Staffing News - Corsham Primary School
Staffing News - Corsham Primary School November 2013 Welcome to our third newsletter of the year—we have lots of news to report and celebration of achievement and learning ... Staffing News Life on the staffing front at Corsham Primary has been very busy recently with the announcement that Mrs Heard is expecting her second baby in March 2014 and will be starting her maternity leave at February half term. We are utterly delighted for Kate and Sam and look forward to having a cuddle in the New Year. Mrs Smalley has also announced very exciting news that she and her husband are expecting their first baby next May. We are all absolutely delighted to celebrate this news. Mrs Becky Lambert starts her maternity leave at the beginning of December - with an expected delivery date of 17 December. Mr and Mrs Lambert are hoping the baby isn’t late but arrives before the festive season begins; they are hoping to meet Father Christmas for the first time! Mrs Caroline Bowater who is based at the Broadwood site has resigned her position as a part-time Reception Teacher. Caroline has worked at Corsham Primary for eleven years and given many years of dedicated service to the children in her care. Caroline has decided to become a full-time Mum caring for her two little sons Charlie and Jack. We wish her all the best in the future. We will miss her terribly in January. Life is also changing for Mrs Fran Nisbet whose husband has secured a permanent job in Chester. Mrs Nisbet will be seeing out the academic year at Corsham Primary making the big move to Chester with Isaac and Mr Fox the dog in July 2014. What happens next?? Following interviews I am pleased to announce that Miss Kate Martin has been appointed to cover Mrs Lambert’s maternity leave. Kate will be joining us in January 2014. Becky and Kate worked together in Apples last year so they know each other very well and are already in contact on the phone to ensure all the necessary information is passed over carefully. Mrs Wade, who currently works in year three will be moving to Broadwood to take over Mrs Bowater’s teaching commitment in Reception. Mrs Wade knows Broadwood very well and is really looking forward to working alongside Mrs Jones. Mrs Kendall will be extending her working week from part-time to full-time so the children in 3KW should not notice too much of a difference although we know they will miss Mrs Wade initially. We have plenty of time to organise Mrs Heard’s, Mrs Smalley’s and Mrs Nisbet’s replacements but rest assured that plans are underway to find a suitable person to care for the children in 4AH, 5S and the Brook Centre. One of our long-term Lunchtime Playworkers has decided to retire from Pound Pill—we all wish Mrs Gill Herniman a much deserved rest and know that the children will miss her presence on the playground at lunchtimes. We have two new recruits! Mrs Shelly Bennington has started work at Broadwood as our new Teaching Assistant. Shelly has settled in well and we are enjoying having her on board, and Mrs Katie Jackson has started at Pound Pill as a Lunchtime Playworker—the children are enjoying getting to know the second Mrs Jackson! Last but not least, Mrs Glover and Mrs Pegler have “done a swop-over”!!! Reception arrangements have given Mrs Phillips the opportunity to take up a new role of Admin Officer at Pound Pill. Just a quick reminder of SATs dates for parents: Key Stage 2 SATs—Week commencing Monday 12 May 2014 Should any parent require further information about SATs please do not hesitate to pop into school to see your child’s teacher. Literacy and Numeracy in School Just to remind you that we have created a couple of leaflets to help parents and carers with some of the jargon and techniques we use in school when teaching literacy and numeracy. Copies of these leaflets are available in the entrance hall. Christmas Lunch As the fireworks fade away, so our thoughts turn to Christmas, and especially Christmas food! School Christmas lunch is always great fun and booking forms for both sites will follow shortly. Chippenham Basketball Project A new junior basketball session is set to be delivered in Chippenham from half term, at the Chippenham Air Dome. The project, open to 9-12 year olds, is the first step by Wiltshire Council and Innov8sportz to set up a regular junior club for the town and will take place on Wednesday nights from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. The session will be fun and active with young people shown new skills, introduced to basketball tactics and encouraged to take part in small sided games and tournaments. Initially the project will run for 6 weeks from 13 November to 18 December and will cost £3 per session or £15 for the block of 6 weeks. We are also running adult recreational basketball sessions at the Olympiad