October Newsletter 2014 - Coeur d`Alene School District
October Newsletter 2014 - Coeur d`Alene School District
The Woodland Word on the web at: www.woodland-cdasd-id.schoolloop.com Woodland Middle School 2101 St. Michelle Ave. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 October 2014 Volume 3 Issue 1 Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members! School Phone Numbers Main Office 208.667.5996 Phone 208.667.5997 Fax What a great start to the 2014-2015 school year. Our custodians, maintenance crews, and painting personnel have prepared Woodland Middle School to once again be the best educational learning environment in Coeur d’Alene. Our 6th grade orientation and 7th & 8th grade open house proved to be a huge success! One of the ways that we measure success is through parent involvement. You certainly have shown great support to your children, the school, and the district. Principal: Dave Serwat Vice Principal: Heather Somers Counselors: Jaime Valenzuela Corey Brown We, Heather and I, thank all of you for your efforts in ensuring students arrive on time to school. Students who are tardy interrupt instructional time, and students are held accountable for their tardiness. It is also as important that students are not arriving too early to school. This places students in an environment with no supervision. Our day starts with our 1st period advisory class. This class is as important as every other. This is a time when students are engaged in enrichment and remediation classes. Our dedicated teachers have worked very hard in ways to help all students learn. The enrichment program encourages students to take “elective” style classes. Some of these include: rocketry, robotics, jazz band, WWII history, and etc. Our enrichment teachers are excited to offer these courses to your students. Inside this issue: Woodland Middle School is continuing its push on the anti-bullying campaign. We piloted the Olweus anti-bullying practices in our schools last year and brought the other two middle schools on board this year. We (the staff) feel there has been a more positive climate change here and encourage you to discuss the anti-bullying class meetings with your student(s). Important Dates 2 Counselors’ Corner 2 Club 2:40 3 Bully Prevention 3 PTA News 4 Here’s to a great start! Lunch Menu 5 Dave Serwat and Heather Somers Administration Woodland Middle School PTA Membership Form 6 Our volleyball and cross country coaches are excited to start another year! Athletics and after school clubs are an important part of helping students achieve success and confidence. Keep up the great effort and GO WOODLAND! I would like to end this month’s Administrative Message with reminder about parking lot safety. Many students receive rides to school due to walking distances. Our parking lot can become quite congested and at times, overwhelming. I encourage you to ride the bus when possible, carpool, and have students walk to school in a group to alleviate parking lot woes. Please do not drop students off on Kathleen Ave. IMPORTANT DATES Page 2 Congratulations to all of our volleyball and crosscountry participants for a great kick-off to the fall season of Grizzly sports! Thurs., Oct. 2 Fri., Oct. 3 Wed., Oct. 8 Fri., Oct. 10 Tues., Oct. 14 Fri., Oct. 17 Sat., Oct. 18 Mon., Oct. 20 Mon., Nov. 3 Fri., Nov. 7 Mon., Nov. 10 National Custodian’s Day NO SCHOOL PTA Meeting in cafeteria at 9:00 a.m. Club 2:40 Begins—paperwork must be turned in to office prior to participating in program. 7th/8th Volleyball & Cross Country Pictures @ 2:45 Progress Reports emailed home PICTURES RETAKES—bring picture packet back to photographer Volleyball PlayDay—7th grade @ Canfield—8 am - 8th grade @ Woodland—9 am Bully Prevention Training at WMS—3pm to 5pm Bully Prevention Training at WMS—3pm to 5pm Harvest Dance! 6pm-8pm in gym Veteran’s Day Assembly in gym at 9:30 am Counselors’ Corner Grizz Wear is available online at www.Riversto neApparel.net *All proceeds directly benefit Woodland students! Many Woodland students come to school Monday morning extremely hungry because they've had little to eat over the weekend. The teachers, staff and students at Woodland want to address this problem, but we need your help. Beginning October 7th—October 17th, Woodland will be involved in the Woodland Family Food Drive. This food will be reserved for those students who need food for the weekend. We will gather the donations in the students 1st period Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri.,. The 1st period class that brings the most food will receive a party with treats. At the end of the day on Friday, our more than eager recipients will take the backpacks home. On Monday morning, they'll return the backpacks for a refill on Friday. Here are some examples of foods that we are looking for: peanut butter, canned vegetables, noodles, tuna, mac n cheese, Spam, canned fruits, cereal, crackers, spaghetti sauce, and canned chicken. All kid-friendly nonperishable food will work though. Thank you so much. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. *** If your family is in need of assistance and this program would benefit you, please contact one of the counselors at Woodland and we would be happy to assist you. Page 3 For the safety of our students, please make sure to call the office at (208) 667-5996 by 10:00 am if your student will be absent! The Coeur d’Alene School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, (40 or older), genetic information, veteran status or disability in any educational programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance or in employment practices. The District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance with this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to the Director of Special Services or Director of Human Resources at the District Administrative Center, 1400 N. Northwood Center Ct., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 838142472, (208) 664-8241. Club 240 is starting!!! Beginning October 8, CLUB 240 CDA4Kids runs MondayThursday from 2:45pm to 4:15pm. CLUB 240 provides: Snacks, Recreation, Academics, Adventure & Enrichment Activities, Service Projects & Bussing