Sports-- Weather - Modoc County Record
Sports-- Weather - Modoc County Record
Sports-- Weather-- Braves take the title. . . Warm days ahead . . . see page 11 see page 3 THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Vol. 123, No. 35 Alturas, California February 12, 2015 50 Cents 20 Pages SV Board Chair wants forward, honest movement Editor’s Note: The following article is written by Surprise Valley Healthcare District Board Chairman Jason Diven. At the community meeting held on January 30th, there were numerous accusations about the board’s hidden agenda and inability or outright failure to solve the hospital’s crisis. We heard the employees’ and the community’s very real fears about losing healthcare in the valley. Whether or not people believe us, the board shares the same fears. What we didn’t hear were real solutions, or what the employees want to do to solve these issues. Replacing the board will not be a solution unless the fundamental reality is addressed: the district’s expenses exceed income, and every day it falls further behind. Regardless of who is seated on the board, this black and white operating problem will remain. The board has been grappling with this reality for nearly a year. When we brought in Kevin Kramer, the district’s account was overdrawn by $190,000. Payroll expense was decreased by $40,000 per month through wage and hour reductions. We also addressed the most glaring salary anomalies – the district’s radiologic technician earning over $105,000 per year, for example. Even with these cuts, the district has still not met its payroll obligations since September, and now owes over $150,000 in federal and state payroll taxes. The board also attempted to increase revenue by bringing in new care providers, especially ones that would be popular with and are vested in our community. The board was able to recruit Steve Johnson, FNP and Dr. Chuck Colas. There are always personal preferences and it seems that a popular provider is almost always disliked by some percentage of the clientele. However, I do not understand the backlash the board has received from a vocal minority in the community. No one has articulated to me a meaningful criticism; it reminds me of schoolyard bullying, where a group simply decides they don’t like a peer, for reasons that are lost to most, or don’t even exist. The board has also tried to walk the fine line of analyzing and refining service lines that were losing money. One contentious example was the CT scanner, which was antiquated and troublesome and involved a joint venture on which the district owed $300,000. In the interest of improving the professional workplace, the board also entered into a shared services agreement with Modoc to assist in Human Resources and Information Technology. Gross errors were discovered and remedied, involving social security numbers see SV, page 5 Railroad fail. . . Hot wind. . . FRIDAY’S WINDSTORM in Surprise Valley caused embers in a trash pile to flare and ignite at the Page’s Sawmill site at the west side of Cedarville. “The wind fanned the fire that was burned several days before, blowing embers into a log pile,” said Cedarville Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief Ray Gorzell. Although smaller fires were doused, the main fire was too large and hot to attempt to put it out. Units from the Cedarville Volunteer Fire Department, Cal Fire and the BLM responded and it was decided to let the log pile burn and concentrate efforts to keep it from spreading in the 70 mph winds. Photo by Jean Bilodeaux Area hospitals JPIA gaining signatures On January 29, 2015, Modoc Medical Center’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to approve signature of the Joint Powers/Intergovernmental Agreement that would exist between Lake District Hospital, Mayers Memorial Hospital, Surprise Valley Hospital, and Modoc Medical Center. The concept of developing a JPIA was broached at a public meeting that was held at the Niles Hotel on September 25, 2014. All four facilities were represented at that meeting, along with many members of the participating communities. Since the public meeting on September 25, 2014, leadership from each facility has worked hard to develop an agreement that is acceptable to all of the participating entities. The benefits of forming such a group include sharing Timing is everything and during the heaviest part of Friday’s rainstorm, the railroad crossing arms on Main Street came down without a train anywhere in sight. Alturas Police responded and directed traffic around the gates. Drivers were actually patient and there were no other problems. The storm dropped .36 inches of precipitation on Friday, a little below forecast models. resources, partnering to provide more services within the region, leveraging the JPA to negotiate better contractual terms, utilizing current resources more efficiently and many other opportunities that come with a joint effort to elevate the delivery of healthcare within the region. Kevin Kramer from MMC stated, “A lot of work has been put into the agreement by all the participating facilities and it is exciting to see the agreement become a reality. We are even more excited to move to the next steps of collaboration and to start discussing ways that we can help each other enhance what we are able to do within our communities and our region.” Supervisors approve office hour change The Modoc County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday agreed to a request from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to change the Supervisor’s office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The change was made primarily to accommodate the Clerk’s change in childcare requirements. That change was effective Tuesday. The Board also introduced an ordinance amending the Land Use Committee definitions and defining its role more clearly as an advisory committee to the Board of Supervisors. A second reading of that ordinance will be held at the next meeting for adoption. The changes are primarily an effort to address some issues several people had with the committee over the past few months. Several new members of the committee opted to resign earlier. Several people in the audience spoke against the changes, while several others felt the changes would be beneficial. Supervisors are supportive of the changes. The Board also heard a report from Bob Nash, Chief Executive Officer of Superior California Economic Development. Nash told the Board the SCED activity in Modoc was low for last year, but stressed the agency has loaned Modoc entities $991,748 over the years. They do have money available for projects. see County, page 4 Page 2 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 Off The RecoRd LeTTeRs To The ediToR By Rick Holloway, Editor Looking Back Beware of conspiracy 75 Years Ago - 1940 RODEO DIRECTORS are contemplating moving the Alturas rodeo to August 18, rather than holding it on the traditional Fourth of July…. Jimmy McDonald and his seven-piece orchestra will furnish music for the Firemen’s Ball…. A new map of Modoc indicates the 1,495,040 acres in Modoc are government owned and 577,280 are privately owned…. Robert Taylor and Greer Garson are starring in “Remember” at the Niles Theater…. Airway coffee is on sale at Safeway at 15 cents a pound…. 70 Years Ago - 1945 TWENTY MODOC men are scheduled for selective service induction this week…. Raymond Hill of Cedarville and a graduate of Annapolis knocked down a Japanese plane on their very first mission over Tokyo…. Dick Wolf and Robert Pugh will have lead roles in the annual junior-senior play, “Don’t Keep Him Waiting.”…. Keith Argabright has been elected student body president at Modoc High School…. 65 Years Ago - 1950 EIGHT TEAMS will be here for the elementary school basketball tournament next week. Alturas’ starting lineup includes Don Strief, Bill Golden, Charlie Williams, Hich Yamagata and Yosh Yamagata…. 60 Years Ago - 1955 A NEW DILEMMA of the Modoc Chamber of Commerce has to do with the fact that no one wants to be president. John Austin, current president, said that the 10 directors all have declined to become president….Sharon Doyle has won first place in the Garden Club’s conservation posted contest…. Temperatures were at nine above in Alturas this morning…. Jim Purvis has placed in Field and Stream magazine’s annual big fish contest with his 14.5 pound rainbow caught in Clear Lake last year…. 50 Years Ago - 1965 AN ULTRA-MODERN 30 unit motel will be constructed in Alturas. The property has Main Street frontage and is nestled between Southern Pacific owned property and a new drive-in restaurant is also under construction here…. Plans for a drivein restaurant in Alturas were announced this week by future proprietors Eddy Hill and Ken Dollarhide. The new enterprise will be located on property adjacent to the Forest Service building on Main Street and was recently purchased from Mrs. Alice Rachford…. Notes . . . So the big storm came, dropped some rain, the wind blew and then it went away without dropping any appreciable snow in the mountains. That’s not really a good thing, but the temperatures have been too warm. The coming week looks to be warm and no major storms are expected. I suggest the spring and summer may be a little bleak if things don’t pick up. I know some of the reservoirs have benefited from the rain, but they’ll need that snow for longevity. We can always hope. I know we have some plants peeking out of the ground right now, and I suggest they’re pretty early and may freeze their buds off. There are a number of things percolating just under the radar that could prove really exciting for Modoc’s economy. I remain very enthusiastic about the geothermal programs that should gear up and get going in the very near future. The positive impact of tapping into the geothermal resource here is something that has a long lifespan and potential for a variety of production and affordable usage. There’s more on the table at the federal and state levels, so Modoc just needs to keep on top of things. At this moment we have some people who are tuned into all of that activity and are not letting any stone sit idle. Modoc, contrary to some opinions, is not sitting on the bench when it comes to projects that will involve economic development. We have strong, knowledgeable players in place and they’re working hard. They are also on the right path in most cases. There should be some more information coming out very soon and the players in the geothermal arena will be able to detail what’s going on and more importantly, what the future could hold. I know some people think I’m being a little over optimistic about the future, but I’m not. Modoc has been in a down cycle for quite some time and there are some serious and good changes in the wind. Actually, if what’s in the planning stages comes to pass, this and next year could be fairly life changing economically and culturally for this County. And yes, that can even mean some more good jobs and perhaps filling up those empty storefronts throughout Modoc. It’s time for our business community to reap some rewards. Sometimes it’s hard for me to keep these things under wraps, but there are reasons I can’t release information before its time. As soon as we can release it, we will. And since Saturday is Valentine’s Day, get out to one of our many good restaurants and have breakfast or dinner. They’re offering some pretty good deals and you don’t have to do dishes. As I understand it, many are taking reservations and are filling up, so call them today. Have a great week. The Modoc County RecoRd Alturas Plaindealer-Times, Surprise Valley Record Court Decree No. 6356, Modoc Superior Court July 7, 1958 The Modoc County Record (PUB No. 358-160) is a newspaper of general circulation as defined by statutes of the State of California and is published weekly, each Thursday morning in Alturas, Ca. Periodical postage paid at Alturas, Ca. and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions mailed within Modoc, Lassen or Siskiyou counties, and New Pine Creek, Or., $25; elsewhere, $30. Single issue: .50 cents, including sales tax. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, California, 96101, Copyright: The entire content of the Modoc County Record, print and online, is copyrighted. Any republishing, broadcast, rewriting, in whole or in part, without express written permission is prohibited. Publishers Richard R. and Jane S. Holloway Rick Holloway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor Nancy Richardson . . Accounts, Legals Nicole Hinton . . . . . . . . .Advertising Manager/ Webmaster Jamie Hoover . . . . . . Advertising Sales Vanessa Thomason . . . . . . Classsifieds The Modoc County Record is privately owned. 201 West Carlos Street, Alturas, Ca. 96101 PHONE (530) 233-2632 FAX: (530) 233-5113 Internet: E-mail: Proud members of: California Press Association Dear Editor: From the pages of The Modoc Record, dated January 29, 2015. The positioning of the continuation of Legal Notices was at a page for most readers to overlook. It’s way back and of little or no interest to most citizens of Modoc County. Was this by your Editor design or a ploy to slip this very important tax notice past most readers? Surprise Valley News is of muted interest to most corners of the county. Taxes are of serious concern to all Modoc Citizens. No other word of this new tax on every parcel of land, to support two do nothing directors will cost a lot. It’s a quasigovernment, blood suck, tax bleed, hemorrhoid pain office. The special tax, to support some chosen duo to further burden citizens, already anemic from taxes is wrong. This manual tally by random alphabet drawing; of the nominated parasites, with most Modoc citizens and other property holders, being unaware of another slippery special interest group, trying to spin another tax. This paper and you, as Editors, are a part of the problem, (conspiracy): or a part of the solution. You have met the requirements, to publish the legal(s). Now take a position to stop this new tax. Modoc citizens beware. Gary K. Mickelson Cedarville, CA EDITOR’S NOTE: The absurdity of this letter is staggering. The letter writer is talking about a legal notice for the proposed Big Valley Ambulance issue. The voters in the proposed district will decide whether they approve of a new tax to fund an ambulance service. It does not affect anyone outside of the proposed District boundaries. In addition, he should have noticed an article on the front page of that same January 29 paper detailing the issue and the upcoming vote. The Big Valley Ambulance District has been on the front page several times in recent months . . . it’s no secret. Another viewpoint Dear Editor: In reading the journals of John Fremont when he first mapped this part of the country, northeast California, northwest Nevada and southeast Oregon, there were no wild horses. The only place wild horses were found was in the Sacramento Valley along the San Joaquin River. In reading the biographies of the Parmen family, which emigrated through Surprise Valley in the 1860’s, then immigrated back to the valley to homestead and start raising cattle and sheep in the 1870’s, there were no wild horses in this part of the country. Ranchers raised horses by ranging them in Nevada, having brought in foundation stock of various kinds; light horses for riding and working livestock, light draft horses for pulling buggy’s and light wagons and heavy draft for the heavier ranch and farm work. The different types of horses were ranged in separate areas and gathered once or twice yearly to brand and castrate the foals and bring in those wanted to start using on the ranch. Also during the 1880’s and 1890’s, the Croxton brothers and Wilson family started raising light horses to sell to the Army for remounts. The Croxton brothers came from Virginia with a band of forty some mares, which they drove across the country. After WWII, when gas became available and tractors started replacing horses doing most of the heavy work, some of these groups of horses splintered and started to form “wild” bands. As late as 1953, when the Home Camp, Boulder Spring, Pinto area of the range was gathered, a significant number of the horses carried brands. The first mention of exclusively wild horses that I am aware of around 1950, when an old cowboy, Clarence Maxwell, filmed a small bunch that had no branded gorses among them. Historically there were virtually no large animals in this area during the winter months; the deer and antelope were migratory, passing through the area in the spring, on their northerly migration and again in the fall, on their southerly migration. Again reference the journal of John Fremont when he mapped this area in December and January, they nearly starved and were reduced to killing and eating their own animals. They were also having difficulty finding enough feed for their mounts and pack animals. One reason that there is not enough feed in the area to sustain a large population of animals in winter is, grass does not grow when the ambient soil temperature is below fifty degrees Fahrenheit and there are only nine hours of daylight. The original intent of the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 was to manage the use of the grazing resource yet protect it. In 1934 there were no “wild” horses in the area, so they were not addressed. Over the past forty years the BLM, the successor to the Taylor Grazing Act, has morphed to where they are more concerned with recreation than grazing. If the BLM desires to maintain a population of this invasive species so people can drive through the range and take pictures that’s okay, but the “wild horse” en- thusiasts need to get out of the way and let it manage a small sustainable population that doesn’t interfere with ranchers grazing rights. Yes they are an invasive species; genetic testing has proven that they are descendants of horses brought here from the Sacramento Valley to be used on the ranches. My great-great grandfather, Jess Parmen, was one of the early homesteaders in the Eagleville area, arriving from the Sacramento Valley around 1870, after finding out their original homestead, near knights landing, was on a Spanish Land Grant. Wayne O. Dollarhide Grants Pass, OR/ Eagleville, CA Where to write Modoc County Supervisor – District 1 Dave Allan (530) 279-2172 District 2 John Pedersen 530-233-4553 District 3 Kathie Alves, 530-233-6201 District 4 Jim Wills 530-640-1963 jimwills@ District 5 Geri Byrne 541-891-7518 geribyrne@ State of California Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr. c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 4452841 Fax: (916) 558316 Fresno Office 2550 Mariposa Mall #3013 Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: 559445-5295 Fax: 559-4455328 Los Angeles Office 300 South Spring Street Suite 16701 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone: 213-8970322 Fax: 213-897-0319 State Senator - District 1 Senator Ted Gaines State Capitol, Room 3056 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 6514001 Fax: (916) 324-2680 4359 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 112 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Phone: (916) 933-7213 Fax: (916) 933-7234 4359 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 112 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Phone: (916) 933-7213 Fax: (916) 933-7234 33 C Broadway, Jackson CA 95642; (209) 223-9140 State Assembly - District 1 Brian Dahle State Capitol PO Box 942849 Room 22174 Sacramento, CA 94249 Redding Office 280 Hemsted Drive, # 110 Redding, CA 96002 (530) 2236300 (530) 223-6737 fax US Congress Representative Doug LaMalfa 506 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3076 Fax: (202) 225-5444. Senator Barbara Boxer SH-112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3553 1130 O Street, Suite 2450 Fresno, California 93721 (559) 497-5109 Don’t miss the Record! A full subscription on line at www. modoc record. com Just $15 per year. February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 3 Feb. 3-9 February 3: 2:51 p.m., Sheriff’s Sergeant responded to Lake View Drive for a follow up on a reported prowler; 4:21 p.m., Deputy responded to Baja Way, on the XL Reservation, for a report of an assault on a female resident by three female suspects. The resident wants to press charges on the three suspects; 4:52 p.m., Deputy responded to a report of a truck that slid off the road in the area of Nugget road and Waco road. Pioneer towing responded and pulled vehicle back onto the road; 5:22 p.m., Deputy responded to Baja Way on the XL Reservation for assault case follow up; 6:19 p.m., Deputies responded to West Maple Street to assist APD for a report of a physical fight, situation was stabilized; 7:40 p.m., a Deputy served an arrest warrant in the area of Four Corners Market, upon searching suspect’s person, the Deputy found a hypodermic needle; the suspect was arrested and transported to the Modoc County Jail; 9:29 p.m., a Deputy responded to Adams Street, in the Town of Adin, for an unresponsive 55-year-old male subject. The subject was breathing, but unresponsive. The Deputy requested an ambulance for transport to the hospital; Medical requested an air ambulance for the transport; 11:06 p.m., Deputy responded back to Baja Way, on the XL Reservation, for a report of suspected prowlers. The resident stated her dogs are barking non-stop and is afraid the three suspects from the earlier assault returned. The Deputy conducted an area check of the residence and did not find anybody on the property and no vehicles in the area, situation cleared. February 4: 10:31 a.m., a Sheriff’s Sergeant responded to “C” Street, in the Town of Newell, for a welfare check; 12:41 p.m., Sheriff’s Sergeant responded to County Road 99 in Rural Newell for a report of an attempted burglary to a motor vehicle. Pliers or other tool(s) were used to access the door panel of vehicle causing damage. Nothing was taken from inside the vehicle; 2:58 p.m., Deputy responded to Hays Street, in the Town of Cedarville, for a report of a dead deer on private property, dogs were eating the carcass and being aggressive. The resident deputy removed carcass from the property; 4:05 p.m., the Modoc County Emergency Command Center received a call of unwanted guest at a residence on Goose Loop Drive in the MRE. Deputies responded to residence and contacted the subjects. All three suspects were given a criminal trespass warning at the homeowner’s request and released from the scene; 5:49 p.m., Deputy conducted case follow up on Main Street, in the Town of Cedarville; 7:24 p.m. Deputy conducted case follow up on West Bridge Street, in