2013 - Oct: Graduation Programme
2013 - Oct: Graduation Programme
October 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato The University of Waikato The Crest Ko Te Tangata The outside red border – a stylised fern frond or pitau – symbolises new birth, growth, vitality, strength and achievement. Inside the border is the University’s ity s coatt of arms. ounded b by the t The open bookk sur surrounded four stars of the he SSouthern uthern Cross is a symbol of llearning. earning. The crest st versity’s colours colours design is in thee Uni University’s of black, red and nd ggold. old. The University’s motto, Ko Te Tangata/ For the People, reflects our intrinsic belief that people are central to the institution and are its most valued resource. Waiata Waia Wa W a at a Ko K o Te Whare W Wānanga o Waikato Ko Te Whare re Wā Wānanga o Waikato e tū nei Tangata’ ‘Ko Ko te Ta ngaata’ te tohu Tīhei mauri ora! Tīh Waikato te iwi; Waikato te awa; Taupiri te maunga; Tainui te waka. Ko Te Whare Wānanga nanga o Waikato e tū nei Ko te tino kaupapa he hora mātauranga mā ranga kki te ao. KŌKIRI! KŌK The U Th University i off Waikato Th s is the Un This U University niiverrsitty of Waikato ti tto you presenting ‘The People’ is the emblem Behold I live! Waikato the people; Waikato the river Taupiri the sacred mountain; Tainui the canoe This is the University of Waikato presenting to you Its purpose, to spread enlightenment to the world. ONWARD!! © Copyright The University of Waikato Contents UNIVERSITY OFFICERS 2 WELCOME 3 CEREMONY SPEAKERS 4 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS 5 HONORARY DOCTORATES 6 QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE » TUESDAY 8 OCTOBER 2013 – 9.30AM 8 CLAUDELANDS EVENTS CENTRE RE » MONDAY 14 OCTOBER 2013 – 10.00AM 10.00AM 12 » MONDAY 14 OCTOBER 2013 – 2.00PM 2.00PM 18 HILLARY SCHOLARS 27 QUALIFICATIONS PREVIOUSLY CO CONFERRED/AWARDED ON ERRED/AWARDED AWARDED W RDE WARDED WAR WA DEED 29 UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO ACADEMIC LEADERS MIC LE EADERS 48 SPEAKER PROFILES 51 5 1 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY IVERSITY 52 OUR COMMITMENT 53 CEREMONIAL TRADITIONS 54 'GOD DEFEND NEW ZEALAND' AND 'GAUDEAMUS' 55 HONORARY AWARDS DS 56 6 Due to the nature of the graduation ceremony it is often subject to last minute changes. This programme is deemed correct at time of print. The University of Waikato has made every effort to ensure accuracy. This publication uses vegetable based inks and environmentally responsible papers. The document is printed throughout on Sumo Matt, which is FSC® certified and from responsible sources, manufactured under ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 1 University Officers CHANCELLOR DEAN OF COMPUTING & MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Rt Hon J Bolger ONZ Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao Pāngarau PRO-CHANCELLOR Dr B Linehan ED MB ChB Otago Dip Obst Auckland FRCPA Professor G Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southhampton DEAN OF EDUCATION VICE-CHANCELLOR Te Kura Toi Tangata Professor R Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor R Moltzen TTC DipT BEd MEd Waikato PhD Waik W ikato DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R DEAN OF LA LAW W Professor A Jones BSc Otago MSc Sc PhD D Waikato DipT MRSNZ Te Wāhanga Wā Ture Ture Professor Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Pro ofeessor B M ors rse B Columbia C olum umbia LLM M York York PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI)/DEAN MĀ ĀORI)/DEA A AN LO OPM OP MENT OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT DEAN OF SCIE DEA SCIENCE EN & ENGINEERING Te Tumuaki Māori/ Te Pua Wānangaa ki k te Ao A Te Mātau Mātauranga urang ga Pūtaiao me te Pūkaha Auc uck c DipT ck pT Professor L Smith CNZM BA MA PhD Auck Professor BSc MSc DPhil Waikato Profe fessorr B Clarkson C DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIALL SCIENCES DEAN OF M DE MANAGEM MANAGEMENT (ACTING) Te Kura Kete Aronui Te Raupap Raupapa pa Professor R Hannah BA(Hons) Otago MPhil Oxford Associate Professor J Tressler BEc(Hons) James Asso Cook PhD Missouri-Columbia 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Welcome It is a pleasure to once again be part of the University of Waikato graduation ceremonies and to witness the pride on the faces of family and friends as they celebrate the hard work and endeavour of this year’s graduates. Next year the University of Waikato celebrates our 50th anniversary but our graduates are already making their mark around the world, proving that the Universityy off Waikato is p providing students with a world-class wo ss degree d and nd the sskills necessary to ssucceed ucceed in any situation. laurels W will not We ot rest o on our lau rels though, and we With next ccontinue ue to ob build ui on our aachievements. uild chiie ourr relatively brief history, yyear being ing g a specia special pecia i l year in o ou touch I urge you ou u all to sta stayy in tou ch aand come back in 2014 rst tto celebrate brate our o ou firs firs s 50 yea yyears. arrs graduating students. I hope Cong Congratulations gratulations to all grad ggradu you day. yo ou u enjo enjoy joy this specia special ial d day ayy. ay. Rt Hon n Jim B Bolger lger O ON ONZ NZ hanc r Chancellor Univ University ive of Waikato Waik Welcome everyone to this important occasion, not jjust ffor our ggraduands ua ds but also for tthe University of Waikato institution. acknowledge and Wa ikato ass an in stitution TToday da we ackn celebrate successs o of our students ce rate the suc ur stud ents in front of the most important of all, whanau, family mo m rtan people ople o ll, their eir wha and nd ffriends. riends Wee ccan take pride W n all lll tak ke pr rid de in n their t eir success succeesss and an we should also acknowledgee tthe tremendous us amount of hard work and effort each and every one of them has put in to completing their chosen degree. As they finish this journey and prepare to begin another – some certain of their path, others less certain where their journey may lead – we congratulate them and wish them well. Professor Roy Crawford Vice-Chancellor University of Waikato GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 3 Ceremony Speakers The keynote and student speakers for the ceremonies are: TUESDAY 8 OCTOBER – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Ceremony for all Faculties and Schools. Keynote Speaker: Associate Professor Leonie Pihama Student Speaker: Stephen Robert Clark MONDAY 14 OCTOBER – 10.00AM (CLAUDELANDS EVENTS CENTRE) Ceremony for Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Development and Waikato Management School. Keynote Speaker: Dr Sue Watson n Student Speaker: Nathaniel William ll am Orr MONDAY 14 OCTOBER – 2.00PM 00PM 0PM M (CLAUDELANDS UDELANDS DELANDS DS EVENTS EEVE V CENTRE) CE CENTR NT Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social ocia ial Sciences, s Faculty s, Fac of Com C Computing m & Mat M Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education and Facultyy of SScience cience & Engineering. ngine ring Keynote Speaker: Lora Vaioleti Student Speaker: Michelle Anne Ballard d For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 51. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Order of Proceedings TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE CLAUDELANDS EVENTS CENTRE TUESDAY 8 OCTOBER MONDAY 14 OCTOBER » Pōwhiri » The assembly is requested to stand as the academic procession enters the arena » After the pōwhiri the Chancellor will open the proceedings » The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly » The keynote speaker will be introduced and will address the assembly » The Deans, or their representatives,, will present to the Chancellor for tthe conferment he confe erment of their qualifications, graduates tes ffrom om each Faculty/School of Study » The student speaker will be introduced ntroduced and address the assembly » Graduates will be invited onto o the marae ātea for a group photo » The proceedings will conclude with with a karakia whakawātea (closing prayer) rayyer) Following the marae ceremony, invitation y, an invita atio tio on is extended to all graduates and nd guests to join joi oiin oin i University staff in the marquee ee for refreshments. refreshme » A karanga will be performed to welcome the official party into the arena » The proceedings will commence with a mihi » The New Zealand national anthem will be sung (page 55) » The Ch Chancellor will open the proceedings hancello w » The Vice-C Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly hanc » The keyno keynotee sp speaker will be introduced and e will addres w addresss th thee assembly Thee Deans will to the Chancellor » Th w present p for of their qualifications, conferment fo or the con nferm m ggraduates gr raduates from m each Faculty/School of Study » The stu student dent sspeaker will be introduced and address the addre ess th he assembly » T The proceedings pro roceedings will roc w conclude with poroporoāki a po por rroporoāki (farewell) (fare » Thee assembly stand to sing Gaudeamus em will st (pagee 55) 55 5 ) Official procession from the arena » Off » Graduates procession from the arena (please remain standing until the procession has left l ft the he arena) arena Following ceremony, invitation is extended Fo ing thee ceremo y, an inv to all grad join University staff graduates and an guests uests to jo refreshments.. ffor refreshm GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 5 Honorary Doctorates An Honorary Doctorate is the most prestigious award that the University of Waikato can bestow. For his significant contribution to the University, the Waikato region and the wider New Zealand community, the University is pleased to award the following worthy recipient: SIR PATRICK HOGAN CBE, KNZM MONDAY 14 OCTOBER – 10.00AM The University of Waikato conferred its highest award of Honorary Doctorate on Sir Patrick Hogan, a New Zealand thoroughbred pioneer who hass made ma e an outstanding outstanding contribution to the New Zealand bloodstock industry. d bloodst ock industry y A Commander of the Order of the he British Empire (CBE) and h Knight Companion of the New Zealand ealand Order of Merit erit (KN (KNZM), Sir Patrick was inducted into the Australian Aust alian Racing cing Hall cing Hal of Fame Fa e Fam in 2005 and the New Zealand Racing c ngg Hall H of Fame Fame me the th following followi ollo i g year. For more than 30 years his Cambridge ambridge Stud u has been the le ud leading l vendor vendo by aggregate at the NZ National Yearling Sale at Karaka, an unrivalled alled led record ecord in New ew w Zealand Ze Z Zeal aland lan horse ho bree breeding. ding While Cambridge Stud will always bee synonymous synonymous with h Sir Tristram and a his h outstanding record of nine times champion sire of Australia and New Zealand and 46 Group One winners, w Zealaand w winne winners Sir Patrick’s formidable marketing skills and entrepreneurial spirit meanss Cambridge in Camb ambrridge Stud holds a special sppecia ecial place p i New Zealand racing history. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Qualifications to be conferred at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae 8 October 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato Tuesday 8 October 2013 – 9.30am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF ARTS Phillippa Jane Russell MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Elizabeth Nateethong, with Second Class Honours (second division) Moana Adalene Malissa Rarere, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Hayley Marie Mills, with Second Class ass Honours (first divis division) sion) BACHELOR OF ARTS Yorana Maireire Arthur Hana Hekia PParata-Walker rat - BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION ATIO AT ON STU STUDIES D ES DI Suesue Brenda Seko BACHELOR OF MEDIA AND CR CREATIVE REA EATIVE TECHNOLOGIES ECH ECHNOLOGIES CHNOL OLOGIE O GIESS Moehau Kauri Rata Hodges-Tai BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES IENCES Sarah Kate Keremete Jacob Reuben Jaacobb Re eeuben Marcus Taiapa Ashleigh Piatarihi Amiria Peti ti Arianna Aria A Leigh g Mana Waller Wa Sarah-Anne Dagmar Joy Riches hes Faculty of Education Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY LOSOPHY Beverley Ann Milne, DipT Ardmore Teachers College Auckland, H.DipT Palmerston North College of Education, MEdAdmin Massey Thesis Title: “Colouringg in the White Wh Spaces: Space Reclaiming ec inng Cultural C l Identity Ident in Whitestream W estream Schools” Sc MASTER OF COUNSELLING Paula Dian Moneypenny, nny, w with th First Class Honours Ho ourss Brentt Ihaia Ih ia Swann, wann n, with with Second Seco ond Class Honours (first firs division) MASTER OF EDUCATION Cadence Leigh Kaumoana, with Second Class Honours (second division) Gaenor Anne Stoate BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Ashley Aarron Taua BACHELOR OF TEACHING Gaylene Collier Ripeka Menehira-McLeod Hineteora Laureen Dickson Te Aoe Te Rangi Darryn Moore Josie Awhina King Louise Paula Rogers Peggy Mareana King Roylena Tzikoucos 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Amanda Mary Jane Borell Te-Manawa-Roa Teinakore Angeline Louisa Richards POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Theresa Jacquline McAllister Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Charles Andrew Gillard, with Firstt Class Ho Honours onours Tofiga Tusiane, Tusiane, with w h First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS HONOURS HO Heather Maraea Jamieson, with First F rst Class C Honours Mylene Michelle Rakena, with Second division), also conferred Bachelor of Management cond ond Class Honours nours urs (first (f t div divisii conf confe f Studies with Honours, with Firstt Class Cla lass Honours Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS Wayne Te Kerei Harris, also conferred Bachelor of Arts David Rohorua Daviidd Awao Mamanu’ala Mama Katrina Te Aran Aranui nu O Hikurangi Werahiko Maureen Ann Malcolm, also conferred ed Bachelor of Arts School of Māori ri & Pacific ac Develop Developmen Development evelo nt DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Kirsten Aroha Linda Gab Gabel,l, BA BA, LL LLB, LLM Waikato MW aika o Thesis Title: “Poipoia te tamaiti kki te ūkaipō” k i ” Matiu