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PDF - Umdasch Shopfitting
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The international Magazine for Retailing and Shop Design
Das internationale Magazin für Laden-Marketing und Shop-Design
branches out
Retail Report: Ireland
Humanic awakens
the senses
reddot award for
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questionnaire will be available
online at www.umdasch-shopconcept.com until 20.12.2005
for those whose paper questionnaires have gone astray.
All participants in the SHOP
aktuell survey will be entered
into a raffle for two trips (including flights and expenses)
to the Shop expedition “Shop
Dramaturgy LIVE!“ in New
Aus Anlass der bevorstehenden 100. Ausgabe von SHOP
aktuell möchten wir Sie wieder einmal um Ihre Meinung
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dieser Leserbefragung 2 Teilnahmeplätze an der Shop-Expedition „Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!“ im Frühjahr 2006
nach New York (inkl. Flug
und Aufenthalt) sowie weitere 20 Teilnahmeplätze bei
Seminaren der Umdasch Shop
Academy aus dem Jahresprogramm 2006.
To mark the 100th issue
of SHOP aktuell, we should
like to ask you once again for
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SHOP aktuell reader survey
Informationen aus dem Bereich Konsum- und Handelsforschung
Berichte und Reportagen über Trends bei der Entwicklung von
Handels-Strategien und -Konzepten bzw. im Store Branding
Trends in der Warenpräsentation/Visual Merchandising
Trends in Sachen Ladenarchitektur, Shop-Design,
Information über Einrichtungssysteme/Programme
Reportagen über realisierte Konzepte und Projekte
Reportagen über internationale Shop- und Shopping-Trends
(Reports über beispielhafte Einkaufszentren und Einkaufsstraßen, Länder-Reportagen)
Insider-Informationen aus dem Hause Umdasch
Informationen über einzelhandelsrelevante Veranstaltungen,
Seminare, Kongresse, Publikationen/Bücher
York in spring 2006, while
20 additional lucky winners will attend seminars by
Umdasch Shop Academy in
Die größten Mostbirnen
der Welt
The largest perry pears in the world
Die größten Mostbirnen der Welt sind reif fürs Guinness-Buch der
The largest perry pears in the world are ripe for the
Guinness Book of World Records.
Neuer Kunden FeedbackBogen
New customer feedback questionnaire
Im Rahmen seines Customer Care-Managements erhebt Umdasch Shop-Concept
systematisch die Meinung seiner Kunden über die Leistungen und Services des Unternehmens. Auf Basis der Kunden-Meinungen und -Informationen werden laufend Leistungsverbesserungen durchgeführt. Auf Grund solcher
Anregungen ist auch der Kunden Feedback-Bogen selbst
kürzlich neu gestaltet worden
und wird in der neuen Form
seit Herbst 2005 eingesetzt.
SHOP aktuell
Within the framework of
its customer care management, Umdasch Shop-Concept
analyses systematically the
opinion of its customers of the
company’s achievements and
services. Improvements are
constantly being implemented
on the basis of customer opinions and information. As a result of these suggestions, even
the customer feedback questionnaire has recently been redesigned. Since autumn 2005
it has been in use in its new
Der Umdasch-Konzern hat
an seinem Stammsitz in Amstetten/Niederösterreich die
künstlerische Gestaltung eines
großen Kreisverkehrs gesponsert. Der Künstler Ernst Adelsberger hat vier überdimensionale Mostbirnen, Symbole
der Region Mostviertel, naturgetreu in die Landschaft
The Umdasch group has
sponsored the artistic development of a major roundabout
in its home town of Amstetten
in Lower Austria. The artist
Ernst Adelsberger has “planted“ four colossal realistic
perry pears in the landscape
to symbolise the Mostviertel
region that is famous for its
Neue Läden auf
New shops
featured on
Eine erstklassige Methode
neue Läden zu entdecken ist
ein Klick auf die Umdasch
Dort finden Sie unter der
Rubrik „Referenzen“ eine
ständig aktuelle und aktualisierte internationale LadenSchau.
A first-class way to discover new shops is to click
on the home page of Umdasch Shop-Concept. There,
under the heading “References”, you will find a topical and constantly updated
array of shops.
Leserservice / Reader service: Wenn Sie Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt dieses SHOP aktuell haben, so wenden Sie
sich per Fax oder Mail direkt an die Redaktion.
For further information on any of the topics in this issue of SHOP aktuell, please
contact our editorial department by fax or e-mail. Fax: +43/7472-605-3722, E-mail: shop.aktuell@umdasch.com
SHOP aktuell 99
Inhalt Contents
POS-Marketing ..................................................... 4 - 9
Norbert Wittmann, München ................................. 10 - 11
James Richardson, Tel Aviv ................................... 12 - 15
SHOP TALK mit Norbert Wittmann von der Gruppe Nymphenburg über professionelle
Verkaufsförderung am POS.
Seiten 10 - 11
SHOP TALK with Norbert
Wittmann of the Nymphenburg
Group on professional sales
promotion at the POS.
pages 10 - 11
Forum Wetzlar; Ann Summers, Manchester;
Rewe-Bio-Markt, Benrath; Marionnaud, Wien;
Anfos-Apotheke, Basel .......................................... 16 - 21
Reif für die Grüne Insel
Fit for the Emerald Isle .......................................... 28 - 33
Neue Bücher, Umdasch Shop Academy, Termine,
EuroShop, Adressen
New Books, Umdasch Shop Academy, Calendar
EuroShop, Addresses ............................................ 34 - 36
Source: Action.Display
Humanic belebt die Sinne
Humanic awakens the senses ................................ 22 - 27
POS-Marketing schafft dem
Produkt einen Logenplatz im
Regal des Händlers.
Seiten 4 - 9
POS Marketing earns the
product a prominent position
on the retailer’s shelves.
pages 4 - 9
James Richardson
Duty Free: Kulissen wie
bei Stanley Kubrick.
Seiten 12 - 15
James Richardson
Duty Free: A setting
like Stanley Kubrick.
pages 12 - 15
Ann Summers, die englische
Beate Uhse, startet mit ihrem
Erotik-Shop-Konzept durch.
Seiten 18 - 19
Ann Summers, the English
Beate Uhse, introduces her
erotic-shop concept.
pages 18 - 19
A prominent position
Professionelles POS-Marketing sichert dem
eigenen Produkt einen Logenplatz im Regal
des Händlers. Diese oft sträflich vernachlässigte Marketing-Disziplin im Spannungsfeld
zwischen Industrie und Handel ist das Aufmacherthema dieser Ausgabe von SHOP aktuell. Reportagen über neue Konzepte und
neu gestaltete Stores & Shops sind der zweite
Schwerpunkt in diesem Heft. Mit dabei sind
so spektakuläre Projekte wie die HumanicSchuhwelten in Köln und Wien, der ConceptStore von Ann Summers im Trafford-Center
in Manchester und die riesige Duty Free Area
am Flughafen in Tel Aviv. Genießen Sie als
SHOP aktuell-Leser Ihren Logenplatz beim
Kennenlernen dieser Konzepte!
Professional POS marketing guarantees
the product a prominent position on the retailer’s shelves. This marketing discipline, which
is often sadly neglected, but which spans the
gap between industry and trade, provides the
opening headline for this edition of SHOP aktuell. Reports on new concepts and the design
of new stores and shops provide the second
main topic in this issue. They include spectacular projects like the Humanic mega-shoe
stores in Cologne and Vienna, the Ann Summers Concept-Store in the Trafford Centre in
Manchester and the huge duty-free area at Tel
Aviv airport. As a reader of SHOP aktuell you
can sit back and enjoy your privileged position as you learn about these concepts!
Reinhard Peneder
SHOP aktuell Chefredakteur
Opportunities and
Limitations in
SHOP aktuell 99
The final approach to the consumer is crucial for success.
International studies show that almost two-thirds of all decisions to purchase
are made directly at the place of purchase. And the trend continues. It is
also clear that consumers’ decisions are still open to influence at the place
of purchase – offering a tremendous potential for POS Marketing. It is all the
more surprising, therefore, that so many opportunities are missed during
the final approach to the consumer. By considering a few selected aspects,
SHOP aktuell attempts to shed light on a marketing discipline which has all
too often been sadly neglected.
Source: Action.Display
OS, POP, POC, PO-What? A
veritable Babel of linguistic
terms rears its head whenever the
basically straighforward subject of
sales promotion is mentioned. It is
all a matter of perspective. Point
of Sale (POS) stands for the salesman’s position, Point of Purchase
(POP) for that of the consumer,
and POC (Point of Communication) is yet another aspect. Our
defi nition for the purposes of this
article: POS-Marketing covers
the sales-promotion measures of
a manufacturer/ a brand related to
the place of sale (and is thus an important component of the relevant
marketing mix). The corresponding discipline in trade is Category
Management, in other words the
sales promotion of a defi ned range
of goods.
The attractive Mirabell display for the product range based
on the “Mozartkugel” chocolate is a useful sales aid for travel
The main areas in which POS
shopping, for example at airports.
Marketing is employed are stores
and sales areas in which a large number
of articles, brands and own brands which are in in the fashion branch, are not clearly defi ned.
direct competition with each other compete for That, however, is another story (which is also
attention (e.g. hyper-, consumer and supermar- discussed regularly in SHOP aktuell).
kets, as well as building-supplies stores and other
specialist stores). As far as the range of goods Less is More in the Competition for Consumer
is concerned, they are primarily Fast Moving Awareness
Consumer Goods (such as food and food-related
Today, it is not the competition between proditems) as well as hardware. The boundaries between these stores and shop-in-shop concepts, ucts which determines success, but the compesuch as those which are employed in particular tition for consumer awareness. In a media and
central level
outlet level
Market research
Research and
of purchase
and annual
Completion and
Desire to
and staff
“Thru-the-Line-Marketing“ is
a complete sales-promotion
model created by BMO
Source: “Mehr Erfolg am Point of Sale“
(Bert M. Ohnemüller, Klaus Winterling;
published by the Deutscher Fachverlag)
advertising world characterised by overstimulation, this awareness occurs (or fails to occur) more
and more directly at the POS itself. The central
Saeco is a byword for
coffee and Italian lifestyle.
The branding is consistently carried through to the
shop-in-shop solution and
the accessories display.
The retail trade’s prime concern is to optimise
the revenues per range of goods (category). Depending on its positioning, it is therefore a matter
of defi ning not only the ‘right’ brands/ products,
but also the right number of products/ brands. If
the number of articles presented is too large, the
consumer may very quickly become confused
and experience a sense of frustration as a result.
