AdApTAblE SExy MySTeriouS innovATivE AccEsSiblE rEliAblE WiTTy ASpirATionAl originAl rESourcEful ExpEriMEnTAl plAyful AdApTAblE SExy MySTeriouS innovATivE AccEsSiblE rEliAblE WiTTy ASpirATionAl originAl rESourcEful ExpEriMEnTAl plAyful CONCEPT, PRODUCTS & PUBLISHING MADE IN ITALY - 2011 ALL RIGHT RESERVED- © SLAMP S.p.A. EDITOR Roberto Ziliani ART DIRECTOR Nigel Coates DESIGN Nazareno Crea, Ted Lovett, Luca Mazza PHOTOS COMPENDIUM 2011/2012 Mauro Rosicarelli, Lorenzo Sechi Katharine Hamnett, John Maybury, Nigel Coates TRANSLATION Elizabeth Mugan, Elodie Longo, Elena Buccafurni. FOR SLAMP INTRO: RESOURCEFUL Back s tage B EcKO N S Maria Vittoria Bellelli, Giulia Biamonti, Elena Buccafurni Alex Innamorati, Elodie Longo, Erika Martino, Alessandro Pacilli Stefano Papi, Adriano Rachele, Cecilia and Simona Ziliani, Teresa Martinelli, Danilo Bordi Francesca Antonelli, Olga Ivleva, Salvatore Palazzo, Daniele Ottazzi, 6 - 25 26 - 37 THE Futures 38 - 81 LI V E S O F TH E Designers G ro u p 1 : 4-5 Mona Horstmann, Daniela Mura, Chiara De Leonardis. Chapeau 40, Mille Bolle 48, Faretto 56, Aurora 62, Woody 68, Battista 72, SPECIAL THANKS TO Pacis 76, Atlante 78, Corona 80 Marta Giardini, Bruno Rainaldi The Easies PRE-PRINTED & PRINTED G ro u p 2: Euroteam - Brescia - Italy Veli 84, Goccia 92, Gemmy 98, Morgana 104, Girafiore 110, Marie Fleur 114, 82 - 125 Lui’ 118, Harrys 122, Slamp S.p.A. Via Tre Cannelle, 3 00040 - Pomezia, Roma, Italy tel. +39 06 916 23 91, fax +39 06 916 23 933 - G ro u p 3: THE Beauties 126 - 165 Ceremony 128, Fiorella 134, Creatures 142, Lillibet 146, Medusa 152, Ginetta 154, Crazy Diamond 160, Devil 164 G ro u p 4: THE Totems 166 - 195 Cactus 168, Bach 174, Dafne 180, Ecstacity 182, Bios 184, Las Palmas 186, Venti 188, Dea 190, Diamond 192, Bali 194 G ro u p 5: THE EnsEMBLES 196 - 209 Bios 198, Venti 202, Dafne 206 3 Intro I R E S O U RC E F U L n un mondo sempre più permeato dalla tecnologia, in cui tutto sembra essere un prodotto dell’uomo, non possiamo fare a meno di riavvicinarci alla natura per affermare un senso di contatto. Con la collezione 2011/12 Slamp continua a ispirarsi al mondo naturale, soffermandosi questa volta ad ammirare la luce dorata del Mediterraneo. Il nostro occhio è stato catturato dall’effetto della luce tra le foglie fluttuanti, dai suoi riflessi sulle porte di legno scolorite dal sole così come dai luccichii tra i legni lasciati sulla spiaggia dall’alta marea. Nelle architetture domestiche l’uomo tenta di ricreare il mood caldo e accogliente del mondo organico. Un pavimento di legno arricchito dall’età e una trave tarlata, così come un tavolino e un mobile restaurato, si inseriscono perfettamente all’interno di un linguaggio contemporaneo e sostenibile. Questi valori arricchiscono di mistero e originalità il design di Slamp, che ha trovato nei materiali naturali il perfetto completamento dell’Opalflex® e del Cristalflex®. Nel caso di Battista, realizzato con pioppo riciclato da travi antiche, il legno fa la sua prima apparizione tra i prodotti Slamp, dimostrando quanto sappiamo essere “resourceful”. La nostra missione è di unire decoro e illuminazione, senza rinunciare alla funzionalità. La luce direzionale di Faretto, ottenuta tramite il cono specchiato, si combina con una fuoriuscita controllata di luce che ne accentua la forma scultorea. A completare la famiglia Futures, l'incantevole Mille Bolle in una vasta gamma di applicazioni, compresa la sospensione. La famiglia Easies conferma il suo successo con Veli, anche in versione Prisma Lentiflex®, mentre Beauties presenta l’imponente Ceremony di Bruno Rainaldi in una nuova veste fumè. E ricalcando la forma totemica degli Slamp Tube, Cactus è ancora protagonista con una collezione completa che rappresenta un’imitazione della natura del deserto. La sezione Ensembles include le grandi famiglie Bios, Dafne e Venti. I prodotti Slamp uniscono decoro, creatività e illuminazione, generando anche altre alchimie funzionali con le architetture domestiche. Una volta scoperti, nessun interno contemporaneo potrà farne a meno. - Roberto Ziliani (CEO Slamp) A s the world increasingly depends on technology and everything seems a product of mankind, we can’t help but look to nature to find a sense of contact. For 2011/12 Slamp tunes in to the natural world, and in particular the golden light of the Mediterranean. We love the effect of light shining through fluttering leaves, on sun bleached wooden doors, and on driftwood along the beach. For the home wood is on the up. Whole houses can be lined with ply; a beautiful dining table or a restored cabinet works perfectly as part of a contemporary, sustainable language. All these qualities express Slamp’s values of mystery and originality, and widen our ongoing experiment with light. Natural surfaces are the perfect compliment to our Opalflex and Cristalflex, Our new collections mix materials. In the case of Battista, real wood makes its first appearance in a Slamp product. We’ve used poplar recycled from ancient beams, showing just how resouorceful we can be. Our mission is to bring décor and lighting closer together, so many of these products also have clearer applications. The Faretto combines downward illumination with a container that sparkles to accentuate its sculptural form. Then Chapeau has a similar reflective functionality. Along with the enchanting Mille Bolle, they make up the Futures family. The Easies go from strength to strength with the successful Veli range. Beauties include an impressive chandelier by the ingenious late designer (and sadly missed) Bruno Rainaldi. Reconnecting with the origins of Slamp, the Totems reshape the much-loved ‘tube’; Cactus tops the bill in a broadened range of four floor pieces and a suspension. The Ensembles includes some favourites like Bios, Dafne and an Venti, Not only is each product resplendent in its own integrity and imagination; each is capable of working a little functional alchemy too. Once discovered, no contemporary interior will feel right without one. - Roberto Ziliani (CEO Slamp) 5 B Ac k S TAGe B e C Kons Per divertirci un po’, abbiamo portato i nostri prodotti nel teatro di Amelia, al nord di Roma, e li abbiamo messi alla prova. Ognuno di loro è salito sul palcoscenico recitando la sua parte nella messa in scena di trame seducenti: Battista, il maggiordomo della nostra troupe, ha padroneggiato con disinvoltura la scena, mentre Fiorella si è subito sentita a suo agio nella cornice barocca del XVIII secolo. Anche in un ambiente di sole sedie e carta da parati, Cactus ha recitato il suo monologo riconfermando il successo della critica mentre il giovane Faretto, sebbene agli esordi, si è mosso senza indugi tra le autostrade di San Paolo con una performance d’avanguardia. La verve di Chapeau ha primeggiato su un’immagine dell’artista Dada Kurt Schwitters, mentre Woody e Morgana hanno mostrato la loro versatilità da veri artisti negli angoli più antichi del teatro. Alcuni dei nostri prodotti sono già delle star e altri lo stanno sicuramente diventando. To make life that little bit more entertaining, we’ve taken our new products to the theatre and put them through their paces. In these rehearsals each one of them treads the boards, and is learning to play its part in the making of a seductive series of imaginary rooms. Our protagonist is Battista, the major domo of our troupe, made from reclaimed Poplar. Fiorella has been inspired by Baroque backdrop that would have suited the 18th-century theatre in Amelia north of Rome where we shot this story. Cactus performs well in a simple setting of chairs and wallpaper. Faretto has taken its cue from the curving freeways of Sao Paulo, and Chapeau works well against an image of the Merzbau by Dada artist Kurt Schwitters. Some of our new products are already stars, and others are surely in the making. 16 17 p.6-7, Faretto nelle due dimensioni con sullo sfondo San Paolo, Brasile; p.8-9 La Famiglia Cactus su un fondale disegnato da Nigel Coates; p.10, La lampad ad arco Woody; p11, Battista in una chiamata in scena; p12-13, Chapeau immersa nel mondo di Kurt Schwitters Merzbau; p14-15 vi presentiamo la Mille Bolle piantana; p 16-17, Ceremony si staglia contro una scala anni ’50 a Parigi; accanto, Morgana rende magico il backstage; p18-19, una moltitudine di Fiorella in un autentico scenario Barocco. p6-7, The Faretto in both sizes offset by a backdrop of Sao Paulo, Brazil; p8-9, the Cactus collection against a Nigel Coates wallpaper design; p10, the Woody arc lamp; p11, Battista makes a curtain call; p12-13, the Chapeau in the context of Kurt Schwitter's Merzbau; p14-15 presenting the Mille Bolle piantana; p16-17, Ceremony helps define a 50s staircase in Paris; opposite, Morgana works her backstage magic; p18-19, a host of Fiorellas in a true Baroque setting. 