eChart Manitoba Services - Four Arrows Regional Health Authority
eChart Manitoba Services - Four Arrows Regional Health Authority
eChart Manitoba Services Handbook for health-care providers Version 6 March, 2014 Contact Information EChart Manitoba Services The eChart Manitoba Services team provides support and assistance from Manitoba eHealth for eChart Manitoba. Contact us with questions or concerns (see below). Manitoba eHealth Service Desk The Manitoba eHealth Service Desk is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help with issues using eChart Manitoba. Phone: (204) 940-8500 Phone (toll-free): 1-866-999-9698 Email: For more information General inquiries Web: Email: Phone (toll-free): 1-855-203-4528 Fax: (204) 926-9148 2 Table of Contents Contact Information .................................................... 2 EChart Manitoba Services Manitoba eHealth Service Desk For more information Communications General Information .................................................... 4 Introducing eChart Manitoba Communications ......................................................... Patient Forms ............................................................. 7 Implementation of eChart Manitoba Future training opportunities Training new staff Privacy and Security .................................................... 5 6 Providing access to an individual’s personal health information Implementation and Training ....................................... 5 Communicating to patients about eChart Manitoba How eChart Manitoba communicates with authorized users Privacy & Security 8 Privacy and security overview User Accounts .............................................................. 9 Site responsibilities regarding user accounts Setting up new user’s eChart access Available user roles (access level) Selecting appropriate eChart Manitoba roles Pathway for determining level of user access Access Role Matrix User Reports for Authorized Sponsors ........................... EChart Manitoba Active User Report for Authorized Sponsors EChart Manitoba User Account Management Report for Authorized Sponsors 13 Launching eChart Manitoba .......................................... 13 8 Logging in to eChart Manitoba Terms of Use for eChart Manitoba ................................. 14 Support ....................................................................... 16 Support Connecting with support services Glossary of acronyms 16 3 General Information Introducing eChart Manitoba What are the benefits to patients? EChart Manitoba provides authorized healthcare providers with key health information in the right place at the right time, improving access to information, safety and quality of care. • Improved quality and timeliness of care • Increased access to information by health-care providers • Reduced duplicate and unnecessary tests EChart Manitoba is being made available to health care locations across Manitoba. Over time, eChart Manitoba will be available to all locations that require access and the system will continue to expand in the amount and type of key health information. What are the benefits to clinicians? • Reduced time spent searching for information, allowing more time for patient care • Improved access to patient information that was available in separate clinical systems (i.e. DPIN, CR) • Improved information sharing and collaboration between authorized health-care providers System components EChart Manitoba provides authorized health-care providers with viewable, searchable and printable access to: • Medications dispensed at retail pharmacies provided through the Drug Program Information Network (DPIN) • Immunizations recorded in and provided by the Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System (MIMS) • Patient demographic information such as name, address, date of birth and personal health identification number (PHIN) from the Manitoba Provincial Client Registry (CR) • Laboratory results from Diagnostic Services Manitoba (DSM) of Winnipeg and Brandon, Unicity Lab Services, Gamma Dynacare Medical Laboratories, and Cadham Provincial Laboratory (CPL) • Diagnostic image reports from the Radiology Information System (RIS) • Electronic patient record (EPR) information from St. Boniface Hospital Note: Additional lab results and other clinical information is anticipated to be added to eChart Manitoba over time. 4 Communications Provincial public information campaign All health-care facilities across the province with access to eChart Manitoba will receive materials to educate patients and create awareness about eChart Manitoba. Public information campaigns have been completed and more will be completed in the future with the goal of continuing to inform the public and increase awareness of the personal health information services available with eChart Manitoba. Additionally, public inquiries can also be referred directly to contact a representative at eChart Manitoba Services (see the contact information on page two). How eChart Manitoba communicates with authorized users Manitoba eHealth intranet Communicating to patients about eChart Manitoba As awareness of eChart Manitoba continues to build across the province, health-care providers may receive inquiries from patients about the safety, security and privacy of their personal health information. Patients can request to view or receive a copy of their personal health information in eChart, see who has accessed their eChart record, and limit the disclosure of information within eChart. The Manitoba eHealth intranet site is designed to give health-care providers access to new and noteworthy information about all of our programs. The eChart Manitoba section can be found under “Our Programs” and contains frequently asked questions (FAQs), the most recent versions of all documents and forms, and is a repository for training material, information for communications and notifications for users. Go to: eChart Manitoba eNews EChart Manitoba eNews provides new and up-todate information to health-care providers and data information sources about eChart Manitoba. Encourage patients to visit for more information. Issue 2 [eNews] JULY | 2011 Access at their fingertips As soon as Access Downtown went live on May 3, 2011, clinic coordinator Kathi Christenson (pictured below) could see how eChart Manitoba was going to make accessing important patient information much easier for staff, saving them time throughout the day. Did you know? Additional laboratory results are now available in eChart Manitoba. Laboratory results from Diagnostic Services Manitoba (DSM) Brandon (Westman) Lab and Unicity Lab (Kingsford location) are now available in eChart Manitoba. For more information about the type of lab information available visit: ELearning is here Do you have new users at your site who need training or do you need a refresher? ELearning is here. Contact eChart Manitoba at: Phone (toll-free): 1- 855-203-4528 Email: 25 sites live There are currently 25 health-care facilities with users authorized to use eChart Manitoba. “The eChart Manitoba system allows our practitioners to check the Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System (MIMS) data base with a patient in the exam room. This allows us to see a patient’s immunization history