august - United Presbyterian Church Denison Iowa


august - United Presbyterian Church Denison Iowa
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00AM – 1:00PM
Lue’s Lines
Greetings to all Presbyterians. I would like to focus these lines on
Exodus 20:8-10. It’ s a scripture I often encourage others to low but I am really bad about doing this myself and struggle with it
every day. Read the words from exodus. “ Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days a week are
Office Telephone:
set apart for your daily duties and regular work, but the seventh
Office Administrator: day is a day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God… ” ( NHV )
Barb Kessel
Penny Kinney
Jerry Boettger
Daryl Philipp
Kyle Bohnker
Bill Bruce
Robin Adams
Kenny Davis
Elaine Chapman
Clerk of Session:
Patti Boettger
Randy Russum
Bette Bruce, Chair
Gayle Chapman
Pat Bilsten
Faith Blair
Cathy Christiansen
Phyllis Harms
Mary Goettsch
Kathy Jones
Phyllis Weaver
In today ’ s world of extremes, taking time to reset seems to be
wither taboo or a top priority. As I checked my calendar this
morning, I was surprised to see that tomorrow had nothing written
down. ( What have I forgotten now?) This is my second time
since May 23rd but I maintain that schedule pretty much by
choice. For the most part, I love what I’ m doing during those
busy times. Filling pulpits and my hospice chaplaincy are so energizing and uplifting, I thank God for using me in those capacities.
My work at the Manning library is a wonderful change of pace and
I get the joy o seeing people I don ’ t often see and watch kids
discover the joy of reading. The NH clients are a joy to work with
and have taught me so much. How often are you greeted with a
hug when you come to work? Volunteering at the Hausbarn is
just plain fun. I don’ t want to give any of it up. I do make time
each day and often several short periods during the day for prayer
and meditation. Besides, I don ’ t deal with “ down time ” well,
as you can tell.
Most of the people I know keep similar schedules. They may
have different activities but they are still busy. Finding time or
making time for God often seems very difficult but it is so important. Even Jesus went off by himself to mediate and have time
with God. If we don ’ t take time to let God refill our cups, the well
will soon dry up and we will have nothing left to give.
August Deacons & Greeters
**If anyone needs a ride to church on Sunday
or any other activities at the church, please
give the deacon a call or call the church
Office 263-4130.**
August 7th @ 9:00AM (Communion)
August 21st @ 9:00AM
Candle Lighters: Maggie Chapman & Amber Irwin
Greeters: Cathy Christiansen
Deacon/Usher: Cathy Christiansen
Candle Lighters: Maggie Chapman & Amber Irwin
Greeters: Ruth Moen
Deacon/Usher: Cathy Christiansen
August 28th @ 9:00AM
Candle Lighters: Thomas Gotto & Brandon Halsey
Greeters: Cathy Christiansen
Deacon/Usher: Cathy Christiansen
August 14th @ 9:00 AM
Candle Lighters: Thomas Gotto & Brandon Halsey
Greeters: Cathy Christiansen
Deacon/Usher: Cathy Christiansen
June 26th
July 3rd
July 10th
July 17th
Worship 39
Worship 54
Worship 53
Worship 47
Communion 50
Potluck brunch , August 21st
AT 10:30 AM
Wednesday Night Youth, Sept. 14th
Bible Verses to Investigate…
Isaiah 1:1, 10-20
Hebrews 11:1-3
Jeremiah 1:4-10
Stewardship & Finance
Harvesters graciously paid for the handicap door recently installed. Thank you Harvesters!
Please remember us in your prayers and offerings.
Thank you for your continued support.
Jerry Boettger
General Fund:
Bank Balance
( JUNE 3102016)
Balance: $
Income: $
Expense: $
August Bible Trivia
How many Spirits of God were seen in John’s vision?
A) 3
B) 12
C) 7
D) 6
*look for the answer in next month’s newsletter
July Bible Trivia Answer
Where was John when he received the book of Revelation?
B) On the isle of Patmos
Explanation: John was exiled on the Isle of Patmos
Reference: Revelation 1:9
SEPTEMBER 22-25, 2016
Want to help Lakeshore Center with a specific gift?
Here is the list of items that we need.
Portable AED (we have a price through a grant of $1300)
Deck for Lakeview Lodge ($148,000)
Gently used 12 passenger van
Patio covering/additional dining space
New carpet for our Chapel
4 passenger mule/golf cart
New siding on Pine, Maple, and Linden
New Siding on the chapel/rec hall
Gazebos near the cross and near high challenge course
Picnic tables/benches for high challenge course and archery field
Fun noodles
More summer campers!