Tai Ratima, BBS, MPhil Massey S, M hil M assey Thesis Title: “Kia matatau tau ki te reo: reo Factors Factor influencing ue ngg the development opme of pr proficiency iency in te reo Māori with adult learners” MASTER OF ARTS Betty Rangirua Brown, n with wi Second Class Honours H nours (first division) Tiara-Kata Tiiaraa K ta Teinakore, T inakore with First Class Honours Te Whatanui Huia Winiata, with First Class Honours Raeleen Te Hauauru Tahi-Rangihau, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Ngaire Louise Amiria Tihema, with First Class Honours, also awarded Diploma in Māori and Pacific Development BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Te Hau Paeroa Ihakara Hona, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Stephen Robert Clark Pohe Awatea Stephens Fonteyn Gear Beau Stowers William Tainui Maurirere Tiana Marino Rachael Tiakiwai Ihipera Andreina McLean Christopher Franciscus Waterreus Kristin Cherie Ross GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 9 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Ngahuia Mereana Dixon, BA, MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Ngā Wai E Rere Nei – The Physical and Symbolic Representations of Embodied Waters of Birth and Mourning” Tuesday 8 October 2013 – 9.30am School of Māori & Pacific Development continued POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MĀORI LANGUAGE/TE REO MĀORI Maree Yvonne Haupai Puke Faculty of Science & Engineering MASTER OF ENGINEERING William Touanga Rohorua, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF SCIENCE Yvonne Michelle Taura, with Second ond Class lass Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Rory Eriora Park Waikato Management men me nt Schoo School hooll hool DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY David Mark Brougham, BMS(Hons), ons), MMSS Waikato W to Thesis Title: “Exploring Inclusion, Workplace: and European Employees” n, Support andd Culture C in the W Workplac orkplace A Study of Māori M Tatsuru Nishio, BBA Kwansei Gakuin Univers University Japan, apann, MIPolS MIPolScEcon lScE Nihon Universit University Japan, MSc Loughborough University United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Analysing International ational Sports Fan an Motivatio Motivations ns aand nd Con Constraints: The Case of Japanese International Sports Fan Tourists and Rugby World Cup Fan TTourists Tourists” Maree Ann Roche, BSocSc, PGDipOrgBh, MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Navigating Leaders’ Wellbeing: What Does Self Determination Theory Contribute?” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E MASTER OF ELECTRONIC R NIC CO COMMERCE ME CE Nordiana Binti Daud,, with Second Class ass Honours (first f division) BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT NAGEME T STU STUDIESS WITH TH HH HONOURS OURS Priscilla Susanne Te Wehenga D Davis-Ngatai, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor B of Arts BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION OM MM NICATION SSTUDIES UDIES Murray Ronald Hugh Riches Jayze Te Ahere Toia BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Jung Sil Kim Anthony Joseph Tuhoro BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Ashleigh Te-Rangi-Rere-I-Waho Grant Stephen Roberts Toni-Lee Hinerangi Hawira GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Mingli Fu 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Qualifications to be conferred at Claudelands Events Centre Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E 14 October 2013 GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 11 Monday 14 October 2013 – 10.00am Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Raffaelle Ashworth, with Second Class Honours (first division) Heidi Jones, with First Class Honours Ibraheem Bahiss, with Second Class Honours (first division) Royal Reed Ashvinder Kaur, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Nicolette Susan Barrett, with First Class Honours Alasdair Thomas Long, with First Class Honours Ho rs Natalie Jayne Smith, with Secondd Classs H Honours nours (first division), also conferred Bachelor Bach elor of Management Studies with Honours, ours, with Second Class Honours (first division) Deborah Ellen Versluys, with Second Class Honours (first div division), also conferred Bachelor of Management Managgement SStudies BACHELOR OF LAWS Stephanie Rachel Ball, also conferred rred Bachelor Bachelor of Arts Paul Radich, Pau Neville R adicch also conferred Bachelor of Arts Alexander Michael Bell, also awarded Graduate ed Grad duate Diploma in Environmental Planning ing Ryan John Russell n Rus sse Margaret Atawhai Courtney Raminderjit Kaur Dhillon, also conferred Bac Bachelor chel elor of Business Analysis Ingrid Sarah Duncan, also conferred nferred Bachelor Bachel of Social Sciences Shelby Kristin Espin Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E Chelsie Maree Foley, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Elisabeth Iris Rothermel Elil b Iris Ro th Carole A Sandford Annee Sandfo S Jonathan Atimalala Mariota Seiuli Jonathan an nH Hamilton At Chamanthie Magdalene Sinhalage, also conferred Ch ham nthie Magdale Bachelor chelor of Arts A Hannah Smith, Hannah Kathryn Kat Smith also conferred Bachelor of Studies and awarded Graduate of Management M Stu Diploma in Economics Duncan Takena Stirling Rachel Victoria Forgeson eso Graeme Peter Tanner, also conferred Bachelor of f Social So ial Sciences c ence Mark Reginald Laurence Hodge, also conferred Bachelor of Management gement Studies Patricia Marie Thorner Channy Mao Kerry Louise conferred Bachelor Lou Yardley, also confe of Manag Management Studies nt die Priya Murthi, also conferred Bachelor rred Bac helor of Arts Art Chinyong Andrea Ooi, also conferred Bachelor off oi, al f Management Studies with Honour Honours, with es wi rs, w itth First rst Class Honours POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN LAW Mehak Anand Manali Kotwal GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE RESOLUTION Rosemary Colette Hawkins Karen Anne Parsons GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LAW Kei-Michelle Manuirirangi Brown 12 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato School of Māori & Pacific Development BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Kim Aroha Watene, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Te Maharanui Jacob Mikaere Peter Paul Wilson Letitia Aroha West BACHELOR OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Eve Marie Marengaroa Timothy POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TEE IN MĀORI LANGUAGE/TE REO MĀ MĀO MĀORI Te Raukura O Te Rangimarie Roaa DIPLOMA IN MĀORI AND PACIFIC ACIF C DEVE DEVELOPMENT LOPMENT OPMENT PM Serah Maree Matehaere Waikato Management meentt School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Caroline Allbon, BSocSc(Hons),, MSocSc Waikato kkaato to Thesis Title: “The Being in some me body: An Autoethnographic hnographic ographic Account Ac of Being and Becoming-in-the-world B with Multiple Sclerosis” Azilawati Banchit, BA Leeds Metropolitan etropolitan University versit United Kingdom, Kingdom M MBA Universiti nive Teknologi Mara Malaysia Thesis Title: “Principal-Principal Conflicts in Asean ean 5 Mergers an and Acquisitions” Shujie Guo, BMS(Hons), MMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Migrant Ethnic Chinese Mothers’ Intercultural Communication Experiences with Their MaternityCare and Health Providers vide s in New New Zealand” aland Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E Alexandra Claudia Hess, Di DipSocSc S S University i it of M Mannheim i G Germany Thesis Title: “Application ation of Stereotypes Stereotypes in Marketing: arke ng: Gender Gende Cuess and a Brand Pe Perception” eption Minghui Sun, BMSc Nankai ank i Un University ver ty China, Chi BCom(Hons), Co Ho ons) MCom m Nor North-West es University niversity South So Africa Thesis Title: “Analysis off Chinese travel ravel blogs blog off New N Zealand” Z alan Thi Thu Trinh, BA, MBA University of Da Nang Vietnam, BEconA Hanoi Open University Vietnam Thesis Title: “Visitors’’ Satisfaction Clusters Sat atis ctionn with Heritage Heeri ge Sites Sit ite tees in New Zealand: Zeala d: Causes ausess andd Complexities Com mplex and Causes” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION David Peter Bloch Carol Lynne Ririnui Russell Brent George, with Distinction Noel Gregory Rodgers Kelvin Philip Hill Stephen Vincent Rowe, with Distinction Tina Lynn Jennen Graham Nigel Sun Deepak Kurien Joseph Andrew John Sutherland, with Distinction Talia Fusi Kaufana-Asekona Jonella Hinemoa Transfield, with Distinction Meredith Joy Mackenzie, with Distinction Michelle Alicia Walsh Maree Chanel Munro, with Distinction Steven Peter Worsley Myandrin Shunmugam Naidoo Christopher James Wyborn, with Distinction Andrew Michael Read, with Distinction GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 13 Monday 14 October 2013 – 10.00am Waikato Management School continued MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Ali Yousef S Al Boonagh Riley Mesepitu Naif Merzen A Asiri Chittaranjan Mysore Nagakumar Charlotte Nola Blair, with Distinction Rockson Orelly Chao Chang Riaz Ahamed Saleem Luyuan Chen Shaleshni Devi Sharma Tze Tuan Foo Pooja Shetty Prathik Chandrashekar Gabbaladka ka Rahul Sunil Kumar Zhentao Gong Ran Wang Pooja Gupta Renru Wang Abhishek Hosa Math Luhua Yan Paramjeet Kaur Liyuan Liy iyua uan a Yang Bochao Liu Jingying Jinggy Ji g y ng Zhu MASTER OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE OMMERCE Arafat Yaseen H Alshawaf, with Firstt Class Class Honours, urs also awarded urs aaw w d Postgra PPostgraduate duate Certificate in Management Systems MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES UDIES UD Ashwaq Mater D Alijohani, with th First Class Claass sss Honours Hono ours Christine Chriistinee Kay Ka Kay Sidwell, with First Class Honours Hanan Hamood Abdullah Al Rahbi, ah with Second Second nd Class Honours (first division) Shiwei Second Class Honours Sh hiwe wei Su SSun, with Seco (first (firs division) (f ision) Haidee Bernadette Davis, with th First Class lass Honours Hono Zhenfei Second Class Honours Zhenfei Tian, with Seco (first division) divis vision) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E Zhigang Dong, with Second Class ass Honours (first division) Weidong Wang, with First Class Honours W Emily Rebecca Anne Geck, with First Class Honours Yiran Xu, with First Class Honours Kinsella Geoffrey, with Second Class Honours (second division) Xiao Yang, with Second Class Honours (first (firs division) div sion) Sen Chung Kong, with First Class Honours Han Zhang, with First Class Honours Fiona Pisong Ndrower, Second Class er, with Secon Clas Honours ou (first division) Yu Zhang, Honours (first division), ang with th Second Second Class Ho also Postgraduate in Accounting o awarded awar Pos aduate Diploma Dip Quanjin Ren, with Second nd Class Honours (first division) Lingyan Lingyan Zhou, Zhou with Second cond Class Cla Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT AN NA EM NT T STU STUDIES ES W WITH ITH HON HONOURS NOU S Hayden James Donald Beard, with First Class Honours Debbie Sheredha Martin, with First Class Honours Prashant Dhanjee, with Second Class Honours (first division) Sean Rogan O’Connell, with First Class Honours Bianca Jade Elsworth, with First Class Honours Sonia Narelle Martin, with First Class Honours Alexandra O’Reilly, with First Class Honours Michael Craig Hall, with First Class Honours Katrina Cruz Penamante, with Second Class Honours (second division) Steven James Harvey, with Second Class Honours (first division) Michelle Gemma Stuit, with First Class Honours Rawiri Taipu Heke, with First Class Honours Luke Murray Holland, with Second Class Honours (first division) Alannah Conway Johnston, with First Class Honours, also awarded Graduate Certificate in Accounting 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Riby Delilah Tupiti, with First Class Honours Rebecca Mary Wade, with Second Class Honours (first division) Shuai Wang, with Second Class Honours (second division) Sarah Maree Williams, with First Class Honours © Copyright The University of Waikato BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS – FINANCIAL Yi Chen Sabrina Hemara Reupena Jin A Chun Jaymee Rei Cleave Yunfeng Shao, also awarded Graduate Certificate in Accounting Jessie Maree Curle Dan Song Jun Fu Sun Sun Robert James Greed Lauren Matiria Temara Alistair John Hill Justine Rose Thony Beiping Huang Qian Wang Qifan Huang Yu Xie Rebecca Denise Johnson Xin Yang Jessie-Rae Maraea Kingi y Yang Ya g Zhiyu Yoo Jin Lee Xinbei Yu Chunyu Li Zhang Hongrui Zhang Yi Li Hu uali all Zhou aalin Hualin Sharon Joanne O’Keefe BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION ATION STU STUDIES DIES Troy David Constable Joshua J h Andrew Andrrew Martin M Nadine Mar-lise Heydenrych Kelly Mayy Mat Mathews th Jiyue Hu Jennifer Jennife fer Elysia Elys E ysia yssia i North Monique Tahiti Hummel, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Nathaniel Orr Naathanie iel el William Or Justin Micheal Keown Jodii Adele le Senior Sen Shuhao Pan Shuha Pa Caitlin Joy Knofflock Mishnah Valerie Lima BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Lee Norman Reichardt rdt Richard Scott Allen preet Kaur Garcha Ga a Manpreet Arc Zack William Hakaraia Arcus Jo eph Gethen Gethe Joseph Shiyamalee Balasubramaniam Neilen Govender h Courtney Maree Beech Kaarl Ste S he Willy ly Guethert Guetthert Karl Stephen Dion James Henare Blair ill Paul Herman Atilla Hamish Murray Dawson Bruce Rimma Kalina-Derevitskaya Chloe Callaghan Sanne Martina Leonarda Kleven Ying Chen Noeline Leong William Wing Yew Chung Jing Qian Liu Jason Webster Clarke Euan Noel Lock Daniel Owen Coffin Mitchyll Dax McCann Natasha Carol Cotton Kurt Allan McCarthy Delwyn Lorene Cranston Joshua Cody Miers-Jones Keaton Rodney Dahm Nusrat Jahan Nasim Jasmine Nicole Daniel Anjina Surinder Paul James David Elgie Nicole Zoe Freemantle Joshua John Phythian, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Accounting Alexandra Kate Gambitsis Paul Raymond Sharp GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES 15 Monday 14 October 2013 – 10.00am Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES continued Cassandra Leigh Snow Haoji Wang Daniel Paul Stoof Jody Su