and share it with them. This has provided much more opportunity to ensure that patient’s immunizations are kept up to date. Prior to eChart Manitoba, only the primary care assistants had access to MIMS; now all of our health-care practitioners have this access at their fingertips!” Visit for a list of sites using eChart Manitoba. Need help? If you have any difficulty accessing eChart Manitoba or concerns with the data, call the service desk at: Phone (toll-free): 1-866-999-9698 Kathi is a true champion when it comes to promoting eChart Manitoba because she sees tangible benefits for both clinic staff and patients at Access Downtown. If you have a story to share about your experience using eChart Manitoba, please contact us at Issue 12 Bulletin Overriding a Disclosure Directive The Override Disclosure Directive check box should only be checked after you have tried to access a patient file and received an error message which indicates that this patient has a Disclosure Directive (fig.1). January 31, 2014 Other considerations • If possible, ask your patient for their consent • Provide override reason and supporting text in eChart Manitoba • Consider documenting the override in your local medical record • Be aware that every override is investigated Follow these steps to override a disclosure directive: 1. Perform the patient search, select the leading record and click the Enter button. If the patient has a disclosure directive, you will receive this error message (fig. 1). 2. Close the dialogue box and determine if you need to perform an override. 3. If so, check the Override Disclosure Directive box and click Show (fig.2). 4. Select the leading record and click the Enter button. 5. Select your reason from the dropdown box and click OK. (fig. 3) Note: An alert is triggered to eChart Manitoba for audit purposes. 6. You will now have access to the clinical information for this patient during the current login session. For more information, questions or concerns regarding eChart Manitoba please contact the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Phone: (204) 940-8500 Phone (toll-free): 1-866-999-9698 Email: eChart Manitoba Bulletins EChart Manitoba Bulletins inform users of updates or changes to the eChart Manitoba system. The bulletins can be posted in staff areas for all users. Website To ensure patients receive accurate and current information about eChart Manitoba, sites are encouraged to direct individuals to the eChart Manitoba website at 5 Patient Forms request to access your Personal health information in echart manitoba to receive a copy of your personal health information in echart manitoba, please: • Fill in the appropriate fields in the form below and sign at the bottom • Send the signed and completed form to the address or fax number on the bottom of this form • OR submit the form directly to your health-care provider Part 1: about you section a: Please enter the following information about yourself or the individual for whom you are requesting information. fIrst name last name mIddle InItIal(s) mailing aDDress street name or Post offIce box street number aPt / unIt Postal code ProVInce cIty/town sex (cHeck one) female male cell PHone number daytIme telePHone number Personal HealtH IdentIfIcatIon number (PHIn) (9-digit number on your manitoba health card) bIrtHdate (dd/mm/yyyy) Providing access to an individual’s personal health information To provide access to an individual’s personal health information in eChart Manitoba: section b: If you do not have a Manitoba Personal Health Identification Number, please fill in your health card number and issuing jurisdiction below. ProVInce, terrItory or federal autHorIty HealtH card number section c: If you are acting on behalf of another individual, complete the following section with your information. If you are requesting the personal health information of a minor, both parents or guardians may be asked to provide consent. see page two, section c of this form. last name daytIme telePHone number fIrst name mailing aDDress (if Different from above) street name or Post offIce box street number aPt / unIt • Encourage individuals to discuss their personal health information with their health-care provider, who can provide a view of their personal health information in eChart Manitoba • Provide forms available from the eChart website and other educational materials such as the eChart brochure Postal code ProVInce cIty/town why can you request this individual’s information? (see page two for details) Part 2: about your request: Please select the type of medical information you are requesting from echart manitoba, as well as the dates from which you would like to receive information. Please note: you may be required to pay a fee per printed page. to (dd/mm/yyyy) from (dd/mm/yyyy) to (dd/mm/yyyy) from (dd/mm/yyyy) Immunization information diagnostic image reports medication history encounters from st. boniface Hospital laboratory information Visit reasons from st. boniface Hospital notes (oPtIonal) Part 3: signature Please sign and date this completed form and return it to the address or fax number below or directly to your health-care provider. date sIgned (dd/mm/yyyy) x Please note: your request cannot be processed until echart manitoba services has been able to contact you by telephone to verify your information. your signature aDDress: echart manitoba services, c/o manitoba ehealth, 300-355 Portage ave, Winnipeg, mb, r3b 0J6 faX number: (204) 926-9148 more information: Web: Phone (toll-free): 1-855-203-4528 aDD or remove a Disclosure Directive in echart manitoba to add or remove a disclosure directive in echart manitoba, please: • Fill in the appropriate fields in the form below and sign at the bottom • Send the signed and completed form to the address or fax number on the bottom of this form Part 1: about you section a: please enter the following information about yourself or the individual for whom you are adding or removing a disclosure directive. FIrSt NaMe laSt name middle initial(S) mailing aDDress Street NaMe or PoSt oFFIce box Street number apt / unit proVince city/town cell phone number PerSoNal HealtH IdeNtIFIcatIoN NuMber (PHIN) (9-digit number on your manitoba health card) birthdate (dd/mm/yyyy) section b: if you do not have a Manitoba Personal Health Identification Number, please fill in your health card number and issuing jurisdiction below. ProvINce, terrItorY or Federal autHorItY health card number section c: if you are acting on behalf of another individual, complete the following section with your information. if you are adding or removing a disclosure directive for a minor, both parents or guardians may be asked to provide consent. See page two, section c of this form. laSt name daytime telephone number FIrSt NaMe mailing aDDress (if Different from above) Street NaMe or PoSt oFFIce box Street number apt / unit poStal code proVince city/town Assist, as necessary, to complete and send the forms to eChart Manitoba Services poStal code Sex (check one) FeMale male daytime telephone number • Where applicable, the site privacy officer or designate can assist with providing access to an individual’s personal health information and related requests. Why can you request this individual’s information? (See page two for