2009_February - Wolf`s Print


2009_February - Wolf`s Print
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 2
Obama: A Year in Review
Assessing Year One in Office
By Daniel Kemp
Staff Writer
When elected to office, Obama
had major problems to fix and issues to
address almost immediately. These issues
included the failing economy, the two
major wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and
healthcare reform. It is early in President
Obama’s tenure and because of this it may
be too early to assess what he has accomplished, but he has already made critical
decisions on important issues.
While campaigning, Obama
promised healthcare reform. As stated
by the official White House website, the
goal is to “control rising health care costs,
guarantee choice of doctor, and assure
high-quality, affordable health care for all
Americans.” Now, the problem is how to
reach this goal. Critics say accomplishing
this goal not only would cost an enormous
amount of money that we as a nation don’t
have; but also say that the bills being passed
aren’t working towards cost efficient
healthcare. Among the problems with the
attempt at healthcare reform is the bill
itself. A bill 2,000 pages long isn’t going to
be read by all 100 senators and 435 representatives. A concise and understandable
bill with no pork-barrel legislation would
be much preferred by all.
A major issue concerning the
defense of our nation, and one that is very
personal to parents, concerns the two
major wars. As far as the Iraq War, very
little has happened while Obama has been
in office. As promised, President Obama is
withdrawing from Iraq, though that hasn’t
fully begun yet. Most of the troops are set
to come home in 2010 and the war should
essentially be over. This move seems to
have the majority support of Americans.
Critics, however, say we need to stay there
until the puppet government we have set
up is stable enough to function on its own.
The issue is that many people, including
those in the government, don’t know how
long this might take and there isn’t very
much support for the war. This is a war
many would say we should have never
Art By Helmut Hammen
Art Editor
started, and are angered that young Americans are still dying for an unpopular cause.
Others however, say we are in fact in the
war, and to just leave now would eradicate
any of the progress we have made. It is said
by pro-Iraq War people that the lives lost
will have been in vain if we leave and Iraq
once again falls into a dictatorial regime.
The Afghanistan War (War on Terrorism) on the other hand, has had major
implications with President Obama in
office. It is a war that has always had more
support from the public than the Iraq War
and to this day still does. While the Iraq
War draws to a close, it appears the war in
Afghanistan is far from over. Army General
David D. McKiernan, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, earlier this year
called for an increase in troops. President
Obama obliged, and there are now 30,000
more soldiers being sent to Afghanistan.
This is a major decision Obama has made
that has drawn ire from both political
parties. The far right says it took him too
long to add troops and the far left believes
he shouldn’t have added any. It is nearly
impossible to please both sides, but the
increase in troops of only 30,000 appears
to be a compromise of what both political
parties wanted. Compared to the Iraq War,
the war in Afghanistan is more defined and
supported, as it was terrorists from that
country that attacked us on our own soil.
The agenda of eliminating the Taliban as
much as possible and finding Bin Laden
appears to be the continued goal of this
war. Obama’s move shows he is ready to
continue the fight in Afghanistan. Neither
political party is fully satisfied with his decision, but it is far too early to tell whether
this is strategical genius or just a failed
attempt to win the war.
The last major issue of Obama’s
first year in office is the economy. Obama
came into power in one of the direst
economic times since the Great Depression. The failing economy had nothing to
do with Obama, and most say the economy
was in turmoil thanks to President Bush
(although some conservatives like to trace
it back to President Clinton). Whoever’s
fault it was, Obama needed to fix it and
restore America’s confidence. His goals
are to create jobs and bring stability to
the financial markets, according the White
House website. The most significant bill
he has signed was the 787 billion dollar
bailout. This bill is a hotly contested topic.
A Democrat will tell you it was a needed
measure in a unique situation that called
for the bailout. On the other hand, most
conservatives will tell you it has only put
the United States into greater debt, which
is indeed true. There are concerns that
not all the money was being devoted to
worthwhile causes. This bailout seems to
be a “take one step backward to move two
steps forward” approach to the economy.
