malattie autoimmuni d`organo: mao
malattie autoimmuni d`organo: mao
Sezioni Regionali del Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia e Trentino Alto Adige Programma di Formazione Permanente Corso Residenziale La Diagnostica di Laboratorio delle Malattie Autoimmuni Organo-Specifiche Bassano del Grappa (VI) 7-9 ottobre 2009 Epidemiologia e fisiopatologia delle malattie autoimmuni d’organo Marcello Bagnasco e Giampaola Pesce Di.M.I. Università degli Studi di Genova Dipartimento di Patologie Immunoendocrinologiche, A.O.U. San Martino Genova LA REAZIONE AUTOIMMUNITARIA E’ INDOTTA DALLA ROTTURA DELLA TOLLERANZA IMMUNOLOGICA NEI CONFRONTI DEL “SELF” “horror autotoxicus” Paul Ehrlich CHE COSA PUO’ SUCCEDERE QUANDO UN ANTIGENE VIENE A CONTATTO CON IL NOSTRO SISTEMA IMMUNITARIO ? •Risposta immunitaria Antigene immunogenico • Tolleranza immunologica Antigene tollerogenico MALATTIE AUTOIMMUNI D’ORGANO: MAO …In certe situazioni il sistema immunitario può perdere il controllo della discriminazione tra self e non-self, divenendo “intollerante” verso i propri costituenti e dando origine ad un processo autoimmune …. produrrà un danno circoscritto ad un organo o ad un tessuto generando un’alterazione anatomo-funzionale del distretto colpito che si esprime a livello clinico con una sintomatologia connessa all’alterata funzione… Corrado Betterle, Fabio Presotto, Renato Zanchetta 1 The management of the patient with unexpected autoantibody positivity. M.Bagnasco, L.Grassia, G.Pesce Autoimmunity Reviews, 2007 SLE T1D SS OTHERS RA APS CD AITD Corrado Betterle, Fabio Presotto, Renato Zanchetta MAO: La presentazione clinica si caratterizza per un danno d‘organo, le cui conseguenze sono qualitativamente e quantitativamente differenti in rapporto all’organo interessato…. Giampaola Pesce, Irene Bossert, Marcello Bagnasco Relative frequencies of different autoimmune diseases QuickTime™ e un decompressore sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. EPIDEMIOLOGIA delle MAO I dati epidemiologici dipendono da: ~diverse strategie degli studi epidemiologici ~ conoscenza della malattia da parte dei medici di base ~ esistenza o meno di marcatori specifici ~ affinamento dei metodi diagnostici Esempi di MAO con bruschi cambiamenti nella loro storia epidemiologica: Celiachia : • 1980 anticorpi anti-gliadina. • 2006 Catassi et all Coeliac disease epidemiology is alive and kicking, especially in the developing word. • 2009 prevalenza tra 1:100-1:200 nel mondo Cirrosi Biliare Primitiva: • 1970 anticorpi anti mitocondrio Ipofisite autoimmune: 2007 ? CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of CD in the study group was 1:100 …. 2006 Dec; 41(12):14141(12):141-420 Population screening for coeliac disease in a low prevalence area in Italy G Menardo; R Brizzolara; S Bonassi; A Marchetti; G Dante; C Pistone; Marenco; V Rabellino; S Buscaglia; R Scarso; M Murialdo; E Venturino; C Marino; D Descalzi; F Minetti; M Bagnasco; G Pesce 2 MALATTIE AUTOIMMUNI D’ORGANO J. Endocrinol. Invest. 31: 1063-1068, 2008 Prevalence of post-partum thyroiditis in Liguria (Italy): An observational study U. Filippi, R. Brizzolara, D. Venuti, A. Cesarone, V.A. Maritati, M. Podestà, W.F. Yung, L.C. Bottaro, A. Orselli, A. Chiappori, M. Schiavo, M. Caputo, S. Bonassi, and M. Bagnasco Conclusions: An overall PPT prevalence of about 18% may be estimated. PPT was also observed in autoantibody-negative women. Differences with other surveys may be related to both study protocol and characteristics of the population studied. 1 • Fattori genetici / Familiarità • Fattori ambientali / esogeni • Alterazioni dell’immunoregolazione • Danno immuno-mediato conseguente a reazioni autoimmunitarie • Presenza di autoanticorpi circolanti (valore diagnostico) • Modelli animali di malattia (spontanea / indotta) sistemiche Caratteristiche Comuni Caratteristiche Distintive 2 • Sintomi / Segni generali – Interessamento di più organi e apparati – Frequente interessamento articolare • Fondamentalmente (ma non esclusivamente) danno immunopatologico mediato da anticorpi • Autoanticorpi verso antigeni ubiquitari (ridotta clearance?) • Differente ruolo dei fattori esogeni scatenanti? • Differente ruolo degli steroidi sessuali? d’organo Malattie Autoimmuni