1940 July Historical Journal of the More Family
1940 July Historical Journal of the More Family
The Historical Journal OF THE MORE FAMILY Founded April, 1892 By David Fellows More Rnvhurv N Y Tiilv 1Q40 KOXDury, IN. I., July, 1V4I Volume 3 Number 10 Who,e Number 49 JOHN MORE ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED 1890 FIFTIETH YEAR OF THE ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER, 1939 TO SEPTEMBER, 1940 JOHN MORE ASSOCIATION Reunions in Roxbmy, New York, 1890, 1895, 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935 JOHN MORE ASSOCIATION Organized 1890 Fiftieth Year of the Association September, 1939, to September, 1940 President TAYLOR MORE 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y. 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President CARROL T. MORE ">770 de Giverville Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Historian and Secretary EDWARD FITCH Clinton, N. Y. Associate Secretary CHARLES CHURCH MORE 4545 Fifth Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Assistant Secretary MRS. MARGARET MORE WHITE Walton, N. Y. Treasurer Miss ANNA PALEN Roxbury, N. Y. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Clement Sweatman Keator, Chairman Philadelphia, Pa. John B. Northrop, Vice Chairman New York, N. Y. JOHN T. LINE Mrs. Cornelia More Beiden . Aurora, 111. Mrs. Eleanor More Rich .. Hobart, N. Y. Sanbourn H. Smith . San Francisco, Gal. ROBERT LINE William Chauncey Keator, Jr. Fairfield, Conn. Otis Malcolm Alexander, Bei'genfield, N. J. Richard More Stewart, Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. ALEXANDER LINE Finley Johnson Shepard, New York, N. Y. John Burr Northrop .. . New York, N. Y. Gilbert M. Palen Woodbury, N. J. JONAS LINE Donald J. More Roxbury, N. Y. George L. More .... Canandaigua, N. Y. Caroline E. More Roxbury, N. Y. JEAN LINE A rthur Frisbee Bouton . . Roxbury, N. Y. Clement Sweatman Keator Philadelphia, Pa. Grace Stevens Preston . . Roxbury, N. Y. JAMES LINE Stoddard More Stevens, Jr. New York, N. Y. Adelaide D. Hunt Scranton, Pa. Jesse More Gn-enman, Jr. Silver Springs, Md. DAVID LINE John Grant More Walton, N. Y. Betty Taylor More Wellesley, Mass. Rev. R. Hawley Fitch Proctor, Vt. EDWARD L. LINE James Bolard More Lagos, Nigeria Perkins Coville Washington, D. C. Stanley Coville New Lisbon, N. J. The officers of the J. M. A. ex officio. JOHN MORE ASSOCIATION, INC. Organized 1936 President and Treasurer TAYLOR MORE First Vice President FINLEY J. SHEPARD Second Vice President JOHN GRANT MORE Secretary ANDREW F. LUTZ Directors TAYLOR MORE, WILLIAM J. KEATOR, Jr., FINLEY J. SHEPARD, SAMUEL MORE, ANDREW F. LUTZ, Miss ADELAIDE D. HUNT, JOHN G. MORE, STANLEY COVILLE MEMBERS John T. Line: Taylor More, Fred More Robert Line: William C. Keator, Jr., Mrs. Susan Preston Hasbrouck Alexander Line: Finley J. Shepard, Gilbert J. Palen Jonas Line: *Samuel More, Miss Carrie E. More Jean Line: Arthur F. Bouton, Andrew F. Lutz James Line: Stoddard M. Stevens, Jr., Miss Adelaide D. Hunt David Line: John G. More, Edward Fitch Edward L. Line: Stanley Coville, Mrs. Mabel Watrous Kenyon The Historical Journal OF THE MORE FAMILY Founded 1892 by David Fellows More Issued by the John More Association BOARD OF EDITORS EDWARD FITCH, Editor-in-Chief TAYLOR MORE Vol. 3, No. 10 CAROLINE E. MORE JOHN GOULD PALEN JULY, 1940 Whole No. 49 Our Eleventh Reunion Celebrating the half century of the John More Association, Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, Saturday, August 24, to Saturday, August 31, 1940. Make this week a part of your summer vacation. Games and entertainments are planned for everyone. Try a game of golf on the most picturesque course in seven counties. Open hours and dates are kept for renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Attend the important business meeting of August 30. See the unveiling of the official marker of the Sons of the American Revolution in memory of John More. Enjoy the Reunion to the full by attending each event. Contributions to the Reunion Fund are solicited. They may be sent to the Treasurer, Miss Anna Palen, Roxbury, N. Y., or to the Chairman of the Finance Committee, John B. Northrop, 1165 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. A pledge card is enclosed. THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 282 Vol. 3, No. 10 PROGRAM August 24 to August 31, 1940. All hours refer to Eastern Daylight-Saving Time. (Subject to Change.) FRIDAY, AUGUST 30. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1940. Registration at the Y. M. C. A. Building. 10 A. M.—Business Meeting of the John 8 P. M.—Officers' Reception. More Association. 11 A. M.—Meeting of the Trustees of the SUNDAY, AUGUST 25. Memorial Association. 10:30 A. M.—Church Service. 2 P. M.—Water Sports at Kirkside Lake. 7:30 P. M.—Musicale. During the Day—Finals in the Tournaments. MONDAY, AUGUST 26. 9 P. M.—Dance and Presentation of Prizes. 9 A. M.—Registration for Tournaments and Games. 10:30 A. M.—Exercises at the Monument. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31. Unveiling of the Official Marker. All Day—Au Revoir, and Sunday and Monday, September 1 and 2:30 P. M.—Tournaments and Games be2, if you will. gin. 8:15 P. M.—"Information "Quiz." Please," or TUESDAY, AUGUST 27. 10 A. M.—Nominating Committee. 11 A. M.—Memorial Exercises at the Church. 3 P. M.—Tournaments Continue. 8:15 P. M.—1915 Pageant Pictures, and "Drums Along the Mohawk." 9 P. M.—Dance. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 9 A. M.—Tournaments and Games Continue. 1 P. M.—Luncheon at the Church. 3 P. M.—Photos. 4 P. M.—Gymkhana. Evening—To be announced. More About the Program. The unveiling of the Official Marker of the Sons of the American Revolution in honor of John More, Revolutionary soldier, will be in charge of Lieutenant Colonel Harold Knickerbocker Van Alen. Colonel Alva J. Brasted, Past Chaplain of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, has been asked to make the address. Church Luncheon. There will be a charge for the Luncheon at the Church on Tuesday. The Movies. There will be no entrance charge for members of the Family for the movies on Tuesday evening. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29. 9 A. M.—Hike over the Old Trail. 1 P. M.—Picnic Dinner at the John More Farm. 8 P. M.—To be announced. 9 P. M.—Dance. Prizes. As further evidence of his unusual and genuine interest in the John More Association Cousin Frank J. Gould has again provided for the expense of the prizes for the various events at the Reunion. July, 1940 OF THE MORE FAMILY 283 Headquarters and Registration As at the last Reunion, headquarters will be at the Y. M. C. A. Building. As soon as you are located in Roxbury go to headquarters and register. Get your badge and give all the information asked for by the Committee. The Committee on Registration includes a registrar for each line of the Family. These are as follows: Mrs. Badge Color Angie Preston Tupper, Chairman, Roxbury, N. Y. For the John T. line—Mrs. Eleanor M. Rich, Vice-Chairman, Hobart, N. Y. For the Robert line—Miss Frances E. Alexander. Bergenfield, N. J. For the Alexander line—Miss Marion Van Dyke, Irvington, N. Y. For the Jonas line—Mrs. Samuel More, Roxbury, N. Y. For the Jean line—Miss Anne E. Allaben, Binghamton, N. Y. For the James line—Mrs. Ethel Hunt Talman, New York, N. Y. For the David line—Miss Agnes M. Fitch, Walton, N. Y. For the Edward line—Miss Elizabeth Jane Kenyon, Binghamton, N. Y. Green Light Blue Red Pink White Dark Blue Yellow Lavender Arrange with the registrar of your line as to what tournaments and games you wish to take part in. If you have any talent, tell her what it is. The Committee on Registration will help you to plan the week so that you will the better enjoy the Reunion. To Reach Roxbury By Airplane. There is an excellent airport on the Kirkside grounds which can be easily located from the air and where you can make a safe landing. By Railroad. From New York City and vicinity take the West Shore Railroad from Weehawken to Kingston or take the New York Central Railroad to Rhineeliff and ferry to Rondout (City of Kingston). From Kingston take the Catskill Mountain Branch of the New York Central Railroad to Roxbury. From Binghamton or Albany take the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to Oneonta and the Catskill Mountain Branch of the New York Central from Oneonta to Roxbury. Or from Albany (N. Y.) take the West Shore Railroad to Kingston or the New York Central to Rhineeliff and ferry to Kingston. Timetables and information can be obtained at any railroad ticket office. By Bus Take any bus line from New York City or Albany to Kingston. Take bus from Kingston to Margaretville and from Margaretville to Roxbury via bus for Oneonta. It will probably be better to take the Greyhound Bus Line or the Adirondack Short Line to Grand Gorge which is only six miles from Roxbury. And from Grand Gorge to Roxbury taxis are available. If you are unable to find a taxi at Grand Gorge telephone Cousin Kenneth B. Preston, Telephone 2675 or 2251 Roxbury, and arrangements will be made to come and get you. Or better still write or telephone Cousin Kenneth B. Preston, Chairman of the Reservations Committee, just what time you are arriving and arrangements will be made to meet the bus when it reaches Grand Gorge. Definite information can be obtained at any bus office. By Auto. Roxbury is on N. Y. State Route 30. Route 28 crosses Route 30 at Margaretville Route 23 at Grand Gorge; Route 7 near Central Bridge; Route 17 near East Branch. From Kingston, take Route 28 to Arkville, turn right at Arkville and cross on macadam road to Route 30 and follow that to Roxbury. From Oneonta, take Route 23 to Grand Gorge, then Route 30 to Roxbury. From Catskill, take Route 23 via Cairo, East Windham, Windham, Prattsville, to Grand Gorge, then Route 30 to Roxbury; or, take Route 23-A from Catskill via Palenville, Haines Falls, Tannersville, Hunter, Lexington, Prattsville, to Grand Gorge, then Route 30 to Roxbury. From Albany, take Route 20 to Duanesburg, Route 7 to Richmondville, Route 10 via Summit and Jefferson to Stamford, 284 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL Route 23 to Grand Gorge, Route 30 to Roxbury; or, from Albany, take Route 20 to Duanesburg, Route 7 nearly to Central Bridge, then Route 30 by way of Schoharie, Middleburgh, Grand Gorge, to Roxbury. RESERVATIONS. The Committee on Reservations consists of the following, all of whom live at Roxbury, N. Y.: Kenneth B. Preston, Chairman, Mrs. Ella B. More, Vice-Chairman, Howard K. Decker, Miss Ann More, Miss Sammie Ives, Jacob C. Keator, Miss Jean More, Mrs. Bruce Caswell, George W. Tupper. Probably the better way will be to write Cousin Kenneth B. Preston, the Chairman, what day you will arrive and whether by train, auto, bus or airplane. Please be sure to be explicit as to what you want and what you wish to pay. The Reservations Committee will arrange for satisfactory accommodations during the stay and if you write or communicate with the Chairman time enough before your arrival you will be advised as to the arrangements made for you. Or you may write direct to the proprietor of any of the Hotels in the list below. The postoffice address of each one is Roxbury, Delaware County, New York. All are on the American plan. Rates for room and board run from Five Dollars per day DOWN. Roxbury Hotel, Roy Streeter, Prop. The Lea-Croft, Mrs. Margaret Blythe, Prop. Sans Souci, Mrs. Ida M. Reed, Prop. Park View, Mrs. Mary E. Richtmyer, Prop. Maplehurst, F. Bruce Easton, Prop. Maple Grove Cottage, H. K. Decker, Prop. Strathmore Farm, Mrs. Una Cook, Prop. Rooms at private residences may be secured on the European Plan at One Dollar per day and up. Meals will be furnished by any of the hotels named above. Roxbury Hotel has coffee shoppe and tea room. Special Committees for the Eleventh Reunion. FINANCE: John Burr Northrop, Chairman, 1165 Fifth Avenue, New York City. John Frisbee Keator, Jr., Vice-Chairman, Gwynedd Valley, Pa. Dr. Charles M. Allaben, Binghamton, N. Y. Cornelia More Belden, Aurora, 111. Vol. 3, No. 10 Perkins Coville, Washington, D. C. Stanley Coville, New Lisbon, Pa. Anna F. Cranston, Kingston, N. Y. Charles M. Eckert, New York City. Roderick Fitch, Walton, N. Y. Harry C. France, New York City. Ruth K. Fredericks, Upper Montclair, N. J. A. Harris Gaines, New York City. Frank J. Gould, Ardsley, N. Y. Frank M. Gould, New York City. Kingdon Gould, New York City. Jesse More Greenman, St. Louis, Mo. Charles Harley, Grand Gorge, N. Y. Frederick W. Hubbell, De Moines, Iowa. Adelaide D. Hunt, Scranton, Pa. William C. Keator, Jr., Fairfield, Conn. Mabel Watrous Kenyon, Binghamton, N. Y. Allison M. Kieckhefer, Milwaukee, Wis. Katherine S. Lattin, Margaretville, N. Y. George F. Martin, Tulsa, Okla. Alan K. More, Caldwell, N. J. David More, Walton, N. Y. Frank T. More, Walton, N. Y. Fred More, Hobart, N. Y. George L. More, Canandaigua, N. Y. Harry G. More, Milburn, N. J. Herman DuBois More, Woodstock, N. Y. Walter J. More, Cadosia, N. Y. Charlotte P. Reel, New York City. Susan More Roediger, San Marino, Cal. Sanborn P. Smith, San Francisco, Cal. Stoddard M. Stevens, Jr., New York City. Richard More Stewart, Hastings, N. Y. Otis M. Underwood, Kingston, N. Y. Carrie Beckwith Watt, North East, Pa. CHURCH SERVICE: J. Mclntosh More, Chairman. Miss Ella K. More. Miss Anna Palen. Mrs. Angie Preston Tupper. Mrs. Hattie Tupper. Frances Jane More. OFFICERS' RECEPTION: Mrs. Mable Watrous Kenyon, Chairman, 63 St. John Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Mrs. Katherine S. Lattin, Vice-Chairman, Margaretville, New York. Mrs. Cornelia M. Belden. Mrs. Olivia Shepard Burr. Mr. Stanley Coville. Mrs. Anna Fitch Cranston. Mr. A. Harris Gaines. Miss Edith Kingdon Gould. Mrs. Susan Preston Hasbrouck. Mrs. Lulu Harley. Mrs. Allison More Kieckhefer. Mrs. Clement Keator. Mrs. George F. Martin. Mrs. Charlotte M. Meloney. Miss Carrie E. More. Mrs. Charles H. More. Mr. Clark More. Miss Ella K. More. July, 1940 OF THE MORE FAMILY Miss Marion M. More. Mrs. John B. Northrop. Hon. William B. Northrop. Miss Anna Palen. Dr. Gilbert J. Palen. Mrs. Susan M. Roediger. Mrs. Cornelia M. Sargent. Mrs. Eleanor Marvin Schrater. Mrs. George Stevens. Mrs. Stoddard Stevens, Jr. Mrs. Margaret More White. EXERCISES AT THE MONUMENT: Rev. Hawley Fitch, Chairman, Proctor, Vermont. Major Harold Knickerbocker Van Alen, Vice-Chairman, Champion, Michigan. Col. Alva J. Brasted. Mr. Frederick Coville. Mrs. Lula Harley. Mrs. Kittie More Hyde. Mr. Mathew W. Marvin. Miss Betty Taylor More. Prof. Charles C. More. Mr. Clark More. Miss Frances Jane More. Mr. John G. More. Mrs. Elinor T. Smith. MEMORIAL SERVICE: Edward Fitch, Chairman, Clinton, N. Y. Clark More, Vice-Chairman, Aurora, 111. Arthur F. Bouton. Mrs. Mabel Watrous Kenyon. Prof. Charles C. More. Miss Carrie E. More. Mrs. Fannie Clark Spear. Mrs. Ethel Hunt Talman. Mrs. Mary Riley Terry. Harold K. Van Alen. Music: Miss Sammie Ives, Chairman, 95 Elm St., Oneonta, New York. Miss Adelaide D. Hunt, Vice-Chairman, 1636 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Miss Frances Alexander. Mrs. Perkins Coville. Rev. Hawley Fitch. Ralph S. Ives. Mrs. Ruth Allaben Ives. Mrs. Isabelle Marvin Tobey. Miss Eleanor More. Miss Grace Van Dyke More. Mrs. Taylor More. Dr. Gilbert M. Palen. Mr. Marvin T. Seacord. Mr. Finley Johnston Shepard. Miss Frances Clark Spear. Mrs. Alice Allaben Wales. DANCE: Mrs. Helen Shepard 430 East 57th St., N. Mr. John G. Palen, South Woodland Ave., Gaines, Chairman, Y. City. Vice-Chairman, 42 Woodbury, N. J. 285 Miss Anne Allaben. Mrs. Charles Eckert. Miss Elizabeth Kenyon. Mr. James Kieckhefer. Miss Rosilla Lattin. Miss Ginelle Martin. Miss Marjorie More. Mr. John Reel. Mrs. Evelyn Fitch Scarlett. Miss Adele Stevens. Miss Katherine Stevens. Mrs. Ethel St. John Talman. Miss Elizabeth Tupper. PICNIC LUNCH AT OLD STONE HOUSE: Mrs. Charles Rose, Chairman, 120 Midland Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. Mr. Donald J. More, Vice-Chairman, Roxbury, New York. Mrs. Adelaide Wade Brandow. Master Peter Shepard Burr. Mrs. Mildred Caswell. Mr. Bruce Keator Fredericks. Mr. Ralph S. Ives, Jr. Mrs. Frisbie Keator. Miss Leona R. More. Miss Juli More. Miss Mary Edith More. Miss Mary Barbara Rich. Mr. George Tupper. CHURCH LUNCHEON: Mrs. Jean W. More, Chairman. Charles K. Ives, Vice-Chairman. John G. Palen. Mrs. Ruth G. Preston. Mrs. Ada J. More. MEMORABILIA: Miss Miss Miss Mrs. Grace S. Preston, Chairman. Carrie E. More. Ella More. Lula Harley. GYMKHANA: Miss Marion Rogers, Chairman, Iron Mountain, Mich. Mr. George Tupper, Vice-Chairman, Roxbury, N. Y. Mr. Thomas R. Bradford. Mr. John Shepard Burr. Mr. Bruce K. Fredericks. Mr. Ralph S. Ives, Jr. Mr. Warren H. Keator. Miss Elizabeth Kenyon. Miss Eloise Preston Lovatt. Miss Lois Rose. Mrs. Isabel Marvin Tobey. THE HIKE: Mr. George M. More, Chairman. Mr. Donald J. More, Vice-Chairman. Mr. Sidney Bradford, Jr. Mr. Robert C. Brasted. Mr. Stanley Coville. Helen Sinclair. 