details) Part 2: about your request section a: please select the type of request you are making. add a disclosure directive remove a previously requested disclosure directive section b: Would you like to be notified when this request has been fulfilled? Yes, notify me at the mailing address above when the request has been fulfilled No, I do not need to be notified Part 3: security questions please answer at least tWo of the following questions. you may be asked to answer these questions if you change your directive in the future. What street did you live on in third grade? What was the name of your elementary/primary school? What is the middle name of your youngest child? What is the street number of the house you grew up in? What school did you attend for sixth grade? What is your mother’s middle name? In what city/town did your mother and father meet? What were the make and model of your first car? In what city/town did you work for your first job? Part 3: signature please sign and date this completed form and return it to the address or fax number below or directly to your health-care provider. date Signed (dd/mm/yyyy) x Please note: your request cannot be processed until echart manitoba Services has been able to contact you by telephone to verify your information. your signature aDDress: echart manitoba services, c/o manitoba ehealth, 300-355 Portage ave, Winnipeg, mb, r3b 0J6 faX number: (204) 926-9148 more information: Web: Phone (toll-free): 1-855-203-4528 Currently only sites using eChart Manitoba can offer a view or print-out of personal health information; however, eChart Manitoba Services can also provide copies of an individual’s personal health information upon request. The health-care provider may provide the appropriate forms or refer the requestor to eChart Manitoba Services. Access to personal health information Individuals can see or receive a copy of their personal health information in eChart Manitoba by filling out the Request to access your personal health information in eChart Manitoba form and returning it to eChart Manitoba by mail or fax. (PHIN) will still be viewable to the health-care provider but the clinical information (e.g. lab results, medications, immunizations) will not be viewable unless the user has the ability to override the Disclosure Directive (page 10). Individuals can add or remove a Disclosure Directive at any time by completing the Add or remove a Disclosure Directive in eChart Manitoba form and returning it to eChart Manitoba Services by mail or fax. Making changes to records EChart Manitoba is comprised of information from existing electronic clinical systems. If there are errors in the information, any changes to this information in eChart Manitoba must come from the system of the source organization (e.g. the laboratory). This is the same way changes are currently made to lab results for example in the paper based chart (e.g. a lab result is in error). The source systems for eChart are responsible to ensure the information they provide is correct, current and complete (as per The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)). • If information corrections and updates are required, the changes will appear in eChart once the source has sent the correction or update • EChart does not notify users directly when changes or corrections occur to the information held in eChart • The health-care provider may provide the appropriate forms to request a correction from a source such as a lab or refer the requestor to eChart Manitoba Services • EChart Manitoba Services can facilitate a request for a correction with the source system but has no ability to change the information directly A record of user access Forms can be found online at 6 Individuals can receive a copy of who has viewed their personal health information in eChart Manitoba by filling out the Request record of user access in eChart Manitoba form and returning it to eChart Manitoba Services by mail or fax. Disclosure Directives Individuals can request to add or remove a Disclosure Directive to prevent health-care providers from viewing their personal health information in eChart Manitoba. A Disclosure Directive limits all authorized health-care providers from seeing an individual’s clinical information. Identifying information, including name, date of birth, gender, address and personal health identification number If an individual requests to make a correction to his/ her personal health information in eChart Manitoba, the health-care provider may wish to contact the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk for any necessary assistance in the process. The Service Desk will put the provider in touch with a member of the eChart Manitoba Services team. Implementation and Training Step three - Training and user activation Week of implementation The implementation team may deliver on-site training for the eChart Fundamentals Course. User training will take approximately two hours, depending on an individual’s role and access required. Training and activation are concurrent events for the first users at a site. All users are expected to complete the eChart Fundamentals Course prior to accessing the live system. The eChart Fundamentals course helps users: • understand what clinical data is included in eChart and how it is arranged • learn how to search and filter the information • understand privacy, confidentiality and security within the context of eChart • learn about supporting patients’ rights regarding their personal health information Training is completed using a variety of methods including traditional classroom, eLearning or personalized training. Distance learning tools such as MBTelehealth and WebEx are also available. Implementation of eChart Manitoba Implementation of eChart Manitoba generally follows a four-step approach to prepare authorized healthcare providers to use the system. Step one - Foundation and readiness Approximately four weeks before activation An introduction to the implementation process will outline what is involved prior to activation of eChart Manitoba. This will include an overview of key roles and responsibilities, account provisioning process and a schedule of activities. The implementation team works closely with each site to tailor the delivery of training based on the individual needs of each site. After the training session, each user will receive a unique username and password. Users will be encouraged to use the live system in their clinical practice immediately after training is complete. Step four - Post-implementation support and evaluation The implementation will conclude with the following activities: More information about the implementation process will be communicated as each site’s implementation date draws near. • Assessment of the success of the implementation, and identify areas for improvement Step two - Planning and preparation • Detailed training schedules are developed with the site coordinator prior to activation. Orientation sessions and account requests are also completed during this step. Review of short-term and long-term benefits and evaluate trends in the use of the system • Gauging acceptance and adoption of the system • Identification and collection of anecdotal feedback • Management of issues, address