More retreat participants!
1864 Highway 86 ~ Milford, IA 51351 ~ 712.337.3313
Business Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Central
Office is closed on Holidays
Office email:
For bookings & reservations:
FAX: 712-337-0104
Worship With Us on Sundays! Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend
Pastor Beth Ehlers, CRE
10 a.m. in our Chapel
Presbyterian Mission
Presbyterian Church, USA
Presbytery of Prospect Hill
Next Meeting: Sept. 15, 2016 @ 7PM
The Elders met on Sunday July 10, 2016. We discussed opportunities for an interim pastor.
The PNC continues to meet and look at candidates for a pastor.
42 people received communion on June 5, 2015.
Patti K. Boettger
Next Meeting: Sunday, Sept. 11th @ 9AM
Lois McCollough, Barb Haley, Gladys North, Ruth Overhue, Anna
Hulsebus, Barb & Wayne Saunders, David Blair, Bill Irwin,
Bonnie Wolf, Milton Morrison, Kyle Bohnker, Erin Koch, Bonnie
Wolf and our church family.
If you know anyone that needs added to our list or removed,
please contact church office.
A big thank you to all those you
lent a hand on our all church work
On Saturday, July 16 members
gathered to do some work inside
and especially outside.
Thanks again for the everyone’s
Hostess: Ala Smithson
7:30 PM
Sign up sheets are posted on bulletin board in office hallway. Please sign up to
bring a salad and or to host a table.
We hosted Sundae Sunday, July 17th during our Church Hall Meeting. Ice
cream for sundaes, or root beer floats and brownies were enjoyed.
Mark your calendars for August 21st and join us following church services for
a potluck brunch.
The Fellowship and Outreach Committee is hosting a Salad Luncheon on Saturday, October 8th in the Fellowship Hall. We would like to have hostesses
for 14 tables for the luncheon. There are sign up sheets posted in the hallway
for salad donations as well as hosting a table. Please consider volunteering
your time and talents for this project. We’re looking forward to sharing this
special luncheon with you, your relatives, friends and neighbors. We use the
funds raised to assist with mission requests, camp scholarships, purchasing
reading glasses for elementary students, maintaining and equipping the
kitchen and furnishing paper products for the church kitchen. Please prayerfully consider contributing to this worthwhile project.
When you are Down to nothing… God is UP to something!
Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!
Thank God for our physical and our spiritual nourishment!
The current plan is to have Sunday School begin September 11th. Wednesday Night
Youth Group should begin September 14th, at the
We will have a sign up sheet in the kitchen to provide meals for our Wednesday
Night Youth Group on kitchen counter. Please sign up today!
Lue’s Lines: Continued…
The world or your life may not give you permission to stop, to rest, but God does. In
fact, he has commanded that we stop and rest. God thought it so important he put it
in his “ Top Ten List ” . I dare say that the command to observe the Sabbath is the
most violated command by Christians.
If you haven ’ t done so already, I challenge you to study this for yourself. Without a
biblical conviction about this, the gravitational pull to the busyness of the world will always suck you in. I am working toward being better at this. I hope you will too.
If this sounds like another obligation to add to the schedule, you are missing the point.
Sabbath is not a “ have to ” , it ’ s a “ g et to ” . The main thing Jesus taught us
about he Sabbath was that the Sabbath was made for man , not man for the Sabbath.
God ’ s Blessing to each of you.
Lue Baker
P.S. I will soon be taking a training to serve as a volunteer chaplain for law enforcement personnel through SW Iowa Law Enforcement Chaplaincy program. We are
working to get an informational meeting of what all this entrails in Denison and Carroll.
If you would like more information about this ministry, please contact me. This is open
to all. Thank you.
It won’t be long and our choir will be back to work. However, there is still time to share the talents our Lord gave
you during one of our August worship services. The sign up
page in on bulletin board in office hallway.
“The first time I sang in the church choir, two hundred people changed their religion”
Fred Allen
August 11—21, 2016
The first ever cordless phone was created by God.
He named it “Prayer”…
It never loses its signal and
you never have to recharge it
You can use it anywhere!
Denison Community Schools resume
classes on August 23, 2016
Denison UPC
8/11 Jayne Lyons
8/16 Ruth Moen
8/13 Marge Meyer
8/17 Cathy Christiansen
8/14 Jacob Irwin
8/20 Dale Kinney
8/12 Bill & Margaret Wohlers
8/19 Don & Jayne Lyons
8/21 Matt & Lindsey Gotto
8/30 Bob & Sharon Irwin
8/22 Mary Ann Irwin
8/23 Steve Fitzgerald
8/26 Dean Argotsinger