286 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL Mr. Ralph S. Ives, Jr. Mr. Harry C. France. Miss Elizabeth Kenyon. Mr. Charles Harley. Kate L. Lattin. Jean Ann More. Mr. Richard N. Rose. Mr. Richard N. Simonson. Mr. Chester C. Woodburn, Jr. WATER SPORTS : Mr. Charles K. Ives, Chairman. Mr. Sidney Bradford, Jr., Vice-Chairman. Mr. Charles Allaben, Jr. Mr. Edward S. Bradford. Mr. Donald Bransted. Miss Deborah Crease. Mrs. Helen Shepard Gaines. Mr. Kingdon Gould. Mr. John F. Keator, III. Mr. James C. Martin. Richard Rose.' PAGEANT PICTURES AND DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK: Mr. Ralph S. Ives, Jr., Chairman, Roxbury, New York. Hon. Arthur F. Bouton, Vice-Chairman, Roxbury, New York. Mrs. Marion N. Bradford. Mrs. Helen Shepard Gaines. Mrs. Mabelle F. Martin. Miss Anna Palen. Mr. George W. Tupper. TENNIS: Mr. George L. More, Chairman, Canandaigua, New York. Mr. Robert Brasted, Vice-Chairman, Washington, D. C. Mr. Sidney Bradford, Jr. Mrs. Rachel Crease. Mrs. Helen Shepard Gaines. Mr. George Martin. Mrs. Isabelle Marvin Tobey. Mr. Richard Rose. Miss Adela Stevens. Miss Katherinc Stevens. Mrs. Alice Allaben Wales. GOLF: Mr. Finley Johnston Shepard, Chairman, Roxbury, New York. Mr. A. Harris Gaines, Vice-Chairman, 430 East 57th St., N. Y. City. Mr. S. Sydney Bradford, Sr. Mr. Thomas R. Bradford. Miss Deborah Crease. Miss Edith Gould. Mr. Kingdon Gould, Jr. > Hon. Loyal J. Martin. Mr. Henry Meloney. Mr. Stoddard M. Stevens, Jr. Vol. 3, No. 10 BRIDGE : Hon. Arthur F. Bouton, Chairman, Roxbury, New York. Kenneth B. Preston, Vice-Chairman, Roxbury, New York. Mrs. A. F. Bouton. Mrs. J. F. Bouton. Mrs. Marion Bradford. Mrs. Ruth Cadmus. Mrs. Maud B. Gildersleeve. Mrs. Clement S. Keator. Mrs. J. Frisbee Keator. Miss Carrie E. More. Mrs. Elizabeth MacPherson. Mrs. John B. Northrop. Mrs. Gilbert J. Palen. Miss Grace S. Preston. Mrs. Ruth G. Preston. ENTERTAINMENT OF YOUNG CHILDREN: Miss Helen Snow, Chairman, 12 Lake Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Mrs. Katherine More Guy, Vice-Chairman, 608 West Madison Avenue, New Uastle, Pa. Miss Eleanor Brown. Miss Elaine More. Miss Katheryn L. Howell. Miss Marjorie G. Eckert. SCAVENGER HUNT: Miss Deborah Crease, Chairman. Miss Anne Allaben. Perkins Coville. Mrs. Frank B. Foster, Jr. Mrs. Helen Anna Gaines. Miss Sammie Ives. Mrs. Eloise P. Lovatt. Boyd More. John G. Palen. Richard N. Rose. George M. Stevens. BACKGAMMON : Ralph S. Ives, Chairman. Finley J. Shepard, Vice-Chairman. Loyal J. Martin. Miss Anna Palen. Dr. Gilbert J. Palen. QUOITS : Edmund More, Chairman. Bruce Caswell, Vice-Chairman. Fred More. Myron More. Raymond More. Walter J. More. PROGRAM : Clement S. Keator, Chairman. The chairmen of all the other committees are members ex officio of the Program Committee. 287 OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 The President to the Committees. TAKE NOTICE: ALL SCHEDULES ARE ON EASTERN DAYLIGHT-SAVING TIME. Official notice is hereby given of the appointment of each and every person named as Chairman or member of committees. REQUESTS for suggestions were published on page one of 1938 and of 1939 Family Journals. It is not too late to act or co-operate with any committee. Your officers have wished not to omit the appointment of anyone who would act. If you prefer to act on a committee other than the one to which you have been designated, please communicate with the President at once. Volunteers are needed for Baseball, Softball, Badminton, Ping-Pong, Quoits, Backgammon, "Information Please" or "Quiz," Musicians, entertainers, et al. When you register at headquarters, please indicate what niche you would like to fill. PROGRAM: Modification thereof may be necessary. SUGGESTIONS TO CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES: Please communicate with the members of your committees at once for suggestions and plans. Devise or arrange the event you believe will be most entertaining and pleasing to the members of the family. Go ahead and put it over. Let the Chairman of the executive committee or the President know of your plans. them assures an enjoyable Reunion and is greatly appreciated by every member of our Family Association. The Golf Course. For the Reunion the links will be as follows: 440 yards No. 1—John T. 235 yards No. 2 — Robert 140 yards No. 3 — Alexander 590 yards No. 4 —Jonas 310 yards No. 5 —Jean 410 yards No. 6—James 360 yards No. 7— David 235 yards No. 8 — Edward L. 250 yards No. 9—J. M. A. named Par Par Par Par Par Par Par Par Par 5 3 3 6 4 4 5 4 4 38 2970 The eight holes have been extended into nine by driving back from the 8th hole and cutting across the 7th fairway to the 6th green. Memorabilia. The names of the Committee on Memorabilia are printed on page 285 in this Journal. They are appointed to collect, arrange, catalogue, exhibit and preserve articles of family interest and history. At previous reunions the display of memorabilia has been very interesting, and the Committee will have a similar display for this reunion. You will surely wish to give some time to looking over this exhibit. John and Betty Stories. Beautiful Kirkside. Copies of the John and Betty Stories, published in 1930, are still to be had. This book of 94 pages, written by Grace Van Dyke More and illustrated by Virginia More Roediger and Herman DuBois More, presents in attractive form the traditions about John and Betty Taylor More. It is a book preeminently suited to interest children in family history. Readers outside the family who are interested in education have commended and purchased the book. Copies may be had of Miss Anna Palen, Treasurer, J. M. A., Roxbury, N. Y. The price is one dollar. A Scotch Item. Cousin Finley J. Shepard, in conformity with the custom of Mrs. Shepard and himself, has again placed at the disposal of the Association for the Reunion all the beautiful Kirkside grounds, including the golf course. These grounds make a wonderful site for many of the most pleasant features of our reunion and cannot be duplicated anywhere. The beautiful park, the lake, the golf course and every part of the grounds afford opportunity to add to our pleasure. The invitation to use The History of the More Family, published in 1893, belongs now in the list of rare genealogical works. Our President, Taylor More, writes as follows by way of illustration: "A dealer offers a copy of the History of the More Family for $6.50. If anyone is interested, communicate with Taylor More, 2 Rector Street, New York, N. Y., who will try to get it for less." As an indication that this is an opportunity it may be noted that Noah Farnham Morrison, dealer in rare books, 314- SUGGESTIONS TO COMMITTEE MEMBERS: If the Chairman does not promptly communicate with you, you get after him, and yourself communicate with other members of the committee. REMEMBER the committee members are responsible for its job. THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 288 318 West Jersey Street, Elizabeth, N. J., offers a copy for $12 and a second copy, with the back of the binding gone, for $10. Presidency. To the Members of the More Family: You have several times honored me by electing me president of the J. M. A. I consider it a very real honor and esteem it more than I can express. However, I feel the time has come when you should, at the coming Reunion, choose some younger member for the presidency of the Association; someone who can and will direct the activities of our fine and unusual organization. Wisdom and good business confirm the conviction that we should be training a younger person for the presidency. I shall at all times assist and co-operate in any way I can. I am earnest and serious about this change. Yours for co-operation, TAYLOR MORE. The President asks you further to Remember the Committee Finance on You will hear from the Chairman soon and this is the reason: Our Reunions have cost about $1,200.00. Only 63 members pay dues. More than the amount of such dues has been required to pay for the printing and mailing of the Journals, so that there has been no accumulation from dues or subscriptions. It mars the pleasure of the Reunion to be obliged to solicit funds for our expenses during the Reunion. Won't you make this unnecessary by responding to the call of the Finance Committee? Do it now. Treasurer's Report. The report of the Treasurer of the John More Association, Miss Anna Palen, for the period October 10, 1935-June 13, 1940, is herewith given: Receipts. Balance Sale of Betty Interest Annual on hand cards and John and Stories on savings fund dues and subscriptions Total $1,105.60 9.10 100.00 604.00 $1,818.70 Vol. 3, No. 10 Expenditures. Printing and mailing 5 issues of the Journal Expenses of the Secretary Postage of the Treasurer Expenses of incorporating the J. M. A. Rent of safe deposit box, 4 years Sale of 1 copy, Genealogical Record Reunion announcements Total Balance on hand $1,563.35 13.19 5.00 45.00 44.00 2.00 25.84 $1,698.38 120.32 $1,818.70 By way of admonition the Treasurer adds some Facts About Figures. Note that included in the balance of October, 1935, was the balance of the special Reunion fund of that year, which more than paid for the report of the Reunion. Note that the average cost of the four other Journals was $275. Note that the annual dues and subscriptions for four years have not equaled the cost of the Journals. Notice of dues for the 50th year have been sent out to 63 members. Note the proportion to the total membership. Since our balance is so small, we may have to call on our Savings Fund for the pre-Reunion Journal, due in early July. It is fifty years since the plan of annual dues was instituted. Since a diminishing number use this method of financing the Association it is hoped that at the coming together in August some other plan may be evolved. A Luncheon Invitation. Cousin Frank J. Gould, who has this year as in previous years provided prizes for the various events, generously asked also to have the More family as his guests at luncheon, continuing the gracious custom of his sister, the late Helen Gould Shepard, at many earlier reunions. The response of the Association, as made by the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Clement S. Keator, is contained in the following letter: "June 24th, 1940. Mr. Frank J. Gould, Paris, France. Dear Cousin Frank: You will, of course, be very sorry to learn that Cousin Taylor More has been very seriously ill for the past two weeks. July, 1940 OF THE MORE FAMILY We understand today that he is showing some improvement and we are all praying that his recovery will come quickly and be complete. As Chairman of the Executive Committee I am endeavoring to wind up the plans for the coming Reunion at Roxbury. Taylor has done such a splendid job in laying the foundation for such plans that my duties, I believe, will be comparatively simple. I notice that you have very generously offered to defray the costs of prizes as on past occasions and in addition offered to take care of the luncheon, which has previously been provided by Cousin Helen. These affairs have always been a great success and looked forward to and enjoyed by all those who have attended the luncheons and consequently we greatly appreciate your generosity. We shall be glad to accept your check for the prizes, but would suggest that the funds that would otherwise go toward the luncheon be designated by you for some 289 worthy cause among your neighbors in France. This we might suggest be done, if you please, in the name of the Association in memory of our dear Cousin and your sister, Helen Gould Shepard. We appreciate that you personally have been doing everything within your power to help those stricken people of France, but feel that by doing this we all will be having a definite part in this worthy work. On behalf of the John More Association I should like to sincerely thank you for your generosity and continued interest in the More family. Taylor has said to me that he had hoped it might be possible for you to attend this Reunion. I am sure that we all share this desire and trust that if it is at all possible, you will be with us. Most sincerely yours, (Signed) CLEMENT S. KEATOR, Chairman of the Executive Committee." NEWS OF THE CLAN A Historical Sketch. In an endeavor to collect material from which to compile a biographical sketch of Richard Cole More (833), Cousin Harold K. Van Alen who has been working on the revision of the Edward L. line wrote to one of the senior cousins of that branch asking for information. This cousin is Clara More Ransom of Seattle, Wash., daughter of Isaac Van Loan More and granddaughter of Edward L. More. Her reply is of such general interest that extracts from her letter are here printed in order that the information contained may become a part of the printed record. For the convenience of the reader the genealogical numbers have been added to the names of the cousins mentioned. Much has been written of the wonderful memories of some of the earlier Mores. Here is a sample: * * * "I note you request that I tell you what I know of your Uncle Richard's (833) early life. This is asking me to call to mind events beginning seventy-five years ago when I first remember your uncle (833). We lived at my Grandfather More's (8) at Marathon, New York. Father (8 [12]) was his father's (8) youngest son, the last one to be married, so stayed at home to care for his parents. The family at that time consisted of Grandfather (8) and Grandmother (m 8), Uncle John (83), who was your grandfather, Cousin Louise Burgess (8[10]1) and her brother Edward Burgess (8[10]2), Aunt Eleanor's (8[10]) children; Cousin Janie More (861), Uncle Duncan's (86) daughter Marie Corbin, mother's (m 8 [12]) youngest sister—a regular orphan asylum. "One day Uncle Richard More (81) appeared with your Uncle Richard (833), his namesake, saying that he could no longer care for the boy as he was too much trouble to his wife. (They had taken him when your grandmother [m 83] died. Richard was then about ten years old. Uncle Richard [81] had no children of his own). So Father (8[12]) took him to live with us; but changes were coming. "The Civil War was on. Edward Burgess (8[10]2) enlisted. Louise Burgess (8 [10]!) went to her father in Iowa. Janie More (861) died. Marie Corbin went to an older sister in Boston. Uncle Duncan (86) had been speculating and had lost heavily. Grandfather (8) had endorsed his notes, so the home place had to be sold. What Father (8[12]) saved from the wreck he turned over to his sister, Aunt Jane Waller (87), to care for Grandfather (8) and Grandmother, then took his wife and two children and came west to Missouri to begin life again. "This was in 1866. This left Richard (833) again without a home. Think Aunt Betsy Keator (83) and Aunt Maria Seacord (85) took turns looking after him, although both had large families of their own. I think Uncle Duncan (86) financed his schooling. "It was in the spring of 1876 that Richard (833) again came to father (8 [12]). He was then about twenty-four years old. We were living on a farm near St. Joseph, Missouri, at that time but Richard (833) was not cut out for a farmer, so in time he went to St. Joseph and learned the carpenter's trade. He became a very fine workman and was in demand when especially fine work was to be done. He lived there a number of years and married in 1889 Mary Schaeffer, a very fine woman, member of a high-class German Catholic family. She only lived about five years; died leaving two children, the youngest only a few days old. Her family took the children and moved to Texas. * * * Your uncle did not like the idea of his children being raised Catholic. * * * When Willie (833,2) the younger boy died, Richard went to Dallas and took Eddie (833,1) away with him to California. * * * Did not hear from him until in 1916 or 1917, telling of his second marriage. We were then living in southern Arkansas. In the rush of moving I lost his address and have never heard from him since. * * * At that time Eddie (833,1) was running a restaurant in San Francisco." * Vol. 3, No. 10 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 290 * * * * * Richard More's second marriage proved a very happy one. It was in 1908 that he married Amelia Charlotte Huested. He established a home at Palm City, California, and engaged in the general contracting business in the vicinity of San Diego. He was very active in community affairs and especially in musical circles. Throughout his lifetime he had a very fine tenor voice and delighted in taking part in all musical events in his locality. He had an unusually large circle of friends among whom he was held in the highest esteem. He passed away in 1933. His widow survives him and still occupies the old home at Palm City. His son John Edward Sylvester Schaeffer More, above referred to as "Eddie," married and had two daughters who spent the greater part of their early years in the home of their grandfather Richard. It was about twenty years ago that J. E. S. S. More left San Diego saying that he was going to the oil fields in Texas. He has never been heard from since, although a recent report has it that he was seen in Los Angeles some seven years ago. After his departure the mother took the two children and went to San Francisco. They were completely lost track of until through an advertisement published in a popular magazine we gained contact with the former Mrs. More who is now Mrs. Nadine Shotwell. Through her kindness we are now able to present the complete and corrected record which appears elsewhere in this issue. Information Please. In the course of the revision of the Edward L. line it has been impossible to ob-. tain any information concerning George Willett More, son of Duncan G. More and grandson of Edward L. More. In 1893, when the History was published, he lived in New York City. On August 12, 1905, he married Agnes Rose Cairns in London, England. In 1910, when the obituary notice of his father appeared in the Journal, 1, 272, he was said to be "a publisher in Pittsburgh, Pa." If still living, he is in his eighty-second year. Any information concerning him will be gratefully received by Harold K. Van Alen, Champion, Mich., who is the genealogist of the Edward L. line. John Harley More. The Journal of last year (p. 253) contained some new information concerning John Harley More, oldest son of Alexander T. More. This related to his ownership of land in Greene County and particularly of a mill in Kaaterskill Clove. Mrs. Cleveland A. Dunn of Scarsdale, N. Y., who supplied this information, acknowledged the receipt of a copy of the Journal with these words: "Your family are to be envied for what they have done in this line. I hope my inquiry may produce some further information on the