Middle East Catalogue 2010-11
Middle East Catalogue 2010-11
Middle East Message from the Editors: The I.B.Tauris publishing programme on the Middle East continues its growth and has now established itself as a market leader for both general and academic books on the history, politics and culture of the region.We publish distinguished authors and their often groundbreaking work.We are keen to maintain the breadth and depth of our publications and so welcome proposals for new projects both on a general and academic level. Unlike many presses, we are also seeking to extend our monograph publishing via our Tauris Academic Studies list and welcome any opportunity to consider for publication original research – based on a doctoral thesis or other research – which might fit into this list. I.B.TAURIS AUTHORS, EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS Have you claimed your Author Discount Card? Please email marketing@ibtauris.com with your contact details so we can send you your I.B.Tauris Author Discount Card. ADVISORY BOARD Professor Wm. Roger Louis, Fellow of St. Antony’s College, Oxford, and Kerr Professor of English History and Cultures at the University of Texas at Austin Professor Suraiya Faroqhi, Professor of Ottoman Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich Professor Sami Zubaida, Professor of Politics and Sociology at Birkbeck College, University of London Professor Gene R. Garthwaite, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire Professor James Piscatori, Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies, Australian National University Professor Erik J. Zürcher, Chair, Turkish Studies, University of Leiden Glen Rangwala, Lecturer and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge Professor Colin Shindler, Professor of Israeli Studies, SOAS Robert Irwin Malise Ruthven STANDING ORDERS Standing orders may be set up for all the academic series listed in this catalogue. For a full list of academic series in your subject area of interest and for details for how to set up a standing order go to: www.ibtauris.com/academicseries MONOGRAPH PUBLISHING TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES is a peer reviewed academic monograph imprint from I.B.Tauris.We are currently accepting monograph proposals in Middle East studies, offering scholars the opportunity to publish their original research as part of a high-quality, well-established Middle East studies publishing programme.To find out more about the imprint, please contact: Jenna Steventon, jsteventon@ibtauris.com, or go to www.ibtauris.com/TAS MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 2010/2011 CONTENTS HISTORY – GENERAL POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS – GENERAL OIL AND ENERGY STUDIES REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS A HISTORY OF PERSIAN LITERATURE GENDER STUDIES LAW AND FINANCE SOCIETY AND ANTHROPOLOGY ISLAMIC STUDIES JEWISH STUDIES FILM ART AND ARCHITECTURE LITERATURE BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL FOOD AND CULINARY CULTURE 1-4 5-11 13 14-38 16 38-40 40-42 42-43 43-50 51 52-53 53-55 54-55 55-59 59 I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd., 6 Salem Road, London W2 4BU United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 20 7243 1225 F: +44 (0) 20 7243 1226 E: sales@ibtauris.com W: www.ibtauris.com Website: Further information and online ordering facilities are available on our website for every I.B.Tauris book in this catalogue. Prices and dates: Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information in this catalogue is accurate at the time of going to print, prices and dates may occasionally vary and are subject to alteration without notice. Front cover illustration: Photograph by Bernard O’Kane, From The Minarets of Cairo, see page 53 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 EASY WAYS TO ORDER +44 (0)1256 302699 Direct Sales Line email: direct@macmillan.co.uk By post: send a completed order form to: Macmillan Distribution Ltd Customer Services Brunel Road, Houndmills Basingstoke RG21 6XS UK By fax: +44 (0)1256 812521 www.ibtauris.com NEW BOOK ALERTS To keep up to date on new publishing by I.B.Tauris in the field of Middle East Studies then please sign up to our free email alerts. For more information on the I.B.Tauris New Book Alerts, go to: www.ibtauris.com/newbookalerts INSPECTION COPY SERVICE Books marked TEXTBOOK are recommended student texts and are available to bona fide academic teaching staff to review as possible required texts for their students. For more information and to order an inspection copy go to: www.ibtauris.com/inspectioncopy ’ ‘ A fascinating historical backdrop to many of today’s concerns – Abrar review of Islam and the Victorians, see page 3 HISTORY / GENERAL EPIC OF THE PERSIAN KINGS The Shahnameh of Ferdowsi Barbara Brend and Charles Melville, University of Cambridge LIGHT FROM THE EAST EARLY ISLAMIC INSTITUTIONS Administration and Taxation from the Caliphate to the Umayyads and Abbasids How Islamic Science Helped Shape the Western World John Freely, Bogazici University Abd al-Aziz Duri, University of Jordan (Eds) NEW Composed more than a millennium ago, the Shahnameh – the great royal book of the Persian court – is a pillar of Persian literature and one of the world’s unchallenged masterpieces. Recounting the history of the Persian people from its mythic origins down to the Islamic conquest in the seventh century, the Shahnameh is the stirring and beautifully textured story of a proud civilization. But the Shahnameh (or, literally, the ‘Book of Kings’) is much more than a literary masterpiece: it is the wellspring of the modern Persian language, a touchstone for Iranian national consciousness and its illustrations, in manuscripts of different eras, are the inspiration for one of the world’s greatest artistic traditions. Epic of the Persian Kings combines revealing scholarship with stunning, full-colour illustrations from the rich manuscript tradition of the Shahnameh. 256 PAGES 271 X 218MM AUGUST 2010 9781848853324 HARDBACK £45.00 9781848856561 PAPERBACK £25.00 145 COLOUR THE PALACE OF DARIUS AT SUSA Jean Perrot NEW Long before the European Renaissance, while the western world was languishing in what was once called the ‘Dark Ages’, the Arab world was ablaze with the knowledge, invention and creativity of its Golden Age. This is the story of how Islamic science, which began with the translation of Greek manuscripts into Arabic in eighth-century Baghdad, preserved and enhanced the knowledge acquired from Greece, Mesopotamia, India and China. Through the astrologers, physicians, philosophers, mathematicians and alchemists of the Muslim world, this knowledge was carried from Samarkand and Baghdad to Cordoba and beyond, influencing western thinkers from Thomas Aquinas and Copernicus and helping to inspire the cultural phenomenon of the Renaissance. John Freely tells this spellbinding story against a background of the melting pot of cultures involved and concludes with the decline of Islam’s Golden Age. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848854529 HARDBACK £18.99 MAP, 8 PP B&W PLATE SECTION THE ASSYRIANS OF THE MIDDLE EAST Stepping into History Eden Naby NEW The rapid expansion of the early Islamic world is conventionally ascribed to a combination of brilliant military leadership and religious fervour. In this book, Abdulaziz Duri demonstrates how the growth, development and durability of early Islamic governance derived from highly sophisticated systems of administration (in which the idea of a Muslim ummah was the central feature) as well as efficient mechanisms for taxation and tax collection. The fact that in a highly dynamic period of Islamic history a seamless system of administration could endure for several centuries, from the early Muslim conquests and the later Umayyad era to the end of Abbasid rule, is testimony to the political and organisational skills of these early Muslim leaders. Duri’s work makes a major contribution to our understanding of how Islam established itself and flourished as a lasting major force in the development of world history. 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848850606 HARDBACK £40.00 CONTEMP.ARAB SCHOLARSHIP IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES,VOL. 7 THE MEDINA Restoration and Conservation of Historic Islamic Cities Marcello Balbo (Ed.), University of Venice NEW Darius I ruled an Empire stretching from the Nile to the Indus valley, and was one of the greatest of the ancient Persian kings. His palace at Susa, first discovered in 1851, has only recently been thoroughly excavated and researched. This groundbreaking book shows the magnificent architecture, a fusion of Mesopotamian and Iranian, of one of Persia’s most memorable monuments. Jean Perrot, the world-renowned archaeologist, and the foremost experts in the field, bring to life the full story of this Achaemenid site. Lavishly illustrated with over 500 images The Palace of Darius at Susa is an in-depth study of its history, discovery and archaeology, and is of seminal importance to the study and understanding of Ancient Persia. 544 PAGES 300 X 230MM APRIL 2011 9781848856219 HARDBACK £60.00 530 COLOUR & B&W NEW The Assyrians are the last substantial ethnic group in the world to have preserved Aramaic – the language spoken by Jesus and his disciples – as its native language. To listen to Aramaic is to catch the echoes of biblical Palestine. A minority people with distinctive cultural and religious, as well as linguistic, traditions, the Assyrians have in the modern era come under threat from the twin perils of persecution and assimilation. Though nowadays located mostly in Iraq and Syria, this remarkable indigenous race – the easternmost Christians of the Middle East – were at one time numerically strong also in Iran, before falling victim in the early 20th century to Ottoman assault. The rise of Islamic exclusivity – in Iran following the Revolution of 1979, and in recent decades elsewhere in the Middle East – has further diminished the Assyrian communities, driving them from their ancient homelands. Does diaspora offer them rescue, or oblivion? Eden Naby is the foremost scholar in English of the venerable Assyrian heritage. This is the first time that the story of the resilient Assyrians has been told in its entirety. 200 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848857568 HARDBACK £54.50 NEW The rehabilitation of the historic cities of Southern Mediterranean countries emerged as a key issue some twenty-five years ago.Yet despite this fact medinas still remain subject to inescapable decay. The Medina brings together a team of distinguished specialists to address this pressing problem. They advocate a unique approach, set against the backdrop of the economic, social and urban development that southern Mediterranean countries are predicted to experience. The first part of the book offers a general introduction to the issues of the rehabilitation of historic cities in the Mediterranean and offers medium term scenarios focusing upon the socio-economic conditions and spatial development in the region.The second part of the book presents a number of case studies. The book also provides important material on the financial instruments available for the rehabilitation of medinas, a topic yet to be addressed in existing works. 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2011 9781848857131 HARDBACK £59.50 ILLUSTRATED www.ibtauris.com 1 ‘ ’ This collection is exceptional – History Today review of Ends of British Imperialism, see page 4 AN ATLAS OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, BIBLICAL AND CLASSICAL Maps of the Ancient World William Smith NEW MAJOR WORK Published to complement his Greek and Roman dictionaries, An Atlas of Ancient Geography, Biblical and Classical by Sir William Smith is the rarest and most visually compelling of the volumes. Produced to the highest standard by the leading mapmaker of the day, the maps – large-scale, small-scale, historical, topographical, multiple city plans and other insets – are clear, detailed, intricately coloured works of art. The Atlas provides the first complete set of maps of the ancient world, both classical and biblical.A full index of names and places, both ancient and modern, accompanies each of the larger maps. For each map there is also an accompanying text, giving sources and authorities for them. 240 PAGES 495 X 319MM DECEMBER 2010 978 1 84885 352 2 HARDBACK £295.00 FULL COLOUR MAPS AND PLANS 2 COLLECTED WORKS OF GUY LE STRANGE The Medieval Islamic World Guy Le Strange NEW MAJOR WORK Guy le Strange (1854-1933) was an English orientalist. A private scholar, he learnt Persian and Arabic for pleasure. He studied under Julius Mohl in Paris and made important contributions to Islamic scholarship. He established his reputation with his pioneering work on the geography of the Holy Land, Palestine Under the Moslems, where he made available for the first time translations from the medieval Arab historians and geographers. The Medieval Islamic World set brings together his major writings on the historical geography of the Near and Middle East and includes not only his major books such as Palestine Under the Moslems, Baghdad During the Abbasid Caliphate, and Lands of the Eastern Caliphate but also includes a volume devoted to his less familiar writings, such as his translation of Ibn Serapion on the waterways of Iraq and his translation of the Farsnameh of Ibn al-Balkhia. 416, 624, 560, 480 PAGES 234 X 156MM SEPTEMBER 2011 9781848856707 HARDBACK £295.00 4 VOL SET MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 HISTORY / GENERAL TUAREG SOCIETY WITHIN A GLOBALIZED WORLD NEW Saharan Life in Transition Ines Kohl and Anja Fischer (Eds), Austraian Academy of Sciences The Tuareg are an ancient nomadic people who follow Islam and have inhabited the Sahara for millennia. In what ways have the lives of the Tuareg changed, and what roles do they have, in a modern and increasingly globalised world? Here, leading scholars explore the many facets of contemporary Tuareg existence: from transnational identity to international politics, from economy to social structure, from music to beauty, from mobility to slavery.A tribe able to move freely across national borders, the Tuareg face the risk of marginalisation by national and international politics, and are left without nationality or citizenship. At the same time, the Tuareg are seen as a link between the Arab and African worlds, and their familiarity with the Sahara makes them a port of call for African migrants traversing the desert to reach Europe.This is the first comprehensive study of the Tuareg today. Contents: Part I: Theoretical Frame; PartII: Multidimensional changes: from past to present; Part III: Global Aspects in Local Fields. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9781848853706 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 91 CHILDREN OF TIME The Aga Khan and the Ismailis Malise Ruthven with Gerard Wilkinson NEW From highland peasant farmers in Central Asia to Canadian industrialists, South Asian buisinessmen and Europe-based scholars, the Nizari Ismailis are one of the Muslim world’s most diverse Shi’a communities. The spiritual leadership of this highly dynamic community has in recent generations come to be known as the ‘Aga Khan’. This book, which coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of the present Aga Khan’s succession as Imam, or spiritual leader, of the Ismailis, assesses the achievements of his ‘Imamat’ in modernising the communities’ institutions and creating one of the world’s leading development agencies, the Aga Khan Development Network. In the process the book explores how the present Harvard-educated Aga Khan has attempted to preserve and build on a religious tradition rooted in medieval theology while at the same time embracing the modern world without loss of faith or cultural identity. 408 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781845117221 HARDBACK £24.50 A JOURNEY IN THE FUTURE OF WATER Terje Tvedt, University of Bergen NEW The future of water is the future of humankind. How we manage this most precious resource will have an impact on all of us – from environmental issues and the balance between rich and poor, to its role in global power relations. It will define war and peace and the destinies of countries and continents. In an effort to better understand the many aspects of water – cultural, technological and political – the author travelled to twenty-five countries around the world, exploring key water issues and developments with politicians, engineers and ordinary people. A Journey in the Future of Water presents the fruit of those travels. Professor Tvedt bringing his unrivalled experience to bear in an engaging, amusing and informative narrative that reveals the challenges we face in relation to our most precious resource. Attractively illustrated, A Journey in the Future of Water deals with one of the most important topics on the international agenda. 176 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2011 9781848857445 HARDBACK £47.50 9781848857452 PAPERBACK £14.99 DEAD SEA LEVEL Science, Exploration and Imperial Interests in the Near East Haim Goren, tel-Hai Academic College, Israel NEW In the nineteenth century The Dead Sea and the Tigris-Euphrates river system had great political significance: the one as a possible gateway for a Russian invasion of Egypt, the other as a potentially faster route to India. This is the traditional explanation for the presence of the international powers in the region. This important new book questions this view. Through a study of two important projects of the time – international efforts to determine the exact level of the Dead Sea, and Chesney’s Euphrates Expedition to find a quicker route to India – Professor Goren shows how other forces than the interests of empire were involved. He reveals the important role played by private individuals and establishes a wealth of new connections between the key players; and he reveals for the first time an important Irish nexus. The resulting work adds an important new dimension to our existing understanding of this period. 352 PAGES 234 X 156MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848854963 HARDBACK £59.50 49 B&W INTEGRATED TAURIS HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY SERIES,VOL. 6 ‘ ’ A fascinating and forgotten piece of Christian history – this book is an impressive achievement – Church Times review of The Church of the East, see page 4 A HISTORY OF WATER, SERIES II, VOLUME 2 From the Birth of Agriculture to Modern Times Terje Tvedt University of Bergen, and R. Coopey (Eds) NEW This pioneering volume brings together leading international scholars to provide new insights into the changing relationship between society and water over the centuries. Drawing upon the latest research findings the authors suggest new explanations as to why some civilisations flourished whilst yet others failed. Ranging from explorations of classical agrarian civilisations – such as the Indus, Angkor and Maya- to analyses of the role of water in the modernisation process of countries like Spain, Britain and Japan, this important new work furthers our understanding of the ways in which the key relationship between humans and water has given rise to new forms of social organisation, new technologies and economic activities. 550 PAGES 234 X 156MM OCTOBER 2010 978 1 84885 350 8 HARDBACK £85.00 HISTORY OF WATER SERIES ILLUSTRATED HISTORY / GENERAL A HISTORY OF WATER, SERIES II, VOLUME 1 THE RIVER NILE IN THE POST-COLONIAL AGE Terje Tvedt University of Bergen, and Terje Oestigaard Terje Tvedt, University of Bergen The Idea of Water, From Ancient Societies to the Modern World 484 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2010 978 1 84511 980 5 HARDBACK £75.00 HISTORY OF WATER SERIES ILLUSTRATED Water and Geopolitics in the New World Order Terje Tvedt, University of Bergen, Graham Chapman and Roar Hagen 560 PAGES 234 X 156MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848853515 HARDBACK £85.00 30 B&W INTEGRATED & 40 LINE DRAWINGS DIPLOMACY IN THE EARLY ISLAMIC WORLD A Tenth-century Treatise on Arab–Byzantine Relations T. Tvedt, University of Bergen, R. Coopey, University of Aberystwyth, E. Jakobsson, Stavanger University College & T. Ostigaard, University of Bergen (Eds) VOL. 1:WATER CONTROL AND RIVER BIOGRAPHIES 656 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 445 0 HARDBACK £85.00 VOL. 2:THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF WATER 592 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 446 7 HARDBACK £85.00 VOL. 3:THE WORLD OF WATER 528 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 447 4 HARDBACK £85.00 234 X 156MM 3 VOL. SET 978 1 85043 593 8 HARDBACK £225.00 A HISTORY OF THE ARABIAN PENINSULA Fahd al-Semmari (Ed.), King Abdulaziz Foundation, Saudi Arabia BRITAIN AND ARAB UNITY A Documentary History from the Treaty of Versailles to the End of World War II Younan Labib Rizk, formerly at Ain Shams University, Cairo 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84885 059 0 HARDBACK £40.00 CONTEMPORARY ARAB SCHOLARSHIP IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION WITH CAUS – CENTRE OF ARAB UNITY STUDIES BRITAIN’S FIRST MUSLIMS NEW More than 2,000 years ago Pausanias, the Greek geographer who travelled throughout the Ancient world, declared that no city had the right to call itself a city unless it had at its centre an ornamental fountain. And Sextus Julius Frontinus, the planner responsible for providing Ancient Rome with its fresh water, complained at the acclaim accorded the the useless Egyptian pyramids and Greek temples whilst the absolutely essential water structures of Rome were disregarded. The cultural and historical importance of water are just two of the many aspect of water explored in this unique three volume work. Ranging from ancient times to the present day all aspects – social, cultural, political, religious, historical, economic and technological are encompassed. The result is one of the most complete and up to date accounts of the vital role played by water in the history and development of human civilization and its continuing importance for the modern world. 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 970 6 HARDBACK £59.50 12 INTEGRATED B&W ILLUSTRATIONS AND 20 TABLES A HISTORY OF WATER 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 688 0 HARDBACK £35.00 A HISTORY OF WATER, SERIES II, VOLUME 3 Conflict and Co-Operation in the Nile Basin Countries Portrait of an Arab Community Fred Halliday, LSE 200 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2010 978 1 84885 299 0 PAPERBACK £15.99 Maria Vaiou, Sabanci University, Istanbul 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2010 978 1 84511 652 1 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE LAST OF THE CRUSADERS The Knights of St John and Malta in the Eighteenth Century Roderick Cavaliero 312 PAGES 198 X 126MM 978 1 84511 729 0 PAPERBACK £11.99 ILLUSTRATED TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS THE DOMINION OF THE ARABS IN SPAIN MAJOR WORK A History J.A. Condé, New Introduction by Richard Hitchcock 544:512:488 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 792 4 HARDBACK £250.00 TWO FAITHS, ONE BANNER When Muslims Marched with Christians Across Europe’s Battlegrounds Ian Almond 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 655 2 HARDBACK £19.50 ILLUSTRATED ISLAM AND THE VICTORIANS Nineteenth Century Perceptions of Muslim Practices and Beliefs Shahin Kuli Khan Khattak, Independent Bureau of Humanitarian Issues, Islamabad 216 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 429 9 HARDBACK £49.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY VOL. 15 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES PROCONSUL TO THE MIDDLE EAST Sir Percy Cox and the End of Empire ENDS OF BRITISH IMPERIALISM John Townsend 264 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84885 134 4 HARDBACK £54.50 Wm Roger Louis, University of Texas,Austin THE ALMOHADS The Rise of an Islamic Empire The Scramble for Empire, Suez and Decolonisation 1082 PAGES 228 X 151MM 978 1 84511 347 6 PAPERBACK £17.99 Allen J. Fromherz, Georgia State University 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2010 978 1 84511 651 4 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 18 2 MAPS, 4 FIGURES, 3 TABLES www.ibtauris.com 3 ’ ‘ This detailed, well-researched...account is uncompromising in its conclusions – The Tablet review of Opium, see page 9 HISTORY / GENERAL TEXTBOOK TEXTBOOK A HISTORY OF MIDDLE EAST ECONOMIES IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY LOYALTY AND LEADERSHIP IN AN EARLY ISLAMIC SOCIETY Roger Owen, Harvard University & Sevket Pamuk 328 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 275 3 HARDBACK £59.50 978 1 86064 276 0 PAPERBACK £17.99 TEXTBOOK THE MIDDLE EAST IN THE WORLD ECONOMY 1800–1914 Roger Owen, Harvard University 408 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 658 4 PAPERBACK £19.50 CAESAREA PHILIPPI Banias,The Lost City of Pan John Wilson, Pepperdine University 288 PAGES 2246 X 189MM 978 1 85043 440 5 HARDBACK £35.00 ILLUSTRATED Roy P. Mottahedeh, Harvard University 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 181 7 PAPERBACK £16.99 TEXTBOOK MUSLIM KINGSHIP Abbas Amanat, Yale 4 University & Magnus T. Bernhardsson, University (Eds) Hofstra 432 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 724 6 HARDBACK £56.50 THE CHURCH OF THE EAST An Illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity Christoph Baumer; Preface by His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Patriarch of the Apostolic Assyrian Church of the East Maxime Rodinson, translated by Roger Veinus 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 609 6 PAPERBACK £17.99 THE ASSASSIN LEGENDS Myths of the Ismailis Farhad Daftary, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 705 5 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 85043 950 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 A Framework for Inquiry R. Stephen Humphreys, University of California, Santa Barbara 416 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 360 6 PAPERBACK £16.99 TEXTBOOK A MODERN HISTORY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD Reinhard Schulze, University of Berne 408 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 340 8 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 822 9 PAPERBACK £19.50 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 816 8 HARDBACK £56.50 A VISION OF THE MIDDLE EAST An Intellectual Biography of Albert Hourani Abdulaziz al-Sudairi, Johns Hopkins University 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 581 5 HARDBACK £27.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE FOR LEBANESE STUDIES, OXFORD MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 EUROPE AND THE MYSTIQUE OF ISLAM 192 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 106 0 PAPERBACK £14.99 SOUTHERN SUDAN An Annotated Bibliography Terje Tvedt, University of Bergen 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 937 0 VOL. 1 HARDBACK £95.00 978 1 86064 938 7 VOL. 2 HARDBACK £95.00 978 1 86064 987 5 2 VOL. SET HARDBACK £165.00 WITHOUT GLORY IN ARABIA ISLAMIC HISTORY ARAB STORM 464 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 128 1 PAPERBACK £14.99 360 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 402 3 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 33 Advanced Study, Berlin Aziz Al-Azmeh, Institute of THE ARAB WORLD FACING THE CHALLENGE OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM Alan Munro Roger Owen, Harvard University & Wm Roger Louis, University of Texas, Austin (Eds) TEXTBOOK 336 PAGES 289 X 237MM 978 1 84511 115 1 HARDBACK £27.50 ILLUSTRATED Politics and Diplomacy Behind the Gulf War The Middle East in 1958 Power and the Sacred in Muslim, Christian and Pagan Polities IMAGINING THE END Visions of Apocalypse from the Ancient Middle East to Modern America A REVOLUTIONARY YEAR Henry T. Azzam, Jordinvest ISLAM AND THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE Reform and Revolution in Central Asia Helene Carrere d’Encausse, Preface: Maxime Rodinson 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 894 5 PAPERBACK £17.99 The British Retreat from Aden Peter Hinchcliffe, University of Edinburgh, John T. Ducker, World Bank & Maria Holt, University of Westminster 352 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 140 3 HARDBACK £29.50 TEXTBOOK THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST Albert Hourani, formerly of St Antony’s, Oxford, Philip Khoury, MIT & Mary C. Wilson, University of Massachusetts (Eds) 696 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 963 9 PAPERBACK £18.99 ’ ‘ Ground-breaking biography – Guardian review of Khomeini, see page 10 POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS / GENERAL IN THE LION’S DEN Inside America’s Cold War with Asad’s Syria Andrew Tabler LAST CHANCE SHOCKED AND AWED The Middle East in the Balance David Gardner How the War on Terror and Jihad have Changed the English Language Fred Halliday NEW NEW IN PAPERBACK Vast, inscrutable, unpredictable, Syria has traditionally been the toughest nut to crack in the Middle East peace process.After 9/11 and Damascus’ opposition to the War in Iraq, Washington decided it had had enough, and began a quiet campaign against Asad’s regime. There were no western journalists or academics based in Damascus during this period – except for Andrew Tabler. In the Lion’s Den tells the unique story of the war no-one knew about as seen from the inside.As Tabler negotiates his way through the labyrinth of Syrian politics, where nothing is at it seems, and no-one says what they mean, we learn how the country works, and how the signature events in Washington’s attempts to create a ‘New Middle East’ – sanctions, meetings with opposition groups, support for Israel’s 2006 bombing campaign in Lebanon – played out in the corridors of power in Damascus. Part expose, part vivid narrative account, In the Lion’s Den is an essential introduction to modern Syria. In this new, updated edition of his debatechanging and critically acclaimed book, David Gardner surveys the modern Middle East, probing with acerbic wit and insight in to the history of each of the major countries and teasing out explanations for their dysfunctional political development. Skipping deftly from the religious schools of Southern Iraq to the prisons of Mubarak’s Egypt, from the opulent palaces of Saudi Arabia to the Hezbollah bunkers of Lebanon, Gardner builds up a compelling portrait of the region, and argues persuasively that it is the west’s continued connivance with tyrants that is largely responsible for making it a byword for conflict and terrorism. BLOGISTAN ACROSS THE WALL 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2011 9781848857438 PAPERBACK £10.99 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848851474 HARDBACK £17.99 The Internet and Politics in Iran Annabelle Sreberny, SOAS and Gholam Khiabany, University of Westminster NEW The Islamic Republic of Iran – of all places – has become a hub of cyber activity. It has an estimated 700,000 bloggers. The Internet is celebrated as an agent of social change in countries like Iran, where censorship is prevalent, but most literature on the subject has struggled to grasp what this new phenomenon actually means. In what ways does the Internet function differently to print culture? Are we seeing the construction of a new kind of public sphere? Will the Iranian blogosphere create a culture of dissidence, which eventually overpowers the Islamist regime? In this groundbreaking work, the authors give a flavour of contemporary Internet culture in Iran, and analyse how this new form of communication is affecting the social and political life of the country. Blogistan offers a new reading of Iranian politics, and a new conceptual framework for understanding the politics of the Internet, with major implications for China, the wider Middle East and beyond. 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781845116064 HARDBACK £45.00 9781845116071 PAPERBACK £14.99 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 18 NEW Far more than just a military conflict, the ‘War on Terror’ has been a struggle over values and meanings, a desperate contest for hearts and minds in which language has become the battlefield. In this highly original book, Fred Halliday takes us on a tour of this new warzone, its artillery and trenches, minefields and booby-traps. Drawing on years of painstaking collation, Halliday shows how the ‘War on Terror’ has brought us not just new words, such as ‘Gitmo’, and new imports, such as ‘jihad’, but also new ways of using existing language, such as ‘extraordinary rendition’. Scanning the pock-marked semantic landscape of the post 9/11 world, he uncovers hidden twists of phrasing and word associations, which in themselves tell a story about the violent clash of ideologies that has marked the opening of the 21st century. Part indispensable reference, part polemic, part entertaining snapshot of our times, Shocked and Awed is a bristling arsenal of the 21st century’s most potent weapons: words. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848850316 PAPERBACK £12.99 Narratives of IsraeliPalestinian History Ilan Pappé, University of Exeter and Jamil Hilal, Palestinian Institution for the Study of Democracy in Ramallah (Eds) NEW Across the Wall arose from a unique collaboration between scholars from Israel and the Palestinian territories, seeking to arrive at a shared framework for studying the history of this troubled land. Ilan Pappe and Jamil Hilal, among the top academics in Israel and Palestine respectively, brought historians from both sides of the wall together for dialogue on history, identity, and the meaning of the conflict. In the volume, they argue persuasively for the concept of a ‘bridging narrative’, a historiographical discourse which can accommodate seemingly incompatible national meta-narratives. Proceeding from this innovative theoretical framework, Across the Wall then goes on to offer critical examinations of some of the most contested issues in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: the 1948 ‘Nakba’, the 1967 war, the occupation, and the formation of the PLO. The result is a radical new take on the history of Israel/Palestine. PALESTINIANS IN LEBANON Long-term Displacement and Refugee Coping Mechanisms Rebecca Roberts NEW Palestinian refugees in Lebanon refer to themselves as ‘the forgotten people’. Sixty years on, tens of thousands still live in temporary shelters, in overcrowded unsanitary camps where unemployment and poverty levels are high. Denied basic human rights, they are neglected by the humanitarian community, ignored by the international media. This pioneering book explores the experiences of the oldest and largest single refugee group in the world. Drawing upon comprehensive research in the twelve official refugee camps in Lebanon, the author examines the impact of protracted refugee status on the coping mechanisms developed by refugees. Palestinians in Lebanon provides a long overdue account of one of the most neglected refugee communities in the world. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781845119713 HARDBACK £54.50 INT. LIB. OF POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT,VOL. 4 480 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9781848853454 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 88 www.ibtauris.com 5 ’ ‘ An impressive and powerful book – New Statesman review of Defeat, see page 9 POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS / GENERAL STABILITY AND CHANGE IN THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST Kjetil Selvik, University of Oslo and Stig Stenslie, Norwegian Defence Staff NEW In this ground-breaking book, aimed at a new generation of students, Stig Stenslie and Kjetil Selvik provide a new introduction to the contemporary Middle East, using topical questions about stability and change as a way of interrogating the politics, economics and history of the region. How have regimes from North Africa to the Gulf perpetuated themselves in spite of the weakness of the western-style state, the Islamist trend, and the destabilising effects of war and terrorism? What strategies have states used to control their societies, and how have both states and societies adapted over time? Both an accessible reference resource and a thoughtprovoking analysis, Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East introduces the key theoretical concepts for understanding the region and the freshest thinking on debates surrounding them, and brings the empirical material into sharp focus through its unique thematic approach. 6 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848855854 HARDBACK £56.50 9781848855892 PAPERBACK £15.99 3 MAPS BEYOND ISLAM A New Understanding of the Middle East Sami Zubaida, Birkbeck College, University of London NEW In this magisterial work, Sami Zubaida draws on a distinguished career’s worth of experience trying to understand the region to address the fundamental question in Middle East studies: what is the Middle East? He argues, controversially, that to see it through the prism of Islam, as it is conventionally viewed, is to completely misunderstand it. Many of what we think of as the ‘Islamic’ characteristics of the region are products of culture and society, not religion. To think of Islam itself as an essential, antimodern force in the region rather than something shaped by specific historicaleconomic processes is, Zubaida argues, a mistake. Instead, he offers us an alternative view of the region, its historic cosmopolitanism, its religious and cultural diversity, its rapid adoption of new media cultures, which reveals a multi-faceted and complex region teeming with multiple identities. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848850699 HARDBACK £49.50 9781848850705 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 84 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 SHI’I ISLAM AND IDENTITY NEW Religion, Politics and Change in the Global Muslim Community ARAB CULTURAL STUDIES Mapping the Field Lloyd Ridgeon, University of Glasgow The contemporary world is increasingly regarded as a global community in which traditional patterns of social organisation, faith and practice are rapidly being transformed. These changes are evident in many religious traditions, and Shi’i Islam is no exception. This book seeks to investigate the nature of contemporary Shi’ism, focusing on the creation of identities – showing the diversity of thought within the Shi’i world, the transnational nature of Shi’i networks, and the forces of tradition and modernity influencing current developments in Shi’i identity. Contents: Introduction; The Construction of Nationalistic and Shi’i Identities in Iranian Schoolbooks; Iranian Identity in the West: A Discursive Approach; Emotion and SelfControl: A Framework for Analysis of Shi’i Mourning Rituals; The Sadrists between Mahdism, Neo-Akhbarism and Usuli Orthodoxy: Examples from Southern Iraq; Islamism among the Shi’a of Afghanistan: From Social Revolution to Identity-Building; Contested Post-Ottoman Alevi and Bektashi Identities and their Shi’a Component; The Africanisation of ‘Ashura in Senegal; The alKhoei Foundation and the Transnational Institutionalisation of Ayatullah al-Khu’i’s marja’iyya; Are the Alevis Shi’i?; European Islam in the Iranian Ittihadiyeh 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2011 9781848856493 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES RESET MIDDLE EAST Old Friends and New Alliances: Saudi Arabia, Israel,Turkey, Iran Stephen Kinzer NEW Peace and democracy in the Middle East have been the aim of world leaders for generations, yet the US, UK or their closest allies in the region have been behind nearly every war in the Middle East in the last century. How did the West get everything so wrong? In this concise and readable book Stephen Kinzer takes the reader on a tour of modern Middle Eastern history, highlighting the errors, alliances and betrayals all acted out for what was shortsightedly seen as being in the interest of Western states. His insight and historical knowledge culminate in the startling conclusion that the US has allied with the wrong Middle Eastern states. Rather than Israel and Saudi Arabia,America’s natural allies are Iran and Turkey. 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848857650 PAPERBACK £9.99 Tarik Sabry (Ed.), University of Westminster NEW Arab Cultural Studies is a fast emerging field of research and study in Middle East and western universities. In this book, prominent scholars, writing from both Arab and western academia, discuss for the first time the ways in which this nascent area can be conceptualised and theorised. They provide a meta-narrative about how scholars have thus far thought and unthought the field, engaging with key complex, epistemic and methodological questions. At the same time they are articulating the new kinds of language and hermeneutics necessary in order to appropriate an historically conscious and coherent field of scientific enquiry into contemporary Arab media, culture and society. The book throughout reflects on and engages in an interdisciplinary discussion on the different facets of Arab cultural studies, including gender, economy, epistemology, language, method, politics, literary and cultural criticism and much more. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848855588 HARDBACK £51.50 9781848855595 PAPERBACK £17.99 CONSTRUCTING POLITICAL ISLAM AS THE NEW OTHER NEW America and its Post-War on Terror Politics Corinna Mullin, Richmond American International University in London Why did political Islam so readily occupy the position of enemy ‘other’ for the United States in the context of what the American political leadership of the time labelled the ‘War on Terror’? In a wide-ranging analysis of the historical and ideological roots of U.S. discourse on political Islam, Corinna Mullin examines the ways in which this new ‘other’ came to perform both an identityconstructing role for Americans and a politically expedient, rhetorical justification for mainstream U.S. political thought and action concerning the Muslim world. Contents: Introduction; Deconstructing the International Relations Meta-Narrative: Creating Space for Theorizing on Political Islam; The Impact of the ‘Modern Rationalist’ Approach on the Study of Political Islam; A Brief History of the Development of ‘American Orientalism’; Construction of the ‘Savage’ Islamist Other in the ‘War on Terror’ Discourse; Construction of the Innocent ‘Victim’ and Angel ‘Savior’ in the ‘War on Terror’ Discourse; Conclusion: Critical Reflection and Dialogue: A New Approach to Understanding Political Islam and Avoiding the Proverbial ‘Clash of Civilisations’. 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848852686 HARDBACK £51.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 47 ’ ‘ Subtle, faultlessly researched, wide-ranging, balanced and well written – Daily Telegraph review of Ahmadinejad, see page 10 POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS / GENERAL CULTURAL ENCOUNTERS IN THE ARAB WORLD On Media, the Modern and the Everyday Tarik Sabry, University of Westminster NEW In this groundbreaking book, Tarik Sabry is seeking out the terrain for best understanding the experience of being modern in transitional societies. He adopts a dynamic, ethnographically based approach to the meanings of ‘modernness’ in the Arab context and, within a relational framework, focuses on structures of thought, everydayness and selfreferentiality to explore the process of building a bridge that rejoins the ‘modern’ in Arab thought with the ‘modern’ in Arab lived experience. In bringing together modernity as a philosophical category with the bridging spaces of Arab everyday life, Sabry is offering fresh methods of comprehending the question of what it means to be modern in the Arab world today. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848853591 HARDBACK £42.50 9781848853607 PAPERBACK £14.