who`s who novo.p65 - Universidade de Coimbra


who`s who novo.p65 - Universidade de Coimbra
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
In European Integration Studies
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
In European Integration Studies
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Rua da Estrela, n.º 6
3000-161 Coimbra
Tel: 351 239 851 904
Fax: 351 239 851 901
Palheira – Assafarge
3001-453 Coimbra
Julho, 2006
Os dados e as opiniões inseridos na presente publicação
são da exclusiva responsabilidade do(s) seu(s) autor(es).
Toda a reprodução desta obra, por fotocópia ou outro qualquer processo,
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é ilícita e passível de procedimento judicial contra o infractor.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Introduction .................................................................................................................
ECSA ..........................................................................................................................
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies: Alphabetical List ................................
Index I: Subject Fields .................................................................................................
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors) ..............................................................................
Index III: Countries (Authors) ....................................................................................
National and World ECSA’s .......................................................................................
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Europe has been and will go on being an important actor at the
world level: with old cultural traditions, strong democratic institutions
and a dynamic economy.
The Union is the main economic and commercial bloc of the
world, offering unique perspectives to the countries of the other continents. The euro, soon the currency of thirteen countries and well
accepted as a world currency, is “victim” of its own success as a
strong currency.
In the last decades, the European integration movement has, in
general, been considered a “success story”. Within this movement,
countries have not been affected by their small dimension, having in
the Union the required economies of scale. And a dynamic of initiative has indeed been possible.
We should therefore expect the European integration movement
to be the subject of in-depth research and information in the Universities of Europe, for lawyers, economists, political scientists or historians. But we should also understand the attraction of the integration
movement for academics from all over the world. For all of them, a
major point of interest is that Europe is one great market, presenting
exceptional economic opportunities (not only for trade but as a
source of and a target for investment), as well as a forum for social
and political debate. On the other hand, this successful integration
movement is in itself a source of inspiration for integration movements in other parts of the world.
With the second pillar of the Union, Europe is reinforcing her
role as a key player at the world level; and with the third pillar is
being reinforced as a space of citizenship, freedom and security.
These are further reasons for approximation with the other countries
and with the other people.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
For all the reflection and diffusion of knowledge that is taking
place, an especially relevant contribution comes from the ECSA’s:
now involving 52 national associations and the contribution of more
than 9,000 individual members.
The full benefit of this unique network can be exploited only
through promoting mutual awareness among its members of the
work of its component parts: providing information on the topics of
interest and on the work being carried out by individual members
and their colleagues.
Together with other information sources, the “Who’s Who in
European Integration Studies” aims to fulfil such a purpose. Earlier
editions were published in 1986, 1991, 1995 and 2000. Since then
the number of national associations has increased from 33 to the
present 52 and the number of experts in European Integration Studies
has also progressed in all participating countries.
We are sure that this new edition, virtually available also
through the website www.ecsanet.org. both updates its predecessors
and broadens their scope: providing a valuable tool supporting research in European integration issues and contributing to the diffusion of knowledge in this domain.
Special hanks are due to the European Commission, in particular
to Mrs. Belen Bernaldo de Quirós, to the ECSA members who participated in the Coimbra meeting which prepared this edition,
Profs.Peter Balazs, Constantin Stephanou and Antonio Papisca, to
Mr. Luciano di Fonzo, to Mr. Youri Devuyst and to my collegue
Alexandra Aragão.
Coimbra, July 2006
(ECSA-World President)
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ECSA is an international association and the liaison body of 52
national associations of professors and researchers working in the
field of European Integration Studies. ECSA represents more than
9.000 members. The objective of ECSA is to promote European
Studies and research both within the EU and in other parts of the
world. It comprises and works through this extensive world-wide
network of national associations and individual scholars in the field
of European Studies in the wider and interdisciplinary sense. ECSA
manages transnational programmes of research and technical assistance, organises conferences and stimulates networks of academic
cooperation, makes available its expertise in relation to curricula and
programmes and carries out studies in the area of European Integration. It also plays an important role in disseminating information on
university activities relating to teaching and research on European
Integration through publications and by establishing, managing and
contributing to an interactive communication network on the internet.
The ECSA network is supported by the European Commission, DG
Education and Culture1.
In: http://www.ecsanet.org
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Alphabetical List
AAREBROT, Frank (Prof.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger/dan/
Work address: University of
Bergen-Social Science Faculty-Department of Comparative
Politics-Christiesgate 15, 5007
Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 58
21 70 Fax: +47 55 58 94 25
uib.no Url: www.ehro.org
Publications in European Affairs:
The Handbook of Political
Change in Eastern Europe, eds.
with Sten Berglund and Joakim
Cheltenham, UK, 2004; Challenges to Democracy. Eastern
Europe Ten Years after the Collapse of Communism (with Sten
Berglund, Henri Vogt and Georgi
Karasimeonov) Edward Elgar,
Cheltenham, UK, 2001; Politics
and Citizenship on the Eastern
Baltic Seaboard. The Structuring
of Democratic Politics from
North-West Russia to Poland.
(eds.)with Terje Knutsen, Høyskoleforlaget–Nordic Academic
Press, Kristiansand S., Norway,
Research activities: Project Co-director
Courses on European Integration: Comparative Politics 110:
European State- and Nationbuilding, Democratisation and
Integration (Undergraduate) Comparative Politics 310 Parties and
Party Systems in New Democracies (Postgraduate) Comparatice
Politics 520 International Election Observation (Postgraduate)
Comparative Politics 530 International Human Rights Monitoring (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Integration at the Institut
des Sciences Politiques at Dijon,
France ; Doctoral seminar on European Integration at Universität
Lüneburg, Germany (Postgraduate) Democratisation at the University of Örebro, Sweden (Post-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ABE, Nozomu (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Meijigakuin
University-Faculty of International Studies-International Studies-1518 Kamikurata-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, Japan 244-8539 Tel: 045-863-2240 Fax:
045-863-2265 E-mail: abenoz@
Courses on European Integration: European Economy (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Economy (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.3 /
4.4 / 4.7
Faculdade de Economia, Rua Dr.
Roberto Frias, 4200 464 Porto,
Portugal Tel: 22 5571243 Fax:
22 5505050 E-mail: apa@fep.
Publications in European Affairs:
“The Impact of EU Membership
on Portuguese Exports of Manufactures”, em The New World
Order: Internationalism, Regionalism and the Multinational Corporations, K. Fatemi (ed), Elsevier
Science (2000); EU Enlargemente and Trade Adjustments;
english, Department reseach
Porgram – Conference paper;
The EU External Trade Policy,
portuguese,Department reseach
Porgram – Conference paper.
Research activities: The Impact
of the EU Eastern Enlargement
in the Portuguese Economy; Portuguese; National Project.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Undergraduate) European Economy
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.5 / 5.0 / 7.0
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre
Work address: University of
AKMAN, Sait (Dr.)
Country: Turkey
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Position: Deputy Director
Spoken languages: eng/turkish
Work address: University of
Marmara – European Community Institute – Marmara Univer-
graduate) International Election
Observation at the University of
Örebro, Sweden (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.3 /
3.0 / 7.2
Alphabetical List
sity EC Institute – Goztepe
Kampusu – Kadikoy 34722 Istanbul-Turkey Tel: +90 216 336 33
35 Fax: +90 216 347 45 43
E-mail: saitakman@marmara.edu.tr
Publications in European Affairs:
Turkey-EU relations in the Enlargement Process: Rational
Choice approach to interests
and participation in Turkey, in
Collegium, 2005, in English,
article. – Europeanisation of
South Eastern Europe: Domestic
Impacts of the Accession Process, TUNAECS public.
Research activities: Marmara
University research project titled
The Impact of the adoption of
EU labour standards on Turkey’s
Trade Relations with the EU,
Courses on European Integration: Economic Policy Making
in the EU, JM Permanent course
(Postgraduate) World Trading
System and the EU (Postgraduate) Political Economy of EU
Trade Policy (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economics of the EU (Postgraduate)
WTO and the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.0 / 4.5 / 6.2
ALABAU, Antonio (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/eng
Work address: Universidad
Politécnica De Valencia-Tele-communications-Comunicaciones-Camino de Vera s/n, E46022-Valencia, Spain Tel: +34963.87.93.05 Fax: +34-963.87.
73.09 E-mail: aalabau@dcpm.
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Union and its
eGovernment development Policy.
Ed Fundación Vodafone. Madrid
2004; The European Union and
its Information Society policy.
Ed. Fundación Vodafone. Madrid
2001; La Unión Europea y su
Política de Telecomunicaciones.
Ed. Fundacion Airtel. Madrid
Courses on European Integration: Introducción a la Unión
Europea (Undergraduate) Política de Telecomunicaciones de la
Unión Europea (Undergraduate)
La Politica de la Sociedad de la
Información en la Unión Europea
Subject fields: 4.13 / 4.14. / 5.8
ALIGISAKIS, Maximos (Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1958
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/gre/eng/
Work address: Genève-Centre
interfacultaire-Institut Européen2, R. J.-D. Colladon, CH-1204
Genève Tel: +41 22 3797856
Fax: +41 22 3797852 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
ALIGISAKIS, M. (Dir.), L’Europe et
les biotechnologies. Urgences et
impasses d’un débat démocratique, Publication de l’Institut Européen de l’Université de Genève,
coll. Euryopa, 2004; ALIGISAKIS,
M. (Dir.), Europe et mémoire:
une liaison dangereuse?, Publication de l’Institut Européen de
l’Université de Genève, coll.
Euryopa, 2005; A LIGISAKIS , M.
(Dir), Europe et sortie des
conflits, Publication de l’Institut
Européen de l’Université de
Genève, coll. Euryopa, 2005.
Courses on European Integration: Sociologie de la construction européenne (Postgraduate)
Module d’enseignement interdisciplinaire (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 1.3 / 3.3 / 4.15
Work address: Roma-Scienze
della Comunicazione-Sociologia
e Comunicazione-Via Salaria 113,
00198 Roma Fax: 06/3295913
uniroma1.it Url: www.uniroma1.
Publications in European Affairs:
Allegri-Anzera, La potenza
incompiuta, Scenari di sicurezza
europea per il XII secolo, Milano,
Franco Angeli, 2005; AllegriAnzera, La sicurezza strategica
fra internazionalizzazione e privatizzazione, Milano, Franco
Angeli, 2004; Allegri, Le politiche dell’Unione europea.
Courses on European Integration: Istituzioni e politiche di
intervento dell’Unione europea
(Undergraduate) Unione europea:
integrazione politica e socioeconomica (Jean Monnet Module)
Courses on European Integration outside the university: La
politica estera e di sicurezza
comune dell’Unione europea
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.20 /
ALLEGRI, Maria Romana (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1972
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ita/eng/ger/
ALOISIO, Salvatore (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/spa
Alphabetical List
Work address: Modena E Reggio
Aziendale-Viale Berengario 51 –
I 41100 Modena E-mail: aloisio.
salvatore@unimore.it Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Italian Constitution and European Constitutional Unification, in The European Union Review, n. 2 – 2000, p. 23;
Attualità delle riflessioni di Piero
Calamandrei sul procedimento
costituente europeo, in AA. VV.
(a cura di A. Landuyt e D.
Pasquinucci), L’Unione europea
tra Costituzione e governance,
Cacucci, Bari, 2004, p. 75; La
composizione e il procedimento
di formazione della Commissione
europea tra il Progetto della
Convenzione e il Trattato che
adotta una Costituzione per
l’Europa in AV. VV. (a cura di S.
Aloisio – C. Rognoni Vercelli)
L’Europa nel nuovo ordine
internazionale, Cacucci, Bari,
2005, p. 225.
Courses on European Integration: Diritto dell’Unione Europea (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.2 /
ALVES, Rui Henrique
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: m
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Faculdade de
Economia do Porto, Rua Roberto
Frias, 4200-464 Porto Tel: +351
965878846 E-mail: rhalves@
fep.up.pt Url: www.fep.up.pt/
Publications in European Affairs:
European Constitution and Fiscal
Federalism (forthcoming), english,
book chapter (in R ODRIGUEZ ,
Carlos and MCCOMBIE, John (eds),
Institutions, Public Policy and
Governance, Palgrave MacMillan;
Europe: Looking for a New
Model? (2004), english, book
chapter (in ASTENGO, Francesca e
NEUWAHL, Nanette (eds), A Constitution for Europe? Governance and Policy- -Making in the
European Union, Collection.
Courses on European Integration: European Economics (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.7 / 6.0 / 7.1
AMBROZIAK, Adam A. (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1972
Sex: m
Spoken languages: pol/eng
Work address: Warsaw School
of Economics-Faculty of World
Economy-European Integration
Chair-Al. Niepodleglosci 162
Tel: +48 22 564 93 61 Fax: +48
22 564 86 32 E-mail: adam.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ambroziak@wp.pl Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
State Aid as an Instrument for
Reinforcing Competitiveness of
Polish Undertakings. Necessity
for Retargeting of the Granted
Research activities: The project:
Changes in Industrial Competitiveness as a Factor of Integration: Identifying Challenges of
the Enlarged Single European
Market, Research project co-ordinated by CASE – Center for
Social and Economic Research,
funded by the 5th Framework
Programme of the European
Union, Brussels 2005.
Courses on European Integration: Internal market – economic
dimension Undergraduate, Postgraduate European integration
Undergraduate, Postgraduate Poland in the European Union Undergraduate, Postgraduate European Union as a partner in the
World Undergraduate, Postgraduate.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Conditions of admissibility of
granting state aid to entrepreneurs – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan; (Postgraduate)
European integration – Master of
Business Administration in
Gdansk University (Postgradu-
ate) Internal market – Center for
Europe, Warsaw University (Postgraduate) Common commercial
policy – Center for Europe, Warsaw University (Undergraduate,
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.5 / 4.6 / 5.0
ANASTACIO, Gonçalo (Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/por/
Work address: Universitu of
Lisbon – Law – Economic Law
Rua D. João V, 24, Bl E - 4B
1250-091 Lisboa – Portugal Tel:
+351 96 652 11 76 Fax: +351 21
21 32 001 E-mail: goncalo.
Publications in European Affairs:
– Concorrência Fiscal, Estudos
em Homenagem ao Professor
Sousa Franco, 2006 (no prelo).
– O Regime Nacional de Controlo
de Concentrações, conferência
proferida na Autoridade da Concorrência em Junho de 2005 (em
curso de publicação) – Disciplina e Feder.
Publications in European Affairs:
Mestrado em Direito Comunitário (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Collége des Hautes Études
Européennes – Universidade de
Alphabetical List
Paris I Panthéon/Sorbonne (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.4 / 2.5 / 4.1
ANDERSEN, Svein S. (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger
Work address: Norwegian School
of Management – Leaderssip
and organization-Nydalsveien
37, 0843 Oslo Tel: 46410703
E-mail: svein.andersen@bi.no
Publications in European Affairs:
Making policy in Europe (w/
K.A. Eliassen). london: Sage
2001; Lobbying in a world of
tentions (w/ K.A. Eliassen),in
S.John and S. Thompson (eds.)
New activism and the coporate
respons. Palgrave 2003.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 4.12 /
ANDREJ, Kumar (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Slovenia
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Ljubljana-Faculty of EconomicsInternational Economics-Kardeljeva pl. 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slo-
venia Tel: +386 1 5892 400 Fax:
+386 1 5892 698 E-mail: andrej.
Publications in European Affairs: KUMAR, Andrej, KANDZIJA,
Vinko. Trade policy and integration into the EU. V: IV. International conference economic
system of European union and
accession of the Republic of
Croatia, Opatija, Croatia, May
9-10, 2003. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 2003,
str. 15-16; ZAJC, Katja, KUMAR,
Andrej. Inward foreign direct investment and export spill over to
Slovenian firms. V: IV. International conference economic system of European union and accession of the Republic of Croatia,
Opatija, Croatia, May 9-10,
2003. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 2003, str. 22;
KUMAR, Andrej. Slovenian trade
policy and theory of intra-industry trade. V: IV. International
conference economic system of
European union and accession of
the Republic of Croatia, Opatija,
Croatia, May 9-10, 2003. [s.l.]:
[s.n.], 2003, str. 29-30.
Research activities: Asia-Link
Programme, Virtual Campus on
Economic Development (VCED).
Courses on European Integration: “The European Union: Understanding policy and law making”, Jean Monnet Module Undergraduate.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
ECSA Slovenija activities Undergraduate, Postgraduate.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.0 / 6.0
ANDREOSSO-O’CALLAGHAN, Marie-Bernadette (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Ireland
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/ita/eng/
Work address: Limerick-Business-Economics-Plassey Technological Park,University of Limerick, Ireland Tel: 353 61 20
2204 Fax: 353 61 33 81 71
E-mail: bernadette.andreosso@
ul.ie Url: www.ul.ie/eac/
Publications in European Affairs:
Andreosso, B., and Jacobson, D.
2005. Industrial Economics and
Organization. A European Perspective. Mc Graw & Hill: London, New York, 2nd edition,
602 pages; Moon, W., and
Andreosso-O’Callaghan, B (eds)
2005. Regional Integration –
Europe and Asia Compared
(Ashgate Publishing: Aldershot),
248pp. (ISBN: 0754642305);
Andreosso-O’Callaghan, B. 2003.
The Economics of European Agriculture. (Palgrave: London,
New York), 275 pages.
Research activities: Internationally coordinated curriculum development for modules in intercultural communication’, (Sept.
2004 – August 2007), Asia Link
Project (with TU Dresden, Dhaka
University, and Beijing Institute
of Technology); ‘Comparative
Regional Integration – Europe
and Asia’ (Nov.2005 – July
2007). Jean Monnet Network
(with Melbourne University,
Université de Louvain la Neuve,
and Keio University).
Courses on European Integration: Theory of Economic Integration (Postgraduate) Economic
Policies of the EU (Postgraduate)
Industrial Economics – A European Perspective (Undergraduate) International Political Economy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.5 / 5.0 / 5.9 /
ANTOLA, Esko (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Finland
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Position: Director , Jean Monnet
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fin/eng/swe
Work address: University of
Turku-Social Science-Jean Monnet
Centre-Jean Monnet Centre, University of Turku 20014 Turku,
Finland Tel: +358 2 3335387
Alphabetical List
Fax: +358 2 3336290 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs: Suomi EU: n etujoukkoon.
Eurooppa-politiikan uudet haasteet. EVA Raportti, Helsinki,
2004. (Finland to the avant-garde of the EU. New Challenges to the European Policy of
Finland)(in Finnish); Baltic Sea
Region – A Dynamic Third of
Europe. Turku, 2004; Onko
koolla väliä? Pienet maat EU:n
päätöksenteossa. Helsinki 2004
(Dies Size Matter? Small States
in the EU Decision-making) (In
Courses on European Integration: Dimensions of The European Governance (Undergraduate) The European Union as an
International Actor (Undergraduate) Transatlantic Relations (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
5.0 / 7.1
ANTONIADIS, Antonis (Mr)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/gre/fre/
Work address: Durham-LawLaw-50 North Bailey, Durham
DH1 3ET, UK Tel: +4419133
42838 Fax: +441913342801
durham.ac.uk Url: www.dur.ac.
Publications in European Affairs:
“The Chiquita and Van Parys
Judgments: Rules, Exceptions
and the Law” (2005) 32 Legal
Issues of Economic Integration
460; “The Participation of the
EC and its Member States in the
World Trade Organisation: an
external look at European Union
constitution-building” in Tridimas
and Nebbia (eds.), EU Law for
the 21st Century: Rethinking the
New Legal Order, (Hart Publishing, 2004) p. 321.
Courses on European Integration: Law of European Integration (Undergraduate) Law of the
Single European Market (Undergraduate) EU External Relations
Law (Postgraduate) Law of the
WTO (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Advanced European Union Law
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.3 / 4.1 /
4.5 / 5.0
A RAGÃO , Maria Alexandra
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Work address: Faculdade de
Direito da Universidade de
Coimbra, Pátio da Universidade,
3004-545 Coimbra, Portugal Tel:
+351 239 859 801/02 Fax: +351
239 790 514 E-mail: aaragao@
ci.uc.pt Url: www.fd.uc.pt
Publications in European Affairs:
«The application and interpretation of the core environmental
principles by Portuguese courts»,
in: Principles of European Environmental Law, Europa Law
Publishing, Amsterdam, 2004;
Environmental Impact Assessment Law in Portugal – with
comments (co-authors: José
Eduardo Dias and Maria Ana
Rolla) CEDOUA, Coimbra, 2002;
The Polluter Pays Principle, corner stone of the European Environmental Law (in portuguese),
Studia Iuridica, nº23, Coimbra
Editora, 1997.
Research activities: “Present
Regime and Future Trends of
Environmental Impact Assessment: European Regime, transposition and execution in Portugal”.
Courses on European Integration: European Law (Undergraduate) European Organizations (Undergraduate) European
Governance (Undergraduate)
European Environmental Law
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Environmental law (Postgraduate) Regulations and integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.5 /
4.7 / 6.1
Gonzalo (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Chile
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: m
Spoken languages: spa/fre/eng/
Work address: Universidad
Miguel De Cervantes – ILRIEuropa 2086 Tel: 56/2/2336141
E-mail: gonzaloarenas@yahoo.es
Url: www.celare.org
Courses on European Integration: Relaciones Europa America
latina (Undergraduate) Acuerdo
De Asociacion Chile – Union
Europea (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Futuro de las relaciones America
latina – Union europea (Postgraduate) La toma de decisiones
en la Union Europea (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.5 / 5.13 /
ARNULL, Anthony (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1958
Alphabetical List
Sex: m
Position: Director of the Institute
of European Law
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Birmingham –
Law-School of Law, University
of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United
Kingdom Tel: 0121 414 6295
Fax: 0121 414 3585 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Union and its
Court of Justice (1999)(book;
English); Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union
(ed, with D Wincott) (2002) (edited collection; English); The
Member States of the European
Union and Giscard’s blueprint
for its future (2004) 27 Fordham
International Law Journal 503543 (journal article; English).
Courses on European Integration: Legal Foundations of the
European Union (Undergraduate) Law of the European Union
(Undergraduate) Judicial Protection in the European Union
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.2 / 2.3 /
ARORA, Balveer (Prof.)
Country: India
Sex: m
Work address: Centre for Political Studies, JNU Tel: +91 11
26717676, 26717557 Fax: 2671
7601 New Mehrauli Road, New
Delhi 110067 E-mail: balveerarora
@mail.jnu.ac.in Url:http://www.
ATTINA, Fulvio (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/spa/
Work address: of Catania-Political Sciences-Political Studies-via
Vittorio Emanuele, 49, 95131
Catania, Italia Tel: +30.095.
7347209 Fax: +30.095. 7347258
E-mail: attinaf@unict.it Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
European Neighbourhood Policy:
Political, Economic and Social
Issues, The Jean Monnet Centre
“Euro-Med”, Department of Political Studies, Univerity of
Catania, 2004, Attinà Fulvio and
Rossi Rosa, eds; La politica di
sicurezza e difesa dell’Unione
Europea. Il cammino dopo il
trattato di Amsterdam, Artistic &
Publishing Company / CeMISS,
Roma, 2001; The Barcelona
Process and Euro-Mediterranean
issues from Stuttgard to Marseille
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
– Milano, Giuffrè, 2001. ATTINA’
F. and STAVRIDIS S. (eds.).
Courses on European Integration: CFSP/ESDP (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 3.1 / 4.19 /
AXT, Heinz-Jürgen
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Duisburg-Essen-Social SciencesPolitical Science-University of
Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Social
Sciences, Institute für Political
Science, Lotharstr. 65, D-47057
Duisburg Tel: 0049 (0) 203379
2050 Fax: 0049 (0) 2033792318
E-mail: heinz-juergen.axt@unidue.de Url: http://politik.uniduisburg.de/
Publications in European Affairs:
EU-Strukturpolitik. Einführung
in die Politik des wirtschaftlichen
und sozialen Zusammenhalts,
Opladen 2000;18.Frieden und
Sicherheit in (Südost-) Europa:
EU-Beitritt, Stabilitätspakt und
Europäische Si-cherheits- und
Verteidigungspolitik, München
2001; The Cyprus Ouverture
(with Nanette Neuwahl), in:
Neuwahl, Nanette (ed.), European Union Enlargement: Law
and Socio-Economic Changes,
Montreal: Editions Themis 2003,
pp. 11-40.
Research activities: Conflict
settlement through Europeanization? Greece and its neighbours
Macedonia and Turkey(http://
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to European
integration (German) (Undergraduate) Policies of the EU
(German) (Undergraduate) Multi
level Governance (German and
English) (Undergraduate) Theories of integration (German and
English) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.9 / 5.2 / 6.2
BACHE, Ian (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Sheffield-Social
Northumberland Road, Sheffield,
UK, S10 2TU Tel: +44 114 222
1678 E-mail: i.bache@sheffield.
Publications in European Affairs:
I Bache and S George (2006)
Politics in the European Union,
2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford
University Press ; I Bache and A
Jordan (eds) (2006) The Europeanization of British Politics?
Alphabetical List
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan;
I Bache and M Flinders (eds)
(2004) Multi-level Governance,
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research activities: Convenor,
UACES Study Group and ESRC
Seminar Series on The Europeanization of British Politics and
Policy-Making. Connex network
of excellence participant.
Courses on European Integration: Politics in the European
Union, 2nd year (Undergraduate) Europeanization, 3rd year
(Undergraduate) Politics and
Policy-making in the European
Union, MA module (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.9 / 5.2 / 7.0 /
Country: Turkey
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/tur
Work address: Sabanci University-Arts and Social SciencesEconomics/European StdudiesSabanci University. Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences, 34956
Orhanhi-Tuzla-Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 216 483 92 36 Fax: +
90 216 483 92 50 E-mail:
Research activities: Jean Monnet
Activities(Jean Monnet Chair
and European Module) 6th
Framework: The Poltical Economy of Govarnance in the EuroMediterranean Partnership.
Courses on European Integration: Economics of European Integration; International Political
Economy (Undergraduate) Economic Relations of Turkey with
the EU (Postgraduate) History of
European Economic Thought
Subject fields: 4.1.2 / 4.5 / 5.2 /
5.10 / 6.0
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: m
Position: Director of the Department of Constitutional Law
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/fre/spa/
Work address: Granada-LawConstitutional Law-Facultad de
Derecho. Departamento de Derecho Constitucional, Plaza de la
Universidad s/n, 18001-Granada
Tel: 0034958243451-5 Fax: 003
4958246290 E-mail: balaguer@
ugr.es Url: http://www.ugr.es/
Publications in European Affairs:
La configuración normativa de
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
principios y derechos constitucionales en la Constitución
europea, in Boletim da Faculdade de Direito, Stvdia Ivridica,
84. Coimbra Editora, Coimbra,
2005; Der Integrationsprozess in
Europa und die Beziehungen
zwischen der Europäischen Rechtsordnung und den Rechtsordnungen der Mitgliedsstaaten, in
A. Blankenagel, I. Pernice, H.
Schulze-Fielitz (Hrsg.) Verfassung
im Diskurs der Welt, Liber
Amicorum für Peter Häberle,
Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2004;
Derecho y Derechos en la Unión
Europea in Javier Corcuera
Atienza (Coord.), La protección
de los Derechos Fundamentales
en la Unión Europea, Dykinson,
Madrid, 2002
Research activities: Leading
researcher of the three years Research Project BJU2003-06526:
“El proceso de constitucionalización de la Unión Europea”,
Supported by the Ministry of
Science (Decision 12.1.2003).
Courses on European Integration: European Constitutional
Law. First semester of the academic year 2004-2005. Taught
by Francisco Balaguer Callejón
(Undergraduate) The European
Constitution. The system of
sources of law in the institutional
and competencial framework of
the European Union, Second se-
mester of the academic year
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
“Fundamental rights and the European Union”. Doctorate Course
Taught at the Program of Doctorate by the University of Alicante
(Postgraduate) “European Constitution and Spanish Constitution”. Doctorate Course Taught
at the Program of Doctorate by
the University of Alicante (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 6.0 / 6.1 / 7.2
BALÁZS, Péter (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1941
Sex: m
Position: President of the
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/hun/eng/
Work address: Central European University-International
Relations-IRES-Nádor u. 9.,
1051 Budapest, Hungary Tel:
+361 327 3000 Fax: +361 328
3444 E-mail: cens@ceu.hu Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Az Európai Unió külpolitikája
(Foreig Policy of the EU), KJK
Budapest, 2002, 517.p.; Towards
a Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Regional Integration – Motivations
Alphabetical List
and Objectives, In: MaresceauLannon:The EU’s Enlargement
and Mediterranean Strategies,
Palgrave 2000, pp 367-378.; The
Future of the European Union,
In: Public Finance Quarterly,
Budapest, Volume L, 2005. pp
Research activities: Director of
the Center for EU Enlargement
Studies at the Central European
University, Budapest.
Courses on European Integration: External Relations of the
EU; European Governance (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: External Relations of the EU
(Corvinus University, Budapest).
Subject fields: 4.9 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0
BALDUS, Christian (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Position: Directeur de l’Institut
Spoken languages: ger/ita/fre/
Work address: HeidelbergDroit-Science Historique du
Droit-Friedrich-Ebert-Platz 2, D69117 Heidelberg Tel: 06221 54
7588 Fax: 06221 54 7628 E-mail:
Url: www.rechtsgeschichte.unihd.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Binnenkonkurrenz kaufrechtlicher achmängelansprüche nach
Europarecht (Baden-Baden 1999);
Codification of Private Law in
the EC, in: Barrett/Bernardeau
(eds.), Towards a European
Civil Code (Trier 2002); (dir.,
avec P.-C. Müller-Graff:) Die
Generalklausel im Europäischen
Privatrecht (München 2006)
Research activities: Réseau
judiciaire, Commission Européenne, DG JLS.
Courses on European Integration: Europarecht II (droit privé
communautaire) (Undergraduate) des séminaires et colloques
sur le droit privé communautaire
et sa méthode.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: en
Italie (notamment à Trente): des
séminaires et conférences sur le
droit privé communautaire et ses
fondements historiques.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 2.1.5 /
2.4 / 4.1
BANÚS, Enrique (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Position: Director
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/ger/eng/
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Work address: Navarra-Centre
for European Studies-Centre for
European Studies-Centro de
Estudios Europeos, Universidad
de Navarra, E-31080 Pamplona
Tel: +34948425634 Fax: +349
48425622 E-mail: ebanus@unav.
es Url: http://www.unav.es/cee
Publications in European Affairs:
Dabei sein ist (fast) alles: 15
Jahre spanischer Mitgliedschaft
in der Europäischen Union
Beitrag für die Zeitschrift
Welttrends 34 (Frühjahr 2002),
S. 81-94 ; The European Union:
A Space for Intercultural Dialogue: en European Commission/Commission européenne:
Intercultural dialogue/Dialogue
interculturel. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of
the European Communities, 2003,
Fella, Michael Newman (eds.):
European integrationin the 21st
century. Sage, London, 2002, p.
Research activities: EU-CONSENT Network of Excellence;
Jean Monnet Project on Intercultural Dialogue ; Die europäische
Debatte 2004-2005.
Courses on European Integration: Introducción a la integración europea (Undergraduate) La
integración europea: Cuestiones
de actualidad I (Undergraduate)
La integración europea: Cuestiones de actualidad II (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.16 /
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1977
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger
Work address: University of
Florence-Faculty of Political Science-Department of Political Science and Sociology-CIRES –
Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sul Sud Europa, Dipartimento di Scienza Politica e
Sociologia, Polo delle Scienze
Sociali edificio D5, Via delle
Pandette 21, 50127 Firenze
(Italy) Tel: 0030 349 0982702
E-mail: baracani@cires-ricerca.it
Url: http://www.cires-ricerca.it/
staff/ people.php
Publications in European Affairs:
“The EU and Democracy Promotion: A Strategy of Democratization in the framework of
Neighbourhood Policy”, in F.
Attinà and R. Rossi, edited by,
European Neighbourhood Policy:
Political, Economic and Social
Issues, Catania, 2004, pp. 37-57.;
“Introduction”, co-authored with
R. Di Quirico, in R. Di Quirico
(ed.), Europeanization and De-
Alphabetical List
mocratization. Institutional Adaptation, Conditionality and Democratisation in European Union’s
Neighbour Countries, Florence,
European Press Academic Publishing, 2005.; “From the EMP
to the ENP: A new European
pressure for democratization?”,
Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER), Volume
1, Issue 2, November 2005, pp.
Research activities: “Evaluating
EU promotion of democratic rule
of law in Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, Turkey, Ukraine and
Subject fields: 5.2 / 5.5 / 5.6 / 5.8
BARRAL, Welber (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Brazil
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/por/
Work address: Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina – Law
School – Institute of International Relations – Cx. Postal 476
Florianopolis SC 88040-970
Brazil Tel: 55 49 3234 3211
Fax: 55 49 3234 3211 E-mail:
welberbarral@yahoo.com Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
BARRAL, W. O. Tribunais internacionais. Florianopolis: Boiteux,
BARRAL, W. O. Multilateralism in
Choleric Time. In: Centre for
Foreign Policy Studies. (Org.).
Independence in an Age of Empire: Assessing Unilateralism
and Multilateralism, Halifax.
Research activities: Dispute
resolution in Mercosur and the
Adenauer Stiftung).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Integration Law (Undergraduate); International Economic Law (Postgraduate); Trade Policy in the
European Union (Postgraduate);
European Law (Undergraduate).
International Economic Law
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 2.1.5
BARTOVA, Lubica (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Slovakia
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: f
Spoken languages: slo/eng/
Work address: Slovak Agricultural University In Nitra-Faculty
of Economics and Management-Department of Statistics and
Operations Research-KSOV, FEM,
SPU, tr.A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra,
Slovak Republic Tel: 421-37
6508147 Fax: 421-37-65081 47
E-mail: lubica.bartova@uniag.sk
Url: www.fem.uniag.sk/Lubica.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
Bartova, L. (2004): “Apprising
Slovakia’s EU Accession”. In:
AgExporter, FAS USDA, pp. 1113; Pokrivcak, J. , Ciaian, P.,
Bartova, L. (2004): “Agricultural
Economics and the Common Agricultural Policy”. In: The Slovak Economy and EU membership. Iura Edition. Bratislava.
pp.253-287. ISBN 80-8078-0064; Bartova, L. (2002). “Globalisation and Poverty”, Agricultural Economics Vol. 48, No. 2:
Research activities: 6FP Project
No. 513666: Agricultural Trade
Agreements “Tradeag” 6FP Project
No 021543: Agricultural Member States Modelling for the EU
and Eastern European Countries
“AGMEMOD 2020” Tender no.
J05/03/2005. European Commission Directorate General JRC:
Impact analysis of the Common
Agricultural Policy reform on
main agricultural commodities.
Courses on European Integration: EU Economic and Social
Policies (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.0 / 4.2 /
4.3 / 6.2
BARUFFI, Maria Caterina (Prof.
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Verona-Law-Dipartimento di Studi GiuridiciUniversità degli Studi di Verona,
Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici,
Via Carlo Montanari, 9, 37100
Verona, Italy Tel: 003904580
28827 Fax: 00390458028825
E-mail: mariacaterina.baruffi@
univr.it Url: www.univr.it.
Publications in European Affairs:
La tutela dei singoli nei procedimenti amministrativi comunitari, italian, 2001, book; Il futuro
dell’Unione europea. Sviluppi
nelle sue politiche (a cura di),
italian, 2004, book; Il diritto di
visita nel diritto internazionale
privato e comunitario, italian,
2005, book.
Courses on European Integration: Diritto dell’Unione Europea (Undergraduate); Diritto
dell’Unione Europea – Diritto
della concorrenza (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Diritto pubblico delle istituzioni
europee c/o Facoltà di Medicina
dell’Università di Verona (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.5.1 / 4.6 /
BAVA, Ummu Salma
Country: India
Work address: Centre for
American & West European
Alphabetical List
Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India Tel: 0091-11-26704384 Fax:
Publications in European Affairs:
West German Realpolitik. Unification, EU and European Security. 1949-1995, (Kanishka,
2001); “Europe and Humanitarian Intervention”, in R. K. Jain,
Ed. India, Europe and the
Changing Dimensions of Security, (Radiant, 2004);
“The European Union and Russia”, in R. K. Jain, Ed. The European Union in a Changing
World (Radiant, 2002).
grative compliance model that
bridges the gap between instrumental and normative models of
compliance.’, Journal of European Public Policy. Volume 12,
Number 1, February 2005, pp.
1-30; (2004) ‘The unseen hand
in treaty reform negotiations: the
role and impact of the Council
Secretariat.’, Journal of European Public Policy. Volume 11,
Number 3, June 2004, pp. 408439.
Courses on European Integration: Dynamics of European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.1 / 2.2 /
6.1 / 7.0
BEACH, Derek (Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/dan
Work address: University of
Aarhus-Social Science-Political
Science-Department of Political
Science, Bartholinsalle, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus
C, Denmark Tel: (+45)89421292
E-mail: derek@ps.au.dk Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
(2005) The dynamics of European integration: when and why
EU institutions matter. Houndmills:
Palgrave MacMillan; (2005) ‘Why
governments comply: an inte-
BEAUCHESNE, Bénédicte (Prof.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: f
Spoken languages: fre/ita/eng/
Work address: Paris Viii-Droit –
2, rue de la liberté 93 526 Saint-Denis Cedex E-mail: b.beauchesne
@tele2.fr Url: www. univ-paris8.fr
Publications in European Affairs:
La construction européenne de
l’Antiquité à nos jours, Paris,
Ellipses, fév. 2006.
Research activities: Droit
économique européen.
Courses on European Integration: Construction européenne
(Undergraduate); Politiques com-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
munes européennes (Postgraduate); Droit économique européen
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.0 / 4.6
B ELTRAMINO , Ricardo Ignacio
Country: Argentina
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: spa/por/eng/
Work address: Universidad
Nacional De Rosario Argentina-Law-Derecho de la Integración.
(Integration Law)-Córdoba 1110
- 2º Piso of. 203/5 – Rosario,
Provincia de Santa Fe – Argentina Tel: 00543414256268
Fax: 0054 3414256268 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
“Pakistan y la Unión Europea
llegan a un acuerdo sobre textiles” Boletín Electrónico de la
Universidad Abierta Interamericana Pulso Internacional N/ 15.
Courses on European Integration: Undergraduate, Postgraduate Professor Aux at the course
Derecho de la Integración (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Professor of (Undergraduate) Professor at the seminar in the
Universidade Federal do Paraná,
Brasil. Departamento de Economia. Curso de Pós-graduação em
Desenvolvimento Econômico
Programa de Seminários. “The
NGOs participation before the
WTO (Postgraduate) Lecture at
the Seminario Internacional
sobre negociaciones en Agricultura y Biotecnología. organized
by CERIR, Centro de Estudios
Internacionales de Rosario and
the Maestría en Cooperación e
Integración Internacional of the
Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
(26, 27 y 28 Septembre 2005).
Subject fields: 4.2 / 4.5 / 4.7 /
5.12 / 5.13
BERINDE, Mihai (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Romania
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: m
Position: President of the Romanian Competition Council
Spoken languages: fre/eng/rum
Work address: University of
Oradea-Faculty of Economics-of
Economy-University of Oradea,
Faculty of Economics, Universitatii str. 1, RO-410087, Bihor,
Romania Tel: +40-259-408109
Fax: +40-259-408409 E-mail:
agiurgiu@uoradea.ro Url: http://
steconomice.uoradea.ro, www.
Publications in European Affairs:
1. Adriana Giurgiu, Mihai Berinde
– “The Romanian Integration
Alphabetical List
Process into the European
Union”, Publishing House of the
University of Oradea, 2005,
ISBN 973-613-887-9; 2. Mihai
Research activities: – start with
September 2005 – Titleholder of
the Jean Monnet European Module, entitled “International Trade
and European Trade Policy”,
within the University of Oradea,
Faculty of Economics, Programul
Socrates-Erasmus, Jean Monnet
Project 2005, Agreement 20052183 / 001-001 JMO JMO.
Courses on European Integration: European Union in the
context of International Economic Relations (Postgraduate);
Regionalism and Multilateralism
in International Trade (Postgraduate); EU External Trade
and Customs Union (Postgraduate); The Romanian Integration
Process into the European Union
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Intra-European Commerce (Postgraduate); Commercial Rules
and Practices (Postgraduate); European Commerce (Postgraduate); Commercial Policies (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.2
BESSON, Jean-Louis (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Position: Directeur Département
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Work address: Université Pierre
Mendès France De GrenobleFaculté d’Economie-Enseignement à distance-UFR ESE, BP47,
F38040 Genoble Cedex 09 Tel:
(33) 4 76825726 Fax: (33) 4
76825995 E-mail: j-louis.besson
@upmf-grenoble.fr Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
Marchés, banques et politique
monétaire en Europe, FR, 2003,
ouvrage (PUG); Monnaie et finance en Europe, FR, 2000,
ouvrage (PUG).
Courses on European Integration: Monnaie et finance en Europe (Undergraduate); Economie
de l’Union économique et monétaire (Postgraduate); Intégration
monétaire et financière européennes (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Relations économiques extérieures
de l’Union européenne (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.4 / 4.1.2 /
4.1.5 / 5.0
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
BICKNELL, Helen (Mr)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger/
Work address: University of
Applied Sciences-Business Studies-Languages-University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, An der
Bruchspitze 50, 55122 Mainz
Tel: +49 6131 628 268 E-mail:
helen.bicknell@wiwi.fhmainz.de Url: www.fh-mainz.de
Publications in European Affairs:
PhD Thesis.
Courses on European Integration: Germany in European Markets (Undergraduate); European
Economic Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.2 / 4.3
BIEBER, Roland (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Position: Directeur, Centre de
droit comparé et européen
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Lausanne-droit –
Université de Lausanne, CDCE,
CH-1015 Dorigny Tel: 0041 - 21
- 6922790 Fax: 0041216922785
E-mail: roland.bieber@unil.ch
Publications in European Affairs:
Die Europäische Union (avec
Epiney et Haag), 6ème éd. 670
p., Baden – Baden 2005; Précis
de droit européen (avec Maiani),
378 p., Berne 2004; Droit européen des transports (avec Maiani
et Delaloye), 415 p., Bâle/Paris/
Bruxelles 2006.
Courses on European Integration: Droit européen (Undergraduate); Droit constitutionnel
de l’UE (Postgraduate); le contentieux communautaire (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1.3 / 4.0 /
4.11 / 5.2
BLAHÓ, András (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: m
Position: Chair of Department
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Corvinus University-Faculty of
Economics-Department of World
Economy-1098 Budapest, Fovám
tér 8., Hungary Tel: 36-1-4825101 Fax: 36-1-482-5048 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Basic issues of European integration. AULA Kiadó, Bp, 2005.
694 p.; International organisations and institutions. AULA Kiadó,
Bp, 2005. 703 p. within this Eu-
Alphabetical List
ropean institutions and organs;
Innovation and research and development policy of the EU.
Sorbonne III, 2005. October.
Courses on European Integration: Basic issues of European
integration (Undergraduate);
Economic philosophy within the
European Union (Postgraduate);
Research and Development in
the EU (Postgraduate); Projectmanagement with European Fund
sources (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European institutions (Postgraduate); European financial and
monetary policy (Postgraduate);
Structural funds and their economic impact (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.7 / 4.9 /
BLAIR, Alasdair (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Coventry University-Business, Environment
and Society-International Studies
and Social Science-Department
of International Studies and Social Science, Faculty of Business, Environment and Society,
George Eliot Building, Coventry
University, Priory Street, Coven-
try, CV1 5FB Tel: 024 7688
8014/8256 Fax: 024 7688 8679
E-mail: a.blair@coventry.ac.uk
Url: http://www.coventry.ac.uk/
Publications in European Affairs:
Companion to the European
Union, Routledge Press, 2006;
European Union since 1945,
Longman Press, 2005; The Making of Britain’s European Foreign Policy, Longman Press,
Courses on European Integration: The New European Union
(Undergraduate); The EU and its
Member States (Undergraduate);
Economics of the European Union
(Undergraduate); European Integration, Nationalism and Supranationality (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 2.1 / 4.0
BLASZCZYK, Maria Celina (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: f
Spoken languages: pol/fre/eng
Work address: De Lódz-des
Sciences Economiques et Sociales-Centre d’Etudes Europeennes-Piotrkowska 262/264, 90361 Lódz, Pologne Tel: 00 48 42
637 05 93 Fax: 00 48 42 637 05
86 E-mail: cblaszczyk@ie.lodz.pl
Url: www.ie.lodz.pl
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Union Aid programmes for Poland in the
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Nineties,in: Yearbook of Polish
Foreign Policy 2000, MSZ, Warsaw 2000 (eng.chapter); Procesy
integracyjne w Europie, in:
Wybrane problemy integracji
europejskiej, Instytut Europejski,
Lódz 2001, (Polish,chapitre et
coredaction); L’impact de l’elargissement vers les pays d’Europe
Centrale et Orientale, in: L’Integration europeenne au XXI siecle,
J.Bourrinet (ed.),La Documentation Francaise, Paris 2004, (fr,
Research activities: EU-CONSENT
Courses on European Integration: L’integration de la Pologne
avec l’Union europeenne (Undergraduate); Les relations exterieures de l’Union europeenne;
La politique regionale de l’Union
europeenne (Postgraduate); Les
aspects economiques de l’integration europeenne (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: La
politique agricole commune
(Undergraduate); Economie de
l’integration europeenne (Undergraduate); L’administration publique dans l’Union europeenne
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.2 /
5.0 / 6.2
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: Freie Universität
Berlin-Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften-Otto-Suhr-Institut-Jean
Monnet Centre, Ihnestrasse 22,
D-14195 Berlin Tel: +49 30
83856275 Fax: +49 30 83852357
E-mail: t.bodenstein@jmc-berlin.
org Url: http://www.chair.jmcberlin.org
Publications in European Affairs:
(2006) Partisan Politics in Regional Redistribution: Do Parties Affect the Distribution of EU
Structural Funds Across Regions? European Union Politics.
(with Achim Kemmerling). Forthcoming
Courses on European Integration: European economic governance (Postgraduate); Politics
and economics in Europe (Undergraduate); European policy
convergence (Postgraduate); The
European Union in a globalised
world (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Political and economic dynamics in
Alphabetical List
Europe, University of Cairo
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 4.0 / 5.2
B OEHME -N EßLER , Volker (Prof.
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Fhtw BerlinWirtschaftsrecht-Wirtschaftswissenschaften-Derfflingerstraße
18, D-10785 Berlin, Germany
Tel: 0049 30 21751751 Fax:
0049 30 21 751 752 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Deutsche und europäische
Parteien – Beziehungen und
Wechselwirkungen im Prozeß der
Demokratisierung der Europäischen Union, in: Europäische
Grundrechte Zeitschrift 1998, S.
191 ff.; Die Willensbildung im
Europäischen Parlament –
Abgeordnete und Fraktionen
zwischen Konsens und Dissens,
in: Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien 1999, S. 157ff.;
Europäisches Internetrecht, in:
Europäisches Wirtschafts- und
Steuerrecht, 2001, S. 149 ff.
Courses on European Integration: Deutsches und Europäisches
Staats- und Verfassungsrecht /
German and European Constitutional Law (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.1.3 / 2.2 /
BOISSON, Jean-Marie (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/spa/eng
Work address: U Montpellier 1Sciences Economiques-UMR
Lameta-Faculté des Sciences
Economiques-UMR Lameta, Université Montpellier 1, Avenue de
la mer. Site Richter, CS 79706,
34960 Montpellier cedex 2 Tel:
+33 (0) 467 15 83 06 Fax: +33
(0) 467 15 84 86 E-mail: jeanmarie.boisson@univ-montp1.fr
Url: www.sceco.univ-montp1.fr
Publications in European Affairs: La genèse de la monnaie
européenne: émergence de l’Euro.
in La marche vers l’Euro. Musée
des monnaies et médailles.
Perpignan. 2002. P. 5-21; Le
fédéralisme budgétaire: levier
essentiel de l’intégration européenne, ou utopie?, en coll. Avec
Y. Echinard, in: Les Communautés et l’Union Européenne
face aux défis de l’élargissement.
C.E.D.E.C.E.. Paris. La Documentation française. CEDECE.
Paris, La documentation française, 2004; Graduate Studies in
Agricultural Economics in France:
a post-Napoleonic model. in
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Doctoral Research in Agricultural, Agro-Food, and Rural Economics and Management /
Recherches doctorales en économie et gestion agricole, agroalimentaire et rurale, Actes des
premières journées européennes
des thèses, Montpellier, juin
Courses on European Integration: Economie de l’Intégration
Européenne ( L3) (Undergraduate); Mécamismes Européens
(Postgraduate); Politique Agricole
Européenne (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Economie Européenne: Institutions et mécanismes (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.2 / 4.7 / 7.1
BOMBARDELLI, Olga (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/ger/eng
Work address: Università Di
Trento-Lettere e filosofia-Scienze
umane-via Matteotti, 20/5, 38100,
Trento (Italy) Tel: 0039 3491
300431 Fax: 0039 0461 881799
E-mail: olga.bombardelli@lett.
unitn.it Url: http://people.lett.
Publications in European Affairs:
Olga Bombardelli (ed.), Forma-
zione in dimensione europea ed
interculturale, Brescia, La
Scuola, 2001 (2.ed.).
Courses on European Integration: Module ‘Educazione e
integrazione europea’ – each
year Undergraduate, Postgraduate.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Lessons in mobility teaching, University of Bremen, 2003 Lessons
in mobility teaching, University
of Bremen, 2005 Lessons in mobility teaching, Paedagogische
Akademie, Baden (A), 1998.
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.1.2 / 4.15 /
4.17 / 5.2
BONETE, Rafael (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/eng/ger/
Work address: Salamanca,
Spain-Economia y Empresa-Economía Aplicada- Faultad de Economía y Empresa, Campus Miguel
de Unamuno, Universidad de
Salamanca Salamanca 37007
Tel: 0034923294400 ext 3123
Fax: 0034923923294516 Email: rbonete @usal.es
Publications in European Affairs:
Muñoz de Bustillo Llorente, R.;
Bonete Perales, R. (2002) Intro-
Alphabetical List
ducción a la Unión Europea: Un
análisis desde la Economía,
Alianza, 3ª edición Manuales
Ciencias Sociales, 363 págs.
Courses on European Integration: Economia de la UE (Undergraduate); La PAC (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Las
finanzas de la UE, ITAM,
México (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.7 / 4.2 / 4.5 / 4.9
BOROWSKY, Martin (Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng/ger
Work address: Universität
Fakultät-Erfurt School of Public
Policy-privat: Herderstr. 30 A,
99096 Erfurt Tel: 0361/3733718
Fax: 0361/3733718 E-mail:
Url: www.martin-borowsky.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Kommentierung des Kapitels.
Courses on European Integration: Project Group (Postgraduate); Course (Postgraduate);
Course (Postgraduate) Course
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.1.5 / 2.4
BOSSUAT, Gérard (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Position: Univeirsté CergyPontoise
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Work address: Cergy-PontoiseUFR Lettres et sciences humaines
-Histoire-géographie-33 bd du
Port, 95011 Cergy-Pontoise Tel:
00/33 1 34 25 64 12 E-mail:
Url: www.u-cergy.fr
Publications in European Affairs:
Les fondateurs de l’Europe unie,
Paris, Belin, 2001; Faire l’Europe
sans défaire la France, histoire
de la poltique d’unité européenne
des gouvernements français,
1943-2004, PIE Peter Lang,
Bruxelles, 2005; Jean Monnet
l’Europe et les chemins de la
Paix, (direction de G. Bossuat et
Andreas Wilkens)Publications de
la Sorbonne, 1998.
Research activities: Histoire de
la Commission européenne, 1957-1972 Identité et conscience
européennes au XXe siècle.
Courses on European Integration: Licence 1: Introduction à
l’histoire de l’unité européenne
Licence 5: Relations internationales et intereuropéennes au
XXe siècle Master 2 (S3 et S4):
Elites françaises et intégration
européenne Master 2 (S3): Les
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
défis actuels de l’Union européenne.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 /
1.3 / 5.4
BRAUCH, Hans Guetner (Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng/spa/
Work address: Free University
of Berlin-Political Science-OttoSuhr Institute for Political Science-c/o AFES-PRESS, Alte
Bergsteige 47, 74821 Mosbach
Tel: +49-6261-15695 Fax: +496261-15695 E-mail: brauch@
onlinehome.de Url: www.afespress.de and www.afes-pressbooks.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Osterweiterung der Europäischen
Union. Umwelt- und Energiepolitik
der Tschechischen Republik
(Berlin: Umweltbundesamt, 2002);
Liberalisation of the Energy
Market for Electricity and Gas in
the European Union: A Survey
and Impli-cations for the Czech
Republic (Berlin: Umweltbundesamt, 2002); with Gerhard
Knies and Gregor Czisch (Hrsg.):
Regenerativer Strom für Europa
durch Fernübertragung elektrischer Energie (Mosbach: AFESPRESS, 1999).
Research activities: Eastern Enlargement of the EU. Environmental and Eneergy Policy of
the Czech Republic (1999-2000)
(funded by German Environmental Agency).
Courses on European Integration: WS 1999/2000 Euro-Mediterrane Partnerschaft: Sicherheit Herrschaft - Wirtschaft - Zukunft
(HS) (Postgraduate); WS 2000/
2001 Konfliktlösung und Konfliktvermeidung im Mittelmeerraum
(HS) (Postgraduate); WS 20012002: Umweltsicherheit und Umweltkonflikte im Mittelmeerraum
im 20. Jahrhundert (HS) (Postgraduate); WS 2004-2005: Reconceptualising Security in the
21st Century: Facing the Challenges of Global Environmental
Change and Globalisation (HS)
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European University Center for
Peace Studies in Stadtschlaining
(Österreich)1999-2000 (Postgraduate); Universidad de Complutense de Madrid, España
(1997-2001) Facultad de CC
Politicas Y Sociologia, Departmento de Derecho Internacional
Publico Y Relaciones Internationales, Campus de Somosaguas
Subject fields: 4.7 / 4.12 / 4.20 /
5.8 / 6.2
Alphabetical List
BREMEN, Christian (Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: m
Position: co-ordinator of the European Studies Programme
Spoken languages: ger/est
Work address: Rwth Aachen
University-Arts and HumanitiesHistory-RWTH Aachen, Philosophische Fakultät, Europastudien,
Koordinierungsstelle, Templergraben 59, 52062 Aachen, Germany Tel: 0241 / 8097771 Fax:
0241 / 8092771 E-mail: christian.
Url: www.mes.rwth-aachen.de
Publications in European Affairs:
– 50 Jahre Karlspreis. Die
Geschichte des Internationalen
Karlspreises zu Aachen, in: 50
Jahre Internationaler Karlspreis
zu Aachen, 1950-2000. Hrsg. v.
Stiftung Internationaler Karlspreis
zu Aachen. Aachen 2000, S. 1735; – Die amerikanische Europapolitik, 1945-1960, in: Europäische Integrationsperspektiven.
Ambivalenzen der Entwicklung
und Lösungsansätze. Hrsg. v.
Klaus Dorner u.a. Wiesbaden
2001, S. 181-198; – Der Zusatzstudiengang Europastudien:
eine Bilanz, in: Europa studieren. Hochschuldidaktische Überlegungen zur Europäistik. Hrsg.
v. Christian Bremen und Armin
Heinen. St. Augustin 2003, S.
Courses on European Integration: Der Kalte Krieg und die
Einigung Europas.Kurs wird
regelmäßig als Pflichtseminar
angeboten (Postgraduate); Europastadt Aachen. (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Western culture and society (Undergraduate); Der Kalte Krieg
und die Einigung Europas. (Postgraduate); Deutsche Geschichte
1919 bis 1989. (Postgraduate);
Deutsche Außenpolitik nach
1945. (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.3 / 5.4
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1941
Sex: m
Position: Director of the Law
Spoken languages: por/fre/ger/
Work address: Universidade
Álvares Cabral, 84, 1.º Dto.
1250-018 Lisboa Tel: (+351)
213703600 Fax: (+351) 21370
3680 E-mail: lbricor@mail.
Publications in European Affairs:
Direito Bancário (portuguese;
lessons); Direito da Comunicação Social (portuguese; lessons);
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Administração das Sociedades
Anónimas (portuguese; lessons).
Research activities: Administração das sociedades anónimas.
Courses on European Integration: Direito Internacional Público
e Direito Comunitário (existing)
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Direito Comunitário (participated
in the Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade de Lisboa); Organisations Européennes (participated in the Faculté Internationale
de Droit Comparé de Strasbourg)
(Postgraduate); Direito Europeu
das Sociedades (lectured in the
Universidade Católica Portuguesa) (Postgraduate); Direito Social
Europeu (lectured in the Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Subject fields: 4.3 / 4.5 / 4.6 /
BRODZICKI, Tomasz (Mr)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1977
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/pol/
Work address: University of
Gdansk-Faculty of EconomicsEconomics of European Integration-ul. Armii Krajowej 119/121
81-824 Sopot Poland Tel: +48
58 551 16 13 Fax: +48 58 551
16 13 E-mail: brod@gnu.univ.
gda.pl Url: http://gnu.univ.gda.
Publications in European Affairs:
Brodzicki, T. (2005) New empirical insights into the growth
effects of economic integration
within the EU ; Brodzicki, T.
(2005) Relative Centrality or
Peripheriality and the Growth
Effects of Economic Integration
within the European Union – Implications for Structural Policies;
OECD (2005) Business Clusters
– Promoting Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe, co-author of a chapter on Poland.
Research activities: Changes in
Industrial Competitiveness as a
Factor of Integration: Identifying
Challenges of the Enlarged
Single European Market.
Courses on European Integration: Economics of European Integration (Postgraduate) Economy of The European Union –
Main Trends And Challenges
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Policies of the European Union
(Postgraduate); Economic and
Monetary Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 4.4 / 7.0
Alphabetical List
BRÜCKNER, Ulrich (Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Stanford University-Political Science / International Relations-Overseas Studies
Center Berlin-Pacelliallee 18-20,
D-14195 Berlin, Germany Tel:
+49-30-8735096 Fax: +49-30834096340 E-mail: ulib@stanford.
Courses on European Integration: Shifting Alliances? – The
state of transatlantic relations,
Stanford in Berlin (Undergraduate); One Money, One Market –
An introduction to European integration, Stanford in Berlin (Undergraduate); One Voice? The
EU as an international actor,
Stanford University CA (Undergraduate); The European Integration Module, East European
Studies online Master Program
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Germany of Today – A European
Superpower? Duke University in
Berlin program at the FU Berlin
(Undergraduate); Business and
Trade with Central and Eastern
Europe IES Berlin (Undergraduate); The European Union and
the US Graduate Program World
and Global Politics at the University of Ljubljana (Postgraduate). Understanding the European Union Freie Universität
Berlin International Summeruniversity (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.0 / 4.0 /
5.0 / 6.0
BULMER, Simon (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre
Work address: University of
of Social Sciences (Politics)-University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, England Tel: +44
161 275 4890 Fax: +44 161 275
4925 E-mail: simon.bulmer@
Publications in European Affairs:
S. Bulmer, C. Jeffery and W.
Paterson, Germany’s European
Diplomacy: Shaping the Regional Milieu, (Manchester:
Manchester University Press
2000), 148 pp.; S. Bulmer, M.
Burch, C. Carter, P. Hogwood,
and A. Scott, British Devolution
and European Policy-Making:
Transforming Britain into MultiLevel Governance (Basingstoke:
Palgrave 2002), 222 pp.; S.
Bulmer and C. Lequesne (eds.),
The Member States of the Euro-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
pean Union (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2005), 399 pp.
Research activities: Participant
in the following “Framework 6”
projects: CONNEX and CONSENT.
Courses on European Integration: The European Union and
its Member States (Postgraduate); The Political Economy of
the European Union (Postgraduate); Britain and the European
Union (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.1.1 / 4.0 / 7.2
BURKE, John J.A. (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Riga Graduate
School of Law-Law-International
Commercial Law-Alberta iela
13, Riga LV 1010, Latvia Tel:
+371 7039201 Fax: +371
7039240 E-mail: john.burke@
rgsl.edu.lv Url: http://www.rgsl.
Publications in European Affairs:
Brussels I Regulation (EC)44/
2001: Application to Fianncial
Services under Article 5(1)(b),
10 Column. J. Eur. L. 527 (2004);
Reinventing Contract, E-Law,
Murdoch University.
Research activities: European
Research Network – Judicial Cooperation; LEFIS.
Courses on European Integration: European Banking Law
(Postgraduate); Capital Markets
and Securities Law (Postgraduate); Private International Law
(Postgraduate); Intellectual Property Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.1.2 / 4.1.3
BUTTIGIEG, Eugene (Dr.)
Country: Malta
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Spoken languages: mlt/eng/ita/
Work address: University of
Malta-Law-European and Comparative Law-University of Malta,
Msida MSD 06, Malta Tel: (356)
23402757 Fax: (356) 21324478
E-mail: eugene.buttigieg@um.
edu.mt Url: www.um.edu.mt
Publications in European Affairs:
“The Constitutional Treaty and
Effective Judicial Protection for
the Individual” in The Constitution for Europe: An Evaluation
(ed PG Xuereb) University of
Malta, 2005 (English); “Consumer Interests under the EC’s
Competition Rules on Collusive
Practices” (2005) 16 European
Business Law Review 643 (English); “Consumer Interests and
the Antitrust Approach to Abusive
Practices by Dominant Firms”
(2005) 16 European Business
Law Review 1189 (English).
Alphabetical List
Research activities: Euro-Mediterranean Research Network
Project Civil-Society Project.
Courses on European Integration: Jean Monnet Module Current Issues in European Integration (Undergraduate); Judicial
Protection in the EU (Postgraduate); EC and Comparative Competition Law and Policy (Postgraduate); EC and Comparative
Consumer Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.2 /
2.3 / 2.4
CAESAR, Rolf (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: University of
Hohenheim-Economic and Social Sciences – Universitaet
Hohenheim, Institut fuer VWL –
520 d – D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany Tel: 0049-711-4592990
Fax: 0049-7114593732 E-mail:
caesar@uni-hohenheim.de Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
European Economic and Monetary Union: Regional and Global
Challenges, Baden-Baden 2001
(with H.-E. Scharrer); Der unvollendete Binnenmarkt, BadenBaden 2003 (with H.-E. Scharrer);
Europa auf dem Weg zum
wettbewerbsfähigsten und dynamischsten Wirtschaftsraum der
Welt? Eine Zwischenbilanz der
Lissabon-Strategie, Baden-Baden
2005 (with K. Lammers and H.E. Scharrer).
Courses on European Integration: Fiscal Policy (incl. European Fiscal Policy) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.1.4 / 2.7 /
4.1.5 / 7.1
CAIRA, Mara (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: Iulm Milan-Languages and Modern CulturesHistory-via Trebbia 24, I –
26100 Cremona, Italy Tel: +39
0372 31272 E-mail: mara.caira
Publications in European Affairs:
La Cina e l’allargamento della
Unione europea, Italian, article;
Rapporti tra Cina ed Europa: un
primo bilancio, Italian, article.
Courses on European Integration: Relations between European Union and China (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 5.0 / 5.10
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
CALLIESS, Christian (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Georg-AugustUniversität-Rechtswissenschaften-Institute for International
Law and European Law-Professor Dr. Christian Calliess, LL.M.,
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Lehrstuhl für öffentliches
Recht und Europarecht, Direktor
des Instituts für Völkerrecht und
Europarecht, Platz der Göttinger
Sieben 5, 37073 Göttingen Tel:
0551-394761 Fax: 0551-392196
E-mail: europa@uni-goettingen.de
Url: http://www.europarecht.unigoettingen.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Kommentar des Vertrages über
die Europäische Union und des
Vertrages zur Gründung der
Europäischen Gemeinschaft –
EUV/EGV, 2. Auflage 2002
(Hrsg. zusammen mit Matthias
Ruffert); Subsiidaritätsprinzip
und Solidaritätsprinzip in der
Europäischen Union, 2. Auflage
1999; Grundlagen, Grenzen und
Perspektiven europäischen Richterrechts, in NJW 2005, S. 9291008.
Research activities: European
Multilevel Constitutionalism, European Constitutional Law.
Courses on European Integration: European Law; European
Constitutional Law (Undergraduate); European Economic Law
(Four Freedoms; Competition
Law, Environmental Law) (Undergraduate); Governance in Europe (Undergraduate); Four Freedoms (Europa-Institut Universität
des Saarlandes) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.0 / 2.5.1 /
4.1 / 4.7
CAMPEANU, Virginia (Dr.)
Country: Romania
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: f
Position: Director
Spoken languages: eng/fre/gre/
Work address: Institute of
World Economy – European Studies Centre-Romania, Bucharest,
Casa Academiei- calea 13
Septembrie, nr.13 Tel: +40 21
318 24 58 Fax: +40 21 318 24
54 E-mail: virginiacampeanu@
iem.ro Url: www.iem.ro
Publications in European Affairs:
EUROINFO, Romanian, European information Institutions,
Constitution, Enlargement, Internal Market and Competition,
Economy, Economic external
relations, Common Policies, Statistics, Edited: 2001-2005;
EUROLEX, Romanian Language, Internal Market and
Alphabetical List
Competition- Legal frame In the
EU and Candidates Cts., updated directives, jurisdiction,
Comparative analyses on countries, Edited 2001-2005.
Research activities: Setting the
Development priorities for Romanian Agriculture and Rural
sector.The Impact of the New
Common Agricultural Policy Reform.
PHARE RO 2002/000-586.03.01.
Subject fields: 2.5 / 4.0 / 4.1 /
4.2 / 4.6
Tavares (Prof.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: m
Spoken languages: port/eng/fre/
Work address:
University of Macau, Faculty of
Law, Av. Padre Tomas Pereira,
S. J. – Block 1,8th floor, office
B-804, Taipa, Macau, China.Tel:
+853 3978482 Fax: +853 39747
96 E-mail: pcanelas@umac.mo
Publications in European Affairs:
Locus Standi of Private applications to the European Court of
Justice: Sisyphus´s Works?, in
Boletim da Faculdade de Direito
da Universidade de Macau, n.º
19, 2006; Recent Developments
in Water Law. Principals and
Comparative Cases, Lisbon,
2005, Luso – American Foundation, ISBN: 972-8654-13-8;
“Novos Rumos do Direito da
Água: a caminho de uma
revolução (tranquila)?” (New
Avenues on the Development of
(Community) Water Law: towards a (peaceful) revolution?),
in Revista do Centro de Estudos
de Direito do Ordenamento do
Urbanismo e do Ambiente, n.º 1,
1999, pp. 11-36.
Courses on European Integration: European Union Law
(General Course); Institutional
European Union Law; European
Union Economic Law; The European Court of Justice of the
European Communities and the
Court of First Instance.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
European Constitution – East
China University of Politics and
Law, Shanghai, China, 2005.
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1.5 / 2.2 /
4.7 / 6.1
CARAFFINI, Paolo (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng/ita
Work address: Turin-Political
Science-Political Studies-Via
Giolitti, 33 – 10123 Torino (TO)
– Italy Tel: 339.1100597 E-mail:
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
Il Piemonte per l’Europa: venticinque anni die attività della
Consulta regionale europea
1976-2001, (Turin, Celid, 2002);
History of European Integration
and The European Social Model
included in the CD-Rom
L’Europa del futuro, published
in the autumn of 2004 by the
Italian Infopoints Europe Network; Giuseppe Petrilli: l’unificazione europea e la pace, in
Daniela Preda, Cinzia Rognoni
Vercelli (eds.), Storia e percorsi
del federalismo. L’eredità di
Carlo Cattaneo, Bologna, Il
Mulino, 2005, pp. 979-1012.
Research activities: Member of
the Research Unit on The Role
of political parties and economic
and social players in the European integration process: from
the Resistance to the foundation
of the European Communities
(March 2004); Research Assistant: research on The Italian
Council of the European Movement and the Process of European Integration (1948-1993).