Town of Fort Bidwell; 7:28 p.m., Deputy conducted case follow up on Gidutikad Square, on the Fort Bidwell Reservation; 10:57 p.m., Modoc County Emergency Command Center received an auto 911 call stating that the resident in rural Adin needs help. Dispatcher can hear movement in background on the open phone line, but no voices. Medical, Fire and Law Enforcement was dispatched to residence as the resident is an elderly woman living alone and unknown problem. Neighbor was also responding, per the 911 auto protocol. Dispatcher could hear dog on line and neighbor at residence. Female resident was found to be in good condition and all units canceled. February 5: 10:04 a.m., civil standby for scheduled court ordered aircraft repossession on County Road 176, in rural Newell; 10:26 a.m., case follow up on Baja Way on the XL Reservation concerning a previous assault. The victim reported that the harassment and stalking has continued since the assault. Other community members are concerned as well. All subjects in the case will be issued criminal trespass notification and victim will seek a restraining order; 2:07 p.m., Deputy conducted a case follow up on Modoc Street in the City of Alturas; 3:29 p.m., Deputy conducted a compliance check on Ponderosa Drive in Rural Lookout; 5:42 p.m., Deputy conducted a traffic stop at County Road 1 and County Road 26, after the oncoming vehicle crossed the double yellow line forcing the deputy off the road to avoid a collision. The driver stated that she had just hit a deer and was shaken up. That is why she swerved into the Deputy’s lane of traffic. The deputy verified that there was a deer was hit and the driver was released without incident; 5:55 p.m., a Deputy attempted an arrest warrant service on Ponderosa Drive in rural Lookout; 7:12 p.m., outside Agency Assist, requested by APD, to back up city unit on a call for a possible mental subject; 8:56 p.m., Deputy conducted a Welfare Check in Newell, checking on a vehicle parked on the side of the road. Driver stated they stopped to let dogs out to go to the bathroom; 9:59 p.m., Deputy conducted a traffic stop Highway 139 and County Road 103. CHP also responded to stop as back up. The vehicle was towed and the two subjects arrested. A male juvenile was arrested for drug and weapons violations and he was turned over to Juvenile Probation. The female adult was arrested for driving under the influence and she was transported to Modoc County Jail. see Blotter, page 4 Modoc booking report The following are the bookings in the Modoc County Jail for the past week. Feb. 3: Britany Noel Stroud, arrested by the Sheriff’s Office on a probation violation, in-county warrant arrest, possession of controlled substance paraphernalia. Feb. 5: Juan Emilio Leon, arrested on warrant alleging driving while license suspended/revoked and possession of marijuana 28.5 grams or less. Feb. 6: Destinie Elizabeth Dawn Neace, arrested alleging transport controlled substance, possess unlawful paraphernalia, driving under the influence, contribute to the delinquency of a minor; Stephen West Dean III, alleging inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant, obstruct/resist peace officer; Tinarisa Rae Penn, arrested by Alturas Police on a warrant for driving while license suspended. Feb. 7: Melissa Leigh Townsend, arrested by the SO on a warrant for possession of a controlled substance, two counts of transport of a controlled substance, possession of a narcotic controlled substance; Nicole Angelique Smith, arrested by the APD on six out-of-county warrants, assault/battery; Amber Lynn Sharrett, arrested by APD alleging assault/battery. Feb. 8: Eduardo Javier Guerrero, arrested by the APD alleging public intoxication, probation violation. Feb. 9: Rigorberto Castillo, arrested by the SO alleging assault with force likely to cause great bodily harm, mayhem. Feb. 10: Antoinnette Theresa Greco, arrested by the SO alleging DUI. Court activity *We would like to remind the public that all persons charged with crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.* February 6, 2015 Sentencing Juan Leon pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 14601.1(a), driving on a suspended license. He was sentenced to three years summary probation and ordered to pay a fine in the mount of $1,504. February 10, 2015 Arraignments Charles Preston Sr. was arraigned on felony violations of Penal Code section 243(c)(2), battery on a peace officer and Penal Code section 69, resisting an executive officer and misdemeanor violations of Penal Code section 647(f), public intoxication and Penal Code section 602(o), trespassing. He was released on his own recognizance with terms and conditions. Eduardo Guerrero was arraigned on a violation of probation and a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 647(f), public see Courts, page 4 5 DAY FORECAST Point Forecast - 4 Alturas, CA • 120.55ºW (Elev. ft) Issued by National Weather Modoc • February 12 - 16, 2015 Miles S 41.43ºN 4398 NOAA’s Service Thursday: Sunny, with a high near 66. Southeast wind around 5 mph becoming calm in the afternoon. Thursday Night: Clear, with a low around 33. Calm wind becoming east southeast around 5 mph in the evening. SUNNY HIGH: 66 °F Friday: Sunny, with a high near 67. South southeast wind around 6 mph. Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 35. SUNNY HIGH: 67 °F Saturday: Sunny, with a high Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 60. near 64. Saturday Night: Mostly clear, Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 27. with a low around 30. Monday, Presidents’ Day: Sunny, with a high near 53. Monday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 28. 5year7s Maxwell’s Nursery Our Business is Growing! DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES Honesty, Integrity and Quality Personal Service Paul F. Dolby Call us for help with any of your insurance needs MN •HOME•AUTO •LIFE•HEALTH •RANCH INSURANCE 1030 N. Main Street Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-2616 57 Years & Growing Strong We Will Be Re-Opening On Sunday, March 1 "Modoc's PremierNursery" 512 W. 4th Street, Alturas CA 530-233-5766 NOWat SELLING Baked Goods FOUR CORNERS the Niles Coffee Company: THE Open Range HOMEMADE BAKERY Open Range Baked Goods SOLD AT: the Sweet Pea Cottage: All Week 6am - 7pm 1077 N. Main, Alturas Order JUMBO Cinnamon Rolls for your event! Grab a fresh Open Range cinnamon roll or 530.603.1267 coffee cake to-go at Rabbit Trax! 304 S Main St. Alturas, 530.233.3773 11 - 4 on Tue. - Fri., 9 - 3 on Sat. 209 S Main St. Alturas, 530.233.5055 Luke & Cheryl Sanders Alturas, CA ∙ 530.603.1267 Conceived & Written by Michael McGill Music & Lyrics by Michael McGill Join Us For A Valentine’s Day Performance! Annual Missoula Children’s Theater Performances TWO SHOWS THIS SATURDAY, February 14 at 1 P.M. and 5 P.M. at A.C.T. Niles Theater in Alturas Tickets: Adults - $10.00 Seniors & Students: 17 and Under - $8.00 Tickets available at the door or Antonio’s Cucina Italiana Sponsored by FRONTIER Communications, Les Schwab Tire Center & Antonio’s Cucina Italiana. Donations from Jason & Sara Diven, Robert & Kathy Woolley, Aloha Schaefer & Antonio’s Community Donations Jar. Presented by 2/12 Modoc Sheriff’s Blotter Modoc County Arts Council, Inc., Alturas Community Theater, Modoc County Office of Education and funded in part by the California Arts Council. Page 4 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 from page 3 February 6: 3:24 p.m., Sheriff’s units responded to the Town of Adin for a report of domestic violence. Once on scene, the Undersheriff requested medical to respond to the scene. Victim was later turned over to her grandmother and transported to Mayers Memorial Hospital for evaluation. The Deputy arrested a 19 year-old-male, Stephen West Dean III for domestic violence, resisting or delaying a Peace Officer and he was later transported to the Modoc County Jail without incident; 6:05 p.m., Deputy conducted case follow up at Surprise Valley High School; 6:57 p.m., Deputies responded to Essex Motel to serve an arrest warrant; 8:08 p.m., Deputy responded to County Road 1 and County Road 29 for reported flooding due to much needed excessive rain. February 7: 9:17 a.m., Deputy responded to Warnerview Skilled Nursing Home for a report of drug activity from one of the rooms. Once the Deputy was on scene it appeared to be a civil issue. The resident, by smoking marijuana in the room, was an infraction. The Deputy confirmed with nursing staff that they would handle the issue in house and see if the resident violated any of their facility policies; 1:12 p.m., Deputy conducted case follow up on Juniper Street in the Town of Adin; 5:06 p.m., Deputy conducted a case follow up at the Sheriff’s Office; 6:31 p.m., Deputy conducted a follow up on Fresno Street in the Town of Newell: 6:58 p.m., Sheriff’s Deputy conducted a case follow up at the Desert Rose Casino; 7:17 p.m., had a subject come into the lobby of the Sheriff’s Office to turn herself in because she knew she had a warrant out for her arrest. She stated she just was released from the hospital for a serious medical condition. Because of her medical issues, the subject booked into the Modoc County Jail then released on a signed promise to appear notice; 11:30 p.m. Deputy was dispatched to 8th Street and Main for an outside agency assist to APD; 11:39 PM, Deputies responded to a reported suspicious persons report on Main Street in the City of Alturas. February 8: 2:57 p.m., Deputies attempted service of a warrant on North Ponderosa Drive in rural Lookout; 6:15 PM, Deputy responded to Wood Duck Lane in MRE for a report of a juvenile matter. Calls to Modoc County Emergency Operations Center: Emergency Medical Services 19; All Fire Calls 19; Alturas Police Department 33; Modoc County Sheriffs Office 105. from page 3 intoxication. He was released on his own recognizance with terms and conditions. Destinie Neace was arraigned on felony violations of Health and Safety Code section 11379(a), sales of controlled substances, Health and Safety Code section 11378, possession of a controlled substance for sale and a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 272(a) (1), contributing to the delinquency of a minor. She was released on her own recognizance with terms and conditions. Stephen Dean was arraigned on a felony violation of Penal Code section 273.5(a), corporal injury to a co-habitant. He was released on his own recognizance with terms and conditions. James Jackson was arraigned on misdemeanor violations of Vehicle Code section 23152(a), driving under the influence and Vehicle Code section 23152(b), driving under the influence with a .08% alcohol. He was released on his own recognizance. Rex Kunert was arraigned on a misdemeanor County violation of Vehicle Code section 14601.1(a), driving on a suspended license and Health and Safety Code section 11357(b), possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. He was released on his own recognizance. Rosaleen Wilson was arraigned on misdemeanor violations of Penal Code section 647(f), public intoxication, Penal Code section 484/488, petty theft and Penal Code section 166(a)(4), disobeying a court order. She was released on her own recognizance with terms and conditions. Monique Porter was arraigned on a felony violation of Penal Code section 1320(b), failure to appear. She was released on her own recognizance. Joe Torres was arraigned on a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code section 14601.1(a), driving on a suspended license. He was released on his own recognizance. Robert Hickman was arraigned on misdemeanor violations of Vehicle Code section 23152(a), driving under the influence and Vehicle Code section 23152(b), driving under the influence with a .08% alcohol, with a special allegation of having a .20% BAC and two alleged prior DUI convictions within 10 years, as well as misdemeanor violations of Vehicle Code section 14601.2(a), driving on a suspended license, Vehicle Code section 23247(e), driving without an Ignition Interlock Device, and infraction violations of Health and Safety Code section 11357(b), possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, Vehicle Code section 4000(a)(1), no registration and Vehicle Code section 16028(a), no insurance. He was released on his own recognizance with terms and conditions. Ricardo Quezada failed to appear for his hearing. A bench warrant was issued in the amount of $3,500. February 10, 2015 Sentencing Douglas Fisher pleaded no contest to misdemeanor violations of Vehicle Code section 23152(b), driving under the influence, admitted a BAC over .15 percebt, and a violation of Vehicle Code section 14601.1(a), driving on a from front page Bullock’s Bear Creek Café SCED was formed in 1979 through a Joint Powers Agreement between the counties of Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou and Trinity. It’s designated as an Economic Development District by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. According to Nash, the District has been successful in securing numerous grants and contracts for ongoing and special projects which assist the public and private sector in member counties with community economic planning and technical assistance, new business development business retention/expansion and ultimately, job creation. Modoc County Supervisor Dave Allen and Alturas City Councilman Jim Irvin are Modoc County’s representatives on the SCED Board of Directors. Both the Board of Supervisors and Nash would like to see more activity in Modoc County for the coming year. Nash said one area the SCED is working on is small farm specialty production and marketing to help growers get their products to consumers. A lot of that is coming through local farmers’ market activity. Nash said he sees growth potential in that area for the region and getting small producers better access to those markets. Supervisors also voted to hire Don Weaver as Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor and Jerry Cook as the Information Technology Manager. Supervisors also drafted a letter to the Federal Communication Commission stressing the importance of high-speed Internet in rural areas. County Resource Analyst Sean Curtis also informed the Board he would be traveling to Washington D.C. soon in support of a one-year extension of the Secure Schools Act. suspended license. He was sentenced to 48 hours county jail, placed on three years summary probation, ordered to complete a 1st offender DUI program and ordered to pay fines in the amount totaling $3,433. Paul Cason pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor violation of Penal Code section 273.5(a), corporal injury to a co-habitant. He was sentenced to eight days county jail, given credit for eight days previously served, placed on see Courts, page 5 EL AGAVE AZUL 206 N. Main, Alturas • 530-233-2454 • DAILY 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Carne Asada. . . . . . . . . $10.00 Deluxe Burrito. . . . . . . $7.95 Served with Rice, Beans & Tortillas Chicken, Shredded or Ground Beef n Valentin! Feliz Dia de Sa Party In A Hurry? ne’s Day Fiesta Party Platter ti n le a V y p p a H t $ from all of us a + TAX l! u z A e v No Fuss And So Delicious! El Aga 25.00 2/12 It’s our President’s Day & Truck Month SALES EVENTS Stop by our sales department during February to learn about our great incentives and low A.P.R. rates! 2015 Trucks are in stock with more on the way! IF WE DON’T HAVE IT, WE CAN GET IT! CARSTENS MOTORS INC. HOMETOWN ADVANTAGE 245 North Main Alturas MONDAY - SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Daily Specials CALL 530-233-1222 1.800.462.3531 1001 N. Main Street • Alturas n Dine Ike & Ta Out! Sales • Parts • Service Open Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 2/12 California Pines Valentine’s Prime Rib & Shrimp Buffet Saturday, February 14 From 5 to 9 p.m. Live Music by “Friends” Wendy Easley & Sandy Ellsworth! 16.95 per Adult $ 8.95 per Child $ Phone 530-233-5842 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED • 750 Shasta View Drive • Alturas, CA 96101 Valentine’s doesn’t have to be just chocolate and flowers. . . We have unique Valentine’s gifts for all your loves! “Rent Brands You Can Trust!” TRACTOR RENTALS Make Your Spring Reservations! Call Jerry 339-8577 at The Farm Supply McArthur, CA • Laptops • HD TVs • Tablets • Tech Accessories • Home Decor • Power Tools • Gardening Gear • Toys Specializing in John Deere Tractors Locally Owned & Operated By Jason & Jennifer Barcia Seab’s Electronics Open or Cab • Wheel or Track 1/15 The Net: www. modoc record. com Courts 1/29 Blotter Also RENT TO OWN • 1-866-727-7368 Phone 530-233-6660 2/12 Seab’s 115 N. Main Street • Alturas, CA February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 5 The Record Online: email: record1@modocrecord. com HOW ONE MAKES OTHERS FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES, SAYS A LOT ABOUT THAT PERSON. ~ Unknown Come as a stranger, leave as a friend! NOW OFFERING SYNTHETIC MOTORCYCLE & ATV OIL 2/12 Independent Dealer Located across from the Auction Yard Cafe Titus Martin Cell (530) 640-4474 YOUR ONE STOP DIESEL SHOP Happy Valentine’s Day Wuff You from all your furry friends at Wind warnings . . . THE EXCUSE, ‘Sorry your UPS packages may be a bit delayed in delivery,’ was made graphically clear during Friday’s wind storm in Surprise Valley. A UPS semi truck was traveling south out of Cedarville when a gust of wind estimated to be in excess of 70 mph, hit the side of the truck. The impact caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle, skid across County Rd. 1, leave the highway and land on top of a barbed wire fence. High wind warnings on high profile vehicles may result in packages prematurely and accidently becoming air mail delivery. Photo by Jean Bilodeaux from front page as well as employees need to secure long-term staff offering solutions receiving benefits while financing to allow us room for our current position. not working regularly to operate, and reliably orMany employees have scheduled hours, in vio- der supplies. We need to been working here for delation of the district’s explore other service lines cades; let the board hear own policies. All were at- for the long term – there your ideas for increastempts to save money for is a real need in the valing revenue and cutting the district. ley for rehab, veterans’ costs. Believe it or not, The board also recently services, and assisted livthe board is open to sugattempted to bring the ing, and these could help gestions and has a desire drug and alcohol policy subsidize the district. We to find the best solution in line with other hospi- should pursue the JPA as for moving forward. tals and state law. The a way to attract some addiPlease leave your emoboard received surpris- tional service lines to our tions at the door. We all ing resistance from staff facility, which would bring know this community is on implementing pre-em- in additional patients an incredible rumor mill. ployment and reasonable from outside the valley. I Most of you know from suspicion drug and alco- encourage staff and comexperience that much of hol screening. Although munity to read the report what you hear is simply the policy was approved, from AKT, (which was not true. Allowing that the district has failed to paid for by the Vespers tendency to color the hosimplement it, which is Society) and come up with pital dialog is a path to simply outrageous for a solutions to address the isfailure. My wife, Sarah, health care facility. Im- sues raised in that report. is a teacher and kept a plementing this policy Whether or not the cursign above her desk for would be a step for re- rent board is in place, or is the students with three building trust with the entirely replaced, I would questions: Is it true? Is it public; furthermore, the like to publicly request the kind? Is it necessary? entire board would stand following items from the I love this community in line to be the tested district at the February and I despair at the level and I’ll stand at the front 18th regular board meetof divisiveness that curof that line. ing: rently exists. I welcome Because it has been A full financial report working with new board functioning on a day-to- including balance sheet, members and will reday cash basis, the dis- income statement, check main proud of what the trict has been unable to register, detailed Accounts current board was able pay for financial audits, Payable report, key statisto accomplish, whether it for which we owe around tical data and a cash flow is recognized or not. $25,000. These audits are projection. Jason Diven, required by law, and are A punch-list from Rich SVHCD Board Chair absolutely necessary to Cornwell and his senior receive any financial assistance from outside resources, whether grants or loans. We have also met with bankruptcy attorneys several times on the question of Chapter 9, Title 11 bankruptcy as a path to debt relief. This is no simple task and the Sale Ends district must be able to Feb. 24, 2015 show a viable business plan for emerging from bankruptcy before we enter into receivership. We are not even paying debt right now and still are not paying our current obligations. I believe what needs to be done is to come together and face our fears. Quite simply, we need to work together to make the district staffing as The Beast $899 Mid Size $499 lean as possible and our quality of care as high as possible. We may need 209orS.contract Howard St., Alturas, CA to outsource certain positions or services, as other hospitals do, so that our costs are Great Selection of Hampers • Blankets • Pillows & Sheets! not fixed, but variable, based on a percentage of 209 S. Howard St. • Alturas, CA our current volume. We s Freedom Sale Made In the U.S.A Glider Rocker Chair and Ottoman $ 599 49 X ors! C Y 20! Recliner $ 399 CLOSE OUT on our entire Baby Department! February 19, 2015 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cedarville Community Hall 405 Bonner Street, Cedarville FEATuREd SPEAKERS Tom Champa - Soil Health Soil Scientist, USDA-NRCS of Reno, NV Spencer Smith - Grazing Practices Jefferson Center of Holistic Management of Reno, NV Dr. Jeffery Creque - Carbon Farming Rangeland Management Specialist, Carbon Cycle Institute of Marin County, CA Agency Updates & Community Forum To Follow. LuncH SPOnSOREd by AmERIcAn AgcREdIT RECYCLING INC. Phone 530-233-2825 • 504 West 12th St.