The Life of Our Parish
The Life of Our Parish
2013 The Life of Our Parish OUR MISSION Annunciation hearts are burning to know, love and serve God by loving and serving others. Annunciation Catholic Church July 2012 - June 2013 Financial Summary Income Total $4.4m Expenses Total $4.1m January 2014 Dear Friends in Christ, I am especially fond of the Scripture passage found in Luke 2:19… And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. As we begin a New Year together in this time and in this place we can honor the Blessed Mother as the patroness of our community by following her example and taking a moment to look inside of our own heart and reflect upon God’s Presence in recent times. I also encourage you to consider how God is asking you now to live Our Mission to have a heart that is burning to know, love and serve Him by loving and serving others. Printed on our correspondence and communications, these words represent a living witness of how God continues to call us together as his faithful disciples. As I reflect upon The Life of Our Parish… 2013, many memories stir in my heart. The pages of this booklet help to capture some of the history of the active and Spirit-filled year that we celebrated together as a parish family and provide you with a basic overview and accountability of how your generosity of time, talent and treasure is a living witness of Our Mission. Please keep in mind that numbers tell only part of our story. Our faith cannot be quantified and the call to discipleship and ministry lies in the hearts of God’s holy people. Taken individually, each activity our parish sponsors is significant. Collectively, we work together to grow in faith, hope and love. As your Pastor, please know that I am most grateful to all who are dedicated to selfless stewardship of prayer, finance and ministry which contributes to the life of Annunciation Catholic Church. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your presence and prayers. Your dedication is crucial to the vibrancy and faithfulness of our parish. May God continue to inspire us to gratefully treasure in our hearts the call to discipleship and allow us to reflect upon our generous response to Him! In Christ, Very Rev. Stephen D. Parkes, V.F. Pastor 1020 Montgomery Road, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 407-869-9472 Photos from our Blessing of the Holy Family Grotto. Clergy Speaker Series Year of Faith On January 26th and February 2nd we had two groups of children make their First Reconciliation. February Construction Update Work began on Phase III of our Campus Construction project. Thank you for your generosity during our 6 Food Drives of 2013! 6 food drives: 33,646.9 pounds of food were collected. 5,835 pounds of food, 80 canned hams at Easter and 100 Thanksgiving meals were donated to Bags of Hope. 7,522.8 pounds of food were donated to The Sharing Center . 500 pounds of food were donated to Catholic Charities. 340 Thanksgiving meals were distributed. The remainder of the donations were used to support 23 pantry days (782 families served), emergency needs, and our 5 community partner schools – Lake Brantley HS, Markham Middle, Sabal Point Elementary, Spring Lake Elementary and Forest City Elementary Photos from our Day Trip to St. Augustine with our Confirmation Students. Photos from Marriage Renewal Weekend - February 38 couples were united in Holy Matrimony at our parish in 2013 Stewardship Reflection for Lent - Is Your Heart Burning? Ash Wednesday We Remember Bishop Norbert Dorsey 1929 - 2013 Our Statue of St. Padre Pio has been moved to its new home: Padre Pio’s Place. This building is a multi-use building with meeting space for our teens and for small gatherings. “My past, O Lord, to Your mercy; my present, to Your love; my future to Your providence.” ― St. Padre Pio Our Parish Lenten Gathering was held on Sunday, March 3rd. Fr. Parkes presents Beth Davolos from Families In Transition a check for $24,155 from our Ash Wednesday collection! Photos from Confirmation of 118 teens on Friday, March 1st. Innovations in Catholic Education Award Congratulations! Annunciation Catholic Academy was one of 12 Catholic Schools from around the country that was presented with the award in 2013. Pope Francis Our children preparing for First Eucharist pause to celebrate and pray for our new Holy Father, Pope Francis. Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest! Scenes from Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Easter Sunrise Mass Holy Water Bottles were handed out at all of our Easter Masses. Our Newly Baptized Catholics at the Easter Vigil 183 Children were baptized in our parish in 2013 Blessing of our Track and Field! A very joyful procession behind our Priests as they blessed our Track and Field after our Easter Sunrise Mass. Vocation Blessing Cup Update: 126 families have hosted our Vocation Blessing Cups during 2013. An additional cup is also rotated to different classrooms each week at our School and during Faith Formation Classes. “I have called you by name...” Isaiah 45:4 On Sunday, March 17th at the 10am Mass we prayed over 26 couples that will be celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in the coming year. Dr. Curran retired as principal of Annunciation Catholic Academy after 18 years of service to our school and a lifetime commitment to Catholic Education. Mrs. Patty Kahle was welcomed as our new Principal. Annunciation Child Care Center - Our children pose for a photo for Pastor Appreciation Day. Faith Formation for Children and Youth - Photos from the end of the year celebration. Stewardship of Ministry A photo mosaic featuring over 1196 photos of our Parishioners Loving and Serving others… Stewardship in Action! Many Blessings to the 189 children of our Parish that celebrated their First Eucharist over two weekends in April. May Crowning at our Church after the Living Rosary May Crowning at our Parish School Photos from our Father / Daughter Dance. Orlando Diocesan Council of Catholic Women celebrated their convention Mass in our Church on April 29th with Bishop Noonan and several priests from our Diocese. Campus construction was completed in May on the Track & Field facilities, parking and driveway improvements. Photos from Fr. Cioffi’s talk on bioethics on May 9th in our St. Gabriel Life Center. Photo from our celebration of Confirmation and Full Communion. May 26th - The official