Courses on European Integration: Seminar: Italy and European Integration (October – December 2002).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 3.0
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: f
Spoken languages: spa/eng/ger/
Work address: Vigo-Facultad
de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo-Dereito Privado-Campus
As Lagoas-Marcosende, 36310Vigo Tel: 0034 986 814043 Fax:
0034 986 814011 E-mail: lcp@
Publications in European Affairs:
Das neue autonome internationale Insolvenzrecht in Spanien,
RIW, 3/2006. German, Paper.;
Acciones de reintegración de la
masa y Derecho concursal internacional, Santiago de Compostela, 2005. Spanish, book.; Orden
jurídico comunitario, derechos
fundamentales e interpretación
del art. 27.1 del Convenio de
Bruselas, La Ley, 2000. German, Paper.
Research activities: O novo
proceso civil europeo.
Courses on European Integration: Judicial Cooperation on
Civil Matters. The mutual recognition of judgments on civil and
commercial matters (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.3 / 4.8 /
4.21 / 4.22
Alphabetical List
CARR, Neil (Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1972
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
Tel: 64 3 4795048 Fax: 64 3
4799034 E-mail: ncarr@business.
Publications in European Affairs:
Carr, N. (2003). Use and Trust
of Tourism Information Sources
Amongst University Students. B.
Ritchie with N. Carr & C. Cooper.
Managing Educational Tourism.
Clevedon: Channel View Publications; Carr, N. (2002). Going
with the Flow: An Assessment of
the Relationship Between Young
People’s Leisure and Holiday
Behaviour. Tourism Geographies. 4 (2): 115-134; Carr, N.
(2002). A comparative analysis
of the behaviour of domestic and
international young tourists.
Tourism Management. 23 (3):
Research activities: Carr, N.
(1999-2000). Funding awarded
by University of Hertfordshire to
conduct a cross generational
analysis of tourist behaviour,
motivations, and perception of
risk in Mallorca.Carr, N. (20002004). Partial fundeding awarded
by the University of Hertfor-
dshire to conduct an international and cross-cultural assessment of the holiday behaviour and
motivations of university students,
across Europe and globally.
Courses on European Integration: Global tourism (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Tourism Policy and Development
Subject fields: 1.2 / 1.3
CASELLA, Paulo B. (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Brazil
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger/ita/
Work address: University of
Sao Paulo – Faculdade de Direito
– Departemento de Direito Internacional – Largo São Francisco
01005-010 São Paulo, Brasil Tel:
(5511) 32311565 Fax: (5511)
32563771 E-mail: pbcfdusp@
Publications in European Affairs:
CASELLA, P. B., União Européia:
instituições e ordenamento jurídico (São Paulo: LTr Ed., 2.ª ed.
atualizada, 2002) livre/book portugais/portuguese.
Courses on European Integration: Direito da integração (Faculdade de direito USP) (Undergraduate).
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Business Law (University
of Macau, China) – visiting professor (scheduled for May 2007)
(Postgraduate); Droit de l’intégration économique: rapports
droit français, européen et international des affaires, Institut de
droit comparé, Univ. de Paris II
Panthéon-Assas/décembre 2005janvier 2006) (Postgaduate); Droit
de l’intégration: rapports U.E.MERCOSUL (Université de Strasbourg III – Robert Schumann,
LL.M Droit international I et II,
Droit bancaire et financier, Droit
international de la propriété intellectuelle / novembre-décembre
2005) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 5.13 / 7.2
CASSONE, Alberto (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: Piemonte Orientale-Political Sciences-Publi Policies and Public Choice-Via Cavour
84, 15100 Alessandria Tel: +390
131283714 Fax: +390 131283704
E-mail: alberto. cassone@sp.
unipmn.it Url: http://polis.unipmn.
Research activities: Piedmont
Region and the European Economic Integration. 1975-2004.
Courses on European Integration: Tehe Economics of European Institutions (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.1.5 / 4.6 / 4.7 /
CATELLANI, Nicola (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng/ger/
Work address: Bologna-Political
Science – Istituto per l’Europa
Centro-Orientale e Balcanica,
Via Marchesi 11, 47100 Forlì
Tel: +39 333 3023193 E-mail:
nicola@catellani.info Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
The EU’s Northern Dimension:
testing a new approach to neighbourhood relations?, English,
Research report, Swedish Institue
for International Affairs 2003;
The EU and the Baltic Sea Area
in Musu, C. and Casarini, N.
(eds.), EU Foreign Policy in an
Evolving International System:
The Road To Convergence,
Palgrave Macmillan.
Research activities: The European Union’s neighbourhood
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration: The European Union’s
neighbourhood policy and its
Northern Dimension (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.19 / 5.0 / 5.2 /
CHABAN, Natalia (Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Canterbury-Arts-National Centre
for Research on Europe-National
Centre for Research on Europe,
University of Canterbury Private
Bag 4800, Christchurch New
Zealand Tel: 64 3 364 2987 ext
4912 Fax: 64 3 364 2634 E-mail:
Url: http://www.europe.canterbury.
Publications in European Affairs:
Chaban, N., and M. Holland
(English), The EU Through the
Eyes of the Asia-Pacific: public
perceptions and media representations, NCRE Research Series
No.4, National Centre for Research on Europe, University of
Canterbury, 2005, 102p; Chaban,
N., K. Stats, J. Bain, and F.
Machin (English), Past imperfect, present continuous, future
indefinite?: Images of Turkey in
the context of EU integration in
Australian and New Zealand media, Insight Turkey, Vol.7, No.3,
Courses on European Integration: EURO 312 EU Research
Training and Methods (Undergraduate); EURO 416 EU Research Training and Methods
(Postgraduate); EURO 401 The
Idea of Europe (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.3 / 4.13 / 5.1 /
CHAHED, Youssef (Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1975
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: Institut Superieur D’Agriculture De Beauvais Economie - Gestion-Rue Pierre
Waguet, bp 30313 60000 Beauvais
cedex Tel: 0033344067564
E-mail: youssef.chahed@isab.fr
Url: www.isab.fr
Publications in European Affairs:
Chahed, Y.; Drogué, S.(2003).
«Incidence du processus multilatéral sur la viabilité des accords
préférentiels: le cas euro-méditerranéen ». Economie Rurale,
n.° 276, Juillet-août, pp 3-16.;
Borzeix V, Bureau J.C, Chahed
Y, Hofstetter A. (2000). « La
mise en oeuvre du volet sur
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
l’accès au marché de l’Uruguay
Round dans les pays tiers de
l’Union Européenne». Notes et
Etudes Economiques, Ministère
de l’agriculture, Paris, n.° 12,
Octobre, pp 9-57; Bureau J.C.,
Chahed Y, Salvatici L. (2002).
«La baisse de la protection
douanière dans l’Uruguay Round:
Le cas de l’agriculture dans
l’Union européenne, au Canada
et aux Etats-Unis». Economie et
Prévision, n.° 154, pp 107-122.
Research activities: Bureau J.C,
Borzeix V, Chahed Y, Hofstetter
A, Veganzones M.A (2000).
«Accès au marché et mise en
œuvre de l’accord du cycle
d’Uruguay dans les pays tiers».
Rapport du contrat 98G6.01.01,
Ministère de l’agriculture, 2 tomes.
Courses on European Integration: Politique agricole commune et environnement institutionnel (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Subject fields: 4.2 / 4.5 / 5.2 /
CHAI, Hee-Yul (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Korea South
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Kyonggi - Economics-San94-6 Yiuui-dong,
Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 443-760 Tel: 8231-249-8731(or 9410) Fax: 8231-249-8732(or 9401) E-mail:
hychai@kyonggi.ac.kr Url: http:/
Courses on European Integration: Special study on international and regional econmomy
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.1.2 /
4.1.3 / 7.0
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: f
Spoken languages: gre/eng/fre/
dan/dut/ spa/russian
Work address: Roskilde University – Department of Social
Sciences-Post Boks 260, 4000
Roskilde, Denmark Tel: =45
46743174 Fax: +45 46743080
E-mail: seva@ruc.dk Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
2005 ‘The implications of Europeanisation to the Policy Outcomes in the EU Member StatesThe Case of the Greek Agricultural Sector’in eds ‘International
Research on Global Affairs’ by
Gregory T. Papanikos, Atiner;
2004 ‘The European Parliament
Alphabetical List
-from a consultative to a decisive
institution in the CAP making
process’ in G. van Huylenbroeck,
W.Verbeke and L.Lauwers (eds.)
‘Role of Institutions in Rural Policies and Agricultural Markets’,
Elsevier B.V.; 2002 ‘Beslutningsprocessen i EU´s fælles landbrugspolitik’i Nr. 1 April, 75
årgang, Økonomi & Politik.
Research activities: CONNEX,
de/projekte/connex/ Centre for
Democratic Network Governance http://www. demnetgov.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Political Economy, Dept
of Political Science, University
of Berkeley, USA, Fall 2005
(Postgraduate); EU Budget, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna,
Austria, Spring 2005 (Postgraduate); University, Department of
Social Sciences, Denmark Spring
2001. (Postgraduate); ‘European
Integration and Territorial Development”, Graduate Course at
Copenhagen Business School,
1998 (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.5 / 3.0 /
4.2 / 4.3
CHEN, Zhimin (Prof. Dr.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Position: Head Department
Spoken languages: eng/chinese
Work address: Fudan University – Department of International Politics-Department of
International Politic, School of
International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University,
220 Handan Road, Shanghai
200433, China Tel: Tel: 86-2165642495 Fax: Fax:86-21-656
47267 E-mail: zhmchen@fudan.
edu.cn Url: www.sirpa.fudan.
Publications in European Affairs:
First authored-book in Chinese,
Foreign Policy Integration In
European Union: a mission impossible? (Beijing:Shishi Publishing House, in December
2003), with professor Gustaaf
Geeraerts; Journal article in English: “NATO, APEC and ASEM:
triadic interregionalism and global order”, Asia Europe Journal,
Vol. 3, No. 3, 2005.
Courses on European Integration: EU Politics and Foreign
Subject fields: 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.4 /
5.10 / 6.1
CHITI, Edoardo (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Work address: Lecce-Law-Legal Studies-via per Monteroni,
73100 Lecce E-mail: edoardo.
Research activities: Droit Administratif Européen.
Courses on European Integration: European Union Law II
(Undergraduate) Advanced Course
on European Union Law (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1.9 / 2.5 /
4.19 / 5.8
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre/
Work address: University of
Tromsø-Faculty of Law – 9037
Tromsø, Norway Tel: +477764
6301 Fax: +4777644775 E-mail:
per@jus.uit.no Url: http://uit.no/
Publications in European Affairs:
2000: – The Exchange Rate Regime between “Euroland” and
other European Countries (With
a Postscript on Norway), in
Mario Giovanoli (ed.): International Monetary Law – Issues for
the New Millennium. Essays of
The Committee on International
Monetary Law of the International Law Association (Mocomila), Oxford University Press,
London, pp. 225-241 (in English); 2002: – Karnov Norwegian Annoted Collection of Legislation: Comments to the Statute
and the Rules of Procedure of
the EFTA Court (revised), pp.
2227-2251 (in Norwegian);
2004: The European Union and
the Nobel Peace Prize, in “Fra
Driftssentralen til Teorifagbygget” (Festschrift) (Per Christiansen, ed.), The faculty Papers’
Series No. 61 pp. 53-63.
Monnet network.
Courses on European Integration: EU and EEA law (Undergraduate); Peace and the Legal
System (using EU) (Master in
peace studies) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.2 / 6.1
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1939
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Panteion-International and european institutions-International and european
studies-136, Syngrou Avenue,
176 71 Athens, Greece Tel: 210
3312325 Fax: 210 3313575 Email: deca@idis.gr Url: www.
panteion.gr; www.idis.gr
Alphabetical List
Publications in European Affairs:
From the European idea to the
European Union ; External Relations of the European Union;
Introduction to the European
Studies (Ed.). Greek book.
Courses on European Integration: History of The European
Integration (Undergraduate); The
External Relations of The EU.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
CHURCH, Clive H. (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1939
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: Kent-Social Science-Politics & International Relations-c/o 72A New House
Lane, Thanington Without, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7BJ Tel:
01227-458437 Fax: 01227-458
437 E-mail: maandchchurch@
Publications in European Affairs:
Understanding the European
Constitution (with D. Phinnemore)
London, Routledge, 2005; “Swiss
Euroscepticism: Local variations
on wider themes” in European
Studies: A Journal of European
Culture, History and Politics 20
(2004) 269-290; The Penguin
Guide to the European Treaties
(with D.Phinnemore) London,
Penguin, 2002.
Research activities: Editopr of
book on Switzerland and the EU,
due for publication late 2006
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.4 /
3.3 / 4.15
C IURO C ALDANI , Miguel Angel
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Argentina
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/eng/
Work address: Nacional De
Rosario-de Derecho-Filosofía del
Derecho – Derecho Civil-San
Lorenzo 1155 8º Tel: 54-3414404009 Fax: 54-341-4404009
E-mail: mciuroc@arnet.com.ar
Publications in European Affairs:
2004, “ Derecho de la Integracion”, Nº 14, págs. 23/33, “Bases
culturales de la relácion de la
Unión Europea en el mundi
actual, com especial referencia al
Mercosur”; 2004, “Derecho de
la Integración”, Nº 16, págs. 31/37,
“La integración, un camino para
superar la globalización/marginación en la universalización”;
ROBERTO (org.y com.), “Mercosur-Unión Europea”, págs. 243/254,
Asunción, Intercontinental-ECSAAL, “Problemática da la recepción del modelo comunitario
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
europeo en el Mercosur”; 1965,
“El Derecho Internacional Privado, rama del mundo jurídico”,
Courses on European Integration: Derecho de la Integración
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.16 / 5.13
CLEETON, David (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United States of
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Position: Associate Provost
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Oberlin CollegeArts and Sciences-Economics225 Rice Hall, Oberlin College,
Oberlin, Ohio 44074, USA Tel:
440 775 8449 Fax: 440 775
6978 E-mail: david.cleeton@
oberlin.edu Url: http://www.
Research activities: Fulbright
Professor of EU-US Relations,
College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium, 2003.
Courses on European Integration: The Political Economy of
European Integration (Undergraduate); US-EU Economic Relations (Undergraduate); Seminar
– The European Economy Undergraduate, Postgraduate Seminar – European Economic and
Monetary Union Undergraduate,
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EUUS Economic Relations (College
of Europe, 2002) (Postgraduate);
The Economics of the European
Union (Ecole Superieure de
Commerce – Chambery, Summers 2005-06).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.1.3 / 4.5 /
CLEMENS, Gabriele (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: f
Position: Professor
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: HamburgFakultät für Geisteswissenschaften-Department of History-Universität Hamburg, Von-MellePark 6, 20146 Hamburg Tel:
040-42838-3394 Fax: 040-428
Courses on European Integration: Großbritannien und der
europäische Integrationsproze
(Undergraduate); Das Europabild im Dokumentarfilm der
fünfziger Jahre (Undergraduate);
Deutsch-französische Beziehungen und die (Undergraduate);
Neuere Forschungen zur europäischen Integrationsgeschichte
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.3
Alphabetical List
CLIFTON, Judith (Prof.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/spa/fre
Work address: Oviedo-Economics and Business-Sociology/
Applied Economics-Departamento
de Economía Aplicada, Campus
del Cristo, Universidad de Oviedo,
Asturias, Spain Tel: + 34 942
579918 E-mail: cliftonjudith@
Publications in European Affairs:
Privatisation in the European
Union: Public Enterprises and
Integration. Kluwer Academic
Publishers 2003.
Courses on European Integration: Public Policy, Globalisation
and Europeanisation (Postgraduate); Public Service Broadcasting
in a Multimedia World (Postgraduate); Human Resources in
an Integrated Europe.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economic and Social Development:
EU and Latin America (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 3.2. / 4.3 /
4.13 / 5.13
COHEN, Antonin (Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng/spa
Work address: University of
Picardie-Law and Political Science-Political Science-CURAPP,
Faculté de Droit et de Science
Politique, Pôle Universitaire
Cathédrale, 10, Placette Lafleur,
BP 2716, 80027 Amiens Cedex
1 Tel: 0033673398843 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
«L’Europe en Constitution.
Professionnels du droit et des institutions entre champ académique international et champ du
pouvoir européen», dans: Antonin
Cohen, Bernard Lacroix, Philippe
Riutort (dir.), Les formes de
l’activité politique. Éléments
d’analyse sociologique 18e-20e
siècles, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2006, p. 297315.; «Laboratoires du constitutionnalisme européen. Expertises
académiques et mobilisations
politiques dans la promotion
d’une Constitution européenne»
(avec Julien Weisbein), Droit &
Société, «Savoirs académiques,
savoirs pour l’action ?», 60,
2005, p. 353-371.; «La Constitution européenne. Ordre politique, utopie juridique et guerre
froide», Critique internationale,
26, janvier 2005, p. 119-131.
Research activities: POLILEXES.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration: Politique européenne (Postgraduate)
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Politique européenne (Université
Paris 1) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.2 / 6.1 / 7.0
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1976
Sex: f
Spoken languages: fre/spa/eng
Work address: Uiversidade De
Lisboa (University of Lisbon)Faculdade de Direito (Law faculty)-Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade de Lisboa, Cidade
Universitária, 1699 – Lisboa,
Portugal Tel: +351217984600
Fax: +351217950303 E-mail:
pinto.anaisabel@gmail.com Url:
Courses on European Integration: European Community Law
I (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.1.4 / 4.7 /
4.13 / 6.0
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1940
Sex: m
Position: University Professor
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/eng/fre/
Work address: Universidad De
Alcala. Madrid-Economics Sciences-Applied Economics-Plaza
Victoria, 2, 28802 Alcala Henares
- Madrid - Spain Tel: 34-91-889
5703 E-mail: jr.cuadrado@uah.es
Url: www2.uah.es/jrcuadrado
Publications in European Affairs:
Trading Services in the Global
Economy – Book, E.Elgar, 2002;
Regional Convergence in the EU
- Book, Springer, 2002; Política
Economica. Elaboración, objetivos
e instrumentos. book, McGrawHill, 2005.
Research activities: Peripheral
Areas in Europe – 2003 The
Euro-Mediterranean fre-trade
area: achievements and targest
ahead, 2005.
Courses on European Integration: Política Económica. Undergraduate, Postgraduate Políticas
Económicas Comparadas (Undergraduate); Crecimiento económico, cambios sectoriales y
territoriales (Postgraduate); Integración Económica. El caso de
la UE (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Economía Europea. La política
de desarrollo regional (en ITAM
- México) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.9 /
4.14 / 6.0
Alphabetical List
CULLEN, Peter (Mr)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: University of
The West of England-Bristol
Business School-School of Economics-Coldharbour Lane, Bristol
BS16 1QY, United Kingdom
Publications in European Affairs:
Two chapters (on Monetary
Union and Transport) in ‘Europe, Policies and People: An
Economic Perspective’, edited
by Sue Hatt and Frank Gardner.
Courses on European Integration: Economic Integration in
Europe (Undergraduate); Contemporary Issues in the European Economy (Undergraduate);
Integrating Europe (Undergraduate); The Economics of Integration in Europe (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1.1 / 4.17 /
CUNHA, Luís Pedro
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre
Work address: Faculdade de
Direito da Universidade de
Coimbra, Pátio da Universidade,
3004-545 Coimbra, Portugal Tel:
+351 239 859 801/02 Fax: + 351
239 823 353 E-mail: lpc@fd.uc.pt
Publications in European Affairs:
“Portugal’s Accession to the ECs
and the Trade Relations with
Third Countries” (journal article), Universidade Católica,
1993; “Observations on the Possibility of the EC’s Accession to
the European Convention of Human Rights” (journal article),
Universidade Católica, 1994;
The EC System of Generalized
Preferences (book), Faculdade
de Direito, 1995 – The EC Economic External Relations (book),
Almedina 1997.
Research activities: Regional
Integracion and the Multilateral
Trading System
Courses on European Integration: Economic External Relations (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.5 / 4.14 / 5.0
CURLI, Barbara (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: Università Della
Calabria-Facoltà di Scienze politiche-Dipartimento di Sociologia-Dipartimento di Sociologia,
Università della Calabria, via
Pietro Bucci cubo 0 B, 87036
Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza)
Italy Tel: + 39 0984 492563 Fax:
+ 30 0984 492598 E-mail: bcurli
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
@libero.it Url: www. sociologia.
Publications in European Affairs:
Grande mercato e diritti sociali
nell’Europa del Novecento, “Memoria e Ricerca”, n. 14, 2003 (editor); L’Italia e la scelta nucleare
europea, “Storia delle Relazioni
Internazionali”, XIII, 1998/2XIV,1999/1; De la Société des Nations à la construction européenne,
1919-1950, in: AA.VV. Le XXè
siècle des guerres, Editions de
l’Atelier, Paris 2004
Research activities: En charge
de la recherche L’Italie et les
origines de l’union monétaire
européenne, 1969-1979, dans le
cadre du projet national Les relations internationales de l’Italie,
dirigé par les professeurs Antonio Varsori et Federico Romero,
Université de Florence.
Courses on European Integration: History of European integration (Undergraduate); Europe
and International Relations (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: History of European Integration,
Master in European Studies, University of Florence (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 4.3 / 5.4
CZURIGA, Eszter (Mr)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1979
Sex: f
Position: Seconded National Expert - Civil Servant
Spoken languages: hun/eng/ger/
Work address: Corvinus University Budapest-International
Relations – 1092 Budapest Tel:
0032 473 620 374 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
The future of the Cohesion Policy,
Hungarian, comprehensive analysis; Last ten years of the Euromediterranean Partnership from
a parlamentary point of view,
Hungarian, study; Several studies on the European Convention
for the Future of the European
Union, Hungarian.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration; European Monetary Union (Undergraduate); European Studies
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Macroeconomic Impact of the
Structural Funds (Postgraduate);
Comitology (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.2 / 2.5.2 / 4.9 /
Alphabetical List
DAI, Bingran (Prof.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1940
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/chinese
Work address: Fudan University-School of Economics-Centre
for European Studies-220, Handan
Road, Shanghai 200433, China
Tel: 86-21-6564 2668 Fax: 8621-6564 6456 E-mail: brdai@
fudan.edu.cn Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
The EU’s Role in the Post-Cold
War Period: An Asian Perspective (monograph in English); The
Political Implications of the EU’s
Enlargement (monograph in English); Regional Monetary Cooperation: The Euro Experience
(monograph in english).
Research activities: EU Economy
in Face of the Globalization Challenges; Free Movements of Goods
in the Single European Market.
Courses on European Integration: Current Topics on European Economic Integration (Postgraduate); European Integration
Studies (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EUChina Relations (Postgraduate);
Current Topics on European
Economic Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.1 / 5.10 /
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1981
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/arabic/russian
Work address: Liverpool-SESSchool of Politics and Communication Studies-3rd Floor, Roxby
Building, Chatham Street, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZT Tel: 0151 7942890
Fax: 0151 7943948 E-mail:
hakim.darbouche@liv.ac.uk Url:
Research activities: EU-Algerian Relations and the EuroMediterranean Partnership.
Courses on European Integration: Europe and the world
Subject fields: 5.0 / 5.2 / 5.8 / 7.2
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: m
Position: Director of the MA in
European Governance
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: University of
Kent-Social Sciences-Politics and
International Relations-Canterbury CT2 7NX, United Kingdom
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Tel: 441227827417 Fax: 44122
7827033 E-mail: p.dardanelli@
kent.ac.uk Url: www.dardanelli.
Publications in European Affairs:
2005. Between Two Unions: Europeanisation and Scottish Devolution. Manchester: Manchester
University Press; 2005. Democratic Deficit or the Europeanisation of Secession? Explaining
the Devolution Referendums in
Scotland. Political Studies 53/2:
320-42; 2005. Conclusions: Comparative Federalism and the European Union. Regional and
Federal Studies 15/2: 259-69.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Undergraduate); Politics of the European Union (Undergraduate);
Decision-Making in the European Union (Postgraduate); European Public Policy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.9 / 7.1
DE GUTTRY, Andrea (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/ger/spa
Work address: Scuola Superiore
Sant’Anna – Classe di Scienze
sociali-Piazza Martiri della Libertà,
33 56127 PISA Tel: +39050
883297 Url: www.sssup. it
Subject fields: 2.2 / 4.0 / 5.0 /
5.2 / 6.0
DE LA FERIA, Rita (Mr)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1976
Sex: f
Spoken languages: por/eng/spa/
Work address: Queen’S University Belfast-School of Law – 28
University Square, School of
Law, Queen’s University Belfast,
Belfast, BT7 1PY Tel: +44 28
90973250 E-mail: r.delaferia@
qub.ac.uk Url: http://www.law.
Publications in European Affairs:
A Handbook of EU VAT Legislation, (2004 onwards), Looseleaf, Volumes 1 and 2, Kluwer
Law International; ‘Game Over’
for Aggressive VAT Planning?
RAL v. Commissioners of Customs & Excise” (2005) British
Tax Review 4.
Courses on European Integration: Foundations of European
Community Law (Undergraduate); European Substantive Law
(Undergraduate); EC Tax Law
Subject fields: 4.1.5
DEARDEN, Stephen (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: m
Alphabetical List
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Manchester Metropolitan-Humanities-Ecnomicscavendish street, manchester,
m15 6bg Tel: 0161 247 3904
Fax: 0161 247 6302 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
The New EU ACP Partnership
Agreement, (with C.M. Salama)
Journal of International Development, Vol 14, pp 899-910,
2002; The Future Role of the European Union in Europe’s Development Assistance – Cambridge Review of International
Affairs, Volume 16, No.1, pp.
105-117, 2003; The Reform of
the European Union’s Development Policy – Journal of European Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 2, May
Research activities: European
Development Policy Study Group.
Subject fields: 2.1.2 / 2.7 / 4.14 /
DEN EXTER, Andre (Dr.)
Country: Netherlands
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/dut/ger
Work address: Radboud University – Law-European lawThomas v Aquinostraat 4, P.O.
box 9049, Nijmegen Tel: +31 24
3611480 E-mail: a.denexter@
jur.ru.nl Url: www.ru.nl
Research activities: Patient mobility in the European Union.
Courses on European Integration: European law (Undergraduate); Harmonization in the
EU (Undergraduate); Social security law (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
law and health (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.4 / 4.1 /
DENK, Rudolf (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: University of
Education-II-Institute for german
language and literature-Pädagogische Hochschule, Kunzenweg
21, D – 79117 Freiburg Tel: +49(0)
761/682-329 Fax: +49(0) 761/
682-157 E-mail: denk@ph-freiburg.de Url: www.ph-freiburg.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Denk, Rudolf (Hg.): Nach
Europa unterwegs. Grenzüberschreitende Modelle der Lehrerbildung im Zeichen von europäischer Identität, Kultur und
Mehrsprachigkeit. Herbolzheim:
Centaurus Verlag 2005. (German and French, Monographie);
Denk, Rudolf: Wege nach Europa:
Grenzüberschreitende Studien-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
gänge und Europalehrämter an
den Pädagogischen Hochschulen.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Vortrag zur Tagung zu Doppeldiplomstudiengängen, die der
DAAD in Zusammenarbeit mit
der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule (DFH) und der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK)
am 5. und 6. Juli 2004 in Berlin
veranstaltete.Deutsch-französische Hochschule: Lehrerbildung
in ausgewählten europäischen
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.17
Country: Taiwan
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/chinese/
Work address: Academia Sinica
– Institute of European and
American Studies-128, Section
2, Academia Road, Nankang,
11529 Taipei, Taiwan. Tel: 8862-3789-7265 Fax: 886-2-27827616 E-mail: dchorng@sinica.
edu.tw Url: www.ea.sinica.edu.
Research activities: The EU
Human Rights Policy, Academia
Sinica, 2002-2006.; The EU
Constitution and the Future of
the European Union, Academia
Sinica, 2003-2007.; Legal For-
mation of the EU’s Biotechnology, The National Science Council of Taiwan, 2002-2008.; EU
Relations with Taiwan and China,
Academia Sinica, 2005-2007.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Trade and Economic Law (Postgraduate); WTO and EU Seminar
Subject fields: 4.1.3 / 4.5 / 5.0
DÍAZ FUENTES, Daniel (Prof.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/spa/ita/fre
Work address: Cantabria-Economics and Business – Economics
– Departamento de Economícas,
Universidad de Cantabria, Av de
los Castros Sn, Santander,
Cantabria, 39005, Spain Tel: +
34 942 201624 E-mail: diazd@
unican.es Url: http://personales.
Publications in European Affairs:
Privatisation in the European
Union: Public Enterprises and
Integration, Kluwer Academic
Publishers 2003.
Courses on European Integration: International Economic Institutions (Undergraduate); Technology policy in Europe (Postgraduate); Master in International
Trade, Transport and Communication (Postgraduate).
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Public policy and European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 2.1 /
4.11 / 5.13
DIRIKER, Ebru (Dr.)
Country: Turkey
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng/tur
Work address: Bogazici University – Faculty of Science and Letters – Translation and Interpreting
Studies-Bogazici University Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Guney Kampus,
Bebek, Istanbul Tel: 0090-212359 65 16 Fax: 0090-212-287 71
74 E-mail: diriker@ boun.edu.tr
Publications in European Affairs:
Konferans Cevirmenligi: Guncel
Uygulamalar ve Arastirmalar,
2005, Istanbul:Scala Yayincilik
(the first section of the book is
devoted to current language and
interpreting policies in the EU).
Research activities: Community
Interpreting in Turkey. The Function of Translations in the Formation of Ottoman culture.
Courses on European Integration: EU Institutions, Policies
and Translation of Key Documents (Undergraduate); EU Institutions and Interpretation of
Key EU Texts (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.0 / 6.2
DOIDGE, Mathew (Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1976
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger
Work address: University of
Canterbury – Arts-National Centre
for Research on Europe-NCRE,
University of Canterbury, Private
Bag 4800, Christchurch, New
Zealand Tel: +6433642348 Fax:
+6433642634 E-mail: ncre@
canterbury.ac.nz Url: www.
europe. canterbury.ac.nz
Publications in European Affairs:
Doidge, Mathew (2004) ‘Interregionalism and Regional Actors: The EU-ASEAN Example’,
in Wim Stokhof; Paul van der
Velde; Yeo Lay Hwee, eds., The
Eurasian Space: Far More Than
Two Continents. Singapore:
ISEAS. Doidge, Mathew (forthcoming 2006) ‘Regional Organisations as Actors in International Relations: Interregionalism and Asymmetric Relationships’, in Jürgen Rüland; Gunter
Schubert; Günther Schucher;
Cornelia Storz, eds., Asian-European Relations: Building Blocks
for Global Governance? London: Routledge.
Courses on European Integration: EURO 221 – The European
Union in the Wider World:
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Patterns and Policies (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.14 / 5.9 / 5.12 /
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: m
Position: Tenured Professor of
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/por/fre/
Work address: Vigo – Philology
and Translation-History-Pi i
Margall 66 4ºA 36202 VIigo –
Spain Tel: (34) 986812263
Fax: (34) 986812380 E-mail:
Courses on European Integration: History of European Construction (Undergraduate); Spain
and European Integration (Undergraduate); The Regions in the
Construction of Europe (Undergraduate); The Euro-region
Galicia-Northern Portugal (EGP)
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 /
1.3 / 4.9
DORMOY, Daniel (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: m
Position: Président de la section
de droit public
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre
Work address: Paris-Sud 11Faculté Jean Monnet (Sceaux)92-Faculté Jean Monnet, Bur. A
- 110, CEI, 54 Boulevard Desgranges 92 331 Sceaux-F Tel: 01
40 91 18 72 Fax: 0140 91 18 70
E-mail: danieldormoy@aol.com
Url: www.jm.u-psud.fr
Courses on European Integration: Droit communautaire général (Undergraduate); Droit institutionnel communautaire (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Droit des organisations internationales Droit des Relations
extérieures des communautés et
de l’Union européenne.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 2.2 / 5.0
DOUKAS, Dimitrios (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/gre/fre/
Work address: Queen’S University Belfast-Arts, Humanities &
Social Sciences-School of Law27 University Square, BT7 1NN
Belfast, N.I., U.K. Tel: (+44) 028
9097 3807 Fax: (+44) 028 9097
3376 E-mail: d.doukas@qub.
ac.uk Url: http://www.law.qub.
Alphabetical List
Publications in European Affairs:
D. Doukas, Werbefreiheit und
europa- und grundrechtliche
Untersuchung der Kontrollmaßstäbe für Beschränkungen der
kommerziellen Kommunikation,
dargestellt am EG-Recht, an der
EMRK, am deutschen Grundgesetz und an der griechischen
Verfassung (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005) (monograph in German); D. Doukas, ‘The Frailty of
the Stability and Growth Pact
and the European Court of Justice: Much Ado about Nothing?’
(2005) 32 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 293-312 (article in English).
Courses on European Integration: European Substantive Law
(Undergraduate); Civil Law (Undergraduate); European Union
Law (LL.M. in Governance)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.4 / / 4.13
DUBOS, Olivier (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Work address: MontesquieuBordeaux Iv – C.R.D.E.-Avenue
Léon Duguit, 33608 Pessac
cedex Tel: 00 33 5 56 84 85 48
Publications in European Affairs:
Introduction sur les principes
généraux du droit et droits
fondamentaux; Principe d’égalité
entre les femmes et les hommes;
Protection juridictionnelle garantie par le droit dérivé in G.
la direction de), Lamy Procédures communautaires; Une Constitution européenne, des constitutions nationales, REDP 2003,
p. 983; également in XIIèmes
journées juridiques franco-roumaines, L’influence de l’ordre
juridique de l’Union européenne
sur les ordres juridiques nationaux (Académie roumaine, Institut de recherche juridique, Société de législation comparée),
Bucarest, Thémis Cart, 2005, p.
Courses on European Integration: Institutions européennes
(Undergraduate) ; Droit communautaire Contentieux communautaire (Undergraduate); Droit
constitutionnel européen (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Droit communuataire. Collège
d’études juridiques francoroumaines, Université de Bucarest
Université Paris I PanthéonSorbonne (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.5 / 7.2
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
DUMALA, Andrzej (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: f
Spoken languages: pol/eng
Work address: Maria CurieSklodowska University-Political
Science-International RelationsPlac Litewski 3 pok. 122, 20080 Lublin, Poland Tel: 048 81
532478 ext. 141 Fax: 048 81
5320708 E-mail: adumala@
Publications in European Affairs:
Agencies of the EU, Polish, Warsaw 2002
Courses on European Integration: Decision-making in the European Union, Jean Monnet
Project C01/027 (Undergraduate); European Union – deepening after widening, Jean Monnet
Project F04/0166 (Undergraduate); Political System of the EU
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Functionig of internal market
(Undergraduate); European Institutions (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 3.1 / 4.0 /
5.0 / 7.0
DURAN, Roberto A. (Prof.)
Country: Chile
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Spoken languages: spa/fre/ger/
Work address: Université
Cathôlique Du Chili-Histoire,
Géographie et Science Politique
– Av.B.Vicuña Mackenna 4860,
Macul Santiago (RM) CHILI Tel:
56-2-354-7822 Fax: 56-2-3547813 E-mail: rduran@puc.cl
Courses on European Integration: La politique internationales
de l’ Union Européenne (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 5.0 /
DUVAL David Timothy (Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
Tel: 64 3 479 5398 Fax: 64 3
479 9034 E-mail: dduval@
business. otago.ac.nz Url: www.
Subject fields: 4.5 / 4.11 / 4.12 /
Country: Turkey
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng
Alphabetical List
Work address: Marmara University-Faculty of Economics
and Administrative Sciences-Political Science and International
Relations-Marmara University,
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Göztepe
Campus, 34722 Göztepe/Istanbul
Tel: + 90 216 336 28 09 Fax: *
90 216 338 99 42 E-mail:
eogurlu@marmara.edu.tr Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
«Challenges of Accession to the
European Union for the Central
and Eastern Europe Countries»,
Europeanisation of South-Eastern Europe – Domestic Impacts
of the Accession Process, European Community Institute Publication, No: 12, April 2005.;
«Challenges of Enlargement for
the Central Eastern European
Countries», Journal of Academic
Studies, Volume: 6, Number: 23,
November 2004-January 2005.;
«The weakness of European citizenship», The European Union
in 2005: Candidate Countries’
Perspectives, The Jean Monnet
Doctoral Volume, Bulgarian European Community Studies Association (BECSA), 2005 (forthcoming).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 6.0 / 6.1 / 6.2
EGEBERG, Morten (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Oslo-Social Science – ARENA –
Centre for European StudiesP.O. Box 1143 Blindern, 0317
Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 22844
853 Fax: +47 22857832 E-mail:
morten.egeberg@arena. uio.no
Url: www.arena.uio.no
Publications in European Affairs:
‘The many faces of EU committee governance’, West European
Politics 2003; 26: 19-40 (with
G.F. Schaefer and Jarle Trondal);
«An organisational approach to
European integration: Outline of
a complementary perspective’,
European Journal of Political Research 2004; 43: 199-219; «Executive politics as usual: role
behaviour and conflict dimensions in the College of European
Commissioners’, Journal of European Public Policy 2006; 13:
Research activities: Research
group coordinator in CONNEX
Network of Excellence: ‘Efficient and Democratic Multilevel
Governance in Europe’.
Courses on European Integration: EU and the Nation-States:
Policy formulation and implementation (Postgraduate).
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.2 /
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Position: Fachbereichsleiter
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita
Work address: Salzburg-Rechtswissenschaften-Fachbereich
Arbeits-, Wirtschafts- und Europarecht-Churfürststr. 1, A-5020
Salzburg Tel: +43/662/80443508 Fax: +43/662/6389-3508
E-mail: thomas.eilmansberger@
sbg.ac.at Url: http://www.unisalzburg.at/EUR
Publications in European Affairs:
Kommentar zu Art. 81, 82 und
85 EGV, in: Streinz, EUV/EGV,
München 2003, 908-1039; 11141117; The relationship between
rights and remedies in EC law:
In search of the missing link,
CMLR 2004, 1199-1246; How
to distinguish good from bad
competition under Article 82 EC:
In search of clearer and more
coherent standards for anti-competitive abuses, CMLR 2005,
Research activities: The compatibility of the Hungarian system of long-term capacity and
power purchasing agreements
with EU energy and competition
law, Studie im Auftrag des
ungarischen Energie-Regulators
und der Weltbank (2004) (gemeinsam mit Jaeger und Thyri),
OGEL Vol. 3, Issue 1, March
2005; Kommentar zu Art. 82, in:
Säcker, Münchener Kommentar
zum Wettbewerbsrecht.
Courses on European Integration: Formelles Europarecht (Undergraduate); Materielles Europarecht (Undergraduate); European Competition Law (Postgraduate); Basic Concepts of EC
Law (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Schloss Hofen – Lehrgang Europarecht: Europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.4 / 4.6
ERCOLE, Enrico (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng
Work address: Eastern Piedmont-Political Science-Social
Research-Palazzo Borsalino, via
Cavour, 84, 15110 Alessandria,
Italy Tel: +39.131.283745 Fax:
+39.131.283704 E-mail: enrico.
Publications in European Affairs:
Ercole, Enrico (in press).
Research activities: Local Government and European Integration.
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration: European Integration and
Local Development (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 1.3 / 2.1.6 /
4.9 / 4.15
ERDOS, Eva (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: f
Position: Miskolc-Egyetemváros
Spoken languages: hun/eng
Work address: University of
Miskolc-Faculty of Law-Department of Financial Law-Dr.Éva
Erdos head of department, University of Miskolc,Faculty of
Law H-3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros Tel: +36-46-565176 or
+36 209425 324 Fax: +36-46565111/13-54 E-mail: jogerdos
Publications in European Affairs:
Eu budget,hungarian /in Az
Európai Csalás Elleni Hivatal az
EU, bunügyi együttmuködés
rendszerében, KJK. Budapest,
2005; Consumption based taxes
and VAT in Hungary,english,/
Tax system and the EU Accessions, Bologna, 2004; Tax
harmonisation and local taxes,
hungarian4. New tendencies of
direct tax harmonisation /
Miskolci Jogtudományi Muhely
3, Bíbor kiadó Miskolc, 2003.
Courses on European Integration: Eu tax law (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: International tax law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.7 / 4.1.2 / 4.1.3 /
ETERIS, Eugene (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/dan/lav/
Work address: Riga Stradins
University-Faculty of European
Studies-Department of Regional
Econimics and Business-Dzierciema Iela 16, Riga-1007, LVLatvia Tel: +371-7409218 Fax:
+371-7471815 E-mail: eugene_
eteris@rsu.lv Url: www.rsu.lv
Publications in European Affairs:
Constitution for Europe (Series
of Articles)In:The Baltic Course,
2003, Nr.10 (pp. 38-41), Nr. 11
(pp. 31-33). www.baltkurs.com;
EU Economic Policy in view of
the Draft Constitution, The Baltic Course, Nr. 12, 2004, pp. 4041.; Financial Integration in the
EU and Free Movement of Capital (Series of articles) In The Baltic Course, Nrs. 18, 19, 20, 21;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Research activities: Latvia’s integration into the EU.-Latvian
Academy of Sciences.; L. Monnet
European Module (2005-08, Nr.
2005-2919/001-001). Contemporary European Economic Integration: Tackling with the pace
of reforms.
Courses on European Integration: EU Economic Policy (Postgraduate); European Union Law
(Postgraduate); EU Taxation
Policy (Postgraduate); European
Union: History, Economy and
Law (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Economic Integration and Law
(Undergraduate) EU Constitutional and Administrative law
(Undergraduate) EU Institutions:
Law and Regulations (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 4.1.5 /
FAÍÑA, J. Andrés (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Position: Director of the Department of Economic Analysis
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/por/
Work address: A Coruña-Economics and Business Adminis-
AnalysisFacultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Campus de
Elviña s.n., 15071 A Coruña
(Spain) Tel: +34 670 025 679
Fax: +34 981 167070 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
«European Regional Policy and
Backward Regions: Implications
towards EU Enlargement», with
J. Lopez Rodriguez, European
Journal of Law and Economics,
vol.18, pp. 5-32, 2004.; The
Powers of the Central Governments and the Problems of Enlarging and Deepening the European Union: An Essay of Constitutional Political Economy,
(with J. López-Rodirguez and A.
Garcia Lorenzo), Constitutional
Political Economy, 16, pp.369386, 2005.; Counterpoint vs.
Disharmony in the Constitucional Treaty: A European Paradox, Intereconomics: Review of
European Economic Policy,
Hamburg Institute of Internacional Economics, vol. 40, August,
Research activities: – PojectLeader in the Phare Twinning
Project PL2000/IB/OT02 Opolskie,
Galicia (Spain)-Opolskie (Poland) on Regional Development
and Institutional Building.- National Expert in the Project
«Policy Guidelines for Regions
Alphabetical List
falling under the New Regional
Competitiveness and Employment Objective for the 20072013 period in the fields of the
Knowledge Economy and the
Environment, in line with the
Lisbon and Gothenburg Objectives», coordinated by Centro
Studi Industria Leggera scrl.,
CSIL, Milano. – Project Leader
in the Research Project sponsored by the Regional Government of Galicia, PGIDIT05PX
IB10001PR, on Spatial Structure
and Regional Convergence in
the European Union.
Courses on European Integration: Microeconomics and Competition Policy in the European
Union (Undergraduate); European Industrial Economics (Undergraduate); Political Economy
of the European Union: The
Constitutional Grounds of the
Community Method. (Postgraduate); Regional Policy and Economic Develoment Strategies in
the European Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.6 / 4.9 / 6.0 / 7.0
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Anglia Ruskin
University-Arts, Law and Social
Sciences-Law-Bishop Hall Lane,
Chelmsford, Essex, England,
CM1 1SQ Tel: 01245 493131
ext 3039 Fax: 01245 493134
E-mail: john.fairhurst@anglia.ac.
uk Url: www.anglia.ac.uk
Publications in European Affairs:
Law of the European Union, English, textbook, Longman (England), August 2005 (5th edition); SIMAP – Interpreting the
Working Time Directive, English,
Vol 30 No 2 Industrial Law
Journal (2001); The UK’s Working Time Revolution, English,
European Current Law, Jan 2002.
Courses on European Integration: Public Law of the EU (Undergraduate) Economic Law of
the EU (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 2.4 /
2.5 / 4.3
FALKE, Andreas (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Position: Professor
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Erlangen-Nürnberg-Economic and Social Studies-Social Science-Findelgasse
7-9, D-90402 Nürnberg Tel:
+49-991-5302296 Fax: +49-9915302696 E-mail: falke@wiso.
uni-erlangen.de Url: http://www.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
EU-US trade relations in the
Doha Development Round: Market access versus a post-modern
trade policy agenda» in European Foreign Affairs Review,
Vol. 10, No. 3, Autumn 2005, S.
339-357; «German Trade Policy:
An Oxymoron?» in Wynn Grant/
Dominic Kelly, The Trade Policies of Advanced Countries, London 2005, S. 252-270.; «Confronting the Hegemon. The EU’s
Challenge to U.S. Sanctions
Policy «,in European Foreign
Affairs Review, Vol. 5, No. 2,
Summer 2000, S. 139-162.
Research activities: The United
States and the European Union
in the Doha Development Round.
Courses on European Integration: The United States and European Integration (Postgraduate); The European Union and
the World Trading System (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.19 / 5.0 /
5.4 / 7.0
FALKNER, Gerda (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger/
Work address: Institute For Advanced Studies – Department of
Political Science-1060 Vienna,
Stumpergasse 56 Tel: +43 01
59991 175 E-mail: falkner@ihs.
ac.at Url: www.ihs.ac.at
Publications in European Affairs:
Falkner, Gerda/Oliver Treib/
Miriam Hartlapp/Simone Leiber,
2005: Complying with Europe.
EU Minimum Harmonisation
and Soft Law in the Member
States. Cambridge / UK: Cambridge University Press.; Falkner,
Gerda (ed.) 2002: EU Treaty Reform as a Three-level Process:
Historical Institutionalist Perspectives, Special Issue of the
Journal of European Public
Policy. Vol. 9 (1). London:
Routledge.; Falkner, Gerda,
1998: EU Social Policy in the
1990s: Towards a corporatist
policy community. European
Public Policy Series. London:
Research activities: Connecting
Excellence on European Governance (CONNEX); New Modes
of Governance (NEWGOV);
Dead Letter or Living Rights?
The Practice of EU Social Law in
Central and Eastern Europe
Subject fields: 2.5 / 3.4 / 4.0 / 6.2
FANTINI, Marco (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Position: EU Commission
Alphabetical List
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger/
Work address: European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium E-mail: marco.fantini@
Publications in European Affairs:
«The European Neighbourhood
Policy: implications for economic growth and stability»(with
M. Dodini), Journal of Common
Market Studies, London, forthcoming (June 2006).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: «European Integration: Economics,
Rules, Institutions. Consequences for Russia» (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1.5 / 5.2 /
5.7 / 6.0
FARVAQUE, Etienne (Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/spa/fre
Work address: Lille 1-Faculte
des Sciences Economiques et
SH2 – Bureau 104, Faculte des
Sciences Economiques et Sociales, Universite de Lille 1, 59655
Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex (France)
Tel: 33 3 20 33 63 56 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
«Transparance et stabilisation:
la règle budgétaire de Taylor et
le Pacte de Stabilité et de
Croissance», Revue de l’OFCE,
January 2005, N.º 92, pp. 99143 (avec Florence Huart et
Clément Vaneecloo); Cronstruction européenne et politique
économique, 2004, Vuibert, coll.
Dyna’Sup (avec Jérôme Creel);
Intégration Économique Européenne. Problèmes et Analyses,
2002, De Boeck Editions,
Bruxelles, p. 339 (avec Gaël
Courses on European Integration: Economics of European Integration (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economics of European Integration
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 3.0 / 4.0 /
7.0 / 7.1
FAVELL, Adrian (Prof.)
Country: United States of
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: University of
California, Los Angeles (Ucla)Sociology-Dept of Sociology,
264 Haines Hall, UCLA, Los
Angeles 90095-1551 Tel: +1.310.
825-3840 Fax: +1.310.206-9838
E-mail: afavell@soc.ucla.edu Url:
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Markets against politics: Migration, EU enlargement and the
idea of Europe’ (with Randall
Hansen), in Journal of Ethnic
and Migration Studies, vol.24,
no.4, Oct 2002, pp.581-601;
‘Sociology of EU politics’, in
Handbook of European Union
Politics, edited by Knud Erik
Jorgensen, Mark A. Pollock and
Ben Rosamond, London: Sage,
forthcoming 2006; Eurostars
and Eurocities: Free Moving Urban Professionals in an Integrating Europe, Oxford: Blackwell,
forthcoming 2006.
Research activities: EU Framework V, P IONEUR research network.
Courses on European Integration: Sociology of Contemporary Europe (Undergraduate);
Sociology of Contemporary Europe (Postgraduate); International Migration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 4.1.1 / 4.15 /
FÁYNÉ PÉTER, Emese (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/hun/fre/
Work address: University of
West Hungary In Sopron-Faculty
of Economics-European UnionSzent Donát u. 33., Pilisborosjeno, H-2097, Hungary Tel: 36
26 336 931 Fax: 36 26 336 931
E-mail: arpad.fay@axelero.hu
Url: www.nyme.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
European Union (lecture notes)
2000, 2002,2004
Research activities: Jean Monnet
European Module: New Members in EU.
Courses on European Integration: European Economic Integration Undergraduate, Postgraduate New Members in EU;
EU Institutions (Postgraduate);
Economic and Social Changes in
Europe (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economic and Social Changes in
Europe (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 2.1 / 2.7
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/gre/fre
Work address: London School
of Economics – European Institute-Houghton Street, London
WC2A 2AE, UK Tel: +44-207955-6027 E-mail: k.featherstone
Publications in European Affairs:
The Road to Maastricht: Negotia-
Alphabetical List
ting EMU (with K. Dyson): Oxford 1999; The Politics of Europeanization (with C. Radaelli):
Oxford, 2003; Politics and Policy
in Greece; editor; Taylor &
Francis, 2005.
Courses on European Integration: History and Theory of European Integration (Postgraduate); The Politics of EMU (Postgraduate); Greece and the EU
Subject fields: 2.0 / 3.0 / 3.4 /
5.6 / 6.0
FELISINI, Daniela (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng
Work address: Roma-Lettere e
Filosofia-Storia-Via Columbia, 1
– 00133 Roma Tel: 06.7259.
5035 Fax: 06.7259.5220 E-mail:
felisini@uniroma2.it Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Da una politica monetaria
nazionale ad un sistema monetario europeo. Note sulla posizione
delle banche italiane (in publications in AUSE, Acts of European
Summer School, july 2005)
Courses on European Integration: Economies and societies in
Western Europe and European
economic integration 1945-1995
(Undergraduate) The economic
history of Europe and the process of integration 1945-1995
(Postgraduate); Economic ruling
classes in Western Europe and
the first decades of integration
1945-1970 (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.0 / 4.1.2 /
4.1.3 / 6.0
F ERRER L LORET , Jaume (Prof.
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/eng
Work address: Alicante-LawDerecho Internacional Público y
Derecho Penal-Jaume Ferrer
Lloret, Departamento de Derecho
Internacional Público y Derecho
Penal, Facultad de Derecho,
Universidad de Alicante, 03080,
Alicante, España. Tel: 965909
502 E-mail: jaume.ferrer@ua.es
Publications in European Affairs:
La aplicación de medidas de embargo de armas adoptadas por
la Unión Europea, Revista de
Derecho Comunitario Europeo,
vol. 6 (1999), 7-51; El cumplimiento por la Unión Europea de
las sanciones decididas por el
Consejo de Seguridad, Revista
de Derecho Comunitario Europeo,
vol. 7 (2000), 453-490; La
celebración de acuerdos inter-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
nacionales por la Unión Europea,
Boletín Europeo de la Universidad de la Rioja, N. 11 (2003),
Research activities: Investigador principal del Proyecto de
investigación, concedido por la
Generalitat Valenciana, «La protección de las personas y grupos
vulnerables en el Derecho internacional y europeo» (Referencia
BV04B-534); Investigador principal del Proyecto de investigación coordinado, concedido por
el Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia, a las Universidades de
Alicante y Alcalá de Henares,
«El Derecho de la responsabilidad internacional del Estado y
los intereses de España: un análisis desde nuestra práctica más
reciente» (Referencia SEJ200508744-C02-01-JURI).
Courses on European Integration: Law and Institutions of European Union (Undergraduate)
The European Union and Human Rights (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 2.1.1 / 2.1.5 / 2.3
/ 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.0
FINA, Siegfried (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: University of
Vienna-School of Law-Depart-
ment of Commercial and Business Law-Schottenbastei 10-16,
1010 Vienna, Austria Tel:
(++43) (01) 4277-35207 Fax:
(++43) (01) 4277-35293 E-mail:
siegfried.fina@univie.ac.at Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
EU IT Law, Biotechnology Law,
Intellectual Property Law, Nanotechnology Law and Space Law:
compilation of EU legislation;
European Internal Market Law:
Freedom of Establishment and
Freedom to Provide Services.
Research activities: EU-US
Technology Law (StanfordVienna).
Courses on European Integration: European Internal Market
Law Undergraduate, Postgraduate Seminar European Union
Business Law Undergraduate,
Postgraduate European and International E-commerce Law
Undergraduate, Postgraduate Introduction to European Union
Law (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Union Technology Law;
Freedom of Establishment and
Freedom to Provide Services
(Postgraduate); European Union
Business Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.4 / 4.1 / 4.13 /
Alphabetical List
FLORES JUNIOR, Renato Galvão
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: m
Position: Professor
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Escola de PósGraduação em Economia – EPGE,
da Fundação Getulio Vargas, no
Rio de Janeiro (Praia de Botafogo
190, 22253-900 Rio de Janeiro
Publications in European Affairs:
Teoria e Políticas de Integração
na EU e no Mercosul, jointly
with Manuel Cralos Lopes Porto,
Rio de Janeiro: Editora da FGV,
2006; Acordo Mercosul – União
Europeia: Além da Agricultura,
(with M. Marconini), Rio de
Janeiro: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung,
2003; China and the EU-Mercosur
Relationship: Trade in Goods and
Multilateral Negociations Aspects, in A.G.A. Valladão and P.
Guerrieri, Eds. EU-Mercosur Relations and the WTO Doha
Round: Common Sectorial Interests and Conflicts, Paris: Presses
de Sciences Po. 2006.
Research activities: World
trade, Mercosul politics, WTO
Courses on European Integration: Summer Seminar (Coimbra)
Subject fields: 1.2. / 4.0 / 5.13. /
6.0 / 7.0
FLORIO, Massimo (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: Università Degli
Studi Di Milano-Political Sciences-Economics, Business and
Statistics-Via Conservatorio 7,
20122 Milan Italy Tel: +390250
321510 Fax: +390250321505
E-mail: massimo.florio@unimi.it
Url: http://www.economia.unimi.
Publications in European Affairs:
«The great divestiture. Evaluating the welfare impact of British
privatisations, 1979-1997», MIT
Press(Mass), 2004; «Project analysis and European regional development: the EU Cohesion
Fund» (with S. Vignetti) in The
ICFAI Journal of Environmental
Economics, Vol. III, n.3, August
2005; «A logistic growth theory
for government expenditures: a
study of five countries over 100
years» (with S. Colautti) in Public Choice, Volume 122, nn. 3-4,
pp. 355-393, March 2005
Research activities: Past appointments as an expert in costbenefit analysis and evaluation
at the European Commission in-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
clude the participation in the
Steering Committee for the expost evaluation of Cohesion
Fund Projects, of the evaluation
team for the Observatory of the
European SMEs, of the Italian
performance reserve for the EU
Structural Funds, several high
level groups of experts for the
reform of the EU Structural
Funds, of the ex-post evaluation
of the Mediterranean Integrated
Programs in Greece, France and
Courses on European Integration: Economics of European Integration
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.4 / 4.9 / 4.14
FOLLESDAL, Andreas (Prof.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/norwegian
Work address: University of
Oslo-Faculty of Law-Norwegian
Centre for Human Rights-POBox
6706 St. Olavs plass, NO-0130
Oslo E-mail: andreas.follesdal@
nchr.uio.no Url: http://folk.uio.
Publications in European Affairs:
Follesdal, Andreas. Towards a
Stable Federal Finalité? Forms
and Arenas of Institutional and
National Balances in the Constitutional Treaty for Europe. Journal of European Public Policy –
Special Issue: Towards a Federal
Europe? 12[3], 572-89. 2005;
Follesdal, Andreas. The Legitimacy Deficits of the European
Union. Journal of Political Philosophy 2006; Follesdal, Andreas
and Simon Hix. Why there is a
Democratic Deficit in the EU: A
Response to Majone and Moravcsik
(to appear). Journal of Common
Market Studies. 2006.
Research activities: NEWGOV;
Subject fields: 1.3 / 4.15 / 6.0 / 7.1
FORMAN, Balázs (Mr)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Position: Professor
Spoken languages: hun/eng/ger
Work address: Budapest Corvinus
University-Business Management-Economic Geography-1093
Budapest, Fovám tér 8. E-mail:
Url: www.formanbalazs.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
Regional policy of the European
Union. Book. 400p 1999. VÁTI,
Budapest. Hungarian.; Structural
and pre-accession funds of the
European Union. 400p. 2001.;
Budapest Delegation of the European Union.
Courses on European Integration: Regional policy of the European Union (Undergraduate);
Alphabetical List
Environmental policy of the European Union (Undergraduate);
Common economic policies of
the European Union (Postgraduate); Regional geography of Europe (Undergraduate)
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Regional policy of the European
Union (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 4.7 / 4.9 / 4.11 /
F RENDO , Henry Joseph (Prof.
Country: Malta
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Position: Full rank Professor
Spoken languages: eng/fre/mlt/
Work address: Universite’ De
Malte – History, Faculty of Arts,
Department of History, Faculty
of Arts, Humanities Building,
University of Malta, Msida Campus, Malta MSD06 Tel: 035623402949, 00356-21418083 Fax:
00356-23402185, 00356-2125
Publications in European Affairs:
Patrijott LiberalI Malti: Gorg
Borg Olivier 1911-1980 (Pin,
Valletta, 2005, pp. 600); Coexistence In Modernity: A Euromed
Perspective (The European Legacy, Routledge, Oxford, 2005);
Problematiche Mediterranee:
L’Immigrazione Clandestina (ed.
G.Allotta, Provincia di Agrigento,
Research activities: FP6 Challenge – Freedom and Security
Temps Et Espaces De L’Europe
Courses on European Integration: European Political And
Cultural Development (Undergraduate); European Historiography (Undergraduate); EUROMED:
Decolonization and Statehood
Migration and Journalism Studies (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 /
1.3 / 2.5
FRÖHLICH, Stefan (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/spa
ErlangenNürnberg – Department of Political Sciences-Kochstr. 4, 91054
Erlangen Tel: 09131/8522373
Fax: 09131/8522371 E-mail:
st.froehlich@t-online.de Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
The Strategic Implications of EU
Enlargement, Washington 2005;
The Difficulties of EU Government, Frankfurt 2004; Die
Entwicklung der Europäischen
Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik (GESVP), Bonn 2003.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to the political
system and policies of the EU
(Undergraduate); The EU as
aglobal actor (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
EU as a global actor (Postgraduate); Challenges for the EU beyond
Enlargement and the Constitutional Treaty.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 4.5 /
4.19 / 5.0
GAJDA, Tibor (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Spoken languages: hun/eng/fre
Work address: Budapest School
of Communication – European
Studies-Hungary 1148 Budapest,
Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9. Tel:
+36 (1) 2733090 Fax: +36 (1)
2733093 E-mail: gajdat@bkf.hu
Url: www.bkf.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
The anticipated position of the
Hungarian budget and the elements of uncertainty of the financial period of 2004-06. Hungarian. in: Europe 2002 3.2004.
Euro Info Service; Effects of the
the Hungarian Accesion to the
EU in the Field of Economic
Growth. Hungarian. in: Collega.
2000/2. Accursius Association
of Jurists; The Canadian Nation
Defence and the Multiculturalism
(with Tibor Babos). Hungarian. in:
Collega. 2001/5. Accursius Association of Jurists.
Courses on European Integration: EU Institutions 1 (Undergraduate); International Relations (Undergraduate); European
Internal Policy (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EC
Law and Law Harmonisation
(Undergraduate); European Internal Policy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.9 / 4.19 / 6.0 /
GANDULLIA, Luca (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Genova-Political
Sciences-Economics and Finance-Largo Zecca 8-14, Genova,
Italy Tel: 0039.010.2099079
Fax: 0039.010.2099071 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
A comparative view of selected
European countries, in L. Bernardi
and P. Profeta (Eds.), Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in Europe, Routledge, London, 2004;
Alphabetical List
Federalismo fiscale in Europa e
in Italia (insieme a L. Bernardi),
in Rivista di diritto finanziario e
Scienza delle finanze, n. 2, 2005;
An Overview of Taxation, in L.
Bernardi, M. Chandler and L.
Gandullia (Eds.), Tax Systems
and Tax Reforms in New EU
Members, 2005, Routledge, London.
Courses on European Integration: Economia dell’integrazione
europea Sistemi fiscali comparati.
Subject fields: 2.7 / 4.1.5
GAUTRON, Jean Claude (Prof.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1936
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng/spa
Work address: Université Montesquieu Bordeaux Iv-Droit-Droit
Public, CRDE-Avenue Léon
Duguit, 33608 Pessac, France
Tel: +33.(0) Fax:
+33.(0) E-mail:
crde@u-bordeaux4.fr Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
Droit international et droit communautaire, Pédone 2005; Droit
européen, Dalloz 2004; La Constitution européenne (RAE, Cahiers
constitutionnels de Paris I).
Research activities: Recherches
sur la constitutionnalisation de
l’Union, les relations extérieures.
Courses on European Integration: Droit communautaire
institutionnel (Postgraduate); Les
politiques de l’Union Européene
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Droit communautaire, Faculté
des sciences juridiques de Tunis
(Postgraduate); Droit communautaire, Institut d’études juridiques de Bucarest (Undergraduate); Interventions doctorales,
universités Paris I et Paris II
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0
GAZINSKI, Benon (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: pol/eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Warmia And Mazury-Faculty of
Social Sciences and Art-Institute
of Political Sciences-10-007
Olsztyn, ul.Szrajbera 11, Poland
Tel: +4889-524-00-61 Fax: +4889
-524-00-61 E-mail: basiag@
uwm.edu.pl Url: www.uwm.edu.pl
Publications in European Affairs:
B. Gazinski: Unia Europejska
nie tylko dla poczatkujacych,
Littera Olsztyn, 2002 (book) ; M.
Wegrowska,Unia Europejska nie
taki diabel straszny, Fundacja
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Wspomagania Wsi Warszawa,
2001 (book); Unia Europejska
wczoraj – dzis – jutro, Littera
Olsztyn 1998 (book).
Research activities: J. Monnet
Chair: European Community and
Economic Development – Retrospects and Prospects.
Courses on European Integration: European Community and
Economic Development. Retrospects and Prospects (Undergraduate); Policy for Rural Development in European Community (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Union. Structures, principles, activities and international
cooperation (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 4.0 / 6.0
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1938
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: gre/eng
Work address: Athens University of Economics And BusinessEconomics-European Economic
Studies-Themistokleous 75, Neo
Psychico, 154.51, Greece Tel:
210-8203330 Fax: 210-8214122
E-mail: georgakopoul @aueb.gr
Url: www.aueb.gr/users/tgeorg
Publications in European Affairs:
Cyprus in the European Union:
An overview, Economia, 2001;
Fiscal itegration and fiscal policy
in the EU, in T. Georgakopoulos
and E. Tsakalotos Economic
Policies of the EU, Stamoulis
publishers, Athens 2006 (in
Greek); Tax harmonisation in
the European Union, in G.
Demopoulos and I.Hasid, Economic Policies of the European
Union, Sideris publishers, Athens (forthcoming) (in Greek).
Courses on European Integration: Theory and practice of economic integration; Economic
Policies of the European Union
(Undergraduate); Tax harmonisation in the European Union
(Undergraduate); Theory of Economic Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.7 / 4.0 / 4.1.5 / 4.2
GEORGIOU, Myria (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: f
Spoken languages: gre/eng/fre
Work address: Leeds University-PVAC-Institute of Communications Studies-ICS, Leeds
University, Houldsworth Building, Leeds LS2 9BJ, UK Tel:
00441133435828 Fax: 004411
33435808 E-mail: m.georgiou@
Alphabetical List
Publications in European Affairs:
(2005) ‘Diasporic Media Across
Europe: Multicultural Societies
and the Universalism-Particularism Continuum’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31(3):
481-498; (2005) ‘Mapping Diasporic Media Cultures: A Transnational Cultural Approach to
Exclusion’ in R. Silverstone (ed.)
From Information to Communication: Media, Technology and
Everyday Life in Europe. London: Ashgate; (2003) Mapping
Diasporic Media across the EU:
Addressing Cultural Exclusion.
Final Report for the EC-funded
project. London: LSE, available
at www.emtel2.org
Research activities: EMTEL 2
(European Media Technology
and Everyday Life Network 2;
COST Action A16 (Policy and
Regulatory Responses to the Use
of Electronic Communication
Technologies by Transnational
Communities in Europe).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.13
GIBBONS, Matthew (Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Canterbury – National Centre for
Research on Europe-National
Centre for Research on Europe,
Level 2 – Geography Building,
University of Canterbury, Private
Bag 4800, Christchurch 8020,
New Zealand Tel: 64 3 3642987
x 4843 Fax: 64 3 3642634 E-mail:
ac.nz Url: www.europe.canterbury.
Publications in European Affairs:
Chabon, Natalia, and Matthew
Gibbons, ‘New Zealand Newspapers’ Representations of EU
Enlargement’, PIN (2005), Joint
Research activities: Postdoctoral
project on EU enlargement and
its effects on New Zealand.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 3.3 / 5.1
GILDEGGEN, Rainer (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: University Pforzheim-Business and Law – Tiefenbronner Strasse 65; 75175
Pforzheim, Germany Tel: (0)7231
286086 Fax: (0)7231 286080 Email: gildeggen@hs-pforzheim.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Zur Aktualität der Methode
Monnet 2005, Symposiumsbeitrag, Tagungsband, Pforzheim,
Deutschland; Der Konvent und
Strukturwandel in der Europäischen Union, 2002, Symposiumsbeitrag, Tagungsband, Osijek,
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Kroatien; Der Acquis Communautaire und der Beitritt neuer
Mitgliedstaaten zur Europäischjen Union – ein Überblick,
2000, Symposiumsbeitrag, Tagungsband.
Courses on European Integration: Europarecht (European
Law) (Undergraduate); Europäisches Kartellrecht (European
Antitrust Law) (Postgraduate);
Internationale Handelsgeschäfte
(Undergraduate); International
Commercial Transactions (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Business Law, University of
Osijek, Croatia (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.4
GJØRTLER, Peter (Mr)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: m
Position: Director
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre/
Work address: Riga Graduate
School of Law-Law-EU-Alberta
iela 13, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia
Tel: +371-616-2303 Fax: +3717039-240 E-mail: pgj@rgsl.edu.lv
Url: www.rgsl.edu.lv
Publications in European Affairs:
Changes to the EU Public Procurement Regime, article published by Van Mens & Wisselink,
2006; Inddragelse af arbejdsmiljø ved udbud (Consideration
of the working environment in
connection with public procurement), article published by
Kommunernes Landsforening,
2003; Udvikling af det nordiske
lovgivningssamarbejde under
påvirkning af * EU og EØS (Development of the Nordic Legislative Co-operation under Influence from the EU and the EEA),
article published by the Nordic
Council of Ministers, 2001.
Research activities: European
Arrest Warrant project; European
Private International Law project.