Kevin Robert Webb, also conferred Bachelor of Science Jianfeng Sun Xiaomei Wu Jordan Grant James Telfer Shuanghui Yu Christina Laura Stuart Turner Erica Zhou Erika Monika Veszpremi BACHELOR OF TOURISM Ashley Sandra Buchanan Loran Merelle Price P ice Pengju Dan Kun Song S Kelly Gray POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NH HUMAN UMAN RESOURCE R SOURCE RCE MANAGEM MANAGEMENT MA MA MEN Ranjeeta Preetie Nand POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL NTER RNATIONAL MANAGE MANAGEMENT MEN Geoffrey Dan Hou’ua, with Distinction tinction Timothy hy Nic Nick ckk Ngembil Mohit Kumar POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN MANAGEMENT AN ENT T AN AND SUSTAINABILITY N Bonifas Durua, also awarded Graduate raduate Certificate cate in i Management Managem ment POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Salome Bhanu Polang Forenuwe Tommy, with Distinction Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E POSTGRADUATE DI DIPLOMA LOMA IIN MA MANAGEMENT AG M N STUDIES Catherine Joyce Breeuwer euwer Sco Scott David avid Neeley eeley Anne Kinokino Clark Kenneth th Phil Runciman cim POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA MA IN N MANAGEMENT GEME SYSTEMS Munjal Bhavsar N Nishpreet isshpree Ka Kaurr Chhabr Chhabra ra POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Kahurangi Jean Dey, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Jayant Jolly Renet Vanua Pratik Sanjay Karia 16 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Yanfen Wang Xiafei Zheng POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Gaganpreet Singh Chadha Adam Gordon Mills Huazhuo Lin POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Sophie Rose Russo POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Susan Rodrigues Kerr POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TEE IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MA MANAGEMENT Montrose Peter Worth, also awarded rded ded Graduate Certificate Certificate Ce erti ate in Electronic EEle l BBusine Business usin GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ECONOMICS O O ONO OMICS Yicheng Zhou GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE AN NCE Junxia Zhang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE ESOUR ES SOURCE CE MANAGEME MANAGEMENT MANAGEM ME Tammy Ann Hebditch GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEM MANAGEMENT EM NT Matthew George Glenn GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E Rosanne Maree Dillon on GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN SUPP SUPPLY Y CHAIN NM MANAGEMENT ANAGEM T Hamrinder Kaur GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Vanessa Jayne Walworth orth GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Justin Zane Reynolds DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Benjamin Karl van der Salm GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 17 Monday 14 October 2013 – 2.00pm Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY John Glen Armstrong, BSocSc, BSocSc(Hons) Waikato Thesis Title: “The Common-Health and Beyond: New Zealand Trainee Specialists in International Medical Networks, 1945-1975” Maree Elizabeth Dawson, BA Auckland, BA(Hons) Waikato Thesis Title: “National Fitness or Failure? Heredity, Vice and Racial Decline in New Zealand Psychiatry: A Case Study of the Auckland Mental Hospital, 1868-99” Prapimpa Jarunratanakul, BA Thammasat University Thailand, MA Chulaongkorn University Thailand Thesis Title: “Organisational Justice, Work Behaviour: ice, Individual Differences and Counterproductive Counterproduc A Longitudinal Study in New Zealand and and Thailand” T Shouji Li, BA Shandong Normal University Unive sity China, MA Nankai University C China, hina GradCertTESOL Wintec Thesis Title: “Different or Similar:: Patterns text and their Patterns of lexical cohesion in Chinese non-narrative non-n nonapplications in the study of Teaching – A corpus-based contrastive study” hing ng Chinese Chinese as a Foreign Language Langu ccorpus orpu Carl Te Hira Lewis Mika, LLB Waikato, ato, t M MIndS Te Whare Whare Wānanga Wānang ānan O Awanu Awanuiārangi iāraang Thesis Title: “Reclaiming Mystery: Novalis’ ontology” y: A M Māori āori philosophy o ophyy of Being, osophy Being eing in i light of Nova Nov N Ernesta Simon Mosha, BA, MA University niversity of Darr Ess Salaam Sa Tanzania Tanza Tan a Thesis Title: “Discourse Analysis off Gender-based Fiction: A Case Study of Gender-based ed Violence ed Viole Violenncee in Contemporary C Con Contempor o ary Kiswahili Ki Selected Novels of the Past Three Decades Tanzanians’ cadees (1975-2004) 5 2004)) andd Young You Y Tanz Tanzanian zania Interpretations” Viet Gia Nguyen, BFL University of Hue uee Vietnam, Viettnam, MA The University o of Queensland Quee Australia Thesis Title: “Orienting to Pedagogical ogicall Innovation: Innnov novaation: A case study of Vietnamese Vietnam Vietnna teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding Task-based Languagee Teaching” Teachingg”” Jennifer Christine Pevreal, DipHort, Hort, DipHortMgt DipHortMgt gt Lincoln, Linco oln, BS ocSc Sc, BSocSc(Hons) B Waikato BSocSc, Thesis Title: “The Science of Meditation: From Mysticism Western Psychology” ysticism icism to Mainstream Ma Ps also awarded Postgraduatee Diplomaa inn Psychology PPsy (Clinical) (Clin Samuel Weston Speedy, BA, BA(Hons) Waikato A(H Waikato Thesis Title: “‘The Doors of Perception’ Science, e Religion and LLiterature in Britain’s Long-Nineteenth Century 1789-1914” Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E Gwenda Dorothy Wanigasekera, BSocSc, BSocSc(Hons), MSocSc Waikato Craftsmen and C Craft Technicians” an Cellos: Technical C aft me an aft Techn ans Thesis Title: “Cheesee Machines and MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Gnei Shemana Cassim, m, w with th Fi First st Class ass H Honours rs Laura Claire Clair Schroeder, ro r, with First Firs Class Honours Micaela Jane Goldsmith, Honours h, with First Fi t Class Ho our Christopher with First Christopher Douglas Dougla Stanley, w Class Honours Christopher John Liddell, with First Class Honours Glen Matthew McQuarters, uarter with Second Seconnd Class C ss Honours (second division) Aliciaa A Anne with Honours ne Tutbury, utbu ury, w ith First Firsst Class C MASTER OF ARTS Lisa Vicki Campbell, with First Class Honours, also awarded Graduate Diploma of Teaching Blair Andrew Nicholson, with First Class Honours Laurie Thomas Williamson Elroy Junior Fraser, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Certificate in Theatre Studies MASTER OF MUSIC Rafaella Yana Garlick-Grice, with First Class Honours 18 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES James Andrew Chaplin, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Geography Yoke Mee Chin, with Second Class Honours (second division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Human Development Alison Mary Greenman, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (Clinical) Matthew Alan Barker Johnson, with First Class Honours Jessica Jean Keppel, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours, with First Class Honours Kareen Jane McLaren, with Second Class Honours (first division) Stephen Gordon Williams, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS OU Jordan Ethan Baunton Browne, with w th First F rst Class Honours Courtney Estelle Good, with Firstt Class Class Honours Michael Ian Potts, Potts, with w First Class Honours Sam Murray Williams, W Willi m with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH H HO H HONOURS NOURSS Emma Elise Newman, with First Class C ass Honours Kotaro K tar Kot t o Nishishita, Nishishita, with w First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NC CES WITH HONOURS CE HONOU O OURS James William Allwood, with Secondd Classs Honours (second division), also conferred Bachelor d Bach chheelor lor of o Social Sciences Nicola Joh Johanna hannaa Lemberg, with Second Class Honourss (fir (first division) (firs st ddivis Jennifer with First Class Honours Jenn nifer Rachel R Rachel Pett, w Rac Joshua Michael John Abel Xiaojun Xiaoju j n LLiu iu Colin Alan Barrett-Hogg Brogan Bro ogan gan Lee Lomax Jenna Louise Bond Rikki O’Neill Xinrui Cao Zachary Matthew Painting Silu Chen Ashleen Shikari Chaandni Pandaram Shannon Rae Cooper Rebecca Jane Ja e Paulsen P uls Cassandra Hailee Crow ow Megan Ashleyy Rowe M A Amanda Joan Alamillaa de Fria Frias Ying Ruan Lucas Lionel Dempsey Joi Jo Ivy Sarroca Sarroc Matthew Julian Elder Jamie Arthur Smith Michael Jon Gaastra Jinmiao Jin nmiiao Tang Tan Jiaqi Huang Qii T Tang Yuqing Jiang Maxine Anita Te Rongomau Hayden Kris Jones Xinyue Zhao Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E BACHELOR OF ARTS Ashleigh Louise Lattin-Bright BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Kavish Buddoo BACHELOR OF MEDIA AND CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES James William Graham Arianne May Agustin Imperial Bradley Stephen Griffiths Chingshan Helen Kuy Jun Huang Annalie Emma Tennant GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 19 Monday 14 October 2013 – 2.00pm Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Stephanie Frances Anderson Lina Laki Samantha Arthur-Curtis Richard James Raymond Levings Jacqueline Helen Ashe Yang Li Selina Roxanne Crystelle Bedford Kylee Maree Lochead Joseph Thomas Rongomai Blake James Neill Keith Martin Amanda Lee Brown Louise Ellen Matich Kate Caldwell y McKenzie Melissa Gaye Nicola Margaret Clark Mo oradi Shahla Moradi Elayna Crawford Naidu Subesh Raj Naidu Craig John Cunningham Naw w Dorothy Lello Nawanzi Courtney Rose Donaldson Nyom Harrie Par Nyomi Harriettt Parahi-Eden Liezel Canlas Efondo Sheeryyylyn Michelle Michellee Plant P Sherylyn Natalie Anne Enderby Emma Maree Kathleen Kathl K Emma Procter Shaunnie Monique Farr Bonn n e Jade Reece Reecee Bonnie Kyne David Foley Rache hel Mare SSmith mit Rachel Maree Sm Stephanie Elizabeth George n Yuen Yuen Teo Adam Chin Deirdre Isabel Hauschild Kimberleey Amanda Am mand Wenn m ma Kimberley Scott Clifford Haysom Emm ma Mary Maary arryy Williams Emma Melissa Toha Hohneck rinate teaa Faye Witana Erinatea Andrew David Jones POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN PSYCH PSYCHOLOGY CHOLO OGY Sara Abdel Wahab Mirghani Mohammed Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE PRACTICE OF PSYCHOLOGY Subin Tom Mathews Leny Len Philip Ph ip Thomas Desiree Julia Bettina McQuarters Sharon Margaret West POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IIN SCR SCREEN A AND M MED MEDIA STUDIES UDIE Garth Peter Tiwai Watene ne Sijia Sij a Xiong POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA PLOMA IN SECO SECOND OND LA LANGUAGE ANGUA AGEE TE TEACHING EA H NG Merimeri Pat Anania, with Distinction Fulitua lit Taraora Honiara Salanoa POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Michelle Cara Lewis POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Demelza Rose Crawford GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHINESE Christopher Alexander Bevan GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HISTORY Sarah-Mae Berry 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCREEN AND MEDIA STUDIES Jing Han GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN WOMEN’S AND GENDER STUDIES Rosa Sukurini Puu DIPLOMA IN ARTS Melissa Annette Bromley DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Melissa Rebecca Spraggs, also awarded warded Diploma in Social Sciences Cindyy May Walter, Walter also awarded Certificate in Social Scienc Sciencess Faculty of Computing uting ting & Mathema Mathematical atthema Sc Sci Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Azmi Bin Mohd Yusof, BSc Wichitaa Stat Statee Univers University sityy USA, USA U MSc Western Weestern Michigan W Micchigaan University USA Thesis Title: “Supporting Focus and Multi-Layered Displays” d Context Context Awareness wareness reenes eness ss in 3D Mo M Modeling o U Using sing M Samuel Joseph Sarjant, BCMS(Hons) Waikato s) Waik kato lational tionaal Reinforcement Learningg using the t Cross-Entropy Method” Thesis Title: “Policy Search Based Relational MASTER OF SCIENCE Gregory Joseph Clarke, with Second econd Class Ho Honours nou ourss (first division) Sanhong Class Honours Saanhon nh g Peng, with Second S (second (se d division) divis isi John Andrew Cocks Tho Duy oD uy Pham Pha William Peter Crump Matthew with First Class Honours Ma h Neville Ussher, Uss Christopher James Deaker, with First Class Honours Fanhua Zeng, with Second Class Honours (first division) Jesse Joseph Busch Dean Yue Guo Jeffrey William Brown, n, with First Class C ass H Honours rs Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Nathanial anial Overall all Ethan Jared Duff, with Second Class C ss Honours Honou (second division) BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING NGIN ERIN NG WITH HONOURS ON NOUR RS Brett Daniel Saddleton, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Meenakshee Mungro, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Science BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES John Gregor Whitehead Alexandru Calin Zaicu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Wesam Ali H Abusaber Salem Ali S Al Marri Mohammad Ajlan A Alajlan Fawaz Abdulmohsen Alsabhen Naif Saeed F Aldhahri Hassan Mubarak A Al Suwayed Hussam Mohammad S Aljamani Paul Tamataatoi Brown GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 21 Monday 14 October 2013 – 2.00pm Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences continued BACHELOR OF SCIENCE continued Ian Christopher Day Raonak Naicker Daniel William Goodhue Amy Frances Pouwels Christopher John Gilder Griffiths Amru Hassan M Shafei Mitchell James Homan Hamad Yahya M Shiban Glen Campbell Managh Weiming Zhang Ashish Saju Mathai Xiaomin Zhang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIEN SCIENCE NCE Abhishek Alekar Gokulakannan Nallasamy Na l Hayat Hamad Alqurashi, also awarded warded Graduate Diploma in Computer Science Xinning Ren Harpreet Singh Bansal Sameer Sam Sa meeer Sankhyadhar Sankhyad adh Chiung-Chao Chen Bo Bo Si Oladimeji Onaopepo Fayomi Nathan Nath han Hemi Hem Smith Sm t Chen Liu Lichao Licha Wangg Arpit Sakhuja Saurabha Hemant Naik GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER OMPUT TER SC TE SCIENCE CIENCE Brian Hardyment GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N