Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge


Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Table of contents
Vertical peeler centrifuge, VZU
Process advantages 4
Fine chemicals characterisitics
Centrifuge controls
Process automation
Dimensions and weights 11
Technical data
Test centers
Services 13
Company profile
Product lines
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
The Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical basket
centrifuge has been specifically designed for processing intermediate
products in the pharmaceutical and
fine chemicals industry.
The requirements established for minimum
product loss, such as optimal cleaning ability, minimum dead zone design, and inspection capability, are all fulfilled in this
development. Operating benefits include flexibility to adapt
to a wide variety of product requirements,
solids washing, and optimized solids discharge. In addition, the vibration damping
system developed for this unit using three
column supports is superior to the old stan-
Processing parameters
Main applications
Batch-type filtration or sedimentation
Basket diameter
1,000, 1,250, 1,600 mm
Basket volume
250-1,000 l
Filter area
2.0-5.0 m²
Solids content
from 3 % by wt.
Average particle size
5-500 μm
Solids throughput
up to 7 t/h
Wash efficiency
Solids recovery
almost 100%
dard and results in smooth operation and
minimal downtime for maintenance.
Krauss-Maffei vertical peeler centrifuge, VZU 1250
Amino acids
Crop protection chemicals
Fine chemicals
Pharmaceutical intermediates
Materials of construction:
Various grades of stainless steel
Nickel-based alloys
Special metals with or without lining
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Process advantages
Simple assembly and maintenance
Homogeneous product distribution
Reduced space requirement
Machines delivered full assembled, quick-
Product distribution independent of the
due to the improved machine geometry on
action closure rings, hydraulically operated
slurry concentration and flow rate, using the
the one hand, and the vertical filtrate dis-
cover hinge, housing cover opens fully.
dynamic feed system.
charge on the other hand. This allows a simpler and more space-saving arrangement of
Efficient product discharge
Result-oriented machine control
due to optimized discharge geometry and
With continuous measurement of:
pneumatic residual heel removal.
• Filtration resistance
• Feed level
Minimum product loss
Design contains a minimum of installed
parts. Nitrogen supply for residual heel removal is integrated into the scraper arm.
Open design for solids discharge.
Solids discharge outlet
• Filtration performance
• Submersion point of the liquid
the filtrate discharge pipes.
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Fine chemicals characteristics
The entire process area boasts generous
This allows inspection of the entire process
Cleaning-in-place (CIP)
radii. Parts are installed from the inside and
area and also exposes the solids dis-
When changing the product, the equipment
sealed with an exposed O-ring. The solids
charge chute. As an option, CIP nozzles are
has to be cleaned to such an extent that
discharge chute beneath the basket ex-
arranged in such a way that the cleaning
there can be no contamination between the
tends in a kidney-shaped design over the
agent can reach all areas effectively. The
product batches. Users require fully auto-
entire cross-section, thus avoiding dead
housing can be completely flooded, provid-
matic cleaning with verifiable cleaning effect.
zones and making it difficult for product de-
ing efficient cleaning. Operation of the ma-
ANDRITZ KMPT develops an effective CIP
posits to form. For inspection purposes, the
chine is automatic and fully enclosed. There
program in cooperation with the operators
hinged cover of the centrifuge opens in an
is no contact between the product and the
and users. This generally comprises:
upward direction.
operating personnel, nor the environment. Pre-cleaning:
In a first step, the solvent is fed in through
the cleaning nozzles at reduced speed.
Main cleaning:
All discharge pipes from the centrifuge are
closed. The centrifuge is filled with solvent.
The speed and the direction of rotation vary
according to a defined program. As a result
of this „washing machine effect“, the machine is cleaned efficiently.
