2012 - Apr: Graduation Programme
April/May 2012 The University of Waikato The Crest Ko Te Tangata The outside red border – a stylised fern frond or pitau – symbolises new birth, growth, vitality, strength and achievement. Inside the border is the University’ss coat off arms. The open bookk surroun surrounded ded byy thee four stars of the he So Southern uthern Cross is a symbol of learning. arning. The crest design is in thee Uni University’s versity’s colours colo olou olours of black, red and nd d ggold. old. The University’s motto, Ko Te Tangata/ For the People, reflects our intrinsic belief that people are central to the institution and are its most valued resource. Waiata Waia Wa at a Ko K o Te Whare W Wānanga o Waikato Ko Te Whare re Wā Wānanga o Waikato e tū nei Tangata’ ‘Ko Ko te Ta ngaata’ te tohu Tīhei mauri ora! Tīh Waikato te iwi; Waikato te awa; Taupiri te maunga; Tainui te waka. Ko Te Whare Wānanga nanga o Waikato e tū nei Ko te tino kaupapa he hora mātauranga mā ranga kki te ao. KŌKIRI! KŌK The U Th University i off Waikato Th s is the Un This U University niiverrsitty of Waikato ti tto you presenting ‘The People’ is the emblem Behold I live! Waikato the people; Waikato the river Taupiri the sacred mountain; Tainui the canoe This is the University of Waikato presenting to you Its purpose, to spread enlightenment to the world. ONWARD!! Contents UNIVERSITY OFFICERS 2 WELCOME 3 CEREMONY SPEAKERS 4 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS 6 QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE » WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL 2012 – 9.30AM 8 » WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL 2012 – 1.30PM 0PM 11 HOLY TRINITY EVENT CENTRE,, TAU RANGA TAURANGA PM » FRIDAY 20 APRIL 2012 – 2.30PM 14 TRE FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE PM » MONDAY 30 APRIL 2012 – 2PM 18 M » TUESDAY 1 MAY 2012 – 10AM 22 » TUESDAY 1 MAY 2012 – 2PM 25 AM » WEDNESDAY 2 MAY 2012 – 10AM 30 M » WEDNESDAY 2 MAY 2012 – 2PM 34 » THURSDAY 3 MAY 2012 – 10AM 3 6 36 » THURSDAY 3 MAY 2012 – 2PM 39 HILLARY SCHOLARS 43 QUALIFICATIONS PREVIOUSLY Y CONFERRED/AWARDED AW RDED 44 UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO ACADEMIC LEADERS 67 SPEAKER PROFILES 70 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY 72 OUR COMMITMENT 73 CEREMONIAL TRADITIONS 74 'GOD DEFEND NEW ZEALAND' AND 'GAUDEAMUS' ZEA AND AN ND 'GA DEAMU US' 75 7 HONORARY AWARDS 76 Due to the nature of the graduation ceremony it is often subject to last minute changes. This programme is deemed correct at time of print. The University of Waikato has made every effort to ensure accuracy. This publication uses vegetable based inks and environmentally responsible papers. The document is printed throughout on Media Satin, which is FSC® certified and from responsible and Well Managed Forests, manufactured under ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems. GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 1 University Officers CHANCELLOR Rt Hon J Bolger ONZ DEAN OF COMPUTING & MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao Pāngarau PRO CHANCELLOR Professor G Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southampton Dr B Linehan ED MB ChB Otago Dip Obst Auckland FRCPA DEAN OF EDUCATION VICE-CHANCELLOR Te Kura Toi Tangata Professor R Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast Professor R Moltzen TTC DipT BEd MEd PhD Waikato FIMechE FREng FIPENZ DEAN OFF LAW DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor A Jones BSc Otago MSc PPhD DW Waikato aikato DipT MRSNZ PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI)/DEAN MĀORI)/DEA AN LOPMENT OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Te Tumuaki Māori/Te Pua Wānangaa ki te Ao Te Piringa - Faculty Facult y of Law Professor B Morse Morse BBA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM M York YYo DEAN D EAN OF SCIENCE SC CIEN NC & ENGINEERING Te M Mātauranga Mā ātaurangaa P Pūtaiao ū me te Pūkaha Claark BSc MSc DPhil Waikato Professor B Clarkson ipT Professor L Smith BA MA PhD Auck DipT DEAN DE AN O OF WAIKATO MANAGEMENT SCHOOL DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES (ACTING) (AC CTIN TING G) Te Kura Kete Aronui on Dr D Lumsden BA(Hons) London MA PhD Princeton 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Tee Ra Raupapa apa Professor so or F Scrimgeour Scr BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln PhD D Hawai’i Hawai’i w BD Melbour Melbourne College of Divinity Welcome It is a pleasure to be part of the University of Waikato graduation ceremonies to acknowledge the hard work and success of our graduates, and see the pride in of whānau and friends. As I travel throughout the country and around the world, it is always a delight to encounter Waikato graduates making a positive difference in their work places and communities. This reaffirms for me the fact that the Universityy off Waikato provides students with a p world-class education world rld-class tertiary tert educ ucation aand the skills to succeed iin n a very competitive world. world we continue to A we approach As roach our o 50th anniversary, anniv achievements build on b n earli earlier rl err ac achi achieveme hi ntss aand enhance what we you offer our o u students. ur t ents. t I urge yo ou u tto o stay in touch once you our first half lleave eave uss and return to t help us celebrate c century ce enturyy in n 2014 2014. 201 20 1 14. graduating students and enjoy Cong Congratulations gratulations to all gradu ggradua this special thi his iss spec ecial day. Rt Hon n Jim im B Bolger ger ON ONZ NZ hanc Chancellor Unive y of Waikato University i Welcome to the University of Waikato graduation. It is always privilege event where y ap le e to host this special pe acknowledge and celebrate students’ successes. we ack nowledge an d cel br te ourr stude occasion family and friends for It is also lso an no cas to thank hank fa mily an their support duringg your the up orrt d you university ni rsity years. yea Graduation when d i iis a time i h I ffeel especially proud of the University off W Waikato. reinforces what my job is th he Univer ers rssityy o aaikato It rei re info orces w all about – leading focused on providing ng an institution fo each and every student with a world-class tertiary education that is relevant for today and for the future. University should be a challenge; it should test your thinking, build self-belief and provide you with unlimited ambition. I hope, once you leave us, you remember your university years as some of the best in your life and a time that prepared you for a fulfilling and exciting future. Professor Roy Crawford Vice-Chancellor University of Waikato GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 3 Ceremony Speakers The keynote and student speakers for the ceremonies are: WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Development, Faculty of Science & Engineering and Waikato Management School. Keynote Speaker: Dr Cathy Dewes NZOM Student Speaker: Denise Claire Te Wake WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL – 1.30PM 0PM ((TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social ociall Sciences, S ences Fac Faculty lt of Computing Comp g & Mat M Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty Fa ulty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific P cifi Development, Faculty of Science & Engineeringg and Waikato Management School. Keynote Speaker: Dr Cathy Dewes NZOM wes N ZOM Student Speaker: Neihana Russell sell Ja JJacob cob FRIDAY 20 APRIL – 2.30PM (HOLY HOLY OLY TRINITY TY Y EVENT EVE VEN ENT EN NT T CENTRE, CE C CEN TA TAURA TAURANGA) URA Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social ocial ial SSciences, ciences, Faculty of Computing Computing & M Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty Management School. aculty culty of Law and Waikato Man Managem nagem Keynote Speaker: Professor Chris Batte Battershill errshill ers Student Speaker: Ashlee Luanne nne Hemi MONDAY 30 APRIL – 2PM M (FOUNDERS ND DER TH THEATRE) ATRE) TRE Ceremony for Faculty of Computing puting & Mathematical em mat al Sciences and Faculty of SScience & Engineering. Keynote Speaker: Dr Ian Graham Student Speaker: Jessica King TUESDAY 1 MAY – 1 10AM AM (FO (FOUNDERS ND RS TH THEATRE) ATRE) Ceremony for Faculty of Education. Keynote Speaker: Bentham nth m Ohia Ohia Student Speaker: Rachel hel Joan JJowsey ows For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 70. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO TUESDAY 1 MAY – 2PM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Ceremony for Faculty of Education. Keynote Speaker: Trevor Taylor Student Speaker: Hannah Joy Beatson WEDNESDAY 2 MAY – 10AM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Ceremony for Waikato Management School. Keynote Speaker: Jon Calder Student Speaker: Briar Jessie Thompson hompson WEDNESDAY 2 MAY – 2PM ((FOUNDERS FOU UNDERS THEATRE) EATR ATRE) Ceremony for Waikato Management men nt School. Keynote Speaker: Andrew Smith h Student Speaker: Jason Keith Shaw w THURSDAY 3 MAY – 10AM (FOUNDERS OU UND DERS THEATRE) Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social all Scien SSciences. ces. Keynote Speaker: Joseph Hitchcock chcock Student Speaker: Amy Rebecca ca Jones THURSDAY 3 MAY – 2PM M (FOUNDERS DER TH THEATRE) HE Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Te Piringa P i g - Faculty of Law an and School of Māori & Pacific Development. Keynote Speaker: Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox Student Speaker: Fabienne Brandli abienne Bran For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 70. GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 5 Order of Proceedings TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE HOLY TRINITY EVENT CENTRE WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL FRIDAY 20 APRIL » Pōwhiri See Founders Memorial Theatre Order of Proceedings. » After the pōwhiri The Chancellor will open the proceedings » The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly » The keynote speaker will be introduced and will address the assembly » The Deans, or their representatives,, will present to the Chancellor for tthe conferment he confe erment of their qualifications, graduates tes ffrom om each Faculty/School of Study » The student speaker will be introduced ntroduced and address the assembly » Graduates will be invited onto o the marae ātea for a group photo » The proceedings will conclude with with a karakia whakawātea Following the marae ceremony, y, an invitation o on is extended to all graduates andd guests to joi join University staff in the marquee ee for refreshments. refreshment resh Mā te Mārie Mā te mārie a te Atua Tātou katoa e tīaki Māna anō e whakaū Ō tātou ngākau ki te pai. Mā te Atua Tamaiti rā Mā te Wairua Tapu hoki Rātou, Atua kotahi neii Tātou katoa Āmine FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE MONDAY 30 APRIL TUESDAY 1 MAY WEDNES SDAY 2 M WEDNESDAY MAY THURSDAY 3 M A MAY » The assem assembly bly iiss requested to stand as the academic enters the theatre ac cademic pprocession roces » A karanga will w be b performed to welcome the official party into of fficial par ty in nt the theatre » Th The proceedings T proceedi ding will commence with a mihi » The Ne New Zealand national anthem will be sung ew Z ea (page (pag gee 75) 75 5)) » The Chancellor will open the proceedings Ch C wil » T The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly » Th The ke speaker will be introduced and will keyno keynote speake assembly add address the assem » The Deans will present to the Chancellor for the conferment of their qualifications, Faculty/School of Study ggraduates ad at s from each e Faculty » The student speaker will be introduced and address res the he assembly assem ly » The he proceedings proc ng will conclude conclud with poroporoāki a poroporo āki » The will stand Th he assembly ssembly w illl sta and to ssing Gaudeamus (page 75) (p 75 » Official procession from the theatre » Graduates procession from the theatre (please remain standing until the procession has left the theatre) Following the ceremony, an invitation is extended to all graduates and guests to join University staff in the marquee for refreshments. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications to be conferred at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae 18 April 2012 Wednesday 18 April 2012 – 9.30am Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Adrian Jordan Fong, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS William Henry-Kenneth Ross, with Second Class Honours (second division), also conferred Bachelor of Science BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN ANGANUI NGANU NUI SCHOOL OL OF O DESIGN, DESIGN GN, (UCO (UC IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI (UCOL) Jacob Ihaia Pore BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Rashed Jaber R Almarri Bassam Bassam Abdulka Abdulkarim rim m R Alsuwab POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N CO COMPUTER OMPUTER R SCIE SCIENCE Ayman Abusiddiq Ali GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER PU UTER R SCIENCE Sumit Kumar Das GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN N COMPUTE COMPUTER R SC SSCIENCE CIENCE C Mohammed Subhi M Alanazi zi Faculty of Education Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY O OP Y Patricia Rodie, BEd Universityy off the South ou Pacific f Fiji, j , MEd Curtin U Universityy off Technology hnolog Australia, DipT University of Papua pua New Guinea Guin a Papua Pap New ew Guinea uinea Thesis Title: “The Perceptions ptions of Beginning B ginning Secondary co ry Teachers Teac about their Pr Professional ssional Learning Lea Experiences in the Solomon Islands Context” MASTER OF COUNSELLING SEEL NG Seona Winifred Ashton, with Second Class Honours (first division) Christine Vanessa White, with Second Class Honours (first division) Clare Monique Barnett, with First Class Honours MASTER OF EDUCATION Tracey Marie Liddall, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Mary Shevelle Davis, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Heidi Louise Chesterman 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Jacob Barry Mills BACHELOR OF TEACHING Ursula Waimaria Aitken Nicola Jane Meyer Camilla Brotherton Sandra Frances Newman Mania-Leigh Tangitemapu Crosby Mariana Nell Ngapo Danielle Jacquline Dunbar Mark John Pickard Ariana Huia Elmsly Aroha Pani Pirere, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Marianne Lee Fairest Lurline Kimi Reed Leanne Michelle Forrest Makere Awhitia Reeves Nicola Mary Gabriels Catherine Rivers-Smith Cheri Michell Heeni Gallagher Kyle y Michael Lauder Sucich Sheila Riria Henry, also conferredd Bachelo Bachelor or of Arts James Symons Edward Jame es Symo n Viki Lauren Hokai Tina-Maree Takimoana Takimoan Hayley Addilyn Holt Turner Tania Hinemutu Tur ne Hira Carl Hutchinson JJoan Joanne oann annee Mary Van Van Enckevort Enc Tuhi Ao Brenda Hazel Johnson Seng Weee Teck Se eng Randy W We Daelan Kayne Karangaroa Denise Karen D Karen enise Young Young Cynthia Kowalewski POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDU EEDUCATION CATION Denise Claire Te Wake, with Distinction ction onn POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN EDUCATIONAL CATION CATIONAL CAT A AL LEAD LEADERSHI LEADERSH LEADERSHIP ERSH HIP IP Vianney Gaye Douglas, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN LANGUAGE G AG GE AND LITERACY ITERACY EEDUCATIO EDUCATION Sharon Joy Shaw GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING GRAMME IN I SECONDARY, SECO ONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY Y CH DHOOD EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME CHILDHOOD Jo'el Komene Jo'e men Lydia Davis Claudette Kora C tte Simone Sim Ko Tiahomarama Te Haana Fairhall Fairhal EEvelyn l FFaustina i Leeff Giordana Antonietta Fea Featherstone erstone Mariee M McMillan Vicky Ma M cMillan an Sarah Elizabeth Hastie ie Shanon Hoani Hawea Appal Vishall Naidu, Graduate Diploma al V d also awarded aw in Engineering Raymond Ranapia Sonny Isaac Kylie Jane Redwood Maruia Caroline Jensen Pare Marie Polly Rota David John Kallahar Marama Leigh Salsano Ruth Ngaire Kapoor Carleen Lynsay Te Aroha M Tahere Henry Matthew King Moana Ngaio Turner GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Te Huinga Rawiri Koia Jenny Bennett, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Human Development, ment, with Distinction Dist ncti 9 Wednesday 18 April 2012 – 9.30am Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Felipe Forero Mantilla, with Second Class Honours (first division) Gabrielle Sarah Kershaw, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Ashiq Ghazi Hamid, with First Class Honours Julia Anne Steenson, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS Aidan Thomas Tyrone Allen Ana Ngamoki A na Ngamok ki Shivani Ashika Goundar Carlos Anthony Taniwha Hamon Saraya Ricky Waihoroi Wa horo Ngatai, also conferred Bachelor of Social So ial Sciences S Sandy Isaac Roache Sam Samantha-Lee Sa a Roach h Peleuila Itula rama Sonya Tuaine Theresa Teroro Marama Serenity Sere Seren ityy Taniwha, Taniwha, also aalso conferred Bachelor of Sciences Soc SSocial ial Science ngga Jennae Waimaria Maureen Matenga Tofiga Tofig fi a Tusiane T red Ba chelor off Arts Wi Pere Manaaki Mita, also conferred Bachelor Hine-Joy also conferred Bachelor of Arts ine ine-Jo ne Jo Joy Weiland, Weila d, al Bachelo or of Arts Elizabeth Tuu Moli, also conferred Bachelor Renata David Murray Murrra West Kirsten Jayne Moyer GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE RES RESOLUTION ESOLUTION ES Carleton Rory Mateer Faculty of Science & Engineering i Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Sheng Xu, BSc Liqoning University U i it China, ina ME Dalian l n University i sity of TTechnology h China Thesis Title: “Preparation ation of mesoporous mesopo us solidss containing con aining enca encapsulated ate metal etal spec speciess of tec technological interest” BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING GINEERIN WITH HONOURS O URS William Touanga Rohorua, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IENC Stevie Telber Noe Wairua Ngawahine Potini Nirvisha Babubhai Patel Reina Leigh Tamepo POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Shinod Shanmughan 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Wednesday 18 April 2012 – 1.30pm Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Margaret Diana Dudley, BA, MA, PGDipPsych(Clin) Auckland Thesis Title: “Evaluating the Impact of Attention Process Training (APT) on Attention Deficit in the Early Stages of Recovery from Stroke” MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Rebecca Mary Fraser, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours, with First Class Honours urs Juanita Emily Jacob, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONOURS Troy Ngarangi Egan, with Secondd Class Class Honours (first division) Dehein Deon Hi Hindley, ndley with First Class Honours, Bachelor of Arts also al o cconferred Bac h BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES N ES WITH HONOURS NCE HONO ONOURS ON N URS Sabrina Gay White, with Second Class Class Honours (first division) Roim Roimata oimataa Fiona Williams, Willi W am with Second Class Honours (first firstt division) division) BACHELOR OF ARTS Trinity Ahie Cherie A Anne Ormsby O Orrmsbby Tongaporutu John Neha BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES SCIEN NCES Kylie Joanne Duignan Maraea Tracy TTe Kokiri iri Kihirini Mullane-Ronaki Pita Richard Wiremu King Kerianne May Rangi Kerian Hayley Marie Mills Bree Evelyn Teka Erin Sean Wilson POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYC PSYCHOLOGY LO Y (CLINICAL) (CL AL) Diana Frances Johnson POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA PLOMA IN SECO SECOND OND LA LANGUAGE ANGUA AGEE TE TEACHING EA H NG Giselle Cazalas, with Distinction Zanette Ward GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY Thea Turora King School of Māori & Pacific Development DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Richard Keaoopuaokalani