To counteract this it is helpful to employ the LIM
(Less is More) strategy developed by ShopConsult by Umdasch, in order to fi nd the right balance. If a smaller number of articles is correctly
presented, the consumer is more likely to attribute to the place of sale a subjective awareness
of a considerably greater competence as regards
selection. When employed in a consistent manner, LIM reduces the complexity and logistic
costs and thus increases the turnover.
The LIM strategy is controversial inasmuch
as weaker brands may well get left behind. The
subject of brands versus own brands is another
bone of contention. Here, ultimately, it is a matter of the skill of those concerned within both
the industry and the retail trade to develop joint
strategies and concepts in
such a manner as to arrive
at a mutually satisfactory win-win situation.
Continuity as a Principle of Success
Source: Action.Display/Umdasch Shop-Concept
challenge for a product or a brand is therefore to
be noticed in the first place. A successful company
is the one which succeeds in communicating its
brand, its message and its products as universally
as possible in order to present them in such a way
that the purchaser is aware of their existence. In
general, the retail trade cannot ignore a product or
brand which is attractive to the consumer.
Although there may
be inconsistencies in the
sales-promotion terminology employed, POS
experts are nonetheless
in agreement that continuity of measures is the
only key to lasting success. “Only the systematic interaction of marketing measures and
all those involved can
make the Point of Sale
into a place where sales
take place in the long
term,“ states Bert Martin Ohnemüller, owner
of the agency BMO in
Offenbach. He calls his
model for continuous
sales promotion “Thruthe-Line-Marketing“.
SHOP aktuell 99
A display for Maul office accessories in the form of
complete shelves, either 100 or 200 cm. Perforated steel
hanging units, sloping pigeonholes and pigeonholes
(with scanner edge) have been used.
cluding the product and packaging, are derived
from the brand identity of the relevant brand.
Accompanying media and activities which provide additional support include leaflets, posters,
advertising on shopping trolleys, floor graphics,
dividing bars at the till, in-store radio/ TV, electronic media and cash voucher advertising, tasting sessions/ demonstrations (test & touch principle) etc. Of particular importance, however,
are placement (location within the sales area or
position on the shelf) as well as the display and
its overall appearance.
h Sh
op -
The basic idea behind this concept is simple. In
contrast to traditional compartmentalised thinking, in other words product management, trade
marketing, sales etc., the Thru-the-Line-Principle follows the decision-making process and the
flow of goods from the manufacturer through to
the purchaser. A glimpse of our markets makes
it clear that integral thought processes represent
the dictates of the moment. “Some manufacturers
have not yet progressed beyond the positioning of
advertising posters. Their integration in a comprehensive marketing concept is an ideal which can
be observed all too seldom“, says Ohnemüller.
One of the essential tasks of the POS marketing manager is to ensure that his product is
given a prominent position on the retailer’s shelf
(regular placement). If possible it is also a question of ensuring that the product is presented in a
dramatic and eye-catching manner.
The stage for this presentation is the display; in basic terms it can also be described as a
in the marketingconcept
The most important media at the POS
• Manufacturer
• AD
• Retail
• End consumer
Development of
TLM strategy
• Positioning
• Target group
• Benefit
• Reason why
• Tonality
• Budget
Selection of
Design and
production of
• Mechanics and
• Creation
• Manufacture
III instruments
with retail trade
IV sales-promotion
Source: “Mehr Erfolg am Point of Sale“
(Bert M. Ohnemüller, Klaus Winterling;
published by the Deutscher Fachverlag,
ISBN 3-87150-629-X, 68,-- Euro)
Determination of
TLM communications goals
“Outlet-specific advertising measures are increasingly planned and executed in a dialogue
between manufacturer and retailer“, claims POS
expert Robert Hauptmann of Action.Display, Vienna, on the other hand. But he too admits that
especially at the end of the process a strategic
gap remains, precisely between the advertising
campaign and the POS presentation. This applies
in particular to the lack of involvement of the retailer’s sales staff.
Norbert Wittmann of the Nymphenburg Group
also puts his faith in continuity. The focus of his
advice lies in consumer behaviour at the POS,
in market research at the POS, as well as trade
marketing and category management. Wittmann
maintains: “Only those who understand and take
into account the psychology of the end consumer
are in a position to develop measures which will
lead to increased sales.“
Possible sequence of salespromotion measures according to the “Thru-the-lineMarketing“ model
• Goal attainment
• Logistics/
Execution and
• Plan of operations and costs
• Execution
• Monitoring
Basic data
with agency
Typically, a POS presentation fulfils all requirements when all the media employed, inUMDASCH SHOP-CONCEPT
Examplary points of contact along the customer‘s route
customers‘s home)
Means of
• Banner, flag
communica- • Outdoor
• TV, radio
• etc.
In the gangway/
beside the shelf
• Customer-specific shelves
• Permanent display
• Campaign placements
• Shelf markers / stickers
• Talking shelves
• Displays (including cards)
• Dispenser
• etc.
• Product
• Packaging
• Free gifts
• Transport packaging
• Samples / testers
• Samples, promotions, events, etc.
1. Product
Which product is to be
highlighted? Does it correspond with consumer
2. Environment
Is the timing right? Have all
external influences, such
as season, weather, product availability etc. been
taken into account?
3. Information
Has the retail partner been
given the relevant information and have agreements
been reached?
4. Placement
Is the POS presentation
positioned in an area of the
outlet where customers
frequently pass by?
5. POS presentation team
Have all staff members
been informed, trained and
6. Controlling
Have plans been made to
monitor success?
Source: Nymphenburg Group
presentation aid or presentation vehicle. Depending on the product and the scope of the presentation, this will be a simple display stand, a disposable cardboard display, a permanent display or
even a space-creating shop-within-a-shop. The
important thing is that the display presents the
brand message in a coherent manner, that it represents the latest in presentation technique and
that it starts from the pole position – in other
words, in a prominent location.
Before such a display is designed, there are
a number of questions relating
to overall concept and
organisation which
need to be clarified.
Such checkpoints
include, for example, the formulation
of branding and CD
relevance of the
display, the defi nition of the range of
products as well as
the product itself,
the description of
the display (e.g.
wall or centre room,
size, material, quality), clarification of
the way the price is
to be displayed (on
the product, on the
display), locations,
display monitoring,
technical questions
(floor, light, ceiling,
(number, number per set, storage, deadlines),
Project management (delivery, assembly, preliminary work by recipient of display, approval
in situ), budgeting and cost control.
Professionals in POS Marketing
POS Marketing is hard work and assumes an
intensive examination of consumer behaviour,
design of products and product ranges, branding
techniques, shop procedures (logistics, customer
traffic), presentation techniques and especially
questions for the
POS presentation
• Shop-in-Shop
• Advertising
(radio, shopping
trolley, ...)
• Banner, flag
• Noises, scents
• etc.
Sourc e: Ac
the shop
Source: Nymphenburg Group
the shop
Wood-block flooring is heavy.
The shelf-display solution is sturdy and
yet appears light and airy – thanks to the
special materials employed.
SHOP aktuell 99
the POS itself. Last but not least, an understanding of the inter-relationships
of all these elements will be required.
The radius of activity of many agencies ends before the POS. In the fi nal
analysis it is easier to multiply the
number of advertising spots and advertising subjects than it is to observe in
detail consumers in shops and to draw
the right conclusions regarding
their behaviour.
The efforts made by
POS marketing experts
to free themselves
from their role as the
stepchildren of marketing can in any case
be justified. And yet,
the ice on which they
are treading is thin.
Companies specialising
in this field, like BMO in
Offenbach and the Nymphenburg Group, are the exception rather than the rule, at least in
German-speaking countries. The list of
members registered in the German POS Marketing Association (POSMA) contains hardly
more than a dozen addresses. In the international
field, the International Association for Marketing at the Point of Purchase (POPAI), founded
in the U.S., deserves mention for its influential
role in this field. The importance attached to
POS marketing in the United States can be seen,
amongst other things, at the American shopfitting and retail fair Global Shop.
Source: Action.Display
Another professional partner in the fields of POS
marketing and display
is the Umdasch Shopfitting Group (a little
self-promotion must
be permitted here
and there). Within the
group, the company’s
experts from Action
Display specialise in
the field of permanent
displays (secondary
placements). Based
on the brand CD in
question, Action Display develops tailormade POS solutions,
whereby the emphasis
lies in the design and
the presentation of the
products. They cooperate directly with
the industry and with
specialised agencies.
But within the Group
When it comes to fashion, then we usually speak of Shop-in-Shop in the case of
brand-specific POS presentation (as here
in the case of Miss Sixty). Shopfitting by
Sourc e: Shop ak tuell 97
there are also points of contact which are valued
by customers. Thus the advisors of ShopConsult
by Umdasch are sought-after branding professionals, and in the execution (technological, production and assembly expertise) Action.Display can
call upon the services of an efficient acquisition
and production network. Finally, when working
with Action.Display each customer can decide for
himself which module out of the complete
range he would like to use.
For some years now, the Umdasch Shop Academy has been
offering its own POS marketing
seminars in co-operation with
Action.Display. “Fit for POS“
is a workshop for more efficient
communication during the fi nal
approach to the customer. Together with Norbert Wittmann
of the Nymphenburg Group, the
proceedings are led by a selected
POS professional who takes special account in his work of consumer psychology. The seminars
are held every autumn.
Reinhard Peneder.
A display derived from the product
itself, as developed for Trodat-Stempel.
Display and POS
Norbert Wittmann discusses
professional POS Marketing
“POS marketing does more
than just influence opinions
and expectations: it produces actions.”
Product competition has turned into the competition to be noticed. Now more
than ever, in a communication landscape that is characterised by stimulusoverload, the outcome of this competition tends to be determined directly at
the POS. It is surprising, then, that POS marketing specialists are so few and far between. Norbert Wittmann,
managing partner at Nymphenburg Retail Consult
in Munich, Germany, is undoubtedly one of this rare
breed. Amongst other factors, Wittmann’s success is
based upon his exhaustive analysis of consumer behaviour at the POS. This approach is central to the Nymphenburg group’s strategies: Wittmann’s colleague Dr
Hans Georg Häusel hit the headlines recently with his
new best-seller “Brain Script – Why Consumers Buy!”
Reinhard Peneder conducted the following discussion
about consumer behaviour at the POS and other POS
marketing aspects with Norbert Wittmann.
What is your definition of POS-Marketing?
Instead of a classic definition: POS Marketing
closes the gap between classic advertising (brand
and retail advertising) and the consumer’s shopping basket at the POS.
What is the difference between marketing at
the POS as practised by retailers and the POS
marketing of manufacturers and brands?
Retailers tend to think first and foremost in terms
of their own categories whereas the manufacturers think in terms of their own brand. From the
point of view of the manufacturer, POS marketing transports that particular brand to the POS
while retailers see it as highlighting the category
at the POS. This is often achieved through the
strong presence of one particular producer’s
brand, which draws attention to the category of
products as a whole.