mill in Kaaterskill Clove. The mill stood opposite an interesting profile rock at the lower end of the Clove." Memoirs MRS. SUSAN DECKER MARVIN. Susan Decker Marvin, widow of Samuel W. Marvin, died February 25, 1940, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Schrater in Buffalo, Wyoming, at the age of 89 years. She was born in Margaretville, N. Y., August 16, 1850, the daughter of George Graham Decker and Catharine More Decker. On October 1, 1872, she was married to Samuel Wesley Marvin of New York City. They had four children: George Decker, Alexander Brewster, Eleanor Sands and Samuel Wesley, Jr. Three children, George, Eleanor and Samuel, survive. Making their first home in New York City, the Marvins moved to New Rochelle, N, Y., in 1888, where they were prominent in church and social life for 30 years. In 1910 they returned to New York City, July, 1940 OF THE MORE FAMILY where they made their home until the death of Mr. Marvin in 1923. Soon after, Mrs. Marvin moved to Wyoming to live with her daughter, Eleanor Marvin Schrater. Susan and Samuel Marvin were active in the affairs of the John More Association for many years, contributing in time, money and effort to make the reunions a success. They were always deeply interested in the More cousins, far and near. Susan Marvin lived a long life of unselfish and devoted service to her family and friends. Up to the last week of her life she carried on a large correspondence and many will miss her cheerful entertaining letters. She was always brave and gay and of an exquisite beauty of character. She was laid to rest in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y., beside her husband and son in the Marvin family plot. Of her passing her son Samuel wrote: "Here in this quiet place I come to rest, Beside the one I knew and loved the best. I will to you that still face strife and trial, The hope and faith that made my life worth while." MRS. KATE FRISBEE MCKINLEY. Mrs. Kate Frisbee McKinley, daughter of John Wesley Frisbee and Phrocina Whiteside, died on January 28, 1940, in Southern Pines, N. C. She was born January 9, 1856, in Ogle County, 111., where her father, a native of Roxbury, was doing pioneer work as a teacher and an organizer of education. On February 23, 1881, she was married to William Brown McKinley, who was later a member of Congress and a United States Senator from Illinois. Their home was in Champaign, 111. Mr. McKinley died December 7, 1926. When the plans for the first More reunion were being formed, Mr. McKinley served as a member of the committee on the monument and Mrs. McKinley was a member of the committee on the program. She was a member of the Permanent Committee from 1890 until the end of her life. In recent years Mrs. McKinley had made her home with Miss Helen B. Gregory in Southern Pines, N. C. Replying to a request from the editors of the Journal Miss Gregory wrote: "You have the main facts of Mrs. McKinley's superficial life correctly. Of her real life, the inner one, I can only give you an indication. She was always a semi-invalid, but she always wanted to write. At one time in Chicago she wrote editorials and got out of bed to carry them down to the newspaper office, where they were always accepted. At the same 291 time she wrote amusing skits for the paper, imaginary conversations between a husband and wife on current topics. She was told that they were copied from one end of the country to the other. A severe illness put a stop to that, and soon after she went to Europe accompanied by her physician. "Mrs. McKinley was an excellent business woman. She helped several of her relatives through life by adding to their diminutive incomes. And—apropos—she bore the entire expense of publishing the Genealogy of the Frisbee Family as a memorial to her father. "The sterling integrity of her character and her intellectual honesty were the factors that attracted and influenced people. I have had many grateful tributes from her friends since she went. "All of this sounds so solemn and I ought not to send it without telling you that Mrs. McKinley would never have done so herself. She was so careful to conceal the good she did." These verses by Mrs. McKinley reveal something of that "inner life" to which reference was made: Time is the little space With which men shroud thy face, Eternity. Each life or good or ill Is but a drop to fill Eternity. Death means no coming day, But ever and alway Eternity. Thou, Father, Spirit, Son, With Thee I find alone Eternity. ORVIS MORE GREENMAN. Orvis More Greenman was born October 23, 1859, on the old Greenman Hill farm in North East Township, Erie County, Pa., where he lived till the spring of 1913. He then moved to Edinboro, Pa., which was his residence until his death on October 19, 1938. He was the oldest son of James and Clarissa More Greenman, and grandson of Jesse B. More, eldest of the children of James More. Mr. Greenman married Delphenia Waterman on September 12, 1882. She died February 26, 1925. Six children were born to them: Claribel, wife of Louie L. Manross of Edinboro, Pa.; Orrie M., wife of Donald L. Wright of Fredonia, N. Y.; Luella, widow of Fred A. Klenck, whose death occurred May 7, 1939; Glenn, Orvis C., and Marion of Edinboro, Pa. Mr. Greenman was a member of the Washington Valley Christian Church. 614,1. 292 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL MKS. KATE CHAMPLIN BUTTS. Kate Champlin Butts, daughter of Ellen More Champlin and great-granddaughter of James More, died on November 17, 1939, at her home in New York City after a long illness. She was born June 19, 1858, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In October, 1883, she was married to William Matthews Butts, a native of Cleveland, Ohio. She is survived by her husband and her daughter, Delight Butts, also by a sister, Estelle Champlin of New York City and a niece, Mrs. Delia Champlin Van Deusen of Claverack, N. Y. Her son, John Champlin Butts, died in 1935. The following tribute is from her daughter's hand: "My mother was always intensely interested in the More Family Association, though the first reunion was the only one she was able to attend. Indeed I might say I was brought up on the Bible and the More Family book, and certainly could repeat the family genealogy better than those in the Old Testament. "My mother had a genius for friendship and always was keenly interested not only in social affairs but in various types of social work. Back in the nineties she helped to establish the first diet kitchen in St. Mark's Hospital in Grand Rapids and helped in church work in her own church and in the Congregational church there. After she moved to Cleveland in 1906 she was active in the work of the Associated Charities, and in the World War she was first a volunteer and then a staff member of the American Red Cross in its Home Service Department. She was very proud of the fact that her work was considered up to the professional standards, and that she had passed with credit the required examinations for such work. In fact she was usually sent to see people in difficult situations that needed tact and skill in handling. "My mother graduated from St. Agnes Episcopal School in Albany, N. Y., in 1876. She received a scholarship prize for faithful and successful study—as Bishop Doane wrote—in astronomy. Afterwards she attended the Art Institute in Chicago, and did a great deal of china painting, being a pioneer in painting the established and conventional patterns instead of the flowers of the amateur china painter of fifty years ago. A Dolton chocolate set of hers was exhibited at the World's Fair in Chicago of 1893. I still have the set. It is a lovely thing and I wish I could send it up to the Reunion if there were an exhibit of things done by members of the family." 622,1. MRS. MARIE L. MARSH. Marie Louise (More) Marsh, eldest of the five children of Dr. James H. and Vol. 3, No. 10 Harriet Elizabeth (Frisbee) More, died at her home, Polo, 111., February 9, 1940. Mrs. Marsh was born February 20, 1859, in Polo, 111., and was educated at Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. On December 8, 1880, she was married to George C. Marsh of Sycamore, 111. They lived in Sycamore for a short time, then moved to Chicago, where the most of their lives were spent. In the fall of 1928 they moved to Polo, which thereafter was their home. Mr. Marsh died in 1930. Three sisters survive, all of whom live in Polo: Anne More, Mrs. Faith More Keller and Pauline More Wetzel. Mrs. Marsh was a great lover of trees and had devoted much time to landscape gardening. In her early years she wrote articles for the Chicago papers, the Times and the Inter-Ocean, and was an occasional contributor to the Youth's Companion. She also published two books, Vic— The Autobiography of a Fox Terrier, and The Freckled Boy. 621,1. GEORGE SINCLAIR FITCH. George Sinclair Fitch, son of George W. Fitch and Harriet Sinclair, and a greatgrandson of David More, died at the Tompkins County Memorial Hospital in Ithaca, N. Y., on May 5, 1940, after having submitted to an operation for the removal of goitre. He was born in Walton, N. Y., May 12, 1866. In his youth he was trained in the mercantile business as his father was associated with the firm of N. Fitch & Sons, which at that time operated the largest store in Walton at the corner of Mead and North Streets. When still a young man he went to the state of Washington where he was engaged in the banking business for a few years in partnership with the late John P. White. After his return from the west he became a member of the firm of Fitch Bros., Seeley & Co., successors to the firm of N. Fitch & Sons. Later George C. Seeley withdrew from the firm and the name was changed to A. S. Fitch & Co. About 27 years ago George S. Fitch took over the interests of his partners in the A. S. Fitch & Company store. Three years ago he sold the business to the firm of Baxter & Wood and retired from active business. The Walton Reporter, in commenting on his life, said: "George S. Fitch was a man who in his quiet, unobtrusive manner made a host of friends. Probably there are few men of our times who are as charitable toward his fellow men as he was. His conduct in his business and family life was exemplary and no one ever heard him criticize human failings in others. He July, 1940 OF THE MORE FAMILY recognized the good in his fellow men and overlooked the bad. "His family life was a model of quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the companionship of those whom he held most dear and there are few families which have taken so much pleasure from each other as has the Fitch family. "Mr. Fitch had been a member of the First Congregational church of Walton for 57 years and at the time of his death was treasurer of benevolences of that church and had held many other church offices during his lifetime." He married Blanche E. Ells on November 19, 1902, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Joseph H. Scarlett of New York City, and Miss Agnes, at home, two brothers, Dr. Edward Fitch of Clinton, N. Y., and Roderick Fitch of Walton, N. Y., and a sister, Mrs. William J. Cranston of Kingston, N. Y. 743,3. WALTER TORREY MORE. Walter Torrey More, son of Frank H. More and great-grandson of Edward L. More, died January 7, 1940, in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He was born November 26, 1886, in Shelton, Neb. In 1914 he was graduated from the law department of Creighton University, Omaha, with first rank in a class of forty. He immediately began the practice of law in Omaha, in partnership with T. J. McGuire. In 1920 he closed his practice there and on account of his health settled in Torrington, Wyoming, where he formed a partnership with Erie H. Reid, a prominent lawyer of Goshen County. On January 1, 1939, he moved to Cheyenne, where he joined James A. Greenwood in practice. Mr. More's death followed an illness of about three weeks. He had submitted to a major operation, and while his condition was serious it was not regarded as critical. He was a member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, a member of the Masonic order, and of the Lions Club. At the funeral services the members of the Laramie County Bar were present in a body. Mr. More married Lottie Elizabeth Undcrhill December 27, 1917, in Omaha. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Betty Jane, a junior in Antioch College, Ohio, his mother, Mrs. Helen More of Denver, and two sisters, Louise More McConnell of Denver and Mrs. Helen More Lee of Omaha. 891,2. MRS. ELIZABETH MORE HADLEY. Elizabeth More Hadley, daughter of David Laraway More and the last surviving grandchild of John T. More, died in Seattle, Washington, on November 30, 1939. She was born on July 11, 1854, in Jersey City, N. J. On December 16, 1880, she 293 was married to George William Childs Hadley. Their only child, Homer More Hadley, was born November 15, 1885, in Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Later their home was in Toledo, Ohio, until 1902. In 1906, after a period of residence in Baltimore and Pittsburgh, they came to Seattle and lived on the Pacific coast thereafter. In 1914 they moved to Oakland, Cal., where Mr. Hadley died, June 30, 1917. Thereafter Mrs. Hadley made her home with her son in Seattle. Besides her son, two grandchildren survive, Eleanor M. and Richard H. Hadley. 1(11)5. GEORGE CLAEENCE HYDE. George Clarence Hyde, husband of Katherine (More) Hyde, died at his home in Schenectady, N. Y., December 23, 1939. He was born and educated in Glenmore, N. Y., the son of Asher Hyde and Delphene McKee. In 1902 he went to Schenectady and began work in the office of the American Locomotive Company. Six months later he entered the employ of the General Electric Company as a clerk in the department of orders and stores, and at the time of his death was chief clerk in that department. On November 7, 1905, he married Katherine More, granddaughter of Jacob Laraway More. Mrs. Hyde survives him. m 1(12)2,2. MRS. ANN ELIZA (SKELLIE) MERRY. Mrs. Ann Eliza (Skellie) Merry, daughter of Louisa (More) Skellie, died in North East, Pa., on May 12, 1937, at the home of her brother, Charles A. Skellie. She was born in Mina, N. Y., on December 3, 1850. Her marriage to Lucius C. Merry took place January 23, 1878. For many years their home was in North East. Mr. Merry died June 16, 1909. Mrs. Merry was a life-long member of the Methodist Church and was esteemed in her community for her character and her high ideals. She continued active until a few months before her death. Two brothers survive her: Albert H. Skellie of Long Beach, Miss., and Charles A. Skellie of North East. 271,1. MRS. MINNIE CLARK KING. Mrs. Minnie Clark King died at her home, Shelter Island, N. Y., on February 10, 1940, of a heart attack which was due to a clot in the circulatory system. She was born March 17, 1867, in South Gilboa, N. Y., the daughter of John H. Clark and Mary Gould More, who was the youngest daughter of Joseph H. More. She was married December 3, 1889, to Herbert L. King, son of Libbins Vincent King. Mr. King died November 8, 1924. Of their two children, the younger, Walter C. King, lives in Shelter Island. The elder, Eugene H. King, met accidental death December 17, 1919 (Journal, 2, 172). 377,1. Vol. 3, No. 10 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 294 MRS. LILLIAN CURTIS KELDER. Mrs. Lillian Curtis Kelder, wife of Don Howard Kelder, of Fleischmanns, N. Y., died December 13, 1939. Her youngest child, Russell Henry Kelder, 422,511,2, was born November 18, 1939. m 422,511. HOWARD RICKEY NORTHROP. Howard Richey Northrop, eldest son of Howard Gould and Mary de Saussure Richey Northrop, died at Alexandria, Va., June 3, 1940. He is survived by his widow, by two brothers, William Bacot and John Burr Northrop, and by three sisters, Mrs. Helen Rose, Mrs. Frances Haughwout and Mrs. Marian Bradford. 321,11. Marriages On September 23, 1939, at Reno, Nevada, Ralph Squire More, son of Clarence J. More of Los Molinos, Cal., married Marian Thelma Cole of Elyria, Ohio, daughter of Fred Clinton Cole of Battle Creek, Mich., and Clara Amelia Matilda Kraeft of Woodville, Ohio. Their address is Wellington, Nev. 455,11. Dora Alta More, daughter of Clarence J. More of Los Molinos, Cal., was married September 3, 1939, at Santa Barbara, Cal., to George Harding Donaldson, son of William Donaldson and Marion W. Harding. He was born August 25, 1917. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson reside at 410 W. Sola Street, Santa Barbara, Cal. 455,15. Cornelia Preston Clark, daughter of Charles R. and Maude (Preston) Clark of Newark, N. Y., was married in Newark on April 1, 1939, to Philip Marion Winslow, M. D. Dr. Winslow was born September 29, 1911, in Rochester, N. Y., the son of Floyd S. Winslow and Katharine McKay. He was graduated from Cornell University in 1933, and in 1935-6 was a Student Fellow in anatomy in the School of Medicine of Rochester University. Later, he was an interne in surgery in Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester. 563,32. Martha Howard, granddaughter of Elizabeth More Howard, was married August 27, 1938, in Angola, Indiana, to Barton Ivan Delaforce, son of Willis Edward Delaforce and Daisy Blanche Barton. He was born November 4, 1899, in Tower City, North Dakota. Their residence is 3152 Medbury Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 7(10)3,15. The marriage of Clair Kuhl More and Therese Virginia Fyalkowski, daughter of Joseph Fyalkowski and Isabelle Zerenski, took place at the parsonage of the Methodist Church, Erie, Pa., on January 2, 1940, in the presence of the immediate families. The bride was born February 1, 1921, in Erie, Pa. The new home address is 220 West Eighth Street, Erie. Mr. More is a graduate of Purdue University, with his major work in chemical engineering, and is a chemist at Perry Furnaces, Erie. 7(10)7,3. The marriage of Francis James Patrick and Frieda Wilberta Woodyard took place in Marysville, Cal., on November 4, 1939. Mrs. Patrick was born May 30, 1921, in Philomath, Oregon, the daughter of Sam Woodyard and Gladys Almeda Lillard. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick is 8131/2 Eye Street, Marysville, Cal. 858,22. Births A daughter, Virginia Crane Macintosh, was born December 26, 1939, to Richard R. and Katharine More (Crane) Macintosh of Santa Monica, Cal. In this connection an error should be noted in the record of 3(10)3,441, the elder sister of Virginia, who was born January 28, 1938, not January 30, 1939, as given in the Journal of 1939, p. 275. 3(10)3,442. A daughter, Gail Edna, was born December 18, 1939, in Burlington, Vt., to Marcus Melbourne and Ruth (More) Kinney. 471,621. A son, Arthur More, was born January 29, 1940, in the Stamford hospital to Donald and Leona Ryer More of Roxbury, N. Y. 471,712. A son, George Liberty More, was born October 19, 1939, to Lorimer Boyd More and Ruth McGill, in Daytona Beach, Florida. 474,411. A daughter, Susan Allaben, was born in Hobart, N. Y., on April 14, 1940, to Charles K. and Ruth Mary (Allaben) Ives of Roxbury, N. Y. 542,131,2. A daughter, Elinor, was born in Rochester, N. Y., on May 3, 1940, to Donald Mortimer and Isabel (Marvin) Tobey of Victor, N. Y. 741,321. A daughter, Leila, was born on February 27, 1940, to Willard Leslie and Priscilla (Marvin) Robinette of Richfield, Utah. 741,431. A daughter, Blanche Almeda, was born to Barton Ivan and Martha Howard Delaforce February 8, 1939, in Detroit, Mich. 7(10)3,151. July, 1940 OF THE MORE FAMILY Personal and Social American publications have noted the splendid helpfulness of Mrs. Frank J. Gould in connection with war work in France. Buying and equipping ambulances is chief among her activities. The reports indicate that she has devoted herself early and late to a vigorous promotion of whatever form of war work that she undertakes, m 326,6. Among the passengers who disembarked at New York on June 9 from the President Roosevelt was Arnold Smith, European representative of the Monsanto Chemical Company, who had continued at his post since the war began. His wife, Elinor Titus Smith, with her four daughters left England when hostilities threatened and have been staying with her mother, Mrs. Mary Marvin Titus, in Walton, N. Y. m 741,22. Miss Helen Jane Seacord, daughter of Rev. Jay Gould Seacord of Livingston, N. J., was recently graduated from the Nurses Training School of St. Luke's Hospital in New York. She is now on duty at the Medical Center. 854,31. One of the new appointments to the teaching staff of the Roxbury, N. Y., Central School is that of Clifton J. Tompkins as teacher of science. He is the son of Jonas More Tompkins of Ashland, N. Y., and after graduation from Wesleyan University took special work at the State College for Teachers at Albany, N. Y. 5(10)2,21. Professor Arthur W. Seacord of the University of Illinois, who was prevented by the outbreak of war from spending his year of sabbatical leave in England, has been working at Yale and Harvard during the year. This summer he is teaching at the University of Minnesota. 857,1. Mrs. Mary Katherine More Guy, formerly of New Castle, Pa., is now living in Washington, D. C., at 4119 Nebraska Avenue, N. W. She has been for nearly a year dietitian and house manager at Hillcrest Children's Village, the oldest and best endowed home for children in the city. She mentioned Edwin Gould as the donor of the generous endowment of the home. Quite by chance Mrs. Guy met in Washington Mrs. Walter Torrey More, formerly of Cheyenne, Wyoming, who since her husband's death in January has been spending some time in Washington. 284,1. Henry R. Washbon of Morris, N. Y., reports that on last Christmas eve he and his sister, Gertrude E. Washbon, held a centennial celebration of the building of the family home, "Mapleside," where they 295 both live. Miss Washbon has been a teacher in the Morris high school for nearly thirty years. The brother and sister are the only living descendants of Eliza Smith Washbon, except for an uncle, Arthur Washbon, now living at an advanced age in Harper, Kansas. 551,51. Lorimer Boyd More, whose winter address is Daytona Beach, Florida, has a position with the Great Southern Trucking Company from September to May. During the summer months he is at Camp Vermont, on Grand Island, Vermont, in Lake Champlain. The camp is an attractive place to spend a summer vacation, where all kinds of sports, including golf, may be enjoyed. There is a hotel with dining room, as well as cabins with screened porches that overlook the lake. 474,41. Charles K. Ives, M. D., opened his office for the practice of medicine in Roxbury, N. Y., last December. Dr. Ives, son of Attorney Ralph S. and the late Ruth Keator Ives, was graduated from Cornell University in 1932 and from Hahnemann Medical College in 1938. At Cornell he was a member of the swimming team for three years and captain for the last two years. At Hahnemann he was president of his class during junior and senior years. He married Miss Ruth Mary Allaben, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Allaben of Binghamton, N. Y., on November 28, 1937. They have two daughters. Mrs. Ives is a member of the More family on her father's and her mother's side. 542,131. Travel in Time of War. James Bolard More, U. S. Consul in Nigeria, West Africa, wrote from Lagos, his post of duty, on March 2, expressing his interest in the coming reunion and indicating that there is only a slight chance of his presence in this country this summer. He mentioned the visit which he had received last summer from his mother, Mrs. Louise Bolard More, whose return journey, begun on September 2, was subject to all the delays and disturbances which may happen in time of war. Mrs. More's lively account of the return, which turned out to be by way of the Cape Verde Islands and Panama, appeared in the Wellesley Magazine for February. Here are a few entries from the journal of travel: "On the afternoon of Friday, September 1, I was packed to leave on the Dutch ship Amstelkerk, when James came for lunch and said, 'Poland has been invaded. War will come.' " "The Amstelkerk left Lagos Saturday morning, September 2." "October 1, the day I expected to reach New York, we spent in the harbor of 296 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL Bathurst, Gambia, opposite the pier from which the Lindberghs started in Listen! the Wind. The next day we reached Dakar, Senegal, a fine harbor guarded by two rows of mines, bobbing like buoys." "On October 20, we left Dakar again, this time for the Cape Verde Islands." "We reached Panama the evening of the second of November." "Sunday morning, the new Ancon of the Panama line left for New York, and after a smooth and delightful trip I awoke on the morning of November 11 to find us anchored opposite the Goddess. Never was I so glad to see her as after ten weeks at sea." Chaplain Alva J. Brasted. During the 3rd Army maneuvers which were held in the area of the Sabine River between Louisiana and Texas from May 5 to 25, Colonel Alva J. Brasted was chaplain of the 3rd Army, having been Vol. 3, No. 10 appointed to that important post by Colonel William R. Arnold, his successor as Chief of Army Chaplains. Between these two men a close friendship has long existed. Colonel Brasted is a Baptist, Colonel Arnold a Roman Catholic. They stand and work together on a broad platform of religious principles. The spirit which animates their activities comes to expression in the closing words of the letter addressed to the approximately 60 chaplains who participated in the exercises. "In all things be sincere, earnest, cheerful and considerate. If unavoidably men see in you as they see in themselves something of nature's weakness, let them also see a great deal more of what with God's help they may become. "Lead men to think of God and to see the practical wisdom of His law, and you will develop in their characters all the basic qualities of loyal citizens, brave soldiers and devoted sons of the Eternal God." EVENTS OF THE YEAR The Gould Mansion. The New York Times of March 23, 1940, recorded an interesting case of history repeating itself. "The historic Gould mansion on the northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and Forty-seventh Street, used as a hospital during the Windsor Hotel fire on St. Patrick's day forty-one years ago, figured similarly but on a smaller scale yesterday in another spectacular blaze in which three persons were injured and four rescued. "The fire, yesterday, which was discovered at 10 A. M. and raged until noon, destroyed the interior of a five-story brownstone building at 1 East Fortyseventh Street, shot through the roof and spread to a gable on the old mansion, necessitating two alarms. "All traffic through Forty-seventh Street, between Madison and Fifth Avenues, was rerouted and that on the latter thoroughfare impeded as thousands of Easter shoppers thronged the neighborhood and were thrilled by the rescue of two men and two women who, trapped by flames roaring up a stairwell, were led to safety down ladders. "As in the Windsor fire, where fortyfive lives were lost, coffee was served to policemen and firemen in the mansion while the victims were being treated or were resting. Finley J. Shepard, financier and son-in-law of Jay Gould, and his adopted daughter, Mrs. Harris Gaines, who. now occupy the house, personally assisted in the hastily transformed 'hospital.'" A Mystery Story. The "Book Review" of the New York Times for February 4 contained brief reviews of five new mystery stories, one of which is Murder Bicarb, by Delia Van Deusen. It is a book of 310 pages and is published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company. Readers of the Journal will be interested to know that the author is the daughter of Frederick M. Champlin and a granddaughter of Ellen More Champlin of the James line. The strange title of the book is in part explained in the opening sentence of the Times review: "There is nothing suspicious about the first sudden death in the Tideshead Home for the Aged excepting the disappearance of a can of bicarbonate of soda, and only a few persons know about that." After a brief summary of the plot the reviewer says: "The story is admirably told." The Saturday Review of Literature of February 10 in its "Guide to Detective Fiction" renders the verdict: "Garrulous but good." The Boston Transcript calls it: "A Mystery to delight the feminine heart," and Books terms it "A recommended item." Mrs. Van Deusen has earlier published poems in the magazines and has written short plays for amateur production. Her publishers have an option on her next two OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 stories. Murder Bicarb is included in the Columbia County exhibit in the New York State Building: at the World's Fair. Mrs. Van Deusen's home is in Claverack, Columbia County. Streeter's Hotel. Streeter's Hotel in the village of Grand Gorge, N. Y., which was originally Moresville Hotel in the village of Moresville, was destroyed by fire on March 25, 1940. This simple statement has a special significance for the members of the More family for the hotel had a history. In 1786, when John More made his final settlement in the place which came to be called Moresville, now Grand Gorge, he realized that his home was situated at a place where several trails converged. The settlers who came and went needed accommodations. So he built a log structure to meet the needs of the time and conducted a hotel in connection with his farm. In 1817, John More's oldest son, John Taylor More, succeeded his father in the possession of the property. In 1834, John T.'s son, John Laraway More, bought the hotel and the farm. Fourteen years later 297 the ownership passed to his son, Wilson P. More, who conducted the hotel until 1853. In that year the property, which had been in the possession of some member of the More family for four generations, was sold to Samuel Jenkins. The frame building which took the place of the original log structure was built by John Laraway More. On the foundation in the cellar were carvings as follows: Moresville, J. L. More, 1836 A. T. M. These carvings were supposed to be in the stone, and Cousin Charles Harley had arranged to preserve the stone on which the carvings were made and present it to the John More Association to be kept as a relic at the farm. When the debris was cleared away it was discovered that the carving was on the plaster over the stone and that it had already begun to crumble. Cousin Richard More Simonson of Grand Gorge very thoughtfully and generously had a professional photographer take and develop a picture of the carvings and has presented it to the John More Association. THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 298 Beaverdam. A writer in the Oneonta Star of February 29, 1940, dealt with some part of the early history of the village and township of Roxbury with special relation to the early name "Beaverdam." The following paragraphs have a special interest for the readers of the Journal: "The village of Roxbury was first known as Beaverdam, although it is said the town was always called Roxbury. The site of the present village received the name Beaverdam because of the abundance of beavers in the locality. They had built a fairly large dam in the Delaware river just below the present village site. "Roxbury's first settler was Israel Inman, who came here in 1788 to trap beavers. A year later, about 20 families of 'land lookers' came into Delaware County from Fairfield County, Conn. Most of them settled in the vicinity of Stamford, which received its name from Stamford, Conn. Three men looking for lost horses were entertained by Inman, who had found the horses, and the men liked this vicinity so well they and their families settled with two other families at the portion of town now called West Settlement. "The post office of Roxbury was established in 1806, with Abraham Gold the first postmaster. It is thought that the post office was called Roxbury, but it was also known as Beaverdam, and mail addressed to Beaverdam was received here until well within the memory of the oldest inhabitants. Nobody knows where the name Roxbury originated, the most plausible theory being that it was named from Roxbury, Conn., as practically all the first settlers came from Connecticut. "First Settler John More. "The first settler, though, in the Town of Roxbury was not Inman, but John More and his wife Betty Taylor More, intrepid Scotch pioneers, who came to the Vol. 3, No. 10 vicinity of Grand Gorge in 1786. That community was known as Moresville until well within present memory. About 1870, when the railroad was built, it was changed to Grand Gorge, as there were maiv> other post offices in New York with names similar to Moresville and Grand Gorge was appropriate because of the gorge on the Roxbury road, which is really 'grand.' "The name of More is connected prominently with Roxbury history. Many Mores lived in both the Grand Gorge and Roxbury ends of town. The school district of More Settlement north of this village is the only surviving locality name. It is here that one of the first dwelling houses of the community stands, the old John More house, built of stone. Badly damaged by fire, it was afterward restored and purchased by the John More As;ociation. The family of W. J. Lutz i.ow occupies the farm. "The Town of Roxbury at one time had five post offices, Roxbury, Grand Gorge, Vega, Denver and Bedell. It still has the first four, but the Bedell post office is now in the Town of Middletown, a short distance below the town line, due to a change in postmasters' residences." One paragraph in the article needs revision: "The entire section of Vega and Denver was once known as Bataviakill. 'Kill,' of course, was the old Dutch word for stream. Batavia is unknown, but it sour.ds like an Indian name." Kill is Dutch, and so is Batavia. When Julius Caesar conquered northwestern Europe he found "Batavians" living just where the Dutch now live. Batavia is still used as the Latin name for Holland, and the Dutch in the seventeenth century of our era named the capital of their East Indian possessions Batavia. The Dutch brought the name to Delaware County, too, along with kill. The early pronunciation, "Batawvy," witnesses to its foreign origin. July, 1940 OF THE MORE FAMILY 299 GENEALOGICAL RECORD The following items concerning the members of the family are numbered according to the system used in the Permanent Record. This system is explained in the Journal for November, 1935, page 126. The same explanation is prefixed to the list of those in attendance at the reunions of 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925 and 1930. See Journals for 1912, 1916, 1921, 1925, 1930. A good way to master the system is to read your own number backwards. For example: the number of our president, Taylor More, is 112,7. That means that he is the seventh child of the second child (Taylor), of the first child (John L.), of the first child (John T.), of John and Betty Taylor More. 551. Information about the family of Eliza Smith Washbon, who was a granddaughter of Jean More Smith, has just been received. The record as printed in the History and the Journals is continued as follows: 551,3. James Gould Washbon of Harper, Kansas, died without issue in November, 1937. 551,5. Henry March Washbon, father of Henry R. and Gertrude E. Washbon, died June 21, 1937, in Morris, N. Y. His wife, Sarah Cooke Washbon, died December 14, 1933. 551.8. Russell Washbon of Harper, Kansas, died in January, 1912. He was unmarried. 551.9. Frederick Washbon of Harper, Kansas, died in August, 1914. He was unmarried. 