Ngati Porou Hauora Strategic Plan 2014–2018
Ngati Porou Hauora Strategic Plan 2014–2018
Ngati Porou Hauora Strategic Plan 2014–2018 “Kia tu pakari, Kei tua o kapenga” Introduction Tēnei te mihi ki o tātau tini mate kua tīraha ki runga i nga marae i roto i te rohe o Ngāti Porou i tenei wā. Ko tetahi o wēra ko to matou Upoko Ariki o Te Runanganui O Ngāti Porou Ko Api Māhuika. E te tohunga, te rangatira nau te matangarua I te ao Maori, te ao kotea i roto te hohonutanga, tukua atu ia ki te angi o te Muriwaihou, ki Tahekeroa, ki Rarohenga, me mihi kau ki aia me ona rongonui I takatu ki maraeatea. Na reira haere, haere, haere oti atu e kore a muri e hokia. Takoto mai i roto nga ringa o to Kaihanga. great pleasure to present our five year Strategic Plan to 2018. Otira, tātau huri noa i nga tōpito ō te mana whenua, ō te mana moana, ō te mana rangatiratanga ō Ngāti Porou, he whainga tēnei ō Te Whare Hau Ora O Ngati Porou, hei tā koha mō te painga me te ōranga o te iwi. Our Goals Realistic goals have been set with appropriate strategies to realise the best possible health outcomes for our population. Heoi anō tātau tēna kōtou, tēna kōtou, tēna tātau katoa. “Ka rāranga tonu tātou i a tātou.” Since the final drafting of this plan sadly, the Chairman of Te Runanganui O Ngati Porou Dr Apirana Mahuika, has passed away, and I would like to acknowledge his contribution towards the Ngati Porou Hauora and pay tribute to all his achievements whilst he was among us. On behalf of my fellow Ngati Porou Hauora Board members it gives me We acknowledge the many around the motu and within Ngati Porou who have offered their support. This Plan strives to align with the strategic direction of our parent body, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou and promotes equity through the delivery of health services in Ngati Porou. Our Vision Kia tu pakari, kei tua o kapenga Our Priorities We will continue to strive to meet national, regional and local Health Targets and key strategic priorities including those determined from the East Coast Health Review. With financial constraints it is not an easy task to meet budgets, however, we are committed to a break even position by 2018. Our staff are our greatest asset and we will continue to lobby and seek pay parity. Lois McCarthy Robinson Chairperson, Ngati Porou Hauora A Tatau Whakapapa 1905 Waiapu Hospital Board. Pastoral Farming-European Community. 1988 Tairāwhiti Area Health Board. 1994 Member of Health Care Aotearoa. 1995 Ngāti Porou Hauora Incorporated Society. Community Ownership & Governance. 1999 Transfer Hospital & East Coast Services to NPH. 2001 Established local Ngāti Porou-focused research projects. Transfer Hikurangi Community Clinics to NPH. 2004 PHO-Primary Health Organisation. 2006 Members of the Maori Health Coalition 2011 Ngāti Porou Hauora Charitable Trust. Subsidiary Company of Te Runanga o Ngāti Porou. 2012 Relinquished PHO status to the National Health Coalition. East Coast Review Stage 1 (NPH/ TRNONP & TDH). 2013 Regained PHO status. 2014 East Coast Review Stage 2. A Tatau Kaupapa E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tō ao Ko tō ringa ki ngā rākau a te Pākehā Hei ora mō te tinana Ko tō ngākau ki ngā tāonga a ō tïpuna Māori Hei tikitiki mō tō māhuna Ko tō wairua ki tō atua, Nānā nei ngā mea katoa Grow and fulfil the needs of your generation Your hands mastering the arts and the knowledge of other cultures for your wellbeing Cherishing the treasures of your ancestors as a source of pride and identity Your soul to God as author of all things A Tatau Tikanga Ngāti Poroutanga We aim to lead by example with integrity, accountability, and transparency. We will safeguard our rangatiratanga in health and actively pursue better outcomes for whānau and others mai Potikirua ki te Toka a Taiau within a Ngāti Porou framework. Manaakitanga We are working to promote equitable, quality services in the community that are relevant, accessible, and reliable, and to deliver these in a caring, compassionate, safe and sensitive manner. Ringa Raupa We are diligent, inclusive whānau-driven team players. Pakari We are committed to organizational cohesion and to working in partnership and collaboration with stakeholders. Rangatiratanga Leadership/Political Goal Strategies Outcomes Indicators To provide stewardship, drive health gain, and ensure credible representation and participation in appropriate forums to assert mana motuhake o Ngāti Porou. 