Sistemiche e Organo-Specifiche •Danno d’organo •Fondamentalmente autoanticorpi organo-specifici •Molteplici meccanismi effettori sia cellulari che umorali 3 Corrado Betterle, Fabio Presotto, Renato Zanchetta The autoinflammatory diseases are characterized by seemingly unprovoked episodes of inflammation, without hightiter autoantibodies or antigen-specific T cells. …… these illnesses derive from genetic variants of the innate immune system. ….we define six categories of autoinflammatory diseases… AUTOIMMUNITÀ Infiammazione diretta contro il “Self” con ruolo predominante giocato dalla risposta immunitaria adattiva AUTOINFIAMMAZIONE Infiammazione diretta contro il “Self” con ruolo predominante giocato dalla risposta immunitaria innata 4 PRR: recettori cellulari che riconoscono i PAMP e i DAMP PRR si dividono in base all diversa funzione, localizzazione e expressione in: •TLR •NLR •TREM •CLR •ALTRI PAMP (pathogen associated molecular pattern): strutture molecolari conservati espressi da microbi (LPS, flagelina, dsRNA, ecc) DAMP (damaged associated molecular patterns): molecole rilasciate da tessuti danneggiati How do Regulatory T Cells Work? Nature 453, 1051-1057 (19 June 2008) Corthay, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 70, 2009 Induction and effector functions of TH17 cells Estelle Bettelli1, Thomas Korn1,2, Mohamed Oukka1 & Vijay K. Kuchroo1 5 THE ROLE OF T HELPER SUBSETS IN AUTOIMMUNITY AND ALLERGY MarcVeldhoen Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:1–6 THE ROLE OF T HELPER SUBSETS IN AUTOIMMUNITY AND ALLERGY MarcVeldhoen Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:1–6 Journal of Autoimmunity 29(2007) 310-318 B cell autonomous TLR signaling and autoimmunity Almut Meyer-Bahlburg , David J. Rawlings QuickTime™ e un decompressore e un sono necessari per QuickTime™ visualizzare quest'immagine. decompressore sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. 8 (2009) 400–404 The role of innate immune responses in autoimmune disease development. Waldner H et al. Take-home messages ….. • Responses of specific DC subsets play a critical role in the induction and regulation of various autoimmune diseases in mice. • TLR-activated BMDCs from EAE-susceptible SJL mice induce higher frequencies of pro-inflammatory PLP-specific T cells than those from B10.S mice. • Strain-specific innate immune responses may control differential development of spontaneous EAE in PLP TCR transgenic SJL and B10.S mice. Prevention of autoimmune disease by induction of tolerance to Toll-like receptor 7 2007 Aug;27(2):321-33. Toll-like Receptor 2 Senses b-Cell Death and Contributes to the Initiation of Autoimmune Diabetes …..The development of autoimmune diabetes was markedly inhibited in TLR2- mice but not in TLR4- mice, showing that TLR2 plays an important role in the initiation of the disease. Apoptotic b-cell injury could stimulate the priming of diabetogenic T cells through a TLR2-dependent, but TLR4independent, activation of antigen- presenting cells. These findings suggest that b-cell death and its sensing via TLR2 may be an initial event for the stimulation of antigen- presenting cells and development of autoimmune diabetes. Hun Sik Kim, et all T. Hayashia, C. S. Graya, M. Chana, R. I. Tawataoa, L. Ronacherb, M. A. McGargillc, S. K. Dattad, D. A. Carsona, and M. Corrb. PNAS, February 24, 2009 vol 106 no 8 Activation of Toll-like receptors (TLR) contributes to the initiation and maintenance of chronic inflammation in autoimmune diseases, yet repeated exposure to a TLR agonist can induce hyporesponsiveness to subsequent TLR stimulation. Here, we used a synthetic TLR7 agonist, 9-benzyl-8-hydroxy-2-(2-methoxyethoxy) adenine (SM360320, 1V136) to study TLR7 induced attenuation of inflammatory responses and its application to autoimmune diseases. Repeated low dose administration of this TLR7 agonist induced hyporesponsiveness or tolerance to TLR2, -7, and -9 activators and limited the course of neural inflammation in an experimental allergic encephalomyelitis model. …TLR7 tolerance did not cause global immunosuppression, because susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes infection was not altered. … 6 Regulatory T Cells Prevent Transfer of Type 1 Diabetes in NOD Mice