Leisure Centre from 7pm—8pm on Wednesday nights during the same period of time. These are open to anyone aged 16+ and are aimed at those who used to play, played in school, or indeed have never played before and want to have a go! For more information on either project or to book a place, please contact Terry Bathe at Innov8sportz on or phone 07837 535499. To all our parents, carers, friends and staff The Community and Information Officer from Corsham Town Council has contacted us to ask if we would all complete a Corsham Town Centre Survey. The more feedback obtained, the more informed the Town Council can be when it comes to making decisions and planning for the future. (There will be a Youth Council-led survey for young people after half-term, so Corsham’s younger residents can have their say.) Survey forms are available at the Town Hall to complete in hard copy format or can be filled in online at The link can be found on the website at Thank you. Children’s Photographs We are currently discussing the Leadership and Management Policy. Any parents wishing to see the draft policy and make any comments can obtain a copy from the school office. Please remember that the closing date for ordering photographs (with accompanying payment) is Friday 8 November. Friday 29 November at Pound Pill 5.00 - 7.00pm Continued progress in sustaining the Basic Skills Quality Mark. During October, we were delighted to invite the Basic Skills assessor, Ian Gyllenspetz, to Corsham Primary for an interim review of the Basic Skills developments since being awarded the Basic Skills Quality Mark in January 2012. Mr Gyllenspetz was incredibly impressed with the standard of teaching and learning in Reading, Writing and Mathematics across all year groups, including the way we develop these skills across the curriculum. He said “The degree of effective management in the basic skills, including ICT, ensures that the curriculum is reviewed and updated regularly, as well as challenging pupils at all levels ensuring that the excellent progress is being maintained”. Developments at Broadwood Many friends and families will know that there are various plans to build new houses in and around Broadwood—most recently we heard some great news that GreenSquare is also planning to build some new family housing on the Rudloe Estate. We have been in discussions with some of the developers and it appears money (called Section 106) is made available to improve the school facilities which is great news for Broadwood. This will enable us to tackle some of the outstanding issues that need to be addressed, for instance extending the very cramped office, replacing the aluminium windows and creating a school library. Obviously these things take time to go through all the proper channels but we are feeling very optimistic that it will mean wonderful news for all the Broadwood children in the longer term. At Pound Pill, Section 106 money was allocated to Corsham Primary as a result of the new housing build on Pound Mead. Sixty two thousand pounds will soon be arriving in our bank account which we plan to use to redevelop the children’s toilets. Our new Immersive Room at Pound Pill has proved to be such a huge success with the teachers and pupils that we are now in discussions with 4D to install (“the same but a smaller version”) at Broadwood. We will keep you informed via the newsletter of all these exciting developments. Harvest Time We enjoyed lots of Harvest related celebrations recently at Corsham Primary. As usual we asked for donations of produce to be brought to the assemblies and we passed this on to Corsham Churches Food Bank and Julian House, Bath. A splendid amount of food was gathered and we are delighted to have been able to so generously support these two amazing charities. Julian House have written us a lovely letter of thanks for the gift of Harvest Festival produce donated by Pound Pill. They have a newly refurbished emergency hostel which is now open and accepting more people, particularly women, who would otherwise be forced to sleep on the streets. They are also open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Money that doesn't have to be spent on food can be used to fund new projects and support programmes which would otherwise not happen. Even more positively, Julian House clients gain great comfort from seeing that local communities do care about their wellbeing.