Graduation Programme - The University of Waikato
Graduation Programme - The University of Waikato
G R A D UAT I O N Programme October 2008 The University of Waikato The Crest Ko Te Tangata The outside red border - a stylised fern frond or pitau The University’s motto, - symbolises new birth, growth, vitality, strength and Ko Te Tangata/For the People achievement. Inside the border is the University’s coat of reflects our intrinsic belief arms. The open book surrounded by the four stars of the that people are central to the Southern Cross is a symbol of learning. The crest design is in institution and are its most the University’s colours of black, red and gold. valued resource. Waiata Ko Te Whare Wānangaa o Waikato to o Ko Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato e tū t n nei ‘Ko te Tangata’ te tohu Tīhei mauri ora!! Waikato te iwi; Waikato te awa; a. Taupiri te maunga;; Tainui tee w waka. Ko Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato e tū nei mā aura ki te ao Ko te tino kaupapa he hora mātauranga ao. KŌKIRI! The University of Waikato This is the University of Waikato presenting to you ‘The People’ is the emblem Behold I live!! Waikato the people; Waikato the river Taupiri the sacred mountain; Tainui the canoe This is the University of Waikato presenting to you Its purpose, to spread enlightenment to the world. ONWARD!! Contents University Officers 2 Welcome 3 Ceremony Speakers 4 Order of Proceedings 5 Honorary Doctorate 6 Qualifications to be conferred Te Kohinga Mārama Marae • Thursday 2 October 2008 9.30am 8 Founders Memorial Theatre • Friday 3 October 2008 10am 13 • Friday 3 October 2008 2pm 20 • Friday 3 October 2008 5pm 25 In Absentia 30 • Friday 3 October 2008 Qualifications previously conferred/awarded d/awaarded 34 University of Waikato Academic Leaders ders 48 Speaker Profiles 51 A Brief History of the University 52 5 2 Our Commitment 53 3 Ceremonial Traditions 54 5 'God Defend New Zealand' andd 'Gaudeamus' mus 5 55 Honorary Awards 56 Printed on sustainable stock using vegetable inks. Due to the nature of the Graduation ceremony it is often subject to last minute changes. This Programme is deemed correct at time of print. The University of Waikato has made every effort to ensure accuracy. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 1 University Officers CHANCELLOR DEAN OF EDUCATION Rt Hon. J Bolger ONZ Te Kura Toi Tangata PRO CHANCELLOR Professor A Jones BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT MRSNZ Dr B Linehan ED MB ChB Otago Dip Obst Auckland FRCPA ACTING DEAN OF LAW Te Wāhanga Ture VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor R Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FIMMM FREng Professor N Seuffert BA Virginia JD(Hons) Boston LLM (Hons) Well LLM Columbia DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R DEAN OF MĀO M MĀORI R AND PACIFIC DEVELOPM NT DEVELOPMENT Professor D Sutton BA MA PhD O Otago tago T Pua Wā Te Wānanga W nanga ki ki te Ao PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI) ĀORI) ĀOR Pro Professor P ofeessor GRA Ya Yat Yates-Smith e BA MA PhD Waikato Teachers’ College Wa ikkato DipT Hamilton Ham mi Te Tumuaki Māori Professor L Smith BA MA PhD Auckk Dip DipTT DEAN DEA AN OF SSCIENCE CIIEN AND ENGINEERING Te Mātaur Mātauranga rangaa P Pūtaiao me te Pūkaha DEAN OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIE SCIENCES ENCE N S NC Te Kura Kete Aronui Profes Professor essor R P Price rice BSc BSc(Hons) Australian National University Un niversi sity ty PhD Otago Professor D Zirker BA MA Montana ontana PhD Alb Albertaa DEAN AN OF WA WAIKATO M MANAGEMENT SCHOOL DEAN OF COMPUTING AND ND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao Pāngarau Professor G Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southhampton 2 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Te Raup Raupapa aupapa Professor F Scrimgeour BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln PhD Hawai’i BD Melbourne College of Divinity Welcome Today we join with you in celebrating your outstanding achievement, or that of your family member or friend, in gaining a world-class qualification. At the University we are proud that each of our students has been challenged, and has grown. Time at Waikato teaches skills - learnt in and outside of the classroom – that create some of graduates the most sought sough ght after gr graduate radua in New Zealand aand nd overseas. W pride ourselves in graduating We graduatin students qualifi not onlyy with n ith h an eexc ex excellent xxc qua a cation, bold but with b h leadership l ership hip skills, bo b old ideas and unlimited unlimit u ed d ambition. ambitio bition out to make We send W d each h and a ev eevery grad ggraduate du d New Zealand their ir mark, and to take n new N ideas ide deeeas to the world. d Rt Hon Hon. James ames es Bolger ON ONZ Chancellor Cha anccello Welcome to the he Un University vers ty off W Waikato’s kato’s graduation ceremonies. honoured gr ation ce rem es I am hon oured to host you occasion we hos ou at tthis his special cial o si where w acknowledge celebratee the immense ckno owledge and celebrat mmens achievements veme of our students, ents, your yo ou friends and families. fa ami es Together To ogeeth herr we we share hare thee graduates’ ggraaduat pride in their success, and acknowledge the tremendous hard work that underpins the completion of a university qualification. On behalf of the University I congratulate all graduates and wish you future success and happiness. Professor Roy Crawford Vice-Chancellor GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 3 Ceremony Speakers The keynote and student speakers for the ceremonies are: THURSDAY 2 OCTOBER – 9.30AM Ceremony for Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, School of Education, School of Law, School of Māori and Pacific Development, School of Science and Engineering, Waikato Management School at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: His Honour Judge Craig Tamihana Coxhead Casey Rawirii FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER – 10AM M Ceremony for Faculty of Arts and d So Social ial Sciences, School of Education, School of Law, School off Māori and Pacific ool o ac c acific o ial T heatre Development at Founders Memorial Theatre Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: Tessa Duder Keri Topperwien wien FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER – 2PM Ceremony School of Computing and Mathe M Mathematical ematical Sciences, School of Science and Engineering, Waikato ring, Waik ika kaato Management Ma School at Founders Memorial Theatre Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: Craig Climo imo Dana Duxfield uxfield FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER – 5PM Ceremony for Waikato Management School at Founders Memorial Theatre Keynote Speaker: Student Speaker: Craig Cra g Climo Angenita Harding For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 51. 4 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Order of Proceedings TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE THURSDAY 2 OCTOBER FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER • Pōwhiri • The assembly is requested to stand as the academic procession enters the theatre • The proceedings will commence with a mihi • The Chancellor will open the proceedings • The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly • The keynote speaker will be introduced n roducedd and will address the assembly • The student speaker will be introduced n roduced and address the assembly • The Deans, or their representatives, ative ves, will present present ferment of their theeir to the Chancellor for the conferment e Faculty qualifications, graduates from each Faculty// School of Study • A karanga will be performed to welcome the Official Party into the theatre • The proceedings will commence with a mihi • The Th New Z Zealand ealan national anthem will be sung (page 55) • The T Chancellor Chancellor w will open the proceedings • The The Vice-C Th Vice-Chancellor haanc will address the assembly • The The keynot Th keynotee sp speaker e will be introduced and will thee as assembly aaddress ad ddress th se • The proceedings will conclude with th ha poroporoāki • The Deans Deans will wil w present to the Chancellor for the conferment of their qualifications, graduates confer rmentt o of Study from m each ea eacch h Faculty/School Facult • The assembly will stand to sing 'Mā te Mārie M Māārie a te Atua' • Thee st student t speake speaker will be introduced and address assembly ad ess the assemb • The assembly is requestedd to remain remai ain standing until the academicc procession • The proceedings p cee proc will wil conclude with a poroporoāki por ropor o has left the māhau Following the marae rae ceremony, ceremony ann invitation inv tation is extended to all graduates graduates and an guests ues to jjoin in University staff in the marquee for refreshments f re men Mā te Mārie a te Atu Atua Mā te Mārie a te Atua Tātou katoa e tiaki Māna anō a whakaū • The assembly will stand to sing Gaudeamus (page 55) • Official Offic al processio procession from rom the theatre • Graduates procession from the theatre (please until the procession eas remain main standing standing unti has as left the theatre) he e) Following the ceremony, ce em mo y, an a invitation is extended exte de to all graduates graaduuatees and an guests to join University staff in the marquee for refreshments Ō tātou ngākau ki te pai GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 5 Honorary Doctorate An Honorary Doctorate is the most prestigious award that the University of Waikato can bestow. For her significant contribution to the University, the Waikato region and the wider New Zealand community, the University is pleased to award the following worthy recipient: TESSA DUDER CONFERRED 3 OCTOBER 2008 Author and editor Tessa Duder is widely recognised for her contribution to New Zealand literature, along with her community service, and life as an exemplary role model for, and supporter of, New Zealand youth. Tessa began writing fiction at thee age of 38, 3 and her first firs novel wass published publis publishe in 1982 by Oxford University Press in the UK and in New Zealand. short stories, anthologies, and. nd. Her published works include children’s children’s books, b plays, non-fiction and educational nal all readers. r aders. The paperback edition of ‘Alex’ Alex is Penguin New Zealand’s best selling ever work of fiction, and she hee has has also been awarded warded three New Zealand Zealan Children’s Book of the Year and three Esther glen medals for the Alex series. Under the New Zealand Book Council’s shee has oun ncil’s Writers-in-Schools ers-in-Schools -in-Schools i S ool Sc Scheme c sh ha visited classrooms all over the country, and contributes to conferences the inaugural Writer-in-Residence erences encees locally and nd internationa internatio internationally. ation She was th at the University of Waikato (1991) Waikato Branch of the Golden Key. 91)) an and d is an honorary on n norary y mem member membe mbbe of the Wa Waik As a tireless champion of reading – other oth her people’s books as well as her h own – Tessa Duder has made a significant contribution to Waikato andd New w Zealand literature. (abridged citation) 6 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Qualifications to be conferred at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae 2 October 2008 Thursday 2 October 2008 9.30am Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Donna Moana Cormack, BA (Hons), MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Once an Other, always an Other: Contemporary discursive representations of the Asian Other in Aotearoa/New Zealand” MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Casey Rawiri, with Second Class Honours (second division) Thanahathai Senavattanagul, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONO OURS RS Laurie Thomas Williamson, with FFirst rst Class Honours, also conferred Bachelorr of A Arts rts BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NCES WITH HONOURS NC ONO ONOURS Gary Edward Mace, with First Class ss Ho Honours nours BACHELOR OF ARTS Rinae Letitia Batley Rachael Elizabeth Ellizabeet Elliott Penney Ada Maree Cameron Michael Michaeel Renata Re Ren naata Johnson nat Joh BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CIENCES Davinia Taylor Waiteti Greenland nland Jamie Popham Ja Teresaa JJessie Poph Cara Maree Law Lynley Moana Lynley Mo oa Uerata Gongqian Liu Hemaima Wihongi H Hemaim Amanda Lowry Rong Xiao QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE School of Comput Computing g and M Mathematical athematical Sc Sciences nces MASTER OF SCIENCE CE Yihong Zhang, with Second ond Cla Class H Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Jung-Hsien Liao Christopher Tsao Damien Eruwera Smith BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Edward John Te Rangimarie White BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Kelly Louise Bryant 8 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Yee Ning Yvonne Fu School of Education DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Debra Joy Emery, BSocSc (Hons), MSocSc Waikato Thesis Title: “E Hoki