Oct Koleinu for website - Congregation B`nai Israel
Oct Koleinu for website - Congregation B`nai Israel
קולנו Tishri/Cheshvan 5773 October 2012 Vol 11, Issue 17 www.bnais.com The Voice of Congregation B’nai Israel Join Rabbi Alfi and Cantor Steinberg for a Havdalah Under the Stars By Deidra Meyers, VP Membership The word Havdalah means to differentiate, to distinguish. The entire ceremony is to distinguish between the Shabbat that we have just experienced and the week that we are about to enter, both as an existence in time and as a feeling of existence. Three blessings are said: ♦ First on the wine, again a symbol of joy. Now we take Rabbi Mona Alfi pleasure in what we have accomplished, and hope that it will continue to grow into the week. Cantor Julie Steinberg ♦ Then on the spices, whose fragrance we inhale to comfort our soul at the loss of Shabbat. ♦ And finally on the flame, which symbolizes light and darkness and the ability to see the difference in a very deep way. The greatest tool we have for appreciating anything is the ability to distinguish and differentiate. When we see things as rare and unique, they stand out as special, and somehow have their own place in the world. Yet, all too often, we have a hard time utilizing this tool and seeing things for their own uniqueness. Masses of people just become ordinary beings. Beautiful sunsets start to look all the same. Our challenge is to discern and see the differences that exist in the world in order to appreciate their rare and unique qualities and thus take pleasure in their existence. I have a great love for Havdalah. Maybe it is the melodies, or the awakening of the senses or because my first Havdalah was in Israel, but the part that always moved me the most was the deepening of a connection with the people I was with on that Saturday night. As VP of Membership, I care deeply about the connection we foster between our congregants. Our community grows and has a deeper affinity when we stop, even just for a few hours, and spend time with each other. One of our goals this year is to connect members, both within the walls of our congregation and in our community. How many of us have met someone at Shabbat or High Holy Day Services and never knew that they live just a few miles from us! During the next year, to help our members connect with congregants in their neighborhoods and with each other, we will be sending each of you a personal invitation to one of four Havdalahs generously hosted at Rabbi Mona Alfi’s home. We hope you will be able to join us for a special Havdalah lead by Rabbi Mona Alfi and Cantor Julie Steinberg under the stars. We will be organizing the Havdalahs by to allow you to meet members living in your area and connect with people who live close by. Please continue to keep your eye out for upcoming announcements and your invitation. We hope you will be able to join us. Founded 1849 Worship OCTOBER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Mini Minyan 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Rachel Rubin, Bat Mitzvah Women of B’nai Israel & Rabbi Alfi invite all women age 13 and over to Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, Tuesday, October 16 S UNDAY, OCTOBER 7 —S IMCHAT TORAH Please see enclosed flyer MONDAY, OCTOBER Unlocking the mysteries of Judaism: decoding Jewish symbols and understanding the meaning of our names 8 —YIZKOR, 9:15am 9:15 am FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 6:00pm Tot Shabbat – 2nd Grade participating 6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services – 6th Grade participating Join Women of B'nai Israel and Rabbi Alfi for Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan on Tuesday, October 16. The topic of this month is “Unlocking the Mysteries of Judaism: decoding Jewish symbols and understanding the meanings of our names.” Meet us in the social hall at 6:15 for a dairy potluck and for services and study at 6:45. All women over the age of 13 welcome. No RSVP necessary. We hope to see you on October 16! S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 6:00pm Sababah Shabbat Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services April 9th, Maggie Anton returns to Rosh Chodesh! Maggie Anton, author of Rashi's Daughters, returns to B'nai Israel to discuss her new book: Rav Hisda's Daughter, Book I: Apprentice: A Novel of Love, the Talmud, and Sorcery. S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Eli Alexander Frankel, Bar Mitzvah FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services Sam Cooperman-Earl, Bar Mitzvah Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 www.bnais.com Phone: 916.446.4861 Fax: 916.446.2875 IN THIS ISSUE SUBMISSION GUIDE Anniversaries – October.................12 Birthdays – October .......................12 Brotherhood .....................................5 Calendar – October ........................19 CBI Bulletin Board ............... 11,14-15 Community Bulletin Board....... 15-18 Donations.. .....................................13 Education ..................................... 6-9 Mourning Our Losses .....................14 Social Action ............................ 10-11 Women of B’nai Israel ......................5 Worship ........................................ 1-3 The opinions expressed in the Koleinu are entirely those of the contributors and do not reflect official policy of CBI. There is a 350 word limit on articles for the Koleinu. Deadline for all issues is the first day of the month preceding the publication date. Please send your article to koleinu@bnais.com. Koleinu is published ten times a year. The June/July and December/January editions are combined. 2 B’nai Mitzvah Note From the Editor D ear Fellow Congregants, As you know, I often feature our wonderful CBI volunteers in this column. We who create your Koleinu are happy to announce the addition of Terri Cristy to our group. Terri will be a huge help with copy editing and proofreading. I thank her for volunteering to share her time and talent with us. Our B’nai Mitzvah Sincerely, Bonnie Quote of the Month "Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful." ~ Unknown So Many Choices – Visit the Jonas Goldman Judaica Shop Rachel Rubin, October 6 We have a wide selection of ritual items by Michel Aram, Gary Rosenthal, Blackthorne Forge, Nambe, Silk Bijoux, Yair Emanuel, and other Jewish artists. Our display cases are filled with beautiful gold and silver jewelry designed by Ayala Bar, Michal Golan, Angie Olami, Orly, Beit Nir, and other Israeli artists. Visit us before schlepping all the way to the Bay Area. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by our selection of gifts and ritual items. Eli Alexander Frankel, October 20 Sam CoopermanCooperman - Earl, October 27 We’d love to assist you in choosing special gifts for b’nai mitzvahs, weddings, birthdays, and other simchas. Please visit the shop on Tuesdays 1:30 – 6pm or Sundays 9:30am – 1pm, when religious school is in session. For your convenience, Shabbat and yahrzeit candles are available for sale at the temple during office hours. If you have any questions or need an appointment, call Carole Kovnick at 974-0875 or Jane Orkand at 283-4325. 