May 2013 - Holy Trinity, Massillon
May 2013 - Holy Trinity, Massillon
THE LECTERN Holy Trinity Lutheran Church MAY 2013 In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I write this article with excitement in my body as I continue to watch and feel the Holy Spirit moving at Holy Trinity. Brothers and Sisters, we have done the preparation and will begin to see the foundation of the expansion project in the next couple of months. We will continue our monthly meetings on the second Sunday of every month as the project moves forward. In the midst of all the talk of the new building, I have also been surveying the area around us. Yes, a lot of this surveying has been done through restaurant visiting and conversations with the staff at many different establishments. What I have found is a group of people who have been left out of the church and especially worshipping God. This group of people is trying to make a decent living and many of them have to work on Sunday morning, they are not able to attend a worship service even if they want. So, what are we to do as a church if we want to reach this group? Some may say they need to ask for the Sundays off but this is not an option for many of them. I am also guessing many people in the retail world are facing the same dilemma. How are we to reach this group of people? I have also tried to spend a lot of time with people who do not currently attend a church and am almost ashamed to hear why some of them stopped going or never even walked into one. There are many reasons, but we as a church need to find a solution. Council has agreed to start a new service this summer. The service will be on Thursday night with refreshments beginning at 6 and worship at 6:30. I am very excited to see where the Spirit will lead this new worship and ask for your prayers as we prepare for June 6th, which is the first time this worship community will meet. This worship experience will include a praise band, new songs, different spaces to worship, and wherever else the spirit leads it. I will offer an informational meeting on the new service for anyone who would like to know more about it on Tuesday May 14th at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall. During this time together I will explain in more detail the reasons behind starting this service and other details. May God continue to guide us through the next 25 years. Pastor Chip " LCW Spring Luncheon" May 4, 2013 You are invited to attend the annual LCW Spring Luncheon. The luncheon will be held on Saturday, May 4th at Holy Trinity beginning at 12 noon and will be covered dish. LCW will provide: table service, drinks and dinner rolls. You are asked to bring: a covered dish (some possible suggestions – main dish, salad, fruit or dessert). Sign-up sheets are now on the bulletin board in the narthex. The Washingtonians from Massillon Washington High School will provide the entertainment for our “Day Out”. If you have questions, please check with Cindy Gardner, 330-832-8991. MOTHER’S DAY 2013 SUNDAY, MAY 12th Remember your Mother’s Every day but especially on Sunday, May 12th, the day set aside to Honor Mothers Everywhere. Give Mom a big hug and if you can’t share the day personally with her, remember her in prayers. W Waasshhiinnggttoonn H Hiigghh SScchhooooll SSeenniioorr N Naam meedd O Ohhiioo L Lootttteerryy SSttuuddeenntt ooff tthhee M Moonntthh Congratulations Amy! Amy Kish, a senior at Massillon's Washington High School, has been named the Ohio Lottery's Student of the Month for March. Kish was nominated by the Washington High School administration team, and selected out of several candidates throughout the state of Ohio. As Student of the Month, Kish will receive several items from the Ohio Lottery. Additionally, she will be honored at the Massillon City School's Board of Education meeting in April. "Amy is a well-rounded young lady that amazes me every time she performs. She can sing, dance and act," said Principal Brad Warner. "Through academics and extracurricular activities, she represents Washington High School in a positive way." Amy is the daughter of Kim and Jeff Kish. She is an outstanding student that boasts a 4.02 grade point average and is currently ranked ninth out of 265. She is also involved in choir (serving as the choir president), Washingtonians, Drama Club, Student Council and is a member of the National Honor Society. SUMMER OUTDOOR WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR 2013 TIME CHANGES BEGIN SUNDAY, JUNE 2 8:30 a.m. – Early Outdoor 10:00 a.m. – Late Indoor This Worship Schedule will hold through Sunday, September 1. C CO ON NG GR RA AT TU UL LA AT TIIO ON NS S Congratulations to Brooke Denning, daughter of Linda and Troy Denning, on her best of show art work for the Wayne County Junior High Art Exhibit. Brooke is an 8th Grader at Dalton Immediate School. 