Only When Their Antigen Is Present In Vivo 2008, 181, 4516 -4522 Regulatory T cells (Tregs) can potentially be used as tools to suppress pathogenic T cells in autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes…. Current reports in the NOD mouse model of type 1 diabetes are in conflict as to whether suppression of disease by Tregs is Ag-dependent. …Our data show that Treg numbers in pancreas are reduced in the absence of Ag and that there are Agdependent differences in the effects of Tregs on pathogenic T cells in the pancreas. By examining protection from diabetes induced by T cell transfer, we have clearly demonstrated that Tregs suppress only in the presence of their Ag and not in mice in which the islets lack the Treg Ag. … Norikazu Harii, Christopher J. Lewis, Vasilly Vasko, Kelly McCall, Uruguaysito Benavides-Peralta, Xiaolu Sun, Matthew D. Ringel, Motoyasu Saji, Cesidio Giuliani, Giorgio Napolitano, Douglas J. Goetz and Leonard D. Kohn Thyrocytes Express a Functional Toll-Like Receptor 3: Overexpression Can Be Induced by Viral Infection and Reversed by Phenylmethimazole and Is Associated with Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroiditis Molecular Endocrinology 19 (5): 1231-1250 (2005) Daniel R. Tonkin et al “Aberrant expression of HLA...” Aberrant expression of HLA-DR antigen on thyrocytes in Graves' disease: relevance for autoimmunity. Hanafusa T, Chiovato L et al. Lancet. 1983 Nov 12;2(8359):1111-5. 8 (2009) 659–662 Regulatory T cells in diabetes and gastritis Núria Alonso et all. Expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) on thyroid epithelial cells in Hashimoto's thyroiditis but not in Graves' disease or papillary thyroid cancer. Bagnasco M, Caretto A et al. Clin Exp Immunol. 1991 Feb;83(2):309-13. B7.1 costimulatory molecule is expressed on thyroid follicular cells in Hashimoto's thyroiditis, but not in Graves' disease. Battifora M., Pesce G. et al- J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998 Nov;83(11):4130-9. Marazuela M., et all Regulatory T Cells in Human Autoimmune Thyroid Disease The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 91 ( 9): 3639-3646 (2006) Conclusions: Although T regulatory cells are abundant in inflamed thyroid tissue, they are apparently unable, in most cases, to downmodulate the autoimmune response and the tissue damage seen in AITD. Tireopatie autoimmuni Aspetti fisiopatologici Tiroidite autoimmune “classica”: • abbondante infiltrato linfocitario (Th1 > Th2) • morte dei tireociti per apoptosi • importanza patogenetica di citochine Th1 – derivate, APC – derivate • ruolo patogenetico di autoanticorpi ridotto Tiroidite atrofica (alcune forme): • ruolo patogenetico di autoanticorpi anti – recettore TSH “bloccanti” Thyroid. 2001;11(3):233-44. Giordano C, Richiusa P, Bagnasco M, et all Science. 1997:14;275(5302):960-3. Giordano C, Stassi G, De Maria R, Todaro M, Richiusa P, Papoff G, Ruberti G, Bagnasco M, Testi R, Galluzzo A. Hashimoto’s T Cytokeratin/tunnel 7 Infiltrato linfocitario della tiroide Nature 453, 1051-1057 (19 June 2008) Induction and effector functions of TH17 cells - Tipico reperto della tiroidite autoimmune Estelle Bettelli1, Thomas Korn1,2, Mohamed Oukka1 & Vijay K. Kuchroo - Correlazione tra TPO Ab e infiltrato linfocitario nella tiroidite autoimmune …the concept that autoimmune diseases were exclusively mediated by TH1 cells has been challenged, and the idea that TH17 cells are an important part of the autoimmune reaction has emerged in light of the following observations: 1) mice deficient for the TH1 effector cytokine IFNγ develop enhanced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) 2) deficiency in the IL-12p35 subunit (specific for IL-12) does not alter the progression of EAE, but deficiency in either p40 or p19, which form IL-23, results in a decreased number of TH17 cells and protection from EAE… 3) the transfer of myelin-reactive IL-17-producing T cells expanded with IL-23 in vitro induces severe EAE 4) IL-17 has profound pro-inflammatory effects and induces tissue damage during the course of various autoimmune diseases - Prevalenza elevata (>40%) di infiltrati focali negli anziani, specie nelle donne caucasiche - Infiltrato presente anche in altre patologie oltre alla