home. CLUB 240 is FREE. In order to participate, please fill out the registration form found on the District website under Programs-CDA4Kids/ CLUB 240 or on our WMS website at www.cdaschools.org/ Woodland. You may also pick up paperwork in the school office. Bullying Prevention Program All schools deal with the issue of bullying. Woodland Middle School is taking proactive steps to stop and prevent bullying by adopting the Olweus bullying Prevention Program. This research-based schoolwide “systems-change” program has been used successfully in schools all over the country and around the world with positive results. This program is not a curriculum that students participate in for only a few weeks. Rather, it is a coordinated effort by all the adults in the school to supervise and intervene when any bullying happens. As part of the program, students participate in weekly class meetings to learn about the effects of bullying, what they can do about it, and how they can work with adults at school to put a stop to it even as bystanders. Parents will have meetings, too, so they can support the messages students are getting in school. Implementing to Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is a long-term commitment to making Woodland Middle School a safer, more positive place to be. For more information about the program and/or ways to become involved, contact Heather Somers at (208) 667-5996 or hsomers@cdaschools.org . The following training dates are open to Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Monday, October 20th - 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at WMS Monday October 3rd - 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at WMS PTA Corner PTA NEWS www.woodlandpta1998@gmail.com Hey there! Welcome to the first PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) News Corner for the 2014-2015 School Year! It’s hard to fathom that summer is gone and fall is here! Hopefully getting back into the daily routine for school hasn’t been too painful. We are glad to have you here at Woodland and would like to take a moment to fill you in on the happenings in October! For starters, let me introduce the board of directors for this year’s PTSA. We have two returning members, Dione Froderberg (President), and Heidi Reasor (Treasurer). We are excited to welcome Jenny Duncan (Vice President) and want to confess loudly (can you here me?), that we have a vacant spot for Secretary that we would so like to fill. If you are interested in this position and would like more details, please contact us TODAY at WoodlandPTA1998@gmail.com. If you have a flare for fundraising, contact us too! Not interested in fundraising or secretary? No worries, there are still many ways to get involved! Simply visit our newly remodeled webpage on Woodland’s Website under PTA and you will find a complete list of volunteer opportunities! Attending our next PTSA meeting, October 8 @ 9:00 am, and/or joining PTA is yet another way to get involved in your child’s education. You can make a difference, so come get involved! Have you heard that Grizz Wear is a whole different animal this school year? What I mean is everything about Grizz Wear has changed from the way it looks to the way you order it! We have 4 new Woodland Logo’s, hats - flat bill, regular bill & camouflage and Junior and Young Men’s sizes now. You seriously need to check out this new Grizz Wear!!! Visit www.RiverstoneApparel.net to both view and purchase your Grizz Wear TODAY! All orders are processed on the 22nd of each month through the Riverstone Apparel website, then delivered to Woodland on the 30 th. I’ve got to wrap this up quickly; I’m running out of room but so much more to tell you, so excuse my brevity! Recall that EVERY Wednesday at lunchtime JAMBA JUICE is sold. It’s not too late to purchase a Jamba Juice Card; 11 Jamba’s for just $30.00 or purchase 1 for $3.00! It’s time to start bringing in those BOX TOPs! Hopefully you never stopped clipping them over the summer! This school year we will have TWO BOX TOP contests! The two contest dates are as follows: October 1-24 and February 1-20! This year we will give away up to $200.00 in prizes! Stay tuned into Woodland One for prize details! So here’s how it works: drop off your BOX TOPS in a sealed envelope or baggie MARKED with their NAME and GRADE to the office. Please ensure that Name & Grade are clearly visible! This is a great way to raise money for our school! Happy Box Tops collecting, I can’t wait to see how many BOX Tops our school brings in! GO GRIZZLIES! Until next time, here is a thought to discuss with your budding teen! “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” ~Helen Keller LOOK HERE FOR DATES TO REMEMBER: October 8 @ 9:00 am - PTA Meeting in Cafeteria October 1-24 and February 1-20 - BOX TOP Contests Deadline 22nd of each month - Grizz Wear Order For current happenings join our Facebook page – Woodland PTA! Join our team! Now that school is back in session, are you missing the pitter-patter of children's feet during the day? We've got a great opportunity for you to come and work with our 10,000 students in the nutrition services department. Working in Nutrition Services is a great fit for parents with children in the district as you only work when school is in session and can be home with them on holidays and weekends! If you are interested in applying, click here to connect to the application and for details as to where to drop it off. Get in the Game with School Lunch To recognize the National School Lunch Program and the 30 million children it serves every day, Coeur d'Alene schools will recognize National School Lunch Week from October 13-17, 2014. The theme, “Get in the Game with School Lunch” will feature events and activities that promote the importance of balancing healthy eating with physical activity and exercise. National School Lunch Week will emphasize the healthy foods that are offered daily. School lunches are healthier than ever, with more fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, and less fat and sodium. National School Lunch Week is the perfect time to celebrate all of the healthy options we’re serving every day in our schools!