NeSmith, BA, MA University of Hawai’i USA Thesis Title: “The teaching and learning of Hawaiian in mainstream educational contexts in Hawai’i: Time for change?” Melda Lianne Penny, MEd, Diploma in Early Intervention Auckland, Te Tohu Mohiotanga Taranaki Polytechnic, DipT Waikato Thesis Title: “Mouri Tū, Mouri Moko, Mouri Ora! Moko as a wellbeing strategy” GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 11 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IIN PUBLIC POLICY Wednesday 18 April 2012 – 1.30pm School of Māori & Pacific Development continued MASTER OF ARTS Zanna Maraea Te Rangi Tuataka Jacqueline Douglas, with First Class Honours Jackie Kareti Te Amo Isobel Rachel Tiheia Waitiahoaho Emery, with First Class Honours MASTER OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Jane Alison Green, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONOURS Wikitoria Kuramihirangi Alison Day, Day, with First Class Honours with First Class Honours Tuirina Kaa Memory Memory Wehi, W Tamati Joseph Peni, with First Class Honours, a s Ho onours, also conferred Bachelor of Arts BACHELOR OF ARTS Marcus James Aupouri T Riini Te Riin Kapa Stella Roberta Tania Hikitia Beach Osborne Edna Barbaraa Osb bo Jacob Warren Anaru Collins James Perry ames Herbert Herrbert ber t Te T Huatahi Hu Phillipa Te Ngake Hakopa Louise Moanaa Loui ise se Roderick Robin Wesley Hapeta Jayellll Te O JJaye Ohorere Saunders Saund Tama Te Waiwhakaruku Hata-Tipene ta-Tipen Bonnie Hine Bo Bonn ne Te Kahu Taia Matiu Henare Hawea Whaitiri Desiree ee Reine Rein ne W Whaitir BACHELOR OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT OPMEN Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Hinepukohurangi Michaela Day Douglas Daryl Ruki Waikato Managem Management n School chool MASTER OF MANAGEMENT GEMENT STUDIES Neihana Russell Jacob, ob, with w h First Class C Honours, ours, aalso awarded Postgraduate duate Diploma ipl in Strategic Management, with Distinc Distinction ion BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Warren James Alan Hastie, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Management Lahaina Georgina Rota, also awarded Graduate Certificate in Accounting Joshua Huta-Mauri Rohorua Nan Wang BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Taryn Louise Anderson GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Himashi Nilanka Sooriyaarachchi DIPLOMA IN TOURISM Vikram Singh Pawar 12 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Gina Te Kimo Mahara Qualifications to be conferred at Holy Trinity Event Centre, Tauranga Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E 20 April 2012 GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 13 Friday 20 April 2012 – 2.30pm Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Kathleen Ann Dalliam Blakeborough Grace Joy Irvine Robert Geoffrey Drabble Jacob Louis Kerewaro Lauren May Haddock Megan Lee McKenzie Ashlee Luanne Hemi Alexandra Maria Richardson BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK Patricia Ann Bavage F e Lorraine Fae Lorrain McIntosh McIn Polly Victoria Brown Mitchell Ki Joyce Kim J Mitch chell Benjamin Pamonag Ferrer Conning ng Stovold Megan Anne Sto old ld Sandra Ann Jackson Faculty of Computing ting ing & Mathemat Mathematical athema t Sci S Scie Sciences BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Brian Christopher Bullas Trevor Law Lawrence wrenc ncee Pratt Pr Joseph Lawrence Honeyfield POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN COMPU COMPUTER ER SCIENCE Grzegorz Piotr Smialowski POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STATISTICS CS Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT H O LY T R I N I T Y E V E N T C E N T R E , T A U R A N G A Laeeq Ahmad Faculty of Education MASTER OF EDUCATION TION Penelope Elizabeth Judith Deane, with First Class Honours urs Heather-Joy Mahy, with Second Class Honours (first division) (f f irst di ivis on) BACHELOR OF TEACHING Cheryl Leanna Abraham Lewis John Carroll Lisa Marie Anderson Tyler Elizabeth Cole Gaynor Elizabeth Appleford Melissa Suzanne Collins Sulu Aukuso Tony Samuel Cook Shona Marie Bassett Morgan Lee Culton Mere Louisa Olive Bibi Sarah Jane Davis Erin Michaela Brown Kelsey Chanelle Dew Mikayla Marie Brown Zac Dickinson Karen Allison Bull Rebecca Margaret Elders Tracey Joyce Came Paul Andrew Evans Stephanie Jan Cameron-Yates Jodie Emma Fly Julia Diana Candish Stacey Leigh Forster 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO BACHELOR OF TEACHING continued Alison Denise Fullick Catherine Mary Neave Amanda Gardner Alicia Toni Pamplin Maria Gertruda Geraerts Linda Tangi Meretepiki Parata Angela Margaret Haman Stacey Ellen Pearson John Joseph Hapi Sharon Fay Pickering Angela Mary Kyllie Harley Scott Aaron Pratt Joanne Maree Haynes Kendyll Brenna Reeve Liam Paul Herlihy Sarah Michele Richmond Navneet Kaur Hannah Robertson Dominique Le Sellin Ruddell Nathan John n Mark R u Andrea Lehmann Ross David Siviter Sivit r Anna Juliette Leigh Steens Suzanne Joy Ste ens Gayle Yvonne Manson Candace Can Candac Canda andace ac Teatarua Teatarua Tewai Tew Tapiki Lorna Lorraine Mc Cormack Ashton Asht Ashto on n Louise TThompson-Teepa hom mp Sjaan Ashli McDivitt Annika Ann Annik ka Joan Towers Tow wers Jonelle Cheyanne McIsaac Neville Bla Ne Blair eville Harry Ha ry Tristram Tr T Inga Kristina McKeown Wharerau Michelll Margaret Michelle Michel Margaret W Sarah Jane Murcott Luana Gay Winiata W Winiaata POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN EDU EDUCATION UC CATIO ON Gerardine Anne Robbie, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE ICATE IN N TER TE TERTIARY TEACHING AC James Duncan Paterson GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING GRAMME IN SECONDARY, SEC DAR , PRIMARY PR MAR OR EARLY RLY CHI LDHOOD EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME CHILDHOOD Ceri Julia Blears Woodcock cock Johanna Jo na Emma Emm Overdevest ve ves Kirsty Marie da Silveira Harlie Jed Bentley Deacon eaco on Michael Mi h l Robert R b Rayner, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering ginee ngg Nikita Mary Hargreaves Timothy Timo oth hy Peter ete Rogers Bruce John Mander, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering Diana Lavinia Serban Chrystal-Le Francesca Marshall Kate Elizabeth Spencer Carol Jean Orton Jessica Stringer Jacqueline Kate Shakes Te Piringa - Faculty of Law BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Andrew Robert Cameron, with First Class Honours Alister Michael Joseph Moran, with First Class Honours James Adrian Noel Moran, with Second Class Honours (first division) GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 15 Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT H O LY T R I N I T Y E V E N T C E N T R E , T A U R A N G A Damian Ross Lunson Friday 20 April 2012 – 2.30pm Waikato Management School BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Carmen Maree Bradstreet Samson Ajnesh Nand BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Lynne Marian Lawson Elise Joy Van Ameringen Darren Quinton Owen BACHELOR OF TOURISM Chontelle Bo Cawte Laura Veren Verenaa Wächter Wäch e POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NM MANAGEMENT ANAGEMENT STUDIES Roger Noel Dixon Ririnui C l Lynne Carol Ly Riri ui Kelvin Philip Hill Stephen Steph hen n Vincent Rowe Ro ow w Monique Martine Nee Nee Michelle Walsh M ich helle Alicia Wals W h POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATEE IN MANAGEMENT GEEMEN GEMENT EMEN NT STU ST STUD STUDIES TU Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT H O LY T R I N I T Y E V E N T C E N T R E , T A U R A N G A Andrew Murray McPherson 16 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications to be conferred at Founders Memorial Theatre Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT H O LY T R I N I T Y E V E N T C E N T R E , T A U R A N G A 30 April – 3 May 2012 GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 17 Monday 30 April 2012 – 2pm Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF SCIENCE Appu Mathew Jose Beverley Alice Laundry, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Jecoba Ruth Denny, with First Class Honours Dorothy-Grace Elizabeth Jones, with Second Class Honours (first division) Eli Hoani Mita Peters, with Second Class Honours (second division) Stephen Jon Lambert SSherman, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTING G AN AND D MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WIT WITH HONOURS Jessica Ellen Champion, with Firstt Class Cla s Honours with Joel Oughton, w th FFirst ir Class Honours Michelle Laura Clark, with First Class Honours lass H Dan Daniel a l Jerome aniel J PPickering, ckeri with Second Class Honours (second (seco ndd division) Andre Marc Meister, with First Class Honours asss H onours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING GW WITH ITH HO HONOURS ONOURS OU OURS Omar Salim Hamed Al-Hasani, with ith Second Se S cond Class Class Honours (first division) Kohl Kreger hl Anthony Anthony K An regger Bromwich, with First Class Honours Daniel Adam m King, Kingg, with First Class Honours Michael James Ashman, with First Class ass Honours Honnours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF COMPUTER R GRAPH GRAPHIC C DESIG D DESIGN GN OOL OF DESIGN, DES (UCOL) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL Scott Christie Alonzo Lucienne ienne Louise Lou se Mew Jamie Ian Bunting Tyron Ty yron William Wl Noble Rodd Temple Castle Dairne Ann O’Sullivan Saranna Mukti Drury Josiah Gia Paul Haylie Marisa Gray Patrick James Ryan y Reegan James Jordan Kelsey Ke sey Renee Scheurich ch uri Ceapum Kaushish Althea Alicia c Schutte Cole Alexander Majoor or Thomas Mur Murray Silvester T lve r Karen Anita Manktelow Daniel Hendrikus Van Woerkom Da Hendrik Va Katrina Jane McIntosh Michelle Kirsty Whimp BACHELOR OF COMPUTING OM MP TING AND M MATHEMATICAL TH MATICA AL SC SCIENCES CIENC S Yu Jia Su Blair Stephen Van Waveren BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Leoncio Jr Santos Dizon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Luke Leonard Bjerring Ashley Richard Sharpe Mitchell Ford Burton Nicholas Stephen Signal Lin Han Ashley William George Steel Caleb Martin Hoolihan Alex Anania Turerangi Tango Sydney Anish Kumar Keshav Qiugang Yang Prudence Maude Lambert Daqian Zheng 18 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Ali Ibrahim A Alharbi Xu Han POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Guodong Liang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN Alysse Uvonne Brown GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Colin David Orr Faculty of Sciencee & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Brenda Robyn Baillie, Dip Massey, y BSc Waikato y, Waikato,, MA MAppl MApplSc MApplS Appl c Lincoln Li olln Linc Thesis Title: “The physical and biological ological ogical function ionn of wood ion wo wood o in New N Ne Zealand’s Zealand’s forested f stream ecosystems” Marykate Zillah Black, BSc Harper Adams damss University College United Kingdom, Kingdom Kiingdo MSc University of Reading United Kingdom Thesis Title: “The kiwifruit (Actinidia idia sp.) p.) .) vine root system: responses responsses es to o vine v manipulations” m Hannah Frances Emily Jones, BSc(Hons) Uni Unniversit University U nni ty of South Hampton Hampto H ton United Kingdom Kin Thesis Title: “The ecological rolee of the suspens suspension ionn fee feeding edingg bi bivalve, bivalvve, A Aus Austrovenus strovenus stutch stutchburyi, in estuarine ecosystems” Hilary Nath Dilrukshan Manikkathiagarajah, ikkathiagarajah, raja BSc B University niversity versity of Colombo mbo Sri Sr Lanka, Lankka M MSc University of Madras India Thesis Title: “The development ent and applications pplica ons of a micro-gap p perforated err forrat electrode electro flow through cell” Hazel Rosemary Needham, BSc(Hons) University c(H niversity ty of Portsmouth P rtsmouuth United Kingdom Thesis Title: “The context-specific roles of a bioturbating crab (Austrohelice crassa) on ecosystem functioning” Philip Maxwell Ross, BSc, MSc Auckland Thesis Title: “The genetic structure of New Zealand’s coastal benthos: using the estuarine clam Austrovenus stutchburyi, to determine rmine rates of o gene ene flow f ow and population connectivity” c nn ct vity” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Alexandre Carmelo Gregory Schimel, Diplôme D’Ingénieur University of Ensieta France Thesis Title: “Quantitative itative com comparison pari on of o benthic nthic habitat habit t maps ma derived eriv from Multibeam Mu tibeam Echosounder Ec backscatter data” Hui Woon Tay, BSc, MScc Waikato Waika o Thesis Title: “Nutrient dynamics in shallow tidally-dominated estuaries” Oguejiofo Theophilus Ujam, Uja BSc, MSc University Unniv rsity of Nig Nigeria gerria N Nigeria iggeri Thesis Title: “An Investigation of the Multifunctional Alkylation ion Chemistry of [Pt²(μ-S) μ ²(PPh³)4]” Yanyang Xu, MSc Hebei Semiconductor Research Institute China, MSc University of Notre Dame USA Thesis Title: “Investigation and Modelling of Fetal Sheep Maturation” Suhaili Binti Zakariah, BSc(Hons) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MSc University of Wales United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Fast Monte Carlo Simulation of 90Y Bremsstrahlung using a Kernel-based Photon Source” MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Steven Owen McCabe, BE(Hons) Waikato Thesis Title: “Impulse TDR and its Application to Characterisation of Antennas” MASTER OF ENGINEERING Fan-Chen Jeanie Tseng GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 19 Monday 30 April 2012 – 2pm Faculty of Science & Engineering continued MASTER OF SCIENCE Shelley Cramp, with Second Class Honours (first division) Bernard Michael Simmonds, with First Class Honours Marie Ann Dennis Niharika Singh, with Second Class Honours (first division) Jacob Evan Jaine, with First Class Honours Parvaneh Palma Zareie, with First Class Honours Richard John Lobb, with First Class Honours Antony Joseph Parnell, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING NG W WITH ITH HONOURS Graeme Michel Adriaens, with First r t Class C ass Honours Jaskamal Preet Singh S ngh Sekhon, with First Class Honours Stewart Craig Caines, with Second nd Class Class Honours rss (second division) Sellers, Chlo Chloe h Margaret hloe M Seller with Second Class Honours division) (first di (f vision) Samuel Michael Cameron, with First First Class Class Honours Honourss Andrew David French, with First Class Class Honours Kavwa Kavw avwa Sichone, withh Second Class Honours (second (seco (sec ndd division) division) Samuel Paul Garrett, with First Class ass Honours H nours with First Class Honours Ajit itt Pa PPal Singh, w ith t Fi Quentin Ian Griffiths, with First Class ss Honours Honnours Singh, with First Class Honours Charanjot Sin ngh, wi w Nicola Rachel Harrison, with Second nd Class Cla Class as Honours Honours (first division) with Punit Solanki, Solan nki, w wit ith First Class Honours Timothy Peter Honeyfield, with Honours th First Class H Ho onnour with Aaron James J s Walker, W Walke wi Second Class Honours (firstt division) (firs divisi visio io o Matthew John Kershaw, withh First Classs Hon Honours James Jam mes Colin n Walters, Wa , with First Class Honours Petrus Jozef Martinus Leijen, with Firstt Class Class Honours Ho Kevin First Class Honours vin Sean a Welle Weller, with Fi Timothy Lloyd Mason, with First st Class Honours Thomas with Second Class Honours Mark Tho om Wilson, w omas (second division) Victoria Louise McCullough, with First Class Honours Greg Francis McPherson, with First Class Honours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Benjamin David Harry ry Ruffell, R ffell with wit First rst Class C ass Honours Honours Andrew Leo Russell, wi withh Sec Second Honours ond Class ss H nou s (second division) Mitchel Joel Woodhouse, with Second Class Honours (first division) Diego D ego Yi-Han i-Han Wu, Wu with First rst Class C ass Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ENCE WIT WITH H HON HONOURS UR Neville Joseph Alan Coughlan, hl with First Class Honours, also conferred ferre Bachelor achelo or off Sciencee Rebecca Marie Short, with First Fi Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Hassan Mohammed A Al Essa Stuart John Boyes Shabir Ahmad Azizi Samuel David Constable Cathryn Black Melville George Slade BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Ramtin Ahmadi Yu-Cheng Chung Robert John Appleby Benjamin John Clearwater Gabrielle Katinka May Batenburg Emmeline Frances Corrigall Nicole Janine Burgess Paul Melville Crosby Anna Marie Carter Li-Ping Chao Hannah Caitlin Crossan, also awarded Graduate Certificate in Biological Sciences Christopher John Charles Jaime Andrew Te Ahu Davies-Campbell 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO BACHELOR OF SCIENCE continued Neeltje Petronella Hendrika Maria De Groot Tanya Joy Moore Tracey Leigh Dobson Sarah Nicole Moratti Siobhan Teresa Duffy Brian Roger Mourits Nicola Jane Dunn Eli Justin Muller Shannon Marie Eisenhut Theresa Bernadine Sally Elizabeth Ng Lam Christina Beate Fehlmann Nicola Louise Noort, also conferred Bachelor of Laws Shwetha Ann George Samuel Murray Gresham O'Neill Ella Ruby Purangi Grierson Bliss Liza Pappachan Ondine Maria Habgood Erica JJean Prentice Diane Harvey Jack Pronger Aaron Mark Huesser Rackham Alice Joy Rackha m Melissa Maria Jager Reeve Rebecca Jane Re eve Motootua Wilfred Karalus Melody Robyns Mel Melod elody dy Angharad Angharad Ro b Duncan Buchanan Kerr Andrew An Andre ew w Peter Scott Scottt Hamish John Kerr Sophiee Anne Sim Soph m Serena Khor Benjamin Benja Ben Benjam m n Clifford Cliffo d Simons Sim Jessica King Spenceley JJane Estelle Es Est Spencele Nadia Laubscher Spyksma Arie James Peter P S Christian Tennyson Lovell Han Ling Tan Mosetsana Memory Marupi Tarrant Sarah Tina Ta T rrant Jodie Mary Maunder-Grice Honor Elizabeth Young Hono or El zabeth Anne Y Hamish Lane McEwan Joseph Tane Aitken Erin Nicole Bowkett Jamie Elisabeth Armstrong Rose Marion Greenfield Kelly-Anne Louise Banks anks Lucy Lu cy Elizabeth E za et Martin Alexandra Margaret Keyte K t Beattie B tti Kaitlin Morrison K tli Anne A Keryn Leeanne Beddis dis Derek Gordon Dere ord Radford Kristi Rhiannon Bennett tt Dangerfield Smith SStefan John D rf S Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) TECHNOLOGY) GY) POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Douglas William McCauley Caule POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EARTH SCIENCES Winifred Amber Drew POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE John U Michael POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Jiby Sandya Kurian GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 21 Tuesday 1 May 2012 – 10am Faculty of Education BACHELOR OF TEACHING WITH HONOURS Sarah Maree Alloway, with First Class Honours Jessica Ruth Armour, with Second Class Honours (first division) Teri Lee Robertson Meling, with Second Class Honours (first division) Amy Grace Shields, with First Class Honours Margaret Vida Lyall, with First Class Honours Yvette Ellen Meara, with Second Class Honours (first division) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF TEACHING Jennifer Stacey Adam, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Kate Mary Davison, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Alicia Ellen Allen Stephanie Marie de Besten Deborah Maree Anderson Shontelle Francine Dekker Emma Lee Anne Armstrong Cherie Dixon, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Kathryn Ann Banks Colleen Patricia Dobson Jazmin Ann Barnby Falstaff William Terrence Dowling-Mitchell Maria Jane Batters Sharon Elizabeth Drabble Julie Marie Benny Laura Maree Duncan Judith Margot Betham Jan Patricia Duthie Rachel Blair Megan Louise Ebborn Leanne Michelle Blissett Steven Geoffrey Ellis Kristy Jane Blundell Susannah Marie Engel Rebecca Kate Board Sonja-Marion Ericksen Kirsty Joan Boros Chanelle Evans Michelle Lucy Bourke Shirlene Theresia Edith Evans Kaytlin Louise Bowers Dianne Celine Felix Erin Ann Bracken Amy Louise Bradstreet Eion Jeremy Field, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Joanne