Courses on European Integration: Interaction between Public
International Law and EU Law
(Postgraduate); Administrative
and Judicial Cooperation (Postgraduate); Enforcement of EU
Law (Postgraduate); Technical
and Fiscal Barriers (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Public Procurement Administration
(Postgraduate); Internal Market
and Free Movement (Postgraduate); Competion Law Practice
(Postgraduate); EU Gas Directives (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.5 /
Alphabetical List
GODDARD, Christopher (Mr)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/eng/
Work address: Riga Graduate
School of Law-Law-Legal methods/legal English-Alberta iela
13, Riga LV1010, Latvia Tel:
+371-7039217 Fax: +371-703
9240 E-mail: christopher.goddard
@rgsl.edu.lv Url: www.rgsl.edu.lv
Publications in European Affairs:
English as a Global Legal Language (RGSL Working papers
Research activities: Baktic Network of Legal Cultures (2003-4).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 4.17 / 5.7 /
GOETSCHEL, Laurent (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/fre/eng
Work address: University of
Basel-Humanitites-Europa Institute-Europa Institut, Gellertstr.
27, CH-4020 Basel Tel: ++41 61
317 97 67 Fax: ++41 61 317 97
66 E-mail: laurent.goetschel@
unibas.ch Url: www.europa.
Publications in European Affairs:
Swiss foreign policy: Foundations and possibilities. London
und New York, Routledge,
2005, 211 S. (with Magdalena
Bernath and Daniel Schwarz);
Power and Identity: Small States
and the Common Foreign and
Security Policy (CFSP) of the
EU. NFP 42 Synthesis No. 33,
Berne, Swiss National Science
Foundation, 2000; “Switzerland
and European Integration:
Change Through Distance”, European Foreign Affairs Review 8
(3), 2003, S. 313-330.
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to European
Politics (Postgraduate); Swiss Integration Policy The Common
Foreign and Security Policy
(CFSP); Theories of European
Subject fields: 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.0 /
GOLDNER, Iris (Dr.)
Country: Croatia
Year of birth: 1972
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre/
Work address: University of
Zagreb-Faculty of Law-Department of European Public LawDr. Iris Goldner, Pravni fakultet
Sveucilista u Zagrebu, Trg Marsala
Tita 14, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385/1/4895752 Fax: +385/
1/4851801 E-mail: igoldner@
pravo.hr Url: http://eu.pravo.hr/
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
I. Goldner, Family Reunification
of European Community Nationals, 1 Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy (2005),
pp. 163-202.; I. Goldner, Croatia
– National Report, in Migration
and Asylum Law and Policy in
the European Union – FIDE
2004 National Reports (ed. I.
Higgins), Cambridge University
Press (2004), p. 45-64.; I. Goldner,
Free Movement of Third Country
Nationals in the European Union:
Policies, Developments and Limitations, 3-4 Collected Papers of
Zagreb Law School (2003), pp933-948.
Courses on European Integration: European Public Law (Undergraduate) Seminar in European Public Law (Undergraduate) EU Internal Market (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 4.1.1 / 4.22 / 5.0 /
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1974
Sex: f
Position: assistant
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Gdansk-Faculty of EconomicsDepartment of European Integration Economics-ul. Armii Krajowej
119/121, 81-824 Sopot, Poland
Tel: 48-58-551-16-13 Fax: 4858-551-16-13 E-mail: agolejew
Research activities: Changes in
Industrial Competitiveness as a
Factor of Integration: Identifying
Challenges of the Enlarged Single
European Market – EC project,
nr HPSE-CT-2002-00148
Courses on European Integration: International Economics,
(Undergraduate); Economics of
European Integration, (Undergraduate); Management of projects
financed by EU Structural Funds.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Management of projects financed by EU Structural Funds
(Postgraduate) Implementation
system of EU Structural Funds in
Poland (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.1.2 / 4.4 / 4.9
G ÓMEZ M UÑOZ , José Manuel
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Position: Secretario de Facultad
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/eng/fre/
Work address: Seville-Law/
Droit-Labour Law and Social Security-Facultad de Derecho.
Departamento de Derecho del
Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social.
Alphabetical List
Avda. del Cid S/N, 41004 Sevilla
Tel: +34954551240 Fax: +3495
4551223 E-mail: josemgomez@
us.es Url: www.us.es/derecho
Publications in European Affairs:
La Libertad De Circulación De
Trabajadores En La Unión
Europea, Y, Bases Del Sistema
De Seguridad Social En La
Unión Europea, Con Patrocinio
T. Rodríguez-Ramos Velasco,
En Aa.Vv. Una Aproximación Al
Derecho Comunitario, Consejo
Andaluz De Relaciones Laborales,
Tecnos, Madrid, 2000; La Prohibición De Discriminación Por
Causas Étnicas O Raciales. A
Propósito De La Directiva 2000/
43/Ce, Revista Temas Laborales,
Nº 59, 2001; Legislación Laboral
De La Unión Europea. Tecnos.
Madrid. 4ª Edición. 2002.
Research activities: Premio del
Consejo Economico y Social
Español, edition de 2000, como
miembro del Grupo de Investigación Interuniversitario dirigido
por el Prof. Dr. Alarcón Caracuel,
por el Proyeto de Investigación
titulado “Unidad de Mercado y
Seguridad Social en la Union
Courses on European Integration: Curso de Derecho de la
Unión Europea. Organizado por
el Centro de Dócumentación
Europea. Universidad de Sevilla.
(Postgraduate) Política de Cohesión
Económica y Social en la Unión
Europea. Master en Desarrollo
Local. Universidad de Sevilla.
(Undergraduate) Derecho de la
Inmigración, integración social y
mercados de trabajo en España y
la Unión Europea. Universidad
de Sevilla (Undergraduate) Jornadas de estudios interdepartamentales sobre el Tratado Constitucional Europeo. Facultad de
Derecho Universidad de Sevilla.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Política Social Comunitaria. Master de Asesoría Jurídica. Insituto
de Estudios Jurídicos de El
Monte (Savings Bank) (Postgraduate); Curso de Derecho
Comunitario. Sociedad de Desarrollo Local de Lora del Río,
Sevilla (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 3.2 / 3.4 / 4.1.1 /
4.21 / 6.1
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/eng
Work address: Complutense De
Madrid-Ciencias Económicas y
EE.-Economía Aplicada-Campus
De Somosaguas, S/N – Pabellón
De Tercero, 28023 Pozuelo –
Madrid (Spain) Tel: 34 - 913942
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
521 Fax: 34 - 916322186 Email: saragon@ccee.ucm.es Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Juan (2002): “Banking macromergers, EMU and globalization”, en CUNHA, P. & PORTO, M.
(Coord): The Euro and the world.
Almedina. Coimbra (Portugal).
ISBN: 972-40-1638-2; GONZALEZ
FERNANDEZ, Sara (2005): La nueva
arquitectura en el comercio
internacional: Los acuerdos
regionales en el ámbito de la
Organización Mundial de Comercio. Pags. 567:580. En Molina
Del Pozo, C (Coord): El diálogo
entre los pueblos y las culturas
en el marco de las relaciones
Latinoamericanas. Ed. DIJUSA.
ISBN: 84-95748-65-7; GONZALEZ
F ERNANDEZ , Sara (2006): La
integración económica en América
como elemento de la estrategia
comercial de las empresas de la
Unión Europea, en Beneyto,
J.M. (Director): Un nuevo diálogo
Transatlántico: Europa – América
Latina. Ed. Biblioteca Nueva.
Research activities: - Miembro
del grupo de investigación (investigadora principal) y coordinadora para España del área de
economía del Europe 12 – Action and Research Commitee on
the EC fundado en Oxford en
1985. Desde 1989 hasta 1992.
Director: Prof. C.C. Schweizer.
Courses on European Integration: Asignatura: Organización
Económica Internacional. 4º
Curso. Licenciatura en Economía. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
(Undergraduate); Asignatura:
Integración de la Unión Europea.
Licensitura en Administración y
Dirección de Empresas. Facultad
de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad Complutense
de Madrid. (Undergraduate);
Asignatura: La integración financiera europea. Doctorado en
Finanzas de Empresa. Facultad
de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Escenario Monetario y Financiero Internacional: Integración
Europea. Master de Estudios
Financieros. Fundación de Estudios Financieros. Instituto Español
de Analistas Financieros.Madrid
(España) (Postgraduate); Master
centro superior de estudios de
gestión, análysis y evaluación.
Módulo:Presupuestación Y Gestión
Económico-Financiera. Tema:
Marco institucional y gestión
Alphabetical List
económica I. El marco europeo
de la gestión pública. (Postgraduate); Posgrado. Materia:
Integración Europea. Facultad de
Contaduría y Administración.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México. México DC (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 5.0
GOOCH, Geoffrey (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Sweden
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/swe
Work address: Linköpings University-Arts and Sciences-Political
Science-Campus Valla, Linköpings
University, 58183 Linköping,
Sweden Tel: +46 13 282546
Fax: +46 13 281873 E-mail:
geogo@eki.liu.se Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Gooch, G.D. (2004): ‘The Communication of Scientific Information in Institutional Contexts:
The specific case of transboundary water management in Europe’, in Laangnäs and Timmerman, Environmental Information
in European Transboundary Water Management, IWA, Netherlands; Gooch, G.D. (2004):
Transboundary cooperation and
regional networks in Sweden
and the Baltic States; integration
on the new European frontier at
the turn of the century in
Vassiliki N. Koutrakou (ed),
Contemporary issues and debates in EU policy: The European Union and international
relations, Manchester: Manchester
University Press; Gooch, G.D.
and P. Stålnacke eds. (2006):
‘Integrated Transboundary Water Management in Theory and
Practice: Experiences from the
New EU Eastern borders’ London: IWA Publishing.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (30
ECTS) (Undergraduate); European Political Integration (7
ECTS) (Undergraduate); Masters
program in International and European Relations (90 ECTS)
(Postgraduate); Contemporary
European Institutions (7 ECTS)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.7 / 4.15 /
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Position: Assistente
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Coimbra-Direito
Andrade, 8-A, 1700-055 Lisboa
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Tel: +351 21 8473697 E-mail:
mgorjaoh@fd.uc.pt Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Direito Comunitário, 3.ª ed.,
Almedina, Coimbra, 2005; Código
da Concorrência (c/ J.L. Cruz
Vilaça), Almedina, Coimbra,
2004; Portuguese Co-Rapporteur
FIDE Congress (Dublin, 2004).
Research activities: Compendium (2005-2006); E-Concurrence (2006).
Courses on European Integration: European Studies (regency
of Institution and Fundamental
Principles since 1997/1998) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.1 /
2.1.2 / 2.1.3
GOUCHA SOARES, António (Prof.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: Technical University of Lisbon-ISEG-Social
Sciences – Law-Rua Miguel Lupi,
20, 1249-078 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351213925928 Fax: +351
213925940 E-mail: agsoares@
iseg.utl.pt Url: http://www.iseg.
Publications in European Affairs:
A União Europeia, Almedina,
Coimbra, 2006; The Division of
Competences in the European
Constitution, European Public
Law, Vol. 11, N.º 4, 2005; A
Divisão de Competências entre a
União Europeia e os Estados-Membros, R: I Relações Internações, N.º 1, 2004; O Tratado
de Nice, Revista do Ministério
Público, Ano 23, N.º 90, 2002; A
Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia. A
Protecção dos Direitos Fundamentais no Ordenamento Comunitário, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra,
2002; Repartição de Competências e Preempção no Direito
Comunitário, Edições Cosmos,
Lisboa, 1996;
Courses on European Integration: – Direito Comunitário (EC
Law) (Undergraduate; Direito
Comunitário (EC Law) (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Direito Europeu (European Law),
ISCTE, Lisboa (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.3 / 2.5.1 /
GRARD, Loic (Prof.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Position: Vice-Président
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Alphabetical List
Work address: Université Montesquieu Bordeaux Iv-DroitDroit-Avenue Léon Duguit,
33608 Pessac Cedex, France Tel:
+33.(0) Fax: +33.
(0) E-mail: grard
@u-bordeaux4.fr Url: http://crde.
Publications in European Affairs:
L’Europe des Transports (La
documentation française, 2005);
Les Aides d’Etat (Jurisclasseur,
2003); Le Code Civil Européen
(Economica, 2006).
Courses on European Integration: Droit du marché Intérieur
(Undergraduate); Droit de la
concurrence (Undergraduate);
Droit des transports (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.6 / 4.11 / 5.0
GRASSI, Paolo (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng
Work address: Teramo-Giurisprudenza-Dipartimento di scienze
giuridiche pubblicistiche Colleparco 64100 Teramo – Italy / Personal address: Via G. Avezzana,
8 - 00195 Roma Italy Tel: 0039
8612661/0039636002429 Fax:
0039 861245350/003963241007
E-mail: webmaster@unite.it Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Il principio del mutuo riconoscimento delle legislazioni nazionali nel diritto comunitario in
L’ordinamento europeo, a cura
di S. Mangiameli, Milano, 2006
pp. 391-442. Testo unico delle
leggi in materia bancaria e
creditizia, a cura di Belli articoli
15-18 Il.
Courses on European Integration: Diritto Amministrativo
Europeo (Undergraduate); Diritto
dell’unione Europea – Profili di
diritto materiale e processuale
(Postgraduate); Diritto Amministrativo Comunitario (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 4.0 / 4.1.3 /
GREENWOOD, Justin (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Robert Gordon
University-Aberdeen Business
School-Economics and Public
Policy-Garthdee Rd, Aberdeen,
AB107QE Tel: ++44 1224 263406
Fax: ++44 1224 263870 E-mail:
j./greenwood@rgu.ac.uk Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Greenwood, J. and Young, A.
(2005) ‘EU Interest Representa-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
tion or US Lobbying’, in C Parsons and N Jabko (eds.) With US
or Against US? The State of the
European Union (Oxford: Oxford U P); Greenwood, J (2003)
Interest Representation in the EU
(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan);
Greenwood, j (2002) Inside the
EU Business Associations (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).
Research activities: EUREP –
Europe’s Representative System
(2005+), bid to EU FP VII.
Courses on European Integration: European Union (Undergraduate); EU Public Policy
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Interest Representation in the EU,
College of Europe – Bruges and
Natolin (Postgraduate); Organised Civil Society and Democratic Legitimacy in the EU, College of Europe – Natolin (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.2 / 3.4 / 4.15
GREVE, Bent (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Spoken languages: dan/eng/ger
Work address: Roskilde – Social Sciences-Universitetsvej 1,
4000 Roskilde, Denmark Tel:
004546742585 Fax: 00454674
3080 E-mail: bgr@ruc.dk Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Welfare and Families in Europe,
Ashgate, 2005 (with Peter Abrahamsson and Thomas Boje);
Special Issue: The Open Method
of Co-ordination in the European Union. Guest editor with
Susana Borras.; The Future of
the European Welfare State
(ed.), forthcoming, 2006.
Subject fields: 3.4 / 4.0 / 4.1.1 / 4.3
GRILC, Peter (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Slovenia
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Ljubljana-Faculty of Law-Civil
Law, EU Law-Faculty of Law,
poljanski nasip 2, 1000 Ljubljana,
Slovenia Tel: +386 1 42 03 145
Fax: + 386 1 42 03 115 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
complete bibliography on: http://
Courses on European Integration: EU Law Faculty for public
administration, Ljubljana.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Chapters on EU Law; Faculty for
economics Maribor (Postgraduate); EU Competition; Faculty
Alphabetical List
for management, Koper (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.3 / 4.0 /
4.1 / 4.6
GRIMALDI, Giorgio (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng
Work address: Turin – Research and International Relations Area, University of Turin,
(Area Ricerca e Relazioni
Internazionali Università degli
Studi di Torino), Via Bogino 9 10123 Torino (Italy) / Home:
Via Apparizione 17/15 B 16133 Genova (Italy) Tel: 0039
329 0619269 E-mail: giorgio.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Greens and the Enlargements of EC/EU, 1973-2004 (I
Verdi e gli allargamenti delle
Comunità europee e dell’Unione
europea, 1973-2004), in Ariane
Landuyt, Daniele Pasquinucci
(edited by), The Enlargements of
EEC/EU, 1961-2004, (Gli allargamenti della CEE/UE 1961-2004),
volume (tomo) II, Bologna, Il
Mulino, 2005, pp. 1099-1126,
Italian, Essay.; Alexander Langer,
‘Bridge Builder’ Among Peoples,
(Alexander Langer, “costruttore
di ponti” tra i popoli), in Corrado
Malandrino (edited by).
Research activities: The Role of
Political, Economic and Social
Forces in Front of The Beginning of Former European Communities – University of Genoa
– Ministry of Education, University and Research (Miur) 2004
(Il ruolo delle forze politiche,
economiche e sociali di fronte
all’avvio delle prime Comunità
europee, Università di Genova –
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’
Università e della Ricerca, Miur,
2004) From Genoa to Europe.
The European Vocation of
Ligurian Economic Circles in
Post-World War II, University of
Genoa, 2002 (Da Genova all’
Europa. La vocazione europea
degli ambienti economici della
Liguria nel secondo dopoguerra,
Università di Genova, 2002).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 3.0 / 4.7 /
4.19 / 7.1
GRINDHEIM, Jan Erik (Mr)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/dan/
Work address: Agder University College-School of Management-Political Science and Management-Service Box 422, 4604
Kristiansand Tel: + 47 38 14 10
97 Fax: + 47 38 14 10 61
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
E-mail: jan.e.grindheim@hia.no
Url: www.hia.no/oksam/europa
Publications in European Affairs:
2001: «Four Books and a Union»,
Contemporary Politics, 1/2001;
2004: “The European Constitution from a Citizen Perspective”.
In Krassimir Nikolov (ed.).
Courses on European Integration: ST 401 History, Institutions
and Politics of European Integration (Postgraduate); ST 402 Current Issues in the European
Union (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
SamPol 215 EU Institutions and
Politics (Department of Comparative Politics, University of
Bergen) (Undergraduate) EUR
101 Introdction to European History and Politics (in Norwegian
in Department of Comparative
Politics/Department of History,
University of Bergen) (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 4.3 / 4.9
GROPAS, Rubini (Dr.)
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1974
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/gre/fre/
Work address: Hellenic Foundation For European And Foreign Policy (Eliamep), 49, Vas.
Sofias Avenue, 106 76 Athens,
Greece Tel: +302107257110
Fax: +302107257114 E-mail:
ruby@eliamep.gr Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Gropas R., “Human rights, human security and the EU Security Strategy”, in Special Report
on Human Security, Institute for
Development and Peace (INEF),
University of Duisberg-Essen,
January 2006; Gropas R., “Functional Borders, Sustainable Security and EU-Balkan relations”,
Journal on South East Europe
and Black Sea Studies, Frank
Cass, London, Vol.4, No.1,
January 2004.
Research activities: Assistant
Scientific Coordinator, IBEU
project “Functional Borders and
Sustainable Security: Integrating
the Balkans in the European
Union” funded by the European
Commission, DG Research (FP5)
– (2002-2005); Researcher,
POLITIS project “Building Europe with new citizens” funded
by European Commission, DG
Research (FP6) – (2004-2007);
Researcher, EU-CONSENT Network of Excellence (2005-2009).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
institutions and EU integration
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.15 / 5.0 / 6.0
Alphabetical List
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: f
Spoken languages: por/ger/eng/
Work address: Lisbon-Law –
Alameda da Universidade – 1649
– 014 – Lisbon, Portugal Tel:
00351217984600 Fax: 00351
217950303 E-mail: a.martins@
mail.fd.ul.pt Url: http://www.fd.
Publications in European Affairs:
A natureza jurídica da revisão
do Tratado da União Europeia,
Lisboa, 2000.; O projecto de
Constituição Europeia – contributo para o debate sobre o futuro da Europa, Coimbra, 2004.;
Vers une Constitution post-nationale – fédérale, confédérale ou
vraiment sui generis?, Revue
Européenne de Droit Public,
2004, p. 39 ss.
Research activities: European
Constitutional Law Network –
European Constitution.
Courses on European Integration: Course on European Integration (Postgraduate); Master in
European Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.3 / 6.0
GUIMARÃES, Maria Helena (Prof.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Universidade do
Minho – Escola de Economia e
Gestão – Departamento de Economia – Largo do Paço 4704553 Tel.: 00 351 253 604544
Fax.: 00 351 253 676376
Publications in European Affairs:
Guimarães, Maria Helena e
Messias de Sá Pinto. 2005 O
Mercosul e a Alca: os interesses
(irre)conciliáveis da União
Europeia e dos EUA. Revista
Brasileira de Política Internacional. Ano 48, n.º 1, pg. 129-150;
Guimarães, Maria Helena. 1998.
A Explicação Institucionalista
Neoliberal do Regulamento sobre
Entraves ao Comércio. Temas de
Integração, Vol. 3, no. 5, pp.
225-234; Guimarães, Maria
Helena e Ana Paula Faria. 2005.
Non-Tariff Measures in intra-EU
trade: sectoral and country incidence. Working Paper, Vèmes
Jounées Internationales d’Études
Jean Monnet, Université de
Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV,
Courses on European Integration: European Economics
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
(graduate); EU Trade Relations
(graduate); European Economic
Integration and Negotiation (undergraduate); European Economic Policies (undergraduate)
Research activities: Free movement of goods in the Internal
Market; EU trade relations
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.5 / 7.2
HALL, Colin Michael (Prof. Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Position: Head of Department
Spoken languages: eng/swe/
Bahasa Indonesia
Work address: University of
Otago-School of Business-Department of Tourism-PO Box 56,
Dunedin, New Zealand Tel: 64 3
479 8520 Fax: 64 3 479 9034
E-mail: cmhall@business.otago.
ac.nz Url: www.business.otago.
Publications in European Affairs:
Hall, C.M. & Müller, D. (eds)
2004, Tourism, Mobility and
Second Homes: Between Elite
Landscape and Common Ground,
Channelview Publications, Clevedon, 304pp ISBN 1-873150-81-4
(Hbk) 1-873150-80-6 (Pbk) 1873150-82-2 (Elect.); Hall, C.M.
& Boyd, S. (eds) 2005, Naturebased Tourism in Peripheral
Areas: Development or Disaster,
Channelview Publications, Clevedon. 281pp ISBN 1-84541001-7 (Hbk) 1-84541-000-9
(Pbk) 1-84541-002-5 (Ebk.);
Hall, C.M. & Mitchell, R. 2000,
‘Wine Tourism in the Mediterranean: A tool for restructuring
and development’, Thunderbird
International Business Review
(Special Issue on Mediterranean
Tourism in the Global Economy:
Transition and Restructuring),
42(4): 445-465.
Research activities: tourism and
migration; tourism and regional
development in peripheral regions; sustainable tourism in
northern latitudes; lake tourism.
Courses on European Integration: TOUR 420/421 Special
Topic: Tourism in the European
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.7 /
4.9 / 5.0
HALMAI, Péter (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Position: Director of institute
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/hun/
Work address: Szent IstvánEconomic and Social SciencesInstitute of European Studies-H1143 Budapest, Ida u. 2. Tel: 36
1 462 2066 Fax: 36 1 462 2055
Alphabetical List
E-mail: phalmai@vti.szie.hu Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Agricultural System of European
Integration (2002) Mezogazda
Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 345; Possible Impacts of the CAP on
Hungarian Agricultural Competitiveness, Integration of the
Baltic Sea Countries to the Common Agricultural Policy of the
EU (2002) Wissenschaftsverlag
Vauk Kiel KG pp. 63-73;
Economy of the reform (2004)
KJK-Kerszöv, Budapest, pp. 310.
Courses on European Integration: The Common Agricultural
Policy (Postgraduate) Economics
of European Union I-II. Agricultural System of European Union
I-II. (Undergraduate); Intitutional
System of European Union (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economics of European Integration
(Undergraduate); Common Agricultural Policy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.7 / 4.2 / 4.5 / 7.0
HARMSEN, Robert (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/dut
Work address: Queen’S University-Arts, Humanities and Social
Sciences-Politics, International
Studies and Philosophy-School
of Politics, International Studies
and Philosophy, Queen’s University, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland Tel: +44 (0)28
90973991 Fax: +44 (0)28 9023
5373 E-mail: r.harmsen@qub.
ac.uk Url: http://www.qub.ac.uk/
Publications in European Affairs:
‘L’Europe et les partis politiques
nationaux: Les leçons d’un
«non-clivage»’, Revue internationale de politique comparée,
vol. 12 no. 1 (2005), pp. 77-94.;
Euroscepticism: Party Politics,
National Identity and European
Integration, European Studies
no. 20 (Amsterdam/New York:
Editions Rodopi, 2004/ pbk.
2005), 290 pp. Co-edited with
Menno Spiering; ‘The European
Convention on Human Rights after Enlargement’, The International Journal of Human Rights
vol. 5 no. 4 (Winter 2001), pp.
Courses on European Integration: Contemporary European
Politics (Undergraduate); Domestic Politics and European
Integration (Undergraduate); Approaches to European Integration and Public Policy (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Regular contributor to the DEA/
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
HARVEY, Matt (Dr.)
Country: Australia
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Position: Professor
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Monash University-Faculty of Law, Monash
University, Victoria, Australia
3800 Tel: +613 99053318 Fax:
+613 99055305 E-mail: matt.
harvey@law.monash.edu.au Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Australia and the EU: Some
Similar Constitutional Dilemmas
(2001) 6 Deakin Law Review.
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to European
Union Law (Undergraduate) European Union Law (Postgraduate) Comparative European Legal
Systems (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.1.5 / 2.2 /
2.3 / 6.1
and Research Centre – University of Malta, Msida, Malta Tel:
(00356) 23402118 E-mail: mark.
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Interest Groups and the EU Decision-Making System: How the
Constitution will Affect Maltese
Interest Groups Targeting Brussels’ in The Constitution for Europe: An Evaluation, Peter
Xuereb (ed.). University of
Malta, Malta. 2005; ‘Malta’ in
The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, Juliet Lodge
(ed.). Palgrave, UK. 2005; ‘The
EU’s Fight Against Terrorism:
Disappointment Thus Far? Prospects for the Future?’. The Jean
Monnet Seminar Series, Malta
European Studies Association
(EDRC). 2004.
Research activities: Member of
the horizontal group of the Civil
Society Project of the EDRC.
Courses on European Integration: Bachelor in European Studies (Undergraduate) MA in European Studies (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 3.0 / 3.2 / 5.8
HARWOOD, Mark Anthony (Mr)
Country: Malta
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/mlt
Work address: University of
Malta-European Documentation
HE, Zhipeng (Prof. Dr.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1974
Sex: m
Position: Co-dean of International Department
Spoken languages: eng/chinese
Master European programmes of
the Institut d’Etudes Politiques
de Strasbourg (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.0 / 6.0 / 6.1 / 7.0
Alphabetical List
Work address: Jilin UniversityLaw School-International LawLaw School, Jilin University,
2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun,
130012, P. R. China Tel: +86431-5103543 Fax: +86-431-51
66061 E-mail: hezp@jlu.edu.cn
Url: http://www.law-jlu.com.cn/
(law school)
Publications in European Affairs:
Jacobs and White, The European
Convention on Human Rights
(Original language: English,
published by Oxford University
Press, translated into Chinese),
Peking University Press, 2006;
EC Legislation(Original language: English, compiled by
Prof. Nigel Foster, published by
Oxford University Press, translated into Chinese), Peking University Press, 2006; EU Environment Policy and State Sovereinty, Chinese, essay.
Research activities: EU Integration and International Rule of
Courses on European Integration: European Union Law
(Postgraduate); International Human Rights Law (including European Human Rights Law).
Subject fields: 2.4 / 4.7
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1976
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: University of
Portsmouth-Humanities and Social Sciences-School of Social,
Historical and Literary StudiesMilldam, Burnaby Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 3AS
Tel: 02392 842285 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Heard-Lauréote, K. (2005),
Transnational networks: Informal governance in the European
political space. In W. Kaiser and
P. Starie (Eds.); Transnational
European Union: Towards a
Common Political Space? London: Routledge.
Courses on European Integration: EU institutions, laws and
theories (Postgraduate); Governing Europe (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.2 / 6.0 / 7.0
HEINEMANN, Friedrich (Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Zentrum Für
Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
(Zew) – Corporate Taxation and
Public Finance-ZEW, L 7,1, 68161
Mannheim, Germany Tel: + 49
621 1235 149 Fax: + 49 621
1235 223 E-mail: heinemann@
zew.de Url: www.zew.de
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
Heinemann, Friedrich and Felix
Hüfner, 2004, Is the View from
the Eurotower Purely European? National Divergence and
ECB Interest Rate Policy, in:
Scottish Journal of Political
Economy, 51 (4), 544-557; Heinemann, Friedrich, 2004, A
Single European Market in Asset
Management – Vision and Reality, World Economics, 5 (1),
133-158.; Heinemann, Friedrich,
2003, The Political Economy of
EU Enlargement and the Treaty
of Nice, European Journal of Political Economy, 19, 17-31.
Research activities: EU Network of Excellence.
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to European
Integration (Undergraduate); The
Economics of the European
Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.1 / 6.0
HEINEN, Armin (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Position: Director of European
Studies Program, RWTH Aachen.
Spoken languages: ger/eng/rum
Work address: Rwth AachenPhilosophische Fakultät-HistoryProf. Dr. Armin Heinen, Historisches Institut der RWTH Aachen,
Kopernikusstr. 16, 52056 Aachen
Tel: 49-241-80-2-6036 Fax:
49-241-80-22-357 E-mail: armin.
Url: http://www.mes.rwth-aachen.de
Courses on European Integration: Die neueren Kulturwissenschaften und das Thema Europa.
Eine Einführung in Fragestellung,
Methoden und Herangehensweisen der Geisteswissenschaften
(Postgraduate); Europadiskurs
und Europäische Integration als
Bausteine einer Geschichte
Europas im 20. Jahrhundert
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.3
HERMAN, Lior (Mr)
Country: Israel
Year of birth: 1975
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/hebrew
Work address: Hebrew University-Social Sciences-European
Institute-8 Habanai St. Beit
Hakerem, Jerusalem 96264, Israel
E-mail: l.e.herman@lse.ac. uk
Publications in European Affairs:
‘An Action Plan or a plan for action?’, forthcoming in Journal of
Mediterranean Politics; ‘Two for
Tango? European Union, Trade
in Services and Israel’, Working
Paper, Jerusalem: The Institute
for European Studies at the Hebrew University, 2005; ‘The Negotiation Strategy of the EU at
the Doha Trade Round’, The Is-
Alphabetical List
raeli Tax Quarterly, Vol 120, pp.
17-29, 2003.
Research activities: FEMISE;
Courses on European Integration: European Integration and
Israel (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.5 / 5.0 / 5.2 / 5.8
HILF, Meinhard (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1938
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/spa
Work address: Bucerius Law
School-Law-European Law-Jungiusstrasse 6, D-20355 Hamburg
Tel: +49-40-30706158 Fax: +4940-30706146 E-mail: meinhard.
hilf@law-school.de Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
WTO Recht – Rechtsordnung des
Welthandels – 2005; Das Recht
der Europäischen Union, Grabitz/
Hilf, Kommentar – 2005/6; How
can parliamentary participation
in WTO rule-making and democratic control be made more
effective? 2005.
Research activities: Constitutional Issues of the European
Union Implementation of WTO
LAW and Dispute Settlement
National Constitutions and International Economic Organization.
Courses on European Integration: EU-Recht I (Vertiefung):
Institutionelles Recht nach Nizza
unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verfassungsvertrages
2004 (Undergraduate); Konstitutionalisierungstendenzen im europäischen und internationalem
Recht (Undergraduate); Kolloquium zu aktueller Rechtsprechung von EUG und EuGH (Undergraduate); Deutschland.EG/
EU.WTO/EMRK Grundsatzfragen der Verzahnung von Rechtsordnungen (Undergraduate).
HILSON, Chris (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Reading-Economic and Social
Sciences-Law-The University of
Reading, Foxhill House, rm.
2.02, Whiteknights Road, Earley,
Reading RG6 7BA, United
Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 118 3787501 Fax: +44 (0) 118 378-4543
E-mail: c.j.hilson@reading.ac.uk
Url: www.reading.ac.uk/law
Publications in European Affairs:
“New social movements: the role
of legal opportunity” (2002) 9
Journal of European Public
Policy 238-255; “Greening Citizenship: Boundaries of Membership and the Environment” (2001)
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
13 Journal of Environmental
Law 335-348; Regulating Pollution: A UK and EC Perspective
(Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2000).
Research activities: ‘Strategies
of Civic Inclusion in Pan-European Civil Society’ (L213 25
2022), UK ESRC ‘One Europe
or Several?’ Programme.
Courses on European Integration: Foundations of EU Law
(Undergraduate); EU Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.3 / 4.7 / 4.15
HITI, Hajnalka (Mr)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: f
Position: EU expert, Ph.D candidate
Spoken languages: eng/hun
Work address: University of
Pécs-Faculty of Art – 28, Poprádi
street, Székesfehérvár, H-8000,
Hungary Tel: 36-22-500 534
E-mail: hitihajnalka@freemail.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
Road to European Integration
(Opportunities of twinning-towns
for relationships in European Integration) Hugarian.
Research activities: Employment Pacts; Opportunities for enable workpower.
Courses on European Integration: Europe expert (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.0 / 3.2 / 3.4 /
4.1.1 / 4.17
HOADLEY, Stephen (Prof.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1937
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre
Work address: University of
Auckland, New Zealand-ArtsPolitical Studies-Department of
Political Studies,The University
of Auckland, Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand Tel: 64
9 3737599 Fax: 64 9 3737f449
E-mail: s.hoadley@auckland.ac.nz
Url: www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/pol
Publications in European Affairs:
Counter-Terrorism Policies of
the European Union’ (chapter,
2005); European Defence Policy:
A Political Analysis’ (article,
2005); European Foreign Policy:
The Impact of Enlargement’ (article, 2005).
Research activities: Associate
of National Centre for European
Research at Canterbury University; Member of Auckland University Working Party on European Union Studies.
Courses on European Integration: The European Union (Undergraduate); Comparative Foreign Policies: USA and Europe
Subject fields: 4.5 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
4.21 / 5.0
Alphabetical List
HOBE, Stephan (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Position: Director
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Cologne-LawInternational
Law-AlbertusMagnus-Platz, D-50923 Koeln,
Germany Tel: 0049 221 470
2337 Fax: 0049 221 470 4968
stephan.hobe@unikoeln.de Url: www.uni-koeln.de/
Publications in European Affairs:
Europarecht, 320 pages, 2nd ed.
2004, textbook; Eine europäische
Verfassung – wünschbar oder
überflüssig?, 50 pages, 2004.
Courses on European Integration: Basic Cours in European
Law (Undergraduate); Advanced
European Law (Undergraduate);
Seminar in Europpean Law and
Politics (Simulation Game or
Moot Court) (Undergraduate);
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.3 /
4.15 / 6.1
HOEL, Alf Håkon (Prof.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/norwegian
Work address: University of
Tromsø-Social Sciences-Political
Science-Dept of Political Science,
University of Tromsø, 9037
Tromsø, Norway Tel: 47 7764
Publications in European Affairs:
Fremdeles ikke en fisk å gi?
Norge, EU og fiskeriforvaltningen. P Christiansen og A H
Hoel; Rapport SF 01/2005,
Norut Samfunnsforskning.
Research activities: International Ocean Governance.
Courses on European Integration: Den europeiske union:
institusjoner og politikk (stv
2003) (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.2 / 4.7 / 5.3
H OFMANN , Herwig C.H. (Prof.
Country: Luxembourg
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Université Du
Luxembourg-Law-Law-162a, av
de la Faïencerie, L-1511 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Tel: +352
466644 6616 Fax: +352 466644
6230 E-mail: herwig.hofmann@
uni.lu Url: www.uni.lu
Research activities: EU Administrative Governance.
Courses on European Integration: LL.B.: EU I, EU II (Undergraduate); LL.M. in European
Law (Postgraduate); LL.M. in
European Law, specialisation
European Litigation (Postgradu-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ate); LL.M. in European Law,
specialisation European Criminal
Law (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Administrative Law and Governance, School of Governance,
Berlin (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1.9 / 4.0 /
4.5 / 6.1
HOLLAND, Martin (Prof. Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: University of
Canterbury – National Centre for
Research on Europe-Private Bag
4800, Christchurch, New Zealand
Tel: +64 33642586 Fax: +64
33642 634 E-mail: martin.holland
@canterbury.ac.nz Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Union and the
Third World (Book – Palgrave/
Macmillan, London, 2003);
Common Foreign and Security
Policy: the first ten years (Ed.)
(Book – Continuum, 2005); The
EU Through the Eyes of the
Asia-Pacific (co-ed) (Book,
NCRE Research Series).
Research activities: NESCA –
Network of European Studies
centres in Asia ESIA – European
Studies in Asia EUSANZ – European Union Studies Association
of New Zealand ECSA-World.
Courses on European Integration: EU as an International
Actor (Postgraduate); European
Integration (Undergraduate); United States of Europe: policies and
policy-making (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
CFSP (Postgraduate); EU and the
Member States (Postgraduate);
Introduction to European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.5 / 4.19 / 5.0 /
HOLM, Hans-Henrik (Prof.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: m
Position: Head of Department
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/dan/
Work address: Aarhus-Journalism-Danish School of Journalism-Olof Palmes All11, 8200
Aarhus N, Denmark Tel: 89440
440 E-mail: hhh@djh.dk Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Danish Foreign Policy yearbook
2002; Meget større end du tror,
Ajour 2004; Humanitarian Affairs, 2003.
Alphabetical List
Research activities: Failed
States project. Globalization
Courses on European Integration: Reporting Change (Postgraduate); World Politics (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.19 / 5.0
tegration”; “The Evolution and
Development of the Relationship
between Asia and Europe in the
Modern Age”.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration Studies (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 5.0 / 5.11 / 7.0
HONGWEI, Cui (Prof.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/chinese
Work address: Shanghai Academy of Social Science – Institute
of Eurasian Studies-622/7, Huaihai
Zhong Lu, Shanghai 200020
China Tel: (86-21) 530606062469 E-mail: chw@sass.org.cn
Publications in European Affairs:
The End of Formal Alliance
between Europe and US and
That’s Impact on China, Journal
of Social Sciences, No.9, 2005.
SASS, Shanghai; “EU Asia Strategy in the 21st Century and The
Role of China”, World Economy, No.7, 2003. SASS, Shanghai; “Strategy Choice and Policy
Adjustment: Process of Joining
EU in the Central and Eastern
European Countries”, Russian,
Eastern European and Middle
Asian Studies, No.2, 2002.
CASS, Beijing.
Research activities: “EU Model:
New Perception on European In-
HORGA, Ioan (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Romania
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: m
Position: Directeur Departement
Relations Internationales
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng/rum
Work address: Université
D’Oradea-Histoire-GéographieRelations Internationales. Etudes
Européennes-1, rue Universitatii,
410087 – Oradea, Romania
Tel: +40-259-467.642 Fax: +40259-467.642 E-mail: ihorga@
uoradea.ro Url: www.uoradea.ro;
Research activities: Institut
d’Etudes Eurorégionales – Pôle
Jean Monnet; Efficacité des
structures régionales et eurorégionales dans la région de la
nouvelle frontière de l’UE.
Courses on European Integration: Construction européenne
(Undergraduate); Institutions européennes; Integration européenne
(Undergraduate); Politiques eurorégionales.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Politiques régionales européennes (Postgraduate); La Roumanie et l’Union Européenne
(Postgraduate); Identité européenne versus identité nationale
(Postgraduate); L’espace de
voisinage de l’Union Européenne à l’est (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.9 / 4.13 /
5.2 / 6.2
HORVATH, Zsuzsanna (Prof.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: f
Position: Associate professor
Spoken languages: eng/hun
Work address: University of
Pécs-Law-Public International
and European Law-48-as tér 1
Pécs Hungary H-7622 Tel: 3672-501-599 / 3233 (ext.) Fax:
36-72-501-599 / 3237 (ext.)
E-mail: horvath@ajk.pte.hu Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
European Environmental Law,
I-IV. Chapters, pp. 1-234. Economic and Law Publisher (Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadó),
Budapest, 1999, (3rd. rev. ed.
2004) – Implementation of Environmental Law of the European
Community: Duties of the Member
States, European Law (Európai
Jog), vol.2, No.3, pp. 26-34,
Budapest, 2002 - Tasks of Local
and Regional Governments in
Implementing Community Law,
in: “Our County is in Europe”
Conference Proceedings of the
Baranya County Government,
pp. 63-78, Pécs, 2005.
Research activities: Jean Monnet
Project, development of a compulsory course titled.
Courses on European Integration: Public European Law (Undergraduate); Environmental Policy
and Law of the European Union
(Undergraduate); Agricultural
Policy and Law of the European
Union (Undergraduate); Legislation and Implementation in the
European Community (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.5 / 2.5.1 /
4.2 / 4.7
HRBEK, Rudolf (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1938
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Tübingen-Faculty of Social and Behavioural
Sciences-Political Science-Melanchthonstrasse 36, D-72074 Tübingen Tel: 0049-(0)7071-2976
136 Fax: 0049-(0)7071-292417
rudolf.hrbek@unituebingen.de Url: http://www.
Alphabetical List
Research activities: Emergence
and Development of a European
Party System. Territorial Entities
at Subnational Level in the EU
Courses on European Integration: European Integration and
the EU (Undergraduate); Comparative Analysis of Political
Systems of the EU Member
States (Undergraduate); The
Constitutionalization of the EU
(Postgraduate); Decision-making
and Governance in the EU System (Postgraduate);
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Political Parties and European Politics (Postgraduate); Federalism,
Regionalism and the Principle of
Subsidiarity (Postgraduate); The
Territorial Structure of EU Member States and its Implications
for EU Governance (Postgraduate); Lobbying in the EU (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.5.1 /
3.0 / 3.1
HU, Ronghua (Prof.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: f
Spoken languages: fre/eng/chinese
Work address: Fudan University-School of Economics-the
Center for European StudiesHandan Rd., 220, Shanghai,
200433, China Tel: 0086-21-65
642668 Fax: 0086-21-65646456
E-mail: rhhu@fudan.edu.cn Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
The Prospects and Problems
Faced by the Development of
Europe, in Chinese, treatise; European Union moving forward
to the New Century, in Chinese,
treatise; The Dual Impact of Expansion on EU & the Countries
of Eastern, Central Europe –
Analysis on Expectation Differences, in Chinese, paper
Research activities: Studies on
European Economic Integration
Evolution; Studies on EU Professional Education and Training;
Studies on Sino- EU Relations.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Tariff Barriers and the Customs
Union, The Single Market, Services Market Integration, Rigional
Policy, Monetary Union) (Postgraduate); Brife Introduction on
EU Integration Evolution (Undergraduate);
Courses on European Integration outside the university: International Economic Cooperation (Undergraduate); International Economics (Undergraduate);
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.0 / 4.1 /
4.5 / 4.9
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
HUMMER, Waldemar (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/spa/fre/
Work address: Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck-Law
Faculty-European Law and International Public Law-Innrain 52,
A-6020 Innsbruck Tel: +43/512/
507-8300 Fax: +43/512/507-2824
E-mail: waldemar.hummer@uibk.
ac.at Url: http://www2.uibk.ac.at/
Publications in European Affairs:
Schweitzer, M. – Hummer, W.
Europarecht. Das Recht der EU
– Das Recht der Europäischen
Gemeinschaften (EGKS, EG,
EAG) – mit Schwerpunkt EG,
5th edition 1996, 631 pages.;
Hummer, W. (ed.) Paradigmenwechsel im Europarecht zur
Jahrtausendwende, Ansichten
österreichischer Integrationsexperten zu aktuellen Problemlagen, Springer Verlag 2004,
541 pages.; Hummer, W. –
Vedder, C. Europarecht in
Fällen. Die Rechtsprechung des
EuGH, des EuG und deutscher
und österreichischer Gerichte,
Nommos Verlag, 791 pages.
Research activities: From Interinstitutional Agreements to Interinstitutional Agencies, pp. 11-101,
Puntscher-Riekmann, S. (ed.)
Courses on European Integration: (Postgraduate) Law of the
European Communities; (instituional law and substantive law)
(Postgraduate); Special Course
on the law of the second (CFSP,
CESDP) and third (PJCCM) pillar of the EU (Postgraduate);
Course for doctoral students
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Post
Graduate Course (3 and 5 semesters) of university character
on the law of the European
Union, graduation degree (Postgraduate); Summer School on
European Integration, course
with university character during
the European Forum Alpbach, in
Alpbach, province of Tyrol, duration 3 weeks (Postgraduate);
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 /
6.0 / 7.0
INNA, Dovladbekova (Prof.)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: f
Position: Head of department
Spoken languages: lav/eng/
Work address: Riga Stradins
University-Faculty of European
Studies-Department of Regional
Economics and Business-Dzirciema street 16, Riga, LV-1007,
Alphabetical List
Latvia Tel: (+371) 7409184 Fax:
Courses on European Integration: European Monetory System (Undergraduate); European
Economic Integration (Undergraduate); International Financial
Management (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: International Finances (Postgraduate); International Investments
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 2.7 / 4.1.2
/ 4.1.3
ISACK, Hubert (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: m
Position: Institute for European
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: Karl-FranzensUniversity of Graz-Faculty of
Law-Institute for European LawUniversitätsstraße 15/C1, A8010 Graz Tel: +433163803630
Fax: +433163809470 E-mail:
hubert.isak@uni-graz.at Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
Wie weiter mit dem Vertrag über
eine Verfassung für Europa?
Plädoyer für einen pragmatischen Problemzugang, German,
paper; Die Binnenverwirklichung
von Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der erweiterten
Europäischen Union, Beitrag
zur Jahrestagung 2004 des
Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration in Berlin zum Thema
“Die Rolle der erweiterten
Europäischen Union in der
Welt” (erscheint voraussichtlich
Ende 2005/Anfang 2006), German, paper.
Courses on European Integration: Völker- und Europarecht in
Fällen (Undergraduate); Aktuelle
Fragen des Europa- und Völkerrechts: Internationale Gemeinschaft und Westlicher Balkan
(Undergraduate); Introduction to
the institutional and substantive
law of the EU (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Institutional Law of the European
Union, Diplomatic Academy
Vienna (Postgraduate); International an EU Business Law, IMC
(Postgraduate); External Action
of the European Union, Diplomatic Academy Vienna (Postgraduate); Völkerrechtliche Verträge der EU mit Drittstaaten,
University of Krems (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.1.1 / 2.1.5
/ 2.2
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ITTA, Emanuele (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng
Work address: Lecce-Economia
– Corso Belgio 71 A, 10153
Torino Tel: 011 887421 Fax:
011 887421 E-mail: e.itta@
Publications in European Affairs:
G8, Beni Pubblici Globali e
Unione Europea – it; Gli Aspetti
Economici nel Trattato di Costituzione Europea – it; Allargamento e Competitivita’ – it.
Research activities: Aspetti
economici nella Convenzione e
nella Costituzione Europea la
Strategia di Lisbona e le Prospettive Finanziarie 2007-2013.
Courses on European Integration: Economia Europea (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.1.2 / 4.4
/ 5.0
IVAN, Nachev (Dr.)
Country: Bulgaria
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: m
Position: MA Program in European Integration Director
Spoken languages: eng/russian
Work address: New Bulgarian
University-Graduate School-Political Sciences-1618 Sofia, 21
Montevideo Str. Tel: 00359 2 81
10 601 Fax: 00359 2 8110 592
E-mail: ivannachevbg@abv.bg
Url: www.nbu.bg
Publications in European Affairs:
Men with Untraditional Jobs in
Bulgaria. (in Bulgarian), Bulgaria: Ministry of Labour and
Social Policy(2005); Les Elites
Bulgares. La mondizlisation et
les nouvelles limites du politique.
(in French)Sofia (2004); The political challenges facing the integration of Bulgaria into the European Union. (in English)
Papeles del Este Universidad
Complutense Madrid (2004).
Research activities: 2005-2006:
Team Europe Bulgaria (BUL.
232.7001); 2004-2005: When
this is a man(VS/2004/0283);
2004: From the Balcans to the
Baltics: Reinventing Central –
European Cooperation; 2004:
Courses on European Integration: European Political Integration Theory after the 1990s (Undergraduate); The European
Union: Theory and Practice of
European Integration (Undergraduate); The European Union:
Place and Role in The World
Politics (Undergraduate); Bulgaria in European Union (Undergraduate).
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Political Integration
Theory after the 1990s (Undergraduate); European Union and
the Rest World – Common Foreign Policy (Undergraduate); European Civilization (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.22 / 5.0 / 6.0 /
IVANOV, Kalin (Mr)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1978
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: University of
Oxford – Department of Politics
and International Relations-St
Cross College, St Giles, Oxford
OX1 3LZ, UK Tel: 44 7920
121973 Fax: 44 1865 278484
E-mail: kalin.ivanov@politics.
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Rethinking EU Enlargement
and Democracy’ in Julia M.
White (ed.)Redefining Europe:
Federalism & the Union of European Democracies (Oxford:
Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2004),
pp. 17-25; ‘Prezident na Evropeiskia suiuz?’ Evropa Bulletin 5,
2002, pp. 4-6.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 3.3 / 4.0 /
JACOBSEN, Hanns-D. (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Studienforum
Berlin E.V. – Political Science/
12159 Berlin-Friedenau, Germany Tel: +49 30 85999414
Fax: 49 30 85999419 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
(w. T. Meyer) Ever Closer Monetary Union? – Euro Adoption in
Central Europe, in: Welttrends #
50 (2006); (w. H. Machowski)
Politische und wirtschaftliche
Sicherheit für Osteuropa – Thesen
zur Nachbarschaftspolitik der
Europäischen Union, in: Europäische Rundschau Nr. 4/2005
(with O. Pamp) Die EURO-Zone.
Das neue Kerneuropa?, in: J.
Franzke, Europa in der Denkpause. Wege aus der Verfassungskrise. Berlin 2006
Research activities: Ezoneplus
– The Eastward Enlargement of
the Eurozone (5th Framework
Project, cf. http://www.ezoneplus.
Courses on European Integration: United Germany in an Enlarging European Union (Undergraduate); European Business
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Environment (Undergraduate);
Transformation in Central and
Eastern Europe (Undergraduate);
The European Union and its
Eastward Enlargement (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.4 / 4.1 /
5.2 / 6.2
JAIN, Rajendra K (Prof. Dr.)
Country: India
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: f
Position: Director, Europe Area
Studies Programme
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: Jawaharlal Nehru
University-Professor-Centre for
European Studies-School of International Studies, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Mehrauli
Road, New Delhi-110067 Tel:
0091-11-2670 4331 Fax: 009111-4160 0037 E-mail: rkjain13
@gmail.com Url: http:www jnu.
Publications in European Affairs:
1. India and the European
Union in the 21st Century, New
Delhli: Radiant Publshers, 2002.
English, Book. 2. The European
Union in World Politics (editor)
(New Delhi: Radiant Publishers,
2006). (Book) 3. India, Europe
and South Asia (New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2006) (Book)
Research activities: EU-NESCA
project coordinated by the Institute of European Studies of
Courses on European Integration: Politics and Institutions of
the European Union (Postgraduate); The European Union in
World Politics (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.0 / 5.0 /
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: f
Position: Director of Economic
Sciences Department
Spoken languages: fre/eng/
Mickiewicz University Poznan; –
Law and Administration-Department of Economic Sciences-90,
Swiety Marcin str., 61-809 Poznan,
Poland Tel: (048) 0618294232,
061 8294293 Fax: (048) 06182
94100 E-mail: janton@amu.
Publications in European Affairs:
Regional Economic Integration,
Polish, Book ; Trade and Capital
Integration in the EU, Polish, paper in a book ; Financial Market
in the EU and the Globalization
of Finance
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration: European Economic Integration (Undergraduate) Economy and Finance of the EU (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.4 / 4.1.2
/ 4.9 / 5.3
JARLE, Trondal (Dr.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: m
Work address: Agder University-Economics and Social Sciences-Political Science-Servicebox 422, N-4604 Kristiansand,
Norway Tel: +47 38 14 15 61
Fax: +47 38 14 10 29 E-mail:
jarle.trondal@hia.no Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Trondal, J., M. Marcussen and F.
Veggeland (2005) ‘Re-discovering International Executive Institutions’, Comparative European
Politics, Vol. 3, No. 2: 232-258;
Larsson, T. and J. Trondal
(2005) ‘After Hierarchy? Domestic Executive Governance
and the Differentiated Impact of
the European Commission and
the Council of Ministers’, European Integration online Papers
(EIoP), Vol. 9, No. 14; Trondal,
J. (2006) ‘Governing at the
Frontier of the European Com-
mission. The case of seconded
national experts’, West European
Politics, Vol. 29 (forthcoming).
Research activities: DISC: Dynamics of International Executive Institutions; CONNEX: Connecting Excellence on European
Courses on European Integration: the European Union and
Domestic Public Administration
(Undergraduate); EU – Institutions and Politics (Undergraduate); Current Issues in the European Union (Undergraduate);
History, Institutions and policies
of European integration.
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.1 / 2.1.2 /
2.1.9 / 5.3
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/eng
Work address: University of
Alcalá-Law-Public Law-Area de
Derecho Internacional Público,
Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Alcalá, c/ Libreros, 19,
E-28801 Alcalá de Henares
(Madrid) Tel: +34 91 885 43 39
Fax: +34 91 885 43 14 E-mail:
carlos.jimenez@uah.es Url: http://
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Research activities: “Relations
Extérieures de l’Union européenne” (Expte. 98/0025); “Acción
Robert Schuman” (Expte. F/029/
98/ES); “L’ integration européenne. Cours de divulgation
dirigé aux non juristes” (Expte.
Courses on European Integration: Instituciones de Derecho
Comunitario. (Undergraduate);
Inmigración, extranjería y ciudadanía en la Unión Europea (Master on Human Rights Protection)
(Postgraduate); Derecho europeo
de minorías (Doctorate on European Union and Human Rights)
(Postgraduate); El estatuto de
ciudadanía y extranjería en la
Unión Europea (Doctorate)
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Derecho de la Unión Europea
(Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, Madrid) (Postgraduate); Fundamentos del
Derecho de la Integración (Maestría sobre Integración Regional,
UNAN-León, Nicaragua) (Postgraduate); Curso sobre Organizaciones Internacionales (Univ.
San Pablo-CEU, Madrid) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.2 / 4.15 /
JOERGESEN, Knud Erik (Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: dan/eng
Work address: University of
Aarhus-Social Sciences-Political
Science-Bartholins Allé, 8000
Aarhus C, Denmark Tel: 45894
21342 Fax: 4586139839 E-mail:
kej@ps.au.dk Url: www.ps.au.dk
Publications in European Affairs:
Handbook of EU Politics (London: Sage, forthcoming 2006)
(co-editor)The Social Construction of Europe (London: Sage,
2001) (co-editor) European Foreign Policy: theoretical essays
(forthcoming 2006).
Research activities: Garnet:
Global Governance, Regionlisation and regulation: the role of
the European Union (a 6th framework programme network of excellence); The EU in the World
(a joint research prohject funded
by the Danish Social Science Research Council).
Courses on European Integration: The Jean Monnet Course
(Postgraduate); The role of the
European Union in world politics; European Foreign Policy;
Theories of European Integration.
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Director of ECPR PhD Summer
School (2003).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
5.0 / 7.0
JONES, Erik (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: Johns Hopkins
University-SAIS Bologna Center-European Studies-via Belmeloro 11, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Tel: 390512917833 Fax: 39051
228505 E-mail: ejones@jhubc.it
Url: http://www.jhubc.it/facultypages/ejones
Publications in European Affairs:
Economic Adjustment and Political Transformation in Small
States (2006) – English – book;
Developments in European Politics (2006) – English – co-edited
book; The Political Economy of
European Integration: Theory
and Analysis (2005) – English –
co-edited book.
Research activities: Rethinking
European Economic Governance
– a Chatham House Research
Courses on European Integration: West European Political
Economies (Postgraduate); Politi-
cal Economy of Transition and
Enlargement (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
Political Economy of European
Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.1.2 / 5.4 /
JORGESEN, Jan Guldager (Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Position: Director of Studies in
Spoken languages: dan/eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Southern Denmark-Faculty of
Social Sciences-Department of
Business and Economics-Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M,
Denmark Tel: +45 6550 2151
E-mail: jgj@sam.sdu.dk Url:
Courses on European Integration: Economic Integration 1
(Postgraduate) Economic Integration 2 (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 4.1.6 / 4.4 / 4.5 /
JORIS, Tony (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Belgium
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: dut/eng/fre
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Work address: Vrije Universiteit Brussel-Law and Criminology-Centre for European LawPleinlaan, 2, B-1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 (02) 629 26 40 Fax:
+32 (0)2 629 12 59 E-mail:
tony.joris@vub.ac.be Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
T. J ORIS , “Staatssteun aan
Beaulieu-Kunststoffen. Het doek
is gevallen”, in Ceci n’est pas un
juriste... mais un ami. Liber
Amicorum Bart De Schutter,
Brussel, VUBPRESS, 2003, 167
(Belgian aid case) – in Dutch; T.
JORIS, “De impliciete goedkeuring van staatssteun”, T.B.P.,
2003, 480 (State aid deemed to
have been authorised by the European Commission) – in Dutch;
T. JORIS, Europese Basisteksten,
vierde geheel herziene uitgave,
Antwerpen, MAKLU, 2005, 934
p. (Basic European Texts) – in
Research activities: The European Community as a collective
member of the World Trade
Organisation. A legal analysis of
the internal institutional mechanisms on the basis of which the
European Community acts within
the World Trade Organisation.
Courses on European Integration: Case study on European
Law (Postgraduate); European
competition law on State aid
(Postgraduate). European Union
Law I; Selected problems of E.U.
law (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.4 / 4.6
JOSEPH, Joseph (Prof.)
Country: Cyprus
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: gre/eng/swe
Work address: University of
Cyprus-Social Sciences and Education-Social and Political Sciences-P.O. Box 20537, 1678
Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +35799453074 Fax: +357-22371911
E-mail: joseph@ucy.ac.cy
Research activities: – ERIC:
European Resources for Intercultural Communication – TRES:
Theology and Religious Studies
in European Societies. – Sustainable Development in the MEDA
Countries Following the 2004
EU Enlargement – Institutional
Framework for the Development
of Cyprus-EU Relatyions.
Courses on European Integration: European Foreign and Security Policy (Undergraduate);
Cyprus-EU Relations (Undergraduate); Common Policies of
the EU (Undergraduate); European Integration (Undergraduate).
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Political Aspects of Cyprus-EU Relations (Postgraduate); Common
Foreign and Security Policy
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.19 / 5.0 /
5.8 / 6.1
JÓZON, Mónika (Dr.)
Country: Romania
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ger/hun
Work address: Sapientia-Hungarian University of Transylvania-Business and HumanitiesBusiness Administration-Sapientia-Hungarian University of
Transylvania, Piata Liberatii 1,
Miercurea Ciuc, Romania Tel:
00 40 266 314657 Fax: 00 40 266
372 099 E-mail: jozonmonika@
sapientia.siculorum.ro Url: www.
emte.ro, www.sapientia.ro
Publications in European Affairs:
M.Józon, The Enlarged EU and
Mandatory Requirements, European Law Journal, vol. 11, no. 5,
September 2005, pp. 549-565;
The European Union and its
Neighbors, A Legal Appraisal of
the EU’s Policies of Stabilization, Partnership and Integration, eds. S. Blockmans and A.
Lazowski, Asser Press, ISBN 906704-20103, The Hague, to be
published in spring 2006, Coun-
try report on Romania.
Research activities: UACES
35th Annual and 10th Research
Conference, 3-5 September,
Zagreb – International Conference: Wider Europe, Institutions
and Transformation, 26-27 November 2005, Kyoto – Second
International Conference on ‘Elite
and Enlargement’, 13-15 May,
Bremen – Third International
Workshop for Young Researchers WISH, 24-25 September
2004, Aix en Provence – Legal
expert, prgramm and project
mamager in EU funded Phare
Projects: SAMTID, implemented
by Halcrow Cowi (FebruaryJune 2004) EU Phare RO 990501-01.
Courses on European Integration: EU Competition Law and
Romanian Competition Law
(comparative course) (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
competition policy (cources delivered for the School of High
Comparative European Studies,
Timisoara, 2002-2004) (Postgraduate); Romania and the
acquis communautiare (Enlargement studies) delivered during
2002-2004 for the School of
High Comparative European
Studies) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.6 / 4.8 / 6.2 / 7.0
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
KADDOUS, Christine (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: f
Position: Directrice du CEJE
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre/
Work address: Université De
Genève-Faculté de droit-Centre
d’études juridiques européennesCentre d’études juridiques européennes, Université de Genève,
Bd du Pont-d’Arve 40, CH-1211
Genève Tel: +41223798489 Fax:
+41 22 379 86 62 E-mail:
Url: www.ceje.ch
Publications in European Affairs:
Accords bilatéraux II entre la
Suisse et l’Union européenne et
autres accords récents, Collection
des Dossiers de droit européen,
Helbing & Lichtenhahn/Bruylant/
LGDJ (Genève/Bâle/Munich/
Bruxelles/Paris),2006, 1020 p.;
Le droit des relations extérieures
dans la jurisprudence de la Cour
de justice des Communautés
européennes, Dossier de droit
européen n.° 6, Helbing &
Bruxelles), 1998, 550 p.
Research activities: «Principes
fondamentaux de la Constitution
européenne», publication en
cours, à paraître en 2006. La
libre circulation des personnes et
des services, ouvrage à paraître
en 2006.
Courses on European Integration: Institutions et principes du
droit de l’Union européenne
(Undergraduate); Droit du marché
intérieur de l’Union européenne
(Postgraduate); European Law
Moot Court Competition; Concours en droit communautaire
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Droit et politique des relations
extérieures de l’Union européenne (Postgraduate); Droit du
marché commun: libre circulation des personnes et libertés
économiques (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.3 / 4.1 /
4.5 / 4.21
KADELBACH, Stefan (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: Frankfurt Am
Main-Law-Public Law-Johann
Wolfgang Goethe Universität,
Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft,
D-60054 Frankfurt am Main Tel:
++49 - 69 - 7982 8583 Fax: ++49
- 69 - 7982 8684 Url: www.jura.
Publications in European Affairs:
Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht
Alphabetical List
unter europäischem Einfluss
(1999), German, Book; (Ed.)
Europa und seine Verfassung
(2005), Mostly German, Collection of Essays in Honour of
Judge Manfred Zuleeg; Union
Citizenship, in: von Bogdandy/
Bast (eds.), Principles of European Constitutional Law (2006),
English, Handbook.
Courses on European Integration: European Law (General
Course) (Undergraduate); Advanced European Law: The Policies of the Union (Undergraduate); European Environmental
Law (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.0 / 2.1 /
2.1.5 / 2.2
KAELBLE, Hartmut (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1940
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/fre/eng
Work address: Humboldt University-Faculté des Lettres-historical department-Unter den
Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin Tel:
004930 20932236 Fax: 004930
20932797 E-mail: kaelbleh@
geschichte.hu-berlin.de Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Hg. The European Way, European societies in the 19th and
20th centuries, Berghahn Books
New York / Oxford 2004, 328
p.; Wege der Demokratie. Von
der Französischen Revolution
zur Europäischen Union, DVA
Stuttgart / München 2001, 232 p.
(French 2005, Spanish 2005);
zus. m. Günther Schmid, Hg.,
Das Europäische Sozialmodell.
Auf dem Weg zum transnationalen Sozialstaat, Berlin Sigma
2004 (WZB Jahrbuch 2004).
455 p.
Research activities: Direktor
des Berliner Kollegs für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas,
Sprecher des SFB.
Courses on European Integration: Vorlesung: Geschichte
Europas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert; Hauptseminar: Geschichte
der Medien in Europa, 19452000 (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Divergences et convergences des
sociètés européennes, Europa
Kolleg Brügge (Postgraduate);
European public sphere, University of Bologna (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 3.5 /
4.3 / 4.15
KAISER, Wolfram (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Work address: University of
Portsmouth-Faculty of Social
Sciences and Humanities-School
of Social, Historical and Literary
Studies-Milldam, Burnaby Road,
Portsmouth PO1 3AS, UK Tel:
0044 23 9284 2215 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
From state to society? The historiography of European integration. In Michelle Cini and
Angela Bourne (eds), Palgrave
Advances in European Union
Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave,
190-208; (ed. with Peter Starie)
Transnational European Union:
Towards a Common Political
Space, London: Routledge 2005;
(ed. with J. Elvert) European
Union Enlargement: A Comparative History, London: Routledge
Courses on European Integration: European Union History
Transnational European Union
since 1945 (Postgraduate); European Union External Relations
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Union History (Postgraduate) Political Actors in the
European Union (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 1.0 / 3.1 / 5.3 /
KAJI, Sahoko (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Keio-Economics/science économique – 2-1545 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 1088345, Japan Tel: +03-5427-1352
Fax: +03-5427-1578 E-mail:
Url: http://ocw.dmc.keio.ac.jp/instructor/kaji.html
Publications in European Affairs:
«The Economic Aspects of the
Fifth Enlargement of the EU-The
Stability and Growth Pact: Limitations and Implications, in
Japanese, Japan Society for EU
Studies, November 2005, pp.
174-196; «The euro, the enlarged EU and Asia», in English,
Asia Europe Journal, October
2004, pp. 399-414; «THe Economics of Exchange Rate Regimes – Euro, Asia and Japan»,
in Japanese, Nihon Keizai
Shimbun Publishing, 2004.
Research activities: Comment
on ‘The Political Vision behind a
Regional Currency’ by Nicolas
Jabko, conference held by centre
asie ifri-ASEF-De La Salle University, 7East Asia and Europe,
Experimenting with Region
Building’, October 2003; Session 3 ‘The Euro, the Enlarged
Alphabetical List
EU and Asia’, Tenth Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) University, May 2004; Chair, Lessons
of the European Union for AsiaPacific Session I, The 3rd Conference of European Union Studies Association – Asia Pacific
(EUSA-AP), December 2005.
Courses on European Integration: EU-Japan Economic Relations (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 4.0 / 5.1 / 7.2
KALLESTRUP, Morten (Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Position: Ministerial principal
Spoken languages: dan/eng
Work address: University of
Aalborg-Social science-Economics, Politics and Public Administration-Fibigerstrade 1, DK-9220
Aalborg Tel: +45 65302646
E-mail: kallestrup@mail.dk
Publications in European Affairs:
Kallestrup, Morten (2006). «The
EU as a Pawn in Domestic Politics. Beyond Europeanization as
the Explanatory Variable per
se». In review. 23 pp; Kallestrup,
Morten (2006). «Explaining EU
Impacts at the Domestic Level –
The Europeanization of Regulatory Policy in Denmark», forthcoming in Markus Haverland
and Ronald Holzhacker (Eds.).
European Research Reloaded:
Co-operation among Europeanized States. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers B. V. 23
pp.; Kallestrup, Morten (2005).
Europæisering af nationalstaten.
EU’s konsekvenser for dansk
reguleringspolitik og de nationale aktørers undervurderede
rolle. København: Jurist – og
Økonomforbundets Forlag. 382
Research activities: Europeanization of public policy and
Courses on European Integration: European Union Politics
(Undergraduate); Internationalization and Europeanization of
public policy and administration
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.6 /
4.8 / 7.0
KANDZIJA, Vinko (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Croatia
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng/slv/
Work address: University of
Rijeka-Faculty of Economics –
Ivana Filipovica 4, HR – 51000
Rijeka Tel: +385/51/355-111
Fax: +385/51/675-750 E-mail:
vinko.kandzija@efri.hr Url: http://
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
academic textbook: Kandzija, V.
(2003), Economic System of European Union, Economic Faculty of the University of Rijeka,
Rijeka, Croatia.
Research activities: Vinko
Kandzija is the President and
founder of CEDIMES Rijeka.
Institut CEDIMES – Centre d’
Etudes sur le Développement International et les Mouvements
Economiques et Sociaux (Centre
for Studies in International Development and Economic and
Social Movements – Institut
Courses on European Integration: System of Governance in
the European Union (Postgraduate); European Business System
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0
KANELLOPOULOS, Panayiotis (Prof.
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: gre/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Piraeus – of Business Administration-80 Karaoli & Dimitriou
Str, 18534 Piraeus, Greece Tel:
+210 414 2209 Fax: +210 414
2339 E-mail: pankan@unipi.gr
Url: http://www.unipi.gr
Publications in European Affairs:
The Law of the European Union
– The Treaty of Nice,in Greek,
Textbook; Annulment Action of
the European Community Acts,
in Greek, Monograph; NonContractual Liability of the European Community, in Greek
and English, Monogrhp.