Which conflicts of interest come to the fore in
these situations?
Only well-established producers are able to think
in terms of the category rather than simply their
own product. This is because they benefit disproportionately from category growth. Other producers are frequently concerned that this is more
likely to benefit the competition than it is to benefit their own brand.
POS marketing is often considered to be the
stepchild of marketing mix. Is this actually
the case, and if so, why?
POS marketing is terribly short-lived and dependent upon a large number of factors. POS
presence, such as displays and other POS materi-
als, often demands a sizeable initial investment
and there is usually a considerable delay before
the results, which are not easily measured (beyond simple sales figures), become apparent.
Most significantly, however, POS marketing is
coordination- and communication-intensive, and
so many companies shy away from it. Last but
not least, POS marketing is not possible without
a certain level of mutual trust between the retailer and the producer. And that cannot be taken for
granted nowadays.
Why does the activity radius of many agencies
not encompass the POS?
In part, this is simply a function of lacking retail
experience. In addition, POS marketing is very
complicated and requires great attention to detail, without the prospect of winning great recognition and fame in return. And furthermore, POS
marketing lacks the planning and calculation
tools that are available in other sectors of marketing.
In which types of businesses, trades and ranges is POS marketing used most frequently?
Large retail spaces are often favoured because of
the large surface area available. Specialist shops
and sometimes department stores are also suitable because they give prominence to well-established brands. A wide range of trades can benefit
from POS marketing, from fashion to sports and
from cosmetic products to fast-moving consumer
goods (FMCG).
It is said that half to three-quarters of all decisions to buy a particular product or brand are
SHOP aktuell 99
actually made at the POS itself. Isn’t that just
wishful thinking on the part of POS marketing specialists?
No, it is not. Although this varies considerably
from category to category, almost all final and
concrete decisions to buy a particular product or
brand really are made at the POS itself. This is
confirmed by a large number of studies carried
out by our company as well by others. And so
guiding and steering shoppers during this period
remains a worthwhile task for POS marketing
What are the classic tools of POS marketing,
and what is the role of displays?
“Classic” POS media such as flyers, posters,
cardboard displays etc. continue to be most effective in attracting consumer attention. But new
media, including electronic media, are gaining
ground steadily. Displays, and permanent displays in particular, are of great importance in
this respect, as they usually represent a balanced
compromise between quality, the duration of
their use and their effect as well as their cost.
What does POS marketing achieve, how can
one quantify the successes of particular measures and which benchmarks are there?
The main effect is obviously the steering and attachment of customers, a reinforcement of the
brand’s image and increased sales figures. A POS
marketing strategy’s success is frequently measured purely and simply in terms of sales figures,
in the absence of other key data. But it is unrealistic to expect the increased sales to pay for the
POS marketing. Incidentally, this is not expected
of other marketing instruments such as printed
advertisements, either.
How are POS marketing costs calculated, and
what are the measurement categories?
There is little effect- and cost-transparency in
POS marketing, and there is virtually no standard key data that is generally acknowledged and
binding. And so one tends to invoke parallels
with classic media research. But is it really appropriate to compare 1000 contact prices with a
situation in which customers are targeted at the
point of sales?
Why is knowledge of end-consumer psychology so important in POS marketing?
The result of good POS marketing is an engagement with the goods and, ultimately, their purchase. In no other aspect of the marketing process does one get this close to the customer or
reach out to the customer such a short time before
the fulfilment of his desires. POS marketing does
more than just influence opinions and expectations: it produces actions. Our studies show that
the idea of a “rational” consumer is a fiction. The
largest part of the shopping process is an unconscious one. An unwise strategy at the POS nullifies all previous investments. Good POS strateUMDASCH SHOP-CONCEPT
gies allow producers and retailers to tap into the
most enormous potential.
“Agencies frequently shy
away from POS marketing
because of the meticulous
attention to detail that it
In your experience of the application of POS
marketing, what are the greatest challenges
that it presents?
Inter-disciplinary planning, development and coordination; meticulous validation, also from the
point of view of the customer, and a roll out that
meets the requirements of real-world situations.
James Richardson:
Ein unvergessliches
Den Verantwortlichen von James
Richardson war es ein besonders wichtiges Anliegen, den Besuchern ihres neuen Duty Free
Stores am Flughafen Ben Gurion
in Tel Aviv ein unvergessliches
Shopping-Erlebnis zu bieten. In
der Tat hat im November 2004
eine der weltweit attraktivsten
Airport-Shoppingzonen ihre Pforten geöffnet. Neben den ehrgeizigen Zielen des Auftraggebers
waren dafür auch die kreative
Handschrift von Portland Design,
London und das Travel-RetailKnow-how von Umdasch ShopConcept verantwortlich.
Autor: Nikolaus Pjeta, MSc
er neue, 2.650 m² große Hauptstore des
James Richardson Duty Free besticht
als Gesamtkunstwerk ebenso wie durch viele kleine Marketing- und Design-Details.
Logistisch ist die im Saison und Tagesverlauf stark schwankende Passagierfrequenz
eine große Herausforderung. Gelöst wurde
sie durch eine großzügige Raumerschließung, einladende und übersichtliche Wegeführung, schlüssige und sofort erkennbare Sortimentsgliederung sowie durch die
Platzierung von nicht weniger als 32 Kassen. Drei kleinere Last Minute Duty Free’s
sind ein zusätzlicher Service für eilige bzw.
vergessliche Passagiere. Ein besonders verkaufsförderndes Detail ist die Möglichkeit,
vor dem Abflug getätigte Einkäufe bis zur
Rückreise am Flughafen deponieren zu können. Die betreffenden Artikel werden von
den Kassen per Lift direkt ins Abhollager
SHOP aktuell 99
James Richardson bietet das
Panorama eines der weltweit
attraktivsten Duty Free
An overall view
of James Richardson, one of
the most attractive Duty Free
shops in the world.
Stanley Kubrick lässt grüßen
Das Shop-Design erinnert den einen oder
anderen Betrachter durch seine rundlich futuristischen Formen an eine perfekt gebaute Filmkulisse des Stanley Kubrick-Klassikers „2001:
Odyssee im Weltraum“. Dramatisch geschwungene Wände, Terra Cotta, farbige Gipsflächen,
Edelstahltupfer sind die Architektur-Statements.
Die Spezialbereiche innerhalb des klassischen
DF-Sortiments, z. B. ein Humidor, der „Weinkeller“ oder israelische Kosmetikspezialitäten,
wurden in der Gestaltung noch einmal besonders
Die in der Planungsphase von Portland erstellte
Präsentation ist mit der Realität nahezu deckungsgleich.
The presentation developed by Portland
during the planning stages is virtually identical to
the real-life store.
hervorgehoben. Sehr wesentlich für das Gesamtkonzept ist die Lichtinszenierung. Sie passt sich
automatisch der Tageszeit an und simuliert selbst
- das nicht vorhandene - natürliche
Licht. Der Sternenhimmel stimuliert, indirektes Licht in Sockeln,
Gondeln und Regalen lässt das
Sortiment schweben.
Umdasch Shop-Concept hat bei
diesem Projekt nicht nur sein Ladenbau- und Visual Merchandising
Know how eingebracht, sondern in
großem Stil auch seine Professionalität im Projektmanagement sowie umfassende industrielle Fertigungskompetenz und -Kapazität.
In verschiedensten Material- und
höchste Qualitätsanforderungen
vorbildlich erfüllt.
Das Erschließungskonzept war
bei James Richardson von ganz
wesentlicher Bedeutung.
The layout was of the greatest
importance to the overall James
Richardson concept.
SHOP aktuell 99
James Richardson:
An unforgettable shopping experience
Those responsible at James Richardson were determined to offer the customers of their new Duty Free store at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv an unforgettable shopping experience. And so, thanks to the client’s ambitious aims,
the creative talent of Portland Design, London and the travel-retail know-how
of Umdasch Shop Concept, one of the most attractive airport shopping
areas in the world opened its doors to the public in November 2004.
Author: Nikolaus Pjeta, MSc
he brand-new 2.650 m² James Richardson
Duty Free main store is impressive both as an
overall shopping experience and for the numerous
small marketing and design details that make up
the whole. Logistically speaking, the highly fluctuating passenger frequency linked to the season
and the time of day presented the minds behind
the store design with quite a challenge. These difficulties were overcome through the development
of generous open spaces; inviting and clearly laidout pathways through the store; a coherent and
easily recognisable arrangement of the goods; and
finally a grand total of 32 tills. And three smaller
last-minute Duty Free shops provide forgetful
passengers and those who are in a hurry with an
additional shopping opportunity. Many customers
take advantage of the storage service that allows
them to go shopping before their outward flight
and pick up their products when they have landed
in Tel Aviv on the way home, so this particular
detail has proved to be particularly effective at
promoting sales. The items are transferred from
the tills straight to the collection depot, awaiting
the passenger’s return.
À la Stanley Kubrick
Wandering past the rounded, futuristic forms
that characterise the James Richardson Duty
Free store, you may imagine that you have actually been transported onto the film set for Stanley
Kubrick’s classic “2001: A Space Odyssey”. Dramatically curved walls, terra cotta, colourful
hard-plaster surfaces and
stainless-steel swabs are
statements. Special areas that are a part of the
classic duty-free range of
goods, such as the humidor, the “wine cellar” and
Israeli cosmetic specialities are highlighted even
further by design details.
The lighting is an important aspect of the overall
store concept. It adapts to
the time of day automatically and simulates the
(otherwise lacking) natuSpezialbereiche - wie etwa hier für Tabak - wurden
ral light. The star-studded in der Gestaltung besonders herausgearbeitet.
Special areas, such as this area focussing on to“sky” is stimulating and bacco, have been highlighted further through design
indirect light from pedes- details.
tals, gondolas and shelves
makes the assortment of products look as thought
it were floating.
Umdasch Shop Concept drew on its shopconstruction and visual-merchandising expertise
as well as tapping into its professionalism where
project management is concerned, not to mention
its comprehensive industrial manufacturing skills
and capacity. Faced with a wide variety of materials and handcraft disciplines, Umdasch Shop
Concept fulfilled the highest quality requirements.
Der Ruf der
Das Sporthaus Kaps verteidigt als Platzhirsch seine Position
mit einer ersten Shopping-Center-Filiale.
The Sporthaus
Kaps defends its leading position with a first branch in a shopping centre.
Die einzelnen Abteilungen bei Kaps sind mit einem sehr eigenständigen Auftritt herausgearbeitet.
The various departments
of Kaps have been designed to present a highly individual appearance.