Linda Brennan Raewyn Yvonne Forsyth Michelle Victoria Brocklehurst Kylie Marie Forsythe Ayla Elizabeth Brown Casey Celeste Frew Anna Marie Burrows, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Nicola Marie Gaastra Bryce Allan Butler Shelley Anne Gardner Stacey Lee Campbell Alyssha Patricia Louise Garner Jessica Anne Carlton, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Lesley Ann Gibbard Vanessa Lynda Chatfield Charlotte Jane Gibbs Kelly Loraine Clement Kirstin Anne Cole Ellyse Elizabeth Goodwin, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Rosemary Cook Matthew David Goodwin Ngahuia Mary Corbett, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Haley Glenis Corfield Amanda-Dai Grant, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Anna Lee Crawford Kristin Maree Grant, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Holly Diane Crawford Kristy Lee Graveson Sharon Cullen Tania Lucille Gray Kathryn Jean Cunningham Hannah May Griffin 22 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Laura Jane Deegan Aimee Helena Ganley Stephanie Kathleen Griffin Nichola Shannon McGaughran Huia Lorraine Hadfield, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Carol Maree McGregor Karine Marie Hanscombe Amy Leigh McKay Ashlee Sara Hansen Kaitlyne Marie McKay Eileen May Hansen Jasmine Elkington Haywood Jenny Marie McPherson, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Sarah Lea Higgins Timothy David McWha Carla Annette Hill Vicki Cheryl Meagher Kara Anne-Marie Hills Samantha Jane Miller Stacey Lee Hose Angela Milsted Mils ed Staci Josephine Hughes Melissa Ant nia Mis l Antonia Mistlberger Briar Anne Imber Holly Kendyl Morrell Morrel Hana Marguerite Inns Morgan Lindsay Mor r Morrow k son Benjamin Peter Walter Craig Jackson Leaa Rac R acc Morton aachel Morton Rachel Nicholas Alexander Jensen Amon mon ndd Mowbra Amondi Mowbrayy Melody Ruth Jessep Kelly M argaret R ose N Margaret Rose Newson Tracey Debra John Hayley Ann Nic Hay Hayley holas Nicholas Anna Fae Johnston S Me Sian Si M Melissa N obleeNoble-Campbell Bronwyn Anne Johnstone Katrina Marie Marie Oliver Oliv Ann-Maree Irene Jones Kerri Anne Jones Aleishia N icolee Penny P Nicole Orange, also conferred Bach helor o off Arts A Bachelor Rachel Joan Jowsey Holl H ly Shontelle Sho Sh ntelle Pa Holly Park Tracey Megan Kibble Lau aura Holliee Pa Laura Parker Micheal Wayne Tete King Meg Lillian an Parso Parsons Fleur Michelle Knight EElizabeth izabeth hC Christina Cato Paterson Jennifer Esther Koopu Areann Dominique Crystal Paton Rachel Marie Kuysten, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Sarah Maree Pettigrew, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Chantelle Louise Lambert Emma Kate Phelps on Samantha Jane Lawson Larysa Yvonn kli n Yvonne Po Pocklington Morgan Jane Lea Jagmohan Pooni Linda Marie Lee Am ne Proud Amanda Jea Jeannine Augustine Joseph Leger Jes Jessica Fay Pu Pullan Julie Helen Leonard M i Eli b th PPutt, tt also o conferred conf Marcia Elizabeth Bachelor of Liberal Studiess Kim Helenia Leong Rochelle Marie Lile Beina Liu Jacqueline Lorraine Lockyer Shanyn Kyle Logie Rochelle Donna Lowe Paul Lyttle Natalie Elspeth Leah Marsh Rebecca Kelsey Martin Carolynne Amanda Masson Molly-Ann Masters Laura Suzanne Mattson Aimee Louise Maxwell Traceyann May M ereeia N cev Ratulevu u Mereia Naceva Abby Louise Richardson Lynnette Helen Robertson Kylie Sue Rockliffe Jenna Lauren Roland Marion Rose Saunders Barbara Anne Savage Saffron Grace Sayers, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Kedra Jade Schwab Laura Jane Seed Cameron James Sharp Ivanna May Shore Vennessa Pearl Silvester GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 23 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF TEACHING continued Tuesday 1 May 2012 – 10am Faculty of Education continued BACHELOR OF TEACHING continued Rachael Louise Skeen-Toia Kerrin Lee Smillie Alysha Dana Smith Livvy Anna Smith Katherine Mary Smithies Jodi Briar Smyth, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Deborah-Jayne Solomon Johanna Margaret Stevens Shanna Stobart Larissa Dawn Thomas Donna Maree Thorburn Shanaye Annaliesse Tissingh Stacey Nicole Tomich Helen Jane Twentyman Cindy Michelle Van Ingen-Kal Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Susanna Elizabeth Margaretha van Zyl,l, also cconferred Bachelor of Science 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Jessica Helena Vincent Ana Miro Vogt Brenda Joyce Warrander Elizabeth Anne Waldron Claire Merissa Walker Aimee Jean Welburn Susan Mary Were PPia ia Sharon Wesley W Rachael h l Helen West West Collette Marie W hit l also conferred Bachelor of Whittle, Sport and Leisu re Studies St Leisure Emily mily Donnella D W Willi a Williams Luann Lu ne Debra Williamson William Luanne JJordan orda rdan Leslie L Ber W l also conferred Bachelor of Arts Berill Wills, Karla May M Wiske Wiske Kelly elly ly Ja JJane ne Wisn ewsk Wisnewski Rebecca Jane Wot tto Wotton Tuesday 1 May 2012 – 2pm Faculty of Education DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Suxia Gao, BA Hebei University China, PGDipEd, MEd, Waikato Thesis Title: “Teacher Development for English Language Teaching in China: Based on English Language Teachers' Beliefs and Practices in New Zealand” Yusmini Binti Md Yusoff, BEd University of Malaya Malaysia, MEd Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Thesis Title: “Counselling and Religious and Spiritual Values: A Malaysian Study” Wendy Ann Talbot, PGCertCS, MCouns Waikato Thesis Title: “Reflexive audiencing practices for couple relationships-in-action” Vincent John Wright, BEd, DipEd Massey, MEd Waikato Thesis Title: “The Development of Multiplicative Mu tiplicative Thinking and Proportion Proportional al R Re Reasoning: Models of Conceptual Learning and Transfer” MASTER OF COUNSELLING Nicola Mary Athy, with First Classs Honours Honours Nicole Nicol le JJules ules Macquet, Macqu uet, with Second Class Honours division) (first di ivision) Pamela Ann Edsall, with First Classs Ho Honours ours with Rache Wolfe, Ra Rachel W w ith First Fir F Class Honours Zoe Alford, with First Class Honours urs Paula Diane Lapslie, with First Classs Honours Honours MASTER OF EDUCATION Jade Chalmers, with First Class Honours Shalvind Vikash Reddy, w with Second Class Honours Shalv vind Vika Vi ikash Red ika ((second (seco ond nd division) diivision) Nola Elizabeth Harvey, with First Classs Ho Honours Honou Delwyn Kay Riding De Delw Rid Tracey Ann Hooker, with Second ond Class Honours Ho onours (first division) Susan n Janette Janettte Wake, W with Second Class Honours division) (firstt divi John Clark McPhillips, with Second Class Honours (first division) Chengming Wang, with First Class Honours Margaret Ann Arthur, with First st Class Honours Honou no ouurs Lynley Ann Westerbeke, with First Class Honours Rachel Margaret Rachmani, chmani, with Firstt Class Honours Nathan Alexander Leith, th, with Sec Secondd Class Cla Honours on (first division) Xanthe Anna Sulzberger, with Second Class Honours (first division) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Brendan Keit Keith Wilson, Honours, B Wilso with First Class C aalso awarded awarde Postgraduate stg duate Diploma Diplo in Educational Leadership, Distinction Ed ucational Le aders with D MASTER OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Yasir Ayed Alsamiri, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Amy Elizabeth Marfell, with First Class Honours Arron Mark Stewart, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES WITH HONOURS Julia Nicole Harvey, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Saniie Toa Stephen Michael Williams GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 25 Tuesday 1 May 2012 – 2pm Faculty of Education continued BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Nicole Kathryn Amor Rachel Barbara Jones Samantha Marie Bailey, also conferred Bachelor of Teaching Mwarawa Tererei Kairaoi Kate Ellen Barker Louise Joanne Lloyd Aliesha Marie Barnett Zoe Emma Martin Hannah Joy Beatson Charmaine Melissa Atawhai Mason Charlotte Nola Blair Catherine Anne Anne McGiven M McGi Garrett James Blair McLeod JJessie i Ann A McLe od Jason Ronald Boobyer Jessie Jade Mills Heather Lorraine Braybrook James Mourits, Hayden H ay Mour t also conferred Bachelor of Tea TTeaching aching Yana Louise Butler, also conferredd Bachelor Bachelor of Teaching Hamish Ham sh h Henk Owbridge Owb wbr d Olivia Jane Caldwell Samuel Paterson Sam Samu ell John Pat erson Keryn Jayne Chitty Hayley Hayle e Louise PPatrick ey atrick Mark Robert Chitty Talia Maree Copestake also conferred Bachelor Chloe Isabel PPenwarden, Penwa Teaching of Teachin ng Micayla Ann Cotter Richards Taryn Elyse Ely lyse Ri Ric Rich cchards Teri Anne Dunsbee Adam m Phillip Phillllip lip Roach, lip oach, also o conferred Bachelor of Teaching Samantha Rose Flay Sarah Roberts Sara h Ro erts Amy Frances Gardiner Shannon Sh on Lee ee Ros Ross Daralyn Patricia Gee, also conferred ferred Bachelor Bachelor of Teaching Marie Rachel Mari ie Thorrold Jennifer Louise Gilbert, also conferred Bachelor of Teaching Anischka Jay Walmsley Samuel James Gordon on Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Kurt Clinton Kirby Scott Peter Higgins Aaron Peter Tozer Melissa Jayne Westbury Elisee Jacqueline El J cqu li e Westcott West Jesse Lachlan Howess Lynaire Jodi Williams, also conferred Bachelor of Teaching chin Kimberly Joy Huriwai Stephanie St nie Kim Willis lis Naomi Jule Jefferies Natasha Nata sha Sarai Woodhouse Woodh Matthew Jenkins POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Mary Alison Basel Marie Lillian Malone Damian Anthony Bennett Sonia Lee Mau, with Distinction Jane Butcher, with Distinction Pushpa Devi Prasad Shirley Margaret Collins, with Distinction Nadine Lesley Rayner Shirley Mary Dudli, with Distinction Grant Kenneth Shearer, with Distinction Barbara Denice Dysart Katherine Elizabeth Sullivan Amy Louise Haswell, with Distinction Sheree Kim Swanson, with Distinction Sandra Elizabeth Honey, with Distinction Ruita Hariata Taiapa Rosemary Margaret Jones Erena Tapiata Kathleen Mary Kaveney, with Distinction Cheryl Haererangi Turuwhenua Kathryn Ann Logan Anna Wilhelmina Columbina Van Lamoen, with Distinction 26 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Amanda Jean Bird, with Distinction Michael John Sommerville, with Distinction Bridgit Ann Edge Christine Marie Williams, with Distinction Paula Christine Malins POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LANGUAGE AND LITERACY EDUCATION Natalie Clare Fensham Joanna Rochelle Scott Mark Christopher Schollum POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Emma Louise Dawson POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IN COUNSELLING Julie Isabel Addenbrooke-Moss Joanne Helen M McNaughton cNau POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IN SCHOOL OL PRINCIPALSHIP OL PPRINCIPA PRINCIPALS R C PA Robyn Therese Murphy POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATEE IN N SPECIA SPECIAL AL EDUCATION AL E C TION EDUC ON Dorothy Waia Wanega GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION DUCATIO TIO IO ON Karen Evelyn Pratt GRADUATE DIPLOMA OFF TEACH TEACHING HING NG DA ARY PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD CHI A ONE YEAR PROGRAMMEE IN SECONDARY, EDUCATION Louise Sylvia Allen Daniel Antony Charles Chapman Cynthia Librada Apolinario Ryan James Clark Bevan Philip Bailey, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering ring Kathleen Margaret Coogan g Megan Coombes g Kathleen at Robyn Nicole Baker LLatasha Ann Costarr Rebecca Jane Barrow Ryan Luke Cox Rya Alan George Batten Amanda Nicole Cranston Rachael Ellen Bear Anthony Anth hon ny Eliot iot Cargill argilll Cutten Cutteen Jennifer Ruth Beattie Natalie Marie Bellamy Lee Charles Dainty, also awarded Graduate Diploma h in Engineering Philippa Gae Bennett Mary Anna de France Deborah Karyn Booth Saba Grace Dennis Victoria Jane Boswell Sashi Kiran Devi Deo Katie Belle Brakenridge Leanne Charlotte Deroles Craig Barry Allan Briggs Hannah Robyn Devery Nichole Louise Burt Donley Christopher John Dixon Vance Robert Burton Nathan James Dixon Monique Ellen Butler Kimberly Jean Dove Joshua Ross Buxton Martin Lloyd Downey Michael Peter Caddigan, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering Christine Ann Earnshaw Kevin Richard Eastwood GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 27 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Heather H ather Catherine C th rin Cook Co Hannah Kate Bailey Tuesday 1 May 2012 – 2pm Faculty of Education continued GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING continued A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Kirsty Meredith Frida Eichmann Serita Katrina Johnston Megan Elizabeth Elmes Jodie-Anne Joyce Kim Lena Elrick Rebecca Mary Jury Maria Petronella Erasmus Bauro Kairaoi Benjamin Febery, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Economics Scott Darrel Keene Kereru Tatiana Erik Erika-Lani -Lani Ker Charlotte Esther Ferris Natalie Kingg N li Doris Ki Leigh Renee Finlay Jeanny Zerrudo Kirchhain irchh Emma Margaret Fouhy Kumar Kumar Devender D e Kuma Kum m Stephanie Clare Fowlie Keshni Keshn hni Lata Kumar Kumar Travis Albert Franklin Langdon Clai e LLouise Lan Claire ggdon Sharon Katrina Froome Justine Lasseter Jus Justin i e Ann Lass eter Matthew Paul Garratt Kirsty rsty tyy Marguerite M Marguer e Le Le Couteur Sarabjit Kaur Ghuman Simone Lehr Lajwanti Gidwani Marc Byronn Le Lievre LLie Liev Mara Goes Jing Li Alexander Neill Grant Yinyin Yiny Yi yin Li Laura Renee Green Kate Kat ate Liddington L gton Victoria Jayne Hamer Liu Xincai Li u Nicola Jane Hamill Sheryl Lornie Robyn n Sh Shery Kirsty Monique Hampton Amanda Jane MacMurray Harminder Kaur Harbans Singh Anthony Michael Mar, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering Mary Elizabeth Hardiman Sara Ashleigh Harveyy also conferred Lana Kay K y Marsom, Ma om als nfer ed Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Lacosta Joy Hayward Nathan Web Webster Matthews Na er Matth ews Alice Evelyn Hemmings Nataliee Patric Patricia McCann, conferred Bachelor Na cC , also conf of Sport and LLeisure isure Studies dies Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Daniel Wade Harper Charmain Hendrikz Mary Elizabeth Holmes es Portia Lee Holmes Sarah Louise Holmes Sophie Kate Hulbert Daniel Murray Irvine Ritu Jain Shital Nimish Jani Johanna Hendrina Janse van Vuuren Marietjie Janse van Vuuren Ling Jin Muthunacharige Damayanthi Chandani Srimathi Kumari Jinadasa Amanda Kylie Johansson Eva Leigh Johnson 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Kerry-Anne McChlery y Chleryy Helen Anne M McLeod H len A L d Nikki Anne Metcalfe, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management Jill Heather Meyer Megan Rita Muldowney Renate Kathrine Muller Hannah Allyse Munn Muni Kanta Narayan Lynette Olivia Naylor Jordan Kate Neil Vineola Visoni Niurou Joanne Shirley Nixon Kelly Margaret Oldridge GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING continued A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Sharon Ann Patterson Sally Louise Smyth Lauren Rose Penney Elizabeth Mary Southall Brent Stephen Perry Cameron Joseph Matthews Stapleton Jacob Marama Phillips Decy Suwantika Thomas John Pietkiewicz Vanessa Georgina Swanson Ram Krishan Podal Kimberley Ruth Tahere Robert Shane Pope Terence Wirihana Tauroa Preeti Prathna Prasad Catherine Grace Taylor y Tracy Joy Pratt Michelle Janine Miche elle Taylor Taylo Hayden Jon Priest Raewyn Gail Teh Fraser William Quinn Melissa Anne Thompson Thom s Ngaire Glenda Ranapia, also awarded rded Graduatee Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality a itty Management Managem M m nt men Tilley, Julia ulia ia M Margaret Ma Ti ley, aalso conferred Bachelor of Sport Leisure andd LLe eisure Studies Studiees Sanjita Devi Rattan Anna-Maree Tooby Alida d A nna-Mareee To oo Emma-Jane Marie Reichardt Sheana Amy Sh heana Toroa To oa James Douglas Reid Trass Ryan Da David D Tra ss Brendon James Rickard Aleshia Joy Turne Turner T er Jolene Roberts Vaii Selepa Va Angus Anstruther Robertson, also awarded awardded deed ed Graduate Graduate Diploma in Engineering Melissa Maree Van Vliet Meliss sa Mar ree Ariana Va ree Justine Louise Rogers Joanne Claire Jo Joan laire Wallace W Kirsty Samantha Russell Xiaowen aow wen Wa Wang an Shannon-Jade Russell Washer EEmma mm Margaret Wash Nanise Watiqolo Nancy Aisha Sahib Kent Michael Watkins Clara May Sands Kayla Alyce Wellington Aaron James Scott Gillian Louise Weston G lian Lou se We ton Nicola Katherine Scown Christopher h Mark Williamson Sanvi Deepali Sharma ma Sian Elizabeth abe Wootton Sophia Catharina Simpson pson SSheng Xia Alana Ann Sincock Yearbury, Graduate Craig Walter Ye rbury also so awarded awar Diploma in Engineering g g Danielle Margaretha Sme Smeenk, Bachelor k, also conferred c Bachel of Social Sciences Natalie Claire Smith Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Hayley Maree Hayl leyy M aree Wall Wa Timothy Young Timo oth hy Ian nY ung Zishan Zhang GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Nitin Khare DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Anne Marie Monrad GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 29 Wednesday 2 May 2012 – 10am Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Richard John Calderwood, BSocSc, MSocSc, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Successful Collaboration Between Marketers and Agencies: Towards a Client Perspective on Advertising Development” Kirstie Lynd McAllum, BA, MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Organisational Volunteering: Meanings of volunteering, professionalism, volunteer communities of practice and wellbeing” Lynda Margaret Sanderson, BA, BSc Canterbury, BCA(Hons) Victoria, MPhil Waikato gement and Performance f off New Zealand Firms” Firm Thesis Title: “International Engagement cknow India, India MDBA Symbiosis Sy Institute Instit te of Management Man Studies India, Smita Singh, BSc Univerity of Lucknow versi y of Technology GradDipBus, MBus Auckland University earning from Entrepreneurial Failure” Thesis Title: “Experiencing and Learning nternational Studies udies dies University niveer y China Jingjing Yang, BA, MMS Beijing International o ict in Tourism: onf urism: sm: Tourism’s Tourism’ urism’ Impacts Im on on the thh Kanas Tuva and Kazakh Thesis Title: “Functions of Social Conflict Settlements, Xinjiang, China” al Uni University versity C China, hinna, PGDipPR PG PGDipPR, DipPR, MMS DipPR M Waik Waikato kato Lili Zhao, BA Huangzhong Normal d Poli Political ical Constructions structions tructi ructiions onnss of Corporate Cor C SSocial ocia Responsibility in China: Thesis Title: “Social, Cultural, and he Fiberhome Fiberhomee Technologies Techno ologies olo logies o Gr G A Study of Business Discourses in the Group” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ST TRAT TION Daniel James Bateman Charless Ture Sorensson Sorensson Huki Charles Nepia W y Douglas yne D Do ouglas Walford ou Wayne MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEM MANAGEMENT NAG T Nikita Gupta MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Saleh Sultan A Abdulrahman, with Second Class Honours (second division) ision) Lewis David Beattie, with i h First Fi t Class Cl Honours H Natasha Anne Cook, with Second Class C ss Honours ours (first division) Yiran Cui, with First Class Honourss ss Honou Reuben Stuart Davis, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor off Management M agem mennt Studies Stuudi withh Honours, with Second Class Honours (first division) Javin Singh Dhammi, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Economics Marina Fogaca Doretto, with Second Class Honours (first division) Wei He, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Finance Steven David Hitchcock, with First Class Honours Louie Markus Jaudo, with Second Class Honours (second division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Management, with Distinction Rijo Kurian, with First Class Honours Qing Li, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Management 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Mary-Carmel