24 25 LI VE S oF t HE DESIGNErS I LIKE THIS ! ... I love the flirtatious relationship between space and object ... NIgEL COat E S I live and work in London with frequent visits to Italy, my second home. Enjoy cooking Italian food especially for my friends. Design is a passion that came hand in hand with architecture. For me the two are interchangeable. I love the flirtatious relationship between space and object, and spend a lot of time playing within this fertile and capricious interconnection. Continue to Hoover up experiences from as far apart as possible; I love Brazil on the one hand and India and Japan on the other. I LIKE THIS ! I LIKE THIS ! 26 27 LI VE S oF t HE DESIGNErS aDRIaNO RaCHELE I was born in Germany…but my roots are Italian. I’m very curious, I like to observe everything to understand, to learn… When I was a child I used to have lot of fun dissembling and reassembling every object…and I was always very proud of the result…especially when it was no longer the same as before. I love my job… ...if I were not a designer, I wanted to be a Designer. I LIKE THIS ! 28 I LIKE THIS ! 29 LI VE S oF t HE DESIGNErS BRUNO RaINaLDI “I’m a sidewalk designer”. That’s how Bruno Rainaldi used to describe himself. From the class of 1952 and without a formal academic education, he has earned an important place in Italian design.He began by inventing new commercial strategies for contemporary design companies; only later did he start designing his own pieces in order to fill those “holes” that he noticed at the beginning of the nineties. In 2004 he was awarded the prestigious Compasso d’Oro for his ingenious vertical bookshelves system Ptolomeo. “My style? Chaotically rigorous. For most people I belong more to the art world, but that only makes me push against this idea. In my view to be an artist requires pain. And I don’t have a natural aptitude for suffering. I like quality in life. I want to be with people and be part of a creative team. Bruno Rainaldi left us 23rd February 2011. In his showroom “Entratalibera”in the heart of Milan, he worked for years on new expressive shapes and objects that he himself has defined as “bizarre but very close to market”. His creations are displayed here alongside other design pieces that he selected. 30 I LIKE THIS ! Roberto Ziliani: Bruno, per la tua vivida e ironica intelligenza, la generosità, il rispetto, la dignità, la visione, l'amicizia. Grazie Brrrrrr. 31 LI VE S oF t HE DESIGNErS E LO D I E LO N g O I LIKE THIS ! I LIKE THIS ! I was born from a French mother and an Italian father and perhaps that I’ve always been fascinated by contaminations rather by coexistences. In my life there are many passions coexisting: rock music, photography, visual arts, fashion, food. All these are often called lifestyle, and the choice of becoming a designer is probably triggered by the power design has to be in constant migration between different contexts, keeping alive the curiosity for the new and the desire of having fun through a new language in common to the most. 32 33 LI VE S oF t HE DESIGNErS LU C a MaZZa Create, create, create, more than a motto it's my life style. From the piano and trumpet jazz music notes to my cooking experiments, theatre and painting. Nothing is ever equal to itself. I'm an improviser, sometimes unpredictable, I've got an extraordinary passion for discovery, for outdoor life and...the open sea. The Leonardesque codes as also the striking energy of Futurism always caught me since I was young. Italy is my inspiration, the world is my home, multiculturalism is my vision. I like to imagine a future where man has a warmer relationship with the surrounding objects, objects in balance with the future everyone dreams to live. 34 ... Nothing is ever equal to itself. I'm an improviser, sometimes unpredictable ... I LIKE THIS ! I LIKE THIS ! I LIKE THIS ! 35 LI VE S oF t HE DESIGNErS S t E Fa N O Pa P I I live and work just near Rome in a house next to the sea where I love to wake up every morning...late ;) I deeply love travelling and loosing myself in making every journey a surprise. Curiosity drives me spending my energies in the most different activities: from snowboarding to canyoning and kite surfing...among a book, a movie or a videogame. As a designer I try to catch and flow my emotions into products that make you dream apart from filling their own function. I'm confident that the connection between people choice and their surrounding objects goes over a pure performing and economical choice. 36 I LIKE THIS ! I LIKE THIS ! I LIKE THIS ! 37 38 39 GROUP 1 THE FUTURES — Una famiglia di prodotti che vede trasposte su di sé tutte le novità architetturali del ventunesimo secolo. Da Chapeau a Woody, questi pezzi sono molto più di un decoro, essi uniscono la funzione luminosa all’iconicità delle forme, ponendosi come elementi chiave nel design contemporaneo. Here we have it: a family of lighting products that embrace all that is new in the twenty first century and applying it to the use of light. From Chapeau to Woody, these pieces are much more that decorative form; they balance their function with iconic outlines. As a key part of the contemporary vocabulary, these sophisticated products add atmosphere to the designer’s palette. CHAPEAU 40, MILLE BOLLE 48, FARETTO 56, AURORA 62, WOODY 68, BATISTA 72, PACIS 76, Atlante 78, Corona 80 CHAPEAU by Nigel Coates 40 41 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / TABLE LAMP CHAPEAU Chapeau by Nigel Coates Dimensions 58 × 58 h 60 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLYCARBONATE Suspension Product code Black/Silver: cod. CHA14SOS0000B_000 42 43 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 44 FUTURES SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / TABLE LAMP 45 CHAPEAU Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / TABLE LAMP CHAPEAU by Nigel Coates 46 CHAPEAU CHAPEAU by Nigel Coates Dimensions Dimensions 42 × 42 h 48 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLYCARBONATE 58 × 58 h 170 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLYCARBONATE Table Lamp Floor Lamp Product code Product code Black/Silver: cod. CHA14TAV0000B_000 Black/Silver: cod. CHA14PST0000B_000 47 MILLE BOLLE by Adriano Rachele 49 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / TABLE LAMP / APPLIQUE - BULB INCLUDED - IRIDESCENT METALIZATION - STAINLESS STEEL COMPONENTS MILLE BOLLE by Adriano Rachele 50 MILLE BOLLE - BULB INCLUDED - IRIDESCENT METALIZATION - STAINLESS STEEL COMPONENTS MILLE BOLLE by Adriano Rachele Dimensions Dimensions 47 x 33 h 40 cm 1 × 75W MAX - G9 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE 47 x 33 h 40 cm 1 × 75W MAX - G9 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE Wall Lamp Product code Suspension Product code cod. BOL78PST0000U cod. BOL78SOS0000U 51 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / TABLE LAMP / APPLIQUE 53 MILLE BOLLE Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / TABLE LAMP / APPLIQUE - BULB INCLUDED - IRIDESCENT METALIZATION - STAINLESS STEEL BASE MILLE BOLLE by Adriano Rachele 54 MILLE BOLLE - BULB INCLUDED - PLUG TRANSFORMER 12V - IRIDESCENT METALIZATION - STAINLESS STEEL BASE MILLE BOLLE by Adriano Rachele Dimensions Dimensions 33 x 41 h 165 cm 1 × 75W MAX - G9 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE 18 x 22 h41 cm 1 × 20W MAX - G4 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE Floor Lamp Product code Table Lamp Product code cod. BOL78PST0000U cod. BOL78TAV0001U 55 FARETTO by Nigel Coates 57 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 58 FUTURES SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP 59 FARETTO Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP FARETTO Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FARETTO Table by Nigel Coates 60 SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP FUTURES FARETTO Double by Nigel Coates FARETTO Single by Nigel Coates Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 30 × 30 h 38 cm 1 × 25W MAX- E14 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE 72 × 39 h 31 cm 1 × 75W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE 39 × 39 h 31 cm 1 × 75W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE Table Lamp Suspension Suspension Product code Product code Product code Table: Double: Single: cod. FAR17TAV0000F_000 cod. FAR17SOS0007F_000 FARETTO cod. FAR17SOS0001F_000 61 AURORA MINI by Nigel Coates 63 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 64 FUTURES CEILING LAMP AURORA 65 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 - WITH MAGNETIC CONNECTION - 97 CLEAR CRYSTALS AURORA by Nigel Coates CEILING LAMP AURORA - WITH MAGNETIC CONNECTION - 61 CLEAR CRYSTALS AURORA MInI by Nigel Coates Dimensions Dimensions 77 × 72 h 30 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: CRISTALFLEX® Ceiling Lamp Product code 60 × 62 h 20,5 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: CRISTALFLEX® Ceiling Lamp Product code White: Black: Trasparent: Black: Fumè: White: cod. AUR14PLF0003W cod. AUR14PLF0003N FUTURES cod. cod. cod. cod. AUR14PLF0001T AUR14PLF0001NT AUR14PLF0001FT AUR14PLF0001WT 67 WOODY by Luca Mazza 69 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES FLOOR LAMP WOODY WOODY by Luca Mazza Dimensions 42,5 × 160 h 210 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE Floor Lamp Product code White: Purple: Orange: Blue: 70 cod. cod. cod. cod. WOO77PFO0000W_000 WOO77PFO0000V_000 WOO77PFO0000A_000 WOO77PFO0000B_000 71 BATTISTA by Nigel Coates Battista is a limited edition lighting sculpture, branded guaranteed on the wooden base and by the original signature of the designer. A prefect union between nature and technology, wood and Cristalflex®. The base, which is made of poplar wood recycled by old timbers, it perfectly mixes with the paint strokes on the fumé polycarbonate. An object which can enhance any environment with its exclusivity and elegance. As an old english style “maior domus”, Battista will be an art piece of your exclusive and sole property. 