592,321. A correction should be made in the date of birth of John Frisbee Campbell, as given on page 243 of the previous number of the Journal. The correct date is November 29, 1938. 753,3. Information has been received from two of the sons of Charles Elmer More of Des Moines, Iowa, who is a grandson of Daniel Q. More of the David line. This information is here given as a substitute for the record, in part defective and in part incorrect, as published in the Journal for 1936, page 163. Mitchel More, 753,31, b. August 26, 1897; m. June 23, 1923, in Indianola, Iowa, Marjorie Nelson, daughter of William Nelson and Alice A. Harris. She was b. April 29, 1905, in Jefferson, Iowa. A son, William Charles More, 753,311, was b. in Jefferson, Iowa, April 14, 1924. Carl More, 753,33 was b. in 1907; he m. on August 1, 1927, at Wichita Falls, Texas, Helen Grace Barcus. Three children were born to them: Marilyn Joyce More, b. April 20, 1928, in Wichita Falls, Texas. Larry Ray More', b. July 28, 1934; d. January 24, 1936, in Des Moines, Iowa. Carl Thomas More, b. October 22, 1937, in Des Moines, Iowa. 825,2. Edward Norris, not Edward Keator Norris, as was incorrectly given in the Journal of 1938, page 220, married Mrs. Lillian Bartlett Burnum on February 28, 1904. Reports have recently been received which supply gaps in the revision of the Edward L. line, as it was printed in the Journal of 1938. On page 220: 827,21. Betsey More Keator, daughter of Oliver Porter and Alberta Perkins Keator, of Cortland, N. Y., was married on November 12, 1938, to Alfred G. Wearm. Their home is at 861 Ashland Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 827,23. Jean Sutherland Keator, daughter of Oliver Porter and Alberta Perkins Keator, was born in Cortland, N. Y., on March 21, 1919. 827,3. Martha D. Keator (Graf) of Hamburg, N. Y., was born in Cortland, N. Y., July 14, 1900. 827,31. Sally Keator Graf was born November 2, 1930. 833,1. The following completes and corrects the record of J. E. S. S. More and his family. 833,1. John Edward Sylvester Schaeffer More, present address unknown; b. February 18, 1890, at St. Joseph, Mo.; m. at San Diego, Cal., February 14, 1910, Sally Nadine Snead, who was born at Phoenix, Ariz., April 8, 1890, the daughter of John Samuel Snead and Henrietta Willis; had issue: 833.11. Marjorie Delia More, of 1110 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, Cal.; b. January 13, 1911, at San Diego, Cal.; unmarried. 833.12. Edwina More (Strassner) of 3348 16th Street, San Francisco, Cal.; b. January 8, 1914, at San Diego, Cal.; m. June 28, 1929, at San Francisco, Cal., to Richard Strassner, who was born at San Francisco, December 31, 1908, the son of 300 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL William Ernest Strassner and Lena Arne; had issue: 833,121. Beverly Mildred Strassner, b. October 1, 1930, at San Francisco. m 834. William Henry Miller, husband of Elizabeth Cole (More) Miller, d. January 13, 1928, in Newark, N. J., in his 76th year. 851,2. Cousin Harold Knickerbocker Van Alen reports that the record of the family of William Francis Seacord as printed in the Journal of 1938, page 223, can now be corrected and completed as follows: 851,2. William Francis Seacord, b. September 21, 1871, in Cortland, N. Y.; d. August 17, 1937, at San Jose, Cal., of heart attack; m. Eleanor Lucinda Howard, daughter of Duane Howard and Harriet A. Dobson (Mrs. Seacord's address is now 313 So. 10th Street, San Jose, Cal.) ; had issue: 851.21. Edward More Seacord, 851.22. William Raymond Seacord, 851.23. Mary Eleanor Seacord, 851.24. Helen Mary Seacord, 851.25. Howard Eggleston Seacord. 851.21. Edward More Seacord, b. July 22, 1900, in Cortland, N. Y.; m. November 1, 1920, at Delmonte, Cal., Marzie Helen Jamison, daughter of Theodore Robert Jamison and Margaret Edith Payne; engaged in the wholesale butcher and distributing business as a member of the firm of Laurence-Seacord Meat Co. of San Jose; had issue: 851.211. Theodore Helen Seacord, b. January 15, 1922, in Pacific Grove, Cal. 851.212. Thelma Jeanette Seacord, b. May 14, 1926. 851.213. Barbara Ann Seacord, b. December 24, 1927. 851.214. Sally Margaret Seacord, b. July 26, 1932. 851.22. William Raymond Seacord, b. March 3, 1902; d. May 6, 1932, in Erie, Pa., of tuberculosis; m. June 26, 1928, Lola Rafmessen of Erie, Pa., who is now teaching at Erie, and residing with her parents at 309 Sassafras Street. 851.23. Mary Eleanor Seacord, b. January 25, 1904, in Cortland, N. Y.; d. November 27, 1906, of diphtheria. 851.24. Helen Mary Seacord, b. October 4, 1907; m. April 15, 1925, to Gale Waterbury of San Jose, Cal.; had issue: 851.241. Edward Gale Waterbury, b. June 11, 1926. 851.242. Alan Francis Waterbury, b July 30, 1927. Vol. 3, No. 10 851.24. Helen Mary Seacord (Waterbury) ; divorced March 28, 1930; m. March 10, 1931, to Peter Joseph Cirimele of San Jose; had issue: 851.243. Albert Nickolas Cirimele, b. October 27, 1932. 851.244. Elizabeth Anne Cirimele, b. December 15, 1939. 851.25. Howard Eggleston Seacord, b. October 17, 1915, in Cortland, N. Y. 854,11. 854,11. Douglas Earl Seacord. Concerning him, one of his near relatives writes: "I hardly know what to say. He was granted a leave of absence to go home for Thanksgiving (1928). He had left before the message informing him of his father's death reached him, intending w surprise his father and mother. He reached home and rushed into the front door only to see his father in the casket. You can imagine the shock he received. fchortly after that he disappeared and as far as I know no trace of him has ever been found. Just what happened is only a guess. I tried to locate some clue through Masonic connections but none was ever found." 883,3. The following is a correction of the record as printed in the Journal of 1938, page 227: Richard L. Rogers died February 2, 1931. 8(12)1,5. The record of the family of Rosamond Lucille ivansom, wife of Allen Lester Cunningham, which was given only in part in uie Journal of 1938, page 230, is here continued as follows: 8(12)1,52. Roland P. Cunningham, b. October 22, 1921. 8(12)1,53. Louis L. Cunningham, b. April 23, 1924. 8 (12; 1,54. Sallie Anita Cunningham, b. February 19, 1929. These three children were born in Seattle, Wash. OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 301 JOHN TAYLOK MOKE II. John Laraway More, m. second, Decomber 14, 1828, Elizabeth Wickes, daughter of Zophar Wickes and Jane Carpenter; she was b. September 20, 1792, in Hyde Park, N. Y.; d. January 17, 1880, in Moresville, N. Y.; no issue. who was the First Child of 111. A Genealogical Record of the descendants of John and Betty Taylor More Compiled, 1940, for the JOHN MORE ASSOCIATION by Clark More (112,6). 1. The John T. Line I. John Taylor More, son of John More and Betty Taylor; b. February 27, 1771, in Rothiemurchus, Inverness-shire, Scotland; d. June 23, 1857, in Moresville, N. Y.; m. first, December 16, 1792, Eleanor Laraway, daughter of Jonas and Cornelia Laraway; she was b. June 28, 1774, in Schoharie Kill, Greene County, N. Y.; d. April 2, 1832, in Moresville, N. Y.; had issue: II. John Laraway More, 12. Jonas Laraway More, 13. Robert Laraway More, 14. Mary More (Grant), 15. Andrew More, 16. Betty More, 17. Elizabeth Taylor More (Foote), 18. Jane More (Peck) (Howell) (Hoagland), 19. Samuel More. 1(10). Jacob Lansing More, 1(11). David Laraway More, 1(12). Jacob Laraway More. III. Cornelia More, b. May 18, 1817, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. January 21, 1895, in Aurora, 111.; m. October 27, 1839, to Dr. Orrin Day Howell, son of Benjamin Howell and Jane Moffatt; he was b. May 15, 1817, in Hector, N. Y.; d. April 19, 1887, in Aurora, 111.; had issue: 111.1. 111.2. 111.3. 111.4. 111.5. 111.6. Marion Howell (Holden), Annie Howell (Annis), More Howell, Edwin Ben Howell, John More Howell, Frank Howell. 111,1. 111.1. Marion Howell, b. November 21, 1840, in West Dryden, N. Y.; d. October 20, 1918, Aurora, 111.; m. September 17, 1868, to Timothy Nathan Holden, son of Richard Holden and Sophia Allen; he was b. March 21, 1839, in Charlestown, N. H.; d. January 3, 1929, in San Diego, Gal.; interment, Aurora, 111.; had issue. 111,11. 111.11. Frank Howell Holden, b. June 8, 1870, in Chicago, 111.; d. May 29, 1937, in New York, N. Y.; m. May 15, 1902, in New York, N. Y., Agnes Johnston, daughter of Robert Underwood Johnston and Katherine McMahon; she was b. June 14, 1880, in New York, N. Y.; had issue: 111,111. 111,111. Ann Holden, b. October 25, 1905, in New York, N. Y.; m. March 8, 1. John Taylor More, m. second, Jan- 1925, in Richmond, Ind., to John Arbuckle, uary 9, 1833, Rachel Stewart, daughter of son of William W. Arbuckle and Jessie James and Maggie Stewart, of Stamford, 0. Jackson; he was b. January 10, 1903, N. Y.; she d. November 25, 1855; no issue. in Sharon, Pa.; had issue: 111.111.1. Holden Arbuckle, b. July 13, 1929, in New York, N. Y. 111.111.2. Timothy Arbuckle b. June II. John Laraway More, b. May 11, 1793, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. May 24, 1862, 17, 1931, in New York, N. Y. 111.111.3. Joel Arbuckle, b. August 25, in Moresville, N. Y.; m. first, January 11, 1816, Anna Gould, daughter of Abram 1934, in New York, N. Y. Gould and Anna Osborne; she was b. Au111.12. Ben Edwin Holden, b. Novemgust 20, 1794, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. March 9, 1828, in Roxbury, N. Y.; had ber 7, 1871, in Aurora, 111. issue: 111.2. Annie Howell, b. December 22, III. Cornelia More (Howell), 1842, in Saugerties, N. Y.; d. July 28, 112. Taylor More, 1924, in Aurora, 111.; m. June 28, 1866, in 113. Edwin More, Aurora, 111., to Frank M. Annis, son of 114. Wilson Page More, David W. Annis and Prudence Morrill; he 11. THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 302 was b. December 1, 1839, in Kaneville, 111.; d. August 1, 1920, in Aurora, 111. 111.3. More Howell, b. December 29, 1846, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. there March 22, 1852. 111.4. Edwin Ben Howell, M. D., b. September 17, 1851, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. February 4, 1887, in San Diego, Cal.; m. in Paris, France, Etoile Coulter, daughter of John R. Coulter and Lucy Miner; she was b. ; d. in San Diego, Cal. 111.5. John More Howell, b. April 18, 1854, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. there June 8, 1885. 111.6. Frank Howell, b. April 4, 1858, in Aurora, 111.; d. there December 6, 1860. 112. 112. Taylor More, b. January 3, 1820, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. February 2, 1879, in Deposit, N. Y.; m. first, December 26, 1841, Nancy D. Ferris, daughter of John and Mary Ferris; she was b. October 16, 1820, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. there January 3, 1848; had issue: 112.1. Malvina More, 112.2. John Ferris More, 112.3. Arthur More. 112. Taylor More, m. second, November 1, 1853, Betsey P. Burrows, daughter of David Burrows and Terrissa Lowrey; she was b. May 18, 1830, in Deposit, N. Y.; d. January 21, 1912, in Aurora, 111., interment, Deposit, N. Y.; had issue: 112,(4/9). Anna More, 112.4. Jay More, 112.5. George More, 112,(6/10). Frank More, 112.6. Clark More, 112.7. Taylor More, 112.8. Cornelia More (Kendall) (Belden). 112.1. Malvina More, b. October 7, 1842, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. there September 20, 1844. 112.2. John Ferris More, b. October 3, 1845, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. October 26, 1874, in East St. Louis, 111., interment in Moresville, N. Y. 112,3. 112.3. Arthur More, b. November 18, 1847, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. January 15, 1902, in Deposit, N. Y.; m. November 7, 1877, in Deposit, N. Y., Ida B. Parker, daughter of James O. and Sarah L. Parker; she was b. February 28, 1855, in Franklin, N. Y.; had issue: 112.31. Edna Belle More (Miller), 112.32. Donald S. More, 112.33. Marion Gould More. Vol. 3, No. 10 112,31. 112.31. Edna Belle More, b. October 16, 1878, in Deposit, N. Y.; m. October 16, 1904, in North Amherst, Ohio, to Joseph Richardson Miller, Jr., son of Joseph R. Miller and Helen Adeline Monger; he was b. October 10, 1877, in Amherst, Ohio; had issue: 112,311. Joseph Richardson Miller, III, b. September 13, 1913, in Pittsburgh, Pa. 112.32. Donald S. More, b. June 20, 1881, in Deposit, N. Y.; d. November 4, 1918, in Youngstown, Ohio; m. August 5, 1918, in Youngstown, O., Ada Alexander, daughter of William W. Alexander and Jane Morton; she was b. September 22, 1890, in Great Valley, N. Y. 112.33. Marion Gould More, b. March 26, 1888, in Deposit, N. Y. 112, (4/9). Anna More, b. March 4, 1856, in Deposit, N. Y.; d. there May 18, 1856. 112,4. 112,4. Jay More, b. September 27, 1858, in Deposit, N. Y.; d. December 9, 1923, in Colorado Springs, Col.; m. March 8, 1892, in Denver, Col., Mary Frances Hallett Fisher, daughter of Henry W. Hallett and Antoinette Webster; she was b. September 28, 1864, in Springfield, Mass.; had issue: 112,41. 112,41. Philip Hallett More, b. December 21, 1892, in Rifle, Col.; m. August 31, 1921, in Denver, Col., Lillian West Cobbey, daughter of James Webb Cobbey and Allie Miller; she was b. April 9, 1900, in Denver, Col.; had issue: 112.411. David Cobbey More, b. August 1, 1922, in Denver, Col. 112.412. Philip Daniel More, b. August 1, 1922, in Denver, Col. 112.413. Donald Hallett More, b. July 23, 1924, in Denver, Col. 112.414. Ann Louise, b. April 5, 1930, in Pueblo, Col. 112,5. 112,5. George More, b. September 5, 1860, in Deposit, N. Y.; d. September 18, 1939, in Riviera, Fla.; m. May 19, 1886, in Deposit, N. Y., Jessie Mary Knapp, daughter of George E. Knapp and Mary A. Mead; she was b. September 21, 1861, in Cochecton Center, N. Y.; d. March 16, 1936, in Riviera, Fla.; had issue: 112.51. Alan Knapp More, 112.52. Cornelia More, 112.53. Emily Josephine More. OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 112,51. 112.51. Alan Knapp More, b. May 9, 1887, in Deposit, N. Y.; m. June 21, 1919, in Rutherford, N. J., Alice Geran, daughter of John A. Geran and Sarah Marsh; she was b. September 16, 1888, in Holyoke, Mass.; had issue: 112,511. Eleanor Laraway More, January 17, 1925, in Newark, N. J. b. 112.52. Cornelia More, b. August 12, 1888, in Deposit, N. Y. 112.53. Emily Josephine More, b. January 5, 1898, in New York, N. Y.; d. there January 24, 1902. 112, (6/10). Frank More, b. September 3, 1862, in Deposit, N. Y.; d. there February 6, 1863. 112.6. Clark More, b. October 24, 1863, in Deposit, N. Y. 112,7. 112.7. Taylor More, b. February 28, 1868, in Deposit, N. Y.; m. April 19, 1903, in New York, N. Y., Sarah King Peck, daughter of Nathan Peck and Ella M. Thacher; she was b. in New York, N. Y.; had issue: 112,71. Janet Peck More, b. September 28, 1905, in New York, N. Y.; d. August 13, 1907, in Montclair, N. J. 112.8. Cornelia More, b. February 6, 1875, in Deposit, N. Y.; m. first, June 28, 1904, in Aurora, 111., to Dr. Richard L. Kendall, son of John W. Kendall and Mary Carter; he was b. January 31, 1873, in Aurora, 111.; d. January 1, 1906, in San Diego, Cal., interment, Aurora, 111. 112,8. Cornelia More, m. second, December 25, 1913, in Aurora, 111., to Ira Charles Belden, son of Frederick Belden and Sarah Annis; he was b. July 2, 1871, in Kaneville, 111. 113. 113. Edwin More, b. August 28, 1822, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. August 7, 1899, in Lake Linden, Mich.; m. October 17, 1848, in Delhi, N. Y., Sophonia Pardy, daughter of Ferdinand Thurber and Dorathy McLain; she was b. October 4, 1826, in Delhi, N. Y.; d. March 4, 1876, in Delhi, N. Y.; had issue: 113.1. Edwin More, 113.2. Jessie More. 113,1. 303 in Deposit, N. Y., Anna Hoyt Reynolds, daughter of Francis E. Reynolds and Frances E. Hoyt; she was b. November 6, 1859, in Aurora, 111.; d. May 29, 1940, in Puyallup, Wash.; had issue: 113.11. 113.12. 113.13. 113.14. 113.15. chanan). Edwin Reynolds More, Luther More, Carleton More, David Thurber More, Katherine Frances More (Bu113,11. 113.11. Edwin Reynolds More, b. October 27, 1889, in Aurora, 111.; m. July 18, 1914, in Santa Rosa, Cal., Gertrude Etta Mills, daughter of Arthur Noble Mills and Mary Logan; she was b. December 23, 1886, in Wayzata, Minn.; had issue: 113,111. Douglas Mills More, b. April 16, 1919, in Palo Alto, Cal. 13.12. 113.12. Luther More, b. February 7, 1891, in Aurora, 111.; m. August 31, 1921, in Seattle, Wash., Catherine Anna Parker, daughter of William T. Parker and Nancy E. Ford; she was b. November 9, 1893; had issue: 113,121. Donald Eugene More, b. June 4, 1922, in Seattle, Wash. 113,13. 113.13. Carleton More, b. March 9, 1893, in Clinton, Iowa; m. February 9, 1918, in Tacoma, Wash., Margaret Orrett, daughter of Edwin Orrett and Margaret Smith; she was b. October 7, 1894, in Alameda, Cal.; had issue: 113.131. Patrecia Barbara More, b. April 3, 1919, in Tacoma, Wash. 113.132. Margaret Orrett More, b. February 21, 1921, in Tacoma, Wash. 113,14. 113.14. David Thurber More, b. December 2, 1894, in Princeton, 111.; m. July 19, 1928, in Princeton, 111., Pearl Katherine Uthoff, daughter of Fred Uthoff and Mary Oberschelp; she was b. September 21, 1896, in Princeton, 111.; had issue: 113.141. Susanne More, b. December 6, 3930, in Chicago, 111. 113.142. Mary Elizabeth More, b. May 1, 1933, in Evergreen Park, 111. 113,15. 113,1. Edwin More, b. February 21, 1852, in Delhi, N. Y.; d. January 13, 1924, 113.15. Katherine Frances More, b. in Tacoma, Wash.; m. September 5, 1883, August 6, 1903, in Aurora, 111.; m. Sep- THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 304 tember 3, 1927, in Tacoma, Wash., to Charles R. Buchanan, son of William D. Buchanan and Jennie Marriott; he was b. August 30, 1905, in Tacoma, Wash.; had issue: 113.151. Kathleen Jane Buchanan, b. November 7, 1933, in Tacoma, Wash. 113.152. Charles Donald Buchanan, b. December 3, 1936, in Tacoma, Wash. 113,2. Jessie More, b. October 5, 1858, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. there March 26, 1865. 