Randy Russum


Randy Russum
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00AM – 1:00PM
Randy Russum
“I pray that, according the riches of his glory, God may grant that you
may be strengthened in your inner being with power through the Spirit,
www.upcdenison.com and that Christ may dwell in your hearts, through faith, as you are rooted
and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3: 16-17)
Office Telephone:
Office Administrator:
Barb Kessel
Penny Kinney
Jerry Boettger
Daryl Philipp
Kyle Bohnker
Bill Bruce
Robin Adams
Kenny Davis
Elaine Chapman
Clerk of Session:
Patti Boettger
Randy Russum
Bette Bruce, Chair
Gayle Chapman
Pat Bilsten
Faith Blair
Cathy Christiansen
Phyllis Harms
Mary Goettsch
Kathy Jones
Phyllis Weaver
Our Foundation
Not far from my first church was an acreage that had an old stone
silo that leaned so badly it seemed to defy gravity. In fact, there was
always someone predicting when it was finally going to fall. Longtime residents told me that the silo was built very quickly as fall
turned to winter and it sat on poorly dug footings. So it soon began
to lean, all because there was no solid base to support it.
Paul wrote the words we see above to a church that not only was
having difficulty facing a world hostile to the Gospel, but also believers that had difficulty accepting the fact that through our Savior
they were truly one body. There were many things that they were
finding to separate this family of believers. So, he challenged them
to begin their journey together by being rooted and grounded in
love. This had to be their starting point if Jesus the Christ had
truly called them together.
It occurs to me that there are many things in our lives of faith that
we see in an entirely different light because, imperfect as they may
be by most standards, they are done out of love. In our most difficult times, the knowledge that we are loved and supported grants
us the very confidence we need to face these times. It is also possible
then to find the path to reconciliation.
May God bless each of us as we are in ministry together, sustained
by this powerful love.
Joined through Christ,
May Deacons & Greeters
**If anyone needs a ride to church on Sunday or any other activities at the church, please give
the deacon a call or call the church
Office 263-4130.**
May 22nd @ 10:30AM
May 1st @ 10:30 AM
Candle Lighters: Thomas Gotto & Brandon Halsey
Candle Lighter: Maggie Chapman
Greeters: Phyllis Harms
Deacon/Usher: Mary Goettsch
Greeters: Juanita Bachman
Deacon/Usher: Mary Goettsch
May 8th @ 10:30 AM
May 29th: @ 9:00AM
Candle Lighters: Thomas Gotto & Brandon Halsey
Greeters: Jean Nihsen
Deacon/Usher: Mary Goettsch
Candle Lighter: Thomas Gotto
& Brandon Halsey
Greeters: Carol Evilsizer
Mary Goettsch
May 15th @ 10:30AM
Candle Lighters: Maggie Chapman & Amber Irwin
Greeters:Shirley Webber
Deacon/Usher: Mary Goettsch
March 27th
April 3rd
April 10th
SS 9
Worship 69
Worship 56
Worship 59
April 17th
Worship 57
Communion 59
Worship Time Changes on May 29th to 9:00AM
There is NO Sunday School or Youth Group
during Summer Months
Bible Verses to Investigate…
1 Kings 18:20-29
Galatians 1:1-12
Romans 8:14-17
Revelations 21:10; 21:22-25:5
Stewardship & Finance
Thank you for your
continued supported.
Jerry Boettger
General Fund:
Bank Balance
(March 31, 2016)
May Bible Trivia
The voices in Revelation sounded like what?
A) Thunder
B) Whispers
C) Roaring Sea D) Trumpet
*look for the answer in next month’s newsletter
April Bible Trivia Answer
Why were the Jews angry when Jesus cured the invalid in the Book of John?
C) It was the Sabbath
Explanation: When Jesus told the invalid to pick up his mat and walk to the pool,
the Jews told him he was not allowed, because it was the Sabbath
Reference: John 5:10
It’s super simple to get registered!
Follow these tips:
*Go to our website:
*Click on the tab at the top of screen “Summer Camps”
*Click on the Register button
*Follow the instructions: remember it is the grad you
are in for the 2015-2016 school year.
*Make sure you get tow or three friends to register for
camp with you
*Plan to have an incredible summer of fun, faith, meeting
new friends, and exploring nature!
This summer, Lakeshore Center at Okoboji will be
celebrating 60 years of ministry!!
In honor of our 60 years, we are having a May Special on our Guest Rooms
for just $60 a night (normally $95/ night). See the flyer attached to this
email for pictures and more information.