73 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 FUTURES FLOOR LAMP BATTISTA - 300 PCS LIMITED ART EDITION RECYCLED WOOD FROM OLD TIMBERS OF A PALACE IN MONTISI - TUSCANY - SIGNED BY THE ARTIST BATTISTA by Nigel Coates Dimensions 50 × 50 h 160 cm 1 × 75W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: CRISTALFLEX® Floor Lamp Product code cod. 74 BAT 14PFO0000W_000 75 PACIS by Nigel Coates - WITH MAGNETIC CONNECTION - 97 CLEAR CRYSTALS PACIS by Nigel Coates Dimensions 72 × 72 h 30 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: CRISTALFLEX® Ceiling Lamp Product code White: cod. PAC 14PLF0003W Gold: cod. PAC 14PLF0003O - WITH MAGNETIC CONNECTION - 61 CLEAR CRYSTALS PACIS MInI by Nigel Coates Dimensions 62 × 62 h 20 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: CRISTALFLEX® STEELFLEX® Ceiling Lamp Product code White: cod. PAC 14PLF0001W Gold: cod. PAC 14PLF0001O 76 77 ATLANTE by Nigel Coates - BULBS INCLUDED Dimensions SUSPENSION 51 × 51 h 38 cm 8 × 15W MAX- E14 IBC/C made with: CRISTALFLEX® Dimensions TABLE 51 × 51 h 85 cm 8 × 15W MAX- E14 IBC/C made with: CRISTALFLEX® STAINLESS STEEL LEGS Table Lamp / Suspension Product code Suspension: cod. ATL14SOS0001F_000 Table: cod. ATL14TAV0000F 78 79 COROnA by Nigel Coates down view ↓ - BULBS INCLUDED Dimensions 50 × 50 h 20 cm 9 × 25W MAX - G9 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX®, POLYCARBONATE Suspension Product code Suspension: cod. COR14SOS0000W 80 Intro 82 G ro u p 2 THE EASIES —– Dall’ufficio alla sala hobby, queste lampade dalle linee ricche ma accessibili donano agli ambienti una luce efficente senza rinunciare al grande fascino. Veli aiuta a ricreare una luce uniforme e senza ombre; Goccia porta in casa la suggestione degli archetipi naturali mentre Harris colora gli ambienti con le tonalità calde e preziose tipiche delle gemme. Let’s keep it simple: the Easies can find their way into every space in the house from the infant’s playroom to the domestic office. You need reliable light with a bit of flair. Veli will help create uniform light without shadows; Goccia adds character as well as simplicity; Harris brings a reinvented traditional shade in a wide range of gem-like colours. Veli 84, Goccia 92, Gemmy 98, MORGANA 104, Girafiore 110, Marie Fleur 114, Lui’118, HarrIs 122 Veli by Adriano Rachele 85 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 86 EASIES VELI CEILING / WALL LAMP 87 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 EASIES VElI PRISmA lENTIflEX CEILING / WALL LAMP Prisma - WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM VElI PRISmA by Adriano Rachele Dimensions 53 x 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT made with: PRISMA LENTIFLEX® Ceiling/Wall Lamp Product code cod. 88 VEL78pLF0002LE000 89 EASIES Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 Plum Opal Opal Chilli Plum - MAGNETIC SYSTEM VElI SmAll by Adriano Rachele 90 VElI CEILING / WALL LAMP Charcoal Charcoal Celeste Russet - MAGNETIC SYSTEM VElI lARGE by Adriano Rachele Dimensions Dimensions 53 × 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W MAX - E27 FBT made with: OPALFLEX® Ceiling/Wall Lamp Product code 78 × 78 h 20 cm 3 × 20W MAX - E27 FBT made with: OPALFLEX® Ceiling/Wall Lamp Product code Opal: cod. Plum: cod. Chilli: cod. Charcoal: cod. Celeste: cod. Russet: cod. Opal: cod. VEL78pLF0003W_000 Plum: cod. VEL78pLF0003H_000 Charcoal: cod. VEL78pLF0003N_000 VEL78pLF0002W_000 VEL78pLF0002H_000 VEL78pLF0002r_000 VEL78pLF0002N_000 VEL78pLF0002D_000 VEL78pLF0002Q_000 91 GOCCIA DI LUCE PRISMA by Stefano Papi 93 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 94 EASIES SUSPENSION GoccIA PRISmA lENTIflEX 95 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 EASIES SUSPENSION GoccIA PRISmA lENTIflEX GoccIA DI lucE Jet by Stefano Papi Dimensions 30 × 30 h 43 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG made with: OPALFLEX® Suspension Product code Tetra Aqua: Fire: Opal: Tetra: Jet: Snow: cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. Prisma GoC76SoS0000WV GoC76SoS0000WA GoC76SoS0000WB GoC76SoS0000WM GoC76SoS0000N GoC76SoS0000W Fire Snow Opal Aqua GoccIA DI lucE PRISmA by Stefano Papi Dimensions 30 x 30 h 43 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG made with: PRISMA LENTIFLEX® Suspension Product code cod. GoC76SoS0000LE 97 GEmmy By A. Spalletta, C. Croce, T. Ragnisco, M. Wijffels 99 GEMMY PRISMA LENTIFLEX by A. Spalletta, C. Croce, T. Ragnisco, M. Wijffels Dimensions Suspension 42 x 42 h 34 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBT Table Lamp 22 x 22 h 33 cm 1 × 40W MAX - E14 IBP/C Stainless Steel Base made with: LENTIFLEX® Product code Suspension: cod. GEM04SOS0000LE Table Lamp: cod. GEM04TAV0001LE 100 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 EASIES GEmmy SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP Blue Multicolor Gold Arlecchino Orange - STAINLESS STEEL BASE GEmmy ABATJouR by A. Spalletta, C. Croce, T. Ragnisco, M. Wijffels Gemmy Abatjour 102 GEmmy by A. Spalletta, C. Croce, T. Ragnisco, M. Wijffels Dimensions Dimensions 22 × 22 h 33 cm 1 × 60W MAX- E14 IBP/W made with: OPALFLEX® Table Product code 42 × 42 h 34 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG made with: OPALFLEX® Suspension Product code Arlecchino: Multicolor: Gold: Orange: Yellow: Blue: Green: Arlecchino: Multicolor: Gold: Orange: Yellow: Blue: Green: cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. GEM04TAV0001MA GEM04TAV0001MI G E M 0 4TAV0 0 01o GEM0 4TAV0 0 01AI GEM04TAV0001GI GEM0 4TAV0 0 01BI GEM0 4TAV0 0 01VI 103 cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. GEM04SoS0000MA GEM04SoS0000MI G E M 0 4SoS0 0 0 0 o GEM0 4SoS0 0 0 0AI GEM04SoS0000GI GEM0 4SoS0 0 0 0BI GEM0 4SoS0 0 0 0VI MORGANA by Stefano Papi 104 106 107 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 EASIES moRGANA SUSPENSION Blue Black down view ↓ Orange White moRGANA by Stefano Papi Dimensions 45 × 45 h 58 cm 1 × 75W MAX- G9 HSGST/C/UB made with: POLICARBONATE® Suspension Product code White: Black: Blue: Orange: 108 cod. cod. cod. cod. 109 Mor76SoS0000W_000 Mor76SoS0000N_000 Mor76SoS0000B_000 Mor76SoS0000oC_000 GirafiorE by Elodie Longo 111 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 EASIES SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP GIRAfIoRE - ENERGY SAVING BULB INCLUDED - STAINLESS STEEL ARM GIRAfIoRE by Elodie Longo Dimensions Suspension 45 x 50 h 90 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG Floor Lamp 50 x 60 h 190 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG made with: OPALFLEX® GOLD, CRISTALFLEX® FUME' Product code Suspension: cod. GIF82SoS0000o Floor Lamp: cod. GIF82pST0000o 112 113 MariE flEur by Adriano Rachele 115 EASIES Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 white mARIE flEuR by Adriano Rachele SuSPENSIoN orange light blue mARIE flEuR by Adriano Rachele flooR lAmP Dimensions Dimensions 44 × 44 h 37 cm 1 × 24 W - E27 FBC (CIRCLE BULB) 1 x 100W - E27 HSGST/C/UB 44 × 44 h 180 cm 1 × 24 W - E27 FBC (CIRCLE BULB) 1 x 100W - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX PORCELAINE® made with: OPALFLEX PORCELAINE® CRISTALFLEX® 116 mARIE flEuR SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP CRISTALFLEX® Product code Product code White: Orange: Light Blue: White: Orange: Light Blue: cod. MAF78SoS0000W cod. MAF78SoS0000A cod. MAF78SoS0000D cod. MAF78pST0000W cod. MAF78pST0000A cod. MAF78pST0000D 117 LUI' By Adriano Rachele 118 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 EASIES luI' SUSPENSION fumè purple - ENERGY SAVING BULB INCLUDED luI' blue by Adriano Rachele Dimensions 40 × 40 h 35 cm 1 x 24 W - E27 FBG made with: CRISTALFLEX® OPALFLEX® Suspension Product code Gold: cod. LuI78SoS0000F Blue: cod. LuI78SoS0000B Purple: cod. LuI78SoS0000H 120 121 HARRIS By Francesco Paretti 123 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 