tiroidite autoimmune Okayasu et al, 1994 Roth et al, 1997 Lindbergh et al, 2001 Nature 453, 1051-1057 (19 June 2008) Induction and effector functions of TH17 cells Estelle Bettelli1, Thomas Korn1,2, Mohamed Oukka1 & Vijay K. Kuchroo … Despite the recent major interest in TH17 cells, these cells may not be the only TH cells that can induce autoimmunity because TH1 cells can readily transfer organ-specific autoimmune disease. It is therefore possible that there is a sequential involvement and different functions of TH17 and TH1 subsets rather than an exclusive role of these subsets during the development of autoimmune diseases and other tissue inflammation. In this scenario, TH17 cells might facilitate the migration of other TH cells (such as TH1 cells) into the target tissue, which could further propagate and modulate inflammation and tissue damage…. Predicting and Preventing Autoimmunity Complement abnormality A1-B8-DR3 DQ3-DR4 DQ3-DR9 DQ5-DR1 DQ5-DR10 The patient with already one AI disease C1q def. C4 def. C2 def. Family History Female Gender FcGR2A, FcGR3A, IL-10, CTLA-4, PDCD-1, TNFα, TNFß, C4, MBL, FASL, FAS, Bcl-2 Infection Autoantigen-specific signal Non-antigen-specific signal HLA Candidate genes Selective IgA deficiency Autoimmune-prone individual Environmental Factors Disease Type Approximated time until clinical appearance of disease Appearance of Autoantibodies • anti-Islet cell Abs -> DM • RF, anti-CCP -> RA • anti-PL, anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-dsDNA, anti-nuclear ribonucleoprotein, anti-HS, anti-nucleosome, anti-Histone, anti-rP protein -> SLE • anti-Ro, anti-La -> Sjorgren’s • anti-gp120, anti-PDC -> PBC • ASCA -> crohn’s disease • Infections (EBV, CMV, HCV, Helicobacter pylori, Streptococcus pyogenes) • UV light • Vaccines (Diphtheria, Tetanus toxoid, Polio and measles vaccines -> GBS, MMR vaccines -> ITP-like thrombocytopenia, Rubella vaccine -> Arthritis) • Drugs (Hydralazine, Quinidine, Procainamide) • Toxins (Silica dust, aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic chlorinated hydrocarbons, phthalate) • Silicone implants (?) • Hormones (pregnancy, ERT, OC, prolactin) • Smoking • Stress Treatment/Prevention • • • • Overt autoimmune disease Ursodeoxycholic acid tx for PBC Dietary enrichment with PUFA for SLE Avoiding UV light and OC for SLE Aspirin tx for APS • Vitamin D receptor agonist • Synthetic peptides • Molecular mimicry ° Inflammation •T cell degeneracy • Aberrant expression °Adjuvant effect • Altered self • Epitope spreading • anti-PL, anti-Ro, anti-La – 3.4 yrs prior to SLE • anti-dsDNA – 2.2 yrs prior to SLE • anti-Sm, anti-nuclear ribonucleoprotein – 1.2 yrs prior to SLE The adjuvant effect in infection in autoimmunty N.R.Rose Clinic. Rev. Allerg. Immunol. 2007 Yehuda Shoenfeld, M.D 8 Fattori socioeconomici e autoimmunità autoimmunità tiroidea Kondrashova A., et al. Serological Evidence of Thyroid Autoimmunity among Schoolchildren in Two Different Socioeconomic Environments The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 93 ( 3): 729-734 (2008) The prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity is lower in Russian Karelia than in Finland. This difference was not related to ethnic background or HLA-DQ alleles. The results support the idea that the Russian Karelian environment, which is characterized by inferior prosperity and standard of hygiene, may provide protection against thyroid autoimmunity. Trends in Immunology Vol 30 No 8; 2009 Infections and autoimmunity – friends or foes? S Kivity, N Agmon-Levin, M Blank and Y Shoenfeld QuickTime™ e un decompressore sono necessari per visualizzare quest'immagine. Fattori socioeconomici Seiskari T., et al. Clin Exp Immunol 148:47–52, 2007 The EPIVIR Study Group Allergic sensitization and microbial load–a comparison between Finland and Russian Karelia. Kondrashova A., et al. Ann Med 37:67–72, 2005 A six-fold gradient in the incidence of type 1 diabetes at the eastern border of Finland. Kondrashova A., et al. Ann Med 40 (3) 223-31, 2008 The EPIVIR Study Group Lower economic status and inferior hygienic environment may protect against celiac disease. Trends in Immunology Vol 30 No 8; 2009 Infections and autoimmunity – friends or foes? S Kivity, N Agmon-Levin, M Blank and Y Shoenfeld Ten principles that summarize the relationship between infection and autoimmunity 1. Infections can cause autoimmune diseases. 