Final cleaning:
The machine is rinsed again by the cleaning
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Advancements in control and instru-
mentation enable enhanced flexible
During the feed process the slurry is fed into
After the main filtration process, the cake is
and result-oriented operation of dis-
the centrifuge basket through the feed dis-
often washed once or several times. For this
continuous filter centrifuges.
tributor. This usually takes place in several
purpose a wash liquid is fed into the bas-
In applications in the chemical and
stages so that the slurry does not flow
ket trough the feed pipe or, in the event of
pharmaceutical industries the individ-
over the basket rim. The feed level is meas-
bad washing conditions, trough a wash
ual cycle times for feeding, filtering,
ured by a feed controller. This determines
pipe. The level of the wash liquid is con-
washing and peeling vary from just 3
the filling level by a mechanical or contact-
trolled by the feed controller in the same
minutes to several hours. The individ-
free method, using ultrasonic means for ex-
way as in the feed process. Wash filtration is
ual process steps are adjusted flexibly
ample. Usually the basket is filled up to
completed when the wash liquid has sub-
to the existing processing conditions.
approx. 75-85% of the height of the
merged into the filter cake.
basket rim. The process is completed when
the filter cake has attained the desired
Dry spinning
height. The special feature of Krauss-Maffei
After completion of the wash procedure, the
vertical basket centrifuges is the dynamic
centrifuge is accelerated to full speed. The
feed system developed by ANDRITZ KMPT.
spinning process continues until the
The advantage of this system is that it com-
desired residual moisture content is
pensates for fluctuating flow rates and con-
obtained in the filter cake.
centrations. It is also possible to use
conventional feed pipes as an option.
The main filtration process takes place concurrently with feeding. It is completed when
the slurry submerges into the filter cake.
Feeding with static nozzle
Feeding with rotating distributor
Residual heel removal
Bearing cartridge
At the beginning of the peeling procedure
In order to protect the filter media a thin
The bearings and main shaft assembly can
the centrifuge basket is reduced to the re-
layer of filter cake remains in the filter bas-
be removed easily as a single unit, thus the
quired speed. The peeler knife moves radi-
ket. This layer is called the residual heel and
bearings can be replaced in a remote main-
ally into the filter cake and peels off the
is used as an additional filter medium. The
tenence shop instead of on the production
cake. In order to to achieve peeling over the
residual heel is removed pneumatically by
entire height of the basket, the peeler knife
the peeling device using compressed nitro-
is moved downwards radially. The peeling
gen. A further special feature of Krauss-
Shaft seal
device then moves in again to clean the
Maffei vertical peeler centrifuges: The nitro-
The shaft seal has a cartridge design for
basket bottom. The filter cake removed
gen is fed in through the shaft of the peeling
easy assembly and disassembly. If only the
drops directly into the solids shaft, which ex-
device. This ensures that there are no hoses
shaft seals need replacement, the old seal
tends across almost the entire circumfer-
in the process area. can be removed and replaced without hav-
ence of the lower basket surface. Plugging
and caking are minimized with this design.
ing to dismount the shaft and bearing.
The Krauss-Maffei vertical peeler centrifuge
has been designed to make operation and
maintenance easy. The primary goal is to
keep operating and maintenance costs
down. Peeling
Residual heel removal
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Centrifuge controls
Result-oriented control
Ultrasonic feed controller (UFKR)
In order to deal with frequent product
Only Krauss-Maffei centrifuges are fitted
changes, Krauss-Maffei vertical peeler cen-
with the ANDRITZ KMPT patented contact-
trifuges are equipped with appropriate
free ultrasonic feed controller. An ultrasonic
measurement and control systems. The fol-
sensor emits a measuring signal in the di-
lowing parameters are measured continu-
rection of the charge in the basket. The ul-
trasonic signal reflected by the charge is
Filling level in the basket
picked up by a sensor and evaluated by the
Filtration speed
control electronics. When using different sol-
Submersion point of the liquid into the fil-
vents, a reference measurement guarantees
ter cake
compensation of different sound velocities.
The values measured are analyzed by the
control electronics, and the process parameters, such as feed time, dry spinning time,
wash time, and so on, are adapted to optimum benefit. The unit is controlled on a result-oriented basis. For optimized feed level
detection, ANDRITZ KMPT recommends
the following feed controller:
Contact-free measurement avoids
splashing and caking.
Analog and continuous level detection
measurement of the liquid and the
cake height.
Analog value can be stored in electronic form.