Ki Tō Maunga: The Quintessential Elements of Home” BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Nicky Colin James Karira Maaka Philip James Seed BACHELOR OF TEACHING Sandra May Papara GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING ACHING N SSECONDARY ECONDARY RY EDUCATI EDUCATION UCAT CAT T A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN Summer Rose Roberts GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING ACH NG N PPR MARY EDUCATION E EDUCA AT ATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN PRIMARY Winiata Teheuheu Hunia Kim Mare Maree ee Ral Ralph lp School of Law MASTER OF LAWS Justine Sharmayne Teaira Berryman Boris Puran Ram Samujh BACHELOR OF LAWS William Peter Clark Jyotika yot ka Naomi aomi Samujh, am also conferred con Bachelor of Management Studies QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE Kari Moana Austin, also lso conf conferred rre Bachelor che or of Ar Arts Marise Louisee Winthr Winthrop M e Lo op GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 9 Thursday 2 October 2008 9.30am School of Māori and Pacific Development MASTER OF ARTS Te Hira Keretene Te Whakaiti Paenga, with First Class Honours MASTER OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Vincent George Hapi, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONOURS Virginia Memory Martina Tamaraa Hapi, Hapi, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Te Ara Te Waiania Bell Lillani Lillani Celeste Keelan Li Kee a Goldsmith K Rikki Lee Crawford Tammy Tam mm my Raewyn Raew yn LLelievre-Clayton e Elaine Mamaeroa Kameta POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERPRETING NTER RPRETING AND TRANS TRANSLATIN TRANSLATING SLAT MĀORI Walton Haig Walker, with Distinction nction School of Science nce and nd d EEngineering neerin DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE Katarina Heremoana Simon, BSocSc, MSocSc, PGDipMPD Waikato Thesis Title: “Finding synergistic conservation values?: Māori tikanga, science, resource management and law” 10 MASTER OF SCIENCE Joseph Frederick Butterworth, erworth with wit Seco Second Class as Honours (first division) Darcell Fra Frances es Rickar Rickard, d, with Firs First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE CIEN E Lok Ting Cass Chan Jennifer Elisabeth Nickel Jeennife Elis beth h Nic ckel Carey Te Awhimate Amanda Collier Lee Kowhai Taylor Tara Lee Forsman Karangawai Ta Puhi Te Riini BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) Louise Marjorie Fisk T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Ingrid Louise Maria Huygens, BA, MA Auckland, DipPsych(Com) Waikato Thesis Title: “Processes of Pakeha Change in Response to The Treaty of Waitangi” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Sharon Marjorie Toi BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH HONOURS Joy Loree Pawley, with First Classs Honours BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION CA ATIO ON STUDIES Sun Hee Hwang Michael Mich Mic c Rust BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT N SSTUDIESS NT Kylie Rawinia Smallman Yu Zhang Zh hang Amiria Wikaira Chengbin Zheng Chengbin Zh eng BACHELOR OF TOURISM Sera Rose Karaka POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN MANA MANAGEMENT MENT NT STU STUDIE STUDIES Andrew Te Hapara Baker Benjamin min n Sava Savalas Tama Tamati Tihi Tapu Wilson Anurag Shanker POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Marisol Andrea Gutierrez Rojas Brighid Jane Kelly QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Louise Marie Ma Windleb Windleborn orn GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 11 Qualifications to be conferred at Founders Memorial Theatre 3 October 2008 Friday 3 October 2008 10.00am Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Ismar Borges De Lima, BA Federal University of Goias, Brazil, MA International University of Japan Thesis Title: “The Micro Geopolitics of (Eco)tourism: Competing Discourses and Collaboration in New Zealand and Brazil” Melissa Ann Hackell, BSocSc, MSocSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Towards a Neoliberal Citizenship Regime: A Post-Marxist Discourse Analysis” Yoshihiko Miyazaki, MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Social Knowledge of Food: How and Why People Talk About Foods” Laurie Elena Morrison, BSocSc, M MSocSc ocSc W Waikato aikato Thesis Title: “Māori Women and G Gambling: ambling: Every D Day is a War Day!” Day! Juanita Frances Ryan, PGDipClPs,, MA Otago Thesis Title: “Going ‘Walli’ and having aving ving ‘Jinni’: Exploringg Somali expressions expressions of p psychological distress and approaches to treatment” MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY O GY OLO Emerald Stevie Brierly, with Second nd Cl Class ass Hono Honours us ur (first division) Alaina Kim Evans-McLeod, with Firstt Classs Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences, cienc ncces, with w First Class Honours Tian Honours Tian Li, with FFirst rst Class C Fathimath Ahlam Fath Fathi A hlam m Niyaz, with Second Class Honours (second div division) ivisionn) MASTER OF ARTS Gemma Ann Corin, with Second ond Classs Ho Honours on (first division) Vaughan Mikkelson, with First Class ghan Alfred James M Honours Hono rs Philip Andrew Hague, with First Class Honours Hono rs Theodora Wickham, with Second Class Th Helen Wic Honours (first division) Charlotte Eleanor Averild McDougall Luke McKeown, with First Class Honours QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL RONM NT PLANN PLANNING NG Ella Pax Makin MASTER OF SOCIALL SCIENC SCIENCESS Nicole Marie Calder, with First Honours rst Class Ho ono ou Keri Aroha Michelle Topperwien, with First Class Honours Ho ono our Jasmine May Koretz, with First Class Honours Amy my Rose Williamson, with w First Class Honours Robert Loto, with First Class Honours Xiao Mark Xu, with Second Class Honours (first division) Afiya Ali, with Second Class Honours (first division) Andre David McLachlan, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Rebecca Anne Blennerhassett, with Second Class Honours (first division) Lisa Elaine Cowie, with Second Class Honours (second division) Yao Feng, with Second Class Honours (first division) Jing Wang, with Second Class Honours (first division) GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 13 Friday 3 October 2008 10.00am Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences continued BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Jeremy Alexander Briggs, with First Class Honours Yilan Chen, with First Class Honours Miriam Deuschle, with First Class Honours Wanda Ieremia-Allan, with First Class Honours Lesley Susan Lorenzen, with Second Class Honours (first division) Brigitte Amber MacLennan, with Second Class Honours (first division) Esmae McKenzie-Norton, with Second econd Class Honours (first division) Hannah Lena Merdian, with First Class C Honours Marie Jennifer Nugent, with Second Class Honours (first division) Penelope Jane Postmaa, with Second Class Honours (first division) Yue-En Anita Pu, with First Class Honours Anna Christen Stoof, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences f Joanne Helen-Mary Heelen-Ma y Stuart, with Second Class Honours (seco (second nd ddivision) i Mark Edwin Williams, William with First Class Honours Wei Zhu, with Seco Second o Class Honours (first division) QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE BACHELOR OF ARTS 14 John Lloyd Angelical Bembo Yang Yan ngg Li Phillip William Boulton Yi-Ju Yi Ju u Lin Mark Louis Brenndorfer Jun Lu Junying Cai Yuan Lu Kezhu Chen Luxin Miao Luxin Mia ao o Weijing Chen Michael Micha haell Bernard Leofric Leofr Miller Elisabeth Mary Courtney-Tennent nnent Tamatai-A-Rangi Ngarimu Ta ai-A-Rangi Ra Ngarim Chunyan Ding Kelly Alison ly Aliso son PParker Maria Sharon Dove Maggie Lai Yee Shun Ma Simon Reece Gray Sandeep Kaur Singh Gregory Lee Hack Emmeline Blanche Sunnex Bi He Wei We Suo Lauren Emmy Houppermans Linlin Wang Li li W Rui Hu Kayla Wellington Ka Alyce Aly Wellingto Rong Huang Yanping ing Zhai Zh Yuanwei Huang Chenxia Chenxia Zhang Zhang Bin Jiang Hua Zhang Pu Jiang Ziheng Ziiheng Zhang ha g Nina Vladimirovna Kolotilina Fangyuan Zhou BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Xiaolan Wang Richard Owen White BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Elwyn Marion Andree-Wiltens Zheng Chen Lauren Margaret Armitage Rebecca Frances Nikolau Clews Donna Marie Booth Lu Ding Angela Lorraine Broyden Sarah Rowena Einloth Xiaowen Cen Qiuyue Feng T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Nicola Clare Fraser Mahesparan Pranavan Anthony Maxwell Galbraith Hayley Veronica Beth Robinson Queeni Siukwan Gee Jessica Joy Scott Laura Elisabeth Gill Jodie Elizabeth Searley Victoria Marie Gorter Yanjie Shen Jin Guan Paul Charles Simpson Jie Han Krystal N Nell ell Staples Stap Adam David Houppermans Minghao Mi h Su Rongrong Hu Lei Sun Yuka Imai Qi Q Sun Rebecca Jane Jenkins Myron M ro My on Kean Aun Aun Tan a Paul Anthony Kane Carmen Tucki Hucke C rm Ca rmen Tuhii Ira rra TTeragui e Riini Riringiteatahaia Mere Kautaii Soana Soniaa Vaihu S an Soa a a Ta’ake Soni Kristal Lee Kelly Beulah Dyk B ah van D Beula y yk Kyle Ashwyn King Nicholas Jo John Vigor-Brown ohn Vig V Mu-Chiao Lee Miao Wang Waang Lou Liu Mingg Wan Wang ngg Minjia Lu Rong Wang ong Wa W Xiaojing Lu Prynsas Yashinta Maharaj Wenjun Wang, also Postgraduate Diploma We W Wan so awarded awa in Humann Reso Resource Management, with Distinction Man Briar Ruth Marshall Natalie Wojak ie Margaret M Woj Doreen Ellen Marshall Tyson Louis Wulf Desiree Mavis Middleton Bo Xu Blayne Middleton-Lunn Yu Xue Kaushik Rajneel Naidu u Yingying Y Yu Ranjeeta Preetie Nand nd Irene Ming Yee Yuen Clare Philippa Nichol Hui Zhou hou QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES continued BACHELOR OF TOURISM RI Sarah Joanna Vujcich h POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY (CLINICAL) Jan Maree Hamilton McCarthy Robert Errol Ngamanu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY (COMMUNITY) Anni Schwanen POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Louisa Marie Cooper GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 15 Friday 3 October 2008 10.00am Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Robyn Isabel Lawrence, with Distinction Elizabeth Violet Norrie GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN GEOGRAPHY Clive Richard Lamdin GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Yusuke Okuyama GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ANT A ANTHROPOLOGY HROPOLOGY LO Y Joanna Lisa Bishop GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EENGLISH NGLISH Angela Kaye Walsh GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN POL POLITICAL TICAL SCIENCE S IENC NC CE Tominiko Kele DIPLOMA IN ARTS Sarah Margaret Humphries School of Education ation DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Alexandra Barbara Grudnoff, BA, MA, DipEd Auckland, DipT, DipEd Auckland College of Education Thesis Title: “Becoming ing a Teache Teacher: Ann inv investigation stigation of the he transition ran tio from stude student teacher eacher tto teacher” 16 Frances June Langdon, TTC Ardmore Training College, BA Massey, MEd, MEdStudies University of South Australia Thesis Title: “Beginningg teacher le learning rning and pro professional sio ona development: opme An aanalysis ysis of indu induction programmes” Beverley Elizabeth Norsworthy, sworthy, BEd Deakin akin Unive University, sity, Austr Australia alia MEdd Massey, M ssey, y GDip Dip in Curriculum Cu Development South Australian College of Advanced Education, Teachers’ College Diploma Hamilton Teachers’ Colle College eg Thesis Title: “Being and nd becoming be omi g reflexive reefleexive in teacher education” eduucattion” MASTER OF COUNSELLING Jane Harkness, with First Class Honours Averill Barbara Waters, with First Class Honours MASTER OF EDUCATION Zainab Bahiss, with Second Class Honours (first division) Kumi Kispe, with Second Class Honours (first division) Matthew Gordon Ray Courtney, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Education, with Distinction Helena Elizabeth Nickerson Philip Gerard Doyle, with Second Class Honours (first division) Myoe Myoe Thwe, with Second Class Honours (first division) Kylee Jane Edwards, with First Class Honours T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Jennifer Emily Price, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Marie Noelene Bramley, with Second Class Honours (first division) Joanne Mary Wilson, with First Class Honours Tailetai Faaulufalega, with Second Class Honours (second division) MASTER OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Anthony Peter Ryks, with First Class Honours Steven Patrick Wills, with Second Class Honours (second di division) ivision) BACHELOR OF TEACHING W WITH ITH HONOURS Hannah Elizabeth McIntosh, withh Second Second Class Honours (first division) Rebecca Louis Louisee Pocock, Poc with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Michaela Nell Phillips BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE ISSUREE STUDIES Morten Hakestad Willard Richard Rich chard ar Sunnex Su Ezra Te Koua Heke Kylie Templeton Kyliie Audrey Auddrey Templeto Arepa Ohia Nicola Nicol