Research activities: Introduction to the European Stadies
(Hellenic University Association
for European Studies); The legislative power of the European
Communit, (Hellenic Association for European Law).
Courses on European Integration: Judicial system of the European Community; The integrated european market; Judicial
system of the European Community; Competition Law.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Judicial system of the European
Community, Panteion University
(Postgraduate); Judicial system
of the European Community,
Panteion University (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.1 /
2.1.2 / 2.1.3
KANEV, Dobrin (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Bulgaria
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Alphabetical List
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: New Bulgarian
University-Graduate Faculty-Political Science-21, Montevideo
St., 1618 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel:
(3592) 9239245 Fax: (3592) 980
44 84 E-mail: dkanev@nbu.bg
Url: www.nbu.bg
Publications in European Affairs:
The Bulgarian Political System
in the Process of Europeanisation: The Case of Parties and
Party System, in: Europeanisation of South-Eastern Europe.
Domestic Impacts of the Accession Process. Ed. by Kabaalioglu,
H. et al. Istanbul: Marmara University Publications, 2005, pp.
53-68.; The European Union
from the outside: Lessons for a
future member state, in: Views
from the Outside: The European
Union between a Constitution
and Parliamentary Elections.
Sofia, BECSA, 2004, pp. 79-92;
The Future of Europe and the
Role of European Political Parties. In: The Construction of the
Enlarged European Union. Vol.
1. Sofia 2003, pp. 37-47.
Courses on European Integration: European Political Parties
and Interest Groups (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.3 / 3.0 / 3.1 /
KANTNER, Cathleen (Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng/ita/
Work address: Free University
Berlin-Dept. of Political and Social Sciences-Otto-Suhr-Institute
for Political Science-Dr. Cathleen
Kantner, Assistant Professor,
Free University of Berlin, OttoSuhr-Institute of Political Science, Center for European Integration, Ihnestr. 22, D-14195
Berlin, Germany Tel: +49 (30)
8385 2288 Fax: +49 (30) 8385
5049 E-mail: kantnerc@zedat.
fu-berlin.de Url: http://www.fuberlin.de/europa
Publications in European Affairs:
Kein modernes Babel. Kommunikative Voraussetzungen europaeischer Oeffentlichkeit, Wiesbaden: VS Sozialwissenschaften
(ed. 2004); Special Issue Europaeische Oeffentlichkeit. Initial
13 (5/6) ed. 2002 (with contributions by several authors); What is
a European Identity? The Emergence of a Shared Ethical SelfUnderstanding in the European
Union, EUI Working Papper
RSCAS N.º 2006/28, Florence:
European University Institute.
Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies (http://www.iue.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration: European Public Sphere
(Undergraduate); European Identity (Postgraduate) EU Policy of
the Member States (Undergraduate); The EU as Security Community (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Defence and Security
Policy (Postgraduate); European
Identity (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.3 / 3.5 /
4.19 / 4.20
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: m
Spoken languages: lav/eng/
Work address: Vidzeme University College – Political Science-Vidzeme University College, Terbatas 10, Valmiera, LV4200, Latvia Tel: (+371)4281238
Fax: (+371) 4207229 E-mail:
janis.kapustans@livas.lv Url:
Research activities: Director of
project? European Debates: Informing about Latvia?s Place in
the European Union?, Latvian
Institute of International Affairs,
Courses on European Integration: Institutions of the European
Union (Undergraduate); Euro-
pean Union Politics (Undergraduate); European Integration
and the Baltic States (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 6.2 / 7.2
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: f
Position: Research Director
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ita/fre/
Work address: European Institute-European
Monnet Chair-ul. Piotrkowska
262/264, 90-361 Lodz, Poland
Tel: (48) (42) 637 05 93 Fax:
(48) (42) 637 05 86 E-mail:
mkf@ie.lodz.pl Url: www.ie.
Publications in European Affairs:
European Dilemmas (Dylematy
unijne), ed. Maria KarasinskaFendler, in Polish, European Institute, Lodz 2005, book; Committees
(Komitety i Komitologia), ed.
Maria Karasinska-Fendler, in
Polish, European Institute, Lodz
2005, book; Convention on EU
Reform and Enlargement, ed.
Alphabetical List
Maria Karasinska-Fendler, in English, European Institute, Lodz
2004, book.
Research activities: Network of
Excellence: EU – CONSENT:
Wider Europe, Deeper Integration? Constructing Europe – Network (under VIth FP); ECSAJean Monnet Research Project:
The role of intercultural dialogue
for the development of a new
(plural, democratic)citizenship.
Courses on European Integration: Dynamics of European integration (Postgraduate); Widening and Deepening of the EU
(Postgraduate); EU in the Global
Knowledge Society (Postgraduate); EU integration in Services
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Widening and Deepening of the
EU (Postgraduate); EU Neighbourhood Policy: East and Mediterranean Area (Postgraduate);
EU External Relations (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 3.0 / 5.0 /
5.2 / 6.0
KAVESHNIKOV, Nikolay (Dr.)
Country: Romania
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Institute of Europe – Department of European
Integration Studies-Institute of
Europe, 11-3 “B” Mokhovaja
str., Moscow 101999 Russia Tel:
+7 (495) 692 20 15 Fax: +7 (495)
200 42 98 E-mail: nikandrrr@
mail.ru Url: www. ieras.ru
Publications in European Affairs:
Kaveshnikov N. (2006) Vlianie
rashirenia ES na protsess institutsionalnoy reformy (The impact of EU Enlargement on the
institutional reform) in Butorina
O. V., Borko Yu. A. (eds.) Raschirenie Evropeyskogo Soyuza i
Rossija, Moscow, Delovaja literature, 2006. P. 43-102 (in Russian); Kaveshnikov N. (2005)
Soyuza: neopoznanny politichesky ob’ekt priblijaetsia (Constitution of the European Union:
Unidentified Political Object Is
Approaching) in Kosmopolis,
n.° 4 (10), Winter 2004/2005. P.
33-52. (in Russian).
Research activities: Russian Image in the EU Member States; research project financed by the
Russian Humanitarian Science
Foundation (2006-2007); Russian elite awareness and perceptions of the EU – research project
financed by INTAS (2004-2006);
EU Enlargement and Interests of
Russia; research project financed
by the Russian Humanitarian
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Science Foundation (2002-2004);
European Parliament: Evolution
of Electoral Preferences (19791999) – research project financed
by the Russian Academy of Science (2000-2002).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
in the System of International
Relations (Moscow State Institute for International Relations)
(Undergraduate); Energy Policy
of the EU (Moscow State Institute for International Relations)
(Undergraduate); European Union:
Politics, Economy and Law
(Russian State University for Humanities) (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.12 / 5.7 / 6.0
Elzbieta (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: f
Position: Professor
Spoken languages: ger/eng/
Work address: Warsaw School
of Economics-of World Economy-Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration-02-554 Warszawa, Al. Niepodleglosci 164,
Poland Tel: 0 48 22 564 8632
Fax: 0 48 22 564 86 32 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
co-author of European Union (a
book in Polish), Instytut Koniunktur i Cen Handlu Zagranicznego,
Warszawa 2004.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (30
h) (Undergraduate); Poland in
European Union (30 h) (Undergraduate); EU COmmon Policies
(30 h, in English) (Undergraduate); effects of Poland’s membership in EU (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Integration (30 h) (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 4.5 /
5.0 / 6.2
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Position: Dean
Spoken languages: eng/spa
Work address: Kanda University of International StudiesFaculty of International StudiesDepartment of International
Communication-1-4-1 Wakaba,
Mihama-ku, Chiba, Japan 2610014 Tel: 81 43 273 2588 Fax:
81 36360140 E-mail: tokado@
amber.plala.or.jp Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Tokado, Kazuei & Hara Terushi,
Supeinno Keizai (Spanish economy), book in Japanese, Waseda
Alphabetical List
University, 1998; Kusunki, Tamames, Tokado and Fukazawa,
Supein gendaisi (Spanish Modern History), book in Japanese,
Taiseishoten, 1999; Bando, Tokad
and Ikari, Gendai Supein Joho
Handbook (Handbook on Spain),
book in Japanese, Sanshusha,
Courses on European Integration: European Politics and
Economy (Undergraduate); Special seminar on EU studies (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 4.1 / 5.9
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1977
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/spa/fre
Work address: University of
Cambridge-Faculty of Education
– 184 Hills Road, Cambridge,
CB2 2PQ E-mail: aak32@cam.
Publications in European Affairs:
Keating, A. (2006) ‘The European Dimension to the Sociology
of Education’ in British Journal
of Sociology of Education, Vol.
27, no. 2, April 2006
Subject fields: 1.3 / 4.15 / 4.17
KELEMEN, Csaba (Mr)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1977
Sex: m
Position: Officer for EU Integration
Spoken languages: eng/ger/ita/
Work address: Budapest Corvinus
University-Social Sciences-International relations-1119 Budapest,
Albert street 38. E-mail: csaba.
Publications in European Affairs:
Information society in the European Union, eVilág. Az infokommunikációs szektor és a tudásgazdaság szerepe a lisszaboni
stratégia céljainak megvalósításában.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.0 /
KELSTRUP, Morten (Prof.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: dan/eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Copenhagen-Faculty of Social
Sciences-Department of Political
Science-Department of Political
Science, University of Copenhagen, Center of Helth and Society, Øster Farimagsgade 5, P.O.
Box 2049, DK 1014 Copenhagen
Tel: + 45 3532 3395 Fax: +45
2532 3399 E-mail: mk@ifs.ku.
dk Url: www.polsci.ku.dk
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
Kelstrup, Morten, and Michael
Williams (eds.), 2000: International Relations Theory and the
Politics of European Integration:
Power, Security and Community.
London: Routledge.; Branner,
Hans and Morten Kelstrup
(eds.), 2000: Denmark’s Policy
towards Europe after 1945: History, Theory and Options,
Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag; Kelstrup M.:Globalisation
and Societal Insecurity. The
securitisation of terrorism and
competing strategies for global
governance. In Contemporary
Security Analysis and Copenhagen Peace Research s. 106-116.
Stefano Guzzini & Dietrich Jung
(eds.). Routledge, London 2004.
Research activities: Chair of
University of Copenhagen’s Research Priority Area.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 /
4.0 / 5.0
KENGYEL, Ákos (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: hun/eng/ger
Work address: Corvinus University of Budapest-Faculty of
Economics-Dept. of World Economy, European Studies CentreFovám tér 8., H-1093 Budapest
Tel: 36-1-4825406 Fax: 36-1-
4825048 E-mail: akos.kengyel@
uni-corvinus.hu Url: www.unicorvinus.hu/vilaggazdasag
Publications in European Affairs:
From the customs union toward
the single market, Integration
policies – foundations of the
economic union. In: PALÁNKAI, T.
(ed.): Economics of European
Integration. Aula Kiadó, Budapest,
2004., pp. 111-184. (in Hungarian); Circumstances influencing
the EU budget for a long term.
In: INOTAI, A. (ed.): EU Studies.
Vol. I. Office for National Development, Budapest, 2004., pp.
315-350. (in Hungarian); The
EU-s Regional Policy and its Implications on Economic Strategies within an Enlarged EU.
Galileu Revista de Economia e
Direito. Vol. IX. No. 2, 2004.,
pp. 35-48 (in English).
Research activities: Future development of EU budget Adjusting to enlargement.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Undergraduate); Common Policies
of the EU (Postgraduate); European Regional Economics (Postgraduate); European Integration
– Hungary and the EU (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Public Policies of the EU (Postgradu-
Alphabetical List
ate); European Regional Policy
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 4.1 /
4.9 / 6.2
KERIKMÄE, Tanel (Prof.)
Country: Estonia
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Position: dean of the law faculty
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: est/eng/
Work address: Audentes Concordia-Law-Law-Tondi 84, 11316
Tallinn, Estonia Tel: +3726996
731 Fax: +3726996 721 E-mail:
Url: www.university.ee
Publications in European Affairs:
Estonian Constitutional Problems in Accession to the EU.
Research activities: 1) Research
project on legal relationship of
profit and nonprofit entities. 2)
New version of the chapter: Free
movement of goods at Smit`s &
Hertzog`s Law of the European
Union: A Commentary of the
Treaties (Herzog, Campbell,
Zagel eds). 3) monograph on Estonia for the International
Encyclopaedia of Civil Procedure, Kluwer Law International
(expected 2007). 4) expert opinions for several Public institutions.
Courses on European Integration: EU Law (Undergraduate);
Implementation of EC Law (Undergraduate); Common Market
(Postgraduate); Research seminar (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Law (Mainor) (Undergraduate);
EU Law (Tartu University
EuroColledz) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4 /
2.5 / 2.5.1
KIRCH, Aksel (Dr.)
Country: Estonia
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Position: Member of Counsil
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Audentes University – Institute for European
Studies-Institute for European
Studies, Tondi street 84, 11316
Tallinn, Estonia Tel: +372 51
44485 E-mail: aksel.kirch@ies.ee
Url: www.ies.ee
Publications in European Affairs:
A. Kirch, M. Geistlinger. Estonia
– A New Framework for The Estonian Majority and Russian Minority, Wien: Braumüller, 1995,
(Ethnos: 45), 159 p.; A. Kirch.
The Integration of non-Estonians
into Estonian Society: History,
Problems, Trends, Tallinn: Estonian Academy Publishers, 1997,
159 p.; A. Kirch, R. Ruutsoo.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Estonia at the threshold of the
European Union, Tallinn, Estonian Academy Publishers, 1998,
168 p. (in Estonian).
Research activities: The Aspect
of Culture in the Social Inclusion
of Ethnic Minorities and Roma/
Sinti Groups: Assessing the Cultural Policies of Six Member
States of the European Union. A
Project for Evaluation of the Impact of Inclusion Policies under
the Open Method of Co-ordination (VP/2005/009) financed by
the European Commission (Employment, Social Affairs and
Equal Opportunities DG). Contractor: European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg,
Subject fields: 3.3 / 4.3 / 5.7 / 6.2
KNIPPING, Franz (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: Wuppertal-Humanities-History-Universit ät
Wuppertal, Fb A, Historisches
Seminar, Gauss-Str. 20, D-42097
Wuppertal Tel: +49-(0)202-439
2424 Fax: +49-(0)202-4393851
E-mail: fknipp@uni-wuppertal.de
Url: www.uni-wuppertal.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Rom, 25. März 1957. Die Einigung
Europas, München, dtv., 2004.;
Aufbruch zum Europa der zweiten
Generation. Die europäische
Einigung 1969-1984, hg. mit
Matthias Schönwald, Trier, wvt,
2004.; Jean Monnet, Robert
Schuman und der Durchbruch
zur europäischen Einigung, in:
Heinz Duchhardt (Hg.), Europäer
des 20. Jahrhunderts, Mainz
Research activities: Jean Monnet
Centre of Excellence NordrheinWestfalen, with Univ. Bochum,
Köln, Siegen. Integration in Europe and Asia, with Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.
Courses on European Integration: Geschichte der europäischen Einigung/ History of European Integration.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.3 /
5.0 / 5.9
KNUTSEN, Paul (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/swe/
Work address: Univ. College
Lillehammer-Social Science –
Lillehammer University College,
Serviceboks, 2626 Lillehammer,
Norway Tel: +47 61288263
Alphabetical List
E-mail: paul.knutsen@hil.no Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Penger, stål og politikk. En
problemorientert innføring i EUs
historie (Introduction to the history of European Integration,
book in Norwegian, Bergen
1998); European Works Councils and the development of a
Euro-corporatist model, ch. 2 in
Ian Fitzgerald and John Stirling
(eds.): European Works Councils. Pessimism of the intellect,
optimism of the will?, London
2004: Routledge.
Courses on European Integration: History of European Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 3.2 / 4.3 / 7.0
KOCKEL, Ullrich (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Ulster-ArtsAcademy for Irish Cultural Heritages-Aberfoyle House, Northland
Road, Londonderry BT48 7JL
Tel: (0)28-71-373211 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
‘EuroVisions: Journeys to the
Heart of a Lost Continent.’ Journal of Contemporary European
Studies 11 (1), 2003, 53-66. (English; article); Regional Culture
and Economic Development: Explorations in European Ethnology. Ashgate 2002 (English;
book); ‘Nationality, Identity,
Citizenship: Reflecting on Europe at Drumcree Parish
Church.’ Ethnologia Europaea –
Journal of European Ethnology
29 (2), 1999, 97-108. (English;
Research activities: Europeanist
network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists.
Courses on European Integration: Political forces in contemporary Europe (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.16
KODAMA, Masami (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Kurume-law-international politics-Faculty of
Law, Kurume University 1635
Mii-machi,; Kurume Fukuoka-ken
Tel: +81-942-43-4411 Fax: +81942-43-4797 E-mail: kodama
_masami@kurume-u.ac.jp Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Kodama Masami. Oushu Gikai
to Oushu Tougo(The European
Parliament and European Integration – The formation and De-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
velopment of the Parliamentary
Democracy in the EU) ISBN47923-3186-2
pp.578. Seibundo 2004; The Rejection of the Nice Treaty in the
Irish Referendum in 2001 and its
Implications for the EU Politics.
Courses on European Integration: EU Politics (Undergraduate); European Integration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Integration (Kumamoto
University) (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.3 / 5.1 /
KOHLER, Wilhelm (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger
Work address: Eberhard Karls
University Tübingen-Economics
and Business AdministrationEconomics-Nauklerstrasse 47,
D-72074 Tuebingen Tel: 00497071-2976013 Fax: 0049-7071295223 E-mail: wilhelm.kohler@
uni-tuebingen.de Url: http://www.
economics2.uni-tuebingen. de/
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Intensive Seminar (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.1.1 / 4.5 / 7.0
KOKUBO, Yasuyuki (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng/
Work address: University of
Shisuzoka-Fculty of International
Relations-Departement of International Relations-2-16-7-2006,
Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 1080075, Japan Tel: +81-3-54635807 Fax: +81-3-5463-5807
E-mail: kokubo@u-shizuokaken.ac.jp Url: http://www.ushizuoka-ken.ac.jp/
Research activities: European
Neighbourhood Policy-Eastern
dimension of the Enlarged EU.
Courses on European Integration: Contemporary European
Affairs (Undergraduate); International Relations III:European International Relations (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Contemporary European International Relations (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 6.2
KÖSTERS, Wim (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Alphabetical List
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/latin/
Work address: Ruhr-Universität
Bochum-WirtschaftswissenschaftLehrstuhl Theoretische VWL
I-GC 3/150, Universitätsstr. 150,
D-44780 Bochum Tel: +49234
28888 Fax: +492343214258
E-mail: wim.koesters@rub.de
Url: http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.
Publications in European Affairs:
Europäische Wirtschafts – und
Währungsunion: Europäische
Verfassung versus Maastrichter
Vertrag, zusammen mit Rolf
Caesar, german, essay; EMU financial market integration and
economic competitiveness, zusammen mit Rainer Beckmann und
Jürgen Born, english, essay;
Systemwettbewerb in der EU –
Weg zu Angleichung oder politisches Schlagwort?, german, essay
Research activities: DFGForschergruppe: Die Grundlagen
der EG/EU zwischen Verträgen
und Verfassung – Optionen für
die EU.
Courses on European Integration: Europäische Geldpolitik
(Undergraduate); Monetäre Ökonomik (Undergraduate); Semnar
Europäische Wirtschaft (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Europäische Sommerakademie
des Gustav-Stresemann-Instituts
in Kooperation mit dem JeanMonnet Regional Centre of Excellence NRW (Undergraduate);
regelmäßige Gastvorträge an der
Universidad de Alcalá, Spanien
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.1 / 4.1.3
KOSTOV, Krassimir (Mr)
Country: Bulgaria
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: New Bulgarian
School-Political Science-New
Bulgarian University, 21 Montevideo Str., Sofia 1618, Bulgaria
Tel: (003592) 811 06 01 E-mail:
mshivergeva@yahoo.com Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Bulgaria: The Road to Integration. (A book in English). Paris,
IMCE, 2003.
Research activities: Member of
Team Europe – Bulgaria; Awarded
the Special Robert Schuman
Prize in 2003; Founding Member
of the European Movement in
Courses on European Integration: External Relations of the
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
European Union – 60 h. (on a
Masters’ Program of the College
of Europe in Bruges and the
NBU at the Center for European
Studies in Sofia) (Postgraduate);
External Relations of the European Union – 30 h. (NBU) (Postgraduate); The European Neighbourhood Policy – 30 h. (NBU)
(Postgraduate); Negotiation Techniques - 30 h. NBU) (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: History of European Integration –
30 h. (at the Institute for Public
Administration and European Integration, Sofia) (Postgraduate);
The European Umion, its Institutions and Policies – 30 h. (an intensive course for Journalists of
the European Journalism Centre
in Maastricht and the Media Development Center in Sofia) (Postgraduate); EU-Bulgaria relations
– 30 h. (at the Political Science
Department of the Philosophy
Faculty of the Sofia (Undergraduate); Accession to the European Union – 30 h. (intensive
course for the College of Europe
read at the Universities of Scopje
and Dubrovnik) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.19 /
5.0 / 6.2
K RAWCZYK , Mariusz Konrad
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Spoken languages: pol/eng/ger/
Work address: Ryukoku University-Faculty of Economics –
Fukakusa Tsukamoto-machi 67,
Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, 612-8577
Japan Tel: +81-75-642-1111
Fax: +81-75-642-8867
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.1.2 / 4.1.3
/ 6.2
KREILE, Michael (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/ita
Work address: Humboldt University-Philosophische Fakultät
III-Social Sciences-Prof. Dr.
Michael Kreile, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Unter den Linden
6, 10099 Berlin, Germany Tel:
0049/30/2093 1630 Fax: 0049/
30/2093 1438 E-mail: michael.
Publications in European Affairs:
Die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union, in: W. Weidenfeld
(ed.), Die Europäische Union.
Politisches System und Politikbereiche, Bonn 2004; Federalism Doomed?, in: A. Heinemann-
Alphabetical List
-Grüder (ed.), Federalism Doomed? New York, Oxford 2002.
Courses on European Integration: Europäische Integration
(Undergraduate); The External
Relations of the European Union
Subject fields: 1.2 / 5.0 / 6.2
KUBO, Hiromasa (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/japanese
Work address: Kobe University-Economics – Graduate School
of Economics, Kobe University,
2-1 Rokkodai Nada Kobe,Japan
657-8501 Tel: 81-(0)78-8036812 Fax: 81-(0)78-803-6812
E-mail: kubo@econ.kobe-u.ac.jp
Courses on European Integration: Economics of the European
Union (Undergraduate); The
Economics of the European Integration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Theory of Economic Integration
(Undergraduate); Modern Europe (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 4.4 / 4.5
KUCZEWSK, Joanna (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: University of
Gdansk-Economics Faculty-Department of European Integration
Economics-ul. Armii Krajowej
119/121, 81-824 Sopot, Poland
Tel: 48585511613 Fax: 485855
11613 E-mail: joannak@gnu.
univ.gda.pl Url: http://ekonom.
Publications in European Affairs:
J. Kuczewska, Otoczenie okolobiznesowe a potencjal konkurencyjny przedsiebiorstw (Business environment and enterprises competitive potential), in:
potencjal; konkurencyjny polskiego przemyslu w warunkach
integracji europejskiej, A. Zielinska-Glebocka (eds), Gdansk 2003;
J. Kuczewska, A. Stepniak,
Polskie przedsie; biorstwo na
rynku UE. Szanse i zagrozenia
(Polish enterprises in the EU
market. Opportunities and threats),
Gdansk 2004.
Research activities: Cele i
narzedzia polityki konkurencyjnosci Polski w kontekscie
przygotowania do czlonkostwa
w UE – analiza oparta na metodzie benchmarkingu, State Commitee for Scientific Research grant,
1.09.1998 – 31.08.2000; Monitorowanie
przemyslowej Polski w procesie
integracji z Unia Europejska (w
ukladzie sektorów, regionów i
przedsiebiorstw), State Commi-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
tee for Scientific Research grant,
Courses on European Integration: The European Internal
Market (Undergraduate); Economics of European Integration
(Undergraduate); SME in the European Internal Market (Postgraduate) International Management.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Enterprises in the European Internal
Market (Postgraduate); Structural
Funds; International management (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.4 /
KUMAR, Andrej (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Slovenia
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: Ljubljana-Faculty of Economics-Internation
Economy-Kardeljeva pl. 17,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel:
+386 1 5892 400 Fax: +386 1
5892 698 E-mail: andrej.kumar@
Publications in European Affairs:
KUMAR, Andrej, ZAJC, Katja. Foreign direct investment and
changing trade patterns: the
case of Slovenia. Econ. bus. rev,
Oct. 2003, vol. 5, no. 3, str. 201219. [COBISS.SI-ID 14124262];
K UMAR , Andrej. Regionalna
struktura slovenske zunanje
trgovine v obdobju clanstva v
EU: vstop na trge izven EU.
Mednar. posl. pravo (Ljubl.,
1991), avg. 2003, letn. 15, št.
174/175, str. 3-5. [COBISS.SI-ID
Research activities: EU-AsiaLink-Programme.
Courses on European Integration: Jean Monnet module “EU
Enlargement Impacts on Business”.
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.2
KUMAR, Radha (Prof.)
Country: India
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng / hindi / fre
Work address: Jamia Millia
Islamia, New Delhi – Social Science – Mandela Centre for Peace
and Conflict Resolution – Jamia
Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi 110026 Tel.: 91 11
2698 1717 ext 4360, 4361 Fax.:
telefax 91 11 2698 5473 E-mail:
www.jamia4peace.org, www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Europe and the Balkans for Foreign Affairs (1996), the Brown
Alphabetical List
Journal of International Affairs
(2000) and Seminar (2000,
Courses on European Integration: Post-Graduate Diploma in
Conflict Analysis and PeaceBuiliding
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Program on comparative peace process (Europe and South Asia) at
the Delhi Policy Group, with
support from the ECCP program
of the European Commission.
The program brings together
policy-makers and policy analysts in Europe and India
Subject fields: 1.0 / 3.5 / 4.19 /
5.10 / 5.11
KUMIKO, Haba (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/hun/fre/
Work address: Hosei University-Social Scicences-Sociology2-21-2, Miyamae, Suginamiku,
Tokyo, Japan Tel: (813) 3321777 Fax: (813) 332-1777 Url:
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 2.1.2 /
2.5.1 / 4.9
KUNOVA, Vlasta (Dr.)
Country: Slovakia
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: f
Position: DirectorHead
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: slo/eng/ger/
Work address: Comenius University, Bratislava-Faculty of
Law-Institute of International
Relations-Safarikovo namestie
6,818 05 Bratislava Tel: 00421 2
59244232 E-mail: vlasta.kunova@
flaw.uniba.sk Url: www.flaw.
Publications in European Affairs:
Zmluva o Ústave pre Európu
(Treaty establishing The Constitution for Europe – Comentar)
Bratislava 2005; Human Rights
Protection in the EU. Bratislava
2004; Free Movement of Persons and Mutual Recognition of
Qualification. Banska Bystrica
Research activities: The Constitutional Aspects of Candistae
States´ Membership – 20022003 The Aplication of European Law in Slovak Republic –
2003-2006 The Effectivness of
Harmonization Process of Slovak Law with the One of European Union – 2000-2002.
Courses on European Integration: Human Rights Protection in
the EU (Postgraduate); Human
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Rights Protection in the EU (Undergraduate); External Relations
of the EU (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Institutional Law of the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.2 / 5.0
KYRIAZIS, Nicholas (Prof.)
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/fre/eng/
Work address: Thessaly – Economics-KORAI 43, VOLOS,
GREECE Tel: +30 210 8084490
E-mail: nkyr@ergoman.gr
Publications in European Affairs:
Is th EU an Optimal Tax System?
(European Journal of Law and
Economics) 2006 – Seapower and
Socioeconomi change (Theory
and Society) 2006.
Courses on European Integration: European Economic Policies (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1.5
LAFFAN, Brigid (Prof.)
Country: Ireland
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: f
Position: Principal, College of
Human Sciences
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: University College Dublin-Human SciencesPolitics and International Relations-College of Human Sciences, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4,
Ireland Tel: 353.1.7158344 Fax:
353.1.7161171 E-mail: brigid.
laffan@ucd.ie Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Europe’s Experimental Union.
Re-thinking Integration with M.
Smith and R. 0 Donnell, Routledge, 1999, 244 pp.; Organising for a Changing Europe:
Irish Central Government and
the European Union, Dublin:
Trinity Blue Paper, 2001, 110
pp.; Auditing and Accountability
in the European Union’, European Journal of Public Policy,
Research activities: 2004-06
CONSENT Network of Excellence FP6, Coordinated by the
University of Cologne. Contract
negotiations just completed with
the Commission, first steering
group meeting 21-22 July, 2005;
2004-06 NEWGOV, ‘New Modes
of Governance’, European University Institute, Florence, Integrated Project, Sixth Framework
Programme; 2001-04 Organising
for EU Enlargement: A Challenge for the Member States and
Candidate Countries, EU Fifth
Alphabetical List
Framework Project.
Courses on European Integration: Re-thinking the European
Union (MA European Studies,
core course) (Postgraduate); The
Making of Modern Europe: Reason Identity and Power in Contemporary Europe (MA European Studies, core course) (Postgraduate); The Politics of European Integration (MA/MEconSc/
PhD course) (Postgraduate); The
Dynamics of European Integration (Politics undergraduate
course) (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 4.0 / 6.0
képessége az Európai Unióban
(Hungary’s competitiveness in
the European Union). Európai
Tükör. 2004. 6. 18-34. p.
Research activities: CONSENT
(Constructing a Europe-wide
Network) project – 6th framework programme. New Gov (New
Modes of Governance) project
6th Framework Programme.
Courses on European Integration: Co-operation in justice and
home affairs in the European
Union (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 2.1 /
2.7 / 4.2
LAKATOS, Gábor (Mr)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1979
Sex: m
Position: Research fellow
Spoken languages: hun/eng/fre
Work address: E-mail: glakatos
@vki.hu Url: www.vki. hu
Publications in European Affairs:
Az Európai Unió demokratikus
deficitje (Democratic deficit of
the European Union). Európai
Tükör. 2005. 9. 13-29. p.; Magyarország az Európai Unió bel- és
igazságügyi együttmuködésében
(Hungary in the co-operation in
justice and home affairs in the
EU). In: Magyarország politikai
évkönyve 2005. Szerk.: Sándor
Péter et al. Budapest, 2005. 768780. p.; Magyarország verseny-
LANDAU, Alice (Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: f
Spoken languages: fre/por/eng/
Work address: Geneva University-sciences economiques et
sociales-sceince politique-102
Bd carl Vogt 1205 Geneva Tel:
022 379 83 75 Fax: 022 379
8364 E-mail: alice,landau@politic.
unige.ch Url: unige.ch
Publications in European Affairs:
Bargaining on Power, Bargaining on Policy: The CAP Reform
and the Negotiations on Agriculture in the Uruguay Round.
1998; Journal of International
Negotiation, 3(3): 453-479; The
Agricultural Negotiations in the
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
WTO: The Same Story Again.
Journal of Common Market
Studies. 39(5): 913-925.
Courses on European Integration: Pays en développement et
politique internationale (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 2.1 /
4.5 / 4.7
LARANJEIRO, Carlos (Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: por/fre/eng
Work address: Associação de
Estudos Europeus de Coimbra,
Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Coimbra, 3049 Coimbra
Codex, Portugal.
Publications in European Affairs: Lições de Integração
Monetária Europeia, Almedina,
2000; União Económica e
Monetária e Euro. Legislação
Almedina, 1999; Investimento
Público e Défice Orçamental,
Temas de Integração n.º 7,
Enquadramento Jurídico e
Económico da UEM, Temas de
Integração n.º 5, Almedina,
Courses on European Integration: Curso de Estudos Europeus
– Política Monetária.
Subject Fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.1.4
LARIONOVA, Marina (Dr.)
Country: Russia
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: f
Position: rector
Spoken languages: spa/russian
Work address: State UniversityHigher School of Economics –
Institute for International organizations research-20, Myasnitskay
street, Moscow, 101000, Russia
Tel: 007-495-924-74-17 Fax:
mlarionova@hse.ru Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
“Integration processes in education: half a century of cooperation in Europe” report for International scientific conference
“Russia and Internationalization
of Higher education”. – M.:
Moscow state university. Faculty
of Economics. 2005 (in Russian); «Integration Processes in
Education: Half a Century of
Cooperation Experience in Europe». Paper for the Alliance of
Universities for Democracy annual conference, 2004. (in English); “Development of the European Higher Education Area:
Objectives for Russian Universities”. “Issues in education”. The
Journal of the SU-HSE. 2004.
Research activities: “Analytical
support to the Russian Federation cooperation in the field of
Alphabetical List
education within the G8”. Ministry of Education and Science of
the Russian Federation, 2005;
“Development of the organizational and financial schemes for
support of academic mobility as
a tool of the best practices dissemination”. National Training
Foundation project for the
Agency of Education of the Russian Federation, 2005; “Monitoring of the quality assurance systems in joint education programmes”. National Training Foundation project for the Agency of
Education of the Russian Federation, 2005; “Monitoring of the
Russian Higher education institutions participation in the Bologna process”. National Training
Foundation project for the
Agency of Education of the Russian Federation, 2005; “Networking of the Russian Higher
education institutions participating in the Bologna process
through ICT”. National Training
Foundation project for the
Agency of Education of the Russian Federation, 2005.
Courses on European Integration: History of European Integration (Undergraduate); Theory
of European Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 2.1 /
4.17 / 7.0
LASCHI, Giuliana (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng/
Work address: of Bolonia, Forlì
Campus-Political Science-Politica Istituzioni Storia-Università
degli Studi di Bologna – Punto
Europa, Corso Diaz 45, 47100
Forlì - Italy Tel: 39/0543/374810
Fax: 39/0543/374808 E-mail:
giuliana.laschi@unibo.it Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
“L’Unione Europea. Storia,
instituzione e politiche”, Roma,
Carocci (Quality Paperbacks),
2001; “Tutti rossi come il fuoco.
Storia del PCI a Pontassieve”,
Firenze, Polistampa editore,
2001; “La storia infinita. Tentativi di riforma della PAC, 19681999”, Firenze, Centro Stampa
2P, 2002.
Courses on European Integration: History of European Integration (Undergraduate); Diritto
comunitario (Undergraduate);
Istituzioni europee (Postgraduate) European Economy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.2 / 4.19 /
5.0 / 5.12
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
LAURSEN, Finn (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Position: Director, Centre for
European Studies
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: dan/eng /fre /
Work address: Univ. of Southern Denmark-Social Sciences-Political Science-Campusvej 55 DK
5230 Odense M Denmark Tel:
+45 6550 2217 Fax: +45 6550
2280 E-mail: fla@sam. sdu.dk
Url: www.sam.sdu.dk/staff/fla
Publications in European Affairs:
Edited books: The Treaty of
Nice: Actor Preferences, Bargaining and Institutional Choice
(Leiden: Nijhoff, 2006) Comparative Regional Integration:
Theoretical Perspectives (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003) The Amsterdam Treaty: National Preference Formation, Interstate Bargaining and Outcome (Odense:
Odense University Press, 2002).
Research activities: GARNET
Courses on European Integration: The Political Economy of
European Integration (Postgraduate); EU Treaties and
Treaty Reforms (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Theories of European Integration
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 4.19 /
5.0 / 7.2
LEAL-ARCAS, Rafael (Mr)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/spa/eng/
Work address: Queen Mary,
University of London-Centre for
Commercial Law Studies – Queen
Mary, University of London,
Mile End, London E1 4NS, UK
E-mail: rafael.leal@iue.it
Publications in European Affairs:
“The EU Institutions and Their
Modus Operandi in the World
Trading System,” Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol. 12.1,
pp. 147-238 (2006); “The EC in
the GATT/WTO negotiations:
From Rome to Nice- Have EC
Trade Policy Reforms Been
Good Enough for a Coherent EC
Trade Policy in the WTO?,” European Integration online Papers,
Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2004, pp.
1-29; “The European Community and Mixed Agreements,” European Foreign Affairs Review,
Vol. 6, Issue 4, Winter 2001, pp.
483-513, Kluwer Law International.
Courses on European Integration: EU law and Institutions.
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.2 / 4.5 / 5.0
Alphabetical List
LEANZA, Umberto (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1933
Sex: m
Position: Professor of International Law
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng/ita
Work address: University of
Lucullo, 11 – 00187 Rome Tel:
0039 064741218 Fax: 0039
064885720 E-mail: dirittoint@
caltanet.it Url: www.uniroma2.it
Courses on European Integration: European Union Law (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Common Foreign and Security
Policy – Common Security and
Defence Policy. Jean Monnet
module. Whith II University of
Naples – Faculty of Political
Studies; European Union Law.
With C. A. Jemolo, Regional Institute of Law Studies of Lazio
(Postgraduate); European Union
Law. With Scuola Ufficiali dei
Carabinieri (Postgraduate); European Union Law. With Scuola
Ufficiali della Guardia di
Finanza (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 2.5 /
4.19 / 4.21
LEE, Chong Wha (Prof.)
Country: Korea South
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Kongju National
University-associate professordepartment of international trade182, Shinkwan-dong, Kongju,
Chungnam, 314-701, Korea Tel:
(82)-41-850-8390 Fax: (82)-41850-8390 E-mail: cwhalee@
Publications in European Affairs:
The Seoul 2000 Summit: The
Way Ahead for the Asia-Europe
Partnership, (ed.), seminar proceedings on The Seoul 2000
Summit: The Way Ahead for the
Asia-Europe Partnership, co-organized by KIEP and ASEF on
10-11 July 2000 in Seoul,
Korea.(in korean); (article) Does
the fifth EU Enlargement meet
the criteria provided for in the
GATT Article XXIV. 5?, International Trade Law, vol. 57, June
20, 2004, Ministry of Justice,
Republic of Korea. (in Korean);
(book)Enlargement of the European Union and Prospects for
Korea-EU Bilateral Trade Relations: CGE model analysis
(2001), KIEP Policy Analysis
01-09, with Soon-Chan Park.
(with Prof. Park S.C.,in Korean).
Research activities: Aug. 2003
– Oct. 2004: Research Grant for
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
“Reinvigorating ASEM through
Vision Group Recommendations” from Korean Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade; Sep.
1999 – Nov. 2000: served as an
advisor to the ASEM(Asia-Europe Visoin Group) advisor
group, and contributed to draft
ASEM Vision Group report.
Courses on European Integration: International Trade Policy
and Practices (including the Economic implications of the EU integration) (Postgraduate); International trade policy(including
EU trade policy) January 1999:
Special Lecture on “EMU and
European Economy” in KDI
School of public policy and
management, Seoul, Korea (Lecture given in English (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
January 1999: Special 2 days
Lecture on “‘EMU and European
Economy” in KDI School of
public policy and management,
Seoul, Korea (Lecture given in
English). (Postgraduate) Spring
Semester 2001: International
Trade Policy and Economics of
EU integration in Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.5 / 5.9 / 6.2
LENDEL, Myroslava (Dr.)
Country: Ukraine
Year of birth: 1972
Sex: f
Position: Associated Professor
Spoken languages: eng/slo/cze/
Work address: Uzhgorod National University-History-Political Science-73, Shyshkina Street,
Uzhgorod, 88000 Ukraine Tel:
+380 312 67 26 14 Fax: +380
312 6121 36 E-mail: mlendel@
Publications in European Affairs:
1 (unreadable) 2. Lendel M
(2004). 2004 European Union
Accession: Implications for
Ukraine’s Relations with its Central European Neighbors /Institute for Regional and Euro-integration Studies “EuroRegio
Ukraine”, Kiiv, “K.I.S”, 360 p.3.
Lendel, Myroslava O. Regional
Policy in Ukraine: Between the
Challenges of Europenization
and Domestification. /Regions:
The Newsletter of the Regional
Studies Association, Seaford,
United Kingdom. – 2002. –
June. – P. 24-28.
Research activities: Jean Monnet
European Module
Courses on European Integration: European Union Eastern
Enlargement and Neighbourhood
Policy (Undergraduate).
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Integration and Ukraine
Subject fields: 4.9 / 5.2 / 5.5 / 7.2
LEONARDI, Robert (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: m
Position: Director
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng
Work address: London School
of Economics-European Institute
– ESCOLAB, European Institute,
London School of Economics,
London WC2A 2AE, UK Tel:
44.20.79556805 E-mail: r.leonardi
Publications in European Affairs:
Cohesion Policy in the European
Union, London: Palgrave, 2005;
Coesion, convergenza e integrazione nell’Unione Europea, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1998; Special
issue of Regional and Federal
Studies, Autumn 2004.
Courses on European Integration: Economic and Social Cohesion Policy in the European
Union (Postgraduate); Policy
Making in the European Union
(Postgraduate); History and
Theory of European Integration
(Postgraduate); Italy in the European Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 4.3 /
4.9 / 5.8
LEVRAT, Nicolas (Prof.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/fre/eng
Work address: Université De
Genève-Faculté de droit-Institut
européen-2, rue Jean Daniel
Colladon, CH-1204 Genève Tel:
41.22.379.82.97 Fax: 41.22.379.
82.98 E-mail: nicolas.levrat@
ieug.unige.ch Url: www.unige.
Research activities: Senior Scientist in the NoE GARNET (Global Governance, Regionalisation
and Regulation: the role of the
European Union) 2005-2009.
Courses on European Integration: Introduction au droit
européen (Postgraduate); L’action
de l’UE en matière d’environnement (Postgraduate); Démocratie
et fédéralisme en Europe (Postgraduate); Le droit et les politiques du Conseil de l’Europe
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Les
collectivités territoriales et l’Europe: dimensions juridiques et
politiques (IEE, ULB) (Postgraduate); Perspectives juridiques pour la coopération transfrontière en Europe (U. Lyon II)
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
(Postgraduate) ; L’influence du
droit communautaire sur l’autonomie des collectivités territoriales
en Europe (U. de Pau-Bayonne)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 5.0 / 6.0
LIEBERT, Ulrike (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/spa/
Work address: University of
Bremen-FB 8 Social SciencesPolitical Science; European Studies-Jean Monnet Centre for European Studies, Universität Bremen/
SFG 1380, Enrique Schmidt Str.
7, D – 28359 Bremen Tel: 011 49-421-218 9033 Fax: 011-49421-218 9143 E-mail: liebert@
uni-bremen.de Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
U.Liebert/ J.Falke/A.Maurer eds.
Courses on European Integration: EU politics and policymaking (BA Political Science,
3rd year) (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.1.3 / 4.15 /
5.4 / 6.1
LIGHTFOOT, Simon (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1972
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Leeds-Education, Social Science and lawPolitics and International Studies-Woodhouse Lane, Leeds,
LS2 9JT Tel: ++ 44 (0) 113
3431765 Fax: ++ 44 (0) 113
3434400 E-mail: s.j.lightfoot@
Publications in European Affairs:
Lightfoot, S (2005) Europeanising Social Democracy: the rise
of the Party of European Socialists? London: Routledge; ‘Leading the Way? The European
Union at the WSSD’ (with J.
Burchell). European Environment.
2004. 14:6: 331-341; Burchell,
J. & S. Lightfoot (2001) The
Greening of the European Union:
Assessing the EU’s Environmental Credentials. Sheffield, Continuum.
Courses on European Integration: Governing the EU (Undergraduate); The Politics of the EU
Subject fields: 3.0 / 3.1 / 4.7
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/fre/eng/
Alphabetical List
Work address: University of
Minho – Economics and Management – International Relations and Public Administration
– Largo do Paço, 4704-553
Braga, Portugal Tel.: (351)
253604510 Fax.: (351) 25367
6375 E-mail: luislobo@reitoria.
uminho.pt Url: www.eeg.uminho.
Publications in European Affairs:
(2005) Book (with Isabel
Camisão): Construir a Europa: o
processo de integração entre
teoria e a história. Lisboa:
Gradiva (Building Europe; the
process of integration between
theory and history); (2006) “A
construção europeia e os dilemas
da macrorregião”, Lisbon: Janus,
Nº 9, Jan.-Dec., 2006, pp. 10-11;
(2001) “A União Europeia: que
Modelo Político?”. Actas do II
Simposio Interncional LusoGalaico de Filosofia, nº 18,
Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela Publicacións, pp.
Courses on European Integration: Theories of European Integration; Seminar on European
Union and East Europe in the
post-enlargement; Institutions
and Policies of the European
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Approaches to International Poli-
tics: International Integration:
The Case of European Union,
University of Cincinnati, Summer Course, 2006
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.13 / 4.20 /
5.0 / 7.0
LONBAY, Julian (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita
Work address: University of
Birmingham-Law-Law-Chancellor’s Court, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston B15 2TT,
England Tel: +44 121 414 6310
Fax: +44 121 414 3585 E-mail:
j.l.lonbay@bham.ac.uk Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
“The Free Movement of Health
Care Professionals in the European Community” in Goldberg
& Lonbay (eds.) Pharmaceutical
Medicine, Biotechnology and
European Law (Cambridge, CUP,
2001) pp.45-75; “Lawyer Ethics
in the 21st century: The global
practice – Reconciling Regulatory and Deontological Differences – The European Experience” (2001) 34 Vanderbilt Journal Transnational Law 907-929.
Research activities: ELFA;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration: Law of the Internal Market
(Postgraduate); Legal Foundations of the EU (Undergraduate);
Law of the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.4 / 4.1.1 /
LOPES, Dulce (Prof.)
Country: Portugal
Year of Birth: 1977
Sex: f
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Coimbra-LawFaculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Pátio da
Universidade, 3004-545 Coimbra,
Portugal Tel: +351936307762
Fax: +351239823353 E-mail:
dulcel@fd.uc.pt Url: www.fd.
Publications in European Affairs:
“Princípio da Não Discriminação
em Razão do Sexo na Ordem
Jurídica Comunitária”, Temas de
Integração, N.º 8, 1999; O
Princípio da Proporcionalidade
no Direito Comunitário, Coimbra,
Dissertação, 2003; “O Nome das
Coisas: Serviço Público, Serviços
de Interesse Geral e Serviço Universal no Direito Comunitário”,
Temas de Integração, N.º 15/16,
Courses on European Integration: Course on European Law,
2004, Institute of Social Sci-
ences, Beijing, China (Postgraduate); Curso de Estudos Europeus, 2005, Faculdade de Direito
de Coimbra (Post-graduate).
Subject fields: 2.5.1 / 2.6 / 4.7 /
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/hun/
Work address: Kodolányi János
University College – Human
Studies and Foreign Affairs8000 Székesfehérvár, Budai u.
84. IX/35 Tel: +36 22 315 795
Fax: +36 22 315 795 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Multistakeholder Initiatives for
Sustainable Development.
Courses on European Integration: The Balkan and the EU
(Undergraduate); European Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 4.9 / 5.6
LOSONCZ, Miklos (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Position: Jean Monnet titleholder
Spoken languages: ger/hun/eng/
Alphabetical List
Work address: College For
Modern Business Studies-Business Economics-Economics-H2040 Budaörs, Baross u. 124.
Hungary Tel: 36-23-420-105
E-mail: losoncbt@axelero.hu
Url: http://www.mutf.hu http://
www. sze.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
423. Hungarian Industry in the
European Union. In: Ungarn in
der Europäischen Union. Begegnungen. Schriftenreihe des Europa Institutes Budapest, Band
25., Budapest, 2005, Europa
Institut, Zentrum für Sozialforschung der Ungarischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften, pp. 95-110;
410. Fiscal Consolidation in the
New EU Member States and
their Accession to the EMU.
Intereconomics, Volume 39 No.
5, September/October 2004, pp.
247-253; 403. Hungary’s competitiveness in an international
comparison – a supply-side approach. Acta Oeconomica, Vol.
54 (2) pp. 201-226 (2004).
Research activities: Hungary’s
road to the EMU Hungary’s national development plan – The
impact of EU accession on the
Hungarian economy.
Courses on European Integration: The microeconomics of
European integration (Undergraduate); European studies (Undergraduate); The political eco-
nomy of economic integration
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Hungary and the EU (Undergraduate); The theory of economic
integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.1.5 / 4.12 / 6.0 /
LOTH, Wilfried (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Position: Chair Contemporary
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Duisburg-EssenHumanities-Historical Department-Universität Duisburg-Essen,
Historisches Institut, 45117
Essen / Germany Tel: ++201/
183.3579 Fax: ++201/183.2580
E-mail: wilfried.loth@uni-essen.de
Url: www.uni-due.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Entwürfe einer europäischen
Verfassung. Eine historische
Bilanz, Bonn: Europa-Union
Verlag 2002 (German); Crises
and Compromises. The European Project 1963-1969, BadenBaden: Nomos 2001 (English/
French); La gouvernance supranationale dans la construction
européenne, Bruxelles: Bruylant
2005 (French/English).
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Research activities: Espaces et
temps de l’Europe (Network
UMR IRICE, Paris); EU-Consent
(Network of Excellence); History
of the European Commission,
Courses on European Integration: Geschichte der europäischen
Integration (Undergraduate);
Forschungen zur Geschichte der
europäischen Integration (Postgraduate); Europadiskurse und
Europäisierungsprozesse (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 6.1 / 7.0
Research activities: Territorial
Governance in Four Unitary
States: UK, France, Sweden, the
Netherlands, Swedish Science
Council (with University of
Courses on European Integration: Politics and Policies of the
European Union (Undergraduate); European Policy Analsyis
(Postgraduate); The Transformation of Governance in Europe
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 4.9 / 5.2
LOUGHLIN, John Patrick (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: Cardiff University-Humanities-European Studies-Cardiff University, School of
European Studies, 65-68 Park
Place, Cardiff CF10 3AS, United
Kingdom Tel: +44.2920.874585
Fax: +44.2920.874946 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Subnational Democracy in the
European Union, Oxford University Press, 2004, English,
book; Culture, Institutiona and
Economic Development in Eight
European Regions, Edward Elgar,
2003. English, book.
MACMULLEN, Andrew (Mr)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Durham-Social Sciences-School
of Government & International
Affairs-SGIA (Politics), 48 Old
Elvet, Durham City, DH1 3LZ,
UK Tel: 0191 334 6585 Fax: 0191
334 6571 E-mail: a.l.macmullen
@durham.ac.uk Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Intergovernmental Functionalism? The Council of Europe in
European Integration’ Journal
of European Integration Vol 26
issue 4 (2004) pp. 405-429; ‘European Commissioners: National
Routes to a European Elite’ in
Alphabetical List
N. Nugent (ed) At the Heart of
the Union: Studies of the European Commission (Macmillan
2nd rev edition 2000) pp. 28-50;
‘Political Responsibility for the
Administration of Europe: the
Commission’s Resignation March
1999’ Parliamentary Affairs vol
52 no 4 (1999) pp. 703-718.
Courses on European Integration: Politics & Policy in the EU
(Final year BA) (Undergraduate); European Institutions & the
Policy Process (MA Core) (Postgraduate); Theories & MOdels of
European Integration (MA Option) (Postgraduate); Pan-European Organizations (MA Special
Subject) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 2.1.2 /
MAJOCCHI, Antonio (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: Università Di
Pavia – Ricerche aziendali-via S.
Felice, 7 – 27100 PAVIA – Italy
Tel: +39 382 986467 Fax: +39
382 986228 E-mail: antonio.
Publications in European Affairs:
Corporate Governance and Social Responsability: an Analysis
of French and Italian SMEs, European Union Review, vol. 2005(2);
pg. 71-95; L’integrazione economica dei Paesi dell’Europa
centrale e orientale: il ruolo
delle piccole e medie imprese,
in: Gli allargamenti della CEE/
UE 1961-2004, a cura di A.
Landuyt e D. Pasquinucci, Il
Mulino, Bologna, pp. 1017-1040;
Imprese europee, Voce dell’Enciclopedia Treccani di Scienze
sociali, 2002.
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.4 / 5.6
M ALANDRINO , Corrado (Prof.
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: m
Position: Dean of the Faculty of
Political Sciences
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/ger/fre/
Work address: University of
Eastern Piedmont-Political Sciences Faculty of Political Sciences, via Cavour 84, I – 15110
Alessandria Tel: 0039.0131.
283747 Fax: 0039.0131.283704
E-mail: preside.sp@unipmn.it
Url: http://polis.unipmn.it/hp/
Publications in European Affairs:
Tut etwas Tapferes. Compi un
atto di coraggio. L’Europa federale di Walter Hallstein (19481982), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005;
Un popolo per l’Europa unita,
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Firenze, Olschki, 2004; Da
Machiavelli all’Unione Europea,
Roma, Carocci, 2003.
Research activities: Federalism
and Subsidiarity in European Integration.
Courses on European Integration: History of European Integration (Postgraduate); Political
Institution of European Union
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 2.1 / 7.1
MANEVA, Gergana (Mr)
Country: Bulgaria
Year of birth: 1975
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: American University In Bulgaria – Centre for
European Programmes-1 University Park St., Studentski Grad,
Sofia 1700, Bulgaria Tel: (+359
2) 9607928 Fax: (+359 2) 961
6010 E-mail: gmaneva@elieff.bg
Url: http://www.aubg.bg/cep
Publications in European Affairs:
G. Maneva, Zh. Nikolova,
Manual of the Most Frequently
Used Terms in the Management
of Externally Funded Programmes and Projects, Open Society
Institute, 2005; G. Maneva, ‘Drafting for EU Membership and Accession – the Framework for
Success’, European Journal of
Law Reform (under publication).
Research activities: Evaluation
and impact assessment of the
Commission’s Proposal for a
new Regulation on OLAF (the
European Anti-Fraud Office),
commissioned by the European
Parliament; Opportunities for
U.S. Businesses in Bulgaria with
regard to the EU accession of the
country; Investment projects of
municipalities in Bulgaria in the
context of external assistance.
Courses on European Integration: Intensive Summer Course
on European Law, AUBG (in
collaboration with the College of
Europe in Brugge and the British
Embassy in Sofia) (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Master in Law with specialisation in International and European Law, Law Faculty, Sofia
University (Undergraduate); MA
in Advanced Legal Studies, European Division, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of
Advanced Study, University of
London (Postgraduate); Summer
Course on European Labour and
Social Security Law, University
of Cagliary, Italy & University
of Ohrid, Macedonia (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 6.2 / 7.0
Alphabetical List
MANGAS MARTIN, Araceli (Prof.
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre
Work address: SalamancaDerecho-Derecho Público-Campus Miguel de Unamuno, E37007 Salamanca, España Tel:
+34 923 294668 Fax: +34 923
294668 E-mail: amangas@usal.es
Publications in European Affairs:
“Le droit constitutionnel espagnol
et l’intégration européenne”, en
Nationales Verfassungsrecht mit
Blick auf die europäische Integration, (Actas del Congreso de
la Fide, Berlín, 1996), Nomos
Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden,
1996, pp. 206-228; Instituciones
y Derecho de la Unión Europea,
Editorial Tecnos, Madrid, 5ª
edición revisda y actualizada,
2005, 771 pp,; “Incidencia del
proyecto de tratado constitucional europeo sobre la constitución
española”, en Pacis Artes, Obra
Homenaje al Profesor Julio D.
González Campos, UAM y
Eurolex Ed., Madrid, 2005, pp.
Research activities: Philosophical pluralism in European decisions regarding bio-ethics. – Las
regiones y el Estado en la Unión
Europea – Consecuencias de la
ampliación de la Unión Europea
– ¿Hacia una refundación europea? El debate sobre la reforma
de 2004. –La refundación de
Europa. La reforma de 2004 y el
Tratado constitucional – La
Constitución europea. Comentario artículo por artículo.
Courses on European Integration: Derecho comunitario (Undergraduate); Instituciones y
Derecho de la UE (Undergraduate); La protección de derecho
en la UE (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: La
Carta de Derechos Fundamentales (Postgraduate); Sistema jurídico comunitario (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1.2 / 2.3 / 2.5
MANNERS, Ian (Dr.)
Country: Sweden
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/swe
Work address: Malmö University-School of Technology and
Society-Political Science-Political Science, School of Technology and Society, Malmö University, 20506 Malmö, Sweden Tel:
+46 (0)40 665 7108 Fax: +46
(0)40 6657 320 E-mail: ian.
Publications in European Affairs:
Ian Manners, ‘Normative Power
Europe: A Contradiction in
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Terms?’, Journal of Common
Market Studies, June 2002, Vol.
40, No. 2, pp. 235-258. In English; Ian Manners and Sonia
Lucarelli (eds.) Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy (London: Routledge,
2006). In English; Ian Manners
and Richard Whitman (eds.) The
Foreign Policies of European
Union Member States (Manchester: Manchester University Press,
2000). In English.
Research activities: The Normative Power of the European
Union in World Politics; Europe
and the World: Between Regional Integration and Globalisation; Symbolism and Substance:
Critical Social Theory and European Integration.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Undergraduate); Power and Policymaking in the European Union
(Undergraduate); Europe and the
World (Undergraduate); Multidisciplinary Theories of European Studies (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Öresund Summer University
(Undergraduate); Major Research Orientations in International Relations (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.0 /
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1939
Sex: m
Position: Director Cuadernos
Europeos Deusto
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/eng/
Work address: Universidad De
Deusto-Political Science and Sociology-Instituto de Estudios
Europeos-Instituto de Estudios
Europeos, Universidad de Deusto
Aptdo. 1, 48080 Bilbao, Spain
Tel: (34) 944 139 012 Fax: (34)
944 139 284 E-mail: mariscal@
Publications in European Affairs:
Teorías Politicas de la Integración Europea, Tecnos, Madrid,
2003, 366 p.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Undergraduate); History of European Integration (Postgraduate);
Political Theories of European
Integration (Postgraduate); The
Constitutional Treaty under the
Light of Political Integration
Theories (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Political Theories of European
Integration (Postgraduate); The
Constitutional treaty under the
Alphabetical List
Light of Political Integration
Theories (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 5.13 /
6.1 / 7.0
M ASA G ODOY , Leopoldo (Prof.
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Documentación Europea
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/por
Work address: ExtremaduraEconómicas y EmpresarialesEconomía Aplicada y Organización de Empresas-Avda. Santa
Marina 33, 8º / 06005 Badajoz /
España Tel: 34 924 241301 Fax:
34 924 247753 E-mail: lmg@
camaras.org Url: www.cdiex.org
Publications in European Affairs:
Expectativas para la economía
española ante la ampliación de
la UE, español, capítulo libro.;
Repercusiones estructurales de
la Unión Económica y Monetaria en España, español, capítulo
libro.; La incorporación de
España a la Unión Económica y
Monetaria: oportunidades e
capítulo libro.
Research activities: Los universitarios extremeños ante la
Unión Europea: análisis de
conocimientos y actitudes.
Courses on European Integration: Economía de la Unión
Europea. Licenciatura en Economía. (Undergraduate); Economía
de la Unión Europea. Licenciatura en Dirección y Administración de Empresas y Diplomatura
en Relaciones Laborales. (Undergraduate); Economía Española
y Mundial (Sección de Economía
Europea) en Diplomatura en
Ciencias Empresariales (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
European Union Enlargement:
Social and Economic Impacts.
Evora.Portugal. (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.1.2 / 4.9 / 5.13 /
MASCIA, Marco (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng
Work address: Padova-Political
Science-International Studies and
Human Rights-Via Anghinoni, 3 35121 Padova Tel: +39 049
8273683 Fax: +39 049 8273684
E-mail: marco.mascia@unipd.it
Url: www. centrodirittiumani.
Publications in European Affairs:
La società civile nell’Unione
Europea. Nuovo orizzonte demo-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
cratico (Civil society in the European Union. New democratic horizon) (2004), Italian, monograph; Il sistema dell’Unione
Europea. Appunti su teorie,
attori e processi nella prospettiva di una Costituzione per
l’Europa (The European Union
system. Reflections on theories,
actors and processes in the perspective of a Constitution for Europe) (2004) Italian, monograph.;
Il processo costituente in Europa.
Dalla moneta unica alla cittadinanza europea (The constituent
process in Europe. From single
currency to european citizenship) (2000) Editor (with A.
Research activities: The role of
intercultural dialogue for the development of a new (plural,
democratic) citizenship; Human
security in the EU common foreign and security policy.
Courses on European Integration: The European Union Political System (Undergraduate); International Relations (Undergraduate); Peace and Security
Politics of the European Union
and the United Nations (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European citizenship and human
rights (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.0 / 3.5 / 4.19 / 7.0
MEEUSEN, Johan (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Belgium
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: dut/eng/fre/
Work address: University of
Antwerp-Law-Law of the European Union-Universiteitsplein 1,
BE 2610 Antwerpen Tel: + 32 3
820 29 07 Fax: + 32 3 820 29 40
E-mail: johan.meeusen@ua.ac.be
Url: www.ua.ac.be/johan.meeusen
Publications in European Affairs:
J. Meeusen and G. Straetmans
(eds.), De Europese Grondwet:
troeven en tekorten, Antwerp,
Intersentia, 2005, 187p.
Courses on European Integration: Institutional Law of the European Union [language: English] (Undergraduate); International and European Unification
of Private Law [language: English] (Undergraduate); Fundamental Issues of the Law of the
European Union [language:
Dutch] (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4
MENON, Anand (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Alphabetical List
Work address: Birmingham-European Studies-European research institute-ERI, University
of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Governing Europe, English,
book; Comparative federalism
the EU and US, english, book;
Europe: the state fo the Union,
english, book.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 2.1.2 /
MEYER, Christoph O. (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Position: Professor
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger
Work address: Birkbeck, University of London-Continuing
Education – 26 Russell Square,
WC1B 5DQ London Tel: 004420-7631-6658 E-mail: c.meyer@
bbk.ac.uk Url: http://www.bbk.
ac.uk/ce/ research/biogs/meyer.
Publications in European Affairs:
2005 – ‘Convergence Towards a
European Strategic Culture? A
Constructivist Framework for
Explaining Changing Norms’.
European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 11, No. 4,
pp. 523-549; 2005 – ‘The Europeanization of Publicised De-
bates: A Study of Quality Press
Coverage of Economic Policy
Coordination since Amsterdam’.
Journal of Common Market
Studies, Vol. 43, 1, pp. 119-46;
2002 Europäische Öffentlichkeit
als Kontrollsphäre: Die Europäische Kommission, die Medien
und politische Verantwortlichkeit. Berlin: Vistas, 230 pp.
Research activities: EU-Governance by Self-Co-ordination: Towards Governement Economique?
Courses on European Integration: Understanding the European Union: Evolution, Politics,
Problems (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.1.2 / 3.3 /
4.0 / 4.20
MEYER, Henning (Mr)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1978
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger
Work address: London Metropolitan University – Law, Governance and International Relations-Department of Law, Governance and International Relations, City Campus, Calcutta
House, Old Castle Street,
London E1 7TP, United Kingdom E-mail: henning.meyer@
europeanresearchforum.com Url:
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Wo Tony Blair nicht europäisch
denkt’ by Henning Meyer,
Handelsblatt (Germany), 25th
October 2005; ‘German Political
Landscape Transformed’ by
Henning Meyer, Tribune (UK),
2nd September 2005; ‘Blair
leidet unter Bushs Wiederwahl’
by Henning Meyer, Handelsblatt
(Germany), 8th November 2004.
Research activities: Social Europe Journal (www.social-europe.
com); ERF Social Democracy
Subject fields: 3.0 / 3.1 / 3.4 /
4.3 / 6.0
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1980
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ita/pol/
Work address: Adam Mickiewicz
University-Educational SciencesComparative Education-WSE,
60-568 Poznan, Poland Tel:
+48618292324 E-mail: agata@
mleczko. net
Publications in European Affairs:
Mleczko, A. (2005) The aspects
of researches on identity. In:
Golka, M. (2005) The Identity
Problems. Poznan; Mleczko, A.
(2004) The Liduinabasischool as
the typical Dutch school. In:
Edukacja i dialog, 1/2004.
Research activities: Urban Europe, researcher at the Bicocca
University in Milan (Italy).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.1.1 /
Krystyna (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: f
Position: Head of Department
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/spa/eng/
Work address: Warsaw School
of Economics-World EconomyThe International Economic Organizations-Warsaw School of
Economics, Al. Niepodleglosci
164, room 911, 02-554 Warsaw,
Poland Tel: +48 (22) 564-93-66,
+48 (22) 564-93-61 Fax: +48
(22) 564-86-32 E-mail: kmigor@
sgh.waw.pl Url: www.sgh.waw.
pl/ katedry/kmog/
Publications in European Affairs:
Decission Making Process in European Union; language: Polish;
European Parliament and parliaments of Poland and Germany
– language: Polish, Germany;
Coordination of the budget
policy and stability and growth
pact in the proposals of the
working group of the European
Alphabetical List
Convention and Constitutional
Treaty – language: English.
Research activities: IGC-Net:
Anatomy, Analysis and Assessment of EU Constitutionalization
– EU-CONSENT: Constructing
Europe Network.
Courses on European Integration: System of jurisdiction in
European Union (Undergraduate); Institutions of European
Union (Undergraduate); European economic and political integration, Decission making process in European Union.
Subject fields: 2.0 / 5.0 / 5.2 /
MICKLITZ, Hans-W. (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/fre/eng/
Work address: Bamberg-Sozialund WirtschaftswissenschaftenLaw-Kirschaecker Strasse 39, D96052 Bamberg Tel: +49-9518632702 Fax: +49-951-8631199 E-mail: hans-w.micklitz@
sowi.uni-bamberg.de Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Politics of Judicial Coopeation in the EU, CUP 2005 ;
together with Astrid Stadler, Das
Verbandsklagerecht in der Infor-
mations- und Dienstleistungsgesellschaft, 2005; together with
Ulrich Magnus, Liability for the
Safety of Services,2006.
Research activities: European
Consumer Law Group.
Courses on European Integration: European Private Law
(Consumer Law) (Undergraduate); European Competition Law
(Undergraduate); European Unfair
Commercial Practices Law (Undergraduate); Common Commercial Policy in the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.3 / 4.1 / 4.6 / 4.8
MIZZI, Leonard (Dr.)
Country: Belgium
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Position: Director General
Spoken languages: mlt/fre/eng/
Work address: Tel: 00322502
6091 Fax: 003227360855 E-mail:
lmizzi@mbb.org.mt Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
EU – Malta relations and EU,
Malta and CAP.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: International Economics – Boston
University, Brussels.
Research activities: CAP: EuroMed; SME policy and EU enlargement.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Subject fields: 4.0 / 5.2 / 5.8 / 6.2
MOCCIA, Luigi (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Roma Tre-Scienze
Politiche-www. scienzepolitiche.
uniroma3.it-Via G. Chiabrera
199, 00145 Roma, Italy Tel: 06/
55176312 Fax: 06/55176234
E-mail: moccia@uniroma3.it
Publications in European Affairs:
Du ‘marché’ a la ‘citoyenneté’:
a la recherche d’un droit privé
européen durable et de sa base
juridique, in Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé, 2004,
pp. 291-327; A New Democratic
International Order and the Role
of the European Union, in La
Cittadinanza Europea – Rivista
di studi e documentazione sulla
integrazione europea, II/2004,
pp. 269-281; Comparazione
giuridica e Diritto europeo,
Milano, Giuffrè, 2005, pp. XVXXI, 1-1024.