Pampolina Magleo, with First Class Honours, Certificate Hon urs also also awarded award Postgraduate Postgrad inn Str Strategic Management ate ic Ma ge t Andrew Keith e Nelson,, with First Class Honours, in Human aalso awarded ward Postgraduate Postgradduate Certificate Cert Resource Management urce Ma em t Trangg Vu Thien Nguyen, Class Honours Tran Nguye with Second Se (first division) Rebecca Mary Rebe eccca M ary Karen Parton, Parto on, with First Class Honours Shuying Ren, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Management, with Distinction Michael Rust, with Second Class Honours (second division) Steven Carl Schwartz, with First Class Honours Erwin Gerardo Tapia Mella, with First Class Honours Jiayuan Tian, with Second Class Honours (second division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Scott Allan Luke Whitaker, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Management Communication Benjamin John Worth, with First Class Honours Ni Yang, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS WITH HONOURS Ruikang Guo, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Business Analysis Rhys Neville Whiting, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES WITH HONOURS Clare Louise Cheyne, with First Class Honours Laura Ellen McClennan, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Communication Studies Nicole Carole Nooyen, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Communication Studies Briar Jessie Thompson, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Communication Studies BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE WITH HONOURS Jessica Rae Bedford, with Secondd Class Hon Honours nours (first division) divis BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT N STUDIES NT TUDIES WITH HONOURS Adrienne Claire Black, with First Class C ass Honours Fengxin Liu, with First Fen First Class Honours, also awarded Graduate Gradu Gr dduate Diploma Diploma in Finance Luka Blagojevic, with First Class Honours Hono ours Ying Lu, Lu u with First Fir t Class Cla Honours Courtney Jane Boyd, with Secondd Class Class Honours Honours r (second division) Rahera Rahera Mary McIntyre, MccIntyr with Second Class Honours (first (f i t division) (firs division) di Lara Bradley, with First Class Honours urs Vinal with Vi l Mistry, M w First Fi Class Honours Cody Havill Brennan, with Second Class asss Honours Honours (first division) Claire Louisee Murphy, Mu urp with First Class Honours Catherine Frances Brown, withh First Class Clas Honours Honours Ho Jayden Jayden Daniel Dan aniel ani anie nie Park, withh Second Class Honours (firstt division) divis di io Hayleigh Louise Bryers, with Second Honours econd Class H nours (second division) Elle Cour Courtney with First Class Honours urtneyy Nilsson, N Jaimee JJaim Elizabeth beth Phillips, with w First Class Honours Kylie Dannae Burness, with First rst Class Honours Hon ono rs Jessica Dawn Rae, with First J ssica Daw n Ra F Class Honours Adele Edith Laura Chestnut, with First Class Honours Cherry Roe, Ch Ro with First Class Honours Erika Marie Dadson, with First Class Honours, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management men Cameron John Sandwell, with First Class Honours Abby May de Lisle, with ith First Class Clas Honours ono rs Michelle Emma Eade, e, with First Class Cla Honours H rs Patrick Sheppard, with Class Honours P t i k Edward Ed S it Second S (first (firs division) sio Chloe Domini Fetherston, First Class Honours ton with Fi ou Chelsea Emma C Emm Shine, ne with ith First Class Cl Honours Teguh Satria, with Second Class Honours (second (s cond division) divis on) Kathryn Victoria Eleanorr Fysh, w withh First Class Cla Honours Ho urs Laura Laura Catherine Sifleet, Siflee with First Class Honours Robert Lindsey Gourdie,, with First Class Honours Minette Smit, with First Class Honours Jenna Marie Haerewa, with Second Cla Class Honours a, wit asss H ourss (first division) Poh Geok Teo, with Fir First Honours Geeok Teo rst Class Cllass H on Ryan Gary Henderson, with First Class Honours Jasmine Tracey Van Der Heyden, with First Class Honours Scott David Hunter, with First Class Honours Jessie Erica Van Hooydonk, with Second Class Honours (first division) Luka Michele Karalus, with First Class Honours Michael Wakefield, with First Class Honours Kirstin Jane Keene, with First Class Honours Lixuan Wang, with First Class Honours Samuel James Lake, with First Class Honours Elizabeth Mary Wheeler, with First Class Honours Christa Marie Lash, with First Class Honours Nicole Susan Williams, with First Class Honours Kelly Janine Lawrence, with First Class Honours Logan John Williamson, with First Class Honours Sean Brad Lewis, with First Class Honours Hannah Jane Wright, with First Class Honours Jemma Ellen Hepburn-Pye, with First Class Honours Christina Liu, with First Class Honours GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 31 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Amy Maree Bird, with First Class Hono H Honours urs Wednesday 2 May 2012 – 10am Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Robert Duncan Ah Chee Sarah Marie King Joanna Claire Appelman Saicha Maree Knight Sahri Brooke Armstrong Karina Maree Lonergan Anna Kate Bowley Jenna Margaret Lovegrove Megan Alice Braid Cyndi Kathleen Mellish Alannah Kay Bryers Elise Miller Amber Jayne Cardale Nkomo SSibulisile Sib bulisile li il N Nkomo Sarah Rosemary Isabel Dixon Nikita-Leigh Francesca Nikit Nikita Leigh L Fra rancesc Ormsby Sophie Myra Dowse Margaret O Otley Hannah Margare tl Keri Huia Eriepa Pawson Bet Bethany Rachel Paw so Larissa Ellen Fabish Thomas Retter Evan an Th homas Re tter Ashleigh Leone Rose Farrier Zelda lda SSenekal enekal Eleanor Ursula Isobel Forde Henry James Gammon Margaret Kelly ll M argaret SSmith, mith, also awarded Graduate Diploma Dipl Dip Diplo pll ma in Human Humann Resource Management Karl Daniel Graves Starkey Josh Scott Sta arkeyy Vivienne Jane Hall Sarah Stayte Courtney Sa St Georgia R Hamer Street Kirsty El Ellen St Str Stre ttreet Laura Sherie Harris Alexandra Alex xandra raa LLeigh Walker Caitlin Erin Hayns Chloe Chlo loe FFaith h Walker-Liddy Jessica Cara Hodson Monique M onique Belle elle Webb W Rochelle Joy Hogg Elizabeth Hannah Eliz lizabeth Weir Jessica Kaye Hornsey Alexandra Louise Wilson Al Campbell Gene Hunt Shaylee Aleisha Young Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Rawinia Maree Margaret g JJudson BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Blair Martin Banks Fiona Marian Fi arian German erma Braden Peter Lees Dawson, son also awarded warded Graduate du Diploma in Management Sarah Anne Sh Short Sa POSTGRADUATE DIPLO DIPLOMA MA IN N AC ACCOUNTING CCO NTING G Ashwaq Mater D Aljohani Richa Sharma Fiola Paul Louis Colaco Lu Zhang Gulnaz Mubbas Kazi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE Zhengjing Song Liming Zhang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Daniel Brett Leigh Ryan, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Gagandeep Duggal 32 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Christopher Paul Aitchison Dennis Arthur Jones Rachael Marie Aitchison Boram Anna Keam Talia Fusi Asekona Neville Joseph King Jeanette Bulteel-Adams Geoffrey Alan Masters Deena Maria Clarkson Jennifer Helen McFarlane Matthew James Cooper Adam Ian Grant Morris Craig Mathew Crocombe Allan Daniel Nicholson Robert Frank Fensham Sally Nicholson Michael John FitzPatrick Arthur Geoffrey Whitfield Andrew James Gulliver Gregory John Willis Kim Michelle Healey Raewyn Mary Wilson Robyn Johnston POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Pradtana Amornchat, with Distinction Krithika Kuppusamy Balasaraswathy Vignesh Anguswamy Chandrasekaran Yi Zhang Ritu Gupta POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Sandeep Mathur Aditya Pednekar POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Amin Elkhidir POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Ankita Shyam Gokhale Yogesh Tungare Thi Hoai Nam Nguyen, with Distinction Shantanu Milind Vaidya Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Irene Young POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Faisal Abdulmohsen A Alqahtani POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Rebecca Katie Blunden Rae Darrel Jeffrey Mathew Ryan Cooper Jason William King David Blair East POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Michelle Jan Glenny Simone Maria Jacoba Molenaar POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Ju Hee Kim GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 33 Wednesday 2 May 2012 – 2pm Waikato Management School BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Antony Paul Ashdown Nicola Dianne Baucke Deborah Sarah Betham Shyam Shirish Bhimjiyani Carys Marie Burkhardt Binbin Cai Michael James Campbell Jessica Marie Cochrane Lance Cropper Kelly Ellen Davis conferred Jonathan Cowin Gauntlett, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Heath Toia Henry Nina Johanna Hooper Lisa Hoy Suqian Huang Liwen Ji Daniela Margaret Konig Susanne Lorenz Fuyi Lu Yan Lu Chhun Yi Ly, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Finance Nadi Nyama Jason Keith Shaw, also conferred Bachelor of Business y with Honou Analysis Honours, with First Class Honours, awardded Graduate Gradu Diploma in Management and awarded Jing Xian Shen Min Shen Da D Danpi Danping Sun an Yang Ta Tan ao T Ton ng Yao Tong Bein Wang W Beini L W Wan ng Lei Wang Mi Y Ya Miao Yan Sengg Yuen Y Brian Yoon-S Yoon-Seng Zhang Ting Zhang Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT MENT STUDI STUDIES DIES E Sufyan Nabeel Afiz Dale John Aldridge Jonathan Robert Armstrong Karl Andrew Baucke Patricia Ebulmau Black Ashleigh Joanne Blair Thomas Helge Holten Bojesen-Trepka en Bojesen-T ka Meleane Debra Burgess Sudeep Kumar Chavda, da, also awarded awarde Graduate G ate Diploma in Finance Leigh Jane Clarke Tianyu Cui James Robert Dela Rue, also conferred o conf fe e Bachelor of Laws Andrew John Cochrane Dodds Shicheng Dong Rachel Christine Dovaston Jenna Kay Dunn Richard James Owen East Krista Rose Fitzpatrick, also conferred Bachelor of Laws Kirsten Alyce Fluhler Samantha Yvonne Friar Lauren Patricia Garrity Matthew James Gibson Emma Kate Graham John William Gray Linshu Huang Jasmine Hudson Stephane Janson, also conferred Bachelor of Science 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Yuanyuan Yua uany Jin Nimesh Nimesh Madhukant adhuka Jogia, aalso conferred Bachelor of Laws Yining Lai Tsz Kwan Kw Lau Monique Toni Lennon Yu-Min Li Eryan Er yan Lu u Quoc Quoc Hung LLu Yizhao Yizh Maa Michelle M e Eva Mayo ayo Hamish Ha h Evan McKain ai Roanna Pauline McLeod Bruce Heemi Mitchell Mitche Andrew conferred Anddrew w Peter P er Muller, uller also co onfferrre Bachelor of Science Tegan Jane Neumegen Tat Thang Nguyen Joshua Lennard Olsen Chirag Patel Kendyl Maree Lasenby Pihema Jessica Maree Quinn, also conferred Bachelor of Laws Margaret Bridget Rolton Nicola Marie Saunders Carl Grant Schwarz Louise Jane Smith Land Thai Son Johnathan Tan Yifei Tang Dane Trevor Tombleson Ying Wang BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES continued Marshall Aiden Whitehouse Brogan Claudine Work Kelly Hannah Troughton Haoxiang Wu Gustav van Rooyen Mengdie Zhang Xiaoke Wang Tiqiang Zheng Yongyu Wang BACHELOR OF TOURISM Lauren Emily Ashley Vy Hoang Nguyen Yu-Hsuan Chi Matthew John Palmer Jeffrey John David East Pigott Annalise Patricia Pigo Hayley Gould Natalie Phoebe Phoeebe Putt Kyle Evan Harford Ramoss Irene Lirio Ramo Patricia Sharon McKinnon Turner Samantha Jane T urne Asha Jade Nahna GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING COU O NTING Pritika Priya Charan Dana Leigh Gardiner, also awardedd Graduate Gr duate Diploma in Management Deirdre Deir Deird ree Robertson, Robertson, aalso ls awarded Graduate Certificate Accounting C Certif Cer f icate in A Acco ou A Alborz Alb SSadati Ryan Stacey Harris, also awarded Graduate raduatte Certificate in Finance GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRO ELECTRONIC NIC NIC IC BUS BUSINESS SINESS Marina Cramond GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC ONIC CO COMMERCE O Bahiyyah Samil A Alhardi Bandar Band Suwaylih Alsha Alshammari GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Phuong Hanh Phung Alwin Mani Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT No Noby Varghese argh GRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN TO TOURISM URISM A AND D HOSPITALITY SP TAL Y MANA MANAGEMENT EM T Annette Farzana Gallagher, lagh also awarded Graduate Diploma of Teachingg Theresia Wome Kau GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Ruey-Yih Shaw GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Yiran Xu GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Johanna Eleanor De Jong GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Shonali Thakur DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Thi Tuyet Nhung Le Clare Hannah Walker Carla van Bommel, also awarded Certificate in Management GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 35 Thursday 3 May 2012 – 10am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Alexandra Boer, BA(Hons) University of Victoria Canada, MSc University of Leicester United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Investigation into factors affecting perceptual stability of the world during smooth pursuit eye movements” Dorina Maria Buda, Diploma de Licenta, Diploma de Master Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare Romania, Diploma de Master, Diploma de Studiipostuniversitare de Specializare Universitatea din Bucuresti Romania Thesis Title: “Danger-zone Tourism: Emotional Performances in Jordan and Palestine” Amy Rebecca Jones, BSocSc, BSocSc(Hons), MSocSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Methodologies for assessing sessing domestic hens’ henss preferences preferences for sounds” so soun Olive Deborah Mary Jones, BSocSc, Sc, GradDipT, GradDipT, BSocSc(Hons) ( ) Waikato Thesis Title: “Keeping it Together: r: A C Comparative omparative Analysis of Four Long-Establ Long-Established Long-E tab Intentional Communities in New Zealand” David Max Snell, BSocSc, BSocSc(Hons), Waikato c Hons), MSocSc Sc Waik Waika to Thesis Title: “The Everyday Bogans: ns: s: Identity IIdentity andd Community Comm omm nity amongst aam Heavy Heavy vy Metal M Fans” Olivia Christine Warrick, BA(Hons) ns) Victoria Vicctoria Thesis Title: “Local Voices, Local Choices? hoices? Vulnerability erability ability bi y to Climate Clim Clima Cli Change Change and a Community-Based Adaptation in Rural Vanuatu” Helen Annette Wihongi, BSocSc(Hons) on ns) Waikato W Thesis Title: “Tino Rangatiratanga in Health Heealth Policies and Practises” MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY CHOLOGY Y Rosanna Patricia Jean Frankish,, with First Class Cla Honours Honour MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENTAL PLANNING LAN ING Laura Jane Galt MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Rebecca Suganya Campbell, ampbell, with First st Class Class Honours H nours Michelle Elizabeth Champion, with h i i Firstt Class l Honours H Karyn Okeroa Ka ryn Oke roa McRae, withh Second Se ond Class Honours (first (fi rst ddivision) vision) Bryan Patrick Lewis, with Second Class C ss Honours urs (first division) BACHELOR OF SOCIAL AL SCIENCES SC WITH HONOURS Margaret Elizabeth Burch, with First Class Honours Aletheaa Maria Maria Paaka, aakaa, with with Second Seco ond Class Honours (first st division) d Danielle Jade Diamond, with First Class Honours Emma Claire Reed, with First Class Honours Ricky Maurice Andrew, w, with wi First Class Honours Ho on urs Oliver Timothy Hulse-Sangster, with First Class Honours Rosie Michelle Sim, with First Class Honours Ninna Elise Stewart, with Second Class Honours Matthew Alan Barker Johnson, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences (first division) Virginia Ruth Kendall, with First Class Honours Frances Rose Rachel Elizabeth Milne, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Olive Dorothy May Wales, with Second Class Honours (first division) Rebecca Jayne Williams, with First Class Honours Komala Gunavathy Moodley, with First Class Honours Yumi Yoshida, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES Nicola Jane Steed 36 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Rebecca Theresa Armstrong Samantha Christie Macpherson Jason Aaron Wakefield Arnold Renee Neha Mani Joel Kristiaan Baldwin Jutta Elisabeth Mark Alison Linda-Rae Bhana Marija Marovic Sarah Lynnette Boyd Hannah Frances Marsden Shona Margaret Brice Kirsten Jane May Courtney Rae Carson Shenae Tracey McDonald Emma Philomena Catherine Clarke, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Law Thomas Joseph Francis Meates Christopher David Cowie Jemma Anne Craig Rachel Julie Cranston Rose Crawford-White Alicia Rochelle Crozier Tegan Emily Anne Devey so aawarded warded Paul Andrew Lawrence Douglas, al also onnmenntal Planning a anning Postgraduate Certificate in Environmental Debbie-Lee Douie Rebecca Sian Evans Nicole Lee Fairclough Robert John Flintoff Rachel Grace Frost Dale Donald Griffiths Sophie Larissa Hamilton Victoria Leigh Hancox Parewahaika Erenora Te Korowhiti Harris Anna Leigh Hill Stephanie Anne Hill gson Jalisa Georgina Hodgson Josef Leslie Holland Jordan James Hosking John William Hunter Rachael Marie Hutt Rina Ichijo Stephanie Maree Karels Satnam Kaur Sandri Killian Catherine Hannah Kim Hannah Grace Kimberley Megan Valerie Kissick Hannah Maree Knighton Weilin Lin Jack David Napier Littlejohn Jaime Marie Aroha Lucie-Smith Mele Hifo Ma'afu Tracey Leigh Melrose C harlotte Mary Maary Dia Charlotte Dianaa Catherine Milne Jeremy David M orone Moroney Krishla Roseann Moselen Mo e C Charlotte Charlo Louise My c Mylchreest Lisa Kiriwai K Kirriwai Nat an Nathan Sar Louise Sarah Louise Nielsen Niellsen Brya Bryan naa Mckelvie O'Donnell O'D Do Bryana Debbie ebbie b e Elaine O Ha Hag O'Hagan Bonnie Mariee Payne Payne Jennifer Ra achel Pe PPett Rachel Quenti tin Preece Pree eeecce eec Quentin Teja Te Ran ancch bhai Tejall Ranchodbhai Ste teph Stephanie Lea Ratcliffe Darnielle Patricia Patr cia Rogers Melissa Victoria Vi V Russo Simone Grace Rust Allanah Laureen Ryan y y Scott Bronwyn Lynsey Ruth PPamela mela Seabright ea igh Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Thunes Johannes Cloete Karen Lorraine Sluter SSian Lillian an SSmith Ton napes Toni Snapes Brett Asher Sorrenson Stanleyy Caleb C eb Colin olin Stockley ki M Nikki Maree Strange Ance Strydom Ashley Mary Sutherland Katherine Shirley Tierney Katharine Harriet Treadaway Sarah Jane Van Bysterveldt Kim van der Toorn Jeremy Cain Waho Hannah Jean Warren Paula Gai Whitford Charlotte Erana Kiri Wilds Jacob Paul Woodward GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 37 Thursday 3 May 2012 – 10am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Aaron Courtney Pratt POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN GEOGRAPHY Peter Shaun Cosnahan, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY Gnei Shemana Cassim, with Distinction inction Clare Frances Kowalewski Caitlin Davys Easter, with Distinction t on Leanne Lean anne Michelle Russ Lewis Neihana Tait Jones, with Distinction istinction Maretta Erin Taylor, with Distinction D POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N PS PSYCHOLOGY SYCHOLOGY OGY GY (CLINIC (CLINICAL) CLIN Elizabeth Dorothy Clausen Me Melanie lanie anie Rew Rewa R wa Jane Haeata Haea eata Kristal Claire Foster Sarah Sar a ah h Lisa i R Reid POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N PU PUBLIC BLIC PPOLICY OLICY LICY Y Tharita Sattayarak POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SEC SECOND CO OND ND LANGUAGE TEA TEACHING ACH C IN NG Norman Graham Holm POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN THE HE PRACTICE CE OF PS PSYCHOLOGY LOG Rennee Lorna Mason Judy Pui Y Ying ing Ng GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ANTHROPOLOGY Peter Ian Chesterton Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN ETH ETHICSS Jan Caroline Mulder DIPLOMA IN SOCIALL SCIEN SCIENCES ES Jane Christina Helen