew and Used Appliances ate life necessities such as food, shelter, emergency transportation assistance to the low income commuAuthorized Whirlpool, Frigidaire nity. and Sears Servicer! Applicants must reside in Modoc County and be an official or member of: Get the right part at the business, industry, labor, right price! Whether you decide to replace or religious, human services, repair your appliance, we can help! education or other major Package Deals group, who has an interest Available For New in volunteering for MSCAA Board membership. Homes and Remodels! If you would like inforFREE appliance disposal with purchase of a new one. mation or to apply please contact the MSCAA’s AdFree Delivery: Set-up, haul away of old ministrative office at (530) appliances within 10 miles of Alturas. 918-9309. G P HILLIPS A PPLIANCE Serving Modoc County For Over 25 Years! RECORD Wedding Directory C a ll for your appointment. PO BOX 159 • ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA 96101 Make a difference; Openings available THE MODOC COUNTY Sales: Service: Parts: Invitations Creative Printing 551 Main Street Cedarville, CA 96104 530-279-2280 605 N. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-4460 Marina’s Bakery Personally Yours 334 Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-313 Put Your Ad here Only $15 Per Month For Two Weeks of Coverage! Call Today! Caterers Antonio’s Cucina Italiana 220 S. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-5600 Subway 110 West 12th Street Alturas, CA, 96101 530-233-4469 DJ Service Golden Rose Productions Mobile DJ Specializing in Weddings 530-640-0535 Flowers Janet’s Flower Shoppe 211 S. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-5654 211 S. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-9630 Fax 233-9631 Photography Photos by Nanette 605 N. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-4460 Rentals BMW Rentals 211 S. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-9630 or 530-233-5654 Salons & Spas G Face & Body 112 Glenn St Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-6700 Ad Here Place Your Ad Here By Calling Us At 530-233-2632 Advertise your business for only $15 a month in the Wedding Directory. The Wedding Directory runs twice a month. Call the Modoc County Record today at 530-233-2632. Page 10 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 Produce Picks Butcher’s Choice 6 R $ USDA Choice P RIME C OOKS H AM P ORTION BUTT SHANK 99 $ LB. 1 IB 2 $ 1 69 $ LB. 59 1 $ 29 LB. HOT ITEM OF THE WEEK Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith & Red Delicious 3 lb. bag LB. A PPLES EA. 59 ¢ LB. O RANGES LB. 95 ¢ 09 LB. 65 ¢ EA. LB. NORBEST TURKEY C OOKS S PIRAL H AM 1 2 $ 29 $ 19 C ELERY EA. 1 lb. bag M INI C ARROTS And Happy New Year! We will be closed on Christmas Day to spend time with our families! (Note: This is a two week ad) /3 2 $ 4 $ 99 1 $ 99 Oscar Mayer Western Family J UMBO B ISCUITS REG. 6.99, 16 OZ. BUTTERMILK & BUTTER FLAVORED REG. 1.99, 16 OZ. B ACON Pillsbury C RESCENT R OLLS REG.2.89, 8 OZ. 2 2 $ $ 85 $ 79 Crystal Smuckers I CE C REAM T OPPINGS Pillsbury A LL R EADY P IE C RUST /7 1 I CE C REAM R EG . 4.49, A SST . 56 O Z . 1 $ 89 2 $ 29 2 $ 39 3 $ 15 1 WESTERN FAMILY $ 35 C Kraft Philadelphia C REAM C HEESE REG. 2.79, 8 OZ. BRICK 1 $ 89 1 4 REG. 3.49, 14.1 OZ. REG. 2.99, ASST. 11.75-12.25 OZ. $ 49 R LINDSAY IPE P ITTED O LIVES LARGE & EXTRA LARGE REG. 1.99, 6 OZ, WESTERN FAMILY S TUFFED G REEN O LIVES REG. 2.59, 7 OZ. Corners Market 1 $ 39 HOCOLATE C HIPS MILK & SEMI SWEET REG. 3.09, 11.5-12 OZ. Western Family WESTERN FAMILY P INEAPPLE F LOUR ALL PURPOSE AND UNBLEACHED REG. 3.55, 5 LB. WESTERN FAMILY I NSTANT M ASHED P OTATOES REG. 4.39, 28 OZ. WESTERN FAMILY S TUFFING M IXES REG. 1.79, ASST. 6 OZ. SLICED CHUNKS & CRUSHED REG. 1.85, 20 OZ. 3 $ 95 LIPTON T EA B AGS REG. 4.95, 100 CT. 79 ¢ WESTERN FAMILY G RAVY REG. 1.09, 10.5 OZ. HWY 299 & MAIN ST. ALTURAS•(530) 233-3822 OPEN MONDAY - SUNDAY• 7 AM TO 10 PM All Items Subject to Stock on Hand • Prices Effective Dec. 16th - Dec. 29th, 2010 Modoc Record Modoc hosts Block M tourney December 16, 2010 - Modoc County - Page 11 The Rotary Block M basketball tourney runs from tonight through Saturday MAIN • STREET Antiques & Collectibles ‘Twas the Weekend Before Christmas... G REAT G IFTS F OR E VERYONE O N Y OUR L IST ! • The Collector • The Decorator • The Parents • The Kids• The Misses • The Mister & Everyone Else! We will be closed Dec. 25th & 26th. Have a Merry Christmas! THE three senior girls in the back row are candidates for Block M Queen this weekend. There are, left to right, Cheyenne Reese, Jordan Nolan and Rochelle Keller. The Princesses in front are, left to right, Dorothy Long, Class of 2012, Kenna Funk, class of 2014 and Hannah Gibbons, class of 2013. The boys whipped Braves got into a 13-5 hole Braves got off quickly and in the opening period and led 35-14 by half. They Quincy 45-31 in the third trailed 31-19 at halftime. added 14 in the third and game, taking a 25-19 The Braves fought back, seven in the fourth while lead by half. Modoc addoutscoring Portola 18-14 in Loyalton added 25 second ed 20 second half points the third and Portola won half points. Boudreaux to Quincy’s 12. Hoy led led the Braves with 13 with 15 points and 10 rethe fourth 14-11. Brett Boudreaux and points and 11 rebounds, bounds, while Boudreaux Austin Hoy led the Braves while Brandon Bains scored 12 with 19 boards. Modoc varsity girl’s team with 12 each. Jonathan added 10 points. Hoy had nine and Jones and Tra- went 1-2 in the Portola Jones added 11. Modoc beat Loyalton in vis Johnston each added tournament. They opened with a 49-31 loss to Portothe second game 56-39. The eight. la. The Braves trailed 91 in the first and 20-7 by half. Modoc played better in the second half, matching Portola’s 13 points in the third and Portola won the fourth 16-11. Monica Eppler had nine points for Modoc, with Rochelle Keller getting seven. The Braves beat Loyalton in the second game 43-31. The Braves led 2114 at halftime and out see Block M, page 12 230 S OUTH M AIN S T . • (530) 233-5433 12/16 Modoc will host the annual Block M basketball tournament for boys and girls this weekend at the Griswold Gym. Action will get underway at 7 p.m. tonight when Modoc’s varsity girls meet Chester and the boy’s varsity will follow against Chester about 8:30 p.m. All day action continues with the junior varsity Friday morning and the varsity into the evening. Saturday will also be full day of basketball action with the final games that evening. Teams in the tourney are Modoc, Chester, Lakeview and Tulelake. Modoc varsity boy’s team is coming off a 2-1 performance at the Portola tournament last weekend. They opened with a 5948 loss to Portola. The Sports Mon-Fri • 10AM-5:00PM Sat and Sun • 10AM-3PM Hours: Good Luck Braves at the Block M Tournament! We will be open late on Thursday, Friday and Saturday after the game! Celebrate The Season With Our Party Platters! Call for prices and details. Give a Subway Gift Card! They Make GREAT Stocking Stuffers! Order Online Subway Express Hours: 7AM to 9PM 7 Days a Week 12/16 110 West 12th St, Alturas • 233-4468 • Fax 233-4469 MODOC’S JALEN ESTES placed second at 215 pounds. Anderson wins NE Classic The team from Anderson won the Northeast Classic Wrestling Tournament in Alturas last weekend. The win didn’t surprise Modoc coach Shaun Wood. “Anderson is a good team and we expected them to be on top,” Wood said Monday. “Overall, it was a good tournament and I was pleased with how our kids performed. It’s early, but there weren’t any real surprises and we’ll be getting better.” Following Anderson in order were: Chester 189 points; Klamath Union 158; Lassen 151; Modoc 141; Crane 126; Lakeview 114; Tulelake 60; Burney 48; Lassen II 47; Modoc II 46; Chiloquin 31; Fall River 26; Weed 22; Dunsmuir 22; Etna 21; Bonanza 21; Big Valley 13 and Mt. Shasta 0. For Modoc, Jalen Estes at 215 pounds had the best finish, taking a second place. Ethan Haas took a third at the weight. Austin Carreker took a third place at 145 pounds and Jeremy Brandsted was third at heavyweight. Placers by weight class were as follows: 103, David Buckley 5th, Rafael Munguia 6th; 119, Benny see Wrestling, page 12 SANTA’S SLEIGH is on its way Brighten your home with holiday centerpieces, arrangements & poinsettias! NEED UNIQUE STOCKING STUFFERS? We’ve got all kinds of goodies to fill the stockings: From little girls & boys to moms & dads to everyone on your list. Presents Modoc Joint Unified School District Weekly Sports Schedule Modoc Middle School High School Boys Basketball Basketball: will begin Saturday, January 22nd. Modoc Braves will host. Block M Tournament hosted by Alturas Rotary Club. Thursday through Saturday, December 16th18th at MHS Gymnasium. JANET’S FLOWER SHOPPE 12/16 211 S. Main, Alturas 530-233-5654 Modoc Wrestling: Friday, December 17th and Saturday, December 18th at Grants Pass Winter Kick Off. Join us every Tuesday night for family night starting December 21st One Large TwoTopping Pizza & Four 16 Ounce Fountain Drinks. Only $13.99 (Dine-In Only) Take Out Available Show Your School Spirit! Staduim Seats Are Now Available at Les Schwab. Purchase for a $25 Donation. Proceeds Go To MHS Athletics. One rotisserie chicken or 8-piece fried chicken dinner with choice of two side servings and four 16 ounce fountain drinks for only $16.99! D in e-In a n d En joy Ou r H osp ita lity. C a ll You r Ord er In For Fa ster Service! Tires • Brakes • Wheels • Shocks • Batteries • Alignment We pay the sales tax on purchases over $400 for all passenger cars, pickups and SUVs! 1201 Spruce Street, Alturas, CA • 530-233-3263 4 0 2 M a in Street • A ltu ra s,C A 12/16 530-233-2742 12/16 Page 12 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 Wrestling Social Security help from page 11 The next quarterly Social Security Administration Assistance visit will take place December 21 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. Appointments with the representative are on a first come, first serve basis. Bevil 4th; 125, Ethan Dunn 5th; 135, Jesse Silva 6th; 152, Mike Ponti 5th; 171 Tyler Kuhn 5th; Heavyweight, Collyn Server 4th. In the junior varsity heavyweight division, Ben Correa placed second and Damien English placed third. The Braves varsity is at Grants Pass this weekend. Main M a in Street Family Diner Happy Holidays! Block M Wishing you and yours a bright and beautiful holiday season! Thank you for your patronage throughout the year. We will be closed Sat, Dec. 25th. We will be open on Friday, Dec. 24th and Sunday, December 26th with our regular hours. from page 11 scored Loyalton 22-17 in the second half. Keller led with 15 points, Jodie Boudreaux added eight and Cheyenne King seven. Quincy beat the Braves 58-39 in the final game. Quincy led 32-23 at half and held Modoc scoreless in the third to take a 42-23 lead. The teams matched 16-point efforts in the fourth. King led the Braves with six points. Eppler was named AllTourney. The Brave junior varsity boys won the Portola tournament. They opened with a 45-38 win over Loyalton. The game was close throughout with Modoc leading 18-17 at half and 34-30 after three. Cam Anderson led with 13 points, Randy Schmid had 10 and Drew Culp added eight. The JVs beat Portola 52-27 in the second game, after jumping out to a 208 first period lead. Modoc led 49-30 after three. Riley Larranaga led the scoring with 16, Anderson 12 and Schmid 10. The Braves ran away with the Quincy game 55-12. The