echoes - Woodland Christian Church
echoes - Woodland Christian Church
ECHOES Monthly Newsletter of Woodland Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) August 2013 WOODLAND ART FESTIVAL The 2013 Woodland Church Art Festival is around the corner this August 17-18 and we need your help! We will have a sign up board outside the Fellowship Hall where you can sign up for a number of slots and volunteer positions. sign up to volunteer! 859-576-5736 (Steve) Contact Steve and Scotty Coon if you have any questions or would like to 859-277-4070 (home) or EXCITING SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS! Sunday school for children and youth, on break for the summer months, will resume on September 8 (the Sunday following Labor Day). This will be our Fall Kick-off Gathering and we hope you can make it! The Education Committee will provide a breakfast. We are excited to be introducing a new curriculum this year – information to follow in next month’s Echoes. If you’ve ever thought about teaching, now is an excellent time to put that thought into action – contact Lin Stocker at - Lin Stocker TIME TO SING! Choir practice will resume beginning Wednesday, August 14 from 7:30 to 8:30 pm to get a jump-start on music for the fall. If you are a regular, see you then. If you are thinking about singing, please join us! – Joanna Manring A LETTER FROM DOC GENERAL MINISTER AND PRESIDENT General Minister and President Sharon Watkins offers a letter that explains what the adoption of GA 1327, Becoming a People of Grace and Welcoming to All, means in the life of the church. Her letter begins on page 3. GRACE BEFORE DYING Photograph and Quilt Exhibit An exhibit showing will be at Lexington Area Disciples of Christ Churches featuring an inmate hospice program at the Louisiana State Prison in Angola. This exhibit features photographs of the inmate volunteers and hospice patients, along with quilt crafted by them. Anyone working in the reentry field, volunteering in prison ministry, or with a loved one incarcerated will be touched by the spirit of tenderness and caring demonstrated by the individuals participating in this inmate-led program. You may view the exhibit now through August at the locations, dates, and times listed below: Central Christian Church 205 East Short Street Monday – Saturday, July 29 through August 10, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Sundays, July 28 and August 4, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm East Second Street Christian Church 146 Constitution Street August 11 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Woodland Christian Church 530 East High Street Saturday and Sunday, August 17 and 18 from 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm Sunday, August 25 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm 2 AUGUST WORSHIP NOTES Although public school begins in mid-August, because of the Art Festival Weekend and Labor Day Weekend, we will begin our Fall Sunday school on September 8 as our Kick-off Sunday. During the next few Sundays, we continue with our Summer Sermon Series using Marc Gellman’s book, “Always Wear Clean Underwear!: and other ways parents say ‘I Love You.’” On September 8 we resume the use of the lectionary as our worship texts. August 4 “Eat Your Vegetables!” Rev. Dalene Vasbinder preaching August 11 “Don’t Go Swimming Right After You Eat!” Rev. Dalene Vasbinder preaching August 18 “Stand Up Straight” Rev. Dalene Vasbinder preaching August 25 “Share Your Toys!” Rev. Ken McCullough preaching September 1 “Say You’re Sorry!” Rev. Dalene Vasbinder preaching A Note from Dalene In last month’s Echoes, I asked you to pray for our church that was to be gathered at the General Assembly in Orlando. This month, I want to say ‘thank you’ for holding your church in prayer and report, however briefly, on some highlights of that gathering. To capture four days of worship and meetings in one pastor’s column is impossible. When we gather back in September, a few of the first Sundays of Sunday school will focus in depth on some of the resolutions and happenings. Dave and Leigh Carr, Ken McCullough and I will bring you some of those highlights along with DVD clips of some of the worship services. What follows in this column just skims the surface of a well that ran deep with cool refreshing waters: Resolution 1327 – “Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All”: On page 3, you may read a letter from Rev. Sharon Watkins regarding this resolution. What I would like to add is that although some comments were very painful to hear, this Assembly was more civil than any other past ones that I have attended in discussing the welcome and inclusion of people who are gay or lesbian. (We are growing up!) I teared up when a 16 year old came to the mic to speak in favor of the resolution, reminding me of the very capable and loving youth whom will soon be adults running our denomination. Tuesday evening at the beginning of worship: Three members of the NAACP, who were meeting in the same center for their national meeting, came to speak to our Assembly. They brought words of thanks for Rev. Sharon Watkin’s words of support to their assembly earlier that morning. They thanked us for standing in solidarity as together we try to dismantle the sin of racism. Breaking bread together: Each evening’s worship had an air of moving us forward as a denomination, not keeping things ‘as they have always been.’ Music combined sacred hymns, old favorites and new songs sometimes all together in the same piece. In the elevator at my hotel: A young African-American woman gets on the elevator and sees my nametag identifying me as part of the Disciples General Assembly. I notice her nametag identifying her as part of the NAACP convention. She looks at me and smiles, “You’re a Disciple? Cool! So am I! I go to First Christian Church, Columbus!” Join us in September as we share more. As I posted on Facebook, I have never been more proud to be a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) than I was during some of those holy moments in Orlando. Lord, continue to teach us to pray! Dalene 3 LETTER FROM DOC GENERAL MINISTER AND PRESIDENT July 19, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ – Grace and peace to you in the name of the living Christ who lives and moves among us, who calls us to the Table, then sends us forth to serve. I write to share a word with all Disciples congregations following an important vote at the 2013 Orlando General Assembly. In these days following assembly, my heart is prayerful; my spirit hopeful; and my love for our church is strong. Surely, God has given Disciples a blessing and a mission for wholeness, welcoming all to the Lord’s Table of reconciliation and love. That blessing and mission for Disciples begins in a congregation. In congregations we come forward and make or reaffirm our confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There we are baptized, our babies are dedicated, we are married and our parents buried. Our faith is nurtured and sometimes challenged in a beloved community of other Disciples we know and love. We extend the blessing as we join hands with other Disciples congregations to share God’s love in our communities and around the world. We offer words and prayers of comfort and challenge, as well as handson help, to our neighbor in times of need. In many diverse ways, we learn the story of Jesus and invite others to walk in his love. The recent vote to “adopt” Resolution GA1327, Becoming a People of Grace and Welcome to All, has significance for the Church, but it is important to recognize the nature of that significance. The intent of the resolution is to urge Disciples to welcome into our congregations and other ministries all who seek Christ. It serves as a reminder that among Disciples we do not bar the church door or fence the table from those who desire the embrace of God’s love. Here is what this “Sense of the Assembly” resolution is not: v It is not a statement of “unwelcome” for Disciples who did not support the resolution. All who confess faith in Jesus Christ are welcome. All means all. v It is not a policy change. The congregation where you worship and serve will not be requested to establish (or change) a policy on gay or lesbian persons in the life of the Church. The region where your congregation is affiliated is not required to change its policies on ordination. Your pastor is not required to bless same-gender marriages. v It is not a theological mandate. It does not say that we have the same biblical understanding of sexual orientation or gender identity. Disciples, prayerfully and with biblical study and other research, come to their own understanding on these matters. This resolution does, however, carry symbolic importance in the life of our Church. It reminds us that our baptism into the living Christ continues to be our common ground. It points out that within the broad membership of Disciples, among the many congregations in covenant with each other, there have always been gay and straight, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender persons who participate fully in the life and leadership of the church. It urges us to treat each other with gospel hospitality as we seek to understand each other better. (cont’d on page 4) 4 My deepest hope is that, in the coming weeks and months, with God’s help, we will continue in worship and mission together even when we profoundly disagree – as we have so often