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 89 THE NEW ARAB JOURNALIST Mission and Identity in a Time of Turmoil Lawrence Pintak, Washington State University NEW The Arab media is in the midst of a revolution. It is an upheaval that will impact on questions of war and peace in the Middle East, political and societal reform, and relations between the West and the Arab World. This innovative book breaks through the stereotypes about Arab journalists to reveal the fascinating and complex reality –and what it means for the rest of us. Drawing on the first broad cross-border survey of Arab journalists, first-person interviews with scores of reporters and editors, and his three decades’ experience reporting from the Middle East, Lawrence Pintak examines how these journalists see themselves and their mission at this critical time in the evolution of the Arab media. He examines how the arrival of Al Jazeera sent shock waves across the Arab media landscape; how hundreds of Arab satellite channels, newspapers, magazines, and crusading bloggers now operate, and how journalists are under siege as governments fight to manage their message. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848850989 HARDBACK £54.50 9781848850996 PAPERBACK £16.99 20 INTEGRATED B&W LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 85 THE POLITICS AND PRACTICES OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE MIDDLE EAST NEW INTELLECTUALS AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE MIDDLE EAST Irene Maffi, University of Lausanne, and Rami Daher, German-Jordan University, Amman (Eds) Pittsburgh Positioning the Material Past in Contemporary Societies During the nineteenth century, cultural heritage became a dominant feature of the political ideology of the European states and of their colonies. The set of concepts and practices defining cultural heritage were exported to, and imposed over, the colonized populations in North Africa and the Near East. Here, expert scholars come together to unravel the complex processes involved in the definition, production and consumption of heritage and its material culture in the Middle East, and the dynamics of the key actors involved: NGOs, institutions, donor agencies, specialists, investors, individuals, families and the public. Contents: Introduction; I. Historical Premises; II. Arab Landscapes of Heritage; III. Local Actors and International Fluxes in the Heritage Domain; Notable Families and Urban Heritage Activists as Emergent Local Actors; Conclusion: The Destiny of a Western Paradigm in the Arab World. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848855359 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 101 RELIGIOUS MINORITIES OF THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST A Complete Survey of Non-Muslim Communities Erica C.D. Hunter, SOAS NEW The subject of Islam increasingly attracts global attention. This is to the degree that Middle Eastern commentators sometimes seem to assume that the region, despite wellknown Shia-Sunni distinctions, is almost homogeneously Muslim. But non-Muslim communities have, for many centuries, played a vital and significant role in the area’s rich religious and cultural fabric, and deserve proper assessment in their own right. This timely book offers a lively and comprehensive survey of all the religious communities, other than the Muslim majorities, who inhabit the Middle East today. Separate chapters discuss the history and beliefs of the Alevis, Baha’i, Christians, Druze, Jews, Mandaeans, Samaritans, Yezidis and Zoroastrians, highlighting the unique identity and fascinating character of each tradition. Scholars of international repute explore the current position of these communities, and their relationships to their neighbours. 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848851351 HARDBACK £54.50 1 MAP Liberalism, Modernity and Political Discourse NEW Mohammed A.Bamyeh (Ed.), University of What is the nature of intellectual activity in the Middle East, and what is its role in politics and society? While much scholarly attention has been given to the intelligentsia in the West, a comprehensive analysis of the social role of intellectuals in the Middle East has until now been lacking. Contents: Introduction; The Social Dynamism and the Organic Intellectual; Part 1: Intellectuals as Modern Vanguard; Nazik al-‘Abid and the Nur al-Fayha’ Society: Independent Modernity, Colonial Threat and the Space of Women ; Edification Between Sect and Nation: Murad Farag and al-Tahdhib 1901-03; The Public Intellectual and the Secret Society: AlKawakibi and his Legacy; Part II: Intellectuals as defenders of Heritage; The ‘Alim as Public Intellectual: Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi as a Scholar-Activist; Founders of Islam in Republican Turkey: Kısakürek and Topçu; Islamist Intellectuals and Women in Turkey; Part III: Intellectuals as Migrants; Leading Arab Intellectuals in the West: the Cases of Mohamed Arkoun and Edward Said; Some Distinctive Features of Mahjar Arab Intellectuals: On Hisham Sharabi and Halim Barakat; Conclusion. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848856288 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES IMPERIAL IDENTITY IN MUGHAL INDIA NEW Memory and Dynastic Politics in Early Modern Central Asia Lisa Balabanlilar, Rice University,Texas Having monopolized Central Asian politics and culture for over a century, the Timurid ruling elite was forced from its ancestral homeland in Transoxiana at the turn of the sixteenth century by an invading Uzbek tribal confederation. The Timurids travelled south: establishing themselves as the new rulers of a region roughly comprising modern Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India, and founding what would become the Mughal Empire (1526-1857).The last survivors of the House of Timur, the Mughals drew invaluable political capital from their lineage, which was recognized for its charismatic genealogy and court culture – the features of which are examined here. Contents: Introduction: Central Asian Empire – Identity and Legacy; Part 1: The Development of an Imperial Court Culture in Mughal India: 1.The Development of a Dynastic Memory; 2. The Timurid-Mughal Landscape and Peripatetic Royal Court; Part 2: The Inheritance of Traditional Models of Behaviour within the Timurid-Mughal Family; 1.Women in TimuridMughal Dynastic Politics; 2. Princes and the Imperial Secession; Conclusion: The Timurid Kings of India 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM MAY 2011 9781848857261 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES www.ibtauris.com 7 ‘ ’ wide-ranging and provocative new book – Independent on Sunday review of Last Chance see page 5 POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS / GENERAL THE FORMATION OF ARAB REASON Text,Tradition and the Construction of Modernity in the Arab World Mohammed Abed alJabri, University of Rabat NEW Since the earliest period of Islamic history, Arab thought has been dominated by a reverence for tradition and textual analysis. In this groundbreaking work, the great contemporary Arab philosopher Mohammed Abed Al-Jabiri seeks to chart a route towards modernity via the proposition that respect for textualism and tradition are not inconsistent with rationalism and that both history and philosophy are key to the evolution of knowledge systems and ways of reasoning in Arab culture.This book has been an enormous influence within the Arab world on the ‘Islam and Modernity’ discourse. It is published here for the first time in English and provides a fascinating insight into the currents of contemporary Arab thought. 320 PAGES 324 X 156MM AUGUST 2010 9781848850613 HARDBACK £54.50 CONTEMP.ARAB SCHOLARSHIP IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES,VOL. 5 8 REFUGEE STATUS IN ISLAM Tamar Ashuri, Sapir Academic College, What are the views, principles and regulations of the Islamic tradition concerning refugee status? Are there any similarities between the Islamic tradition relating to the laws of aman (safe conduct) and the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees? In this book,Arafat Shoukri delves into fifteen centuries of Arab and Islamic history examining hundreds of ancient sources to establish Islam’s position on refugees. This is the first examination of the 1951 Geneva Convention on refugees from an Islamic perspective. In adopting this approach, Shoukri is able to compare and contrast the principles of international law with those of the Islamic tradition. Producing Shared Memory and National Identity in the Global Television Era Ashkelon Here Ashuri provides a groundbreaking study of the changes in the television industry through the vantage point of an illuminating mode of television production, international co-productions. Enriching political economy studies of media by exploring the cultural negotiations at the heart of television production process, and highlighting the economic processes that underlie the contested constructions of national histories. Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: ‘The Television Documentary’ and the Representation of National Identity and Shared Memory; Chapter 2: Television, Nationalism, and Globalization; Chapter 3: Co-Producing Television Programmes; Chapter 4: The Cultural Economy of ‘Televised History’ through the Lenses of ‘The Fifty Year War: Israel and the Arabs’ Pre-production; Chapter 5: Editing Nation and Culture: the Three Final Cuts; Chapter 6:TV ‘Tension’: Globalization vs. Nationalism and Shared vs. Cosmopolitan Memory in Co-Produced Television Documentaries; Conclusion. PERCEPTIONS OF ISLAM IN EUROPE NEW Ghoncheh Tazmini Hakan Yilmaz, Bogaziçi University,Turkey and Çagla E. Aykaç, Ecole des Hautes The Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the Iranian Revolution of 1979 are two examples of dramatic, sudden and extraordinary political upheaval that significantly altered the nature of the state and society in the modern age. Here, Ghoncheh Tazmini provides an unprecedented comparative study of these two major revolutions of the twentieth century, which although removed from each other both spatially and temporally, have striking similarities. Contents: Chapter 1: Revolution and Modernisation:The Theoretical Context; Chapter 2: Historical Patterns of Modernisation from Above; Chapter 3: Modernising Romanov Russia and Pahlavi Iran; Chapter 4: Preserving the Russian Autocrat and the Iranian Despot; Chapter 5: The Revolutionary Movement and Moment; Chapter 6: Post-revolutionary Modernisation: Alternative Modernities; Chapter 7: Transcending the Modernisation Dilemma; 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848855540 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES , VOL. 51 Arafat Shoukri, Palestinian Return Centre Contents: Chapter 1: The jiwar in the jahiliyya; Chapter 2: Jiwar in the Islamic Tradition in the Meccan period; Chapter 3:Aman (safe conduct) in the Islamic Tradition; Chapter 4:The 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of refugees in the light of the Islamic tradition. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848853904 HARDBACK £56.60 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF MIGRATION STUDIES, VOL. 7 VOICES OF JIHAD Culture, Identity and the Muslim ‘Other’ New Writings on Radical Islam Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (Eds) Stratfor geopolitical analysts With the perceived gap between Islam and Europe widening, leading scholars in this work come together to provide genuine and realistic analyses about perceptions of Islam in the West. Contents: Theoretical Essays: Islam and European Modernity in Historical Perspective: Towards a Cosmopolitan Perspective; Rethinking Gender Roles in Europe through Encounters with Islam; Islam: Western Modes of Use and Abuse; Constructions of European Identity in Relation to the Muslim ‘Other’ during the Age of Globalisation; Europeanization and deEuropeanization of Islam; Case Studies: Islam and the European Union: Exploring the Issue of Discrimination; From Polish Muslims to Muslims in Poland: There and Back; Imagining Islam: European Encounters with the Muslim World through the Lens of German Textbooks; Teaching Integration: Shifting Notions of the Place of Religion in the Public Sphere in the Netherlands; Institutionalization of Islam in France: the Case of the French Council of Muslim Worship; Institutionalizing British and Italian Islam:Attitudes and Policies; Transformations of Islamism and Changing Perceptions of Europe in Turkey. 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM NOVEMBER 2011 9781848851641 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN RELIGION,VOL. 14 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 Concepts of Protection in Islamic Tradition and International Law 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9781845118143 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 73 REVOLUTION AND REFORM IN RUSSIA AND IRAN NEW Modernisation and Politics in Revolutionary States NEW THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT IN THE MEDIA NEW Kamran Bokhari, NEW The twenty-first century has seen an unprecedented radicalisation of Muslims across the world. In some cases, this has led to terror and violence.Yet as the west pours huge military resources into the ‘war on terror’, we still know very little about the ideology which drives the terrorists. Now, for the first time, Kamran Bokhari has made it possible to hear and to digest today’s militant Islam in its own words. Bokhari’s carefully contextualised selection introduces us to radical Islamist thinking on a range of issues such as their perception of Western concepts of democracy, their scepticism towards the Middle East peace process and how to deal with the west. For anyone who wants to understand the phenomenon of contemporary militant Islam, or who wants to know what motivates terrorist thinking, this book is essential reading. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781845111304 HARDBACK £42.50 9781845111311 PAPERBACK £12.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 53 ‘ ’ Well researched, well written, impeccably sourced and balanced, accurate, reliable and above all, amazingly clear and comprehensible – The Times review of Frontline Pakistan, see page 11 POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS / GENERAL ISLAMIST RADICALISATION IN EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST NEW Reassessing the Causes of Terrorism George Joffé (Ed.), Cambridge University Are today’s radicals tomorrow’s extremists? Are adherents to Islamism necessarily extremist or violent? Most analyses of violence emanating from the Middle East or from Europe’s Muslim communities tend to assume that this is the case. Not so in this book. Instead, with a wide-ranging and caseby-case approach, it seeks to look beyond these assumptions, examining the specific contexts of radicalism and asking what creates the conditions for radicalisation. Contents: Chapter One: Introduction; Chapter Two: Methodological Issues; Chapter Three: Islam and Radicalism; Chapter Four: Muslims in the UK; Chapter Five: Muslims in the UK (Literary Analysis); Chapter Six: Radicalism in Literary Terms (Pakistan); Chapter Seven: Radicalism in Iraq; Chapter Eight: Kurdish Radicalisation in Turkey; Chapter Nine: Radicalisation in Egypt; Chapter Ten: Radicalisation in Palestine; Chapter Eleven: Radicalisation in Israel; Chapter Twelve: Radicalism in Lebanon; Chapter Thirteen: Radicalism in the Gulf; Chapter Fourteen: Radicals in Yemen; Chapter Fifteen: Radicalisation in Iran. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM MAY 2011 9781848854802 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 51 ISLAM, ORIENTALISM AND INTELLECTUAL HISTORY NEW Modernity and the Politics of Exclusion since Ibn Khaldun Mohammad R. Salama, San Francisco State University As the events and aftermath of 9/11 have shown, the relationship between Islam and the West is deeply troubled. Here Mohammad Salama calls for a new understanding of Islam as a historical condition that has existed in relationship to the West since the seventh century. Focusing on Ibn Khaldun, the complexities of orientalism and modernity, and recent European as well as Arab writings on these themes, this book is essential for all those interested in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies, Western and Islamic philosophies of history, and modernity. Contents: Introduction;1. History and Fiction, Or, How the Writing of History Became a Discourse of Conquest; 2. European Modernity and the Relocation of Islam in History; 3. The Emergence of the Arab as a Historical Category in the Eighteenth-Century European Imagination; 4. How did Islam make it into Hegel’s Philosophy of World History?; 5. Colonization and its Discontents: Conquering the Islamic Other; 6. Postcolonial Battles over Ibn Khaldun: Intellectual History between Arab Nationalism and Western Ethnocentrism; Epilogue: Historicizing the Global, Politicizing Islam, Giving Violence a New Name; 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848850057 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 22 FUNDAMENTALISM IN THE MODERN WORLD VOL 1 NEW Fundamentalism, Politics and History: The State, Globalisation and Political Ideologies Ulrika Mårtensson, Jennifer Bailey, Priscilla Ringrose and Asbjørn Dyrendal (Eds) all at Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Trondheim CONTESTED SOVEREIGNTIES Government and Democracy in Middle Eastern and European Perspectives Elisabeth Özdalga and Sune Persson 234 PAGES 275 X 172MM 9789197881302 PAPERBACK £22.50 4 FIGURES AND 2 TABLES SWEDISH RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN ISTANBUL DEFEAT Why They Lost Iraq Jonathan Steele, Foreign How does religious fundamentalism operate in modern global society? This two-volume series analyses the dynamics of fundamentalism and its relationship to the modern state, the public sphere and globalisation. In this first volume, fundamentalism is approached from the perspective of state and community building, ideology and practices within the context of global society, and the ways in which fundamentalism is intertwined with issues of politics, state power, democracy, globalisation, political activism and political ideology.This is an important study of an increasingly significant and controversial aspect of modern society. Correspondent for The Guardian 320 PAGES 198 X 129MM 2009 978 1 84885 077 4 PAPERBACK £9.99 OPIUM Uncovering the Politics of the Poppy Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy, CNRS 264 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 973 7 HARDBACK £19.50 Contents Part 1: State and Nation Formation; Part 2: Practices and Ideologies 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848853300 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 44 DARK CRUSADE Christian Zionism and US Foreign Policy Clifford A. Kiracofe, Jr, Washington and Lee University 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 754 2 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 755 9 PAPERBACK £15.99 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 31 FUNDAMENTALISM IN THE MODERN WORLD VOL 2 NEW CRADLE OF ISLAM The Hijaz and the Quest for Identity in Saudi Arabia Mai Yamani, Royal Institute of International Affairs Fundamentalism and Communication: Culture, Media and the Public Sphere Ulrika Mårtensson, Jennifer Bailey, Priscilla Ringrose and Asbjørn Dyrendal (Eds), all at Norwegian University of Science and Technology,Trondheim How does religious fundamentalism operate in modern global society? This two-volume series analyses the dynamics of fundamentalism and its relationship to the modern state, the public sphere and globalisation.This second volume explores the links between fundamentalism and communication: the rise of fundamentalism as a mass media phenomenon, fundamentalist communication in the public sphere, national cultural identities and the rise of a ‘global society’. Contents Part 1: Formatting the Public Sphere; Part 2: Formatting Religion 248 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 824 2 PAPERBACK £14.99 NARRATING ISLAM Interpretations of the Muslim World in European Texts Gerdien Jonker and Shiraz Thobani, Institute of Ismaili Studies, London (Eds) 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2010 978 1 84511 978 2 HARDBACK £56.50 20 INTEGRATED B&W ILLUSTRATIONS LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 80 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES ISLAM AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE 328 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848853317 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 45 FUNDAMENTALISM IN THE MODERN WORLD 2 VOLUME SET Ulrika Mårtensson, Jennifer Bailey, Priscilla Ringrose & Asbjørn Dyrendal 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848856288 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Muslim Diaspora and Radicalism in the West Shahram Akbarzadeh, University University of Melbourne and Fethi Mansouri, Deakin 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM JUNE 2010 978 1 84885 197 9 PAPERBACK £15.99 www.ibtauris.com 9 ‘ ’ Frank, honest account – The Times review of Bad Days in Basra, see page 10 POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS / GENERAL KHOMEINI APOCALYPTIC ISLAM AND IRANIAN SHI’ISM Life of the Ayatollah Baqer Moin, Former head of BBC’s Persian Service University ISLAM, THE PEOPLE AND THE STATE The Political Economy of European Direct Investment in Egypt Political Ideas and Movements in the Middle East Ashraf Mishrif, Anglia Ruskin University 320 PAGES 216 X 134 JUNE 2010 978 1 84885 336 2 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF ECONOMICS,VOL. 17 Marta Bolognani, Lahore University of Sami Zubaida, Birkbeck College, University of London 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 823 5 PAPERBACK £12.99 DYING FOR FAITH Religiously Motivated Violence in the Contemporary World Management Sciences, Pakistan 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 833 4 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF CRIME AND CRIMINOLOGY,VOL. 1 Madawi Al-Rasheed & Marat Shterin both at King’s College, London (Eds) KASHMIR IN CONFLICT India, Pakistan and the Unending War Victoria Schofield 10 336 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2010 978 1 84885 105 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 686 6 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 687 3 PAPERBACK £15.99 BAD DAYS IN BASRA My Time as Britain’s Man in Southern Iraq KHATAMI AND GORBACHEV Hilary Synnott, Institute of Strategic Studies Zhand Shakibi, London School of Economics PIPELINES Politics of Change in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the USSR 400 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2010 978 1 8488 5 139 9 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 38 Alison Pargeter, King’s 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 124 3 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 981 2 PAPERBACK £16.99 INVESTING IN THE MIDDLE EAST Race, Culture and the Politics of Criminology among British Pakistanis Radical Islam in Europe Abbas Amanat, Yale 352 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 790 0 PPAERBACK £16.99 CRIME AND MUSLIM BRITAIN THE NEW FRONTIERS OF JIHAD 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 706 1 HARDBACK £17.99 Flowing Oil and Crude Politics Rafael Kandiyoti, Imperial College, London 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 390 2 HARDBACK £19.50 ISLAMIC REFORM AND CONSERVATISM ARAB TELEVISION TODAY Al-Azhar and the Evolution of Modern Sunni Islam Naomi Sakr, University of Indira Falk Gesink, Baldwin-Wallace College Westminster in Berea, Ohio 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 563 0 HARDBACK £42.50 978 1 84511 564 7 PAPERBACK £15.99 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978184511 936 2 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN RELIGION,VOL. 10 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES College, London 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 391 9 HARDBACK £18.99 WOMEN IN IRAQ The Gender Impact of International Sanctions Yasmin Al Jawaheri 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 647 7 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 648 4 PAPERBACK £16.99 IRAN AND THE RISE OF ITS NEOCONSERVATIVES The Politics of Tehran’s Silent Revolution Anoush Ehteshami & Mahjoob Zweiri, both at the University of Durham 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 388 9 HARDBACK £25.00 ADDICTED TO OIL America’s Relentless Drive for Energy Security Ian Rutledge, University of Sheffield 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 9781 84511 319 3 PAPERBACK £14.99 CURRENT TRANSFORMATIONS AND THEIR POTENTIAL ROLE IN REALIZING CHANGE IN THE ARAB WORLD ECSSR 528 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 873 6 HARDBACK £59.00 978 9 94800 874 3 PAPERBACK £19.50 EMIRATE CENTER OF STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH OVER-STATING THE ARAB STATE Politics and Society in the Middle East Nazih N. 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Ahmed, American University 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 257 9 PAPERBACK £13.99 OSAMA Jonathan Randal, Washington Post TEXTBOOK new THE FAILURE OF POLITICAL ISLAM 352 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 117 5 PAPERBACK £12.99 Olivier Roy, CNRS 256 PAGES 146 X 228MM 978 1 85043 880 9 PAPERBACK £15.99 new FRONTLINE PAKISTAN 240 PAGES 324 X 156MM 978 1 84511 266 0 HARDBACK £35.00 978 1 84511 802 0 PAPERBACK £9.99 LAW AND POWER IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY IN IRAN 318 PAGES 222 X 141MM 978185043 092 6 HARDBACK £30.00 Zahid Hussain, The Times 472 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 257 8 PAPERBACK £15.99 FACE TO FACE WITH POLITICAL ISLAM Shahram Chubin, Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Charles Tripp, SOAS The Path to Catastrophe and the Killing of Benazir Bhutto Gilles Kepel, CNRS, Paris new IRAN AND IRAQ AT WAR The Making of a Terrorist The Trail of Political Islam University LAND BEYOND PROMISE The True Story of Radical Islam JIHAD L. Carl Brown, Princeton The Untold Story of Militants, Martyrs and Spies AL-QAEDA TEXTBOOK The International Relations of Regional and Outside Powers Government, Harvard University Middle East Institute Zaki Chehab, journalist Economics DIPLOMACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST Jeremy Jones, John F. Kennedy School of INSIDE HAMAS Meghnad Desai, London School of TEXTBOOK NEGOTIATING CHANGE 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 269 1 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 270 7 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 58 The Ideology of the New Terror ISLAMIC BRITAIN Religion, Politics and Identity Among British Muslims Philip Lewis 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 815 1 PAPERBACK £13.99 Tangible Elements and Abstract Perspectives Modjtaba Sadria (Ed.), Aga Khan University 160 PAGES 260 X 185MM 978184885 183 2 PAPERBACK £24.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE AGA KHAN AWARD TEXTBOOK ISLAMIC MOVEMENTS The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 264 PAGES 234 X 256MM 978 9 94800 546 9 HARDBACK £39.50 978 9 94800 545 2 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH TEXTBOOK ISLAM AND THE MYTH OF CONFRONTATION Religion and Politics in the Middle East Fred Halliday, London School of Economics 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 959 2 PAPERBACK £13.99 www.ibtauris.com 11 ’ ‘ Without a doubt, this book is a major contribution to understanding the industry – Journal of Energy and Development review of Oil Politics, see page 13 POLITICS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS / GENERAL MIDDLE EASTERN POLITICS AND IDEAS TEXTBOOK Moshe Maoz & Ilan Pappé, Exeter University SATELLITE REALMS A History from Within 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 012 4 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 6 TEXTBOOK POLITICAL ISLAM A Reader Joel Beinin, Stanford University & Joe Stork, MERIP 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 098 8 PAPERBACK £16.99 RETHINKING ISLAMIST POLITICS Culture, the State and Islamism Salwa Ismail, University of Exeter 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 180 9 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 19 TEXTBOOK THE NEW VOICES OF ISLAM Reforming Politics and Modernity – A Reader Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), University 12 California State 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 274 5 HARDBACK £59.50 978 1 84511 275 2 PAPERBACK £15.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 63 TEXTBOOK MODERN ISLAMIC POLITICAL THOUGHT Hamid Enayat, late of Oxford Univesity, Foreword by Roy Mottahedeh, Harvard University 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 465 8 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 85043 466 5 PAPERBACK £15.99 TEXTBOOK THE NEW A–Z OF THE MIDDLE EAST Alain Gresh, Le Monde, Dominique Vidal, Journalist Le Monde 448 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 326 2 PAPERBACK £16.99 TEXTBOOK DEMOCRACY WITHOUT DEMOCRATS? The Renewal of Politics in the Muslim World Ghassan Salamé (Ed.), CNRS, Paris 352 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 866 3 PAPERBACK £16.99 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 Transnational Television, Globalization & the Middle East Naomi Sakr, University of Westminster 280 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 688 1 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 689 8 PAPERBACK £15.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 76 ARAB MEDIA AND POLITICAL RENEWAL Community, Legitimacy and Public Life Naomi Sakr (Ed.), University of Westminster 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 327 8 PAPERBACK £18.99 READING CONTEMPORARY TELEVISION SERIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 68 ARAB MEDIA IN THE INFORMATION AGE The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research REVOLUTIONS AND THE COLLAPSE OF MONARCHY Human Agency and the Making of Revolution in France, Russia and Iran Zhand Shakibi, London School of Economics 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 292 9 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF HISTORICAL STUDIES, VOL. 42 IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA AND THE GULF Power Politics in Transition Faisal bin Salman al-Saud 200 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 881 6 HARDBACK £51.50 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 22 AMERICAN ORIENTALISM United States and the Middle East since 1945 Douglas Little, Clark University, Massachusetts 408 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 889 2 HARDBACK £35.00 WATER, POWER & POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST 728 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 948 00 819 4 HARDBACK £59.50 978 9 948 00 818 7 PAPERBACK £29.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH The Other Israeli–Palestinian Conflict Jan Selby, University of TEXTBOOK Aberystwyth MUSLIMS AND THE NEWS MEDIA Elizabeth Poole, Staffordshire University & John E. Richardson, Loughborough University (Eds) 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 934 9 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 35 TEXTBOOK THE MIDDLE EAST WATER QUESTION 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 171 7 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 172 4 PAPERBACK £16.99 Hydropolitics and the Global Economy Tony Allan, University of London TEXTBOOK INTERNATIONAL INTERESTS IN THE GULF REGION The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 400 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 582 2 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 86064 813 7 PAPERBACK £25.00 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, VOL. 2 WATER, TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT 220 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 659 6 HARDBACK £54.50 978 9 94800 658 9 PAPERBACK £22.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH AUSTRALIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST A Front-line Relationship Fethi Mansouri (Ed.), Deakin University 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 209 7 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 28 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Upgrading Egypt’s Irrigation System Martin Hvidt 312 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 216 6 HARDBACK £65.00 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 17 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE GREATER MIDDLE EAST AND THE COLD WAR IRAN AND THE GULF US Foreign Policy Under Eisenhower and Kennedy A Search for Stability Jamal S. Al-Suwaidi (Ed.) 416 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 144 2 PAPERBACK £25.00 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH Roby C. Barrett, Washington DC Middle East Institute, 520 PAGES 234 X 156MM JULY 2010 978 1 84885 261 7 PAPERBACK £22.50 ‘ ’ Blow has painted a vivid profile of his man and will help the modern reader to a better understanding of today’s Shi‘ism – Literary Review review of Shah Abbas, see page 14 OIL POLICIES, OIL MYTHS The Observations of an OPEC Insider Fadhil J. Chalabi NEW The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, commonly known as OPEC, has been a notoriously opaque and mysterious organization. In this book, Fadil J. Chalabi, an insider who spent many years at the heart of the organization as Iraq’s permanent undersecretary for oil, invites us to discover the intrigue and arguments that have shaped OPEC policy since its inception in 1960. The author interweaves his analysis with first-hand experiences that give authenticity to momentous events, including the infamous 1975 Vienna hostage-taking when Carlos the Jackal kidnapped a number of OPEC ministers, including the author. From the time of Egypt under Nasser, Gaddafi’s Libya, Saddam’s Iraq and Khomeini’s Iranian revolution, Chalabi uses his unique position and his unparallelled insider knowledge to illuminate an organization that has, at times, been accused of fomenting economic turmoil, political unrest and even military action. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848855083 HARDBACK £35.00 OIL AND ENGERGY STUDIES GULF ENERGY AND THE WORLD Challenges and Threats The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 210 4 HARDBACK £42.00 978 1 86064 211 1 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH CASPIAN ENERGY RESOURCES Implications for the Arab Gulf States The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 232 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 383 5 PAPERBACK £17.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH CRUDE POWER Politics and the Oil Market Oystein Noreng, BI Norwegian School of Management 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 818 2 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 84511 023 9 PAPERBACK £17.99 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 21 BLACK SEA POLITICS OIL POLITICS A Modern History of Petroleum Francisco Parra 384 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84885 129 0 PAPERBACK £14.99 Ayse Ayata, Middle East Technical University, Ayca Ergun, Middle East Technical University & Isil Celimli, Columbia University (Eds) 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 035 2 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 8 OUT OF THE ENERGY LABYRINTH PRIVATIZATION & DEREGULATION IN THE GULF ENERGY SECTOR David Howell, former 168 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 410 8 HARDBACK £42.00 978 1 86064 411 5 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH Uniting Energy and the Environment to Avert Catastrophe Surrey Political Culture and Civil Society in an Unstable Region Secretary of State for Energy, and Carole Nakhle, University of 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 538 8 PAPERBACK £8.99 MAPS AND DIAGRAMS STRATEGIC POSITIONING IN THE OIL INDUSTRY Trends and Options Paul Steven (Ed.) 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 362 0 HARDBACK £42.00 978 1 86064 366 8 PAPERBACK £17.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research TEXTBOOK MANAGING THE OIL WEALTH OPEC’s Windfalls and Pitfalls Jahangir Amuzegar, Johns Hopkins University 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 292 0 HARDBACK £35.00 978 1 86064 648 5 PAPERBACK £17.99 THE FUTURE OF NATURAL GAS IN THE WORLD ENERGY MARKET The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 168 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 722 2 HARDBACK £47.50 978 1 86064 723 9 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH ILLUSTRATED TEXTBOOK GULF OIL IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE IRAQ WAR Strategies and Policies The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 753 1 HARDBACK £54.50 978 9 94800 752 4 PAPERBACK £19.50 ILLUSTRATED THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH TEXTBOOK RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN THE CHANGING GLOBAL ENERGY MARKET Implications for the Gulf The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 573 5 HARDBACK £54.50 978 9 94800 572 8 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH CHARTS AND TABLES THE GULF OIL AND GAS SECTOR Potential and Constraints The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 392 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 809 5 HARDBACK £59.50 978 9 94800 808 8 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS www.ibtauris.com 13 ‘ ... his subject’s extraordinary career deserves the attention he gives it – Sunday Times review of Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran, see page 17 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / IRAN ZOROASTRIANISM An Introduction IRAN AND THE WORLD IN THE SAFAVID AGE Jenny Rose, Claremont Willem Floor and Edmund Herzig, Graduate University NEW Zoroastrianism is one of the world’s great ancient religions. In present-day Iran, significant communities of Zoroastrians still practise the rituals and teach the moral precepts that once undergirded the officially state-sanctioned faith of the mighty Sasanian empire.This new, thorough and wide-ranging introduction will appeal to anyone interested in discovering more about the faith, and shows why Zoroastrianism remains one of the world’s most inspiring and perennially fascinating systems of ethics and belief. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848850873 HARDBACK £45.00 9781848850880 PAPERBACK £14.99 30 INTEGRATED B&W, 2 MAPS I.B.TAURIS INTRODUCTIONS TO RELIGION 14 ’ University of Manchester (Eds) NEW The Safavid era is of special significance in the history of Iran. The age is known for its wealth of contributions to Persian culture and to the arts of the Islamic world, its robust military encounters with its Ottoman and Mughal neighbours and growing contacts with western Europe. But little is known about the social, cultural, commercial and diplomatic relations of the Safavids with the rest of the world. Iran and the World in the Safavid Age presents the most recent research into Safavid Iran’s foreign relations. It challenges the long-held notion that, with the adoption of Shi’ism, Iranians retreated into relative isolation, suggesting rather that they engaged with the world in unprecedented and exciting ways. With contributions from the leading authorities in the field, Iran and the World in the Safavid Age explores Iran’s relations with other countries and cultures. 672 PAGES 234 X 156MM OCTOBER 2010 9781850439301 HARDBACK £45.00 25 B&W, 25 LINE DRAWINGS I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IRAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 2 THE HYMNS OF ZOROASTER A New Translation of the Most Ancient Sacred Texts of Iran With Introduction and Commentary by M.L. West, Emeritus Fellow of SHAH ABBAS The Ruthless King Who Became an Iranian Legend David Blow PERSIA IN CRISIS Safavid Decline and the Fall of Isfahan Rudi Matthee, University of Delaware NEW In this ground-breaking new book Rudi Matthee revisits traditional sources and introduces new ones to take a fresh look at Safavid Iran in the century preceding the fall of Isfahan in 1722. Matthee views Safavid Iran as a network of precarious alliances subject to perpetual negotiation and the society they ruled as an uneasy balance between conflicting forces. An increasingly detached, palace-bound shah; a weakening link between the capital and the outlying provinces; the regime’s neglect of the military and its shortsighted monetary policies combined to exacerbate rather than redress existing problems, leaving the country with a ruler too feeble to hold factionalism and corruption in check and a military unable to defend its borders against outside attack by Ottomans and Afghans.The scene was set for the Crisis of 1722. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM JANUARY 2011 9781845117450 HARDBACK £42.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IRAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 17 THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF IRAN UNDER THE QAJARS Society, Politics and Foreign Relations 1799 to 1921 Rutgers University Hooshang Amirahmadi, All Souls College, Oxford NEW Zoroaster was one of the greatest and most radical religious reformers in the history of the world. The faith that he founded some 2600 years ago in a remote region of central Asia flourished to become the bedrock of a great empire as well as its official religion. Zoroastrianism is still practised today in parts of India and Iran and in smaller communities elsewhere, where its adherents are known as Parsis. The foundation texts of this venerable system of belief are the founder’s own passionate poems, known as the Gathas (‘Songs’), and a short ritual composed soon after his death, called the Liturgy in Seven Chapters. These hymns are the authentic utterances of a religious leader whose thought was way ahead of his time, and are among the most precious relics of human civilisation. M.L.West’s new translation makes these powerfully resonant texts available to a wide audience in clear and accessible form. 200 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9781848853478 HARDBACK £45.00 9781848855052 PAPERBACK £14.99 1 MAP MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 BESTSELLER A ruthless autocrat who blinded and killed his own sons, but was revered as a hero by his own people. A brilliant warrior who restored his nation’s pride and territorial integrity by waging war on the foreign occupying forces, but chose an English knight to be his ambassador in the west. An aesthete whose artistic patronage made his country a centre of art and culture, whose religious devotion combined with realpolitik, helped to convert Shi’i Islam into a geopolitical phenomenon. Arguably Iran’s greatest ruler since the Arab invasion in the 7th century AD, Shah Abbas was an immensely complex and much misunderstood character who, despite often contradictory behaviour, changed the face of the Middle East forever. David Blow draws on a wide range of sources to present a colourful and compelling account of the life and times of one of history’s most extraordinary rulers. 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 9781845119898 PAPERBACK £14.99 8PP B&W PLATES AND 8PP COLOUR PLATES NEW This book provides a critical analysis of Iran’s economic, social and political development and shows how the path to modernity, far from smooth, was hindered by both internal and international factors. These included a powerful monarchy with little interest in administrative and economic reform, a large aristocracy frequently holding vital provincial governorships and frustrating effective central government and a failure to modernise the civil service, military, banking, finance or communications – the essential infrastructure for economic development. Reformers were marginalised and business suffered. And the all-powerful ulema were a further brake on modernisation. On the international front, the rivalry of Britain and Russia compounded the problems: both acting to control Iran and to further their own interests. Hooshang Amirahmadi reveals the roots of present-day challenges to modernisation and progress. 