SAVE THIS DATE: July 22-24th - Our 60th year celebration of Lakeshore Center
1864 Highway 86 ~ Milford, IA 51351 ~ 712.337.3313
Business Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. -5 p.m. Central
Office is closed on Holidays
Office email: office@lakeshorecenteratokoboji.org
For bookings & reservations: info@lakeshorecenteratokoboji.org
FAX: 712-337-0104
Worship With Us on Sundays! Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend
Pastor Beth Ehlers, CRE
10 a.m. in our Chapel
Presbyterian Mission
Presbyterian Church, USA
Presbytery of Prospect Hill
Next Meeting: Thursday, May19th @ 7PM
Stated Session Meeting was held on Thursday April 14, 2016 at
Beth Ehlers, CRE Executive Director of Lakeshore Center at Okoboji,
a Ministry of the Presbyterian Church, presented the changes they
have done at their lakeshore facility. They now have hotel style
rooms, retreat accommodations, capabilities for family reunion and as
always, faith based camping opportunities for all children. If you are
looking to visit or stay at the Lakeshore Center, you can call 712-3373313 or visit their web site www.lakeshorecenteratokoboji.org
69 Persons received Holy Communion on Sunday March 27, 2016
42 Person received Holy Communion on Sunday March 6, 2016.
The Session approved to transfer membership of Gordon and Karla Cose to First Presbyterian Church of Glidden, Iowa.
The Session approved the Baptism of Thomas Gotto, on Sunday April 24, 2016.
The copy machine in the office is 11 years old. There may be a time when we will need to purchase a new
one. The Elders have discussed cost issues.
Primary Elections on June 7, 2016 will be held in our Fellowship Hall, from 6:00am – 10:00pm.
Congratulations to the Students of the 2016 Confirmation Class: Faith Blair, Lucas Blair, Maggie Chapman,
Thomas Gotto, Brandon Halsey, Amber Irwin, and Ethan Koch.
We would like to thank Joyce Bohnker for dedicating her time to guide and educate these young people of
their Christian journey and to serve as Disciples of Christ.
Summer Church Service at 9:00am will begin Sunday May 29, 2016.
Next Meeting: Sunday, May 1st @ 9AM
The Deacons met April 3rd after cleaning and restocking the pews.
Maggie Chapman has created a monthly schedule for the candle lighters that is posted in the
Deacons closet for reference. If unable to attend on a designated Sunday the candle lighter
should contact the Deacon assigned for the month, not Maggie.
The Deacons served the Wed. night Youth Group a meal including pizza burgers and fixings in
March organized by Mary Goettsch and Gayle Chapman.
We are working to reduce the amount of envelopes used for notes by putting scratch paper in
the pews. Please use this for note taking, scribbles, and so forth.
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your concerns, prayers, cards, emails, telephone calls, visits, and pizza following Bill's stroke while he was in the hospital,
rehab center, and at home. Each one was so appreciated and thoughtful. It helped so
much with all of the stress, uncertainties, and aloneness while gone to know that
others cared. God bless you all.
Bill and Mary Ann Irwin
I want to say thank you for the work you do to support our local community. I recently had a student in need of new shoes. It was such a
blessing to know that there was a way to help this student get what he
Erin Adams
Yup, it ’ s that time again… It won ’ t be long and we will need
those musically gifted people to sign up to provide special music
for our worship services. Our Chancel Choir takes a well deserved
break over our summer months. So start thinking about it now and
be ready to sign up soon on bulletin board across from office.
A big thanks to the choir members for their dedication. A special thank you to Ann Voggesser,
Kristy Zenk, Lisa Langholz, and Marilynn Jepsenn.
Vernon Kuehnhold turns 90!
Coffee will be served in his honor following May 29 worship services
There will be an Open House at the Vail Park on June 4, from 3-? To celebrate this young at heart’s birthday. Everyone is invited to join Vernon and
his family in his celebration.
Crossroads of crawford
Crossroads of Crawford County is a Christian resourcing and referral service for the Crawford area. It
is a safe and comfortable way to begin with finding solutions to personal and family situations. Our
work involves helping others refuel for their life’s journey: Referral & Networking, Journeying with you
for support, fining resources, connecting. This is a new resource starting up in Denison, it is not part of
our church however. More information available on by community bulletin board.
Volunteers are needed ages 15-115, male, female, entire families. No expectation of hours.
More information will be coming available. Contact 712-393-HOPE (4673)
May 5th @ 7:30PM
Ann Voggesser, Hostess
Marilynn Jepsen, Program
The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the
first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for
the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the
United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry
S. Truman. Our Task Force is a privately funded organization
whose purpose is to encourage participation on the National
Day of Prayer. It exists to communicate with every individual the
need for personal repentance and prayer, to create appropriate
materials, and to mobilize the Christian community to intercede
for America’s leaders and its families. The Task Force represents a
Judeo-Christian expression of the national observance, based on
our understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.
The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as it enables us to recall and to
teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His
grace upon us as a people. The unanimous passage of the bill establishing the National Day of Prayer as
an annual event, signifies that prayer is as important to our nation today as it was in the beginning.
There will be no Sunday School starting in May.
We would like to take this time to show the appreciation towards our Sunday School teachers an d
youth group volunteers. Our children are precious,
to us and God. The importance these people have in
their lives can not be measured.