Currie Yang Hu 38 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Rowena Marian Monk Thursday 3 May 2012 – 2pm Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Dean Ross Ballinger, BA, MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Conspiratoria – the Internet and the Logic of Conspiracy Theory” Denis Richard Gibbs, BA, BA(Hons), MA Waikato Thesis Title: “MacKinder meets Buzan: A Geopolitical Extension to Security Complex Theory with an emphasis on the Polar Regions” Martin Lewis Griffiths, BMus Auckland, MMus University of Maine USA, DipT Auckland University of Technology Thesis Title: “Arnold Trowell – Violoncellist, Composer and Pedagogue” MASTER OF ARTS Luke Arthur Devery, with First Class a s Honours Honours Mackenzie, with First Class Honours Kathryn Julie Ma cke k n Luke Jacobs with We Wenhai W Zhou, w ith FFirst ir Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor with Bac helor of Arts he Ar s w t Honours, with Second Class Honours division) H Hon no ours (first div ivisio Melanie Wyn Jones-Leaning, withh Second Second Classs Honours (first division) MASTER OF ARTS (APPLIED) Frederic Denis Dichtel, with First Class lass Honours Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS ONO NO OU S OURS Matthew Alo'Alii Ferri, with First rst Class Ho Honours onno ono nours o Alexandra Kate Horsley, with First Class Honours Honours rs Christopher Christtopher err Paul Paul Lane, La with w Second Class Honours (first (f t division) (firs divisi div io Karen Bautista Ka utistaa Nibungco, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH TH HONOU HONOURS RS Taryn Leigh Viggiano, with First Class Honours, Jacoba Margarietha Du Preez, with First Class Honours also conferred Bachelor of Music Rafaella Yana Garlick-Grice,, with First Class Honours Hannah Maria Willemse, with First Class Honours Nicholas Willoughby Braae, with First Class Honours Robyn Meryl Anderson n Cassandra Ca ra Elaine E ne Hodder Hodder Aaron John Ardern Samuel Sam el Peter Hurley ey Christy Louise Brabben Melissa Janson Jason Steve Brake Rebecca Ashlee Janssen Rebe ecca A hle Jans sseen Fabienne Brandli Isobel bel May Kerr Nicola Joy Brown Kim Alison Laubscher Nicola Gwynne Burt, also awarded Diploma in Arts Xu Li Emily Jaynjira Campbell Yuanji Li Jade Marie Carey Kathryn Alice Magazinovic Anna-Marie Cook Agnus Arti Mala Joshua Alexander Cooper James Paul Manning Rebecca Evelyn Cummings Dominique Lee Mansfield Royce Richard Dodd, also awarded Graduate Certificate in French Anthony Mark Marris Jessica Ann Doody Phillipa Mary Marshall, also awarded Graduate Certificate in Spanish Kimberley Jean Ertel Cameron William McFadyen Courtney Estelle Good Jeremy Daniel Millar Rhiannon Marie Hayes Kimberley Nicholson GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF ARTS 39 Thursday 3 May 2012 – 2pm Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued BACHELOR OF ARTS continued Amy Rose Ninnes Natalia Alexandra Violet Sutherland Daniel William Arthur Opie Ashleigh Lorraine Sweeney Michael Ian Potts Xiaolei Tan Jessica June Powell Yangyang Tang Scott Edward Garwood Reardon Emma Jane Tizard Katherine Rachel Rix Emma Marie Turnbull Denise Jessica Robertson Turnbull Heather Ma Marie ie Tu Turnbu Lisa Rachel Rowe J Jason Wade W Eva Scheiwe Fei Wang Heather Janine Shirley Yu Yu-Chun Wang Emma Joan Maikale Fausitina Simpson mpso p n Willcox Lucy Sarah Saarah Willc ox Joshua Tarrant Sklenars Murray Williams Sam Mu urray Wi lia iams Garth Michael Smith Gregory Gre Grego oryy William m Wynne Wyyn Sam Joshua Sotheran Ping Chun ng Ch C hun Yip BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION IO ON STUDIES S Emi Hooper Campbell Campbe bell Joshua Josshu sh hua Weal BACHELOR OF MUSIC Liang-Fang An Kung-Yi Huang Ku Yi Hua uang Janneke de Jong Dawn JJulia lia Daw wn Newland N New Chase Duran Douglas Shakira Lesley Lavina Nicholas Felicity Jane Hanlon Liam Casey Smith Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IIN APPLIED LIN LINGUISTICS NGU ST CS Kanauhea Janion Wessels, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IN MUS MUSIC Heui Won Mo, with Distinction tinction POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA PLOMA IN SC SCREEN CREE AND ND D MED MEDIA DIA ST STUDIES TU IES Dannielle Moewai Jaram GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENGLISH Brendan Robert West 40 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Suren Dutt, with Second Class Honours (second division) Rogena Roger Paul Sterling, with First Class Honours Lisa Maria Ebbers, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Richard Seiji Bracefield, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Management nagement Studies with Honours, with First Class H Honours onours JJuanita Cassandra Maxwell, with First Class Honours, conferred Bachelor of Arts also confer rred Bac h Emma Elizabeth Cowle, with Firstt Class Cla s Honours, Cl also conferred Bachelor of Arts McCoid, Brenda Janine M cCo d with First Class Honours McArthur, Hamish Paul Mc Arthu with First Class Honours Andrew Bryan Cruickshank, with First Class Hon Honours n urs no rs Colleen Poole, with First Class Honours, A Alice C Po ole, w Bachelor of Social Sciences aalso lso l o cconferred Bac ch Jimmy Dawson, with First Class H Honours, ono ouurs, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Norman Reardon, No Norm man an Nils Re arrdon also conferred Bachelor of Management Ma naagement Stud SStudies ie Beth Lorraine Eastell, with Secondd Class Cla s Honours Honours (first division) Shrestha,, w with Bibhuti B Bibhut ibhuti Shresth it Second Class Honours (first di (fi division) Reita Te Pae Mary-Linde Erlbeck, with thh Second Seco ond Class Honours (first division) Jane Terry, Rebecca Jan ne Ter rry with Second Class Honours (second division) ddivisio visio on) on) Jacques Frederick Fourie, with First Class Honours, Ho Hon Hon onours, also conferred Bachelor of Arts ts Rohan with First Class Honours Roha n Wanigasekera, Wan anig nigaseker wi nig Benjamin Campbell Gilbert, with First Class Cl Honours, ours, s also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Scie iennces Maryy Zhou, Z Zh u, with th First Class Cl Honours Christine Marie Lea, with Second nd Class Honours Honouur (first division), also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies Michelle Sarah Elizabeth Allison Alli Holly Greenwellll ll G Tajneet Aujla Christopher Hamilton Chri her Desmond smond H amilton Alice Barker Dee-Anne Marie Holmes D ne Ma o s Theresa Philippa Mary Browne Garry Steven Chapman man Kim Charlotte Johnson, J hnson also lso conferred conf Bachelor of Management Studies g Amy Chen Uilama Seneti Kaifoto Uilam ma Se eti Kaifo oto Alistair Richard Clarke Janesh Janendra Kumar Megan Ann Dempster Andrew Lin, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies Roxy Deepika Dhanjee, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Cara Jillian Dibble Jennifer Din, also conferred Bachelor of Science Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E BACHELOR OF LAWS AWS Yashvir Maharajh Amy Childs Meyer Aasha Samantha Foley Emma-Louise Miles Benjamin Matthew Foster, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Simon Bruce Mills Elliot Lloyd Foxall Ivy Lou Meriales Obillo Andrea Elizabeth Fraser Celene O’Brien Sarah Maree Goldsbury Bodee Rutherford Oliver Rupika Nandan Rebecca Jane Goldsmith, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Ashniel Rai Prakash GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 41 Thursday 3 May 2012 – 2pm Te Piringa - Faculty of Law continued BACHELOR OF LAWS continued Smithi Sonali Ravindra Lilivaine Gerrica Bernice Benedicta Kennedy Tukutama Alicia Marie Ross Jacob Thomas Miller Tunstall Maxwell Rusero Mahafrin Freddie Variava Jennifer Schlarbaum Asilika Agnes Wise Alex Jayne Hinemoa Shadbolt Clive Ford Zeke Harsharn Kaur Singh, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE RESOLUTION Justin Edward James Young GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LAW Ahmed Saleh S Aldubayyan Tuti Nikora School of Māori & Pacific Development BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Gregory John James Mervyn Henderson, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Kristina Corlette Paraha POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E Marlene Wikitoria Panapa GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MĀORI LANGUAGE/TE REO MĀORI Alonzo Iharaira Mason 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Hillary Scholars The Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship Programme educates future leaders at the University of Waikato within the values of New Zealand’s greatest adventurer, Sir Edmund Hillary. Sir Edmund Hillary Scholars must excel in academia, leadership and sports or creative and performing arts. Various professional development opportunities and fees support are provided for Scholars. Scott Christie Alonzo Michael Ian Potts Amanda Nicole Cranston Aaron James J S Aaron Scott Kate Mary Davison B A h Sorr enson Brett Asher Sorrenson Chase Duran Douglas Stark y Josh Scott Starkey Saranna Mukti Drury Jul Margaret T lley Julia Tilley Caitlin Davys Easter Jasm nee Tracey Van V der d Heyden Jasmine Samantha Rose Flay Tary Leigh Leigh Viggiano Viggia iano o Taryn Stephanie Clare Fowlie Brendddan Bre n Robert Wes Brendan Westt Haylie Marisa Gray annaah annah h Maria Will Wi em Hannah Willemse Rafaella Yana Garlick-Grice Williaam Lynaire Jodi W Williams Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT F O U N D E R S M E M O R I A L T H E AT R E HILLARY SCHOLARS GRADUATING IN APRIL/MAY CEREMONIES 2012 Hillary Scholars at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, the University of Waikato. GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 43 Qualifications previously conferred/awarded at other ceremonies Conferred/Awarded 14 December 2011 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 14 December 2011 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY William Robert Cochrane, BSocSc, MSocSc Waikato Thesis Title: “A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Selected Local Labour Market Outcomes in New Zealand” versity Thailand, Thailand MA Governors G SState tate Univ U University Thailand Wanwalee Inpin, BA Chang Mai University Implementati ation: Thai Development Deve opmen Plans P and Subdistrict Thesis Title: “Decentralisation andd Policy Implementation: O in Chiang Rai” Administrative Organisation (SAO) MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY O GY OLO Tanya Elizabeth Horton, with First s Class C ss Honours Cla Honourrs r Sirjan Sirjanaa Singh, wi with th SSecond e Class Honours (second (seco (sec ndd division) MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL A PPLANNING AL LANNING NG Lisa Adele Miers MASTER OF MUSIC Tizane McEvoy, with First Classs Honours Alexa Alexandra andra May M Ma Vincent, with Second Class Honours (firstt divisi division) (firs div io Peter Jonathan McKinnon, withh Second Class Honours Ho ono ours (f (first division) Yue, with Honours Bo Y th First Class Ho MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NCE Marion Jane Cowper, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Jason Ronald Bruce Slack la POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HU HUMAN N DE DEVELOPMENT VELO OPM Elizabeth Joan St John-Ives, -Ives with Distinction istincti POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Y-Pei Lin GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES Marion Jane Cowper Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF SCIENCE Toufiq Badar Abdul Razaq Al Gheilani, with Second Class Honours (second division) Zhimeng Han, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Gabe Warren Young, with First Class Honours GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 45 Conferred/Awarded 14 December 2011 Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences continued POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Sreedhar Panaman Parameswaran POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MATHEMATICS Furja Jaber N Almarri Faculty of Education ion MASTER OF EDUCATION Edward Maelagi, with First Class Honours Honours BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LLEISURE E URE STU EIS STUDIES UD DIES DIES Jeremy Cronin BACHELOR OF TEACHING Ashley Rose Doran Vicki Christina Christin na Si Simonds m POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN EDU EDUCATION UCATIO ON Rebecca Helen Giles Da Danny ny Hohepa Hoh Ho ohepa oh h Rangi Ro Robinson Shirley Anne Porter Gaenor Gae eno Anne ne Stoate, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN TERTIARY ER AR RY TEACHING TEACHI Anne Louise Zahra GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Emmeline Blanche Sunnex unnex GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA OF TEAC TEACHING HI RAMME IN SECONDARY, SECO DA PRIMARY PRIM OR EEARLY C LDHOOD EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME CHILDHOOD Kerri Teresa Colton Fion Fionaa Elisabeth McNa McNab Claire Mary Foy Joanna May Witherick theric Te Piringa - Faculty of Law BACHELOR OF LAWS Anna Cornelia Elizabeth Van Tiel School of Māori & Pacific Development BACHELOR OF ARTS Percy William Robinson 46 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Pathways College Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Qadryah Mohammed A Al Khaldi Salem Amer A Aljuaydi Tariq Saleh A Al Mulhim Battal Shadad B Alkaddah Sultan Mubarak I Albalawi Faisal Abdulaziz A Alqubali Eid Mohammed S Aldosari Norah Mofareh M Alsubaie Saltan Mansour H Algethami Nasser Mubireek A Althrwy Faisal Ahmed G Alghamdi Alzahrani N ha Abdullah Nuha Abdu ah A Alza Salwa Abdulaziz A Alghamdi Jesus Man el M Manuel Maia De Jes us Asim Samil A Alharbi Minkyung Lee Ohud Fahhad F Alharbi Naqib Ab Abdul Rahman Naqi N b Ahmad Mohammed Sarwar Mughren Aljaber Zhou Kai ai Z ho ou o Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Masaki Akaike Nasser Nass asser Mubireek Mubireek A Althrwy Al A Hamed Saif Abdullah Al Abri Y Yazeed d Salahaldeen Salahaldee een n M Hajjar Fatimah Hassan A Al Habrity Hisamoto Eriko Hisamo oto Tariq Saleh A Al Mulhim Ichiyama Yuki Ichiya ama ma Abdullah Ali S Alahmadi Khalawi Tahanii Khala aw wi Mohammed Muneer S Alawami mi JJiyao o Peng Pe g Faisal Abdullah A Aldayel Ry Saiki Ryuji Mona Qadi S Alfaqiri Ahmad Mohammed Sarwar Abdull R Rahman hm man Naqib Ah Rayan Yousef N Algomaish Zeming Wu Zemi Feras Abdulmohsi S Alharbi Katsuyoshi Yoshimura Mohammed Abdullah K Alkhalifah Lei Zhang Fahd Ahmed H Almehmadi ehmad Kai Zh Zhou Ka u Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Hossain Mohmed A Al Essa Eriko Hisamoto Erik am Mousa Abdullah M Alanazi nazi Satono Kawam Kawamata Sa Muteb Abdullah M Alanazi az Tasuku T k Kawashita K hi Abdul Mohsen Saleh M A Aljohani hani Jangkon Kim Ja g nK Abdalmohsen Nasser A A Almogel Tengfei Kong T gfei K Abdulrahman Hamad M Aloumayr Thanh Tuan Le Ayidh Mohammed F Alqahtani Sanguk Lee Faisal Ali A Alqarni Zihao Liu Ahmed Nasser Hamdoon Al-Rahbi Shoko Matsuo Mohammed Saleh H Alshamrani Subri Bin Md Arshad Ali Hssn Alzehrany Ai Morishige Mohammed Hasan A Baabad Shubiao Pang Eunseok Choi Jongan Park Lin Fu Sirawit Pattanacharoenkit Hongjing Gai Kai Qu Yazeed Salahaldeen M Hajjar Ryuji Saiki Weifan He Jia-Haur Shi GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE 47 Conferred/Awarded 14 December 2011 Pathways College continued Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 continued Henri Heriberto Silva Zurita He Zhang Gaudencio Soares Souza Lei Zhang Erika Yamashita Qi Zhang Kan Yao Shuo Zhang Katsuyoshi Yoshimura Yue Zhao Cheng Zeng Zhao Ziqiang Zi i g Zha Zh Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Hossain Mohmed A Al Essa Zixing Lin Anas Abdullah A Aldrees Changsheng C h hangs Liu Asma Sewaed S Alharbi Liu Lin n Li u Fahad Ali S Aljohani Yunpeng Yunp unpen ng Liu Abdalmohsen Nasser A Almogel Masaru Masa asaru Miyauchi Miyauchi Mobarak Fouad S Alnahdi Morita T Toshio Mansour Ghalib M Alotaibi Nguyen Cao Cuong N Nguy en Fatimah Ibrahim K Alsaleh Seungkyu No Saud Mohsen S Alsunaydih Jongan n Parkk Ayman Abdullah A Ankawi Kazusa Saeki Kazu K usa SSa e Ghiyoung Baik Yosuke Sano Yo Yosu no Henghao Bu Shiori Sazan Sazanami nam Tianran Cai Jia-Haur Shi Jia-H Sh Hongyi Chen Patcharee Siriananeharoen Jingyi Chen Gaudencio Soares Souza Sijia Chen Ifatt Abdullah Ifa A ul ah Turkistani Turk stan Xinyang Chen Chen Wang Ch W Youjie Chen Haozhou Wang Hao W g Yuchao Chen LLi Xu Lin Fu Shengjie Shen gjie Xu Hongjing Gai Xingshi Xue Dongdong Han Chu-Ting Chu-Ting Yang ang Lin Han Kan Yao Ayano Horiuchi Jeanine Chia Min Yap Feng Jiang Siyuan You Chayanitt Leungphoompitaya Ning Zhang Haiyun Lin Qi Zhang Ximeng Lin Yayu Zhu Yu-Yun Lin 48 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 Omar Ahmad A Al Majed Saki Kurokawa Moteb Marzouq Z Alotaibi Chayanitt Leungphoompitaya Fatimah Ibrahim K Alsaleh Anqi Li Ghiyoung Baik Ruowang Li Henghao Bu Yizhou Li Nutthawuth Chaipinchana Lang Lin Fei Chen Ximeng Lin Feng Chen Qiong Liu Xiaoguang Chen Y unpeng Liu Yunpeng Yuchao Chen Hi ki N Hiroki Nishida Yongheng Dai Kazusa Saeki Yiming Ding Er Sakamoto Eri Xiaolei Gong Gise a Elizabeth Gisela E Torre Munoz Torres Akram Omar H Hadi Taka Takaa ki Uno Takaaki Dongdong Han Yu W ang Wang Chiaki Ishimatsu Zanbo Wang Z Zanb W Yeseul Jang Xiao Yang Hyemin Jeon Siyuan You Feng Jiang Peisongg Zhang Zh ngg Lina Jin Shuo o Zhang Zhan ang ng Shota Kuba Wei Zha Zhang Eng glish h2 Level 6 – Upper Intermediatee English Aurelie Alize Cartigny T Tran Nghi Ng Nguyen Mali Ding Ai Nishimura Mohammad Ishaq Azmi El-Khaeiry Phakapob Setthakaset Nitikorn Fongrattanakul Ran Wang Yu Fu Zanbo Wa Wangg Xiaolei Gong Zibo Wangg Xiaoxu Guo Li Xu Chiaki Ishimatsu Ha u Hao Yu Feng Jiang Duo Zhang Lina Jin Genz zhao Zhang han Genzhao Juri Lee o Zhang Zh Shuo Dingzhou Li Wei Zhang Ruowang Li Zhuding Zheng Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Qiong Liu Level 7 – Advanced Academic and Literary English 1 Yanisa Chanchai Naruhito Miyamoto Charisse Dalilis Dom-Oguen Ai Nishimura Bonifas Durua Weida Pei Xiaoteng Fan Ardian Deny Sidharta Nitikorn Fongrattanakul Ran Wang Xiaoxu Guo Genzhao Zhang Level 8 – Advanced Academic and Literary English 2 Ardian Deny Sidharta GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 49 Conferred/Awarded 14 December 2011 Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Victoria Ann Froude, BSc Victoria, MSc Lincoln Thesis Title: “Quantitative Methodology for Measuring Natural Character in New Zealand’s Coastal Environments” Soren Warneke, Diplom – Biologe Westfalische Wilhelms Univeritat Germany Thesis Title: “Microbial Processes and Nitrate Removal in Denitrification Beds” MASTER OF ENGINEERING Benjamin John McGuinness, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SCIENCE Hadil Mohammad A Alahdal Ching Wan Chan, with Second Class laass Honours Honours (first division) Linda Christina Vestman Vestm Andersen, with First Class Honours Cla BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Cameron Albert Bray POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATE M MATERIALS ERIALS AND PROCESSIN PROCESSING NG Rhys David Owen GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN N ELECTRON ELECTRONICS N NIC NICS Cameron Albert Bray Waikato Management School Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY LOSOPHY Basman Jalal Saeed Mazahrih, BSc University of Jordan Jordan, PGDipAcc, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Incorporation oration of Environmental Envir nme Issu Issuess into Banks’ Bank Lending end Decision Decisions” Fumiko Nishimura, BA,, MEd Hiro Hiroshima ima Un University si Japan paan Thesis Title: “Lying: Strategies tegies to Manage Undesirable Undesir ble Communicative Communicative Situations S uatio in Japan and New Zealand” Yun Shao, BCS, PGDipPR, Waikato pPR MMS MS Wa W Thesis Title: “The Representation presen ation of Gender Gendder inn Contemporary Connteemp porraryy Chinese Chhin se Television levission Advertising: Addvertiisin An Analysis of Content, Meaning, and Production” MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Seng Khien Tee, BE, PhD Canterbury, MBA Henley Management College