MATHEMATICS EMA AT Derek Paul Easte Karen Elizabeth Eliz Harpe Harper DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E Michael John Kanara Faculty of Educatio Education n DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY SOPHY Wendy Helen Fox-Turnbull, DipT Christchurch Teachers College, BEd Canterbury, MTchLn Christchurch College of Education Thesis Title: “The Nature of Conversation of Primary Studentss in Technology Education: ati Implications for Teaching and Learning” Philippa Anne Hunter, MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Problematised History Pedagogy as Narrative Research: Self-Fashioning, Dismantled Voices and Reimaginings in History Education” Joseph Lingawa Kekeya, Cert Dauli Teachers College Papua New Guinea, Dip(Ed) Papua New Guinea Education Institute Papua New Guinea, BEd The University of Goroka Papua New Guinea, MEd Charles Sturt University Australia Thesis Title: “Investigating National Curriculum Implementation in Papua New Guinea (PNG)” Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Bin Mohamad Said, BSc(Hons) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MSc University of Salford United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Online collaborative learning in tertiary ICT education to enhance students’ learning in Malaysia” Deborah Anne Ellen Stevens, BSc, DipT Victoria, MBioethics, Monash University Australia Thesis Title: “Teaching Bioethics as a stand-alone subject in a New Zealand state secondary school” 22 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato MASTER OF EDUCATION Sally Jane Barrett, with First Class Honours Tanya Louise Shorter, with First Class Honours Tracey Elizabeth Biss, with Second Class Honours (first division) Celia Ann Stewart, with First Class Honours Ruth Elizabeth Boal, with First Class Honours Antony Richard Easto, with First Class Honours Penelope Anne Fisher, with Second Class Honours (first division) Roger Duncan Honore-Morris, with First Class Honours Lorraine May Maria Northey, with th Second Class ss Honours (first division) Rachael Torombe, with Second Class Honours (first division) Anna Wilhelmina Columbina Van Lamoen, with First Class Honours Linda Karin Vermeren, with First Class Honours Colleen Winis, with First Class Honours Hazel Maxine Woodhouse, with Second Class Honours ((second division) eco di MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LLEADERSHIP EADERSHIP Michelle Anne Ballard, with First Class C Honours Geoffrey Allan Booth, with First Class Classs Honours Laisa Elisha, with Second Class Honours onours (second division) Mark Marrkk Peter Johnathan Johnath Penman, with Second Class Honours division) Hono ours (first div vi i Melanie with First Class Honours Melaanie Suzanne Suzan nne Taylor, T Ta Victoria Williams, with First Class Honours Vic oria Ann Will Victo a Samuel Sabo Fangata BACHELOR OF TEACHING WITH H HON HONOURS NOURS Olivia Lorraine Bickley-Barry, with Second Seconndd Class Honours (first division) Hayley Hayyley M Ma Mar Maree ree Johnsto Johnstone, with Second Class Honours Honou ours rss (first division) BACHELOR OF EDUCATION ON Michael Andre Kemen Johan Michael Bardoul Guy Tony McLeod Joshua David Benge Kelsey Kels y Jessie J ss e Maree M ree Morgan rgan Charles David Brown Bianca Tuivuni Nichol Sung Yong Choi Samantha ntha Anasztazia nasztazia Kamilla TTorok Claire Fay Fairnie Jason Robert Trembath n Rober em h Daniel Nelson Field Leon Gilbert Fraser Williams Larissa Ann Hopkins Michelle Louise M chell Lo se Witte Wi Jacob Rhys Kerr Roshelle Kirstie Young osh Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Ohpeel Kwon BACHELOR OF TEACHING Donna Marie Allely Ashton Miranda Hawke Tracie Robyn Diprose Baigent Aroha Michelle Bradshaw Mark John Hodson, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Alana Rose Clark Emma Jayne Hyde Deborah Joy Cook Tom William Inger, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Cheyjuana Rupia Rewita Doyle, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Louise Dreyer, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Anna Mary Ellmers Isabel Marjorie Jeftha Deena Marie Jensen Michaela Lee Jesney, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 23 Monday 14 October 2013 – 2.00pm Faculty of Education continued BACHELOR OF TEACHING continued Shana Maree Larsen, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Lauren Jane Sharpe, also conferred Bachelor of Arts James Paul Matehaere Stephanie Edith Hirata Wall Genevieve Anne McCloskey Joanna Lee Watson Samantha Nicole Moore, also conferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Rachel Wells Nicole Elizabeth Prestidge Lindsey Margaret Storey Stefan Te Mihaia West, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Tayla Jardine Wiggi Wiggin Sinead Catherine Rogers Natalie Emma Em mma Yule Yu e POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ND DISABILITY SABILITY AND INCLUSION ST STUDI STUDIES UD Larrissa Molai POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EEDUCATION DUCATION Pulip Lyokao Cecil Cecill Wilson Reggie Reggie Arnia Maria Rameka Louise Andrea W Woodhead Louis isse Andre o POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ED EDUCATIONAL DUCATIONAL LEADERSHIPP Samuel Katipa Kiri Marina M aR Rua ua Reetina Katokita Ellen Wairiu E len W Wa Wai i POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN MATHEMATICS AT CSS ED EDUC EDUCATION Andriane Kele POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE EDUCATION Monica Anne Quirke Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E POSTGRADUATE DI DIPLOMA LOMA IIN SPORT PORT AN AND LE LEISURE URE STUDI STUDIES Stephanie Kim Williss GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA OF TE TEACHING CHING AMME IN N SECONDARY, SECONDAR PRIMARY PR MARY OR EAR LY CH DHOO EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME EARLY CHILDHOOD Daniel Ockert Johannes nes B Brits, ts, also o awarded awaarded Graduate Diploma in En Engineering nee ing Dane McGregor Daanee M Gr gor Laugesen Laugese La en Scott Paul Cranwell Yuanyuan Tong Esther Rubah Betty Irving Elaine Orchid Wong-See Derek Ashley Kivell Benjamin Alexander Wood 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Micah Mica Rewi Peter Neilson so © Copyright The University of Waikato Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Emma Sophie Vout Andrews, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “The biology and biochemistry of PhoH2 proteins” Toshie Asamizu, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Stabilisation Effects of Ferrocenylalkyl Groups on Hydrides of Heavier Main Group Elements” Tracey Catherine Burgess-Jones, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Population Genetics and Photobiont Selectivity in Antarctic Lichens” Brendon David Gill, BSc, MSc, GradDipT Waikato Thesis Title: “Analysis of Nucleosides ides and Nucleotides Nucleotides in Milk Milk and Infant Inf nt Formula” Formu For Prasanna Kumar Kallingappa, BSc Univers University ersityy of Agricultural Agricultural Sciences India, India di MSc MSc Kuvempu University India Thesis Title: “Quiescence inducess epig epigenetic p enetic changes in bovine fibroblasts fibroblast s and an improves their reprogramming into cloned embryos” Denis Andrew D Lajium, BSc Universiti versiti Teknologi gi Ma Malaysia, Malaysi Mal siia, M M Malay MA U Universiti Sains Sains Malaysia Thesis Title: “Students’ Mental Models odels d of Chemical Chemical all Reactions R Reactions” Xiaofen Li, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Recovering Volatile Fatty atty Acids from om an Acidic Ac dic An Anaerobic A Anae Di Digeste Digester” gest Prakash Srinivasan, BE Visveswaraiah ahh Te TTechnological chnological gical ical Unive University iversity v ve In India, n MS MSc Un U University iv of Tuebingen Germany Thesis Title: “Sorption, degradationn and tr transport ransport of veterinary antibiotics antibio otics in New Zealand pastoral soils” MASTER OF ENGINEERING Cheng-Po Chang, with Secondd Class Honours Honour urrss urs (first division) Andrew Andrew w Leo L Russell, Le Russ with w First Class Honours Emma Jayne Chibnall, with Firstt Class Honours Kadin Richard Lucas, with First Class Honours Ka Dylan Thomas Clarke Jessica Jane MacAskill, with First Class Honours Michael James Cunningham, with First Class Honours Diana Julie Macpherson, with First Class Honours Lisa Den Denise se McCartain, McCarta with First Firs Class Honours Joshua Edouard de Villiers, illi rs with w th First F Class Cla s Honours Ho ou Christopher with Ch i t h Paul P Morcom, M ith First Class Honours Hamish Alston Dean, n, with First Class Clas Honours H rs Steven John St Jo Pratt, with wit First Class Cl Honours Courtney Renee Foster,r, with Seco Secondd Class Clas Honours no (first division) Abigail Sharrock, ail Victoria Vict Sh oc withh First F Class Honours Holly Elizabeth Goddard, with First Class Honours Luke Christian Hall, with Honours ith FFirstt Class Hono our Catherine Catherine Jean Jea Sturgeon, Stur on, with First Class Honours Erin Isobel Charlotte with First Class Honours harlott Telfer, Te Tammy Valler, with First Taammy Lesley Les y Va aller w th Fir rst Class Honours Marie Joy Heaphy Philip Anthony Charles Jennings, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS Jimmy Luke Hassett, with Second Class Honours (second division) Cameron Trevor Allan Perry, with Second Class Honours (first division) Charley Lefever Miles, with Second Class Honours (second division) Stephen Eaton Taplin, with Second Class Honours (first division) Alex Robyn Mylchreest, with Second Class Honours (second division) Cesar Adolfo Waksman Fontes, with Second Class Honours (second division) Dushyant Singh Parmar, with Second Class Honours (second division) GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 25 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E MASTER OF SCIENCE Monday 14 October 2013 – 2.00pm Faculty of Science & Engineering continued BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Lydia Lesley Lotu June Brooks, with First Class Honours Setareh Palma Zareie, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Inakshie Devani Amerasinghe Jimyung Han Atinder Pal Singh Bajwa Angelene Louise Harris Charles Koen Beets Iain Peter McKinnon Billy Bodger Glyn Evan Morgan Morga Daniel Peter Boswell Kevin Joseph C Chase hase Mullane Michael Robin Branch Kelly Marie Newell N we l Elsa Irene Brown Glorivic Parra Glor Lisa Petrina Brown Eugene Nicholas Euggen ene Nicho as PPriest r Vanessa Andrea Burrows Daniel Rosss Daniel Stanley Ros Amy Jane Christophers Normelyza Binti Santana Norm melyza Bi m nti SSa Laura Felton Creswell Te At Atarangi Sayers tarangi Say rs Shaun Leonard Ellis Nicholas Robe Robert R rt Stafford Nikki Rachael Graziotti Brandon n Jared Jare aredd Wise Wi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) TECHNOLOG OGY) OG G Stacey Amanda Bryan Angela Ang Heather Simpson A Simpso Andrew Michael Ross Jones Adara Tehani Withers Teehani Savita S W POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHEMISTRY RY Steven Chen Ning Wu Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IIN ELECTRON ELECTRONICS CS Danesh Kumar Lohana Rajkumar Subramanian POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IIN MAT MATERIALS AL AND ND PROCESSING ESSIN Shilpa Akshay Joshi Balasubramaniyam Balasubraman yam Shanmugam anmuga Livingston Joshva Rajkumar jkum Kim Elizabeth h Whiteman Whit ma POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRONICS Yash Ranjitsing Patil POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MATERIALS AND PROCESSING Seung Eui Suk 26 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Hillary Scholars The Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship Programme educates future leaders at the University of Waikato within the values of New Zealand’s greatest adventurer, Sir Edmund Hillary. Sir Edmund Hillary Scholars must excel in academia, leadership and sports or creative and performing arts. Various professional development opportunities and fees support are provided for Scholars. HILLARY SCHOLARS GRADUATING IN OCTOBER CEREMONY Michael Ian Potts Jessica Jane MacAskill Simpson Angela Heather Heather Sim Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T S C E N T R E Elsa Irene Brown GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 27 Qualifications previously conferred/awarded at other ceremonies © Copyright The University of Waikato Conferred/Awarded 16, 17, 18 April 2013 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Ceremony held on 16 April 2013 BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Jie Cai BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Anthony Edward Smith Degrees conferred and d Diplo Diplomas lomas and nd Certificat C Certificates ates aw awarded at University y he ld on 17 April 2013 of Waikato Ceremony held BACHELOR OF TEACHING Deborah Ellen Connolly Anna Anna Aileen Scott Scottt Krysta McDonald Degrees conferred and d Dip Diplomas plomas as and d Certif C Certi Certificate Certificates i es aaw awarded at University of Waikato Ceremony he held eld on o 18 April 2013 MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NCES Faisal Ali Ahmed Al Shamri, with ith Second Class Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT MENT STUDIES ES W WITH TH HONOURS Rachel Emma Nixon, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Marion Tuipulotu BACHELOR OF BUSINESS USINESS ANA ANALYSIS YS – FIN FINANCIAL NCIAL Logan Cory Thompson BACHELOR OF TOURISM Wei Jia POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Yuan Gao GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 29 Conferred/Awarded 3 July 2013 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 3 July 2013 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Ian Raymond Cronin, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Liv Marit Ahie, with First Class Honours onours rs Victoria Mayme Oliver, with First rs t Class Honours Emma Joa Joan n Mai Maikale Fausitina Simpson, with First Class Ho Honours n Robyn Suzann Suzannee Th Thomas, with First Class Honours o BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES N S WITH HONOURS NCE Joseph Patrick Graddy, with First Class C ass Honourss Cla Quentin Quen ntin Preece, Preece, with wi First Class Honours Dale Donald Griffiths, with First Class Class