A key figure in the current economic
climate is unemployment. According to the
Department of Labor statistics for November of 2009, the unemployment rate
was at 10.0%. The bill was hoping to keep
unemployment at eight percent or below.
Whether or not this bailout and Obama’s
other policies regarding the economy work
out has yet to be seen. The early prognosis
may be that it is not working as fast as everyone would have liked, but it is said that
it takes time for legislation passed to show
its true effects; usually, this means a year.
As it is President Obama’s first
year in office, it really is too early to tell
how successful he has been or will be in
the future. He has made some good decisions and some bad ones, though depending on who you talk to, they will tell you
most of his decisions were either strictly
good or bad. It is a controversial time in
the United States, with many important
issues in the forefront. That leads to great
debate and strong feelings one way or the
other for the President. There were other
notable events in the President’s first year
such as the announcement of the closing of Guantanamo Bay, the Fort Hood
attack, and the Nobel Peace Prize he won.
These issues are also debated in relation
to President Obama. He is already a very
controversial figure, though that may be
just a product of the times. Whether or not
you agree with his decisions, it is clear that
only time will tell the effectiveness of the
44th president of the United States.
Top 5 Electronics of the Decade
According to Consumerreports.org
The Wireless Router
The E-Book Reader
The Smartphone
The iPod
Issue 3
Desert Mountain High School
Page 3
The Ongoing Plight of Afghanistan’s Women Top 5 Books
Photo by Omar Sobhan, REUTERS
Shamsia, 17, is a female student and the victim of an acid attack by the Taliban.
By Dustin Wenger
Staff Writer
In the run up to the war in Afghanistan,
America’s hatred for the Taliban and Al
Qaeda was cemented by videos showing
the execution of women for crimes such as
immodesty and adultery. These videos only
offer a glimpse into the systematic abuse
that Afghan women faced, which include
edicts barring them from, leaving home
unaccompanied by a male, requiring them
to wear full body coverings called Burqas,
and barring them from receiving any sort
of education. Women under Taliban rule
had absolutely no rights and were considered less than human. This system runs
counter to the American ideals of life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for
all, regardless of gender, religion, or race.
When America invaded and toppled the
Taliban regime many anticipated a new
dawn for the women of Afghanistan, with
the Americans insuring equality and protection against gross human rights abuses.
Eight years later this is simply not the case.
Staff Writers:
Morgan Gilbard
Dustin Wenger
Jason Auh
Hannah Turner
Olivia Derkach
Jeremy Shapiro
Austin Lagomarsino
Alana Tivnan
Sima Molla-Hosseini
Danny King
Ben Owens
Daniel Kemp
Women are barely better off in today’s Afghanistan than they were under the Taliban.
The new 2004 constitution of Afghanistan declares “the citizens of Afghanistan
- whether man or woman- have equal
rights and duties before the law,” and
many laws oppressing women have been
revoked. Women are no longer required
to wear Burqas, and some have even been
appointed to prominent positions in the
government. This however has done little
to change the population’s attitude towards
women. With the Taliban’s influence still
widespread many continue to believe
women are subservient to men.
The American backed government, led
by President Hamid Karzai, has passed several shocking laws severely impeding upon
the rights and freedom of Afghanistan’s
women. One of the provisions passed
makes it illegal for a married woman to
deny having sex with her husband. That
means that a married woman is powerless to stop rape and is completely subject
to her husband’s sexual will. This is made
Torunn Sinclair
Paige Kube
Managing/Design Editor
Morgan Whitaker
Copy Editor
Nicole Suerez
Photo Editor
Helmüt Hammen
Art Editor
John Owens
News Editor
even worse by the fact that up to 80% of
marriages in Afghanistan are arranged by
women’s families, according to Associated
Content. Women in Afghanistan have little
control over whom they marry, and now
under the American backed government
they have even less control over their own
Another restriction placed on women
by the new government forces them to
receive permission from their husbands
being able to work or receive an education. This law completely denies women
the right to self-determination and brings
back a Taliban-era restriction for countless
women. It is almost impossible for women
living on their own to find jobs, healthcare,
and food without a male spouse; therefore,
many are forced into prostitution. It also
serves to further deny Afghan women and
girl’s access to education, something they
severely lack. According to Afghanistan
Online, 87% of Afghan women are illiterate, with only 30% having access to an
education. According to the Afghan Education ministry 600 schools for girls have
been closed down due to security threats.