United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Real Options Analysis of Carbon Forestry Under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme” 50 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Jun Gan MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Vanessa Joy Johnson, with First Class Honours Lei Zhang Martin Provost, with Second Class Honours (second division) Zhao Zhao Londari Yamarak, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Si Liao Anna Cornelia Corne ia Elizab Elizabeth e Van Tiel Renee Anne Strange POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EC ECONOMICS CONOMICSS Phillip James Singlewood POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N FI FINANCE NANCE Faisal Abdulmohsen A Alqahtani Sayleee Vishwas V Ja Jade ade POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL NTERNATIONAL NTER RNATIONAL MANAGE MANAGEMENT EMEN Charmi Bhavesh Chudasama POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN MANAG MANAGEMENT EM MEENT Yingfang Miao POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN MANAGEMENT M NT AN AND ND SUSTAINABILIT SUSTAINABILITY U Erwin Gerardo Tapia Mella POSTGRADUATE DIP DIPLOMA LOMA IN MANAG MANAGEMENT MENT STUD STUDIESS Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Christopher James Wyborn W b POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOU TOURISM M AND D HO HOSPITALITY ALITY MANAG MANAGEMENT EMENT Saylee Vishwas Jade POSTGRADUATE CER CERTIFICATE RT ICATE IN N MA MANAGEMENT AGEEMEN NT STUD STUDIES DI S Aaron Scott Hayne Angela l Marie Nash GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 51 Conferred/Awarded 14 March 2012 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 14 March 2012 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Sarah Marie Meikle, with First Class Honours MASTER OF ARTS Margaret Anne Inder, with Secondd Class Class Honours (first division) Bryleigh B l i h Jo-Anne Jo-Ann Mo Morsink, r with First Class Honours MASTER OF ARTS (APPLIED) Ngaire Louise Amiria Tihema, with th Se SSecond cond Class ss Honours Honours ((sec (second (secon divisio division) n) MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ES Angeline Elizabeth Ngahin Greensill, ill with First Class Honours Y Liu, Yue Liu with SSecond econnd Class Honours (first division) Yasuda, with First Class Honours Hiroko Yasud da, w wit Megan Christine Lenny, with First Class Honours sss Hono H ours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS RS RS Eleni Louisa Laven, with First Class Honours Pat Patricia atrici Lynne nne Clara Osbo Osborne, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH TH HONO HONOURS OURS Sebastian James Lowe, with First Class Honours Ad Adam David Maha, with First Class Honours Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Neda Sara Bolouri, with First Class Clas Honours ono rs Kyliee Maree with First Ky are Fisher, she wi rst Class C ass Honours Patrick David Broman, with First Class Honours Adam Browne Tutara Lulia, with Second Class Honours (second division) (sec divi n) Elaine Amanda Collinson, on, with Second Se ond Class Cla Honours Hon rs (first division) Nicholas N as John Taylor, or with th Second Class Honours (first division) Nicola Cathy Witten, with th First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Ross Alan Brittan Patricia Lynne Clara Osborne Sheng Chen Mason Ivan Wayne Ozich Ting-Chang Chen Ganchao Qi Francis Thomas Eggelton Trista Joy Robertson I Fang Angela Lynn Walton Jeremy Peter Fleming Rosanna Elizabeth Hope Webster Michael John Kerby BACHELOR OF MUSIC Jehanne Nicole Bastoni 52 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Christina Jane Bartlett Brian Albert Lomas Emma Coker Rocky Alexandra Carlos Maeva Hilary Jean Gubb Hayley Jean McCracken Rachel Jayne Hart Robert Gordon Stanley Jonathan Michael Hay Ross Merritt Watson Phloiuma Juekarun POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION STUDIES Jennifer Dawn Marsh, with Distinction Haley Erana Te Wiata POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENVI ENVIRONMENTAL RONMENTAL AL PLANNIN PLANNING NG Hannah Olivia Meads, with Distinction nction Amber May Sharland Sha landd POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NH HISTORY STORY Nicholas John Marryatt, with Distinction st nct on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N PS PSYCHOLOGY SYCHOLLOGY GY Claire Lauren Troon, with Distinction tio on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYC PPSYCHOLOGY CHOLOGY (CLINICAL) Megan Christine Lenny Deepa Mo Mohan ohan han M Mahin Mahindra POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN SECOND ND N D LA LANGUAGE NGUAGE TEA TEAC TEACHING AC C Fengyun He POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN SOCIO SOCIOLOGY CIO OG GY Maria Alejandra Mora Benard Rodney Mark Corban n Susan Anne Petrie Petrie Jana Maree Noorland d Jemma Leigh h Smith Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE ERTIFICAT IN NH HISTORY OR Galina Rose Hanley POSTGRADUATE CERT CERTIFICATE ICATE IN N PSYCHOL PSYCHOLOGY LOGY LO Rodney Mark Corban Janelle elle Margaret Fisher GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENGLISH Sarah Nicole van der Veer GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN GEOGRAPHY Bryce Maitland Clapham DIPLOMA IN ARTS Katleen Jane Goodbehere DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Julie Louise Chatwin Robert Ashmore Curtis GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 53 Conferred/Awarded 14 March 2012 Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Nicola May Benfell, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Yu-Hsin Huang, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Ben O'Neill, with First Class Honours ours Zufeng Yu, w with Sec Second n Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTER G GRAPHIC RAPHIC DESIGN N ANGANUI NGANUI SCHOOL CHOOL HOOL OF DESIGN, HOO DE DE ((UCO UCO IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI (UCOL) Stephen John Nieuwelaar Hika Hik Rahui Raahui Simeon Simeo on TTaewa a BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AN A AND D MATHEMATICAL HEMATICAL EMAT MA ATIC TIC TI CAL ALL SSC SCIENCES Giang Chieu Khac Nguyen BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Peter David Blair Karl Rhys SStollery St Sto Hwa-Pyung Kim Terraa Yi Terr POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN C COMPUTER OMPUT SCIENCE CE Bahman Bitaraf GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Thomas Peter Faulkner ner Nan N n Li L Faculty of Education ducation DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY OSO HY Vanwyk Khobidi Chikasanda, kasan MEd M d University Universi of Botswana Botsswaana Bo Botswana, otswa a B BSc, c Diplom Diploma ma in M Mechanical ec Engineering University of Malawi Malawi Thesis Title: “An Investigation of the Development of Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions towards Technology: A Framework for Reconstructing Technology Education in Malawi” MASTER OF COUNSELLING Christina Marie Jarden, with Second Class Honours (second division) MASTER OF EDUCATION Craig Francis Cocking, with First Class Honours Damon Rodger Whitten, with First Class Honours MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Gregory John Fenton, with First Class Honours Emma Tahi Hall, with Second Class Honours (first division) 54 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Steven Kamga, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF TEACHING WITH HONOURS Rachel Marie Coffin, with Second Class Honours (second division) Daniela Gaetana Sasso, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Tracy Coker Kieran Stephen McCarthy Bryan Joseph Harrison Jacqueline Anne Adele Todd Michael Kim Shontina Maria van der Poel BACHELOR OF TEACHING Tamara Jayne Branson Michael Kim Ross Alan Brittan Preston Caryn Suzanne Suzanne Pres o Caroline Janet Grennell Robertson Trista Joy Rober son Katherine Sarah Harland Smith Joanna Gayle Sm mith Kay Alison Hitchcock Angela Ange ggela laa Lynn Walton Wa ton POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EEDUCATION DUCATION Yvonne Ngahinaturae Armstrong Julen Hickey JJule Julena H Philip John Bell, with Distinction Junger, P Phillipa Ann Ju nger, with Distinction Dulcie-Jane Brake Ann Macaskill Elizabeth An nn Ma ac Jacqueline Brouwer, with Distinction on Jonathan Howard Pace onathan William William Wil am H Ho Victoria Mary Catlow, with Distinction stinctii Anita Turia Peke-Paenga Lynleyy Anit ita ta Tu i Peke- Kirsty Heather Christison, with Distinction Distinct ction Jay-Rimus Whakahawea Rapana Jay-R Rimu Te W Rim Whakaha Georgina Michaela Dansey, withh Dis Distinction Roger Howard with Distinction Rog oward SSalisbury, Salisb isbury, ry w Caroline Marie Gill, with Distinction ncti Schnell,, w with Distinction Claire Noline li Sc Shelley Debra Gosse Nicole PPaula Wenham Rebekah Jade Crook Neil Anthony Marshall, N il A thony Ma shal with th Distinction D stin Daryl Paul Gibbs, withh Distinction Di ti ti Marcus M JJames Norrish N ih Rachel Claire Hawthorne, horne with Distinction Dist cti Lisa Jane Ray, Ra with Distinction Disti ction Dylan Harley Hughes Cynthia C a Jane Smith h Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Tuihana Jean Jack-Ainsley, ey, with th Distinction istinction POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA PLOMA IN LA LANGUAGE ANG AGEE A AND ND LLITERACY ITERA ACY EEDUCATION UCA ATIO ON Sarina Nicole Foote, with Distinction Annette Patricia Ranson Catherine Frances McGeady, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Claire Jane Marshall, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE EDUCATION Bridget Elizabeth Burns-Wilson POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Troy Regan Smith POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION Claire Janette Davies GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 55 Conferred/Awarded 14 March 2012 Faculty of Education continued POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN TERTIARY TEACHING Fiona Mary Hermann Liza Preethy Storey Craig Alexander Hight Linda Jean Twiname Michele Anne Schoenberger-Orgad Marcus Thomas Wilson GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Aaron Nephi Osman Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING ACHING G A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN CHILDHOOD EDUCATION N SECONDARY, S CONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY EARLY C CH David Bruce Adam Heffernan Renee Marie He ferna Deanne Carla Antrobus Brice Hoare Br B ri Aidan rice A Hoa re Natasja Maria Battermann Katherine Houchen Ka Kathe herine Sarah Ho ouc Robert Lee Berryman Hutton Joh Leslie John Leeslie Hutt on Julie Anne Brien Martin Mart n William Kroon Kroo on Frances Susannah Kathleen Brown JJing Luo Lu John Guy Brunton MacDermid Clare MacDe ermidd Hannah Elizabeth Burnell Dawn Barbara D awn wn MacLean MacL M Anna Leigh Colman Diane Louise Louisse May Sarah Ellen Mary Coram-O'Kane ne Christopher Chris sto topher James McNair McN Victoria Ruth Corley Millar Courtney A Alice urtneyy Miller M Gary Wayne Crooks Beauman eauma Jam James Morgan Nicholas James Darling Lisa Mortimer Li isa sa Marie M Gregory James Diglin David Richard Mulholland Lena May Dimmendaal Shelley Susanne Murphy David John Dobbin Samantha Sa ma ha Jane ane Oehley Cynthia Beverley Doole l Chaanah Yvette Oliver Ch hY i Nigel Alistair Earnshaw aw Mizuho Osugi Mizu Osu Thomas Alexander Richard hard Everth Evert Carol Anne C nne PPeters Sarah Maree Ewens Nirmala Prasad Nirm ala Devi Pr sad Deborah Ruth Ford Yolandie Pretorius ius Paul Bruce Gilbert Dhirendra Dhir rendra Prasad Pra d Raj Bryan George Gillies Celeste Patricia Awhina Rietbrock John Holley Gordon Timothy Abades Sadumiano Oriana Theresa Hansell-Pune Sandy Jane Sheterline Tereiha Ann Hapi Emma Mairead Simpson Lara Ingrid Hasselbach Catherine Leanne Sole Megan Dawn Haynes Mark Graham Somerville Charlotte Anna Hazlett Jason Edward Spice 56 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING continued A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION David Owen Steel Nathan Victor Emile Vassella Natalie Ellen Strange Yazhuo Wang Erin Patricia Sutherland Lee Kyle Warin Rawiri John Tapiata Judith Helen Waters Ronelle Patricia Taylor De-Anne Joy Wilson Damon Jeffrey Thomas DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION David John Parkin Deborah Deborah Gaye Gaye Wat Watkins Watkin Te Piringa - Faculty ty yo off Law MASTER OF LAWS Lorna Catherine Cable Luise Ch C Christiane hristiane Ste Steinhausen, n with Second Class Honours H Honou Honour onouurs (first ddivision) vision BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS ON NOU URS Carly Marie Christie, with First Class Hon Honours onours Jeffrey W William ll m Paul Jackison, Jac with Second Class Honours (first division) Honou urs (fir firs first irst divisio BACHELOR OF LAWS Jonathan Andrew James Cookk Declann Cole olee Redman Re Hilary Jean Gubb Michael Mich aell Kevin Wallace Young Mee Clancy Helen Anne Murphy p y Corrine Lynette Hamer er Myla Ruttan Rutt n Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S DIPLOMA IN LAW School of Māori āori & Pacif Pacificc D Development eve velopment BACHELOR OF ARTS TSS Terrina Sarah Helliwell Rosemarie Ramari Marino Skye Te Awhina Merearihi Leathers Nadine Hinetihi Olive McKinnon POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATING MĀORI Awatea Paterson, with Distinction GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 57 Conferred/Awarded 14 March 2012 Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Maha Mubarak M Alkahtani Noof Mansour M Shalabi Saad Nasser M Alkahtani Toshiyuki Ushiki Nahyan Mansoor Saleh Eidha Almenhali Daikichi Yamaguchi Jawaher Hassan Y Alshehri Quan Zhang Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Kiyomi Komuku Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Qadryah Mohammed A Al Khaldii Yandong Han Hameed Nair F Alanazi Xianzhen Huang Sultan Mubarak I Albalawi Yahya M H Hussain Esss Ya Essa ussa n Ohud Fahhad F Alharbi Shohei Sho Shoh ei Ishii Battal Shadad B Alkaddah Koji oji IIto to Abdulrahman Saleh A Almulhim Ping ng JJiang iang Abdullah Nuays S Almutairi J Jihoon Jung J Asmaa Alqannas Danfeng Li Faisal Abdulaziz A Alqubali Haimin Maa Norah Mofareh M Alsubaie Chisana Chisan na Minami Min naam nam mi Sultan Nemer D Alsubaie Sakurai Riho R o Sak akura Nahoko Aoyama Yu Sheng Yubo ng Jiaqian Chen Xinxin n Sun Byungkyu Chun Sugang Wu Suga Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Tariq Saleh A Al Mulhim Jue Hu Abdullah Ali S Alahmadi mad Chunmeng C unmeng Huang Mohammed Muneer S Alawami Natthapol Jaengaksorn Khalaf Saud J Albogami mi Pitchanan Jessadaapiban Pitc n Je adaapiba Faisal Abdullah A Aldayel yel Shinya Kuwah Kuwahara Sh Mona Qadi S Alfaqiri Xinglii Li Xi Mohammed Abdullah Alkhalifah hKA halifah h Yanyan Y y Li Khalid Saud A Almuharibb Ting-Bao T i g-B Lin Abdulaziz Abdullah M Alshehri Changhong Lu Nasser Mubireek A Althrwy Mano Machii Mohammad Salim M Baisher Kahori Matsutake Ammar Mubarak S Bamofleh Sookyung Min Hongyue Chen Satoe Mochida Boonliang Chordnork Wan-I Niu Jing Dong Haruna Ota Ziyue Han Jiyao Peng Weipeng Hao Quang Hung Phung 58 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Ting Xu Hoor Ghazi H Shanab Anlu Yan Yuying Shen Yukari Yasuma Mutsumi Tanaka Ran Zhang Chen-An Tsai Zehan Zhang Zeming Wu Yanchang Zheng Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Mousa Abdullah M Alanazi Satono Kawamata Muteb Abdullah M Alanazi Tengfei Kong Abdul Mohsen Saleh M Aljohani Thanh T hanh Tuan Le Abdulrahman Hamad M Aloumayr yr Chang Liu Ayidh Mohammed F Alqahtani Zihao Liu Faisal Ali A Alqarni Pattanacharoenkit SSi Sirawit Sir Pattanac haroe Mohammed Saleh H Alshamrani Ghazi Hoor oor G hazi H Shanab Shanab Yuya Anzai Lydia y Stange ydia Stange Mohammed Hasan A Baabad Li Su Su Namkang Chairungruang Wang L Wan Lu Wa an ng Tarntip Chantaranima Renru Wang Suriya Chapoo Shuo-Peng Wang W g Guida Isaura Da Conceicao Bariss Araujo o Wang Weidongg W Wan ngg Yuan Gao Chi Y Yang Feng Guo Zhiyuan Zhiy uan Yii Yazeed Salahaldeen M Hajjarr Han Zhang ang Weifan He Zhang Lei ei Z hang Eriko Hisamoto Zhao Ziqiang Z qia Zh Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 Abdalmohsen Nasser A Almogel Yanni Liu Mansour Ghalib M Alotaibi Zihao Liu u Ayman Abdullah A Ankawi Kazuki Narui Tianran Cai Cao Cuong ng Nguyen uyen Po-Wei Chang SSeungkyu yu No Youjie Chen Jongan Jong an Park Lun Cui Kongseng Piengpanya gp y Lin Fu Jia-Haur Jia-H Hau ur SShi hi Hongjing Gai Patcharee Siriananeharoen Yoko Kazama Miyako Takeuchi Mengbi Li Shuo-Peng Wang Haiyun Lin Zhe Wang Zixing Lin Wei Zheng Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 continued Abdul Rahman Naqib Ahmad Mohammed Sarwar Chang Liu GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 59 Conferred/Awarded 14 March 2012 Pathways College continued CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English 2 Fatimah Ibrahim K Alsaleh Akram Omar H Hadi Ghiyoung Baik Yizhou Li Henghao Bu Ximeng Lin Tianran Cai Hao Wang Nutthawuth Chaipinchana Yu Wang Fei Chen Xueyan Wei Yuchao Chen Siyuan y You Yiming Ding Chunlin Zhang Level 7 – Advanced Academic and nd d Literary Literary English ish sh 1 Xiaolei Gong Zanbo Zanb bo W Wang Lina Jin Zibo bo W Wang Ruowang Li Wei Wei W We ei Qiong Liu Zhang S Shuo Zh Zhang Domingas Vila Nova Sequeira Hallee Level 8 – Advanced Academic and Literary 2 Liter ter errary English E Nitikorn Fongrattanakul Ran Wa Wang CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT ENT IN FOUNDATION NDATION DA ATION ST STUDI STUDIES TU Hasan Mohammed A Alnasaralmuhana aralmuhana Yu Liang ang Mohammed Abdulrahman M Alobaid Alob Manai Misako M an nai Mohammed Abdulshakur A Fattah Wu Linxi W Xingrui Han Xiaochuan Wu Jialin Li Zhe Zhang Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY N VERSITY PREPARATION REPARAT ON Tracy Lynette Abbott tt Axe iam Armstrong rmstrong Axel William Waseema Abdulla JJoshua James Barnett et Alesha Patricia Ahdar Te Uira U ra Robert James J mes Barton rton Meshari Abdullah M Alanazi Russell Alec Beales ir Reem Abtan Q Alfaqir N ico ole He en Brownbridge own nbriddge Nicole Helen Rashed Saad R Alghazali Michael William Bryers Mohammed Senhat M Alghethi Danielle Emily Carlyon Ali Mohamed Ali Dylan Mathew Chapman Radiya Mohamed Ali Mikhail Vincent Coffin Asim Essa R Alrumayh Charles Frederick Cunningham Khalid Saadi J Alruwaili Timothy Gavin Dent Faisal Awad R Alshammari Daniel James Roy Dredge 60 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Samuel Joseph Alexander Evans Benjamin Mason Perrett-Brungar Joshua Penani Faagalu Zin Perrott Kayleigh Joanne Flint Niria Constance Pou-Ruka Moeawa Fuller Kelsey Meirene Pryor Mareta Ani George Siddharth Raju Natalie Frances Goffin Michelle Kia Tere Rata Abdulqudus Sheikhmohamed Guled Bauataake Uera Redfern Patrick Harrison Claire Louise Reid Vaine Maire Nui Metuakore Edwina Henry Katrina Irene Rowland Queree Louise Hislop SSina ina Agnes SSa'u Sa u Anna Joy Hockin Ratu Jone Parkes Parke Savou Savo Kirsti Marie Hogan Alana Jane Saye Sayers arrison Aroha Reremoana Houkamau-Harrison Ca William Sayers C Caleb Cale Sayers Lynda-May Illingworth Mich chaeel Sexton Michael Justin Ross Hamuhana Jacob Terri rri Sh harree Sla teer Sharree Slater Dylan Ashley Johnston Alex exandder Edward Edward SSmith m Alexander Liam Matthew Jones JJacob acob cob Robert Robert SSmith mith Tekurataukiapo Jubilee Conrad Ian St tepheen Stephenson Samantha Annie Judd Lloyd Robert Roberrt Stidolph Stid ido Ariana Georgia Laing Tayler Vee-Hyndman V Vee-Hy Hyn yyndman Stone St Slone Rawiri Kanute Lingman Lisa Su hore Karena Ngahieke Te Huia Lochore Mist sty Aroha A ha Taoho Tao Misty Emma Maaka La T Lauraa Joy Taylor Mangarita Maibibi Makina Teba baara Tebaara Bonnie Teawamihi Maihi Waina Toia Christine Adrina Makasini Toia Jennifer Turanga Lola Rose Lynne McRae Elenoa Maopa Uluiviti Faith Celeste Miru Ja on Charles ha e Hoani Vercoe V oe Jason Alilia Molitika Jessie Ann Versteeg Glendon Motufoaki Korm Pran h Ward Kormal Pranesh nga Thulani Marlon Msimanga Ta d Taylor Cruise Ward Damien John Myers Aaro n Zane Wh te Aaron Whyte Elona Justine Ned Clinton Kaleb Whyte ngut Pau-Mo-Levuka Ngungutau