3 Board of Trustees Paying Off the Mortgage Progress Almost two years ago, we started a major fundraising effort to pay off our mortgage. At that time we owed Merchant's Bank approximately $990,000. Since then almost 100 member families have pledged over $830,000 toward our goal of paying off the mortgage in full by the end of 2013. As pledge payments have been received, we paid down our principal loan balance. In September we made another lump sum Steve Goldberg payment of $200,000 to further reduce the balance of our loan. CBI President The new loan balance is $340,000, about one-third of the amount we owed on the loan when we started this campaign. This is remarkable progress and we could not have achieved this milestone without the support and generosity of our contributors. Thank you! Several of you have asked for more information about the impact on the temple budget from the situation with Brookfield School. Brookfield's anticipated departure at the end of this school year will reduce our revenue by approximately $85,000 in the July 2013-June 2014 fiscal year. This is the approximate amount of our principal and interest payments on the congregation’s loan before we started the pay down on the mortgage project. Our progress in paying down the loan and reducing the monthly payment to the bank has helped the congregation prepare for the loss of income from Brookfield. If we had not undertaken this effort and made substantial progress, our budget would have been significantly affected by the loss of income. But even with lower loan payments we will still face financial challenges. The recession has affected many of our members and we have seen a significant drop in income from dues. We recently “closed the books” on the last fiscal year that ended June 30, and our dues revenue was down approximately $30,000 from where it stood two years ago. We also experienced increased costs for items outside of our control--utilities, insurance, and health care costs. The Board’s Finance Committee and the Facilities Task Force have been working with our professional staff on a plan to improve our dues collections, look at alternative sources of income from the use of our facility, and reduce costs where possible. This, combined with our effort to eliminate our monthly payments on the congregation’s loan, will certainly help as we plan for the lost revenue from Brookfield. We need to continue to make progress during the next year so we can pay the entire remaining loan balance. This means continuing to pay down the mortgage as we collect on the remaining pledges. We estimate we will need to raise an additional $150,000 to eliminate the loan. Together, our community can get this done. Please contact me, Jay Schenirer, or Mandy Greene if you can help. Meet Our Featured Board Member Erin Barney is the current BISY president. She has been a member of CBI for 8 years. She and her twin sister Riane were born and raised in Sacramento. Erin had her bat mitzvah at CBI, became involved in the madrich program, was a confirmand, and now devotes her time to BISY. She is active in NFTY as well. She recently attended Kutz camp where she learned leadership skills. Erin's goal as the youth liaison to the Board is to "bring the URJ's campaign for youth engagement to B'nai Israel in full force." 4 Old Friendships Renewed at 12th Annual Softball Game By Jeff Shulman The 12th annual end of summer softball classic game between CBI (Congregation B'nai Israel) and MLC (Mosaic Law Congregation) was played again at the same location for the past 12 years: Arden Park Softball Field. What makes this event unique is that there is no other organized softball game between a Reform synagogue and a Conservative synagogue played anywhere else in the United States on an annual basis. What is also unique about this "game" is that after the game, win or lose, the two teams stay to share in a post-game picnic and to swap stories and enjoy each other’s company. Now don't think for a moment that the two teams come out every summer, yet not give their best effort. The CBI team traditionally has a pre-game practice the Sunday before to prepare for this game. On game day almost everyone on the CBI team shows up an hour before to further prepare. That preparation seems to pay off as no one on the CBI team pulled a muscle or made a fielding error (except for a few minor overthrows). There were few opportunities for MLC hitters to get on base. Once Bernie Marks threw out the first ball, the nine inning game lasted almost two hours. By the end of the ninth, with the final score almost forgotten, the smell of Kosher hot dogs and salmon burgers filled the air. While the post-game meal did not last as long as the game, both teams had a chance to get to know each other better and to renew old friendships that date back to the first game played on this very same field 12 years ago. The next time CBI and MLC will meet for another athletic competition will be the 13th annual Latke Cup basketball game to be played at the MLC Event Center on December 22 at 6pm. The Brotherhood Women of B’nai Israel A Busy Brotherhood at Work Every writer for a Koleinu column has that first experience of speaking to future events in the past tense. Clairvoyance is a valuable skill. However, I have no doubt the High Holy Day services were terrific as well as the Brotherhood-provided Yom Kippur break-the-fast. A thank you to our VP of Fundraising, Dave Lewis, and the volunteers for their Paul Ortega help. And an additional thank you to our immediBrotherhood President ate Past President, Jeff Rabinovitz, for organizing the ushers for the High Holy Day services. In September, Brotherhood also provided the picnic for the opening day of Religious School, along with our annual traditional donation to the Religious School. Again, another thank you to Dave Lewis and the volunteers for a very successful picnic. Supporting education and our kids is core to the Brotherhood mission. We will continue to demonstrate our commitment to education and our kids in more ways over the coming year. An upcoming Rabbi Loving with teacher Wendy Fischer at the religious school opening day picnic. event related to education is our brunch on 10/28 to welcome one of our newest Brotherhood members, Jonathan Loving, husband of our Educator, Rabbi Michal Loving. Further information will be forthcoming. These programs and donations are possible due to the financial support from our membership dues, our catering events, and our other Erika Meredith with daughter, Samantha, fundraising events. Thank you to those and Dave Passovoy with daughter, Aliya enjoying the religious school picnic. that have joined Brotherhood, to those who have engaged Brotherhood for a B’nai Mitzvah, and to those who have attended our events. Note that all of our profits go back to the temple. One last note and special recognition. More critical than our financial support through membership and fundraising are our volunteers. We are successful due to their efforts and contributions. In