Honours Nina Rakei, with Second Class Nin naa Roera Maheaiterangi Maheai Honours division) Hono ours (first divi si Priscilla Paretutaki Hayward-Howie, wie, with with Second Second n Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF ARTS Felisberta Moniz Da Silva Pengnan Penggnan Jiang Jiiaang Jian Mitch Shannon Furi Han Han Zhang Zh Zhaa BACHELOR OF MEDIA AND ND CREATIVE ATIV IV TECHNOLOGIES NOLO O Stacey Renae Cooper BACHELOR OF MUSIC Santiago Cañón Valencia James Michael Hughes Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF SOCIAL OC AL SCIENCES SCIE ES Ruby Mae Gibbs Bruce Br Daniel Da Noel Scanlen Sc nlen Chelsea Ann Lemon Daniel Watson el Thomas Tho W on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS Royce Richard Dodd, with Distinction istinctio on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Benjamin John Clearwater POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY STUDIES Estelle Jane Townshend, with Distinction 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC Rachael Elizabeth Morgan POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY Gabrielle Katinka May Batenburg, with Distinction Emma Frances Clarkson, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Saroeun Heng Jiali Yao Nhue Truong Quynh Nguyen, with Distinction GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN JAPANESE PANESE Chao-Ju Lin GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN POLITICAL O ITICAL SCIENCE Kelly Christina Beazley CERTIFICATE IN SOCIAL SCIENCES ENC CES Liv Marit Ahie Faculty of Computing ng g & Mathematic Mathematical cal S Sciences BACHELOR OF COMPUTER R GRAPHIC C DESI DESIGN GN WITH HON HONOURS NO CHOOL OF DESIGN, DES D (UCOL) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL Dairne Ann O’Sullivan, with First Classs Honours Hono Patrick James Ryan, with wit First Class Honours BACHELOR OF COMPUTING G AND MATHEMATICAL ATICA AL SSCIENCES WITH HONOURS Hassan Mohamed Ali, with Second Class Honours (second division) Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IENCE Zane Patrick Tootell POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN N COM COMPUTER TE SCIENCE C ENC Liang Liu GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN N COMPUTER GRA GRAPHIC APH HIC C DES DESIGN SIGN Stanley Noel Austin GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 31 Conferred/Awarded 3 July 2013 Faculty of Education DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Nelson Fry Lebo III, BA Bowdoin College USA, MSc Lesley University USA Thesis Title: “Toward Ecological Literacy: A Permaculture Approach to Junior Secondary Science” MASTER OF EDUCATION Abdullah Ali A Alqarni, with Second Class Honours (first division) Rosina Mary Shandley, with First Class Honours Jared Alan Carpendale, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LLEADERSHIP EADERSHIP Elkin David Conway, with Second C Class lass Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LLEISURE E URE STU EIS STUDIES UDIES UD DIES Rikki Annson Miller Dayne Dayn ne Bradley Tif Tiffany a Geno Michael Stok Kyle Francis Kyle Antony A Franccis Welten BACHELOR OF TEACHING Samantha Anne Castle Rochelle Ann LLo Lomas Vanessa Jane Connor Renee Christine Nightingale Reneee Chr riisstine Night ris rist Ross Robert Edward Coulter Roxanne Roxann nnee Dennise Reid Mitch Shannon Furi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN EDUCA EDUCATION C TIO ON Annette Farzana Gallagher Darryl Andrew Nicol, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LANGUAGE AND LITERACY EDUCATION Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Amanda Lee Jarden POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE C E ED EDUCATION UCATIO Tui Margaret Foster GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING GR RAMME IN N SECONDARY, SECO ONDAR RY, PRIMARY PR RIM MAR RY O RLY C HILD DHOOD EDUCATION A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME OR EA EARLY CHILDHOOD Vivienne Jane Aitken Michelle Rose Hunt Susannah Dorothy Baughn Heather May Jull Ararina Noeline Bennett Jaime Marie Aroha McIntyre Jody Ann Bisschops Abbigale Jane McKone Ajeshni Anjani Devi Buksh Atawhai Marie Paul Rachel Marie Campbell Simone Analia Paul Ya-Yun Chen Warren James Saunders Sandra Clapham Elizabeth Anne Thompson Hongwei Di Natalie Ruth Van Der Goes Viera Henzelova 32 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Te Piringa - Faculty of Law MASTER OF LAWS Feng Guo, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF LAWS Robert Llewellyn Moojen Davies Jasleen Kaur Toor Sara Louise Edwards Jan Marie Withy Craig William Hesketh GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE SPUTE TE R RESOLUTION SOLUTION Judith Anne Bogle GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LAW W Kyungno Lee DIPLOMA IN LAW Geoffrey Barnett Kay School of Māori & Pacific accifi acif c fic Developm Development men ment nt BACHELOR OF ARTS Tania Tui Marie Aoake Te Hau Paeroa r Ihakara Hona Joedine Birch Vena-Maria Te Aroha Leach a Maaria T L Viliami Moala Siukitu’a Tonga Ha Haupeakui Gayleen Hera Walke Walker Ga l POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MĀORI LANGUAGE/TE REO MĀORI Mark Himiona Jacob Daly, y, with Distinction Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MĀORI LANGUAGE/TE REO MĀORI George Richard Manuirirangi irirangi GRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN M MĀORI ĀORI LAN LANGUAGE/TE GUAGE/TE REO O MĀORI Tawa Anthony Campbell-Seymour pbellll S ymou ur GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 33 Conferred/Awarded 3 July 2013 Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Asma Ali Mohamed Elbelazi Abdulrazzaq A A M Shaban Chao Li Baiqiang Wang Zhenyi Liu Yuxiang Wang Izeddin Fathi Tahir Naas Xiaopan Yang Mohammed Nasser M Qahtani Jiaxiang Zhang Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Mohamed Ali Hamed Al Amri Zhenyuan Zhenyua y Liu Alya Ali Hassan Al Hubaishi Izeddin Fathi T Tahir ahir h Naas Abdulrahman Ahmed A Alhussain n Fuad Mohamm Mohammed med A Salami Ibrahim Abdulhadi I Almuayrifi Tsugumi Terusaki Tsugu umi Terus aki Asma Ali Mohamed Elbelazi Mingyan Mingg yan Xing Aziza Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Danyang Danyyang Xu Hongfei Ji Xiangyu Xianggyu Yang Xiang Shan Liang CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT NT IN N FOU FOUNDATION NDATION STUDIE STUDIESS Abdalmohsen Nasser Almogell Liqing Liq qing Lou Lo o ou Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Bin Cui 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Maher Mohammed Sayed Ahmed Shehata Elbohouty, BSc, MSc Mansaura University Egypt Thesis Title: “Electrical Conductivity of Brain Cortex Slices in Seizing and Non-seizing States” Stephanie Lee, MGEOL University of Leeds United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Provenance and Thermal History of the Cenozoic Murchison Basin, Westland, New Zealand” MASTER OF SCIENCE Joel Patrick McMillan, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE David Garry Christian Samuel Patrick Patric Mc Cormack Harlie Clements Bradley John Mon Monahan a Abraham John Coffin Nicole Niccol Ni ole Tini Anne o Anne Singer Si Emma Claire Gibbs Ashlee Teal Ash As hleee Paige T eal ea POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N BI BIOLOGICAL OLOGICAL AL SCIENCES SCIENCE C CES David James Scanlen POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EA EARTH ARTH T SCIENCES Stephanie Tia Van Lit POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN MATERIALSS AND PRO PROCESSING PROC Warnakulasuriya Nisansala Sandarenu andarenu Fernando Fern ndo David id Locke Lo ocke DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Reece Taylor Wijohn GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 35 Conferred/Awarded 3 July 2013 Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Preeda Chaiya, BA, MA Ramkhamhaeng University Thailand Thesis Title: “Service Management in Luxury Hotels in Bangkok: An Assessment of Service Quality Performance” Valente Jose Matlaba, BEcon, MEcon University of Sao Paulo Brazil Thesis Title: “Regional Socio-Economic Transformation in Brazil” MASTER OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Jaser Mohammed S Alhawiti, with Second Class Honours (first division) Kholoud Moteb S Alotaibi, with First Class Honours MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STU STUDIES DIES Xuan Duan Alexey Kravchenko, Kravchenko, with First Class Honours Shelley Frances Gilbert, with Firstt Class Class Honours rss BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS NALYSIS ALY YSIS – FINANCIAL NANC NANCIAL NC AL W WIT WITH T HON HONOUR HONOURS OU O Roy Ruxton Davidson, with Second ndd Cla Class ss Hono Honours u s (f urs (first f st s divisio ddivision) n BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT T STU STUDIES UDIES WITH HONOURS Andrew Ryan Chapman, with First Class Clas ass sss Honours H Honnours Chelsea Ann Lemon, with Firstt Class Hon Honours no nou ours u James Paul Paull PPaterson, Pat Pa aters with Second Class Honours (second (seco ond division) div ivvi ivis vis ision) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS – FINANCIAL NANCIAL Kent William Miles Henderson on Yire Park Park Christopher William Holmes Minfang Minfan fang Wang W Jiaqi Hu Songsen Xiong Xiaoying Lin Runze Zhang Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Xudong Men BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Aaliya Omar Ahmed David Rafael Rafa Tane Holzapfel Holza Annabel Caroline Arrowsmith wsmith Natalie alie Kate Langmore ng re BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT ANA EMEN N STUDIES ES Layne John Valentine Gibney Gib Rawinia Raw i M Mary R Rachel h l Law Lawrence Lavinia Madge Jacobsen Siyuan Wen BACHELOR OF TOURISM Chuang Ge Sining Li POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE Yihua Du 36 Zhenfei Tian THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY Katherine Jean Nottle, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Gaurav Saraswat Michael John Welten Stephen Thomas Taylor, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Minh Phuong Nguyen POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANA MANAGEMENT Jithin Sreekumar POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IN MANAGEMENT Shane Tristan Batchelor Brian Bri an Darren SStanley tan e POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IN N MANAGEMENT GEMENT EEMENT T SST STUD STUDIES T Darryl John Bayard Sheree Patriciaa Pi Piwari Shereee Patric She w Daniella Julie Claire Edwards Margaret Shovelton Margg Sh ove to Brett Alexander Jackson Matthew William W Williaam Skilton Kirsten Jane Lloyd Christopher Christoppher Raymond Raymo Ward R Ra Duncan George Perreau GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE Yi Zhou GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE URCE MANAGEMENT MANAG Courtney May Griffin GRADUATE CERTIFICATE FICATE IN N ECONOMICS ONO OMICS Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Qingwei Liu GRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN MARKETING ARKE G Nicholas Chan DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT AGEMENT Christine Clara Purcell CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Christine Clara Purcell GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 37 Conferred/Awarded 28 August 2013 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 28 August 2013 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Michael Esop, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF ARTS Joshua David Black, with First Class ass Honours MASTER OF ARTS (APPLIED) Manhong Ren, with First Class Honours onou s MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CES Sheilah Verena Jacay Munguia, with ith Fir FFirst st Class H Honours Honou ours BACHELOR OF MUSIC WITH HO HONOURS NOURSS Leon Edward Gray, with First Class Honours H Hono urs BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ESS WITH WIT TH HONOURS Hannah Grace Kimberley, withh First Class Classss Honours Honouurs BACHELOR OF ARTS Linjingqiu Chen Cheng eng Qian Q Xun Li Anaru Jermaine Turner Jer ermaine Turne BACHELOR OF MEDIA AND CREATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Andre Rawhiti Roberts Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF MUSIC US C Timothy Corran Burrell BACHELOR OF SOCIAL CIAL SCIENCES SCIE CES Alicia Croft Yu Ma Nikola Jillian Hinemoa oa Erina Er a Griffiths Griffit Karen JJane Pickup ckup Lisa Marie Lamberton n Gillian Gilliaan Clare ar Simcock Simcocck POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING Muna Ali GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC Jonathan Scaife GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Edward Mtakwa GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SCREEN AND MEDIA STUDIES Wenyang Xia DIPLOMA IN ARTS Alexandra Turcu 38 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF SCIENCE Mohammed Ali A Alshahrani Solomone Tahamano Pule Paul Diego Morris BACHELOR OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Sivasenthuran Manoharan, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS Siddharth Arora, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mshal Abdulaziz A Alqubali Andries Johan Johannes nes LLubbe POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NC COMPUTER OMPUTEER R SCIENCE SCIE CI NC Wei Liu GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER MPUTER SC SCIENCE IENCE NC Ajit Prabhakar Musalgavkar Faculty of Education ation MASTER OF EDUCATION Rachel Marie Coffin, with First rst Class Honours Honnou BACHELOR OF SPORT AND D LEISURE STUDIE STUDIES D S Shafat Nour Salad BACHELOR OF TEACHING C G Alana Al N Nicole Symonds S Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Amanda Danielle Brocas Lynda Marie Scott POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IN N EDUC EDUCATION IO Wanying Huang Robert John Parton Victoria Jane Parlane Sian Leslie Le e West West POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION Nicole Maree Jean Phillips GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Armand Joubert Arron Mark Stewart Marc Anthony Matenga Kawana Christine Ellen Watson GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 39 Conferred/Awarded 28 August 2013 Te Piringa - Faculty of Law DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Ramadansyah Hasan, BEcon Syiah Kuala University Indonesia, MPA