koleinu The Voice of Congregation B`nai Israel
koleinu The Voice of Congregation B`nai Israel
koleinu The Voice of Congregation B’nai Israel www.bnais.com Vol 10, Issue 2 Founded 1849 Adar/Nisan 5770 March 2010 For Now the Winter is Past. . . (Song of Songs 2:11) By Rabbi Mona Alfi As a kid, I always thought it was strange that the first thing we got to eat at the Passover seder was parsley. While I enjoyed parsley (I really did!), it seemed so, well, insignificant compared to the excitement of eating the pyramids (in the form of the charoset), or the tear-inducing pain of the horseradish reminding us of the bitterness of slavery, or the fun of crumbling the matzah and simply making a mess all over the table and floor. The sad little piece of parsley dipped in salty water just seemed, well, sad. In retrospect, I realize that having grown up in Southern California, I couldn’t really understand what the big deal was with the emergence of spring, or the appearance of green vegetables on the dining room table. After all ,what some called spring, we simply called winter. As far as vegetables were concerned, when we made a salad all I had to do, year round, was go outside my back door to pick avocados, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Because I took spring and all of its blessings for granted, I couldn’t understand what the parsley was supposed to symbolize – hope, renewal, and rebirth as well as our connection with the earth itself. The first time I ever heard about “organic food” was when I was living on Kibbutz Lotan, a Reform Kibbutz in southern Israel more than 20 years ago. Many of the founders of the Kibbutz were fellow Californians who had grown up at Camp Swig and moved to Israel as a way to live their ideals as Reform Jews. It was this same idealism that led them to begin experimenting in organic farming. These Reform kibbutzniks understood that Judaism calls us to ethical action in all areas of our life, including how we treat the earth and what we put in our bodies. More recently, Rabbi Eric Yoffie called on the Reform Movement to “find a way to eat that is right for the farm workers, right for the planet, right for our bodies and right for our souls. Let’s find a way, as Reform Jews, to elevate every bite that we place in our mouths and make it a taste of the divine.” For Now... is continued on page 2 Worship Focus Worship Calendar March Friday, March 5 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, 9:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 am March 6 Torah Study Mini Minyan Ruach Ha’Am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Matt Gevercer Friday, March 12 2nd Shabbes 6:00 pm Tot Shabbat 6:30 pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, March 13 9:00 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Ari Steinberg For Now. . . continued from page 1 Three years ago our congregation created a “Sustainable Living Committee” dedicated to helping us change both how we think and how we act, so that we can incorporate our religious values into our life style. That simple act of dipping the parsley in the salt water at the Passover Seder reminds us to say blessings for the many miracles that can be found in the natural world and not to take them for granted. So this year as you dip the parsley in the salt water, and the Haggadah talks about our liberation from Egypt, also discuss what “liberation” means in terms of how we treat our bodies and our planet. Can we liberate ourselves from an agricultural system that is overly dependent on toxic chemicals? Can we liberate our lifestyle from needless waste and consumption? Can we liberate ourselves from diets that do not honor our bodies as holy vessels created in the image of God? Changing the way we live is difficult. But we can start with small steps. At least for the seder, try to go organic or buy locally grown food, if not for the entire meal, at least for the ritual food items. If you’re interested in learning more about organic farming, come help with our new congregational organic garden. We’re hoping to harvest our first crop of vegetables just in time for our B’nai Israel Seder on March 30, and mark April 23 on your calendar as the Sustainable Living Shabbat. We will be studying the idea that Rabbi Yoffie calls “ethical eating.” Make sure you stay for the oneg; they always make eating healthy taste great. If you would like to get involved with our Sustainable Living Committee, please contact Megan Florida, the chair of the Social Action Committee at 446-1673. May you have a healthy and joyous Pesach. Mini Minyan Friday, March 19 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, March 6 10:30 am Saturday, March 20 9:00 am Torah Study 10:30 am Play at B’nai 10:30 am Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Maren Davidson Skarstad (meet in the Multiple-Purpose Room) Friday, March 26 7:30 pm Shabbat Service What better way to spend a Saturday morning? Mini Minyan is a family program for young children of all abilities. Come spend quality time together as we learn, play, and sing about the Torah and all it has to offer. Grandparents are welcome. If you have any questions, please call Rabbi King-Tornberg at 446-4861, ex. 16. Saturday, March 27 9:00 am Torah Study 10:30 am Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Morgan Folger Table of Contents Anniversaries/Birthdays........................ 14 Brotherhood............................................ 8 CBI Bulletin Board..... 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15 Community Bulletin Board....... 10, 14, 15 Donations.............................................. 12 Education............................................ 6, 7 Library................................................... 10 March Calendar..................................... 19 President’s Column................................. 4 Women of B’nai Israel........................ 4, 5 We Mourn Our Losses.......................... 13 Worship Focus ................................... 