2011 - Oct: Graduation Programme
2011 - Oct: Graduation Programme
October 2011 The University of Waikato The Crest Ko Te Tangata The outside red border – a stylised fern frond or pitau – symbolises new birth, growth, vitality, strength and achievement. Inside the border is the University’ss coat off arms. The open bookk surroun surrounded ded byy thee four stars of the he So Southern uthern Cross is a symbol of learning. arning. The crest design is in thee Uni University’s versity’s colours colo olou olours of black, red and nd d ggold. old. The University’s motto, Ko Te Tangata/ For the People, reflects our intrinsic belief that people are central to the institution and are its most valued resource. Waiata Waia Wa at a Ko K o Te Whare W Wānanga o Waikato Ko Te Whare re Wā Wānanga o Waikato e tū nei Tangata’ ‘Ko Ko te Ta ngaata’ te tohu Tīhei mauri ora!! Tīh Waikato te iwi; Waikato te awa; Taupiri te maunga; Tainui te waka. Ko Te Whare Wānanga nanga o Waikato e tū nei Ko te tino kaupapa he hora mātauranga mā ranga kki te ao. KŌKIRI! KŌK The U Th University i off Waikato Th s is the Un This U University niiverrsitty of Waikato ti tto you presenting ‘The People’ is the emblem Behold I live!! Waikato the people; Waikato the river Taupiri the sacred mountain; Tainui the canoe This is the University of Waikato presenting to you Its purpose, to spread enlightenment to the world. ONWARD!! Contents UNIVERSITY OFFICERS 2 WELCOME 3 CEREMONY SPEAKERS 4 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS 5 HONORARY DOCTORATES 6 QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE 0 1 – 9.30AM 9.3 30AM » WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER 2011 8 TR RE FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE 0AM » THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER 2011 – 10AM 12 PM » THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER 2011 – 2 2PM 21 PM » THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER 2011 – 5 5PM 28 HILLARY SCHOLARS 32 QUALIFICATIONS PREVIOUSLY CONFERRED/AWARDED ONFER RRED/AWARDED 34 3 UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO ACADEMIC DEMIC C LEA LEADERS EAD DERS 51 5 1 SPEAKER PROFILES 54 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY TY 55 OUR COMMITMENT 56 CEREMONIAL TRADITIONS 57 'GOD DEFEND NEW W ZEALAND' ZEALAND AND D 'GAUDEAMUS' GAUD AMUS 58 8 HONORARY AWARDS 59 Due to the nature of the graduation ceremony it is often subject to last minute changes. This programme is deemed correct at time of print. The University of Waikato has made every effort to ensure accuracy. This publication uses vegetable based inks and environmentally responsible papers. The document is printed throughout on Media Satin,which is FSCTM certified and from sustainable and Well Managed Forests, manufactured under ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems. The University of Waikato is committed to reducing its environmental footprint. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 1 University Officers CHANCELLOR DEAN OF EDUCATION Rt Hon J Bolger ONZ Te Kura Toi Tangata PRO CHANCELLOR Professor R Moltzen TTC DipT BEd MEd PhD Waikato Dr B Linehan ED MB ChB Otago Dip Obst Auckland FRCPA DEAN OF LAW Te Wāhanga Ture VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor R Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor B Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York DEAN OF SC SCIENCE IEN NC & ENGINEERING DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor A Jones BSc Otago MScc PhD D Waikato DipT MRSNZ PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI)/DEAN MĀ ĀORI)/DEA AN LO OPMENT OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Te Tumuaki Māori/ Te Pua Wānangaa ki k te Ao A Professor L Smith BA MA PhD Auck uck DipT pTT DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES (ACTING) (ACTING) G) Te Kura Kete Aronui Dr D Lumsden BA(Hons) London on MA PhD Princeton DEAN OF COMPUTING UTIN NG & ENCES MATHEMATICAL SC SCIENCES Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao taiao Pāngarau Pāngara Professor G Holmes BSc(Hons) Sc(Hons) PhD Southhampton 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Te Mātaurang Mātaurangaa Pū Pūtaiao t me te Pūkaha Professor Clarkson Profe Pro rofessor ffe B Cl arkso BSc MSc DPhil Waikato DEAN DE AN N OF W WAIKATO AIKA MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Te R Raupapa Ra aupapa BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln Professor F Scrimgeour Scrim Hawai’i Melbourne College of Divinity PhD Haw wai’i B BD M Welcome I welcome you to this University of Waikato graduation ceremony where we acknowledge the hard work of graduands. Our graduates are sought after, and many hold important roles around the world. Today’s graduands are leaving the University with a world-class qualification, ready to add value to the area they choose to work in. We are a yyoung g universityy but we are beginning important milestones. Already we to mark m some me importan p nt mile s education, have celebrated 50 years off tteacher e education 40 years off scien 4 science educa tion n and 20 years of teaching o hing ng la law. w. W w Wee now llook ookk forward to the anniversary University’s U sity’s y’s ’ 50th 0th h aan annivers n aary in 2014. I am honoured noured ourred to be part of th oure tthese ceremonies; please acknowledging ple ease jjoin i me iin acknow k wled dg our latest graduates. Rt H Hon Jim m Bolger ONZ Chancellor Chance ceellor e University Univer ty off Waikato I am m pr p proud oud to be ho hosting sting yo you u to todayy aas th the wider University of Wa Waikato celebrates Un ver ity o ikato fa ffamily mil ce brates the achievements our gr graduands. ac vements of o uands. These ce ceremonies Thes monie are an important po ant part of university life. Not only are they a public acknowledgement work, they to of students’ st den nts ts hard harrd wo ork, th ey are aree an n opportunity oppo thank family and ffriends for their support during their journey. On behalf of the University, I congratulate our graduands and I look forward to hearing about your successes. I encourage you to stay connected to your University – successful graduates are our best ambassadors and we take great pride in showcasing your achievements to the world. Professor Roy Crawford Vice-Chancellor University of Waikato GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 3 Ceremony Speakers The keynote and student speakers for the ceremonies are: WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER – 9.30AM Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Development, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Waikato Management School at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae Keynote Speaker: Sir Tamati Reedy KNZM Student Speaker: Whetu Anthony Taukamo THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 10AM Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social ociall Sciences, S ences Fac Faculty lt of Education, Ed cat , Te T Pir Pirin Piringa - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Development opment at Founders Memorial Theatre Keynote Speakers: Lynda and Jools Topp ls To pp Student Speaker: Kimberley Janee Jordan Jordan THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 2PM 2PM Ceremony for Faculty of Computing ingg & Mathematical matical aticaal Sciences, Science Science encees Faculty of Sc SScience & Engineering, Waikato Management School at Founders ou unders Memorial Theatre Keynote Speaker: Dr Mark Harris Student Speaker: Catherine Louise uise Bryan an n THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 5PM 5 Ceremony for Waikato Management nagementt School Scho at Founders nde Memorial rial Theatre Th Keynote Speaker: Wayne Walford ord Student Speaker: Ian James Stewart For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 54. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Order of Proceedings TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER » Pōwhiri » The assembly is requested to stand as the academic procession enters the theatre » After the pōwhiri The Chancellor will open the proceedings » The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly » The keynote speaker will be introduced and will address the assembly » The Deans, or their representatives,, will present to the Chancellor for tthe conferment he confe erment of their qualifications, graduates tes ffrom om each Faculty/School of Study » The student speaker will be introduced ntroduced and address the assembly » Graduates will be invited onto o the marae ātea for a group photo » The proceedings will conclude with with a karakia whakawātea Following the marae ceremony, y, an invitation on is extended to all graduates and nd guests to join joi University staff in the marquee ee for refreshments. refreshments reshhm Mā te Mārie Mā te mārie a te Atua Tātou katoa e tīaki Māna anō e whakaū » A karanga will be performed to welcome the official party into the theatre » The proceedings will commence with a mihi » The New Zealand national anthem will be sung (page 58) » The Chancellor will open the proceedings Cha hancello w » The Vice-C Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly hanc » The keynot keynotee sp speaker will be introduced and will e the add aaddress th assembly asse The to the Chancellor for the » Th he Deans will w present p conferment co onferment of ttheir qualifications, ggraduates gr raduates from m each Faculty/School of Study » The stud student dent sspeaker will be introduced and address addre ess the he assembly » T The proceedings pro ro roc occeedings will w conclude with poroporoāki a por po rroporoāk » Thee assembly stand to sing Gaudeamus em will st (pagee 58) 58 5 ) » Off Official procession from the theatre » Graduates' procession from the theatre (please remain standing until the procession hhass left the he theatre) theat Ō tātou ngākau ki te pai. Mā te Atua Tamaiti rā Mā te Wairua Tapu hoki Following ceremony, invitation is extended wing thee ceremo ny, an invi to alll gradu graduates and join University staff an guests uests to jo in the marquee marque for rrefreshments. shmen ei Rātou, Atua kotahi nei Tātou katoa Āmine GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 5 Honorary Doctorates An Honorary Doctorate is the most prestigious award that the University of Waikato can bestow. For their significant contribution to the University, the Waikato region and the wider New Zealand community, the University is pleased to award the following worthy recipients: LYNDA AND JOOLS TOPP CONFERRED 20 OCTOBER Lynda and Jools Topp are New Zealand’s favourite and famous performing twins. They have been entertaining New Zealanders and international audiences withh song and social comment for 30 years with live shows, albums, television e evision and a film. Their array of characters, from Cam Campp Mother and Camp Leader C to Ken and Ken have become household ouse old names. The twins’ work reflects the social changes that have have taken place cee in New ew w Zealand Zea Ze during the last three decades ass through and song through theirr humour hum so they’ve addressed many issues, including nclu uding feminism, nism, sm, human man rights, rrigh Māori Land Rights, homosexual nuclear-free al law law reform m and nuclea nuclear-f clea New Zealand. Their unique form m of pperforming erforming ng art has captured cap captu and held on to fans who range from om m the tthe most conservative vative va ative to the extremely liberal. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications to be conferred at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae 19 October 2011 Wednesday 19 October 2011 – 9.30am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Leith Stuart Willson Duncan, MA Auckland Thesis Title: “The Social Implications of Rights-Based Fisheries Management in New Zealand: For Some Hauraki Gulf Fishermen and Their Communities” Kellie Irene Blair McNeill, BSocSc, BSocSc(Hons), MSocSc, GradDipT Waikato Thesis Title: “Talking with their mouths half full: Food insecurity in the Hamilton community” MASTER OF ARTS Lezlie Frishman, with Second Class s Honour Honours rs (first division) n) Hua Zhang MASTER OF ARTS (APPLIED) Marianne Estabella Fung, with First r t Class Class Honours Honouurs BACHELOR OF ARTS Amy Alinea McLachlan Coatsworth th Freem Fre Freema Freeman an Waak Waakaa Ga Gage ag Evan Thomas Daniells BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NCES ESS Jessica Gosche Rich Richard ard Graham Gr Gra Grah raham Kyle rah Ky Tingting Guo Jillia an n An n Lelong Jillian Ann Stanley Kamutingondo Mic ano Michelle Sal Salanoa Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF COMPUTER PUTER GRA GRAPHIC HIC DESIGN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, ((UCOL) Emily Jane Mikaere, with Second C Class ss H Honours rs (firstt ddivision) ivisio BACHELOR OF COMPUTING PUTING AND MA MATHEMATICAL THEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOU HONOURS Nathan Edward Mansell, sell, with th Secon Second Class Honou Honours urs ((second division)) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Julian Noea Raru POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Hasan Jamal Alyamani 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Faculty of Education MASTER OF EDUCATION Robyn Elizabeth Lamont, with First Class Honours MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Therese Dale Ford, with First Class Honours Trudy Nicola Taukamo, with Second Class Honours (second division) MASTER OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Phillip Scott Kahu-Kauika, with Second e ond Cla Class ass Honours (sec (second division division) on) BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LLEISURE EI URE STUDIES EIS Theresa Momoisea BACHELOR OF TEACHING Carol Ann Hudson, also conferred d Bachelor of Liberal Studies Trac eyy Anne McHaffie McHaff Tracey Rachael Lee Kuka Tarraleigh l Aro oha Te Moni, also conferred Aroha rts Bachelor of Ar Arts Michelle Louw Taua FFaleauto aleauto Pritchard ritch POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN EDU EDUCATION UC CATIO ON William Murdoch Cooper Jerilynn Jerilynne nne Wikitoria Don Dong-Bhana POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN EDUCATIONAL DU UCA L LE LEADERSH LEADERSHIP IP Kerry Kia Maia Cooper Linda Janet Ja Keogh K Samuel Sabo Fangata Taki Maryann Roberts GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Deborah Joy Davies GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN SPOR SPORT