—sadly their experiences on the streets are often quite the opposite. Corsham “Blooming Fun” 2013 Painting Competition We are delighted that some of our children entered this popular competition and won certificates. Congratulations to the following winners: Age 6 and Under Category Special Commendation—Marianne W Special Commendation—Ellie C Runner Up—Jake D Winner—Amelia H Age 7-11 Category Special Commendation—Rebecca M Special Commendation—Beth L Runner Up—Millie C Well done to you all! Teacher Training Day—Wednesday 6 November The day was spent focusing on actions from our School Development and Improvement Plan. KS2 teachers spent time discussing the teaching and learning of spelling, punctuation and grammar and KS1 teachers found out about the teaching programme Maths Makes Sense. The second part of the day was spent on assessment, levelling and moderation activities. Year Two New Play Area Can I confirm to all parents who have asked, that the new fencing outside the year two classrooms at Pound Pill isn’t there to keep parents out, but to give the year two classes a lovely new safe outside play area which they have never had before. The fenced area will enable the teachers to set up sand, water and other outside play activities without fear of the rest of the children using the facilities at playtimes or the beginning and end of the day. It has always been our intention to establish this space hence the design of the over-hanging roof which creates shelter. I hope this clarifies the situation for everyone. BAD WEATHER Winter is just around the corner! The following arrangements will be used in the event of bad weather: Unexpected Heavy Snowfall—Heating and Toilets working Mrs Allen, Mrs Cooke and Mr Welch all live outside Corsham so it may be possible that not all of us will be able to reach the school. If this happens, messages may be taken at the school by those teachers who can reach the site. The school will remain open if sufficient teachers arrive to look after each class. If it is impossible to supervise a class because no teacher is present, the children in that class will be sent home. If that happens: A) A text will be sent to your mobile. B) A message of closure will be telephoned to BBC Wiltshire Sound (103.6FM or 1368 KHz) or Heart Radio. C) The telephone will be manned in order to answer queries if possible. D) A notice will be placed on the school gate and noticeboard. E) A message will be posted on the school Website:- No child should be sent to, or left at, school until it is certain that the class will open. Structural Damage to Buildings The school building is built to the latest specifications, so closure is only likely if structural damage occurs. The same procedures will be operated if necessary. Don’t forget that we have a text messaging service which we use in case of emergency so please let us know if you have changed your number. We are delighted to see many children coming to school on their scooters and bikes. Please remember that children must leave them in the racks as they come to school; there have been a couple of incidents where young children and adults have been bumped into as well as pre-school children falling off their scooters when scooters and bikes are taken into the playground. Playground Craze of the Month November’s crazes are skipping ropes, yo-yo’s, mini skateboards and pocket sketch. Please ensure that toys are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Sports News After three weeks of girl’s cricket coaching across Year 5 at Pound Pill, we entered a team of 8 into the North Wiltshire Lady Taverns Festival which was held in the Dome in Chippenham. The team started off a little nervously and were intimidated by a number of Year 6 girls who were also involved in the competition but this didn't last long! Each match that was played increased the girls’ confidence and before long they had mastered the game with accurate bowling and good agility whilst fielding. As a team they really supported each other, even when things didn't go quite according to plan! Well done to all the girls—we finished in 5th place. FIRE ALARM PROCEDURES If ever the fire alarm is activated towards the end of the day and we have to evacuate the building, please can we ask parents who are on the playground waiting to collect their children to move to the following areas: Pound Pill—make your way to the lower playground and stand to the right hand side away from the children. Broadwood—make your way to the field and stand to the right hand side away from the children. Thank you. The Broadwood Cups invite you to our weekly coffee/chat mornings Wednesdays & Fridays @ Broadwood (8.40am—10.00am in the Community Room) Come along and join in the fun! All sorts of different activities: Visits by Health Visitor First Aid Training Art Workshops Cookery Classes Help with children’s school and home learning Literacy and Numeracy courses All enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee! SAFETY MATTERS The darker evenings and mornings may mean that some children are walking or cycling to and from school in the twilight. It is important that they wear something reflective at night or fluorescent in daylight to ensure that they are visible when crossing roads