Im mittelhessischen Wetzlar
sind seit dem Frühjahr 2005
die Karten in Sachen Kaufkraftströme neu gemischt. Die
ECE hat in Zusammenarbeit
mit der Deutschen Euroshop
AG direkt am Bahnhof das
Forum Wetzlar mit 110 Geschäfts- und Gastronomielokalen auf 23.500 m² eröffnet.
Der neue Shoppingtempel und
die Altstadt bilden nun die beiden Pole der langgezogenen
Innenstadt. Die zu erwartenden Frequenzverschiebungen
könnten sich vor allem auf die
Geschäfte in der dazwischen
liegenden Neustadt negativ
sich Wetzlar mit seinen 58.000
Einwohnern als Einkaufsstadt behaupten kann. Neben
den üblichen Verdächtigen an
Ankermietern (in diesem Fall
Kaufland und Media Markt)
und Filialisten suchen - und
das ist ein stark zu beobachtender Trend - immer mehr
Unternehmen ihre Zukunftsperspektive
unter dem Dach eines Shopping-Centers. Die anhaltende
Anziehungskraft der Center
bei den Verbrauchern, überdurchschnittliche Chancen im
Vergleich zu Citylagen und
häufig sogar geringere Mieten
sind die Beweggründe dafür.
In Summe wird das Forum
jedoch dazu beitragen, dass
Im Forum Wetzlar hat Umdasch Shop-Concept drei seSHOP aktuell 99
its 58,000 inhabitants, to establish a reputation as a shopping centre. In addition to the
usual anchor establishments
(in this case Kaufland and Media Markt) and the big-name
branches, increasing numbers
of medium-sized companies
are seeking to secure their future perspective within shopping centres, a growing trend.
The long-term attractions of
the centres for consumers,
above-average opportunities
compared with city locations
and often even lower rents are
the main reasons for this development.
Umdasch Shop-Concept has
provided the shopfittings for
three striking stores within the
Forum Wetzlar: Schuhhaus
Fink, the fashion store Base
Line and the sports shop Kaps.
Just five kilometres away in
Solms-Oberbiel, Kaps maintains its 10,000 m² main store,
which is a byword in the entire
region. The first branch store,
with an area of 2,000 m², aims
to appeal to new groups of customers. At the same time, the
competition remains within
the company.
When it comes to demonstrating the magnetic attraction of
the shopping centre, Andreas
Rink is a case in point. He has
given up his two shops in the
Lahnhof-Center in the pedestrian precinct of Wetzlar. Now
his store, named Base Line,
has a DOB and HAKA of 230
m² in which he offers brands
such as Oliver, Street One und
Edc. He is also represented
with another shop in which he
is a Tom Tailor franchise partner.
Dem Ruf des Forums Wetzlar sind auch zahlreiche mittelständische Unternehmen gefolgt.
Many medium-sized concerns have
answered the call of the Forum Wetzlar.
henswerte Geschäfte eingerichtet: Das Schuhhaus Fink,
das Modegeschäft Base Line
und das Sporthaus Kaps. Im
nur fünf Kilometer entfernten Solms-Oberbiel betreibt
Kaps sein 10.000 m² großes
Haupthaus, das in der gesamten Region ein Begriff ist. Mit
der ersten, 2.000 m² großen
Filiale im Forum sollen neue
Kundengruppen erschlossen
werden. Gleichzeitig bleibt die
Konkurrenz im eigenen Haus.
Durchaus typisch für die Sogwirkung der Shopping-Center
ist der Fall von Andreas Rink.
Er hat seine beiden Geschäfte im Lahnhof-Center in der
Wetzlarer Fußgängerzone aufgegeben. Jetzt präsentiert er
unter dem Namen Base Line
auf 230 m² DOB und HAKA
mit Marken wie s.Oliver,
Street One und Edc. Außerdem ist er mit einem weiteren
Geschäft als Tom Tailor-Franchisepartner präsent.
The call of the
shopping centre
When it comes to consumer
patterns, since spring 2005 the
cards have been re-shuffled in
Wetzlar, in central Hessen. In
co-operation with the Deutsche Euroshop AG, the ECE
has opened the Wetzlar Forum next to the station, a complex of 110 shops and restaurants spread across an area of
23,500 m². The new temple to
consumerism and the historic
city centre now mark the twin
poles of the long city centre.
The changes in shopping patterns may well have a negative
effect on the shops in the new
town between the two centres.
All things considered, however, the Forum will contribute to the aim of Wetzlar, with
Die Präsentation bei Base Line ist leicht und locker, vom Licht gut
in Szene gesetzt.
The presentation at Base Line is light and
casual, and the lighting strategic.
Mit Base Line hat Andreas Rink im Forum Wetzlar eine neue,
attraktive Heimat gefunden.
Andreas Rink has found a new and
attractive home in Wetzlar at Base Line in the Forum Wetzlar.
Zu einer richtigen Peep Show
gehört natürlich auch ein Guckloch.
For a real peep show
of course you need a proper
Ann Summers:
Großer Auftritt im Plüsch-Salon
Ann Summers, das englische
Pendant zur deutschen Beate Uhse, hat mit einem neuen
Outfit ihr Image aufpoliert und
ist auf breiter Front salonfähig geworden. Die Londoner
Agentur Design Ministry hat
das neue Store-Format entwickelt, Umdasch Shop-Concept
den ersten Concept Store in
dieser Linie im Frühjahr 2005
im Trafford Center in Manchester eingerichtet.
Die Erotik-Shop-Kette Ann
Summers verfügt zusammen
mit der auf Wäsche spezialisierten Schwestermarke Kni-
ckerbox über rund 150 Läden
und gut 100 Concessions-Flächen. Der Jahresumsatz liegt
bei 230 Millionen Euro. Beim
neuen Konzept sind knapp ein
Drittel der Fläche (in Manchester insgesamt 152 m²) dem
Knickerbox-Sortiment gewidmet. Damit sollen Mütter und
Töchter gleichermaßen angesprochen werden. Denn mit
der jungen Knickerbox-Lingerie für jeden Tag spricht Ann
Summers die jüngere Kundin
an, während Dessous von Ann
Der neue Auftritt transportiert
die Kernwerte der Marke - feminin, sexy, witzig. Zwischen
Gummi, plüschigen Teppichen, gepolstertem Leder und
viel Satin ist der Store mit lockerer Möblierung geschickt in
Abteilungen gegliedert. Rote
Lichter führen in das Innere
des Ladens. Die Wände sind
mit weißem Stoff dekoriert und
von weichem Licht durchflutet. Erst der hintere Bereich ist
den Sex-Spielzeugen und dem
ganzen Spektrum von LederDessous bis zum Fessel- und
Büchern und Videos vorbehal-
ten. Die Türen der Umkleidekabinen haben kleine Gucklöcher mit der Aufschrift „Peep
Show“, durch die der wartende
Partner bei der Anprobe-Prozedur zuschauen kann.
Ann Summers:
Grande Entrée in the
Velvet Salon
Ann Summers, the English
equivalent of Germany’s Beate
Uhse, has revamped her image with a new outfit, making
her shops acceptable across
a broad social spectrum. The
London agency Design Ministry developed the new store
Die Farbkomposition, Material- und Oberflächenauswahl und die Lichtinszenierung sind harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmt und laden
verführerisch ins Reich der Erotik ein.
The choice of colours, materials and surfaces as well as the lighting effects blend harmoniously
with each other and invite the customer in a seductive manner to enter the realm of eroticism.
SHOP aktuell 99
format, and in spring 2005
Umdasch Shop-Concept was
entrusted with the shopfitting
for the first concept store in the
series in the Trafford Centre in
Together with its sister company Knickerbox, which specialises in lingerie, the Ann
Summers erotic shop chain
owns more 150 shops and at
least 100 concession areas.
The annual turnover totals
some 230 m Euros. In the new
concept, almost one-third of
the area (in Manchester a total
of 152 m²) has been dedicated
to the Knickerbox range. The
aim is that mother and daughter should be equally targeted.
The youthful Knickerbox
range of everyday lingerie
is designed to appeal to the
younger customer, whilst the
Ann Summers underwear is
designed as “occasionwear“.
The new store concept translates the basic values of the
brand - feminine, sexy, witty.
The store has been skilfully
Der markante Auftritt von Ann Summers beginnt bereits an der Fassade.
entrée begins with the façade.
divided into various departments between rubber, plush
carpets, padded leather and
lots of satin. Red lights lead
towards the rear of the shop.
The walls are covered with
white fabric and flooded with
soft lighting. The rear area is
reserved for sex toys and the
whole range of leather underwear, bonds and whips. The
doors of the changing rooms
have small peepholes labelled
“Peep Show“, through which
Nicht klassische Regale sondern leichte Rundrohrprofile haben in der Präsentation die tragende Rolle inne.
arranged on light tubes of circular metal rather than on classic shelving.
Ann Summers’ grande
the waiting partner can watch
the proceedings.
The presentation is
Rauf auf den Bio-Zug
Mit der Eröffnung der ersten
Filiale der neuen BioSupermarkt-Kette
Ende April 2005 in Düsseldorf-Benrath ist die Rewe
Köln auf den Bio-Zug aufgesprungen. Auf 720 m² wird
mit einem Sortiment von
6.000 bis 8.000 hochwertigen
Naturprodukten alles geboten,
was das Bio-Herz begehrt:
Obst und Gemüse, Milch und
Molkereiprodukte, Fleisch,
Käse, Wein, aber auch Kos-
metika und Hygieneprodukte.
Der Ladenbau für die verführerische, wertsteigernde Wellness-Inszenierung kommt von
Join the Bio-Bandwagon
At the end of April 2005,
Rewe Cologne joined the
Bio-Bandwagon when it
opened the first branch of
the new Bio-Supermarket
chain “Vierlinden“in Düs-
seldorf-Benrath. The 720 m²
sales area offers everything
the eco-friendly consumer
could wish for, with a range
of 6,000 to 8,000 high-quality natural products: fruit and
vegetables, milk and dairy
products, meat, cheese and
wine, as well as cosmetics and
hygiene products. The shopfitting for the seductive and value-enhancing wellness section
was provided by Assmann.
Warme Töne und harmonische Formen schaffen
eine thematisch stimmige Wohlfühlatmosphäre.
Warm colours and harmonious shapes
create an appropriate ambience in which the
customer feels at ease.
Auch „Schönheit“ ist ein wichtiges Thema im
Rewe BioSupermarkt.
“Beauty“ is also writ
large in the Rewe Bio-Supermarket.
Das Thema Marken ist plakativ affichiert.
The subject of brands is prominently
Visualisierte Gesundheits-Kompetenz
Die attraktive Darstellung von
Präparaten, die zwar rezeptfrei, aber nur in Apotheken
und Drogerien erhältlich sind,
ist ein hervorragendes Mittel
zur Demonstration von Beratungskompetenz. Diese vorerst nonverbale Kommunikation ist häufig der entscheidende
Ansatzpunkt für ein fundiertes Beratungsgespräch.