114. 114. Wilson Page More, b. May 3, 1825, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. April 13, 1903, in Kingston, N. Y.; m. first, Polly Ferris, daughter of John and Mary Ferris; she was b. in 1826, in Moresville, N. Y., and d. there August 11, 1853; had issue: 114.1. Nancy More, 114.2. Marcus More. 114. Wilson Page More, m. second, June 8, 1859, Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of Patrick Hughes and Elizabeth Grant; she was b. February 9, 1829, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. August 3, 1918, in Kingston, N. Y.; had issue: 114.3. 114.4. 114.5. 114.6. Anna Gould More (Hadley), Helen Kedzie More (Sargent), Margaret More (Kline), Fred More. 114.1. Nancy More, b. March 21, 1848, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. there December 21, 1850. 114.2. Marcus More, b. June 24, 1853, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. May 9, 1896, in Kingston, N. Y. 114.3. Anna Gould More, b. February 11, 1861, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. February 28, 1925, in Kingston, N. Y.; m. January 26, 1910, in New York, N. Y., to George Jefferson Hadley, son of Jefferson Hadley and Elizabeth King; he was b. January 26, 1857, in Milton, N. Y.; d. there May 10, 1925. 114,4. 114.4. Helen Kedzie More, b. January 29, 1865, in Moresville, N. Y.; m. November 10, 1896, in Kingston, N. Y., to George Clark Sargent, son of Aaron August Sargent and Ellen Clark; he was b. July 26, 1860, in Nevada City, Cal.; d. July 25, 1930, in San Francisco, Cal.; had issue: 114.41. Edward More Sargent, 114.42. Aaron More Sargent, 114.43. Helen More Sargent. 114,41. Edward More Sargent, b. November 19, 1897, in San Francisco, Cal.; Vol. 3, No. 10 m. April 7, 1924, in San Luis Obispo, Cal., Mildred Earl Alexander, daughter of William W. Alexander and Elizabeth Hartnett; she was b. March 2, 1899, in Gardner, Mass. 114,42. 114.42. Aaron More Sargent, b. May 14, 1901, in San Francisco, Cal.; m. June 27, 1931, in Hobart, N. Y., Cornelia Miller More (114,62), daughter of Fred More and Margaret C. Miller; she was b.~0ctober 23, 1904, in Kingston, N. Y.; had issue: 114,421—114,621. Janice Elise Sargent, b. June 10, 1936, in San Francisco, Cal. 114,422—114,622. John Aaron Sargent, b. August 2, 1939, in San Francisco, Cal. 114.43. Helen More Sargent, b. March 5, 1906, in San Francisco, Cal. 114.5. Margaret More, b. March 17, 1867, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. January 7, 1923, in Kingston, N. Y.; m. May 16, 1889, in Kingston, N. Y., to Frank Alexander Kline, son of Jacob Kline and Julia Secor; he was b. January 14, 1858, in Port Ewing, N. Y. 114,6. 114.6. Fred More, b. September 25, 1869, in Moresville, N. Y.; m. September 19, 1894, in Delhi, N. Y., Margaret C. Miller, daughter of John T. Miller and Eleanor Thomson; she was b. January 12, 1871, in Bovina Center, N. Y.; d. April 10, 1938, in Hobart, N. Y.; had issue: 114.61. Eleanor Elizabeth More (Rich), 114.62. Cornelia Miller More (Sargent) . 114,61. 114.61. Eleanor Elizabeth More, b. May 4, 1898, in Bloomville, N. Y.; m. June 25, 1919, in Hobart, N. Y., to Wallace Hanford Rich, son of Stephen S. Rich and Mary Hanford; he was b. September 5, 1894, in Hobart, N. Y.; had issue: 114.611. Margaret Ethel Rich, b. April 24, 1921, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. there November 9, 1921. 114.612. Wallace More Rich, b. July 2, 1926, in Hobart, N. Y. 114.613. Mary Barbara Rich, b. July 24, 1927, in Hobart, N. Y. 114,62. 114.62. Cornelia Miller More, b. October 23, 1904, in Kingston, N. Y.; m. June 27, 1931, in Hobart, N. Y., to Aaron More Sargent (114,42), son of George C. Sargent and Helen K. More (114,4) ; he 305 OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 was b. May 14, 1901, in San Francisco, Cal.; had issue: 114,621—114,421. Janice Elise Sargent, b. June 10, 1936, in San Francisco, Cal. 114,622—114,422. John Aaron Sargent, b. August 2, 1939, in San Francisco, Cal. 12. 12. Jonas Laraway More, b. December 18, 1794, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. July 30, 1887, in Dunkirk, N. Y.; m. February 13, 1823, Maria Winnea, daughter of John and Mary W. Winnea; she was b. September 19, 1804, in Cairo, N. Y.; d. May 20, 1859, in Dunkirk, N. Y.; had issue: 121. Elisha More, 122. Helen More (Smith). 121. Elisha More, b. October 21, 1823, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. August 4, 1853, in Dunkirk, N. Y. 122. 122. Helen More, b. November 4, 1828, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. August 11, 1916, in Berkeley, Cal.; interment in Mount View Cemetery, Oakland, Cal.; m. December 12, 1849, to Dr. Henry Martyn Smith, son of Rev. Marcus Smith and Sarah Tyler; he was b. February 4, 1822, in Wilmington, Vt.; d. September 26, 1878, in Dunkirk, N. Y.; had issue: 122.1. Roderick Henry Smith, 122.2. Willard Payson Smith. 122.1. Roderick Henry Smith, b. October 15, 1860, in Dunkirk, N. Y.; d. May 25, 1926, in Buffalo, N. Y. 122,2. 122.2. Willard Payson Smith, b. September 20, 1866, in Dunkirk, N. Y.; d. August 18, 1933, in Berkeley, Cal.; m. December 4, 1902, in Buffalo, N. Y., Marion Harrison Hebard, daughter of Robert Hebard and Kate Pease; she was b. September 20, 1874, in Buffalo, N. Y.; had issue: 122.21. Marion Tyler Smith (Olsen), 122.22. Sanborn Hebard Smith, 122.23. Hebard Payson Smith. 122,21. 122,21. Marion Tyler Smith, b. October 4, 1903, in Buffalo, N. Y.; m. September 15, 1934, in Richmond, Cal., to Harold Adolph Olsen, son of Adolph M. Olsen and Elizabeth Enger; he was b. January 20, 1901, in Corning, Cal.; had issue: 122,211. Hebard Robert Olsen, b. May 21, 1937, in Berkeley, Cal. 122.22. Sanborn Hebard Smith, b. December 14, 1905, in Buffalo, N. Y.; m. September 29, 1934, in Minden, Nev., Rowena Ferguson, daughter of Ernest M. Ferguson and Emilie Eggert; she was b. May 31, 1905, in San Francisco, Cal. 122.23. Hebard Payson Smith, b. August 7, 1907, in Buffalo, N. Y. 13. 13. Robert Laraway More, b. March 4, 1797, in Roxbury, Delaware Co., N. Y.; d. November 3, 1876, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; m. October 25, 1818, Gertrude, daughter of Samuel Conover and Maria Wyckoff; she was b. August 7, 1798, in Blenheim, Schoharie Co., N. Y.; d. March 3, 1884, in Durhamville, N. Y.; had issue: 131. Eleanor More, 132. Maria More (Bennett), 133. Eliza More (Green), 134. George Ogden More, 135. Jonas Hamilton More, 136. Harriet More, 137. John C. More, 138. Catherine More (Cochran), 139. Samuel More, 13(10). Eleanor More (Johnston). 131. Eleanor More, b. July 4, 1819, in Windham, Greene Co., N. Y.; d. November 29, 1822. 132. 132. Maria More, b. October 28, 1821, in Windham, Greene Co., N. Y.; d. September 30, 1910, in Oneida, N. Y.; m. November 28, 1839, to Levi Bennett, son of John Bennett and Susan Wood; he was b. January 17, 1808, in Richmond, Cheshire Co., N. H.; d. September 9, 1890, in Durhamville, N. Y.; had issue: 132.1. Henrietta Bennett, 132.2. Marion Maria Bennett, 132.3. Gertrude Bennett (Foster), 132.4. John Wood Bennett, 132.5. Julia Parkhurst Bennett (Quid), 132.6. Levi Bennett, 132.7. Susan Bennett. 132.1. Henrietta Bennett, b. August 14, 1840, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. July 16, 1842, in Durhamville, N. Y. 132.2. Marion Maria Bennett, b. May 21, 1843, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. August 4, 1911, in Westboro, Mass. 132,3. 132.3. Gertrude Bennett, b. May 25, 1845, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. December 12, 1929, in Maplewood, N. J.; m. October 22, 1868, to Charles Mortimer Foster, son of Orson Foster and THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 306 Delina Smith; he was b. September 12, 1843, in Oneida, N. Y.; d. April 28, 1876, in Peoria, 111., interment in Oneida, N. Y.; had issue: 132.31. Charles Bennett Foster, 132.32. Marion Lamoine Foster, 132.33. Albert Foster. 132,31. 132,31. Charles Bennett Foster, b. August 16, 1870, in Pekin, 111.; m. June 27, 1894, in Utica, N. Y., Ina G. Simmons, daughter of Adolphus and Ann Rebecca Simmons; she was b. March 12, 1872, in Utica, N. Y.; had issue: 132.311. Howard Simmons Foster, 132.312. James Bennett Foster, 132.313. Charles Irving Foster, 132.314. Francis Budlong Foster, 132.315. Marion Patterson Foster, 132.316. Katherine Foster, 132.317. John More Foster, 132.318. Ina G. Foster. 132,311. 132.311. Howard Simmons Foster, b. March 31, 1895, in Utica, N. Y.; m. September 15, 1893, in Westboro, Mass., Mary Louise Forbes, daughter of Francis White Forbes and Fannie E. Hooker; she was b. December 15, 1897, in Westboro, Mass.; had issue: 132.311.1. Michael Foster, b. June 17, 1924, in Worcester, Mass. 132.311.2. Constance Foster, b. August 7, 1926, in Worcester, Mass. 132.311.3. Ann Foster, b. November 12, 1927, in Worcester, Mass. 132.311.4. Peter Foster, b. December 17, 1928, in Worcester, Mass. 132.311.5. Jane Foster, b. December 21, 1930, in Worcester, Mass. 132.312. James Bennett Foster, b. September 15, 1896, in Utica, N. Y.; d. December 2, 1900, in Utica, N. Y. 132,313. 132.313. Charles Irving Foster, b. April 14, 1898, in Utica, N. Y.; m. June 22, 1921, in Maplewood, N. J., Violet M. Soulleyet, daughter of C. W. Soulleyet and Fanny Maude Drake; she was b. December 12, 1898, in New York, N. Y.; by adoption: 132,313,1. Charles Robert Foster, adopted when three weeks old; b. September 13, 1926, in Richmond, Va. 132,314. 132.314. Francis Budlong Foster, b. February 22, 1900, in Utica, N. Y.; m. Vol. 3, No. 10 May 30, 1926, Evelyn Phillips, daughter of S. Preston Phillips and Clara Mae Hosmer; she was b. February 25, 1899, in Everett, Mass.; had issue: 132.314.1. Patricia Ann Foster, b. May 6, 1927, in Pittsburgh, Pa. 132.314.2. Bennett Philip Foster, b. March 23, 1930, in West Medford, Mass. 132.314.3. David Preston Foster, b. June 16, 1934, in West Medford, Mass. 132.314.4. Natalie Foster, b. January 20, 1936, in West Medford, Mass. 132,315. 132.315. Marion Patterson Foster, b. February 18, 1903, in Westboro, Mass.; m. June 14, 1924, to Rockland S. Crowell, son of James Edward Crowell and Margaret Winter; he was b. January 26, 1896, in Port Maitland, Nova Scotia; had issue: 132.315.1. Richard Stanley Crowell, b. April 12, 1925, in Worcester, Mass. 132.315.2. John Foster Crowell, b. May 3, 1927, in Worcester, Mass. 132.316. Katherine Foster, b. July 25, 1904, in Westboro, Mass. 132,317. 132.317. John More Foster, b. June 23, 1906, in Westboro, Mass; m. August 29, 1931, in Westboro, Mass., Helen Hay wood, daughter of Alfred J. Haywood and Abbie L. Foster; she was b. April 12, 1906, in Westboro, Mass.; had issue: 132.317.1. Ina Gertrude Foster, b. November 24, 1932, in Washington, D. C. 132.317.2. Margaret Joan Foster, b. August 12, 1935, in Washington, D. C. 132,318. 132,318. Ina G. Foster, b. February 14, 1910, in Westboro, Mass.; m. June 21, 1931, to V. H. Spry, son of Virginius Spry and Mary Virginia Banks; he was b. December 13, 1908, in Edenton, N. C.; had issue: 132.318.1. Katherine Ann Spry, b. January 10, 1932, in Norfolk, Va. 132.318.2. Virginia Spry, b. September 17, 1934, in Framingham, Mass. 132.32. Marion Lamoine Foster, b. August 2, 1872, in Pekin, 111.; m. October 16, 1895, to William F. Patterson, son of William Patterson and Mary Thayer; he was b. September 29, 1867; d. January 17, 1923. 132.33. Albert Foster, b. October 18, 1874, in Peoria, 111.; d. April 30, 1875, in Peoria, 111. 132.4. John Wood Bennett, b. October 28, 1847, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. February 26, 1851, in Durhamville, N. Y. 132.5. Julia Parkhurst Bennett, b. May 2, 1851, in Durhamville, N. Y.; d. February 27, 1917, in Oswego, N. Y.; m. June 4, 1896, to John Quid; he d. about 1901. 132.6. Levi Bennett, b. May 10, 1853, in Durhamville, N. Y.; died there June 21, 1862. 132.7. Susan Bennett, b. February 28, 1859, in Durhamville, N. Y.; died there September 16, 1862. 133. 133. Eliza More, b. November 27, 1823, in Windham, Greene Co., N. Y.; m. January 21, 1841, to Nelson, son of Caleb Green and Susannah Williams; he was b. October 18, 1808, near Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; d. March 24, 1855, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; had issue: 133.1. 133.2. 133.3. 133.4. 133.5. 133.6. 307 OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 George Nelson Green, Elizabeth Green, Amelia Maria Green (Stimson), John H. Green, Robert Caleb Green, Albert Green. 133.2. Elizabeth Green, b. June 8, 1843, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. January 14, 1928, in Oneida, N. Y. 133.3. Amelia Maria Green, b. May 29, 1845, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. in Philadelphia, Pa.; m. June 27, 1867, to Henry Duane Stimson, son of Joseph Stimson; he was b. November 27, 1844, in Leyden, N. Y.; had issue: 133,31. Henry George Stimson, b. April 28, 1871, in Covington, Pa. 133.4. John H. Green, b. October 20, 1847, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. November 21, 1847, in Durhamville, N. Y. 133.5. Robert Caleb Green, b. June 1, 1850, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. in Los Angeles, Cal. 133.6. Albert Green, b. July 13, 1852, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y., and died there March 20, 1855. 134. 133,11. Anna Maclay Green, b. August 3, 1879, in Rome, N. Y. 134. George Ogden More, b. December 9, 1825, in Windham, N. Y.; d. May 31, 1901, in Montclair, N. J.; m. April 15, 1854, Sarah A. Bagley, daughter of James Bagley and Sarah Fickett; she was b. December 25, 1825, in Waterboro, Me.; had issue: 134.1. Robert Laraway More, b. August 25, 1855, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; d. March 10, 1862, in Elizabeth, N. J. 134.2. Edwin Hamilton More, b. March 23, 1859, in Elizabeth, N. J.; died there July 8, 1861. 134.3. Ellie (Eleanor) More, b. November 11, 1860, in Elizabeth, N. J.; d. December 2, 1938, in Brightlook Hospital, St. Johnsburg, Vt. 134.4. Ida More, b. August 19, 1864, in Elizabeth, N. J.; d. in November, 1922. 133,12. 135. 133,1. 133,1. George Nelson Green, b. May 3, 1842, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. July 31, 1933, in Columbus, Ohio; m. August 22, 1872, in Dubuque, la.; Alice Emma Maclay, daughter of John Maclay and Anna Alexander; had issue: 133.11. Anna Maclay Green, 133.12. Eleanor More Green (Gavitt). 133,12. Eleanor More Green, b. November 22, 1881, in Rome, N. Y.; m. April 17, 1907, in Syracuse, N. Y., to Saxon Berry Gavitt, son of William Seward Gavitt and Gertrude Jewell; he was b. January 19, 1882, in Lyons, N. Y.; had issue: 133.121. Saxon Berry Gavitt, Jr., 133.122. William Seward Gavitt. 133.121. Saxon Berry Gavitt, Jr., b. January 11, 1909, in Lyons, N. Y.; m. in Ithaca, N. Y., October 11, 1930, Virginia Van Voorhes Storke, daughter of Charles Waldron Storke and Grace Van Voorhes; she was b. August 9, 1909, in Auburn, N. Y. 133.122. William Seward Gavitt, b. December 22, 1914, in Lyons, N. Y. 135. Jonas Hamilton More, b. January 9, 1828, in Windham, N. Y.; d. September 26, 1896, in Tiskilwa, Bureau Co., Illinois; m. February 6, 1855, Nancy Kitterman, daughter of Michael Kitterman and Lydia Clark; she was b. October 1, 1832, in Bureau County, 111.; d. August 25, 1905, in Tiskilwa, 111.; had issue: 135.1. George Robert More, 135.2. Robert Ogden More, 135.3. Imogene More, 135.4. Emma Frances More (Pettegrew), 135.5. Lydia Gertrude More (Landis), 135.6. Marion Mae More. 135,1. George Robert More, b. January 13, 1857, in Tiskilwa, 111.; d. there April 20, 1858. THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 308 135.2. Robert Ogden More, b. February 15, 1859, in Tiskilwa, 111.; d. there September 19, 1862. 135.3. Imogene More, b. June 30, 1861, in Tiskilwa, 111.; d. there November 30, 1862. 135.4. Emma Frances More, b. November 1, 1863, in Tiskilwa, 111.; d. September 16, 1937, in Princeton (111.) Hospital; m. November 12, 1890, to Edward R. Pettegrew, son of Elias Pettegrew and Atlanta Bowman; he was b. March 9, 1859, in Tiskilwa, 111.; d. there December 25, 1937. 135.5. Lydia Gertrude More, b. November 29, 1867, in Tiskilwa, 111.; d. there October 18, 1905; m. May 14, 1895, to Dr. B. Frank Landis; he was b. August 15, 1851, in Campbelltown, Pa.; d. June 17, 1925, in Tiskilwa, 111. 135.6. Marion Mae More, b. August 11, 1871, in Tiskilwa, 111. 136. Harriet More, b. January 21, 1830, in Moresville, Delaware Co., N. Y.; d. there October 9, 1831. 137. 137. John C. More, b. December 25, 1832, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. March 20, 1869, in San Francisco, Cal.; m. January 3, 1865, Helen Hall, of San Francisco, Cal.; had issue: 137,1. Laura More, b. in 1866; d. May 1, 1871. 138. 138. Catherine More, b. May 11, 1834, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. February 4, 1917, in Hartford, Conn.; m. May 29, 1855, to Rev. Andrew Cochran, son of Alexander Cochran and Nancy Martin; he was b. March 9, 1819, in Ripley, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.; had issue: 138.1. Nellie Martin Cochran, 138.2. John More Cochran, 138.3. Andrew Martin Cochran, 138.4. Robert Laraway Cochran, 138.5. Levi Bennett Cochran, 138.6. Katherine More Cochran, 138.7. Gertrude More Cochran. 138.1. Nellie Martin Cochran, b. July 4, 1858, and died the same day, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y. 138,2. 138.2. John More Cochran, b. October 15, 1859, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; m. September 4, 1890, Marilla Wells, daughter of Calvin Horton Wells and Adelia Brown; she was b. February 5, 1859, in Morrisville, N. Y.; d. May 3, 1937, in Oneida Castle, N. Y.; had issue: 138,21. Calvin Wells Cochran, b. Feb- Vol. 3, No. 10 ruary 11, 1895; Machine Gunner, killed by a German shell, in France, August 10, 1918. 138.3. Andrew Martin Cochran, b. March 3, 1862, in Durhamville, N. Y.; d. November 3, 1899, in New York, N. Y. 138.4. Robert Laraway Cochran, b. October 5, 1864, in Durhamville, N. Y.; d. there March 1, 1869. 