TA AND LEIS LEISURE RE STUDIES TUD Rhiana Frances Vincentt GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING GR RAMME IN N SECONDARY, SECO ONDAR RY, PRIMARY PR RIM MAR RY O RLY C HILD DHOOD EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME OR EA EARLY CHILDHOOD Alex Renai Le Long Jo-Ann Lim Perkins Dominic Gerard Mason Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Teariki Bennett Marokura Manarangi, with Second Class Honours (first division) Renee Tawhai Theresa Rewi Whetu Anthony Taukamo, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS Alvina Jean Barrett, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Wi Huriwai Paki Amanda Sharee Hape Chen Huang Bronwyn Huia Paki GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 9 Wednesday 19 October 2011 – 9.30am School of Māori & Pacific Development MASTER OF ARTS Moetu Tipene Davis, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Rangihurihia Ann McDonald, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Mirihana Christine Patu, with Second Class Honours (second division), also conferred Bachelor of Arts BACHELOR OF ARTS Wikitoria Kuramihirangi Alison Day Day R Renee enee Sara Sarah h Reiwa Reiwana na Te Wano Eric Te-Ariki Savage Tiwhaa W Wharawhara Kaiya Pikia Tiw Faculty of Sciencee & Engin Engineering neering eering eer GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN C CHEMISTRY HEMISTRY Sangata Ana Fiealu Kaufononga Waikato Management ementt S School ch hool MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATI ADMINISTRATION TR Tina Marie Winikerei BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH HONOURS Abdifatah Mohamed Abdullahi, with First Class Honours Narissa Pare Rexina Lewis, with First Class Honours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E BACHELOR OF BUSINESS USI ES AN ANALYSIS YSI Ngoc Kim Thy Huynh Huan Kong Xin Jin BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION MUNICATION ST STUDIES UDI S Robin Maria Fletcherr Reanne Ramarie ie Midwood Midwoo Poutama ou BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Kelsi Marina Ataahua Motutere BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Rhondalyn Andrea Akuhata Xingzhou Li POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Hader Mohammed A Alarifi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Stacey Margaret Lyndale Evans Patricia Stites Lu-Ana Angeline Ngatai POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Richard Guy Wooster 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications to be conferred at Founders Memorial Theatre 20 October 2011 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 10.00am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Ilan Yaakov Goldberg, BBS Massey, MA University of Malta Thesis Title: “Reasoning and Religion: The Relevance of the Academic Study of Religion to Critical Thinking Pedagogy” Bruce Harris Small, BSocSc, MSocSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Ethical Relationships between Science and Society: Understanding the Social Responsibility of Scientists” MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY OLOGY Rebecca Claire Bjarnesen, with First irst Class ass Honours Kara Beverley Cockroft, with Firstt Class Cla s Honours Brooke Patricia Hayward, with First rst Class Class Honours Surrey Merryn Kate Jackson, withh First Honours First Class Ho onours urs Brendan John Lys, with Second Class lasss Honours H (second division) Marovic, Jovana Marovic M i with with Second Class Honours (first division) with Second Class Honours Esmae McKenzie-Norton, McKenzie-No division)) ((second (secon (sec econd econ n division Thomas, Leny PPhilip hilip Tho maas with Second Class Honours (first (firs (f fi t division) d MASTER OF ARTS Daniel James Barron, with First Classs Honours Honou H urs Michael Bernard Berrnard Leofric L Miller, with First Class Honours Stanley Jeremy Jagger, with Firstt Class H Honours Ho onourrs MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NC Elizabeth Dorothy Clausen, with First Class Classs Ho Honours Hannah Nicole Cleland, with First Class Honours H Ho urss Marizanne de Bruin, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours, with Second Class Honours (first division) Lockhart, with First Class Honours Rachael R ach Anne Lockhar David Mitchell Foote, First e, with w th Fir st Class C s Honours Honours Hannah H ann h Mueller, Mueller, with Second con Class Cla Honours (first (f irst division) ivision Debra Kaye Galbraith, h with with First F rst Class C s Honours Honour Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Geoffrey Class Honours Ge rey Hughes, Hughe with Second Se (first first division) divisio on James Rongotoa Elkington Moleni, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS TS WITH H HONOURS NO Katie Elizabeth Clarke, with First Class Hono Honours rs Philippa Nicoll, Phil ppa Ruth N coll, with th First Class Cl Honours Hamish Paul Elliottyson, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor elor off Arts Phillippa Jane Russell, with First Class Honours Kate Hebenton, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Anasuya A naasuyya Arachchige Ara hchigge Subasinghe, Subaasingghe with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH HONOURS Jason John Tuhaka, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Jamie Ray Barnett, with First Class Honours Jennifer Elizabeth Howell, with First Class Honours Vanessa Vashti Cameron-Lewis, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Iain Thomas George Kirkpatrick, with First Class Honours Qiuyue Feng, with First Class Honours Gavin Ng, with Second Class Honours (first division) Aaron Raymond Henare Harman, with First Class Honours Kendra Ann Telfer, with First Class Honours 12 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO BACHELOR OF ARTS Nick Corey Black Robert Bruce Moore Jordan Ethan Baunton Browne Christopher James Oversluizen Wen-Lan Chen Christian Joseph Parahi Yu Dong Calvin Shaun Pleydell Qiong Du Karl David Prendergast Caitlin Margaret FitzGerald Michael Keith Rimmer Lucy Cher Harris Anthea Daphne Robertson Karere-Katau Henare Feike Song Roxanna Theresa Holmes Catherine Nicole Megan Stark James Ian Howat D aniel Kevin Kevin Train Daniel Trainorr Jared Lee Johnstone Meitong Wang Joshua Robert Kaiwai Zhen Wang Alan John King Li Lillian Lil re Jennifer War Warren Jonathan Terence Knapp Bella lla-A Anne Me A lyn Wheeler W Bella-Anne Merlyn Christopher Paul Lane Aim imeee Faith W lkkins Aimee Wilkinson Xuan Li Qii Y Q an ng Yang Nadine Ann Lovini Bofeng Bofen ngg Zhao Oscar Waayman Lynn BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION ATION ON N ST STUDIES UDIES Tapiwa Andrew Hlatywayo Abbigale Abbbigalee Jane JJa Jan McKone BACHELOR OF MUSIC Kotaro Nishishita Jonathan Colin Adams Yi Lin lamy Andrew Christopherr Be Bellamy PPaula aula Louise Lou se May ynard Maynard Julia Lee Black Z ane Conrad Conrad Co nel n McCarthy McCa Zane Cornelissen an Patrick David Broman Lau Lauren Ma Maree McKain Natalie Carr Mta Edwardd Mtakwa Teresa Louise Cheatley Na eho Moh ed Omar mar Nasteho Mohamed Huhu Chen Nakita Danielle Penney, also awarded Graduate Certtific te in Industrial Indu usttriial Relations R Relattion and Human Certificate R Reso nt Resource M Management Adam John Davison Nicole Ann Dawson Chloe Lee Drummond Brett Jude Fernandez, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology, with Distinction Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Kelly Maree Price Daria Razumni Roselyn Roberts Samantha Tamara Fitness Michaella Delphine Roess Lauren Alix Grainger Jennifer Vivienne Shaw Mitchel Tyler Grocott Hall Jodi Anne Sheehan David Michael Hollands Omar Soemadipradja Petra Kaye Hubbard Peter Stewart Stanton Alisha Barbara Huijs Maretta Erin Taylor Lewis Neihana Tait Jones Daniel Craig Weeks Madona Perise Kerslake Courtney Frances White Ying Li GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 13 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 10.00am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES continued Lisa Maree Wiles Nicole Amy Young Mark Simon Wilson Rachel Young Keith Donald Wood Fang Yu Chao Xu Fan Zhao BACHELOR OF TOURISM Nicole Ann Brockelsby Riaan an Van Der Merwe Merw POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EEDUCATION DUCATION STUDIES Yanni Ding POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EENVIRONMENTAL NVIRONMENTAL NMENTAL MENT ENTAL AL PL PLAN PLANNING David Stanley Lovatt, with Distinction ction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NG GEOGRAPHY OGRAPHY HY Rebecca Suganya Campbell, with Distinction istinction Hongthong Sirivath, Sirivat with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN HUM HUMAN UM M MAN DEVELOPMENT D NT Sarah Lee Burton SSanti San nti Nateethong Nat Natteethong POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN PSYCHOLO PSYCHOLOGY SYC CH Wallis Jodi Rose, with Distinction on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY (COMMUNITY) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Robert Loto POSTGRADUATE DI DIPLOMA LOMA IIN SCREEN CR EN AN AND MEDIA ED A STU STUDIES IE Wei Cui POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN N SECON SECOND D LA LANGUAGE NGU UAGE TEACHIN TEACHING G Christopher Keith Fielder, elder with ith Distinction Disst Xiaohui Xu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY SYC Mary Jennie Armistead POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS Carlos Javier Araneda Urrutia POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Viona de-Lone Carnahan GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION STUDIES Yizi Liao GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY Kim Maree Millwood 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC POLICY Jane Elizabeth Ellis GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCREEN AND MEDIA STUDIES Wei-Tai Liu GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN GEOGRAPHY Chao Chang GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Kathryn Jane Giles DIPLOMA IN ARTS Jamie-Lee Dianne Rahipere Jack-Kino Kino Simon Hai-Ern Lai, ai, aalso awarded Diploma in Sciencess Social Science Soc DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCES CESS Fleur Sharon Foxon Sabr Sabrina ina na Gay White White Mohamed Kamal Faculty of Education ation DOCTOR OF EDUCATION N James Lawrence Arkwright, BA A Waikato, MEd(Couns) ME (Co ou ) Auckland, Aucklan and, DipAgr DipA Ag Lincoln Agr ive and Agency: A Contribution C n ribution of Local Stories to Disability Theory, Research Thesis Title: “Discourse, Narrative and Professional Practice” DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY LOSOPH Michael William Brown, n, BCApSc, B BCApSc, MIndS Otago O o ing Pākehā Pāke ā Ways of Being: Being: Revealing Revealing Third T Space Pākehā ākeh Experiences” Experienc Thesis Title: “Decolonising Maria Kecskemeti, MCouns Waikato Thesis Title: “A Discursive rsive ve Approach Approach to Relationship Reela onshi hip Practices in Classrooms: Cl ssrooms: An An exploratory exp plorrator Study” William Grant Ussher, BEd, GradDipEL, MEd Waikato Thesis Title: “School-based Placement in a Distance Initial Teacher Education Programme” MASTER OF EDUCATION Barbara Elizabeth Ryan, with First Class Honours Berthina Cathy Amelia Auguste-Walter, with Second Class Honours (first division) Jo-Anne Stewart, with First Class Honours Simon James Couling, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Education Ruth Wagstaff, with Second Class Honours (first division) Tere Bruce McGrail Arihia Elizabeth Waikari, with Second Class Honours (first division) Beatrice Anne Maria More, with Second Class Honours (first division) Chhaya Narayan, with First Class Honours Shujing Zhao, with Second Class Honours (first division) Rangimarie Paterson-Mahuika, with First Class Honours GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 15 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Cornelia Adriana Maria Govers, Diploma Hagaschool Kathelieke Leergangen The Netherlands, MSc, PhD Katholieke Universiteit The Netherlands Thesis Title: “Programme mme Des Design gn Practice ctice in a Poly Polytechnic y technic inn Aotearoa/New A ea oa/New w Zealand: Zea d: A Case Cas for Complexity” Thursday 20 October 2011 – 10.00am Faculty of Education continued MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP James Bosamata, with Second Class Honours (first division) Greggory Alan Riceman, with Second Class Honours (first division) Peter Murray Grant, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership, with Distinction Joe Uiamanu Ruriti, with Second Class Honours (second division) Graham Stewart Taylor, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES WITH HONOURS Ashleigh Jean McCaw, with First Class C ass Honours Honnours BACHELOR OF TEACHING W WITH TH HONOURS Jessica Rose Newman, with Second nd Cl Class ass Honours urss (second (seecond ondd divis div division) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Kalpna Devi Pillay BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE E SURE STUDIES UDIES Paula Kay Burnett Arnold Jose eph M Me Joseph Meredith Robyn Margaret Clark Joseph M Micha i ae ael e Reyno Michael Reynolds Tony David East Cas ey Ath thle hlene Rud hle Casey Athlene Rudkin Andrew Alexander Geddes Van essa Louise Semmens Semm Vanessa isler Benjamin Joseph Anthony Gisler Ka garet Winifred W S Kate Margaret Sherriff James Ross Laybourn Arron David W Wilson Haylee Marie McPherson Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF TEACHING Rebecca Jane Aspin M elis a D awn Heyward Heywa Nelson Nels n Melissa Dawn Nichola Kim Baldwin Z h H N ard Zachary Hone Newell-Chard Lauren Maryse Boylee Gav Will Newpor Gavin William Newport Penny Louise Bunyan onique Oudd Elly Monique Penelope Clare Clarke Sora ya Rebbeca Rebbec Jane Parkinson rkinson Soraya Selina Janis Collins Salome Retief Kelly Robyn Craill R achell Ann A n Rowe R we Rachel Gavin Dennis Craw Laura Dawn Rumbles Alexandra Marie Cross Gemma Marilyn Schicker Tania Leigh Rose Crow Tegan Rose Gilliver Leon Patricke Shadbolt, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Rachel Louise Gray Nikki Jane Shanley Abby Taryn Hanna Tinah Louise Steed Helen Barbara Hunt Moira Kathleen Street Holly Jane Hutchins Lisa Kaye Tims Katelyn Carol Johnston Kiri Jane Tyson Benjamin Martin Jones Rochelle Jane Williams Joshua Mark Louden 16 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COUNSELLING Sonya Roussina, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Simon