appreciation of our volunteers, our most valuable asset, we are scheduling a special event for them. More information to come very soon. Brotherhood cooking crew for the religious school opening day picnic Left to right: Dave Lewis, Richard Ginsberg, David Citrenbaum, Gary Sibner, Bernie Marks & Jeremy Hollis 5 WBI Thanks Lindie Henderson Henderson Shana Tovah from WBI. I hope that you are rested and renewed and ready for a wonderful year ahead. As you read this Dana Hirschel article, members of the WBI President WBI Executive Board will be preparing to head northward to Portland, Oregon, for the WRJ-Pacific District convention. The Pacific District convention is something that we always look forward to as an opportunity to learn, pray, and schmooze with women from sisterhoods across the West. I always enjoy sharing and comparing ideas that will make us an even stronger sisterhood. This convention is bittersweet as our very own Lindie Henderson’s term as President of Pacific District comes to an end. WBI would like to thank Lindie for her amazing leadership, commitment, and passion to the Women of Reform Judaism and the Women of B’nai Israel. Lindie is a mensch and a wonderful example to follow. We love you and thank you! Lindie has also very generously created and seeded the Lindie Henderson Leadership Fund to ensure future leadership development for members of WBI. This is a tremendous legacy that WBI will be forever grateful for. Be sure that your calendar is marked for Sunday, Nov. 18, for WBI’s annual membership luncheon to be held at Plates. Plates is sponsored by St. John’s Women’s Shelter and we have a wonderful afternoon planned. The event is from 1:00-3:00 and is free to paid-up members. It should be a lovely time. If you haven’t already, please like our page (Women of B’nai Israel) on Facebook! Education Find Your Joy in the New Educational Resource Room the place to find your answer. We have a rack full of Purim and dress-up costumes, a wide range of Jewish music on CDs, and educational DVDs waiting to be played either at home or in the classroom. In the center of the room will be a small table with chairs, along with an internet-accessible computer and a printer. Judah ben Saul ibn Tibbon, a 12th century Spanish physician and translator of holy texts, wrote in his ethical will that he wanted his children to value education above all else: As of the first week of September, Congregation B’nai Israel has a new place to help answer all of your questions about Judaism: the Educational Resource Room! The entire temple owes a huge debt of gratitude to Jodie Rubenstein, who has tirelessly spent her summer sorting, organizing, and creating a room that is Rabbi Michal Loving welcoming, useful, and user-friendly. Director of Located in Cantor Carl Naluai Jr.’s Congregational former office (next to Cantor Julie Learning Steinberg’s), the Resource Room is filled with shelves organized by theme and age group. There are sections for Prayer, Hebrew, Holidays, Values and Ethics, as well as concerns specific to Early Childhood, Teen, and Adult learners. The room is different from the library in that while it contains a small amount of novels, the majority of the books revolve around the art of teaching itself. The room’s primary purpose is to serve as a resource center for religious school and adult education teachers, but it is truly here for everyone in the congregation. There is a full array of prayer books for reference, and books such as Introduction to Talmud and Midrash for those who want to know. If, on the other hand, you’re seeking the best way to impart tolerance to preschoolers, or wanting to find ideas for arts and crafts relating to a Jewish holiday, then this is Make your books your companions; let your cases and shelves be your pleasuregrounds and orchards. Bask in their paradise, gather their fruit, pluck their roses, take their spices. If your soul be satiate and weary, change from garden to garden, from furrow to furrow, from prospect to prospect. Then will your desire be renewed, and your soul be filled with delight. It is my hope that every adult in this congregation, teachers and learners alike, will feel inspired to visit the Educational Resource Room. May we all find joy in the paradise of the shelves that await us. 1 Judah Ibn Tibbon, “A Father’s Admonition,” written 1190. Found in Hebrew Ethical Wills by Israel Abrahams, Jewish Publication Society, 1976, page 63. CBI Is Having a “Fun Run/Walk/Wheel for Torah,” Sunday, October 21! At B’nai Israel we have a wonderful religious school program based on Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Hasadim. We have phenomenal teachers with a low teacher/student ratio. Our school includes an excellent madrichim program, art, Hebrew, and music programs. The religious school provides scholarship assistance to many families, especially in our current difficult economy. So, of course, we need to raise funds to support Jewish learning. On Sunday morning, October 21, we will have a 5K run/walk/wheel (wheelchair/walker/stroller) in Land Park to support the religious school. Come join the religious school students and staff in this fun activity. All participants will bring in donations and a signed waiver to the synagogue and start the morning with some exercise (Avodah), learn a little Torah along the way, and participate in Gemilut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness). Of course, there will be something special for all participants, prizes for the top fundraisers, and a healthy snack before going to class. Look for flyers and waivers in the Chadashot and sent home with students in the weeks before the big event to be sure to have all the information and be ready the morning of October 21! We need lots of volunteers the day of the run and some to help plan. Please email me, Nanette Wong at kent-nan.wong@comcast.net, to let me know what you would like to do to help. Thanks so much to all of the CBI community for supporting the teaching of Torah to our children. Sincerely, Nanette Wong - CBI Religious School volunteer 6 October Education DatesDates- atat- a- Glance Religious School – Sundays 9:30am - 12:30pm October 7, 14, 21 & 28 Hebrew school – Tuesdays 4 - 6pm October 2, 16, 23 & 30 Mini Minyan – Saturday, October 6 10:30am - noon K’tonton – Sunday, October 7 10:15am - noon Tot Shabbat / 2nd Shabbes October 12 Tot Shabbat - 6:00pm (2nd grade) Dinner - 6:30pm (RSVP required) Shabbat Service - 7:30pm (6th grade) A view of the new, neat and functional Educational Resource Room that volunteer Jodie Rubenstein single-handedly transformed. Mazal Tots (ECE Kids) – Sunday, October 21 Mazal Tots: Sukkot at the Zoo – 10:15am (No K’tonton on campus this day-Sukkot at the Zoo) 7th – 8th 9th – 12th 26 – 28 7 Adult Education Lifelong Jewish Learning— Learning— October Classes & Lectures Tuesday, October 2 • Lunch and Learn Noon - 1pm, Conference Room • Rabbi Alfi The Rabbi introduces us to the practices of Reform Judaism. Learn about the holidays, family life, and synagogue practices. Bring a brown bag lunch. Tuesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 • Israeli Dancing 7:00 - 9:30 pm, Social Hall (Multipurpose room on Oct. 16) Evening begins with instruction for beginners, then moves on to intermediate and more advanced dances. $ 5 donation requested. For more information, contact Jeanette Salkin, 799-7213. Tuesdays, October 9 & 23 • Religious Ethics in the 21st Century Noon - 1 pm, Off-site • Rabbi Alfi Rabbi Alfi tackles some of the toughest issues of Jewish ethics as applied to modern life. We discuss politics, economics, Israel, Jewish communal relations, and many other issues. Bring a brown bag lunch. Call temple for directions. Tuesdays, October 9, 23, 30 • What Do Reform Jews Believe: Theology and Ritual – Sitting, Standing, and Bowing: A Guide to The Choreography of Our Worship Service 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Chapel • Rabbi Shula Calmann Have you ever wondered about the logic behind the physical actions in a service? Why do we stand in some places, sit in others, go up on our toes, bend and bow? And what does it all mean? Enrich both your knowledge base and your spiritual practice in this 3-part class. Fee: $15 for members, $20 for non-members. To sign up, contact Marissa at the temple office, 446-4861 or marissa@bnais.com. Wednesday, October 10 • Master Teachers’ Series: The Humanitarian and Regional Challenges of the Syrian Civil War 7 - 8:30 pm, Chapel • Professor Keith David Watenpaugh The ongoing civil war in Syria confronts us and the Middle East with critical questions about humanitarianism, human rights, and regional peace and security. Watenpaugh, Director of the UC Davis Human Rights Initiative, is an expert on the modern Middle East. His talk will update the ever-changing situation in Syria, but also try to explain the cost of what is happening to Syrian civilians. This lecture is supported by a gift from Ken and Linda Henderson. Wednesdays, Oct. 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 28, Dec 5, 12, and 19 • Beginning Modern Hebrew 7 - 8:30 pm, Library • Professor Galia Franco Professor Franco is a native speaker who is currently teaching modern and Biblical Hebrew at UC Davis. This multi-session class is an outstanding introduction to the use of modern Hebrew in conversation, reading, and prayer. Fee $ 75 for members, $ 100 for non-members. There is no text fee. To sign up for this course, contact Marissa at the temple office, 446-4861or marissa@bnais.com. PLEASE NOTE: It is important to sign up by October 3 so the text can be ordered. Sunday, October 14 • Achim 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Chapel • Dr. Glenn Hammel A discussion group for men, sponsored by the Brotherhood. Achim Facilitator Glenn Hammel, Ph.D. Tuesday, October 16 • Rosh Chodesh Potluck 6:15pm, Services 6:45pm, Social Hall • Brought to you by the Women of B’nai Israel and Rabbi Alfi Unlocking the Mysteries of Judaism: Decoding Jewish Symbols and Understanding the Meanings of Our Names Each month Rabbi Alfi joins the Women of B’nai Israel for lively discussion, prayer, and a potluck vegetarian meal. Discussion topics vary, but may include history, spirituality, women’s issues, theology, and more. Any woman over the age of 13 is invited. No reservation is necessary. Wednesday, October 17 • Fit To Be Told 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Chapel • Claire Lipschultz and Steve Marshall For those who would like instruction - first time or refresher - on how to CREATE and TELL a fascinating 5-minute personal story, come to this one-session class. It will be very helpful in preparing you for our storytelling extravaganza in November. To reserve a spot in the class, contact Marissa at the temple office, 446-4861or marissa@bnais.com. Tuesday, October 23 • An Introduction to Judaism 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Multi-purpose room • Susan Aguilar Abraham’s Tent of Sacramento, an inter-faith group dedicated to education and joint social action, sponsors this brief introductory lecture. Susan will explain the basics of our faith to a group with many religious backgrounds. 8 Education Confirmation Class Confirmation Class News Our Partners at UC Davis By this time, many of you will have made use of the many services B'nai Israel's 2013 Confirmation class is offering as fundraisers to help pay for their trip to Israel and Eastern Europe next summer. As with past Confirmation classes, members of this class will take what many will call the trip of a lifetime – as a vital part of Reform Judaism's effort to educate young Reform Jews about their history and identity. In Eastern Europe they will visit places evoking memories of Jewish life before and during the Holocaust and the reawakening of Jewish life there today. In Israel, they will enjoy the varied cultural and religious life, rich historical sites, and meet other teens from Israel and the US. What are class members looking forward to while on that trip? Jacob Mendelson says, "I went to Israel with my family on a tour with other temple members when I was eight and I loved it. I love the food and I can't wait to spend five weeks with my friends." Peri Propper agrees, "I look forward to meeting other people my age." Understandably, the cost of the trip – $9,000 per student, which covers round-trip air fare, accommodations, meals and tours – is the biggest hurdle for the Confirmation families. So, traditionally each CBI Confirmation class holds fundraisers throughout the year to defray expenses. Perhaps you've dropped your kids off at the temple on Parents' Night Out to experience a grown-up evening. Or you enjoyed one of the wonderful home-made challahs Mark "the Challah Baker" Paxson – father of class member Jacob Paxson – made (with the assistance of Confirmation class members) for the High Holy Days. Or maybe you attended a b’nai mitzvah where confirmation class members worked as waiters and servers. So, when you see announcements about Confirmation class fundraisers like Parents' Night Out, the annual Hanukkah latke dinner, the upcoming B Street Theatre evening, the annual raffle, and CBI IMAX movie night, remember how hard the 2013 Confirmation class is working. They sincerely hope you will take part in as many of these events as you can. For the last 2 years the Jewish Studies Program at UC Davis has contributed to B’nai Israel’s adult education program by providing outstanding speakers for our Master Teachers’ Series. It’s really been quite exciting. Professor Diane Wolf, then Chair of the Jewish Studies Program, believed strongly that “ivory tower” academics should share their knowledge with the broader community. In 20102011 we had five outstanding speakers, with diverse topics such as “Beyond Anne Frank: The Fate of Hidden Jewish Children After World War II” and “Inequality Among Jews in Israel.” The experience was mutually beneficial. We had top-notch presentations on a variety of interesting topics. And the professors enjoyed the opportunity to speak to more mature adult audiences. That first year our program received financial support from the Jewish Federation. Last year our five speakers were equally stimulating. Our topics