score was 222 after one and 30-4 at halftime. Schmid led with 10 points, Anderson had nine, while Larranaga and Blake Williams added eight each. Anderson was named the Most Valuable Player with Larranaga and Schmid named All-tourney. Modoc’s junior varsity girls lost three games at Portola. They lost the first game to Loyalton 40-20, scoring 10 points in the first and second half. Loyalton scored 18 in the first half and 22 in the second. Jordan Marquardt and Morgan Bagwell each scored six. Quincy beat the Braves 34-25 in the second game after taking a 20-5 first period lead. Quincy slowed down in the second and third period and Modoc added 10 points in the second but none in the third. The teams each scored 10 in the fourth. Lily Hallmark scored eight to lead the Braves. Modoc lost its final game to Portola 49-15. The Braves found themselves in a 15-0 first quarter hole and 26-6 by halftime. Modoc added nine second half points while Portola added 23. Hallmark had six for Modoc and Marquardt five. Hallmark was named to the All-tourney team. Shop at home first this year. It’s good for all! AUSTIN CARREKER, top here, took a third at 145 pounds. Drawing Saturday at Block M for early bird raffle winner The Block M Tournament this weekend is a big part of the Alturas Rotary Club and Project Graduation effort to raise funds for youth projects and the annual sober graduation party. They are sponsoring a raffle with the top prize of $10,000 in cash and other prizes are valued from $264 and up. The drawing for the prizes will be held June 11. There will be an early bird drawing for $500 cash at this year’s Block M Basketball tournament. Tickets are $5 each or six for $25 and ticket sales began last week. A Corporate sponsorship is also open at $250 and those tickets will be drawn for a separate $2,011 on MHS graduation night June 11. The prize list and estimated value is as follows: first, $10,000 cash; second, Phillips Appliance 55-inch Toshiba Flat Screen TV, $1,599; third, Antonio’s dinner for four (two dinners/month for a year) $1,000; fourth, Les Schwab gift certificate, $750; fifth Modoc Seab’s True Value HP laptop, $524; sixth, family basket, restaurant certificate and other prizes, $500; seventh, 4-Corners Market gift certificate, $350; eighth, 4-Corners Market gift certificate, $350; ninth, Eagle Peak, 27 tons of gravel, $300; 10th, Modoc Seab’s True Value IPOD Touch 32GB 4th Gen, $299; 11th, Surprise Valley Hot Springs, two night stay, $264. Take home Vickies famous pies for the holidays! Stop in or call to order! 449 North Main Street (530) 233-6686 Tickets are available at the door of the Block M and at Seab’s True Value, Phillips Appliance, Antonio’s Pizza, Les Schwab Tire, Plumas Bank, Modoc Steel and Napa Auto Parts. Rotary plans on using its portion of the fundraiser to upgrade the Alturas Boy Scout Hall and other projects, and Project Graduation will use its funds for the sober party. 12/16 C LUB D EL R OSE Local wins Portola Elks Hoop Shoot Several local youth participated and won the Elks National Hoop Shoot competition in Portola Dec. 12. Elizabeth Sanchez, of Alturas, won the girl’s 12-and-13 year-old division and Boston McAdams, of Madeline, won the girl’s 10-and-11year-old division. Kellen Gerig, of Bieber took second in the boy’s 12-and13-year-old division, and Tyson Preston, Alturas, was third in the boy’s 10and-11-year-old division. The kids were compet- ing against winners from the eight Elks chapters from the surrounding area. The winners will advance to the Northern California Finals in Sacramento Jan. 29, 2011. Winners in Sacramento would move on to Las Vegas and national finals will be held in Massachusetts. Your Football HEADQUARTERS • Full Service Bar • Five TVs/HDTV Let Us Worry About YOUR Game Day! • NFL Sunday Ticket™ Enjoy our hot pretzels and beer specials. • Watch Monday Night Football With Us! Make a visit to Desert Rose Casino your new football tradition! Phone (530) 233-3141 You must be 21 years of age • Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. Open 7 Days a Week • Open at 10:00AM • Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at County Road 56 12/9 G IVE THE G IFT T HAT K EEPS G IVING . . . T HE M ODOC C OUNTY RECORD Give a subscription. Just call us at (530) 233-2632, or mail this form to the Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 $25 In County • $30 Elsewhere S AVE B IG T HIS S UNDAY ! December 19th from 10AM to 4PM S. Main • 233-2903 JAY’S CLOTHING 108 9AM-5:30PM • Mon-Sat 12/16 STOCKING STUFFERS Modoc Motor Parts 3 0 3 We s t 1 2 t h • A l t u r a s • 2 3 3 - 3 5 5 6 Mon-Fri 7:30AM-5:30PM Sat 7:30AM-5PM S u r p r i s e Va l l e y P a r t s 600 Main, Cedarville • 279-6165 Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM • Sat 8AM-5PM 12/16 Automotive • Truck • Tractor Parts PLEASE SEND A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: Name: Address: Ask About Our Online Edition! City: State: Zip: December 16, 2010 - Modoc County Record - Page 13 The Modoc Senior Center 906 W. 4th Street, Alturas (530) 233-4438 Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) for seniors is available at the Senior Center by appointment. HICAP provides individual counseling to help you understand Medicare, compare private Medicare supplemental plans, review HMO’s or Managed Care options, file Medicare and private insurance claims, prepare Medicare appeals or challenge claim denials, learn about saving money on prescriptions, learn about government assistance programs, explore long term care options, and clarify your rights as a health care consumer. This is a free service for seniors. -------------The Senior Legal Center of Northern California offers a free monthly legal clinic at the Modoc Senior Center from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. If you would like an appointment or would like to discuss a legal matter please call. The Senior Legal Center provides free services to seniors 60 years of age or older who live in Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity Counties. Phone (888) 201-7674, (530) 241-3565 or the Senior Center (530) 233-4438. -------------The next quarterly Social Security Administration Assistance visit will take place December 21 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. Appointments with the representative are on a first come, first serve basis. -------------Come join us for Bingo every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. -------------The exercise class is back at the Senior Center every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. -------------Note: On the Salad Bar days, Tuesdays and Thursdays, lunch will be served at 11:45 a.m. -------------The Senior Center is in need of small plastic containers with lids. If anyone would like to donate some please bring them to the Senior Center. Thanks. -------------Modoc Senior Center Luncheon Menu Lunch is served at 12:00 p.m. Please call 233-4438 for reservations! Friday, December 17: Meatball Sandwich, hoagie roll, veggie soup, strawberries with bananas. Monday, December 20: CLOSED! Tuesday, December 21: Polish Sausage, bun, broccoli and bacon salad, apple crisp, brownies, and a salad bar. Wednesday, December 22: Hot Turkey Sandwich, wheat bread, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrot and raisin salad, pumpkin. Thursday, December 23: Pinto Beans, ham, corn bread, coleslaw, cake, and a salad bar. PSC awarded Forest contract Peak Science Communications, LLC (PSC) has been awarded an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract by Region 5 of the USDA Forest Service, which includes the Modoc National Forest. The 5-year Natural Resource and Professional Services contract, which has a ceiling value of $4.9 million, makes PSC immediately available to provide writing and editing services to the region’s 18 national forests that manage over 20 million acres of National Forest System lands. “I am extremely proud of our team,” said Nikole Pearson, president and founder of PSC. “We have worked very hard to develop an excellent reputation within the Forest Service and appreciate the opportunity to continue to sup- port them under this new agreement. We are confident that our work will provide the best value solution for Region 5.” Services under this contract may include technical writing or editing of documents required for support of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) efforts or landscape analysis, watershed assessments, and other programs. About Peak Science Communications PSC specializes in writing and editing for the environmental, engineering, and land use planning industries. PSC has written and edited several documents, including environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, biological opinions, and rulemakings. PSC also documents meetings and develops proposals. For more information, visit the company’s Web site at Gift Cards MENTION THIS DECEMBER 16TH AD PURCHASE A GIFT CARD AND RECEIVE A FREE REGULAR DRINK. February deadline for RAC projects The Modoc Resource Advisory Committee’s is looking for projects that meet specifications by February 7. The (RAC) is soliciting project proposals for funding under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000. This is the fourth round of funding under the amended and reauthorized legislation that expires in September 2012. Projects must have broad based support with objectives that may include, but are not limited to: road, trail and infrastructure maintenance or obliteration; soil productivity improvements; improvements in forest ecosystem health; watershed restoration and maintenance; restoration, maintenance and improvement of wildlife and fish habitat; control of noxious and exotic weeds; re-establishment of native species Projects can be on public land or adjacent private land. If a project is on private land it must clearly show benefits to the adjacent national forest land. The application process will require a twopage concept paper or pre-application. These pre-applications are due no later than February 7, 2011. The pre-applications should be mailed to: Modoc County RAC, c/o Modoc National Forest, Attn: Stephen Riley, 800 West 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Following a review of the pre-applications by the Modoc County RAC on March 7 and March 14, 2011 invited applicants will be asked to submit a full application to the Modoc County RAC, at the above address, by April 15, 2011. To obtain a copy of the pre-application and to get more information about the Modoc County RAC project application process, please contact Stephen Riley, Modoc National Forest, 530-233-5811 or Sean Curtis, Modoc County RAC Chairman, at 530233-3276. 701 NORTH MAIN STREET • ALTURAS, CA (530) 233-1111 • WE DELIVER! OPEN 9AM TO 9PM DAILY • DELIVERY HOURS: 11AM-8PM DAILY 12/16 FM Modoc Rock 233-4842 A Little Something For Mrs.S Claus •J ACKETS AND WEATERS • PLUS SIZE CLOTHING • PAJAMAS & ROBES • DESIGNER DENIM • DRESSES • JEWELRY • ACCESSORIES • MAKEUP • FREE GIFT H APPY H OLIDAYS F ROM T HE M ODOC N ATIONAL F OREST We want to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Year. Thank you all for your continued support of the Modoc National Forest. WRAPPING & LAYAWAYS Classie Lassie/Calico Cow 301 S. Main, Alturas • (530) 233-5599 12/16 Senior Corner 10AM - 5:30PM Weekdays • 10AM - 4PM Sat., We accept Visa, Master Card & Discover 12/16 PAID FOR BY THE MODOC EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION Browse our large selection of gifts for that special lady in your life! Jackets • Sweaters • Hats & Gloves • Jewelry • Collectible Sets • Kitchen Decor • Dishware • Books • Candles • Unique Gifts • Stocking Stuffers • Much More B ROWSE O UR S ELECTION O F W OMEN ’ S W INTER W EAR ! 