EASIES HARRIS SUSPENSION amethyst quartz amber aquamarine HARRIS by Francesco Paretti Dimensions 26,5 × 26,5 h 25,5 cm 1 x 24W - E27 FBT 1 x 75W - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Suspension Product code Aquamarine: Amethyst: Amber: Quartz: 124 cod. cod. cod. cod. 125 HAr42 SoS0 0 0 0 BT HAr42SoS0 0 0 0HT HAr42 SoS 0 0 0 0AT HAr42SoS0000WT 126 127 G ro u p 3 THE BEAUTIES — Classe e carattere per decorare e impreziosire la zona living. Ceremony è in prima fila quando si parla di grandi ambienti in cui dare un forte impatto scenografico. Ginetta, rivisitazione del tradizionale candeliere, è il ricordo di un'icona intramontabile che aggiunge un tocco di opulenza a qualsiasi spazio lineare. These are the pieces that are perfect to grace the living room; they bring a bit of class along with character. Ceremony has the edge when it comes to scale and the need to make an impressive statement. Whereas Ginetta is a reminder of an enduring icon; based on the traditional chandelier but converted into a sharp outline, it adds a touch of opulence to any simple space. Ceremony 128, Fiorella 134, Creatures 142, Lillibet 146, Medusa 152, Ginetta 154, Ceremony Crazy Diamond 160, Devil 164 by Bruno Rainaldi 128 129 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 BeAUTIeS SUSPENSION Ceremony Ø 90 cm Ø 55 cm Ceremony by Bruno Rainaldi Dimensions Large 90 × 90 h 110 cm 4 × 23W - E27 FBT Small 55 × 55 h 62 cm 3 × 23W - E27 FBT made with: CRISTALFLEX FUME'® Product code Large Fumé: cod. CEr79SoS0006F_000 Small Fumé: cod. CEr79SoS0002F_000 130 131 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 BEAUTIES SUSPENSION CEREMONY Ø 90 cm Ø 55 cm Ceremony by Bruno Rainaldi Dimensions Large 90 × 90 h 110 cm 4 × 23W - E27 FBT Small 55 × 55 h 62 cm 3 × 23W - E27 FBT made with: OPALFLEX PORCELAINE® Product code Large White: cod. CER79SOS0006W_000 Small White: cod. CER79SOS0002W_000 132 133 FIORELLA by Nigel Coates 135 FIorellA SUSPenSIon Ø 76 cm Dimensions 76 × 76 h 58 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBT - 1 × 100W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code Gold: cod. FIo14SoS0000F_GLD Fumé: cod. FIo14SoS0000F White: cod. FIo14SoS0000W FIorellA SUSPenSIon mInI Ø 48 cm Dimensions 48 × 48 h 51 cm 1 × 20W MAX - E27 FBA 1 × 40W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code White: cod. FIo14SoS0002W_000 FIorellA APPlIQUe mInI Dimensions 34 × 22 h 32 cm 1 × 25W MAX - E14 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code Gold: cod. FIo14App0001F_GLD Fumé: cod. FIo14App0001F_000 White: cod. FIo14App0001W_000 FIorellInA Ø 33 cm Dimensions 33 × 35 h 34 cm 1 × 40W MAX - E14 IBB/C - 1 × 12W - E14 FBT HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code Gold: cod. FIo14TAV0001F_GLD Fumé: cod. FIo14TAV0001F White: cod. FIo14TAV0001W FIorellA TABle Ø 48 cm Dimensions 48 × 48 h 51 cm 1 × 20W - E27 FBA made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code White: cod. FIo14TAV0002W 136 Fiorella Mini wall lamp Fiorella suspension Fiorella Mini suspension Fiorella Table Lamp THE WHITE FAMILY by Nigel Coates 138 Fiorellina 139 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 BeAUTIeS SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP / FLOOR LAMP / WALL LAMP FIorellA Floor lamp by Nigel Coates 140 FIorellA FIorellA Applique by Nigel Coates Dimensions Dimensions 70 × 70 h 190 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBT 1 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX®, CRISTALFLEX® Product code 71 × 38 h 52 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBT 1 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX®, CRISTALFLEX® Product code Gold: cod. FIo14pST0000F_GLD White: cod. FIo14pST0000W Fumé: cod. FIo14pST0000F Gold: cod. FIo14App0000F_GLD White: cod. FIo14App0000W Fumé: cod. FIo14App0000F 141 CreATUreS by Nigel Coates 143 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 BeAUTIeS SUSPENSION CreATUreS Small White Large White Medium White CreATUreS by Nigel Coates Dimensions Small: 64 × 64 h 46 cm Medium: 64 × 64 h 52 cm Large: 65 × 65 h 59 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG 1 × 100W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® POLYCARBONATE® Suspension Product code Small: cod. CrE14SoS0001W Medium: cod. CrE14SoS0002W Large: cod. CrE14SoS0003W 144 145 LILLIBET by Nigel Coates 147 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 BeAUTIeS SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP / WALL LAMP transparent black/transparent white/transparent fumè/transparent black/red - 56 CLEAR CRYSTALS lIllIBeT by Nigel Coates Dimensions 66 × 66 h 47 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code Transparent: White/Transp.: Fumé/Transp.: Black/Red: Black/Transp.: 148 cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. LIL14SoS0000TT LIL14SoS0000WT LIL14SoS0000F T LIL14SoS0000Nr LIL14SoS0000NT 149 lIllIBeT Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 BEAUTIES SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP / WALL LAMP LILLIBET Lillibet Mini Ø 38 Lillibet Ø 66 Lillibet Mini Ø 38 - 42 CLEAR CRYSTALS Comodina Ø 38 150 - 25 CLEAR CRYSTALS - 12 CLEAR CRYSTALS LILLIBET MINI SUSPENSION LILLIBET MINI APPLIQUE COMODINA by Nigel Coates by Nigel Coates by Nigel Coates Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 38 × 34 h 32 cm 1 × 25W MAX - E14 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® 38 × 21 h 32 cm 1 × 25W MAX - E14 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code Product code 38 × 32,5 h 35 cm 1 × 12W - E14 FBT 1 × 40W MAX - E14 IBB/C made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Product code Transparent: cod. LIL14SOS0001TT000 White/Transp.: cod. LIL14SOS0001WT000 Fumé/Transp.: cod. LIL14SOS0001FT000 Black/Transp.: cod. LIL14SOS0001NT000 Transparent: cod. LIL14APP0001TT000 White/Transp.: cod. LIL14APP0001WT000 Fumé/Transp.: cod. LIL14APP0001FT000 Black/Transp.: cod. LIL14APP0001NT000 Transparent: cod. COM14TAV0001TT White/Transp.: cod. COM14TAV0001WT Fumé/Transp.: cod. COM14TAV0001F T Black/Transp.: cod. COM14TAV0001NT 151 - WITH 56 SWAROVSKI CRYSTALS SUSPENSION Dimensions 83 × 83 h 61 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Suspension Product code Black: cod. MED14SOS0000NT Blue-Gel:cod. MED14SOS0000CT - WITH 26 SWAROVSKI CRYSTALS APPLIQUE Dimensions 65 × 35 h 56 cm 1 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® Wall lamp Product code Black: cod. MED14APP0000NT Blue-Gel:cod. MED14APP0000CT Medusa by Nigel Coates 152 GINETTa by Nigel Coates 155 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 156 BeAUTIeS SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / WALL LAMP 157 GIneTTA Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 GIneTTA Suspension by Nigel Coates Dimensions 78 × 78 h 58 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBT 1 × 100W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® STEELFLEX® Suspension Product code Silver: Gold: White: Black: 158 cod. cod. cod. cod. GIN14SoS0000S GIN14SoS0000o GIN14SoS0000W GIN14SoS0000N BeAUTIeS SUSPENSION / FLOOR LAMP / WALL LAMP GIneTTA Applique by Nigel Coates Dimensions 54 × 30 h 50 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBT 1 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® STEELFLEX® Wall Lamp Product code Silver: cod. GIN14App0000S White: cod. GIN14App0000W Black: cod. GIN14App0000N GIneTTA Floor lamp by Nigel Coates Dimensions 54 × 54 h 188 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBT 1 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® CRISTALFLEX® STEELFLEX® Floor Lamp Product code Silver: cod. GIN14pST0000S White: cod. GIN14pST0000W Black: cod. GIN14pST0000N 159 GIneTTA CRAZY DIAMOND by Luca Mazza 161 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 BeAUTIeS SUSPENSION CrAzy dIAmond CrAzy dIAmond by Luca Mazza Dimensions 57 × 57 h 46 cm 1 × 23W - E27 FBT 1 × 100W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: CRISTALFLEX® POLYCARBONATE Suspension Product code Transparent: cod. CrZ77SoS0000TT Fumé: cod. CrZ77SoS0000FT 162 163 devIl by Nigel Coates devIl by Nigel Coates Dimensions 115 × 115 h 69 cm 1 × 500W MAX - E40 made with: STEELFLEX® Suspension Product code cod. DEV14SoS0006r 164 166 167 G ro u p 4 THE TOT EMS — I Totem sono sculture luminose perfette per arredare gli angoli in ombra o per aggiungere profondità allo scenario di una stanza. Come prime espressioni del design Slamp firmate da nomi imponenti come Alessandro Mendini, i Tube ricalcano le origini della storia del brand. The Totems go back to Slamp’s beginnings; large graphic objects that add light at the human height. Vertical emphasis and the large illuminated area of these pieces makes them perfect for brightening up a shady corner, or adding depth to the scenery of a room. They are also the territory of Slamp’s founding designers, including Alessandro Mendini. Cactus 