Shel lby W son Shelby Wilson Jesse Jerome O'Brien Atapo Keri-Ann Wiringi Luke Calvert Pallesen Daniel James Wyllie Reyne Clifford Palmer Xien Xie Morgan Kelsey Ramari Paul Tzu-Hsien Yu Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION continued Malia Mafuie Perelini GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 61 Conferred/Awarded 14 March 2012 Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Michael William Hamish Pearson, BSc Otago, BE Canterbury Thesis Title: “Material Properties and Stress Modelling of Radiata Pine at High Temperature” Grant Wayne Tempero, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Abundance and Function of Multiple Haemoglobin Isomorphs from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)” MASTER OF SCIENCE Helen Margaret McCormick, withh First irst Class Class Honours Richter, In Ingrid Richte er, with First ir Class Honours Joshua Alois Muller, with Second Class Honours C Clas (first division) Nicole Dawn Stevens, Stevens, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING NG W WITH ITH HONO HONOURS ONOURS OURS OUR Evan Lyons, with Second Class Honours onouu s (first ddivision) vission) ion) Nal SSharma, Nalin harma, w with ithh First Fi Class Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE L Lowell Patrick Lumbab Abellanosa sa Huii Ji H Jiu Kueh Scott Frank Cleverley Ben O'Neill Dennis Pieter Theodorus Ent Shelley Rogers R g rs Reka Edward Fox Jessica Leigh Jessi ca Leig igh gh Sadd BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOG (TECHNOLOGY) OL Philip Anthony Charles Jennings ng POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATERIALS AND PROCESS ENGINEERING Xiaochen Kong Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE E TIF AT IN NB BIOLOGICAL OLOG CA SC SCIENCES ENCES Giannina Mira Solis Fabular POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE ERTIFICAT IN PH PHYSICS C Matthew John Blackmore GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN N ENGINE ENGINEERING EERI G Gary Wayne Crooks Kerry Brian Parkes Bryan George Gillies Damon Jeffrey Thomas John Leslie Hutton Nathan Victor Emile Vassella 62 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Arshad Ashfaque Malik, BE NED University of Engineering Pakistan, MBA University of Navarra Spain Thesis Title: “Performance of New Zealand’s Secondary Schools: A Stakeholders’ Perspective” MASTER OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Mousa Mohammed M Abdulati, with Second Class Honours (second division) MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Ayman Mohammedali A Aldahri, with Second Class Honours (first division) Zhou Second Z hou Song, w with Sec n Class Honours (second division) Second Jiani Wang, with Seco n Class Honours (second division) John Kaltau Maki, with Second Class lass Honours onours (first division) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS NALY A SIS WIT WITH T HONOUR TH HON HONOURS OU S Guillaume Jacques le Roux, with First First Class Honours Honno n urss BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION ATIO ON N STUDIES DIES WITH WIIT W ITH T HO TH HONOUR HONOURS O S Chelsea Maree Paddy, with Second Cla Class ass H Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT MENT STU STUDIES UDIES UD D W WITH HONO HONOURS OURSS Peter Martin Hacon, with First rst Class Honours ono Chi-Kai with Second Class Honours ChiKai ai James James Huang, w (first division) (fir ion) Florian Maximilian Herrmann, with First Class Clas Honours Hono Jordan n JJames mes Taylor, me T with First Class Honours Marie Chloe Isabelle Boyer, with th First Class H Honours Hono nourrs Alan Chalhoub Hao Pan Dan Chen Mark M rk Simon mon Robert obert Ryan Ry Yan Cheng Holly H lly EElizabeth izabet SSmith th Vaughan Redman Collin ollin Tong Qi T Ryan Thomas Eden Yifan Wang Y Faisal Sulaiman Haidrah h Lufan Lufa n Yu Wesley Dylan Keegan Yang Yang Chelsey Greta Anne Lawson Laws Yichi Zhangg Yich hi Zha Ying Jie Li Tianlu Zhou Chenxiang Lu Xin Zhou Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Xiaoyun Mao GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 63 Conferred/Awarded 14 March 2012 Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Adam Jay Dowling Jessica Valerie Pickett Kelly Maree Howard BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Hansel Tamata BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Gareth Michael Barker Peng Qian Gillian Marie Doms Mary Louise Radford Radford Yuanyuan Fu Lina Wang Xiaowen Gan Daolong Daolo aolong aolon olong n Yang Zhiping Gao Lijing j Zhan jing Zhan Zhentao Gong Zhang Hee Z hang James Reese McQuade Jundong Jun undo ndo g Zhang Sjaan Alexandra Mear Ran Zh R Zhang h Presley Chase Purcell Zheng Xinhua Zhen ng BACHELOR OF TOURISM Amber Marie Bennett POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN ACCOUNTING CC COUN Scott David Gleeson POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Mousa Mohammed M Abdulati POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE Ruifang Hu, with Distinction inction Jia Jiani Wang ng Li Qiu Shuai Wang Sh POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Shuning Wu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Anita Sundaram POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Wendy Anne Edwards Andrew Michael Read Brent Noel Hamblyn Michael Stevens Richard Godfrey Brett Kinzett Andrew John Sutherland POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Daolong Yang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Yen-Chen Liu 64 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Petra Dianne Te Amo POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Altaf Husein Haji Ismail Fuggawala POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Jeremy Robert Hall Michelle Ann Taylor Richard Lynton Parker Lisa Gaye Trant GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING Sruthi Roy George Kyla Sheree Hamilton Darren James Diprose Samuel Edward Kilgour GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ECONOMICS Louisa Koete Baragamu Barbara Tifa Wang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Munirah Jaber N Almarri Hariet Waffenschmidt GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Sinduja Seshadri GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC RELATIONS Binbin Chen GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Jordan James Taylor GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Dinesh Jaganathan Anna Leigh Colman Shelley Susanne Murphy Sarah Ellen Mary Coram-O'Kane Emma Mairead Simpson Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Nicholas James Darling GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Yanhua Pan GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Lynda Dorne Dixon GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Ayman Mohammedali A Aldahri GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Rebecca Susan Bunn GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT David Alan Cotter Guillaume Jacques le Roux CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Matthew Hugh Kensington GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 65 Congratulations to all University of Waikato Graduates University of Waikato Academic Leaders VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor Roy Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor Crawford is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. His primary research interest has been in the mechanical properties and processing behaviour of plastics. Previously Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor at Queen’s University, Belfast, with special responsibility for Research and Development, he has ongoing research and business interests in New Zealand associated with the establishment of a new polymer research centre. He has published seven books, more than 270 papers and has been a member of numerous government panels and research h grant committees in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. e ing. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor Alister Jones BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT pTT MRSNZ MRSNZ Professor Jones was appointed De Deputy uty Vice-Chancellor c Chancello ce-Chancellor ellor in n 2011. He is the former Dean of Education and was nd d w as previously iously Re Research Re h Professor Professor and an Director of the Wilf Malcolm Institute nstitute titutee of Educational Research h at the t Faculty of Education. He has managed and directed research projects that naged ged edd d prrojectts th have informed policy, curriculum inn New lum and teacher tea eaacher development d w Zealand Z and internationally. His mainn areas of research reessearch are curriculum res curriculum, cur iculum m teaching, teachi learning and assessment, particularly education. rticularly in science nce and technology technolo tech He has acted as an international consultant in curriculum and assessment ational onsu ult rriculu ssess and building educational research the earch capability. bil y. In 2000, 000, hee was was awarded aw NZ Science and Technology Medal for his significant nt contribution to the development of technology education both nationally and internationally. PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR ELLOR (MĀ (MĀORI)/ RI)/ V DEAN OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Professor Linda Smith ith BA MA PhD Auck DipT Professor Smith (Ngāti Awa,, Ngāt Ngāti appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor āti A ti Porou) was as app ncello Māori at the University ityy of o Waikato Waikato in 2007. 20 0 0 Shee previously prreviously held heeld the he Chair hair in Education at The University of Auckland and was joint director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (Horizons of Insight), the National Institute of Research Excellence in Māori Development and Advancement. Professor Smith’s PhD in education was conferred by The University of Auckland in 1996. Her work in the field of Māori education and indigenous people’s education generally, is renowned in New Zealand and overseas. GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 67 University of Waikato Academic Leaders DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES (ACTING) Dr David Lumsden BA(Hons) London MA PhD Princeton David Lumsden has been a member of staff at Waikato University since 1979. He has previously held the positions of Chairperson of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Pro-Dean Graduate and Postgraduate, and Chairperson of the School of Social Sciences. He has published in the areas of the Philosophy of Language, particularly in relation to the theory of reference and pragmatics, and the Philosophy of Mind. DEAN OF COMPUTING & MATHEMATICAL ATHEMA ATICAL SCIE SCIENCES IENCES Professor Geoff Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southampton Professor Holmes gained an Honours nours ours Degree andd Doctorate Doctorate in i Mathematics Mathem matic from the University of Southampton pton ton n in n the UK. K. Following ng a rresearch res po position sittio in the engineering department att Cambridge Waikato Cambridge University, niversity, i y, he h joined jo Waaikat in 1987 as a lecturer in computer ranks. err science, sc ence, andd rose osee up up the t academic ac rank ranks He was appointed Dean of the Faculty acu ty of Computing Computting ing in n and Mathematical Mathe Mathematic mat Sciences in 2008. His major research ch h interest inteerest is in machine learning, learningg, a topic to t that involves mathematics, statistics cs and an nd computer computer science. He is best known kn know k nationally and internationally ly for hiss contributions ccontriibutions to applied appplied machine m learning, deploying theoretical He is cal frameworks rkkss in practical practical situations. situat situati tio currently involved in collaborative to provide orative research with h local industry indus in automatic analysis of analytical tical testing ng procedur pprocedures. ro DEAN OF EDUCATION Professor Roger Moltzen TTC DipT BEd MEd PhD hD Waikato Waik to Professor Roger Moltzen is a former school teacher and school principal. Prior to being appointed Chair of the nted as Deputy D puty Dean Dea of the Faculty aculty he wass Ch Department of Human Development He hass led nu numerous n Developm ent and Counselling. un ing. H ou research and development ent contracts cont acts in inclusive incl sive education duca ion and and the education edu ation of gifted and talented students. His current research focuses on talent development across thee lifespan. he was aawarded Minister’s lif pan. In 2005 5h wardded the PPrime rime M nisteer’s Supreme Award for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. 68 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO DEAN OF LAW Professor Bradford Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York Professor Morse gained his Bachelor of Arts, with a major in History and Sociology from Rutgers College and Livingston College, Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA in 1972. In 1975 he gained his Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia, and his Masters of Law in 1981 from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Professor Morse was previously a Professor of Law at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and has been a Barrister at Law and Solicitor, Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario), since 1979. DEAN OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING NEERING Professor Bruce Clarkson BSc MSc DPhil Waikato Professor Clarkson holds a BSc, MSc Scc (First ((F rst Class Honours) onours)) in Bi Biolo Biological B l Sciences Scien nce and a DPhil from the University off Waikato. Zealand Waikato. Hee worked for the t e New Ze alan Department of Scientific and Industrial Division and the then dustrial ustr al Research rch h (Botany (Bo otany an ny Div D v Land Resources) from 1981 to 1992 Institute 992 2 and an nd then the Crown Cro Cr own own ow w Research Res Rese In Institut nstit Landcare Research from 1992 to 1999, 999, 99, re returning to the Universityy in 2000. 2 200 His research interests include vegetation tation tion o change, on chaange, threatened plant autecology autecolog auteco auteec and restoration ecology. He was awarded Zealand’s arde rdded the he Loder Cup, New N Z Ze premier conservation award, in 2006 andd currently for currentlyy leads lead a Foundation Fou Foun Research Science and Technology on determining logy funded research rch programm programme o the best methods for restoring ng indigenous nou us biodiversity ity in cities. DEAN OF WAIKATO MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Professor Frank Scrimgeour BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln n PhD Hawai Hawai’i BD D Melbourne College of D Divinity vin ty Professor Scrimgeour holds a BAgSc with First Class Honours from Lincoln College, a PhD (Agricultural Economics) from the University ricultural and Resource Resou Econ micss) fro he U versity of Hawai'i and a BD from Melbourne Collegee of Div Divinity. rom Melb rne Co vinit Previously viously he has ha worked with NZ Meat and nd Wool Woo Boards' Economic Econom c Service, Ser vice, Christian Leaders Leaders Training College of Papua p New Guinea, and the Environment and Policyy Institute at the East West Wes Centre in Honolulu. Hono ulu. His Hiss current cu urreent research ressea ch focuses ocusses on the economics of natural resources and the environment. t GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 69 Speaker Profiles WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL – 9.30AM AND 1.30PM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Keynote Speaker: Dr Cathy Dewes NZOM Dr Cathy Dewes NZOM is of Te Arawa and Ngāti Porou descent and is a life-long champion of Māori rights and language. In 1985, she began lobbying for a Māori immersion schooling option which became Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ruamata in Rotorua. She is committed to reclaiming Māori language and culture to its rightful place within New Zealand society. In 2011 she was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Waikato in recognition of her contribution to the revitalisation of Te Reo Māori and Māori education. Student Speaker (9.30am): Denise Claire Te Wake Degree to be conferred – Postgraduate Diploma in Education Student Speaker (1.30pm): Neihana Russell Jacob Degree to be conferred – Master of Management Studies and Postgraduate Diploma ma in Strategic Management g FRIDAY 20 APRIL – 2.30PM (HOLY HOLY HOL Y TRINITY EVENT CENTRE, TA TAURA TAURANGA) URA Keynote Speaker: Professor Chris i Ba Battershill tershill environmental ental tal science, Professor PPr Chris Battershill is the University of An expert in marine ecology andd environmental astal taal Science for or the Bay Bay of Plenty Ple heea of the Coastal Marine Group in and head Waikato’s inaugural Chair in Coastal neering. eerin ng. Beforee joining oining i the University U Un iin n 2011, 201 20 he was the principal scientist the Faculty of Science and Engineering. hee Au Australian stralian Institute stitute of Marine stit Ma M Sci ence He is also responsible for the and research team leader at the Science. edd marine marine biodiscovery odiscovery i eryy teams er team tea in Australia Aus raali and New Zealand. establishment of the first dedicated Heemi Degree to be conferred – Bache B elo of Social Sciences Student Speaker: Ashlee Luanne Hemi Bachelor MONDAY 30 APRIL – 2PM (FOUND (FOUNDERS NDE DE THEATRE) D DERS TH Keynote Speaker: Dr Ian Graham ha er dean of the th FFaculty ty of Com Compu Dr Ian Graham is the former Computing and Mathemat Mathematical Sciences and a founder versity spin-off in-off technology ec o w hi he is now chairman. Last year he companyy of which of Endace, a successful University trepreneur of the h Y Year ar aatt the he New w Zealand Z Eng was named New Zealand Entrepreneur Engineering Excellence Awards in info recognition of his entrepreneurial leadership in the field of information and communications technology. Student Speaker: Jessica King Degree to be conferred – Bachelor of Science TUESDAY 1 MAY – 10AM (FO (FOUNDERS NDERS TH THEATRE) ATRE) Keynote Speaker: Bentham Ohia m the University Unive ty of o Waikato ka with wi h a Master er of Business usiness A dministra Since graduating from Administration, Bentham Ohia te tiary sector se r and a iss the current c nt Chief Chie Executive ec ve of Te W Wānanga o Aotearoa. has worked extensivelyy in the tertiary ient of the he Lifetime Achievement Achie ement award award at the Te Te Amorangi Amo ngi National Nat In 2011 he was the recipient Māori Academic cognisse individuals ls who wh have made significant ant contributions co trib Excellence Awards which recognise to their iwi and te ao Māori as a whole. Student Speaker: Rachel Joan Jowsey Degree to be conferred – Bachelor of Teaching TUESDAY 1 MAY – 2PM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Keynote Speaker: Trevor Taylor Trevor Taylor has an extensive background in finance and management and is the current Chief Executive of Outward Bound Trust. Throughout his career he has held various senior executive positions with energy companies, including Fletcher Challenge Energy and the Electricity Corporation of New Zealand. He is also a member of the College of Chartered Accountants (CA) and the Institute of Directors and is a trustee of Life Flight Trust and the Wellington Free Ambulance Trust. Student Speaker: Hannah Joy Beatson Degree to be conferred – Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies 70 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO WEDNESDAY 2 MAY – 10AM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Keynote Speaker: Jon Calder Hamilton businessman Jon Calder is Chief Executive of the National Fieldays Society. He has a Master of Business Administration and Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies from the University of Waikato. He has held management roles with Freedom Air, Eagle Air and Air New Zealand and is also the former General Manager for the central region with New Zealand’s largest public transport operator, NZ Bus. Student