Archard, with Distinction Petra Frances Navanua May Gloria Bennett, with Distinction Celia Ann Stewart, with Distinction Katrina Tupou Bourne Huirangi Tahana Sheridan Elissa Gray, with Distinction Susan Elaine Venables Chrisandra Itirana Joyce Hiria Elizabeth Wallace Julie Angela Sintauli Nababan Erita Javahomin Yawi Gabby POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EDU EDUCATIONAL DUCATIONAL ATIONAL LEADERSH LEADERSHIP Jennifer Mary Eccles, with Distinction c ion Tina Mari Hoop Hooper er Laisa Elisha Pratt, Ka Karen Leigh Pra tt, with wi Distinction w Gregory John Fenton, with Distinction nction t Tyrrell An Ita Ann ta Marie T yrree l Emma Tahi Hall, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N LE LEISURE SURE STUDIES S U UDIESS Marleen Yun-Huey Charng POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N SCI SCIENCE CIEENC NCE EDUCATION Allison Selda Lee POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN SCIENCE CIE AND ND TECH TECHN TECHNOLOGY Y EDUCATI EDUCATION Richard Mark James POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SPECIAL EDUCATION Yasir Ayed Alsamiri Robyn Lynnaire Keehan O’Neill Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E POSTGRADUATE DI DIPLOMA LOMA IIN SPORT PORT AND LE LEISURE SURE ST STUDIES TUDIE Paula Ann Dewar, with ith Distinction POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE RTIFICATE IN ED EDUCATION A N Robyn Luketina POSTGRADUATE CERT CERTIFICATE ICATE IN TER TERTIARY ARY TTEACHING EA ACH HIN NG Gemma Louise Piercy GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Mark Athol Paitaki Barlow Alison Susan Templeton GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Ian Rennie Schultz GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 17 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 10.00am Faculty of Education continued GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Janice Elizabeth Abo Ganis Jason Scott Jowett Oliver Thomas Barratt Toni Huia Cardia Lee Kelly Ann Bassett Philip Harold MacDivitt Richard John Blayney, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Accounting Kirsten Anne Mackay Jaimie Robyn Bowers Marowa Tsungai g Sharon Maro Jody Bradstreet Rachael Pauline Carpenter also awarded Graduate Mark Alexander Alexa der McBride, McB Diploma in En Engineering ginee Sharon Lynley Dawbin Nazaruk Gennady Nazar uk Cheryl Hoana Douglas Nelson Kaarlin Karlin K n Keith Ne son David Leslie Foster Claire Cla Clair i e Mary Tylee Tylee Laura Elisabeth Gill Vanessa Visperas Vane esssa Vinoya Vis p Joanna Elizabeth Maddison Damon Owen Haenga CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PPREPARATION REPA ARATION Rhiannon Andrea Lattaway Theo Sebastian Sebaastian n Tanner-Dempsey Ta T Te Piringa - Faculty ulty of La Law DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Mange John Matui, LLM University of London United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Developing a Corporate Governance Regime for State Owned Enterprises in Papua New Guinea” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E MASTER OF LAWSS Abdullah Abdulkarim I Alhussain, with Second Class sion Honours (second division) lotaibi, with wi Second Class ass Abdulaziz Obaidan R Alotaibi, n) Honours (second division) ing, withh Second Seco on Class Honours onour Christina Mariu Couling, (first division) Marcel Eusterfeldhaus, with First Class Honours Jeni Anne Fountain Tammy Henry Solanki, with First Class Honours 18 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Sushan Kuy, with First Class Honours M liano Mendieta Miranda, Maximiliano w irst Class Cla Honours on s with First N t h Frances F PPettit, tt with First Fir Class Honours Natasha Yubingg Pu, withh Seco Secondd Cl Classs H Honours (first division) SShalini haalini TThakur aku Yanfen Wang Yuqing Zhang, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Jacqueline Tessy Adlam, with First Class Honours Joseph Mathew Anderson, with First Class Honours Alexandria Ruth Annan, with First Class Honours Tyler Seth Buckley, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Becky Kate Corlett, with Second Class Honours (first division) Tamsin Pearl Guilford, with First Class Honours Caleb Graeme Jones, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies Kimberley Jane Jordan, with Second Class Honours (first division) Arash Rafiei, with Second Class Honours (first division) Shreya Regmi, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LAWS Mina Al-Zubaidi Poonam Bali, also conferred Bachelor helor of Science Marie also conferred Jennifer Ma rie McNamara, McNa Bachelor of Social Social Sciences S Kelly Christina Beazley Nicholson Amy Judith Nic holso Ying Yik Chee Alexander Nimarota N ima Alexa nder Leautuli Power Holly Jewel Collett-Robertson Amanda Ama ndda Kaye Segedin Segeed Sione Filio’Loto Ha’angana Inoke Faa Nic Nico laa Clare Short Short Nicola Holly Fagan Cher yl Helena Simp ps Cheryl Simpson nfeerredd Georgia Farrell-Summers, also conferred Bachelor of Arts alini ni Soondr m Nalini Soondram Vhari Emmaa Thursby, Thu urs also conferred Bachelor of Arts David Bruce Iremonger Liane Ade le Va ale llen Adele Valentine ferred Amanda Joan Leahy, also conferred ud Bachelor of Management Studies Rebeka kah Na aomi ao aom o Waltha Rebekah Naomi Waltham, also conferred Bachelo elo or of Social Sciences Sc Bachelor and awarded Gradu te Diploma in Industrial Relations G Graduate a Humann Resource R M and Management Shannon Kay Maxfield Jacinda MacLean May Elizabeth Linnea McDonald, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies and awarded Graduate Certificate in i Accounting ccou ting Naomi Nao mi Robyn Roby Williams JJudith udit Lorraine Wilson Bo Ram Yu Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Jessica Mary MacLellan, also confe conferred Bachelor of Social Sciencess POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LAW A Mridul Dikshit POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TIFICA IN LAW Nithin Jacob GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE RESOLUTION Rebekah Janette O’Neill DIPLOMA IN LAW Eric Boon Leong Chuah GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 19 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 10.00am School of Māori & Pacific Development DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Hsiao-Li Ellen Huang Wu, MA Eastern Michigan University USA, PGDipSLT, MA(Applied) Waikato Thesis Title: “Texts Written in English and Chinese by Expert and Novice Writers: A Genre-Based Study and its Implications for the Teaching of Writing” Philippe Henri Gabriel Valax, MA, MIN, Diploma University of Aix-Marseilles 1 France Thesis Title: “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: A critical analysis of its impact on a sample of teachers and cirricula within and beyond Europe” MASTER OF ARTS Sharne Aroha Grace Murphy, with th First Fir t Class Honours MASTER OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC CIFIC DEVELOPMENT Michelle Lynn Cook, with First Class ass Honours Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONOURS Michela Mary Amokura Anderson, n, with with Secondd Class lass sss Honours (first division) Ma a Darby K Mata Mataia Keepa, eepa with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS John Peter Ingram Hayde Hayden en Jonn Priest Priest Aaron Jason Koopu Ma M teng nga Rangitauira Rangitau Matenga BACHELOR OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC CIFIC C DEV DEVELOPMENT OPMEN Damian Keith Timoti Hone Stainton aint POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MĀORI LANGUAGE/TE REO MĀORI Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Ambre Merearahi Leathers 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Thursday 20 October 2011 – 2.00pm Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Lan Huang, BSc, Masters Beijing Normal University China Thesis Title: “Concept-based text clustering” Matthew Geoffrey Jervis, BCMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Supporting Tangible User Interaction with Integrated Paper and Electronic Document Management Systems” Stefan Michael Mutter, Diploma in Computer Science University of Freiburg Germany Thesis Title: “Sequence-based Protein Classification: Binary Profile Hidden Markov Models and Propositionalisation” Andrea Schweer, Diplom University i y of Dortmundd Germany Thesis Title: “Augmenting Autobiographical iographical graphical Memory: An Approach Based on Cognitive C Psychology” MASTER OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC APH C DESIGN GN N ANGANUI N ANUI SCHOOL NG CHOOL HOOL OFF DESIGN, HO DE DE ((UCO UC CO IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI (UCOL) Mary Janetta Faber, with First Class ass Honours Honours MASTER OF SCIENCE Su-Ping Chang, with Second Class Honours Honourss (first division) Stephen Joh John hn Eic Eichler, ch with Second Class Honours (first division) divission) on) BACHELOR OF COMPUTER R GRAPHIC C DESIG DESIGN D N WITH H HON HONOURS N CHOOL OOL OF DESIGN, DE (UCOL) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL Rachel Jean Arbuckle, with First rst Class H Honours Honou s BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL HEMATICAL SC SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Andrew Justin de Lange, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE CIEN NCE WIT WITH HON HONOURS NOURS William Peter Crump, with First Class Honours, also Bachelor Science a conferred onf ed Bache or of Scien Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E William James Campbell, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTER MPUTER GRAPHIC RAPHIC DESIGN ES N IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, ((UCOL)) Wonhee Han BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Liang Fang Jackson Stephen Nightingale Jamie Travis Gawler Nathan Hemi Smith David Te Aranga Gary McIntyre Shih Kuang Yang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Robert Michael Collard Fei Song Francis George Hai Yang Nagendra Krishna Ramachandran POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Sneha Rajendra Shankur Abraham Thomas GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 21 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 2.00pm Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences continued GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Hamish Julian Gilmore GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STATISTICS Kirandeep Kaur DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Krasimira Borislavova Ivanova Faculty of Sciencee & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Muhammad Salman Ashraf, BSc, MSc University ty off Punjab ab India IIndd Thesis Title: “Enhancing Spatial Resolution esolution solution of Remotely emotely motely otely ely ly Sensed Sen Sense Seens Data D for Mapp Map Mapping Freshwater Environments” Stewart Graham Cameron, BSc, MSc Sc Canterbury Canterbury ry Thesis Title: “Manipulation of Carbon on Media, Meddia, Temperature and Hydraulic Hydraaulic Eff Efficiency E to Increase Nitrate Removal Rate in Denitrification Beds” ds Virginie Marie-Lise Dos Santos, s, MSc, Licence Lice cen en nce University Unniversity Paul Sa Sabatier abatieerr France F Thesis Title: “Impact of black swan wan grazing and nd anthropogenic nd anthropogen p g c conta contaminants contam am on New Ne Zealand seagrass meadows” Bevan Peter Jarman, BSc, MSc Waikato Sc Wa Thesis Title: “Asymmetric Ligands gands Derived ivedd from fr Carbohydrates” ohyd Nicholas Charles Lloyd, BSc, MSc Waikato ato Thesis Title: “A Reinvestigation of Salvarsan and d Related Arsenic Chemistry” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Asma Salman, BSc University of the Punjab Pakistan, Master of Computer Science Punjab Institute of Computer Science Pakistan, MSc University of Engineering & Technology Pakistan Thesis Title: “Study of Titanium Ti anium based b d Composite Compos te Coatings Coat ngs for Resistance esistance against again Molten Aluminium A Soldering on H13 Tool Steel” John Durand Steemson, MSc son, BSc, M Sc Auckland A ck Thesis Title: “Directed evolution evolutio and an struc structural analysis an sis of an a OB-fold fold domain d main towards towards a specific spec binding reagent” Chibueze Zimuzo Uche,, BTech FFederal deral University Uni sit of Te Technology chno gy Nigeri Nigeria, MSc Sc University iversity of Ibadan Nigeria Thesis Title: “Optimizing Compton C Camera Performance” Barend van Maanen, Propedeuse, Utrecht Pro op euse, Doctoral Docttorral Utrech htt Un University iversit y The T Net Netherlands erland nds Thesis Title: “Modelling ng the th long-term lon terrm morphological mor ological eevo evolution luttionn of tidal ida embayments” embaym mennts”” Carmen Viljoen, BE University of Pretoria South Africa Thesis Title: “Development of a Bioderived Unsaturated Polyester Resin for Use in the Composites Industry” Chonghua Yin, BE Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics China, MSc Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy China Thesis Title: “Applications of Self-Organizing Maps to Statistical Downscaling of Major Regional Climate Variables” MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Songxin Zhao, BTech Massey Thesis Title: “Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Skim Milk Powder Stickiness and Deposition Mechanisms” 22 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MASTER OF SCIENCE Stephen David James Archer, with First Class Honours Chrystal Kelly, with First Class Honours James Mitchell Blyth, with First Class Honours Catherine Louise Bryan, with First Class Honours Riki Windsor Lewis, with Second Class Honours (first division) Nicola Elizabeth Cameron, with Second Class Honours (first division) Rachael Annette Linklater, with Second Class Honours (first division) Fiona Marie Clarkson, with First Class Honours Samuel Rae McNally, with First Class Honours Michele Maree Drinnan, with First Class Honours Kieran Troy Miller, with First Class Honours Melany Ann Ginders, with First Class Honours Elena Marie Katherine Minnee, with First Class Honours Michelle Laura Hawke, with Second Class Honours (first division) Cleo Hogne-Beattie, with First Class lass Honours Honours Carrie Louise Hopkirk, with First Class C as Honours Paripovic, with Second Class Honours Djuro Paripovic division) (first divisio n) Nicholas William William Shannon Sh ha Toni Maria Johnston, with First Class lass Honours H MASTER OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) NOLOGY) NO Michael Gerard John