questions and concerns 7 Implementation and Training Future training opportunities As the system continues to evolve, future training topics and opportunities may be offered based on user feedback. Training new staff The eChart Manitoba eLearning courseware is available to support training for new staff. New users can access eLearning: eChart Fundamentals on the Manitoba eHealth intranet. We recommend that sites support new users by providing them with opportunities for peer-to-peer learning with individuals who have experience using eChart Manitoba. perform their role. Users must also be aware that all activity is audited and logged in the system, and that this ID represents their online, digital professional identity. The training material also informs users about the information available in eChart so that it can be used appropriately and safely as an adjunct to the clinical information they already have available to provide care at their site. EChart Manitoba Services will not typically provide training services for new users following site activation of eChart Manitoba. Exceptions may apply when there is a significant intake of new staff in a region at one time (e.g. a large number of medical students start at the same time in the same facility). It is important that all users receive training before being granted an eChart Manitoba account. Users must understand their responsibilities regarding the PHIA in the context of eChart Manitoba and that they should only access information that is required to Privacy and Security Privacy and security overview To report a breach, contact the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk immediately. EChart Manitoba abides by all existing regulatory and legislative standards in Manitoba related to the protection of personal health information, including The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA). Privacy reminder Access to an individual’s personal health information in eChart Manitoba is restricted to: EChart Manitoba should never be used to look up your own information or that of your friends, co-workers, colleagues or others of personal interest to you. Did you know that new legislation in Manitoba will include unauthorized access by a user as an offence under PHIA for which a user can be prosecuted and, if found guilty by a court, could result in a significant fine? 8 A) When a health-care provider is in a care relationship with an individual and requires access to the individual’s information for: • the provision of health care or • to arrange for the provision of health care The information must be related to and necessary for the current session of care. B) When information is required to fulfill administrative responsibilities and duties related to supporting the provision of health care. All actions taken on eChart Manitoba under each user’s username and password are captured, logged and attributed to that particular user. Access to eChart Manitoba will be audited on a random basis and will be audited if a breach is reported or suspected. Site representatives will be requested by the eChart Manitoba Services privacy analyst to assist with user audits periodically to confirm that users at a site are accessing eChart Manitoba appropriately. Unauthorized access may have professional, employment, and legal and financial consequences. For example, unauthorized access can result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal and/ or where applicable, a report to the user’s health profession regulatory body as well as sanctions or fines. EChart is not to be used for research study purposes, chart audits or to obtain information regarding individuals for whom you are not supporting care. Access to eChart for such purposes is unauthorized and is a misuse of the system. Reporting a suspected breach To report a suspected breach, contact the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk immediately and notify the privacy officer at your site. User Accounts Site responsibilities regarding user accounts Each site must identify an Authorized Sponsor (AS) and an Authorized Account Requestor (AAR). One of the roles of the AS and AAR is to identify users that require access to eChart, identify the users’ access role, as well as submit any changes for the users (e.g. name change, change in role, disable eChart access). The eChart Manitoba Account and Access Request form can be completed and submitted to the eHealth Service Desk. The site is responsible for notifying eChart Manitoba Services of any of the following role changes: AS, AAR, Privacy Designate, Outage Designate or IT Resource by completing the eChart Site Contacts Update form and submitting to eHealth Service Desk. Authorized Sponsor (AS) The AS is the person at the site who has the authority to determine who needs access to eChart Manitoba in order to perform his/her role. Generally, the AS is a person in a management role. They may also be contacted in the event of an audit of user activity at the site. See instructions below for “Setting up new user’s eChart access”. Authorized Account Requestor (AAR) The AAR is the person at the site who assists the AS and submits the approved account requests, received from the AS, to the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk. See instructions below for “Setting up new user’s eChart access”. Setting up new user’s eChart access Setting up new user access To request eChart Manitoba access for a new user, the Authorized Sponsor must complete the following steps: 1. Fill out the eChart Manitoba Account and Access Request Form. 2. Confirm the status of the individual (i.e. has a current employment contract with the organization and requires access to eChart Manitoba in order to perform his/her duties). 3. Validate the individual’s identity as per current site practices. 4. Confirm that the user has completed PHIA training and signed a PHIA Pledge of Confidentiality. 5. Determine the eChart role required (see Selecting appropriate eChart roles on page 10). 6. Confirm whether or not the user has a Manitoba eHealth network identification (i.e. confirm if he/ she has an existing WRHA network ID and/or an eChart, eReferral and/or RIS or PACS ID). 7. Have the user complete the challenge questions on the Authentication Questions and Answers form and submit directly to the eHealth service desk. 8. Approve and email the completed eChart Manitoba Account and Access Request Form to the AAR. The Authorized Account Requestor will: 1. Ensure all details have been filled out on the form. 2. Email the approved eChart Manitoba Account and Access Request Form to the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk The Authorized Sponsor ensures the individual needs access and that all forms are complete and approves request. The Authorized Account Requestor submits the request to Manitoba eHealth. Manitoba eHealth provides a username and password for the new user. User changes his/her password. 