400 PAGES 234 X 156MM JULY 2011 9781848856721 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 30 ‘ ’ Required reading for a look at the nature of the Persian Empire as seen by the Persians – Guardian review of Ancient Persia, see page 17 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / IRAN JEWISH IDENTITIES IN IRAN NEW Resistance and Conversion to Islam and the Baha’i Faith THE IRAN CONNECTION Contents: Introduction; 1. Messianism and Assimilation: The Jewish Presence in Iran during the PreIslamic and Medieval Periods; 2. Forced and Voluntary Conversion of Jews in the Safavid and Early Qajar Periods; 3. Historical Background to Jewish Baha’i Conversions; 4. Group Conversions to Christianity and the Baha’i Faith; 5.A Pedlar Living through Critical Times: Reflections in Converts’ Memoirs; Epilogue; Notes; Bibliography. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781845118914 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN RELIGION,VOL. 9 NEW As Iran’s suspected nuclear ambitions place it on an apparent collision cause with the western powers and the Arab Gulf states, understanding its regional alliances takes on a huge strategic importance. The Lebanese group Hizbullah, the Palestinian group Hamas and Bashar al Asad’s Syria are all critical players in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the puzzle of their relationship to their Iranian allies has confounded diplomats for many years.Would Hizbullah start a war on Israel’s Northern border in the event of an Israeli airstrike on Iran? Can Syria be prised from the alliance? How will Hamas’s negotiating position evolve? Drawing on her unique access to decision-makers in Lebanon,Tehran and Damascus, Amal Saad Ghorayeb unpicks this unusual strategic bloc of secularists and Islamists, Arabs and Iranians, Sunni and Shia, and seeks to provide a rigorous analysis of its mechanics. The Iran Connection is essential reading for anyone looking to understand the real dynamics of today’s Middle East. BECOMING VISIBLE IN IRAN Women in Contemporary Iranian Society The Kurdish Question in Iran Abbas Vali, University of Wales NEW The Kurds are the largest stateless nation in the world. They live under the jurisdiction of four sovereign states – Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria – which deny their national identity and suppress its political and cultural manifestations.The diversity that springs from this division has deprived the Kurds of ideological cohesion and political unity. Offering a wealth of new information on the history and politics of Kurdish nationalism, this book also looks at the wider issues of stateless nations, their identities, rights and obligations and the problems such nations pose for normative political theory which presupposes the framework of the modern nation state. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2011 9781860640506 HARDBACK £39.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 26 Ghoncheh Tazmini Amal Saad Ghorayeb 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848857407 HARDBACK £29.95 MODERNITY AND THE STATELESS The Islamic Republic and the Turbulent Path to Reform Understanding the Alliance with Syria, Hizbullah and Hamas Mehrdad Amanat For minority faith groups living in nineteenthcentury Iran, religious conversion to Islam –both voluntary and forced – was the primary means of social integration and assimilation. However, why was it that some Persian Jews instead embraced the emergent Baha’i Faith, which was subject to harsher persecution than Judaism? Mehrdad Amanat explores the conversion experiences of Jewish families during this time, and examines the fluid, multiple religious identities that many converts adopted. KHATAMI’S IRAN Mehri Honarbin-Holliday, Canterbury Christ Church University BESTSELLER The state of women in Islamic societies is the subject of much interest and heated debate, even as representations in the media rely on inadequate information and misperceptions. Becoming Visible in Iran disputes the widespread stereotypes about Muslim women prevalent in the west, providing a vivid account of young women in contemporary Iran. Empowered by education, they transport the power of their minds and being from the domestic to the public and political. Contents: Introduction; 1. Histories, Transitions and Continuities; 2. Making Meaning, Acquiring Identities; 3. Presences; 4. Visions of a Civil Society; 5. Arrivals and Departures; Bibliography. 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 9781845118785 HARDBACK £52.50 15 B&W INTEGRATED INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 14 NEW PAPERBACK EDITION When Mohammed Khatami stormed to his 1997 election victory in a landslide result, the world waited anxiously for the reforms and radical changes that he would bring to the Iranian Presidency. By the end of his term in 2005, general disillusion had spread among his supporters. But when in early 2009 Khatami again announced his candidacy for the Presidency, he was greeted with massive enthusiasm and support. The Ahmadinejad period of the previous four years had dramatically restored the fortunes of this mild-mannered, cerebral cleric who sought to bring Iran into the twenty-first century, end its international isolation, mend relations with the US and take its place as the leading regional power. But who is this enigmatic cleric, so little known in the West, whose grasp of Iran’s realities seems so much firmer than that of many of the secular figures around him? This book for the first time reveals the background, formation and thinking of a man who may yet change the face of politics in the Middle East. 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848851825 PAPERBACK £14.99 CHRISTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH IRAN NEW Engaging Muslim Thinkers after the Revolution Sasan Tavassoli The interface between the current Shi‘ite landscape and Christian thinking is of the greatest significance for the shifting political and religious dynamics of the Middle East. Sasan Tavassoli here examines Iranian Shi‘ite thinkers’ encounters with Christian thought since the Islamic revolution of 1979, and provides insight into the cultural and intellectual climate surrounding ChristianMuslim dialogue in contemporary Iran. Contents: Acknowledgements; A Note on Translation, Romanization and Dates; Chapter 1: Iranian Shi‘ite Thinkers and the Christian Faith: A Theological Perspective; Chapter 2: Factors in Muslim-Christian Intellectual Encounters and Dialogue in Contemporary Iranian Society; Chapter 3: Iranian Shi‘ites and the Christian Faith: A Survey of Iranian Publications on Christianity; Chapter 4: Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Some Organizational Encounters; Chapter 5: Iranian Shi‘ites and Christian Thought:A Look at Three Liberal Religious Intellectuals; Chapter 6: Iranian Shi‘ites and the Christian Faith: Where Have They Come From and Where are They Heading; Bibliography of Works in English; Bibliography of Works in Farsi 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781845117610 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 19 www.ibtauris.com 15 ’ ‘ Abbas Milani’s biography of Hoveyda is a compelling read – Spectator review of The Persian Sphinx, see page 18 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / IRAN DRUGS, DEVIANCY AND DEMOCRACY IN IRAN NEW The Interaction of State and Civil Society THE IDEA OF IRAN SERIES Majid Mohammadi, Glenville State College, BIRTH OF THE PERSIAN EMPIRE Shi’i Ideologies in Islamist Discourse Janne Bjerre Christensen, University of West Virginia, Copenhagen In the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution, the government of the Islamic Republic initiated a stringent anti-drug campaign that included fining addicts, imprisonment, physical punishment and even the death penalty. Despite these measures, drug use was, and is still, commonplace. Drugs, Deviancy and Democracy in Iran is thus a unique account of Iran’s recent social and political history, drawing important conclusions about the complexity of state power, and the growing impact of civil society. Contents: Introduction: Drugs, NGOs and the Iranian State; Chapter 1: (Dis)locating the State: Order and Power; Chapter 2: The Iranian State and the Reform Movement: Debating Governance; Chapter 3: Countering the Discourse of Dialogue: NGOs and the State of Ahmadinezhad; Chapter 4: Changing Drug Policies: Institutionalizing a New Social Order; Chapter 5: Negotiating Normalcy: NGOs Treating Drug Users; Chapter 6: Shooting Drugs: Re-imagining the ‘Moral Public’; Conclusion:What is ‘Reform’?. 16 POLITICAL ISLAM IN POSTREVOLUTIONARY IRAN NEW 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2011 9781848856394 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 32 The relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the western World is fraught with challenges and tensions. In order to generate the capacity for greater engagement and dialogue, there is a need for the west to better understand the complex ideological developments that are central to Iran. Majid Mohammadi charts the central concepts and nuances of the ideological map of postrevolutionary Iran, and examines the rise and development of Shi’i Islamism. He recognises that the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iranian political discourse are the outcome of contesting perspectives and ideologies. Contents: Introduction; Early Shi’i Islamism: Revivalism and Revolution; Identity-oriented Islamism: Islam versus the West; Socialist Islamism: Ali Shari’ati; Nationalist Islamism; Mehdi Bazargan; Clerical Authoritarian Islamism: Ruhollah Khomeini; Shari’a-oriented Islamism: Morteza Motahhari; Justice-oriented Scripturalist Islamism: Mohammad Reza Hakimi; Mysticism-oriented Islamism: Abdolkarim Soroush; Militarist / Messianist Islamism: Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi; Fascist Islamism: Ahmad Fardid and Reza Davari 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848852761 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 24 The Idea of Iran,Vol. 1 Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis, British Museum, & Sarah Stewart, SOAS (Eds) 160 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 062 8 HARDBACK £49.50 ILLUSTRATED THE IDEA OF IRAN SERIES,VOL. 1 THE AGE OF THE PARTHIANS The Idea of Iran,Vol. 2 Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis, British Museum, & Sarah Stewart, SOAS (Eds) 176 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 406 0 HARDBACK £49.50 THE IDEA OF IRAN SERIES,VOL. 2 THE SASANIAN ERA The Idea of Iran,Vol. 3 Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis, British Museum, & Sarah Stewart, SOAS (Eds) 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM FEBRUARY 2008 978 1 84511 690 3 HARDBACK £39.50 THE IDEA OF IRAN SERIES,VOL. 3 THE RISE OF ISLAM The Idea of Iran,Vol. 4 Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis & Sarah Stewart (Eds) 128 PAGES 234 X 156MM FEBRUARY 2009 978 1 84511 691 0 HARDBACK £39.50 THE IDEA OF IRAN SERIES,VOL. 4 THE IDEA OF IRAN SERIES IS PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SOUDAVAR FOUNDATION A HISTORY OF PERSIAN LITERATURE Ehsan Yarshater, General Editor, Columbia University GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO PERSIAN LITERATURE A History of Persian Literature,Vol. I 600 PAGES 225 X 145MM AVAILABLE 978 1 84511 886 0 HARDBACK £59.50 PERSIAN POETRY IN THE CLASSICAL ERA, 800-1500 A History of Persian Literature,Vol. II 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM SEPTEMBER 2010 978 1 84511 903 4 HARDBACK £59.50 PERSIAN POETRY IN THE CLASSICAL ERA, 800-1500 A History of Persian Literature,Vol. III 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM SEPTEMBER 2010 978 1 84511 904 1 HARDBACK £59.50 PERSIAN POETRY, 1500-1900 A History of Persian Literature,Vol.VII MODERN FICTION AND DRAMA 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JANUARY 2011 978 1 84511 908 9 HARDBACK £59.50 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JUNE 2011 978 1 84511 914 0 HARDBACK £59.50 PERSIAN POETRY FROM OUTSIDE IRAN BIOGRAPHIES OF THE POETS AND WRITERS OF THE CLASSICAL PERIOD A History of Persian Literature,Vol.VIII 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JANURY 2011 978 1 84511 909 6 HARDBACK £59.50 PERSIAN PROSE FROM OUTSIDE IRAN A History of Persian Literature,Vol. IX 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JANUARY 2011 978 1 84511 905 8 HARDBACK £59.50 PERSIAN PROSE A History of Persian Literature,Vol V 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JANUARY 2011 978 1 84511 906 5 HARDBACK £59.50 RELIGIOUS AND MYSTICAL LITERATURE A History of Persian Literature,Vol.VI 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM SEPTEMBER 2011 978 1 84511 907 2 HARDBACK £59.50 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XIV 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JUNE 2011 978 1 84511 915 7 HARDBACK £59.50 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JANUARY 2011 978 1 84511 910 2 HARDBACK £59.50 BIOGRAPHIES OF THE POETS AND WRITERS OF THE MODERN PERIOD PERSIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM SEPTEMBER 2011 978 1 84511 916 4 HARDBACK £59.50 A History of Persian Literature,Vol. X 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM SEPTEMBER 2010 978 1 84511 911 9 HARDBACK £59.50 HEROIC EPIC A History of Persian Literature,Vol. IV A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XIII LITERATURE OF THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XI 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM MARCH 2011 978 1 84511 912 6 HARDBACK £59.50 MODERN PERSIAN POETRY, 1940 TO THE PRESENT A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XII 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM MARCH 2011 978 1 84511 913 3 HARDBACK £59.50 A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XV GENERAL INDEX A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XVI 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JANUARY 2011 978 1 84511 917 1 HARDBACK £59.50 LITERATURE OF PRE-ISLAMIC IRAN: COMPANION VOL I A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XVII 552 PAGES 225 X 145MM AVAILABLE 978 1 84511 887 7 HARDBACK £59.50 ORAL LITERATURE OF IRANIAN LANGUAGES: COMPANION VOL II A History of Persian Literature,Vol. XVIII 500 PAGES 225 X 145MM JUNE 2010 978 1 84511 918 8 HARDBACK £59.50 ’ ‘ ...a superb, gripping study of tyranny, madness and Iran – Sunday Telegraph review of Sword of Persia, see page 17 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / IRAN EPIC OF THE PERSIAN KINGS The Shahnameh of Ferdowsi Barbara Brend and Charles Melville, University of Cambridge (Eds) See Page 1 THE PALACE OF DARIUS AT SUSA Jean Perrot See Page 1 TEXTBOOK Josef Wiesehöfer, University of Kiel DECLINE AND FALL OF THE SASANIAN EMPIRE The Sasanian-Parthian Confederacy and the Arab Conquest of Iran Parvaneh Pourshariati 552 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 645 3 HARDBACK £45.00 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 10 TEXTBOOK SAFAVID PERSIA The History and Politics of an Islamic Society Charles Melville (Ed.), Cambridge University 432 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 086 5 PAPERBACK £22.50 PEMBROKE PERSIAN PAPERS SAFAVID IRAN Rebirth of a Persian Empire Andrew J. Newman 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 830 3 PAPERBACK £17.99 SLAVES OF THE SHAH New Elites of Safavid Iran Sussan Babaie, University of Michigan, Kathryn Babayan, University of Michigan, Ina Baghdiantz-McCabe, Tufts University, & Massumeh Farhad, Smithsonian Institution 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 721 5 HARDBACK £51.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 3 ILLUSTRATED CONVERTING PERSIA Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire Rula Abisaab, University of Akron, Ohio 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 970 7 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 1 THE PRACTICE OF POLITICS IN SAFAVID IRAN Power, Religion and Rhetoric Colin P. Mitchell, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 890 7 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PERSIAN STUDIES,VOL. 1 Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY AND ISLAMIC MILITANCY University Najibullah Lafraie Michael Axworthy, Exeter 352 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 999 8 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 86064 675 1 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED IN B&W Stepping into History Eden Naby See Page 1 THE SWORD OF PERSIA ANCIENT PERSIA THE ASSYRIANS OF THE MIDDLE EAST 368 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 982 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED DIPLOMACY AND MURDER IN TEHRAN Alexander Griboyedov and Imperial Russia’s Mission to the Shah of Persia Laurence Kelly 336 PAGES 198 X 126MM 978 1 84511 196 0 PAPERBACK £14.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS THE FIRE, THE STAR AND THE CROSS Minority Religions in Medieval and Early Modern Iran Aptin Khanbaghi, Cambridge University 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 056 7 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 5 The Iranian Revolution and Interpretations of the Quran 288 PAGES 2134 X 216MM 9781845110635 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 13 THE WORLD OF ACHAEMENID PERSIA John Curtis and St.John Simpson, British Museum 648PAGES 234 X 156MM MARCH 2010 978 1 84885 346 1 HARDBACK £59.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IRAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION THE QAJAR PACT Bargaining, Protest and the State in Nineteenth-Century Persia Vanessa Martin, Royal Holloway College 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 763 5 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 4 QAJAR PERSIA PIVOT OF THE UNIVERSE Eleven Studies Abbas Amanat 359 PAGES 222 X 141MM 978185043 041 4 HARDBACK £45.00 Nasir al-Din Shah and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831–1896 568 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2008 978 1 84511 828 0 PAPERBACK £16.99 16 B&W PLATES AND 7 INTEGRATED B&W IMAGES THE ENGLISH AMONGST THE PERSIANS Imperial Lives in Nineteenth-Century Iran Denis Wright 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 638 6 PAPERBACK £16.99 Ann K.S. Lambton THE FORGOTTEN SCHOOLS The Baha’is and Modern Education in Iran, 1899–1934 Soli Shahvar, University of Haifa 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 683 5 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 11 KHANS AND SHAHS A History of the Bakhtiyari Tribe in Iran STATE AND SOCIETY IN IRAN The Eclipse of the Qajars and the Emergence of the Pahlavis Homa Katouzian, St Antony’s College, Gene R. Garthwaite, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire Oxford 368 PAGES 234 X 156MM 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84885 096 5 PAPERBACK £17.99 978 1 84511 272 1 PAPERBACK £17.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 28 ILLUSTRATED IRAN’S CONSTITUTIONAL REVOLUTION IRAN: THE CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY Popular Politics, Cultural Transformations and Transnational Connections H.E. Chehabi, Boston University and Vanessa Martin, Royal Holloway, University of London (Eds) 512 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2010 9781848854154 HARDBACK £59.50 34 INTEGRATED B&W INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 28 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IRAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION 1941–1953 Fakhreddin Azimi 448 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 86064 980 6 PAPERBACK £16.99 IRAN IN THE 20TH CENTURY Historiography and Political Culture Touraj Atabaki (Ed.), University of Leiden 352 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 692 1 HARDBACK £54.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 20 www.ibtauris.com 17 ’ ‘ Offers an invaluable record of events in Iraq during the war – Middle East Magazine review of Battle in Iraq, see page 20 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / IRAN FRONTIER FICTIONS Shaping the Iranian Nation, 1804–1946 328 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 270 8 HARDBACK £56.50 528 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 434 4 HARDBACK £51.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 9 TEXTBOOK QAJAR IRAN AND THE RISE OF REZA KHAN 1796–1925 Nikki R. Keddie, UCLA 144 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 267 8 PAPERBACK £14.99 Ali Rahnema, American University of Paris 432 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 552 5 PAPERBACK £17.99 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 554 9 PAPERBACK £17.99 Joanna de Groot, University of York Heidi Walcher, SOAS A Political Biography of Ali Shari’ati University From the Qajars to Khomeini Zill al-Sultan and Isfahan under the Qajars AN ISLAMIC UTOPIAN Touraj Atabaki, Leiden RELIGION, CULTURE AND POLITICS IN IRAN IN THE SHADOW OF THE KING TEXTBOOK AZERBAIJAN Ethnicity and the Struggle for Power in Iran Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 571 6 HARDBACK £49.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 25 TEXTBOOK TEXTBOOK FROM PALACE TO PRISON Inside the Iranian Revolution CREATING AN ISLAMIC STATE Ehsan Naraghi, Tehran University Khomeini and the Making of a New Iran 392 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 704 8 HARDBACK £42.00 THE PERSIAN SPHINX Vanessa Martin, Royal Holloway College Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 900 4 PAPERBACK £16.99 400 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 328 6 HARDBACK £42.00 POLITICS OF CONFRONTATION Abbas Milani, College of Notre Dame LIVES, LIES AND THE IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR Ann Wroe 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978185043 558 7 PAPERBACK £17.99 The Foreign Policy of the USA and Revolutionary Iran Babak Ganji 328 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 084 0 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 27 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES TEXTBOOK THE CONSTITUTION OF IRAN ALL FALL DOWN America’s Fateful Encounter with Iran Politics and the State in the Islamic Republic Gary Sick 18 IRAN AND THE FIRST WORLD WAR Battleground of the Great Powers Touraj Atabaki, Leiden University 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 964 6 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 43 THE ARMY AND THE CREATION OF THE PAHLAVI STATE IN IRAN, 1910–1926 376 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978185043 009 4 HARDBACK £56.50 ISLAM AND MODERNISM The Iranian Revolution of 1906 254 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978185043 101 5 HARDBACK £51.50 SANCTIONING IRAN Vanessa Martin OCTOBER SURPRISE 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 105 3 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 12 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Gary Sick TEXTBOOK REBELS WITH A CAUSE The Failure of the Left in Iran Maziar Behrooz, San Francisco State University 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 630 0 PAPERBACK £16.99 ILLUSTRATED TEXTBOOK IRAN AND THE RISE OF REZA SHAH From Qajar Collapse to Pahlavi Power Cyrus Ghani 440 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 258 6 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 629 4 PAPERBACK £17.99 ILLUSTRATED MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 University of Berlin 336 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 253 1 PAPERBACK £19.99 Stephanie Cronin, University College Northampton Asghar Schirazi, Free America’s Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan 277 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978185043 528 0 HARDBACK £35.00 THE PRIEST AND THE KING An Eyewitness Account of the Iranian Revolution Desmond Harney 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 319 4 HARDBACK £42.00 978 1 86064 374 3 PAPERBACK £14.99 Anatomy of a Failed Policy Hossein Alikhani, Director, Centre for World Dialogue 448 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 626 3 HARDBACK £59.50 PRE-CAPITALIST IRAN A Theoretical History Abbas Vali 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 554 9 HARDBACK £59.50 SOCIETY AND CULTURE IN THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST TEXTBOOK THE SHAH AND I RELIGION AND POLITICS IN MODERN IRAN Asadollah Alam Lloyd Ridgeon, University The Confidential Diary of Iran’s Royal Court, 1968–77 576 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 372 8 PAPERBACK £14.99 RELIGION AND WAR IN REVOLUTIONARY IRAN Saskia Gieling, Catholic University of Nijmegen 216 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 407 8 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 18 A Reader of Glasgow 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 073 4 HARDBACK £59.50 978 1 84511 072 7 PAPERBACK £15.99 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES,VOL. 3 ‘ ’ Ritter’s revealing testimony confirms what some of us have suspected, but never heard set out so vividly – New Statesman review of Iraq Confidential, see page 21 IRAN TEXTBOOK IRAN’S ECONOMY UNDER THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC Jahangir Amuzegar, Johns Hopkins University ILLUSTRATED 416 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 104 6 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE ECONOMY OF IRAN The Dilemma of an Islamic State Parvin Alizadeh (Ed.), London Guildhall University 312 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 464 1 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES VOL. 29 TEXTBOOK MUSADDIQ AND THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER IN IRAN Homa Katouzian 328 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 290 6 PAPERBACK £16.99 THE COMPLETE FAUNA OF IRAN Eskandar Firouz, Former Director of the Department of the Environment in Iran 336 PAGES 240 X 170MM 978 1 85043 946 2 HARDBACK £59.50 ILLUSTRATED ALLOPATHY GOES NATIVE Traditional Versus Modern Medicine in Iran Agnes Loeffler, University of Wisconsin- Madison 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 942 4 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 6 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / IRAQ THE SLAVE GIRLS OF BAGHDAD NEW BABYLON The History of a Legend and its Afterlives Michael Seymour, British Museum NEW One of the greatest cities of the ancient world, Babylon has been eclipsed by its own sinful reputation. For two thousand years the real, physical metropolis lay buried while another, ghostly city lived on, engorged on accounts of its own destruction. More recently the site of Babylon has been the centre of major excavation: yet the spectacular results of this work have done little to displace the many other fascinating ways in which the city has endured and reinvented itself in culture. Why has Babylon so creatively fired the human imagination? Why has it been so enthralling to so many, and for so long? In exploring answers, Michael Seymour ranges across art, archaeology, history and literature. From Hammurabi and Nebuchadnezzar to Brueghel, Rembrandt, Voltaire, William Blake and modern interpreters like Umberto Eco, Italo Calvino and Gore Vidal, the author explores a carnival of disparate sources dominated by the intoxicating idea of depravity. 352 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848857018 HARDBACK £56.50 50 INTEGRATED BW HAMMURABI OF BABYLON Dominique Charpin, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne, Paris NOMAD A Year in the Life of a Qashqa’i Tribesman in Iran Lois Beck 503 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978185043 364 4 PAPERBACK £16.95 STRANGE TIMES IN PERSIA An Anthology of Contemporary Iranian Literature Nahid Mozaffari, New School, New York, & Ahmad Karimi Hakkak, University of Maryland (Eds) 496 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 416 9 HARDBACK £35.00 978 1 84511 417 6 PAPERBACK £12.99 NEW Hammurabi was the sixth king of ancient Babylon and also its greatest. Expanding the role and influence of the Babylonian city-state into an imperium that crushed its rivals and dominated the entire fertile plain of Mesopotamia, Hammurabi (who ruled c. 1792-1750 BCE) transformed a minor kingdom into the regional superpower of its age. But this energetic monarch, whose geopolitical and military strategies were unsurpassed in his time, was more than just a war-leader or empire-builder. Renowned for his visionary Code of Laws, Hammurabi’s famous codex – written on a stele in Akkadian, and publicly displayed so that all citizens could read it – pioneered a new kind of lawmaking. The Code’s 282 specific legal injunctions, alleged to have been divinely granted by the god Marduk, remain influential to this day, and offer the historian fascinating parallels with the biblical Ten Commandments. 312 X 234 X 156MM JUNE 2011 9781848857520 HARDBACK £55.00 The Qiyan in the Early Abbasid Era F. Matthew Caswell From the refined Geisha of the Imperial Court to the learned hetaerae of Ancient Greece, the captivating history of courtesans and slave girls transcends countless cultural boundaries and fields of academic study. The Slave Girls of Baghdad explores the origins, education and art of the ‘qiyan’ – indentured girls and women who entertained and entranced the caliphs and aristocrats who worked the labyrinths of power within ninthcentury Baghdad and throughout the Abbasid Empire. Through a detailed analysis of Islamic law, historical sources and poetry, F. Matthew Caswell examines the qiyans’ unique place in Abbasid society and their contested moral standing, providing a comprehensive overview and cultural comparison of an elusive and alluring institution.This fascinating history will be essential reading for all interested in the story of slavery along with the rich world of the Abbasid Empire more widely. Contents Introduction;The Social Scene; Ima’ Shawa‘Ir And Qiyan; Four Slave Women Poets Other Jawara Poets; Al-Ima’ Al-Shawa‘Ir as Eulogists;Al-Ima’ Al-Shawa‘Ir as Mourners;AlIma’ Al-Shawa‘Ir as Satirists And Lampoonists; Qiyan and H’ara’ir; Amatory Poetry; Singing; The Singing Slave Girls; Decline And Fall; Epilogue 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848855779 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 28 MAPPING FRONTIERS ACROSS MEDIEVAL ISLAM NEW Geography,Translation and the ‘Abbasid Empire Travis Zadeh, Haverford College, Pennsylvania The story of the 9th-century caliphal mission from Baghdad to discover the legendary barrier against the apocalyptic nations of Gog and Magog mentioned in the Quran, has been either dismissed as superstition or treated as historical fact. By exploring the intellectual and literary history surrounding the production and early reception of this adventure, Travis Zadeh traces the conceptualization of frontiers within early ‘Abbasid society and re-evaluates the modern treatment of marvels and monsters inhabiting medieval Islamic descriptions of the world. Contents: Introduction; Section One: Geography, Translation, and the Apocalypse; Chapter One: Routes and Kingdoms; Chapter Two: Models of Translation; Chapter Three: alWathiq and the Translators; Section Two: Marvelous Alterity; Chapter Four: A Geography of Neighbours; Chapter Five: Pictura ut poesis; Section Three: Beyond the Barrier; Chapter Six: To Live to Tell; Chapter Seven: Past the Walls of the Orient; Chapter Eight:Translating along the Margins; Postscript: Royal Graffiti; Index; Bibliography. 328 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848854512 HARDBACK £59.50 5 LINE, 15 B&W INTEGRATED TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 27 www.ibtauris.com 19 ‘ By far the most absorbing and disturbing of the many recent books about the country – Economist review of Understanding Iraq, see page 21 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / IRAQ THE OTTOMAN ORIGINS OF MODERN IRAQ NEW THE IRAQI REFUGEES Political Reform, Modernization and Development in the Nineteenth Century Middle East As a result of the various reforms of the midnineteenth century Tanzimat (‘reorganisation’) era, Ottoman authority in Iraq was much stronger and better administered by the 1870s, than it had been when the Ottomans imposed direct rule over the region in the 1830s. Drawing upon original source documents, Ebubekir Ceylan provides the first comprehensive study of the Tanzimat reforms in Iraq in the nineteenth century, focusing on aspects of political reform, modernization and development and analyzing both the successes and failures of the reform process. Contents: Introduction; Chapter I: Ottoman Iraq: Geography, People and History; Chapter II: ‘Bringing the State Back in’: Re-assertion of Ottoman Direct Rule in Baghdad ; Chapter III: Ottoman Provincial Administration in Baghdad; Chapter IV: Tanzimat As Applied in Ottoman Baghdad; Chapter V: The Land and the Tribes ; Chapter VI: Public Works and Modernization in Baghdad; Conclusion. 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848854253 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 22 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE GREAT CALIPHS The Golden Age of the ’Abbasid Empire The New Crisis in the Middle East Ebubekir Ceylan, Fatih University, Istanbul 20 ’ Amira K. Bennison 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 737 5 HARDBACK £19.50 Joseph Sassoon THREE KINGS IN BAGHDAD The Tragedy of Iraq’s Monarchy NEW PAPERBACK EDITION Since 2003, over 4 million Iraqis have been forced to flee their homes, in what amounts to one of the largest people movements in modern times, far exceeding the Palestinian outflow after 1948. Despite media reports of an improved security situation in Iraq, the majority of refugees are still afraid to return. The social, economic, political and security consequences of such an event are huge. In this rigorous and timely book, Joseph Sassoon explores the underlying trends of Iraq’s refugee flow: which class, ethnic and sectarian groups are going where and how. Based on extensive original research, he examines the economic impact of this exodus on Iraq itself, and on the host countries of the region: Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. He analyses international policy on the refugee issue, and assesses the options for return and resettlement. Iraqi Refugees is both the first and the definitive guide to what will come to be seen as one of the most significant issues affecting the Middle East. Gerald de Gaury, Preface by Philip Mansel, Introduction by Alan de Lacy Rush 232 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 535 7 PAPERBACK £14.99 READING IRAQ Culture and Power in Conflict Muhsin al-Musawi, Columbia University 216 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 070 3 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 51 A QUEST IN THE MIDDLE EAST Gertrude Bell and the Making of Modern Iraq Liora Lukitz, Harvard University 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848856974 PAPERBACK £16.99 5 INTEGRATED BW, 1 MAP INSIDE THE ARAB NATIONALIST STRUGGLE Memoirs of an Iraqi Statesman Mohammed Jamali, Edited John King NEW A pivotal figure in the history of modern Iraq, Hashemite politician Mohammed Fadhel Jamali embodied many of his country’s contradictions. A deeply pious Muslim, he caused a furore by using his influence with King Faisal to advocate for universal education and the emancipation of women. A committed Arab Nationalist and ardent supporter of the Palestinian cause, as Foreign Minister and Iraqi representative to the United Nations he helped steer Iraq into the Baghdad Pact with Britain and the US. This first-hand account of his struggle to place Iraq at the centre of an Arab nationalist alliance in a deeply polarised world order offers unique insights in to the politics, personalities and plots of Arab nationalism. Jamali offers a candid account of Iraq’s relationships with the other Arab states at this critical juncture, including its relationships with Syria and Nasser’s Egypt, from the early 1940s to the overthrow of the monarchy in 1958. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781850437628 HARDBACK £35.00 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 THE KURDS OF IRAQ 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 415 3 HARDBACK £29.50 ILLUSTRATED NEW Ethnonationalism and National Identity in Iraqi Kurdistan TEXTBOOK Mahir Aziz, University of Salahaddin, Erbil BATTLE IN IRAQ Letters and Diaries of the First World War Over ninety years since their absorption into the modern Iraqi state, the Kurdish people of Iraq still remain an apparent anomaly in the modern world – a nation without a state. In The Kurds of Iraq, Mahir Aziz explores this incongruity, and asks the pertinent questions, who are the Kurds today? What is their relationship to the Iraqi state? How do they perceive themselves and their prospective political future? And in what way are they crucial for the stability of the Iraqi state? J.M. Hammond 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 963 8 HARDBACK £27.50 RADCLIFFE PRESS BRITAIN IN IRAQ Contriving King and Country Peter Sluglett, University Contents: List of Tables; List of Figures; List of Appendices; List of Maps; Preface; Introduction; Part One: Chapter 1: The Construction of Kurdish National Identity in Iraqi Kurdistan; Chapter 2: Nationalism, Nation, State, Nation State and Stateless Nation; Chapter 3: Approaches to Nationalism and National Identity; Chapter 4: Making Sense of Kurdish History: Territory, Language and Proto-Nationalism; Chapter 5: The Historical and Socio-Political Conditions for the Development of Kurdish Nationalism: 1921-91; Chapter 6: Reconstructing and Consolidating National Identity: 1990-2008; Part Two: Chapter 7: Kurdish Nationalism among University Students; Chapter 8: Toward an Understanding of Modern Kurdish Nationalism and National Identity; Chapter 9: Post-1990s ‘Kurdistaniyeti’; Bibliography. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848855465 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 100 of Utah 366 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 769 7 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 85043 770 3 PAPERBACK £15.99 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 12 INDEPENDENT IRAQ British Influence from 1941–1958 Matthew Elliot 248 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 729 1 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 11 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES ‘ ’ The book works powerfully on two important levels: as a deeply informative counterhistory and as a mournful reminder of what happens when a democratic government acquiesces in the face of its own militants – New York Times review of Occupied Territoies, see page 22 IRAQ TEXTBOOK UNDERSTANDING IRAQ A Whistlestop Tour from Ancient Babylon to Occupied Baghdad REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / PALESTINE AND ISRAEL PEOPLES APART Israel, South Africa and the Apartheid Question William Polk, University of Chicago Inside the Insurgency Zaki Chehab 288 PAGES 234 X 256MM 978 1 84511 110 6 HARDBACK £20.00 IRAQ AND THE WAR ON TERROR Twelve Months of Insurgency 2004/2005 Paul Rogers, Bradford University 192 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 205 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 IRAQ SINCE 1958 From Revolution to Dictatorship Marion Farouk Sluglett & Peter Sluglett, University of Utah 416 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 622 5 PAPERBACK £15.99 FRANCE AND IRAQ Oil, Arms and French Policy Making in the Middle East David Styan, Birkbeck College 248 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 045 1 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 25 IRAQ Reconstruction and Future Role The Emirates Center for Strategic Study and Research 200 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 639 8 HARDBACK £47.50 978 9 94800 638 1 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH IRAQ CONFIDENTIAL The Untold Story of America’s Intelligence Conspiracy Scott Ritter, Foreword by Seymour Hersh 336 PAGES 188 X 126MM 2009 978 1 84885 086 6 PAPERBACK £12.99 Stories of Palestinian Peoplehood Dina Matar, SOAS Ilan Pappé (Ed.), University of Exeter 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 123 6 PAPERBACK £12.99 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES ASSOCIATION IRAQ ABLAZE WHAT IT MEANS TO BE PALESTINIAN NEW NEW The word ‘apartheid’ evokes the ideology of racial segregation which dominated South Africa for so many years. Yet opinionformers, including former US President Jimmy Carter, are increasingly using the word ‘apartheid’ to describe the situation of Arabs in Israel and the Occupied Territories. The use of the word ‘apartheid’ is highly emotive, and has serious implications for international policy. The concept lies at the heart of the growing trades union movement to boycott Israeli products. Yet in the heat of debate, noone has unpacked the South Africa analogy, and brought on board the expertise of historians, lawyers, journalists and policymakers familiar with the politics of both countries. Now for the first time one of Israel’s most celebrated academics, Ilan Pappé, has gathered together these perspectives in an accessible format which lays out the legal, political and social dimensions of apartheid, and provides an authoritative assessment of its relevance to Israel. What It Means to be Palestinian is a narrative of narratives, a collection of personal stories, remembered feelings and reconstructed experiences by different Palestinians whose lives were changed and shaped by history. The book begins with the 1936 revolt against British rule in Palestine and ends in 1993, with the Oslo peace agreement that changed the nature and form of the national struggle. It is based on in-depth interviews and conversations with Palestinians, male and female, old and young, rich and poor, religious and secular, in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and the Occupied Territories. Presented as remembered personal narratives and as ‘social’ histories, these conversations provide a deep & intimate account of what it means to be Palestinian in the 21st century. COMPENSATING PALESTINIAN REFUGEES NEW PALESTINE ONLINE 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848854574 HARDBACK £54.50 9781848853638 PAPERBACK £14.99 8 B&W INTEGRATED 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781845117214 PAPERBACK £12.99 Legal Economic and Political Perspectives Rex Brynen, McGill University, Canada and Roula al Rifai, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa (Eds) The Palestinian refugee question is one of the central and most difficult aspects of the ArabIsraeli conflict, and has long been a major stumbling block in Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine’s Records on Palestinian Refugee Property Losses; 3. Palestinian Negotiation Priorities on Reparations for Refugees; 4. Compensation for Palestinian Refugees; 5. Israel’s Policy Regarding Palestinian Refugee Real Estate Holdings: Israel’s State Records; 7. Palestinian Refugee Compensation; 8. Lessons learned from other compensation/ reparations regimes; 9. The Typology of Palestinian Refugee Losses in 1948; 10. Gender Aspects of Compensation; 11. Compensation to Host Countries; 12. Redressing Internally Displaced Persons in Israel; 13. An Analysis of the Palestinian Refugees’ Right to reparation under International Law with a Focus on the Right to Compensation; 14. Linking Palestinian Compensation Claims with Jewish Property Claims against Arab Countries; 15. Compensation to Palestinian Refugees and the UNRWA Archives; 16. Beyond Compensation: reparations, Transitional Justice and the Palestinian Refugee Question. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM JUNE 2011 9781848857278 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES NEW Transnationalism, Communications and the Reinvention of Identity Miriyam Aouragh, University of Oxford For Palestine’s diaspora and exiled communities, the internet has become an important medium for the formation of Palestinian national and transnational identity. Miriyam Aouragh looks at the internet as both a space and an instrument for linking Palestinian diasporas in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. She closely examines the uses and limits of internet technology under conditions of war, along with the ways in which virtual participation enables the generation of new ideals for political reconciliation and self-determination. Through the internet, participants reconstruct a virtual ‘Palestinian homeland’, gain a space for recovering the past, for overcoming issues of mobility, and for generating social change.This book provides a new angle on those affected by the IsraeliPalestine conflict, and furthers understanding about the connection between electronic media, politics and national identity more widely. Contents: Introduction; Theory and Practice of the Internet Mobility and Immobility; Identity Online and Offline; Virtual Space and Territorial Place; Internet Cafes as Contested Spaces; Conclusion. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848853645 HARDBACK £56.50 20 INTEGRATED B/W TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 90 www.ibtauris.com 21 ‘ ’ One of the most illuminating books in its field for years – Times Literary Supplement review of The Triumph of Military Zionism, see page 22 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / PALESTINE AND ISRAEL JERUSALEM IN WORLD WAR 1 The Palestine Diary of Consul Conde de Ballobar Conde de Ballobar, edited by Roberto Mazza, Western Illionois University NEW When World War I broke out in Europe in the autumn of 1914, a young diplomat was sent to Jerusalem to take charge of the Spanish consulate in the city. Antonio de la Cierva y Lewita, better known as Conde de Ballobar, recorded the events he witnessed and described his experiences and opinions in a unique document that has become an invaluable resource for historians. Ballobar’s diary provides an unparalleled insight into late Ottoman Jerusalem – and the upheavals of wartime life in the city – and includes a detailed account of the battle amongst the local churches over control of the city’s holy places. Also touching upon the spread of Zionism and the establishment of British rule, Ballobar writes as a privileged observer of an exceptionally complex historical period. Available in English for the first time, this book will be essential reading for students and scholars of the late-Ottoman Empire and World War I in the Middle East. 22 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2010 9781848856325 HARDBACK £59.50 16PP BW PLATES PALESTINE IN ISRAELI SCHOOL BOOKS NEW Ideology and Propaganda in Education Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Tel Aviv University Each year, Israel’s young men and women are drafted into compulsory military service and are required to engage directly in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. This conflict is by its nature intensely complex and is played out under the full glare of international security. So, how does Israel’s education system prepare its young people for this? How is Palestine, and the Palestinians against whom these young Israelis will potentially be required to use force, portrayed in the school system? Nurit Peled-Elhanan argues that the textbooks used in the school system are laced with a pro-Israel ideology, and that they play a part in priming Israeli children for military service. Contents Preface; Introduction: Reading Israeli School Books; Chapter 1: The Representation of Palestinians in Israeli School Books; Chapter 2: Layout as Carrier of Meaning; Chapter 3: The Geography of Hostility; Chapter 4: Legitimation of Conflict; Afterword: Summary and Conclusions; Notes; Bibliography; Index. 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781845118136 HARDBACK £51.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 82 RADICAL CHRISTIANITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST NEW Liberation and Theology in the Middle East Samuel J. Kuruvilla Christianity arose from the lands of biblical Palestine and, regardless of its twentieth century association with the Arab-Israeli conflict, to Christians around the world it remains first and foremost the birthplace of Christianity. Nevertheless the size of the Christian population among Palestinians today living in Israel and the Palestinian territories is now relatively insignificant. Here Samuel J. Kuruvilla argues that Christian Palestinians often employ politically astute as well as theologically radical means in their efforts to appear relevant as a minority community within Israeli and Palestinian societies. Portraying the Holy Land Edwin James Aiken, Queen’s University, Belfast 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 818 1 HARDBACK £45.00 ILLUSTRATED TAURIS HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY SERIES,VOL. 3 THE TRIUMPH OF MILITARY ZIONISM Nationalism and the Origins of the Israeli Right Colin Shindler, SOAS 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84885 024 8 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE POLITICAL IDEOLOGY OF HAMAS A Grassroots Perspective Michael Jensen, Danish Institute for International Studies Contents: Introduction; The Development of a Palestinian Theology of Liberation; Political and Liberation Theologies: Implications for Palestine-Israel; The ‘Sabeel’ Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem;The Politics and Praxis of Naim Stifan Ateek; Contextual Theology in Palestine: the Theological and Political Practice of Mitri Raheb; Conclusions. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848855519 HARDBACK £59.50 10 B&W INTEGRATED TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 059 8 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 64 MODERN MEDICINE IN THE HOLY LAND Pioneering British Medical Services in Late Ottoman Palestine Yaron Perry and Efraim Lev, both at the University of Haifa 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 489 3 HARDBACK £54.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF COLONIAL HISTORY, VOL. 8 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES a THE DIVIDED SELF OCCUPIED TERRITORIES The Untold Story of Israel’s Settlements Israel and the Jewish Psyche Today David J. Goldberg, Rabbi Gershom Gorenberg, journalist Emeritus of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London NEW IN PAPERBACK Rabbi David Goldberg, one of today’s most respected and outspoken Jewish leaders, grapples with the dilemmas of contemporary Jewishness with characteristic candour, and sketches the emerging faultlines in the Jewish sense of identity. He offers up a completely fresh reading of Jewish history, arguing that the narrative of relentless woe and suffering popularised by nineteenth-century writers such as George Eliot was based on a highly selective reading of the past. Goldberg retraces the history of the Jews, and rejects the mythology of eternal victimhood. Instead, he focuses on the survival strategies that have been pursued throughout the centuries. He contrasts the pragmatic flexibility of the Jewish Diaspora with the military assertiveness of modern Israel. With wit, insight and compassion he highlights the growing gulf between Israeli and Diaspora Jewishness. This book will stimulate, engage and provoke readers of all beliefs and cultures. 248 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848856745 PAPERBACK £12.99 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 SCRIPTURAL GEOGRAPHY 480 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 430 5 PAPERBACK £15.99 BEYOND OSLO, THE STRUGGLE FOR PALESTINE Inside the Middle East Peace Process from Rabin’s Death to Camp David Ahmed Qurie (Abu Ala) 384 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 946 1 HARDBACK £25.00 FROM OSLO TO JERUSALEM The Palestinian Story of the Secret Negotiations Ahmed Qurie (Abu Ala) 328 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 132 8 HARDBACK £24.50 ILLUSTRATED THE PEACE BUSINESS Money & Power in the Palestine–Israel Conflict Markus Bouillon 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 443 6 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 37 ‘ ’ Goodarzi’s book is commendable for adding to the knowledge base of the Middle East region’s most enduring partnership – Royal Society for Asian Affairs review of Syria and Iran, see page 24 SYRIA REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / PALESTINE AND ISRAEL PALESTINIAN NGOS IN ISRAEL TEXTBOOK Shany Payes ISLAMIC POLITICS IN PALESTINE The Politics of Civil Society 352 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 630 0 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 45 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES PALESTINIAN REFUGEES Challenges of Repatriation and Development Rex Brynen, McGill University, & Roula El Rifai, International Development Research Centre 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 311 7 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 59 TEXTBOOK THE MAKING OF THE ARAB ISRAELI CONFLICT 1947–1951 Ilan Pappé, University of Exeter 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 819 9 PAPERBACK £15.99 A BROKEN TRUST Herbert Samuel, Zionism and the Palestinians Sahar Huneidi, Foreword by Walid Khalidi 376 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 172 5 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 15 PALESTINE AND EGYPT UNDER THE OTTOMANS Paintings, Books, Photographs, Maps and Manuscripts Hisham Khatib 300 PAGES 350 X 320MM 978 1 86064 888 5 HARDBACK £65.00 150 COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS CONFRONTING AN EMPIRE, CONSTRUCTING A NATION Arab Nationalists and Popular Politics in Mandate Palestine Weldon C. Matthews, Oakland University 352 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 173 1 HARDBACK £59.50 ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 10 THE MUSLIM BROTHERS AND THE PALESTINE QUESTION 1928–1947 Abd al-Fattah M. El-Awaisi 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 214 2 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 16 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES ISLAMIC JERUSALEM AND ITS CHRISTIANS A History of Tolerance and Tensions Maher Abu-Munshar, University of Aberdeen 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 353 7 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 13 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Beverley Milton-Edwards, Queen’s University, Belfast 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 475 7 PAPERBACK £17.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 10 REINVENTING JERUSALEM Israel’s Reconstruction of the Jewish Quarter after 1967 Simone Ricca 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 387 2 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 65 TEXTBOOK THE HISTORY OF ZIONISM Walter Laquer, Center for Strategic and International Studies 672 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 932 5 PAPERBACK £17.99 TEXTBOOK THE ROAD TO JERUSALEM Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews POWER AND POLICY IN SYRIA NEW Intelligence Services, Foreign Relations and Democracy in the Modern Middle East Radwan Ziadeh, Harvard University In an unstable Middle East, beset by regional tensions and repercussions of the global war on terror, Syria is a key player. The bloodless coup by General Hafez al-Asad, in 1970, put in place a powerful autocratic machinery at the core of the state which continues till today under the control of his son Bashar. Here Radwan Ziadeh presents a fresh and penetrating analysis of Syria’s political structure – a ‘despotic’ state monopoly, a bureaucratic climate marked by fear, and the administrative structure through which centralized control is exercised. With a focus on Syria’s intelligence services, Power and Policy in Syria is essential reading for all those interested in Syria, the modern Middle East, International Relations and Security Studies. Contents: Introduction; 1. Birth of the Third Republic and Establishing Syrian Authoritarianism; 2. Inheriting Syria from Father to Son: Hafez alAsad’s Last Days; 3. Damascus Spring:The Rise of the Opposition in Syria; 4. Bashar al-Asad and Foreign Policy; 5. Political Islam Challenge: Muslim Brothers and Democracy; Notes; Bibliography; Index. 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848854345 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES 5 B&W LINE DRAWINGS, 5 B&W INTEGRATED LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 98 Beny Morris, Ben-Gurion University 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 989 9 PAPERBACK £17.99 ALLENBY’S MILITARY MEDICINE Life and Death in World War 1 Palestine Eran Dolev, Tel Aviv University 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 290 5 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF COLONIAL HISTORY, VOL. 6 ATTEMPTING TO BRING THE GOSPEL HOME Scottish Missions to Palestine, 1839–1917 Michael Marten, SOAS 280 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 983 7 HARDBACK £57.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF COLONIAL HISTORY, VOL. 3 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES TEXTBOOK HAIFA Transformation of an Arab Society, 1918–1939 May Seikaly, Wayne State University 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 958 5 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 86064 556 3 PAPERBACK £16.99 SYRIA AND THE USA NEW Washington’s Relations with Damascus from Wilson to Eisenhower Sami Moubayed The early years of Syrian-US relations can be described as hopes dashed, hopes revived. Although American missionaries had visited the Middle East in the nineteenth century, it was not until after World War I that Syrian and US dignitaries met in an official capacity. In the aftermath of World War II the relationship took a new turn, as the US was accused of involvement in the series of coups and counter-coups that rocked the young republic from 1949 until the ill-fated Syrian-Egyptian union of 1958. Engagement and the right to self-determination were the rule of the game in the post-Wilson era, but this quickly transformed into espionage and covert activity during the Cold War when the US saw Syria as a Soviet proxy in the Middle East. Featuring original research and previously unpublished material, this book will be essential reading for scholars of the Middle East and US diplomatic History and twentieth-century International Relations. Contents: Shattered Dreams and Wilsonian Principles; Crane in Damascus, again; The rocky 1920s; The road to Washington runs through Berlin; The struggle for Syria; Husni al-Za’im and the United States; The early Shishakli era 19491951; Ike comes to Damascus; Turning back the clock; Ropes of Syrian Sand; Tipping the balance at Suez; The Stone Affair; The United Arab Republic. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2011 9781848857056 HARDBACK £54.50 10 BW INTEGRATED www.ibtauris.com 23 ‘ ’ Highly useful study – Middle East Magazine review of The Shi’a of Lebanon, see page 25 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / SYRIA THE STRUGGLE FOR POWER IN SYRIA Politics and Society under Asad and the Ba’th party Nikolaos van Dam NEW As Syria begins to open its economy to the West, and continues to play a pivotal, if enigmatic role, in Middle Eastern politics, this new, updated edition of Van Dam’s classic account of Syrian politics interrogates the relationship between identity, class and power in the Baathist system which has ruled Syria since 1963. In particular he looks at how Hafez al Asad, the current President’s father, consolidated power through an Alawi military elite, and examines how his son, Bashar al Asad, has managed the system he inherited. As well as encompassing recent developments, the new edition covers source material not previously available, and thus remains a comprehensive as well as a rigorous account of modern Syrian politics. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848857605 PAPERBACK £14.99 COMMANDING SYRIA Bashar al-Asad and the First Years in Power Eyal Zisser, Tel Aviv University 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 153 3 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 60 TEXTBOOK THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SYRIA UNDER ASAD Volker Perthes 312 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 192 3 PAPERBACK £17.99 SYRIA AND SAUDI ARABIA Collaboration and Conflicts in the Oil Era Sonoko Sunayama, United Nations Development Programme,Yemen 280 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 302 5 HARDBACK £59.50 THE LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL HISTORY, VOL. 31 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE OTTOMANS IN SYRIA A History of Justice and Oppression Dick Douwes, University of Leiden 24 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 031 5 HARDBACK £56.50 IN THE LION’S DEN Inside America’s Cold War with Asad’s Syria Andrew Tabler See Page 5 MONUMENTS OF SYRIA An Historical Guide Ross Burns 384 PAGES 210 X 148MM 2009 978 1 84511 947 8 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED SYRIA AND IRAN Diplomatic Alliance and Power Politics in the Middle East Jubin Goodarzi, Webster University, Geneva 376 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 997 3 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 55 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES TRANSFORMING DAMASCUS Space and Modernity in an Islamic city Leila Hudson, University of Arizona 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 579 1 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 16 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 POST-COLONIAL SYRIA AND LEBANON The Decline of Arab Nationalism and the Triumph of the State Youssef Chaitani, United Nations Introduction by Patrick Seale 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 294 3 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 11 LEBANON CHANNELS OF RESISTANCE IN LEBANON Liberation Propaganda, Hezbollah and the Media Zahera Harb, Nottingham University NEW On May 25th 2000 Israeli occupation forces withdrew from South Lebanon after 22 years of occupation. The Lebanese media’s role in achieving liberation over this period is significant, through campaigns conducted to unify the Lebanese people against their foreign occupier and in support of the Lebanese resistance in South Lebanon. This book investigates the culture and performance of Lebanese journalism in this setting. Zahera Harb is also presenting here an alternative interpretation of propaganda under conditions of foreign occupation and the struggle against that occupation. She identifies the characteristics of ‘liberation propaganda’ through the coverage and experience of the two Lebanese TV stations Tele Liban and Al Manar within the historical, cultural, organisational and religious contexts in which they operated, and how these elements shaped their professional practice and their news values. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848851207 HARDBACK £51.50 9781848851214 PAPERBACK £16.99 COEXISTENCE IN WARTIME LEBANON Decline of a State and Rise of a Nation Theodor Hanf, German Institute for International Educational Research in Frankfurt NEW IN PAPERBACK This book combines a vast encyclopaedic history of the war in Lebanon with a penetrating sociological analysis. Tracing the war to its origins, the author shows that it has been primarily a surrogate war over Palestine which escalated into a conflict between the diverse Lebanese communities, each afraid of being the player left standing in a macabre game of musical chairs. Hanf’s central theme is the problem of conflict and conflict regulation between these groups. How were conflicts regulated peacefully before the war? How did the country come to be the battlefield of both a surrogate war and a civil war? How do the Lebanese view what has happened in their country? What are their aspirations and how do they conceive a realistic settlement? Is there any prospect of re-establishing coexistence between different elements of Lebanese society? The author sets out to answer these and other important questions using a wide range of literature as well as his own extensive research in the country. 736 PAGES 234 X 156MM JANUARY 2011 9781848857155 PAPERBACK £25.00 ‘ ’ Intelligently written – Asian Affairs journal review of Hezbollah, see page 25 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / LEBANON SPIRIT OF THE PHOENIX Beirut and the Story of Lebanon Tim Llewellyn 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2010 978 1 84511 735 1 HARDBACK £17.99 THE CHRISTIANS OF LEBANON David Grafton, Dar Camboni Arabic Studies Iran and Lebanon in the Last 500 Years H.E. Chehabi, Boston University 560 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 561 7 HARDBACK £47.50 978 1 84511 255 4 PAPERBACK £16.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE FOR LEBANESE STUDIES, OXFORD HEZBOLLAH The Changing Face of Terrorism Judith Palmer Harik, American University of Beirut 10 ILLUSTRATIONS 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 944 8 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES The Challenge of Independence Eyal Zisser, Tel Aviv University 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 537 2 HARDBACK £56.50 The History of Lebanon Reconsidered Kamal Salibi, American University of Beirut 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 912 7 PAPERBACK £16.99 LEBANON AND ARABISM National Identity and State Foundation LEBANON’S QUEST The Road to Statehood 1926–1939 Raghid El-Solh, Centre for Lebanese Studies Meir Zamir, Ben-Gurion University 328 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 553 2 PAPERBACK £17.99 INVENTING LEBANON THE LESSONS OF LEBANON American University of Beirut A HOUSE OF MANY MANSIONS TEXTBOOK 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 579 2 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF WAR STUDIES, VOL 2 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Nawaf A. Salam (Ed.), TEXTBOOK 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 766 6 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 49 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Matthew Preston OPTIONS FOR LEBANON 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 856 4 HARDBACK £54.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE FOR LEBANESE STUDIES Rodger Shanahan, University of Sydney Rhodesia and Lebanon in Perspective 248 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 398 9 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 38 American University of Beirut Clans, Parties and Clerics ENDING CIVIL WAR Samir Makdisi, American University of Beirut Abdul Rahim Abu Husayn, THE SHI’A OF LEBANON 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 024 6 PAPERBACK £12.99 The Economics of War & Development Ottoman Lebanon and the Druze Emirate Institute LEBANON DISTANT RELATIONS THE VIEW FROM ISTANBUL Political Rights in Islamic Law LEBANESE STUDIES 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 051 3 HARDBACK £54.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE FOR Nationalism and the State Under the Mandate THE STRUGGLE FOR LEBANON Haifa Nasser M. Kalawoun Kais Firro, University of 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 857 1 HARDBACK £54.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 6 THE MERCHANT REPUBLIC OF LEBANON Rise of an Open Economy Carolyn Gates, Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, Singapore 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 047 6 HARDBACK £56.50 A Modern History of Lebanese – Egyptian Relations 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 423 8 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 14 VIOLENCE AND DIPLOMACY IN LEBANON The Troubled Years, 1982–1988 Elie Salem, University of Balamand 256 PAGES 234 X 156 MM 978 1 85043 835 9 HARDBACK £49.50 PHOENICIA History of a Civilization 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 928 8 HARDBACK £54.50 THE CENTRE FOR LEBANESE STUDIES George Rawlinson 376 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 019 2 PAPERBACK £15.99 REVIVING PHOENICIA The Search for Identity in Lebanon Asher Kaufman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 982 0 HARDBACK £56.50 STRUGGLE IN THE LEVANT Lebanon in the 1950s Caroline Attié, Effat College, Saudi Arabia 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 467 2 HARDBACK £54.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATON WITH THE CENTRE FOR LEBANESE STUDIES THE POLITICS OF INTERVENTIONISM IN OTTOMAN LEBANON 1830–1861 Caesar E. Farah, University of Minnesota 832 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 056 8 HARDBACK £75.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE FOR LEBANESE STUDIES www.ibtauris.com 25 ‘ ’ Major new history – Middle East Magazine review of A Modern History of Oman, see page 28 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / JORDAN JORDAN AND THE UNITED STATES NEW THE MAKING OF JORDAN Imad El-Anis, Nottingham Trent University Yoav Alon, Tribes, Colonialism and the Modern State The Political Economy of Trade and Economic Reform in the Middle East Relations between the United States and the Middle East are going through a period of significant change in which the use of force in pursuit of national interests has proved to be increasingly counter-productive. A new policy direction has been adopted which seeks to promote economic integration, development and cooperation. The recent proliferation of US-Middle East free trade agreements is a corner-stone of this new foreign policy approach. Imad El-Anis here offers an analysis of how free trade and economic integration can impact US-Middle East relations by using the Jordan-US relationship as an example. University of Tel Aviv 232 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84885 013 2 PAPERBACK £16.99 Jordan, Israel and the 1994–2004 Peace Process Dona Stewart, Georgia State University 232 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 212 7 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 56 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES JORDAN SINCE 1989 A Study in Political Economy Introduction; Chapter 1:Twenty-First Century International Political Economy: Towards a New Understanding of US-Jordan Relations; Chapter 2: Theory and Methods; Chapter 3: State-Facilitation of Trade: Jordanian Interests and Domestic and Foreign Policy; Chapter 4: State-Facilitation of Trade: US Interests and Trade Policy; Chapter 5: Bilateral Trade in Textiles and Clothing; Chapter 6: Bilateral Trade in Pharmaceutical Products; Chapter 7: Bilateral Trade in Banking and Insurance Services; Conclusions; Warwick Knowles, University of Durham 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 633 1 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 47 THE MODERN HISTORY OF JORDAN Kamal Salibi, American 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848854710 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 50 BRITAIN AND JORDAN NEW Imperial Strategy, King Abdullah I and the Zionist Movement Tancred Bradshaw In the wake of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, it has often been alleged, King Abdullah I of Jordan and the Zionist movements colluded to partition Mandate Palestine between them, while Great Britain, the retreating imperial power, gave them tacit approval to do so. Here, Tancred Bradshaw challenges these allegations, looking at the complex and often strained relations between the emerging states of Jordan, Israel and the at first hegemonic, and then crumbling, British Empire. Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2:Abdullah’s Accession to Power: War-time Diplomacy and Establishment of the Mandatory Regime in Palestine and Transjordan; Chapter 3: Abdullah and the Special Relationship: The Origins of Hashemite-Zionist Relations; Chapter 4: Diplomacy during the Arab Revolt: The British, Abdullah and the Jewish Agency; Chapter 5: The Complexity of Decolonialisation: The End of the Mandate, 1944-47; Chapter 6: The Imagery of Collusion: From Mandate to Statehood, 194851; Chapter 7: Conclusion; 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM JUNE 2011 9781848853102 HARDBACK £56.50 10 INTEGRATED B&W TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES QATAR A Modern History Allen Fromherz, Georgia State University GOOD NEIGHBOURLY RELATIONS Contents: 26 ARABIA / THE GULF University of Beirut 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 331 6 PAPERBACK £17.99 THE JORDANIAN PALESTINIAN RELATIONSHIP The Bankruptcy of the Confederal Idea Musa S. Braizat 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 291 3 HARDBACK £51.50 BRITISH ACADEMIC PRESS NEW Qatar plays a crucial part in the Middle East today. With the second greatest natural gas resources in the region, Qatar's economic clout is considerable. At the same time the Qatar story is replete with paradoxes: the state hosts the Al-Jazeera media network, an influential expression of Arab nationalism and anti-Americanism, while also hosting the principal US naval base in the region. Its leaders, like Saudi Arabia’s, adhere to the Wahhabi form of Sunni Islam, yet Qatar eyes its Saudi neighbours with suspicion. It is a fervent champion of the Palestinian cause, yet welcomes the Israeli Foreign Minister to present the Jewish state’s case in its capital, Doha. With this groundbreaking modern history, Allen Fromherz presents a full portrait which analyses these paradoxes and Qatar’s growing regional influence within a broader historical context. 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848851672 HARDBACK £29.95 16PP INTEGRATED B&W THE GCC AND THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE GULF Diplomacy, Security and Economy Coordination in a Changing Middle East Matteo Legrenzi, University of Ottawa NEW The GCC, made up of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the UAE, is one of the most resilient sub-regional organizations in the world, and the most successful in the one in the Arab world. It has been the forum through which much internal security cooperation in this volatile sub-region has taken place, as well as the main representative for the UAE’s territorial dispute with Iran over the Aub Musa and Tunbs Islands. Very little is known however about how the organization really works: how decisions are actually taken, as opposed to how this process is formally constituted in its charters, and what the GCC’s real impact on member states, the Gulf and international relations is. Drawing on cutting-edge IR theoretical perspectives as well as unique first-hand access to GCC decision-makers, Matteo Legrenzi explains the mechanisms of Gulf cooperation – and its limitations – in the context of economic globalisation, diplomatic regionalisation and the rise of Iran. 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM MARCH 2011 9781845119218 HARDBACK £45.00 4 B&W INTEGRATED, 4 MAPS LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 44 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 ‘ ’ ... based on her study of Al-Wahhabi’s original text in modern Riyadh – and very impressive it is – The Spectator review of Wahhabi Islam, see page 27 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / ARABIA / THE GULF YEMEN AND THE COMING CHAOS Al Qaeda,Warlords and Oil in the Arabian Peninsula Ginny Hill, Ionian University, Corfu NEW Linking the lawless Horn of Africa to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, Yemen is a strategically vital country on the brink of collapse, whose implosion, combined with a growing Al Qaeda presence, could have consequences for the whole Middle East and beyond. Ginny Hill takes us inside this fascinating and complex country, introducing us to a range of characters; Somali refugees, tribal warlords, Qat-chewing philosophers, corrupt politicians and gun-runners. She shows us the transnational networks of crime, peoplesmuggling and terrorism which sweep through the country, the legacy of civil war, and how the most vibrant democracy in the Middle East became mired in corruption and separatist violence. Part reportage, part history, and part informed analysis, this is an indispensable guide to the little-understood country which is about to dominate international headlines. STATE BUILDING AND COUNTER INSURGENCY IN OMAN NEW Political, Military and Diplomatic Relations at the end of Empire James Worrall, University of Leeds In the depths of the Cold War and in the wake of Britain’s announcement of its intention to withdraw ‘East of Suez’ by the end of 1971, Britain was faced with the stark reality of a Marxist rebellion in the Dhofar province of Oman. State Building and Counter Insurgency in Oman offers an exploration of the attempts by officials and politicians in Whitehall and the Gulf to reconcile attempts to protect national interests and create an effective, centralised Omani administration and security bodies, whilst maintaining the image of strategic withdrawal and the sovereign independence of Oman. Contents: Introduction; 1. Between the Pax Britannica and the World; 2. Events and Policy Surrounding Britain’s Increasing Involvement in Oman; 3. The Conservative Ascendancy: Getting the Troops In; 4. Britain and Oman’s Internal//External Legitimacy Dilemma; 5. The Search for International Recognition: Britain’s Role in Securing Legitimacy; 6. British Policy, Whitehall Debates and External Aid, 1972-74; 7. Continuity and Change: The Labour Government and Defence Reviews; Conclusion:Themes and Implications 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848857582 HARDBACK £49.50 9781848857599 PAPERBACK £14.99 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848856349 HARDBACK £59.50 1 MAP TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 107 YEMEN DIVIDED THE GULF STATES The Story of a Failed State in South Arabia Noel Brehony, SOAS A Modern History David Commins, Dickinson College 21ST CENTURY GLOBALIZATION Perspectives from the Gulf Rafael Reyes-Ruiz (Ed.) Zayed University, Dubai NEW The Arab states in the Gulf region are now global leaders in business and commerce. Their once traditional societies now host thousands of migrants from around the world. The Gulf is now a key player in the global economy, feeling keenly the fluctuations in the market as well as the strain upon the societies in each of the states there. This book encompassing contributions from a range of distinguished sociologists and Middle East specialists reveals much new material on Gulf cities, and explores the real impact of globalization upon their economies, societies, religion and culture. 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9789948157519 HARDBACK £54.50 ENCOUNTERS SERIES ZAYED UNIVERSITY PRESS NUCLEAR ENERGY IN THE GULF The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 520 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2010 9789948141167 HARDBACK £57.50 9789948141174 PAPERBACK £29.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH HUMAN RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE GULF NEW South Yemen has come to be seen as a potential Al-Qaeda stronghold and at the heart of a separatist movement threatening to rip apart southern Arabia. How has this country of forbidding mountains and arid deserts gone from British colony to communist state and then to ‘terrorist base’ in just half a century? In Yemen Divided, author and Middle East expert Noel Brehony tells for the first time the comprehensive history of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY). He explains the power politics that came to form a communist republic a few hundred miles from the holiest site in Islam, and the process and conflicts that led to Yemeni unification in 1990.The impact of the PDRY is still felt today as Saudi and government armed forces engage with Houthis in the North and unrest continues to simmer across the South. Yemen Divided is an important book for anyone wanting to understand why Yemen has veered towards massive instability. 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848856356 HARDBACK £35.00 NEW The geopolitical importance of the Gulf region is a source both of great interest and great tension. David Commins here provides an in-depth narrative of the modern political history of the Gulf States, giving a comprehensive and accessible account of their recent development and strategic importance. Focusing primarily on economic, cultural, religious and social themes from the 18th century to the present, this book highlights the influence of British imperialism and subsequent US hegemony in the region. The motifs of geography and hierarchy are woven throughout the book as it covers important topics including the influence of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of Arab dynasties, oil wealth and modern prosperity, and the formation of the Gulf States, as we know them today. With the importance and influence of the Gulf States continuing to increase, this book will become invaluable reading for scholars and students of international relations, political economy and modern history. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2011 9781848852785 HARDBACK £35.00 16 B&W INTEGRATED Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 568 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2010 9789948142492 HARDBACK £64.00 9789948142485 PAPERBACK £35.00 33 FIGURES AND 58 TABLES EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH A WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY Europe, Gulf Security and the Aftermath of the Iraq War Christian Koch, Gulf Research Center, & Felix Neugart, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich (Eds) 112 PAGES 276 X 219MM 978 9 94842 473 4 PAPERBACK £15.00 GULF RESEARCH CENTER UNFULFILLED POTENTIAL Exploring the GCC–EU Relationship Christian Koch (Ed.), Gulf Research Center 112 PAGES 246 X 189MM 978 9 94842 430 7 PAPERBACK £15.00 GULF RESEARCH CENTER www.ibtauris.com 27 ‘ ’ A rich sampling of imperial rhetoric - Times Literary Supplement review of The River Nile in the Age of the British, see page 29 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / ARABIA / THE GULF MUHAMMAD IBN ‘ABD AL-WAHHAB The Man and his Works Abd-allah Salih al-Uthaymin, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 791 7 HARDBACK £54.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 19 WAHHABI ISLAM From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad Natana J. Delong-Bas, Georgetown University 384 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 322 3 PAPERBACK £14.99 THE WAHHABI MISSION AND SAUDI ARABIA David Commins, Dickinson College 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84885 014 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED BEYOND THE DUNES An Anthology of Modern Saudi Literature Mansour al-Hazimi, Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Ezzat Khattab (Eds) 552 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 972 1 HARDBACK £56.50 28 THE REIGN OF MUBARAK AL-SABAH Shaikh of Kuwait 1896–1915 Salwa Alghanim 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 350 7 HARDBACK £56.50 POLITICS IN AN ARABIAN OASIS The Rashidis of Saudi Arabia Madawi Al Rasheed, Kings College, London 312 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 193 0 PAPERBACK £17.99 A MODERN HISTORY OF OMAN Formation of the State since 1920 Francis Owtram, University of Southampton 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 617 1 HARDBACK £42.00 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 30 THE LONG ROAD FROM TAIF TO JEDDAH Resolution of a Saudi–Yemeni Boundary Dispute Askar H. Al-Enazy 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 721 0 PAPERBACK £25.00 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH THE GULF Future Security and British Policy EGYPT BRITISH VICTORY IN EGYPT The End of Napoleon’s Conquest The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research Piers Mackesy, Pembroke College, Oxford 64 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 382 8 PAPERBACK £18.99 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH THE INFORMATION REVOLUTION AND THE ARAB WORLD Its Impact on State and Society The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 336 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 247 0 HARDBACK £47.50 978 1 86064 209 8 PAPERBACK £19.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH THE DATE PALM The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 457 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 551 3 HARDBACK £59.50 978 9 94800 550 6 PAPERBACK £27.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN THE GULF Abdulhadi Khalaf, Lund University, & Giacomo Luciani, European University Institute (Eds) 312 PAGES 276 X 219MM 978 9 94843 253 1 PAPERBACK £20.00 GULF RESEARCH CENTER THE SULTAN’S YEMEN 19th-Century Challenges to Ottoman Rule Caesar E. Farah, University of Minnesota 416 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 767 3 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES, VOL.1 LIGHTNING OVER YEMEN A History of the Ottoman Campaign in Yemen, 1569–71 Edited and translated by Clive Smith 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 836 6 HARDBACK £59.50 20 COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS AND 5 MAPS LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 3 NEW In 1800 the British army’s reputation was in tatters, having experienced nothing but failure in wars across the world for forty years; at home, a divided cabinet had to face the problem of Egypt, which had been occupied by Napoleon’s Army of the Orient since 1798. The task of ejecting France fell to a disparate band of soldiers led by Sir Ralph Abercromby which, against all the odds, defeated the French army on 21 March 1801, bringing Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign to a definitive and crushing end. Piers Mackesy vividly brings to life the events of the battle, revealing how Abercromby’s brilliantly executed strategy restored the honour of the British army and averted disaster for the Empire. 304 PAGES 198 X 126MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848854727 PAPERBACK £11.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS FROM MISSION TO MODERNITY Evangelicals, Reformers and Education in Nineteenth Century Egypt NEW Paul Sedra, University in Burnaby, Canada In this pioneering account of Egyptian educational history, Paul Sedra describes how the Egyptian state under Muhammad Ali Pasha sought to forge a new relationship with children during the nineteenth century. Through the introduction of modern forms of education, brought to Egypt by evangelical missions, the state aimed to ensure children’s loyal service to the state, whether through conscription or forced labour. However, these schemes of educational reform, most prominently Joseph Lancaster’s monitorial system, led to unforeseen consequences as students in Egypt’s new modern schools resisted efforts to control their behaviour in creative and complex ways, and these acts of resistance themselves led to new forms of political identity. Contents: Introduction; Chapter One – To discipline the world: Evangelicals and education; Chapter Two – The missionary example: John Lieder; Chapter Three – The educational reformer: Joseph Hekekyan; Chapter Four – A project abandoned?; Chapter Five – The Great Coptic School: Reinterpreting reform; Chapter Six – A case study in resistance: Asyut at midcentury; Chapter Seven – Ridding Egypt of superstition; Epilogue. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2011 9781848855489 HARDBACK £54.50 12 BW INTEGRATED TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 ‘ ’ ...deserves to be widely read, not least for its insights into popular Egyptian culture and social perceptions, – Asian Affairs Journal review of Smoking, Culture and Economy in the MIddle East, see page 29 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / EGYPT OCCIDENTALISMS IN THE ARAB WORLD NEW SUEZ Ideology and Images of the West in the Egyptian Media Britain’s End of Empire in the Middle East Robbert Woltering, University of Amsterdam While the western perception of the ‘the Orient’ has become a well-worn topic in the field of Asian and Middle Eastern studies, the way in which the Arab world has come to perceive the west has been largely neglected. Occidentalisms in the Arab World not only presents a comprehensive overview and pointed commentary on recent works in the emerging field of Occidentalist studies, but also provides new insight on the interplay between ideology and image in the formulation of ‘the west’. Robbert Woltering provides an in-depth look at the ways in which multiple representations – occidentalisms – of the west have developed in Egypt since the end of the Cold War. Occidentalisms in the Arab World provides an unparalleled and original commentary in an emerging field at the intersection of Middle East Studies, Political Science, and Media Studies. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2.A History of Occidentalism in Egypt; 3. Post-Cold War Occidentalism in Egypt; 4. Examining Contemporary Egyptian Occidentalisms; 5. Conclusions 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848854765 HARDBACK £51.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 96 THE POLITICS OF ART AND CULTURE IN MODERN EGYPT Aesthetics, Ideology and NationBuilding Keith Kyle NEW On 26 July 1956, the British Empire received a blow from which it would never recover. On this day, Egypt’s President Gamal Abdul Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal Company, one of the gems of Britain’s imperial portfolio. It was to be a fateful day for Britain as a world power. Britain, France and Israel subsequently colluded in attacking Egypt, ostensibly – in the case of Britain and France – to protect the Suez Canal but in reality in an attempt to depose Nasser. The US opposition to this scheme forced an ignominious withdrawal, leaving Nasser triumphant and marking a decisive end to Britain’s imperial era. In this, the seminal work on the Suez Crisis, Keith Kyle draws on a wealth of documentary evidence to tell this fascinating political, military and diplomatic story. Including new introductory material, this revised edition of a classic work will be essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the twentieth century, military history and the end of empire. THE MONUMENTS OF EGYPT NEW An A-Z Companion to Ancient Egyptian Architecture Patrick Kane, Clatsop Community College, Oregon Contents: Introduction: The Social Horizon of Egyptian Aesthetics from 1938 to 1966 and the Context of Transitions in Scholarship; 1. Egyptian Art Institutions, Agrarian Struggles and Fascism from 1908 to 1940; 2. From Degenerate Art Debate to the Contemporary Arts Group: The arts of Egyptian civil society, 1938–1951; 3. The Festival Subject in the Contemporary Art Group and the Philosophy of Traditional Arts; 4. The Landlord-Peasant Battles as a Subject for the Arts; 5. Art of the Aswan High Dam; Conclusion: Materialist Currents in the Philosophy and Experience of Egyptian Aesthetics. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848856042 HARDBACK £59.50 40 B&W INTEGRATED TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 105 Propaganda and Persuasion During the Suez Crisis Tony Shaw, University of Hertfordshire 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2009 978 1 84885 091 0 PAPERBACK £17.99 704 PAGES 234 X 156MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848855335 PAPERBACK £17.99 8 PAGE PLATE SECTION - B&W During much of the twentieth century, art and cultural production in Egypt operated against a backdrop of political crisis. Two central issues crossed and interacted with the arts and aesthetics of the era: the Egyptian peasant struggles against capitalist agriculture in the 1920s; and the problem of nationalism and the state before and after the 1952 revolutionary coup. Patrick Kane here situates key Egyptian art movements in their political, social and historical contexts. EDEN, SUEZ AND THE MASS MEDIA Dieter Arnold, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 288 PAGES 210 X 156MM 2009 978184885 042 2 PAPERBACK £14.99 350 B&W ILLUSTRATIONS & PLANS THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AND EGYPT’S SUCCESSION CRISIS The Politics of Liberalisation and Reform in the Middle East Mohammed Zahid 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2009 978184511 979 9 HARDBACK £49.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL 81 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD The Funerary Laments of Upper Egypt, Ancient and Modern SMOKING, CULTURE AND ECONOMY IN THE MIDDLE EAST The Egyptian Tobacco Market 1850–2000 Relli Shechter, Ben-Gurion University 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 137 3 HARDBACK £56.50 THE LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA Centre of Learning in the Ancient World Roy MacLeod (Ed.), University of Sydney 208 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 594 5 PAPERBACK £14.99 TEXTBOOK A GRAND DELUSION Democracy and Economic Reform in Egypt Eberhard Kienle, SOAS 280 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 441 2 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 86064 442 9 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 32 THE RIVER NILE IN THE AGE OF THE BRITISH Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power Terje Tvedt, University of Bergen 528 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 835 9 HARDBACK £56.50 TEXTBOOK EGYPT An Economic Geography Fouad Ibrahim, University of Bayreuth, & Barbara Ibrahim 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 547 1 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 548 8 PAPERBACK £17.99 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, VOL. 1 Elizabeth Wickett £45.00 32 B&W INTEGRATED 328 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84885 050 7 HARDBACK www.ibtauris.com 29 ‘ ’ This book provides a timely and thorough analysis of this turbulent state – Middle East Magazine review of Libya and the West, see page 31 EGYPT IN PURSUIT OF LEGITIMACY The Muslim Brothers and Mubarak, 1982–2000 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / NORTH AFRICA MOROCCAN DREAMS Recreating Oriental Myth and Colonial Legacy Hesham Al-Awadi, University of Exeter 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 632 4 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 46 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES BRITAIN, THE SIX-DAY WAR AND ITS AFTERMATH Frank Brenchley 208 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 406 1 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY, VOL. 3 CIVIL SOCIETY EXPOSED The Politics of NGOs in Egypt Maha M. Abdelrahman, The American University of Cairo 236 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 581 5 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 40 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES 30 Claudio Minca, Royal Holloway, University of London NEW Morocco has long been a mythical land, firmly rooted in the European colonial imagination. For more than a century it has been appropriated by travellers, explorers, writers and artists. It is just these images and imaginings that are now being reconstructed for nostalgic consumption. In Moroccan Dreams, Claudio Minca examines this aestheticised re-enactment of the colonial, exploring the ways in which Moroccans themselves have become complicit in the rewriting of their homes and lives. Richly illustrated, the book provides a fascinating journey that will engage and delight all those enamoured of Morocco and its extraordinary geographies. 256 PAGES 234 X 1256MM APRIL 2011 9781848850156 HARDBACK £19.50 20 ILLUSTRATIONS THE EMERGENCE OF NATIONALIST POLITICS IN MOROCCO NEW The Rise of the Independence Party and the Struggle Against Colonialism after World War II Daniel Zisenwine, Tel Aviv University The end of World War II intensified Morocco’s nationalist struggle against French colonial rule, with the establishment of the Istiqlal (‘independence’) party and the Moroccan Sultan’s emergence as a national leader. In this book, Daniel Zisenwine charts the rise of Morocco’s leading nationalist party, and illustrates the weakness of Moroccan political parties at the outset of the anticolonial struggle. SHARI’A AND ISLAMISM IN SUDAN NEW Conflict, Law and Social Transformation Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, Rhode Island College After the 1989 Islamist coup in Sudan, the National Islamic Front under General Omar al-Bashir and Dr. Hasan Turabi attempted to institutionalise, codify and implement Shari’a law throughout the country. However, by 2005, with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement ending 22 years of civil war, the government agreed to halt its policy of Islamisation in the South. Shari’a and Islamism in Sudan explores how Sudanese society has been transformed by this period of implementation of Islamic Law. Contents: Chapter 1: Shari’a, Islam and Islamism in Sudanese History; Chapter 2:The Ascendance of Islamism, 1983-89; Chapter 3: ‘Be Careful what you ask for’; Chapter 4: Shari’a Courts and Judges in Contemporary Practice; Chapter 5: Demographic Transformation; Chapter 6: Social Transformation; Chapter 7: Comparative cases of Iran, Afghanistan and Nigeria; Chapter 8: Post-Islamism, Future of Shari’a and the Sudanese State. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM MAY 2011 9781848856660 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF AFRICAN STUDIES IMMIGRATION AND NATIONAL IDENTITY North African Political Movements in Colonial and Postcolonial France Rabah Aissaoui 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 835 8 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF MIGRATION STUDIES, VOL. 14 EU INTEGRATION WITH NORTH AFRICA Trade Negotiations and Democracy Deficits in Morocco Carl Dawson 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 784 9 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF EUROPEAN STUDIES,VOL. 8 TEXTBOOK Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: The Nationalist Movement in French Morocco during World War II; Chapter 2: The Establishment of the Istiqlal Party and the 1944 Riots; Chapter 3: The Istiqlal in the Aftermath of the 1944 Riots; Chapter 4: The Istiqlal’s Social Initiatives; Chapter 5: The Istiqlal’s Ties with the Sultan: The Rise of a National Leader; Chapter 6: Attempts to Revise French Policies: Eirik Labonne’s Reform Efforts; Chapter 7: A New Stage in Nationalist Politics:The Sultan’s Visit to Tangier; Chapter 8: An Intensified Nationalist Struggle: The Crises of 1950-51; Chapter 9:The Nationalist Struggle’s Turning Point: The Sultan’s Deposition; Conclusion. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848853232 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 43 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 IMPERIAL IDENTITIES Stereotyping, Prejudice and Race in Colonial Algeria Patricia Lorcin, Florida International University 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 376 7 PAPERBACK £18.99 ART IN THE SERVICE OF COLONIALISM French Art Education in Morocco 1912–1956 Hamid Irbouh 296 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 851 9 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF COLONIAL HISTORY, VOL. 2 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES ‘ ’ An enthralling and often entertaining read – Asian Affairs Journal review of Fragments of Culture, see page 35 NORTH AFRICA LIBYA AND THE WEST From Independence to Lockerbie REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / THE OTTOMANS AND TURKEY AMONG THE OTTOMANS Diaries from Turkey in World War I Geoff Simons, introduction by Tony Benn Ian Lyster (Ed.) 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 988 2 HARDBACK £42.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE FOR LIBYAN STUDIES TEXTBOOK LIBYA SINCE INDEPENDENCE Oil and State Building Dirk Vandewalle 232 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 263 0 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 264 7 PAPERBACK £17.99 NEW OTTOMAN HAIFA A History of Four Centuries under Turkish Rule Alex Carmel NEW Among The Ottomans introduces two unique diary accounts written by two generations of the same family in the declining years of the Ottoman Empire.Written in the heart of the crumbling Ottoman Empire, Marie Lyster’s World War One diaries describe the political and social climate of Constantinople as Allied troops swept through Turkey, wreaking havoc on the country’s infrastructure and forcing residents, regardless of their national affiliations, to endure the hardships of war. Just 200 miles away in the Dardanelles, her son Henry fought alongside the Greek Comitajis, as they clashed with the Bulgarians. Later, as the Military Governor of Eastern Thrace, he witnessed the rise of Turkish Nationalism and the struggle for control of the fragmented pieces of the fallen empire. Published for the first time, these two diaries provide a unique insight into the final years of the Ottoman Empire. Under Ottoman rule, the city of Haifa, located at the southern point of the largest bay on the coast of what today is Israel, was transformed from a scarcely inhabited fortress town to a major modern city. This book details the history of Haifa under the Ottomans during the period 1516-1918. Alex Carmel uses a variety of original sources to uncover the realities of life in Haifa under Ottoman rule and paints a vivid picture of the development of the city in this era. Carmel’s work has become the benchmark of the historiography of Israel’s third largest city and remains to this day, the best-known and most highly regarded survey of Haifa under Ottoman rule.This, the first English edition of Ottoman Haifa, will be essential reading for all historians of the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East. THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE AND THE OTTOMANS NEW OTTOMAN PAINTING 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848855212 HARDBACK £24.50 8 B&W PLATES From Global Imperial Power to Absolutist States Mehmet Sinan Birdal The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, especially under their charismatic leaders Charles V and Suleyman I, were major empires of the early-modern period. Both exercised global power as, respectively, leaders of the universal ‘res publica Christiana’ and ‘dar-es Islam’. However, both lost supreme power in the course of the 17th and 18th centuries and began the transformation to absolutist nation states. This account of the important transition to modern notions of statehood is vital for understanding the reform strategies of both empires in administration, taxation, conduct of foreign policy and formation of the modern state. Both empires adopted differing strategies of survival and development: Austria’s ‘Enlightened Despotism’ and the Austro-Hungarian Empire traced their origins to the Holy Roman Empire; while the Ottoman Empire, reformed and modernised, developed into the nation state of the Republic of Turkey. Contents: Chapter One: Introduction; Chapter Two: A Theory of Unit Transformation in the State System; Chapter Three: Legal Evalutation and State-Formation: A Comparison of Roman Law and Islamic Law; Chapter Four; Chapter Five; State Information in the Holy Roman Empire; Chapter Six: State Formation in the Ottoman Empire; Conclusion. 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848855601 HARDBACK £51.50 20 B&W IN 8PP PLATES, 10 MAPS LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 2 Reflections of Western Art from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic Wendy M.K. Shaw NEW The late Ottoman Empire witnessed widespread and dramatic reform, which was vividly reflected in its visual culture. However, while other political and social developments in this period have received much attention, the interaction between Ottoman and western artists and artistic practices is less widely understood. Ottoman Painting explores fully this complex and fascinating relationship for the first time, using vivid examples and drawing many intriguing and original connections. Wendy Shaw demonstrates how during the 19th century – the very era when rapidly proliferating modernist artistic movements in the West were giving up traditional styles, techniques and functions of art – artists in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey were harnessing these discarded traditions as a novel and modern means of communication. 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848852884 HARDBACK £35.00 100 INTEGRATED B&W, 8PP COLOUR PLATES 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848856226 HARDBACK £51.50 www.ibtauris.com 31 ‘ ’ This is a most fascinating publication, excellently produced – Asian Affairs Journal review of The Earl and His Butler in Constantinople, see page 34 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / THE OTTOMANS AND TURKEY FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE NEW International Trade and Relations in the Late Nineteenth Century Necla Geyikdagi, Yeditepe University, Istanbul As the borders of the Ottoman Empire crumbled throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century, unprecedented amounts of foreign capital poured in from investors who were eager to capitalize on the country’s sparsely regulated industries. Economist Necla Geyikdagi sheds light on the motives, means and policies which shaped foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Ottoman Empire throughout the late-nineteenth century.The book weighs political motivation against economic incentive in examining the trade policies of the major capital exporting countries. Drawing from key speeches on foreign trade policy, personal journals and popular publications, Geyikdagi provides unique insight into the network of foreign investors and politicians that lay behind the channels of direct investment within the ailing Empire. Contents: 1. The pre-Nineteenth Century Ottoman Economy; 2. Foreign Capital Borrowing; 3. Foreign Capital: Direct Investments; 4. The Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment by sectors; 5. Foreign Investments Policy and Political Risk. 32 THE YOUNG OTTOMANS NEW Turkish Critics of the Eastern Question in the Late Nineteenth Century Nazan Çiçek, Ankara University The Eastern Question, as it was termed by the European Powers in the nineteenth century, was a debate primarily concerned with the issue of ‘what to do with the Turk?’. The Ottoman Empire had become known as the ‘sick man of Europe’ following its gradual decline since the eighteenth century, and its demise would be highly problematic for the crowned heads of Europe. This unique book focuses on the intellectual and political dynamics of the first Ottoman political opposition in the modern sense, the so-called Young Ottomans. Contents: 1. The Cretan Insurrection 1866-1869; 2. The Question of Equality Between Muslims and Non-Muslims and the Foreign Intervention into the ‘Domestic’ Affairs of the Ottoman Empire; 3.The Financial Crisis of the Ottoman Empire and the Young Ottomans 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9781848853331 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 20 THE TRANSFORMATION OF OTTOMAN CRETE NEW Revolts, Politics and Identity in the Late Nineteenth Century Pinar Senısik, Bogaziçi University The island of Crete under Ottoman rule in the nineteenth century saw successive revolts from its majority Christian population, who were set on union with the newlyindependent Greece. This book offers an original perspective on the social, political and ideological transformation of Ottoman Crete within the nationalist context of the late nineteenth century. It focuses on the Cretan revolts of 1896 and 1897, and examines the establishment of the autonomous Cretan State and the withdrawal of Ottoman troops from the island in 1898. Contents: Introduction;The Creation of Modern Greek Identity and its Impact on Ottoman Crete; The Island of Crete:A Historical Background; Violence Revisited: Committee, General Assembly and the Cretan Revolt of 1896; The Cretan Revolt of 1897; Challenging Authority, Transforming Politics: The End of Ottoman Rule in Crete; Conclusion. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848855410 HARDBACK £59.50 5 INTEGRATED BW, 1 MAP TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 26 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848854611 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 27 STOLEN BOYS OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE NEW The Child Levy as Public Spectacle and Political Instrument Charles Argo, Ball state University, Indiana The infamous Ottoman devsirme – the levy and enslavement of young male subjects from the Christian regions of the empire for palace and military service by the Turks – has been traditionally understood as a mechanism of both elite recruitment and Muslim conversion. Here Charles Argo investigates the political and cultural resonance of the act itself; an act that reproduced in spectacle form Ottoman ideologies of dynastic legitimacy and political hegemony amongst its Christian subjects. Viewed thus, the levy transcends its utility as a recruitment mechanism, and becomes an important – even iconic – display of political will that significantly shaped the cultural reality for Balkan peoples under Ottoman rule. Contents: Introduction; Chapter One. Issues in the Historiography of the Devsirme; Chapter Two. Legitimacy, Power, and Ritual in the Ottoman Empire; Chapter Three. The Devsirme Ritual: A Rite de Passage; Chapter Four. The Political Utility of the Devsirme; Chapter Five. Bulgaria as a Case Study: Collective Memory and the Devsirme; Conclusion 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848856196 HARDBACK £54.50 15 BW INTEGRATED, 15 MAPS TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 25 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 LATE OTTOMAN PALESTINE The Period of Young Turk Rule NEW Yuval Ben-Bassat, University of Haifa and Eyal Ginio, Hebrew University of Jerusalem The decisive consequences of the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 had ramifications over the entire Ottoman Empire – and the Ottoman territory of Palestine was no exception. Late Ottoman Palestine examines the impact of Young Turk policies and reforms on local societies and administration, using Palestine as a prism through which to explore the impact of the Revolution in the provincial arena far from the administrative and political centre of the capital. It thus sheds light upon the last decade of Ottoman rule in Palestine, crucially dealing with the roots of Jewish-Arab conflict in the area and the early crystallization of Arab, Palestinian and Zionist identities, along with that of an Ottoman imperial identity. Contents: 1. Introduction: The Case Study of Palestine during the Young Turk Era; Section A: Citizenship, Election, and Social Change; Section B:The ‘Civilizing Mission’ and CentrePeriphery Relationships. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM MAY 2010 9781848856318 HARDBACK £59.50 5 INTEGRATED B&W, 2 MAPS LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 29 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE ARMY AND THE RADICAL LEFT IN TURKEY NEW Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism Özgür Mutlu Ulus, University of Leiden In 1960s Turkey, the armed forces and the radical leftist movement provided two very dynamic, but very different, political forces. However, somewhat surprisingly, the majority of radical leftists believed in the revolutionary potential of the armed forces in overthrowing the current regime and replacing it with a quasi-socialist one. This book considers the changing perspectives of the radical leftist movement towards the political role of the military in Turkey. Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: The Turkish Military in Politics: A Short Survey; Chapter 3: Between Kemalism and Third World Developmentalism: Dogan Avcioglu and Yön; Chapter 4: Revolution through the Narrow Door; Chapter 5:The Workers’ Party of Turkey: The Long Road to Socialism; Chapter 6: The National Democratic Revolutionaries and their Attitudes towards the Army; Chapter 7: The Voice of TKP from Abroad; Chapter 8: The Kivilcimli Movement; Chapter 9: Conclusion. 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848854840 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 97 ’ ‘ One of the world’s leading experts on Ottoman history – Sunday Telegraph review of The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It, see page 35 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / THE OTTOMANS AND TURKEY THE BRITISH IN THE LEVANT Trade and Perceptions of the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century THE YOUNG TURK LEGACY AND NATION BUILDING From the Ottoman Empire to Atatürk’s Turkey NEW 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2010 9781848853355 HARDBACK £56.50 10 B&W INTEGRATED LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 21 When Religion Meets Politics Mirela Bogdani Erik J. Zürcher, University of Leiden Christine Laidlaw For more than two centuries following its formation in 1581, the Levant Company enjoyed a monopoly of British trade with the Ottoman Empire and provided Britain’s diplomatic representation at the Sultan’s court and throughout the Ottoman territories. Rather than focusing on ‘the Turkey trade’ itself, or on the merchants who engaged in it, Christine Laidlaw examines the supporting cast of Britons – officials, clergymen, physicians and accompanying family members – who lived and worked alongside the merchants at the Company’s three principal trading posts at Istanbul, Izmir and Aleppo during the eighteenth century. This unique perspective will be invaluable for historians of the eighteenth century and the Ottoman Empire. TURKEY AND THE DILEMMA OF EU ACCESSION NEW The grand narrative of Turkish history from the late Ottoman Empire to the foundation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 and beyond to the end of Atatürk’s period has consistently implied a fundamental break from the world of the Ottomans and of Atatürk.The strongly revisionist theme of the book counters the ‘official historiography of the Turkish Republic’ based on Atatürk’s famous ‘Nutuk’ speech in 1927 proclaiming how ‘a great nation gained its independence and founded a national and modern state based on the latest principles of science and technology’ and represented a complete break with the past. Erik Zürcher shows that Kemal’s ‘ideological toolkit’, which included positivism, militarism, nationalism and a state-centred world view, was shared by an earlier generation of Young Turks. 368 PAGES 234 X 156MM JULY 2010 9781848852716 HARDBACK £54.50 9781848852723 PAPERBACK £17.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 87 NEW What impact do issues of culture, religion and identity have on Turkey’s chances of joining the EU? Are religious and cultural factors per se the primary obstacle to Turkish accession, or is it their interaction with other factors that is prolonging and complicating Turkey’s progress towards EU membership? Mirela Bogdani here analyses the complex range of issues that are influencing the process of Turkey’s accession to the EU, assesses the positions of different European actors towards Turkey’s pursuit of EU membership and identifies the reasons for the European opposition. She also analyses the issues of political Islam, multiculturalism and the compatibility of Islam with democracy. This book will be an important resource for anyone interested in EU politics, EU enlargement policy, EU-Turkey relations, the relationship between religion and politics, political Islam, multiculturalism and supranational integration. 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848854581 HARDBACK £54.50 9781848854598 PAPERBACK £14.99 LIBRARY OF EUROPEAN STUDIES THE TRANSFORMATION OF TURKEY NEW IDENTITY AND TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY NEW TURKEY AND EUROPEAN SECURITY DEFENCE POLICY Fatma Müge Göçek, University of Michigan Umut Uzer, State University of New York Cigdem Ustun, Middle East Technical University,Ankara Redefining State and Society from the Ottoman Empire to the Modern Era In 1923, the Modern Turkish Republic rose from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire, proclaiming a new era in the Middle East. However, many of the contemporary issues affecting Turkish state and society today have their roots not only in the history of the republic, but in the historical and political memory of the state’s imperial history. Here Fatma Müge Göçek draws on Turkey’s Ottoman heritage and history to explore current issues of ethnicity and religion alongside Turkey’s international position. Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: Surveying Contemporary Turkey: A Country of Social Tensions Rooted in the Past; Chapter 2: Ottoman Origins of the Armenian, Greek and Kurdish Challenges to Turkish Foreign Policy; Chapter 3: The Legacy of the Young Turk Revolution in Contemporary Turkish Politics; Chapter 4: Why is There Still a Sevres Syndrome? An Analysis of Turkey’s Uneasy Association with the West; Chapter 5: Silences in the Turkish Republican Past: An Analysis of Contemporary Turkish-Armenian Literature; Chapter 6: Remembering the Past: How to Commemorate 24 April 1915 ; Chapter 7: In Search of Just Turks in the Collective Violence Committed against the Armenians. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848856110 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 103 The Kemalist Influence in Cyprus and the Caucasus Turkey’s foreign policy is usually represented as essentially peaceful, using diplomacy and multilateralism in the resolution of its conflicts with other states. Here, Umut Uzer offers a necessary corrective to this standard analysis by revealing the Kemalist influence in Turkey’s state ideology. This defined the identity of the state as Turkish, embracing both Turkish and Turkic peoples as ‘Turks’, and resulting in responsibilities towards Turks residing beyond its borders and a more engaged foreign policy that ranged from declarations of support for ethnic kin outside Turkey to outright takeover of territory. Contents: Acronyms and Abbreviations; Acknowledgements; Preface; Introduction: The Role of Ideas and Interests in Turkish Foreign Policy; 1. State Identity and Foreign Policy: The impact of Ideas and Power; 2. The Three Paths of Turkish Nationalism and Kemalist State Identity; 3. Turkish ForeignPolicy Analysis; 4. The Annexation of Hatay: Exception or Harbinger of Future Policies?; 5. Turkey’s National Cause: Cyprus in Turkish Foreign Policy; 6. The Karabagh Issue and the Emergence of the Turkic World; Conclusion: Competing Interests and Identities in Turkish Politics; Notes; Bibliography; Index. 33 NEW Compatibility and Security Cultures in a Globalised World In light of recent developments – not least the controversial issue of Turkey’s EU candidacy – this book attempts to answer two main questions: ‘Is there a gap between EU and Turkish security cultures?’ and ‘To what extent is Turkey an advantage for Europe?’. Cigdem Ustun here examines Turkey’s crucial role with NATO and details its relations and priorities in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Black Sea regions, comparing these with EU relations and priorities. Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Globalisation and Security: A Conceptual Framework; Chapter 3. Security Culture and Theories; Chapter 4. Turkey’s Security Perception; Chapter 5. A Comparison of Turkey and EU Security Perceptions; Chapter 6. ‘Optimist’ versus ‘Pessimist’ Perspectives; Chapter 7. Conclusion. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2011 9781848852679 HARDBACK £56.50 3 MAPS & TABLES TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF EUROPEAN STUDIES,VOL. 12 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848855694 HARDBACK £56.50 5 LINE & 5 INTEGRATED B&W TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 52 www.ibtauris.com ‘ ’ This stimulating study offers many fresh insights into the dynamics of power within the Ottoman Empire – Abrar review of The Crescent and the Eagle, see page 35 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / THE OTTOMANS AND TURKEY KURDS OF MODERN TURKEY NEW Migration, Neoliberalism and Exclusion in Turkish Society TECHNOLOGY AND NATIONAL IDENTITY IN TURKEY NEW North Cyprus Burce Celik, Bahcesehir University Cenk Saraçoglu, Middle East Technical, The role of the Kurds in Turkey has long been a controversial issue, although discussion has generally been focused around the political and cultural rights and activities of the Kurds. This book aims to bring a new approach to this contentious subject by shifting attention to the changing popular image of the Kurds in Turkish cities. It focuses particularly on the ways in which the middle-class in Turkish cities develop an exclusionary discourse against the Kurds. Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Ethnographic Fieldwork and Methodological Considerations; Chapter 3: Clarifying the Research Object: Exclusive Recognition; Chapter 4: The Historical Specificity of ‘Exclusive Recognition’; Chapter 5: Urban Everyday Life: The Locus of Exclusive Recognition; Chapter 6: National-Level Dynamics and the Social Life in Turkish Cities; Chapter 7: The Recognition of ‘Kurdish Migrants’; Chapter 8: Excluding the Recognized; Chapter 9:The Reinforcement of Exclusive Recognition; Chapter 10: Exclusive Recognition: An Ideology; Chapter 11: Conclusion. 34 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848854680 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 95 THE ZAZA KURDS OF TURKEY A Middle Eastern Minority in a Globalised Society NEW College Turkey, at the very intersection between Europe and the Middle East, comprises a plethora of ethnicities and minority groups. There is however very little official data about many of its chief minorities.The Zazas are one such group: a Kurdish people speaking the Zaza dialect, and living as a distinct people in the eastern Anatolian provinces. Mehmet S. Kaya here investigates all aspects of Zaza life: kinship, economy, culture, identity, gender relations, patriarchy and religion. His fieldwork among local communities in the Zaza area sheds light upon the ways in which this Middle Eastern minority has maintained its way of life and cultural identity in today’s globalised society.This book provides valuable insights into a little-known people, and will be of interest within the fields of Middle East Studies, Islamic Studies, Minority Studies and Diaspora Studies. 1. Introduction; 2. Kinship; 3. A tribal society; 4. A patriarchal society; 5. A society with its own authorities; 6. Reciprocity among the Zaza population; 7. The economic system of the Zaza society; 8. Turkey, a state in conflict; 9. Culture and identity; 10. Gender relations, family and division of labour; 11. Religion, collectivism and individualism. 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781845118754 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 71 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Turkey has seen a complete re-imagining of its political, cultural and social landscape. Burçe Çelik argues that technology has been integral to this transformative process, showing how take-up of modern technologies, such as the cell or mobile phone, has been embraced particularly by those who most easily absorbed new ideals about Turkey and modern Turkishness. Insolvency and European Financial Control in the late Nineteenth Century Murat Birdal, Istanbul University 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84885 298 3 HARDBACK £54.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 18 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE EMERGENCE OF MODERN ISTANBUL Transformation and Modernisation of a City Murat Gül, University of Contents: 1. Introduction: Cellular Telephony, Imitation, Attachment; 2. Technology of/in Making a Modern Nation: Melancholic Construct, Melancholic Bodies; 3. Rethinking the Technoscape and Contextualizing Cellular Telephony in Turkey; 4.Attachment to Cellular Telephony: Thinking of Meaning, Function and Bodily Relations; 5. Individual Articulation with Cellular Telephony: Containment, Transference and Translation; 6. Cellular Telephony as a Social Practice:The Collective Desire for Living in an Open Crowd. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848854291 HARDBACK £56.50 12 INTEGRATED B&W TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, VOL. 15 Sydney 264 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 935 5 HARDBACK £60.00 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL 83 SPATIAL CONCEPTIONS OF THE NATION Modernizing Geographies in Greece and Turkey Nikiforos Diamandouros, University of Athens, Thalia Dragonas, University of Athens, and Çaglar Keyder, Bogaziçi University (Eds) 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2010 978 1 84885 131 3 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF HISTORICAL STUDIES, VOL. 66 ISLAM AND SECULARISM IN TURKEY Mehmed S. Kaya, Lillehammer University Contents: Mobile Communications and the Evolution of a Post-Ottoman Nation THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF OTTOMAN PUBLIC DEBT OCCIDENTALISM IN TURKEY Questions of Modernity and National Identity in Turkish Radio Broadcasting Meltem Ahiska, Bocazici University, Istanbul 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM MAY 2010 978 1 84511 653 8 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 79 CITIES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN From the Ottomans to the Present Day Biray Kolluoglu and Meltem Toksözö (Eds), both at Bogaziçi University, Istanbul 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84885 127 6 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 23 OTTOMANIA The Romantics and the Myth of the Islamic Orient Roderick Cavaliero 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2010 978 1 84885 106 1 HARDBACK £49.50 16 INTEGRATED B&W LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 24 Kemalism, Religion and the Nation State Umat Azak, ISIM 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84885 263 1 HARDBACK £52.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY,VOL 27 CHILDREN OF ACHILLES The Greeks in Asia Minor since the Days of Troy John Freely 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 941 6 HARDBACK £22.50 29 IN 16PP B&W PLATES, 2 MAPS THE EARL AND HIS BUTLER IN CONSTANTINOPLE The Secret Diary of an English Servant Among the Ottomans Nigel and Caroline Webb 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 782 5 PAPERBACK £14.99 MUSLIMS IN MODERN TURKEY Kemalism, Modernism and the Revolt of the Islamic Intellectuals Sena Karasipahi, Texas A&M 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 783 2 HARDBACK £54.50 ‘ ’ A measured study, which provides important new information and insights into the workings of the Ottoman system – Middle East Magazine review of Gold for the Sultan, see page 35 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / THE OTTOMANS AND TURKEY OTTOMANS LOOKING WEST? The Origins of the Tulip Age and its Development in Modern Turkey TEXTBOOK 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 491 6 HARDBACK £54.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 14 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Suraiya Faroqhi, Ludwig Can Erimtan WOMEN WORKERS IN TURKEY Global Industrial Production in Istanbul Saniye Dedeoglu, University of Mugla, Turkey 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 122 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 7 Leisure and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth Century 280 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 570 8 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES MIGRATING TO AMERICA Transnational Social Networks and Regional Identity among Turkish Migrants Lisa DiCarlo, Babson College, Massachusetts 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 646 0 HARDBACK £54.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF MIGRATION STUDIES, VOL. 1 INNOVATION AND EMPIRE Sultan Selim III and the Modernisation of the Ottoman Navy Tuncay Zorlu, Turkish Society for History of Science 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 694 1 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 16 BRITAIN AND TURKEY IN THE MIDDLE EAST Politics and Influence in the Early Cold War Era Mustafa Bilgin, Sutcu Imam University 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 350 6 HARDBACK £52.50 LIBRARY MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 75 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES GOVERNING PROPERTY, MAKING THE MODERN STATE Law,Administration and Production in Ottoman Syria Martha Mundy, London School of Economics, & Richard Saumarez Smith, American University of Beirut 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 291 2 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 9 MAPS Deniz Kandiyoti, SOAS, & Ayse Saktanber, Middle East Technical University (Eds) 360 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 427 6 PAPERBACK £17.99 ILLUSTRATED SUBJECTS OF THE SULTAN OTTOMAN REFORM AND MUSLIM REGENERATION Suraiya Faroqhi, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 757 4 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 8 Culture and Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire OTTOMAN TULIPS, OTTOMAN COFFEE Dana Sajdi (Ed.), Wissenschaftskolleg zu The Everyday of Modern Turkey Maximilians University, Munich 232 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 478 7 HARDBACK £49.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Berlin FRAGMENTS OF CULTURE THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND THE WORLD AROUND IT Itzchak Weismann & Fruma Zachs, both at the University of Haifa (Eds) 368 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 760 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED FRONTIERS OF OTTOMAN STUDIES OTTOMANS, TURKS AND THE BALKANS 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 631 7 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES, VOL. 5 ILLUSTRATED Empire Lost, Relations Altered Ebru Boyar, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 351 3 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 12 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES BETWEEN TWO EMPIRES Ahmet Agaoglu and the New Turkey A. Holly Shissler, University of Chicago 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 855 7 HARDBACK £56.50 ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 2 THE WELL-PROTECTED DOMAINS Ideology & the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire 1876–1909 Selim Deringil, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 472 6 PAPERBACK £19.99 GOLD FOR THE SULTAN Western Bankers and Ottoman Finance 1856–1881 Christopher Clay, University of Bristol 720 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 476 4 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF HISTORICAL STUDIES, VOL. 20 THE CRESCENT AND THE EAGLE Ottoman Rule, Islam and the Albanians, 1874–1913 George Gawrych, Baylor Volume 1 Colin Imber, University of Manchester, & Keiko Kiyotaki, London School of Economics FRONTIERS OF OTTOMAN STUDIES Volume 2 Colin Imber, University of Manchester, Keiko Kiyotaki, London School of Economics, & Rhoads Murphey, University of Birmingham (Eds) 264 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 664 5 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES, VOL. 6 THE SULTAN’S PROCESSION The Swedish Embassy to Sultan Mehmed IV in 1657–1658 and the Ralamb Paintings Karin Adahl (Ed.), Uppsala University 344 PAGES 300 X 235MM 978 9 18688 418 5 HARDBACK £54.50 SWEDISH RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN ISTANBUL ILLUSTRATED THE LAST DRAGOMAN Swedish Orientalist Johannes Kolmodin as Scholar, Activist and Diplomat Elisabeth Ozdalga (Ed.), Middle East Technical University of Ankara 256 PAGES 276 X 219MM 978 9 18688 414 7 PAPERBACK £25.00 ILLUSTRATED TRANSACTIONS,VOL 16 SWEDISH RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN ISTANBUL University 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 287 5 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 10 www.ibtauris.com 35 ‘ ’ Warwick Ball has managed to bring alive an enticing picture of Afghanistan – Art Newspaper review of Monuments of Afghanistan, see page 37 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / THE OTTOMANS AND TURKEY Elections, Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society TEXTBOOK University Michael Lake (Ed.) Preface by Pat Cox TURKISH DEMOCRACY TODAY THE EU AND TURKEY A Glittering Prize or a Millstone? Ersin Kalycioglu, Isik University, Ali Carkoglu, Sabanci University, & Ustun Erguder, Sabanci 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 185 4 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL. 15 THE UNWELCOME NEIGHBOUR Hans-Lukas Kieser (Ed.), Asa Lundgren, Uppsala Towards PostNationalist Identities Turkey’s Kurdish Policy University of Zurich University 168 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 682 9 HARDBACK £54.50 CULTURE AND SOCIETY IN WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA,VOL. 3 THE BIRTH OF MODERN TURKEY TURKEY, ISLAMISTS AND DEMOCRACY Handan Nezir-Akmese, Yildiz Atasoy, Simon The Ottoman Military and the March to WWI Transition and Globalisation in a Muslim State University of Manchester 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 797 0 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY VOL. 4 36 TEXTBOOK TURKEY A Modern History Erik J. Zürcher, University of Leiden 388 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 399 6 HARDBACK £51.50 978 1 86064 958 5 PAPERBACK £15.99 THE STATE AND THE SUBALTERN Modernisation Society & the State in Turkey & Iran Touraj Atabaki (Ed.), Leiden University 272 PAGES 234 X 156 MM 978 1 84511 339 1 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 66 MEN OF ORDER Authoritarian Modernization Under Ataturk and Reza Shah Touraj Atabaki & Erik J. Zurcher, both at University of Leiden (Eds) 296 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 426 9 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 21 THE YEZIDIS The History of a Community, Culture and Religion Birgül Açikyildiz, University of Oxford 180 PAGES 228 X 148MM 978 1 90340 375 4 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 90340 361 7 PAPERBACK £15.99 THE FEDERAL TRUST TURKEY BEYOND NATIONALISM 264 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 141 0 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY, VOL. 8 KURDS Fraser University, Canada 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 758 1 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 48 CLASH OF EMPIRES Turkey Between Russian Bolshevism and British Imperialism, 1918–1923 NEW Yezidism is a fascinating part of the rich cultural mosaic of the Middle East.Yezidis emerged for the first time in the 12th century in the Kurdish mountains of northern Iraq.Their religion, which has become notorious for its associations with ‘devil worship’, is in fact an intricate syncretic system of belief. Birgül Açikyildiz offers a comprehensive appraisal of Yezidi religion, society and culture.Written without presupposing any prior knowledge about Yezidism, and in an accessible and readable style, her book examines Yezidis not only from a religious point of view but as a historical and social phenomenon. She throws light on the origins of Yezidism, and charts its historical development as part of the general history of the Kurds.This richly Illustrated book will have strong appeal to all those with an interest in the culture of the Kurds, as well as the wider region. 