These numbers all paint a bleak picture
for the future of Afghanistan’s women who
without an education, cannot break their
dependence on men. They are trapped by a
system unsympathetic to their plight.
The American invasion of Afghanistan
was meant not only to eradicate the terrorist threat, but also to bring hope and
equality to millions of oppressed women.
As the Taliban reasserts itself in Afghanistan, so is the systematic abuse of women,
who still live as second-class citizens. The
situation for Afghanistan’s women will not
change until Afghan society accepts that
they are equal to men. This change must be
forged over time through education, not an
American invasion.
of the
Sold from Amazon.com
Jeff Lynn
Lindsey Kerr
Rachel Baer
Associate Designer:
Kelly Morrison
Mrs. Walters
Mr. Sheh
Madison Baird
Features Editor
Theresa Kyte
Entertainment Editor
Grant Fralich
Sports Editor
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 4
We Want It That Way
Hot Seat:
How the Boy Band Defines the Decade
Photo Courtesy of Hollywood Records
By Morgan Gilbard
Staff Writer
If you were to ask any teenage girl what
Nick Carter and Nick Jonas have in common, she would probably give you an odd
look. She might even be brave enough to
say, “Um, they’re both named Nick. Duh.”
However, the similarities between the two
extend much further than first names;
Nick Carter and Nick Jonas have coated
the bedroom walls of millions of girls
around the world, participating in one of
the most central components of the music
industry over the past decade: the boy
When Nick Carter and his fellow
Backstreet Boys hit their popularity peak in
2000, they were everywhere; plastered on
the cover of J-14, blaring on the radio and
even at the epicenter of commercialism:
McDonalds. Don’t pretend like you don’t
remember when they passed out Backstreet’s album Black and Blue with Happy
Meals.You begged your mom to take you
to go get one, and it’s okay. We all did it
because we were entranced by the hair gel,
the cheesy dance moves and upbeat lyrics
which declared love. We applauded it and
became obsessive fans, forcing others to
pick a side: it was either the Backstreet
Boys or N*Sync, and any girl who claimed
they liked both equally was a liar. We simply loved the boy band.
Some may argue that the boy band has
died, but it hasn’t; it has simply changed.
The wife-beater tanks have been replaced
with oxford button-downs, the identical dance moves have been traded in for
electric guitars, and the Jonas Brothers are
now the ones playing nonstop on Radio
Junior Rachel Potter defines the boy
band as “teenage guys who love music and
love to entertain”, but the tragic truth is
that this pure love is often overshadowed
by a heartthrob image publicized by record
“The real goal of the record company
is to try and make money. Since the guys
are young and good looking, the crowd
most attracted is young girls. The labels
just keep promoting and keep promoting
because that is how they get the fans and
make money,” says junior and musician
Top 5
Songs of
According to billboard.com
Interview by John Owens
News Editor
Q: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?
A: I like to eat, whenever, if it’s good.
Some people think my name is pronounced
SPICEman so I guess there’s something
tasty in my blood.
Q: What is your favorite word and why?
A: Groovy. It reflects my philosophy: find
your groove and flow.
Sam Ansel. “In fact sometimes record labels have bands sign contracts that say they
have to make a certain kind of music. This
is so they can be marketed with a specific
image and maintain that image through
their music.”
