August - Daggett County
Volume 15, Issue 8 AUGUST 2015 DAGGETT COUNTY NEWSLETTER Daggett County Youth ‘fair extremely well’ At SWEETWATER/DAGGETT COUNTY FAIR! Inside this issue: Ads & Notices 2 Commission Corner 3 Immunizations 4 Senior’s Calendar 5 DAGGETT DAZE & RECYCLING 6-7 Obituaries 8-9 August FUN 10-11 Committee Dates and Times 12 TOO MANY RESULTS TO INCLUDE IN THIS NEWSLETTER! The September issue will have a complete listing with photo’s of the winners! 14 (PROUD PARENTS: Submit photos by Aug 15 for inclusion in September Newsletter!) SHOWMANSHIP SALE DUMMY ROPING DUMMY ROPING CONCERTS Daggett County Newsletter Page 2 NOTICE Town of Manila Certified List of Nominations I herby certify that the following are the local candidate filings for the 2015 election listed by office, alphabetical listing. LUCERNE VALLEY MARINA Turns 50!! Town Council Member (4 year term) Randall T Browning Gretchen Northcott If you are in an abusive Lenita W. Steinaker relationship, OR are afraid and fear for your safety….. Please call me, I am HERE for you! Burl Twitchell _____________________ Lynette Asay Town Clerk DEB BERGMEIER 435-784-3222 ext 222 (ofc) 307-780-7153 (cell) DAGGETT COUNTY VICTIM’S ADVOCATE WE NEED YOU!! Manila Clinic “The Clinic” Across from the Daggett County Courthouse 96 North 100 West Manila Clinic 435-784-3575 Typical Hours 9 to Noon & 1 to 4 Closed Wednesdays and Weekends After Hours Call ~ 911 Or you can try the PA Cell 435-778-0008 Thank you for your support of the Clinic. Daggett County has openings for the following Boards, Committees and Volunteer Positions: Cemetery Board (1 position) Museum Board & Volunteers (Multiple positions) Recycling Volunteers (Multiple positions) Tourism Tax Advisory Board (3 position) Public Lands Advisory Board (3 positions) or contact the County Courthouse at (435) 784-3154, PO Box 219 Manila, UT 84046 Applications will be accepted until filled! Volume 15, Issue Page 3 Commissioner’s Corner July and August are busy months with lots of summer time activities and preparations for the fall season. A few items of note can be found below. Dutch John Fireworks The annual fireworks in Dutch John were very successful again this year even though we were competing with other firework shows. Thanks to all of those who helped or contributed in any way. Dutch John Town Council & Mayor Sworn In On July 13 Buddy Rogers was sworn in as Mayor of Dutch John, while Harriett Dickerson, Sandy Kunkel, Ryan Kelly, and Dave McDonald were sworn in as Town Council members by Judge Anne Steen. Cow Country Rodeo Another successful cow Country Rodeo was held the weekend of July 16 & 17th. Thanks to the County Staff, Lion’s Club members, Chamber Members, and 4-H participants and parents who helped this year’s event run so smoothly. Sweetwater County Fair The Fair is held July 26th – August 2nd and is a great opportunity for Daggett County residents to show off their agricultural skills and have a good time. Special Thanks goes to Donald Pallesen for all his time and effort as Daggett County’s official representative on the Sweetwater County Fair Board. Congratulations to all who were recognized or awarded for their efforts and thanks to everyone from Daggett County who participated in any way. Tower Rock Run This annual 10K, 5K and 1 mile Fun Run is scheduled for August 8th and is sponsored by Daggett County. If you are a runner or walker we hope you will consider participating, and if not as a participant, volunteers are still needed to help pull off this event. Contact Brian Raymond at 435-784-3218 ext. 134 to volunteer. Registration information is available at the Courthouse or on Cow Country Jr Rodeo Series Two rodeos have been held already and two more are scheduled for August 7th and 8th. This is no longer a county event, but we appreciate those who have worked so hard to make this event so successful. Sunset at Red Canyon August 13th is the scheduled night for this Red Canyon Visitor Center fundraiser. For more information see Trail Work Day We will be working on the Dowd Mountain Trail on August 15th and people are needed to help ride the trails, do hand work, shuttle vehicles, and prepare lunch, etc. It’s going to be a fun day with lots of hard work and a ride down to the lake and boat out. Contact Brian Raymond at 435-784-3218 ext. 134 to volunteer. Sponsored by Trails Utah and Daggett County! Trout Unlimited Single Fly Event This fundraising event is sponsored by the local Chapter of Trout Unlimited to help fund Trout Unlimited programs in our area. Teams of 4 fishermen/women donate substantial sums and then try to catch as many fish as possible and as big as possible on a single fly. Single Fly is August 27th and 28th. Enjoy the rest of your summer!! Clyde Slaugh Karen Perry, Chair Jack Lytle (435)784-3218 x131 (435)784-3218 x133 (435)784-3218 x132 Links: Commission Agendas & Minutes: Daggett County Newsletter Page 4 FLAMING GORGE TOWER ROCK RUN 10K, 5, & 1 MILE FUN RUN/WALK Come run one of the most scenic courses in the entire country! 