Saitama University Japan Thesis Title: “Controlling the Circulation of Small Arms in International Law” BACHELOR OF LAWS Kevin Andrew Badcock Gerhard Van Zijl Pathways Collegee Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT NT IN N ENGLISH LANGUAGE Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Mohammed Abdullah M Alshamrani ran Xuan nrui Guo n Xuanrui Yohei Aoki R nggsheng He Ro Rongsheng Fuzhang Chu N rim No masa Umeuchi Umeuch Norimasa Qian Chu We Zhang W Z Wei Level 3 – Pre-Intermediate English Rakan Mufeed E Abdulati Yuka Makishima Makkishim ma Fawaz Afet M Alanazi Juyoung Juyoun ung Oh Oh Abdullah Mohammed A Alharkan k Koji Ko oji Otani Otaani an ni Asim Khalid A Alreshoodi Mohammed Moham h med Nasser M Qahtani Maria Alejandra Cortes Vargas gas Abdulrazzaq A lrazzaq q A A M Shaban Sha Yun-Ju Huang Hongze Hongze Shao Sha Ryusuke Kayanoma Nozomi Tanaka No Joon Yeong Kim Baiqiang Wang Daiki Kuroda Yawen Xing Chao Li Xiaopan Yang Xia pan Ya ng Feiran Liu Jiaxiang Zhang iaxi ng Zh ng Zhenyi Liu Bingjie Zhao Bi Z Level 4 – Intermediatee English English Abdulrahman Ahmed A Alhussa Alhussain Kanako K ako Sanda Sand Kannika Chavalertsakul Ziyi Shen Yueheng Ding Yosuke Yosuke Takeuchi ake chi Asma Ali Mohamed Elbelazi Masahiro Wakai Mas Libo Hou Han Wang Ling-Shan Hsu Jiangjun Wang Aziza Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Shengzhe Wang Hongfei Ji Nan Wu Satoshi Kawaguchi Mingyan Xing Dae Hye Ko Danyang Xu Fanlong Li Xiangyu Yang Zhenyuan Liu Zhizhang Ye Sai Ma Hui Zeng Tomoki Nakagawa Yonghao Zhai Ayaka Nakaya Jun Zhu 40 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ACADEMIC ENGLISH continued Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 Ahmed Mufeed E Abdulati Yixiang Ren Moneerh Abdulaziz A Al Jabr Linye Ruan Haitham Yousuf Juma Al Zadjali Ahmed Khaled Ahmed Saleh Lulwah K R M H Alduraiei Haiming Tang Hao-Ting Chien Shinichiro Tani Uraisee Eksawedanun Xu Xu Chunjuan Hu Junjie Yan Ryohei Kashiwagi Guowei Yang Minkyung Kim Y Qingqing Yang Yong Liu Wang Yao Shixuan Miao Yun Zou glish 2 Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English Lusi A Xiaorong Wang Wang Xiaorong Afnan Abdulaziz Binnouh Siji ijia Xie X Sijia Wenling Chen M yu Ma uko Yabu Mayuko Xiaojie Hu Man na Yamamoto Yamam moto Mana Wanbo Li Yong Yu Xiaolu Li Zhang Zhan Huiling Zhang Dantong Liu Zhu uolin Z Zh Zha hang Zhuolin Zhang Qing Mi Qianc nchaao Zhao Qianchao Jee Sook Park Level 7 – Advanced English 1 Dixion Gilo Level 8 – Advanced English 2 Xinxin Sun Ahmad K R M H Alduraiei uraie C ei Liu Chenwei ulaiteen Mohammad T A A Alsulaiteen eng Xu Jiacheng Feng Chen Runpu Xue Runpu Guoqing Chen Tianyi Yang Sidi Chen Bo oming Yu Boming Yijie Hu Meng Zhai Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT TTAINM MEN IN N FOUND FOUNDATION TI N STUDIE STUDIES Ping Jiang GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 41 Conferred/Awarded 28 August 2013 Pathways College continued Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION Saara Mohamed Abdulrahman Nevada Te Kowhai Filipo Tayla Whitley Afoa James Roderick Flight Mary Grace Pablo Alba Liam Henry Gaylor Christopher Rueben Aldridge Varun Aryaman Ghosh Nicholle Apii Akaiti-Iti-O-Te-Rangi Josephine Ama Richard Hugh John Gibbison Bianca Clair Archibald Ashleigh Jean Gibson Curtiss-Tye Rodney Baker Meuli Harlen Alexander Robert Graham Ian Colin Ball n Griffiths Griffith Teresa Ann Matthew Rhys Clifton Ballinger Harrow Ayla Sue Harrow Drew Johannes Barker yhu s Nicole Joy Ha Hayhurst Sage Harata Baucke Gabr Joseph He p Gabriel Hepi Karen May Lopez Bendicio Daniel Roger Hoekstra Hoeeks Daniel Cherokee Jordan Biddle Danielle Christiani Christian Haruru Hoera Danielle Marcus Waata Bishop Am man nda Leigh Ho lm Amanda Holmes Cameron Lewis Boreham Callu lu um Neil Hug ughe Callum Hughes Joshua Brill Delyyse Hutton H Hu Arlene Delyse Emma Louise Buchanan H Morgan Katee Hyd Hyde Rowan Francis Buckley ry Tem marii ma a Ivan Iva Harry Temarii Ivaiti Olivia Grace Burgess eterr Jo JJoseph oseph Jefferies os Peter James Maia Cameron Reb R Rebecca Anne Jenkins Topaz Jessie Cameron Sadhikaa Smita Jogia Brooke Carline rt James J Bruce Jo Stuart Jones Aimee Sharon Carter Kim-chheng Jong Tom Domenic Chambers Matangilele Lioa-I-Toafa Kaafi Cirila Janice Crawford Shivani Rakchita Kaur lb rg Gemma Chelsea Dahlberg Stephan e Lei-Lani ei- ni Tui-Hana Hana Kea-Papuni Ke Stephanie Floris Cornelis Matteus De Meijer Sarah Louise Kenney Joel David de Vries mM hael Kerridge Kerr dge William Michael nish William Anthony Devenish nrich Paul Pa Keyser ys Heinrich Jesse Brian Ferguson Mekaela Roja Khan 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Serena Natalie Kroon Reupena Thaddeus Reupena Rakesh Kumar Frances Ann Paiste Rialon Nikki Alexia La Fey Shaun Roseweir Chia-Wei Lin Estrellita Marie Ruckli Michael Alexander Llewellyn Te Tai Pounamu Taepounamu Ruha Amanda Catherine Longshaw Seriya Catherine Sade Jumarie Balangtog Lumiwes Halycon Cornelis Schepel Caitlin Rose MacKenzie-Powell Sadiqah Sharifi Ravina Priya Maharaj Opinder Singh Dorothy Manney S Sandeep Singh hocol ch Joel David Ngatoko Matekino-Thocolich mith Raewyn Lois SSmith Georgia Caroline McCartney m SSmith m Thomas Willia William Kayla Karyn Lesley McGilligan evi SSooupu o Lee-Ken Oket Oketevi Briar McGowan R aah Rua hine Cecelia Cece a SStanbury a Ruahine Neal Anthony McIntosh Ash hleey Maree St Stra c Ashley Strachan Haig Alexander Mehrtens Adriaan Nico O Ortin e Tabuzo Adrian Ortinez Cameron Metzener Waiin Wain nuiomata-Vaoa Talavou Afualo Wainuiomata-Vaoafi Jessica Lorraine Mills Enh hui T an Hannah Enhui Tan Claire Rose Mitchell Teeiwakki Atireta Teiwaki Carie Ann Mooney Anthon n Te Ngarangara ny Ngar Eria A Anthony Thomas Rachel Ashley Nyssen Taarrin Garry Ga Gar Gar y Thorburn Tarrin Samantha Chelsea O’Dwyer Sh hade Manutawhioran Shade Manutawhiorangi Tuaine-Whanau Zaine Hamiora Tuata Oti ahna Roshell Ro oshe Watso Savahna Watson Jarad Iaveta Pardoe ane W Alesia Jan Jane Wells Unnati Patel Dani Peter Whittingham Daniel Grace Cheryl Penjueli Whitney Anne Wineti Charnelle Lee Pluim Noah Benjamin Winningham Prinselaa Sm Alexander Thomas Prinselaar-Smith osi Det oi Witehir Josi Detroit Witehira Lauren Anne Quinn Munyaradzi Zhou vanovich Stevie Vitoria Radovanovich Ri dZ u Richard Zhou Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION continued handran Thiviyadharshan Ravichandran Petraa Kelsie Reid GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 43 Conferred/Awarded 28 August 2013 Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Jonathan Michael Abell, BSc(Hons) University of Nottingham United Kingdom, MA University of Leeds United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Variability in nutrient loading to lake ecosystems and associated impacts on water quality” Muhammad Rashid Bin Shamsuddin, BE(Hons) International Islamic University Malaysia Thesis Title: “Protein-Intercalated Bentonite for Bio-composites” Tran Quang Tuyen, BPE, MPE Vietnam National University Vietnam Thesis Title: “Farmland Acquistion and Household Livelihoods in Hanoi's Peri-Urban Areas” MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Karen Margaret Houghton, BSc(Hons) ons) University of East Anglia United Kin Kingdom gdom Thesis Title: “The physiological characterisation haracterisation aracterisation of a novel Thermomicrobia Thermomicrobia strain sstr WKT50.2, and a review of the characteristics of the class Thermomicrobia” mo omicrobia” MASTER OF ENGINEERING Asaf Rachmani, with First Class Honours Honours MASTER OF SCIENCE Max Alexander Arrowsmith, with Second co ond Class Class Honours (first division) Lin Tan BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING RING WITH H HO HONO HONOURS URS Geoffrey Michael Carr, with First Class Honours H Hono Mitchell Mit Paul Sanson, with w First Class Honours Olivia Lisa Prior, with First Class Honours ass Honour urs BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Hannah Leigh French James Kenneth Robinson James Paul Linehan Kai Zhangg Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Annemarie Rickertsen n BACHELOR OF SCIENCE CIENCE (TECH (TECHNOLOGY) NO GY) Jason Phillip Hughes POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA MA IN N BIOLOGICAL GICAL SCIENCES Maxim Walter Jeanine Van V Lierde Li POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONICS Sanjeev Kumar 44 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Fitriya, BA University of Muhammadiyah Palembang Indonesia, MBA Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia Thesis Title: “The impact of Islamic Debt on firm performance” Zakaria Boulanouar, BEcon Mohammed 1st University Morocco, MA Hiroshima University Japan Thesis Title: “An analysis of the benefits for New Zealand banks of adopting a relationship banking model for small business clients” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Teresa Azar MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MA MANAGEMENT NAGEMENT Abdallah Rage Ali Li Li Henghao Bu Miao M o Yan Fei Chen MASTER OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE OMMERCE Munirah Jaber N Almarri, with Second cond Class C Honours (first division) Wei Wei, Second Class Honours (first division) W with with Se ec Sanaa Abid K Alsharif, with Second Class Cla las ass ss Honours Honours (first division) MASTER OF MANAGEMENT NT STUDIES Rumaih Abdullah A Alrumaihi hi Qian an Niu, Niu u, with with First Class Clas Honours Michael George, with Second Class Honours (first division) Kang Kang Wei, Wei with Second Secon Class Honours (second division) ( BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH HONOURS Daniel Frischknecht, with Second Class ass Honou Honourss (first divis division) on) Danping Cai Lingling ng Lu Shisui Chen Minliang M nliang Ma Peng Cheng Bin Pan Xukai Cheng Mengg Shen S en Qianwen Fan Wylie Charles Masters Smith Yiming Fan Lixuan Wu Zhida Fang Cheng Xing Muhammed Kamal Hossain Jianying Yang Yingjie Li Wenjun Yu Lin Lin Yang Zhang Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS – FINANCIAL Kanlie Liu BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Sean Richard Goulding GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 45 Conferred/Awarded 28 August 2013 Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Abdulaziz Fahad A Alnazha Azhar Mohammedayub A Alsaati BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Hayley Mia Hart Kimberley Karen MacKey Abdiaziz Haji Hashi Michael John Francis Salamonsen Chang Hur Syed Muhammad Imran Taqvi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N FINA FINANCE CE Timo Johannes Andreas Hubers, with w Distinction Wei Zhu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N IN INTERNATIONAL NTERNATIONAL MANAGEMEN MANAGEMENT NT Thomas James McDonald, with D Distinction stinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NM MANAGEMENT ANAGEMENT ENT Sundeep Kumar Meenakshi Sundaram arram POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MAN M MANAGEMENT AGEMENT STUDIES George Victor Ranui Eden Alan Ku Kuype Kuyper yp r POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN MAN MANAGEMENT NA N AGEMENT ENT Tracy Ann Pilet An Andrew w Charles ar Stretton Stretto POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE ATE IN MANAGEMENT AGEMEN NT STUD STUDIES E Dajin Zhang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ECONOMICS Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Jingyan Liang GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN HUM HUMAN AN RESOURCE OU CE MANAGEMENT MAN M M T Kerry Maree O’Connor GRADUATE CERTIFICATE FICA E IN A ACCOUNTING C TING Yiyuan Liu Yun Yu un Xu GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Weiwei Qiu DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Chloe Renee Evans 46 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Congratulations to all University of Waikato Graduates © Copyright The University of Waikato University of Waikato Academic Leaders VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor Roy Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor Crawford is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, whose primary research interest has been in the mechanical properties and processing behaviour of plastics. Previously Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor at Queen’s University, Belfast, with special responsibility for Research and Development, he has on-going research and business interests in New Zealand associated with the establishment of a new polymer research centre. He has published seven books, more than 270 papers and has been a member of numerous government panels and researchh grant committees in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. e ing. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor Alister Jones BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT pTT MRSNZ MRSNZ Professor Jones was appointed De Deputy uty Vice-Chancellor c Chan ce-Chancellor hanc nce ceellor llor in llo n 2011. He is the former Dean of Education and Research ndd was was previously iously o Re Re h Professor Professsor and an Director of the Wilf Malcolm Institute nstitute titutee of Educational Researchh at tthe Faculty of Education. He has managed that naged ged edd andd directed research projects prrojectts th have informed policy, curriculum inn New lum and teacher tea eaacher development d w Zealand Z and internationally. His mainn areas of research essearch earch are curriculum, curriculum cur iculum m teaching, teachi learning and assessment, particularly technology education. rticularly in science nce and technolo tech He has acted as an international ational consultant nsu ulta in curriculum rriculu and assessment assess and building educational research the earch capability. bil y. In 2000, 000, he was was awarded aw NZ Science and Technology Medal for his significantt contribution to the contribu development of technology education both nationally and internationally. PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR ELLOR (MĀ (MĀORI)/ RI)/ V DEAN OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Professor Linda Smith ith CNZM BA MA PhD Auck DipT Professor Smith (Ngāti Awa,, Ngāt Ngāti appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor āti A ti Porou) was as app ncello Māori at the University ty of Waikato aikato in 2007. 