3. Receive the username and temporary password from the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk and provide it to the new eChart Manitoba user once they have completed their training. Important note: Maintain the username and temporary password in a confidential location until it can be provided to the new user. Destroy all record of the username and temporary password when passed to the user. User changes their password immediately once they receive notification of their account from the AAR. Account Management Authentication questions and answers To be completed by all users accessing clinical information systems. The purpose of this form is to assist Manitoba eHealth Services with authenticating user initiated requests to reset passwords in order to safeguard confidential information in clinical information systems (i.e. Electronic patient record (EPR)). You are required to complete only TWO of the following questions. These answers must be provided to the Regional Service Desk (RSD) when YOU call to request assistance with a password reset. We recommend you select the two answers that only you will be able to provide. Please PRINT CLEARLY to ensure we are able to capture this information accurately. Fax this completed form to the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk at (204) 940-8700 as soon as possible. PRINT CLEARLY First Name: Last Name:__________________________________ Site: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________ 1.Whatisyourfather’syearofbirth?________________________________________________ 2. What was your firstpet’sname?__________________________________________________ 3. What was your first homestreetaddress?__________________________________________ 4.Whatisyourfavouritecolour?____________________________________________________ To be completed by RSD only: Date entered in SDE: ____ / ____ / ______ Date account ID / Password provided: ____ / ____ / ______ dd mm yyyy dd mm yyyy Provided to: ___________________________________ RSD Initials: ________ Changing a user’s profile information If a user’s account, name, eChart Manitoba role or labour classification needs to change, the Authorized Sponsor and Authorized Account Requestor will: Fill out the eChart Manitoba Account and Access Request Form, indicating the required changes. Email the completed form with approval to Manitoba eHealth Service Desk. Disabling a user’s eChart Manitoba access Should a user no longer require access to eChart Manitoba a request to disable the user’s account should be submitted as soon as possible. A current list of Authorized Sponsors and Authorized Account Requestors is maintained at Manitoba eHealth and account requests will only be accepted for eChart Manitoba from individuals noted on the listing. 9 User Accounts To disable access, the Authorized Account Requestor must complete the following steps: Access requests will NOT be accepted by phone. All eChart Manitoba Account and Access Request Form must be emailed. 1. Fill out the eChart Manitoba Account and Access Request Form. 2. Validate the user’s details, disabling eChart access on the account. 3. Email the completed form to Manitoba eHealth Service Desk. If an individual is moving to another site and needs to maintain access to eChart Manitoba, the AS/AAR will need to request the user’s account be disabled at the first site; and the AS/AAR at the user’s new site will need to request an account be created identifying their access level in their new position. Immediate deactivation of accounts Clinical view with override is limited to users who meet the criteria on the pathway on page 11. For immediate deactivation of an account (e.g. for suspected breaches or short notice employment terminations) call the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk, providing the individual’s user details (i.e. full name and location), and request account termination. Available user roles (access level) Clinical View with override Clinical View with override is granted to individuals who are members of a regulated health-care profession and who also have the ability to prescribe in a clinical setting (emergent or non-emergent) where the inability to access medical information would substantially compromise assessment, diagnosis and care. An individual with access to clinical view with override is authorized to access all clinical and demographic views, limited by the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), with the ability to override a patient’s Disclosure Directive. Clinical View An individual with Clinical View is authorized to access all clinical and demographic views, limited by policy to their need to access that information for direct individual patient care. There is no ability to override a patient’s Disclosure Directive. Demographic View An individual with the Demographic View role is authorized to view demographic information (name, address, date of birth, PHIN and gender). The role of demographic view is required to complete a patient search. 10 Laboratory and Reports View The Laboratory and Reports View provides an authorized user with access to laboratory results and diagnostic imaging reports as well as all documents under the clinical documents tab. At this time, the clinical documents tab includes microbiology and diagnostic imaging reports. The individual also has access to demographic information. Medication View An individual with access to Medication View is authorized to view medication information and demographic information. Immunization View An individual with access to Immunization View is authorized to view immunization information and demographic information. Selecting appropriate eChart Manitoba roles The pathway for determining level of user roles (on page 11) assists eChart Manitoba sites to determine appropriate user access roles. Provisioning of roles is a process unique to the duties, responsibilities and workflow of individuals, not to their professional designation. The exception to this is the highest level of access, Clinical View with Override, which is limited to users who have the ability to prescribe in a clinical setting. A decision to assign a role in eChart Manitoba must be made considering these principles: • The individual requires access to eChart Manitoba to perform his/her job. • The individual is affiliated with a regulatory body directly or is under the direct supervision of such an individual. • The individual agrees, through formal agreements with his/her employer, to exhibit conduct within the constraints of PHIA and related regulatory legislation where applicable. • Any access to information, regardless of user role, is restricted to the minimum amount and on a need-to-know basis. The agreement between Manitoba eHealth and the trustee organization, as well as the Terms of Use, outlines the monitoring and review of user activity as well as the application of sanctions should inappropriate access occur. Pathway for determining level of user access When access to eChart Manitoba is requested, follow these steps to determine the role level of access that individual should be granted. Has the individual completed PHIA training, signed a PHIA Pledge of Confidentiality and signed the eChart Manitoba Terms of Use? Account request denied Yes Does the individual support direct care and treatment in their practice setting? Account request denied Yes Demographic View is granted Yes Does the individual currently require access to a patient’s demographic information only to fulfill their role? No Does the individual maintain memberships or work