or walking in unlit areas. When cycling it is a legal requirement that bicycles have a white front light and a red rear light. The reflectors must also be kept clean. Remembrance Poppies will be sold in school from Thursday 24 October until Monday 11 November. Last year we made £113.53 for the Royal British Legion. We have had a request from residents on Station Road who ask parents to please not park across their driveways or double park to prevent access. Please be considerate when dropping off and picking up your child/ren. We do offer a limited number of car parking permits to those who live more than 1 mile away; contact the office if you would like one. Our First Aid Team are keen to receive any donations of spare girl’s socks that you may have sorted out over half term. We are desperately short—Thank you! Dressing Up The children do enjoy having dressing up clothes to play with during playtimes; if you have anything you think might be useful for the dressing-up box we would be most grateful for any donations. Thank you. Reminder for Parents … WHAT TO DO IF THINGS GO WRONG? Please remember that you need to provide your child with a P.E. kit for use in school. Lots of children are borrowing kit from school which is going missing from cloakrooms. We hope your child’s time here is happy, however there may be times when you have particular worries or concerns. Thank you. Corsham Snapdragons Playworker Required Working with children aged 4-11 years can be one of the most rewarding and challenging opportunities for a child carer. With continually evolving activities and opportunities, we are looking for individuals who can be spontaneous and creative with this age group whilst consistently coming up with new ideas. In Out of School Club, anything is possible. For more details please contact Helen on 01249 714060. We always endeavour to deal with any issues quickly and take appropriate action. Day to day worries are best raised with the class teachers who are around in the morning before registration and at the end of the day. It may be appropriate to arrange an appointment at a time which is mutually convenient. Mrs Allen, Mrs Cooke, Mr Welch, Mrs Fry, Mrs Ridout and Mrs Parker are all available by email, through the school office or by letter. Please remember dogs are not allowed onto either school site. (Including by Snapdragons Nursery at Pound Pill) *** GOOD NEWS *** We are delighted to let you know that we have recently achieved the Customer Service Excellence Award annual review. The assessor spent a day with us, examining evidence, observing front line service and meeting staff, pupils and parents. He was very impressed with the service we provide and passed us on every single criteria (all 57 of them!) Part of the process was reviewing our Customer Service Standards. We have nine standards that we have evaluated our performance against. We have done this by considering our current practice, written evidence along with observational evidence. We believe we are meeting all nine services and also had this corroborated by the Customer Service Excellence Award assessor. Please see over the page for the review. Corsham Primary School: Customer Service Standards Standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Service Publish Service Standards Copies of the school’s customer service standards will be made available on our web-site ( or posted out on request. Corsham Primary reserve the right to produce our own more stringent customer service standards which will be made available to all their internal and external customer groups. Informing the Customer Details of the services provided by the school including contact names and numbers will be placed on the web-site and updated, when necessary. Contact names and numbers will be included in the school brochure. Service Accessibility Where documents do not meet the needs of the customer, alternative arrangements for communication of the information may be considered where it is practical and appropriate to do so. All school accommodation will be made fully accessible to all callers including people with special needs where it is feasible to do so. Where this is not possible, every attempt will be made to provide alternative access arrangements for customers where necessary. Consulting with customers The customers of the school will be surveyed on a regular basis. Customer satisfaction survey results will be published. Customer satisfaction levels will be reviewed and opportunities for improvement integrated into the School Development and Improvement Plan. Polite and helpful staff Staff will always act in a professional, polite and helpful manner. Seeing callers Reception area will be advised of expected visitors in advance. Expected visitors will be seen within 10 minutes of their appointment. When we make an