No mechanical adjustments at machine, feed height is determined in
process parameter recipe.
No wear on the sensor and consequently, no contamination of the
product with metal abrasion.
Process automation
Perfection in process engineering requires
Automation of machines
Machinery directives, ATEX, hazardous lo-
perfection in process automation.
Individual adaptation – we can incorporate
cation regulations – there are many regula-
The superior performance of our process
the automation concepts for our machine
tions to be met at the plant site. We are
equipment is based on perfecting the interface
into your existing control system.
there to serve as your knowledgeable advi-
between equipment hardware, electrical com-
sor for the safety of your plant.
ponents, electronics, informatics, and process
Custom concepts
know-how to create an all-encompassing cus-
We provide an individually designed service
tom-tailored solution for each application. Using
package to fit your specification – from the
intelligent sensors and state-of-the-art commu-
control of individual units, to incorporation into
nication systems, we control and monitor our
existing control systems or automation of
machines on a result-oriented basis.
complete plants ready for operation.
Your benefits:
Enhanced equipment performance
Consistent high product quality
Reduced consumption of utilities
Optional status diagnostics
Based on your quality assurance program,
we prepare all the required documents for
validation and qualification of the automation software and hardware. Our extensive
know-how, profound experience, and innovative drive qualify us as your partner for validation of our equipment to meet your
production needs.
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Rotation of a centrifuge basket not
Important installation criteria are:
only generates the centrifugal forces
necessary to separate solids from liquids, but also high dynamic forces due
to the acceleration of substantial
masses, such as the weight of the
Keep all supply and discharge lines short
and with a maximum possible gradient.
basket and its filling with product.
Uneven distribution of the product inside the
The feed pressure should be around 0.5
All attachments to the centrifuge must be
flexible. ■
Provide for fast draining of all pipes either
basket creates imbalance forces that are
by venting or pressure compensation in
transmitted to the structure supporting the
closed loop systems.
on the structure to a minimum, the centrifuge is best mounted on a damping system supported by spring and damper
elements. Install sight glasses and sample ports in
all supply and discharge lines.
In order to keep the dynamic forces acting
Provide vertical solids drop without crosssectional restrictions.
Krauss-Maffei VZU vertical centrifuge
Dimensions and weights
VZU 1000/2.0
VZU 1250/3.2
Technical data
Basket inside
VZU 1000/2.0
VZU 1250/3.2
1) Basis: Density of saturated filter cake 1,250 kg/m³ at T=50°C
All technical data are approximate and subject to change without notice.
Test centers
Test center in Vierkirchen, Germany
Production works in Florence, USA
Based on these tests, we will provide
equipped test centers in Germany
a complete report which will recommend
and the USA, offering both bench and
the best solution for your solid/liquid sepa-
pilot scale equipment.
ration process, including scale-up informa-
Our experienced engineers will consult with
tion for the production equipment. you to determine the equipment most appropriate for your product, then will per-
We can also assist in running long-term tri-
form the necessary trials to optimize the
als at your site with equipment from our
operating conditions for your process.
rental machine pool.
Refurbished equipment
Spare parts
Our goal is to provide our customers
Repairs and maintenance
24-hour on-call service
with fast and reliable service, from the
Our service centers are ready to provide you
You can reach our skilled and experienced
first process consultation throughout
with regularly scheduled maintenance or
service team around the clock.
the entire service life of your ANDRITZ
emergency service at your site. Our experts
KMPT process equipment.
provide assistance including assembly
Maintenance contracts
To assist our global customer base, we op-
work, installation support, commissioning,
We offer you tailor-made, long-term con-
erate service facilities around the world
upgrades, repair work, and optimization of
tracts for preventive maintenance of your
staffed with experienced, dedicated service
your process conditions.
Advisory service
Customer training
Spare parts
Our customer service team is ready to an-
We train your operating personnel during
We keep over 6,000 different spare parts
swer any question concerning machine
commissioning of the plant. In addition, we
and components in stock for you. Our ser-
safety, equipment upgrades, and process
also offer you seminars for maintenance and
vice centers in the USA, the UK, Italy,
operation of our entire line of process equip-
France, and China, for example, main-
ment. This training can be conducted at our
tain their own spare parts stock to enable
Installation and commissioning
faster delivery to your plant site.