2, 3 Submission Guide Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 www.bnais.com 2 There is a 350 word limit on articles for the Koleinu. Deadline for all issues is the first day of the month preceding publication date. Please send your article to koleinu@bnais.com. The opinions expressed in the Koleinu are entirely those of the contributors and do not reflect official policy of CBI. Koleinu is published monthly except the June/ July and December/January are combined issues. Worship Focus Our B’nai Mitzvah Matt Gevercer, March 6 Achim: A Study Group for Men facilitated by Dr. Glenn Hammel Ari Steinberg, March 13 Maren Davidson Skarstad March 30 Morgan Folger, March 27 Come and prepare for Passover at the first annual Brotherhood Men’s Only Seder in the Multipurpose Room on March 28 (Passover begins March 29) Save the dates for the regular Achim study groups April 18, May 16, June 20 7:00 - 8:30 pm Harry M. Tonkin Memorial Chapel. Each session is an independent discussion. If you can’t make a particular date, feel free to come to the next one. Rosh Chodesh Schedule for 2010 March 16 Susan Aguilar presents “Medieval Jewish Women: Prayers and Liturgy” April 13 “Women and Aging,” featuring the renowned film Let’s Face It May 11 “Images of God in Judaism: Grappling with Theology” June 8 “Women’s Torah Commentary” Join Rabbi Alfi and the Women of B’nai Israel as we continue the stimulating season of Rosh Chodesh. Vegetarian Potluck dairy dinner begins in the Social Hall at 6:15 pm. Service and study begin at 6:45 pm. All women age 13 and over are welcome. 3 President/Women of B’nai Israel We Need to Know… By Jay Schenirer, President CBI’s leadership, both clergy and lay, spend a great deal of time developing and implementing the multitude of programs that are offered at the temple. Decisions about what services and programs to provide and when to provide them are often difficult and involve a balancing act of resources, both monetary and human. A thorough understanding of what our members want and when they want it will ensure that we use our limited resources most effectively and efficiently. On the other side of the ledger, it is also critical for us to better identify the skills and talents of our congregants, and what they might be prepared to do for the congregation as a whole and specifically for their fellow members. This is both true in the big picture and for some very specific needs. For example, in these difficult times, knowing who might be able to lend a hand to those who are suffering – kindness which can take many forms - would help us in supporting both our own community and the community around us. More specifically at this point, we really need support to upgrade and maintain the CBI website and take full advantage of today’s social marketing opportunities. In response and as a first step, board member Alex Swedlow has undertaken a project to update, upgrade and expand the information in our database. In many cases, our knowledge is based on your original membership application. Having correct emails for our families will allow us to save on paper and postage. Getting feedback on some of the new programs we’ve started – K’hillah, Achim, or the new father and sons group – so that we know we are on the right track. Overall, having better, more accurate information will help us make better board decisions and better budget decisions, and ultimately better serve your needs. Over the next month or so, every Temple member will receive a call from a Board member asking them to complete a Congregational survey. You’ll have the option of doing this yourself on the Internet (Survey Monkey), on a paper copy, or we’ll help over the phone. We hope to use this information this year in creating our budget, and then on an ongoing basis as our leadership develop and implant programs. As good stewards, we want to ensure that we are using the Temple’s resources as effectively as possible. WBI Book Group to Meet WHO: WBI book group facilitated by Dr. Stacia Levy WHAT: To discuss Anita Diamant’s new novel, Day After Night WHERE: CBI library WHEN: Wednesday, March 10, 7 pm WHY: Lively discussion of character, plot, setting, and theme DETAILS: The book, available at major retailers such as Borders, should be read in advance. No charge for the event. RSVP: Stacia Levy at CallMeSal@msn.com or 916-806-3693 4 Women of B’nai Israel WBI Offers New Programs This Spring By Carol Goodman-Gane, WBI President Spring is just around the corner and the Women of B’nai Israel will sponsor several exciting programs, both traditional and new, during the upcoming months. All of these new activities are open to the entire congregation, not just WBI members, and I’m so pleased to be able to tell you about them! Our first March offering is completely new and is only a few days away! On Wednesday, March 3, WBI member and past president, Judie Panneton, will host the first of two evenings of Legacy Writing. All congregants, both women and men, are invited to join Judie 7 - 9 pm at the temple, where you will learn to do legacy/memoir writing that focuses on your reflections and wisdom. This writing will become a gift for you and for future generations of your family. Please let Judie know if you want to attend by emailing her at judiewriter@aol.com or by calling her at 916-444-2944. The second Legacy Writing session will be held on Wednesday evening, April 14, 7 - 9 pm at the temple. You’ll have a second evening to work on creating a meaningful memoir of your life, and remember, there is no charge for these sessions. On Wednesday, March 10, WBI member Dr. Stacia Levy will lead WBI’s new book group. Anita Diamant’s latest novel, Day after Night, will be the subject of the evening discussion, which will be held 7 - 9 pm in the temple library and is open to all members of the congregation at no charge. The book is available at major retailers, such as Borders, and participants should come having read the book and prepared for a lively discussion on characters, plot, setting, and themes. Please let Stacia know if you’ll be attending by emailing her at callmesal@msn.com or by calling her at 916- 806-3693. Passover is early this year! Our Second Night Seder, sponsored as always by WBI, will be held on Tuesday night, March 30. And as always, this event is open to the entire Jewish community. If you’re planning to attend, please call Melissa McElheney at 916-205-0317 right away and make your reservations, and look for the flyer in this month’s Koleinu that provides you with all the necessary details. Our own Merle Serlin, WBI member and well known Sacramento artist, will again host WBI’s Public Art Tour the afternoon of Sunday, May 16. As always, the tour is open