were varied, with titles such as “New Light on the History of Hasidism,” “Jews in Post-World War II German Film,” and “Imagined Homelands: Blacks and Jews, West Africa and Palestine, 1850 - 1940.” Our financial support came from Ken and Linda Henderson, who have been pleased to provide these academic offerings. I’m pleased to announce that our Master Teachers’ Series begins this year on October 10. Professor Keith David Watenpaugh, an expert on the Middle East, will speak about “The Humanitarian and Regional Challenges of the Syrian Civil War.” He has lived in Syria and keeps close contact with events “on the ground.” On January 24, Professor Ela Bauer, visiting from Haifa University, will tackle some of the controversies surrounding the ultra-Orthodox in Israel. She will speak on “Who Is Afraid of a Modern Israeli Jewish Identity? Israeli Society Discovers Judaism.” And on February 28, Kierra Crago-Schneider, a PhD student, will teach us of the complex and disturbing history of Jews in postWorld War II displaced persons camps. Thanks to Ken and Linda Henderson for again providing financial support. These lectures provide a wonderful, stimulating opportunity to broaden our understanding of the Jewish world. We continue looking for engaging charitable events for the Confirmation Class kids, to assist B’nai Israel and the larger community. Whether it is delivering meals to home-bound individuals, or volunteering at charity events or shelters, we’re looking for good deeds our kids can participate in monthly. If you’re looking for help with moving, a yard project, baby-sitting, or tutoring younger children, we have a crop of able-bodied and intelligent kids ready and willing to assist in exchange for a donation to the Confirmation Class. If you need some help, contact Mary Gevercer at 916-548-9839 or mgevercer@comcast.net. We encourage all parents to take advantage of the opportunity to take a night off. In the Koleinu is a flyer with the dates and info for the scheduled Parents’ Night Out evenings through the remainder of the year. The Master Teachers’ Series begins with Professor Keith David Watenpaugh, an expert on the Middle East, Wednesday, October 10 9 CBI SoCIal aCtIon newS page Sacramento, CA T HE L ATEST Thank You, Blood Marrow/ Stem Cell Participants Kudos to CBI congregants who participated in the bone marrow/stem cell drive on Yom Kippur afternoon. Sustainable Living Committee An organizational meeting to revive the Sustainable Living Committee (SLC) was held on August 23. The SLC will concentrate on activities that enhance environmental and public health related issues as they relate to congregational life. In addition to continuing ARP cleanups, blood drives, the community garden, and support for alternative transportation to CBI, the committee will organize an E-Waste collection for Land Park and surrounding communities’ residents and businesses. Stay tuned for more details. The next meeting of SLC is scheduled for 7pm October 16 at CBI. If you have questions, or would like to be put on an email notification list, please contact Chuck Rosenberg at chuckrosehill@gmail.com, or Todd Mendell at ptmen@alum.rpi.edu. E-W ASTE R ECYCLING Please save your recyclable electronics, as there will be an event at CBI on December 30. Tell friends, relatives, employers that this is a free event. Free pick up will be available for organizations. More info next month! IN S ERVICE A CTIVITIES & E VENTS October, 2012: priceless Neighborhood Stabilization Committee The NSC continues to work with ACT to find help for homeowners whose loans are in default or under water and to keep neighborhoods free from foreclosure blight. Recently we held meetings with Neighborworks Sacramento, a local nonprofit organization that turns around foreclosed homes, and with David Sharples, a Bay Area organizer whose group works on getting cities to crack down on banks that do not take care of their foreclosed properties and properties that are in default but not yet owned by the banks. The objectives are to participate in programs that will help keep affected Sacramento neighborhoods from suffering blight that often goes along with foreclosure. PB & J Sandwiches Reminder to CBI organizations & chavurot: please contact Jonathan or Alison Stein at jonathan@jonathangstein.com to reserve your organization’s date to make sandwiches once a month for the Central Downtown Food Basket. This is an important contribution. EDUCATION EFFORTS School is back in session. Please consider giving some time to help kids become more successful. See Social Action Projects Activities List, “Educational Efforts.” T IKKUN OLAM O PPORTUNITIES O CTOBER & N OVEMBER Oct. 17 @ 7pm, B’nai Israel: Sustainable Living Committee meeting. Contact Chuck Rosenberg: chuckrosehill@gmail.com or Todd Mendell: ptmen@alum.rpi.edu Oct. 21 @ 2pm/Nov. 16: American River Parkway (ARP) CleanClean -Up. Up Contact Paula & Todd Mendell: ptmendell@comcast.net Oct. 15/Nov. 19: Jewish Community Day at Loaves & Fishes. Contact Chuck Adelman: chuckadelman@earthlink.net Oct. 26/Nov. 30: Touch of Shabbat. Shabbat Contact Betty Reuben: bjreuben@comcast.net OPEN CBI VOLUNTEER POSITIONS ♦ Contact for Federation community-wide December mitzvah project ♦ Lead for Caring Committee/ contacting the ill or homebound ♦ Someone to weed regularly in the CBI Gan Organic garden CONTACT LYNN BELZER: LBelzer@sbcglobal.net to help out! 10 Social Action Projects Activities List C B I B u l l e t i n B o a rd SOCIAL ACTION PROJECTS AS OF 9-1-12. (Lynn Belzer & Gary Leiserowitz, leads) ACTIVITY CONTACT E-MAIL ONGOING PROJECTS AMERICAN RIVER PARKWAY: STEWARDSHIP OF MILE17 TOUCH OF SHABBAT (MONTHLY, LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH) W ELLSPRING W OMEN’S CENTER, OAK PARK: DROP OFF TRAVEL-SIZE TOILETRIES TO FOYER BETWEEN CBI OFFICE & GIFT SHOPM ST. JOHN’S SHELTER “GAN ORGANIC” CBI’S GARDEN CBI YOUTH PROJECTS SUSTAINABLE LIVING COMMITTEE Paula/Todd Mendell Betty Reuben ptmendell@comcast.net bjreuben@comcast.net Radyne Citrenbaum radyne@comcast.net Lisa Miller Megan Florida Dana Schneider Penn Chuck Rosenberg & Todd Mendell millerlisa11@gmail.com mflorida2004@comcast.net danaspenn@bnais.com chuckrosehill@gmail.com ptmen@alum.rpi.edu HELP FEED THE HUNGRY YEAR ROUND FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT CENTRAL DOWNTOWN FOOD BASKET: DELIVER FOOD TO FOYER BETWEEN CBI OFFICE & GIFT SHOP Jodie Rubenstein Jodie.Rubenst@gmail.com MONTHLY JEWISH COMMUNITY DAY @ LOAVES & FISHES (3RD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH) Chuck Adelman chuckadelman@earthlink.net MONTHLY FOOD BASKET SANDWICHES Jonathan & Alison Stein jonathan@jonathangstein.com alison@jonathangstein.com EDUCATION EFFORTS WHICH REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN STUDENTS’ LIVES & THEIR ABILITY TO SUCCEED RESTORATIVE JUSTICE EFFORTS SACRAMENTO CITY SCHOOLS READING PARTNERS SAN JUAN SCHOOL DISTRICT READING PARTNERS Richard Cohen Barbara Berg Terri Cristy rjcohen@sbcglobal.net bberg1023@gmail.com cristyjt@comcast.net HELP THE HOMELESS & TO HELP SAVE HOMES (ESTABLISHED AT 2012 SHABBATON) SACRAMENTO NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION COMMITTEE Steven Tincher Stincher@beta-techconsulting.com ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY Jason Weiner Sarah Zimmerman Jason.weiner@gmail.com szmodotti@gmail.com ANNUAL & BIANNUAL EVENTS BI-ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE Todd Mendell ptmendell@comcast.net GAY RIGHTS COMMITTEE/GAY PRIDE W EEKEND & PARADE Diana Gibson dlgibson555@yahoo.com MITZVAH DAY, MARCH 17, 2013 Gary Leiserowitz gsleiserowitz@ucdavis.edu HH DAYS FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT CENTRAL DOWNTOWN FOOD BASKET FAMILY PROMISE (ANNUAL EVENT IN JUNE) Eileen Jacobowitz Sandy Kaufman ejacobowitz@comcast.net kaufman.sandy@gmail.com CARING COMMITTEE: REACHING OUT TO THOSE IN NEED BEREAVEMENT Lynn Terleski-Katz lrtk@sbcglobal.net CONTACTING/VISITING THE ILL OR HOMEBOUND Need Lead Contact Lbelzer@sbcglobal.net CBI Exhibit at Sacramento Archives Crawl on October 6 This year, B’nai Israel will once again take part in the Sacramento Region’s Annual Archives Crawl, to be held October 6th from 10am to 4 pm. At the Crawl, the public will be able to visit four different venues to take “backstage tours” and see material from the archival collections of twenty public agencies and nonprofit institutions. The theme for 2012 is “Building Sacramento, Building Communities.” The B’nai Israel exhibit will be at the Center for Sacramento History (551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd.), where we will display images of the many buildings the congregation has occupied as well as material about six women who have helped to build both B’nai Israel and the Sacramento community. For more information, please visit Leah Ezray and Deborah Gordon (not http://sacarchivescrawl.blogspot.com/. pictured) are the archivists for CBI. 11 Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Anniversaries Jeffrey Clair, Laurie Earl, Louise Mueller, Bob Travis, Jake Wallin, Sandi Wasserman Zachary Brody, Megan Florida, Michael Panush, Rachel Schoenfeld Susan Geiger, Beth Katz, Jill Morales-Ratner, Rebecca Shragge, Cindy Swartz, Joel Tochterman Benjamin Agron, Bob Harris, Julie Steinberg Ava Crevin, Emily Vasquez Julia Bluth, Eric Rosenberg, Myrna Rudman, Harriette Schwartz, Emma Townsend Lynne Galin, Xander Loving, Sophia Oberst, David Supkoff, Joanne Swedlow, Hannah Wood Mark Merin, Adira Orit Weiner Irv Kagan, Sara Mizzi, Alyssa Simon, Ashley Slovak, Joan St. Martin, Rachel Zerbo Kiley Schwartz Tim Brandabur, Benjamin Gevercer, Mike Kalamaras, Russell Kronick, Len Marowitz, John Mizzi, Jordan Younger Lucy Beckett, Richard Ginsburg, Clara Shader-Seave, Gina Whitfield Alice Hammel, Leslie Korengold, Zalia Lipson, Greg Pearson, Howard Sarasohn Debbie Lewis, Wendi Shulman, Roxanne Stanger Abby Archibald, Ann Bancroft, Ralph Lightstone, Shelli Pruger, Darrell Steinberg Zander Cornelius, Alicia Gaj, Claire Lipschultz, Anne Simon Adam Block Carol Moon Goldberg, Gail Hart, Wendy Hubbs, Nadine Muench Amber Anapolsky, Bruce Berg, Stephen Ginsberg, Jeremy Hollis, Buzz Rosenblum, David Schenirer Bob Smith, Peggy Blincoe, Eli Frankel, Damon Hirschensohn, Helen Nusbaum, Ben Stewart Ariel Waithaka, Aldo Aran, Eric Gorfain, Liane Ofenham Hall, Sofi Hersher, Mindy Richardson, Muriel Simons, Mychal Stecher Weitzman Mandy Greene, Elise Huggins Steve Belzer, Barbara Berg, Art Choate, Laura Mahoney, Jonathan Mendick Justine Dowden, Rachel Orkand, Stan Wallin Jackie Fields, Jacob Halseth, Lizzy McElheney, Andee Press-Dawson Adam Cohn, Judy Hersher, Reed Walker Brian K. Landsberg, Mark Paxson 28 Steve Felderstein, Ed Klinenberg, Rebecca Merksamer, Bryan Shragge, Asher Stewart 29 Jack Goldberg, Marcia Greene, Dick Riemer, Rachel Rosenbloom 30 Tami Crawford, Paul Feldstein, Peri Zeff Propper, Emmett Weiner 31 Naomi Spitze 1 2 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 22 27 Sarah & Scott Lipton Peggy & David Goldstein Leslie & Seth Oberst Jan & Bob Smith, Lisa & John Yarbrough Joy & Herb Cohen, Judy & Steve Lewis, Melanie Mages-Canale & Ed Canale Judy Painter & David Porter Janet Gordon-Boyer & Carl Boyer, Jacki Cottingim-Dias & Joe Dias, Stella Levy & Richard Jaffee Cohen, Jason Lindo & Michael Maslowski Marilyn & Ezra Amir, Kelley Taber & Gary Jakobs Jana & Ben Stewart Ashley & Jeff Slovak Alice & Matania Ginosar Jody Cooperman & Laurie Earl Cathleen Williams & Mark Merin Rita & Len Marowitz Marcia Steinberg & Michael Schoenleber, Tami & Bob Travis Loril & Bruce Tochterman We build a sukkah to commemorate the 40-year period of the children of Israel wandering in the desert, living in temporary "booths." The Jewish holiday of Sukkot was a model for the Pilgrim Thanksgiving. Simchat Torah means "Rejoicing in the Torah." It marks the completion of the annual Torah reading cycle (Deuteronomy) and beginning the new (Genesis). 12 Our Contributors Rabbi Alfi’s Discretionary Fund General Fund • Gayle Merksamer wishing a speedy recovery to Nancy and Dick Bernheimer • Marilyn & Bert Gelder in memory of Norman Glenn • Nancy & Dick Bernheimer thank you to Rabbi Alfi for the valuable time she spent with them during her healing visit • Illene Carroll for the yahrzeits of Edward Samoville, • • • • • • • • • Rose Neustadt, Dylan Carroll, Moritz Samoville, Mary Cohn, & Sy Opper Carrie & Scott Claremon in appreciation to Rabbi Alfi for the special and meaningful baby-naming service for Haley Mitzi & Norman Davis in honor of Joe Schwartz’ 85th birthday Rita & Len Marowitz thank you to Rabbi Alfi for recognizing the yahrzeit of Eunice Marowitz The Phero Family in gratitude to Rabbi Alfi during Andy’s extended illness and for his recent passing Maxine Spitzer in memory of Melvin Greenberg Kelley Taber & Gary Jakobs thank you to Rabbi Alfi for her care, attention and efforts in making Zane’s Bar Mitzvah a magical experience Barbara & Michael Ullman thank you to Rabbi Alfi for leading a wonderful event for the baby-naming of their granddaughter Haley The Hans Willis family thank you to Rabbi Alfi for officiating at the dedication of Hans’ headstone and for her meaningful words Jonathan Willis in gratitude to Rabbi Alfi for all that she does, for playing a critical role in his family’s lives, and for bringing her substantive vision of Jewish life to a community Playground Fund • Carol Moon Goldberg & Steve Goldberg Mazel Tov to Jennifer and Todd Kaufman on their new grandson, Oliver, and to Barbara & Michael Ullman on their new granddaughter, Haley Religious School Scholarship Fund • Valerie Feldman & Jay Wisham in honor of Rabbi Loving • Carol Moon Goldberg & Steve Goldberg in memory of Andy Phero, husband of Gennifer and father of Casey • Alisa Chatham Sakowitz & Rob Sakowitz in honor of Rabbi Loving • Nanette & Kent Wong in honor of Rabbi Loving The following people have donated to the Religious School Scholarship Fund in memory of Shirley Everitt, mother of Jacki CottingimCottingim-Dias Dia s : • Jennifer & Todd Kaufman Social Action Fund • Joan Goldberg thank you to Cecile Kaplan & Myrna Rudman for being caring angels Sosnick Library Fund • Carole Kovnick in honor of Bonnie Penix’ new grandson, Educator’s