ola Marie Valli Va Carl Nicholas Staiger Lee-Anne Walker Le ne Sheree h Walke Misty Dawn Bettridge Akenehi Rebekah Johnson Cara Gail Boyd Emma Louise Lawler Matthew Grant Cameron meron Sarah Sar LLouise uise Mannens Manne Stephanie Lee Campbell be Gail June un Megaffin Mega in Rachel Marie Coffin Erin Er Louise ui Nola ola Karen Judith Cunningham ham Nyssaa Rose Postill ill Ariana Amy Daniel Christine Danella C istine Da la PProuse se Kenneth Sydney John Dell Rebecca Ella Raine Anna Maree Donaldson on Annette An nneett Ngaire Ng re Signal Sign nal Kirsten Mary Dwyer Stewart Hardy Udy Frances Megan France Jamie Margaret Van Dorsten Kim Lesley Geros Hera Hardy Melanie Leanne Van Warmerdam, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Anthony Jon Harris Belinda Leslie Vincent Owen Todd Hohaia Anna Patricia Voyce Amanda Lee Jarden Natalie Kate Yeoman GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE BACHELOR OF TEACHING 17 Friday 3 October 2008 10.00am School of Education continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COUNSELLING Phyllis Lynette Lynne Tukia POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Tracey Elizabeth Biss Joy Lois Heremia Patricia Dawn Bray, with Distinction Kaareen Jaye Hotereni, with Distinction Theresa Toia Caulcutt, with Distinction Brucenna Arapeti Nohotima, with Distinction Susan Halsey, with Distinction Linda Gw Gwen Rudolph Rudolp Patrick John Hargreaves, with Distinction stinction o Natalie Janee Save atal e JJa SSaveryy POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EEDUCATIONAL DUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Philip Conway Buchanan Murray Murrray rrrra Keith McD McDonald o Sok Ieng Chan Cushla Cush h a Maree Seamer Seeam POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N LA LANGUAGE NGUAGE GEE AND N LITERACY LI LITE LITERA ED EDUCAT EDUCATION UCA Madeleine Rose Lambert, with Distinction tinnctio on Ripora Rii Queenie Queeenie Timoti T Simone Jane Tanoa POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN SPEC SPECIAL CIA CIA IAL ED EDUCATION DUCATION Ram Krishan Podal POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN SPECIAL ECIAL NE NEEDS RESOURCE URCEE TE TEACHING Ruth Anne Palliser Campbell Ela Elanor Mary Tibble POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FAMILY COUNSELLING QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Karen Anne Southalll 18 GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA OF TEAC TEACHING HI GRAMME IN SEC DA ED DUC ON A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME SECONDARY EDUCATION Gail Lorraine Cole Nina Nina Leigh Samson Samson Rebecca Margaret Donald Adrian Archibald Neil Shaw Mark Andrew Hockham am m PPlant nt Megan Megaan Claire lair Smith Paul Timothy Robinson Rachel Mary Snelling GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Anna Margaret Dashfield Bellerby Amanda Mary Lovell Rashelle Sarah Crawford Keinan William Benjaman Ngapo Lucinda Goodall Lloyd-Voss Edward James White T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO School of Law MASTER OF LAWS Devender Mohan Anand, with Second Class Honours (first division) Brent William Thomson, with Second Class Honours (first division) Kellie Joy Ewing, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Diana Sharon Makker, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences n es BACHELOR OF LAWS Matthew James Cables Fraser Alexand Alexander King, er K i also conferred Bachelor off Arts Art A Arr Raymond William Courtney Olivia Marie Olivia v a Brigid M Mar arie Miles ache or of Social Soccial Linda Mairi Ellis, also conferred Bachelor Sciences Brigham Brigh gham Peter Nordstrom Nord Marielle Lee Gibbons-Hurinui, also o confe cconferred erred Bachelor of Social Sciences Christine Rosemary Ch i Ro osema Wilson Michael Burt, also conferred Bachelor helor of Science Michael Micha Mic c ael Maipu Maipu Tuialii Tuia Riki Jamieson-Smyth, also conferred red Bachelor Bac acchhelor of Arts ach Matthew Fran Frankk Woodd-Smith, also conferred Bachelor Management Studies Bachelo orr of M Manage Ma Taoa Delphina Kerslake Shane Joseph Shaane Jos oseph Wulf Wu Cheryl Ngaio King School of Māori and Pacific Development DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY LOSOPHY QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Wei-Pei Wang, BA Tamkang University, Taiwan, MA, CertSLT Missouri State University Thesis Title: “Teaching ng English to Yo Young ng Learners ners in Taiw Taiwan: an: Is Issues Relating Re ng to Teaching, Teaching, Teacher Tea Education, Teaching Materials andd Teacher PPerspectives” specti BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Mark Himiona Jacob Daly, Daaly, with Firstt Class ss Honours H nourrs Adrian Addriaan Ngairo ga o Eru Eruera, uera,, wi with ith Se Second eco Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF ARTS Pania Kite Caroline Walters GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 19 Friday 3 October 2008 2.00pm School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Richard Brendon Kirkby, BCMS (Hons) Waikato Thesis Title: “Improving Hoeffding Trees” BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Andrea Dale Filer, with First Class Honours Kathryn Jane Giles, with Second Class Honours (first division) Bonny Elizabeth Kea, with Secondd Cla Class ss Honours (first division) Benjamin Lionel Lane, with Second Class Honours (first division) Sarah Lee Travers Travers, w with First Class Honours Alyssa Williamson, with Second Class l Nicole Will a Honours (first divi division) div si BACHELOR OF COMPUTING G AN AND D MATHEMATICAL EMATICAL MA ATICA CA SC SCIENCES WIT WITH T HONOURS Min-Pei Tsai, with Second Class H Honours onnouurs (first div division) i ion) ision) i BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH TH H HONOURS ONOURSS Jethro William Van Ekeren, with First irst Class C ass Hon Honours, ours also so o conferred confer ferred Bachelor Bac elor of Science BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC A C DESIGN APHIC ANGANUI NUII SSCH NU SCHOOL CHOOL OF DESIG DESIGN, GN, N ((UC (U (UCOL) U IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WANGANUI Campbell Ross Farr Evo Evo Leota Leot ota t ta Rowan Fraser Humffreys David David Robert obert Lawrence Lawren Nixon Patchavat Jeerapatananuwong ng Peter er James mes St Stewart QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE BACHELOR OF COMPUTING G AND MATHEMATICAL E A ICA AL SSCIEN SCIENCES 20 Scott Duncan Heighway, with Second Class Honours (second division) Jonathan David Miles, with First Class Honours Daniel James McKenzie zie Yi-Na Tsai T ai Peter James Stringer BACHELOR OF SCIENCE CIENCE Elsie Bong ell Chad Coop Cooper Mellor Steven John Clark Maxime Geor es Rouast Ro ast Maxime Georges Fletcher Robert Dumbar Gan Song caalf Nicholas Michael Duncalf Edwaard Wil am M isih he Fonotau Fon F notau Tukuitoga Edward William Misihe Wenchen Fang evi Peter van der Gulik li Bevin Sopheak Hean Ge Yang Selina Sook Len Lee Fanhua Zeng Xin Li Jian Zeng Xin Li Sheng Zhao Feifei Lin POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Rong Yang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Stephen John Eichler GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MATHEMATICS Narendra Naidu T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO School of Science and Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Gregory James Mason, BA, MRRP Otago Thesis Title: “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conformance-Based Plans: Attributing Built Heritage Outcomes to Plan Implementation Under New Zealand’s Resource Management Act” Shona Marie Pryor, BSc, MSc Massey Thesis Title: “Bovine mastitis and ecology of Streptococcus uberis” Bradley Edward Scarfe, BSurv (Hons) Otago, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Oceanographic Considerations for the Management and Protection of Surfing Breaks” MASTER OF ENGINEERING Elliot Gabriel Jethro Finn, with First rst Class C ass Honours Heping Ling Muthunacharige Damayanthi Chandani andani Srimathi Kumari Jinadasa, with Second Class Honours ass Ho nours (first (fir irst division) Carl Ryan Lovatt, Lovatt, with w First Class Honours Weiqian Weiq We e ian Zhou, Zhou with wiith Second Class Honours (first division) divisio i on) MASTER OF SCIENCE Dan Fung Binoka, with Second Class ss Hon Honours nours (first fir first division) Kate Maree Jackson, ack so with First Class Honours Jolene Mary Brown, with First Classs Ho Honours onnours o Xiaofen Li Tanya Louise Ann Chubb, with Second Cl Class laaasss las s Honours (first division) Heidi Mills Heidi Clare Claare re Maria Mill Cara-Lee Davey, with Secondd Class Honours (first st division) Matthew M ew JJames ame Prentice, Prentice with First Class Honours Elizabeth Anne Fraser Tarra Stacee Gray, with First Class Honours Kirsten Orla Hansen, with First Class Honours David Ronald Henderson, with Se Secondd C Class rso , wi ss Honours (first division), also conferred Bachelor of Science Danielle Daanie nielle Sarah Payne, with First Class Honours Glen with First Class Honours Glen Murray Murra David Reeve, Re John Revell, with First Class Honours J h Bernard Revell Summer Anne Salmon, with First Class Honours Samuel Lindsay Woolley, with Second Class Honours (first division) Hon urs (f rst divisio QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Bryna Kathryn Flaim, with Firstt Class Honour Honourss Alona Swee Hua Sweee Hu ua Kueh, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SCIENCEE (TECH (TECHNOLOGY) NOLOGY) Paul Josef Betschart, with First Class Honours Paul Ewart Nicholas Gerard Maarhuis, with Second Class Honours (firstt divi division) Ho ono our (fir visio on) BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS Michael Holmes, with Second Class Honours (first division) Richard Peter Upperton, with Second Class Honours (first division), also conferred Bachelor of Science Nathan Douglas Johnson, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Michael Arthur Betschart GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 21 Friday 3 October 2008 2.00pm School of Science and Engineering continued BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Melissa Jayne Armit Thomas Daniel Mount Newman David Forrester Boston Liyuan Pan Hsu-Wen Chang Matthew Charles Powell Angela Eleanor den Otter Michael Allan Pratt Mark Aaron Griffiths Hugo Strydom Talia Maree Hicks Ke Tang Adam James Howie Tammy Leigh Leigh Waters Wate Wa Mengjue Huang James J Wong Brent Kevin Knudsen Pengze Zhang Scott William McGrath BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) CHNOLOGY CH Y) Charlotte Sarah Ella Draper Sarah Lochrie Sarah Sa h Jane Lo chriee David Conrad Gilmour Kim Preston m Marie M Pr ston Daniel John Hailstone Shuying Yang Yang CERTIFICATE IN SCIENCE Leon Paul Chick Waikato Management ement Schoo School chool BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Lan Yang 22 BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION OMMUNICAT O STUDIES UDI S Brad Allen Armstrong Sarah Eliza Elizabeth Peck Pe Hayley Marie Bilton Parmeela Rani Summan P meela Ra um an Nicole Marie Coles Rebecca Anne Unwin Dana Mary Duxfield Victoria Betsyy Yo Young Victo oria Bet oung Victoria Anne Holmes BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Masako Gleave Jing Wang Ying Lei Wei Wei Campbell Richard Long Phillip Leonard Weston Barry Wain Mitchell Liang Zhao T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Mingji Bao Janine Joy Owen Caleb Joala Tarsame Belling Timothy James Paton Rachel Barbara Berben Dean Witana Potiki Christopher James Carmichael Arti Ben Rathod Matthew Michael Chrisp Edward Peter Ross Miaozhu Chu Youya Ruan Robert Liam Carson Cooney Jieyan Shao Ji Sh Shao Samantha Joan Dick Foster F Chung Kin SShek Cherie Joy Diprose Qian Shi Mark Samuel Edwards Yigang Shi Huajun Fan Ravineel R vin Rav v neel Singh Guanhong Fang Phillip Phillip l p James SSinglewood ing e in Shengjun Gao Lisa Smit, Li a M Lis Marie Sm it, also als conferred Bachelor of Laws Jinqi Ge Ainsley Thompson Ai ey Rose Tho Ainsle m Benjamin Joseph Gilby-Todd Haiying Wang Waang Xiaoxiao Guan Man Wang Waang Tamryn Leah Haigh Xinxin Wang Xinxi xin Wa an ang ng Chelsey Hawthorn Yixuan Wangg ixuan an W Kerryn Tanya Jensen Alan A James mes Wansbone Feng Jiang Larena Ja Jade West ade W Shiyun Jiang Tianrun Wu Tianru un W Zhenhua Jiang Ting Wu Janet Juliano Wenyu Xu Waseem Rizvaan Kalaam,, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Marketingg Yanqing Yan ng Xu Nitin Khare Zhihao Xu Zh X Fung Gun Kong Yuqing ng Yao Dongrong Li Ziang Ziang Yao Danhong Lin Jialin Yin Jia Liu Beveley Beeveeley Mary Ma y Young You ungg Tao Liu Zheng Zeng Lingping Mao Leiqian Zhang Melissa Tau-o-tau Maxwell Rui Zhang Michael John Morrison Yue Zhang Justin Naresh Naran Xinrong Zhou Kimberley Jane Natusch Yukun Zhu, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Finance QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Andrew Robert McCarroll Newby-Fraser Zhicun Zhic n Xu Xiaochun Ni GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 23 Friday 3 October 2008 2.00pm Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF TOURISM Rachel Jane Armstrong Xiaoqing Xu Xiaoye Cui Su Hyun Yang Natalie Joan Oien Yao Yao Zhen Qin GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING Yulianti Ramadhan Pamudji Xuebo Xu Zhihui Wu GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ECONOMICS O OMICS ONO Simon David Carruthers GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC ECTR RONIC COMMERCE C MMERCE MME Huitao Cai GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE AN NCE Reindert Michael Spaans GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RES RE R RESOURCE EESSOU SOURCE RCE MANA MANAGEME MANAGEMENT AGEM ME Maree May Garland GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT GEMENT Helen Joy Baldock Michelle Mi Anne Goldsmith Golds Shirley Robyn Glenn QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE GRADUATE DIPLOMA O IN MARKETING G 24 Sonia Maree Davis Erin Rachel Ste Stewart art GRADUATE CERTIFICATE FICATE IN EECONOMICS ON CS Lulu Zeng GRADUATE CERTIFICATE FICA E IN IN INFORMATION TION N SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT GEM NT Min Zhou GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Peter Alphonsus John Farrelly Anna Lee McMurray GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Dan Qiao GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Siriluk Srisurin T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Friday 3 October 2008 5.00pm Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Djavlonbek Kadirov, MSc University of Salford, Diploma Bukhaza State University, Uzbekistan Thesis Title: “Sustainability of Marketing Systems: Systeming Interpretation of Hybrid Car Manufacturer and Consumer Communications” Yan-Mei Liang, BA Fu Jen University, China, MBA Eastern New Mexico University, PGDipMgtSys Waikato Thesis Title: “The Determinants of Customer Perceptions in a Dynamic Business Environment: An Exploratory Analysis of the ASP Business Model” Mary Chai Hop Low, DipT, BA University of South Pacific, GradDipAcc&Fin, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Ethical Educational Interventions: terventions: Perceptions Perception ons of Accounting Accounting Stud SStudents and Graduates and the Legitimation of ‘Ethical’ Actions” Chansit Siritanachot, BA Chulalongkorn ngko g rn University, Thailand, PGDipStrat PGDipStratMgt, Mgt g PGDipMgtSys, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “The Impact of Interventional ventional entional Change Techniques on an Internet Inte net Banking B Cross-functional Team” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INIS N TRATION Benjamin Patrick Anderson Andrew Andre d ew Wade Mumford Mum Paul Innes Bowker Elizabeth Elizabbeth Angelina Eliz Angelina Marie Owen Colin Rollen Duncan, also awardedd Postg PPostgraduate graduate tee Diploma in Management Studies Barbara Wendy Reinsfield Barb Barba We ndy Re Dayle Evelyn Fenton Johannes Gerhardus Greyling Schoombee Johannes G e erhardu erh Angenita Blanche Harding, also so awardedd Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies agement Studie ies ie Jeremy Skedgwell, also awarded Jereemy William W Wi Skedg Postgraduate Po ostgr tgraduate Certificate Certifica in Management Studies Leigh Nicholas Mark Hook Bronwyn Anne Jackson Grant Laurence Gr aurence en Smith, also a awarded Postgraduate Diploma Management ma in Ma Managemen Studies Yin Yee Lee Warren Warre ren Williams W Ian Mark Lines Glen Willoughby Shareena Rose Sandbrook S Paul Richard Logan QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Antony James McLauchlan, uch an, also a so awarded rded Postgraduate Certificate Studies at in Management Manag ent Stud es MASTER OF MANAGEMENT AGEMENT STUDIES TUD Yi An, with Second Class ss Honour Honours (first div division), n) also awarded Postgraduate Diploma iin A Accounting t Di i Fen Lu, with Firstt Class C s Honours Yijia Chen, with Second Class (second nd C l ss Honours Honnours (se ec nd division) Wen Luo, withh First Honours Lu , w Firsst Class C asss Hon nou Warnakulasooriya Ajith Damayan Fernando, with First Class Honours Jiahua Jin, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Finance Yan Li, with First Class Honours Maggie Liesaputra, with First Class Honours Yun Lu, with Second Class Honours (first division) Stephen Mascarenhas, with tep w First Class Honours Khushroo Mistry, with Second Class Honours (second division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Fei Ni, with First Class Honours Lin Ye, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES WITH HONOURS Michelle Armstrong, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE WITH HONOURS Xiao Zhang, with Second Class Honours (first division) GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 25 Friday 3 October 2008 5.00pm Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH HONOURS Haylee Elizabeth Berrett, with First Class Honours Jessica Maria Lukkassen Trent Arie Bos, with First Class Honours Kimberley Margaret Parker, with First Class Honours Joseph Jeremiah Paul Buist, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Laws Rochelle Anne Quinn, with First Class Honours Emma Fiona Campbell, with First Class Honours Ariane Tills, with First Class Honours Paul James Duynhoven, with First Class Honours Natalie Jill Tustian, with First Class Honours Mason Ronald Gillies, with First Class Honours Lin Gu, with First Class Honours Xingang W Xi Wang, with Second Class Honours (first division)) Emma Nancy Hodges, with First Class Clas Honours Webb, Jennifer Marie We b with First Class Honours Sha Li, with First Class Honours Laura Helen Wilson, W n with First Class Honours Wilso Aimee Sarah Smith, with First Class Honours POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N FFINANCE NANCE Wen Zhu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NH HUMAN MAN RESOURCE ESOUR RCEE M MA MANAGE MANAGEMEN MANAGEMENT A M ME Gina Geethanjali Devanand, also awarded waardedd Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management gementt ge Jill Walton Zhuoyu Zhang Zhan ang QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN MAN MANAGEMENT NAGEM NA A ENT STUD STUDIES IES 26 Angelito Caseres Abellanosa Mililes Damian amian McConway McCon Miles Marvynne Lilian Ashley onchimeg meg Myagmar M Odonchimeg Kammari Betiota P Lingling Pan Kenneth Paul Chubb Marc Robert Parsons Vinit Dassani Glenys Anne Jones Parton Arian de Wit Lee Wade Patchett Peter James Dix Sun M dhav Patil Sunil Madhav David Andrew Downey Joanne Pennell rte Rodrigo Brigido Duarte Ja eline Carol arol Preou Preo Jacqueline Lynley Margaret Dunn d Rosss Aishaa Kuryn Reed Stephen John Elliott Paras Sachdev Sachde Paras ar Dicky Margaret Farrar ph Schmidt Sch idt Edward Joseph rie Jacobus Andries Fourie Caarm men Michelle Mi elle Sim mo ondds Carmen Simmonds Terry Peter Goupillot Herearoha Francis Skipper John Stephen Halliday Junce Sun Bin He Leon Swanepoel Tauaroha Holden Kelly Miriata Tauroa Mariah Katherine Hudler Judy Kim Ida Thompson Maowang Kang Matthew Ian Watson Iris Mereaira Kirimaoa Wendy Margaret Watts Luisa Sandra Knight Brendan Darrell Weight Suresh Krishnan David Whitfield Tepora Christine Kupe Wanda Monica Whitton-Esteve Elizabeth Pauline Margareta Leonard Nathan James York Yun Lu T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Wei Li POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Johnfrace Okechukwu Oguala POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING Anthony Peter McCombs Gary Paul Warner POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N THE HE MANAGEMENT OF NOT N NOT-FOR-P NOT-FOR-PROFIT T-FOR F ORGANISATIONS Ian Frederick Butler, with Distinction tion POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N TO TOURISM OURISM AND ND D HOSPITALITY HOSPITA HOSP SPIT T MANA M MANAGEMENT AN Jani Mankikar Preeti P etti Surendr Pre Surendran an n Sandeep Mohan Naimpalli Judith Anne Allen Punu Upul Upu ul Gunasinghe Gun na Stuart John Anderson Mark Te Aranga Hakiwai Te A Ara anga ang n Hak Tania Maree Beynon Timothy Harty Tim mothyy Norman N Har Donna Marie Blair Deborah Debor b h Kay Herlihy Robyn Louise Blenkarne Daniell Thomas omas Hewitt Fiona Mae Booth Peter G Guy Hocking uyy H Alexander Eyitemi Olumoye Boyo Josephine Jane Hodge Josep Pauline Ruth Buckingham James Nicholas Hodgkinson Joshua Shamus Burt Lisa Anne Hope Morgan William Closson sson Robert Rob rt John J h Inskeep Christine Wanda Condell Andrew David Johns Mark Francis David Coulter oulter Heather H er LLouise se Jones Alexandra Beryl Craig Suzanne Kerruish nne Ke h Wendy Anne Creurer Stephen Gray King St h G Ki Michael Anthony Criscillo scillo lo John John David Da id Kinloch inloch h Joanne Riha Crowley Ora O Koia-Cook K C Bridgette Mary Dalzell Peter John Lord Janet Christine Edmond Elizabeth May McDade Nicholas Graham Empson Andrew Leslie McFarlane Louisa Hinekura Erickson Jennifer Helen McFarlane Jillian Mary Fordyce Scott Alexander McGregor Lyndsay Anne Fortune Stuart Campbell McMillan Carolyne Gebbie Shane Alan McNally Jeanette Ann Gibbs Claire Mary Moore Denise Ellen Giles Kilian Ruadhri O’Gorman Elizabeth Elsa Goodwin Sarah Kirsten Oliver Arron Shaun Graham Joanne Robyn Olliver Diane Aroha Green Sarah Frances Porter GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATEE IN MANAGEMENT AGEMEN AGEMENT G N STU NT STUDIES 27 Friday 3 October 2008 5.00pm Waikato Management School continued POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES continued Arathi Rajan Andrew John Tierney Simon Alexander Ramsdale Michael James Townsley Herman Rooseboom Rhoderick John Treadwell Andrea Mary Rowe Anthony Carl Van Rooyen Philip John Saunders Anna Elisabeth Watchman Ann-Marie Searchfield Gayle Marise Patricia Webb Andrew David Shale Mark M k Ian I White Whi Matthew Peter Floyd Sheppard Susan Mary Willoughby S Willou Gregory Euan Simpson Thomas Patric Patrick C Charles Wilson ha Debra Lee Stan-Barton Ya Ge Xu Edwin Louis Stanley Sylvester Peter P terr James Yates Pet Yates Timi Terry Alan Te Ao POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TEE IN MANAGEMENT AGEMENT GEME EM MENT NT SY SSYS SYST SYSTEMS Xiaorui Xiong POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE ATE IN SST STRATEGIC TRAT TEGIC MANAGEMENT MANAGEEMEN NT T QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED AT FOUNDERS MEMORIAL THEATRE Andrina K L Thomas 28 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Qualifications to be conferred in Absentia 3 October 2008 Friday 3 October 2008 in Absentia Pathways College QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED IN ABSENTIA CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE 30 Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Moayad Saleh O Aba Alkhayl Hamad Al-Duways Faisal Nasser Alaboud Eman Mubarak Albalawi Hamad Sulaiman A Aldahash Nawaf Yahya M Aljubaili Faisal Tawfiq M Almanea Furja Jaber N Almarri Rashed Jaber R Almarri Kumi Fukushima Ashraf Khalashi Junichi Matoba Tianxue Shen Ge Song j Manami Tsujimura llah N TTurkistani u Afra Abdul Abdullah h N Turkistani T Emad Abdulla Abdullah Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Walid Mnsor E Alahmadi Abdullah Abdulaziz M Aldablan Sultan Mohammed Alghamdi Mohammed Khalid M Alharbi Ali Abdullah H Allaif Abdulrahman Ahmed Almasaar Bader Majed S Alosaimi Khaled Mohammed Alrayes Suguru Atsuhata Markus Grimm Ayuko Kato Soeeu un Kim Soeun W taaru Kuwana Wa Kuwana Wataru Weei-- Chen Lin Wei-Chen n Liu Qian Misaakiya Taichi Misakiya M Samsam Abdii Mohamed Fanglo glong Qiu Qiiu Q Fanglong Hussein n Ahmed A Shehe Hussein Shehem Maiko Takashima akashi Maiko gumi Yanak Yanaka Megumi Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Asami Adachi Yohei Akeo sh d Al Har aibi Adbulla Ali Sultan Rashed Harbi All Je Jenaibi Marwan Saleh A Al Mulhim er Al Saidi Sa Naeema Rashid Nasser wi Sitah Masad A Albalawi md Ahmed Saeed H Alghamdi Emad Ali Alghamdi Fahad Ghazi F Alhajrii Faisal Fahad S Alhajri Mohammed Khalaf W Aljohani Sulaiman Abdulrahman S Aljurbua Ali Fahad A Alnazha Abdulmahsan Abdulaziz A Alqabali Osamah Saleh O Alshammary Hatem Jazea A Alshmmari Abdlmaged Saleh A Bin Kulaib Tariq Saleh A Bin Kulaib Sermchai Boonkirdkijakarn Jie Cai Li-Ta Chen Zhiquan Chen Yu-Ping Chiu Mario Andres Gonzales Valle Yuki Hirano Hor guc Minori Horiguchi Donghoon Kim Iksoo Kim on Kim Yewon Yuko Kojima Yuko Hoi Ki Lee Saatoshi Machida Mac ida Satoshi Hui Meng Mayu Mizuno Noboru Ohya Ikumi Okazaki Nari Park You Ri Park Fumiya Suzuki Aya Takahashi Nitis Wiroonpetch Shuhan Yang Saori Yoshida Man Zhang Changhui Zhu T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Nicolas Gutierrez olivares Mohammed Arman S Hawsawi Khalid Mousa A Hazazi Takahiro Imai Junichi Kumagai J Ju-Wen Lee n Liu Chih-Chen Jingyan Ma Sebastian O li Pablo Sebastian Olivero Torres u Hanh Phu n Phuong Phung There e esa Leyah Subai Su a Ruriti Theresa Keiko ko Shimam urra Keiko Shimamura Su ugisawa Yu Sugisawa Bipp Thomas Bi Bipin O gili Tsogoo o Orgil W Yu Chien Wu Yoshit itake Minako Yoshitake Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 Ahmad Mohammad N Albashar ar Abdullah Khalifa A Alkhifa Ahmad Saad A Almisaar Majed Abdullah R Alrowaily Seungwoo Chai Carolina Elizabeth de Lourdes Cuellar Beccera Keyla Davila Villafanee Badr Hamed med O Fallat Badr Fallatah hai H Hou Wenhai Inhye Kim m Inhye T Tzu-Lia Tzu-Liang Kuo Jung Yun Lee Hasan Ahmd M Shebaily Hon A h Tran Hong Anh Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English 2 Hadil Mohammad