to all, so save the date!! On Sunday, June 6, WBI will hold its biennial installation event, at which time we will be installing Andee Press-Dawson as the new president of Women of B’nai Israel. She and her new board will be installed at a brunch in the Opper Courtyard, so be sure to save this date as well! Although this month’s column is designed to help you look ahead to the next few months, I would be remiss if I didn’t talk briefly about our wonderful WBI member-only event, “Living Longer, Living Better,” which was held on January 31. I’m sure every single one of the nearly 70 attendees will tell you this program was one of our best ever, with four outstanding speakers (including our own Dr. Marion Leff and Natanya Green) who talked to us about bone health, skin care, and how to handle the stress in our lives. The speakers were engaging, the food delicious, and the décor festive. Special thanks go to Barbara Colton, Andee Press-Dawson, Judie Panneton, Eileen Jacobowitz, and Sandy Lee for all of their work in planning and executing a superb afternoon event, and also to Terry Press-Dawson for being there and supporting WBI with his music and his quiet charm. Please join us this month and over the next several months, as we offer new opportunities to learn and create. A joyous Passover to all of you and I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming activities! . . . that while at the Seder we eat matzoh, charoset, bitter herbs and parsley, only matzoh is mentioned in the Bible. The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers. ~ Everett Mamor . . . that of all the Jewish holidays, Pesach is the one most commonly observed, even by otherwise non-observant Jews. 5 Education Learning Profile – Camp Shelanu By Rabbi King-Tornberg, Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning March Youth Education Dates to Remember It seems strange to be thinking about summer camp in the cool breezes of March, but for those of us planning for the summer of 2010, this thinking is well underway. We are entering our 4th year of Camp Shelanu, a summer that will include friendship, fun, and learning for everyone who joins our camp community. Before my official arrival at B’nai Israel, a camp committee member shared with me an anecdote that she believes helped lead to the creation of Camp Shelanu (the only non-Orthodox summer day camp in the Sacramento region). She explained how she was talking with a student about the Jewish things they were planning to do during the summer. The student replied that they were not Jewish during the summer, referring to the fact that our religious school goes on summer recess. It was then that she and others realized that B’nai Israel could and should be an address for summer Jewish learning. I was so glad to be joining a community that takes seriously not just lifelong learning, but also yearlong learning; a community that remains committed to creating meaningful Jewish moments for each and every day. I was moved by this story, and I am pleased that our camp committee and staff this summer continue to plan for engaging Jewish learning and community building. We are looking forward to another summer, exploring Jews and Jewish practices from other lands, important Israeli artists and scientists, and how to make the world a better place through tikkun olam, to name just a few of the topics and themes that will be part of our summer. We will again have our Tayarim “Travelers” program for 7th and 8th graders, water play and fun field trips. Families interested in learning more about this coming summer of fantastic friendships, courageous counselors, super singing, lots of laughing, and a terrific time should join us for the 2010/5770 Camp Shelanu Reunion and Kickoff on March 14 at 12:30 in the Social Hall. Lunch will be served along with games, art, and other fun activities. Please join us, pick up an application, and get many of your questions answered. Sunday Religious School March 7, 14, 21 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Tuesday Hebrew School March 2, 9, 16, 23 4:00 – 6:00 pm 2nd Shabbes Service and Dinner Friday, March 12 6:00/7:30 pm Tot Shabbat with Grade 3 7:30 service with Grade 7 (RSVP required for dinner) Mini Minyan Saturday, March 6 10:30 am – meet in the Multiple-Purpose Room Family Ed Grade 5 March 14 Camp Shelanu Reunion Sunday, March 14 12:30 pm K’tonton Sunday, March 21 10:00 am Play at B’nai Saturday, March 20 10:30 am - 12:00 noon 7th Grade Parent Education Day Sunday, March 14 during RS School Rosh Hodesh It’s a Girl Thing! Sunday, March 7 for 6th and 7th Grades Sunday, March 14 for 8th and 9th Grades 6 Education Remember to sign up for Parents’ Night Out! March 27 6 - 9 pm Contact Sharon Gerber at sharongerber@sixdegreez.net B Street Theatre fundraiser: “Becky’s New Car” Sunday, March 21 The delightful comedy “Becky’s New Car” is this year’s B Street Theatre benefit performance for the B’nai Israel Confirmation Class. Confirmation Class 2010: Why We Need Your Support By Bina Lefkovitz and Jay Schenirer This year our son, Noah, will go on the confirmation class Israel trip. The trip includes four weeks in Israel, preceded by a week in Eastern Europe with a visit to Auschwitz. The experience is time consuming and at times difficult, but incredibly rewarding. My family is lucky; we have done this before. Our older son David participated in the NFTY trip two years ago, so we know what to expect and the value of the trip. David traveled from Sacramento to New York to Warsaw to Prague and to Tel Aviv. The journey changed him forever. He was ambivalent about visiting the Warsaw Ghetto and Auschwitz. He was not a regular Camp Newman kid and had limited contact with NFTY. We were not sure he understood the purpose of the trip. He came back with a heightened maturity from his experiences. The ceremony at Auschwitz cemented his understanding of his family history and the Jewish need for the State of Israel. His relationships with kids, from New York to Louisiana, have endured. He will tell you these are his best friends, his real friends. His participation in a Jewish way of life has continued, but most of all, the knowledge and the relationships made him a better person. As we said at the outset, this can be a trying experience. The fundraising is time-consuming and can be unfamiliar and challenging. Fundraising