Discretionary Fund Milo Benjamin Penix, and Fran Levy’s new granddaughter, • The Brotherhood in support of Religious School Shoshana Jade Samuels, and in memory of Andy Phero, • Carol Moon Goldberg & Steve Goldberg welcome to husband of Gennifer and father of Casey Rabbi Loving, Jonathan, Xander, and Ari • Margi ParkPark-Landau Mazel Tov to Bonnie Penix on the birth of her new grandson, Milo Carl Naluai, Jr. Music Fund • Bonnie Penix for the yahrzeit of Bill Penix, husband • Vida & Gordon Adelman in honor of Cantor Steinberg’s new role • Nancy & Dick Bernheimer in honor of Cantor Julie Steinberg W B I F u n d s – • Illene Carroll in honor of Julie becoming Cantor of CBI Women Feed the Hungry • The Phero Family in gratitude to Cantor Steinberg during • Saturday Night Bridge Club Andy’s extended illness and for his recent passing • Jo Ann & Marty Solov in honor of Betty Reuben’s 90th birthday • Joy & Herb Cohen in honor of Betty Reuben’s 90th birthday BISY (B’nai Israel Senior Youth) Fund • Joyce Weinberg in support of the BISY group The Brotherhood Funds– Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Essay Contest Fund • Dolores Allen thank you to Bernie Marks for his help with her genealogy project Price Campership • Vida & Gordon Adelman Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) Funds Price Campership Fund Help our kids go to camp! Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) has been awarding camperships to CBI children every year for over 40 years. Educational Opportunities Fund for Joseph Bonnheim Students in Memory of Susan Dresser • Jennifer & Todd Kaufman • Stella Levy • State of California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board Support Staff Women Feed the Hungry Fund Help feed the hungry in Sacramento. Did you know that Women of B’nai Israel provide financial support to Loaves and Fishes and to the Central Downtown Food Basket every month? Help us continue this important work – relieving hunger in our community. Donations to Price Campership and Women Feed the Hungry funds should be made out to WBI and sent to: 13 Celine Sankary• Sankary•2817 Robinson Creek Lane, Elk Grove 95758 We Mourn Our Losses CBI Bulletin Board Last CBI Leisure League! Thursday, November 1, noon Ida Eisenbraun Beloved aunt of Judy Emick-Leatherwood and Blair Leatherwood Let's give thanks for all the wonderful years we've spent together making friends, eating, and enjoying a variety of entertainment. Gloria Fraser Beloved mother of Ze’ev Fraser, David Fraser, and Linda Van Doren Beloved sister of Agatha Singer Beloved niece of Sarah Rosenthal Beloved grandmother of 8 Beloved great grandmother of 4 Come reminisce and celebrate! Enjoy Bob Gregory's ballads, Big Band era love songs, and sing-alongs. Thank yous and awards! Delicious lunch! Hear what the Jewish Federation is planning Bob Gregory for us for the future. Vernon Fugit Beloved grandfather of Blair Leatherwood and Judy Emick-Leatherwood Your check for $5 per person is your reservation. Please mail your check, payable to CBI Leisure League, to Ronna Dienstfrey, 1619 Dreamy Way, Sacramento, 95835 by October 29. Jeanette Johnson Beloved grandmother of Alison and Jonathan Stein Beloved great grandmother of Tyler, Kyle, Miles, and Brooklyn Stein If you need a ride or have questions, please call Bonnie Penix at 916-391-1987. Any Interest in an InterestInterest- Free Loan? Andy Phero Beloved husband of Gennifer Phero Beloved father of Casey Phero Beloved son of Elaine Phero Beloved uncle of Amber Phero and Ashley Phero The Hebrew Free Loan Association has been providing interest -free loans to Jewish residents of Northern California since 1897. Types of available loans include: Student, Emergency, Adoption, Business, First-time Home Buyer, Health Care, Recently Unemployed, Life Cycle, Debt Consolidation, Institutional (for Jewish communal agencies and synagogues), and Special Needs (for emotionally and physically challenged people). Bonia Shur Director of Liturgical Arts at HUC-JIR Jean Zerebecki Beloved mother of Stacia Levy and Steven Zerebecki Beloved mother-in-law of Mark Levy Beloved grandmother of Shoshana Levy Since 1897, the Hebrew Free Loan of San Francisco has offered vital financial assistance to more than 100,000 people. Each year, we help more than 400 people to reach their goals and move in the direction of financial security and future success. We help people to help themselves. Whether we’re providing people a way out of their financial distress, or helping them to realize a life-long dream, our recipients maintain dignity and self-sufficiency as they repay their interest-free loans. EXPERT TRANSLATIONS Old family letters, postcards, documents Yiddish, Polish, French, Russian, and many more languages If you or someone you know needs financial assistance and would like to apply for an interest-free loan, please contact us by phone (415-546-9902) or email (info@hflasf.org). Check out our website for more information: www.hflasf.org. Contact Bernie Marks 916.363.0122 (All proceeds go to the Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Essay Fund) 14 CBI Bulletin Board Community Bulletin Board ...to Bonnie Penix, for her dedicated and outstanding work with the Leisure League luncheons at CBI, enjoyed by so many seniors. …to Dave Brubaker, who received the newly created Charlotte Ames Award in July at the annual Sutter's Fort Docent Recognition Dinner that recognized docents who do so much behind the scenes or outside of the more visible events at Sutter’s Fort. Dave, who has been an active participant both behind-thescenes and in front of the public, is the first recipient of this award. …to Terri and Jonathan Cristy on the marriage of their daughter Sarah to Schuyler von Oeyen on August 25. …to Michael Neumann, Neumann conductor of the Sacramento Youth Symphony, nominated as one of the Lifetime Achievement Award finalists to be honored October 12 by the Arts & Business Council of Sacramento. This annual awards celebration honors those making an impact on arts and culture in the California Capital Region. ...to Hannah Wood, Wood on receiving her Master of Arts degree, September 12, from New York University, daughter of proud parents Laurie & Robert Wood. Wood ...to Carol GoodmanGoodman -Gane and the Women of B’nai Israel for hosting a fabulous Selichot on September 8 and to Rachel Weinreb and the WBI for hosting an enjoyable Rosh Hashanah reception after services on September 17. ...to Judy Mansfield for, once again, doing a royal job as our ticket coordinator extraordinaire for the High Holy Days with her husband, Darryl, Darryl as her dedicated assistant. ...to Jodie Rubenstein, Rubenstein for transforming the vision of the Educational Resource room from a dream into reality. The Sacramento Chapter of Hadassah invites you to its annual Sima Spector Healthy Women, Healthy Lives Conference “Taking Charge of Your Healthcare,” Thursday, October 18, 55-8pm The Sacramento Chapter of Hadassah invites you to its annual Sima Spector Healthy Women, Healthy Lives Conference on Thursday, October 18, from 5-8 pm at the Rancho Cordova City