138.5. Levi Bennett Cochran, M. D., b. December 8, 1867, in Durhamville, N. Y.; m. December 28, 1898, Mary Louise Bronson, daughter of Dr. Miles H. Bronson and Mary A. Dorrance; she was b. December 18, 1867, in Lowville, Lewis Co.. N. Y. 138.6. Katherine More Cochran, b. September 2, 1869, in Durhamville, N. Y. 138.7. Gertrude More Cochran, b. March 26, 1876, in Durhamville, N. Y., and d. there March 30, 1876. 139. Samuel More, b. March 14, 1836, in Moresville, Delaware Co., N. Y.; d. December 8, 1887, in San Francisco, Cal.; m. December 15, 1868, in Janesville, Cal., Mary Ella Blunt, daughter of David D. Blunt and Lucinda G. Bishop; she was b. November 27, 1848, in Augusta, Maine. 13(10). 13(10). Eleanor More, b. August 31, 1838, in Durhamville, Oneida Co., N. Y.; d. October 6, 1912, in London, Eng.; m. June 4, 1868, to Theodore Vantine Johnston, son of William Johnston and Letitia Daly; he was b. October 1, 1828, in New York, N. Y.; d. March 19, 1904, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; had issue: 13(10)1. Katherine Bangs Johnston, b. December 15, 1869, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; d. April 10, 1917, in Poughkeepsie, 13(10)2. Ella M. Johnston, b. December 13, 1872, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; d. October 20, 1874, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 14. 14. Mary More, b. January 6, 1799, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. February 11, 1868, in Moresville, N. Y.; m. December 17, 1818, to John A. Grant, son of Alexander Grant and Jane Thompson; he was b. November 23, 1789, in Cairo, N. Y.; d. October 27, 1851, in Gilboa, N. Y.; had issue: 141. Alexander Haswell Grant, 142. John Taylor Grant, 143. Robert More Grant, 144. Cornelia More Grant (Austin), 145. Jane Elizabeth Grant (Merrick), 146. James Harvey Grant. 309 OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 141. 141,141. 141. Alexander Haswell Grant, b. January 8, 1820, in Stamford, N. Y.; d. January 26, 1892, in Merrickville, N. Y.; m. November 16, 1846, Julia Merrick, daughter of Joseph Harrison Merrick and Eliza Hutchinson; she was b. January 22, 1822, in Franklin, N. Y.; d. May 25, 1898; had issue: 141.1. Julia Alice Grant (Jackson), 141.2. Powell Merrick Grant, 141.3. Mary Grant (Waters) (Klug), 141.141. Ruth Mary Allaben, b. April 20, 1913, in Roscoe, N. Y.; m. November 28, 1937, to Charles Keator Ives, son of Ralph S. Ives and Ruth Frisbee Keator (542,13, Jean line) ; he was b. October 13, 1909, in New York, N. Y. 141,141,1. Julia Ann Ives, b. September 21, 1938, in Binghamton, N. Y. (542,131,1). 141,1. 141,1. Julia Alice Grant, b. January 23, 1850, in Franklin, N. Y.; d. January 14, 1919, in Roscoe, N. Y.; m. January 10, 1871, to James K. P. Jackson, son of James H. and Annis Miranda Jackson; he was b. January 10, 1843, in Franklin, N. Y.; d. December 7, 1924, in Binghamton, N. Y.; had issue: 141.11. Alexander Grant Jackson, 141.12. Mary Lulu Jackson, 141.13. James P. Jackson, 141.14. Fanny Myra Jackson (Allaben). 141,11. 141.11. Alexander Grant Jackson, b. March 2, 1873, in Oneonta, N. Y.; m. June 3, 1911, Mabel Margaret McMurry, daughter of John Carroll McMurry and Nancy Ann Barr; she was b. July 2, 1885, in Damascus, Ore. (Portland suburb) ; had issue: 141.111. Alexander More Jackson, b. March 18, 1912, in Portland, Ore. 141.112. Mabel Alice Jackson, b. July 30, 1914, in Seattle, Wash. 141.12. Mary Lulu Jackson, b. November 27, 1875, in Oneonta, N. Y. 141.13. James P. Jackson, b. October 15, 1881, in Margaretville, N. Y; d. there August 22, 1887. 141,141,1. 141.142. Alice Virginia Allaben, b. December 5, 1914, in Roscoe, N. Y.; m. November 18, 1939, to Darwin Roger Wales, son of Mrs. B. Roger Wales and the late State Senator Wales; he was b. ; graduated from Williams College and the Albany Law School. 141.143. Anne Elizabeth Allaben, b. October 8, 1916, in Roscoe, N. Y. 141.144. Charles Moore Allaben, Jr., b. January 16, 1924, in Binghamton, N. Y. 141.145. Betty More Allaben, b. June 15, 1927, in Binghamton, N. Y. 141,2. 141,2. Powell Merrick Grant, b. February 7, 1854, in Franklin, N. Y.; m. June 4, 1884, Nellie May Harris, daughter of George Harris and Frances Chantry; she was b. June 14, 1867, in Gilbertsville, N. Y.; d. January 7, 1908, in Bloomville, N. Y.; had issue: 141.21. Lee Powell Grant, 141.22. Mary Nellie Grant (Eckert), 141.23. Alexander Harris Grant, 141.24. Lillian Cora Grant (Gerowe), 141.25. Robert More Grant, 141.26. Willa Mae Grant. 141,21. 141.21. Lee Powell Grant, b. January 31, 1886, in Sidney Center, N. Y.; m. February 14, 1914, Helen Gladstone Grant, daughter of George Walker Grant and Lillian Isabelle Patterson. 141,22. 141,14. 141,14. Fanny Myra Jackson, b. April 9, 1889, in Margaretville, N. Y.; m. June 15, 1912, to Dr. Charles Moore Allaben (553,21, Jean line), son of Dr. Charles Smith Allaben and Mary Electa Moore; he was b. October 15, 1885, in Gilbertsville, N. Y.; had issue: 141.141. Ruth Mary Allaben (Ives), 141.142. Alice Virginia Allaben (Wales), 141.143. Anne Elizabeth Allaben, 141.144. Charles Moore Allaben, 141.145. Betty More Allaben. 141.22. Mary Nellie Grant, b. February 24, 1888, in Merrickville, N. Y.; d. February 21, 1923, in Hamden, N. Y.; m. September 21, 1907, to Harry Lament Eckert, son of Charles Martin Eckert and Kate B. Jamieson; he was b. April 21, 1881, in Kingston, N. Y.; had issue: 141.221. Marjorie Grant Eckert, b. February 23, 1909, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141.222. Charles Martin Eckert, b. April 13, 1910, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141.223. Frederick Jamieson Eckert, b. July 4, 1912, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141.224. Frances Marian Eckert, vember 25, 1916, in Bloomville, N. 141.225. Herbert Lament Eckert, vember 2, 1918, in Bloomville, N. b. NoY. b. NoY. 141,23. 141.23. Alexander Harris Grant, b. March 25, 1890, in Merrickville, N. Y.; m. April 25, 1911, in Oneonta, N. Y., Mildred Duehr, daughter of Charles Roger Duehr and Clara May Cady; she was b. March 26, 1892, in Debruce, N. Y.; had issue: 141.231. Walter Harris Grant, 141.232. Charles Merrick Grant, 141.233. Donald Elwood Grant, 141.234. Gordon Beverly Grant. 141.231. 30, 1912, 22, 1930, burial at Vol. 3, No. 10 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 310 Walter Harris Grant, b. May in Bloomville, N. Y.; d. April in an accident near Oneonta; Bloomville, N. Y. 141,232. 141.232. Charles Merrick Grant, b. June 3, 1914, in Bloomville, N. Y.; m. May 1, 1936, Marion Virginia Banks, daughter of George Merritt Banks and Laura Banks; she was b. January 8, 1918, in Arena, N. Y.; had issue: 141,232,1. Barbara Jean Grant, b. December 26, 1938, in Laurens, N. Y. 141.233. Donald Elwood Grant, b. February 4, 1918, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141.234. Gordon Beverly Grant, b. November 9, 1922, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141,24. 141.24. Lillian Cora Grant, b. January 11, 1892, in Merrickville, N. Y.; m. November 22, 1915, in Bloomville, N. Y., to Leslie Harvey Gerowe, son of L. W. Gerowe and Carrie Wetmore; he was b. May 5, 1893, in Bloomville, N. Y.; had issue: 141,241. Chantry Grant Gerowe, b. April 18, 1918, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141,25. 141,25. Robert More Grant, b. September 18, 1901, in Binghamton, N. Y.; m. March 15, 1920, Ruth Emily Borst, daughter of George Washington Borst and Anna Catherine Slater; she was b. in Blenheim Hill, Town of Ruth, N. Y.; had issue: 141.251. Robert Powell Grant, b. April 9, 1921, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141.252. Joseph Edmund Grant, b. December 18, 1926, in Bloomville, N. Y.; d. there November 16, 1937. 141,253. Carl Merrick Grant, b. April 13, 1936, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141,26. Willa Mae Grant, b. October 24, 1903, in Bloomville, N. Y. 141,3. 141,3. Mary Grant, b. September 26, 1857, in Franklin, N. Y.; d. February 29, 1932, in Merrickville, N. Y.; m. first, June, 1879, to Henry J. Waters, son of Augustus Waters and Fanny Pattern; he was b. in Walton, N. Y.; had issue: 141,31. 141,31. Joseph Grant Waters, b. in March, 1880, in Franklin, N. Y.; m. June 3, 1913, Dorothy Neff; had issue: 141,311. Edmund Grant Waters, b. July 13, 1915; m. Catherine Bruckner, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 141,3. Mary Grant, m. second, November 4, 1909, to Edmund Klug, b. May 21, 1864, in Germany; d. January 26, 1939, in Merrickville, N. Y.; burial, Franklin, N. Y. 142. John Taylor Grant, b. May 27, 1822, in Ovid, N. Y.; d. in 1902, in Merrickville, N. Y. 143. 143. Robert More Grant, b. February 26, 1827, in Stamford, N. Y.; d. May 12, 1877, in St. Augustine, Fla.; m. Jane Frazier; she was b. June 14, 1823, in Blenheim, N. Y.; d. September 14, 1863; had issue: 143.1. Mary Grant (Pitt), 143.2. Millard Fillmore Grant, 143.3. Robert More Grant, Jr., 143.4. Harriet Frances Grant. 143.1. Mary Grant, b. November 25, 1848, in Gilboa, N. Y.; m. May 18, 1871, George W. Pitt; they moved to London, Canada. 143.2. Millard Fillmore Grant, b. July 13, 1851, in Callicoon, N. Y.; d. there May 25, 1857. 143.3. Robert More Grant, Jr., b. August 1, 1854, in Callicoon, N. Y.; d. October 14, 1913, in Grand Gorge, N. Y. 143.4. Harriet Frances Grant, b. August 16, 1856, in Callicoon, N. Y.; died there October 22, 1857. 143. Robert More Grant, m. second, Mary A. Johnston, she was b. January 26, 1838, in Bainbridge, N. Y.; d. November 27, 1880, in Afton, N. Y.; had issue: 143.5. Julia Dent Grant, b. October 6, 1867, in Wellsville, N. Y.; m. to Gurdon H. Forsyth; he was b. October 14, 1859. OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 144. Cornelia More Grant, b. January 31, 1833, in Stamford, N. Y.; d. September 30, 1916, in Sidney, N. Y.; m. February 19, 1878, to Alfred L. Austin, son of Alexander Austin and Deborah Dean; he was b. in 1821, in Middletown, N. Y.; d. September 25, 1880, in Walton, N. Y. 145. 145. Jane Elizabeth Grant, b. April 1, 1835, in Stamford, N. Y.; d. February 15, 1917, in Sidney, N. Y.; m. January 29, 1867, to Joseph Cornelius Merrick, son of Joseph Harrison Merrick and Eliza Hutchinson; he was b. December 10, 1833, in Franklin, N. Y.; d. in 1873; had issue: 145.1. John Cornelius Merrick, 145.2. Joseph Haswell Merrick, 145.3. Lizzie Jane Merrick. 145,1. 145.1. John Cornelius Merrick, b. December 10, 1867, in Franklin, N. Y.; d. May 13, 1926, in Sidney, N. Y.; m. October 9, 1901, Nellie May George, daughter of Belmont E. George and Susan M. Gibson; had issue: 145,11. Elizabeth Virginia Merrick, b. February 13, 1908, in Sidney, N. Y.; d. there March 31, 1909. 145.2. Joseph H. Merrick, b. August 5, 1869, in Merrickville, N. Y.; d. March 11, 1894, in Denver, Colo. 145.3. Lizzie Jane Merrick, b. July 9, 1871, in Merrickville, N. Y.; d. there April 7, 1873. 15. 15. Andrew More, b. February 8, 1801; d September 28, 1877, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; m. in 1829 Ann Eliza, daughter of Lewis Hardenburgh and Agnes Laraway; she was b. June 7, 1808, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. September 22, 1870, in Kortright, N. Y.; had issue: 151. Cornelia More, 152. Catherine More (Benham), 153. Lewis More, 154. Samuel P. More, 155. Agnes More (Haner). 151. Cornelia More, b. March 1, 1832, in Prattsville N. Y.; d. October 21, 1900, in Great Bend, Pa. 152. Catherine More, b. June 29, 1837 (correction: this date is shown on the headstone), in Durhamville, N. Y.; d. December 15, 1915, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; m. May 15, 1861, in Moresville, N. Y., to Martinus L. Benham, son of Cornelius K. Benham and Elizabeth Laraway; he 311 was b. in Prattsville, N. Y., February 21, 1836; d. March 30, 1926, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; had issue: 152,1. Elizabeth Benham, b. March 27, 1862, in South Valley, N. Y.; d. November 26, 1937, buried in Ferndale Cemetery, Gloversville, N. Y.; m. September 27, 1905, in Newark Valley, N. Y., to John Frederick Kuhlmann, Jr., son of John Frederick Kuhlman and Catherine Kiel; he was b. January 3, 1869, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; now resides in Broadalbin, N. Y., care of A. L. Olmstead. 152,2. 152,2. Dr. Charles More Benham, b. September 5, 1866, in South Valley, N. Y.; d. January 10, 1918, in Phoenixville, Pa.; m. March 31, 1892, in Cupola, Pa., Elizabeth M. Irey, daughter of John Irey and Julia M. Wagenseller; she was b. August 14, 1864, in Isabella, Pa.; d. June 2, 1932, in Phoenixville, Pa.; had issue: 152,21. George Irey Benham, of West Chester, Pa.; b. December 15, 1894, in Spring City, Pa.; m. Winnifred May Gilnear; she d. November 3, 1918, in Phoenixville, Pa.; m. second, October 18, 1933, in Windsor Baptist Church, near Eagle, Pa., Jessie Marion Keeley, daughter of F. Marion Keeley and Mathida B. Carter; she was b. August 3, 1894. 152,22. 152.22. Frank Cornelius Benham, of Kimberton, Pa.; b. July 10, 1897, in Phoenixville, Pa.; m. October 22, 1925, Ethel Grace Thomas, daughter of Morgan J. Thomas and Fianna A. Henry; she was b. October 28, 1903, in Spring City, Pa.; had issue: 152,221. Frank C. Benham, Jr., b. June 8, 1927, in Conshohocken, Pa. 152.23. Catherine More Benham, of Norristown, Pa.; b. June 9, 1899, in Phoenixville, Pa.; m. September 8, 1933, in Norristown, Pa., to Irving Johnson, son of Horace H. Johnson and Laura Streeper; she was b. September 17, 1900, in Norristown, Pa. 152,3. 152,3. Katherine Benham, b. July 14, 1870, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; d. September 22, 1933, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; m. December 31, 1910, in Scranton, Pa., to George Westfall, son of Ely Frank Westfall and Luana Stevens he was b. February 8, 1868, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; had issue: Vol. 3, No. 10 THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 312 152,31. 152,31. Agnes Laraway Westfall, b. February 4, 1912, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; m. February 10, 1934, in Owego, N. Y., to John Clifford Hammond, son of Harley R. Hammond and Mabel Huxster; he was b. April 2, 1911, in Bloomfield, N. J.; had issue: 152.311. William David Hammond, b. December 17. 1934, in Newark Valley, N. Y. 152.312. Thomas Allan Hammond, b. April 30, 1936, in Newark Valley, N. Y. 153. Lewis More, b. August 4, 1840, in Roxbury, N. Y., and d. there May 10, 1841. 154. 154. Samuel P. More, b. June 11, 1846, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. May 26, 1922, in Binghamton, N. Y.; m. March 10, 1875, in Newark Valley, N. Y., Altie S. Clinton, daughter of Gulian S. Clinton and Mary A. Strong; she was b. February 1, 1859, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; d. Nov. 21, 1921, in Binghamton, N. Y.; had issue: 154.1. Fred Clinton More, b. January 15, 1876, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; d. September 15, 1933, in Jacksonville, Fla. 154,2. 154.2. Harry Gulian More, b. September 18, 1880, in Newark Valley, N. Y.; m. July 29, 1908, in Great Bend, Pa., Daisy Lee Lines, daughter of Philander H. Lines and Martha P. Trowbridge; she was b. September 23, 1882, in Great Bend, Pa.; had issue: 154,21. 154.21. Cornelia Lines More, b. May 31, 1911, in Binghamton, N. Y.; m. July 24, 1937, in Milburn, N. J., to Robert Derwood Tew, son of Derwood W. Tew and Celia Weaver; he was b. May 28, 1911, in Fayetteville, N. Y.; had issue: 154,211. Carolyn Elizabeth Tew, b. September 2, 1938, in Pittsburgh, Pa. 155. Agnes More, b. June 1, 1850, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. July 5, 1910, in Tannersville, N. Y.; m. April 25, 1877, to Dr. George Haner, son of William H. Haner and Cornelia McGinnis; he was b. August 6, 1847, in Prattsville, N. Y.; d. July 2, 1915, in Tannersville, N. Y. 16. 16. Betty More, b. December 25, 1802, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. November 18, 1803, in Roxbury. 17. 17. Elizabeth Taylor More, b. October 30, 1804, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. November 5, 1886, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. October 18, 1825, to Orrin Foote; he was b. September 30, 1799, in Harpersfield, N. Y., son of Bailey Foote; d. July 18, 1873, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; had issue: 171. Charlotte Elizabeth Foote, 172. John More Foote. 171. Charlotte Elizabeth Foote, b. July 19, 1836, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. July 1, 1902, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 172. 172. John More Foote, b. April 4, 1840, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. January 3, 1903, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. December 16, 1873, Mary Frances Cromwell, daughter of Jacob and Mary Cromwell; she was b. September 20, 1848, in Williamstown, N. Y.; d. August 7, 1883, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; had issue: 172.1. Charlotte Elizabeth Foote, b. October 27, 1879, and d. December 26, 1880, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 172.2. Mary Elsie Foote, b. December 27, 1881; d. November 28, 1884, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 172. 154,22. 172. John More Foote, m. second, Ella A. Flindt, October 23, 1902, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; she was b. November 6, 1856, in Brooklyn, N. Y., daughter of William Flindt and Marie Pian. Mrs. Foote resides at The Mohawk, 379 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 154.22. Martha Elizabeth More, b. May 15, 1912, in Binghamton, N. Y.; m. September 7, 1935, in Milburn, N. J., to Charles E. Paulson, Jr., son Charles E. Paulson and Emmie Schonborn; he was b. September 28, 1911, in Montclair, N. J.; had issue: 154,221. Robert More Paulson, b. May 19, 1937, in Montclair, N. J. 18. 