• Alturas, CA 96101 Open Monday - Friday • Winter Hours 9 A.M. until 4 P.M. We have a portable crane available for large amounts of scrap metal pickup! SCRAP METALS PURCHASED HERE Large and Small Bins Available for Businesses with Scrap Metal. Copper • Brass • Aluminum • Stainless Steel • Plastic • Glass • CRV Items • Vehicles (Vehicles Must Have Title or DMV Junk Slip) 4/10 n e i ’ t s n D e l ay a V Dinner February 14, 2015 2 00 (530) 233-4422 Beautiful Porta-Cribs & Dressing WORKSHOP Russell’s Up To OFF Per Yard On All Floor Coverings! SOIL HEALTH three years formal probation, ordered to complete the Batterer’s Program, and ordered to pay a fine in the amount of $1,180. Reginald Epps pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor violation of 626.81(a), sex registrant on school grounds. He placed on three years summary probation and was sentenced to pay a fine in the amount of $680. UP TO 20% OFF ON ALL FURNITURE! $ Vya Conservation District presents from page 4 Frank’s Carpet & Furniture Co. Recliners ft irs g at 2/12 Courts www. modoc record. com 151 N. Court St. • Alturas, CA 96101 Call 530-233-4900 for appointments 2/12 SV hospital CAREY’S GROOMING Modoc District Fairgrounds, Cedarville Appetizers & Social at 6 P.M. Dinner at 6:30 P.M. Call 530-279-2217 to RSVP Tickets available at the door, check or cash. $ 25 Per Person Crab Cakes • New York Steak Dinner • Complimentary Wine from the Gallo Family Tables - All Just $175 Each 2/12 Phone 530-233-4422 2/5 Page 6 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 Obituary Obituary Paul Donald Ash Paul Donald Ash was born in Alturas, California on August 11, 1929, to Arthur Caldwell Ash and Mary Belle Rice Ash. Being related to many people from Adin to Canby to Cedarville, Paul was a true Modocer. When he turned five, his parents purchased a garage for $900.00, which they almost lost in the Great Depression, but the transporting of moonshine kept the garage from going under. That garage later became known as the Ash PAUL ASH Welding Shop and was a landmark for the town. While attending high school, Paul became a first class high jumper for track and field. He stated that he loved the high jump so much that he “became a jumping fool” and built his own set up with sawdust and sticks. In 1947, he set the high jump record where it was held until 1977. During his high school years, he met and fell in love with a visitor from Willow Ranch. He pointed out that he “flirted with her until she sat with me” and later married, Betty Louise White in 1948. Their marriage ended in divorce. As time passed, Paul met an Alturas newcomer by the name of Patti Barsi (Malson) when his brother asked her to pick Paul up from work. As Paul remembered they “hit it off right away,” marrying and blending their families in 1959. This marriage also ended in divorce. Later, Paul met his third wife, Rose Mae James, at the bowling alley and in his words he “saw Rose and figured it was time to settle down.” They married in 1970 and again Paul’s family grew. Through the years Paul loved going for rides in the country, dancing (especially the jitterbug), working with wood, making rock art and bull riding. He was active in Boy Scouts and carried that community service over to his adult life when he joined the Alturas Elks Lodge and became the oldest member of the lodge until his passing. As a young boy Paul worked for his dad in the welding shop, which is now the sight of the Dollar General Store. He became so proficient at welding that he often helped teach his fellow classmates at the high school. He also worked in the Nevada desert for his Uncle Hewell’s company Wild Cat Oil. Paul had the job of climbing on a 75-foot platform to pull pipe. His longest career spanned 32 years as a sawyer for the lumber business, following in the footsteps of his mother’s family - dating back to his great grandfather who was a planer in Adin. Paul worked from the California Redwoods to the Northwest Territory of Canada and was considered one of the best sawyers of all time. The lumber industry even had Paul star in a film about sawyers and lumberjacks, showing him working with a 7-foot band saw and 10-foot circular saw. When Paul retired from the lumber business, he opened up The Munch Box on the north end of town. He owned and operated this business for 15 years and enjoyed meeting new people and talking with home-towners, but mostly he enjoyed it when his kids or grandkids would stop by to visit and get their shakes or fries. Paul passed away on Monday, February 2, 2015 at Modoc Medical Center due to complications from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). He is preceded in death by his wife Rose Mae, parents Art and Mary, his brother Charles “Chuck” Ash; sister Francis Ash Homer and his daughter Cris James. He is survived by his son-in-law Victor “Butch” James of Glendive, Montana; daughters Renae (Tom) Redman of Talkeetna, Alaska; Charla (Jay) Barker of Dodge City, Kansas; Chris (Doug) Crist of Woodland, California; Terri (Alejandro) Gonzales of Puebla, Mexico; Traci (Buck) Silva of Alturas; Mari Jo “jo-jo” (Jim) Owens of Ignacio, Colorado; Sandy Hartman of Alturas and sons Richard (Cora) Brush of Chico, California and Robin Brush of Alturas. He leaves behind 21 grandchildren and numerous greatgrandchildren. Paul’s family includes his many children as well as numerous nephews and nieces. Memorial service will be held Saturday, February 14 at 11 a.m., officiated by Dr. Ben Zandstra, assisted by Elks’ Memorial Officers, at the Federated Church in Alturas. A social hour will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Francis A. Watson Francis A. Watson, 87, passed away February 1, 2015 at Modoc Medical Center in Alturas, California. Fran was born to Dudley and Anna Brown on January 7, 1928 in Redding, CA. They lived in Weaverville, CA until 1941, when they moved to Sugar Hill State Road Maintenance Station, where her father worked as the station supervisor. Fran attended grade FRANCIS WATSON school in Davis Creek and graduated from Modoc High School in 1945. She worked as an LVN at Modoc Medical Hospital in the 1950s. She also worked for Dr. Lloyd Shannon and attorney Frances Cornish, before moving to Redding, CA in 1978. While in Redding, she worked at Memorial Hospital as an LVN and an office manager for Dr. Charles. On February 14, 1976, Fran married William (Bill) Watson whom she was married to until her death. In 1977, Bill and Fran moved to Oregon City, Oregon. Fran worked as office manager for several doctors while there. In 2000 Bill and Fran moved back to Alturas, where they retired. Fran was an avid reader and always enjoyed having a nice home with a yard full of flowers. She was a very happy person who always had a smile on her face. She enjoyed visiting with friends and family. While living in Redding, she was very proud of her voluntary service, working on a crisis help line for several years. She enjoyed vacations at the ocean. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends. Fran always had a strong belief in her Catholic religion. Fran is survived by her husband Williams (Bill) Watson, Alturas, CA; brother Ralph (Carolyn) Brown, Keno, OR; sister-in-law Anna Brown, Carlin, NV; sons Bernie (Janice) Banister, Dennis (Pam) Banister, Alturas, CA and Robert Higgins, Portland, OR; daughterin-law Marti (Lou) Higgins Barnett, Portland, OR; stepchildren Larry Watson, Santa Rosa, CA, David Watson, Petaluma, CA and Karen Austin, Sonoma, CA; grandchildren Anna Banister, Minden, NV; Jonathan (EsmerTrunk Organizer alda) Banister, Alturas, with an Auto or Home AAA Insurance Quote. CA; Justin (Nicole) Higgins, Forest Grove, OR, Call us today! Holly (Brian) Shea, PortInsurance – Travel land, OR, Landon HigMembership gins, Portland, OR; step grandchildren Frank Austin and Steven Austin, Sonoma, CA and eight greatgrandchildren; nephews and nieces Cheryl Brown, Milwaukee, OR; Ralph (Stephane) Brown, Keno, Bob Phelps OR; Kim Nobel, Keno, Insurance Agent OR; Lonnie (Beth) Brown, Lic #0579096 John Brown, David 252-5014 Brown, Carlin, NV; speFax 257-3762, Cell 386-3515 cial cousin Teana Sechemail: elski, Houston, TX and a very close friend, Pat 2920 D Main St., Susanville CA FREE New Name, Same Great Care! Stevens Parkview has a new name, welcome to Goose Lake Health Clinic. Our name has changed, not our providers. How to submit an obituary For information on submitting an obituary, please contact The Modoc County Record by phone at 530-233-2632, email record1@modocrecord. com or fax at 530-2335113. There is no charge for a death notice or obituary, published as space allows. Please provide mortuary contact information. Dr. Wes Stevens, Dr. Barbara Gilbertson, Roseanne Fitzgerald, FNP and Cheryl Bongiovanni, Ph.D remind you to observe American Heart Month. Schedule your FREE blood pressure check for Friday, February 27 between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Goose Lake Health Clinic Phone 530-233-2288 535 Main Street • Alturas, CA 96101 2/12 Tierney, Davis Creek, CA. And special friends too numerous to mention, but who were always in her heart. Fran was preceded in death by her parents Dudley and Anna Brown; brothers Benton Brown and Clark (Buzz) Brown and grandchild Chris Banister. Services will be held on April 18, 2015, at the Sacred Heart Church, Alturas, CA at 11 a.m. Fellowship to follow in the parish hall after the services. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the High Plateau Humane Society at First and Court Streets, Alturas, CA 96101. CARD OF THANKS The Family of Francis Watson would like to thank Dr. Stevens and his staff for all the wonderful service you provided for Francis over the years, as well as the Doctors and staff of Modoc Medical Center for your loving care that you gave to Fran and her family during her last days. We will never forget how affectionate you were. The community should be grateful to have these services available when needed. --Bill Watson and Family The Modoc County Record CHURCH DIRECTORY Alturas Baptist Church Christian Life Assembly Faith Baptist Church 500 West 4th St., Alturas (530) 233-3725 Pastor Val Farber Bible Study: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer: 6 p.m. Church of Christ 1450 N. Warner, Alturas (530) 233-2041 Minister Dewey Potter SUNDAY: Bible Classes: 9:55 a.m. Worship: 10:55 a.m. Evening Worship: 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY: Bible Classes: 6:45 p.m. Federated Community Church 307 East 1st Street, Alturas 233-2718 or 279-6625 Dr. Ben Zandstra Worship & Children’s Church: Sunday 11 a.m. Sacred Heart Catholic Church 507 East 4th St., Alturas (530) 233-2119 Rectory Masses Tues-Fri, Daily at 5:15 p.m. Saturday at 9 a.m. Saturday Vigil at 4:30 p.m. Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m. Cedarville- St. James Mission Bonner & Garfield Sts. Cedarbille Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 310 W. North St., Alturas (530) 233-2251 Sunday Worship Service: 10 a.m. Garfield & Washington St. Cedarville, CA (530) 279-2625 Bible Study: 10:30 a.m. Lake City Bible Church Rivers of Living Water Cedarville, CA 481 Main St., Cedarville (805) 610-4322 Grace Point Church of the Nazarene Affiliate of Lake Health District - Lakeview, Oregon Equal opportunity employer and provider. 810 West Carlos, Alturas Pastor Gavin King (530) 233-2015 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening: 6 p.m. Modoc Full Gospel Indian Mission 1010 W. Henderson, Alturas Pastor: Rev. Carrie Trejo (530) 708-1604 • 530-233-2687 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Services: Alturas 1st & 3rd Sun: 4 p.m. Ft. Bidwell 2nd & 4th Sun: 2 p.m. Morning Worship: 11 a.m. Wednesday Evening: 6 p.m. Friday Bible Study: 11 a.m. Come one, Come All! Everyone is welcome! Bring your testimonies & songs. Surprise Valley Community Church 405 Bonner St., Cedarville (530) 279-6225 Dr. Ben Zandstra Worship Children’s Church, Sunday at 9 a.m. Alturas Seventh Day Adventist Church 300 West 2nd St., Alturas (530) 233-5777 Bible Study: 9:45 a.m. Church Service: 11:15 a.m. Alturas Mennonite Church Hwy 299, Alturas Surprise Valley Seventh- (Just East of Auction Yard) Day Adventist Church (530) 640-0374 or 640-1776 Lake City, CA (530) 279-2228 Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Watch for our expanded services, coming soon! 225 West “B” St., Alturas (530) 233-2804 Pastor Clarence McCarty Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Sunday Service at 10:30 A.M. Children’s Church weekly Bible Study: Tue., 6:30 p.m. 212 S. Main Street, Alturas (530) 233-7500 Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Everyone Welcome Rivers of Life Pastor Robert Fendler 316 W. 8th Street, Alturas (530) 510-4418 Worship Sunday: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tues, 6 p.m. Friday Night Revival Class: 6 p.m. Weekly All Are Welcome Old Time Bible Baptist Church Pastor Jon Dabill 508 S. Main Street, Alturas (530) 569-0371 Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Thurs., 7 p.m. Visit or find us on Facebook! To advertise in Church of Jesus Christ the Modoc County of Latter Day Saints Record Church 104 East 13th St., Alturas Russell Davis, President Directory call Sacrament Meeting 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:20 a.m. 530-233-2632 Priest & Relief Society 12:10 p.m. Find us on Facebook - gracepointnaz 2/12/15 February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 7 “Mardi Gras Music, Crawdads” Faith February fun for a good cause Baptist meal program. The program financially New Orleans flair, fare and fun will struggles but meets many needs. For selects combine for a first “Mardi Gras Music three months each year, no State assisand Crawdads Celebration” on Saturtance is received. day, Feb. 21 at the J.E. Niles Room, All year long, five days a week, at least Senior Niles Hotel in Alturas. 50 mid-day meals are delivered daily to Purchase tickets by Feb. 19 at $20 per Homebound Seniors. Another approxi- Pastor person, so orders for crawdad meat and shrimp for Gumbo will be plentiful. The crawdads will be shelled, but for those who want to crack their own meat, there will also be some crawdads available. Show up at 5:30 p.m., to place bids on fine items and gemstones during Silent Auction and enjoy the social and no host bar. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. with all ages welcome. The Silent Auction will close at the end of dinner. Cajun and more music will kick off a dance at 8:30 p.m. for ages 21 and older. With DJ Robin Brush. Dance admission is $5. If inclined, wear a costume or bring a mask. Masks and beads will also be available to purchase. It’s all about getting into the spirit of Mardi Gras. Cooks Terry Harris of Alturas and Jennifer Hubbard of Davis Creek have agreed to create the special dinner. Having participated in an “amazing” New Orleans Mardi Gras in the past, new Modoc Senior Citizens Center Association Executive Director Cathleen Williamson says she and her planners are “excited to present this fun evening and offer something new as a February fundraiser.” Proceeds benefit the “Adopt a Senior” mately 85 meals are served each week in the Senior Dining Room on Fourth Street, Alturas. This newest fundraiser is just the start of fun public events to come, says Williamson. Buy tickets today by calling (530) 233-4438 and don’t miss out on Mardi Gras in Modoc. “Just stop by the Senior Center, 906 W. Fourth St., Alturas, for tickets or call the Senior Center at (530) 233-4438 and we will do whatever it takes to get tickets out to you,” offers Williamson. “We’re hoping to sell a lot of tickets.” The Center recently started popular Line Dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays following the Senior meal. A new Book Club is ongoing and once a month, free “Movie Nights” are held the last Wednesday of each month (Feb. 25) from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Center. Movies are shown in the center’s newly- refurbished game room. Seniors are welcome to donate a small sum toward pizza orders for movie nights. Modoc Senior Center is s non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and services which will enhance the nutrition, health and well-being of senior citizens. Recognizing Native student achievements, Powwow Saturday Resources for Indian Student Educa- ed to participate at the Sweetheart Exhition, Inc. (RISE) is celebrating 20 years bition Powwow, from noon until 5 p.m. at of educational and cultural service in Modoc High School’s Shirley Oxley Hall 2015. on Saturday. The Burney MESA Club With satellite sites in Burney, Fall will host a STEM Academy that is open to River, Alturas and Surprise Valley, the youth, and there will be food, raffles, social legislatively funded program reach- dances and craft vendors to enjoy. Modoc es 140 Native youth in grades K-12 County Health Services is a co-sponsor of through school-based projects in eight the healthy cultural event that is drug, alschools. cohol and tobacco-free for everyone. Many RISE students participate in the University of CA project of MESA (Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement) and the Medicine Wheel Project in addition to their academics and sports. Makensie Marcigal of Fall River produced a prevention video on bullying for her 2015 senior project that has been Alturas Community Blood Drive welshown at schools and Shasta County comes new and returning blood donors Health Services. Marcigal worked with during the drive on Tuesday, Feb. 17 from award-winnng producer Jack Kohler, of noon to 6 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Hall, “On Native Ground,” last summer, on 500 So. Main St., Alturas. tobacco prevention videos and her new Please bring photo ID and donor card. bullying video is being considered for a Free cholesterol testing every donation. film award. Drop-ins welcome, or to schedule your lifeValerie Traylor, a senior at Modoc saving appointment, please visit www. High and a cross-age math tutor with Click “donate blood” and RISE, has been accepted by Humboldt enter sponsor code: Alturas or call 530State University for Fall 2015. The Mc- 221-0600. This drive is sponsored by the Connell Foundation requested Traylor Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliacomplete their application for financial ry in Alturas. The The Auxiliary provides support and the Alturas refreshments for donors. Lion’s Club invited her to present a five-minute speech for a $21,400 scholarship. Surprise Valley High School students are gaining recognition in academic and leadership areas. Alexis Lamebull, a junior and Adrianna Mental Health Services Act Townsend, a senior, are FY 2014-2017 Three-Year both RISE students who Program and Expenditure Plan participated in the 2015 Academic Decathlon at POSTED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Modoc High School on SatFebruary 5, 2015 through March 8, 2015 urday, February 7. Alexis The MHSA FY 14/15-16/17 Three-Year Plan is available Lamebull took first place for public review and comment from February 5, 2015 through March 8, 2015. The Plan is available online at in Speech competition or in hardcopy upon request at the and the total school won address are phone numbers listed below. We welcome 3rd place. Townsend was your feedback via phone, in person, or in writing. crowned the 2015 HomeComments may also be made during the Public Hearing coming Queen for Surprise to be held on Monday, March 9, 2015. Valley High. She has been selected Head Woman Public Hearing Information: dancer for the Jr. SweetMonday, March 9, 2015 at 3:30 pm Modoc County Health Services heart Exhibition Powwow Large Conference Room on February 14 at Shirley 441 N. Main Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Oxley Hall, Modoc High School, Alturas. The juComments or Questions? Please contact: nior powwow and activity Karen Stockton or Tara Shepherd day is a senior project by MHSA Three- Year Plan Feedback Modoc High senior DomiModoc County Behavioral Health nique Martinez. All of 441 North Main Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Phone: (530) 233-6312; Fax: (530) 233-6339 these RISE youth are also or MESA students. THANK YOU! The community is invit- 2/12 Become a needed Blood donor Tuesday M o Co c o d unty Behavioral H eal th The membership of Faith Baptist Church is pleased to announce Pastor Gavin King has been selected as Senior Pastor beginning February 1, 2015. After a thorough search, including interviews and meetings with several outstanding candidates, the search committee recommended and the membership approved Pastor King as the new Senior Pastor. Pastor King received his Master of Divinity from Denver Seminary. He has been the Youth Pastor at Faith Baptist for the past three years. Pastor King fills the vacancy of Senior Pastor, which occurred with the retirement in April 2013 of Pastor Rod Bodmer, who had served the church for 27 years. The membership is excited for Pastor King’s ministry and leadership at Faith Baptist. The Kings have lived in Alturas since November 2011. Gavin and his wife Deborah have four young children Clara, Gideon, baby Theodore and Josiah. KE S AL E A B SENIOR PASTOR Gavin King and wife Deborah with their children (left to right) Clara, Gideon, baby Theodore and Josiah. “Music & Crawdads” Mardi Gras Celebration Saturday, February 21 $20 per person Dinner & Dance at the Hotel Niles NO-HOST BAR Dinner at 6:30 p.m. • Dance at 8 p.m. $5 at door Silent Auction starts at 5:30 p.m. until end of dinner Tickets at the Modoc Senior Center • 906 W. 4 St., Alturas • 530-233-4438 ST. MICHAEL’S ANNUAL Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper TUESDAY • FEB. 17, 2015 All Are 5 P.M. TO 7 P.M. Welcome! A LL -Y OU -C AN -E AT Adults $5 PANCAKES, Kids 12 & HAM AND EGGS HOT BEVERAGES SERVED Under $3 SVCDC St. Michael’s Episcopal Church , FRIDAY, FEB. 13 Main St., Cedarville NOON - 6 P.M. 2/12 310 W. North St., Alturas 2/5 Woody’s Saloon GRAND OPENING February 13 at 5 p.m. PRIME RIB Drink Specials in the Bar! OR ROAST CHICKEN Other Menu Options Available Don’t be unlucky with your Valentine! Join us for good food, stiff drinks and a fun time. 530-279-2221 2/12 Reservations Recommended ~ 415 Main St., Cedarville California Pines Lodge SPECIALS of the WEEK Burgundy New York Steak $17.95 Prime Rib French Dip $14.95 Modoc Chicken $14.95 New York steak smothered in sautéed mushrooms, onions and Burgundy wine sauce. **SALAD BAR INCLUDED** Grilled chicken breast; topped with sautéed mushrooms, onions & bacon, smothered in cheese and honey mustard. Lounge open: Thursday & Friday, 4 p.m. To Close saTurday & sunday, 10 a.m. To Close Dining Hours: Thursday, Friday & saTurday, 5 p.m. To 9 p.m. sunday, 10 a.m. To 2 p.m. Entrees include salad bar and ice cream sundae bar. We only use USDA Choice Meat. SATURDAY SPECIALS USDA Choice Slow Roasted Prime Rib Dinner PHONE (530) 233-5842 $18.95 SUNDAY BRUNCH Breakfast & Lunch Entrees, Salad Bar & Dessert. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Plus, Soft Serve Ice Cream Sundae Bar $9.95 750 Shasta View Drive, Alturas Reservations Are Recommended Page 8 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 It’s Showtime! New hours for Don’t miss Rapunzel this Saturday Modoc Supervisors New Board of Supervisors office hours Missoula Children’s Effective February 10, 2015: Theater production of Rapunzel, will feature a Monday-Friday large, local cast of youths, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m. plus Touring Actors/DiClosed for lunch from 12-12:30 p.m. rectors, ready to present 204 South Court Street, Alturas, CA 96101 two performances on SatOffice: (530)233-6201. urday, Feb. 14 at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the A.C.T. Niles Theater. Tickets at the door or at Antonio’s, Adults, $10; Seniors/Students, $8. The talented cast of high school to Kindergarten age students has worked hard all this week JUST $15 SINGLE OR $25 COUPLE, with after-school rehearsals learning roles, choreography and songs. MCT provides the costumes, scenery, props and make- ALL AGES auditioned Monday for Rapunzel roles, with MCT Actor/ FOR ONLY $10.95 PER PERSON up and the original adap- Directors Allison and Brian Epperson. See Rapunzel performances on tation. Created from love for love, that you’ll love! Saturday, 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Photo courtesy of Aloha Pettit Schaefer This original MCT rendition is a joyful retelling of a story of hope, celebration and all good things in life. Urban and Shyanne Sadler. A zany cast of friends and foes help Rapunzel’s harrowMCT Actor/Directors: Allison and Brian Epperson PHONE (530) 233-5166 ing escape from the towering imprisonment of Madame This production is part of Missoula Children’s TheGothel. French flair and a pinch of personal triumph atre’s unique international touring project. This year’s 308 W. 12th Street • Alturas Conveniently located on Hwy. 299 and friendship add a twist to the known and loved clas- sponsors are FRONTIER Communications Company, Open Daily! Mon. - Fri., 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat., 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. • Sun., 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. 2/12 Les Schwab Tire Center; sic fairytale. Antonio’s Cucina ItaliCast ana and donations from (Names provided by MCT) the public. The week-long Madame Gothel: Malinda Brannon residency is presented by Room Rapunzel: Sage Albrecht Modoc County Arts CounTower Rapunzel: Alanis Reep cil, Inc, Alturas ComPrince 2: Sila Riley munity Theater (A.C.T.), Prince 1: Emily Anderson Modoc County Office of Troll: Ashlynn Quarles Education and funded Monique: Kirsten Jones in part by the California Maurice: Jacob Worch Wood Elves: Hailey Hopkins, Tatum Newell, Alex Arts Council. For 32 years, Modoc Armstead, Cassie Doss, Cayla Castellanos, Missy McCounty Arts Council DiMasters, Bianca Castellanos and Natalie Benson rector Ken Franklin has Potato: Calissa Quezada. made all the arrangeCorn: John Thomason and Alyssa Baker. Mushrooms: Nevaya Richardson, Katlin Neild, Kaley ments to bring the MCT Kendall, Isabella Brannen, Keegan Diven, Allie Weber, opportunity to the youths of Modoc County. Ashlynn Albright, Terri Thomason, McKenzie Diven, Callie Brooks, Hunter Quinn and D.J. Wellemeyer. Ogres: Ashley Sloan, Ashley Newport, Noelle Lowry and Anabel Farnam Papa Bear: Alan Viedorfer Mama Bear: Teddiann Warren Baby Bear: Liliana Haddox Bucky Beaver: Ian Camacho Big Goat: Tori DeHaven Medium Goat: James Camacho ‘12 LEXUS RX-350 ‘10 HONDA FIT FRONT Little Goat: Gabriela ALL WHEEL DRIVE WHEEL DRIVE Haddox ONLY 29,000 ONLY 24,000 Unicorns: Elora CamaMILES! MILES! cho and Lydia Viehdorfer Gremlins: Audrey Goodmen, Kayla Derner, Adam Joshua Gallardo, Logan Hays, Jimmy Paul Thomason, Laila Williams and STK #1772 Ashley Breiner. VIN #121957 STK #1787 VIN #006352 Pixies: Grace Murraya, Hailey Quinn, Rebecca WAS $ $ WAS Worch, Taylor Allert, Madison Quinn, Randi $ * VALENTINE’S SPECIALS Don’t get so love drunk off our Heart Shaped Rib Eyes, that you can’t come in for our All-You-Can-Eat Sunday Brunch! The Wagon Wheel Restaurant $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ 38,995 13,995 NOW $11,995* CARD OF THANKS The family of Kiefer Crosby would like to thank everyone that kept our family in their thoughts and prayers through this difficult time. We would also like to thank the incredible staff at Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto for his excellent care. A special thank you also needs to go out to Lassen County CCS and everyone who supported him financially at the fundraisers. -- Rick and Ginger Crosby Ads don’t cost They pay! ‘10 FORD F-150 SUPERCREW 4X4 NOW 34,995 CALL TODAY! ASK FOR DOUG McDONALD, or MIKE SCHMIDT View our inventory online ONLY 41,000 MILES! STK #1741 VIN #A58599 WAS $28,995 25,495 NOW $ * Don’t see what you want? Call us ~ We’ll find it for you! 251-0101 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1303 MAIN ST. • SUSANVILLE Like us on 2/12s *PRICES PLUSTAX, TAX, LICENSE, SMOGSMOG AND DOC. UNTIL 2/16/15 ** PRICES PLUS LICENSE, &FEES DOC• PRICES FEES •GOOD GOOD UNTIL 2/18/15. February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 9 food line-up. Tickets are now on sale at the Second Chance Thrift Store at the corner of First and Court streets in Alturas and from High Plateau Humane Society members. Tickets: $25 per adult or $10 for children under 12. A special “Merlot over and play dead dog wine” and “Fat cat Chardonnay” and roses will be table center pieces and prizes in a card game invented for the Taste of Modoc. Music will be part of the entertainment, along with a slide show featuring the many dogs and cats rescued by HPHS during the year and photos of dogs Taste of Modoc tickets benefit Humane Society Preparations are in full swing for the 13th Annual Taste of Modoc dinner taking place Saturday, Feb. 28 at the Niles Hotel in Alturas. Doors open at 5 p.m. “Wine and Whiskers” is the theme of the gala dinner that supports the rescue efforts of High Plateau Humane Society. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Local restaurants contribute one of their special dishes to create a buffet dinner. Prime rib from California Pines Steakhouse and Desert Rose Casino, a chicken dish from the Niles Hotel plus pasta from Antonio’s, Wong baked potatoes, coleslaw from Bear Creek Cafe and a pasta salad from Lazy B, home baked dinner rolls, sesame chicken from China Gourmet and clam chowder from Wagon Wheel are just some of special dishes in the Feb. 14 $ y, Saturda Just in Time For Valentine’s. . . LADIES FASHION TOPS & FASHION JEWELRY Great Selection! 20% OFF THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY ALL PURSES, WALLETS & FASHION JEWELRY 2/12 Frankie’s 210 S. Main St., Alturas • Phone 530-708-0051 OPEN TUESDAY - SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. . HOT SEAT DRAWINGS 5 e n i t n Vale y a l P h c Mat ght idni M 6 p.m. - and cats currently needing homes. Theme baskets, many following the lead from “Whiskers and Wine,” may be seen at the thrift store and will be raffled during the evening. Homemade pies, a Bissell pet vacuum, a cheerful quilt and limited edition statues of a horse head and “Winter” will be auctioned. Every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 6 - 9 p.m. Cool Phat Daddy ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SUNDAY BRUNCH Sunday - February 15 HAPPENINGS $ 12 per person Only $10.00 for Seniors. From 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. Starting at 9 p.m. Featured at Club del Rose on Friday, February 13 & Saturday, February 14 Monday Senior $10 Match Play Valentine’s Dinner Special Tuesday Ladies Night $5 Match Play Saturday, February 14 DRC POOL TOURNAMENT SUNDAYS Rooms For HalF Price With Dinner Reservation! CALL 530-233-3773 Play For Fun & CASH! Evening Entertainment By AlturaTone! Desert Rose Rewards Card Members EARN DOUBLE REWARDS POINTS EVERY THURSDAY! Guys Night Not A Member, Stop In Today To Sign Up! Tuesday - Saturday from 5 To 9 P.m. Monday - Saturday Fri e PHONE 530-233-3773 n sino In Northe rn C 5 Match Play $ ali • Gaming • Lounge & Bar fo ia rn Breakfast BUFFET from 7 to 10 a.m. es i l d tle Ca t i L t 8 & 10 Ball Pot + DRC To Sweeten The Pot! Wednesday - Just Play Anytime, All Day Using Your Rose Rewards Card High Grade Dining Room Sign up 5 p.m. • Start 6 p.m. $10 Buy In Per Player • Event Center • Café • Smoke Shop • Entertainment DINNER RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED 304 S. Main Street • Alturas, CA 96101 • Internet Jukebox • Pool Table & More! PHONE (530) 233-3141 • OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. UNTIL CLOSE Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at Co. Rd. 56. 2/12 2/12 You must be 21 years of age. Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. STA 14 $ 0 Page 10 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 Good time, food at Davis Creek Supervisor applications to Governor JAKE FIELDS is tempting the audience with a yummy home baked chocolate éclair cake. This cake and other scrumptious desserts were auctioned off at the Annual 4-H Davis Creek Ground Hog Day Dinner. The menu has been the same for 67 years with the main dish being ground hog. Initially the entire dinner was donated, with potatoes, hogs, and green beans grown locally. Harry and Lulu Grivel would donate the hogs, butchered and ground. The recipe and preparation of the ground hog was easy. An 8’ x 4’ table was loaded across its entire surface with four inches of ground Modoc District II residents interested in applying for that vacancy on Modoc Board of Supervisors must apply to the Governor’s office. Several people have expressed interest in the positon. Interested persons may log onto their website: - click on Appointments and follow hog, then covered with white, black and green. White with salt, black with pepper, and green with sage. Then the concoction was mixed by the 4-H club members with very clean hands. The table is still in the community hall, but no longer used for making ground hog. Bingo was played, there was a fish pond and other games, and the auction was held. As time went by, the 4-H club was able to purchase makings for the dinner and dispense with the games, keeping the auction. The 4-H uses the proceeds to help their members and for upkeep on the community hall. The Net: CHP-Tree stops big truck on SR299 the link that says Online Application. All applications will be submitted directly to the Governor’s Office. Supervisor Jon Ped- $ 5.Hurry, 00Offer OFFEnds ANY SERVICE February 28, 2015 Wishing You & Your Special Someone A Very Happy~YaVette Valentine’ s Day! & Nichelle Phone 530-640-0460 127 S. Main St., Ste. B Alturas, CA 96101 Full Service Salon ~ Specializing in Waxing, Nails, Colors & Cuts 2/12 Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. • Friday & Saturday by Appointment Only The Jeans are BACK and ON SALE! A tree across State Route 299 was the culprit in a truck accident Feb. 7, at 3:45 a.m. According to the California Highway Patrol, Paul Edmond Batsel, 61, of Fallon, Nv., was driving a 2013 Volvo tractor-trailer eastbound on SR299 west of County Road 69 when it collided with a downed tree lying across the highway. He was the only occupant of the big rig and was not hurt. Happy Valentine’s Day! Wild Mustard 203 S. Main St, Alturas - Ph 530-233-0999 Drive on over February 14 and enjoy . . . Mon. - Friday 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The 10/30 2/12 Country $ 00 14 Hearth BREAKFAST FOR TWO Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner - Happy Valentine’s Day! 6 $ 99 EA. 13 oz. 3 LB. Boneless - Family Pack Boneless CHUCK ROAST 4 LB. CHUCK STEAK 2 $ 49 LB. +TAX Phone 530-279-2280 551 Main Street, Cedarville Mon. - Sat. , 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. • Sun. 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. & 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Produce Picks $ 25 $ 15 Butcher’s Choice $ 59 $ 79 4 ersen resigned that position at the last Board meeting. Applicants seeking to replace him must be a resident of District II. 1 EA. 1 LB. PINK LADY STRAWBERRIES APPLES 1 LB. 59 $ 35 EA. ¢ LB. Boneless - Family Pack BACON WRAPPED PORK LOIN CHOPS BEEF FILETS RED POTATOES ARTICHOKES GREAT DEALS OF THE WEEK Tostitos $ 99 TORTILLA $ 45 $ 29 CHIPS Campbell’s Western Family ¢ REFRIED CHUNKY SOUPS TEA BAGS BEANS 2 79 1 Reg. $4.29 Western Family Traditional & Vegetarian - 16 oz., Reg. $1.29 $ 49 2 2 Asst. 18.8 oz., Reg. $3.29 1 Green & Decaf - 48 CT., Reg. $3.29 10 $ 25 $ KC Masterpiece Western Family Western Family Asst. 18 oz., Reg. $2.59 Asst. 24 oz., Reg. $1.59 BARBECUE SAUCE 4 Corners Market SPAGHETTI SAUCE 29 COFFEE FAC, Colombian & French Roast 27.8 - 33.9 oz., Reg. $12.19 - 12.59 HWY 299 & MAIN STREET, ALTURAS • (530) 233-3822 OPEN MONDAY - SUNDAY • 7 A.M. TO 8 P.M. All Items Subject To Stock On Hand • Prices Effective February 12 - February 18, 2015 Modoc Record Sports February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 11 Etna wallops Modoc girls; Mt. Shasta next on road MODOC’s wrestling team wons its fourth straight Shasta Cascade League championship last weekend in Alturas. They’ll also be favored in the Small Schools Division. Photo by Whitney Ponti Modoc dominates for 4th straight title To say Modoc was dominant in the Shasta Cascade League wrestling championships held Friday and Saturday in Alturas would be a gross understatement. The Braves won the fourth straight title with 212 points, miles ahead of Chester with 110, Trinity with 95, Quincy with 89, Fall River with 87, Etna with 72, Modoc JV with 30, Big Valley 18, Tulelake 16 and Trinity JV nine. The team under coach Shaun Wood has won 19 for the past 26 titles, at one point getting 10 in a row. The Braves also cruised through the dual matches on Friday, beating Quincy 65-18, Trinity 61-6 and Etna 63-12. “I was very happy with our performance,” said Wood. “We had 11 guys in the 14 finals and won seven of them. We have a week off and we need it. We have some guys who need some recovery time before the divisions matches.” Winning SCL individual championships for Modoc were: Lane Galvin at 113 pounds; Cody Tiffany at 120 pounds; Tim Reed at 132 pounds; Steven Aceves at 135 pounds; Alex Valencia at 152 pound; Jarret Royce at 160 pounds and Troy Culp at 285 pounds. Second place finishers were: Brandon Hays at 106 pounds; Hayden Alverson at 195 pounds; Tristan Osborne at 220 pounds and Allen Clark at 285 pounds. Third places went to Josh Vierria at 120 pounds, Kyle Royce at 126 pounds and Robert Dowdy at 182 pounds. Tulelake’s Dustin Wood placed second at 170 pounds and Big Valley’s John Lewis was second at 145 pounds. Modoc heads to the North section Division II and IV at Durham Feb. 21. Wood believes his team should be favored in the small schools match up. The toughest competition will come from Durham and Willows. On Feb. 27-28, qualifying Braves head to the North Section Masters Tournament against all schools. The top two in the event will qualify for the California State Championships in Bakersfield March 6-7. Wood figures he has at least five wrestlers who have a shot at making it to state. The Record Online at www. modoc record. com 220 S. Main Alturas, CA Ph 233-5600 Home of the Sunrise Rotary Meetings Thursday at 6:30 a.m. Open 11 A.M.-10 P.M. Dine-In, Take Out or Delivery Valentine’s Day Special Saturday - February 14 39 $ Dinner menu includes Sirloin Steak in a Brandy Peppercorn Sauce and Seared Tilapia in a White Wine Sauce served with risotto, steamed vegetables, dinner salad, bread and dessert. 99 per couple + Tax Live on stage, local youth talent - Missoula Children’s Theatre RAPUNZEL Modoc loses to Lions Modoc lost on the road to Etna Saturday 54-44. The Braves travel to Mt. Shasta Friday. The Bears lead the league and Modoc now stands at 2-7 in Shasta Cascade League play and 6-13 overall. The Bears defeated Modoc 67-64 in their last match up. According to coach Keith Weber, the Etna game was a roller coaster of ups and downs. Etna spurted out to a 26-15 lead after the first quarter. Modoc closed the gap to 34-33 at halftime. The Braves led after three quarters 4139. Etna outscored Modoc 15-3 in the final stanza and won. “We worked so hard to get the lead,” said Weber. “And then the lid went on the bucket. We were 1-8 from the free throw line in the fourth quarter. We missed lay-ups. If we score a few baskets, we win.” Tyler Ewing and Alan Weber each led Modoc with 12 points. Modoc travels to league-leading Mt. Shasta Friday. The Etna Lions walloped Modoc’s girls 50-35 Friday night in Etna. The Braves fell behind 18-6 in the opening period and trailed 25-18 by halftime. The Lions outscored Modoc 20-16 in the second half. Kelly Schmidt led with 10 points, Pricila Madrigal added eight and Macie Larranaga had five points. “We arguably played one of our best games despite the score,” said coach Bill Hall. “We just had trouble finishing at the rim most of the game. We ran our offenses efficiently and got great shots. Defensively we made Etna work for every point they made. The 3rd quarter let down and Etna’s own hot hand doomed our effort.” Hall said they had a chance to go in at half tied, but made some errors and let Etna take a five-point lead. Melissa Knoch and Schmidt stepped into defensive roles and really shut down six-foot Hannah Little from Etna allowing her only 2 field goals. Modoc may be without the last years Shasta-Cascade leading scorer, Beth Derner, for some time as she battles pneumonia. Modoc travels to Mt. Shasta on Friday. Modoc beat Mt. Shasta at home and will seek to get back into the win column on Friday. February 14 at A.C.T. Niles Theater Showing at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tickets available at the door and Antonio’s Cucina Italiana Antonio’s will open for lunch during the kids rehearsal. 2015 Sweetheart Exhibition PowWow & Senior Project Saturday - February 14 from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Shirley Oxley Hall, Modoc High School • 900 N. Main, St. Alturas All Ages Welcome! Busy Week Night? Don’t worry we’ll deliver, hot and ready from our kitchen to yours! Good results. . . Three students from the Shotokan Karate Dojo in Alturas, competed in a karate tournament in Redding, CA on Feb. 7, 2015. This was their first tournament. In the picture, from left to right, is Maxwell Reynolds who won 3rd place in kata. Russell Calhoon Jr. placed 2nd in weapons. Kobe Gunderson won first place in kata. Maxwell and Kobe also received medals for sparring. All three are orange belts in Shotokan Karate. “I can’t express enough how thankful I am to my family Winnie, Damian, Kyle & Arminda, for everything they’ve done for me during my time of need. Tank you!” Love ~ Stan Yagi 2/12 Modoc sports— Modoc basketball is at Mt. Shasta Feb. 13, game time starting at 3:30 p.m. and at Weed Feb. 17. They finish the season at home against Fall River Feb. 20, with games starting at 3:30 p.m. Modoc wrestling goes to the North Section Division III-IV finals Feb. 21 at Durham. Surprise Valley basketball has Happy Camp at home Feb. 13 and closes out the season at Butte Valley Feb. 20. nk You Ta Terrance Quirk Real Estate CA DRE LIC#01261538 • 405 Archer Ave., Alturas Phone 530-640-2070 • 2.94 Acres in Modoc Estates, has pad for home, well and 3 bedroom septic, was $35,000, Now $25,000. Owner may carry. 1979, 1152 sq. ft. 2 bed/2 bath on 0.34 acres in Cal Pines Lake Unit 2, 129 Eagle Rd. Insulated windows, extra insulation throughout home; property is fenced with storage building in the rear. Only $103,000 2/12 Nice little 2 bed/1.5 bath older home located at E. 1st St., Alturas. Quiet neighborhood. Only $57,500 15 Acres located on Cantrall Creek south of Cedar Pass, property is on McKinney Rd., tall pines and fir trees, 2 or 3 building sites. Only $25,000. Or make offer. 10 Acres near Buck Creek, year round creek runs through it, lots of pines to shade up under. Turn off on Fandango Rd. Go east to Co. Rd. 133C, turn right, go to the bridge and you are on it. Owner will carry with good down payment. $34,900. 40 Acres in Madeline CA. Has older manufactured home, a great looking shop building, well and septic. All this or only $70,000. 1.48 Acres parcel of land ready for you to build on, has well and septic, pump house, drive way, pad for your home and has cyclone fence around the outside of the property. Only $39,900. 1.13 Acre lot on McKinney Rd. in Cedar Pass Summer Land, very nice location. This is a wonderful area to like in, with great neighbors. Only $11,900. 1.5 Acre parcel close to town on Pencil Rd. Lots of trees, good views, on paved County Rd. 55. Only $6,000. 1.14 Acre corner lot, Lake Unit 2 in Cal Pines. 3 bed septic system in place, never used. All on a corner lot of Plumas and Santa Cruz. Only $8,500. 2.04 Acre lot with capped well, end of Fresno Road in Lake Unit 2 Cal Pines. Only $11,900 1.47 Acre lot with 3 bed septic system on Jaguar Dr. in Modoc Estates. Listed at $17,900, MAKE AN OFFER! WWW.TERRANCEQUIRKREALESTATE.COM Page 12 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 Classie Lassie Calico Cow Clothes With Class! 301 S. Main • 530-233-5599 Mon-Fri., 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M. • Sat, 10-3 P.M. **Credit Cards Accepted** KE S AL E A B SVCDC FRIDAY, FEB. 13 Main St., Cedarville NOON - 6 P.M. 2/12 Auction YArd cAfé YOU’RE MOO-VALOUS, HAVE A HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! THURSDAY: Tri-Tip Sandwich or Turkey, Bacon & Swiss Sandwich FRIDAY: Fish ‘N Chips BREAKFAST SPECIAL - $4.95 INCLUDES PANCAKES, EGGS & SAUSAGE Open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday - Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS • Hwy. 299, Alturas (530) 233-2966 2/12 Alton Howell Plumbing L ICENSED & B ONDED C ONTRACTOR • Drain Cleaning • Plumbing Repairs • Senior Discount • 24-Hour Service Dry and lonely. . . THIS LINE SHACK near Lake Annie, east of Ft. Bidwell epitomizes the dry conditions facing Modoc County. The warm storms of last week had some rain, but left little snow in the mountains. Cedar Pass, for instance, lost part of its snow, down from 12 inches to seven and Dismal Swamp in the north Warners dropped to 35 inches of snow. Adin Mountain had just one inch at 6,200 feet. Photo by Lea Huetteman Call Now For An Appointment! 