With the boy bands’ undeniable change
in image and sound of over the past ten
years, one must wonder if the shift from
dance-line Backstreet to the more instrumental JoBros was due to the evolution
of the music industry or the public. Were
we the ones who changed, causing record
companies to push a different version of
the same product? It’s possible, considering that you don’t see Mrs. Nick Carter
scrawled on binders anymore. Maybe we
realized that boys dancing in silver pants
weren’t really that attractive so guitar-playing brothers in skinny jeans were provided
as a replacement. Or maybe this change
was just another stage in the never-ending
cycle of time and trend. Either way, the
boy band has become bigger than ever before in the last decade, and only time will
tell if the musical phenomenon will ever
stop burnin’ up.
Q: Would you rather spend a vacation in
Australia, Western Europe, or Japan? Why?
A: Doesn’t matter, as long as I don’t have
to grade
Q: What is
your favorite
board game?
A: Chess,
it’s the only
game where
luck is not
Q: Who is
your favorite Mr. Speisman
Photo By Jeff Lynch
band of all
A: The
Grateful Dead. They create a utopia with
their music.
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: King of Hearts with Alan Bates. It
asks the question: who’s crazier? Those in
an asylum or those who think dropping
bombs brings peace.
Q: What did you want to be when you
grew up?
A: A rock’n roll star. Now I just dress up
as one.
Q: How has Desert Mountain changed
while you’ve been here?
A: We’ve established traditions and a sense
of pride in our school. Rock Revelation is
an illustration. When we started it 11 years
ago maybe 50 people showed up; now we
fill the auditorium.
Q:You’re known as a musically inclined
teacher, but what else do you enjoy doing?
A: I love my family, reading, cooking, and
exploring the world.
Q: What is your favorite team?
A: I love the AZ teams, DBacks, Cardinals,
and Suns.
Q: How have the students changed while
you’ve been at Desert Mountain?
A: Students now have headphones growing out of their ears and iphones attached
to their finger. In the end though, kids are
still kids no matter how old they get.
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 5
Barneys Arrives at Fashion Square
By Torunn Sinclair
Editor in Chief
One of the highlights of living in this
town, without question, is the Fashion
Square Mall. It’s the epitome of fun and
excitement, and it offers a variety of
different styles to suit everyone’s tastes.
What could possibly make it better?
“Even more stores!” exclaims sophmore, Conley Kelley.
Those of us who have lived in Scottsdale long enough will remember the
department store Robinsons May. When
Robinsons May closed and was merged
with Macy’s in 2006, a veil was drawn
over that wing of the mall. Three years
later, the wing has re-opened. Rumors
of all the new stores being released
has everyone bubbling with excitement. “I’m all for it,” says junior Mariel
Piechowicz, “I love shopping, and it’s
really nice to have all of those stores in
one area because you can get a lot more
done in one trip.” The only thing missing
from this fashion keystone? Barneys New
Welcome to Scottsdale.
“We’re opening in Scottsdale because
this is a new growing city and it’s got our
demographic— there are a lot of wealthy
people, and this is a luxury business” states
Diane Schwartz, the vice president and
general manager. And Scottsdale is thrilled
Photo Courtesy of Vogue
to have it here. Roughly five thousand
people came to wait outside the sparkly
glass doors on opening day; eager to be
the first to enter into the chic, inviting
“The architecture is what makes this
store different because we try to design it
around the city we’re in,” she said.
However, contrary to the myth here, the
clothes are the same as you’d see in any
other Barneys. “…It’s the same merchandise because when we open up a
Barneys store we want it to be consistent, so when you come from New York
to our store…you’re going to know this
is Barneys.”
What is it then that makes Barneys
so special? A step up from Nordstrom’s
and Neiman Marcus, Barneys is not exactly for the thrift-store shopper. What
you pay for however, is quality. “That’s
the beauty of Barneys,” says Schwartz.
“It’s designed to be more like long term
wear, not something you wear and then
Much of the clothing and cosmetics
are designed by lesser known aspiring
designers. Heard of Giorgio Armani?
Well, he was discovered by Barneys.
“We have lots of cosmetics and clothing that Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus
don’t carry.
We have Frederic Malle (a cologne
line), Christopher Kane, Band of Outsiders, and Narciso Rodriguez. He was the
closing show of Scottsdale Fashion week,”
Schwartz adds.