Dr. Andreas und Christine
Tempini, die Inhaber der Anfos Apotheke in Basel, haben
bei dem im Frühjahr 2005 er-
folgten Umbau Platz für eine
solch interaktive Präsentation
geschaffen. Zum einen konnte ein Nebenraum adaptiert
werden, zum anderen wurde
die Lagerlogistik mit einem
optimiert. Heute präsentiert sich
die neue Anfos-Apotheke
großzügig und modern, mit
dezentralen Beratungsinseln,
Beratungsraum, rollstuhlgeeigneten Eingängen und vor
allem mit einer übersichtlichen Präsentation des Angebotes. Darüber freuen sich
die Kunden, die Inhaber, die
Mitarbeiter und das Umdasch
A demonstration of
competence in the
health sphere
The attractive presentation
of products which are available without a prescription but
which can only be purchased
in chemist’s shops and drugstores, provides an excellent
way of demonstrating competence. This form of communication, which is initially
non-verbal in manner, often
provides the decisive starting
point for a detailed consultation.
By redesigning their chemist’s shop in spring 2005, Dr.
Andreas and Christine Tempini, the owners of the AnfosApotheke in Basle, created the
space for such an interactive
presentation. Firstly, a back
room was adapted; and secondly their storage logistics
were optimised with a ROWA
storage system. Today, the
SHOP aktuell 99
Die ellipsenförmige Regalanordnung, die auch von der Decke
aufgenommen wird, bietet erstklassige Orientierung und zieht
die Kundinnen in die Tiefe des Raumes.
The elliptical shelf
layout, which is echoed by the ceiling design, offers customers
a clear overview of the store and draws them towards the back
of the shop.
Anspruch auf Beratung
Mit über 1200 Filialen ist die
Marionnaud-Gruppe Parfümerie-Marktführer in Europa. Mit 95 Filialen, über 30 %
Marktanteil und über 500
Mitarbeitern ist Marionnaud
auch die Nummer 1 in Österreich. Die zuletzt von Umdasch Shop-Concept in Wien
(Donauzentrum 195 m² und
Columbus-Center 140 m²) eingerichteten Filialen offenbaren ein Erfolgsgeheimnis: Das
großzügig präsentierte Angebot an erstklassigen Marken,
vor allem aber der Anspruch
auf Beratung, wird von den
wahrgenommen. Dafür sorgt
die offene, transparente Gestaltung und die harmonische
The demand for
With more than 1,200 branch-
es, the Marionnaud Group is
the market leader in the perfumery sector in Europe. With
95 branches, more than 30 %
market share and a staff of
more than 500, Marionnaud is
also Number One in Austria.
The recently opened branches
in Vienna (Donauzentrum
195 m² and Columbus-Center
140 m²), for which Umdasch
Shop-Concept supplied the
shopfittings, reveal the secret
Der Anspruch auf Beratung ist
demonstrativ sichtbar gemacht.
The demand for consultations is made clearly visible.
of the firm’s success: customers quickly learn to appreciate not only the wide range of
first-class brands, presented in
a spacious overall layout, but
also in particular the consultations offered. The open, transparent design and harmonious lighting contribute to this
ready acceptance.
Die neue Anfos Apotheke bietet
ausreichend Platz für fundierte
new Anfos-Apotheke provides
sufficient space for leisurely
new Anfos-Apotheke appears
spacious and modern, with decentralised consultation areas,
a consultation room, wheelchair-accessible entrances and
above all a clear presentation
of the goods on offer. Customers, owners, staff and the Umdasch Chemist’s Shopfitting
team are all delighted.
Die Exquisitabteilungen werden bei Humanic stets
besonders fein herausgearbeitet.
The luxury
departments at Humanic are always fitted out with
particular care.
SHOP aktuell 99
Schuhhandel in neuen
die Sinne
Mit der im Mai 2005 erfolgten
Eröffnung von zwei jeweils rund
3.000 m² großen „HumanicSchuhwelten“ an ersten Adressen in Köln und Wien setzt die
Grazer Leder & Schuh AG neue
Maßstäbe im europäischen
Schuhhandel. Eines der Erfolgsgeheimnisse des 338 Millionen
Euro Umsatz schweren Traditionshauses ist die avantgardistische, sinnbelebende Ladengestaltung, verbunden mit einer
kompromisslos klaren Schuhpräsentation.
Autor: Reinhard Peneder
ompetenz braucht längst auch im
Schuhhandel Fläche. 3.000 m² sind
aber selbst für Experten verblüffend. „Bei
der riesigen Humanic-Auswahl erspart man
sich den Besuch mehrerer anderer Schuhhäuser“ argumentiert Vorstandsvorsitzender Dr. Thomas P. Ridder den Kundennutzen einer derart großen Fläche. Dahinter
steckt aber mehr, nämlich ein glasklares
Konzept. Das sieht, simplifiziert dargestellt, so aus: Kompetenzführerschaft bei
einem definierten (Sortiments-) Thema
erfordert eine gewisse Anzahl an präsentierten Modellen. Die Anzahl präsentierter
Modelle multipliziert mit der Präsentationsphilosophie ergibt die notwendige Verkaufsfläche. Man kann die Rechnung natürlich auch bei der zur Verfügung stehenden
Verkaufsfläche beginnen. Und fertig ist ein
Kompetenz-Zentrum in Sachen Schuhe ... Wie
dieses Rezept allerdings „gekocht und gewürzt“
wird, haben uns die Humanic-Manager leider
nicht vollständig verraten. Klar ist natürlich,
dass für derart große Flächen mit Flagship-Charakter nur wenige Standorte in Frage kommen.
Konkurrenz belebt das Schuh-Geschäft
Beide neuen Schuhwelten präsentieren sich
im Umfeld der unmittelbaren Mitbewerber,
aber auch in verkaufsfördernder Nachbarschaft
erster Mode-Adressen. In Wien hat Humanic
im ehemaligen Virgin Mega Store in der revitalisierten und pulsierenden Mariahilfer Straße
Platz gefunden. Vorgänger in Köln in der Schildergasse 94 war das Emotions-Konzept von
Facts and Data
Founded in 1872 as “D.H. Pollak
& Co.“ at the company’s present
headquarters in Graz.
Turnover (2004): 338.4 m Euros
(+ 6 %). Employees (2004): 2,645.
Retail locations (as of the end of
2004): 281 (Austria, Hungary,
Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech
Republic). In Austria (approx. 20 %
market share), Hungary and Slovenia,
Leder & Schuh is the market leader;
in the Czech Republic it occupies
second place. In Germany it is already
amongst the Top Ten. It will be entering the market in Poland in 2005.
Mit „Diese Adresse hat das Potenzial zur
Pilgerstätte von Schuhliebhabern zu werden“
beginnt der Chefredakteur der Branchengazette
„SchuhKurier“, Mathias Schiffmann, seinen Artikel über den Kölner Humanic euphorisch. Wir
folgen ihm durch das Haus. Das EG ist komplett
den Damen gewidmet, rechts vom Eingangsbereich junge Schuhmode in poppigem Ambiente,
links die Sportmarken. Der Exklusivbereich ist
optisch besonders hervorgehoben. Im Untergeschoss wartet auf die Kids ein wahrer Abenteuerspielplatz mit Basketball und einer PlaystationInsel. Im Obergeschoss kommen dann die Herrn
zum Zug. Exklusivmode wird in einem eleganten
Ambiente an der Kopfwand präsentiert, während
sich die Sportmarken zur rechten, die CasualModelle zur linken Hand platzieren. Angebote
Farben und Bilder spielen im Auftritt von Humanic eine wichtige Rolle.
play an important role in the presentation of Humanic.
finden die Humanic-Kunden Im OG und UG in
speziell ausgezeichneten „Bestseller-Bereichen“.
Humanic (bzw. der Dachkonzern Leder &
Schuh) hat aus der Tradition heraus eine starke Beziehung zur Produktion. Noch heute wird
ein erheblicher Teil des Angebots selbst gestaltet. „Das macht uns schnell und bringt Kostenvorteile“ stellt Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Gottfried
Maresch im Gespräch mit SHOP aktuell fest.
Die Affinität zu Material und Materie spürt und
riecht man an allen Ecken und Enden, das nehmen auch die Konsumenten wahr. Das Gespür
für die „richtigen“ Standorte ist ein weiterer Erfolgsfaktor.
Die mit stark erotischem Touch versehene
Marktkommunikation hat bei Humanic längst
Kultstatus erreicht. Überzeugend ist nicht zuletzt die Durchgängigkeit vom TV-Spot bis zum
POS-Auftritt. Die Läden sind Bühnen, die Raum
für immer neue Inszenierungen schaffen. Der
gekonnte Einsatz von Farben und Licht spielt
ebenso eine Rolle wie die Kommunikation über
Bilder und das Spiel mit Emotionen. Humanic
belebt die Sinne. Man lässt sich ständig und von
überall inspirieren, nicht nur aus New York,
London oder Paris. Der Blick über den Zaun zu
anderen Branchen und Themen hat Methode.
Konsequenz ist angesagt, wenn es um die Präsentation des Sortiments selbst geht, hier folgt
Colours and images
Sowohl in Wien (Bild) als auch in Köln verfügt das Humanic Flagship über drei Etagen,
die jeweils großzügig erschlossen sind.
In Vienna (photo) as well as in Cologne,
the Humanic flagship store extends across
three floors, each of which is generously
laid out.
SHOP aktuell 99
man klaren Spielregeln. „Bei Humanic ist der
Ladenbau des Jahres 2010 zu sehen“ war an der
Eröffnungspressekonferenz in Köln zu hören.
Das hört man auch bei Umdasch Shop-Concept
gerne, denn das Unternehmen ist langjähriger
Partner der Leder & Schuh-Gruppe und hat
auch die Humanic-Projekte in Wien und Köln
New dimensions in the shoe trade
Humanic arouses the senses
The brand portfolio of Leder &
Schuh is identical with those of its
subsidiary companies and fields
of business and includes Corti,
Dominici, Humanic, Jello, Shoe 4
You and Top Schuh. This means
that all segments of the market
are covered, from the economy
price range (Jello), via the classic
shoe business (with Humanic
as the core brand) to the luxury
segment (Dominici).
The Graz-based Leder & Schuh AG has set new standards in the shoe
trade within Europe with the opening in May 2005 of two “Humanic Show
World” stores, each approx. 3,000 m² in size, at top addresses in Cologne
and Vienna. One of the secrets of the success of the long-established
company, which has an annual turnover of some 338 m Euros, is its avantgarde shop design, which arouses the senses with its uncompromisingly
well-ordered shoe presentation.