Research activities: – European
private law and Union’s Citizenship; – European law and Ius
Courses on European Integration: Diritto dell’Unione europea
(Undergraduate); Diritto europeo
dei consumatori – Sistemi giuri-
dici comparati (Undergraduate);
Comparazione e uniformazione
del diritto (Postgraduate); Diritto
privato europeo (Postgraduate);
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Sistemi giuridici comparati
dell’Unione europea (Postgraduate); Politiche europee per la
sicurezza e la cooperazione allo
sviluppo (Postgraduate); Diritto
europeo dei consumatori (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.2 /
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: m
Position: Directeur du Centre de
Documentation Europèenne
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/ita/
Work address: Alcalá (Madrid)Droit-Droit Public-C/ Libreros nº
19, 28801 Alcalá de Henares
(Madrid) Tel: 00 34 91 885 68
22 Fax: 00 34 91 885 43 54
E-mail: carlosf.molina@uah.es
Courses on European Integration: Institutions et Droit Communautaire (Undergraduate) Initiation à l´Union Européenne (Undergraduate)
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Institutions et Politiques de
l’Union Européenne (Postgraduate); L’Union Européenne (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.2 /
5.13 / 6.1
MÖLLERS, Christoph (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Göttingen-LawPublic and Comparative-Platz
der Göttinger Sieben 6 Tel: 49
(0)551 3910156 Fax :49 (0)551
391714 E-mail: lehrstuhl.moellers
@jura.uni-goettingen.de Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
European Governance-Meaning
and Value of a Concept, Common Markel Law Review 2006;
Pouvoir Constituant-Constitution-Constitutionalisation, in:
Bogdandy/Bast (ed.), Principles
of European Constitutional Law,
2006; Policy, Politics or Polical
Theory?, in: C. Joerges/Y.
Mény/J. H. H.Weiler (ed.),
Mountain or Molehill? Responses to the European Commission´s
White Paper on Governance,
2002, 55-60.
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.1 / 2.5 / 7.1
MONAR, Jörg (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Position: Co-Director of Sussex
European Institute
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: University of
Sussex-Sussex European Institute – Arts Road, Brighton BN1
9RG, United Kingdom Tel:
0044(0)1273877797 Fax: 0044
(0)1273678571 E-mail: j.monar@
sussex.ac.uk Url: http://www.
Courses on European Integration: European Political Integration (Postgraduate); EU Justice
and Home Affairs (Postgraduate); The Making of Contemporary Europe (Postgraduate); The
History of the Idea of Europe
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Reforming the European Union:
Political and Institutional Perspectives (Postgraduate); The
EU’s (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 4.21 /
4.22 / 5.0
MONÉGER, Joël (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: m
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Position: Directeur de l’Institut
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng/spa
Work address: Université ParisDauphine-Institut Droit-Dauphine Institut Droit-Dauphine,
Université Paris-dauphine, Place
du Maréchal de Lattre de
Tassigny, F75775 Paris cedex 16
Tel: 33(0)144054847 Fax: 33(0)
44054025 E-mail: joel.moneger
@dauphine.fr Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Regulation and Competition: difference or identity of concept:
symposium of ASCOLA, IUE,
Florence, to be published by
ASCOLA ed. Hanns Ullrich; Les
réformes du droit communautaire de la concurrence, théâtre
d’apparences: à propos des relations entre les autorités communautaires et nationales: in
l’influence de l’ordre juridique
de l’Union européenne sur les
ordres juridiques nationaux, 12e
Journées franco-roumaines de
droit comparé, Bucuresti et
Courses on European Integration: Droit international européen des affaires (Postgraduate);
Droit européen de la concurrence et des concentrations (Postgraduate); Antitrust and Merger
in EU Law (Postgraduate); Intro-
duction to The EU system of
Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.5 / 4.6 / 5.4 / 6.0
MOON, Woosik (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Korea South
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Seoul National
University-Graduate Scool of International Studies – San 56-1,
Silim-Don, Kwanak-Gu, Seoul,
Korea 151-742 Tel: 822) 8808524 Fax: 822) 889-8524
E-mail: mwoosik@snu.ac.kr Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Regional Integration: Europe
and Asia Compared, edited with
B. Andreosso, Ashgate; “Sovereignty and Seignorage in a Monetary Union: Comparing AMU
with EMU, (with Y.S. Rhee)
Journal of International and Area
Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, December.
Courses on European Integration: Theory and process of
european integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.1.2 /
4.1.3 / 7.2
MORATA, Francesc (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1949
Alphabetical List
Sex: m
Position: Director
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/fre/eng/
Work address: University
Autónoma de Barcelona –
Politiques I Socilogia – Ciència
Politica – Institut Universitari
d’Estudis Europeus – Ed. E1 –
08193 – Campus UAB (Cerdanyola) Spain Tel: +34 5813024
E-mail: francesc.morata@uab.es
Url: www.uab.es/iuee.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Spanish Presidencies: from
commitment to reluctance towards European Integration, in
O. Elgström (ed.), European
Union Council Presidencies,
London, Routledge, pp. 173-190
(210 pp), 2002. Gobernanza
Multinivel en la Unión Europea,
in F. Morata (ed.).
Research activities: CONNEX Democratic and Efficient Governance in the EU (Network of Excellence, 2004-2008) – EPIGOV
– Environmental Policy Integration (Concerted Action 20052008).
Courses on European Integration: Relaciones Intergubernamentales en la UE (Undergraduate); Políticas Comunitaries (Undergraduate); European Environmental Policy (Postgraduate);
Multilevel Governance in the EU
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Policy-Making (MP Program,
Bologna) (Postgraduate); EU
Policies and Politics (Universidad Complutense, Madrid) Sustainable Development in the EU
(Venice International University)
(Postgraduate); EU Policy-Making (ITAM, Ciudad de México)
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 4.0
MOSCONI, Franco (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: Parma-Economics and Political Science-Economics-Via J. F. Kennedy, 6, I 43100 Parma Tel: +3905210
32525 Fax: +390521032402
E-mail: franco.mosconi@unipr.it
Url: cattedramonnet-mosconi.org
Publications in European Affairs:
Le nuove politiche industriali
nell’ Europa allargata, Monte
Università, Parma editore,
Parma, 2005 (2nd and update edition); Ma che crescita è senza le
fabbriche?, « east – Europe and
Asia Strategies», Baldini Castoldi
Dalai editore, n.º 4, maggio
2005, pp.52 – 56; The Age of
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
“European Champions” – A
New Chance for EU Industrial
Policy, in “The European Union
Review”, Vol. 11 N.o 1, 2006.
Research activities: The New
European Industrial Policy; The
Lisbon Strategy: An Economic
Courses on European Integration: Models of European Capitalism (Undergraduate); European Institutions and Economics
(Undergraduate); EU policies on
industry, research and technology (Postgraduate); The EU Industrial Policy (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Media Economics: An European
Perspective (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.4 / 4.6 /
4.10 / 4.13
MOURA E SILVA, Miguel (Mr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: m
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre
Work address: Universidade de
Lisboa-Faculdade de DireitoDepartamento de Jurídico-Económicas-Faculdade de Direito –
Alameda da Universidade, Cidade
Universitária 1649-014 Lisboa
E-mail: mmsilva@mail.fd.ul.pt
Url: http://homepage.mac.com/
Publications in European Affairs:
Inovação, Transferência de
Tecnologia e Concorrência,
Coimbra: Almedina, 2003;
Direito Comunitário I – Jurisprudência, Questões e Notas,
Lisboa: AAFDL, 2000-2004; O
Princípio do Equilíbrio Institucional, Lisboa: AAFDL, 1998.
Courses on European Integration: Direito Comunitário I (Undergraduate); Direito Comunitário II (Undergraduate); Direito
da Concorrência I (Postgraduate); Direito da Concorrência II
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.5 / 4.6.
MOURA RAMOS, Rui (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: m
Position: University of Coimbra,
Faculty of Law
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/fre/eng/
Work address: Faculdade de
Direito da Universidade de
Coimbra, Pátio da Universidade,
3004 – 545 Coimbra, Portugal
Tel.: +351239 833451 Fax:
+351 826481 E-mail: rmmramos
Publications in European Affairs:
Das comunidades à União
europeia, Estudos de Direito
Comunitário, 2 ed., Coimbra,
Alphabetical List
Coimbra Editora. – Contrôle
juridictionnel des actes des institutions européennes. – A Carta
dos Direitos Fundamentais da
União Europeia e a Protecção
dos Direitos Fundamentais. –
«O Tratado que estabelece uma
Constituição para a Europa e a
posição dos Tribunais Constitucionais dos Estados-Membros no
sistema jurídico da União Europeia”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Conselheiro José Manuel
Cardoso da Costa, v. II, Coimbra,
2005, Coimbra Editora, pp. 365395.
Research activities: IV Cursos
Euromediterrâneos Bancaja de
Derecho Internacional (2000),
pp. 421-461.
Courses on European Integration: Community Law (Undergraduate); Institutions on General Principles of Comunity Law
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Community Conventions on Private International Law, University Paris II, 1995 (Postgraduate); European Union Private International Law, Institut International Luxembourg, 2000, 2001,
2002. (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.2 / 2.3
MURAKAMI, Naohisa (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Nagaoka University of Technology-Engineering-Language Center-1603-1,
Kamitomioka-cho, Nagaoka City,
Niigata Prefecture, Japan, 9402188 Tel: 82-258-47-9810
Fax: 81-258-47-9810 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Challenge of Euro, Japanese,
book, published by Nihon Keizai
Hyoronsha in 1998; WTO, Japanese, book, published by
Heibonsha in 2001; Can the
world safeguard food safety,
Japanese, book, published by
Heibonsha in 2004.
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to regional integration in the world (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 4.19 /
5.4 / 6.1
MURAVSKA, Tatyana (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: f
Position: Director of the European Studies Centre
Jean Monnet Chair
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Spoken languages: lav/cze/eng/
Work address: University of
Latvia – Centre for European
Studies-Brivibas 32, LV-1050
Riga Latvia, room 59 Tel: 371 7
034 795 Fax: 371 7 7034 775
E-mail: Tatjana.Muravska@lu.lv
Url: www.lu.lv/lecsa
Publications in European Affairs:
I. Dovladbekova, T. Muravska,
T. Paas Changes and Challenges
in Higher Education as the Precondition for Sustainable and
Competitive Development in the
Baltic States. The European
Legacy: Toward New Paradigms. Journal of ISSEI. Eds.
Ezra Talmor, 2006 2. T. Muravska:
European Studies Development
in Latvia: Before and After the
Accession. Kaunas, Lithuania,
Technical University, European
Institute, 2005. 3.J.D. Hansen, T.
Muravska. European Studies
Master Programmes Development in the Baltics chapter in a
book: “Congress of European
Studies Centres in the Baltic Sea
Region. EuroFaculty, Riga,
Research activities: 2005-2006
European Union Enlargement of
2004 and Beyond: Responding
to the Political, Legal and Socioeconomic Challenges Jean Monnet
Conference (EC 2005 – 1986/
001 – 001 CEN CENRE and the
University of Latvia) http://www.
lu.lv/jmconference 2006/ 2005
Scientist in Charge of Marie
Curie Project at the University of
Latvia; 2003-2005 2001-2004
Jean Monnet permanent course.
Political Economy and European
Integration (1132/055-001 JMOJMO) 2000-2004 The Baltic Sea
Area Studies Northern Dimension of Europe (HRPN-CT-200000073 EK) Leader: Humboldt
University, Berlin http://www2.
hu-berlin.de/BaltSeaNet/ Research Projects financed by the
Latvian Government: Latvian
Research Council 1.
Courses on European Integration: Globalisation and Integration Processes in the World
Economy (Undergraduate); European Economies and Integration Development (Postgraduate); Economic Policy in the EU:
Selected Topics (Postgraduate);
Political Economy of European
Integration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Political Economy of Enlargement
(Postgraduate); Integration Development in the Baltic Sea Region: The Role of the Northern
Dimension (Postgraduate); Sustainable Human Development in
Central and Eastern Europe
(CEE) (Postgraduate).
Alphabetical List
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.7 / 4.0 /
4.1 / 4.1.1
MUSU, Costanza (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ita
Work address: Richmond
American International University, London – Humanities and
Social Science-7-17 Ansdell
Street, London W8 5BN E-mail:
Url: www.richmond.ac.uk
Publications in European Affairs:
2005: Musu, C. and Casarini, N.
(eds.), EU Foreign Policy in an
Evolving International System:
The Road To Convergence,
Palgrave Macmillan, (forthcoming in 2006); 2003: Musu, C.,
‘European Foreign Policy: A
Collective Policy or a Policy of
Converging Parallels?’ European Foreign Affairs Review,
Kluwer Law International: Vol.
8, Issue 1, Spring 2003; Musu,
C. and Wallace, W., ‘The Focus
of Discord? The Middle East in
US Strategy and European Aspirations’ in John Peterson and
Mark A. Pollack: “Europe,
America, Bush: Transatlantic Relations After 2000”, Routledge,
June 2003.
Research activities: Invited to
join the Israeli-European Policy
Network (IEPN) as “European
Researcher”. The IEPN initiates,
develops and sustains a permanent and substantial dialogue on
concrete issues of EU-Israeli relations. The IEPN works under
the overall direction of the Israel
Office of the Friedrich-EbertStiftung and its partners, the Israeli Institute for Economic and
Social Research, Tel Aviv, and
the Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, Ben
Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer Sheva.
Courses on European Integration: The European Union in the
Twenty First Century (Undergraduate); The Evolution of the
European International System
(Undergraduate); European Union
Foreign Policy (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.0 /
5.4 / 5.8
N ABELS -S NEIDERS , Ainars (Dr.)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: m
Position: Head of International
Relations Division
Spoken languages: eng/lav/
Work address: Latvian University-Economics-EU studies-2
Republikas laukums, Riga LV1981 Tel: +371 7027296 Fax:
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
+371 7830272 E-mail: ainars.
nabels@zm.gov.lv Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
EU direct payments for farmerswhat does it mean? Weekly
Courses on European Integration: Eu Common Agriculture
Policy course (Postgraduate)
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
basic course for Public Administration School (Undergraduate);
EU CAP Policy for Public Administration School (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.1 / 4.2
NAGY, Sandor Gyula (Mr)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1980
Sex: m
Spoken languages: hun/ger/eng
Work address: Corvinus University of Budapest-World Economics-European
Group-Hungary-1092, Budapest,
Knezich utca 12. Tel: +3630
6063357 Fax: +3614825048
E-mail: sandorgyula.nagy@unicorvinus.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
Flamm László – Nagy Sándor
Gyula (editors): Belépodíj, EU
Munkacsoport, Budapest 2003. /
Entrence fee for EU-accession/
Nagy Sándor Gyula – Trombitás
Zoltán (editors) – Kulcs a sikeres
EU pályázatokhoz 2., EU
Munkacsoport, Budapest, 2004.
/Key for successfull EU-applications/ Chapter in the political
yearbook of Hungary: Forman
Balázs – Nagy Sándor Gyula: A
magyarországi uniós támogatási
rendszer és pályáztatási gyakorlat
hiányosságai, In Magyarország
Politikai Évkönyve, DKMKKA,
Budapest 2005. /Efiiciency of the
Hungarian system of EU-subsidies and the practice of application for EU-funds/
Courses on European Integration: Systems of EU-subsidies in
member states (Undergraduate);
How to apply for EU-funds? Undergraduate, Postgraduate Introduction into the communication
of the university – Basic EUknowledge (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: How
to apply for EU-funds? (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 4.7 / 4.9 / 5.0
NAKAMURA, Tamio (Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/japanese
Work address: University of
Tokyo - Institute of Social Science-Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0033, Japan Tel:
Alphabetical List
+81-(0)3-5841-4933 Fax: +81(0)3-5841-4905 E-mail: tamio@
iss.u-tokyo.ac.jp Url: http://web.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe: Legal Analysis and Full Japanese Translation. Tokyo: House of Representatives Research Commission on
the Constitution Secretariat, 331.
2004. [In Japanese]
Courses on European Integration: EU Internal Market Business Law (Postgraduate); EU
Civil Society Law (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
General Introduction to EU Law
Undergraduate, Postgraduate.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 2.2 / 7.0
NAKANO, Satoshi (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Toyohashi Sozo
College – Management and Information
Kitayama, Oiwa-cho, Toyohashi,
Japan, 441-3141 Tel: 0532-430712 Fax: 0532-43-0712 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Managing European Works
Councils from outside Europe’,
in Ian Fitzgerald and John
Stirling, European Works Councils: Pessimism of the Intellect,
Optimism of the Will?, London:
Courses on European Integration: Modern European economic and social history (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 3.4 / 4.3
NATHON, Istvan (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Spoken languages: hun/eng/fre/
Work address: Kodolanyi Janos
University College-Social Sciences-Social Sciences-Furdo u
1,8000 Szekesfehervar, Hungary
Tel: +36(30)971-3032 E-mail:
nathoni@t-online.hu Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Multilateral diplomacy, English,
textbook; EU and higher education, Hungarian, conference proceedings; Peacekeeping, peacebuilding, Hungarian, conference
Research activities: Multilateral
diplomacy. EU programme and
project management.EU economic and social development in
the enlargement context (projected).
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration: EU programme and project
management (Undergraduate);
Multilateral diplomacy (Undergraduate); International organizations (Undergraduate); International management (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.9 / 4.17 / 4.19 /
NEMCOVÁ, Ingeborg
Country: Czech Republic
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: cze/eng/slo/
Work address: University of
Economics In Prague-Faculty of
International Relations-Dpt.of
the World Economy-Vysoká
skola ekonomická v Praze, Nám.
W. Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3,
Czech Republic Tel: +420 224
095 281 Fax: +420 224 095 233
E-mail: inge@vse.cz
Publications in European Affairs:
1. CIHELKOVÁ, Eva, Jakš, J.a kol.:
Evropská ekonomická integrace
– Evropská unie, (European
Economic Integration – EU)
Oeconomia/ VŠE Praha 2004 –
Part: Common Fishery Policy,
ISBN 80-245-0854-0 2. Nemcová,
I.: Liberalizace sírových odvetví
v rámci vnitrního trhu EU (Liberalization of Net-operating In-
dustries on the Internal market),
Hospodárská politika v nových
clenských zemích EU, Ostrava
(2005), ISBN 80-248-0943-5 3.
NEMCOVÁ, I.: K nekterým aspektum
evropské ekonomické integrace:
Národní stát v krizi aneb mení se
paradigma hospodárské politiky?
( To Selected Aspects of the European Economic Integration:
National state in crises – is there a
change of Economic policy Paradigme?), Hospodárská politika v
ISBN 80-7078-755-4, Ostrava
(2000), s. 185-187
Research activities: Environmentální politika Evropské unie
a konkurenceschopnost podniku
v CR (Environmental Policy of
the EU and Competitiveness of
the Czech Companies)(Hlávkova
nadace 2004-05).
Courses on European Integration: Vnitrní trh (SE 904) (Postgraduate); CEP 358 European
Integration (Undergraduate); SE
703 Macro-and microeconomic
Aspects of the East Enlargement
of EU (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Recent Economic Developments of
the CR (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 6.2 /
Alphabetical List
NEWMAN, Michael (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: London Metropolitan University – Law, Governance and International Relations-166-220, Holloway Road,
London, N7 8DB Tel: 00 44 20
8340-1926 E-mail: m.newman@
Publications in European Affairs:
‘After the Permissive Consensus:
Still Searching for Democracy’
in Jeremy Richardson (ed.) European Union: Power and
Policy-Making (Routledge, 3rd
edition, 2005); ‘Reconceptualising democracy in the European
Union’ in James Anderson (ed.)
Transnational Democracy: Political Spaces and Border Crossings
(Routledge 2002); Catherine
Hoskyns and Michael Newman
(eds.)Democratizing the European Union – Issues for the
twenty-first century (Manchester
University Press, 2000).
Courses on European Integration: Peace and Conflict: The
European Experience (Undergraduate); European Integration
and the European Union (Postgraduate); Britain and the European Union (Undergraduate);
Citizenship and the European
Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 4.15 /
NICK, Robinson (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Leeds-Social
Science and Law-Politics and International Studies-School for
Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds,
LS2 9JT Tel: 0113 343 4790
Fax: 0113 343 4400 E-mail:
Courses on European Integration: MA European Politics (EU
Public Policy) (Undergraduate);
BA (Hons) European Studies
(Undergraduate); BA (Hons) European Politics (Undergraduate)
BA (Hons) European Parliamentary Studies (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.7 / 4.11 / 7.0 /
Iro - Georgia (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: f
Position: Head of Section Social
and Economic Law
Jean Monnet Chair
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Panteion University of Athens – Law-136,
Syngrou Ave., Athens GR
17671 Tel: ++30-210-3603444
Fax: ++30-210-3632705 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Social Europe: Deficits and
Prospects (greek), book, Sideris
publications, Athens 2002. ;
Pharmaceuticals Policies in the
EU. The modernisation of the
regulatory framework (greek),
book, Papazissis Publications,
Athens 2002.
Research activities: European
Institute of Social Security
(EISS); European Council for
Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).
Courses on European Integration: The Welfare State: History,
Trends and Prospects (Undergraduate) Social Policy of the
EU and International Organisations (Undergraduate) European
Social Policy: Deficits and Prospects (Undergraduate) Implementation of the Community
Policies: European Social Policy
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Social Policy, National
Center for Public Administration
(Athens, Greece) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.5 / 3.4 / 4.3
NIEDOBITEK, Matthias (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Position: dean for BAMA-studies
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Chemnitz University of Technology-School of
Humanities and Social SciencesEuropean Studies-TU Chemnitz,
Reichenhainer Str. 39, 09126
Chemnitz, Germany Tel: +49/
371/531-4912 Fax: +49/371/
531-4060 E-mail: matthias.
Url: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/
Publications in European Affairs:
Commentary on Articles 125130 EGV, 149, 150 EGV, 151
EGV, 246-248, 268-279 EC
Treaty, in: Rudolf Streinz (ed.),
EUV/EGV – Vertrag über die
Europäische Union und Vertrag
zur Gründung der Europäischen
Gemeinschaft, München 2003.;
Völker- und europarechtliche
Grundfragen des EU-Beitrittsvertrages, in: Juristenzeitung
2004, 369-375.; Minderheitenschutz im europäischen Mehrebenensystem, in: Frank-Lothar
Kroll / Matthias Niedobitek (eds),
Vertreibung und Minderheitenschutz in Europa, Berlin
2005, S. 241-278.
Alphabetical List
Research activities: Forum für
Europäische Studien (FESt) at
Chemnitz University (http://
Courses on European Integration: Recht und Politik der EU (=
Law and Policies of the European Union), lecture held in German (Undergraduate) Organe
und Institutionen der EU (= Institutions and Bodies of the European Union), exercise held in
German (Undergraduate) The
Development of European Integration as Reflected in the Press,
exercise held in English (Undergraduate) Osterweiterung als
Daueraufgabe!? – Rechtsfragen
des Erweiterungsgeschehens (=
Eastern Enlargement of the
Union as a Permanent Task!? Legal Questions of the Accession Process), Seminar held in
German (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.16 / 6.0
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: por/spa/fre/
Work address: Legal Economics
Sciences, Faculdade de Direito
da Universidade de Coimbra,
Pátio da Universidade 3004-545
Coimbra, Portugal Tel.: +351
239 859 801/02 Fax: +351 239
823 353 E-mail: jjna@fd.uc.pt
Url: http://www.fd.uc.pt/
Publications in European Affairs:
A restituição das ajudas de
Estado concedidas em violação
do direito comunitário português,
Stvdia Jvridica, 28, Coimbra
Editora (dissertation).
Courses on European Integration: Post-Graduation Course in
European Studies.
Subject fields: 4.4 / 4.6
NOTARSTEFANO, Cosimo (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng
Work address: University of
Lecce-Foggia-Bergamo-Languages – Polo Euromediterraneo
Jean Monnet, Prof. Cosimo
Notarstefano, Via Buozzi 29 70123 Bari (Italy) Tel: ++39080
5742531 Fax: ++390805742531
E-mail: notarst@tin.it; poloeuromediterraneo@unile.it Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
“Il Trattato che adotta la Costituzione per l’Europa”, Polo
Euromediterraneo Jean Monnet,
2005, 512 p.; “La politica di
promozione della sanità pubblica nell’Unione Europea”, Polo
Euromediterraneo, I.I.M.S., Uni-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
versità degli Studi di Foggia,
“Lineamenti giuridici delle attività
turistiche”, Azione Jean Monnet
– C.U.M., Bari, Ottobre 2003,
322 p.
Research activities: 1995 2005: Research in the C.M.U.
network (Comunità delle Università Mediterranee) within Mediterranean Programme of the
UNESCO Heritage, Tourism,
Public Health, Cooperation between Universities, Dialogue,
e-lerarning, Sport, Training, Languages).
Courses on European Integration: 2000-2006 Docente 20042006 Docente di (Postgraduate);
2000-2006 Docente (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
2003-2008 Coordinatore Polo
Europeo Jean Monnet “Euromediterraneo” – Facoltà di Lingue
Università di Lecce 1998-2005
Docente (Undergraduate) 20042006 Docente di (Postgraduate)
2005-2006 Docente di (Postgraduate) 2001-2005 Docente
Subject fields: 3.5 / 4.0 / 5.8
NOVACKOVA, Daniela (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Slovakia
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Comenius University-Facultz of ManagementCentre of European IntegrationOdbojarov 10, 825 05 Bratislava
E-mail: daniela.novackova@fm.
Courses on European Integration: European Law, 60 hours
per year (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economics and law in the conditions
in the EU 160 hours per year
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 /
2.0 / 2.1
N OVELLI , Mariano Horacio
Country: Argentina
Year of birth: 1981
Sex: m
Spoken languages: spa/eng
Work address: Universidad
Nacional De Rosario-Facultad de
Derecho – Córdoba 2020, (2000)
Rosario, Argentina Tel: 54 341
4802634 E-mail: mnovelli@fder.
Publications in European Affairs:
Tratado de derecho ambiental,
Editorial Nova Tesis, Rosario (en
prensa, a publicarse en marzo de
Research activities: “Derecho y
Filosofía de la Integración”,
acreditado por Resolución N°
Alphabetical List
288/2001 del Consejo Superior
de la Universidad Nacional de
Rosario, y dispuesta su continuidad por Resoluciones N° 297/
2002, 017/2004 y 390/2004.
Proyecto llevado adelante en el
marco del Centro de Estudios
Comunitarios de la Facultad de
Derecho.”Aportes para el Derecho Internacional Privado y de la
Integración”, acreditado por
Resolución N° 103/2005 del
Consejo Superior de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Proyecto llevado adelante en el
marco del Centro de Estudios
Comunitarios de la Facultad de
Subject fields: 2.5.1 / 4.7 / 5.13
OFUJI, Noriko (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: f
Spoken languages: fre/eng/
Work address: Dokkyo University-Faculty of Law-Department
of Law-1-1, Gakuen-cho, Sokashi, Saitama, 340-0042, Japan
Tel: 81-48-942-6348 Fax: 8148-942-6348 E-mail: ofuji@
Research activities: Research
Project on the Recent Case-Laws
of the Court of Justice of the European Communities; Research
Project on Governance in the European Union; Research Project
on the European Court of Human Rights.
Courses on European Integration: Regional Community Law
(European Union Law) (Undergraduate)
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Union Law (Seijo University) (Undergraduate); European Union Law (Tokai University Law School) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.3 / 4.21 / 4.22
OH, Yonghyup (Dr.)
Country: Korea South
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/korea
Work address: Korea Institute
for International Economic
Policy, 300-4 Yomgok-Dong
Seocho-Gu Seoul Korea Tel:
+82.2.3460.1022 Fax: +82.2.
3460.1212 E-mail: yho@kiep.
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.1.2 /
OHDAIRA, Kazuyuki (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng/
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Work address: Ritsumeikan
University-Faculty of International Relations-56-1 Tojiin
Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto 6038577 Japan Tel: 81-75-465-1111
Ext. 4026 Fax: 81-75-465-1214
E-mail: kohdaira@ir.ritsumei.ac.jp
Publications in European Affairs:
‘EU-Japan Trade and Economic
Research activities: Research
project by The EU Institute in
Japan (Tokyo).
Courses on European Integration: Politics and Diplomacy of
EU (Undergraduate); EU Law
(Undergraduate); Future Integration of EU (in Japanese) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.4 / 4.0 /
5.0 / 6.0
Huizinga H. Jonung L., eds., The
Internationalisation of Asst Ownership in Europe, Cambridge
University Press, October 2005;
L’Europa allargata come nuova
opportunità, in Cagliozzi R., a
cura di, Economia e politica
dell’allargamento dell’Unione
Europea, Giappichelli, Torino
2004; Eastern enlargement: opportunity for Lombardy-based
enterprises, in “Transition Studies Review”, 34, vol. X, 2, 2003,
pagg. 141-155.
Research activities: EU enlargement: the Impact of East-West
Migration on Growth and Employment (FLOWENLA). Contract HPSE-CT2001-00064 within
EU-5th Framework Project.
Subject fields: 4.4 / 4.5 / 5.0 / 7.0
ONIDA, Fabrizio (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1940
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
BocconiEconomia-Economia politica-via
Sarfatti 25 20136 Milano, Italia
Tel: 39-02-58363397 Fax: 3902-58363399 E-mail: fabrizio.
onida@unibocconi.it Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Foreign ownership and firm performance: the case of Italy (con
S. Mariotti e L. Piscitello), in
ONODA, Setsuko (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng/
Work address: University of
Shimane-Policy Studies-Policy
Hamada City, Shimane, Japan
697-0016 Tel: +81 0855-242233 Fax: +81 0855-24-2299
E-mail: s-onoda@u-shimane.ac.jp
Publications in European Affairs:
Post-war European Trearies and
Agreements, Heiwa Bunka
Alphabetical List
Kenkyu, vol 27, March 2005,
Nagasaki Peace and Culture Institute; Conflict, Antagonism,
and Overcoming, Kinokuniya
Shoten, 2005; Memories of war
and Peace-building in post-war
Japan: Japanese Constitution as
Peace System, United Nations
University for Peace, Peace and
Conflict Monitor, issue January
26, 2004.
Research activities: Unification
of Germany and European Integration, 2004 – (continued), Japan.
Courses on European Integration: Europe and America I (to
be terminated in 2006) (Undergraduate)
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.5.1 / 4.14 /
5.0 / 5.10
OPPELN, Sabine von (Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1950
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/fre/fre
Work address: Freie Universität
Berlin-Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften-Political Science-´Freie
Universität Berlin, Otto-SuhrInstitut, Ihnestr. 21, 14195 Berlin Tel: 83 85 50 16 Fax: 83 85
70 57 E-mail: oppeln@zedat.fuberlin.de Url: www.fu-berlin.de/
Publications in European Affairs:
Die Debatte über den EU-Beitritt
der Türkei im deutsch-franzö-
sischen Vergleich, in: Leviathan
2/2005, S.391-411.; Bevölkerungsmeinung und Elitendiskurs.
Die deutsche und französische
Debatte über den europäischen
Verfassungsvertrag, in: WeltTrends, 48/2005, S. 114-124
(zusammen mit Carina Sprungk).
Courses on European Integration: Einführung in die Europäische Integration (Undergraduate); Geschichte der Europäischen Integration im Spiegel
der Integrationstheorien (Undergraduate); Entwicklung und
Perspektiven europäischer Sozialpolitik (Undergraduate); Konstruktion der Nation in Frankreich, Deutschland und den USA
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Cultures croisées: France – Allemagne, (Undergraduate); Politique européene de la France et de
l’Allemagne en comparaison
Subject fields: 1.2 / 1.3 / 3.0 /
4.3 / 6.1
OPPERMANN, Thomas (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1931
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Tübingen/Germany-Law – Burgholzweg 122,
D-72070 Tübingen, Germany
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Tel: +49-(0)7071-49533 Fax:
oppermannprof@aol.com Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Jus Europaeum.Beiträge zur
europäischen Einigung, 2006;
Europarecht, 3. Auflage 2005
(Lehrbuch); Europäischer Verfassungskonvent und Regierungskonferenz 2002-2004, Deutsches
Verwaltungsblatt 2004, S. 1264 ff.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Europarecht (with Japanese
translation), Law Faculty, Toin
University Yokohama, Japan,
spring 2007 (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.4 / 5.0 / 6.0
ORCALLI, Gabriele (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng/spa
Work address: Padova-Political
of Economics via Del Santo 22
35123 Padua Italy Tel: ++39 049
8274218 Fax: ++39 049 8274221
E-mail: gabriele.orcalli@unipd.it
Url: www.unipd.it
Publications in European Affairs:
“Accordi mediterranei, distribuzione del reddito e migrazioni”,
in Rivista Italiana di Economia
Demografia e Statistica, nn. 1-2,
2002 ; “Competition or harmoni-
zation among the rules in the
European Union: two distinct
approaches”, in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e
Commerciali (vol. 50 pp. 163183), 2003; “A Constitutional Interpretation of the GATT/WTO”,
Constitutional Political Economy
(vol. 14 pp. 141-154), 2003.
Research activities: Mediterranean Agreements and immigration.
Courses on European Integration: Economics of European
Integration (Undergraduate); European Economic Policies and
Institutions (Postgraduate); Theory
of Economic Integration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Theory of economic integration
(University of Montevideo (Uruguay) and University of Rosario
(Argentina) (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 5.13 / 7.0 / 7.1 /
OTT, Andrea (Dr.)
Country: Netherlands
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng/dut
Work address: Maastricht-LawInternational and European LawBouillonstraat 1-3, 6200 MD
Maastricht Tel: 0031433883012
Alphabetical List
E-mail: a.ott@ir.unimaas.nl Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Thirty years of the ECJ’s caselaw on international treaties and
customary international law. A
pragmatic approach towards its
integration”, S.95-140. in: V.
Kronenberger (ed.), The European Union and the International
Legal order – Discord and Harmony, pp. 95-140 (The Hague,
T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001 book
contribution, English; A.Ott and
K. Inglis, Handbook of European Enlargement, T.M.C. Asser
Press 2002 (ISBN 90-6704-151-3)
October 2002 edited book English; A.Ott und K.Inglis, The
Constitution for Europe and an
Enlarging Union: Unity in Diversity?, Europa Law Publishing
(ISBN 90-76871388), November
2005, edited book English.
Research activities: Project
manager on a commentary on
EU enlargement and the Europe/
Association Agreements (Handbook on European Enlargement)
and co-editing together with K.
Inglis, (University Ghent), 1999
to 2002 Project manager of
young researcher seminar, 2003
to 2004.
Courses on European Integration: External Relations of the
European Union (Postgraduate);
European Institutions for Euro-
pean Studies (Undergraduate);
European Substantive Law for
European Studies (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.5 / 5.0 / 6.2
PACE, Michelle (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/mlt/ita/
Work address: University of
Birmingham-Social Sciences-European Research Institute-The
University of Birmingham, European Research Institute, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT,
United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)
121 414 8222 Fax: +44 (0) 121
414 7329 E-mail: m.pace@bham.
ac.uk Url: http://www.eri.bham.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Politics of Regional Identity.
Meddling with the Mediterranean (monograph) Routledge,
2006 ISBN: 0-415-33396-2 (The
New International Relations
Series); Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the
Euro-Mediterranean Area: A European Perspective (co-editor).
(Journal of) Mediterranean Politics, Volume 10, Number 3, November 2005 (will also be published in a book version in 2006)
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 13629395; The Euro-Mediterranean
Partnership and the Common
Mediterranean Strategy? European Union Policy from a Discursive Perspective, Geopolitics
(journal), Volume 9, Number 2,
Summer 2005 pp 292-309.
ISSN: 1465-0045 Taylor &
Research activities: Encuentro.
Researching the Mediterranean.
A meeting of UK and Spanish
specialists on the Mediterranean
and the Middle East (sponsor:
British Council, Spain); Guidelines for a training guide on human rights and democratization
in the Barcelona Process and the
ENP (Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, Copenhagen
and Brussels); The EU and Border Conflicts. The Impact of Integration and Association 20032005 Fifth Framework programme (European Commission –
main funding body).
Courses on European Integration: Understanding European
Identities (Undergraduate); BA
European Politics, Society and
The Politics and Institutions of
an Enlarging European Union
(Postgraduate); European Studies
Subject fields: 4.0 / 5.0 / 5.8 / 6.2
PALANKAI, Tibor (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1938
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: hun/eng/fre/
Work address: Corvinus University of Budapest-EconomicsWorld Economy-H-1016. Budapest
Tigris utca 56. Tel: +361 4825101
Fax: +3614825048 E-mail: tibor.
palankai@uni-corvinus.hu Url:
www.uni-corvinus. hu/hecsa
Publications in European Affairs:
Back to a Market Economy. Transition, Competitivenss and Economic Growth. Ed. By József
Temesi and Erno Zalai. Akadémiai Kiadó. Budapest. 1999. pp.
125-143.; Palánkai Tibor, (2002)
Creation of a “Functioning Market Economy”, The Ideas of the
Hungarian Revolution, Suppressed and Vicroeious 19561999. Ed. Béla K. Király. Atlantic Studies on Society in Change.
No 118. Columbia Press. New
York. Pp. 429-457.; Palánkai
Tibor, Economics of Enlarging
European Union. (Transition,
Competitiveness and Economic
Growth. 6. kötet) Akadémia,
Budapest. 2004, p.397.
Research activities: ECSA
Commission Grant Agreement
No. 2003-0249.
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration: Economics of European Integration (Undergraduate); Integration of Central and Eastern
Europe into the EU (Undergraduate); Economics of European intagration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Transformation and Intagration
in Central and Eastern Europe /
College of Europe, Bruges/
(Postgraduate); Economics of
European Integration /Szombathely, Hungary (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 2.7 / 4.0 /
PALLIS, Athanasios (Dr.)
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/gre
Work address: University of
The Aegean-Business SchoolDepartment of Shipping Trade
And Transport-2 Korai St, Chios
82 100, Greece Tel: +30-2271035299 Fax: +30-22710-35275
E-mail: apallis@aegean.gr Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Pallis A.A. (2002). The Common
EU Maritime Transport Policy:
Policy Europeanisation in the
1990s, Aldershot: Ashgate; Chlomoudis, C.I. and Pallis A.A.
(2002). European Port Policy:
Towards a Long Term Strategy.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar;
Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas G.K.
(2005). Port Competitiveness
and the EU ‘Port Services’ Directive: The Case of Greek Ports.
Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol. 7(2), 116-140.
Monnet Module in European
Port Policy (Project No. 03/121)
Port Preformance Research Network.
Courses on European Integration: European Port Policy (Jean
Monnet Module) (Postgraduate);
Economics of the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.11 /
PANEBIANCO, Stefania (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre/
Work address: University of
Catania (Italy)-Faculty of Political Science-Dept of Political
Studies-Via V. Emanuele, 49 95131 catanua (Italy) Tel: +39
095 7347 261 Fax: +39 095
7347 256 E-mail: stefapnb@
unict.it Url: http://www. fscpo.
Publications in European Affairs:
La Commissione europea nell’
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Unione a 25: tra influenza nazionale e autonomia sopranazionale, in Baldini G. (a cura di),
Quale Europa? L’Unione oltre la
crisi, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria
Mannelli, 2005, 85-109 [book
chapter, italian]; A New EuroMediterranean Cultural Identity
(editor), Frank Cass, London,
2003 [edited book, english]; Il
lobbying europeo, Giuffrè,
Milano, 2000 [Book, Italian].
Research activities: INTAS
Courses on European Integration: Political Science [7 Credits]
(Undergraduate); International
Relations [8 credits] (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Responsible of the European Jean
Monnet Module funded by the
European Commission (20052010): EU Roles in Internatioanl
Subject fields: 2.0 / 3.2 / 5.0 /
5.2 / 5.8
PANKE, Diana
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1978
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Free University
Berlin-Political Science-Center
for European Integration-Center
of European Integration, OttoSuhr-Institute for Political Sci-
ence, Free University of Berlin,
Ihnestr. 22, D-14195 Berlin Tel:
+49-(0)30 838 54831 Fax: +49(0)30 838 55049 E-mail: panke@
zedat.fu-berlin.de Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
(forthcoming) Network Governance: Effective and Legitimate?, co-authored with Tanja
A. Börzek. In: Theories of
Democratic Network Governance, edited by Eva Sorenson
and Jacob Torfing. PalgraveMacmillan.; Diana Panke (2005):
The Power of the Law vs. the
Power of the Strongest? Explaining Successes and Failures of
the European Court of Justice in
Promoting Member State Compliance with EU Law. presented
at the EUSA Ninth Biennial International Conference, Austin ;
Tanja A. Börzel and Diana
Panke (2005): Policy Matters –
But How?, paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American
Political Science Association in
Washington D.C.
Courses on European Integration: Interestrepresentation in the
EU. Comparing Germany, France,
and the UK (Undergraduate);
Norm Development and Enforcement in the European
Union and the WTO in Comparison (Undergraduate); Theories
of Regional Integration (Under-
Alphabetical List
graduate); The European Union:
Between Effectiveness and Legitimacy? (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.3 / 4.3 /
4.7 / 7.0
PAPANTONI, Maria (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: f
Spoken languages: gre/eng/fre/
Work address: Panteion-International and European StudiesEuropean Institutions-Papaflessa
51, 111 46 Galatsi, Greece Tel:
+30.210.334 16 21 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Investment consultation and
portofolio management, monography in greek, 2000.; Energy
law: european vision-greek implementation, monography in greek,
Courses on European Integration: European Institutions (Undergraduate); International companies-status of international investment (Postgraduate); International commercial contracts (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.4 / 2.5 / 4.1.2 /
PAPISCA, Antonio (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1936
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng
Work address: Padova-Political
Science-International Studies and
Human Rights-Via Anghinoni, 3 35121 Padova Tel: +39 049
8273682 Fax: +39 049 8273684
E-mail: antonino.papisca@unipd.i
Url: www.centrodirittiumani.
Publications in European Affairs:
Il processo costituente in
Europa. Dalla moneta unica alla
cittadinanza europea (The constituent process in Europe. From
single currency to european citizenship (2000) Italian, Editor
(with M.Mascia); Riflessioni in
tema di cittadinanza europea e
diritti umani (Reflections on
european citizenship and human
rights) (2004) Italian (english
Research activities: The role of
intercultural dialogue for the development of a new (plural,
democratic) citizenship; European Union and World Order Issues; Human Rights and civil society organisations and movements; EU relationships with the
United Nations.
Courses on European Integration: International Relations
(Undergraduate); International
Organisation for Peace and Human Rights (Postgraduate).
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Citizenship and Human
Rights (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 3.5 / 4.15 / 5.0
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng
Work address: Università Di
Pavia-Scienze politiche-Economia
pubblica-C.so Strada Nuova 65
I27100 Pavia E-mail: paramith@
Publications in European Affairs:
“La valutazione del contributo
del settore del transporto aereo
passeggeri alla coesione economia
e sociale nella UE”; forthcoming
“Economia pubblica”.
Courses on European Integration: Politica economica europea;
Economia dei processi di
integrazione europei, Facoltà di
Scienze politiche, Università
degli studi di Pavia.
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.5 / 7.2
P ASCARIU , Gabriela Carmen
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Romania
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: f
Position: Directrice du Centre
d’Etudes Europeennes
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Work address: UniversiteFaculte d’Economie et l’Administration d’Affaires-Economie
politique et relations internationales-Blvd. Carol I, Nr. 11,
Iasi, 700506 Romania Tel: +40.
740.237969 Fax: +40.232. 2013
18 E-mail: gcpas@uaic.ro
Research activities: – «Les relations Roumanie – République
Moldavie, entre la politique européenne de voisinage et l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne
vers l’Est », Pre – Accession Impact Studies III, coordonné par
l’Institut Européen de la Roumanie.
Courses on European Integration: Intégration économique
européenne, cours Jean Monnet
(Postgraduate); Politiques européennes (Postgraduate); Economie europeenne, Intégration
européenne (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 4.9 / 5.2
PATERSON, William Edgar (Prof.
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1941
Sex: m
Position: Editor Journal of Common Market Studies
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre
Work address: Birmingham-Social Sciences-European Research
Institute-ERI, Pritchatts Road,
Alphabetical List
Univ Birmingam B15 2 TT Tel:
0044 121 414 7183 Fax: 0044
121 414 7329 E-mail: w.e.
paterson@bham.ac.uk Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
W.e.Paterson with S Bulmer and
C Jeffery, Germany’s European
Diplomacy, MUP 2000; W E
Paterson with S Green (Ed),
Governance in Contemporary
Germany;The Semisovereign
State Revisited CUP 2005; W.E.
Paterson and A Miskimmon Foreign and Security Policy: On the
Cusp between Accomodation
and Transformation in K Dyson
and Klaus Goetz (ED) Germany,
Europe and the Politics of Constraint, OUP 2004
Research activities: Leverhulme
Research Programme on Policy
Transfer and Post Communist
Parties 2001-3.
Courses on European Integration: Contending Approaches to
European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 4.19 / 5.0
PAUN, Nicolae (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Romania
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Position: Director of Life Long
Learning Faculty Center
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger
Work address: Babes-Bolyai
University-European Studies
Faculty-European Studies and
Cultural Anthropology-Emmanuel de Martonne, cod 400090
Tel: 00-40-264-593770 Fax: 0040-264-590251 E-mail: npaun@
euro.ubbcluj.ro Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Istoria constructiei europene
(The History of European Construction), Editura Fundatiei
pentru Studii Europene (EFES),
Cluj-Napoca 1999, 688 pages;
N. Paun, A.C. Paun, Georgiana
Ciceo, Europa Unita, Europa
noastra (United Europe, Our Europe) Presa Universitara Clujeana
(Cluj University Press), ClujNapoca 2003, 760 pages; N.
Paun, A.C. Paun, Georgiana
Ciceo , Radu Albu-Comanescu,
Finalitatea Europei, Consideratii
asupra proiectului institutional
si politic al Uniunii Europene
(The aims of the EU, Considerations about the institutional and
Fundatiei pentru Studii Europene
(EFES), Cluj-Napoca.
Research activities: Grant
Courses on European Integration: Constructie europeana (The
European Construction) (Undergraduate); Institutiile Uniunii
Europene (The EU’s Institutions)
(Undergraduate); Teoria si analiza
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
integrarii europene (The theory
and the analysis of the European
Integration) (Postgraduate); Integrarea europeana a Romaniei.
Studiu de caz (The Romanian integration in UE. Study case)
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Integrarea europeana a Romaniei. (The Romanian integration
in UE) (Postgraduate); Fundamentele culturale ale integrarii
Romaniei (The cultural reasons
of the European integration of
Romania) (Postgraduate); Avantajele si costurile integrarii pentru
Romania.(The assets and liabilities of European integration for
Romania) (Postgraduate); Ideea
europeana. (The European Idea)
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.1 / 5.0 /
6.2 / 7.0
P AZ F ERREIRA , Eduardo (Prof.
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/eng/ita/
Work address: Universidade de
Lisboa-Faculdade de Direito-Instituto Europeu-Instituto Europeu
da Faculdade de Direito de
Lisboa, Alameda da Universi-
dade, P-1649-014 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351-217933250 Fax: +351
217942592 E-mail: institutoeuropeu@mail.fd.ul.pt
Publications in European Affairs:
Valores e Interesses. Desenvolvimento e Política Comunitária de
Cooperação, Almedina, 2004;
União Económica e Monetária –
Um Guia de Estudo, Quid Juris,
1999; Direito da Economia,
AAFDL, 2000.
Subject fields: 2.4 / 2.7 / 4.1 /
6.0 / 7.0
Carlos (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: spa/eng/por/
Work address: Santiago De
Compostela-Law-Public LawDepto. de Dereito Público, Facultade de Dereito, Campus Sur,
Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, 15782 Santiago de
Compostela, Spain Tel: 34981
563100; 3460094073 Fax: 3498
1591554 E-mail: dtpereir@usc.es
Publications in European Affairs:
“Invitación al Estudio de la
Constitución de la Unión Europea”, Revista de Derecho Político (Madrid, UNED) 53 (2002),
Alphabetical List
201-239; “A Plea for a Compound Res Publica Europaea:
Proposals for Increasing Constitutionalism Without Increasing
Statism”, Tulane European and
Civil Law Forum, vol. 18
(2003), 75-98; “Three Critiques
of the European Constitution”,
The Federal Trust (Londres,
online paper 23/04) November
2004, 1-10.
Research activities: 1995-97:
Investigador Principal,
Courses on European Integration: EU Constitutional Law Introduction to EU Constitutional
Law (Undergraduate); EU Federalism EU Constitutional Jurisprudence (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Process of Constitutionalization
Subject fields: 4.9 / 4.16 / 7.1
Nieves (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: f
Spoken languages: spa/eng/fre
Work address: University of
East Anglia-Humanities-Political,
Social and International StudiesSchool of Political, Social and
International Studies, University
of East Anglia, Norwich NR4
7TJ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1603 593
408 Fax: + 44 (0) 1603 250434
E-mail: n.perez-solorzano@uea.
Courses on European Integration: Politics and Policy-Making
in the EU (Postgraduate); The
Politics of Central and Eastern
Europe (Undergraduate); European Culture and Identity (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: MA
in International Relations, University of Salamanca (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.2 / 3.4 / 5.6 /
6.1 / 6.2
PERROT, Danielle (Dr.)
Country: Martinique
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Work address: Université Des
Antilles Et De La Guyane-Faculté de Droit de la MartiniqueMartinique-Campus universitaire, BP 7209, 97275 Schoelcher –
Cedex (Martinique FWI) Tel:
+596 0596 72 73 00 Fax: +596
0596 72 73 73 E-mail: danielle.
Url: http://campus. martinique.
Publications in European Affairs:
“Les Départements français
d’Outre-Mer et le droit de l’Union
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
européenne – Les Grands Textes”
[Recueil de textes juridiques
(droit primaire, droit dérivé, jurisprudence) et textes divers] Paris,
La Documentation française,
Collection des Travaux de la
Commission pour l’Étude des
(CEDECE), 2000, 488 pages.;
“Les relations ACP/UE après le
modèle de Lomé – Quel partenariat?”.
Courses on European Integration: Institutions Communautaires – DEUG Droit II (ou L2)
(Undergraduate); Droit communautaire Général – Licence en
Droit (ou L3) (Undergraduate);
Droit communautaire Matériel –
Maitrises Droit public, Droit
Privé, Droit des Affaires (ou M
1) (Undergraduate) Droit communautaire.
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.9 / 5.12
PETO, Andrea (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: f
Position: Director
Spoken languages: eng/hun/ger/
Work address: University of
Miskolc-Faculty of Arts-Department of Cultural History-3515
Miskolc Egyetemvaros Hungary
Tel: 36 20 9 292519 E-mail:
petoand@t-online.hu Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
“European Enlargement and
Gender. A Politics of Opportunity for Women in Countries with
Statist Feminist Heritage” in
Rechte erweitern? Die EU-Reform und der Erweiterungsprozess aus Gesclechterpersepktive
red. Birte Rodenberg, Berlin,
Heinrich Boell Stiftung, NRO
Frauen Forum, Frauennetzwerkstelle WOMNET, 2004 pp. 18-22;
“Angebot ohne Nachfrage”.
Ungarische Frauen als Bürgerinnen eines EU-Betrittslandes.”
Europas Töchter. Traditionen,
Erwartungen und Strategien von
Frauenbewegungen in Europa.
(The Daughters of Europe. Expectations and Strategies of the
European Women’s Movements)
eds. Silke Roth, Ingrid Miethe,
Leske-Budrich, 2003 pp. 183203;” European Intergration:
Politics of Opportunity for Hungarian Women?” in European
Integration Studies Vol. 2. No. 2.
(2003) pp. 81-86.
Courses on European Integration: European Union and the
value of gender equality (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 6.0 / 6.2
Alphabetical List
PETROVIC, Milenko (Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Canterbury – National Centre for
Research on Europe-National
Centre for Research on Europe,
University of Canterbury, Private
Bag 4800, Christchurch, New
Zealand Tel: + 64 3 364 2987,
ext. 4910 Fax: +64 3 364 2634
canterbury. ac.nz Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Petrovic, M. (2004): “How far
and soon to the East? The prospects for future EU Enlargement”, Asia-Pacific Journal of
EU Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 121136.; Petrovic, M., Barrer, P.
(2004): “New Zealand and EU
Enlargement to the East”, NZ International Review, Vol. XXIX,
No. 2 (March/April 2004),
Wellington, 8-13.; Petrovic, M.
(2003): “The European Union
and the Difficult Transition in
South-Eastern Europe” in Lilly,
I. and Bosselman, K. (ed) Repositioning Europe, Perspectives
from New Zealand, National
Centre for Research on Europe,
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 111-133.
Courses on European Integration: EU Enlargement, 2004 and
beyond: Politics, Process, Impacts (co-funded by the EU
‘Jean Monnet Project’) (Undergraduate); Economic Development of Europe (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 5.6 / 6.2
PEYRARD, Max (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1932
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng
SorbonneU.F.R. GestionAffaires internationales-17, rue
de la Sorbonne, 75231 PARIS
Cedex 05 Tel: 33 (0) 1 40 46 28
14 Fax: 33 (0) 1 40 46 33 66 Email: peyrard@univ-paris1.fr
Url: www.univ-paris1.fr
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Union and Member-States Incentives to support
Medium-sized and Small Enterprises, and to enlarge their European and International Cooperation (Beijing, 2001); L’Etat et
les institutions européennes
(Paris, 1999).
Courses on European Integration: Les institutions de l’Union
européenne; Le traité constitutionnel (Postgraduate); Market-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ing et publicité dans l’Union
européenne (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
L’Union economique et monétaire européenne (Postgraduate);
The European Economic and
Monetary Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.4 /
4.1.2 / 6.1
PEZZETTI, Roberta (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: University of
Pavia-Faculty of EconomicsDep. of Business Studies-Via
San Felice, 7, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Tel: +390328986461 Fax: +39
0382986228 E-mail: rpezzetti@
eco.unipv.it Url: http//economia.
Publications in European Affairs:
R. Pezzetti, “Lo sviluppo delle
fondazioni negli anni Novanta”,
in D. Velo, S. Bruzzi (Eds.), Il
privato non profit nel processo
di riforma dei sistemi sanitari
europei: quale ruolo e spazi
operativi per le fondazioni?, Observatory on Foundations, Research Report, n. 7, Consorzio
Pavese per Studi Post-Universitari
Editore, 2005, pp. 137-144, pp.
145-175; D. Velo, R. Pezzetti
(Eds., 2003), “The Legislation
on Foundations in the European
Union Countries. A Comparative
Overview”, Observatory on Foundation, Research Report n. 5,
Consorzio Pavese per Studi postuniversitari Editore; R. PEZZETTI,
D. VELO, “Foundations and subsidiarity: the European experience.
Research activities: Member of
the Research Program of National Scientific Relevance financially support by the Italian Ministry of University and Technological Research.
Subject fields: 2.5.1 / 4.1.3 / 5.0 /
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger
Work address: Queen’s University Belfast-Arts, Humanities and
Social Sciences-Politics, International Studies and Philosophy-21
University Square, Belfast, BT7
1NN, Northern Ireland Tel: +44
(0) 28 9097 3744 Fax: +44 (0)
Publications in European Affairs:
Romania and the European
Union: From marginalization to
membership, (London: Routledge,
forthcoming in 2006) (with
Alphabetical List
Dimitris Papadimitriou), English,
book ; Understanding the European Constitution: An Introduction to the EU Constitutional
Treaty (London: Routledge,
2006) (with Clive H. Church),
English, book; The Penguin
Guide to the European Treaties:
From Rome to Maastricht,
Amsterdam, Nice and Beyond
(London: Penguin, 2002) (with
Clive H. Church), English, book.
Courses on European Integration: The European Union: Institutions, Process and Policy (Postgraduate); The European Union,
Enlargement and the Wider Europe (Undergraduate); The Transformation of Governance in Europe (Postgraduate); Contemporary Europe (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.19 / 5.6 / 6.1 /
PIERINI, Marcello (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/est
Work address: Università Degli
Studi Di Urbino-Scienze MM.
FF. NN. – Scienze Motorie – PU
Piazza Sant’Andrea n. 30, 61029
Urbino Tel: tel. +39 0722303577
Fax: +39 0722303576 E-mail:
marcellopierini@uniurb.it Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Unione Europea, qualità agroalimentare e commercio mondiale. Opportunità e minacce
per i prodotti tipici delle Marche.
Italien. – Trenta Temi per
L’Europa. Italien. Diritto e
Politiche dello sport nell’Unione
Europea (in corso di pubblicazione).
Courses on European Integration: Diritto dell’Unione Europea (Undergraduate); Diritto
Sportivo Comunitario (Postgraduate); SCcinza e tecnologia
nel diritto e nelle politiche
dell’Unione Europea.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Problematiche Comunitarie –
Pubblica Amministrazione, Unione Europea, Società dell’Informazione (Postgraduate)
Subject fields: 2.1 / 3.3 / 4.6 /
4.13 / 4.1
PIETRAS, Jaroslaw (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Warsaw University-Faculty of Economic Sciences-Chair of Macroeconomics
and Foreign Trade Theory-Dluga
St. 40/50, 00-241 Warsaw, Poland Tel: +48 22 831-32-01 Fax:
+48 22 831-28-46 E-mail: pietras
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
@wne.uw.pl Url: www.wne.uw.
Publications in European Affairs:
Integracja Polski z Unia Europejska. Problemy przygotowan
negocjacji /in:/ Rynki i regulacja. Polska u schylku lat
dziewiecdziesiatych, ed. WNE
UW, Warszawa 1998.
Courses on European Integration: Economic Aspects of Polish Accession Negotiations to
the EU (Postgraduate); Liberalization of International Trade in
Services. The case of EU and
GATS. (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Lectures at the National School of
Public Administration in Warsaw
Subject fields: 2.1.1 / 2.1.4 / 4.1 /
4.1.2 / 4.5
P IMENTEL , Luiz Otavio (Prof.
Country: Brazil
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: f
Position: Director
Spoken languages: por/spa/dan
Work address: Federal de Santa
Catarina – Law School – Intelectual Property – Rodovia Padre
Antonio Vieira 2797 – Apt. 201d – 88034-100 Florianópolis, SC
– Brazil Tel: (5548) 33343014
Fax: (5548)33319655 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
K LOR . Adriana. The dispute
settlement system in MERCOSUR.
In: The dispute settlement system at the World Trade Organization, European Union and
MERCOSUR. Rio de Janeiro,
Konrad Adnauer Stiftung, 2004.
Research activities: Law and
development (2005-). Contribucion al Perfeccionamiento del
Sistema de Controversias de
MERCOSUR (2003-2004).
Courses on European Integration: MERCOSUR – The Common Market of the South (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and
Uruguay and associate countries
Bolivia, Chile and Peru) (Postgraduate); MERCOSUR: the dispute settlement system (Postgraduate); Intellectual Property:
The Legal Protection of Technology in International and Communitary Law, LL’m and PhD programs (Postgraduate); Liberalization of International Trade in
Services. The case of EU and
GATS. (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
MERCOSUR – The Common
Market of the South (Argentina,
Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
and associate countries Bolivia,
Alphabetical List
Chile and Peru) (Postgraduate);
MERCOSUR: the dispute settlement system (Postgraduate); Intellectual Property: The Legal
Protection of Technology in International and Communitary
Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.4 /
PITTA E CUNHA, Paulo (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1937
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Universidade de
Lisboa – Faculdade de Direito –
European Studies – Av. António
Augusto Aguiar, 165-4º Dto., P1050 Lisbon, Portugal Tel:
+351-213874007 Fax: +351213872349 E-mail: pittaecunha
Publications in European Affairs:
Integração Europeia – Estudos
de Economia, Direito e Política
Comunitários, 2ª ed., Coimbra,
2004; Direito Institucional da
União Europeia, Coimbra, 2004;
Reservations on the European
Constitution, Coimbra, 2005.
Research activities: Module
Courses on European Integration: European Community Law
I (Undergraduate); European
Community Law II (Undergraduate); Economic Integration
(Postgraduate); Constitutionalisation and Federalisation in Europe
(Jean Monnet Module) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 5.0 /
6.0 / 7.0
PLASCHKE, Henrik (Mr)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: dan/eng/fre/
Work address: Aalborg-Social
Sciences-History, International
and Social Studies-Fibigerstr. 2,
DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark
Tel: +45 96 35 84 00 Fax: +45
98 15 11 26 E-mail: plaschke@
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Central Bank and
Democracy: the Political Framework of Economic Policy in the
EMU, in Dosenrode (ed.), Political Aspects of the Economic and
Monetary Union, Ashgate 2002;
Den forbudte debat om ØMU’en
(The forbidden debate about the
EMU), Aarhus 1998 (jointly with
P.T. Madsen); Den tysk-europæiske stagnationsmodel – er
der en vej ud? (The German-European stagnationm model – is
there a way out?), i Samfunds-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
økonomen, nr. 6, 2005 (jointly
with P.T. Madsen).
Courses on European Integration: Political Economy of European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 3.5 / 4.0 /
4.1 / 4.1.2
Country: Czech Republic
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: f
Position: Vice-dean, head of Dpt
of International Relations
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/russian
Work address: Charles University Prague-Social Sciences-International Relations-Faculty of
Social Sciences, U kríze 8, 158
00 Prague 5, Czech Republic
Tel: +420/251080278 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
Institucionální vývoj Evropské
unie od Maastrichtské smlouvy k
východnímu rozšírení: Hledání
rovnováhy mezi spolecenstvím a
jeho clenskými státy. (2004)
Praha: Karolinum. ISBN 80-2460800-6 (Institutional Development of the European Union from
Maastricht Treaty to the Eastern
Enlargement); P LECHANOVOVÁ ,
Bela. The Treaty of Nice and the
Distribution of Votes in the
Council – Voting Power Consequences for the EU after the On-
coming Enlargement,European
Integration online Papers (EIoP).
2003, Vol. 7, N° 6.; Draft constitution and the decision-making
rule for the Council of Ministers
of the EU – Looking for alternative solution. European Integration online Papers (EIoP) Vol. 8
(2004) N° 12.
Courses on European Integration: European Union – development of the Community I & II
(Postgraduate); Introduction to
the European Integration (Undergraduate); European Integration after WWII (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 2.1.1 /
PODRAZA, Andrzej (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Spoken languages: pol/eng/fre
Work address: Catholic University of Lublin-Faculty of Social
Sciences-Chair of Political Science-Al. Raclawickie 14, 20-950
Lublin, Poland Tel: (+48 81)
4453347 Fax: (+48 81) 5257958
E-mail: andrzej.podraza@kul.
Publications in European Affairs:
European Union, Lublin 1999;
Polish; a textbook; Treaty of
Nice, Lublin 2001, Polish, a
book; EU Eastern Enlargement
Alphabetical List
and Poland, in: A. Skuhra (ed),
The Eastern Enlargement of the
European Union. Efforts and
Obstacles on the Way to Membership, Innsbruck 2005, English, a chapter in a book.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration, 60
hours; previously a Jean Monnet
permanent course; European Security, 30 hours; previously a
Jean Monnet module (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Law and European Integration (Undergraduate); Internal
Market (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.20 / 5.5 /
POGGIOLINI, Ilaria (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/spa/ita/
Work address: Università Degli
Studi Di Pavia-Facoltà di Lettere
e Filosofia-Dipartimento di Studi
Storici e Geografici-Dipartimento
di Scienze Storiche e Geografiche
Tel: 00393355860462 Fax: 003
90382984744 E-mail: ilaria.
poggiolini@unipv.it Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
“La Grande Bretagne et la
Politique Régionale au moment
de l’élargissement” (1969-1972)
in M. T. BITSCH (edited by), Le
fait Regionale et la Construction
Européenne, Bruylant, Bruxelles,
2003; Alle origini dell’Europa
allargata. La Gran Bretagna e
l’adesione alla CEE (1972-1973),
Edizioni Unicopli, Milano, 2004;
“How the Heath Government Revised the European Lesson: British Transition to EEC Membership (1972)” in A. VARSORI.
Inside the European Community.
Actors and Policies in the European Integration
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to the History
of International Relations (Undergraduate); History and historiography of European Integration since 1945 (Undergraduate);
The challenges of European Cooperation since the 1970s (Postgraduate); An introduction to Archival research on International
relations and European integration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Lectures on European Integration
History at the Doctorate programme in the History of International Relations of the University
of Florence (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.19 / 5.0 /
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
PORTO, Manuel (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1943
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Faculdade de
Direito da Universidade de
Coimbra, Pátio da Universidade,
3004-545 Coimbra, Portugal Tel:
+351239 833451 Fax: + 351
826481 E-mail: mporto@fd.uc.pt
Url: www.fd.uc.pt
Publications in European Affairs:
Teoria da Integração e Políticas
Comunitárias, 3ª ed., Almedina,
Coimbra, 2001 (English and
Chinese editions, 2004); The
Role of Small States in the European Union, in Les Petits États et
la Construction Européenne, PIE
– Peter Lang Ernst & Young,
Brussels, 2002; O Orçamento da
União Europeia. As Perspectivas
Financeiras para 2007 – 2013,
Almedina, Coimbra, 2006; Delocalisation and Outsourcing:
Anything new for Economic
Analysis and for Economic Policies?, Macau, 2006.
Research activities: Regional
Integration and Globalization;
Tax Harmonization.
Courses on European Integration: Curso de Estudos Europeus, Faculdade de Direito (Postgraduate); Master in European
Studies, Faculdade de Letras
(Postgraduate); Mestrado em
Integração Europeia, Faculdade
de Economia (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Doutoramento em Integração
Europeia, Universidade Católica
(Postgraduate); Mestrado em
Gestão e políticas ambientais,
integração regional, Universidade de Aveiro (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.6 / 4.9 / 5.10 /
5.11 / 5.13
Country: Russia
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: f
Position: Head of the European
integration Division
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Mgimo-International Relations-European Integration Chair-Moscow Tel: 749
56921113 Fax: 74952004298 Email: olga_potemkina@mail.ru
Url: www.ieras.ru
Publications in European Affairs:
Ramifications of Enlargement on
the EU-Russia Relations and the
Schengen Regime // Justice and
Home Affairs in the EU. Liberty
and Security Issues after Enlargement, ed. by J.Apap// Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004;
“Friendly Schengen Border”
and Illegal Migration: the Case
Alphabetical List
of the EU and its Direct Neighbourhood//Soft or Hard Borders: Managing the Divide in an
Enlarged Europe, Ed. Joan
DeBardeleben, Aldershot: Ashgate,
2005; Russia’s Engagement with
the JHA and the Question of
Trust // Brussels, CEPS, 2002.
Courses on European Integration: European Union and Russia: Introductory course (Undergraduate); EU Enlargement and
Russia’s Interests (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.21 / 4.22 / 5.2 /
5.7 / 6.2
PRAUSSELLO, Franco (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1939
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre/
Work address: Genoa-Italy-Political Sciences-DISEFIN-University of Genoa- I 16100 Largo
Zecca 8-14 Tel: ++390102099
011 Fax: ++390102099071 Email: prauss@unige.it Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
I-127) Assessing the Impact of
Enlargement on the Eurozone,
Economia Internazionale, International Economics, LVII, 1139, 2004.II-114)(ed.); The Economics of EU Enlargement, F.
Angeli, Milan, 2003.III-102)
(ed.); Euro Circulation and the
Economic and Monetary Union,
F. Angeli, Milan, 2002.
Research activities: Director of
an ongoing JM Research Programme with the Universities of
Genoa,Athens, Cyprus, Rabat,
Tunis, Caire: ”Sustainable development and adjustment in the
MEDA countries following the
EU enlargement” (2004-2006).
Courses on European Integration: “Economic Policies in EU
and Enlargement”, JM course
Subject fields: 5.8 / 6.2 / 7.0 / 7.2
PRIDHAM, Geoffrey (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair: yes
Spoken languages: eng/ita/slo/
Work address: University of
Bristol – Department of Politics10, Priory Road, Bristol BS8
1TU Tel: 0044-117-9738131
Fax: 0044-117-9732133 E-mail:
g.pridham@bristol.ac.uk Url:
Research activities: Fellowship
from (UK) Economic & Social
Research Council (ESRC) for
Subject fields: 3.0 / 3.1 / 5.2 /
5.6 / 6.2
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
QIAN, Yunchun (Dr.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences – European Studies Centre-7/622 Huai
Hai Rd.(M),200020 Tel: (86 21)
53060606 Ext.2468 Fax: (86
21)53063814 E-mail: qyc@sass.
Publications in European Affairs:
Sub-”Core Periphery” Patter
and Regional Balance Development, Shanghai Yuandong Press,
April, 2003; On the Relationship
of Efficiency and Equity in the
Process of European Integration, European Studies, No.4,
2005; On the Characteristics,
the causes, the difficulties for reforming of Social policies of
France, World Economy Studies, No. 10, 2004
Research activities: European
Integration: An Exploring Model
for Human Development, China’s
Key National Social Sciences
Project, 2003.