Whether or not you shop at Barneys,
you should stop in and take a peek. The
quotes on the walls, the beautiful and interesting displays, and the quirky mannequins will keep you more than entertained.
Top 5 Grossing
Movies of the
According to boxoffice.com
The World of Facebook
How Facebook is gradually changing our world
Photo Illustration by Nicole Suerez
By Jason Auh
Staff Writer
“It has changed my life because it has
given me privileges to socially interact
with my friends in my region and around
the world,” said an anonymous student.
This site has changed the world in a mindboggling way, and has gradually metamorphosed our society with every video and
post that is shared on it. It has rocketed
into our society and flourishes on the
internet as the leading social website. We
use it daily. We live in it. We breathe it.
We are the generation of Facebook.
Facebook has rapidly crept into
the realm of the internet, and swept the
world away with its creative and simple
way to connect people all around the
globe. With 70% of the users outside of
the United States and seventy languages
available, it has inevitably become an international sensation that has garnered the
attention of the entire world. According
to Facebook.com, there are 350 million
active users on this astounding site. It is
truly remarkable how a single idea that was
formed by Mark Zuckerberg has transformed into something so much bigger,
and so much greater. It has changed the
way we communicate, connect, and share
information. Facebook, helps people post
photos, short videos, and opinions of all
kinds onto their profile. It has become
a convenient way for people to socialize
and disseminate information. As Drake
Perrior-Small put it, “Facebook has
provided an outlet for me to share
my political and social views publically to a massive crowd without
being judged as insane.”
Through our posts,
photos, and profile, we share our
information with our friends and
family members in an easy and
proficient way. The convenience
and comfort of Facebook has made
it a procrastination tool for many
students, as they prefer the fun of
Facebook to studying for school.
“It is the worst in the sense where
it is the biggest form of procrastination…When you have a problem you don’t understand, you go
onto Facebook for help from your
friends, then you start talking to
people and three hours later you
don’t have anything finished,” sums
up Freshman Hunter Weinsheink.
Facebook has become
people’s best tool for communicating and with others in our gradually changing world. Through all
the new innovative and technological achievements we have
accomplished in the past decade,
Facebook has been on of the most
influential achievements of all. It
has morphed into another American invention that is changing the
The Wolf’s Print serves as an open forum of
public expression for the students, teachers
and parents of the Desert Mountain High
School community. We are committed to delivering relevant, accurate news and serving
as a public forum—which means we want
to hear from you! Please include your name
and class standing in all letters to the editor.
Requests for anonymity will be granted with
an appropriate reason. Deliver all letters
to the front office or email to: dmhswolfsprint@gmail.com.
The Wolfsprint is the only newspaper
exclusively published by and for the
Desert Mountain campus. The views
published in this newspaper are not
necessarily those of the Desert Mountain High School administration,
faculty, staff, or student body.
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 6
Smucker’s indroduces
George W. Bush
elected President
Pay Pal invented
Rolling sneakers called Heely’s
Flash Drives first sold
Disney’s California
Adventure Opens
Harry Potter movie
Wikipedia created
iPod released to world
American Idol airs
Vanilla Coke released to
Stephanie Meyer first dreamed about the tobe novel, Twilight
Invisible Children
documentary filmed
Myspace surfaces on the World Wide
Halle Berry is the first
African American women
to win an Oscar for Best
Ronald Regan dies
Janet Jackson’s
wardrobe faux pas at the
Super Bowl
Photo Illustrations by Nicole Suerez
Photo Editor
Models: Lexi Bluth, Hannah Cobley, Austin Beggs, Christian
Gentry, and Nicole Suerez
Nintendo DS released to
Clickable Sharpies
Facebook founded
Issue 3
Desert Mountain High School
Swine Flu Scare
Page 7
Football makes it to state semi-finals for the
first time in school history
The newest Disney Princess, Princess Tiana,
invades theaters in Princess and the Frog on
Dec. 11.