10K will start above Palisades Picnic Area and end at the Navajo Cliffs Picnic Area on the Sheep Creek Geological Loop. The 5K will start at Tower Rock! $100 CASH PRIZE to top 10K Male & Female Runners! AUGUST 8, 2015 ~ 8:15 AM RACE TIME $50 CASH PRIZE to top 10K Male & Female Runners! For more details and sign-up packets: "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging". Will Rogers Will Rogers Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there! GREAT AWARDS/DRAWINGS + RACE T-SHIRTS and MORE! Volume 15, Issue Page 5 Chamber Mtg. 6PM Manila Food Pantry The pantry will be open every Thursday from 9:00 - 2:00 except otherwise posted. If you have been receiving food assistance you most likely will have to renew your application which is a yearly requirement. The application is available at the pantry every Thursday. Also you must: (1) provide proof of income (i.e.: disability, Social Security, Child Support, Alimony, and food stamps, etc) (2) birth certificates or Social Security for everyone in the household (3) Picture identification of every person over the age of 16 years old. If you need to fill out the application, please come in and pick them up if you did not receive them last month. Please allow adequate time to process the information which may take approximately 30 to 45 minutes. You may contact the food pantry @ 784-3993 if you have any questions or concerns. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE FOOD AT THE PANTRY’S DOOR. IT CAN BE LEFT AT THE COURTHOUSE, BUT THE PANTRY IS NOT MANNED DAILY. 7th Daggett County Newsletter Page 6 Recycling in Daggett County At the request of Tri County Health Department Daggett County’s recycling program in Manila was discontinued in late March. We have been getting lots of inquiries regarding restarting the program, but have no location to store or sort the recyclable materials received. If you have a large barn, garage or other storage area that you would like to donate for the next 3 or 4 months we would be interested in speaking with you. The County is working on grants to build a new building, but even if the applications are successful we are three to four months away from building a new recycling facility. If you feel the recycling program is beneficial we would encourage you to make a tax deductible donation to the Community Foundation of Utah (423 West 800 South – Suite #A101; Salt Lake City, UT 84101) on behalf of the Flaming Gorge Country Community Foundation to show support for this program and enable us to find additional matching funds. There are several locations where you can continue recycling while we are working to find a new location: Green River (WY) Public Works Recycling at 325 E. Teton Ave is open 24/7. Another good location is in Park City at Recycle Utah, which is located at 1951 Woodbine Way and is open Monday through Friday 8-5:30 and Saturdays from 10 -4. 2015Daggett Daze Pageant September 4th, 2015 Manila Park Pavilion 7:00 P.M. Daggett Daze is extending an invitation to all children ages 3 to 6 and 7 to 11 to participate in the Daggett Daze Royalty Pageant. Each contestant needs to have a casual and a dress-up attire. If interested, please return this form to the Chamber of Commerce in the Manila Courthouse between August 24th–August 31st, 2015. Judged on personality and ‘asked questions’. Turn in by Aug 31 at 5pm. NAME ___________________________________________________________________ PHONE #________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN _______________________________________________________ Miss and Master Daggett Age Group 3 to 6 _______ Boy ______ Girl Miss and Master Manila Age Group 7 to 11 _______ Boy ______ Girl Volume 15, Issue 8 Page 7 2015 Daggett Daze Parade THEME: “JOURNEY BACK IN TIME” REGISTRATION FORM Name of Entry _______________________________________ Contact Person ____________________Phone_____________ Contact Address______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Saturday Sept. 5, 2015 9 a.m. Entries Sign-In 10 a.m. Parade Starts How would you like your entry (entries) introduced?