Speaker: Briar Jessie Thompson Degree to be conferred – Bachelor of Communication Studies with Honours and Bachelor of Communication Studies WEDNESDAY 2 MAY – 2PM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Keynote Speaker: Andrew Smith h Waik aikato o with a Master of Scie Sciencee in 198 1989 Andrew Smith has gone on to Graduating from the University off Waikato 1989, rolife olife Foods, a privately owned New Zealand Ze lan food company with the popular become the Chief Executive of Prolife nd Donovans Donovans Chocolates brands. He is the University’s U Mother Earth, Alison’s Pantry and first Rhodes Scholar, phy hy iin n physicss at a Oxford Oxxford Oxf or Un ord U Univ University. i He He the th moved into business and has completing a Doctor of Philosophy then he consumer c nsumer and co n gro nd groceryy mark ma market k having wor wo nearly 20 years’ experience in the worked in England, Ireland, Australia nclu luding Fonterra, terra, rra, Unilever, Unilever ileve and a Procter Procter & Gamble. G and New Zealand for companies including w Degree Degree to bee conferred onferred onferr ed – B Bachelor Bach c usine Analysis with Honours, Student Speaker: Jason Keith Shaw of B Business Graduate Management Bachelor of Business Analysis and Gr adu duate Diploma omaa in n Manageme Ma M Managem m THURSDAY 3 MAY – 10AM (FOUNDERS U ERS THEATRE) UNDE Keynote Speaker: Joseph Hitchcock chcock sity of Waikato Waikat atto o alumnus, alum mnus, nus, ggraduating graaduat atin ng in 2005 wi n Joseph Hitchcock is a University with a Bachelor of Arts degree dia studies. He began egan n work as a a camera mera operator and lighting technician for majoring in screen and media ocal theatre. tre.. He is now a cinematographer cine pher and a has w community television and local worked on a range of feature es of Narnia: Prince P incce Caspian, aspian, Avatarr and a Yogi Bear. Bea He is also a co-founder of films, including The Chronicles Moondown Films. Student Speaker: Amy Rebecca Jones Degree to be conferred – Doctor of Philosophy THURSDAY 3 MAY Y – 2PM (F (FOUNDERS ND RS THEATRE) Keynote Speaker: Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox mer llecturer ctur r in law and Direc tor o adu Studies at the University Un Judge Caren Fox is a for former Director of Graduate of Waikato. nternationa human rights ht andd a recipient re nt of the t NZ Z Human man Rights Right Commission 2000 She is a specialist in international 000, she was made a Judge Judge of the Māori M Millennium Medal. In 2000, Land Court forr the Ta Tairāwhiti and Waiariki districts and appointed to the Waitangi Tribunal. Currently, she is the presiding officer of the Porirua ki th Kohanga Kohan nga Reo Reeo urgency ur encyy claim, cllaim m, and and is an Alternate Alt natee Judge Ju udgee off the Environment Court. Manawatu claims andd the She is also a Deputy Chief Judge of the Māori Land Court. Student Speaker: Fabienne Brandli Degree to be conferred – Bachelor of Arts GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 71 A Brief History of the University The University of Waikato had its genesis in 1956, when a small group of visionary individuals began working towards founding a university for the people of the South Auckland region. A college, a sub-branch of Auckland University, was established in 1959 and in 1965, after opening its doors in 1964, the University of Waikato was officially opened by the then Governor-General, Sir Bernard Fergusson (later Lord Ballantrae). From modest beginnings, on what was largely farmland and with a handful of temporary emporary buildings g and few staff, the University of Waikato W now has a student population of 12,000, with th more m re than 3,800 graduating each year. Today, the University Univ rsity employs about 2,000 academic and support o staff, ort staff, making ngg a significant contribution to the local cal a eeconomy. conomy. The University has built research rch quality to to be b ranked No.3 in New Zealand andd has forged strong stro ong international links; 175 agreements meent nts have been signed with universities around thee w world. world d. THE CAMPUS Our Hamilton campus, with th grounds covering coverin ov g 65 hectares, continues to be a source of com community unityy pride. The grounds include sports fields, lds, s, walkways, w three lakes and extensive gardens. dens At the end of 2011, we opened the new $30 million Student Centre which houses the library, computers, meeting and relaxation spaces. It has a 5 Green Star rating from the New Zealand Zea and Green Gree Building uild g Council, C u il, recognising the environmental and sustainable features of the building’s lding’s design. The he conception cept n and completion of thee Student C Centre ntre is a further ur demonstration of our commitm commitment ent to the delivery deliv y of a world-class education while providing our students with a dynamic am mic student tudent experience. expp erie ce. The University of Waikato has a campus at Tauranga and a strong relationship with the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic. Collaborative arrangements include the sharing of resources and services and joint provision of professional development and training opportunities for staff. 72 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Our Vision The overarching themes of our Vision are Excellence, Distinctiveness and International Connectedness; these drive the Un University of Waikato. W see We see our distinctiveness in terms of three hree interdependent components; Sustainability, Māori and Leadership. Su staina Our Our rreal e distinctiveness comes in their in the context of our th irr synergy sy identity. ideentit y We are a New Zealand university, aware of our relevance univers and responsibilities to the region, and and res compete on an international stage. com mp Our Commitment The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience which is distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Strength in Numbers Through sustained research and the attraction of high levels of external funding from public sector and industry sources, we aim to maintain a highly competitive research profile. Our staff participate in a wide range of research consortia, clusters, and multi-institutional research teams locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We We are well-placed well-placed to contribute to the local and nnational tio al economies i by enhancing business capabilityy in the he region and increasing opportunities for the commercialisation commercialisation of intellectual property. The University of Waikato showed its strength by being ranked number 1 in the following subjects in th the Tertiary Education Commission’s Co mm m most recent Performance-Based Pe rfor Research Re seaa Fund. We play an essential leadership role o e in n the prosperity prospper p ityy of the Waikato, defined also in terms terms of the tri ttribal bal al boundaries of the 16 iwi affiliated ated to Te Rōpu ōpu u Manukura. We sit at the heart of of a community it of strong regional partnerships and d takee pride in serving the strengths and interests our region. ts off o ur re gion. We are committed to increasing reasing thee tertiary t tertia ry participation rate of our regional population populati atio on overall as well as the proportions ortions off new ne schools olleavers and postgraduate students. We are tudents. We re also committed to ensuring the ongoing going relevance off the t programmes we offer and the effectiveness of our delivery of them. We foster a culture of internationalisation, measured through the diversity ty of our student ent and staff st ff profiles, a long-standing pride in our reputation for the pastoral care of our inter international tion students, de and the measures wee take th through ough ccurriculum, cu programme design andd our global g obal networks networks and a d connections to international influences. natio l influ e From inception we have hav been been at the forefront ref ontt of initiatives that support Māori aspirations. Sir Bernard Fergusson placed Waikato as “the first of the New Zealand universities to be planted right in the heart of traditionally Māori country”. Since our foundation, we have worked closely with local iwi, particularly Tainui, to make the University accessible to Māori students and to foster an environment of success. Today we are proud to have the highest proportion of Māori students of any New Zealand university. We are also proud of our evolution into a truly New Zealand institution supporting our country’s nation-building policies and reflecting our nation’s identity. • Acc Ac Accounting o and Finance Chemistry • Ch e Communications, Journalism • Co C aand Media Studies • Computer Compu Science, Informa Information Technology, Inform Information Sciences • Ecology, Ecology, Evolution and Beh Behaviour ecu • Molecular, Cellular and Whole Organism Biology • Music, Literary Arts and Other Arts • PPure re and Applie Applied Mathematics We are al o ranke also ranked #1 in Education when Uni versity an University and College of at scores ar Education are combined. Waikato sshowed how wed impressive im numbers in its quality score for research over a wide range of subjects. We strengthened research performance in more than 85% of our subjects. The numbers reflect the quality of our academic staff and firmly establish Waikato as a top researchled university. The numbers also show that students at Waikato are taught by staff at the leading edge of their disciplines. GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 73 Ceremonial Traditions Elements of university graduation ceremonies have evolved from the 12th century when the first universities emerged in Europe. The organisation of medieval universities was modelled on the established institutions of the day – the church, the monastery and the guild. Latin was the language used by medieval scholars, and it is from Latin that the words ‘university’ and ‘degree’ are derived. The Latin term universitas means a guild or union, and universities started as a scholastic guild – a self-constituted community of teachers and scholars. The word graduate comes from m the the Latin word gradus, which means step. Admission m ssion to study a bachelors degree was the first step step taken taken towards wards rds completing a university education. n. The The second step sttep ep was to become a ‘master’. Masters were ers w ere Master Master off Arts graduates whose degrees llicensed them icensed the m to teach. The Chancellor, an officer of the the cathedral, cathedral, ral originally granted teaching licences. s. University of Waikato Academic Dress Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor Black gown with red velvet facings and gold piping; three red velvet chevrons with gold piping on the sleeves; black bonnet with gold cord and tassel. Tudor bo n Pro Chancellor Chan Black go Black gown w with lining of gold satin; button and cord just above the gold bu ut sleeves which are lined with black slee vees w satin; sati n; black b a Tudor bonnet with gold cord an and cor d tassel. H D HonD CEREMONIAL ROBES AND ACADEMIC DRESS Red Re d gow gown with black facings; black Tudor bonnet with gold cord and tassel. Tu T udor u bonne In the Middle Ages the corporate orporate existence exist e of universities was recognisedd and sanctioned by ancc tio civil or ecclesiastical authority. ty. The regalia rega a worn wor by graduates and university staff today reflect this mix of medieval governance. Robes worn by the Chancellor resemble those worn by the Lord Chancellor of England. Graduates and academic and. Gra dua aca em mic staff wear gowns similar mil r to the dress ss of o medieval me ie al clergy. Hoods are also fashioned on an everyday y y medieval garment, although hough the coloured c oured liningg was a later addition to indicate icate the wearer’s earer’s university ve and degree. DLit, Lit, DSc Crimson gown; Crimson gow crimson hood with lining; black Tudor bonnet with crimson linin gold cord d and tassel. PhD, EdD and SJD Maroon gown; g crimson hood with ccrimson m n llining; g; black Tudor bonnet. MPhil Phil B Black go gown; crimson hood h with crimson lining; linin g; black bla mortarboard. mortarbo Note: Those who graduated with a DPhil priorr to 1992 pr 1 2 are arre entitled entitl to wear a black mortarboard t d or a black bl k Tudor bonnet. Masters Black gown; gold hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. Bachelors with Honours Black gown; black hood with gold lining and gold border 5cm in width; black mortarboard. First Bachelors Black gown; black hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. 74 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO God Defend New Zealand E Ihowā Atua, God of Nations at Thy feet O ngā Iwi mātou rā In the bonds of love we meet Āta whakarongona; Hear our voices we entreat Me aroha noa God defend our free land Kia hua ko te pai; Guard Pacific’s Triple Star Kia tau tō atawhai; From the shafts of strife and war Manaakitia mai Make he herr prais praises heard afar Aotearoa God defend def nd New w Zealand Gaudeamus Gaudeamus igitur Let L t us u then be b joyful jo oy Juvenues dum sumus while we are a yo yyoung Gaudeamus igitur then Let us th hen be b joyful Juvenues dum sumus while le we ar aare young Post jucundam juventutem m After of youth A fterr th tthe he pleasure o h Post molestam senectutem em After old age Aft the A he burden of o Nos habebit humus us The eart earth th w will have u Nos habebit humus The Th he earth will have us Vivat Academia! Long live the University! Vivant professores Long live the p professors! f Vivat Academia! Long live tthe he University! ni ity! Vivant professores! s! Long live professors! Lo ive thee profes ors! Vivat membrum quodlibet odlibet Long member g live eeveryy m mb Vivant membra quaelibet lib Long members Lo ng live all the m mbers Semper sint in flore re May they ever ver flo flourish uris Semper sint in floree May ourish M ayy they they eever ver flou rish h (Translation) GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 75 Honorary Awards HONORARY DOCTORATES 2011 Lynda Topp MNZM 1999 Sir Douglas Arthur Montrose Graham KNZM 2011 Jools Topp MNZM 1998 Paul Woodford Day 2011 Catherine Moana Dewes NZOM 1998 Kevin Roberts 2011 James Judd 2010 Jon Mayson CNZM 1997 The Rt Rev Manuhuia Augustus Bennett ONZ CMG 2010 Roka Pahewa Paora QSM 1997 Hiko Hohepa 2010 Margaret Bedggood Mulgan QSO 1997 The Hon Sir Peter Tapsell KNZM MBE 2010 Max Martin Gibbs 1996 Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira CNZM 2009 Dame Lynley Stuart Dodd DNZM 1996 Dame Kiri Te Kanawa ONZ DBE AC 2009 Sir Wilson James Whinerayy KNZM OBE Huirangi Eruera 1995 Hui rangi Er e Waikerepuru 2009 Hamish Keith OBE Jeanette Kin Kingg 1995 Jeanett 2009 Peter Godfrey Scott Sergell MNZM MNZM 1995 Wilfred Gordon Gord Malcolm CBE 2009 Zena Daysh CNZM 1995 Elizabeth Ursula 19 95 Elizabet h Ur s Alley 2008 Tessa Duder OBE 1994 Rachel 199 19 94 4 Charlotte Charlot e R ac Anwyl Wallace OBE 2008 Tīmoti Samuel Kāretu QSO O 1994 1 99 94 4 Waea Mauriohooho Maur o 2008 Rudolf Hendrik Kleinpaste 1994 199 4 Dame Malvina M Malvin Lorraine Major GNZM DBE 2008 Sir William Murray Gallagher er KNZM KNZ ZM MBEE 1994 4 The Hon Hon SSir Edward Taihakurei Junior Durie DNZM DNZ ZM 2008 John Allan Gallagher CNZM KStJ KSttJ JP 2008 Brian Richard Perry OBE 2007 Diggeress Rangituatahi Te Kanawa CNZM QSO Dame Silvia Rose Cartwright 1994 The The Hon Ho Hon Dam PCNZM PCN NZM NZ Z DBE QSO QS 1993 19 993 3 D Donald Murray Stafford CBE 2006 Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KG ONZ KBE ON KB 1993 Damee Mary Josephine Drayton DNZM MBE 19 Josep 2006 Bryan Charles Gould CNZM NZM Edwin Morgan 1992 92 Edw win n George M 2006 Sir Howard Leslie Morrison OBE CBE 19 2 Janet Frame ONZ 1992 O 2006 Jeffrey Alexander Jones 1990 Norman William Kingsbury CNZM 2006 Kenneth Owen Arvidson 1987 The Hon Sir David Lance Tompkins KNZM 2005 Margaret Mahyy ONZ 1986 Rangikaiamokura Wirihana 198 R ng kaiamok Wir han Hetet ONZM 2005 James Te Wharehuia Milroy QSO Dorothy OBE 1986 D h Jessie Stafford ff d O 2004 Hare Wakakaraka raka Puke 1986 Dame Phyllis Myra DBE 19 Da Myra Guthardt Guth 2004 Apirana Tūāhae Mahuika 1985 Sir Donald D d Rees R Llewellyn KNZM CBE 2004 Caroline Bennett QSO Q 1984 Malcolm 19 84 Sir Ross Malc m Jansen KBE 2004 David Gordon Edgar Edga QSO 1983 Henaree Tuwhangai Tuwh ng QSM 2004 The Hon Margaret areet Anne ne Wilson Wilsson DCNZM DC ZM 1982 19 982 2 Henry Henry Rongomau Rongomau Bennett Beennet CBE QSO 2003 Tui Adams 1980 Jack Stanford Allan MNZM 2002 Hirini Melbourne ONZM 1979 Frank Maine Bateson OBE 2002 Michael MacRae Hanna 1979 Dame Te Atairangikaahu ONZ DBE 2002 Michael King OBE 1971 Richard Bristowe Waddington 2002 Ida Margaret Gaskin CNZM 1971 Denis Rogers OBE 2001 Tim Finn OBE 1971 Donald Wilfred Arcus 2001 Neil Finn OBE 1969 Sir Arthur de Terrotte Nevill KBE CB 1999 Gerald David Gibb Bailey QSO 1968 Pei te Hurinui Jones 1999 Koro Tainui Wetere CBE 1967 Lord Ballantrae KT GCMG GCVO DSO OBE 76 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO RECIPIENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MEDAL 2010 Terry Healy MNZM 1997 Laurence John Denny 2009 Michael Law 1995 Val Going 2006 Paul Malcolm Dell 1995 Sir Robert Arthur Owens KNZM CBE 2004 Jack Charles (Dufty) Wilson 1995 Mary Gordon 2003 Robert Barrington Grant 1994 Sister Heeni Wharemaru 2003 Marie Fenwick 1994 Kenneth Eric Jury ONZM 2002 Yolande Neilson 1994 John Thomas Kneebone CMG 2002 Jeremy Callaghan 1994 Hare Wakakaraka Puke 2000 Stafford John Smith 1999 Jennifer Alexandra Alford 1994 Eric Ashley Taylor 1994 Cecil Douglas Arcus 1994 Bria n Richar d Perry OBE Brian Richard 1999 Ann MacKay 1992 Anthony Tre v Trevelyan Rogers QSO 1999 Pam Banks EMERITUS PROFESSORS 2011 A. Barratt BA(Hons) MA Camb amb b MA Car PhD Tor FRHS 2011 W. B. Silvester BSc NZ MScc Auck Cant A k PhD Ca Auc a t ant el OB 2010 J. Ritchie BA MA NZ PhD Well OBEE JP D Aus FRSNZ 2010 D.I. Pool BA MA(Hons) NZ PhD D Haw aw w K waii NZM 2010 T.M. Reedy BA MA Auck PhD Hawaii KNZM 2009 P.H. Oettli BA NZ PhD Au Auck radd 2009 E.L. Glynn BA MA Auck PPhD Tor DipGr DipGrad Otago FNZPsS FRSNZ ckk PhD VirgPolyInst rgPolyI FTIC 2008 L.R. Foulds BSc MSc Auck FTICA 2007 N. Alcorn QSO BA Well MA Cant PhD Calif DipEd Massey DipT FNZEAS 2007 G.M. Walker MA PhD Glas 2002 M.J. Selby BA(Hons) MA DipEd DSc kat Oxf DPhil Waikato am 1999 K.M. Mackay BSc Aberdd Ph PhD Camb CChem FRSC FNZIC ZD 1999 F.W. Marshall MA NZ DU DipdeCultFrContt Par Paris OP OPA 1999 Smith BCA 19 199 99 9 B.V. Sm th hB C Well ACA CMA 199 93 3 J.E. Ritc hie M 1993 Ritchie MA DipEd PhD NZ FBPsS FFNZPsS NZPPs FAAA 1993 I.A. M cLaren MA NZ AM Chic PhD Well McLaren 1993 B.S.. Lileyy M MSc NZ PhD R'dg FInstP CPhys C Phys hys FFN FNZIP 1991 1 D.G G.. B Bettison M D.G. MA PhD Rhodes 1 990 R 1990 R.. Ziedins MA PPhD Melb 1990 J.T.. Ward BSc(Eco 1 BSc(Econ) Lond MLitt Ox xff PhD hD Lond Oxf 198 88 W.T. W T Roy MA L'n L'now FRAS FRSA 1988 1988 J.D. McCraw MBE MSc NZ DSc Well FNZSSS CRSNZ 1986 A. Zulauf DrRerNat Mainz PhD Lond 198 J.G. J.G. Pendergrast Pendergra MSc NZ Z PhD DIC Lond 1985 981 G.J. G Schmitt S hm tt CMG MA BCom BC 1981 NZ DP Well ell FCA C A DPA CMA ay MNZM M MA M NZ Z and a Oxf 1980 P.W. Day ka HonD Waikato HONORARY FELLOWS OW OF THE TH H UNIVERSITY RSITY Y OF WAIKATO 2011 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2006 2002 2002 2002 Brian Silverstone Lyndsay Main Derek W Smith David Swain David Taylor Alfred Sneyd Warren Hughes Ngaere Roberts Antony Millett David Coy Michael Hills ONZM Alan Hall David Mitchell Jill Mitchell 002 2002 2000 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1997 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 Samuel Edwards Hugh Barr Laurie Barber Peter Ramsay QSM Margaret McLaren Rachel Irwin Barry Parsonson Malcolm Carr Robert Katterns Graham Lamont Guyon Wells OBE John Turner Margaret Avery GRADUATION PROGRAMME APRIL/MAY 2012 77 The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand Toll Free: 0800 WAIKATO 0800 924 528 Email: info@waikato.ac.nz Website: www.waikato.ac.nz
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