Obama elected Jan. 13
Snuggie first released to public
Michael Phelps breaks record for most gold medals in a single Olympics
Heath Ledger dies
The fourth installment of Twilight-Breaking
Dawn is released.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows released July
Desert Mountain wins state championship for boys
and girls tennis.
Desert Mountain basketball wins state championship for first time
Japan issues an arrest warrant for Hayden Panettiere
due to her dolphin advocating.
Iphone released
Paris Hilton goes to jail for 23 days
Prince Charles marries Camilla
Parker Bowles
Hurricane Katrina hits
Tom Cruise jumps on Oprahs
Coke Zero released to public
Ipod and Car companies first
work to together to create “car
friendly”iPod technology
Twitter invented
First movie for Blu-Ray Player released
HPV vaccine first released to public
Saddam Hussein dies
Desert Mountain Invisible Children Club
Winter Olympics
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Top 5
of the
Page 8
Which Girl is the Best of Both Worlds?
According to associatedcontent.com
Angelina Jolie Steals
Brad Pitt from Jennifer
Chris Brown assults
Martha Stewart goes to jail
Art by Helmut Hammen
Art Editor
By Olivia Derkash
Staff Writer
It’s picture day and you’re freaking out
because you’re being forced to wear a
disgusting red sweater with a pink unicorn head on it that your loving grandma
bought you. Now you’re in the class doing
the bone dance in the middle of class to
prepare yourself for an upcoming test.
Recognize these? If you’re a girl then you
would know these are from Hannah Montana and Lizzie McGuire.
Back in the day, when the only thing we
watched on TV as kids was Disney Channel, a peppy blonde girl had her own show
that dealt with the everyday dramas of
growing up. Her name was Lizzie McGuire
and she ruled the scene as top girl from
2001 through 2004. It wasn’t too long
after Lizzie left until a new girl claimed
the spotlight. In 2006, Miley Stewart, a
teenage girl living in California, doubled as
a pop star and became a hit among tweens
and young girls across America. Both girls
have fame and each had their spots in the
limelight, but the real question is, which
show was better?
The consensus among Desert Mountain?
Love ‘em or loathe ‘em, you can’t love
The Disney show Lizzie McGuire was
the original girl show that portrayed an average junior high schooler facing scenarios
Paris Hilton goes to jail
‘Let’s go bra shopping with my mom…”
like okay? Lizzie wanted to fit in, and Hannah Montana didn’t have to deal with any
of that,” says senior Amy Holzer. Holzer
also adds that Hannah Montana is more
exciting, “…because she lives a double life
and it’s not real.”
Others, however, focus more on the realistic aspects of the teens and which even
which is a better actress.
“Hillary Duff is the sweetest little angel
to ever walk the earth and she is way more
relatable than Miley Cyrus. Watch five
minutes of either show, and tell me which
one you can relate to. Hillary Duff’s everyday dilemmas? Or Miley’s bad acting?”
states senior Alex Harris.
From the real experts, the verdict was
Hannah Montana. I asked my seven-yearold cousin which teen girl she preferred.
She stared up at me with confusion and
asked who “this ‘Lizzie McGuire’ girl”
was. She then proceeded to list off reasons
why Hannah Montana was great: “her cool
clothes, good singing, she’s also pretty,”
and the list goes on.
Regardless of who favors who—even
the most ardent McGuire supporters
grudgingly admit that Hannah Montana has
changed the teen queen landscape.
“Hannah Montana definitely made a bigger impact on America,” says Holzer. “She’s
a backpack! A thermos, a pencil case, she’s
Tiger Woods’ affair
that every young girl experiences in her
life. Hillary Duff plays Lizzie and faces the
dramas of any normal girl: embarrassing
parents, mean girls, and a crazy substitute
teacher who makes matters even more
Hannah Montana, the famous Disney
show capitalized on the great success of
Lizzie McGuire. Miley Cyrus plays Miley
Stewart, a girl whose alter celebrity ego,
Hannah Montana, is a talented singer and
performer. Miley Stewart is a girl who
deals not only with school and family dramas, but also the stress of keeping Hannah
Montana a secret.