1Maintain appropriate mix of cultural, professional and clinical representation on the Board. NPH strategy will be aligned with the strategic direction of TRONPnui and Ngāti Porou tikanga will be embedded in all collaborative relationships, promoting equity through the delivery of health services in Ngāti Porou. 1NPH Board has clinical and noho kainga representatives and at least six hui per year. 2Sound processes to ensure that the Board is supported with regular, relevant information on organisational performance, risks and opportunities. 3Utilise the strength of TRONPnui leadership and infrastructure. 4Disseminate key plans, reports and results via NPH website and TRONPnui publications, and report back to communities through local hui and media. 5Work collaboratively with DHB, Ministry of Health, regional networks, PHOs, NGOs, other Government agencies and communities, across TRONPnui services and through alliance mechanisms to achieve goals and monitor progress. 2An annual Statement of Intent and Annual Report provided for the TRONPnui AGM in October of each year. 3At least 3 forums per year with NPH, TDH &TRNONPnui to progress the reconfiguration and strengthen services to achieve equitable health outcomes. 4MOUs in place, renewed and/ or developed between key tertiary education providers, NGOs, PHOS, DHB and relevant agencies. 5NPH will have increased and more equitable funding from MOH/DHB, and reduced transaction/compliance costs by 30 June 2016. 6By 2018 health and social services in Ngāti Porou are robust and effective, adequately and sustainably funded, and provided from high quality and appropriate facilities. Whanau People Goal Strategies Outcomes Indicators To work with staff, whānau, hapū and population health groups in each rohenga tipuna to promote health, improve access to the services available, and identify gaps and solutions. 1Improve staff communications and foster a strong sense of our direction and values internally and externally. Staff, whānau, hapū will be actively engaged in identifying health issues and solutions, and contributing towards positive health outcomes throughout Ngāti Porou. 1Each business unit will have an annual work plan that will include internal/ external communication initiatives and engagement across business sectors. 2Develop hapū, community and population health group-specific communication and engagement strategies. 3Strengthen whānau and communityled approaches to health improvement – secure resources to develop Ngāti and Healthy and Whānau Ora. 4Value and utilise the close connection between NPH staff and the communities they live and work in. 5Strengthen primary mental health services and mental health promotion, with particular focus on rangatahi. 2An NPH Māori Health Plan, with indicators tracking progress. 3At least four initiatives to strengthen hapū and other population health groups’ engagement and participation in place. Mātauranga Quality Goal Strategies Outcomes Indicators To be a leader in the development and delivery of quality service delivery models which are inclusive of Ngāti Porou tikanga, appropriate for the rohe o Ngāti Porou, and meet the required National Service Standards. 1Recognise and strengthen locallyrelevant models of care and innovative service developments (including Whanau Ora, long term conditions). All core service delivery and new services are predicated on Ngāti Porou tikanga, continuous quality improvement, meeting National Standards and the needs of whānau, hapū and communities. 1NPH will meet the PHO and national health targets annually. 2Ensure that all business units are aware of and contribute to DHB and national health targets. 3Build capacity in prevention, early detection, effective treatment and rehabilitation for long term conditions. 4Participate in research, innovation and evaluation to better understand and meet the needs of different whānau, hapū and population health groups. 5Development of a staff training, professional development plan for each business unit, to be updated annually. 6Strengthen quality assurance and build a culture of continuous quality improvement across NPH. 7Develop a NPH Quality Framework. Progress in improving health outcomes is evident, monitored and shared. 2Staff will have annual performance agreements and appraisals which will indicate their contribution to achievements of national targets and contracted outcomes/budget compliance. 