18. Jane More, b. November 28, 1806, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. April 30, 1872, in San Francisco, Cal.; m. first, January 4, 1827, to Hiram Peck had issue: 181. John M. Peck, 182. David M. Peck. 18. Jane More, m. second, to Dr. Samuel Howell, son of Benjamin Howell and Jane Moffatt he died in May, 1840, in West Dryden, N. Y.; had issue: 183. 184. 313 OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 Samuel Howell, Orrin Howell. 18. Jane More, m. third, to Abraham Hoagland, son of Christopher Hoagland and Eva Van Loan. The remains of Jane More were transferred from the old Masonic Cemetery to the Cypress Lawn Cemetery in February, 1920, in San Francisco, Cal. 181. John M. Peck, b. January 30, 1830, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. January 18, 1879, in San Francisco, Cal.; m. Jane McDonald. 182. 182. David M. Peck, b. April 6, 1832, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. December 15, 1868, in San Francisco, Cal.; m. April 1, 1854, Margaret Hughes, daughter of Patrick Hughes and Eliza Grant she was b. April 14, 1833, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. January 4, 1909, in San Francisco, Cal. (see Journal, Vol. 1, No. 18, p. 359); had issue: 182.1. John Peck, 182.2. Edwin Peck, 182.3. Helen Peck (Sanborn), 182.4. Orrin Peck, 182.5. William Chauncey Peck, 182.6. Janet Peck. uel E. Brooks and Julia Belden Jones; she was b. September 14, 1847, in Chicago, 111.; d. January 2, 1930, in Petaluma, Cal.; had issue: 184.1. 184.2. 184.3. 184.4. 184.5. 184.6. Clara Julia Howell (Gann), John Samuel Howell, Walter Orrin Howell, M. D., Frank More Howell, Eva Howell (Bloom), Frederick Sanborn Howell. 184,1. 184.1. Clara Julia Howell, b. March 14, 1872, in Hopland, Cal.; m. August 24, 1901, in Ukiah, Cal., to James Franklin Gann, son of James Gann and Marietta Raines; he was b. December 12, 1871, in Oakley, Cal.; had issue: 184.11. Orrin Howell Gann, 184.12. Elizabeth Helen Gann (Handel), 184.13. Marietta Gann (Mollring). 184,11. 184.11. Orrin Howell Gann, b. July 26 1902, in Farmington, Cal.; m. November, 1927, and later divorced; had issue: 184,111. Richard Franklin Gann, July 2, 1931, in San Francisco, Cal. b. 184,12. 182.1. John Peck, b. May 19, 1855, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. August 2, 1872, in Clear Lake, Cal. 182.2. Edwin Peck, b. December 31, 1856, in Hobart, N. Y., and d. there March 13, 1858. 182.3. Helen Peck, b. August 23, 1858, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. January 31, 1922, in San Francisco, Cal.; m. September 14, 1882, to Fred G. Sanborn, son of George T. Sanborn and Hannah E. Stone; he was b. June 4, 1854, in Webster, N. H.; d. September 10, 1915, in San Francisco, Cal. 182.4. Orrin Peck, b. April 13, 1860, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. January 20, 1921, in Los Angeles, Cal. (see Journal, Vol. 2, No. 12, November, 1926, p. 352). 182.5. William Chauncey Peck, b. December 6, 1861, in Hobart, N. Y.; d. December 2, 1863, in San Francisco, Cal. 182.6. Janet Peck, b. July 14, 1864, in San Francisco, Cal. 184.12. Elizabeth Helen Gann, b. Noember 2, 1903, in Knights Ferry, Cal.; m. September 2, 1928, to Leonard Handel, son of Jacob Handel and Magdelina Hieb; he was b. August 14, 1900, in Lodi, Cal.; had issue: 183. Samuel Howell, b. December 29, 1837, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. March 20, 1878, in Georgetown, Col. 184. Orrin Howell, b. January 15, 1839, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. January 5, 1903, in Hopland, Cal.; m. May 11, 1871, Elizabeth Frances Brooks, daughter of Sam- 184.2. John Samuel Howell, b. November 9, 1873, in Hopland, Cal.; m. October 31, 1904, Elsie Jones, daughter of Joseph A. Jones and Frances Birch; she was b. October 12, 1872, in San Bonita, Cal. 184.3. Walter Orrin Howell, M. D., b. March 9, 1877, in Hopland, Cal.; d. Au- 184.121. January 3, 184.122. September James Leonard Handel, b. 1930, in Lodi, Cal. Raymond Donald Handel, b. 15, 1931, in Lodi, Cal. 184,13. 184.13. Marietta Gann, b. January 22, 1905, in Gait, Cal.; m. December 20, 1923, to Alfred Mollring, son of Ernest and Dora Mollring; he was b. October 21, 1904, in Illinois; had issue: 184.131. Dorothy Marie Mollring, b. October 18, 1924, in Lodi, Cal. 184.132. James More Mollring, b. December 2, 1925, in Lodi, Cal. THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 314 Vol. 3, No. 10 gust 9, 1929, in Long Beach, Cal.; m. July Harriet, daughter of Solomon Peck and 26, 1911, in Honolulu, Hawaii, Adele Sal- Welthy Graves. She was b. in Blenheim, ing, daughter of Willis B. Saling and N. Y. Mary E. Cummings. 1(10). 184,4. 1(10). Jacob Lansing More, b. March 184.4. Frank More Howell, b. January 2, 1811, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. there June 31, 1879, in Hopland, Cal.; m. November 8, 4, 1813. 1906, in Santa Rosa, Cal., Alice Louise Sweester, daughter of Edwin Dix Swee1(11). ster and Alice Claire Trask; she was b. 1(11). David Laraway More, b. June April 23, 1884, in Oakland, Cal., had is13, 1814, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. November sue: 2, 1904, in Roselle, N. J.; m. May 28, 184.41. Frank More Howell, Jr., b. Jan- 1846, Elizabeth Trathen, daughter of Capt. uary 16, 1911, in Santa Rosa, Cal. James Trathen and Adeline Howard she 184.42. Orrin Peck Howell, b. April 14, was b. October 22, 1825, in Augusta, Me. (her father was Springer but she took the 1913, in Hopland, Cal. 184.43. David Edwin Howell, b. Sep- name of her stepfather, Trathen) ; had tember 2, 1917, in Hopland, Cal.; d. Au- issue: gust 2, 1920, in Hopland, Cal. 1(11)1. Clarence More, 1(11)2. Henry Edgar More, 184.5. Eva Howell, b. February 4, 1881, 1(11)3. Adeline Louisa More, in Hopland, Cal.; m. November 15, 1904, 1(11)4. James Howard More, in San Francisco, Cal., to Adolph J. 1(11)5. Elizabeth More (Hadley), Bloom, son of James B. Bloom and Lucia 1(11)6. Ida More, M. Fiori; he was b. December 8, 1873, in 1(11)7. Carrie More (Hanna), Petaluma, Cal.; d. there September 28, 1(11)8. Homer Morgan More. 1937. 1(11)1. Clarence More, b. March 21, 184,6. 1847, in New York, N. Y.; d. October 4, 184.6. Frederick Sanborn Howell, b. 1848, in Jersey City, N. J. March 31, 1884, in Hopland, Cal.; d. No1(11)2. vember 9, 1937; m. June 29, 1912, Marie Anna Held, in San Francisco, Cal., daugh1(11)2. Henry Edgar More, b. October ter of William Held and Marie Anna Schubert; she was b. October 2, 1885, in 4, 1848, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. October 12, 1916, in Roselle, N. J.; m. June 29, San Francisco, Cal.; had issue: 1874, Theresa L. Kemp, daughter of Capt. Evander Kemp and Marie T. Smylie; she 184.61. Marie Elizabeth Howell, was b. June 4, 1845, in New York, N. Y.; 184.62. Katheryn Louise Howell, d. December 28, 1926, in Roselle Park, N. 184.63. Fred Held Howell, J.; had issue: 184.64. Robert William Howell. 1(11)2,1. 184,61. 184.61. Marie Elizabeth Howell, b. July 17, 1914, in Petaluma, Cal.; m. in Stanford University Chapel, June 13, 1936, to Robert Boyd Burch, Jr., son of Robert Boyd Burch and Julia Whitaker; he was b. June 13, 1912, in Cincinnati, Ohio; had issue: 184,611. Stephen Burch, b. July 20, 1938, in San Diego, Cal. 184.62. Katheryn Louise Howell, b. December 4, 1915, in Petaluma, Cal. 184.63. Fred Held Howell, b. December 6, 1922, in Petaluma, Cal. 184.64. Robert William Howell, b. March 4, 1924, in Petaluma, Cal. 19. 19. Samuel More, b. February 26, 1809, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. December 26, 1843, in Catskill, N. Y.; m. in October, 1830, 1(11)2,1. Florence Adeline More, b. July 14, 1879, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. June 22, 1898, in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Harwood E. Fish, son John DeFields Fish and Janet Ann Titus; he was b. August 23, 1875, in Otterville, Ont., Canada; d. September 4, 1934, in Roselle Park, N. J.; had issue: 1(11)2,11. Theodore Kilner Fish, 1(11)2,12. Myrtle Adele Fish (Thompson), 1(11)2,13. Harwood Eric Cecil Fish, 1 (11) 2,14. Gertrude Eloise Fish (Jones). 1(11)2,11. 1(11)2,11. Theodore Kilner Fish, b. April 28, 1899, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. January 17, 1921, in Hopewell, N. J., Clara Mae Pierson, daughter of James Everett Pierson and Mary Lou Campbell; she was b. March 3, 1899, in Hopewell, N. J.; had issue: 315 OF THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 1(11)2,111. Margaret Jean Fish, b. August 5, 1922, in Mount Vernon, N. Y. 1(11)2,112. Barbara Ann Fish, b. May 4, 1926, in Elizabeth, N. J. 1(11)2,113. Florence Adele Fish, b. January 3, 1928, in Trenton, N. J. 1(11)2,12. 1(11)2,12. Myrtle Adele Fish, b. August 9, 1900, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. March 12, 1923, to Harold Clark Thompson, son of Oscar Stanley Thompson and Jennie Condit; he was b. January 24, 1895, in Orange, N. J.; had issue: 1(11)2,121. Gertrude Jeanette Thompson, b. March 7, 1926, in Elizabeth, N. J. 1(11)2,122. Marie Theresa Thompson, b. July 30, 1927, in Elizabeth, N. J. 1(11)2,13. 1(11)2,13. Harwood Eric Cecil Fish, b. June 4, 1904, in Roselle Park, N. J.; m. October 22, 1927, in Morsemere, N. J., Emily Louise Ellis, daughter of Clifford Aubrey Ellis and Linda Amelia Jones; she was born January 24, 1901, in Bayonne, N. J.; had issue: 1(11)2,131. Janet Ann Fish, b. August 18, 1928, in Elizabeth, N. J. 1(11)2,132. Harwood E. Fish, III, b. May 12, 1930, in Elizabeth, N. J. 1(11)2,14. Gertrude Eloise Fish, b. September 28, 1908, in Roselle Park, N. J.; m. April 22, 1939, at the Gould Memorial Reformed Church, in Roxbury, N. Y., to James Savage Jones, son William Jones and Martha R. Izatt; he was b. August 22, 1905, in Kelty, Fifeshire, Scotland. 1(11)3. Adeline Louisa More, b. August 27, 1850, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. April 13, 1886, in Jersey City, N. J. 1(11)4. James Howard More, b. August 15, 1852, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. September 18, 1918; interment in Hackensack, N. J.; m. December 16, 1890, in New York, N. Y., Arabella Justina Bowley, daughter of Isaac McKim Bowley and Angulina Montifore; she was b. July 3, 1864, in New York, N. Y. (Under date July 31, 1939, Mrs. Florence Fish [1(11)2,1] advises that there were three sons, but information concerning them has not been obtained.) 1(11)5. 1(11)5. Elizabeth More, b. July 11, 1854, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. November 30, 1939, in Seattle, Wash.; m. December 16, 1880, to George William Childs Hadley, son of Theodore D. Hadley and Eliz- abeth Ann Cornish; he was b. January 30, 1853, in Philadelphia, Pa.; had issue: 1(11)5,1. 1(11)5,1. Homer More Hadley, b. November 15, 1885, in Avondale, Cincinnati, 0.; m. June 1, 1913, in Spokane, Wash., Margaret Sarah Floyd, daughter of William Floyd and Elizabeth Brown; she was b. July 2, 1889, in Concord, Mass.; had issue: 1(11)5,11. Eleanor Martha Hadley, b. July 17, 1916, in Seattle, Wash. 1(11)5,12. Richard Homer Hadley, b. August 2, 1921, in Seattle, Wash. 1(11)6. Ida More, b. March 12, 1857, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. there April 13, 1858. 1(11)7. Carrie More, b. Feb. 14, 1860, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. November 2, 1923, in Elizabeth, N. J.; m. December 19, 1901, in Brooklyn, N. Y., to Eugene William Hanna; he d. July 15, 1919, in Roselle Park, N. J.; had no issue. Leslie W. Hanna was son of first wife. 1(11)8. 1(11)8. Homer Morgan More, b. June 10, 1865, in Jersey City, N. J.; d. October 18, 1938, in Pelham Manor, N. Y.; interment in Kensico Cemetery; m. first, June 10, 1889, Gertrude Hamilton Armes, daughter of Nelson L. Armes and Amo Rett Goodale; she was b. January 27, 1866, in Jersey City, N. J.; they were divorced; m. second, October 23, 1914, in Jersey City, N. J., Marion Edith Lindsay, daughter of Henry Edmund Lindsay and Mary Dringalea; she was b. January 4, 1893, in New York, N. Y.; had issue: 1(11)8,1. Mary Edith More, b. December 4, 1919, in New York, N. Y. 1(11)8,2. Homer Lindsay More, b. September 12, 1923, in New York, N. Y. 1(12). 1(12). Jacob Laraway More, b. September 6, 1816, in Roxbury, N. Y.; d. May 26, 1891, in Camden, N. Y.; m. first, February 19, 1836, Elizabeth Wickes, daughter of David Zophar Wickes and Phebe Rusco Wickes she was b. November 25, 1814, in Hyde Park, N. Y.; d. March 19, 1848, in Moresville, N. Y.; had issue: 1(12)1. Zophar Wickes More. 1(12)2. John Taylor More, 1(12)3. Emily Nelson More (Shepard), 1(12)4. Egbert More. 1(12). Jacob Laraway More, m. second, September 10, 1848, Jane Wickes, daughter of David Zopher Wickes and Phebe Rusco Wickes; she was b. Novem- THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL 316 ber 24, 1820, in Kinderhook, N. Y.; d. April 19, 1899, in Camden, N. Y.; had issue: 1(12)5. Frank More, 1(12)6. Elizabeth More, 1(12)7. Annie More. 1(12)1. Zopher Wickes More, b. April 18, 1837, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. February 17, 1923, in Columbus, Ohio. Vol. 3, No. 10 1(12)4,4. John Taylor More, 1(12)4,5. Mary Emily More, 1(12)4,6. Elizabeth More. 1(12)4,1. Arthur Hastings More, b. November 16, 1873, in Camden, N. Y., and died there August 3, 1874. 1(12)4,2. Clarence Frederick More, b. July 19, 1876, in Camden, N. Y. 1(12)2. 1(12)4,3. 1(12)2. John Taylor More, b. October 16, 1838, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. August 12, 1883, in Utica, N. Y.; m. October 22, 1862, in Parish, N. Y., Louisa Adelia Ludington, daughter of Franklin Ludington and Catherine Davey; she was b. March 25, 1839, in Parish, N. Y.; d. December 23, 1866, in Sand Bank, N. Y.; had issue: 1(12)2,1. Jennie More, b. October 18, 1863, in West Amboy, N. Y.; d. August 15, 1928, in Schenectady, N. Y.; m. October 28, 1891, in Camden, N. Y., to Robert Boyd, son of Joseph Boyd and Rachel Graham; he was b. September 12, 1856, in Canada. 1(12)2,2. Kittie More, b. December 18, 1864, in Wells, N. Y.; m. November 7, 1905, to George Clarence Hyde, son of Joseph Asher Hyde and Delphane McKee; he was b. December 24, 1875, in Glenmore, N. Y.; d. December 23, 1939, in Schenectady, N. Y. 1(12)3. Emily Nelson More, b. November 17, 1843, in Moresville, N. Y.; d. June 26, 1923, in Schenectady, N. Y.; m. November 22, 1882, to George Ranney Shepard, son of William H. Shepard and Roxy Annie Fenton; he was b. October 7, 1841, in Camden, N. Y.; d. March 25, 1898, in Camden, N. Y. 1(12)4,3. Olive Curtiss More, b. February 26, 1879, in Camden, N. Y.; m. January 10, 1900, in Denver, Col., to Willis Newton Sammis, son of Emerson Sammis and Ida Mattoon; he was b. December 23, 1871, in Kankakee, 111.; had issue: 1(12)4. 1(12)4. Egbert More, b. August 12, 1845, in Moresville, N. Y., d. October 11, 1929, in Columbus, O.; m. first, October 15, 1872, in Camden, N. Y., Olive Laura Curtiss, daughter of Hastings F. Curtiss and Brittania Curtis (cousins) ; she was b. Aug. 28, 1854, in Camden, N. Y.; d. February 26, 1879, in Camden, N. Y.; had issue: 1(12)4,1. Arthur Hastings More. 1(12)4,2. Clarence Frederick More. 1(12)4,3. Olive Curtiss More (Sammis). 1(12)4. Egbert More, m. second, October 26, 1881, Julia Elvira Manley, daughter of Elizur Newell Manley and Cornelia Maria Ingerson; she was b. March 7, 1862, in Oakfield, N. Y.; had issue: 1(12)4,31. Marjorie Sammis (Currie), 1(12)4,32. Egbert Emerson Sammis, 1(12)4,33. Willis Newton Sammis. 1(12)4,31. 1(12)4,31. Marjorie Sammis, b. February 14, 1902, in Cripple Creek, Col.; m. January 6, 1922, to Lloyd Palmer Currie, son of Robert Currie and Cora Palmer; he was b. May 26, 1900; had issue: 1(12)4,311. Olive Clara Currie, b. September 4, 1922, in Vancouver, B. C. 1(12)4,312. Robert Newton Currie, b. March 16, 1924, in Vancouver, B. C. 1(12)4,313. Lome Willis Currie, March 11, 1926, in Vancouver, B. C. b. 1(12)4,314. Beverly Cora Currie, b. January 17, 1928, in Vancouver, B. C. 1(12)4,32. 1(12)4,32. Egbert Emerson Sammis, b. March 21, 1905, in Cripple Creek, Col.; m. September 20, 1928, in Seattle, Wash., Vera Powers, daughter of Napoleon Powers and Flora Million; she was b. June 27, 1909; had issue: 1(12)4,321. Curtis Newton Sammis, b. September 24, 1934, in Portland, Ore. 1(12)4,33. Willis Newton Sammis ,b. December 22, 1914, in Saskatoon, Can.; d. December 17, 1924, in Seattle, Wash. 1(12)4,4. 1(12)4,4. John Tavlor More, b. May 4, 1884, in Camden, N. Y.; m. December 30, 1914, in Orland, Cal., L. Berenice Kingwill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Kingwill; she was b. September 21, 1884, in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada; they have two adopted children: 317 OP THE MORE FAMILY July, 1940 1(12)4,41. Margaret Louise More, b. January 20, 1923, in Columbus, O.; adopted February 24, 1923. 1(12)4,42. Miriam Jean More, b. May 7, 1926, in Columbus, 0.; adopted June 25, 1926. 1(12)4,5. 1(12)4,5. Mary Emily More, b. February 8, 1887, in Camden, N. Y.; m. June 18, 1907, in Denver, Col., to Winfield Hardy Rankin, son of Hugh W. Rankin and Clara E. Ferguson; he was b. April 24, 1885, in Denver, Col.; had issue: 1(12)4,51. Manley Ferguson Rankin, b. July 5, 1913, in Akron, Ohio. 1(12)4,52. Hugh Thomas Rankin, b. April 15, 1919, in Columbus, O. 1(12)4,6. 1(12)4,6. Elizabeth More, b. March 30, 1894, in Denver, Col.; m. April 15, 1915, in Akron, O., to Carra Cecil Tillman, son of Henry 0. and Lorena Tillman; he was b. September 6, 1887, in Vernon, 111.; had issue: 1(12)4,61. Julia Loraine Tillman, b. July 26, 1916, in Akron, Col. 1(12)5. Frank More, b. December 7, 1855, in Lackawack, N. Y.; d. there December 20, 1855. 1(12)6. Elizabeth More, b. June 12, 1857, in Lackawack, N. Y.; d. April 1, 1939, in Camden, N. Y. 1(12)7. Annie More, b. April 20, 1860, in West Amboy, N. Y.; d. March 26, 1914, in Camden, N. Y. While the Journal was being printed word was received of the death of TAYLOR M O R E our president, on Sunday, July seventh, after an illness of three weeks. He was seventy-two years of age.