“I prefer Lizzie McGuire over Hannah
Montana,” says sophomore Jessica Brenner.
“In the past 3 to 4 years Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana has become a pop sensation,
but she is a fictional character. No celebrity lives a double life like Miley Cyrus’
character Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana.
Lizzie McGuire dealt with more realistic
issues, such as getting your first bra, or
having your first crush…
“In my opinion, Lizzie McGuire was one
of the best Disney Shows in a long time
and Hannah Montana is a pop star wannabe,” says Brenner.
Although Lizzie dealt with more realistic
teenage issues, some just love the capricious sides of Hannah Montana.
“Hannah Montana sings and her shows
are funny. Lizzie McGuire was just boring
According to billboard.com
2. 3.
Alicia Keys
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 9
2. disney bought this animation studio in 2006
3. the woman,who died in 2005,helped spark the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat on an
Alabama bus
7. powder concealed in letters mailed by terrorists
to NBC,CBS,ABC,the New York Post, and the National
Enquirer in 2001.
9. this planet was demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006.
12. Disney theme park which opened in early 2001
15. name of spaceship that breaks and explodes killing
all seven people aboard in 2002
16. this social networking website was launched in
2002. Facebook recently surpassed it with the most accounts created.
18. Most watched TV show of the decade
1. King of pop who died in 2009
4. Arizona govenor from 2003-2009
5. This website,started in 2005, has the slogan "broadcast
6. This girl band announced their end in 2001 but came
back and did a tour in 2007.
8. This electronic movie store opened in 2003
10. President elected in 2008
11. Best-selling artist of the decade
13. Highest grossing film of the decade
14. Boots that became uber popular for girls throughout
the decade
17. Beat out Wicked for Best Musical in 2003
According to the New York Times
1. 2.
3. 4.
Michael Jackson
Pope John Paul II
President Ronald Regan
Senator Edward Kennedy
Most Influential People that died in this Decade
Julia Child
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 10
Front Photo Credits
Top Fives’ Photo Credits
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 11
January 20- February 18
Next month you will meet a plumber with a
mustache. Resist the urge to call him Mario.
Instead offer him some grilled mushrooms (how
could he resist?) and play techno videogame
theme songs as he works. I promise you will
have free plumbing for a year.
December 22- January 19
The stars are aligned for you, my
friend. And you luck can only be
strengthened by hopping through the
school hallways on one foot. The first
person you knock down in the process is likely your future soul mate.
February 19-March 20
Danger! I see turmoil this month.
A dangerous criminal named Chex
may or may not be after you. To
keep yourself safe, avoid all forms of
prisons, including school, and things
called Chex (especially the delicious
March 21- April
This will be your
wild month. Go
a little crazy. Buy
a kazoo - you will
never know the
fun you are missing until you have
walked a little on
the wild side.
April 20- May 20
I know how much you love
this time of the year, but you
must also concern yourself
about your post-post-holidaydepression. Hide holiday items
throughout your house to be
found throughout February
and March.You will be filled
with the happiness of the holidays when your dad steps on
a Santa ornament in his shoe,
or your sister realizes that you
have filled her sock drawer
with little plastic menorahs.
May 21- June 20
The rock n’ roll gods have decided to bestow their gifts
upon you for the next 10 days. Should you feel the need
to jump upon your lunch table and belt out rocking
oldies like the Jackson Five’s “ABC” or even wonderfully
new smash hits like “BarbieGirl” do not suppress it! You
might be amazed by your musical genius.
November 22- December 21
Steer clear of pancakes this month;
they tend to attract hungry lumberjacks. Wearing corduroy pants
will bring you luck, especially when
paired with suspenders.