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.3 / 4.9
QINHUA, Yao (Prof. Dr.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Position: Director
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Shanghai Academy of Social Since-Institute of
Eurasian Studies-Department of
European Studies-7/622, Huai
Hai Zhonglu, Shanghai 200020,
P. R. China Tel: (86-21) 6384
0005, 53060606-2205 Fax: (8621) 63840005 E-mail: yqh@sass.
org.cn Url: http://www.sass.org.cn/
Publications in European Affairs:
Construction of European Union’
Collective Identity (1951-1995),
Chinese, Work; Political Function of National Cultures: an Approach to Understanding the
European Integration,Chinese,
Essay; The Relation between Nations in a Paradigm of EU: Sovereignty, Democracy and Identity, Chinese, Essay.
Courses on European Integration: The History of Europe
(Postgraduate); The Study on
European Affairs (Postgraduate);
The Theories and Practice of European Integration (Postgraduate); The Theories of International Relations (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1979
Sex: f
Alphabetical List
Position: Maitrisse en Droit
Européen et Assistante Universitaire à la Faculté de Droit de
l’Université Catolique Portugaise.
Spoken languages: eng/fre/por
Work address: Universidade
Católica Portuguesa-Faculdade
de Direito – Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de
Direito – Escola de Lisboa,
Palma de Cima – 1649-023
Lisboa Tel: 21 370 36 00 Fax:
21 388 25 54 E-mail: inesquadros
Courses on European Integration: European Union Law (Undergraduate); European Union
Law II – Economic and Monetary Union (Undergraduate).
Rechearh activities: La fonction
subjective de la competence préjudicielle de la Cour de Justice
des Communautés Européennes.
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.5
QUADROS, Fausto de (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Position: Président de l’Institut
de Droit Public et de Sciences
Politiques de la Faculté de Droit
de l’Université de Lisbonne;
Associé de l’Institut Européen de
la même Faculté ; Membre du
Conseil Supérieur de l’Institut
Universitaire Européen de Florence, par délégation du Ministère
des Affaires Etrangères du Portugal; Membre du Conseil Consultatif de l’Académie de Droit
Européen, Trèves, comme représentant de l’Etat portugais;
Membre élu de l’Institut International des Droits de l’Homme
René Cassin, Strasbourg; dans le
cadre de l’Institut Diplomatique
du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères du Portugal, Conseiller
pour les matières internationales
et européennes.
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: por/ger/fre/
eng/spa /ita
Work address: Instituto Europeu
da Faculdade de Direito de
Lisboa, Alameda da Universidade, 1649-014 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: +351-21 3703600 Fax: 35121 3882554 E-mail: institutoeuropeu@mail.fd.ul.pt Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Einige Gedanken zum Inhalt und
zu den Werten der Europäischen
Verfassung, in Der Staat des
Grundgesetzes – Kontinuität und
Wandel, Festschrift für Peter
Geburtstag, coordination de
Peter M. Huber, Michael Brenner
et Markus Möstl, Stuttgart, 2004,
pp 1125-1134 – Direito da
União Europeia – Direito
Constitucional e Administrativo
da União Europeia, Almedina,
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Coimbra, 2004, 606 pgs; en
cours de traduction en français
par l’Editeur Bruylant, Bruxelles.
– Constituição Europeia e Constituições nacionais, in O Direito
IV-V, Almedina, Coimbra, 2005,
pp. 687-698.
Research activities: Eurolatin II
– Europe Latino-américa Intégration Régionale: formation des
experts latino-américains en
intégration européenne et des
experts européens en intégration
latino-américaine. www.eulatin.
net – Foro Ibero-Americano de
Professores de Derecho Administrativo (siège à A Corunha,
Espagne): L’intégration, la globalisation et le Droit Administratif.
Courses on European Integration: Droit de l’Union Européenne I (Undergraduate); Droit
de l’Union Européenne II –
Contentieux Communautaire (Undergraduate); Droit Institutionnel
de l’Union Européenne (LLM)
(Postgraduate); L’Européanisation des Droits Administratifs
nationaux (PhD) (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: La
subsidiarité dans le Droit de
l’Union Européenne, Faculté de
Droit de l’Université Robert
Schuman, Strasbourg, Institut
d’Hautes Etudes Européennes
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.5 / 2.5.1 /
6.0 / 7.1
QUELHAS, José Manuel (Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: m
Position: Assistant Teacher
Spoken languages: por/fre/eng/
Work address: Legal-Economic
Sciences, Faculdade de Direito
da Universidade de Coimbra,
Pátio da Universidade 3004-545
Coimbra, Portugal Tel: +351 239
859 801/02 Fax: +351 239 823
353 E-mail: jquelhas@fd.uc.pt
Url: http://woc.uc.pt/fduc/
Publications in European Affairs:
“A Agenda 2000 e o sistema de
financiamento da União Europeia”, Temas de Integração,
Vol. 3º, 1º Semestre de 1998,
N.º 5, pp. 53-109 (published in
1999); Legislação de Finanças
Públicas de Portugal e da União
Europeia, colectânea organizada
por Jpsé Manuel quelhas, Maria
Matilde Lavouras Francisco e
Hugo Duarte Fonseca, Coimbra,
Almedina, 2006.
Courses on European Integration: Post-Graduation Course In
European Studies – Discipline:
Fiscal Policy and Tax Harmonization.
Subject fields: 2.1.7 / 2.7 / 4.1.5 /
Alphabetical List
RADAELLI, Claudio M. (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ita/fre
Work address: Exeter-Humanities and Social Sciences-Political
Science-Amory Building, Exeter
EX4 4RJ, Devon, UK Tel: 01392
263176 E-mail: c.radaelli@
ex.ac.uk Url: http://www.huss.
exeter. ac.uk/politics/index.htm
Publications in European Affairs:
with F De Francesco, Regulatory
Quality in Europe, Manchester
Universitu Press, 2006; with
Vivien Schmidt (eds) Discourse
and Policy Change in Europe,
Frank Cass, 2004; with Kevin
Featherstone (eds) The Politics of
Europeanization, Oxford University Press, 2003.
Research activities: New modes
of governance (FP six); Evaluating impact assessment (FP six);
Intune (FP Six); European network for better regulation (FP
Courses on European Integration: European Union Public
Policy (Postgraduate); European
Political Integration (Postgraduate); Comparative Government:
The Politics of the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.5 / 4.0 /
4.1 / 7.0
RAIZER B ORGES , Valesca (Prof.
Country: Brazil
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: f
Spoken languages: por/fre/eng/
Work address: Universidade
Federal Espírito Santo- Direito Direito Internacional – Av. Hugo
Musso, nº 588, Praia da Costa,
Vila Velha, Espírito Santo Brasil,
CEP 29.101.280 Tel: 5527329
94416 Fax: 552733292149
E-mail: vraizer@uol.com.br
Courses on European Integration: Gurpo deb Estudos sobre
Mercosul e União Européia (Undergraduate); Seminário sobre
Integração Econômica no curso
sobre Direito Público (Postgraduate); Aula Direito de Integração Mestrado em Direito
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Seminário sobre Integração
Econômica e Direito de Empresa
(Postgraduate); Seminário sobre
Direito Público e a Intenacionalização do Estado (Postgraduate);
Curso sobre A Ordem Econômica Internacional (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.4 / 4.1
José (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: f
Spoken languages: por/fre/eng/
Work address: University of
Lisbon (Universidade De Lisboa)
– Faculty of Law (Faculdade de
Direito) – Faculdade de Direito
da Universidade de Lisboa,
Alameda da Universidade, 1649014 Lisboa Tel: (+351) 21798
4819 Fax: (+351) 217950303 Email: mjrmesquita@mail.fd.ul.pt
Url: http://www.fd.ul.pt
Publications in European Affairs:
O Poder Sancionatório da União
e das Comunidades Europeias
sobre os Estados Membros»,
Coimbra, Almedina, 2006, portuguese, PhD thesis (no prelo);
«Forças e Fraquezas do Tratado
que estabelece uma Constituição
para a Europa», in O Direito
IV-V, 2005, portuguese, article;
«O Projecto de Tratado que
estabelece uma Constituição
para a Europa e a competência
ratione materiae do Tribunal de
Justiça», in Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Armando
Marques Guedes, Coimbra Editora, 2004, portuguese, article
Research activities: EULATIN
II – Europa Latinoamérica
Integración Regional, Parte II.
Courses on European Integration: Direito Comunitário (European Union Law) (Undergradu-
ate); Direito Comunitário II (European Union Law II) (Undergraduate); Direito Institucional
da União Europeia (Institutional
law of the European Union)
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.2 / 4.1.3 /
REDMOND, John (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Birmingham-Social SciencesPolsis, European Research Institute (ERI), University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT Tel: 0121 414
6519 Fax: 0121 414 3497 Email: johnredmond33@hotmail.
com Url: www.bham.ac.uk/
Publications in European Affairs:
International Organisation in
World Politics (co-author with
David Armstrong [Exeter] and
Lorna Lloyd [Keele}; London:
Palgrave [Macmillan], 2004);
Enlarging the European Union –
The Way Forward (co-editor
with Jackie Gower [Kent];
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000); The
Enlargement of Europe (coauthored with S. Croft [Birmingham], W. Rees [Leicester] and
M. Webber [Loughborough];
Alphabetical List
Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999).
Courses on European Integration: Political Economy of European Integration (Undergraduate); Economics of the EU (Postgraduate); Politics of the EU
(Postgraduate); Advanced Topics in European Integration
Subject fields: 1.2 / 5.0 / 5.8 /
5.9 / 6.2
RHINARD, Mark (Dr.)
Country: Sweden
Year of birth: 1973
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/spa/
Work address: Swedish National Defence College –
Drottning Kristinas väg 37, Box
27035, 102 51 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 5534 2709 Fax:
+46 8 5534 2700 E-mail: mark.
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Agenda Setting in the European
Union’ (forthcoming in 2006).
Book manuscript under production with Manchester University
Press; ‘Mixed Negotiations and
Multilevel Games’ (forthcoming
in 2006) with M. Kaeding. Article in Journal of Common Market Studies; ‘The Crisis Management Capacity of the European
Commission’ (forthcoming in
2006) with A. Boin and M.
Ekengren. Book chapter in D.
Spence (ed.) The European
Commission, 2nd edition. London: Harper.
Research activities: Creating
Crisis Management Capacity in a
Security European Union.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Committees and Comitology in
the European Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.20 /
RIBEIRO, Maria Manuela
Tavares (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: f
Position: Directrice Maitrise
Études sur l’Europe: l’Europe les
visions de l’autre et Coordénatrice Nationale du Master in European Studies
Spoken languages: por/fre/spa/
Work address: Coimbra-LettresHistoire-Faculté de Lettres –
Université de Coimbra 3004 –
530 Coimbra Portugal Tel:
00351 239 712799 ou 00351 91
7300265 E-mail: mtribeiro@
gmx.net Url: www.uc.pt/ceis20
ou www.uc.pt/ihti
Publications in European Affairs:
A Europa dos Intelectuais nos
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
alvores do século XX, Estudos
do Século XX, n.º 2, CEIS20,
Coord. Maria Manuela Tavares
Ribeiro, Coimbra, Quarteto
Editora, 2002, pp. 111-133. – A
Ideia de Europa.Uma Perspectiva Histórica, Col. Estudos
sobre a Europa, nº 3, CEIS20,
Coord. Maria Manuela Tavares
Ribeiro, Coimbra, Quarteto
Editora, 2003. – Le Portugal et
le Nouveau Défi de l’Europe, in
Idee d’Europa e Integrazione
europea, a cura di Ariane
Landuyt, Bologna, Il Mulino,
2004, pp. 395-414.
Research activities: Les Intellectuels et l’idée de l’Europe; Portugal et l’intégration européenneCentre d’Etudes Interdisciplinaires
du XXème siècle de l’Université
de Coimbra – CEIS20.
Courses on European Integration: Génèse et évolution de
l’idée d’Europe (Postgraduate);
Tensions et conflits dans l’espace
européen (Postgraduate); Architecture politique de l’Union
Européenne (Postgraduate); Histoire de l’unification européenne
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Portugal, Europe et l’Atlantique –
Master in European Studies Le
processus de l’intégration européenne – Module Spécialisé à
l’Université de Coimbra (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 2.1
RICHET, Xavier (Prof. Dr.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Work address: Université
Sorbonne Nouvelle-LEA 13, rue
de Santeuil, 75005 Paris Tel: +33
143293827 Fax: +33 143293827
xavier.richet@univparis3.fr Url: www.univ-paris3.fr
Publications in European Affairs :
Reestructuracion industrial en
las economias en transicion
(avec B. Bastida), Barcelona,
Publicacions Universitat de
Barcelona, 2000; Gouvernance,
cooperation et stratégie des
firmes chinoises (co-éditeur,
avec Jean-François Huchet),
L’Harmattan, Paris, 2005; «Eloge
de Imre Kertész, Prix Nobel de
Littérature 2002 », in Docteurs
Honoris CausaI, Université 2005,
Université Sorbonne nouvelle,
Presse de la Sorbonne nouvelle,
2006 (Book Chapter).
Research activities: La délocalisation des firmes françaises en
Hongrie, Roumanie, Slovaquie.
Courses on European Integration: Economie industrielle
européenne (Undergraduate);
Alphabetical List
Economie internationale. Une
perspective europénne Transition, élargissement, intégration,
coopération (Postgraduate); Stratégie des firmes multinationales
europénnes dans l’Europe élargie
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Economie de l’intégration européenne, Université de Nice
(Postgraduate); EU Integration &
Enlargment, Wuhan university,
PR of China (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.4 / 5.2 /
5.10 / 6.2
RIDEAU, Joël (Prof.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1939
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng/ita
Work address: Nice – Sophia
Antipolis-IDPD-Droit publicIDPD villa Monique, 39 av.
Emile Henriot, 06 050 Nice
Cedex 1 Tel: 0033 4 92 15 71
92 Fax: 0033 4 92 15 71 97
E-mail: rideau@unice.fr
Publications in European Affairs:
Droit institutionnel de l’Union et
des Communautés européennes,
Paris, LGDJ, 2002 ; Code des
procédures juridictionnelles de
l’Union européenne, Paris, Litec,
2002; Présentation des actes
juridiques dans la Constitution
européenne, commentaire de
l’article I-33, dans E. Alvarez
Conde, V. Garrido Mayol (dir.),
Commentarios a la Constitution
Europea, 2004, Comunitat Valenciana, tirant lo blanch, Vol. I pp.
Research activities: Groupe de
recherches transnational Jean
Monnet Les principes innovateurs de la Constitution européenne (Bologne, Bruxelles,
Courses on European Integration: Contentieux communautaire (Undergraduate) Droit institutionnel de l’Union européenne
communautaire des affaires
(Postgraduate) Droit européen
des droits de l’homme (Postgraduate)
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Aspects juridiques des relations
extérieures de l’Union européenne Master Droit communautaire et relations Maghreb Europe Faculté des sciences juridiques Tunis (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1.5 / 2.2 /
2.3 / 2.5
Country: Chile
Year of birth: 1916
Sex: m
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Spoken languages: fre/eng/spa
Work address: De ChileDerecho-Deerecho InternacionalAv. Santa maría 076 Providencia,
Santiago, Chile, Providencia 2145
Depto 603 Tel: 2317731 E-mail:
albertorioseco@entelchile. net
Publications in European Affairs:
Antecedentes de la Union
Europea. Mesa Redonda Para
ECSA – Chile Sobre Constitucion Europea 2005.
Courses on European Integration: Derecho Comunitario Y De
La Integracion (Undergraduate);
Derecho Comunitario y de la
integracion (Postgraduate).
RITTBERGER, Volker (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1941
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Tübingen-Social
Sciences-Poltical Science-University of Tübingen – Center for
International Relations – Institute
of Political Science – Melanchthonstrasse 36, D-72074 Tübingen,
Germany Tel: +49-7071-292417
E-mail: volker.rittberger@unituebingen.de Url: www.unituebingen.de/uni/ib
Publications in European Affairs:
International Organization –
Polity, Politics and Policies.
Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave
Macmillan 2006 (with Bernhard
Zangl). Europa in der Weltpolitik:
Juniorpartner der USA oder
antihegemoniale Alternative?,
in: Die Friedens-Warte. Journal
of International Peace and Organization 78: 2-3 (2003), 195-233
(with Fariborz Zelli)
Courses on European Integration: EU-Europa in der internationalen Politik (Postgraduate);
Internationale Organisationen –
Politik und Geschichte/International Organizations – Politics
and History (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
RODIN, Sinisa (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Croatia
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ger/ita/
Work address: University of
Zagreb-Law-European Law-Trg
m. Tita 14, HR-10000 Zagreb,
Croatia Tel: ++385-1-4895-753
Fax: ++385-1-4895-702 E-mail:
srodin@inet.hr Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
Discourse, authority and making
of the Constitution for Europe ,
in D. Curtin, A.E. Kellermann &
S. Blockmans (eds.), The EU
Constitution: The Best Way Forward?, T.M.C. Asser Press, The
Hague, 2005; Jednakost Muškarca
I ene – Pravo I Politika U
Alphabetical List
Hrvatskoj I Europskoj Uniji,
Institut za medunarodne odnose,
Zagreb 2003.; Stabilization and
Association Agreement – A Hostage of Dualist Inertia – in Thomas Bruha / Bojana Vrcek /
Andreas Graf Wass von Czege
(Eds.), Croatia on the Path to the
EU: Political, Legal and Economic Aspects, Europa-Kolleg,
Hamburg 2003, pp. 37-47.
Research activities: MATRA
Multi-Country Project: the Impact of Accession on the National Legal Orders of the Candidate Countries (Project coordinated by the Asser Institute,
the Hague); National Research
Project: Legal Convergence, Legal Culture and Accession to the
EU – The Public Law Dimension.
Courses on European Integration: European Public Law (Undergraduate); Internal Market of
the EU (Undergraduate) Jean
Monnet Module; Constitutional
Law of the EU (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Fundamental Rights in EU (University of Zadar, Croatia) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 5.6
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ita/dan
Work address: Pavia-Humanities-Scienze Storiche e Geografiche-Piazza del Lino, 1, 27100
Pavia Tel: 0382984735 Fax:
0382 504744 E-mail: eurofed@
unipv.it Url: http://www.unipv.it
Publications in European Affairs:
Storia e percorsi del federalismo.
L’eredità di Carlo Cattaneo (a
cura di e in collaborazione con
Daniela Preda), Bologna, Il
Mulino, 2005, 2 tomi, pp. 1377.;
L’Europa nel nuovo ordine
internazionale (a cura di e in
collaborazione con Salvatore
Aloisio), Bari, Cacucci editore,
2005, pp. 430.; Dalla Resistenza
all’Europa. Il mondo di Luciano
BOlis, TCP, Pavia, 2001, pp. 383
Research activities: The role of
political, economic and social
forces in the outlining of an European Constitution projeact
from the Ad Hoc Assembly to
the European Convention (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca).
Courses on European Integration: The roots of federalism in
the construction of European
unification (European Module
Action Jean Monnet).
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.3 / 7.0 / 7.1
ROLLET, Philippe (Prof.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Position: Vice président
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/eng
Work address: Sciences Et
Technologies Lille-Sciences économiques et sociales – Bâtiment
SH2, Faculté SES, 59 655
Villeneuve d’Ascq Tel: 032033
6344 E-mail: philippe.rollet@
Publications in European Affairs:
La croissance économique.
Courses on European Integration: Intégration économique
européenne, master recherche,
Espace Européen, économique
et social (Postgraduate); Intégration économique européenne,
master (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
politiques économiques et l’intégration européenne, Institut
d’Etudes Politiques, Lille (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 7.0
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1981
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/spa/ita
Work address: University of
Siena-faculty of Political Science-Di. Gips-Viale della Famiglia
Azzarello, n. 4/5 Villa San
Giovanni (RC) Tel: 349 6125414
E-mail: arenaromina@yahoo.it
Research activities: European
development cooperation policy
Courses on European Integration: History of the European integration (Undergraduate); Master
in European studies the processus of building Europe (I AND
III module) (Postgraduate); Phd in
History of federalsm and european integration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Master in European studies the
processus of building Europe (II
module) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.2 / 4.14 / 5.12 /
ROTHACHER, Albrecht (Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: m
Position: Counsellor
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Munich Business School Argentinierstr. 26/
10 A 1040 Wien Tel: 0043/1/
5058411-13 Fax: 0043/1/5058
4117 E-mail: albrecht.rothacher
Alphabetical List
Publications in European Affairs:
Uniting Europe. Journey between Gloom and Glory. London:
Imperial College Press. 2005.
Courses on European Integration: European Economic Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 5.1 / 5.2 / 6.2
ROVNÁ, Lenka Anna (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Czech Republic
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: cze/eng/ger/
Work address: Charles University-Faculty of Social SciencesDepartment of W European
Studies-Rytírská 31, Praha 1,
Czech Republic Tel: 22161 0207
Fax: 221610204 E-mail: rovna@
fsv.cuni.cz Url: www.fsv.cuni.cz
Research activities: CONSENT,
Wider Europe, Deeper Integration?, 6th framework Program;
Courses on European Integration: British Politics and the EU
(Postgraduate); West European
Politics and Society (Postgraduate); Different Aspects of European Integration, Diploma seminars for Ma and PhD students
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 6.0 / 6.1
ROZGONYI, Ibolya (Prof.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: f
Position: Head of European
Study Center
Spoken languages: eng /hun/
Work address: College of
Nyíregyháza-Economics-Political Sciences-31/b Sóstói út
Nyíregyháza Hungary 4400 Tel:
(36) 42-599-400/2178 Fax: (36)
42-402-485 E-mail: rozgi@nyf.hu
Url: www.nyf.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
European Integration and Roma
Minority Research and Training
in the Field of Roma Culture Institutional System of the European Union.
Research activities: Minority
Policies of the EU Policies of the
Courses on European Integration: EU-institutions (Undergraduate); European Union policies in general (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.5.2 / 5.2 /
6.2 / 7.0
RUNGGALDIER, Ulrich (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/ita/eng
Work address: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien –Unternehmen-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
srecht, Arbeits-undSozialrechtInstitut für Arbeitsrecht und
Soziaalrecht, Althanstraße 39-45,
A-1190 Wien Tel: 0043131336
4640 E-mail: ulrich.runggaldier@
Publications in European Affairs:
Runggaldier, Grundzüge des
europäischen Arbeits-und Sozialrechts, Linde – Verlag, Wien
2004; Runggaldier, Die Bedeutung
des EU – Rechts für die Betriebspensionen, in Tomandl (Hrsg),
Der Einfluss europäischen Rechts
auf das Arbeitsrecht, Braumüller
– Verlag, Wien 2001, 63-88;
Runggaldier, Consenso del lavoratore e trasferimento d’azienda,
in Giornale di diritto del lavoro e
di relazioni industriali 1999,
Research activities: The evolving structure of collective bargaining in Europe (1990-2003) –
A comparative project coordinated by prof. Silvana Sciarra,
co-financed by the European
Courses on European Integration: Europäisches Arbeits-und
Sozialrecht 2002-2006 (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Diritto del lavoro comunitario,
Università degli Studi di Milano
(Facoltà di giurisprudenza) 2004
Europäischesa Arbeits-und Sozial-
recht (Post-graduate) Lehrgang
(Europäisches und internationales Wirtschaftsrecht), SchlossHofen 2005 (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.2 / 3.4 / 4.1 /
4.1.1 / 4.3
RUSZKOWSKI, Janusz (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: pol/eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Szczecin-Humanities-Institute of
Politics and European Studies-ul.
Krakowska 71/79, PL 70-017
Szczecin Tel: 0048 91 444 32 42
Fax: 0048 91 444 32 42 E-mail:
janruoie@oczta.onet.pl Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Lexicon of European Integration, polish, PWN Warszawa
2004 (Fourth Edition); European
Union. The Origin and Development, Szczecin 2002; European
Union. The Institutions, Szczecin
Research activities: Intensive
Programme (IP) of the European
Courses on European Integration: Northern Dimension of the
EU (Postgraduate); Eastern Dimension of the EU Institutions
and Agencies of European Union
Alphabetical List
Justice and Home Affairs in the
EU (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Institutions and Agencies of European Union (Postgraduate); The
Baltic Integration (Postgraduate);
Common Foreign and Security
Policy of the EU (Undergraduate); Internal market of the EU
Subject fields: 1.3 / 2.0 / 4.19 /
RYNNING, Sten (Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: m
Position: Director of Studies
Spoken languages: dan/eng/fre/
Work address: University of
Southern Denmark-Faculty of
Social Sciences-Department of
Political Science-Campusvej 55,
5230 Odense M, Denmark Tel:
+45 6550 2193 Fax: +45 6550
2280 E-mail: sry@sam.sdu.dk
Url: www.sam.sdu.dk/staff/sry
Publications in European Affairs:
NATO Renewed: The Power and
Purpose of Transatlantic Relations (Palgrave 2005).
Research activities: GARNET;
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
SALMON, Trevor (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Aberdeen-Social
Science-Politics and International Relations-Politics and International Relations, Edward
Wright Building, Aberdeen Univeristy, Aberdeen AB24 3QY
Tel: 01224 272080 E-mail: t.c.
salmon@abdn.ac.uk Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Salmon & Shepherd Towards a
European Army (Lynne Rienner,
2003); Salmon ‘The European
Security and Defence Policy:
built on rocks or sand?’ European Foreign Affairs Review
10.3. (2005); Salmon, ‘The EU’s
role in conflict resolution: lessons from Northern Ireland’
Europena Foreign Affairs Review 7.3.(2002).
Research activities: ESDP;
Scotland and EU.
Courses on European Integration: International organisations
in Europe (Undergraduate);
Policy-making in the EU (Undergraduate); European security
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 2.0 /
4.19 / 4.20
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
SÁNDOR-SZALAY, Elisabeth (Prof.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: f
Position: Dean, Head of Department
Spoken languages: ger/eng/hun/
Work address: University of
Pécs-Faculty of Law and Political Sciences-International and
European Law-H-7622 Pécs,48as tér 1. Tel: 0036 72 215 148
E-mail: zsoka@ajk.pte.hu Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Public law foundations of the
European Union. Vol. 1., Budapest-Pécs, Dialog-Campus 2003,
314 pp, 2nd ed. 2004 (in Hungarian); Convergence of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms in
the European Union, In: Illéssy
(ed), Constitutional Consequences of the EU Membership,
Pécs 2005, pp. 285-301 (in English); Legal capacity of persons
to litigate under the Constitutional Treaty of th EU: a small
step forward in interpretation
with a lot of problems, in:
Európai Jog. Budapest, 2004. Vol.
6. pp. 12-19 (in Hungarian).
Research activities: The Role of
Courts in International, European
and National Laws (Network
Courses on European Integration: European Public Law (Undergraduate) Fundamental Rights
and Freedoms in Europe (Undergraduate) Free movement of persons and services (Postgraduate)
Foreign affairs and enlargement
in the EU: Hungary’s accession
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Law – Institutions, Law
System – at the University
Babes-Bolyai, Faculty of Law,
Cluj-Napoca (Romania)as a visiting professor (from the academic
year 2004/2005 onwards) (Undergraduate); Legal Status of
Persons in Europe – at the
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty
of Law, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
as a visiting professor (from the
academic year 2005/2006 onwards) (Postgraduate); Fundamental Freedoms of the EU – at
the Karl-Franzens-University
Graz (Austria), Faculty of Law
as a visiting professor in the
2003/2004 academic year (in
German) (Undergraduate); New
legislative developments: Hungary in the EC – at the University Bayreuth (Germany), Faculty of Law, as visiting professor
in the 1992/1993 academic year
(in German) (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.3 / 4.1 / 4.15
Alphabetical List
SAUERNHEIMER , Karlhans (Prof.
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/rum
Gutenberg-Universität MainzRechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften-Jakob-Welder-Weg 4,
D-55128 Mainz Tel: 0049(0)6131-39-22559 Fax: 0049-(0)
6131-39-25527 E-mail: karlhans.
Url: www.aussenwirtschaft. vwl.
Publications in European Affairs:
Einführung der europäischen
Währung, in Euro und Europa,
Schriften der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Heft 10, 1998;
Theorie der Außenwirtschaft, 13.
Auflage, München 1999, Kapitel
7 II; A History of the D-Mark’s
Real External Value, Australian
Economic Papers 41, 480-498,
Courses on European Integration: Theorie der Europäischen
Integration (Postgraduate); Gelegentliche Seminare mit Themen
aus der Europäischen Integrationstheorie (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.5 / 7.0
SAUNDERS, Caroline (Prof. Dr.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Lincoln-Commerce-Agribussness and economics research unit-Lincoln
University, POBox 84, Canterbury, New Zealnd Tel: 0064332
52811 Fax: 006433253847
E-mail: saunderc@lincoln.ac.nz
Url: www.lincoln.ac.nzaeru
Publications in European Affairs: Saunders, C.M. (2005):
Implications of changed EU agricultural polices for Australian
and New Zealand farmers. Farm
Policy Journal 2(2) pp 23-31.;
Saunders, C.M. (2004): The Implications for NZ Trade of
Change in EU Agricultural
Policy, in Particular the Development of Agri-environmental
Policy in New Zealand and Europe: Connections and Comparisons Editor(s) of Book:
Bernadette Luciano & David
Mayes Rodopi, Netherlands.;
Saunders, C.M. and Wreford, A.
(2006) An analysis of the effects
of trade liberalisation on greenhouse gas emissions from the
dairy sectors in New Zealand
and the European Union, Accepted Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Research activities: NZ Centre
for reserach on Europe.
Subject fields: 4.2 / 4.5 / 4.12 /
5.0 / 5.1
SCHEUER, Steen (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: m
Spoken languages: dan/eng/ger
Work address: Roskilde-Social
Sciences-Social Sciences-Roskilde
University, House 23.2, PB Box
260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Tel: +45 4674 2866 Fax:
+45 4674 3081 E-mail: ss@
ruc.dk Url: http://www.ruc.dk/
Publications in European Affairs:
Steen Scheuer (2006, forthcoming).
Research activities: IREC: Industrial Relations in the European Community RIN: Roskilde
Institutionalist Network.
Subject fields: 3.2 / 3.4
SCHWARZE, Jürgen (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/ita/
Work address: Albert-LudwigsUniversität Freiburg – Abt.
Europa – und Völkerrecht-Platz
der Alten Synagoge 1, D-79098
Freiburg Tel: ++49(0)761/203-
2251 Fax: ++49(0)761/203-2234
E-mail: juergen.schwarze@jura.
uni-freiburg.de Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Europäisches Verwaltungsrecht,
Entstehung und Entwicklung im
Rahmen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, 2. erweiterte Auflage,
Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden
2005; Der Verfassungsentwurf
des Europäischen Konvents –
Verfassungsrechtliche Grundstrukturen und wirtschaftsverfassungsrechtliches
(Hrsg.), Nomos Verlag, BadenBaden 2004; Vertrag über die
Europäische Union und Vertrag
zur Gründung der Europäischen
Gemeinschaft, Kommentar, Bd.
4: Art. 189-314 EGV (Hrsg.
zusammen mit Hans von der
Groeben), 6. Aufl., Nomos
Verlag, Baden-Baden 2004.
Research activities: Various
Courses on European Integration: Europarecht I Europarecht
II Europäisches Verwaltungsrecht Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht.
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Various courses on European Integration.
Subject fields: 2.3
Alphabetical List
SCHWOK, René (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1958
Sex: m
Position: Associated Professor
Spoken languages: fre/eng/ger
Work address: Geneva-Social
Sciences-Political Science & European Institute-Institut européen
de l’Université de Genève, 2 rue
Jean-Daniel Colladon, 1204
Genève, Switzerland Tel: 00412
23798881 E-mail: rene. schwok@
politic.unige.ch Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
René Schwok, La Suisse et son
refus d’adhérer à l’Union
européenne, Lausanne, Presses
polytechniques et universitaires
romandes, 2006; René Schwok,
Théories de l’intégration européenne, Approches, concepts et
débats, Paris, Montchrestien,
2005; René Schwok, Conséquences des accords bilatéraux
entre la Suisse et l’Union
européenne pour les cantons
frontaliers de la France,
Genève, Institut européen de
l’Université de Genève, 2000.
(Avec Nicolas Levrat).
Courses on European Integration: Institutions et intégration
européennes (Undergraduate);
Science politique et intégration
européenne (Postgraduate); Théories de l’intégration européenne
(Postgraduate); Relations extérieures de l’Union européenne
Subject fields: 5.0 / 5.3 / 5.4 / 7.0
SCULLY, Roger (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/welsh
Work address: University of
Wales, Aberystwyth-International Politics Tel: 44 (0)1970
622689 Fax: 44 (0)1970 622709
E-mail: rgs@aber.ac.uk Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
David Farrell & Roger Scully,
Representing Europe’s Citizens?
Electoral Institutions and the
Failure of Parliamentary Representation in the European Union
(Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2007); Roger Scully, Becoming Europeans? Attitudes,
Behaviour and Socialization in
the European Parliament (Oxford University Press, 2005)
ISBN 0199284326; David Farrell
and Roger Scully, ‘Electing the
European Parliament: How Uniform are ‘Uniform’ Electoral
Systems?’, Journal of Common
Market Studies (2005) 43: 969984.
Courses on European Integration: MSc in European Politics
(Postgraduate); BSc Econ in Eu-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ropean Politics (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.3 / 3.0 / 3.3 /
SEIDELMANN, Reimund (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/fre/eng
Work address: Justus-LiebigUnviersity Giessen-Social and
Cultural Sciences-Institut of Political Science-Karl-Gloeckner-Str.
21 E, D-35394 Giessen, Germany Tel: 0049-641-9923130
Fax: 0049-641-9923149 E-mail:
uni-giessen.de Url: www.unigiessen.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Publications on EU-non European regions relations, foreign
policy of the EU, EU’s peace,
security, and defense policies.
Research activities: Chairman
Ac.Board, EU-China European
Studies Centre Programme
(ESCP); Coordinator, EU-Network of European Studies in
Asia (NESCA)Research Dialoge;
Member, GARNET Network of
Courses on European Integration: frequent courses for undergraduates, graduates, and Ph.
D.’s at the University of Giessen;
frequent courses for graduates
(Master Programme) at the Institut
d’Etudes Européennes ULB,
Bruxelles (Postgraduate) frequent courses for graduates
(Master Programme) at the
Institut of European Studies
Macao and other universities.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 3.1 / 4.19 /
SHAW, Jo (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger
Work address: Edinburgh-Law
– School of Law, University of
Edinburgh, Old College, South
Bridge, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL,
UK Tel: +44 131 650 9587 Fax:
+44 131 650 6317 E-mail: jo.
shaw@ed.ac.uk Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
J. Shaw, ‘The European Union’,
in P. Cane and M. Tushnet
(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Legal Studies, Oxford University
Press, 2003, pp325-352; J.
Shaw, Law of the European
Union, Palgrave, Basingstoke,
2000, third edition; 591pp + lxii;
J. Shaw, ed, Social Law and
Policy in an evolving European
Union, Hart Publishing, 2000, x
+ 352pp.
Research activities: Transnational Political Parties and the European Constitution; The Transfor-
Alphabetical List
mation of Citizenship in the European Political Space: the case
of EU electoral rights; Constitutionalism, Federalism and the
Reform of the European Union.
Subject fields: 2.2 / 3.1 / 4.15 /
SHIKOVA, Ingrid (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Bulgaria
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: f
Spoken languages: bul/fre/
Work address: Sofia UniversityFaculty of Philosophy-European
Studies-Bvd. Tzarigradsko shosse
125, bloc 2, Sofia 1113 Bulgaria
Tel: 3592 8739796 Fax: 3592
evropa.bg Url: http://www.unisofia.bg/
Publications in European Affairs:
European Union – History, Institutions, Policies, Bulgarian, textbook ; The Convention for the
Future of Europe – Co-ordination of the Economic policy, Bulgarian (book); Preparation for
participation in the EU Structural
funds, Bulgarian (article).
Research activities: Democratic
citizenship in school; Preparation
of Bulgaria for participation in
the Structural funds.
Courses on European Integration: Policies of the European
Union (Undergraduate); Policies
of the European Union (Postgraduate); European programmes and projects (Undergraduate); European programmes and
projects (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Introduction in European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 3.3 / 4.0 / 4.9 / 6.2
SHIVERGUEVA , Margarita (Prof.
Country: Bulgaria
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/bul/
Work address: New Bulgarian
University-Political Science-European Integration-21, Montevideo, Str., Sofia 1618, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 2 8110 621 Fax: +359
2 8110 260 E-mail: mshivergeva
@yahoo.com Url: www.nbu.bg
Research activities: Programme
Socrates-Erasmus 3 (Thematic
Courses on European Integration: European Integration, European Economic policy (Undergraduate) Economic and Monetary Union. Economic Aspects.
(Postgraduate) Single European
Market and Common European
Policies (Postgraduate) Social
and Economic Costs and Ben-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
efits of the Integration of the
Bulgaria in the EU (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Introduction to the European Integration (Undergraduate); Gradual
reforms of the EU`s regional
policy (Postgraduate); EU Budget Reform (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.4 /
5.8 / 6.2
SHOJI, Katsuhiro (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/japanese
Work address: Keio UniversityLaw School – Mita 2-15-45,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8345
Japan Tel: +81-3-5418-6409
Fax: +81-3-5418-6584 E-mail:
eushoji@ls.keio.ac.jp Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
Introduction to European Union
Law, Iwanami-Shoten, Tokyo,
2003 (Japanese); Substantive Law
of European Union, IwanamiShoten, Tokyo, 2003 (Japanese);
The EU and the citizenry, Keio
University Press, Tokyo, 2005
(co-editor and co-author) (Japanese).
Research activities: Research
on Constitutional Plurarism in
the EU and Beyond, 2005-2008;
Reasech on Comparison of the
roles and the lomits of International Organisations and the EU,
2005; Research on the free
movement of capital and financial regulations in the EU, 20022005.
Courses on European Integration: EU Internal Market Law
(Postgraduate); EU Law Workshop (Seminar) (Postgraduate);
Speacial Study on EU Law (Postgraduate); Introduction to EU
Law (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Law and the WTO (Postgraduate); EU Cooperation in JHA
Fields (Postgraduate); EU Internal Market Law (Postgraduate);
International Organisations and
the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4 /
SHOPOV, Vladimir (Mr)
Country: Bulgaria
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/eng/bul
Work address: Sofia UniversityPhilosophy-Politics-Tzar Ivan
Assen II Street, N 66, 1124 Sofia
Tel: 00359-887-630770 E-mail:
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration: Comparative European
Politics (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 3.0 / 3.1 / 6.0 /
SHORE, Cris (Prof.)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/ita/fre
Work address: University of
Symonds Street, Private Bag
92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: ++64 9 373 7599 Fax: ++64
9 373 7441 E-mail: c.shore@
auckland.ac.nz Url: www.arts.
Publications in European Affairs:
Shore, Cris 2000 Building Europe: The Cultural Politics of
European Integration, London/
New York: Routledge (2nd ed.
2002); Shore, Cris 2005, The
State of the State in Europe, or,
‘what is the European Union
that Anthropologists should be
mindful of it’? in Christian
Krohn-Hansen Knut G. Nustad
(ed) Explorations of the State
Ann Arbor/London, Pluto: 234255; Shore, Cris 2004 ‘Whither
European Citizenship? Eros and
Civilisation Revisited’, European
Journal of Social Theory, Vol 7
(1) 2004: 27-44.
Research activities: European
Association of Social Anthropologists – Europeanist Network.
Courses on European Integration: Selected Themes in the Anthropology of Europe (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.2 / 4.0 /
4.16 / 7.0
SIRONI, Michela (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: f
Position: Présidente
Spoken languages: ita/fre
Work address: Verona-Economie-sciences économiquesUniversità di Verona – Facoltà di
Economia, Via dell’Artigliere
19, I-37129 Verona Tel: 00390
458028244 E-mail: michela.
Courses on European Integration: Economia dell’integrazione
europea (Postgraduate); Organizzazioni economiche internazionali (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.11 / 6.0 / 6.1
SJURSEN, Helene (Dr.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: Oslo – Social
Sciences – Arena Centre for Eu-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ropean Research – P.O. Box
1143, Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway Tel: +4722854958 Fax:
+4722857832 E-mail: helene.
sjursen@arena.uio.no Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
‘Why Expand? The question of
legitimacy and justification in
the EU’s enlargement policy’
Journal of Common Market
Studies, 40, 3, 2002; ‘Normative
power Europe: How can this
be?’ Journal of European Public
Policy, Special Issus, 2, 13,
2006; The United States, Western Europe and the Polish Crisis.
International Relations in the
Second Cold War, Palgrave,
Research activities: Recon - Reconstituting Democracy in Europe. Integrated Project financed
by the 6th framework programme of the European Commission.
Subject fields: 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.0 /
SKAK, Mette Skak (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1956
Sex: f
Spoken languages: dan/eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Aarhus – Political Science-Universitetsparken, Bldg. 1332, DK –
8000 Aarhus C. Tel: (+45) 89 42
12 80 Fax: (+45) 86 13 98 39
E-mail: msk@ps.au.dk Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Mismatch of Russia and the
EU as Actors in a Globalized
World; Presentation by Mette
Skak, University of Aarhus,
Denmark for the conference
«Russia and the European Union
after Enlargement: New Prospects and Problems», Oct. 7th
2005, Faculty of International
Relations, Sankt Petersburg State
University; The Mismatch of the
European Union and Russia (paper, October 2005); The Logic of
Foreign and security policy
change in Russia (book chapter,
Research activities: The Challenge from BRIC (:Brazil, Russia, India, and China) as Globalization Contexts for Denmark.
Research on the Cold War and
Stalin (an informal network).
Courses on European Integration: International Organizations
(UN, EU, and NATO in particular) (Undergraduate); Jean Monnet
lectures on European Integration; Integration dynamics of the
EU; the EU as a security policy
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
Alphabetical List
Country: Czech Republic
Year of birth: 1974
Sex: m
Position: Deputy Head of Department of European Studies
Spoken languages: eng/cze/slo/
Work address: Charles University In Prague-Faculty of Social
Sciences-Dept. of European Studies-Rytirska 31, Praha 1, CZ110 00, Czech Republic Tel:
+420.604.280.374 Fax: +420.
221.610.204 E-mail: islosarcik
Publications in European Affairs:
ŠLOSARCÍK, Ivo. Politický a právní
rámec evropské integrace. Praha:
Institut pro evropskou politiku
EUROPEUM 2005. s. 321 ISBN
80-903237-5-8 (Political and
Legal Framework of the European Integration); K LOUCKOVÁ ,
Svetlana, Š LOSARCÍK , Ivo. National Reports – Czech Republic.
In Moore, Anthony (ed.). Police
and Judicial Co-operation in the
European Union. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
2004, str. 41-55. ISBN 0 521
60557 1; KRÁL, David, PITROVÁ,
Lenka, Š LOSARCÍK , Ivo: Návrh
Smlouvy zakládající Ústavu pro
Evropu – Komentár. Praha:
Institut pro evropskou politiku
Europeum, 2004. s. 110. ISBN
80-903237-3-1 (Draft Treaty
Establishing Constitution for Europe – Commentary).
Research activities: CONNEX
Courses on European Integration: Legal Framework of the
European Integratio (Postgraduate); Legal Framework of the European Policies (Postgraduate);
Introduction into European and
Interantional Law (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Legal System (Postgraduate);
Comitology and Decision-Making in the European Union (Postgraduate); Central Europe, European Integration and NATO
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.2 / 4.21 /
SMISMANS, Stijn (Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1971
Sex: m
Spoken languages: dut/eng/ita/
Work address: University of
Trento-Sociology-Sociology and
Social Research-Via Verdi 26,
38100 Trento, Italy Tel: 00390
4611444 E-mail: stijn.smismans
@soc.unitn.it Url: http://users.
Publications in European Affairs:
Law, Legitimacy and European
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Governance. Functional Participation in Social Regulation
(2004, Oxford University Press);
Civil Society and Legitimate European Governance (ed, 2006,
Edward Elgar).
Research activities: CIVGOV
(Civil Society and European
Governance, FP5); NEWGOV
(New Modes of Governance, FP
6, Legal Task Force and
CISONANCE project); New
governance and European Industrial Relations (European
Foundation for Living and
Working Conditions).
Courses on European Integration: European Law (Undergraduate) European Industrial
Relations (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.6 / 2.1.9 / 3.2
/ 3.4 / 4.3
SMITH, Karen (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ita/fre
Work address: London School
of Economics-International Relations-Houghton Street, London
WC2A 2AE Tel: 02079556332
Fax: 02079557446 E-mail: k.e.
Publications in European Affairs:
With Katie Verlin Laatikainen,
eds, The European Union at the
United Nations: Intersecting
Multilateralisms (Palgrave, 2006);
The Making of EU Foreign
Policy: The Case of Eastern Europe (2nd edition, Palgrave,
2004); European Union Foreign
Policy in a Changing World
(Polity Press, 2003).
Research activities: Participation in several European Commission funded networks/projects
including: CONSENT – FORNET
– Challenge GARNET.
Courses on European Integration: The EU in the World (Postgraduate); International Politics
of EU Enlargement (Postgraduate); Europe’s Institutional Order
(Undergraduate); European International Politics (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
European Union in the International System (European online
Subject fields: 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.0
SNYDER, Francis (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: London School
of Economics-Law-Professor
Francis Snyder, Department of
Law, London School of Eco-
Alphabetical List
nomics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, England Tel:
+44-20-7955-7266 Fax: +44-207955-7366 E-mail: f.g.snyder@
lse.ac.uk Url: www.francissnyder.org
Publications in European Affairs:
Snyder (ed. with Mahiou), Food
Security and Food Safety (E.J.
Brill for The Hague Academy of
International Law, Leiden, 2006)
c1200 pp; Snyder (ed) Regional
and Global Regulation of International Trade (Hart Publishing,
Oxford, 2002), xx+304 pp.; ‘The
Origins of the “Nonmarket
Economy”: Ideas, Pluralism and
Power in EC Antidumping Law
about China’, European Law
Journal, 7, 4, 2001, pp. 369-424.
Research activities: EU-ChinaWTO Research Seminar Series
Network; EU External Relations
and China
Courses on European Integration: Globalisation, Regulation
and Governance (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
External Relations Law (Peking
University) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 4.5 /
5.0 / 5.10
SONG, Xinning (Prof. Dr.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Position: Director
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: Renmin University of China-School of International Studies-Centre for European Studies-59 Zhongguancun
Street, Beijing 100872, China
Tel: 8610 62512824 Fax: 8610
62511232 E-mail: xnsong@
cesruc.org Url: http://www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Hand Book of the EU and European Integration, Chinese, Beijing:
China Light Industry Publishing
House, 2001; Europa und China:
eine schwierige Beziehung, German, Internationale Politik,
2001-2; Political Economy Approach to European Integration
Studies, Chinese, International
Servey, 2004-4.
Research activities: The Impact
of EU Enlargement on European
Integration and Global Political
Economy/ EU-China ESCP
Political Economy of European
Integration/ Ministry of Education, PRC.
Courses on European Integration: Political Economy of European Integration (Postgraduate)
The EU Foreign Policy and External Relations Comparative Regional Integration (Postgraduate)
The EU Enlargement and Global
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Political Economy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.19 / 5.0 / 5.10 /
6.2 / 7.0
SOÓS, Edit (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/hun/
Work address: Sueged-Faculty
of law-Dept. of Political Science6722. Szeged, Attila U. 11. Tel:
Publications in European Affairs:
Cross-border co-operations and
the Lisbon Strategy. Európai
Tükör, 2006. january p. 64-76;
(Euro)regional identity in Hungary. Comitatus, 2005. april p.
32-47; Integration and Regionalism. 1999. 180 p.
Courses on European Integration: Regions of Europe; Local
governments in the EU. Decision-making in the EU
Subject fields: 2.7 / 5.6 / 6.2 /
SOTTE, Franco (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: Politecnica Delle
Marche – Ancona – Economics
– Piazzale Martelli, 8, 60121
ANCONA (Italy) Tel: +39-0712207117 Fax: +39-071-2207118
E-mail: f.sotte@univpm.it Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
S OTTE F., C HIODO E. (2005), A
SWOT Analysis of the Fischler
Reform. Looking Towards a New
Rural Development Policy, XI
EAAE Congress, «The Future of
Rural Europe in the Global AgriFood System», Copenhagen, 2327 August.; S OTTE F. (2004),
«From CAP to CARPE: the state
of the question», Introductory
Invited Paper to the 87° EAAE
Research activities: Co-ordinator and scientific expert responsible for the European research
Courses on European Integration: Economia del Territorio /
Regional Economics (Undergraduate); Economia e Politica
Agraria / Agricultural Economics
and Policy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.6
SPAGNOLO, Lucio Valerio (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1944
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: Salerno-Economia-Scienze Economiche E
Alphabetical List
Statistiche-Via Nicola Aversano
N°18, I-84122 Salerno, Italia
Tel: +339089962210 Fax: +339
089962210 E-mail: l.spagnolo
Publications in European Affairs:
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.1.4 / 4.9 /
7.0 / 7.2
SPAVENTA, Eleanor (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1972
Sex: f
Position: Professor
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng
Work address: University of
Birmingham – School of Law –
Dr Eleanor Spaventa, School of
Law, University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2
TT UK Tel: 0044 (0)121 4147
501 Fax: 0044 (0)121 4143585
E-mail: e.spaventa@bham.ac.uk
Publications in European Affairs:
Social Welfare and EU Law, editor with M. Dougan, Hart 2005.
Courses on European Integration: Legal Foundations of the
EU (Undergraduate); Law of the
European Union (Undergraduate); Law of the Internal Market
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Fundamental Rights in the EU (University of Cambridge) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.3 / 2.4 / 4.21
STADLMEIER, Sigmar (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Position: Deputy head of department
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/ita/
Work address: Johannes Kepler
Universität Linz-Law-European
Union Law and Public International Law-Altenbergerstrasse
69, A-4040 Linz Tel: +43-7322468-8274 Fax: +43-732-24688368 E-mail: sigmar.stadlmeier
@jku.at Url: http://www.jku.at
Research activities: Österreichisches und internationales
Luftfahrtrecht. Textsammlung
und Kommentierung (Institut für
Luftfahrtrecht, www. luftfahrtrecht.at) Legal Convergence,
Accession to the EU and Legal
Culture – Public Law Dimension
(University of Zagreb, Prof.
Sinisa Rodin).
Courses on European Integration: Europarecht (Undergraduate); Europarecht: Binnenmarkt
Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Europarecht: Wettbewerbsrecht;
Übung Europarecht: Case Law
des EuGH (Undergraduate).
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Einführung in den Binnenmarkt
(Postgraduate) Einführung in das
Europarecht (Postgraduate) Case
Law zum Binnenmarkt (Postgraduate) Ten Years After: The
Dynamics of Integration.
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.6 / 4.11 /
STAWARSKA, Renata (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: f
Position: Director of the European Centre
Spoken languages: eng/fre/pol/
Work address: University of
Economics – Management – International Relations-Powstanców
Wlkp Street 16, 61-895 Poznan;
Poland Tel: +48 61 854 33 20
Fax: +48 61 854 33 21 E-mail:
Url: http://www.ae.poznan.pl/
Publications in European Affairs:
2005 – Financial consequences
of the EU Eastern Enlargement,
European Studies, Working
Paper No 59, Poznan University
of Economics; 2005 – EU Trade
Policy and the EU Role in International Trade, Working Paper
no 63, Poznan University of
Economics; 2005 – Short and
Long-term Financial Implications of Eastern Enlargement for
Poland and the European Union,
in: La Pologne dans l’Europe.
Une integration achevee? Cahiers
lillois d’economie et de sociologie, Lille 2005.
Courses on European Integration: Lecture and seminars on
‘Theory and Practice of Economic Integration’ (Postgraduate); Lecture on Contemporary
Problems of the World Economy
(Postgraduate); Lecture on the
External Relations of the EU
(Postgraduate); Lecture on Foreign Policy of Poland (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economics of European Integration
(Postgraduate); Economic and
Monetary Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.7 / 4.0 / 4.1 /
5.0 / 7.0
STEFANOU, Constantin (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/gre
Work address: University of
London-School of Advanced
Study-Institute of Advanced
Legal Studies-Charles Chlore
House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR Tel: +44 207
8625867 Fax: +44 2078625855
Alphabetical List
E-mail: constantin.stefanou@
sas.ac.uk Url: http://ials.sas.ac.
Publications in European Affairs:
Stefanou, C. and Xanthaki, H.
(2000), A Legal and Political Interpretation of Article 215(2)
[new Article 288(2)] of the
Treaty of Rome: The Individual
Strikes Back, Ashgate, Aldershot.
FYROM Cases, Dartmouth/
Ashgate, Aldershot; Stefanou, C.
(ed) (2005), Cyprus and the EU:
The road to accession, Ashgate,
Aldershot; Stefanou, C. and
Xanthaki, H. (eds) (2005), Financial Crime in the EU: Criminal Records as effective Tools or
Missed Opportunities?, Kluwer
Law International.
Research activities: Project Reference: European Commission
FALCONE Project (Ref. No.
1999/FAL/197). Title: «Use of
Criminal Records as a means of
preventing organised crime in
the areas of money launder-ing
and public procurement» –
Project Reference: European
Commission FALCONE Project
(Ref. No. 2000/FAL/168). Title:
«A European Criminal Record as
a means of combating organised
crime». – Project Reference: European Commission Grotius
Programme (Ref. No. 2000/GR/
109). Title: «National Means of
Implementation of Third Pillar
Instruments» (study) – Project
Reference: European Commission Grotius Civil Programme.
Title: «Training in EU Civil Procedural Instruments» – Project
Reference: European Commission JHA closed tender (Ref. No.
DG JAI-B2/2003/01). Title:
«Comparative Study into Member States’ Measures to Prevent
the Penetration of Legal Entities
by the Organised Crime and Terrorist Groups (study)» – Project
Reference: European Commission AGIS Programme (Ref. No.
JAI/AGIS/ 2003/002). Title:
«Feasibility study on the creation
of a database on prosecutions
and investigations (study)» –
Project Reference: European Parliament (STUDY, IP/D/CONT/
Courses on European Integration: Jean Monnet MA module,
«Theories of European Integration» (Postgraduate); Jean Monnet
MA Course, «Legislating for EU
membership and accession»
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1 / 2.5 /
4.21 / 6.0 / 7.0
STEINER, Tommy (Mr)
Country: Israel
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/hebrew
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Work address: Idc HerzliyaLauder School of GovernmentInstitute for Policy and StrategyPO Box 167, Herzliya 46150,
Israel Tel: +972-9-9527389 Fax:
+972-9-9527310 E-mail: tsteiner
@idc.ac.il Url: www.idc.ac.il/ips
Subject fields: 5.0 / 5.2 / 5.8 / 7.2
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1963
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: National School
of Government-Policy Making
and Government-School of European Studies-National School
of Government, 11 Belgrave
Road, London SW1V 1RB, UK
Tel: 01344-634407 Fax: 01344634451 E-mail: adam.steinhouse
@nationalschool.gsi.gov.uk Url:
www.nationalschool. gov.uk
Publications in European Affairs:
La Coopération administrative
au Royaume-Uni et la formation,
«Revue francaise d’administration publique, 100, Oct-Dec
2001, 721-728 (with M Duggett
and A Wyatt); Workers’ Participation in Post-Liberation France,
Lanham and Oxford, Lexington
Books, 2001.
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to the EU:
overview and institutions EU
Negotiating and Chairing Skills
EU Justice and Home Affairs
Preparing for the Presidency.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Public Administration Curriculum
for Europe, Skopje, Macedonia
EU Policy Process and Comitology, Slovenia Understanding
the EU, Cyprus.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 5.1 /
6.0 / 7.1
STEININGER, Rolf (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Austria
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Position: Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng
Work address: Innsbruck-Phil.Hist.-Institut für ZeitgeschichteInnrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel: 0043 664 1222522 Fax:
0043-512 507-2889 E-mail: rolf.
steininger@uibk.ac.at Url: www.
Research activities: South Tyrol
and Europe; Reports from Israel;
Reports from Bonn.
Courses on European Integration: Deutschland und Europa;
Geschichte der Integration (Postgraduate) Europa und der Kalte
Krieg (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 4.0 /
4.20 / 5.4
Alphabetical List
S TEPHANOU , Constantine (Prof.
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: Panteion University of Athens – Internatiional &
European Studies-136, Syngrou
Ave., Athens GR-17671 Tel:
++30-210-9201602 Fax: ++30210-3632705 E-mail: edc@
Publications in European Affairs:
European Integration, Athens,
Sakkoula publ., 1st ed. 1984, 6th
ed., 2002 (2 vols. in Greek).;
«Regulatory Convergence in a
Wider Europe» in UNECE, Beyond Enlargement: Trade Business and Investment in a Changing Europe, New York & Geneva,
2003, UN. Sales No. E.03.
IIE.55; Adjusting to EU Enlargement. Recurring Issues in a New
Setting, Cheltenham UK.: Edward Elgar, 2006.
Research activities: European
Community Studies Association.
Courses on European Integration: The EU Structure & Process (Undergraduate); EU Policies (Undergraduate); The Institutional & Political System of the
EU: Theoritical Approaches
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
Single European Market &
Flowting Policies, National Centre for Public Administration
(Athens, Greece) (Postgraduate);
The general principles of European Community Law, University of Paris II, Faculty of Law
(Postgraduate); The Single European Market, University of
Tunisse – Carthage (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.5 / 7.0
STURM, Roland (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: m
Position: Dean
Spoken languages: ger/eng/spa/
Work address: University of
Erlangen-Nürnberg-Philosophische Fakultät I-Institut für
Politische Wissenschaft-Kochstr.
4, 91054 Erlangen Tel: 09131/
8522370 Fax: 09131/8522371
E-mail: roland.sturm@polwiss.
phil.uni-erlangen.de Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
The Europeanization of Regions
in Eastern and Western Europe.
Theoretical Perspectives (mit J.
Dieringer), in: Regional and Federal Studies, 15(3), 2005, S. 279-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
294.; Eine Verfassung für ein
Land ohne Verfassung? Britische
Europapolitik und der europäische Verfassungsvertrag, in:
K. Beckmann/ J. Dieringer/ U.
Hufeld (Hg.): Eine Verfassung
für Europa, Tübingen: Mohr
Siebeck, 2. Aufl. 2005, S. 261271.; Was ist Europäisierung?
Zur Entgrenzung und Einbindung des Nationalstaats im
Prozess der europäischen Integration, in: G.F. Schuppert/ I.
Pernice/ U. Haltern (Hg.): Europawissenschaft, Baden-Baden:
Nomos 2005, S. 101-127.
Courses on European Integration: Deutschland im europäischen Binnenmarkt (Postgraduate); Die politische Ökonomie der Europäischen Integration (Postgraduate); Reformprobleme der Europäischen
Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.6 /
6.2 / 7.1
SUAMI, Takao (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/japanese
Work address: Waseda UnivesityLaw School – 1-6-1, NishiWaseda, Shinjuku-ku 169-8050
Japan Tel: 81-3-3203-4141 Fax:
81-3-5286-1720 E-mail: suamilaw
Publications in European Affairs:
The Nice Treaty and the reformation of the EC judicial system:
a contributionto the protection
of rights of individuals in the
Community?, in European Governance After Nice 82-106(Koji
Fukuda and Hiroya Akiba eds.
2003, Routledge Curzon).
Courses on European Integration: European Union Law, European Competition Law (Postgraduate); European Environmental Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.2 / 2.3 /
2.5 / 4.0
SUGISAKI, Takamoto (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
School, Tsuda College-International and Cultural Studies-2-1-1
Tsuda-machi, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo, Japan 187-8577 Tel: 042342-5155 Fax: 042-342-5156 Email: sugisaki@tsuda.ac.jp
Publications in European Affairs:
Takamoto Sugisaki: ‘The meaning of the «Globalisation» nowadays (7)’ Tsuda College IICS
Bulletin, No.39(2004). Japanese
article; ‘The meaning of the
«Globalisation» nowadays (8)’
Tsuda College IICS Bulletin, No.
40 (2005). Japanese article; ‘Re-
Alphabetical List
search Notes. Development of
the FDI in the European Union:
Dissolving process of a crooked
Tetrahedron on a basis of the
Unholy Trinity’ The Study of International Relations, Tsuda
College,No.32(2005), Japanese
Research activities: Flexibility
and Cohesion in the European
Union. Economics of the European Integration.
Courses on European Integration: European Economies A
(Undergraduate); Economic History of the European Integration
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.7 / 3.2 /
4.3 / 4.4
SVITANA, Radoslav (Dr.)
Country: Slovakia
Year of birth: 1977
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/pol/
Work address: Matej Bel University In Banská Bystrica-Faculty of Law-Department of European Law-Komenského 20, 974
01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Tel: +421 48 4463 237 Fax:
+421 48 4125 127 E-mail:
r-svitana@orangemail.sk Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Kunova – Svitana: Free Movement of Persons and Mutual
Recognition of Qualification in
Community Law. 2006. Slovak
language; Fischer – Kunova –
Svitana: Treaty establishing the
Constitution for Europe. 2005.
Slovak language.; Slastan –
Svitana: The Role of National
Parliaments in the European Integration. In: European Union.
Decision-Making Procedures.
2005. Slovak and English language.
Monnet European Module C03/
Courses on European Integration: European Union Law II
(Undergraduate); Judicial System of the European Union, European International Private
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.3 / 2.4 /
2.5 / 2.5.1
SZABÓ, Gábor (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/hun/
Work address: University of
Pécs-Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences-Political Science
and Social Theory-Pécs 7622,
48-as tér 1. HUNGARY Tel: 72501 599/ 3170 Fax: 215-148/
3172 E-mail: szgabor@ajk.pte.
hu Url: www.law.pte.hu
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Publications in European Affairs:
The problems of legitimacy in
the EU, Hungarian, essay; Globalization, democracy and the
EU, Hungarian, essay; Globalization and the chances of democratic governance in Europe.
Courses on European Integration: Democracy and the European Union (Postgraduate); External relations of the EU (Postgraduate); Decision Making Processes and Strategies (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
History of the European Integration.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 3.4 /
4.15 / 4.19
tions personnelles des membres
de la Commission des Communautés européennes, (Article en
français), Petites affiches, n°
202, 8 octobre 2004, pp. 3-21.;
Aperçu des évolutions récentes
du droit constitutionnel européen,
(Chronique en français), Annuaire
de droit européen, Vol. I-2003,
Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2005, pp.
Courses on European Integration: Droit institutionnel de
l’Union européenne Droit matériel et politiques de l’Union
européenne Finances publiques
européennes Droit communautaire et activités d’intérêt general.
Subject fields: 2.7 / 6.1
SZYMCZAK, David (Prof.)
Country: France
Year of birth: 1974
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng/ger
Work address: Bordeaux IvSciences Po Bordeaux-IEP, 11
allé Ausone, Domaine Universitaire, 33607 PESSAC cedex Tel: E-mail: d.szymczak
Publications in European Affairs:
La Convention européenne des
droits de l’Homme et le juge
constitutionnel national (thèse
en français), à paraître aux
éditions Bruylant); Les obliga-
TAMARIT, Cecilio (Prof.)
Country: Spain
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Position: Professor Catedrático
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/spa/
Work address: Universitat De
Valencia-Faculty of EconomicsDepartment of Applied Economics II-Campus de Tarongers, PO
Box 22006, 46071 Valencia Tel:
+34963828349 Fax: +34963828
354 E-mail: cecilio.tamarit@uv.es
Url: http://www.uv.es/tamac
Alphabetical List
Publications in European Affairs:
Camarero, M., Carrión-i-Silvestre,
J.Ll. y C. Tamarit (2005): «Unemployment
NAIRU estimates for Accession
countries: A univariate approach», Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 33, 584603; Camarero, M. y C. Tamarit
(2004): «Hysteresis vs. Natural
rate of unemployment: new evidence for OECD countries»,
Economics Letters, vol. 84, 413417 ; Camarero, M. y C. Tamarit
(2004): «Estimating exports and
imports demand for manufactured goods: The role of FDI»,
Weltwirtschasflitches Archiv,
vol. 140, n. 3, 347-375.
Research activities: Título del
proyecto: Outsourcing versus
trade in an enlarged European
Union. An empirical assessment
with special emphasis on Italy
and Spain Entidad financiadora:
Dirección General de Investigación. Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia-MIUR. Acción Integrada
Hispano Italiana HI2004-0037.
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Valencia, Universidad
Jaume I y Università de Bologna. Duración, desde: 1/01/2005
hasta: 31/12/2006. Investigador
principal: Mariam Camarero y
Gianmarco Ottaviano. Número
de investigadores participantes: 5.
Courses on European Integration: Ecomomía de la Unión
Europea (Undergraduate); Integración Económica (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Economy (Univesity of
Nottingham) (Undergraduate);
Políticas Económicas en áreas
integradas (Universidad de
Oviedo) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.2 / 7.0
TANAKA, Soko (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/
Work address: Chuo UniversituEconomics-Higashi-nakano 7421, Hachioji, Tokyo ,Japan, J193-0393 Tel: +81-426-74-3410
Fax: +81-426-3425 E-mail:
Publications in European Affairs:
The Monetary Policy of the ECB
and the Euro, editor, 2004, in
Japanese. The Euro and the International Monetary System,
editor, 2003, in Japanese.
Research activities: EUIJ Research on Contemporary EU
Economy, Hitotsubashi Univ.;
Comparative Analysis of Eco-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
nomic Analyses in Europe and
Courses on European Integration: International Finance Centered on the Euro (Postgraduate);
European Economy (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Economic System, in:
Tokyo University, European
Economy, in: Tokyo University
of Foreign Affairs (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 4.0 / 4.1.2 /
4.2 / 4.5
TANAKA, Tomoyoshi (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1940
Sex: m
Spoken languages: fre/eng/
Work address: Surugadai-Economics-Management&Information Sciences-698 Azu,HannoCity,Saitama 357-8555,Japan
Tel: 08-042-974-7157 Fax: 08042-972-1179 E-mail: totanaka@
surugadai.ac.jp Url: http://surugadai.ac.jp
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Economy (japanese); The Economic Integration
of European Union(Japanese);
Business Management History of
European Union(Japanese).
Research activities: Study on
the Reappaisal of the Post-War
Economic and Social System in
Europe Study on the Formation
of a New Economic Order - Aspect of EU Enlargement in New
European Architecturu.
Courses on European Integration: European Economy (Undergraduate); European Integration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Europan Integration (Undergraduate); European Economy
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 4.0 /
4.1 / 5.0
TANAKA, Toshiro (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/japanese
Work address: Keio-Law-Political Science-Keio University, 215-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo,
Japan, 108-8345 Tel: +81-35427-1370 Fax: +81-3-54271578 E-mail: tanatosi@law.
Publications in European Affairs:
The Politics of the European
Union, Japanese, book; The EU
and Citizens, Japanese, book.
Courses on European Integration: Seminar on the Politics of
Alphabetical List
the European Union 1 (Undergraduate); Seminar on the Politics of the European Union 2
(Undergraduate); Graduate Seminar on the Politics of the European Union 1 (Postgraduate);
Graduate Seminar on the Politics
of the European Union 2 (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Integration at Hitotsubashi University (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.1 / 4.19 /
5.1 / 6.1
TESAURO, Giuseppe (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1942
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/fre/eng
Work address: Naples – Law –
International and Europeam Law
– 80127 – Naples, Via Aniello
Falcone 249 Tel: 0039 081
663543 Fax: 0039 081 19363501
E-mail: giuseppe.tesauro@fastwebnet.it
Publications in European Affairs:
Diritto Comunitario – Fourth
Edition – 2005.