Author: Reinhard Peneder
owadays, even a well-run and efficent shoe
shop needs plenty of space. But 3,000 m²
seem amazing, even to experts. “Thanks to the
vast selection on display in Humanic shops the
customer need no longer traipse round a succession of other shoe shops”, points out the Chairman of the Board Dr. Thomas P. Ridder when
explaining the advantage for the customer of
such a large display area. There is more to it than
that, however: the concept behind all that space
is clearly defined. To put it in a nutshell: in order
to become the market leader in any given field, it
is essential to have a certain number of designs
on display. The number of designs on display
multiplied by the presentation philosophy gives
the sales area required. Alternatively, you can
begin your calculation with the size of the sales
area available for the display. The result is a competence centre in shoe sales… However, the Humanic managers did not reveal to us exactly how
they “cook and season” this particular recipe for
success. What is clear, of course, is that only a
small number of locations will be suitable for
such large sales spaces which thereby acquire
something of a flagship character.
The shoe business thrives on competition
Both new shoe stores are located in the vicinity of shops run by their direct competitors,
but also in the neighbourhood of the top fashion
addresses which actively encourage additional
Immer wieder gibt es auch großzügige Flächen zum Verweilen
und Anprobieren.
There are always generous spaces where
customers can wait and try on the shoes.
Internet websites:
In der Kölner Schildergasse residiert Humanic an erster Adresse im illustren Umfeld von Mitbewerbern und führenden Modeanbietern.
store in the Schildergasse in Cologne enjoys a first-class address surrounded by the prestigious shops of competitors and leading fashion names.
Es sind auch die vielen kleinen Details, die Humanic zu einem Erlebnis für alle Sinne machen.
sales. In Vienna, Humanic has taken up residence
in the former Virgin Mega Store in the bustling
and revitalised Mariahilfer Strasse. The company’s predecessor in Cologne, at Schildergasse 94,
was the Emotions-Konzept of Metro/Kaufhof.
Die emotionell aufgeladene,
erotisch angehauchte Marktkommunikation von Humanic
hat die Markenbekanntheit
in schwindelnde Höhen
Mathias Schiffmann, the Editor-in-Chief
of the trade magazine “SchuhKurier”, begins
his article about the Humanic store in Cologne
with the euphoric comment, “This shop has the
potential to become a place of pilgrimage for
shoe lovers.” We follow him through the store.
The Ground Floor is devoted entirely to women’s shoes; to the right of the entrance are young
fashions in a trendy atmosphere, whilst the
sports brands are to the left. Attention is drawn
optically to the area occupied by the exclusive
brands. In the basement, children will discover
an adventure playground with basketball and a
Playstation island. On the first floor, men will
find what they are looking for. Exclusive designs
are displayed on the far wall, with sports shoes
on the right-hand side and casual designs on the
left. Special offers are displayed on the first floor
and in the basement in clearly marked “Bestseller Areas”.
Secrets of success
Traditionally, Humanic (or more accurately,
the umbrella concern Leder & Schuh), has strong
links with shoe production. To this day, a large
proportion of the designs on offer are designed
and produced by the company itself. “That makes
us quick to react and brings cost advantages”,
states Member of the Board Dr. Gottfried Maresch in a conversation with SHOP aktuell. The
affinity with both the product and the materials
is tangible on all sides, a fact which customers
SHOP aktuell 99
A multitude of small details make the Humanic store a feast for all the senses.
Ein Warenbild, das die Erfüllung höchster Ansprüche signalisiert. Vom Sneaker bis zum Rahmengenähten soll den Männern jeder Wunsch erfüllt
A range of products which promises
the fulfilment of the most demanding requirements.
Men will find any type of shoe they may be looking
for, from casual sneakers to formal lace-ups.
sense in many ways. An instinctive feeling for
the right locations is another success factor.
Humanic’s market communication, with its
unmistakably erotic undertones, has long since
achieved cult status. Last but not least, the consistent approach from TV advertising spot to
Point of Sale presentation convinces customers.
Humanic shops are stages which provide a setting for an infinite range of new productions.
The skilful use of colours and light is just as
important as the communication through pictures and the appeal to the emotions. Humanic
arouses the senses, seeking inspiration not only
in New York, London and Paris. Looking over
the fence at other branches and themes matters
too. Consistency is important, when it comes to
the presentation of a particular range; the rules
to be followed are clear. “At Humanic you can
see the face of store design in 2010” was one
comment at the opening press conference in
Cologne. The staff at Umdasch Shop-Concept is
delighted to hear such remarks, for the company
has been a partner of the Leder & Schuh-Gruppe
for many years and was also responsible for the
shopfitting of the Humanic stores in Vienna and
The emotional market
communication of Humanic,
with its hint of eroticism, has
driven the brand familiarity to
dizzy heights.
Die „Tunnel-Architkektur“ macht
den Auftritt von Best Mens Wear
besonders markant.
The “tunnel architecture” of
Best Men’s Wear makes it a truly
memorable shopping experience.
Reif für die
Der wirtschaftliche Aufschwung der Republik Irland hat
längst auch den Einzelhandel erfasst. Das ist an verschiedenen Kennzahlen eindrucksvoll abzulesen. Aber auch daran, dass die Grafton Street im Herzen Dublins mittlerweile
zu den teuersten Einkaufsstraßen der Welt zählt. Mittendrin
im Geschehen ist Umdasch Shop-Concept. Mit zahlreichen
erstklassigen Referenzprojekten für renommierte Retailer
wurde die Reifeprüfung für die Grüne Insel mit Bravour bestanden.
oraussichtlich 5,7 % Wachstum
beim Bruttoinlandsprodukt im
Jahr 2005, 33.000 Euro Jahreseinkommen pro Einwohner (Deutschland:
26.400), relativ niedrige Arbeitslosenrate (4,3 %) ... Die Iren stehen gut da.
Sie haben die ihnen von der EU eingeräumten Möglichkeiten geschickt genutzt. Der frühere Agrarstaat ist eine
Hochtechnologiegesellschaft geworden, das klassische Auswandererland
zu einem Magneten für Menschen und
Pulsierender Einzelhandel
Der Konsum hält mit der insgesamt
Schritt, der Einzelhandel profitiert
davon. Die alteingesessenen irischen
Händler haben inzwischen nicht nur
Besuch von der Nachbarinsel bekommen, sondern auch zahlreiche internationale Player möchten an der Kauflust
der Iren mitnaschen (siehe Tabelle).
Die Grafton Street im Herzen Dublins hat sich - gemessen an den Mietkosten - zur
fünftteuersten Einkaufsstraße der Welt „emporgearbeitet“.
Grafton Street, at the
very heart of the city of Dublin, has become the fifth-most-expensive shopping strip
in the world, according to lease rental charges.
Selected Retail Key Figures Basis 2003*
Population in 1000
Retail sales in billion EUR
Retail sales per inhabitant
m² sales area in 1000
m² sales area in 1000
Retail sales / m² sales area
Employees in retail trade in 1000
Number of outlets
Inhabitants / Outlet
Market share of shopping centres of retail sales
14 %
13 %
19 %
20 %
28 %
26 %
Area of shopping centres in million m²
Shopping centres area per 1000 inhabitants in m²
*) Sources: Umdasch Shop-Concept, BAG, EHI, Euro Monitor, BAK, BBE, ISCS Europe, Östat, Destat, Eurostat and others. The key figures have mainly the character of indicating trends,
since it was not possible to harmonise them completely because of different definitions of terms, methods of gathering data etc. and/or periods of data gathering. As a rule, the figures are to
be understood as excluding petrol and diesel trading and without trade in fuels.
Die starke Nachfrage beschleunigt eine Zunahme der Verkaufsflächen. Das führt häufig insofern zu Herausforderungen, als die Innenstädte
die zeitgemäßen Flächen- und Flächenzuschnittsanforderungen nur mehr unzureichend erfüllen können. Das
begünstigt das Entstehen von
Einkaufszentren. Ein Beispiel
dafür ist das Dundrum Town
Centre direkt an den Toren der
Hauptstadt Dublin, nur etwa 5 km
von deren Zentrum entfernt. Es
gilt als die irische Antwort auf
das Bluewater Center östlich von
London. Nach Fertigstellung der
ersten Projektphase im Frühjahr 2005 sind auf 85.000 m²
Verkaufsfläche 125 Stores und
25 Restaurants, Kinocenter und
Theater präsent. In der für 2008
sind über 120.000 m² Verkaufsfläche vorgesehen. Schon jetzt
sind erste Adressen wie ein
riesiger Tesco-Markt, Marks &
Spencer, House of Fraser, Next,
Fitzpatricks, H & M, Zara usw.
vor Ort.
Das Dundrum Town Centre
direkt an den Toren Dublins
wird nach seinem Vollausbau
über weit mehr als 100.000 m²
Verkaufsfläche verfügen.
The Dundrum Town
Centre, on the outskirts of
Dublin, will comprise well
over 100,000 m² of retail
space after the completion
of the final stages of construction and finishing.
Umdasch bedient erste Adressen
Ähnlich wie in Großbritannien sind Ladenbaumaßnahmen in Irland sehr arbeitsteilig
strukturiert. Häufig sind bei Projekten Marketing-Profis, Architekten, Designer, Kreative
verschiedenster Disziplinen und Projektmanager
gemeinsam an Bord, ehe für die Realisierung
noch einmal eine Heerschar an Handwerkern auf
den Plan tritt. Darunter auch Shopfitter. Zuneh-
mend schätzen die irischen Retailer aber auch
komplette Leistungspakete (mit unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung der Leistungsmodule),
da diese in der Regel ein hohes Maß an Terminund Preissicherheit bieten.
Umdasch Shop-Concept beherrscht dieses
Rollenspiel und stellt seine Teams kompromisslos nach den jeweiligen Anforderungen zusammen. Seit einigen Jahren ist Umdasch punktuell
in Irland tätig, etwa beim Brandland für Guinness, verschiedene Duty Free-Shops für Aer
Rianta oder für die Filialisten Stauntons Elverys und Best. Zuletzt wurden die Aktivitäten in
Irland von Großbritannien bzw. direkt von Österreich aus verstärkt, derzeit wird sogar vor Ort
eine eigene Position aufgebaut.
Ein treffendes Beispiel für die vielfältige Tätigkeit von Umdasch Shop-Concept in Irland ist das
bereits erwähnte Dundrum Town Centre. Dort hat
Umdasch fünf sehenswerte Geschäfte eingerichtet: Den zu Brown Thomas gehörenden FashionStore BT2 (650 m²), einen Flagship Store für Best
Mens Wear (279 m²), das Optikergeschäft Optica
(80 m²), Fitzpatricks Shoes (130 m²) und schließlich eine Timberland-Filiale (150 m²).