A Alahdal Abdulrahman Shoie M Alallah Jehan Shoie M Alallah Waleed Khalid M Alkhaldi masri Abdullah Ghazi A Almasri Fe Chen hen Fen Kyuri Kim Junfeng Kong Junfeng Mirtha Olgamar Villafane Montoya Yu uan nyu n W u Yuanyuan Wu Level 7 – Advanced Academic and Literary English 1 Abdullah Hamad Kahlfan Al Mahrouqi Faisal Seraj A Alnori QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED IN ABSENTIA CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Ahmed Youssef H Al Ali Muteeb Saad A Alahmari Muteb Fadhel B Albaqami Kamal Saud I Alblawi Muslat Munahi M Alboqami Arif Dukhi O Alhudayris Jawad Habib S Alhumaid Hussain Abdallah H Allaif Naif Mohammed A Almotawa Abdulaziz Fahad A Alnazha Mshal Abdulaziz A Alqubali Sanaa Abid K Alsharif Bassam Abdulkarim R Alsuwab Wajdi Abdu S Bahkali Thuy Linh Bui Ye Jin Choi Yen-Ying Chu CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN FOUNDATION STUDIES Faisal Sulaiman Haidrah Punnita Ratanasirintrawoot Lian Liu Xiaojiao Zhang GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 31 Friday 3 October 2008 in Absentia Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED IN ABSENTIA Richard Faitua Aiolupotea Sinead Alice Aldrich Tracey Aleki Harakah Mohamud Ali Roble Mohamed Ali Simon John Beet Timothy William Bennett Julia Lee Black Paul Morgan Brougham Amelia Anne Chamberlain Hannah Jane Chestnut Ariana Sheree Collier Talia Maree Copestake Gareth Charles Cross Pamela Toupili He Lotu Fihaki Estelle Fourie hs Nikola Jillian Hinemoa Erina Griffiths Karl John Harrison Nicholas Alexander Hill Tapiwa Andrew Hlatywayo Mony Hong Ashleigh Kate Hope Logan Cole Joblin Ramandeep Kaur Joanne Elizabeth Kelly Te Puhi Taia Kemble-Nathan HoJon Kim Sheng-Tung Kuo Nathan John James Lam Lamb Patricia Margaret Lee Ziwei Li Andries Johannes Lubbe Olivia Frances Main 32 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Lesley Josephine Loa Maka Shannon Pearl Mathers Zane Conrad Cornelissen McCarthy Nichola Shannon McGaughran Cameron Charles Mobbs Sara Abdel Wahab Mirghani Mohammed Kelsi Marina Ataahua Motutere Ho Newell-Chard New Zachary Hone g Kimberly Aloh Alohaa N Ngatuakana ri Sarah Brenda Nor Norrie Siob Pauli e Dana Da O’Regan Siobhan Pauline Staceey Grace Oliv e Stacey Oliver Rhyyan Lloyd Parkes Parrkes Rhyan Kelly Maree PPrice Ke rice Kelly Ric rd Dean Rannala Richa Ri Rann Richard J Leigh Reir Jenna Reiri Ken nneth h Robinson R James Kenneth Peteer Rowlands Row Richard Peter Laura Daw wn Rumbles wn Laura Dawn Jeessica ica Leigh Le L Sa Jessica Sadd And A Andrew Peter Scott ageer Julian Se Seager Munisha Sharma Sh Munisha Teokotai Simiona Ross David Siviter Matthew John Spiers ord rne LLesley sley Aro teve s Jordarne Aroha Stevens Wiseman Ngatupuna Teariki D rpend David Lee Terpend el Kev in Daniel Kevin Trainor Alex Christina Stensness Stens ss Watso Alex Watson y J Sharlayna Maryanne Julianna Williams mon Wilso on Markk SSimon Wilson Qualifications previously conferred/awarded at other ceremonies Conferred/Awarded 11 June 2008 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 11 June 2008 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences MASTER OF ARTS Toru Hisada, with First Class Honours Anne Marie Alice Poret, with First Class Honours Suzanne Melissa Morgan, with First Class Honours MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL T L PLAN PLANNING NNING Kristen Louise McGavock, with Distinction i tinction MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CES Sekove Bigitibau Degei, with Firstt Class Cla s Honour Honours rs BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS ONOURS Hayden Charles MacDonald, with Seco Second S nd Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH HONOURS ONOU ON URS Robyn Elizabeth Ward, with Second econd Class sss Honou H Honours urs (first division) Duhong Duho hong Yin, Yiin n, with Seco Second Class Honours (second division) d vision) on)) BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCESS W WITH HONOURS ONOURS OU Kenneth Desmond Ellis, with First Class H Ho Honours urss Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Tuihana Melonie Marsh, with Second Class Honours nours (first division) 34 Janelle Janelle Louise Lo ouise i Stokes, with Second Class Honours (second division) (se Wayne Desmond Teal, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS RTS Yeun Jin Kwak Haiyan Zhi BACHELOR OF LIBERAL ERAL STU STUDIES ES Yu-Kang Liu BACHELOR OF SOCIAL OCIA A SCIENC SCIENCES CESS Lili Rose Bates Nicholas James Kennedy i h d Tina Rosalind Hartwell Victoria Joan Press Stephen Keola Josephs Angharad Marie Sidney Yuqiong Kang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Rochelle Marianne Blackbourn, with Distinction Yasuhide Makino POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY (APPLIED BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS) Helena Berger Faust T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Alena Skye Nixon GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN APPLIED ETHICS Stephanie Jane Bluett GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCREEN AND MEDIA STUDIES Ning Yuan CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Emad Ali Alghamdi Fahad Ghazi F Alhajri Faisal Fahad S Alhajri Mohammed Khalaf W Aljohani bua Sulaiman Abdulrahman S Aljurbua aralmahana Hussain Mohammed A Alnasaralmahana Ahmed Abdulaziz H Alsoqeh Level 3 – Intermediate English sh 1 Ahmed Youssef H Al Ali Ahmed Fahad A Al Awwad Feras Ahmed y Alabdali Muteeb Saad A Alahmari aqam mi Muteb Fadhel B Albaqami Kamal Saud I Alblawi lboq mi Muslat Munahi M Alboqami aikh Sara Humoud S Alferaikh bi Khaled Atheare S Alharbi Arif Dukhi O Alhudayris maidd Jawad Habib S Alhumaid Yousef Abdullah O Alkhalifah Mohammed Omar A Almhmodi Naif Mohammed A Almotawa Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Naif Jameel J Alharbi Abdullah Khalifa A Alkhifa Mutleq Abdullah A Alotaibi Majed Abdullah R Alrowaily Seungwoo Chai Hio Tong Chan Keyla Davila Villafane Badr Hamed O Fallatah Wenhai Hou B d Majed S Alo s Bader Alosaimi A du l A Othman Mohammed Abdullah Fanglong Qiu Xiaol olong Wan o Xiaolong Wangg Abdu dulmajeed Ham ma S Alwabel Abdulmajeed Hamad Abdd maged Saleh Abdlm S leh A Bin Kulaib Abdlmaged n Kulaib Tariq Saleh A Bi Bin Jie Cai Vaeaa Sekeni V Ch hanghu ui Zhu Z Changhui ohammed A Alnasaralmuhana Hasan Mo Mohammed Abdu Abdulaziz Fahad A Alnazha Mshal Abdulaziz A Alqubali Ali Nasser A Alshahrani San a Abid Abid K Alsharif A shar Sanaa Bass m Abdulkarim Ab ulk rim R Alsuwab lsuwab Bassam W Ab S Bahkali Wajdi Abdu mme Arman ma S Hawsawi Mohammed K lid Mousa Mous A H zi Khalid Hazazi Chih-Chen Liu Li Yulin Liu am Samitha Prasongdee Rada Suvansmut Yanfen Wang Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Abdullah Abdulaziz M Aldablan Mubarak Abdullah M Aleyada ynan Abdulaziz Mohammed A Alhusaynan Haidar Alhassan A Almakrami Miki Inoue Inhye Kim Tzu-Liang Kuo Soonmi Kweon Jung Yun Lee Jing Liu Eri Nagai Chang Jae Yoo GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 35 Conferred/Awarded 11 June 2008 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences continued CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 Hadil Mohammad A Alahdal Abdulrahman Shoie M Alallah Jehan Shoie M Alallah Waleed Khalid M Alkhaldi Abdullah Ghazi A Almasri Mohammed Ayesh A Alshammari Fen Chen Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English glish 2 Faisal Seraj A Alnori Kyuri Kim Yuta Kitajima Junfeng Kong Pongsakorn Surainrungsikul Mirtha Olgamar Villafane Montoya Na Wu Yusuke Nakan Nakano o Level 7 – Advanced Academic and nd d Literary Literary English Eng glissh sh 1 Mohammed Juma Moosa Al Kharusi rusi School of Computing ng aand Mathematic Mathematical ical S Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Sven Bittner, Diplom(Diplom-Informatiker), nformatiker), Freie eie U Universitat B Ber Berlin Thesis Title: “General Boolean an Expressions sion in Publish-Subscribe sh-Subscr Subs System Systems” ms Vasile Sinescu, Diploma de Licenta, centa, “Al.I.C “Al.I.Cuza” Cu a” University University ers y of IIasi, asi, Rom Romania ma Thesis Title: “Construction of Lattice attice Rules for Multiple Mul pl Int Integration egr i Based on a W Weighted Discrepancy” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS 36 Meng-Hsuan Lu, with First Class Honours Chih-Chieh Wei, with Second Class Honours (first division) divis on) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE CIENCE WITH HO HONOURS URS Yuwei Wang, with Firstt Class Hon Honours rs POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA LOMA IN N COMP COMPUTER UTER SCIE SCIENCE NCE Wade Lawrence Fleming mingg Sunil Sh Shivanand van nd Sh She Shenoy enoy Ruiqing Liang Jiaa Z Zhu T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO School of Education BACHELOR OF TEACHING WITH HONOURS Ayesha Kay Steadman, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Ellen Wairiu BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Gina Jerose Matiu Renee Margaret Marie Sauer BACHELOR OF TEACHING Rebekah Arihi Heke POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EEDUCATION DUCATION ON N Jillian Gail McArthur POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N LA LANGUAGE ANGUAGE GEE AND A LITERACY LITE LITERA TE ED EDUCAT EDUCATION UCA Lea Sharon Tainui, with Distinctionn POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN N COU COUNSELLING UNSELLING Daniel Wayne Eakins POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE ATE IN EDU EDUCATION ATION Brenda Gaye Walker POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE AT IN eEDUCATION UCATION AT ON Mushtak Dawood Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE C CERTIFICATE C IN FAMILY COU COUNSELLING SELL G Ngaire Joan Brown GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA OF TEACHING EA HIN RAMME IN N SECO DA SC CHO TEACH G A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHING Kelly Alexis Davidson Jianzeng Xi GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA OFF T TEACHING AC CH NG A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHING Sherry Michelle Walker GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 37 Conferred/Awarded 11 June 2008 School of Law MASTER OF LAWS Kamilla Pia Malmbaek, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LAWS Sam Khalesi David Samuel Newport GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE RESOLUTION Catriona Gyde School of Māori and n Pacific nd ficc Develo Developme Development Devel De evelo nt BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HO HONOURS ONOURS Te Ingo Karangaroa Ngaia, with First rs Class Class Honours ours School of Science ce and En EEngineering Eng ngin neerin ng MASTER OF SCIENCE Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Alison Hollomon Graettinger, with First Class Honours 38 BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS Gareth Alexander Pert, t with ith Second eco Clas Class Hon Honours u (second division) Richard Peterr U Upperton, Second Class Honours Rich rd Pet pe , with it Se (first division) Troy David Sherwen, with Second Class ass Honours urs (second division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Louise Marie Gardner Min Zhou Zh u POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Pathik Dilip Trivedi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Ajay Vithal Wagle POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Suresh Nuthalapati T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Waikato Management School MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Philipp Hoffmann MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Shaoyong Liu, with First Class Honours Laurent Andre Cyrille Misset, with First Class Honours Mathieu Claude Philippe Manzano, with First Class Honours Gina Telle, with Second Class Honours (first division) Yiqun Huang BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC C CO COMMERCE MMERCE Yujie Wang BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT NT STUDIES NT S S Sheng Chen Dale Dale l Keith Storey Storey Mathew Greville Croad Haifang Haifa Ha i ang Tang Christina Meria Diamond Liang Li g Tong Feng Guo Xiao Wang Wan ng James Richard Honeybone Zhangxiang Zhangxxiang iangg W Weng Chenchen Huang Xinbing Xin nbing Zhong Z Zh Weiyu Huang Qing Qing ng Zhu Zhu Jian Li POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ECONOMICS C Shaoyong Liu Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA O IN PERSONAL SO FINANCIAL CIA PL PLANNING G Tobias Arthur Peter Taylor Tay or POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICAT CERTIFICATE IN NM MANAGEMENT AG MENT SYSTEMS EMS Khaled Abdulrahman A Attiyah GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN N MA MARKETING R Benjamin Wes Jawad Dorres Dor s GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 39 Conferred/Awarded 4 July 2008 Degrees conferred and Diplomas awarded in partnership with Wanganui School of Design, UCOL at a ceremony held on 4 July 2008 MASTER OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN Julian Taitoko Bailey Colin John Holloway BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS Patricia Frances Falkner Ian Charles Rotherham Sandeep Kamal Gajadhar Elizabeth Mary Sanson Brian Harry Hainsworth BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRA G GRAPHIC PHIC DESIGN Michael Stewart Abernethy Song Khai Ng Mark Lindsay Arnold David v Philip O’Neale O’Nea Jemma Hiroko Braid Tyrone Hohepaa Ohia Ty on Tyr ne Hohep Oh Sheree Joan Bridge Yee Yeee Wen W Ooi Anna Louise Buys Wei Ming Tan We M Florence Jin Shaun Chung Wei SSiong Tan Tan Hayley Claire Emmett Huey Yeen n Tang Tan ng Anna Elizabeth Rose Juden Rhun Ping Tang Ping ng TTan Ta ang an Chin Keong Koh Oliver Oliver Ken Keen Yung Thien Hwa Siang Law Peerapat Peeera erapat Tuangestthawut Tuangesttha Kean Jiu Lim Wun Wong W Pingg Won Yong Siang Lim Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN 40 Amandeep Kaur Bimbra Parwinder Singh Gill Jaswinder Pal Singh Chana Kanika Malhotra Kan a M alhotra Milay Deshpande Abhijit Balwant Abhi it B l PParaskar T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Conferred/Awarded 6 August 2008 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 6 August 2008 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences MASTER OF ARTS Adam Benjamin Cunningham-Reid, with First Class Honours Roelof Wilhelmus Van Leeuwen, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CES Hannah Banks, with First Class Honours onours rs Kirsty Ann An Bell Be Hu Hunter, n with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS Le Chen Xinmin Xi m Xin min Huang Stacey Anne Cox Regan R gan Reg g n James Jerard Jerard Peng Cui Zhen Zhen e Lu Xiao Han Ying Sun BACHELOR OF MUSIC Yulin Wang BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IENCES Daniel James Arnold Yue Liu Yousi Bao James Rameka Jam mes Rawhiti Raw Ramek Ruth Lorraine Harvey Matthew James Roskruge M Stephen Alexander Holden Lin Yang Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S Ying Liu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY (COMMUNITY) Kellie Johnna Spee GRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN AR ARTS TS Quentin Gregory Todd dd DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Peter William Farrell GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 41 Conferred/Awarded 6 August 2008 School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF SCIENCE Erin Kay Bennett, with Second Class Honours (second division) Anupama Krishnan, with First Class Honours James Richard Foulds, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS Christopher Ian Dunn, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Tianning Han Jui-Hung Mas Mason on Ma M Kaitian Li Kankan Kanka k Song Zhenghong Li Chao Chao o Zhao Guodong Liang Jin Ji Zhu Zh hu Liang Liu School of Education tion MASTER OF COUNSELLING NG Ya-Ling Chiu, with Second Class ass Honours urs (fi (first st division) Victoria to a Ann Ann Marsden, with First Class Honours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S MASTER OF EDUCATION 42 Alison Lois Archer Cleary, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF TEACHING ACHING W WITH H HONOU HONOURSS Peter Graeme Field, with First Class Hon Honours BACHELOR OF SPORT RT AND LEISURE EISURE STUDIES U S Haimona Ashford Stevenson Lee Kyle Warin BACHELOR OF TEACHING AC CH NG Sheryn Lynette Bain Daina Leigh McPherson Daniel Warrick McAuley GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHING Brent Lindsey Denny T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO School of Law MASTER OF LAWS Zainab Radhi, with Second Class Honours (first division) Pathways College Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Saleh Hindi A Alammari Mohammed Saeed A Alqahtani Fatemeh Fakhary Khadija Mohamud Seongkeun Park Singh Maninder Singh Fengting Xie Xiaod Xi Xia iaodong o Xu Xiaodong Abdu dulrahman Ziyadi Ziyyad Abdulrahman Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Abdulallah Saad A Aldayel Abdalrhman Ahmed H Almohmadi Abdullah Ali A Alqarni Mohammad H M Alshafei Naif Nawaf Alshammari Xi Lin L Xin Hassan M Shafei Amru Hassan hangg Chao Zh Zhang Asaa aad Mo oh oha hammed A Ziyadi Asaad Mohammed Level 3 – Intermediate English ish 1 Faisal Abdulaziz A Alfayez Ifrah Farah Ali Abdulaziz Mandeel S Almandeel Sultan Musaad Alosaimi Saleh Abdullah A Altwajri Lijie Bao Huu Hoang Duong Dang Samsam Jama Elmi am Ab Abdulhakeem bd l S Khalashi Ahlam Jisu Kim Jisun Yong Il Lee Zhengrong Mao Seenuan Ngaemma Stuart n Lii X Xin Yuekuan Zhao Zixiangg Zh Zhao Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Salem Ali S Al Marri Bandr Eid I Alfaris Sareeya Chaowakitjaroen Hao Chen Piyamanee Courtney Ya-Wen Gau Tae Ju Ham Xuan Truong Hoang Moonah Hong Mingqiang Huang Rina Kato Ka Rina Th hi T N L Thi Tuyett Nhung Le Yi Li Jiyong Lim Yin Tian Haolong Wang Jui-Yu Wang Ismail Yasin Mire GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT NT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE 43 Conferred/Awarded 6 August 2008 Pathways College continued CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 Samy Eissa A Alfahhad Nofal Mohammad S Alsedais Qiuting Dong Hyun Jin Jung Nao Kaneko Dayea Kim Phi Diep La Rongxin Li Wenbin Shi Manatsanan Surapitakpong Minghua Wu Wen Wu Lee Youngg Yoo Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English glish 2 Badr Eid Alfaris Cheryl Marie Lopez Rhea Godoy Lopez Ahmad Ali A Malh M Malhani a Yohaa Yudhanto Y Yudhanto Yohan Level 7 – Advanced Academic and nd d Literary Liteerary English Eng glissh h1 Ngoc Kim Thy Huynh Zhiheng Zhi Zhihe hi e Zhao Level 8 – Advanced Academic and Literary Liiterary English 2 Mohammed Juma Moosa Al Kharusi CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT MENT IN FFOUNDATION OUND OU UNDATION ATION STU STUDIES UDIESS Wen-Lan Chen X Xuee H Han n Lim Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY SITY PREPA PREPARATION ARATIO 44 Bryant Carl Ahrenberg Corey Pari Nga Tai Fechney Ashcroft Ete Bird oi Boldy Te Rata Rangi Pihoihoi Nicola Crespin Braun Terri Maree Brier Mark Karamea Butler Chapp Jason Vincent Eastwoodd Chappell Mirirangi Sarah Conrad Jarvis Dams Dhwani Nayan Dave Scott McPherson De Beurs Jessica Leigh Fisher Leah Gail Lynette Griffin Megan Louise Hale Vincena Emma Te Wanihi Haumaha Alex Kevin Howard Daniel Farnham Howard Ryan Richard Hull Katie Margaret Chloe Jarrett Urigaui Lafita Sheetal Vandhana Lal Samantha Alice Leaver Lynette Lieta Lokeni T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Mar Herevaseti Maoate Marito Wes Mau Amy Louise McCormick Camero R cha d M ail Cameron Richard McPhail H id Rose M Haidee Millar N e Jo Natalie Joy Morrison ew Ke Mathew Kelsey No Norriee Ila sa Langilan gi Pal u’a Ilaisa Langilangi Paletu’a Nirav Neel Prakash M ch hea Chase Cha e Rangiawha Ran anggiaawh ha Micheal lex Margherita Robertson-Hunt ts Alex Vikki Louise Raven Robinson Jade Aroha Puru Sadlier Alicia Ateca Scutts Stephane Steele Ashleigh Lorraine Sweeney Sonny Te Ako Tahi Hayley Jane Tarling Michael Jane Te Hau Nita Ann Toki-Jervis Tyron James Tomlinson Charles Laungaue Tuise Matthew Philip Vaughan Charm Honoria Walters CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION continued Kayla Peggy Walters Jaimee Mere-Wakana Whiu Aimee Faith Wilkinson Gabrielle Jacqueline Woodd TE TĪMATANGA HOU CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Vianney Raiha Te Moumoko Douglas Dale Rewa Pokaia Ilaisaane Fuapoivaha Faith Te Raimapaha Darling Suzanne Pompey Corey Takaroa Kuka School of Science an and d Engineering gineering eering ering g MASTER OF ENGINEERING Suhaiza Hanim Binti Hanipah, with thh Second Se ond Cla Class ss Honours (first division) Vladyslav Syzov Vlaa yslav Syz Vl Vlady ov Bhupinder Singh Parmar, with Second nd Classs Honours (first division) MASTER OF SCIENCE Waleed Hamdan Khalfan Alsa’idi, sa’idi, with Seco Second Classs Honours (first division) Thabiso Tha T Mohobane, with wit First Class Honours Wolfgang Georg Kruger Zane Ngakia Padman Darren Shaun Le Roux Ross Donald Paterson Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Shutian Liang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCI SCIENCEE Gavin Trevor Bennett Yangyang gyang Z Zhangg Farhana Ruma Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Kurt Hess, Diploma, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, MBA, University of British Colombia, Vancouver Thesis Title: “Credit Loss Dynamics in Australasian Banking” MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Jia Lin, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE WITH HONOURS Yi Cao, with Second Class Honours (second division) GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 45 Conferred/Awarded 6 August 2008 Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS - FINANCIAL Xinyi Cai Ji Cong BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Renee Julia Cameron BACHELOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES Syed Raza Abbas Mehdi BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT N STUDIES NT Bincan Bao Zhihao Hu George Spencer Bridgewater Emma Clunie Sea Searancke a Han-Wen Chao Hong Hongg Wen POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NA ACCOUNTING CCOUNTING NG Shiella Marie Lopez Anastacio, with ith Distinction Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N HUM HUMAN MAN RESOURCE MANAG MANAGEMEN MANAGEMENT EM Jie Ding, with Distinction Chuanjin n Wang Wan ngg POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN MANAGEMENT NAGEM NA AGEMENT ENT COMMUNIC COMM COMMUNICATIO COMMUNICATION MUN NIC Xinli Xu, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN MANAGE MANAGEMENT SSTUDIES Kevin Stephen Grout Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT OT H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 46 Ashish Ramakrishnan POSTGRADUATE CE CERTIFICATE TIFICAT IN N MAN MANAGEMENT G M NT STUDI STUDIESS David Hemi Awateree Roy Boquiron Braden Br n Kn Knight ht Hair Kerryy James Jame Hamilton mi n POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE RTIFICATE IN MA MANAGEMENT NAG MENT SY SYSTEMS YSTEMS Yuan Li GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Jenny Shen GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Nicolas Holzapfel De La Fuente Quoc Khanh Nguyen GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Pani Charmaine Cassandra Berghan GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Kirill Edward Kruger T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Congratulations to all University of Waikato Graduates University of Waikato Academic Leaders VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor Roy Crawford BSc (Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FIMMM FREng Professor Crawford is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, whose primary research interest has been in the mechanical properties and processing behaviour of plastics. Previously Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor at Queen’s University, Belfast, with special responsibility for Research and Development, he has on-going research and business interests in New Zealand associated with the establishment of a new polymer research centre. He has published seven books, more than two hundred and seventy papers and has been a member of numerous government panels and research grant committees in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. ng. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor Doug Sutton BA MA PhD Otago Professor Sutton joined Waikato University o Uni iversity ass Deputy Deput Vice-Chancellor Vice-C Vice Vice-Chancello in January 2006. He was previouslyy Dean Dean of the Faculty aculty of Ar A Arts at Auckland Auckland University. In addition to his ach leader, achievements evements tss as an a academic acade acaad le der Professor Sutton has gained international national ation nal recognition for his work as an a archaeologist. Professor Sutton completed BA(Hons), pleted leted his academic study - BA(Hons) BA A(Hon MA and PhD – at the University of Otago. Experience abroad has included Institution in Washington DC, the edd appointments appoi ointments to the Smithsonian Smithson Sm mithso ithson so Ins University of British Columbiaa in Vancouver uver ver and visiting fellowships ver ve fellowship hips at McGill iin Montreal, the University of Chicago, Clare Hall in Cambridge in Oxford. dge and Templeton eton on College C Oxfo Ox Professor Sutton holds an Adjunct Chair in Archaeology at Simon Fraser aser University rsit in British ish Columbia. Colum Columb PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI) Professor Linda Smith BA MA PhD Auck DipT Professor Smith (Ngāti Awa, N Ngāti Po Porou) was ap appointed Vicegāt Awa ou) wa oin ed ass Pro Vic Chancellor Māori at the University of Waikato in 2007. Professor Smith previously held the Chair in Educ Education ion at Thee University ve sity of Auckland ckla and was joint director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Māram ng (Horizons Ho orizo of Insight), Insigh thee National Institute of Research Smith’s PhD in search Excellence xcellence in Māori Māo Development Developm ment and Advancement. A vance ent Professor Pro education was conferred University of Au Auckland in 1996. Her work rred by TThe he Un U c ork in n the he field of Māori education and indigenous people’s education internationally. educa on generally, generally, is renowned enow wneed both botth here here in i New New Zealand Zeaaland and in nte 48 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO DEAN OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Professor Daniel Zirker BA MA Montana PhD Alberta Professor Zirker, a political scientist, has a BA and MA from the University of Montana (USA), and a PhD from the University of Alberta (Canada). He served as the Dean of Arts and Sciences at Montana State University, Billings from 1998-2004, and Professor of Political Science at the University of Idaho from 1985-1998. A former US Peace Corps volunteer in Northeast Brazil, he was a Fulbright senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in East Africa and has published works on democratisation, economic development and civil-military relations in Brazil as well as in Africa and Eastern Europe. DEAN OF COMPUTING AND D MA MATHEMATICAL THEMATICAL SCIENCES Professor Geoff Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southhampton Professor Holmes gained an Honours ourrs Degree and nd Doctorate rate in Mathematics Mathema M tics cs from the University of Southampton position ton in n the UK. Following llllowingg a res resea research posit ion in the engineering department att Cambridge Waikato Cam mbridge University, versity, versit y he joined join j Waikato in 1987 as a lecturer in computer science, cie ce, and rose upp the t academic acad a aca rranks. nk nks He was appointed Dean of the School hool ol off Computing and Mathemati Mathematical cal Sci SSciences in 2008. His major research interest is in machine learning, a topic statistics and computer science. He is best icc that involves mathematics, statist statis known both locally and internationally learning, deploying theoretical tionally for fo or his contributions co to applied ap d machine m frameworks in practical situations. research with local industry to tions. He is currently current cu urrently ly involvedd in collaborative co coll olla re provide automatic analysis of analytical testing test ng procedures. pr procedures. DEAN OF EDUCATION Professor Alister Jones BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT MRSNZ Professor Jones was app appointed Dean of Ed Education 2007. was ointe De ucat on in n 20 07. He w as ppreviously reviously Research Professor and of thee W Wilf Malcolm Educational nd Director irector o lf M co m Institute stit te oof Ed uca io l Research at the School of Education. He has managed g and directed research projects that have informed policy, curri curriculum ormed polic m and teacher teache development elopm nt in New Zealand and internationally. research curriculum,, tteaching, learning and assessment, nationally His main areas as of res earc aree curricu hing, learn particularly in science and He consultant in curriculum nd technology tech l g education. d ti H has acted t d as an international t nal co and assessment and bui buildingg educational research the NZ Science and educ search capability. In 2000,, he h was w s awarded a Technology Medal forr his significant contribution development technology both nationally gnifi antt co ontri tion to the deve elopm nt off tec chnologg y eeducation duca and internationally. ACTING DEAN OF LAW Professor Nan Seuffert BA Virginia JD(Hons) Boston LLM (Hons) Well LLM Columbia Professor Seuffert joined the University of Waikato in 1991. She gained an LLM with first class honours at Victoria University in 1995, and an LLM and JSD at Columbia University, New York, in 2002 and 2008 respectively. At Boston University School of Law, where she completed her Juris Doctor, she received a number of distinguished scholar awards, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1987. She has published internationally in securities regulation, contracts and critical legal theory. She has been a residential fellow at the University of California Humanities Research Institute, participated in a number of international research teams, and is on the editorial boards of four international journals. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 49 University of Waikato Academic Leaders DEAN OF MANAGEMENT Professor Frank Scrimgeour BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln PhD Hawai’i BD Melbourne College of Divinity Professor Scrimgeour holds a BAgSc with 1st class honours from Lincoln College, a PhD (Agricultural and Resource Economics) from the University of Hawai'i and a BD from Melbourne College of Divinity. Previously he has worked with NZ Meat and Wool Boards Economic Service, Christian Leaders Training College of Papua New Guinea, and the Environment and Policy Institute at the East West Centre in Honolulu. His current research focuses on the economics of natural resources and the environment. He is currently President of the New Zealand Association of Economists. DEAN OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC FIC DEVELOPMENT Professor G. R. Aroha Yates-Smith Smith BA MA PhD Waikato DipT Hamilton ton TTeachers’ eachers’ College Colleg llege ege He uri tēnei nō ngā iwi i heke mai ai i runga runga i ngāā waka aka o Te Arawa, A Ar Araw o Tainui, Tainui, o Takitimu, o Horouta, me ngā iwi hoki oki i take taake mai nei ei i te t whenua enua nei, n i te Ūkaipō. Ūkaipō. Professor Yates-Smith completed he her BA, University, er B A, MA, and nd PhD Ph hD aatt W Wa Waik Waikat Waikato Univer sity, and her Diploma of Teaching at thee Hamilton She held Haamilton n Teachers’ Teacheers’’ College. Colleg C ll hel a Fulbright Scholarship at the University ersity sity of o Hawai’i and in 1999 became bec ecame the t first PhD graduate from Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao. Her 2003 Royal Socie Society (Sir Peter Buck) medal recognised her ciety etty ty of o New Zealand’s Te Rang Rangi gi H Hir Hiroa roa (Si ro outstanding contribution to thee advancement Sciences, particularly her analysis of the role of women advancem meent of tthe Social Scienc men nces, pa part arrticularly he in pre-contact Māori society. Her research interests in nterests n erests lie in the t e study study of the feminine femini in Māori society and Māori spirituality; her outputs include musical CDs and de compositions composition and nd vocals ocals on several sev an DVD documentaries. DEAN OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING NGINEERING G Professor Richard Price BSc (Hons) Australian National University PhD Otago Professor Price gained Bachelors geology Australian ed his Bach rs degree in geo ogy from Aus rali n National University, and his Doctorate from Otago University. After 24 years at La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia, hee joined Waikato niversity in Me ou Aust lia, h joi Wa to as Dean of the School of Science an and Engin Engineeringg in 1998. research 99 98. His major ajor re h interests include the application major and isoto isotopee geoche geochemistry to geological pplicatio of trace element, leme t, m ajor eelement lement an problems throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. With a distinguished academic and publishing record to his credit, he iss ccurrently involved co-operative research studying the geology of Mounts rently invo olvved in n a co o-opeerativee re ese rch project rojecct stud ying th Ruapehu and Taranaki with academic colleagues from Auckland, Universities, University klan Victoria and Massey as College, Cork (Ireland) and Macquarie University (Australia). 50 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Speaker Profiles THURSDAY 2 OCTOBER – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Keynote Speaker: His Honour Judge Craig Tamihana Coxhead (Ngāti Makino, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Maru) Judge Coxhead was appointed to the Māori Land Court in 2008. He graduated from Waikato Law School with a LLB Honours in 1994, was admitted to the bar in 1995, and completed a LLM in 2000. Judge Coxhead joined McCaw Chapman, solicitors of Hamilton, where he gained experience in the District and High Courts, the Māori Land Court and the Waitangi Tribunal. He was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Waikato School of Law from 1999 until being appointed to the bench. He has developed a strong understanding of, and experience in working with, the Waitangi Tribunal and the Māori Land Court, and considerable knowledge of Treaty issues though his research and lecturing. Judge Coxhead is a former President of Te Hunga Roia Māori o Aotearoa – the New Zealand Māori Law Society. Student Speaker: Casey Rawiri ii Degree to be conferred – MSocSci with w second econd class honours (second divis division) on) FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER – 10AM M (FO ((FOUNDERS UNDERS THEAT THEATRE) TH HEATRE RE) Keynote Speaker: Tessa Duder er Author and editor Tessa Duder is wide widely ly recognised nised ed for fo her con contribution c to New N Zealand literature, along with her community service, and life of, New Zealand youth. fe ass an exemplary emplary mpla y rolee model mo m mod for, and a d supporter su s Tessa began writing fiction at the age ge of 38, and her first novel was published publi ppublish in 1982 by Oxford University Press in the UK and in New Zealand.. Her pu published books, short stories, anthologies, ublished works include children’s children childr c plays, non-fiction and educational is Penguin New Zealand’s best nal readers. derrs. The ders de The paperback edition editio on of ‘Alex’ ‘Al ‘A A P selling ever work of fiction, and nd she has also also l so ls s been n awarded three th hree New Ne N Zealand Children’s Book of the Year and three Esther glen medals for the Alex se series. eries es Student Speaker: Keri Topperwien pperwien n Degree to be conferred – MSocSci cSc with first class c honours onours FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER – 2PM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Keynote Speaker: Craig C Climo imo Craig Climo has been chieff executive off W Waikato ik t District i tH Health lth B Board since last A August. t The DHB turnover is about $1b p.a. and peoplee is the region’s d at 5,500 peop regio s largest largest employer. oy He has been b en in the th health sector for most of the last 20 years longest serving chief ears and is tthe long er chief executive tive at a 11 years. years Other roles have included Americas Cup facility, ssaless aand marketing marketing, and policing. ed development devel pment of thee A ricas Cu Craig has a business studies degree and MBA with distinction from Massey University and is a mentor on the Waikato University versit ity MBA programme. prograamm Craig’s a big fan of staying fit and enjoys sailing. Student Speaker: Dana Duxfield Degree to be conferred – BCS FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER – 5PM (FOUNDERS THEATRE) Keynote Speaker: Craig Climo For brief biography please see above. Student Speaker: Angenita Harding Degree to be conferred – MBA and PGDip Management Studies GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 51 A Brief History of the University The University of Waikato had its genesis in 1956, when a small group of visionary individuals began working towards founding a university for the people of the South Auckland region. A college, a sub-branch of Auckland University, was established in 1959 and in 1965, after opening its doors in 1964, the University of Waikato was officially opened by the then Governor-General, Sir Bernard Fergusson (later Lord Ballantrae). From modest beginnings, on what was largely farmland and with a handful of temporary emporary buildings g and staff, the University of Waikato kato has a student population of 13,000 of whom mo moree than 4,800 complete a qualification annually. ually Today, the University employs some 2,000 0 0 academic academic and nd support staff, making a significant antt ccontribution ontributio on to the local economy. The University has built research rcch quality quality to to be b ranked No.3 in New Zealand and h has as forged forged sstrong trongg international links; 175 agreements en nts h have been signed with universities around the wo world. orld. THE CAMPUS Our quality Hamilton campus pus environment, environmen on with h grounds covering an area of 65 hectares, ares, continues c ntin to be a source of communityy pride. The gro grounds roun include sports fields, walkways, three lakes andd extensive gardens. Maintenance of the beautiful grounds is a priority, along with developing the built environment to o accommoda accommodate the Unive University’s sity’s growing needs. The Hamilton campus home WEL us is also h me tto thee W Energy Trust Academy my of Pe Performing forming Arts, rt a high-technology facilityy for tthee perform performance ance of drama, music, dance,, an and Māori and a other cultural cultura performing arts. It iss also also a vital vital teaching teach hin facility facillityy for the University, and a world-class performance venue, welcomed by Hamilton and the wider Waikato community who share it. The University of Waikato has a campus at Tauranga and a strong relationship with the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic. Collaborative arrangements include the sharing of resources and services and joint provision of professional development and training opportunities for staff. 