done before – recognizing that it is God’s covenant of love that binds us to God and to one another1 in Christ. My prayer is that together we will continue to witness to God’s gift of reconciliation and wholeness before the brokenness of the world. United though not uniform, diverse but not divided, let us name our differences, then claim our common calling to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ who came “that the world might be saved”. (John 3:17) Your sister in Christ, The Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins General Minister and President Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada 1 The Preamble to the Design of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) TRUSTEES Trustees have scheduled a Work Day for Saturday, August 10, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. We plan to work on several jobs within the building including tasks for return start-up of Sunday School classes and Village Montessori for the fall, sort and repair mental folding chairs for Fellowship Hall, and insulate around windows and air conditioners to save energy. There are needs outside also, including pickup of limbs and debris and preparing the grounds for the Art Festival taking place the following week. As always, we welcome volunteers. It is a great way to spend part of a Saturday and get to know fellow members and families. We are working on tasks related to the Special Projects approved by the congregation at the June meeting. A new water heater should be installed before mid-August and repairs to nursery restroom will take place sometime this fall. We also plan to have the floors in the nursery and choir room stripped and waxed prior to end of August. In addition, we will be working with June Salyer to renew our Green Chalice certification this year as part of Woodland’s sustainability initiatives. We have good news to share with the congregation. Everyone remembers we had the front porch demolished and reconstructed this past fall. Since Woodland is part of the historic district, we were eligible to apply for a tax credit with the Kentucky Heritage Council to help with the expenses. Trustees completed and submitted the application to KHC this spring and the church received an award letter earlier this month with an approximate net value of $2,600 from the state. Finally, we welcome Jon Clay to the Trustees team. Jon and his family joined Woodland earlier this spring and we appreciate his eager involvement. Welcome Jon! – Craig Locke OPEN CIRCLE At our regular meeting on August 7 at 2:00pm, Open Circle will continue the study of the travels and lives of the Hebrew people around the time of Moses. There is also a part of the information and study that is about immigration and various forms of human slavery today. It is all quite interesting. Our resource is the “Just Women” magazine Bible study issue. Come and join us for good fellowship and interesting reflections. – Jackie Diachun BOARD AND CABINET RETREAT PLANNING MEETING – AUGUST 24 Board and Cabinet members will come together on Saturday, August 24 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Walnut Hill Church, 575 Walnut Hill Road, Lexington. 5 JOY LOOKS FOR BLUEBIRD On August 21, JOY group is going to Stanford to have lunch at the Bluebird Café. There will also be a stop at the local drugstore to meet friends of Margaret Ryle who are the owners. Margaret and her husband, Elmore, once served a church in Stanford so she can share some stories about the town with us. Bluebird Café uses local ingredients as much as possible and is interested in caring for the earth. We also may do some sightseeing on the way to and from. Meet at Woodland at 10:00am to join the group. We will return by 3:30pm. Please indicate if you will be joining us on a pew card or tell Del Osborne or Jackie Diachun. – Jackie Diachun GREEN CHALICE NEWS! NEW DEACONS The diaconate is excited to welcome five new deacons: Rachael Deel, Mark Johnson, Kaylen McCullough, Donna Redmon, and Emily Taylor. A special thanks goes out to Donna, who has been serving in this role in an interim basis since March. (She is becoming an expert at the interim thing around here!) Also many thanks to our outgoing deacons: Keisa Bennett, Jimmy Owens, and June Salyer, who finished three years of service, as well as Michael Wells, who completed two years of service and was elected to be an Elder along with Jimmy. Congrats! to both of them. The diaconate received and refreshed his or her training on July 28, so everyone is ready to serve. – Keisa Bennett DID YOU KNOW? - Woodland recyclers kept over 5 pounds of plastic out of landfills during May and June. Thanks to Craig Locke for keeping the bins from over flowing for these