703 W. 3rd Street Alturas, CA 96101 CPS14 Property tax relief for wind damages With the recent strong winds, anyone who sustained damage to property may qualify for property tax relief. County Assessor Cheri Budmark states Modoc County has an in effect Ordinance No. 233, adopted pursuant to Section 170 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, providing for property tax relief for certain owners of property damaged by misfortune or calamity. For tax relief as of the date of occurrence, the damage must be in excess of $10,000; the Assessors’ Office should be notified of damage in order to reflect adjustments in the property base year value as of the lien date (January 1). Applications and information regarding property tax relief can be obtained from the Assessor’s Office Website ( under forms, visiting the office at 204 S. Court Street, Room 106 in Alturas or by calling 530-233-6218. Rotary keeps seniors warm In early 2014, Sunrise Rotary Club Member, Richard Lechner, saw a need in our community to help senior members of the community who, because of their fixed incomes, were struggling to make ends meet. At the time, fuel costs were at an all-time high and when winter months came it was difficult for these individuals to pay their fuel costs, as well as taking care of their other bills. There were some individuals who were forced to not pay for heating fuel in order to get through the month. They were staying in their homes, but were not able to heat them properly. For those individuals, Lechner thought if they could just wrap them- selves in an electric blanket, at least they could stay warm while in their homes. That original thought would lead to the development of, “Project Get Warm.” Lechner approached the Alturas Sunrise Rotary Club with the project idea and the Club climbed on board with him to see what could be done. The Sunrise Club applied for a $2,000 Rotary Foundation Grant and was successful in receiving the Grant. The Grant required the Club to come up with a matching amount to qualify for the donation, so with the Club’s $2,000 commitment and the Grant funding, the project now had $4,000 to put to use in the purchasing of elec- Soil Health Workshop is Feb. 19, Cedarville A Soil Health Workshop, sponsored by the Vya Conservation District, is set for Feb. 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Cedarville Community Hall. Featured speakers are: Tom Champa – Soil Scientist, USDA-NRCS, Reno – Soil Presentation and Demonstration; Spencer Smith – Jefferson Center for Holistic Management, Reno NV – presenting grazing practices that have shown to improve soils and productivity.; Dr. Jeffrey Creque – Rangeland Management Specialist, Carbon Cycle Institute, Marin County, CA, presenting results from the rangeland work of the Marin Carbon Project and the concept of Carbon Farm Planning;; Agency updates and community forum follows the speakers. Lunch is sponsored by American Ag Credit. ALTURAS AUTO PARTS 2/12 303 W. 12th St Alturas , CA 96101 Phone 530-233-3556 GOOD THROUGH FEB. 28, 2015 tric blankets. The Club purchased the electric blankets locally from Seab’s True-Value Hardware of Alturas. In all, the Club purchased 85 blankets to be distributed to our needy seniors within the community. Prior to distribution, High Country Performance, of Alturas, embroidered the blankets with the Rotary emblem. T.E.A.C.H. Inc. (Training Employment and Community Help), the Modoc Senior Center and Modoc County Adult Protective Services were enlisted to help distribute the blankets within our community. The majority of the blankets are going to seniors who are on fixed incomes, are homebound and range in age from 65-98. So far, about 25 blankets have been distributed and more will be going out to identified seniors in need. 2/12 www. modocrecord com A Happy Customer, Is A Happy Plumber 20+ Years Exp. CSL#945557 530-233-4743 530-640-3511 TAX MATTERS Enoch Wood, E.A. ARE YOU READY FOR TAX SEASON? Come see the taxpayers’ tax expert! 530-233-2113 • 115 W. North St., Alturas 12/18 Candlelight Vigil February 20, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cedarville Rancheria Tribal Office 300 West 1st Street in Alturas, CA Join us in commemorating the one year anniversary of the loss of our loved ones. We ask the community to join us in reflection of the losses we have suffered, while empowering us to move forward with strength and renewed hope. Modoc County Crime Victim’s Services 204 S. Court Street • Alturas, CA 96101 • Phone 530-233-3311 2/12 Call 530-708-0539 602 W. 12th St. Alturas, CA February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 13 Lions Club hosts Student Speaker Contest Monday different topics for caregivers, on the third Tuesday of each month. For more information, please phone their Bieber office, (530) 294-5706, or Midge Dier, (530) 233-2626. The Alturas Lions Club will be hosting their annual Student Speaker Contest on Monday, Feb. 16, at 11 a.m. It will be held at the Modoc County Senior Center, 906 W. 4th Street, Alturas. The contest is open to students in grades 9-12. The subject for this year is: “Water ConservationHow Can We Reduce, Recycle and Reclaim?” The students’ speeches must be a minimum of NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, Just pull in and we'll get it done. five minutes long, but not go over 10 minutes in length. This is a statewide contest, with six separate 202 N. Court St., Alturas • Mon. - Fri. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. • 530-233-1144 Plus - Interstate batteries & filters that meet or exceed OEM requirements. 2/12 competitions and a total of over $21,400 in scholarship monies available to the student who wins all six levels. Students should RSVP to Lion Aron Whealy at 530-640-3718. GOt Your Tax Return Back? Stop By and get your fluids changed! Quick Lube Plus + SAVE WITH FRIENDS Bring a friend and you’ll both pay $ Caregivers Emergency class Local Veterans get a treat Emergency Preparedness, a class given by Passages, will be held at the Modoc Senior Center, for family caregivers, Tuesday, Feb.17, 10 a.m. to noon. This is a class to help family caregivers prepare for emergencies and disasters. Passages will continue offering classes with Pam’z EOW 06/13/13 SEWING & ALTERATIONS Variety Of Work Including Weddings, Proms, Jackets, Jeans, Alterations, Hems, Zippers, Rips & Much More! Call Pam at 530-233-7664 or JoAnn at 530-233-5013 each to file W-2 returns! **LIMITED TIME OFFER, APPLIES TO SIMPLE RETURNS (1040EZ)* Jamie’s Accounting & Tax Services 1/15 Last Saturday, a group of local veterans were treated to a luncheon by a couple of appreciative Alturas residents. Diana Robinett and her husband Chuck took the group of Veterans and their spouses out for lunch to show their appreciation for the veterans’ service to the country. The veterans’ service ranged from World War II, Viet Nam to the Gulf War and the veterans are members of the local veterans post in Alturas. ABOVE: Back Row Pictured L to R: Max Helton, Sean Provart, Hank Drury, Edwin Allert, Melanie Allert; front: Diana and Chuck Robinett. Not pictured: Cordellia and Harold Rosendahl and Amber Provart. 65 00 Call 530-233-1040 •207 S. Court St., Alturas Valentine’s Deals House Plants, Fresh Flowers, Now Available Custom Chalkboards designed by Kacy Olio Gifts & Cards Sweet Pea Cottage 209 S. M S .•a , Ca ain 2/12 t lturaS phOne 530-233-5055 Open Tuesday - Friday FrOm 11 a.m. TO 4 p.m. and saTurday FrOm 9 a.m. TO 3 p.m. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER Hoop Shoot dinner Alturas Elks Lodge #1756 BPOE hosted the annual Hoop Shoot contest. A contestant and family dinner was held this year at the lodge, recognizing this year’s winners and participants. Congratulations to all the participants. We look forward to next year. Pictured are Tre Larranaga, Ryan Weber, Lexie Larranaga, Logan Schmidt, Kristen Bickford, Matthew Toaetolu and Len Weber, Alturas Elks Secretary. Pancake Supper Tuesday The annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 17, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Alturas. The All-You-CanEat meal includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, ham and hot beverages. Tickets will be available at the door: $5 Adults sought for Youth Flag Football for adults and $3 for children ages 12 and under. Pancake suppers were traditional in England the night before the Lenten season began or “Fat Tuesday.” The church is located at 310 West North Street, Alturas. Modoc Football League (MFL) meeting for adults interested in participating in activities such as administration, coaching, assistant coaching, etc for Youth Flag Football (IMAFF Play 60) and Pop Warner Football for 2015, will be held Monday, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Latchkey room, 809 West Eighth St., Alturas. For questions, please contact Ernie Givan at 530-640-3234. MJUSD menus Breakfast: Friday, Feb. 13 Breakfast pizza, juice/ fresh fruit and milk. Monday, Feb. 16 - NO SCHOOL PRESIDENT’S DAY. Tuesday, Feb. 17 Scones, fruit/juice and milk. Wednesday, Feb. 18 - Egg and cheese sandwich, fresh fruit and milk. Thursday, Feb. 19 Pancake on a stick, fruit/ juice and milk. Friday, Feb. 20 Breakfast pizza, juice/ W s for Lunch ’ t a h ?! CALL 233-3141 TAKEN 3 fresh fruit and milk. Lunch: Friday, Feb. 13 Hamburger with pickles, potato wedges, fruit cocktail and milk. Monday, Feb. 16 - NO SCHOOL - PRESIDENT’S DAY. Tuesday, Feb. 17 Ravioli, salad with tomatoes, dinner rolls, oranges and milk. Wednesday, Feb. 18 - Chicken strips, Sunchips, green beans, apples and milk. Thursday, Feb. 19 Tacos, salad, carrots, bananas and milk. Friday, Feb. 20 - PB & J, tator-tots, broccoli, pears and milk. 2/12 3 bedroom, 2 ¼ bath with showers, laminate and tile flooring throughout. Two fireplaces, great room with open floor plan, separate family/social room with 2nd kitchen. Kitchens are updated with stainless steel appliances, laundry room, ceiling fans, mirrored closet doors and a large deck on front of home with great views of mountains. Approximately 2100 sq. ft. Serious and qualified buyers only - $220,000. Call 530-233-4857 To Order Ahead or To Go! Rated PG-13 • 109 Min. MENU - Monday, Feb. 16 • Pot Roast with Baby Carrots and Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Tuesday, Feb. 17 • Soft Tacos with Refried Beans & Salad Wednesday, Feb. 18 • Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo with Small Salad Thursday, Feb. 19 • Egg Rolls with Rice, Broccoli & Carrots Friday, Feb. 20 • Tuna Melt with Cottage Cheese Saturday, Feb. 21 • Western Chicken Sandwich with Curly Fries Sunday, Feb. 22 • Brunch from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday - February 13 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday - Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday - Feb. 15 at 3:00 p.m. Digital Tickets - Adults $5.50, Students & Seniors(60+) $5 & Sunday Matinee, All Seats $4.50 Children 4 & under FREE with an adult. • 3D Tickets - Adults $8.00, Students & Seniors(60+) $7.50 NO ALCOHOL PLEASE - THANK YOU • CLOSED CAPTIONING & HEARING IMPAIRED DEVICES AVAILABLE • COMING: 2/12 American Sniper Niles Theater FOR MORE INFO CALL 530-233-5454 PHONE (530) 233-3141 Turn at the Alturas Rancheria sign at Co. Rd. 56. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. You must be 21 years of age. UNTIL CLOSE Management has reserved the right to alter without prior notice. 2/12 Page 14 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 Gatherings “Gatherings” is meant to provide an information outlet for public service announcements for non-profit groups. Please include the name of the event, time and date it is scheduled and the place and address at which it is being held, name of sponsor, any cost involved and a phone number for the public to call for more information. Announcements are published free for non-profit groups as space permits. Send announcements to Gatherings: c/o Modoc County Record, P.O. Box 531, Alturas, CA 96101 or stop by the Record office at 201 West Carlos St., Alturas; phone (530) 233-2632 or e-mail to record1@ Announcement deadline is 10 a.m. each Wednesday to make the following day’s Record. Thursday, February 12, Lincoln’s Birthday Holiday for County The County of Modoc employees will observe Lincoln’s Birthday Thursday, Feb. 12 as a holiday. Offices will be closed. Accountability needs input The Modoc Joint Unified School District is planning for next year and would like the public’s help. If you are a parent or an interested community member and would like to provide input for the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), there will be a meeting on Thursday, Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Parish Hall, East Fourth St., Alturas. Bingo Night at SVES Join the Surprise Valley Elementary Eighth grade and parent committee fundraiser bingo night on Feb. 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the elementary gym, 790 High St., Cedarville. The theme for the night is Valentine’s Hearts, so bring your favorite sweetheart and play. Come for a night of fun, great prizes, a bit of food and drink for everyone and even a piñata and childcare. Cards are $10 each and all proceeds help the eighth grade class with their college and university tour. Get more information about the night and donating by calling the SVE School at 530-279-6161, ext. 235. Seed Swap discussion The Alturas Garden Club will hold their February monthly meeting today, Thursday, Feb. 12, at 1 p.m. at the Whistle Stop at the corner of 4th and East Streets. Plans for the upcoming Seed Swap will be discussed. The public is welcome to attend. Bookworm is open The Bookworm is now open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, noon – 4 p.m. at 212 West Third St., next to Modoc County Library. The Bookworm is operated by Friends of the Modoc County Library. Help with weight loss TOPS 1954 meets Thursdays at the Senior Citizens Center, 906 West Fourth St., Alturas. Weigh-in 10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Meetings from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Come find support for Taking Off Pounds Sensibly, which has proven successful for many local residents. Friday Sweetheart Bake Sale Grab lots of sweet treats at the Sweetheart Bake Sale on Feb. 13, between noon and 6 p.m. in front of the Cedarville Post Office. Goodies will be low-cost and “oh-so delicious,” promise the bakers. All proceeds benefit the Surprise Valley Child Development Center program. Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc puppy or two, for those inclined to bring a Valentine a bundle of love. Stop by to browse the Valentine items or call 233-9277 to make an appointment to meet the three-month-old pups ready to be adopted into loving, caring homes. The thrift store is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday through Friday at the corner of First and Court Streets, Alturas. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The dinner to be held at the Niles Hotel, benefits the many parts of HPHS’s rescue of dogs and cats in Modoc County. Meet some of the animals Saturday that need homes. FEBRUARY SALE RECEIVE 20% OFF ALL JACKETS & SWEATERS Saturday 50% OFF SALE RACK Sweetheart Powwow The public is welcome to attend the Sweetheart Exhibition Powwow & Senior Project on February 14 from noon – 5 p.m. at Shirley Oxley Hall, Modoc High School, 900 N. Main St., Alturas. Public welcome. Sponsors are Modoc County Health Department and RISE. It is a commercial tobacco, violence, drug and alcohol-free event. RISE-TUPE-MESA Projects welcome all ages. Free Drawing ticket at sign-in. For more information call RISE at (530) 233-2226. Classie Lassie • Calico Cow 301 S. Main, Alturas • Phone 530-233-5599 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. WEEKDAYS • 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. SATURDAY Gift Wrapping Available with Purchase! No Holds or Layaways on Sale Items. 2/12 For life insurance, call a good neighbor. Rapunzel performances Missoula Children’s Theater will present Rapunzel, a story of hope, celebration and all good things in life. Talented local young people have learned their roles, choreography and songs in one week. The Rapunzel performances will be presented twice on Saturday, Feb. 14 at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the A.C.T. Niles Theater. Tickets at the door: Adults, $10; Students/Seniors. $8. See what’s new, get tickets Ken Phillips, Agent Insurance Lic#: 0517801 401 Hwy 395 East Alturas, CA 96101 Bus: 530-233-2022 Baskets to be raffled at the Taste of Modoc dinner are now on display at the Second Chance Thrift Store. The benefit buffet dinner takes place at the Niles Hotel on Feb. 28. Tickets for the dinner are on sale at the thrift store. This is the last chance to check out the many lovely Valentine items sold at the store. The store, which benefits the High Plateau Humane Society, is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday at the corner of First and Court Streets, Alturas. Call me and I’ll help you choose the right life insurance for you and your family. We put the life back in life insurance. ™ Brass Rail Market Beef tagging in SV Junior Show Market animal tagging dates for 2015 are: Market beef will be tagged in Surprise Valley on February 14, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Scott Gooch Residence and in Big Valley on February 21, at 11 a.m. to noon at the Banwarth’s. Elks Crab Feed Alturas Elk’s Lodge will host a “Crab and Prime Rib Feed” on Feb. 14 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Two seatings available: 5-6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. All one can eat crab and prime rib with baked potato, green salad and freshly baked bread. Purchase tickets at Frank’s Carpet & Furniture, Alturas or call Jim Rollins, Chairperson at (530) 233-4422. The Valentine’s Specials Lamb Shanks or Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon Taste of Modoc tickets Tickets for the High Plateau Humane Society’s special buffet dinner on Sat. Feb. 28 are now on sale at the Second Chance thrift Store on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday through Friday State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI), State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI), 1311000 Bloomington, IL served with soup, salad, garlic green beans, potatoes and dessert. Treat Your S w eet! RESERVATIONS WELCOMED LOCATED ON HWY 299, ALTURAS 530-233-2906 Dinner Served 5:30 - 10:00 p.m., Regular Menu Available. 2/12 The Song showing free This Friday, Feb. 13, GracePoint Church is showing “The Song.” Doors open at 7 p.m.; movie starts at 7:30 p.m. Childcare provided; free popcorn. The movie is free, but you must have a ticket as seating is limited at 212 So. Main ST., Alturas. Call Pastor Ken at 233-7500 or email to will call your tickets. The film was inspired by the Song of Soloman. Valentine’s pups, items Second Chance Thrift Store has a “gorgeous selection” of Valentine items for that special day and even a “Modoc Mix” Going To College? Cattlemen & Women want to help you, visit or contact chairperson Cassie Oyarzun by calling 530-640-4296 to learn more about scholarship opportunities available to graduating SPONSORED BY THE MODOC COUNTY RECORD seniors! & MODOC COUNTY CATTLEWOMEN WWW.MODOCCOUNTYCATTLEWOMEN.ORG 2/12 P.O. BOX 711 ALTURAS, CA 96101 February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 15 Gatherings Find Out What’s happening in MOdOc Sunday behind TEACH in Alturas. Proof of income is required. Try Trap, skeet shoots Parks, Rec meeting Trap and skeet shoots are for anyone interested in having fun and improving his or her shooting skills. The public is welcome to join Alturas Rifle and Pistol Club members at 10 a.m. and shoot or just come and watch. Cost is $5 for members and $8 for non-members. The range is located on Centerville Rd., Alturas. For more information, call Club President Jack Nelson at 530-233-1265. Monday Modoc Parks and Recreation District Board will meet Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 5 p.m. at Altec Engineering on So. Main St., Alturas. Public welcome. St. Michael’s Episcopal Church will hold an Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. All are welcome. The church is located at 310 W. North Street, a block away from City Hall. Time to sell, find something Lions Club Speaker Contest Thursday, February 19 The Alturas Lions Club will be hosting their annual Student Speaker Contest on Monday, Feb. 16, at 11 a.m. It will be held at the Modoc County Senior Center, 906 W. 4th Street, Alturas. The contest is open to students in grades 9-12. The subject for this year is: “Water Conservation- How Can We Reduce, Recycle and Reclaim?” Email classified ads to the Record before noon Wednesday for the next day’s online and in print edition. Email MORT meeting Modoc Outdoor Recreation and Tourism (MORT) Inter-agency Group will meet Thursday, Feb. 19 at 4 p.m. at the Bureau of Land Management Office (BLM), 708 West 12 St./ Hwy. 299, in Alturas. Public welcome. Youth Flag Football meeting Library Board, meeting Modoc Football League (MFL) meeting for adults interested in participating in activities such as administration, coaching, assistant coaching, etc for Youth Flag Football (IMAFF Play 60) and Pop Warner Football for 2015, will be held Monday, Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Latchkey room, 809 West Eighth St., Alturas. For questions, please contact Ernie Givan at 530-640-3234. Tuesday Please donate blood Donate to save lives on Tuesday, Feb. 17 at the Alturas Community Blood Drive from noon – 6 p.m. at Veterans Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Bring a photo ID. Caregivers’ class Emergency Preparedness, a class given by Passages, will be held at the Modoc Senior Center, for family caregivers, Tuesday, Feb.17, 10 a.m. to 12 This is a class to help family caregivers prepare for emergencies and disasters. Passages will continue offering classes with different topics for caregivers, on the third Tuesday of each month. For more information, please phone their Bieber office, 294-5706, or Midge Dier, 233-2626. Annual Pancake Supper St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Alturas invites the community to join them for the annual Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 17 at the church hall, 310 W. North Street. Serving from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. all-one-caneat pancakes, ham and eggs plus hot beverages. Tickets at the door: Adults, $5; kids 12 and younger, $3. Date change for Bingo Anyone 18 and older is welcome to play to win at Bingo Night hosted every Tuesday at the Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary to Pete Christensen Post 3327 hosts the weekly games. Doors open at 5 p.m. Games start at 6 p.m. Please note: Tuesday, Feb. 17 game will be moved to Wednesday, Feb. 18 to accommodate the Blood Drive on Feb. 17 in the hall. Shop the Bookworm Wednesday Commodities, drought day Due to last week’s extreme weather, the commodities and drought boxes will not be available until Feb. 18, as the truck was unable to get through last week. TEACH, Inc. will offer Commodities and Drought Boxes on Wed., Feb. 18 from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the roll up door REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Modoc County Library Advisory Board meets at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 19 in the Alturas library’s west wing. The meeting is open to the public. For more information, please call Cheryl Baker, County Librarian, at 530-233-6340. Free meal A free meal will be served at Faith Baptist Feb. 19 and every third Thursday of the month at 5:45 p.m. All are welcome. Come to the church located on the corner at 810 West Carlos St., Alturas. Coming . . . Stations of Cross service St. Michael’s Episcopal Church will be holding a Stations of the Cross Service on Friday, Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. All are invited to attend. The church is located at 310 W. North Street, a block away from City Hall. 2/12 Your marriage has stood the test of time, and the legacy you have created will exceed any measurement of time. It has altered the lives of your future generations to come. To the best parents and people ever - Happy 25th Anniversary! 