212 S. Main, Alturas (530) 233-4696 We Pay the Sales Tax! 12/16 SHE’LL LOVE LOOKING STYLISH AND STAYING WARM THIS WINTER! M-S 9AM-5:30PM Sundays 10AM-4PM Page 14 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 Saints and Angel’s Song” Dec. 19 at 10:30 a.m. during the morning worship service at 225 West B St., Alturas. Call 233-2804 for information. “Gatherings” is meant to provide an information outlet for public service announcements for non-profit groups. Please include the name of the event, time and date it is scheduled and the place and address at which it is being held, name of sponsor, any cost involved and a phone number for the public to call for more information. Announcements are published free for non-profit groups as space permits. Send announcements to Gatherings: c/o Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 or stop by the Record office at 201 West Carlos St., Alturas; phone (530) 233-2632 or e-mail to Announcement deadline is 11 a.m. each Wednesday to make the following day’s Record. Pets wait for homes Thursday, December 16 Toastmasters in Cedarville Surprise Valley Elementary School invites community members to come enjoy their Christmas program on Thursday, December 16. The program, directed by Coreena Blum, will take place at the Surprise Valley High School gymnasium at 6:00 p.m. The program is free to all. New time for Book Discussion Tonight, December 16, there’s a new time for the Modoc County Library’s Third Thursday Book Discussion Group at the Alturas library – 6:00 p.m. Jan Romero will facilitate the discussion of the Western genre. You are invited to join this lively group discuss “Westerns” at the Modoc County Library, 212 W. 3rd St., Alturas. Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Newcomers always welcome! Please call Cheryl Baker, County Librarian, at 233-6340 for more information. Block M opens Rotary Block M Basketball Tournament Dec. 16 – 18 at Modoc High School, Alturas. See north state high school boys’ and girls’ basketball teams play. The first game starts Thursday afternoon, Dec. 16 with the final championship game scheduled for Saturday evening, Dec. 18 at 8:00 p.m. VA van rolls on Thursdays The Veterans’ Van in Modoc travels to the Reno VA on Thursdays only. Veterans are reminded to please schedule their primary care appointments for those days. To reserve a seat on the van, contact Larry Ludwig, van coordinator at 233-3741. Stock up on winter reading The Bookworm, the Friends of the Library bookstore located behind the Library, has a great selection of used books for children and adults at very reasonable prices. Stop in and check it out! Please note: we will only be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. until further notice. Thank you for your patronage! Friday Student Christmas program Third Grade students of Alturas Elementary will present their Christmas program on Friday, Dec. 17 at 9:30 a.m. in AES Multi-purpose room. Students from the classrooms of Mrs. Warnock, Mrs. Lewis and Ms. Ward make up the program. Open House, Potluck at BLM The BLM Surprise Field Office welcomes the public to a Holiday Open House Potluck in the conference room and Engine Bay at 602 Cressler St., Cedarville on Friday, Dec. 17, from 4 – 7 p.m. Come welcome new employees and those “short timers” who will be retiring. No RSVP required. Bring a dish or dessert to share. The office will supply the meat entrée. No alcoholic beverages on the premises. Block M dinner A sirloin roast dinner will be offered to the public Friday evening, Dec. 17 that includes a baked potato, green salad, bread, ice cream and assorted desserts for only $10 per meal. A vegetarian dish will be offered as well. The dinner will be served from 4:30 until 7:30 at Modoc High. Fort Bidwell Civic Club present craft sale, bake sale, gift baskets, handmade gifts, something for everyone on your list Saturday, Dec. 18 at the Fort Bidwell Civic Club, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tables for rent, please contact Jane at 279-2443. The Modoc Independent Tea Party and the Surprise Valley Tea Party will gather on Sunday, for a meeting on Sunday, Dec. 19 at 4 p.m. at Quizno’s, Bear Creek Mall, North Main St., Alturas. Public welcome. Online at H ave A Very Merry Christmas! Thursday Evening Special: Chicken Fried Steak Friday Special: Breakfast Special - $3.95 And All Day Fish & Chips Sunday Special: Blueberry Pancake Special AUCTION YARD CAFÉ 12/16 Open 8AM-2PM, Tuesday - Sunday; Thursday and Friday from 5PM to 7:30PM CLOSED MONDAYS • Hwy 299, Alturas (530) 233-2966 Social Security Disability Cases Kittens need homes As you rush about doing errands, take a minute to enjoy the playful kittens awaiting their forever home at the Second Chance Thrift Store, corner of First and Court Sts., Alturas. The store provides another chance at a good life, not only for orphaned pets, but for a variety of usable items and barely used clothing. The store is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. There is no fee if I don’t win your case. Black Powder shoot The third Saturday of every month at 9 a.m., the Alturas Pistol and Rifle Club holds its monthly Black Powder silhouette shoot. If you want to get back to American Pioneer times, this is your chance. This group is always willing to share their shooting skills and knowledge with the curious or adventurous. The group shares their love of black powder shooting with anyone willing to learn.. For more info, call Jackie at 530-2335346. LARRY J. ARKFELD 811 Fourth St., Yreka TELEPHONE Sharing Christmas joy St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 310 North St., Alturas, invites the community to join them for a celebration and time of worship this Christmas season on Dec. 19 at 5 p.m. for evening workshop, following by gathering to sing Carols and enjoy soup; On Dec. 24 at 4 pm. for Christmas Eve Holy communion Service with Fr. John Steinfeld and Dec. 26 at 10 a.m. for Morning Worship Service. Our last sale of the year will be on December 18th. We will feature three loads of bred cows during the sale. Merry Christmas! Christian Life Assembly will present their mini Christmas musical “The C h r is tm as Ev e H oly C om m un ion Ser v ice W ith Fr. Joh n Stein feld D ecem ber 26th At 10am M or n in g W or s h ip Ser v ice Modoc Auction Yard•Alturas For more information, call Modoc Auction Yard (530) 233-3442, Jerry Kresge (530) 233-3561 or Ed Hill at (530) 279-2561 Frontier Communications is a community telecommunications service provider who offers basic and enhanced services at reasonable rates within its serving areas. Basic services are offered at the following rates: Single Party Residence Service- Flat $ 17.85 / mo. Single Party Residence Service- Measured $ 9.60 / mo. with $3.00 Calling Allowance Single Party Business Service- Flat $ 38.70 / mo. Single Party Business Service- Measured $ 20.25 / mo. Federal Subscriber Line Charge- Single Line $ 6.50 / mo. Federal Subscriber Line Charge- Non Primary (Residence) $ 7.00 / mo. Federal Subscriber Line Charge- Multi Line (Business) $ 9.20 / mo. Local Directory Assistance (1st 5 calls) No Charge Local Residence Directory Assistance (Additional Calls) $ 0.99 / call Local Business Directory Assistance (no allowance) $ 0.99 / call Touch Tone Service No Charge Residence Toll Blocking-C.O. Programmed $ 2.50 / mo. Business Toll Blocking-C.O. Programmed $ 3.00 / mo. Residence Toll Blocking-Customer Programmed $ 2.50 / mo. Business Toll Blocking-Customer Programmed $ 2.50 / mo. Emergency 911 Service Surcharge(s) Percent of Basic Local Service Emergency 911 Calls No charge for calls to 911 Low-income individuals may qualify for Lifeline and Link-Up telephone assistance, and discounts off basic residential local service charges and/or service connection charges, through participation in state-specified assistance programs. Your eligibility to participate in the California Lifeline program will be verified and approved by an authorized state agency, prior to receipt of discounts. Your continued participation in the program will also be subject to annual audit. Basic services are offered to all consumers in the Frontier territories at the rates, terms and conditions specified in the Companyʼs tariffs. If you have any questions regarding the Companyʼs services, please call us at 1 + 800-921-8101 for further information. ST .M IC H AEL’S Ep is cop al C h ur ch 310 N or th Str eet • Altur as , C a 01/28 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE 1-800-578-7343 Modoc Auction Yard Christmas musical D ecem ber 24th At 4pm Call for a FREE evaluation of your case. Serving Modoc, Siskiyou and Southern Oregon Sunday Ev en in g W or s h ip Ser v ice Follow ed By G ath er in g Togeth er To Sin g C ar ols An d Eat Soup . CTC-CA 2010 12/16 Tea Parties meeting Fort Bidwell offers treats D ecem ber 19th At 5pm Winter break Modoc Joint Unified School District students and staff will take their Winter Break, from December 17 through January 2, 2011. It’s a great day to shop, dine locally! For C elebration And W orship This C hristm as Season! Alturas Elks Lodge #1756 officers and members invite the business community to attend the Elks annual Tom ‘n Jerry Christmas Party on Friday, Dec. 17 from 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Alturas Elks Lodge. Hors d’oeuvres will be available. Alturas Shotgun Shooters will hold Trap and Skeet shoots Sunday starting at 9 a.m., until all shooters are out of ammo. Any person interested in shooting, from the just curious to the pro, is invited to participate. Contact Roy at (530) 640-3110 for more info. Saturday Join U s! Elks host business eve Trap, skeet shoots The Warner Mountain Toastmasters will meet Friday at 7:45 a.m. at the Cafe .22 in Cedarville. Be a guest and experience first-hand how you can develop new communication, leadership, and meeting management skills. This will be the club’s last meeting for the year. Join us and end your year with a bang! For more information contact Dina McElwain at 233-4483. 