from friends, family and strangers is no easy task, so that’s why we are requesting that people understand the importance of the trip, both for our kids and for the temple. The NFTY confirmation class trip is more than an adventure. It binds the ties of our children to Judaism. Our goal at CBI is to raise half the funds for the trip. Some of our efforts are straight fee-for-service—Parents Night Out babysitting, car washes, B Street Theatre on March 21, a Kings game April 10, including some time with Omri—and some are riskier, such as the raffle about which you will receive a call. Please watch the Chadashot and Koleinu for opportunities to participate and help. Camp Shelanu Kick-Off! March 14 Right After Sunday School By Carol Moon Goldberg Check out Camp Shelanu on March 14 just after Sunday School. Join us for a taste of CBI’s summer day camp, featuring fun, camp-style activities like tie-dying, singing, games, and dancing. We’ll play some bingo, paint some faces, and learn about the plans for this summer’s camp. We’ll have lunch for everyone and a dessert at the end. All former campers, returning campers, want-to-be campers, and those who are just curious are welcome. Please join us in exploring Camp Shelanu March 14, 12:30-2:00. Please contact Carol Moon Goldberg 916-684-4622 or Moonberg@msn.com or Wendy Fischer 501-1197 for more information. 7 CBI Brotherhood/CBI Bulletin Board Notes From the (Brother)Hood By Jeff Rabinovitz, President I hope you have all heard by now how successful our second Achim, a Men’s Study Group was in February. As the buzz grows we hope all of our men will be excited to join us. The next event is something that I hope we will turn into a new B’nai Israel tradition - a men’s seder, to be held Sunday before the first seder. It will be March 28, probably at 7 pm, but there will be more information coming out. Our lovely rebitzzen, Glenn Hammel, will be leading this. The Haggadah was created by the Men of Reform Judaism (MRJ) and Glenn is really excited that this can be a wonderful event. There will be a charge for this because the Boyz in the Backroom (our kitchen dudes) will be providing the dinner. With Dave Lewis directing traffic I guarantee this will be a delicious meal, as well as a good time. Please mark you calendars and plan on attending. We will be sending out emails and will put information in the Chadashot. Our last Brotherhood Brunch with Rabbi Naomi Levy was a resounding success. We had close to 100 people attending and nobody went hungry, except maybe Rabbi Levy who declined our offer of a brunch plate. The meal preparation was a breeze because we had 12 volunteers. Thanks to everybody who helped and hopefully we can get another 12 for our next event. We are planning another Brunch in the next month so watch the Chadashot and your brotherhood emails for details. Just a gentle reminder to send in your $38 brotherhood dues for the coming year. We need your financial support to continue to offer our programming, but genuinely want your presence to make our events even better. The Zevi Watch: Zevi continues to be a real character. The other day he burped and quite nonchalantly said, “Excuse you.” Apparently, when he burps at daycare he is told by the staff, “Zevi, excuse you.” He continues to give the best hugs this side of paradise. Grandchildren are our reward for making it through parenthood. In parting, remember as you go through life in search of your goal, look for the donut not for the hole. May the winter bring lots of rain in the valley and snow in the mountains, and may April find the Kings in the playoffs. Support the Confirmation Class at B Street Theatre By Dale Kasler A car dealership and a midlife crisis are the basis of “Becky’s New Car,” a clever comedy that’s this year’s Confirmation Class fundraiser at the B Street Theatre. The show is set for Sunday evening, March 21, in the theater’s main auditorium at 2711 B St. Once again, the generous folks at B Street are opening their doors to support the Confirmation Class’ trip to Israel and Eastern Europe this summer. “Becky’s New Car,” by Pulitzer Prize-nominated playwright, Steven Dietz, is described by critics as wacky, wistful and more than a little poignant. Becky gets along OK at her desk job at a car dealership, but a chance encounter with a wealthy suitor sends her on what might be the craziest ride of her entire life. The door opens at 6 pm with complimentary appetizers. Wine will be available for sale. The show begins at 7 pm. Free dessert will be served during intermission. Tickets are $35 each, and are available from Confirmation Class parents Dale Kasler and Twila Morris, Lisa and Rob Wiener-Brodkey, Darrell and Julie Steinberg, Jeff and Ida Clair, Sharon Gerber, Jay Schenirer and Bina Lefkowitz, Steve Meinrath and Helen Nusbaum, Scott Cohn and Melinda Shapro Cohn, Sally and Barry Hirschowitz, and Ralph Propper. Any questions, please call Dale and Twila at 916-492-2815. The Wine & Food Festival is Coming Up By Twila Morris It started ten years ago with modest dreams – and has grown into the must-do social event of the entire year at B’nai Israel. That’s right, the Wine, Food & Dance Festival is coming up. Our tenth anniversary event is set for Saturday evening, May 1, in the Social Hall. Back by popular demand is Steelin’ Dan, the Steely Dan tribute band that dazzled us at last year’s event and turned the building into a giant dance hall. There’s a new wrinkle for Year 10: In addition to our always popular silent auction, we’re holding a brief “live” auction with special items. As always, nearly two dozen of the region’s and the world’s finest wineries will be represented, plus about a half dozen of Sacramento’s best restaurants and caterers. Last year’s event drew a record crowd, and we’re hoping to improve on that this year. Tickets are $40 in advance and $45 at the door. If you’ve joined the temple since July 1, or are a member under our “young adult” dues category, you can get two tickets for the price of one. Check your mail for the formal invitation and RSVP as soon as you can. You can also buy tickets right away on Payquiq at the temple’s web site, www.bnais.com – just make sure to note in the payment form that you’re buying tickets to the wine festival. If you have questions, please call this year’s event chairs, Dale Kasler and Twila Morris at 916-492-2815. 