2/12 KALT 106.5 FM M530 R c 2 o 4 8 d -4 o-233 k c o 1/23 Get ready for Jam February 20 is the next scheduled jam session at Cedarville. Come to the Surprise Valley Community Church at 7 p.m. for another evening of a large variety of music selections played by great musicians. Refreshments. ANSWERS ON : Service Veterans Post to meet Alturas Veterans Post members will meet Feb. 21 at 10:30 a.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Hall, So. Main St., Alturas. All veterans welcome. The meeting was changed from Feb. 14, so veterans could spend time with family on Valentine’s Day. Let Us Help You! Don’t let your plumbing experience become a wrenching problem! “STORMS DON’T KEEP A 9 TO 5 SCHEDULE. NEITHER DO WE.” - Jeremy, Journeyman Lineman Ask about our senior discount! From your sink to septic we are here for you. Heard Plumbing 208 E. 12 St., Alturas • (530) 233-5181 TF N Lic. #493927 © 2015 Pacific Power The Bookworm is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, noon – 4 p.m. at 212 West Third St., next to Modoc County Library. The Bookworm is operated by Friends of the Modoc County Library. little brother! Love - Sis, Mike& Harlyn Ash Wednesday service President’s Day holiday Schools, Banks, City, County, State, Federal and US Post offices will observe Monday, Feb. 16 as a holiday for President’s Day, Washington’s Birthday observed. Tay - You sure haven’t changed one bit! Happy 28th Birthday We work hard to make sure you have safe, reliable electricity. It is our mission. It means tackling tough jobs and being ready to roll when storms hit. You can help by being prepared for unexpected outages with flashlights, extra batteries, extra blankets and bottled water. Storms can be unpredictable, but our dedication to you will never be. Learn how you can be storm ready at Page 16 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 Legals continued from pg 19 PSA 2 AREA AGENCY ON AGING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Planning and Service Area 2 Area Agency on Aging (PSA 2 AAA) invites older adults and other interested persons to attend a Public Hearing on the PSA 2 AAA 2015-2016 Area Plan Update draft. This meeting will offer the public an opportunity to provide comments to the PSA 2 AAA on the Area Plan Update draft. The Area Plan Update identifies the nature and scope of a continuum of services for older persons and disabled adults under the Older Americans Act. The Area Plan Update draft proposes a continuation of the following contracted services and programs: Homemaker, Information and Assistance, Health Promotion and Home Injury Control, Family Caregiver Support Programs, Congregate and Home Delivered Meals, Nutrition Education, Legal Services and Transportation. In addition the Area Plan Update draft will address the continuation of the following direct services provided by PSA 2 AAA: Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP), LongTerm Care Ombudsman and Elder Abuse Prevention Education. The Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at the Shasta Senior Nutrition Program, 100 Mercy Oaks Drive, Redding, California. The public is welcome. Older Adults and Service Providers are especially encouraged to attend. Please call (530) 842-1687 should you have questions about the Public Hearing. Published in the Modoc County Record on February 12, 2015. NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE MODOC NATIONAL FOREST The Day Fire SSTS Sale is located within T40N, R6E, Sec 25; MDB&M. The Forest Service will receive sealed bids in public at Forest Supervisor’s Office, Alturas, CA at 10:00 AM local time on 02/27/2015 for an estimated volume of 354 MBF of Ponderosa Pine sawtimber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. In addition, there is within the sale area an unestimated volume of Ponderosa Pine non-saw that the bidder may agree to remove at a fixed rate. This sale is set aside for small business firms with 25 or fewer employees. If no small business concern makes a valid bid, the Forest Service will readvertise this sale without restrictions on bidder size. The Forest Service reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Interested parties may obtain a prospectus from the office listed below. A prospectus, bid form, and complete information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids is available to the public from the Big Valley Ranger District, 508 S Main Street, Adin, CA (Molly Edgerton 530-2998421). The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Published in the Modoc County Record on February 12, 2015. You can see us on the web at www.modoc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF JOHN W. OLSEN, aka JOHN OLSEN CASE NUMBER: PR-15-001 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JOHN W. OLSEN, aka JOHN OLSEN. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Lester E. Porter in the Superior Court of California, County of: Modoc. The Petition for Probate requests that: Lester E. Porter be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or have consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: February 17, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Address of court: Superior Court of California, County of Modoc, 205 S. East Street, Alturas, CA 96101. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of the first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets and of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: Wendy J. Dier, 201 S. Court Street, Alturas, CA 96101. Phone: 530-233-2008. Filed with the Modoc Superior Court on January 27, 2015. Published in the Modoc County Record on January 29, February 5 and 12, 2015. Surprise Valley News By Nicole HiNtoN Queen & Court HORNETS crowned Addie Townsend queen Friday night. Pictured left to right, sophomore Henny Linker, escort Mathew Miller, senior Anna Estill, escort Ivan Coronado, senior Addie Townsend, escort Tanner Cook, junior Dianna Lopez, escort Keith Benavente, freshman Maya Schulz and her father David Schulz. Linker and Maya Schulz graced the stage. Winners of the “Goose Down” board-decorating contest were the Valentine’s Day will be here Saturday and there will freshmen, Class of 2018. Hornets lost Tuesday’s away conference game against be tons to do in Surprise Valley. Tonight, February Big Valley. Boys lost 55-72 and girls lost 33-49. Friday, 12, the eighth grade class and parents will be hosting February 13 both teams will travel to McCloud to play bingo, located in the elementary school gym, 790 High Street, Cedarville from 6-8 p.m. Play for a chance to win Happy Camp. Card of Thanks awesome prizes and cash. Food and drink will be availWe would like to give a huge thank you to the folable, along with childcare. Plus, there will be a piñata lowing people making homecoming such a success: for the youngsters. Cards are $10 each; proceeds go to the eighth grade class for their college and university Michele Bunyard, Rosalee Cook, Carole Benner, Bill Bordwell, Mel Soletti, Alissa Fee, Vicente Fernandez, tour field trip. On Friday, February 13, stop by the Surprise Valley Allison Walgenbach, David Schulz and Ivan Coronado. Sincerely, SVHS Student Council Child Development Center’s Sweetheart Bake Sale. Anna Estill, Dianna Lopez, Ivan Coronado, Gabby Grab several sweet treats at a low cost. Treats are availCastillo, Henny Linker, Dakota DeCaire and Rikkiable for purchase between noon and 6 p.m. in front of Lee Carey, Advisor the Cedarville Post Office. Love All Around February 14, treat that special someone right, by heading to the Dr. Roberts Fund Valentine Dinner. The evening begins at 6 p.m. at the Modoc District Fairgrounds. Enjoy the superb ambience and amazing food by Kathy Parkening. Kathy will be dishing out crab cakes, New York steak with tasty sides and complimentary wine provided by the Gallo family. Call 530-2792217 to reserve tickets. Tickets are $25 per person and may be purchased at the door. Recycling Pays Off Recycling has been a great fundraiser for the fourth and fifth grade class at Surprise Valley Elementary, it helps pay for the end of the year field trip. “Our goal is to make it to Sacramento to tour our State Capitol, old Sacramento and Sutter’s Fort,” stated teacher Jenny Grove. The class has a donation trailer located in the school parking lot, making it easy to drop off donations. Plastic, glass and aluminum labeled CRV may be donated. Mrs. Grove’s students thank everyone for donating. The Surprise Valley Education Foundation has been a great supporter, generously granting the class $2,000 for the students trip. The community’s support means a lot to the students and they are very grateful for each donation. So while clearing out recyclables, take a minute to drop them by 790 High Street, Cedarville. Upcoming Events . . . February 19 the Vya Conservation District will host a Soil Health Workshop, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch provided by American AgCredit with presentations by Tom Champa, Spencer Smith, Dr. Jeffery Creque and local agencies. Meeting held at the Cedarville Community Hall, 405 Bonner St. February 21 join the Surprise Valley Rotarians for their Mid-Winter Barbecue, starts at 5:30 p.m in the Four Seasons Building at the Modoc District Fairgrounds. Presale tickets are $12 or $15 at the door, kids 11 and under $5. CLASSIFIEDS continued from page 18 y ard s ales w aNted MOVING SALE! 308 S. COURT ST., ALTURAS Saturday, February 14 at 8:00 a.m. Too many items to list. (12Feb) ----------------------------- LOOKING FOR A 3+ BEDROOM home to rent outside of town. Alturas/ Burney area preferred. Ideally, a rent-to-own home. Call Suzanne at 541-9122541. (12Feb) BOOT AND SHOE Community Partners The Surprise Valley Education Foundation (SVEdF), in cooperation with the Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District, is inviting the community to become a part of the “Community Partner Bank.” SVEdF’s mission is “. . . to seek resources and partnerships to enhance educational opportunities for children in the Surprise Valley community.” This encompasses what people know, whether it’s related to ones profession, hobby, skill, passion or story. Becoming a Community Partner is super easy and quick, with a simple visit to and filling out the required form. Questions asked help SVEdF better understand partners, including background on education, experience and special interests. SVEdF will add interested partners to the database “bank.” The “bank” will be shared with teachers at Surprise Valley, enabling teachers to call upon partners for presentations and demonstrations. In the future, SVEdF plans to provide an orientation meeting for all Community Partners to help shape and improve this project. To learn more, visit, email or call Kay Antunez at 650-773-4866. FOUR GENERATIONS OF SOLE SAVERS SPECIALIZING IN WHITES, DANNER & COWBOY BOOTS NEW SOLES, HEELS, REBUILDS TO MINOR REPAIR 530-233-7664 OR 277-7664 EOW Weights & Figures Your Body Is Worth It, Join Us Today! Homecoming Each Hornet fought hard for homecoming victory, but inevitably were defeated last Friday. Final scores for boys 48-65, girls 30-36. Tulelake Honkers hustled down the court, making sure to catch rebounds and showed strong coverage. The night ended with the traditional coronation of queen and court. Senior Addie Townsend was crowned queen, escorted by sophomore Tanner Cook. She along with her court Anna Estill, Dianna Lopez, Henny TFN 311 S. Main St. (530)233-2443 or 233-5945 February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 17 Senior Corner The Modoc Senior Center 906 W. 4th Street, Alturas 530-233-4438 Open at 9:00 a.m., Monday Senior Services Transportation ServicesBus service provided for seniors, 60 years or older, aboard our wheelchair accessible bus, within a five-mile radius of our location by appointment; Monday through Friday, except holidays. This includes transportation for medical appointments, banking, post office and to our center. Please call early for your bus reservation 530-233-4438. Suggested donation is 50 cents. -------------Lunch Services Lunch served daily, during our regular business days at 12 noon. Please call ahead for reservations 530-233-4438. We also offer homebound seniors (60 years or older), hot lunches delivered to their home. Please call us for more information. -------------Social Security The Social Security Administration will no longer visit this site due to cuts in their administrative budget. Please contact them using their website,, or call toll-free at (800) 772-1213. The nearest office is located at 1852 Ft. Jones Rd., Yreka, CA (888) 366-6145. FEBRUARY 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mondays: Exercise - 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Line Dancing - 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. CLOSED FEB. 16 FOR HOLIDAY Tuesdays: Feb. 17: Pinochle - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Feb. 17 & 24 - Bingo - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Wednesdays: Exercise - 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Book Club - 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Feb. 25 - Movie Night - 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Thursdays: TOPS - 9:00 a.m. - 11 a.m. Bunco - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Fridays: Exercise - 11 a.m. - noon Bingo - 12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Thank you for your support! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modoc Senior Center Luncheon Menu Lunch is served at noon. Friday, Feb. 13: Chicken Divan, roasted red potatoes, broccoli, salad bar, fruit and cherry cheese cake. Monday, Feb. 16: Closed for President’s Day. Tuesday, Feb. 17: Cube steak with onion and green pepper, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad bar, Jell-O and milk. Wednesday, Feb. 18: Pork chow mein over noodles, pork fried rice, oriental veggies, apples, fortune cookie and milk. Thursday, Feb. 19: Lasagna, mixed vegetables, bread sticks, fruit, salad bar, tapioca pudding and milk. Friday, Feb. 20: Minestrone soup, hamburger with bun, lettuce and tomatoes, salad bar, fruit and milk. *Menus are subject to change without prior notice. MODOC COUNTY RECORD BU US S II N NE ES SS S D II R RE EC CT TO O RY RY Place Your Ad Today! Call The Modoc County Record at (530) 233-2632 • $10 per week - 3 month commitment required. Let Us Help You Standout! Call 530-233-2632 Farm Supply Insurance Modoc Farm Supply Nutrena Quality Feeds Dealer Feed • Seed • Fertilizer • Tack • Pets • Supplies DOLBY INSURANCE SERVICES Monuments Kerr Mortuary FD-87 Tradition & Service Since 1915 (Caring For Modoc Families) Prearrangements Insurance Nursery Recycling 57 Years HOLDORFF’S RECYCLING CENTER BARBED WIRE FENCE FIELD & HORSE FENCE PRIVACY & CHAIN LINK FENCE BOBCAT WORK AVAILABLE 530-640-2768 MARCUS PLANK • LIC#981603 Ken Phillips, Agent (530) 233-2022 233-5766 Remember, for your insurance needs, State Farm is there. Construction Advertise Here Insurance MODOC CRISIS CENTER Help your business live up to its potential HAMILTON CONSTRUCTION 1-855-855-6745 Apparel Ardie’s Classie Lassie & Calico Cow 301 S. Main St (530) 233-5599 to new Soa r hei ght s! Advertise your business in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $7/week (a 3 month commitment required) Your Ad Simplify your business life! Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) with a Modoc Record Business Directory ad! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) T COT AGE P Y L A Get ahead of the game with an ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! (A 3 month commitment required) Cabinetry • Quality Fixtures • Cabinets • Furnishings • Laminates Ben Snethen Lic#822780 (530) 233-6748 Carpet Cleaning Got DIRT? Call us! STARTING FROM $99.95 Truck mounted steam cleaning, 530-640-1900 HANDY HOME SERVICE Free Pet Odor Removal Modoc Child Care Resource & Referral Subsidized child care Referrals to licensed child care Toy & Lending Library 112 E. 2nd St Alturas, CA 96101 Call Collect (530) 233-3111 Your Ad Simplify your business life! Place a quick and concise ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! $10/week (a 3 month commitment required) W HITE BEAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. Lic#794568 Class A & C12 WE’RE NOW PAVING! DIRT WORK, CONCRETE & PAVING O THER S ERVICES : DRIVEWAYS & HOUSE PADS • DITCH CLEAN OUT • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES • IRRIGATION & MORE Call Laine Hoy CCW CLASSES GUNSMITH LICENSED FFL DEALER & NRA LIFETIME MEMBERS 530-279-2004 • 425 MAIN ST. CEDARVILLE, CA 96104 (530) 640-2016 (530) 233-3404 Electrical Hardware B&D Electric Seab's True (530) 233-3312 McCombs Value When you’re looking for every day items at low prices, shop at “Quality From Start To Finish” 530-640-0067 Ca. Lic. #714115 CA Lic#905055 DANE MCCOMBS Owner 326 N. Main St. Alturas (530) 233-3432 Brad & Pam Williams 202 N Court St Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-1144 FRANK WATKINS AGENCY 530-233-3723 Recycling RUSSELL’S RECYCLING Accepting Scrap Metal and Appliances We take CVR Items WINTER HOURS Monday - Friday, 9 A.M.-4 P.M. 504 West 12th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Questions? Call 530-233-2825 100 N. MARKET P.O. BOX 478 BIEBER,CA 96009 Open Monday - Friday At the Y in Fall River Mills Many Vision Insurance Plans Accepted Including Medi-Cal Landscape Contractor A&M PUMP & PLUMBING Walt Smith lic. no. 680308 •Snow Removal • Tree Prunning • Fencing 530-640-5968 Lumber WWE E D ELIVER Four Seasons Seasons Four Supply Center Supply Center Water Systems & Septic Tank Installations Lic#256441 39266 HWY 299E HC4 Box 40503, Alturas (530) 233-2773 (530) 233-4743 Licensed Contractor CSL#945557 (530) 233-4441 *OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Heating MEATS Plumbing Heard Plumbing • MOBILE MEAT BUTCHER • CUSTOM CUTTING & WRAPPING • FRIDAY NIGHT BBQ’S • CATERING • FULL SERVICE RETAIL MEATS HACIENDA 541-947-3789 WOOD FURNACES 207 N. ‘L’ Street ALTURAS, CA 530-640-1072 Lakeview,OR 97630 WWW.LAKEVIEWLOCKERS.COM Providing Services To Developmentally Challenged Adults (530) 233-4527 FAX (530) 233-5672 310 West “C” St. * Alturas, Ca 96101 Lic #251370262 • Adult Development Center • Respite Care (North Eastern Area) • Independent Living (ICAN) • Community Activities Support Service • Transitional Living • Integrated Work (Job coach services) • Supported Living Services • Self Advocacy Support Services Stressed Out? Don’t be! Drain Cleaning Plumbing Repairs Senior Discount All Work Guaranteed 304 S. Court Court St., St.,Alturas Alturas 304 S. LAKEVIEW LOCKERS Services Plumbing Advertise Here Alton Howell Plumbing Rusty Stanford 100 West 12th (530) 233-4347 Tires Tires, Shocks, Brakes, Alignment 1201 Spruce St. (530) 233-3623 Irrigation-Domestic Geothermal John 299-3336 Duane 233-3837 Lee 279-6281 P.O. Box 92, Alturas LC# 709156 43124 HWY 299 E Plumbing • Goodyear • BF Goodrich • Cooper • Mastercraft • Toyo CONNERS WELL DRILLING 4th Generation FAMILY VISION CARE Landscaping Alturas Tire & Muffler Center Well Drilling 530-336-5220 (530) 294-5677 • Payroll • Income Tax • Bookkeeping RECYCLING Bill V. Brown, O.D. Seab’s True Value 115 N. Main•Alturas (530) 233-4686 Electric • 24 Hr. Emergency Services • Home Improvement • Roofing • Composition • Metal • Drywall/Windows • Remodels & New Construction • Professional Painting • FREE Estimates • Pro Shop • Rental Cart & Clubs Available • Golf Lessons Open 7 Days a week 7:00AM - 8:00PM 1901 N. Warner St., Alturas Construction Electrical Coastwide Contractors James Hertel Arrowhead Golf Course & Restaurant Phone (530) 233-4875 Cell (530) 708-2272 Bob Howard, Contractor Lic #335279 Weʼre Open: Call For Hours Saturdays & Evenings By Appointment Advertise Here Child Care Construction Golf & Restaurant Stressed Out? Don’t be! Quick Lube Plus + 115 West North St. Alturas, CA 96101 530-233-2113 • New Tires, Recaps & Wheels Complete Auto Care FIREARMS Insurance OPTOMETRIST US Everything A Lady Wants From Pre-Teen Up! • Jackets • Sweaters • Dresses • Blouses • Skirts • Jeans • Cosmetics • Skin Care & Facials • Gifts and More! Your Ad Here (530) 233-2202 MODOC INSURANCE SERVICES Oil Change Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM We pick up and deliver! KL Phone 530-233-4575 24 Hour Hotline CALL TODAY 233-6311 Maxwell’s Abuse Prevention Madison “Gene” Hamilton General Building Contractor CA LIC# 532643 • New Construction • Home Remodel • Concrete Tires Fencing “Modoc’s Premier Nursery” “Honesty, Integrity and Quality Personal Service” Enoch Wood Tax Matters ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ (530) 233-3930 AGRICULTURE, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Taxes PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS Pre-conceptual Planning Pregnancy Education Smoking Cessation Breastfeeding Support Referral Services & More (530) 233-2616 1030 N Main St. Alturas FREE ESTIMATES! 