1 2/16 Christmas Program in S.V. Home 4 the Holidays continues at the Second Chance Thrift Store this week at First and Court Sts., Alturas Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. It is an attempt to find homes for all the homeless dogs and cats. Iams contributes sample dog food and national publicity to help local humane societies and rescue groups, such as High Plateau, to find warm, loving homes for those cats, kittens and dogs that are orphaned through no fault of their own. If you are in the market for a new companion pet this holiday season, to see if one of our dogs or kittens meets your needs. December 16, 2010 - Modoc County Record - Page 15 Skiers cheer for snow Monday Christmas Eve Services Charity Basketball game On Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. officers from the CHP, Alturas office and Alturas Rural Fire Dept. will host a charity basketball game at Modoc High’s Gym. The price of admission will be one unwrapped toy to be donated to the toy drive hosted by T.E.A.C.H., Inc. assisting local families in need. Admission without a toy will be $5 at the door. All admission fees will be donated to T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Jam hosts potluck Alturas Country Jam Christmas potluck Monday December 20 at 6:30 p.m. Please bring your favorite dish. Chicken and bread will be provided. Music will follow. Our last jam for this season will be Monday December 27. We will resume on April 4, 2011. For more information call 233-4689. WOW plans for January “WOW” Watching Our Weight group will be taking a holiday break until January 3. There will be no meetings during the rest of December. Tuesday-First Day of Winter! Church Thrift Shop on holiday The Federated Thrift Shop will be closed for Christmas and New Year’s from December 21 to January 4. Please do not drop off any donations in December. Donations will be welcomed again when the shop re-opens January 4. Choir to perform for holiday The Lower Basin Choir will be presenting their annual Christmas Concert “Christmas at Home” on December 21 at Tulelake Presbyterian Church and on December 23 at the Malin Presbyterian Church. Both events will begin at 7 p.m. The choir is composed of 30 people from six area churches in Tulelake and Newell, CA and Malin and Merrill, OR. The musical director is Kathleen Dale and the principle accompanist is Shirley Micka. Admission is free and the music is guaranteed to fill you with the spirit of Christmas. Economic Vitality meeting Economic Vitality meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 21, 2010 ~ 3:00 p.m. at the Modoc Employment Center 221 N. Main St. in Alturas. Stock up on winter reading The Bookworm, the Friends of the Library bookstore located behind the Library, has a great selection of used books for children and adults at very reasonable prices. Stop in and check it out! Please note: we will only be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. until further notice. Thank you for your patronage! Bingo Night American Legion Auxiliary will host their popular Bingo games Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Early Bird Bingo starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Players must be 18 or older to play the games. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church will hold a Christmas Eve Communion Service with Fr. John Steinfeld on Friday, Dec. 24 at 4 p.m. at 310 North St., Alturas, a block from the A.C.T. Niles Theater. On Dec. 26 at 10 a.m. join them for Morning Worship Service. Faith Baptist Church welcomes all to join them in celebrating the birth of Christ at the church, 810 W. Carlos St., Alturas for their Christmas Eve service Dec. 24 at 6 p.m. The Christmas story will be read and Christmas carols sung. Christian Life Assembly will hold a “Candle and Carol” Christmas Eve Service on December 24 from 6 to 7 p.m. at 225 West B St., Alturas. Call 233-2804 for more information. Modoc County Fish Game and Recreation Commission will meet at Alturas City Hall, 200 North St., Alturas on Wednesday, Dec. 29 at 1 p.m. Public welcome. “Party in a Bag” fundraiser New Year’s Eve Drive-by “Party in a Bag” Tri-tip barbecue dinner for four offered Friday, Dec. 31 for $30. Pick up between 3-5 p.m. at Big Valley Family Resource Center. Call ahead to 294-5700 for pre-sale tickets at $30 for group of four, for the Tri-tip roast, four baked potatoes, salad, rolls, drink, dessert and party favors. All proceeds go to the Big Valley Community Alliance. New Year’s Bingo, buffet This year, the Clifford Harter American Legion Auxiliary #163 will host the New Year’s Eve Bingo on Friday, Dec. 31 from 7 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at the Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Buy-in will be $20, plus special games sold on the floor. A guarantee of two $100 black out games offered. The evening will be divided into two sessions. After the first session, a potluck buffet will open, so bring your favorite dish to share with everyone. Meat and bread will be furnished by the Auxiliary. There will be no Bingo on Tuesday night, Dec. 28. Record closed Friday, Dec. 24 The Modoc County Record office will be closed on Friday, Dec. 24. FIND A TREASURE in the Record’s classifieds and display ads. C HECK O UT O UR N EW M ENU !! NEW! Omelet Station OR Eggs to Order. An Egg-Cellent Breakfast Idea! Don’t forget to stop by on your birthday for your Matchplay! P hone (530) 233-3141 You must be 21 years of age Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. Open 7 Days a Week • Open at 10:00AM Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at County Road 56 12/2 FIXTURES NEED FIXING? Plumbing problems never happen at a convenient time, and fixing them is seldom as easy as you had hoped. Let our friendly, experienced plumbers provide a quick solution to your problem. We have the tools and the skills to save you from unnecessary stress and frustration. Call us day or night. Legion Auxiliary to meet You’ll be glad you did. American Legion Auxiliary members will gather for their regular meeting on January 8 at 11 a.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Call for an Estimate! (530) 640-4116 Christmas Greetings Christmas at Warnerview Warnerview Skilled Nursing Facility residents will be opening their Wish Tree gifts at 10 a.m. on Christmas Eve morning during their Christmas Party in the dining room at Warnerview. Please call Jeannette Duncan, Activity Director, at 233-7069 for further information, if necessary. All-You-Can-Eat With Drink $6.95 Seniors Modoc Ladies Luncheon Group will start the New Year off with a luncheon gathering at El Agave Azul restaurant in Alturas on January 5, at 12 noon. Please call Betty at 233-5217 to make a reservation to join them. C ustomized • Seamless Assorted Colors 9 $ 95 • Biscuits and Gravy • Ham & Sausage • Hashbrowns Luncheon outing Yancey Rain Gutters On Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m.-12 noon, the Modoc Clothing Closet continues to offer a fundraising sale at the side entrance to the TEACH, Inc. building, 112 E. Second St., Alturas. Coming . . . FEATURING: Lic.#493927 H EARD PLUMBING Sales aid Food Bank Modoc Record available Sunday, December 19th, 2010 From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fish, Game, Rec meeting Wednesday Thursday, December 23 Cedar Pass Ski Hill volunteers and ski and snowboard enthusiasts are looking forward to next weekend, when the Cedar Pass Ski Hill plans to open on Sunday, Dec. 26 and Monday, Dec. 27 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information contact Erin Bevil at 233-6644 or call 233-3323 for current Ski Hill conditions and dates on the recorded message. 208 E. 12th St., Alturas (530) 233-5181 Ask about our senior discount Shop Locally What Do All Of The Below Have In Common? • The Youth Park • Modoc High School Sports • Project Graduation • Modoc High School & Modoc Middle School Music and Arts • Surprise Valley Sports • Little League • Soccer • Modoc & Surprise Valley High School Annuals • The Garden Club • Alturas Elks • Rotary • Lions • Churches • All Elementary and Middle School Fundraisers • FFA • 4-H • The Junior Livestock Show • The Modoc District Fair • Fandango Days • The Children’s Faire • The Migratory Bird Festival & Balloon Fest • The Niles & Modoc Performing Arts Theater • The Art Center • The Likely Card Party • All Volunteer Fire Departments • Modoc Horseman’s Association • The Super Bull • Modoc Racing Association • Men’s & Women’s Softball • All Tournaments • The Wish Tree • The Food Bank • The Salvation Army and much more . . . They’re Supported Annually By Local Business Donations. Local businesses care, and they open their collective pocket book for the betterment of the community and its quality of life! The Staff of the Modoc County Sheriff’s Department wishes you the best of joy and cheer for Christmas and the coming year! Have a safe and happy holiday season! Modoc Sheriff’s Department 12/16 Shop at home this Christmas Season! It’s a great investment in your kids, your schools, yourselves and the future! Page 16 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 By Patricia Hemsley Everyone is invited to the historic Fort Bidwell People’s Church at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 17, for a Christmas program and evening promising “friendship, music, and refreshments.” Ryan Washburn will be leading the service featuring a sing-a-long of favorite hymns and carols. Bring the whole family! The church is located on Main Street in Fort Bidwell. For more information, please call Jane Higgins at 279-2443. 4th Holiday Gift sale in Bidwell Local Surprise Valley crafters, artists and a variety of vendors are giving everyone an opportunity to pick up some last-minute gifts or stocking stuffers at the 4th Annual Holiday Gift Sale in Fort Bidwell this Saturday, December 18. From 9:00 a.m. through 2:00 p.m. they will display a selection of crafts and “just perfect” gift items at the Fort Bidwell Civic Club located on Main Street at the north end of Surprise Valley. “This may be many folks’ last opportunity to shop before Christmas”, said Civic Club President Jane Higgins. Organizers assure shoppers and browsers making the drive a rewarding day that should help with those last few people who just seem to show up suddenly on everyone’s gift lists! There will be a hot “cornbread and chili” lunch available during the event as well, so plan to come, shop awhile, and visit with friends over a delicious mid-day meal. Space is still available for sellers at only $5 per table. For more information, please call Higgins at 279-2443. SV Citizen of Year ideas due The time is fast approaching to recognize one of Surprise Valley’s outstanding citizens in a very special, public, and lasting way. Early each year, the members of the Surprise Valley Chamber of Commerce accept nominations for and bestow the title of “Citizen of the Year” upon one resident of the valley. The “2010 Citizen of the Year” will be honored at a community dinner on February 13. Everyone who has had the pleasure of knowing or working with a person they feel deserves to be recognized for their character, community work, perseverance in adversity, or for whatever qualities are admired and worthy of praise, is invited to submit a letter of nomination before the deadline on Friday, January 21, 2011. Yes, it may seem like eons away but why not take some time during the holidays to think back over the past year and see who stands out as “extra-special”? Letters of nomination should include the writer’s name and contact information, the name of the person they are submitting for consideration, and a short written account outlining clearly the reasons the nominee deserves to be honored as “Citizen of the Year”. Letters should be typed or legibly written and mailed or hand-delivered to the chamber office at PO Box 518, Cedarville, California, 96104. Holiday Reminders The branch library in Cedarville will be cosed on Friday, December 24 and Friday, December 31. Senior meals will not be served on Thursday, December 23 or Thurs- day, December 30. The Surprise Valley Chamber of Commerce will not meet on Wednesday, December 22. Their next regular meeting will take place at noon on Wednesday, January 12 in the Senior Center in Cedarville. This Friday will be the last day of school in 2010 for local students! Classes resume on Monday, January 3. Holiday program all set Students of all ages attending Surprise Valley schools have been hard at work, practicing and preparing to entertain young and old alike at the not-to-be-missed Holiday Program and 6th Annual Christmas Carnival. An evening of holiday merriment is the students’ gift to young and