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM AUGUST 2010 9781848852747 HARDBACK £49.50 74 B&W, 26 COLOUR, 25 LINE DRAWINGS, 13 MAPS LIBRARY OF MODERN RELIGION,VOL. 17 Bulent Gokay A MODERN HISTORY OF THE KURDS 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 117 6 HARDBACK £49.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 13 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES David McDowall 536 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 416 0 PAPERBACK £18.99 ROADS TO GLORY Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits Ronald Bobroff, Wake Forest University 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 142 7 HARDBACK £59.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY, VOL. 7 THE OTHER KURDS Yazidis in Colonial Iraq Nelida Fuccaro, University of Exeter 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 170 1 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES VOL. 14 KURDS, ARABS AND BRITONS The Memoir of Wallace Lyon in Iraq, 1918–1944 D.K. Fieldhouse (Ed.), Jesus College, Cambridge 280 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 613 3 HARDBACK £51.50 16 B & W ILLUSTRATIONS ROAD THROUGH KURDISTAN Travels in Northern Iraq A.M. Hamilton, New introduction by David McDowall 256 PAGES 198 X 126MM 978 1 85043 637 9 PAPERBACK £9.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS 33 B&W PHOTOGRAPHS MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 ‘ ’ First full-length study in Engish of these previously neglected voices – Middle East Magazine review of Rethinking Orientalism, see page 39 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS / AFGHANISTAN ON AFGHANISTAN’S PLAINS TALIBAN The Story of Britain’s Afghan Wars AZERBAIJAN Jules Stewart The Power of Militant Islam in Afghanistan and Beyond NEW NEW Britain’s military involvement in Afghanistan is a contentious subject, yet it is often forgotten that the current conflict is in fact the fourth in a string of such wars dating back as far as the early nineteenth century. Aiming to protect the British territories in India from the expanding Russian empire, the British fought a series of conflicts on Afghan territory between 1838 and 1919. The Anglo-Afghan wars of the 19th and early 20th centuries were ill-conceived and led to some of the worst military disasters ever sustained by British forces in this part of the world, with poor strategy in the First Afghan War resulting in the annihilation of 16,000 soldiers and civilians in a single week. In his new book, Jules Stewart explores the potential danger of replaying Britain’s military catastrophes and considers what can be learnt from the experiences of these earlier wars. 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2011 9781848857179 HARDBACK £18.99 16 BW PLATES, 2 MAPS The American bombing of terrorist bases in Afghanistan under the protection of the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban movement has brought the Taliban into sharp focus as the most radical and extreme Islamic movement in the world today. Little is known about the Taliban because of the deep secrecy that surrounds their political movement, their leaders and their aims. The geo-strategic implications of the Taliban are already creating severe instability in Russia, Iran and the five Central Asian republics where the Taliban have become a major player in the new Great Game, as Western countries and companies compete to build oil and gas pipelines from Central Asia to Western and Asian markets. The Taliban’s implementation of their extreme interpretation of Islam poses new challenges to the Muslim world and the West’s understanding of radical Islam in the postCold War era. 344 PAGES 198 X 126MM APRIL 2010 9781848854468 PAPERBACK £9.99 AFGHAN FRONTIER Christopher M. Wyatt, Economic and Social Victoria Schofield Feuding and Fighting in Central Asia Diplomacy and Strategy during the Great Game 392 PAGES 198 X 126MM MAY 2010 978 1 84885 188 7 PAPERBACK £12.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS Research Council (ESRC) AFGHANISTAN – AID, ARMIES AND EMPIRES Peter Marsden 2740 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 751 1 PAPERBACK £14.99 MONUMENTS OF AFGHANISTAN Warwick Ball, British Institute of Afghan Studies 336 PAGES 270 X 208MM 978 1 85043 436 8 HARDBACK £59.50 ILLUSTRATED TEXTBOOK Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: The Historiography of Afghanistan in the Defence of India; Chapter 2:The Problem of Herat; Chapter 3: Events in Russian Central Asia and their Relevance to Afghanistan; Chapter 4:The Dane Mission; Chapter 5: British Strategic Considerations 1903-1905; Chapter 6: British Strategic Planning 1906-1908; Chapter 7: A Diplomatic Defence of India; Conclusion. 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM JUNE 2011 9781848856103 HARDBACK £59.50 10 INTEGRATED BW TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY HISTORY,VOL. 32 A Political History Suha Bolukbasi, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Ahmed Rashid AFGHANISTAN AND THE DEFENCE OF EMPIRE NEW At the height of the ‘Great Game’ in Central Asia, in the run up to World War I and the aftermath of the second Afghan War, the region of Afghanistan became particularly significant for both Great Britain and Russia. Afghanistan and the Defence of Empire explores the relationship between British and Afghan rulers, during the crucial period of the reign of Amir Habibullah Khan, as the British sought to safeguard their Indian Empire from the threat of Imperial Russia.With Russia’s defeat at the hands of the Japanese in 1905 and the rise of Germany as a superpower, the need to end the rivalry took on the utmost importance: efforts which culminated in the singing of the Anglo-Russian Convention in 1907. CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS MODERN AFGHANISTAN A History of Struggle and Survival Amin Saikal 352 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 316 2 PAPERBACK £14.99 AFGHANISTAN A Modern History Angelo Rasanayagam, UNHCR 336 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 857 1 PAPERBACK £14.99 NEW Azerbaijan’s Soviet and post-Soviet political history has been tumultuous and varied, particularly with regard to the struggle for independence, democracy and sovereignty. Suha Bolukbasi here illustrates how postStalin resilience, the tolerance shown toward subtle nationalist expression, and Gorbachev’s relaxation of central control from Moscow were responsible for the initial emergence of a more liberal atmosphere in Azerbaijan. As a result, issues such as Moscow’s responsibility for environmental degradation, the depletion of Azerbaijan’s oil, and unfavourable terms of trade all began to be freely discussed. However, the Azerbaijan-Armenian dispute over Karabagh has had a dramatic impact on the political discourse. The dispute has become not only an international conflict, but one which involves the lives of more than one million refugees. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848856202 HARDBACK £54.50 POWER GAMES IN THE CAUCASUS NEW Azerbaijan’s Foreign and Energy Policy towards the West, Russia and the Middle East Nazrin Mehdiyeva This book provides the first comprehensive study of Azerbaijan’s post-independence foreign policy in relation to its much stronger neighbours – Russia,Turkey and Iran – and the role that the west brought to bear in helping Azerbaijan to counterbalance the influence of Russia. Complex and subtle diplomatic negotiations enabled the exploitation of Azerbaijan’s substantial oil and gas resources and the implementation of transit projects that Azerbaijan’s leadership considered critical. Contents: Chapter 1: A small state in great power politics: The Case of Azerbaijan; Chapter 2: The Making of Azerbaijani Foreign Policy: Images, institutions and personalities; Chapter 3: Non-bandwagoning with Russia: The Military Dimension; Chapter 4: Nonbandwagoning with Russia: Oil and the Caspian; Chapter 5: The Evolution of Azerbaijan’s Policy towards Turkey: Hopes vs. Action; Chapter 6:The Western Dimension of Azerbaijan’s Strategy: Balancing with the United States?; Chapter 7: Conclusions: A Model of Sustainable Policy 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848854260 HARDBACK £56.50 8PP B&W PLATES TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 49 www.ibtauris.com 37 ’ ‘ The real attraction of ‘Road Through Kurdistan’ is its warm humanity – Times Literary Supplement review of Road Through Kurdistan, see page 36 REGIONAL HISTORY AND POLITICS/ CENTRAL ASIA AND THE CAUCASUS THE NEW CENTRAL ASIA Geopolitics & the Birth of Nations Olivier Roy, CNRS, Paris 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 278 4 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 85411 552 4 PAPERBACK £17.99 TEXTBOOK PROSPECTS FOR DEMOCRACY IN CENTRAL ASIA Birgit N. Schlyter (Ed.), Stockholm University 296 PAGES 276 X 219MM 978 9 18688 416 1 PAPERBACK £25.00 ON THE RELIGIOUS FRONTIER Tsarist Russia and Islam in the Caucasus Firouzeh Mostashari, Regis College 244 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 771 0 HARDBACK £56.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF HISTORICAL STUDIES, VOL. 32 POLITICS OF THE BLACK SEA Dynamics of Cooperation and Conflict Tunc Aybak (Ed.), Middlesex University 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 454 2 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELIGION,VOL. 16 TEXTBOOK ILLUSTRATED TRANSACTIONS,VOL. 15 SWEDISH RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN ISTANBUL TROUBLED WATERS The Geopolitics of the Caspian Region R. Hrair Dekmejian & Hovann H. Simonian, IDENTITY POLITICS IN CENTRAL ASIA AND THE MUSLIM WORLD Nationalism, Ethnicity and Labour in the Twentieth Century Willem van Schendel, University of Amsterdam & Erik J. Zürcher, University of both at the University of Southern California 280 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 922 6 PAPERBACK £18.99 Leiden KAZAKHSTAN Power and the Elite 248 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 261 6 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS,VOL. 13 Sally N. Cummings, University of St.Andrews 208 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 854 0 HARDBACK £56.50 ILLUSTRATED TEXTBOOK THE ROLE OF THE STATE IN WEST ASIA 38 University (Eds) Annika Rabo, Centre for Research on International Migration and Ethnic Relations, & Bo Utas, Uppsala ANIMAL AND SHAMAN Julian Baldick, King’s College, London 208 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 431 3 HARDBACK £56.50 ENDGAME 186 PAGES 276 X 219MM 978 9 18688 413 0 PAPERBACK £25.00 ILLUSTRATED TRANSACTIONS,VOL. 14 SWEDISH RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN ISTANBUL Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia Jennifer Siegel, University of Pennsylvania VLADIMIR PUTIN AND CENTRAL ASIA The Shaping of Russian Foreign Policy Lena Jonson, Swedish Institute of International Affairs 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 628 7 HARDBACK £54.50 CULTURE AND SOCIETY IN WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA,VOL. 1 Foreword by Paul Kennedy, Yale University 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 371 2 HARDBACK £29.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF HISTORICAL STUDIES, VOL. 25 MONUMENTS OF CENTRAL ASIA A Guide to the Archaeology,Art and Architecture of Turkestan ARMING THE STATE Military Conscription in the Middle East and Central Asia, 1775–1925 Erik J. Zürcher (Ed.), University of Leiden 192 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 404 7 HARDBACK £56.50 ALLAH’S MOUNTAINS The Battle for Chechnya Sebastian Smith 328 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 979 0 PAPERBACK £11.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 Edgar Knobloch ILLUSTRATED 256 PAGES 148 X 210MM 978 1 86064 590 7 PAPERBACK £16.99 GENDER STUDIES ARAB-AMERICAN WOMEN’S WRITING AND PERFORMANCE NEW Orientalism, Race and the Idea of the Arabian Nights Somaya Sami Sabry The public image of Arabs in America has been radically affected by the ‘war on terror’. But stereotypes of Arabs, manifested for instance in Orientalist representations of Sheherazade and the Arabian Nights in Hollywood, have prevailed for much longer. Here Somaya Sabry argues that the ArabAmerican experience has been powerfully shaped by racial discourse and Orientalism, and is further complicated today by hostility towards Arabs in post-9/11 America. . Contents: Chapter 1:“In-Processing” Sheherazade in the West: ‘Sheherazadian Narrative’ as a Dihliz in the Diaspora; Chapter 2: Why Recast Her in the West? Sheherazade and Race; Chapter 3: Cooking Sheherazade’s America:Tasting ArabAmerican Women’s Diasporic Narratives in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Crescent; Chapter 4:‘Fabricating’ Affiliation: Fashioning Scarves in Muslim-American Women’s Diasporic Experiences; Chapter 5: Diasporic Articulations: Performing ‘Sheherazadian Orality’; Chapter 6: Arab-American Literature, Performance and the Future; Bibliography. 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848855687 HARDBACK £51.50 8 B&W INTEGRATED TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, VOL. 19 WOMEN’S RITUALS AND CEREMONIES IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD NEW Pedram Khosronejad The rituals of societies across the Islamic world provide a fascinating window into gender roles within those societies.This book examines women’s rituals and ceremonies in contemporary Islam, including both Sunni and Shi’i communities, and ranging from North Africa to the Middle East. Contents: Introduction; Women Transferring Shi’a Rituals in a Migrant Country – Ingvild Flaskerud; Home-ethnography of Women’s Death Rituals in Bahrain – Sawsan Karimi;The Missing: Spiritual and Personal Loss in Bakhtiari Female Lamentation – Pedram Khosronejad; Women’s Moharram Practices: Expanding Opportunities in an Iranian Village – Dr Mary Hegland; Funeral, Feeling and Female Muslim-Hui in Southwest Shandong China – Su Min; Methodological Implications of the Researcher’s Gender and Religion: Reflections on Fieldwork with Sufi Women in Istanbul – Anna Neubauer; Female Divinatory Practices in Saharan Medium and Tuaregs in Ahaggar – Faiza Seddik-Arkam;Votive Sofrehs and the Sofrehs of Material Culture – Faegheh Shirazi; Henna Practices and Moroccan Male and Female Life Course Rituals: Balance and Collaboration in the Construction of Gender; 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2011 9781848856486 HARDBACK £54.50 25 INTEGRATED B&W TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES ‘ ’ This is a historicall well-researched book – Dialogue review of Women in Islam and the Middle East, see page 39 GENDER STUDIES GENDER AND IDENTITY IN NORTH AFRICA NEW Postcolonialism and Feminism in Maghrebi Women’s Literature Abdelkader Cheref, University of Limerick Ireland Literary fiction has always provided an outlet for social and political critique. In the writing of key North African women authors, the dissection of Maghrebi society is at the very heart of the narratives. Here, Abdelkader Cheref charts the rise of postcolonial literature written by women from the Maghreb, and provides the first comparative analysis of three of the region’s most prominent contemporary authors: Assia Djeba (Algeria), Leila Abouzeid (Morocco) and Souad Guellouz (Tunisia). Contents: Introduction;Women Writers in the Maghreb: The Triumph of the ‘Muzzled’; The Representation of the Subaltern and Importance of Community: Leila Abouzeid’s ‘Year of the Elephant’; Resistance and SelfFulfilment: Assia Djebar’s ‘A Sister to Scheherazade’; Women’s Life-Writing: The Sense of Geographic, Cultural and Social Displacement in Souad Guellouz’s ‘La Vie Simple’; Conclusion. 224 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9781848854499 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 94 GENDER AND NATION BUILDING IN THE MIDDLE EAST NEW The Political Economy of Health from Mandate Palestine to Refugee Camps in Jordan Elise G. Young, Westfield State College, Massachusetts From Mandate Palestine to refugee camps in Jordan today, generations of Palestinians have been affected by the reach of the state into their everyday lives. Here Elise Young offers an analysis of the politics of state building in the Middle East, viewed through the lens of health.Young argues that gendered, raced and classed constructions of health, as evidenced in malaria eradication campaigns and the regularization of midwifery, are central to such state building processes. She draws on archival documents to uncover British medical administration and American involvement during the Mandate, and in-depth oral histories of Palestinian women refugees in Jordan. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Imperialism and Health: Political Implications of Malaria Eradication Campaigns in Palestine and Transjordan, 19191939; 3. Between Daya and Doctor: A Formidable Abyss?; Conclusion. 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848854819 HARDBACK £54.40 5 LINE, 10 BW INTEGRATED TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES WOMEN AND CHANGE IN CYPRUS Feminisms and Gender in Conflict Maria Hadjipavlou, University of Cyprus 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2010 978184511 934 8 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF EUROPEAN STUDIES,VOL. 15 DOMAINS OF INFLUENCE Arab Women Business Leaders in a New Economy Jacqueline Hassink 152 PAGES 300 X 240MM 978 1 84511 659 0 HARDBACK £30.00 PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE AIWF WOMEN IN THE OTTOMAN BALKANS Gender, Culture and History Amila Buturovic, York University, & Irvin Cemil Schick, Harvard University (Eds) 384 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 505 0 HARDBACK £59.50 OTTOMAN STUDIES LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 15 WOMEN IN ISLAM AND THE MIDDLE EAST A Reader Ruth Roded (Ed.), Hebrew University of Jerusalem 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 385 8 PAPERBACK £15.99 GENDERING THE MIDDLE EAST Emerging Prospects MASCULINITIES IN URBAN IRAN ISLAM AND GENDER Mehri Honarbin-Holliday, Canterbury Christ Ziba Mir-Hosseini The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran Young Men in Contemporary Iranian NEW Society Church University Men in Middle Eastern societies are often viewed by the popular Western media only in the context of religious fundamentalism and the subjugation of women. This new book shifts the discourse on gender, usually focused on women, to men in the Middle East, and to young men in Iranian society in particular – and in the process fills a crucial gap in our understanding. It illustrates that, contrary to common perceptions that Iranian men are ‘tough’, there is an acute desire among young men for women’s approval and friendship, and to be recognised as sensitive and cosmopolitan. Contents: Conceptual and Contextual Framework; Masculine Rituals of Devotion and Passion; Cultural Markers in the Discourse of the Masculine Body; Reflections on Masculinity through Forms of Institutions; Reflections. 344 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 268 5 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 85043 269 2 PAPERBACK £16.99 TRIBESWOMEN OF IRAN Weaving Memories among Qashqa’i Nomads Julia Huang 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 832 7 HARDBACK £52.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES VEILED HALF TRUTHS Western Travellers’ Perceptions of Middle Eastern Women Judy Mabro 296 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978186064 027 8 PAPERBACK £19.95 256 APAGES 234 X 156MM SEPTEMBER 2011 WOMEN UNDER ISLAM 15 INTEGRATED BW Chris Jones-Pauly, Harvard University with Abir Dajani Tuqan 9781848857360 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Gender Justice and the Politics of Islamic Law 432 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84511 386 5 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF ISLAMIC LAW, VOL. 3 Deniz Kandiyoti, SOAS 192 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 949 3 PAPERBACK £16.99 TEXTBOOK GENDER, MODERNITY AND LIBERTY Middle Eastern and Western Women’s Writings: a Critical Sourcebook Reina Lewis, University of East London, & Nancy Micklewright, The Getty Foundation 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 956 1 HARDBACK £59.50 978 1 86064 957 8 PAPERBACK £18.99 ILLUSTRATED TEXTBOOK RETHINKING ORIENTALISM Women,Travel and the Ottoman Harem Reina Lewis, University of East London 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 729 1 HARDBACK £57.50 978 1 86064 730 7 PAPERBACK £17.99 LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 4 ILLUSTRATED www.ibtauris.com 39 ‘ ’ This book is a remarkable achievement and a rich source of ethnographic data about the lives of elite Arab women – Middle East Magazine review of Domains of Influence, see page 39 GENDER STUDIES TEXTBOOK THE BOOK AND THE ROSES LAW AND FINANCE CONTRACTS IN ISLAMIC LAW Hussein Hassan, Oxford Sufi Women,Visibility and Zikir in Contemporary Istanbul Centre for Islamic Studies Catharina Raudvere, Lund University, Sweden 248 PAGES 276 X 174MM 978 1 86064 942 4 PAPERBACK £22.50 PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SWEDISH RESEARCH INSTITUTE IN ISTANBUL TEXTBOOK WOMEN AND MEDIA IN THE MIDDLE EAST Power through SelfExpression Naomi Sakr (Ed.), University of Westminster 248 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 485 6 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 85043 545 7 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 41 PLAYING THE GAME Western Women in Arabia Penelope Tuson 40 264 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 933 2 HARDBACK £35.00 BANKING AND GENDER Sex Equality in the Financial Services in Britain and Turkey Mustafa Ozbilgin, University of Surrey, & Diana Woodward, Napier University 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 948 6 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIVING ISLAM Women, Religion and the Politicization of Culture in Turkey Ayse Saktanber, Middle East Technical University 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 178 7 HARDBACK £51.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 20 TEXTBOOK FAITH AND FREEDOM Women’s Human Rights in the Muslim World Mahnaz Afkhami (Ed.) 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 008 7 PAPERBACK £14.99 NEW This book introduces students to the theoretical and philosophical foundations of Islamic contractual law. Islamic law is applied in differing degrees by many countries across the world and especially in the Middle East. Considering the strategic and financial importance of these countries, taken as a whole, it is surprising how little academic writing exists in the west on either Islamic law or Middle Eastern law. Recently there have been signs of a burgeoning interest in Middle Eastern law. However, traditional Islamic law remains a neglected area of study. Hussein Hassan makes a significant contribution by presenting a detailed survey (which utilises both contemporary and classical sources) of a crucially important area of Islamic law – contract law – and by adopting an approach that gives priority to theory and to a comparative analysis with Anglo-American law theory. 208 PAGES 216 X 134MM MAY 2011 9781850439295 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF ISLAMIC LAW,VOL. 1 MUSLIM MINORITIES AND CITIZENSHIP NEW Authority, Communities and Islamic Law Sean Oliver-Dee, London School of Theology The issues of citizenship, identity and cohesion have rarely been as vital as they are today. Since the events of 9/11 and subsequent terrorist episodes in Bali, Madrid, London and elsewhere, focus in this area has centred primarily upon Muslim minority communities living in the west. This book examines the question of citizenship and loyalty, drawing on the historical contexts of Muslim minorities living under British and French imperial rule in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and looks at how shari’a functioned within the context of imperial civil code. Contents: Introduction; Section 1: Historical and Theological Background; 1. Theology of Shar?’a and its Historical Development; 2. Anglo-French Imperial interaction with Islam: Historical Contextualisation; Section 2: Government and Authority in Islam; 3. Muslim citizens and the authority of the secular state; 4. From Ijtihad to Khilafah state: The Notion of the Muslim Community; On what level should the notion of the Muslim community function?; 5. The Introduction of Shari’a into British Imperial India: Issues and Questions; 6. French Imperial Interaction with Shari’a; Conclusions. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2011 9781848853881 HARDBACK £54.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 ISLAMIC FINANCE AND LAW NEW Theory and Practice in a Globalized World Maha-Hanaan Balala, Oxford University Many of the principles prevalent in modern Islamic contract law and commercial practice remain the same as those outlined by the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad, and expounded by scholars of jurisprudence as far back as the 13th century, despite the advancement in time and sophistication of commercial interaction. Maha-Hanaan Balala here provides an analysis of the fundamental principles underlying Islamic law and commerce in comparison with their common law equivalents in the English-speaking world. She seeks to draw parallels (and differences where appropriate) to facilitate the growth and development of Islamic commercial and financial law worldwide. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Scope, Objective and Methodology; 3. Gharar in Islamic Law; 4. Riba: Meaning, Scope and Application; 5. The Proprietary Nature of Debt; 6. Structuring a Securitization to be compatible with both the Sharia and Common Law; 7.The Development of Islamic Finance in Malaysia: A Model to Emulate; 8. Form, Substance and the Way Forward; 9. Conclusions. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848850767 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF ECONOMICS,VOL. 5 ISLAM, LAW AND THE STATE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA VOLUME 1 NEW Indonesia Tim Lindsey (Ed.), University of Melbourne A thorough and detailed survey of Islam and the law in Indonesia today is long overdue. This volume offers an expert and systematic update of the interaction of Islam and positive law (substantive regulations and institutions) in contemporary Indonesia, where Islamic law has developed within a state-approved and secularising bureaucratic structure that valorised local traditions over the scriptures of Islam.The result is an increasingly complex mixture of local traditions and norms and state secularism, with growing social and political pressure for an orthodoxy modelled more closely on Arab cultures. Contents: 1: Syari’ah and its Discontents: Laws, Legal Institutions and the State Madhhab in Indonesia; 2. Dasar Negara? Pancasila and Constitution; 3. Kompilasi:The Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI); 4. Fatawa and the Ulama Council of Indonesia (MUI); 5.The Department of Religious Affairs; 6. Regulation of Islamic Philanthropic Institutions; 7. Regulation of Islamic Financial Institutions; 8. Regulation of Islamic Education; 9.The National Religious Judiciary; 10.The Aceh Syari’ah Court; 11. Judicial Decision Making in the Religious Courts; 12. Regional Laws: PERDA, Qanun & Codes; 13. National Laws: Regulating Morality & Belief. 416 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 978 1 84885 065 1 HARDBACK £75.00 ISLAM AND THE LAW IN SOUTHEAST ASIA,VOL. 1 ‘ ’ A classic study – a compendium of the most sophisticated work on this very important, if highly complex, area – Middle East Magazine review of Islamic Law, see page 41 ISLAM, LAW AND THE STATE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA VOLUME 2 NEW Singapore Tim Lindsey and Kerstin Steiner, both at University of Melbourne (Eds) The substantive regulations and legal institutions through which the state manages the religion of its Malay minority in contemporary Singapore are the focus of this volume.Through a detailed account of positive law and related religious and social institutions, Lindsey and Steiner explore the balance that the Singaporean government seeks to maintain between its obligations to an indigenous Muslim minority and the needs of its majority non-Muslim immigrant community. Contents: 1. Governing the Muslim Minority in Singapore: Law, Legal Institutions and the Anglo-Malay Madhhab; 2. Islamic Law under Colonial Rule:The Ordinances; 3. Islamic Law Post-Independence:The Administration of Muslim Law Act; 4. State Islamic Institutions; 5. Regulation of Islamic Education; 6.The Syari’ah Court System; 7. Judicial Decision Making in the Religious Courts; 8.The Malay Minority and the Politics of Syari’ah in Singapore. 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 978 1 84885 066 8 HARDBACK £75.00 ISLAM AND THE LAW IN SOUTHEAST ASIA,VOL. 2 LAW AND FINANCE ISLAM, LAW AND THE STATE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (3 VOL SET) Tim Lindsey and Kerstin Steiner, both at University of Melbourne (Eds) Malaysia and Brunei Tim Lindsey and Kerstin Steiner, both at University of Melbourne (Eds) Malaysia and Brunei both apply a complex hybrid body of positive law to their Malay Muslim majorities.This volume traces the development of a unique ‘Anglo-Malay madhhab’ in these states, initially by colonial and latterly by successor states. Contents: 1. Syari’ah, Daulat and the Malays: Laws, Legal Institutions and the Anglo-Malay Madhhab; 2. Overview: Islamic Laws in Malaysia: Religion and the Federation; 3.Syari’ah Law under Colonial Rule; 4. Syari’ah Law after Independence; 5. State Islamic Institutions; 6. Regulation of Islamic Financial Institutions; 7. Regulation of Islamic Education; 8. Syari’ah Courts and the Secular Judiciary Jurisdictional Division; 9. Judicial Decision Making in the Religious Courts ; 10.The PAS Codes; 11. Sisters in Islam;12. State Responses; 13. Syari’ah Laws under Colonial Rule; 14. Syari’ah Laws in Brunei after Independence; 15. Fatawa and the State Mufti’s Office; 16. State Islamic Institutions; 17. Regulation of Islamic Financial Institutions; 18. Regulation of Islamic Education; 19. Syari’ah Courts and the Secular Judiciary: Jurisdictional Division; 20. The Religious Courts; 21. Judicial Decision Making in the Religious Courts; 22. Syari’ah Political Movements. Human Rights and the Judicial Process Eugene Cotran, SOAS, & Mai Yamani, Royal Institute for International Affairs (Eds) 1248 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 978 1 84885 068 2 HARDBACK £155.00 ISLAM AND THE LAW IN SOUTHEAST ASIA 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 562 4 HARDBACK £79.50 ISLAMIC LAND TAX – AL-KHARAJ TRADE, INDUSTRIALIZATION AND THE FIRM IN IRAN From the Islamic Conquests to the Abbasid Period Ghaida Khazna Katbi, University of Jordan 416 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2010 978184885 063 7 HARDBACK £54.50 CONTEMPORARY ARAB SCHOLARSHIP IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES,VOL.16 PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION WITH CAUS – CENTRE OF ARAB UNITY STUDIES DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS AND LAW IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT Mohammad Abed al-Jabri, University of Rabat 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 749 8 HARDBACK £35.00 HUMAN RIGHTS IN ARAB THOUGHT Salma K. Jayyusi 704 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 707 9 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES VOL. 4 ISLAM AND DISSENT IN POSTREVOLUTIONARY IRAN ISLAM, LAW AND THE STATE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA VOLUME 3 NEW THE RULE OF LAW IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND ISLAMIC WORLD Abdolkarim Soroush, Religious Politics and Democratic Reform Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 879 2 HARDBACK £59.50 978 1 84511 880 8 PAPERBACK £17.99 THE LAW APPLIED Contextualizing the Islamic Shari’a Peri Bearman, Harvard University, Wolfhart Heinrichs Harvard University & Bernard Weiss, University of Utah 456 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 736 8 HARDBACK £59.50 CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ISLAM Judicial Procedure in the Shari’a Muhammad Abdel Haleem, SOAS, Adel Omar Sherif, Counsellor, Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court, & Kate Daniels (Eds) 208 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 525 9 HARDBACK £59.50 TEXTBOOK ISLAMIC LAW Theory and Practice Robert Gleave University of Bristol, & Eugenia Kermeli, Bilkent University,Turkey The Impact of Government Policy on Business Javad Amid & Amjad Hadjikhani, both at Uppsala University 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 681 2 HARDBACK £59.50 CULTURE AND SOCIETY IN WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA,VOL. 2 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN A KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 408 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 412 7 HARDBACK £47.50 978 9 94800 413 4 PAPERBACK £19.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH MONARCHIES AND NATIONS Globalisation and Identity in the Arab States of the Gulf Paul Dresch, University of Oxford & James Piscatori, Australian National University (Eds) 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 971 4 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 52 TEXTBOOK CHRISTIANS AND JEWS UNDER ISLAM Youssef Courbage, Institut d’Etudes Demographic, Paris, & Philippe Fargues, Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Economique, Juridigue et Social, Cairo Translated by Judy Mabro 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 013 1 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 86064 285 2 PAPERBACK £15.99 TEXTBOOK MARRIAGE ON TRIAL Islamic Law in Iran and Morocco Ziba Mir-Hosseini 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 608 9 PAPERBACK £15.99 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 119 0 HARDBACK £54.50 978 1 86064 652 2 PAPERBACK £17.99 512 PAGES 234 X 156MM DECEMBER 2010 978184885 067 5 HARDBACK £75.00 ISLAM AND THE LAW IN SOUTHEAST ASIA,VOL 3 www.ibtauris.com 41 ‘ ’ This is an excellent piece of work – Church Times review of Reporting Islam, see page 42 LAW AND FINANCE TEXTBOOK THE GULF Challenges of the Future SOCIETY AND ANTHROPOLGY FROM SHAMANISM TO SUFISM Women, Islam and Culture in Central Asia Razia Sultanova, Jesus College, Cambridge The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research 528 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 9 94800 705 0 HARDBACK £57.50 978 9 94800 704 3 PAPERBACK £27.50 THE EMIRATES CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES AND RESEARCH TEXTBOOK ISLAM, LIBERALISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS Katerina Dalacoura, International Institute of Strategic Studies 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 382 7 PAPERBACK £14.99 DOMESTIC GOVERNMENT Kinship, Community and Polity in North Yemen Martha Mundy, LSE 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 102 2 PAPERBACK £17.99 SOCIETY AND CULTURE IN THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST 42 NEW Rich evidence has emerged that shows how women kept alive traditional Shamanistic Islamic religious culture, especially Sufism, even during Soviet rule when all religion was banned.Women played a vital part in keeping the flame of Islam burning throughout the region, and nowhere was their role more important than in the Ferghana Valley in Uzbekistan, the cradle of female Islamic culture and centre for women’s poetry and music. Sultanova shows how Islam, long underground, flowered at independence in 1991, boosting national Uzbek identity and nationalism – 500 new mosques were built – only to return to persecution by a repressive state, although the women’s role remains crucial to the survival of traditional Muslim culture. 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848853096 HARDBACK £51.50 16 B&W INTEGRATED INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES,VOL. 3 ENGAGING OTHERNESS Rafael Reyes-Ruiz (Ed.), Zayed University, Dubai NEW The Arab states in the Gulf region are now global leaders in business and commerce. Their once traditional societies now host thousands of migrants from around the world. The Gulf is now a key player in the global economy, feeling keenly the fluctuations in the market as well as the strain upon the societies in each of the states there. This book encompassing contributions from a range of distinguished sociologists and Middle East specialists reveals much new material on Gulf cities, and explores the real impact of globalization upon their economies, societies, religion and culture. 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM AUGUST 2010 9789948157502 HARDBACK £54.50 ENCOUNTERS SERIES ZAYED UNIVERSITY PRESS REPORTING ISLAM Media Representations of British Muslims Elizabeth Poole, University of Staffordshire ILLUSTRATED 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 686 7 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 687 4 PAPERBACK £16.99 A SHOP OF ONE’S OWN Independence and Reputation among Traders in Aleppo Annika Rabo, Linkoping University, Sweden 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 683 6 HARDBACK £59.50 CULTURE AND SOCIETY IN WESTERN AND CENTRAL ASIA,VOL. 4 SHAMANISM AND ISLAM NEW Sufism, Healing Rituals and Spirits in the Muslim World Thierry Zarcone and Angela Hobart (Eds) The figure of the Shaman has always been a prominent motif within the Islamic world, particularly in relation to the mystical domain of Sufism. This new book explores the link between Islam and shamanism in contemporary Muslim culture, examining how the old religion of shamanism was ‘sufised’ in order to adapt to wider Islamic society. The authors survey shamanic practices in the Turko-Persian area, the Balkans and North Africa, to show how the Muslim shaman, like his Siberian counterpart, cultivates personal relations with spirits to help individuals through healing and divination. They explore the complexities and variety of rituals, involving music, dance and, in some regions, epic and bardic poetry, which demonstrates the close links between shamanism and Islamic arts. This is the first in-depth exploration of ‘Islamised shamanism’, and is a valuable contribution to the field of Islamic Studies, Religion, Anthropology, and the culture of the Middle East more widely. Contents: Introduction; Part I: Islamised Shamanism in Central Asia; Part II: From Central Asia to the Rest of the Muslim World; Part III: Islamised Shamanism and Other Religions. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2011 9781848856028 HARDBACK £59.50 40 INTEGRATED B&W TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 TORMENTED BIRTHS Passages to Modernity in Europe and the Middle East Isam Al-Khafaji, University of Amsterdam 208 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 976 9 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 39 IDENTITY POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST Liberal Thought and Islamic Challenge in Egypt Meir Hatina, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 280 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 135 9 HARDBACK £59.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 62 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES RETHINKING AN NGO Development, Donors and Civil Society in Jordan Basma bint al-Talal, Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development, Chair 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 925 7 HARDBACK £56.50 IMAGINING THE ARAB OTHER How Arabs and Non-Arabs View Each Other Tahar Labib, Association Arabe de Sociologie 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 384 1 HARDBACK £59.50 IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE FOR ARAB UNITY STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 69 ‘ ’ The first interdisciplinary study of the subject – Dialogue review of Standing Trial, see page 43 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SERIES ‘This impressive, multi-volume series emerges out of over a decade of European, and Eastern and Southern Mediterranean research. Bringing together 300 scholars from 26 countries, the project radically revises intellectual paradigms shaping the study of the Mediterranean to focus on the mutually constitutive relationship between individual and society.This is interdisciplinary and transcultural writing at its best.’ – Miriam Cooke CONSTITUTING MODERNITY Private Property in the East and West Women in Arab Sources Randi Deguilhem, CNRS, Paris, & Manuela Marin, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Eds) 296 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 697 3 HARDBACK £54.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SERIES,VOL. 1 MONEY, LAND AND TRADE An Economic History of the Muslim Mediterranean Nelly Hanna (Ed.), American University of Cairo 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 699 7 HARDBACK £54.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SERIES,VOL. 2 OUTSIDE IN On the Margins of the Modern Middle East Eugene Rogan (Ed.), St Antony’s College, Oxford 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 698 0 HARDBACK £54.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SERIES,VOL. 3 CRAFTS AND CRAFTSMEN OF THE MIDDLE EAST Fashioning the Individual in the Muslim Mediterranean Suraiya Faroqhi, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, & Paris Randi Deguilhem, CNRS, 392 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 700 0 HARDBACK £54.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SERIES,VOL. 4 ILLUSTRATED Catharina Raudvere, STANDING TRIAL NEW 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 996 7 HARDBACK £54.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN Baudouin Dupret (Ed.), CNRS, Paris SERIES,VOL. 6 An Introduction University of Copenhagen Law and the Person in the Modern Middle East WRITING THE FEMININE ISLAM Bogaziçi University Huri Islamoglu (Ed.), SERIES,VOL. 5 ISLAMIC STUDIES 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 997 4 HARDBACK £54.