2. Different infectious agents can trigger autoimmunity. 3. An infection can trigger an individual with an underlying immune dysregulation to express an overt autoimmune disease. 4. Infectious agents can determine the presence of disease-specific autoantibodies and clinical manifestations. 5. In many cases, it is not a single infection, but rather the ‘burden of infections’ during life that is responsible for induction of autoimmunity. 6. Infections during childhood can be implicated in the development of autoimmune diseases in adulthood. 7. Infections can protect individuals from some autoimmune diseases. 8. The same infectious agent can induce one specific autoimmune disease and protect from another autoimmune disease. 9. Molecular mimicry, epitope spreading, bystander activation and polyclonal activation can induce autoimmunity after infections via innate and adaptive immune responses. 10. Genetic susceptibility might explain why only a subgroup of individuals will develop autoimmunity after infections. APECED (SPA tipo I) difetto genetico della tolleranza centrale attribuita a mutazioni del gene AIRE SINDROME DI CANALE SMITH difetto dell’apoptosi dovuto alla mutazione del gene Fas e del gene della caspasi 9 Journal of Autoimmunity 32 (2009) 231–239 The etiology of autoimmune thyroid disease: A story of genes and environment Yaron Tomer, Amanda Huber Soluble CTLA-4 in autoimmune thyroid diseases: Relationship with clinical status and possible role in the immune response dysregulation Daniele Saverino, Renata Brizzolara, Rita Simone, Alessandra Chiappori, Francesca Milintenda-Floriani, Giampaola Pesce, Marcello Bagnasco … Autoimmune thyroid diseases arise due to complex interactions between environmental and genetic factors. Significant progress has been made in our understanding of the genetic and environmental triggers contributing to AITD. However, the interactions between genes and environment are yet to be defined. Among the major AITD susceptibility genes that have been identified and characterized is the HLA-DR gene locus, as well as non-MHC genes including the CTLA-4, CD40, PTPN22, thyroglobulin and TSH receptor genes. … Clin Immunol. 2007 May;123(2):190-8. A functional soluble form of CTLA-4 is present in the serum of celiac patients and correlates with mucosal injury R Simone, R Brizzolara, A Chiappori, F Milintenda-Floriani1, C. Natale3, L Greco, M Schiavo, M Bagnasco, G Pesce, D Saverino International Immunology 2009 21(9):1037-1045 The New England Journal of Medicine 360; 16, 2009 Mechanisms of Disease Genetics of Type 1A Diabetes Patrick Concannon, Stephen S. Rich, and Gerald T. Nepom, M.D. Celiac disease (CD) is a multifactorial disorder influenced by environmental, genetic and immunological factors. Increasing evidence showed CTLA-4 gene as an important susceptibility locus for autoimmune disorders. A native soluble cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein-4 (sCTLA-4), lacking of transmembrane sequence, has been described in several autoimmune diseases. We aimed to evaluate the presence of increased sCTLA-4 concentration in the serum of patients with CD and the possible immunoregulatory function. Blood samples were collected from 160 CD patients; sCTLA-4 levels were evaluated by ELISA, western blot and reverse transcription–PCR. The capability of serum sCTLA-4 to modulate T-lymphocyte proliferation in vitro was evaluated by two-way mixed leukocyte reaction assay. We demonstrated high levels of sCTLA-4 in serum of untreated celiac patients. Additionally, we observed that sCTLA-4 concentrations are related to gluten intake and that a correlation between autoantibodies to tissue transglutaminase and sCTLA-4 concentration exists. Moreover, sCTLA-4 levels correlate with the degree of mucosal damage. Conversely, no correlation between sCTLA4 levels and the HLA-related risk was observed. Finally, we show that sCTLA-4 from sera of CD patients displays functional activities. These results strongly suggest a regulation of sCTLA-4 synthesis depending on the presence or absence of dietary gluten and imply a possible immunomodulatory effect on cytotoxic T lymphocyte functions. In gluten-exposed patients, serum sCTLA-4 levels might provide insight about mucosal injury. The New England Journal of Medicine 360; 16, 2009 Mechanisms of Disease Genetics of Type 1A Diabetes M. M. A. Fernando,et al. PLoS Genet. 