At First - First Presbyterian Church Bloomsburg
At First - First Presbyterian Church Bloomsburg
At First December 2014 A Monthly Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church, Bloomsburg MERRY CHRISTMAS! From the Staff at FPC: Steve, Helen, Lisa, Holly, Harry, and Joyce I N S I D E T H I S FAITH GUIDES I S S U E : Happenings at First 1 From Pastor Steve 2 Breakfast news 3 Church Calendar 4 Mission News/ Christmas Joy Offering 5 Presbyterian Women 6 Staff and Church Duties 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries 8 ATTENTION ALL MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS! ANNUAL REPORTS ARE DUE BY JANUARY 8. THANK YOU! Join all of us at First Presbyterian Church this Advent season as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. Nov. 30 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship, lighting the First Advent Candle Dec. 4&5 CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT CONCERTS - 7:30 p.m. both nights Bloomsburg University Choirs will present their annual Christmas Concerts under the direction of Dr. Alan Baker and Dr. Amelia Garbisch in our church sanctuary. Admission is free but you must have a ticket. Dec. 7 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship, lighting the Second Advent Candle, Communion Dec. 8 5:30 p.m. THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS DINNER - Please call the church office to make your reservations. Gifts for Danville State Hospital residents will be received. Suggested gift items include: socks, watches, or phone cards. Join us for some delicious food and desserts (pies, etc.) as we begin the Christmas season. Dec. 14 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship, lighting the Third Advent Candle Dec. 21 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship, lighting the Fourth Advent Candle. During worship we will receive the Christmas Joy Offering to assist Presbyterian- affiliated racial ethnic schools and colleges. Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Worship 7:15 p.m. Pre-Service Music. Come enjoy the sounds of carols and serenity of sanctuary. 7:30 p.m. Worship, lighting the Christ Candle (please note new time) Dec. 28 9:30 a.m. - 4th Sunday Breakfast in Fellowship Hall 10:30 a.m. Worship Nursery care for infants through age 3 is provided at all our services. Sunday morning services include Worship Workshop for children ages 4—grade 3. Page 2—December 2014 HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER Once again, I would like to express my joy in being back with all of you again through this time of transition. There is so much going on here at First Pres. that I want to make sure we don’t miss a single event. So, please take a look through this newsletter to see and learn about all that is happening in and around our church this Advent and Christmas Season. Just to highlight: Our 4th Sunday Breakfasts are back and I’d love to break bread with you all this Sunday, November 30th. Helen is stringing the lights and the Deacons are gearing up and getting ready to decorate the church and light the candles once more. Presbyterian Women are preparing their annual dinner at which they hope to see many of the ladies of the church in attendance, the university choruses will soon be visiting to share their great gifts of music, and there are numerous giving opportunities this Advent season and you will read about a couple of those in the pages ahead. Advent and Christmas Eve lighters and readers are being assembled and this year our Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols will begin at 7:30 p.m. (one half hour later) so please, please mark that on your calendars. All that information and many more items, activities, and events are featured in the pages of this newsletter, so please check them out and I look forward to sharing this wonderful and blessed season with you all. - Steve LGBT WORKSHOP First Presbyterian is hosting a workshop, "Respectful and Effective Conversations about LGBT Equality" on November 30, from 1-3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. A light lunch will be provided. One on one conversations can be a simple, but powerful tool for social change -- knowing what to say can be a challenge. Learn what you need to know about LGBT realities and get tips for holding effective conversations. It is important to be able to put our faith and values into action and to speak powerfully and effectively, but with love and respect, to others even when we disagree. Ammon Ripple MLS M.Div, Faith Organizer from Equality Pennsylvania, will facilitate the workshop. A graduate of Union Theological Seminary in New York City, Ammon is the VicePresident of the Open and