3NPH will be actively engaged in the University of Otago/EIT inter-professional training programme and/or initiatives with Auckland University, EIT and other tertiary education providers. 4NPH will have accessed new research and/or whānau ora funded pilot programmes. 5Ngāti & Healthy will be integrated across existing health and social services (TRONPnui). 6Each business unit will have an annual staff training/ professional development plan by 2015. 7The NPH Clinical Governance Group and the Clinical Advisory Group will meet at least four times each year. 8Ngāti Porou Hauora Quality Framework will be developed by 2015 and reviewed annually. Kaitiakitanga Infrastructure Goal Strategies Outcomes Indicators To have appropriate facilities, technologies and equipment to meet the needs of the whānau/ hapū within each of the rohenga tipuna, and achieve the contract service deliverables. 1Contribute to the development and annual review of a NP Group Property Management Plan. NPH will have appropriate facilities and infrastructure to meet the health needs of whānau, hapū and communities today and in the future. 1NP Group Property Management Plan will be completed by 2015 and monitored/reviewed annually. 2Upgrade and redevelop the facility at Te Puia as a rural hospital, local rehabilitation centre and teaching facility. 3Develop an annual NPH property and maintenance plan including the water services at Te Puia, the acquisition/disposal of some assets, and maintenance of clinics. 4Completion of the NPH IT Plan to access external funding for implementation. Monitor and review annually. NPH as an organisation and its facilities will contribute to a sustainable environmental footprint. 2An annual property repairs and maintenance plan including the water services at Te Puia, the acquisition/ disposal of assets (e.g. Kaiti section) will be completed by 2015 and monitored/ reviewed annually. 3NPH IT Plan and applications for external funding will be completed by October 2014 and the plan implementation will be monitored/ reviewed annually including annual stocktake of all IT assets. 5Establishment of a NP Group IT Strategic Committee to lead and implement technology changes which contribute to improved health outcomes. 4The NP Group IT Strategic Committee will be established by August 2014 to lead and implement technology changes which contribute to improved health outcomes and hold a minimum of 4 hui per year. 6Review infrastructure and operations to reduce waste and increase efficiency and sustainability. 5Redevelopment at Te Puia will be underway by 2016 and be completed by 2018. Whai rawa Financial Goal Strategies Outcomes Indicators To be a financially sound, sustainably funded health organisation. 1Increase enrolments/contracts. Financially sound, viable Ngāti Porou health provider by 2018. 1Projected budget results achieved. 2Ensure that every business unit is aware of their service delivery contracted outcomes and approved annual budgets. Achieving a break even position by year end 2017/18. 2Enrolments at Puhi Kaiti reach 6000 by 2015/16 year end and 7,500 by 2018. • 2013/14 – $900k deficit 3Business Units are reviewed annually. 3Business unit reviews for efficiency and viability. • 2014/15 – $600 4All business units and new contracts are viable. 4Set annual and 5 year Budgets. • 2017/18 – break even • 2015/16 – $300k 5Develop annual capex budget. 5A draft budget position is published to the YE 2018 by 30/11/14 and annual budgets approved by 30/6 each year. 6Develop Investment and Relief proposal. 6Capex funding accessed through MOH (MPDF) and other avenues. 7Explore additional funding sources and support. 7An investment relief proposal developed no later than 31/3/16 and obtain investment no later than 31/3/17. 8Move to outcomes based contracting. NGATI POROU HAUORA HEAD OFFICE NGATI POROU HAUORA COMMUNITY CLINICS Te Puia Springs Hospital Matakaoa Community Health Centre Te Araroa 4 McKenzie Street Te Puia Springs Ph: 06 864 6803 Tawhiti Clinic (in Te Puia Hospital) Uawa Community Health Centre 4 McKenzie St Te Puia Springs 20 Solander Street Tolaga Bay Ph: 06 864 6803 Ph: 06 862 6650 Tikitiki Community Health Centre Tokomaru Bay Community Health Centre Puhi Kaiti Medical Centre 25 Rangitukia Rd Box 84 Tikitiki 4 Tokomaru Street Tokomaru Bay 508 Wainui Road Kaiti Mall Gisborne Ph: 06 864 5859 Ph: 06 867 8550 22 Paikea St Te Araroa Ph: 06 864 4801 Ph: 06 864 3706 Ruatoria Community Health Centre 3 Tuparoa Road Ruatoria Ph: 06 864 8316
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