Also, thank you to the parents who see the importance of bringing your child to God.
The Office will be closed for
on May 30th.
Memorial Day
Have a safe Memorial Weekend!
The Harvesters get together one Sunday evening each month. We announce our meeting
time and location in the worship bulletin and in the monthly newsletter. In recent months we
have been meeting at Silveridge in Denison in the second floor meeting room. Two of our
members reside at Silveridge so that location turns out to be convenient for all.
Our members take their turn hosting the monthly meetings. Hosts provide the snacks and
refreshments. Sometimes we enjoy a potluck meal. Hosts also are responsible for presenting
a devotional topic to our group. Our time together also includes a brief business meeting as
well as good conversation and games.
Other than $5 annual dues per member, our main source of funds is our annual pancake
supper in October. In the past we have supported special projects at the Presbyterian Church
Camp in Okoboji. We recently reimbursed the Church session for the cost of installing an
automatic door opener on the NE entry into the Church (south set of double doors). The Harvesters also coordinate decorating the church at Christmas time.
Feel welcome to visit and hopefully join our group. Our next meeting will be June 5. Hope
to see you there!
On the Day of Pentecost we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit descending in a mighty rush of wind and flame
to inspire the church’s proclamation of Christ’s rising and to empower its mission and ministry to the world.
(See Acts 2:1-13; see also Joel 2:28-32.)
The notion of Easter as a season of 50 days ending at Pentecost is patterned after the ancient Jewish festival of
seven weeks that extended from the beginning of the barley harvest (on the second day after the beginning of
Passover) to the end of the wheat harvest at the Festival of Weeks or Shavuot (see Deuteronomy 16:9-12). The
Festival of Weeks later came to be called Pentecost (“50th day”) by Greek speaking Jews. In Jewish tradition,
Shavuot also marks the giving of the law to Moses at Sinai; this liturgical link may inform Paul’s discussions of
the law and the Spirit (see Romans 8, 2 Corinthians 3 and Galatians 3).
An excerpt from the Companion to the Book of Common Worship (Geneva Press, 2003, 117-119)
According to the Day of Pentecost story in Acts 2:1-13, God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to
empower witnesses to the resurrection. Sounds from heaven, cosmic language, the rush of a
mighty ruach (wind, spirit, breath) invaded the house in which the apostles gathered, and appeared to them as a burning fire. Tongues of fire touched their nerve centers. A power — the
unseen power of God — moved among them and gripped them. The Holy Spirit is unseen, like
the wind, which is why the Old Testament calls it ruach YHWH, “the wind, or breath, of God”
(cf. John 3:8). The Spirit is the “unseenness of God” working among us.
According to Joel (2:28-29) the ruach is to open everybody to God’s future. People young and old
will dream and will have visions of hope; they will be able to loose themselves from the way
things are now, because God is establishing a whole new economy of creation. The Holy Spirit
breaks us out of our preoccupation with ourselves and frees us to serve neighbors, loosens our
grasp on possessions, and sets us to loving people. New creation is what Joel is talking about.
Pentecost is new creation.
The book of Acts tells the story of the outcome of Pentecost’s new creation: people witness in
word and in deed to the risen Christ. At the outset, the newborn church immediately tumbled
out into the streets to witness to God’s mighty works in the languages of people all over the
world. By the end of the story, a tiny, Spirit-filled community of faith that broke from its present order has spread across the continents with incredible power to bring new things into being. With the gift of the Spirit, all things are possible. …
Therefore, on the Day of Pentecost, we celebrate God’s gift of Holy Spirit which draws us together as one people, helps us to comprehend what God is doing in the world, and empowers us
to proclaim, in word and in deed, God’s plan of reconciling all people in the name of Christ
(Ephesians 1:10).
Without the gift of the Spirit, Christ’s church dries up
and withers away, and we are left with only our broken selves. With the gift of the Spirit, all things are
possible. A spirit-filled community of faith opens eyes
to needs in the world and sees its missing as God’s
new people. The Day of Pentecost is the climax of the
Great Fifty Days of Easter, celebrating as it does the
gift of the Spirit to the body of Christ — the church.
Denison UPC
5/4 Jacob Halsey
5/16 Deb Fitzgerald
5/30 Ann Hulesbus
5/4 Robert Lyons
5/21 Donna Miller
5/31 Shar Hulstein
5/14 Mark Bilsten
5/21 Lois McCollough
5/31 Trent Behow
5/15 Les Lewis
5/26 Penny Kinney
5/31 Melody Vazquez
5/10 Marshall & Rebecca Brown
5/26 Vernon & Donna Kuehnhold
5/28 Mark & Shelly Moreland
5/31 Jerry & Patti K Boettger
5th: National Day of Prayer
8th: Mother’s Day
15th: Pentacost
22nd: Denison Graduation
30th: Memorial Day