182, Bach 174, Dafne 180, Ecstacity Bios 184, Las Palmas 186 Venti 188, 168, Dea 190, Diamond 192, Bali 194 Cactus by Adriano Rachele 168 169 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 170 TOT EMS SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP / FLOOR LAMP 171 CACTUS Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 CaCTuS Suspension by Adriano Rachele by Adriano Rachele Floor/Table Lamp Suspension 50 × 50 h 27 cm - 1 × 26W - E27 FBG S: 34 × 34 h 28 M: 26 × 26 h 57 XL: 40 × 40 h 155 XXL: 40 × 40 h 180 made with: OPALFLEX® Product code Susp.: cod. CAC78SOS0002O_000 S: M: XL: XXL: 172 SUSPENSION / TABLE LAMP / FLOOR LAMP CaCTuS Dimensions Product code XXL TOT EMS cod. cod. cod. cod. 1 × 11W E14-FBT 1 × 11W E14-FBT 2 × 24W E27-FBT 2 × 24W E27-FBT C AC 7 8 TAV0 0 0 1 oX C AC 78TAV0 0 02oX CAC78pFo0004oX C AC 78pFo0 0 05oX 173 CaCTuS Bach by Francesco Paretti 175 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 TOT EMS BaCH TABLE LAMP / FLOOR LAMP BaCH Gold by Francesco Paretti Dimensions S: 16 × 16 h 42 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT M: 21,5 × 21,5 h 73 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT L: 31,5 × 31,5 h 116 cm 2 × 24W E27 - FBT XL: 31,5 × 31,5 h 161 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB XXL: 31,5 × 31,5 h 184 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Table/Floor Lamp Product code S: M: L: XL: Gold: Gold: Gold: Gold: XXL: Gold: 176 cod. cod. cod. cod. cod. BAC42TAV0001o BAC42TAV0002o BAC42pFo0003o BAC42pFo0004o BAC42pFo0005o XL S 177 Slamp - Compendium 2011/2012 TOT EMS BaCH TABLE LAMP / FLOOR LAMP BaCH White by Francesco Paretti Dimensions S: 16 × 16 h 42 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT M: 21,5 × 21,5 h 73 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT L: 31,5 × 31,5 h 116 cm 2 × 24W E27 - FBT XL: 31,5 × 31,5 h 161 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB XXL: 31,5 × 31,5 h 184 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Table/Floor Lamp Product code S: M: L: XL: White: White: White: White: XXL: White: 178 XXL cod. BAC42TAV0001W cod. BAC42TAV0002W cod. BAC42PFO0003W cod. BAC42PFO0004W cod. BAC42PFO0005W 179 Dimensions S: 21 × 10 h 39 cm 1 × 11W E14- FBT M: 28 × 15 h 57 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT L: 38 × 20 h 115 cm 2 × 24W E27 - FBT XL: 37 × 21 h 160 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Table/Floor Lamp Product code S: M: L: XL: DAFNE by Nigel Coates 180 cod. TUB14TAV0001_DAF cod. TUB14TAV0002_DAF cod. TUB14PTU0003_DAF cod. TUB14PTU0004_DAF ECSTaCiTy by Nigel Coates ECSTaCiTy by Nigel Coates Dimensions 37 × 21 h 160 cm 3 × 18W FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Floor Lamp Product code cod. TuB14pTu0 0 0 4_ EC S 182 BiOS TuBE by Nigel Coates Dimensions S: 21 × 13 h 39 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT M: 28 × 17 h 57 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT L: 38 × 25 h 115 cm 2 × 24W E27 - FBT XL: 37 × 23 h 160 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Floor/Table Lamp Product code S: M: L: XL: 184 cod. cod. cod. cod. TuB14TAV0001WIBIo TuB14TAV0002WIBIo TuB14pTu0003WIBIo TuB14pTu0004WIBIo LaS PaLMaS by Jonas Clementoni Dimensions S: 18 × 21,5 h 57,5 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT L: 32 × 37,5 h 118 cm 2 × 24W E27 - FBT XL: 40 × 44,5 h 153,5 cm 3 × 24W E27 - FBT made with: OPALFLEX® Floor/Table Lamp Product code XL S: cod. pAL13TAV0001_pAL L: cod. pAL13pFo0003_pAL XL: cod. pAL13pFo0004_pAL 186 187 VEnTi by Alessandro Mendini Dimensions S: 21 × 10 h 39 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT M: 28 × 15 h 57 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT L: 38 × 20 h 115 cm 2 × 24W E27 - FBT XL: 37 × 21 h 160 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX - E27 HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Floor/Table Lamp Product code S: M: L: XL: cod. cod. cod. cod. TuB59TAV0001_VEN TuB59TAV0002_VEN TuB59pTu0003_VEN TuB59pTu0004_VEN 189 DEa by Francesco Paretti Dimensions S: 18 × 18 h 50 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT M: 26,5 × 26,5 h 78 cm 1 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 1 × 75W MAX E27 - HSGST/C/UB XL: 32 × 32 h 155 cm 2 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 2 × 75W MAX E27 - HSGST/C/UB XXL: 32 × 32 h 233 cm 3 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX E27 - HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX PORCELAINE® Floor/Table Lamp Product code S: L: XL: XXL: 190 cod. cod. cod. cod. DEA42TAV0001W DEA42TAV0002W DEA42pFo0004W DEA42pFo0005W XXL 191 Dimensions S: 17 × 17 h 45 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT M: 22 × 23 h 72 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT L: 27 × 26 h 111 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT made with: OPALFLEX® Floor/Table Lamp Product code S: cod. DIA39TAV0001J L: cod. DIA39TAV0002J XL: cod. DIA39PFO0003J DIAMOND by Ines Paolucci and Daniele Statera 192 BaLi by Carlo Contin Dimensions S: 16 × 16 h 33 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT M: 20,5 × 20,5 h 60 cm 1 × 11W E14 - FBT L: 26,5 × 26,5 h 96 cm 1 × 24W E27 - FBT XL: 31,5 × 31,5 h 166 cm 2 × 18W E27 - FBT, DIMMERABLE 2 × 75W MAX E27 - HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Floor/Table Lamp Product code S: M: L: XL: 194 cod. cod. cod. cod. BAL16TAV0001o BAL16TAV0002o BAL16pFo0003o BAL16pFo0004o 195 Intro 196 G ro u p 5 THE ENSEMBLES — Tre grandi famiglie firmate da Nigel Coates e Alessandro Mendini ideali per una luce morbida e diffusa. Nelle versioni da soffitto, perfette anche come applique, il diffusore può essere facilmente smontato per sostituire la lampadina, grazie a un sistema di fissaggio magnetico. Usate tutte insieme donano un mood caldo e uniforme all’ambiente domestico. This is the world of simple ceiling pieces that can just as easily be used on the wall. They give a smooth even light; despite their large surface area have surprising depth. Thanks to a clever magnetic fixing system, the outer shell can easily be removed to replace a lamp. As part of larger collections by Nigel Coates and Alessandro Mendini, these are the perfect complimentary light. BIOS 199, VENTI 202, DAFNE 206 BIOS by Nigel Coates 199 BIOS Tube by Nigel Coates Dimensions S: 21 × 13 h 39 1 × 11W E14-FBT M: 28 × 17 h 57 1 × 24W E27-FBT L: 38 × 25 h 115 2 × 24W E27-FBT XL: 37 × 23 h 160 3 × 18W E27-FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX E27-HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Floor/Table Lamp Product code S: cod. TUB14TAV0 0 01WIBIO M: cod. TUB14TAV0 0 02WIBIO L: cod. TUB14PTU0 0 03WIBIO XL: cod.TUB14PTU0 0 0 4WIBIO M S, M: WITH MAGNETIC CONNECTION Plana BIOS decor by Nigel Coates Dimensions S: 36 × 36 h 10 2 × 15W - E27 FBT 200 Dimensions L: 72 × 72 h 15 4 × 24W - E27 FBT made with: OPALFLEX® Wall/Ceiling Lamp Spectrum: cod. BIO03SOS0000MS White: cod. BIO14SOS0 0 0 0WI Product code S by Spalletta, Croce, Ragnisco, Wijffels Decor by Nigel Coates 49 × 49 h 32 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG made with: OPALFLEX® Suspension Product code M: 54 × 54 h 12 3 × 15W - E27 FBT XL Nodo BIOS S: M: L: cod. BIO14PLF0 0 01WI cod. BIO14PLF0 0 02WI cod. BIO14PLF0 0 03WI VENTI by Alessandro Mendini 203 M VENTI Tube by Alessandro Mendini Dimensions S: 21 × 10 h 39 1 × 11W E14-FBT S: 36 × 36 h 10 cm 2 × 15W - E27 FBT M: 28 × 15 h 57 1 × 24W E27-FBT M: 54 × 54 h 12 cm 3 × 15W - E27 FBT XL: 37 × 21 h 160 3 × 18W E27-FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX E27-HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Product code S by Alessandro Mendini Dimensions L: 38 × 20 h 115 2 × 24W E27-FBT XL Plana VENTI S: cod. TUB59TAV0001_VEN M: cod. TUB59TAV0002_VEN L: cod. TUB59PTU0003_VEN XL:cod. TUB59PTU0004_VEN L: 72 × 72 h 15 cm 4 × 24W - E27 FBT made with: OPALFLEX® Wall/Ceiling Lamp Product code S: cod.VEN59PLF0 0 01 _VEN M: cod.VEN59PLF0 0 02_VEN L: cod.VEN59PLF0 0 03 _VEN 205 DAFNE by Nigel Coates 206 207 M DAFNE Tube by Nigel Coates Dimensions S: 21 × 10 h 39 1 × 11W E14-FBT 42 × 42 h 34 cm 1 × 24W - E27 FBG made with: OPAFLEX® Suspension Product code cod. GEM03SOS0 0 0 0_ DAF S: 36 × 36 h 10 cm 2 × 15W - E27 FBT XL: 37 × 21 h 160 3 × 18W E27-FBT, DIMMERABLE 3 × 75W MAX E27-HSGST/C/UB made with: OPALFLEX® Floor/Table Lamp Product code S by Nigel Coates Dimensions L: 38 × 20 h 115 2 × 24W E27-FBT 208 Plana DAFNE Dimensions M: 28 × 15 h 57 1 × 24W E27-FBT XL Gemmy DAFNE by Spalletta, Croce, Ragnisco, Wijffels Decor by Nigel Coates S: M: L: XL: cod. TUB14TAV0001_DAF cod. TUB14TAV0002_DAF cod. TUB14PTU0003_DAF cod. TUB14PTU0004_DAF M: 54 × 54 h 12 cm 3 × 24W - E27 FBT L: 72 × 72 h 15 cm 4 × 24W - E27 FBT made with: OPALFLEX® Wall/Ceiling Lamp Product code S: cod. DAF 14PLF0 0 01 _ DAF M: cod. DAF 14PLF0 0 02_ DAF L: cod. DAF 14PLF0 0 03 _ DAF - S,M: WITH MAGNETIC CONNECTION 210 211 MADE IN ITALY - INTERNATIONAL PATENT - utility model - ornamental design - trade mark - COPYRIGHT ON ARTIST DESIGN Le Slamp sono brevettate in tutto il mondo e garantite dai marchi di sicurezza elettrici più importanti. Slamp are patented throughout the world and conform to the leading electrical safety standars. SLAMP S.p.A. si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche al listino e ai prodotti senza alcun preavviso, qualora le condizioni commerciali lo rendessero necessario. Difformità di colore di alcuni prodotti sul presente catalogo sono dovute a processi di stampa. 