old and everyone in between! So plan to come to the Surprise Valley High School gymnasium tomorrow, December 17, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.. Elementary school students will start off the night’s program with enthusiastic performances of fun and familiar holiday songs. Music instructor Coreena Blum has been working hard for weeks to prepare students for their special moments in the IN CEDARVILLE (530) 279-2202 New Year’s Eve WE WILL BE SERVING A PRIME RIB BUFFET $20 P ER P L ATE +TAX & TIP 5:30PM TO 9:00PM DANCE TO THE TUNES OF NEON LEON 12/16 Ft. Bidwell hosts Christmas program R ESERVATIONS P LEASE - 279-2202 R E C Y L I N G W E B U Y S C R A P M E TA L PORTABLE CRANE AVAIL ABLE FOR L ARGE AMOUNTS OF SCRAP METAL PICKUP . L ARGE AND S MALL B INS A VAIL ABLE FOR B USINESSES WITH S CRAP M ETAL . We Accept All Major Appliances FREE of Charge! spotlight. Once the last note fades, everyone is invited to head to one of the decorated theme booths nearby to be challenged and entertained by games of chance and skill presented by Surprise Valley High School students. The night’s lucky winners will be awarded valuable tickets redeemable at special tables that have been imaginatively stocked with a variety of prizes. So plan now to come out and support our community’s students while enjoying a wonderful evening of holiday cheer and good fun. DEPOSIT WAIST HERE Lighten the scales this year with a membership at Weights and Figures and see how great you can look after just one month. Call today about our 24 hour facility! Weights & Figures 311 S. Main (530) 233-2443 or (530) 233-5945 For Lunch? s ’ t a h W Contact us here With the end-of-year holidays fast approaching, many Surprise Valley organizations are busy planning events, parties, fundraisers and celebrations. Get your group’s information out to the widest possible audience by making sure it’s included in the Surprise Valley News section of the Modoc County Record! Please call Patricia Hemsley and leave all the “basics” at (530) 414-1699 (local number) or email her at Remember to include a contact number or email for follow-up questions. The deadline to have articles appear in each week’s Thursday edition is the previous Monday at 5:00 p.m. Your One Stop for Weight Loss Come check out the daily lunch specials at the Desert Rose Casino Cafe! THURSDAY, DEC. 16TH, 2010: Chicken Patty Sandwich FRIDAY, DEC. 17TH, 2010: Fish Sandwich SATURDAY, DEC. 18TH, 2010: Philly Melt SUNDAY, DEC. 19TH, 2010: Sunday Brunch MONDAY, DEC. 20TH, 2010: Deli Sandwich & Soup TUESDAY, DEC. 21ST, 2010: Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22ND, 2010: Roast Beef Ortega Melt P hone (530) 233-3141 You must be 21 years of age Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. Open 7 Days a Week • Open at 10:00AM 12/16 Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at County Road 56 How To Successfully K I L L Your Business in Ten Easy Steps D ON ’ T A DVERTISE ! 1) Just Pretend Everybody 6) Forget That You Have Knows What You Have To Offer. Competition Trying To Attract Your Customers Away From 2) Tell Yourself That You Don’t You. Have The Time To Think About 7) Tell Yourself It Costs Too Promoting Your Business. Much To Advertise And You Don’t Get Enough Out Of It. 3) Just Assume Everyone Knows What You Sell. 8) Overlook The Fact That Advertising Is An Investment 4) Convince Yourself You Have In Selling, Not An Expense. Been In Business So Long Customers Will Automatically 9) Be Sure Not To Provide An Adequate Advertising Budget Come To You. For Business. 5) Forget That There Are Potential Customers Who Would Do Business With You If They Were Urged To Do So. 10) Forget That You Have To Keep Reminding Your Established Customers That You Appreciate Their Business. A DS D ON ’ T C OST ! T HEY P AY ! For Information On Advertising Call 530-233-2632. We H a v e N E W W I N T E R H O U R S : Starting December 13th, we will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season! • Copper • Brass • Aluminum • Stainless Steel • Plastic • Glass • CRV Items •Vehicles (Vehicles Must Have Title or DMV Junk Slip) 504 West 12th Street • Alturas, CA 96101 Open 9 AM-5 PM Until December 13th 12/2 Questions? Call 530-233-2825 Protect Your Investment By Advertising In The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D=11>?58-?1> ( # ", &'( # "( Page 18 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 C L L A A S S S S II F F II E E D D S S DEADLINE For Classified Advertising Is Wednesdays At NOON! ANIMALS CUTE, ORPHANED kittens need a Home 4 the Holidays. Meet them at the Second Chance Thrift Store sponsored by High Plateau Humane Society at the corner of Court and First streets in Alturas. Open Tuesday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm. Adoption procedures fees apply. ANNOUNCEMENTS GIFT WRAPPING BY COURTNEY: Price depends on size, never over $5. Call 530-640-2609. (1623Dec) -----------------------------ANYONE NEEDING A housesitter for any type of animal. Charge $25 a night. Have experience working with animals, work at Modoc Vet Center. Jamie Brazil, 530640-5354. Call now!! ----------------------------M O D O C INDEPENDENT Tea Party meets the 3rd Sunday of every month from 4pm7pm at Quiznos. For more information visit our website at modoccounty or call Pam at 530-233-1173. Core Values: The U.S. Constitution, limited government, fiscal responsibility, and free market capitalism. (9-30Dec) -----------------------------WOMEN’S HEALTH Specialists is offering free and low cost birth control. All birth control methods are available by appointment. For information on all pregnancy options call 530-221-0193 or visit the website: www. womenshealth (TFN) -----------------------------C A R P E T CLEANING service located in Alturas! Call us to schedule your carpet cleaning now! Starting from $99.95. Truck mount steam cleaning. Call Handy Home Service @ 530-640-1900 today! Locally owned and operated. (TFN) -----------------------------CALIFORNIA BANKRUPTCY Center Free consultation. Call 530222-1664 (TFN) -----------------------------NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Modoc Record makes every effort to reject fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Please investigate thoroughly before investing money for information concerning job opportunities, investments, or loans. (TFN) -----------------------------PRE-PAYMENT POLICY! The Modoc County Record will request pre-payment on all classified advertising categories. MasterCard, Visa and American Express are welcome as well as checks, cash or money orders. (TFN) BUS. OPPORTUNITIES ARE FINANCES YOUR ALL over the place? Do you need a loan to get them straight? Call 1-877-220-2660. Bad credit okay! (4Nov23Dec) F OR R ENT LARGE WARM HOUSE ON acreage near Cedarville: privacy, views, garage, fenced garden, dishwasher. $700/ month w/references & security deposit. Call 530-279-2757. (1623Dec) -----------------------------FIRST MONTH FREE: 2 STORY house, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, wood stove/ electrical, pantry, washer/dryer hook up, detached garage, $750 month. Call 530233-8138. -----------------------------3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH IN Summerland, detached garage, $675/month + $800 deposit. Call 530-6404116. ----------------------------RV SPACES AVAILABLE at the High Desert RV Resort in Alturas, corner of Court St. & 1st St. 1/2 off 1st month space rent with a $120 electric deposit. $239/ month includes Cable, Water, Garbage and WiFi internet access. Laundry room and restroom available in Park. Hot tub access available during nonwinter months. 530233-2806. (9-16Dec) -----------------------------3 BED, 2 BATH, 2 CAR GARAGE, partially fenced, paved streets, near town, new energy efficient home. References required. 1 can garbage service. $830/ month + security. Call 530-640-2016. (916Dec) -----------------------------TWO BEDROOM, ONE BATH, WITH office and nice yard on East 9th Alturas. Energy Star windows/ doors and $100 in monthly utilities paid by landlord. $650/ month. Available December. Call 530569-0118 or email crowder55@hotmail. com for more information. (216Dec) ----------------------------CEDARVILLE RACHERIA HAS 2 houses for rent. Pets negotiable. Finger prints, background check required. $500 – 3 bed house w/garage. $550 – 2 bed house w/ garage, fenced yard. Call 530-233-3969. (216Dec) -----------------------------3 BEDROOM, 1½ bath trailer, monitor heat, nice view, references and cleaning deposit required, $450/month. Lease. Call 530-2332037. (TFN) -----------------------------WHETHER YOU RENT OR BUY you must pay for the home you occupy. Pick-up application at United Country Stevenson Realty, Auction Services & Property Management, 1023 N. Court St. Or call Heather Salazar 530233-2440 ext. 28. (TFN) -----------------------------PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject $7 For each standard Ad up to 35 words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE! * Standard Ad is first two lines bold. Your ad will also appear on our website Guaranteed “Double Exposure!” to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parent or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelling advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1800-927-9275. (TFN) F OR S ALE RESTAURANT! RESTAURANT! Restaurant for rent on Main Street. All the equipment needed to start up. Also, building for rent. Also, looking for hairdresser and nail tech, full or part time. Call evenings: 530-233-2391. -----------------------------WINTER SALE! SNOW BOOTS, tennis shoes, and jackets at Gracy’s, 100 S. Main Street. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm & Sat 12pm-4pm. ----------------------------ARE YOUR FINANCES TIGHT and you need a Christmas tree stand, lights to decorate, or holiday wreaths at rock bottom prices? Check out the Second Chance Thrift Store at the corner of Court and First streets in Alturas. Open Tuesday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm. -----------------------------REMODELING SALE: $25 for an up right piano. $25 range (gas). $25 dishwasher. $25 refrigerator. 530233-2009. -----------------------------PANASONIC 50” FLATSCREEN TV, takes SD card, $650. Westinghouse 32” flatscreen TV & monitor, $350. Wheel chair lift, $650. Millermatic 150 mig with tank & gauge, $850. 