200 07. Professor ofesssor Smith Sm mith previously prevvio sly held eld the Chair in Education at The University of Auckland and was joint director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (Horizons of Insight), the National Institute of Research Excellence in Māori Development and Advancement. Professor Smith’s PhD in education was conferred by The University of Auckland in 1996. Her work in the field of Māori education and indigenous people’s education generally, is renowned both here in New Zealand and internationally. 48 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato DEAN OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Professor Robert Hannah BA(Hons) Otago MPhil Oxford Professor Robert Hannah has an honours degree in Greek from Otago University, and an MPhil in Classical Archaeology from the University of Oxford. He was a member of the Classics Department at Otago from 1980 to 2013, gaining a personal chair in 2006. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, and has won two Marsden Grants. He has been Dean of the School of Language, Literature and Performing Arts, and Associate Dean of Research within the Division of Humanities at Otago. Professor Hannah currently serves as an auditor for the New Zealand Universities Academic Audit Unit. His research interestss are in the in Greek and t uses of astronomy as G a Roman culture, especially in relation time. tion on to o calendars and the perception of tim time As Honorary Curator of the Classical assical sical Collections at the Otago Museum Museum he h also publishes on Greek and Roman man art. art. DEAN OF COMPUTING & MATHEMATICAL A EMATICALL SCIE ATH SCIENCES SC NCE CES Professor Geoff Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southampton Professor Holmes gained an honours ours degree degree de egree and a PhD in Mathem Mathematics matic at cs from the University of Southampton research position in on in the UK U UK. K. Foll Following llowing a resea arch ppos po os the engineering department at Cambridgee University, in Unive sity, y, he joinedd Waikato W 1987 as a lecturer in computer ter science, and rose ose up the academic ac acad ranks. He was appointed Dean of the Faculty of C Computing om & Ma Mathematical al Sciences Scie in 2008. His major research interest is in machine that mac ne learning, a topic t involves mathematics, statistics and computer uter science. science He is best known nationally and internationally for his contributions to applied machine learning, deploying theoretical frameworks in practical situations. He is currently involved in research n collaborative collab rat research with wi h local local industry ndu try to provide automatic analysis off aanalytical alytical ttesting ng procedures. roce ur s DEAN OF EDUCATION ON Professor Roger Moltzen TTC, DipT, BEd, MEd, PhD Waikato Professor Roger Moltzen is a former school teacher and school principal. Before being appointed Deputy Dean and then Dean of the Faculty he was Chair of the Department of Human Development and Counselling. He has led numerous research and development contracts in inclusive education, and the education of gifted and talented students. His current research focuses on talent development across the lifespan. In 2005 he was awarded the Prime Minister’s Supreme Award for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 49 University of Waikato Academic Leaders DEAN OF LAW Professor Bradford Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York Professor Morse gained his Bachelor of Arts, with a major in History and Sociology from Rutgers College and Livingston College, Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA in 1972. In 1975 he gained his Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia, and his Masters of Law in 1981 from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Professor Morse was previously a Professor of Law at University of Ottawa, Canada, and has been a Barrister at Law and Solicitor, Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario), since 1979. DEAN OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING NEERING Professor Bruce Clarkson BSc MSc DPhil Waikato Professor Clarkson holds a BSc, Biological c, M MSc Sc (First Class llass Honou Honours) in Biolo Biologica gic gi Sciences and a DPhil from the University for University off Waikato. Waika o He worked w for the th New Zealand Department of Scientific (Botany cientific and Industrial ndustrial usstriaal Research Re Rese (B otan Division and then Land Resources) s) from ffrom 1981 to t 1992 199 92 9 2 and then th h the Crown Crow Cro Research Institute Landcare Research returning search arch h from 1992 to 1999, retur returni r to the University in 1999. Professor Clarkson of essor sor o Cla or arkson is recognised as one on o New Zealand’s foremost authorities thorities onn ecological ecolo logical restoration, restorati tion, and aan n leads a research programme looking ng at the best esstt methods est met ods to restore estoree indigenous indigeno i biodiversity in cities. He has worked on a number restoration initiatives er off local res restora and in 2006 was awarded the conservation award. he country’s y’s premier pre nservat awarrd DEAN OF WAIKATO MANAGEMENT SCHOOL (ACTING) Associate Professor or JJohn ohn Tres Tressler er BEc(Hons) James Cook ok PhD Missouri-Columbia Miss M Co umb a Associate Professorr John Tressler ga gained his BEc(Hons) Ec(Hons) from m tthe James Cook University of North Queensland and his PhD from the Que nslan in 1973 1 a f th University of Missouri-Columbia 1980. He taught Massey University -Columb a in 1980 ugh at M assey Uni rsity and the University of Missouri-Columbia before coming to Waikato in 1980. His major teaching research achi hin and res search interests teresstss are are in microeconomics. microeco omics cs. He is particularly interestedd in with i economic i theory that h ddeals ls w i the h impact of uncertainty and risk on economic decisions and has published research papers in this area in leading international economics journals. 50 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Speaker Profiles TUESDAY 8 OCTOBER – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Keynote Speaker: Associate Professor Leonie Pihama Associate Professor Leonie Pihama is a director of Te Kotahi Research Institute and holds a BA in Māori Education, a Master of Arts with Honours in Education and a PhD in Education. She is a mother of six, has one mokopuna and has led a wide range of research projects, including education, justice, health, whānau violence, corrections and whānau experiences of neonatal infant care units. Associate Professor Pihama – Te Atiawa, Ngā Māhanga ā Tairi, Ngāti Māhanga – has been principal investigator on many projects, including two Taranaki-based studies on rongoā Māori and exploring intergenerational violence with iwi within Taranaki. She has been the recipient of thee Hohua Tutengaehe Fellowshipp and the Vice Chancellor’s Development Fund g Award at the University of Auckland. land. She was also the inaugural recipient Senior Scholar Award, hosted ent nt of o the Fulbright/Ngā Pae O Te Māramatanga Māram Māramatan at ata by the Indigenous Wellness Research Seattle. arch rch Institute nstitute at the University of Washington, Washingto Washing Student Speaker: Stephen Robert conferred er t Clark Clark Degree ee to be confe conferr conf r – Bachelor Bachelo or of Arts MONDAY 14 OCTOBER – 10.00AM 0.00AM 00A AM (CLAUDELANDS AUDELANDS DELANDS DELA NDS EVENTS EV CEN CENTRE) C CENT Keynote Speaker: Dr Sue Watson n Educational academic, consultantt and business director, Dr Sue Watson W Watso is the Global CEO of Kea – the organisation tasked with linking expatriate xpatriate patriatte New Zealanders andd friends frie friend of New Zealand with a view to expanding New Zealand’s international rnational al economic econo nomic success. success Dr W Watson Watsson so has a doctorate in Education Policy from Victoria University andd worked ass a Research for Policy Research in Reseearch Associate Assocciate at a the Consortium Conso Education at the University off Pennsylvania Pennsylvania. In 2004, she co-founded export and South Pacific Press and Lift port education catio ion publishing ng company com nd consultancy con Education and later worked as an independent the OECD’s Financial d t consultant con ultant on a range of projects including i Education in Schools project. Shee has been Kea’s Globall CEO C since January 2011. 20 Student Speaker: Nathaniel William Orr Degree to be conferred – Bachelor of Communication Studies MONDAY 14 OCTOBER TOBER – 2.00PM 2.0 PM (CLAUDELANDS (CLAUDELAND EVENTS CEN CENTRE) NTR Keynote Speaker: Lora Vaioleti Lora Vaioleti has packed ked ann awful awful lot ot into int her 28 2 years. ea s. The former Fairfield College student degreee in Physi Physiotherapy from the University of Otago and also ollege stu dent has a degr otherapy fr m th holds a Graduate Diploma in Management and a Masters in Management and Sustainability from the University of Waikato. to. She is a Fulbright scholar and has recently returned from New York City, where she worked in a leadership development and strategy role for the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA). Ms Vaioleti has led national, regional and international research projects on climate change, migration and human security in the Pacific and has received multiple grants for research in both New Zealand and California. She is one of five Pacific Security Scholars for the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington DC, the Emerging Science and Technology Centre and the Pacific Islands Society in Hawaii. Recently she was a research fellow for the Centre of Unconventional Security Affairs (CUSA) at the University of California, Irvine and is a continuing fellow for the Indigenous Māori and Pacific Adult Education Charitable Trust (IMPAECT). Student Speaker: Michelle Anne Ballard Degree to be conferred – Master of Educational Leadership GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 51 A Brief History of the University The University of Waikato had its genesis in 1956 when a small group of visionary individuals began working towards founding a university for the people of the South Auckland region. Our Vision A college, a sub-branch of Auckland University, was established in 1959 and in 1965, after opening its doors in 1964, the University of Waikato was officially opened by the then Governor-General, Sir Bernard Fergusson (later Lord Ballantrae). The overarching themes of our Vision are Excellence, Distinctiveness and International Connectedness; these drive the University of Waikato. From modest beginnings, on what was largely farmland and with a handful of temporary emporary buildings g and few staff, the University of Waikato now has a W student population of 12,000, with th more m re than 3,800 graduating each year. Today, the University Univ rsity employs more than 1,500 academic and support uppor t staff, making aking a significant contribution to the local ocal c economy. economy. The University is recognised for iits strong ts st rong research resea e rch h and teaching and has forged gr great international eat internat ional links; 175 agreements have been eeen n signed with wi universities around the world. We se see our dist distinctiveness in terms of three interdependent interde pendent components; Sustainability, Our real distinctiveness Māori and Leadership. eade in the context of our comes in ttheir eir synergy s We identity. ide de We are a e a New Zealand university, aware our re relevance and responsibilities to the aaw ware of ou elev compete on an international stage. rregion, eggion, and com p THE CAMPUS Our Hamilton campus, with th grounds covering coverin ov g 65 hectares, continues to be a source of com community unityy pride. The grounds include sports fields, lds, s, walkways, w three lakes and extensive gardens. dens At the end of 2011, we opened the new $30 million Student Centre which houses the library, computers, meeting and relaxation spaces. It has a 5 Green Star rating from the New Zealand Zea and Green Gree Building uild g Council, C u il, recognising the environmental and sustainable features of the building’s lding’s design. The he conception cept n and completion of thee Student C Centre ntre is a further ur demonstration of our commitm commitment ent to the delivery deliv y of a world-class education while providing our students with a dynamic am mic student tudent experience. expp erie ce. The University of Waikato has a campus at Tauranga and a strong relationship with the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic. Collaborative arrangements include the sharing of resources and services and joint provision of professional development and training opportunities for staff. 