appointment to meet you we will aim to: Arrive promptly or, if you are calling to see us, see you at the appointed time. On occasions when we are delayed more than 10 minutes due to circumstances beyond our control, we will make every effort to advise you of this and agree a new time. Answering telephone calls Staff will give their name when answering telephone calls. Phones will be answered as promptly as possible. Following no more than 6 rings unanswered telephones will automatically divert to voicemail or an alternative extension. Answering letters, faxes and emails All emails will include contact details for internal/external customers. “Out of office emails” will be used during periods of absence and will provide alternative contact details. Where substantive responses to correspondence are unlikely to be provided promptly, i.e. within 10 working days, a holding response, acknowledging receipt of the correspondence will be issued within 3 working days. Official letter headed paper will be used where appropriate. Having a complaints procedure Corsham Primary takes all complaints about the quality of its services seriously. We will provide a speedy response and a full and fair investigation of your complaint, respecting your right to confidentiality. Our complaints policy is available from the school office and is also published on our website Full or Partial Compliance Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full One-line shapes Can you make a copy of the drawings below by following two simple rules? You must not lift your pencil off the paper once you have started drawing (it must be one continuous pencil line) You must not go over a line you have already drawn, although you can cross other lines. Now try with these circles And finally, you could try the Olympic flag. Pound Pill Before/After School Sports Clubs Monday Hockey—years 4,5,6 3.10 – 4.15pm Tuesday Dance—years 4,5,6 3.10—4.15pm Wednesday Judo: from year 1 8.00 – 8.45am Football: Key Stage 1 and 2 (CURRENT COURSE FULL) 3.10 – 4.15pm Thursday Tennis—years 1,2,3 (CURRENT COURSE FULL) 3:10 – 4:15pm Friday Dodgeball: Key Stage 2 3.10 – 4.15pm Basketball—years 4,5,6 3.10—4.15pm Broadwood Before/After School Sports Clubs Monday Dance—years 1,2,3 3.10—4.15pm Dance—years 4,5,6 4.15—5.15pm Tuesday Dodgeball—from year 2 3.10—4.15pm Wednesday Badminton—years 4,5,6 (CURRENT COURSE FULL) 3.10—4.15pm Thursday Football—from year 1 (CURRENT COURSE FULL) 3.10—4.15pm Friday Judo :Whole School 8.00 – 8.45pm Tag Rugby—years 1,2,3 3.10—4.15pm Congratulations! Elena G, Lucy T, Morgan S, Simon K and Archie M who have received Peacock Awards for completing 6 merit cards. Congratulations! Shyanne C, Nikki C, Daniel A, Amy E, Michael R, Elizabeth G, Sophie A, Rhys B and Adam S who will be entered into the Golden Book for completing 9 merit cards. Congratulations! Nell H, Joshua BR, Jessica S, Lauren H, Jasper L, Connor H, Georgina B and Poppy D who have received achievement pens for completing 12 merit cards. Congratulations! Dillon W and Charlotte G Who have had their names added to the Roll of Honour for completing 15 merit cards. Congratulations! Yash G and Emma S who have received Golden Badges for completing 18 merit cards. Children’s News Isabel M took part in an Open Judo tournament in Devizes. She was awarded a Bronze medal. Tom F and Will F both achieved bronze awards at the Sticky Green Gecko Climbing Club! Elena G attended Ralph Allen School in Bath to take part in a gymnastics course with some Olympic gymnasts! Well done Elena. Elena also achieved Gold and Silver medals at The Bath Open Gymnastics competition; she got gold for her rope work and silver for a group floor routine. Abbie T is congratulated on running 20 miles with the One Mile Club. Harry A achieved a level 1 and 2 Ski School medal. GREAT NEWS! Toby C was elected to be the Chairman of the Corsham Youth Council at a meeting on 21 October. This is a fantastic achievement and opportunity for Toby and we wish him huge success in this role as well as huge congratulations! Other representatives from Corsham Primary on the Youth Council are Conor W and Natasha M—we are sure you will all enjoy your experience and represent the school fabulously! Alex C, Joe S, Edward B, Angus B, Harry T, Connor H and Ben R all played for the Under 11’s team and participated in the Wootton Bassett Rugby Tournament mini festival. They came first out of 16 teams! Well done! Dylan C played for the Under 7’s at Corsham Football Club and was awarded a trophy for being a super goalkeeper! Tom S played for the Under 10’s Corsham Rugby Club in a mini rugby tournament at Royal Wootton Bassett Rugby Club and came in second place. Sam D achieved “man of the match” trophy for the Corsham Under 7s football team. Eddie K was man of the match for Corsham Under 7’s Jaguars team. Harley