Hall (2729 Prospect Park Drive • Rancho Cordova). Hadassah is proud to sponsor this free event with the generous help of Assemblywoman Alyson Huber, Kaiser Permanente, and the Gordon-Goldstein Foundation. Taking Charge of Your Healthcare is this year’s conference theme. Various experts will discuss how patients can best work with their medical team and navigate the overall healthcare system from both a patient’s and doctor's perspective to receive optimal results. We are excited to welcome our keynote speaker, Dr. Thomas Balsbaugh, UC Davis Medical Center, Department of Family and Community Medicine. Dr. Balsbaugh was recognized by the Sacramento Business Journal as a “Health Care Hero” and was featured on the PBS News Hour. We will also have a panel discussion consisting of a hospital social worker, and representatives from an HMO, the State Office of the Patient Advocate, and the Center for Healthcare Decisions. A dynamic group yoga session is part of the conference, as well as a health fair that includes over 25 exhibitors. There is no charge to attend and a light dinner snack will be served. And, even though the conference’s name has “women” in its title, this program is open to everyone! To reserve your seat, please call Assembly Member Huber’s office at (916) 464464-1910. Our conference is named after the local humanitarian and advocate for women’s health, Sima Spector, who founded the conference and was tragically killed by a drunken driver six years ago. Hadassah is an international, humanitarian service organization, the largest Jewish women's volunteer organization in the United States. A non-profit organization, we are dedicated to educating women about their health and rights. We support medical research and health services in Israel through our extensive network of chapters and groups in the US and abroad. Hadassah Hospitals and Clinics in Israel and in other parts of the world open their doors to everyone regardless of race, national origin, or religion. 15 Community Bulletin Board 16 Community Bulletin Board Contractor Lic.# 936953 35 yrs. experience 17 Community Bulletin Board 18 19 PJ Breakfast Religious School WBI Board Mtg. Choosing Judaism RHIAGT (9+ gr.) Achim 9:30am 10:15am 10:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 1pm 28 Religious School Aleph-Bet Brotherhood Brunch B’nai Mitzvah Orientation Madrichim Mtg. Boyz 2 Menschen (off-site) Noon Rabbi’s Lunch & Learn 4pm Hebrew School 6pm Kesher LimudOpening Day 6:45pm Confirmation 7pm Israeli Dancing 2 Tue 22 29 4pm Hebrew School 6:45pm Confirmation 7pm Choreography of our Worship Service with Rabbi Shula Calmann 7pm Israeli Dancing 30 Noon Rel. Ethics (off-site) 4pm Hebrew School 6:45pm Confirmation 7pm Choreography of our Worship Service with Rabbi Shula Calmann 7pm Israeli Dancing 7pm An Intro. to Judaism 23 16 15 Jewish Community Day 4pm Hebrew School at Loaves & Fishes 6:15pm Rosh Chodesh 6:45pm Confirmation 7pm Israeli Dancing 31 7pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 7pm Beg. Modern Hebrew 24 7pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 7pm Beg. Modern Hebrew 6:30pm City Council Candidates Forum 7pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 7pm Beg. Modern Hebrew 7pm Fit To Be Told 7pm Sustainable Living Committee Meeting 17 10 7pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 7pm Beginning Modern Hebrew 7pm Humanitarian & Regional Challenges of the Syrian Civil War 3 7pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Wed Tishri/Cheshvan 5773 9 Noon Rel. Ethics (off-site) Office opens at noon No Hebrew School 9:15am Yizkor Services 6:45pm Confirmation Simchat Torah 7pm Choreography of our Worship Service with 1:30pm Mah Jongg Rabbi Shula Calmann 7pm Israeli Dancing Sukkot Office closed 8 Sukkot Yizkor 1 Mon 9:30am Religious School 1:30pm Mah Jongg 10:15am Mazal Tots Sukkot at the Zoo (Zoo includes K’tonton kids) 1pm Kesher Limud Service Learning 2pm Amer. River Pkwy. Cleanup 3pm Capitol Chamber Players 21 14 8:30am 9:30am 10:15am 10:15am 1pm 7pm Religious School Dance-a-Thon Aleph-Bet K’tonton RHIAGT (7-8 gr.) Confirmation Class sponsored dinner 6:30pm Simchat Torah Service & Consecration Simchat Torah 9:30am 10:15am 10:15am 10:15am 1pm 5pm 7 Sun CBI Calendar Fri 12 2nd Shabbes 6pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services NFTY Shabbaton through the 28th 26 7:30pm Shabbat Services Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Noon Leisure 7:30pm Shabbat League Luncheon Services 6:15pm Board of Trustees Meeting 25 18 19 6:15pm Executive 6pm Sababah Shabbat Committee Dinner Meeting 7:30pm Shabbat Services 11 4 5 6:15pm Board of 7:30pm Shabbat Trustees Services Meeting Thu Nov. 3 9am Torah Study 10:30am Mini Minyan 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services 7pm SIR Lecture 27 9am Torah Study 10:30am Sam CoopermanEarl Bar Mitzvah 9am Torah Study 10:30am Eli Frankel Bar Mitzvah 20 13 9am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services 6pm Parents’ Night Out 6 9am Torah Study 10:30am Mini Minyan 10:30am Rachel Rubin Bat Mitzvah Sat October 2012 Koleinu Our Voice Phone . . . 916.446.4861 Fax . . . 916.446.2875 www.bnais.com Rabbi Mona Alfi, Senior Rabbi, RabbiAlfi@bnais.com Rabbi Lester A. Frazin, Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Michal Loving, Director of Congregational Learning, RabbiLoving@bnais.com Julie Steinberg, Cantor, jsteinberg50@gmail.com Mandy Greene, Administrator, mgreene@bnais.com Steve Belzer, General Counsel, steve@belzercarrlaw.com Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 311 Sacramento, CA Time Dated Material Or deliver to current resident - - - - - President, Steve Goldberg, sgoldberg@downybrand.com President-elect, Barbara Allen-Brecher, Bela.allen-brecher@comcast.net VP Finance, Gordon Spector, gspector@swinerton.com VP Administration, Marc Koenigsberg, koenigsbergm@gtlaw.com VP Education, Lisa Brodkey, lisarobgj@aol.com VP Facilities, Alan Steinberg, asteinberg@gfsacto.com VP Membership, Deidra Meyers, deidra.meyers@gmail.com CFO, Alex Swedlow, aswedlow@appliedoutcomes.com Secretary, Rachel Resnick, rachelresnick@yahoo.com Past-President, Jay Schenirer, jayschenirer@sbcglobal.net - - - - - Koleinu Staff Editor: Bonnie Penix, bpenix@att.net Layout & Design: Barbara Rogers Proofreader: Terri Cristy S econd Shabbes, October 12, at Congregation B’nai Israel 6:00 pm Tot Shabbat • 6:30 pm 2 nd Shabbes Dinner • 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Asian marinated chicken, garden greens with celery and apples, rice with corn and basil and roasted vegetables We always have “kid friendly” meals! Adults $12, if reserved by the Wednesday before 2nd Shabbes; $14 after Wednesday. Meals are complimentary for children 12 & under. RSVP to the office at 916-446-4861, ext. 31 or Marissa@bnais.com. Please mail your payment to: to Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95818. Thank you! Implementing your business solutions JONATHAN LOVING Computer Consultant 714.345.0730 20 jloving1@gmail.com linkedin.com/ in/ jonathanloving 2010
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