52 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato Our Commitment The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience which is distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Through sustained research and the attraction of high levels of external funding from public sector and industry sources, we aim to maintain a highly competitive research profile. Our staff participate in a wide range of research consortia, clusters, and multi-institutional research teams locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. n tionallyy. We are well-placed to contribute to the local oca and national i economies by enhancing business ness capability in the region and increasing opportunities o rtunities for the commercialisation of intellectuall prop property. erty. We play an essential leadership role prosperity o e in n the prosp perity of the Waikato, defined also in tterms tribal ermss of the tri b bal boundaries of the 16 iwi affiliated iated to Te Rōpu ppu Manukura. We sit at the heart of of a community unity of strong regional partnerships and nd takee pride in serving the strengths and interestss off our region. our re egion. We are committed to increasing reasing the th e tertiary ttertiaary participation rate of our regional population pop ulat atio on overall as well as the proportions school portions off new n ool leavers and postgraduate students. tudents. We We are re also committed to ensuring the ongoing relevance n e of the programmes we offer and the effectiveness of our delivery of them. We foster a culture of internationalisation, measured through the diversity ty of our sstudent ent and staff st ff profiles, a long-standing pride in our reputation for the pastoral care of our international intern tion students, de and the measures wee take th through ough ccurriculum, cu programme design andd our global g obal networks networks and a d connections to international influences. natio l influ e From inception we have hav been been at the the forefront refrontt of initiatives that support Māori aspirations. Sir Bernard Fergusson placed Waikato as “the first of the New Zealand universities to be planted right in the heart of traditionally Māori country”. Since our foundation, we have worked closely with local iwi, particularly Tainui, to make the University accessible to Māori students and to foster an environment of success. Today we are proud to have the highest proportion of Māori students of any New Zealand university. We are also proud of our evolution into a truly New Zealand institution supporting our country’s nation-building policies and reflecting our nation’s identity. World Rankings University of Waikato now in top 2% of world's universities The University of Waikato is ranked 302 in the world by the influential UK-based Times Higher Education organisation. This places plaaces the University of Waikato in the 17,000 universities in the world. top 2% of tthe he 1 7 The University Univer ity of o Waikato rose from 318 to the 20 2012-2013 figures released in 302 in th 30 01 October 2012 Oc O cctober 20 12 – a bigger jump than any other university New un u n versity iin Ne w Zealand. The T Th he rankings rankinggs are are based on teaching, research, citations, outcomes and innovation cit itt ations, industry ndus ndu international and inter natio on outlook. University The Unive U iver ersity of Waikato rose strongly in ers and is second in the he area areea e a of citations cita this category. The overall rise New w Zealand Z for th in rankings kings also reflects refle the fact the University continues ontinues nue s to deliver, and is being recognised for internationally benchmarked and highly or its ts iinternational nt regarded teaching and research. THE top 100 universities under 50 y years ars ol old The University of Waikato is ranked top in New Zealand w Z and and seventh in the Southern Hemisphere universities under 50 emisph off the t top op 100 un UK-based years old by UK-b ed Times Higher Education. The rankings in 2013 and nggs were were released le University Waikato 46th in the place the Universi ty of W a world. The list is an offshoot of the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings and used the same indicators for judging including research, citations and teaching. THE says the analysis of young universities is designed to examine future potential as much as current excellence. It decided to use objective performance indicators and focus less on reputation, saying older universities enjoy established alumni networks and graduates in senior positions around the world which have a large impact on reputation. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 53 Ceremonial Traditions Elements of university graduation ceremonies have evolved from the 12th century when the first universities emerged in Europe. The organisation of medieval universities was modelled on the established institutions of the day – the church, the monastery and the guild. Latin was the language used by medieval scholars, and it is from Latin that the words ‘university’ and ‘degree’ are derived. The Latin term universitas means a guild or union, and universities started as a scholastic guild – a self-constituted community of teachers and scholars. The word graduate comes from thee Latin word m th gradus, which means step. Admission m ssion to study a bachelors degree was the first step step taken taken towards wards completing a university education. n. The The second step sttep ep was to become a ‘master’. Masters Master sterss were M a ter as t of Arts graduates whose degreess lice licensed nsed them them to teach. The Chancellor, an officer of tthe cathedral, he cathe e ral edral, originally granted teaching licences. s. CEREMONIAL ROBES AND ACADEMIC DRESS In the Middle Ages the corporate rporate existence existe ce of o universities was recognisedd and sanctioned by ancc tio civil or ecclesiastical authority. ity. The regalia ega worn wor by graduates and university staff today reflect this mix of medieval governance. Robes worn by the Chancellor resemble those worn by the Lord Chancellor of England. Graduates and academic staff wear gowns similar medieval mil r to the dress ss of o me ie al clergy. Hoods are also fashioned on an everyday medieval garment, although though the coloured co oure lining ng was a later addition to indicate icate the wearer’s earer’s university ve and degree. University of Waikato Academic Dress Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor Black gown with red velvet facings and gold ppiping; p g three red velvet chevrons with gold black Tudor bonnet with piping on the sleeves; se andd tassel. gold cord an tas Pro-Chancellor Pro-Chanc ellor Black Black Bla laa gown with lining of gold satin; gold button justt aab above aandd cord ju o the sleeves which are lined with satin;; black Tudor bonnet with gold wit w h black satin tassel. ccord cor d and ta ssel. HonD Red go gown own wit w with black facings; black Tudor bonnet and tassel. with th goldd cord c DLit, DLi Lit,, DSc Crimson son ggown; crim crimson hood with crimson lining; ni g; black b a Tudor bonnet with gold cord tassel. a d ttass and PhD, EdD and SJD Maroon gown; crimson hood with crimson Tudor lilining; ng black T udo bonnet. onne MPhil Black ck go gown; n; crimson crimson hood with wi crimson lining; black mortarboard. ack mo bo Note: Those h who h graduated t d with a DPhil prior to 1992 are entitled to we wear a b black mortarboard or a black Tudor bonnet. onn t. Masters Black gown; gold hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. Bachelors with Honours Black gown; black hood with gold lining and gold border 5cm in width; black mortarboard. First Bachelors Black gown; black hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. 54 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato God Defend New Zealand E Ihowā Atua, God of Nations at Thy feet O ngā Iwi mātou rā In the bonds of love we meet Āta whakarongona; Hear our voices we entreat Me aroha noa God defend our free land Kia hua ko te pai; Guard Pacific’s Triple Star Kia tau tō atawhai; From the shafts of strife and war Manaakitia mai Make he herr prais praises heard afar Aotearoa God defend def nd New w Zealand Gaudeamus Gaudeamus igitur Let L t us u then be b joyful jo oy Juvenues dum sumus while we are young a yo y Gaudeamus igitur Let us then th hen be b joyful Juvenues dum sumus while le we ar aare young Post jucundam juventutem m After of youth A fterr th tthe he pleasure o h Post molestam senectutem em After old age Aft the A he burden of o Nos habebit humus us The eart earth th w will have u Nos habebit humus The Th he earth will have us Vivat Academia! Long live the University! Vivant professores Long live the p professors! f Vivat Academia! Long live tthe he University! ni ity! Vivant professores! s! Long live professors! Lo ive thee profes ors! Vivat membrum quodlibet odlibet Long member g live eeveryy m mb Vivant membra quaelibet lib Long members Lo ng live all the m mbers Semper sint in flore re May they ever ver flo flourish uris Semper sint in floree May ourish M ayy they they eever ver flou rish h (Translation) GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 55 Honorary Awards HONORARY DOCTORATES 2013 Sir Patrick Hogan CBE KNZM 2001 Neil Finn OBE 2013 Gordon Keith Stephenson CNZM 1999 Gerald David Gibb Bailey QSO 2013 Bernard Thomas Crosby 1999 Koro Tainui Wetere CBE 2013 Dame Susan Elizabeth Anne Devoy DNZM CBE 1999 Sir Douglas Arthur Montrose Graham KNZM 2012 Dr Roger Hill 1998 Paul Woodford Day 1998 Kevin Roberts 2012 Campbell Smith MNZM 2011 Lynda Topp MNZM 1997 The Rt Rev Manuhuia Augustus Bennett ONZ CMG 2011 Jools Topp MNZM 1997 Hiko Hohepa OM 2011 Catherine Moana Dewes N NZOM 1997 The Hon Si P Sir Peter Tapsell KNZM MBE 2011 James Judd 1996 Katerina Te Heikoko H Mataira CNZM 2010 Jon Mayson CNZM 1996 Dame Kiri K ri Te Te Kanawa ONZ DBE AC 2010 Roka Pahewa Paora QSM a Q QS O 2010 Margaret Bedggood Mulgan QSO 2010 Max Martin Gibbs 199 95 5 Huirang e Waikerepuru 1995 Huirangii Eru Eruera 199 95 5 Jeanett Kin 1995 Jeanette K Kingg 199 95 5 Wilfred Gordon Gord Malcolm CBE 1995 DNZM 2009 Dame Lynley Stuart Dodd DNZM NZM OBE N 2009 Sir Wilson James Whineray K KNZM 2009 Hamish Keith OBE MNZ ZM 2009 Peter Godfrey Scott Sergel MNZM 2009 Zena Daysh CNZM 199 1995 995 Elizabe hU rs Alley Elizabeth Ursula 1994 Charlotte Charlotte R Rachel Anwyl Wallace OBE 1994 Wa aea Mauriohooho M Ma Waea 1994 4 Dame Dam mee Malvina Lorraine Major GNZM DBE 1 994 The Th The Hon Sir Edward Edw 1994 Taihakurei Junior Durie NZM DNZM 2008 Tessa Duder OBE 2008 Tīmoti Samuel Kāretu QSO ste 2008 Rudolf Hendrik Kleinpaste 94 The he Hon Dame Silvia S 1994 Rose Cartwright PCN NZ DBE QS NZM PCNZM QSO gher KNZM MBE 2008 Sir William Murray Gallagher 1993 Donald Murray Stafford CBE 2008 John Allan Gallagher CNZM KStJ JP 1993 Dame Mary Josephine Drayton DNZM MBE 2008 Brian Richard Perry OBE 1992 Edwin George Morgan gituatah Te Kanawa awa 2007 Diggeress Rangituatahi CNZM QSO 99 Ja e Frame ONZ Z CB 1992 Janet CBE erciv l Hill ry KG K ONZ O 2006 Sir Edmund Percival Hillary KBE 2006 Bryan Charles Gould CNZM Morriso O 2006 Sir Howard Leslie Morrison OBE J 2006 Jeffrey Alexander Jones on 2006 Kenneth Owen Arvi Arvidson 1990 Norman William Kingsbury CNZM on Sir David David Lance Tompkins KNZM 1987 The Hon 6 Rangikaiamokura Rangi m ra Wirihana Wirihan Hetet ONZM 1986 f 1986 Dorothy Jessie Stafford OBE 19 986 6 Dame D me Phyllis Phyllilis Myra Myraa Guthardt Gutha DBE 1986 985 Sir Donald Rees Ll 1985 Llewellyn KNZM CBE 2005 Margaret Mahy ONZ 2005 James Te Wharehuia Milroy QSO 1984 Sir Ross Malcolm Jansen KBE 2004 Hare Wakakaraka Puke 1983 Henare Tuwhangai QSM 2004 Apirana Tūāhae Mahuika 1982 Henry Rongomau Bennett CBE QSO 2004 Caroline Bennett QSO 1980 Jack Stanford Allan MNZM 2004 David Gordon Edgar QSO 1979 Frank Maine Bateson OBE 2004 The Hon Margaret Anne Wilson DCNZM 1979 Dame Te Atairangikaahu ONZ DBE 2003 Tui Adams 1971 Richard Bristowe Waddington 2002 Hirini Melbourne ONZM 1971 Denis Rogers OBE 2002 Michael MacRae Hanna 1971 Donald Wilfred Arcus 2002 Michael King OBE 1969 Sir Arthur de Terrotte Nevill KBE CB 2002 Ida Margaret Gaskin CNZM 1968 Pei te Hurinui Jones 2001 Tim Finn OBE 1967 Lord Ballantrae KT GCMG GCVO DSO OBE 56 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO © Copyright The University of Waikato RECIPIENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MEDAL 2013 2012 2010 2009 2006 2004 2003 2003 2002 2002 2000 1999 1999 Bill Flower Dame Jocelyn Barbara Fish DNZM, CBE Terry Healy MNZM Michael Law Paul Malcolm Dell Jack Charles (Dufty) Wilson Robert Barrington Grant Marie Fenwick Yolande Neilson Jeremy Callaghan Stafford John Smith Pam Banks Jennifer Alexandra Alford 1999 1997 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1992 Ann MacKay Laurence John Denny Val Going Sir Robert Arthur Owens KNZM CBE Mary Gordon Sister Heeni Wharemaru Kenneth Eric Jury ONZM John Thomas Kneebone CMG Hare Wakakaraka Puke Eric Ashley Taylor Cecill Douglas Dougl s Arcus Richard Brian Ri hard Perry OBE Trevelyan Rogers QSO Anthony T Tre v EMERITUS PROFESSORS 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 R. Farrell MSc PhD Illinois eic R. Daniel BSc(Hons) PhD Leic a to C. McGee BA MA PhD Waikato hD D Wa ikato S. Middleton BEd MA Well PhD Waikato D Otago O FNZIC B.K. Nicholson BSc(Hons) PhD go o R. Price BSc(Hons) ANU PhD Otag Otago ll PhD D Auc RSNZ RS C. Nelson BSc(Hons) Well Auck FR FRSNZ hD Camb b CEn CS I.D. Graham BSc Lond PhD CEng MBC MBCS A Car C A. Barratt BA(Hons) MA Camb MA PhD Tor FRHS S Auck PhD Cant W. B. Silvester BSc NZ MSc J. Ritchie BA MA NZ PhD Well OBE JP D.I. Pool BA MA(Hons) NZ PhD Aus FRSNZ T.M. Reedy BA MA Auck PhD Hawaii KNZM P.H. Oettli BA NZ PhD Auc Auck E.L. Glynn BA MA Auck PhD Tor DipGrad Otago FNZPsS FRSNZ D VirgP Ins L.R. Foulds BSc MSc Auckk PhD VirgPolyInst FTICA O BA Well ell MA A Cant PhD N. Alcorn QSO sseyy DipT pT FFNZEAS NZEAS Calif DipEd Massey G.M. Walker MA PhD Glas 20 200 02 2 M.J. Selb by B A 2002 Selby BA(Hons) MA DipEd DSc Oxff DPh a DPhilil W Waikato 1999 9 K.M. Mackay Mack ckaay BSc Aberd PhD Camb CChe m FR RS FNZIC CChem FRSC 1999 F.W W. Mar rs F.W. Marshall MA NZ DU DipdeCultFrCont PParis aris O OPA OP 199 9 B.V. V.. SSmith mith BCA W 1999 Well ACA CMA 19 993 3 J.E E. Ritchie MA D 1993 J.E. DipEd PhD NZ FBPsS ZPsS FAAA FNZPsS 993 I.A. A . McLa McLaren MA NZ AM Chic PhD Well 1993 1993 NZ PhD R'dg FInstP CPhys FNZIP 199 93 B B.S. S Liley MSc N 1991 D.G. Bettison MA PhD Rhodes 1990 R. Ziedins MA PhD Melb 1990 J.T. Ward BSc(Econ) Lond MLitt Oxf PhD Lond 1988 98 W.T. W T. Roy MA L'now L w FRAS FR AS FRSA 1988 988 J.D. J D McCraw McC w MBE MSc MS NZ N DSc Well FNZSSS CRSNZ R 1986 A. Zulauf DrRerNat Z uf DrRer Na Mainz inz PhD Lond 1985 Pendergrast MSc 5 J.G. Pe rg M NZ Z PhD DIC Lond 1981 MA BCom NZ DPA Well 1981 G.J. G J Schmitt S h itt CMG C B FCA CMA MA 1980 19 980 0 P.W. P.W. Day D y MNZM MNZ ZM MA MA NZ NZ and a Oxf HonD Waikato HONORARY FELLOWS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 2008 Alan Langdon Roger Briggs Ray Littler Ray Harlow Brian Silverstone Lyndsay Main Derek W Smith David Swain David Taylor Alfred Sneyd Warren Hughes 2008 2007 2006 2006 2002 2002 2002 2002 2000 2000 2000 Ngaere Roberts Antony Millett David Coy Michael Hills ONZM Alan Hall David Mitchell Jill Mitchell Samuel Edwards Hugh Barr Laurie Barber Peter Ramsay QSM 2000 1999 1999 1997 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 Margaret McLaren Rachel Irwin Barry Parsonson Malcolm Carr Robert Katterns Graham Lamont Guyon Wells OBE John Turner Margaret Avery GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2013 © Copyright The University of Waikato 57 The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand Toll Free: 0800 WAIKATO 0800 924 528 Email: info@waikato.ac.nz Website: www.waikato.ac.nz © Copyright The University of Waikato
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