212 SLAMP S.p.A. reserves the right to modify price list and/or products without notice in the event of commercial conditions rendering this necessary. Slight differences of colour in some products in this catalogue are due to the processes involved in printing. FLASH MAGAZINE MADE IN ITALY © SLAMP S.P.A. 2012 INFO@SLAMP.COM WWW.SLAMP.COM JANUARY 2012 FOOTSTEPS TOWARDS THE FUTURE HOW TO MAKE LOG-CABIN WARMTH L a neve rende tutto più magico. Quando siamo in inverno, in attesa della primavera, le nostre lampade in casa diventano anticipazioni della luce calda dell'estate . Nel periodo più freddo dell'inverno, quando la pioggia cadendo diventa neve, tutto quello che ci circonda viene coperto da un manto bianco splendente. Le nostre solite azioni quotidiane all'esterno sono presto rimpiazzate dalla voglia di giocare con le palle di neve, la slitta e lo sci. Il caos delle strade di città lascia spazio ad una quiete morbida e luminosa, che fa uscire il bambino che è in tutti noi. La neve diffonde e intensifica la luce all’interno delle case, dando un bagliore insolito alle stanze. E con l’aiuto di Slamp, sarà una nuova luce . In questa stagione abbiamo preso alcuni dei nostri prodotti di maggior successo e abbiamo ampliato la loro gamma, donando loro nuove emozioni: Veli è diventata sia più grande che più piccola e si è trasformata in una sospensione. La plafoniera versione Large fa il suo debutto anche in Lentiflex, un materiale nuovo e accattivante che amplifica la luce in mille riflessioni. La Morgana dal sapore esotico appare in versione super-riflettente, con l'interno in argento che la carica di un maggiore potere luminoso. Faretto va dal nero estremo al bianco estremo in un’elaborazione dell’originale fumè che amplifica le sue qualità grafiche. Nel frattempo Woody, la lampada ideale per il vostro salotto, si estende verso il soffitto nella versione sospensione. Con il suo carattere distintivo e la sua texture a scelta tra 4 colori, anch’essa diventa protagonista nell’accentuare il calore della vostra casa. S chnee verzaubert alles. Bevor der Winter dem Frühling weicht, möchten wir einen brillanten Vorgeschmack auf die langen Sommertage geben. Während der kalten Tage fallen die Regentropfen als Schneeflocken vom Himmel und unsere Welt wird zu einem leuchtenden Teppich. Die gewohnten Aktivitäten im Freien sind schnell vergessen und Schneeballschlachten, Schlittenfahrten und Skilaufen sind eine willkommene Abwechslung. Die Stadt und ihre Straßen versinken in Stille und bieten eine Atmosphäre, die das Kind in uns wachruft. Mit dem Schnee werden die Lichter in den Häusern noch wärmer und die Atmosphäre in den Räumen wird noch gemütlicher. Mit Slamp wird das Licht wirklich zu einem Faktor, der den Unterschied macht. In dieser Jahreszeit haben wir das Sortiment einiger unserer erfolgreichsten Produkte erweitert und so ein neues Wohngefühl geschaffen: Veli gibt es jetzt nicht nur grösser sondern auch kleiner, und sogar als Pendel. Auch Veli large zeigt sich endlich im Lentiflex und verzaubert uns mit seinem „Eis-Kristall“ Effekt. Die exotische Morgana zeigt sich in der Version „Super-Reflektionen“, mit silberner Innenkleidung die überzeugende Leuchtkraft verleiht. Faretto wird extrem schwarz und entschieden weiß, dies ist eine Weiterentwicklung ihrer Originalform und der graphischen Eigenschaften. Und Woody, die ideale Leselampe, schmückt nicht nur die Zimmerecke sondern auch den gesamten Raum als Pendelleuchte. Dank ihres eleganten Stils und ihrer 4 modischen Farben, wird auch sie zu einem Hauptdarsteller, der Ihren Räumen entspannende Wärme verleiht. FLASH MAGAZINE JANUARY 2012 Veli Prisma — By Adriano Rachele 6–9 Super Morgana — By Stefano Papi 10 – 13 Faretto white - Faretto black— By Nigel Coates 16 – 23 Veli suspension — By Adriano Rachele 26 – 31 Veli Mini — By Adriano Rachele 28 – 33 Veli 7 — By Adriano Rachele 34 – 35 Woody suspension — By Luca Mazza 38 – 43 Technical specifications 46 – 47 3 4 5 Veli Prisma design by Adriano Rachele If magic is the game in hand, this lamp can pull a few tricksout of the bag. Its animated and subtly twisting forms seemother worldy in this Lentiflex version of one of Slamp’s classics. 6 Slamp - made in Italy 'VELI PRISMA' CEILING/WALL LAMP by Adriano Rachele VELI PRISMA NEW VELI LARGE PRISMA WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM VELI PRISMA by Adriano Rachele WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM NEW VELI PRISMA by Adriano Rachele LARGE Dimensions Dimensions 53 × 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: LENTIFLEX® Ceiling / Wall Lamp 78 × 78 h 20 cm 3 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: LENTIFLEX® Ceiling / Wall Lamp Produ Produ cod. VEL78PLF0002LE000 V 000 cod. VEL78PLF0003LE000 V 000 9 Super Morgana design by Stefano Papi As a contemporary interpretation of an oriental lamp, Morgana never fails to charm. With this new hyper reflective lining, Morgana Silver redoubles its beguiling effect on your living room. 10 11 Slamp - made in Italy 'SUPER MORGANA' SUSPENSION by Stefano Papi MIRROR/BLACK MIRROR/WHITE - MORE SPARKLING EFFECT NEW SUPER MORGANA by Stefano Papi Dimensions 45 × 45 h 58 cm 1 × 75W MAX- G9 - HALOGEN made of: POLYCARBONATE Suspension Product code MIRROR/BLACK cod MIRROR/WHITE cod 13 14 15 Faretto White, Black design by Nigel Coates These versions in sparkling white and jet black add to Faretto’s distinctive graphic outline. Their key down-lighting function makes them perfect for lighting a table or a quiet area. 16 17 18 19 19 Slamp - made in Italy 'FARETTO TABLE' TABLE LAMP by Nigel Coates 21 Slamp - made in Italy 'FARETTO' NEW FARETTO BLACK NEW NEW NEW FARETTO WHITE NEW NEW FARETTO TABLE FARETTO SINGLE by Nigel Coates by Nigel Coates by Nigel Coates FARETTO DOUBLE by Nigel Coates Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 30 × 30 h 38 cm 1 × 4W MAX- E14 HSGST/C/UB made of: POLYCARBONATE 39 × 39 h 31 cm 1 × 75W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made of: POLYCARBONATE 72 × 39 h 31 cm 2 × 75W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made of: POLYCARBONATE Table Lamp Suspension Suspension Product co Product Product code White: Black: Fumè: 22 TABLE LAMP/SUSPENSION 000 000 00 White: Black: Fumè: W_000 _000 _000 White: Black: Fumè: FAR FA FA FAR AR 23 24 25 Veli Suspension design by Adriano Rachele 26 NEW VELI SISPENSION LARGE VELI NEW VELI SUSPENSION VELI LARGE Veli "THE NEW FAMILY" NEW VELI MINI design by Adriano Rachele In the wake of success surrounding the original Veli collection, demand has been increasing for both suspension versions and a miniature for walls and ceilings. Style in the home has never been easier. 29 Slamp - made in Italy 'VELI' "THE NEW FAMILY" by Adriano Rachele NEW VELI SUSPENSION Opal Plum Charcoal Opal Plum Charcoal Opal Plum Charcoal NEW VELI SUSPENSION LARGE VELI LARGE VELI Russet Celeste Chilli Opal Plum Charcoal Plum Charcoal NEW VELI MINI Opal WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM NEW VELI SUSPENSION by Adriano Rachele 30 NEW VELI SUSPENSION LARGE by Adriano Rachele WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM VELI VELI LARGE by Adriano Rachele by Adriano Rachele WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM NEW VELI MINI by Adriano Rachele Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 42 × 42 h 36 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 60 × 60 h 50 cm 4 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 53 × 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 78 × 78 h 20 cm 3 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 32 × 32 h 15 cm 1 × 11W - E14 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® Product cod Product cod Product code Product code Opal: cod Plum: cod Charcoal: cod Opal: cod Plum: cod Charcoal: cod Russet: cod. Celeste: cod. Chilli: cod. Opal: cod. Plum: cod. Charcoal:cod. Opal: cod. V Plum: cod. V Charcoal:cod. VEL78PLF0003N_000 V N_000 oduct code _ 31 pal: cod. V um: cod. V Charcoal: cod. VEL78PLF0001N_000 V N_000 Veli Mini design by Adriano Rachele 32 33 ↑ BOTTOM VIEW ↑ FRONT VIEW NEW VELI 7 by Adriano Rachele Veli 7 Dimensions 130 × 130 h 35 cm 7 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® design by Adriano Rachele Table Lamp Product code Russet: cod. Celeste: cod. Chilli: cod. Opal: cod. Plum: cod. Charcoal:cod. Here’s a gift for the designer of spaces that need a bit of drama; the Veli 7 transforms the classic into an impressive chandelier that will add magnificence to any large room. VEL78PLF0006Q_000 VEL78PLF0006D_000 VEL78PLF0006R_000 VEL78PLF0006W_000 VEL78PLF0006H_000 VEL78PLF0006N_000 34 36 37 Woody Suspension design by Luca Mazza Incorporating a sense of spontaneity into an arched lamp is all but easy. But Woody manages it with ease. Now in a range of four colours, it can harmonise well with any colour scheme. 