Hills, with First Firrst Class Class Honours Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING G WIT WITH TH HONOURS ONOUR ONOURS N RSS Mustafa Samir Abdul Majid Alzaidi, with wiith Second Seecond Class Honours (second division) Deane Stephen Stepphen FFleming, with Second Class Honours (first division) divvision) sionn)) Cheng-Po Chang, with Secondd Class Hon Honours ouuurrs our (first division) Karl Michael Micha hae ael Saddleton, with Second Class Honours ae (first (firs stt divi ddivision) sio BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING ERING Moataz Mohamed Fouad Bahr K Kieran ieran eran John J Wilson Mark Kenneth Hubner Dominic Royce Bowers-Mason rs Mason Thom Zac ary Keogh Keo Thomass Zachary Stacey Louise Buchanan y Peter Manderson Tyler Kimberley Alexandra Marie Collin Collins PPeter Dominic omin McDona ld-Wharry McDonald-Wharry Sara Louise Corry Ch topher PPaul M om Christopher Morcom Kelly Maree Devoy, also conferred Bachelor of Laws Kimberley Amy Sherrard esteer- auntlett Blaise Kelly Erin Forrester-Gauntlett SSamantha am man nth Ha ley Sto St okes Hayley Stokes Matthew George Glenn am Richard Tripp Adam Aaron William Haines Matthew Neville Ussher David Thomas Houlihan Thomas Petrus Visagie Claire Maree Kearvell Kevin Barry Wood GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF SCIENCE 23 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 2.00pm Faculty of Science & Engineering continued BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) Rebecca Clare Cook Hanna Louise Jensen Ryan Adam Crossley Brenda Marie Lynch Megan Patricia Dredge, also awarded Graduate Certificate in Economics POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONICS George Francis POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N SSCIENCE CIENCE Ali Mohamed Abdalla Chi-Sheng Yang POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IN MATERIALS RIALS ALSS AND AND PRO PR PROCESSIN PROCESSING RO G Swarup Thomas George GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BIOLOGICAL OLLOG GICAL SCIENCES SCIENCES EN NC C CES CE Amandeep Kaur DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Scott Stanley McLeod, also awarded warded Certificate Cer ific iiffic f cate inn Science Waikato Management ementt Sch School hool Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Erwei Cai Chelsea Jade Smith Sruthi Roy George Chao Guan Raynesh Mc ae Smith, mit also lso conf McRae conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences wa Grant Frederick Holloway Sa S nivas Prasad Prasad Sambhavv Sreenivas Qianqian Hu Jonathan Paul Kapoor Ji on Tay, also awarded a ded Gradu Jin Soon Graduate D ploma in Accounting A count Diploma Deyin Kong ki Jessica Lee Tuki l awarded d Kirill Edward Kruger, also Postgraduate Diploma in Finance B o Wa ang Bo Wang Yatin Mehra, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Strategic Management Senliang Wang Russell Paul Menzies Hong Yang Ayumi Nishitaki Tao Yuan Lu Qiu Min Zhao Stephen Wayne Rees Yuping Zheng Gagandeep Singh 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Chaoyong Wang Nastasja Windlebourne BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Kylie Elizabeth Barugh Hillary Jane Hodges Dorothy Ruth Brown Sarah Jane Markham Hannah Grace Burns Danny Cornelis Wilhelmus Overeem Samantha Sophia Donaldson Alex Margherita Robertson-Hunt Ashley Lapura Feck Rachel Anne Smith Timothy Trevor Foote Scott Robert Townsend Amanda Victoria Gairdner Kendal Juliana van der Poest Clement William Otaki Grant Brittanie Maree Waters BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC C COMMERCE Haydn David Stoevelaar Chenyao Chen ao Wang Odette Ackermann Binh nh SSon So Le Patrick Courtney Archibald JJin in n How How Lock Angela Shirley Awarau Tian ianwen Lu Tianwen Nikita Renee Bain Emma mma Ruth Mc Maho McMahon Mark David Boyce Domin Dominika D i Marta Molendowska Mo M Marta Mafei Bu Yuriy Vladim mirovvic Oleynikov Vladimirovich Gareth Burridge Amyes Thomas Henry Henryy Alger Algernon Percy Kyle Gordon Chambers Lindaa Rado os nska osi Radosinska Fang Chen Rich har ard Ra Richard Ralm Min Chen Kim Melina ina Reid Rei Yujia Chen Hagan Hag an Mcleod Mcleeod Ross Luke George Davison Natasha Belinda Ann Roulston N Nata Adam James Robert Dean Karamjeet Singh Anna Druzhinina Joseph Patrick Smithies Scott Paul Fisher JJieyu eyu Sun un Haijun Gu Q ian Sun un Qian Jiayang Han Che Chelsea An Anne Symonds Winston Rangi Hema n Wang Wan Yuchen Adam Keith Hoare We Wen Wu Deyu Huang Xiaodan Ye unter Christopher Brian Hunter Iren ne Y oung Irene Young Amanda Stacey Joe Haicheng Zhao GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT N SSTUDIES NT TUDIES 25 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 2.00pm Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF TOURISM Hongyuan Chen Bradley William Kay Chuan Pin Chong Yangxue Liu Joel Mikael Davis Jia Luo Danielle Patricia Featherstone Shannon Pearl Mathers Duri Hughes Laura Kate Miles Luanne Hunt Filipe Michael Votadroka Tuibaravi Rebecca Ann Jones Sharlayna Maryanne y Julianna Williams GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING C NTING COU Zachary Lawrence Parton Lan Peng Jing Wang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE NA ANC CE Prerna Pathak GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN AN N RE RESOURCE ESOURCE MANAGEM MANAGEMENT ENT Sabina Kaur Bange Brenda da Anne nee Stacey S GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEME MANAGEMENT NT Kris Noel Bacon LLora Mariee M Muna un Vaiolet Vaioleti Ali Yousef S Al Boonagh Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Shoroq Mater D Aljohani Emad Abdullah N Turkistani Eid Saad S Aljuhani Hui Zhou Z ou GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN STRA STRATEGIC EG MAN MANAGEMENT AGEM MEN James Thomas Shirley 26 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT John Antony Akkara Mohd Nor Bin Mohd Sidik GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Ri Matthew Forbes McConnell GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ECONOMICS Jiajing Wang GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Yun Bai GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN IINTERNATIONAL NT RNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Barjinder Kaur GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PPUBLIC UBLIC RELA RELATIONS A IONS ATIONS IO Tarita Alison Templeton DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT T Evelyn Loreen Kumar Joanna May Manuel Gretta Franc ces A le Frances Alexandra Rodriguez-Jolly, awar ardedd Certificate C also awarded in Management CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT MENT Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Huaiying Zheng GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 27 Thursday 20 October 2011 – 5.00pm Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Nirmala Devi Nath, BA, PGDip, MA University of the South Pacific Thesis Title: “Public Sector Performance Auditing and Accountability: A Fijian Case Study” Naomi Jane Pocock, BMS, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Exploring Concepts of Home for Returned Long Term Travellers” Sialupapu Kanyemba Siameja, BSc University of Zambia BMS, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Measuring the Impact of HIV/AIDS on Economic Development in Zambia” Alison Tonia Thirlwall, BA North East London Polytechnic y United Kingdom, g , MBA The Open University United Kingdom, PGCert(BusRes) Waikato t Thesis Title: “Workplace Bullying inn N New w Zealandd Institutes of Technologyy and an Polytechnics: Prominence, Processes, and Emotions” David John Williams, Diploma in Boatbuilding Boatbuilding International Boatbuilding Tra Training in Centre United Kingdom, Diploma in Teaching Bethlehem In Institute PGDipMgtSt, MBA Waikato stitute of Education, Educ ucati ation i , PGCertBusRes, PGCertB PGCer tB B BusRes, PG GDipM Thesis Title: “An Investigation into o Tacit Ta it Knowledge Tac edge ge Management Managemen Ma agem at the Super SSupervisory up pe Level” Linghao Zhang, PGDipMgt, MMS Waikato Waikkato Thesis Title: “An Assessment of Contemporary ontemporary ntem mporary Dining ning i g Out Behaviour: Beh Behav B h The Moderating Mod Mo Factors of Culture and Food Selection within Chinese Full-Service China” l-SSer ervice Restaurants aurantss inn Shanghai, Shang Shan h Chinaa” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ST TRAT TION Gerhard Lourens Buitendach Paul W William m McElwee McElwee Yoke Ling Chow Do rothyy Jean JJee McKeown Dorothy Carol Janette Clarke Leo eon McPhillips M hillips Leon Adrian Norman De Laborde nessa Marguerite Ma gue Soph Milot Vanessa Sophie Diane Meryl Drummond Dav cheal Mohn Davidd Mich Micheal Brett Andrew Fordyce JJohn h Chaambwa Mwanakasale Lyndsay Anne Fortune Sheldon Leonardo Nesdale Michael David Furniss Paidemoyo Munyaradzi Nyanhanda ve Gerardine Anne Glover Josep Ch weni Nyemba ye Joseph Chaweni Christopher John Goldsmith Sarah Margaret Elizabeth Pratt Robert Kenneth Brucee Gollan Re opiha Reweti Ratu Ropiha Kerry Scott Green Ia mes Ste Ian James Stewartt Colleen Patricia Joblin Jam es Allen Ste wart James Stewart hait Devendra Singh Kathait Vaelua Tafau Lok Man Johnny Louiee Kell ly Mir ta Tauroa auro oa Kelly Miriata Adolph Carl Marmetschke Martin Paul Thomas Kelvin Paul Matenga MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Yihua Cheng Mukul Madhav Palwankar Vivek Gadiyar, with Distinction Ellapparaj Ravi Sunny Gogia Akiv Rohekar Venkataramani Govindasamy Dan Sato Leaphy Heng Alagappan Solaiappan Balaji Mandey Govardhanan Tien-Yun Wei Hoai Thu Nguyen Benjamin Damien Weppe Truong Sinh Nguyen 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Mansi Prabhakar Bhogle, with Second Class Honours (first division) Enkhzaya Erdenebileg, with Second Class Honours (first division) Courtney Elizabeth Travis, with Second Class Honours (second division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, with Distinction Fotu Jody Jackson-Becerra, with Second Class Honours (first division) Qian Wang, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management Ping Li, with First Class Honours Ying Wang, with First Class Honours Likang Liao, with First Class Honours Caillor Ian Woon, with First Class Honours Mohammad Zaini Bin Mahamud, with Second Class Honours (first division) Cheng Zhang, with Second Class Honours (first division), (f ), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Finan Financee Yvonne Sharon Matthews, with First Fi st Class Honours Christopher Rex Musgrave Francis Deva Powley, with First Class l ss Honours H Vitarina Hou Takana, with Secondd Class Class Honours rss (second division), also awardedd Po Postgraduate ostgraduate Diploma in Economics Chun Zhang, with w th First F r Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma Dip o in Finance Yukun Zhu, with Seco Second Yu on Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS NA ALYSIS WIT WITH TH H HO HON HONOURS ON N NOURS S Sarah Jane Taylor-Dayus, with First Class H Honours, also conferred Bachelor Bacchelor of o Business Analysis BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC C COM COMMERCE MM M MERC MERCE WITH HONOU HONOURS URS R Ahmed Shareef, with First Class ss Honours Mark Mark Young, You oun un ung ng with Secon Second Class Honours (first division) Kevin Rondel Barrow, with First st Class Honours Hono s Timothyy Glenn G Harris, with First Class Honours Leslie John Bassham, with Second Class Honours (first division) Conrad Conra Joseph Mason, with Second Class Honours (second division) Lewis David Beattie, with First Class Honours Suzanne Leila Blacklaws, aws with First Firs Class lass Honours Honours Shane Graham McNeill, with Second Class Honours (first ( irst division) ivis on) Aaron Blair, with First Class Honours Gemma Louise Olsen, with G th First F t Class Honours Peter Cardiff Cronin, with First Class Clas Honours Hon Stefan George Parsons Parsons, with Firs First Class Honours, Ste Geo also confe conferred Ba Bachelor Science lor of Scien Bronwyn Louise Elphingston-Jolly, gston-Jolly with First Fi Class Honours Michael Pratt, with First Class Honours Michael Murray Murra Pratt Tala Maurine Fowler, with First rst Class Cla C as Honourss Tammy Patricia Joyce y Scott, with First Class Honours Donna Margaret Frederikson, er ks with with First Class Clas Honours Hono ours Daniel Dan niell Louis Louis Taylor, aylorr, with witth First First Class Cla Honours Emily Rebecca Anne Geck, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Science Alexandra Chase Ngahuia Walters, with Second Class Honours (second division) Benjamin James Gorringe, with First Class Honours Grant Richard Leslie Yeatman, with First Class Honours Jacob Michael Greatrex, with Second Class Honours (first division) Elizabeth Florence Young, with First Class Honours POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING Mohammed Ali A Al Mallak Devid Hok, with Distinction GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 29 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT EMENT STU STUDIES WITH ITH HH HON HONOURS Thursday 20 October 2011 – 5.00pm Waikato Management School continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Ahmad Hamed J Alawfi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE Zhigang Dong Vardhan Kiran More Ran Gu Yuqing Yu Yafei Li Zhao Zhao Yu-Kang Liu, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NH HUMAN UMAN RESOURCE MANAGEM MANAGEMENT MEN Te Li, with Distinction Nautiyal Ravinder Nautiy al POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N IN INTERNATIONAL NTERNATIONAL TIONAL ONAL MA ON MANA MANAGEMEN MANAGEMENT NT Saleh Abdullah A Altwajri Daks Da Daksha shaa Solanki Man Jiang Sang geeetha Mony Mony Sreedharan Sre Sangeetha POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N MA MANAGEMENT NAGEMENT MENT Rebecca Jane Mosen Vineet Ram Ramkirti mkirtti SSingh Thomas Sebastian Shengy gyang Z Zh heng Shengyang Zheng Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN MANAG MANAGEMENT GEMENT MEENT SSTUD STUDIES DIE Ian Deane Balme Li arleen n Mo Moore Lisa Carleen Phillip John Bright Mary Rudo o Mupita M Mu Ross Douglas Clarke James Michael Ravenscroft Inge Catharina Engelen Monique Dawn Reesby Max Kelly Greer Paul Stephen Willard iwa Mark Te Aranga Hakiwai A exa de Phineas Young Yo Alexander Nigel Patrick Vernon Hunt 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Praveena Padmanaban, with Distinction Roy Basil Rodrigues POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Marina Fogaca Doretto Maria Alejandra Munoz Granados, with Distinction Daniel James Hopper, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING Jose Joseph POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT William Douglas Shaw, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Richard Alan Fitch Lynda Maree Malloch Melanie Cherie Gulbransen Matthew Alastair McLay Dougal James MacDiarmid Darren Raymond Porter POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES David John Allemann Neal Trevor Richardson Sarah Anne Auva’a David Antony Robson Laurence Paul Chapman Gregory John Ryan Dean Francis King Liza Maree Sherd Deborah Maree Manktelow James Brent Watson Sinclair Adam James Munro Richard John Watt Phillip Herman Reiher John Zonnevylle POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Naruemit Jaroensrisomboon Sivakumari Supramaniam Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Sara Janelle Muggeridge GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 31 Hillary Scholars The Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship Programme educates future leaders at the University of Waikato within the values of New Zealand’s greatest adventurer, Sir Edmund Hillary. Sir Edmund Hillary Scholars must excel in academia, leadership and sports or creative and performing arts. Various professional development opportunities and fees support are provided for Scholars. HILLARY SCHOLARS GRADUATING IN OCTOBER CEREMONIES Phillippa Jane Russell Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Raynesh McRae Smith 2011 Hillary Scholars at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts Centre, the University of Waikato. 