2013 EASTER EGG HUNT A SUCCESS! These are the Easter Egg Hunters and they made sure they found all the hidden items. Good Job Everyone! Thanks to everyone who made this so successful and to Bill & Barb Harder for the staines glass Easter gift for the participants. TUSLAW SOFTBALL NEWS – WAY TO GO HANNAH MARTIN NORWAYNE 4, TUSLAW 3 Norwayne scored twice in the bottom of the seventh to steal a win from Tuslaw’s clutches in the season opener for both teams on Monday in Creston. The Mustangs had taken a 3-2 lead on Hanna Martin’s RBI in the top of the seventh. It was one of two hits for Martin. Megan Warner also had an RBI in the fourth inning for Tuslaw, which scored twice in that frame to tie the game at 2-2. Warner had two hits as well for the Mustangs, who will play host to Dalton today. S STTE EW WA AR RD DS SH HIIP PM MO OM ME EN NTT For Lutherans, worship is an ever changing and growing experience central to everything we do. Worship is a celebration, it is thoughtful dialogue and it helps us grow in faith. Worship grounds us in our Christian and Lutheran roots with relevance for today’s world. Part of our worship is stewardship. Stewardship means “belonging to God” – all that we are and all that we have comes from God. In 2nd Corinthians it says “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, for God loves a cheerful giver.” In the past two months many in our congregation have given more in their weekly offering. I have prayed that the request for additional support was met with a good feeling by all in the congregation. Along with financial support many of you contribute your time in areas that make our congregation more enjoyable as friends and family. All of this carries over into our celebration of worship as friends together. Thank you for your continued support of Holy Trinity and its service to our congregation and community in spreading the joy of Jesus’ love for each other. Jim Barkan FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MARCH MARCH 2013 REPORT MONIES RECEIVED CURRENT DESIGNATED w soup and raffle fundraiser $807.00 BUILDING FUND DESIGNATED TOTAL DESIGNATED FUNDS $ 18,217.00 $ $ $ 2,925.09 9,090.10 12,015.19 TOTAL MONIES FOR MARCH $ 30,232.19 EXPENSES $ 15,486.31 MONTHLY DIFFERENCE $ 2,730.69 YTD DIFFERENCE $ (2,219.38) NEWS FROM LCW Be sure to check out the information about the May 4th LCW Spring Luncheon, covered dish dinner. Sign-up sheets are up with areas for your name, the number of people attending, and what you are bringing as a covered dish. LCW MEETING There will be a short LCW meeting on April 29th to go over last minute plans and details for the dinner. THERE WILL BE NO LCW meeting will be held on May 6th. For any additional information or questions, please check with Kay Burkett. BIRTHDAYS 1 6 7 8 9 13 Greg Manson Nancy Ramsey Hank Lindsay Brandon Wonsick LaVaun Foss Jack Gardner Morgan Manson 15 Gertrude Sawatzki 16 Ralph Stewart MAY 19 20 22 26 28 29 William Vance Matt C. Burch Elena Markley Bill Burkett Dick Blake Jane Ashbridge Vina Morris Otto Sawatzki 30 Marty Lynn Seese ANNIVERSARIES 7 11 25 28 31 Joel & Barbara Hicks Stan & Carolyn Husted Bill & LaVaun Foss Ralph & Chris Stewart John & Kim Price Jeri Place GET READY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2013 IS COMING! Mark your calendars! VBS this year will be July 8 – 12! We are looking forward to planning another exciting week to spread the good news! Please plan on attending or volunteering! This year’s theme is FUN FAIR! You can see Katie Belanga or Kim Kish if you have questions or would like to be on the volunteer list! Thank you, Katie ALTAR GUILD COMMITTEE The Altar Guild Committee will meet on Saturday, May 18th at 9 a.m. to put the geraniums in the sanctuary for Pentecost worship. This will be their last meeting for the summer. There next meeting will be Tuesday, August 27th when they will pick back up for fall. If something comes up that needs to be addressed a special meeting will be called. If you have questions, please see Alice Schuler. BECAUSE YOU CARE To my Church Family, Thank you so much for your love and prayers, cards, visits, food and picking us up to bring us to church. It has been a much longer process of healing to get me back on my feet. Thank you for all your help. Thank you for brightening our days and carrying the burden with us, making it much lighter and easier to get through the day. Blessings to each of you. We love you. Pauline Kapper and Joyce Egan WELCOME TO HOLY TRINITY Garry Keppel Steve Kegg Carolyn Hogue The Matey Family The Crescenze Family