38 Slamp - made in Italy 40 'WOODY FAMILY' FLOOR LAMP / SUSPENSION by LUCA MAZZA 41 Slamp - made in Italy 'WOODY FAMILY' FLOOR LAMP / SUSPENSION by LUCA MAZZA NEW WOODY SUSPENSION WOODY FLOOR LAMP NEW WOODY SUSPENSION by Luca Mazza Dimensions EN 37 × 37 h 25 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 - HALOGEN made of: POLICARBONATE Suspension Product code 0000W_000 0000W 000 0 0 0 42 cod. WOO77SOS0000W 000 cod cod cod White: Purple: Orange: Blue: 43 THE DESIGNER TEAM NIGEL COATES ELODIE LONGO LUCA MAZZA STEFANO PAPI ADRIANO RACHELE 44 45 'Flash Magazine January 2012' Slamp - made in Italy ‘NEW VELI PRISMA’ Dimensions CEILING/WALL LAMP LARGE 78 × 78 h 20 cm 3 × 20W - E27 FBT Made of: LENTIFLEX® >> WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM cod. VEL78PLF0003LE000 ’NEW ‘SUPER MORGANA’ ’NEW ‘FARETTO WHITE, BLACK" ‘NEW FARETTO TABLE WHITE , BLACK" Dimensions Dimensions SUSPENSION DOUBLE 72 × 39 h 31 cm TABLE LAMP 30 × 30 h 38 cm 2 × 75W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN 1 × 40W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN Made of: OPALFLEX® Made of: PLYCARBONATE® Dimensions SUSPENSION 45 × 45 h 58 cm 1 × 75W MAX- G9 - HALOGEN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ‘NEW VELI SUSPENSION’ ‘NEW VELI MINI’ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ‘NEW VELI 7’ ‘NEW WOODY SUSPENSION’ Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions SUSPENSION LARGE 60 × 60 h 50 cm CEILING / WALL LAMP 32 × 32 h 15 cm SUSPENSION 130 × 130 h 35 cm SUSPENSION 37 × 37 h 25 cm 4 × 20W - E27 FBT → 1 × 11W - E14 FBT 7 × 20W - E27 FBT 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN Made of: OPALFLEX® Made of: PLYCARBONATE® Made of: OPALFLEX® Made of: PLYCARBONATE® 'Flash Magazine January 2012' Slamp - made in Italy Made of: OPALFLEX® >> WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM M/BLACK . SMO76SOS0000BS000 WHITE cod. FAR14SOS0007W_000 WHITE cod. FAR14TAV0000W_000 PLUM cod. VEL78SOS0003H_000 PLUM cod. VEL78PLF0001H_000 PLUM cod. VEL78PLF0006H_000 WHITE cod. WOO77SOS0000W_000 M/WHITE .SMO76SOS0000WS000 BLACK cod. FAR14SOS0007N_000 BLACK cod. FAR14TAV0000N_000 OPAL cod. VEL78SOS0003W_000 OPAL cod. VEL78PLF0001W_000 OPAL cod. VEL78PLF0006W_000 PURPLE cod. WOO77SOS0000V_000 CHARCOALcod.VEL78SOS0003N_000 CHARCOALcod.VEL78PLF0001N_000 CHARCOALcod.VEL78PLF0006N_000 ORANGE cod. WOO77SOS0000A_000 CELESTEcod.VEL78PLF0006D_000 BLUE cod. WOO77SOS0000B_000 CHILLI cod. VEL78PLF0006R_000 CEILING/WALL LAMP 53 × 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT SUSPENSION SINGLE 39 × 39 h 31 cm Made of: LENTIFLEX® Made of: PLYCARBONATE® 1 × 75W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN RUSSET cod.VEL78PLF0006Q_000 SUSPENSION 42 × 42 h 36 cm FLOOR LAMP 48,5 × 51 h 210 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT → Made of: >> WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN OPALFLEX® WHITE cod. WOO77PFO0000W_000 cod. VEL78PLF0002LE000 WHITE cod. FAR14SOS0001W_000 PLUM cod. VEL78SOS0001H_000 PURPLE cod. WOO77PFO0000V_000 BLACK cod. FAR14SOS0001N_000 OPAL cod. VEL78SOS0001W_000 ORANGE cod. WOO77PFO0000A_000 CHARCOALcod.VEL78SOS0001N_000 BLUE cod. WOO77PFO0000B_000 46 47 T ra le strade della città, quando la luce del sole si riflette su una finestra, su una ringhiera di metallo o sulla vernice argentata di una macchina, si creano dei riflessi inaspettati che illuminano tutti gli oggetti circostanti. Lontano dalla portata diretta dei raggi del sole, noi di Slamp ci siamo soffermati a guardare gli effetti magici che si creano quando la purezza delle forme naturali si mescola con l’urbano e l’artificiale. Passeggiando tranquillamente per le strade, si può essere attirati continuamente dai riverberi e dai cambi di direzione della luce. Specialmente al crepuscolo, quando la luce soffusa della sera incontra gli oggetti creati dall’uomo, la città si trasforma in un caleidoscopio di immagini sorprendenti che rendono suggestiva l’atmosfera del tramonto. Slamp è esperta nel catturare queste caratteristiche oniriche per ricrearle tra le mura domestiche e quest’estate celebra proprio le misteriose proprietà della luce attraverso una nuova collezione di prodotti. La colonna di luce Helios, che nasce dalla tradizione Slamp, è quella che riesce a farlo meglio bilanciando perfettamente arte e innovazione tecnica. Insieme a molti altri prodotti, Helios mette a lavoro il nuovo materiale Lentiflex®, con cui viene lanciata sia la classica Ginetta che Superstar. Abbiamo anche allargato la famiglia Veli introducendo la versione large in Lentiflex®. Questi nuovi prodotti contribuiscono all’ampliamento della grande collezione Slamp. Design molto diversi, in una così ampia gamma di dimensioni e finiture, rendono Slamp una realtà piena di risposte efficaci e versatili come nessun altra azienda di illuminazione attuale. W enn das Sonnenlicht auf ein Fenster, ein Geländer aus Metall oder silberfarbene Autos reflektiert, erstellen diese unerwartete Reflexionen die alle umliegenden Objekte beleuchten. Ohne Einwirkung der Sonnenstrahlen, haben wir von Slamp uns damit beschäftigt, die magischen Effekte der Reinheit der natürlichen Formen zu beobachten wenn diese mit städtischen und künstlichen Formen gemischt werden. Bei ruhigen Spaziergängen durch die Straßen, können Sie kontinuierliche Reflexionen aufgrund der verschiedenen Licht Richtungen bewundern. Besonders in der Abenddämmerung, wenn das sanfte Licht des Abends auf die vom Menschen geschaffenen Objekte stößt, verwandelt sich die Stadt in ein Kaleidoskop von atemberaubenden Bildern, die beeindruckende Atmosphäre beim Sonnenuntergang machen. Slamp ist Experte für die Aufnahme dieser traumhaften Merkmale, die Sie auch nach Hause bringen können, hierzu bieten wir Ihnen neuen Kollektion von Produkten an die diese mysteriösen Eigenschaften des Lichts erzeugt. Die Stehleuchte Helios, welche aus der Tradition Slamp Tube abstammt, schafft das am besten und bietet optimale Balance von Technik und technischer Innovation an. Zusammen mit vielen anderen Produkten, zeigt Helios die großen Fortschritte des neuen Materials Lentiflex®, das auch die klassische Ginetta Pendel wieder frisch erblühen lässt. Sollten Sie dynamische Linien suchen, ist die Antwort Superstar. Diese neuen Produkte tragen den Ausbau der vielfältigen Kollektionen Slamp bei. Unterschiedliche Design, in einer solchen Vielzahl von Größen und Ausführungen, machen Slamp zu einer Realität voller effektiven und vielseitigen Antworten wie kein anderes Unternehmen der aktuellen Beleuchtung. 2 FLASH MAGAZINE Ginetta Prisma — By Nigel Coates APRIL 2012 6 – 11 Superstar — By Pagani-Perversi 14 – 19 Helios — By Slamp Lab 22 – 27 Faretto white - Faretto black — By Nigel Coates 28 – 33 Woody suspension — By Luca Mazza 34 – 37 Super Morgana — By Stefano Papi 40 – 43 Veli Prisma — By Adriano Rachele 44 – 47 Veli suspension — By Adriano Rachele 48– 53 Veli Mini — By Adriano Rachele 50 – 53 Veli 7 — By Adriano Rachele 54 – 55 Technical specifications 58 – 60 3 4 5 Ginetta Prisma design by Nigel Coates This winning design never seems to tire; it has appeared in many sizes and colours, and now in Lentiflex®. The Prisma version goes back to Ginetta’s origins, to highlighting the effects of crystal and splitting light into oneiric sparkle. 6 7 Slamp - made in Italy 8 'GINETTA PRISMA' SUSPENSION by NIGEL COATES 9 Slamp - made in Italy 'GINETTA PRISMA' SUSPENSION by NIGEL COATES NEW GINETTA PRISMA - IRIDESCENT BULB SCREEN NEW GINETTA by Nigel Coates PRISMA Dimensions 78 × 78 h 58 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN made of: LENTIFLEX® IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® Suspension Product code PRISMA cod. GI GIN N 14SOS0000LE 1 00LE 10 11 Superstar design by Pagani-Perversi If it’s a dynamic outline you are searching for, Superstar has the answer. This diagonally tilted stellar shape brings asteroid character into the home. Perfect for an entrance or above the dining table, and a partner to the more pieces in your home. 14 15 Slamp - made in Italy 16 'SUPERSTAR' SUSPENSION by PAGANI-PERVERSI 17 Slamp - made in Italy 'SUPERSTAR' SUSPENSION by PAGANI-PERVERSI NEW SUPERSTAR LARGE NEW SUPERSTAR WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM NEW SUPERSTAR by Pagani-Perversi 18 LARGE WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM NEW SUPERSTAR by Pagani-Perversi Dimensions Dimensions 60 × 60 h 72 cm 1 × 75W - E27 HALOGEN 60 × 60 h 50 cm 1 × 75W - E27 HALOGEN made of: LENTIFLEX® IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® made of: LENTIFLEX® IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® Suspension Suspension Produc Pr cod. SS co LE 19 20 21 Helios design by Slamp Lab Here’s a truly impressive anti-gravity object, a column of swirling, rippling effects that brings light to life on an architectural scale. Rising from a base of Carrara marble, this clever combination of Plexiglas, Lentiflex® and Osram LEDs brings stature in spades.. 