Affirming Coalition in the United Church of Christ. If you would like to attend please let the church office know. MEMORIAL FLOWERS UPDATE Thank you to all who continue to donate Sanctuary flowers in memory of, honor of, and to the Glory of God. After each Sunday service, the flowers are delivered to shut-ins, hospital patients, and people with birthdays and anniversaries. It helps to brighten their day. As of January 1, 2015, the price of the flowers will increase from $24.00 to $26.00. Please help us continue this ministry to so many of our church family. Thank you! Page 3– December 2014 "EVERY TIME I THINK OF YOU, I GIVE THANKS TO GOD...WITH A HEART FULL OF JOY!" (Philippians 1:3-4). An amazing cooperative effort by many individuals from among various ministries in the church--Presbyterian Women, Mission Ministry, Deacons, Staff, Session, Music Ministry--all helped to make sure the November 15 Northumberland Presbytery meeting ran smoothly. Many thanks for each one who did his or her part to successfully host this meeting. Blessings, Velma A. Burrows, Elder and Host Coordinator *************************************** Dear Friends at First Presbyterian, Thank you for the lovely flowers given to us in memory of Terry’s father, Jack Rynhart. They were greatly appreciated along with the many cards and notes of condolences. We are truly blessed to be part of such a loving and caring congregation. Terry and Jan Rynhart and Family 4TH SUNDAY BREAKFAST Sunday Breakfast! NOVEMBER 30 4TH SUNDAY BREAKFAST DECEMBER 28 (fifth Sunday) Come for 4th Sunday breakfast on November 30, at 9:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you’re interested in helping to cook one month, you can contact Jim Lapinski at Come for the fellowship, come for the good food. It’s 4th Come for 4th Sunday breakfast on Sunday, December 28, at 9:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. If you’re interested in helping to cook one month, you can contact Jim Lapinski at Come for the fellowship, come for the good food. It’s 4th Sunday Breakfast! WORSHIP WORKSHOP Worship Workshop, FPC's version of Sunday School for our younger children, is offered to children from age 4 to 4th grade, during the regular worship service. Following each Sunday's children's message, they will be escorted to the Worship Workshop room for an engaging, Christian learning experience tailored just for them. This time will be spent learning about different aspects of worship, the Bible, and what it means to be a Christian. Activities may include, crafts, songs, games, mission projects, or even short field trips around the church. Children will rejoin their families before the end of worship. Come join us! DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR ADVENT Pick up the advent devotional, “Joy in Jesus” by Jerry Castleman, today. Copies are available in the back of the sanctuary and in the fellowship hall in the literature rack. One per family please. Thank you. Page 4 - December 2014 December 2014 Sunday November 30 9:15 4th Sunday Breakfast Monday 1 Helen and Joyce out of the office Tuesday 2 12:30—5:00 PM BU Concert Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship Wednesday 3 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Trustees 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. LGBT Workshop Deacons setting up for Christmas 7 Communion Traditional 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship 14 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship 6:00 - 9:00 PM Bonnie Crawford Student’s Recitals 8 9 5:30 PM PW Christmas Dinner 7:00 PM Womens 7:30 PM Civic Club Sanctuary Choir Meeting 7:00 PM Ministry Meeting Night 10 15 16 Joyce out of the office 9:30 AM Quilters 4 12:30—5:00 PM BU Concert Choir Rehearsal 5 7:30 PM BU Carols by Candlelight 7:30 PM BU Carols by Candlelight Helen out of the office 17 9:00— 1:00 PM Salvation Army 7:00 PM Service Unit Seasoned Sounds Christmas Distribution 22 9:15 AM Sunday School At First Deadline 23 29 9:15 AM 4th Sunday Breakfast Helen and Joyce out of the office 30 6 11 12 13 9:30 AM - Grace Circle Meeting Helen out of the office 10:00 AM Fellowship Hall reserved for Birthday Party 18 19 20 9:00— 1:00 PM Salvation Army Service Unit Christmas Distribution 9:00— 1:00 PM Salvation Army Service Unit Christmas Distribution 9:00 AM Poinsettias Set-up Helen out of the office 24 25 26 7:30 PM Christmas Eve Service Merry Christmas! Helen and Joyce 4:00 PM Wedding out of the Rynhart/Bensinger office. 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship 28 Saturday 1:30 p.m. Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir 21 Friday 4:30 PM - Eve Circle Meeting 7:00 PM Public Worship 6:00 PM Joint Deacon and Session Meeting Thursday Church Office Closed 27 5:30 PM Rynhart/ Bensinger Wedding Rehearsal 31 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship The January At First Newsletter Deadline is Sunday, December 21, at noon. It will be mailed out on Wednesday, December 31. Page 5 – December 2014 SNOW POLICY When the weather outside gets frightful, here is what we’ll do. When Sunday activities need to be cancelled or delayed tune in to one of the following for information. WHLM – Radio 930 AM WFYY – Radio 106.5 FM WBRE 28 – Television WYOU 22 – Television You can also call the church office and check the church website for updates. Hopefully, we will not have to use these services. Enjoy the winter season! CELEBRATE THE TRUE MEANING OF THE SEASON WITH LIFE-CHANGING GIFTS! The Christmas Joy Offering provides assistance for those who have dedicated their lives to the service of the church and supports racial ethnic leadership development at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges. Follow in the tradition of the wise men, and give this Advent Season. Some Facts: 1. In 2013, Income Supplements from the Board of Pensions helped 304 households. 2. The offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. 3. In 2013, Housing Supplements from the Board of Pensions helped 287 households. WE COOKED AND MANY WERE FED! From: Marilyn Witherup Special thanks to all who helped the mission ministry and the Presbyterian women prepare and serve the Presbytery and the Community Friendship meals last Saturday. Mary Ridgeway directed the food preparation on Friday and on Saturday we served delicious mozzarella chicken with salad and green beans and desserts for both meals. At the Friendship meal we tied a record attendance with 114 sign in people and 30 take outs. Ben Fuller served as the dishwasher in chief and we managed to be done by 1:30 p.m. A special blessing at the Friendship meal were the college student volunteers (whom I attribute to the power of prayer for help!!) and one group of 8 contacted me the Wednesday before the meal. They were willing to help set tables, serve, and clean up and stayed until we were done. I have sent them thank you notes and invited them to Sunday worship services, so if you notice any college students with us on Sundays, please welcome them as God’s messengers! If you would like to order a poinsettia in memory or in honor of a loved one to decorate the sanctuary on Christmas Eve, please hand in the poinsettia order form by Tuesday, December 2. The order forms are in the back of the Sanctuary and in the literature rack in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you. Page 6 - December 2014 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN NEWS from various members CATCH THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT! PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN BANQUET DECEMBER 8, 2014, AT 5:30 PM. We're trying something new for our Christmas dinner this year. We've moved the dinner to ministry night and hope more women can join us and then attend a ministry if they need too. All women in the church are invited. This year we are letting Balzano's do the cooking except for the homemade pies we'll provide for dessert. We will be charging $6.00 for dinner to help defray the cost. Please bring a favorite Christmas ornament that you are willing to share a story about. Contact the church office by Monday, December 1 at 570-784-2322 or Kathy Baker at 570-7846549 to RSVP. CHRISTMAS NEEDS FOR DANVILLE STATE HOSPITAL Danville State Hospital likes to have every patient opening a gift on Christmas morning. The following items are needed: shirts, sweatsuits, socks, underwear, pajamas and nightgowns, Large sizes. Wallets, hats, gloves, watches and puzzle/activity books are also appreciated. Some members of our congregation will be asked to purchase specific items in the color and size for a client with a wish-list. It is wonderful to have a gift that fits because it was bought for you! Often at Christmas patients need specific items that are not pledged. Hospital volunteers must buy them so financial contributions are appreciated. Donated funds are also used for refreshments at holiday parties and hospital wide leisure activities. If you wish to help, please make the memo on your check Danville State Hospital. First’s gifts must be delivered by the 10th of December. Please bring yours to the office or put them on a designated table in Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions, please contact Arline Johnson (570-764-1919). Thanks for your generosity. “WANT NEWSY EMAIL UPDATES? From time to time the FPC office sends out news of soon-coming events or new prayer concerns. If you do not receive