________ ___________________________________________________ More Information or ___________________________________________________ Questions: ___________________________________________________ Kay Potter PO Box 122 ___________________________________________________ Manila, Ut 84046 ___________________________________________________ (435) 784-3218 Ext 136 Due back by Aug 31 at 5pm. ___________________________________________________ Daggett Daze Booth Registration Form Business Name_______________________________________ Contact Person ____________________Phone_____________ Saturday Sept. 5, 2015 9 a.m. Contact Address______________________________________ Set-Up & Sign-In ___________________________________________________ 10 a.m. Under Pavilion ____Yes ____No On Grass ____Yes ____No Parade Starts Do you have your own table? ____Yes ____No Do you have your own canopy? ____Yes ____No Do you need power? ____Yes ____No What will you be selling or distributing?___________________ 10:30—11 a.m. People return from the Parade Kay Potter ___________________________________________________ PO Box 122 ___________________________________________________ Manila, Ut 84046 ___________________________________________________ Due back by Aug 31 at 5pm. Daggett County Newsletter Page 8 L.E. “BUZZ” BUZARDE, JR 3/23/1933 ~ 7/20/2015 L.E “Buz” Buzarde, Jr was born March 23, 1933 to L.E and Etta Ferguson Buzarde in Greenwood Mississippi. His athletic prowess earned him the nickname “Fleet Footed Sonny Buzarde” on the high school football fields of Greenwood and Greenville, Mississippi. An accomplished student, Buz graduated from Millsaps College after 2 1/2 years of study with a bachelor’s degree in Physics. Emory University awarded him a Masters of Geology 1 1/2 years later. Buz worked for ARCO, Chevron and Gulf Oil from 1956 to 1973. In 1971, he transferred from New Orleans, LA to Lagos, Nigeria as Supervisor of Drilling Engineering for Gulf. From 1973 to 1976 he was successfully appointed Drilling Manager, Vice President and President of Natomas Company’s Indonesian operations, based in Jakarta. In 1979 he was named President of Natomas International Corporation, overseeing operations in Indonesia, the North Sea, the People’s Republic of China, Australia and New Guinea. In 1986, Buz transferred to Dallas, Texas as Senior Vice President of Worldwide Operations for Diamond Shamrock. In 1987, Buz left Diamond to found his own company Star Oil & Gas. Buz retired in 1990 and returned to “The Cabin”, the Flaming Gorge Acres retreat the whole family has called home since 1979. In 2002 Buz published Oil Patch, a novel of a life in the oil & gas industry. Although accomplished as an athlete, student, author and businessman, Buz’s forte was as a family man. He and his wife of 50 years Renee’ successfully guided seven children with love, encouragement and a certain amount of expectation. Their dozen grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren remember a powerful loving and inspiring force. Expectations of success in the Buzarde family did not mean all work and no play. Work hard/Play hard was more the motto. Buz and Renee took the older kids on great adventures as they moved through the world. The younger ones remember “Camp Cabin”, where FUN was the name of the game every summer: fishing, floating the Green, boating the Gorge, singing, dancing and watching family movies at “The Cabin”. Buz was preceded in death by his parents, his sister Wanda Buzzarde and his sister-in-law, Verna Henderson Mealer. He is survived by those who continue to be blessed by his influence on their lives: his wife Renee Henderson Buzarde; their children Vern (Rosa) Buzarde, Linda (Cliff) Grua, Lee (Jim) Gagon, Stewart (Kris) Shimmin, Laura Buzarde, Verna Inman, Brett (Karen) Buzarde; Twelve grandchildren and six great grandchildren; Nephew Mike Mealer and Brother Dan (Rosa) Buzzarde. Services were Thursday July 23, 2015 at the Ashley Valley Funeral Home.84078. MAXINE ATWOOD 04/29/1925 ~ 07/02/2015 Maxine Atwood, 90, passed away on July 2 in Vernal. She was one of two sets of twins born to the 12 children of Ed and Lila Boren. On her 15th birthday, Maxine and her twin sister Mazie married brothers, Vaughn and Tom Christensen. She spent her young life working on the ranch and being a homemaker. She helped take care of her sisters kids until 11 years later when she gave birth to her only child Juleen Christensen. Vaughn and Maxine later divorced and she married Jack Atwood in 1975.Jack passed away and she spent the remainder of her life enjoying fishing, playing cards, watching the Jazz and game shows and spending time with your family especially her grandchildren. Maxine was the oldest original living resident of Manila. She was preceded in death by her siblings: the younger twins, Dophus and Darwin; brothers, Odell; Doyle; Cleo; and Delmont. Sisters: her twin sister, Mazie Scott; Deola; DeWilla; and parents Ed and Lila Boren. Maxine leaves behind daughter Juleen and husband Ned Brady. Grandchildren: Wendy and husband Bill Carlton; Cindy Keller; Chad and Michelle Brady. Great-grandchildren: Colton Kraft; Calisha and husband Colton Christenson; Brock Logan; Austin; Alex; Chandra and Simeon Brady. Brothers: Reo and Kerry Boren and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held Tuesday, July 7. Interred at Manila Cemetery. SOPHIA RODRIGUEZ 10/21/1968 ~ 07/17/2015 Funeral services for Sophia Marie Rodriguez, age 46, of Manila were held on Thursday, July 23, 2015, at the Manila Ward Chapel. Volume 15, Issue 8 Page 9 RICHARD ZOHNER 01/24/1957 ~ 06/30/2015 Richard Zohner, was born January 24, 1957 in Salt Lake City, Utah, son of Lewis and Doris Rae Zohner. A Great Man, Husband and Friend passed away on July 1, 2015 in SLC after a long battle with health issues. Richard graduated from Manila High School and Western Wyoming Community College with an Associate of Science Degree in Computer Information Systems. He worked for Reeds Motor and Marine from 1976-1979, then owned & operated his own auto repair shop for many years. He worked for Daggett County with mosquito abatement, weed control, LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) and Building Inspector. He was working for Vernal City as Building Inspector until he became ill. Richard was a born first responder. In 1976 he, along with Rowdy and Clay Muir and Danny Lamb started Search and Rescue in Daggett County. During his life he was a member of the County Ambulance Service, ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) and the Manila Fire Department. He found that fighting fires and amateur radio were his loves. Richard volunteered as a fire fighter for over 32 years, and Fire Chief for over 20 years, and was on the radio until his last call. While he was a member of the LEPC he worked with tenacity to obtain grant money for communication upgrades for all County and emergency services and piece by piece building the Town of Manila Fire Emergency Response Vehicle. Richard taught many classes in amateur radio protocols and assisted people within the community in obtaining their amateur radio licenses. He also taught extrication to EMT students. He truly had a talent in photography which he shared with many of his friends. He is survived by his wife Tammy Reynolds, granddaughter Grace Baker, Johnny and Sami Baker, Tamaira Tolbert, cousins Sharon (Mac) Mathews, Doug (Kris) Wheeler, Pat Thatcher, Connie (Ed) Dansie, Joe (Dawn) Wheeler, Rick, Dan, Jeanie Lavender. He was preceded in death by his brother, Terry, his mother, Doris Rae, and his father, Lewis Zohner. JESSE G. JACKSON 07/28/1935 ~ 07/19/2015 Jesse George Jackson passed away July 19, 2015 in Flaming Gorge, Utah. He was born July 28, 1935 to Jesse and Florence Jackson in Springville, UT. There is no doubt about it, Jesse Jackson lived life his way. He never thought of no as an acceptable answer. If he wanted to do it he was going to do it, and he did it all. He lived the life of a dozen men whether it be fishing in Alaska, hunting in Africa, floating the Green River, serving our country or jumping out of planes. He was an adventurer to the extreme. He was a family man and made sure the ones he loved also experienced the joys of an adventurous and outdoor life. He had eaten at some of the nicest restaurants in the world but also enjoyed Spaghettio’s straight from the can or a gas station hot dog. He was passionate about everything he did in his life. His laughs were loud and his temper was hot, he felt life at its deepest level of emotion. He was larger than life and would be impossible to forget. He started several companies over the years. He hired those he loved and made sure their lives were blessed. He was generous with his money, his stories, his laughter and his home. When his son Clay passed away a year and a half ago, Jesse wrote: "I am looking forward to when Clay and I can catch resurrected fish with resurrected fly rods and then sit on the bank beside the stream and just chat." They are together now doing just that. He did it his way in life and in death. Jesse Jackson, the Mentor, the Legend, the Man. 'GONE FISHIN'. Survived by his children: LaVon (Kwan), Julie, Brett (Christi), Matt (Jessica), Jessica, Danny, and his family of friends. His many Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren will miss him deeply. He is now with his parents Jesse and Florence Jackson, his sister Jeanine Fritzsche, his son Clay Jackson and many close departed friends. Join us on his 80th birthday to celebrate his life. The service was held by the pond of Wasatch Lawn Mortuary on Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 3401 S Highland Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84106. - See more at: Daggett County Newsletter And we thought there were NO holidays in August! August, 2015 Bizarre and Unique Holidays Page 10 Day - now that's tasty! 