Eine Institution in Irland ist Brown Thomas
in der Grafton Street in Dublin. Wer in Dublin
internationale Luxusmarken sucht, findet sie in
diesem Nobel-Kaufhaus mit fast 160jähriger
Geschichte: Hermes, Christian Dior, La Perla, DKNY, Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuiton, Fendi, Gucci ... Erst im Juni letzten
Jahres konnte man aus den Medien erfahren, dass
der amerikanische Pop-Star Britney Spears nach
einem Auftritt höchstpersönlich zum Shopping
gekommen war. Die fünf Etagen mit 9.500 m²
SHOP aktuell 99
51 %
Important shopping streets:
Cork: St Patrick`s Street; Dublin: Grafton Street, Henry Street;
Galway: Eyre Square, Shop Street; Kilkenny: Parliament Street;
Limerick: Merchant`s Quay/Patrick Street, O Connel Street;
Waterford: Michael Street/Barronstrand, Broad Street
Important Shopping Centres (Opened, Sales Area):
Blanchardstown: Blachardstown (1996, 49,238 m²); Tallaght:
The Square (1990, 47,286 m²); Dublin: Dundrum Town Centre
(2005, 85,000), St Stephens Green (1998, 34,373 m²), Jervis
Shopping Centre (1996, 30,657 m²), ILAC Centre (1981, 26,
641 m²), Liffey Vallye (1998, 23,325 m²), The Pavilions (2000,
23,226 m²), Nutgrove (1984, 18,022 m²), Northside (1970,
16,675 m²), Donaghmede (1973, 16,258 m²), Omni Park (1991,
11,148 m²); Cork: Merchants Quay (1989, 27, 870 m²), Athlone:
Golden Island (1997, 15,421 m²); Limerick: Crescent (1973, 14,931
m²); Clondalkin: Mill Centre (1994, 14,864 m²); Waterford: City
Square (1993, 14,864 m²); Galway: Galway Shopping Centre
(1972, 14,094 m²); Dun Laoghaire: Dun Laoghaire Shopping
Centre; Navan: Navan Shopping Centre (1981, 12.979 m²);
Stillorgan: Stillorgan Shopping Centre (1966, 11,427 m²)
Top Players in retailing (selection):
Food: Tesco (ca. 76 Outlets); Centra (297); Super Valu (204);
Spar/Mace (320); Superquinn (17); ADM Londis (166); Lidl, Aldi.
Department Stores: Dunnes Stores (85); Roches Stores (12);
Brown Thomas (5); Arnotts (4); WH Goods (3), Shaw & Sons (14).
Textiles/Fashion/Apparel/Footwear (Stores): Arcadia Group
(83); Lifestyle (43); Barry & Sons (42); Penneys (36); Barratts (31);
Tylers (25); Sasha (22); Adams (18); A-Wear (17); Benetton (15);
Vera Moda (15). Electrical: Eircell 2000 (90); Electricity Supply
Board (81); Expert Ireland (46); Celular World (21). Other NonFood: Arro, Amalgamated Hardware (Hardware); Blockbuster,
Lifestyle, Supertoys, Golden Disc Group (Entertainment); Boots,
Specsavers, Nature`s Way, Body Shop (Health/Beauty).
Important Irish Shop Brands Abroad
Musgrave, Dunnes Stores
Important Foreign Shop Brands in Ireland
Tesco, Vivo (John Henderson), Iceland, Bhs, Argos, Marks &
Spencer, Debenhams. Arcadia Group, Dixons (Currys, PC World,
Dixons), Signet (UK); Lidl, Crowleys (GEHE), Aldi (Germany);
Vero Moda (Denmark); Benetton (Italy); Gymboree, Blockbuster
(USA); Vision Express (Grandvision), Kookai (France); Mango
Verkaufsfläche beeindrucken durch Übersicht
und persönlicher Note. Permanent und in Etappen wird an der Attraktivität der Abteilungen gefeilt. Zuletzt war Umdasch als Shopfitter bei der
Ausstattung der Lingerie- und Fashion-Etage tätig (Architektur und Design: Douglas Wallace in
Zusammenarbeit mit dem Brown Thomas Store
Design Department). Zuvor schon hat Umdasch
die sehenswerte Living-Abteilung eingerichtet.
Mit ihr wurde der Lifestyle-Charakter des gesamten Hauses noch verstärkt. Auch hier finden
sich luxuriöse Produkte wie jene von Yves De
Lorme, Paul Costelloe ... Armani, Calvin Klein
... oder das Label des Starkochs Jamie Oliver.
Autoren: Nikolaus Pjeta,
Reinhard Peneder.
Fit for the Emerald Isle
Locker, leicht und exklusiv:
Die Lingerie bei Brown Thomas.
Lingerie at Brown
Thomas: light, seductive,
exclusive fabrics as far as
the eye can see.
The Republic of Ireland’s retail industry has been benefiting from the country’s overall economic boom for several years now, as is clearly visible from
the impressive trends apparent in the sector’s index figures. Furthermore,
Grafton Street in central Dublin has become one of the most expensive
shopping strips in the world. Umdasch Shop-Concept has been closely
involved in the boom. Numerous first-rate reference projects of renowned
retailers confirm that the company has passed its initiation test on the Emerald Isle with flying colours.
projected growth rate of 5.7% for Ireland’s
gross domestic product in 2005, an average annual income of 33,000 Euros per inhabitant (compared to Germany’s 26,400 Euros), a
relatively low unemployment rate (4.3%)… The
Irish are clearly doing very well, having taken
full advantage of the possibilities made available
to them by the European Union. The agrarian
state of the past has become a high-tech society
and the former country of emigrants now attracts
foreign investment and manpower.
Ein horizontales Wandsystem
mit schwebenden Glasfächern prägt die Präsentation
bei Fitzpatrick Shoes.
A horizontal wall system
of suspended panes of glass
defines the Fitzpatrick Shoes
A Vibrant Retail Industry
Consumption has risen in tandem with the
country’s positive economic development, allowing retailers to benefit from the favourable economic climate. Long-established Irish retailers
and traders are now popular with visitors from
the United Kingdom and international movers
and shakers eager to benefit from Ireland’s buying power alike (see chart).
Strong demand for retail spaces has accelerated their creation. This has frequently resulted in
challenges to urban planners and architects as the
city centres are running out of appropriate properties and are unable to keep up with the constant
demands placed upon retail spaces. And this has
promoted the construction of shopping malls, of
which the Dundrum Town Centre, on the outskirts
of town and just five kilometres from Dublin’s city
centre, is just one example. It is Ireland’s equivalent
to the Bluewater Centre just east of the city of London. Following the completion of the first project
phase in spring 2005, 125 shops, 25 restaurants, a
cinema complex and theatre now grace the Dundrum Town Centre’s 85,000 m2-retail space. The
sales space is to be expanded to 120,000 m² during
the final development phase, scheduled to be completed by 2008. Top retailers such as Tesco (which
has set up a large store), Marks & Spencer, House
of Fraser, Next, Fitzpatricks, H&M and Zara are
already present.
Umdasch, shopfitter to the top shops
The construction of retail spaces in both Ireland and the United Kingdom is characterised
by a marked division of labour. Marketing spe-
Der Fashion Store von BT2 trägt die Handschrift
der bekannten Architektur- und Design-Gruppe
Douglas Wallace.
The BT2 fashion store bears
the signature of the renowned Douglas Wallace
design group.
cialists, architects, designers, creative minds
in various fields of work and project managers
often collaborate on projects before a legion of
workmen and craftsmen such as shopfitters are
called upon to transform the vision into reality.
Complete service packages composed of various
flexible and interchangeable individual elements
are becoming increasingly popular with Ireland’s
retailers, however, as these tend to provide the
greatest possible price stability and most accurate deadline determination.
The minds behind Umdasch Shop-Concept
have mastered this fine art. They carefully select
and assemble the appropriate teams for various
tasks. Umdasch has been involved in a number of
specific projects in Ireland for several years: Guinness’s Brandland, a number of Duty Free Shops for
SHOP aktuell 99
Voll im Gestaltungstrend:
Farbige Flächen kombiniert
mit Holz. Gesehen bei Brown
layouts: colourful surfaces
juxtaposed with wood, as
seen at Brown Thomas.
Auch im Living-Department
bei Brown Thomas prägen
edle Designer-Stücke die
pieces by luxury brand
names in Brown Thomas’s
Living department have
delighted the department
store’s customers since its
Aer Rianta, the chain stores Stauntons Elverys and
Best to name just a few. Until recently, their activities in Ireland have enlisted British and Austrian
support, but the company is currently in the process of establishing a branch office in Ireland.
The Dundrum Town Centre project clearly illustrates Umdasch Shop-Concept’s wide-ranging
activities. Umdasch Shop-Concept has set up five
impressive shops at this prime location: the Brown
Thomas group’s fashion store BT2 (650m2), one
of Best Men’s Wear’s flagship stores (279m2), the
optometrist Optica (80m2), Fitzpatricks Shoes
(130m2) and a Timberland branch (150m2).
Brown Thomas in Dublin’s Grafton Street has
become a veritable institution. Shoppers in search
of internationally-renowned luxury brands head
straight for this elegant department store, established almost 160 years ago. Hermès, Christian
Dior, La Perla, DKNY, Ralph Lauren, Chanel,
Prada, Louis Vuitton, Fendi and Gucci attract
the rich and famous, as American pop star Britney Spears’ personal appearance in the Brown
Thomas department store following a concert in
Dublin last June made clear. The five levels comprising a total of 9,500m 2 of retail space impress
customers with their impeccable layout and personal touches. The various departments are constantly updated and improved upon according to
a rotating schedule. Most recently, Umdasch was
commissioned as a shopfitter, fitting the lingerie
and fashion floor (architecture and design: Douglas Wallace in collaboration with the Brown Thomas Store Design Department) after completing
the attractive Living department which now adds
to the lifestyle character of the store as a whole.
The Living department boasts luxurious goods
such as those of Yves De Lorme, Paul Costelloe,
Armani and Calvin Klein, not to mention products designed by world-famous star chef Jamie
Oliver and his team.
Authors: Nikolaus Pjeta, Reinhard Peneder.
Umdasch an Shop Dramaturgy LIVE!
OutDoor und from 11th to 14th May 2006 in New York
Umdasch at the OutDoor and
ShopDesign Russia
Im Rahmen einer Sonderschau des Europäischen Handelsinstitutes (EHI) hat Umdasch an der OutDoor 2005 in
Friedrichshafen eine trendige
vorgestellt. Zahlreiche Besucher konnten sich dabei von
der hohen „Sport-Kompetenz“
von Umdasch Shop-Concept
selbst ein Bild machen.