these currently and would like to, please send Joyce Rex your email address and request to Additionally, if you receive your At First in standard mail but would prefer to get it emailed to you, please also let her know that. Also, if you have a new phone number please include that too as we update our files. Thank you for your help! Page 7 - December 2014 First Presbyterian Mission Statement: “Proclaim the grace of God; Share the Word of God; Serve the Children of God.” CHURCH STAFF JOB TITLE NAME EMAIL ADDRESS Supply Pastor Administrative Assistant Financial Secretary Director of Music Organist Sexton Rev. Steve Cureton Joyce Rex Lisa Padner Holly Lapinski Harry Martenas Helen Fester SUNDAY SCHEDULE - See Calendar Insert for more details December 7 Communion 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Morning Worship followed by Fellowship 6:00 to 9:00 Recital in FH December 14 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Morning Worship followed by Fellowship 10:30 Morning Worship followed by Fellowship December 21 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Morning Worship followed by Fellowship Moderator, Rev. Steve Cureton Millard Manning, Clerk Jason Bombard Velma Burrows Brian Johnson Bob Koval Jim Lapinski Martha Manning John Polhill Megan Prezioso Brenda Rupert Marilyn Witherup Debra Yablonski Craig Young Trustees William Baillie Bruce Bowman David Boyd Larry Mack Dave Yablonski December 28 9:15 4th Sunday Breakfast Deacons Mod. Jan Rynhart Gene Alwood Jim Burrows Joan Cole Lillian Fields Kim Hill Judy Hunchar James Lapinski Carol Laudermilch Chuck Laudermilch Larry McGurl Lisa Padner Jim Patterson Helen Patterson Terry Rynhart Albert Schutz Karen Thrasher Church Duties December 7 December 14 December 21 December 28 Liturgist (s) Wendy Miller Linda Krause Dave Kline Jim Lapinski Greeters Megan Prezioso and Karen Thrasher Jason and Jenelle Bombard Bob and Emma Ross Beth Larson and Michael Fritz Flower Delivery John and Jeananne Scrimgeour Carolyn Baillie and Jean Underwood Emma and Robert Ross Ben and Christine Fuller Deacons Karen Thrasher and Helen Patterson Chuck and Carol Laudermilch Al Schutz and Larry McGurl Karen Thrasher and Lillian Fields Worship Workshop Tara Varner and Mac Seidel Jason and Jenelle Bombard TBD TBD M4YD Pastor Steve Marty Johnson Ethan Krupp Christine Fuller Nursery Madeline Polhill Nathan Lincoln Olivia McGaw Jonah Crawford Acolyte Joseph Polhill Hope Lapinski Patrick Krupp Brian Prezioso Fellowship Hour Spiritual Life and Fellowship Ministry Larry McGurl Dee Franklin TBD Ushers December - Joanne Berkheiser, Beth Larson, Mike Fritz, Helen and Jim Patterson, Kim Hill, and Susan Webster. January – Albert Schutz, David Kline, Robert Ross, Marilyn Witherup, Gene Alwood, Richard Smith, and Nancy Schott. Page 8 - December 2014 First Presbyterian Church 345 Market Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-2322 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Worship Hours Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. followed by Fellowship Bloomsburg Presbyterian Church hosts several AA/NA Meetings on its property every week. For Information on area Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Please call (570) 387-4940, 24 hours a day. For Information on area Narcotics Anonymous meetings, Please call (877) 501-1246, 24 hours a day. CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT On Thursday, December 4, and Friday, December 5, at 7:30 p.m. BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY CHOIRS will present their annual "Carols by Candlelight" under the direction of Dr. Alan Baker and Dr. Amelia Garbisch in our church sanctuary. Admission is free but tickets are needed to attend. Please call the church office at 570-784-2322. THE 25TH OF EVERY MONTH IS ORANGE DAY! The Presbyterian USA Mission Agency is asking people to wear orange on the 25th of each month to take a stand on ending violence against women and girls. Orange ribbons are located in the back of the church sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall. So that you can respond factually to questions about your ribbon, please go to the PC USA website and go to the Mission Agency page. Happy December Birthday to: Marilyn Witherup, Jim Lapinski, Joe Gillespie-Hill, Larry Mack, Jim Burrows, Bonnie Crawford, Tim Yablonski, Chris Bennett, Joanne Berkheiser, Dawn Cureton, Jean Johnson, Paul Anderson, Aileen Sorber, Beatrice Varner, Beth Kline, Patrick Krupp, Craig Young, Carolyn Baillie, and Lanie Presswood. Happy December Anniversary to: Carrie and John Broadt, Mike Maydak and Barbara Wilson, Amy and Chris Bennett, Keiffer and Gene Alwood, Maggie Gillespie and Kim Hill, Judy and Bill Hunchar.