345 Husky chain saw, $250. Stihl 12” hot saw, $425. All items in good to very good condition. Will consider offers. Call Don at 530-2338449 or 708-1974. (916Dec) -----------------------------T A I L G A T E S P R E A D E R SNOWEX Pivot Pro 1075 Compact. Precise one-person installation. Includes rolling stand. $800. For commercial or private use. Call 530233-6612. (9-16Dec) -----------------------------FOR SALE: .76 ACRES recreation flatland, Cal Pines. Must sell due to health problems. Sacrifice for $12,000 OBO. Must see. Unit 5, Parcel 12, Lot 60. Call 801-7541375. (9-16Dec) -----------------------------LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO: Learn and Master Piano DVD series. Takes you from beginner through advanced techniques. Work at you own pace in the comfort of your own home! $249 list price for complete set. Selling for $100. Cheaper than piano lessons. Call 530-6400220. (TFN) -----------------------------R O C K F O R D FOSGATE AMP for car audio, 1000 watts, includes remote bass control knob, $300. Call 530-640-0220. (TFN) -----------------------------LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR: Learn & Master Guitar Instructional DVD set with jam-along CDs and workbook. This course takes you from the basics (like reading music) all the way through Jazz guitar and advanced techniques. Much cheaper than a year of guitar lessons, but just as effective! $100 for the entire set. Call 530-640-0220. (TFN) -----------------------------FIREWOOD FOR SALE – HIGH quality lodge pole or juniper. No junk wood, split and delivered. Honest scale $160 per cord in 2 cord loads. Call John Wakeman: 530-5690143 or Jon Harmon: 530-569-0158. (TFN) H ELP W ANTED LAKE HEALTH DISTRICT seeking prn/casual pool housekeeper. Previous commercial exp. preferred. Physically strenuous. No set schedule, no guarantee of hours. May include all shifts, weekends &/or holidays. Pre-employment drug screen & background check. Apply online www. lakehealthdistrict. org or call human resources 541-9477288. -----------------------------AMERIGAS FULL TIME DELIVERY Representative – Amerigas the nation’s largest propane distributor, has an immediate opening for hard working customer focused Delivery Representative at Alturas location. We offer: flexible s c h e d u l e s , competitive wages, medical benefits, 401(k) savings plan, propane discount, team environment, paid holidays. Requirements include a valid CDL with HAZMAT and tanker endorsements, a great driving record and satisfactory completion of a DOT physical, drug test and background check. Pick up application at 801 N. Main Street, Alturas. No phone calls please. EOE AA M/F/D/V. (16-23Dec) -----------------------------BODY OASIS DAY SPA HAS A Booth Rental position open for a cosmetologist and/or esthetician. If interested please call 530-249-5352. (916Dec) -----------------------------THE MODOC COUNTY OFFICE of Education has a job opening for the following position: An on-call, substitute maintenance / custodial person. The job duties will include: covering for staff who are out for an extended length of time, seasonal building custodial jobs (i.e., carpet cleaning during Christmas and spring breaks), building maintenance during summer months, and other duties as assigned. This will be a nonbenefitted position, with salary starting at $12.99 per hour. The application for this position can be found on the MCOE website, www.modoccoe.k12., or you may pick one up at the office located at 139 Henderson Street, Alturas. For more information, please contact the Human Resources department at 530-233-7103. (916Dec) -----------------------------THE BIG VALLEY JOINT UNIFIED School District is accepting applications for: Temporary Athletic Team Coach for the 2010-2011 Baseball Season and 2011-2012 Football Season – High School Boys Baseball coach 2010-2011 Spring Season; High School Football coach 20112012 Fall Season. Applications are available at the Big Valley Joint Unified School District Office, 390 Bridge Street, Bieber, CA or by calling 530-294-5266. Please contact Paula Silva. Applications close: Until filled. (9Dec-13Jan) -----------------------------LOOKING FOR A FEDERAL OR POSTAL JOB? What looks like the ticket to a secure job might be a scam. For more information, call the Federal Trade Commission, toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit A message from the Modoc County Record and the FTC. (TFN) L OST & F OUND LARGE BLACK AND WHITE male cat with 6 toes on all feet and a short tail. Very friendly, he appears to be someone’s missing pet. He was picked up in Canby after following another person. If you are missing him, please call 530-233-9277 or 640-2770 and leave your phone number. -----------------------------FREE FOUND ADS! Any private party finding a lost pet or item can run a classified ad, free of charge for a week. The ad also is placed on the Modoc Record’s website www.modocrecord. com for the week. This service is offered by the Modoc County Record in hopes that we can bring these pets or lost items together again with their owners. Call Record Classifieds 233-2632 or e-mail classifieds@modoc (TFN) CALL (530) 233-2632 or 233-3421, FAX (530) 233-5113 E-mail: shed, in town, fenced yard. For sale by owner, $120,000. Call 530-708-0962. (930Dec) -----------------------------20 ACRES FOR SALE! Good view, pump, well & septic tank. Ready to build on, $78,000. 530-2335181 (TFN) S ERVICES PAINTING AND REMODELING: Interior and exterior painting, faux finishes, drywall, drywall repair, tile, crown molding, trim, fascia repair, framing, flooring, decks, siding, windows, gutters, roofing repair, concrete. Quality work at the lowest cost. Call Terrell at 530-708-1754. Not state licensed. -----------------------------UPHOLSTERY: GET YOUR ranch and farm equipment seats repaired during the winter months!! Residential & Commercial: F u r n i t u r e , Automotive, ATV/ Motorcycle Seats, Equipment Seats. La Joya Enterprises, Inc. Call 530-233-1138. (930Dec) -----------------------------NOTICE TO READERS: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www. or 800321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. (TFN) WANTED INTERNATIONAL H PARTS Tractor, wide front end. Call 530-279-2336. (1623Dec) -----------------------------R O O M A T E WANTED: SWF looking for reliable & dependable person to share a really nice house. Just blocks away from Main Street, center of town. Pay half rent & utilities. If interested please call 530-2331978 or 233-4180. Modoc County Intergroup Council AA/Al-Anon/NA Meeting Schedule Info: (530) 640-2062 Email: AA Helpline/Meeting Info: 877880-2880 Adin AA Alcoholic Anonymous meetings are held Thursdays, 7 p.m. at he Community Center on Main St., Adin. Alturas AA Brown Baggers 110 West Carlos Street Mon-Sat, 12 Noon & 7:00 pm, Open No Noon on Sun. Hilltoppers Group Federated Church 307 East First Street Mon,Fri, Sun. 8:00 pm, open, Non-Smoking Traditions Group Faith Baptist Church 700 West Carlos Street (Corner of Carlos & West) Tues, 7:00 pm, open, Non-Smoking Alturas Al-Anon Al-Anon Group 110 W. Carlos St Tue. 5:30 pm, Non-Smoking Cedarville AA Valley Serenity Group 405 Bonner Street Sun. 6:00 pm, Open, Non-Smoking Narcotics Anonymous Just for Today Cedarville NA 405 Bonner St., Cedarville Thursdays, 7 p.m. Bieber AA All Groups meet at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, First & Cedar Streets, Bieber, CA Keynotes Group 7 pm – Tues. & Fri Bieber NA Sunday - 1:00 pm Friday nights at Sunrays Fridays at 6 p.m. is DVD movie night for all ages on a 52-inch screen - a different movie each Friday and refreshments at Sunrays for Hope, 519 Main St., Alturas. Sunrays is a nonprofit, drop-in center focusing Y ARD S ALES on emotional and psychological INSIDE YARD SALE wellness, independence and NEXT TO Quizno’s conference room. Toys, socialization. bed stands, tables, clothes, refrigerator, tools, blankets, jewelry, antiques, trunks, Christmas ornaments, snow tires 215-70R15, new and used items. Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 10am-3pm. MAKE SOMEONE feel special or just say thanks with a ¶Card of Thanks· Call 233-2632 or drop by the Record at 201 W. REAL ESTATE Carlos St., Alturas 3 BED, 2 BATH for NEWER HOUSE details! w/carport and large Support Groups Support groups at Sunrays The following support groups meet at Sunrays for Hope, 519 Main St., Alturas. Interested parties welcome. Anger Management: Fridays starting at 10:00 a.m. Group will meet on how to deal with anger issues (by referral or walk-ins welcome). Substance Abuse: Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Women’s Group: Thursdays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Diabetes Group: Tuesdays starting at 10:00 a.m. Men’s Group: Fridays at 5:30 p.m. December 16, 2010 - Modoc County Record - Page 19 MODOC COUNTY RECORD STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NUMBER: 08-10 The fictitious business name was filed in Modoc County on February 24, 2008. The person(s) have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s): Name of Business(es): Knives Street Address, City, State, Zip Code and County: PO Box 32, Alturas, CA 96101. R E G I S T E R E D OWNER(S): Richard A. Read, 2160 County Road 56, Alturas, CA 96101. Business was conducted by: an Individual I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declared as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNATURE OF REGISTRANT: /s/ Richard A. Read Print name of person signing. If corporation, also print corporate title of officer. If LLC, also print title of officer or manager. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on November 18, 2010. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. BY: /s/ Shannon Hagge TITLE: Deputy Clerk/Recorder Published in the Modoc County Record on November 25, and December 2, 9, 16, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10-52 Exp: November 18, 2015 Original Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific, 2185 Pacheco Street, Concord, CA 94520, (925) 6760505. Registered Owner(s): Planned Parenthood: Shasta-Diablo, Inc., 2185 Pacheco Street, Concord, CA 94520 (925) 676-0505. If Corporation or LLCPrint State of Incorporation/Organization: California This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on October 7, 2010 (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Thomas J. Marx, CFO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on November 18, 2010. Published in the Modoc County Record on December 2, 9, 16, and 23, 2010. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 10-54 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Maxum Petroleum, 19501 S. Santa Fe Ave., Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 (Los Angeles County) Registered owner(s): General Petroleum Corporation, California, 19501 S. Santa Fe Ave., Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221. This business is conducted by A Corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 10/26/10 S/ Belinda Foxworth, Secretary This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on December 3, 2010 Original 12/9, 12/16, 12/23, 12/30/10 CNS-1996528# MODOC COUNTY RECORD Published in the Modoc County Record on December 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2010. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Date of Filing Application: November 2, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: The Name(s) of the Applicant(s) is/are: MARIA GONZALEZ FREGOSO The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 206 North Main Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Type of license(s) applied for: 41 – On-Sale Beer And Wine – Eating Place. Published in the Modoc County Record on December 9, 16, and 23, 2010. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NUMBER: 08-15 The fictitious business name was filed in Modoc County on February 6, 2008. The person(s) have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s): Name of Business(es): Eagle Peak Herbals Street Address, City, State, Zip Code and County: 1570 County Road 35, Eagleville, CA 96110, Modoc. R E G I S T E R E D OWNER(S): William C. Hodge, 3900 County Road 42, Eagleville, CA 96110 and Christina Hodge, 3900 County Road 42, Eagleville, CA 96110. Business was conducted by: Husband and Wife I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declared as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNATURE OF REGISTRANT: /s/ William C. Hodge Print name of person signing. If corporation, also print corporate title of officer. If LLC, also print title of officer or manager. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on December 6, 2010. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. BY: /s/ Shannon Hagge TITLE: Deputy Clerk Published in the Modoc County Record on December 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2010. Trustee Sale No. CA05001435-10-1 Title Order No. 55014635 APN 022-470-17-11 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/10/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 1/10/2011 at 10:30 AM, At the steps of the Modoc County Courthouse located at 204 S. Court Street, Alturas CA 96101, MTC FINANCIAL, INC. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on 01/18/2006 as Instrument No. 2006-000035500 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Modoc County, CA, executed by: Gerardo M Garcia a married man as his sole and separate property, as Trustor, in favor of Suntrust Mortgage, Inc., as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 160 County Road 165, Alturas, CA 96101 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $320,964.28 (Estimated), provided, however, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary`s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier`s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee`s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder`s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. DATE: 12/16/2010 MTC FINANCIAL, INC. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA05001435-10-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 949-252-8300 Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-573-1965 Compliance with California Civil Code Section 2924f: The Beneficiary or Beneficiary’s agent has indicated that the requirements of California Civil Code Section 2924f have been met. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the “mortgage loan servicer” as defined in Civil Code § 2923.53(k)(3) declares that it has not obtained from the Commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded or the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in Civil Code Section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale. Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature TRUSTEE CORPS IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P771259 12/16, 12/23, 12/30/2010 Published in the Modoc County Record on December 16, 23, and 30, 2010. A.P. NUMBER 025-14002 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED August 10, 2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE is hereby given that Modoc County Title Co., as trustee, or successor trustee, or substituted trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by Luke R. Emard, a Single Man. Recorded on August 10, 2005, as Instrument No. 2005-0004758-00 of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of MODOC County, California, and pursuant to the Notice of Default and Election to Sell thereunder recorded September 7, 2010 as Instrument No. 2010-0002436-00 of said Official Records, WILL SELL on January 6, 2010 in the lobby of MODOC COUNTY TITLE CO., located at 104 N. MAIN ST., ALTURAS, CA 96101 at 10:30 A.M. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (Payable at the time of sale in lawful money of the United States), all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said county and State hereinafter described: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. EXHIBIT A PARCEL ONE Township 45 North, Range 14 East, M.D.B.&M. Section 2: W 1/2 of SW 1/4. Section 3: NE 1/4 of SE 1/4. Section 11: NW 1/4 of NW 1/4. PARCEL TWO Township 45 North, Range 14 East, M.D.B.&M. Section 3: SE 1/4 of SE 1/4. Section 10: E 1/2 of NE 1/4, NE 1/4 of SE 1/4. PARCEL THREE Section 11: SW 1/4 of NW 1/4, W 1/2 of W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4, NW 1/4 of SW 1/4, N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4, W 1/2 of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4. DIRECTIONS MAY BE OBTAINED PURSUANT TO A WRITTEN REQUEST SUBMITTED TO THE BENEFICIARY C/O MODOC CO. TITLE COMPANY, 104 N. MAIN ST., ALTURAS, CA 96101 WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. The property address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: APN: 025-140-02, New Pine Creek, CA The property and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: None The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $169,874.86. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. In the event tender other than cash is accepted the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed, advances thereunder, with interest as provided therein, and the unpaid principal balance of the Note secured by said Deed with interest thereon as provided in said Note, fees, charges and expenses of the trustee and the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provisions of Section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. Dated: December 9, 2010 Trustee or party conducting sale: MODOC COUNTY TITLE CO., 104 N. MAIN STREET, ALTURAS, CA 96101, (530) 233-3471 MODOC COUNTY TITLE CO., as trustee By /s/ Rendy J. Rees, Trustee’s Sale Officer Published in the Modoc County Record on December 16, 23, and 30, 2010. NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF VIVIAN MAXINE KEMBLE, aka VIVIAN M. KEMBLE, aka VIVIAN KEMBLE. CASE NUMBER: PR-10-030 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: VIVIAN MAXINE KEMBLE, aka VIVIAN M. KEMBLE, aka VIVIAN KEMBLE. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Cecil R. Kemble, Karen M. Hill, and Dixie D. Kemble in the Superior Court of California, County of: Modoc. The Petition for Probate requests that: Cecil R. Kemble, Karen M. Hill, and Dixie D. Kemble be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or have consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: January 10, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Address of court: Superior Court of California, County of Modoc, 205 South East Street, Alturas, CA 96101. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of the first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the county clerk. Attorney for petitioner: Wendy J. Dier, 201 South Court Street, Alturas, CA 96101, (530) 233-2008. Filed with the Modoc Superior Court on December 14, 2010. Published in the Modoc County Record on December 16, 23, and 30, 2010. There is a better way... Got something you really want to sell? Put it in front of the faces of thousands of readers every week in the Classifieds. THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD 201 W. Carlos • PO Box 531 Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-2632 • Fax (530) 233-5113 Page 20 - Modoc County Record - December 16, 2010 R E AL E STATE WM arner ountain 530-233-2412 Featured Property of the Week: HOME FOR T H E H O L I D AY S 4 bdrm/2 bath 1,800 sq ft home on 11+ acres, very close to town - $125,000 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY REALTOR® *Notary Services Available Realty 605 N. Main Street Featured Listing: #9127 – Get away from the rat race and traffic. Have some peace and quiet in the 2 bedroom 1 bath cabin in the pines. Home has a private well, is on a septic system, plumbed for propane and has a generator for power. There is a detached garage, storage shed and a deck to relax on during the day. Home is heated with a wood stove. This home has just recently been remodeled. Priced to sell at $79,500. Also Available For Sale: • 3 bdrm/1 bath home with fenced yard and carport - $65,000 • 3 bdrm/1 bath on 1 acre fully fenced, in town - $95,000 • 3 bdrm/2 bath with new flooring, cabinets and paint in town, Refrigerator, washer/dryer and stove included in sale. Fenced yard and deck. Carport and additional 1 bdrm/1 bath home $160,000 • 1.91 acres with utilities in place and view of Goose Lake $25,000 • 40 acres with utilities in place and close to town - $110,000 #9139 – Two bedroom, one bath older home currently being used as income property. Has GREAT POSSIBILITIES WITH THREE ADDITIONAL BUILDING LOTS. Located on a corner lot. Potential for a 1st home. Priced to sell at $165,000. #9126 – Great starter home or rental property. 2 bdrms. 1 bath in Alturas. Home has new carpet, new wiring, remodeled bathroom, new flooring in utility room, new sink and counter top in kitchen, new paint and some new light fixtures. Price to sell at $85,000. # 9134 – 28.8 acre ranch, spacious four bedroom 2.5 bath home. Recently remodeled. Large shop finished inside with 220 wiring and heater. Above ground 15’ X 25’pool, six person spa. Property is fenced and cross fenced with two ponds and is completely irrigated. Gravity flow irrigation water runs the wheel line with no pumps necessary. Home has a new redwood deck. Property includes a chicken pen, dog kennel, regulation horseshoe pit, fruit trees, completely landscaped yards and there ae views 9of the Warner Mountains to the east and Goose Lake to the West. Priced at $295,000. I F YOU NEED HELP FINDING A RENTAL GIVE US A CALL . Call ROLLIE GILLIAM REALTY at (530) 233-6669 and talk to Rollie Gilliam or Kara Binning to buy, sell, rent or manage property, or come by and visit us in the Sear’s Building, located at 411 South Main Street, Alturas . CA DRE Lic#00469821 12/16 Janie Erkiaga • Real Estate Broker CA & NV Licensed Homes • Ranches • Commercial • Land • Exchanges • Timber 11/25 Call (530) 233-4128 Call Us Today for Details. We sell, rent, manage property or can help you buy find your dream home. Su rp rise V alley Realty MARY COOK-DAVIS, BROKER ROGER DAVIS, ASSOCIATE Davis Property Management 530-279-1020 507 North Main Street Cedarville, CA 96104 80013 - Cedarville - BUILD HERE! 1.5 acres, fenced, power, and water to property. Located at the end of a culde-sac - no through traffice! Great views! 52,000 80017 - Nevada - enjoy life off the grid! 360 acres with sweeping views; all weather road; well. $138,000. 80050 - Cedarville - 11+/- acres located on private road; borders Forest Service; awesome views of Surprise Valley; seasonal creek; several building offering privacy. $85,000 80053 - Ft Bidwell - 2 bdrm; 1 ba home. Unique wood wok in dining and living rooms; wood insert; new vinyl windows and exterior siding. Quiet street great views; closed to fishing and hunting! $125,000 80055 - Cedarville - JnR hotel; downtown Main St. location. 