8 CBI Bulletin Board It’s a Mitzvah to Shop By Ted London Thank you to all of you who have shopped online with Amazon.com. By visiting the B’nai Israel website first, and using the link on our Tzedakah page, Amazon.com has been paying CBI 4-8 percent of what you spend on their website. You can go to bnais.com and click on “Tzedakah” or go straight to bnais.com/tzedakah. cfm. It is amazing what our members have bought from Amazon: books, CDs, DVDs, kitchen appliances, clothes, sneakers, electronics (iPod, camera, MP3 Player), even dog treats. With so much available for purchase online, supporting B’nai Israel has never been easier. Again, thank you to everyone who has participated. Let’s continue to particpate. If you have questions about the program, please email ted.london@cgi.com. Legacy/Memoir Writing: Who Are You and What Do You Stand For? By Carol Goodman-Gane Join WBI member and Past President Judie Panneton for two evenings of writing about the most important person on the planet—you! WBI invites all members of our congregation, both men and women, to join Judie in legacy/ memoir writing that focuses on your reflections and wisdom. This writing will become a gift for you and for future generations of your family. Judie, a trained writing facilitator and professional writer, will guide you through the process of tapping your brain and heart to capture what’s important to you. Bring a pen and paper to the temple with you on March 3, and again on April 14, 7 - 9 pm, and be prepared to create a meaningful memoir of your life. We will let you know the room in which the class will be held once we finalize this with the temple. Meanwhile, please contact Judie at judiewriter@aol.com or at (916) 444-2944 to register, or if you have any questions. 9 CBI/Community Bulletin Board B’nai Israel Welcomes Our Newest Member Pesach Prizes Elaine Rogan By Bonnie Penix Our Sosnick Library has wonderful “prizes” ready for your enjoyment. We have over 50 children’s books about Pesach from which to select stories to share with your child or for him to read on his own. Titles include “Rachel’s Gift” and “The Matzah Man.” For adults we have “The Jewish Holiday Kitchen,” “Keeping Passover,” and a variety of Haggadot. Many other books related to Pesach are also on the shelves just waiting for you to check them out! By the way, we also have Rabbi Naomi Levy’s (our recent, fabulous Scholar-in-Residence) book “To Begin Again.” You’ll have to wait a few weeks to get that one as I just checked it out myself. Leisure League Luncheon Thursday, March 4 12:00 noon, CBI Social Hall All congregants 55 and better are invited. Entertainment will be provided by the always delightful SIRS Country Club Aires for your listening and/or singalong enjoyment. Please come at 11:30 am, if you can, to meet Rabbi King-Tornberg and hear about CBI’s Lifelong Learning. Coffee, punch, and appetizers will be served prior to the lunch. Your check for $5 per person, payable to B’nai Israel Leisure League, is your reservation. Please mail by March 1 to: Ronna Dienstfrey, 1619 Dreamy Way, Sacramento, CA 95835. For questions or to be put on our mailing list, please call Bonnie Penix, 391-1987. 10 Second Annual Hadassahsponsored E-Waste Collection The second annual E-Waste collection sponsored by the Sacramento Chapter of Hadassah will be on Sunday, March 21, at the northeast corner of the Mosaic Law parking lot ( East Side). Collection drop-off hours are 9:30 am - 12:00 noon. Start your spring cleaning early. Pesach is just around the corner. Equipment Accepted: • Monitor/Televisions • Desktop PC • Notebook PC • Small Equipment: VCRs, Stereo equipment, speakers, keyboards, mice, PDAs, digital cameras, zip drives, telephones, cell phones, etc. • Printers and copiers • Laser and Multi-function Peripherals: scanners, fax machines CBI Bulletin Board The Sustainable Living Pledge: What We Eat Matters to Us as Jews By Elizabeth Landsberg At this year’s United Reform Judaism (URJ) Biennial, URJ President Rabbi Eric Yoffie focused on the importance of what and how we eat, unveiling the “Just Table, Green Table” initiative. Rabbi Yoffie explained, “We know, of course, that eating is a biological necessity; but, beginning with Abraham, Jews have seen eating as more than a mechanical act. We are heirs of a tradition that makes a distinction between food and nourishment, between refueling the body and replenishing body and soul. We understand the physicality of eating, but, at the same time, we work very hard to transcend and transform it.” Rabbi Yoffie urged synagogues to develop policies about food that are in keeping with our Jewish values. # 3 of B’nai Israel’s Sustainable Living Pledge is to “shop at a farmer’s market to purchase locally grown produce once a month.” #3 of the youth pledge is to “grow one thing my family can eat.” Why is it important for us as Jews and Guardians of the Earth to form a connection with our food and be mindful of what we eat? As Rabbi Yoffie explained, “Eating can be a gateway to holiness,” and eating locally is part of this gateway. By eating food grown close to home our carbon footprint is smaller because our food hasn’t travelled thousands of miles. We also support local economies and get to know nearby farmers. The youth pledge encourages the most local food possible – food grown in your own home or yard. Even one herb or tomato plant would fulfill this pledge. Experience the miracle of planting a seed, watching it grow, and enjoying the delicious food you helped grow. If you haven’t signed the pledge yet, please consider doing so. You can find both the adult and youth pledge forms in the Social Action section of our website: http://bnais.com/social_action.cfm. CBI Camping Trip with Rabbi Alfi May 21 - 22 By Terri Gaines Question: When does Shabbat end? Answer: When three stars are visible in the sky. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be in a place where we can actually figure this out for ourselves? How about in the great outdoors surrounded by majestic Giant Sequoia redwood trees? Please join Rabbi Alfi and other members of our congregational community at Calaveras Big Trees on Friday, May 21, and we will! We have reserved the group camping site at Calaveras Big Trees State Park for the weekend of May 21 and 22 for the first annual CBI camping trip. This park is located 4 miles northeast of Arnold, California, in Calaveras County and is home to the North Calaveras Grove of Giant Sequoias. Yes, there are flush toilets, and showers are available. All ages are welcome and encouraged to join in the fun. While details for the weekend are still being formulated, we envision a weekend of fun, outdoor activities, music, community, and of course good food. The site can accommodate 60 people so space is limited. Please contact Terri Gaines at 4tkunolam@gmail.com or Marjorie Katz at msk4bball@hotmail.com for more information, and email Sandora Di Fiore, Rabbi Alfi’s assistant, at sandora@bnais.com to reserve your spot. 11 Kai and his cousin, Mia, having fun in the wilderness We Gratefully Acknowledge Our Contributors . . . Rabbi Alfi’s Discretionary Fund Vida and Gordon Adelman In memory of Gloria Harvey In memory of Ethan Schermer The yahrzeit of Frank Adelman The yahrzeit of Marcus Adelman The yahrzeit of Alma Hardy Bonnie Penix In memory of Andy Goldscheid In memory of John Baines Educator’s Discretionary Fund Kenneth Rosenfeld In memory of Cherie Claire Lifton Elaine Berghausen and Dave Brubaker In memory of Ethan Schermer Betty and Eric Young In memory of Lillian Benjamin Bruce and Barbara Berg In memory of Ethan Schermer General Fund Illene Carroll In memory of Ethan Schermer The yahrzeit of Lucille Cohn The yahrzeit of Mildred Neustadt Lippman The yahrzeit of Mary L. Mason The yahrzeit of Nellie Prichard Samoville The yahrzeit of Stewart Samoville The yahrzeit of Elliot Stern Anne and Hal Eisenberg In memory of Ethan Schermer Alicia and Jorge Gaj In memory of Julia Gaj Sandra and Alan Kreeger In memory of Edith Perota Renee Kirk In memory of Kenneth Miller Joan Gusinow and Jerry Pollack In memory of Ethan Schermer Israel Youth Fund Jill Morales-Ratner In memory of Albert Speed In memory of Albert Lutsky Len Maintenance Fund Jacquie Harris Speedy recovery to Sam Len Opper Courtyard Fund Joyce Berger In honor of the engagement of Jeanne and Irving Herman’s grandaughter, Megan Henrietta Meltzer In memory of Robert Meltzer Prayer Book Fund Maxine Spitzer The yahrzeit of Shirley Cohodes Religious School Scholarship Fund Eileen and Howard Sarasohn In memory of Ethan Schermer Colleen and Aaron Miller In memory of Kenneth Miller Cecile Weintraub In memory of Nanette Weintraub Terri and Preston Rubin In memory of Stan Ribom Brotherhood Tikkun Olam Fund Margery Nathanson Smith and Robert Smith In memory of Kenneth Miller Ken Budman In appreciation of Brotherhood Carl Naluai Jr. Music Fund Helen Nusbaum and Steven Meinrath In honor of Rose Meinrath’s Bat Mitzvah Camp Shelanu Scholarship Fund Joan and Dan Gorfain In memory of Edith Perota Melissa McElheney and Paul Feldstein In honor of Tyler Koenigsberg’s adoption Bonnie Penix In memory of Berthold Herpe In memory of Martine Kelly Betty and Jack Reuben In memory of Berthold Herpe In memory of Florence Mador In memory of Edith Perota The Saturday Night Bridge Club Yahrzeit Fund Benita Swidler In memory of Ronald Swidler Betty and Jack Reuben In memory of Rose Kaine Debbie and John Lewis In memory of Ruth Dula Helen Nusbaum and Steven Meinrath In honor of Rose Meinrath’s Bat Mitzvah Women Feed the Hungry Fund Price Campership Fund & Women Feed the Hungry Donations to Price Campership Fund and Women Feed the Hungry should be made out to WBI and sent to: Dana Hirschel 9041 Paso Robles Way Elk Grove CA 95758 The Koleinu is “sponsored” by: Vida and Gordon Adelman Doris Pittell & Bud Morris Maxine Spitzer Anonymous donor family For a donation of only $100, you, too, can help sponsor the Koleinu. If you are interested, please contact our Administrator, Mandy Greene, at 446-4861. Shirley Seave Scholar-in-Residence Fund Christie and Ted London In honor of Rabbi Levy and Scholar-in-Residence weekend Rabbi Reuven Taff In honor of Rabbi Levy and Scholar-in-Residence weekend 12 Help us go green by choosing to get your Koleinu electronically. Please email Koleinu@bnais.com CBI Bulletin Board Thanks to Our recent Oneg Sponsors The Nusbaum/Meinrath family The 5770 B’nai Mitzvah class Scholar-in-Residence Committee Rabbi Alfi, Glenn, and Ezra Hammel Board of Trustees Camp Newman Camp Tawonga Camp Shelanu Women of B’nai Israel Can you help? In our community, there are many things that we can do for each other and the congregation that require only for you to ask. Each month, the Koleinu will host the B’nai Wish List. If you would like to either post a request or help fulfill an appeal, please contact Mandy Greene at the temple office, 446-4861. The B’nai Israel Wish List The congregation needs: bookcases laptop computers If you feel you are not receiving notice for a yahrzeit observance, please call Mandy Greene at the temple office at 446-4861. Healing List Notification In order to manage the Healing (Mi Shebeirach) list more effectively, you may include a name on the Mi Shebeirach list. Simply call Sandora Di Fiore at the temple office to have a name included. Temple’s lay leadership, in consultation with our clergy, have decided that names will remain on the list for four weeks unless you notify us otherwise. Family Shalom NCJW domestic abuse support line: 916-204-8777 Chadashot Request Not receiving Chadashot? New email address? Please notify the temple so we can update our records: mgreene@ bnais.com. Updating your will? Consider B’nai Israel. Your gift will create a legacy. What’s New on the Website? Whether you are planning a visit to B’nai Israel, if you’re studying for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or if you just want to hear the melodies we use when chanting the prayers, you will find our website helpful. Go to bnais.com/worship-resources.cfm to hear the designated prayer. Also, the Koleinu is now online. Go to bnais.com, then scroll down and follow the link. Life-Cycle Emergency? When you are in crisis, our goal is to get you the support you need, when you need it. If you have a lifecycle emergency to report during business hours, it is best to contact Sandora Di Fiore at the temple office, 916-446-4861. If you need to reach our clergy for an emergency after normal business hours, you should call our administrator, Mandy Greene, on his cell phone, 916-752-7787. 