Our experienced service personnel assists
you with the installation and start-up of your
Reconditioned units
We maintain a select stock of reconditioned
units available for fast delivery from our fa-
Remote diagnostics
cility. All machines are fully disassembled, in-
Using modern communications and diag-
spected and reconditioned by replacing
nostic systems, our customer service is able
worn or damaged parts. A final test run val-
to offer even faster and more efficient sup-
idates the mechanical guarantee we provide
port. Via remote access our specialists re-
with our refurbished equipment. With our
ceive information on the operating condition
factory reconditioned units you gain produc-
of your machine and carry out fault diag-
tion capacity quickly with minimal capital in-
noses. Maximum data security is of course
guaranteed at all times. We only access the
data from your machine when you give your
specific approval for us to do so.
site or yours.
Company profile
The ANDRITZ GROUP is a globally leading
ANDRITZ SEPARATION is one of the lead-
ANDRITZ KMPT has been a world leader
supplier of plants and services for the hy-
ing global suppliers of plants, equipment,
and innovator in the chemical process in-
dropower, pulp and paper, metals, and
and services for mechanical and thermal
dustry for over 75 years. The extensive ex-
other specialized industries. The Group is
solid/liquid separation (coal, ore and mineral
perience of our engineers comes from
headquartered in Graz, Austria, and has a
processing, chemical, petrochemical, and
testing more than 3,000 products and put-
staff of approximately 16,100 employees
food industries). The business area’s field of
ting over 9,000 applications to work. Over
worldwide. ANDRITZ operates over 120
activity covers design and manufacture of
500 patents demonstrate our capacity for
production sites, service, and sales compa-
key components (centrifuges, filter presses,
innovation. This extensive knowledge gov-
nies all around the world.
rotating filters, drying plants), as well as
erns our process and equipment recom-
erection and start-up of turnkey plants, in-
mendations, all tailored to meet our
cluding automation, safety engineering, and
customers’ requirements with an optimum
in performance and cost.
Product lines
Krauss-Maffei centrifuges
With horizontal peeler centrifuges known for
reliability, pharma centrifuges designed to
meet highest quality standards, innovative
vertical basket centrifuges and continuously
operating pusher centrifuges, ANDRITZ
KMPT has the capability to handle a broad
range of separation applications in the
chemicals, pharmaceuticals and environmental industries.
Krauss-Maffei filters
For vacuum or pressure filtration, our rotary
drum and disc filters combine high yield with
low production costs in the processing of
chemicals, plastics and minerals. ■
Krauss-Maffei dryers Batch drying in our conical mixer dryer with
helical mixing assembly or continuous drying
of free-flowing materials in our plate dryer –
we offer the right choice of dryers for fine
chemical and pharmaceutical producers.
ANDRITZ KMPT process systems
We apply our experience and expertise to
create fully functional processing modules
including peripherals and automation, saving the customer from having to deal with
multiple vendors. ANDRITZ KMPT provides
all the detailed engineering and reduces installation time with pre-assembled systems.
ANDRITZ stands for ultimate know-how in
solid/liquid separation. Our decade-long
background in this field and comprehensive technology offering enable us to supply
our customers with the best solution
for each application, whether in municipal or
industrial sewage sludge treatment, the
chemical or food industry, or for preparation of minerals and ores.
Industriestrasse 1-3
85256 Vierkirchen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)8139 80299 - 0
Stattegger Strasse 18
8045 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 (316) 6902 0
All data, information, statements, photographs and graphic illustrations made in this leaflet are without any obligation and raise no liabilities to or form part of any sales contracts of
ANDRITZ AG or any affiliates for equipment and/or systems referred to herein. © ANDRITZ AG 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, modified
or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ANDRITZ AG or its affiliates. Any such unauthorized use
for any purpose is a violation of the relevant copyright laws. ANDRITZ AG, Stattegger Strasse 18, 8045 Graz, Austria