13 rooms; 2 bdrm suite; and manager’s apartment. $398,500 80058 - Cedarville - 3 bdrm; 1 ba home on large lot. Home has beautiful custom oak cabinets; monitor heat; wrap around deck; fruit trees; and outbuildings. $115,000 12/16 Internet Advertising - World Wide Coverage! F EATURED P ROPERTIES DRE#01113115 United Country Stevenson Realty 1ST Auction Services & Property Management e eal E tat s R ALTURAS: 430 S. MAIN, ALTURAS, CA 96101 PH. 530-233-4633 • 530-233-3133 ce EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY web: • email: SURPRISE VALLEY OFFICE: 45 Co. Rd. 1 and Co. Rd. 40A, Eagleville (530) 260-0572 AGENTS: BILL BENNER, 260-0572 • DALE GASKEY, 233-3275 • DICK STEYER, 640-2637 • MARTHA WILLIAMS, 233-5625 • TRACY MCPEEK 640-1585 DRE LICENSE #00331407 #3217: Seller Financing Now Available with $5,000 down. Starter or Retirement: This 2 bd/2bth mobile home shows pride in ownership. Remodeled w/drywall, dual pane windows, screened porch & storage. Well cared for. Move in ready. PRICE REDUCED TO $17,500. #3248: Desirable Brooks Park Remodeled home. 3 bdrm/ 2 bth. Appliances. Covered carport. Extensive remodel and upgrade in 2010. Many extras included with this very clean and moderately priced manufactured home. $138,000 31530: 4 Bdr/3 Bth Country Home on 20 acres, appliances, vaulted ceilings, pergo flooring, separate laundry room, 48x36 garage/barn, 32x12 shop/ woodshed, corrals & fencing, 2nd 20 acre parcel can be purchased w/home. Priced at $275,000 ALSO! Additional residential and rural residential properties. Over 100 CalPines lots, including lovely lake unit lots Over 20 land parcels of 15 to 35 acres at very salable prices. R ESIDENTIAL /R UR AL R ESIDENTIAL : #3248: Desirable Brooks Park Remodeled home. 3 bdrm/2 bth. Appliances. Covered carport. Extensive remodel and upgrade eotk vomplryrf in 2010. Many extras included with this very clean and moderately priced manufactured home. $138,000 #3159: BACK ON THE MARKET: 2bed/1bth home in New Pine Creek on 1.35ac. Former owners moved away in the middle of remodeling so you can fix this home up any way you want. Reduced to $59,500. Terry Quirk, Sales Associate (530) 640-2070 Office (530) 233-5888 135 N Main • Alturas, CA Alturas Main Office Surprise Valley Branch 1023 North Court St Alturas, CA 96101 519 B Main Street Cedarville, CA 96104 Ph: (530) 233-2440 Fax: (530) 233-2406 Phone: (530) 279-2007 Fax: (530) 279-2012 DRE Lic#01375178 Sales! Remember “The Basque Broker” when you think Real Estate! Real Estate #2576 ~ Madeline Store Plus, with a restaurant, mini mart, fuel station, 11 unit R.V. Park and two, 1 bedroom apts. to rent, newly remodeled, turnkey, with seller financing. REDUCED $325,000 #2528 ~ 2 bedroom, 1 bath home on corner lot, remodeled, painted, new roof in the past five #2500 ~ Unique home , rustic with open years. Heat is wood with electric backup. Property has refrigerator, range, washer/dryer. $84,750 beam ceilings, 3 bds,, 2 ba., small hobby #2535 ~ Lots Of Room, 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 1.6 acres, built in 1987, remodeled in 2007, covered shop under the main level, garage, storage deck/porch, concrete patio, fenced front yard, horse shoe pit & more not far from town. $147,500 shed, well and septic, views of Mt. Shasta. #2542 ~ Invest, 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, family home or real estate investment property, in Alturas. $137,500 Home is currently rented. Property has seller financing available to a qualified buyer. $120,000 #2496 ~ Excellent Condition, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, oak cabinets, siding, garden area, many extra’s by previous and present owner, covered back patio, attached garage, nicely landscaped. $144,900 #2531~Views, Warner’s to Mt. Shasta on 35.32 Acres ~ 3 bedroom, 2 baths, nearly new and well cared for home with central heat, air, garage, pump house with storage, all fully fenced. $297,500 #2534 ~ 354 Acres of Rangeland, with an old irrigation well and some buried main-line, 3 stock ponds that are seasonal, primary use is grazing, located north on Hwy. 395 near Alturas. $175,000 #2484 ~ 134 Acre Ranch, with a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, hay barn, horse & veterinary barn, riding arena, set up for horses, but could be used for purebred cattle, or hobby farming. $475,000 #2537, #2538, #2539 ~ 3 Separate Parcels 10 acres each in the Warner Mts. near the Buck #2495 ~ Alturas Great Location, 3 bds., 2 ba., Creek Ranger Station & the National Forest, Willow Creek runs through properties Seller financing open kitchen, living room with fireplace insert, available on above 10 acre parcels, each parcel is listed at $44,999. garage converted to lg. family room, corner lot, #2528 ~ 1.47 Acres, with excellent views, electricity/sewer/water are all on the property. $70,000 close to schools and shopping. $110,000 #2498 ~ 2.94 Acres ready for a home, with well, septic, power and pad to build on, MRE. $40,000 Many Additional Residential, Commercial, and Lot Listings Available!!! Exp erie n 11/11 Support Our Troops, Farmers and Ranchers REALTOR® Roy Ferry, Broker (530) 640-3110 12/16 67+/- acres S. Fork Valley live with seclusion on this beautiful property, wildlife pond with much waterfowl, irrigated meadows, water right, metal shop, carport, 3 bed/2 bath home, fruit trees, 360 degree views, second home or hunting club……..$530,000 Renovated 1929 Classic, this beautiful 3 bed/1.75 bath home is spacious, great views and in a good neighborhood. All the upgrades you are looking for and more. Great landscaping with garden area, just move in and enjoy. Come see for yourself…….$224,900 Small Survival Ranch 224+/- acres with water right, fruit trees, beautiful country home, shop w/apt., great garden spot, dog run, 2 barns, working corrals, backs up to USFS, raise your own cattle and hay…………reduced to $499,999 Good investment, 3 bed/1 bath, 1142 s.f. home, wood floors, garage/carport, fenced backyard, garden area, good neighborhood, patio, priced to sell……..$115,000 Commercial shop building, 3 bays plus office and bathroom, 2 trailer containers for added storage, good gravel, fenced, insulated …….$120,000 160 ac at Butcher Flat Nevada, spring, stock pond, old stone house, secluded and private, borders BLM, wildlife, views, off the grid, survival property……..$112,000 240 ac with Lassen Creek traversing this mountain property, meadows, timber, springs, old cabin, fenced, wildlife abounds and good fishing, owc……..$360,000 In Cedarville, 2 bed/1.75 bath, 1440 s.f. home, garage, 3 sources heat, good landscape, views, near park, great investment……..$175,000 Easy to Maintain, 3 bed/2 bath, 1242 s.f. home. Excellent neighborhood, new floor coverings, paint and upgraded appliances, double garage, corner lot, turn-key....$155,000 Beautiful turn-key 3 bed/2 bath home with office, many improvements, fruit trees, garden area, private patio, landscaped, highway frontage zoned commercial shop/garage building good for home business………….$275,000 10.48+/- ac on Pencil Road, good neighbors, great building site waiting for you..$65,000 40 ac +/- in beautiful Surprise Valley, 100 gpm +/- well, views, partial fence, gravel road, borders BLM, great building site…….$89,000 Commercial Building, corner lot one block off main 5394+/-s.f. owc……$145,000 #3094: Cedarville home on 3 lots. Remodeled in 2006. 2 bdrm. 1 car garage w/workshop. Out building w/stable & storage. Well landscaped for gardening & fruit trees. $170,000. #2631: Buy 2 houses, then rent out 1 or both to make your mortgage payment. Near downtown. 2 bd. w/ large kitchen. Back porch. Laundry rm. Deck. Monitor heat. Cooler. Garage. Double carport. 1 bdrm apt. w/ new roof. Elec. Heat. $110,000. #3242: Beautiful and immaculate manufactured home in Modoc Recreational Estates. 3 bdrm/ 2bth. One bdrm used as office/den. Furniture and kitchen appliance included. Deck and patio. All electric. 24’ x 36’ garage/shop. 12’ x 30’ RV covered carport. View of mountains. Xeroscape landscaping w/ #3228: Charming 2bd/1bth starter home. Built in constructed waterfall, gazebo, fenced gardens. Enclosed hutch & shelves. Heated by wood stove insert/ BBQ. 2.84 acres. $169,000. baseboard elect. heaters. All kitchen appliances including washer & dryer remain in home. 2 car garage. #3184: SELLER SAYS: “NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED” 3bed/2bth. 2004 mfg. home. $87,500. Custom features, oversize double garage, landscaped, #3226: This home has it all. 3bd/2bth. Swamp RV hookups, very clean & neat. $165,000. cooler ducted in all rooms. Monitor & baseboard heat. 20x30 garage/shop metal roof on home & garage. Nicely landscaped yard w/underground sprinklers. #3174: Almost new 3bed/2bth. house in MRE. 1624sq. ft.. Open floor plan. 3 car attached garage. $146,500. Lots of room. Privacy. View of Eagle Peak. #3217: Starter or Retirement: This 2 bd/2bth $219,990. mobile home shows pride in ownership. Remodeled w/ drywall, dual pane windows, screened porch & storage. #3101: Pride of ownership in every detail of this Well cared for. Move in ready. PRICE REDUCED TO 3bed/2bth home on 24ac. north of Canby. Screened porch, 2 car garage. 4 stall horse barn, large work shop $17,500. w/office & storage. Appliances & a/c. $389,900. #3162: Very nice with lots of room . 3bd/ 1.5bth. home on large corner lot. This home is heated #3023: Beautiful 2139 sq. ft. 3bed/2bth w/ w/central oil furnace & has a central vacuum system. Full spacious living room & den. Large 2 car garage. basement, large kitchen & attached 2 car garage. Many Immaculate yard w/trees, shrubs & a beautiful lawn. Garden area. Great view of the Warner mountains. extras. $149,500. Wheelchair accessible throughout the house. 5.22 ac. $299,000. 12/16 #3238: Family home on large corner lot. 1600 sq ft. 3 bd/1bth with built in desks in 2 bdrms. New carpet. 2 car attached garage. Spacious back yard. Patio/deck area. $165,000. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY J O A NN W HITE (530) 233-2440 ext. 24 31550: It’s immaculate-2 Bdr/ 1 Bth, 962 sq. ft, home w/new vinyl flooring, appliances, woodstove, laundry area, 1-car garage, carport, 20x30 insulated shop, landscaped & completely fenced backyard, garden area & patio. Price $139,500 Homes: Town & Country: Vacant Land: 28840: RENOVATED CANBY HOME: 3 bed/1 bath 1,063 sq ft., fully renovated plus new appliances. Two out buildings, new roof & completely fenced. Priced to SELL! $107,000 $87,000 28630: On a hill with excellent views of lake & mountains. Great community to retire in or build a vacation home to get away from the fast pace of the city. Price Reduced: $15,000 $6,995. 28930: 3 bed/3 bath 2,171 sq ft spacious home on 2+/- acres in Eagleville, CA. Newly remodeled w/bamboo flooring, new carpet, tile floors, picturesque windows, 60x40 shop w/ office & stove, barn, woodshed and storage shed. Price Reduced $309,000 28690: 1+/- acres, on paved Co Rd 71 w/ electricity & phone along road, wildlife, trees, native grasses, quiet & views of mountains & valley. Price $9,750 29140: Beautiful Mountain Home. Vinyl siding, metal roof, upper & lower decks, three heat sources, 2 car garage w/workshop, park-like yard, in the Pines! PRICE REDUCED $215,000 $199,500. $179,500. 29020: RESTORATION COMPLETE: 2 Bed/1 Bath home w/new: windows, electrical wiring, restored hardwood floors, cabinets & countertop, fixtures & appliances. REDUCED: $119,000 $115,000. 29660: ALTURAS EXCELLENCE: 2,595 SQ/ FT, 3 bdrm/2 bath, family home, large pantry, oak cabinets, three heat sources, attached 2 car garage, & exceptional views. Price Reduction! $305,000 $285,000. 29540: Quaint 3 bed 1 bath 1238 sq/ft home in town on 3 lots with shop/garage, shed, landscaped in surprise valley. Price $143,800. PRICE REDUCED $134,900 $118,000 12/16 REALTOR® 28870: 15 acres in Warm Springs Estates. Domestic water well, estimated yield 50 GPM, is on site. Power & phone fronts Co Rd. Price: $59,500 28950: 17.78+/- acres, one room cabin, off the grid, new domestic well & septic system. Property borders Modoc National Forest & Goose Lake. Price $149,000 29010: 20 ACRES, SPECTACULAR Mt. Shasta & Warner Mt. views, power/phone at road. Bring the horses; good pasture & farm land. Invest in your future by buying the best! Price $39,500 29030: 160 ACRES, NATURAL SPRING. Surrounded by public lands. Spectacular 360°° views, known for antelope & mule deer, ideal for the outdoor enthusiast, with 4 wheel drive access. Price $89,000 $64,000 We offer professional real estate, auction, & property management services. Our listings change often & we are happy to help you with any property in our local “Modoc Listing Service” (MLS). Now is the time to buy real estate - invest in your future - call us today.
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