2008 April; 4(4) Defining the Role of the MHC in Autoimmunity: A Review and Pooled Analysis Patrick Concannon, Stephen S. Rich, and Gerald T. Nepom, M.D 10 NATURAL HISTORY OF AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES AUTOANTICORPI PATOGENETICI correlano significativamente con la malattia in grado di indurre le alterazioni tipiche sia in vivo che in vitro correlano con l’andamento della malattia Rare monogenic Autoinflammatory Diseases: FMF, TRAPS, HIDS, PAPA Blau’s Syndrome (Uveitis) Polygenic Autoinflammatory Diseases: Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis Self-limiting inflammatory arthritis including diseases clinically presenting as RA Storage diseases/Congenital diseases with associated tissue inflammation Non-antibody associated vasculitis including Giant Cell and Takayasu’s arteritis Idiopathic Uveitis Acne and Acneform associated diseases Some neurological diseases eg. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Erythema Nodosum associated disease, including Sarcoidosis Mixed Pattern Diseases with evidence of acquired component (MHCI associations) and autoinflammatory components: Ankylosing Spondylitis Reactive Arthritis Psoriasis Behcet’s Syndrome Uveitis (HLA-B27 associated) Classic Polygenic Autoimmune Diseases (Organ Specific and Non Specific): Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Uveitis (Sympathetic Ophthalmia) Coeliac disease Primary biliary Cirrhosis Autoimmune gastrittis/pernicious anaemia Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, Addison’s Disease, Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, Vitiligo Myasthenia Gravis, Dermatomyositis/polymyositis/scleroderma Goodpasture’s Syndrome ANCA associated Vasculitis Type 1 diabetes Cogan’s Syndrome Sjogren’s Syndrome Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Rare Monogenic Autoimmune Disease: ALPs,Ipex, APECED autoimmunità M.S.Longhe et all J Autoimmun. 2009 Sep 17 autoinfiammazione Aetiopathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis AUTOANTICORPI NON PATOGENETICI correlano significativamente con la malattia ma non in grado di riprodurla né in vivo né in vitro titolo e andamento indipendente dall’andamento della malattia EPIFENOMENI possono formarsi in corso di patologia non autoimmune come conseguenza di necrosi tessutale sono per lo più transitori si riscontrano in malattie che non rispondono ad altri criteri di autoimmunità Take-home messages ~ Le MAO sono globalmente le malattie autoimmuni a più elevato impatto epidemiologico ~ La distinzione tra malattie autoimmuni d’organo e sistemiche è probabilmente tuttora utile sul piano pratico ~ La classificazione di molte malattie con caratteristiche “intermedie” è complessa ( fattori organo specifici/fattori sistemici, autoimmunità/autinfiammazione) Genetic predisposition Triggering (environmental) factor(s) Pathogenic immunological factor(s) Precipitating event(s) S p e c i f i c A u t o a n t i b o d i e s Normal function(s) Homeostatic mechanism(s) Abnormal function(s) Potential phase Subclinical phase Clinical phase Time Take-home messages ~ Il coinvolgimento dell’immunità naturale accanto a quella adattiva e la loro interazione nella patogenesi delle malattie autoimmuni è sempre più evidente ~ L’interazione immunità naturale/immunità adattiva contribuisce a chiarire il ruolo dei fattori genetici e ambientali nella malattia autoimmune ~ Tali acquisizioni hanno importanza pratica potenziale: la strategia diagnostica delle MAO resta legata al dosaggio degli autoanticorpi 11 ...namque alid ex alio clarescet nec tibi caeca nox iter eripiet quin ultima naturai pervideas: ita res accendent lumina rebus. ..e infatti ogni cosa da altra troverà la sua luce né te cieca notte strapperà dal cammino, sì che tu non possa tutti vedere i confini della natura: Sì, le cose riempiranno di luce le cose. Lucrezio, De Rerum Natura, I,1114-17 (traduzione G. Milanese) 12
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