52 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO Our Vision The overarching themes of our Vision are Excellence, Distinctiveness and International Connectedness; these drive the Un University of Waikato. W se We seee our distinctiveness in terms of three hree interdependent components; Sustainability, Māori and Leadership. Su staina Ourr rreal Ou e distinctiveness comes in th irr synergy sy their in the context of our ide entit y We are a New Zealand identity. un ivers university, aware of our relevance aand nd re responsibilities to the region, andd determined to compete on an in nterna nt nte international stage. Our Commitment The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience which is distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Through sustained research and the attraction of high levels of external funding from public sector and industry sources, we aim to maintain a highly competitive research profile. Our staff participate in a wide range of research consortia, clusters, and multi-institutional research teams locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Wee are well-placed well-placed to contribute to the local and nnational tional al economies conomies by enhancing business capabilityy in the he region and increasing opportunities for the commercialization ommercialization of intellectual property. We play an essential leadership role o e in the prosperity prospperity iy of the Waikato, defined also in terms tribal terms of the tri bal boundaries of the 16 iwi affiliated Rōpu iated to Te Rō pu Manukura. We sit at the heart of of a community un unity of strong regional partnerships and nd take ke pride in serving the strengths and interests off our region. o re egion. Strength in Numbers The University of Waikato showed its strength by being ranked number 1 in New Zealand in 10 subjects in the Tertiary subjec subj Education Ed uca Commission’s 2006 20 006 PPerformance-Based Research Re seaa Fund. • Accounting Acc o and Finance • Chemistry Ch e Journalism • Communications, C Co a Media Studies and We are committed to increasing sing both the th the he tertiary tertiary participation rate of our regional population poppula latio on overall, as well as the proportions ortions of new schooloolleavers and postgraduate students. We We are also committed to ensuring the ongoing going relevancee of the programmes we offer, and the effectiveness off our delivery of them. • Computer Comput Science, Information Technol Technology, Information Sciences We foster a culture of internationalisation, measured through the diversity ity of our o r student ent and staff s ff profiles, a long-standing pride in our reputation for the pastoral caree of our intern international tion students, uden s and the measures we take through th ugh curriculum, c cu programme design andd our global g obal networks networks and a d connections to international influences. • Music, Literary Arts and ts Other Arts From inception we have been at the the forefront refro ontt of initiatives in support of Māori aspirations. Sir Bernard Fergusson placed Waikato as “the first of the New Zealand universities to be planted right in the heart of traditionally Māori country”. Since our foundation, we have worked closely with local iwi, particularly Tainui, to make the University accessible to Māori students and to foster an environment of success. Today we are proud to have the highest proportion of Māori students of any New Zealand university. We are proud too, of our evolution into a truly New Zealand institution supporting our country’s nation-building policies and reflecting our nation’s identity. • Ecology Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour • Management, M Managem Human Resources, Industri Relations and Industrial er Business Other • Molecular, Cellular and Whole Organism Biology • Pure and Applied Mathematics so ranked #1 in Education We ar are also w n University versity aand College of when Ed ti scores are combined. Education Waikato showed impressive numbers in its quality score for research over a wide range of subjects. We strengthened research performance in more than 85% of our subjects. The numbers reflect the quality of our academic staff and firmly establish Waikato as a top researchled university. The numbers also show that students at Waikato are taught by staff at the leading edge of their disciplines. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 53 Ceremonial Traditions Elements of university graduation ceremonies have evolved from the 12th century when the first universities emerged in Europe. The organisation of medieval universities was modelled on the established institutions of the day – the church, the monastery, and the guild. Latin was the language used by medieval scholars, and it is from Latin that the words ‘university’ and ‘degree’ are derived. The Latin term universities means a guild or union and universities started as a scholastic guild – a self-constituted community of teachers and scholars. The word graduate comes from thee Latin word m th gradus, which means step. Admission missi n to study a bachelor’s degree was the first step step taken aken towards wards rds completing a university education. on. The The second step sttep ep was to become a ‘master’. Masters were ers w ere Master Mastter off Arts graduates whose degrees licensed them icensed the m to teach. The Chancellor, an officerr of tthe he cathedral, cathedral, ral originally granted teaching licences. s. University of Waikato Academic Dress Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor Black gown with red velvet facings and gold piping; three red velvet chevrons with gold piping on the sleeves; black with gold cord and tassel. Tudor bbonnet n Pro Chancellor Chan Black go Black gown ow with lining of gold satin; button and cord just above the gold bu utt sleeves which are lined with black slee vees w satin; sati n; black bla Tudor bonnet with gold cord an and cor d tassel. H D HonD CEREMONIAL ROBES AND ACADEMIC DRESS Red Re d ggow gown with black facings; black Tudor bbonnet bo o onnet with gold cord and tassel. In the Middle Ages the corporate orporate existence exist ce of o universities was recognisedd and sanctioned by ancc tio civil or ecclesiastical authority. regaliaa w worn ty. The rega o by graduates and university staff today reflect this mix of medieval governance. Robes worn by the Chancellor resemble those worn by the Lord Chancellor of England. Graduates and aca academic and Gra dua em mic staff wear gowns similar mi r to the dress ss of of medieval medie al clergy. Hoods are also fashioned on an everyday y y medieval garment, although though the coloured c oure lining ng was a later addition to indicate icate the wearer’s earer’s university ve and degree. DLit, DSc Crim Crimson mson gown; gow crimson hood with crimson lining; linin black Tudor bonnet with gold cord d and tassel. PhD, EdD and SJD Maroon gown; g crimson hood with ccrimson m n llining; g; black Tudor bonnet. MPhil Phil B Black go gown; crimson h hood with crimson lining; lini g; black bla mortarboard. mortarb Note: Those who graduated with a DPhil priorr to 1992 pr 1992 92 aare re en entitled titl to wear a black mortarboard black t b d or a b l k Tudor bonnet. Masters Black gown; gold hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. Bachelors with Honours Black gown; black hood with gold lining and gold border 5cm in width; black mortarboard. First Bachelors Black gown; black hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. 54 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO God Defend New Zealand E Ihowā Atua, God of Nations at Thy feet O ngā Iwi mātou rā In the bonds of love we meet Āta whakarongona; Hear our voices we entreat Me aroha noa God defend our free land Kia hua ko te pai; Guard Pacific’s Triple Star Kia tau tō atawhai; From the shafts of strife and war Manaakitia mai her praises prais heard afar Make her Aotearoa God defend def nd New w Zealand Gaudeamus (Translation) (Tran anslati tio tion o on) Gaudeamus igitur Let Le et us then t be joyfu joyful Juvenues dum sumus wh while we are young Gaudeamus igitur Let us then be joyful Let Juvenues dum sumus young while h we are youn Post jocundam juventutem After the pleasure of youth Post molestan senectutem After the burden of old age Nos habebit humus us earth have uss The ear h will hav Nos habebit humus The earth will have us Vivat Academia! Long University! g live tthe Un rsi Viva professors! Long professors! Lo ng live the prof ors! Vivat Academia! Long University! g live thee Uni ersi y Viva professors! LLong ong llive tthe professors! f sso ! Vivat membrum quodlibet Long live every member Vivat membra quaelibet Long live all the members Semper sint in flore May they ever flourish Semper sint in flore May they ever flourish GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2008 55 Honorary Awards HONORARY DOCTORATES 2008 Brian Richard Perry 1995 Wilfred Gordon Malcolm 2008 John Gallagher 1995 Jeanette King 2008 Bill Gallagher 1995 Huirangi Eruera Waikerepuru 2008 Ruud Kleinpaste 1995 Elizabeth Ursula Alley 2008 Dr Tīmoti Kāretu 1994 Waea Mauriohooho 2007 Diggeress Rangituatahi Te Kanawa 2006 Sir Howard Leslie Morrison 1994 The Honourable Justice Dame Silvia Rose Cartwright 2006 Sir Edmund Percival Hillary 1994 Dame Malvina Lorraine Major 2006 Kenneth Owen Arvidson 1994 Chief Chief Justice Just Edward Taihakurei Junior Durie 2006 Jeffrey Alexander Jones 1994 Charlotte Charlot e Rachel Rac Anwyl Wallace 2006 Bryan Charles Gould Josephine 1993 Mary Jo ephi Drayton 2005 Margaret Mahy 1993 Donald Mur Murray 199 r Stafford 2005 James Te Wharehuia Milroyy 1992 Frame 199 19 92 Janet Fr ame 2004 Margaret Anne Wilson 1992 George 199 92 Edwin G eorg Morgan 2004 Hare Wakakaraka Puke 1990 Norman William Kingsbury 199 90 Norma nW il 2004 David Gordon Edgar David Tompkins 1987 7 Sir Da vid Lance La 2004 Caroline Bennett Rangimarie 1986 Ran ngimaari Hetet 2004 Apirana Tūāhae Mahuika Dorothy 1986 Dorot Dorothy thy Jessie Jessi Stafford 2003 Tui Adams 1986 Dame Myra Guthardt 19 986 Dam Daam ame Phyllis M 2002 Michael MacRae Hanna 1985 19 985 Sirr Donald Rees Llewellyn 2002 Michael King 1984 984 Sirr Ross Malcolm Jansen 2002 Ida Gaskin Tuwhangai 1983 Henare Hen Tuwhan 2002 Hirini Melbourne 1982 Henry Rongomau Bennett 2001 Tim Finn 1980 Jack Stanford Allan 2001 Neil Finn 1979 Frank Maine Bateson 9 o 1999 Sir Douglas Arthur Montrose th Mo tro Graham Dame Atairangikaahu 1979 D m Te Ata gika hu 1999 Koro Tainui Weter Wetere 1971 Ric Richardd Bristow Bristowe Waddin Waddington 19 1999 Gerald David Gibb bb Bailey 1971 Dona Donald Wilfred Arcus ilf A 1998 Paul Woodford Day ay 1971 19 71 Denis Rogers Rogers 1998 Kevin Roberts 1969 Sir Arthur Terrotte Nevill hur de Terr 1997 Sir Peter Tapsellll 1968 Hurinui 19 968 8 PPei te Hur nu JJones onees 1997 Manuhuia Augustus Bennett 1967 Lord Ballantrae 1997 Hiko Hohepa 1996 Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira 1996 Dame Kiri Te Kanawa 56 T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F WA I K ATO History RECIPIENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MEDAL 2006 Paul Malcolm Dell 1995 Val Going 2004 Jack Charles (Dufty) Wilson 1995 Sir Robert Arthur Owens KNZM CBE 2003 Robert Barrington Grant 1995 Mary Gordon 2003 Marie Fenwick 1994 Sister Heeni Wharemaru 2002 Yolande Neilson 1994 Kenneth Eric Jury 2002 Jeremy Callaghan 1994 John Thomas Kneebone CMG 2000 Stafford John Smith 1994 Hare Wakakaraka Puke 1999 Pam Banks 1994 Eric Ashley Taylor 1999 Jennifer Alexandra Alford 1994 Cecil Douglas Ceciil Doug as Arcus 1999 Ann MacKay 1994 Brian Ri Richard chard Perry OBE 1997 Laurence John Denny 1992 Anthon Anthony Tre Trevelyan Rogers QSO v EMERITUS PROFESSORS 2007 N. Alcorn QSO BA Well MA A Can Cant nt PhD Calif DipEd Massey DipT FNZEAS NZ ZEAS 1991 Bettison 199 9 D.G. Be 91 ttison MA PhD Rhodes 2007 G.M. Walker MA PhD Glas 1990 J.T. Ward BSc(Econ) Lond MLitt W B Oxf Oxxf PhD D Lond 2002 M.J. Selby BA(Hons) MA DipEd d DSc D Oxf DPhil Waikato 1990 MA PhD Melb 199 9 0 R. Ziedins Zied ns M 1988 L'now FRAS FRSA 8 W.T. T. Roy R MA L'n 1999 K.M. Mackay BSc Aberd PhD Camb Cam CChem FRSC FNZIC 1988 988 J.D. J.D JD D. McCraw MBE MB MSc NZ DSc Well CRSNZ ell FNZSSS CR 1999 F.W. Marshall MA NZ DU DipdeCultFrCont Paris OPA 1986 A. Zulauf DrRerN DrRerNat Mainz PhD Lond A Zulau 1999 B.V. Smith BCA Well ACA CMA 1981 G.J. Schmitt CMG MA BCom NZ DPA Well FCA CMA 1993 J.E. Ritchie MA DipEd PhD NZ FBPsS FNZPsS FAAA 1993 I.A. McLaren MA NZ AM C Chic PhD Wel Well 1985 85 J.G. Pendergrast Pendergras MSc NZ PhD DIC Lond 1980 198 P.W. P.W. Day MNZM MNZ MA NZ and Oxf HonD Hon Waikato W ka 1993 B.S. Liley MSc NZ PhD R R'dg dg FFInstP st CPhys FNZIP HONORARY FELLOWS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO 2007 Antony Millett 2000 20 0 00 0 Hugh H gh Barr 2006 Michael Hills ONZM 1999 Rachel Irwin 2006 David Coy 1999 Barry Parsonson 2006 Alan Hall 1997 Malcolm Carr 2002 Samuel Edwards 1994 Robert Katterns 2002 Jill Mitchell 1994 Margaret Avery 2002 David Mitchell 1994 John Turner 2000 Peter Ramsay 1994 Guyon Wells OBE 2000 Margaret McLaren 1994 Graham Lamont 2000 Laurie Barber G R A D UAT I O N P RO G R A M M E O C TO B E R 2 0 0 8 57 The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand Phone: 0800 WAIKATO 0800 924 528 Website: Email:
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