weeks. We are accepting Rechargeable Batteries ONLY. - According to studies by the University of Arizona and Loma Linda University, 97% of consumers never wash their re-useable shopping bags. These bags can be safely washed and air-dried. To avoid cross-contamination researchers advise using each bag for a separate purpose. Woodland bags are available for $2.00 each. Contact Craig Locke, Jannine Baker, or June Salyer to purchase. - Faith Feeds/Glean KY is an organization that helps alleviate hunger in the Bluegrass. Gleaning connects people who grow fruits and vegetables with people who pick up and deliver the produce to churches, organizations, and neighborhoods where the food is distributed to families in need. For more information, go to - June Salyer 2013 PRIDE FESTIVAL Putting the “we welcome all” feeling out there in the community is what we did on Saturday, June 29 for this year’s Lexington Pride Festival. This is the third consecutive year for Woodland having a booth at this annual event. We gave away over 12 gallons of ice cold water, candy for the humans and treats (and water) for our four-legged friends. The increased number of folks stopping by our booth to ask questions (and some left with a Woodland brochure) surprised us. Despite the HOT temperatures, it was very rewarding to be part of this ministry. A BIG ‘THANK YOU’ goes to our volunteers John Forbes, Jackie Diachun, Donna Redmon, Ed Truax, Beth Parrent, Cheryl Wyatt, George Pinson, Mark Barker, Dalene Vasbinder, Ken McCullough, and Jimmy Owens. We hope that this ministry will continue to show everyone that there is a place for everyone at Woodland Christian Church – Jimmy Owens 6 WHO’S IN THE PEWS Nancy McKenney themselves and prayerfully make up their own minds about issues. She greatly values the church’s emphasis on reaching out to those in need through members’ support of Habitat for Humanity, God’s Pantry, and the HOPE Center. Most of all, she loves the way Woodland functions as an extended family and provides opportunities for people who are younger or newer to the faith to learn from the lives and deeds of respected, beloved senior members of the congregation. Nancy came to Woodland in 1975 as a U.K. graduate student in library science. She was seeking a church, having been a Disciple of Christ since childhood. Her parents, Mabel Gumm McKenney (died in 2007), and We are grateful for Nancy, her gifts, and support. her father, Bill McKenney, who lives in Richmond, Kentucky, suggested she visit Woodland. She did WOODLAND’S E-ADDRESSES and very much-liked sermons by Rev. Ray Cameron and the music program led by organist/choir director Dalene: Ann Smith. Nancy was a student member until 1977 Linda: when she moved to Campbellsville, Kentucky to Joanna: work as librarian at Campbellsville College. Ainsley: Returning to Lexington in 1981, she worked on a Youth: masters and a Ph.D. in musicology at U.K. She has Finance: been a member of Woodland every since then. Parking: Art Festival: Nancy is an elder and choir member. She served on the diaconate, the board, and as a member of the Birthday Cupcakes Music, Outreach, and Worship committees. She feels she is living a triple life: librarian by day and Will follow worship on Sunday August 4. Come performing musician and social activist nights and and join us to sing “Happy Birthday” to: weekends. She has been a librarian at EKU since Betsy Rains, 8/3 1985. She is principal cellist in the Lexington Janice James, 8/10 Community Orchestra and also plays for weddings Izzy Karrick, 8/10 and church services. For 10 years, she has been Kacey Ball, 8/13 president of Central Kentucky Chapter of the Million Bob McFalls, 8/14 Mom March, a nationwide organization working for Rhonda Greer, 8/14 stronger gun laws to protect children. She is also Margaret Ryle, 8/14 active in the American Association of University Erin Spring, 8/14 Professors (AAUP) and was recently elected to their Jackson Stocker, 8/15 national council. She is completing a four-year term Trish Stover, 8/17 as the Faculty Representative to the Kentucky Katherine Ladd, 8/18 Council on Postsecondary Education, having been Clay Rains, 8/18 appointed by Gov. Steve Beshear in September 2009. Ed Truax, 8/19 Ben Rains, 8/21 Nancy has three furry friends: Paula, an adopted Dave Woods, 8/22 Sheltie-mix; Penelope, a streetwise black cat, and Phyllis Crume, 8/29 Fiona, a 3-legged tabby cat. She appreciates the Ellen Riggle, 8/29 unconditional love and faithfulness of her pets. Dave Carr, 8/31 Mollie Stocker, 8/31 Nancy has always appreciated Woodland as a place Scott Stocker, 8/31 where people are welcomed, loved, and accepted as they are and members are encouraged to think for
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