22 23 Slamp - made in Italy 'HELIOS' FLOOR LAMP by SLAMP LAB 25 Slamp - made in Italy 'HELIOS' FLOOR LAMP by Slamp Lab NEW HELIOS D OSRAM, 3000 LUMEN A MARBLE BASE NEW ELIOS p Lab Dimensions 24 × 24 h 182 cm 50W LED OSRAM - 3000 Lumen made of: LENTIFLEX® PLEXIGLAS® IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® CARRARA MARBLE BASE Floor Lamp Product cod. HEL71PFO0004LE HE 004LE 27 Faretto White, Black design by Nigel Coates These versions in sparkling white and jet black add to Faretto’s distinctive graphic outline. Their key down-lighting function makes them perfect for lighting a table or a quiet area. 28 29 30 31 31 Slamp - made in Italy 'FARETTO' TABLE LAMP/SUSPENSION by Nigel Coates FARETTO BLACK FARETTO WHITE FARETTO FUME' FARETTO TABLE FARETTO SINGLE by Nigel Coates by Nigel Coates FARETTO DOUBLE by Nigel Coates Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 30 × 30 h 38 cm 1 × 4W MAX- E14 HSGST/C/UB made of: POLYCARBONATE 39 × 39 h 31 cm 1 × 75W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made of: POLYCARBONATE 72 × 39 h 31 cm 2 × 75W MAX- E27 HSGST/C/UB made of: POLYCARBONATE Table Lamp Suspension Suspension Product Produc Product code White: Black: Fumè: _000 _000 _000 White: Black: Fumè: W_000 White: Black Fumè: FAR FA FAR14SOS0007W_000 07W_000 33 Woody Suspension design by Luca Mazza Incorporating a sense of spontaneity into an arched lamp is all but easy. But Woody manages it with ease. Now in a range of four colours, it can harmonise well with any colour scheme. 34 Slamp - made in Italy 'WOODY FAMILY' FLOOR LAMP / SUSPENSION by LUCA MAZZA WOODY SUSPENSION WOODY FLOOR LAMP WOODY SUSPENSION by Luca Mazza Dimensions EN 37 × 37 h 25 cm 1 × 100W MAX- E27 - HALOGEN made of: POLICARBONATE Suspension Product code 0000W_000 0000W 000 0 0 0 36 cod. WOO77SOS0000W 000 cod cod cod White: Purple: Orange: Blue: 37 38 39 Super Morgana design by Stefano Papi As a contemporary interpretation of an oriental lamp, Morgana never fails to charm. With this new hyper reflective lining, Morgana Silver redoubles its beguiling effect on your living room. 40 41 Slamp - made in Italy 'SUPER MORGANA' SUSPENSION by Stefano Papi MIRROR/BLACK MIRROR/WHITE - MORE SPARKLING EFFECT SUPER MORGANA by Stefano Papi Dimensions 45 × 45 h 58 cm 1 × 75W MAX- G9 - HALOGEN made of: POLYCARBONATE Suspension Product cod MIRROR/BLACK c MIRROR/WHITE c 43 0 Veli Prisma design by Adriano Rachele If magic is the game in hand, this lamp can pull a few tricks out of the bag. Its animated and subtly twisting forms seem other worldy in this Lentiflex version of one of Slamp’s classics. 44 45 Slamp - made in Italy 'VELI PRISMA' CEILING/WALL LAMP by Adriano Rachele VELI PRISMA VELI LARGE PRISMA WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM 46 WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM VELI PRISMA VELI PRISMA LARGE by Adriano Rachele by Adriano Rachele Dimensions Dimensions 53 × 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: LENTIFLEX® Ceiling / Wall Lamp 78 × 78 h 20 cm 3 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: LENTIFLEX® Ceiling / Wall Lamp Produ Produ cod. VEL78PLF0002LE000 V 000 cod. VEL78PLF0003LE000 V 000 47 Veli Suspension design by Adriano Rachele 48 49 VELI SISPENSION LARGE VELI VELI SUSPENSION VELI LARGE Veli "THE NEW FAMILY" VELI MINI design by Adriano Rachele In the wake of success surrounding the original Veli collection, demand has been increasing for both suspension versions and a miniature for walls and ceilings. Style in the home has never been easier. 51 Slamp - made in Italy 'VELI' "THE NEW FAMILY" by Adriano Rachele VELI SUSPENSION Opal Plum Charcoal Opal Plum Charcoal Opal Plum Charcoal VELI SUSPENSION LARGE VELI LARGE VELI Russet Celeste Chilli Opal Plum Charcoal Plum Charcoal VELI MINI Opal WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM 52 WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM VELI SUSPENSION VELI SUSPENSION LARGE VELI VELI LARGE VELI MINI by Adriano Rachele by Adriano Rachele by Adriano Rachele by Adriano Rachele by Adriano Rachele Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 42 × 42 h 36 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 60 × 60 h 50 cm 4 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 53 × 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 78 × 78 h 20 cm 3 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® 32 × 32 h 15 cm 1 × 11W - E14 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® Product cod Product cod Product code Product code oduct code cod Opal: Plum: cod Charcoal: cod Opal: cod Plum: cod Charcoal: cod Russet: cod. Celeste: cod. Chilli: cod. Opal: cod. Plum: cod. Charcoal:cod. Opal: cod. V Plum: cod. V Charcoal:cod. V pal: cod. V um: cod. V Charcoal: cod. V N_000 _ 53 N_000 ↑ BOTTOM VIEW ↑ FRONT VIEW VELI 7 by Adriano Rachele Veli 7 Dimensions 130 × 130 h 35 cm 7 × 20W - E27 FBT made of: OPALFLEX® design by Adriano Rachele Table Lamp Product code Russet: cod. Celeste: cod. Chilli: cod. Opal: cod. Plum: cod. Charcoal:cod. Here’s a gift for the designer of spaces that need a bit of drama; the Veli 7 transforms the classic into an impressive chandelier that will add magnificence to any large room. VEL78PLF0006Q_000 VEL78PLF0006D_000 VEL78PLF0006R_000 VEL78PLF0006W_000 VEL78PLF0006H_000 VEL78PLF0006N_000 54 PUBLISHED IN 2012 © SLAMP S.p.A. Via Tre Cannelle, 3 - 00040 Pomezia, Roma, Italy tel. +39 06 9162391 fax +39 06 91623933 EDITOR Roberto Ziliani ART DIRECTION Nigel Coates DESIGN Luca Mazza PHOTOS Mauro Rosicarelli, Lorenzo Sechi SPECIAL THANKS Danilo Bordi, Teresa Martinelli, Mona Horstmann, Olga Ivleva, Salvatore Palazzo, Daniele Ottazzi Simona, Cecilia, Stella Ziliani PRE-PRINTED & PRINTED Euroteam - Brescia PRINTED IN ITALY THE DESIGN TEAM 56 NIGEL COATES PAGANI-PERVERSI ELODIE LONGO LUCA MAZZA STEFANO PAPI ADRIANO RACHELE 57 'Flash Magazine April 2012' Slamp - made in Italy ‘GINETTA PRISMA’ ’SUPERSTAR' ‘HELIOS" TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ’FARETTO WHITE, BLACK" Slamp - made in Italy ‘FARETTO TABLE WHITE , BLACK" 'Flash Magazine April 2012' ‘WOODY SUSPENSION’ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ’SUPER MORGANA’ ‘VELI PRISMA’ * Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions SUSPENSION 78 × 78 h 58 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN SUSPENSION 60 × 60 h 50 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN SUSPENSION DOUBLE 72 × 39 h 31 cm TABLE LAMP 30 × 30 h 38 cm SUSPENSION 37 × 37 h 25 cm 2 × 75W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN 1 × 40W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN SUSPENSION 45 × 45 h 58 cm 1 × 75W MAX- G9 - HALOGEN CEILING/WALL LAMP LARGE 78 × 78 h 20 cm 3 × 20W - E27 FBT LENTIFLEX® LENTIFLEX® FLOOR LAMP 24 × 24 h 182 cm 50W LED OSRAM 3000 Lumen Made of: OPALFLEX® Made of: PLYCARBONATE® Made of: PLYCARBONATE® Made of: PLYCARBONATE® WHITE cod. FAR14SOS0007W_000 WHITE cod. FAR14TAV0000W_000 WHITE cod. WOO77SOS0000W_000 M/BLACK . SMO76SOS0000BS000 BLACK cod. FAR14SOS0007N_000 BLACK cod. FAR14TAV0000N_000 PURPLE cod. WOO77SOS0000V_000 Made of: IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® cod. GIN14SOS0000LE Made of: IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® >> WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM* cod. SST83SOS0001LE Made of: LENTIFLEX® PLEXIGLAS® IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® Made of: LENTIFLEX® >> WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM cod. VEL78PLF0003LE000 cod. HEL71PFO0004LE M/WHITE .SMO76SOS0000WS000 ORANGE cod. WOO77SOS0000A_000 BLUE cod. WOO77SOS0000B_000 * SUSPENSION LARGE 60 × 60 h 72 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN LENTIFLEX® SUSPENSION SINGLE 39 × 39 h 31 cm 1 × 75W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN Made of: IRIDESCENT POLYCARBONATE® Made of: >> WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM* WHITE cod. FAR14SOS0001W_000 PLYCARBONATE® CEILING/WALL LAMP 53 × 53 h 20 cm 2 × 20W - E27 FBT FLOOR LAMP 48,5 × 51 h 210 cm 1 × 100W MAX - E27 - HALOGEN Made of: LENTIFLEX® >> WITH MAGNETIC SYSTEM WHITE cod. WOO77PFO0000W_000 cod. VEL78PLF0002LE000 cod. SST83SOS0003LE PURPLE cod. WOO77PFO0000V_000 BLACK cod. FAR14SOS0001N_000 ORANGE cod. WOO77PFO0000A_000 BLUE cod. WOO77PFO0000B_000 58 59