Research activities: The role of
the Court of Justice in the Protection of Fundamental Rights,
in Essays in Honour of Gil
Carlos Rodriguez Iglesias, Berlin
2003; Competition Authorities
and Private Rights, in Andenas,
Hutchings, Marsden (Ed.), Current Competition Law, vol. II,
BIICL, London 2004; Some
Thoughts on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, in
Miccù-Pernice, European Constitutional Law Network Series,
vol. 2, The European Constitution in the Making, Baden Baden
2004, p. 127 ss.
Courses on European Integration: EC Law.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EC
Competition Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.3 / 2.4 / 4.6
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: Lse-Department
of Government & European Institute-Department of Government & European Institute-Department of Government, London School of Economics and
Political Science, Houghton
Street, London WC2A 2AE, UK
Tel: +44(0)20 7955 6012 Fax:
+44(0)20 7955 6352 E-mail:
e.thielemann@lse.ac.uk Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
Symbolic Politics or Effective
Burden-Sharing? Redistribution,
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Side-Payments and the European Refugee Fund, Journal of
Common Market Studies, Vol.
43, No. 4, pp. 807-24.; Dividing
Competences: Germany’s Vision(s)
for Europe’s Federal Future,
Comparative European Politics,
Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1-17.; Why
European Policy Harmonization
Undermines Refugee BurdenSharing, European Journal of
Migration and Law, Vol. 6, No.
1, pp. 43-61.
Courses on European Integration: Government, Politics and
Policy of the European Union
(Undergraduate); Policy-Making
in the European Union (Postgraduate); European Politics:
Comparative Analysis (Postgraduate); Public Policy Responses to International Migration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: EU
Politics (NYU) (Undergraduate);
EU Politics (University of London) (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.9 / 4.21 /
TOBLER, Christa (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng/dut/
Work address: Basel-lawEuropa Institute-Gellertstrasse
27, CH - 4020 Basel Tel: +4161-317 97 67 Fax: +41-61-317
97 66 E-mail: christa.tobler@
unibas.ch Url: http://www.europa.
Publications in European Affairs:
Indirect Discrimination. A Case
Study into the Development of
the Legal Concept of Indirect
Discrimination under EC Law,
Habilitation thesis Basel, Antwerp/
Oxford: Intersentia 2005; Remedies and Sanctions in EC nondiscrimination law (for the European Commission), Luxembourg:
Office for Official Publications
of the European Communities
Courses on European Integration: Basic Course on European
Union law (Postgraduate); The
Common Market (Postgraduate);
EC Equality Law (Postgraduate);
Harmonization (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Introductory course on European
Union law, Leiden University
(The Netherlands) (Postgraduate); Introduction to EC law for
taxation lawyers, Leiden University (The Netherlands) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.2 / 2.3 / 2.4 / 4.3
Alphabetical List
TONRA, Ben (Prof.)
Country: Ireland
Year of birth: 1964
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: University College Dublin-Human SciencesSchool of Politics and International Relations-Dublin European Institute, UCD Belfield,
Dublin 4, Ireland Tel: 3531
7167615 Fax: 35312692589
E-mail: ben.tonra@ucd.ie Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
From Global Citizen to European Republic; Irish Foreign
Policy in Transition, Manchester
University Press, 2006; Rethinking EU Foreign Policy: Beyond
the Common Foreign and Security Policy, (with Thomas Christiansen, contributing editor.),
Palgrave/Macmillan, 2004; Europeanisation of National Foreign
Policy: Dutch, Danish and Irish
Foreign Policies in CFSP.
Ashgate, 2001.
Research activities: NORFACE
2005-2007 Partner in successful
peer-reviewed bid to NORFACE
Security Challenges theme for a
multinational seminar series on
the Transatlantic Relationship
and the Struggle for Europe;
FORNET – Foreign Policy Governance in Europe 2003-2006 –
National director within 25 –
strong international research
consortium, funded under EU
Framework V research programme; EU Framework V, IHP
Socio-Economic Research 20002002 ‘Organising for Enlargement’ an internationally refereed, 3 year, six-institution research project on small state
adaptation to EU membership
directed by Professor Brigid
Laffan, UCD.
Courses on European Integration: Rethinking the European
Union (Postgraduate); European
Interdisciplinary Project: capstone
module in interdisciplinary European Studies programme (Politics, Law, Business and Economics) (Postgraduate); European
Union Foreign, Security and Defence Policy (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.0 /
TUKA, Ágnes (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1953
Sex: f
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: fre/hun/
Work address: Université De
Pécs-des Lettres et Sciences-des
Études politiques-6. rue Ifjúság,
PÉCS, Hongrie Tel: 36-72-503
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
600/4545 Fax: 36-72-527001
E-mail: tuka@btk.pte.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
Európai Parlament. DialógCampus, Budapest-Pécs 2004.
pp 207, (hongrois).
Courses on European Integration: L’histoire de l’integration
européenne. Les institutions
européennes. Le Parlement européenne et les groupes politiques
(Undergraduate); Le paradigme
d’Europe (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.3 / 3.0 /
4.0 / 6.0
UGUR, Mehmet (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/tur
Work address: University of
Greenwich-Business-EconomicsUniversity of Greenwich, Business School, Old Royal Naval
College, Park Row, London
SE10 9LS Tel: 00442083318913
Fax: 00442083319005 E-mail:
m.ugur@gre.ac.uk Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Policy Issues in the EU; The European and Turkey; Turkey and
European Integration.
Courses on European Integration: Momnetary integration in
Europe (Postgraduate); Economics of the European Union (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.4 / 4.22 /
5.6 / 7.0
UMINSKI, Stanislaw (Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/pol
Work address: University of
Gdansk-Faculty of EconomicsResearch Centre on European
Integration-ul. Armii Krajowej
119/121, 81-824 Sopot, Poland
Tel: +48 58 5511613 Fax: +48
58 5511613 E-mail: umek@
Publications in European Affairs:
Uminski S., Stepniak A., «Strategy of Poland’s Entry into the
Euro zone», [in:] D. Milczarek,
A. Z. Nowak eds.,
Courses on European Integration: Theory of economic integration (Undergraduate); Economics of the European integration (Undergraduate); Poland’s
membership in the EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.9 / 7.0
URBÁN, Anna (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: f
Position: Professor
Alphabetical List
Spoken languages: eng/hun/ger/
Work address: University of
Miskolc-Arts and HumanitiesApplied Linguistics-University
of Miskolc/Miskolci Egyetem,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities/
Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Department of Applied Linguistics/
Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Tanszék,
3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros,
Hungary Tel: 36 46 565111/ext.
13 88 E-mail: aitaniko@axelero.hu
Publications in European Affairs:
British Conservative Governments and the European Unity,
2001. CEEWEB-HUNGARY, Miskolc
(127 pp.); Central and Eastern
European Perspectives, 2005.
Miksolc (teaching material).
Research activities: European
Resources for Intercultural Communication, ERASMUS TNPP.
Courses on European Integration: Európa Tanulmányok II Intercultural Communication Central and Eastern European Perspectives (Postgraduate); Translation of European Texts.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Central and Eastern European Perspectives Historical and Geographical Factors in Intercultural
Understanding (Postgraduate);
Intercultural Communication..
Subject fields: 1.3 / 3.5 / 4.16 /
6.0 / 7.2
USHER, John (Prof.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: m
Position: Head of the School of
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger
Work address: University of
Exeter-Law-Law-School of Law,
University of Exeter, Amory
Building, Rennes Drive, Exeter,
EX4 4RJ Tel: 01392 263376
Fax: 01392 263196 E-mail: j.a.
usher@exeter.ac.uk Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
«EC Agricultural Law» (Oxford
University Press, 2nd edition
2002, xliv + 209pp).
Courses on European Integration: Law of the European
Union (Undergraduate); EC Substantive Law (Postgraduate); EC
Litigation (Postgraduate); Law of
Money in the EC (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Law
of Money and Financial Services
in the EC (Postgraduate); The
CAP and International Agricultural Trade (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 4.1 / 4.1.2
/ 4.2
USHERWOOD, Simon (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1974
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ger
Work address: University of
Surrey – Political, International
& Policy Studies-University of
Surrey, Department of Political,
International & Policy Studies
(M1), Guildford, Surrrey, GU2
7XH, UK Tel: +44(0)1483689
962 Fax: +44(0)1483686191
E-mail: s.usherwood@surrey.
ac.uk Url: www.surrey.ac.uk/
Publications in European Affairs:
Usherwood, S., ‘Opposition to
the European Union in the UK:
The dilemma of public opinion
and party management’, Government and Opposition, 37-2
(2002), 211-230; Usherwood, S.,
‘Realists, sceptics and opponents: opposition to the EU’s
Constitutional Treaty’, in Journal
of Contemporary European Research, 1-2 (2005), 4-12.
Courses on European Integration: EU Politics & Governance
(Undergraduate); The State &
European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 3.0 / 3.3 /
UZONYI, Maria (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1933
Sex: f
Position: Associated Professor
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/hun/
Work address: Szent IstvánEconomic and Social SciencesInstitute of European Studies-H1143 Budapest, Ida u. 2. Tel: 36
1 462 2059 Fax: 36 1 462 2055
E-mail: uzonyi@vti.szie.hu Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Food Safety Authority 2002, Gazdálkodás, 46.
4. pp. 74-76.; The New Food
Regulation of the European
Union, 2003, Gazdálkodás, 47.
1. pp. 84-86.; How Does the
New EU Food Law Influence the
Hungarian Regulations? 2003.
EAAE 82nd Seminar on quality
assurance, risk management and
environmental control in agriculture and food supply networks,
Bonn, pp. 279-282.
Courses on European Integration: The system of food safety
and food quality in the European
Union (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.8
Country: Netherlands
Year of birth: 1957
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/fre/
Alphabetical List
Work address: Groningen-ArtsInternational Relations-P.O. Box
716, 9700 AS Groningen, Netherlands Tel: +31 50 3636015
Fax: +31 50 3637253 E-mail:
j.van.der.harst@rug.nl Url: www.
Courses on European Integration: European Union: myth or
reality? (BA; in English); European co-operation and integration (BA; in Dutch); European
political and legal identities
(MA; in English); The Netherlands, the EU and the rise of
China (MA; in Dutch).
Research activities: Editing the
conference volume “ Beyond
costumes union: the European
Community’s quest for completation, deepening and enlargement” (to be published by
Bruylant in Brussels in 2007);
Editing a special volume of the
Journal of European Integration
History on the relationship between the theory and history of
European integration; Writing an
article on Mr. Charles Rutten,
former Permanent Representative of the Netherlands at the European Community, to be published by the Dutch Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.2 / 2.0 /
2.1.2 / 4.0
VAN KRIEKEN, Peter (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Laos
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: m
Spoken languages: dut/eng/swe/
Work address: Webster University 1) Leiden (NL) - 2) St. Louis
(MO), USA - 3) Cha’am, Thailand E-mail: peter.krieken@undp.
org Url: rolingfoundation. org
Publications in European Affairs:
The Huage, Legal Capital of the
World (CUP, 2005); The Consolidated Asylum and Migration
Acquis (CUP, 2004); Terrorism
and the International Legal Order (CUP, 2002).
Research activities: 1998-2005:
odysseus, phare, twinning, peer
reviews, etc.
Courses on European Integration: International organizations,
with an emphasis on EU organs
(Undergraduate); Human rights
law (EU) (Postgraduate); Asylum
and migration: the quest for a
European approach (Postgraduate); EU and international law
Subject fields: 4.1.1 / 4.15 / 4.21
/ 6.2
VÁRNAY, Ernô (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Spoken languages: hun/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Debrecen-Faculty of Law – H4028 Debrecen, Kassai út 26.
Tel: 00 36 52 438 033 Fax: 00
36 52 438 033/7130 E-mail:
varnaye@delfin.unideb.hu Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
Az Európai Unió joga. KJKKERSZÖV, Budapest, 2005 (Coauthor Papp, Mónika) pp. 945.
ISBN 963 224 756 9 (en langue
hongroise); L’acquis communautaire et les PECO. Revue des
affaires européennes, 2001-2002/
8, pp. 1048-1057.(en francais);
Az Acte clair tan és a CILFITfeltételek..(The acte clair doctrine and the CILFIT conditions,
La théorie de l’acte clair et les
conditions CILFIT) Magyar Jog
(ISSN 00250147), 2005. 2.
szám, pp. 95-108. (en langue
Courses on European Integration: Európa-jog (EU law- Institutional law, Droit européen –
droit institutionnel (Undergraduate); Friss esetek az Európai
Bíróság gyakorlatából (Recent
cases of the European Court of
Justice, Affaires récentes de la
Cour de justice des Communautés européenes): Az Európai
Unió monetáris joga (Monetary
Law of the EU, droit moétaire de
l’UE) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 2.2 / 2.3 /
2.7 / 4.1.3
VÁSÁRI, Viktória (Mr)
Country: Hungary
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ger
Work address: Szent IstvánFaculty of Economics And Social Sciences-Institute of European Studies-1143, Budapest,
Ida U. 2, Hungary Tel: 36-30303-1004 E-mail: vasary.viktoria
Publications in European Affairs:
Vásáry V.: The efficiency of the
Integrated Administration and
Control System in the EU (Az
Integrált Igazgatási és Ellenorzési
Rendszer hatékonysága az EUban), In: Gazdákodás, 2005.
Vol. XLIX (3) pp. 11-30 ISSN
0046-5518 (Published in Hungarian); The development and efficiency of the Integrated Administration and Control System (Az
Integrált Igazgatási és Ellenorzési
Rendszer fejlodése és hatékonysága), In: Európai Tükör, 2004.
September Vol. IX (6) pp. 7892. ISSN 1416-6151 (Published
in Hungarian); Guido van Huylenbroeck-Guy Durand (eds.):
Multifunctional Agriculture, A
new paradigm for European Agriculture and rural development,
Bookreview, In: Acta O econo-
Alphabetical List
mica, 2005. Vol. 55 (4) pp.244249, HU ISSN 0001-6373.
Courses on European Integration: Agricultural System of the
EU (Undergraduate); Economics
of the EU (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economics of the European Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.2
VAUBEL, Roland (Prof.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1948
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: University of
Mannheim-Law and EconomicsEconomics-University of Mannheim, L 7, 3-5, D-68131 Mannheim, Germany Tel: ++49-621181 1816 Fax: ++49-621-181
1814 E-mail: vaubel@ rumms.
uni-mannheim.de Url: www.unimannheim.de/vaubel
Courses on European Integration: Theories and Policies of International Organizations (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.1.4 / 2.5.1 /
4.3 / 4.20
VEDDER, Christoph (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1947
Sex: m
Position: Professor of Law
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Augsburg-School of Law-Faculty of Law-University of
Augsburg, Universitätsstraße 24,
D-86159 Augsburg Tel: +49/
821/598/4571 Fax: +49/821/598/
4572 E-mail: christoph.vedder
@jura.uni-augsburg.de Url:www.
Publications in European Affairs:
Hummer/Vedder, Europarecht
in Fällen, Die Rechtsprechung
des EuGH, des EuG und
deutscher und österreichischer
Gerichte, 4. Aufl. 2005. Art.
133, Grabitz/Hilf, Das Recht der
Europäischen Union, Kommentar,
Courses on European Integration: Grundzüge des Europarechts (Undergraduate); Europarecht
(Undergraduate); Europäisches
Außenwirtschaftsrecht (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Europäisches Außenwirtschaftsrecht, Europainstitut Saarbrücken (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.5 / 4.5
VEGGELAND, Noralv (Prof.)
Country: Norway
Year of birth: 1941
Sex: m
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Spoken languages: eng/norwegian
Work address: Lillehammer
University College – Department
of Social Sciences-N-2626
Lillehammer, NORWAY Tel: +
47 61 28 83 51/61 28 80 00 Fax:
+ 47 61 28 81 70 E-mail: noralv.
veggeland@hil.no Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
nye regionalismen. Europeisk
integrasjon og flernivåstyring/
The New Regionalism. European
integration and multilevel governance (2000). 2) Det nye demokratiet – et politisk laboratorium
for partnerskap/ The New Democracy – a political laboratory
for partnership (2003). 3) English/Essays: Essays on European Experiences. The Competitive Society – how democratic
and effective?(2004).
Research activities: European
politics: How to reactivate local
politics on the level of the municipalities?
Courses on European Integration: European Relations (Undergraduate); European Integration and National Impacts (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Seminar conductor at University
of Massachusetts,Center for Public Policy Administration, USA,
Spring 2006: Comparative European Politics. (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.9 / 7.0 / 7.2
VELO, Dario (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1945
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Aziendali-Via San Felice, 7,
27100 Pavia Tel: +39 0382
986229 Fax: +39 0382 986228
E-mail: dvelo@eco.unipv.it
Publications in European Affairs:
Velo D., Pelissero G., Competition in Health Systems, Aiop,
Rome, 2002; Velo D., Precessus
costituant et constitution europeenne: le point de vue d’un
economiste, in AA.VV., Les
dynamiques de droit europeennes en debut de siécle, Ed.
Pedone, Paris, 2004; Velo D., La
grande impresa federale europea.
Per una teoria cosmopolitica
dell’impresa, Giuffrè Editore,
Milan, 2004.
Courses on European Integration: Economia e gestione delle
imprese – corso progredito (Undergraduate); La riforma sanitaria nel quadro della crisi del
welfare state: le prospettive in
Italia e in Europa (Scuola Avan-
Alphabetical List
zata di Formazione Integrata)
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Lectures, Almo Collegio Borromeo
(Postgraduate) Invited Professor,
Université de Strasbourg Invited
Professor, Université de Bordeaux Invited Professor, Université de Nice.
Subject fields: 2.0 / 4.4 / 4.12 /
6.0 / 7.1
VERNEY, Susannah (Dr.)
Country: Greece
Year of birth: 1959
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/gre
Work address: Athens-Law-Political Science-17 Omirou Street,
Athens 106 72, Greece Tel: 210
-97 55 092 E-mail: deplan@
Publications in European Affairs:
“Justifying the Second Enlargement: Promoting Interests, Consolidating Democracy or Returning to the Roots?” in Helene
Sjursen (Ed.) Questioning EU
Enlargement (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 19-43; “The
Greek Association with the European Community: A Strategy
of State” in A. Costa-Pinto and
N. Teixeira (Eds.) Southern European and the Making of the
European Union, Social Science
Monographs/New York: Colum-
bia University Press, 2002, pp.
109-156; “To Be or Not to Be
Within The European Community: The Party Debate and
Democratic Consolidation in
Greece” in Geoffrey Priham
(Ed.) Securing Democracy: Political Parties and Regime Consolidation in Southern Europe
(London: Routledge, 1990), pp.
Courses on European Integration: Greece And European Integration (Postgraduate); European
Integration And South-East Europe (Postgraduate); The NationState and European Integration
(Undergraduate); European policies of the EU member-states
Subject fields: 3.0 / 4.15 / 6.2
Country: Chile
Year of birth: 1925
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: University of
Chile-Faculty of Law-Instituto de
Estudios Internacionales-Condell
249. Providencia, Santiago,
Chile. Tel: 4961200 Fax: 2740
155 E-mail: irisvit@gmail.com
Url: www.ieiuchile.cl
Research activities: Networks.
Universidad San Pablo Ceu.
Madrid. España. 2003 a 2005.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration: La Unión Europea y sus
relaciones con América Latina
Módulo Europeo. Diplomado
(Directora Acádemica) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.1.3 / 3.4 /
Country: Portugal
Year of birth: 1968
Sex: m
Spoken languages: por/eng/fre/
Work address: Universidade
Fernando Pessoa-Social and Human Sciences-Political SciencePraça Nove de Abril, 349, 4249004 Porto, Portugal Tel: 003519
17802564 E-mail: pvilamaior
@tvtel.pt Url: http://www2.ufp.
Publications in European Affairs:
“O Pacto de Estabilidade e
Crescimento: Morto ou no Congelador?”, Revista da Faculdade
de Ciências Humanas e Sociais
da Universidade Fernando Pessoa,
N.º 1, 2004, pp. 179-189; “Does
the European Union Has Its
Own System of Fiscal Federalism?”, in S TIVACHTIS , Yiannis
(Ed.), Current Issues in European Integration, Athens, Atiner,
2004, pp. 413-434 (ISBN 96088331-7-5); “Is the European
Central Bank a Case for Institu-
tional Adaptation to the Challenges of Globalisation? Implications for European Union’s
Democratic Legitimacy”, in
LEWIS, Douglas (Ed.), Global
Governance and the Quest for
Justice, 2006, London: Hart Publishing, pp. 39-68 (ISBN 184113-408-2).
Courses on European Integration: Introduction to the European Union (Undergraduate);
Economics of European Integration (Undergraduate); Regional
Integration and International Cooperation (Postgraduate); Economics of Monetary Integration
Subject fields: 2.1.4 / 6.0 / 6.1 /
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Applied Sciences RegensburgEconomie – Postfach 120327,
D-93025 Regensburg Tel: 0941/
943-1357 Fax: 0941/943-1425
E-mail: gabriela.von-wallenberg@
Publications in European Affairs:
State Aid (Art. 87-89, German,
Grabbitz/Hilf. Antitrust Law,
Alphabetical List
Courses on European Integration: European Law (Undergraduate); European Antitrust
Law (Undergraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Law (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.6 / 4.13
WAGNER, Helmut (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1951
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre
Work address: University of
Hagen-Chair of Macroeconomics-Dep. of Economics-FernUniversität, Department of Economics, Chair of Macroeconomics,
P.O. Box 940, 58084 Hagen,
Germany Tel: +49-(0)2331-9872640 Fax: +49-(0)2331-987-391
E-mail: ria.brauckmann@ fernuni-hagen.de Url: http://www.
Courses on European Integration: Europäische Integration
(Dipl.) (Undergraduate); Europäische Integration (Bachelor)
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.0 / 6.0
WALLACE, Helen (Prof.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1946
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: European University Institute-Robert Schuman
Centre for Advanced Studies-Via
delle Fontanelle, 19, 50016 San
Domenico di Fiesole (FI) Tel:
+39 055 4685 792 Fax: +39 055
4685 730 E-mail: helen.wallace
@iue.it Url: www.iue.it/RSCAS/
Publications in European Affairs:
Policy-Making in the European
Union, 5th edition, co-editor
with Mark Pollack and William
Wallace, Oxford University Press,
2005.; The Council of Ministers
of the European Union, co-author with Fiona Hayes-Renshaw,
2nd edition. (forthcoming – est.
pub. date March/April 2006); Visions, Votes and Vetoes: Reassessing the Luxembourg Compromise 40 Years On, co-editor
with Jean-Marie Palayret and
Pascaline Winand (forthcoming).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 2.1.1 /
WANG, Jianwei (Mr)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1966
Sex: f
Position: Director assistant
Spoken languages: eng/chinese
Work address: Fudan University-School of Economics-Centre
for European Studies-220 Handan
Road Shanghai 200433 P.R.
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
China Tel: +86 21 5566 4933
Fax: +86 21 6564 6456 E-mail:
jwwang@fudan.edu.cn Url: http://
Research activities: ESCP
project coordinator; responsible
person, EU industries integration.
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.1.3 / 4.4 /
WARDS, Richard Charles
Alexander (Mr)
Country: New Zealand
Year of birth: 1982
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/russian
Work address: Canterburycommerce-National centre for
reseach on Europe-33 Longhurst
tce, cashmere, christchurch 8002,
new zealand E-mail: richiew@
Courses on European Integration: European identity (Undergraduate) European integration
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Idea
of Europe (Postgraduate); Russian and the European Union –
the role of kaliningrad in future
europe integration (Postgraduate); Masters thesis: the rights of
ethnic minorites living in the EU
Subject fields: 1.3 / 4.15 / 5.7
WASHIE, Yoshikatsu (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Doshisha University-Law-Politics-Kyoto, Japan 602-8580 Fax: 81-75-2513620 E-mail: ywashie@mail.
Courses on European Integration: Politics of the EU (Undergraduate); The theory of the Integration (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.1.1 /
2.1.2 / 2.1.3
WEGENER , Bernhard W. (Prof.
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/spa/
Work address: FriedrichAlexander Universität ErlangenNürnberg-Juristische FakultätLehrstuhl für Öffentliches RechtSchillerstrasse 1, D-91054 Erlangen Tel: +49+9131-8529285
Fax: +49+9131-8526439 E-mail:
sekretariat.wegener@jura.unierlangen.de Url: www.oer2.jura.
Publications in European Affairs:
Die Kleinen “hängt” man, die
Großen lässt man laufen? Berlusconi und Niselli – Ungleiche vor
Alphabetical List
dem EuGH – Deutsch – Aufsatz;
(Fehl-)Urteilsverantwortung und
Richterspruchprivileg in der
Haftung der Mitgliedstaaten für
die Verletzung von Gemeinschaftsrecht“, EuR 2004 –
Deutsch – Aufsatz.
Research activities: Europäisches Verfassungsrecht European Constitutional Law.
Courses on European Integration: European Institutional Law
(Undergraduate); European Economic Law (Undergraduate); European Constitutional Law (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.0 / 4.7 /
5.0 / 6.0
WEINAR, Agnieszka (Mr)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1976
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/pol/ita/
Work address: Warsaw University-Centre of Migration Research E-mail: aweinar@uw.
edu.pl Url: www.migracje.uw.
Publications in European Affairs:
Europeanisation of Polish migration policy, English, Challenge on-line papers, 2005.
Research activities: Challenge.
THe changing landscape of liberty and security in Europe. (EC)
2004-Migrations in the NMS af-
ter May 1, 2004.(Polish Scientific Committee) 2005-EMILIE.
A European Approach to Multicultural Citizenship. Legal Political and Educational Challenges
Courses on European Integration: Migration policies in Europe (Postgraduate); Transatlantic migrations (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Institutions (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.3 / 4.15 / 4.21 /
WHITAKER, Richard (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1976
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: University of
Leicester-Faculty of Social Sciences-Department of Politics and
International Relations-Department of Politics and International
Relations, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester
LE1 7RH, United Kingdom Tel:
0116 252 2756 Fax: 0116 252
5082 E-mail: rcw11@leicester.
ac.uk Url: http://www.le.ac.uk/
Publications in European Affairs:
Richard Whitaker (2005) ‘National parties in the European
Parliament: an influence in the
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
committee system?’, European
Union Politics, 6:1, pp. 5-28; Richard Whitaker (2001), ‘Party
Control in a Committee-Based
Legislature? The Case of the European Parliament’, Journal of
Legislative Studies, 7:4, pp.6388; Richard Whitaker (2005),
‘The United Kingdom’ in Juliet
Lodge (ed) The 2004 Elections
to the European Parliament,
Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Research activities: The Conservatives in the European Parliament: pariahs or poodles of
the party leadership?
Courses on European Integration: European Union Politics
(Undergraduate); Democracy and
Legitimacy in the European
Union (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.1.3 / 3.3
WHITMAN, Richard (Prof. Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1965
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Chatham House
– European Programme-10 St
James’s Square, London, SW1Y
4LE, United Kingdom Tel: + 44
(0) 20 7957 5749 Fax: + 44 (0)
20 7957 5710 E-mail: rwhitman@
chathamhouse.org.uk Url: www.
Publications in European Affairs:
‘No and after: options for Eu-
rope’ International Affairs Volume 81, No. 4, July 2005. pp.
673-687; ‘NATO, the EU and
ESDP: An Emerging Division of
Labour?’ Contemporary Security Policy Volume 25, No.3,
December 2004; ‘The ‘Difference Engine’: Constructing and
Representing the International
Identity of the European Union’
(with Ian Manners), Journal of
European Public Policy Volume
10, No.3, 2003.
Subject fields: 2.1.1 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
WITKOWSKA, Janina (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: f
Position: Professor
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger/pol/
Work address: University of
Lodz-Faculty of Economics And
Sociology-Institute of Economics-UL. Rewolucji 1905 R.
4190-214 Lodz Poland Tel: +48
42 633 14 34 Fax: +48 42 635
53 08 E-mail: janwit@uni.lodz.pl
Url: www.uni.lodz.pl
Publications in European Affairs:
Market of Factors in the European Integration Process. Interdependence, Trends and Prospects, Publishing House of the
University of Lodz, Lodz 2001,
Alphabetical List
pp.255 (Polish); European Integration. Development of Markets, PWN, Warsaw-Lodz, 1999,
2002, co-author Z. Wysokinska,
pp.407 (Polish); European Integration. Adjustments in Poland
in Policies, PWE, Warsaw 2004,
co-author Z. Wysokinska, pp.
279 (Polish).
Research activities: Adjustment
Processes to the European Union
Economic Policies in Poland
within the EU Enlargement,
CEN-CENRE, European Commission 2002, co-ordination.
Courses on European Integration: European Economic Integration (Undergraduate); Capital
Market in the European Integration Process (Undergraduate);
Regional Policy of the European
Union and Structural Funds (Undergraduate); European Union’s
Institutions (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.1.2 / 4.9 /
33 99 E-mail: aw@ifs.ku.dk Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
The Geopolitics of Euro-Atlantic
Integration (co-editor Hans
Mouritzen), London: Routledge,
269 pp., 2005.; ‘The Security
Challenge of Small EU Member
States: Interests, Identity and the
Development of the EU as a Security Actor’, Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 43, No.
2, pp. 393-412, 2005.; ‘The
Power Politics of Peace: Exploring the Link between Globalization and European Integration
from a Realist Perspective’,
Cooperation and Conflict, Vol.
39, No. 1, pp. 5-25, 2004.
Research activities: Centre for
Small State Studies, University
of Iceland.
Courses on European Integration: Small States in the EU
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.19 / 4.20 / 5.4
WIVEL, Anders (Dr.)
Country: Denmark
Year of birth: 1970
Sex: m
Spoken languages: dan/eng/ger
Work address: University of
Copenhagen-Social Sciences-Political Science-Department of Political Science, Oster Farimagsgade
5, DK-1353K Copenhagen Tel:
+45 35 32 33 58 Fax: +45 35 32
(Prof. Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1954
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/ger/pol/
Work address: Warsaw School
of Economics-World Economy
Faculty-Department of Foreign
Trade and European Study-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Al.Niepodleglosci 164 02-554
Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 22
6466073 Fax: +48 22 8495377
E-mail: gwojtko@sgh.waw.pl
Url: www.sgh.waw.pl
Publications in European Affairs:
Poland in the European Union.
Condition and Posibilities after
2004,SGH, Warszawa 2004(Polish); Polish energy policy in Accession to The EU, SGH,
Warszawa 2002(Polish)
Research activities: Team Europe – Network European
Dokumentation Centre.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Undergraduate); Poland in the European Union (Postgraduate);
Koniunktur and Marktanalyse
(Postgraduate); Energy & environmental economics (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Polnische Klein-und Mittelunternehmen auf dem Europaischen Binnenmarkt (German)
(Postgraduate); Strategic security
of energy supply in European
Union (Postgraduate); European
energy policy (Postgraduate);
Energy sektor in Eastern/Central
Europe (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.2 / 4.0 / 4.7 /
4.12 / 5.7
WONG, Reuben Y. (Dr.)
Country: Singapore
Year of birth: 1969
Sex: m
Position: Resident Fellow,
Temasek Hall, NUS
Spoken languages: eng/fre/
Work address: National University of Singapore-Arts and Social
Sciences-Political Science-Political Science Dept, NUS, AS1, 11
SINGAPORE Tel: +65.651639
79 Fax: +65.6779.6815 E-mail:
reubenw@nus.edu.sg Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
“The Europeanization of Foreign Policy”, in C. Hill and M.
Smith (eds), International Relations and the European Union,
Oxford University Press, pp.
134-153. English, book chapter;
The Europeanization of French
Foreign Policy: France and the
EU in East Asia, Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. English, monograph.
Courses on European Integration: Contemporary European
Politics (Undergraduate); The
EU and ASEAN in the World
Subject fields: 4.19 / 5.9 / 5.10 /
Alphabetical List
WOYKE, Wichard (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1943
Sex: m
Position: Professor of Political
Spoken languages: fre/eng/ger
Work address: University of
Münster-faculty of arts-Institute
for Poltical Science-Schlossplatz
7, 48149 Münster Tel: 0251/832
4373 Fax: 0251/832 4372 Email: woyke@uni-muenster.de
Publications in European Affairs:
Europäische Union – erfolgreiche
Deutsch-Franzsöische Beziehungen v – das Tandem fasst
wiederSchrit,. Europa-Lexikon.
Research activities: Europe as
an international actor (germanfrench-dutch ccooperation).
Courses on European Integration: introduction in the european integration process (Undergraduate); European Foreign and
Security Policy (Postgraduate);
Enlargement of the EU (Postgraduate); French ideas towards
the europeasn integration process (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: introduction in the EU (Postgraduate); CFSP and decsion making
process (Postgraduate); EU as an
international actor (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1 / 4.19 / 4.20 /
5.0 / 6.0
WRIGHT, Alex (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1952
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/fre
Work address: University of
Dundee-Arts and Social SciencesPolitics-University of Dundee,
Dundee, DD1 4HN Tel: +44
(0)1382 344594 Fax: 44 (0)
1382 344675 E-mail: a.wright@
Publications in European Affairs:
2003: ‘The Internationalisation
of Scottish Politics. Who Governs Scotland?’, in Regional Institutions and Governance in the
European Union, Edited by J
Magone, Praeger, USA; 2004:
‘Devolution, Westminster and
the EU’ in Britain in the European Union: Law, Policy and
Parliament, Edited by P Giddings
and G Drewry, Palgrave, Basingstoke; 2005: Who Governs
Scotland? Routledge, London.
Research activities: Devolution
monitor report 2000-2005, Scotland and international affairs,
under the aegis of university college London.
Courses on European Integration: MSc in European Politics
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Subject fields: 2.1.6 / 2.5.1 /
2.5.2 / 7.1 / 7.2
WU, Yikang (Prof.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1936
Sex: m
Position: Director
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences-European Studies Centre-7/622 Huai
Hai Rd. (M), Shanghai, P. R.
China, 200020 Tel: (86 21)
53060606 Ext.2468 Fax: (86
21)53063814 E-mail: wyk@
Publications in European Affairs:
Regional Integration and Institutional Creation, Shanghai University of Finance and economics Press, Jane 2003; EU, NAFTA
and APEC: Tri-Regional Competition in the Global Competition
System, Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences Press, January,
2001; Explanative practice on a
new Model of Social Development-On European Integration,
World Economy Studies, No.6,
Research activities: European
Integration: An Exploring model
for Human Development, China’s
Key national Social Sciences
Project, 2003.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.1 / 5.0 /
6.0 / 7.2
WURZEL, Rüdiger (Dr.)
Country: United Kingdom
Year of birth: 1961
Sex: m
Jean Monnet Chair
Spoken languages: eng/ger
Work address: University of
Hull-Arts and Social SciencesPolitics and International Relations-Dept of Politics and International Studies, The University
of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, United
Kingdom Tel: (++44)-(0)1482466081 Fax: (++44)-(0)1482466208 E-mail: r.k.wurzel@hull.
ac.uk Url: http://www.hull.ac.uk/
Publications in European Affairs:
The EU Presidency: ‘Honest
Broker’ or Driving Seat?, London: Anglo-German Foundation
(2004); ‘The Europeanization of
German Environmental Policy:
An Environmental Leader State
under Pressures?’ in Klaus
Goetz and Kenneth Dyson (eds),
Germany and Europe: A Europeanized Germany?, London and
Oxford: British Academy in Association with Oxford University
Press (2003, pp.289-308); Environmental Policy-Making in Brit-
Alphabetical List
ain, Germany and the European
Union. The Europeanisation of
Air and Water Pollution Control,
Manchester: Manchester University Press (2002; new in paperback in 2006)
Research activities: Anglo-German Foundation funded project
on ‘The Politics of Emission
Trading in Britain and Germany’. Duration: January 2005October 2006.Principal investigator for an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
funded project on ‘Innovation in
Environmental Governance: A
Comparative Analysis of New
Environmental Policy Instruments (NEPIs)’.
Courses on European Integration: European and European
Union Environmental Policies
and Politics (Undergraduate);
The EU - Political Integration
and Policy Analysis, The EU –
National and International Perspectives, The reunified Germany in the new Europe.
Subject fields: 1.2 / 2.0 / 4.7 / 7.2
WYSOKINSKA, Zofia (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Poland
Year of birth: 1949
Sex: f
Position: Head of the Chair,
Vice Dean of the Faculty
Jean Monnet Chair: yes
Spoken languages: pol/eng/ger/
Work address: University of
Lodz-Economic and Social Faculty-Chair of World Economy
and European Integration-Chair
of World Economy and European Integration, 90-214 Lódz,
Rewolucji 1905 r. No 41, Poland
Tel: +48/42/6355355; 6355162
Fax: +48/42/6355308 E-mail:
zofwys@uni.lodz.pl Url: http://
Publications in European Affairs:
Z. Wysokinska, J. Witkowska,
European Integration. Development of Markets, PWN, Warszawa,
2002, pp. 430; Z. Wysokinska,
J. Witkowska. Adjustment in Poland in the field of policy. PWE,
Warszawa, 2004, pp.280.
Research activities: Small and
medium sised Enterprises in
small cities and rural areas as a
solution of social problems
within the European integration;
The impact of the Enlargement
on Small Cities and Rural Areas
in the European integration process; Enhancing Civil Society in
Regions during their Economic
and Social Restructuring in the
Process of the European Enlargement; Methods of classification of technology transfer on
the global and international
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Courses on European Integration: European integrationtheory and practice (Undergraduate); Small and medium
sized Enterprises and the European internal market (Undergraduate); European norms and
standards for SMEs, Competition
policy in the European Union.
Courses on European Integration outside the university: Economic and social policy in the
European Union (Undergraduate); European integration:
stages; European internal market; common trade policy of the
EU (Undergraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 4.1 / 4.5 / 4.6
YOJI, Koyama (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1943
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/serbian/
Work address: Niigata University-Faculty of Economics-Department of Economics-Ikarashi
2-8050, Niigata, 950-2181, Japan
Tel: (+81) 25-262-6555 Fax: (+81)
25-262-7665 E-mail: koyama@
Publications in European Affairs:
Book, South Eastern Europe in
Transition: A Quest for Stabilization of the Region after the
Breakup of the Former Yugosla-
via, Niigata University Scholars
Series, Vol.1, Graduate School
of Modern Society and Culture,
Niigata University, 2003. 218p
+vi. (in E); Book, EU’s Eastward
Enlargement and South Eastern
Europe: Transition to a Market
Economy and Small Countries’
Strategies for Survival, Minerva
Shobo, Kyoto, 2004, 274p+xiv
(in J); Paper, The Transition to a
Market Economy in the Successor States of Former Yugoslavia:
Differences of North and South,
Working Papers No.135, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
June 2003, 42p.(in E).
Research activities: A Study on
Economic Reconstruction, Regional Economic Cooperation
and Stabilization of South Eastern Europe, A Project sponsored
by the Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences 2000-2003. International Comparison of Investment Climate in Transitional
Economies: Central Eastern Europe vs. Russian Far East and
South Eastern Europe, A project
sponsored by the Japan Society
for Promotion of Sciences, 20032006.
Courses on European Integration: East European Economy
(Undergraduate); Seminar on
Economics: International Economic Cooperation (Undergra-
Alphabetical List
duate); Comparative Economic
System (Postgraduate); Seminar
on Russian and East European
Economies (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 4.9 / 5.2 /
5.6 / 6.2
YUH, Hasumi (Prof.)
Country: Japan
Year of birth: 1960
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng/japanese/
Work address: Rissho University-Economics – 2-16,4 Chome
Osaki Shinagwa-Ku Tokyo, 1418602 Japan Tel: +81-3-34927529 Fax: +81-3-5487-3350
E-mail: yhasumi@ris.ac.jp Url:
Publications in European Affairs:
“Implications of European
Neighbourhood Policy”, Keio
Jean Monnet Workshop for EU
Studies Article on EU law and
Governance, Keio Law Journal,
N.º 2, March 2005, pp. 141-187;
“The New Role of Border Regions in Shaping ‘One Europe’”,
the Quarterly Report of Economics, Rissho University Economic
Society, Vol. 55, N.º 1, September 2005, pp.163-207; “The Energy Dialogue – Divergences of
Opinions within an Alliance between the EU and Russia”, Economic Bulletin of Institute of
Eurasian Studies, N.º 889, July
2006, pp. 2-16 (all in Japanese).
Courses on European Integration: The EU Economy (Undergraduate); The EU Economy and
its relations with Russia (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: The
European Economy (Undergraduate); The EU Economy
Research activities: The Economic Development of Kaliningrad Oblasti in Russia and
Russia-EU Relations Focused on
Kaliningrad Oblasti, from 2002.
08.01 to 2003.03.15; The Northern Dimension – Changing the
European Economic Space by
the Cross – Border Regional Cooperation between the Enlarged
EU and Slavic Areas (http://
from 2004.04.01 to 2007.03.31.
Subject fields: 4.9 / 5.2 / 5.7 /
ZAMAGNI, Vera (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Italy
Year of birth: 1943
Sex: f
Spoken languages: ita/eng/fre/
Work address: University of
Bologna-Economics-EconomicsPiazza Scaravilli 2 40126 BOLOGNA (Italy) Tel: +39 051
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
2098134 Fax: +39 051 221968
E-mail: veste@economia.unibo.it
Url: www.dse.unibo.it/personale/
Vera Negri Zamagni
Courses on European Integration: Comparative and institutional Economic History of Europe (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Economic Integration
Subject fields: 1.0 / 1.1 / 2.7 /
4.1.3 / 4.2
ZHANG, Xu (Prof. Dr.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1962
Sex: f
Position: Vice-dean of school of
law, Jilin University
Spoken languages: eng/chinese
Work address: Jilin University school of law – school of law,
jilin university, 2699 Qianjin
Street, Changchun, 130012 China
Tel: +86-431-5167066 Fax: +86431-5166105 E-mail: tigerzx2000
@sina.com.cn Url: www.clreview.
Publications in European Affairs:
“Essentials of international
criminal law”, Jilin renmin press,
July 2000; “Human rights and
international criminal law”, Law
press, May 2004; “International
criminal law: status quo and
prospect”, Tsinghua university
press, july 2005.
Research activities: From October 2000 to April 2001, assisted
by EU-China Higher Education
Cooperation Programme, do research in Mapro research institution of international law and
comparative law of German, and
finish the thesis of “Practice of
European: the protection of human rights in the international
criminal justice corporation”.
Courses on European Integration: International criminal law
(Postgraduate); Anglo-american
criminal Law (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.5 / 2.2 / 2.3 /
ZHANG, Yongan (Prof.)
Country: China
Year of birth: 1955
Sex: m
Spoken languages: eng
Work address: East China University of Science And Technology-School of Business-Institute
of European Studies-P.B.114, Institute of European Studies, East
China University of Science and
Technology, 130, Meilong
Road, Shanghai, 200237, P. R.
China Tel: 0086 6425 2029 Fax:
0086 6425 2029 E-mail: yongan
Publications in European Affairs:
The European Union’s Eco-
Alphabetical List
nomic and Trade Policies
towards China.
Research activities: 1998 NSCF
(National Social Science Foundation) Programme: Economic
Analysis on the Fifth Enlargement of the EU and Its Impact
on the EU-China Trade in the
New Millennium.
Courses on European Integration: European Integration
(Undergraduate); International
Practices of International Trade
(Undergraduate); Theories of International Trade (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 1.0 / 2.1 / 4.5 /
5.10 / 6.2
ZIEGLER, Andreas (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Switzerland
Year of birth: 1967
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/fre/
Work address: Univeristy of
Lausanne-Law-Public Law-Centre de droit public, Internef,
Univeristé de Lausanne, 1015
Lausanne Dorigny Tel: +41 22
692 28 21 Fax: +41 22 692 28 19
E-mail: andreas.ziegler@unil.ch
Url: http://www.unil.ch/dip
Publications in European Affairs:
Trade and Environment in the
European Union, Oxford University Press; Wechselwirkungen
zwischen Bilateralismus und
Multilateralismus: Das Beispiel
der Freihandelsabkommen der
EFTA-Staaten, Basler Schrift Nr
64, Basel, 64 p., 2003; Anwendbarkeit internationaler Verträge
in der Gemeinschaftsrechtsordnung; Charakter des TRIP
s-Übereinkommens; Gewaltenteilung zwischen Gemeinschaftsinstitutionen in den auswärtigen
Angelegenheit; Gemeinschaftsrecht und Verhältnis Landesrecht – Völkerrecht in den
Mitgliedstaaten, EuGHE vom
25.9.2000. Aktuelle Juristische
Praxis (AJP) Nr. 9/2001, pp.
1112-1115, 2001.
Research activities: NCCR
Trade (National Competence
Centre of Research of the Swiss
Research Foundation); International Law in Domestic Courts
(University of Amsterdam/Oxford University Press); Foreign
Direct Investment (Prof. C.
Schreuer, University of Vienna/
International Law Association).
Courses on European Integration: Public International Law I
(Undergraduate); Public International Law II (Undergraduate);
International and European Economic Law (Postgraduate):; International and European Investment Law (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university: European Union Law (Undergradu-
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ate); European Union: Economic
and Trade Law.
Subject fields: 4.1 / 4.5 / 5.0 /
ZIPPEL, Wulfdiether (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Germany
Year of birth: 1938
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ger/eng/dut/
Work address: Techn. Univ.
Munich-Economics – p.A. Hochschule für Politik München, Ludwigstrasse 8, D-80539 München
Tel: +49-89-28.80.399-63 Fax:
+49-8178-7463 E-mail: zippel@
Publications in European Affairs:
Zippel, W.: Die EU-AKPKopperation – Ein spezifischer
Ordnungsansatz im Rahmen der
Nord-Süd-Beziehungen, in: Oberreuter, H. et al. (ed.): Weltpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert – Perspektiven zur neuen internationalen Staatenordnung, Wiesbaden
2004, p. 393-417.; Zippel, W.:
Die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf die deutsche und
türkische Volkswirtschaft, in:
Gumpel, W.; Hekimler, A. (ed):
Strukturprobleme der deutschen
und türkischen Wirtschaft und
deren Lösung, Ankara 2004, p.
89-101.; Zippel, W. (ed.): Spezifika einer Südost-Erweiterung
der EU, Baden-Baden 2003.
Research activities: EU-Turkey
Courses on European Integration: Theorie und Politik der
Europäischen Wirtschaftsintegration (Postgraduate).
Courses on European Integration outside the university:
Ausgewählte Fragestellungen
der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen: Die weltwirtschaftlichen Implikationen des zunehmenden wirtschaftspolitischen
Regionalismus (Postgraduate);
Theorie und Politik der Europäischen Wirtschaftsintegration
(Postgraduate); Ökonomische
Grundlagen der Europäischen
Wirtschaftsintegration (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0
ZSUFFA, Ákos (Dr.)
Country: Hungary
Year of birth: 1977
Sex: m
Spoken languages: ita/eng
Work address: Elte-Law
Publications in European Affairs:
Limits to the freedom of speech
2003 in: Kommunikáció, gazdaság, média; E-business (editor) –
2002, college textbook; The law
system of e-business – Európa
2002, 2001/2.
Research activities: 2005 –
HEFOP 3.3 Competition Programme, Monitoring adebt – 2005 –
Alphabetical List
Ministry of Employment and
Labour, Qualifier Commission
(C. Consultancy of Labour Market – 2. Dissection of Labour
Market; J. Speciality of Adult
qualification – 4. Institutional accreditation of Adult qualification, 5. Program accreditation of
Adult qualification, 6. Services
of Adult qualification, 8. Openair qualification, Istance education) – 2004 – IDEA Political
Parties Programme, EPIC (Electoral Process Information Collection Programme) – 2004 –
Budapest Communication College (BKF), SAKK co-ordinator
– 2003 – University Szent
István, Professor – 2002 –
Média-Kommunikáció-Gazdaság, editor – 2002-2003: Zsigmond
Király Technical School, Adult
Trainig Advisor Committee.
Subject fields: 2.1 / 2.1.5 / 2.3 /
ZUKOVA, Galina (Dr.)
Country: Latvia
Year of birth: 1975
Sex: f
Spoken languages: eng/fre/ita/
Work address: University of
Latvia – Centre for European
and Transititon Studies-University of Latvia, Brivibas boulevard 32-59, Riga, LV-1050
Latvia E-mail: galina.zukova@
Publications in European Affairs:
Book:‘Free Trade between the
EU and its Candidate States:
The Case of Latvia’, Latvijas
Vestnesis, 2004 (in English); Articles: ‘Uniform Interpretation
and Application of International
Agreements in the European
Union’, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2004; ‘Application of International Agreements
in the EU Legal Order’, Likums
un Tiesibas (Law and Justice),
December 2003 – February
2004, Nrs. 52-54, in Latvian.
Courses on European Integration: EU Law I, EU Law II (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.0 / 2.3 / 4.5 / 5.0
ZUPANCIC, Samo (Prof. Dr.)
Country: Slovenia
Year of birth: 1939
Sex: m
Spoken languages: slv/eng/ger/
Work address: Ljubljana-F. of
Economics-International Economy-Grabloviceva 28, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +386 1
544 24 23 Fax: +386 1 5892 698
E-mail: samo.zupancic@ef.unilj.si
Publications in European Affairs:
Z UPANCIC ; Samo: Vkljucevanje
Slovenije v Evropsko unijo na
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
podrocju cestnega in železniškega prevoza. 5. slovenski
kongres o cestah in prometu
Bled. Ljubljana: Družba za
raziskave v cestni in prometni
stroki Slovenije, 2000, CD,
Tematski sklop 1, povzetek v
zborniku referatov, 1. del, str.
20. [COBISS.SI-ID 1390034]
slovenian; ZUPANCIC Samo: The
inclusion of Slovenia into the
European Union in the field of
maritime transport – screening
of Slovenian legislation. Portorož:
Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet,
2000, str. 83-86. [COBISS-ID
1432530], ISBN 961-6044-43-5
english; STARE Metka, ZUPANCIC
Samo: Liberalisation of trade in
services: Slovenia`s experience.
Courses on European Integration: Economics of Transportation (Transport policy of the EU,
Freedom to provide Services)
(Undergraduate); International
Business Logistics (Transport
policy of the EU, Freedom to
provide Services) (Postgraduate).
Subject fields: 2.1.2 / 4.1 / 4.11 /
5.6 / 6.2
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Index I: Subject Fields
Subject Fields
1.0. History of European Integration in general / Histoire de
l’intégration européenne en général
1.1. History of European Unification before 1945 / Histoire de
l’unification européenne avant 1945
1.2. Dynamics and Development of the European Union in general / Dynamiques et développement de l’Union
européenne en général
1.3. European Identity and Culture / L’identité européenne et la
2.0. Institutional System of the European Union / Système
Institutionnel de l’Union Européenne
2.1. EU-institutions / Institutions européennes
2.1.1. Council-European Council-Presidency / ConseilConseil européen-Présidence
2.1.2. European Commission / Commission européenne
2.1.3. European Parliament / Parlement européen
2.1.4. European Central Bank-European system of Central
Banks / Banque centrale européenne-Système
européen des banques centrales
2.1.5. Court of Justice of the European Communities and
the Court of first instance of the European Communities / Cour de justice des communautés européennes et Tribunal de première instance des
Communautés européennes
2.1.6. Advisory bodies of the European Union (Committee
of the Regions- The European Economic and Social
Committee) / Organes consultatifs de l’Union
européenne (Comité des régions-Comité économique
et social européen)
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
2.1.7. Court of Auditors / Cour des comptes européenne
2.1.8. European Ombudsman / Ombudsman européen
2.1.9. Special Committees-Comitology / Comités spéciauxComitologie
2.2. Structure and Legal order of the EU / Structure et ordre
juridique de l’UE
2.3. Court of Justice of the European Communities Case-Law /
Jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des communautés
2.4. EU Substantive Law / Droit substantif de l’UE
2.5. Implementation of European Union Law-Application in
Member States / Implémentation du droit de l’Union
européenne-Application dans les États Membres
2.5.1. Application of the Subsidiarity and Proportionality
Principles / Application des principes de subsidiarité
et de proportionnalité
2.5.2. Role of National Parliaments / Le rôle des parlements
2.6. Fundamental Rights / Droits fondamentaux
2.7. EU budget and financial system / Budget et système financier de l’UE
3.0. Political Forces and Party Organisations in Europe / Forces
politiques et organisations des parties politiques en Europe
3.1. Transnational Party Organisations / Groupes parlementaires
3.2. Transnational interest associations (e.g. Trade Unions,
farmers, employers) / Associations d’intérêt transnationales
(par ex. les syndicats, les agriculteurs, les employeurs)
3.3. Public Opinion / Opinion publique
3.4. Social Dialogue / Dialogue social
3.5. Intercultural Dialogue / Dialogue interculturel
3.6. Promotion of Gender Equality / Promotion de l’égalité des
Index I: Subject Fields
4.0. European Union policies in general / Politiques de l’Union
européenne en général
4.1. Internal market (abolition of obstacles to the free movement
of goods, persons, services and capital) / Marché intérieur
(abolition des obstacles de la libre circulation des
marchandises, des personnes, des services et des capitaux)
4.1.1. Free Movement of Labour / Libre circulation des
4.1.2. Capital Market / Le marché des capitaux
4.1.3. The Banking and Insurance Sector / Le secteur
bancaire et des assurances
4.1.4. Public Procurement / Marchés publics
4.1.5. Tax Harmonisation / Harmonisation des impôts
4.1.6. Harmonisation of Technical Standards / Harmonisation des standards techniques
4.2. Common Policy for Agriculture and Fisheries / Politique
commune de l’agriculture et de la pêche
4.3. Social Policy / Politique sociale
4.4. Industrial Policy / Politique industrielle
4.5. Trade Policy / Politique commerciale
4.6. Competition Policy / Politique de la compétition
4.7. Environmental Policy / Politique environnementale
4.8. Consumer Protection and Public Health / Protection des
consommateurs et Santé publique
4.9. Regional Policy and Cohesion / Politique régionale et
4.10. Research and Information Technology Development Policy
/ Politique de la Recherche et de la société de l’information
4.11. Transport Policy (Trans-European Networks) / Politique de
transports (réseaux trans-européens)
4.12. Energy Policy / Politique de l’énergie
4.13. Media and Telecommunications Policy / Politiques des medias et de la télécommunication
4.14. Development Policy (incl. external Development Funds) /
Politique du développement (incl. les fonds externes de
4.15. The Europe of Citizens and European Citizenship /
L’Europe des citoyens et citoyenneté européenne)