Ron & Candy Belanga The Kevin Wonsick Family Mike Bredenberg Maleah & Judy Matey Mike & Holly Keller John Martin Walt Douglas Jason & Julie Manson Johanna Gardner Alan Brandt Kaylee Ramsey Val Kuzmik Fred Feit The Riggs Family Ryan Abby The Roehlig Family The Miller Family Zaire Paschal Dave & Lisa Zastawny NEWS FROM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SUMMER BREAK FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL As warmer weather arrives we will be wrapping up Sunday School classes until September. The last Sunday for Sunday School will be Sunday, May 19th. With that in mind Christian Education would like to take a moment to recognize the great volunteers who have shared the love of our Lord with the Sunday School students this past year. These people have given up their time to share God’s message of love. On Sunday morning, May 26th we will take a moment, at both early & late worship, to recognize the dedication of these volunteers. Thank you so much to: TEACHERS/HELPERS – THANK YOU Kristy & Scott Jedel Heidi & Shannon Jeff, Kim & Amy Kish Cindy Gardner Beth Murphy Heather Price Becky Stinson Jenni Bredenberg Marilyn Skaggs Cindy & Tria Byard Amy Popovich Michelle Burch Tracey & Jerry Weltlich Katie Belanga Cheryl Martin In Christian love, Cheryl Martin P PR RA AY YE ER RS S ooff S SY YM MP PA ATTH HY Y Our sympathy to Trudy Rowe on the death of her sister-in-law, Christina Rowe, who went home to our Lord on March 28th. Trudy, may the Lord surround you in love now and always. PENTECOST – GERANIUMS FOR SANCTUARY This year Pentecost Sunday is May 19th. Once again we would like to adorn the altar with geraniums. If you would like to purchase one or more please fill out the slip below and drop it along with payment into the offering tray or send back to the church no later than MAY 12th. After Pentecost Sunday we will use the geraniums in the flower beds surrounding the church, they looked so nice last year and with your help we can do that again. Please use a SPECIAL ENVELOPE MARKED, GERANIUMS. Cost for geraniums will be $3.00 per plant. Orders are due no later than May 12th. If you can help out it would be appreciated as it usually takes about 150 geranium plants to fill the beds out front. Thank you in advance. YOUR NAME:________________________________________________________. NUMBER OF PLANTS at $3.00:______ PAID: _______YES _______NO (To be planted outside around church following Pentecost) REGULAR GIVING NUMBER:_________ IN HONOR OF:______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________. IN MEMORY OF:____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________. MAY LADIES NITE OUT On Thursday, May 16th the ladies will head to the Canal Fulton Grill, 2223 Locust Street, Canal Fulton, OH. Meet at the Grill at 6 p.m. There will be a sign-up sheet up on the bulletin board soon. Check with Angie Hammond if you have any questions. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet at Holy Trinity on Wednesday, May 8th at 11:30 a.m. to go to Lunch at Desiree’s in East Greenville. They will then return to the church for their regular meeting at 1 p.m. If you can’t make lunch just meet us at the church at 1 p.m. for the meeting. If you have any questions, please check with Barb Urban. REMEMBER OUR HOSPITALIZED: Joyce Egan - Affinity Leota Williams – Affinity Wanda Britton - Affinity THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE NEED lifted to our Lord in prayer: Debby Gesaman Joyce Egan Leota Williams Stan Husted Gail Hicks Wanda Britton CHURCH MEMBERS Kevin Murphy Jessie Morrison RELATIVES and FRIENDS of MEMBERS Bruce Blake (son of Dick & Gert) Sue Stewart-Smith (sister of Danny Baisden) Earl Byer (brother of Pam Tapp) Keith Holland (friend of Alice Schuler) Carolyn Husted Betty Kittinger Trisha Helline (sister of Tracey Weltlich) Shirley Yund (aunt of Carolyn Maier) Chris Spuhler (friend of Alice Schuler) Jack Cochran (friend of Endlichs) PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE RELATIVE and FRIENDS section is only listed for one month, unless you call and put them back on the list. H HO OLLYY TTRRIIN NIITTYY TTO OH HO ON NO ORR 22001133 G GRRA AD DSS We would like to have the opportunity to recognize Holy Trinity’s High School & College 2013 Graduates. This year the Sunday we will do that is May 26th. A reception will be held between services. In order to recognize our graduates we need your help. If you have someone graduating please fill out the information below and turn it into the office no later than May 19th. You may also e-mail the information, or call the church, 330-832-5263. NAME: ___________________________________________________________________. WHEN