13 Donate Your Car to B’nai Israel ******** Give Your Car (Working or Not) to Cars 4 Causes (a California Non-Profit Corporation), and one-half of your gift will come back to CBI. For more information, call Mandy Greene at the temple office, or visit Cars4Causes.net. Our Hineini Committee wants to assist people with rides to CBI. If you need a ride to Shabbat services or other programs, or if you can drive others to the temple,please contact Jackie Fields at 285-0857 or jackietoby@hotmail.com. Birthdays/Anniversaries/Community Anniversaries Birthdays 1Mark Blum, Meredith Halseth, Daniel Klos, Rachel Resnick 2 Barbara Allen-Brecher, Rachel Gold, Paul Rosenberg, Libby Sanchez, Julia Turrini 3 Emily Abbott, Sheila Budman, Diana Dravis, Meghan Einsel, Ryan Gobuty, Gayle Govenar, Jennifer Stoecklein 4 Michael Harris, Laurie Meyer, Shana Roth 5 David Citrenbaum, Jeff Fuller, Sarah Goodwin, Ilse Spivek, Sydney Wasserman 6 Jacob Govenar 7 Callistus Akanno, Claire Conlon, John Davis, Michael Ortega, Barbara Ullman 8 Teresa Mendick 9 Dee Barankin, Florence Beller, Sarah Blincoe, Dave Felderstein, Jayna Fishman 10 Jacqueline Bernales, Francis Bremson, Spencer Cohn, Aviva Pellman, Breia Travis 11 Susan Hammer 12 Rachel Ducore, Karla Fung, Zachary Lerner, Kaylah Rosen, Natalie Rosen 13 Karen Churchill, Daniel Cisneros, Georgene Grunwald, Irwin Karp, Jonah Michaels, Keith Siegel, Rob Wiener 14 Margi Park-Landau 15 Sylvia Clark, Daniela Gaj, Roy Liebman, Alekka Mendelson 16 Mara Behar, Allison Einsel, Ezra Hammel, Charlotte Kasmi, Gabriella Siegel, Ariel Slaton 17 Morissa Anapolsky, Rita Marowitz, Toby Myers, Carole Winston 18 Jessica Friedman, Alan Kuper, Teven Laxer, Kitty McBride Stern, Larry Meyer, Joey Pruger 19 Stephen Mendick, Alexis Prisco, Nicole Searls 20 David Goldstein, James Margolis, Stewart Richardson, Jeff Smith 21 John Crawford, Todd Mendell, Marci Ortega, Mary Spear 22 Hannah Gladstone 23 Jacki Cotingim, Laura Koretsky, Sue Rosenblum, Joel Schwartz 24 Norm Gold, Max Kaplan, Sarah Liebman, Bob Mende, Ben Rosen, Janice Spitzer, Justin Williams 25 Dale Newton, Jennie Silver, Edythe Swidler 26 Gordon Dean, Shirley Rosenbloom, Ari Tochterman 27 Andrea Ellinghouse, Valerie Feldman, Audrey Heller, Stephen Kronick, Forrest Krupin 28 Lou Anapolsky, Bob Dinsfriend, Ethan Grand, Tom McElheney, Bradley Rosenberg 29 Joan Block, Shelley Ellinghouse, Rachel Poppers, Arthur Prisco, Evan Roth, Linda Santistevan, Scott Steinhaus, Tim Stoecklein, Barbara Tincher, John Yarbrough, Ruthann Ziegler 30 Ed Canale, Judy Emick-Leatherwood, Wendy Fischer, Dan Fisher, Carol Goodman-Gane, Bobbie Landau, Martha Moon 31 Cindy Attia, Roz Dinsfriend, Kai Myers 14 4 7 8 9 14 16 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 30 Mary and Steven Gevercer Shelly and Michael Schermer Morissa and Warren Anapolsky Sharon Usher and David Townsend Sue and Buzz Rosneblum Beth and Andrew Katz Melissa and Allen Grand Irene and Mark Paxson Kent Newton and Bill Slaton Debra and John Winters Tami and John Crawford Susan and Bob Dresser Raquel and Irving Perluss Anne and Hal Eisenberg Deborah Haskell and Ven Mendoza Rachel Resnick and Jennifer Webb Jodie and Loren Rubenstein Valerie Feldman and Jay Wisham Shula and Robert Calmann Leah and Mervin Ezray If you do not see your birthday or anniversary listed correctly, please accept our apology, and call the temple office so we can update our records. . . . to Merle Serlin for having her fabric collage “California Ricelands” selected by the California Rice Commission to represent them to the world in 2010. An image of Merle’s collage will act as the label on California Rice Commission gift boxes. . . . to Cindy and Gilles Attia on the birth of their second grandson, Jordon Rene, born on February 3. Send your Mazel Tov information to us for publication in the Koleinu so we can share your news. CBI/Community Bulletin Board Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento We Mourn Our Losses Sunday, March 21,10:00 am Connections Small and Grand About Liz Igra Robert Romer Beloved father of Sunny Romer Beloved grandfather of Noah and Aron Oblath Liz Igra is a Holocaust survivor born in Krakow, Poland. After she and her mother escaped from the Czorkow ghetto in October 1942, they hid on false papers, crossed the Carpathian Mountains on foot, spent some time in a Budapest jail and were released, only to go into hiding when Germany took complete control of Hungary. Liz and her mother were liberated in 1945 and returned to Poland to find only one other member of their family. After time in Poland and France, she and her mother immigrated to Australia and then came to the U.S. in 1968. Liz has been an elementary and high school teacher, administrator, workshop presenter, and helped start Shalom School in Sacramento. In the last twenty years she has been a guest speaker in many classrooms and teacher conferences. Many teachers confirmed her personal observations, that even the best seminars do not equip teachers to meet the challenges of teaching about the Holocaust. So Liz founded the Central Valley Holocaust Educators’ Network. Liz hopes her story will lead to a better understanding of the Holocaust and the important lessons to be learned. The March 21 meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at the Albert Einstein Residence Center, 1935 Wright St., Sacramento. For more information about the Jewish Genealogical Society of Sacramento, visit www.jgss.org, e-mail the JGSS at jgs_sacramento@yahoo.com or leave a message at 916-486-0906 ext. 361. Berthold Herpe Beloved grandfather of Dana Hirschel Martine Kelly Beloved sister-in-law of Dana Hirschel John Baines Beloved husband of Shelly Baines Beloved cousin of Ronna Dienstfrey and Marcia and Mandy Greene Kenneth Miller Beloved husband of Lillian Miller Beloved father of Aaron Miller and Stacy Killinger Beloved brother of Sandra Werdenschlag Beloved brother-in-law of Steve Werdenschlag Beloved father-in-law of Colleen Miller and John Killinger Beloved grandfather of Cole, Tyler and Addison Susan Austin Beloved cousin of Marci and Paul Ortega Beloved aunt of Jennifer and Michael Ortega Florence Manassee Mador Beloved mother of Jack Mador Beloved mother-in-law of Denni Mador Beloved grandmother of Ilana, Jessica and Michal Mador When there is a death in your family, call the temple office. Please don’t assume we’ll find out somehow. Shalom School Gala Honoring Nancy and Alan Brodovsky On Saturday, March 6, Shalom School will present a gala honoring Nancy and Alan Brodovsky at the new event center next door to Shalom School at Mosaic Law. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served at 7 pm, followed by dinner and dancing at 8 pm. Tickets are $150 each. Brundibar is Coming to Sacramento April 8, 9, 10, 11 By Susan Hayward Brundibár, the famous children’s Holocaust opera, will be performed by the Sacramento Children’s Chorus, backed by the Sacramento Youth Symphony, with production assistance by the Sacramento Opera. Performances will be given at Hiram Johnson Auditorium on April 8, 9, 10, and 11. There will be two additional matinee performances especially for students. The opera will be sung in English. In addition, there will be selections from “I Never Saw Another Butterfly.” Composed in the years leading up to World War II, Brundibár is a timeless fable of innocence triumphing over evil. The composer, Hans Krása, was sent to the Terezin concentration camp in 1943 and led the children of Terezin in more than 55 performances of the opera in the camp. To help teachers put Brundibár into historical context for their students who will be attending the special matinee performances, CVHEN, the Central Valley Holocaust Educators’ Network, conducted two workshops in February on “How to Prepare Your Students for Brundibár.” The teachers received background and resources on the historical context of Terezin and the Holocaust. They also were introduced to books that students can read to gain perspective on the lives of Terezin’s children. Mosaic Law graciously donated the use of the K-O-H Library for the workshops, which were funded by the Sacramento Opera and supported by the JCRC. Tickets for the opera are $10 for children and students, and $15 for adults. To purchase tickets, please call the Sacramento Opera at 916-737-1000. 15 NOW OPEN Next to La Bou 4404 Del Rio Rd. Sacramento, CA 95822 Phone: 916-452-2200 Fax: 916-452-2247 16 Estate Planning trusts, Wills, probate, trust administration Conservatorships, Guardianships Susan C. Hill Attorney & Counselor at Law Hill Law Offices, PC 935 university avenue sacramento, Ca 95825 Phone: (916) 568-0212 PONDS PATIOS LIGHTING WALLS IRRIGATION CASCADE GARDENS ROCKERY Marc Krupin 530-878-4801 • marc@cascadegardens.biz PO Box 963 • Meadow Vista • CA 95722 • www.cascadegardens.biz CA Lic #823516 CUSTOM LANDSCAPING SERVICES Please support our advertisers! 17 18 WEDNESDAY 7 28 29 22 21 8 1 15 OFFICE CLOSES AT NOON FOR PASSOVER MONDAY MONDAY 14 7:00 Achim-A Men’s Study Group with Glenn Hammel (Brotherhood Seder) No Religious School 6:00 B-Street Theatre Fundraiser (off-site) 9:30 Religious School 10:00 K’tonton 1:00 Helath Care Forum 9:30 Religious School 10:00 Family Ed - Grade 5 10:00 Parent Ed - Grade 7 12:30 Camp Shelanu Reunion & Kick-off 1:00 Rosh Hodesh It’s a Girl Thing! for 8th and 9th grade 9:30 Religious School 10:00 WBI Meeting 10:00 Choosing Judaism 1:00 Rosh Hodesh It’s a Girl Thing! for 6th and 7th Grade SUNDAY SUNDAY 30 23 16 9 10 24 31 6:45 Confirmation Class at CBI 7:00 Yachad 6:45 Confirmation Class at CBI 7:00 Yachad 17 6:45 Confirmation Class at CBI 7:00 Yachad 7:00 Book Group 6:45 Confirmation Class at CBI 7:00 Yachad 7:00 Legacy Writing 18 11 25 6:15 Executive Committee 6:15 Board of Trustees 12:00 Leisure League Luncheon 7:30 Shabbat Service 7:30 Shabbat Service 6:00 Tot Shabbat 6:30 Shabbat Dinner 7:30 Shabbat Service 2nd Shabbes 7:30 Shabbat Service FRIDAY 26 19 12 5 6 27 20 13 6:00 Parents Night Out 9:00 Torah Study with Susan Aguilar 10:30 Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Morgan Folger 9:00 Torah Study 10:30 Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Maren Davidson Skarstad 10:30 Play at B’nai 6:00 BISY program 9:00 Torah Study with Rabbi Alfi 10:30 Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Ari Steinberg 9:00 Torah Study with Jonathan Brosin 10:30 Mini Minyan 10:30 Ruach Ha’Am 10:30 Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Matt Gevercer SATURDAY Adar/Nisan 5770 March 2010 THURSDAYY WEDNESDAY THURSDA 2 4 3 6:00 CBI Community Seder No Hebrew School OFFICE CLOSED FOR PASSOVER 4:00 Hebrew School 7:00 Israeli Dancing 12:00 Religious Ethics (off-site) 4:00 Hebrew School 6:15 Rosh Chodesh 6:30 Trope Class 7:00 Israeli Dancing (off-site) 4:00 Hebrew School 6:30 Trope Class 7:00 Israeli Dancing 12:00 Religious Ethics (off-site) 4:00 Hebrew School 6:30 Trope Class 7:00 Israeli Dancing 12:00 Lunch & Learn TUESDAY TUESDAY CBI Calendar of Events “Koleinu” Our Voice Phone.......916.446.4861 Fax.........916.446.2875 www.bnais.com Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 Rabbi Mona Alfi, Senior Rabbi, RabbiAlfi@bnais.com Rabbi Emeritus Lester A. Frazin Rabbi Shoshanah King-Tornberg, Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning, rabbikt@bnais.com Julie Steinberg, Cantorial Soloist, julieja_us@yahoo.com Mandy Greene, Administrator, mgreene@bnais.com Time Dated Material or deliver to current resident ____________________ President, Jay Schenirer, jayschenirer@sbcglobal.net VP Administration, Irwin Karp, ikarp@productivetime.com VP Education, Lisa Brodkey, lisarobjf@aol.com VP Facilities, Dick Nathanson, rnathanson@starstream.net VP Finance, Steve Goldberg, sgoldberg@downeybrand.com VP Membership, Rachel Resnick, rachelresnick@yahoo.com CFO, Dale Kasler, dalekasler1@comcast.net Secretary, Alan Steinberg, asteinberg@gfsacto.com Past-President, Jeremy Hollis, jhollis@winfirst.com _______________________ “KOLEINU” STAFF Editors, Stacia Levy, callmesal@msn.com Bonnie Penix, bpenix@att.net Layout Design, Jeanette Freidberg, jeanette@bnais.com Congregation B’nai Israel 2nd Shabbes Friday, March 12 6:00 pm Tot Shabbat 3rd grade participation 6:30 pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:00 pm Shabbat Service 7th grade participation Catering by Aharona Catering The delicious Israeli menu for March is: Hummus and pita, falafel with all the trimmings, chips, romaine salad, marinated vegetables. We always have “kid friendly” meals, as well. Adults $12, if reserved by Wednesday, February 10 or after Wednesday, meals are $2 extra. Complimentary kids meals for children 12 and under. Your payment is your reservation. Please mail your payment to 3600 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento CA 95818. NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 311 Sacramento, CA
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