A was awarded two certificates for her dance performances as part of the Saint David’s Festival of Dance. Broadwood Note: Bradford Road Parking Please take extreme care when parking along the Bradford Road to drop off and pick up your child/ren. We have had a note from a parent asking that all cars park in the right direction in order to minimise the risk of accidents. Highway Code: 2. Parking (239 to 247) 239 Use off-street parking areas, or bays marked out with white lines on the road as parking places, wherever possible. If you have to stop on the roadside, do not park facing against the traffic flow. Please may we respectfully remind parents that we try hard to eliminate nuts or nut produce in school. We have a number of children who react violently if they come into contact with anything containing nuts and for their protection and safety we do everything we can to try to prevent this occurring. WONDERFUL MUSICAL OPPORTUNITY FOR CHILDREN (AND IT’S FREE!) Trowbridge Symphony Orchestra will be performing Prokofiev’s delightful “Peter and the Wolf”, a musical symphony for children in which the narration is illustrated by orchestral instruments. Children learn about the instruments of the orchestra and their varying sounds as each character in the story is represented by a different instrument or musical theme. The performance is at Holy Trinity Church, Trowbridge, on Saturday 23 November at 7.30pm The programme also includes Walton’s exciting “Spitfire Overture”, Saint-Saens’ spooky “Danse Macabre” (whose unusual effects include skeletons dancing and bones rattling) whilst Poulenc’s outrageously jazzy and irreverent “Les Biches” ends what should be a very lively evening! Tickets are £10 (accompanied under 16’s free) are available from the Trowbridge Tourist Information Centre (Tel: 01225 765072), or on the door if available. NOTE FOR YOUR DIARIES … We are well aware that working parents need some notice in order to obtain time off to come along and take part in our Christmas Concerts. To this end, we have outlined dates and times below. Further details and tickets will be available nearer the time. Wednesday Thursday Friday 11 December 12 December 13 December 9.30—10.30am 9.30—10.30am Key Stage 2 children Broadwood Performance Pound Pill Performance from Broadwood and FS2 & KS1 children FS2 & KS1 children Pound Pill join together (young children welcome) (young children welcome) at the Springfield Centre in the Main Hall for the following performances: 2.00—3.00pm 2.00—3.00pm Pound Pill Performance FS2 & KS1 children 11.00am—12 noon FS2 & KS1 children Broadwood Performance (young children allowed) (no accompanying young (no accompanying young children allowed) children allowed) 2.00—3.00pm 5.00—6.00pm Email Messaging Service As a result of one of the communication issues highlighted in our recent parent survey, we are setting up a trial of communicating via Teachers2Parents in a similar way to how we currently send out texts. More information to follow. Dates for your Diary November Wednesday 6 Thursday 7 Friday 8 Monday 11 Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 Friday 15 Monday 18 Thursday 21 Friday 22 Thursday 28 Friday 29 Teacher Training Day—school closed Start of Term PTA meeting BW 7pm—all welcome Reception Parent Tour @ BW 11am Bikeability Course Year 6 @ PP Groups 1 and 2 Bikeability Course Year 6 @ PP Groups 3 and 4 Bikeability Course Year 6 @ BW Reception Parent Tour @ PP 11am Bedtime Stories @ PP and BW 6pm Reception Parent Tour @ BW 11am Bikeability Course Year 6 @ PP Groups 1 and 2 Bikeability Course Year 6 @ PP Groups 3 and 4 Bikeability Course Year 6 @ BW Reception Parent Surgery* Reception Parent Tour @ BW 11am Reception Parent Tour @ PP 11am PTA Christmas Fayre @ PP 5-7pm December Monday 2 Thursday 5 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 Friday 13 Monday 16 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Friday 20 Advent Spiral Reception Parent Tour @ BW 11am Christmas concert FS2 and Key Stage 1 @ BW 9.30am Christmas concert FS2 and Key Stage 1 @ PP 2.00pm Christmas concert FS2 and Key Stage 1 @ PP 9.30am Christmas concert FS2 and Key Stage 1 @ BW 2.00pm Christmas concert Key Stage 2 at Springfield Centre Main Hall 11.00am, 2.00pm and 5.00pm Carol Singing in the town centre at lunchtime Christmas lunch for Key Stage 1 @ PP Christmas lunch at BW Christmas lunch for Key Stage 2 @ PP Christmas Parties School closes at 2.30pm—end of Autumn Term *Reception Parent Surgery for working parents date change—Now on Thursday 21 November and not Wednesday 20th. Please contact the Reception teachers to book an appointment if you would like to attend. Thank you. Fiona Allen Executive Headteacher Gina Cooke Head of School Pound Pill Anthony Welch Head of School Pound Pill
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