under the direct supervision of a designated regulated health-care professional? Account request denied Yes Laboratory and Reports View is granted Yes Does the individual’s role require access to a patient’s laboratory and/or diagnostic imaging information only? No Medication View is granted Yes Does the individual’s role require access to a patient’s medication information only? No Immunization View Yes is granted Does the individual’s role require access to a patient’s immunization information only? No Clinical View is granted Yes Does the individual’s role require access to all or a combination of a patient’s information in eChart Manitoba? Account request denied Is the individual a member of a regulated health profession providing care? Does he/she have the ability to prescribe in a clinical setting (emergent or non-emergent), where the inability to access history would substantially compromise providing assessment, diagnosis and care? Yes For information on determining roles for privacy officers, please see the Handbook for Site Privacy Officers. Clinical View with override is granted 11 Access Role Matrix Below is a chart showing the roles available in eChart Manitoba and the information available to be viewed by each role. Demographic information Priva cy V iew with Over ride iew cy V Priva Clini cal V iew with Over ride iew cal V Clini Med icat View ions Imm un View izations Access Immunizations No access Clinical documents Information Available Legend Summary Medications Laboratory results Diagnostic image reports Conditions — Problems Conditions — Diagnoses Allergies Encounters Patient log view Ability to override 12 Labo rat Repo ory and rts V iew Dem ogra phic View Level of Access Information related to role only User Reports for Authorized Sponsors EChart Manitoba user reports for Authorized Sponsors contain information related to users for which the Authorized Sponsor is responsible. Reports include information related to user activity and user account status and provide information about users who have access to eChart in order to perform his/ her role. EChart Manitoba Active User Report This is a monthly report sent to all eChart Authorized Sponsors. The eChart Manitoba Active User Report enables Authorized Sponsors to quickly identify how eChart is being accessed by the users they have sponsored. The report displays the users who have accessed eChart within the month and their total number of system logins, patient searches, and the type of clinical information being accessed (e.g. laboratory, medication, immunization etc.). This report is emailed to Authorized Sponsors once a month. EChart Manitoba Site and User Management Report Authorized Sponsors with the names of all users they have sponsored, their eChart access roles and the number of logins each user has completed within the reporting period. The report separates the users into active and inactive users of the system. The report also lists all individuals who have been assigned eChart site responsibilities by Authorized Sponsors (e.g. Privacy Officer (PO), Authorized Account Requestor (AAR)). The purpose of this report is for Authorized Sponsors to determine if any changes are required to authorized eChart Users as well as individuals with site responsibilities (i.e. PO, AAR) for eChart. It is important for sponsors to ensure that only users who require access to eChart in order to perform their roles continue to have access to the system. Sponsors are asked to review this report and use it to identify and communicate required changes, encourage eChart adoption at the site and identify requirements for eChart end user training when appropriate. This report is sent out to all eChart Authorized Sponsors, either on request or automatically, approximately every quarter. The eChart Manitoba Site and User Management Report provides Launching eChart Manitoba Logging in to eChart Manitoba Logging in Users will be given a username and temporary password by the Authorized Sponsor (AS) or Authorized Account Requestor (AAR). See site responsibilities regarding access (page 9) to determine who the AS or AAR are for the site. Each user is required to change their password and will be prompted to read and accept the eChart Terms of Use (see page 14-15 for the Terms of Use, current - at the time of publication) prior to accessing the system for the first time. Your eChart Implementation Coordinator will provide you with a reference sheet with step by step instructions to help users with this process. Changing eChart Manitoba password The system will prompt each user to change their password after 90 days. Please refer to the Change My Password bulletin on the Manitoba eHealth intranet for instructions. Manitoba eHealth Service Desk: (204) 940-8500 servicedesk@ 13 Terms of Use for eChart Manitoba eChart Manitoba Terms of Use 3.0 My password and account security In return for being authorized to access and use eChart Manitoba, I agree to comply with the following Terms of Use: 3.1 I am responsible for maintaining at all times the confidentiality of my user ID and my password. I will not disclose them to or share them with anyone else, or leave them where others might see them. 1.0 Access to eChart Manitoba 1.1 I will restrict my access to and use of eChart Manitoba to: (a) information about individuals with whom I am in a care relationship and whose information is necessary for the provision of health care or for arranging the provision of health care; or (b) information that I require to fulfill my administrative responsibilities and duties related to supporting the provision of health care and/or performing a clinical validation role; and I will not access or use information contained in eChart Manitoba for any other purpose or with respect to any other individual. 1.2 In order to maintain a user account with eChart Manitoba I will provide to my authorizing organization and keep up-to-date certain business contact information about me. I consent to that information being shared with Manitoba eHealth. 1.3 I understand that each of my authorizing organization(s) may have its own rules, requirements and restrictions for my access to and use of eChart Manitoba, and I agree that I will comply with them as they may apply to me. 2.0 Provision of eChart Manitoba 2.1 I recognize that eChart Manitoba is an adjunct to existing methods for determining relevant clinical history and that data presented may not be complete, as this is dependent on factors beyond the control of Manitoba eHealth including, but not limited to, the accuracy and integrity of the data provided by source sites, technical support capacity at source sites and the extent of available sources. 2.2 I acknowledge that the content, format and nature of eChart Manitoba may change from time to time without prior notice to me. 2.3 I agree that Manitoba eHealth in its sole discretion, and without prior notice, may temporarily or permanently cease making eChart Manitoba, or any of its features, available to me or to users generally. 14 3.2 I acknowledge that all actions taken in eChart Manitoba under my user ID and password are deemed to have been taken by me, and I agree that I will be solely responsible for all activities that occur using my user ID and password. To help prevent others from accessing eChart Manitoba using my user ID and password, I will log out of eChart Manitoba as soon as I have completed each session. 