112 East 2nd Street Alturas, CA 96101 PERINATAL OUTREACH EDUCATION 226 West 8th Street, Alturas (530) 233-2816 New Winter Hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM-5:30PM Sat, 9AM-2PM CASCADE FENCING A Division of T.E.A.C.H., Inc. Pregnancy Services Get ahead of the game with an ad in the Modoc Record Business Directory! Well Drilling MODOC DRILLING CO. Domestic - Irrigation (530) 233-5181 208 E. 12th Alturas, CA 96101 Lic#493927 Windows V INYL W INDOWS D EALER L.B.L & E.P.I. • New Construction • Replacement • Free Estimates (A 3 month commitment required) T ONY D ARST C ONT . C.L. #405635 (530) 640-0996 TAXES Your Ad Here M ONICA D ERNER CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Licensed Contractor No. 493927 (530) 233-2482 • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Financial reporting • Quickbooks training •Consulting services •Tax resolution • Tax preparation • Special projects 1030 N. MAIN ST., #101 • ALTURAS, CA 96101 PHONE (530)233-4984 WWW.DERNERCPA.COM F IND Y OUR D IRECTION Advertise your new business here. Call for details! (530) 233-2632 C L A S S I F I E D S L A S S I F I E D S CLASSIFIEDS Page 18 - Modoc County Record - February 12, 2015 $7 For each standard Ad up to 35 * Standard Ad is first two CALL (530) 233-2632 or 233-3421, DEADLINE For words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE! lines bold. FAX (530) 233-5113 Classified Advertising Is DEADLINE for Classified Advertising Is Wednesdays At NOON. Your ad will also appear on our website E-mail: $8.50 for each standard classified ad up to 35 words, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Standard Ad is first two lines bold. Classifieds also appear on our website. Wednesdays At NOON! Guaranteed “Double Exposure!” CALL (530) 233-2632 • FAX (530) 233-5113 • EMAIL: A nnouncements SAVE THE DATE! JUNE 27, 2015, the last Saturday in June, for the 11th annual June Jamboree. Don’t miss the train! (12Feb) ----------------------------SEND A BIRTHDAY WISH through the Modoc County Record Classifieds. Up to 35 words for only $5.00. Make sure to have it in by Wednesdays at noon for next day publication. Stop by 201 W. Carlos or call 530233-2632 or e-mail at (TFN) ----------------------------H E A L T H SPECIALISTS IS offering free and low cost birth control. All birth control methods are available by appointment. For information on all pregnancy options call 530-221-0193 or visit the website: www. womenshealth (TFN) ----------------------------C A R P E T CLEANING service located in Alturas! Call us to schedule your carpet cleaning now! Starting from $99.95. Truck mount steam cleaning. Call Handy Home Service @ 530-640-1900 today! Locally owned and operated. (TFN) ----------------------------CALIFORNIA BANKRUPTCY Center Free consultation. Call 530-2221664 (TFN) ----------------------------MODOC RECORD CLASSIFIEDS work! There is no substitute for coverage. Place a classified in the printed Record and it goes on the Record online site for free and also to the Record subscribers. That means your ad has the potential of being seen by 6,000plus sets of eyes each week. We help you sell, buy, find stuff or get a job. Classifieds are just $8.50 per week for 35 words or less, 36-70 words is $17.00 and 71-105 words is $25.50. You can put your ad in by stopping by the office, calling us at 530-2332632 or by e-mail at (TFN) ----------------------------LOOKING FOR A GREAT GIFT FOR any occasion that keeps on giving? Modoc Record gift certificates are available for a subscription to the Modoc Record, print, online or for both. Subscriptions in Modoc, Lassen and Siskiyou counties just $25 per year for the printed version and $30 elsewhere. Online subscription is just $15 per year. Get printed and online for just $30. Send students the Record in print for just $20 for the school year. (TFN) ----------------------------NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Modoc Record makes every effort to reject fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Please investigate thoroughly before in-vesting money for information concern- ing job opportunities, investments, or loans. (TFN) ----------------------------PRE-PAYMENT POLICY! The Modoc County Record will request pre-payment on all classified advertising categories. MasterCard, Visa and American Express are welcome as well as checks, cash or money orders. (TFN) ----------------------------- F or r ent RENT / RENT-TOOWN / SALE: 3 Bed/ 2 Bath, fully carpeted, monitor & electric heat, attached garage, covered patio, completely fenced, lawn front & back w/ sprinklers, fenced garden area and 10x12 metal shed in town. Rent $750/month plus deposit; Sale $110k or appraised value. Call Dick Travis 541-4767884. (12Feb-19Feb) -----------------------------4 BED/ 2 BATH HOUSE with one car garage in Alturas. Recently renovated. Monitor heat, inside laundry. $700/month plus security. Provide proof of income. No Pets. No Smoking. Call 530-938-4007. (12Feb) -----------------------------3 BEDROOMS, 4-CAR GAR/SHOP, sun room, laundry with W&D, wood stove heat, swamp cooler and A/C, Jacuzzi tub, separate big shower, freezer, electric stove, frig, dishwasher, large fenced yard, fruit trees, year-round creek, large front and rear porch, RV hook up. Water and trash paid. Fully furnished, or not. Pets ok. Can e-mail pictures: sharragil@gmail. com. 37904 Highway 299, two miles from Alturas, $750/month plus $750 deposit. 530-708-0241. (12Feb) -----------------------------HOUSE FOR RENT. 3 BED/ 1 bath, garage, carport, new wood stove, monitor and electric heat. Available immediately. $600/month plus security deposit. Call 530-233-4128 to submit application. (5Feb-12Feb) ----------------------------CALL UNITED C O U N T R Y Stevenson Realty, Auction Services and Property Management for rentals and management services. 530-233-2440. BRE# 01375178. (TFN) ----------------------------AFFORDABLE LIVING! ALTURAS Garden Apartments is accepting applications for clean 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Spacious landscape, large play area and professional on-site management. If you qualify, you may pay as little as 30% of your adjusted gross income, which includes heat, hot water and garbage. For more information, please come by the office or call. 310 E. Mcdowell Street, Alturas. Office hours, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Monday – Friday. TDD 800-735-2929 or 530-233-3918. Equal Housing Opportunity. (TFN) ------------------------------ www.modoc PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parent or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwelling advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800927-9275. (TFN) ------------------------------ F or s ALe “JAZZY’ POWER CHAIR. NEVER used - $400. Call 530640-2694. (12Feb) ----------------------------P I O N E E R MUSEUM dispersal covered wagon, buggies, hearse, horse drawn mowers, plows, discs, rakes, manure spreaders, water wagon, pull grader, 1934 Moline tractor and much more. Call Larry 530-640-0059. (12Feb) ----------------------------HOUSE OF FURNITURE FOR Sale! Including leather sofa set, freezer, dressers, tables, chairs, computer desk, exercise equipment, tools and shop stuff. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Friday through Monday at 37904 State Hwy 299, just past the Auction Yard. 530-708-0241. (12Feb) ----------------------------FOR SALE – TWO HONDA 4X4 ATV’S 1995 Foreman 400. Low use. Stored inside at all times. No damage. $2500.00 Each. Call 530-2332891 or 530-640-0712. (12Feb) ----------------------------J U N I P E R FIREWOOD FOR sale: dry split $160; dry rounds $145; green split $140; green rounds $135. Dead Ponderosa Pine: split $145; rounds $135. Dry Lodge Pole: split $190; rounds $160. Selling wood at all times, call Jacob at 530-640-2746. (12Feb19Feb) ----------------------------FOR SALE! ALL SORTS OF BOOKS Hard backs - $0.50 each. Paper backs – 3 for $1. For more information call 530-2333264. (12Feb) ----------------------------DRY JUNIPER FIRE WOOD $130 rounds; $150 split. 16” wood. We deliver within the Alturas area. Willing to trade. Call 530-233-8449. (5Feb-12Feb) ----------------------------MOVING SALE! ALL MUST GO! 20 pieces of antique farm implements; tractors, hay rakes, plows and cultivators. Call for details 530-233-3334. (5Feb-12Feb) ----------------------------- H eLp W Anted THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS ARE open at Modoc Joint Unified School District: MHS English Teacher for the 2015-2016 school year and Food Service Worker I. To apply for the positions available, please go to or www.modoc.k12. or contact Modoc Joint Unified School District Office at 530233-7201 ext. 101 for more information. (12Feb-19Feb) -----------------------------T E M P O R A R Y FARM LABOR: Stoner & Sons, Havre, MT, has 2 positions for farmworker, grain & oilseed crops; 3 mo. experience required for job duties listed; must be able to lift 75 pounds; must able to obtain driver’s license within 30 days; once hired, workers may be required to take random drug tests at no cost to worker; testing positive or failure to comply may result in immediate termination from employment; tools, equipment, housing and daily trans provided for employees who can’t return home daily; trans & subsistence expenses reimb.; $11.14/hr, may work nights and weekends; three-fourths work period guaranteed from 3/15/15 – 12/15/15. Apply at nearest CA Workforce Office with Job Order 10100932 or call 916-653-2813. (12Feb) -----------------------------SIGNET BUILDERS NEEDS 20 temp farm laborers in Clarion IA from 3/20/15-8/15/15 $12.62 hr 1 month experience required. On farms, unload materials, lay out lumber, tin sheets, trusses and other components for building livestock confinement structures. Build and erect walls and trusses. Lift tin sheets to roof and sheet walls, install doors and caulk structure. Clean up job sites. Must be able to lift and care 75lbs/75yds. Guaranteed offer of employment for a min. of 3/4 of the workdays of the total work contract period. Employer will: provide necessary tools supplies & equipment at no cost to the worker provide housing for workers who cannot return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday and reimburse the worker for transportation costs & subsistence to work site when worker completes 50% of the work period Report to or send resume to the nearest California E m p l o y m e n t D e v e l o p m e n t D e p a r t m e n t Workforce Services using job order # 1033923. (12Feb) -----------------------------MODOC COUNTY OFFICE OF Education is accepting applications for the following position: (1) School Secretary at Stronghold Court School. 8 hours per day beginning March 1, 2015. Salary: $12.24-$20.46. Benefits: Health / Vision / Dental Insurance (pro-rated). Qualifications: High School Diploma or GED, Valid automobile license/proof of automobile insurance, secretarial practices and procedures, office and records management techniques and procedures, personnel and public relations techniques and procedures, and office methods, practices, procedures and equipment. Please complete an application, resume, cover letter and 3 letters of recommendation. Anyone interested in applying for the following position for the 2014/2015 school year must apply to Sonya Murphy at 139 Henderson St. Alturas CA 96101 in writing or by email at smurphy@ by the closing date February 17, 2015. (12Feb) -----------------------------P O S I T I O N ANNOUNCEMENT Strong Family Health Center is currently accepting application for a FT Social Worker/ Child Welfare Case manager. Salary: DOE and qualifications. Position Summary: The Child Welfare Case Manager position is the Social Services Department for Cedarville Rancheria and the Case Manager for Strong Family Health Center. The position will serve for any members and/ or clients; with an open Child Protective Service (CPS) case, referred by County Department of Social Services to be at risk of child removal, participants in Cedarville Rancheria Tribal Court, self-referred families needing case management to increase family function and decrease need for intervention. This position provides case management services to eligible Cedarville Rancheria members and/or Strong Family Health Center clients. Qualifications: A Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Counseling, Psychology or a closely related field from an accredited college or experience equivalent to four years fulltime professional level experience with family court, CPS and the social services field. Knowledge of the unique cultural, economic and social aspects of NA/AN service population. Must be capable of working independently and communicate well, both orally and in writing. Must have knowledge in Microsoft Office, computer and standard office machines operation. Must be willing to work flexible hours and be available on weekends in order to meet client needs. Background check and drug testing required. Valid California driver’s license, proof of insurance, good driving record and dependable transportation are required. Qualified NA/ AN candidates will be given preference in accordance with the Indian Preference Act (Title 25 U.S. Code, Section 472 and 473). Detailed job description and applications available at the Strong Family Health Center office at 1203 Oak Street, Alturas, CA 96101, or call 530-233-4591 for additional information. (12Feb-19Feb) -----------------------------CANBY FAMILY PRACTICE Clinic is accepting applications for a full-time Medical Receptionist / Office Clerk. Applications are available at the Canby Clinic. Call Linda Mann at 530708-8905. Canby Clinic is an EOE. (12Feb-26Feb) -----------------------------JOB OPENINGS – MODOC COUNTY Department of Social Services. Office specialist II $1,847 $2,357 per month. CalPERS retirement program and excellent health benefits. Valid driver’s license required. Apply through Merit System Services www.mss. 241 Lathrop Way, Sacramento, CA 95815. 916-263-3614. EOE/ADA/Drug Free Workplace Employer. (12Feb-19Feb) -----------------------------MODOC MEDICAL CENTER IN Alturas, CA has openings for the following positions: Full Time - Clinical Lab Scientist, Controller, LVN, FNP, Physician and Physician Assistant. Part TimeScrub Tech/Central Supply Aide. Extra – A c c o u n t i n g Tech, Ambulance Driver, Dietary Aide and Radiologic Technologist. Full time and part time positions are benefit eligible. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit www. modocmedicalcenter. org or MMC Human Resources to complete an application. (12Feb) -----------------------------T E M P O R A R Y FARM LABOR: Riverview, LLP, Wilcox, AZ, has 7 positions for alfalfa, silage, sorghum, soybeans, rye, earlage, and straw; 3 mo. experience required for job duties listed; must be able to lift 75 pounds; must able to obtain driver’s license within 30 days; once hired, workers may be required to take random drug tests at no cost to worker; testing positive or failure to comply may result in immediate termination from employment; tools, equipment, housing and daily trans provided for employees who can’t return home daily; trans & subsistence expenses reimb.; $10.54/hr, may work nights and weekends; three-fourths work period guaranteed from 3/1/15 – 12/15/15. Apply at nearest CA Workforce Office with Job Order 1416042 or call 916-653-2813. (12Feb) -----------------------------T E M P O R A R Y LABOR: Bos Dairy LLC South, Lovington, NM, has 10 positions for grain, hay & silage; 3 mo. experience required for job duties listed; must be able to lift 75 pounds; must able to obtain driver’s license within 30 days; once hired, workers may be required to take random drug tests at no cost to worker; testing positive or failure to comply may result in immediate termination from employment; tools, equipment, housing and daily trans provided for employees who can’t return home daily; trans & subsistence expenses reimb.; $10.54/ hr, may work nights and weekends; threefourths work period guaranteed from 3/8/15 – 11/30/15. Apply at nearest CA Workforce Office with Job Order 316311 or call 916-653-2813. (12Feb) -----------------------------TEMPORARY FARM LABOR: Box L Farms Inc., Larslan, MT, has 2 positions for farmworker, peas, grain & oilseed crops; 3 mo. experience required for job duties listed; must be able to lift 75 pounds; must able to obtain driver’s license within 30 days; once hired, workers may be required to take random drug tests at no cost to worker; testing positive or failure to comply may result in immediate termination from employment; tools, equipment, housing and daily trans provided for employees who can’t return home daily; trans & subsistence expenses reimb.; $11.14/ hr, may work nights and weekends; threefourths work period guaranteed from 3/28/15 – 11/1/15. Apply at nearest CA Workforce Office with Job Order 10102321 or call 916-653-2813. (12Feb) -----------------------------IF YOU HAVE A DESIRE TO become a Certified Nurse Assistant (C.N.A.), Modoc Medical Center (MMC) is now accepting applications for the 7 week class, which commences March 9, 2015. Applications will be accepted up until February 13, 2015 and interviews will take place the weeks of February 9-20, 2015. Classes will be held three times a week at our Warnerview Skilled Nursing Facility and training materials will be provided. Additionally, students will be paid while in training. For an application, apply on-line at www. modocmedicalcenter. org or visit the Modoc Medical Center Human Resources Department. (5Feb12Feb) -----------------------------WANTED: CARING AND RELIABLE person to work with our team at Warner Mountains Group Home, a residential care facility located in Canby, teaching children personal and social responsibility. Shifts available: Graveyard shift 10 p.m. – 6 a.m. and Swing Shift 12 p.m. - 10 p.m. (LIC #255000102) No formal education re- quired, on-the-job training provided. Benefits: 403b, paid vacation and health time, paid college education. Starting wage $9.00/hour. Eligibility for hire is dependent upon background clearance and clean driving record. Must be at least 21 years of age. Please contact the main office 530233-5200, Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. or after hours contact Seth Auber at 530-6402408. (TFN) -----------------------------LOOKING FOR A FEDERAL OR postal job? What looks like the ticket to a secure job might be a scam. For more information, call the Federal Trade Commission, toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit A message from the Modoc County Record and the FTC. (TFN) ------------------------------ L ost & Found FREE FOUND ADS! Any private party finding a lost pet or item can run a classified ad, free of charge for a week. The ad also is placed on the Modoc Record’s website www. for the week. This service is offered by the Modoc County Record in hopes that we can bring these pets or lost items together again with their owners. Call Record Classifieds 233-2632 or e-mail classifieds@ modoc (TFN) ----------------------------- s ervices HANDY MAN! HELPS WITH handicap accessibility, repair work, home, yard, automobile, chicken coops, carpentry, hauling, rental clean up and repair, dump disposal, pruning, janitorial work and more. Please inquire about other services. Call James Oberg at 530708-0920. (12Feb) -----------------------------NOTICE TO READERS: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www. or 800321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. (TFN) ------------------------------ v eHicLes FOR SALE: 2010 CHEVY MALIBU LS in excellent condition. 37,210 miles - $12,500. Also, 1989 Ford F150 regular cab, long bed with 2WD in good condition. 82,733 miles - $1,500. Call 530-2334526. (12Feb) ------------------------------ Classifieds continued on page 16 C L L DEADLINE For Classified Advert Wednesdays At N February 12, 2015 - Modoc County Record - Page 19 MODOC COUNTY RECORD FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 15-3 Exp: January 26, 2020 New Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: D & R Small Engine Repair, 14371 County Road 1. Mailing address: PO Box 68, Eagleville, CA 96110. Phone: 530-640-2944. Registered Owner(s): Daniel J. Macsay, 14371 County Road 1, Eagleville, CA 96110. Phone 530-6402944; and Rich Ladd, 365 County Road 31A, Cedarville, CA 96104. Phone 530-640-3618. This business is conducted by: Joint Venture. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A (insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Daniel J. Macsay. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on January 26, 2015. Published in the Modoc County Record on January 29, February 5, 12 and 19, 2015. /s/ R. J. Christie This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on January 28, 2015. Published in the Modoc County Record on January 29, February 5, 12 and 19, 2015. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 15-2 Exp: January 23, 2020 Original Filing The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: D & D Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc., 1000 Glendale Ave., Sparks, NV 89431. Phone: 775-685-5555. Registered Owner(s): Ken P. Dillon, 1000 Glendale Ave., Sparks, NV 89431. Phone: 775-685-5555 This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on February 1, 2015. (Insert N/A if you haven’t started to transact business). I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct (a registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). /s/ Ken P. Dillon This statement was filed with the County Clerk of NOTICE TO BIDDERS Modoc County on January Surprise Valley Joint 23, 2015. Unified School District is Published in the Modoc accepting sealed bids for County Record on February 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2015. the following: • Kiln NOTICE OF TRUSTEE • Kitchen Oven(s) SALE • Miscellaneous Computers Trustee Sale No. : • Technology Equipment 00000004798180 Title Or• Televisions der No.: 140170755 FHA/ The items listed above VA/PMI No.: NOTICE OF are as is condition. All sealed bids must TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU be received in the Sur- ARE IN DEFAULT UNprise Valley Joint Unified DER A DEED OF TRUST, School District office at DATED 11/10/2006. UN470 Lincoln Street, Cedar- LESS YOU TAKE ACTO PROTECT ville, California, by Fri- TION YOUR PROPERTY, IT day, February 13, 2015 at 4:00 PM to be considered. MAY BE SOLD AT A Anyone desiring to bid PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU EXPLANAmay request a list of items NEED AN for Surplus Sale by calling TION OF THE NATURE the District Office at (530) OF THE PROCEEDING 279-6141 ex. 122 or by AGAINST YOU, YOU CONTACT writing to the District at SHOULD A LAWYER. BARRETT P.O. Box 100, Cedarville, DAFFIN FRAPPIER California 96104. While all bids submitted TREDER & WEISS, LLP, will be carefully consid- as duly appointed Trustee ered, the District reserves under and pursuant to the right to accept or deny Deed of Trust Recorded on 11/29/2006 as Instrument any or all bids. Published in the Modoc No. 2006-0005880-00 of ofCounty Record on Janura- ficial records in the office ry 29, February 5 and 12, of the County Recorder of MODOC County, State of 2015. CALIFORNIA. EXECUTED BY: MARIA MACIELFICTITIOUS BEJARANO, WILL SELL BUSINESS NAME AT PUBLIC AUCTION STATEMENT TO HIGHEST BIDDER File No. 15-6 FOR CASH, CASHIER’S Exp: January 28, 2015 CHECK/CASH EQUIVOriginal Filing ALENT or other form The following person of payment authorized (persons) is (are) doing by California Civil Code business as: South Fork 2924h(b), (payable at time Event Center, 3015 Hwy. of sale in lawful money of 395, Likely, CA 96116. the United States). DATE OF SALE: 02/18/2015 Mailing address: PO Box TIME OF SALE: 10:30 325, Alturas, CA 96101. AM PLACE OF SALE: Registered Owner(s): AT THE STEPS OF THE Leslie Boyle, 400 N.E. ‘B’ COUNTY COURTHOUSE 204 S. COURT Street, Alturas, CA 96101 AT STREET, ALTURAS, Phone: 530-708-1543 and Rendy Christie, 18721 CA. STREET ADDRESS and other common desigCenterville Road, Alturas, nation, if any, of the real CA 96101 Phone: 530-233- property described above 0401 is purported to be: 606 This business is conduct- NORTH EAST STREET, ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA ed by: Joint Venture. The registrant com- 96101 APN#: 002-162-04 menced to transact busi- The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability ness under the fictitious for any incorrectness of business name or names the street address and listed above on N/A (insert other common designaN/A if you haven’t started tion, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, to transact business). I declare that all infor- but without covenant or mation in this statement warranty, expressed or is true and correct (a reg- implied, regarding title, possession, or encumistrant who declares as brances, to pay the retrue information which he maining principal sum of or she knows to be false is the note(s) secured by said guilty of a crime). Deed of Trust, with inter- est thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $114,403.67. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 916-939-0772 for information regarding the trustee’s sale or visit this Internet Web site for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case 00000004798180. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. FOR TRUSTEE SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: NATIONWIDE POSTING & PUBLICATION A DIVISION OF FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 5005 WINDPLAY DRIVE, SUITE 1 EL DORADO HILLS, CA 95762-9334 916-939-0772 www.nationwideposting. com BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER & WEISS, LLP IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TREDER & WEISS, LLP as Trustee Dated: 01/16/2015 NPP0240848 To: MODOC COUNTY RECORD 01/29/2015, 02/05/2015, 02/12/2015 Published in the Modoc County Record on January 29, February 5 and 12, 2015. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 15-4 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Dex, 2200 W. Airfield Dr. P.O. Box 619810, D/FW Airport (Dallas) TX 752619810 Registered owner(s): Dex Media, Inc. 2200 W. Airfield Dr. P.O. Box 619810, D/FW Airport (Dallas) TX 75261-9810, Delaware This business is conducted by a Corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Feb. 22, 2010 S/ Liuba Baban, VP-Associate General Counsel This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on January 27, 2015 New Filing Previous File #10-15 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26/15 CNS-2710505# MODOC COUNTY RECORD Published in the Modoc County Record on February 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2015. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 15-5 The following person(s) is(are) doing business as: Dex One, 2200 W. Airfield Dr. P.O. Box 619810, D/FW Airport (Dallas) TX 75261-9810 Registered owner(s): Dex Media, Inc., 2200 W. Airfield Dr. P.O. Box 619810, D/FW Airport (Dallas) TX 75261-9810, Delaware This business is conducted by a Corporation The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Feb. 17, 2010 S/ Liuba Baban, VP-Associate General Counsel This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Modoc County on January 27, 2015 New Filing Previous file #10-15-01 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26/15 CNS-2710502# MODOC COUNTY RECORD Published in the Modoc County Record on February 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2015. MICHAEL WEED (STATE BAR NO. 199675) CAMERON DESMOND (STATE BAR NO. 268925) ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE LLP 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 3000 Sacramento, CA 95814-4497 Telephone: 916-447-9200 Facsimile: 916-329-4900 Attorneys for Plaintiff California Statewide Communities Development Authority SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, Plaintiff, v. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE MATTER OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES’ “OPEN PACE” PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN EN- ERGY (“PACE”) PROGRAM ESTABLISHED IN CERTAIN COUNTIES AND CITIES, INCLUDING THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS AND THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE MATTERS THEREIN, AND ALL BONDS, CONTRACTS, CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENTS, AND OTHER MATTERS AND PROCEEDINGS RELATED THERETO, Defendants. CASE NO. 34-2014-00173113-CU-MCGDS SUMMONS (CITATION JUDICIAL) (C.C.P. §§ 860 et seq.) EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES PER GOV’T CODE § 6103 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (AVISO a ACUSADO): NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. THE COURT MAY DECIDE AGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND NOT LATER THAN MARCH 23, 2015, WHICH IS AT LEAST TEN (10) DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE PUBLICATION OF THIS SUMMONS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. ¡AVISO! USTED HA SIDO DEMANDADO. EL TRIBUNAL PUEDE DECIDIR CONTRA USTED SIN AUDIENCIA A MENOS QUE USTED RESPONDA NO MÁS TARDE QUE EL 23 DE MARZO DE 2015, QUE ES DIEZ (10) DIAS DESPUÉS DE LA TERMINACIÓN DE LA PUBLICACIÓN DE ESTA CITACIÓN. LEA LA INFORMACIÓN QUE SIGUE. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE MATTER OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES’ “OPEN PACE” PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY (“PACE”) PROGRAM ESTABLISHED IN CERTAIN COUNTIES AND CITIES, INCLUDING THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS AND THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE MATTERS THEREIN, AND ALL BONDS, CONTRACTS, CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENTS, AND OTHER MATTERS AND PROCEEDINGS RELATED THERETO. DETAILED SUMMARY OF MATTER TO BE VALIDATED: California Statewide Communities Development Authority (“California Communities”) has established the Open PACE Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) Program (the “Program”). California Communities seeks to implement the Program in 57 counties throughout California, as well as its member cities within Los Angeles County, to encourage and facilitate the installation of distributed generation renewable energy sources, energy and water efficiency improvements, seismic strengthening improvements and/or electric vehicle charging infrastructure by residential and non-residential property owners, which will save participating property owners money while conserving resources and reducing carbon emissions, all in furtherance of the Legislature’s goals as set forth in California Streets & Highways Code Section 5898.10 et seq. CSCDA seeks to validate all proceedings, actions, liens and contracts connected with the Program, and to obtain an order from the Superior Court that the proceedings, actions, liens and contracts related to the Program were and are valid, legal and binding and were and are in conformity with the applicable provisions of all laws and enactments at any time in force or controlling upon such proceedings, whether imposed by law, constitution, statute, charter or ordinance, and whether federal, state or municipal, including but not limited to, the provisions of Article XIII D of the California Constitution, the due process and contract clauses of the Constitution of the United States, and their equivalent clauses in the California Constitution. The Plaintiff has filed a civil complaint against you. If you wish to contest the legality or validity of the matter that is the subject of this lawsuit, you must appear and file with the Court a written pleading in response to the complaint not later than March 23, 2015. Your pleading must be in the form required by the California Rules of Court. Your original pleading must be filed in this Court with proper filing fees and proof that a copy thereof was served on Plaintiff’s attorneys. Unless you so respond, your default will be entered upon Plaintiff’s application, and this Court may enter a judgment against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Persons who contest the legality or validity of the matters which are the subject of this lawsuit will not be subject to punitive action, such as wage garnishment or seizure of their real or personal property. YOU MAY SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY IN ANY MATTER CONNECTED WITH THE COMPLAINT OR THIS SUMMONS. IF SO, YOU SHOULD DO SO PROMPTLY SO THAT YOUR WRITTEN RESPONSE, IF ANY, MAY BE FILED ON TIME. SI USTED DESEA SOLICITAR EL CONSEJO DE UN ABOGADO EN ESTE ASUNTO, DEBERÍA HACERLO INMEDIATAMENTE, PARA QUE, SU REPUESTA ESCRITA, SI HAY ALGUNA, PUEDA SER REGISTRADA A TIEMPO. CASE NUMBER (Número del Caso): 34-2014-00173113 The name and address of the court is (El nombre y dirección de la corte es): SUPERIOR COURT, COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 720 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is (El nombre, la dirección y el número de telèfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): Michael Weed Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 3000 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: 916 - 447 - 9200 Facsimile: 916 - 329 - 4900 /s/ L. GUTIERREZ Superior Court Clerk DATE: JANUARY 27, 2015 Clerk, by L. GUTIERREZ, Deputy Published in the Modoc County Record on February 5, 12 and 19, 2015. Legals continued on pg 16 www.modocrecord. com Page 20 - Modoc County Record - February 12. 2015 R ECORD R E A L E S T A T E Janie Erkiaga • Real Estate Broker CA Lic#1033704 • NV Lic#0039924 CALL (530) 233-4128 3 Bed, 2 bath 1440 s.f. mfg. in Brooks Park, two lots, fully furnished, excellent condition, great recreation hideout when visiting Modoc, reduced to $75,000. Great buy with no hand watering on 1 ac., 3 bed 1 bath 1836 s.f. home in Lake City, garden, lawn, orchard flowers all on a drip system. Modern interior, large garage w/shop, horse paddocks, great views, good schools and neighborhood…reduced…$157,500. 80 Timbered acres in the Warner Mountains. good access…$120,000. Time Honored Home, very well built, 2-story, 4 bed 1.75 bath, 2113 s.f., fully finished basement, corner lot, double garage/shop, double carport, brick patio. . . $225,000. View lot in MRE 3.22+/- ac $8,000. Laundromat & Mobile Home Park in Cedarville, room for expansion, 9 mobile spaces, 9 RV spaces, 4 unimproved spaces. Includes full Laundromat, good income. . .$225,000. 86+/- ac Recreation Paradise with 2 bed 1 bath home, artesian well septic, pond, 12 mile creek, borders BLM. Snowmobile or ATV to hearts content…$375,000. Davis Creek Mercantile & Deli, includes 2 bed, 1 bath home and garage. Great business opportunity with home on 1+/- acre, a good business in a small quaint town just waiting for you to take over and make it yours. . .$240,000. Quaint Retirement Cottage at the edge of town, large lot, with a great view of the Warner Mtns. 2 bed, 1 bath, garage, newly remodeled; incl. kitchen stove, wood stove, fridge, microwave, W/D turnkey condition. . . $95,000. Good investment, 3 bed 1 bath, 1142 s.f. home, wood floors, garage/carport, fenced backyard, garden area, good neighborhood, patio, priced to sell. . .$99,500. 20 acres with well in Conestoga Ranches, perk test, owc call for terms, $62,000. Inspire the Artist in a quiet country town on the banks of Bidwell Creek. 2 bed 1 bath home with ranch style porch, 1 ac, garden area, double garage, studio attached, 1860’s feeder barn. Well kept just waiting for you, reduced, $150,000. Support Our Troops, Farmers and Ranchers 2/5 Remember “The Basque Broker” when you think Real Estate! Featured ProPerties Make Headlines With Your Valentine! With a simple call or click you can subscribe them to the Modoc County Record. 25 In-County Mail Subscription $ 30Subscription Out of County $ 15 Online Subscription $ The Modoc County RECORD 1023 North Court Street • Alturas, CA 96101 Phone: (530) 233-2440 • Fax: (530) 233-2406 Phone (530) 233-2632 Fax (530) 233-5113 Email: WWW.MODOCRECORD.COM RESIDENTIAL 35260: Nice 3 bed/1.5 bath approx.. 1800 sq. ft. Home in town & close to park. Upgraded w/ Jacuzzi room/ Den and extra room for quiet. Price $117,000. Price Reduced $93,000 RMS Real Estate Roy Ferry • Broker • (530) 233-5888 Cell (530) 640-3110 • 135 N. Main • Alturas, CA • 36530: Bank owned properNadene Berryessa ty with 2 bed/1 Ext. 23 bath on 10 acres. Fenced and cross fenced for horses. Home has been upgraded with new floors, interior and exterior paint. Price: $130,000 DRE#01113115 #2699 ~ Small Home, 2 beds/1 bath, quiet neighborhood, newer handicap walk-in bath, home is in good condition, ideal for 1 or 2 persons or to downsize to. . . . $59,900 2/12 ROLLIE GILLIAM REALTY Call (530) 233-6669 to speak with Rollie Gilliam or Kara Binning Looking to buy, sell, rent or manage property just call or come by 411 S. Main St., Alturas • The historic Sears Building CA DRE Lic#00469821 NEED HELP FINDING A RENTAL? GIVE US A CALL FOR SALE: COUNTRY LIVING, CLOSE TO TOWN Beautiful 1,668 sq. ft. Fuqua manufactured home built in 2002 with 3 Bd 2 Bath, modern kitchen, spacious laundry room, dining area and sits on 1 +/- acre with shade trees and patio area. Home has central heat and air conditioning (heat pump.) fireplace, attached 2 car garage with automatic garage doors. Additional outbuildings, fenced yard. On the outskirts of town - $185,000 COMFORT & ECONOMY 4 bed/2 bath home in great condition. Beautiful hardwood floors. Master bedroom is set off from the other rooms and is adorned with a romantic fireplace and a door that opens to the beautiful garden. The Master bathroom has a specially built walk in tub. There is plenty of heating with a wood stove, monitor and propane wall heater. Gravel in the driveway and back yard to cut down on lawn maintenance. So many benefits to this house. $180,000 COMMERCIAL property off Hwy 395 with two houses and a large shop on a large lot. Houses need some TLC - $50,000 BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM built home on 105+/- acres. Gorgeous kitchen with custom built cabinets. Tile, carpet, vinyl and hardwood flooring. Sun room with tile flooring that wraps partially around the house. Extra large closets, garage with cement flooring and monitor heat. All insulated for exceptional economy. Garden area, fruit trees, automatic sprinkler system, beautiful views of the Warner Mtns and the wildlife preserve - call to schedule your visit today! $498,750 35860: Gorgeous setting with 5 bed/1.5 bath 1668 sq. ft. home on 6.5 acres in Lake City, Ca. Newly painted exterior and upgrades. Bring your horses and enjoy this beautiful property. Price: $180,000 SHARE THE GOOD NEWS 35920: 3 bed/1 bath 1112 sq. ft. home with large fenced yard for kids and animals. Home has been remodel with laminate throughout for easy cleaning. Price: $111,000 VACANT LAND 36660: 6 acres of undeveloped land in Canby, Ca. Great potential for a home site with beautiful views. Land needs septic, well and electricity is at frontage of road. Price: $14,000 Announce the arrival of your newborn child for free. Visit for a Birth Announcement form or call us at 530-233-2632. 35660: 197 acres of range land/timberland/ mountain land near Davis Creek, Ca. Mulkey creek runs through property. Adjacent to Forest Service land. Price: $119,900 35780: 21 acres of farmable land with 2 private wells. 1 domestic well and 1 ag well. Ready to build and view of the Shasta Mountains. Price: $74,000 The Modoc County We offer professional real estate, auction & property management services. We are happy to help you with any property in our local “Modoc Listing Service” (MLS) & the listings frequently change. RECORD CLEAN Manufactured home on permanent foundation built in 2002 nearly maintenance free, fully fenced with chain link, gravel yard, mature trees and beautiful view on large lot, 3 bed/2 bath 1248 sq. ft. manufactured home. Home is well taken care of with a spacious kitchen, custom cabinets, pantry, walk in closets, separate laundry room and detached 2 car garage with automatic opener, security lights, Coleman Central Heat & Air. Priced to sell at $88,500 Ph (530) 233-2632 Fax (530) 233-5113 record1@ COUNTRY Home in Pit River Estates. 1992 Manufactured home on permanent foundation. 3 bed/2 bath, 1064 sq. ft. on 1 +/- acres. Wood stove, central heat(electric furnace), dishwasher and mature trees. $68,000 1/8 36240: Modernized 3 Bdr/2 Bath Mfg Country Home w/2-Car Garage on 2 +/- Acres. Appliances and pantry, vaulted ceilings, open floor plan, remodeled/2004, laundry room, 4th room, porch, circle driveway, fencing. Price: $147,500 2/12 #2495 ~ Alturas Home, 3 bed, 2 baths, open kitchen/living room with fire place insert, utility room, garage converted to family room, corner lot, near schools & the Alturas swimming pool. . . . . . $99,900 #2704 ~ 1.8 Acres, Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Mfg. Home on foundation, with lots of extra’s, wet bar, family room/enclosed heated sun room/oversized garage/shop/new metal roof/dog area. . . $125,000 #2701 ~ 24.2 Acres & Home, this 3 bed/2 bath home is just S. of New Pine Creek Or., with ground for your animals and you. Love country living and views? Check this out. . REDUCED $165,000 #2593 ~ Two Story Home, 4 bedrooms/3 baths, vinyl windows, metal roof on home / garage, downstairs complete with bedrooms/bath /recreation room/laundry, just 3 blocks off Main. . . . . . $149,900 #2692 ~ Home & Business, 2 bed. /1 bath, dining room, living room, office, siding, large lot plus a Comm. Building with a commercially approved kitchen, fronts Highway #299. . . . BOTH $148,500 #2695 ~ Nice 4 bed/3 bath, split level handicap accessible family home, metal roof, vinyl siding dual pane windows, individual A/C in rooms, RV &/or boat parking in fenced back yard. $164,900 #2706 ~ Mfg. Home/2 Car Garage-Workshop, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1/w handicapped fea., rustic add-on w/ reading/craft room & one of the bedrooms, front deck, outbuildings, 1.86 acres. $92,000 #2700 ~ Very Nice 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Ba, Mfg. Home in Brooks Park, on two lots. Has lg. rooms metal roof/vinyl siding,/central air/encl. porch front entry/foundation/monitor/washer/dryer. $75,000 #2622 ~ Historical Golden Bar & Restaurant, liquor license & all supplies, equipment & furniture all in place ready to use,turn key operation & a rare opportunity to own a piece of history. . $250,000 #2681 ~ 20 ACRE PARCEL, close to town on county road 60, nice building site & offered at $50,000 #2697 ~ 2 Adjoining Parcels, 20.09/40.3 acres, part in Thoms Creek Estates, Mt. Views. . . $85,000 #2703 ~ CORNER LOT, close to Alturas, sewer and water, old trailer and junk to clean up. . $7,000 #2536 ~ 722.9 Acres Scenic Rangeland, 18 miles NE of Alturas, portion of acreage is highway frontage just off U.S. #395 in the Willow Ranch area, property overlooks Goose Lake. . . . $200,000 AdditionAl ResidentiAl, CommeRCiAl, And lot listings AvAilAble!!! No One Knows the Country Like We Do© CA BRE #01375178 THE WE WE ALSO ALSO HAVE HAVE RENTALS RENTALS AVAILABLE! AVAILABLE! E M I T Come HAS 335 N. MAIN, ALTURAS, CA 96101 • PHONE 530-233-3133 DENNIS TATE, BROKER • MARTHA WILLIAMS, SALES ASSOCIATE RESIDENTIAL: CA DRE License #00696849 & 01262595 #3365: Great location, a 3 bd/2 bath home. Magnificent views of the Warners. Fireplace, monitor heater, and electric wall heaters heat this home in one of the best locations in Alturas. Large double lot with a double car garage and storage sheds. Lots of room and tons of storage in this home. Plenty of room for a garden too. $149,500 #3322: Home on a corner lot. This 3 bedroom 1 bath home is well maintained along with a well maintained yard. The yard is easily maintained by automatic sprinklers. There is RV parking as the lot is very large. The home is heated with a monitor heater along with an oil central furnace. A very nice finished room is in the back for that extra guest. Owner motivated $99,900 ACREAGE & LOTS: 2/12 #3334: Post Victorian Home, lovely 4 bedroom 2 #3218: BEAUTIFUL 1AC OF LAND IN CEDAR bath home that features all the character of the 1900s. PASS SUMMERLAND Unit A. Septic in place. Power Larger master bedroom and bath. Large closets. Fire- only 525 ft. away. $15,000. place. Large pantry in kitchen. Separate dining room. #3100: 1AC. OF BEAUTY IN CEDAR PASS SUMLarge utility room with windows surrounding. Secret MERLAND. Septic in place. Conveniently located off of garden with lovely patio. Automatic sprinklers. Garage. McKinney Dr. $20,000. New paint on outside of home. Seller motivated with a #3315: This property is ready for you to build your reduction in price $139,000 home! The septic system and the well are in. Pencil Rd. #3345: Unique 3 bedroom, 1 bath home . This home reduced to $25,000 is conveniently located to schools and shopping. Nice big fenced yard. Rock home with quaint little front 3314: VERY NICE! 3.39 ac Cedar Pass Summerland, First Addition. $22,000 porch. Detached garage. Must see $70,000 #3376: Beautiful Views from this 3 bedroom/ 2 bath manufactured home. There is a little over 15 acres for you to roam on and a double car garage too. Open floor plan and over 2200 sq ft of living space. SVEC supplies the power. Home also has a propane fireplace. $165,000 #3355: Nice 3 bedroom, 1 bath home within walking distance to city shopping. Home is heated by a monitor heater, over 1500 sq ft of living space, and has a fenced yard. Fresh paint, and has been used as an office building. $69,000 To get the job you deserve! All you need to do is turn the page to The Modoc County Record Classifieds (530) 233-2632
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