Die neuerliche Teilnahme an
der ShopDesign Russia vom
20. bis 23. September 2005 in
Moskau war für die Umdasch
Shopfitting Group ein weiterer
Following the “Shop Dramaturgy LIVE!” shopping expeditions of 2005 to Las Vegas and Vienna, the seminar
will be held for the fi rst time
in several years in New York.
Mikunda and the Umdasch
Shop Academy invite you to
join them in the Big Apple
from 11-14 May 2006. Rediscover the city’s shopping
scene, which has changed
significantly in recent years!
The seminar venue is the
penthouse of the Madison Avenue design hotel Morgans.
Participants will take part in
two extensive guided tours
through midtown Manhattan
and SoHo and can choose to
attend the optional trip to the
Factory Outlet Center Woodbury Common. Orientation
The fascinating anthropological concept (“Life in the Countryside“)
is sure to be a hot topic at the New York “Shop Dramaturgy LIVE!“
from 11th to 14th May 2006.
price (including three nights
in a single room): 1,850 Euro.
We suggest booking early
as this will also help to en-
sure the lowest-possible air
fares. Please contact Regula.
further details.
-Award for the
Umdasch EuroShop Presentation
Mit einem 100 m² großen Stand zählte die Umdasch Shopfitting
Group zu den größten Ausstellern an der ShopDesign Russia.
Umdasch Shopfitting Group was represented by a 100 m²
trade-fair stand, making it one of the largest exhibits at
ShopDesign Russia.
Schritt im Rahmen der systematischen Expansion auf dem
prosperierenden russischen
Markt. Druckfrisch zur Messe ist ein SHOP aktuell extra
in russischer Sprache erschienen.
Umdasch presented a
trendy Nordic Walking exhibition within the framework
of a special European Trade
Institute show at the OutDoor
2005 in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Visitors were able to
experience Umdasch Shop-
Concept’s sports expertise at
fi rst-hand.
Umdasch Shopfitting Group’s
more recent presence at the
ShopDesign Russia which
took place in Moscow from
20-23 September was a further step towards its systematic expansion on the flourishing Russian market. The
presentation was accompanied
by a Russian-language edition
of SHOP aktuell, hot off the
The Umdasch Shopfitting
Group was granted the reddot
award for “high design quality“ in the Public Space category for its presentation at the
Düsseldorf Euroshop 2005.
This internationally-coveted
award is conferred by the
Design Zentrum Nordrhein
Westfalen (Design Centre of
The Viennese agency section.
d developed the stall concept
and graphics for the approximately 1.000 m²-large tradefair stand. limit architects of
Vienna were responsible for
the stand architecture while
Mag. Arndt Traindl, ShopConsult by Umdasch, was in
charge of the store branding.
Overall, image concepts and
the presentation of concrete
solutions to concrete problems were central to this
year’s individual EuroShop
exhibits. Thanks to six immaculately-positioned POS
concepts, Umdasch was able
to illustrate the polarisation
of consumption into luxury
and discount consumption,
as well as the lessons relevant
to store branding that can be
inferred from this state of
affairs (see the
report featured
in SHOP aktuell
The reddot jurors
attested to the
high quality of
Umdasch’s tradefair stand design
at the EuroShop
SHOP aktuell 99
Event-Kalender Calendar of events
24. 10. 2005
Umdasch Shop-Concept-Forum
Fachvortrag, Mag. Arndt Traindl
3. 11. 2005
Eintagesseminar, Bart Ooijman
7. 11. 2005
Umdasch Shop-Concept-Forum
Fachvortrag, DI Dieter Blocher
EHI-Technologie-Tage 2005
9. - 10. 11. 2005
8. - 9. 11. 2005
Modehandels-Kongress 2005
14. - 15. 11. 2005
Zürich (GDI)
Trendtage Convenience 2005
www.euroforum.ch, www.handelszeitung.ch
16. - 18. 11. 2005
29. - 30. 11. 2005
Visionen im Handelsmarketing
EHI Marketing Forum 2005
1. - 2. 12. 2005
Euro Expo Event
Fachmesse für Messebau
14. - 16. 2. 2006
Technology in Retail
17. - 19. 4. 2006
Retail Middle East
Store Design Trade Show
11. - 14. 5. 2006
New York
Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!
mit Dr. Christian Mikunda
Umdasch Shop-Concept, A-3300 Amstetten
Tel. +43/7472/605-2364, Fax 605-3722
16. - 18. 5. 2006
9. Display Fachmesse für
23. - 27. 2. 2008
The Global Trade Fair
The 2006 Annual Seminar Programme of the Umdasch Shop Academy will be published in January 2006.
Neue Bücher New books (German editions)
den Handel praxisrelevanten
ShopConsult by Umdasch,
A-3300 Amstetten,
86 Seiten, kartoniert.
 28,00
Zu beziehen über
Alexander Schimansky (Hrsg.)
Der Wert der Marke
Arndt Traindl
Neuromarketing - Mit
Neuronen zu Millionen
In rasender Geschwindigkeit
hat sich Neuromarketing zu
einer faszinierenden Wunderdroge im Wahrnehmungswettbewerb entwickelt. Es ist
- so Mag. Arndt Traindl, der
Pionier der neuen Disziplin
- die Zusammenführung von
Neuro-Biologie mit der traditionellen Marketinglehre. Das
spannende Werk bietet eine
theoretische NeuromarketingEinführung, verknüpft mit für
Eine wichtige Voraussetzung
für gewinnbringende Markenstrategien bildet das fundierte Verständnis von der
eigenen Marke. Dieses Buch
gibt einen detaillierten Überblick über relevante Ansätze
zur Markenanalyse und Markenbewertung. Ein gewichtiges, hochwertig aufgemachtes Muss für Markendenker
und -lenker.
Verlag Vahlen,
D-80801 München, 2004,
768 Seiten, in Leinen.
ISBN 3-8006-2984-4
 98,00
Peter Zee (Hrsg.)
red dot design
yearbook 2005/2006
Das großformatige red dot
design yearbook 2005/2006
zeigt die neuesten Produkte
der wichtigsten internationalen Branchen - von Möbeln
über Lampen, Autos, Maschinen und Wellness bis hin zu
Accessoires. Das Buch gibt
einen fundierten Überlick
über die aktuelle Designszene und - macht einfach Lust
auf Design.
reddot edition,
D-45309 Essen, 2005,
528 Seiten, 30,0 x 30,0 cm, gebunden. ISBN 3-89939-072-5
 78,00
Volker Trommsdorff (Hrsg.)
Das von Prof. Dr. Volker
Trommsdorf herausgegebene
Jahrbuch „Handelsforschung“
ist eines der wichtigsten
Medien der wissenschaftlich
begründeten, aber praxisorientierten deutschsprachigen
Forschung zum Handelsmanagement und Handelsmarketing. Autoren der einzelnen
Beiträge sind alle wichtigen
deutschsprachigen Handelsforscher.
Verlag W. Kohlhammer,
D-70549 Stuttgart, 2005,
420 Seiten, kartoniert.
ISBN 3-17-018787-2
 54,00
Christian Mikunda
Der verbotene Ort
oder Die inszenierte
In seinem Standardwerk
zur Marketing-Dramaturgie
entschlüsselt Dr. Christian
Mikunda eine geheime Erlebnissprache. Die Beispiele
dieser aktualisierten Auflage
spannen den Bogen von den
eben eröffneten ShoppingWundern in Las Vegas bis
zur Terrorismus-Dramaturgie nach dem 11. September.
Unentbehrlich für alle, die
immer schon wissen wollten, wie die „Drehbücher im
Kopf“ aussehen.
Redline Wirtschaft,
D-69121 Heidelberg, 2005;
2., erweiterte und aktualisierte
Auflage; 288 Seiten,
ISBN 3-636-01214-2
 36,00
Imprint: SHOP aktuell is a publication of Umdasch Shop-Concept. For addresses see the back page of the issue. Number 99/October 2005. German/English-speaking
edition. Price per copy:  5, CHF 8, $ 5, £ 4. Subscription price:  20 for 5 consecutive issues (plus postage). Complimentary copies available to Umdasch-MDB
members. Project management: Reinhard Peneder, Umdasch Shop-Concept, A-3300 Amstetten. Editorial staff: Reinhard Peneder, Nikolaus Pjeta, Regula Wirth, Paul
Märki. Layout: Sandra Schuller. Photographs/illustrations: Manfred Aigner, Luis Paterno, Reinhard Peneder, Humanic, Assmann, Andreas Sütterlin, Petra Barth, Ann
Summers, Maul, Gruppe Nymphenburg, Portland Design, Archiv. Archive. Translation: Jane Michael. Printing: LVDM Landesverlag-Denkmayr, Linz. Note: Projects
fitted by Umdasch are indicated as such in the texts or picture captions.
Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH
A-3300 Amstetten
Tel. (+43) 7472/605-0, Fax 63487
Umdasch Shop-Concept AG
CH-5036 Oberentfelden
Tel. (+41) 62/7372525, Fax 7372550
Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH
D-74933 Neidenstein
Tel. (+49) 7263/401-0, Fax 401-248
Umdasch Shop-Concept SAS
F-91160 Champlan
Tel. (+33) 1/60491840, Fax 60491055
Umdasch Shop-Concept Limited
GB-Bromyard, HR7 4DT
Tel. (+44) 1885/491010, Fax 488544
Umdasch Shop-Concept S.r.l.
I-39050 Pineta di Laives (BZ)
Tel. (+39) 0471/958700, Fax 958777
Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH
NL-7602 KL Almelo
Tel. (+31) 546/549181, Fax 582210
OOO Umdasch Shop-Concept
RUS-119526 Moskau
Tel. (+7) 095/7395297, Fax 7395379
Umdasch Shop-Concept
Tel. (+971) 4/3618462, Fax 3618335
ShopConsult by Umdasch GmbH
A-3300 Amstetten
Tel. (+43) 7472/605-0, Fax 605-3515
Der Umdasch-Stand war neuerlich das pulsierende Zentrum des Messegeschehens an der EuroShop
in Düsseldorf.
The Umdasch stand was the vibrant hub of trade-fair activity at the EuroShop in
Umdasch Shop-Concept is also at your
service at the following planning and sales
offices and business locations. Austria:
Vienna, Amstetten, Traun/St. Martin, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt. Germany: Hamburg,
Monheim, Bad Hersfeld, Neidenstein, Bamberg, Hofheim/Wildsachsen. Belgium: Gent.
Switzerland: Münsingen (Berne). Slovenia:
Zgornja Polskava (Maribor). And wherever
else you require the services of Umdasch
www.umdasch.com • www.umdasch-shop-concept.com • www.shopconsult.at • www.display.at • www.assmann.at • www.koncret.it