3.3 If I suspect that my password has been obtained or used by another person, I will immediately notify the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk and change the password. I will also immediately advise my authorizing organization(s). 3.4 I am aware that my access to and activity on eChart Manitoba will be logged and may be monitored, may be audited on a random basis and will be audited if a breach of security is reported or suspected. 3.5 I will refrain from any action which will or may disrupt the operation or availability of eChart Manitoba or modify or delete in any way the information in eChart Manitoba. 4.0 Record of user activity 4.1 I understand that eChart Manitoba is capable of creating a record of user activity in accordance with the Personal Health Information Regulation made under The Personal Health Information Act, and that an individual will be given on request an excerpt from the record of user activity showing a list of persons, by name, who have viewed that individual’s information on eChart Manitoba (including my name, if applicable). 5.0 Maintaining confidentiality 5.1 I will keep confidential all information which I may obtain from eChart and accordingly will comply with these Terms of Use, my legal obligations (including, where applicable, under The Personal Health Information Act) and my authorizing organization(s)’s rules, requirements and restrictions applicable to such information, 5.2 When a computer screen is displaying information from eChart Manitoba, I will not leave it unattended and will ensure that no one is inappropriately viewing the screen. 5.3 I will access and use eChart Manitoba only from computers which are designated for that purpose by my authorizing organization(s) or from computers which: (1) I am reasonably confident are secure; (2) are not generally available for public use; and (3) have suitable anti-virus and anti-spyware protections. 5.4 I will hold and use any information that is printed or copied from eChart Manitoba in accordance with applicable laws and any applicable policies. 6.0 Duty to report breaches 6.1 I will report any actual, suspected or potential privacy or security breaches involving eChart Manitoba (whether caused by me or another person) immediately in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures, including to the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk and to my authorizing organization(s). 7.0 Ending my relationship with eChart Manitoba 7.1 If I want to terminate my access to eChart Manitoba, I may do so at any time by notifying either my authorizing organization(s) or the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk. 7.2 My authorizing organization(s) and/or Manitoba eHealth may also terminate my eChart Manitoba access at any time if: (a) I am no longer providing or supporting direct patient care for that organization; (b) I breach any provision of laws pertaining to the protection of information in eChart Manitoba (including, where applicable, The Personal Health Information Act ) and/or of these Terms of Use, or have acted in manner which clearly shows that I do not intend, or I am unable, to comply with any of their provisions; or (c) I conduct myself in a manner that puts eChart Manitoba and the information in it at risk of unauthorized use or disclosure. 7.3 I understand that if my access to eChart Manitoba has been terminated under Subsection 7.2(b) or (c), notification may be sent to my authorizing organization(s) and to any applicable professional bodies. 8.0 Changes to the Terms of Use 8.1 Manitoba eHealth may make changes to these Terms of Use from time to time, and my continued use of eChart Manitoba signifies my consent to those changes. The current version of the Terms of Use is available for viewing at and I will review that website from time to time to determine if any changes have occurred. In addition, I understand that changes to the Terms of Use may be brought to my attention upon access to eChart Manitoba, in which case I will be asked to agree to the Terms of Use presented to me at that time. 9.0 Survival of certain Terms of Use 9.1 I understand that even though my access to eChart Manitoba may be terminated, I must continue to comply with Section 5.1 above. I have read and understand these Terms of Use, and agree to be bound by them. □ I agree □ I do not agree. Français Terms of Use for accessing eChart Manitoba In return for being authorized to access and use eChart Manitoba, I agree to comply with the following Terms of Use: 1.0 Access to eChart Manitoba 1.1 I will restrict my access to and use of eChart Manitoba to: (a) information about individuals with whom I am in a care relationship and whose information is necessary for the provision of health care or for arranging the provision of health care; or (b) information that I require to fulfill my administrative responsibilities and duties related to supporting the provision of health care and/or performing a clinical validation role; and I will not access or use information contained in eChart Manitoba for any other purpose or with respect to any other individual. 1.2 In order to maintain a user account with eChart Manitoba I will provide to my authorizing organization and keep up-to-date certain business contact information about me. I consent to that information being shared with Manitoba eHealth. 1.3 I understand that each of my authorizing organization(s) may have its own rules, requirements and restrictions for my access to and use of eChart Manitoba, and I agree that I will comply with them as they may apply to me. 2.0 Provision of eChart Manitoba 2.1 I recognize that eChart Manitoba is an adjunct to existing methods for determining relevant clinical history and that data presented may not be complete, as this is dependent on factors beyond the control of Manitoba eHealth including, but not limited to, the accuracy and integrity of the data provided by source sites, technical support capacity at source sites and the extent of available sources. 2.2 I acknowledge that the content, format and nature of eChart Manitoba may change from time to time without prior notice to me. 2.3 I agree that Manitoba eHealth in its sole discretion, and without prior notice, may temporarily or permanently cease making eChart Manitoba, or any of its features, available to me or to users generally. 3.0 My password and account security 3.1 I am responsible for maintaining at all times the confidentiality of my user ID and my password. I will not disclose them to or share them with anyone else, or leave them where others might see them. 3.2 I acknowledge that all actions taken in eChart Manitoba under my user ID and password are deemed to have been taken by me, and I agree that I will be solely responsible for all activities that occur using my user ID and password. To help prevent others from accessing eChart Manitoba using my user ID and password, I will log out of eChart Manitoba as soon as I have completed each session. 3.3 If I suspect that my password has been obtained or used by another person, I will immediately notify the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk and change the password. I will also immediately advise my authorizing organization(s). 