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SENSIBILITIES OF THE ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN Self-Expression in a Muslim Culture from Post-Classical Times to the Present Day Robin Ostle 408 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978184511 650 7 HARDBACK £59.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SERIES,VOL 7 Many existing introductions to Islam focus predominantly on the Middle East and on historical background at the expense of Islam as a lived faith. Assessing Islam as a truly global phenomenon, Catharina Raudvere engages thoroughly with history (explaining the significance of the revelation of the Prophet Muhammad and the origins of the different Sunni and Shi’a groups within Islam), while also giving full and comprehensive coverage to Muslim ritual life and Islamic ethics. She discusses moral debates and modern lifestyle issues such as halal consumption, interfaith dialogue and controversy over the wearing of the veil. Diaspora communities are considered with a view to showing how norms and doctrines are understood – and sometimes contradicted – in social and ritual practice. 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848850835 HARDBACK £54.50 9781848850842 PAPERBACK £14.99 20 INTEGRATED B&W, 3 MAPS I.B.TAURIS INTRODUCTIONS TO RELIGION SHATTERING TRADITION Custom, Law and the Individual in the Muslim Mediterranean Walter Dostal & Wolfgang Kraus, both at INTRODUCTION TO THE QUR’AN M.A. Draz University of Vienna (Eds) 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 634 8 HARDBACK £54.50 ISLAMIC MEDITERRANEAN SERIES,VOL. 8 NEW IN PAPERBACK In this book the distinguished Islamic scholar M.A. Draz, one of the Muslim world’s most erudite authorities of this century, sets out the fundamental principles of the Qur’an and its much misunderstood and misquoted teachings on gender and women, polygamy, war, faith, Judaism, Christianity and the many other issues on which the Qur’an pronounces. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM MARCH 2011 9781848856899 PAPERBACK £12.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES www.ibtauris.com 43 ‘ ’ Will be welcomed by students of Islam and comparative religion and by all readers interested in a Qur’anic perspective when considering contemporary issues – Middle East Magazine review of Understanding the Qur’an, see page 44 ISLAMIC STUDIES ISLAM’S QUANTUM QUESTION Reconciling Muslim Tradition and Modern Science Nidhal Guessoum, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates NEW In secular Europe the veracity of modern science is almost always taken for granted. Whether they think of the evolutionary proofs of Darwin or of spectacular investigation into the boundaries of physics conducted by CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, most people assume that scientific enquiry goes to the heart of fundamental truths about the universe. Yet elsewhere, science is under siege. In the USA, Christian fundamentalists contest whether evolution should be taught in schools at all. And in Muslim countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia, a mere 15% of those recently surveyed believed Darwin’s theory to be ‘true’ or ‘probably true’. This thoughtful and passionately argued book contends absolutely to the contrary: not only that evolutionary theory does not contradict core Muslim beliefs, but that many scholars, from Islam’s golden age to the present, adopted a worldview that accepted evolution as a given. 44 416 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCOTBER 2010 9781848855175 HARDBACK £59.50 9781848855182 PAPERBACK £16.99 60 INTEGRATED B&W RELIGION AND MYSTICISM IN EARLY ISLAM NEW Theology and Sufism in Yemen Muhammad Ali Aziz, Yale University Scholar, mystic and visionary, Ibn ‘Alwân lived through the transition from Ayyubid to Rasulid rule in thirteenth-century Yemen. He was well known in his time for his critique of the ruling elites and their governance, and left behind a substantial body of writings on Islamic mysticism, theology, law and exegesis of the Qur’an. Here Muhammad Aziz presents a comprehensive portrait of Ibn ‘Alwân, delineating the religious and political background in Yemen, the development of Sufi orders, the interplay between Sufi, Shi’i and Sunni traditions, and the impact of Ibn ‘Alwân on the history of Sufism and Islam. Contents: Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations; List of Illustrations; Notes on Transliteration and Dates; Introduction; I. Medieval Yemen’s Islamic Environment; II. Sufism in Yemen Prior to the 13th Century; III.The Life and Works of Ibn ‘Alwân; IV. Ibn ‘Alwân’s Theological Views; V. Ibn ‘Alwân and the Sufi Tradition; VI. The Fundamentals of Ibn ‘Alwân’s Sufi Thought; VII. The Islamic Concept of Sainthood and Ibn ‘Alwân as a Saint; VIII. Zaydî Imams and the Sufi Tradition in Yemen; IX. Sufism in Yemen after the Age of Ibn ‘Alwân; Conclusion;Bibliography; Index. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2011 9781848854505 HARDBACK £56.50 5 B&W INTEGRATED, 3 LINE TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 26 UNDERSTANDING THE QUR’AN THE PHILOSOPHY OF ECSTASY Themes and Style Rumi and the Sufi Tradition Muhammad Abdel Haleem, SOAS NEW IN PAPERBACK The tenets of Islam cannot be grasped without a proper understanding of the Qur’an. In this important new introduction, Muhammad Haleem examines its recurrent themes – life and eternity, marriage and divorce, peace and war, water and nourishment – and for the first time sets these in the context of the Qur’an’s linguistic style. Professor Haleem examines the background to the development of the surahs (chapters) and the ayahs (verses) and the construction of the Qur’an itself. He shows that popular conceptions of Islamic attitudes to women, marriage and divorce, war and society, differ radically from the true teachings of the Qur’an. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM OCTOBER 2010 9781845117894 PAPERBACK £14.99 Leonard Lewisohn (Ed.) Politics and Conspiracy Theory in the Islamic World Arndt Graf, University of Frankfurt, Schirin Fathi, University of Hamburg, and Ludwig Paul, University of Hamburg (Eds) NEW The relationship between Islam and the west has frequently been subject to misunderstanding and mistrust and recent events in the international arena have only deepened this perceived divide, culturally and politically. The west often views the Islamic world – and the Islamic world the west – through a prism of mutual suspicion. In such conditions conspiracy theories can flourish on both sides of the cultural fence, but these highly complex and important global phenomena have been the subject of surprisingly little investigation. Orientalism and Conspiracy explores fully for the first time the relationship between the sometimes controversial concept of Orientalism, as developed by Edward Said, and contemporary conspiracy theories, and includes Robert Irwin’s fascinating survey of the role of secret societies in orientalist mythology.The authors offer a comprehensive and ground-breaking study of the conspiracy theory and Islam. 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848854147 HARDBACK £54.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 92 THE ART AND MATERIAL CULTURE OF IRANIAN SHI’ISM Iconography and Religious Devotion in Shi’i Islam Pedram Khosronejad, University of St Andrews NEW The spiritual writings of the great Persian poet Rumi (1207–1273) are often characterised as the supreme expression of Sufism, the fascinating mystical strain that runs through Islamic thought and culture. This important volume brings together international Rumi experts and scholars to explore the ways in which the mysticism of Sufism coloured and shaped Rumi’s passionate poetic philosophy. Ranging from a comprehensive investigation of the language and spirituality of the Masnavi, Rumi’s greatest literary work, to the intriguing relationship between Rumi’s poetic vision and Christians and Sufis, the volume as a whole offers an indispensable companion to the poetry of the man who, perhaps before all others, can best lay claim to reveal the rich complexity of Persia’s soul. 360 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2011 9781848852693 HARDBACK £45.00 8PP COLOUR PLATES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 23 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 ORIENTALISM AND CONSPIRACY NEW Shi’i Islam has been the official religion of Iran from the Safavids (1501-1732) to the present day.The Shi’i world experience has provided a rich artistic tradition, encompassing painting, sculpture and the production of artefacts and performance, which has helped to embed Shi’i identity in Iran as part of its national narrative. In what areas of material culture has Iranian Shi’ism manifested itself through objects or buildings that are unique within the overall culture of Islam? To what extent is the art and architecture of Iran from the Safavid period onwards identifiably Shi’i? What does this say about the relationship of nation, state and faith in Iran? Here, leading experts trace the material heritage of Iranian Shi’ism within each of its political, religious and cultural dimensions. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848851689 HARDBACK £51.50 50 INTEGRATED B&W, 8PP COLOUR PLATES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IRAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES , VOL. 29 ‘ ’ A work of central importance in the story of Shi’ism specifically and Middle Eastern studies in general – Journal of Islamic Studies review of Sacred Space and Holy War, see page 45 ISLAMIC STUDIES ISLAM’S PERFECT STRANGER The Life of Mahmud Muhammad Taha, Muslim Reformer of Sudan Edward Thomas MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION SUFISM TODAY Heritage and Tradition in the Global Community Catharina Raudvere, Copenhagen University & Leif Stenberg, Lund University (Eds) 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 762 7 HARDBACK £54.50 LIBRARY OF MODERN RELIGION,VOL. 3 NEW DIRECTIONS IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT NEW Can Sudan, one of Africa’s most diverse countries, function as an Islamic state? Mahmud Muhammad Taha posed an original answer to this question. Taha was the charismatic leader of the ‘Republican Brothers and Sisters’, a small group of Sudanese nationalists who called for a mystical, inclusive reinterpretation of Islam that ended traditional legal discriminations against women and non-Muslims. Taha’s followers pitched his sometimes controversial mix of law and mysticism on Sudanese street corners in the 1970s. Sudanese Islamist politicians, who used a more divisive interpretation of Islam, opposed him vigorously. When they gained control of the state in the chaotic 1980s, Taha was executed. In Taha’s first biography, Thomas explores the life and ideas of an important Sudanese reformer who has become a symbol for resistance and human rights. 296 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848850040 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF AFRICAN STUDIES, VOL. 26 HARDSHIP AND DELIVERANCE IN THE ISLAMIC TRADITION Mu’tazilism,Theology and Spirituality in the Writings of Al-Tanûkî Nouha Khalifa, Birkbeck College, University of London 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2010 978 1 84885 117 7 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE ILKHANID BOOK OF ASCENSION A Persian-Sunni Prayer Manual Christiane Gruber, Indiana University, Bloomington 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM FEBRUARY 2010 978 1 84511 499 2 HARDBACK £54.50 10 COLOUR PLATES BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PERSIAN STUDIES,VOL. 2 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES THE VISION OF ISLAM Sachiko Murata & William Chittick 408 PAGES 227 X 151MM 978 1 84511 320 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 Exploring Reform and Muslim Tradition Kari Vogt, University of Oslo, Lena Larsen & Christian Moe (Eds) 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 739 9 HARDBACK £45.00 ISLAM’S FATEFUL PATH The Critical Choices Facing Modern Muslims Zidane Meriboute, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 740 5 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 84511 741 2 PAPERBACK £14.99 SUFISM AND THE ‘MODERN’ IN ISLAM Martin van Bruinessen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, and Julia Day Howell, Griffith University,Australia (Eds) 384 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 854 0 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 67 NARRATIVES OF TRUTH IN ISLAMIC LAW Baudouin Dupret, CNRS, Paris, Barbara Drieskens & Annalies Moores (Eds) 352 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 187 8 HARDBACK £49.50 LIBRARY OF ISLAMIC LAW,VOL. 2 TEXTBOOK MUHAMMAD Prophet of Islam Maxime Rodinson 384 PAGES 198 X 126MM 978 1 86064 827 4 PAPERBACK £12.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS THE MORAL WORLD OF THE QUR’AN M.A. Draz, translated by Daniella Robinson, Preface by Muhammad Abdel Haleem, SOAS 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 422 1 HARDBACK £49.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES LONDON QUR’AN STUDIES,VOL. 3 RECOGNIZING ISLAM The Politics, Culture and History of Shi’ite Islam Juan Cole, University of Michigan 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 736 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 IBN HAJAR Makers of Islamic Civilization R. Kevin Jacques, Indiana University 168 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2010 978 1 84885 186 3 PAPERBACK £10.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILISATION TABARI Makers of Islamic Civilization Ulrika Martensson, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 184 PAGES 216 X 134MM JUNE 2010 978 1 84885 185 6 PAPERBACK £10.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILISATION TEXTBOOK IBN BATTUTA Makers of Islamic Civilization L.P. Harvey, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 394 0 PAPERBACK £10.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION TEXTBOOK BUKHARI Makers of Islamic Civilization Ahmad Mujtaba Hasan, University of Chicago 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 095 6 PAPERBACK £10.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION TEXTBOOK SINAN Makers of Islamic Civilization J.M. Rogers, SOAS TEXTBOOK SACRED SPACE AND HOLY WAR This series provides an introduction to outstanding figures in the history of Islamic civilization. Written by leading scholars, these books are designed to be the essential first point of reference for any reader interested in the growth and development of Islamic history and culture. Religion and Society in the Modern Middle East Michael Gilsenan, New York University 296 PAGES 208 X 134MM 978 1 86064 409 2 PAPERBACK £14.99 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 096 3 PAPERBACK £11.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION TEXTBOOK IQBAL Makers of Islamic Civilization Mustansir Mir, Youngstown State University, Ohio 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 094 9 PAPERBACK £11.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION www.ibtauris.com 45 ‘ This collection of essays contains useful articles, particularly for students of Shi’ite Islam and Iranian history – Muslim World Book Review review of Culture and Memory, see page 48 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION TEXTBOOK UMAR Makers of Islamic Civilization Shibli Numani, Aligarh Muslim University 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 670 6 PAPERBACK £11.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION TEXTBOOK SIBAWAYHI Makers of Islamic Civilization M.G. Carter, University of Oslo CIVILIZATION 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 671 3 PAPERBACK £11.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC SAID NURSI Makers of Islamic Civilization Colin Turner and Hasan Horkuc 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 9781845117740 PAPERBACK £10.99 MAKERS OF ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION 46 ’ ISLAMIC STUDIES / THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES, LONDON SHI’I INTERPRETATIONS OF ISLAM Three Treatises on Islamic Theology and Eschatology S J Badakhchani (Ed.), The Institute of Ismaili Studies NEW One of the most prominent Muslim scholars and scientists of the medieval era, the Persian polymath Nasir al-Din Tusi (1201-1274) joined the Shi‘a Nizari Ismaili community at a young age, as the armies of Genghis Khan poured across his homeland. In the course of a long and eminent career, first under the patronage of the Ismailis at the fortress of Alamut, and later with the conquering Mongols, he produced over 150 works on diverse subjects from theology and philosophy to mathematics and astronomy. In this volume, he offers new critical editions and translations of three shorter Ismaili works by Tusi, namely Aghaz wa anjam (The Beginning and the End), Tawalla wa tabarra (Solidarity and Dissociation), and Matlub almu’minin (Desideratum of the Faithful). 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848855946 HARDBACK £29.50 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES THE SPIRITUALITY OF SHI‘I ISLAM Beliefs and Practices M.A Amir-Moezzi, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes AN ANTHOLOGY OF ISMAILI LITERATURE A Shi‘i Vision of Islam Hermann Landolt, Samira Sheikh, The Institute of Ismaili Studies and Kutub Kassam (Eds) BESTSELLER One of the richest and most rewarding, yet at the same time least familiar, traditions of Muslim literature is that of the Shi‘i Imami Ismailis. Although many great literary treasures of the Islamic world are already available in English translation, those of the Ismailis are only slowly being made accessible to scholars and readers at large. This substantial Anthology makes a vital and welcome contribution to that process of wider dissemination. It brings together for the first time extracts from a range of significant Ismaili texts in both poetry and prose, here translated into English by some of the foremost scholars in the field. The texts included belong to a long span of Ismaili history, which extends from the Fatimid era to the beginning of the twentieth century.The translations in question have been rendered from their originals in Arabic, Persian and the different languages of Badakhshan and South Asia. 376 PAGES 234 X 156MM 9781845117948 HARDBACK £39.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES FORTRESSES OF THE INTELLECT Ismaili and Other Islamic Studies in Honour of Farhad Daftary ` Omar Ali-de-Unzaga (Ed.), The Institute of Ismaili Studies NEW Mohammed Ali Amir-Moezzi is one of the most distinguished scholars of Shi‘i history and theology currently at work, and in this volume he offers a wide-ranging and detailed survey of the core texts of Shi‘i Islam. Examining in turn the origins and later developments of Shi‘i spirituality, the author reveals the profoundly esoteric nature of the beliefs which accrued to the figures of the early imams, and which became associated with the latter’s interaction between material and spiritual worlds.These beliefs were often designated as ‘ghulat’, or ‘extreme’, by other Muslims, and as a result of such criticisms from within the tradition they have remained little known and misunderstood. The author shows, by contrast, how central and creative the very nature of spirituality was to the development of Shi‘i Islam, as well as to classical Islamic civilisation as a whole. 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781845117382 HARDBACK £39.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 NEW Dedicated to the achievements of Farhad Daftary, the foremost authority on Ismaili Studies of our time, this volume gathers together a number of studies on intellectual and political history, particularly in the three main areas where the significance of Daftary’s scholarship has had the largest impact: Ismaili studies as well as Persian studies and Shi‘i studies in a wider context. It focuses, but not exclusively, on the intellectual production of the Ismailis and their role in history, with discussions ranging from some of the earliest Ismaili texts, to thinkers from the Fatimid and the Alamut periods as well as relations of the Fatimids with other dynasties. Containing essays from some of the most respected scholars in Ismaili, Shi‘i and Persian Studies (including Patricia Crone, M A Amir-Moezzi, C Edmund Bosworth and Robert Gleave), the book makes a significant contribution to wider scholarship in philosophical theology and medieval Islam. 400 PAGES 234 X 156MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848856264 HARDBACK £25.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ’ ‘ A timely contribution to the ongoing debate on religion and religious identity in contemporary South Asia – Muslim World Book Review review of Crossing the Threshold, see page 48 ISLAMIC STUDIES / THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES, LONDON AN ANTHOLOGY OF PHILOSOPHY IN PERSIA, VOL. VI From the School of Illumination to Philosophical Mysticism S.H. Nasr, George A MODERN HISTORY OF THE ISMAILIS Continuity and Change in a Muslim Community Farhad Daftary (Ed.), Washington University The Institute of Ismaili Studies University of Mary Washington (Eds) NEW and M. Aminrazavi, NEW The fourth volume of the Anthology of Philosophy in Persia deals with one of the richest and yet least known periods of philosophical life in Persia, the centuries between the seventh/thirteenth century, that saw the eclipse of the school of Khorasan, and the tenth/sixteenth century that coincided with the rise of the Safavids.The main schools dealt with in this volume are the Peripatetic (mashsha’i) School, the School of Illumination (ishraq) of Suhrawardi, and various forms of philosophical Sufism, especially the school of Ibn ‘Arabi, that had its origins in the works of Ghazzali and ‘Ayn al-Qudat Hamadani. This period was also notable for the philosopherscientists such as Nasir al-Din Tusi and Qutb al-Din Shirazi. Contributors include William Chittick, Parviz Morewedge, Omid Safi and Carl Ernst. 424 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848857490 HARDBACK £39.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES AN ANTHOLOGY OF PHILOSOPHY IN PERSIA, VOL. III Philosophical Theology in the Middle Ages S.H. Nasr, George Washington University & M. Aminrazavi, University of Mary Washington (Eds) 488 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 605 7 HARDBACK £39.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES AN ANTHOLOGY OF PHILOSOPHY IN PERSIA, VOL. II Ismaili Thought in the Classical Age S.H. Nasr, George Washington University & M. Aminrazavi, University of Mary Washington (Eds) 424 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 542 5 HARDBACK £39.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES AN ANTHOLOGY OF PHILOSOPHY IN PERSIA, VOL. I From Zoroaster to Omar Khayyam S.H. Nasr, George Washington University & M. Aminrazavi, University of Mary Washington (Eds) 520 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 541 8 HARDBACK £39.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES COMPANION TO MUSLIM ETHICS Amyn B. Sajoo, The Institute of Ismaili Studies NEW The Ismailis have enjoyed a long, eventful and complex history dating back to the 8th century AD and originating in the early Shi'i tradition of Islam. During the medieval period, Ismailis of different regions – especially in Central Asia, South Asia, Iran and Syria – developed and elaborated their own distinctive literary and intellectual traditions, which constitute an outstanding contribution to the culture of Islam as a whole.At the same time, the Ismailis in the Middle Ages split into two main groups who followed different lines of spiritual leaders. The bulk of the Ismailis came to have a line of imams now represented by the Aga Khans, while a smaller group –known in South Asia as the Bohras – developed their own type of leadership. This collection is the first scholarly attempt to survey the modern history of both Ismaili communities since the middle of the 19th century. Socrates famously said that the unexamined life is not worth living. In keeping with this dictum, taking ethics seriously means engaging with the real world where the human sense of right and wrong is daily tested. At their best, all faith traditions are challenged by such testing; and if faith-inspired ethics are thought to goven the whole of life, their guiding values need constantly to be interpreted by the believer to achieve a practical result. In the Muslim tradition, this is what the Qur’an really amounts to: a call to strive for belief with a social conscience. For fourteen centuries Muslim scholars have grappled with the implications of that call in matters of law, social practice and theology. A Companion to Muslim Ethics explores Islam’s core conception of the good, shared with other great traditions. SPIRITUAL QUEST DIVERSITY AND PLURALISM IN ISLAM 416 PAGES 234 X 156MM AUGUST 2010 9781845117177 HARDBACK £35.00 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES Reflections on Qur’anic Prayer in Shi‘i Islam According to the Teachings of Imam ‘Ali Reza Shah-Kazemi, The Institute of Ismaili Studies NEW The Qur’an is the sacramental foundation of prayer in Islam. Its inspirational power is perpetually renewed through being recited and meditated upon by Muslims on a daily basis throughout their lives.This succinct and readable study offers unique contemporary insights into the spiritual, intellectual and moral interplay set in motion by the short Qur’anic chapters that are recited in their prayers by Muslims of all traditions, but which are particularly recommended within Shi‘i Islam. Reza Shah-Kazemi engages closely and creatively with the Qur’anic chapters, basing his philosophical reflections on traditional exegetical principles, and focusing in particular on the relationship between the moral and the mystical aspects of the texts.The result is a stimulating meditation that probes the depths of meaning contained within the verses of a revelation by which the spiritual life of Muslims has for many centuries been nourished and fulfilled. 80 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2010 9781848854475 PAPERBACK £5.99 OCCASIONAL PAPERS I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848855953 HARDBACK £25.00 MUSLIM HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES Historical and Contemporary Discourses amongst Muslims Z. Hirji (Ed.), York University,Toronto NEW For more than fourteen hundred years Muslims have held multiple and diverging views about their religious tradition. This divergence encompasses such matters as authority; ritual practice; political power; law and governance; civic life; and the form and content of individual and communal expressions of their faith. Over the centuries Muslims have regularly debated these issues amongst themselves. However, despite the remarkable diversity of the Islamic tradition, and the plurality of understandings about Islam, Muslims are regularly and erroneously portrayed as internally homogeneous and dogmatic. This important book challenges such propositions by examining the ways in which matters of common concern to Muslims have been discussed by them and examined. Offering contributions by worldclass scholars, Diversity and Pluralism in Islam applies insights from a range of disciplines, including anthropology, history, literature, political theory, comparative literature and Islamic studies. 275 PAGES 234 X 156MM JULY 2010 978184885 302 7 HARDBACK £29.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES www.ibtauris.com 47 ’ ‘ This volume offers the most comprehensive survey of “Attar’s” literary works to date – Middle East Magazine review of Attar and the Persian Sufi Tradition, see page 48 ISLAMIC STUDIES / THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES, LONDON THE HAMDANI COLLECTION Arabic and Other Ismaili Manuscripts in the Library of The Institute of Ismaili Studies, Francois de Blois ISMAILI STUDIES 48 200 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848857643 HARDBACK £47.50 A COMPANION TO THE MUSLIM WORLD Amyn B. Sajoo (Ed.) ISMAILI STUDIES A Bibliography of Sources and Studies CROSSING THE THRESHOLD Farhad Daftary, The Institute of Ismaili Studies Dominique-Sila Khan, Institute of Rajasthan 488 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 439 9 HARDBACK £35.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF 160 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 435 1 HARDBACK £25.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ISLAMIC THOUGHT IN THE 20TH CENTURY Suha Taji-Farouki,The Institute of Ismaili Studies & Basheer M. Nafi, Birkbeck College (Eds) 400 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 751 2 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES JUSTICE AND REMEMBRANCE Introducing the Spirituality of Imam Ali Reza Shah-Kazemi, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 065 9 HARDBACK £25.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE MUSLIM WORLD Contemporary Perspectives Amyn B. Sajoo (Ed.), McGill University, Canada 360 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 590 7 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84885 193 1 HARDBACK £25.00 2X4PP COLOUR PLATES MUSLIM HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF CULTURE AND MEMORY IN MEDIEVAL ISLAM MUSLIM ETHICS Farhad Daftary & Josef W. Meri, both at The Emerging Vistas Amyn B. Sajoo, McGill University 184 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 716 0 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ATTAR AND THE PERSIAN SUFI TRADITION The Art of Spiritual Flight Leonard Lewisohn, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, & Christopher Shackle, SOAS (Eds) 384 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 148 9 HARDBACK £35.00 ILLUSTRATED I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 Understanding Religious Identities in South Asia Studies REASON AND INSPIRATION IN ISLAM TEXTBOOK NEW The Muhammad Ali Hamdani Collection in Library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies represents a large segment of the manuscripts in the library collected over seven generations by an eminent family of scholars from the Da'udi Bohra community in India and the Yemen. The largest part of the manuscripts are of Ismaili religious writings, but there are also a good number of interesting books of general Islamic, or indeed secular content, and these give a rare insight into the whole range of culture of a learned family of Indian religious scholars. The overwhelming majority of the books are in Arabic, but there are also a small number in Persian and in Bohra Gujarati (Gujarati in Arabic script). The kernel of this collection is formed by the manuscripts which 'Alib Sa'id al-Ya'buri al-Hamdani (born ca. 1132/1718, died 1212/1798) brought with him when he emigrated from the Yemen to Gujarat around the middle of the 18th century, and of those that he himself copied, before or after his arrival in India. ISMAILI LITERATURE Essays in Honour of Wilferd Madelung Institute of Ismaili Studies (Eds) 484 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 859 5 HARDBACK £25.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ARABIC ISMAILI MANUSCRIPTS Delia Cortese, Middlesex University 208 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 860 1 HARDBACK £47.50 ILLUSTRATED I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES EARLY SHI‘I THOUGHT The Teachings of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir Arzina Lalani, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 208 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 434 4 HARDBACK £25.00 978 1 85043 592 1 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought Todd Lawson (Ed.), University of Toronto 576 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 470 2 HARDBACK £49.50 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ISMAILI AND OTHER ARABIC MANUSCRIPTS A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies Delia Cortese (Ed.), Middlesex University 188 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 433 7 HARDBACK £47.50 ILLUSTRATED I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES TEXTBOOK INTELLECTUAL TRADITIONS IN ISLAM Farhad Daftary (Ed.), The Institute of Ismaili Studies 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 435 1 HARDBACK £25.00 978 1 86064 760 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES DOCTRINES OF SHI‘I ISLAM A Compendium of Imami Beliefs & Practices Ja‘far Sobhani, translated by Reza Shah-Kazemi 264 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 780 2 HARDBACK £25.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES CONTEMPLATION AND ACTION The Spiritual Autobiography of a Muslim Scholar Nasir al-Din Tusi, Edited and translated by S.J. Badakhchani, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 128 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 908 0 HARDBACK £35.00 978 1 86064 523 5 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ’ ‘ This publication has filled an important gap – Muslim World Book Review review of An Anthology of Ismaili Literature, see page 47 ISLAMIC STUDIES / THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES, LONDON KNOWLEDGE AND LIBERATION A Treatise on Philosophical Theology by Nasir Khusraw, Edited and translated by Faquir M. Hunzai, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 471 9 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES EXPLORING AN ISLAMIC EMPIRE Fatimid History and its Sources NASIR KHUSRAW, THE RUBY OF BADAKHSHAN 312 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 692 8 HARDBACK £25.00 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES Alice C. Hunsberger, The Institute of Ismaili Studies Paul E. Walker, University of Chicago SURVIVING THE MONGOLS Nizari Quhistani and the Continuity of Ismaili Tradition in Persia SHIMMERING LIGHT An Anthology of Isma‘ili Poetry Faquir M. Hunzai (Ed.), The Institute of Ismaili Studies 176 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 151 0 PAPERBACK £12.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES MAKE A SHIELD FROM WISDOM Selected Verses from Nasir-i Khusraw’s Divan Annemarie Schimmel, Harvard University 112 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 725 3 PAPERBACK £12.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ABU YA‘QUB AL-SIJISTANI Intellectual Missionary Nadia Eboo Jamal 208 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 432 0 HARDBACK £25.00 978 1 86064 876 2 PAPERBACK £14.99 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES MEMOIRS OF A MISSION The Ismaili Scholar, Statesman & Poet, al-Mu’ayyad fi’l-Din al-Shirazi 150 PAGES 216 8 1 85043 926 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES AL-GHAZALI AND THE ISMAILIS A Debate on Reason and Authority in Medieval Islam Farouk Mitha, University of Victoria, Canada 152 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 792 5 HARDBACK £25.00 978 1 86064 819 9 PAPERBACK £12.99 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ECSTASY AND ENLIGHTENMENT The Ismaili Devotional Literature of South Asia Ali S. Asani, Harvard University, Foreword by Annemarie Schimmel, Harvard University 212 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 758 1 HARDBACK £25.00 978 1 86064 828 1 PAPERBACK £14.99 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES THE ADVENT OF THE FATIMIDS A Contemporary Shi‘i Witness Wilferd Madelung, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, & Paul E. Walker, University of Chicago (Eds & Trans.) 349 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 551 8 HARDBACK £29.50 978 1 86064 773 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES 200 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 422 1 HARDBACK £25.00 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES STRUGGLING WITH THE PHILOSOPHER A Refutation of Avicenna’s Metaphysics EAGLE’S NEST Ismaili Castles in Iran and Syria 152 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 294 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES Heinz Halm, University of Tübingen 324 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 919 6 HARDBACK £25.00 978 1 85043 926 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES Verena Klemm Paul E. Walker, University of Chicago FATIMIDS AND THEIR TRADITIONS OF LEARNING A Portrait of the Persian Poet,Traveller and Philosopher Peter Willey 352 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 464 1 HARDBACK £25.00 ILLUSTRATED ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES, I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES BETWEEN REVOLUTION AND STATE The Path to Fatimid Statehood Mohammad alShahrastani Edited & translated by Wilferd Madelung & Toby Mayer, both at the Institute of Ismaili Studies 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 693 5 HARDBACK £25.00 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES Sumaiya A. Hamdani, George Mason THE MASTER AND THE DISCIPLE 240 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 882 3 HARDBACK £25.00 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES James Morris, University University ISMAILIS IN MEDIEVAL MUSLIM SOCIETIES Farhad Daftary, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 84511 091 8 HARDBACK £29.50 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES HAMID AL-DIN ALKIRMANI Ismaili Thought in the Age of al-Hakim Paul E. Walker, University of Chicago 184 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 321 7 HARDBACK £25.00 978 1 86064 420 7 PAPERBACK £14.99 ISMAILI HERITAGE SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES An Early Islamic Spiritual Dialogue of Exeter 464 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 781 9 HARDBACK £29.50 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES THE FATIMIDS AND THEIR SUCCESSORS IN YAMAN The History of an Islamic Community Idris ‘Imad al-Din’s ‘Uyun al-akhbar Edited by Ayman Fu’ad Sayyid et al 580 PAGES 216 X 134MM 9781860646904 HARDBACK £25.00 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES www.ibtauris.com 49 ’ ‘ ...a worthwhile addition to the growing corpus of academic literature on Shi’ism and particularly Shia philiosophy – Muslim World Book Review review of Justice and Remembrance, see page 48 JEWISH STUDIES ISLAMIC STUDIES / THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES, LONDON PARADISE OF SUBMISSION A Medieval Treatise on Ismaili Thought Edited and translated by S.J. Badakhchani, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 456 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 86064 436 8 HARDBACK £35.00 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES MUSLIM MODERNITIES Expressions of the Civil Imagination Amyn B. Sajoo (Ed.) 300 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 872 3 HARDBACK £29.50 1 MAP, 2 CHARTS AND 4 INTEGRATED B&W ILLUSTRATIONS FOUNDING THE FATIMID STATE The Rise of An Early Islamic Empire Translated by Hamid Haji, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 50 TOWARDS A SHI‘I MEDITERRANEAN EMPIRE Fatimid Egypt and the Founding of Cairo Translated by Shainool Jiwa, The Institute of JUDAISM An Introduction Oliver Leaman, University of Kentucky Ismaili Studies 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 960 7 HARDBACK £29.50 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES NEW The story of Judaism is a story of paradox. It is the story of how a small cluster of desert tribes gave birth to a monotheistic doctrine that profoundly shaped the history of human civilization. It is the story of how a displaced people, globally dispersed throughout other nations for two and a half millennia, came to forge a modern, secular Israeli state which many Jews believe to have been granted an explicitly divine mandate. Oliver Leaman carefully and creatively explores the nature of these apparent contradictions. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848853942 HARDBACK £54.50 9781848853959 PAPERBACK £14.99 22 B&W INTEGRATED, 1 MAP I.B.TAURIS INTRODUCTIONS TO RELIGION 280 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978 1 85043 885 4 HARDBACK £29.50 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES DEGREES OF EXCELLENCE A Fatimid Treatise on Leadership in Islam Edited and translated by Arzina R. Lalani, The Institute of Ismaili Studies 272 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 145 8 HARDBACK £29.50 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES MASTER OF THE AGE An Islamic Treatise on the Necessity of the Imamate Edited and translated by Paul Walker 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM 978184511 604 0 HARDBACK £39.50 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES ORATIONS OF THE FATIMID CALIPHS Festival Sermons of the Ismaili Imams Edited and translated by Paul E. Walker, University of Chicago 300 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 991 1 HARDBACK £29.50 ISMAILI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SERIES I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF ISMAILI STUDIES AN INTRODUCTION TO MEDIEVAL JEWISH PHILOSOPHY Daniel Rynhold, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies,Yeshiva University, New York BESTSELLER Human civilization will be forever indebted to the great thinkers of Jewish philosophy’s golden age. Moses Maimonedes, Levi Gersonides, Judah Halevi, Saadia Gaon, Hasdai Crescas and their like grappled with some of the most challenging metaphysical issues that there are, while the profundity of their solutions continue to engage philosophers today. Did God create the world? Can human freedom be reconciled with divine foreknowledge? What is the nature of the good life? Focusing on the central philosophical questions of the Middle Ages, Daniel Rynhold offers a concise introduction to fundamental topics such as God and creation, human freewill, biblical prophecy, the Commandments, the divine attributes and immortality. The first dedicated textbook to introduce the great richness and complexity of medieval Jewish philosophy as a whole, this lively and comprehensive survey is the ideal introduction both for undergraduate students of the subject and the interested general reader. 272 PAGES 234 X 156 2009 978 1 84511 747 4 HARDBACK £47.50 978 1 84511 748 1 PAPERBACK £16.99 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 ‘ ’ Provides a sharp and engaging analysis of films by an internationally acclaimed new wave of Turkish directors – Sight and Sound review of New Turkish Cinema, see page 51 FILM THE POETICS OF IRANIAN CINEMA NEW SHI’I ISLAM IN IRANIAN CINEMA Khatereh Sheibani, University of Guelph In recent years there has been a remarkable surge in Iranian films expressing contentious issues which would otherwise be very difficult to discuss publicly inside the Islamic Republic of Iran – such as the role of clergy in Iranian society. Nacim Pak-Shiraz here highlights how many Iranian film directors concern themselves with the content of the religious and historical narratives of culture and society, sparking debate about the medium’s compatibility or incongruity with religion and spirituality. Aesthetics, Modernity and Film after the Revolution In the wake of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Iranian society and culture underwent massive changes. Here, Khatereh Sheibani argues that cinema evolved after the national uprising in 1978/79, and ultimately replaced poetry as the dominant form of cultural expression. She presents a comparative analysis of post-revolutionary Iranian cinema as an offshoot of Iranian modernity, and explains its connections with the themes present in traditional Persian poetry and conventional visual arts. Contents: Introduction; 1. Cinema as Art: A Poetic Interpretation; 2. Kiarostami and the Aesthetics of Ghazal; 3. Kiarostami and Modern Persian Poetry; 4. Modernity and Identity in a Cinematic Perspective; 5. Mirroring the Past, Envisioning the Future; 6. Bayzai and the Conventions of Visual Arts; Conclusion; Bibliography 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848857414 HARDBACK £54.50 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES Religion and Spirituality in Film NEW Nacim Pak-Shiraz Contents: Introduction; 1: Approaches to the Study of Religion and Spirituality in Western Cinema; 2: Aims and Methods of Research; 3: SocioHistorical Background of the Iranian Context; 4: Contemporary Iranian Discourses on Religion and Cinema; 5: Filmic Discourses on the Role of the Clergy in Iran; 6: Sight, Sound and Sufism: Mystical Islam in Majidi’s Films; 7: Thinking Films: Kiarostami, A Poetic Philosopher; 8: Cinema as a Reservoir for Cultural memory; Conclusions; Bibliography; Filmography. 