09 Book Lover's Day 10 Lazy Day Month: 10 National S 'mores Day Admit You're Happy Month 11 Presidential Joke Day Family Fun Month 11 Son and Daughter Day National Catfish Month 12 Middle Child's Day National Eye Exam Month 13 Left Hander's Day National Golf Month 14 National Creamsicle Day Peach Month 14/15 V-J Day - which date do you mark the end of WWII? Romance Awareness Month 15 Relaxation Day - now this one's for me! Water Quality Month 16 National Tell a Joke Day National Picnic Month 17 National Thrift shop Day Weekly Events: 18 Bad Poetry Day Week 1 National Simplify your Life Week 19 Aviation Day Week 2 National Smile Week 20 Chinese Valentine's Day/Daughter's Day - 7th day Week 3 Friendship Week of 7th Lunar Month Week 4 Be Kind to Humankind Week 20 National Radio Day August, 2015 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky 21 Senior Citizen's Day Days: 22 Be an Angel Day 1 National Mustard Day first Saturday 22 National Tooth Fairy Day - and/or February 28 1 National Raspberry Cream Pie Day 23 Ride the Wind Day 2 Friendship Day - First Sunday in August 2 International Forgiveness Day - First Sunday in Au- 24 Vesuvius Day 25 Kiss and Make Up Day gust 26 National Dog Day 2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 26 Women's Equality Day 2 Sisters Day - First Sunday in August 27 Global Forgiveness Day 3 National Watermelon Day 27 Just Because Day 4 U.S. Coast Guard Day 28 Race Your Mouse Day -but we are not sure what 5 Work Like a Dog Day kind of "mouse" 6 Wiggle Your Toes Day 29 More Herbs, Less Salt Day 7 National Lighthouse Day 8 Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch 30 Frankenstein Day 30 Toasted Marshmallow Day ZESTY CUCUMBER RANCH SALAD Yield – 4 servings INSTRUCTIONS INGREDIENTS 1 Cucumber 1 Tomato 1 Avocado ¼ cup Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Dash of Salt & Pepper Use a potato peeler to remove skin from cucumber Dice cucumber, tomato, and avocado Add Hidden Valley Ranch, Kraft Zesty Italian, and salt & pepper Stir all together until well blended. Volume 15, Issue Page 11 ANNIES FRUIT SALSA & CINNAMON CHIPS 2 kiwis, peeled and diced 2 Golden Delicious apples - peeled, cored and diced 8 ounces ea. raspberries, and sliced/diced peaches or nectarines 1 pound strawberries 2 tablespoons white sugar and 1 tablespoon brown sugar 3 tablespoons fruit preserves, any flavor 10 (10 inch) flour tortillas & butter flavored cooking spray 2 tablespoons cinnamon sugar In a large bowl, thoroughly mix kiwis, Golden Delicious apples, raspberries, peaches, strawberries, white sugar, brown sugar and fruit preserves. Cover and chill in the refrigerator at least 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Coat one side of each flour tortilla with butter flavored cooking spray. Cut into wedges and arrange in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Sprinkle wedges with desired amount of cinnamon sugar. Spray again with cooking spray. Bake in the preheated oven 8 to 10 minutes. Repeat with any remaining tortilla wedges. Allow to cool approximately 15 minutes. Serve with chilled fruit mixture. WORDSEARCH MAGIC! Daggett County PO Box 219 Manila, UT 84046 435-784-3218 435-784-3335 fax Visit us on the web! «AddressBlock» County Commission: Meetings will be held at 9:00 AM on Tuesdays. County Planning & Zoning: Meetings will be held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM. Manila Planning and Zoning: 1st Monday of each month at 6 PM. Manila Volunteer Fire Department: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 PM Museum Board: Meetings 2nd Monday of the month at NOON. Local Emergency Planning Committee: Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month at 12:00 PM in the Commission Room. Lunch Provided. Search & Rescue: Meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the third Thursday of each month at various locations. Chamber of Commerce: August 20th at 6:00pm at Lucerne Marina. Members & Public Invited Articles or advertisements or requests for the Daggett County Newsletter please contact 435-784-3218 ext 121 or 230. LET’S SAVE OUR TAX DOLLARS! If you can receive them VIA email in lieu of a hard copy mailed out, we’d appreciate that change as well. Just call us with your email address! Thank You!
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