3.4 I am aware that my access to and activity on eChart Manitoba will be logged and may be monitored, may be audited on a random basis and will be audited if a breach of security is reported or suspected. 3.5 I will refrain from any action which will or may disrupt the operation or availability of eChart Manitoba or modify or delete in any way the information in eChart Manitoba. 4.0 Record of user activity 4.1 I understand that eChart Manitoba is capable of creating a record of user activity in accordance with the Personal Health Information Regulation made under The Personal Health Information Act, and that an individual will be given on request an excerpt from the record of user activity showing a list of persons, by name, who have viewed that individual’s information on eChart Manitoba (including my name, if applicable). 5.0 Maintaining Confidentiality 5.1 I will keep confidential all information which I may obtain from eChart and accordingly will comply with these Terms of Use, my legal obligations (including, where applicable, under The Personal Health Information Act) and my authorizing organization(s)’s rules, requirements and restrictions applicable to such information. 5.2 When a computer screen is displaying information from eChart Manitoba, I will not leave it unattended and will ensure that no one is inappropriately viewing the screen. 5.3 I will access and use eChart Manitoba only from computers which are designated for that purpose by my authorizing organization(s) or from computers which: (1) I am reasonably confident are secure; (2) are not generally available for public use; and (3) have suitable anti-virus and anti-spyware protections. 5.4 I will hold and use any information that is printed or copied from eChart Manitoba in accordance with applicable laws and any applicable policies. 6.0 Duty to report breaches 6.1 I will report any actual, suspected or potential privacy or security breaches involving eChart Manitoba (whether caused by me or another person) immediately in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures, including to the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk and to my authorizing organization(s). 7.0 Ending my relationship with eChart Manitoba 7.1 If I want to terminate my access to eChart Manitoba, I may do so at any time by notifying either my authorizing organization(s) or the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk. 7.3 I understand that if my access to eChart Manitoba has been terminated under Subsection 7.2(b) or (c), notification may be sent to my authorizing organization(s) and to any applicable professional bodies. 8.0 Changes to the Terms of Use 8.1 Manitoba eHealth may make changes to these Terms of Use from time to time, and my continued use of eChart Manitoba signifies my consent to those changes. The current version of the Terms of Use is available for viewing at and I will review that website from time to time to determine if any changes have occurred. In addition, I understand that changes to the Terms of Use may be brought to my attention upon access to eChart Manitoba, in which case I will be asked to agree to the Terms of Use presented to me at that time. 9.0 Survival of Certain Terms of Use 9.1 I understand that even though my access to eChart Manitoba may be terminated, I must continue to comply with Section 5.1 above. I have read and understand these Terms of Use, and agree to be bound by them. □ I agree □ I do not agree 7.2 My authorizing organization(s) and/or Manitoba eHealth may also terminate my eChart Manitoba access at any time if: (a) I am no longer providing or supporting direct patient care for that organization; (b) I breach any provision of laws pertaining to the protection of information in eChart Manitoba (including, where applicable, The Personal Health Information Act ) and/or of these Terms of Use, or have acted in manner which clearly shows that I do not intend, or I am unable, to comply with any of their provisions; or (c) I conduct myself in a manner that puts eChart Manitoba and the information in it at risk of unauthorized use or disclosure. Note: Users must electronically accept the Terms of Use for eChart Manitoba when they log in for the first time. This copy of the Terms of Use for eChart Manitoba is provided so that users know what to expect when they log on electronically. All users must agree to the Terms of Use before they are allowed access into the system. The most current copy of the Terms of Use is available for review any time on the Manitoba eHealth intranet at: 15 Support Connecting with support services Manitoba eHealth Service Desk The Manitoba eHealth Service Desk is a single point of contact for all eChart Manitoba issues and a service desk analyst will help to troubleshoot. If the analyst cannot resolve the issue during the initial call, it may be transferred to a Clinical Informatics Specialist for further review. A Clinical Informatics Specialist is a clinician who has advanced training in eChart Manitoba and understands clinical practice and information systems. After each call to the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk, users will receive an email with the incident number of the call. Keep this number in case you need to refer to the incident in the future. Contacting support: Manitoba eHealth Service Desk: Phone: (204) 940-8500 Phone (toll-free): 1-866-999-9698 Email: Availability of support The Manitoba eHealth Service Desk is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Difficulty finding information For difficulty finding information in eChart Manitoba, consult the eChart Manitoba training materials and FAQ section on the Manitoba eHealth intranet at: t Resources to h intranet site is designed on ew and noteworthy informati a rams. The eChart Manitob s. You d under Our Program and (FAQs) sked questions ts and sions of all our documen training s also a repository for for ations and notifications Quick Reference Guide A hard copy of the Quick Reference Guide will be provided to users in training. Site coordinators will receive an electronic copy. Glossary of acronyms The following is a list of the acronyms mentioned throughout implementation: Acronym Description AAR Authorized Account Requestor ACT EChart Manitoba Add, Change, Terminate Form AS Authorized Sponsor CPL Cadham Provincial Laboratory CR Manitoba Provincial Client Registry DPIN Drug Program Information Network DSM Diagnostic Services Manitoba EMR Electronic medical record EPR Electronic patient record IC Implementation coordinator IT Information technology LIS Laboratory Information System LMS Learning Management System MIMS Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System PDN Provincial data network PHIA Personal Health Information Act PHIN Personal Health Information Number RHA Regional health authority RIS Radiology Information System TCP/IP Transmission control protocol / Internet protocol tml orms are available on the eHealth above for details. Desk for nitoba eHealth Service system: with the eChart Manitoba 940-8500 6-999-9698 -8700 03/14 For more information Web: Email: Phone (toll-free): 1-855-203-4528 Fax: (204) 926-9148 16