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
4.16. Cultural Policy / Politique culturelle
4.17. Education and Vocational Training / Education et Formation professionnelle
4.18. Sport / Sport
4.19. Common Foreign and Security Policy / Politique étrangère
et de sécurité commune
4.20. European Security and Defence Policy / Sécurité
Européenne et Politique de la Défense
4.21. Cooperation in the Fields of Justice, Freedom and Security /
Coopération dans les domaines de justice, liberté et sécurité
4.22. Free Movement of Persons, Asylum And Immigration /
Libre circulation des personnes, asile et immigration
5.0. External Relations of the European Union in General / Relations
externes de l’Union européenne en général
5.1. Relations with industrialised countries (USA, Canada, Rep.
of Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand) / Relations avec
les pays industrialisés (USA, Canada, Rép. de Corée,
Japon, Australie, Nouvelle Zélande)
5.2. EU Neighbourhood Policy / Politique de voisinage
5.3. EU, EFTA and European Economic Area / UE, AELE et
l’Espace économique européen
5.4. EU-USA relations / Relations UE – USA
5.5. Relations with Newly Independent States (former Soviet
States) / Relations avec les nouveaux états indépendants
(anciens états soviétiques)
5.6. Relations with Countries of South-Eastern Europe / Relations avec les pays de l’Europe du Sud-Ouest
5.7. EU-Russia / Relations UE- Russie
5.8. EU – Mediterranean Countries / Relations UE – Pays
5.9. EU-ASEAN / Relations UE – ASEAN
5.10. EU-China / Relations UE – Chine
5.11. EU-India / Relations UE – Inde
5.12. Relations with ACP countries, South Africa and Overseas
Countries and Territories / Relations avec les pays ACP,
l’Afrique du Sud, et Pays et territoires d’outre-mer
Index I: Subject Fields
5.13. EU-Latin America / Relations UE- Amérique latine
5.14. EU-Africa / Relations UE-Afrique
6.0. Future Development of the EU in general / Le développement
futur de l’UE en général
6.1. EU-Convention and New Constitutional Treaty / La Convention européenne et le nouveau Traité Constitutionnel
6.2. EU Enlargement / Elargissement de l’UE
7.0. Integration Theories / Théories d’intégration
7.1. Federalism Theories / Théories sur le fédéralisme
7.2. Regional Integration Theories / Théories sur l’intégration
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Index I: Subject Fields
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
Subject Fields (Authors)
1.0. History of European Integration in general / Histoire de
l’intégration européenne en général
A AREBROT , Frank; A LLEGRI , Maria Romana; A NDREJ , Kumar;
BALDUS, Christian; BARTOVA, Lubica; BEAUCHESNE, Bénédicte; BLAIR,
Alasdair; B LASZCZYK , Maria Celina; B OSSUAT , Gérard; B REMEN ,
Christian; C AESAR , Rolf; C ARAFFINI , Paolo; C ASELLA , Paulo B.;
CLEMENS, Gabriele; COHEN, Antonin; CURLI, Barbara; DÍAZ FUENTES,
Daniel; DOMÍNGUEZ CASTRO, Luis; DURAN, Roberto A.; FÁYNÉ Péter,
Emese; FELISINI, Daniela; FRENDO, Henry Joseph; GIBBONS, Matthew;
GRIMALDI , Giorgio; HEINEN , Armin; HOBE , Stephan; HORGA , Ioan;
HRBEK, Rudolf; HU, Ronghua; JORIS, Tony; KAELBLE, Hartmut; KAISER,
Wolfram; K ELEMEN , Csaba; K ELSTRUP , Morten; K NIPPING , Franz;
K NUTSEN , Paul; K OKUBO , Yasuyuki; K OSTOV , Krassimir; K UBO ,
Hiromasa; KUMAR, Radha; KUMIKO, Haba; LANDAU, Alice; LARANJEIRO,
Carlos; LARIONOVA, Marina; LASCHI, Giuliana; LORINCZNÉ BENCZE, Edit;
Ainars; NAKANO, Satoshi; NEWMAN, Michael; NOVACKOVA, Daniela;
PAUN, Nicolae; PETO, Andrea; PLECHANOVOVÁ, Bela; POGGIOLINI, Ilaria;
Albrecht; SALMON, Trevor; SKAK, Mette Skak; SPAGNOLO, Lucio Valerio;
Tomoyoshi; TANAKA, Toshiro; VAN DER HARST, Jan; VÁSÁRI, Viktória;
WAGNER, Helmut; WEGENER, Bernhard W.; WU, Yikang; YOJI, Koyama;
ZAMAGNI, Vera; ZHANG, Yongan
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
1.1. History of European Unification before 1945 / Histoire de
l’unification européenne avant 1945
AAREBROT, Frank; BALDUS, Christian; BOSSUAT, Gérard; BREMEN,
Christian; CARAFFINI, Paolo; CURLI, Barbara; DOMÍNGUEZ CASTRO, Luis;
F RENDO , Henry Joseph; K NIPPING , Franz; N OVACKOVA , Daniela;
1.2. Dynamics and Development of the European Union in general /
Dynamiques et développement de l’Union européenne en
Svein S.; ANTOLA, Esko; BARRAL, Welber; BEACH, Derek; BESSON, JeanLouis; BLAIR, Alasdair; BODENSTEIN, Thilo; BOSSUAT, Gérard; BRODZICKI,
Tomasz; C ARR , Neil; C HATZOPOULOU , Sevasti; C LEMENS , Gabriele;
DORMOY, Daniel; ERCOLE, Enrico; FRENDO, Henry Joseph; FLORES JUNIOR,
Renato Galvão; FRÖHLICH, Stefan; GAZINSKI, Benon; GRINDHEIM, Jan
Erik; GROPAS, Rubini; HEINEN, Armin; HOLM, Hans-Henrik; HONGWEI,
K ODAMA , Masami; K OHLER , Wilhelm; K REILE , Michael; K UBO ,
Hiromasa; LAFFAN, Brigid; LAKATOS, Gábor; LANDAU, Alice; LARIONOVA,
Marina; LAURSEN, Finn; LEONARDI, Robert; LOUGHLIN, John Patrick;
Tatyana; NAKAMURA, Tamio; NEWMAN, Michael; NOVACKOVA, Daniela;
OHDAIRA, Kazuyuki; ONODA, Setsuko; OPPELN, Sabine von; PASCARIU,
Gabriela Carmen; P ATERSON , William Edgar; P ETROVIC , Milenko;
REDMOND, John; RIBEIRO, Maria Manuela Tavares; RICHET, Xavier;
ROLLET, Philippe; ROVNÁ, Lenka Anna; RYNNING, Sten; SALMON, Trevor;
SEIDELMANN , Reimund; SHORE , Cris; STEFANOU , Constantin; SZABÓ ,
Gábor; TANAKA, Tomoyoshi; TUKA, Ágnes; UGUR, Mehmet; USHERWOOD,
Simon; VAN DER HARST, Jan; VAUBEL, Roland; VEGGELAND, Noralv;
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
1.3. European Identity and Culture / L’identité européenne et la
BOSSUAT , Gérard; BREMEN , Christian; BRÜCKNER , Ulrich; C ALLIESS ,
Christian; CARR, Neil; CASELLA, Paulo B.; CIURO CALDANI, Miguel
Angel; CLEMENS, Gabriele; DENK, Rudolf; DIRIKER, Ebru; DOMÍNGUEZ
Péter, Emese; FOLLESDAL, Andreas; FRENDO, Henry Joseph; GEORGIOU,
Myria; G ODDARD , Christopher; H EINEN , Armin; J ARLE , Trondal;
Avril; KNIPPING, Franz; KOCKEL, Ullrich; KUMIKO, Haba; LIEBERT, Ulrike;
Christoph O.; MLECZKO, Agata; MÖLLERS, Christoph; OPPELN, Sabine
von; PETO, Andrea; QINHUA, Yao; RIBEIRO, Maria Manuela Tavares;
Richard Charles Alexander; WEINAR, Agnieszka
2.0. Institutional System of the European Union / Système
Institutionnel de l’Union Européenne
ALLEGRI, Maria Romana; ALOISIO, Salvatore; ALVES, Rui Henrique;
ANDERSEN , Svein S.; ATTINA , Fulvio; A XT , Heinz-Jürgen; BARRAL ,
Welber; BERINDE, Mihai; BIEBER, Roland; BLASZCZYK, Maria Celina;
CASTRO , Paulo Jorge Tavares; CHITI , Edoardo; C HRISTIANSEN , Per;
CHURCH, Clive H.; CRUZ S OARES PINTO, Ana Isabel; DAI, Bingran;
DARDANELLI , Paolo; DORMOY , Daniel; DOUKAS , Dimitrios; DUMALA ,
Andrzej; D URAN , Roberto A.; E GEBERG , Morten; E ILMANSBERGER ,
Thomas; E TERIS , Eugene; F AIRHURST , John; F ALKE , Andreas;
MARTINS , Ana Maria; HARWOOD , Mark Anthony; HEARD -L AURÉOTE ,
Karen; HOBE, Stephan; HOEL, Alf Håkon; HOFMANN , Herwig C.H.;
HRBEK, Rudolf; HUMMER, Waldemar; JORIS, Tony; KADDOUS, Christine;
K ADELBACH , Stefan; K ALLESTRUP , Morten; K ANDZIJA , Vinko;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
K ANELLOPOULOS , Panayiotis; K ELEMEN , Csaba; K ELSTRUP , Morten;
KOSTOV , Krassimir; L AFFAN , Brigid; L AKATOS , Gábor; LARANJEIRO ,
Carlos; LAURSEN, Finn; LEANZA, Umberto; LEVRAT, Nicolas; MACMULLEN,
Andrew; M ANEVA , Gergana; M ANGAS M ARTIN , Araceli; M ARISCAL
Luigi; MOLINA DEL POZO, Carlos F.; MONAR, Jörg; MORATA, Francesc;
N OVACKOVA , Daniela; O PPERMANN , Thomas; O TT , Andrea; P ALLIS ,
Athanasios; PANEBIANCO, Stefania; PERROT, Danielle; PEYRARD, Max;
PODRAZA , Andrzej; QIAN, Yunchun; QUADROS FONSECA, Maria Inês;
RADAELLI, Claudio M.; RHINARD, Mark; RIDEAU, Joël; RODIN, Sinisa;
ROVNÁ, Lenka Anna; RUSZKOWSKI, Janusz; SALMON, Trevor; SNYDER,
Francis; STEINHOUSE, Adam; STEPHANOU, Constantine; STURM, Roland;
SUAMI, Takao; SZABÓ, Gábor; TESAURO, Giuseppe; VAN DER HARST, Jan;
VÁSÁRI, Viktória; VELO, Dario; WAGNER, Helmut; WALLACE, Helen;
WASHIE , Yoshikatsu; WEGENER , Bernhard W.; WHITAKER , Richard;
WURZEL, Rüdiger; ZUKOVA, Galina
2.1. EU-institutions / Institutions européennes
VALVERDE, Eduardo Gonzalo; BARUFFI, Maria Caterina; BLAHÓ, András;
BLAIR, Alasdair; BODENSTEIN, Thilo; BULMER, Simon; BUTTIGIEG, Eugene;
E ILMANSBERGER , Thomas; F ÁYNÉ Péter, Emese; F RÖHLICH , Stefan;
G ORJÃO -H ENRIQUES , Miguel; G RINDHEIM , Jan Erik; H ARVEY , Matt;
HEINEMANN, Friedrich; ISAK, Hubert; JAIN, Rajendra K; JARLE, Trondal;
J OSEPH , Joseph; K ADELBACH , Stefan; K ANELLOPOULOS , Panayiotis;
Gábor; L ANDAU , Alice; L ARIONOVA , Marina; L EAL -A RCAS , Rafael;
LEONARDI , Robert; LOUGHLIN , John Patrick; MALANDRINO , Corrado;
William Edgar; PAUN, Nicolae; PEYRARD, Max; PIERINI, Marcello; QUADROS
FONSECA, Maria Inês; RIBEIRO , Maria Manuela Tavares; ROZGONYI ,
Ibolya; STEFANOU, Constantin; TANAKA, Toshiro; VEDDER, Christoph;
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
VITTINI GONZALEZ, Iris Raquel; WASHIE, Yoshikatsu; WOYKE, Wichard;
WU, Yikang; ZHANG, Yongan; ZSUFFA, Ákos
2.1.1. Council-European Council-Presidency / Conseil-Conseil
Jaroslaw; PLECHANOVOVÁ, Bela; WALLACE, Helen; WASHIE, Yoshikatsu;
WHITMAN, Richard
2.1.2. European Commission / Commission européenne
Stephen; EGEBERG, Morten; GORJÃO-HENRIQUES, Miguel; JARLE, Trondal;
MARTIN, Araceli; MENON, Anand; MEYER, Christoph O.; MOLINA DEL
Cris; VAN DER HARST, Jan; WASHIE, Yoshikatsu; ZUPANCIC, Samo
2.1.3. European Parliament / Parlement européen
A LOISIO , Salvatore; B IEBER , Roland; B OEHME - NE ß LER , Volker;
KODAMA, Masami; LIEBERT, Ulrike; SCULLY, Roger; TUKA, Ágnes; VITTINI
GONZALEZ, Iris Raquel; WASHIE, Yoshikatsu; WHITAKER, Richard
2.1.4. European Central Bank-European system of Central Banks /
Banque centrale européenne-Système européen des banques
BESSON, Jean-Louis; BURKE, John J.A.; CAESAR, Rolf; CHAI, HeeYul; CLEETON, David; FARVAQUE, Etienne; INNA, Dovladbekova; ITTA,
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Lucio Valerio; T ANAKA , Soko; U GUR , Mehmet; V ÁRNAY , Ernô;
2.1.5. Court of Justice of the European Communities and the
Court of first instance of the European Communities / Cour
de justice des communautés européennes et Tribunal de
première instance des Communautés européennes
ARNULL, Anthony; BALDUS, Christian; BARRAL, Welber; BOROWSKY,
Martin; CANELAS DE CASTRO, Paulo Jorge Tavares; DEN EXTER, Andre;
FERRER LLORET, Jaume; GRILC, Peter; HARVEY, Matt; ISAK, Hubert;
2.1.6. Advisory bodies of the European Union (Committee of the
Regions- The European Economic and Social Committee) /
Organes consultatifs de l’Union européenne (Comité des
régions-Comité économique et social européen)
2.1.9. Special Committees-Comitology / Comités spéciauxComitologie
CHITI, Edoardo; EGEBERG, Morten; HOFMANN, Herwig C.H.; JARLE,
Trondal; SMISMANS, Stijn
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
2.2. Structure and Legal order of the EU / Structure et ordre
juridique de l’UE
ARNULL, Anthony; BALAGUER CALLEJÓN, Francisco; BEACH, Derek;
Jorge Tavares; COHEN, Antonin; DE GUTTRY, Andrea; DORMOY, Daniel;
DUBOS, Olivier; ETERIS, Eugene; FAIRHURST, John; GILDEGGEN, Rainer;
GJØRTLER, Peter; GRASSI, Paolo; HARVEY, Matt; HORVATH, Zsuzsanna;
Tanel; KUNOVA, Vlasta; LEAL-ARCAS, Rafael; LEANZA, Umberto; LEVRAT,
Nicolas; LONBAY, Julian; MANEVA, Gergana; MEEUSEN, Johan; MOCCIA,
CUNHA, Paulo; QUADROS, Fausto de; RANGEL DE MESQUITA, Maria José;
Francis; S UAMI , Takao; T OBLER , Christa; V ÁRNAY , Ernô; V EDDER ,
Christoph; ZHANG, Xu
2.3. Court of Justice of the European Communities Case-Law /
Jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des communautés
A NTONIADIS , Antonis; A RAGÃO , Maria Alexandra; A RNULL ,
Anthony; BUTTIGIEG, Eugene; CARBALLO PINEIRO, Laura; DUBOS, Olivier;
Chris; HOBE, Stephan; KADDOUS, Christine; Kerikmäe, Tanel; MANGAS
Rui; O FUJI , Noriko; PANKE , Diana; RIDEAU , Joël; S ÁNDOR -S ZALAY ,
Elisabeth; SCHWARZE, Jürgen; SHOJI, Katsuhiro; SPAVENTA, Eleanor;
SUAMI, Takao; SVITANA, Radoslav; TESAURO, Giuseppe; TOBLER, Christa;
2.4. EU Substantive Law / Droit substantif de l’UE
A NASTACIO , Gonçalo; A RNULL , Anthony; B ALDUS , Christian;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Andre; DOUKAS, Dimitrios; EILMANSBERGER, Thomas; FAIRHURST, John;
F INA , Siegfried; G ILDEGGEN , Rainer; H E , Zhipeng; J ORIS , Tony;
KERIKMÄE, Tanel; LONBAY, Julian; MEEUSEN, Johan; OHDAIRA, Kazuyuki;
B ORGES , Valesca; S HOJI , Katsuhiro; S PAVENTA , Eleanor; S VITANA ,
Radoslav; TESAURO, Giuseppe; TOBLER, Christa; ZHANG, Xu
2.5. Implementation of European Union Law-Application in
Member States / Implémentation du droit de l’Union
européenne-Application dans les États Membres
A NASTACIO , Gonçalo; A RAGÃO , Maria Alexandra; C AMPEANU ,
Virginia; CHATZOPOULOU , Sevasti; CHITI , Edoardo; DUBOS , Olivier;
FAIRHURST, John; FALKNER, Gerda; Frendo, Henry Joseph; GJØRTLER,
Peter; HORVATH, Zsuzsanna; KERIKMÄE, Tanel; LEANZA, Umberto; MANGAS
RIDEAU, Joël; STEFANOU, Constantin; SUAMI, Takao; SVITANA, Radoslav;
VEDDER, Christoph
2.5.1. Application of the Subsidiarity and Proportionality
Principles / Application des principes de subsidiarité et de
BARUFFI, Maria Caterina; CALLIESS, Christian; GOUCHA SOARES,
Antonio; H ORVATH , Zsuzsanna; H RBEK , Rudolf; K ERIKMÄE , Tanel;
KUMIKO , Haba; LOPES , Dulce; N OVELLI , Mariano Horacio; ONODA ,
Setsuko; PEZZETTI, Roberta; QUADROS, Fausto de; SVITANA, Radoslav;
VAUBEL, Roland; WRIGHT, Alex
2.5.2. Role of National Parliaments / Le rôle des parlements
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
2.6. Fundamental Rights/ Droits Fondamentaux
LOPES, Dulce
2.5.2. Role of National Parliaments / Le rôle des parlements
B OEHME -N E ß LER , Volker; C ZURIGA , Eszter; R OZGONYI , Ibolya;
2.7. EU budget and financial system / Budget et système financier
de l’UE
ALVES, Rui Henrique; BLAHÓ, András; BONETE, Rafael; CAESAR,
Rolf; DEARDEN, Stephen; ERDOS, Eva; FÁYNÉ Péter, Emese; GANDULLIA,
Luca; GEORGAPOPOULOS, Theodore; HALMAI, Péter; INNA, Dovladbekova;
LAKATOS, Gábor; MURAVSKA, Tatyana; NICK, Robinson; PALANKAI, Tibor;
Takamoto; SZYMCZAK, David; VÁRNAY, Ernô; ZAMAGNI, Vera
3.0. Political Forces and Party Organisations in Europe / Forces
politiques et organisations des parties politiques en Europe
Giorgio; HARMSEN, Robert; HARWOOD, Mark Anthony; HITI, Hajnalka;
Morten; LIGHTFOOT, Simon; MASCIA, Marco; MEYER, Henning; OPPELN,
Sabine von; PRIDHAM, Geoffrey; SCULLY, Roger; SHOPOV, Vladimir;
TUKA, Ágnes; USHERWOOD, Simon; VERNEY, Susannah
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
3.1. Transnational Party Organisations / Groupes parlementaires
A TTINA , Fulvio; D UMALA , Andrzej; H RBEK , Rudolf; K AISER ,
Wolfram; K ANEV , Dobrin; L IGHTFOOT , Simon; M EYER , Henning;
PRIDHAM, Geoffrey; SEIDELMANN, Reimund; SHAW, Jo; SHOPOV, Vladimir
3.2. Transnational interest associations (e.g. Trade Unions,
farmers, employers) / Associations d’intérêt transnationales
(par ex. les syndicats, les agriculteurs, les employeurs)
BICKNELL, Helen; CLIFTON, Judith; GÓMEZ MUÑOZ, José Manuel;
GREENWOOD, Justin; HARWOOD, Mark Anthony; HITI, Hajnalka; KANEV,
Stijn; SUGISAKI, Takamoto
3.3. Public Opinion / Opinion publique
Matthew; IVANOV, Kalin; KANTNER, Cathleen; KIRCH, Aksel; MEYER,
Christoph O.; PIERINI , Marcello; SCULLY , Roger; S HIKOVA , Ingrid;
3.4. Social Dialogue / Dialogue social
GREENWOOD, Justin; GREVE, Bent; HITI, Hajnalka; MEYER, Henning;
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
3.5. Intercultural Dialogue / Dialogue interculturel
BANÚS, Enrique; CIURO CALDANI, Miguel Angel; DENK, Rudolf;
DIRIKER, Ebru; GEORGIOU, Myria; HOLLAND, Martin; KAELBLE, Hartmut;
KANTNER, Cathleen; KOCKEL, Ullrich; KUMAR, Radha; MASCIA, Marco;
Henrik; URBÁN, Anna
4.0 European Union policies in general / Politiques de l’Union
européenne en général
ABE, Nozomu; AKMAN, Sait; ANASTACIO, Gonçalo; ANDREJ, Kumar;
BARTOVA, Lubica; BEAUCHESNE, Bénédicte; BERINDE, Mihai; BIEBER, Roland;
Tomasz; B RÜCKNER , Ulrich; BULMER , Simon; C AMPEANU , Virginia;
Ebru; DUMALA, Andrzej; FALKNER, Gerda; FANTINI, Marco; FARVAQUE,
Etienne; FELISINI , Daniela; F LORES J UNIOR, Renato Galvão; FLORIO ,
Peter; GUIMARÃES, Maria Helena; HALL, Colin Michael; HOFMANN, Herwig
C.H.; HU, Ronghua; HUMMER, Waldemar; IVANOV, Kalin; JAIN, Rajendra K;
Joanna; KUMAR, Andrej; KYRIAZIS, Nicholas; LAFFAN, Brigid; MAJOCCHI,
Antonio; MEYER, Christoph O.; MIZZI, Leonard; MORATA, Francesc;
Matthias; NOTARSTEFANO, Cosimo; OH, Yonghyup; OHDAIRA, Kazuyuki;
PACE, Michelle; PALANKAI, Tibor; PALLIS, Athanasios; PASCARIU, Gabriela
Carmen; PERROT, Danielle; PETROVIC, Milenko; PIMENTEL, Luiz Otavio;
Volker; SAUERNHEIMER, Karlhans; SHIKOVA, Ingrid; SHIVERGUEVA, Margarita;
STEPHANOU, Constantine; STURM, Roland; SUAMI, Takao; TAMARIT, Cecilio;
TANAKA, Soko; TANAKA, Tomoyoshi; THIELEMANN, Eiko; TUKA, Ágnes; VAN
Grazyna; WYSOKINSKA, Zofia; ZIPPEL, Wulfdiether
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
4.1. Internal market (abolition of obstacles to the free movement
of goods, persons, services and capital) / Marché intérieur
(abolition des obstacles de la libre circulation des
marchandises, des personnes, des services et des capitaux)
A BE , Nozomu; A MBROZIAK , Adam A.; A NTONIADIS , Antonis;
BALDUS, Christian; CALLIESS, Christian; CAMPEANU, Virginia; CUADRADOROURA, Juan R; DAI, Bingran; DEN E XTER, Andre; FINA, Siegfried;
GRARD, Loic; GRILC, Peter; GUIMARÃES, Maria Helena; HALL, Colin
Michael; HEINEMANN, Friedrich; HU, Ronghua; JACOBSEN, Hanns-D.;
KRAWCZYK, Mariusz Konrad; KUCZEWSKA, Joanna; MICKLITZ, Hans-W.;
M OSCONI , Franco; M URAVSKA , Tatyana; N EMCOVÁ , Ingeborg; O H ,
Jaroslaw; PLASCHKE, Henrik; RADAELLI, Claudio M.; RAIZER BORGES,
Margarita; S TADLMEIER , Sigmar; S TAWARSKA , Renata; T ANAKA ,
Tomoyoshi; U MINSKI , Stanislaw; U SHER , John; W ANG , Jianwei;
4.1.1. Free Movement of Labour / Libre circulation des
Manuel; GREVE , Bent; HITI , Hajnalka; KOHLER , Wilhelm; LONBAY ,
Julian; MLECZKO, Agata; MURAVSKA, Tatyana; RUNGGALDIER, Ulrich; VAN
4.1.2. Capital Market / Le marché des capitaux
BAHRI YILMAZ; BESSON, Jean-Louis; BURKE, John J.A.; CHAI, HeeYul; E RDOS , Eva; F ELISINI , Daniela; G OLEJEWSKA , Anna; I NNA ,
Dovladbekova; ITTA, Emanuele; JANTONDROZDOWSKA, Elzbieta; JONES, Erik;
KRAWCZYK, Mariusz Konrad; MASA GODOY, Leopoldo; MOON, Woosik;
OH, Yonghyup; PAPANTONI, Maria; PEYRARD, Max; PIETRAS, Jaroslaw;
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
4.1.3 The Banking and Insurance Sector / Le secteur bancaire
et des assurances
BURKE, John J.A.; CHAI , Hee-Yul; CLEETON , David; DER -C HIN
H ORNG ; E RDOS , Eva; F ELISINI , Daniela; G RASSI , Paolo; I NNA ,
Dovladbekova; KÖSTERS, Wim; KRAWCZYK, Mariusz Konrad; MOON,
Ernô; WANG, Jianwei; ZAMAGNI, Vera
4.1.4. Public Procurement / Marchés publics
4.1.5. Tax Harmonisation / Harmonisation des impôts
BESSON, Jean-Louis; CAESAR, Rolf; CASSONE, Alberto; DE LA FERIA,
Rita; ERDOS, Eva; ETERIS, Eugene; FANTINI, Marco; GANDULLIA, Luca;
4.1.6. Harmonisation of Technical Standards / Harmonisation des
standards techniques
JORGENSEN, Jan Guldager
4.2. Common Policy for Agriculture and Fisheries / Politique
commune de l’agriculture et de la pêche
BARTOVA, Lubica; BELTRAMINO, Ricardo Ignacio; BLASZCZYK, Maria
Celina; BOISSON, Jean-Marie; BONETE, Rafael; CAMPEANU, Virginia;
HOEL , Alf Håkon; HORVATH , Zsuzsanna; LAKATOS , Gábor; LASCHI ,
Giuliana; NABELS-SNEIDERS, Ainars; SAUNDERS, Caroline; SOTTE, Franco;
TANAKA, Soko; Usher, John; VÁSÁRI, Viktória; ZAMAGNI, Vera
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
4.3. Social Policy / Politique sociale
Luís; C HATZOPOULOU , Sevasti; C LIFTON , Judith; C URLI , Barbara;
KIRCH, Aksel; KNUTSEN, Paul; LEONARDI, Robert; MEYER, Henning;
Sabine von; PANKE , Diana; QIAN , Yunchun; RUNGGALDIER , Ulrich;
SMISMANS, Stijn; SUGISAKI, Takamoto; TOBLER, Christa; VAUBEL, Roland;
4.4. Industrial Policy / Politique industrielle
Anna; ITTA, Emanuele; JORGENSEN, Jan Guldager; KUBO, Hiromasa;
Tatyana; ONIDA , Fabrizio; PIMENTEL , Luiz Otavio; RICHET , Xavier;
SHIVERGUEVA, Margarita; SUGISAKI, Takamoto; VELO , Dario; WANG,
4.5. Trade Policy / Politique commerciale
VALVERDE , Eduardo Gonzalo; BAHRI Y ILMAZ; B ELTRAMINO , Ricardo
Ignacio; BONETE , Rafael; BRITO C ORREIA , Luís; CHAHED , Youssef;
Timothy; FRÖHLICH, Stefan; GUIMARÃES, Maria Helena; HALMAI, Péter;
H ERMAN , Lior; H OADLEY , Stephen; H OFMANN , Herwig C.H.; H U ,
Ronghua; JORGENSEN, Jan Guldager; KADDOUS, Christine; KAWECKA-WYRZYKOWSKA, Elzbieta; KOHLER, Wilhelm; KUBO, Hiromasa; LANDAU,
Alice; LEAL-ARCAS, Rafael; LEE, Chong Wha; MONÉGER, Joël; MOURA E
SILVA, Miguel; ONIDA, Fabrizio; OTT, Andrea; PARAMITHIOTTI, Gianni;
P IETRAS , Jaroslaw; S AUERNHEIMER , Karlhans; S AUNDERS , Caroline;
SNYDER , Francis; STEPHANOU , Constantine; TANAKA , Soko; VEDDER ,
Christoph; WYSOKINSKA, Zofia; ZHANG, Yongan; ZIEGLER, Andreas;
ZUKOVA, Galina
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
4.6. Competition Policy / Politique de la compétition
A MBROZIAK , Adam A.; B ARUFFI , Maria Caterina; BEAUCHESNE ,
Bénédicte; BRITO CORREIA, Luís; CAMPEANU, Virginia; CASSONE, Alberto;
EILMANSBERGER, Thomas; FAÍÑA, J. Andrés; GRARD, Loic; GRASSI, Paolo;
G RILC , Peter; J ORIS , Tony; J ÓZON , Mónika; K ALLESTRUP , Morten;
Miguel; PIERINI, Marcello; PORTO, Manuel; STADLMEIER, Sigmar; STURM,
4.7. Environmental Policy / Politique environnementale
ABE, Nozomu; ARAGÃO, Maria Alexandra; BELTRAMINO, Ricardo
Ignacio; B OISSON , Jean-Marie; B RAUCH , Hans Guetner; C ALLIESS ,
Christian; CANELAS DE CASTRO, Paulo Jorge Tavares; CASSONE, Alberto;
CRUZ SOARES PINTO, Ana Isabel; FORMAN, Balázs; GOOCH, Geoffrey;
GRIMALDI, Giorgio; HALL, Colin Michael; HE, Zhipeng; HILSON, Chris;
HOEL, Alf Håkon; HORVATH, Zsuzsanna; LANDAU, Alice; LIGHTFOOT,
Simon; LOPES, Dulce; NAGY, Sandor Gyula; NOVELLI, Mariano Horacio;
PANKE, Diana; WEGENER, Bernhard W.; WOJTKOWSKA-LODEJ, Grazyna;
WURZEL, Rüdiger
4.8. Consumer Protection and Public Health / Protection des
consommateurs et Santé publique
4.9. Regional Policy and Cohesion / Politique régionale et
AXT, Heinz-Jürgen; BACHE, Ian; BALÁZS, Péter; BLAHÓ, András;
Paolo; DOMÍNGUEZ CASTRO, Luis; ERCOLE, Enrico; FAÍÑA, J. Andrés;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
FLORIO, Massimo; FORMAN, Balázs; GAJDA, Tibor; GOLEJEWSKA, Anna;
GRINDHEIM, Jan Erik; HALL, Colin Michael; HORGA, Ioan; HU, Ronghua;
Patrick; MASA GODOY, Leopoldo; NAGY, Sandor Gyula; NATHON, Istvan;
PASCARIU, Gabriela Carmen; PEREIRA-MENAUT, Antonio-Carlos; PERROT,
Danielle; PORTO, Manuel; QIAN, Yunchun; SHIKOVA, Ingrid; SOTTE,
Franco; S PAGNOLO , Lucio Valerio; T HIELEMANN , Eiko; U MINSKI ,
Stanislaw; VEGGELAND, Noralv; WITKOWSKA, Janina; YOJI, Koyama;
YUH, Hasumi;
4.10. Research and Information Technology Development Policy /
Politique de la Recherche et de la société de l’information
MOSCONI, Franco; PIMENTEL, Luiz Otavio; WANG, Jianwei
4.11. Transport Policy (Trans-European Networks) / Politique de
transports (réseaux trans-européens)
BIEBER, Roland; DÍAZ FUENTES, Daniel; DUVAL David Timothy;
FORMAN, Balázs; GRARD, Loic; NICK, Robinson; PALLIS, Athanasios;
4.12. Energy Policy / Politique de l’énergie
A NDERSEN , Svein S.; B RAUCH , Hans Guetner; D UVAL David
Timothy; FORMAN, Balázs; KAVESHNIKOV, Nikolay; LOSONCZ, Miklos;
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
4.13. Media and Telecommunications Policy / Politiques des medias
et de la télécommunication
Judith; CRUZ S OARES PINTO , Ana Isabel; DOUKAS , Dimitrios; FINA ,
4.14. Development Policy (incl. external Development Funds) /
Politique du développement(incl. les fonds externes de
ALABAU, Antonio; CUADRADO-ROURA, Juan R; CUNHA, Luís Pedro;
DEARDEN, Stephen; DOIDGE, Mathew; FLORIO, Massimo; LANDAU, Alice;
4.15. The Europe of Citizens and European Citizenship /
L’Europe des citoyens et citoyenneté européenne)
DUVAL David Timothy; ERCOLE, Enrico; FAVELL, Adrian; FOLLESDAL,
Andreas; G OOCH , Geoffrey; G REENWOOD , Justin; G ROPAS , Rubini;
HILSON , Chris; HOBE , Stephan; J IMÉNEZ P IERNAS , Carlos; KAELBLE ,
Hartmut; KEATING, Avril; LIEBERT, Ulrike; LOPES, Dulce; MOCCIA, Luigi;
NEWMAN, Michael; PAPISCA, Antonio; SÁNDOR-SZALAY, Elisabeth; SHAW,
Jo; SZABÓ, Gábor; VAN KRIEKEN, Peter; VERNEY, Susannah; WARDS,
Richard Charles Alexander; WEINAR, Agnieszka
4.16. Cultural Policy / Politique culturelle
BANÚS, Enrique; CIURO CALDANI, Miguel Angel; KOCKEL, Ullrich;
NIEDOBITEK, Matthias; PEREIRA-MENAUT, Antonio-Carlos; SHORE, Cris;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
4.17. Education and Vocational Training / Education et
Formation professionnelle
B OMBARDELLI , Olga; C ULLEN , Peter; DENK , Rudolf; G ODDARD ,
Christopher; H ITI , Hajnalka; K EATING , Avril; L ARIONOVA , Marina;
LONBAY, Julian; NATHON, Istvan; PIERINI, Marcello
4.19. Common Foreign and Security Policy / Politique étrangère
et de sécurité commune
ANTOLA, Esko; ATTINA, Fulvio; CATELLANI, Nicola; CHEN, Zhimin;
Andreas; FERRER L LORET , Jaume; F RÖHLICH , Stefan; GAJDA , Tibor;
Martin; HOLM, Hans-Henrik; JOERGENSEN, Knud Erik; JOSEPH, Joseph;
K ANTNER , Cathleen; K OSTOV , Krassimir; K UMAR , Radha; L ASCHI ,
Giuliana; LAURSEN, Finn; LEANZA, Umberto; MANNERS, Ian; MASCIA,
Marco; MURAKAMI, Naohisa; MUSU, Costanza; NATHON, Istvan; NEWMAN,
Michael; PATERSON, William Edgar; PHINNEMORE, David; POGGIOLINI,
Sten; SALMON, Trevor; SEIDELMANN, Reimund; SJURSEN, Helene; SKAK,
Mette Skak; SMITH, Karen; SONG, Xinning; STADLMEIER, Sigmar; SZABÓ,
Gábor; TANAKA , Toshiro; TONRA , Ben; WHITMAN , Richard; WIVEL ,
Anders; WONG, Reuben Y.; WOYKE, Wichard
4.20. European Security and Defence Policy / Sécurité Européenne
et Politique de la Défense
ALLEGRI, Maria Romana; ANTOLA, Esko; ATTINA, Fulvio; BRAUCH,
Hans Guetner; CHEN, Zhimin; CHRISTODOULIDIS, Theodore; COSTANZA,
Muzu; FERRER LLORET, Jaume; GOETSCHEL, Laurent; HOADLEY, Stephen;
MANNERS, Ian; MENON, Anand; MEYER, Christoph O.; MUSU, Costanza;
RYNNING, Sten; SALMON, Trevor; SEIDELMANN, Reimund; SJURSEN, Helene;
Roland; WHITMAN, Richard; WIVEL, Anders; WOYKE, Wichard
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
4.21. Cooperation in the Fields of Justice, Freedom and Security /
Coopération dans les domaines de justice, liberté et sécurité
Stephen; KADDOUS, Christine; LEANZA, Umberto; MONAR, Jörg; OFUJI,
Eleanor; STEFANOU, Constantin; THIELEMANN, Eiko; VAN KRIEKEN, Peter;
WEINAR, Agnieszka
4.22. Free Movement of Persons, Asylum And Immigration /
Libre circulation des personnes, asile et immigration
Nachev; MONAR, Jörg; OFUJI, Noriko; POTEMKINA, Olga; UGUR, Mehmet
5.0. External Relations of the European Union in General /
Relations externes de l’Union européenne en général
BALÁZS, Péter; BARUFFI, Maria Caterina; BERINDE, Mihai; BESSON, JeanLouis; BLAHÓ, András; BLASZCZYK, Maria Celina; BRÜCKNER, Ulrich;
Muzu; CUNHA, Luís Pedro; DARBOUCHE, Hakim; DE GUTTRY, Andrea;
Sara; GRARD, Loic; GROPAS, Rubini; HALL, Colin Michael; HERMAN,
Lior; H OADLEY , Stephen; H OLLAND , Martin; H OLM , Hans-Henrik; HONGWEI, Cui; HUMMER, Waldemar; ITTA, Emanuele; IVAN,
Nachev; JAIN, Rajendra K; JOERGENSEN, Knud Erik; JOSEPH, Joseph;
Elzbieta; KELSTRUP , Morten; KNIPPING , Franz; K OKUBO , Yasuyuki;
KOSTOV, Krassimir; KREILE, Michael; KUMAR, Andrej; KUNOVA, Vlasta;
LASCHI, Giuliana; LAURSEN, Finn; LEAL-ARCAS, Rafael; LEVRAT, Nicolas;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Krystyna; M ONAR , Jörg; M USU , Costanza; N AGY , Sandor Gyula;
NATHON, Istvan; OHDAIRA, Kazuyuki; ONIDA, Fabrizio; ONODA, Setsuko;
O PPERMANN , Thomas; O TT , Andrea; P ACE , Michelle; P ANEBIANCO ,
Stefania; PAPISCA, Antonio; PATERSON, William Edgar; PAUN, Nicolae;
John; R ITTBERGER , Volker; R USZKOWSKI , Janusz; R YNNING , Sten;
SAUNDERS, Caroline; SCHWOK, René; SJURSEN, Helene; SMITH, Karen;
SNYDER, Francis; SONG, Xinning; STAWARSKA, Renata; STEINER, Tommy;
T AMARIT , Cecilio; T ANAKA , Tomoyoshi; T ONRA , Ben; W EGENER ,
Bernhard W.; WHITMAN , Richard; WOYKE , Wichard; WU , Yikang;
ZIEGLER, Andreas; ZIPPEL, Wulfdiether; ZUKOVA, Galina
5.1. Relations with industrialised countries (USA, Canada, Rep. of
Korea, Japan,Australia, New Zealand) / Relations avec les
pays industrialisés (USA, Canada, Rép. de Corée, Japon,
Australie, Nouvelle Zélande)
CHABAN , Natalia; G IBBONS , Matthew; K AJI , Sahoko; KODAMA ,
Caroline; STEINHOUSE, Adam; TANAKA, Toshiro; THIELEMANN, Eiko
5.2. EU Neighbourhood Policy / Politique de voisinage
Nicola; CHAHED, Youssef; DARBOUCHE, Hakim; DE GUTTRY, Andrea;
FANTINI, Marco; HERMAN , Lior; HORGA , Ioan; JACOBSEN , Hanns-D.;
K ARASINSKA -F ENDLER , Maria; L ENDEL , Myroslava; L OUGHLIN , John
Patrick; M ICHALOWSKA -G ORYWODA , Krystyna; M IZZI , Leonard;
PANEBIANCO, Stefania; PASCARIU, Gabriela Carmen; POTEMKINA, Olga;
Ibolya; STEINER, Tommy; YOJI, Koyama; YUH, Hasumi
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
5.3. EU, EFTA and European Economic Area / UE, AELE et
l’Espace économique européen
JARLE, Trondal; KAISER, Wolfram; SCHWOK, René; ZIEGLER, Andreas
5.4. EU-USA relations / Relations UE – USA
BOSSUAT , Gérard; BREMEN, Christian; Chen, Zhimin; CLEETON ,
David; C OSTANZA , Muzu; C URLI , Barbara; F ALKE , Andreas; F INA ,
Siegfried; JONES, Erik; LIEBERT, Ulrike; MONÉGER, Joël; MURAKAMI,
Naohisa; MUSU, Costanza; POGGIOLINI, Ilaria; SCHWOK, René; STEININGER,
Rolf; TONRA, Ben; WIVEL, Anders
5.5. Relations with Newly Independent States (former Soviet
States) / Relations avec les nouveaux états indépendants
(anciens états soviétiques)
BARACANI, Elena; LENDEL, Myroslava; PODRAZA, Andrzej
5.6. Relations with Countries of South-Eastern Europe / Relations
avec les pays de l’Europe du Sud-Ouest
Milenko; PHINNEMORE, David; PRIDHAM, Geoffrey; RODIN, Sinisa; SOÓS,
Edit; SOTTE, Franco; UGUR, Mehmet; YOJI, Koyama; ZUPANCIC, Samo
5.7. EU-Russia / Relations UE- Russie
Christopher; KAVESHNIKOV, Nikolay; KIRCH, Aksel; POTEMKINA, Olga;
SKAK, Mette Skak; WARDS, Richard Charles Alexander; WOJTKOWSKALODEJ, Grazyna; YUH, Hasumi
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
5.8. EU-Mediterranean Countries / Relations UE – Pays
A LABAU , Antonio; B ARACANI , Elena; B RAUCH , Hans Guetner;
C HAHED , Youssef; C HITI , Edoardo; C OSTANZA , Muzu; D ARBOUCHE ,
Carlos; JOSEPH , Joseph; LEONARDI , Robert; M IZZI , Leonard; MUSU ,
Costanza; N OTARSTEFANO , Cosimo; P ACE , Michelle; P ANEBIANCO ,
Stefania; PRAUSSELLO, Franco; REDMOND, John; SHIVERGUEVA, Margarita;
5.9. EU-ASEAN / Relations UE-ASEAN
ANDREOSSO -O’ CALLAGHAN , Marie-Bernadette; CHABAN , Natalia;
Doidge, Mathew; FAVELL, Adrian; KAZUEI TOKADO; KNIPPING, Franz; LEE,
Chong Wha; REDMOND, John; WONG, Reuben Y.
5.10. EU-China / Relations UE-Chine
Mara; CHEN, Zhimin; DAI, Bingran; KUMAR, Radha; MLECZKO, Agata;
ONODA, Setsuko; PORTO, Manuel; QINHUA, Yao; RICHET, Xavier; SNYDER,
Francis; SONG, Xinning; WONG, Reuben Y.; ZHANG, Yongan
5.11. EU-India / Relations UE–Inde
HONGWEI, Cui; JAIN, Rajendra K; KUMAR, Radha; PORTO, Manuel
5.12. Relations with ACP countries, South Africa and Overseas
Countries and Territories / Relations avec les pays ACP,
l’Afrique du Sud, et Pays et territoires d’outre-mer
BELTRAMINO, Ricardo Ignacio; DEARDEN, Stephen; DOIDGE, Mathew;
Arena; ZSUFFA, Ákos
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
5.13 EU-Latin America / Relations UE-Amérique latine
A RENAS V ALVERDE , Eduardo Gonzalo; B ELTRAMINO , Ricardo
Ignacio; CIURO CALDANI, Miguel Angel; CASELLA, Paulo B.; CLIFTON,
Judith; DÍAZ FUENTES, Daniel; DURAN, Roberto A.; FLORES JUNIOR, Renato
Galvão; M ARISCAL B ERASTEGUI , Nicolas; M ASA G ODOY , Leopoldo;
MOLINA DEL POZO, Carlos F.; NOVELLI, Mariano Horacio; ORCALLI,
Gabriele; PORTO, Manuel
5.14. EU-Africa / Relations UE-Afrique
6.0. Future Development of the EU in general / Le développement
futur de l’UE en général
ALVES, Rui Henrique; ANDREJ, Kumar; ARENAS VALVERDE, Eduardo
BANÚS, Enrique; BRÜCKNER, Ulrich; CRUZ SOARES PINTO, Ana Isabel;
Andrés; F ANTINI , Marco; F EATHERSTONE , Kevin; F ELISINI , Daniela;
FOLLESDAL, Andreas; FLORES JUNIOR, Renato Galvão; GAJDA, Tibor;
GAUTRON, Jean Claude; GAZINSKI, Benon; GOUCHA SOARES, Antonio;
GROPAS , Rubini; GUERRA M ARTINS , Ana Maria; H ARMSEN , Robert;
HEARD-LAURÉOTE, Karen; HEINEMANN, Friedrich; HUMMER, Waldemar;
Maria; KAVESHNIKOV, Nikolay; KOKUBO, Yasuyuki; LAFFAN, Brigid;
LEVRAT, Nicolas; LOSONCZ, Miklos; MEYER, Henning; MONÉGER, Joël;
Fausto de; RHINARD, Mark; ROVNÁ, Lenka Anna; SHOPOV, Vladimir;
Adam; TUKA, Ágnes; URBÁN, Anna; USHERWOOD, Simon; VELO, Dario;
VILA MAIOR, Paulo; WAGNER, Helmut; WEGENER, Bernhard W.; WOYKE,
Wichard; WU, Yikang; ZIPPEL, Wulfdiether
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
6.1. EU-Convention and New Constitutional Treaty / La
Convention européenne et le nouveau Traité Constitutionnel
ALLEGRI, Maria Romana; ARAGÃO, Maria Alexandra; BALAGUER
CALLEJÓN, Francisco; BEACH, Derek; CANELAS DE CASTRO, Paulo Jorge
Tavares; CHEN , Zhimin; CHRISTIANSEN , Per; COHEN , Antonin; EBRU
HOBE , Stephan; HOFMANN , Herwig C.H.; JOSEPH , Joseph; KODAMA ,
Masami; L IEBERT , Ulrike; L OTH , Wilfried; M ARISCAL B ERASTEGUI ,
Nicolas; MOLINA DEL POZO, Carlos F.; MURAKAMI, Naohisa; OPPELN,
Sabine von; P EREZ -S OLORZANO B ORRAGAN , Nieves; P EYRARD , Max;
Anna; SHAW, Jo; SIRONI, Michela; SZYMCZAK, David; TANAKA, Toshiro;
6.2. EU Enlargement / Elargissement de l’UE
AKMAN , Sait; AXT , Heinz-Jürgen; BARTOVA , Lubica; B ERINDE ,
Mihai; BLASZCZYK, Maria Celina; BRAUCH, Hans Guetner; DIRIKER,
GOOCH, Geoffrey; HORGA, Ioan; IVANOV, Kalin; JACOBSEN, Hanns-D.;
J ÓZON , Mónika; K AISER , Wolfram; K APUSTANS , Janis; K AWECKA W YRZYKOWSKA , Elzbieta; K ENGYEL , Ákos; K IRCH , Aksel; K OKUBO ,
Yasuyuki; KOSTOV, Krassimir; KRAWCZYK, Mariusz Konrad; KREILE,
Michael; K UCZEWSKA , Joanna; KUMAR , Andrej; L EE , Chong Wha;
LOSONCZ, Miklos; MANEVA, Gergana; MASA GODOY, Leopoldo; MIZZI,
Leonard; NEMCOVÁ, Ingeborg; OTT, Andrea; PACE, Michelle; PAUN,
Milenko; PHINNEMORE, David; PODRAZA, Andrzej; POTEMKINA, Olga;
P RAUSSELLO , Franco; P RIDHAM , Geoffrey; R EDMOND , John; R ICHET ,
Xavier; ROTHACHER , Albrecht; ROZGONYI , Ibolya; S HIKOVA , Ingrid;
SHIVERGUEVA, Margarita; SHOPOV, Vladimir; SJURSEN, Helene; SONG,
Xinning; SOÓS, Edit; STURM, Roland; TAMARIT, Cecilio; VAN KRIEKEN,
Peter; VERNEY, Susannah; WEINAR, Agnieszka; YOJI, Koyama; YUH,
Hasumi; ZHANG, Yongan; ZUPANCIC, Samo
Index II: Subject Fields (Authors)
7.0. Integration Theories / Théories d’intégration
BALÁZS, Péter; BEACH, Derek; BRODZICKI, Tomasz; CHAI, Hee-Yul; COHEN,
Antonin; DUMALA, Andrzej; FAÍÑA, J. Andrés; FALKE, Andreas; FARVAQUE,
Etienne; FLORES JUNIOR, Renato Galvão; HALMAI, Péter; HARMSEN, Robert;
Nachev; JOERGENSEN, Knud Erik; JÓZON, Mónika; KALLESTRUP, Morten;
Luís; LOTH, Wilfried; MACMULLEN, Andrew; MANEVA, Gergana; MANNERS,
NEMCOVÁ, Ingeborg; NICK, Robinson; OH, Yonghyup; ONIDA, Fabrizio;
ORCALLI, Gabriele; PALANKAI, Tibor; PALLIS, Athanasios; PANKE, Diana;
Philippe; ROZGONYI, Ibolya; SAUERNHEIMER, Karlhans; SCHWOK, René;
SCULLY, Roger; SHORE, Cris; SONG, Xinning; SPAGNOLO, Lucio Valerio;
STAWARSKA, Renata; STEFA STEPHANOU, Constantine; TAMARIT, Cecilio;
UGUR, Mehmet; UMINSKI, Stanislaw; VEGGELAND, Noralv; WONG, Reuben
Y.; ZIPPEL, Wulfdiether
7.1. Federalism Theories / Théories sur le fédéralisme
A LVES , Rui Henrique; A NTOLA , Esko; B OISSON , Jean-Marie;
F OLLESDAL , Andreas; G RIMALDI , Giorgio; M ALANDRINO , Corrado;
MÖLLERS, Christoph; ORCALLI, Gabriele; PAULO, Vila Maior; PEREIRAMENAUT , Antonio-Carlos; QUADROS , Fausto de; ROGNONI V ERCELLI ,
Cinzia; STEINHOUSE, Adam; STURM, Roland; VELO, Dario; VILA MAIOR,
Paulo; WRIGHT, Alex
7.2. Regional Integration Theories / Théories sur l’intégration
BULMER, Simon; CASELLA, Paulo B.; CZURIGA, Eszter; DAI, Bingran;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
D ARBOUCHE , Hakim; D OIDGE , Mathew; D UBOS , Olivier; G ODDARD ,
Christopher; GUIMARÃES, Maria Helena; JORGENSEN, Jan Guldager; KAJI,
Sahoko; KAPUSTANS, Janis; LAURSEN, Finn; LENDEL, Myroslava; MOON,
Woosik; NICK, Robinson; ORCALLI, Gabriele; PARAMITHIOTTI, Gianni;
Tommy; U RBÁN , Anna; V EGGELAND , Noralv; W ITKOWSKA , Janina;
WRIGHT, Alex; WU, Yikang; WURZEL, Rüdiger
Index III: Countries and Authors
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Index III: Countries and Authors
B ELTRAMINO , Ricardo Ignacio;
C IURO C ALDANI , Miguel Angel;
NOVELLI, Mariano Horacio
Gerda; FINA, Siegfried; HUMMER,
Waldemar; ISAK, Hubert; ROTHACHER , Albrecht; R UNGGALDIER ,
Ulrich; S TADLMEIER , Sigmar;
J ORIS , Tony; M EEUSEN , Johan;
MIZZI, Leonard
BARRAL, Welber; CASELLA, Paulo
B.; FLORES, Renato; PIMENTEL, Luiz
Otavio, RAIZER BORGES, Valesca
I VAN , Nachev; K ANEV , Dobrin;
K OSTOV , Krassimir; M ANEVA ,
Gonzalo; D URAN , Roberto A.;
GONZALEZ, Iris Raquel
CHEN, Zhimin; DAI, Bingran; HE,
Zhipeng; H ONGWEI , Cui; H U ,
Ronghua; QIAN, Yunchun; QINHUA,
Yao; S ONG , Xinning; W ANG ,
Jianwei; WU, Yikang; ZHANG, Xu;
ZHANG, Yongan
RODIN, Sinisa
JOSEPH, Joseph
Czech Republic
Bela; R OVNÁ , Lenka Anna;
Sevasti; G REVE , Bent; H OLM ,
Hans-Henrik; J OERGENSEN , Knud
Erik; J ORGENSEN , Jan Guldager;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Steen; SKAK, Mette Skak; WIVEL,
Jean-Louis; BOISSON, Jean-Marie;
BOSSUAT, Gérard; CHAHED, Youssef;
COHEN, Antonin; DORMOY, Daniel;
DUBOS, Olivier; FARVAQUE, Etienne;
G AUTRON , Jean Claude; G RARD ,
Loic; M ONÉGER , Joël; P EYRARD ,
Max; R ICHET , Xavier; R IDEAU ,
Joël; ROLLET, Philippe; SZYMCZAK,
A XT , Heinz-Jürgen; B ALDUS ,
Christian; B ICKNELL , Helen;
Volker; B OROWSKY ,
Martin; BRAUCH , Hans Guetner;
B REMEN , Christian; B RÜCKNER ,
Ulrich; CAESAR , Rolf; CALLIESS ,
Christian; C LEMENS , Gabriele;
D ENK , Rudolf; FALKE , Andreas;
Rainer; H EINEMANN , Friedrich;
HEINEN, Armin; HILF, Meinhard;
H OBE , Stephan; H RBEK , Rudolf;
Stefan; K AELBLE , Hartmut;
K ANTNER , Cathleen; K NIPPING ,
Franz; KOHLER, Wilhelm; KÖSTERS,
Wim; KREILE, Michael; LIEBERT,
Ulrike; LOTH, Wilfried; MICKLITZ,
Hans-W.; M ÖLLERS , Christoph;
Sabine von; OPPERMANN, Thomas;
Jürgen; S EIDELMANN , Reimund;
STURM, Roland; VAUBEL, Roland;
VEDDER, Christoph; VON WALLENBERG, Gabriela; WAGNER, Helmut;
WEGENER, Bernhard W.; WOYKE,
Wichard; ZIPPEL, Wulfdiether
Rubini; KANELLOPOULOS, Panayiotis;
P ALLIS , Athanasios; P APANTONI ,
Maria; S TEPHANOU , Constantine;
VERNEY, Susannah
B ALÁZS , Péter; B LAHÓ , András;
C ZURIGA , Eszter; E RDOS , Eva;
F ÁYNÉ Péter, Emese; F ORMAN ,
Balázs; G AJDA , Tibor; H ALMAI ,
Péter; HITI, Hajnalka; HORVATH,
Zsuzsanna; K ELEMEN , Csaba;
Miklos; N AGY , Sandor Gyula;
NATHON, Istvan; PALANKAI, Tibor;
Index III: Countries and Authors
PETO, Andrea; ROZGONYI, Ibolya;
Edit; SZABÓ, Gábor; TUKA, Ágnes;
U RBÁN , Anna; U ZONYI , Maria;
VÁRNAY, Ernô; VÁSÁRI, Viktória;
B ALVEER , Arora; B AVA , Ummu
Salma; JAIN, Rajendra K; KUMAR,
Salvatore; ATTINA, Fulvio; BARACANI,
Elena; BARUFFI, Maria Caterina;
CATELLANI, Nicola; CHITI, Edoardo;
C URLI , Barbara; D E G UTTRY ,
Andrea; ERCOLE, Enrico; FANTINI,
Marco; FELISINI, Daniela; FLORIO,
Paolo; GRIMALDI , Giorgio; I TTA ,
Emanuele; J ONES , Erik; LASCHI ,
Giuliana; L EANZA , Umberto;
Corrado; MASCIA, Marco; MOCCIA,
Luigi; MOSCONI, Franco; NOTARSTEFANO, Cosimo; ONIDA, Fabrizio;
Stefania; P APISCA , Antonio;
Roberta; P IERINI , Marcello;
Michela; SMISMANS, Stijn; SOTTE,
Franco; SPAGNOLO, Lucio Valerio;
TESAURO, Giuseppe; VELO, Dario;
A BE , Nozomu; K AJI , Sahoko;
K OKUBO , Yasuyuki; K RAWCZYK ,
Mariusz Konrad; KUBO, Hiromasa;
KUMIKO, Haba; MURAKAMI, Naohisa;
Satoshi; OFUJI, Noriko; OHDAIRA,
Kazuyuki; ONODA, Setsuko; SHOJI,
Katsuhiro; SUAMI, Takao; SUGISAKI,
Takamoto; TANAKA, Soko; TANAKA,
Tomoyoshi; T ANAKA , Toshiro;
WASHIE, Yoshikatsu; YOJI, Koyama;
YUH, Hasumi
Korea South
CHAI, Hee-Yul; LEE, Chong Wha;
MOON, Woosik; OH, Yonghyup
BURKE, John J.A.; ETERIS, Eugene;
Christopher; INNA, Dovladbekova;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Tatyana; NABELS-SNEIDERS, Ainars;
ZUKOVA, Galina
HOFMANN, Herwig C.H.
Joseph; HARWOOD, Mark Anthony
PERROT, Danielle
DEN EXTER, Andre; OTT, Andrea;
New Zealand
C ARR , Neil; C HABAN , Natalia;
D OIDGE , Mathew; DUVAL David
Timothy; G IBBONS , Matthew;
HALL , Colin Michael; HOADLEY ,
Stephen; H OLLAND , Martin;
Caroline; S HORE , Cris; W ARDS ,
Richard Charles Alexander
Svein S.; C HRISTIANSEN , Per;
Andreas; G RINDHEIM , Jan Erik;
HOEL, Alf Håkon; JARLE, Trondal;
Maria Celina; BRODZICKI, Tomasz;
DUMALA, Andrzej; GAZINSKI, Benon;
Krystyna; M LECZKO , Agata;
P IETRAS , Jaroslaw; P ODRAZA ,
Andrzej; R USZKOWSKI , Janusz;
Stanislaw; W EINAR , Agnieszka;
Gonçalo; ARAGÃO, Maria Alexandra; BRITO CORREIA, Luís; CANELAS
de CASTRO, Paulo Jorge Tavares;
António; GUERRA M ARTINS , Ana
Maria; GUIMARÃES, Maria Helena;
Paulo; PORTO, Manuel; QUADROS
F ONSECA , Maria Inês; QUADROS ,
Maria José; RIBEIRO, Maria Manuela
Tavares; VILA MAIOR, Paulo
Index III: Countries and Authors
Virginia; H ORGA , Ioan; J ÓZON ,
Mónika; KAVESHNIKOV , Nikolay;
P ASCARIU , Gabriela Carmen;
PAUN, Nicolae
WONG, Reuben Y.
BARTOVA, Lubica; KUNOVA, Vlasta;
A NDREJ , Kumar; G RILC , Peter;
CALLEJÓN, Francisco; BANÚS, Enrique; B ONETE , Rafael; CARBALLO
PINEIRO, Laura; CLIFTON, Judith;
Luis; F AÍÑA , J. Andrés; F ERRER
Sara; J IMÉNEZ P IERNAS , Carlos;
G ODOY , Leopoldo; M OLINA D EL
P OZO , Carlos F.; M ORATA ,
Francesc; PEREIRA-MENAUT, Antonio-Carlos; TAMARIT, Cecilio
GOOCH, Geoffrey; MANNERS, Ian;
Roland; G OETSCHEL , Laurent;
KADDOUS, Christine; LANDAU, Alice;
LEVRAT, Nicolas; SCHWOK, René;
TOBLER, Christa; ZIEGLER, Andreas
LENDEL, Myroslava
United Kingdom
Anthony; B ACHE , Ian; B LAIR ,
Alasdair; BULMER, Simon; CHURCH,
FERIA , Rita; D EARDEN , Stephen;
D OUKAS , Dimitrios; F AIRHURST ,
John; F EATHERSTONE , Kevin;
Justin; HARMSEN, Robert; HEARDLAURÉOTE, Karen; HILSON, Chris;
IVANOV, Kalin; KAISER, Wolfram;
KEATING, Avril; KOCKEL, Ullrich;
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Robert; L IGHTFOOT , Simon;
LONBAY , Julian; LOUGHLIN , John
Patrick; M ACMULLEN , Andrew;
MENON, Anand; MEYER, Christoph
O.; M EYER , Henning; M ONAR ,
Jörg; MUSU, Costanza; NEWMAN,
Michael; NICK, Robinson; PACE,
Michelle; P ATERSON , William
Nieves; P HINNEMORE , David;
P RIDHAM , Geoffrey; R ADAELLI ,
Claudio M.; R EDMOND , John;
SALMON, Trevor; SCULLY, Roger;
Francis; S PAVENTA , Eleanor;
Simon; W HITAKER , Richard;
WHITMAN, Richard; WRIGHT, Alex;
WURZEL, Rüdiger
United States of America
CLEETON, David; FAVELL, Adrian
Index III: Countries and Authors
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Index III: Countries and Authors
Associación universitaria de estudios comunitarios
Via Córdoba 2020 (2000) Rosario - Argentina
Tel.: 341 4802635/36
Fax: 341 4802637
Email: alattuca@fder.unr.edu.ar
Website: http://usuarios.arnet.com.ar/mciuro/ecsa-arg.htm
President: Prof. Anunciada Lattuca
Address: Via San Nicolás, 2155 (2000) Rosario - Argentina
Tel:00 54 341 4311792
Fax:00 54 341 4311792
Email: adalattuca@ciudad.com.ar
Contemporary European Studies Association – Australia
P.O. Box 2125, hawthorn 3122 Vic. AUSTRALIA
Tel.: (+61.3) 8344 5151
Fax: (+61.3) 8344 7906
Email: bmascitelli@swin.edu.au
Website: http://www.cesaa.org.au/
President: Prof. Bruno Mascitelli
Address: Swinburne University, School of Business
John Street, Hawthorn, Vic. 3022 AUSTRALIA
ECSA Austria – Österrreichische Gesellschaft für Europaforschung
c/o Europainstitut | wu
Althanstrasse 39-45
A-1090 Vienna
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Tel: +43/1/313 36 - 41 35 - Fax: +43/1/313 36-758
Website: http://fgr.wu-wien.ac.at/ecsa/
President: Prof. Dr. Fritz BREUSS
Tel: +43/1/313 36 - 41 33 - Fax: +43/1/313 36-758
Email: fritz.breuss@wu-wien.ac.at
Belarusian Association of European Studies
Belarus State University, Scoryna av., Minsk, Belarus, 220050
Tel: + 375 17 209- 54-46
Fax: + 375 17 209- 54-46
Email: khukhl@bsu.by; tchebotarev@bsu.by
President: Pr. Khukhlyndzina L.
Tel: + 375 17 284 08 67 - Fax: + 375 17 284 00 04
Email: khukhl@bsu.by
Groupe d’Études Politiques Européennes, 11, Rue d’Egmont
BE - 1000 Bruxelles
Email: jvlouis@coditel.net
Président: Prof. Jean Victor Louis
Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economica - EPGE
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Praia de Botafogo 190, 11 andar BR
Tel.: 00-55-21-2559 5909
Fax : 00-55-21-2553 8822
Email: rflores@fgv.br
President: Prof. Renato G. FLÔRES
National and World ECSA’S
BECSA – Bulgarian European Community Studies Association
Acad. Georgi Bonchev str., block 6, floor 6, P.O.Box 11, Sofia
Tel: +359-2-716595
Fax: +359-2-9793026
Email: becsa@becsa.org
Website: http://www.becsa.org
President: Ingrid SHIKOVA
Tel: +359-2-9870745 - Fax: +359-2-9870745
Email: ingrid@evropa.bg
ECSA-C: European Community Studies Association Canada
University of Victoria, Dr. Oliver Schmidtke, Department of
Political Science,
Victoria BC V8W 3P5, Canada
Tel: 1-250-721-7490
Fax: 1-250-721-7485
Email: ofs@uvic.ca
Website: http://web.uvic.ca/ecsac/
President: Oliver Schmidtke
Tel: 1-250-721-7490 - Fax: 1-250-721-7485
Email: ofs@uvic.ca
ECSA-Chile – Asociación de estudios sobre la Comunidad
Europea en Chile
Condell 249, Providencia (Santiago), Chile
Tel.: 005624961241
Fax: 005622740155
Email: gespinoz@uchile.cl
Website: http://www.ecsachile.cl
President: Pr. Iris Vittini
Tel.: 005622745377
Email: irisvit@hotmail.com
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Chinese Society for EU Studies
c/o Centre for European Studies
Fudan University
220, Handan Road
Shanghai 200433
Tel.: 0086-21-6564 2668
Fax: 0086-21-6564 6456
President : Prof. Bingran DAI
Email: brdai@fudan.edu.cn
Croatian European Community Studies Association
Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu,
c/o Dr. Siniša Rodin,
Trg m. Tita 14n,
HR – 10000 ZAGREB
Tel. : +385 1 4802 419
Fax: +385 1 4564 030
Email: sinisa.rodin@public.srce.hr
Website: http://www.angelfire.com/extreme/cecsa
President: Dr. Sinisa Rodin
ECSA – Cyprus
Cyprus European Community Studies Association
c/o Department of Social and Political Sciences
75 Kallipoleos, P.O. Box 20537, CY - 1678 NICOSIA
Tel: [357] 22 335066
Fax: [357] 2 342086
Email: savvask@ucy.ac.cy
Président: Prof. Savvas KATSIKIDES
Email: savvask@ucy.ac.cy
National and World ECSA’S
ECSA – Czech Republic
Czech Association for European Studies/ Ceska asociace pro
evropska studia
Charles University
Faculty of Social Sciences, Rytirska 31n, CZ - PRAHA 1
Tel: [420] (2) 2161-0206/07 - Fax: [420] (2) 2161-0204 Email:
Site web: http://www.ecsa-czech.cz
Président: Prof. Dr. Lenka Anna ROVNA
Tel: [420] (2) 2161-0208 - Fax: [420] (2) 2161-0204 - Email:
DSE - Dansk Selskab for Europaforskning
c/o Centre for European Studies, University of Southern Denmark,
Campusvej 55, DK 5230 Odense M
Tel: +45 6550 2217 - Fax: +45 6550 2280
Email: ecsa-dk@sam.sdu.dk
Website : http://www.ecsa.dk
President: Finn Laursen
Tel: +45 6550 2217 - Fax: +45 6550 2280
Email: fla@sam.sdu.dk
ECSA - Estonia Estonian European Communities Studies
c/o International University Concordia Audentes
Narva mnt. 7, 10117 TALLINN
Tel: +372 699 67 31 - Fax: +372 699 67 21
Email: tanel.kerikmae@university.ee
Site web: http://www.eecsa.ee
Président: Prof. Tanel KERIKMAE
Tel: +372 699 67 31- Fax: +372 699 67 21
Email: tanel.kerikmae@university.ee
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ECSA – Finland
Turku School of Economics and Business Administration. Dept.
of Economics. Rehtorinpellonkatu 3
FI – 20500 TURKU. Tel: [358] 2 4814 337 – Fax: [358] -2338.33.02
Président: Prof. Mika WIDGREN
Email: mika.widgren@tukkk.fi
CEDECE – Association d’Etudes Européennes
Secrétariat CEDECE , Isabelle CARIAT 9-11, Rue Charles Lecocq
75015 Paris France
Tel: + 33 1 45 30 16 10/ + 33 6 824 346 24
Fax: + 33 1 45 30 16 10
Email: isabellecariat@hotmail.com
Website : http://www.cedece.org
President: Professeur Rostane MEHDI
Tel: + 33 4 42 52 72 50 - Fax: + 33 4 42 52 72 60 - Email:
Germany: AEI – Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration e.V.
c/o Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4
10719 Berlin
Tel: 0049/30/88920186
Fax: 0049/30/88920196
Email: aei@aei-ecsa.de
Website : http://www.aei-ecsa.de
President: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hrbek
Tel: 07071/2976136 - Fax: 07071/292417
Email: rudolf.hrbek@uni-tuebingen.de
ECSA – Greece
Hellenic University Association for European Studies
Président: Prof. Constantin STEPHANOU
National and World ECSA’S
Panteion University of Political Sciences, 36 Syngrou Avenue,
Tel: [30] 10 922 5055 / +30 1
Fax: [30] 10 363 2705
Email: epees@panteion.gr
HKMAES – The Hong Kong and Macau Association for
European Studies
c/o GIS Dept, Baptist Univ, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Tel: 3411 5722
Fax: 3411 5799
Email: wbutcher@hkbu.edu.hk
Website : http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~europe/hkmaes/hkmaes.htm
President: Prof R Balme
Email: balme@hkbu.edu.hk
Hungarian Eueropean Community Studies Association
Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public
Vám tér 8
Tel.: 36 1 218 2313
Fax: 36 1 215 2990
Email: tibor.palankai@bkae.hu
President: Prof. Tibor PALANKAI
Email: tibor.palankai@bkae.hu
Indian Association for European Union Studies
Jawarhal Nehru University,
School of International Studies,
New Mehrauli Roadn,
IN – 110 067 NEW DELHI
Tel.: 0091-11-6107676 Ext. 2331
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Fax: 0091-11-6222819
President: Prof. H. S. Chopra
Email: iaeus@hotmail.com
Europos Bendriju Studiju Asociacija Lietuv – EBSAL
Irish Association for Contemporary European Studies
Europe House, North Great Georges Street 8n,
Tel.: +353 1 874 67 56
Fax: +353 1 878 68 80
Email: info@iea.iol.ie
President: Prof. Mary Browne
Email: mary.browne@ucd.ie
IASEI – The Israeli Association for the Study of European
c/o Dr. Arie Reich, Vice Dean, Faculty of Law, Bar Ilan
University, Ramat Gan, Israel 52900
Tel: 972-3-5318813
Fax: 972-3-5351888
Email: reicha@mail.biu.ac.il
Website: http://www.biu.ac.il/soc/iasei
President: Dr. Arie Reich
AUSE – Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei
Via S. felice, 5 – 27100 Pavia ITALY
Tel: + 39 0382 506229-304788
Fax: + 39 382 304788-506228
Email: amajocchi@eco.unipv.it; dvelo@eco.unipv.it
Website : http://www.unipv.it/cdepv/ause/index.php
President: Prof. Dario Velo
Tel: + 39 0382 506229 - Fax: + 39 0382 506228
Email: dvelo@eco.unipv.it
National and World ECSA’S
EUSA Japan: European Union Studies Association-Japan
c/0 Kastuhiro SHOJI, Jean Monnet Professor of EU
Law(Secretary-Genenral, EUSA-Japan)
Law School, Keio Univerity, Mita 2-15-45, Minato-ku, Tokyo,
108-8345 Japan
Tel: +81-3-5418-6409
Fax: +81-3-5427-1752
Email: eushoji@mb.infoweb.ne.jp
Website : http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/eusa-japan/index.html
President: Soko TANAKA
Tel.: +81-224-86-2345 – Fax: +81-224-86-2345
Email: tanaka123@kuc.biglobe.ne.jp
ECSA Amérique Latine
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
UFSC/CCJ Campus Universitario
Caixa postal 476, CEP 88040-900
Florianópolis, Brazil
Tel.: 55 48 331 96 28 / 55 48 234 32 11
Fax: 55 48 331 95 99 / 55 48 234 32 11
Email: pimentel@matrix.com.br , pimentel@reitoria.ufsc.br
President: Luiz Otávio PIMENTEL (Brazil)
LEKSA – Latvian European Community Studies Association
Brivibas 32, Riga, LV – 1050, Latvia
Tel: + 371 7 03 47 95
Fax: + 371 7 21 73 38
Email: leksa@lu.lv
Website : http://www.lu.lv/leksa/en/lecsa.html
President: Prof. Tatyana Muravska
Tel: + 371 7 03 47 95 - Fax: + 371 7 21 73 38
Email: muravska@lanet.lv
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Europos Bendriju Studiju Asociacija Lietuv EBSAL
ECSA Lithuania
Vilnius University, Faculty of Law,
Sauletekio 9,
LT-2054 Vilnius, Lithuania
MESA – Malta European Studies Association
European Documentation and Research Centre,
University of Malta,
Msida, MSD06, MALTA
Tel: +356 23402001/23402136
Fax: +356 21337624
Email: edrc@um.edu.mt
Website: http://home.um.edu.mt/edrc/mesa
President: Prof. Peter G. Xuereb
Tel: +356 23402001 – Fax: +356 21337624
Email: peter.g.xuereb@um.edu.mt
Centre d’Études Euro-Méditerranéennes (CEEMED)
Faculté des Sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales.
Km. 8. Route d’El Jadidan,
Tel. : 212 22 29 3528
Fax : 212 22 293528
Email : settar@marocnet.net.ma
President : Prof. Jamila Houfaidi Settar
ECSA MEXICO – Asociación Mexicana de Estudios sobre la
Comunidad Europea
Montaña de Omoa 11 Ciudad de México 14210 Mexico
Tel: 56451826
Fax: 56446789
Email: ecsamexico@yahoo.com.mx
Website : http://www.ecsamexico.org
National and World ECSA’S
President: Dra. Rosa Maria Pinon Antillon
Tel: 56164411 – Fax: 56446789
Email: pinonantillon@yahoo.es
European Union Studies Association of New Zealand
National Centre for Research on Europe,
University of Canterbury,
Private Bag 4800,
Tel.: 0064 3 3642 586
Fax: 0064 3 3642 634
Email: martin.holland@canterbury.ac.nz
Website: http://www.pols.canterbury.ac.nz/ECSANZ/ECSANZ.htm
President: Professor Martin Holland
NFE – Norsk forum for Europaforskning
PO Box 1143, Blindern
0317 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 85 76 76
Fax: +47 22 85 78 32
Email: ragnar.lie@arena.uio.no
Website: http://www.arena.uio.no/ecsa/index.html
President: Helene Sjursen
Tel: +47 22 85 49 58 – Fax: +47 22 85 78 32
Email: helene.sjursen@arena.uio.no
Universite de Varsovie, 3, rue Szturmowa, 02-678 Varsovie
Tel: 00 48 22 55 34 002
Fax: 00 48 22 55 34 001
Email: pecsa@wp.pl
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
Website : http://www.pecsa.org.pl
President: Tadeusz KO£ODZIEJ
Tel: 00 48 22 810 51 78 – Fax: 00 48 22 810 51 78
Email: kolodziej@wz.uw.edu.pl
Associação Interuniversitaria Portuguesa de Estudos Europeus
C/o Instituto Europeu
Faculdade de Direito
Av. Antonio Augusto Aguiar, 165-4D
P - 1699 LISBOA
Tel.: +351 217933250
Fax: +351 217933250
Email: iefdl@esoterica.pt
President: Prof. Paulo de Pitta e Cunha
RECSA/ARSIE – Romanian European Community Studies
7-9, Regina Elibabeta Blvd., 030016, Bucharest
Tel: +4021-314 26 96/+4021-314 26 97
Fax: +4021-314 26 66
Email: ier@ier.ro
Website: http://www.recsa.ro
President: Nicolae Idu
Tel: +4021-314 26 96 - Fax: +4021-314 26 66
Email: nicolae.idu@ier.ro
AES Russia – Association of European Studies
103873 Moscow, Mokhovaya str., 11 - 3 „B“, Russia
Tel: (095) 292 29 56
Fax: (095) 200 42 98
Email: aes@aes.org.ru
Website: http://www.aes.org.ru
President: Yury Borko
Tel: (095) 292 10 23 – Fax: (095) 200 42 98
Email: yborko@aes.org.ru
National and World ECSA’S
Slovak Association of European Studies
c/o Comenius University,
Faculty/school of Law,
Safarikova nam.6n,
Tel.: 421 7 52 93 28 89
Fax: 421 7 52 93 28 89
Website: http://www.saes.sk/
Email: umv@flaw.uniba.sk
President: Dr. Vlasta Kunova
Email: kunova@flaw.uniba.sk
ECSA Slovenia – European Communities Studies Association of
Tadeja Zabkar, Kardeljeva pl. 17, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 5892 594
Fax: +386 5892 698
Email: tadeja.zabkar@ef.uni-lj.si
President: Prof. Andrej Kumar Ph. D.
Tel: +386 5892 546 – Fax: +386 5892 698
Email: andrej.kumar@ef.uni-lj.si
RSA – European Community Study Association Southern
African (ECSASA)
P O Box 11165, Maroelana, 0161, Pretoria, South Africa
Tel: 27 12 361 3397
Fax: 27 11 369 30 38
Email: gco@lw.rau.ac.za
President: Prof Dr Gerrit Olivier
Tel: 27 12 361 3397
EUSA-Korea – European Union Studies Association of Korea
European Union Studies Association of Korea (EUSA-Korea)
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
c/o Professor Byeong-Hae SOHN
School of Economics and Trade
Kyungpook National University
1370 Sankyuk-dong, Buk-gu
Daegu 702-701, Korea
Tel: +82-53-950-5432
Fax: +82-53-950-5429
Email: bhsohn@knu.ac.kr
Website: http://www.keusa.or.kr
President: Professor Byeong-Hae SOHN
Tel: +82-53-950-5432 - Fax: +82-53-950-5429
Email: bhsohn@knu.ac.kr
Associacion universitaria de estudios comunitarios
Pº del Embajador, 19
28707 Ciudalcampo, MADRID
Tel.: 0034 916570304
Fax: 0034 916570304
Email: euroclaves@telefonica.net
Email: saragon@ccee.ucm.es
Svenska Föreningen för Europaforskning
c/o Rutger Lindahl, Box 711, SU-405 30 Göteborg
Tel.: 00-46-46-222.97.77
Fax: 00-46-46-222.40.06
Email: info@safer.org.gu.se
Website: http://www.safer.org.gu.se/
President: Prof. Magnus Jerneck
Address :Lund University Department of Political Science P.O.
Box 52 S – 22100 LUND
Tel :00-46-46-222.97.77
Fax :00-46-46-222.40.06
Email: Magnus.Jerneck@cfe.lu.se / Magnus.Jerneck@svet.lu.se
National and World ECSA’S
Schweizerische Studiengesellschaft für die europäische
Integration / Association suisse pour l’étude de l’intégration
européenne – ECSA-Suisse
Institut für Europa- und Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht der Universität
Hallerstrasse 6,
3012 Bern
Tel.: 41 31 631 36 25
Fax: 41 31 631 36 30
Email: erik.evtimov@iew.unibe.ch
Website: http://www.iew.unibe.ch/d_ecsa.htm
President: Prof. Thomas Cottier
Email: Thomas.cottier@iew.unibe.ch
European Union Studies Association Taiwan
6F-4, NO. 26, Sec. 3, Jen-Ai Rd., Taipei City, TAIWAN
Tel.: 886(2)2701-9393
Fax: 886(2)2705-9393
Email: eusataiwan@eusa-taiwan.org
Website: http://www.eusa-taiwan.org/
President: Prof. Lien-te HUNG
Email: hunglt@eusa-taiwan.org
ECSA(Thai) – European Community Studies Association of
c/o MA in European Studies, Chulalongkorn University,
Vidyabathana Bld. Phyathai Road, Pathumwan. Bangkok 10330,
Tel: +66-2-2183924
Fax: +66-2-2183907
Email: maeus@chula.ac.th
President: Dr. Apirat Petchsiri
Tel: +66-2-2183924 - Fax: +66-2-2183907
Email: apirat.p@chula.ac.th
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies
ISEI – Interdisziplinaire Studiegroep Europese Integratie
Président: Prof. Willem MOLLE
Watermanweg 44, 3067 GG Rotterdam
Tel: +31 10 453 88 00
Fax: +31 10 453 07 68
Email: Willem.Molle@ecorys.com
ATEEM – Association Tunisienne des Etudes EuroMediterraneennes
Immeuble ASTREE
Rue du Lac d’Annecy - les berges du Lac 1053 - Tunis
Tel: 00216 - 71 862 102 – Fax: 00612 - 71 862 002
President: Mohamed Moncef BAROUNI
Tel: 00216 - 71 862 102 – Fax: 00612 - 71 862 002
Email: avocats.acr@planet.tn
c/o Marmara University European Community Institute
Jean Monnet Binasi Goztepe Kampusu Kadikoy 81040 Istanbul
Tel. : +90 216 338 41 96
Fax: + 90 216 347 45 43
Email: eci@marmara.edu.tr
Website: http://www.marmara.edu.tr/eci/main.html
President: Prof. Dr. Haluk Kabaalioglu
Tel: + 90 216 578 07 05
Fax: + 90 216 346 93 11
Email: kabaalioglu@hotmail.com
National and World ECSA’S
UACES – University Association for Contemporary European
UACES Secretariat
King’s College
London, WC2R 2LS, GB-England
Tel.: +44 20 7240 0206
Fax: +44 20 7836 2350
Email: admin@uaces.org
Website: http://www.uaces.org
President : Jo Shaw
Email: jo.shaw@ed.ac.uk
EUSA – European Union Studies Association
415 Bellefield Hall
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: 412.648.7635
Fax: 412.648.1168
Email: eusa@pitt.edu
Website : http://www.eustudies.org
President: George Ross
The Coimbra Group Office
11, Rue d’Egmont
President: Manuel Porto
Email: mporto@fd.uc.pt
Associação de Estudos Europeus
Páteo da Universidade
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
3004-545 COIMBRA
Telefones: 239833451 / Fax: 239826481
Email: aeec@fd.uc.pt
Who’s Who in European Integration Studies