appointment of Father Benjamin Lehnertz as our new Parochial Vicar! Honor our Veterans Luncheon - Photos Tornado Relief Update The total collection for tornado relief on May 26th was $17,814! Thank you for your generosity. Contributions received from this special diocesan collection are directed to Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) for use in the recovery and relief efforts. Vacation Bible School! We had 380 campers and 80 adult and 130 teen volunteers from our Parish! Photos of our teens at the Steubenville Conference weekend in Orlando Habitat For Humanity - Photos from the dedication and construction of the McCray home in Sanford. On June 26th, the Maddie McCray home was dedicated after 5 months of construction by Annunciation parishioners. Our parish partnered with Chase bank as well as St. Mary Magdalen parish to complete the home for Ms. Maddie and her seven great grandchildren. Fr. Parkes presented Ms. McCray with a Bible signed by the volunteers that had worked on the home. Parish Summer Picnic - Photos from a great day of fun, food and fellowship - JUNE Annunciation Youth Ministry - Leading Teens Closer to Christ Covecrest 2013 was an amazing, spiritfilled week for 35 of our teens. Thank you for your prayers and support! Photo from the last day of camp and below from one of our nights of praise and worship. Council of Catholic Women - Rummage Sale First Day of classes at our Parish School. Many blessings on all of our families, teachers and students on the start of the new school year. Mission Weekend Update and Thank You! Your generosity generated $29,596 in contributions for the Diocese of Arua in Uganda. Adult Faith Formation At our Baptisms, we were given the gift of our Catholic faith and during the ceremony, anointed with the Oil of the Catechumenate – meaning that we would be life-long learners in our faith. As adults, we are called and challenged to keep growing deeper in our knowledge and understanding of our faith as well as our relationship with the Holy Trinity. We offered many opportunities for this ongoing faith formation, including: Small Faith Communities Lay Carmelites Scripture Study Why Catholic The Long Retreat Sacred Story Adult Confirmation Marriage Renewal RCIA Speaker Series Emmaus Retreat Parish Retreats/Missions Advocacy & Justice Begins October 15th and 16th. We explored Fr. Barron’s Catholicism Series in the spring and The New Evangelization in the fall. Annunciation Child Care Center - An invitation to come see our summer improvements. All of our parishioners were invited to stop in and see the new improvements to our Early Childhood Education Center. Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit Coming to our Church We hosted an exhibit in our Church featuring displays that teach about Church-approved Eucharistic miracles from around the world. Young Adult Ministry Photo to the left is from our Young Adult Ministry working at a Habitat for Humanity home in Sanford. They spent Saturday of their Labor Day weekend, loving and serving others! Celebrating our first school game played on Shepherd’s Field on Saturday, Sept 7th. Go Stars! Living Rosary Thank you to everyone that prayed with us during our four Living Rosary nights during 2013. Friends of the Poor Walk High School Youth Leadership - Teaching Faith Formation and Confirmation Classes! Blessing of the pets - photos from a great day in honor of St Francis. Thank you to all of our volunteers and sponsors! It was a very successful Festival with lots of fun and fellowship for our whole community. Fall Festival Proceeds Proceeds from our 2013 Fall Festival were $97,558. What an amazing Year! Thank you again to everyone involved with the Festival. Your dedication of Time and Talent made our donations to local charities even more impactful this year. All Soul’s Mass of Remembrance We planned and assisted with 69 funerals in 2013 Annunciation Golf Classic Photos Thank you to everyone who helped make the Annunciation Golf Classic a success! Because of your participation, we were able to raise monies to help the youth of our Parish and Knights of Columbus charities. Heart of Faith - Discipleship Weekend Friday night Mass and veneration of the relic of Blessed John Paul II. Saturday morning Witnesses of Faith with Mother Adela Galindo, Foundress of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Hay Day Mini Vacation Bible School (K-5)Growing in Friendship with Jesus Sunday morning Mass at the stadium at Lake Brantley High School. We processed with the Blessed Sacrament from our Parish campus starting at 9:30am. Lake Brantley HS Mass began at 11am. Procession Route (1.4 miles) Welcome! Adult Confirmation photos from Saturday, November 23rd at the 5pm Mass. Thanksgiving Annunciation Child Care Center - Our Thanksgiving Program is always a lot of fun for our children and our parents get a chance to see their children shine! Photo during a Thanksgiving visit from Bishop Gregory Parkes and Monsignor Bernie Caverly. Big Day of Service Thank you to all of our teen and adult volunteers that participated in our Big Day of Service. You touched the lives of many through your efforts in Bithlo! Our Society of St. Vincent de Paul has opened a tutoring center in a nearby hotel for children that reside in the hotel. Photos: Blessing of the Tutoring Center Annunciation Catholic Academy - Advent Retreat Day On December 4th our school participated in a retreat day to reflect on Building the Church with Joy. One of our activities was a Feeding Children Everywhere station in conjunction with our Parish Starry Night Event and the goal to put together 25,000 meals for children in need. Photos from our Advent Family Event - Starry Night! Joy in the Waiting Advent Yard Signs Photos from First Reconciliation in December… Many blessings to all of our families! Be An Angel Advent Outreach You were amazing angels again this year and many lives have been touched by your generosity. Many blessings to all that participated! 569 Families served 2,012 Children 16,444 total gifts Photo below from our Christmas Youth Concert on December 15th. Merry Christmas! Many blessings to you and your family in 2014. May we be inspired to live Our Mission each day. Annunciation Catholic Church Our Mission Annunciation hearts are burning to know, love and serve God by loving and serving others. 407-869-9472
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