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848855106 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, VOL. 17 THE NEW TURKISH CINEMA Asuman Suner 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM JANUARY 2010 978 1 84511 949 2 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 950 8 PAPERBACK £16.99 TAURIS WORLD CINEMA SERIES ISRAELI CINEMA East/West and the Politics of Representation Ella Shohat, New York University 336 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2010 978 1 84511 312 4 HARDBACK £49.50 978 1 84511 313 1 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 78 LEBANESE CINEMA Imagining the Civil War and Beyond Lina Khatib, Royal Holloway 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 627 9 HARDBACK £45.00 978 1 84511 628 6 PAPERBACK £16.99 TAURIS WORLD CINEMA SERIES MAKHMALBAF AT LARGE The Making of a Rebel Filmmaker Hamid Dabashi, Columbia University, New York, Foreword by Mohsen Makhmalbaf 272 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 531 9 HARDBACK £51.50 978 1 84511 532 6 PAPERBACK £16.99 TEXTBOOK FILMING THE MODERN MIDDLE EAST Politics in the Cinemas of Hollywood and the Arab World WAR IN IRANIAN CINEMA Religion, Martyrdom and National Identity Pedram Khosronejad (Ed.), University of St Andrews FROM IRAN TO HOLLYWOOD AND SOME PLACES IN-BETWEEN Reframing PostRevolutionary Iranian Cinema Christopher Gow, University of Glasgow Lina Khatib, Royal London Holloway, University of 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 84511 192 2 HARDBACK £59.50 978 1 84511 191 5 PAPERBACK £16.99 LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 57 ILLUSTRATED TEXTBOOK NEW IRANIAN CINEMA NEW While the cinema of post-revolutionary Iran is internationally acknowledged, the world outside Iran has been ignorant of the Iranian war films that are the subject of this pioneering book. A massive production of over 50 Iranian feature films concentrating primarily on fighting and military operations have appeared since the 1980s with the beginning of the war between Iran and Iraq. This book presents a detailed exploration of the Sacred Defence Cinema, established by Seyed Morteza Avini, a cinema that directly connects this specific war to the faith and religious belief of volunteer guardians of the revolution. The main objective of Sacred Defence Cinema is martrydom. As the distinguished film scholar Hamid Dabashi writes in his Introduction to the book: ‘If national cinemas are predicated on national traumas, in the volume that Pedram Khosronejad has put together we are at the heart of the heart of Iranian cinema’. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848852853 HARDBACK £54.50 15 INTEGRATED B&W I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IRAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION Politics, Representation and Identity NEW The rise in popularity of the New Iranian Cinema has been a fascinating success story and critics have hailed Iranian films as alternatives to the global influence of mainstream Hollywood cinema. Drawing on seminal ideas of ‘art cinema’, Christopher Gow examines how the success of this cinema and the films of Abbas Kiarostami, its foremost proponent, can be accounted for by the extent to which they fit into a preestablished notion of art cinema. Gow also seeks to expand understanding of postrevolutionary Iranian cinema by examining the links between the New Iranian Cinema and émigré Iranian filmmaking from the uncompromising German films of Sohrab Saless, to Vadim Perlman’s exploration of the Iranian experience of exile in the Oscarnominated House of Sand and Fog. He reveals how this large and dispersed émigré Iranian cinema challenges our understanding of New Iranian Cinema itself and of national cinema in general. 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2011 9781848855267 HARDBACK £51.50 9781848855274 PAPERBACK £17.99 36 INTEGRATED B&W Richard Tapper (Ed.), SOAS 304 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 803 8 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 804 5 PAPERBACK £15.99 25 B&W HALFTONES TEXTBOOK IRANIAN CINEMA A Political History Hamid Reza Sadr 320 PAGES 222 X 172MM 978 1 84511 146 5 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 84511 147 2 PAPERBACK £16.99 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES,VOL. 7 TEXTBOOK VISIONS OF THE EAST Orientalism in Film Matthew Bernstein & Gaylyn Studlar (Eds) 238 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 304 0 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 86064 305 7 PAPERBACK £18.99 ILLUSTRATED IN B&W www.ibtauris.com 51 ‘ ’ The first major book on Lebanese cinema and its links with politics and national identity – Middle East Magazine review of Lebanese Cinema, see page 51 ART AND ARCHITECTURE SACRED SCRIPT Muhaqqaq in Islamic Calligraphy Nassar Mansour NEW Arabic calligraphy is at once an expression of piety, aesthetic sensibility and artistic discipline. Muhaqqaq was an early term which captured care, clarity and meticulousness in calligraphy. It was associated with the making of manuscripts of the Qur’an - a sacred task and one which helped to give the new Islamic order both identity and coherence. Muhaqqaq energed in the eleventh century as the name for one of six classical scripts.This is the first book devoted entirely to Muhaqqaq tradition. Nassar Mansour, himself a highly respected calligrapher, here traces the development of Muhaqqaq. His book also presents examples of his own work in Muhaqqaq whish demonstrate the enduring value of this script for today. This is an invaluable and beautifully executed reference work on Islamic calligraphy, which will attract art historians and practitioners alike. 256 PAGES 246 X 129MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848854390 HARDABCK £59.50 100 ILLUSTRATIONS 52 THE SAFAVID DYNASTIC SHRINE ART AND ARCHITECTURE IN THE ISLAMIC TRADITION NEW Aesthetics, Politics and Desire in Early Islam What is ‘art’ in the sense of the Islamic tradition? Mohammed Hamdouni Alami argues that Islamic art has historically been excluded from western notions of art; that the western aesthetic tradition’s preoccupation with the human body has meant that Islamic and western art are perceived as inherently at odds. However, the move away from this ‘anthropomorphic aesthetic’ in western art movements, such as modern abstract and constructivist painting, have presented the opportunity for new ways of viewing and evaluating Islamic art and architecture. Contents: Introduction;Architecture and Meaning in the Theory of Al-Jahiz; Architecture and Poetics; Architecture and Myth;Al-Jahiz in the Mosque at Damascus: Social Critique and Debate in the History of Umayyad Architecture; Architecture and Desire; Conclusion. 304 PAGES 216 X 134MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848855441 HARDBACK £56.50 30 INTEGRATED B&W, 16PP COLOUR PLATES TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, VOL. 104 Jo-Ann Gross, College of New Jersey 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM OCTOBER 2010 9781848853546 HARDBACK £54.50 20 B&W INTEGRATED, 16 COLOUR IN 16PP PLATES TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PERSIAN STUDIES,VOL. 5 MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 NEW There are over twenty million Muslims in China today. From the mountainous borders with Afghanistan to the tropical island of Hainan, the ethnicities and cultures of China’s Muslims are as diverse as China herself. They come from at least ten different ethnic groups, including the Persianate Tajiks in the Pamir Mountains, Kirgiz eagle hunters in the west, and the Chinese speaking Hui living in Canton. In recent years the world’s attention has been drawn to the clashes between Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese in Xinjiang Province. But how does a Muslim minority in the People’s Republic of China live today? After decades of communist rule, and now under the onslaught of commerce and consumerism, what pressures do the different communities and their heritages face? How Man Wong, a renowned Chinese explorer and Adel Dajani, with his Muslim background, come together to explore the regions of the Asian borderlands where the traditions of Islam and China interact. 256 PAGES 300 X 220MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848857025 HARDBACK £35.00 FULL COLOUR THROUGHOUT The Safavid period represents an immensely rich chapter in the history of Iranian architecture. In this discussion of Safavid architecture in the context of its political, social and religious milieu, Kishwar Rizvi gives special consideration to the shrine of Shaykh Safi, built in AD 1334, as an important template for an emergent Safavid taste. Of both regal and religious significance, the shrine’s direct relationship to imperial power is unique in Islamic architecture and provides valuable information about the methods of architectural benefaction prevalent in early modern Iran. Introduction: The Historical Imagination; Urban and Architectural Contexts of the Shrine of Shaykh Safi (1250-1501); Foundation Myths and Charitable Foundations (15011584); Consolidating the Safavid Past: Shah Tahmasb and the Architectural Expansion of the Shrine; The Aesthetics and Ideology of Building:The Sarih al-milk of ‘Abdi Beg Shirazi; The Princely Aesthetic: Shah ‘Abbas I and the Imperial Setting (1589-1629); Marking the Sacred Landscape:The Shrine in a Broadened Context. Adel Dajani and How Man Wong California, Berkeley MUSLIM SHRINES AND SPIRITUAL CULTURE IN THE PERSO-ISLAMIC WORLD NEW Contents: Images from the Silk Road Mohammed Hamdouni Alami, University of Architecture, Religion and Power in Early Modern Iran NEW Kishwar Rizvi, Yale University ISLAMIC FRONTIERS OF CHINA Urban and Rural Shrines in Tajikistan The built shrines of the Perso-Islamic region are well documented and studied; less is known about the region’s sacred rural landscapes, despite their central role as charters of Islamic identity and expressions of local Muslim piety. Jo-Ann Gross argues that it is necessary to take into account both urban and rural shrines to fully understand the role of Islam in the Perso-Islamic world – that stretch of lands extending from Iran deep into Central Asia. Contents: Introduction; Part I: Shrines, Foundational Narratives and Islamic Identity; The Shrine of Muhammad Bashara in Penjakent; Shrine Networks and Isma’ili Identity in Badakhshan: The Geography of Sacred Knowledge; Shrines and Islamizing Figures; Part II: Sufi Shrines and Networks of Relations; Hamadani-Kubravi and Naqshbandi Shaykhs of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries; Naqshbandi-Qadiri Shaykhs and Shrines of the Nineteenth to Twenty-First Centuries; The Legacy of Khoja ‘Ubayd Allah Ahrar (d.1490);The Ahrari Shrine in Kustakuz; Conclusion. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2011 9781848856387 HARDBACK £59.50 20 B&W INTEGRATED INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 31 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE IN IRAN Poststructural Theory and the Architectural History of Iranian Mosques NEW Saeid Khaghani, University of Manchester The architecture of the Islamic world is predominantly considered in terms of a division between ‘tradition’ and ‘modernity’ – a division which, Saeid Khaghani here argues, has shaped and limited the narrative applied to this architecture. Khaghani introduces and reconsiders the mosques of eighth- to fifteenth-century Iran in terms of poststructural theory and developments in historiography in order to develop a brand new dialectical framework. By presenting a new way of thinking about and discussing Islamic architecture, this will be valuable reading for all interested in the study of the art, architecture and material culture of the Islamic world. Contents: Introduction;1. Islam as an Attribution; 2. Iranism; 3. The Mosque as Public Space; 4. Difference and the Iranian Architectural Discourse; 5. Difference and Particularity; Conclusion 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM AUGUST 2011 9781848857292 HARDBACK £59.50 16PP COLOUR PLATES, 8 INTEGRATED BW TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL. 4 ’ ‘ There is more than art history in this collection – Economist review of Off the Wall, see page 53 ART AND ARCHITECTURE MAMLUK HISTORY THROUGH ARCHITECTURE Monuments, Culture and Politics in Medieval Egypt and Syria Nasser Rabbat, MIT NEW The most enduring testament to the Mamluk Sultanate is its architecture. Not only do Mamluk buildings embody one of the most outstanding medieval architectural traditions, Mamluk architecture is actually a key to the social history of the period. Analysing Mamluk constructions as a form of communication and documentation as well as a cultural index, Mamluk History Through Architecture shows how the buildings mirror the complex – and historically unique – military, political, social and financial structures of Mamluk society. With this original and authoritative study Nasser Rabbat offers an innovative approach to the history of the Mamluks – through readings of the spectacular architecture of the period. 352 PAGES 246 X 189MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781845119645 HARDBACK £45.00 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 21 THE VISUAL WORLD OF MUSLIM INDIA NEW ARTISANS OF EMPIRE Laura Parodi, University College Dublin Suraiya Faroqhi The Arts, Culture and Society of the Deccan in the Early Modern Era Between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries, the Deccan stood at the crossroads of far-reaching commercial and diplomatic networks. It ranged from Arabia and Iran to East Asia and, increasingly, fell within the orbit of European colonial expansion.This resulted in an immensely rich visual culture in the region, shaped further by the dynamic encounters between the different versions of Islam patronized by the ruling dynasties of the period, and diverse local linguistic, religious and artistic traditions. Crafts and Craftsmen Under the Ottomans 256 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 588 3 HARDBACK £49.50 12 B&W INTEGRATED ILUSTRATIONS LIBRARY OF OTTOMAN STUDIES,VOL. 17 KINGDOMS OF RUIN A Photographic Odyssey through Ancient Turkey Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch 256 PAGES 270 X 228MM MAY 2010 978 1 84511 799 3 HARDBACK £29.95 150 FULL COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS Contents: Foreword – Richard M. Eaton; Introduction: The Deccan as a Laboratory for the Study of Early Modern Visual Culture; Part 1. Exploring Urban Landscapes from the Functional to the Symbolic; Part 2: People’s Beliefs in the Mirror of Architecture and the Arts; Part 3. Court Art Policies: Cosmopolitanism, Diplomacy and the Visual; Part 4. Beyond the Court: Market Commodities and Popular Devotions as Reflected in the Arts; Conclusion. 360 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848857469 HARDBACK £65.00 32PP COLOUR PLATES, 85 BW INTEGRATED OFF THE WALL Political Posters of the Lebanese Civil War Zena Maasri, American University of Beirut PLATE SECTION 208 PAGES 249 X 189MM 2009 978 1 84511 951 5 HARDBACK £16.99 50 B&W INTEGRATED AND 65 COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS IN INTERVENTION ARCHITECTURE Buildings for Change Aga Khan Foundation, Introduction by Homi Bhabha 192 PAGES 278 X 218MM 978 1 84511 673 6 PAPERBACK £18.99 ILLUSTRATED THE MINARETS OF CAIRO Islamic Architecture from the Arab Conquest to the end of the Ottoman Period Doris Behrens-Abouseif, SOAS with contributions from Nicholas Warner NEW Minarets have defined Cairo’s skyline since its early history: they are one of the most characteristic features of Islamic architecture. In Egypt, where civilisations have manifested themselves through awe-inspiring structures since antiquity, ‘a thousand minarets’ reveal the impact of Islamic civilization and urban aesthetics. The Minarets of Cairo offers an accessible and vivid insight into the religious, historical and architectural significance of the minaret in Cairo from the Arab Conquest, through the Abbasid, Fatimid, Mamluk and Ottoman periods. Students and scholars will welcome historian and art historian Doris Behrens-Abouseif’s excellent new research and analysis as well as over one hundred illustrated entries for individual minarets, brought to life by Nicholas Warner’s masterly architectural drawings and reconstructions. With nearly three hundred illustrations, this beautiful book provides depth and colour, displaying to full effect historic Cairo’s most impressive monuments. 384 PAGES 325X215MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848855397 HARDBACK £49.50 220 COLOUR, 80 B&W INTEGRATED HOMOGENIZATION OF REPRESENTATIONS Modjtaba Sadria, Aga Khan University 208 PAGES 260 X 185MM JUNE 2010 9781848856257 PAPERBACK £24.50 40 B&W INTEGRATED MUHAMMAD JUKI’S SHAHNAMAH OF FIRDAUSI Barbara Brend and A.H. Morton, SOAS 208 PAGES 335 X 225MM JUNE 2010 978 0 85667 672 7 HARDBACK £35.00 80 COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS PHILIP WILSON PUBLISHERS ART AND POLEMIC IN PAKISTAN Politics, Culture and Tradition in Contemporary Miniature Painting Virginia Whiles, University of the Arts, London 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84885 365 2 HARDBACK £54.50 ILLUSTRATED TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES RAISING DUST A Cultural History of Dance in Palestine Nicholas Rowe, University of Auckland 256 PAGES 246 X 189MM APRIL 2010 978 1 84511 943 0 HARDBACK £30.00 24 COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS IN 8PP PLATE SECTION THE ORIENTALIST POSTER Abderrahman Slaoui 144 PAGES 330 X 240MM 978 1 86064 239 5 HARDBACK £35.00 ILLUSTRATED IN COLOUR THROUGHOUT CAIRO OF THE MAMLUKS A History of the Architecture and its Culture Doris Behrens-Abouseif, SOAS 384 PAGES 289 X 237MM 978 1 84511 549 4 HARDBACK £59.50 ILLUSTRATED THE NEW ORIENTALISTS Postmodern Representations of Islam from Foucault to Baudrillard Ian Almond, Bosphorus University, Istanbul 240 PAGES 216 X 134M 978 1 84511 397 1 HARDBACK £56.50 978 1 84511 398 8 PAPERBACK £17.99 EARLY PERSIAN PAINTING Kalila wa Dimna Manuscripts of the Late 14th Century Bernard O’Kane, American University of Cairo 336 PAGES 280 X 248MM 978 1 86064 852 6 HARDBACK £75.00 50 B&W & 91 COLOUR PLATES www.ibtauris.com 53 ‘ ’ An invaluable source of info for scholars of Armenia past and present – History Today review of Historic Maps of Armenia, see page 54 ART AND ARCHITECTURE SULTANS AND MOSQUES The Early Muslim Architecture of Bangladesh Perween Hasan, University of Dhaka 256 PAGES 246 X 189MM 978 1 84511 381 0 HARDBACK £59.50 ILLUSTRATED PERSIAN STEEL Masterpieces of Iranian Art James Allan, Oxford University 140 PAGES 296 X 210MM 978 1 85043 718 5 HARDBACK £42.00 ILLUSTRATED IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE IRAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION PERSIAN PAINTING From the Mongols to the Qajars Robert Hillenbrand (Ed.), University of Edinburgh 352 PAGES 298 X 248MM 978 1 85043 659 1 HARDBACK £75.00 I.B.TAURIS IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE CENTRE OF MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PEMBROKE PERSIAN PAPERS ILLUSTRATED IN COLOUR THROUGHOUT THE REBELLIOUS REFORMER The Drawings and Paintings of Riza-yi ’Abbasi of Isfahan Sheila R. Canby, British Museum 54 248 PAGES 330 X 215MM 978 1 85043 243 2 HARDBACK £125.00 ILLUSTRATED IN COLOUR THROUGHOUT HAJJ PAINTINGS Ann Parker & Avon Neil COLOUR THROUGHOUT 192 PAGES 280 X 275MM 978 1 85043 265 4 HARDBACK £42.00 ILLUSTRATED IN TWELVE PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNEYS Iran in the 21st Century Anahita Ghabaian & Minou Saberi 128 PAGES 236 X 189MM 978 1 85043 719 2 PAPERBACK £18.99 TEXTBOOK THE MONUMENT Art and Vulgarity in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq Kanan Makiya 176 PAGES 210 X 148MM 978 1 86064 966 0 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED IN B&W THROUGHOUT THE ART OF OMAR KHAYYAM Illustrating Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat William H. Martin & Sandra Mason 192 AGES 240 X 280MM 978 1 84511 282 0 HARDBACK £49.50 300 ILLUSTRATIONS MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 FLATWEAVES OF TURKEY Arend Bandsma & Robin Brandt 168 PAGES 286 X 25MM 978 0 85667 528 7 HARDBACK £25.00 134 COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS PHILIP WILSON PUBLISHERS CERAMICS OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD In the Tareq Rajab Museum Géza Fehérvári, SOAS 400 PAGES 285 X 282MM 978 1 86064 430 6 HARDBACK £85.00 ILLUSTRATED IN COLOUR THROUGHOUT POTTERY OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD In the Tareq Rajab Museum Géza Fehérvári, SOAS 228 PAGES 214 X 226MM 978 1 86064 364 4 PAPERBACK £14.99 ILLUSTRATED IN COLOUR THROUGHOUT FIREARMS OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD In the Tareq Rajab Museum, Kuwait Robert Elgood 240 PAGES 255 X 255MM 978185043 963 9 HARDBACK £75.00 PICTURING IRAN Art, Society and Revolution Lynn Gumpert & Shiva Balaghi, both at New LITERATURE THE ORNAMENT OF HISTORIES: A HISTORY OF THE EASTERN ISLAMIC LANDS AD 650-1041 NEW The Persian Text of Abu Sa‘id ‘Abd alHayy Gardizi Edmund Bosworth (Trans. and Ed.), University of Exeter. Abu Sa‘id ‘Abd al-Hayy Gardizi was an author and historian living in the mid-eleventh century at the height of the Turkish Ghazvanid dynasty. His only known work, The Ornament of Histories ('Zayn al-akhbar'), is a hugely ambitious history of the Eastern Islamic lands AD 650-1041, spanning what is now Eastern Iran, Afghanistan and parts of the Central Asian Republics and Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. Gardizi's text is an extremely rare source of primary information about the rise of Islamic faith, culture and military dominance in these regions, and represents a significant contribution to our understanding of the early Islamic world. This is the first English translation of the original Persian text, and is accompanied by an introduction and commentary which details the historical, geographical and cultural context. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements; Introduction; Translation of the Text; The Arab Governors; The Tahirids and Saffarids; The Samanids; The Early Ghaznavids. 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848853539 HARDBACK £51.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PERSIAN STUDIES SERIES, VOL. 4 WONDROUS WORDS The Poetic Mastery of Jalal al-Din Rumi Leonard Lewisohn (Ed.) York University 160 PAGES 246 X 189MM 978 1 86064 883 0 PAPERBACK £19.50 ILLUSTRATED IN COLOUR & B&W THE TRANSFORMATION OF ISLAMIC ART DURING THE SUNNI REVIVAL Yasser Tabbaa, Oberlin College 224 PAGES 177 X 250MM 978 1 85043 392 7 HARDBACK £42.00 85 B&W ILLUSTRATIONS HISTORIC MAPS OF ARMENIA The Cartographic Heritage Rouben Galichian 220 PAGES 310 X 280MM 978 1 86064 979 0 HARDBACK £59.50 125 COLOUR MAPS NEW Widely admired, translated and commented upon, the works of Jalal al-Din Rumi remain largely unexamined from a literary perspective. Emphasis has been placed on him as a spiritual master, and on his Masnavi (Rumi’s great masterpiece, consisting of Sufi teaching stories given profound mystical interpretations). As a result, the poet has often been concealed from view. Yet there is much to be explored and discovered in the poetic legacy of Rumi’s entire corpus: his dynamic use of imagery; his mastery of lyrical expression; his creative use of poetic devices; the powerful rhetoric of his narrative structures; and more.This substantial volume, offering contributions from leading scholars of Persian literature and culture, focuses on the poetic art of Rumi and the various ways it interacts with the literary tradition that came before and after him. 360 PAGES 216 X 134MM MARCH 2011 9781848852709 HARDBACK £45.00 8PP COLOUR PLATES ‘ ’ lavishly illustrated with photographs of some of the world’s architectural masterpieces and has text to match – Times Literary Supplement review of Cairo of the Mamluks, see page 53 LITERATURE BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL HAFIZ AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES NEW DESERT VOICES Dominic Brookshaw, University of Moneera Al-Ghadeer, Bedouin Women’s Poetry in Saudia Arabia A Study of Fourteenth-century Persian Love Poetry University of WisconsinMadison Manchester Hafiz of Shiraz has long been celebrated by many as the greatest Persian poet within the annals of world literature. During the fourteenth century he was master of the Persian ‘ghazal’ – the pre-eminent genre of love poetry in the Iranian world in its day and which, in the hands of Hafiz, reached the pinnacle of its development and refinement. Dominic Brookshaw here places Hafiz into a broader literary context by comparing his poetry with his two most important contemporaries: ‘Ubayd-i Zakani and the poet-princess, Jahan-Malik Khatun, whose ‘ghazals’ have received insufficient scholarly attention to date. Brookshaw presents her for the first time many previously untranslated ‘ghazals’. This detailed comparison enables a truer picture of the distinct and innovative nature of Hafiz’s poetry to emerge. Contents: 1: The Performance Context and Setting; 2: The Object of Desire; 3: References to Kings; 4: References to Lovers; 5: References to Prophets; 6: References to Places; 7: Some Formal Features. 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848851443 HARDBACK £56.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES BRITISH INSTITUTE OF PERSIAN STUDIES,VOL. 3 PATRONAGE AND POETRY IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD NEW Social Mobility and Status in the Medieval Middle East and Central Asia Jocelyn Sharlet, University of California Arabic and Persian panegyric poetry was one of the most important genres of literature in the medieval Middle East and Central Asia. Jocelyn Sharlet argues that panegyric poetry is important not only because it provides a commentary on society and culture in the medieval Middle East, but also because panegyric writing was one of the key means for individuals to gain social mobility and standing during this period. This is particularly so within the context of patronage, a central feature of social order during these times. Sharlet places the medieval Arabic and Persian panegyric firmly within its cultural context, and identifies it as a crucial way of gaining entry to and movement within this patronage network. This is an important contribution to the fields of pre-modern Middle Eastern and Central Asian literature and culture. Contents: Introduction;The Rhetoric of Patronage: Building Possibilities; Panegyric Discourse: Elaborating on Possibilities; Awareness of Patronage Relationships in Panegyric Poetry; Connections of Interaction; Uncertainty and Flexibility in Patronage; Flexibility and Social Mobility in Patronage. 336 PAGES 234 X 156MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848853690 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 24 192 PAGES 234 X 156MM 2009 978 1 84511 666 8 HARDBACK £47.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 74 HAFIZ AND THE RELIGION OF LOVE IN CLASSICAL PERSIAN POETRY Leonard Lewisohn (Ed.), Exeter University 360 PAGES 234 X 156MM MAY 2010 978184885 339 3 HARDBACK £45.00 INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES HAFIZ, MASTER OF PERSIAN POETRY A Critical Bibliography in English Parvin Loloi 400 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 86064 923 3 HARDBACK £59.50 CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS Incest and Inbreeding in Classical Arabic Literature Geert Jan van Gelder, Oxford University 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 855 7 HARDBACK £56.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY,VOL. 9 THE ARABIAN NIGHTS A Companion Robert Irwin 360 PAGES 198 X 126MM 978 1 86064 983 7 PAPERBACK £12.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS THE ARABIAN NIGHTS AND ORIENTALISM Perspectives from East and West Yuriko Yamanaka & Tetsuo Nishio, both at the National Museum of Ethnology, Japan (Eds); Introduction by Robert Irwin 288 PAGES 234 X 156MM 978 1 85043 768 0 HARDBACK £51.50 76 B&W ILLUSTRATIONS LEGENDS OF THE FIRE SPIRITS Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar Robert Lebling, Foreword by Tahir Shah NEW In the magical tale of Aladdin in The Arabian Nights, the genie that suddenly appears out of the lamp is powerful, playful and utterly mysterious. Supernatural, shape-shifting figures have been given many names over the ages – genie, demon, spirit, ghoul, shaitan and jinn.Those who have seen them believe jinn shadow us in our daily lives, causing endless mischief, providing amazing services and sometimes inducing sheer terror. Legends of the Fire Spirits explores the enduring phenomenon of the jinn. From North Africa to Central Asia, from the Mediterranean to sub-Saharan Africa and beyond, this riveting book draws on long-forgotten ancient testimonies, medieval histories, colonial records, anthropologists’ reports and travellers’ tales to explore the different types of jinn, their behaviour, society, culture and long history of contact with humankind. In essence, Legends of the Fire Spirits is a magnificent and indispensable portrayal of the rich folklore of the Islamic world. 320 PAGES 234 X 156MM JULY 2010 9781845119935 HARDBACK £20.00 REVOLT IN THE DESERT The Authorised Abridged Edition of ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ by T.E. Lawrence T.E. Lawrence, introduction by Jeremy Wilson NEW The Arab Revolt of 1916-1918, when the disparate tribes of Arabia rose up as one mighty force to defeat an empire, was one of the most epic and pivotal periods in the history of the Middle East and a central part of the Middle Eastern theatre of the First World War. It sounded the death knell for the Ottoman Empire and paved the way for a new colonial power in the region – the British. It was T.E. Lawrence, a young army officer with a brilliant military mind and unmatched knowledge of the region and the Arab people, who – alongside the charismatic Faisal I – led the Revolt. These were epic events that changed the shape of the Middle East and affected Lawrence for the rest of his life. His magnificent first-hand account of the period is now a classic of twentieth century literature and a remarkable testament to the extraordinary character of this great British hero. Revolt in the Desert, the abridged edition of Seven Pillars of Wisdom, became an instant bestseller when it was first published in 1927. 352 PAGES 198 X 126MM JULY 2011 9781848856653 PAPERBACK £9.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS www.ibtauris.com 55 ’ ‘ Both engaging and scholarly, this is a guide to Istanbul that has yet to be surpassed – Sunday Telegraph review of Strolling Through Istanbul, see page 57 BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL THE LAND OF AN AFRICAN SULTAN FROM CAIRO TO BAGHDAD Travels in Morocco Walter Harris British Travellers in Arabia NEW NEW Walter Harris and Morocco are inextricably linked. At a time when the wild, lawless interior of the country had hardly been explored by any westerner, Harris would dress as a local and venture into the badlands, fearlessly encountering caids and saints, brigands and warriors. In this classic work, Harris gives an evocative account of his journeys around Morocco from 1887-1889. In Tangier he writes of the eccentrics, artists and lost souls who lived there. He takes an eventful ride through Wazzan – a place few Europeans would ever dare to visit. In Marrakech, he paints a riveting picture of the decadence and darkness of the sultan’s court. And, finally, he recounts the story of his nowcelebrated ride, in disguise, to Sheshouan – the second of only three Christians ever to enter the town. The Land of an African Sultan is a story as compelling now as it was over a century ago. 56 368 PAGES 198 X 126MM DECEMBER 2010 9781848855731 PAPERBACK £11.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS KERR’S VOYAGES 1 Europe,Asia and the Middle East Robert Kerr NEW MAJOR WORK Robert Kerr’s A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels provides a truly comprehensive account of sea and land voyages, covering a thousand years of exploration from the ninth century to the epic voyages of Captain Cook at the end of the eighteenth century. This first set brings together expeditions and journeys of discovery undertaken by ambassadors, missionaries, adventurers as well as naval and military commanders to Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and includes the journey of Ambassador Contarini to Persia, the voyage of Verthema to Egypt, the discovery of Madeira and the English pilgramages to the Holy Land. Kerr includes accounts of travels not easily available elsewhere as well as providing translations into English for the first time. With an introduction by a leading scholar, this handsome 5-volume set presents Kerr’s outstanding achievement in a unique and informative way. 560, 568, 544, 568, 592PP 234 X 156MM NOVEMBER 2010 9781848856134 HARDBACK £425.00 5 VOL SET MIDDLE EAST 2010–2011 James Canton The images of great sand seas, proud Bedouin tribesmen and the call to prayer resounding across the rooftops of exotic cities still linger on in western perceptions of the East. Over a century of travel literature from missionaries, soldiers, poets and explorers has shaped our vision of the Arab World, from the bustle of Cairo to the marshes of Iraq and the mountains of Yemen. James Canton in From Cairo to Baghdad looks at travel writers from T.E. Lawrence to William Dalrymple. Tracing the history of individual efforts to travel Arabia against the British imperial aims in the region, this book makes explicit the intimate relationship between travellers to Arabia and the British Empire. Some travellers wrote as soldiers, diplomats, spies or cartographers. Others, like Harry St John Philby actively rejected the British and allied with their Arab hosts. The array of eccentric and fascinating characters described here alongside their writing gives us an unmatched insight into the British experience of Arabia. THE LAST STORYTELLERS Tales from the Heart of Morocco Richard Hamilton NEW Marrakech is the heart and lifeblood of Morocco’s ancient storytelling tradition. For over a thousand years, storytellers have gathered in Jemaa el Fna, the legendary square of the city, to recount ancient folktales and fables to rapt audiences. But this unique chain of oral tradition that has passed seamlessly from generation to generation is teetering on the brink of extinction. The competing distractions of television, movies and the internet have drawn the crowds away from the storytellers and few have the desire to learn the stories and continue their legacy. Richard Hamilton has witnessed at first hand the death throes of this rich and captivating tradition and, in the labyrinth of the Marrakech medina, has tracked down the last few remaining storytellers, recording stories that are replete with the mysteries and beauty of the Maghreb. 224 PAGES 234 X 156MM APRIL 2011 9781848854918 HARDBACK £17.99 8PP BW PLATES 288 PAGES 216 X 134MM MAY 2011 9781848856967 HARDBACK £56.50 THE SHIPWRECKED SAILOR IN ARABIC AND WESTERN LITERATURE NEW Ibn Tufayl and His Influence on European Literature BAGHDAD SKETCHES Journeys through Iraq Freya Stark Mahmud Baroud, University of Exeter From the ancient Egyptian Tale of a Shipwrecked Sailor through to Sinbad and Robinson Crusoe, the stranded castaway living and philosophising alone on a strange, desert island is a theme which has captured the imaginations of writers spanning cultures and millennia. Most familiar to western literary historians is Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe; however, little attention has been paid to some of its antecedents, such as the remarkable Hayy Bin Yaqzan by twelfthcentury Arab physician and philosopher, Muhammad Ibn Tufayl. Contents: Introduction; 1. Reception of Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy Bin Yaqzan in eighteenth-century England; 2. The Sources of Robinson Crusoe and and Hayy Bin Yaqzan; 3. Desert Islands and their Purpose; 4.The Heroes’ Spiritual Journeys and Evolution; 5.The Heroes’ Encounter with the Other; Conclusion. 320 PAGES 216 X 134MM JULY 2011 9781848855526 HARDBACK £59.50 5 INTEGRATED BW TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES NEW During her many years in Iraq, Freya Stark was witness to the rise and fall of the British involvement in the country as well as the early years of independence. Typically – and controversially – she chose to live outside the close-knit western expatriate scene and immersed herself in the way of life of ordinary Iraqis – living in the ‘native’ quarter of the city and spending time with its tribal sheikhs and leaders. Venturing out of Baghdad, she travelled to Mosul, Nineveh, Tikrit and Najaf, where she perceptively describes the centuries-old tensions between Sunni and Shi’a, time not having dissipated their hatred. In the 1940s she returned again, this time travelling south, to the Marsh Arabs, whose way of life has now all but disappeared; north into Kurdistan and later, Kuwait, in the days before the oil boom. Painting a portrait of both the political and social preoccupations of the day as exquisitely as she does the people and landscapes of Iraq, Baghdad Sketches is a remarkable portrait of the country as it once was. 184 PAGES 198 X 126MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848856554 PAPERBACK £9.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS ‘ ’ This is a gripping treatment of the life and times of one of history’s most daring, and at the same time most human, discoverers – Abrar review of Odyssey of Ibn Battuta, see page 57 BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL THE LYCIAN SHORE A Turkish Odyssey Freya Stark THE SOUTHERN GATES OF ARABIA FORUGH FARROKHZAD, POET OF MODERN IRAN Exploring her Life and Works A Journey in the Hadhramaut Freya Stark California (Eds) NEW ‘There are not so many places left where magic reigns without interruption and of all those I know, the coast of Lycia was the most magical.’ Lycia, on the southwestern coast of Turkey, is an ancient land steeped in mystery, myth and legend. Home to the fiery chimera, heartland of worship for the goddess Leto, old ally of Troy, lure to conquering Cyrus and Alexander and to centuries of travellers, artists and writers - Lycia, part of the ‘Turquoise Coast’ now attracts more tourists to her glimmering shores than any other part of Turkey. In the early 1950s, following the trail of the ancient Persian and Greek traders, Freya Stark set out by boat to explore the Lycian coast. South from Smyrna, she was guided by the traces of Lycia’s rich history and cultural heritage. For all those who now follow in her wake, there can be no better, more evocative or knowledgeable guide to this,Turkey’s most enchanting coast. 216 PAGES 198 X 126MM SEPTEMBER 2011 9781848853126 PAPERBACK £9.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS THE MINARET OF DJAM An Excursion in Afghanistan Freya Stark NEW Tracing the ancient incense route, Stark set out to be the first westerner to discover the fabled lost city of Shabwa, which had captivated explorers and travellers for centuries. Though she journeyed through the canyons and mountains of the Hadhramaut extensively and by any means possible, Stark’s goal was never reached, but the ending to her story was nevertheless – and in characteristic fashion – dramatic. Having caught measles whilst staying in a sultan’s harem and with the region overrun by warring religious factions and bandits, she had to be evacuated by the Royal Air Force. Though Shabwa remained elusive, Freya Stark’s remarkable journey ensured that her name would forever be associated with Arabia and her travels hailed as intrepid and adventurous as any undertaken by other great explorers of Arabia such as T.E. Lawrence, Richard Burton and Charles Doughty. 288 PAGES 198 X 126MM FEBRUARY 2011 9781848853157 PAPERBACK £11.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS NEW THE POLITICS AND POETICS OF AMEEN RIHANI The Humanist Ideology of an ArabAmerican Intellectual and Activist Nijmeh Hajjar, University of Sydney 336 PAGES 216 X 134MM JANUARY 2010 978 1 84885 266 2 HARDBACK £59.50 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES LIBRARY OF MODERN MIDDLE EAST STUDIES,VOL. 102 TRAVELLING THE INCENSE ROUTE Arabia to the Levant in the Footsteps of the Magi Barbara Toy 200 PAGES 198 X 126MM 2009 978184511 995 9 PAPERBACK £9.99 16PP B&W PLATE SECTION TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS THE ODYSSEY OF IBN BATTUTA Uncommon Tales of a Medieval Adventurer A Quest David Waines, Lancaster University Freya Stark A WINTER IN ARABIA The 12th century minaret of Djam is one of Afghanistan’s most celebrated treasures, a magnificent symbol of the powerful Ghorid Empire that once stretched from Iran to India. The second tallest brick minaret in the world, Djam lies in the heart of central Afghanistan’s wild Ghor Province. Surrounded by 2,000 metre-high mountains and by the remains of what many believe to have been the lost city of Turquoise Mountain – one of the greatest cities of the Middle Ages – Djam is, even today, one of the most inaccessible and remote places in Afghanistan. When Freya Stark travelled there, few people in the world had ever laid eyes on it or managed to reach the desolate valley in which it lies. Her journey from Kabul to Kandahar and Herat was difficult and often dangerous but her account shines with humour and is adorned with beautiful descriptions of the land she journeyed through and the people she encountered. 296 PAGES 234 X 156MM JUNE 2010 978184885 155 9 HARDBACK £52.50 978184885 156 6 PAPERBACK £16.99 16 INTEGRATED B&W INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF IRANIAN STUDIES, VOL 21 IONIA 376 PAGES 198 X 126MM MARCH 2010 978184885 191 7 PAPERBACK £11.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS A Journey through Yemen Freya Stark 328 PAGES 198 X 126MM MARCH 2010 9781848851924 PAPERBACK £11.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS 1 MAP STROLLING THROUGH ISTANBUL The Classic Guide to the City Hilary Sumner-Boyd and John Freely 512 PAGES 198 X 126MM 2009 978184885 154 2 PAPERBACK £12.99 ILLUSTRATED TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS Dominic Parviz Brookshaw, University of Manchester and Nasrin Rahimieh, University of £19.50 ILLUSTRATED 240 PAGES 234 X 156MM FEBRUARY 2010 978 1 84511 805 1 HARDBACK THE TRAVELS OF IBN AL-TAYYIB The Forgotten Journey of an Eighteenth Century Traveller to the Hijaz Mustapha Lahlali, University of Leeds, Salah Al-Dihan University of Kuwait and Wafa Abu Hatab Al-Isra 256 PAGES 216 X 134MM FEBRUARY 2010 978184885 006 4 HARDBACK £54.50 LIBRARY OF MIDDLE EAST HISTORY, VOL. 23 TAURIS ACADEMIC STUDIES HEART BEGUILING ARABY The English Romance with Arabia Kathryn Tidrick 256 PAGES 198 X 126MM 2009 978184885 146 7 PAPERBACK £11.99 TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS 168 PAGES 198 X 126MM SEPTEMBER 2010 9781848853133 PAPERBACK £9.99 51 INTEGRATED B&W, 14 INTEGRATED DRAWINGS, 1 MAP TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS www.ibtauris.com 57 ‘ ’ Valuable ... should long serve as an authoritative reference tool – Muslim World Book Review review of Hafiz: Master of Persian Poetry, see page 59 WANDERINGS IN ARABIA The Authorised Abridged Edition of Travels in Arabia Deserta BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL BYGONE HEAT 624 PAGES 216 X 134MM 2009 978 1 84511 810 5 HARDBACK £39.50 978 1 84511 766 5 PAPERBACK £14.99 THE WANDERING LAKE SADEQ HEDAYAT Sven Hedin, Foreword by John Hare Homa Katouzian, Oxford University Into the Heart of Asia 320 PAGES 198 X 126MM 2009 978184885 022 4 PAPERBACK £9.99 2X16PP B&W PLATES TAURIS PARKE PAPERBACKS THE SILK ROAD Ten Thousand Miles through Central Asia Sven Hedin 336 PAGES 198 X 126MM 2009 978 1 84511 898 3 PAPERBACK £12.99 2 X 16 PAGE B&W PLATE SECTION A Memoir André Aciman, CUNY Graduate Center, New York C.W.R. 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