GRADUATING:_____________________________________. WHERE GRADUATING FROM:___________________________________________________. FUTURE PLANS IF KNOWN: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED The Church Office will be closed Friday, May 24 and Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day Weekend. Please take a moment that weekend to remember all those who have sacrificed for our Freedom. NEWS FROM GOLDEN AGERS The Golden Agers, at least those able, met at the church on Wednesday, April 17th to head down to St. Paul’s UCC church in Navarre for their buffet luncheon. The group was missing two of its regulars, Wanda Britton is recovering from a broken hip and Leota Williams from a broken elbow. Both ladies are coming along well. Those that went enjoyed a very good lunch, the lunches served by St. Paul’s are always good as well as sharing some great fellowship time together. MAY OUTING Right now the May outing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15th. We’ll keep you posted on any changes. Respectfully, Alice Schuler MAY 2013 Volunteers (Thanks for serving) GREETERS Early Russ and Pat Clark Late Ralph & Chris Stewart WELCOME TABLE HOSTS Early Gene & Barb Urban Late Ralph & Chris Stewart ROAMERS Early Gene & Barb Urban Late Candy or Jim Barkan USHERS Early Volunteers Needed Late Volunteers Needed WORSHIP ASSISTANT Early Bill Harder Late Jim or Candy Barkan LAY READERS Early Dick Kulick Late Bailey Jedel ALTAR GUILD Early Late Wanda Britton 5 Wanda Britton 12 19 Entire Committee 26 ACOLYTE Early Late 5 Tess Denning Kathryn Newsom Jessica Murphy Alexis Markley 12 Montana Martin Jimmy Hardwick Brooke Denning Bailey Jedel 19 Jesse Hall Alexis Markley Lauren Hartline Elena Markley 26 Corinne Hartline Bailey Jedel Tess Denning Jimmy Hardwick NURSERY Early Late 5 Tracey Weltlich Angie Hammond 12 Linda Fowler Kristy Jedel 19 Marella Martin Heather Price 26 Linda Denning Jenni Bredenberg ALTAR FLOWERS 5 Karen & R.J. Wonsick in honor of the birthdays of their grandson, Brandon, May 8 & their son, Kevin, May 15. 12 Ralph & Chris Stewart in honor of Ralph’s birthday, May 16. 19 GERANIUMS – PENTECOST 26 Jane & Dave Ashbridge in honor of Jane’s birthday, May 29. ALTAR FLOWER SIGN-UP CHART The Altar Flower sign-up chart is located in the small hallway to the kitchen off the narthex. Pick your date and sign-up. COST: $35.00 for 2 vases of flowers (Floral Expressions will bill you for the Flowers. Has your life changed? I see it every day. A person who has never needed financial guidance walks through my door right after a significant life event, seeking guidance for important decisions. Those events include: Marriage. About two-thirds of married people say they disagree with their spouse about money. Birth or adoption of a child. Adjusting your budget is important. So is evaluating your need for additional disability income and life insurance coverage, as well as considering college savings plans. Inheritance. Many people plan for their deaths, but often overlook the fact that they might receive a loved one’s legacy. Retirement. Both financially preparing for retirement and appropriately tapping one’s financial assets in retirement are key needs. Whatever life changes you’ve experienced, talking with a financial professional about your values, goals and needs can help secure your financial future. For financial guidance, contact David J Zastawny, Financial Associate, FIC, at 330904-5118 or today, or visit Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent Financial. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 4275 Lincoln Way West Massillon, OH 44647 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Church Staff Pastor The Rev. Chip Belanga Cell: 330-316-7350 Church Secretary Shari Weber Maintenance Danny Baisden 330-284-8832 Custodian Beth Murphy 330-844-0497 Musician: Samantha Beavers Director of Music Becky Stinson Prayer Chain Call to Start Cindy Gardner 330-832-8991 Carol Spidell 330-359-5445 Church Council President Jim Barkan Vice President Ryan Murphy Secretary Kristy Jedel Treasurer Cherie Steffen Finance Joyce Egan Christian Education Cheryl Martin Outreach Open Fellowship Karen Wonsick Property Waid Spidell Worship & Music Heidi Hall Stewardship Otto Sawatzki Youth Pastor Chip Belanga At Large Jim Hardwick, Sr. Holy Trinity Lutheran 4275 Lincoln Way West Massillon, Ohio 44647 Worship Times 8:30 a.m. Indoor & during summer Outdoor 9:40 a.m. Jr. Choir 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion at both Church Website Church Phone 330-832-5263 Church Fax 330-832-7782 Church Email Office Hours 7:00 a.m. – noon Pastor’s Office Hours 8:00 a.m. – noon In case of an emergency call his cell phone 330-316-7350