October 23- November 21
Try to be more environmentally conscious
this month. Bathe in the canal, unplug all
electronics in your house, or even ride a
horse to school.You will be amazed by
all the new friends you make when you
tie your horse up to the batting cages…
although I’m sure the baseball players will
not appreciate the manure spotting their
September 23- October 22
You will never go hungry. That’s because you
are crafty and sneaky, and you know how
to pick out the lady passing out samples in
Costco with the worst vision who wouldn’t
notice that the Frenchman with the beret, the
Inuit with the parka, and the CIA operative
with the Bluetooth are all you! She will begin
to suspect you, though, as soon as you pair
your eye patch with a pirate accent. Aye no!
June 21- July 22
Now is the prime time to create New
Years Resolutions (better late than
never!) and hone new skills. Have you
ever considered fencing? Competitive
miniature golf? Fantasy Sumo Wrestling? It would be a great opportunity to expand your horizons… and
enrich your college resume.
July 23- August 22
Psssttt. The person closest to
you might be an alien. Not an
immigrant, but from Jupiter. They couldn’t park their
spaceship in the west lot because the security guards had
been alerted… just thought
you should know…
August 23- September 22
I know it is cold, but try to take advantage of the
new frosty weather. Learn to knit a scarf or buy
a Snuggie! It might be too warm to wear, but
you could always give it to charity. Play outside
before the Excessive Heat Warnings resurface on
the news… it might be sooner than you think.
Desert Mountain High School
Issue 3
Page 12
I was in the sixth grade
and I was walking to my
locker after my last period class. My boyfriend
comes up to me and asks
for a kiss on the cheek.
So, I get on my tippy-toes
and right as I was going to kiss his cheek, he
turned his head really fast
and tricked me into kissing him on the lips!
So I was taking my date
home after Sadie Hawkins;
when we got to his house
he made me walk him up
to his porch. When we got
to his door he asks, “Will
you be my girlfriend?” He
had been my crush for
a while so I replied, “Of
course!” Then as I was
turning to go back to my
car he pulled me into him,
but…my mouth was open
because I was talking. He
then attempted to kiss me.
Let’s just say...that didn’t
go so well.
Photo Illustration by Nicole Suerez
Photo Editor
Models: Lexi Bluth and Hannah Cobley
I was at the park with some of my
friends and we were meeting up
with two cute guys from another
school. I was on crutches so we
were just going to hang out. My
friends knew that I recently had
been talking to one of these guys
so they “helped me out.” All of the
sudden all the girls and the other
guy run into my friends car leaving
me and the guy I liked outside...
alone. I was crutching along as fast
as I could to get to the car. By the
time we got to the door of the car,
it was locked. They rolled down the
window and said “we aren’t letting
you in until you two kiss.” So...he
held me around my crutches and
kissed me.
It was the week after Christmas my sophomore year. I had decided to have a party
with a few close friends and my boyfriend
was there. We had been dating for two
months already and he hadn’t kissed me.
Lame. So he would get the guts to do it, my
friends decided that we should play a game
of Hide and Seek. My boyfriend and I hid
together in my backyard. Well, he wasn’t
getting up the courage and I was getting
angry. Finally I just told him to kiss me. He
hesitated…and then he finally did. Quite
I had established myself as a bit of a
player in the sixth grade. But in reality I hadn’t done anything. Anyway,
I was playing a game of Truth or
Dare at a party when I was dared
to kiss this seventh grader. I had
never kissed anyone before and
was a bit nervous. My approach
was to go slowly, but she stuck her
tongue down my throat. It was
I was at my friends sixteenth birthday party when I as texting my
crush. He tells me he’s outside of the party and “happened” to
be in the neighborhood. I decide to go out and say hi. I get into
his car and chat for a couple of minutes. He drives around for a
few minutes so we’re not just awkwardly sitting outside the party
in his car talking. As he nears my friend’s house again he takes
my chin and leans in to kiss me...while he’s still driving. Instead of
just hitting my lip, he hit my friend’s mailbox.
In Loving Memory of Terry Kellen
Mr. Kellen’s family is grateful for all
your thoughts and prayers.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may
be made in Terry Kellen’s name to
the Arizona Humane Society.
1521 W. Dobbins Road
Phoenix, Arizona