32 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications previously conferred/awarded at other ceremonies Conferred/Awarded 2 May 2011 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Ceremony held on 2 May 2011 Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Mericia Stoltz warded wa rded d 4 Ma May y 20 2011 1 Conferred/Awarded Degrees conferred and Diplo Diplomas omass and Certifi C catess aw awa awarded at University of Waikato Ceremony 2011 eremony rem mony held on 4 May y 20 201 Waikato Management gem ement nt S School choo hool DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Qiang Ding, Master of International Affairs Nanjing University China, PGDip Massey Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Thesis Title: “Interfirm Alliance Linkages and Knowledge Transfer: An Exploratory Analysis of Mutual Cooperative Learning in an International Joint Venture in the Chinese Automotive Industry” d/Aw wardeed 8 Jun JJune ne 20 11 Conferred/Awarded 2011 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 8 June 2011 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Van Canh Le, BTchg Hanoi National University Vietnam, MA St Michael College USA Thesis Title: “Form-Focused Instruction: A Case Study of Vietnamese Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices” 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Subin Tom Mathews, with First Class Honours MASTER OF ARTS Rongrong Du, with Second Class Honours (second division) MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Kenneth Desmond Ellis, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Xianhan Zhou, with Second Classs Honours (second division)) BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH H HO HONOURS NOURS Sa Rah Lee, with Second Class Honours o ours (first division) BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NCES WITH HONOURS HONO ONOURS O NOURS Summa Brooks, with First Class Honours Honouurs Kris i Gordon Go ordon Smythe, Smythe, with First Class Honours Mark Edward McHugh, with Second Class Honours nd C ass Hono ourrs (first division) Yizheng Class Honours Yizh Yizhen h ng Wen, with w Second S (ffirst ddivision) (first ivision) Catherine Leonie Shaw, with Secondd Classs Honours (second division) Wikeepa, Linda Wikee epa, with wi Second Class Honours (second division) diivisionn)) BACHELOR OF ARTS Wen Shi BACHELOR OF MUSIC Sebastian James Lowe Harrison John Harger er Z Zion on Tipene pe e Nordstrom Nor stro ur Fraser Michael Kilgour K athleen Wendy We dy Stead te Kathleen Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES llan Kristan James McMillan POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN N POLIT POLITICAL AL SCIENCE IENC Quentin Gregory Todd POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA MA IN N PSYCHOLO PSYCHOLOGY OGY (CLINICAL) (CLIN NICAL Jenny Marie Huxtable POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Hao Lu Mark Edward McHugh GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH Paul Bruce Gilbert DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Hannah Patricia Hemsley GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 35 Conferred/Awarded 8 June 2011 Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Sarah Louise Barraclough, with First Class Honours Benjamin Robert Bartels, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Jinqi Ge, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTING G AND M MATHEMATICAL ATHEMATICA CAL SCIENC SCIENCES CES Thomas Owen Maxwell-Mans Faculty of Education ion DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Ireni Esler, Bachelor of Social Administration inistraation The h Flinders Fli d University U i off South South Australia Australia Thesis Title: “Discursive Dissonance: Critica Critical C al Reflexivity for Supervision” Supervisio on” DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Van Loi Nguyen, BA Cantho University niversity Vietn Vietnam, am m, M MA A Hanoi Hano N Natio National tionnal University V Vietnam Thesis Title: “Dynamic Conceptions eptions of Input, Output tputt and Intera Int Interaction: Vietnamese EEFL Lecturers Learning Second Language Acquisitionn Theory” MASTER OF EDUCATION Renee Margrit Gilgen, with First Class Honours Thi Thuy Ngan Le, with First Class Honours Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL CAT ONAL LEADERSHIP ADERSHIP Abdullah Mohammed Adlan Al Abbas, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION UCATION Nise Tuiavii BACHELOR OF TEACHING ACH H G Sarah Louise Bolton Angela l Anahera Wilcox POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Michelle Marie Hall, with Distinction Elaine Francis Hinetai Tait, with Distinction Mary Kiri-Rangiwhau Maika Patricia Edna Vesey, with Distinction Alison Jean Sellars, with Distinction Clifford Martin Willcocks 36 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION STUDIES Chengming Wang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Fiona Louise Hawes, with Distinction GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING Mark Himiona Jacob Daly GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING N SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD CH A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN EDUCATION Anneka Sarah Brinkman Aimee Jean Marrine Marrinerr Cindy Anne Cadman-Satake Jamie Paul McQ ueen McQueen Sarah Louise Collett Christine Moet ra Moetara Samantha Joanne Davies Pete eter terr Antony A N ybe g Peter Nyberg Aimee Claire de Groot Dav Davi S Davidd Scown Shweta Diwaniyan Mery ylll Simpkins Simpkins Meryll Lisa Diane Green Whe Whetu urangi W hakaar Wheturangi Whakarongotai Tepania-O'Callaghan Todd Ralph Hewins Rebeka Yvonne Rebekah Rebek Yvon nne Tiddy T Tid Kelly Pirihira Kells Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Mona Qadi S Alfaqiri Jiyao Jiy Pengg Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Mousa Abdullah M Alanazi Abd Abdulrahman Hamad M Aloumayr Muteb Abdullah M Alanazi Ahmed Saleem S Alsubhi Hossain Mohmed A Al Essa Shubiao Pang ate English Engli 1 Level 3 – Intermediate Anas Abdullah A Aldrees Yunpeng Liu hamdi Haitham Ahmed Alghamdi Sho Mats ra Shoya Matsuura mar Fares Talab S Alshammari T Morit Toshio Morita Hongyi Chen Nat suki Nishi Natsuki Leilei Chen Bolin Ren Youjie Chen K azzusa SSaeki eki Kazusa Nan Geng Ifat Abdullah Turkistani Ximeng Lin Xingshi Xue Lin Liu Siyuan You Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT ENT IN EN EENGLISH NGLISSH LANGUAG LANGUAGE GE Yanni Liu GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 37 Conferred/Awarded 8 June 2011 Faculty of Education continued CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Fdwa Muqbil M Alshamari Qiong Liu Abdulrahman Saud M Althobaiti Yanwei Liu Feng Chen Ye Mei Yi-Hsiao Chen Fanchao Meng Zheng Chen Renato Esteban Morales Aguilera Soeun Cheon Mei Nakahashi Yongheng Dai Nish da Hiroki Nishida Yiming Ding Megumi Omuro Xiaolei Gong Minji Park Akram Omar H Hadi Jiay iayi So iayi SSong Jiayi Aya Ishida Takaakki Uno Ta Takaaki Marco Antonio Iturra Ruiz Wenbo We o Wang Wenbo Lina Jin Xuw n Wang Xuwen Anqi Li o Wang Zanbo Chanjuan Li Huiru Xu Qianru Li Yagishita shita Yuka Yagishita Sa Li Peiso ong Zh hang han Peisong Zhang Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Jie Liu te English h1 Level 5 – Upper Intermediate Qinghao Chen Xiaochen Liu L Tao Chen Yun-Ju LLiu Y Ruoshen Cheng Ai Nishimura Hung-Yi Chu Yue Pei ham Anusorn Damrongtham Guan Guanjiee Peng Mali Ding Phakapob Setthakaset Mohammad Ishaq Azmi El-Khaeiry Hir Shi ni Hiroko Shiotani Lanhua Fang Bo Si Ken Figueroa Yu-T Tsun Tan Yu-Tsun akul Nitikorn Fongrattanakul Quang Hung Tran Yu Fu Y uan-Ch n Tsai T ai Yuan-Chian Xiaoxu Guo Lei Wang Cordula Robi Hechei Ran Wang Moon Young Jang Zibo Wang Minyoung Kim Xueyan Wei Juri Lee Li Xu Yeon Sook Lee Hao Yu Che-Wei Lin Duo Zhang Szu-Ting Lin Lin Zhang Yan Lin Xinhui Zhang Yu-Hsuan Lin Zhuding Zhang Junan Liu Yuning Zhou 38 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English 2 Sathana Anannab Yuanting Li Quirmado Araujo Pinto Yi-Jing Lin Karina Andrea Barraza Gonzalez Natpadol Makcharoen Ling-Hsuan Chang Naruhito Miyamoto Yu-Ting Chang Wei-Ni Pan Shan-Chun Cheng Weida Pei Hao Cui Ardian Deny Sidharta Thi Phuong Nhung Do Chi-Yun Su Xiaoteng Fan Anna Tatsumi Simon Kosap Gandi Chen-Ting Tsai Han-Ya Hsiao Fang Wang Yen-Chih Hsu Zhili Xu Tze Liang Kueh Shu Shuo Sh huo Yang Y Jialin Li Level 7 – Advanced Academic and nd d Literary Liteerary English Eng glissh h1 Bahiyyah Samil A Alharbi Zhench Zhencheng h cheng Wa Wang ng Hao Chen Guoqing G oqin i Zhang Zhang Feng Ge Level 8 – Advanced Academic and Literary Litera rary ary ar ry English Engl glish 2 Weiheng Si CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY RSITY PREPARA PREPARATION EPA N Hamish Mark Ansley School of Māori & Pacific Development Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S MASTER OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Jarred Lee Boon, with First Class Honours H nour BACHELOR OF ARTS Nadene Pua-Wairingiringi giringg Edmonds dmonds Faculty of Science & Engineering MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Lauren Marie Long, MSc University of Florida USA Thesis Title: “Long Term Nitrate Removal in a Denitrification Wall” MASTER OF SCIENCE Thomas Carl Williams, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS Richard Brian Gubb, with First Class Honours Qian Xu, with First Class Honours Mohammad Emad Aldeen Joudi Khudaish, with Second Class Honours (second division) GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 39 Conferred/Awarded 8 June 2011 Faculty of Science & Engineering continued BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Yee Yang Boon, with First Class Honours Hui Ling Sin, with First Class Honours Chun-Yin Lin, with Second Class Honours (first division) Mohd Nurhazwan Hamizan Munir Bin Zaaba, with Second Class Honours (first division) Nurhidayatul Asma Mohamad, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Chiung-Chao Chen Sacha Marg Margaret aret Gil Gillian a Dowling-Mitchell POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N TTECHNOLOGY CHNOLOGY EDUCATION Hussain Kisan GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHEMISTRY EM MISTRY Kamal Saud I Alblawi GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING GINEERING Peter Antony Nyberg Waikato Management gement S School choo hool DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Rachel Anne Jones, BA, MA, PhD Massey Thesis Title: “Re-energising Knowledge Management: Communication Challenges, Interdisciplinary Intersections, and Paradigm Change” Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S MASTER OF BUSINESS NE S AND MANAGEMENT NAGEMENT Aidan Huang MASTER OF MANAGEMENT GEMENT STUDIE STUDIES Ahmed Hamed Abdullah Al Shuaili, with Second Class Honours (first division) iv sio Khairul Nizam Bin Mohd Sharip, with Second Class Honours (first division) Josef Norman De Jong, J g, with First Class Honours Michael McDowell, SShaun haun M ha McDow well, withh First Fi Class Honours Liming Zhang BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Wenjiao Ma Xu Xu Xiaolei Shen Sican Zheng Zhengjing Song BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Eileen Ann Batters 40 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Adele May McLeod BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Karli Raquel Hurst Lina Ru Jung Jun Lee Jingfeng Shen Xinze Li Lei Yu Jodi Craig Merriman Mengdan Zhang Adam John Parker Jingyi Zhao BACHELOR OF TOURISM Ziye Han POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N ACCOUNTING Vijayata Jamwal Yanhua Pan POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EELECTRONIC LECTRONIC COMMERCE Eid Saud Aleid N No Norah orah h Nasser M Al Alkahtani ka POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N IN INTERNATIONAL NTERNATIONAL N TIONAL ONAL O NA M MA MANA MANAGEMEN MANAGEMENT A A NT T Muteb Ghanam J Al Kahtani POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N TOU TOURISM URISM AND HOSPITALITY MA MAN MANAGEMENT Desmond Gorgone Moraes POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN MANAGEMENT ANAGEEMENT ST AN STUDIE STUDIES UDIEESS Stuart Peter Barnett Jas son Phillip P lip Huggins Jason Simon Harry Harding Brown D er Jean-Pierre n-Pier Ravel Didier George Robert Finlayson Abb Reyn ynold Abbiee Reynolds Mark Christopher Finnegan David Alexander Speirs Mark Carmichael Fullerton Craig Brian Young GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA A IN AC ACCOUNTING UNTING Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Sheng Chen GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN ELE ELECTRONIC TRO CO COMMERCE MERC Jaser Mohammed S Alhawiti aw GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA A IN N FINANC FINANCE CE Yi Xu GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Basil Mathew John GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRONIC BUSINESS Arafat Yaseen H Alshawaf GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Monchawal Nartasilpa DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Saurabh Issar GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 41 Conferred/Awarded 17 August 2011 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 17 August 2011 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Wei Luo, BA, BA(Hons), MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Chinese Reality TV – A Case Study of GDTV’s The Great Challenge for Survival” MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES C S Melanie Rewa Jane Haeata, with First First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONOURS Chenyu Chu, with Second Class Honours Honnouurs (second division) Lucy Je Luc Jean ean Connell, Connell,, w with First Class Honours Kimberley Kim Kimb bberley Joy Warner, Warn W e with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH HO H HONOURS NOURSS Edward Alexander King, with First Class lass Honours Ho onours BACHELOR OF ARTS Stephen James Baron M rk Richard Ricch hard Underwood ha Underwo Mark Xu Chen Mi Xia Ming Nicky-Marie Jamie Hitaua Tiffany Kathleen Kaath een Zyp Oksana Moguerou BACHELOR OF MUSIC Emma Elise Newman Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF SOCIAL OC AL SCIENCES SCIE ES Ashleigh Helen Hoare re Kat Kathryn Mae M Watt Diana Gabrielle Moyle Peiru Wu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Alison Mary Tait, withh Distinction Dist ction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY Kit Ying Jasmine Hui POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Christina McCracken Ragle GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Peter Patlakas 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Yaou Tian, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Sergei Sergeevich Litvinenko, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Jeremy Jonathon Greenfield Debbie Janee Muller POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NM MATHEMATICS ATHEMATICS Adel Ahmed A Almalki POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N ST STATISTICS TATISTIC CS Jingjue Wang Faculty of Education n MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL AL LEADERSH LEADERSHIP SHIP SH James Memua, with First Class ss Honours BACHELOR OF SPORT AND ND LEISURE RE STUDIES TUDI S Matthew John Rolfe Cole Shau Shaun Peter Muir Simone Hunter Kezia Keziah Vi Vianni nn Ro Rosee M McGovern over Laura Marie Masters Andrea Jane Vela Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF TEACHING POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IN EDU EDUCATION IO Naeema Rashid Nasser Al Saidi Helen Ann Paranihi-Ngauma, Paranihi-N auma, wi with Distinction Homoud Mohammad A Alshammari Galina Anatolievna Stebletsova Ruth Elizabeth Boal, with Distinction D stinctionn POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Thi My Dung Truong, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Johannes Petrus Jordaan Botha GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Abdullah Ali A Alqarni GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Shrabani Chatterjee Shuk Chun Lee Virginia Memory Martina Tamara Hapi Glenn John McIntosh Timothy Peter Heal Aimee Reynolds GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 43 Conferred/Awarded 17 August 2011 Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Thomas Nathanael Gibbons BACHELOR OF LAWS Namlee Kim Mala Sharma Mo Yee Poon School of Māori & Pacif Pacific ific Deve Development velopmen p nt MASTER OF ARTS Virginia Memory Martina Tamaraa Hapi, Hapi, with Second econd ond Class C ass Honours Hono Ho (seco (second nd di division) Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN N ENG ENGLISH GLISH LANGUAGE Level 3 – Intermediate English h1 Alaa Abdulaal Ashri Level 4 – Intermediate English ish 2 Moteb Marzouq Z Alotaibi Ruo Ruowang L Li Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN FOUNDATION STUDIES Jenevy Cheryl Jagjeet Singh Sidhu Shuyi Yang Lok Hang Wong A polo ar Yogi Yogi Apolonaris Huage Wu LLifeng feng Zhang Zh ng Tan Wu CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY NIVERSIT PREPA PREPARATION TIO TH WA KATO INS TITUTE O CHNOLOGY IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WAIKATO INSTITUTE OFF TEC TECHNOLOGY Ana Sisipa Fisiikava Ahofono Ahof ofo o A le shaa C ais Heather Heatthe Benson Beenson Aleisha Chaise Adil Mohammed A Alali zab er Elizabeth Margaret Berkers Christina Ruth Anderson Wade William John Bosley Sean Reuben Anderson Stefan Alexander Bullivant Cassandra Jayne Arthur Tracy Burchell Jayde Maree August Tayla De-Anne Bury Diana Azizi Hala Salahaddin Abdul Caco Nicole Perena Bancroft Mooto Chinakila Chiyabi Laura Jane Barr-Smith Sean Clark Briar Lauren Barry Mark Craige Cooke Jonathan Victor Bartley Suzanne Marie Cunningham-Brown Carmina Mae Certeza Basagre Rachael Megan Cupitt Jamie Zane Bayliss Rosalie Ann Davis Dylan John Bennett Chessika Kushani De Silva 44 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Maria Ereeza Dizon Del Mundo Matthew Dene Kerwin Kuini Dewes Damien Alexander Kiddie Mandip Kaur Dhaliwal Ali Kivilcim Catherine Sarah Louise Dooley Nikita Elyse Knight Richard John Downey Dayne rawiri Kutia Tasha Oranga Hou Downs Sioape Fetokai Tali Kihe Langi Latu Joshua Thomas Drought Wing Him Lau Ngawai Kawakawa Eyles Shan-Hung Lee Lenora Puaseisei Filipo W onyoung Lee Wonyoung Latu Finau Chanel Kimberl Mae Lennox-Robertson Kimberlyy Mae Melenaite Finau Nathaniel James Jame Locke Loc Rhys Barry Fleming St Stephanie Steph Darryyl Lo c Darryl Lockington Nikki Lee Fowler Ilaiti itia T Tiko Lom ani Ilaitia Lomani Sarah Yvonne Marry Fraser Chan h ntellie Lize Lye Lyye Chantellie Mawlid Abdi Gabose Cou rtn ney Denis Ma Courtney Denisee Mahia Greety George Cailiee R Rhianno ak Rhiannon M Makene Chanelle Marie Godfrey Siutaisa Manuopangai Man nuopaan Ryan Goodson Stephen Je eremyy Lee Markman Jeremy Jacob Villena Gozar Laviniaa Louis see Te Mom Louise Momo Marra Reiana Nutana Graham Ca tlin Eli liz izabeth iza za Caitlin Elizabeth Martin Kayla Simone Grant Ga reth Martin artin Gareth Wairehu Rewiti Te Grant O ver John n Miller Mill Matthe Oliver Matthews Evotia Grey Shan ntal Kira Kirra McIntosh Shantal Dylan Francis Groom Kelsi Alysse McKain Samuel Thomas Guthrie Taylor Craig McQuoid Timothy Andrew Haines Naran Milan Ricky James Harris Matij Mi et Matija Miletic Amy Frances Hartnett Jamie Lee Michael Miller oebe Hepana Mau-Tini-Wai-Tai Phoebe Jam ee Hemi H mi Minhinnick Minhi nick Jamie-Lee Christian John Hill K he Kasee Anne Mitchell Jamie May Hill Geo rgina Genevieve Gene ieve Mulipola ipola Georgina rton Hilll Matthew Roland Burton umpo ze Marie Ange Mumporeze Tamanui Grant Hill K haaled Ibrahim Ib ah m M Nadeem Nadeem Khaled Marqcus James Robin Earl Holdaway Michael O'Connor Natalia Joy Holden Luke Te Rongonui Eltham Paerata Aaron William Hooper Mary Rose Otafa Palaiti Daniel John Howie Malwyn Papalii Samuel William Hughes Soyoung Park Samuel Connor Humphries Bhawish Patel Suka Iosua Te Tawhi Hamiora Patena Andrew Hone James-Kanara Samuel Pema Nadia Maree Jefferis Jahnie Anne Kaimaha Pene Nichelle Margaret Jenkins Thomas James Peters Emily Jean Jolly Wei Zhong Phee Keegan Craig-Allen Jones Nirvah Petrise Poutai-Wihongi Iunisi Amatakiloa Katoa Ashmita Khushboo Ram GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION continued IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WAIKATO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 45 Conferred/Awarded 17 August 2011 Pathways College continued CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION continued IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WAIKATO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Emma Margaret Rawstron Ngatupuna Mareko Teinaki Sheena Reddy Diane Te Aroha Teipo Fiona Louise Ropati Sathianphone Thammavong Stephen Leslie Rowan Pearl Repeka Timoti Te Ana Jacqueline Rudolph Holly Anne Hera Tipuna Linda Victoria Saitta Declan Tuau Ryan Joshua Savill Jicinta Aroha Aro a Tuhou Jessica Eden Seddon Molly Tuivaiti Alisha Makerita Nai Seiuli Patricia Margar et Tu p Margaret Tupou Gaith Abdulmajeed A Shagdar Clair airee Helen Twomey Twomeey Claire Jacinta Faa'mao Silia'i Oliv ni Tinai Vakatawa Vakattaw Olivini Amanda Theresa Sim Wik Wiku us Van Der Mer w Wikus Merwe Priyanka Singh Ca R Cale uben Villiger Vil ger Ruben Robert Durant Stapleton Stefanie St Stefan f Paret ekohe Vincent Paretekohera Keegan Jake Stent Hannah Est ther W Esther Wakefield Danielle Jasmine Stinson Clinton V Vern erno on Wessels Wes Vernon Melody Yeung Xin Tan Ellen Elizabeth Elizabbeth Williams Samuel Tek Yong Tan Jord dyn yn Ashley A shley Wilson-Nicholls WilsonJordyn June Taualii Aly Raphaella W Alyssa Maria Ra Witte Ellen Ann-Marie Taylor Julie ulie Anne X Xie i Tui Marie Jeanette Te Tai Mitchell George Yeage M Mitc Yeager Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Faculty of Sc Science ence & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY LOSOPHY Marisa Till, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Fibre Degrading ading En Enzymes zymes from Butyrivibrio Buty vibrio proteoclasticus” proteoclasticus MASTER OF ENGINEERING NEEER NG Parthasaradhy Kozhiparambil Kumaran, with Second Class Honours (first division) Zhibo Zhang, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF SCIENCE Glen Andrew Treweek, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) Paul Gregory Middlewood BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Qixin Li 46 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Hao Wang, with Second Class Honours (second division) POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MATERIALS AND PROCESSING Chetan Ravindra GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATERIALS AND PROCESSING Ping Cao DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Samuel Barry Christiansen Waikato Management ment ent School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Abraham Hauriasi, Bachelor of Commerce ommerce The Papua puaa New Guinea G Gui University University of o Technology, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “The Interaction of western estern budgeting ting i g and an Solomon Solom lom Islands Cultu Culture: Cult A case of the budgeting process of the Church of Melanesia” sia” Chin Ee Ong, BA, BSocSc(Hons), MSoc MSocSc M cSc National onal all University ersity off Singapo Singapore re Thesis Title: “Guiding Cultural Utopia: opia: pia: Power-Knowledge, nowledge, owled wledgge, UNESCO UNES UN U S and Tour Guides G in Macao Special Administrative Region, China” Peck Leong Tan, BA(Hons), Master of Appl Applied lied Statistics University off Mala Malaya ay Malaysia Thesis Title: “The Economic Impacts ts off Migrant M Mig ant Maids in Malaysia” Migra Un In Wong, BTBM Institute for or Tourism Studies SSttudies Stu t tu China, MBA Inter-University Innter-Un Unniv Univ niversity Inst Institute China Thesis Title: “Buddhism and Tourism urism at Pu-Tuo-Shan, Pu-Tu Tuuoo-Sha , China” China MASTER OF MANAGEMENT ENT STUDIES UDIES Jiang Chen, with Second Class Honours Hon (first division) Opitz, withh First Christian nO Opit Fi Class Honours Matthew William Hodge-Kopa, with Second Class Honours (first division) Yu Wang, with Second Class Honours (second division) Rongrong Hu, with Second econd Class Honours nours (second division) James Wi Wilkinson, SSimon mo Jame kins with First Firs Class Honours Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Milo Roth, with First Class Honours Mil BACHELOR OF BUSINESS SINESS AN ANALYSIS LYSI Jindong Li Hanqing Yang Wen Liu Ruohao Yang Jie Xu BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Weitao Li BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Kelby Leigh Bright Lingxiao Lou Qin Hu Ying Song POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING Likang Liao POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE Linlin Ge Ruilin Lou GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 47 Conferred/Awarded 17 August 2011 Waikato Management School continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Narelle Sarah Cameron POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Panwell Chikunda Anne Elizabeth Payne Te Anginga Janet McLean Reena Sharma POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Xuan Duan Chen Liu POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IIN ACCOUNTING Mark Kuan-Wei Wu POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TEE IN I INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL ATIONAL AT NAL M MA MANAGEM MANAGEMENT MEEN Hua Zhang POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATEE IN N MANAGEMENT M GEMEN GEMENT NT N T Simon Leslie Craigie Alyn Matthew Matth hew Hemens H He POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN MA M MANAGEMENT A GEMENT STU ANAG STUDIES UDIESS Anita Ferguson Kath hryn Ann Mayes hry Ma Kathryn Sarah Eleanor Maze Gillies An ewartt Moodie M Anna Stewart Lynette Pamela Glover Francesca rancesca Anne An O'Dwyer O'Dwye Clare Louise Hemara JJohann oha Petrus Preiss David Thomas Hodges Gary Norman Sutcliffe Maikali Bue Kilioni Helen Theresa Turner Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN FIN FINANCE CE Mark Kuan-Wei Wu GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN HU HUMAN MAN R RESOURCE OU E MANAGEMENT MA GEMEN Mark Anthony Horn GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN N INTER INTERNATIONAL RNATI NAL M MANAGEMENT ANA AGEM ME T Fei Yang GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Vui Soon Chong GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Ruilin Lou GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT David Alan Cotter Shuning Wu GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT Thi Hoai Nam Nguyen 48 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Conferred/Awarded 14 September 2011 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 14 September 2011 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Aggrey Daniel Maina Thuo, BES, MES Kenyatta University Kenya Thesis Title: “Human Geographies of the Rural-Urban Fringe: Social dynamics of land development in the Nairobi rural-urban fringe, Kenya” a Waikato Management m nt School me POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IIN ECON ECONOMICS OM MIC MICS CS Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Najmus Sayadat GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 49 Congratulations to all University of Waikato Graduates University of Waikato Academic Leaders VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor Roy Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor Crawford is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. His primary research interest has been in the mechanical properties and processing behaviour of plastics. Previously Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor at Queen’s University, Belfast, with special responsibility for Research and Development, he has on-going research and business interests in New Zealand associated with the establishment of a new polymer research centre. He has published seven books, more than 270 papers and has been a member of numerous government panels and research h grant committees in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. e ing. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor Alister Jones BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT pTT MRSNZ MRSNZ Professor Jones was appointed De Deputy uty Vice-Chancellor c Chancello ce-Chancellor ellor in n 2011. He is the former Dean of Education and was nd d w as previously iously Re Research Re h Professor Professor and an Director of the Wilf Malcolm Institute nstitute titutee of Educational Research h at the t Faculty of Education. He has managed and directed research projects that naged ged edd d prrojectts th have informed policy, curriculum inn New lum and teacher tea eaacher development d w Zealand Z and internationally. His mainn areas of research reessearch are curriculum res curriculum, cur iculum m teaching, teachi learning and assessment, particularly education. rticularly in science nce and technology technolo tech He has acted as an international consultant in curriculum and assessment ational onsu ult rriculu ssess and building educational research the earch capability. bil y. In 2000, 000, hee was was awarded aw NZ Science and Technology Medal for his significant nt contribution to the development of technology education both nationally and internationally. PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR ELLOR (MĀ (MĀORI)/ RI)/ V DEAN OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Professor Linda Smith ith BA MA PhD Auck DipT Professor Smith (Ngāti Awa,, Ngāt Ngāti appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor āti A ti Porou) was as app ncello Māori at the University ityy of o Waikato Waikato in 2007. 20 0 0 Shee previously prreviously held heeld the he Chair hair in Education at The University of Auckland and was joint director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (Horizons of Insight), the National Institute of Research Excellence in Māori Development and Advancement. Professor Smith’s PhD in education was conferred by The University of Auckland in 1996. Her work in the field of Māori education and indigenous people’s education generally, is renowned both here in New Zealand and internationally. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 51 University of Waikato Academic Leaders DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES (ACTING) Dr David Lumsden BA(Hons) London MA PhD Princeton David Lumsden has been a member of staff at this university since 1979. He has previously held the positions of Chairperson of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Pro-Dean Graduate and Postgraduate, and Chairperson of the School of Social Sciences. He has published in the areas of the Philosophy of Language, particularly in relation to the theory of reference and pragmatics, and the Philosophy of Mind. DEAN OF COMPUTING & MATHEMATICAL ATHEMA ATICAL SCIE SCIENCES IENCES Professor Geoff Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southampton Professor Holmes gained an Honours nours ours Degree andd Doctorate Doctorate in i Mathematics Mathem matic from the University of Southampton pton ton n in n the UK. K. Following ng a rresearch res po position sittio in the engineering department att Cambridge Waikato Cam mbridge University, versity, y, he joined join j Waikato in 1987 as a lecturer in computer science, academic ranks. cience, ience, and rose osee upp the thee acade aac aca ranks. He H was appointed Dean of the Facultyy of Computing Sciences Computing ing and Mathematical M Mathem SScience cien in 2008. His major research interest rest st is in machine learning, a topic to opic that th involves mathematics, statistics and nd computer omput p ter science. He is best known know k wn both bo locally and internationally forr his contributions ribu ibbutionss to applied machine maachinee learning, lle deploying theoretical frameworks works in practical acctical ctical situations. tuation . He is i currently curren involved in collaborative research automatic earch with local industry ustry to provide prov p analysis of analytical testingg procedu procedures. res.. DEAN OF EDUCATION Professor Roger Moltzen TTC, DipT, BEd, MEd, d, PhD W Waikato ka Professor Roger Moltzen is a former school teacher and school principal. Prior to being appointed Chair of the nted as Deputy D puty Dean Dea of the Faculty aculty he wass Ch Department of Human Development He hass led nu numerous n Developm ent and Counselling. un ing. H ou research and development ment contracts contracts in bboth oth inclusive i clusive education, education, and and the education of gifted and talented students. His current research focuses on talent development acros across the lifespan. was awarded the Prim Prime ifesspan. In 2005 5 he w ass aw warrde th me Minister’s Supreme Award for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. 52 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO DEAN OF LAW Professor Bradford Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York Professor Morse gained his Bachelor of Arts, with a major in History and Sociology from Rutgers College and Livingston College, Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA in 1972. In 1975 he gained his Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia, and his Masters of Law in 1981 from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Professor Morse was previously a Professor of Law at University of Ottawa, Canada, and has been a Barrister at Law and Solicitor, Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario), since 1979. DEAN OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING NEERING Professor Bruce Clarkson BSc MSc DPhil Waikato Professor Clarkson holds a BSc, MSc Scc (First ((F rst Class Honours) onours)) in Bi Biolo Biological B l Sciences Scien nce and a DPhil from the University off Waikato. Zealand Waikato. Hee worked for the t e New Ze alan Department of Scientific and Industrial Division and the then dustrial ustr al Research rch h (Botany (Bo Bot otany Div D v Land Resources) from 1981 to 1992 Research Institute 992 2 and an nd then the t Crown Cro rown o ow Rese Res In Institut nstit Landcare Research from 1992 to 1999, 999, 99, re returning to the Universityy in 2000. 2 200 His research interests include vegetation tation tion o change, on chaange, threatened plant autecology autecolog auteco auteec and restoration ecology. He was awarded Zealand’s arde rdded the he Loder Cup, New N Z Ze premier conservation award, in 2006 andd currently for currentlyy leads lead a Foundation Fou Foun Research Science and Technology on determining logy funded research rch programm programme o the best methods for restoring ng indigenous nou us biodiversity ity in cities. DEAN OF WAIKATO MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Professor Frank Scrimgeour BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln n PhD Hawai Hawai’i BD D Melbourne College of D Divinity vin ty Professor Scrimgeour holds a BAgSc with First Class Honours from Lincoln College, a PhD (Agricultural Economics) from the University ricultural and Resource Resou Econ micss) fro he U versity of Hawai'i and a BD from Melbourne Collegee of Div Divinity. rom Melb rne Co vinit Previously viously he has ha worked with NZ Meat and nd Wool Woo Boards' Economic Econom c Service, Ser vice, Christian Leaders Leaders Training College of Papua p New Guinea, and the Environment and Policyy Institute at the East West Wes Centre in Honolulu. Hono ulu. His Hiss current cu urreent research ressea ch focuses ocusses on the economics of natural resources and the environment. t GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 53 Speaker Profiles WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Keynote Speaker: Sir Tamati Reedy KNZM Sir Tamati Reedy was the University of Waikato’s founding Dean of the School of Māori & Pacific Development and founding Pro-Vice Chancellor Māori. Last year, he became the University’s first Māori Emeritus Professor in recognition of his commitment and contribution to the University and this year he was made a Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his services to education. He is of Ngāti Porou descent. Student Speaker: Whetu Anthony Taukamo Degree to be conferred – Master of Laws THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 10AM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Keynote Speakers: Lynda and Jools Topp ealand’s and s favourite favourite and famous faamous performing performing twins. tw t Lynda and Jools Topp are New Zealand’s They have been entertaining nal al audiences audiences with song s g and social soci comment commen comme for 30 years with live shows, New Zealanders and international albums, television and film. Campp Mother and Camp Leader to Ken K n aan Their array of characters, from Cam and Ken, have become household anges nges g that h have havve taken place p ace in i New Zealand during the past names. The twins’ work reflectss the social changes h mour andd song they’ve hu they’v they’ addressed addressed many m ma three decades as through theirr humour issues, including feminism, ts, s, homosexual homosexual al law reform orm and a nucl nuclear-fr ear-f human rights, Māori land rights, nuclear-free New Zealand. Their unique tured ured and held ld on to fans who w range from fro the most conservative to the form of performing art has captured extremely liberal. Bachelor Jo ordan Degree to be conferred – Bach B el of Laws with Honours Student Speaker: Kimberley Jane Jordan THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER – 2PM (FOUNDERS (FO (FFO OUND NDERS THEATRE) E) Keynote Speaker: Dr Mark Harris ar nical engineer with a PhD in computational com c fluid dy Dr Mark Harris is a mechanical dynamics from the University el as a technologist ogis before moving to the UK where he worked in an of Auckland. He worked forr NZ Steel fo five years for AgResearch engineering consultancy role.. He returned to New Zealand and worked for developing meat processing processes and equipment equipment. He la later joined the Gallagher Group, working in research and development before becoming the firm’s Global Marketing Manager eight years ago. Student Speaker: Catherine Louise Bryan Degree to be conferred – Master of Science THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER TOBER – 5PM 5 (FOUNDERS (FOUNDE S THEATRE) HEATR ) Keynote Speaker: Wayne Walford niversity o um , ggrad tg uate Diplo Wayne Walford is a University of Waikato alumnus, graduatingg with a Postgraduate Diploma in Management ently, he h is in his final inal stages tage of a Master of o Business Bus ss Administration Adm from the Studies in 2008. Currently, Waikato Management School and is the Chief Executive Officer of the Waikato Chamber of Commerce, isaatio serving servvingg the th he needs ne ds of of bbusiness usineess andd iindustry dus ry in n thee Waikato W Wa kaato region. Mr Walford a membership organisation iet of business settings, ng including health, IT and has more than 25 years management experience in a variety the arts. Student Speaker: Ian James Stewart Degree to be conferred – Master of Business Administration 54 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO A Brief History of the University The University of Waikato had its genesis in 1956, when a small group of visionary individuals began working towards founding a university for the people of the South Auckland region. A college, a sub-branch of Auckland University, was established in 1959 and in 1965, after opening its doors in 1964, the University of Waikato was officially opened by the then Governor-General, Sir Bernard Fergusson (later Lord Ballantrae). From modest beginnings, on what was largely emporary buildings g farmland and with a handful of temporary W now has a and few staff, the University of Waikato th more m re than 3,800 student population of 12,000, with Univ rsity employs graduating each year. Today, the University o staff, ort staff, making ingg a about 2,000 academic and support cal a eeconomy. conomy. significant contribution to the local rch quality q to be b The University has built research to stro ong ranked No.3 in New Zealand andd has forged strong meent nts have been be international links; 175 agreements world d. signed with universities around the w world. Our Vision The overarching themes of our Vision are Excellence, Distinctiveness and International Connectedness; these drive the Un University of Waikato. W see We see our distinctiveness in terms of three hree interdependent components; Sustainability, Māori and Leadership. Su staina Our Our rreal e distinctiveness comes in their in the context of our th irr synergy sy identity. ideentit y We are a New Zealand university, aware of our relevance univers and responsibilities to the region, and and res compete on an international stage. com mp THE CAMPUS Our Hamilton campus, with th grounds covering cove verin ng nityy 63 hectares, continues to be a source of com community lds, walkways, w pride. The grounds include sports fields, ardens. Mainte enan e three lakes and extensive gardens. Maintenance of the beautiful grounds is a priority, along with developing the buildings to accommodate the University’s growing needs. om to o th g er The Hamilton campuss is also home the Gal Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, a high-technology erformance of drama, dra mu facility for the performance music, pa haka and a d other othe cultural ult dance, and Māori kapa lso a vital vi al teaching facility facil y performing arts. It is also for the University and a world-class performance H milton and the th wider widderr venue, welcomed by Hamilton Waikato community who share it. The University of Waikato has a campus at Tauranga and a strong relationship with the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic. Collaborative arrangements include the sharing of resources and services and joint provision of professional development and training opportunities for staff. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 55 Our Commitment The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience which is distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Strength in Numbers Through sustained research and the attraction of high levels of external funding from public sector and industry sources, we aim to maintain a highly competitive research profile. Our staff participate in a wide range of research consortia, clusters, and multi-institutional research teams locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We W are well-placed well-placed to contribute to the local and na national tio al economies i by enhancing business capabilityy in n the he region and increasing opportunities for the commercialisation commercialisation of intellectual property. The University of Waikato showed its strength by being ranked number 1 in the following subjects in th the Tertiary Education Commission’s Co mm m most recent Performance-Based Pe rfor Research Re seaar Fund. We play an essential leadership role o e in n the prosperity prospperity of the Waikato, defined also in terms tribal teerms of the tri bal al boundaries of the 16 iwi affiliated ated to Te Rōpu ōpu Manukura. We sit at the heart off a community it of strong regional partnerships and d takee pride in serving the strengths and interests our region. ts of o ou ur re gion. We are committed to increasing reasing thee tertiary t tertia ry participation rate of our regional population populati tio on overall as well as the proportions ortions off new ne schools ol leavers and postgraduate students. We are tudents. We e also committed to ensuring the ongoing going relevance off the t programmes we offer and the effectiveness of our delivery of them. We foster a culture of internationalisation, measured through the diversity ty of our student s ent and staff st ff profiles, a long-standing pride in our reputation for the pastoral care of our intern international tion students, de and the measures wee take th through ough ccurriculum, cu programme design and our gglobal networks bal netwo ks and a d connections to international influences. natio l influ e From inception we have hav been bee at the the forefront refrontt of initiatives that support Māori aspirations. Sir Bernard Fergusson placed Waikato as “the first of the New Zealand universities to be planted right in the heart of traditionally Māori country”. Since our foundation, we have worked closely with local iwi, particularly Tainui, to make the University accessible to Māori students and to foster an environment of success. Today we are proud to have the highest proportion of Māori students of any New Zealand university. We are also proud of our evolution into a truly New Zealand institution supporting our country’s nation-building policies and reflecting our nation’s identity. 56 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO • Accounting Ac o Acc and Finance • Chemistry Ch em Journalism • Communications, C Co a Media Studies and • Computer Comput Science, Informa Information Technology, Informa Information Sciences • Ecology, Ecology, EEvolution Beha and Behaviour ecu • Molecular, Cellular and Whole Organism Biology • Music, Literary Arts and Other Arts • Pure P re and a App ied Mathematics Applied We are al o ranke also ranked #1 in Education hen Uni versity an when University and College of at scores aare combined. Education Waikato aikaato show showed wed impressive im numbers in its quality score for research over a wide range of subjects. We strengthened research performance in more than 85% of our subjects. The numbers reflect the quality of our academic staff and firmly establish Waikato as a top researchled university. The numbers also show that students at Waikato are taught by staff at the leading edge of their disciplines. Ceremonial Traditions Elements of university graduation ceremonies have evolved from the 12th century when the first universities emerged in Europe. The organisation of medieval universities was modelled on the established institutions of the day – the church, the monastery and the guild. Latin was the language used by medieval scholars, and it is from Latin that the words ‘university’ and ‘degree’ are derived. The Latin term universitas means a guild or union, and universities started as a scholastic guild – a self-constituted community of teachers and scholars. The word graduate comes from m the the Latin word gradus, which means step. Admission missi n to study a bachelor’s degree was the first step step taken aken towards wards completing a university education. o . The The second step sttep ep was to become a ‘master’. Masters were ers w ere Master Master off Arts graduates whose degrees licensed them icensed the m to teach. The Chancellor, an officerr of the the cathedral, cathedral, ral originally granted teaching licences. s. University of Waikato Academic Dress Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor Black gown with red velvet facings and gold piping; three red velvet chevrons with gold piping on the sleeves; black with gold cord and tassel. Tudor bbonnet n Pro Chancellor Chan Black go Black gown ow with lining of gold satin; button and cord just above the gold bu utt sleeves which are lined with black slee vees w satin; sati n; black bla Tudor bonnet with gold cord an and cor d tassel. H D HonD CEREMONIAL ROBES AND ACADEMIC DRESS Red Re edd gow gown with black facings; black Tudor bonnet with gold cord and tassel. T Tu udor u bonne In the Middle Ages the corporate orporate existence exist ce of o universities was recognisedd and sanctioned by ancc tio civil or ecclesiastical authority. ty. The regalia rega a worn wo by graduates and university staff today reflect this mix of medieval governance. Robes worn by the Chancellor resemble those worn by the Lord Chancellor of England. Graduates and academic and Gra dua aca em mic staff wear gowns similar mi r to the dress ss of of medieval medie al clergy. Hoods are also fashioned on an everyday y y medieval garment, although though the coloured c oure lining ng was a later addition to indicate icate the wearer’s earer’s university ve and degree. DLit, DSc Crim Crimson mson gown; gow crimson hood with lining; black Tudor bonnet with crimson linin gold cord d and tassel. PhD, EdD and SJD Maroon gown; crimson hood with ccrimson m n llining; g; black Tudor bonnet. MPhil Phil B Black go gown; crimson hood h with crimson lining; lini g; black bla mortarboard. mortarb Note: Those who graduated with a DPhil priorr to 1992 pr 1992 92 are are entitled entitl to wear a black mortarboard t b d or a black bl k Tudor bonnet. Masters Black gown; gold hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. Bachelors with Honours Black gown; black hood with gold lining and gold border 5cm in width; black mortarboard. First Bachelors Black gown; black hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 57 God Defend New Zealand E Ihowā Atua, God of Nations at Thy feet O ngā Iwi mātou rā In the bonds of love we meet Āta whakarongona; Hear our voices we entreat Me aroha noa God defend our free land Kia hua ko te pai; Guard Pacific’s Triple Star Kia tau tō atawhai; From the shafts of strife and war Manaakitia mai Make he her prais praises heard afar Aotearoa God defend def nd New w Zealand Gaudeamus Gaudeamus igitur Let L t us us then be b joyful jo oy Juvenues dum sumus while we are a yo yyoung Gaudeamus igitur then Let us th hen be b joyful Juvenues dum sumus while le we ar aare young Post jucundam juventutem m After of youth A fterr th tthe he pleasure o h Post molestam senectutem em After old age Aft the A he burden of o Nos habebit humus us The eart earth th w will have u Nos habebit humus The Th he earth will have us Vivat Academia! Long live the University! Vivant professores Long live the p professors! f Vivat Academia! Long live tthe he University! ni ity! Vivant professores! s! Long live professors! Lo ive thee profes ors! Vivat membrum quodlibet odlibet Long member g live eeveryy m mb Vivant membra quaelibet lib Long members Lo ng live all the m mbers Semper sint in flore re May they ever ver flo flourish uris Semper sint in floree May ourish M ayy they they eever ver flou rish h (Translation) 58 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Honorary Awards HONORARY DOCTORATES 2011 Catherine Moana Dewes NZOM 1998 Paul Woodford Day 2011 James Judd 1998 Kevin Roberts 2010 Jon Mayson CNZM 2010 Roka Pahewa Paora QSM 1997 The Rt Rev Manuhuia Augustus Bennett ONZ CMG 2010 Margaret Bedggood Mulgan QSO 1997 Hiko Hohepa 2010 Max Martin Gibbs 1997 The Hon Sir Peter Tapsell KNZM MBE 2009 Dame Lynley Stuart Dodd DNZM 1996 Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira CNZM 2009 Sir Wilson James Whineray KNZM OBE 1996 Dame Kiri Te Kanawa ONZ DBE AC 2009 Hamish Keith OBE 1995 Huirangi g Eruera Waikerepuru 2009 Peter Godfrey Scott Sergell MNZM Jeanette 1995 Jean nette King Ki g 2009 Zena Daysh CNZM 1995 Wilfred Gordon Gord Malcolm CBE 2008 Tessa Duder OBE Elizabeth Ursula 1995 Elizabet hU s Alley 2008 Tīmoti Samuel Kāretu QSO O 1994 Rachel 19 94 4 Charlotte Charlot e Ra ac Anwyl Wallace OBE 2008 Rudolf Hendrik Kleinpaste 1994 Mauriohooho 1 99 94 4 Waea M au ur o 2008 Sir William Murray Gallagher MBEE her KNZM KNZM MB 1994 199 19 94 4 Dame Malvina M Malv n Lorraine Major GNZM DBE 2008 John Allan Gallagher CNZM M KStJ KSt JP 2008 Brian Richard Perry OBE 1994 Hon Sirr Edward Taihakurei Junior Durie 199 4 The Ho n Si DNZM 2007 Diggeress Rangituatahi Te Kanawa naawa CNZM QSO Dame Silvia Rose Cartwright 1994 Thee Hon nD PCNZM PC CNZM ZM DBE DB QSO 2006 Sir Edmund Percival Hillary lary KG ONZ ON NZ KBE NZ Donald 1993 3 Don ona naald Murray Stafford CBE 2006 Bryan Charles Gould CNZM NZ 1993 Drayton DNZM MBE 19 993 3 D Dame Mary Josephine Jos 2006 Sir Howard Leslie Morrison OBEE rrison O 1992 Edwin Morgan 19 dwin n George Mo 2006 Jeffrey Alexander Jones 1992 92 Janet an net FFrame ONZ ON CBE 2006 Kenneth Owen Arvidson 19 0 Norman William 1990 Willia Kingsbury CNZM 2005 Margaret Mahy ONZ 1987 The Hon Sir David Lance Tompkins KNZM 2005 James Te Wharehuia Milroy QSO 1986 Rangikaiamokura Wirihana Hetet ONZM 2004 Hare Wakakaraka raka Puke 1986 D Dorothy OBE 198 rothy Jessie essie Stafford affo d O 2004 Apirana Tūāhae Mahuika Phyllis DBE 1986 Dame D Ph li Myra Guthardt G h 2004 Caroline Bennett ett QSO 1985 Sir Donald 19 nald Rees Llewellyn KNZM CBE 2004 David Gordon Edgar dgar QSO 1984 Ross Ma Malcolm 4 Sir R m Jansen KBE 2004 The Hon Margarett Anne Wilson DCNZM DCNZM 1983 19 83 Henare Tuwhangai Tuwh gai QSM 2003 Tui Adams 1982 Henry Rongomau Rongomau Bennett CBE QSO 2002 Hirini Melbourne ne ONZM O ZM 1980 MNZM 19 980 0 Jack J ck Stanford S anfo ord Allan A MNZ 2002 Michael MacRae Hanna 1979 Frank Maine Bateson OBE 2002 Michael King OBE 1979 Dame Te Atairangikaahu ONZ DBE 2002 Ida Margaret Gaskin CNZM 1971 Richard Bristowe Waddington 2001 Tim Finn OBE 1971 Denis Rogers OBE 2001 Neil Finn OBE 1971 Donald Wilfred Arcus 1999 Gerald David Gibb Bailey QSO 1969 Sir Arthur de Terrotte Nevill KBE CB 1999 Koro Tainui Wetere CBE 1968 Pei te Hurinui Jones 1999 Sir Douglas Arthur Montrose Graham KNZM 1967 Lord Ballantrae KT GCMG GCVO DSO OBE GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2011 59 Honorary Awards RECIPIENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MEDAL 2010 Terry Healy MNZM 1997 Laurence John Denny 2009 Michael Law 1995 Val Going 2006 Paul Malcolm Dell 1995 Sir Robert Arthur Owens KNZM CBE 2004 Jack Charles (Dufty) Wilson 1995 Mary Gordon 2003 Robert Barrington Grant 1994 Sister Heeni Wharemaru 2003 Marie Fenwick 1994 Kenneth Eric Jury ONZM 2002 Yolande Neilson 1994 John Thomas Kneebone CMG 2002 Jeremy Callaghan 1994 Hare Wakakaraka Puke 2000 Stafford John Smith 1994 Eric Ashley Ta Taylor 1999 Pam Banks 1994 Ceci Douglas Arcus Cecil Douglas 1999 Jennifer Alexandra Alford 1994 Brian Ric hard Perry OBE Richard 1999 Ann MacKay 1992 Anthony Tre v Trevelyan Rogers QSO EMERITUS PROFESSORS 2011 A. Barratt BA(Hons) MA Camb am mb MA Car PhD Tor FRHS 2011 W. B. Silvester BSc NZ MSc Auck Auuckk PPhD hD Cant 1999 Smith BCA 1 99 99 B.V. Sm th B C Well ACA CMA Ritchie MA DipEd PhD NZ 1993 199 99 9 J.E. Ritc 93 hie M FNZPsS FBPsSS FNZ ZP FAAA 2010 J. Ritchie BA MA NZ PhD Well OB OBE BE JP I.A.. McL McLaren MA NZ AM Chic PhD Well 1993 I.A La 2010 D.I. Pool BA MA(Hons) NZ Aus FRSNZ Z PhD Au us FRSN NZ 2010 T.M. Reedy BA MA Auckk PhD Haw Hawaii K KNZM KN NZM Liley NZ PhD R'dg FInstP 1993 3 B.S. LLil Li iley MSc N CPhys FNZIP CPh C Phys Ph h FNZ 2009 P.H. Oettli BA NZ PhD Auck 1991 19 991 D.G. G. Bettison MA PhD Rhodes ad 2009 E.L. Glynn BA MA Auckk Ph PhD Torr DipG DipGrad Otago FNZPsS FRSNZ 1990 90 R. Ziedins Ziedin MA PhD Melb 2008 L.R. Foulds BSc MSc Auck PhD VirgPolyInst FTICA A 2007 N. Alcorn QSO BA Well MA Cant PhD Calif DipEd Massey DipT FNZEAS 2007 G.M. Walker MA PhD hD Glas as 1990 BSc(Econ) Lond MLitt 199 9 0 JJ.T. .T. T Ward W BSc(Ec Oxf PhD Lond 1988 W.T. Roy MA L'now FRAS FRSA 1988 J.D. McCraw MBE MSc NZ DSc Well W ll FNZSSS FNZ SS CRSNZ NZ 1986 A. Zulauf DrRerNat Mainz PhD Lond 2002 M.J. Selby BA(Hons) MA DipEd DSc Oxf DPhil Waikato kato 1985 J.G. Pendergrast 19 ndergrast MSc NZ Z PhD DIC Lond 1999 K.M. Mackay BScc Aberdd Ph PhD Camb CChem FRSC FNZIC ZIC S tt CMG G MA BCom BCo NZ 1981 G.J. Schmitt DPA Well We l FCA CMA MA 1999 F.W. Marshall MA NZ N DU DipdeCultFrCont Pariss OPA nt Pa 1980 P.W. Dayy MNZM MN M MA M NZ and Oxf HonD H nD Waikato Waikkato o 60 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO HONORARY FELLOWS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO 2011 Brian Silverstone 2002 Samuel Edwards 2010 Lyndsay Main 2000 Hugh Barr 2010 Derek W Smith 2000 Laurie Barber 2010 David Swain 2000 Peter Ramsay QSM 2008 David Taylor 2000 Margaret McLaren 2008 Alfred Sneyd 1999 Rachel Irwin 2008 Warren Hughes 1999 Barry Parsonson 2008 Ngaere Roberts 1997 Malcolm Carr 2007 Antony Millett 1994 Robert Katterns 2006 David Coy Grah ham Lamont Lam 1994 Graham 2006 Michael Hills ONZM 1994 Guyon Well Wellss OBE 2002 Alan Hall ner 1994 John Tu Turner 2002 David Mitchell Margaret Av e 1994 Margaret Avery 2002 Jill Mitchell The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand Toll Free: 0800 WAIKATO 0800 924 528 Email: info@waikato.ac.nz Website: www.waikato.ac.nz
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